#and more emotionally constipated Izzy because that's how he is
goayda · 7 months
Not My Place to Say - Part 3/3
Third (and last, I think) part of a Stizzy fic. Second part can be found here:
(As usual, set some time after 2x07, Ed is happy being a fisherman somewhere and there was no Zheng fight and no Prince Ricky attack. As usual too, no warnings needed, except for the fluffiest fluff.)
Bonnet had politely waved him in and Izzy had walked into the cabin more confused than he had ever been before. Besides having just noticed the now painfully obvious similarities between Lestat and Bonnet, his mind was still reeling from Sprigg’s stupid words.
Because it was just a stupid idea, clearly, Bonnet being jealous? He was annoyed, that much was obvious, but that must be all. Izzy just had to discover what exactly had bothered the captain and then try to fix it before it could mess their relationship even more.
Bonnet was his captain now, but surely he didn’t expect to have a say in the first mate’s dalliances. Not even Edward had- no, better not go there, Izzy thought, because the truth was that Edward had never been bothered by who Izzy spent the night with because he had never cared. It was surprising and silly that this thought could hurt him, even after everything-
Bonnet’s voice startled him and Izzy realized the captain had been talking to him, but he had been too wrapped up in his own thoughts to hear a thing.
“I was saying if you would want to have some tea with me,” Bonnet repeated with a soft smile that faltered when Izzy simply stared at him without answering. “Unless you’ve already had breakfast, of course,” he added then, looking slightly uncomfortable. “And I know you’d probably prefer a cup of coffee anyway, tea is probably not your thing-“
“It’s fine,” Izzy finally found himself saying. “Tea is fine. Thank you.”
Bonnet nodded, smiling lightly again and poured two cups of tea and Izzy sat there at the table, looking at his cup while thinking how the hell he was going to start that conversation when Bonnet cleared his throat and squared his shoulders as he looked straight at him.
“I wanted to apologize, Izzy,” he started, seriously. “I’ve been rude to you for no good reason and I was bringing the mood down when this shore leave was supposed to be a good time for everybody.”
Izzy stared wide-eyed at him, not used to a captain apologizing, especially for something as trivial as this, but before he could open his mouth to reply, Bonnet continued.
“I’m glad that-that you found somebody- well,… it looked like that man at the tavern was… nice,” he added, looking as if uttering those words was actually painful to him. “We’re still going to be here for two more days, maybe you could invite him here to have some drinks and meet the crew…”
“I don’t even know where he’s now, Bonnet,” Izzy replied flatly. “And I don’t care.”
The way Bonnet tried and failed to hide his relief almost made Izzy laugh out loud, but even as tired as he was after a sleepless night, Izzy had a reputation to uphold so he resisted the urge to even smile while he tried not to think about how Bonnet’s reaction had warmed him inside.
“We said goodbye, I don’t expect to see him again. He was just… some guy,” Izzy added after a pause, not really knowing why he felt the need to explain himself now. “I just felt lonely, I guess. And he was good company for a night.”
Bonnet’s face softened and he nodded in understanding with a sad, little smile, but then he turned serious once again.
“I guess I must be honest, Izzy. I was a bit upset last night when you left the tavern because…”
Bonnet hesitated then, looking slightly embarrassed and Izzy’s heart started thrumming in his chest wildly.
“I was worried that you weren’t going to come back,” Bonnet finally said, lowering his gaze. “I think deep down I’ve always been worried that one day you’re going to leave us for another ship, for a better crew,… for a better captain.”
Izzy gaped at him, bewildered. He hadn’t seen that coming at all.
“That’s-that’s absurd,” he blurted out, making Bonnet flinch. “I mean… leaving without a proper resignation would be totally unprofessional,” he added quite lamely.
“Well, actually, I never officially asked you to be my first mate,” Bonnet replied with a playful smirk.
That was true, Izzy realized in dismay. After Edward left he had simply kept going as usual, doing the first mate’s tasks, training Bonnet and the crew, but nobody had really asked him to be the first mate. What if they had simply let him stay out of pity? Why would they have chosen him anyway? It was not as if Oluwande couldn’t do the job, or Jim, maybe. What if he was just… tolerated on board as some old ratter dogs are because they are still useful?
Izzy’s tired mind was starting to panic, but then Bonnet, who must have noticed his inner turmoil, reached for Izzy’s ungloved hand over the table, stopping all his thoughts from spiraling any further.
“But that’s a mistake I’d like to fix right now,” Bonnet said determinedly as he squeezed Izzy’s hand briefly. “Would you want to be my first mate, Israel Hands? It would mean a lot to me if you said yes. And to the crew, it would mean a lot to all of us,” he added quickly.
Izzy stared at Bonnet’s kind eyes and wished he was better with words in situations like this. He was going to have to try, he guessed.
“Yes,” he said firmly and then he squeezed Bonnet’s hand tightly.
Bonnet’s smile was blinding.
“And you don’t have to worry about me leaving,” he added, forcing himself to be brave. “This is a good crew and you… you’re a good captain, Stede.”
The look on the captain’s eyes, so soft and so caring, was almost too much for Izzy so he lowered his gaze to look at their intertwined hands instead.
“The tea must be getting cold,” Stede said lightly, after a few seconds of silence. “We shouldn’t let it spoil after Roach took the time to make it for us.”
And he started drinking it without letting go of Izzy’s hand. The first mate hesitated for only a moment and then took his cup with his free hand to take a sip while he tried to hide a smile.
The tea was awfully bland, of course, but Izzy couldn’t care less.
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aithusarosekiller · 11 months
An Extensive List Of Ouizzy Hcs
Frenchie is a cuddler. If he gets the opportunity to latch on like a koala you know damn well that he will do it. This is often paired with soft kisses to wherever is closest to his face. He and Izzy were initially very casual with very little intimacy, until one day Frenchie just decided to cuddle up and Izzy had the realisation of 'oh shit, this is actually really nice'
Izzy's response to the first 'I love you' was a very panicked 'fuck off' until he remembered how similarly Ed had responded to his confession and freaked the fuck out because he didn't want Frenchie to feel that way. He was too emotionally constipated to apologise so he just left the room. It took two days for him to approach Frenchie and manage an apology, which was accepted a lot quicker than he anticipated.
Frenchie is so proud that he managed to pull the Izzy Hands and will not fail to mention it to EVERYBODY he comes across. He is very much the 'Well, yesterday, my husband said...' 'According to Iz- that's my boyfriend btw-' 'hey, this is Izzy, he's my beautiful boyfriend' 'I'm so lucky to have a husband like Iz' 'I have a partner too, his name is Izzy and-' 'sorry, I've got a date with my darling Izzy today' type of partner
Frenchie smiles in his sleep. It's adorable.
Jim is their no.1 supporter. They gave Frenchie the shovel talk, which he genuinely did not see coming. They think their relationship is 'cute', which made Izzy particularly grumpy and reluctant to talk to them for a week.
Izzy is a sub
Izzy always falls asleep first but he's a super light sleeper so Frenchie is careful to not move or even breathe too loud because he is terrified of waking him
Stede knew they were dating before Izzy did
Izzy will usually shut down Frenchie's superstitious theories but will occasionally indulge him if he's particularly adamant and it won't cause any harm bc at least it makes Frenchie happy to be believed.
The room they choose to hide Izzy in when he gets shot is the room the two of them had been secretly meeting up in for several weeks before the canon s2 timeline picks up. Frenchie just panicked and took him right there, having to come up with an excuse to give to Archie when she asked why he wanted to drag Izzy behind a dusty shelf.
Frenchie gives neck hugs, Izzy goes for the arms around the waist + face in shoulder hug. Occasionally Izzy will come up and hug him from behind but he finds it more intimate for some inexplicable reason so he rarely does it, especially in the company of others.
They can't go anywhere without walking into some big, scary guy Izzy once hooked up with. But Frenchie quickly grew to not mind because out of all of them, Iz still chose to stick the superstitious barely-pirate with no survival skills whatsoever so are any of them really that cool after all?
