#and maybe he's visiting his son
detroit-grand-prix · 2 years
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there's a lot going on here
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youareunbearable · 2 years
I swear I wrote this down before, but I cant find it in any of my notes so here's a little fun idea! When the world gets recreated so its no longer Arda Marred, I think the Valar got together and Looked at the Finwe problem and shrugged and decided to make all of Miriel and her descendants Maiar to slove that tricky little problem of Remarriage.
Because the Feanorians are now Maiar, they aren't technically born, meaning they aren't really siblings and part of the same family so there is no real issue in separating them now is there?
Miriel is one of Vaire's weavers of course, and Feanor is one of Aule's most talented smiths, but that is understandable as he is the spirit of Hearth Fire itself. There are others within Aule's Halls, but their knowledge of each other is passing, for Celebrimbor tends to stay with the jewelry makers and Curufin likes creating hunting gear for Orome's hunt
Orome is almost never seen without his most prized hunter, Celegorm, who prefers a form that looks more wolf than Elf.
Vana, Orome's wife, herself has a pair of giggling and twittering songbirds that follow her around as she follows her husband's Hunt. They dance and sing and twirl in sync that many often just call the pair of them by a singular name, Ambarussa.
Irmo within his forest full of Song and Music has a very talented Maia that is so in tune with thr Song that they can play with it however they choose. Maglor only uses this ability to give the Elves good dreams, of course.
Este is forever thankful of her assistant Caranthir, who keeps all her medical necessities and books in order, so she is always prepared to help those in need, even if he himself doesn't have the best beside manner.
Lady Nienna’s Maia, Maedhros is a bit more of a recluse. He is charming when spoken too, but there is something distant, some type of lingering melancholy that clings to him, like a weak dawn in the deepest days of winter. He tends to hide himself away in the forests surrounding Formenos, helping those who are lost find their way back home.
Then there are Finwe and his beautiful wife Indis, their children, and many grandchildren. They are a stunning example of a happy family, and all the citizens of Tirion love having them as their royal family. Nothing is ever wrong, even when Fingolfin’s daughter Aredhel got lost during a hunt, she was lucky enough to be escorted back to her worried brothers' camp.
Fingon, who had never felt the degree of terror that flooded his veins at the thought of his sister lost in the woods, terror that was much stronger than what was called for because what could befell her in their peaceful land of Valinor?
She was being ferried on the back of a behemoth of a horse, pristine and laughing at the antics of the silver wolf-like Maia walking at her side. The horse was being led by a silent Maia, who smiled softly at the pair but made no move to include himself.
Fingon looked up at the tall Maia, and felt something in his fea shatter. He always had felt like something was missing, that he would havr an urge to go looking for someone he could never find, catch himself looking up to share an idea with someone who must have been taller than him only to look up at empty air. His bed felt so cold, but no matter how high he tended the hearth flames he knew it was because it was empty. He would look to the distant mountains and see a dawn peaking over their tops and weep as something in his fea ached.
Everything felt so overwhelming when he looked at this Maia, this being that looked cold, who wore furs and had snow dusting his shoulders even though it was a warm sunny summer day. Fingon was so lost in the sensations swirling within him that he was too slow to act before the Maia helped Aredhel off his horse, swung up himself and was out of the clearing. That wolfish Maia giving his sister a laughing twirl before bounding off into the thicket, chasing after the distant horn call.
Fingon’s knees felt weak, he found himself sinking to the forest floor. This world may be Arda Remade, but he still felt Marred.
