#and maybe possibly. does witchy things. we may never know....
potatobugz · 2 years
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At last, I have a creature for every color on the hemospectrum... (except for like,, lime but yknow)
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thejewitchelf · 3 years
These are just a few things I've learned along the way, and still have to remind myself of. I hope these are useful to anyone out there just starting out!
1. Remember that you do not just practice witchcraft. You are a witch. Take accountability for you practice, and fully embody all that you do in both the mundane and spiritual realm. Your magic does not control you, you are in control of it. The energies around you/in a room do not control you, do control the energy. Your practice is not something that is separate from you, it is your very essence. Focus on the mantra "as within so without", and remember that just as you are a reflection of the natural world and it is a reflection of you, your magic is as well.
2. This is a common one, but try not to rely so much on books or the opinion of others. While yes, practicing your craft in a highly particular and ritualistic manner can be very productive for some, it is important to connect to this ritual space in your own way and unique understanding/point of view. There is an innate understanding of magic that everyone has, and while it is important to learn as much as you can, try to maintain a balance between an intuitive practice and the information you collect.
3. Similar to number 2, if you are just starting out and getting steady on your feet within the realm of spellwork, a great way to begin is by altering spells that you find from others or in books! This could be a small change at first, but as you get more comfortable doing this, you might find that suddenly those spells you've been practicing could be completely unrecognizable from the original, and 100× more effective for you.
4. If you have a safe place to do so, go into nature. Become acquainted with your local plants and animals. Bring your phone for safety, of course, but don't bring field books or encyclopedias. I recommend bringing a journal, however, and meditating on different plants or wildlife. How do these beings make you feel? Are they saying something to you? What means of communication are they using? Words, smells, images, or feelings? Write down anything that comes to your mind, even if it feels silly at first.
5. Try not to become too fixated on defining yourself as a witch, or trying to figure out what niche you fit into right away. Learn and practice all different forms of the craft (assuming it is culturally appropriate for you to do so/not engaging in appropriation) and maybe one will happen to be the perfect fit! Or maybe not, and that's okay too. Like I said previously, your craft is a reflection of you, and you are a reflection of it. If your practice ends up being completely different from how you began or what you expected, take this as a positive sign if nothing else! You are on your journey of discovering what unique qualities you have to offer the world, and embracing your own inner power.
6. Always. Be. Curious. Part of witchcraft is the ability of observation. From the tiniest bug to the tallest tree, try looking at the world in wonder,, and as if no knowledge is not worth knowing. Pretend that you have been transported to an alien planet, and are viewing this earth for the very first time. What are you understanding about what you see Honor? How is it making you feel? Release all expectations and previous experiences or knowledge you came into this space with. Having a sense of childlike wonder and maintaining this will aid you on your quest to developing your intuition. Honor the connections that you find between things, and any information you receive from the earth. On the other hand, also begin to treat your inner world with this same sense of wonder and curiosity too.
7. There is no linear or "correct" path. If you are just starting out, you may be feeling lost, and looking for some sense of a direct path. There is, however, no direct path! This goes for both witchcraft and life. Your craft will change, evolve, and adapt over time, just as you will. Try not to be resistant to these changes both within your craft or yourself, and practice being uncomfortable with the unknown.
8. Make witchy friends! This could be either in person or online, but having a community of like minded people who equally share a love and belonging to such a personal path can be wildly inspiring. Sharing experiences can also help you to shape your craft and learn, but never feel obligated to share experiences if it doesn't feel right. This can also help bring your practice into something that you see in the physical world, through the external confirmation of others. While it is important to not let the validation of others be what legitimizes your practice for you, we are physical and social beings. When you are first starting out, it is easy to feel uncertain, or sometimes feel like you are even questioning if what you are doing is real. Having others who support you in what can at times be somewhat of a lonely journey can be of enormous benefit to some, both in the mundane and spiritual world.
9. Do your shadow work. Shadow work is a life long journey, but understanding the darker aspects of the self and transforming these inner narratives/structures consciously when you begin your craft will enable you to get to the root of certain blockages you have, as well as help you discern what kind of spells are coming from different places. For instance, if you are doing a money spell, try and ask yourself what your beliefs are around money. Do you have an unconscious fear of financial success? Do you have learned fears around failure, which you associate with financial gain? If anything comes up for you, whatever it may be, work on doing your meditations and spellwork around that core issue before focusing on the material aspect.
10. Protect yourself. Those of us who are drawn to witchcraft might already be prone to a heightened sense of empathy, and posses a certain level of psychic acuity. Beginning your practice will only strengthen this. Some of the first things I recommend focusing on in your learning is how to make wards, psychic shields, and energetic shields (such as casting a circle). Not only will this be beneficial for your overall well being in the long run, but it will help make your intent clear and your craft as effective as possible in manifesting the goals you want to achieve. Having said this, there is a balance between allowing certain energies to enter your space, and blocking out all energies altogether. The thing to learn here is that it is about being discerning, and you may have to learn over time which energies you would like to invite towards you, and for what purposes.
That's all I have to say about this topic for now, but please feel free to send me asks, or elaborate on/add to anything listed above!!
Have a wonderful day and blessed be~
Winter Foxflame 🦊🌛🌕🌜
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samwisethewitch · 4 years
Curses and Hexes
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Cursing is one of the most ancient forms of magic — and one of the most controversial. Whereas most magic is constructive (used to manifest or attract things), cursing is destructive (used to cause misfortune or harm).
Technically speaking, curses and hexes are similar but different types of spells. A curse consists of written or spoken words, sometimes combined with gestures. A hex is a ritual involving material items. However, most modern witches use the terms interchangeably, as I do in this post.
The fastest way to start a debate in any witchy community is to bring up the topic of cursing. It seems like everyone has strong opinions on the subject, either for or against. For your practice, all that matters is what you believe.
So, When Is It Okay to Curse Someone?
This is a tricky question, and the answer depends on the witch.
There are some witches who believe that intentionally causing harm or misfortune to another person is always wrong, and will never cast curses for this reason. This is an entirely valid position! If you fall into this camp, know that you’re in good company.
Other witches believe that cursing is acceptable when it’s truly warranted by the situation, such as when your life or livelihood is in danger. Others believe that cursing is simply a means to an end, and can be done with good intention (cursing your friend’s unfaithful partner to get them to stop cheating, for example).
The one thing that most witches seem to agree on is that curses are serious stuff, and should not be taken lightly. Unlike other types of magic, curses are fueled by negative emotions like hate, anger, and heartbreak. This makes them very powerful, but also very draining for the witch casting them. Cursing someone means reliving any trauma you suffered at their hands in order to use those memories as fuel for the fire. Some people aren’t willing to put themselves through such an ordeal, which again, is entirely fair.
Because curses are fueled by such strong emotions, they’re powerful and volatile. They’re like the nitro fuel of witchcraft — if you don’t know what you’re doing and aren’t careful, someone could get seriously hurt. That someone could be you.
My personal view on cursing is essentially the same as my view on physical violence. It’s not the answer to all, or even most, problems, and it sometimes makes the situation worse instead of better. It should never be your first option, but it might very well be your last resort. If someone is holding you at gunpoint, you’re entitled to use violence to protect yourself. Likewise, if someone is putting you or a loved-one in life-threatening danger, you’re entitled to use whatever magical means necessary for protection.
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Before You Curse
If you think there’s someone in your life who deserves to be cursed, go through the following criteria to decide if cursing is really the most appropriate action.
Sleep on it. When we’re in the heat of the moment, we sometimes say or do things we don’t mean. If you think you’re angry enough with someone to curse them, give it a couple of days before you reach for the vinegar and chili peppers. Give yourself time to cool off and clear your head. If, after a week, you still feel like a curse is warranted, move on to the next step.
Think about your own motives. Why do you want to curse this person? What did they do to make you angry enough that you’re willing to use magic to harm them in some way? If it’s a minor annoyance, like cutting you off in traffic, a curse probably isn’t appropriate. Likewise, if your motivations are petty or catty in nature — like cursing someone because they beat you out for a promotion — I highly encourage you to stop and do some self-reflection. For one thing, you may not be able to conjure enough genuine hatred and anger for an effective curse. For another, in these situations you may find it more helpful to do some work on yourself (working on anger issues, learning to gracefully accept failure, etc.) rather than lashing out at someone else.
Ask yourself if this situation matters in the long run. It may feel incredibly important now, but try to take a step back and look at the big picture. Will this person matter in a year? Five years? Ten? Are they important enough to warrant allowing yourself to channel enough negative energy for a curse? (If this person is putting your life, livelihood, or safety at risk, the answer to all of these questions is YES!)
Make sure your anger is directed at the right person. Who is really responsible for the pain you’re feeling? For example, if your significant other cheats on you, your first reaction may be to curse the person who “stole” them from you. But you aren’t really upset with this person — you’re hurt because your partner betrayed your trust. I’m not convinced that a cheating partner is a serious enough reason to cast a curse (again, will it really matter in ten years?) but if you decide to do so, at least make sure it’s directed at the person who is truly responsible for your pain.
Consider doing a banishing instead. In situations where a person is a danger to you or your loved ones, sometimes the best option is to give them a magical push out of your life. A banishing does what the name implies — it banishes a person or thing from your life. Unlike a curse, a banishing does not cause harm or misfortune to the person being targeted. It simply removes them from your life.
You can perform a simple yet effective banishing with a piece of paper, a pen, cayenne pepper, and dried lavender. Write the name of the person or thing you want to banish on the paper. Look down at the name and say, out loud, “[Name], you are no longer welcome in my life.” Sprinkle a bit of cayenne on the paper and instruct it to burn this person out of your life. Sprinkle a bit of lavender on the paper and instruct it to bring you peace and healing. Fold the paper up to create a little packet around the herbs, then take it outside and burn it to ash. (Be careful — cayenne smoke burns!) As the paper burns say, “I banish [name] from my life, never to return.” Scatter the leftover ashes on a busy road.
Consider doing a binding instead. Maybe you don’t necessarily need someone out of your life, but you do need to take away their power to cause harm. In this case, a binding is your best bet. A binding is a spell that “binds up” someone’s power, preventing them from taking certain actions. This can be useful for dealing with people who are toxic or abusive. Like a banishing, binding does not cause harm or misfortune to the target.
You can perform a simple binding charm with a photograph of your target, a pen, and red or black thread. Write your target’s full name (or as much of it as you know) across the bottom of the photo. Look down at the photo. Say, out loud, “[Name], I bind you. I bind up your power, so that you can no longer ______.” Fold the paper up as small as possible. Then, begin to wrap the thread around the folded paper. As you do, say, “[Name], I bind you.” Continue wrapping until the thread completely covers the paper — there should be no paper visible.
For whatever reason, some people seem to have a natural resistance to banishing and binding. You may find that your spell works for a while, but the person you tried to banish/bind eventually returns to their old ways. There’s some debate about why this happens — some say it’s because these people are narcissists or energy vampires, while others think it has something to do with their force of will. Personally, I think it’s because some people are so nasty and hateful that it takes nasty, hateful magic to get rid of them for good. If you find yourself dealing with one of these people, and your banishings and bindings aren’t sticking, you may want to move on to a full-fledged curse.
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Creating an Effective Curse
Okay, you’ve done your self-reflection, you’ve considered or attempted a banishing and/or binding, and you still feel like cursing is your best/only option. In that case, here are some general guidelines for making sure that your curse is appropriate, effective, and ethical.
Be VERY specific. Don’t just lob a ball of negative energy at someone and expect it to do what you want. Be very, very clear about your intent for this curse. Use precise and specific language. Make it painfully obvious what you want to happen and how you want it to unfold.
For example, when writing a petition or incantation, don’t just say, “[Name] is cursed.” Instead use something like, “Should [Name] ever contact or harass me again, he/she/they is cursed. Let him/her/them feel what I have felt and suffer as I have suffered.” You could get even more specific and detailed if you wanted to, but the important thing is to establish some basic parameters for the powerful dark energy you’re unleashing.
Make sure the punishment fits the crime. A curse to cause sexual impotence probably isn’t appropriate for an abusive boss… unless that boss is sexually harassing their employees. In that case, sticking a few pins in a rotting cucumber may be just what the situation calls for. (Yes, that’s a real curse. Yes, the cucumber represents what you think it represents.)
Making sure the punishment fits the crime also means being honest about how serious of a curse is deserved. Do you really need to ruin this person’s life to get them out of your hair, or will a mild inconvenience do? As strange as the idea of a curse being fair sounds, avoiding overkill will not only maintain balance but will keep you from expending more energy than you have to.
Make sure your curse is only affecting your target and not anyone around them. When it comes to curses, family, friends, and coworkers can sometimes get caught in the crossfire. To avoid this, make sure your spell is targeted to a specific person by personalizing it as much as possible. Include photos of your target, their full legal name (or as much of their full name as you know), and a taglock if you can get it. You may even want to include a line in your petition or incantation specifying that this curse will only affect the desired target and not their friends and associates.
Set clear conditions/parameters. The most effective curses are situational. Think of it as laying an energetic trap in or around a certain situation — this is more efficient and uses up less of your energy than if you were to just cast a blanket curse that affects every area of the target’s life. Curse parameters take the form of, “If [name] does x, they will be met with y.”
Setting parameters also makes sure your curse is truly deserved. For example, maybe your friend has an abusive ex-spouse, and you want to use a curse to keep your friend safe. If the ex-spouse is already leaving your friend alone, there’s no reason for a curse. But if they aren’t leaving your friend alone, they deserve to be met with vicious, magical resistance. For this situation, you may want to use an incantation like, “Should [ex-spouse] ever approach or contact [your friend], they are cursed with discomfort, unrest, and legal trouble. Let them be hunted and put down like a rabid dog.” This ensures that if, at any point in the future, the ex-spouse starts harassing your friend again, the curse will immediately go into action.
Don’t attach yourself to the curse. Perhaps the most important part of cursing is making sure you keep the energy of the curse separate from your own energy. Revenge is a double-edged sword, so you need to take precautions to make sure you don’t hurt yourself.
Any time you cast a curse, you want to limit its connection to you as much as possible. Don’t include any of your own personal effects in the spell. You may also want to avoid using tools that hold a special place in your practice. For example, you may not want to use your altar as a place to craft curses. You may want to use materials that can be disposed of easily. Make sure to dispose of curse remains somewhere outside your home, such as at a busy road.
After casting a curse, it’s important to set aside some time for self-care. Start with a thorough cleansing. This can be as simple as taking a bath in salt water (or dumping a bucket of salt water over your head in the shower, if you don’t have a tub), but if you would rather do a full-fledged cleansing ritual, even better! It’s important to do something to remove any lingering negativity from your energy field, and to make sure the curse doesn’t attach to you in any way.
Cursing is intense, emotional, draining work. After casting a curse, take at least a few hours to rest and be kind to yourself. Eat your favorite foods. Take a nap. Read a book or watch a movie. Do whatever you need to do to make yourself feel good.
You may want to do some inner work after cursing to help process the intense emotions involved in this kind of magic. This can be journaling, meditation, energy work, or some other healing modality. If you’ve experienced serious trauma, you may want to consider speaking to a therapist or counselor in addition to doing work on your own.
Utterly Wicked by Dorothy Morrison
Of Blood and Bones by Kate Freuler
New World Witchery podcast, “Episode 102 — Evil”
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Meant to be (G.D.)
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Summary: There is a reason why the road not travelled seems more appealing, why the past might trick us into believing if we had made different choices, or just done one thing differently, that our lives would be better for it. There is a reason they say ‘Careful what you wish for’ and Grayson is about to find out exactly what it means to have all his dreams come true. Question is, what’s the cost?
Warnings: swearing, mentions of alcohol, sexual innuendoes, angst, fluff
Word count: 21k
Regrets are a weight on the heart and a curse on the mind. They bring out the past over and over again, always tormenting its victims with what ifs and promises of a better life. But it always comes at a cost, it always asks for a sacrifice. It drags its victim away from the beauty of their life, forcing them to wonder...
What if…
It's only two words, six letters, but they can change a person. ‘What if’ is a reminder of all the mistakes, of all the roads not taken and while they may not be as good as reality, one would always ponder on the possibility of something more.
What if...
What if..
What if?
For Grayson, his ‘what if’ had always been a little down the road, back when he was just a teenager and his choices were far simpler. Life was simpler, happier.
Becoming a YouTuber didn't entirely fulfill the dreams he once had. It gave him money, women, fame, but it took away his peace of mind and a quiet suburban life with the love of his life.
At least he found the love of his life. Or so he hopes. 
He's been wrong too many times before to dare say the L word now, but being with Ella feels right. Almost right. He'll never get his perfect life even if she is the one and it has nothing to do with her but the choices he's made before they ever met.
Too often would Grayson watch her sleep and question if he should feel guilty about his ‘what if’. Would she judge him for the inner workings of his mind? Would she feel like their relationship is a lie? Like she isn’t enough? 
"Whatcha thinkin' about?" Her raspy voice brings a smile on his face and the thoughts aren't as loud as they were before. No one could ever quiet Grayson’s mind like Ella can. It’s as easy as breathing for her, a single look sent his way and Grayson couldn’t focus on anything other than Ella. 
"Some past choices." Grayson never lied to Ella. When they met, she demanded he be honest with her, always. 
Reluctant, Grayson shared his earnest opinions and in time, he realized Ella is right; honesty is the best policy. It helped their relationship develop on a solid foundation, allowing them to grow together. For once, Grayson didn’t want to date every girl with a heartbeat, his attention focused elsewhere - on Ella.
"Like what?" She tilts her head up, her chin resting on his chest and her brown eyes meet his, a look he always cherished. Ella was always quiescent, a snowflake that he protected with his life.
She had the kind of eyes that made a man weak in the knees and while she was bitter about the mundane color, Grayson never saw a more beautiful shade. There was nothing mundane about her.
"Like the time Ethan and I thought we'd go to that private school on a sports’ scholarship." Sighing, Grayson runs his fingers down her back, playing with the strap of her bra. It's black and lacy, the kind she'd wear to seduce him and yet she's not trying. Ella could sense Grayson needs intimacy, conversation, not sex. She knew him so well, read him like an open book.
"If you did that, you'd probably never be a YouTuber. You wouldn't have the money, the fame, the experiences you have now." Biting her lip, she pauses before speaking timidly, "You wouldn't have the people you have now." 
Swallowing thickly, Grayson noticed the sudden change in her demeanor, the flicker of hurt in those earthy hues enough to make him realize she's thinking of the possibility of them not meeting.
“You really think you can get rid of me that easily?” He pursed his lips, eyes narrowing ever so slightly as her expression dulled. 
Grayson wasn’t sure if he believed it, but Ella did and he had to remind her, to make her smile so he wouldn’t feel like he’s drowning in the unshed tears forming in her eyes. 
“You always say that people who are meant to be", Grayson starts and she rolls her eyes playfully, a small smile appearing on her lips.
"Will find their way in the end, I know." Groaning, she rolls on her back, her head resting on her pillow. 
Raising an eyebrow, Grayson moves to his side, towering over her with a lopsided grin. "Should I be upset you just chose your pillow over my chest?"
"Should I be upset you're thinking of a life without me?" She challenges, her left eye narrowing ever so slightly as she stares at him. It's as if she's daring him to move, to take these thoughts out of her head. After so many obstacles they’ve managed to overcome, she couldn’t help the hurt his admission caused. She never once thought about anything other than a life with him.
"I don't think of a life without you, Ella", Grayson's smile falls, his voice deeper, "I believe we would have met either way. You're everything", lowering his head on her chest, his hand rests on her stomach, "We are meant to be."
Fingers treading through his hair, Ella sighs, "I think you're wrong. To be meant for someone means more than just meeting each other. It's the circumstances, it's the experiences that have shaped your preferences and character."
"I'd still fall for your pretty eyes and crazy laugh", Grayson argues, his eyes focusing on the birthmark between her breasts, yet another thing she hated and he loved about her. That would never change.
"I'm not sure I'd go for a jock tho", she states and his head snaps up to meet her gaze only to notice her lips twitching in an attempt to suppress a laugh. Just as she sees the questioning gaze, Ella bursts into laughter, coercing Grayson to do the same. He loved her witchy like cackle she calls a laugh, it's impossible not to laugh when he hears it.
And so, with a laugh filled night, Grayson settles beside Ella as he drifts off. Her words run through his head, wondering if it's true. 
Would they still be together if he hadn't moved to Los Angeles to be an influencer?
As his consciousness fades, Grayson mutters under his breath, completely unaware that his life would forever be changed.
"I wish Ethan and I got the scholarship."
There’s a reason they say be careful what you wish for and Grayson was about to learn the hard way.
"Ugh", Grayson moans, feeling like death. His head hurts, his muscles are aching as if he had run a marathon and his mouth is dry.
"Ella?" He calls out, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes as he rolls on his back, "Babe, I think I'm sick."
"You're not sick, you're hungover", Ethan chuckles and Grayson's eyes open wide.
"Fuck you talking about?" He squints and raises an eyebrow, noticing Ethan in a bed just a few feet away. His lips part, eyebrows furrowing as a faded scar between them becomes prominent.
"You drank a shit ton." Ethan reminds him, throwing a shirt his way.
Shaking his head, Grayson realizes it isn't a shirt, not when his last name is on the back of it right above a number.
"This isn't funny, E", Grayson breathes out, eyes fixed on the jersey in his hands. "Where is Ella?"
Sitting up, Ethan shrugs, "That the girl you were messing around with last night?"
Closing his eyes, Grayson feels his heart sink. "Messing around?" 
He wouldn't hurt Ella that way, would he?
"Since when do you even remember their names? What happened to hit it and quit it?" Ethan asks, standing up to grab his phone and Grayson scoffs.
"Now I know you're fucking with me, I'm a one woman man now. You know I'm with Ella. You can end the prank here because I really feel off." Grayson grimaced with the shooting pulsating pain in his head intensifying, wincing as he rubbed his temples to soothe the pain.
Ethan steps closer, concerned for his brother who is looking around the room with confusion. "Did you hit your head or something?"
"I dunno, maybe." Rubbing his forehead, Grayson sighs, "I have a major headache and I need Ella, okay? Where is she?" Standing abruptly, Grayson frightens Ethan into a backward stumble. "Ella?!"
"Fuck, I knew coach should have sent you to the doc!" Ethan runs his fingers through his hair, genuinely scared for Grayson.
Growling in frustration, Grayson reaches for Ethan, his fingers gripping the thin fabric of his shirt as he forcefully pulls him closer, "Cut the shit, where is she?! Huh?!"
Raising his arms in mock surrender, Ethan shakes his head, "I swear I don't know what you're talking about!" Eyes wide, Ethan pushes Grayson. It's not as forceful in fear of hurting him but enough to get the message across. "You never even mentioned an Ella before."
Releasing Ethan, Grayson stumbles back to the bed. Sitting down, a heavy sigh passes his lips as his eyes fall to his feet. His bare feet. "What the", pausing Grayson blinks fast, "Where's my Tame tattoo?!"
"Tattoo? You better not have a fucking tattoo!", Ethan rubs his chin, trying to understand what is happening. "I'M CALLING THE DOCTOR!" Rushing out of the room, Ethan slams the door behind him.
Lips quivering, Grayson takes his shirt off only to find his chest, his arms are void of tattoos. "No, no, no." Pulling his sweats down, he finds his legs just as bare, no ink he had invested years in. "No, NO, NO!"
Scrambling to the bathroom, he stops in front of a mirror only to find his hair is shorter, dark circles around his eyes are prominent and his lips chapped. Flashing his teeth, he finds no tooth gems, "Those cost a fortune!"
"Bro, we gotta get you to a hospital!" Ethan mumbles, running around to find something to wear while Grayson pales. His hands are shaky, his entire body trembling and he can't help but wonder if Ella was just a fever dream he had.
Or this is?
In what world does he still share a bedroom with Ethan? The tattoos, the gems, the jewelry! He didn't even have a hole for an earring!
And Ella? His sweet brown-eyed Ella with the heart of gold? What of her? If there's one thing he's sure of is that he isn't creative enough to dream up someone as perfect as her.
"C'mon, they'll do a CT as soon as we get in." Ethan waves him over, only then noticing Grayson is in his briefs. "Seriously?!"
Groaning, Ethan grabs him by the forearm and pulls him along, throwing clothes in his face.
"I know you're freaking out or whatever but we need to hurry! It's been a day since you took that nasty fall and I know you said you were okay but THIS IS NOT FUCKING OKAY!" Rambling, Ethan stopped. Taking a few deep breaths, he turns to Grayson with tears brimming his eyes. "You’re my brother and I can't lose you."
Nodding, Grayson presses his lips together. He'd argue, ask him if this is some elaborate prank again but it doesn't feel like one. It feels real and that is what scares him. So, reluctantly, Grayson does as Ethan says and he puts on the clothes, following him to the door.
He wasn't sure what to expect, but Grayson finds himself with raised eyebrows and a concerned look on his face once he sees the state of the house they're in. There are people lying around, red cups and beer bottles everywhere and he could have sworn he saw a few used condoms on the floor as well.
"Where the fuck are we?" Grayson whispers and Ethan pales.
"The frat house. We've lived here for three years Grayson!"
Running his fingers through his hair, Grayson has to suppress a groan as he realizes just how short it is. He's used to his floppy hair, it relieved his anxiety to run his hands through his hair and Ella loved to tug on his hair too. She never said anything about the length, so maybe it’s the feeling of her tugging his hair while he goes down on her is for his own pleasure, but he likes to believe she enjoyed it too.
"You said I hurt my head?" Grayson tries, hoping to understand.
"Yeah, during football practice yesterday. Ryan tackled you because you fucked his girlfriend."
Inhaling, Grayson's eyes widen, "The fuck?" 
So far, Grayson understood one thing: that he understands nothing.
“All the scans came back clear. What kind of symptoms are you experiencing?” 
Grayson glances at Ethan, his mind torn. If he admits to what seems to be a crazy theory about him waking up in some hell dimension, the doctor might put him in the psych ward and throw away the key, but if he doesn’t and all the memories of his life and…Ella’s love are just a symptom of his fall, then he might deter the doctor from a proper diagnosis. 
But as Grayson swallows thickly, he shakes his head. Even if everything was a lie, a symptom, is who Ethan says he is truly who he’d want to be? 
From what Grayson gathered, he is a womanizer with no respect for women or their feelings, he’s an egomaniac and very likely has an STD by now. He sounds like a guy with commitment issues and a nasty personality considering he’s been sleeping with his friend’s girlfriend. 
“Just a headache.”
Ethan’s jaw slacks, his eyes narrowing at Grayson, “Are you sure?” He’s speaking from a confused, angered place and Grayson can tell Ethan is about to blow his cover. 
“I’m sure.” Grayson speaks through gritted teeth, his nostrils flared as he gives Ethan a pointed look. “I’m perfectly fine, just had a wild night and a nasty fall. I’ll take a few pills and be fine by Monday.”
“Alright. I’ll clear you to play next week, but keep the head safer next time.” 
A tight lipped smile on Grayson’s face did nothing to alleviate Ethan’s anger. He had brought his brother in for good reason and he just lied to the doctor’s face. Truth be told, Ethan is worried Grayson is having a psychotic break. Instead of ratting him out, Ethan decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and a single day to reassess the situation again. 
Once in the car, Ethan turns to Grayson with raised eyebrows. “Wanna tell me what the fuck that was about?”
Shrugging, Grayson swipes his thumb across his bottom lip, wincing as he does. “Do I have a busted lip too?” 
“Cut the crap, Gray, what the fuck is happening?” Ethan fixes his eyes on Grayson, refusing to start the car before getting a concrete answer to his many questions. “You’re acting like a totally different person. It’s like you’re an alien possessing my brother’s body and I don’t know who the fuck this Ella is but if she did some magic voodoo thing to you, we got a witch to burn!”
Gasping for a breath, Ethan stops but his eyes narrow as Grayson cackles at him and his rant. 
A hand over his chest, Grayson leans back. Attempting to stifle his laugh, he nods, “I know! I know”. Sniffling, Grayson lets out a long sigh before looking to his brother. “If I tell you, you’d think I’m crazy and I’m not! I swear I’m not!”
Licking his lips, Ethan leans back in his seat. Gnawing on his bottom lip, Ethan can’t help the curiosity bubbling up to the surface. Whatever it is, it can’t be that crazy, can it?
“If I promise to listen to you, will you tell me?”
Raising an eyebrow in surprise, Grayson shrugs, “Only if you stop freaking out too.”
“FINE”, Ethan exclaims just as Grayson finishes his sentence, willing to hear his side of the story.
“I think I’m in an alternative universe. Like something got fucked and I’m now in an alternative universe because where I come from we aren’t frat boys with a drinking problem.”
Clearing his throat, Ethan motions with his hand for Grayson to elaborate.
“We moved to Los Angeles in our freshman year of high school and did YouTube and we got famous and rich and I had the most beautiful girlfriend. I was with her and then I woke up here.”
Tapping his fingers on his knee, Grayson looks out of the window, biting his lower lip. “She, uh…She means a lot to me.”
“Okay.” Ethan states, starting the engine.
“Okay?” Grayson furrows his eyebrows, lips parted.
“Yeah, okay. I believe you.” Ethan drew his lower lip between his lips, tapping his hands on the wheel.
Leaning forward, Grayson’s frown deepens, “Just like that?”