Lucius takes every opportunity to tease Izzy about their relationship. He will not stop until he gets a satisfying reaction. Or until he gets bored enough to make up an excuse for leaving...
Frenchie is a biter. No further information.
They don't usually do anniversaries but they DO frequently pretend that it's their anniversary when they want to get out of doing something for somebody else
In S1E4, Frenchie is the one that left the prosthetic at Izzy's door. He's also the one that told Lucius what to put on the note.
Izzy sometimes sings when he's really focused on something but he'll deny it to the end of time. Frenchie hears sometimes and just quietly listens. He'll switch between languages when he sings depending on his mood and Frenchie loses all human cognitive abilities when he brings out the French.
One day, Frenchie 'adopts' a rat he found onboard and calls it Maddy, Izzy hates it but still manages to convince Roach not to skin it and feed it to a seagull, all bc it made Frenchie happy. Ofc if you asked him, he'd say he had nothing to do with the thing being kept.
Frenchie manages to somehow slip the word 'babe' into every conversation
Izzy's a hand kisser. Especially the palms.
They both go to Wee John when they're stressing about gifts or smth and it gets to a point where he knows more about their relationship than they do
Izzy accidentally let the words 'my love' slip ONCE and is not allowed to forget it
There is nothing Frenchie wouldn't do to hear that man laugh. He'll do absolutely anything just to see him smile or laugh, which initially proves to be quite difficult.
They are girl dads idec
Izzy occasionally smokes, and it's one of the key ways Frenchie can tell if he is in pain or stressed out
They make bets about everyone else on the ship constantly. About almost anything.
Izzy tried to teach Frenchie how to read but his reading skills are relatively limited so it really didn't go well. They end up going to Ed for help because Izzy banned him from asking Lucius.
Frenchie knows a lot about flowers. He never says how but he'll go on about them for ages. Izzy secretly gives it endearing.
The black jacket Frenchie wears in s2 was given to him by Izzy. He made some adjustments and added the cat to the back and then started to wear it constantly; he quite liked wearing it because it felt like a comforting layer of protection and familiarity from the horrors around them
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mottlemoth · 2 years
Hello ! I just finished watching OFMD a few days ago, and I must say I've become totally obsessed with all of them (how do one stop that ? Send help. 🤣) I've become quite enamoured with Izzy Hands (First Mate !) especially and am terrified for his future (not sure he can be saved from himself unfortunately...) So ! Simple question really, because I love reading you and want to share my love for the show : what are your thoughts on this character ? Thank you !
No one can help you now, friend xD ❤️
Izzy is one of my absolute favourite characters to watch. I think he's fascinating, and brought to life by an extremely talented actor. I have a soft spot for emotionally constipated Slytherin characters who picked world domination in lieu of a therapist and it really isn't working out for them. (I just think they're neat.) Con O'Neill is one of those actors who can pack an entire soliloquy into a three-second facial expression. I love that Izzy doesn't realise he's the antagonist in Stede's show. He thinks Stede is the antagonist in his show, and that comes across in every single second of Con's performance.
I really hope we get to discuss Season 2 Izzy or even Season 3 Izzy someday, because I suspect he'll only get more interesting with time.
I know some folks are arguing right now over whether Season 1 Izzy is a Bad Person or a Good Person, but I honestly couldn't care less. He's interesting; that's enough for me. I don't mind if future series fix Izzy, I don't mind if they make him worse. Whatever happens, I'll be excited to watch it ❤️
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rivangel · 2 years
So I saw this post
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On your profile
AND read your comment regarding if we wonder about what You think about Levi 🦋 The answer is yes.I personally think You being a psychology student makes all your perspectives even more interesting;and your talent with writing even Moore beautiful 💙❤️
Compliments aside though I would love to see your thoughts on Levi on a more personal level
Like why do You like him so much,is it because of his looks,his personality,maybe You have a more close to the heart (lol) reason for it? Because I personally relate yo him in a LOT of wats,especially his personality and the way he reacts to things.
Anyways I am not particularly great with words but i hope i got the point clear :c gimme your thoughts 😂😂😂
Nice to read You! byeee! 💖💖
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i could write a whole dissertation on a thorough analysis on levi’s character tbh
i mean :( this man who quite literally came from nothing, fighting to live and losing everything he loves along the way, no matter what he does to protect them. because of his strength he feels SO much responsibility that even things out of his control are in the end his fault, things he needs to avenge.
like kenny leaving him?? levi thought it was bc he didn’t live up to his potential enough, he he became determined to be the strongest.
izzy and farlan?? he blamed his pride until erwin convinced him it was the titans. it became his mission in life to kill them all and make erwin’s dream realized.
his original squad?? levi was Very Clear when he told annie how he planned to torture her and make her regret what she did. this conflict was retconned in s4p2 convince me otherwise
he thinks the way eren turned out was his fault (him being levi’s responsibility from the start). his 30 comrades in the forest?? levi thinks he should have sussed out the poisoned wine. not to mention those times he let zeke get away.
baby feels he has NO worth other than his ability to fight. he is willing to become the worst person on earth if erwin’s dream can come true, and he even let erwin rest bc of the devil he was becoming even tho he believed it would doom humanity.
levi is simply. the most selfless character and also the most beautiful and brave and complex and badass. idek what else to say. ultimate blorbo status.
it’s SO much more than his looks dkvnsn canonically he looks so tired all the time and he’s so small that isayama cuts him off in most panels dkfnehfjr. ppl love to imagine levi tall but that’s just weird to me lmao. it doesn’t fit him at all. i think a large part of his character represents humanity’s strength itself as small but mighty hehe
i didn’t even Notice levi the first time i watched aot a million years ago?? but i think the type of person i am, i’m more attached to emotionally unavailable ppl who are v strong and v damaged. that’s mommy and daddy issues for u.
is levi my highest kin ever??? yes. abandonment issues? check. super awkward and cannot read social cues to save my life? also yes. emotionally constipated. loyal to a fault. always moving forward despite living thru a hell that would ruin other ppl?? this also. trauma. acts like the embodiment of a brick wall which behind waits the most sensitive person you’ve ever met?????? u bet.
i may or may not have latched onto aot in general when life was Awful so now aot is somehow my comfort show and him as my comfort character😭 i don’t think i can escape tbh
ONTO OTHER THINGS… the only reason majority of conflicts in aot existed (s2 as a whole, the rumbling fights, the yeagerists uprising in s4) was bc levi was somehow out of commission, injured, or had a plot excuse to not be there. such a waste imo.
absolutely got done dirty by fans who saw the 1 (one) scene from s1 when levi beat up eren TO PROVE THAT HE COULD HANDLE HIM as their sole proof that levi is a sadistic unfeeling asshole. those ppl watched the anime with their ass.
and please do not get me started on shipping levi with literal children and even incestually with his own cousin. gross.
lastly, irl i would be fuxking petrified to be around a stoic awkward person like him at first,,, but if shown 1 sign of who levi actually is i will fall immediately in love. i don’t make the rules.
my favorite character ever thank u for asking
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Magnus slowly starting to feel sure enough of himself and his role in his relationship with Alec that he just starts touching him whenever he wants??? Initiating intimacy?? And he’s rewarded with so much encouragement and reassuring that he decides he’s gonna try it out on his friends (obvs with consent we know what kind of man Magnus is in this house) and it all ends with him never having to feel touch starved or deprived ever again because it’s what he deserves. Just, his family and his husband all loving on him just the way he needs when he ASKS for it!!! Because he gets to do that now!!! And it feels safe, and so fulfilling!! And he’s so happy!!!!
yessssssss anon you get it!!