#amber rambles#Silmarillion#maedhros#Feanorians#fingon#there was more to this that i thought i wrote down#basically the story is in Arda Remade fingon finds that he is the only one in his family that feels Off#he doesnt knkw why. no one has memories of arda marred but fingon knows he lost something precious to him in the remaking#finwe is worried for his eldest grandson. he doenst know why seeing someone he loves turn so melancholic makes him afraid#it just does. so he urges fingon to visit Lorien to soothe his Fea and heal#here he meets Caranthir and Maglor and he feels a connection to both and spends a lot of his time he#there bothering the both of them and he shares his feelings with maglor who just humms and agrees with him#that the Music within his fea is missing something.maybe someone? maybe hes supposed to go out and find them#maglor tells him to let the Music guide him and Caranthir gives him supplies and then fingon is off#he travels around Valinor by himself. where he meets the other non-Feanorians and feels pieces slot together#his most eye opening experience was meeting with the Maia Feanor and his Elf lover Nerdanel up in Formenos#she agrees with him that what hes feeling is valid as she also lost something in the Remaking#she cannot have children and this aches as she has dreams of a full house and 7 perfect sons that are no longer hers#she shows him her sculptures and as he looks he realizes he has met most of them on his journey! not elves like she has created#but Maiar who under their unnatural differneces look almost identical to these sculptures#he pauses at the last one. the unfamiliar one. Nerdanel sighs and says she feels like this one was her first born#the one she lost even before the Remaking. Fingon feels the same. this face makes him ache.#he wanders the forest that night haunted by these people. these elves he feels like he should know but doesnt. hes so in his thoughts#he doesnt realize hes lost. he calls out into the woods and hears nothing call back but his echos. a chill crawls up his spine#his breath begins to fog and there is a sound behind him and he twirls and there is rhat sculpture. his missing piece#Dont Worry. the figure of Winter and Memory says to him. I Found You#You Found Me. Fingon replies
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amoneki-ramblings · 3 months
How do you see Sasaki’s first chat with Donato going down now that Amon’s present?
Ooh okay I have a few thoughts about this (I wrote a response for this earlier and then tumblr didn't save the draft *explodes*):
First of all Amon would obviously be super weary of Haise talking to Donato in the first place. He doesn't like the sound or idea of it at all. He's likely already certain that the "Alice" that Donato alluded to all that time ago was Kaneki/Haise, and look where it's gotten him now (wading into dangerous waters about CCG corruption, or really just. Everything about him and 'Eyepatch' in general), and there's no reason to believe he can't cause equal trouble with whatever he tells Haise. He absolutely knows things he Shouldn't, and that's dangerous.
Haise isn't so concerned, however. Donato seems... nice? In his weird, unconventional Donato-way. Donato speaks to him in a very friendly manner, and hears him out (in canon he says "You always help organize my thoughts. I appreciate it..."), obviously with Amon's disdain towards him he didn't really mean to have his guard so low like that, but it ends up happening away, because Donato seems to like Haise and having these conversations to kill the time. And at least he's more helpful about passing on information to Haise anyway. (He also probably occasionally prods Haise for info on how Amon's doing too LOL)
Regarding the fact that Amon was raised by Donato, now that gets complicated. Haise knows, obviously, and he wants to know more, but he likely thinks it both isn't his place to ask more about it and just, is hesitant to for a multitude of reasons. Asking Donato probably feels a bit like an invasion of privacy (if he did ask though, Donato would probably laugh about Amon as a kid, like about his sweet tooth), and obviously that would be a super touchy subject to ask Amon about. Honestly discussion about Donato between them is probably pretty strange in general, considering they both clearly have contrasting feelings about the man (and they're both complicated in their own ways (though Amon's are obviously moreso)). They probably try to keep it professional, discussion just the intel/info that he can give on cases, though maybe a few times Haise asks how Donato is like to other people, or something equally general (since asking why Amon has such disdain for him would be too obvious, and asking about his past upfront would be too direct).
As for Haise and Donato's conversations: Since Amon is here now, Donato obviously doesn't need to tell Haise to seek out a certain ghoul or anything. However, I think he would still be somewhat cryptic about it. Maybe he would hint that the "key" to his memories is much, much closer than he may think. That it's sitting within arm's reach, really, if he so chooses to pick it up and actually try and find out what was in his past. He would probably feed hints that point towards Amon, but leave it up to Haise himself to actually ask/remember anything, he's probably not just gonna spell it out for him. Maybe one day Haise recounts all the inexplicable feelings from his first encounter with Amon to Donato. Maybe Donato tells Haise that Amon may be more important to him than he realizes. Maybe he tells him that it's about time that he tries to figure out why.
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dannybobany · 1 month
Its become a life goal of mine to make an omori mod one day all about Basil- I have so many ideas about him that I want to make a reality
:( but I literally don’t have access to a computer so while I’d love to write for a mod and draw art for a mod, making it playable would be impossible for me to do
But if I ever had the chance I would do it so so fast man, I think Basil deserves a backstory and I have a really good idea of what I would want it to be- listen if anyone out there is thinking of making an omori mod about Basil I want to help so bad you don’t even get it i want there to be more content about him so bad :(
I think about my hypothetical Basil mod all the time I want it to be real so bad
I might go draw some portraits…
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florida-star · 1 year
whos fucked up cat is that??
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idea is based on @sootslash ‘s hypoparents posts!
