#and maybe in a month you’ll have the perfect job and be about to buy your own home
hqbaby · 4 months
seven — i have a secret
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mess it up — gojo x reader & sukuna x reader
⁀➴ when i told you i’m fine, you were lied to. when the love of your life falls for someone else, you decide to move on—by pretending to date your best friend, the campus fuckboy.
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word count. 2k content. profanity, FEELINGS FEELINGS FEELINGS
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You met Satoru by chance. Or at least that was what you thought until he confessed three months into your relationship that he’d devised the whole thing.
“You’re not serious,” you said, gaping at your boyfriend. “You couldn’t have planned that.”
The two of you were sitting in his car, seats reclined backwards as you shared a bag of fries and passed a milkshake between one another. The speakers were blaring a hodgepodge playlist the two of you had made, one you’d both added all your favorite songs to with no rhyme or reason that resulted in an eccentric mix of ‘90s rock, rap, and—courtesy of Satoru—Britney Spears’ entire discography.
Things were so much simpler then. Better.
“I planned it all!” he told you, laughing as you continued to stare at him in bewilderment. “I had a massive crush on you, what else was I supposed to do?”
“I dunno,” you gestured frantically, “maybe talk to me like a normal person?”
He snorted. “Please.”
“Please what?”
“You wouldn’t have given me the time of day!”
You gasped in faux shock. “I totally would’ve!”
He pointed the fry he was holding at you in wild accusation. “You turned down everyone who asked you out,” he said, all matter-of-factly. “Desperate times call for desperate measures, princess.”
You shook your head, grinning now as your boyfriend stuffed a handful of fries in his mouth. He’s such a boy, you thought.
“Let me get this straight,” you said as you sat up, placing your hands on your lap. “You took a class that isn’t even in your curriculum, purposely bumped into me after a game, proceeded to tutor me for a whole month just to ask me out?”
He shrugged, beaming proudly at his apparent job well-done. “What can I say? I’m a mastermind.”
You tossed a fry at him as you laughed. “You’re unbelievable.”
“I believe ‘amazing’ is the right term,” he said, sitting up now too. He leaned in towards you and brushed a strand of hair from your eye. Quietly, he added, “And you were totally worth it.”
His lips met yours and you swore that if you died right then and there, you’d have died happy.
What a shame it all had to end.
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Your neighborhood is safe. Well, that’s what you tell yourself when you go rogue—against all of Maki and Nobara’s insistence and all your empty promises—and decide to go on a run in the dead of night.
You don’t usually take this kind of risk, resorting to early morning jogs before class or training, but you couldn’t sleep anyway and the tournament is coming up soon. You’ve never been one to half-ass anything, so you have no intentions of half-assing this. Safety be damned. You’ll run if you want to run.
The streets are still as you make your way around the block. You circle the park, the cluster of houses, the apartment buildings. There’s a convenience store that’s still open—you wonder what it’s like to work there, to tend to an empty shop. Maybe it isn’t so bad a life. Maybe you wouldn’t mind winding down in your old age and owning a 24/7 convenience store. Maybe you’ll have grandchildren by then, but that would require children and you don’t necessarily want to think about that just yet.
You distract yourself with the different sights, the mindless thoughts, the grocery list of things you need to buy the next day—anything to not think about the fact that you’re absolutely exhausted and could pass out at any point in your run.
You haven’t slept much since that brief reprieve afforded by Sukuna’s company a few days ago. You’ve gone to classes, dutifully attended meetings for your organizations, religiously beat your body into perfection in training. At this point, you’re just running on auto-pilot.
You wonder when this will ever end.
You circle back to the convenience store and your foot—so tired, so susceptible to minor inconveniences now—catches on a stone on the ground. At least you have enough foresight to land your ass.
It’s then that everything crashes down on you. You can do nothing now but sit on the ground and wearily massage your legs as you wait for the last bit of strength to return to you, just enough to make you get up and walk home. You just sit there, on the pavement of a dark street, fully aware that it’s probably not a good idea but also fully aware that you don’t have it in yourself to care.
You pull your phone out of your pocket. There’s a text from Maki asking if you placed the orders for the shirts you’re selling at the children’s rights fundraiser. Right. You forgot to do that. There’s a text from Kento asking if you have notes from that one class the two of you share. An email from Yuki with the details of the tournament. A meme from Sukuna, an image of a clown with the accompanying message “u.”
Then there’s the text you’ve been avoiding.
satoru <3 : can we talk sometime?
You should really change his contact name.
And it’s like the universe hears you. You don’t know if you’ve ever fully bought into the whole “the universe is listening” thing, but you might just become a full-fledged believer, because as soon as you look up from your phone, you find a figure walking through the shadows towards you.
A random straggler maybe? A murder with an axe? One of those zombies that keep chasing you in your dreams?
You know who it is as soon as the first bit of light from the dying street lamp hits his hair.
He’s walking with his hands in his pockets, head hung low like he’s tired or thinking or both. It takes him a while to even register your presence. It’s only after you put your phone away that he looks up, alerted by the slight movement.
His eyes meet yours. Blue piercing straight into you, like he can see your thoughts. Like he can read your mind. You always suspected he could.
“Hi,” he says.
He’s standing a few feet away from you, close enough to take in your weakened form but far enough to run away if you decide to lunge forward and strangle him for whatever reason.
You lift your hand, a tiny wave. “Hey.”
His eyes scan your body, already checking to see what’s happened. He notices your legs spread out on the pavement, the bags under your eyes. You look okay, though, he thinks. Not in any immediate distress.
“What are you doing here?” he asks. His voice is unsure, afraid of entering the realm of familiarity, uncertain if you want him there.
You shrug, “Oh, you know. Just seeing the sights.”
He nods. “Right.”
“You wanna sit with me?”
The question isn’t so much said as it just flies out of you. A natural thing, to pose this question. Akin to asking about the weather, akin to how you used to tell him you loved him. Exactly what was expected, exactly what it should have been.
His answer is just as expected too. “Sure.”
Satoru steps closer and crouches down to sit in front of you. He sits cross-legged, placing his hands on his knees as he looks around hesitantly.
“It’s really late,” he says.
“I know.”
“It gets dodgy here at night.”
“I know.”
“You shouldn’t be out by yourself.”
You crack a smile at that. “I’m not alone now, am I?”
Satoru looks at you incredulously before smiling too. “Maki is so gonna kill you if she hears about this.”
“Then don’t fucking snitch,” you warn him. Your words are harsh, but your tone is light. Easy. “I’m already in hot water with her.”
“What did you do?” he asks. He relaxes a little, placing his hands behind him and leaning back. “Did you lose her sweater again?”
You roll your eyes. “That was one time.”
“Nuh-uh.” He shakes his head. “I remember at least four times you came to me all panicked because you didn’t know where it was.”
“To be fair, half of those times I was just looking for an excuse to talk to you.”
He raises a brow. “You’re kidding.”
“Not,” you tell him. “You’re not the only one who made shit up to talk to their crush.”
The two of you laugh, remembering that horrifying period of time before you got together and routinely embarrassed yourselves for one another. 
You know this whole thing, laughing on the street with the boy you broke up with less than a month ago, should feel wrong, at the very least awkward. But it doesn’t. When you look at Satoru, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he smiles, you can’t help but remember just how much he meant to you. Maybe just how much he’ll always mean to you.
Satoru shuffles closer and says in a low conspiratorial tone, “I have a secret.”
You pretend to look around, check to see if anyone is listening. Then, you ask him, “What?”
He moves closer until his face is just inches away from yours. And he says the words you already knew he was going to say.
“I miss you.”
You let out a breath.
“I miss you too.”
You both lean forward, close enough to feel his breath on your lips, but not enough to touch his. His hand reaches for yours and squeezes it, holds it to his chest. There’s comfort to his touch, a familiar warmth. One that you’ve loved for a while now.
“‘Toru,” you say quietly.
You wonder if he can hear your heart pounding through your chest. You suspect that you can hear his.
“We can’t do this.”
His eyes flicker to your lips. You can almost read his mind. Why can’t we?
But he pulls back and so do you. He lets go of your hand, nodding as he takes his warmth away with him. There’s disappointment in his expression, but also a deep understanding. A deep knowledge that this isn’t right. You can’t do this.
You wring your hands and turn your gaze to a receipt on the ground. It lists a very specific assortment of things: a pack of cigarettes, a bottle of water, some lube, and a teddy bear. It must be Valentine’s Day somewhere.
“You’re good, right?” you find yourself asking. “With… Kimi.”
Satoru hums. He’s avoiding your eyes too, lost his footing in this whole interaction just like you. “Yeah, we’re good,” he says, words leaving a pit in your stomach that you try to ignore. “And you’re good with him?”
There’s a venom in the way he says the last word. As if he means to say, you’re good with him—him of all people. The scourge of the earth, that’s probably all Satoru can think about when he even considers the idea of Sukuna.
You nod. “We’re good too.”
Satoru’s eyes search yours and you do your best to hide the fact that you’re lying. You already know what he wants to see. He wants to see that you’re miserable without him.
That you made a mistake.
He doesn’t find what he’s looking for, so he just clears his throat, looks away, and says, “Good.”
You pull your legs up to your chest and wrap your arms around them. Suddenly, this whole thing feels like the kind of wrong it always was.
“You should go,” you say.
Satoru shakes his head, standing up and dragging you up with him. “I’m taking you home.”
“Satoru, it’s fine—”
But he won’t hear it. He’s already holding your hand and pulling you in the direction of your apartment building. As much as you want to, you don’t necessarily have the strength to argue with him, so you let him lead the way, one painful step after another.
When you get to the front of the building, Satoru drops your hand and motions for you to head inside. “Get some sleep.”
You turn to the door, then you hesitate, looking back at him. “Satoru.”
“Yeah?” His voice is soft, like he’s worried it might scare you away.
“I’m sorry,” you say.
His eyes widen just a bit as he tilts his head. “For what?”
You swallow. “For everything.”
You don’t expect him to smile, but he does. It’s all gentle and sweet. It’s exactly the way he’s always looked at you. The way he probably always will.
“You have nothing to be sorry for, princess,” he says. “It’s just the way things are.”
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notes. if there’s one thing i know about me when i’m writing my love triangle fics, it’s that i refuse to let either side go down without a fight 😌
ALSO FINAL REMINDER THAT THIS SERIES HAS SMUT, so minors sincerely fuck off please, i'm not responsible for what you consume online.
380 notes · View notes
junekissed · 2 years
packages, boxes and bags
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day eight of junkissed's svt season's greetings event
member — boyfriend!seokmin x reader genre — the sweetest and purest fluff word count — 3.1k synopsis — you’re having trouble finding the perfect gift for your boyfriend on your first christmas together. maybe his friends can help. warnings — a little cursing, reader is called seokmin's girlfriend, pet names (baby, honey), they are so damn cute it hurts, when can i have my own seokmin god please i'm begging notes — lowercase intended. i apologize this is late but i was busy the past couple days and i also didn't have much inspo for this. so imagine my surprise when today i sit down at my laptop and boom three thousand words just. appear. but i am so happy with how this turned out and i hope you will be too. i must warn you all this is disgustingly sweet and precious and i definitely screamed into my pillow more than once while writing this. i hope you enjoy :) p.s. i promise this isn't an ad for kay jewelers— blame @duhnova for that
one reblog = one (almost) engagement ring
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you shut your laptop closed and groan, putting your head in your hands. this was never going to work.
you’ve spent the better part of your day off on websites like amazon, macy’s, even walmart, trying to find the perfect gift for seokmin.
despite being together almost seven months now, it’s the first time you’ll be spending christmas together. and… you have absolutely no idea what to get him.
first you thought about getting him some little gadget for his computer at work, maybe a new keyboard or a cute new mouse pad. but then you remembered how he told you in passing the other day how he couldn’t stand how his job had him hunched over his computer all day, and he was thinking about looking for a new one where he wouldn’t have to be on it so much.
then you thought you might get him a nice framed picture of the two of you, something small to keep in his apartment for when you’re not there. but when you came over last weekend, the first thing he did was show you the digital photo frame he found in his closet that his mom got him for his birthday that he’d forgotten about. he was stoked to “finally be able to put it to good use” and had programmed it with dozens of pictures of the two of you.
you’d tried google. you’d looked at every gift-giving website under the sun. you’d even asked your best friend what she was getting for her boyfriend for christmas to see if it might spark an idea. 
but everything you come across is either something he already has, something he doesn’t need, or something he could easily get on his own.
so… you were stuck. thoroughly and completely stuck.
meanwhile, unbeknownst to you, seokmin is currently on the other side of town, running through the mall in a panic, trying to figure out what to get you.
he knows he shouldn’t have waited until three days before christmas to get his holiday shopping done, but he’s been busy– there’s a huge promotion up at his job, and he’s doing everything he can to get it. not only would it mean less sitting at his desk all day and more moving around, it would also mean a big raise, so you can finally move in together like you both have been wanting to. now that would be a perfect christmas present if he gets the position, but he won’t find out if he has or not until the new year, so that rules that out. 
it’s your first christmas together, so he really wants to go all out. winter is his favorite season, and now he gets to spend it with his favorite person, so why wouldn’t he make it something extravagant? except… he can’t find anything to get you.
so here he is at the mall downtown, ducking into every store and searching for something, anything that might give him an idea of a gift you might like.
he doesn’t wanna buy you clothes, because that’s lame, and also because he doesn’t wanna get something that’s not guaranteed you’ll like. what if you think the fabric is too itchy, or you don’t like the pattern? returning or even exchanging his gift would mean a big failure.
he doesn’t wanna buy you the trinkets he found at that one gift shop, because even though they are cute, they’re not special enough to get for you. these are the type of things he’d pick up for you on his way home from work as an everyday treat, or at the very most, a stocking stuffer; you deserve more than some cheap little thing he found on a whim.
he thought about getting you a new purse, because you said you’ve been needing one since the strap on your current one broke, but he’s pretty sure you already bought yourself one when your boss gave you an amazon gift card as a thank-you for all the overtime you’ve been doing lately.
it seems like everything he thinks of to get you is a dumb idea. so now he’s stuck. thoroughly and completely stuck.
you sigh, pulling out your phone and scrolling through your gallery, praying that one of the photos is hiding some kind of sign that’ll tell you exactly what to buy him. but as expected, there’s no magic word or wish list or qr code that leads to the perfect gift.
you’re just about to give up and call him and just ask him what he wants, when an idea hits you. calling him would be admitting to him you can’t think of something special to give him, but calling his friends… now that, that might get you somewhere. they’ve known him for way longer than you have, they must have some idea of things he likes or might want.
you quickly dial the number of his friend minghao. you’ve only met him a few times at some get-togethers, but he seems like the most responsible out of his group, and the most likely to give you a helpful answer.
he picks up on the first ring, but the voice that answers… isn’t minghao?
“hello seokmin’s girlfriend! this is minghao’s phone, how can i help you!”
“junhui, i told you to stop touching my phone!” you hear a voice in the background that you guess is minghao.
“fi-ine,” the first voice—junhui?—grumbles, and you hear a shuffling noise as you assume the phone is being passed back to its owner.
minghao sighs. “hi. sorry about him. what’s up?”
you try not to laugh at the phone mix-up. “just, uh, have a question for you.”
“mhm?” he prods.
“has… seok mentioned anything he wants for christmas? or, like, is there anything you know he needs?” you ask, hoping it sounds nonchalant.
he hums. “mm, not really. are you trying to come up with a christmas gift for him?”
you whine. “yeah. but i’ve tried everything, i can’t think of a single good thing to give him.”
minghao pauses. “he’s really sentimental, but you probably already figured that out by now. the best i can suggest is something homemade, or something related to some kind of memory you have together. he’d like that.”
you freeze. “i… i think i’ve got an idea,” you say jumping up from your chair. “you’re the best, minghao, i owe you big time for this.”
“don’t worry about it. merry christmas.”
you hang up the phone and open your laptop again. this just might work.
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you hadn’t planned on spending this much on seokmin’s present, but why not go all out? sure, you’ll have to cut back on your morning coffee for a couple weeks, but it’ll be worth it to see the look on his face on christmas morning.
at the same time, across town seokmin’s just walking out of the jewelry store, a shiny velvet box tucked into his jacket pocket. it’s a lot more than he wanted to pay for it, but it’s better than showing up empty-handed. besides, if that promotion comes through like he hopes, he’ll pay it off in no time. it might have cost a small fortune, but he just knows it’ll look so pretty on you. he can’t wait to see you wear it.
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christmas eve finally rolls around and you’re standing outside the door to seokmin’s apartment, your arms full of bags for the weekend you’re spending with him.
his entire face lights up the second he opens the door, and he squeezes you in a tight hug before giving you a soft kiss. “hi baby,” he says, almost shyly. “merry christmas.”
he grabs the bags from you to carry them inside, and you give him another kiss. “merry christmas.”
he takes your things back to his room to set them down, then comes back out into the living room, wrapping his arms around you again. “i’m so glad you get to be here,” he says quietly.
“mm. me too.”
the room is quiet, besides the faint honking of cars outside. you snuggle up on the couch together, picking out a movie to watch, the dim lights casting a soft glow around the apartment.
“do you wanna open your present now?” he asks when the screen turns black and the credits slowly roll past.
“seok, you have to wait until christmas! we can’t open all our presents tonight!” you giggle, and he pouts.
“please?” he says, looking up at you with those big, pleading eyes you adore so much. 
“fine,” you concede. “but only one! or else we won’t have anything to open in the morning.”
he grins and gets down on the floor beside the couch, crawling over to the tree to grab a small wrapped box nestled into the bottom branches. he comes back over and sits at the base of the couch, putting one knee up as he hands you the box.
he grins up at you as you tear open the wrapping paper, revealing the soft velvet jewelry box.
you look down at him, and he nods eagerly, motioning for you to open it. you hesitate. it definitely looks expensive, way more than you would’ve wanted him to spend on you. but you did pay almost $300 renting the place for his gift, so you write it off as being even.
you delicately pry the box open with your fingernail, revealing a breathtaking ring absolutely covered in diamonds and intricate silver gilding. it gleams even in the low light, sitting in its little velvet box, staring up at you.
you gasp, throwing your hand over your mouth. “seokmin, what the fuck is this!?”
his smile instantly drops, the color draining from his cheeks. “do you not like it? i can probably still return it, i have the receipt–”
“no!” you shout, and he jumps, eyes wide. “no,” you repeat, calmer this time. “no, i love it. it’s gorgeous. i just– i thought we were doing… small presents first?” you stutter, still in shock at the beautiful piece of jewelry in your shaking hands.
he blushes. “i… wanted you to wear it now,” he murmurs.
you study him, and suddenly you realize he’s still down on the carpet on one knee. and everything finally clicks.
you scream as you jump up from the couch. “seokmin, you’re not proposing, are you?” you gasp.