i feel like with his friends it's less that magnus doesn't initiate intimacy (he seems to be pretty touchy-feely with his friends, like the way he started massaging cat's shoulders without prompting, the hugs with raphael, the way he casually touched his face and whatnot) and more that he just... struggles to ask for help from his friends, you know? like "i want company" and stuff like that without an "excuse"
(also the fact that usually when he initiates touching with them it seems to be something that HE does for THEM, like the massage which is kind of a touch that will always be welcomed, you know? like he's putting this in his "acts of service" list. which i know i've already talked about at some point but anyway)
and it really breaks my heart because the thing is that i feel like they'd be pretty open to touch?? i mean not ragnor because he's british, but catarina, raphael, and dot definitely have these vibes. i know ppl don't usually hc raphael as the open-to-touch type, but i disagree. i think he's guarded and won't let just anyone touch him, especially when he's been burned too many times before, but he was obviously comfortable with magnus touching him in their scenes together, and even with izzy he was pretty open to touch
also there's the cultural factor which like... obviously latinos that aren't a fan of touch exist, but the thing is that when you are raised in an environment where the standard greeting for strangers is a kiss on the cheek (or two or three, depending on the region) the way you see touch and touching is not gonna be the same as the way someone raised in an environment where that is considered super intimate might see it. i've said before and i'll say it again, an emotionally constipated latino is just a slightly warmer than average gringo (that's a joke but it's also kinda true)
and just generally i think that raphael is as touch starved as magnus tbh, especially because again, he is USED to a lot more touch than he gets right now. i think the combination of him being seen as overly touchy and probably getting nasty hate for it when he immigrated + being hypersexualized and hating every minute of it as a sex repulsed person (not that being hypersexualized is ever nice but when you're a latino man every last thing you do is going to be seen as "coming unto" someone and when you want to avoid these connotations like the plague that's particularly bad) + so many flavors of trauma made him avoid touch and like... he needs it
which is why i think magnus might be always hugging him and touching his face and stuff, because he KNOWS, and he knows raphael won't ask for it (like father like son part infinity) so he keeps doing it to make raphael happy. which circles back to that thing i said about how it's something he does for OTHERS, almost like an act of service, not for himself. :(
or when he really needs touching he turns it into a massage or whatever so he feels like he's "allowed" to. not consciously i don't think, but it's still a thing that he seems to do
and anyway... magnus slowly growing more confident? gorgeous! perfect! fantastic! starting off with just asking (like "can you hug me?" and i have really specific images in my head of his cathartic moment where he does that and gets a hug and he's just like "tighter" and gets to be hugged like they never want to let him go and aaa) and then eventually just initiating it himself hhhh
and all the possibilities like! immortal squad cuddle pile! spooning with rapha, cat, and madzie after a tiring day! watching movies together and resting his head on dot's shoulder! laying on raphael's lap and letting him play with his hair! nonchalantly climbing on alec's lap and koala-ing the shit out of him during breakfast! the possibilities are endless and it's what he deserves and gOD he's so happy and feels so blessed that this has stopped being so difficult for him and he's loved and understood like this by his family and aaa <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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gynandromorph · 4 years
For the butch questions: 14/30 and I’m interested in hearing about your own butch media! Do you have a particular favorite butch character to draw and/or write? :3
14: Share a positive butch experience!
this is hard because i could be like “this one time i cleaned out the drain” or “i fixed a garbage disposal with my bare hands” but i guess maybe a unique one is one time when i was a lot younger like in community college, an acquaintance’s male relative died i think it was like his grandad and he got a shitton of neckties, like dozens of them in this plastic box. he didn’t want any of them because they were stupid novelty ties and asked if i wanted them because i would wear novelty ties every single day. it was awesome to be first in line above like, male friends instead for getting a huge amount of free tie loot. actually, related to this, back when i wore neckties, guys asking me pleadingly to do their neckties for them was always a positive experience.
30: What makes you feel butch?
being useful for sure. obviously appearance/presentation is a big one, but nothing beats the validation of utilitarian desirability. other less conceptual things including controlling Big emotions (not a great one), making stupid exaggerated deep voices, and swearing. also, sleeveless shirts for some reason
for my own characters, that’s a fun but tough question. sugar and izzi are probably my favorite butches to draw, and in general. i like that sugar’s more of a nerdy kind of butch than a meathead because almost every single bigger butch in media is a bulldyke like i mentioned even though trussed up/formal fat butches are SUPER common irl in my experience. her general anxiety pairs well with her appearance to me. izzi i like because she’s what i consider a tomboy butch and that just vibes with me a lot. her total abandonment of feminine respectability or respectability in general is something i rly relate to yet frequently only see handed off to like, straight women in edgy adult cartoons or stand-up comedy. i still think about that sketch comic where she threw a loose necktie and unbuttoned dress shirt on OVER her REGULAR T-SHIRT to be Fancy for a date all the time. in terms of writing characters, weirdly, my favorite butch to write is sugar’s mom, jack? because of how emotionally constipated she is? all of the half-written scripts and sketch comic ideas i’ve had about her and never had time to draw have been really satisfying. next up would be outis for the same reason, and keshet because i like her awkward enthusiasm and i think the fact that she binds when she’s cis is interesting.
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ketzwrites · 6 years
Rewatch 112: Malec
Love. That’s it. That’s the comment.
No, of course it isn’t.
I’m still surprised by how neatly Jace and Clary’s arrival with the Mortal Cup tied things up, but hey, let’s get right to the wedding, then.
We’re underserved when it comes to Jace and Izzy interactions and this one is as impersonal as they come. I want some follow through on Alec saying Izzy is his sister, not his and Jace’s. I want Izzy talking to Jace about his finding out he is Valentine and Jocelyn’s son. Anything more than this bland “Jace is angry, Izzy is not.”
Act One
Clary seems at peace now that Jocelyn is safe. Not happy, of course, but her tone of voice is calmer, more centered. Good acting on Kat’s part in a season she is mostly known for butchering.
Funny how Alec and Clary were smiling at each other and, you know, having a sort-of-friendship in this season only for the writers to go “nope, Alec is back to completely and only hating her” on the start of the next one.
Now, I don’t get this move on Magnus’ part. In their last conversation, he tried to talk Alec out of sacrificing himself. Alec didn’t listen. Now Magnus is… seducing him out of sacrificing himself? Why is Magnus this invested in Alec? I’m glad he is, but why?
Magnus says he will not ask again, but then there is never a scene in which Magnus asks Alec what his choice is. There is only Magnus being passive-aggressive.
Why doesn’t Clary tell Simon she and Jace are siblings? By what she says in this phone call, it sounds like they had a fight. Good thing Simon knows what’s going on.
Jace and Clary are so awkward. I love it.
Interesting how Magnus protests Ragnor being the list, but not Catarina or Tessa. It’s purely Magnus being an ass to his friend.
Alec and Magnus are so awkward. I love it. Still don’t understand why Magnus would act entitled to Alec’s love like this, but I love it.
Awkward exposition delivery by extraordinarily pretty Izzy. I see you, Ed Decter. Good move.
Alec’s jokes are so underrated. Platinum, Turning over a new leaf, Sisters can really drive you nuts sometimes. All very witty, all deserve more recognition.
When you first watched this scene, could you imagine that Jace was right? Jocelyn really didn’t want her son Jonathan. Well, that Jonathan wasn’t Jace, but the point is: Jocelyn really is the asshole that Jace paints her to be. Valentine didn’t even have to lie about that.
Act Two
I honestly see Jace’s discomfort in discussing his feelings for Clary as being nauseated by the notion that he fancied his sister. Not an “I still love her, so I feel bad”. A “how could I think I was in love with my sister?”
Why is the fire green? Because it’s a wink to Ragnor being green in the books. It has to be because green fire on green grass looks awful.
Subtle changes in your eyes? Subtle? Also, if Jocelyn and Ragnor met in the early 90s while they lived in Idris, that means they met while Jocelyn was a Circle Member. Why is Ragnor on her side??
I love how the characters say “the Book of the White”. Everyone says it like it like it’s one word “debukofdewyt”. I also love the friendship between Magnus and Ragnor.
I wish we’d seen something that warned us Jace, Clary, and Magnus were being followed. It would make Ragnor’s death less sudden and, thus, less ridiculous. A warlock considered more powerful than Magnus shouldn’t die out of the attack of one Shax demon.
Act Three
How does Izzy still think the people in Institute are her family when they sat and watched in silence that farce of a trial almost derune and exile her?
