#and maybe caleb covington
innytoes · 2 years
I am more than happy to provide if you want prompts for caleb/ray/reggie 😇 how about “it’s a good thing you’re cute”
Part of the Caleb/Ray/Reggie ABO AU.
It's never a good sign when he comes home and the first thing out of Reggie's mouth is: "I can explain!" Either the poor boy had worked himself up into a panic attack over something rather benign (and oh, how Caleb would like to get his hands on Reggie's previous Register for all the damage he's done), or he'd done something, well...
Caleb didn't use the word 'stupid' around Reggie, but there were very few other words that fit. Chaotic, maybe. Impressively damaging.
So he just sighed, took off his coat and hung it up, and raised an eyebrow.
"You weren't supposed to be home yet," Reggie said, fidgeting in front of him, hair covering his scar and fingers twisting together.
"That's not so much an explanation as it is a very worrying start to a conversation, pet," Caleb said, letting his amusement bleed through in his voice so Reggie would know he wasn't mad. Reggie didn't flinch when he pressed a kiss to his cheek, even though he was anxious, which was an improvement Caleb tucked away for later to share with Ray.
Speaking of... "I found some old towels and one of those fake sheep skins, maybe we can use those and entice- Caleb!" His husband stopped, surprised. "You're home!"
Oh, if Ray was in on it, that narrowed down the possibilities immensely. "Where is the creature?" he sighed, taking in Reggie's anxious face and Ray's barely disguised mirth. "And what did they break?"
They lead him upstairs, to the big bedroom. "You remember how you said it was fine if we fostered a cat as long as it actually went home to another family?" Reggie asked. "Well there was this cat at the shelter, she kept bullying the other cats and stealing their food, and she was overweight, so we thought it would be better for her and all the other cats in Room Three if she went somewhere where we could monitor her diet better..."
They stop at the small walk-in closet, and Reggie carefully takes his hand and pulls him inside. There in the corner, on one of his velvet suit jackets, a cat is grooming four squirmy, newly born kittens. "Turns out Big Red wasn't fat, just pregnant," Reggie said nervously. "I'm so sorry, we were trying to make a nice box lined with stuff to lure her off your suit jacket, and I'll take it to the dry cleaners and-"
"I don't think you're supposed to move them once they've given birth," Caleb said, crouching down. It wasn't one of the jackets currently in rotation for his shows. It was, however, very expensive, and very, very ruined.
"Sorry," Reggie said, voice soft and anxious.
"Ms Red," Caleb said, addressing the cat, who looked at him with an unimpressed glare before going back to grooming her kittens. "You have excellent taste."
"You're not mad?" Reggie asked when he stood back up. Ray was hovering in the doorway behind them, watching. He pulled Reggie close and pressed a kiss to his temple. Reggie leaned into the gesture, happily. Ray’s smile grew.
"I'm not mad, pet," Caleb promised. "But we are not keeping four kittens and a cat. We're fostering."
"Maybe one kitten though," Reggie mumbled, and Caleb rolled his eyes as Ray started laughing.
"It's a good thing you're cute," he said, smiling when Reggie grinned brilliantly.
They end up keeping two kittens. Ray teases him mercilessly about how easily he caved.
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websterss · 2 years
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𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: Caleb is starting to reregret killing you… 
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆(𝐒): Angst, fluff, mentions of dying, my bad humor 
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: Luke Patterson x fem!Reader
𝐀/𝐍: Hope you enjoy it!
𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝟏 | 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝟐 | 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝟑
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“Band circle?” Luke suggested.
“Yeah.” Julie agreed, taking a step back.
“Guys band circle.” Luke and Julie walked over to the guys and all joined hands together. “We don’t know what brought us here together, what we do know is…you’re a star Julie.” Luke made her smile. “Just because this is our last night together doesn’t mean we won’t be watching you from above.” Luke nodded then added. “Or…” He clicked his tongue and motioned downwards with his head to indicate hell.
The guys and Julie scoff and shake their heads.
“Now let’s go rock this show. Let’s give them a night they’ll be talking about till the sun comes up, okay?” They all laughed agreeing with him. Luke stuck his hand out to the middle. “Legends on three…”
“One.” Alex followed, putting his hand on top of Luke’s. 
“Two.” Reggie then put his hand on Alex’s.
“Three.” Julie finished off the count with her hand.
“Legends!” They all threw their hands up in the air. As they finished a car honk roared out, catching their attention.
“That’s my dad. He’s driving me there so I’ll see you guys soon.” The boys all watched as she began walking out of the garage. Julie paused for a moment and gave her boys one last glance. She smiled and walked off, grabbing her outfit for tonight off the door handle.
Right as she left, Carlos took that as his cue to let himself be shown.
“Have a good show boy band.” He walked in clapping at nothing but an empty garage. The boys grew amused by Julie’s little brother. 
Luke smirked, bending over to be eye to eye with the kid. “Who you calling boy band?”
“Carlos!” Ray called out to him. Carlos slumped his shoulders then did the “I’m watching you” motion with his fingers. Luke followed his gaze which was right to him and nowhere near where he stood.
“How did he find out about us?” Reggie questioned.
“I don’t know Reg, maybe it was the blinds, or you know what the blanket, you know it could have been any number of things you did in that house.” Alex replied sarcastically.
Luke wrapped his arm around Reggie’s shoulder. “It doesn’t matter guys.” Luke looked to Reggie. “We’re not coming back here anyways.”
Silence filled the room then out of nowhere unexpectedly.
“And where is it you think you’re going?” Called a voice from the grand piano.
“What are you doing here?” Luke confronted the man that sat before them.
“Such hostility.” Caleb fake gasped. “I’m just here to congratulate you on your big night.” The boys looked at each other like he was out of his mind. “Not everyone gets to play the Orpheum!” Caleb laughed.
“No no no, we know that it’s your stamp that’s hurting us!” Luke revealed his forearm. 
“Mmmm.” Caleb looked at his arm.
“We already told you we have a ban-” Luke was cut off by the sudden appearance of your voice. 
“Hey guys I wanted to come and say good luck toni-“ You halted in your step when you noticed a man sitting on the grand piano. “-ight.” You dragged out the T. You stepped closer to Alex watching them cautiously. The man gave you an off feeling. “Who’s this?” You furrowed your brows asking them. Caleb immediately smirked as he saw you walk in. He could tell why the lead guitarist liked you so much now. You were a sight.
“Caleb Covington darling, ni-“
“No one! He’s no one!” Luke scowled, pushing you by the shoulders and turning you around to face the garage doors. Luke grew worried as you kept resisting his light shoves.
“Luke?” You removed his hands.
“I-I can’t explain it all right now, but I need you to go, okay. Tell Julie we’ll be at the show later okay. I just need you to leave right now.” He whispered to you.
“Luke, you’re scaring me, what’s wrong?” You were now concerned. Your eyes going back and forth from him and to this Caleb guy.
“Nothing’s wrong, darling!” Caleb’s voice boomed out. His smile made you smile nervously. “Just having a nice chat about the Orpheum tonight. Wishing them all the best.” He played innocent again.
“Yeah it’s pretty amazing.” You nervously chuckled, taking a cautious step towards the man. 
“So you must be the beautiful Y/n, I’ve been hearing so much about. This one does not shut up about you.” Caleb pointed to Luke. “He could write a whole album dedicated to you.”
“W-What?” You looked back at Luke with a questioned smile. 
“Y/n don’t listen to him h-“ Luke reached out for you.
“It’s true, Luke here is so in love with you.” You took a step back wondering why this random man you hardly knew was telling you all this and not Luke. Luke just glared at the man, clenching his fist. “He’d do…just about anything for you.” Caleb made eye contact with Luke who stood behind you.
“Luke what’s he talking abo-” You turned to face him and that’s when Caleb took his chance to grab you. You yelped as he pressed your back against his chest. His arm around your neck. Your hands clawing at them.
“No!” Luke stepped forward but was held back by a jolt.
“Guys!” You yelled out your concern as the boys clutched their stomachs.