“no?” he stammers, confused why you’d think he is, before realizing himself that he looks… well, he definitely looks like he’s proposing.
he hurriedly puts his knee down, sitting flat on the carpet. “i’m not! i’m not. this is just a really nice ring, i swear,” he rushes to explain. “at least, not yet,” he mumbles under his breath, but you don’t hear him. you’re still focused on the fact that there’s more diamonds in this ring than you can count on one hand.
you’re still standing in front of him, mouth hanging open, and he’s starting to get worried because you haven’t said a word in a few minutes. “do you want me to propose?” he asks hesitantly. because, screw it, he’s already got the nice ring; if you’re ready, then he’s ready, might as well—
“no! i mean, yes, i do, i really do, but not right now, i…” you trail off, not sure how to continue.
the room is silent, both of you staring at each other. after a minute he stands up, taking his seat back on the couch. “oh no,” he says, finally breaking the silence with a groan. “i ruined this, didn’t i?”
“no,” you sigh, having recovered enough from the shock to sit next to him again. “no, of course not. i’m just… surprised. i wasn’t expecting this. it must’ve cost a fortune.”
“it’s rude to ask someone the price of a gift, you know,” he says, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.
“trust me, i’m not asking,” you laugh. “i don’t even wanna know.”
“can… can i put it on you?” he asks, his voice getting soft again.
you look at him, and then at the glittering diamond ring in his hand, and you can’t not accept it. you nod, letting out a quiet “mhm” in agreement.
your eyes start to water as he slides it onto your finger, and he looks up worriedly when you sniffle. “it’s so pretty, oh my god,” you whisper, more to yourself than to him.
“please don’t cry,” he says softly, and he looks so upset that you have to reassure him you’re not mad and you just really, really like your gift. 
you admire how it looks on your finger for a second before you scoot closer to him and wrap your arms around him.
“i love it, baby,” you murmur. “you really didn’t have to do this.”
he hums. “but i wanted to. i wanted to show you how much i love you.”
tears well up in your eyes again, and you bury your face in his neck to hide them. “you already show me. every single day.”
he sighs, a happy sigh, relaxing into your arms. “i’m glad you like it.”
you stay like that for a while, gently rocking back and forth on the couch, peacefully enjoying everything. the scent of his cologne wafts around you, a comforting, familiar smell, and the colorful lights of the christmas tree shine softly in the background. you wouldn’t want to spend christmas anywhere else.
you pull away a little, breaking the silence with a short laugh. “mine’s gonna look so stupid compared to yours,” you pout as you snuggle into his side, leaning your head against his shoulder.
“are you gonna make me wait until tomorrow to open it?” he asks, rubbing his hand up and down your arm.
“no,” you sigh. “it’s probably after midnight by now, anyway.” you lift yourself out of his arms, going back into his room to get his present from one of your bags.
it’s a lightweight little box, and you hand it down to him. the gift itself isn’t big in size, but you know he likes taking the wrapping off, so you put it in a box and wrapped it for him.
he waits for you to come sit beside him again, and he opens it, carefully tearing the red and green paper with a grin on his face.
he opens the box, revealing a small piece of paper. he looks back at you. “baby? what’s this?”
your cheeks heat up as you begin to explain, suddenly feeling shy about your gift. “well, i… i rented out the movie theater we went to on our first date, and i thought it would be fun to, just… spend the day there, i don’t know.” you trail off, looking down at your hands, until seokmin takes them in his own.
when you look back up at him, his smile is so wide, it almost looks like it hurts. “i love it,” he beams, his voice breaking a little. “that’s so thoughtful, honey. i really love it.”
he leans forward to squeeze you in a hug, and you can’t help but smile, too.
“this is the best christmas ever,” he sighs into your neck, holding you tightly against him. “love you so much.”
he sits back, pulling you onto his lap facing him. “do you know where i got the ring from?” he asks suddenly, locking his hands behind your lower back.
you look at him. “um, kay? it says it on the box.”
he grins. “and?”
you frown in confusion. “and… what?”
the tips of his ears turn pink. “y’know, their slogan? ‘every kiss begins with kay’? from the commercials?”
you blink at him.
he groans, rolling his head back. “can i just kiss you now, please?”
you giggle, throwing your arms around his neck and rubbing your nose against his. “fine.”
and just as he’s about to, his pocket vibrates, and he pulls out his phone.
“my… boss?” he says, confused, showing you the screen.
you whine, resting your chin on his shoulder. “what does he want that can’t wait? it’s one in the morning on christmas eve– well, technically christmas morning, now.”
he looks at you with pleading eyes, and you sigh. “you can answer it. quickly, though, please?”
he presses a kiss to your cheek in thanks before sliding the button to accept the call, holding the phone up to his other ear. “hello?”
you can’t hear what’s being said on the other line, so you close your eyes, worn out from the night’s big surprises. you have a lot to do tomorrow—today—and you’ll need sleep if you want to spend the whole day with him like you want to.
seokmin sits up suddenly, startling you. you lean back, looking at him, wordlessly asking if something’s wrong. but he’s beaming, his smile so bright you’d think he’d just been told he won the lottery, and you crease your eyebrows in confusion.
he stays on the phone for another minute, listening intently. “thank you so much. merry christmas,” he says finally, then hangs up, tossing his phone to the other end of the couch.
“what? what is it?” you ask, still concerned despite his giddy expression.
he settles back, his hands sliding to your waist and holding you up on his lap. “i just got some news,” he says, and you know he’s being vague on purpose to draw out the suspense.
you pout. “well, are you gonna tell me, or not!”
he giggles, unable to hold it back any longer. “i got the promotion!” he yells.
your mouth falls open. “what promotion?” you ask, tentative.
“i didn’t wanna say anything unless i was sure, but there’s been a position available at the company, and they wanted to hire someone from within,” he says excitedly. “it wasn’t guaranteed that i’d get it, but i did! i got the promotion!”
“aw, seok! i’m so proud of you, baby,” you smile, leaning down to kiss him.
he pulls away after a second, and you look at him expectantly. “i have more news,” he says with a grin.
“and… it comes with a big raise, so we’ll finally be able to afford a place together,” he beams, rubbing his hands up and down your back.
you bite your bottom lip to stop it from trembling, and feel your eyes well up with tears, spilling down your cheeks.
he calls your name softly, and you look up at him. “are you… what do you think?” he asks, his big eyes searching your watery ones.
“i– i’m just so happy,” you stammer, leaning down to hug him again. “i love you so much. this is more than i could’ve ever asked for.” you bury your face in his neck, letting your tears of joy fall onto his sweater.
“merry christmas, honey.”
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sylvie-fics · 2 years
Enemies AND Lovers 💕
its another Viktor x reader for all you bitches out there. love yall like frfr.
Word count: 2.6K
Rating: M, minors dni
Warnings: Nsfw, reader uses she/her pronouns .
Authors note: unfinished? nah, it's an ✨Open Ending✨
He hasn’t told anyone about it. 
Sure, his intense hatred for you was real at first. One collaborative project gone horribly wrong would cause anyone to hold some resentment. Damn, though, if you weren’t the most horribly stubborn person Viktor had ever met in his life. Insisting you knew what you were doing, and that things had to be done your way. It infuriates him. You infuriate him. So unwilling to listen, so unwilling to work with people. He’d been frustrated with Jayce before, sure– But you seemed to bother him on another level. He’d never been so heavily inclined to go buy a dart board, put your picture on it, and throw sharp objects at it. 
 He hated you. Or, at least, he did. For the past few months, he’s just been pretending. Maybe because he thought about the situation, and after some self-reflection, learned that he too was in the wrong. Maybe it’s out of desperation to keep his pride intact, because he just can’t let you win.
By all means, he’s ashamed of how he got himself into this situation. One day it was an innocent, “Should we hire an assistant?”. Then, it was asking Heimerdinger if he knew anyone that would be a good fit for the job. Oh, the way he spoke of you as though you were some sort of genius. Y/N would be perfect, Viktor. You know, she’s from the undercity too, Viktor. I’m sure the two of you would get along great, Viktor. Despicable. Surely, you must have bothered Heimerdinger just as much– and this was the perfect opportunity to pawn you off on someone else. Now Viktor’s stuck with you, and suffering every day because of it. 
Jayce, on the other hand, is almost certain Viktor’s been denying his feelings for you… well over a year now. And whatever happened a few months ago– and he *knows* something happened– has turned him into a desperate, lovesick puppy of a man. He finds himself frustrated trying to piece it all together. Everything was fine at first. The three of you worked together in relative harmony. Hell, he’d even say that the three of you were friends. There were times when the three of you could go out for lunch together, or sit in the same room without screaming at each other. 
And then somewhere along the way, you and Viktor realized you were both stubborn people who had trouble understanding “compromise”. Viktor would call you difficult. You’d call him a couple of choice words. The two of you would glare at each other, and then refuse to look at each other. 
Eventually, the hostility became constant. Unbearable, even. Jayce had to mentally prepare himself every day for the warzone he called work.
Something happened– but no one will tell him what. Frankly, it's starting to bother him more than the hostile work environment did. 
It’s painful to watch Viktor’s display of poor acting. On many occasions, Jayce has had to bury his head into his hands, truly astounded by how awful his friend is at hiding his feelings. He sees the way Viktor blankly stares at you– like– like it doesn’t even register that he’s staring! You’ll look up and stare back at him sometimes, waving your hands around trying to bring him back down to Earth. He’s just… trapped in his thoughts, or daydream, or whatever is going on in his head. The worst part of it, though? When he does snap back in reality, he glares at you, and says something along the lines of “What are you staring at me for? It’s rude, you know.”
He wants so badly to call him out on it. The way Viktor stares at you with adoration, and then unconvincingly says something about how much he despises you. 
On that fateful night Some months back, Viktor had gotten an unexpected knock on his door. In all fairness, most knocks on his door were unexpected. He wasn’t the type to have company often, but furthermore he wasn’t the type to be outside of the lab much. All in all, a rare occurrence– Viktor outside the lab, and with company. 
Though, he can’t say he was initially happy to see the person on the other side of the door. Harshly interrogating you on what you wanted, and why you were here.
“You argue with me a lot, and your existence generally makes me angry. Would you agree it’s fair to say we have a deep-running and intense hatred for each other?” 
“Obviously.” he responded.
“So, here’s the deal. I’m like, basically the modern day succubus. I’m gonna fuck you so hard that you fall in love with me – at the very least on a sexual level– and then you’ll suffer every day after. Every day. You see me in the lab? Hard. On the street? Hard. I’m about to destroy you. I’ve got so many years experience of destroying men. Do you wanna know what death feels like? Because I’m gonna suck and fuck the life out of you, bitch.”
Every word that came out of your mouth was simultaneously as horrifying as it was endearing. He felt such an intense mixture of both fear and arousal– and out of that came his stunned silent response of nodding his head and opening the door a bit wider, thus inviting you in. 
The rest of the night was a haze to him. He’d yet to convince himself any of it actually happened–It was more like a fever dream that encompassed all of his senses, and then some that had yet to be discovered. He spoke languages that did not exist. Found 7 whole new wonders of the world. He had his head thrown back, eyes rolling, whole body trembling, whimpering and moaning like he’d gotten hit by a truck. 
He couldn’t hear a word you were saying over how loud his heart was beating— and he could feel his heart beat in every part of his body. 
At some point, he’d lost track of how many rounds the two of you had gone. Your rage induced hate sex truly knew no limit, it having given you the stamina of a god. 
He was sure after you’d physically destroyed him, you’d walk out of his room and leave him for dead. He almost wishes you would have. Rather, you took care of him the rest of the night. 
Viktor could handle you re-dressing him a bit. However, what he couldn’t handle was the way you laid his head on your lap and ran your nails against his scalp. He melted into you, murmuring words of praise he would never otherwise dream of saying to you. Truth be told, he was so out of his mind that he couldn’t be spiteful in that moment. He couldn’t even remember why he disliked you so much. He still hasn’t remembered. 
You kept speaking so softly, talking about your past, what you wanted for the future. He’d fell asleep some time in between the topics of your favorite books and your favorite kinds of flowers. Periwinkles— he thinks. Though, considering he dreamed about taking you to a field of flowers, he might have just made that up. 
That next morning, you’d stealthily crawled out of his bed. He’d made a desperate effort to grab your wrist, a whine escaping his lips. 
“No…” he pleaded.
“I have to get ready for work, you’ll see me in a few hours, won’t you?”
He tried pulling you back in, clearly upset by the resistance.
“You’ll get cold. Come back to bed.” 
You placed your hands on his face, planting a quick kiss on his forehead, “I have a jacket, it's alright.”
And with that, you were gone. 
The change was immediate– and noticeable, too. A bit overly noticeable. Jayce never considered himself the best when it came to emotional talks, but usually he was– at the very least– able to shovel out a “I’m sorry to hear that, bud.” or “I’m here for you, man.” 
“... and furthermore, what does it mean to be a good person in this society?”  Viktor continued, not even having touched the food in front of him. He’d been talking for thirty minutes straight about morals and society. Jayce had already finished his lunch, and desperately watched the clock, only hoping this lunch break would end soon. He hasn’t got a clue how to have… whatever conversation they’re having.
“Am I a bad person for hating one of my own people? Hate… what even is hate… it’s just a societal concept made to divide us. I am a victim of society for perpetuating hate.”
Viktor looked like a hollow shell of a man with a voice box hastily thrown somewhere inside. 
“Now all I can do is suffer. I’m hurting in places I didn’t know could hurt. Do you think that's the true human experience? Pain? Suffering? What if I were to evolve past pain and suffering? What if I just felt nothing at all?”
Jayce has expressed his concern. Hundreds of times. For whatever reason, though, no one will tell him what’s going on. Frankly, it’s making him upset. He’d like to think you’re all fairly close friends with him. Aren’t friends supposed to talk about the things that are upsetting them? 
“Well… aren't they?” Jayce asked, looking over to Mel.
Jayce has found that venting about this situation to someone has relieved some of the stress. Mel seems to have a rather keen insight on things, especially when it comes to complicated emotions--Jayce was thankful for that– it had gotten him out of some bad situations a number of times.
“He’s probably got a thing for that girl… oh.. What's her na–(y/n).” 
“But he… I don't know, Mel. He really hated her before. They just sort of argued about everything. They could have the same idea and would argue over who had it first.”
“That's why he's so upset about it, then. Can’t convince himself he hates her anymore, doesn’t wanna look like he’s head over heels for her.” She moved to a desk, pulling out a pen and paper, writing something down “So, my thought is, say you were to give her this anonymous letter. It’s a pretty intimate letter. Viktor somehow sees this letter. His reaction would be rather telling, wouldn’t you think?”
“I– something about that feels wrong, morally.”
Mel looked over for a moment, seemingly confident in her plan, “No, no, look, it’ll work. Tell me about her!” 
“Well..” Jayce began, “I think she's got like… her eyes are sorta orange, maybe? I mean. She talks, but not too much. Kinda just gets focused and gets quiet. I guess she's kinda flowery? Just generally smells like flowers? I don’t– I don’t really pay that much attention, I just get invested when the two of them start getting into it. They're all– let's do it this way– no let's do it that way– you're gonna die if you stay up all night every night– don’t tell me what to do– dont tell me what not to do– you don't sleep either– well at least i eat properly, you always say you're too busy to join me– well you just always eat at the wrong time….”
It was in that moment that Jayce had a realization. Maybe, just maybe, the two of you didn’t hate each other. Maybe it was just that both of you had very aggressive ways of caring for people? Now that he thinks of it, almost every argument he’d seen the two of you have were over each others health and safety. Arguments over sleep. Arguments over what to eat. Hell, the worst argument he ever saw was when you insisted you’d be fine wearing sunglasses for welding. Or maybe it was when Viktor decided to use a blow torch without gloves. 
You two don’t hate each other. You deeply care about each other, and it’s been that way for a while.
“Yeah… give me that letter.”
“I can’t believe someone would be so shallow. So idiotic.”
Viktor grumbles, pacing back and forth. His brows furrowed as he angrily read off the paper.
“Your– that's not even the right eye color– shines like a thousand suns.” he continues, rage seeping into his words, “Here, it compares (Y/N) to a perfect bed of roses. Wrong.” 
You let out a slight ‘ouch’. You knew you weren’t perfect, but he could have left that part out. Talk about hurtful. Though, you had to admit, it was quite entertaining watching him get this upset. You unsure who you’ve managed to swoon enough to send a middle school-esque love letter– you can’t really recall meeting or flirting with anyone. (Outside of Viktor, that is.)
“Her favorite flowers are periwinkles. It would be more accurate to compare her to those. At the very least, they would know that she wears a perfume that smells like honeysuckles. Why not those? She doesn’t even like roses. What kind of love letter is this?”
Jayce’s gone into a state of stunned silence. Sure, he knew Viktor to be a bit of a perfectionist when it came to all things science… but this was new. He looked like he was about to explode, just fuming with anger. Meanwhile, you’re leaned over your desk, tears streaming down your face from how hard you're laughing. Mel was definitely right about this.
“ ‘I admire your’... there’s no way someone would write this in good conscience, ‘Quiet and submissive personality’?! Quiet and submissive?! (Y/N). Quiet and submissive? Have they met her?! Quiet and submissive…”
“Oooh, look at me, I’m such a rose-y woman who’s so quiet and submissive~” you joked, shortly before falling back into a laughing fit.
Viktor slammed the letter back on your desk, physically showing his disapproval of this fictional anonymous admirer. If looks could kill, the anon would be long deceased. 
