#and more like keep in physical contact or suffer severe physical discomfort and emotional distress
trensu · 2 years
How about a Magic is Real au with a dash of cursed item dubcon thrown in? I feel like there should be more of this type of au in the fandom. Y'know, for funsies.
Okay yeah, Steve probably shouldn't have touched the cursed object. Like, it's practically in the name, right? And Steve might not be genius-smart like nearly everyone in his friend group but he's not an idiot. He's got common sense. He's the one that grabs Dustin by the collar or steps in front of Nancy when they get into their heads to run some genius plan without taking into account that, like him, they're frail mortal humans.
Which is why he touched the cursed object himself--a handwritten poem on some thick paper that's yellowed with age--because if he hadn't, they both would have gone for it. He saw them start to reach out because they're both too stubbornly curious for their own good. He figured if the object was actually cursed, it's better that he carry the curse and have the genius-level smart people on the job of figuring out how to break it rather than them being cursed and benched for it. It's sensible! Of course none of them listen to him. But he's feeling fine so really, what does it matter?
"Okay, hand it over," Dustin says after Steve didn't display any negative effects.
"Nope! Not happening, Henderson," he responds cheerfully. Dustin tries to protest but Nancy cuts him off.
"No one else is touching the thing until it's been put in the neutralization circle. Just because Steve hasn't had a visible reaction to it doesn't mean something didn't happen."
"Look at the bright side," Robin tells the still grumbling Dustin. "We get to visit your favorite dragon master!"
"Dungeon," Dustin says exasperatedly. "Eddie's a dungeon master."
Steve and Robin roll their eyes simultaneously. "Whatever."
So they trek over to Eddie's place. Nancy and Dustin trade off questioning Steve the whole time.
"What does it say?" Dustin asks.
"I don't know, it's just some poem? No name on it. Looks kinda...sappy," Steve shrugs. "Do you want me to read it to you?"
"Better not," Nancy shakes her head. "It might be a spell that activates by voice. How does it feel?"
"...like paper. It feels like old paper."
"No weird sensations? Is it lighter or heavier than you'd expect? Does it look odd when you read from it?"
"No, Nance, it literally just feels and looks like some old-timey English homework."
"And you're still not feeling weird?" Robin asks, because she's his platonic soulmate who cares about him doesn't get wrapped up in every new puzzle that shows up like Dustin and Nancy.
"Still feeling fine. Seriously, I'm starting to think the rumors were just, y'know, rumors." He tucks the supposedly cursed paper into his jacket pocket, ignoring Nancy and Dustin's indignant protests.
They finally arrive at Eddie's place. Eddie opens the door with his usual mischievous grin.
"To what do I owe the pleasure of your company today, my lords and ladies?" he asks with a lazy half-bow.
"Eddie! We need to use your neutralization circle," Dustin starts to explain.
Steve should probably try to pay attention but he can't because Eddie is here. Eddie is here and taking up all his focus, and if Steve doesn't kiss him right now he might die. Steve moves without a second thought, shoving Dustin to the side to get right into Eddie's space. Eddie's bambi eyes widen (fuck he's beautiful, how is he so beautiful) and tries to take a half step back and hey, that's not allowed.
"Whoa there, big boy, what--"
Steve doesn't know what he was about to ask because he's pulled Eddie close and nipped at his lips. Eddie yelps in surprise, and Steve takes advantage to deepen the kiss The shocked whimper that escapes Eddie's throat thrills Steve. Eddie starts to relax into his arms and all Steve can think is yes, yes, this is what he wants. Distantly he hears someone squawk in shock, followed by other similar exclamations from other people that really really don't matter right now because Eddie is in his arms and Eddie wants him and he needs Eddie to take him to bed right now.
Eddie tears his mouth away from Steve and wait no, why's he doing that, oh, hang on Steve can work with this. Steve presses wet kisses along Eddie's jawline.
"S-Steve," Eddie gasps, and doesn't that just sound delicious? But it would be even better if Eddie would just scrape his teeth against Steve's neck. Huh. That's a...what do you call it? Dilemma? Yeah, a dilemma. How can he get Eddie to cover him in love bites and talk to him in that voice at the same time. He pulls back for just a moment to ask Eddie what he would rather do, because Steve is down for whatever Eddie wants, and in that moment the worst possible thing happens.
Someone else's hands grab the back of his shirt and yank him back while Eddie takes the chance to also shove him away?? Why is he shoving Steve away?
"What the fuck," Eddie says, sounding slightly hysterical. "What the fuck just happened?"
Did Steve upset him? Oh god, what did Steve do wrong? He knows Eddie wants him so he must've screwed up big time if Eddie's pushing him away now. Steve has to fix it, he has to.
He tries to get back to Eddie but the hands on him tighten their grip and Steve nearly growls in frustration.
"Steve what are you doing?!" Nancy asks, voice high pitched and grating and Steve feels a flare of annoyance because wasn't it obvious?
"I was kissing Eddie," Steve bites out.
"Why?!" Dustin screeches.
"Because I'm good at it and I want him to fuck me," Steve snaps. Because, again, this should be obvious and they are getting in his way.
Dustin slams his hands over his ears, screeching again. "NOPE, NO, I DON'T WANT TO HEAR THIS."
