#she never showed up while her son took her place at her dying mothers bedside
dannybobany · 4 months
Its become a life goal of mine to make an omori mod one day all about Basil- I have so many ideas about him that I want to make a reality
:( but I literally don’t have access to a computer so while I’d love to write for a mod and draw art for a mod, making it playable would be impossible for me to do
But if I ever had the chance I would do it so so fast man, I think Basil deserves a backstory and I have a really good idea of what I would want it to be- listen if anyone out there is thinking of making an omori mod about Basil I want to help so bad you don’t even get it i want there to be more content about him so bad :(
I think about my hypothetical Basil mod all the time I want it to be real so bad
I might go draw some portraits…
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suburbanbeatnik · 4 years
The short and very miserable life of Napoleon II, aka the Eaglet, aka Franz, Duke of Reichstadt: PART THREE
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So there’s a lot of controversy over the exact nature of Franz and Sophie’s friendship. At the time, it was was rumored they became lovers. Satirical prints of the two were even published. But I’ve browsed a few recent-ish books about the Habsburgs, and they don’t seem to think the idea of a Franz/Sophie affair holds a lot of water. However, Aubry thinks it’s possible— even probable.
He took refuge in his tenderness for his young aunt, Sophie. She was still the woman whom he preferred. Perhaps she was his only love, the one to whom he owed his first embrace and the one who best satisfied him. She had been at first nothing but an elder sister. In his empty boyhood she had given him the only warmth of friendship he had known. Become a man he had asked for more, and Sophie consented, it is said.
They saw each other everyday at the Hofburg, in the little salon belonging to the Archduchess. It was always towards evening when he was tired from his work or his horseback rides and she relaxed from duties of the court. Oftentimes they would be alone, and they would take their tea by lamplight, reading aloud or talking over the happenings of the day. Reichstadt gave Sophie his full confidence. She knew his anxieties and his bitternesses and she gave him back his courage. She would place her fingers on his forehead, and stoke his hair, which shone like silk in the dim light. He would look back at her with quiet happiness, and she would smile back at him as she sat there in a low-cut gown, the coils of her hair caught up in a veil of white lace, and around her throat a ribbon of black velvet with a pendant, which was a miniature of her father, King Maximilian of Bavaria. [Aubry pg 215]
Aubry paints a compelling picture of Sophie’s restless, clear-eyed youth, intelligence, strong will, and free, simple, natural ways, which stood out like a star against the stultifying pomposity of the Habsburg court. Not surprisingly, she hated her husband, a coarse blockhead mainly obsessed with hunting. She spent every hour she could with Franz, driving in the Prater, breakfasting together, or walking in the garden, often accompanied by Sophie’s son Franz Joseph (Sissi’s future husband). Like his father, Franz loved children and was great with them. Add his intelligence, passion, and incredible good looks, I would not blame Sophie one bit if she’d had an affair with Franz.
Aubry also points out that at Schoenbrunn, Franz’s quarters were directly above Sophie’s, and connected through “a little staircase unknown to any chamberlain.” They also spent many afternoons completely alone.
They would venture through the Tyrolian garden to the limits of the vast wooded park and on out into that smiling countryside where vineclad hills gently rise above meadows, patches of woods and cultivated fields. There they spent the most beautiful hours in their lives, talking less of the future and of glory, we may be sure, than of the present and of love. No definite information as to these meetings have survived. All that is known from authentic documents is that they were frequent in the summer of 1831. Nor is there any trace, either, in spite of careful searches, of a correspondence between Reichstadt and Sophie. The Archduchess died at an advanced age, after a checkered career. She must have taken care to leave nothing behind her. The archives of the Hofburg show only the mother, and the princess interested in questions of State. [Aubry pg 217]
Aubry then considers the contention that Sophie’s son Maximilian was actually fathered by Franz. Aubry thinks it’s at least possible, but I don’t think it is. Just look at pictures of the guy— he’s 100% Habsburg. He looks exactly like Franz Karl. The Bonaparte seed is strong; if Napoleon was Maximilian’s grandfather, you’d be able to see it somewhere. But you can’t.
Anyway, after the golden summer of 1831— probably the second happiest period of Franz’s life, after his childhood—it was all downhill from there. Very, very downhill.  
Franz’s lung issues came back with a vengeance. It didn’t help his main doctor at this point was a foppish Italian obsessed with liver ailments— he thought all of Franz’s problems stemmed from— what else?— the liver. That winter Franz became major of an infantry regiment stationed in Vienna, and distinguished himself drilling his men to perfection. Which is kind of sad, really; but that’s all he was allowed to do, be a parade-ground soldier who never got his uniform dirty. He ate little, and slept less, so eager to show that he could be a real soldier, like his father. His health plummeted, and he contracted a catarrhal fever.  The Imperial family gathered around Franz— except for Marie Louise, who was too busy back with her little court at Parma, “nibbling bonbons at the Opera.” Of course she protested her “cruel anxiety” about Franz’s welfare, but she wasn’t about to go anywhere. After all, she couldn’t think of endangering her own “precious health” journeying to Vienna.
Reichstadt must have felt the desertion keenly, but he voiced no bitterness. He had grown accustomed to suffering in silence, and those who forgot him, he tried to forget. [Aubry pg. 224.]
So, once again, Marie Louise disappointed her son. But Franz had Sophie; and he also had Prokesch back, who had happily returned after Metternich forced him to go to Bologna (Metternich didn’t trust Prokesch, and did his best to keep the two friends apart). The two men now knew the full stranglehold that Metternich had on the monarchy. Franz would not even be able to take a single trip away, not even for his health. It was do or die.
The two concocted a plan, and it was a decent one. Once he’d recovered, at winter in Vienna, he would be able to slip away from the secret police, as he had when romancing Naudine Karolyi. “He and Prokesch would reach Styria or the Tyrol in disguise and from there, taking advantage of connections which the major would try to establish in a preliminary reconnoissance, they would reach the Papal States where the Duke would ask asylum of the Pope.” Letizia Bonaparte and Lucien, who lived there comfortably, the Pope deferring to them, had money and connections. “Sheltered by the head of the Church and his grandmother, on a soil not only neutral but sacred, he would be free to complete his novitiate for the throne. Prokesch foresaw that it would be not a very long one. He predicted the fall of Louis-Phillippe in two or three years at most, and after a period of anarchy, the return of Napoleon II by agreement between France and the Powers.” [Aubry pg 232]
Alas! Metternich caught wind of the scheme, and banished Prokesch to Rome in January of 1832. What a blow this was! But the major agreed he could use the circumstances to do the agreed reconnoissance and meet in secret with Madame Mère. The two men parted with great emotion.
But this is the last time they would ever see each other. By the next summer, Franz would be dead.
* * *
After the departure of one of his only friends in the world, depression overwhelmed Franz again. It didn’t help when he received a letter from Napoleon’s last valet, Marchand, who had been trying for years to contact Franz about a few items of “sentimental value” that Napoleon had left for his son. But there was a note from Metternich on the letter, that briskly said “no attention could be paid to Marchand’s request.”
And that was it. Franz knew had no recourse. He wouldn’t even be able to get his father’s coffee service. How petty, how disgusting, how mean Metternich was! Napoleon had been dead for over a decade; why couldn’t he have one single sentimental item left to him in his will? Was it that important? That much of a matter of importance to the State, to the bloody Holy Alliance, that he couldn’t hold the same coffee cup that his father held?
And bitterness ate away at him. He was only 21, but he felt so old. He hated humanity. He hated himself. He wondered why he was still alive. Perhaps he would have been better off if he had died as a child. He had expected so much of the future— but there was nothing but the coldness and emptiness of an eternal prison.  
Despair ate at him like a worm. And he grew sick. And sicker. He coughed and sweated and grew weaker by the day. His doctor’s liver medicines did nothing, and then bleeding did less, and Metternich kept refusing to see Franz moved to a warmer climate.
The Chancellor was pleased by the turn of events, of course.  “He sent world to all the embassies, and Marshal Maison was asked to inform his government, that ‘the condition of the Duke of Reichstadt was so serious that his mother has been informed.’” [Aubry pg 244]
A pregnant Sophie, at last returned from her tour of Hungary, did her best to nurse him. “She sat down at his bedside and hushed him whenever he tried to speak. She would read aloud to him and it was she thereafter who gave him his medicines and guarded his door from any importunate intrusion.” [Aubry pg 245]
Franz still worsened. The Emperor was not present; he was detained in Trieste, and when he returned to Austria, he avoided Vienna, staying at the summer castle of Persenbeug, along with the “ninny” Ferdinand and the blockhead Franz Karl, while Francis’s wife claimed that seeing his dying grandson would have a deleterious effect on his health. Count Dietrichstein also decided to leave, on the excuse of his daughter’s confinement. Aubry says:
He must have known that Reichstadt was lost. Could he just have been an indifferent soul underneath his courtesy and his outward expressions of affectionate anxiety? He may have been. Count Maurice Dietrichstein was born a sensitive man and an artist, but life at Court had dried him up, undoubtedly leaving him in the end with the heart of a chamberlain. He forgot his former pupil at his daughter’s bedside and allowed him to die without a word of friendship. [Aubry pg 250]
For Franz, it was a slow, agonizing death march, punctuated by an an abcess in his lungs rupturing— and a final communion taken with Sophie at his side, in what Aubry compares to a “mystic marriage.” Louise arrived at last, after dithering over her departure, claiming “slight indispositions” as a reason for not leaving sooner, and then coming to Vienna via “easy stages” over the course of a fortnight. Of course, when she saw how badly off her son was, emaciated and hacking up blood, she began to cry.
There with that spectre of the hollow eyes before her she may perhaps have understood at last the true identity of that youth whom she had neglected for two years, and how guilty she had been all along toward him. She alone could have protected her child against Metternich’s policy and against himself. She could have saved him from those years of moral anguish and that tragic solitude which had ruined his health sooner and even more than any disease. That in her weakness she had lost him a throne might be excused, but however cowardly as an Empress, she might have shown herself a good mother. Vienna was her true place but she had preferred Parma with its ease, deserting the son of the greatest man in her age to sate her voluptuousness in the arms of her lover, nibble bonbons and preside over well-served dinners. [Aubry pgs 252-252]
Of course, Metternich made sure to look in on Franz while he was dying.
Through a half-open door however the Chancellor was allowed to see the patient in his bed. He gazed for a moment, then turned and walked away without a tremor, without a word of sympathy for the mother and doubtless without any remorse. [Aubry pg 255]
Franz knew he would die. “Must I end so young,” he said, “A life that is useless and without a name? Ma naissance et ma mort, voilà toute mon histoire. Entre mon berceau et ma tombe, il y a un grand zéro.” He did not quite say that on his deathbed, but it was close. Very, very close.
It took monumental efforts to keep Franz alive at this point. He was a barely breathing corpse. He could not swallow food; his throat had swollen up; his coughing seem to tear his body apart; and he could barely sup barley-water and milk. He had even been given mother’s milk at one point. His legs were swollen, and he was cold as ice. Deprived of his dearest friend Prokesch, who was meeting with Letizia and Lucien in Rome, his fellow captains in his regiment stood by his bedside.
The end came on the morning of July 21st— a thunderstorm brewed in the air, the air damp and thick and charged. He cried out— “death! I want nothing but death!” — and then— “Harness the horses! I must go to meet my father! I must embrace him once more!”
Then he whispered: “How I am suffering! When will this sad existence end?” [Aubry pg 260]
At last, he called, gasping, sweating, for his mother. (Sophie, still recovering from childbirth, was left to sleep, something which she never forgot.) Louise was brought in at the last minute, and managed to faint dead away in the middle of the room, completely prostrate on the floor. I’m imagining the priest having to step over her for his last rites, but apparently she managed to get to her knees by the bed just in time for Franz to look at her. That, one instant, and then he stopped breathing altogether.
Franz’s grandfather, back in Persenbeug, away from any inconveniently dead grandsons, called Franz’s death a possible blessing for Europe.  
As for Sophie, once the news was broken “delicately” to her…
…she lost consciousness for several hours and the attack was followed by a high fever. Her milk dried up. For several days her life was despaired of. She gradually recovered. Those who knew her thereafter no longer found the gay and simple Archduchess. All the gentleness seemed to have left her. There was a sting in everything she said. The truth was that her youth had died with Reichstadt. She was to have intrigues, love affairs, ambitions, cares of State. But she had changed in spirit, or rather she had attained in a few days the mood of her maturity, with, in her heart’s depth, a regret and a bitterness which would endure until her death, five years after the disaster of her son Maximilian. [Aubry pg 265]
* * *
And so ends my recap of Aubry’s King of Rome. Ugh, this could have been more depressing!? Anyway, I’ll write an epilogue soon explaining what happened to everyone after Franz’s death.  
Part One
Part Two 
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truegodofthearena · 4 years
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All I See Is You by RebelGeneral 
“Tulips. They symbolize passion... Perhaps your bride would like the same.”
And there it is. 
That sting he’s come to expect every time his mother, ever so casually, decided to bring up the prospect of his marriage. He is very much aware she knows the displeasure it brings him. What motivations could she possibly have that justified torturing him so? Perhaps she believes that one day her remarks might turn him around and he would finally listen to sense. Or maybe it’s her cruel reminder of who can never be his no matter how much he wishes. The fact that she refuses to even mention Siena’s name is enough evidence that she would never even consider her as his choice. And lastly, perhaps she enjoys torturing him so, showing him her tulip design in jest, as if the constant turmoil in his heart and soul was a thing of mockery.
It was sickening. 
He may be the firstborn in a lineage of firstborns. The Viscount. Eldest brother to all his siblings. The man of the house. Leader of their estate and all their well beings. But in the middle of it all, he suspected his mother had forgotten he, too, was her son first and everything else second. He had already lost his father and with every passing moment since that unfortunate day, he feared he had lost his mother as well. 
Goodnight, Mother.
He could not stand there a moment longer listening to her planning things for his bride when she had never bothered to ask him about Siena. She wanted to aid him in his pursuit of love only if the object of his affection was someone she approved of. What he held in his heart now was immaterial to her. So it was best to leave lest he say something he would regret later.
As most nights, it took him a long time to finally fall asleep. It had been getting harder and harder to find that sense of serenity since he had asked Siena to leave his side. That regret combined with his mother’s biting remarks left a mark on him. Alcohol helped matters. And he was glad he had taken its much needed aid tonight.
He knew it wasn’t real the moment he saw it. The moment he saw her. But that didn’t matter. Till his dying day, it would still be the most beautiful thing reality or mind had ever conjured up for his sake.
She was sitting where his mother had been sitting not an hour ago. Her dress was a subtle cream color with the hem and bodice layered with maroon and purple tulips, similar to the ones his mother had shown him. Soft, red lips parted as she smiled at him. Her lush brown curls were partly open, delicately framing her face and slightly bouncing with every movement of her head. Around her neck he could see the choker he was so fond of, except instead of a rose, now a red tulip rested in its middle.
He could feel himself staring as she looked back at him knowingly. His mouth went dry and he tried to speak, but no sound came out.
After what felt like forever she touched his hand as if placing a precious thing in his palm and when he looked down it was the hand of a little girl standing next to her. Same auburn hair and eyes, but her nose looked like his. She was whispering something to him.
Papa! Sing with me.
His voice gone, he looked at Siena helplessly. She smiled and took the little girl with her to the piano forte where two other children were fighting over the keys. One looked tall and older, around ten and the girl was about eight years. The boy looked his spitting image from the paintings he remembered of himself as a child. The same dark curls, austere manner and reserved smile. His sister seemed more openly affectionate and smiled at him with a smile he had only seen on one woman. She was beautiful, just like her mother.
As they started playing the piano forte and singing along to their favorite song, Siena took the lead and sang first while the rest watched her, transfixed by her captivating voice. They copied her as best as they could when she paused. The little one held her mother’s hand and was twirling her around the room, bursting into a fit of giggles every time she got the words of the song wrong, much to the horror of her elder siblings who were trying their best to please mama.
Anthony couldn’t help laughing himself at the absurd spectacle. He realized they could finally hear him when Siena looked up and met his eyes. She had that radiant look about her that she reserved for times when she was completely happy, most of them around him. Her eyes would crinkle up on the sides and her cheeks would slightly dimple and she couldn’t stop smiling even if she wanted to. It was intoxicating.
Before he knew it, he had walked across the room and taken her in his arms, kissing her once and then one more time for good measure. Then bending down he grabbed the little girl who gave an excited squeal. He twirled them both around, one arm carrying his daughter who had burst into a fit of laughter and was telling her siblings she was now taller than them, and in his other arms he held the love of his life. As close as he could.
He leaned down to give his wife another kiss and instantly heard his eldest groan from his seat while his sister shushed him to not ruin the moment. Their kiss inevitably turned into him and Siena snickering uncontrollably into each other’s mouth.
The last thing he heard was his youngest complaining why everyone had started laughing instead of singing and how papa needed to spin her around faster so she could properly get dizzy.
His eyes opened before he could stop them. As soon as he realized he was waking up, he shut his eyes closed again, tightly. But their faces were already disappearing and no matter how forcefully he kept his eyes shut he couldn’t hold onto them any more. Siena’s dress with his mother’s tulips, her infectious smile and the laughter and bickering of his children, he wanted to burn that into his memory. He wanted to stay with them forever. Never had he felt this kind of happiness and peace.
He lay in bed for quite some time before he could come to terms with what had happened. Glancing over the other side of the bed, he caressed the pillow that might have belonged to her. The sheets that lied flat and cold, when all he wanted was to see her sprawled under them, beckoning him towards her warmth and love.
Sighing in defeat, he finally got up and got dressed for the day. He had made his choice and he must live with it. She deserved far better than him. Perhaps one day they could both work their way towards a different kind of happiness.
Before he left the room something caught his eye on his bedside table. It was a similar piece of embroidery his mother had shown him the night before. These were the same tulips, maroon and violet... Siena’s. He smiled at the irony. Coincidence or not his mother had decided that if the reminder last night had not been enough, she would have him reminded of his duty as soon as he woke up as well.
The woman was unlikely to give up any time soon. And after Siena, he did not know if he had any strength left in him to fight it.
If he was wise he would let his mother win and chose his bride for him. Let her adorn her with as many tulips as the Modiste carried. Flaunt this supposed symbol of passion to the ton who would believe anything. And show them he was happy, content and molded into the role society had dictated for him. 
But he knew the price he would have to pay for that. Every time he would gaze upon a tulip hem on anyone else, it would only bring back the memory of his dream crashing down upon him. And all the warmth and sense of belonging he felt when he was with... them. And how he, no matter how much time passed, only cared to see that hem on her and no one else.
Perhaps when it’s time he can convince Mother that roses will have to do.
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fortheloveoffanfic · 4 years
Protective Service
John Wick x Reader (A/n- Hopefully this chapter isn’t too confusing. Flashbacks in italics)
Masterlist   Chapter 1   Chapter 2   Chapter 3
Warnings- Mentions of murder/violence, angst
Chapter 4 Beautiful Nightmares
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Drenched and breathless, Y/n awoke with a startle, her wide eyes confused by the darkness. It took a moment before she’d realized where she was; in her bedroom at her penthouse, safe and alone. Her chest was dominated by heavy, uneven breaths and the black silk of her simple, lace edged camisole clung to her skin uncomfortably. Even as Y/n tried to settle herself, inhaling deeply through her overly dry mouth, she couldn’t push the flashes from her very vivid dream away;
A couple, swaying in each other’s arms as pale yellow moonlight washes the dark wooden panels constituting the floor of the back porch as soft music wafts from a radio on an end table. The woman’s giggles are soft as her husband leads them in a  slow, casual waltz and not too far off, after she’s been told to not stray near the lake, a young girl no older than six, plays with a plastic fairy wand, entertaining herself. She loves fairies; she wishes they were real but her mother always reminds her that they are, and that she’d the most beautiful one of them all.
It was one of Y/n’s fondest memories of her parents, the last one that had really embedded itself in her memory before the bad. Their love was one that seemed to stand out above rest, though, Y/n supposed that at that age, she couldn’t have known much about romantic love anyways. She hadn’t learned much more about afterwards either, only that it was destructive. That in the end, all it could do was hurt you.
The fire below the rustic, cobblestone mantle laps viciously at the iron barrier separating it from the rest of the sitting room. Not too far off, near the designated holder, one of the pokers lay forgotten. He hasn’t really spoken to anyone in days, not even his seven year old daughter and his eyes have taken on this sort of vacancy that makes its almost frightening to look at him. She’s scared of him, and the only person that would know what to do is gone. Meredith is gone, for good. They took her. It’s been three days since they found her on his birthday, three days since he knew that everything had changed, even if he can’t quite explain it to their daughter. Three days since she’s been asking for her mommy and three days since she’d gone from adoring him to fearing the shell of what he used to be.
The dream, it had taken a nightmarish turn and at some point, Y/n wasn’t watching her parents dance in the backyard while she chased fire files, instead, she was standing in the doorway of the sitting room, watching her father stare that the fireplace, wondering how the bravest man she knew could seem so lost. She hadn’t understood then, and she wouldn’t, not until the funeral, where a large service had taken place at a mortuary and the police had showed up, poking and prodding until someone, Donavan’s father, who had a long standing connection with the commissioner’s office, had stepped in and scared them off. That was probably the day he’d really changed, her father. After that evening he’d gone from broken to cold and ruthless. No one stood in his way because they were simply afraid to, and without his wife as a buffer, things had changed in his organization quickly. Trust could no longer be borrowed, it was earned and traitors were appropriately dealt with. If he couldn’t bring back his wife, then he’d definitely vent his frustrations where he could.
After Meredith passed, Y/n had clung to her father, even if he’d never been the same. He’d cut out most of his affectionate traits and though they were close, most of his time was spent molding her into someone unshakeable. Someone who wouldn’t ever have to feel the way he did. It was working too, by her teens, Y/n had developed into a stolid adolescent, able to suppress whatever she was feeling so she could one day grow into the woman he’d be proud of. The woman he’d never meet.
Money, it makes everything easier. People like you better, you can shop wherever you want and know one bats a lash when you do something you shouldn’t have. Or maybe, just maybe, that last thing isn’t a consequence of money. Maybe it’s fear. It doesn’t matter though, she’s used to that too, the look of fear in people’s eyes when she walks into a room. Even her father’s muscle sometimes squirm around her, there’s no telling what she’ll do or say, she’s just so…...vulturine. Face of an angel with the prowl of a predator. But even predators have bad days, terrible days, the one that becomes their worst day. 
Hers came after one of the most mundane afternoons of her life; she’d gone to a little pastry shop in the city with the son of one of her father’s affiliates. He’s a nice boy, just a couple years her senior and while letting people in is hard, Jack understands the life. Y/n’s dad likes him too. Her dad. “Daddy?” She calls out, pushing one half of the front double door closed behind her as she steps inside, the heel of her booth thudding quietly on the hardwood. It’s eerily quiet in the manor and in the air hangs a metallic smell that she knows all too well. The combination of gunpowder and blood. Usually, it's the smell she associates with her father and the business he’s training her to take over, but that evening, there’s a distinct portentousness that mingles with it. It’s too quiet, too cold, as if someone forgot to turn up the heat to combat the temperate fall evenings. 
“Daddy?” she calls again, only to gasp upon entering his home office. The white rug dominating the room is saturated with warm red and some of it’s even seeped out to the hardwood, probably staining it and almost causing Y/n’s to slip as she hurriedly enters. “Daddy,” she emits a choked breath as she sinks to her knees, not caring if the blood soaks the blue denim of her jeans. Immediately, she pulls off her scarf, doing the only thing that seems logical in that moment, pressing it to the gaping gash on his neck, trying to quell the rapid, almost cinematic flow. That’s sort of how it feels too, like Y/n’s been plopped into a movie, because that can’t be real, her father can’t be dying in her arms. “Hold on, okay?” Her mind is going twenty miles a minute and while she knows that there are people that she can call for help, all she can think is that she needs to help him now. 
He tries to speak, though, he’s literally drowning in his own blood, and that’s the first time that Y/n realizes that his wounds are mortal. Not just the slashed throat, but also several stab wounds to the chest. The sounds are sickly and stomach turning, and the sight isn’t much different, but still, she persists, he won’t see her undone. Even if inside, Y/n feels like she’s being ripped apart; torn to shreds by winter breeze. The feeling makes something change inside her, and as she presses the rich cashmere to the split in her father’s neck, Y/n feels the surge of something inhumane shoot up inside. The last shred, the only person she can truly care for has been snatched away, and in that moment, she becomes what he’s wanted her to be for the past thirteen years, made in his image. Utterly ruthless, unashamedly vengeful and undeniably frightening. 
The dream, even after several minutes of sitting up in her California king, stuck with her, and if Y/n shut her eyes, she could still feel the warmth of blood on her hands and hear the sounds that her father made as he struggled to take his last breaths. It had been a while since she’d last had a dream like that, but Y/n would have preferred to attribute the runnings of her subconscious to the events of the past couple weeks; having to clean up the mess of a betrayal but more so her mother’s birthday. With a heavy, deflated sigh, she flopped back, moving messy hair away from her face and dragging her fingers along her scalp. 
The clock on her bedside read as twenty minutes to four and despite the hour, Y/n knew that committing to slumber soon wouldn’t have been possible, so instead, she slunk out of bed, not even bothering with her robe as she slipped her feet into a pair of comfortable, fluffy flip flops before heading towards the door.
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It was a soft, hesitant knocking that roused John from his slumber. A heavy sleeper might not have heard it, but his ears were trained, never missing a thing, and he awoke almost immediately. Groggily, he took a moment to blink sleep out of his eyes as he weaned his hand out from under the pillow, where he usually kept a pistol. Registering the time as quarter to four in the morning, John also noted the near darkness of the large room, the only light besides that of the neon green numbers of the digital alarm clock being whatever filtered through the thin, grey curtains; some from apartments in the opposing building, a street lamp and the quarter moon. It was enough to wash the shiny marble floor with a white glow, though not nearly enough to disturb John's sleep.
Again, the knocking on his bedroom door called his attention, and with a soft sigh, John flipped the thick duvet off his legs, planting his feet on the floor and padding barefoot towards the door. "Y/n?" He knitted his brows upon the sight of her; dressed in the suggestive pajama set he'd glimpsed her in earlier, the same one that had brought with it all sorts of crude thoughts as he'd fallen to sleep. 
"Hey," she breathed meekly, tongue darting out to moisten her bare lips as Y/n tucked some hair behind her ears. She seemed so unlike her usual self, a little unsure, and much…...softer, almost harmless even. The pale white light coming from the opposing window illuminated her delicate features with a near bluish, ethereal glow. "I uh," she cleared her throat, standing a bit straighter, "Sorry for waking you."
That was odd, she never apologized. Shaking his head dismissively, John’s hand slid up the edge of the door as he slid against the frame, fleeting sleepiness disturbing his focus. Or maybe it was something else. “It’s okay,” something about the mood felt…...off. John couldn’t describe it really, like the air was swirling with something electric, making everything a little hazy, “What are doing here? It’s late.”
“I know,” Y/n didn’t seem to know what to do with her hands, and John couldn’t help but notice the absence of confidence in her disposition. It was so unlike her to be so unsure of herself and jittery. “It’s just,” she hesitated, mulling on her next words, “I can’t stop thinking about you John,” his name was a breath of her lips and when Y/n finally reached out, her palm hovering over the sleeve of his t-shirt before landing on his bicep. “I know its……..sudden, but it's true, and I can’t take the not knowing anymore. John-”
“Its okay,” he reassured softly, his eyes softening as he stepped forward, reaching out to place a hand on her hip, he raised the other to brush a couple strands away from her face, “I feel the same. There’s just something about you,” he searched her gaze, still cupping her face and his thumb ghosted the apple of Y/n’s cheek, “It just pulls me in. I’ve tried Y/n, but I can’t get you out of my head.”
“Good,” sliding her hand up his shoulder, she embraced the side of his neck with her warm touch, leaning into John as she stood on her toes, “Have you been dreaming about me John?” He could feel her breath fanning his lips and feel the warmth of her skin emanating from her top, “The way I dream about you?” Y/n pecked the corner of his lips, curling her arm around his neck.
“Yes,” he shuddered, feeling her lips travel along his jaw, his crotch twitching appreciatively at their proximity. His arms locked around Y/n’s frame, ensuing she was flush against him and his senses had never felt so awakened, making John acutely aware of how her full breasts were pressed to his chest, and how silken her skin felt when a couple of his fingers evaded the hem of her blouse, gracing the lower part of her spine. “I dream that I’m touching you, feeling you around me. I dream that…..”
“That what?” Y/n reached up to nibble on his earlobe, her free hand journeying between their bodies to grope him through the thick material of his sweats, “What else do you dream about John?”