“Look, I don’t know Ethan from your universe, but I’m a believer in alternative universes and I do think you’re not exactly my brother. He’s just…different.” Glancing at Grayson, Ethan sighs, “You two are very different."
“Alright, so you want him back, right? You’re gonna help me?” Grayson’s excitement is palpable, enough for Ethan to roll his eyes.
“No, I’ll leave him in an alternative universe with millions at his disposal while I deal with you”, Ethan states, the sarcastic undertones unmistakable. Grayson can’t help but snort, smiling to himself. Even in an alternative universe, Ethan is a sarcastic conspiracy theorist. 
“Any idea where we could start, genius?” Ethan snaps his fingers, irritated with Grayson’s tendency to get lost in his thoughts. 
Grayson’s face blanks, “No clue.”
“How about that Ella you keep mentioning? She your girlfriend?” Ethan doesn’t need to ask twice as he glances at the shit eating grin on Grayson’s face upon the mere mention of her name. “You say you care about her. Are you sure you’re not in love?”
Grayson licks his lips, “I don’t know. How does anyone really know?”
“I think it’s pretty obvious when you fall in love. If you can’t answer that, you might have never truly loved anyone.” Ethan’s words hit home. 
While it sounds callous, it’s also true – did Grayson ever really loved any of the girls he was with? They all seemed like the right one at some point. He told them he loves them, but did he really? In the end, they were all forgotten in a week or two, but Ella? He refused to tell her he loves her even when he thought he did. The word had become cheap, she deserved better ones. 
Is that love? Wanting to find better words to express your feelings? Words that are more than what most throw around like ‘Hello’? Words worthy of the way the mere thought of them brings a smile upon one’s face or their voice makes one’s heart race? 
“Have you ever loved someone?” Grayson asks, curious of his brother’s life. Even if he’s not his Ethan, he is Ethan. 
“Once. It didn’t last, but I did love her.” 
Figuring Ethan isn’t quite ready to talk more on the subject, Grayson decides to drop it. He shouldn’t upset him just for his selfish gain. “I think this happened because I wished to know what would have happened if we never went to Los Angeles and took the scholarships at that private school we were interested in.” 
He wished for his old dreams to come true, and they did. But at what cost?
“You wished for this?!” Ethan raises his voice, letting a little of his frustration out.
“I didn’t know it would actually happen!” Grayson defends, pressing his lips together once he realizes raising his voice isn’t going to do him any favors. “I’m guessing we took those scholarships in this universe?
“Yeah. We got into college on football scholarships but we play lacrosse too.” Ethan tells him, “Wrestling didn’t pan out as we wanted.”
“I met Ella in LA, so that’s probably why she’s not here.” Grayson rubs his temples, closing his eyes shut.
“So? Look her up. If she’s not a dream, she’s gonna be on social media.” Ethan suggests. 
Gnawing on the inside of his cheek, Grayson nods. His eyebrows furrow as he opens up Instagram on his phone. Typing in her username comes up blank. Typing in her name comes out blank.
"Why can't I find her?!" Frustrated, he hits the dash and Ethan huffs, not happy with the way Grayson is treating the car. It may be a flaming pile of shit, but it gets them from point A to point B.
"You're saying you dreamed up a girl you think is real?" Ethan’s not convinced Ella exists. If anything, he’s still a little weirded out with the idea of Grayson not really being his Grayson. He’s trying to believe it all, to trust him on his word and to trust his instincts screaming at him, but it’s hard. It’s really hard.
"She is real!" Grayson exclaims, half panicked as he’s beginning to doubt himself as well. What if Ella found someone else? If he wasn’t there that day they met, who was? 
Glancing at a frustrated Grayson, Ethan feels pity. He may not be his Grayson, but he’s still his brother. In a way. "Google her then."
"If her Instagram account doesn't exist, why would anything exist then? Huh?" What Grayson truly worries about is, what if something happened to her? Maybe she did exist at some point but doesn’t anymore?
"Maybe because it’s Google? Google knows all. If she’s not on there, she was a dream bro." Ethan reasons, parking the car. He turns to Grayson, watching him. Grayson’s pensive, filled with a thousand emotions he cannot put into words and Ethan understands him. He does. 
"Wait...She only got Instagram to follow me! She admitted that!" Grayson exclaims, a little too excited while Ethan remains unimpressed.
"Bro, I love you, but you sound douchier than usual." And that says a lot since he’s been dealing with his douche of a brother. His Grayson is the definition of a douchebag. 
"No, no, she really told me that. So...she wouldn't be in LA either because she said we inspired her to move to follow her dream which would mean she’s back home!" 
Raising his eyebrows, Ethan’s eyes widened, "We inspired her?"
"Yeah, she said if two snotty teenagers could move to LA and make it just by filming videos of themselves she could surely get her book deal." Grayson says it with a smile, feeling nostalgic.
Ethan snorts, "She sounds supportive."
"She really is though." And with that, Ethan notes how Grayson’s voice is warmer when he speaks of Ella. That’s definitely not his brother. His Grayson doesn’t soften up when he speaks about girls unless it’s about Gizmo, their pet bird.
"She’d never tell anyone about the book, but I know she’s been writing it since she was 16 and she actually sold it!" Grayson is also proud of her, boasting about it as if it’s his own success. Ethan can’t help but smile.
"So look for her with that info, you do know where she is from, right?"
"Michigan." The word barely passes his lips as Ethan punches his shoulder, "Owh, what the hell E?!"
"We are in fucking Michigan!" Throwing his arms in the air, Ethan shakes his head. The pent up craziness of the day is starting to drive him up the wall and he can’t even be sure what’s real and what’s not anymore. ”We’re literally Michigan Wolverines!”
"Seriously?! She might be in the same school then!" Clapping his hands, Grayson opens the car door. He jumps out, wildly looking around the parking lot, hoping he’d see her black hair swaying with the wind.
"You're giving me a headache, I hope she's nicer than you." Ethan mumbles, leaning his forearms on the roof of the car, his car door still open.
"You two have been iffy a bit, but you loved her E.”, Grayson turns to him, grinning, “You said it yourself, you love her like a sister but if she touches your vegan rolls again you'd burn the house to the ground."
Lips parting, Ethan’s nose crinkles, "Vegan? She can have them all, why would I fight her on that?!"
Drawing a deep breath, Grayson pinched the bridge of his nose, "Please don't tell me we aren't vegan."
"We are jocks, Grayson, chicken is our religion." Ethan reminds him as he closes the car door, locking it. Walking around the car, he chuckles at Grayson who grumbles about it.
"Just great."
Running a hand through his hair, Ethan averts his eyes to the ground. The pavement is still wet, a reminder of the stormy night from before. "Do I have anyone in your world?"
Grayson smirks, "An Australian model."
"WHAT?!" Ethan steps in front of Grayson, stopping him. 
"Yeah, my reaction too when she decided to date you." Grayson chuckles, amused with the shocked, slightly jealous expression on Ethan’s face.
"Bro, I want an Australian model!"
Laughing wholeheartedly at the whining, Grayson shrugs, "You have her. Well, the other you does."
Throwing his hands up in the air, for the second time in the past ten minutes, Ethan walks ahead, “Fuck this shit.”
Smiling fondly at his brother’s back, Grayson sighs, “At least I know you’re extra here too.”
“What?!” Ethan glances at him over his shoulder and Grayson shakes his head, “NOTHING!”
As days passed, Grayson realized one thing: time has its own flow and in that its own beauty, for no man can command it to halt, it can only pass with unique divinity. It’s only been a few nights since he woke up in this strange universe and while days were easy to survive as he spent them on the field and Monday brought classes, nights were much less forgiving.
He misses her – his Ella. 
Time, just as love, is unchangeable – it is there at the end as it was at the start and Grayson doesn’t know how to accept that he might never see Ella again.
He finds himself scribbling her name instead of class notes on his first day of college, attempting to draw her – but the shade of brown in her eyes is never quite right. No matter how hard he tries, nothing he draws will ever come close to the warmth and understanding her eyes and smile held. No one can ever replace the comforting relief that would wash over him whenever she would squeeze his hand or run her fingers through his hair. 
Simply, no one can compare to Ella. No one, possibly not even the alternative universe her…if she exists.
Sighing, Grayson leans back on the tree he sat under. He closes the textbook with her name written a dozen times to give himself reprieve. Being there without her is torment, a special kind of hell Grayson never dreamed he’d be stuck in. 
Ethan has helped him adjust as much as possible, but it seems as if he can never truly fit into this life.
This Grayson is a douchebag, whoring his way through campus with a bottle of tequila in hand and no one bats an eye as long as he scores the winning touchdown. His grades are an average C, but it took him less than a single day to find out it’s because the professors are giving him special treatment. He’s not exactly a model student and plenty of his classmates were surprised he even attended lectures today.
Closing his eyes, he tries to ignore the words in his head reminding him this is karma. He has done enough to get himself rejected from his own timeline and universe. 
Truth be told, he’s ashamed. He wasn’t much better before meeting Ella, either. He’d whore his way through Los Angeles, the difference being non-disclosure agreements he had the girls sign. He might have been sober, but he was drunk on adrenaline of fame that he had given into different obsessions. He became paranoid, mistrustful, hateful and treated his friends as if they owed him something for being a part of his life.
When Ella came around, he changed. It took a while, but Grayson thought he was finally worthy of her. 
Now? Grayson finally understands what she meant when she told him she might not like him as a jock. He didn’t like himself as a jock.
“Hey, six-pack?!”
Grayson’s eyes open wide, his breath caught in his throat as he recognizes that voice. Only one person he knows has that kind of a voice – a raspy voice that is the base of all his happy memories. 
And there she is, Ella – his Ella. Her long black hair is shorter in this universe, falling to her shoulders in waves. Her eyes are just as beautiful as he remembers them to be, like melted honey on a warm sunny day. Her lips are curled into a small smile, gentle yet cautious. 
“Ella?” He breathes out, his hands beginning to shake and she can tell. 
Ella raises an eyebrow, confused as to why would the cockiest man she ever met feel so nervous to see her. He seems to be shocked, maybe even relieved – a contradictory Grayson never was. Not to her knowledge. She always saw him as a one dimensional being – an asshole without a cause. 
“Wanted to bring this back to you”, she reaches into her backpack – a flower themed green backpack she had when they first met. 
Back then, she was but a stranger with a very pissed off look on her face when he slammed into her on the beach as he attempted to catch a ball Ethan sent flying way above his head. He remembers her yelling at him as if it were yesterday, but he also remembers her laughing when he asked for her number when she was done with yelling, breathless. He bought her an ice cream and apologized and ever since then, Grayson never looked at another.
Ella tosses a jersey in his face and Grayson quickly stands up, holding the jersey in his hands. 
“Wait, how do you have this?” He looks at the number – 33 – his number.
Raising both eyebrows, Ella’s eyes widened for a split second, “Wow, you were really drunk off your ass that night, weren’t you?” Leaning in, she steps on her tiptoes as Grayson holds his breath, “Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone that Grayson Dolan actually did something decent for a change.”
She turns on her heel, taking a few steps further before Grayson’s senses return to him. “Ella, wait!”
“And he remembers my name? I’m impressed!” She giggles, not even turning around as she heard his heavy footsteps just behind her. “Though I don’t remember telling you my name.” That’s when she stops, hands on her hips as she looks at Grayson who looks like he’s lost. “How do you know my name?”
“How do you have my jersey? I asked first”, Grayson reminds her with a lopsided grin and she purses her lips to stop a smile from spreading. While Ella might not be Grayson’s biggest fan, she’s not blind – he’s extremely good looking.
“The other night at the party mean anything to you?” She raises an eyebrow, waiting for Grayson to respond but he just shrugs, a red tint slowly coloring her cheeks. It’s not something he’s used to as Ella was always tan from the LA sun, but she’s much paler than usual.
“Some asshole pushed me in the pool and my shirt got wet and it was very see through. I panicked and ran and stumbled upon you and for some reason you weren’t an asshole about it and lent me the jersey without even trying to stare at my boobs.” Licking her lips, Ella narrows her eyes at Grayson, “Which was very weird, are you alright? Nobody's body snatched you?”
Chuckling, Grayson shakes his head, eyes fixed on Ella. He can’t look away, not even if he tried. “I’m trying to be better.”
“You? Better?” Biting her lower lip, Ella steps closer, “I really wanna believe that”, her raspy voice is like stardust to Grayson. 
He loves hearing her talk, words are her finishing touch to the emotions she usually suppresses but only ever shared with him. It took forever for her to open up to him, but even then it wasn’t as often. So yes, Grayson wished he could tell her how much he would like to listen to her talk. It doesn’t matter what’s it about – something, nothing, he just wants her to talk to him.
Taking her hand, Grayson hears her gasp. He places her palm on his chest, right above his heart. “Please do. I need you to believe in me.” His lips are parted, his eyes clinging to her like a dying man clings to his last breath and she’s looking back at him, her hand is touching him and she’s not fighting the touch.
Until she breaks out in laughter, “That’s a good line! Do you use that on all your little flings?” 
Stepping away from him, she bites her lower lip, almost disappointed. “Don’t spend your best lines on me, Quarterback, I’m not easily swayed and my heart is taken by someone else.”
Sobering words splash into Grayson’s senses as if they were icy water. “Someone else?”
“Don’t worry about it. I’m gonna leave you before someone spreads unflattering rumors about us.” Turning away, Ella takes three more steps before glancing at Grayson over her shoulder. She doesn’t know why she did it, but something inside her told her to look back, to stay – even if it’s for a moment. 
“Thank you for the jersey, Grayson. I’ll remember that.”
And as Grayson stood there, watching Ella leave, he reminded himself that everything he wants is on the other side of determination and consistency. He would show her he’s redeemable and he would win her over. It doesn’t matter what universe he’s in, there is never a time he won’t want her – her light, her kindness, her approval. 
Even if everything's made to be broken, Grayson needs her to believe in him. He needs her to know who he is. 
“Sometimes I wonder why I’m with you”, Ella huffs. Arms crossed she rolls her eyes at Grayson before laughing, “Your decoration skills need serious improvement!”
“Ah, you got me worried for a moment”, Grayson reaches out for her. Grabbing her by the arm, he pulls her into his lap.
Chuckling, she wraps her arms around his neck, “Why?”
Licking his lips, Grayson looks down, “Because I wonder why you’re with me.”
“For the same reason you’re with me”, she explains and he furrows his eyebrows as his lips form a tight line. The reason he’s with her is because his soul never felt more at home than when she would wrap her arms around him.
“Boobies?” Grayson teases, earning himself an eye roll.
Cupping his left boob, Ella exclaims, “Yes! Yours are almost as big as mine!”
“Idiot!” Grayson grumbles under his breath. Looking back at it, he knew it was a perfect chance to tell her what she means to him and how grateful he is for her presence but he didn’t. He made it into a joke to hide just how much he needs her and she didn’t deserve that. She deserved a man who could speak his mind and share his emotions, not a coward he turned out to be.
“Awee, you’re not an idiot”, Ethan mocks, “Especially not if you help a brother out.”
“I’m not telling you her name, Ethan.” Grayson turns to his other side, determined to salvage what’s left of the night. He couldn’t sleep, not after knowing his Ella hates him. But is she his? How can she be his when she loves someone else? How can she be his when this Ella hadn’t ever been in his arms? Even if she was, she would be the other Grayson’s Ella. Manwhore Grayson’s Ella. Frat boy, jock’s Ella.
It leaves him with a bad taste in his mouth. The idea of her with someone else, even another version of himself isn’t easy to stomach.
“But she’s my girlfriend!” Ethan exclaims, throwing a sock at Grayson’s head. A smelly sock.
Covering his nose, Grayson tosses the sock back, “Not in this world she isn’t.”
Flipping Grayson off, Ethan groans. “She could be, ya know? She could be my girlfriend!”
Rolling his eyes, Grayson turns to his back, “Chasing someone else’s love story isn’t exactly something I’d recommend to you.”
“Wouldn’t the other me want to be with his girl in every universe?” Ethan challenges and Grayson raises his eyebrows, “You’re trying to find your girl in this universe, why don’t I get the same courtesy?”
Pressing his lips in a hard line, sadness clouded Grayson’s features, “Kristina Alice.”
Gasping, Ethan’s phone lights up as he searches her name only to sit up once he sees her photo, “SHUT THE FUCK UP, SHE’S MINE?!”
“YuPP”, Grayson closes his eyes, “Good luck getting her to accept your request.”
“Thanks”, Ethan smiles as he hits the follow button on her Instagram page, desperately hoping she would soon accept his request and he could send her a message. Maybe he has a shot after all.
“Just shut up and let me sleep.” Grayson covers his head with a pillow, turning to the other side where it’s colder.
“What if”, Ethan begins as Grayson groans loudly. Those two words are the last ones he wants to hear. Ever.
“I need to sleep!”
“Sure, but hear me out”, Ethan springs from his bed and sits on Grayson’s, “What if you being here means my brother, real brother, is also in a different universe?”
Uncovering his face, Grayson’s eyes widen as he sits up with a thundering heart, “Like in my universe?”
“Dunno, but I don’t think he would just disappear. The whole laws of physics wouldn’t allow for that to happen. If energies cannot be created or destroyed, perhaps souls can’t either. Maybe he’s in your body or in another universe and that universes’ Grayson is in your body? Maybe all the Grayson’s have switched places?”
Hand on his heart, Grayson could feel the cold sweat forming at the back of his neck, “I’m gonna be sick.”
“You think it’s possible?” Ethan raises his right eyebrow, genuinely curious.
“If it is, some other guy is with my Ella right now and he could be fucking up my life as we speak.”
“Well, depending on the definition of ‘your life’, he could be fucking your life right now.” Ethan’s insinuation didn’t help Grayson fall asleep that night.
If it’s true, another version of him might be holding Ella tightly against him as she unravels under him. Another Grayson, possibly even the manwhore Grayson he’s occupying could be both abusing the privilege of being intimate with Ella and breaking her heart by being intimate with other women in front of her.
Laying awake, staring at the ceiling, Grayson met dawn as an old friend. Dawn signified a new start, a day full of activities that would busy his mind with anything but some look alike hurting the lov…His Ella. Besides, he was looking forward to the day as he planned on seeing this Ella as well. He can’t deny the pull, the gravitational change he feels when he’s close to her. She may not be his Ella in every sense of the word, but she is Ella and she is the light in this darkness.
Morning practice went by fast, allowing him to exercise some of his demons, but it isn’t enough. In the back of his mind is an image, one that is enough to enrage him – an image of his lookalike in bed with his unsuspecting Ella.
Inhaling, he closes his eyes as he settles under the same tree he sat at yesterday. Holding his breath, he waits for the burning sensation of his lungs as they scream for oxygen. Reluctant, he releases the pent up air in a slow exhale.
“Since when is this your hangout place?”
Eyes snapping open, Grayson’s lips part with the familiar raspiness in the voice. “Ella?”
“Still my name”, she smiles before sitting in front of him, book in her hand.
“Sorry”, he breathes out, attempting to smile but he didn’t know if he should smirk or grin and ended up grimacing more than smiling.
“Don’t be. It’s not like the tree has my name on it”, she shrugs as she opens up her book and he frowns, confused.
“What do you mean?”
Pointing to the tree, “It’s my spot. Has been since freshman year and suddenly you’re here.”
Making an ‘O’ shaped face, Grayson’s heart skips a beat. He didn’t even know why he sat under this particular tree, but it was calming him. It felt cozy, safe, a place to gather his thoughts. Upon further evaluation, this tree wasn’t entirely different from other trees, but he chose the same one two days in a row and he had a sneaky suspicion Ella is the reason why he was drawn to it.
If there is no magic in the world, how is he in this universe? If there is no magic in the world, how did he meet her again? If there is no magic in the world, why would he sit under this tree?
Smiling, Grayson realizes – magic exists. Maybe it’s not in the obvious witchy way, but it’s real. Ella made him see that.
“I’m sorry if I was ever a jerk to you.” Gnawing at the inside of his bottom lip, Grayson noticed her surprise when he spoke up, more so with what he said.
“Save your apologies, Quarterback. You weren’t a jerk to me.” Forcing a small smile, she clarifies, “You weren’t anything to me.” Tucking her hair behind her ear, she feels her heartbeat quicken as his eyes remain on her. She could see the genuine emotions swirling in his hazel eyes and it caught her off guard. It’s as if he actually means it.
“Look, you’ve been pretty shitty to a lot of people and you’re worshipped regardless. But if you want to be better, you have to take baby steps. It’s never easy to change once you’ve left people with a certain idea of who you are.” Licking her lips, she sinks her front teeth into her bottom lip. 
Averting her gaze to the book in hand, she tries to hide how his unrelenting gaze is making her nervous. It’s an effort to stop herself from tapping her fingers on the book or to stop herself from running away to take a proper breath she can’t seem to take ever since she decided to sit there. Somehow, Grayson causes a panic in her, not one associated by fear. It’s more about the implications of his longing stares and uncharacteristically kind words.
“Can I start with you?” Grayson leans closer, minding the way she blinks faster as he does as if his proximity is making it harder for her to ignore the need to stay close.
“Why me? What’s so important about me?” Her question catches him off guard and it reminds him of his Ella and the insecurities she always tried to hide. Maybe they’re not so different after all.
“Because I think highly of you.”
Scoffing, she looks away but Grayson can’t ignore the blush spreading across her cheeks. “You don’t even know me.”
“I’m an observant person. I know more than you think and I’m not asking for you to be my friend but maybe a tutor? You could help my grades and my stupid mouth when it goes off?”
Narrowing her eyes at him, Ella’s confusion is stronger than before. No matter what she heard of Grayson, he didn’t seem as bad as people made him seem. He’s trouble, she’s sure of that, but he’s also lost. A part of her wants to help him find what he’s looking for, to help him…fix him, but if she does, she knows she might find herself in dangerous territory. 
Grayson Dolan seems like a guy one would easily fall for, but he also seems like the guy who’d break her heart. Can he even break a heart that’s not his to begin with?
“Tutoring sounds fine.” She speaks, finally breaking the silence and Grayson’s lips stretch into a wide smile on instinct.  “But only tutoring and it’s not for free. I expect you to do something for me too.”
Drawing a deep breath, she wonders if this is wise. It could backfire in the worst possible way, but she can’t help herself. She has a unique chance to do something she always wanted, “I need you to be my fake boyfriend for a month.”
Inhaling sharply, Grayson exhales, “Huh?”
Rolling her eyes, she leans closer, “I want to make a guy jealous and who better to do that than the Quarterback.”
Grayson’s heart sinks with her words but he finds himself nodding. It might be the worst thing to agree to but it would put him in her orbit and it would give her a chance to see who he truly is. She might fall for him in the end.
“Alright. Let’s do this.”
“So you’re just gonna fake date your girlfriend?” Ethan cocks an eyebrow, a little confused and uncertain of the benefits this deal could possibly bring his brother.
Shrugging, Grayson runs his fingers through his hair, attempting to put in the effort to make himself look somewhat presentable. “Yeah. It’s not much, but I’m willing to go through with worse if it means I get to hold her hand at the end of the day.”
“What if her plan works and she actually gets with the person you’re supposed to make jealous?” Raising both eyebrows, Ethan flicks Grayson’s ear, “You’ll be worse off than before.”
“It won’t happen!” Grayson exclaims, trying to not murder Ethan. “Fake dating trope always ends with the two realizing their feelings and marrying each other.” 
Smiling at his reflection in the mirror, he nods to himself. It’s the first time in a long time he gave much thought about what he should wear or what his hair looks like but it’s for a good reason. He has to impress Ella. 
“We’re soulmates, E. I know it.”
Huffing, Ethan rolls his eyes, “Chances of that being an actual thing is slim, but let's face the facts. Even if you’re soulmates, you two aren’t necessarily meant to be in every single universe. No one can have their happy ending in every universe. Maybe consider this universe is the one where you don’t get the girl.”
Hands on his hips, Grayson turns to Ethan with a stiff upper lip, “Is this really about me and Ella or about the fact Kristina didn’t accept your follow request?”
Rubbing his forehead, Ethan groans, “Maybe, but it’s a possibility?! I don’t want you to end up with a broken heart if this doesn’t work out. Just…Don’t forget this isn’t your life, okay? What happens when real Grayson comes back and he’s suddenly in a relationship? He’d break Ella’s heart.”
“What if he never returns and I’m stuck here forever? I can’t and will not give up on Ella. Manwhore Grayson needs to man up and I’m preparing the turf in case he returns to this life.”
“Manwhore Grayson?!” Ethan chuckles, “That’s actually who he is. Cameron calls him that!” Wheezing, Ethan throws himself on the bed, hugging a pillow.
Grayson watches, stifling a laugh, “Bro, I wanna smack him so bad!!”
“Get in line! At least half the female population wanna smack his face and the other wants to smack his ass!”
Pursing his lips, Grayson exhales through his nose, or he tries to. It’s been hell living in a body with sinus issues again and he envied whoever is in his body for the ability to breathe freely and without suffering after he had suffered all the pain of two surgeries and multiple rounds of antibiotics.
“Well, I’ll be going then. Don’t wanna keep my girl waiting.” With a lopsided grin, Grayson heads to the door when Ethan speaks up.
“Do you think this would classify as cheating? I mean, she’s Ella but she’s not really your Ella, right?”
Licking his lips, Grayson’s heart sinks. Ethan is right, this Ella might look like his Ella, have her soul, but her personality might be different. So far, Grayson noticed three differences: her ears are pierced though his Ella was terrified of the very idea of having them pierced, she doesn’t seem to wear the red lipstick he loved to smudge and she had black nail polish but his Ella prefers pastels.
Shaking his head, he remembers how it felt to imagine her with manwhore Grayson. It doesn’t feel right and his Ella would probably hate him for this, but something inside him is insisting he must see it through. “I’ll see you later.”
Holding his breath and waiting for inevitable doom. This is what Grayson feels like. It’s as if this entire universe is made to torture him. Sure, he wasn’t the best person alive in his universe, but he wasn’t evil either. A part of him couldn't shake the karma aspect of this switch – what did he do that was so bad to warrant a karmic intervention?
“Hey!” Ella’s usual raspy voice is a little higher, pitchy, enough to make Grayson smile. She’s nervous and he’s glad he’s the one that made her nervous. It means she cares, however small it may be.
“You look”, pausing, Grayson raises his eyebrows as his eyes trail down her body, “Incredible!” He lets out a breathless chuckle, watching her cheeks darken. She’s definitely nervous.
“So, uh, what do you need help with”, Ella licks her lips, tucking her hair behind her ear as her eyes fix on his hand. “Are those….flowers?” Raising an eyebrow, she stifles a smile as Grayson fidgets, scratching the back of his neck.
“Yeah…I wanted to do something nice.” Holding the flowers out, he watches her lips twitch as her attempt to keep a smile at bay slowly fails.
The corners of his lips turned up in a slight smile as his eyes dropped to the floor, a strangely demure gesture for him, Ella realized. As he looked back at her, moving his hair back with his hand, Ella was momentarily swayed by the dark brown eyes that sparkled up through long, dark lashes that she never noticed before. Perhaps she allowed herself to send a few glances his way in the past, trying to understand why so many girls ventured into his web, and she never quite understood until now.
The way he looks at her as if she’s the source of sunshine in his life, the way he smiles as if her presence sparks joy in his heart and the way he had held her hand over his beating heart had disarmed her and she hated herself for it. 
She fell for his charms and silver tongue as many have before and she likes him. She does. It’s impossible not to like a man as magnificent as Grayson – no matter how messed up he is. 
There will always be a girl willing to stay way too long in hopes of fixing him. He’s a death trap for every woman who looks into his eyes.
“Lilies?” Careful, she reaches for the flowers. Her fingers curl right above his, avoiding touch and the electrifying feelings it could bring to the surface. Ella preferred not to know.
“Your favorite”, Grayson blurts out, his mouth faster than his brain and his eyes widen as Ella’s eyes narrow at him.
“How would you know?”
Hands trembling, Grayson shrugs, “A lucky guess. You’re not a rose kind of a girl because you think roses are cliché.”
Eyebrows furrowing, Ella’s frown deepens, “That sounds more like an educated guess.”
“Am I wrong?” Grayson cocks an eyebrow, his confidence growing as she purses her lips, eyeing him as if she’s reconsidering her previous judgment of him.
“I hate the thorns too”, she states matter of factly, turning her back on him. Glancing over her shoulder, she raises an eyebrow, “Coming? Or am I supposed to take your exams for you, Quarterback?”
With a lopsided grin, Grayson follows after, relishing in her sassy attitude. She must know how it affects him, draws him in. If anyone could tell him to get over his shit and act like a normal human being, it was Ella. Of course, his Ella took a while to open up in a way where she didn’t mind her tongue. His Ella is shy until one gets under her skin, a little more insecure. This Ella is a firecracker from the start, brazen.
For a moment, he feels guilty for liking that about her. He feels guilty for liking this Ella, but it’s still his Ella, is it not? She’s just got a different life experience. 
For the first time in his life, Grayson couldn’t stop staring. He was good at hiding his feelings, pushing down anything uncomfortable until he could ignore it, but he couldn’t do it. Not anymore. He sought her out even when she wasn’t close, he yearned for her shy smiles and annoyed eye rolls. He missed each time she’d glance his way and swiftly look away or the way she’d use her hands when she talks about something she’s passionate about. He wanted to see her hands when she’s talking about him, to be passionate about him – with him.