Underneath the screeching, Steve hears Eddie giggle. When he looks over to where Eddie's plastered himself on the opposite wall (and damn, why hasn't Eddie shoved him up against the wall yet? He can't think of anything better than having Eddie manhandle him), he sees that while Eddie is giggling, he doesn't look exactly happy about it. He looks skittish, which is the opposite of what he's supposed to look like. He's supposed to look like he wants to eat Steve up with a spoon. Steve tries to smile at him anyway because he loves Eddie's laugh and he hates seeing Eddie distressed. For some reason, Steve's smile makes Eddie look more distressed.
"Uh," Robin clears her throat. "So, um, is this something new? Because, I'm kind of insulted you didn't tell me you were dating, Steve. We're supposed to tell each other these things!"
"We're not, we're so not. I have no idea what's happening right now" Eddie interjects and Steve feels his heart splinter a bit. Alright, Eddie might technically be right in that they haven't actually done or said anything about dating or making out or doing dirty dirty things to each other before but that doesn't matter because he knows Eddie wants him and he needs Eddie.
"Eddie," Steve says, "Eddie it's fine, I just want...why are you so far away?" Steve takes a lurching step towards him.
Suddenly, Nancy's hands move from where they'd been gripped into his shirt and puts him in a chokehold. "Nance," Steve rasps. "What? Let go."
"I think we've found the curse, Steve, so no, I'm not letting go," Nancy says firmly.
"Curse?" Eddie asks, looking straight at Nancy and not sparing Steve even a glance, what the fuck. Steve struggles against Nancy's hold but she doesn't budge an inch.
"We were following up a rumor about a cursed object and we found a handwritten poem--"
"--that the dingus of course just had to grab--"
Well that was rude. Steve's gotta find himself a better platonic soulmate. But that's a problem for later, right now he has to figure out how to coax Eddie back.
"He said he was fine though," Dustin whines. "He was acting completely normal!!"
"We were coming over to use your neutralization circle so we could investigate the item safely. And yes, Steve was behaving normally before we got here," Nancy continues to explain. God, why did these people have to talk so much? Can't they see they're wasting their time?
"I am fine, I don't know why you all are acting like this," Steve complains and tries to wriggle out of Nancy's grip again.
"Why we're acting like this?" Dustin splutters.
"We're not the ones acting weird, idiot," Robin says.
"You're keeping me from Eddie," Steve says as an explanation. "Nancy let me go!"
"Yeah, that's not--this is not normal behavior for you, Steve-o," Eddie says, and he might as well have stabbed Steve in the heart. How could Eddie not know how much Steve needed him?
"Eddie," Steve whimpers. He needs to fix this immediately. "Don't say that, Eddie. I'm sorry, whatever I did, I'm sorry okay? Tell Nance to let me go and I'll make it up to you. Just give me a chance. I'll make you feel really good, Eddie, I promise. You want me on my knees don't you? I can do that! You can even pull on my hair."
Eddie makes a strangled sound. Nancy on the other hand makes a disgusted noise that was almost inaudible under another of Dustin's screeches. Robin starts to babble something about getting the paper into the circle yesterday.
Steve really doesn't understand why everyone is freaking out.
(one additional bit to the au)
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Best Gynecologist in Deira | Al Shifa Al Khaleeji Medical Center, Dubai
A 65-year-old widow had been suffering from a strange sensation in her lower abdomen for months. She often felt like something was falling out of her, only to find an odoury discharge on her inner-wear. She often had difficulty urinating and defecating. With a constant feeling of pressure and heaviness in her lower abdomen, she pushed many days feeling too ashamed and scared to seek medical help. Isolating herself from her friends and family, she endured the pain and discomfort in silence.
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Her life changed when her niece, Priya, came to visit her from Dubai. Priya was a nurse, and she noticed that her aunt had a poor posture and awkward gait. She asked her aunt what was wrong, and the lady reluctantly confided in her. Priya took her aunt to Dr. Sana Azeem, one of the best gynecologists in Deira, Dubai, practicing in the prestigious Med7 Al Shifa Al Khaleeji.
Al Shifa Al Khaleeji Medical Center is one of the best medical center in Deira. Al Shifa Al Khaleeji medical center provides best Gynecology in Deira.
As an experienced obgyn in Dubai, Dr. Sana had come across many cases of uterine prolapse visiting her at the late stages when the uterus almost descends into the vaginal canal. The gynecologist confirmed that the lady had a severe case of uterine prolapse and suggested surgery to remove her uterus and repair the pelvic floor muscles. Priya’s aunt underwent the surgery, and after a few weeks of recovery, she felt like a new person. She no longer had any pain, discomfort, or discharge, and she could perform her daily activities with ease. Hundreds of senior women still opt to suffer in silence, without realizing the importance of regular gynecological checkups for women over 50 to prevent and detect such problems.
Uterine prolapse is a condition that affects many women, especially as they age. It occurs when the pelvic floor muscles and ligaments that support the uterus weaken and stretch, causing the uterus to slip into the vagina. Expert gynecologist in Deira traces the cause of uterine prolapse back to frequent childbirths, menopause, obesity, chronic coughing, constipation, and heavy lifting. However they say the symptoms of Uterine prolapse vary depending on the degree of the prolapse, but a feeling of fullness or pressure in the pelvis is very common. Some may find a bulge or lump in the vagina, urinary or bowel problems, sexual difficulties, backache, and pelvic pain.