“Now we can do this the easy way, or my way.” Caleb tilted his head. “Now my way gets the job done like this!” Caleb snapped his fingers. “But I’m a reasonable man, there doesn’t need to be any violence…so here’s your only chance.” He smirked.
“Let her go.” Luke’s voice was deep.
“Are you gonna be joining my house band for all eternity then?”
“Luke, what’s he talking about?” You struggled under his grip. “Luke…” You whimpered. 
“Hey just look at me, right at me.” Luke’s eyes watered as he held your gaze. “Everything’s gonna be okay, I promise.” He nodded, making you nod too.
“Let her go, it’s us you want. She has nothing to do with this.” Alex butted in. Reggie only watched with fear not knowing what was going to happen next.
“But doesn’t she…she’s the reason Luke’s so in love. He didn’t find love in his life before, but he has now.” Caleb started explaining. “He needs her, cause without her, there’d be no passion, no inspiration to write, no will to live.” Caleb chuckled as he spoke the word live. “She’s holding you back from joining my club.” Caleb looked down at you. “How foolish…falling for a living girl.” Caleb tightened his hold around your neck. “Let me let you in on a little secret boys, love is weak.”
“No.” Luke shook his head. “T-That’s where you’re wrong…love is forever. Its long lastingly. It even reaches the afterlife.” Luke started crying. His eyes were red and his jaw was clenched. “We already told you we have a band, we don’t wanna join your little club. Forget it!” Luke sneered. “Now let her go!” Luke demanded.
“Thought you’d say that…” Caleb nodded. Caleb’s hands removed themselves.
Luke caught him though. “What are you- wait, no!” Luke yelled as Caleb twisted your neck. Your body dropping to the ground. “Y/n!” Luke ran to you. His choked sobs filled the room. 
“Should’ve said yes.” Caleb sing-songed as he averted his gaze away from the weeping boy.
“W-Why.” He looked down at you. Your body was warm to the touch, but your heart wasn’t gonna beat anymore. “Skits, open your eyes please, please you can’t go like this, please. I’m so sorry…” Luke cradled you in his arms. Alex slumped to the floor, gripping his hair in shock. Reggie was crying, standing still watching your limp body in Luke’s arms. As for Caleb…Caleb was slowly counting down from five.
“Two, one…” Caleb pointed to the ceiling and on cue you came falling down and hit the ground. You moved on your back groaning as you felt your whole body ache. “There she is!” Caleb clasped his hands together.
Luke and the boys watched in horror as you now laid spread out on Julie’s mom’s carpet. “What the hell?” You slowly sat up rubbing your head.
Luke’s eyes shifted from your dead body to you on the carpet.
“What the-“ He mouthed as he set your body down gently then made his way to you. Well…dead you. Ghost you? Luke couldn’t exactly wrap his head around it.
“Y/n?” He kneeled down to help you stand up. Luke was able to feel you then, but he could really feel you now. He cried happy choked sobs as he caressed your cheeks. “Hey you’re okay.” He tilted his head to catch your eyes, but your gaze was on the body on the floor a few feet from you.
“T-That’s, that’s me…” Your breathing picked up, you could feel yourself start to hyperventilate. “Why, why can I see myself. I-I don’t..am I de-” You choked on the word. “D-Dead?”
Luke’s heart was shattered. You weren’t supposed to die. You have, well had, a long life ahead of you. You were only a year older than he was, and yet you died young too.
“Why would you do that to her! She doesn’t deserve this!” Luke hid you behind him as he yelled at the unbothered man. “You’re insane!”
“Mmmm, I’ve been called worse.” Caleb waved it off. “Oh come on, don’t look at me like that. You can be together now. Isn’t that what you wanted?”
“She didn’t need to die…” Luke muttered softly.
“Well, you should’ve said yes.”
“Oh my god, I’m dead…” You looked at yourself. “Julie, she’s gonna be so hurt. What’s gonna happen to my body?” You cried. The boys watched as you stood over your dead self.
“Bury it, that’s what the living do with all the dead.” Caleb shrugged. All four of you turned your heads slowly towards him with a glare. “What?” Caleb shook his head. “You’re telling me you’re upset?”
“You killed me!” You exclaimed.
“Is that the worst thing that’s happened to you though?” Caleb squinted his eyes at you.
“You’re insane!” You gripped your hair. Caleb now understood more why Luke loved you. You were the same. “Bring me back!” You stood your ground and scowled.
“No can do darling, goes against my contract.”
“What contract?” You took a step forward.
“I’ve said too much.” Caleb averted his gaze.
“I can’t believe this!” You faced the boys. “I’m dead. Dead!” You started pacing. 
“Look who's keeping up.” Caleb laughed.
“Not now!” You pointed at him. “I’m dead. He killed me!” Luke’s eyes widened as you got up all in their faces. “Look at me!” You stood over your body. “I mean oh my-” You scrunch your face in disgust. “Is that how my hair looked like today?” You place a hand on your head and pout. “I died with bad hair!” You whine as you face the boys again.
“If I knew killing her was gonna make her this annoying I would have just knocked her unconscious.” Caleb leaned back, eyeing you with furrowed eyes.
“Fuck you!” You shoved your finger in Caleb’s face. You then walked over to the couch picking up a pillow. You looked at it then smashed it against your face, yelling and screeching into it. The boys flinched watching you with concern. Caleb looked mortified. Luke noticed then grimaced.
“She just needs a minute…or ten.” Luke eyed you as you beat your face with the pillow.
“Ahhhh…Okay I’m cool, I’m cool.” You talked to yourself, putting your hands up in surrender. “I’m calm, I am okay.” Luke smiled, approaching you with caution. As he was a few feet away from you he stumbled back as you threw the pillow in your hand over his shoulder. The pillow collided with the side of Caleb’s face. “You son of a bitch-” You ran over to Caleb and right as you lunged forward, Luke caught you by the waist and turned you away from him.
“Oh my god!” Luke’s eyes widened as he and Alex tried holding you back. 
“Let me at ‘em, let me at ‘em!” You growled.
“Are you even trying to hold her back?” Alex questioned as you started slipping from Luke’s grip. 
“I am!” Luke snapped, eyeing him annoyed.
“How is she so strong?”
“Don’t know Alex!” Luke groaned as he held you against him. “Down girl!” Reggie just sat in one of the chairs looking mortified.
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mac-lilly · 9 months
Hotdog and cold dog
Usually, I do not indulge in German!Alex. But this idea had been haunting me for some time. It’s not very original and a bit dumb. But still – enjoy. And big thanks to @onlygenxhere who came up with the term 'Kit Kat' for ... something.
It’s funny how dying and coming back to life changes one’s priorities.
Before his death, Willie had spent most of his life on the streets. He’d roamed the city on his skateboard; he’d strolled along the beach. He’d done his level best to avoid returning to the latest foster home he’d been placed in.
After his death … Well, he’d mostly done the same. But he’d also fallen into the orbit of Caleb Covington, which had effectively cost him the rights to his soul.
Needless to say, neither his life nor his afterlife had been very pleasant experiences.
So, when fate offered him a third chance, Willie decided that this time, he’d tackle life differently.
That’s why he is here, sitting on a bar stool, watching Alex bustling around in the Molinas’ kitchen as he prepares tonight’s dessert. It’s an incredibly domestic moment, and Willie enjoys it to its fullest.  
The kitchen is a mess, though. The countertops are covered with ingredients and bowls, pots with water are steaming on the stove, and dishes pile up in the sink in a haphazard way. And in the middle of this orchestrated chaos stands Alex, the conductor, wearing a pink apron and holding a chocolate-covered spatula like a baton. Melted chocolate is dripping onto the tiles.
Man, German desserts are extraordinarily complicated, aren’t they?
On the other hand, Willie has been here from the beginning. And from what he’s gathered, Alex’s secret German dessert consists of extremely plain cookies and a lot of chocolate. It looks like an oversized chocolate candy bar that’s now chilling in the fridge.
Willie can’t help it. His curiosity gets the better of him.