“You’ll be making a mistake if you pursue this romantic interest. He obviously doesn’t know a thing about you.” 
Viktor watched your face closely for any sign of confirmation or rejection. He was already rather upset by the idea of someone else being with you, but he knew it could get worse. If for some ungodly reason, you decided *this* was the person… oh, that would be the end of it. He would lose his mind. Surely you wouldn’t stoop to that level, letting someone who doesn’t even know the color of your eyes be in your life like that. You wouldn’t do that, right?
“What– why would I do that? What, you think I like people who just… do everything I say and worship me like I'm some sort of goddess? I mean, like, maybe sexually, but outside of that...”
“Good. You know, some people just don’t even get to know–”
You interrupted Viktor shortly into his rant, 
“… besides, I like you.”
The room went solid for a solid minute– though it surely felt like hours. You, anxiously awaiting a response from… well… anyone at this point. Viktor, Unsure if he truly heard you correctly. Jayce in pure disbelief that he’s witnessing this. Heimerdinger, passing by to drop off some papers, but immediately looking into the room and deciding this wasn’t the best time.
Viktor was the first to break the silence.
“Oh… i'm sorry I- I thought you knew.”
“That time I came over and made up a whole thing about how I'm gonna make you fall in love with me. That was me confessing. I was already in love with you. I'm sorry, I really should have made that more clear.”
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theroseceleste · 2 months
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Pilot Miguel - Part 13 - Oh, baby
Things have been... rather stressful since returning from your dreamy holiday in Tenerife and it seems things are only getting worse.
Word count - 5409
Minors DNI
If you don't want spoilers don't read the 'contains' bit below.
Contains : Mentions of periods / menstrual cycle / cramps. Pregnancy scare and mentions of harassment.
Enjoy! xx
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12
If you enjoy this fic, please consider liking, commenting or re-blogging. Many thanks xx
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With being on birth control, you have come to expect your cycle to be regular. So when you take your seven day break, you find yourself stumped to discover you haven’t started your period on the day you expected. Your cycle runs like clockwork usually. So why not this month?
Your obvious, immediate thought and concern is that you’re pregnant. But you shouldn’t be… that’s the birth control’s job to stop that from happening.
Stress… it’s got to be… You think to yourself after flushing the toilet and putting a precautionary pad in your panties - just in case.
Things have become stressful lately. What with Xina’s interfering in yours and Miguel’s relationship and the rent trouble you and Ashley are now facing.
To solve the latter issue, you’d have to either find a third person to rent with, to spread the cost or find a cheaper place to live. Neither of those options are what you want. You and Ashley don’t want to share your already limited space with someone you don’t know. And moving would just be a major upheaval. The place you have already is perfect and has served you well. You don’t want any of that to change.
As you wash your hands you then begin to worry about how Miguel would react to this potential little development? He’s already expressed that his career takes him away from home regularly. That hasn’t been an issue for the pair of you before, but that’s only because neither of you are in a position to settle down and start a family. The times when he’s away, you usually are too. All of that would go flying out of the window if you’re now pregnant. You’re shocked as you start to sympathise with Xina’s reasons for wanting a divorce - you’re just not a fan of her wanting to nudge her way back in again…
Would he even want a family? Neither of you have discussed the future, it’s kind of too early for that. You’re still really just in the early stages of a relationship; enjoying learning about one another, enjoying your time together without the pressures of looking after a baby.
He’s just recently got divorced, he’s not going to want to consider marriage with anyone else yet, let alone have a child with them. Tying the knot might be something he’ll never do again. Once bitten, twice shy and all that…
The more you think about it, the more stressed you become. You find yourself in a vicious circle, revolving around from one worry to another. Spiralling further down into the depths of concern.
You try to bring your mind to some kind of solace, by thinking rationally. The pill is ninety-nine percent effective, right? You can’t be pregnant, unless you’re incredibly unlucky…
Leaving the bathroom, you return to your bedroom to get dressed. You’re not due to fly for a little while. Maybe you can request more flights? That might help with paying the rising rent? But then again, you’ll have less time for yourself and being with Miguel.
As for the other issue, the simplest and quickest way of determining whether you’re pregnant or not is by taking a test, but you need to go buy one. Your pill has been so effective in the past you’ve never had the need to get one before. This’ll be a first. What would your parents think? Oh God, that’s too much to worry about. More stress for you when it might not even be necessary. Take the test, then worry about this stuff if it comes back positive.
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Ashley’s in the kitchen as you return from your grocery shopping. She greets you as you place a couple of bags on the counter.
“Hey (Y/N).”
“Hey Ash…” you reply as you start to get some shopping out and load it into the fridge.
Your friend looks at you and frowns slightly.
“You alright? You kind of look a little peaky…”
“What?” you almost snap as you stare at Ashley.
“I’m fine. What makes you think I’m not fine? I’m good. Everything’s good…”
Your mouth spouts out frantic words which clearly suggests you’re the exact opposite of ‘fine’.
Ash stares back after your outburst, her mouth agape slightly. Then she looks down at the bags.
“Okay… let me help with this,” she says as she steps forward, only for you to throw yourself onto the groceries after remembering the pregnancy test is in one of the bags, and you can’t recall which.
“I’m fine. I’ve got this, okay?”
But Ashley can see right through you. She folds her arms and glares at you with a look that a mother gives her child when they start acting up.
“You’re hiding something,” she simply comments as you sheepishly pull away from the groceries.
“Have you bought expensive chocolate or something? Come on - spill…”
Ashley presses forward now that you have stepped out of the way, giving up any hope of keeping your little pregnancy concern private.
It’s as if she has a magnet that attracts things you don’t want her to find. Her hand dives into the bag and pulls out the first thing she touches. That damn test.
Her eyes flit between the box and you as she puts two and two together.
“Oh, (Y/N)…”
Her expression is full of concern for you. She could freak out and berate you on not being careful, or remind you that adding a baby and the expenses that follow to the growing rent problem is very much the opposite of helpful. But she doesn’t do any of that. She knows that the chances are you have already done that to yourself and doesn’t want to add onto the stress that she’s in no doubt you’re under.
“Go sit down, I’ll get you a glass of water and put away the shopping.”
Ashley is quite possibly the best friend anyone could ever ask for. She’s the voice of reason when you’re close to losing yourself and your support buddy if you’re in need of it.
You sip on some water as you read the test instructions. Ash is close to finishing putting the shopping away. The moment she’s done, she joins you on the sofa.
“Says here, I should do the test in the morning, but I don’t think I can wait until then,” you comment as your shaking hand holds the leaflet that comes from the thin narrow box.
Your friend takes the box and looks inside.
“There’s two tests. Take one now and do it again tomorrow if the first one’s negative.”
You nod your head silently. You feel nauseous with nerves, making you question whether it’s in fact morning sickness.
As you stand with a test packet in hand, Ashley calls out after you.
“One line means negative, two means positive.”
“Okay,” you reply with a shaky voice.
“Leave the door unlocked and I can come in if you need me.”
You say ‘thank you’ and head into the small bathroom and close the door…
It’s done... And now you wait…
After washing your hands and placing the test flat beside the sink, you call Ashley in for moral support. You sit on the edge of the bath while your friend leans against the wall.
“How do you think Miguel will take it? If you are pregnant that is…” she asks as you both wait.
“I don’t know. We’ve never discussed anything like this. I didn’t think he’d want to talk about it because of his divorce.”
“Maybe it’s stress stopping your period?” she suggests, offering a glimmer of hope.
“Aside from rent, is there anything else bothering you?”
You nod as tears begin to well in your eyes. Ashley abandons the wall and joins you on the side of the bath, putting a comforting arm around you.
“What’s the matter? Has he upset you?”
You shake your head as you feel her gentle squeeze on your shoulder.
“It’s his ex… she’s changed her mind and has been harassing him.”
“And what’s he doing about that?” your friend asks as she gently rocks you side to side to sooth you.
“Ignoring her mostly… and if not, he’s telling her he’s not interested.”
“Why hasn’t he blocked her?”
“What’s stopping her from buying cheap SIM cards and continuing her campaign?”
Ashley shrugs, you have a point.
“I think the test has done its thing now. Do you want to go get it? Or shall I?” she asks.
“I’m too scared to…” you reply as you tear off some toilet paper to blow your nose.
Your roommate and best friend in the world gets up and walks over to the test. She picks it up and observes it carefully.
Eventually, she gently places the test in your hands.
“Negative,” she says softly to you as she rubs your back.
A singular line is evident on the test. The instructions say that even the faintest of a second line means it’s a positive. But to your resounding relief, it's a clear result.
A third of your stress plummets. You’re not pregnant, so you should be starting your time of the month any moment.
“Thank you Ash,” you mutter softly, sounding full of emotion and your voice wobbles.
She pulls you up into a comforting embrace.
“You’re welcome (Y/N). Just doing what any friend should.”
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The next morning, you wake expecting to feel cramps - but you don’t. All the relief you felt yesterday after the negative test result vanishes as more stress and worry floods your thoughts. For once in your life, you’re wishing to feel those uncomfortable cramps to disprove your theory that you’re pregnant.
Before you think about taking another test, your phone buzzes, stealing your attention for a moment. A smile flits across your face momentarily as you see that it’s from Miguel, but the concern as to how he’d react about what might be going on inside your body wipes that smile off your face rather quickly.
“Morning chiquita. Fancy staying around mine for a few days? xx”
This could be the perfect opportunity to discuss the concerning matter with him, or it could be the total opposite.
Looking back, you consider how he’s been with you. Nothing but respectful (apart from when he’s expressed his sexual urges…) care and love for you. But you still worry. Being willing to spend time with an adult is quite different to dedicating a lot of your time to looking after a baby.
You open up the text message and start to reply.
“I’d love to. xx”
Eventually, he replies with another text.
“Perfect. Come over when you’re ready.”
Your heart pounds with anticipation, but come to the conclusion that you don’t have to tell him just yet. It might not even be necessary and that you’re worrying over nothing.
Climbing out of your bed, you prepare some clothes to pack and write a note for Ashley who’s currently working to let her know you’ll be away for a few days.
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Your hands fiddle nervously as you wait for Miguel to answer his door. The thudding in your heart matches the rhythm of his padding feet as he comes to let you in. He’s so big you can hear him through his door.
The door creaks open and he looks down at you with a smile, but it falls when he sees how worried you look.
You had it in your head you weren’t going to say anything. But the moment you see him, your emotions run freely, no matter how much you try to not let them.
Ploughing into his chest, you wrap your arms around his waist as you start to sob.
“Chiquita?” he asks again as he holds you against him for a moment.
“Que pasa?” (What’s up?)
He pulls you and your small case into his apartment and closes the door before picking you up and taking you to the couch in his living room. His large frame curls up around you as he tries to sooth you.
“You’re worrying me, please tell me what’s the matter.”
You nuzzle against his chest. The sound of his steady heartbeat is comforting. Perhaps opening up to him might not be so bad afterall?
“I’ve just had a rough time since coming back from our holiday,” you finally reply before hyperventilating.
His brow furrows to hear that things have been difficult, but what worries him more is that he never once heard about it until now.
“What’s happening?”
You tell him about the rent problem that you and Ashley are facing and the implications that may follow. His hand finds its way into your hair, stroking your soft locks and scrunching it into his fist occasionally, the gentle tugging easing some tension in your furrowed brow.
Then you move onto your worry about Xina. How it hurts you that she thinks she can just wander back in, picking up where they left off and totally disregarding that you’re in his life now. You trust him, but you don’t trust her…
“Mi bonita, I’ve told you before that you’re now what matters to me and I mean it. All of it.”
His reassuring words, whispered warmly into your ear, makes your heart flutter. You finally begin to unfurl in his arms, coming out of your little defensive shell.
You make the decision to open up about the final thing that’s worrying you. He has the right to know, you suppose. If you’re pregnant, it’s his baby too…
You make a point of looking into his eyes. His gaze searches your expression. You look more worried than you were a moment ago. His heart begins to pound as his mind wonders what you might be about to tell him.
After taking a deep breath, you begin to talk. Your voice, hoarse from all of the crying.
“M- my period is late…” you manage to choke out, “this has never happened before.”
His furrowed brow softens, but evolves into a more surprised expression. He knows exactly what your concern is. And a part of him kicks himself for not insisting on being more careful when it comes to sex. He was aware you were on the pill, but perhaps he should have been more responsible too.
Having a baby is not something he’s opposed to, but now isn’t really the best time…
“Have you taken a test, chiquita?” he asks softly, doing what he can to not put any more stress on you.
You nod silently as you curl back up into him.
Miguel’s body relaxes for a moment after hearing the result.
“But your time of the month is still late, bonita?”
“Maybe it’s too early to be detected by a test? Or… a false negative–”
“Or,” Miguel interrupts, “you’re stressed and it’s putting a halt on things.”
There’s the ‘S word’ again. Even Miguel thinks you’re stressed. And strangely enough, it does bring some kind of relief that there is perhaps another reason as to why your period is late. Another relief is that Miguel hasn’t freaked out or rejected you out of fear that you’d weigh him down. Official commitment in a relationship such as marriage is still a bit of a sore subject for him, but he’s clearly pushing his concerns aside for your comfort.
“I’m sorry for making you worry, I’m just scared–”
Miguel pulls you into a tight hug.
“Hey, that’s enough, chiquita. If you’re pregnant, I am also responsible for it. You do not need to be scared or sorry.”
Silence falls between you for a moment as he embraces you. His words sink in, allowing you to calm yourself.
As he lays on the sofa with you; caressing you, embracing you, he thinks to himself. What if you are pregnant? What is he going to do? He can’t leave you; that’s for sure. But equally, he doesn’t want the relationship going in the same direction as his and Xina’s due to his career.
But, what if you’re not pregnant? This is very much a big wakeup call. After studying biology and working for Alchemax, he of all people should be aware of what happens when a man’s and woman’s reproductive cells mix. The pair of you will definitely need to consider ways of stopping an unexpected pregnancy for certain while still enjoying what you both are currently used to.
Listening to your problems, it certainly sounds like you have a lot on your plate, pregnant or not. The fact that Xina is included in your list of concerns upsets him. He can’t help but feel responsible for that. Perhaps he should have been more careful when looking at his phone while being around you, or practised his poker face a little more.
An idea forms in his mind and he wants to set it into motion. But first, he has some things to arrange.
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“Miguel, where are you taking me?” you ask for perhaps the tenth, eleventh time?
You’re sitting in the passenger seat of his immaculate Tesla as it drives down the highway, leaving Nueva York. It’s the day after you opened up to Miguel about your worries and since then, he’s been acting all secretive and wearing a smile on his face.
“Patience chiquita,” your boyfriend replies as he keeps his eyes on the road, both hands fixed firmly on the steering wheel.
“Just relax, let me take care of things for a while.”
His voice is soothing and you’re not ashamed to admit it, but letting him be in charge at this moment brings you some peace. You smile as you realise he’s using the same voice he has when he talks to passengers like he did after the engine failure incident a few weeks ago. That memory still gives you goosebumps; how frightening the catastrophic failure sounded and how calm Miguel - and Peter - was about the whole thing.
You wriggle slightly, settling further into the smooth leather of the passenger seat. The tall buildings of Nueva York shrink away in the distance while more nature starts to surround you. It’s a refreshing sight to say the least. Less grey and white and more green. Even the monitor on Miguel’s dashboard says the air quality is much better out here.
Eventually, you realise Miguel is following signs for a small airfield. The mystery of what he’s up to builds as he keeps quiet.
Miguel pulls into a parking lot next to the airfield, but continues to drive into a car mechanic’s garage. His hand presses on the horn, presumably to announce his arrival to whoever works here.
A man in green overalls, slides out from underneath a car. His skin, a similar colour to Miguel’s, except his hair is slightly redder.
“Hey! Big bro’s here!” he calls out as he stands up, wiping his oily hands onto a cloth attached to his clothes.
Big bro? You did not know Miguel had a younger brother… Looking at him, it’s very clear they’re related. Similar facial structure and build, only he looks far less serious.
Your boyfriend gets out of the car, walks over to your side and opens your door. The gentlemanly gesture makes you blush.
“Hey Gabri,” he replies, “is she ready?”
The younger brother nods his head in response to the question.
She? Just when you think the mystery can’t get any deeper, he surprises you even more. You climb out of the car and Miguel places an arm around you, leading you to the car mechanic.
“Gabri, this is (Y/N), my girlfriend,” he pauses and looks at you, “and this is my brother Gabriel.”
You reach your hand out to shake his, but he pulls his hands away.
“Woah! Don’t want to make you all dirty. Curse of being a mechanic, forever greasy and oily hands. Pleasure to meet you though.”
Despite looking similar, their personalities couldn’t be any more different from one another. Gabriel seems to be more fun-loving while Miguel appears to be more reserved.
Your man gives you a subtle nudge as he looks down at you.
“Follow Gabri and I’ll be right with you with the stuff in the trunk.”
He’s clearly up to something, you didn’t even know he packed anything. What on earth is going on? However, you do as he says and follow the overall clad man through the workshop, into a much larger part of the building. The younger brother turns back to face you while he talks.
“I look after her while Miguel is busy flying bigger things.”
He stands aside, revealing a small plane in which you realise who “she” is.
Your jaw drops at the sight.
“He kept the Cessna he learned to fly in?” you ask in surprise.
Gabriel nods with a smile on his face.
“Sure did, and she’s my responsibility while she’s sitting on the ground.”
Miguel finally steps into the hangar carrying two small cases and a cardboard box.
“She’s good to go whenever you are.”
“Thanks Gabri.”
Your boyfriend gets you into the passenger seat before loading in the luggage at the back. As you wait, you notice that the plane has been modified slightly to accommodate his height. His seat is a little further back than yours so he can fit his long legs in to operate the pedals.
This feels special. You’re inside a part of his history. When a younger Miguel began his journey to becoming probably one of the best pilots you know. The fact that he’s sharing this with you makes your heart flutter.
Finally, he climbs into the plane, buckles himself in and does his checks. When he checks your seatbelt is fastened you decide to speak to him.
“Where are you taking me? And what’s in that cardboard box?”