The expert team of gynecologists at Med7, led by Dr.Sana Azeem, renowned as one of the best gynecologists in Deira, Dubai, says some simple precautions can lower the chances of uterine prolapse as a woman ages. These include maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding smoking, exercising regularly, doing pelvic floor exercises (such as Kegels), eating a high-fiber diet, drinking plenty of water, and treating any underlying conditions that may contribute to the prolapse. If the prolapse is mild, it may not require any treatment, and strengthening of pelvic floor muscles by kegel exercises may solve the issue.
The treatment options for uterine prolapse include vaginal pessaries, which are devices that are inserted into the vagina to hold the uterus in place, and surgery, which may involve removing the uterus or repairing the pelvic floor muscles. The best gynecologists suggest treatment options taking the patient’s age, health, and symptoms into consideration.
Uterine prolapse is a common and treatable condition that affects many women, especially after menopause. It can cause physical and emotional distress, and interfere with the normal functioning of the body. However, with proper care and attention, it can be prevented and cured, and women can enjoy a healthy and happy life. Contact the Gynecology department of Med7 keeping aside inhibitions, because your health and wellness should remain as your priority. For more details visit our website: https://alshifaalkhaleeji.com/
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chaitalitrivedi · 11 months
7 Signs You Need To Visit A Sexologist Right Now
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Since sexuality is an essential component of everyone's lives. Hence seeking expert advice when dealing with issues related to sexual health is beneficial. A qualified expert with a focus on sexual issues is known as a sexologist. 
According to Dr. Chaitali Mahajan Trivedi, a renowned gynaecologist in Mumbai, there are several signs when you should contact a sexologist. This blog has been prepared based on the doctor's numerous variables, and it explains seven symptoms that point to consulting a sexologist for advice and support.
Consistent Sexual Dysfunction: Persistent sexual disorder including erectile dysfunction, early ejaculation, or poor desire, requires medical attention. The sexologist will determine the  underlying causes and offer suitable treatment in improving sexual health.
Intimacy Issues: Intimacy problems can be emotionally distressing. It can be challenging to establish or keep intimacy in a relationship. Consultation with a sexologist can help to make emotional connections, or experience problems with trust and intimacy. 
Sexual Pain or Discomfort: Pain or discomfort during sexual activities is abnormal. This may be due to internal injury which needs to be timely addressed. Conditions like vaginismus, dyspareunia, or other physical ailments can significantly impact sexual pleasure. A sexologist helps in identifying the root causes and provides appropriate treatment options to alleviate pain and enhance sexual experiences.
Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity Concerns: A sexologist can offer a safe environment for exploration and assistance if you are suffering with your gender identity or questioning your sexual orientation. They can offer tools, offer advice on acceptance and self-empowerment, and assist you in navigating the difficulties of self-discovery.
Relationship Problems: Sexuality is important in partnerships, and when sexual problems occur, they can put strain on the relationship. A sexologist can help you address these issues and promote healthier, more meaningful relationships if your relationship is affected by sexual issues, such as sexually mismatched urges, infidelity, or communication concerns.
Unresolved Trauma or Abuse: Past experiences of sexual trauma or abuse may have a long-lasting impact on one's ability to establish healthy sexual relationships. A sexologist can offer a safe and accepting atmosphere for healing, recovery, and personal growth whether you are dealing with unresolved trauma or need help in reclaiming your sexuality.
Lack of Comprehensive Sexual Education: Many people lack a thorough sexual education, which causes uncertainty, misunderstandings, and a lack of awareness of their own bodies and wants. A sexologist can provide you the information, direction, and tools you need to improve your sexual literacy, giving you the power to decide what to do and how to do it sensibly.
The path to better sexual health and general well-being can be transformed by seeing a sexologist. A sexologist can offer specialised knowledge and help whether you are dealing with sexual dysfunction, intimacy problems, painful sexual experiences, or you need advice on your sexual orientation or gender identity. Do not forget that seeking professional assistance is a courageous move toward self-care and personal development rather than a sign of weakness.
If you identify with any of these symptoms, don't be afraid to get in touch with a qualified and experienced medical professional like Dr. Chaitali Mahajan Trivedi, renowned sexologist for females in Mumbai to begin your journey to a healthier and more happy sexual life. Consult Dr. Chaitali Mahajan Trivedi at  Nanavati Super Speciality Hospital. 
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fenristheorem · 3 years
Oh, I'm sorry I didn't explain myself well, it's mostly Gardienne with a fever that makes her delirious (this mostly because it would be funny) but if you prefer one where she has difficulty moving (I love the physical contact with Lance, I apologize ) By the way I love how you write! I'm glad there are such talented people in the fandom <3
Don't worry about it! I wanted to check just in case I was reading the original ask wrong because this sounded like such a fun ask to write and I wanted to make sure it was what you were looking for lol.
Thank you so much for the compliment, it truly means a lot to me! ❤
I decided to write two headcanon topics; one for Lance taking care of Guardienne who's feverish and delirious and the second where she's too weak to move. They both sounded so tempting to write lol.