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fluffypotatey · 2 years
Considering the amount of mom issues Arthur likely absolutely has, I do verily believe Hunith could get Arthur to do just about anything. Not, like. Consciously. But if they'd spent more time in Ealdor, and she got more used to him, she'd totally end up treating him like normal (Merlin gets it from somewhere).
Hunith: Arthur, dear, will you go down to the well and bring up some fresh water?
Merlin: Mum, I'll do it-
Arthur, already picking up the bucket: Yes, ma'am.
Merlin, can't even get Arthur to dress himself: What the FU-
Arthur "i blame myself for my mother's death and continuously try to gain my father's love and crave affection but am too scared to admit it because my upbringing was mostly being taught how to be the best knight and warrior for the kingdom" Pendragon would absolutely do whatever Hunith asked because all she did was smile at him in that motherly way and it's a smile he has craved ever since he learned why he never had a mother
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a1sart · 5 months
i like to imagine that the only time Kristin came to see Wilbur in limbo, if she ever visited at all, was to see him off as he got on the train back to the living world
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sad-trash-hobo · 1 year
It's the way we saw Franklin getting arrogant in the past seasons and his lack of guilt and then all Leon being able to feel is guilt. Franklin dug deeper and lashed out at everyone, while Leon was trying to keep people together. It's Leon going to Franklin at the end and giving him an opportunity because Franklin is still his best friend.
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Ok I know a lot of people don’t like Bronev or make him out to be abusive  as a result but I think its so much more interesting if he isnt?
It was said on multiple occasion that he was a good person that got consumed by his obsession with the Azrans
He’s just an asshole who selfishly made all the wrong decisions justifying himself by having to make sacrifices that ultimately hurt the sacrificed people, among which is his family, significantly more than himself.
And that creates so many interesting conflicted and contradicting relationships with various characters!! Bronev is an interesting villain!!
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wheremyloveis · 2 years
might’ve said it already but castercy royal enemies to lovers au <3
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youareunbearable · 2 years
I swear I wrote this down before, but I cant find it in any of my notes so here's a little fun idea! When the world gets recreated so its no longer Arda Marred, I think the Valar got together and Looked at the Finwe problem and shrugged and decided to make all of Miriel and her descendants Maiar to slove that tricky little problem of Remarriage.
Because the Feanorians are now Maiar, they aren't technically born, meaning they aren't really siblings and part of the same family so there is no real issue in separating them now is there?
Miriel is one of Vaire's weavers of course, and Feanor is one of Aule's most talented smiths, but that is understandable as he is the spirit of Hearth Fire itself. There are others within Aule's Halls, but their knowledge of each other is passing, for Celebrimbor tends to stay with the jewelry makers and Curufin likes creating hunting gear for Orome's hunt
Orome is almost never seen without his most prized hunter, Celegorm, who prefers a form that looks more wolf than Elf.
Vana, Orome's wife, herself has a pair of giggling and twittering songbirds that follow her around as she follows her husband's Hunt. They dance and sing and twirl in sync that many often just call the pair of them by a singular name, Ambarussa.
Irmo within his forest full of Song and Music has a very talented Maia that is so in tune with thr Song that they can play with it however they choose. Maglor only uses this ability to give the Elves good dreams, of course.
Este is forever thankful of her assistant Caranthir, who keeps all her medical necessities and books in order, so she is always prepared to help those in need, even if he himself doesn't have the best beside manner.
Lady Nienna’s Maia, Maedhros is a bit more of a recluse. He is charming when spoken too, but there is something distant, some type of lingering melancholy that clings to him, like a weak dawn in the deepest days of winter. He tends to hide himself away in the forests surrounding Formenos, helping those who are lost find their way back home.
Then there are Finwe and his beautiful wife Indis, their children, and many grandchildren. They are a stunning example of a happy family, and all the citizens of Tirion love having them as their royal family. Nothing is ever wrong, even when Fingolfin’s daughter Aredhel got lost during a hunt, she was lucky enough to be escorted back to her worried brothers' camp.
Fingon, who had never felt the degree of terror that flooded his veins at the thought of his sister lost in the woods, terror that was much stronger than what was called for because what could befell her in their peaceful land of Valinor?
She was being ferried on the back of a behemoth of a horse, pristine and laughing at the antics of the silver wolf-like Maia walking at her side. The horse was being led by a silent Maia, who smiled softly at the pair but made no move to include himself.