“That you’re mine,” involuntarily, he bucked into her expert touch, his grip on her tightening possessively, “I want you to be mine,” he growled, a surge of jealousy pluming in his chest at the thought of Y/n being this way with Donavan. 
As one of John’s palms searched her warm skin, eventually reaching up to cradle Y/n’s upper back, she brought her lips over his once again, sharing their longing breaths, “Then make me yours,” Y/n tilted her head, leaning in and almost letting their lips brush, teasing him. “Do it John,” she prompted enticingly, “Make me yours.”
In an instant, he’d crashed his lips to Y/n’s feverishly, holding her in place and humming roughly into her mouth as his only response. Y/n stumbled forward when John stepped back into the room. The way she responded against him was unmatched and for just a second, every bit of guilt he’d harbored because of his growing feelings for her vanished, if only it could stay gone.
“John,” a familiar voice intruded, urgency growing as he ignored it, “John!”
It wasn’t Y/n, it couldn’t be her after all, and when John finally pulled away, he was greeted with the most gut wrenching sight; his Helen, standing in the doorway, hurt tugging at her features. She looked the way she did just before things got bad, before the long hospital stays and the machines. So impossibly beautiful, so incomparably pure and right then, so undeniably wounded. Her eyes, the ones he’d fallen for upon matching them for the very first time, welled up with tears, shining in the low light and her paled features were smeared with the twinge of betrayal. 
“How could you?” She sobbed, just as John untangled himself from Y/n, not noting the way her face changed, focused only one one thing; his wife.
How could he?
“Helen!” John brushed past Y/n, following Helen out into the hall, just as the hem of her white dress fled the corner. But he could hardly run fast enough and before John could reach for her arm, she was gone.
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“Helen,” John shot up in his bed, breathing heavily as he lunged forward. Even with his eyes now open, adjusting themselves to being so suddenly opened, he swore he could still see Helen as if she were right there, at the foot of his bed, tears in her eyes as a result of his betrayal. It was exactly what he’d been afraid of; betraying her memory. John couldn’t do that to her, he’d fought for his life just so he could live to remember her, the love they had. The only love he ever had.
Scrubbing his hands over his face and then through his hair, before turning on the lamp at his bedside and pulling open the drawer of his nightstand. What he sought laid at the top, and without hesitation, John brought out a picture and a little card out, holding them each in one hand. Every time he looked at the photograph, the memory would come back like it was yesterday, that day at the beach, when in each other’s arms was the only place either of them wanted to be. They’d known she was sick then too, but times were simpler and treatment had been working well. They had time, time to build a home, plan a life, be in love. 
Before Helen, that day he’d laid eyes on her in that restaurant, John didn’t think his heart had ever beat that fast. For a long time, he lived, fought for his life in the military and then under the mob, but when he met her, John, for the very first time, felt truly alive. And when she died a year and a half prior, part of him did too. Even if the love he had for her would never waver.
A lone tear fell dripped onto the photo and John’s teeth tugged on his lower lip to suppress a sob as he opted to shift his burning gaze to the letter. One of the last things he had to remember her by. Daisy was long gone; stolen by a fool who’d cashed for an untimely death, but John had held on to that letter. The only reason he’d still had it was because he’d had left it in his car, which, thankfully had been in the shop when his house had been destroyed by another dead fool. That card had kept him sane in dark times and had given him a glimmer of hope in quieter moments. 
“....you still need something, someone, to love.”
“........and now that I have found my peace, find yours.”
Loving again didn’t even seem possible, and it didn’t seem right either. And even if the glimmer of affection he felt of Y/n should have given John hope for a better tomorrow, she was tainted, corrupted; there was no peace there. Not for him and certainly not for them together. 
Bringing the picture to his lips, John swallowed tightly as he kissed Helen’s image, desperately wishing that things could have been different. He’d have burned the world down if it would save her life. But it wouldn’t have, and it was taking time, but he was learning to accept that. Returning the keepsakes to their security, John pulled himself out of bed, trudging out towards the kitchen hoping to find some remedy for the dryness in his throat. 
As usual, his steps were silent and hardly noticeable and John was just about to turn off from the corridor and enter when something stopped him in his tracks. At first, he’d thought his ears were betraying him, that perhaps he was still caught in his all too vivid dream, until he poked his head out, confirming the more logical explanation. Much to his surprise, Y/n stood in the kitchen, a wine glass on the counter, near a bottle while she had her back pressed against the large integrated refrigerator, head bent and hands pressed to her face as she elicited muffled sobs. Her frame shook slightly and her breaths were audible and ragged.
The sight was more than peculiar, it was surprising and wildly unexpected, yet still, John yearned to go into the kitchen and encourage her towards his chest and hold her until she was okay. Even if he’d had caught her shedding a tear or two in her bedroom a couple mornings ago, he’d never taken Y/n for the type that cried her eyes out when no one was looking, though he supposed that everyone had their limits, things that broke them down and reduced them to a state where nothing else seemed possible. His was Helen, he wondered if Y/n’s was her mother. 
A loud, hitching breath left John dashing for cover, pressing his back to the wall, and peeking out once again soon after, just in time to see Y/n slide down the silver door onto the floor as untamed sobs grew louder. He ached, physically, to go over to her, but the idea weighed heavy on his mind and knowing Y/n, she probably wasn’t seeking comfort anyway, so instead, John gave her what he thought she’d appreciate more; the solitude that he usually craved when reduced to tears, toeing back down the hall, and hoping that by morning she’d be okay.
Tagging-@harrisongslimited @magnificentclodpiebanana @keandrews @greenmanalishi  @rdjloverxxx @danceoftwowolves  @planetkt @wheretheriversrunintothesea  @jupiterdawngirl
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mirkwoodshewolf · 4 years
Freddie Mercury lover of life, singer of songs; Queen x reader
*Author’s note*
Alright guys this is it, I have for you all THE chapter that everyone’s been dreading for my Rock Angel series. This will be the last chapter where Freddie is alive. So get out the comfort snacks and tissues ready cause this chapter WILL. GET. SAD. I was planning on saving this update for later but after some debate, I’ve decided to just post it up now.
Warnings: Death, loss of loved one/icon, mourning, ANGST. This is a sad chapter yall. 
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The day after Kelly’s birthday, Jack flew back with the rest of the family and took the kids with him while I stayed behind in England to be with the one person who I needed to be with.  In fact I even stayed at his place along with Terry and Phoebe.
God he—he looked so frail, so fragile, it’s almost unbelievable that this was the very man just 11 years ago who looked so fit and healthy and who just six years prior wowed the world on stage before 1.5 billion people. But I won’t deny that he still has that same Freddie humor, even when he’s—god I can’t even bother to say it.
It was my turn to take the afternoon shift of watching Freddie before his doctor came in.  On the bed with him was Delilah, his faithful cat who hadn’t left his side except when she wanted to be fed or use the litterbox.
I lay there beside Freddie, his faint but raspy breathing was the only thing echoing in the room.  My arms were wrapped around him and I heard him softly whisper to me.
“My angel……is that you?”
“Yes Freddie. I’m right beside you.” I was told by Jim that due to the AIDS virus, his vision sometimes goes out, almost making him blind at times.
“My rock angel……my protegee…….go into my drawers and pull out the—manilla folder.” I stroked his head and got up from the bed and did as he told me.
I went over to his drawer that held his large circular mirror and pulled out the only drawer it had and I soon found the folder he was talking about.  I went back over to his bedside and I told him.
“I got it Freddie.”
“Open it.” He merely told me.  I looked at him slightly confused but I opened it as he kept stroking Delilah’s back and she purred softly.
Inside the folder I found some legal documents inside for copyright approval of some songs.  I pulled the papers out and even though I skimmed most of the legal words and actions there were a few song titles that caught my eye.  They read as followed:
Somebody to love.
Killer Queen
In the lap of the gods (revisited)
March of the Black Queen
Ogre Battle
“What is this Freddie? I don’t understand.”
“I talked with Miami, and—I told him he could do with whatever he wants with my music, my legacy, my name. I only told him to never make me boring.” We both softly chuckled. “And darling I know that music will always be covered by someone else. And let’s face it rock and roll is slowly dying with the way pop and hip-hop is growing. I don’t want any of those people to touch one of my songs before you. So we talked it over and legalized right there in black and white are the songs of mine that I want you to cover. And release on your next album.”
I was shocked.  These were some of my favorite songs that I’ve told him that I loved hearing live on stage.  And the fact he’s gone so far back and chosen the very early Queen songs for me to cover as my own…….I didn’t have the words to say.
“Freddie I—”
“Please say you’ll do it darling. You’re the only one I trust to make a great cover of a Queen song. Promise me you’ll do it.” He reached out and held his hand out for me.  I placed his hand against my cheek and leaned against it as his thumb gently stroked my cheek.
“I promise Fred. I promise I’ll make you proud.”
“You already have darling.” I tried to hold in a sniffle and keep my tears at bay but Freddie was smart. “Don’t be so tragic darling.” I choked out a laugh and said to him.
“Can’t blame me. You always knew I was an emotional woman.”
“I’ve seen worse dear.” We both had a soft laugh before Freddie started to cough.  Quickly I grabbed his cup of water and held it out but he refused it and continued to close cough as well as tried to breathe normally again. “My sweet rock angel……”
“Do you—remember the song you sang when we first met you?” I smiled fondly at that memory.
“How could I forget? It’s the song my mum used to sing to me to help me feel better. And now I sing it to my children when they’re unhappy.”
“Will you sing that song for me now? I want to relive that glorious day. The day I heard an angel grace the Earth with her sweet voice. But I want to hear it now that you’ve matured from that little teenage girl you once were.” I smiled and resumed my position once again.
Freddie adjusted himself so that his head rested on my chest right over my heart and I stroked his hair gingerly.
“Just know that this time I don’t have a piano so my voice won’t sound as glamourous.”
“Your voice is glamourous with or without music dear.” He softly exhaled.  I took a deep breath in before exhaling out and I softly began to sing ‘Hallelujah’, the very song that I sung the day I first met Queen.
Freddie remained cuddled close to me as I sang to him and continued to stroke his head as his breathing grew softer and softer till he fell into a deep sleep.
I heard footsteps coming up towards the room and soon standing at the doorway was Mary Austin.
“He just fell asleep.” I told her.
“I can take it from here. You can leave now (Y/n).” she told me in almost an urgent matter.  Almost like she didn’t even want me there anymore.
I looked down at Freddie and gently kissed the top of his head and as Mary and I walked pass each other, I felt this coldness brush up against me and Mary immediately took my spot holding Freddie in her arms.
I walked down the stairs and saw Jim, Terry, Peter, and dad all downstairs together.  Roger must’ve just gotten here and somehow managed to slip pass the paps that were literally camped outside.  He came up to me and the two of us immediately embraced each other.
He rubbed my back as I buried my face into his shoulder finally letting the tears slip.
“I’ll go get everyone some tea. (Y/n) would you like some?” Jim said as he stood up.
“She’ll have her usual and I’ll have a coffee if you don’t mind Jim. Bring it to us out on the back deck.” Dad then guided me towards the backyard and the two of us sat down on the wicker couch and looked out to the back garden.
“He’s not going to last much longer.” I said more as a statement than a question.  I heard dad take a deep exhale and he said grimly.
“Fraid not love.” His hand rubbed my right shoulder gingerly and comfortingly.
“I can’t believe we’re going to lose him. He was always so strong.”
“Is strong. He’s always strong. He’ll never stop being strong lovie.” He told me as he leaned his head against mine.
After a bit of silence and just sitting there, Jim came out with our tea and coffee and we thanked him for the drinks.  I took a sip of my Jasmine tea and that’s when Roger said.
“You know…..my son Rufus saw a picture of you last week and he said ‘nana’.” I smiled softly. “Of course……”
“Roger I know what you’re going to say next but I’ve been meaning to speak my mind about this.” I set my tea down and said as I just stared out into the backyard. “You know that bitch has always hated me. Never once treated me with any respect, nor seen me as anything but a threat to you and her. I’ll be involved with your new son in any way I can but—please for the love of god. Don’t. Mention. Her name. I refuse to have anything to do with her. Even her name is like poison to my tongue. Just like the bitch who raised me after my parents died.”
“Alright. Just—thought I’d break the ice and get your mind off of….well all this. But I respect your decision. Not really the choice of words but…..” I glared at him. “Shutting up now.”
“I don’t even see what you saw in her besides her looks. Dominque at least respected me.” I stood up and walked to the middle of the garden with my teacup in hand.  I took a large gulp of it as he said.
“I—I have no excuse.”
“Of course you don’t.”
“And just what is that supposed to mean!?” he snapped.
“You love your beautiful women. You always have. I’ve seen it countless times Rog. I’m just thankful none of your exes turned out to be a crazy ex. I can’t even imagine what would happen if I, my family or even your own family got hurt because of a crazy ex.” He remained silent.  I took another sip of my tea. “I don’t want to fight about this anymore. Not with—him listening in on us. He wouldn’t want that. Not now.”
“Agreed. In fact I’m sorry I even brought it up to begin with.”
“As I said before dad. I don’t point the blame on the child. Rufus, he’s a cute kid. Much like his father probably was when he was born. I just have a problem with the mother. But I won’t show the drama before him. And if she has any love and respect for her son, she’ll do the same thing.”
“You know, I’ve never heard you be so honest and blunt like this in a long time.” I felt his hand gently take mine.  I sighed out deeply and solemnly.
“I’ve barely slept the past few days. With Kelly’s party and of course taking care of Freddie. Brother mine won’t return any of my calls, Jack calls to tell me that America is already starting to get the news of Freddie’s ‘rumored AIDS reveal’. And now our family’s starting to hound Jack whether or not the rumors are true. I just……I’m drained dad. Emotionally, physically and mentally, and I don’t know how much more I can take.” My voice began to crack as my walls began to crumble down.
I wanted to cry more tears but they refused to come out. Dad held me in a tight but comforting embrace as he rocked me side to side.
“It’s not easy for me either love. For none of us. You’re not the only one whose feeling drained by all this lovie. Brian, John, Fred’s friends, everyone that knows about this is drained. But the only thing we can do now is—be there for Fred in his last hours. To let him know we love him.”
I sniffled and clung onto his jacket so tightly, my knuckles went white.  But dad held me even tighter and snug as the two of us just stood there embracing each other in the garden.
*Nov. 24th, 1991. Sunday morning*
Three days later.  I remained at Garden Lodge, calling Jack whenever I could telling him how Freddie was getting worse and worse.  I was there when Freddie decided to stop taking the medication he needed to slow down the virus and he just decided to take an oral morphine pill.
I was there when Freddie’s lawyer and him made the official written statement, revealing to the world that Freddie did in fact have AIDS and tested positive for HIV for the past six years.
And I was there when……when he……
I was at the phone trying one last chance to see if I could reach Deacy, just so he could at least say one final goodbye.  I get that he’d rather wish to remember Freddie as he was and not as he is now but—if he doesn’t take the chance to say goodbye to Freddie now, he’ll regret it for the rest of his life.
The phone kept ringing until the operator told me that the line had been disconnected.
“Damnit Deacy.” I muttered softly before hanging up the phone. I then picked up the phone to ring Brian up when I heard Jim’s panicked voice cry out.
“(Y/N)! (Y/N) GET UP HERE NOW!!!” I dropped the phone and as quick as I could, I took the stairs two at a time not even caring that I tripped several times.  I raced towards the bedroom and found Peter and Jim holding Freddie’s limp body.
“(Y/n) quick go get Dr. Atkinson! Hurry!” I nodded and raced back down to see Dr. Atkinson sitting out in the garden reading over some files.
“Dr. Atkinson!” he looked at me and I choked out. “It’s Fred.” He abandoned the paperwork and he and I quickly raced upstairs.
When we got to the room, Peter then began to explain.
“He—he woke up and—he wanted to uhh….go to the toilet. And-and we were lifting him and…..” Dr. Atkinson went up to Freddie’s body and checked his pulse.
He then leaned in close to Freddie’s face.  His eyes were shut and his mouth slightly opened.  He was as still as a painting, a photograph even. Then his doctor said the two most horrifying, and graving words that would haunt me for the rest of my life.
“He’s gone.”
My whole world crashed.  Jim and I immediately embraced each other as we cried.  I could hear Peter sniffling and softly weeping and that’s when Dr. Atkinson adjusted Freddie’s corpse so that he was now lying flat and he covered him up with the bedsheets.
After that……Peter rang Roger up (who was just 300 yards away from arriving at the house) to tell him not to bother coming cause Freddie was gone.  
At 7:01am, Freddie Mercury was pronounced dead.
I was now driving down the road towards a house that needed to know of what happened instead of hearing about it on the news.  When I arrived at the quaint little house, I rushed to the door and knocked on the door as hard as I could.
I didn’t stop knocking till it opened and there stood Veronica.  She looked at my disheveled look and without a word embraced me as I wept into her arms. She brought me inside and sat me down in the living room.
As she put a blanket around me, that’s when I saw Deacy come down the stairs and the minute he saw me, his face went stoic and he froze right there on the spot.
“He’s gone brother mine.”
Deacy’s eyes shifted almost not believing what he had just heard.  He then went back upstairs and Ronnie went to stand up to follow him but I stopped her. Wordlessly I took the blanket off my shoulders and followed Deacy up the stairs.
From the hallway towards their bedroom, I could hear the sniffled and muffled cries of my brother mine.  I peeked in and saw him pacing around before finally collapsing to the floor, his arms clenched tightly against his chest, his face streaming down tears but he bit his lip trying to hold in his screams of grief and agony.
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His whimpers sounded like a heartbroken dog that had just lost their parent forever and it broke my heart to see him fall apart like this.
“Aunt (Y/n), what’s going on?” soon enough coming out of their rooms were Robert, Michael, Laura and Joshua.
“Robert, take your brothers and sister downstairs now.” I told Robert urgently.
“What’s wrong with dad is he okay?” asked Joshua.
“I’ll explain everything later kids but now isn’t the time. Just please go downstairs with your mother and don’t come up here unless she says you all can.” Robert being the adult that he was, guided his younger siblings downstairs leaving their father and I alone.
I slowly opened the door up just a little bit more to allow myself in before closing it behind me.  There on the ground Deacy still kept crying and holding his screams in.  I sat down at the door and waited for him to calm down because I knew going to him right away wouldn’t be the best thing.
After what felt like hours, he finally calmed down and he just sat there broken, empty, and dazed.  I slowly crawled towards him and sat down in front of him.
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“This is all my fault.” He croaked out.
“There’s—there’s no fault here Deacy. You weren’t the one who gave Fred AIDS. Nor did you know about it for as long as he did.”
“But you were right. I can no longer say my final goodbyes to him. I hide and refused to see him.”
“Because you wished to remember the way he was, instead of the shell that he was starting to become. And I think he knew that deep down. He loved you Deacy, and he always will.” The two of us went silent for awhile before he choked out.
“I can’t believe Freddie’s gone……I feel so alone.” I scooted closer to him and nuzzled myself into his chest and said to him.
“You’re not going to be alone. I promise. I’ll stay here with you and Ronnie if that’s what it takes.”
“Oh (n/n).” I felt his arms wrap around me. “When did you get so maternal?”
“I learned from the four best guys I know. You all have been there for me in my lowest times, now it’s my turn to be there for you three.” I looked up at him, both our eyes gleaming with leftover tears, “You, Bri and Rog…..we’re all gonna get through this. Freddie was important to all of us. We need to be together now more than ever.”
I leaned my forehead against my brother’s.  Our noses gently grazing against one another’s as I nuzzled him like a mother lion would her cub or another pride member.  He soon followed suit and the two of us embraced each other and stayed in each other’s arms.
*Jack’s POV*
I had gotten the call from Roger at around 3 in the morning. At first I thought it was just him wanting to stir up drama or call to see how Kelly and the boys were doing, but when he bluntly told me that Freddie was gone, my whole world fell apart.
For the rest of the morning I couldn’t sleep.  When everyone else in the family woke up I told them everything and we all cried and mourned at the loss of a beautiful and kind-hearted man.
“This—this feels like…….like a bad dream or something.” I said sitting at the kitchen table.  My mom standing over me rubbing my shoulders comfortingly.  She leaned down and hugged me from behind as she said to me comfortingly.
“I know. I know. But you know—at least Freddie is no longer in anymore pain. You know.”
“We know how much he meant to you Jack. He meant a lot to us too.” My dad said.
“There’ll never be another man nor artist like him. Never.” Jensen said as he sipped his morning coffee.
“We’ll all miss him.” Said Jared.  Mom reached over and stroked Jared’s shoulder.  I stood up and snapped out.
“It’s just—it’s not fair! If I had been there! Hell if I met (Y/n) earlier than I did maybe I could’ve…..”
“Jack, Jack sweetie, sweetie honey.” Mom came over to me and embraced me tightly. “There was nothing that you could do. There was nothing that any of us could’ve done.” She separated from me and wiped my tears away.
“I know. It’s……it’s so unfair.” I choked out.  I walked back towards my seat as I continued to choke out. “He was such a beautiful man. So full of love and life. Now he’s gone…….” I felt Gen and Dani rub their hands on either my shoulders or back trying to comfort me.
“Morning everybody!” Kelly’s voice rang out.  We all quickly wiped away our tears and my daughter came up to me and hopped up in my lap.
“Morning baby girl. How’d you sleep?”
“Great. I had a dream that I was playing alongside uncle Freddie on stage. Can I call him and tell him about it?” at her innocent question, the room grew quiet and depressed again.
“Kelly sweetheart I—don’t……” she looked up at me and she knew immediately that something wasn’t right.
“What is it daddy? Why are you so sad?”
“Sweetie this isn’t easy for me to say but umm……a few hours ago your godfather Roger called me. And he told me that—” I trailed off, swallowing my tears and sobs.
“It’s okay kid.” Jensen said to me.  I took a deep breath and finally told her.
“Kelly sweetie, your uncle Freddie died this morning back in London.”
“What?” she snapped.
“It’s just…….the virus he had was getting stronger and stronger and—he lost the fight.”
“No. You’re lying! NO HE’S NOT DEAD!!!” she screamed at me as she quickly ran back up the stairs.  I turned to my mom and dad and they gestured for me to go upstairs and talk to her.
I took the steps two at a time before finally reaching Kelly’s room.  She lay there on her bed, her head buried into her pillows as I heard her cry (which broke my heart immediately).
“Baby girl.”
“Why did uncle Freddie have to die? It’s not fair!” she wept as I stroked her back.
“I know. Death is never fair. But it’s the way of life.”
“I thought mummy was gonna take care of him! Why didn’t she?!”
“Now you listen here Kelly Michelle Kline. Your mother did everything she could to help your uncle. But—there are just somethings that…..cannot be cured. At least not yet. This is something that the world hasn’t seen yet, so we don’t know how to fight against it. But hopefully in the future we can.”
She sat up and sniffled as she wiped her nose with her sleeve. I wrapped my arm around her and said.
“And your uncle Freddie wouldn’t want you to be sad. He wouldn’t want any of us to be sad. Though he is gone, he’ll always be with us in our hearts and our memories.”
“I wish Jackson and Georgie got to know him a little more.”
“Me too sweetie. But we’ll tell them all about him. And how much, even though a short time, how much Fred adored them.”
“Is—is mummy okay?”
“I don’t know. She’s—she’s hurting just like we all are, and most likely what the whole world is feeling right now. Your uncle meant a lot to millions and billions of people worldwide.”
“I’ll miss him.” She stated sadly as she lowered her head.
“Me too sweetheart, me too. Is there—any more questions you have about what’s happened?”
“No. But—can you hold me daddy?”
“Of course love, c’mere.” I held my arm out to her and she crawled into my lap and clung onto me and I embraced her and rocked her softly, doing all that I could to comfort my baby girl.
Soon enough the whole wide world had gotten the news of Freddie’s death and the final confirmation that he had died of AIDS like so many of the gay community and dozens more from either blood transfusions or infected needles from drugs taken in the past.
Reports came in calling Freddie out for his sexual deeds and that this was karma (the bastards).  It was unbelievable that there were people out there tearing at Freddie’s name and saying that him getting AIDS was his fault because of his recklessness and wild antics.
Eventually I got a call from (Y/n) and the two of us talked on the phone for hours on end.  She told me that she’d be staying with Deacy and Ronnie till Freddie’s funeral in three days, and she’s invited all of us to come to the funeral.
So we all packed our bags and in three days the whole Kline family took a nonstop flight to London.  When we arrived the day before the wedding, as we drove on by, there were tributes out on the streets with flowers as far as they eye can see, all for Freddie Mercury.  From people of upper, middle or lower class, celebrities or normal people.
Everyone had paid tribute to the greatest showman the world ever known, and the kindest man some had personally came to know.
Then the day of the funeral arrived.
*Nov. 27th, 1991. My POV*
I pressed down my black dress and adjusted my bracelet that Freddie gifted me for my 20th birthday as well as a moon necklace he bought me in Argentina.  I looked at myself in the mirror before sighing softly.
“Baby.” I saw Jack’s reflection in the mirror. “Louis is here with the car. Shall I get the kids inside?”
“Yeah. I’ll be there in a moment.” I told him.  He nodded and left the master bedroom.  I gripped my necklace in my hand and whispered to the heavens.
“Looks like you’ll finally get to meet my parents after all Fred. I only just wish it was when you died at 102.” I took another deep breath and proceeded down the stairs.
I soon noticed that outside in the backyard was Kelly. She was sitting on the swing set all by herself in her little black dress.
“(Y/n)! (Y/n) I can’t find……how long has she been there?” Jack said.
“Can you tell Louis to wait up for just a few more minutes Jack?”
“Sure babe. I’ll be in the car with the boys if you need me.” He kissed my temple and left me alone to stare out at our daughter.
I walked towards her and I tapped my fingernails to the metal swing stand and she looked up at me and I asked her.
“May I join you?” she nodded and I sat down at the swing beside her.  The two of us gently swaying like the branches on a gentle windy day.  “You practically ran your father ragged little miss.”
“I wanted to be alone.” She said softly.
“I get it. You really miss him don’t you?”
“I know daddy and grandma said that death was a part of life, and that Freddie is with God and Jesus now, but—why couldn’t he stay here with us?”
“Believe me love if I had that kind of power, he’d be standing right here and probably tickling you till you smiled that sunshine smile of yours.” That made her crack a small smile. “But—the type of illness he had, doctors have never seen anything like it before. And a whole lot of people are dying because of it. But hopefully soon, they’ll get enough samples and study it more to the point that we can cure it so that no one dies of AIDS and HIV again.”
She got off the swings and walked a few feet in front of me and she said.
“I really loved uncle Freddie. I was his little nightingale.” I smiled solemnly.
“And I was his Rock Angel.” I looked down at my bracelet and fingered it. “Taught me everything I knew about being a rockstar. Now when he needs me the most I couldn’t even take care of him.” She came up to me and said as she placed her hands on my nylon knees.
“It wasn’t your fault mummy. Like you said there was no medicine to make him feel better. But you were there for him when he needed you.”
“I know sweetie. It……it still hurts though.” I felt her small hand reach up and touch my chin.
“It’s okay to be sad.” I cracked a smile and looked at her. Those were the exact words I told her when they had first arrived and we had our little talk about sharing our feelings about Freddie’s death.
“Now where have I heard that before?” I teased.
“Is it—okay to cry before we go?” my heart broke as she made the same heartbroken expression I make whenever I’m about to burst into tears.
“Of course baby.” I picked her up and embraced her tightly and the two of us softly cried in each other’s arms.
Kelly and I then got into the car after our emotional release, and at the address where the funeral was taking place, I could already see mourners piling in.  Already I could spot Brian and Anita standing side by side, and I even saw Elton John just starting to come in.
“Thank you Louis.” I thanked him.
“Anytime ma’am. I’ll be right here after the service is over.” I got out of the car with Kelly at my hand.  Jack then came out and took the boys out of their car seats and held onto them.
We walked towards the church and the first person we came up to was Elton.  The moment he saw us, he softly smiled and said.
“The whole Kline family.” I smiled solemnly and greeted Elton with a hug and kiss.
“I just wish it were on happier occasions.” I told him.
“Same here. How are you holding up darling?”
“Numb, empty. But I should be asking you and the guys that. You all have known him longer than I have. Heck I know about your little nicknames for each other. You’ve lost your Melina.”
“Yes, but she wouldn’t want me to be sad. She’s laugh and call me tragic if she caught me bawling like a baby.” We both chuckled softly.
“That sounds like Fred alright.”
“We’ll talk after the service okay?” I nodded and the two of us hugged and kissed each other once again and he nodded to Jack and waved at the kids before entering inside.
We all took our seats in the same row as the Deacon family. Deacy and I sat side by side and soon the church was completely crowded with people.  Then by 10o’clock the funeral began.