For the first time in his life, Grayson found himself chasing after a girl. She’s out of his league, he’s aware of it. She’s wife material and he isn’t sure he could settle down any time soon, but waiting too long might mean she’ll find someone who is ready for all the things he’d like to have with her. Because no matter how scary it seems to commit when he’s unsure if he’s able to love someone, losing the opportunity to find out seems scarier.
For the first time in his life he wanted to reach out and ask her to hold his hand, to look at him the same way she looks at puppies because he only ever saw her look at them with love. He wants to hear her laugh at his jokes and he wants her to call him out on the shit he does and hold him accountable. He wants her to make an effort because she thinks he deserves to be saved, that he can be fixed. Maybe he should fix himself before asking her to love him, but she makes it better. With her, he finds all he thought he lost before – the will to try and do better.
“Are you okay?” Her voice catches him off guard, her eyes gentle, softer than he thought they could be. 
“You seem a million miles away”, she brushes over the part where he stared at her and he’s grateful. She could have called him a creep and walked away, but she didn’t. Instead, Ella reaches out, her hand resting atop of his and Grayson releases a heavy sigh, as if the weight of the world didn’t press on his chest anymore. It’s as if a single touch of her hand had made him whole.
“I feel better now.” Grayson musters a smile, “You make everything better.”
For the second time in his life, Grayson finds himself staring. Blinking seems so unnatural when his eyes are focused on such beauty as if a single moment lost would prove to be deadly. Not looking at her would make him crumble, blurt out the truth of who he is and how scared he is and how badly he needs her to hold him and say things will be alright. But she doesn’t.
For the second time in his life, Grayson found himself wishing for a girl to hold his hand, to tell him he’s worth saving. He wants her to smile and blush like she did when she brought his jersey back to him. He wants her to roll her pretty brown eyes and chuckle at him, but she doesn’t.
For the second time in his life, Grayson is wondering if he’s able to commit to anyone. Is he any better than the manwhore version of him from this alternative universe? 
He’s sitting next to a woman and he craves her attention and approval as if he doesn’t have a woman who offers all that and more. 
Does it really give him any reprieve if they’re the same soul cultivated in different universes? 
Perhaps she’d think it’s cute she captured his attention even in a different setting? Would Ella feel hurt or betrayed if he admitted he likes this version of her, as well?
“Are you okay?” Ella’s raspy voice catches him off guard, not just the sound, but the choice of wording. It’s the orotund tone she uses too; a little uncomfortable, lacking the softness his Ella would use with him. “You’re kinda staring and zoning out and I’m trying to explain this in the easiest way possible.”
Licking his lips, he nods, more to himself than her as he realizes this Ella and his Ella are definitely not the same person. Perhaps they look alike, but his Ella was kinder in a sense. Maybe kinder isn’t the proper word, but empathic?
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just have a slight headache.” Pushing his hair back, he clears his throat, “So, uh, there’s a game this Friday.”
“Oh”, her eyebrows raised, Ella tilts her head slightly to the left, waiting for him to explain.
“Well, we’re dating, fake dating and girlfriends usually wear their boyfriend’s jersey’s on the day of the game”, swallowing thickly, Grayson draws in a quick breath. “Would you maybe wear mine?”
Furrowing her eyebrows for a moment, Ella’s face relaxed again as her eyes fell to Grayson’s shaky left hand. Reaching out, she takes his hand in hers. Her grip is firm, certain, no doubts as she gives it a squeeze. 
“Yeah. It’s not like it’s my first time.” Letting out a breathless chuckle, she shrugs, “And we did agree. So, I’ll wear your jersey and you pass this exam tomorrow.”
“Deal.” Grayson smiles as she purses her lips, but his smile quickly falls as she lets go of his hand and turns to the notes. She held his hand, but it’s not nearly as long as he wished for her hand to linger.
“Oh, wow, it’s true.” Someone speaks from behind them and Grayson frowns, turning back only to see a blonde, tall guy with a smirk plastered on his face.
“Danny!” Ella exclaims, jumping to her feet and straight into this guy’s arms.
Grayson’s eyes narrow as he looks how low his hands rest on Ella’s back, more so as the guy’s green eyes pierce him. He’s sizing him up just as much as Grayson’s doing to him. So, Grayson stands – letting him have something to size up. They may be the same height, but Grayson’s muscular, much more than him.
“So you’re really dating the Quarterback? I thought it was a joke.” Danny chuckles, his arm around Ella as she shifts uncomfortably at his words.
“Why?” Grayson raises an eyebrow, “She’s a beautiful, witty, intelligent woman. Any man would be lucky to have her.”
Smiling, Ella looks to Danny who nods, “Yes, I wasn’t demeaning her by asking. I’m saying I’m shocked she’d stoop as low to date you.”
Escaping his embrace, Ella steps away, “What the fuck, Daniel?”
Rolling his eyes, Daniel clicks his tongue, “Oh, come on! He’s whored his way through campus, you’re probably the last one he didn’t bag. He’ll use you and cast you aside, Ells. Men like him can’t commit.”
Chuckling from frustration more than finding anything amusing, Grayson steps closer to Ella, wrapping his arm around her waist. “Sounds like you know the type, Derrick.”
“It’s Daniel”, he corrects Grayson, visibly annoyed.
“Sure it is, Dario.”
Nostrils flaring, eyes narrowing, Daniel clenches his fists. “You can’t seriously think Ella is stupid to fall for your tricks.”
“Ella is right here and she’s perfectly capable of making her own decisions”, Grayson remarks, stepping in front of her, “Imply she’s stupid again and I’ll knock you on your ass so fast you won’t know what hit you.”
“Gray”, that’s when he feels it – her arms wrapping around him, her hand over his heart. “Please calm down, please.” Her head rests on his back, her hold on him tightening.
Softening at the sound of her frightened voice, Grayson steps back. “You’re lucky I value her good opinion more than your jealous remarks, Dicky.”
“It’s Daniel!” Raising his voice, Daniel shakes his head. “Ella, come on. Let’s go watch that movie before I lose my temper.”
Lips parting, Grayson glances at Ella who is blinking fast, biting on her bottom lip anxiously. “I think I’m gonna stay.”
“Seriously?” Daniel frowns, his green eyes fixed on her.
“I think I need some time away from you to reevaluate our friendship.” Ella states, her voice shaky and Grayson feels her body begin to shake as well.
“What?” Pointing at Grayson, Daniel speaks, “This is his doing! He’s manipulating you!”
Shaking her head, Ella seems to be lost. After years of liking this guy, she’s only now wondering why. “No, he’s not. You’re the asshole here. Your behavior toward my boyfriend is telling me I need to step back and create some distance because if you’re incapable of trusting I can make my own choices, I can’t trust you either.”
“He’ll break your heart.” Daniel states and Ella lets out a breathless chuckle.
“Maybe. But it’s my heart to break.”
And that’s when Grayson felt his heart break a little too. When he looks at her, he sees her heart is already cracked from this altercation. Daniel had been the culprit, but he feels responsible.
Walking away, Daniel doesn’t spare the pair a second glance. Ella’s quiet, holding onto Grayson. He can see she’s struggling to hold her tears at bay, but she’s successful. “We should review this part once again.”
“You don’t have to be brave with me.” Grayson tries but she waves him off.
“I’m fine.”
She’s not, but she can’t talk about it. Breaking down in tears isn’t exactly what she wants around Grayson. She’s hurt, confused and angry, but none of those emotions will help her. She wanted to make Daniel jealous a little, make him see what he could have if he stopped friendzoning her, but she didn’t expect him to disrespect her or say hurtful things about Grayson, as true as they may be.
“I’m fine”, she repeats before letting out a shuddered breath. “So, how did you get this result?”
Knowing better than to push her further, Grayson swallows thickly and plays along, taking this time with her as a chance to help her clear her head. His Ella always worked herself to the bone when she didn’t want to think about something, maybe this Ella needed the same. If she’s anything like his Ella, she’ll open up when she’s ready and for now, Grayson has nothing but time.
“Hey”, Grayson comes up behind Ella, making her gasp.
Slapping a hand over her mouth to hold in a shrill scream, she turns around only to whack Grayson with her free hand. “Jerk!”
Raising his hands in mock surrender, Grayson’s mouth curved into a smile. “I wanted to hug my girl, not my fault she’s a scaredy cat!”
Rolling her eyes, she takes a step closer so he couldn’t miss her glare, “I prefer not to have Quarterbacks giving me heart attacks. A warning would have been nice!” Her voice is tremulous, her hands still shaky.
“I was gonna offer to walk you to your dorm”, Grayson’s smile falls as he realizes he truly did scare her which wasn’t his intention at all. He didn’t see her that day more than a few times in passing, so he got excited for a moment of her time finally seemed to be open for him to claim as his.
“Just don’t sneak up on me when the sun is going down, okay?” Ella crosses her arms over her chest as she looks left to right before her eyes set on Grayson who pales, realizing his mistake.
“Oh, shit”, he pinches the bridge of his nose, frustrated with himself. Who the fuck goes up to a girl in an empty street at dusk? Idiots like him. “I’m sorry, I didn’t think.”
Cracking a smile, she nods, “Yeah”, exhaling loudly, she points ahead, “I live about ten minutes that way.”
“You’re letting me walk with you?” Grayson’s eyes widen, a little too excited and Ella could tell. 
“It’s getting dark and you’re kinda big and scary looking to potential killers.” Ella shrugs, “I don’t mind a bodyguard right now.”
The corners of his mouth turned up, licking his lips quickly before taking her hand in his. He noticed her tense up, but she didn’t fight his touch. Her hand felt sweaty, but he held on tightly as if it were his safety rope and letting go would mark him for death.
“Do you believe people can really change?” Grayson wonders out loud, hoping Ella would show some signs of changing her opinion on him. She let him hold her hand, isn’t that progress?
“I believe some people are beyond help.” Ella sighs, glancing up at Grayson whose face fell with her words, “But I don’t think you are. If anything, you feel like someone I’ve known my entire life and I know it’s insane but I feel like I trust you more than I should.”
His heart fluttered with her confession, acutely aware it means he has more of a chance than he originally thought.
“I feel the same way”, Grayson admits, “You’re like coming up for fresh air, like spring after a long winter.”
Beaming, she fanned herself with her free hand, “I - that was - uh, that was really poetic”, Ella stumbled over her words, unable to form a coherent sentence and she never realized how much Grayson affected her. She may have been attracted to him before, but she couldn’t pretend she didn’t like him now that she got a chance to see what’s behind his popularity façade. 
“You make me feel poetic”, Grayson’s husky tone made her simper, looking away as heat rushed to her face.
“Wow, okay! A silver tongue charmer.” Ella stops, stepping in front of Grayson with a coy smile dancing along her lips. “We’re here.”
Pressing his lips together, Grayson looked at the walls of the building with slight frustration. He wished they had more time to talk, it finally felt like he made progress.
“If I say I wish we could spend more time together, would you hold it against me?” Ella raises her eyebrows expectantly, her defenses lowered.
“I could come in”, Grayson gave her a half smile, one she could bask in all night long if she would just ignore the little voice in her head reminding her how dangerous Grayson Dolan is to her heart.
“It would be a bad idea.” She lets go of his hand, licking her lips. “Maybe another time.”
Nodding, Grayson sniffled, his allergies making his nose runny. “I swear I’m not crying, I have allergies!”
Giggling, Ella smirks, “Sure. And here I thought you were having a hard time parting with me.”
His smile fading, Grayson’s face loses the usual lightheartedness, “I always have a hard time parting with you.”
Knitting her eyebrows, Ella’s lips part, “You’ve just met me five days ago.”
Shrugging, Grayson steps back, “Feels like a lifetime.” Nodding over to the front door of her dorm, he manages a small smile, “Go in, I’ll wait till you’re inside.”
Licking her lips, she exhales loudly. She takes a few steps away, her back turned on Grayson. Stopping, she glances over her shoulder at him - standing there with the sun setting behind him, a picture perfect man with his hands in his front pockets and she felt breathless as she took him in. Shaking her head, she rushed toward him. With her hands on his shoulders, she stood on her tiptoes until her lips pecked his cheek - fleetingly, feather light kind of a kiss that nearly stopped Grayson’s heart.
“I’ll see you soon”, she told him before she ran to the door. She stopped as her hand gripped the metal handle, looking back at him with a grin and Grayson knew he was in trouble - he liked this Ella, a little too much.
Grayson rarely felt as confident as he did when he was on the field. The screaming crowd always gave him enough of an ego boost to run on for a couple of weeks after. It’s been a long time since he was on the field, much too long not to be anxious about it, especially when he knew his teammates weren’t exactly friendly with him at the moment. Apparently if you sleep around with their girlfriends behind their backs, they might end up resenting you for it. Yet another thing he could thank manwhore Grayson for.
The game isn’t the only thing making him nervous. Ella wearing his jersey meant they would officially claim their fake dating trope and knowing she might not be entirely into the idea had left him wondering if he’s forcing it on her.
A part of him wanted to hold her hand and ignore the sinking feeling and insecurities, but another part of him lived to see her smile. Her smile had made all the difference in the world. Instead of responding to the constant wave of girls trying to flirt their way to his pants, he only cared for one smile, one pair of eyes, just one girl who could make him swoon.
“How do we do this?” Ella frowns, looking at the door. She’s nervous, he can tell. All the classic signs of his Ella are there – biting her lip, crossing her arms at her chest only to tap her fingers on her forearms, blinking fast. She needed reassurance, Grayson simply wished to provide her with it when he placed his arm around her shoulders and pulled her in.
“Oh”, she exclaims, caught off guard. “Didn’t realize we’d go for the half embrace, jersey on the special game kind of a walk, but sure.” With a tight lipped smile, Ella made the first step toward the door and Grayson followed.
Far too happy about the initial few gasps upon their entrance, Grayson grins. It’s official now, he’s staking his claim and taking charge and Ella is once again his. The girls whisper about as they walk past them, the guys spare no attempt to hide their wandering eyes from taking in the girl that made a guy like Grayson Dolan fold and commit.
“Don’t you two look lovely”, Ethan winks as he crosses their path, suppressing a smile as Grayson’s shit eating grin grows wider if that’s even possible.
“Your brother seems to be happy with our endeavor”, Ella notes. “Almost as if he knows the truth.”
“He does, but he’s also a sucker for romance. Says this is how most books start, but they never end this way.”
Raising an eyebrow, Ella cranes her neck to better look at her so-called boyfriend, “And do pray tell, how do they end?”
“A wedding.” Grayson chuckles, leading her to her first class of the day.
Stopping, Ella untangles herself from Grayson’s side almost instantly, leaving Grayson with a frown paired with a pout she found almost endearing
“Good thing we’re not in a book.”
Nodding, Grayson purses his lips, “I guess so. Wouldn’t be the worst thing though.”
Furrowing her eyebrows, Ella narrows her eyes ever so slightly. “What do you mean?”
A small smile plays on his lips, one that is near her as he leans in. His lips brush her earlobe and she holds her breath, her heartbeat skipping as he whispers, “There are worse things than having you as a wife.”
Swallowing thickly, Ella watched him step back with a cocky smile, praying her cheeks aren’t red. But they are. Her cheeks seem to know no other color but red when Grayson is close by.
“I’ll see you for the game, alright?” Grayson presses two fingers to his lips only to rest them back on hers, “Call me if you need me.”
And so, as he walked away, Ella remained rooted. For the first time in a long time, she fully understood what all those girls saw in this frat manwhore and it concerned her greatly to know he could disarm her so easily and she allowed it to happen. What upset her further is that she wished it had been his lips atop hers, not just his fingers.
As the day continued, such as they always do, Ella found herself thinking back to moments spent with Grayson and it only amplified her curiosity. The Grayson she heard of felt entirely like a fabrication at this point. This Grayson, dare she say – her – Grayson is much better than anyone gives him credit for.
In the time spent together, she had come to see him as a flawed human being, but one who is learning from his mistakes and rectifying them. It’s not impossible for her to truly care for him if he continues down that path. Perhaps in the near future, she wouldn’t care about the dashing Daniel she was so enamored by. Perhaps Grayson could be the one she desires after all. 
There are worse fates than a wedding, she thought..
Grayson would like to say he didn’t miss Ella, but he’d be lying. No, he doesn’t mean this Ella, rather his Ella. He tells himself he needs to let go of her, of the softness in her raspy voice whenever she speaks to him or the flowery scents she’s obsessed with, but he cannot reconcile the possibility of never seeing her.
Could he truly fall for this Ella and accept his Ella is to be lost forever? Can he surrender and learn to live in his new life as if he had never known the tender kisses she’d leave on his jaw or the way she’d trail his tattoos every morning after making love. She’s the reason why he stopped calling it fucking or sex. Ella is why it became something more. How can anyone top that? Even if it’s another version of her, what if Grayson never moves on?
“You good?” Ethan smacks him on the back and Grayson’s breath leaves him. Eyes wide, he nods, inhaling sharply.
“How big is this game?” Grayson wets his lips, finally hearing the cheering from the stands as he comes closer to the tunnel. Ethan shrugs, swiping his thumb just under his bottom lip.
“Career defining. We have scouts watching us tonight.” Ethan frowns, “If you wanted to fuck up our lives, botching tonight would be a fucktastic way to do it.”
“Great”, Grayson releases a heavy sigh, “No pressure then.”
Rolling his eyes, Ethan places his hands on Grayson’s padded shoulders, “Look, you’re not bad. You’ve been busting your ass in practice and you’re in shape, so just remember the plays and we’ll be good.”
“I’m the fucking quarterback, E. Why didn’t you take over for the night?”
Narrowing his eyes ever so slightly, Ethan gives Grayson a pointed look, “Because I have faith in you.”
“Somehow that makes it worse”, Grayson shakes his head, lips pressing into a thin line.
“Ella’s watching. Impress the girl and scouts and you’ll be on top of the world.”
And with that, Grayson put his helmet on and rushed onto the field with the rest of the team. He didn’t know what would happen, but he knew he had to try. If he doesn’t try, what’s the point? Life is about trying, again and again. Maybe some things are far too broken to be fixed, but he can piece himself up into a man every version of Ella would be proud to call hers.
Taking his position, Grayson scanned the stands quickly. His eye caught the empty seat where Ella was supposed to be and his heart sunk. She didn’t come.
Drawing a deep breath, Grayson swallows thickly.
“She’s with the cheerleaders!” Ethan shouts and Grayson’s head whips around to the cheerleaders only to find Ella waving at him.
A grin forms on his face as he waves back, wishing nothing more than to hold her in his arms. He really needs her tonight and maybe he can’t love her like he should, but it doesn’t mean he doesn’t love her at all. This Ella, his Ella, any Ella – this woman’s soul is meant for him as much as his is meant for her. Just because he’s not the Grayson who gave her the jersey she ended up bringing back to him, doesn’t mean he can’t enjoy being the Grayson she likes. And she likes him – Grayson can tell.
Once the game started, Grayson had realized one thing - football is the way his entire being sang - a kind of music played in a way only the players and fans could hear. It was as if it is his opera, a tale of emotions told in struggle for the chance of earned glory.
Nothing could lessen the adrenaline coursing through his veins – not the mud, not the pain of being tackled nor the way he swore he’d pass out from all the running and shouting. Each time he managed to bring that football over the line, Grayson looked to Ella who jumped in excitement as if she actually cared about the result.
Deep down, Ella did care. It meant a lot to Grayson, not just winning but his position and popularity all stemmed from his ability to run with a ball without getting a concussion from a tackle. Every time he was on the ground, Ella had to physically restrain herself from running to his side. It hurt her to hear his pained grunts and for a moment, she cursed the moment she decided to ask her roommate to get her down to the field with the cheerleaders. She cashed in a favor to be closer to Grayson, regardless of the result and somehow she ended up getting a closer view of each time he was viciously brought onto the ground.
By the end, Grayson scored the winning touchdown and the crowd went wild. There isn’t a soul in that stadium that could deny the game was one of the best they’ve seen and no one doubted Grayson Dolan is a quarterback meant for much more than college football.
She saw him take his helmet off, the sweat matting his hair onto his forehead. The smile upon his lips felt like the sun itself shone upon her, especially when his hazel eyes found hers.
Fighting off his teammates' attempt to pick him up and carry him, Grayson ran straight toward her.
Ella heard about it, read about it – that moment when time seems to stop and you’re caught in between heartbeats and your breath is caught in your throat. Her heart is only human, flawed and frail and it feels as if it would give up on fighting to keep up with her emotions that explode inside her as Grayson comes closer and closer until she finds his arms around her waist and her feet off the ground.
She’s above him, her hands wrapped around his neck, fingertips buried in the hair at the back of his head. Her forehead rests atop of his, her smile as wide as his and for a moment, she throws caution out with the wind. Grayson spins them around, a throaty chuckle escaping him and his sweat doesn’t bother her even as she feels him soak her clothes. She doesn’t care about the people watching or the flashing cameras and she could care less about what anyone thinks about how odd of a pair they seem to be.
In the moment, she realizes he had wrecked her plans. She wanted to use him to gain Daniel’s affection, but he’s surprised her once again and he’s her man -  at least for the night. Ella had learned one important thing – Grayson is full of surprises and she wouldn’t mind discovering every inch of his complicated mind.
Without a warning, she leans down – stealing the few inches of distance between them. Her lips press against Grayson’s who freezes with the action. His facial features are heaven to Ella’s heart and soul, but she could be so happily mesmerized by those lips for all the days heaven grants her to come.
No longer stunned, Grayson’s dry lips join Ella’s in the public display of affection he certainly didn’t expect. In that moment of the kiss their chemistry becomes an ever-bright flame no one could deny, not even Ella.
And a sobering thought reminded her this might be just another kiss for Grayson. He may be handsome and charming, but there is a reason he’s also known as a manwhore and that thought makes her dread the future she could have with him. No matter how hard she tries, all she can see is heartbreak and he’d be fine – she would be the one to suffer, grieving for the living. He’s put roots in her heart and yet she can’t allow for them to grow.
Breaking the kiss, she draws a shuddered breath as her eyes remain closed for a moment longer. She just wants to remember it – the way he had made her feel like she’s whole, at home. It’s always going to be their first kiss, and if Ella had anything to do with it, it would be their last as well.
“Go”, she opens her eyes only to be met with his lopsided grin and a new kind of glow to his beautiful eyes. He looks blissful.
“Come with me”, his voice is hoarse, desperately holding onto her. But the moment’s passed, he can’t keep her a prisoner in his embrace forever. Grayson puts her down, his hands moving from her hips to her hands, barely holding on by their fingertips.
“You have a whole team waiting on you, a bunch of reporters and I know there are scouts who would love to talk to you. I’ll see you in the morning for our tutoring session if you don’t oversleep.” She chuckles, trying to hide how shaky she feels on the inside. Somehow, telling him to go felt deeper than that and she could see Grayson pick up on that too.
His forehead wrinkles, his eyebrows furrowing as he steps closer and she finds herself breathless. Wasn’t he close enough?
“You’re more important. Say the word and we can go anywhere you want.”
She could hear him clearly, feel the earnest tone of his voice in her bones. He seems to care about her but that promises nothing. Grayson is dangerous in the kind of way that would leave her desolate and wounded for years to come. Daniel is the safer option. The jealousy he displayed was enough to confirm her suspicions of him liking her back and she had to choose the lesser evil.
“Be by our tree in the morning and don’t leave me waiting too long, okay?” She smiles, trying to reassure him and yet his heart aches.
“I won’t drink. I’ll be there.” Grayson places a kiss on her forehead, a long lasting kind of a kiss that somehow felt more intimate than the one they shared minutes ago.
“Stay safe”, she steps back and as their hands part at the fingertips, Grayson swallows thickly. A part of him screamed at him to stay, but the other part could see Ella needed to be alone. He needed to respect her desire for space even if it hurts him.
Grayson honored his promise not to drink even a single drop of alcohol, despite peer pressure. He had decided that while Ella may have wanted to go home earlier, it didn’t mean he couldn’t come by and wish her a good night. Truth be told, he’d have traded the night for a moment with her, but he couldn’t destroy a life that isn’t his – not really.
He did manage to secure a few tryouts and summer program offers for himself, but when the talks were over, Grayson hit the showers and headed straight to Ella’s dorm room. 
He had one simple thought in mind – he’d admit he likes her and take her reaction for what it is. She may care for him or she may not, regardless of the outcome Grayson refused to cower and hide his feelings.
Maybe that’s why it shattered him so when he had seen her lip-locked with someone else. 
Lips parting, he felt himself sway as the gravity of the moment tore into him. She had taken his heart and she broke it apart, shredded the last bit of sanity he clung to. It feels like death, just the same as bereavement and in this quiet moment as he’s unable to avert his gaze it chokes the breath from his body and short circuits his mind. What was once whole is shattered; where once was peace now there is emptiness, echoes of a love he put his everything into.
Stumbling back, clutching his chest, Grayson walked back to his room. He can hardly remember how he got there, but he knew that he never missed his old life more. 
Ella was right, she’d never fall in love with a jock. She’d never fall in love with him in this life. 
While she was always in his head, even when he was scared to death to admit to it, Grayson seemed to be an afterthought in her head. 
He’s no longer afraid to admit the one truth he never told anyone – Grayson Dolan is wholeheartedly in love with Marizella Coleman, hopelessly hers in every universe he finds himself in.
There isn’t anything left to cling to, yet he can’t help but whisper her name under his breath – over and over, Grayson repeats her name like a lullaby until he finally falls asleep. 
“What exactly does this mean?” Ella traced a moon tattoo on Grayson’s chest, her interest piqued. It took five months for her and Grayson to get intimate, two more before she broke out of her shell and truly embraced that Grayson is hers. 
When she first met him, Grayson was lost. His priorities were all over the place, his mental health at an all time low and his bed was occupied by a different girl each night. 
It bothered her how careless he was with his mind and body, even more so by the fact that she wanted to give him her heart. But she bore witness to his ability to break hearts and she didn’t want to be another one in the line. 
If she was honest with herself, Grayson didn’t even know she existed. Not until he nearly knocked her out on the beach while chasing a ball. She knew him before he ever knew her and that made her careful, paranoid in a sense. If all those beautiful women couldn’t make him stay, how would she, an average girl next door, ever keep his interest long enough for him to see that she’s perfect for him?
“Nothing, it’s just pretty.” Grayson murmurs, wishing he could just wrap her up in his arms and forget about the world for the day. 
“You don’t get a tattoo because it’s pretty, Grayson”, Ella’s croaky morning voice forced his eyes open and a smile to form on his lips. He truly loves the sound of her voice more than the bird’s song.
“It’s my aesthetic”, Grayson’s cheeky smile makes her roll her eyes.
“Well then, I really shouldn’t show you the tattoo of my first boyfriend’s name then, should I?” She shrugged, turning away from Grayson who sat up quickly, his eyes wide and body rigid.
“I’D HAVE SEEN IT BY NOW”, Grayson exclaims, his voice penetratingly loud so much so Ella could hear Ethan grumble from his bedroom.
“It’s not easily noticeable”, Ella chuckles as Grayson’s jaw clicks, “But it’s my aesthetic, so it’s nothing. Maybe we can name our first born like that so it doesn’t go to waste”, she glances at Grayson with a coy look in her eyes, finding him heaving and ready to throw hands.
“Over my dead body”, Grayson growls, pulling her back to him as she yelps. Her laugh drowns out her scream as Grayson pins her down to the mattress beneath him, his hands firmly holding her by the wrists.
“Whatchu’ gonna do, big boy?” She teases him as he cocks an eyebrow, pursing his lips.
“I’ll make sure you scream my name so many times that no one ever comes to your mind again.”
Ella didn’t have any tattoos, but Grayson sure had fun finding out on his own. That was the first time she was no longer timid around him and he absolutely loved her teasing. Grayson didn’t enjoy remembering his Ella as much as he used to. Every memory brought him pain now that she was gone; that both of them were gone.
Avoiding Ella had become second nature and it wasn’t as difficult as he thought it would be. 
Waking up earlier to get to practice first, leaving last had given him no time to ponder on his broken heart. He’d arrive last and leave first during classes, avoiding the tree he had met her by twice so far. She did text him, leave a few voice messages as well, but Grayson didn’t bother checking what they said. 
Why torture himself further?
However, he forgot one simple fact about Ella that seems to be universal – she’s stubborn and that stubbornness had led to him finding her asleep with a book open on her chest right before his bedroom doors.
“Jesus”, he whispers under his breath, dragging his right hand across his face before resting his hands on his hips. Licking his lips, Grayson lets out a heavy sigh, unsure what to do. He can’t be around her anymore, not when he had a taste of happiness and lost it. 
He held tightly to her because she’s Ella – because her soul speaks to his, because even in the darkest nights she would be his compass. But this Ella isn’t his Ella, she’s never going to be his Ella and he hoped he’d somehow convince himself she is. 
Truth be told, he didn’t know what he was thinking when he got involved with her. She had no recollection of their time together in his universe, she had no obligation to care about him and his feelings. She barely knows him and what she knows is scarcely him and mostly the Grayson that belongs in this universe. 
Reluctantly, Grayson taps her shoulder. She flinches, the book falling with a thud as her wide eyes fix on his figure and that’s when they narrow and set aflame.