Fingon looked up at the tall Maia, and felt something in his fea shatter. He always had felt like something was missing, that he would havr an urge to go looking for someone he could never find, catch himself looking up to share an idea with someone who must have been taller than him only to look up at empty air. His bed felt so cold, but no matter how high he tended the hearth flames he knew it was because it was empty. He would look to the distant mountains and see a dawn peaking over their tops and weep as something in his fea ached.
Everything felt so overwhelming when he looked at this Maia, this being that looked cold, who wore furs and had snow dusting his shoulders even though it was a warm sunny summer day. Fingon was so lost in the sensations swirling within him that he was too slow to act before the Maia helped Aredhel off his horse, swung up himself and was out of the clearing. That wolfish Maia giving his sister a laughing twirl before bounding off into the thicket, chasing after the distant horn call.
Fingon’s knees felt weak, he found himself sinking to the forest floor. This world may be Arda Remade, but he still felt Marred.
#amber rambles#Silmarillion#maedhros#Feanorians#fingon#there was more to this that i thought i wrote down#basically the story is in Arda Remade fingon finds that he is the only one in his family that feels Off#he doesnt knkw why. no one has memories of arda marred but fingon knows he lost something precious to him in the remaking#finwe is worried for his eldest grandson. he doenst know why seeing someone he loves turn so melancholic makes him afraid#it just does. so he urges fingon to visit Lorien to soothe his Fea and heal#here he meets Caranthir and Maglor and he feels a connection to both and spends a lot of his time he#there bothering the both of them and he shares his feelings with maglor who just humms and agrees with him#that the Music within his fea is missing something.maybe someone? maybe hes supposed to go out and find them#maglor tells him to let the Music guide him and Caranthir gives him supplies and then fingon is off#he travels around Valinor by himself. where he meets the other non-Feanorians and feels pieces slot together#his most eye opening experience was meeting with the Maia Feanor and his Elf lover Nerdanel up in Formenos#she agrees with him that what hes feeling is valid as she also lost something in the Remaking#she cannot have children and this aches as she has dreams of a full house and 7 perfect sons that are no longer hers#she shows him her sculptures and as he looks he realizes he has met most of them on his journey! not elves like she has created#but Maiar who under their unnatural differneces look almost identical to these sculptures#he pauses at the last one. the unfamiliar one. Nerdanel sighs and says she feels like this one was her first born#the one she lost even before the Remaking. Fingon feels the same. this face makes him ache.#he wanders the forest that night haunted by these people. these elves he feels like he should know but doesnt. hes so in his thoughts#he doesnt realize hes lost. he calls out into the woods and hears nothing call back but his echos. a chill crawls up his spine#his breath begins to fog and there is a sound behind him and he twirls and there is rhat sculpture. his missing piece#Dont Worry. the figure of Winter and Memory says to him. I Found You#You Found Me. Fingon replies
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wtf is mats doing in the stadium lol
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megaclaudiolis · 2 months
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#Michinaga ran to Kaneie
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mxdotpng · 4 months
actually going crazy today about tales of zestiria
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neriyon · 4 months
30 WoL Think Thonkers (part 1)
From this prompt list! I'm planning on answering all of these, and to start with here are the first 6 questions (from the "Warm up" category). It got pretty long right from the first question, so hiding it under read more~
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I. Where is your Warrior of Light from? What was their home like growing up and what set them out on their journey?
Hawu'li is from The Black Shroud - more specifically from around South Shroud. Somewhere relatively close to the Buscarron's place (he used to hang out around his tavern as a kid), but outside the playable map area. His home was just some small clearing in the woods, with a few simple small houses, some sheds and tons of kids running around.
Hawu'li's immediate family consisted of his mother, Hawu (the matriarch of the family), her two younger sisters (Khona & Masha), and all their collective kids/grandkids: Hawu'li's siblings (2 brothers, 7 sisters), his cousins (Khona's and Masha's kids) and a couple of toddlers from the oldest kids. They are a very traditional keeper family - matriarch strictly keeps her family in line, the only males around are children or visiting, and the family is mostly self sufficent. What they can't make themselves is usually brought as a gift (from suitors or children visiting their mothers) or traded from travelling merchants in exchange for meat they hunted. All of the kids were taught basics of carpentry, letherwork, cooking and botany, but good hunters were treated with the highest respect.
Hawu'li was always very small and scrawny kid, lot more interested in reading books than sparring with his sisters outside. He learned crafting somewhat easily, but for some reason when it came to wielding a spear or a bow he would keep blundering even the easiest of basics. As a kid most adults just found it funny, thinking he'd outgrow it soon enough.