Question: if Lydia is Head of the Institute, wouldn’t they have to run the mission to Ragnor Fell through her anyway? In fact, wouldn’t they need her permission? I’m just saying, anyone with high enough access could’ve learned about this mission from looking at the files. We know the mole was Hodge, but it’s a possibility that Jace, Clary, and Izzy should’ve entertained.
There’s no way Lydia would “slip up” with the way Clary conducted that conversation. It’s almost as if Clary doesn’t think Lydia is guilty and just wants to give her a Shovel Talk on behalf of Alec.
“Alec’s love for his family and his desire to restore the Lightwood name have touched me in ways I haven’t felt in a long time” is so uncomfortable to hear coming from a straight woman about to marry a gay man.
Simon ordering around vamps and borrowing Raphael’s clothes is so confusing to me. Does that mean he and Raphael are friends now? Friendly? Is Simon fitting in? What is this?
Regardless, the first instance of Izzy and Simon being friends.
I still don’t get if Ragnor’s apparition is supposed to be magic or if it’s supposed to be a figment of Magnus’ imagination.
Goddammit. I don’t care about Alec and Jace’s friendship. I have no idea what their relationship was before Clary showed up – or rather, the little that I know comes from Simon saying that Jace treats Alec like a lap dog, Izzy defending Alec from Jace, and Jace saying that Alec would die for him. None of that makes me want Alec and Jace to be friends the way they were before.
Okay. I’m not on board of Alec equating his feelings for Magnus to Jace’s feelings for Clary in this context. They are talking about a normal love between two men equated to romantic love between siblings. Those things are not equivalent and that should’ve been pointed out.
What I am on board with is Alec hijacking the conversation and shifting it from Clary to Magnus and Jace going along with it. This is the first and only conversation Jace and Alec have about Alec’s feelings.
Act Four
I absolutely love this scene with Magnus and Ragnor. The only way to make it better would be to link this conversation about love to Magnus grieving for his lost friend.
Maryse being proud of Alec in these circumstances breaks my heart.
Simon’s little smirk over catching Jace staring makes him look like a douche. Congrats, man. The girl you like isn’t in a relationship anymore because she and her boyfriend found out they are both kids of a psychotic blood supremacist who messed up her boyfriend’s mental health. How fortunate for you.
The Malec Kiss. Enough said. Okay, just one thing. I’m glad Magnus didn’t burst in saying he objected to the wedding. He walks in as if he’s just coming to the ceremony and seems genuinely surprised it has already begun. Then, it’s Alec that takes the opportunity and puts an end to this madness.
Act Five
The order of reactions immediately after Alec’s coming out: Magnus. Maryse and Robert. Izzy. Simon??
I’m not going to lie. I shipped Lydia and Jace the first time I saw this scene. I did.
I adore this shot of Magnus’ hand and the objects burning into existence. And the fact that Magnus’ presence in the Institute continues to miraculously make Alec lose pieces of clothing. First, it was his shirt, now it’s his jacket.
So, nobody questions Clary about the Alternate Dimension? Neither Magnus nor Alec has any reason to have known she went there.
Again, I wish there was more of a build-up to an attack on Lydia. Someone following her. We could even learn it was Hodge here. Maybe he pretends to go check on her and then attacks her? Just something so this doesn’t come out of nowhere like this.
Act Six
When I first read the books, I read “JC” in Portuguese in my mind. “Jota Cê.” That’s very different from “Jay Cee”. I don’t know if I would have caught that Jace = JC had I read it in English. I kind of want it to be mentioned earlier in the show just to be dismissed like “Jonathan Christopher was a very common name at the time” or something like that, but I understand the dramatic value of having Jace make the connection now.
Not to be that person, but Jonathan’s hair is in that box. Izzy is a forensic scientist. She could’ve done a simple DNA test to check if the famously manipulative Valentine was telling the truth.
Just as with Alec and Jace’s friendship, I never saw enough darkness in Jace to believe it when he says it has always been there. Arrogant? Yes. Emotionally constipated? Definitely. Evil? Nope. Not the guy who warned Simon about Izzy’s cooking, that studied the Seelies culture, that risk everything for a girl he was crushing on.
Alec standing up to his parents is a delight. Funny how Maryse was the clear villain while Robert is the more sympathetic parent. Not going to call him all the way supportive, but he at least tried to understand what was going on. Also, the little interactions between Alec and Magnus. sdsa;ksk my heart.
Yes. This exchange between Hodge and Luke. This is what Hodge should’ve done with Lydia. By now, we’d be watching Hodge in action and yelling for Luke not to go. Though, there is no reason for Hodge to invoke Valentine in the middle of the training room. That’s kind of a public place in the Institute. You’d think he would be more careful.
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I want some Shadowhunter who just transferred from a different institute to be at Magnus' loft because idk he was asked to go to Magnus for a potion or something and for Alec to come home and that Shadowhunter is like "Mr. Lightwood? What are you doing here?" And Alec to be like "wym 'what I'm doing here?? I /live/ here??" That's all I want in life.
We’re going to pretend that this a)isn’t one month late, b) isn’t somehow something Jimon worked its way into, c) isn’t unbetae’dFor real, thank you so so much for the prompt, I hope you’re still around to see it ❤️
Jace slams a file on Alec’s desk,pulls the uncomfortable chair out from under said desk dragging it onthe floor and sits down with, Alec is pretty sure, as little grace ashe can master.
Alec raises his eyebrows before helifts his gaze from the mess that is the deal he’s working on withthe Faeries.
Jace is clearly fuming, arms crossedover his chest, he’s staring angrily at Alec’s desk, and Alec iskind of worried it’ll catch fire.
“I take it something’s botheringyou,” he says, deadpan, and Jace’s stare is positively murderouswhen it focuses on Alec’s relaxed-only-because-he’s-so-goddamn-tiredexpression.
“Pierre is bothering me,” hesays, jaw clenched, leans forward when Alec rolls his eyes: “Don’t,”he warns him, “I’m telling you, he keeps flirting withSimon!”
Alec is still rolling his eyes: “He’snot flirting with Simon, Jace. He’s being friendly.You think he’s flirting because you are five yearsold and you keep pulling at his pigtails instead of being nice to himbecause that’s your idea of flirting.”, Alec shrugs, “It’syour fault, really.”
Jace glares at him even harder: “Ican still kick your ass even if you’re Head of the Institute.”
Alec taps his fingers on thedesk, unbothered: “And I can have you do paperwork until yourfingers fall off.”
Jace stands up, anger andfrustration making his movements jerky: “You are a terriblefriend,” he says, before turning and walking away.
“Denial is not just a stick lodged upyour ass,” Alec calls after him, and Jace flips him off as hereaches the door.
There is a portal waiting for him assoon as he’s done with his paperwork, and Alec is so grateful hecould cry. There’s a blooming headache behind his eyes and he can’tquite see straight because he keeps seeing words swimming around infront of him, so he can’t wait to be home.
He closes his eyes as he steps in theportal, wind taking his breath away for a couple of seconds before hefeels the warmth of Magnus’ apartment, and he’s about to sigh inrelief when he hears voices coming from the living room; he frowns ashe shrugs his jacket off his shoulders and walks towards the voices.
He freezes as soon as he catches sightof Magnus talking to Pierre of all people. In their livingroom. And Pierre is standing fucking close to Magnus too, clearlyinvading his personal space, hand on his cocked hip as he chuckles,and Alec’s exhaustion has never turned into anger so quicklybefore.
He clears his throat as Magnus andfucking Pierre turn towards him, and he immediately crosseshis arms over his chest.
He can see Magnus frown but he’s toobusy glaring at fucking Pierre to think about it.
“Alexander!”, he says, Frenchaccent heavy on the last syllable, “I didn’t know you hadsomething to ask Magnus too! If I had known I would have done it foryou.”
Alec blinks at him, keeps glaring atthe bright grin he’s sporting: “I live here,” he says,voice dangerously close to a growl, and Pierre widens his eyes, hispink lips curving in a perfect O: “Oh, forgive me, I did notknow! I will be on my way, then.”, and then he fucking kissesMagnus’ cheek and smiles, all flourishes and adieu andflailing hands and golden hair and Alec hates him.