These both are a bit of a scenario-headcanon hybrid (it seems I’ve liked writing those recently), but I’m certainly not disappointed by it. I really wanted to be specific throughout for the sake of adding in moments of humor and adding depth (which made it a bit of a scenario), but they do sort of evolve into more traditional headcanons in time.
~Under the cut~
Lance with Guardienne who's feverish and delirious:
Oh by the Orcale; how did this happen?
Guardienne was feeling fine... and then she wasn't.
Ewelein wasn't very surprised - somehow she always gets hurt, or sick, or something. She tells Guardienne to isolate herself, rest, and overall not do anything. Ewelein knows there’s a risk that this advice will be ignored, but she figured Guardienne may at least have enough sense to heed her warning.
And then Guardienne starts complimenting the birds that are singing in the Infirmary...
"Get me Lance, I need to speak with him about Guardienne's condition."
Upon hearing news that his partner has fallen ill - and knowing that Ewelein wouldn't send for him about something so common and otherwise not of much worry - Lance entrusts a few last responsibilities of the day to a couple seasoned warriors and heads swiftly to the Infirmary. Upon entering, the Elven nurse immediately pulls him to a quiet corner of the room and explains that Guardienne has a very high fever that’s making her delirious. She’s been irritated, apathetic, and is even experiencing hallucinations, rambling about those hallucinations, then proceeding to forget about hallucinations that she was just rambling about, and she’s - despite having a fever - been restless and walking around, trying to chase after those hallucinations and putting herself in danger.
Lance is quiet as he looks at her like she just said that the sky was falling.
“What do you mean she has a major fever but is walking around? How is that possible, or safe? Shouldn’t she be subdued?”
“Illness is a strange thing, Lance. I can’t give a real reason aside from that’s just her way of coping with the discomfort of the fever right now, and again, she’s hallucinating so that doesn’t help either. I would give her a sedative but I’m not sure I trust the possible side effects with her current condition.”
“Eweleeeeiiiiin...” A hoarse, scratchy voice called for the nurse from an isolated bed further in the Infirmary. Ewelein looked towards where it came from before glancing back to Lance with a ‘please help me’ expression.
She led him back to the isolated bed and they found Guardienne - pale and heavily sweating, it was very clear that she was sick - sitting on the mattress, shifting through the thin blanket that was laid over her. It seemed like she was searching for something...
Ewelein did a few quick checks and let Guardienne nudge around the blankets as she explained to Lance that she needed someone to keep a consistent eye on her, as she couldn’t do that due to her other responsibilities.
Lance hesitated as his thoughts flicked to his typically busy schedule, but he couldn’t just leave his partner to suffer this without doing something. He could find someone to carry out his typical responsibilities, and Huang Hua will certainly understand when she sees Guardienne’s high-maintenance conditions herself.
“I can watch out for her. I’ll take a few days off-” “The birds - the birds are getting loud...” “-to make sure she doesn’t hurt herself by accident.”
“Thank you, I’m so sorry to ask this of you but with this illness going around-” “The birds are screaming.” “-the other nurses are too busy for us to have a constant eye on her. Fortunately she’s the only case this severe.” “Ewelein can you make the birds stop screaming? I think it’s upsetting the wall rat.”
Lance was about to reply to the nurse when Guardienne mentioned the birds and the wall rat, instead lowering himself by her side to try and look her in the eyes as alarm filled his being.
“What wall rat?”
Guardienne’s eyes flicked to his and she brightened, leaning to the side - teetering all too close to the edge of the bed - to rest against his abdomen and loll her head up to look at him as he straightened.
“Laaannce. Oh, you’re the pretty icy dragon, can you get rid of the birds? You have the big sword. The wall rat is angry at them and it keeps chewing at the rocks and the fluffy things are scuttl.... they’re around... in - trying to steal... why is it so bright, turn off the sun it’s burning.”
Lance nearly loses his breath as Guardienne just rambles and gazes dazedly around the room, shocked by how such a vibrant woman was now rendered nearly helpless. She’s making absolutely no sense.
He steels himself and decides here and now that he needs to take care of her. She has no sense of reality right now, and he needed to be here to make sure she would be alright. He gently took her chin to tilt her head back so he can look into her eyes again.
“What are the fluffy things doing? What rocks is the wall rat chewing at?” Guardienne stares at him for a moment with drifting eyes.
“What... the fluffy... no wall rat, no stones, the fluffy things... haha, how did you come up with that? You’re not usually funny, haha...”
Anxiety and distress for his partner settles heavily in his chest as he observed her continuously disturbing condition. He looks back towards Ewelein as she explains that she’s been providing Guardienne with a treatment. It’ll take a few days before it will begin to work, though - if it even does work. Lance was about to reply when Guardienne cut him off.
“The birds are loud, the birds are loud. Oww, someone please make the birds quiet.” She covered her ears with her hands and tucked her chin to her chest. Lance adjusted her gently and leaned her to lay back on the bed so she wouldn’t fall over the side.
“I’m not sure what to do about the birds... she’s kept talking about them. They seem to only be in the Infirmary because she didn’t complain about them when she wandered into the hall earlier.”
“She wandered into the hall earlier!?” Alarm shot through him again.
“Yea, Adalric seemed to argue her point though. He told her that the birds are everywhere, even inside her... Thankfully she doesn’t seem to have taken any attention to that.” Now exasperation.