Years went on, but Hawu'li did not grow big like most assumed, nor did he figure out hunting. His sisters found him pretty useful for babysitting while they were out hunting, but Hawu'li himself grew more and more ashamed with each passing year. His mother's strong disaproval didn't help. What keeper couldn't hunt their own food?
Then one year, one of his older cousins, while visiting her home after few years of studying, thought of teaching him some very basic spells. Surprising even himself, Hawu'li learned these spells very quickly. She encouraged him to go to Gridania to learn more, winning the first hesitant boy over with tales of conjurers helping the townspeople and travelers alike.
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2. What city-state did your Wol start in? How did they feel about it then, and how do they feel about it now?
And then he left to Ul'dah inste-- no, just joking. He did set out to Gridania, managed to get into conjurers' guild and started studying.
His experience was pretty mixed: Gridania is not really know for being nice to outsiders, let alone someone from a family proud of their hunting traditions. But for every rude person, there seemed to be a nice one too. Mother Miounne helped him greatly during the first few months, and after settling in the Stillglade Fane he did quickly befriend most of his fellow students.
Now, after all his travels, he still feels that Gridania is his "home" as much as his family's home is. Both have some bad memories, but also lots of good ones, and he'd rather see both prosper.
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3. How do they feel about being Hydaelyn's chosen?
Tough one… uhhhh Hawu'li is generally of the mind that the title of Warrior of Light is a positive thing. Maybe because he doesn't need to carry it alone - the overwhelming expectations and responsibilities are split over the three of them carrying mantle together. Being Hydaelyn's chosen has led to him seeing the world a lot more, meeting various people he'd never have met otherwise, and having the power to actually change things. On some nights the weight of lost friends feels very heavy, but overall he is glad for the things he's gained from being chosen.
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4. What do they do in their down time? Do they have any hobbies outside of Primal-slaying and world-saving? Are these lifelong hobbies or recent interests?
Hawu'li's absolute favorite way to pass time is to just spend it with those dear to him, but he does really enjoy cooking and reading! Or just going for walks or shopping trips with his loved ones. Lately he's been learning more weaver stuff, mostly how to make little knitted shirts for plushies (and Carby).
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5. How do they feel now that “it’s all over” (the story of Hydaelyn and Zodiark)? What do they plan to do next? Or is their story finished - and if you’re retiring them, what does retirement look like for them? Do you have someone else taking the stage going forward?
Story is very much not over for Hawu'li! He can't really think about retiring (like, ever) since it would mean leaving his biggest calling (helping others), but I did plan that he has some tiny vacation between 6.55 stuff and the next expansion. Nothing that big, just spending extra time with his partners and friends, having fun and enjoying not being in a hurry for once. Maybe finally visiting his family?
I've spoken about this before, but his co-WoLs (my friends' ocs) are indeed retiring, and when I can figure out how to work them into the MSQ nicely he'll actually get 1-2 new companions (aside from Scions) for his trip to Tural. So now instead of a cat and two elves we'll have 1-2 cats and a bunny, haha. (Einn and maaaybe N'jinh when I finish his rework)
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6. Who was their Azem? What were they like, and were they different from your WoL? Who were their family, friends? Or, if you don’t care for the Azem angle or went in your own direction for their past self, how so? How does your WoL feel about their Ancient identity?
Hawu'li's Azem was named Eleos. The two are rather similar in personality, but with Eleos being a bit more… intense? I often like to describe Eleos as "Hawu'li but turned up to 11". Biggest differences are probably that Eleos is very much not afraid to hit things (thanks Venat), and is in general a lot braver than Hawu'li is, but also more prone to mood swings (Hawu'li is a lot more patient). He's also somewhat of a gremlin, getting in the nerves of his poor coworkers constantly lol.
Eleos was the only kid of a researcher and a farmer in some more secluded corner of Etheirys. Venat also counts as his family - as a kid Eleos hugely idolized Venat for saving his hometown from monsters, but later on during his apparenticeship their relationship turns more familial.
Uhhhh as for other relationships: adult Eleos was dating Hyth and Hades, was generally friendly with other Convocation members (Lahabrea might've felt otherwise lol), treated Elidibus as a younger brother he never had aaaaand had a bestie called Skeiron (Einn's ancient). Lots of other friends too since I specifically wanted every single one of my ocs' ancients to know each other in some way haha, so I'm not listing all of them here.
Hawu'li isn't really sure what to think about the whole Azem thing. It's not like he has any memories of the past, and while he finds it fascinating to learn more about what his soul did in the past he is very much aware that he's his own person.