“So all of this,” he says, inclining his head to point at a leaning stack of bowls, “for a giant Kit Kat?”
Willie isn’t complaining. Not at all. He likes cookies. He likes chocolate. And he likes Alex … a lot. So, in his books, this dish is already a triple win.
Alex misinterprets his words, though. He turns around, planting his free hand on his hip, scowling.
Damn, that’s way more attractive than it should be.
“It’s not a Kit Kat,” Alex insists sternly.
“But it looks like one,” Willie counters, smirking. But maybe he’s gone too far with his teasing.
Alex’s demeanor changes drastically. His shoulders sag; his face falls. Disappointment crosses his features.
Willie’s smirk vanishes. Oh shit.
“Hey, hey, don’t sulk,” he says hurriedly. “I’m just messing with you, hotdog.” To prove his point, he leans over the counter, reaches out, and snatches the chocolate-covered spatula from Alex’s hands. He licks it clean in a rather seducing manner. “I’m really looking forward to tasting your oversized candy bar.” There’s an innuendo hidden in the sentence, and of course, Alex catches on to it. The effect is immediate and intense. He splutters, and a blush travels up his neck. His face turns crimson – even the tips of his ears turn a light shade of pink. He mutters a few words under his breath. It could have been an insult; it could have been German. Most likely, it’s both.
Willie chuckles. Embarrassed Alex is such a delightful sight.
But Willie isn’t a cruel man. They’re going to have much more fun later.  
“So, what’s the name of this dish?” Wille asks to put Alex out of his misery.
To his surprise, Alex snickers, and Willie blinks in confusion. That’s unusual. But Alex’s gleeful snickers are also one of the best sounds he’s ever heard, sending shivers down Willie’s spine. His nerves tingle. Damn.
Thankfully, Alex quickly answers his question, distracting him from the sensation. “It’s called Kalter Hund.”
Willie tests the words. They are not as unpronounceable as expected. However, he’s convinced he messed up the pronunciation anyway because Alex’s smile has morphed into an impish smirk. And damn, Willie loves it. He loves the way Alex’s lips curl. He loves the way his eyes sparkle with mischief.
What he doesn’t like is not knowing. He’s clearly missed something, so he has to ask. “What?”
“Do you know what it means?”
Willie tries to guess but without success. He shrugs.
“Please, hotdog, enlighten me.”
Alex looks more smug than Willie has ever seen him. There’s a glint of triumph in his eyes that makes Willie’s stomach flutter. He squirms in his seat. Oh, yes, he’s gone way too far with his teasing. And then Alex leans over the counter. He’s so close their noses almost touch. The proximity steals Willie’s breath away.
“It means cold dog.”
There’s a long pause as they stare into each other’s eyes. Alex’s eyes are bright and intelligent and … oh fuck, Willie really, really loves them. He really, really loves him. So Willie concedes defeat. He lets out a strangled sound that’s half a snort and half a gasp. “Smart move, hotdog.”
“Yeah,” Alex confirms, smirking. Then he closes the distance, pressing his lips to Willie’s.
Yes, Willie really loves his new life.
Inspired by the IG account uyenninh. Unfortunately, I can't find the video anymore. But her German BF once served her this delicacy. 😆
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bananakarenina · 10 months
Is it rude to ask for 19 and Willex because like...
first of all. YES RUDE. second of all, OW.
can't give you my soul
to be fair: willie doesn't see alex coming.
or, well. alex doesn't see him coming, literally, but willie really really doesn't.
he notices, of course, that alex is cute. hello, he has eyes. but he spends one day. one freaking day with alex mercer, and he he--
he hasn't felt like this in--
well, ever.
and maybe that's why everything goes down the way it does. willie just wants to spend more days with alex, and he wants caleb to approve--of alex, yes, but also of willie, and they tangle up into a big, soul-destroying mess.
willie is pretty sure that alex is his soulmate.
well, he would be, if willie still had his soul.
willie got in too deep--in too deep with caleb, and he couldn't see the warning signs; he couldn't see he was in danger until danger was his whole world.
and he's definitely in too deep with alex.
alex, who is golden and bright and funny and possibly the most genuine person willie has ever met. alex, who willie has never seen play the drums but who he knows must be fucking amazing because willie has seen alex let go and yell in a museum and it was the most beautiful thing willie had ever seen in his afterlife.
at first willie just wanted alex around all the time. he wanted to spend every day with him, but he fell and fell hard and then it became: i need to save him. even if i never see him again, i need to save him.
willie wasn't even thinking about himself. self-preservation wasn't really one of his strong suits, even when he was alive. and he knows how caleb operates. he knows he can take it; it won't be fun but at least it's what he knows.
luckily for him: he didn't see alex mercer coming.
after all of it, after everything--after the ghost club is in sparkling ruin, after caleb covington has been defeated and julie molina is singing her triumphant victory song, and somehow, willie's mark is gone--willie just sits in the wreckage and stares in awe.
alex is pounding away at his drumset and willie was right; he's amazing, he's a ray of light, and willie's in love.
willie is in love and he's allowed to be--his soul is like, alight with promise for the first time in his entire life--and afterlife, for that matter.
the song ends and there's cheering and willie's feet are flying like he's on his board but he's not, he just--wants to be next to alex. that's it, that's all.
"you saved me," he says, when he gets onstage. alex is looking at him in awe, which doesn't seem right. it should be the other way around.
"well, yeah," alex says, sheepish, ducking his head. "i was never not going to come back for you."
and that's. well, that's not something willie had ever considered. that's not something he's ever heard before, another thing he didn't see coming, and there's this blinding blank moment of pure light and he's pitching forward and he's in alex's arms and he's kissing alex, they're kissing finally finally finally
and it feels like flying. feels better than any trick he's ever done on his board, feels like the wind in his hair and the sun in his--in his very soul.
when they break apart, alex's bandmates are whooping and there's an audience cheering but all willie can see is the flush on alex's cheeks and for the first time in a long, long time, deep in his very soul--
willie feels alive.
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wr0temyway0ut · 7 months
Hey dude hey, okay so I want to know about so so many of this but pretty please tell me about king boy alex who’s having lots of emotions 🙏🏻
Thank you for the ask Kyleigh!!
This au my beloved <3 It's my unhinged poly arranged marriage royalty au (I actually have 2 of those but this one is my favorite).
So basically how it goes is Prince Alexander's parents decide he needs to be married so they arrange a marriage between him and Princess Lucinda (aka Luke), who is trans but not out to his parents. And their whole honeymoon is Alex being like "oh no I can't get to close bc she actually likes me but I'm gay" and Luke being like "oh no I really like him but he must be pushing me away bc he knows I'm not a woman" and then they both accidentally confess to each other and actually fall in love now that they know they're both men interested in men.
But then Alex's parents find out that Luke is a man (and is intent on living as one) and since royals can't get divorced, they decide to tell the kingdom that "Princess Lucinda" has died tragically in her sleep, which allows Luke to transition (Alex's parents are against this part but Luke's parents ended up being supportive so they were kinda forced to go along with it).
But Alex is once again wifeless. So they decide, okay, you blew it with the "princess," so the next best thing is marrying Duke Covington's daughter, Lady Wilhelmina (aka Willie). Alex is planning on telling Willie that he's gay in an attempt to get him to call the marriage off, but he realizes almost immediately how abusive Caleb is and tells Willie "look I will marry you to get you out of there but I need you to know I'm gay and this is my husband who used to be my wife." And Willie is like "thank god bc I'm a man too" and Alex and Luke are like "a man you say 👀 did we happen to mention how handsome you are" and they bring Willie into their relationship. When Willie is ready, they tell Alex's parents that Alex's wife is once again his husband now and they tell the kingdom that Princess Wilhelmina has tragically died in a fire (he was a known arson enthusiast).