“Ok, how about this; I’ll settle my plans with Huang Hua for the next few days and take Guardienne to my room so I can watch her constantly. I can stock up on a few basics from Karuto so I don’t need to leave her and set someone in charge of running meals to us from the Dinning Hall. She won’t ever be alone and she won’t need to go out anywhere. I’ll send a companion immediately if we need help of any kind.”
“May the Oracle bless you, Lance. You’re a lifesaver. Please don’t get sick, though.” She persistently thanked him more as she explained a basic routine so Guardienne can recover. Healthy food, don’t let her get too hot - not a problem, he’s an ice dragon - don’t leave her alone, and the medicine should begin to take effect in the next few days.
Lance responded by saying that it was no trouble - there was no way he was not taking care of Guardienne at this point - and quickly headed out to find Huang Hua while Ewelein could spend a bit of time watching Guardienne. Fortunately she was in the Dinning Hall, talking with a few other members of the Guard, including Karuto. He walked over with a brisk note in his step and stopped in her line of sight when he was a few feet away, signaling that he needed to talk to her.
Kindly, she stepped out of the conversation as the others kept talking - and Lance spotted a warrior within his guard that he trusts before waving them over as well. He quickly - but modestly - explained the situation and they both understood, Huang Hua even offered to persuade Karuto to share a few food items as Lance explained to his colleague what he needed to do the next few days. Once everything was set, he brought the food back to his room - storing it safely in a cabinet - and went back to retrieve the sick Guardienne. 
Many strange and bizarre things happened over those few days he spent with his delirious partner - some things he thought he would never experience in his life. Like Ewelein said, she did ramble a lot about the most odd things that she’s hallucinated; ranging from watching Musaroses fly around the room (which may have stemmed from Floppy observing her from high surfaces, if he did in fact adopt Floppy, and I believe he did), the sun and moon rolling around the room, and even yelping incoherent words as she tried to run away from light flecks. When she did manage to make a coherent sentence, she was quite crass and tactless with her tone and words - she didn’t seem to be able to comprehend the idea of emotions, but her imagination sure ran wild.
When he first brought her into his room, she wandered around for a while - chasing shadows it seemed... and then she took interest in shiny things, like his weaponry.
“Ah, pretty!”
“Guardienne don’t touch that! That’s sharp!” He quickly leapt to her side and took her wrist as she reached for an axe hanging on the wall, gently pulling her towards the bed as she giggled giddily and danced around with him. He tried his best to reign her in without being harsh - she wasn’t in her right mind - while making sure she didn’t hurt herself on any surface as she flung her limbs around before finally managing to get her on his bed. She still burned with the fever as he settled her into the light blankets, but she seemed to be tempted to fall asleep as she curled into his pillows. Relief settled into Lance for a moment as he turned to quickly glance around the room, observing everything he would need to hide for her safety until she recovered.
He glanced back to Guardienne to find her gone. He’s never felt panic invade him so quickly. 
Lance quickly scanned the room again to find her nowhere - actually it’s dread at this point, he’s definitely feeling dread - and then a feminine noise of surprise sounded from the floor before his bed. He rushed to the other side of the bed to find her laying on the floor, staring intently underneath his bed.
“I can see into realms...” She was probably staring through the gap underneath his bed to look at the other wall.
The thought of tying her to the bed to keep her still passed through his mind until he decided that that would be too inhumane for such a sickly woman.
Fortunately there were a few things that Lance felt he could do well. Occasionally he would ask if she wanted tea, or something to eat, and he definitely made sure she drank lots of cold water (being an ice dragon truly had some perks, like refreshing cold water at any time). She wouldn’t exactly respond - although on occasion she was brought back to reality enough to realize and comment that she was hungry at the mention of food - but Lance made sure to keep rigorous note of when she last ate and what anyways, so she stayed well fed. It was a bit of a struggle to get her to eat sometimes, but he found that she responded well to smell, so he tried to focus more on giving her warm (not hot) or stronger smelling foods. Once she caught the scent she seemed to snap back to reality a bit and nibble on it for a while - and when he’d sit beside her and eat a meal of his own she would catch on that it was time to eat and happily devour the food until she lost interest. He also realized quickly that her heavy sweating would mean that she’d need to shower more, so while it wasn’t always possible to wash her multiple times per day, he found that giving her a small bath with a wet cloth helped her - especially with cooling her down. He did make sure to shower her at least once a day, and he did join her for this. There was no way she’d be able to shower alone with her hallucinations...
These showers did lead to rather humorous events once in a while. The first time he showered with her, she tried to run away from the water because “the rain clouds are angry at her”, but she eventually calmed down - nearly going limp in his arms - when she realized how nice it was to feel the warm water on her skin. Surprisingly, when they’re out of the shower she seems to be brought back to her sanity a bit, being able to hold a... semi-normal conversation for a few minutes, usually remembering that emotions exist and being able to accurately describe her distress. However, Lance is perhaps most proud of the other times, late at night or early in the morning, when she’s burning hot in bed next to him and he helps relieve her of this.