Magnus is openly glaring at him now.“What was that?” he asks, and it’s clear he’s barely holdingback the anger boiling in his voice.
Alec frowns at him: “What was what?”
Magnus crosses his arms over his chest,gestures at the portal Pierre has just used: “You being a dick.”
Alec gapes in a way he feels isn’texactly dignified, but he certainly can’t help it: “Me?How am I the dick when someone comes into my house andflirts with my boyfriend?”
“I can assure you no one was flirtingwith your boyfriend in our house, and even if someonewere to be flirting with me, I’d be capable of dealing withit.”
“Didn’t look like it,” Alecdrawls, and realises his mistake when Magnus’ glare turns intosomething deeper and disappointed and almost sad.
There is silence, terrible, tensesilence where someone should apologize, say wait, how did thishappen?, but everything that comes out of Alec’s mouth is:“Wait, this is Jace’s –”, and Magnus raises a hand, says:“Clearly we’ll have to talk in the morning.”, cold and hard.
Alec’s protest is suffocated bysomething ugly and bitter that’s offended by that dismissal, likehe’s a child, so he presses his lips together and says: “Fine.”
They sleep back to back, not touching.
Alec doesn’t sleep that well.
“So you aren’t going to sayanything?” Magnus asks, voice still cold as he lets his mug fallinto the sink.
Alec glares at him: “I was waitingfor your permission to speak,” he says, and it sounds wrong,he doesn’t want to fight but there’s still anger coiled in hischest, and Magnus presses his lips together, seems to hesitate, likehe’s taken aback, says: “That’s not the point.”
“Of course not,” Alec muttersbitterly, stands up and lets his half full mug fall into the sink aswell, “Because we can only talk about my mistakes, right?”
Magnus frowns: “That’s notfair.”
“Because, on the other hand,dismissing me like I’m a child is fair, isn’t it?” Alecasks, trying to fight the urge to cross his arms over his chest.
“You were acting like one!”,Magnus says, like he’d had two alternatives and he’s chosen theone he deemed less wise but couldn’t hold back.
“He was flirting with you!”
“He wasn’t flirting withme,” Magnus says, exasperated, “He was being friendly becauseyou emotionally repressed Shadowhunters have probably been less thanwelcoming towards the French Shadowhunter who’s just moved here andis only trying to fit in,” he ends with a growl, frustrationroughing up his voice, and Alec crosses his arms over his chest,looks away as he realises - he hadn’t thought about that.
Magnus sighs, says: “You’re goingto be late for work.”, but he’s not dismissing him, it soundsmore like we’ll talk about it later, and Alec glances athim, anger almost completely drained from his chest. He just feelstired and cranky. But Magnus is right, and he knows he’ll get evencrankier if he’s late to the Institute.
He leans hesitantly towards Magnus, andMagnus sighs, leans forward as well and lets Alec kiss his forehead.“I’m still mad,” he murmurs.
Alec says: “Me too.”, his wordsmuffled against Magnus’ skin.
“You look like crap,” Jace says,throwing a file on Alec’s desk; Alec glares at him and Jace shrugs:“Can’t say I’m sorry.”
“Sit,” Alec says, in his Head ofthe Institute voice; Jace raises his eyebrows but he obeys.
“I think we’ve made a mistake,”Alec grumbles, “with Pierre.”
A slow grin stretches Jace’s lips:“We?”
Alec glares at him, ignores thecomment: “I think he might just be trying to fit in and the two ofus are kind of emotionally constipated so we missed that, and hetried it with the other two available people.”
“Two available people,” Jacequotes back at him, a knowing smirk on his lips.
“Fine,” Alec growls, “Ifound him home when I went back yesterday and I kind of thought hewas flirting with Magnus and we kind of had a fight about it. Happy?”
“Not happy that the two of youfought, but kind of happy that I wasn’t the only idiot,” Jacenods.
Alec glares at him. “I’m invitinghim out for drinks tonight. You’ll be there.”
“Fine,” Jace says,half-whiny, throwing his head back, “But if this theory, which I’massuming is Magnus’ and not yours, turns out to be wrong, I’mcalling dibs on punching him first.”
Pierre is actually a lovely person. Ofcourse he is. 
He is a bit naive in a way that makesAlec’s chest tighten, reminds him of something he’d dreamt about.Something simpler in their already pretty fucked up world.
“You did well,” Magnus says,setting his drink next to Alec’s before he sits down; they bothlook at where Pierre is laughing and playing pool with Izzy andClary.
Alec snorts bitterly: “It’sdifficult to screw up royally twice in a row.”
“You’re wrong,” Magnus correctshim gently, “It’s far more difficult to admit that you werewrong. You did well. I’m proud of you.”
Alec glances at him, says more quietly:“Thanks.”, and Magnus gives him a small smile. “I never wantyou to feel like I’m dismissing you or what you think,” he says,more serious and private, his smile turning apologetic, “I’msorry.”
Alec nods, relief insinuating in hischest, making it easier to breathe: “And I’m sorry for being anidiot. A huge idiot.”
Magnus smiles and moves his chaircloser to Alec’s so that he can slip his fingers through Alec’s.
Alec’s lips turn into half a grin,like he’s trying to keep it from splitting his face in half.
A half empty beer lands heavily on thetable in front of them. They raise their eyes to see a determinedJace who’s staring at Simon, who’s throwing darts and chattingwith Luke on the other side of the pub.
“I’m gonna do this,” he says.
They both keep staring at him as hecrosses the pub, Alec’s arm around Magnus’ shoulders, they holdtheir breath as Jace taps on Simon’s shoulder.
Alec focuses and he can hear Jace say:“I’m going to kiss you now, break my left arm if you don’t wantme to.”, and he buries his laughter in Magnus’ shaking shoulderas Jace’s lips press against Simon’s, Simon’s eyes wide openbefore he buries his fingers in Jace’s hair, closes his eyes andkisses him back.
Pierre is the first one to clap andwhistle.
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atlantaelizabeth · 7 years
Agagagagaaaaaa that was so cute!!! Thank you so much! I can't stop smiling while reading it! Thank you! Thank you! Now I'm thinking of possessive Alec but I don't have any plot idea :(.... But possessive Alec would be cute too because he always look like emotionally constipated so it would be fun to see him being possessive over Magnus sometimes :) - Z
Wow. I am a couple of days late posting this but here it is! This is slightly nsfw (my other possessive!Alec ficlet is a little bit fluffier so I thought I’d switch it up a little bit) 
Alec has always been somewhat of a possessive person,especially when it comes to his belongings. When he was a child, he wouldscratch, scream and fight anyone who would even glance at his toys.
He’d thought he’d grow out of it. And to some extent, hedid.
Instead of outwardly reacting to people’s incessant need to touchthings that were clearly not theirs, Alec would just use the right tone ofvoice: harsh with a slight touch of sarcasm, and it would strike fear intowhoever was stupid enough to touch something that was his.
As he got older, and he became more involved withShadowhunter business, he became more protectivethan possessive. Izzy would think things through meticulously, telling Alecabout her plan every step of the way and Alec would make sure that she wascovered, that she was protected. Jacewas a different problem altogether. He would act first and think on it laterand it always made Alec tear his hair out. He’d protect Jace as much as hecould, but the man was a rebellious spirit and would never accept anyresponsibility for his actions. He’d scoff at Alec’s attempts to stop him andhe’d ridicule his speech on needing to protect him.
He’d never viewed living things as his. He might have viewedthem as things to be protected, but they were never his. He had to protect Izzy and Jace, but they weren’t inanimateobjects, they had a life of their own.
That all changed with Magnus.
Magnus, who had lived for the centuries without the need tobe protected. Magnus Bane, who had become a High Warlock because of the amountof power and force that was running through his veins. Magnus, who could killan enemy without even breaking a sweat.
Alec knew that Magnus didn’t need to be protected. He knewthat the High Warlock of Brooklyn could hurt anyone who even looked at himwrong.
But Magnus had the softest smile and something within Alecscreamed Mine.
“Do we have to go to Pandemonium?”
“Oh Darling, it’s a party for us both. It’d be no fun ifonly I turned up.”