Aaand once again Alex needs a new wife bc there are still no heirs (and any made with Luke and Willie would be illegitimate). Alex's parents are running out of eligible women, but they meet Duchess Regina Peters (who runs the estate with her twin brother Reggie, or at least that's what Reggie, who is genderfluid and is also Regina, wants the world to think). And they're like you seem female and eligible will you marry our son. And Reggie's like yeah sure why not, except when he finds out Alex is gay he shows up to the wedding in Man Mode and it starts a riot but Alex finds a way to make the marriage go through anyway (maybe that they put Regina on the marriage certificate idk). And then two weeks later "Duchess Regina" is tragically trampled by sheep.
Alex's parents are exhausted. They're furious. They're 99% convinced Alex has hired a witch to turn all his fiances into men. And they're like fuck it. This time you pick a woman (bc maybe he's turning them all into men bc he doesn't like that his parents picked them.) And Alex sees an opportunity here. Bc back when Luke first came out, Alex's sister had a lady in waiting named Robin. And Robin had confided in Luke and Alex that he was trans as well. And so when Alex's parents say "you pick" he immediately points at Bobby and says "That one." (important to note that he did not consult with Bobby on this beforehand, Bobby nearly chokes on his food). And after they get married, Bobby comes out and suddenly Lady Robin has tragically drowned.
So now Alex has four husbands who are also in love with each other and still no wives, and it's at this point that Lady Julie (Luke's lady-in-waiting who just kinda stuck around after Luke's legal death) is like "You know I'd marry you to get your parents off your back right?"
And so Julie and Alex get married, and after she stays a woman for a year Alex's parents finally relax. And then Julie gets pregnant! And they're so happy that they finally step down and let Alex take the throne. Except... how is Julie pregnant? And when she gives birth, why does the baby look nothing like Alex??
Maybe bc after wedding #3 Reggie mentioned to Alex that he has a friend from school who is a trans woman named Flynn. And maybe Alex decided to hire her as his new royal advisor to give her an opportunity to transition. And maybe just maybe she and Julie fell in love.
And THAT is the tale of King Alexander, his four undead husbands, his wife, his wife's wife, and the royal-ish baby they're all raising together
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legolasghosty · 6 months
Saw Boggie first and OF COURSE I want to know more about that but then I saw Jem and the Holograms and now I CAN'T DECIDE!!! So whichever you're more excited about? 😁
Hehe that's so fair! Thank you for the ask!!! Well I have the time so... we can talk a bit about both!
Boggie Roommate Stuffy is the fic that refused to write itself. Like I kid you not, this one shot is over a year and a half old and it's only like 1.1k still. But it's basically a And Then They Were Roommates setup for Bobby and Reggie, where their first introduction to each other was Reggie throwing one of those massive, body pillow sized stuffed animals into their new dorm room and almost bowling Bobby over with it by accident.
If I ever manage to finish the stupid thing, it'll consist of some MeetCute, a healthy serving of Make Reggie A Molina 2K Always, Bobby being angsty before meeting his new roommate, and a bit of flirting just for kicks. But the darn thing won't write. Snippet will be under the cut, since this seems like it's gonna be a long post.
Bobby grabs the pile of shirts he’s slid onto hangers and crosses the obstacle course of his own making to the nearest closet. There are two of them in the small room, one closer to each bed, so Bobby takes the closer one to his selected bed, opens it, and places the hangers on the rod. He just has to keep moving. Give himself time to adapt to the new environment. He doesn’t need his parents anymore. Well, for anything other than the money they are paying for his tuition. Hey, rich, absentee parents have to be good for something, don’t they? He continues hanging up clothes and tries to focus on the positives of his situation. He’s not stuck in that big, empty house anymore. Hopefully his roommate will be interesting, so he’ll have someone to talk to when he wants. And the classes he’s signed up for this quarter sound interesting, though the bio class will probably be hard. Maybe him being away will mean his parents actually notice his absence and call every once in a while. Moving for school is a good thing. It just sucks that he has to do it by himself. Just as he finishes hanging up his clothes in the closet, he hears the sound of someone fumbling with the lock on the door. He turns around just as it swings open and in comes… a giant teddy bear?
Okay! And then we got the Jem and the Holograms AU, which is both my beloved and makes me want to scream. As you may have noticed, I'm not the best at committing to long writing projects, and the Jem and the Holograms AU is uh... certainly a long one. The doc is currently around 10k, consisting of just over the first 2 chapters and a bunch of notes.
But plot wise, it follows the basic plot of the Jem and the Holograms movie from 2015. Julie records a song on a whim and one of her siblings (Luke, her adopted brother, in this case) uploads it and it goes viral. From there, Julie, Luke, Alex, and Reggie (all siblings in this one via a combination of fostering and adoption) get swept up into a whole adventure of being anonymously famous, pulled apart by the head of the record company (Caleb Covington, obviously), while also trying to solve a puzzle Rose left behind before she died.
Tis also a JuBobby fic cause I love them! Bobby is their 'handler' when they get to LA. He and Julie butt heads a LOT at first cause he's pretty short and negative and she wants to believe in the dream. But as time goes on, they become friends and maybeeee start to like each other in a more romantic way as well. Cause why not! Though Bobby may have his own line of family drama that they'll get tangled up in too...
Here's a snippet of when Caleb first shows up!
Stilted conversation greeted her as she entered the living room behind her brothers. The first person she noticed was a tall, dark skinned man standing beside the front door. He had on one of those fitted leather jackets that Reggie had always wanted. A pair of tinted sunglasses hid his eyes. His crossed arms and firm stance told Julie he was probably some kind of security personnel. Though she wasn’t sure why security would be at her house, it wasn’t like anyone other than HGC Records knew who she was. “Ah, you must be Julie Molina,” a new voice said, pulling Julie’s attention to the center of the room. Oh. That was why there was security. Caleb Covington was tall, with dark hair just starting to show some traces of grey. His wide smile felt both welcoming and terrifying, at least to Julie. The dark purple suit jacket and black button up seemed like safer places to look. “Or I suppose I should call you Dahlia,” Caleb continued, chuckling. “Our Dahlia, the new star about to blow the world away.” He held out a hand to Julie and she shook it hesitantly. “Hi, um, Julie is fine,” she managed to say.
I have so much love in my heart for this fic but it's so complicated and long! I wish I had all the writing spoons I had mid covid to work on it, but I just don't have the time these days. Someday though. I hope.
Thanks for asking!!!
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thedeathdeelers · 1 year
we are gathered here today to listen to yet another one of my crack au ideas
sunset curve and julie molina havé the unfortunate luck of somehow witnessing a crime committed by a major player called ‘caleb covington’
and since caleb and his goons know that SC and julie witnessed it; they’re in danger
cue witness protection
they all get placed temporarily together until they can properly get shipped off separately
they end up bonding and making music and juke fall in love and idk caleb shows up at one point maybe and they have to protect each other i haven’t thought this far into the au just that when it’s time for sc and julie to get separated cause of witsoc it’s very sad but then caleb gets caught and they all live happily ever after
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jmrothwell · 1 year
"discovering something buried in the snow" for Willex please and thank you? :D
“It snowed! It snowed! It snowed!” the high pitched chanting echoed through the closed bedroom doorway. Alex groaned as he cracked open an eye to the soft light gently filtering in through the cracks of the closed curtains. It didn’t even look like the sun was fully up yet. 
He marveled at how endless his little girl’s energy seemed to be.
When he glanced at the bedside clock, the harsh red numbers informed him it was barely even seven in the morning. Alex groaned again as he rolled over greeted by more mattress under his hand. HIs head shot up but Willie was still there, haphazardly starfished across the mattress just like always. 
This mattress was just larger than the one they had back home. Caleb had let them use his Cabin in the woods for the holidays this year. He wanted to give his granddaughter a ‘truly magical Christmas’ experience. 
Alex had been hesitant over it. He and Willie celebrated Christmas casually at best, Alex didn’t have some of the best associations with the holiday. Or the religion associated with Holiday. 
However, after some discussions between himself, Willie and Caleb the three were able to come up with some compromises. Which was good, Alex didn’t want to keep Willie from any family traditions nor did he feel like he had any right to tell Caleb how he should celebrate. 