The chosen few men came in carrying a light brown casket down the aisle and placed it before all of us.  
Right next to it was a proud picture of Freddie during the Magic tour wearing the proud yellow jacket and looking radiant and strong, and around the picture was a large bouquet of yellow daffodils and lilies.  
His mother, sister, and Mary spoke their eulogies about Freddie’s life and what he meant to them.  After Mary spoke for almost 20 minutes, the pastor stood up and he said into the mic.
“And now, as requested by the deceased party, I would like to invite the Rock Angel (Y/n) Kline to come up and sing her song for the departed.”
Yes.  I had been told by Kash that Freddie had written to her to let me sing for his funeral. I stood up and walked up the steps and stood before the microphone stand.
“I—I had written this song for another reason. But—now it seems it’ll have to be for this occasion. Freddie Mercury—you always said my voice was of the angels, hopefully they’ll hear me and take you up to paradise.”
I took a few deep breaths to stall my tears.  Originally I had this song reserved for Freddie and Jim’s official wedding (and I didn’t care how long I’d have to keep it storage, I was willing to do it) but now it seems it’ll have to be his funeral song. As the piano player began to play the tune, I softly began to sing.
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As I sang the song, memories of first meeting Freddie came flooding back.  All the good times we had together back during my internship, to him teaching me how to get over my stage fright, him helping me become the Rock Angel.
Every little memory I had with Freddie came rushing in as I sang with more passion.
Wish I could, I could've said goodbye I would've said what I wanted to Maybe even cried for you If I knew it would be the last time I would've broke my heart in two Tryna save a part of you
Don't wanna feel another touch Don't wanna start another fire Don't wanna know another kiss No other name fallin' off my lips Don't wanna give my heart away To another stranger Or let another day begin Won't even let the sunlight in No, I'll never love again I'll never love again, oh, oh, oh, oh
When we first met I never thought that I would fall I never thought that I'd find myself Lying in your arms, mm, mm And I wanna pretend that it's not true Oh, baby, that you're gone 'Cause my world keeps turnin',
And turnin', and turnin' And I'm not movin' on
Don't wanna feel another touch Don't wanna start another fire Don't wanna know another kiss No other name fallin' off my lips Don't wanna give my heart away To another stranger Or let another day begin Won't even let the sunlight in No, I'll never love
I don't wanna know this feelin' Unless it's you and me I don't wanna waste a moment, ooh And I don't wanna give somebody else
The better part of me I would rather wait for you, ooh
Don't wanna feel another touch Don't wanna start another fire Don't wanna know another kiss Freddie, you’ll stay on our hearts
Don't wanna give my heart away To another stranger Don't let another day begin Won't let the sunlight in Oh, I'll never love again Love again Oh I’ll Never love again
I'll never love
I won't I won't I swear I can't I wish I could but I just won't I'll never love again I'll never love Again Oooo oo oo oo oo Hmmm
By the end of the song, tears glistened in my eyes but none came down my face because I knew he wouldn’t want that.  The whole church applauded and I walked down the steps back to my seat.
As the pastor led a prayer, I felt Jack’s arm wrap around me and he leaned his head against mine while rubbing my arm comfortingly.
A couple hours later, after some more eulogies were spoke from Brian and Roger and other close friends of Freddie, it was time to bury the casket.  The men who brought it in, all came back up and resumed their positions and carried it back out and put it back in the car.
Only the close friends and family were allowed at this point to come to the burial of the casket.  So it included me and Jack (we had his parents take the kids back to their hotel), Roger, Deacy, Brian and Anita, Jim, Mary, Freddie’s family, Elton, David, Peter, and Miami.
We all stood around as the casket was being lowered down into the Earth.  I leaned up against Jack trying to draw in as much strength as I could and soon a couple of men began to bury the casket.
I then knew that it was now real.  Freddie Mercury was officially gone from this earth.  The Lover of life, and Singer of songs was dead.
Nothing would be the same after today.  Lives would be forever changed.  And the world just got a bit more darker without the large sunray that was Freddie Mercury.
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yourdeepestfathoms · 4 years
Ice Dragon’s Lament
or: Jane is put in her fucking place
Prompt: “Do I look like I’ve moved on?”
Joan wasn’t sure why she woke up with such a festering feeling of paranoia, but she couldn’t shake it off all day. First, she felt like someone was in her closet, despite it being morning- the sun was supposed to keep away all the evil things, and yet she was fearfully peeking inside the small space to check for an intruder or crazy person hiding inside. Then, she was too anxious to ride in a car, fearing an accident, so she walked to the theater...but that alternative didn’t help either. She kept thinking that a truck would careen onto the sidewalk and plow through her or a car would speed down the road when she’s crossing the street and run her over or construction beams would collapse from their places and impale her. Finally, upon arriving at work for rehearsals, she found that her paranoia moved from her own safety to her queen’s safety.
Like that, Joan was following Anne, Jane, and Kitty around- more than she usually did. She wasn’t at a distance, opting to rather stick close by their sides and scan whatever room they were in several times for any possible danger. Anne found it quite funny, cracking jokes with Kitty, who thought it was weird, and Jane just got annoyed after awhile. She hated having the music director hovering over her, and it was going to be a hellish seven hours of work and rehearsal if she didn’t put a stop to it soon.
Two hours in is when Jane finally snapped.
They just finished up running through Don’t Lose Ur Head and Joan was checking up on her again. For what was probably the fiftieth time that day.
“Joan, for the love of—” Jane took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. “I’m fine, alright? Look, I’m fine. Will you leave me be now?”
Joan blinked, slightly startled by the queen snapping at her. She backed away a little, but didn’t completely stand down, much to Jane’s dismay.
“I just wanna make sure you’re okay,” She said meekly.
“I know.” Jane sighed, pressing a hand to her forehead. “What has gotten into you? You’re never this clingy.”
Joan winced. She knew she was a tad codependent (read as: “extremely codependent”), but, up until that moment, everyone had the good grace to not point it out. She didn’t like it being said out loud- it made it real. It made her pathetic attachment real. It let it be known to everyone because the other queens and ladies in waiting were gawking from the sidelines, listening in as she’s berated for her separation anxiety.
“I-I just...” Joan looked down at her feet.
“Joan...” Jane sighed again. She really hadn’t meant to make the poor girl embarrassed, but she was going to be pulling her hair out by the end of the work day if something wasn’t said or done about all the pestering. “Look-” Another sigh. She’s trying to find a way out of this without shattering the emotional music director in front of her. “I get it, okay? You’re protective of us because we’re your queens. But you need to move on. You’re stronger than this anxiety, Joan.”
Joan stiffened. Her head was still lowered, but her fists clench at her sides.
“Move on?”
She raised her head and her eyes are lit up in a way Jane has never seen before. Joan’s lamb-like features bristle into the face of a raging ram- like the ones the devil could become or the ones that demons disguised themselves as. Like Baphomet. Sharp horns curl dangerously around her head.
“Do I look like I’ve moved on?”
“No.” Joan dared to cut her queen off. She riled herself up to her full size, which wasn’t much, and her scrawny limbs didn’t help, but it was enough. Her smoldering eyes and horrifyingly neutral did all the work for her. “Hold your tongue for just a moment. I can’t bear to hear your excuses.”
She was speaking to Jane as if she were the queen and the older woman was a mere servant. If they were back in their first life, Jane would have honestly been impressed and might have made a comment about Joan being a wonderful monarch, but, right now, she was too stunned to say anything.
“Do you know the full extent of what I saw?” Joan asked. She’s dumbing the question down for Jane. “Do you understand what it was like for me? Hmm?”
Jane says nothing.
Like a bullwhip, Joan has her fist smashed down onto the table they’re standing next to, causing it to shudder treacherously. If such a violent action hurt her hand, she doesn’t show it. She just continues to stare at Jane, eyes like fragments of ice, and she knew the woman could feel the cold, congealing weight of her resentment.
“I don’t know.” Jane grits.
She doesn’t like this. She doesn’t like being put on a soapbox and made a mockery of by a lady in waiting, and that’s what Joan liked so much about the situation. She felt so empowered, and she wasn’t going to let that go just yet.
“Of course you don’t,” Joan snorted. She slowly raised her clenched fist from its spot on the table and a dark bruise was already forming in her pale skin, but she could hardly care. “I expect nothing less from someone so callous and cruel.”
She pressed her hands together, sliding the fingers in between one another, and her gaze grew startling patient. Perhaps it wasn’t patience, though- the emotion in her eyes was unreadable.
“You don’t know what I went through because you never stopped to care for just a moment.” She said, each word oozing with icy venom that chilled Jane to the bone. “And to think you call yourself the mother of the group...”
“Who do you think I am?” Jane growled.
“Who— Who do you think I AM?” Joan exclaimed, breathless. “You don’t know what I had to endure for you. Or for Anne. Or for Katherine.”
“Don’t bring them into this.” Jane warned.
“They’re in this just as much as you are, Jane.” Joan said lowly. “I watched you die. Do you know what that does to someone?”
She waited, but Jane offered no answer.
“It sticks with you.” Joan went on, “Dying is one thing. Watching it happen is a completely different horror, and it’s something all of you forget.”
Once again, she waited for Jane to say something, but the queen continued to just stand there with her jaw clenched and fingers tight fists at her side.
“I got to watch you slowly rot away, Jane.” Joan explained. “I got to watch you cry and scream and piss all over yourself because you were too weak to even control your own bladder.”
Something on Jane’s face twitched at that and she could see an embarrassed blush creeping up on her cheeks. It was about time. She deserved to have a taste of her own medicine she’s been indirectly force feeding Joan for months.
“I got to watch you drool and froth at the mouth like you had fucking rabies. I got to sit by your bedside and hold your freezing cold hand while you stared blankly with your face covered in spit and snot and tears and sweat. I got to listen to you howl and beg for your son for hours and you would onto get louder when you were turned down. I got to hear about how the nurses whispered about your oncoming death and I got to smell the infection setting into the tear from your vagina down to your rectum.”
Suddenly, Joan is starting to look a lot less like a ram and a lot more like a livid ice dragon. Her skin is plated with chilled silver scales, as tough and freezing cold as a hissing, fanged glacier. She has teeth like razor sharp icicles and eyes as frigid and uncaring as a winter wind. Her voice was thunderous enough to crack an entire iceberg in half.
The lamb she used to be was gone, gored beneath the serrated talons of the ice dragon.
“I was nineteen years old, Jane.” Joan said lowly. “You don’t recover from that.”
Then, she spun around and faced the beheaded cousins, who had been standing meekly with the others, none of them daring to get caught in the crossfire.
“But that’s not all,” She said. “I got to watch you both die, too. I watched a decapitation twice! And nobody fucking remembers or cares! Nobody even THINKS to ask if I was okay after having to carry your headless body because Maggie was crying too hard to do it herself,” She drilled icicles into Anne’s gut with her stare. “Or if I was recovering from watching you be put on display before your head came off.” She froze Kitty in place with her chilled tone. “Nobody ever cares! And I’m sick of it!”
She swung back around to Jane. The queen stares fearfully at her and she wonders if she really was slowly mutating into a monstrous ice creature before her.
“I’m sorry,”
The words came from behind Joan’s back and she couldn’t really pick out who exactly said it, but it wasn’t from anyone she wanted to hear it from.
“You have nothing to apologize for,” She said, not turning away from Jane. “Trust me on that.” She paused for just a moment, licked her lips (her tongue almost looked forked and dark blue), then said again, “I don’t want to hear it from you.”
Jane’s left leg twitched slightly. She sniffed, trying to gather up she dignity, but Joan was smashing it to the ground by just looking at her. And she hated it. She hated how powerless she felt under a fucking ex-lady in waiting.
“I’m sorry.” She finally said.
A ghost of a pleased smile appears on Joan’s pale lips.
“It’s good to hear, but I’m afraid you’re too late. The damage is done, Lady Jane.”
“Stop acting like this!” Jane suddenly snapped, raising her voice. “I get it- you’re upset! You’re mad! But this is not how to—”
“Acting?” Joan chortled cruelly. “You think this is some sort of act?! You really are as dumb as the historians say!”
Jane’s eyes resemble a bug’s for a moment- large, bulging, oh so very inferior and helpless. The ice dragon wants to crush her beneath its talons, feel her slimy guts oozing out the way a beetle’s would.
“It’s sad, I know, to be humiliated...” Joan hummed. “...to lose all feeling in the shame, but...I have not felt anything for a very long time.” Her eyes narrowed and her tone flicks stinging irritation into Jane’s face. “I’ll do anything necessary to be noticed and to have people become aware of me. I’ve been alone for too long.”
Jane doesn’t say anything. Her jaw is clenched tightly again. Joan tilts her head.
“It’s funny how you say I need to move on.” She said. “Because you wouldn’t say that to your precious Kitty, would you? About her getting her head chopped off? You wouldn’t tell her to move on from the trauma of that.”
Something new sparks in her cold, winter eyes- through all the hatred and anger and annoyance comes misery and pain.
“You wouldn’t tell Aragon to move on from her miscarriages. You wouldn’t tell Anne to move on from mourning Elizabeth or for Anna to move on from her survivor guilt. You would tell Cathy to move on from missing Mae. You would tell Maria to move on from the trauma of holding her queen in her arms as she died or Bessie to move on from the affair or Maggie to move on from losing her best friend.” Tears start to brim in Joan’s lower lashes. The emotions are welling up too high, even for her. “Nobody would tell you to move on from Edward. So why do you tell it to me?”
Nothing. Nobody answers.
Joan shakes her head with an anguished smile and the tears spill free. She laughed shakily, wiping a sluggish hand under one of her eyes.
“Shit!” She laughed. “I guess I really don’t mean anything, huh? Is this how little I mean to all of you?!”
She shakes her head again, the laughter dying off into weak, miserable noises.
“You know, Lady Jane, I always wondered what kind of person you really were. Well, now I got my answer: A selfish, cold hearted BITCH who never gave a shit about me!” Joan roared, and she anger just continued to build up until she was drowning herself in it. The ice dragon rears, half-frozen tears on its face, a dangerous freezing death breath streaming from its jaws as she cried, “Are you happy now? Huh? DOES THIS MAKE YOU HAPPY?!”
It’s only then that Jane realizes what she has done to the girl in front of her. The neglect, the lack of understanding, the blindness to the pain, the way she overlooked her and traded her out for Kitty- it’s been festering inside of Joan for so long.
All because of her.
“Joan,” Jane whispered. She takes a small step forward. She can’t see the ice dragon raise its icicle-like horns in a warning and growl lowly, staring down its long, pale, hooked snout at her cautiously. “Oh, Joan... I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, sweetheart.”
This time, she means it.
Joan froze, like she was finally affected by her own black ice. She held perfectly still as Jane reached out and cupped her tear stained cheeks with her soft, warm hands. The touch of those hands was something Joan craved for so long.
“I’m so, so sorry,” Jane murmured, feeling tears well up in her own eyes. “I should have realized, Joan. I’m sorry I didn’t realize. I didn’t see how much pain you were in.”
Of course she didn’t.
Jane felt Joan’s jaw grit beneath her hands and she tried to tighten her own grasp. She didn’t want her to pull away. She wanted to hold her.
“Joan, please-”
“Please, I—”
Wild fear fights through the snowstorm raging in Joan’s eyes. Joan grabs one of Jane’s hands and squeezes it, then raises her other one, but the movement was hardly a warning.
The force of the blow was so strong and so sudden it sent Jane careening backwards, tripping over her own feet until she unceremoniously fell onto her back in a way that would have made everyone laugh if it weren’t for the fact that she had just been slashed across the face. She sat up dazedly, pressing a hand to the four, fresh stinging marks in her flesh, which stretched from her temple, across her eye, and stopped just above her top lip, getting the side of her nose and part of her cheek damaged in the process. They are already practically glowing neon red and lazily oozing blood in several different areas. When she looks up, she finally sees the arctic beast staring at her from Joan’s tear-filled eyes.
“I gave you your chance,” Hissed the dragon. “And now I’m taking it back.”
It— they— she— the beast strides past Jane and towards the door, spiked tail swinging dangerously towards the queen’s already-wounded face. Its shuddering moon silver wings give off waves of terrible chills as it grasps the doorknob with trembling claws that are flecked with blood and skin.
“You can find someone else to lead rehearsals today.” It— they— the beast- dragon— she said. “I’m done.”
The door yanks open. The mane of icicle horns bristle and ears flatten backwards. Talons scrape against the floor and leave marks in the tile. Hints of frostbreath hiss from in between razor teeth.
“Oh, and thanks for nothing.”
It slams shut.
The dragon is gone.
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schaddenfreude · 4 years
Tonight's prompt is going to be a complete departure from my last one. To be honest, I've been putting off writing it because I haven't wanted to put myself in a depressive mindset. Alas, the idea just won't leave me alone, so here it is. All that is to say that you will be needing tissue. Enjoy!
Heavy is the Head That Wears the Crown
The mood was solemn over the old Victorian manor. Passersby could have no way of knowing the significance of the day's events unfolding just beyond the wrought iron gates inside the walls of the old mansion. Still, even to non magical residents of the quaint New Orleans neighborhood, the heaviness was unmistakable.
Steven watched the pedestrians come and go on the streets below, occasionally stopping to stare inquisitively up at his perch on the second floor balcony. It was almost as if they sensed the immense power thrumming through his being. It was a power he had earned well, but he still couldn't help feeling as if it didn't truly belong to him...especially when his mother lay on her death bed without it.
That was how he came to be standing at the balcony overlooking the street. It had long been a favorite spot of his; a place he could come to clear his mind and stop the noise, if only for a little while. It seemed he'd been visiting his spot with increasing frequency in recent months. Years if he were being completely honest.
Steven had never sought power. In fact when he came to understand what exactly his ascension would entail, he grew to despise the idea of it. He was nearly a man of 30 now and, for nearly a decade, he had stalled the seven wonders for as long as he could; still in denial that he was meant to be Supreme. Inevitably, Cordelia grew weaker and the day came that he couldn't hide from the truth: she was going to fade whether or not he took the test. Still, he grappled with that truth in stubborn refusal to complete all seven wonders on the same day; Sterling himself for the inevitable. His mother's Supreme powers were her only tether on to life, and after today, she didn't even have that. The rest of the coven held a vigil at her bedside as he took some time to himself to come to grips with the next few hours.
She'd always been such a pillar of strength for the entire coven, even at her weakest and most drained. He wasn't sure he could bear to watch her fade completely. It was difficult enough feeling his new power surge higher as hers weakened.
Silent tears streamed down his face as the weeping guitar of a gentle Fleetwood Mac ballad wafted to him from inside his parent's bedroom. It grew louder as the terrace door opened. At first, he thought it might be his other mom, but then there was the sound of a lighter a moment before the scent of tobacco met his nostrils.
He turned to look at her with a vaguely amused expression hidden under layers of pain. She always did know just where to find him.
In the low light of the setting sun, he was still able to read her expression, how the red and puffy appearance of her eyes have away that she was hurting even if she still tried to hide the pain after so many years among her surrogate family.
"Fancy meeting you here." He said fondly, her cigarette smoke wafting around them.
She remained silent for several moments, leaning her fore arms against the railing as the croaking of frogs and chirping of crickets filled out the space between them.
"I didn't think you should be alone." She spoke in a matter-of-fact manner.
Madison always had been the most protective of his aunts. An odd twist of fate from her days as a vapid starlet.
He could feel her eyes on him as they took in the silence together.
"What?" He finally asked.
He shot a pointed look in her direction in a way that reminded her distinctly of Cordelia in her prime and it made her smile sadly at the fleeting memory of days gone by.
"Okay, it's just that you've grown. I mean...I'm impressed with the man you are."
Steven grew sullen rather abruptly at that statement.
"I feel like I've been riding my mother's coat tails for most of my life." He lit a fire pit on the balcony as a show of his power. "Even now. This power coursing through me? Hardly feels like mine."
"But it IS." Madison spoke firmly, standing as tall as her short frame would allow to look him squarely in the eye.
"There was a time I would've killed to be in your position." Neither of them needed to point out that she did, in fact, kill to try to become Supreme.
"But I've learned something from watching Cordy over the years. Sometimes even Fiona before her. No Supreme ever really feels like they've earned it. It's okay to feel like a fraud, as long as you can pretend you don't."
"You've never been Supreme." He attempted to tease, wanting to let her words soothe him.
"No, but I am very perceptive." She offered him one of her little impish grins. "Now, would you quit moping and please go see Cordelia? She's asking for you."
"She's right." A third voice broke into their conversation from the door into the second floor. Misty had a short exchange with Madison before the former star retreated back inside and Misty was left in her place.
Steven let out a deep sigh and ran a hand through his shaggy head of curls.
"I don't know if I can do it, mom....see her, I mean. Knowing that this is her power and I'm the reason she's dying."
Misty's eyes shed a wave of fresh tears as her heart broke for the umpteenth time that day; this time for her son. She took him in her arms and held him in a way she hadn't since his teens, letting him feel every ounce of her love for him. In turn, she could feel the thrum of his heightened powers; could feel how the goosebumps raised on her skin in response to it's raw intensity. The way it used to feel to be near her wife in the early days of her reign.
"It's not your fault, darlin'. It's not."
Steven suddenly felt as if he were a boy again, safe in the refuge of his mom's embrace. He began to shake with sobs as he burrowed into her shoulder. She sobbed quietly herself, moved by the heaviness of their shared grief.
"I don't want to let her go. How can I? How am I supposed to lead this coven?"
Misty held him for a few moments longer, shushing and soothing him as they stood in anguish. Eventually, she pushed him away gently so they could look each other in the eye.
"Sometimes the things we have to do seem impossible. Come on," She took his hand gently, offering him courage that she wasn't entirely sure she possessed either.
"It's time to lead by example."
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harryandhishook · 5 years
Wings are made to Fly - Chapter 2
Pairing: Not fully sure yet, just gonna see how it goes (Maybe Evie? Don’t know yet)
Setting: Auradon
Warning: Swearing, Graphic stuff, sad Harry, hurting Harry, blood
Summary: Everyone knows what type of person they are, Fairy, Goblin, Dragon or just a simple person and Harry thinks he’s just a simple guy but the more he comes into contact with Auradon and magic, the more the people around him notice something off and maybe Auradon is the only place with answers
Words: 2742
Requested: Nope, me and my Fiance were roleplaying this and I thought it would be awesome to make it into a Fanfic
Side note: Okay so I know it’s been almost a month and I should have probably uploaded this sooner but I was waiting for Chapter 3 to be complete which because of University and my hand in yesterday, I have not finished so I thought I’d upload this one now and get Chapter 3 done soon and hopefully more faster since I only have one other deadline :D
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Auradon was in uproar; everyone was celebrating the new arrivals, they wanted to make sure these new Villains felt happy and safe, something they had never been given in life before now. Everyone was there, the school band, the teachers, the VKs, absolutely everyone and most of them stood there excitedly awaiting for the car to pull up.
Ben, Fairy God Mother and Mal waited patiently at the end of the school entrance, ignoring the commotion behind them as Fairy God Mother continued to stew in her worries, she knew something was going to happen, she knew something was wrong but she couldn’t argue with her King,
“I still don’t think inviting them three here is a good idea, they tried to kill you” she whispered to Ben as she watched the road in front of them, out of the corner of her eye she could see Ben’s slightly agitated expression, causing her to continue her little speech, “I understand that you see potential in them and I know I gave the other a hard time but … you need to see how this looks from my perspective Ben” she tried to reason, seeing the same expression of Bens face just made her sigh in defeat, there was no arguing, “… This doesn’t change how I feel about this” she finished before quickly standing tall, plastering her big welcome smile on as the car entered the school,
“Please, Fairy God Mother, try to talk to them before you pass judgement, they aren’t bad people” Ben quickly argued back, knowing she had already decided her feelings towards them. The young King brushed down his suit jacket and taking Mal’s hand in his, ready to take a dive but that was quickly forgotten when he realized just how fast the car was coming, “Fairy God Mother … somethings wrong….” He said, confusion and worry very evident in his voice as the black limo pulled to a halt suddenly, the two guards in front almost tumbling out of the car as they pushed the doors open with force, heading quickly to the back, dragging the doors open quickly, speaking too fast to even be considered English anymore, “W-what is ha-“ Ben didn’t get a chance to finished as he stood frozen, the world almost stopping as everyone saw the exact reason why that car had been racing through the streets.
Out of the car stepped Max, one of the most loved guard in all of Auradon but he wasn’t the sweet Max anymore, his uniform dishevelled, his coat abandoned and something that had caught Bens immediate attention, bright red handprints across his shirt and if that hadn’t instantly given red flags, what everyone saw next would haunt their dreams for as long as they live.
Harry Hooks motionless, bleeding body laid nestled in his arms, the most fearsome pirate of all the kingdoms, was now dying in the arms of a royal guard.
Mal felt her stomach flip as she covered her mouth in utter shock, stepping backwards and right into the shaking arms of Evie. A lot of the students had turned away but there was only one person who couldn’t move from his spot, the King stared at the boy who had managed to strike fear into his heart, now terrified that he might be dead,
“Get the paramedics here now!” Max shouted as he ran straight past Ben and into the building, running past all the chattering students and the confused teachers, eventually making his way to the nurses office, somewhere to keep Harry safe. Max had only been with the boy for a short amount of time but he couldn’t let this boy die, “Harry, be strong, your sister needs you, your friends need you, you can’t leave them like this” he whispered, hoping Harry could hear him. The young pirate hadn’t taken a breath since they left the Isle, any longer and he’d be too late. Max took a deep breath in, calming himself before setting to work, he was going to save this boy no matter what; unlike him however, outside was complete chaos.
Students were gossiping, chatting, making rumours already but in front of them all, a group of frozen students with their gazes still stuck in front of them, nothing could be said, someone was dying and they couldn’t do anything. What felt like hours to them had only been a couple of minutes before Uma broke down, dropping to her knees as she sobbed silently into her hands, her mind racing while each and every thought traced back to one thing, this was her fault, she had agreed to this, she had encouraged him, it was all her fault and now her best friend was dying because of her.
One by one, each Villain, Ben and even the Fairy God Mother herself had dropped to their knees, pulling the Sea Witch as close as remotely possible. None of them dared move, even when the ambulance arrived, even when Harry was taken into the vehicle, even when they rushed around like headless chickens, they couldn’t do it, Harry had to have been dying, there was no other conclusion to this story, he was going to die and there was nothing they could do about…
“He’s been taken back into his room if you want to go see him” a voice from behind them broke the silence, it was Max, smiling softly as he wiped the blood from his hands and arms, “We got him breathing, stopped him from bleeding out and they gave him a few sedatives and pain killers to stop the pain, once he’s awake, they’re going to look into all of this and see what is going on, they might be able to get to the bottom of this” he reassured, the look on everyone’s faces as he finished speaking warmed his heart, Uma looked completely relieved but no way in hell was she letting him or Gil for that matter leave her sights.
The teal haired Captain stood, breaking the group hug to follow Max inside of the school, dragging the innocent but scared son of Gaston behind her. It didn’t take long to get to his room; it was eerily quiet, everything was still, the only noise was a beeping of a small monitor beside Harry.
Uma examined the room around them, it was different, she had never seen something like this before, actual beds, real curtains, it was … cozy. It wasn’t until Gil slowly made his way over to the sleeping form of Harry that she finally regained her senses and shuffled over to his side.
Harry laid peaceful, his clothing had been replaced by thin, silk pyjamas, the duvet pulled up to his chin and wrapped comfortably around him. Everything seemed to look normal, except for one thing, his hand, the hand that rested next to him on the pillow was now covered in different equipment, a needle taped to the back, something clear pumping into him from a large bag high above him while some sort of strange finger trap covered his index finger, hooking him up to the soft beeping machine,
“What is all this?” Gil asked, cowering behind his Captain, he had never seen anything like it. He gazed over to Max, a man he had not spoken to yet, to him, this was just some goody two shoes guard to him but he was someone that could tell him what was happening to his ship mate and best friend,
“He’s fine, don’t worry about all this stuff, it’s just to help him sleep without pain” Max explained as he quickly checked the machine, “This show his heart, you might find comfort being able to see it but I need you both to know that if you both stay here tonight, don’t touch any of this, it could harm him but as long as you are careful, he should be back to his normal self tomorrow, okay?” he asked, heading quietly towards the door before Uma interrupted any movements he made,
“W-What happened to him? In the car why was he … bleeding so much?” she asked, it was terrifying to witness but she needed to know, something was wrong with her friend and Max was the only one who could keep them calm, however, something in his expression showed that she might not want to know,
“I … Maybe it’s best you forgot and let the doctors figure it out … it’s not pretty” he tried to argue, not wanting her to worry even further but when the Captain crossed her arms and stepped closer, not backing down, he sighed, caving in, he knew he wasn’t getting out of this, “Fine but listen to me when I say, it wasn’t pretty … I don’t know the full story, I don’t know what happened but all I know is that something inside of him was forcing its way out, it had managed to slice his back open but from what the paramedics said … there was nothing, nothing was there, whatever this is, we need it to stay quiet, he needs rest” he pleaded, he didn’t want any of this to get out of hand or get to the news, he knew nothing good would come out of it but he trusted them, “well, I guess I’ll leave you all to rest, I’ve left my phone number on the desk over there, if anything happens, call me ...” he added until he watched as the two kids stared in confusion, he should have guessed they wouldn’t have a clue what he was talking about. The guard sighed as he picked up the cell phone from the bedside table and handed it to Uma, “From this, play around with it, you’ll figure it out, you’re smart” he said before finally leaving them, closing the door behind him.