They’re both in their bedroom, Alec is leaning against thedoorframe, arms crossed with a look of confusion written on his face. Magnus issitting cross-legged on the floor, trifling through an array of brightlycoloured shirts.
“But Magnus…” He knows he’s sulking. He knows he’s whiningand he knows that Magnus isn’t going to be put off by it, but Alec can’t helpat least trying.
“But nothing Alexander.” He’s not looking at Alec, insteadhe’s flinging shirts atop of the bed. “Perhaps the blue shirt for you Alec?” Hemumbles something unintelligible. “What was that?” He grumbles out an almostsilent yes and then leans down to grab the shirt that’s pooled in Magnus’ lap.Before he can take his hand back, Magnus has latched onto his wrist. “We’llonly stay for a little while my love.” Magnus gently rubs small circles intohis wrist and Alec can feel himself lean into the touch. “We’ll come home andI’ll make it up to you yes?” Alec nods, head still bowed. Magnus’ other handlifts his chin until they’re making eye contact. “I adore you Alexander, and Iknow this isn’t your idea of fun. But I want you to know that I appreciate youwanting to try.” Magnus smiles, its soft and the monster within twitches.“Thank you, Alec.” He gives Magnus a smile.
They reach Pandemonium an hour later. They would havearrived sooner but Magnus had decided that as soon as Alec got into hisclothes, he wanted to take them off him again. He’d protested of course, buthe’s far too weak to deny Magnus anything. Besides, Magnus has the power tomake them both immaculately cleaned and groomed without really lifting afinger.
As soon as they step over the threshold, all attention is onthem. Suddenly Alec is acutely aware of how tight his clothes are, he suddenlyfeels too warm and he wants to undo a few of his shirt’s buttons but moving hishand would bring far too much focus onto him. He instinctively searches forMagnus’ hand and his chest swells when he finally feels the soft palm in his.He turns to look at Magnus, when he meets his eyes, he exhales the breath hedidn’t even know he was holding. “Are you okay my love?” Alec nods. “Well,let’s sit.”
He lets Magnus drag him to the booth. He can’t help but scanthe surrounding area for any obvious threats. “Calm down darling.” He points tothe blur of people on the dancefloor. “Jace and Izzy are on their way over.”Magnus waves at them. “You stay here and I’ll go and get us a drink.” Alecdoesn’t have time to argue because Magnus is up and walking towards the bar.His space is quickly occupied by Izzy and Jace.
“Happy anniversary Alec!” its Izzy. She’s grinning at him.“We got you a little something.” She gives him a perfectly wrapped box. “Openit then!” He doesn’t need to be told twice. He unwraps the gift slowly, takingtime to unfasten the bow tied around the box. When he does finish unwrappingit, there is a framed photo. It’s a photo of Magnus and Alec, it’s one of those‘of the moment’ ones where neither Alec or Magnus is looking at the camera.They’re holding each other in a tight embrace, Magnus leaning into him and Alecwith his eyes closed and in mid-laugh. Looking at the photo makes his chestswell with love and affection.
“I love it Izzy.”
She smiles and nudges Jace. He coughs, looks at Alec andsmiles broadly. “Happy anniversary Alec.” He looks around for a moment.“Where’s lover-boy?” Alec suddenly searches the patrons at the bar. He seesMagnus straightaway, face lighted by the iridescent lights above. He’s smiling.It’s the smile that he reserves only for Alec, so to see him using that smilefor someone other than Alec, sparks the possessive monster within.
He excuses himself and saunters over to the bar. Just beforehe reaches Magnus, he hears the heavenly laugh of his boyfriend. He knows thenand there that, no matter how this night goes, it’s going to end with Magnuskeening beneath him.
“Magnus? I thought you were getting drinks?” He doesn’t giveany attention to the guy that Magnus seems to be bestowing all his affectiononto. “I wondered what you were up to.”
“I didn’t know you were so thirsty Alec.”
He smiles, one of the sultry ones that he thinks makes himlook stupid but it does something to Magnus. “I’m thirsty for something otherthan water Mags.” He leans forward, gives a gentle kiss just beneath Magnus’ear.
“Alexander.” Heleans back, waits for Magnus to calm himself down. “I’d like you to meet a dearfriend of mine, Jacob Hart.”
He looks at Jacob, blond and baby-faced with piercingsdecorating his lips and nose. Alec takes a moment to look Jacob up and down,puts on his fakest smile and offers a hand. “Alec Lightwood.” Jacob takes thehand offered to him. “Magnus has never spoken about his dear friend Jacob Hart.” He hears Magnus’ stutters of an attempt atan apology but Alec is a lot quicker. “I’m not sorry Jacob”- he says the namewith the harsh and sarcastic tone that he’s perfected, “And I’d appreciateit if you could take your hand off my boyfriend’s thigh.”
The look he gives Jacob must be full of venom because theguy is quick to remove his hand as if he’s just been burned. He offers him thesame fake smile while he grabs at Magnus and drags him away.
He ignored Magnus’ hushed whispers while he’s guiding him tothe bathroom. As soon as the door closes, he pushes Magnus up against it.“Listen to me Magnus.” He nibbles at his earlobe. “We’re going to go back outthere.” He kisses and sucks at the skin beneath Magnus’ ear. “You’re going toapologise to Izzy and Jace. Tell them that you’re not feeling well.” He kissesat Magnus’ neck. “Then we’re going to go home and I’m going to show you exactlywho you belong to.” He bites down at the point where his neck meets hisshoulder and Magnus moans. “And guess what my little Warlock?” Magnus moansbeneath him. “You’re not going to get any release tonight until the only thingfrom your mouth is my name.” He takes a step back and studies Magnus. He’sflushed, the bites littering his skin are red and it does something to thatthing within Alec. He offers a hand. “Time for us to go now Mags.”
When they get home, after Magnus has stuttered his waythrough an apology and Izzy has given them both knowing glances, Alec hasdecided to let Magnus wait awhile.
Not too long though. He ushers Magnus into the bathroom. “Iwant you to get undressed and shower. When you’re done, I want you to kneel onthe bed.”
He leaves Magnus alone then, waits outside of the bathroomuntil he hears the shower turning on. He walks into the kitchen, busies himselfwith menial tasks until he hears the shower turn off. He waits five minutesmore, grabs a glass of water and walks through to the bedroom.
Magnus is naked, kneeling on the bed, head bowed. “Goodboy.” He hears him take a steady breath. It isn’t usually like this, Magnus isnormally the one who is giving the orders and Alec is more than happy tofollow. But when their roles are reversed, he realises how submission is a giftand Alec is so lucky to be offered Magnus’.
He lifts Magnus’ chin, taps at it until he opens his mouthand then lifts the glass of water to his mouth and watches as Magnus takessmall gulps. “Slowly.” He takes a few small sips. “Is that enough?” Magnusnods. Alec puts the glass on the bedside table. “Lie down for me. Flat on yourback Mags.” He grabs the leather cuffs, slips them onto Magnus’ wrists beforelifting his arms above his head. “Colour?”
“I’m going to tell you what I’m going to do okay?” Magnusnods. “I’m going to leave bites all over you.” He licks Magnus’ nipple, gentlynibbles and Magnus arches into the touch. “Then I’m going to blow you, justuntil you’re on the edge.” He repeats the action with the other nipple, thistime Magnus keens. “Then I’m going to open you up with my fingers.” He waitsfor Magnus to take another steady breath. “You’re going to ask nicely then, andonly then, will I fuck you.” He kisses him then, soft and fleeting. He licks atMagnus’ bottom lip until he opens up. He doesn’t let the kiss last long. “Soundokay?”
“Yes Alec.”
He gets to work then, kissing and biting at Magnus’ chest.He sucks at the bites, watches as they turn a deep red. “I think I’ll have todo this often. Watch them turn into bruises. Watch them change from red to adeep purple.” He traces over the bites at his neck. “Maybe the no one willtouch what is mine.” He sucks at the bite at the curve of his neck. “That oneis gonna bruise.” Magnus moans. “Oh, you like that? You want everyone to knowthat you’re my little Warlock? Don’t worry, they’ll know.”