As for Patti. Wel, Alex would be lying if he said there wasn’t a bit of cynical joy to the idea of Patti’s Christmas knowledge being focused on magic, and elves, and talking snowmen. 
So away to the Covington cabin in the mountains they had gone. And here he was at seven in the morning, listening to Patti squeal in delight at seeing snow for the first time while his husband soundly slept in the bed beside him.
His debate at whether or not he should let Willie sleep was interrupted by incessant knocking and Patti's chanting from outside the guest room door. Willie groaned, unable to sleep through it. “What’s happening?” he mumbled as he curled around Alex.
“Didn’t you hear?” Alex laughed as he ran his fingers through Willie’s silky hair. “It snowed last night.”
“Oh?” Willie’s eyes brightened, as he sat up as usual, not needing nearly as much time as Alex to boot up in the morning. “What are we still doing here?” 
Alex chuckled from where he remained in bed as Willie dashed to get dressed. Eventually, after another brief moment to admire Willie, Alex begrudgingly followed his lead. Certain in the knowledge that if he didn’t follow his energetic family were bound to run out before eating breakfast. 
Which would inevitably lead to Patti getting hangry later. They wouldn’t want that, especially since this whole trip was sort of an elaborate Christmas gift for her anyway. 
While he and Willie prepped a simple quick breakfast for everyone Patti began to list everything she wanted to try. He wasn’t sure if it was the right kind of snow for snowmen but he didn’t see why they couldn’t try. Finding a hill for sledding was easy enough. Of course Willie mentioned a few that work as bunny slopes to maybe teach her some snowboarding. 
Alex did have to question where she got it in her head that they should go digging in the snow for treasure. The questions grew when her examples of treasure included Ammonite, which he’s pretty sure was a type of fossil. 
Once everyone had eaten and bundled up they trekked out into the vast field of blinding white. Alex suddenly understood why Willie had pushed them to bring sunglasses. 
Patti attempted to take off at her usual speed of sprinting, but found her steps impeded by the snow around her. It was almost enough to make her not want to do anything anymore, until Willie managed to turn it into a game. 
Their attempt at snowmen failed, the snow too powdery and dry to stick together. It didn’t stop Willie from lobbing a handful of it at Alex. Patti was quick to join, giggling like mad as the snow exploded around her. 
They scouted out the best hill to drag the sled to later, deciding to start there before trying snowboarding. Though Alex and Willie were sure their little speed demon was bound to love either. 
A bulk of their morning outside was spent in the pursuit of snow treasures. Patti digging into the fresh snow and ecstatically regaling him and Willie with everything she found. 
Ordinary branches were suddenly antlers. Rocks were precious gemstones. Alex and Willie chuckled when Patti ran up brandishing a giant pinecone declaring she had discovered a fossilized christmas tree. 
They were quick to encourage her idea to show Grandpa her finds. The vibrant pink patches on her cheeks matched some of the biting cold numbness Alex felt on his own face. He couldn’t wait to get back inside and melt onto the couch with a warm drink, be it tea or hot cocoa. 
Which is exactly what he did once they were back inside. Willie cuddled into his side as they watched a cheesy Hallmark Holiday romcom. 
The sounds of Caleb helping Patti decorate her ‘fossilized tree’ carried from the dining room.
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hufflebibin · 1 year
Hello I very much need to know what your Emperors New Groove au is, thank you!!!
Thanks for asking! I absolutely adore this au - it’s so incredibly silly and fun.
The Emperor’s New Groove AU is, like most things (/j, /aff), Lev’s ( @willexmagic ) fault.
Basically, the guys are Kuzco, Julie is Pacha, Caleb is Yzma, and Willie is Kronk. From there it’s pretty much the movie with a side of Willex.
Here’s the opening scene!
“Do you see those llamas over there?”
“They don’t see anything, Luke, this is a story, not a movie.”
“Can’t a guy build dramatic tension for one minute, Alex?”
“Absolutely not when you’re referring to something the audience literally cannot see!”
“Fine. So we were turned into llamas by an evil wizard that we pissed off, did some stuff, and now we’re here.”
“Did some stuff? We were on our way to get turned back and your dumbass ruined everything!”
“Alex! That’s too far. Luke, try starting a different way. The movie’s like 20 years old, we don’t need to perfectly recreate the introduction.”
“Sorry, Reggie.”
“Sorry, Reggie.”
“Sunset Curve was literally on top of the world until—”
“We weren’t literally on top of anything, Luke!”
“Are you telling this story or am I, Alex?”
Alex heaved a sigh and looked at Reggie. “Why did we decide to let him narrate?”
“Because he’d pout and be generally insufferable if we didn’t?” Reggie shrugged.
“I wouldn’t — I’m not — whatever,” Luke spluttered.
“Sunset Curve was figuratively — happy Alex? — on top of the world until Caleb Covington and Julie Molina ruined everything.”
“Luke,” Alex admonished.
“Fine, we had a little something to do with that too, but it was mostly Caleb and Julie.”
Reggie sighed. “You know what, maybe we just tell the story and let everyone decide for themselves.”
“Yeah,” Alex agreed, “let’s do that.”
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innytoes · 3 months
57 for Willex + Lancelot
Of course this is set in the Care and Feeding of Dragons verse.
"Morning, Dad!" Willie called, all but skipping into the kitchen. His dad was sitting at the kitchen island nursing a coffee, glaring at him blearily. He'd never really gotten used to the fact that no matter what time Willie got up, he was go-go-go. It was still just as funny now as it was when he was a kid. He started grabbing stuff from around the kitchen, maybe making a little more noise than necessary.
"What's wrong with cereal?" Dad complained, as he started measuring out flour.
"Alex is coming over for breakfast today," Willie told him. "So I'm making pancakes."
"Is he now?" Dad asked, before leaning over to give him sad puppy eyes. "What about your beloved father? Does he get pancakes?"
"What's wrong with cereal?" Willie snarked back, laughing when Caleb threw him a glare. "I'll make you pancakes if you promise to leave us alone to eat ours."
"Oh yes, I wouldn't want to interrupt your romantic date," Dad said. "You can have the dining room all to yourselves. I'll stay in here, with the coffee maker."
"Deal," Willie agreed. He went on to make the pancakes, loudly mixing (in the metal bowl for maximum noise) while Dad sipped his coffee. He was just pouring the first pancakes out on the griddle when the doorbell rang.
Just as planned.
Listen, it wasn't Willie's fault that Dad hadn't caught on to Alex living with them yet. Alex was too worried that Dad would say no and kick him out, which would mean he'd have to go live in the garage that Sunset Curve rented as a studio. Willie had tried to convince him that Caleb totally wouldn't mind, especially not with Alex' sad 'my parents don't want me back because I'm gay' backstory, but well, the anxiety brain weasels in his head won out.
Also, like, Willie kind of liked the chaos and sneaking around so he didn't push too hard. So every morning Alex would slip out of Willie's window, over the porch roof down one of the fancy support beams and pretend to come over, and every night Willie would say goodbye and then sneak him back in. Or, if Dad was working, just hide him in his room and pretend to be asleep when Dad got home. Or stage it so he'd been alone in the living room all evening.
So maybe he had to make some extra noise to drown out the sounds of Alex climbing down out of his window, with Dad already up. Not exactly a hardship for Willie. He liked being loud.
"I'll get it, don't leave the stove unattended," Dad said, bringing his coffee to the door and greeting Alex. It was always cute, the way Alex still stumbled over 'Caleb, Mister Covington, sir' after how long they'd been dating. Willie grinned, leaning over the island to press a kiss to Alex' cheek as Caleb made him a cappuccino with his fancy coffee maker.
He listened to his boyfriend make awkward small talk with his dad about 'if he got home alright' last night, going from Boring Normal Pancakes to Fun Pancakes with the last of the batter. A bat for Dad. Some (slightly lumpy) drum sticks for Alex. And a skateboard for himself. He placed those on the tops of the three stacks.
"Okay, done!" he said, dumping Dad's plate in front of him before dragging Alex to the dining room with him before he could roll his eyes.