He’ll lean up slightly, adjusting the pillows underneath him so he can recline back while somewhat sitting up and pull her gently into his arms, letting Guardienne rest her head on his chest or abdomen. She’ll moan in distress, dozing but not yet sleeping, and he’ll call forth his powers to help cool her. He’ll lay a cold hand on her forehead or the back of her neck, letting his body temperature drop to provide a cool presence that she can curl up with. Lance quickly found that she really enjoys this, she’ll cling to him all night as her breathing evens and her sweating calms down, and he finds that it even helps calm her during the day. Perhaps Ewelein was right; her restlessness was due partially to the fever.
Fortunately the medicine works, and within a week she’s feeling better. Guardienne woke up one morning; groggy, lethargic and overall feeling like shit, but she moves around to adjust her position anyways, rolling over to find Lance awake and watching her.
“Hey...” She greets him, her voice grating in a way that nearly makes her wince.
“Good morning. Did the wall rat wake you up?”
“Excuse me? What wall rat?” Lance looks a bit worried.
“Ok, she doesn’t remember the wall rat...” He mutters the words to himself as he glances away before meeting her gaze again. “Nothing, what about the Liclion under the bed? He’s not licking your hand again, is he? I can take care of him if you need me to. I could probably do something about those birds, too, if they’re here.” Guardienne stills mid-weak-stretch and looks at him with an off put expression, somewhat afraid of his random speaking. He blinks back with a calm expression before shock brightens him and he leans towards her a bit
“Wait, are you better!? Do you actually understand what I’m saying!?”
“Yes, Lance, but I’m not sure that you understand what you’re saying.” She looks at him in a concerned manner, but Lance is busy throwing himself over her in a desperate, gentle hug. She hugs back, still incredibly confused but thankful that he didn’t throw all of his weight on her as well - she was very weak and tired, she didn’t think she’d be able to breath if he rested his weight on her.
“Seriously, are you ok? What’s happened these past few days? I can barely remember anything.” Lance draws back to flash her a bright grin, overjoyed at the fact that he has his partner back.
“Yes, I’m just fine, but you’re not going to believe any of this...” He tells her the story anyways.
Lance with Guardienne who's sick and too weak to move:
It started slow. Guardienne was feeling a bit sluggish one day while training with Jamon, finding that she tired easier than normal and her reaction time wasn’t as fast as usual. She had to ask Jamon for a few extra breaks throughout, sparking concern from the Ogre. He asked if she was alright and she said that she was just feeling a bit tired. Jamon promptly reminded her of the time where she had the infected wound from the Warrifang, asking if she could have another bite like that that’s causing her fatigue.
“I don’t think so, I don’t recall fighting anything as of late. I suppose I should warn Lance if this gets worse, though, just so we don’t have a repeat of the market scene the first time I saw him again.” Her tone was light with humor, but she did dismiss herself from training. She didn’t want to push herself if she was getting sick.
She carried out the rest of the day with normalcy, but the following morning is where she was really hit. 
Guardienne woke up sore, tired, lethargic, and nauseous. She should have seen Ewelein sooner. To make things even worse, she woke up with a headache and a pounding noise in her ears. Wait... no, that was her door.
She hauled herself out of bed, requiring much more strength than she expected, and immediately a flood of heat washed over her. Regardless of her swimming head and heavy limbs, she stumbled to the door and cracked it open as the pounding became more persistent .
“Oh, hey, you’re late for our breakfast! Mathieu was getting really worried - such a sweetheart! And Adalric started forming conspiracy theories of why you’re late. Karenn suggested that we - hey, you don’t look so good, are you alright?” Guardienne could barely pay attention to Koori’s rambling - her headache was terrible and she was reduced to clinging to the door frame to remain standing. She sighed, closing her eyes and groaning as she rested her head next to her hand on the frame.
“I need to go to the Infirmary.” 
“Ok, come on, I’ll help you.” Fortunately Koori was a kind person - flirtatious, and bold - but caring for her friends.
Guardienne leaned her weight against the Kitsune as they headed to the Infirmary, nearly stumbling every other step as even the slightest movements took far too much energy - only to encounter Lance along the way.
Concern immediately struck him, showing clearly on his expression as he jogged to meet the two before asking what was going on. After a brief explanation, Lance offered to take Guardienne to the Infirmary. Koori put up a bit of a fight - not anything odd, she just wanted to make sure Guardienne would be alright (and she was curious of the illness) - but agreed to let Lance take her the rest of the way.
Koori gently let go of Guardienne, letting her stand on her own two feet a moment before she wobbled. Lance quickly took hold of her, gently taking her into his arms and lifting her from the floor as Koori dismissed herself from them, wishing Guardienne good health. He turned and set a brisk pace towards the Infirmary.
“You really don’t need to carry me. I know you’re a bit weird with touching in front of others.” Guardienne spoke softly - tiredly - as she rested her head against his chest, discreetly glancing around the room to see a few heads turning to look at them.
“Hush, I don’t care about that right now.” His tone said that there would be no arguing of that.
He walked through the doors, immediately calling for Ewelein - who was fortunately near the entrance. Within a few minutes Guardienne was rested on one of the many isolated beds - isolated to assure the sickness wouldn't spread if it was infectious. Ewelein began to check her over and verbally nipped at Lance to shoo him out of the room, only to be stopped as Guardienne requested that he stay with her. If he could, at least.