The two pirates stared at the small device in Uma’s hand for a moment before deciding it wasn’t important anymore. The teenagers pulled their coats and shoes off before carefully climbing into bed beside the sleeping form of their friend, snuggling under the duvet to rest. It was once again silent, uncomfortably silent, both of them too scared to speak from the fear of waking up Harry but it was over when Gil finally spoke up,
“Will he get better?” he whispered, staring at the ceiling, his eyes fixed on a single spot in the paint, “I’ve never seen Harry like this before, he’s always been strong, will he be strong again?” he asked, turning his head towards Uma, his eyes shining with newly formed tears.
The Captain frowned, rolling over slowly to completely face him, taking his larger hand in hers. Everything that had happened had been pushed onto him so suddenly, he was sweet, innocent, she couldn’t even begin to understand how he felt in all this,
“Gil, listen to me, he will be okay, I mean, it’s Harry!” she reassured, pulling her friend closer and wrapping his arms around her body, “Get some rest, tomorrow, we’ll stay by his side and you can see just how strong Harry is, I promise, he’ll be fine” she smiled softly even though on the inside she was really breaking down just as much as he was.
It took a very long time but both Uma and Gil had finally fallen asleep in each other’s arms, neither one moving throughout the night, too scared to let go, even in their restless sleep.
Hours went by, the sun had completely gone down and the soft light of the moon flooded through the room. The night went on without a stir, only one thing that caused the night to change, Harry Hook was awake.
The bed stirred as the hooked pirate sat up slowly, his eyes flicked around the room frantically as he tried to wake himself completely, his mind racing as everything around him became apparent, he was somewhere new, he wasn’t on the Isle anymore and it was scaring him.
Harry gasped as he felt a tug in his hand, a stinging pain coursing up his arm as he tried to move. Looking down to quickly find the source, he could see the strange thing on his finger, pressing tightly against the end of his index. Following the lead, he spotted the weird beeping thing next to him, something he didn’t understand so he did the only thing he thought to do, pull it off. The beeping stopped but now played a long continuous noise, making Harry jump and drop the cord, once again the back of his hand twinge suddenly.
Looking down again, Harry found the real reason for the pain, the needle. It didn’t take him long to decide his next move. Taking a deep breath, the pirate grabbed the tube, gripping it tightly before quickly yanking it from his skin, making him hiss through his teeth at the sudden pain.
Tossing the needle to the side, the still drugged up boy stumbled from the bed, almost knocking over everything around him as he tried to figure out what to do, everything new and terrifying. Finally, he stopped against the desk, resting himself against it as the room started spinning slowly around him. It took him a moment but he was finally able to make out some basic things around the room, the furniture was a big give away that he was in Auradon but seeing that Uma and Gil were asleep in his bed give him relief that he wasn’t alone.
Harry took a deep breath as he slowly pushed himself back up once again, stepping into the open space of the room before dropping to his knees, still very weak, he could hear the machine emit a small high pitch beep causing him to cover his ear in agitation and annoyance, something was wrong and it had something to do with him, why did they care? They were villains, not good guys, he could handle a little bit of trou-
Harry’s thoughts were stopped when the pain once again washed over him, a pain so strong his voice was knocked completely from him, he couldn’t speak or scream, all he could do was fall forward, gripping the silk shirt he now had covering his torso. Something this time was really trying to kill him and he couldn’t get anyone’s attention, no one could help him, he was going to die … in Auradon.
Minutes passed and the pain grew stronger and stronger, the young boy laid on the floor, shaking vigorously as he let out small, pathetic noises, every inch of his body was on fire. Finally, the feeling of suffocation around his voice disappeared and a blood curdling scream ripped from his throat, awaking the two sleeping pirates. It only took a second for them to jump to his side, grabbing him and keeping him close, Uma knew there was nothing they could do … except … Uma quickly took a hold of Harrys shirt, ripping it from him and away from his back, only to see the large red vertical slices being forced open, blood seeping down his back as something strange peeked out from the deep wounds.
As if nothing could get worse; a sudden bright dusty light leaked from his cuts, wrapping Harry in a white light, making both Uma and Gil shuffle back in fear as they watched their friend writhe in agony.
Suddenly, the door burst open as Max ran in, pyjamas thrown on messily and phone in hand, the screen showing that he had been notified on the sudden change of Harrys heartbeat, however, he didn’t get very far as he was taken back by the sudden change in light, it was blinding, becoming too much for any of them but Max could just make out the shadow of the young pirate as well as something else, something moving, something sparkly.
With one last agonising scream, the light suddenly disappeared, once again revealing Harry as he fell to the ground, whimpering and shaking from the ordeal. Everyone in the room stared in disbelief, their eyes slowly trailing behind the shaking form, two large sparkly silver things were now attached to the pirates back, twitching on the ground,
“T-Those are … Harry … Harry’s a pixie…” This was the only things said as they all realized those things, were wings.
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bvidzsoo · 6 years
Abiding Darkness (III)
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 Author: bvidzsoo
 Warning: none yet
 Pairing: Oh Sehun x OC
 Word count: 4, 330
 Summary:  Belikov Bora is living in Seoul at her grandparents as she had gotten her long awaited scholarship. She’s not new to this world but she’s also not really interested in the famous people of it…so maybe that’s why she gets the shock of her life when a zombie apocalypse begins and she’s stuck with Oh Sehun.
 A/N: Third part is here and I hope you’ll like it. You know...your feedback is very appreciated  :))
     When I said that Sehun isn’t the type to speak too much, I was pretty much right. We’ve been walking side by side for at least an hour now and hasn’t said a single word. The deafening silence was eating me alive but the fear of encountering something like that again was keeping me alert, always looking around and listening closely to the quietest sounds. The sun was slowly going down, emitting an orange glow. Other times, I would have enjoyed this view from my room or would have went with Yoora to take pictures as she’s really obsessed with taking pictures of the sun. But today it seemed less magical to watch the sun go down as the stranger beside me was also making me quite uncomfortable.
“We are here” Sehun spoke up and I almost ran into him. The building we were standing in front of was tall and just like any other buildings, the windows were missing.
“Is it safe?” I muttered, staying close to Sehun as he lead the way inside.
“I don’t know” He shrugged and I scoffed, embracing myself as we stepped over a fallen flower.
“I only know what you do too, so don’t ask me questions about things like this” He glanced back at me, no surprise with a glare, and I just rolled my eyes.
“You could be a little bit nicer, you know” I mumbled as we walked down the lobby, or at least the remains of the lobby.
“Are you serious?” I asked, eyes wide, when Sehun stopped in front of the elevator, pressing the button.
“It’s working, isn’t it?” He raised his eyebrows when the doors opened and I felt reluctant in entering it. What if it stops working while we are inside? Or what if the ropes aren’t strong enough to keep us up after the earthquake?
“Just come on, okay?” Sehun sighed tiredly and I bit my lower lip, taking small steps inside, trying to see if the elevator made any unnecessary movement. Sehun only rolled his eyes, gripped my arm, and pulled me inside, pressing the button for the twenty fifth floor.
“Sehun!” I gasped, pulling my arm free “What if the elevator stops working? Or what if the ropes break? Are you seriously so inconsiderate? Shouldn’t you value your precious life--”
“Stop talking, Bora” Sehun threw me a glare and I scoffed, turning away from him.
Once the elevator stopped, I could finally breathe normally, I followed Sehun outside and down the long hallway. We stopped in front of a red door with the numbers, 188, on it.
Sehun’s hands were in his pocket as he was probably looking for his keys and when he found them, he quickly opened the door. I followed him inside quietly, eyes widening at the good looking place. They definitely have everything they need.
Sehun was quick to kick off his shoes and he threw his coat on the hanger while I played with the straps of my backpack, looking around.
“What are you waiting for?” He asked with a sigh and I hummed, quickly undressing myself. The windows seemed to be doing fine, everything at their place.
“How are the windows not broken?” I asked, touching the nearest to me “And this place looks so neat when there was an...earthquake…”
“I already told you I don’t know more than you, it’d be nice if you stopped asking stupid questions” Sehun sighed, leaning against the wall.
“Right, I forgot you can’t stand stupid people” I whirled around, facing him “To your information, I can get really stupid so you should just start accepting me the way I am. I don’t call you out for your emotionless face, do I?”
“That’s different from your ranting” He scoffed, walking past by me.
“No, it’s not” I called after him as he shook his head.
“Just follow me”
He lead me down a narrow hallway, which had at least five rooms. He stopped in front of the middle door on the right and pushed it open with his leg.
“You’ll sleep here tonight” He walked inside, going for a closet.
“Who’s room is this?” I asked curiously as I walked inside, observing the many polaroid pictures on the wall on the left side of the room. They were full with Sehun and another man, I think his name is Suho? But there were other people as well. Sehun’s side seemed a little tiddier than this Suho guy’s.
“Mine” Sehun muttered, answering my precious question.
“And who’s that guy?” I asked curiously, pointing at the bunny looking guy.
“Can you stop asking questions?” Sehun sighed and I turned towards him, hands on my hips, “He’s a friend, you’ll be sleeping in his bed”
“If you are uncomfortable sleeping in the same room as me, you can just tell me and show me another room...I saw plenty down this hall”
“And then have you steal something, it’s better like this” Sehun shrugged and I gasped offended.
“I am not a thief!”
“I might never know” Sehun shrugged again and I had to bite my lower lip to stop myself from snapping at him.
“I guess you have no clothes with you…” Sehun’s eyes drew in my body, eyes watching me intently.
“Right” I scoffed, a little blush forming on my lips “Because I carry clothes with me to classes, Oh Sehun”
“You don’t have to be so sarcastic, thank you very much” He rolled his eyes as I plopped down on Suho guy’s bed, “Stay here, I will bring you some clothes”
I nodded, eyes surveying the room. On the bedside table, near Sehun’s bed, was a framed photo of a family. There were two boys and a woman and man. Walking closer, I leaned down and narrowed my eyes. The boy looked a lot like Sehun and I figured this must be a family photo. The boy beside him was slightly taller and had his arm around Sehun’s shoulder. The mother and father were standing beside their sons and had big, happy, smiles on their faces. A small smile crossed my face as I looked at the family photo, wishing I could see my parents. I really miss them, grandma and grandpa are doing a great job but it’s not them.
“I figured you needed smaller clothes--” I whirled around at the sound of Sehun’s voice, eyes wide as if I was caught doing something bad, “What are you doing?” “Nothing, I was just looking at the family picture” I shrugged, looking away from his glaring face.
“Can you stay out of my personal life?” Sehun hissed as he gripped my arm and dragged me away from the picture.
“Wow, calm down, man...okay?” I huffed, pulling my arm roughly away “I was just looking”
“These are the clothes” Sehun roughly pushed the clothes against my chest and I took them with a roll of my eyes.
“Go and freshen up, the bathroom is right beside this room on the right” He muttered, going to his closet.
“Great” I muttered with a grimace, the cologne of the clothes hitting my nose hard, “Just so you know...your brother is more handsome than you”
Sehun’s head snapped into my direction and I quickly left the room with a smirk, he was probably wishing to murder me right now. Besides, it was a lie...Sehun is better looking.
After showering and washing off all the dirt from my body and hair, I felt like a new person. The water was clean and pretty warm, and I don’t doubt I stayed in the shower for at least half an hour. Hopefully Sehun isn’t waiting after me to shower, this apartment seems big enough to have at least two bathrooms.
Drying my hair with the towel as best as I could, I quickly took on the male clothes, cringing a little at the too sweet cologne. Who places this much cologne on their clothes? The pants were a little bit long, but at least at the hips they fit. The black t-shirt was also big and it reached my butt but anything for clean clothes. Folding my dirty ones, I exited the bathroom and went to Sehun’s room, placing my clothes on this Suho guy’s bedside table.
Curious of where Sehun was, I wandered around the place, coming to the kitchen. Sehun wasn’t there but my stomach seemed to protest so I walked to the fridge and opened it. My eyebrows furrowed at the few items inside and I sighed when I realized they didn’t have much to eat. Some leftovers that didn’t look too great or I can cook some spaghetti. I’m pretty sure Sehun would be angry but I’m hungry, and he must be too, so I don’t care what he thinks.
I took a pot and filled it with water, placed it on the electronic cooker and turned it on. I found another pot for the sauce and after combining different foods from their fridge, I placed it on the fire as well.
I leaned against the counter with a sigh, wondering if all the boys from EXO live here. They probably do since there are so many rooms and I’m not wearing Sehun’s clothes.
“What are you doing?” I jumped at his raspy voice, looking towards the doorway.
“Cooking dinner”
“What?” Sehun’s eyebrows furrowed as he rushed inside the kitchen.
“Aren’t you hungry?” I raised my eyebrows as I watched him inspect the food on the cooker.
“This isn’t your home, you shouldn’t just do things uninvited” Sehun threw me a glare as he walked to sit down.
“So you prefer us dying because of hungriness?” I scoffed when Sehun remained silent and went to stir the sauce a little.
“Whose clothes are these anyways...the cologne is too strong, he needs to knock it off” I muttered while stirring the sauce.
“Baekhyun likes his clothes with cologne always on them” Sehun muttered quietly and I hummed.
“It’s giving me a headache…”
“You said you are a foreigner” Sehun’s voice turned serious as I turned off the cooker.
“Exactly” I nodded, turning to face him.
“What about your grandparents then? You lied to me” Sehun’s eyes were accusing, mouth pulled into a grimace.
“I didn’t” I shrugged “I never lived in Korea, this is my first time and I’ve only been staying here for three months”
“But you aren’t fully a foreigner” Sehun pressed on and I sighed, looking him in the eyes.
“My father is Russian and my mother is Korean, happy?” I raised my eyebrows, crossing my arms in front of my chest.
“Do you know...things about Korea?” Sehun gulped as he leaned back in his chair and I rose an eyebrow, turning around to look for bowls.
“I know things about Korea” I muttered. He was probably regretting bringing me here. He probably thinks I know who he is, and he is actually right about it.
“What are you studying?” He eyed the food as I placed the bowl in front of him.
“Psychiatry” I muttered, sitting across from him.
“Then explain the behavior of those things” Sehun said with his eyebrows furrowed and I sighed, looking at my food.
“I don’t know...they look like those zombies you see in movies. Something must have made them like this…” I trailed off, taking a mouthful of my spaghetti.
“That green gas...” Sehun’s eyebrows were furrowed as he watched me, “It must be that” “Than how are we still okay?” I asked with a shrug.
“Maybe we are immune?” I stopped chewing and looked Sehun in the eyes.
“You think so?”
“Yeah, why would we not be dead or like them?” He seemed sure of himself and it kinda made sense.
“Yeah, you are probably right” I muttered and from there on it was silence as we finished our dinner. Sehun seemed hungrier than I was, and yet I still didn’t get a little ‘thank you for cooking dinner, Bora’...but you are still welcome, Sehun.
As I was washing the bowls, I felt warmness behind me.
“You said your grandparents live on the outskirts of Seoul…” I hummed as Sehun remained silent.
“Where more exactly?”
“You know that little forest...after that is a small village and there” I answered him, glancing back at him.
“Okay, we’ll make a plan tomorrow. I’m tired and I’m sure you are too” Sehun’s voice seemed quiet and soft for the first time.
“Yeah” I nodded, drying my hands.
“Let’s go then” He nodded towards the door and switched off the lights as we made our way to his and Suho guy’s room.
He switched on the lamp on Suho’s bedside table as he went to sit on his bed.
“Sehun…” I muttered with a grimace.
“What?” He looked at me curiously.
“Can I wear another t-shirt?” I asked with a pout, pointing at Baekhyun’s t-shirt on me, “This just smells too much and it’s already giving me a headache”
“Fine...” Sehun sighed and lazily got up from his bed and went to his closet, “but my t-shirts are too big for you”
“That doesn’t matter” I shrugged and caught the black t-shirt he threw at me.
“Thanks” I smiled at him and turned around to quickly change the t-shirts. Sehun remained quiet as I heard shuffling on his bed. This t-shirt definitely was bigger as it reached mid-thigh but didn’t carry any cologne and I sighed intently, glad to get that sweet smell away from my nose. I reached for my pants and quickly pulled them off.
“What are you doing?” Sehun asked alarmed and when I turned towards him his eyes were narrowed at me.
“I can’t sleep with pants on” I muttered, growing embarrassed as I held the pants tightly. I grew conscious of my exposed legs as Sehun seemed to look at them longer and I quickly got on the bed and shimmied underneath the blanket.
“Don’t stare at my legs” I muttered, throwing the pant on the floor beside Suho guy’s bed.
“I wasn’t staring at your legs” Sehun scoffed, getting underneath the covers as well.
“Yes, you were” I muttered watching him as he rolled his eyes before turning around, back facing me.
“I wasn’t...goodnight” His voice was muffled and I quickly reached for my backpack, hands digging around for my green notebook.
“Goodnight” I said quietly as I took out my notebook and a pen.
Dear Diary,
Something really crazy happened today. Zombies are real and I was almost killed by one today. There’s also something crazier...I met Oh Sehun. Yes, Oh Sehun from EXO. He doesn’t know that I know who he is. I know that I’m a horrible person for lying to him, but I actually think it’s better if he doesn’t know. He might think that I’m just a crazy fan, when I’m not...I barely know things about them as I wasn’t curious to find out more about Korean celebrities. I know that I’m wrong by lying, but what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.
I will go to bed now because today was a tiring day. I also fear something happened to Yoora, I can’t reach her since there is no phone signal. I hope she’s okay and still alive...not one of those horrible things.
Sleep well now, diary...13.01.2019.
I carefully placed my diary and pen back inside my backpack and shimmied underneath the covers, switching off the light. The room was covered in darkness and Sehun’s steady breathing slowly lulled me to sleep.
    The rays of sun falling on my cheek made me stir in my peaceful sleep and I groaned as I shifted on my back. The bed felt different from mine and the slight apple scent of the sheets made me shift again as I slowly starting gaining consciousness. Groaning again, I abruptly rose in a sitting position and rubbed my eyes as I yawned loudly. I heard an amused scoff and my eyes abruptly flew open as I stared wide eyed at a...half naked Oh Sehun.
“What are you doing?” I embarrassedly called out with my raspy, morning voice, as I quickly covered my eyes with my hands.
“Changing” Sehun answered amused as I heard more shuffling.
“I see you slept well in my friend’s bed” His voice was quite amused and I scoffed, rolling my eyes that were still shielded from Sehun’s naked torso.
“Yeah...the mattress is a little too...light” I muttered, the stiffness in my lower back being the proof of it.
It was silent for a good minute and I thought Sehun just magically disappeared from the room, but then his deep voice made me jump, “I prefer harder mattresses too”
“Really?” In my surprised state, my hands fell from my eyes but the door just closed. My eyebrows furrowed as I stared at the closed door, sighing loudly since I was alone in the room.
“Why is he so difficult…” I muttered, climbing out of bed. The cooler air hit my exposed legs and I quickly pulled on the pants I got from Sehun yesterday but decided to stay in his t-shirt since the other one smelled too much of that cologne.
Exiting his room, I ran my hands through my messy hair, walking towards the bathroom to freshen up. Making sure it was empty, I walked inside and turned on the cold water, looking for toothpaste. There were three different ones and my eyebrows furrowed, aren’t all toothpaste the same? Shrugging, I took the green one which tasted like mint and apples...is this Suho guy’s too?
After brushing my teeth with the use of my finger as best I could, I sprinkled cold water on my face and sighed longly, enjoying the water drop to my neck. I can never use warm water after I wake up, I always wash my face with cold water, it’s refreshing. After drying my face, my eyebrows furrowed as I realized I wet the collar of Sehun’s t-shirt. I hope he won’t mind too much.
Going to the kitchen, I played with the ends of my hair as one piece fell onto my face. I was surprised to see Sehun pouring some milk into a bowl and one bowl of cereals was already on the table. I cleared my throat as I walked inside and Sehun threw me a glance.
“Breakfast is ready” He muttered quietly and a small smile fell on my lips. This felt normal...well, if you ignore the fact that zombies can kill us any second and that we are strangers, I wouldn’t mind having Sehun around me...as a friend, of course.
“Thanks” I muttered as I took a seat at the table.
“So...we need to make a plan” Sehun cleared his throat as he sat across me.
“I know” I nodded, quietly slurping the milk.
“You know…” I looked at Sehun while biting my lower lip. His eyes fell on me as he raised his eyebrows.
“You don’t have to come with me because you feel obliged...I can go alone, besides, I’m sure you want to be reunited with your friends and...family”
Sehun’s eyes became once again blank as he threw me a small glare, his cereal long forgotten.
“Listen, Bora. I was the one who said we should stick together” His voice was firm and left no room for contradiction “And I’m a man of my words, so I am not going anywhere. We are sticking together whether we like it or not. It’s safer for both of us”
“If I get infected…” I hardly swallowed the food in my mouth “You know you have to leave me...even kill me”
“Same goes for me” Sehun nodded but I couldn’t help but look into his eyes, which betrayed him, he was just as terrified of that idea like me, “So let’s do everything to stay safe and healthy”
“Right” I nodded firmly and smiled at him a little bit.
“Do you know anything of your friends?” I asked more quietly this time as we both started eating once again.
“The phones aren’t working yet...I have no idea where they are” Sehun sighed and I couldn’t help but do the same.
“I’m pretty sure my mom is planning my funeral” I muttered with an amused chuckle. Sehun looked at me quite surprised and confused, that’s a first from him.
“You don’t...get along?” He seemed reluctant to ask and for the first time after all this craziness happened, I let myself laugh.
“We do, we get along pretty well. It’s just…” I shrugged, taking the last spoonful of my cereal “I’m not an outdoor person, I’m weak and usually quite dumb...I’m pretty sure she didn’t expect me to survive. And I’m sure she called me and my grandparents too and seeing we aren’t answering...she thinks I’m dead, I am sure of it”
“She should trust you more” Sehun’s comment made me look at him embarrassed “You aren’t as weak or dumb as you think you are, Bora”
“But I brought that zombie to you--”
“And probably I would have ran into one sooner or later...if you weren’t there, I might have died too not knowing how to react” Sehun shrugged and his voice was sincere, I couldn’t help but smile a little again.
“Yeah, you freezing out there was no help” I teased with amusement and Sehun scoffed, for the first time, his glare directed towards me was playful.
“You almost broke my arm with the way you were squeezing it”
“Well, I was just trying to survive, and you weren’t cooperating” I shrugged and just for a little fraction, his lips lifted into a small smile. I cleared my throat and looked down embarrassed, raising from the table to take my bowl to the sink. He is too handsome to leave me unaffected.
“I’ll wash the dishes now” Sehun snatched the bowl from my hands and I looked at him surprised, “You washed them yesterday”
“Oh, right” I muttered, stepping away to let him have more space. Looking around awkwardly while Sehun quickly washed the bowls, my eyes fell on the fridge and on the neon yellow sticky note. Curiously, I walked to it and took it off from the fridge.
‘Sehun, if you see this...you need to hide from those things at all costs. You can’t let them touch you nor bite you, Oh Sehun you need to survive, you hear me! We were evacuated to the Naksan Park, to the N Tower. I’m not sure for how long those things will be like that but...please take care, and only if you really must to, come and find us. We are concerned about you, you are the only one missing, Sehun. I really hope you didn’t pull a prank on us and are still alive! Hyungs are counting on you, stay safe, we love you!
~Junmyeon hyung’
“Sehun” I quickly tapped his shoulder and he looked at me with an eyebrow raised, “You need to read this”
Pushing the sticky note into his hands I watched him as his eyebrows furrowed as he read the note from Junmyeon. I wonder which one is Junmyeon...Is it the bunny faced guy? Isn’t it that the Suho guy then? Ah, all these stage names confuse me too much.
“We need to go there” Sehun’s eyes searched my face and I nodded unsure.
“I agree but...my grandparents…” I trailed off, afraid of Sehun’s answer.
“After we rescue them, we go to the park, okay?” Sehun gripped my shoulders tightly and I looked up at him, nodding my head quickly.
“Okay, thank you” I patted his arm as his hands fell to his side and he nodded at me, gripping the sticky note tightly.
“At least I know they are safe” He muttered with a relaxed sigh and I nodded with a grimace, I wish my grandparents are safe too.
“Okay, the plan is the following” Sehun cleared his throat as his brows pulled together. I walked beside him and looked up at him, listening closely.
“We leave in half an hour to your grandparents house, but I’m pretty sure we won’t get there today so we’ll stop somewhere--”
“Stop somewhere?” My eyebrows furrowed and Sehun nodded, “That’s not safe. Your hyungs said--”
“They aren’t here, I am on my own now, I know what I am doing...just trust me, Bora” Sehun leaned a little down to be eye level with me. I gulped and nodded flustered, trying to only look in his eyes.
“Yeah, I…” I cleared my throat upon realizing my voice didn’t sound like me at all “I trust you, I guess”
“I trust you too” Sehun’s lips pulled into a small smile and I offered one of mine.
“So after we stop at a house for the night, I’m pretty sure tomorrow we’ll be able to get to your grandparents. We could stay there for the night and the next day I can leave for the Naksan Park--”
“You? What about me?” I asked alarmed, would he really just abandon me like that?
“I figured you’d want to stay with your grandparents…” Sehun trailed off, searching my face.
“I’m-I’m not sure” I muttered, biting my lower lip nervously “I’ll give you an answer once we get there”
“Okay, fair enough” He hummed and straightened back up, “Let’s go and pack”
I nodded and followed Sehun back to his room, seems like a long journey is in front of us. And dangerous if might I add. Minus the fact that now I feel responsible for keeping Sehun alive after I saw the note left from his band members. I must keep him safe at all costs, his life is more worthy than mine...even though such thing as celebrities don’t exist in times like this.
 ~Next Part~
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a-tapestry-of-words · 5 years
first chapter of my story!!!
"I have a story to tell you."
"Sorry, but your stories suck. I'm not interested."
"Listen to this one. It's different."
"How can I be sure?"
"You can't, and while you may not want to listen, you have to. You know you do."
"Fine. Let's hear it."
"This story starts like all others. Once upon a time..."
There was a prince named Lorcan who didn't want to be a prince. True, he wanted to be famous, but not for his bloodline. Instead, he wanted to be an adventurer, to go on a quest.
"A prince, really?"
"Oh hush, you. This is merely the beginning."
Yes, all Lorcan cared for were his dreams of adventure. This was fine when he was younger, and he had years and years until he would be king. Then, his parents died, leaving him an orphan, an only child, and the sole heir to the throne. His uncle took it upon himself to raise the prince, and thus, Lorcan was shoved into lessons on his forthcoming duties.
When he was young, he used to try to sneak away, only to be caught by his guards. Eventually, he learned not to try. Instead, he spent all possible free time in the highest tower in the castle. The entrance was supposed to have been hidden, but Lorcan learned of it when he was young. He went there almost every day, and almost everyone in the castle knew he was up to something, except his uncle.
Uncle Alistair preferred to remain blissfully unaware of all the trouble Lorcan was up to. Instead, he imagined his nephew as the perfect prince, child, and heir. He believed the boy would find a queen at the ball that was being thrown just three months short of the coronation, which was precisely why he was looking for Lorcan, who was involved with other things up in his tower.
"Other things?"
"I can't believe you. It's not those kind of things. This is a fairy tale."
"Implying fairy tales are innocent, are we?"
"Oh, like you actually know any."
"So Lorcan was involved with other things."
"Yes, he was lost in his own world."
Or rather, the world he wanted to be in. Lorcan's time in the old tower was often spent staring out the window at the world beyond. Sometimes, he imagined what his life would be like if he lived in the village or if he was an adventurer in the forest. Mostly, though, he fantasized about running away. Even more now, with his upcoming eighteenth birthday and impending coronation. He was in the middle of pacing around, making his plans, when a scullery maid poked up through the trapdoor.
"Um, Lorcan?" The prince, who was quite startled, turned to look at her. "Your uncle wants to see you."