“Where the hell have you been?!” She stands abruptly, pointing the tip of her index finger at his chest, “I’ve been trying to reach you for a week!” Poking his chest, her nostrils flare, “I thought you were lying dead in a ditch somewhere!”
Wrapping his hand around her index finger, Grayson encases her entire hand along with it. “I’m sorry, I needed time.”
“Time? Time for what?” She frowns, the horizontal line between her eyebrows forming. 
“To make my peace with you and Kenny”, he sighs. He watches her face change from a frown to disbelief and when she rolls her eyes, he knows she’s annoyed with him.
“It’s Danny and he’s not my anything.” Placing her free hand on his cheek, she cocks her head to the left ever so slightly, “He’s not even a friend anymore. I don’t give a shit about him.”
“So why was he kissing you on game night?” Grayson counters, lips pressed in a thin line while hers part.
“Were you stalking me?”
Shaking his head, Grayson releases her hand while dragging the other one away from his face. 
“No. I wanted to see you and I did. With him.” Clenching his jaw, Grayson felt a wave of jealousy wash over him and it didn’t help that Ella had chuckled dryly.
“He kissed me and I was shocked but I pushed him away. And I told him I’m taken.” Licking her lips, she averts her gaze to the thread hanging from his sleeve. “By you”, she continues, “I told him you’re the one and I went inside and went to sleep.”
“You chose me?” Grayson releases a shaky breath, unsure what to do. “You can’t choose me, Ella.”
Furrowing her eyebrows, she steps back, “Oh! You don’t like me?” She swallows thickly, folding her arms across her chest. In all the scenarios she had made up in her head, him not liking her back was never one of them. It mortified her how silly she must look to him.
“No, no, I do!” Grayson stops her before she spirals, cupping her cheeks gently, “I like you, if I’m being completely honest, but I’m not…” Closing his eyes, Grayson smiles in disbelief over what he’s about to say, “You’re gonna think I’m crazy, but I have to be honest.”
“You’re scaring me”, she says softly, her voice shaky. 
“If I told you I’m Grayson from an alternative universe and that we’re a couple in that universe, would you believe me?” 
Her breathing becomes softer, the pensive look melting into a smile as soft as the morning light. “Okay, that’s cute, but I don’t think it’s time for jokes.”
“You started writing a book when you were sixteen and you never told anyone.” Grayson states and she stumbles back, eyes wide. She had never spoken aloud of her book, never once. That book remains in a locked folder on her old laptop, not even she had laid her eyes on it in two years. She gave up on it completely. 
“You absolutely adore the ocean and believe you were a mermaid in a previous life.” Grayson continues as Ella pales.
“You’ve always hated coffee, but if you have to drink it you add half a cup of milk and four sugar cubes.”
Shaking her head, she runs her hands through her hair, unable to comprehend what Grayson is saying.
“You’ve always been terrified of the dark, so you sleep with a pink turtle nightlight you’ve had since you were ten. You have a beauty mark between your breasts you absolutely hate and are insecure about, but I find it sexy as hell.”
“HOW DO YOU KNOW ALL OF THAT?” Ella shouts in panic, her breathing labored. 
“Because I know you. From a different universe, but it’s you. And I love you. With all my heart and I know this is crazy, but I woke up here and everything changed overnight.” Slumping to the ground, Grayson hides his face in his hands. “And I fucking miss her. I miss my Ella so, so much and I have never been worthy of her, but she loves me anyway and I’m here.”
A hand on his shoulder makes his heart skip a beat, bearing her weight as she uses him to slide to the ground next to him. 
“What is she like?” Ella’s shaky hand slides down his arm, slipping into his hand. She’s quiet, defeated by the news, in shock if she’s entirely honest. It’s way too much all at once and she never thought it could be possible she’d like Grayson Dolan so much it hurt to imagine him with anyone, even if that someone is herself.
“She sold that book and is writing a second book while studying. And she’s kind, witty and shy but incredibly outgoing with people she’s comfortable with.” Grayson doesn’t even notice the smile on his face as he speaks of his Ella, but this Ella does. She’s jealous of her alternative self for having a guy like Grayson smile as he mentions her. She hates her other self for being brave enough to publish the book and live her dreams...well, old dreams. She’s not dreaming about being a writer anymore.
“I love her, but I was afraid to tell her that. I was afraid of fully committing myself to her.” Grayson admits, unsure what good it does him now.
“When did you wake up here?” She interrupts him, wanting to know what was him and what wasn’t. Has it always been this Grayson? Did she spend all this time falling in love with the wrong guy?
“Woke up with a killer headache after some frat party. Think it was that party when he gave you the jersey.” Grayson glances at her, noticing a small smile upon her lips.
“So it was him then”, she sighs. Leaning her head on the door, she closes her eyes. “But all of this was you.”
“Yeah.” Grayson intertwines their fingers, seeking comfort. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be”, Ella shrugs, “That Grayson wouldn’t have bothered with me.”
“That Grayson is a manwhoring mess.” Grayson chuckles, “But I was the same before I met my Ella. Maybe he just needs a nudge in the right direction.”
“Is it bad if I wish you to stay here?” Ella’s voice is quiet and wobbly, just above a whisper and it catches Grayson off guard.
“Is it bad if I say I fell in love with you just as I fell for my Ella?” Grayson counters and she lets out a breathless chuckle.
“It’s not bad, I mean I’m still Ella. Just on a different path in life.” Shrugging, she leans her head on Grayson’s shoulder, “Maybe that Grayson is you on a different path too? Maybe he doesn’t need an Ella of his own?”
Wrapping an arm around Ella, Grayson brings her closer to him, “Every Grayson needs an Ella.”
And in the silence, they found the comfort they both seek. It’s not right, but it felt perfect.
“You two are gloomy.” Ethan states, scaring them both. They were perfectly content staring at nothing in particular, just sitting there with the inner struggle wrecking them apart.
“You should wear a bell”, Grayson remarks and Ethan rolls his eyes.
“When you say shit like that, I genuinely can’t tell the difference”, Ethan steps aside, trying to get to the door.
“Does he know?” Ella asks and Grayson nods.
“Yeah, he’s the only one who knew.”
Furrowing his eyebrows, Ethan glares at Grayson, “So you told her?”
“Yup”, Ella exclaims.
“Great!” Ethan opens the door, letting the pair fall on their backs with a string of curses from Grayson’s mouth and a small yelp from Ella’s. 
Grayson barely got up to his feet, helping Ella up as well when Ethan screamed, “KRISTINA FOLLOWED ME BACK!”
Laying on the bed with Grayson beside her, Ella wasn’t sure what to think anymore. Part of her thought she’s insane for believing him so quickly, yet another part of her knew with absolute certainty that no one couldn’t know the details he mentioned a few weeks ago and that if he knew them, the other version of her must have truly loved him to spill the beans.
Ever since then, they’ve been inseparable. Ella knew it was unwise to spend so much time with Grayson, to get involved more than she already has. One day, she’d wake up next to the other Grayson and she’d be left alone. It would be over before it started and she didn’t know how to accept the fact he’s never going to be hers. Not really.
“What are you thinking about?” Grayson breaks the silence, noticing she’s deep in thought.
“About the day I wake up to the other you.” She admits and Grayson frowns, propping himself up on his elbows. He’s never going to get used to how straightforward this Ella is. He both loves and fears that about her.
“You think it’s gonna happen?”
Nodding, she sighs, “I just feel it. It’s unexplainable.”
Swallowing thickly, Grayson licks his lips, “If it does, don’t give up on me.” 
Grayson’s eyes flicker to her lips only to pull away before he dares to even think about it further. They may be spending all of this time together and sleep in the same bed most nights, but they’ve never once kissed since the night of the game. Ella said she wanted to give her other self some much deserved respect and not cheat though she wasn’t sure if it qualified as cheating either.
“You? That won’t be you, Gray.” Ella rubs her nose, sniffling. “He won’t be you, just like I’ll never be Ella for you. Which sucks.” Tears brim her long eyelashes, tugging at Grayson’s heartstrings.
“You are Ella. Even though you’re a little braver and confident, you’re her and she is you.” Grayson tries, but Ella shakes her head.
“No. That’s not true! I don’t have her memories or experiences and that’s what shapes a person. That Grayson won’t be you and truth be told, I’m not sure if I want him at all.” Sitting up, she hides her face in her hands.
 “I’m not braver either, I’m just rougher around the edges. I could never publish that book like she did or move to Los Angeles and date a famous YouTuber.” Breathing fast, Ella felt like her head would explode.
“Hey, hey, hey”, Grayson says softly, his hands running up and down her back in hopes of soothing her. “Ells, what’s wrong?”
“Everything!” She exclaims, “I want you and I can’t have you! I can’t be with you when you’re already mine but in a different world and even if I ignore that, I can’t ignore the fact that sometime, even ten years down the line I could wake up to the other Grayson instead of you and it’s making me crazy!”
Wrapping his arms around Ella, Grayson held her close as she wept long into the night and he had never quite understood all the stories of the way your entire being hurts when your heart is broken and his heart is fucking shattered.
He’s holding the reason for his existence in his arms and he can’t ease her pain because he’s the cause of it. He wants to love her and she wants to love him back, but they can’t and Ella is right – even if he ignored the fact he’s not from her universe and went for it, there was no telling how long he’d be there.
In a spiritual life, much like the physical, there is an inhale and an exhale; the soul needs to inhale the feelings of another soul in order to claim them, to enrich them before returning it in an exhale. Without this, there is no life for the heart, without it, the heart is suffocating, suffering, withering.
And that’s exactly how Grayson and Ella feel right now – suffocating, suffering, withering.
As her breathing evens out and Grayson realizes she’s fallen asleep despite the occasional sob she lets out in her sleep, he looks up at the ceiling and sighs heavily as if the world’s weight is crushing him.
“Please make this right. For her sake. I don’t even care what happens to me, just make Ella happy again. Please.”
And when Grayson closed his eyes, he never imagined it would be the last night he spends in her bed.
With closed eyes, Grayson reached out for Ella. He didn’t remember when she slipped out of his arms in the night, but he wouldn’t consciously keep it that way. Having her close felt like a lifeline for Grayson, even if they were trying to keep it platonic. Too often did he consider just moving on with her, pretending as if his life is in a universe made not for him.
He wanted to stay and help Ethan get with Kristina, to help his sister start her own design company if she was still interested in that field or to simply go home and see his family. He wondered far too often how they were, but he never dared to ask Ethan about it. It’s a sore subject for Grayson, even now. He imagined it was the same for Ethan.
“Ella?” He grumbles, squinting to find her when his arm fails. Furrowing his eyebrows, he looks at the much larger bed he’s on with a concerned look upon his face. “What the –“, he starts only to recognize the bed-sheets Ella spent three days making a pro/con list for. “Oh God”, Grayson jumps to his feet, looking around wildly.
The lamp next to his bed is replaced by an old alarm clock, his windows are covered with drapes he doesn’t remember having and the floor is covered in clothes Grayson never saw in his life. Looking down, he finds his thighs are covered in tattoos and a choked sob escapes him.
He’s not sure if he’s happy or not about the possibility of being in his own universe again. There is still a chance he’s in a new universe altogether, but even if he’s back home, what exactly is he coming home to? What exactly did he leave behind?
That Ella must have had a shock of a lifetime when she woke up to the manwhore version of himself and he wished he could apologize to her for it, but he’ll never get to see her or talk to her again.
And then he remembered, “Ella”, he breathed out as he ran to the door. He’s not sure if she’s even there, if she even stayed after the switch brought his worst self to her bed and he realized his Ella had woken up to that Grayson too.
Heart in his throat, Grayson stumbles as he heads to the kitchen where he hears movement. He isn’t sure what is waiting for him here, but when he sees the messy bun he always loved to untangle and the back of her neck that he loved to kiss, Grayson felt his heart stop.
Swallowing thickly, he stood there, frozen at the sight of her. She’s so close that he could have her in his arms in a few steps, but would she forgive him if he told her he kissed the other Ella? Would she forgive him if he told her he had started liking the life he had in that universe?
Wetting his lips, he lets his heart guide him as his feet take him closer and once he’s there, his arms wrap around her on instinct. His head rests on her shoulder and he can feel her tense up, but he’s barely holding back tears as he inhales her familiar scent.
Grayson missed Ella in every possible way. His soul yearned for hers and being back in her presence had made him crumble.
“What are you doing?” She groans, trying to unwrap his arms from around her waist. “I told you I will never sleep with you!” She raises her voice as she slaps at his hands and Grayson finally snaps out of it, releasing her.
She whips around, eyes narrowed at Grayson who furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. Pointing the tip of her index finger at his chest, Ella’s nostrils flare, “You have to stop this! I’m not a toy you can play with whenever you feel like it. I’m in pain!” She exclaims, pausing as she averts her gaze and her hand drops, “Do you even know what seeing you feels for me?” She sniffles as tears fill her eyes. “You’re wearing his face and body, but you’re too different. You’ve become better, you’ve done the work, but I love him. I can’t just forget about that.”
Drawing in a deep breath, Grayson felt his heart break further. It never occurred to him how hard this might have been for his Ella. She was stuck with the manwhore who would have broken her heart and he did. It was a relief she knew it wasn’t him, at least. His Ella knew better than the other Ella.
“And I love you”, Grayson manages a smile, “I’m sorry it took me this long to tell you.”
“What?” Ella crosses her arms, looking at him as if he’s offended her.
“It’s me, Ella. I’m back.” Grayson tries reaching out for her hand only to have her shake her head and move away. She’s physically revolted by his presence while he’s aching for a smile from her pressed lips.
“You’ve tried this before. I’m not going to fall for your shitty tricks”, Ella heaves, a hand placed on her chest as her tears spill over.
“He tried this?!” Grayson practically growls, slamming his fist on the countertop. “Did he touch you?” Grayson’s jaw clenches as he looks to a shaky Ella who isn’t sure what to say or believe anymore. It’s like she’s drowning with no help in sight.
“Please stop”, she croaks, “I thought you and I were friends now.”
Chuckling dryly, Grayson shakes his head, “Your pet fish was called Goldie because she was gold. Your turtle Rocky bit her tail off and she died.” Stepping closer, he points at her chest, “You have a birthmark right between your breasts.” Pursing his lips, he wonders what else he could tell her. Her eyes are wide, glistening with tears, but he has to let her know it’s him. “When we first met you called me and Ethan snotty teenagers. You hate my decorating skills and you hate my snoring.”
“Grayson?” Her voice is shaky as she steps closer, reaching her trembling hand out. Her palm finds its way to his cheek and Grayson leans into it with a soft sigh. “You came back to me?”
Taking her face in his hands, he rests his forehead on hers, “I did.”
“It’s been so hard”, she whispers and he closes his eyes.
“You were right, you know?” Grayson’s nose brushes hers, “You wouldn’t like the jock Grayson. But I really liked college Ella.” 
Grayson often debated if he should be honest with Ella if he somehow made his way back home and despite his doubts, he remembers their relationship is founded on honesty. He promised her he’d always tell her the truth and he couldn’t look her in the eye and ignore the fact he had felt a little heartbroken about the Ella he left behind.
“You met me?” She steps back, wanting to look at him better.
“I’ll always find you”, Grayson smiles.
“You fell for her, didn’t you?” Ella steps back, hurt flashing behind her brown eyes.
“I did fall for her”, Grayson admits, “But I love you.”
Staring at Grayson, Ella didn’t know what to say. She didn’t know how to feel either. Would she be right to hold it against him? After all, it was still her. Grayson loved her, in every universe. So why does it feel like he had cheated on her? Why does her heart bleed?
“Did you touch her like you touch me?”
Breaking eye contact, Grayson leans on the countertops, “I kissed her once.”
“Once”, Ella chuckles dryly. “I almost had sex with the other you, but at least I didn’t know the truth. You knew the girl you were kissing wasn’t really me. She’s someone I will never be and she will never be me.”
“Please don’t hate me”, Grayson croaks as tears form in his eyes. He’s not ready to lose her, but he’s not ready to keep her with him by lying. She deserves better and he knows that.
“I don’t hate you, Grayson”, she lets out a shuddered breath, “I wish I did. It would be easier.”
“Easier?” Grayson’s eyebrows furrow when she takes her bag and puts it over her shoulder.
“I need some time and I need you not to look for me.” It was killing her to do this, to take a step back from their relationship. Ella needed some perspective, to find a way to breathe again and being close to Grayson always felt like she was trying to keep her head above the crashing waves.
“Ella”, Grayson reaches for her but she recoils from him, again. She had done it once when she thought it was his other self, but she knew this was him. She still didn’t want him.
“I have never asked anything from you, but I need this.” Ella covers her mouth to stop a sob from passing her lips as she turns from Grayson and heads for the door only to run into Ethan and Kristina.
Kristina is quick to wrap her arms around Ella, both of them leaving through the front door.
But Ethan wasn’t leaving. He turned to Grayson with a stone cold look in his eyes and headed for him with a formed fist prepared to leave a mark.
“What did you do?!” Ethan shouted, ready to lay Grayson out in a single punch.
Raising his hands in mock surrender, Grayson circles the countertops so he’d be on a different side from Ethan who wanted blood.
“Whoa! It’s me, E! It’s Grayson! I’m back!” Grayson insisted as he ran in circles with Ethan, “YOUR FIRST TIME WAS WHEN YOU WERE 17!” He shouts and Ethan stops, eyes wide. “You also drank a beer when you were 16, but you’d never admit it. You hated onions as a kid!”
“How cool was the other me?” Ethan smirks as Grayson rolls his eyes, unsure if he should be annoyed or angry at his brother for not doing a better job at protecting Ella from the other Grayson who had clearly left her broken with issues he didn’t know how to resolve.
“You were single as fuck and a nerd”, Grayson sighs, “Kristina wasn’t even an acquaintance and the car you drove was more like a trash can running on fumes.”
Staring blankly, Ethan swallows thickly, “I don’t like that universe.”
“I liked it”, Grayson covers his face with his hands, his voice filled with remorse. “I didn’t know my life here was imploding while I was living the life I genuinely prefer over this one.”
“You’re saying college football was better than this house?” Ethan raises an eyebrow, “The money we have, the world we’ve seen, people we’ve met?”
Nodding, Grayson drags his palms down his face, “It was so much better.”
“Well, good for you. Meanwhile Kristina and I were dealing with a manwhore baby Grayson with no impulse control who was a pathological liar and manipulator.” Flicking a crumb from the countertop onto Grayson, Ethan continues, “Ella cried herself to sleep every night and we didn’t know what the fuck is happening.”
“She said she almost slept with him”, Grayson gulps audibly, unsure if he’s feeling guilty over the position that put her in, angry she’s angry at him when she nearly did something worse or jealous over the fact she had been touched by what seems to be the demonic version of him.
“You literally admitted to kissing the other Ella, I hardly think you have any room to judge anything she did Grayson.” Ethan’s tone is cold, his words harsh but truthful. Grayson has no right to be angry or jealous, he was a willing participant while his Ella was tricked.
“I can’t explain it”, Grayson runs his fingers through his hair, moving it away from his forehead. Truth be told, he got used to the short hair from the other universe, he couldn’t wait to cut it again. “She was still Ella. They had their differences, but she was still Ella and the more time I spent with her, less I wanted to be away from her.”
“Look, this is uncharted territory. We can’t exactly define any rules in a situation that had no rules, so just give her a moment to deal with this on her own terms.” Ethan places his hand on Grayson’s shoulder, hoping to comfort his brother but even he was having issues looking at him normally after everything the other Grayson did.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Grayson frowns, lips parted as Ethan’s eyes widen.
“Like what?”
“Like I’m about to fuck something up”, Grayson’s frown deepens as Ethan presses his lips together, genuinely having flashbacks to the insanity of manwhore Grayson and the stress he caused.
“I’m just waiting for you to start complaining about the tattoos or fake gag at vegan food or order a bunch of fried chicken or maybe scream about a game you’re missing.” Ethan rambles on as Grayson cackles, shaking his head.
“Man, I’m a dick!”
“Oh, no, the dick part was you hitting on Ella and then winking at every cute girl in your way.” Ethan raises both eyebrows as he shrugs, “I did smack you every time I could tho’, Kris did too.”
“Good”, Grayson exhales through his nose, his lips pressed as his eyes fall to his hands. “I really didn’t want to hurt her. Either Ella”, Grayson’s voice is meek, defeated and the empty look in his eyes speaks volumes of the weight that’s been forced upon his heart.
“I know”, Ethan manages a smile, “You’ll get her back.”
“Think so?” Grayson raises his eyebrows, an inkling of hope lingering deep behind his brown hues.
Ethan’s smile widens in an instant, “Know so.”
In this broken world Ella is Grayson’s world, his healer, his light and love, good women are that way. He missed her, more and more as each day passed and while it seemed like the world was spinning madly on, Grayson’s life felt like it stopped the day she walked out the door.
Kristina came back hours later, but Ella didn’t. What made it worse is that whatever Ella shared with Kristina had turned her against Grayson as well. She didn’t want to speak to him, much less to convey his messages to Ella and Grayson was sure they were in contact.
This heartbreak was unexpected, as they always are - top of the world one minute and cut down the next. Grayson expected to be blissful if he ever found his way back, but he only found misery. He could only blame himself for having broken not one, but three hearts the night he made his way back home.
Oftentimes, Grayson wondered what happened with the other Grayson and Ella when they woke up together, sharing a single bed. Did he once again try to lie and manipulate Ella or was he decent enough to tell her the truth.
Grayson feared he didn’t. He could only hope he was better with her, for her. Ella deserved that much and he believed she was more compatible with manwhore Grayson anyway. If anyone can whip him back into shape it would be her.
And his Ella, his beautiful, kind Ella…He thought about her all the time. What is she up to? Where is she? Is she as lonely as he is?
He failed her, both of them. He failed himself too.
Hearing Ethan talk about the constant stress the other Grayson put on her, their fights, her refusal to walk away because she hoped it would get better. She didn’t give up on him then, even though he was his worst self, but she walked away when she heard he had made a conscious decision to kiss someone else. 
He betrayed her trust and despite feeling guilty, he couldn’t regret it. Meeting her in a different universe only convinced him she’s his soulmate more. He couldn’t imagine life without her, in any reality.
And as a month passed, Grayson found it impossible to sleep in the bed he once shared with Ella. He preferred to sleep on the couch, even if his back felt broken in the morning. The pain was comforting compared to the loneliness the bed evoked. It was better off this way. He hated himself in that bed, he blamed himself every night and morning.
Closing his eyes, Grayson felt a tear roll down his temple. If he’s entirely honest, he’s not sure if he’s just too fucked up to ever love anyone like he loves Ella. He swallows thickly as his heart clenches in pain as his senses trick him into believing she’s with him.
For a moment, he could have sworn he smelled her perfume, the one he was absolutely smitten with. She wore it when they first met, she wore it when they first kissed and she wore it when they first became one. That perfume signifies all their firsts, all the good memories and even the fights he remembers carry a nostalgic happiness to them. Fighting is better than the silence she left him in. If she’s fighting, she cares but when she stops, that’s when crippling fear takes place and Grayson’s been consumed by that fear for too long.
A weight falls on him, a warmth engulfing him. The scent is stronger now, almost like she’s still there with him and in a moment of weakness, Grayson’s lips pass a strangled sob from deep within twenty one grams of soul and the sanity he once possessed.
“Don’t cry”, a raspy voice fills the silence and Grayson’s heart nearly stops. He’s hallucinating now, clearly he’s lost his mind. “If you cry, I cry”, the voice returns as a whisper and Grayson’s not sure if it’s all a dream.
Opening his eyes, he gasps once he sees Ella’s head resting on his chest. She’s laid upon him like a safety blanket, a tad too short to truly cover him but effective in its intent.
“You’re here”, Grayson breathes out and her head moves up so her eyes meet his.
“I couldn’t trust you, I didn’t even trust myself that day. I didn’t dare let you near me scared that I’ll lose you the same, but I can’t let that fear dictate my life and I can’t bear the pain of staying away.”
Running his hand down her back, Grayson pulls her up ever so slightly so he could easily kiss her lips if she allowed him to. He wanted to be able to see every change in her eyes, every line of her face.
“I love you”, he stops her from speaking, finding her apologies unnecessary. She had enough of heartbreak for both of them when he disappeared.
“Don’t let me run again”, her voice breaks and Grayson notices the tears pricking at her eyes, “I know I asked you to let me go, but don’t. I got mad and insecure, but I love you. So don’t ever let me leave again.”
Brushing the tip of his nose against hers, Grayson’s lips curl at the corners, “Never.”
“Do you want to tell me how awesome the other me was?” She raises her eyebrows expectantly as Gray gives her a slight shake of his head.
“Well, you were crushing on some dick Dougie”, Grayson starts and her eyebrows furrow in confusion before her mouth opens wide.
“You mean Danny?!”
The excited tone instantly put a frown on Grayson’s face, making Ella chuckle.
“He was my first ever boyfriend back home!” She continues, further aggravating Grayson who could no longer hold back. He told himself he’d be more patient, but it’s a work in progress and he needed her to stop talking, so he did the most natural thing he could think of.
He kissed her.
Before she could withdraw, his arms were around her. He bent back her head across his arm and kissed her, softly at first, and then with a swift gradation of intensity that made her cling to him as the only solid thing in a dizzy swaying world. His insistent mouth was parting her shaking lips, sending wild tremors along her nerves, evoking from her sensations she had never known she was capable of feeling. And before a swimming giddiness spun her round and round, she knew that she was kissing him back.
It’s like opening up your soul to tasting, feeling and seeing every color of the rainbow in their own sensual way. For Ella it felt almost like catching Grayson’s smile in a bottle, its softness, its sweetness, the slight arrogance that provoked a reaction of her insatiable need for his touch. Kissing Grayson felt just like breathing oxygen she needs to keep her heart beating. His kisses warm the soul. His kisses are right. He is right; for her, with her, he’s the part of her she can’t imagine her future without.
“Never mention Doyle when you’re in my arms”, Grayson whispers against her lips, “Don’t mention Dairy, ever again”, Grayson adds while she giggles, amused by his absolute refusal to say the name right. “That would have been an awful tattoo”, he adds as she chuckles.
“If this is my punishment, I might be inclined to break that rule”, she winks, “Often”.
For a moment, Grayson stopped and stared. She didn’t seem shy or less brave than the other Ella at all. She felt brazen, unapologetically her and Grayson realized for once and all, his Ella, as complicated as she may be, is absolute perfection.
“Then it’s a good thing I’m a man of my words, isn’t it?” Grayson’s smirk is gone once his lips claim Ella’s again and she releases a satisfied moan in response. It was the kind of kiss that was so intoxicating your brain couldn’t handle thinking about anything else.
“I love you”, Grayson whispers against her lips, “I love you”, he repeats. “I love you, I love you, I love you”, he peppers her face and neck with feather light kisses, repeating his ‘I love you’ over and over like a prayer that was finally answered.
No matter what was in store for them, Grayson believed they would find their way back to each other. After all, they’re meant to be and for once, he didn’t doubt that saying. 
People who are meant to be together always find their way in the end.
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yurimultiship · 3 years
Utena F/F Ships
Anthy/Utena and Juri/Shiori are two of my absolute favorite ships and, as expected from their relationships and all the shipping fodder the series gives us, they're also the two biggest f/f ships in the Utena fandom.
But the anime has a lot of female characters and there’s great f/f potential for so many of them, so how about we take a look at some of the other shipping possibilities? And maybe that will encourage a few fans to try out new things!
Obviously, I'm mostly sharing my own opinions and favored ships, feel free to add to it!
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There's great affection between them and while I wouldn't necessarily picture a grand happily ever after romance for them, there's plenty that can be done in various directions. I think working in the comedic weirdness of Ohtori into fun(ny) takes at romantic tropes fits them well. But a bit of darkness, exploring the bad blood between them that is revealed through the Black Rose Arc would be fantastic too.
My ideas on how to make this one work are a bit hazy but it's certainly an attractive pairing. Aesthetically, it's simply great! I think there's definitely something to get inspired with, regarding how repressed they can be, or the way Juri talks about her "cruel innocence", or how their understanding of one another evolves through the series.
Another pair for which I love the comedy potential, but also the evolving friendship. The enemies (on Nanami's side mostly) to friends to lovers potential is right here! The idea of Nanami having an unrequited crush on Utena works really well and is lovely for Nanami pining or getting comedically angry over it. But I'm very interested in the possibility of it going requited too! Post-series settings would also bring out many possibilities... and hopefully, the outside world isn't lacking in zany shenanigans for them to get into!
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This one is diving into pure horror head straight and I love it for that. It brings out Anthy's "witchiness", plays on very twisted forms of jealousy and makes us dive into the darkness that lies at the bottom of Ohtori. It's terrifying, in the best ways that the series can be. I'm especially fascinated by the Black Rose setting and what it can get out of Kanae, especially with Anthy's secret involvement. In fact, I'd love fanworks around that arc for Anthy with any of the Black Rose girls (but then, I ship Anthy with all of the female characters in the first place!)
Speaking of which. Kozue is also a wonder to ship with any of the female characters. She puts herself willingly and in a very different way than Anthy in the position of the "villain", of the bad girl. She refuses to play the game of the Princess while Anthy has to pretend to be one. Kozue considers herself a wild animal and Anthy is kind to animals. There are fascinating elements to explore in making them clash, having them trying to manipulate and/or seduce each other!