A small smile grows across his face and there’s a twinkle in his eye.
“I’m taking you away for a few days, to my second home in New Jersey. And whatever’s in the cardboard box is a surprise.”
You’re absolutely stunned. A second home? Of course he has a second home…
“Why are you flying me there?” you ask, trying not to look quite so surprised.
Miguel starts the plane and looks back at you for a moment.
“Because you need to de-stress. So, I’m taking you away from rent problems, Xina and Nueva York in general.”
He is so sweet you could cry. You start to wonder what you might have done in your life to deserve such an amazing man. He might not be super joyful like his brother, but he has a heart of the purest gold and you know that he’ll look after you.
This is the first time you see Miguel control a plane during takeoff. You remain quiet for him to concentrate and you’re mesmerised when you watch him in his element.
As he flies, you wonder about the contents of the cardboard box. He did take a delivery before you both set out to come to the small airfield earlier today.
The flight takes just under an hour to reach New Jersey and once again, it is a smooth and comfortable landing.
You discover Miguel owns a second home in Cape May, right by the beach, locally called ‘the shore’. Your uber pulls up outside his home and you’re not surprised that it’s a more modern build, in comparison to the older beach houses along the street.
He brings you into his home and shows you around. On the first floor a comfortable living room is at the front of the house, while the kitchen is at the back. To the left is a flight of stairs leading up to the second floor, where there are two bedrooms, an ensuite and a bathroom. It’s small, but it’s perfect.
The master bedroom is complete with a balcony overlooking the shore. You can picture beautiful mornings, where you can leisurely roll out of bed and amble outside to fully wake up to the sounds of the sea and breathe in the fresh air.
For the evening, Miguel orders a take-out from one of the local diners. He wants you alone, with him, relaxing and being surrounded by nothing but comfort and peace.
As the two of you eat, he strikes up a conversation.
“So, your rent problem…” he begins as you bite into a french-fry.
Your eyes meet with his as you relax into his couch, hugging a plate of your food to your chest.
“Have you and your roommate decided what you’re going to do yet?”
You swallow your food as you recall your discussions with Ashley.
“I think we’re looking for a smaller, cheaper place to rent. Ash’s been searching for apartments already, I promised I’ll help her when I get back.”
Your fingers find another fry before you chomp on it, savouring the delicious, salty taste on your tongue.
“Tell your roommate you’ve found a place already.”
You pause mid-chew.
“I’m offering you both to lodge with me, so you and Ashley can take your time finding a good apartment without the pressures of paying extortionate rent.”
Silence descends upon the room as you process Miguel’s living arrangement proposal.
“Miguel, that’s - far too generous. I don’t… we wouldn’t want to be an inconvenience…”
“Who said you’d be an inconvenience?”
“I - well - I’d have to speak with Ashley about it…”
“That’s fine,” he answers before taking a mouthful of his food and thinking for a moment longer.
“I mean, if you’re pregnant, you’ll be with me anyway. And if not, it’s your choice if you want to live with me, or go with Ashley once you both have found a place.”
You feel like you’re in shock at this development. How on earth is this man so amazing?
“You’d- you’d do that, for me and Ashley? Are you sure you’re comfortable sharing your living space with her?”
He gives a slight shrug.
“It might be a little weird to start with, but you say Ashley is a good friend of yours, so I’m sure having her around for a little while will be okay. It’s not as though my apartment is small. There’s ample room.”
Your heart feels like it’ll leap out of your chest and you cannot wait to share this offer to your roommate. That would be a whole load of pressure off of the both of you. Miguel rests his dinner plate on the coffee table and goes to fetch the box containing the surprise.
Using a knife, he cuts open the tape and hands you the box as he sits next to you on the couch.
“Open it.”
Your hands tentatively hover over the flaps of the box, the thoughts in your mind race, wondering as to what it is. Finally, you decide to just go for it and open it up, revealing some packaging paper underneath.
The contents of the box rustle slightly as your hands dive in. At first, your fingers find a plastic bag with what feels like fabric inside it. As you pull it out, you almost cry immediately as you see what it is.
A cute gender-neutral baby grow rests in your hands with the words ‘born to fly’ embroidered on it along with a little picture of an aeroplane flying underneath the lettering. 
“Now,” Miguel begins as he shuffles closer to you while your tearful eyes stare at the package.
“Not that I think you are pregnant, but I want you to know that if you are; you do not need to be scared or worried.”
“Miguel-” you try to talk, but your lip wobbles.
“Shhh,” he hushes you as he wraps his arms around you.
“I’ve got you mi chiquita. I’ll look after you and the baby if there is one.”
You rest your head against his chest, feeling a whole load of weight on your shoulders be lifted. He’s not going to leave you, he’s not going to freak out or be mad. He’ll look after you, protect you and cherish you.
“There’s also a handful of boxes of pregnancy tests, so you can double, triple, quadruple check if you wish. I got the most accurate and reliable ones for your peace of mind.”
You can’t help resisting a slightly tearful giggle as you hear what else he bought you.
“Of course you did,” you reply with a sniff.
“Nothing but the best for you.”
Miguel presses a tender kiss on top of your head before reaching for your plate of food and handing it back to you.
As you both finish your meal, you continue to stare at the baby grow resting on the coffee table. A part of you wonders what a mini-Miguel would look like. Would it have his eyes, his cheekbones or his hair? A tiny smile spreads across your lips as you fall in love with that little baby grow. If you’re not pregnant now, maybe there’ll be a day in the future where you dress a little O’Hara in it? Who knows what the future holds, but right now, you know you have a boyfriend who truly cares about you.
You lay on top of Miguel on the sofa after eating. Legs intertwined while his arms wrap around you. Your elegant fingers caress his cheek as you both savour this moment of peace and tranquillity.
“Thank you Miguel - for everything.”
He nuzzles his head against yours as you hear him take a deep, contented breath.
“No, thank you (Y/N). Thank you for being there for me in Acapulco. Thank you for being so caring, understanding and sweet.”
You smile as you snuggle against him, pressing yourself more firmly into his chest.
“I’m glad I bumped into you in that galley…”
He places another tender kiss against your forehead.
“I’m glad you did too.”
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The following morning, you grumble and groan as you wake to uncomfortable cramps. The moment you’ve been hoping for has finally arrived. You’re not pregnant and you’re happy with that. However, you find the pregnancy scare gave you and Miguel an opportunity to deepen your bond and learn more about him. He didn’t run for the hills, instead, he put his concerns aside and looked after you.
Picking up on your discomfort, Miguel stirs and pulls you into a sleepy cuddle.
“Que pasa, chiquita?” (What’s up little one?)
“Oh, baby…” he mumbles as he runs his hand over your lower abdomen, the warmth of his hand helping with the ache.
“Apart from the pain, are you okay?”
You nod as you close your eyes enjoying the comfort he’s providing you.
The pair of you embrace for several minutes before Miguel gets up, insisting you stay where you are. He brings you breakfast in bed and painkillers to take away the cramps.
In true Miguel fashion, he spoils you for the rest of your mini break. He takes you out to the beach and cooks you exquisite meals for dinner. It has been a much needed escape from all of life’s stresses and you return home feeling much more relaxed.
Ashley is totally blown away by Miguel’s great offer to house them both, so you can have a relaxed approach when looking for a new place to live. She has always remained fairly neutral about your boyfriend, but his recent actions have practically swayed her into the Team Miguel crowd…
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In a small flat across the city, on the day you return from your trip from New Jersey, Xina takes a break from her work. She picks up her phone as she wants to look at something else other than her laptop screen for just a couple of minutes.
Several unread emails sit in her inbox. She’s neglected to look at them over the last couple of days.
Opening her mail app, she starts to scroll through the unread emails until one catches her eye. A notification to say that an item that her Amazon account ordered had been dispatched.
She hadn’t ordered anything recently… To check that no one had hacked her account, she opened the email to see what had been bought, only to remember she shared an account with Miguel before they divorced. She drew in a sharp intake of breath when she saw the items in question. The image of the baby grow burning into her retinas as she stared at her phone screen…
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I hope you enjoyed Part 13. Part 14 is still in the works at the moment so please stay tuned!
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anxiety-lemsbian · 11 months
one day you’ll meet someone who-
i want to have my own apartment. i’ll have fish and cats and plants and flowers and i’ll do whatever i want. nobody will be able to make me do anything. i’ll paint and i’ll play bass and violin and piano and i’ll write and read and sew and draw and make jewelry and i’ll practice everything i love so much i actually get good at it. i’ll cook with phoebe bridgers in the background and i’ll laugh to myself when my macarons fail. there won’t be anyone to hear me. i’ll forget to water the plants sometimes, but that’s okay. nobody’s perfect. i’ll do things with my sister and brother and i’ll finally have friends i like and i’ll be able to wear what i want to wear without feeling constant judgement coming from everywhere and i’ll be able to wake up and just hear silence. i’ll grow sweetpeas on my windowsill and i’ll have a job i actually enjoy and i might actually have some money. and maybe i won’t have 50 cents in the bank at the end of the month like there was when i was growing up. maybe i’ll buy more records and learn about the stars and buy more books and decorate my house the way i want to. i’ll have dinner parties and nights where my friends come over and we watch movies. and i know that one day, i’ll be calling my sister to talk about life, or calling tilly for the first time in seven years, and i’m gonna look up from my phone and see my life. and i’m going to be happy.
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oflowtides · 1 year
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⸻  JACOB ELORDI. HE/HIM / have you ever heard of VAMPIRE’S DIET by 3oh!3, well, it describes ARMITAGE ‘TAG’ JACKSON to a tee! the twenty six year old, and TRUST FUND BABY was spotted browsing through the stalls at portobello road market last sunday, do you know them? would you say HE is more snotty or more CAPTIVATING instead? anyway, they remind me of being able to be yourself around the right people, champagne parties on yachts, a constant air of superiority and a deep resentment of the family name, maybe you’ll bump into them soon!
time in notting hill: twenty years (went to a fancy boarding school for five years)
People say money can’t buy happiness, and while that’s true, it could at least fill the void.  Of course Tag was spoiled rotten as a child, given everything he could barely dream of, but that didn’t really make up for the fact that there were only a handful of years his actual mother took interest in him as a child.  Nannies were employed before tag turned eighteen months and after he was four - there was a short window of time where he was a cute accessory, but it wasn’t particularly long.
Tag’s father started to take an interest in his son around the time he turned ten.  The family name of Armitage was passed down to every first born male, and while mixed it up a little by changing middle names so they didn’t get into numerical territory, it still carried a heavy burden.  Luckily, Tag seemed to enjoy most of the things his father wanted to show him how to do or bond with him while doing.
The one plus side was the girl who lived a few blocks away - while he often avoided the people who weren't in his neighborhood at the behest of his parents insisting that they would all just use him for his money at status, Willow wasn't like that at all. She seemed genuinely interested in the things Tag had to say or wanted to do, and he found that whenever they spent time together was the only time he could really be himself and not the person his parents expected him to be.
This would also be an unexpected downfall - the Jackson patriarch mistook Tag’s eagerness to have any sort of parental bond as an excitement to learn, and when he was thirteen, he was shipped off to the same boarding school his father attended.  While he did learn a lot there - both in education and personal relationships - he was absolutely miserable being away from the family home, his best friend, and the house staff who he spent more time with than his own family.
Coming back to Notting Hill was like letting out a breath you didn’t know you were holding.  Unfortunately, he had a much more privileged attitude about him, but Tag was happy to be back home.  He often spent time out by the sea, having been gifted his own yacht when he returned and graduated with (faked) perfect grades.  He prefers to spend his time dawdling around town, completely disinterested in finding a real job, his entire life funded by his parents.
Tag, while snotty and a little ‘better than you’, is actually very sweet at heart, just a byproduct of the environment in which he was raised.  He no longer lives in the family home, having a place of his own but it is entirely funded by his parents.  He’s dismissive, but curious, so as long as you put a unique spin on something mundane, he’ll be ready to jump into it with you.
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jjkxla · 2 years
Unstable Network
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⇻ pairing: Jungkook x FemaleReader. LongDistance!AU
⇻ synopsis: Relationships and romance are hard to maintain, more so when they're long distance and have no clear indication of when you'll finally see each other again. You think of all the perfect scenarios, of them finally showing up at the door. But that's just all in your head. Fuck love.
⇻ tags: angst. relationship hardships. 
⇻ words: 1.8k.
⇻ links: ao3.
⇻ a/n: short Drabble I wrote up a few weeks ago, thinking of jimin for my next project (maybe) or I’ll reupload a few of my stories to see how interactions goes on again here. 
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Your cell signal was fucked, the thundering winds crashed against your windows as you sat refreshing again and again.
“Fuck this shit”, you locked your screen, throwing the phone and placing it facedown on your sofa. Trying to rid yourself of the temptation of constantly checking it. But still, it was too hard right now.
The chilly weather was finally arriving, and with it, the lonely nights. But you were used to them, enjoyed and relished them even. You were constantly outside your own home, working, going off to stay up to date with your studies, and sometimes doing the time consuming adult tasks of grocery shopping and bank errands. This last one you hated, but had to be responsible for lest something really hideous happened. But right now that wasn’t at all your concern, afterall, it was nearing halloween, and with it came mountains of candy, spiced warm drinks, and the lovely look of the turning leaves across your neighborhood.
This thunderstorm, sadly, was running the cozy vibes.
Lighting flashes, the booming thunder like two boulders colliding. And now, no signal whatsoever. This wasn’t your week… Scratch that, this wasn’t your fucking month.
“No pizza, no instant ramen, and not a wisp of wifi signal to watch a movie. I know, I know,” you said to no one in particular, glancing at your phone, “I could do a puzzle, read a book, fucking knit-”
Someone knocked on the door.
You stopped your rambling mid sentence, glancing behind you and at your front door. A shiver ran down your spine, the air around you feeling suddenly heavy as you got up and cautiously picked up your phone.
You checked it once again, nothing new, if anything the glaring no bars just annoyed you more. Still you went, side stepping your boots and opening the door wide.
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“Y/N? What are you staring at so lovingly?” Seokjin teased, bumping his shoulder against you making you jump right out of your skin, almost dropping your phone in the process. “Ohhhh, I know, it’s Prince Charming again isn’t it? What is he lying to you about now?”
You could feel your ears turning red, shoving your phone back in your pocket before shoving Seokjin right back, “he is not lying, why are you and everyone else around here saying that?”
“Because you’re e-fucking a stranger on the internet”, offered Taehyung coldly, leaning back on the couch whilst you two were still on your break.
“I am not!” you snapped back.
Seokjin, still, just laughed, loud windshield laugh and slapping his knee kind of laugh.
“You gotta admit Y/N, it’s kinda weird you find the perfect boyfriend just like that, with no fights or issues or… anything for that matter, it’s weird, he’s hiding something.”
“He is not hiding anything, we’ve been dating for over a year already. How many times do I gotta reassure you two that I’m not like, making this all up?”
Seokjin scoffed, “he’s cute, smart, you say he’s tall, has a job, you say he doesn’t live with his parents, he’s faithful to you even if that means man hasn’t fucked in over a year, and also happens to be successful enough to do well but not enough to pay for a ticket and visit you?”
“I told you it isn’t that easy.”
“If he wanted to he would”, Taehyung chimed in.
“Maybe he’s actually 87 and catfishing you.”
“Jesus fucking christ, we’ve FaceTimed, and I’ve seen him get pimples and shit during this past year so it’s not a jacked up computer program!”
“Don’t buy it,” Taehyung continued, glancing back at Seokjin who nodded, “no man is actually like that.”
You rolled your eyes, shaking your head as you headed back to the store to resume with your shift but stopping short as you felt something in your pocket. Fishing your phone out you saw it was your boyfriend, Jungkook, spamming you once more with more and more TikToks. He would get lost in the app and in the meantime send you a bunch of videos that were either reddit stories, anime edits to his husband Nanami, or his marvel spiderman ones.
Taehyung was right, no man was perfect, you didn’t expect a Mr. Darcy to walk and bump into you in the street. But you didn’t want perfect, you didn’t need a broody but caring Mr. Darcy in your love life, you only wanted the nerd that had drank a whole bottle of wine whilst you two had a facetime date for your weekly Friday call.
It sucked that you had met each other whilst so far away. You never really thought twice of what was happening in South Korea, in Busan of all places, but now you found yourself checking the weather there, seeing if there were holidays, or simply checking the time. Long distance was hard. Long distance whilst just knowing each other through a screen was harder.
But that wasn’t going to be a forever thing. Neither one of you would allow each other to go so long without meeting. And, as a matter of fact, you two were planning his visit. It was just hard to figure out a time, to have enough savings, and to simply organize that mess. But you and Jungkook were saving up. Both of you were just waiting for this semester to stop, for no holiday and family obligations to interrupt such a magical timing, and to bag the cheap flight tickets.
I have a 7am lecture tmr.
When is your shift ending??
[09:06] me
I still have five hours, are you going to head to bed early???
Don’t ignore me.
Tiktok, you know I’d like to marry Tengen too
[09:15] me
Have you finally moved on from Nanami??
lmfao you wish
[09:16] me
Yeah, YOUR nerd.
But yea im going 2 bed
If i keep slouching over my monitor we’ll have to buy an extra big mattress
[09:18] me
Okay baby, sleep well!
I love you
[09:21] me
I love you too
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He stood there, dripping wet. His hoodie was obviously drenched and hair all over the place. Around his neck was a cushion, whilst he gripped on two suitcases, grinning widely at you.
“You came.”
“You called.”
He stumbled back, surprised and letting out a loud laugh as you ran and tackled him. Both of you falling over whilst you buried your face against his chest, overwhelmed by the smell of fresh laundry and rain. His hands letting go of his suitcase and just enveloping you completely.
He tilted his head down, burying his face against your neck and breathing in your scent, leaving goosebumps from the ghost of his breath.
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“Y/N, look at this.”
You glanced away from your pan, lowering the heat of the ground beef you were cooking for your pasta and looked back at your boyfriend as he pulled the ugliest face you had ever seen. You laughed, earning another laugh from him as well.
“God you’re dumb.”
“And you love me that way, so who’s really the dumb one?”