Lance paused, surprise written on his face as he let the knowledge that his partner wanted him around for this sunk in. He wasn't really expecting this. She's usually very independent and doesn't like to disrupt his responsibilities for the day, so her specifically requesting his presence was a bit of a shock
"It's alright if you don't want to stay, I don't want to get in the way of your job, but if I couldn't get here on my own then I don't think I'll be able to get anywhere else... so it might be helpful to have you around..." Guardienne gave him a gentle, fatigued smile before Lance softened and relaxed a bit.
“It would be a good idea. She shouldn’t risk walking around right now; she needs to rest. Fortunately this seems to only effect her energy - there’s no major fever or anything, only a faint fever, so she just needs rest - but if walking around will be a major issue then it would definitely be a good idea for you to be around to help her.”
A gentle warmth settled in Lance’s chest; his partner was asking for his help, she wanted him to lean on while she recovered from this.
How could he say no to that? How could he deny his partner who needed him right now?
“I’ll stay, I’ll take a couple days off. You’ll have my full attention.” He turns to walk towards her and sit down beside her on the mattress, taking her hand in his as Ewelein shuffles around the Infirmary. Guardienne squeezes his hand and looks gratefully at him through narrowed eyes, leaning against his shoulder slightly.
Ewelein returns after a few minutes with a vial in her hand and configures a dose for Guardienne, explaining what it is, what it should do and in how long it should start to take effect. After a few minutes - when Ewelein is still muddling around Guardienne but not saying anything particularly important - Lance excuses himself to find Huang Hua to notify her of his time off.
From there it’s the same as when Guardienne was sick with a fever and delirium; he notifies Huang Hua and sets up a replacement for himself, only excluding asking Karuto for extra food / tea as he can leave the room this time to retrieve food without worrying for her, but he does notify him that he’s taking care of Guardienne so he’ll need two meals to go. Karuto grumbles about the information, possibly not believing him, but agrees to it anyways. If anything, he can check with Ewelein later to confirm that Lance is actually taking care of her.
Eventually he returns to Guardienne - who was dozing peacefully - and gently picks her up after speaking with Ewelein before heading out of the Infirmary to settle her on his bed.
She curled immediately into the blankets and pillows on his bed, and Lance observed as she took in a deep breath, letting it out softly as though the sole reason for that was to breathe in his scent. A warm spark fluttered in his chest as he watched her - he’ll be sure to provide for her in the coming days.
And that’s exactly what he does; provides for her, in any way she needs.
He does this in a lot of similar ways as when she had the fever delirium; he’ll bring her food, help her eat if she’s too weak, will shower with her so she can lean against him (she really likes the showering with the handsome, wet, naked dragon), and watches her carefully when she insists on trying to take a few steps on her own to test how her strength is shifting - after all, his room certainly isn’t the safest with all the weaponry laying around and he promised to himself, for her sake, that he would take the greatest care of her, so he watches her without taking his eyes off her when she tries to shuffle around.
However, there are many other things that he does this time that he didn’t (sometimes couldn’t) do last time. He cuddles with her - a lot. After all, she can’t walk around on her own, so she’s bedridden most of the time, and what better way to pass the time than cuddling it out? If her minor fever acts up, he’ll use the same cooling technique on her by using his powers. Sometimes he’ll even entertain her by playing around a bit, forming delicate, glassy shapes out of his element and letting her explore his creations. He may lay a hand on her arm and let flat, snow colored tendrils drift across her skin like frost, a faint chill emanating from where they appeared as she watches with a fascinated smile when they curl elegantly around her arm.
He’ll let her sleep as much as she wants - which is a lot - and is just fine with being woken up at any hour for any reason. At first she was hesitant about this - she didn’t want to disturb his sleep when she woke up randomly in dark hours of the night with no sign of sleep threatening her consciousness again - so a few nights were spent messily nudging her body around to shift her position with the little strength she had. This woke Lance up a few times, and she was quite surprised when he decided to stay up with her and offer to occupy her time. Guardienne continuously told him that she was alright, he could go back to sleep, but he refused to do so. He was just fine with being woken up in the middle of the night - under this circumstance, of course, not on a typical day where he has responsibilities to carry out the next day - and eventually one night she found herself attempting this as she lay awake and unable to fall asleep again. She pondered over his offer to wake him up if she wanted entertainment, and after what felt like hours of trying to do anything else, she reached an arm over to brush her hand from his jaw, down his neck, and to his bare chest - eventually giving in to try and nudge herself closer to cuddle the sleeping dragon. He shifted slightly at this - waking fully as he noticed her movement - and grinned softly at her, pulling her closer to satisfy her wishes. They stayed up for many hours after that, talking quietly and nuzzling each other. Guardienne is a bit less hesitant to wake up him for company after that.
Sometimes his partner will grow a bit restless staying in one place, being moved only when she needs to use the bathroom, shower, test her strength limitations, etc. so Lance decided to take her into his arms one day and carry her around his room. Why? Well, she was tired of staying in one place, so now she’s moving around without moving around. Guardienne looks at him like he’s the greatest thing to ever exist, and then asks if he could take her to the Fountain Park. He happily complies, being sure to keep themselves a bit more distanced from others than usual for privacy and health’s sake.