This one is ripe for alternate universe canon divergences of Juri winning the Rose Bride and where that takes them. All the pining for someone else, all the bad decisions and seducing/being seduced and regrets that would come for it! I wonder if Anthy may empathize with Juri’s love for someone twisted and the way they both can’t stop caring despite how much it hurts them. Would they have chances to break free of Ohtori, as a Rose Bride/Engaged pair? How would it work out? What would happen if they fail?
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Two of the twisted little sisters. They only have one scene together but isn't the thought of them interesting? Both their similarities and differencescould make them clash and it'd certainly be a fascinating spectacle. But maybe they would also reach an understanding after a point. I’d love to see how those characters would grow up in relation to each other. Nanami is also shown to get flustered over Miki and Kozue looks much like him and is oh so devious.
The other possibility in the "a different female duelist gets the Rose Bride" canon divergence scenario. With a very different kind of messed-up potential! How would Nanami deal being paired with the girl she hates the most? In which ways would Anthy manipulate/torment her while playing the devoted bride? What a strange Rose Bride/Engaged pair they’d be, but maybe that would be key to another kind of revolution. Whether it's portrayed in an humorous or dark manner, it's deliciously messed-up.
Juri's a bit particular in Nanami's relationships with other female characters. Nanami seems impressed/scared of her, and knows better than to try to mess with her (unlike with Anthy), which doesn't stop her from potentially trying to one-up her but she'll go at it differently. You could say there’s a bit of respect coming from her, which is rare. There's many ways Nanami trying to impress or outdo Juri could go and the potential evolutions of their relationship as shegrows up would be interesting too. And like all Nanami ships, there's good potential for fun Ohtori weirdness and comedy.
I could go on about many other ships involving minor characters! Like Nanami's minions or the Shadowplay Girls (come on, A-ko and B-ko are totally a thing!)
And even with characters that have barely or never met. Isn't Kozue/Shiori's potential wonderfully twisted? Nanami/Wakaba sounds delightful! Does Kanae's mother terribleness extend to sleeping with other members of the staff like that stuck-up teacher or would she aim to get both of the scheming siblings? What if C-ko was in love with Utena and trying to get her attention?
Are we getting into the territory of what’s considered crackships? Sure but that’s part of the fun, too!
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caranfindel · 3 years
Fic: You don’t know how it feels (to be me)
gen, s6 | about 3600 words | pg for language | characters: soulless sam winchester, dean winchester
synopsis: Soulless Sam tries to deal with his brother's feelings about, well, everything. Including his hair. Set in season 6, before "You Can't Handle the Truth."
An idea I had a long time ago, resuscitated by Jared's Walker haircut. The title is from "You Don't Know How It Feels" by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers.
. . . . . .
It's a stupid case.
The manager of the county fairgrounds is a stooped, gnarled old man wearing one of those ball caps veterans wear sometimes. Gold embroidery on the dark blue hat proudly displays the name of his ship or submarine or whatever. Sam doesn't care about his ship or submarine or whatever. He doesn't care about this guy's service at all. Most days, old Blue Hat here got three meals a day and a warm, dry place to sleep in exchange for whatever he gave up. He got a pension when he was done fighting. Sam gets to scrounge for cheap food and sleep in crappy hotels when he's lucky enough to actually land someplace other than the back seat of the Impala. Sam's service to his country earned him a trip to Hell. Sam will get to stop fighting when he's dead. His only pension will be a pyre.
Sam doesn't even get to sleep any more.
(This should bother him. But the truth is, it doesn't.)
Blue Hat frowns at Sam's ID and snorts derisively. "You don't look like a Fed. You look like a goddamn hippie."
He rolls his eyes at the old man, even though he knows Dean hates it when he does that. It's something he didn't do Before, no matter how annoying or insipid the witness. Sam doesn't give a good goddamn what this guy thinks about his hair, but apparently his brother does. "He's been doing some undercover work," Dean says. "Sometimes you've got to look like a goddamn hippie to blend in."
Blue Hat sniffs his disapproval and ignores Sam for the rest of the interview, directing all of his answers to Dean. Which is fine. The old guy doesn't seem to have anything useful to add anyway. Sam leaves his brother to the pointless interview about the stupid case and wanders around the building, taking pictures of the unexplained runes that brought them here. He's bored. The sudden appearance of mysterious runes on the bland metal exterior of a county fairgrounds building feels witchy, and Sam really doesn't care about witches. Two measly deaths, quite possibly from natural causes, and now he's out here standing in cow shit. Or goat shit or pig shit. This entire day has been shit, literally and figuratively.
Dean joins him after a couple of minutes, apparently done with Blue Hat. "What do you think?" he asks.
Sam shrugs. "Too early to tell. If these runes are what Bobby thinks they are, they'll change under moonlight, but moonrise isn't until 9:05 pm."
“Jesus," Dean moans. "I can't stay awake that long. I've already gone almost two days. Let's go back to the motel and crash, and we'll hit this place again tonight."
Or not, Sam wants to say. I think you jumped on this paper-thin excuse for a job just because the alternative was sitting in a motel room with me waiting for an actual case to come up, Sam wants to say. But neither of these are things he would have said Before, and Dean is so goddamn twitchy about Sam being different than Before.
As they turn back to the Impala, Dean glances at Sam with a slight smile. "Dude's not wrong, you know."
“You do look like a goddamn hippie." Dean's hand twitches toward Sam, like he's going to smack him on the back of the head or ruffle his hair, but he pulls back without touching him. Because they don't do that now. Casual, good-natured, brotherly contact isn't a thing now. Dean doesn't touch him unless there are injuries involved.
(This is another thing that should bother Sam. It would have, Before.)
. . .
Dean hangs his suit in the closet, sets an alarm, and collapses on top of the covers. Sam stares at his own bed. The threat of spending hours pretending to be asleep makes his skin crawl. If Dean falls asleep quickly enough, he can skip the whole charade.
“Hey, I think I'm gonna shower first," he says.
Dean doesn't open his eyes. "Just don't wake me up when you get out."
In the bathroom, Sam turns on the water but doesn't get undressed. He stands at the mirror, staring at his too-long hair. Why has he bothered to hold onto it? He remembers caring about his hair. He remembers it being a small fuck you to John, the one area in his life where he was able to cling to some autonomy. It's not that he's forgotten about that; he just doesn't give a shit any more.
And like Dean said, Blue Hat wasn't wrong. He does look like a hippie. The hair is a hazard, and it does clash with any kind of law enforcement disguise. Maybe it's time to do something about it. He has time to kill anyway, while Dean sleeps.
(Sam should care that he doesn't need to sleep any more. Dean would definitely care, if he found out. Dean cares so much about any aspect of Sam that is less normal than he thinks it ought to be. Even if it's something that makes him a better hunter. Dean didn't appreciate it when Sam could exorcise demons without killing the host, and Dean wouldn't appreciate that Sam can get so much done when he's not sleeping. He could never understand why this version of Sam is so much better than the way he was Before. It's a shame Dean hasn't discovered the option of Not Caring.)
(Sometimes Sam wonders if getting back with Dean is worth the trouble.)
(And that should bother him too.)
Sam shuts off the shower and pulls out his phone. He needs to find a barber shop in walking distance. Dean will get all pissy if he wakes up and the car is gone; less so if only Sam is missing. Luckily, there's a shop that might still be open. It's one of those ridiculous sports-themed places that presumes men are fussy toddlers who need to be distracted from the ignominy of a hair cut. At least they tend to be staffed by women, and those women tend to be prettier than average. With any luck, he can kill two birds with one stone.
When he opens the bathroom door, Dean is either asleep, or pretending to be. Sam scrawls couldn't sleep, back soon on the motel notepad and closes the door behind him as silently as possible.
(He misses his car. He didn't have an emotional attachment to it, like Dean and the Impala, but it was convenient and it suited him.)
(He doesn't actually have an emotional attachment to anything. That should bother him.)
. . .
Two stylists, both predictably prettier than average, look up when he walks in. The redhead says "sorry, sir, we're just about to close up," and continues sweeping up hair trimmings. But the brunette looks him up and down and smiles. And Sam's partial to brunettes anyway.
He gives her a once-over in return and smiles back. "Do you have time for just a quick cut? I'd be eternally grateful."
She stares at him for a minute, appraising. "Well, how could I turn down an offer of eternal gratefulness?" she says with a wink. She turns to the redhead. "Why don't you go on home. I've got this."
The redhead dumps her clippings into a trash can. "You sure?"
"I'm sure. You mind locking the door behind you? I don't want any more last-minute customers walking in."
The redhead raises her eyebrows, but gathers her purse and jacket and makes her escape as Sam settles into the brunette's chair.
“I'm Marianne," she says, as she starts to drape a cape over his shoulders.
“I'm Sam. But listen. I get too hot under those capes. Would it be okay if we skip it? And I just take my shirt off so I don't get hair all over it?"
Marianne smiles like the cat who caught the canary. "Not a problem, sweetheart."
Sam slips out of his dress shirt and drapes it over the empty chair next to him. Marianne watches him the whole time, eyes roving over the muscles exposed by his snug white undershirt. It's like shooting fish in a barrel.
He sits back in the chair and Marianne stands behind him. Her chest brushes against his shoulders. "So," she asks, "what are we doing today?"
“Shorter. Off my collar, above my ears."
She slips her fingers through his hair, measuring its length. "You sure? This length looks pretty good on you. Just needs to be cleaned up a bit."
“It's for a job. The long hair doesn't fly any more."
“Aw, that's a shame." Marianne's still running her fingers through his hair. "If you've got a lady in your life, I bet she'll miss it. A girl likes something to hold onto."
Well. The best lies are based on a kernel of truth. Sam looks into his lap and lets his smile go sad and soft. "That's kind of why I'm here. My girlfriend died and I thought I'd try to start over. New place, new job, new life. But yeah, that's always been one of my favorite things. A girl grabbing my hair in the heat of the moment. I should have tried to find someone to do that one more time before I had to cut it off."
Marianne leans forward, pressing her breasts harder against him. When he looks up, she meets his eyes in the mirror, then flicks a glance toward a door marked Employees Only. “You know," she says, "that could probably be arranged."
Seriously. Fish in a goddamn barrel.
. . .
Dean's awake when Sam gets back to the motel room, but he doesn't look up from the laptop. "Couldn't sleep?"
“I guess I napped a little in the car on the way down here," Sam lies. "And then, you know, a lot of caffeine this morning."
“Whatever. I'm not the sleep police. I hope you brought food, cause I could —" Dean looks at Sam and stops mid-sentence, mouth still open. "You cut your hair?"
“What do you mean, why? Like old what's-his-face said, I looked like a hippie, not an FBI agent. And you've been telling me to cut it for years."
“Yeah, I have. I've been saying that for years and you've been ignoring me for years. Now some random witness calls you a hippie and you go running to Supercuts?"
Sam sighs. Dean may not be the sleep police, but he's awfully eager to step in as the hair police, enforcing his own set of laws about Sam's hair. "Why does it matter? You wanted me to cut it. Everyone wanted me to cut it. And I cut it. Can we move on now?"
It's a statement almost guaranteed to make Dean bow up in anger, but instead, he deflates. "It's just… nothing. Fine. Moving on." He closes the laptop and pulls his keys out of his coat pocket. "We've still got an hour or so before moonrise. I'm gonna go run through McDonald's. You want a chicken sandwich, or is that something else you're not interested in any more?"
Jesus Christ. This is what passes for moving on. But Sam needs that shower now, and none of this is worth arguing about.
(Few things are any more. That seems like it should matter.)
“Yeah, that sounds great, thanks."
By the time Dean gets back, the sandwich is cold and the ice in Sam's drink is mostly melted. He pretends to enjoy it anyway.
. . .
Their drive back to the fairgrounds is quiet. Dean occasionally steals an unhappy glance at Sam's hair, but doesn't say anything. Sam ignores it.
They pull into the parking lot in front of the marked building. Without even getting out of the car, they can see that the runes have changed. The broad strokes are softly luminescent, glowing a pale blue in the moonlight.
“Okay, so that answers that question," Sam says. Thank God. Now they can leave without wandering around the grounds, soaking up the barnyard smell again. Wrap this up and start working on something more important. But Dean gets out of the car and looks at Sam expectantly. Well, crap. Sam dutifully follows him closer to the building and tries to think of how he would have felt about this development Before.
“Cool," he says. Dean narrows his eyes at him. "I mean, cool that our theory was right. Not, you know, cool that someone is using this kind of spellwork to make sure their pig wins a blue ribbon at the fair. That part's… pretty awful." But Dean's still looking at him funny, so he probably overcorrected on that one. It's just hard, any more.
Dean rubs the back of his neck as he examines the glowing runes. "If that's all they're doing, more power to them. I couldn't care less. But we need to make sure that's all they're doing. I mean, people died, Sam. We need to figure out if this is why." He pulls out his phone. "Gonna take some pictures to send Bobby." There's no reason to remind him they already have pictures. If Dean thinks additional pictures are more effective and efficient than "just like this, but glowing blue," that's up to him. Sam will most likely solve the damn case later tonight anyway, while Dean sleeps.
And he almost does. Dean knocks back a couple of glasses of whiskey when they get back to the motel, and falls asleep pretty soon after that. Sam doesn't bother to feign sleep — Dean doesn't seem to care, right now, whether his brother gets any sleep or not. But when Sam realizes his own photos missed a crucial corner of the building, he opens his brother's phone and finds his last text to Bobby. There's only one picture, and it's not glowing runes. It's him. Just a dark, slightly blurry picture of Sam, obviously taken earlier that night at the fairgrounds. And a text conversation.
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See, I told you, it's short. I don't know what's going on. I swear he's just different.
Yeah, I get it. It's different. He's different. But what'd you expect? Of course he's not the same as he was. Hell changed him.
It didn't change me this much.
His Hell wasn't the same as yours. I know it didn't last very long, but remember, he was in the cage with the devil. We don't know what happened to him in there. Give him some time.
Well. Fuck. Dean's talking about him behind his back. Dean doesn't trust him. Dean thinks, once again, that something is wrong with him.
(That would have hurt, Before. Now it's just an annoyance. A distraction. Something to be dealt with.)
Yes, Hell changed him. Hell burned away all the crap, all the useless feelings, the guilt and shame and fear of failure. Hell purified him. Hell carved out the weakness and left nothing but pure, strong hunter. Dean, of all people, should appreciate the result. But Dean does not, and now Sam has to cater to his tiresome attachment to everything Sam was Before.
Fine. He can make that work.
Sam quietly puts Dean's phone back on the nightstand. He strips down to boxers and his t-shirt, sets an alarm, and crawls into bed. Pretending to sleep is tedious, but a couple of hours of boredom right now might spare him weeks of Dean's moodiness about him being different.
(As if Hell could leave you untouched. As if anyone in their right mind would expect that. As if Dean himself didn't know this first hand, for fuck's sake.)
. . .
Sam spends the next day focusing on acting the way he did Before. When his alarm goes off he stretches, yawns, and pretends he had a good night's sleep. He goes for a run, brings back coffee, showers quickly, and rolls his eyes when Dean makes a crack about him being able to spend less time in the shower now. At breakfast, he smiles at the (cute, definitely worth a bang) waitress, but doesn't flirt or even check her out as she walks away. He's figured out that Dean wants Sam to want to get laid (but not too much; he's definitely not supposed to want it as much as Dean wants it) but for some reason doesn't want him to actually get lucky. And he definitely would have gotten lucky. He spends the day looking empathetic, acting like this whole thing hasn't been a colossal waste of time. Like he cares about everything. About anything.
(God, it's exhausting.)
It turns out the deaths probably don't have anything to do with the witch at all. They return to the fairgrounds one last time, where Sam plants hex bags and paints runes on the corners of the building that will block the witch's simple spells - not that he cares whether the witch achieves anything or not, just on principle. His own runes are small and subtle enough that this novice witch (they must be a novice; no one with any experience would be naive enough to make their work so noticeable) won't even know they're in place. And if the witch escalates, well, that's not exactly Sam's problem.
When he's finished, he wipes his hands on his jeans and says "We should get Chinese for dinner. When's the last time you ate a vegetable?" Because monitoring everyone's vegetable intake is something he did Before.
They're finishing Chinese takeout in their motel room (beef with broccoli for Dean, eggplant in garlic sauce for Sam, because occasional bouts of vegetarianism were also a thing he did Before) when he catches Dean looking at his hair, very clearly wanting to say something.
So. It's go time.
Sam tries to make his eyes big and sad. The puppy dog look, Dean always called it. It was never intentional Before, but now he has to work at it. "Listen," he says. "I owe you an apology. I haven't been telling you the whole truth."
“No shit," Dean says. He's trying to sound nonchalant, but his body language screams that he's bracing for something. "So, spill it. What's your big confession?"
(That I don't care about any of this. This piddly little case. My hair. You. Nothing. And you can't imagine, Dean, you cannot even begin to imagine the incredible freedom of not caring. I wish you could, but you just can't.)
No, he can't say any of that. But the best lies are built on a kernel of truth.
Sam takes a deep, anxious breath and looks at Dean. No, wait. Look away. "You know, I told you I don't remember Hell. And I really don't. Not consciously, anyway. But when we were fighting those demons a couple of weeks ago, one of them grabbed me by the hair, and I felt something… it was a sense memory, I guess. It felt like Hell, for some reason. Like it was something that happened to me in Hell, someone grabbing my hair and pulling my head back and getting ready to cut my throat or… whatever."
He doesn't have to elaborate on whatever. Dean knows the whatevers of Hell better than anyone. He's probably dealing with a little sense memory of his own right now, of clutching someone's hair and pulling their head back in preparation for whatever. And now Sam does look at his brother, who is staring at him with wide, horrified eyes.
“Ever since then," Sam continues, "I just feel like I've been on the verge of remembering something. Something I don't want to remember. And I'm tired of worrying that I'm gonna have a Hell flashback every time I wash my hair."
Dean looks like he's going to vomit. Perfect.
“I'm sorry," Sam says. "It threw me, and I just didn't want to talk about it. But I shouldn't have kept it from you."
For a second, he's sure he has gone too far. Dean is going to say what's this bullshit, Sam, you would never apologize for something like that, so tell me what's really going on. But he doesn't. He stares at Sam for a minute, then looks away and wipes a hand down his face.
“Yeah, okay. Okay. You, ah. You good now? Is it working?"
Sam shrugs. "Hard to say. It hasn't been very long. But yeah, I feel a little more… stable, I guess."
And then it’s time to go for the kill.
Sam gives him the sad smile. (He never used to think of it as a sad smile; never used to think of it as anything at all. It was just what his face did. Every expression requires so much thought now.) "Listen. I know things are weird. I know I'm weird. Different. I know it's hard for you. If this is all more than you want to deal with right now, I understand."
Dean frowns. "What are you saying?"
“Just, I can go back with Samuel and his crew if you don't want to do this any more. You and me, I mean. No hard feelings, I promise."
Dean's face crumples. "What? No, fuck, no, Sam. I don't. You and me, we're good. I'm just getting used to things. That's all."
“Okay." Sam gives his best approximation of a grateful smile.
“So. Uh." Dean looks around the room nervously, like he's waiting for the other shoe to fall, then stands. "I think I'm gonna go get a drink. You wanna come with, or…"
Even if Sam believed Dean really wanted him to come along — and he doesn't; this is obviously Dean's way of retreating from a situation he doesn't want to think about — pretending to sleep when Dean's gone is one of the easier ways of making it look like he actually does sleep sometimes. "No. I'm beat," he says. "I think I'll just go to bed."
“Okay. Yeah. That sounds like a good idea." Dean takes his keys out of his pocket and anxiously tosses them in his hand. When he finally does turn to Sam, he looks at his hair, not his eyes. "Hey, you know, it does. It does look good on you."
Sam ducks his head shyly, like someone who's not used to praise. Who doesn't think he deserves it. "Thanks." When he looks up, Dean is already halfway out the door, putting as much space between himself and his little brother's hellscape as possible.
(Seriously. Fish in a fucking barrel.)
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inkandpen22 · 3 years
Shared Minds and Shared Souls (6/?)
Pairing: Spike x Female!Reader
Warnings: So much fluff, arguing, mild heartbreak 
Word Count: 1.8k 
Part Summary: Y/N has finally broken her silence and Spike is relieved. Then, when he suggests they find a way for Y/N to harness her powers things take a turn, leaving both of them at a loss. 
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The black cloud that blocks my sight subsides as I slip into Spike’s memories. Then, I lose myself completely in Spike’s mind.... 
Enraged, I storm into my crypt. Slamming door behind me, I immediately begin smashing everything and anything in my reach. 
“You bitch!” I scream to the ceiling and pick up the candle stand beside before throwing it to the far wall at full force. The glass holder shatter against the concrete and fall to the floor. “Wherever you are Glory,” I growl. “I’ll find you and make you pay!” 
After Y/N left Glory’s mind and I ran to protect her, she screamed bloody murder before going mute. All I see are her traumatized eyes starring back at me. She won’t speak to anyone, look at anyone... What if I can’t fix her? What if I can’t get her back?
I pant, continuing my rampage as my rage grows. I punch the nearest pillar, making a giant gash. I look down my fist and bloody cuts consume my knuckles. Turning around, I slide down against the pillar to the floor. Tears fall from my eyes as I brings my knees close to his chest. I hang my head low, hiding my face from the world. 
“I need her back…” I plead in a whisper, thinking of Y/N. “I need her...” 
I snap back to reality, flying up from my laid position, panting for air. Spike is knelt before me, no longer touching me. He must’ve pushed me out by breaking free. He looks at me with a narrowed gaze, presumably waiting for my reaction. I didn’t mean to invade his memories. I just didn’t want him to leave me again. 
“I’m… I’m sorry,” I stutter. “I didn’t mean to.” 
Spike shakes his head, assuring me it’s alright. “Will that happen every time we touch?” He asks and I notice his hands resting inches from me on the bed. 
I swallow hard, still a bit shaken from the insight. “Not if you shut me out.” 
His brows scrunch together in confusion, but when we kissed, I didn’t feel you in my head,” he describes. 
“That’s because uh... that’s because when you kiss someone you’re so zoned in on the sensation and your uh... your thoughts that you’re- in a way- isolated and internalized,” I explain what I’ve learned over the years. 
“Is there a way you can prevent it from your end?” He questions, much to my surprise. “That way we don’t have a repeat of the hospital?” 
“There is one way,” I explain with pause, unsure myself. “I’ve heard of psychics who’ve learned to manage it. Some can touch people without a problem. It’s complicated though. I tried to learning when I was with the coven, but I never mastered it. When I slip... it’s sort of like falling. I lose control and keep going deeper until something triggers me out.” 
“Do you only see memories?” He rushes out eagerly, moving to sit on the edge of my bed. “How does it work?” 
I prop myself up my elbows, shaking my head. “There are layers to it. It also depends on how open the recipient’s mind is to me. When I’m in your mind, I’m living through you basically. If I’m seeing old memories, then I relive them from your perspective. Seeing a memory is the easiest layer to reach. If you wanted me to experience a specific moment, you can project that by thinking of the memory. If I’m experiencing the world through you in the current moment, then that requires concentration of your side. You have to open your mind to me completely. It requires a lot of awareness and discipline because the mind is protective of itself, your first instinct is to kick me. When it comes to seeing your future, that’s highly complicated. I would have to navigate your mind and focus on channeling the images. For example, if I envision you ten years from now hard enough, I would see a flash of it,” I do my best to explain. 
Spike leans to rest an arm over my legs. I shift under his touch, afraid I’ll slip. 
“It’s okay!” Spike assures me, showing me how the fabric of his coat keeps our skin from touching. 
I settle back down, relieved and subtly impressed that he’s already taking precautions. 
“Is there a way you could do both?” He asks. “Be in the present moment but read what another is feeling or thinking?” He clarifies further. 
Processing the seriousness of his request, I sit up, shifting to lean against my head board. He’s speaking of extremely sophisticated self-control. I’ve only ever heard of leading psychics mastering such skills. It would require immense self-awareness and discipline. People have spent months, years even, in Asia studying the methodologies. The leader of my coven visited the temples on her way to Australia last summer. When she came back, she taught me everything she learned. I tried the practices while in New York and gave up when it became too much. Every time I failed, I entered someone’s memories and saw all sorts of things. 
“What?” He asks urgently, noticing my hesitation. “What is it?” 
“I’ve... I’ve tried it,” I confess, growing nervous as I remember the constant trials, the countless hours. 
There’s a glimmer of hope in his eyes, “how did you test it?” 
“Practiced, had friends in the coven touch me and I would focus really hard on not falling in” I mutter, fiddling with the fabric of my blanket and avoiding his gaze. 
He shifts closer to me eagerly, “could we try it?” 
I know Spike is just trying to help me, to find a solution. Yet, he’s asking for too much. My friends in the coven tried the same thing! This won’t be a one time thing, I’ll fail on the first try. I experienced first-hand the frustration and obsession that forms from wanting control so badly, but failing on the way. 
“I’ll fail,” I admit, certain of it. “I’m far too weak to channel that much power.”  
“It’s okay if we don’t get it right the first time,” he encourages, reaching for my hand until he stops himself. “I don’t care how many times it takes! I want to do this with you! I want to be able to touch you, actually touch you!” 
“Spike...” I exhale deeply. 
Overwhelmed, I toss my comforter and climb out of bed. Spike moves out of the way, watching me pace the floor of my bedroom. He’s asking too much of me, of both of us! He’s offering up every aspect of his mind. Every memory, every thought, every emotion, there will be nothing left. In return, I would be accepting the possibility of seeing and experiencing events that could leave me worse off than I am now. 
“It’ll take days, months, maybe even years!” I try to reason with him. 
“I understand that,” he claims, still up for the idea. “If you’re afraid of what you may see, I’ll do everything I can to prevent the bad part from coming forward!” 
I shake my head, it’s too risky. What if I become confused between reality and memory? I mean, it happened at the hospital with Glory! Then, there’s always the risk of falling in too deep and become obsessed with consuming power. 
Spike rises from the bed and crosses the room, “it doesn’t hurt me! In fact, it does quite the opposite. When you’re in my mind it gives me a rush- if you can even call it that. It’s like weight off my shoulders,” he describes with a bright grin. 
“That’s because I absorb a part of your energy,” I explain. “Everything you’ve ever felt I take a piece of it and carry it forever.” 
“So when you saw me turn...” he frowns, beginning to piece everything together. 
I nod, “I felt it and took some of the pain from you.” 
“Bloody hell, Y/N!” He moves to reach for me, but again realizes his mistake and stops himself with a growl. Growing irritation etches across his features as he clenches his fist. “Why didn’t you tell me?!” 
I scoff, is he serious? “Why do you think I was so emotional the other night? I was dealing with over a century of emotions!” I shout in defense. 
“For God’s sake, how did you not explode or something?” He remarks, sounding both impressed and concerned. 
“Umm, nearly fucking did,” I admit darkly. 
He tilts his head back with a deep sigh in reaction to my words. 
“I certainly did after Glory!” I add with a brief snicker, making light of the situation. 
Spike doesn’t share my humor at the mention of Glory or of what happened. He snaps his head in my direction, looking into my eyes pleadingly. I don’t have the same optimism he has for this to work. 
“We could at least try, Love,” he urges in a mutter. 
“What must I say to make you understand?!” I snap uncontrollably, turning away from him. “You’re asking for the impossible! It’s like challenging gravity! It can’t be done!” 
“But it can!” He yells, “you said so yourself! There are people out of there who’ve done it! We’ll go to them and we’ll do whatever it takes!” 
“You don’t think I wish I were normal?!” I shout back. “Spike, I would give anything to be normal!” He forgets that I’ve been dealing with this my whole life. I pause, finding it hard not to cry. “To be able to touch you...” I whisper. 
The room goes quiet as the two of us reach a crossroads of our opposition, perhaps now he’ll see that I’m not saying ‘no’ for the fun of it. 
“You may not believe in yourself, but I do,” he confesses, breaking the silence. “You’re the greatest witchy-psychic I’ve ever met. If there’s anyone who can do it, it’s you.” 
“You hold too much faith in me,” I reply, utterly broken. 
“You’re the only thing I hold faith in...” he mumbles sorrowfully. 
My lips part as I fall speechless. I would’ve never predicted him to say that. 
Abruptly, Buffy storms into the room. “Spike!” she shouts, as though she was looking for him. Then, she notices me out of bed and functioning. “Y/N, you’re up!” She practically squeals and yells for everyone. 
“Yes,” I reply plainly, starring Spike in the eye. “I’m back.” 
Disappointment plagues his face, his eyes glistening with emotion. I don’t want to let him down, it’s the last thing I want to do. It’s true, I would do anything to be normal, to touch Spike and for us to be normal. However, as the universe has made, we’re not normal. I’m a ‘witchy-psychic’ and he’s a vampire, nothing about this is normal. It’s the most complicated affection I’ve ever felt toward another. Yet, I refuse to ever let it go. 
Tags: @it-was-all-a-beautiful-dream​ @hexmancia​
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rpmemes-galore · 4 years
the originals : season 2 … sentence starters
“You ruined me.“
“This is a city of death.“
“Did anyone suspect you?“
“Do tell me, what'd I miss?”
“You, my dear, are leverage.“
“You've been awake for days.“
“I'm not gonna kill you, you idiot!“
“Am I supposed to fear you, too?“
“I will make you suffer as only I can.“
“So, we risk our lives while you hide?”