“Me, I guess,” you smiled back at him. He was as cute as ever, big nose, cute doe eyes, and that enticing lip ring of his. “How did your week go?”
“Oh, just the usual,” Jungkook continued, his eyes leaving his phone and instead focusing on his own task at hand, which was the kimchi stew he was currently doing for dinner while you prepared your lunch. “Mom called, she wants me to visit and help out with her move next week, my grandma is fine, and I’ve handed in all my character designs for this month as well.”
“What about your Bam, is he alright?”
“Your dear son is alright,” Jungkook turned his head, making you grin at the sight of his neck and the swirls of ink that inched up from his sleeve and to his collarbone, “he’s sleeping on the couch! Bam! Get down from there!”
You laughed, hearing the faint sound of paws on tile, and returned to your task. “He’s spoiled.”
“Yeah, and he’s gonna be even more spoiled once you move here”, Jungkook replied, testing the waters with such a statement, and earning nothing but a pregnant silence in return.
“Y/N?”, he called you again, making you blink away from your food and just go pilot mode. You grabbed the jar of bolognese sauce, dumping it over the cooked beef and vegetables, just mixing everything together.
“Sorry,” you continued, “but it’s complicated.”
“Aren’t you graduating soon?”
“Yes…” you answered honestly.
“Then what is it? You said you’d move here after graduation and all.”
“I know but-”
“Fuck.” Jungkook cursed, his mood now sour and turning off his own stove.
“You don’t have to react that way.”
“How else am I supposed to react?”
“Just… listen, please?”
Jungkook sighed, grabbing his phone and leaving his kitchen, letting you see hints of the apartment that work as the background for most of your calls. And then you were in his small office space, he’d propped up the phone the way he always did when you guys called and he played Valorant.
“I got offered a job in the publishing house.”
“You already have a job there.”
“But as a seller, I got offered a spot as an editor.”
“Oh…” he took a second, “that’s, that’s great baby.”
“I know.”
That was all you could really say. You were basically throwing a curveball to the life you had both been talking about for the past two years.
“And…”, Jungkook sighed out loud, eyebrows creasing as he rubbed a kink in his neck, eyes betraying how lost he felt now, “and when do they want you to start?”
“My contract ends in June, they want me to start in July.”
“My love, we’re meeting in July.”
“I… I know.”
Another silence, your stove now off, and instead, you had taken your phone and slid down against your counter, sitting comfortably on the floor and holding onto your phone tightly. Holding onto that invisible thread of connection as if that way you could hold him. Reassure him that you weren’t going anywhere, reassure yourself of the same.
“I can’t do this,” Jungkook said, finally breaking the silence.
“What?” you whispered, eyes starting to sting.
“I can’t fucking do this anymore,” and hung up.
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You gaped, lost, at the way your breath condensed and flew up into the air before completely dissolving. Looking back around you and just saw the usual empty hall of your apartment. Looking then once more down at your phone, seeing that the signal was actually better outside to see you getting some cell service.
You refreshed your phone.
No new notifications.
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Chapter 1: Arrival (Phone Dave Rewrite)
(Do not expect updates to be this frequent I’m just really into this RN)
“Hello there future Freddy’s employe- owner-“ Jack skips through the tape, nothing useful, since when was his first Boss a spokesperson anyway?
He puts in another tape, getting started. “Corporate gave me a very long script about the importance of phone guys, but I’m not reading it. If you hope to run any kind of successful business you’ll need a phone guy. We have a vast catalogue with varying prices ranging from Free, to $500k, which is my price. We do taxes, frame employees, run the entire place when you aren’t around, and some of us don’t even know who we are and haven’t been able to recover our memories yet. So if you want to run a business at all, get a phone while they’re still in stock. Put the next tape in to-“ Jack shuts off the tape and opens up the company website, going to the phone guy page.
Out of stock the tape had said… the reality was anything but, even with how many had left the company there were thousands of phones. And since they marked their own prices, accounting for experience, of which most had quite a bit, $500k wasn’t THAT crazy anymore.
Just to check if the tape was true Jack checks the page for the phone on the tape. “Steven Stevenson.” That’s… a name. $1500k Inflation huh. The tape was kind of old.
Jack has a grand total of $12.50 after buying the restaurant, $12.50 he planned on spending on weed. He clicked on a tab for cheap phones, $700 was the lowest amount. Still way too much. He sighs, almost ready to give up when he sees there is a free tab.
The free phones were apparently sold separately to the standard paid variety, with their own tab.
This was perfect! He could just get as many free phones as he wants! Foolproof!
He clicks on the free tab to see exactly one phone. He is now highly concerned. He had assumed the free ones were defective but only one… were they cursed or something?
Jack, being as high as he is and this unlearning the fear of death, clicks on the page. “Model number 51_02.” No name. This was looking great wasn’t it?
As there was no profile picture aside from a poorly taken photo of what looks like a purple finger covering half the lense with a purple and white phone in the background, Jack moves on to the info.
“51_02 has yet to remember anything, and despite company knowledge of his name, this information has been redacted from files. Phone is marketed as free despite having worked at over 2000 locations before the business model shift that granted phones basic human rights, this was done at his own request. Frequently used to open locations with a fierce loyalty to the company and seeming enjoyment of his job allowing him to be great for new locations, however this phone also behaved in a rather unsettling manner that drove off customers after the first few months at every location. A good phone to start but a horrible one longterm.”
Jack leans back in his chair, exasperated. If this phone is like this he’d be terrible for Jack. He opened the location to lure Dave back and get more weed money. This phone sounded obnoxious and the lack of any elaboration on what exactly he does that drives away customers was… well… suspicious. Jack didn’t overly CARE about the location he just wanted it open long enough Dave would take notice, but a phone that’s got nothing but AI and love for the company?
Jack decides to keep trying to find out more, maybe this phone could help him.
Medical records… no other phone had these… great.
“51_02 has a variety of strange medical issues. He seems to have some kind of rare skin condition causing a scaly off-colour appearance, it seems to not be causing him any physical harm but it is deeply unpleasant to look at. His skin has a number of surgical scars of unknown origin. Due to unfortunately being taller than the height cap the machine removed parts of his anatomy to fit, this resulted in fragile bones, severe muscle atrophy, and some parts of his skeletal structure such as the ribs being oversized.”
The text is followed immediately by a few images, the first showing him without a suit to show the body structure issues… wooo boy were there more than were mentioned. An unusually extended neck buckling under the weight of the phone, a seeming lack of any volume in the midsection, phones do tend to be skinny, losing some fat reserves, but it looks like he was free of any organs, and what looks to be claws poking out of his finger tips. His whole body is swathed in medical gauze and bandages seemingly only there to hide his skin.
Jack sighs in pity for the phone and nearly scrolls past the second picture, but manages to notice it just in time.
His blood runs cold… er than it normally is.
The image is of the phone standing awkwardly wearing no shirt with all the bandages and gauze missing from his body, revealing somewhat scaly bright purple skin.
Everything seems to fall into place in Jack’s constantly drugged mind. Well… some things. “Dave…” he mutters. “That’s where you went…” the man says, running his hand over the screen and then. Scrolling up to hit “add to cart”.
It only took a day for Dave to be delivered, a company guarantee. Jack hadn’t slept that night. He cried a lot. But he didn’t sleep.
What else do you do when you hear your boyfriend from the 80s who you thought abandoned you in Vegas turned out to have been transformed into a deformed phone guy who still was trapped under the AI even today and apparently liked the company now?
Dave was delivered in a box, a common practice back in the day. Jack drags the heavy box inside and opens it, before he even finishes the phone pops his head out. Metal. Shockingly well kept, as if repainted frequently.
“Hello? Hello? Hello? My name is Scott Cawthon I’ll be your new manager how can I help you today?” The phone says, Jack almost falls over hearing the Scott voice coming from his old “friend” from the 80s.
Jack gives the phone an uncomfortable smile. He remembers Dave being MUCH taller than him, now the height difference is minimal.
He reaches up and puts his hand on the phone’s shoulder. “Uhhh… hi sir? Are you ok?”
Jack starts crying and hugs the phone.
The phone guy responds awkwardly. “W-wow this place is a dump. I’ll get right to work cleaning it up.” He wedges Jack off himself and goes to get a broom without saying another word.
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fairydustedtheory · 2 years
Ok so here we go I guess... aka  big rant and dumpster fire life update
As you guys may have noticed, I’ve disappeared from here for a while, except for a couple hellos here and there. The last few months have been pretty hard if I’m being honest. Between exams and family issues. And... basically I now find myself with absolutely no income. I could go into a very long rant about how this wasn’t what I expected to happen and how much I hate society and how much I really hate having to post this but I think this post will be long as it is...
Long story made slightly shorter: my ex is still a shitty person and has not given me child support since august and who knows when/if he plans on ever giving it ever again. That’s basically a 900€ hole in my account that I’ve been trying to make up for by using my small savings to get by with the income I had during my course (I was earning about half the minimum wage here for a full time course so not a lot but I’m used to being on a tight budget).
The course is now over so I’m not getting any more money from that, I have no job yet, no more money saved and no money coming from the unemployment place that was supposed to give me a minimum allowance to survive for the time between the course and the future job income... and I just don’t know how I’m going to pay my bills, buy food for me and my kid. I don’t know anything. My rent payment went through a couple of days ago and my bank account is so in the red it’s scary. Especially knowing that I have no way to make it better. I have all my bills in monthly transfers so I have no way of controlling that, it’s just money going out until my bank finally decides to block my account because I keep going under my overdraft limit. And I really really wish to avoid getting to that point but I just don’t see how to avoid it with how things are going.
I mean, at least it’s not anything medical or life threatening, I know people have it worse than having no money. But being in financial crisis and not knowing how or when i’m going to be able to make things better... well, i didn’t expect that since I took the course to move toward a better life, not a worse one.
All that rambling to say that I’m putting my pride aside and posting this in the off chance that maybe anyone feels like donating to help, that would be really really appreciated. So if you ever appreciated the stories I’ve written, the gifs I made, or all the events I organized over the years, maybe you’ll consider helping out if you can. I mean, now would be the perfect time to save my sorry ass.
I have no real clue how to do this. I don’t have venmo since it’s not available where I’m from. I do have my Kofi account which seems like the simplest available option? I don’t know about fees though, fees are my enemy because I'm at a point where every cent is very much welcome and needed, I’m just clueless. 
I hate that I don’t really have anything to offer in return. I don’t know if I can offer to take prompts for ficlets or photoshop and actually have the focus and energy to follow through any of that because I’m pretty burnt out from the course/internship/exams and now this, I never feel creative when I’m exhausted and worried so I don’t want to make promises I can’t keep.
Sooo if you’re still reading after all of that, thank you, it makes me feel a little less alone. Obviously I know that most people are also in financial need and my problems aren’t extraordinary so I don’t really expect a thousand dollar miracle donation that would solve all my worries. But at least I got it off my chest and that’s already something...
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pillow-anime-talk · 1 year
music & vocaloids month ; third day.
synopsis: Being the manager of a six-member male group is not an easy thing. But you definitely wouldn’t trade your job for anything else!
# tags: scenario; manager/idol dynamic; manager!reader; caring!reader; fluff; comedy; mess & chaos; sfw
includes: female reader ft. rock down {vazzrock}
author’s note: manager!au? i’m in.
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You sighed softly, rubbing both temples with your hands. The interview on the breakfast show was starting in a few moments, and most of the band were not ready and had the best time teasing each other or simply refusing to cooperate just like Ayumu.
As a experienced manager, you only looked at your smartwatch – five minutes and twenty-three seconds left, which is quite a lot of time, contrary to appearances. You immediately looked at Shou, who was the leader of this whole six-person kindergarten, and then at Gaku, who was by far the most thoughtful and calm of them all.
“... All right, guys. Focus, focus. Ruka, wear a waistcoat and pants. Don’t run around without clothes. You’ll still get sick.” You walked over to the young man, handing him his outfit for the day, then fixed his hair. “When the interview and performance are over, I’ll take you all out for a delicious dinner, so let’s be in tune tonight, shall we?”
“Yes, Y/N-san! Thank you~!” The man’s smile was sincere, and thoughts of food overshadowed his reluctance to appear on TV program.
Then you looked at the blue-haired and previously mentioned Ayumu sitting on an armchair in the corner of the room, to whom you also approached after a short while. Your warm hand adjusted the collar of his light-colored shirt, and moments later with your free hand you handed him his favorite candy bar covered in milk chocolate.
“After the interview, I’ll buy you another one, ‘kay?” You looked at him fondly, and the twenty-six-year-old nodded. Although Tachibana was an introvert and didn’t like crowds of people nor just talking to others, he felt completely safe and understood with you. Plus, he was getting sweets from you, even though you both knew he shouldn’t have eaten them so much.
Reiji and Haruto finished dressing and asked you to judge the outfits. All you said was that they look very good and manly as always, and will definitely attract the attention of the cameras this morning. Such words for the male idol were a kind of boost, so they smiled triumphantly, silently arguing about which one you like more.
“... What do you think about me, lady Y/N?” Shou asked as he spun around and you just giggled. He always called you per lady or miss.
“You definitely look wonderful. I told you that gloves would be perfect for your style.” Another smile appeared on your face and the leader just laughed, thanking you for the compliment. “All right, Gaku. Are you ready too?”
“I guess so, could you just tie a button on the back for me?”
“Yes, of course.” You quickly complied with the request of the tall, dark-haired member of the band, and then tapped him on the shoulder, thus signaling that he was ready.
Perfectly with the man’s thanks, the producer invited the whole ROCK DOWN onto the stage with two couches and a table full of snacks. So you smiled at all six of them, giving both thumbs up. Morning interviews were really important in the culture of jrock or jpop bands, so you wanted everything to go your way.
All six moved towards the exit of the locker room, but before they finally left it, each of them gave you a quick but sweet kiss right on the cheek. Stunned, you just shook your head in amusement and shouted a loud ‘Good luck!’ in their direction.
‘Maybe interviews aren’t so bad after all...?’ All six thought, then greeted the host with a low bow.
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previous day ; jiro yamada from buster bros!!! ♡ next day ; meiko
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lovemesomesurveys · 1 year
When’s the last time you ate bread? I'm about to eat a sandwich.
What’s the last movie you watched on your own? I watched Mrs. Doubtfire earlier and now Freaky Friday is on.
What about the last movie you watched with another person? My mom and I watched some of Avengers: Endgame last night before bed.
How many coats do you own? I have a few. I kinda feel ready to go through my clothes again and try to get rid of some more.
What about shoes? I have 6 pairs of shoes.
One word to describe your most recent ex? Funny.
Where, in your current country, would you like to live, other than where you do now? I'm honestly not sure. I know I don't want to stay here forever. I'd love to move in the very near future, but that probably won't happen.
Do you like snow? Yes.
Do you like sheer clothing? No.
Have you ever seen anyone famous in the street? When I first saw the Jonas Brothers early on I did actually see Joe and Kevin behind the building near their tour bus. I acted like the awkward weirdo I am and waved at them like a giddy idiot, ha. I was too nervous to actually go over there, though. Trust me, I kicked myself forever after that for not going up to meet them and getting a picture. It was the perfect opportunity.
Are you hungry right now? I am, so I'm gonna take a break from this and eat my sandwich.
Are you regularly tired? Yes. In fact, after I ate my sandwich I ended up taking like a 3 hour "nap." So, this is now being done much later, ha.
What was the last thing to upset you? I've been been extra irritable and sensitive again lately, which is something that I actually felt my depression med I started taking last year was helping with. I was also prescribed Rexulti in additon to what I'm taking, but I haven't taken it as consistently for different reasons and I'm wondering if that has something to do with it. I'm also on an anti-anxiety med, which had been helping with that as well so I don't know. And I already know I won't be able to get an increase in the dosage for any of those. Sigh.
How’s the weather been today? I didn't go out at all, but according to the weather app it was like 93 F today. Not fall weather at all that's for sure.
What was the first tattoo you got or what would be the first tattoo you’ll get? I don't have any, but since I was a teenager I've wanted to get 'free bird'.
What was the last store you went into and did you buy anything? It's this store called Daiso, which is kinda like a Japanese Dollar Store or a little more. It's got a lot of cute stuff. I always get a little carried away whenever I go in there.
Have you ever been late for school or work? Yeah. I hate being late so it wasn't a common occurrence. I used to be really anal about that.
Do you prefer to shower in the morning or at night? Always at night.
What is your favourite kind of fruit cobbler? Not a fruit cobbler kind of person.
Is there a basement in your house? If so, what is it used for? No.
Have you driven a car today? I don't drive.
Do you have a small, medium or large bedroom? It's too small. I've definitely outgrown it. Or maybe I have too much stuff but no it's just small okay shhh
Where was your first job and how old were you? I haven't had a job, yet.
Have you eaten soup this week? No. That doesn't sound appealing still it still feels very much like summer and I hate it.
Are you a fan of The Office? I just couldn't get into it.
When was the last time you started a new medication? A couple months ago.
What is your favourite type of nut? I very rarely eat nuts, it's been quite awhile since I've had any like I don't even remember. But anyway, that being said I do like a few like peanuts, cashews, pistachios, and season (not plain) almonds.
Do you know anyone who doesn’t have a middle name? Yeah.
Have you put your phone on silent today? No. The only time I do that is when I'm at the theater, and admittedly not always then. Not like my phone is blowing up with notifications.
Can you name all 50 US state capital cities? No, but I can name all 50 states in alphabetical order.
Do you read John Green novels? I only read a few.
Have you ever been to Universal Studios? I went once when I was like 7 and don't remember a whole lot to be honest. We also went to Disneyland after that and that I definitely remember.
Can you tie balloons? I can, but it can be hard sometimes.
When was the last time you were at a pet store? It's been a long time.
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auclogistics · 3 months
Can I Shift Homes on My Own Without Packers And  Movers?
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So thinking about moving? It's not a simple task! If you ask me, we would suggest getting help from experts by searching “Movers and Packers near me”. Shifting isn't easy. It takes a lot of muscle know-how. Sure, moving locally might seem doable. But shifting far? Now that's tough for an average person.