The dining room, which was set up nicely, with a table cloth, the fancy silverware, and a small bouquet of flowers. On the seat opposite to Willie's, there was a fancy-looking box.
"Did I forget an anniversary?" Alex squeaked.
"Not unless I forgot it too," Willie said, going over to the Mysterious Box. It had Alex' name on it. He put down his plate, turning to Alex. "It's for you!"
Alex slowly approached, apprehensively shaking the box a little. It didn't sound like a bomb or anything. "You promise this isn't some kind of prank?"
"Hotdog, I swear it's not. Not from me, anyway." Did Luke and Reggie manage to break into their house? Dad had a great security system. Even though Willie had sometimes felt it was more to keep him In than it was to keep burglars Out. "Open it!"
"Okay," Alex said, putting the box on the table and using a fork to carefully lift the lid off at an arm's length. Willie hid behind him, peering over his shoulder, just in case it was some kind of glitter bomb.
When nothing happened, they moved closer, peering into the box.
Willie gasped. Inside was a soft, perfect, light pink dragon. It was the same one as Lancelot, except not squished and cuddled and spilled jam and glitter and paint on and washed for more than a decade.
"He's perfect," Alex said, gently lifting the dragon out of the box and hugging him close.
"Dude!" Willie said. "There's something on his tail!" He gently undid the ribbon. It was a key. A very familiar looking key.
"Well, if you weren't going to give him one, I thought I would," Dad said. He was standing just outside the dining room, leaning on the door frame, obnoxiously sipping his coffee. Keeping his promise, while still trolling the heck out of them.
"You knew?" Alex said, sounding scared.
"You boys aren't as subtle as you think," Dad said, smirking. "And if Alex is going to be living here, he needs his own stuffed animal."
"That's right," Willie agreed. "We take stuffed animals very seriously in this house."
Alex still looked a bit lost, hugging his dragon close. "You mean I can stay?" he whispered.
"Of course," Dad, coming into the dining room and putting a hand on Alex' shoulder. "You're always welcome here, Alex. How about we discuss the details after your romantic breakfast?" He winked at Willie.
Willie didn't even pretend to be mad, just catching his dad in a hug. "Thanks, Dad." All the sneaking around had been fun, but he'd known it would end up like this anyway. Well, he figured there's be more shouting first, but this was better.
"Wait, if you take stuffed animals so seriously, does that mean your dad has one too?" Alex asked Willie, as Dad retreated to the kitchen.
"Oh yeah, he has a big squishy bat I won for him at the fair when I was eleven," Willie said proudly. It still lived on Dad's fancy armchair in his bedroom.
"I use it to scream my frustrations into when my son does things like sneak his boyfriend in and out of the house for weeks!" Dad called.
"DAD! Stop ruining our romantic breakfast!" Willie called back, and Alex laughed, gently placing his new dragon on the chair next to him.
Yeah, things were going to be fine.
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ginervacade · 1 year
First sentence prompt! The quiet small town was unaccustomed to strangers-being another anonymous blip on the map in the middle of nowhere-however here in the main street diner there they sat.
First of all my love, thank you for the ask!
Second of all, I got nervous because I couldn’t decide what to write and it kinda became a cowboy AU 😂
The quiet small town was unaccustomed to strangers-being another anonymous blip on the map in the middle of nowhere-however here in the main street diner there they sat.
“ Who might you be?” Julie asked, looking between the four boys, elbow on the table, chin in her hand batting her eyelashes at them all the way Caleb had taught her and Willie from the time they started working there when they were.. what, fourteen maybe?
“ Afternoon little lady,” the one with the dark hair and piercing green eyes like they had captured the spirit of the forest in their depths, focus Julie!, tipped his hat to her with a smile.
“ Afternoon,” she replied, “ You didn’t answer my question sweetheart.”
The taller blonde one rolled his eyes, “ Reginald hush. My apologies ma’am, but we were lookin’ for a man by the name of Covington. You wouldn’t happen to have heard of him?”
“ I just might have,” she flashed him a smile, “ Hey Willie!,” she called over her shoulder.
“ Tell Caleb I’ve got him a couple a real cute boys out here with instruments say they was lookin’ for him”, she winked at the one in just a pair of overalls.
I don’t particularly like it but there ya go. Thanks again for the ask!!
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websterss · 2 years
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𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: Having had enough of dealing with Caleb you take the opportunity to leave the Hollywood Club.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆(𝐒): Angst, mentions of dying, fluff 
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: Luke Patterson x Ghost-fem!Reader 
𝐀/𝐍: Hope you enjoy it! ♡
𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝟏 | 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝟐 | 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝟑
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They say life flashes before your eyes, to never take anything for granted, and you didn’t. “Ya know, I didn’t take you for the type to use dead corpses as leverage. But then again everything so far has been total bullshit with you!” You sniffled getting off the floor. You stood before him as you spared a glance down at yourself. You looked all gray and on the verge of decomposing. 
“Now, now, no need to be rude.”
“You killed me, we are so far from pleasantries.” You scowled at him. “I’m already dead. What more do you want?”
“I need the boys.” You shook your head not understanding him. “They’re too powerful. I can’t have them roaming California with their newly found tricks.” Caleb smirked.
“See the thing with that is…” You gestured to the room. “They’re already gone…so what’s your big plan now?” You purse your lips in question.
“Simple, ruin everything and everyone they love.”
“Mhmm.” You pondered the supposedly evil scheme of his. “Yeah, I hear you, but uh, when do we get to the part where that plan is actually going accordingly?”
“Well, with you obviously.” Caleb gestured to all of you.
“Trust me, you’d only be hurting one person in this case and she doesn’t forgive very easily. So killing me wasn’t very smart…which was for what exactly? Your own joy?” You raised an eyebrow.
“You knew too much, and you could see me. Which I was intrigued by.” He titled his head scanning you up and down.
“I can still see you now too.” You let your arms fall to their sides. “And there isn’t much to see anyways.”
“Rude.” Caleb scoffed.
“Just let me go. I’m no good to you.” You clenched your jaw.
“But see, that’s where you’re wrong my dove…” You eyed him suspiciously. “You’re the perfect leverage.”
“Again, how?” You looked at him confused. He was about to speak up again, but you put your hand out to stop him. “How about I just stop you there, and kick your ass now, and get this over with?”
“You won’t win.” Caleb checked his manicure.
“But see, that’s where you’re wrong, Mr. Covington. I don’t give up easily.” 
After the final bow the guys poofed back into the studio. Luke grew concerned when you didn’t poof back with them. He guessed it was Caleb, but since they were crossing over and possibly destroyed, he stayed put. He groaned as another jolt hit him in the gut. Alex and Reggie reciprocating the pain that was felt.
They all laid back on the rug waiting for their time to be up. “D-Do you think Y/n’s okay?” Alex said out of the blue.
“It’s Y/n…she’s always got everything under control.” Reggie jokes, but groaned feeling another jolt hit them.
“If C-Caleb does anything to her, I’ll kill him.” Luke coughed holding his stomach. “Maybe…if he doesn’t kill us first.”
“I-I think we should worry about Y/n doing something to him.” Alex closed his eyes, the pain being too much.
You grunted as you raised a chair close to you, slamming it into Caleb and his stupid cape outfit. What the fuck was he even wearing? He fell with a grunt and covered his face.
“You fucking asshole that’s for killing me!” You screamed as you kept beating the chair into him. 
It didn’t take long before Julie had found them on the ground. She was upset because she really thought that they were gone for good. To make things hurt more, you hadn’t shown up to the show. Julie didn’t get a call, nor a text telling her that you couldn’t make it. Her calls weren’t going through either and that worried her more than anything. She just wanted you to be there and she wanted the guys back, so imagine her shock when they were on the ground of the garage in pain.
“Guys? What? Why are you here? I-I thought-” Julie was cut off by the sudden jolt that struck the boys. She gripped at her chest feeling her breathing pick up. Reggie held onto Alex and Luke’s hands as they groaned out in pain. “I-I thought you crossed over. Why didn’t you cross over?”