“Maybe she doesn't want to be found.“
“I will not follow you into this madness.“
“Your mind always drifts to violence, doesn't it?”
“The only delicate thing about you is your ego.”
“You waited for me, so I'll do the same for you.”
“Well, that's a grim sentiment coming from you.“
“For an upgraded model, you're not very sharp.“
“No offense, but your dad sounds like a jerkwad.“
“The castle closed its doors, and the kingdom fell.“
“You absolutely will not believe the week I've had.“
“Well, I was a little distracted by the murdery part.“
“Turns out I have complicated feelings for a monster.“
“Don't you dare walk into my house and threaten me.“
“I'm not looking for tough guys. I'm looking for warriors.”
“Is this rash a side effect of the witchy acid trip he's on?“
“Am I crazy, or did he just do his version of a nice thing?“
“How do you expect to show them the error of their ways?“
“As a devout feminist, I refuse to say that you hit like a girl.“
“And does this monster have complicated feelings for you?“
“I kept you from becoming a beast for as long as I possibly could.“
“Well, no mountain is endless. Some are just steeper than others.”
“You're outnumbered. Are you going to beg for your miserable life?“
“It's not safe being out this late. You never know who you'll run into.“
“A warrior fights for what they believe in. A warrior fights for his family.“
“I am the top dog. Your job is to ensure the battle doesn't come to me.“
“The worst has past. Though, I suspect the nightmares are far from over.“
“You think having people makes you strong? It proves how weak you are.“
“You chase my redemption like a man rolling a stone up an endless mountain.“
“I have a rather long list of people of people I need to track down and deal with.”
“It's not for everybody. Some folks, well, let's just say, it brings out the worst in them.“
“Come find me when you don't have fools, women, and children fighting your battles.“
“A single violent outburst at a filthy road-side café, and one never hears the end of it.“
“Confrontation is inevitable, child. Your fear will prove to be our greatest disadvantage.“
“That's why I stood by you. That's why I fought for you! I would have done anything for you.”
“Gosh, that would be such a nice compliment... if it didn't link me to so many homicidal lunatics.”
“If I tell you who I am, and you refuse to believe me, then I can hardly be blamed for your disappointment.“
“Actually, he's a liar, a beast, and a degenerate, but in this exceptional instance, he may be of some use.“
“You rant, and you rage about the monster I've become, but you are the author of everything I am.”
“I told you to clean yourself up... that if you were clean, no one would know what you are or what you'd done.“
“If you were a little more clever, you would recognize that there is opportunity in our current circumstances.“
“Do you mind? I'm trying to reverse a very complicated sacrifice spell and you whining about jazz is not helping me.“
“You will need to remain vigilant against those who would seek to destroy you, some of whom you may never see coming.“
“Regale me with your contributions to society. Medicine, philosophy, art? Or have you two merely cut a path of destruction across time?“
“Imagine hearing the sound of a heart beating, beating, beating and wanting more than anything to feed. That's what it's like to be a vampire.”
“You began to believe that as long as your suit was immaculate and your hands clean, you could look in the mirror and tell yourself it's all okay.“
“You just have to figure out what's best for you, and think long and hard about your decision, because you're the one who's going to have to live with it.“
“No, I'm trying to figure out why a smart, level-headed woman such as yourself would choose to stick around a town that to my eyes seems to offer you nothing but danger.“
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liliesoftherain · 4 years
All works are my own, all rights reserved. Re-posting, modifying, copying, or translating(without proper permission), is not allowed. Don’t Plagiarize, just ask if you want to do something, have an idea, just ask. (picture found on google and edited, unsure of source, if you know base image let me know I’ll gladly give credit) Enjoy reading! 
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Updated: Feb 19th, 2021
Katsuki Bakugou!:
i. My Hero Academia Main 3 Boys x Reader Masterlist:  You're finally getting to attend the school of your dreams, meeting great people along the way. You're ready to prove to everyone you have what it takes to become a pro hero. You're not looking for any love, but when does that stop it from finding you on it's own? Reader insert centered around 3 main boys, Todoroki, Bakugou, and Midoriya.
ii. A Knight’s Honor Masterlist: You’re a female squire, the only female training to be a Knight. You are not willing to give up your dreams of Knighthood to become a slave to society to save face. No matter what anyone says, you’ll prove them wrong. You’ll show him who he’s messing with.  !ON HIATUS!
iii. Bomber Jacket: Who knew that old bomber jacket of his would lead to this.
iv. “You’re cute when you’re angry”: Request, Prompt 53: “You’re cute when you’re angry.”
v. Something Witchy is going on: Request, Witch Quirk, Prompt 30: “It was you the whole time.”
vi. Something Witchy is Going on II Request, Witch Quirk, Prompts 25. “I got you a present” 41. “Why choose me?”
vii. Undrunk: Request, Older!Au, Prompts 32: “I can’t keep kissing strangers and pretending that they’re you.” 30."It was you the whole time."
viii. Curly Hair is Captivating  Request, Bakugou won’t ever admit it but there’s something about you and that hair that drew him in
ix. Second Chances Masterlist: Request, When he watches you marry someone else, he knew he screwed up all those years ago. If only there was something he could do to get you back, if only there was a way... to have a second chance at being yours.
x. Thiccer than a Snicker Request, you may have a great body but that doesn’t mean you’re confident in showing it off, so you hide it. Your boyfriend lets you know that he doesn’t care either way what you wear
xi. For the Love of a Daughter Request, Bakugou loves your guys’ daughter beyond belief, and he never wants to see her hurt. Ever. But when push comes to shove, he’s left remembering every moment he’s ever cried.
xii. No Biggie Request, you’re just too chill and Bakugou is not. He freaks out, and you learned how to shut him up. 
xiii. No Biggie Part 2 Request, some headcanons for the dramatic katsuki and his nonchalant partner
xiv. What a Daddy’s Girl Request, this was just a regular morning for your family, with the fussing and glares; your little girl was way too much like her daddy. You loved them both anyway
xv. Who said pickup lines don’t work? Request, Prompts 52. “Can I kiss you right now?” 58. “Are you flirting with me?”
xvi. Say Uncle! Eijirou surely didn’t expect this when coming over to your place for dinner.
xvii. Still Remember-Bakugou POV Request, Part 2 of Still Remember, You still remember how it all happened, and so does Bakugou.
xviii. Ocean Eyes, or Something More? Pirate!AU, Commodore(officer)!Bakugou, Pirate!Fem!Reader, nothing will ever beat the view of your ocean blue, but why do his ruby eyes captivate you so?
xix. Persever Though Forsaken Soulmate!AU, you didn’t want your soulmate--did’t belive that there was such thing as a perfect match and it sucks because yours has been by your side for years
xx. Ground Zero Reads Thirst Tweets Collab, you and Katsuki are both Pro-Heroes, brought onto a film set to read some thirst tweets
xxi. YouTube Challenge! Request, youtube couple relationship, youtube couple challenges, prompts 18. “Have you lost your damn mind?” 43. “Why don’t you kiss me already?” 58. “Are you flirting with me?”
xxii. The Barbarian King Request, Katsuki want to marry you and the only issue? He has to beat you in a fight for you to even think about accpeting his hand
xxiii. It’s an Ordering in Kind of Night Request, Dad!Bakugou, Mom!Reader, bakugou and his brat have cute father/daughter bonding moment--to bad it went south as soon as you walked in, prompt 31 "This is why we can't have nice things"
xxiv. You Got That Right Request, cute cuddles with your boyfriend lead to more than you ever thought, prompts 21. “Is there a reason you’re naked in my bed?” 47. “Will you marry me?”
xxv. At What Cost? Sparked from a theory youtube video where it says Bakugou is the second holder of OFA, you were a hero... but at what cost?
xxvi. Trust Fall Maybe you took your trust fall exercise a little too far, but at least he didn’t let you fall
Shoto Todoroki!:
i. Unsettling News: Request, Pro Hero AU!, Prompts 34: ”I feel like I can’t breathe.” 48: ”I’m pregnant.”
ii. Jealous Much?: Request, Prompts 20: “Wait a minute… Are you jealous?” 58: “Are you flirting with me?”  
iii. “I want an answer goddammit!”: Request, Pro Hero AU!, HC, Prompt 29: “I want an answer goddammit!”
iv.  My Hero Academia Main 3 Boys x Reader Masterlist: You're finally getting to attend the school of your dreams, meeting great people along the way. You're ready to prove to everyone you have what it takes to become a pro hero. You're not looking for any love, but when does that stop it from finding you on it's own? Reader insert centered around 3 main boys, Todoroki, Bakugou, and Midoriya.
v. Second Chances Masterlist: Request, When he watches you marry someone else, he knew he screwed up all those years ago. If only there was something he could do to get you back, if only there was a way... to have a second chance at being yours.
vi. Ice Skating Drabble: Request, ice skating scenario with shy s/o
vii.  YouTube Challenge! Request, youtube couple relationship, youtube couple challenges, Prompts 18. “Have you lost your damn mind?” 43. “Why don’t you kiss me already?” 58. “Are you flirting with me?”
vii. Selfish Request, you both want to be selfish, Prompts 1. “Is it possible to love too much?” 33. “I might never get another chance to say this.”
Izuku Midoriya!:
i. I’m Home: Request, Pro Hero AU!, Prompts  36. “Here. You can have it back.” 52. “Can I kiss you right now?” 54. “We’d make such a cute couple.” 59. “Is that my shirt?”
ii. I’m Obsessed Based on the song ‘Fangs’ by Matt Champion. Izuku contemplates you and recalls the moment he fell in love.
iii. I’m Obsessed Part 2: Request, second part to ‘I’m Obsessed’, can be read alone, Prompt 52: “Can I kiss you right now?”
iv.  My Hero Academia Main 3 Boys x Reader Masterlist: You're finally getting to attend the school of your dreams, meeting great people along the way. You're ready to prove to everyone you have what it takes to become a pro hero. You're not looking for any love, but when does that stop it from finding you on it's own? Reader insert centered around 3 main boys, Todoroki, Bakugou, and Midoriya.
v.  Bittersweet Findings, in that Order Part 1: Request, prompt 20. “Wait a minute... Are you jealous?”
vi. Bittersweet Findings, in that Order Part 2: Request, prompt 20. “Wait a minute... Are you jealous?” 
vii. It’s Deku! Request, you’re a single mother raising twin boys, let’s see how that trip to the mall goes.
viii. Second Chances Masterlist: Request, When he watches you marry someone else, he knew he screwed up all those years ago. If only there was something he could do to get you back, if only there was a way... to have a second chance at being yours. 
ix. All in the Name of Pranks Request, Prompts 23. “Looks like we’ll be trapped for a while...” 24.”I can’t believe you talked me into this.”
x. Ice Skating Drabble: Request, ice skating scenario with shy s/o
xi. Not Stories After All Mermaid!Au, Adventure!Izuku, Mermaid!Reader, all Izuku wants to do is sketch and take note of the beautiful area around him--he didn’t expect to meet you 
Denki Kaminari!:
i. “It’s not what it looks like...”: Request, HC, Prompt 26: “It’s not what it looks like...”
Eijiro Kirishima!:
i. “You’re cute when you’re angry.”: Request, Prompt 53: “You’re cute when you’re angry”
ii. Never be the Same: Request, Prompts 4. “Look at me-just breath, okay?” 57. “I can’t stand the thought of losing you.”
iii. Get Fuc-Cleated: Request, Kirishima fawns over his cute soccer player of a girlfriend, only to watch you get hurt during a game
iv.  YouTube Challenge! Request, youtube couple relationship, youtube couple challenges, Prompts 18. “Have you lost your damn mind?” 43. “Why don’t you kiss me already?” 58. “Are you flirting with me?”
Hitoshi Shinsou!:
i. TikTok Queen Materlist: Social Media AU! You’re a normal barista but your heart longs for the title of the queen of TikTok. You post cutesy latte art that has given your channel a lot of followers over the years, but your roommate and friends have long since surpassed you and you are desperate to fix the gap. When your over energetic Tik Tok star of a friend offers you his help, you jump at the chance. Who knew that the challenge you did would get you THIS much attention-and why do you now have an bad boy who is no good for your health trying to force his way into your life? !ON HIATUS!
ii. A Little Lesson Request, Prompt 27. “I don’t owe you an explanation.”
i.  “I want an answer goddammit!”: Request, HC, Prompt 29: “I want an answer goddammit!”
Shouta Aizawa!: 
i. Let it Out Request, HC, Prompt 4. “Look at me-just breathe, okay?” 
ii. His Kids Request, Dad!Aizawa, Daughter!Reader, father/daughter fluff, Aizawa takes you to school to meet the other kids he babysits all day
Tenya Iida!:
i. Still Remember You still remember how it all happened, discord collab
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spidernerdsblog · 4 years
Love Is The Biggest Spell : Chapter Five
A/N : Chapter five is here. This chapter should have been posted on Halloween lol but never mind. Hope you like this chapter. Feedbacks and suggestions are always welcome.
Pairing : Warlock Tom Holland x half mortal reader
Summary : Witches are forbidden to fall in love with mortals. But what if your long lost love returns to you as a mortal, can you defy your heart? Any spell any magic seems useless in front of the magic of love. Let’s join our lovers in their magical conquest beyond life and death as they fight for their love unravelling dark mysteries of the past along their way.
Warnings : mild language, witchy stuff.
Mini Playlist : Can't help falling in love with you
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After you had your breakfast Tom drove you to college. You were walking to your classroom. 
"Y/N!" You heard the voice you despise the most right now call out to you. You didn't look back and quickened your pace. 
"Y/N, Y/N, Y/N hey wait please." Cole ran to you grasping your wrist. 
"Leave my hand, Cole!" You yanked your hand away from him. 
"Y/N just listen to me for once I can explain." he pleaded. 
"What more do you have to explain, Cole? That you were making out with me but magically it turned out to be someone else."
"Yeah exactly." 
"Cole can you just stop now. I'm not going to judge your life choices but I hope you enjoyed sucking her mouth." 
"Y/N please you can't do this to me."
"Umm mate I think Y/N made it quite clear that she doesn't want to talk to you." Tom intervened. 
"Listen dude let's just not pretend that this isn't the best day of your life. So please stay out of this"
"Cole! You can’t talk to him like that.” 
"A guy showed you a little affection for one night and now he is the good guy. So typical of you Y/N." you were literally hurt by his words.
"You know what Cole? I was actually thinking of forgiving your not so sorry ass but now I'm so over that thought, we are done for good Cole!"
"C'mon Tom let's go." You stormed off dragging Tom with you by his wrist to the library. 
You slumped down on the seat as Tom took the opposite seat to you 
"I can't believe Cole would say that! I'm an attention seeker? Seriously?!" You seethed. 
"How did you guys even fall in love?" Tom asked out of courtesy though he had no interest in knowing that. 
"You know childhood best friends it was like we owed to date each other." you shrugged.
"Maybe we can do something to divert your attention?" 
"And what is that?" 
"Finish our assignment I guess that's still pending." 
"Seriously?" you gave a disinterested look. 
"What? That is much better than talking about your douchebag boyfriend, ex boyfriend" 
"Yeah maybe some witchy stuff can help keep me distracted." you walked to the shelves and pulled out some books and placed them on the desk with a loud thud. You picked up a book and were turning over some pages in a book and stumbled upon something as you frowned. 
"What’s Dark Baptism?" 
"Huh oh it's a sort of ceremony. The Dark Baptism is the most sacred, unholy sacrament the witches practiced for centuries. The oldest of their rites. A novice witch signs his or her name in the Book of the Beast, and gives the Dark Lord dominion over their soul and in exchange he gives them unlimited power and eternal youth." Tom explained. 
"Huh what’s the use of such powers if I have to give up my freedom of will?" you scoffed. 
"It’s the only one of several possible interpretations, see like all religions have symbolic gestures and demand sacrifices right?" 
"Signing the Book of the Beast is more like a pledge to abide by the devil's commandments." 
"But the Dark Lord aka Satan is the embodiment of evil." You state. Tom corrects you immediately. 
"As per texts he is the embodiment of free will and that he goes beyond the mere concepts of good and evil and the infernal punishment of the "False God"."
"So what about Hell?" you ask.
"If you accept the Dark Lord's gifts, then you won't die for a long time and Hell is for mortals. In exchange for their service and devotion, witches are exempt from the eternal flames of damnation." Tom explains. 
"That's some crazy ass bullshit." You laugh it off. 
"But you seem to have quite in-depth knowledge about these things. Do you happen to practice witchcraft in secret?" you narrowed your eyes. 
"Maybe, who knows" he shrugs." Why are you so invested in knowing all this?" he counter questioned you. 
"Nothing just general curiosity that's it." You shrug. 
"General curiosity or is it about the visions or nightmares whatever you have." Tom smirked.
"Who-who told you.." You stutter. 
"Jane told Harrison and he told me."
"Those are just some stupid dreams that's all."
"Or may be not, maybe you are a psychic or a witch "
“Ha ha very funny.”
"Okay leave all that." Tom cleared his throat. 
"Hey I know it would be really inappropriate for me to ask you. You know you can totally say no."
''Hey it's okay we are friends now c'mon spill it out." you held his hand reassuringly.
"Umm my mother seems to have liked you a lot the day you stopped by our house and wants me to invite you to our Halloween party. It's kind of a spooky themed business gala. "
"Your mother likes me or you?" you narrowed your eyes with a sly smirk.
"No I swear my mom told me to invite you." Tom flustered.
"Okay then tell your mom that I would love to go."
"Oh thanks." Tom’s eyes lit up like a child.
"And by the way if you want me to be your date just ask." You winked. 
"It's - it's nothing like that." he stuttered. 
"Relax anyways I'm single now." you giggled.
"So what are you divs doing?" Harrison dropped in between your conversation.
"Nothing just getting ready for my dark baptism." You chuckled though Harrison gave a mortified look as he exchanged glances with Tom. Who shook his head dismissively to let him know he hasn't said anything. 
“Uh okay..have you seen Jane anywhere?" 
"Why do you also need some attention?" You joked lazily placing a hand on Harrison's shoulder and instantly backed off with a light gasp. 
"You okay?" Harrison asked looking at your horrified expression.
"Yeah, yeah I'm-I’m  fine." you stammered blinking your eyes.
"I'll go and find Jane." You walked away huskily. 
Agatha and Zendaya visited a farm to purchase a black goat to be used for sacrifice during your dark baptism in the woods. 
"What is on your mind mother? A few days ago you wanted that half breed dead but now you are here arranging for her dark baptism. I don't understand any of this."
"Well you three failed in your task and I'm grateful to Satan for that this time because I recently found out she is the key to perform the spell by which our coven will gain infinite powers."
"What spell?"
"For now you don't need to know more than this. Just remember that girl needs to be protected."
It's 31st of October and you are officially 25. You were at the cafe as Jane came in all bubbly and chirpy.
“Happy Birthday babe!!!” Jane exclaimed, giving you a tight hug.
“Thank you babe.” Tom and Harrison dropped in after sometime.
“Isn’t it your birthday day? Why the hell are you working today?”. 
“Because it’s my birthday.”
"Well somebody has got the whole concept of birthday wrong." tom quipped.
“Here we brought something for you.” He placed a cake box on the table.
“Jane dear can you arrange this for us please.” Harrison asked her sweetly.
“Of Course will.”
“Seriously guys you didn’t have to do this.” Jane was quick to arrange the cake on a tray with some candles and placed it in front of you. You blow out the candles as they sing for you.
“Thank you so much guys.” your heart swelled in happiness.
“We would have loved to stay but we have another party to arrange so see you girls in the evening.” Harrison said.
“I'll pick you up at seven.” Tom informed you softly.
“Will be waiting.” You smiled. After they left you turned to Jane. 
"Can I ask you something?" 
"Yeah what?" 
"What do you know about Harrison? Apart from he's a sex God. His family and life." you snickered.
"Umm they are rich, business partners with the Hollands. Loves his mom and sister a lot. Why?" 
"Nothing, you are my best friend just don't want you to fall for the wrong guy. I finally learnt my lesson. Heh." You chuckled slowly. 
“Don’t worry babe if he does something bad I’ll give you the privilege of kicking his ass.” She laughed and went to the back of the shop. 
Now how will you tell her that when you touched him you had one of your stupid visions. You saw blood, pentacles, human skulls, it felt so inauspicious the darkness engulfing you. Your eyes went to the blown out birthday candles and you suddenly remembered about the night where the candle caught fire on it’s own. Then you recalled Tom saying that you may be psychic and you suddenly got the idea of testing the fact.
"This is all a hoax, I'm not psychic nor a witch. I was drunk and was seeing things." you said to yourself and took a deep breath.
"Well here goes to nothing." You focused on them but nothing happened. 
"Huh, definitely a hoax" you blew out your cheeks and turned to do your work. But when you turned around again to your surprise each and every candle was lit up magically. You exhaled deeply, frowning.
Reaching home you went to your room and saw a big gift box kept on your bed. You took the lid off the box to find an expensive black dress with a note. 
Happy Birthday Y/N. Will be really happy if you wear this tonight.  Love T. H
You smiled and held out the dress in front of you admiring it in the full length mirror in your room, it was the most exquisite thing you have ever seen. The soft silky fabric with intricate lace work was literal work of art. You changed into the dress and decided to let your hair down for tonight with minimal jewelry and makeup. 
Meanwhile Tom and Harrison were getting ready in their finest tux for the gala and your baptism. 
"You really gifted her the wedding dress." 
"Well it's an important night for her she will be turning into a complete witch and hopefully her memories will come back after that." Tom said, fixing his cufflinks. 
"You ready son?" Nikki walked into his room. 
"Yes mother." Nikki could see in his eyes that something was bothering him. 
"Don't worry I talked to your father and I will be presenting your dear Y/N for her baptism." Tom's eyes lit up hearing the news. It's usually the mother who presents her child for the baptism but your mother will not be able to attend it so the whole thing of who will be presenting you was bugging him for a while. And hearing that his mother is going to do that relieved him. 
"Really mother! Thank you so much." 
"I’m really happy that you’re finally going to be happy in your life son." 
Tom was there to pick you up sharp at 7. You stepped out of your house as you saw him waiting for you leaning against his car. He couldn't take his eyes off you. You literally looked like an angel he thought.
"You look gorgeous, love."
"Thank you, you look surprisingly dapper too." 
"Thank you." 
"But you didn't have to buy me such an expensive dress. The whole night now I will be so self conscious of not ruining the dress."
"I will buy you a new one don't worry."
"Ha ha not happening again. Now let’s go"
He opened the door of the car for you as you sat inside the car. You reached his place in an hour and stepped out of the car holding his hand as he led you inside. 
You walked into the ballroom and your breath was caught at the grandeur. You’d never been in a space that made you feel so small–or so plain. Crystal chandeliers spiraled down from the arching sky-blue ceiling, illuminating the glimmering golden walls and a floor so polished it looked like an iced-over lake. And it wasn’t just the ballroom–the women sparkled like a box of jewels, shades of emerald and ruby and amethyst swirling before you, their low chatter accompanying wafts of rose and hyacinth and jasmine.
"Whoa dude am I supposed to be a part of this gala? I mean just look at all the people around." you gave out a nervous laugh.
"You were always supposed to be here Y/N."
You are immediately greeted by Jane and Harrison.
“Hey you made it!” Jane hugged you and your dress caught her eyes.
“Damn girl now that’s a one of a kind ball gown.” She giggled as you blushed.
“Only for the one of a kind girl.” Tom snickered.
You, Tom, Harrison and Jane then hit the dance floor, slow music playing.
Wise men say Only fools rush in But I can't help falling in love with you
You clasped on to his hand placing another hand on his shoulder blade as he did the same. You began moving back and forth waltzing around the ballroom. Spinning and circles and shuffling your feet to the slow, rhythmic music. It was paradise, but even more so when your eyes met.
Shall I stay? Would it be a sin? If I can't help falling in love with you
His eyes were chocolate brown, which made your knees buckle and your lips quiver. He narrowed his eyes slightly and let out a small chuckle. Your dress was getting in the way and your heels were making you clumsy or you were actually clumsy around him. He noticed your discomfort and changed his stance making it easier for you to follow. His grip tightened on your hand giving it a comforting squeeze making your heart skip a beat.
Like a river flows Surely to the sea Darling, so it goes
You swayed to the music, bodies so close, his hand still grasping yours. This was perfect as if time stood still, your gaze filled with burning desires as he looked down to your slightly parted lips. Tom was trying to get a read on you as you looked at you longingly. You could feel your cheeks burning and you knew you're blushing on the outside which only made his smile grow wider.
Some things are meant to be So take my hand Take my whole life, too For I can't help falling in love with you For I can't help falling in love with you
He dropped your hand but before you could frown he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled your body even more closer. His kind, smiling face met yours as you felt his sweet, warm breath fanning your face. Your breath hitched all that brooding, pining and longing stares just for this magical moment. Out of instinct you tilted your face a little, closing your eyes. But instead Tom knelt down to your ear  and whispered.
“Parere mandatis meis.” You opened your eyes with a vacant gaze as if someone robbed you of your emotions and reasoning. You stood there like a living statue. 
"Y/N now listen to me carefully you are going to do whatever I say okay?" 
"Yes." You nodded in a mechanical fashion. Agatha walked towards you.
"Is she ready?" 
"Yes Lady Layman”
"Good then bring her to the altar." 
“Was the hypnosis necessary?”
“You got a better idea to make your non believer half witch willingly go through her baptism?” Agatha quipped.
“No” He answered lowly.
“Then bring her outside fast midnight is approaching, the blood moon will appear soon.” She ordered.
The party moves outside, where the moon is at its fullest and begins to turn red. With midnight approaching, everyone rushes off into the woods. Tom took you to a gate burning with blue flames, you pass through the blue flames unharmed and arrive at your baptism, where the Holland's, Osterfield's, Layman's, and many other important delegates are in attendance. 
"All this grandeur for a half breed's baptism, how pathetic is that?" Zendaya quipped, rolling her eyes. 
The priest assigned for your baptism arrived at the altar.
"Welcome daughter of Night" 
"Who presents this girl for unholy baptism?" He reckons.
"I do." Nikki states. 
"We are gathered here in these woods in the presence of our dark lord, with all the souls, the living and the dead, of our coven
the most unholy church of dark." He addresses. 
"Kneel child." You kneel in front of him in your trance. 
The priest smears blood over your forehead and read you your rights and demands your loyalty.
"There is no law beyond. Do what thou wilt." He states. 
"Our dark lord asks - 
" Would you like to be happy child, to be free?" 
"Free to love and to hate? To be what nature meant you to be, true to her laws and yourself only?" you stay numb Tom takes the initiation. 
"Say yes Y/N." 
"Yes, father." You say as you were told. 
"Do you believe in Lucifer, the archangel, who preferred the loss of Heaven to that of his pride?" 
"Yes, father." 
"In exchange for this belief, you shall be granted powers that will enable you to be of service to the dark lord." 
"Y/N Warren are you willing to forsake the path  of light and follow the path of night wherever it may lead you?" 
"I am" 
"And are you willing to place our dark lord above all others in your life, be it your loved ones, friends, family." you pause for a moment but under the hypnosis spell even if you wanted to but you couldn't make your own decisions. 
"I ...am" 
"Then it's time to sign his book." The weather started to deteriorate as strong winds started to blow and thunder rumbling at a distance could be heard. 
Meanwhile at your home your mother was turning restless with the sudden change in the weather she ran to your Aunt Rose's room. 
"Rose what's happening?"
"It's about time Martha." Rose says coldly. 
"What do you mean? Where is Y/N?" Martha panicked. 
"Don't worry she will be fine but for some people this is the beginning of their end"
"Mom what's happening?" Erica came running too. 
"Oh Erica you are here can you fetch me the ancestral calcified bowl." Erica did as she was told. 
"Martha give me the ashes of Amber." She handed over a bottle of ash as Rose poured it in the bowl. She lit the candles around the bowl with her magic and chanted. 
"Here and now 
I evoke the elemental force of Fire
the flames of creativity and passion
dancing source of heat, light and life. 
I seek the flowing forge within
I call you forth to burn away
All that impedes my highest vision
And to enact change in the world
Lightning and hearth
Hearth and forge
Fire, I call thee hence" 
Rose focused on the ashes in the bowl as flames erupted in it. 
"Y/N wake up, recognize your true self" 
“Phasmatos Incendia Ignis absumet Ignarious. Ignarious! Ignarious Ignalusa”
Meanwhile you were standing at the altar and an ancient book was kept open on the flat stone in front of you. The priest took a knife and made an incision on your hand as a drop of blood flowed down from the cut on the page. Tom was behind you as the priest signalled him to proceed; he took your hand with the pen to sign your name in the book. Just when you were about to sign the Dark Lord’s Book of the Beast with your blood, Rose's invocation ritual broke the hypnosis spell on you and you were snapped out of your trance. The fog that clouded your mind got lifted as you felt light headed. It took awhile for you to process what was happening around you. 
"You swear to obey without any question any order you may receive from tHe dark lord, or from any figure He placed in authority over you." 
"In signing you swear to give your mind, body, and soul unreservedly to the furtherance of the designs of our lord satan." The priest went on.
"No!!" You yanked your hand away from Tom's grasp. 
"What do you mean no child?" the priest frowned. 
"Who are you? Where the hell am I?!" You looked around in confusion. 