Alec takes his time to kiss his way down Magnus’ chest. Hewants to work Magnus up, wants him mewling and begging for Alec. He looks atMagnus. “Keep your arms there for me.” Then he swallows Magnus down whole. Henearly screams and Alec hums around Magnus’ cock. He lets Magnus arch so that hiscock is hitting the back of Alec’s throat. He allows it for a moment, beforetaking his mouth completely off him. “Stay still. Tell me when you’re close.”And suddenly his mouth is back on Magnus’ cock, sucking and licking. Herelishes the moans falling from Magnus’ mouth at every suck.
“Close Alec. ‘m close.”
He stops. Gently rubs his thumb into Magnus’ hips. “Goodboy.” He grabs the lube, with one hand he pours it on his fingers while theother hand is laying on Magnus’ stomach.
“I know little Warlock. But you have to wait.”
“Then hurry up.”
Alec laughs. “Patience Mags.”
He slips one finger past the tight ring of muscle. Waits asecond for Magnus to ask. When he doesn’t, Alec tuts. “You have to ask foranother.”
“Alec no- “
“No? Then I guess we’ll just stop now.” He begins to pullaway. He hears a mumble from Magnus. “Sorry Magnus. What was that?”
“Please Alec.”
“Please Alec what?”
“Please Alec, another finger. Please.”
“I knew we’d get there in the end.” He adds another finger,begins to stretch Magnus. “Another Darling?” He mewls at the endearment. “I’lltake that as a yes” He adds another finger, waits for Magnus to get used to theintrusion before he begins stretching.
“Okay Mags.” He removes his fingers and lines himself up.“You ready?”
“Yes. C’mon.”
He doesn’t. he just looks at Magnus, who’s panting beneathhim. Something within Alec flares at the thought that others were lucky to seeMagnus like this. But if he’s alive, nobody else will see Magnus like this.
When he pushes into the tight heat of Magnus, he must stophimself from just letting go, but he takes a moment for Magnus to get used tothe movement. “Move Alec. Now.” Even before the words are completely out of hismouth, Alec is moving. As much as he wants this to be fast, right now, he knowsthat the deep and long approach is better.
Alec does spend hours going at a slow pace. Magnus pleadsfor something more, for him to go faster but Alec keeps at the slow pace.
When he finds that spot inside him that makes Magnusabsolutely keens and arch off the bed, he quickens the pace. The room is filledwith the sound of skin on skin and the panting of them both. Magnus comesfirst, Alec’s name on his lips. Alec is quick to follow.
When they both come down from their post-orgasm high, Alec goesto the bathroom and comes back with a wet cloth. He cleans Magnus up, humssomething gentle and quiet. “We’re gonna have to shower Mags.” He goes to standup but Magnus’ arms are quick to wrap around him and pull him back onto thebed. “Magnus.”
“We can shower later my love.”
“We should shower now.” He tries to wiggle out of Magnus’touch but if anything, Magnus’ arms tighten. “Magnus.”
“Sleep my love.”
And Alec can’t really disobey a direct order now, can he?
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prompt: maybe like jace is doubting malec's relationship?? like he doesn't trust magnus At All (doesn't help that he, like all the shadowhunters, is lowkey racist against downworlders) so he's sort of the mind "he's a lothario warlock, he can't be trusted with my bro" but then like he does something dumb on a mission that gets alec hurt or something and magnus w/o hesitation exhausts himself healing him/throws himself in front of him or whatever to save him and jace is like "oh shit i was Wrong"
I was going to write my usual 500-600 words and then I wrote 2400 words because why not; I admit I was a bit skeptical at first because I kinda liked Jace’s I’m-just-glad-for-my-parababro attitude, but then @estefra showed me how interesting it could be to explore this side of Jace, so thank you so much for the prompt! I enjoyed writing from Jace’s POV for once, and I hope you like it as well! Jace is, admittedly, very douchey at the beginning, but I hope it shows why he acts a certain way and says certain things and I hope you can forgive him at the end. Alright, here goes; let me know! :)(I’m publishing this and nobody’s read it yet [I usually have a couple of people read my things], so I’m fucking terrified. Okay.)
-Wait, Alec!
Jace lengthens his steps to catch up to Alec,who looks at him with impatience: -What?
-I just – - Jace tries to gauge Alec’s mood,but he simply looks determined as usual; he sighs: -This thing youhave with Magnus –
He immediately sees a smile hidden in thecurled corner of Alec’s lips and he presses his lips together: -Whatis it, exactly?
Alec’s smile disappears as a frown falls on hisface: -Are you really trying to talk about my sentimental life whenClary’s mother’s life depends on us?
Jace hesitates for a second, but then hedesists; he takes a small step back: -No, you’re right. We better go.
Alec isbarely ever at the Institute.
Jace looksfor him for two hours before Izzy tells him he’s out with Magnus.
She lookshappy about it, bus asks: -Why? Did something happen?- as soon as shenotices Jace’s expression.
Jaceshakes his head, jaw clenched: -No, it’s just – he’s been going outwith the Warlock a lot.
Izzy’sexpression hardens slightly at the word: -The Warlock?-she echoes.
Jacewaves his hand dismissively: -You know what I mean.
ButIzzy plants her hands on her hips and looks a lot like Maryse whenshe says: -I really don’t.
-Idon’t think he’s right for Alec,- he says, words dragged between histeeth, -I don’t have anything against him, but I don’t think weshould trust him with Alec.
Izzyrolls her eyes: -And why would you think that?- she asks, impatienceclear in her voice.
-Becausehe’s a Downworlder,- he snaps, -Relationships don’t mean the samething to them as they do to us. Alec gave up something hugeforhim, andwhat did he get out of it? Nothing.
Izzylooks at him, stunned; she raises her hands: -I’ll talk to you whenyour head isn’t lodged so far up your ass,- she says, before turningand walking away.
Jacefrowns after her.
Hefinally catches him as he’s sneaking back into the Institute at 3a.m.
Hehas his arms crossed over his chest and his back against the wall inAlec’s room.
-Isn’tit a bit late?
Alecjumps and Jace frowns; he would have never missed him before Magnus.
-Yes,-he says, like it’s obvious, -Which is why I’m in my bedroom.
Hestarts pulling off his boots.
-Wereyou with the Warlock?
Alecstills when he hears the word, one boot off, and he looks up at Jace,a hard expression on his face: -I was with Magnus.
Themuscle in Jace’s jaw twitches: -I don’t think he’s good enough foryou.
Alecstraightens up immediately, takes a few steps closer to Jace: -Whatdid you just say?
-Don’tget me wrong,- Jace says, holding his position even though he has tolook up at Alec, -I’m not saying he’s a bad person. I just don’tthink that he’s right for you.He’s distracting you and he’s keeping you out until late and he’s aDownworlder,Alec. You know relationships don’t have the same weight for them. AndMagnus Bane?He had a lot ofrelationships that clearly meantnothing tohim.
Alec’shands shake as he takes in all of what Jace has just said: -I’m goingto say something,- he says, voice low, almost threatening, -And thenyou will get out of my room because I don’t want to beat the crap outof you.
Hetakes one step closer and he towers over Jace: -Magnus Bane is thebest fucking thing that’s happened to me in a longtime,-hesays, a humourless smile on his face, -He’sreminded me that there’s actually a world outside these walls that Idon’t have to carry on my shoulders, and just because youarean emotionally constipated messforone reason or another, it does notmeanthat all relationships are like yours. Andyou know what, brother?-he spits the word like he never has, because they’ve never foughtlike brothers,aiming for the throat, going so deep that the only thing keeping themtogether would be blood, -I lovehim.-and he’s startled by it because he knowsbutthat doesn’t mean he’s ready to say it out loud, and yet there it is,-And if our relationship meansnothing tohim?- he throws his arms in the air with a cold grin, -I’m fuckingfine with it, because I still got to love him. And now getout.-, hegrowls the last two words, pointing at the door, his breath short.
Jacestares at him and looks like he wants to protest, wants to saysomething, but the fury on Alec’s face convinces him to walk away.