"Tell him I'll be down in a couple minutes," Lorcan flopped his hand in the air.
The girl huffed, "He said now, and I really don't want to explain to him."
"Leila," he stretched out the name, "please."
"Tell him I'm busy," before Leila could object Lorcan continued. "That's a direct order from the prince."
The girl laughed, "I don't really care. You wouldn't do anything to me anyway."
Lorcan grumbled and trudged over to her, "Fine, but we're going the long way."
"Now, I could tell you about Leila and Lorcan's walk, or I could explain their friendship. Continuation or context, the choice is yours."
"That's-that's just wow. You seriously have that prepared?"
"I know you're not actually impressed."
"No, no I am. I mean, I most definitely don't have the patience to-"
"Quit stalling and choose."
"Yeah, alright. Let's hear some context."
Leila and Lorcan's story starts when they were five years old. Lorcan had been running through the palace gardens when he tripped over a loose stone in the path. Leila, who had been sitting on the fountain nearby, heard the thump and ran over.
She stared down at him for a few moments before saying, "You know, you should be more careful. My mama said the garden can be very dangerous."
Lorcan, who had been too busy staring at some bugs on the ground, looked up, "How do you know I didn't mean to trip?"
"I dunno, but I never fall on purpose. What are you doing out here, anyway? You're the first other kid I've ever seen here."
"Why are you here?" Lorcan pushed himself off his stomach and into a sitting position. He crossed his arms and scrunched up his face. Leila kicked him in the shin, but didn't hurt him that badly. She wasn't trying to hurt him, though, she only wanted to express her annoyance.
"I asked you first."
"Fine," Lorcan grumbled, "my parents are busy, and I'm bored. You know kicking people isn't very nice."
"Neither is making faces," Leila sat down in front of him. "I'm supposed to help my sister with her job, but she's taking forever to get here."
The boy thought for a moment before getting mischievous glint in his eyes, "What if we explore the castle! We can look for hidden rooms and secret passages!" This caused Leila's look of boredom to disappear.
"I already know one hidden room!"
She grabbed his hand and dragged him back towards the castle. The two ran through the doors and up three flights of stairs before stopping at a pair of grand, oak doors.
"The library?" Lorcan asked, slightly disappointed. "The library isn't special at all."
"Not the library, silly. We have to go through to get to the room." Leila pushed the door open and sprinted inside, quickly darting behind a towering bookshelf, "We're not actually allowed in here, so we have to be careful not to get caught."
Lorcan followed her as she scurried from bookshelf to bookshelf. Eventually, she stopped at one on the very back wall.
"What do we do now?" Lorcan whispered.
"This." Leila grabbed a deep purple book off the shelf and tapped it against a stone on the wall. The shelf began to slightly glow before it disappeared altogether. "Come on. It won't stay open for long."
She ran into the space where the shelf had stood only moments before with Lorcan quick to follow. They entered a small corridor lit only by torches on the wall. At the very end there was a spiral staircase that seemed to stretch on forever to the two children. They raced upwards until they got to a trap door in the ceiling.
"I need some help with this." Lorcan helped Leila push on the door until it slammed open with a puff of dust. The two pulled themselves up into the room above. It was lined with shelves of books, jars, and mysterious objects. The tiles on the floors looked like a model of the solar system, and there was a chandelier hanging from the ceiling that looks like the stars.
"What is this place?" Lorcan asked, the awe obvious in his voice.
"I'm not really sure. My sister showed it to me, once, and told me to never tell anyone, but I just told you, so you can't let anyone know you know about this place."
"I won't. No one ever asks me things, anyway."
"Wait, do you have a name?"
"Lorcan. What about you?"
"So Leila, we should be friends!"
Thus, Lorcan found someone who didn't know that he was the prince, and Leila found someone who was just as interested in adventure as she was.
"Wait, but Leila knows that he's the prince, now. What happened?"
"Well that's a completely different story, and my stories suck, apparently."
"Fine, fine, they don't. Now, will you tell me this story?"
"If you insist."
It was five years after they met when Leila learned of Lorcan's true identity. The two, who were now ten years of age, were sneaking back through the library when a nurse ran up to them.
"Prince Lorcan, you must come with me at once. Your parents have been gravely injured in a carriage accident," she said in a rush, completely ignoring Leila.
Lorcan, being so struck with worry, could only nod. He followed the nurse, leaving his confused best friend behind. Leila then had a decision to make. She could either stay back and wait for Lorcan to come to her, or she could follow him. Now, Leila usually thought all her plans through, but when there was a time limit, she made rash choices. She ran, as quietly as she could, through the castle. Instead of following Lorcan into the infirmary, she thought it best to wait outside and give him some time with his parents.
Inside, Lorcan was told be the doctors that his parents wouldn't survive much longer, and he should say his goodbyes now. He decided to speak to his father first.
"My son, I know you shall make a great king but be warned, you should find your love earlier on, or bad things will happen," the dying king managed to cough out.
"I-I don't-I don't under-" Lorcan was cut short by a hand grabbing his.
"I love you, Lorcan, you shall be great." With that, the king's hand went limp and his eyes cold.
Lorcan solemnly walked over to his mother's bedside, knowing this was his last chance to speak to her.
"Lorcan, baby, come here," she called to him. He went to her side. "Take this, but don't open it until the time is right." She slipped her locket into his hand.
"How-how will I know?" The tears were beginning to flow.
"You will know. I love you, Lorcan, more than anything." She cupped his face in her hand, but it soon went as cold and limp as her husband's had been.
Lorcan, red faced and bawling, stood up, clutching the locket to his heart, and said, "I love you too, both of you." He couldn't take being in the room anymore. It felt cold and unforgiving; it was no place to mourn.
"What! You can't just kill off characters like that!"
"You see, I actually can because I'm the one telling the story."
"They didn't have to die, though."
"Yes, they did."
"Give me one good reason."
"It strengthens the bond between Leila and Lorcan, as you are about to see, and it'll affect the story later on. Now, will you let me continue?"
Lorcan rushed out of the room, and Leila emerged from the shadows to talk to him.
"Leila? What-what are you doing here?"
"It doesn't matter. What  matters is that you're alright."
"Oh, so you only care because I'm prince. Who sent you?"
Leila, being completely taken back by her friend's sudden accusations, spat out, "I'm here because you're my friend, idiot, but if you don't want me here, then fine! I'll leave!" True to her word, Leila began to stomp away. Of course she felt bad, but Lorcan was being a jerk.
She was too lost in her thoughts to notice someone running up to her. "Leila, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have accused you like that. I'm just upset."
The girl was indignant for a second before softening, "I-I know. Hey, the sunset looks beautiful from the tower, and I was wondering if you wanted to watch."
Lorcan, at first, thought he should stay back to mourn, but he didn't want to think about his parents. "That sounds-that sounds nice."
As they walked through the castle, Lorcan realized there was a question he never asked, "Why aren't you acting like I'm the prince?"
"What? Oh, because you haven't changed. You're still my best friend."
"You're mine too."
"Why does Leila sort of brush aside the fact that Lorcan's parents are dead?"
"She doesn't really have much experience in dealing with death. When her parents died she was like three years old. She doesn't really remember it. All she remembers is her sister taking her to watch the sunset a lot that year."
"Wait, her parents are dead, too?"
"I didn't think I needed to include that fact as it's unimportant. Also an unimportant fact, in Lorcan and Leila's kingdom, sunsets are commonly associated with the dead. It's seen as a way to watch them go."
"So that's why Leila takes him to see the sunset."
"Kind of. Neither of them know of the tradition yet, so Leila takes him there as a way to comfort him. Now we really should be getting back to the actual story."
Leila and Lorcan approached the throne room doors. Lorcan went over to push them open before turning to his friend. "You're coming with me, right?"
"I'm afraid I can't, this time-" Leila shook her head "-but I know what he's going to say."
"It's a surprise, so you should probably go find out." Lorcan made a face at her. "Making faces at people isn't very nice."
"Neither is kicking them."
"Yet, I didn't kick you. Now go see what your uncle wants."
Lorcan took a breath before opening the door. He was taken aback by how decorated everything was. There were banners lining the walls, carpets leading down the stairs, marvelous chandeliers glowing on the ceiling, and tables lining the walls, all in the colors of the kingdom. Burgundy, dust flower, and gold, his brain supplied. He quickly brushed away the thought and walked to the throne.
"Okay, what the hell is dust flower?"
"It's a shade of pastel blue. Of course, I made up the name and the flower is based upon. If you're interested, the three colors come from the main export of the kingdom, the most common natural feature, and the most common metal. In this case, wine, dust flowers, and gold."
"I didn't care about any of that. Can we get back to the story, now?"
"If you're really that excited."
"Ah, Lorcan, come here, nephew," the regent called from the ornate throne.
"Yes, Uncle Alistair?"
"I'm assuming you've noticed the decorations in the throne room."
"How could I miss them?" Lorcan muttered sarcastically.
"No muttering. Have you no manners?"
"Sorry Uncle."
"Never mind that now." The older man stood up. "Walk with me. Tonight we shall throw a grand ball, and you will choose a queen."
Lorcan blocked out the rest of his uncle's blabbering about the ball. He had never put much thought into marrying or choosing a queen. In fact, he wasn't even sure if he wanted one. It's not like he ever felt any sort of attraction to any woman, not that he knew many. He began to ponder his situation. Perhaps he could figure out a solution where he wouldn't have to choose some princess to marry.
"Now how does that sound?" Alistair's question broke Lorcan out of his trance-like state.
"Um, Uncle Alistair, what if-what if I didn't-" he began to mess with the hem of his shirt "-didn't choose a, um, queen?"
"Not choose a queen? That's preposterous, unheard of! You will choose a queen tonight!" Lorcan tried to argue, but he was cut off. "I will hear no more of this. Now go see the tailor about your suit for the ball."
Lorcan somberly walked away, dreading his fate.
"That's all for now."
"Yes, I have to work on the next part."
"Well hurry up with it."
"If that's what you want."
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Imaginary Friends
Witches && Prey i // read part two here // read on ao3
warnings: mentions of blood, suicidal ideation, actual suicide, major character death, child abuse, addiction, forced drug use, this shit is like emo as hell i’m not going to lie to you. this part does not have a happy ending i’m sorry fam, witchy steve, my sad boiis. I’m so sorry this took so long, I hope you guys love it. the rest are on the way
Harringrove Halloween Countdown — October 12
Demons like to prey on the weak, things are just easier that way. Maybe a little messier, but sometimes vulnerable kids and drug addicts are more convenient, more simple, more breakable; sad to say Billy Hargrove is both and that makes him easy prey, no matter how rabid he pretends to be.
Billy lost his mother young, hardly knew her, and Neil Hargrove, the closest to a monster a human can get, soul already rotten and deteriorating, finds that a small lonely boy with mommy issues and a bad habit of poor judgement and misplaced loyalty will do whatever is asked of him if it guarantees him his father’s approval.
Billy used to be able to fall asleep if Neil promised him chocolate chip waffles and tucked him in at night, but then Neil got lonely and angry, and he noticed that all he had to do was promise not to hit Billy and to hold him while he cried and Billy would fall asleep. Billy grew, Neil’s arms got tired, and his restraint deteriorated. The thought of having to promise Billy he wouldn’t hit him just made him want to hurt him more, so instead he would sit with his bloody son, help him wash up, and crush up some pain pills in his dinner, sneak some sleeping meds into his water.
When Neil starts dating Susan and going out for dinner instead of staying in with Billy, Billy can’t understand why he shakes and vomits, why everything hurts despite Neil not being home to lay a finger on him, not until he hears his mother’s voice urging him to wipe the sick off his face and crawl to his father’s room. He finds the pills in his father’s bedside table. What hurts the most is that he isn’t surprised; his father has been drugging him every damn night to the point of addiction, and he’s only fifteen.
“How long?” he’s unsure why he’s speaking, knows that hearing his mother’s voice must have been a hallucination, a product of his drug addled brain coming down from withdrawal.
“Does it matter?” she whispers, and Billy can feel her sit down next to him even though he can’t quite see her, just notices that where he’s looking through her, the picture is a bit distorted; then again, that could be his own tears obstructing his vision.
“Guess not,” he whispers, pouring a few of the pills in his hands and gagging a bit as he swallows them dry. He feels disappointment in the air, maybe even a little anger, but he hears nothing more. He doesn’t hear from his mother until the weekend when Neil goes out to dinner with Max and Susan and leaves Billy to clean up the house.
This goes on for eight months until Billy finally realizes why he senses disappointment every time he pops those pills. She wants him to take more, wants him to down both bottles in one go.
“I’m so lonely baby. Come on, you don’t want to be with him anymore. Don’t you remember how good I was to you ??” it sends chills down his spine, but he finds himself inclined to listen. Even so, he denies her, he decides to live, even if just a little longer.
Neil marries Susan after ten months, and packs everyone up and moves them to Hawkins after eighteen. Billy has no one. No more friends, not a loving father, and he thinks he’s leaving his mother behind, even worse his dealer. Neil’s supply was weak and dwindling, and Billy could put on a good show with his protein shakes and ridiculous workouts, but without his pills, he’d turn into a sad sack of shit. His theory is that it’s probably a lot harder to score prescription drugs in Indiana than California; for whatever fucking reason though, Neil refuses to leave him behind.
He’s angry, and lonely, and when his mother shows up a few days later he’s so relieved to see her, to have someone by his side, that he almost takes her up on her invitation. He doesn’t though, because tomorrow’s Halloween and maybe he can get in one good fuck before he says goodbye to his shithead father and small town Hawkins.
He doesn’t expect to be so enamored with Steve though. Steve Harrington seems like the type of guy worth moving to some place as shitty as Hawkins for; if he was less rich kid asshole and his snooty little girlfriend were to get hit by a car, King Steve would be his fucking dream.
He can’t get Steve out of his head, and the more enamored he becomes with the fucking princess, the less his mom comes around, and when she is around she seems angry. Billy hates having her upset with him, especially since she’s the only thing that makes him feel safe anymore. He downs a few extra pills when he sees her; not enough to do serious damage, but enough to signify a promise. Some day he’ll say yes; it seems to appease her for a while.
The night of the fight, Billy barely makes it home. It makes sense that whatever was in that syringe took a little while to put him on the ground considering it practically takes horse tranquilizers to get him to sleep these days; if he was willing to go anywhere close to Max any time soon, he might think to ask her where the hell she got it, since it seemed to be the good stuff.
He’s just out of it enough to forget how fucking stupid he’ll be if he walks through that door without Max by his side. His first thought is to crawl into his warm bed, his second thought was that he didn’t have the time or energy to run or fight. He’s on the ground fast and he tastes his own blood. He doesn’t know why, but it somehow tastes differently than when Steve had hit him. It doesn’t take long for Neil to back off. He hears Susan get out of the bathroom after her shower and shoves Billy in his room before he can even think.
His mother comes. He says yes. Suddenly he’s pressing the pill bottle to his lips, and for the first time he notices the name on the bottle, the person it was actually prescribed to. Vivian Harrington. Billy can’t help but laugh, the fucking pretty boy probably sold his mom’s sleeping pills for a pretty penny just to piss her off because god knows he didn’t need the money. Somehow he gets it in his head that he needs to see Steve one last time before he goes, that he needs to apologize otherwise he’s no better than Neil.
“Not yet,” he whispers, setting the bottle on the floor; it falls to its side, a few spilling out. Billy’s used to the disappointment his mother feels by now, but he’s burned by a flash of her rage. She calms herself quickly; Billy’s terrified.
“Soon though, right Billy?? We’ll be together soon ??” Billy nods, makes sure to never break a promise to her again, otherwise she might take matters into her own hands.
The concept of seeing Steve’s face one last time takes a while. It starts out with two major problems ; one — the face Billy wants to see isn’t the one that’s all battered and bruised thanks to his fists. Billy wants to see those dimples, and that smooth skin, that award winning smile, the way he rolls his eyes and scrunches his nose up. Steve doesn’t fully heal for at least three weeks. Two — Billy doesn’t actually know how to apologize for shit like this. Neil hasn’t apologized for beating his ass since he was eleven. It takes him almost two months to muster up the courage, and Steve is apparently over it by then, so he forgives him, thank fuck.
He thinks that should be it, time to go home, down a few pills, and actually be with his mother, to see her with his own eyes, to hold her in his arms, for his spirit to feel whole again even as his corpse lies lifeless on the floor. He thinks that’s going to be the case, until Steve awkwardly asks him if he’s going to that party tonight, like he feels obligated to make conversation even though he owes Billy nothing.
Billy feels butterflies but he smirks, stops thinking about what’ll happen after he dies and more about how nice it’ll be to kiss those plush lips before he goes.
“Only if you are pretty boy,” he doesn’t miss the way Steve blushes; he thinks getting to see that is worth dying for. He’ll be happy, so long as his last night on earth is with Steve.
Billy’s last night on earth turns into five months of Steve rearranging his fucking guts with what Billy has affectionately come to call ‘the real king Steve’, and falling in love in with each other in the meantime. Billy’s mother turns dark and angry, and some nights as she sings Billy old lullabies, he can feel himself choking on thin air. He’s being punished, he knows he is in the same way he knows he somehow deserves every injury Neil gifts him, but he can’t let go of Steve.
His mother hates Steve, even though she’s never actually met him. Apparently he smells odd, which sure the Farrah Faucet hairspray has a unique fragrance, and yeah he smells like a lot of spices which is weird for someone who doesn’t actually bake, but Billy likes how Steve smells and his mom doesn’t have to like him. It doesn’t help that Steve has been slowly helping him come off the pills; she doesn’t want him to get better, not when she’s so so lonely, and Billy gets it, he does, because he used to be lonely too. His mother says Steve has stolen her baby away from her and really, she’s not wrong. Billy hopes she never tries to punish Steve should he enter the house.
On their sixth month anniversary, Steve sneaks over to Billy’s house because Billy’s supposed to watch Max, and he can’t exactly ask his dad to let him go out because then he’d have to come up with some bullshit lie that Neil would definitely look into, or admit he turned bitch for Steve Harrington, which probably would result in a very painful death. He isn’t ready to die anymore, not with Steve and certainly not at the hands of either of his parents. So, Steve being the entitled brat that he is decides to make his way over to Billy’s, and Billy is excited, he really truly is, but he’s also scared his mother will suffocate him and he’ll be all alone again.
Neil and Susan aren’t supposed to be back until morning, so they let Max fuck off to her friend’s house, mostly because it’s Hopper’s house too and he’s way more reliable when it comes to keeping kids alive; Steve just got lucky last year, so it’s probably better that way. That, and this way they get to fuck and then fall asleep curled on the couch.
He wakes up to feel a phantom hand around his throat, chokes out “Mom, please, m-mom,” as he tries to gasp for air.
“You promised !!” she growls, and Steve jolts awake. Billy hears Steve mumble something under his breath and then suddenly the woman — his supposed mother — he’s been talking to all these years comes to life, her skin a charcoal black, her eyes hollow. Billy can breathe again, but he almost forgets to.
“Get away from him !!” Steve barks and Billy thinks he sees sparks fly from Steve’s fingertips, but he’s also still dizzy from the lack of oxygen and he’s kind of seeing stars. He barely has time to react before she’s lunging at Steve. He wants to beg for mercy, swear to go with her if she’ll just leave Steve alone, but the words won’t come out. Even more shocking, as she hurdles herself towards Steve, the bright light that originally seemed like small static sparks grows, flowing from Steve’s fingertips without warning, preventing her from touching him. Each time she tries to touch the light, she hisses, until she becomes too weak to keep fighting and retreats; Billy knows she’ll be back, she always comes back.
The first thing Steve does is pull Billy into his lap and check him for any injuries that weren’t already there from Neil. There’s some new bruising around his neck but that’s it. Billy notices that his fingertips are still hot, but they don’t burn, they seem to sooth him, to offer up some relief. After a few moments Steve grabs the blanket they had been sharing, wraps it around Billy, and drags him to the kitchen.
Steve gets to work the second he finds out where Susan keeps all the spices, and Billy moves to sit on the counter and watch him. Billy’s either exhausted, in shock, or far too used to trauma, because he isn’t freaking out like he probably should be.
Ten minutes later Steve is shoving a mug in his face. It smells weird, and if he didn’t just watch Steve make it, he would assume it was that fancy French tea Steve’s mom buys that he always makes him drink after a particularly rough night with Neil. He’s starting to wonder if it’s ever actually been tea. He gets this sick feeling in his stomach, similar to when he found out Neil had been drugging him, except he trusts Steve. He chugs it down, ignores how his fingers twitch when he stops himself from going to grab the bottle of pills he keeps hidden for the really bad nights. After a few moments, the soreness around his throat and in his muscles starts to ease up, the itch for his fix starts to fade and now all he craves is Steve. He doesn’t have to ignore that need for long, not when Steve steps between his legs and holds Billy’s face in his hands, looking concerned.
“How you feeling baby?” Steve questions nervously, and Billy shrugs like he always does, because he feels sad, and scared, and betrayed but nothing hurts anymore, and nothing’s ever going to change, so it’s whatever.
“Baby, I need you to answer me. Creatures like that, they’re really dark and really powerful. I need to know you’re okay,” his thumb brushes gently against Billy’s cheek and normally that would sooth him, but this time Steve’s said something that’s got him worried.
“Yeah, a shadow beast, a demon. That monster, you saw it right ?”
“She’s not a monster,” Billy argues sadly, because she had just tried to kill him, and it was all too similar to Neil, but this was different, Billy broke his promise.
“Billy it was choking you, of course it’s a monster,” Steve looks concerned but also extremely confused, which sucks because if they both don’t know what the hell is going on, they might be here for a while.
“I told her I would go with her, I told her soon, but I chose you. She’s not a monster, she’s just hurt.”
“What?!” Steve sounds angry then, and Billy jumps at the noise, still on edge from his mother’s hand gripping around his throat less than thirty minutes ago, still skittish from when Neil kicked him in the shin and then the ribs the day before. Steve can’t yell, not when Billy’s still so scared and he knows that, but he’s worried and it’s hard to keep his cool at a time like this. Still, he takes a few moments to steel himself. He looks at Billy with soft eyes, noting that he’s still a bit shaken up, whether he’ll admit that or even notices being a completely different issue, and realizes that he has to be the voice of reason in this situation. “Baby, why would you make that promise? If things have gotten bad again, you can tell me…”
Bad again Steve says and they both hate how it sounds, because if Steve isn’t with Billy, caging him in his arms and keeping him safe, things are never good, but if Billy was feeling suicidal again, that’s something they need to discuss.
“It’s not like that,” and well, that’s not really a lie because most nights the only thing that makes Billy want to give up is sensing his mother’s frustration or feeling Neil’s knuckles kneed and mark his skin. He doesn’t want to die, not if it means leaving Steve behind, but that doesn’t mean he’s stopped considering it completely. He swallows hard, pulls Steve closer to him using his ankles that are loosely wrapped around his legs just above his knees, and rests his head on Steve’s chest. “She’s my mom,” he admits, and the whisper is nearly as faint as the breeze creeping in through the open kitchen window.
“No she’s not,” as soon as the words leave Steve’s mouth, tears brim in Billy’s eyes. He didn’t think it would hurt this much, Steve assuming he’s crazy. He saw her though, he knows she’s real, so this isn’t fair. He’s supposed to feel safe with Steve, but now he just feels stupid and small.
“I’m not crazy,” he whines where his head is rested on Steve’s right pectoral. Steve feels the fresh tears dripping down his skin. He hates how it makes Billy tremble. He hushes Billy, kisses the top of his head, and sighs. This night just keeps getting longer and longer.
“No one said you were.”
“But you said…you said she’s not —” Billy cuts himself off, trying to keep from sobbing. If Steve is going to judge him, he’s not going to make it worse by being a cry baby.
“I’m sure she said she was your mom. I’m sure she played her game well, said all the right things, but that thing is not your mother. She’s a leech. She preys on those who are hurting, and she found you when you were at your worst.”
Billy wants to argue, but he clings to Steve, shakes his head because he doesn’t want to believe him, but after what he had just seen, the pieces of this puzzle are starting to come together and it’s scaring him.
“No, y-you’re wrong, I know my own mom Steve, I know her,” he doesn’t though. He can barely remember what she looks like. He simply knows what he wants her to be, and this woman or monster that he’s been talking to was good enough. Three years she’s been whispering in his ear, telling him he was loved and wanted. It was so easy to fall for her.
Steve shakes his head. If the circumstances were different, he might just let Billy lives in blissed out ignorance, but Billy was nearly killed tonight, and he can’t sit idly by and let him believe the woman trying to steal him away is someone worthy of his love. He may not be able to stop Neil, not yet anyways, but he can protect Billy from this bit of darkness. If he were the type to pray, he would be begging God that it’s not too late.
“Listen to me, I don’t know who she is and I don’t care, but she tried to kill you tonight Billy. I’ll bet she’s been trying to for a long time,” he doesn’t miss how Billy whimpers; facing the truth hurts almost as much as a harsh blow from Neil. If he thinks too much he can still feel fingernails digging crescent moons into his flesh, both from his father and this mystery phantom. Steve knows by the way Billy tries to hide himself further in Steve’s bare skin that he’s not wrong. “You trust me right ?? You know me. I’m always going to be here for you, I’m gonna protect you.”
Billy finds comfort in the promise, mostly because it’s always been Steve that he chose above everyone else, and now he’s starting to see why. Steve is the only good decision he’s ever made.
It’s a week later when he’s laying in Steve’s bed and he feels the bed dip with weight. At first he’s relieved; he doesn’t like being alone, especially not in a house as big and lifeless as Steve’s. All relief fades when he doesn’t feel Steve’s familiar warmth washing over him. He begins to shiver and when he rolls over to reach for Steve he is met by a cold black gaze. She’s back, his not-mom is back and she followed him to Steve’s house.
He knows what she wants, but he can’t give it to her, not when he knows she’s nothing to him but a liar, an omen of pain, his own sadistic, impatient reaper. He has no idea where Steve is and he can’t go with her without knowing that Steve is safe.
“Go away,” he tries to sound forceful and angry, but it’s clear to see he’s terrified. The figure beside him smirks.
“Don’t be like that sweetie, I’m just here to collect what’s mine,” she whispers, her tongue practically dripping with sugar, her sickeningly sweet disposition making Billy shrink away.
“I’m not yours, I’m nothing to you,” he knows it’s not smart to mouth off to her, but he’s so hurt and angry, and Steve isn’t there to protect him or talk him down, so he’s just going to shoot off at the mouth until she leaves or kills him.
“Don’t say that,” she growls, grabbing him by the jaw. “I’m more of a mother to you than yours ever was. She’s dead William, she’s rotten flesh, dirty bones in the ground somewhere. And your father ?? He’s nothing, he’s a beast. I’m the one who’s been here !! I’m the one who has looked after you all this time. Me, no one else, not even that pretty little thing. He’ll leave too you know, he’ll realize you’re not worth it. I’m the only one who stays with you, haven’t you learned that by now ?!”
“That’s not true !!” maybe, somewhere deep down, Billy actually believes that, but the words coming out of her mouth aren’t exactly new and original ideas. Billy’s last boyfriend was some thirty year old who beat his ass for ‘breaking in’ when his wife caught Billy asleep in their bed. He hasn’t heard from a single friend from California since he left. Neil might not even come down to the morgue to identify his body if he was found dead in a ditch somewhere. Tommy and Carol might miss him, but they have each other, and short attention spans; they’ll move on fast. Steve is too good for him; he’s been eerily awaiting the day he decides Billy isn’t worth his time anymore.
“You know it’s true, don’t deny it. You made me a promise, and you need to keep it. Maybe they’ll miss you at first, but eventually you’ll just be another sad small town tragedy, like that Barb girl. You don’t matter, not to them, only to me. So come with me, stop playing games.”
“Not here, I can’t do it here.”
“That pretty boy of yours is taking a shower. I’m sure we can sneak out before he’s done. He won’t even notice we’re gone.”
“You’re probably right,” Billy sighs, but it doesn’t stop him from leaving a goodbye letter. She doesn’t seem to mind; she’s too giddy from having finally won their game.
He’s in the kitchen, hands trembling as he faces the options he’s given. There’s the all too familiar pills, a block of kitchen knives, and Neil’s gun.
The pills feel like a betrayal; Steve has worked so hard to help Billy be a better, stronger person, he can’t go out like that.
The gun is messy, and although he knows Neil will get satisfaction out of his death no matter what, he feels like using his father’s bullets gives him too much power.
The knife is messy too, and as much as he loves the idea of being one last inconvenience, one big ugly red stain in Neil Hargrove’s reputation as well as his kitchen tile, he knows it’s going to be Hopper, or Susan, or god forbid Steve, cleaning up his mess.