Once you get packers & movers, you're worry-free. Their team is super trained and makes everything stress-free. Honestly, using them is the easiest & best way to relocate. But if you're set on doing it alone, here's what you need to do for smooth moving.
House shifting services involve multiple tasks like:
Sorting stuff
So hire packers & movers for a hassle-free move. Still want to go solo? Keep these things in mind:
Plan Ahead
When you hand over the job to Packers & Movers, they handle it all. On your own? It gets tricky. So plan early! Pre-planning makes work easier and smoother. Plus, since you're not a pro, you’ll need extra time for packing and moving.
Keep Enough Cash Handy
Nothing happens without money these days! Make sure you've got plenty for your move because every step costs something. Without a set budget, you'll face trouble. Maybe even big trouble!
Without top Door to door moving services in Oman, packing materials and labor will still cost you money. Think packing, loading, unloading, and hiring trucks—all need cash.
Pick the Right Time
Choose the perfect day & time carefully as it matters. Fixing this helps with timely packing & moving—don't end up during rainy seasons! With a planned schedule (two or three months ahead), you'll handle emergencies better too.
Settle on your new address
Before relocating find your new home first.  It's tricky how much time moving takes; having a place ready saves headaches later. If unbooked yet? Look online for houses on sale or rent before stressing out at the last minute!
Make an item List
Moving alone means making lists of what’s essential to carry along (not everything at home is useful). Better sort what's needed/what's outdated!! Pack room-wise so crucial things don’t get left behind—like giving old stuff to NGOs or selling it off quickly.
Don’t let a Rogue Mover Trick You
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When it’s time to move, you’re trusting your stuff with folks you barely know. Keep yourself safe by spotting red flags & getting advice from friends and neighbors. Ask lots of questions to uncover hidden moving charges.
Even movers who play it straight might not tell you every cost unless you ask. Make sure you understand the full price by asking about fees for heavy items, repacking, stairs, or waiting around.
Make sure to Buy Enough Packing Materials
Before you dive into packing, gather all the packing materials. Boxes, tapes, bubble wraps, labels, markers–get them all ready beforehand. This will make sure your packing goes smoothly & safely. 
Choose good quality stuff; it helps keep your items, especially the fragile ones, well-protected. The boxes should be sturdy and come in different sizes to fit various things. And, hey, better to have some extras so you don't run out when you need them most.
Pack One Room at a Time for Best Results
Packing can get tricky; it's really important to do it carefully to keep your items safe. Try packing one room at a time. This way, you won't forget anything! Clearly label each box so it's easy to identify what’s inside and where it goes when you unpack. 
Handle delicate stuff with care by adding cushions or padding–this keeps them snug and safe during the move. It might seem like a small thing, but trust me, proper labeling can save you tons of time and effort later on. If boxes aren’t labeled well, finding essentials like towels, bed sheets or utensils will be a headache.
Do Your Confirmation Calls
As the date of your journey sneaks up, it's time to get those last-minute confirmation calls done. Seriously, this is super important. When you're moving without contacting packers and movers near me, all the responsibility falls on you. 
No risks allowed here. If something's off, you might need to change plans. Keeping in touch with these folks helps avoid surprises. Check on transportation and make sure your new place is good to go. Call everyone—landowners, truck drivers, agents—and confirm everything. 
Take Preventive Measures
Road trips can be unpredictable. Sometimes things just go haywire. Imagine getting stuck or having an accident—it's a nightmare that can delay everything. 
You might even spend the night in your car. Better safe than sorry, right? Pack enough food, water, meds, and extra clothes. Having these essentials makes dealing with unexpected hiccups a bit easier.
Find a Home in the New Location
Heading to a new place? You gotta find a home there first. If you've already set that up—awesome! If not, start hunting around early because finding a place in a new city can take some time. Jump online to look for homes for sale or rent. Don't forget to ask friends or colleagues for tips too! Agents can be really helpful in nailing down the perfect spot. Just remember to keep your basic needs and preferences in mind while searching.
Once you arrive at your new place, go ahead and unload everything. Then unpack and take a breather—seriously, catch your breath! After that, arrange your things however you like. When it comes to settling in, give yourself the gift of time to adjust. I'm pretty sure, with a little time, you'll start loving your new spot real soon!
Why stress yourself out when everyone takes help from experts by searching “Door to door moving services in Oman”. Contact AUC logistics, and relocate anywhere across the globe.  If you're short on time, you can always lean on close friends & to lend a hand. 
They'll make things easier, and it'll go faster. Just let them know how you'd like the items packed or ask for their tips if someone happens to be good at it. Sharing the workload definitely reduces the pressure & takes a load off your shoulders.
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Modification Of A Bridge Loan
Modification Of A Bridge Loan
A bridge loan is a short-term loan that is used to provide financing to a person or company during a period of transition. In other words, a bridge loan is there to help you “bridge” the financial gap for a short period of time (usually up to one year). Bridge loans are commonly used in real estate and allow you to use the current equity (value of home minus remaining mortgage) of your home to borrow money.
As an example, let’s say you land an awesome new job, but in order to take it, you have to relocate. So, you put your home up for sale and, while you’re anxiously waiting for a buyer, you find the perfect home in your new city. You want to buy a new house but you won’t have enough money for a down payment until your current home sells.
A bridge loan can provide you with the money you need now so that you can buy a new home before you sell your current one. Companies can also use bridge loans to help cover certain costs while they wait for more long-term funding.
Once you find a lender that offers bridge loans (more on that below), you will then need to see if you qualify for a bridge loan. You will need to satisfy the following criteria: • How’s your credit? Lenders will want to see a good-to-excellent credit rating. • Do you have enough equity in your home? You need to have at least 20% equity in your current home. • What’s the housing market like where you live? Lenders will look at the housing market in your area to try and assess if your current house is likely to sell quickly or sit for an extended period. If the market is stale, a bridge loan might not be the right solution. • Can you afford it? Lenders will use different financial metrics to decide if you can afford to take on a bridge loan. Like I talked about before, they will look at things like your debt-to-income ratio. There are definitely benefits and downsides to bridge loans (more on that later). However, a bridge loan might be an option for you if you meet some of these criteria:
You need money fast
If you’re in a situation where you’ve found your dream home and put in an offer but the seller won’t accept a contingent offer (the contingency being that you have to sell your home before you can purchase theirs), then you might consider a bridge loan. You can use the money you obtain with a bridge loan to make a down payment on your dream home and secure the sale, while you wait for your current house to sell.
You expect your current home to sell quickly
If you’re in an area where homes sell quickly then you might be well-positioned for a bridge loan. This is because bridge loans are meant for the short term. So, the quicker your house sells, the sooner you’ll have the money you need to pay back your loan.
You don’t want to sell your home until you’ve purchased a new one
Maybe you’re afraid that your home will sell super fast – before you’ve found a new place to live. This could result in you having to find temporary housing, and that can get expensive. If you want to secure the purchase of a new home before you sell your current home, then a bridge loan is a financial tool that can help you to achieve this.
You can financially handle it
Are you even eligible for a bridge loan? There are certain metrics that you will generally have to meet like having a low debt-to-income ratio. What is a low income to debt ratio? It’s a comparison of how much of your income is going to debt repay off each month for things like your mortgage, car payments, or credit card payments. You’ll be more eligible for a loan if you have a low debt-to-income ratio this signifies to lenders that you can manage your money.
They can see that you have enough money to pay your bills (or pay back loans), and that makes you an attractive borrower. While some people are well-positioned to take on a bridge loan, there are others who are not. This can be based on a number of scenarios including some of the following.
Bridge loans are short term loans. Usually, you have to pay them back within the term of a year. If you think it’s going to take months or years to sell your home, then this is not a good choice for you. There is nothing more adult than having a mortgage. And, honestly, having to pay a mortgage kind of sucks. Having to pay two mortgages would suck even more. If you’re not interested in managing two mortgages at once, then maybe no bridge loan for you!
How Do You Get A Bridge Loan?
Not every lender will offer a bridge loan on their menu of financial items as they are somewhat of a specialty item. Below are some of the places that are likely to offer a bridge loan option.
Your bank
You can start by reaching out to your current local bank or credit union to see if they offer bridge loans. Your local bank is a good option because you have history with them and, because they are local, they will be aware of what is going on with your local real estate market.
Hard money lenders
Hard money lenders are private mortgage lenders (meaning an individual or company not a bank) who lend their money to those who need it. Be aware of hard money lenders as they tend to charge some of the highest interest rates. Loans from a hard money lender have been referred to as “last resort loans” due in part to the high rates.
Mortgage broker
If you need help finding a bridge loan you can also reach out to a mortgage broker to see if they can assist you in your search. They should also be able to answer any questions that you might have in regards to whether a bridge loan is right for you.
Benefits Of Bridge Loans
• Quick application, approval, and funding process – The process of getting a bridge loan is often faster than securing other types of loans. • No home sale contingency – Your offer might be more appealing to a seller if there is no home sale contingency. Many people include this contingency which basically means that they will only go through with the purchase of the home if they can sell their own home within a certain period of time. • No expensive, intermediate accommodations – A bridge loan means you don’t have to shack up in a rental or a hotel if your home sells before you find a new place to live.
Downsides Of Bridge Loans
• You pay a high fee for convenience – Because bridge loans are generally short-term (to be paid back within a year or less), lenders charge more for interest to ensure that it’s worth it for them. There are also origination fees associated with closing costs so make sure you know the cost of everything involved before you commit. • Having to pay for multiple mortgages – When you take out a bridge loan to purchase a new home prior to the sale of your current home, you will be paying two mortgages. This isn’t an ideal situation. • Require a strong financial situation – In order to be eligible for a bridge loan, you have to be in a pretty secure financial position. If you have a ton of debt or a terrible credit score, then you might not even qualify for a bridge loan. You also need to have considerable equity in your home (min of 20% equity).
Pros and Cons of Bridge Loans
Bridge loans are short-term loans in which a property owner borrowers against the equity in their existing real estate. The intention is that the borrower will purchase new real estate. After the new real estate has been secured, the previous property will be sold in order to pay off the bridge loan. Bridge loans are useful financing tools for homeowners and real estate investors with sufficient equity within their property. Prior to applying for bridge loans, it is necessary to understand the pros and cons of bridge loans.
Bridge Loan Pros
• Avoid Moving Twice: If the homeowner obtained a residential bridge loan they would only need to move one time. Once the bridge loan is funded, the homeowner would have the needed funds to purchase the new home. After the new home is purchased, the homeowner moves and sells their previous home. If the homeowner decides to first sell their current home to access the equity in the property there would be additional steps. The homeowner must move somewhere temporarily and sell their home. When their home sells, they would use the proceeds to purchase their new home. Once they have completed the purchase of new home the homeowner would then move from the temporary housing to the new home. • Access equity quickly without selling: The purpose of a bridge loan is to borrow against the equity in an existing property in order to purchase a new property. Hard money bridge loans can be approved and funded very quickly. Bridge loans for investment property can be funded in as few as 3-5 days if needed. Owner-occupied bridge loans take 2-3 weeks as there are additional federal regulations that all lenders must follow. Hard money bridge loan lenders typically provide approval and funding much faster than conventional lenders who offer bridge loan financing. • Present a stronger purchase offer: Homebuyers will occasionally present a purchase offer that is contingent on their current residence selling before closing the new home. Buyers must submit this type of offer when they don’t have cash on hand for a sufficient down payment or all-cash offer and need the equity in their current home to complete the purchase of the new home. This type of offer may work in some situations, but from the seller’s point of view this type of offer is weak due to the inherent risk. There is no guarantee the buyer’s property will sell quickly and at the estimated price. Any other comparable offer without a contingency to sell an existing property would likely be accepted instead. During a rising real estate market, purchase offers with contingencies to sell are not likely to be accepted or even responded to. A buyer who chooses to obtain a bridge loan against their current home and present an offer with an all-cash offer or sizable down payment has a much better chance of their offer being accepted. Bridge loans can help a buyer completely change their situation and take a purchase offer from very weak (contingent on sale of current home) to very strong (all-cash offer). • Receive bridge loan approval after being denied by banks: Hard money bridge loan lenders are asset-based lenders and are most concerned with the value of the real estate as well as the equity the borrower has in the property. Hard money bridge lenders are able to lend to borrowers with bad credit and issues including foreclosures, discharged bankruptcies, loan modifications and short sales if the borrower has significant equity within their real estate. Institutional lenders like banks are much more concerned with a borrower’s income history and credit scores. Banks will see any issues on a borrower’s record as a red flag and probably deny the bridge loan request. • Attain a bridge loan against currently listed real estate: Hard money bridge loan lenders are in the business of providing short-term loans and will provide bridge loan mortgages for real estate that is currently listed for sale. Most institutional lenders will not consider a loan against a property that is currently listed for sale. These types of lenders do not want to go through the process of approving, underwriting and funding a loan only to have the loan be paid off within 2-3 months. • Income documentation not required: The current federal regulations require the borrower to provide income documentation for owner-occupied loan. The lender is required to calculate the borrower’s debt to income ratio and make sure it remains in a reasonable range. Borrowers without sufficient income documentation cannot qualify for an owner-occupied loan because of the Ability to Repay Rule. Both conventional lenders such as banks and credit unions and private hard money lenders must comply with this rule. The Ability to Repay Rule does not apply to bridge loans as there is special exception. The sale of the existing property that will be sold once the new property acquired serves as the repayment for the loan. Bridge loans may be the only type of owner-occupied financing available for self-employed individuals, seniors, retirees, and those without income (but have equity in their home).
Cons of Bridge Loans
• Higher interest rates: Hard money bridge loan lenders have higher interest rates than conventional lenders. The fast approvals and funding provided by a hard money bridge loan lender generally justify the higher rates for the borrower. Hard money bridge loan rates are higher compared with conventional loans, but the borrower will only have the bridge loan for a very short term (12 months or less). The borrower may only make a few monthly payments before the bridge loan is paid off. The overall interest paid on the bridge loan is not likely to be substantial. • Higher transaction costs: Origination fees for hard money bridge loans are typically in the form of points, which are likely to be in the range of 1.5-3 depending on the lender and other factors of the loan scenario. Borrowers also will have to pay for standard real estate transaction fees including title insurance, escrow, notary and recording fees.
Loan Modification
• Explain your hardship. Why are you behind? Was it a result of unemployment, or excess medical bills, or family emergencies that are making it difficult to make your mortgage payments? You’ll need to be able to explain your circumstances to your counselor and your mortgage company. Start by writing a hardship letter to illustrate to your lender exactly why you fell or why you are falling behind. • Document your income. Now is the time to gather your paystubs, bank deposits etc. whatever documentation you can provide that will make up your total income. If you’re self employed, you’ll need to provide a profit and loss statement for the last 3 months or more. • Outline your expenses. In order to determine your mortgage payment’s affordability, the lender will evaluate your income vs. your expenses. As accurately as possible, write a list of your 3 monthly payments for groceries, utilities, child care, medical expenses, loans and credit cards, car payments, insurance, student loans, etc. Note: Current affordability guidelines require that your mortgage payment be no more than 31% of your total gross monthly income. • Gather your Federal Tax Returns. You’ll need to provide federal tax returns for the past two years as part of your financial picture. • Provide proof of insurance. You’ll want to have proof of insurance on hand to provide to the lender/counselor, as well. • Be prepared to interview with a counselor. As part of the process, you may need to meet with a counselor. At that meeting, the Counselor will explain how the program works, determine the best options for your situation and explain what happens next. • Stay connected. Follow up with all appointments, meetings, phone calls etc. and stay in contact with your counselor. Provide current contact information so that you can be reached quickly during the process. • Deliver documents as requested. Be sure to provide all documentation and information the lender and counselor requests as quickly as possible. Failure to follow up with any requests for information may delay the processing of your loan modification. • Keep careful records. Be diligent and document your conversations, the names of the people and organizations you spoke with, their phone numbers, when you spoke with them and what was discussed. Keep copies of all communications letters, faxes, emails etc. exchanged throughout the process. • Protect Yourself. Check out our pointers on Traps to Avoid When Modifying Your Mortgage and learn simple guidelines to avoid Foreclosure and Loan Modification Scams.
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hakesbros · 2 years
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girasollake · 2 years
high school sweethearts pt. 2 | e.m. 
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pairing: eddie munson x nb!reader
requested: follow up to part 1 which was requested
type: angst
summary: reader can’t deal with eddie leaving them for someone else and they decide to use something they thought they never would
warnings: usage of drugs (i have never done drugs in my life and i do not condone it, usage of it is just for story purposes, dont do drugs.), description of taking drugs, curse words, neutral type of ending
a/n: i won’t be doing more parts guys cause i don’t like writing multi-chapter stories and i have some requests i have to finish but i hope you’ll enjoy this follow up to part one!
word count: 1,743
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The next month was hard for (Y/n). Even though they stopped talking to Eddie it seemed like he was everywhere. They would hear his favourite songs in the cars passing by, his smell would linger in the air out of nowhere and they would see him in every corner of the school. The world just kept reminding (Y/n) about his existence and their mental health was getting worse. It was still a mystery for them why Eddie didn’t even want to be friends anymore. Maybe he thought that their feelings would get in a way for his relationship or whatever it was? Or maybe he was just sick of (Y/n)? They had many answers for that and each one of them felt right. They wanted to focus on something else, to get their mind off of him. So, they picked up their old guitar and there it was – Eddie again. Then they tried painting and, oh, him again. The memories of him drawing and designing the hellfire t-shirt were flooding their brain.
☽ ☽ ☽
(Y/n) was eating lunch next to Robin who was having a conversation with one of her friends. This time of the day was one of the worst because they had a clear view of Eddie’s table and the man himself. After moving their fork in their food for about 5 minutes they finally looked up and they instantly regretted it. There she was again, talking to him, smiling at him and… taking something under the table? For a moment (Y/n) forgot that he was a drug dealer. Then they thought that maybe there is a chance for her to be interested in him so that she could get free samples. But that wouldn’t go on for such a long time, would it? While (Y/n) was watching his hand touching the box he always carried, an idea struck their mind. Since the world wouldn’t let them forget about him, why not use it to their advantage?