"Tom what's going on? Where's Jane?!" you look at him with panic stricken eyes. 
"Y/N,love, listen to me this is for your own good just complete the ritual" 
"Is this some kind of Halloween prank because it's not funny."
"You think you are sick with some neural disease that is why you can't feel warmth. Y/N don't you understand that you are not human." Tom tried to make you understand.
“Tom why are you so up to prove that I’m some sort of psychic?”
''You are a smart girl Y/N don't tell me the visions you get doesn't seem real? That you didn't light up a candle just by focusing your mind on it." agatha quipped.
"You are a half witch Y/N magic runs in your blood and to reach your full potential you have to submit to our Dark Lord" 
"Whatever I maybe there is another path for me. A third way. And even if there isn't, my name is Y/N Warren, and I will not sign it away!" you stated. 
"If you don't complete the ritual then you have to face the wrath of the dark lord." Agatha warned. 
"The only thing I'm gonna do is to get away from you jackass people."
The coven tries to stop you from escaping as everyone chanted in unison. 
“Crescere arbor” 
While you attempt to escape you become entangled in magical possessed vines which held you to your place.
"Why can't I move?" you struggled to free yourself. 
"You're not leaving unless and until you complete the ritual."
Suddenly the stone of your antique necklace starts glowing, emitting a reddish orange aura which just grew in intensity as time passed blinding your eyes. A sudden rage started to grow inside trying to burst out. 
Your body was shaking imminently as the blazing inferno coursing inside you was becoming too much for your body to handle. You forced your eyes open and a chill ran down the spines of everyone present for the ceremony. You irises appeared like burning coals of fire. 
They flashed with anger, a burning animosity growing in your amber orbs. Tom couldn't recognize you anymore you appeared to be a totally different person. 
Flares started erupting from your hands soon turning into flames ready to engulf anyone that came in your way. The flames spread to the magical vines holding you as they were burned into ashes setting you free. You gasped as you looked at your hands on fire. 
"What's happening?! What did you guys do to me?!" You panicked. 
"Y/N, love calm down. Just try to control it"
"I can't!!'' You growled 
"I can help, just let me help you Y/N" 
"No! Don't come near me." You warned with a hoarse voice. A ring of fire formed around you.
"Tom do something or she will burn down the whole forest." Harrison said in panic. 
''You've nothing to fear no one will do you any harm."
"Just calm down and everything will be fine. Close your eyes and focus, love"
You closed your eyes taking in measured breaths trying to calm yourself. It worked as the raging inside you dissipated. Your hands were no more on fire. 
"Suctus Incendia" everyone chanted in unison and the fire died down. 
You on the other hand felt weak and drained out as you collapsed on the ground unconscious. 
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laurasimonsdaughter · 4 years
Life May Linger
Urban Fantasy with a couple of witchy, poly boys, 3k.
Cw: swearing, non-pov injury and unconciousness, anxiety, animal skulls, blood, nail biting, imagery of death, necromancy-like magic
The incantations didn’t have to be said out loud for them to work, but it felt more natural to Noah than sitting and staring in silence. So he had been chanting his throat raw, only stopping to soothe the ache with one of his herbal teas whenever he felt he couldn’t go on. His client – for lack of a better word – had dutifully brought him whatever ingredients he’d asked for, but had refused to drink any of the tea himself. Privately Noah thought that a calming drink might have done the guy some good; with every hour that passed, the dread that Noah felt seeping out of Damiri had gotten more oppressive. In all fairness, Noah suspected that his own emotions probably weren’t having a particularly calming effect on Damiri either right now. Being an empath had to be hell at times. Maybe that was why he barely spoke. Noah was sure he wouldn’t even have told him his name if Noah had not insisted on it.
Noah felt his voice give way, cracking hoarsely in the middle of a sentence. It made Damiri start upright in his chair in the corner. He had been biting on the skin around his nails, slowly ruining them.
“Did something happen?” His voice sounded almost as raw as Noah’s.
“No,” Noah shook his head, taking a sip from the strangely dainty cup Damiri had brought him. “Nothing bad, just me.”
Damiri let out a shaky breath and glanced down at the still body on the makeshift bed. It looked very out of place in the strange basement room that Noah had been forced to make into his crafting space. He only knew the name of his patient because he overheard Damiri mutter it to him. Aiden. Noah had a vague notion it meant ‘fire’. But he was trying not to think about that, because the way Aiden was lying there, with Noah’s treasured skulls placed carefully around him like clusters of pale flowers, he looked like he had been laid out on a funeral pyre. He was like a fairy tale stuck in a tragedy, all pale skin and black hair draping down…
In his corner, Damiri had begun to bounce his leg. “It’s been ten hours.”
Noah made an effort to meet his eyes and tried not to see the despair glittering in the brown. “It often takes time.”
“Ten hours?” There was a sharp edge to Damiri’s voice and Noah looked away.
He still hadn’t been able to find out exactly how Damiri and Aiden were connected. He was pretty sure there was at least one other person present in the house, but he hadn’t seen them. Damiri was the one that came to fetch him, and to tell the truth, for anyone else he might not have come along willingly.
Because he didn’t appreciate people lying in wait for him at his home, and he hated to be called a necromancer, but the unrestrained fear in Damiri’s eyes had been enough to make him hesitate.
And then the love had changed his mind. He had met several empaths since the time he learned to pick up on other people’s magic, some of them extremely bad at shielding themselves, but he had never felt that much love pouring out of a single person. Nor that much terror.
So he had allowed Damiri to escort him to this unnerving basement and the two of them had been here since. It had to be nearing sunrise now.
“That means we still have the eleventh hour,” Noah said finally. He didn’t believe in giving false hope, but he didn’t believe in giving up either.
Damiri muttered something under his breath and brought his hand to his mouth again to bite at his nails. Then he winced, fingers cramping up, and let out a hissing swear.
“You alright?” Noah asked, hastily getting up and walking towards him.
“Fine,” he grunted, wiping his middle finger on his trousers. It was bleeding, the nail-bed bitten raw.
Noah sighed. “Will you let me help with that?”
Damiri stared blankly at him for a moment, but then he silently held out his hand.
Noah held it for a moment to assess the damage, his skin looked oddly pale against Damiri’s warmer shade of brown. Silently he reached into his pocket and took out a small, delicately built skull. A field mouse. He pressed his thumb into the sigil he carved on the top of it before placing it carefully on Damiri’s palm. He had barely finished murmuring the incantation before the sigil cracked, splitting the skull in two. Noah winced slightly – he always did, he couldn’t help it – but he smiled seeing the raw edges of skin on Damiri’s fingers mend and heal.
Damiri seemed afraid to move his hand, staring at it like he had just seen it burning. “What did you do?” he breathed, his eyes darting up to Noah’s face. “Is- Is that what you’re…?”
Noah nodded, taking the cracked skull out of his palm and slipping it into a different pocket of his coat. It was truly dead now, not a shred of life left clinging to it. He would give it a proper burial as soon as he could.
“But how-” Damiri studied his fingers incredulously. “How does it work?”
A faint smile overtook Noah’s face. Ten hours of healing rituals to pull his significant someone back from the brink of death and only now did Damiri ask.
“Death is a straightforward thing,” Noah replied, sitting down on a nearby crate, close enough so he could look at Damiri properly. “But life is not. When a living being dies, not all of it dies at once. Sometimes something of the lower life force lingers and the right magic can bind it to its vessel. That is what I do.”
Damiri looked at the clusters of skulls placed on the low bed. Those belonged to larger creatures, nothing smaller than a cat, and they all bore the same sigil. “Your skulls crack when the life in them is spent,” he concluded slowly.
“Yeah,” Noah hummed. He would never learn to like that part, but it was inevitable.
“Then…what is keeping it from working?” A low note of dread was slipping back into Damiri’s voice and Noah wished he knew a way to quiet it.
“I can only offer help,” he explained soberly. “I cannot force it. He was hurt by magic…” He glanced at Aiden’s motionless form. Apart from the hollowness of his eyes, he did not look hurt. He was barely breathing and his heartbeat was so faint that Noah couldn’t catch its rhythm to chant in time with it, no matter how hard he tried—but his body seemed unharmed. “Perhaps he does not know how to mend what is broken in him.”
“But you-”
“I do not mend anything,” Noah interrupted Damiri firmly. “What you just saw, was your own body healing itself because I gave it the opportunity to do so.”
Damiri looked from Aiden’s still face to Noah’s, and back again. “And you can’t— Can’t you help?”
Noah shook his head. He didn’t even know what happened to Aiden. He knew nothing about him apart from a muttered name and his importance to Damiri. He didn’t even know his magic. “I have found that healing blindly usually does more harm than good.”
Damiri let out a hollow laugh. “What more harm could you possibly do to him now?”
The chill Noah felt sliding down his back must have been evident to Damiri, because he met his eyes again. “You do not want me to answer that,” Noah replied solemnly.
A heavy silence fell between them. Noah didn’t feel up to breaking it, so he tried to continue with the incantation in his mind. Perhaps if he weaved Aiden’s name into the words, he would hear him. It was hard to speak to someone he’d never even looked in the eye.
“Damiri, what is Aiden’s magic like?”
He had been wanting to ask that question ever since he’d first laid eyes on his patient. Even now, weakened as he was, Noah could nearly feel Aiden’s power humming underneath his skin. It didn’t feel familiar though. It was unlike anything that Noah had ever felt.
Damiri hid his face, rubbing his forehead and temples with tense, nervous movements. The more his shoulders sagged, the younger he looked. “That is a question you don’t want answered,” he said darkly.
“You mean you don’t want to tell me,” Noah sighed. “Just like you didn’t want to tell me about your magic.”
Even without seeing Damiri’s facial expression, Noah knew it was resentful. He had been able to feel the familiar pattern of emotion manipulation as soon as Damiri had gotten close to him. Damiri hadn’t been pleased when he guessed his gift correctly. Not pleased at all.
Damiri gave no response and suddenly a thought slipped into Noah’s mind.
“Do you think I’ll no longer want to help him if I know?”
A moment before Damiri had been fidgeting in his chair, now he was sitting near-frozen.
Noah looked at him attentively. “Because it’s far too late for that, you know.”
At last the dark eyes lifted up again. “What?”
“I decided to help when you asked me,” Noah explained calmly. “I don’t change my mind.”
He wanted his magic to work. He wanted to see Aiden’s eyes open, wanted to see the handsome face come back to life. Even if he had not fully decided to help on the strength of Damiri’s plea, he would have lost any hesitation upon seeing Aiden. Because he agreed with Damiri, and with the words he had whispered to him on his doorstep, more than ten hours ago. “He can’t die.” Noah didn’t know why, but he couldn’t help but agree. Aiden could not die. And perhaps that was a solely selfish wish, because when he looked at him, and felt that strange magic just out of reach, Noah couldn’t bear the thought of never actually meeting him.
“Would it help you heal him?” Damiri broke into his thoughts. “If you knew what his magic was, would that help?”
Noah shook his head regretfully. “It would help me if I could understand his magic, but I do not recognise it and there is no time to teach me.”
Damiri made a strange noise and Noah gave him a questioning look.
“If you really wanted to know, you could have lied,” he said.
Noah’s lips curled slightly in distaste. “I wouldn’t lie about something like that.”
Another nondescript sound at the back of his throat.
Noah was ready to turn away and give him his space again, but Damiri suddenly slumped forward, dropping his head into his hands and burying his fingers in his dark hair. “You have no idea,” he grunted. “How badly I want to force all this on you.”
Noah could feel the truth of it. At times he could sense Damiri’s anxiety almost snaking towards him. Damiri was desperate not to feel these things. Anyone would be. But unlike most people, Damiri actually had a way to get rid of it all.
“I appreciate the self-control.”
This time Damiri nearly laughed. But his head stayed in his hands, and Noah decided to leave him be. He got to his feet and quietly walked to the bed. With loving attention he rearranged the skulls into their repeating patterns of threes. He made sure not to touch Aiden, and he really tried not to stare at him.
Aiden… Aiden… There was nothing in the name that matched the humming he felt in the distance. And still his heartbeat was too weak, his breathing too shallow. What if he couldn’t hear him calling? What if he simply couldn’t find the gifts he brought…
“His name is Aidan.”
Noah nearly jumped. He had not heard Damiri move, but suddenly he was standing beside him. He was tall—even when he leaned forward Noah had to look up slightly to see into his face. The sadness that trickled out of him was getting so thick it was almost tangible.
“Aidan Yeoh.” Damiri tore his eyes away from the motionless face. “And his magic is thievery.”
“Thievery?” Noah repeated in confusion.
“The gentlest thievery you’ve ever encountered,” he muttered. “He doesn’t even need physical contact. And he can take almost anything. Memories, feelings, thoughts…”
Noah felt a tightness closing around his chest. There was a reason he didn’t like being called a necromancer. Necromancy was frowned upon. But magical theft… He made no reply and Damiri said nothing more. He stood over Aidan a moment longer, staring at him like he wanted to touch his face but wouldn’t for fear of crying, and then retreated back to his corner.
When Noah started chanting again, Damiri closed his eyes.
Noah waited until the rhythmic breathing of exhausted sleep filled the room before he started changing the words of the incantation. He circled the bed on silent feet and took back his cherished skulls. One by one he took them away from Aidan, weighing them in his hands for a moment before placing them gently on the ground. Not in threes this time, but in a circle. Circles in circles, all of them side by side, each one guarding the other. Until they were all gathered together and Noah sat down, placing himself between Aidan and his treasures. He had forgotten about his tea, but he was still chanting. Still calling out to Aidan. But this time it was a different chant. What was offered freely could be taken back.
An entire night he had been here. More than a night. This was the eleventh hour and the sun was rising. It was early in the year, the sun would be shy about it. But it would rise, and sunrise is powerful.
Noah didn’t notice Damiri waking. He was still chanting, tired words tumbling stubbornly from his lips and his body rocking in time with the rhythm.
“What have- What are you doing?”
Damiri was beside him in an instant, his hands reaching out for the skulls, stopping just short of touching them. He looked back towards Aidan, who still lay sleeping like the dead.
“What have you done to him?”
Noah shook his head, bowing down low enough to nearly double over, chanting possessive words that wanted to stick to the inside of his mouth.
Damiri backed away from him, footsteps unsteady on the tile floor. “If you—” His voice was only a breath away from breaking. “I swear—”
A nauseating crack rang out like a shot and the last syllable slid mercifully off Noah’s tongue.
Another crack. Another. Noah turned away from the breaking skulls so he did not have to see. They all split right through the middle, straight though the sigil, and in the sudden quiet that followed, Aidan drew a stuttering breath.
Damiri seemed to be by the bed with only a single step. “Aidan—”
Noah got to his feet just in time to see the fine lashes flutter up and the thin lips move. “…Dami?”
The sound that escaped from Damiri’s chest echoed inside Noah’s mind as loudly as the breaking of bone. Shuddering, Damiri sank to his knees and slumped forward, his fingers grasping at the fabric of Aidan’s shirt and his forehead pressing against his side.
Aidan reached for him with a movement that was so controlled it made relief come alive in Noah’s entire body. He had done well. Aidan’s body was undamaged.
“You bastard,” Aidan muttered weakly, his fingers digging into Damiri’s shoulder for a moment before combing through his hair. “That’s the last time I let you design the balancing charm.”
“Fuck off,” Damiri breathed and he raised his head, his voice choked and thick with emotion.
Noah felt himself sway on his feet. Damiri's relief, a mix of joy and wild affection, filled the room like thick smoke. It was almost hard to breathe. And it was impossible not to smile. He blinked, slowly looking from Damiri to Aidan, just in time for Aiden’s eyes to meet his. Noah had been prepared for them to be dark and attentive. He had not been expecting them to be this alive.
There wasn’t a single mark of hardship left in them.
For a moment Aidan just looked at him, but then his lips formed into something very like a smile. When he next spoke, his voice was noticeably smoother than it had been before. “Are you the one that chanted?”
“Yes,” Noah said, his hands trembling slightly and an involuntary smile playing around his own lips as well. “And you are the one that can’t see what is given freely, but will take what is guarded against him.”
The fascination on Aidan’s face was as genuine as Damiri’s exasperated exclamation of understanding. He got to his feet, rubbing violently at his face.
“Why didn’t you fucking tell me?” he grunted, doing a bad job of hiding his tears.
“You might not have trusted me,” Noah replied, apologetic but not remorseful. “I told you I wouldn’t lie, but that doesn’t mean I have to tell you the truth.” He wasn’t sorry. He felt almost giddy. He felt light. He had saved a life.
“Yeah, you know what, I don’t care.” Damiri let out a broken laugh, shaking with relief and gratitude. “I really don’t.” He swallowed. "Thank you."
“I—" Aidan interrupted, sitting up with the grace of a cat woken from nothing but a comfortable slumber, before Noah could even open his mouth for another reply. "—have two things to say.”
His eyes were fixed on Noah so intently that he felt his face heat up in spite of himself.
“The first—” he said smoothly, entwining his fingers with Damiri’s.”—is that you’re being incredibly rude not introducing me to the person you got to save me, Dami. And the second—” A grin graced his face as his eyes darted to Damiri before settling firmly on Noah again. “—is that you’re more than welcome to try and kill me again if you want. Clearly it was worth it.”
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Eternal Flame- Kol Mikaelson 7/?
A Hundred Dead Witches!?!
Summary: 'You never know whats in a persons heart until you truly know them' - Belle French, Once Upon a Time
Singing. Thats all what Alexandra Gilbert has cared about since she was young and all she would care about until she met him.
With Alexandra fighting vampires, werewolves and all between she may do a thing she vowed never to do, fall in love.
And to think it all started with a walk in the woods...
Tonight was the night of Illuminations, a town tradition that has been going on for centuries so a group of us had volunteered to help or in my case forced to. While hanging lanterns from the trees Carol Lockwood decided to make a speech to the volunteers deciding to thank the people actually doing the work instead of sitting around making speeches along with introducing Tobias Fell. 
"Remind me why we're here again?" I whispered to Mark but before he could answer Sam butted in. 
"It's my uncle Tobys night, my mom's forcing me to volunteer and I'm sure as hell not doing it on my own." Making me roll my eyes at the bassist. 
  "Yo, what'd I miss" James said coming behind us making me jump out of my skin giving him a push. 
  "Nothing the speech is about to begin." Sam informed him. 
  "The first illumination..." He started, going on about history of the town and the founders. 
"I'm gonna dip. Finish my lantern" I whispered to James making him look at me incredulously. I just looked at him and blew a kiss at the drummer before a quietly and as slyly as possible trying to escape the wrath of Sam Fell who although may look skinny and weak can destroy you. 
When it looked like I was in the clear for now I walked up to Caroline and Bonnie who were tying lanterns to a branch.
"-comment on that." 
"Comment on what?" 
"There. You Commented" 
"I'm confused, what are you commenting?" Asking the duo confused at what is going on and what is being commented. 
"What do you want me to say Caroline?" She asked clearly distressed before finally addressing me "I went against the balance of nature when I brought Jeremy back to life and now, I'm paying the consequences. Whenever he wants to see Anna and she wants to see him, she's still here". Jesus this is fucked up. 
"Bon..." I started looking at her sympathetically before Caroline butts in 
"I want you to tell me you're not okay with it." 
"I'm a thousand times not okay with it. I just don't know what to do about it" she said looking deflated at the entire situation making me throw my arm around her shoulders in comfort. 
"You, Bonnie Bennett are the most powerful, smartest and amazing witch. You'll figure out, trust me. You're Bonnie Bennett for Christ sake!" She smiled at me giving a small laugh before a blue Camaro comes out of nowhere pulling up with a raven haired vampire driving. 
"Greetings, blondie, witchy, brainy. I think you got your voodoo wires all crossed when you got rid of Vicki Donovan." She tells us with an annoyed expression on his face. 
"Vicki Donovan?" I questioned confused to how a dead vampire was being brought into this conversation, 
"What do you mean, why?" Bonnie questioned the annoyed/annoying vampire in front of her. 
"Because I'm pretty sure I just got spit-roasted by Mason Lockwood's ghost." He explained. What the hell did Damon do to that poor and attractive werewolf? 
"What?" Bonnie asked very confused. 
"And why exactly do you think that?" I asked wondering how Mason Lockwood was the first person he thought of.
"Maybe because he chained me to a chair and shoved a hot poker into my chest. let's say I'm having deja vu." With this being told me and Caroline both look at Bonnie who looks very confused and conflicted. 
"I thought you said ghosts couldn't interact with people." Caroline said talking straight to Bonnie thinking how it can't be possible that Bonnie may have been wrong. 
"They can't" 
"Yeah well, I don't have time for a vengeful Lockwood. When I kill someone, they're supposed to stay dead. Whatever you screwed up fix it." He ranted towards the witch after that he drove away extremely quickly and most likely above the speed limit. 
Across the road was Matt watching the interaction of the four of us. I was the first to cross the street to talk to the quarterback with Caroline and Bonnie following closely behind. I asked him quickly if he had seen Vicki.
"I haven't seen Vicki, I swear" He told us all before looking down upset about having to go through the loss of his sister a second time "I sent her back like you told me to do."
"Are you sure?" Bonnie asked making sure that Matt actually did get rid of Vicki "Because she has just as much reason to haunt Damon as Mason Lockwood does."
"90% of the people who have been killed in the past two years has as much reason to haunt Damon as much as Mason Lockwood." I added making Caroline nod in agreement.
"She's gone Bonnie. If she was here, I'd know it" I gave him a small sympathetic smile it clear that he was severely upset about this whole ordeal.
"Why do you think its Vicki and not Mason?" Caroline asked the witch.
"Because if any ghost other than Vicki Donovan has a physical foothold on our side, that means Damon's right." Words I never thought I'd hear "and something has gone really, really wrong." Bonnie states looking extremely worried about this situation and what would happen if all the ghosts from our past come to literally haunt us.
"I've had enough of this ghost stuff to last forever. So can you guys can leave me out of this one" Matt tells the three of us, I nodded understanding that if that happened to me, I wouldn't be able to get out of bed forget going to work. He walks away from us, and you can hear Caroline talking.
"I feel so sad for him. It took a lot for him to send his sister away."
"Yeah" Bonnie replied shortly.
"I highly doubt I could do that, if I got to saw my mom or dad again... I don't know if I would be able to let them go." I stated feeling so much sympathy for the blue-eyed boy. "It took a lot of guts anyway." This made the other girls nod.
"So much strength in a man." Caroline continued looking at both of us.
"Caroline it's never going to happen, get over it." Rolling my eyes at her Insinuating that Matt would be a perfectly good boyfriend as she's done for the part two months.
"I've got a ghost problem to deal with, Caroline. Save the Jeremy lecture for later" She snapped while grabbing her bag all of her stuff falling out when the strap broke. I bent down and helped her pick up her things and just as she was going to put her grimoire up it opens itself to a page in the center of the book.
"Did that just..." I asked the witch and vampire not believing my eyes.
"I think so." Bonnie said cocking her head to the side while picking up the book reading the page that the book opened itself to.
"Okay please tell me that's a recipe for witch cookies" Caroline half joked half serious about the page Bonnie was currently reading.
"It's a manifestation spell. It's used to reveal veiled matter." Bonnie told us the meaning of the grimoires spell.
"What's veiled matter?" Caroline asked and before Bonnie answered I said in shock.
"Ghosts." looking at them all.
"What do we do? Do we do the spell? What is the spell exactly?" I questioned Bonnie repeatedly wanting the ghosts to be a thing in the past and look into the future.
"I think we need to go somewhere more private."
Caroline pulled her car up to an abandoned creepy looking house. the three of us enter the front room me and Caroline a little bit more apprehensively than Bonnie.
"So, this is where you brought Jeremy back to life?" I asked Bonnie looking around the room severely creeped out, the interior being as bad as the exterior.
"Yeah. Sorry, I know it's creepy, but we needed a private place to do the spell." Bonnie apologized getting ready to do the spell.
"Hmmm. There's no chance it's haunted by the hundred dead witches who were horrifically burned to death in this very spot, is there?" Caroline question clearly scared, and that question alone made me just as scared.
"A hundred dead witches?!"
"They're not here anymore. And they made it clear they were never coming back." she reassured us both trying to calm our nerves or well attempted to.
"Right. You pinkie swear?" Caroline asks trying to make a joke in the tense environment. Making me give her a look. I got the candles out and gave Caroline a lighter so she can help light the candles with me for Bonnie to start the spell.
"Ready do you need us to do..." I started turning around to see Bonnie already starting to start the spell "Right. Okay" I looked at Caroline while Bonnie was continuing to do the spell getting louder every chant a breeze beginning to surround us getting stronger and stronger by the second making everything in the room moves. Seeing all of this makes my eyes widen and start to worry about Bonnie and how safe this is for her.
"Bonnie, I don't like this. Bonnie..." Caroline voices my thoughts while also looking around that was until we saw something shocking.
"Oh my God, is that your...?" I started but couldn't finish due to the pure shock of what I as seeing. All three of us shocked Bonnie can't say anything, it even leaves Caroline speechless. The silence was broke with Bonnie saying quietly.
Small chapter but next is quite long an different than others as a special character will be appearing. Hope you enjoyed, Part two will include more of the boys (a slight twist).
Please correct any grammar, spelling or British slang.
Any positive or negative feedback is appreciated.
Thanks for reading lovelies xxx 
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witchingsoul · 3 years
Reality Shifting: Clones
I've taken some time to deeply consider the theory of clones when it comes to Reality Shifting and have come to a few conclusions relating to them.
Please keep in mind that this is my personal take on the whole thing. You do not have to agree with me. You're welcome to read, respond to this to discuss it, or just scroll right on by.
It does go a bit into psychology, but I tried not to get too technical with that bit. Bear with me and if there's any confusion feel free to ask me for clarification. I'm not exactly a prize-winning writer, especially when it comes to explaining myself and my thoughts.
DR: Harry Potter Universe
DR ME - We'll call her Witchy: Same parents (making her Muggleborn), same childhood home and schooling, same muggle friends. At some point in her younger years - accidental magic and eventually she gets an acceptance letter from Hogwarts. Why? Penpals with a English witch whose parents put in a good word and offered to be her guardians? Sure, we'll go with that. Witchy gets sorted into Ravenclaw, gets some nice friends, and is well on her way to becoming a brilliant witch. Maybe she even has a crush on a particular someone. She entered Hogwarts one year after the infamous Golden Trio.
So in this particular case, Witchy is scripted to be the Harry Potter Universe version of myself with only the added bits that would naturally happen for a muggleborn witch. I just did not sort her Slytherin and chose my secondary house, as that suits a muggleborn better and is, in general, a healthier environment for her. As I am not eleven, we're basically summarising the first few years of her schooling (at least) in the baseline just to give you an idea of what her life is like.
So Witchy is my clone, right?
Except she isn't. She was me until something happened into her life that took her on a different path - the first few cases of accidental magic. Knowing my mom, she would brush that off at first but eventually become anxious, perhaps a touch harsh at times in regards to trying to keep it hidden to help protect Witchy. This would likely cause Witchy to become more guarded, making it harder for her to make friends - leading to a lower number of friends and possibly to a higher number of bullies. This would lead her penpal to potentially being hear dearest friend, a friend she would likely emulate - not just because they would understand what was going on with the magic thing, but because they would be a source of comfort - that she hasn't gone mad and that there are others like her.
I could continue writing out her story - including her possible reactions to the events that unfold throughout the Harry Potter story, but that's not the point of this post.
The point is - Witchy and I stopped being the same person. She became her own person, someone with a different personality from me.
Even if I script it so that I remember her childhood, the time from before I shifted in - I would still not be Witchy and she would still not be me. My childhood is mine, hers is hers and hers did not shape me. Maybe I understand why she is so guarded and why she struggles to open up - but I don't have the same issue, because I was never forced to hide myself during the formulative years of my life like she was.
Then what happens if I do shift? If I step into Witchy's shoes to live her life? If I make decisions for her, talk to people she wouldn't have had the courage to, quit the quidditch team due to my fear of heights because I fell out of a tree when I was seven but she did not, because she was squirrelled away inside writing to her penpal? What if I make her strained relationship with her mother worse because I write to Witchy's mom talking all about exciting things that happened at Hogwarts when Witchy's been pretending it was a muggle boarding school - and I'm close to my mom, don't hide things from her, and it's basically pure instinct to just spill the beans when I'm talking to her. There's only so much scripting I can do, but I can't change myself completely. There are things so ingrained in me, that even in the DR I would find myself doing it without even necessarily knowing why I do it.
What happens to Witchy? Forced into a backseat while a stranger that looks like her controls her body? Even if she's unaware of it, the effects of my time in the DR would become clear once I return to the CR - unless scripted to pause until my return, of course.
But then that's no longer her life to live at that point, is it? But one I have stolen from her.
And where is she, during those years when I am in her body, in her life? How many years does she lose before I stop pausing it, stop stepping into it? Even if she gets the memories I've created in her place, they would likely feel distant to her just as her memories would feel distant to me. Because her memories are just a story to me and mine just a story to her.
We, as people, are shaped by both nature and nurture - by genetics and by the world we live in. While Witchy and I may have been made in the same shape because of genetics, our worlds would differ quite a bit - which would lead our personalities to grow and change in different ways. Psychologically speaking, our minds would be that of two different people. Even scans of her brain compared to my brain would easily be identified as two different people and not as the same person.