“I can’t do this,” he bites down on his now bloodied lip as tears spill down his cheeks. “I can’t do this without him, I can’t leave him.”
“Then don’t. Billy, baby, please,” Billy jumps; he hadn’t noticed Steve walk into the house.
Billy hears his demon scoff, but soon she’s chuckling, something thick and dirty, like she knows something he doesn’t. This time Steve can’t hear her. His eyes stay locked on Steve. Billy wishes he could say this was the first time Steve has caught him in a situation like this, but it’s not. This time it’s different though. Billy is closer to death than he’s ever been.
“You know,” she begins, smooth tone wrapping around Billy like velvet. “We could take him too pet. This world, it’s no good for people like you, and we could have a little witch on our team. It could be so much fun, and neither of you will ever be alone again,” she nudges the knives towards him  as a gentle hint.
“No, no, not him, please, he’s good,” Billy begs; he won’t mind if his last words, his dying breath are used to protect Steve.
“I know he’s good sweetheart, you’re both so good. Come on, don’t you want him, forever??” She’s always known just what to say. Billy wants him so desperately; he wants to hold Steve and never let go, but more than anything he wants Steve to be safe and happy.
He nods, swallows hard and turns away from Steve.
“Billy, come on, it’s gonna be okay,” Steve’s tone is gentle, cautious, like he’s approaching a scared, caged animal. He’s always known the best way to talk to Billy.
He picks up the butcher knife and turns to Steve. Steve steps back, and Billy can’t blame him. He knows how this looks. Billy’s thought about killing on more than one occasion, but even when he was pummeling Steve with his fists, he was never really the target of his aggression.
“If I do this, you promise it’ll be over?? It won’t hurt anymore ??”
“Yes,” they both whisper, tones soft and patient. Yes, the pain will stop once you shed blood, she means. Yes, the pain will stop if you put the knife down and come to me, Steve means. He wants to believe Steve, but there has always only ever been one clear ending for Billy, and he decides to stop putting it off.
He raises the knife to his throat, and Steve looks more scared than he did when the knife was aimed at him. Steve tries to move quick and stop him, but that just rushes Billy’s shaking hand. The cut is rough and he tastes blood within an instant. It burns and he’s having trouble keeping himself up.
“You’re such a good boy,” the demon finally shows herself to the world, and Steve isn’t surprised, just angry. It’s the last Billy sees of her, because she’s smart enough to leave before getting into another fight with Steve.
The last thing he sees is Steve’s face, so soft and loving. He wishes he weren’t crying, but beggars can’t be choosers. The last thing he feels is Steve cradling and shaking his cold aching body in his warm arms. The last thing he hears is “Baby please, don’t leave me, please. I love you.”
His final thought is one of both guilt and appreciation. There’s no better way to die than by Steve Harrington’s side.
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collateralfiction · 6 years
He didn’t even survive pass the next day.
He didn’t even wake up.
Yet, the doctors told us something else while his body was slowly deteriorating.
Ms. Chalmers and I had waited near Riley’s bedside until Ryan showed up or if he even would. It was up in the air with him right about now since I haven’t heard anything from him since seeing him last night. Every other relative of Riley seemed to drop what they were doing and make a beeline towards the designated Hospital. There wasn’t a moment when someone wasn’t in the hospital room; whether that be a nurse or a guest and it was only 3 in the afternoon. Not once had I seen Riley open his eyes or talk but move? Yes. It was very subtle like and it gave me hope but that bit of hope didn’t last long every time a doctor arrived with furrowed eyebrows, talking in hushed whispers. They didn’t suspect that I had noticed their body language but as I sat in the corner, I had a great view of everything that was happening around me.
Ms. Chalmers and I slept on the couches and occasionally would wake up in the middle of the night to check if there was any progress. But, to no avail. I could see it all over her face that she was losing hope quickly and although it was a sad thing to do, it was the reality of the situation which is exactly why we were all waiting for Ryan to make his appearance. A part of me wasn’t sure if he would show but I was really trusting that he would; not only for his brother but for his weak mother as well. There was only so much I could do and what I could offer to Ryan’s mother would always be less than what he could give his own mother.
He was just being a great disappointment lately.
Things just seemed to get progressively worse as time went on. No matter what, I always tried to be understanding and talk to him throughout our issues, but I wasn’t stupid. His actions lately and in the past haven’t been the best and it has made me raise a few eyebrows and connect the dots on my own terms, but it has led me nowhere. I don’t want to say I’ve given up but I’m on the brink of it. I shouldn’t have to worry about what my boyfriend is doing behind my back and I’m not. I’m just not sure how long this situation between us will last. I don’t want to give up on something that started off so well but it’s like Ryan leaves me no choice. And to think my father cosigned him. Maybe it was the sole fact that he could keep a keen eye on Ryan that he did? Perhaps.
“In an hour exactly he’ll be taken off of life support,” Ms. Chalmers said, walking next to me and taking a seat beside me on the tan colored couch. My eyes blinked repeatedly, and I felt a brink of tears about to escape my ducts. I had the smallest circle and only surrounded myself with people that were either family or friends related. It was those that actually mattered to me and the fact that I was going to be losing Riley gave me great anxiety. How could I lose someone as special as him in my life? Ms. Chalmers pulled me in for a hug before tears could slip past my eyes, rubbing my back reassuringly. “I know, baby,” she whispered. “It’s going to be hard on everyone, the two of us especially,”
It was no doubt that Riley and I shared a connection that was out of this world and some could closely relate it to being on a level of soulmates, but it was never something we could take there. It was just something about Riley’s mind that instantly made me gravitate towards him. You know how when people talk about fucking each other’s mind? Well, that’s what he did. Ryan might not have liked it but that was out of my control. What did he expect to happen while being near Riley while he went out to do his dirty work? Did he not expect us to talk? After all, I was with Riley more than Ryan to begin with anyhow.
“Yeah,” I mumbled lightly. “I, uh, just hope Ryan makes it on time. He hasn’t returned any of my calls,” I said, looking down at my nails. The doctors had suggested placing Riley in a new room, so we wouldn’t have to bear witness to any of the unexpected changes. After sleeping by Riley’s bedside, for the first time all night, I agreed with them.
“Really?” Ms. Chalmers said. “That’s oddly strange. I just got off the phone with him,” My eyebrows knitted together in confusion and I leaned back. So, his phone wasn’t dead, he had enough time to call his mother, but he couldn’t reply to a few of my messages? Out of everyone he chooses to ignore, he’s going to ignore the one that’s always been there for him and his family regardless? Fine. This is just another reason why our relationship is deteriorating. A wave of emotions showed on her face for me and the sign of sympathy was the clearest one of them all. I peeled her hands from off of my hands and stood to walk outside.
My feet carried me towards the cafeteria where I bought a small cup of coffee and sat down, reevaluating everything that happened in the past twelve hours. I could definitely go for a well needed rest because nothing was making sense. Riley wasn’t even involved in what Ryan did and had no ties to it whatsoever. For it to happen in front of his building automatically told me that someone must have been following him to at least know where he lives. Ryan on the other hand, might have a few enemies on his hand and depending on the circumstance, things could have ended up on bad terms, leaving the possibility up for revenge there.
I racked my brain for any reason as to why someone would target Ryan but came up fruitless. He’s been behaving lately, and we’ve actually been spending a lot of time together to make up for lost time, although looking collectively at the last few months, it hasn’t been the best. However, the only thing that actually entered my mind was what Ryan was doing two, three months ago and how he disappeared for about a week. When he came back, he was jittery as fuck and his nerves were shot. I couldn’t seem to understand it, nor did I question it because I didn’t want to hear what wrong he was doing. A hand was placed on my shoulder, bringing me out of my thoughts quickly. I turned around and stared up at Ryan, a soft sigh emitting from my lips. “Where’d you go last night?” I questioned instantly, standing up.
He towered over my frame tremendously and for once, didn’t seem too defensive around me. “Not now,” he pleaded. “I can’t watch someone I love die in front of me,” I cut my eyes at him and shook my head. He was full of it but that was nothing new. Something had to give.
“Why weren’t you attempting to reach out to me after all my calls and messages?!” I said smugly.
“Can we talk about this later?! I’m here now!”
“Exactly,” I mumbled, brushing pass him. I trekked back towards the room I knew Riley was in by memorization and looked in the little window, seeing Ms. Chalmers over the railing, talking to her dying son. He was alive, but he was dead. He was in a serious coma. But with the way the EKG was going, it was safe to say that he wouldn’t make it. Ryan stepped by me and looked into the room. His hand grasped the doorknob and he took a step in, looking back at me.
“Are you coming in?” he asked.
“No, not yet,” I said.
I watched from afar as Ryan and Ms. Chalmers talked to Riley’s body. I couldn’t exactly hear what they were saying but I know it was meant to be private and for them to have their last few minutes together. Despite everything, I’m glad that Ryan did show up when he did because he needed to be there. He needed to gain some sort of closure with his only brother and I couldn’t stand in the way of that no matter what. A part of me couldn’t help but feel guilty only because of how it seemed as if I was catering more to Riley than Ryan and even Ryan picked up on that himself. It seemed so bad now that I was thinking about it but most of that was harmless until a line had been crossed not even two months ago. It was the same time around when Ryan had a ‘mission’ and he was gone for that full week, I spent the week with Riley and Rayne went to stay with our mother.
Usually, there was always a source of entertainment while I crashed at his place and this time was no different as he set up game night with me, him and a few of his friends. It seemed like a frat party every night, so it wasn’t just us two. However, as the days went by, I seemed to notice something strange with Riley, so I easily confronted him about it. Long story short, what I thought would be a simple conversation turned into something deeper. Within a thirty-minute time frame, Riley had spilled the unimaginable; he confessed to liking me. I questioned where that came from and he honestly didn’t have an explanation from me like I thought he would.
He seemed vulnerable and even a little emotionally unstable. I was flabbergasted at his confession and taken aback that I was slow to react to anything that was occurring around me. Before I knew it, his lips were on mine and I found myself putting in the same amount of passion as him. It seemed like things were escalating quickly and I had to put my hand to his chest in order to stop him. Usually, Riley was the first person to show his emotions on his face, regardless if he done something right or wrong but at this point, he didn’t care… well, at least that’s what his face showed. That night, I really couldn’t stay around him as much as I usually do. One thing for sure, I was more confused than ever that night and the line between friends and lovers were blurred.
“Happy birthday, Bailey!” was yelled loudly across the private beach we were all residing in.
I chuckled, shaking my head slightly. “How many times are you guys going to randomly shout that?” I grinned.
“Every time you think we forgot,” Adrian smirked.
“Well thank you,” I chuckled, plopping down on the peach colored beach towel. I woke up this morning in a room filled with colorful balloons and a bag that contained all my birthday gifts. I didn’t get a chance to look at them individually and I probably won’t until tomorrow or so. Due to the fact that I overheard Justine plans for my birthday, I knew exactly what was happening but decided to act as if I didn’t just to make her feel like all her hard work was fulfilled and panned out in the way that she wanted. Regardless, I wasn’t going to complain about it and just enjoy my special day that I know is simply reserved for me and myself only. Turning twenty-two felt good; number one reason why was for the fact that I was still alive and healthy despite every worse case scenario thrown my way.
My birthday would have been complete if my family was around but they’re not and I just have to accept it. It’s not like I won’t see them soon. However, that was one thing I did not want to think about. It comes with too much worrying. Shaking my head slowly, I took a sip of my Pina Colada concoction while using my left hand to fan myself. Since Austin was a participant in this trip, I wanted to make sure that he was included in everything possible, so he would feel comfortable. The beach was a perfect way for that to happen with us being only a few minutes away. “Alright, we ‘bout to play some football!” Justin yelled. “Volunteers?” he questioned. A scattered response from the guys all saying the same thing, yes, ensued. “Girls?”
“Wouldn’t it be uneven?” I thought out loud.
“Naw, four and four. Austin is playing,” Justin said.
“If that’s the case, we’re the captains,” Justine explained. The guys looked at her with a raised eyebrow before they all eventually nodded, seeing as that we were the only two females with them to begin with. “I will be one captain and Bailey will be the other,” she smirked. We all nodded simultaneously, and I quickly finished my drink before standing up. I tossed on my cover up to my blue bikini. I knew nothing concerning football, but I was willing to give it a try. I would watch Sunday football with my father at one point, so this should be slightly easy. Right? “Birthday girl gets to choose first!” she yelled.
“Alright, my first choice has to be Austin. He looked out for me this whole morning,” I smiled, opening my arms out for him to run into them. He literally woke me up with his squeals of Happy Birthday before anybody else could. He made sure I had some breakfast and talked to me the whole morning about how I felt about turning one year older. The only thing he didn’t do is give me my gift that he so kindly seemed to talk around.
He wrapped his arms around my waist and smiled at his uncle with a mischievous grin. “That was foul, B. But okay, I’m going to play nice. I’ll choose Caiden,” Justine said.
“Of course!” I said through a fit of fake coughs. She cut her eyes at me before subtly placing her finger over her mouth, shushing me.
“I’ll take Adrian and August then,”
“Alright, come on Justin and Brian. No slacking off!” she said seriously. We split apart and headed in opposite directions to discuss game plan. While Justine was taking this completely seriously and I just wanted my team to have as much fun as possible. Besides, it was my birthday; I should win by default.
“Why you pick me second?” Adrian questioned, looking down at me since I was much shorter than him. I wrapped my arms around his torso, looking up at him with my chin resting on his bare chest. Although he didn’t really work out, he was still slim and could pull off without wearing a shirt. This morning, he told me: no sits up for me, long as my dick still get up for me. It earned a few chuckles out of me but I knew he was dead serious. Lucky for him, he had a high metabolism so that shit wasn’t catching up to him.
“I told you where my heart lies,” I chuckled. “Austin is my main,”
“You shady as fuck for that,” he grumbled.
“Keep it cute, boo,” I said. “We got a game to win,”
“And why should I help you win?” he asked, slipping his hand under my cover up and palming my ass. “What do I get in return?” That action meant he only had one thing in mind and by the lustful stares he was giving me, I could tell but played like I didn’t notice them at all.
“A few bottles…. All on me though!” I smiled.
“That’s it? You know what I’m talking ‘bout,” he grumbled, nuzzling his face in the crevice of my neck.
“What you want?” I said lowly near his ear. “We can do it right now,”
Pulling back at me for second, he stared at me through thin slits. “See! Stop playing games with me, Bailey before I fuck you up,” he stated but started to chuckle after, noticing how I wasn’t being exactly truthful. I pulled him down his goatee, kissing his supple lips multiple times.
“I should have been asking you that, truth be told,” I said. “It’s my birthday after all. I deserve strippers and shit,”
“That’s what you want?” he asked, giving me a raised eyebrow.
“Only if they ass is fat,”
“Then that’s what we gonna do,” he grinned, smacking my ass. I yelped and quickly pushed his hands away.
“That is not funny,” I muttered, deciding to walk away.
“It’s not. That ass you got is something serious,” he cackled behind me and although I wanted to play like what he said wasn’t funny, I couldn’t help but laugh a little bit and crack a smile. So far, so good. I’m just waiting to see how long it stays like this.
“So, as we can see, I am the next Eli Manning. I am as fast as a Cheetah and if you didn’t know, I’m unstoppable,” I boasted for the fourth time during our lunch break, taking a bite out my burger shortly after. We played two games out of three and whoever won two games first was crowned the winner. Naturally, anybody is competitive, without a doubt and this was no different. The fact that Austin is so small and can move quite the distance and swerve past people like it’s nothing had us at a huge advantage. Justine talked all through the game, claiming that we were cheating but truth be told, she just wasn’t the best athlete on her team. Adrian and August made this shit look easy, so I stuck to being the one who caught the ball and ran past everyone…. Too bad I don’t know what that’s called. Wide receiver? Quarterback? Doesn’t matter to me, I still destroyed everyone.
“Now see, if we weren’t playing in sand, you wouldn’t have won shit,” Caiden retorted.  
“Dead ass, bruh,” Justin muttered with a sour facial expression. It honestly amused me how they got so bent out of shape over something like this. It was always a bruise to their ego when a girl could do something better than them, sports especially.
“Might I add, Austin had no problems through the sand,” I said, wishing Austin was near to hear that. He had previously went inside the villa to get something for me, presumably my birthday gift, which left the table with everyone else but him and Justine.
“He’s small though,” Brian countered.
“You are too, and I saw you slipping quite much,” I giggled, leaning back into the crème colored booth, crossing my arm over my chest tightly. There were chairs on the outskirts as well. The weather seemed to be amazing today. I would have expected it to be hot as fuck out here, but it really wasn’t. It was a nice temperature with cool breezes to help people like me accommodate to the sudden changes. With New York and its’ ever changing weather temperatures and condition, the weather here was much better. I loved it. Brian stuck his middle finger up at me and I waved it off as all the guys began to jump on the bandwagon and crack jokes on one another. Only person that wasn’t doing any of that was Adrian. “What’s wrong?” I asked.
“Nothing… nothing. I’m just thinking of all the ways I can fuck you since we missed out on hella days,” he said lowly, dropping his hands on my thigh. “I plan to fuck you at least twice every day before we go back home,”
I dropped my hand over his large ones and gripped it tightly. “Are you keeping that promise?”
“Of course,” he smirked, taking a sip of his Hennessey. No matter what time of day it is, he always has his drink made, by him of course. Austin and Justine made their way from around the corner and towards our private table. Instead of sitting down, Austin came around to my side, asking if Justin could slide out of the booth so he could sit next to me. He pushed away everything that was in front of me to place a Burberry bag in front of me with a cheesy grin.
“My mommy and uncle A told me that you made me a cake when I came home, and I wanted to be nice back and get you something because it’s your birthday,” he expressed. “You can open it,”
“Before I do, did you buy this with your money?” I chuckled, eyeing the expensive name brand.
“Um, see, the way my Captain America wallet is set up…” he said causing us all to start laughing.
“It’s okay, boo. It’s the thought that counts,” I said, removing the brown paper bag that was stuffed inside. I felt around for two boxes and pulled out the smallest one first.
“Uncle A said females like shoes like niggas,”
“Austin!” Justine yelled. “Watch your mouth,”
Austin’s face was priceless as he slapped his hand on his mouth. “Aw, baby. It’s okay,” I said, draping my arm over his small shoulder. I proceeded to open the box and my eyes glazed over the neutral colored Canvas Check and Leather sandals. They were adorable and would definitely fit into my growing collection of clothes. I smiled at Austin and pinched his cheek before he encouraged me to look at my next box which was much bigger. The next box contained a hand painted Leather Ankle bootthat was absolutely to die for, or maybe I was just exaggerating because of how unique looking it was. “These are so beautiful, Austin. You picked these out all by yourself?”
“Yep!” he stated proudly. I gave him a tight hug and proclaimed that he was the MVP of the day for his over the top gifts, although I haven’t seen the others just yet.
“Where’s my gift, Adrian?” I said, turning to face him.
“In my pants,” he muttered nonchalantly, finishing off his plate.
“Ugh, can’t stand you,”  
Third Person Perspective
“Make sure you clean up this room, Austin. We’re not home and there should be no reason why you start to become lazy all of a sudden,” Justine stated seriously, watching as her son picked up his sneakers from around the room. Although this was a vacation and a place where he could be as free as he wanted to be, he still had to be neat and tidy. It was something Justine felt the need to teach her son early on so by the time he’s sixteen, Austin shouldn’t expect his mother to clean his bed because he’ll already have done it. She’s going to raise Austin to be like Austin and not the males in his life. Although Justine loves her brother dearly, she doesn’t love what he does and the consequences of half the shit he gets into but what is her voicing her opinion really going to do? Not a damn thing so all Justine can do is prevent it from happening with her son. She surely doesn’t want Austin growing up to be like his father, but she does wish, and still do, that one day they’ll have a father son relationship.
That would be the dream but knowing how overprotective her older brother is, it doesn’t really seem reachable. Austin rarely talks about his father but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t wonder where his old man is at. At one point, things were smooth sailing and Austin wasn’t affected by any of this but things happened, people changed and mistakes were made and now this is the result of everything; Austin getting caught in the middle of all this madness. “It’s clean, ma!” Austin complained, wanting to go back outside.
The guys had finished eating lunch a little over thirty minutes ago and Austin was craving to go outside or at least be with everyone else. He didn’t want to be stuffed inside a room when everyone else was outside having fun. “Lower your voice,” Justine stated sternly. “You’ve been speaking out of turn lately. Don’t think I haven’t noticed,” she said. Maybe it was the fact that Austin is around grown men who don’t have a filter or maybe it’s because Justine isn’t as strict as she could be when the time calls for it. Regardless, it has to be nipped in the bud.
“Sorry,” Austin apologized truthfully.
With a sigh, Justine excused it and allowed him to leave his room when she felt like it was time. Plopping down on the small bed, Justine reached over to her ringing phone and sighed again upon realizing that it was her mother trying to reach in contact with her. Mrs. Andrews had been calling quite frequently for the past two days and like any time before, Justine had ignored her calls. Justine doesn’t have it in her to hate anyone but there is a strong dislike she has for her mother ever since finding out that she was pregnant at such a tender age. There was a time when Adrian and Justine’s mother was amazing as hell and did any and everything for them; essentially bending over backwards. But that was when there were three young children. Not just Adrian and Justine but, Adrian, Justine and Austin Jr. Adrian wasn’t always the oldest but up until a couple of years ago, he was. Austin Jr. was the eldest out of the three kids and when Mrs. Andrews had all her three kids together in good health, she was at her happiest and most nurturing.
However, that didn’t last long when Austin Jr, who was named after his father, died suddenly and abruptly out of nowhere. It caught everyone off guard and most importantly hit Mrs. Andrews like a ton of bricks. Austin Jr was a healthy kid, teen and adult so she couldn’t seem to grasp why on God’s green earth that her son had to be the one to suffer and die unexpectedly. It tore up her world and although she couldn’t have done much, she still felt like this was all her fault and to this day, probably feels the same way.
Justine was only 15 when her older brother passed away and even though she and Adrian have always been close, Austin Jr was always someone she would go to before Adrian just because they were very different and had different outlooks on life. That’s why she named her son after him. Adrian on the hand just became numb to the whole situation and buried it away with his older brother. He had witnessed too many people slip from his life to really feel moved. Although it seemed like he was apathetic to his own brother, he just couldn’t come to grips with the sudden event. It was just something he didn’t want to deal with and instead, just made sure his sister was good since their mother seemed to check out mentally.
After that, things haven’t been the same and no one seems to be making effort to fix things once and for all. Or maybe Mrs. Andrew actually is and her efforts are being ignored. Justine ignored the call once again and contemplated blocking her mother. It would be something very harsh to do but maybe she would catch the hint and finally leave her alone. She wouldn’t have a problem with her growing a bond with Austin but with her? No. Just as soon as she was about to lock her phone, an unfamiliar number popped up. Justine was sure that it was probably her mother calling from another line, but it would be weird for her to all of a sudden do that when she hasn’t before. With much hesitance, she accepted the call and placed the phone to her ear. “Hello?”
A few seconds had pass and Justine thought about hanging up till she heard a familiar voice flow through the phone. “Justine, how nice to hear from you,”
“Lonnie,” she mumbled, feeling her chest tighten.
“Yeah, it’s me. How you been?” Lonnie asked calmly as if everything was peachy.
Justine hadn’t had a conversation with Lonnie in over… two weeks, perhaps three? As far as Adrian knew, his sister and Lonnie weren’t speaking at all. All contact was dissolved but apparently, there had been a few conversations here and there and a few meet ups as well. In Justine’s mind, it was all to appease Lonnie and maybe help pacify the situation to the point where her son can be with his father and Adrian can tolerate the situation. If not, Justine was treading on dangerous water. “F-fine,” she stuttered. “Why? Is there something wrong?” she said, her face reading distressed.
“Actually, there is,” he stated after clearing his throat. Lonnie was about to make Justine sweat for a bit. Despite what Lonnie is perceived as, he’s smart in his own way. While some might go the easier route to figure out a simple math problem, he’ll probably look in another direction to find the correct answer, even if it would take him much more time. Justine sat up, stood from the bed and made her way outside so no one would be able to eavesdrop into the conversation. Before leaving completely, she slid into her Nike slides. There was no telling what Lonnie just might say. Their past conversations have been relatively good but by the condescending tone Lonnie was using on Justine, her guard was definitely up, and she was frightful.
“How’s your brother doing?” he asked instead of cutting straight to the chase.
“Please, don’t start,” she said weakly, closing her eyes tightly.
“Well, in that case, I’ll tell you how he’s doing. Don’t have your brother lurking around my crib and confronting me on some shit that don’t involve him at all, alright?” Justine was utterly confused by his statement. For one, she doesn’t know what Adrian does in his spare time which scares her, but she can’t do much about. However, Justine knows that Adrian can’t stand Lonnie, so she was a bit taken aback that he would be anywhere near him. Then it started to hit her; what did her brother know?! “Then it clicked with me, who’s this Kennedy chick your brother has fake dating me?!”
“You’re dating?” she found herself asking. So many things were being thrown at her, she didn’t quite know how to respond or where to start.
“Don’t have your brother coming to me on some bullshit and trying to fight. I left him alone a long ass time ago for your sake,” Although Lonnie wasn’t being as blunt as Justine would have liked, she picked up on his threat easily. It wouldn’t have been the first time he’s done it. “Check that nigga. Fuck he bothering me for?”
“Lonnie, I really don’t know what you’re talking about,” Justine said, her neat eyebrows meshing together.
“Better get a clue, bitch,” And then there was a dial tone.
“Three months and then probation? How is that possible? I mean, it’s wonderful but this is legit, right?” Mrs. Banks questions, looking at their family lawyer, Mr. Moore, suspiciously. Mr. Moore had been their lawyer for over fifteen years and had been there during any of their legal problems. He graduated at the top of his class at Harvard. He was a force and one not to be taken lightly. Instead of serving 5 years for his federal offense, Mr. Banks only has to do a minimum of three due to Mr. Moore and his savvy words. He knew every crack and bend in this job and he would use them to his advantage. Now, he was reporting to Mrs. Banks that instead of spending a year and half, half of three years Mr. Banks has left, he would only have threemonths left. Twelve weeks left. It seemed odd and abrupt, but Mrs. Banks didn’t want to question it too much either. Mr. Moore was very certified, so he obviously should know what he’s talking about.
“Of course, it is. I recently got a copy of the documentation of his sentencing and noticed a glitch. I did a little more research on it and this is the result I got from that. In three months, he’ll be released. Probation is a must and that’ll probably include house arrest. For how long? That’s still in question,” he confessed. “Everything is being worked out slowly,”
Mrs. Banks couldn’t believe her ears. Although she was excited, it didn’t register on her face. What did register was every scenario that would soon happen and what Mr. Banks’ reactions would be. That was something she wasn’t ready for, but it was necessary at this point. It would make things a lot easier with him around. She was just hopeful that Bailey would be back before then. This day was exceptionally hard on everyone because it was Bailey’s birthday and they couldn’t even be there to celebrate with her. They all wondered what she was doing or if she was fine. A phone call at this point would suffice so badly. If only they knew.
“Are you sure of this? I don’t want to get my child’s hopes up for nothing to happen,” Mr. Moore began to elaborate on the glitch he witnessed and how the outcome would in fact affect Mr. Banks for the better. Even with a thorough explanation, she was still on the fence about all of this. It was one thing to think about him finally coming home and it was also another thing for her to run and tell Rayne and for it not to happen. Mr. Banks being back home would be a major adjustment and not having Bailey around to fill that missing gap would be an even bigger thing to deal with than dealing with jail.
“Three months, I wouldn’t lie. But for precaution, don’t tell Mr. Banks any of this just yet. We’ll know what’s set in stone two to three weeks from now. For right now, start making arrangements,” He was referring to Bailey and pressing charges whenever the time called for it. It was something a rational Mrs. Banks wanted to do but typically, Mr. Banks had other plans in mind. The only thing that he was focusing on in that moment was getting his daughter back and he knew that it would happen in due time.
“Three months,” she mumbled lowly.
“Are you sure you can’t come tonight? Austin will be supervised thoroughly,” I whined, unable to really understand the sudden distance Justine was putting in between the crew and herself. Everything seemed fine until over an hour ago when I actually saw her after she disappeared from the unit. Before, Justine had promised that she would make it out tonight just for me and would have someone responsible to watch out for Austin, but it looks like things have changed and her mind being number one. She sighed, placing her Chanel sunglasses over her eyes. I don’t know exactly why she was wearing glasses at this time of day, but I didn’t question it; but I did have a theory on it.
“I’m sure, Bailey. I would feel rather safe if I was here with him anyway. Have fun though, boo. Take a shot of Vodka for me, okay?” she said weakly, giving me a soft smile.