When the school ended they took the first bus that was going towards Eddie’s trailer park. They felt uneasy about this, but was there anything else they could do? Sure, weed and alcohol were working good for them in the terms of “blocking out the thoughts” but they needed something stronger. They finally reached Eddie’s trailer and lifted their fist to knock. They hesitated when they heard a girl laughing inside.
‘You chose the perfect fucking moment, (Y/n).’ They mumbled and after taking a big breath they knocked.
They heard someone walking to the door, voices were getting louder. Eddie opened the door and his girlfriend was right behind him, a disgusted look on her face.
‘Hi.’ (Y/n) said. ‘I wanted to-‘
‘What are you doing here, (Y/n)?’ Eddie asked.
‘I-‘ They swallowed a big lump in their throat. ‘I just-‘
‘Look, I don’t have time for this right now.’ He said and started closing the door.
‘Wait!’ They screamed and placed their hand on the door. ‘I wanted to buy some drugs.’ They said while looking into Eddie’s eyes.
‘What?’ He chuckled. ‘Nice joke, go home, (Y/n).’
‘I’m serious.’ They huffed and let go of the door. ‘You’re a dealer and I want to buy shit, that’s how it works from what I remember.’
‘Yeah, but you don’t do drugs.’ He answered sternly.
‘I don’t.’ They stated. ‘But I want to start.’
‘Yes, Munson.’ They said through gritted teeth. ‘I am your fucking customer so do your fucking job.’ They hissed, still not breaking eye contact. ‘Or I’ll call the cops.’
He snorted and opened the door for (Y/n) to come in.
‘Thanks, I’ll wait here.’ They said and sat on the couch.
‘You have any preference?’ He asked without any emotions.
‘No, give me something that’ll quiet my thoughts and make me less miserable.’
‘Drugs will make you more miserable.’
‘Really? Then why do you sell them and use them?’ They asked with a sarcastic smile.
Eddie turned around to go to his room, he didn’t say anything at all. (Y/n) was left in the living room with his girlfriend who was shooting them death stares the whole time.
‘What’s your problem?’ (Y/n) asked and intertwined their hands.
‘I don’t have a problem, seems like you do.’ She answered and walked out of the room to join Eddie.
(Y/n) started nervously tapping their foot on the floor and biting their nails. They were scared of drugs their whole life, they really wanted to leave and not buy anything but their pride got the best of them. They wanted to show him what he did to them, how he treated them, because Eddie knows damn well they would never use drugs. They had told him that months ago, that they would need to reach a breaking point, a moment in their life where everything would be unbearable to take drugs worse than marijuana. And there they were, much lower than their breaking point.
‘Here, that should be enough.’ Eddie handed them two pills of something.
‘No.’ (Y/n) shook their head. ‘I want more than that. This’ll just get me through one day.’
‘Fuck no. You take that or nothing.’ He said.
‘Not a really good deal for a dealer. I have a lot of money here…’ They took their savings out of the pocket and showed them to him. ‘… and you have a lot of drugs.’
‘No. This or nothing.’
‘Okay, well in that case…I’ll be back tomorrow for more.’ They snatched the bag from him.
‘No, you won’t.’ He said while (Y/n) handed him some money.
‘Oh, but I will. It’s either that or the cops. Think about it.’ They said and walked out of his trailer.
Cold air hit their warm cheeks, it was refreshing after being inside there for so long. Small droplets of rain started falling on (Y/n)’s face as they ran towards the bus stop.
At home they locked themselves in the bathroom. The small plastic bag which contained the drugs was sitting across from them. They didn’t want to take them, they didn’t want to end up in a situation they couldn’t escape. They didn’t want to buy them, but the feeling consuming them was much stronger and it influenced all of (Y/n)’s actions. Finally they reached for the bag and after taking out one pill they placed it on the countertop. (Y/n) took a deep breath and looked up to see their reflection in the mirror.
‘You can do it.’
They took out their pocket knife and pressed it on top of the pill. They didn’t know what they were supposed to do, but since they had seen others do that it must’ve been the right way. Carefully they made thin slices of white powder and soon they were all inhaled by them through the nose.
(Y/n) didn’t remember much from the other day when they went to Eddie. Some of their memories became blurry after taking the drug and maybe it was a good thing? Maybe that’s just what they needed? And just like that, right before school, they took the other pill.
☽ ☽ ☽
Eddie had noticed something wasn’t right when he first saw (Y/n) entering the cafeteria. He didn’t think they would actually take those pills, it wasn’t like them. He approached them by their locker and leaned on the wall next to it.
‘Are you high?’
‘Why does it matter?’ (Y/n) mumbled, eyes focused on one spot inside her locker.
‘Because we’re in the fucking school!’ He hissed. ‘Why did you take those pills? What’s wrong with you? You hate drugs! And bursting like that into my house yesterday was not nice at all!’
They slowly lifted their head and turned it into his direction. (Y/n) looked him in the eyes and he noticed how red theirs were.
‘Fuck you.’ (Y/n) chuckled and shut their locker.
They started walking away from him with a small smile tugging on their lips. Eddie quickly grabbed their arm and turned them to face him again.
‘I’m taking you home.’
‘No you’re not… I have classessssss..’ They yawned.
He didn’t reply, he just walked out of the school with (Y/n)’s arm held in his fist. He pushed them into his passenger seat and put on the seatbelt. The whole ride was silent with occasional curses spilling out from (Y/n)’s lips.
‘Fuck you.’ (Y/n) mumbled again when they reached his house and he was leaning over them to unbuckle their seatbelt. ‘You’re a piece of shit.’
He didn’t answer. He just took them out of the car and pulled them along to go into the trailer.
‘Sit.’ He demanded as he placed them on his bed. ‘And stay here.’
‘It’s all your fault.’ They said before he left the room which caused him to stop. ‘It’s your fault I’m like this.’
‘No, it’s yours. You wanted the fucking drugs!’
‘BECAUSE OF YOU!’ They stood up abruptly. ‘YOU LEFT ME!’
Tears were welling up in (Y/n)’s eyes. Eddie was just looking at them, unable to move and speak.
‘You left me… for her. I gave you.. fucking everything…’ They whispered. ‘What was so bad about me?’
‘(Y/n) please, you’re high. Sit down.’
‘No. You fucking hear me? I won’t sit down! Give me more fucking drugs if you don’t want to talk to me!’ They got closer to him and started punching him in the chest, but not hard enough to hurt him. ‘GIVE. ME. FUCKING. DRUGS. ASSHOLE!’
He engulfed them in a hug and instead of fighting more, they broke down crying. Eddie sat down with them on the cold floor and pulled them closer. (Y/n)’s cries could be heard throughout the whole trailer and outside.
‘Why won’t you love me Eddie?’ They sniffled.
‘I’m sorry.’ He sighed. ‘I never wanted to hurt you.’
‘But you did. A lot.’
‘I know. I know I fucked up..’ He started crying as well. ‘You were my best friend and I fucked it all up.’
He started rubbing their back softly.
‘I have always loved you, just not like that.’ He whispered. ‘But maybe it’s because I was scared to lose you and then when you told me how you feel.. I fucked up either way. I still lost you.’
‘You didn’t lose me yet.’ They replied weakly.
‘I’m sorry for doing this to you and for letting you try that shit. Promise me you won’t do it again and I promise I’ll fix this.’
‘Okay.’ They muttered. ‘I promise.’
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fairyofsilence · 2 years
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Pairings: Yandere!Namjoon x Reader, Yandere!Jungkook x Reader
Word count: 6.7 K
This is part of the obsession series, you can find my main masterlist here.
Warnings (for this chapter): +18, stalking, anxiety, cursing, mentions of blackmailing, toxic relationships, mentions of murder, mentions of sex work, trauma bonding, childhood trauma is discussed, innapropiate therapist/patient relationship (your therapist should never discuss their private life with you), emotional cheating, recording of sexual acts without the persons knowladge, explicit sexual scenes; short sex scene, choking, mentions of aftercare, Jungkook is a voyeur.
I don't agree nor condone any of the actions made by any of the characters throughout the story, I also do not belive that any of the members of BTS would act this way or have this type of behaviour, this story it's fiction and it's written with the sole purpose of entertainment, please proceed with caution.
Summary:Your husband adores you and he would do anything for you, but little do you know, so will the man who's watching you from the shadows.
Taglist (for this series): @minshookie29, @multifandombishthatlovekth, @kimlineownsme, @marslena, @apriljoon, @investedreader, @darkuni63, @gotnothing-todo, @silversparkles11, @ksooed, @pineapplestemkth​ (If you like to be added, just comment under this post or send me an ask requesting to be added❤)
A/N: Hello, I know I’ve been gone since practically forever, and I’m really sorry about that, but I had a terrible writer’s block during the summer, I will just stare at my screen and hope for the words to come out of my head, but finally, I somehow managed to finish this chapter, I’m posting this while being half asleep so please ignore any mistakes, I’ll be editing this over the weekend and working on chapter 3, so please look foward for that, any type of feedback it’s appriciated by me btw, so don’t be shy hehe, I hope you have a good day and thank you for reading!❤
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If you were to ask her about her job, Haneul would say that she wouldn’t consider it to be difficult at all.
It was perfect for someone like her, she was fresh out of college, it paid her enough to make ends meet every month and her boss was so incredibly kind and sweet to her, in the past year the both of you had grown closer than she would’ve expected, you were quick to put so much trust on her, you’ll always tell her how much you appreciated her work and praise her for how efficient she was, maybe that’s why Haneul always feels so bad when she must go behind your back and report to your husband of your daily activities at work.
She never meant to betray your trust like this, and she was almost a hundred percent sure that what she was doing its illegal, but when Kim Namjoon himself showed up to her apartment, bringing two suitcases filled with cash and promising to pay for her student debt, while also helping her move to a better side of town, she couldn’t help but to agree, this happened after her first week of working for you, she didn’t thought she’ll be staying for long, but then what started as an agreement became a reason to blackmail her, when she tried to break off their deal, he just dismissed her by telling her that if she tries to break off their arrangement he will leave her with even a worst debt than she was previously on, and that was all it took for Haneul to tuck her tail between her legs and keep on showing up to work, shame and guilt eating her up every day as you continue to see her as a good and hardworking girl only for her to turn around and do the most unethical things behind your back, but it was her life over yours, that’s how Haneul tries to console herself whenever she feels the guilt start to eat her up once more, you could start over, your husband can afford to buy you a new life if you wanted to, but Haneul? She had nothing, this job was all she had, and she’ll be damned if she ends up losing it, so with a heavy conscience and she picks up her phone and types out the message she desperately wishes she didn’t have to send, but nevertheless, she ends up doing it, and receives an answer far too quick for her own liking.
“From: Haneul
First person scheduled for today cancelled, new patient just went in, I will send his file after Mrs. Kim is done for the day. Sent at 11:26 A.M”
“From: KNJ
To: Haneul
Keep a close look on him like we talked about, you know I hate it when she has male patients, I also want the footage from the security cameras from that session. Sent at 11:27 A.M”
Haneul often wonders what you could’ve done in your past life to deserve such a crazy man like your husband, but she always ends up without an answer, because she doesn’t think you could’ve done something so bad that would make you end up with a man like this, Haneul doesn’t think anyone deserves to end up with a man like Kim Namjoon as their husband.
“From: Haneul
Yes sir, I’ll be keeping you updated. Sent at 11:28 A.M”
His last message sent shivers down her spine, if there was something that Kim Namjoon had done ever since they met, it was knowing exactly how to make her fear him.
“From: KNJ
To: Haneul
You better. Sent at 11:29 A.M”
Haneul gulps as she puts her phone down, turning the security cameras back on as she takes a couple of deep breaths to calm down.
Your husband has become the reason for her nightmares and yet you live blissfully unaware of his sick nature, as she types into her document, Haneul wonders if she’ll ever tell you about how much control over your life your husband actually has, but she also remembers that as long as she depends on you, there’s nothing she can do other than silently watch you living a lie next to the man who has trapped you into a false reality, she often wonders how would you react if the perfect world Namjoon has created for you suddenly crumbles, Haneul shakes her head and starts typing once more.
She doesn’t even want to think about the things your husband would do if that day ever comes.
Unironically enough, the answer to her question was currently inside your office.
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Drumming his fingers along his thighs, Jungkook feels a drop of cold sweat forming on the right side of his forehead, dripping all the way to his jaw, he licks his lips as he silently watches you work just like he has done so many times in the past, but this time is different, instead of facing his large monitor in the shivering cold and darkness of his own room, Jungkook is looking directly at your face, paying very close attention at any minuscule action you made in the past couple of minutes, controlling himself to not open his mouth and drool at the mere sight of you, that wouldn’t make the good first impression he has planned for years now, there cannot be anything that can mess up his only opportunity to get close to you.
Jungkook has been waiting for this moment for so long he can’t believe it’s finally happening, he has already lost count of the number of times he had to stop himself from reaching out to touch you, to hold you closer to him, to finally have you all to himself, he’s been struggling to remind himself that you were not ready for that yet, but hopefully, that will change soon. You were exactly like he had expected you to be, for Jungkook, watching you was always a pleasing experience, he has learned your quirks and cute expressions from how long he has been watching you, but god, your mannerisms looked even more cute up close rather than on a far distance or from a pixeled screen, years of having to blend into the crowd for him to only get a small glimpse of you, and now he was getting a front row seat on what he would consider the most entertaining show of all time: Watching you live inside the perfect bubble your husband has created for you. You have no idea how much Jungkook is going to enjoy bursting that bubble for you.
Unaware of everything that’s going through his mind, you peered at Jungkook over your glasses, only to find that he was already looking at you, mischief written all over his face, and when you moved your eyes onto him he smiled a little wider, his cute nose scrunched and your heart beat a little too fast for your liking, you decided to return your attention to his chart, which seemed fairly empty, only his most basic medical information was shown and that made you come to the conclusion that this might be the first time he has gone to therapy, closing the metal folder, you put his chart in your lap and give him a reassuring smile, setting the timer on our smart watch to get your first session finally started.
“We’re officially starting our first session as it now Jungkook” You intervene your hands and tilt your head to the side while maintaining eye contact.
“First, I would like to remind you that everything you say in this and if you decide, our next sessions, are extremely confidential and I cannot speak about anything that we discuss in this room, the only time I am allowed to inform about our sessions to anyone else is if I, as your therapist consider that you could harm yourself or that you could put other people in danger, if you have shown up today is because you have read the email I sent you prior to this session, correct?” You reach to your small table next to the individual couch you’re currently sitting, grabbing a small notepad and a pen laying right beside you, Jungkook nods as you open the notepad and begin by writing his name beside today’s date.
“Yes Dr. Kim, I did read the email you sent to me” He also confirms vocally while watching you write his name, the furrow in between your brows making him smile for a moment, so cute, Jungkook thought.
“Perfect, thank you for answering, I hope you don’t mind reminding you that our first sessions might seem a bit slow but I believe it’s best to slowly built up our relationship as patient and therapist, I feel that it’s the best way for not making you feel as if you have to rush into talking about certain topics you’re still not ready to discuss with me, as your therapist I am fully aware how it must not be easy to trust someone so quickly, and I am willing to wait until you feel comfortable enough to talk about certain things” You return to make eye contact as you finish writing down the basics and Jungkook nods along everything you say, giving you a shy smile after your last words.
“That’s very kind of you Dr. Kim” His eyes are starting to look a bit glossy, and the sight of that makes you grip at your pen tightly, there have been countless of patients who have cried on their sessions, especially when it was their first time, why are his tears affecting you so much?
“You don’t have to thank me Jungkook, I’m only here to help you” You shot him a small polite smile and contain the biggest urge to reach out and grab his hand to reassure him, but he notices, the way your hand twitches the same way when you want to reach out for your husband’s hand, and Jungkook couldn’t be more thrilled about it, not believing how much he has affected you in such a short amount of time, this might be easier than what he initially thought. You ignore the sudden urge and continue with the session once more.
“We can start by you telling me the reason why you have decided to see a therapist, you don’t need to go into details if you don’t want, you can answer however you want.”
“I wanted to see a therapist because I think I’m ready to let my past behind me” Jungkook rubs his palms against his thighs and you can tell how nervous he is, you maintain a neutral expression as you write his answer down.
“Not letting your past rule over your present it’s not an easy thing to do, you’ve already done one of the hardest steps in a healing journey, which is accepting that you need to change in order to grow” Jungkook gives you another shy smile and you can’t help but to smile back at him, even though a small voice inside your head tells you that you shouldn’t be doing it but you couldn’t help it, he looks lost, even though you could see that he was physically strong, Jungkook seems to avoid getting the attention on himself, his clothes, his attitude and the way he carried himself told you that much, you don’t know what kind of urge was suddenly overflowing in you but all you knew was that you wanted, no, needed to help him at all cost.
“Can I- Could I start with my upbringing? Is that too much for our first session?” His timid tone it’s heartbreaking, and while it pangs your heart, you maintain a stoic expression and answer his question.
“You can start telling me with what you feel the most comfortable Jungkook, you can trust me on that” Jungkook nods to himself as he plays with his hands, he closes his eyes for a moment and takes a deep breath before looking at you again, you make a motion with your hand to let him know you’re listening.
“My mother, she died when I was very young” His voice suddenly became a little bit more deep, and it send shivers down your spine.
“I’m very sorry to hear that Jungkook” He doesn’t seem to register your words as he focuses on the small table that separates the two of you, the topic seems to be rough on him, giving how deep in thought he seems to be, you try to make him come back to you by asking: “Could you tell me how old you were?” Jungkook’s attention returns to you after your question and the coldness in his previously sweet stare takes you aback for a second.
“I was 6” His answer makes you wish you didn’t ask but you know you must keep going regardless of your compassion towards him.
“Do you remember how it happened?, where you were when you received the news?” You write his previous answer and try to avoid eye contact to not show any emotion to what his next answer might be, but nothing can prepare you for what his next words are.
“I was the one who found her” His voice quivers and you quickly turn your head to look at him only to find him already staring at you, he doesn’t wait for an answer as he keeps talking: “She was murdered, it was client of hers, never knew who he was, she had a lot of clients so I never bother to remember any of their faces” Jungkook cuts eye contact to look over your office window, you couldn’t stop yourself from blurting a question after he was done talking.