“I guess playing at the Orpheum…” Alex struggled to stand. “Wasn’t our unfinished business.” 
“Point, Caleb.” Reggie scowled, sarcastically.
“We wanted you to think we crossed over…so we pretended to.” Luke glanced up at Julie. “We just…” He shook his head. “W-We had nowhere else to go.” Luke’s breathing was labored. He held his side from where the jolts shocked him.
“We thought you’d go straight to bed.” Reggie shrugged, looking at Julie.
“Yeah well.” Alex sighed heavily, leaning against the piano. “I knew she was gonna come out here, but nobody ever listens to-” Another jolt struck them. This one was stronger. All three doubled over in pain. Luke fell on his side finding comfort on the carpet, Reggie felt his body fail him causing him to lose his grip on the couch, and Alex… Alex had almost fallen to his knees before he barely held himself up by the piano.
Julie rushed forward and pleaded. “You have to save yourself right now! Go join Caleb’s club, please! It’s better than not existing at all, please! Poof out, do something please! Do it for me, please!” Julie cried out.
“We’re not going back there.” Reggie denied her pleas.
“No music is worth making Julie, if we’re not making it with you.” Julie tilted her head, pouting as her eyes glossed over. “No regrets.” Luke admitted. She lurched herself forward and wrapped her arms around him. Luke wrapped his arms around her too when she went in for a hug. Reggie smiled and Alex was confused.
“I love you guys.” Julie sniffled.
Julie then suddenly pulled back realizing she could feel Luke. He too was taken back because she was able to touch him. She ran her hands down his arms then to his hands. “How can I feel you?”
“I-I don’t know.”
Julie gasped as she placed her hands on his face. Luke then cupped her face too. Laughing because he couldn’t believe it. This was some sort of miracle.
He turned around to look at you guys. “I feel stronger.”
“Alex, Reggie, come here.” Julie told them. The guys walked up to Julie and wrapped their arms around each other. Halo circles glowed up into the air above.
“Woah, I-I don’t feel as weak anymore.” Reggie smiled.
“Yeah me neither. Not that I was ever that weak.” Alex joked, causing them all to laugh. The guys then all looked down at their wrist. The purple stamps removed themselves from their wrist and flowed up into the air.
“What do you think that means?” Julie gaped at the purple magic that floated above her. “I think the band is back.” Luke smiled.
“You guys think we could try that hug one more time?” Alex asked, they laughed and huddled together embracing each other with their hands.
“I like this!” Reggie admitted.
“Me too!” Julie exclaimed. “We played the Orpheum, woo!” They all jumped up and down together.
It hadn’t been long till you took a seat back on the ground. Your back pressed against the wall behind you. Your eyes staring straight ahead into nothing. Nothing. That’s all you felt inside. Nothingness slathered with a pinch of numbness. A disaster for your mental health. The room was quiet except for Caleb’s labored breathing. The man was trying his best to get into a sitting position. You had spared him a glance when he groaned in satisfaction. You didn’t think it was possible for a ghost to receive bruises or cuts. Though you assumed so, since purple was starting to form around his right eye. You looked down at your hands. A little bruised themselves and a nail or two were chipped in the process, but it wasn’t the end of the world. Beating the shit out of Caleb didn’t make you whole. It didn’t heal the ache in your nonexistent beating heart. The emptiness remained.
“Nope.” You stared off into space. 
“Oh.” Caleb’s voice rose an octave.
“I’m leaving, Caleb.” You pushed yourself up. “Don’t try and stop me.”
“She’s all yours.” He hummed. Gesturing out his hand to your body. He closed his eyes as he held his stomach.
“I hate you.” Your lip quivered. Your eyes staring down at the man who took everything from you. “But I know you don’t care and continuing on, telling you how much I despise your guts, isn’t gonna help me. So I’m gonna go.” You nodded. “And you’re gonna keep sitting there, with your ego a little bruised.” You turned to wrap your arms around your corpse. Wanting to take your body somewhere where you were sure they’d find it. Where’d they find you.
“I can see why Luke likes you.” You tensed hearing him talk. “You hold a fire inside you like no one else does. I bet that drew him in too. I guess he got lucky with someone who balances him out perfectly. You pull, he pushes. You ignite, he extinguishes. A rare, but beautiful match. At least now you can really be with him.”
“Goodbye, Caleb.” With that you poofed you and your body out of the Hollywood Ghost Club. 
You didn’t think twice when you reappeared inside the garage. Your knees hit the ground hard. You had attempted to steady your own body in your arms but ended up toppling over. The guys had turned around when they saw you. They were shocked and filled with joy upon seeing you again.
“Y/n?” Reggie had to do a double take because seeing you there in the garage seemed too good to be true.
“Oh my god, you’re back!” Alex got up rushing over to you. “Oh god, we need to get Julie.” 
“Y/n, you’ll never gonna believe what just happened!” Luke walked up to you with a bounce in his step. The boys just discovered that Julie’s love for them made them able to be physically touched. “Julie she-” He smiled then immediately frowned. Tears grazed your eyes as you struggled to hold your dead body up in your arms. Luke reacted quickly running up to you to help you put yourself down.
“I-I didn’t know where else to go...” You whimpered, you placed a hand on your head looking anywhere, everywhere, feeling lost and out of hope.
Alex stopped finally taking a good look at you, seeing one of your straps falling off your shoulder, your hair disheveled, and the bottom skirt of your dress slightly ripped.
You looked like you’d been through hell and back.
“Caleb’s tough but he isn’t as tough as me…” You half-heartedly chuckled, as you swayed a little to the left. You had finally caved in. Letting the tiredness take over. Almost falling over on your side to which Alex immediately caught you.
“Woah, woah, hey I got you okay.”
“J-Julie…” You gasped in realization, almost forgetting about how hard this was gonna be on her. “She doesn’t know! Oh my god! I-I can’t do that to her, she can’t go through any more losses, she can’t!” You clung to the front of his flannel, the right side of your face pressed against his chest. “What am I gonna do, what am I gonna do?” You repeated over and over. 
“Y/n, I need you to breathe. Okay baby, I need you to breathe.” Luke gripped your shoulder making sure you met his eyes as he nodded at you.
“I-I can’t.” You heaved. “I can’t!” You squeezed your eyes shut. “I told Julie I’d see her after the show tonight…but I can’t.” You shook your head. Reggie cried as well, reverting back and forth from you and where they laid down your body. “I don’t get to go home. I can’t make up with my parents. Why me? Why now? I didn’t do anything wrong!” You pleaded for all of this to make sense to you. “I didn’t do anything wrong…” You fell back restless into Alex’s arms.
“I know, baby. I know.” Luke cupped your cheek, cooing at you softly. “Hey, look at me.” You shook your head no. “Y/n, look at me, please!” And you did. “I got you. We all got you. We’re gonna get through this. Every step and every second. Including telling Julie the truth, okay?” You nodded, gripping your hand over Luke’s arm that caressed your face, and gripping Reggie’s hand that held onto yours for support. 
“What are we gonna do about my body?” You all slowly turned your heads to it.
“You sure this is where you want to be?” Alex asked to be sure. You looked back at yourself. You were down by the beach where Reggie’s old house used to be. Your body was cold to the touch. Your lips were blue. Your clothing had been ripped by your own hand.
An attack gone wrong, is what you kept telling yourself. The ripped articles would hopefully make it look more believable.
“Yeah…” You dragged out. “My body will be found by someone eventually. The police will hopefully take care of the rest. We should tell Julie before it gets back to her.” You stood back up from where you were crouched down. “I can’t believe I’m gonna add on to her pain.” You stared at your corpse. The boys looked at each other, then at you. Luke stepped closer to you and guided your head to lay on his shoulder. His lips pressing into your hair.
“It wasn’t your fault. Plus you’re still here, so Julie won’t be going through your loss alone. She still has you here.” Alex offered his optimism.
“Yeah…but for how long?” You sighed.
“We can’t know for sure, but we’ll get through it together.” Reggie placed his hand gently on your shoulder to make you feel better.