“What’s wrong?” I questioned. “Just tell me. You’re always there for me. At least let me do the same,” I said, glancing at the clock quickly. I had an hour to get ready, according to Adrian, and I hadn’t even gotten dressed. I was sitting down in a white robe, not really feeling motivated to get up and do something truth be told. But everyone was getting ready to go out and celebrate my birthday so the least I could do was be appreciative. However, Justine didn’t look and sound the greatest and it had me curious to her sudden change of heart and what happened that has her acting strange. She wouldn’t budge though, no matter how inquisitive I became. Had this been Adrian, there was no way she would have been able to walk away without spilling some sort of details. I had half the mind to go to Adrian about this, but I didn’t want her to feel like this was an ambush.
“Later,” she said. “Uh, you want me to help you get ready?” she asked, attempting to change the subject.
“You can do my make up,” I said. My hair had been in its natural state of loose curls and I didn’t feel like going through the struggle to straighten it. With a simple head nod, Justine began to pull out a small bag containing her makeup and sat them in my lap.
“Your makeup will be done in thirty minutes flat. That’s how good I am,” she smirked, raising her sunglasses to the top of her head. In all actuality, it took her thirty-five minutes to finish my makeup, only because I wasn’t feeling the plum lipstick and instead opted for a subtle lip gloss that complemented my complexion and the color scheme of the rest of my makeup. She applied some mousse to my hair to spruce up my curls and allowed for it to set for a few minutes. “You look so great, B!” she gushed, returning with my black dress and the boots Austin ‘purchased’ for me earlier.
“You sure? You think Adrian will like it?” I found myself asking, lightly biting down on my bottom lip.
“He won’t even be concerned with your makeup, truth be told. He’ll be looking at you in this dress of yours!” she squealed. “Side boob on deck,”
“For real,” I mumbled. Justine once again helped me slip into my short black dress, zipping me up right after.
“You look like a Sports Illustrated Model, goodness,” Justine chuckled.
“Thank you, you’re too kind,” I said, smoothing down the dress completely and turning around so I could look at myself from the back.
“Okay, your ass looks great. No need to stare,” Justine chuckled, cleaning up the mess we had made in the master bathroom. With a content sigh leaving my lips, I left the bathroom and the room altogether. The hour time I was given wasn’t enough as I went over it by a few but for good reasoning of course. When I made it towards the living room, everyone either sat on the couch with Styrofoam cups in their hands or at the bar creating some sort of concoction of a drink. I caught Adrian’s eyes first and for a second, he looked up and looked back down but when he realized it was me, his eyes landed back on me in a flash.
“Com’ere,” he called out. Pursing my lips slightly, I walked towards him and stood between his open legs. His right hand went to the back of my thigh, rubbing it slowly. “You look good,” he said huskily, pulling me to sit on top of his lap. He was wearing a black t shirt with a Cardinal’s jersey on. He wore denim jeans and a pair of crisp white Olympics. To say the least, he looked good… too good in my opinion. I was ready to throw it at him right now. I wrapped my arms around his neck, smirking.
“Thank you, baby,” I smiled, kissing his lips.
“Shots, niggas,” Justin loud ass yelled, breaking up our moment. I tore my eyes away from Adrian and towards the two drinks Justin held in his hands. “Bacardi! The finest Rum you’ll ever have,” he said, practically shoving it in our hands. “You have to drink this too, Bailey. No punkin’ out,” he cackled while walking away. My face immediately scrunched up by the smell and I could only picture the taste being something worst off. Taking it like a champ, I swallowed the bitter taste as fast as I could, although it burned my throat the entire way down. I closed my eyes, breathing in deeply as soon as the aftertaste hit my taste bud.
“You a lightweight,” he teased.
“Not even,” I proclaimed. “I can handle myself quite fine while intoxicated,” I said, watching him knock back his drink like it’s nothing. In order to get him drunk seemed like too much work if his face wasn’t twisting up at the taste of any of this hard liquor.
The car ride towards the furthest strip club was nothing short of amusement. If it wasn’t Justin cracking jokes while knocking back drinks, it was Brian and Caiden singing songs along with the radio. They were really doing everything in their power to make sure that my birthday was nothing short of amazing and I think they pretty much succeeded. Not one negative thought surfaced my mind and it was because of the great distractors I had around me and the continuous amounts of activities they had laid out. With Adrian leading the way, we entered into the large strip club that seemed to be the talk of the town and was a must see tourist attraction. Adrian’s hand gripped onto mine as we maneuvered through the vicinity with my eyes bouncing off everything in sight. Everything from the strobe lighting, the fast pace music and the flexible girls on silver poles giving off the ultimate show for every man that stood around to watch and drown them in money.
Adrian continued to lead us towards a section that was reserved just for us with two burly bodyguards on either side. Adrian spoke to the one on the left first before we were given access into the exclusive spot. It seemed like another world as we entered in further to the establishment where everything seemed to dim down more and the lighting was placed majority on the well trained dancers. Before the group split up, we all took another round of shots before separating. “You wanna tip or get a dance?” Adrian said loud enough for me to hear over the loud music that was playing; Ty$ - Paranoid Remix.
“Both,” I murmured. I have only been to a strip club once in my life and that was only to appease Ryan since he so badly wanted to go to one and I rather be there to supervise his ass than he goes, and I have no recollection of it. Placing a glass of whatever he was drinking in my hand and holding the actual bottle in his, he wrapped his arms around my waist as he led the way towards what he calledthe best dancer in the club.
No one was on stage yet so until then I backed him into a wall and began to dance on him slowly, matching the tempo of the songs that would play. It was like we were in our own world as I continued to grind on him slowly. He had finished his bottle a while ago, so his hands were firmly placed around my waist with his face buried in my neck whispering lustful comments. A yelped passed my lips suddenly as soon as Adrian’s teeth sunk into my skin and he soothed it by licking it slowly. “Stoppp,” I whined playfully, turning around in his grasp and wrapping my arms’ around his neck. I brought his face closer to mine, kissing his lips passionately, feeling the taste of Hennessey on it very blatantly.
“Shit, if anything you should stop. Trying to get a nigga hard in public. You play dirty, baby girl,”
“Not even, baby boy,” I teased with a smirk. His mouth opened to say something but closed as soon as the DJ announced that the main show of the night would be stepping out on the stage. That seemed to capture everyone’s attention, even mine. Adrian dropped his hand in mine and led the way towards the circular stage. From the other side of the platform, I easily spotted Justin and Caiden with racks of money in their hands. A part of me wanted to blow up Caiden’s spot and question exactly what he thought he was doing but I rather not. I was just more so curious as to where Brian and August were. From the corner of my eye, I spotted what I assumed a waitress approaching Adrian in what looked like lingerie, handing him a black duffel bag.
“Here you go, Mr. Peters,” she said formally. “Is there anything else I can get you?” There was a hint of seduction in her voice but being that Adrian was too focused on counting the amount of stacks in the duffel bag to realize what was being said, she was ignored and walked away furiously; looking at me as if I was the source for her being indirectly curved.
“She mad, huh?” he chuckled, handing me four stacks of two hundred five dollar bills.
“I think so,” I giggled as another girl placed a few shot glasses in front of us. I removed the band from off of the first stack and opened it up some. Adrian kicked the bag full of money below him and under the open space. The music switched to something fast pace and a little blunt to YG’s Left, Right. It seemed like with the new pace in music, the lights began to flicker accordingly. From far away, all I could see was ass and titties till the stripper got to the main stage, flashing a smirk at all the thirsty niggas that stood around her, waiting for her to do something amazing. Now that I think about it, I was probably the only female around this stage and her eyes immediately caught that, sending me a small wink.
“You like girls?” Adrian questioned.
I twisted my head to the side, so I could see him. “Hell no!”
“Tonight, you will,” he chuckled, slowly licking his lips.
Third Person Perspective
Without a doubt, both Bailey and Adrian were enjoying themselves at the strip club. Dollar bills from both of their hands were thrown on the curvaceous stripper as she danced around topless, showing off exactly what every man wanted to see. The stripper had begun to tease the crowd, dancing around the edge of the circular stage. The stripper, who went by the stage name Diamond Tryst, flirted with most of the men in the room but made sure to flirt with Bailey periodically. Diamond Tryst had noticed Bailey to be the only girl around and was going to use that as her advantage. It was rare seeing a female have the audacity to step foot into this club like it was nothing, but Bailey had and Bailey was going to receive a show just because she showed up. Bailey didn’t quite know how to think with the flirtatious nature of the dancer, but she masked it well. It was a show and a show that was well done. It seemed like Adrian had this whole night planned for Bailey because next thing Bailey knew, the duo were in the process of getting lap dances side by side. This was like some wild dream Adrian would think of and of course it would happen. But the fact that Bailey was cool with it made it so much better. It seemed like Bailey was enjoying it more than the guys, if anything.
One minute Bailey was the one receiving a lap dance and the next minute she was put on spot and invited to come dance on stage because the club was notified that it was her birthday. “What?!” she yelped, louder than intended to due to the alcohol circulating her bloodstream. She grabbed Adrian’s hand along with hers, not wanting to do whatever they had in mind. Bailey didn’t mind attention, but unintentional attention was a different story. Finally arriving towards the main stage, Adrian was given the microphone and Bailey clutched onto the side of Adrian tightly: mainly due to the fact that she was drinking more than what she should have and that she was kind of anxious to be up here in the first place.
“I want y’all to make extra noise for the birthday woman tonight. It’s a special day for her and she deserves all the love she can get. So, on the count of three, let’s all say happy birthday,” Adrian explained into the microphone. What Bailey didn’t know was that this was all planned as August was slowly dragging out a huge cake with multiple layers with a beautiful design on it. “One… two… three… happy birthday, beautiful!” Although everyone said it at the same time, the only one Bailey heard loud and clear enough was Adrian’s. Bailey smiled wide at him, going to kiss his lips quickly before the sound of the loud and vibrant sparklers went off and the cake caught her attention.
“Adrian,” she blushed, covering her smile.
“No need to thank me,” he chuckled, bringing her closer to her cake. When Bailey was blinded with everything else, she hadn’t noticed the piece of cake that Adrian was holding behind his back. It wouldn’t be a true birthday if Adrian didn’t fuck something up along the way. Turning her head to the side just a bit, Bailey wasn’t quick enough to catch the vanilla icing and cake that was being slammed into the side of her face. She went completely stoic as that mischievous smirk on Adrian’s face appeared before she snapped out of it. Bailey was shocked as hell that he would pull something like that on her birthday but took it in stride.
Grabbing the champagne bottle out of August hand, Bailey opened the cap of it and allowed the carbonated drink to pour all over Adrian’s attire. His smile quickly turned into a frown. Bailey knew better but for the simple fact that she had ‘bout an hour left of her birthday, he was going to let her rock. Bailey wiped away the cake from her face with a napkin and went to make sure it was all gone in the bathroom’s mirror before she made her appearance back outside. Back outside, she continued to dance among everyone in good spirits till the club had no choice but to close down.
“This that Bachata music,” Caiden blurted, immediately pulling Bailey to dance with him. He was a little drunk. They had stopped at a convenient store that was open 24/7 to get Bailey some snacks to munch on since she wouldn’t stop complaining about wanting to eat.
“Ayeee, wepaaa!” she slurred dramatically before letting off unnecessary giggles.
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lilysletters · 6 years
The Escape
The assault of Gilneas City was one of the darker chapters in Giddy and Lily’s lives, and for obvious reasons. 
It started like any other morning - Lily peddling her trinkets in the market square, Gidean snatching the coin purses from rude customers. Standard fare, really. 
But then people began screaming. A body was found torn to shreds a few streets down by a wild animal. At least, that’s what they thought until swarms of feral wolf-men with fangs like daggers and tempers to match clambered down from the rooftops. It turned into a massacre in minutes.
The two managed to slip into a back alley and away from the feeding frenzy, but neither could agree where to go from there. Lily needed to get back to her father incase the beasts were assaulting the outlying towns, too. As much as Gidean didn’t want her going alone, he couldn’t follow her and warn his own family...
It was a tense moment, but they both new they couldn’t hold the other back from taking care of family first. After all, it’s what they would do in the others shoes. They promised to meet at the city gates once they were in the clear and embraced each other with all the strength they could muster, refusing to say goodbye out loud.  
Gidean watched her run home before turning back towards the market. It was quieter now, which was probably good. He climbed quickly and quietly down to the cellar of an old speakeasy, pulling aside a keg to reveal a long, narrow passage. A few minutes of trudging through cobwebs and the corridor made way to an underground metropolis. 
All was not well in the Gilnean undercity, though. Word spread like wildfire of the chaos up above, and the sounds of hundreds of panicked people clamouring to make their escape echoed through the vaulting chambers. A mass evacuation was already underway.
Gidean aptly wove his way through the crowded walkways to his family's little shack. His little sisters were cramming knicknacks and dolls, anything they could grab, into sacks as fast as they could manage. His mother bobbed in and out of the doorway, barking orders loud enough to hear over an explosion. She spotted him and motioned for her son to join them, planting a kiss on either side of his face and nearly squeezing the air out of his lungs.
He helped them pack away the rest of their essentials without saying much, there wasn’t much to be said. They hustled out as best they could amidst the sea of bodies, and filed into lines like cattle down the exits. They shuffled through muck and mumbled words of encouragement to their companions, hoping to keep some semblance of calm.
The traffic through the tunnel came to a halt. Gidean assured his mother he’d be right back, he was just going to see what was going on. He grabbed a torch and shouldered his way to the front of the precession. 
As he approached the front of the crowd, it became clear what had halted their progression. The first group to have left the tunnels had not made it out in one piece. The water was dark and choked with blood. Bodies littered the sewer floor, most torn apart or barely recognizable. He suppressed a gag. It was pure carnage. 
One of the escapees still had some life left in him though. He sat against the wall, coughing up red mist as he struggled to breathe. His vest was in tatters, and the huge gash in his chest suggested he didn’t have much time left, if any. Gidean rushed to his side, tearing off a strip of fabric from his sash and hastily wrapping it around the open wound, hoping to stop the bleeding long enough to get him to safety.
The man placed a hand on his shoulder, pushing him away. He looked him in the eyes and shook his head. 
“It’s too late... please. You need... to get away. Before it takes me, too.” He rasped.
“Don’t be absurd. I’m not letting you die. Not like this. Let me help you, we can still get you out of here.” 
Gidean reached for the makeshift bandage again, but the wounded man was insistent. 
“No. You don’t get it. You... you all need to go! Before I hurt you!”
“Hurt us? You can barely move, sir. You’re in no condition to do much of anything, let alone hurt anyone. Now, if you could just sit still I can-”
The man doubled over, clutching his chest.
“Leave me.”  he growled out between clenched teeth.
His grip on Gidean’s shoulder tightened, his nails digging into skin.
“LEAVE!” He screamed, spittle flying.
His eyes blazed red as he met Gidean’s, his face contorted in agony. The raw panic and anger in his voice caught Gidean off guard. He backed away, hands up.
“Alright, alright. Have it your way. I’ll go. But don’t say I didn’t try.”
The fire died from the man’s face and he slumped back against the brick wall. He looked almost relieved. 
Sad and more than a little confused, Gidean turned his attention to the onlooking refugees. He began ushering them back the way they came, assuring them that they could always find another access point. The city had plenty of manholes, even if it took longer, this wasn’t the only way out. 
Once more above ground and well out of the city limits, the caravan of Gilneas’ finest outcasts huddled around campfires and whispered among themselves. Gidean stared forlornly into his stew, stirring chunks of potatoes around the bowl absent mindedly. 
His youngest sister’s voice broke him from his trance.
“You really shouldn’t play with your food, ya know. Mama’s gonna be pissed if you let her good cookin go to waste.”
He chuckled half-heartedly.
“Yeah. I guess I’m just not that hungry.”
“You okay, Gid?” she sounded genuinely concerned.
“I’ll be fine.”
Her tiny brows furrowed. 
“You don’t sound fine.” she said, scooting closer. 
He sighed. Melody might be young, but she wasn’t dumb. She could usually see right through him, whether he liked it or not.
“It’s that fellow... the one from the tunnel.” 
He chewed his thoughts over, not sure how much he should tell her about it. She waited patiently, watching his expressions as he worked over what to say.
“Something about that whole mess just... it’s not sitting right with me.” 
He rubbed the scratch on his shoulder, remembering the panicked look on the dying man’s face. He winced. It had started bruising about an hour ago, and damn if it didn’t sting something fierce.
”It just don’t make sense.” He lifted a spoonful of stew a few inches from the bowl and tipped it, watching the liquid drip back down. “And Lily... she never showed up. I waited. She just.. wasn’t there.” He sighed. “I don’t know what to make of all this, Mel. It doesn’t feel real.”
She didn’t know what to say, but she did know that he shouldn’t be alone. Melody leaned into his side, sitting in silence with him as he stared into the fire.  
The last few months were a blur. 
He remembered the fevers. Waking up, covered in sweat, screaming.
Blacking out for days at a time. Nightmares of red, burning eyes staring at him from the dark.
Healing salves crusted on his shoulder, and the infection that turned into a festering wound. The throbbing, pulsing pain.
Harvest witches in their long brown robes standing over his bedside, murmuring in hushed tones and flitting in and out of his tent.
He could remember a little girl crying, but he couldn’t remember why. And men, screaming and yelling in a circle around him.
All of that was fuzzy, and it hurt his head to think too hard about it. The easier memories were of running. Of the forest, and food, and the dirt giving way under his claws. That much was far clearer, and didn't make his head swim.
But now, he had no idea where he was, besides the fact that he was in a cage.
He glowered at the thick steel bars and paced back and forth impatiently. The floor lurched under him for the hundredth time, knocking him off balance and interrupting his sulking. Whatever this place was, he wasn’t a fan.
A few hours passed before the rough wooden door to his prison flew open, and a burly man that looked more bear than human trudged through it. He made his way down the steps of the cellar, his heavy footsteps making the boards under him groan in protest. A carnosine lamp swung in his hands, its flame illuminating the small room around him.
There wasn’t much to see. A few barrels here, a crate or two there. He hung the lamp on the wall and brushed the seawater from his hair before turning his attention to the main attraction. He plopped his weight down on a surprisingly sturdy stool in front of the cage and looked in on his captive, a massive grin spreading across his face as he did.
“Well, would ya look at who’s awake finally!” He said, slapping a hand on his thigh and leaning in for a better look. “Sure did take ya long enough.”
Gidean growled at his captor and backed into the corner, shying away from this loud spectacle of a man. He already didn’t like him.
“Oh come now! Don’t be like that! I brought you food!” 
The bear-man reached into the pouch on his side and pulled out a slab of meat, waving it back and forth in front of the bars. Gidean heard his stomach rumbling, louder than his own growls. 
“That’s it... been a while, huh?”
He tossed the scrap into the cage. The jet black worgen begrudgingly stepped into the light, just long enough to snatch the meat off the ground and retreat with it.
“Look at you! Still just as pretty as the day we caught you!”
He whistled softly. Gidean flattened his ears and hunkered down, but continued gnawing on his pound of flesh.
“You’ve got quite the timing. Need you up and strong for when we pull into port ya know.” He pulled out another slab, tossing it in as he mused more to himself than to Gidean. “Doesn’t do us much good to try n sell a man eater that won’t give us a good show first! Well, then again, if you aren't up for the fighting sort, yer worth plenty just for your hide. Either way, it’s money back in my pocket!”
He let out a booming laugh. The worgen snarled around his mouthful of food, the glow of his eyes flashing like lightning. Their gazes met, and his captor’s smile faltered, if only for a moment. He cleared his throat and regained his composure.
“Don’t spose you understand any of what I’m saying anywho though, do ya?” 
The man gave the top of the enclosure and pat and stood, cracking his back as he did. He grunted. “That’s fine. You eat up, do what you beasts do best. Enjoy yourself. We’ll see if you live up to the stories soon enough, eh?”
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Arranged - Chapter 1 BTS MafiaAU!
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Description: (Y/N) was born and raised in her father´s mafia. She has always wanted to get out of the mafia life for as long as she can remember wanting to live a normal life. She get´s promised that on her 21st birthday she´s free to leave her father´s mafia, but on her 18th birthday, her present from her father is a marriage contract to none other than Min Yoongi, mafia leader of BTS. 
Pairing: Min Yoongi x reader
Word count: 3529 
Warnings: Language, brief mentions of miscarriage and prostitution 
A/N: Hey guys, I´m so excited for posting the first chapter of Arranged and I don´t specifically know how many chapters there´s gonna be in this series, but I´m thinking around seven chapters and an epilouge, but I don´t know for certain yet. I hope you´ll all like it and feedback is more than welcome so let me know what you think of this.
Here for the first chapter I wanted you to get to know what happened to the reader and how she ended up marrying Min Yoongi so kinda a bit of a slow start, but I´m currently writing chapter 4 and it´s gonna be very exciting. 
Character Aesthetics, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7(Final)
Never in your life have you ever experienced this type of fuckery. Beat a man to a bleeding, dying mess in an underground fight? He won’t even know what hit him until after it was too late. Dress up and go to a party to seduce an old pig to have him later killed by assassins? That bastard was as good as dead the minute you laid your eyes on him. Kill dozens of people in a mass shooting without getting a single scratch yourself? You could already hear their last dying breath heave out of them. However, this went beyond anything you would ever do.
Your name is (Y/L/N) (Y/N), daughter of (Y/F/L/N) (Y/F/N), the most ruthless and most powerful mafia boss in Seoul probably even Korea, ruling the city with an iron fist. Nobody even dared to get in the way of your father, his mafia or you, and the ones who did apparently had a death wish.
You respected your father more than anything, and when he asked you to do something, you did it without any questions. However this, you resented him for it, maybe even hated him, because he had promised you away to another mafia boss. To be completely exact on who he gave you away to, Min Yoongi, ruler of Bangtan or better known as BTS.
And your dads reason for giving you away? You were his only daughter, his only child to be exact. He needed someone who could take over his gang when he either couldn´t do it himself anymore or died, probably being the last one. And apparently a girl couldn´t do that. Yes, you were highly respected by your fathers gang and they did what you told them to do, but still your father didn´t believe in you to live up to the commands or the family name that was ruling over the city like a dark cloud. Also, there were more reasons as to why you couldn´t take over his mafia.
You wanted to get out.        
You didn´t want to partake in the mafia life anymore, you wanted a normal life, with normal friends, a normal education and a normal job.
Your mother were given away by her own family to your father when she was only 24, but unlike you, she grew up with the normal life that you aspired to have. Her father were a casino player who lost all his money to your father in poker at a world famous casino, Shuffle Royal, owned by Park Jimin´s farther, another member of Bangtan who your farther were close to. Park Jimin now owned the casino since his farther died in a mass shooting there a couple of years ago.
Your grandfather ended up with owing your father a lot money, money he didn´t have so they made a deal. Your father got your mother as payment and your grandfather wouldn´t have to deal with any more trouble from his gang. Your grandfather, being the mayor wimp that he is, caged in and gave his own daughter away without a second thought to what it would do to her.
Later that night your mother were kidnapped from her very own bed and forced to sign a marriage contract with your farther. On their “wedding night”, your mother got pregnant with you and she had tried so hard to keep it together and stay strong for you, but that had only helped her so far. Back then, your farther adored and loved you more than anything, but he needed a son. Twice your mother had gotten pregnant and both times, she had a miscarriage pushing her over the edge. You were only 12 years old when the second miscarriage happened and you saw ever so clearly how it broke her and threw her in a black hole of depression and anxiety.
You took care of your mother trying so hard to put her back together; doing everything to bring your loving and caring mother back to you. However, nothing helped and at 13 you had enough, and not wanting to end up like your mother, you made a deal with your farther. The day you turned 21 you were free to leave, to get out and live a normal life, but only being 13 you didn´t see the lies behind your father’s eyes and on your 18th birthday he had given you away.
He needed an heir for his mafia and a powerful one and you being just a girl, he had to give you away to another powerful son from a strong and powerful mafia. And who better than to join together the two most powerful mafias in Seoul.
Now, 2 weeks after your father’s announcement, you were sitting in the back of your father’s car with him, on your way to sign the marriage contract with Min Yoongi and meeting him for the first time. You were staring out of the window ignoring your father sitting beside you. The memory of the announcement were still crystal clear in your mind as if it happened yesterday.
“Y/N, your farther wants to see you, now.”
The booming voice broke you and your mothers giggling. It was your 18th birthday and you were eating cake with your mother in her bedroom. She had said something funny about one of the many maids that worked for your family in the giant mansion that you lived in. It wasn´t even that funny, but it sent your mother into a rare fit of giggles, almost laughing at what had happened and you couldn´t help, but giggle and share the happiness seeping out of you because of it. You could count on one hand how many times she had laughed like that in the last 6 years and it made you feel both extremely happy and painfully sad to hear it.
“It will have to wait for later,” you sneered to Vijin who was standing in the open doorway. He was one of your father´s best men and he was trusted to do anything. He was ruthless and could kill a man with one punch, having done more times than you could count on two hands.
“Y/F/N told me to come and get you,” Vijin said to you. “With force if necessary” and with that he started cracking his knuckles making horrible cracking sounds come from them.
You could feel your mother get tense beside and not wanting her to be any more scared than she already was you reluctantly stood up from the bed to go with Vijin. Before you left her, you took the two plates of leftover cake and placed them on the bedside table. You turned to your mother cradling her face with your hands and giving her a soft kiss on her forehead.
“I´ll be back as soon as possible mother, I promise,” you told her while looking at her softly. She took one of your hands kissing the palm of it before looking back up at you.
“Just be careful my child” she said to you. “And remember, you´re father wants what´s best for you as much as I do” and with that she laid back down on her bed, closing her eyes. You wanted to ask what she meant with your farther, but Vijin was tapping his foot impatiently at the door. You turned around, sending him a death glare, and walked over to follow him to your father’s office. You walked over to the elevator and got in with Vijin. You watched him press number five, the doors closing to get you up to the fifth floor.
The mansion had six stories with the basement. The basement was where all the dirty work of the mafia took place, torturing people to get information out of them and locking them up. First floor was where the fancy parties took place when your father wanted to show off to other mafias while also reminding them who was the boss. Second floor was the living and kitchen area and were all the guest rooms and the library was. It was here you spent most of your time because of homeschooling. The third floor was were you and your parents had your rooms with huge bathrooms and giant walk-in-closet´s. The fifth floor was where the gym was with all the equipment and work-out gear you could ever need. There were machines for strength and cardio work out and a huge boxing ring in the middle to test out you combat skills. It was also here that your father’s men could “treat” themselves with the many prostitutes while consuming large amounts of alcohol and drugs.  
Then there was the sixth and final floor. It was here all the more professional work took place, from packing drugs and handling all the weapons, getting them ready to ship them out to customers, to the important meetings. You were rarely allowed up there unless you had to go on a mission with your father and his men.
The elevator came to a halt and the doors opened for you and Vijin to walk out and onto the floor. You walked down a long hallway and past many rooms, all of them with closed doors. However, you didn´t have to see to know what happened behind them. There came loud noises from behind some of the doors your father´s men laughing and yelling while doing their job, but behind some doors there were complete silence and you assumed that nobody were in those rooms since your father´s men couldn´t keep quiet for a very long time unless they were on a mission.
You and Vijin had reached the end of the hall, standing in front of a closed door that led into your father’s office. Vijin laid a hand on your shoulder to prevent you from going in. You quickly shook his hand off of your shoulder glaring at him, but all he did was ignore you, raising his hand to knock on the door.
You could hear a muffled “come in” from behind it and Vijin opened it while giving you a shove on your back to push you inside the room. You were about to turn around to murder him with your eyes, but before you got the chance the door was already closed again.
“Hello Y/N, it´s nice to see you.” You turned around too look at your father. He was sitting behind his big mahogany desk with a glass of scotch in his hand. He pointed at the leather chair in front of him. “Please, have a seat I have something very important to tell you about.”
You relaxed your tense shoulders thinking that your dad only wanted to tell you about a new mission you had to go on. You walked over to the desk and took a seat in the giant, leather chair. You looked up at your father expectantly waiting for what he had to tell you.
“You´re probably wondering why I wanted you to come up here while you were spending some time with your dear mother,” your father said looking at you. You knew he was waiting for you to say something about the interruption, but you stayed silent knowing it wouldn´t get you anywhere useful in this conversation. 
When you didn’t say anything, your father sighed placing his glass of scotch on a table coaster and bending down to open one of the drawers in his desk. You heard the drawer open and close and then he sat straight up again, but now he was holding a small box wrapped in black wrapping paper. He reached forward and placed it in front of you before leaning back in his chair. You leaned forward taking the small wrapped box in your hands and looked up at your father rather confusedly.