As a fun little bonus I'll mention that they have actually met! In my version of MSQ events Eleos' consciousness still kinda hangs around in his shards, just kinda looking after his "kids" (spectating everything while sitting on a couch with Ardbert lol). In that Ultima Thule cutscene he actually makes himself properly know for the first time, and kinda just manifests alongside Hyth and Hades to properly say goodbye (and sorry) to them. He also offers some words for Hawu'li, and then kinda retreats back into some corner of Hawu'li's soul.
#oof that ended up being so much longer than i thought akieuwhfiefuh#and i even tried to shorten both the first and last answers lol#also there be ancient talk so obiviously shb and ew spoilers#anyway uhhhh comments...#i've yet to choose names for any of hawu'li's sisters#his brothers are hawu'a and hawu'to bc male keeper names are funny like that#hawu'a is the “good son” who's really strong and good hunter#and visits home the most. usually bringing lots of food along him#hawu'to is the “smart one” who's actually working in sharlayan#hawu'li hasn't seen him in years before randomly running into him during ew haha#about gridania i'll mention that hawu'li's main beef with them is that#he feels every injured person seeking help should be treated#no matter their crimes or background#and my thoughts on it are that it's not the elementals saying no but conjurers either reading them wrong or just blaming them#so hawu'li can hear the elementals too and often uses it to call out bullshit when some stuck up conjurer refuses to help someone#hawu'li has indeed not visited his family after arr stuff#maybe he'll visit before leaving for tural#maybe even take g'raha along to meet them haha#what else uhhhh#i still want to make info page for all of the ancients too but i've been so lazy with that#oh and eleos hanging out in hawu'li's soul is actually the reason he's little less scared of being alone now#since he knows that eleos is there (silently) cheering him on he can spend juuuust a little longer alone than before ew#(not to mention that uh. like half of that separation anxiety of his is directly from eleos)#(final days trauma so bad it transfers to all his shards 😔)#purple catboy#should i tag eleos too? sure why not#wandering sun
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the-raindeer-king · 1 month
Imagine Simon's mom doesn't die with Tommy and Beth. Maybe she was out of town, or at a friend's house, and Roba's men were sloppy and missed her. Anyway, so it's just Simon and her now, and because he blames himself for what happened, he's pulled away from her.
He pays her rent, even if he wanted her to live in a nicer apartment complex. And he visits during her birthday and Mother's Day, and sometimes just randomly stops by. But he never stays very long, and he doesn't tell her a lot about his new life. It's a very one sided relationship, but she tries to make the best of it.
And then you move in next door, during one of Simon's deployments. You feel bad for the sweet lady that lives next to you. She never seems to have much company, and you take it upon yourself to befriend her, spending more time in her apartment than your own.
You learn about her ex husband, her sons, the tragedy, and most importantly, you learn about Simon. And you hate him. Mrs. Riley (she insists you call her Sarah) is such a lovely woman, and it's clear how much she cares about her living son, how hard she's trying to keep their relationship alive.
It's the second Mother's Day after you move in when you finally meet Simon. Your relationship with your own mother is complicated, so you've opted to spend the day with Mrs. Riley. You'd gotten her a small present, and had planned to spend the day drinking wine and watching historical romance movies.
You're thoroughly shocked when you knock on her door, and a man answers. Six feet, built like a brick house, but under his scowl, you recognize Sarah's eyes.
“You must be Simon.”
His scowl deepens, but before he can say anything, Mama Riley is pushing past him, pulling you into her apartment to fuss over you.
She apologizes for not telling you sooner, but your plans will have to be rescheduled. Simon's back early, and she can't waste a precious second.
You're understanding. You've listened to her worried rants, given her space to cry over how things have turned out. You know she loves spending time with her son, even if the visits are short and he doesn't talk much.
Simon doesn't miss the way you glare at him. There's a fury in your eyes, even as you cheerily wish his mother a happy mother's day. For a moment, he wonders if you're a spy. But that thought is quickly diminished, when you verbally eviscerate him at the door.
You're quiet, not wanting to upset his mom, but your anger is clear. It may not be your business, but Mama Riley is your friend, and you adore the older woman. And you cannot stand by while he treats her like this. She loves her son so much, and he needs to step up and try harder.
As you're chewing him out, Simon's already head over heels, planning your wedding as the seconds tick by.
(A/N: You can read this as a stand alone piece, but I did write 3 more drabbles (four in total!) for this! They're all on my blog under the tag mama riley au. Thank you for reading!)
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