Luke had pulled away slowly. Stepping forward to get closer to your corpse. He bent down and pressed a kiss to your temple. A last goodbye to your human body. It was scary staring at yourself. An image that would forever be engraved into your memory. Alex, and Reggie followed suit. Alex kissed you on the head where he’d usually leave his affectionate kisses. And Reggie being the charmer, he gently picked up your hand and placed a kiss on top of it. Each bidding their farewells to you where they casually liked to show their affection. The temple, the head, and the hand. All that was left was the cheek. Where you laid a kiss yourself. Yours lingered longer than the boys. As an ‘I’m sorry this happened to us’ because you were sorry. You were upset that your life was cut short, and now you had to be okay with leaving yourself behind. For others to find you and keep the memory of you alive. Though you knew you hadn’t much to fear, you knew Julie wasn’t one to forget the ones she loved. You stepped back to be lined up with the boys as you all took in your corpse once more.
“I don’t know what to say.” You sighed.
“Send yourself off. Say your name…go from there.” Alex suggested.
“That’s actually…not a bad idea. Yeah, okay. I-I like that.” You nodded, giving him a small smile. “I’m Y/n Y/L/N. I was born on M/D/Y and I died on August twenty-six, two-thousand twenty, at nine thirty pm.”
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mac-lilly · 7 months
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Show me how to be whole again - Chapter 2
“You’re nervous.”
“I am not nervous.”
Carlos, arms crossed, raised a doubtful eyebrow. “But you’re pacing,” he objected. “That’s a sign of nervousness.”
“I am not nervous,” Julie shot back, voice too fierce to hide the truth. “And I’m not pacing.”
Her brother rolled his eyes but knew better than to make another comment.
And so Julie resumed her task of striding up and down in front of the fireplace. She’d done so for the past few hours, and, at this point, she was surprised she hadn’t worn a path in the carpet. Alright, maybe Carlos had a point. She was pacing. But she wasn’t nervous. No, she was downright panicking.
For the first time since she’d struck a deal with Caleb Covington, Julie was confronted with the gravity of her impulsive decision.
Today was the day the man who was technically already her fiancé would arrive at their palace. A man Julie essentially knew nothing about. She had never seen him. She had never spoken to him. She didn’t even know his name. And what little she did know – had deduced – about him wasn’t any more promising.
With no offspring, Caleb must have named one of his underlings as the heir to the throne. Naturally, he’d pick a loyal lackey. Right?
Dread coiled in her stomach, and cold sweat gathered in the nape of her neck. Her own actions had maneuvered her into a tight corner. And her options to get out of this position were limited.
“Just say you changed your mind,” Carlos suggested. “Tell them you’ve come to your senses and realized what a gigantic idiot you were.” At his last remark, he smiled impishly.
Continue on AO3
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blackwidowsaturn · 2 years
okay wait I had an idea for a jatp fic. it’s inspired by all those “the boys wake up in ‘95″ fics except there’s a twist. 
Luke Patterson woke up in a hospital bed. He was confused, not only because he was a ghost and ghosts don’t get hurt, but also because his parents looked 25 years too young. Then he realized his heart was beating.
Reggie Peters and Alex Mercer also woke up confused in a hospital bed. They were supposed to be ghosts, so why were their hearts beating?
Julie Molina woke up as she usually did. She got up, got ready for school, and unfortunately for her, Julie didn’t realize something was wrong until later in the day. She didn’t check the date on her phone, she didn’t notice her family’s confused looks about how upbeat she was, and she didn’t go out to the studio, so she didn’t see how the piano still had it’s cover on. Maybe then, she would’ve realized that something was amiss. 
“Hey underachiever!” She heard Flynn say. 
As always, Julie replied with a “Hey disappointment!” 
“Okay, I know you don’t want me to ask you this, but have you figured out what you’re going to do today?” 
“Flynn, what are you talking about?” 
“Uh, you know, your last chance to play music before you get kicked out of the music program? Don’t tell me you forgot.”  
“That was months ago, what are you talking abo-“ 
Carrie proceeded to interrupt their conversation, handing out flyers to the spirit rally. 
And that’s when Julie realized something was wrong. 
It was also the moment that she became really, really confused, just as her three ghostly bandmates were. 
Willie’s day went surprisingly normal. Caleb wasn’t angry at all, which was weird, considering it had been two weeks since the Phantoms escaped his grasp. In fact, Caleb looked incredibly happy. Willie decided not to comment on it. It was better for everyone involved. 
And then he looked at the date, and realized just why Caleb was so happy. The magician had done something. What he had done Willie didn’t know, but he was determined to get to the bottom of it. So, he decided to go to the first place he thought of: the Molina’s garage. 
Caleb Covington, on the other hand, was having an amazing day. 
Maybe it was because of some new idea he had for his shows. Or, perhaps it was because he finally outwitted Julie and her Phantoms. 
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dudefrommywesterns · 2 years
If you could come up with a role for Jamie to play, what would your idea be? (Preferably not a preexisting role he did but like a reboot of it)
i think it'd be fun if he were in another musical.
i don't know what one to be honest. maybe a new one. he could originate a character.
it'd be very cool if he had a banging villain song and it was all glittery and dramatic. a bit like caleb covington from julie and the phantoms.
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invisibleraven · 1 year
Secretive and PeterPatterLina?
Julie looked all around her before she approached her target, hands tight on the straps of her backpack betraying her nerves. "D-do you have the stuff?" she asked, voice low.
The guy grinned, handing over the package and kept his hand out to receive payment. He gave the wad of cash a quick flick of his eyes and grinned. "Pleasure doing business with you sweetheart," he said, hazel eyes twinkling.
"And you'll be discrete about this... exchange correct?"
"Sweetheart, in my line of work, you don't get very far by blabbing. Snitches get stitches and all that. But if the cops come sniffing around, I'll know who sent them," he said, the threat clear in his voice.
Julie nods with understanding, but freezes when she hears footsteps at the other end of the alleyway, seeing a man standing there in a leather jacket. "Another client?' she asks.
"Beats me sweetheart, but you probably don't want to stick around to find out," the dealer replies. "Anonymity and all that."
Julie nods and takes a step to leave, only the man in the leather jacket blocks her way. "Excuse me," she says, voice cool.
"Oh any time darlin', but it's best you stay right here. Don't need anyone blabbing you've seen my face," the man replies, flashing a cheeky grin under stunning green eyes that glint with danger.
"Hey, let the lady go bucko, your business is with me," the dealer says.
"That it is," the man in the leather jacket drawls. He then snatches the dealer's hand and slaps a silver handcuff onto it. "Luke Patterson, you're under arrest."
Luke glares at Julie then. "You finked," he accuses.
"No, I helped organize a sting," Julie says, flashing her badge. "This here is my partner, Detective Peters. And you have the right to remain silent."
"How about a deal instead?" Luke says as they steer him towards their waiting patrol car.
"That's up to the DA, not us," Reggie says as he continues to read Luke his rights.
"I can get you Covington!" Luke says as he's shoved into the cage of the car. Julie and Reggie exchange glances at that. Caleb Covington is a notorious crime lord and drug boss, the precinct's white whale. He's also near untouchable, given his propensity to destroy evidence and informants alike.
"We'll see what we can do," Julie replies, and they head back to the station.
Later, with Luke coping a deal, she and Reggie are outfitted to go deep undercover to stop the Covington empire once and for all. Luke is happy enough to help, confessing he never wanted a life of crime, but Covington made an appealing offer to a starving musician that turned dark and deadly when it was too late to back out.
"Maybe after this I can finally get my music out there again," Luke says as he's fitted for a wire.
"You any good?" Julie asks.
"Not too shabby," Luke replies. "Maybe after we get through this you and your partner will let me show you."
Julie blushes and sees Reggie in a similar state. "Let's just get through this first," he coughs out. "Then you can show off your skills to your heart's content."
Luke gives a sly smirk at that and winks. "Alright, I'll hold you to that," he says, straightening his shirt so the wire is invisible.
Julie and Reggie follow him out, and wonder just what they had gotten themselves into this time.
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