“Clients?” You were confused and Jungkook realized his omission made you feel out of context, he quickly filled you into what he was talking about.
“My mother was a prostitute, I’m the son of one of her clients actually” You’re speechless after his confession, you know firsthand the effects of growing up knowing that your mother was a prostitute, and that you were a product of her job, but Jungkook not only had those issues, his mother was also taken from him at such a small age, your self-control seemed to be put to the test today, because you wanted to comfort him, to let him know he wasn’t alone with his pain, but you couldn’t do that without reveling things about yourself, and that was extremely unprofessional, you knew better than to cross those lines, but doing it once wouldn’t hurt, right? You pride yourself for being extremely sufficient with helping your patients to get better, wouldn’t this help Jungkook? It must if you had this immense urge to tell him, you weren’t being unprofessional, in fact, you were doing the right thing, weren’t you?
“You think that this event it’s what’s stopping you from getting better?”
“I don’t think, I know it is” Jungkook chuckles and crosses his arms while leaning back into the sofa, you raise an eyebrow as you put your hands in your stomach.
“How do you view me as a person Jungkook?” Your question seems to take him by surprise, but he responds after a moment.
“Professional, kind, hardworking” You let out a small smile at his short but sweet description of yourself.
“And if I told you that the person you just described when through similar things as you did, would you change your mind?” Jungkook looks at you even more confused than before so you decide to let him know the aspect of your life you’re not fond of speaking about it “Our mothers shared the same profession Jungkook” His pretty doe eyes are wide in shock and even his mouth opens a little bit, you can’t help but to giggle at his reaction and that seems to make him snap out of his brief state of shock.
There’s a small moment of silence before Jungkook speaks out again.
“How do you do it?” Jungkook ask in a hushed tone, if you weren’t playing close attention to him you probably wouldn’t have heard him.
“How do I do what?” You had a faint idea of what he was trying to say, but you wanted him to voice out his thoughts, for Jungkook to acknowledge what his fear is.
“How do you live with the shame of it? I feel like every  time I’m walking down the street, somehow people just know, and I can almost feel them judging me, even when I know that her actions weren’t my fault, I feel like I can’t open up with anyone because they wouldn’t understand and they would judge me because of this, I feel so ashamed all the time and I really don’t know how to make it stop” His confession cut deep into your heart as you felt deep within you each and every single one of his words, the resemblance between the two of you was becoming more prominent each time he revealed something about himself, and you couldn’t help but to project into him, you knew the struggle he was going through, better than anyone else, you could see it in his eyes, the desperation and the frustration on people judging you over something you had absolute no control over, your heart hurts for him and you feel the frustration building up in you, as you watch him patiently waiting for an answer from you, you decided that this was beyond just a professional relationship, he needed from you, Jungkook needed guidance, friendship, he needed everything you were willing to give him, and you intended to give him your all.
You lean forward as you maintain eye contact with him, he mirrors your actions as he plays with his fingers, impatiently waiting for what you are about to say.
“I don’t think that my answer it’s what you are expecting to hear” Hearing the truth sometimes does more damage than it helps, you know it well, Jungkook stops his movement all together and the words coming out of his mouth are not what you expected.
“I don’t want you to respond with something you don’t agree with just because it’s the professional thing to do, Dr. Kim, I want to hear your opinion from your own experience” Jungkook straightens his posture as he speaks and the look on his eyes it’s so intense it makes you cut eye contact and lean back into your chair; you don’t think your answer thoroughly before speaking again.
“The shame never leaves, you only learn how to live with it” You expected for Jungkook to blow up the way most of your patients do whenever they don’t receive the answer they were looking for, but he surprised you once more as he looks at you with hope in his beautiful brown eyes.
“Could you help me learn how to live with it, Dr. Kim?” He asks in a low timid tone, and you give him the brightest smile he’s ever seen on you.
“I would love to Jungkook.”
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After being forced to practically become your shadow, Haneul has become more observant than she’s ever been before, she has come to notice even the smallest changes on you, and the main thing that set alarms going off inside her head was when not only you accompanied the new patient to the front door, but also how you hugged him and kept on having a small conversation until he finally left, her eyes open so wide to the point she thinks they’ll pop out of its sockets, Namjoon was going to kill her, on more than one occasion he has told her to not let you touch any patients, specifically male patients, and with him already being on the edge because of the new patient, there was no doubt that he was going to be furious about this when he sees the security camera footage, Haneul was in deep shit.
She was shaking by the moment you turned around to return to your office, briefly glancing at her only to stop when you realized just how pale she was, a frown between her brows and a lost look on her eyes told you that something must not be alright, so you carefully approached her until you were in front of her desk.
“Haneul? Is everything okay?” Your clueless question makes Haneul want to rip off her hair.
No, nothing is fucking okay because you can’t just do things like that without me getting my head chopped off, God, why can’t you just listen to your creepy husband for once?
Ignoring her less than friendly thoughts, Haneul takes several deep breaths to compose herself and shots you a sweet smile before answering.
“Everything’s fine Dr. Kim, please don’t worry about it” You seem to believe in her answer as you give her an acknowledging nod before making your way to your office once more.
It’s only after hearing you close the door that Haneul reaches out for her phone, searching with hurry Namjoon’s contact to let him know everything she just saw, she rewrites several times due to her shaky hands.
Haneul might have bad luck, but she considers herself lucky that she won’t be in the receiving end of your husband’s wrath. The mere thought makes the hairs on her arms to rise in fear, shaking her head as if that would take away her thoughts, she continues to write the text that would become the first of many. After working with you for almost a year, Haneul never would’ve thought that a pretty boy would be enough to lure you away from your devoted husband, but then again, you were only human, and she will never judge you for distancing yourself from a man like Namjoon, in fact, Haneul thinks, Jungkook becoming your patient might be for the best, if she only knew about Jungkook’s true intentions, she’ll probably fear him just as much as she fears the man who has left her on read. Haneul gulps as she watches the ‘typing’ text go on and off for a couple of minutes, preparing for the worst, but when she only receives an “Okay” from Namjoon, she realizes that the short cold answer scared her more than a lengthy angry paragraph would.
Haneul knew she shouldn’t had accepted this job so quickly; it seemed far too good to be true. As she stares at her disorganized desk, Haneul wonders how she could had gotten herself stuck in the middle of such a sick relationship when all she expected from this job was to get coffee and take phone calls. Haneul sighs tiredly as she reaches out for her coffee mug.
If only she had listened to her old-fashioned mother who wanted to set her up to become a housewife, she would’ve saved herself the trouble she was currently in. What was previously a thought she dreaded has now become something she longed for.
The only thing that keeps Haneul from going insane it’s pretending that this was just a bad nightmare, that she would wake up and that everything will be alright, but Haneul really doesn’t know how much she can’t play pretend anymore.
Maybe she should book an appointment with you, but judging by your last interaction with a patient, she doesn’t think you’ll stay in business for long, not that your husband would allow it at least.
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Being with Jungkook always left you longing for more.
Quickly after your second session the same week after the first one, you realized one hour a day simply wasn’t going to be enough for you.
It started innocent enough, going to a café and walking together in the park, the place never mattered to you, it was spending time with him that made you happy, although you did try to limit yourself to only spend one hour with him without being inside your office, just two people who’ve been through the same shitty struggles and finding comfort within each other.
But your problem started when you stopped limiting yourself.
You started to tell yourself that one hour simply wasn’t enough, and that it wouldn’t hurt to spend more time with him, so one hour turned into two, then it turned into three, and before you knew it you were cancelling appointments for the sake of spending more time with him, a man who wasn’t your husband, a man who understood and comforted you in a way no one had ever been able to do before, not your best friend, and not even the love of your life, but him. Jungkook has quickly made his way into your heart due to his gentleness, how he carefully listens to everything you have to say, the way he brushes off your tears whenever your emotions get the best of you, the way his hand lingers until it finally reaches over to hold yours, it would be shocking if you didn’t end up growing fond of him after spending so much time with him, and while a small voice inside your head kept on whispering how wrong this was, how you were somehow betraying the trust your adoring husband has put on you, you always chose to ignore it, focusing on what Jungkook needed instead. Your husband will understand, he always does, it’s why you love him so much, he would be understanding when you tell him how sweet Jungkook is, how you guys just hit it off so well that it almost seemed like you’ve had known each other forever.
The problem is, you never mention any of this to Namjoon, in fact, you can’t even remember the last time you had a proper conversation with him, the realization and the guilt hits you like a truck, but you brush it off as you grip your coffee cup a little harder, focusing back to Jungkook’s voice as he tells you about the latest videogame release he was looking forward to, his excitement putting your mind at ease,  Jungkook notices the sad look in your eyes, but he also notices the way it fades after you look at him, and he can’t help but to smile as he relishes on the fact that he’s making you put your husband as a second priority, making you forget who was supposed to be the only man in your life.
He smiles proudly as he looks at you, the adoring look on your eyes tells him that you would be ready for him in no time, all he needs to do now it’s sit back, and watch your marriage crumble right before your eyes without you even noticing it.
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Namjoon notices everything about you.
He notices when you’re about to get sick and takes care of you before it can escalate, he notices that when your period is about to begin you cry onto his chest because you don’t want him to leave the bed, he notices when you’re feeling sad but don’t want to bother him with your feelings, always there for you to hold you into his chest and let the world keep going while you hide into his warm embrace.
But Namjoon hasn’t been able to notice any of this in the past few weeks, all because you spend day and night out with that boy.
He was furious when he saw the camera footage from the first session you had, the two of you just seemed way to invested on each other, but when you came home that day, you were smiling from ear to ear, and when he asked you about how your day went, you simply responded with “One of the best days I’ve had in a while”, and his chest hurt when he realized you weren’t talking about him.
He’s been trying to put a little more trust on you, you seemed to be fond of this kid for some reason and it was cute enough at first, but you got attached way to quickly in his opinion.
He knows that you started to see him outside of work, and that was enough to put him on the edge, but he decided to test you, see how far you’ll go just to spend time with him, and Namjoon took quite a hit once he realized just how invested you seemed to be on this patient of yours.
He felt as if he was dying whenever the private investigator came back to him with a folder full of pictures of the two of you, eating, laughing, and crying together, hugging each other with such an intensity that could even be capture in a photo, Namjoon couldn’t believe that he was watching his wife slip out of his arms so easily, and the worst thing was, he felt like there was nothing he could do other than to watch her pull away from him, the misery of her putting him aside for someone she hasn’t even known for so long.
Everything came crashing down tonight, as he got off from work to come home earlier than usual, wanting to surprise you with the largest bouquet he’s ever given you before, you’ll come back to your senses and the kid would have to back off, everything would return to normal and you were going to be okay, because your marriage is that strong.
But Namjoon was not welcomed by your sweet smile and loving embrace, he was greeted by a cold and empty home, with his wife spending a Friday night out with another man, a day that has been solely dedicated for him, and Namjoon just snaps.
Trashing the bouquet against the wall, he angrily makes his way to his home office and closes the door with a loud bang.
Ever since meeting that boy, you started to get more distracted at work with your other patients, you have not answered any of your friends worried text about your wellbeing with something that wasn’t “I’m busy”, you have barely look at him ever since that stupid kid came into your office, he doesn’t know what he has done to you, but you almost seemed bewitched by him, Namjoon knew you were a caring person, he knew that you always gave your best to all of your patients, but even your friends have realized that this was different, and you not showing up tonight was the final push that made him take the harsh route, he never likes to hurt you, but he would rather for you to suffer now and get over it quickly than for you to get more attached to that boy, he has to end this sudden infuriation of yours, and he must do it now.
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You come home late again tonight.
When you opened the door to your home, you were surprised to find the lights in an extremely low setting, to be fair, it was already past midnight, but whenever you get home late, Namjoon always waits for you in the living room, glasses on with a book in his hand and his comfy clothes on, it’s a cute sight to be welcomed home but now it’s nowhere to be seen, there’s only some flowers spread out in the floor, making a complete mess in the living room, confused and taken aback by this, you leave your purse and coat on the hanger and make your way upstairs to find where your husband might be.
He wouldn’t be asleep, he never likes to go to bed without you, he’s definitely not in your bedroom, but when you look over his office door, you see that the lights are on due to the small space between the door and the floor, you then make your way to his office, not bothering to knock as you just open the door, but the sight that greets you makes you shiver.
Namjoon rarely drinks.
He’s never been a big fan of alcohol, you can count with only one hand the rare occasions that you’ve seen him drinking, he often said he didn’t saw the point of getting drunk, so therefor it was only natural that he stayed away from any types of alcohol, so to find him like this, with a drink on his hand while a half empty bottle that had only served as decoration before is on his desk, you can’t help but to feel worried, you quickly made your way to his side and stare down at him as he continues to focus on the drink in his hand.
“Namjoon?” You tried to gain his attention by talking to him and you can’t help but to frown when he ignores you “Honey are you alright?” Namjoon smirks and takes a deep breath before setting his glass next to the bottle on his desk, he turns to look at you and you can’t help but to feel worried as you take a good look on your husbands face for the first time in weeks, and the first thing you notice is how his entire body screams exhaustion, Namjoon looks tired, it hurts to see him like this, you wrap your arms around him whilst sitting on his lap, he quickly welcomes your embrace and buries his face onto your neck, taking a long, deep breath as his hands rub your back, your heart feels heavy once you realized that you haven’t hugged him like this in a while, and it hurts even more when you realize it’s all your fault.
“What’s wrong baby?” You run your fingers through his hair, and he lets a dry chuckle after your question, he pulls his head out of your neck and looks at you for a moment before he speaks.
“How was your day darling?” Normally, you would be thrilled to answer his question, but the tone in which he was asking you this now made you frown, he sounded sarcastic, and Namjoon has never spoken to you like this before.
“What do you mean?” You try to play innocent as you realize that his question has a double meaning, he raises an eyebrow and one of his hands reaches your hip, which he grips on tightly while he maintains eye contact with you, the angry look on his eyes makes you gulp unvoluntary.
“What day is it?” The lack of a term of endearment, and his unexpected question takes you by surprise, what could he possibly mean by that?
You don’t answer right away, but after thinking just for a moment you came to the realization that today is Friday, and you weren’t home to receive your husband at the front door.
Namjoon waits patiently for your answer, and you feel horrible when you realize just how much you’ve been neglecting your husband for the sake of spending time with one of your patients.
“Oh, Namjoon, baby I’m sorry” He’s so mad but he can’t be angry at you for too long, especially not now when you’re looking at him with tears in your eyes, he places a hand on your cheek, and you greedily accept his affection towards you.
“I’m not mad at you love, I’m just confused, and a little hurt if I’m being honest” He’s being anything but honest right now, if you weren’t so invested in that boy he would’ve already killed him with his bare hands “Why are you spending so much time with your patient darling? What’s going on?” His voice cracks and the guilt has finally catch up with you, tears roll down your face as you place one of your hands on the back of his neck.
“I just- I really don’t know” Your tears are enough to make him fold, he brushes off your tears and gives you a small smile before talking.
“You know it’s wrong now, do you?” You feel like a child as you nod “And you know that whatever kind of friendship you have with this patient needs to stop, don’t you love?” It takes you a little bit more time than with his last question, but you end up nodding your head anyway, Namjoon smiles wider after you answer and pats your cheek, which makes you giggle.
“I’m really sorry…” You try to apologize again but he doesn’t let you, interrupting you with several quick pecks that make you laugh, and when he stops you can see that he’s smiling too.
“It’s okay love, besides” Namjoon gives you a wicked smile as his hand makes it’s way to your crotch “You know you can make it up to me in different ways”
You should’ve known you wouldn’t even make it to the bedroom, Namjoon wasn’t exactly patient when it came down to have his way with you, so it really didn’t surprise you that you were currently being fucked in the hallway, a small piece of furniture was the only thing that was keeping you away from falling into the ground, your pants were discarded somewhere in Namjoon’s office, you were both still practically clothed but he was a men on a mission, and his mission was to show you just how much he had missed you this past couple of weeks.
His soft hands grip tightly onto your hips as you claw your nails onto his back, Namjoon hisses and starts thrusting even harder, making you moan even louder, he buries his face into your neck to place sloppy kisses as you reach out to take one of his hands away from your waist and placing it on your neck, Namjoon lets out a deep growl at your actions.
“You couldn’t help yourself, couldn’t you my love?” Namjoon says into your ear “Always have to be a good little whore for me” He presses down onto your neck, and it only takes a couple of more thrust for you to be on the edge of an orgasm.
Namjoon knows your body like the back of his hand, and when your bottom lip starts to quiver and your legs begin to shake, he knows you’re about to come, so he keeps on thrusting hard and fast until you climax, holding onto his shoulders for dear life until he reaches his own, he puts his head on your chest as you’re both panting, taking a moment after such an intense orgasm and you can’t help but to let a small out of breath laugh when you think how ridiculous you must look right now, Namjoon chuckles and leaves several kisses on your chest before reaching out to your neck and then your lips, giving you a sweet peck before his hands reach for the back of your tights and picks you up easily as you giggle.
“Let’s go take a bath, huh?” Namjoon says before placing a kiss on your forehead, you nod as you cuddle into his chest, carrying you in his arms, he makes his way into your bedroom, having a small conversation as he walks, and you’re both blissfully unaware of the small red blinking dot coming from the end of the hallway.
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Jungkook leans back into his chair as he stares into his screen, he has done this countless of times before, the closes way he’s ever had to be somewhat intimate with you, but after these last couple of weeks, Jungkook knows that’s about to change soon, his plan has been successful so far, he only needs a little more time so he can finally have you by his side, so he can finally call you his.
He exits the security camera as he watches you and Namjoon leave the frame, Jungkook looks down at his hand as he smiles and takes a deep breath after such an intense orgasm, he reaches out for a box of tissues he keeps on his desk for this occasions, as he cleans himself up, Jungkook can’t help but to think about how beautiful you looked when you were so lost in pleasure, he wonders if you would let him do the same things you let your husband do.
It's fine if you don’t, Jungkook thinks, he’ll just have so much fun breaking you down until you submit to him that it won’t matter if you let him or not.
He’s going to have you, regardless if you agree or not.
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