CR ME and DR ME are two different people.
This is just the psychological facts of the matter regarding Clones. The more changes I script - body, family wealth, childhood home, location, schooling, powers, so on and so forth... The wider the gap between CR me and DR me would be.
And then there's the moral implications. I've already alluded to a few regarding this - but there are more, as this would affect other's in Witchy's life and not her. I'm not going into that here, unless you want me to.
So, that's my take on the Clones. Another Witchingsoul can 100% exist in another reality, but that person is not me.
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scenecipriano · 3 years
Curse of The Fold (4)
Chapter Four: The True Demon of Salem
Description: The year was 1692, a time where women, children, and men feared for their lives of possibly being accused of witchcraft. Two men though, don’t allow this mass hysteria to come between them. Even though the madness Janus and Roman manage to keep their relationship a secret…That is until the summer of 1692.“The only thing that could hurt us. Is the curse of the fold.”
Characters: Patton Sanders, Roman Sanders, Remus Sanders, Janus Sanders, Logan Sanders, Virgil Sanders, and Thomas Sanders
Relationships: Roman/Janus
TW: Unsympathetic Patton, Unsympathetic Remus, major character death, death by hanging, death by fire, executions, witch trials.
Other(s): Based on Salem Witch Trials and not fully historically accurate.
Chapter TW: mentions of hanging, mentioned anxiety attacks/panic attacks, stalking, forced kissing, Unsympathetic Remus, Remus being creepy. 
February 25th, 1692 Salem Massachusetts
Roman was restless, he hasn’t gotten the chance to try and see Janus again, nor has he been able to catch Virgil in a moment of one of his fits. He sighs and runs his hand through his hair.
“What’s the matter, Ro-Ro? Bored sitting around here? Father, did say there was some housework to be done, why not do that?”
Roman grimaces and looks over to Remus, they were twins, but Remus was the youngest, born five minutes after Roman.
They were identical save for Remus’ ratty mustache and manic look that seemed to be on his face every waking moment and even in his sleeping moments. He and Remus were built the same, broad shoulders with lean frames, Roman wishes that they weren’t so similar.
“Why don’t you do them? You never seem to do anything anymore,” Roman replies.
Remus grins and shrugs his shoulders, he tilts his head to the side causing red bangs to fall in front of his wide green eyes.
“I figured I would go for a walk, it’s a lovely day out so I would hate for it to go to waste.”
Roman frowns as he watches Remus walk out the front door of their home, his brother has been acting unusual, more unusual than he had beforehand.
‘ What are you planning, you little demon…’
Remus leans his head back as he walks through the woods, he hums in content as the sun washes over his face. Five days, he’s spent five days trying to catch a better glimpse of the man his brother snuck out to see that one night when Remus caught him sneaking out.
He’s come up empty-handed each time, there've been moments when Remus thought he’s caught a glimpse of the strange man, only to find out it was the mere shadow of a nearby tree.
“Honestly, it’s a shame that Ro-Ro gets to play with this guy and I don’t even get the chance to say hello! It’s quite rude,” Remus grumbles as he trudges ahead.
What did the guy even see in his brother? Roman was the boring one! Whereas Remus was the interesting one, he stood out. Roman only blended in a stupid people pleaser among the other mundane idiots that prowl around in the town.
“When I go, you know you can’t follow me into the darkness. Where I go you may not make it through the night~,” Remus stops in his tracks when a gentle voice sounds from his left.
He turns and sees a path that he’s never noticed before turning down into a small slope, Remus looks around him before a grin breaks out. He slowly inched his way down the path, straining his ears so he could hear the singing again.
“Only those who aren’t afraid to lose it all. Are the ones who may make it out alive~,” the voice sings again, accompanied by the gentle sound of splashing.
Remus inched closer before ducking behind a set of bushes, he slowly peeks out and grins brightly.
Now, mind you this wasn’t where he followed his brother all those nights before, no, this wasn’t a stream that ran right through the woods that separated Salem from the town next door. This was a large round lake, the water looked black from a distance, but Remus knew that if he were to be closer it would be clearer.
A white long sleeve shirt hung up on a low tree branch along with a pair of brown trousers and ratty looking socks that were probably once white, even from a distance Remus could tell that the clothes were dripping wet.
“Father, forgive them though they do know what they do. The reason resides in the rise and the fall of these times~.”
Remus follows the sound of the voice with his eyes, at the edge of the lake, was the man that Roman had met days prior. The man’s strawberry blonde hair was damp, he only had on a pale blue nightdress. A scar shaped like claws stands out on the man’s pale face, Remus immediately feels his grin widen, ‘ Oh, I know who you are…’
“Seems like Ro-Ro’s fallen for our resident witch… Oh, this is going to be fun.”
Roman watches in fear as Virgil thrashes and screams, he pulls at his hair and pushes himself into a corner as Patton prays over him, in hopes of helping the young man fight against this horrible ailment.
“Father, maybe I should help? I could cover his mouth to muffle the screaming so you can concentrate?” Roman offers as he watches Virgil struggle for breath, a strangled sob ripping its way from his raw throat.
“You can try, but be careful, it’s hard to tell what beast is living within him, Roman.”
Roman nods and takes a hesitant step forward, he makes sure to shield himself away from his father’s view as he slips the bottle of medicine from his pocket. He looks down at the pale pink liquid and breathes deeply.
‘ Please work, he doesn’t deserve to be hanged…’
Virgil cowers away from him, pathetic whimpers leaving his trembling lips. Roman sighs and kneels beside him and takes the cork out of the bottle.
“Virgil it's going to be okay… This is going to help…” He whispers as he forces Virgil to look at him, Roman pry’s his mouth open and forces him to drink a bit of the mixture before placing his hand over the trembling man’s mouth.
“Swallow it,” Roman hisses before glancing back at his father, “Go on, finish the prayer father. I’ll keep him quiet for you.”
Roman relaxes when he sees Virgil’s throat bob as he swallows the liquid down, it shouldn’t be long until it kicks in, or at least Roman hopes it doesn't.
He listens to his father pray a few minutes longer before Virgil finally begins to calm down, his tense body finally relaxing after being tense for almost two hours now. Roman slowly moves his hand away and is relieved when he sees a smile on Virgil’s face.
“It works!” Roman cheers.
“Of course it works, the lord's prayer always works, Roman. Virgil, how are you feeling?”
Roman almost refutes his father’s claims before stopping himself, Patton didn’t need to know about the medicine.
“B-Better… I… I feel a lot better than before, am I allowed to go home?” Virgil asks, his voice is soft and his eyes droop slightly from exhaustion.
“You may need to stay here another day or two… just so we can make sure the demons are out of your system. Then I’ll speak to Logan about letting you out because I don’t believe you’re a witch Virgil.”
Virgil nods and glances at Roman.
“Father? May I speak to Virgil alone for a moment?”
Patton smiles and nods, “Of course, you deserve a chance to be alone with your friend. Try not to take too long though, we need to get home before Remus does, I wouldn't want another accident of him almost burning the house down.”
Roman and Virgil silently watch as Patton leaves them alone, the door to the cell Virgil occupies closing behind the older man as he does.
“What the hell was that you gave me?” Virgil hisses.
Roman flinches and pulls the bottle from his breast pocket, he quickly replaces the cork before any of the contents spill out.
“It’s… It’s medicine, I met someone the other day. His name is Janus Delvaux a-and he says he makes medicines, he said this would hel--.”
“Did you just say, Janus Delvaux? Roman, what the fuck is wrong with you?” Virgil asks, fear dancing in his brown eyes as he stares at his long time friend.
“What? Do you know him?”
“Know him? He’s the witch of the woods you, idiot! A demon to some, have you honestly not heard the stories of him?”
Roman grimaces, surely Virgil didn’t believe the fables the people in town spun to scare them when they were younger.
“I’ve met him, Virgil. There is nothing witchy or demonic about him, he’s sweet, and if he was a demon or witch he wouldn’t attend a church,” Roman argues.
Virgil blinks, “He attends church? But… Your father… look when I get out of here I want to meet this Janus Delvaux, can’t have my best friend probably getting himself killed.”
Roman rolls his eyes and presses the bottle of medicine into Virgil’s hands, he smiles and shakes his head.
“Of course… Drink a bit of this when you feel a fit coming on, it will help you get out of here quicker.”
The two share a hug before Roman leaves, the walk back home with his father is silent. Roman couldn’t help but mull over what Virgil said.
‘ How could anyone say that the angel of a man is a demon?’
Remus could understand where his brother’s infatuation comes from when it comes to one certain witch that lives in the woods. The man was pretty, very captivating. It’s a wonder how he doesn’t have men and women throwing themselves at his feet due to his undying beauty.
When Janus gathers up his damp clothes after waiting for them to dry, Remus steps out of his hiding spot, causing the witch to jump back startled.
“Heavens, Roman you startled...me… You’re not, Roman,” the smaller man states.
Remus grins and puffs his chest out, “Damn right! I’m Remus, who might you be you lovely and extraordinary creature?”
He grins more when those bi-colored eyes crinkle in distaste.
“I have a feeling you already know who I am, but I suppose I can humor you with a response. My name is Janus Delvaux, now, I believe it is your turn to introduce yourself.”
Remus smirks and bows slightly, “Remus Harford at your beck and call, Mr. Delvaux, or do you prefer to be called the witch of the woods? Or more recently… The Demon of Salem.”
Janus grows tense but keeps his face neutral. He breathes deeply and moves to walk past Remus, his clothes clutched tightly to his chest.
A startled yell leaves his mouth when a hand grabs him by the arm, the air is knocked from Janus’s lungs as he’s forced back against a tree, his clean clothes falling to the ground below.
Janus looks up frightened, bi-colored eyes meet wide and manic green ones, a smirk is plastered onto Remus’s face.
“Freckles, hm? No wonder, Ro-Ro is all hot and bothered with someone like you,” Remus mutters as he leans his face closer to Janus’s.
“Tell me, has he gotten to have a taste of you? Gotta say I’ve always wondered what a demon’s kiss tastes like.”
Janus panics and shoves Remus away when the taller man tries to press a kiss against his lips, he quickly gathers his clothes and glares at the cackling man.
“The only demon I see here is you!” Janus yells before running away, not glancing back once.
Remus smirks and lets out a low chuckle, “I love it when they play hard to get.”
A/N: Re’s a perv-
~Taglist~ @imma-potatoo @feminine-femme
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haywitchhay · 4 years
Long post warning:
This is elaborating on the strange feeling or what I was calling "pokes" from my last post. I spent a few weeks, idk maybe 3, ignoring the feeling and eliminating all mundane possibilities before jumping into thinking it was a spirit trying to get my attention. I finally started the give in that this may be spirit so this morning, since I had some time, I set out to find some answers. I cleansed my space and cast a circle. Then I asked my *unnasigned/ community* pendulum if this indeed was a spirit trying to get my attention. The answer was yes. I continued as follows:
Is this one of my spirits? -no
Does this spirit wish me any harm or ill intent?- no
Is this spirit capable of communicating telepathically? Yes
Is this spirit honest and trustworthy? Yes
Should I approach with caution anyway? Yes *I ask this question as a red flag trigger question cuz ill always approach with caution when I dont know them and if the pendulum says no then i assume they are a tricky type of spirit*
From here I was finished with the pendulum. I reached out with my mind for my spirits, F, Iz, P and E to be sure they would have my back just in case. The response came from F "we are here hun. Never far away. E is still outside but ready to come at a moments notice. We will help you if you need." I'm so grateful for them ❤
So I begin to meditate and invite spirit to say something. Let them know that im here to listen. Eventually I get that weird feeling in the back of my skull that I get when having a telepathic conversation, so I say "hello, im *your favorite witchy cowgirl* how can I help you?"
.... hello.. my name is *R*, I have another but it doesnt translate..
"Ok *R*, nice to meet you, what can I do for you? I'm sorry it took so long to contact you"
.. its about time I was waiting forever..
"I'm sorry, I had to be sure and then i also have to keep my practice secret so i had to wait for the right time to attempt this."
... i understand..i was just curious. I was wandering around and noticed your energy and that there were other spirits here. I wanted to learn more..
"Oh yes, those are my companions."
"Yeah, im what some call a 'spirit keeper'. It isn't what is sounds like though, they are here of their own free will and are free to leave if they ever choose to without any hard feelings. I may be sad or miss them but they are their own beings and get to decide things for themselves. They are in my 'keep' because they choose to be and I do my best to take care of them. I give them offerings and spend time with them, as a group as well as individually."
...interesting. ive never known much of companionship. I was exiled from my realm for being a vigilante.. have been a nomad since..
"Sorta like batman?"
..i dont know who that is but I did crimes in the name of justice..
"So would you say you're somewhat chaotic but in a good way?"
... yes I like to cause mayhem but not for no reason.. ive been on many adventures..
"Very interesting. What are you, if I may ask?"
.. i am a lowland elf. My kind is much taller than yours. I have long dark hair, pale skin and my eyes are the color of grass..
"You sound beautiful. What about me caught your attention?"
.. your energy is different.. not like most of the other humans ive passed by.
"Different in a good way i hope"
.. yes not bad..
"Were you interested in companionship?"
...maybe.. i would probably want to roam as i have for so long. But its been a long time since I had a home..
"Well you seem nice. You're welcome to visit whenever you want so long as you don't disturb anyone."
.. thats very kind..
"What are things you like or like to do?"
.. i like justice and dark colored rocks. Or crystals that bring out the truth. The truth is the pinnacle of justice. I also like to forage, since my exile foraging has been my only way of survival...
"Thats cool. Ive been really interested in foraging for a long time. But im afraid that if I have nothing to give back I will upset the plant spirits."
.. you dont have to leave something for every thing you take, unless maybe in a sacred area. As long as you don't take all of something and you give thanks and respect they will not be upset. They know its their purpose and their part in the circle of life. Things live and die so that others can live and die. Give when you can and don't be greedy...
"That really inspires me to go out and forage more!"
.. great.
"Take some time to think about companionship. If you want a home and a place to come back to when you're done with an adventure dont be afraid to say so. Im pretty open to telepathy but if im out doing something you might have to get really loud to get my attention. We can bind our energies together so you'll always know where to find me. I will make you a place among the others where you can commune with us and rest, if you so choose."
..thank you. I will consider. Im not to sure I would want to be in one place for so long but I do get tired of being lonely and my work unappreciated...
"Well like I said you can do as you please. And around here we love a good vigilante. It'll be nice having someone to help me bring justice to those that try to wrong me."
*at this point my dog starts whining to go outside*
"I have to go now to take care of my animals. I appreciate talking with you and you being patient. I hope to talk to you again sometime soon."
.. likewise, farewell...
With that i closed my circle and started my morning choring. The *pokes* have ceased now so I know that wasn't in my head lol! I do hope he comes back. I get the impression that even though he's a tough vigilante that under that hes very kind and soft.
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jungnoir · 4 years
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bts but as witches in a coven. discuss
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𝐬𝐞𝐨𝐤𝐣𝐢𝐧: the supreme
ok not quite but he’s the most experienced in magic out of all the boys
his mother was a witch and she taught him everything he needed to know from birth to adulthood
his whole family is blessed with magic save for a few who didn’t get the gene but every family reunion they all dote on jin and talk about how powerful he’s become and how proud they are of him
the coven house where all of the boys stay is actually jin’s ancestor’s home from a long time ago
the place has brought up witches of all generations and jin was very eager to inherit it
while there’s definitely a lack of witches he’s been able to recruit, he loves his family of six so it doesn’t really bother him
he acts like he’s all serious but in reality he’s always casting spells on the youngins as tests (read: for fun)
jimin: why tf did you give me green skin
jin: if you had been paying attention during lessons you would know how to fix it :)
has definitely said this out of context more than once: ”any witch worth a broom handle knows how to get rid of poisonous snakes! you know back in my day…”
wears the flashiest outfits, but little do people know that they’re all homemade. he has a serious creative eye and seeks to make what simple human designers wish they could (taehyung is very eager to learn this talent from him)
goes all out on halloween with this talent too, creating uber realistic costumes
no he didn’t make a costume out of real human bones that year he went as a scarily realistic skeleton what are you talking about
no graves were robbed in the making of this outfit
if you couldn’t tell, his specialty is in glamours
honestly the guy should just tattoo “i’m a witch” across his forehead, he makes it so damn obvious
he openly practices magic too like it gives yoongi stress pains bc!! there’s still ppl who would very much like to burn witches still to this day!!! where is the self-preservation!!
jin doesn’t care. he’ll burn them right back. checkmate bitch
honestly charms anyone that comes in contact with him which is one of the things he never has to try at
the guys think he uses magic to do it but he’s honestly just, as jin would say, “born with it”
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𝐲𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐢: the right hand man
*namjoon voice* and who do we got here right now??? ˢᵘᵍᵃ!!!
when it comes to magic, yoongi is pretty neutral
an awfully interesting feeling to have given that seokjin has appointed him the heir of the coven in case anything happens to him
he’s not obsessed with magic like tae, hobi or kook
he doesn’t spend his time learning everything about it like namjoon
and he’s not playful with it like jimin and jin
yoongi just… acknowledges it. its like it exists as something he can do and he’s proud but he doesn’t really care if that makes sense
most of his friends outside of the coven are human too and he has no reservations about telling them what he is bc if they cause trouble he is more than prepared to take care of it
they’re usually like “wow so cool! i wish i was a witch” but yoongi really doesn’t care lmao
with or without magic, yoongi is the same: he loves music, he loves making music, and he loves being a musician
yoongi, however, is guilty of having used magic to make his music just right before
sometimes a note just doesn’t sit with him right and it’s driving him insane
or maybe the bass doesn’t hit hard enough
he charms his music in a way that when one listens to it, they feel exactly what yoongi wants them to feel
people are always telling him he has a real gift in music and while he most certainly does, he feels he has to give credit to his magic for helping him along sometimes
but then seokjin will be like “isn’t magic your talent too? aren’t you just exercising it when you charm your music? it’s not like you can only make music well. you should give yourself props for your magic too”
it’s just. weird to him because he’s seen how much magic can corrupt people in much higher positions than himself and it’s Terrifying
he wants to know that no matter what he makes, it’s his and his alone, not attributed to any otherworldly advantage
this just kind of contributes to his need to be as detached from magic as possible
he’s too cheap to buy one of those coffee makers that automatically start brewing at a certain time in the morning and just uses magic to do it instead
“yoongi do you want me to buy you a new coffee maker for your birthday? they have ones that do all the work for you now-” “no”
he has to be extra, okay namjoon
jimin teases him sometimes but yoongi knows it’s all out of love
jimin understands yoongi in a way, and while the others are always like “yoongi you should have more fun with your magic!” jimin is always like “no no no, let him be”
besides yoongi could probably smoke all of them in a battle of magic if it came down to it lol
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𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐨𝐤: the perfectionist
hoseok is probably one of the most talented witches in the coven
hoseok is a perfectionist to a t so if he feels insecure about how he’s doing a certain spell he will do it over and over and over until he’s got it right which makes him a pretty formidable opponent
like even the boys wouldn’t go up against him bc they know they’re just gonna get their ass handed to them
he’s a sweetie tho and very light-hearted and he never lets his power get to his head
he mainly uses it to bother the others tbh
also uses magic to give himself and the boys cool ass hair colors
currently he’s obsessed with this orange he’s got going on
calls it “pumpkin spice” bc it angers yoongi
“it really brings out the burnt sunset hues of a pumpkin ya know? or like a mix of changing fall colors, like golden crisp and warm crimson” “it’s fucking orange” yoongi can be heard chiming in from somewhere else in the house
but don’t get me wrong, hoseok loves himself some yoongi and vice versa
yoongi taught hoseok directly bc yoongi was the one that found hoseok
he was just an average college student and wasn’t really finding a will to live outside of paying off his student debts
he didn’t know what he wanted to do with his life and was pretty dead inside, working at a cafe and serving coffee to other dead inside college students when yoongi came in and sensed his strong magical aura
yoongi kinda forced hoseok’s magic out of him by tossing a cup of steaming hot coffee to the floor, causing hoseok to freeze the entire cafe in time, save for the two of them. yoongi told him what he was and the rest was history
now that it’s been so long hoseok still gets upset that yoongi was willing to break one of the cafe’s mugs to prove a point
because of course, when time unfroze, the mug fuckin shattered all over the place what a fuckin jerk guess who’s going to have to clean that up does he really have no respect for retail workers seriou
seokjin also was opposed to yoongi’s method but since it resulted in hobi joining their coven, he can’t be too mad
it was hoseok’s natural ability that yoongi was able to help hone, and when hoseok found a love for it, he took it upon himself to be the absolute best witch he could be
hoseok’s power of stopping time is uniquely his own and he’s worked hard to perfect it
sometimes he just stops time to stop it
hob: *freezes a movie theater right before something dramatic happens on screen* hold on yall I gotta piss real quick
freezing time is also super helpful during *cough* stressful exams* cough*
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𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐣𝐨𝐨𝐧: the scholar
he knows…. everything
not only did he do the reading, he did an 8 page analysis on it and corrected a few mistakes too
namjoon was aware of his witchy nature even from the moment he was a little kid, and his parents were both human and a bit scared for him since they didn’t know how to handle it, but they gave him the option of pursuing magic or not. they made sure to do all their own research into where witches could go to hone their craft just in case
in the end, namjoon grew curious and started reading books about magic and magical things
tho he didn’t actually start using his power until his mid teens
by then he was a bit shaky with it, but he knew a lot and was very determined so he got the hang of it very quickly
rarely uses his magic outside of it being necessary tho bc he’s gone so long without having to use it that he doesn’t rely on it for anything
he also likes to be independent from his magic in a way
while magic is very much a part of him and his being, he doesn’t want it to be like a crutch, you know? his biggest fear is losing his magic, bc he’s heard it can happen
he’s also aware that some witches lose important life skills and miss out on opportunities to build their character bc they’re so used to being able to just magic their way out of a situation
went from student to teacher real quick
teaches the other boys how to properly say incantations
“its levios-ah not levios-ar”
actually?? a pretty scary dude when it comes to using his magic for real
don’t put him in a situation where someone is getting hurt because he will not go easy on the aggressor. the other boys can attest to this too, having been saved by him far too many times than is acceptable in namjoon’s eyes
basically dont fuck with namjoon’s boys or u gon die
does cute things for the boys on their birthdays with magic
one time taehyung was sad that it wasn’t snowing on his birthday so namjoon made it snow for hours
may have fucked up the climate a lil bit
yoongi almost lost a toe
namjoon frequents a library and whenever a lil kid is struggling to reach a book he uses his magic to drift the book down to the little kid and when the kid looks at him in awe he just presses his finger to his lips and winks at them
flirts using his extreme wicca knowledge, of which is either a major turn off or a major turn on. you decide
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𝐣𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐧: the reluctant
jimin loves magic, but it wasn’t always like that
jimin kinda struggled with accepting his magical abilities at a young age bc he was really confused
like why wasn’t he just like everyone else? why did he have to be a witch? why did he have to have magic when he could’ve just been normal?
he often rejected it, never bothering to learn anything even to impress the family at reunions
but as he grew older, his parents grew worried he’d hate his magic and never use it again, putting him in a vulnerable position if his magic were ever to just come out when jimin isn’t in a place to control it, so they let him meet a slightly older witch that could help mentor him
his parents would’ve done it but jimin hardly ever listened to his parents about magic and they wanted to show him there were witches his age that were amazing people and embraced it, that it didn’t take away from jimin’s life but in fact added to it
in comes yoongi
yoongi, at first, really pities jimin
he understands the struggle between wanting to be normal and dealing with a part of his identity that won’t ever go away
where yoongi is concerned, that struggle for him was that he wanted to be himself regardless of being talented in magic. jimin... just hates it
but then jimin starts bashing magic and witches and he’s about to get angry at his parents for trying to force him into being a witch when yoongi just,,, slaps him upside the head
jimin’s shocked and yoongi is just like “respect your parents kid, they’re looking out for you. just because you don’t use your magic doesn’t mean people won’t know you’re a witch. its dangerous for a witch to go around with magic and not know how to use it”
jimin is shocked. he never thought of it that way
jimin feels embarrassed all of a sudden and apologizes and then yoongi cracks a smile and he’s like “no biggie kid, i’m just here to teach you the basics of magic and then i’ll be out of your hair”
jimin finds that learning magic with yoongi is really fun and soon he’s asking to be apart of the coven and embracing being a witch
he becomes carefree with it, like it’s another part of him, and he’s still kinda inexperienced, but he’s learning a lot from yoongi and namjoon
loves playing with temperature
the boys make him freeze their drinks for him, or ask him to heat up some popcorn while they’re all sprawled out on the couch on movie night bc no one feels like waiting two minutes for it to cook in the microwave
makes the water in the shower cold whenever one of the boys is taking way too fucking long in there which is Everyday
also jimin: *hitting on someone at the bar* *makes the room slightly warmer* “is it hot in here or is it just you?”
relates everything he learns back to naruto in some way, much to everyone’s complete and utter confusion
he just really kins the guy i guess
100% owns every single witch pun shirt known to man
“witch please” “witches do it better” “this is my resting witch face”
jungkook: by all means jimin why don’t you just burn us all at the stake yourself
it’s ok tho bc it’s his own little way of owning his identity, and if you want to avoid having your fingers frozen off, you’ll be sure not to step to him any kind of way
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𝐭𝐚𝐞𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐠: the transcendent 
my favorite witch!!! i wrote this whole thing for him
tae is like jin in that his whole family is magical and he grew up surrounded by magic his whole life
in fact, he’s so familiar with magic that he’s kind of sick of it (no he isn’t (most of the time))
taehyung is unique with his magic bc he’s actually able to transcend realms oooh~
the information on how many realms and parallel universes and such are limited as hell so taehyung actively helps broaden that knowledge as he travels, a very Dangerous and Scary job to anybody else
but to him he’s like!! fuck yeah astral projection!
basically, he’s able to put himself into a deep sleep where he moves through different realms, some more or less magical than the others
he’s so good at it that he can project himself into someone else’s dreams too
he’s basically capable of seeing more than most magical beings, and he can perceive spirits easily, as well as being able to actually see a magical aura around someone
so for instance, if a witch who didn’t know they were a witch walked into a bar, he’d know what they were instantly. besides the general intuitive feeling that most witches get, he can see the auras physically, like swarming tendrils of smoke unique to every person
each aura feels and looks different than others which makes it easy for him to point out shape shifters and vampires and werewolves and all the other guys pretty easily
bc of this ability, taehyung also likes to mess with the boys like everyone else lol
“tae, i just saw the most beautiful-” “they’re actually an ogre in disguise” “WHAT”
“man my english teacher is a witch” “she actually is”
in case you couldn’t tell tae’s favorite victim is jungkook
casually tells people he’s a witch just for the #reactions
if you’re wondering, no. nobody in this coven cares about keeping this shit a secret
since he’s more sensitive to dreaming, a lot of his dreams leave him incredibly emotional because sometimes he really is there
he once had a dream where all magical beings were universally accepted in the world and were loved and happy and woke up sobbing into jimin’s lap
also nightmares take a HUGE toll on him so his sleep pattern is fucked for real
usually ends up eating cake with jin in the dining room at four am and talking about life together to get the nightmares off tae’s mind
tae uses his magic on humans in a different way. like he doesn’t prank them that much, but rather manipulates their moods. he tries to charm anyone he comes in contact with to make them happy or to make them giggly
he wants to use his magic for good, because it often leaves a very painful burden on him in turn
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𝐣𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤: the prodigy
honestly i feel like if jungkook was a witch he’d probably be an underdeveloped one, you feel?
he finds out his power late bc either his family didn’t know (they’re all human) or they just didn’t tell him in hopes of him never becoming one
but jungkook is being bullied by some guys in his grade and they corner him after school one day and jungkook gets so frustrated that he just,,, makes them all start uncontrollably burping
as dumb as it is, those kids never bother jungkook again
when he does get a hang of it, jungkook probably uses his magic for fun more often than not
jungkook is recruited by jin for this very reason. he catches jungkook messing with old people at the park on his afternoon runs and he’s like this kid is such a brat. i want him
jungkook is SUCH a fast learner holy shit
he goes to namjoon for every little question, to the point where namjoon is positive he’s become a better witch simply because jungkook has prepared him for any fuckin scenario known to man
he also makes himself float upside down in the kitchen at night so when hoseok comes down for a glass of water he almost pisses himself
“haha did i scare you” 
cue hoseok making jungkook fall down as he mumbles “little shit” under his breath
halloween is his favorite time of year and he likes to pull harmless pranks on the kiddies while scaring the mean teenagers ruining all of the children’s fun
like he sees this guy in a deformed mask holding a plastic knife about to scare a little boy so Jungkook just gives the dude a wedgie with his magic
all the kids are laughing at him and jungkook just smirks
honestly he doesn’t like reading about magic as much as he likes just doing it from intuition/namjoon’s instruction. he’s a lot like hoseok in that he has a lot of natural talent but not a lot of proper training when he first starts honing his ability
since jin yoongi and namjoon are in charge of teaching magic they all hound on him like “did u do the reading”
jungkook maybe glosses over everything and then just over-performs as compensation
they get on him abt it but there’s no lying about it, jungkook is a strong witch on his own
he hasn’t gotten a special manifestation of his magic Just Yet but he only gets stronger as he goes. the more he applies himself, the stronger he grows
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