Izzygrabs him by the ear and drags him in her room, slams the door behindthem and lets him go: -You are an idiot.
Jace rubshis ear, pouting at her: -I’m sure you’re right, but why?
-Ourbrother.Actually,- she jams her finger in his biceps, -mybrother. Until youstart making sense again, you’re out of the family.
Jacecrosses his arms over his chest.
-I’mlooking out forhim.
-And howis that working out for you?
Jacealmost sticks his tongue out at her.
-Whatthe hell isyour problem with Magnus?
Jacelooks away: -I don’ttrust him with Alec,-he says, his lips curving slowly around each word, -He’s just goingto hurt him and Alec is letting him in way too easily. He’s aWarlock,what if he just wants him because he’s a Shadowhunter?
Izzycloses her eyes for a second and raises her eyebrows in disbelief:-Jace, Magnus loveshim.
Jacehuffs: -When has thateverstopped anyone?
Izzy’seyes turn sad, slowly, understanding digging lines around the cornersof her mouth: -Oh, Jace,- she says, -When will you stop thinking oflove as a weapon?
Jaceflinches like she’s hit him.
Thealarm of the Institute goes off and Jace blinks, shaking his head: -I– I have to go.
Heignores Izzy calling after him.
Hegoes alone. He shouldn’t but he does, hoping it’ll clear his head.
Thereare six rogue werewolves and he can’t keep them at bay, he’s corneredin less than two minutes, breathing hard, and he’s afraid,alone –
Exceptthat an arrow sinks in one of the werewolves’ shoulder-blade and Alecis running towards him, Bladeunsheathed, and four wolves turn towards him and growl at him, baringtheir fangs before jumping.
Aleccan only avoid two.
Clawsrun through his shirt and his skin, tearing his chest open, and hescreams in pain, the sound burying itself in Jace’s brain as he feelsthe pain on his own flesh.
Alecfalls, hand clutching his chest, and Jace roars,buries his Blade in the nearest werewolf and starts slashing at theothers without any kind of plan, he just wants them to get awayfromAlec, he manages to hit a tail and a paw and gets two of them tofocus on him as Alec breathes hard, one hand pressed against hischest but the other still weakly holding on to the Blade to keep thewerewolves away from him.
-We’llget you out of here,- Jace calls, desperation creeping its way intohis voice as the pain lessens, and he knows that can’t be a goodsign.
-Sothat I can kill you,- Alec says, voice weak and strained, sucking inoxygen between every word.
Jaceburies his Blade in one of the werewolves’ paw and chuckles weakly,wetly: -It’s fine with me.
Alec’sscream is not human when he yanks his arm backwards and manages tocatch one of the werewolves’ on the muzzle, and Jace throws himselfmore desperately into the fight, recklessly, growling, and thenthere’s only one werewolf that’s still threatening Alec andJace can easily get rid of him, falling on his knees beside Alec assoon as he has: -We’ve got to get you out of here, come on,- he says,-We’ve got to get you to the Institute – -
-No,-Alec interrupts him, voice almost inaudible, lips white, -Magnus,-his eyes close, -Please call Magnus.
Magnusis pale and resolute when Jace emerges from the portal, Alec hangingoff of him, unconscious, blood seeping through his white shirt, andhe points at his bedroom: -On the bed,- he says, and Jace obeys,trying to be as gentle as possible as he lowers Alec on the pristine,silk-looking sheets, Magnus right behind him.
Hesnaps his fingers and Alec’s shirt falls off his chest, revealingthree deep gushes on his chest, and there’s so much blood Jace almostfeels sick.
-I’llmake him sleep,- Magnus says, and Jace feels like he’s talking tohimself, like he needs to reassure himself, -This way I will focusall of my magic on healing him. It’s too late for a potion.
Hishands move in intricate motions, blue magic dancing between hisfingers, and Alec’s breathing suddenly slows down, his eyes stopmoving frantically behind his eyelids.
Magnusbrushes his hand on Alec’s forehead. Just for a second, softly, andhis eyes show all of his worry and sadness and determination andsomething deeper, and Jace feels like he’s going to choke on hisguilt.
Magnuscloses his eyes, his hands on Alec’s wounds, and his magic startsflowing towards Alec.
It’sthree hours before Magnus lets his hands fall down his sides; hesways on his feet when he stands up and Jace rushes forward, hishands on his shoulder.
Magnushas deep purple circles under his eyes and he’s pale; Alec’s skin issmooth.
-Youdid it,- Jace says, relief pooling in his voice, and Magnus nodsslowly, blinking like he’s trying to keep himself awake, like he’strying to focus on Jace; Jacefrowns, catching him when Magnus sways dangerously.
-Areyou going to be okay?- he asks, worry climbing its way back up histhroat.
-Ijust – need to rest,- Magnus says, breathing between words. Hetries to walk away, pushing himself away from Jace’s hands, but Jacesays: -Wait,- holds his hand out to him, -Take – take my strength.You need it,- he swallows, forces himself not to look away, -He willwant to see you when he wakes up.
Magnusseems to consider him for a moment, blinking slowly, and then hetakes his hand.
Energystarts flowing out of Jace, and he closes his eyes against theuncomfortable pull.
-He’llnever forgive me,- Jace whispers, staring at Alec’s unmoving body.
Magnusturns towards him: -He will,- he says, and he sounds sure, -The thingabout Alec is that he sees his own flaws so clearly and condemnshimself so harshly that he has no issue recognising others’shortcomings and forgiving them. He sees himself in every mistakeothers make, and because of that he forgives them,- a bitter smilecurls his lips as he turns back to look at Alec, -Not himself though.Never himself.
Magnuskisses Alec’s forehead, his eyelids, his lips as soon as he wakes up,and Jace needs to step outside because he feels like he can’tbreathe.
Heleans against the wall and stares at the ceiling, dragging air intohis lungs.
It’sa couple of minutes before Magnus steps outside and tells him: -Hesaid tellthe idiot to come inside.
Jacerolls his eyes, but there’s no heat behind it: -Charming,- he says,but he doesn’t push himself off the wall, can’t quite bring himselfto.
Magnuslooks at him and offers him a smile: -Don’t be stupid, Jace. He’syour brother.
Jaceblinks, feeling his lashes damp; he pushes himself off the wall.
-Magnus,-he calls him back as he’s about to step into the room; Magnus turnstowards him, his movements still slow and careful. -I’m glad Alec hasyou.
Magnussmiles, tired, but it crinkles the corners of his eyes: -I’m glad hehas me, too.
Jacelooks away and smiles.
Hetakes a deep breath and enters the room.
Aleclooks healthy, and if it wasn’t for the careful way he seems to beholding himself, Jace would never be able to tell that he’d lookedlike he was about to die not six hours ago.
-I’msorry,- Jace says.
Alecraises his eyebrows, makes a little goon motionwith his hand.
Jacesits next to the bed with a small smile: -I’m sorry for going on themission alone. I’m sorry that you got hurt. I’m sorry that I didn’tunderstand what you and Magnus have. I’m sorry that I insulted him –
-Apretty long list,- Alec comments, drily.
Jacewinces: -Yeah, well. I’ve been wrong a lot, so. I’ve got a lot toapologize for.
Alecsighs, slowly. -It’s okay.
-Butit isn’t –
-Jace,-Alec interrupts him, -I know you. I wouldn’t have picked you as myparabatai if I didn’t know thatyou always recognise how big of a douche you are.
Jacechuckles, relief mixing in a sigh with it.
-Nowgo home,- Alec orders, -You stink.
Jacelaughs again, shaking his head, but he stands up; he doesn’t feel sotired anymore. He taps his fingers on the covers for a second andthen he says: -Can I say something weird?
Alecraises his eyebrows, doyou ever say something that isn’t weird?
-Theway you two love each other,- he says, swallows, looks away, -Ididn’t know it could exist. But I’m – happy that it does. And I’mgrateful that you’ve found it.
Alecis smiling when Jace looks up, eyes bright. -Get out of here,- hesays, sounding incredibly fond.
Jacenods and smiles as he goes.
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