“What is this?” you asked him not even trying to hide the amusement in your voice. This was definitely not, what you expected when you walked in here. Sure, it was you´re birthday and all, but your father always let your mother take care of giving you you´re presents, never being much around himself since he was a very busy man.
“Why don´t you open it and find out for yourself?” and with that he took his scotch and drank some of it raising his eyebrows slightly, looking at you expectantly. You looked back down at the box and started unwrapping it. When you removed the paper, you saw an emerald green velvet box. Shocked you looked up at your father, you´re mouth slightly agape. It couldn´t possibly be…
No, you quickly thought, looking down at the box again. It´s probably just a pair of earrings. You looked back up at your father to see his own reaction, but all he did was pointing at the box. You quickly looked down again missing the dark, almost sad, look that came over his eyes, but it was gone as soon as it had gotten there.
With shaky fingers, you opened the small velvet box and what you saw astounded you. Because inside there was a ring, but not any type of ring. An engagement ring.
You quickly closed the velvet box throwing it onto the desk in front of your father, quickly standing up.  
“NO!” you yelled at him. “No. No, you promised me that I would get out, that I wouldn’t have to stay in this life, that I could get a normal life. YOU PROMISED ME.” You´re whole body were shaking and you were close to tears, this was not what you wanted.
“No, what I promised you was that when you turned 21 you would get out” your father said to you standing up from his chair. “I never promised you anything about giving you away. Besides, you should have known that this was coming, even when you were just 13 years old, you should have known. I need an heir for this gang, one that your mother was unable to give me, so you have to do this whether you want to or not.” Your father was now standing directly in front of you with the velvet box in his hands.
“Mother will never let you get away with this” you sneered at him, but all your father did was stand there and chuckle at you. And that’s when you remembered your mothers last words before you left her.
“And remember, you´re father wants what´s best for you as much as I do.” Your mother’s words echoed through your head when you finally realized what she had meant when she said that to you.
“No,” you choked out finally losing the battle to the tears that were now running down you´re cheeks and falling down onto the carpet. Your father opened the box and took out the engagement ring, reaching forward to grab your hand to put it on you. You took a step backwards, bolting for the door to get out and away from your father, but before you even reached the door, it opened and Vijin stepped inside. He quickly grabbed you, turning you around to face your father who stepped forward grabbing your hand and forcing the ring onto your finger. You could already feel all of the bruises that would be on your arms tomorrow morning from how hard they were holding onto you.
“For god´s sake, will you stop crying now,” your father yelled at you. “You should consider yourself lucky that I´m giving you two weeks of freedom instead of just shipping you off right away.”
You rubbed your upper arms from where the bruises had been for a full week after it all had happened. Vijin was sitting in the front seat next to the driver, ready to shoot anything and anybody who got in your way, and to prevent you from trying to escape one last time. But you weren’t going to try to do that since your father had told you that if you even tried, he weren’t going to hurt you, but your mother. Even though you resented your mother for putting you through what she went through all of those years ago, you couldn´t let her get hurt by Vijin, who you knew your father wouldn’t hesitate to put into work if necessarily.
In those two weeks all of your things were packed and shipped off to god knows where you were going to live. You had begged your mother to try to talk your father out of this, but all she kept saying was that it would be for the best.
Since then, you had spent all of your time in the gym, because there was no way in hell you were going to let this Min Yoongi push you around to do whatever he wanted with you. You couldn´t let him make you all soft towards him, because that would be the breaking point for you. If you were going to survive this, you would have to turn cold and not let anything get near your heart, but then again, when you had been living in a mafia your whole life, it was going to be pretty easy.  
You soon felt the car stopping and looked back up. You were holding in front of a giant mansion, although it wasn’t as big and as impressive as your fathers, it still took your breath away because this is where you were going to live for the rest of your life.
Both Vijin and the driver got out of the car, Vijin standing with his gun out ready to shoot if necessarily and the driver going over to open the car door for your father and you.
“We have arrived at Mr. Min´s mansion Sir,” the driver said as soon as your father stepped out. He turned around and stuck his hand out to help you get out of the car, but you quickly pushed it away and stepped out yourself. Your father stared into your eyes silently telling you to behave the best that you could, and you knew what the consequences were if you didn´t. He stuck his arm and you grabbed a hold of it as he let you up the marble stairs to walk through the door and meet your new husband. Vijin followed closely behind you to make sure that you followed.
You walked in through the door that was held open by a butler. The butler, looking rather old with grey hair and a bald spot in the middle of his head, bowed to you and your father and raised his arm to the side to point at a closed set of double doors to the right.
“Hello Mr. (Y/F/L/N) and Miss (Y/L/N), Mr. Min is waiting for you so if you will follow me I will show you to him,” the butler said to you before looking over at Vijin. “I´m sorry Sir, but you can´t bring that in there” he continued, looking down at the gun Vijin was holding. “I´m going to have to ask you to leave it here,” he said pointing at another butler, much younger looking than he did, who stepped forward with a silver tray in his hands. Vijin didn’t react to what the butler said and only starred at him.
“Leave the gun Vijin,” your father told him, not wanting to leave a bad impression of himself or the people that worked for him in Min Yoongi´s very own mansion. Vijin placed the gun he was holding down on the tray, pulled out two more guns from inside his jacket, and placed them beside the first one.
“If you´ll follow me” the first butler said and walked towards the closed double doors. Your father walked behind the butler following him and dragging you with him, Vijin following closely behind you. The butler reached his hands forward and took the handles, opening the double doors and taking two steps forward and one to the side. “Your guests have arrived Mr. Min,” the butler proclaimed. You and your father stepped forward into the room and right there in front you over by the windows, with his back turned to you, stood your future husband.
You couldn’t see what he looked like since he had his back turned to you, but what you could see were his black hair and that he was rather slim build. It surprised you a bit since you had expected an old, fat man to be your husband. He was wearing a black suit that were tailored to perfection to fit him nicely.
“Thank you, Peter, that would be all for now,” he answered the butler who was apparently called Peter. It took you by surprise since you thought he would be called something like James or another more butler-sounding name if that even made sense.
The butler bowed and stepped out of the room closing the doors behind you and leaving you in there with your father, Vijin and Min Yoongi.
“I´m glad that we finally get to meet each other, Miss (Y/L/N); I think we are going to have a pleasant life together, don´t you think?” Yoongi said to you, finally turning around to reveal himself to you. And girl, were you surprised when he did.
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best friend to the throne chapter 2
Summary: (Y/N) is best friends with both Thor and Loki and has been since childhood. Based on events that occur in Thor (2011).
Warnings: Maybe spoilers for Thor, but it came out in 2011 so if you haven’t seen it by now…. what are you doing with yourself?
Pairings: Loki x reader, Thor x platonic!reader
Word count: 1,785
A/N: This is my first writing for Loki/Thor so bare with me. I hope you enjoy! Let me know what you think. Also sorry this chapter is so much shorter than the last. I really enjoyed where I left this one off and I feel like it was a good chunk of material. 
Chapter 1
     Loki, however, did not go to bed that night. He was too busy wondering just what it meant for him when his hand turned blue when touching the Frost Giant. He got an idea, but he wasn’t sure if he would like what he would find as a result. He decided that he would go to the vault and touch the casket, testing to see if he would turn into a Frost Giant. Scared of what he would discover, he decided that he would ask (Y/N) to accompany him. That night was filled with anxiety and worried dreams for Loki.      The next day Loki went to (Y/N)’s home to ask her to join him. Knocking on the door he was greeted with (Y/N)’s mom. “Hello Loki,” she said with a warm smile “Do come in, we were just sitting down for breakfast and you are more than welcome to join us”. Loki just smiled back and politely declined “No thank you, ma’am. I actually just came to briefly ask (Y/N) a question.”. Just then (Y/N) came down the stairs and quickly noticed Loki standing in the doorway. “Hey Loki, to what do I owe the pleasure?” She said while jokingly bowing. Loki smirked at her “I’ve come, my dearest (Y/N), to ask for your hand in marriage.” He now stood in the doorway with the biggest bouquet of flowers she’d ever seen. “Why… this is so unexpected… I don’t know if I’m ready for such commitment.” (Y/N) stood on the stairs looking shocked and pretended to swoon. “Oh hush up you guys, I know you’re too chicken to actually admit your feelings for each other.” Her mother states while playfully slapping Loki’s arm. “No mother, you’re mistaken. I can easily admit my feelings. Loki, Son of Odin, Price of Asgard, God of Mischief… I hate you.” (Y/N) says with the most serious face she could pull. “Wow, (Y/N), I’m hurt. A simple ‘No I will not marry you’ would’ve sufficed” He scoffs at her. 
     After they finally got (Y/N)’s mom to stop offering Loki breakfast, they were able to make it to (Y/N)’s room to talk privately. “What’s up Loki? Everything okay?” (Y/N) says as she plops on her bed. Loki stands by the door and says “Well yes but… I wanted to ask you a favor.” “And what would that be?” (Y/N) says curious, now giving him her full attention. “I couldn’t stop thinking about the fact that I didn’t get frostbite yesterday and I was thinking that if I were to touch the casket, it would give me a better explanation.” “Okay, and where do I fit into all of this?” (Y/N) asks. “I’m sort of… concerned about what I will get as the answer. So I was wondering if you would grace me with your presence when I go to do it?” (Y/N) had to think about this, he was asking her to go into Odin’s vault. It was strictly forbidden for anyone to enter without Odin’s permission. She was already in loads of trouble with her parents because she did not try stopping Thor yesterday, did she really wanna risk this? She then realized that if Loki were to discover something that was heartbreaking for him to hear, he would need a friend. She couldn’t bare the idea of him receiving more bad news without a friend to support him. “Okay, I’ll go with you.” She nods and gets up from her bed. Relief fell over Loki’s face. He was glad she agreed, if she hadn’t, he might have not gone through with it. 
     In order to get in, Loki had to cast a spell that would make them invisible to the guards. Once in (Y/N) leaned over to Loki and said “Loki, no matter what happens… no matter what this reveals to us, you will always be my best friend.” She intertwined her fingers with his noticing they were shaking a little bit. He then went up to the casket with her and once there he squeezed her hand once and let go. He took a deep breath, not quite ready for what was about to happen. Loki slowly grabbed the casket and sure enough, he began to turn blue. Just then a booming voice yelled “Stop!” it was Odin, he knew they had come. (Y/N) froze and said nothing, not knowing what to do. Loki continued to hold the casket and continued to turn blue. “Am I cursed?” Loki questioned Odin. “No.” “Then what am I?” Loki set down the casket “You’re my son.” Odin told him. Loki turns around to finally face Odin “What more than that?”. (Y/N) could see him now in the light, he was completely blue and she let out a gasp on accident, not expecting him to be completely blue with red eyes. Loki’s face showed a hint of pain briefly and then he began to fade to his “normal” self. “The casket wasn’t the only thing you took from Jotunheim that day was it?” Loki asks Odin as he begins to get closer. “No.” Odin began to tell the story of how he found Loki and how he is really Lofi’s son. “Why? You were knee deep in Jotun blood. Why would you take me?” “You were an innocent child.” “No, you took me for a purpose, what was it?” “Loki, don’t” (Y/N) tried to warn him, knowing he was about to snap. He ignored her and continued to question his father. “TELL ME!” Loki screamed. Odin then explains how he planned to unite the kingdoms with Loki. Loki then questions why Odin didn’t just tell him the truth from the beginning. “You’re my son I only wanted to protect you from the truth.” “Why? because I’m the monster parents tell their children about at night?” That broke (Y/N)’s heart. Loki, no matter what could never be a monster. Loki continued to yell at Odin as Odin slowly fell to the ground. (Y/N) quickly ran up to him “My king! Loki, he’s having a heart attack. Call for help!” It took him a second to realize what was happening before he yelled: “Guards, come help!” 
     (Y/N) waited in Loki’s room for him to return from his father’s bedside with word on his condition. She paced back and forth nervously and was brought to a halt when Loki opened the door. “Loki!” She ran up to him and hugged him. “What is the word, what of Odin’s condition?” “He’s stable for now, but it’s not looking good.” (Y/N) nodded and then noticed that he was carrying Odin’s staff. “Why do you have that?” “The burden of the throne has fallen to me, with father ill and Thor gone.” (Y/N) quickly realized what that meant. She kneeled to him her fist over her heart “My king”. “Oh stop that (Y/N),” Loki said rolling his eyes. “I do not expect you to treat me any differently.” “Good because that felt weird” She got up and playfully nudged his shoulder. “So do you wanna talk about what just happened?” “What you mean the fact that I’m a Frost Giant? or the fact that I almost killed my father? or would you like to talk about how I’m now king?” “Any of it. I wanna make sure you’re okay.” “Why? Why do you care if I’m okay?” “Loki, you are my best friend and I love you. I will always care about you and how you are feeling.” (Y/N) placed her hand on his cheek and he leaned into it. “You love me? How could you? Knowing what I truly am. How are you not afraid?” He pulled himself away. (Y/N) knew exactly what he was about to do. He was going to shut her out again. He always did this when she tried to get him to talk about how he was feeling. “I’d like to be left alone, please,” Loki asked of her, yet again. She just nodded and went to leave and stopped. “You will make a fantastic king, Frost Giant or not, you are still Loki and I still believe this to be true.” And with that, she left him alone. 
     The next day, when word spread about the condition of Odin and who was now sitting on the throne, Lady Sif and the Warrior 3 went to Loki asking him to undo Thor’s banishment. “I cannot have my first act undo father’s last” and with that, he turned them down and away. (Y/N) came to him next. “Loki, I had an idea last night. We should go visit Thor, he deserves to know what has come of Odin.” “I cannot undo his banishment, you realize that right (Y/N)?” “Yes, I realize it would go against Odin’s last wish. However, I do still believe that he deserves to know. Also… I wish to speak to him.” She sort of whispered the last part hoping he didn’t actually hear her. “What do you wish to speak with him about?” “Well, I had a dream last night… and you know how my dreams, when about real-life events, turn out to be a prophecy? I saw someone dying last night. I don’t know who it was, the face was unclear. But I had a deep emotional connection to this person and it broke me to watch them die. I want to warn Thor, I fear it might be him considering he is somewhere foreign.” “How do you know it wasn’t Odin?” “Because I don’t love Odin this much.” “Are you saying you’re in love with Thor?” Loki stood up becoming impatient with (Y/N). “Do not twist my words Loki.” She shook her finger at him. “You know I love Thor no more than you do, he is like a brother to me, I just know exactly who I would feel this deeply pained about and Odin is not one of them.” “Am I?” Loki asks, looking away. “I think you know the answer to that Loki.” “If that’s the case, why did you not want to warn me? Why only Thor?” “Because I’m with you, I can protect you from entering the scenario where this person died, Thor, I am not with so I cannot protect him from the same dangers myself.” “Fine. I will take you to Thor with me and we will tell him of Odin’s health and your dream.” “Thank you, my king” (Y/N) bowed shortly to Loki and left, glad she had gotten through to him.
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seasonofthegeek · 7 years
I’m sorry.
Part 1, Part 2 (explicit), Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6:
15 Years before Just for Tonight
Felix pressed his palm against Nino’s. “My hands are bigger than yours.”
“Barely,” Nino scoffed, adjusting his hand. “I’m pretty sure you’re cheating anyway.”
“Am not.”
Nino interlocked their fingers and turned his face to kiss Felix’s temple. “Agree to disagree.”
Felix smiled, leaning back against Nino’s chest. “Sometimes when we get this much time in here with just us, I can imagine what it would be like.”
“If our plan had worked a few years ago. If we had broken the bond and run away and had new lives somewhere in another country.”
Nino was quiet for a few minutes before he spoke. “I’m not enough for you like this, am I?”
“You’re everything to me.”
“I didn’t say anything else,” Felix argued.
“I’m a bit familiar with you at this point.”
Felix sighed. “You’re never going to be truly mine, and I would be lying if I said that didn’t bother me. I know it’s dumb. I know you and Adrien have a completely different relationship than we do, but at the end of the day, it still feels like a competition. My whole life has been a competition with him, even before he was born.”
“I don’t know what to say to that.”
“I don’t know what I would want to hear so that’s fair.” He hung his head. “I’ve ruined a nice night.”
“It isn’t ruined,” Nino argued. “I just...nothing is going to change and it feels like we keep going in circles. I’ve never felt anything like the way I feel for you. I promise I’m not going anywhere. I love you, you stubborn ass.”
Felix laughed in surprise, turning in Nino’s arms to see his wide grin. “Of all the rude things to say. I’m a prince, you know.”
“When it suits you,” Nino teased.
Felix ducked his head. “Stop. I have something I want to give to you, but I’m not sure if you’ll like it.”
“I’m going to like anything you give me.”
“It was something of my mother’s.”
Nino’s face softened. “You don’t need to give me anything like that.”
“I want to. She had this music box she used to play for me before bed. The song you were playing on the piano earlier reminded me of it.”
“That’s something you need to keep.”
“You said you aren’t going anywhere,” Felix smiled. “I want to show you that I believe you.” He slid off the bed and kissed Nino’s forehead.  “I need to go get it from my room. Will you wait here?”
“It’s late. Don’t you want to wait until tomorrow?”
“No. It has to be tonight.”
Nino’s brows furrowed but he nodded. “I’ll be here.”
“Sir, Felix has brought a fairy in through the hidden passages. They are currently in his suite. Adrien and Nino haven’t left their quarters.”
Gabriel nodded solemnly. “Thank you, Pierce. I’ll take it from here.”
The larger man half-bowed and exited the room.
“He’s gone too far, Adele. A lesson must be learned.” Gabriel rolled up his sleeves and Adele slid off the bed. 
“What are you planning to do? You can’t separate them again.” She stepped in front of him, one hand sliding up into his hair to displace the rigid strands while the other gripped his arm. “Be merciful. I know you can be. Nino didn’t do this.”
“I’m well aware that Felix is to blame.”
She gave him a sad smile. “I need you to take a breath and remember your life before me.”
“This isn’t the same--”
“Loving a woman you weren’t supposed to, willing to do anything to keep her with you, including disobeying your father, the king.”
Gabriel stepped back, forcing Adele to drop her arms. “And I lost her. We can’t afford to lose Nino.”
“He won’t forgive you for this.”
“Felix hates his own existence. He was never going to forgive me,” Gabriel replied, before closing the door behind him.
The longer Felix was gone, the more anxious Nino became. He couldn’t pin down exactly why he felt anxious but something was off. He made his way into the living area of the suite, pacing the room. He glanced through the curtains but nothing outside caught his attention. He checked the fridge and it was stocked with fresh blood, soda, and bottled waters. He turned the television on and then off again as if to check the power even though he already had lamps burning in each corner of the room.
Restlessly, he went to Adrien’s bedroom door, easing it open and peering in. Adrien was asleep, a manga propped open against his chest, one hand barely gripping it. Nino shook his head with a small smile, stepping into the dark room and slipping the book away, grabbing a tissue from the nightstand for a bookmark and setting it back down. 
He watched Adrien sleep for a few minutes. Nino was the youngest of five brothers, but he imagined this is what it must have felt like to have a younger brother. To have someone he loved and wanted to look out for. Someone who drove him crazy. Someone he had to protect. He could never admit it to Felix for fear that it would add fuel to the fire, but Nino thought even without the bond, he would want to protect Adrien. There was something about the boy that cried out for it. 
Nino heard the suite door open and he left Adrien’s bedside, backing out of the bedroom and turning with a surprise to find that Felix wasn’t alone. He put his back to Adrien’s door, pulling it closed quietly but firmly. “Felix, what’s going on?”
Felix held up a hand. “I need you to hear me out.”
“Oh, he’s lovely!” Marigold exclaimed. “I can see what all the fuss was about.” Large, delicate wings rose behind her back as her skin took on a soft blue hue. “Is the young prince here as well? We’ll need him to break the bond.”
Cold filled Nino’s veins. “Felix, no. Get her out of here. Now.”
“Please, Nino! Nothing has to change. You can still stay here. You can still guard Adrien.”
“Don’t do this,” he warned.
Felix gave him a desperate look. “You aren’t in control anymore! The bond took you over in the village. What if it just keeps getting worse?”
“It will be painless, I assure you,” Marigold smiled gently. “For both you and the young prince.”
“You aren’t getting near Adrien,” Nino growled, shifting into a defensive stance.
“Even now you’re choosing him over me,” Felix said.
“Because you’re acting crazy! I’ve told you I don’t want to do this.” Nino’s eyes darted to Felix before going back to Marigold. “You don’t listen to me.”
“I’m trying to save you! Damn it, I love you so much it hurts, Nino. Please. Please let me do this for you.” Felix’s eyes were shining with tears and Nino’s heart began to ache.
“I love you too, but I can’t let you do this. I’m sorry,” he said quietly. “Get her out of here before someone finds out.”
“It’s too late for that.” Gabriel closed the door behind him and everyone in the room visibly startled. 
Marigold’s wings began to flutter as she bowed deeply. “Your majesty,” she said, keeping her head down. “I am here on the summons of Prince Felix and--”
“I’m aware of why you are here,” Gabriel replied coldly, eyes locked with his son’s. “Is Adrien well?”
“He’s sleeping,” Nino answered in a less than solid voice, still at his place by the door.
“I would like you to take him to the first guest bedroom on third floor. Nathalie will be there waiting for you. You will both spend the rest of the night there and we will meet in the morning.” Gabriel shifted his eyes from Felix to Nino. “You will do that now.”
Nino swallowed thickly but straightened his spine. “Not until I know that Felix will be okay.”
“Felix will be punished.”
Nino stiffened. “Punish me instead.”
“No. This was all my doing.” Felix crossed the room to Nino, taking his hands in his. “Do what he says,” he whispered. “I’ll find you tomorrow.”
“I don’t want to leave you. He’s angry.”
Pain filled Felix’s eyes and he cupped Nino’s cheek. “I know I was wrong now. I’m sorry.” He kissed him and Nino felt tears against his face and wasn’t sure whose they were. Felix broke the kiss and reached past him to turn the doorknob. “Go,” he breathed.
“Finish her,” Gabriel demanded.
Marigold struggled weakly in Felix’s arms, the amulet Gabriel had burdened her with sucking her magic away as Felix took her blood.
“Please,” he begged, tears running down his cheeks and mixing with the blood covering his mouth and chin. “I can’t, Father. Please.”
“Kill her, Felix.”
His head swam, the room swaying and Gabriel’s face going in and out of focus. There was a giddy feeling inside his chest that bubbled with laughter and Felix knew that wasn’t right. He was miserable. One didn’t laugh in misery. Marigold had only been trying to help him and now she was broken and dying in his arms, her eyes wide and pleading and mouth muted by the strange necklace Gabriel had forced around her neck. Her beautiful wings had begun to deteriorate, falling to ash on the carpet around them. Her skin had become a sickly gray-blue color.
Gabriel knelt down in front of Felix and lifted the fairy so that her neck was shoved back up to his mouth. “You will drain her. You will murder her. You will accept that this is your punishment. Do it.”
In the end, Felix wasn’t sure how long it took. As soon as Marigold’s eyes went unseeing and her body completely limp, Gabriel lifted the glowing necklace away and Felix was hit with a wave of energy that bowled him over and left him drowning and gasping for breath in a sea of misery and euphoria. 
Over half the week had passed before Nino found a letter on his bed, an ornate music box set carefully beside it. He had been desperate for any sign of Felix which is why Gabriel had him and Adrien quarantined. It had been months since he and Felix had communicated in the manner of letters and Nino’s hands were shaking as he unfolded the thick paper.
I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I don’t know what else to say. I don’t know what is so broken about me that I couldn’t trust you when you said to leave the bond alone. I’m the problem; not you. I need you to know that.
I know you love me. I knew, but seeing you stand against my father...Nino, I’m sorry. I’m sorry my jealousy got the better of me. I feel like a broken record. 
I killed Marigold. He made me drain her. I’ve never
A large smear of ink hid the following words and after a few moments, Nino gave up trying to decipher them and moved on.
I’m leaving for a while. I’ll still be in the country. Father is sending a group of guards and personal attendants with me to a small house in a valley. It’s best if I get some space to clear my head. The past few days have been a hellish nightmare and even now I’m not sure that this is reality. Has this all been some awful dream and I’m going to wake up in your arms any moment? I hope so.
In the case that it isn’t though, please know that I love you. I’ve loved you for years and I’m not going to stop loving you. I’m not good for you though. I’m not good for anyone. I don’t know if I can come back. Please take care of Adrien. I’ve never been the brother he deserved. You are.
There are so many more things I want to say but I can’t seem to get them out. I hate this. Please know that none of this is your fault. I’m leaving on my own. My father isn’t forcing me out. You need peace more than you need me. 
Please keep the music box. I meant it when I said I wanted you to have it. It was my mother’s and is very dear to me, just like you. The piece it plays is beautiful. Your music always makes my heart feel light. I hope this will be a token to show that I pray you continue it. 
I love you.
- F
Nino wasn’t sure how many times he read the letter, his heart breaking more with each read. He finally turned the intricately designed key on the music box and curled around it as it played. 
11 Years before Just for Tonight
“Is that your girlfriend?” Adrien teased as he and Nino left the small shop. “She was being all ‘Oh, Nino, you’re so funny!’ and you’re really not.”
“First of all, I’m hilarious,” Nino argued. “And no, she’s not my girlfriend. We just...went out once.”
“I know what that means, you know,” Adrien smirked.
“I’m not talking about that with you so stop.”
“Fine, fine. Hey! Remind me to show you a video when we get back home. There is this fighting style that looks so cool. I thought maybe we could try to learn it together.”
“That sounds good. And here I thought it was going to be another boring Thursday,” Nino grinned.
“Don’t worry. I’ll keep you entertained.”
“No doubt.”
“Do you think Father would let me get a pet?”
“Not even a little bit.”
“But look!” Adrien tugged on Nino’s sleeve so he stopped in front of window. Fuzzy kittens were piled on top of each other and sleeping while one hunkered down over the food bowl. “They’re so cute! He could sleep with me and everything.”
“Are you going to change the litter box?”
“Come on, Nino! You’ll help me convince Father, right?”
“I have to share a suite with you and I don’t want to smell stinky cat poop.”
Adrien blinked up at him, eyes wide and bottom lip protruding. “Please.”
“Yeah, I’m actually pretty immune to that now but good effort,” Nino grinned. “Come on. I’m tired.”
“That’s because you’re ancient. I can practically hear your bones creaking.”
“I’m going to abandon you in a minute.”
Adrien shot him a smug smile. “I’m sure some lovely lady would enjoy taking care of this poor prince.”
“You know, in a few years, you’re going to have some competition around here, so just be prepared for that,” Adrien continued. 
“Going to be a total ladies’ man, are you?” Nino rolled his eyes.
“Only in the most respectful way, as soon as I get a growth spurt. You’ll see.”
Adrien kicked at a pebble as they neared the car. “Hey, Nino?”
“Have you ever been in love?”
Nino paused for a moment before opening the car door. “Yes.”
“What was she like?” Adrien asked, sliding into the backseat.
“He was wonderful and complicated and amazing,” Nino replied quietly, pulling the door closed and nodding to the driver.
“Oh...oh!” Adrien blinked wide eyes and then nodded. “Okay.” He worried his lip. “But then there was the girl...”
“Okay.” Adrien’s brows furrowed. “So both then?”
Nino nodded.
“Good to know.”
“Why is that?”
“Well, now if I need to distract you, I know I can use pretty girls and pretty boys,” Adrien grinned.
Nino narrowed his eyes. “But now you’ve told me your plan.”
“You’ll be too distracted by all the beauty and flirting. Don’t worry. You won’t suffer.” Adrien patted his arm patronizingly and Nino laughed. “Hey, looks like we have a visitor. Wonder if Father invited another dignitary to stay with us again.”
Nino and Adrien peered out the car window as it came to a stop. A large moving truck was parked in the garage, various pieces of wrapped furniture strewn along the parking pad. A large group of stacked boxes caught Nino’s eye, “books” scrawled across the sides in a familiar script that made his heart leap into his throat. “Felix,” he breathed.
“Felix?!” Adrien was out of the car and hurrying towards the truck. 
Nino felt like he was trying to fight against the current as he slowly pushed the car door opened. He could just see Adrien around the assorted pieces of furniture, the young prince talking animatedly to someone. His feet felt heavy as he made his way towards him. He had dreamed of seeing Felix again for years and now he was here and he felt sick to his stomach. 
Adrien was turning to him now, eyes bright. “Look who decided to finally come back home!”
Nino met Felix’s eyes and felt all of the years wash away. The tension he was feeling moments ago eased back and his whole body felt lighter as he took Felix’s offered hand. “Good to have you back where you belong.”
Felix squeezed Nino’s hand, the corner of his lips quirking in an almost smile. “Glad to be home.”
Buy me a coffee?
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