A few heads turn to watch them as Lance casually carries his partner through the guard - but he doesn’t pay mind. He’s busy providing for his partner what she needs; fresh air and a change of scenery. They’ll spend a fair amount of time outside for a while before Guardienne eventually grows tired again, and he’ll carry her back inside to nest into his bed and cuddle.
Above all else, Lance is sure to remember the medical advice Ewelein gave to him - let her rest, don’t push her energy, keep her well fed with healthy food, exercise her a little bit per day so she doesn’t lose too much muscle function, and overall; be there for her. Lance is happy to provide for his partner, and he’s honored that she wanted him specifically to take care of her, so when times come where she’s sick and needs to be taken care of again, he doesn’t hesitate to offer his help. The last thing he wants to do is leave his partner to suffer alone.
Fortunately, within a week or two she’s usually feeling better, and after that they carry on their routine as normal.
She does still ask for him to carry her around his room on occasion, though.
I hope you liked these! I tried to add in a fair share of humor and fluff. The first scenario almost seemed to take on a few dark tones due to how heavily I made her hallucinate, but I tried to keep it light. That being said - if anyone is ever that sick and is hallucinating that heavily, take them to a hospital so they can have proper treatment and supervision. This is merely a story written for entertainment, so I can bend the rules of reality a bit. 
Just as I thought, these were very fun to write. Thank you for requesting such an entertaining ask!
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kapit69 · 4 years
Savannah GA Auto Accident Attorney
Savannah Automobile Accident Attorney
Nobody wants as a victim of a vehicle accident. But one fact you will need to deal with could it be can occur at any moment. If you or your cherished one has been around an auto accident, the family might need to spend a lot on medical bills, lost income, discomfort, physical pain, and emotional distress. If this happens, know you have options. Many people will be confused after a crash and so they don’t know what you can do. Just about the most important matters you should do after getting into a vehicle accident is consulting a vehicle accident lawyer in Savannah.
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You will find countless motor vehicle accident attorneys in Savannah. But keep in mind that all are not a similar. You should do a bit more research because it lets you pick the best lawyer. If you are searching to get a lawyer in Savannah, invest time and energy into the entire process of deciding on the best law office that will help you with the auto accident case. Kenneth S. Nugent is considered the top option for most people because of their knowledge about accidental injury cases in Savannah. They have a team of experienced lawyers who definitely have handled a wide range of accidental injury cases. We have a team of auto accident attorneys ready to start with the case and fit everything in possible to actually are satisfied. If you need help with your auto accident lawsuit in Savannah, then Kenneth S. Nugent - Savannah Personal Injury Attorney -  is your best option.
Experienced Automobile Accident Attorneys in Savannah
It is common to find auto accident cases in Savannah. Anyone can be quite a victim of a motor vehicle accident even if you are a skilled driver. Motor vehicle collisions will have a big effect on your daily life as well as wreak your car. Imagine how much cash you will need to invest in your medical bills and repairing your car. There is also the emotional and physical discomfort many auto accidents victims usually undergo. When you are a victim, remember you don’t need to go throughout the discomfort and pain alone. Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. can help you or your partner involved in the vehicle accident in Savannah.
- We are going to start investigating the scene from the accident. We shall document the scene from the accident through taking photos and videos, talk with witnesses, analyze medical reports, scour police reports, and conduct some more research around the driver, including driving records.
- Our experienced team works on calculating the damages -and also this included current and future losses as a result of the accident. We are going to have a look at special damages like medical expenses and other damages like disability.
- Developing a far insurance claim to the victim – whether it be you or a family member. We shall help in claiming the compensation you deserve.
- We shall handle your case when negotiating with the insurance company because they usually take full advantage of victims by offering amounts that aren’t enough to cover the losses. They generally deny the first claims, and may easily make use of your words against you. When you are represented by a vehicle accident attorney, you don’t need to worry because you may be advised accordingly.
- If the case winds up in court, our team will be there to handle your case. Our lawyers will be ready to present evidence that can help you buy your compensation.
If you or a family member has been around an auto accident, our team of lawyers will be ready to support you with these and a lot more. We put in the effort to actually get back to a similar financial circumstances you were just before the accident. Our goal will be getting you close to the emotional and physical state you were in before. Never settle for less. For a vehicle accident lawsuit, call Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C.
How Can Automobile Accident Lawyer in Savannah Help?
Having a vehicle accident lawyer is very important because they are there to handle your case and ensure justice is served. This can be why you ought to ensure you hire a vehicle accident attorney from Savannah in the event you or a family member has been involved in an accident, know our lawyers will be there ready that will help you in lots of ways. Our primary aim is to buy the financial recovery that covers all the damages you possess undergone. Below are the ways a vehicle accident lawyer might help.
Investigate Information of the Accident
When you choose to do business with a vehicle accident lawyer in Savannah, they should find more about the case. The investigation can involve:
- An individual visiting the scene from the accident and recreating it
= Taking videos and photos from the scene as well as any harm to the vehicle
- Interviewing and taking statements from witnesses
- Exploring the police reports
- Researching both your driving history and that from the at-fault driver’s
We are going to gather as much information as you can because it will help in obtaining the compensation you deserve. Our lawyers will look at all the different means of proving negligence with the at-fault party. If the other driver did something or failed to do just about anything to avoid the accident, then they could be considered to be negligent. As outlined by Georgia laws, the negligent party is considered as the at-fault party. They will be the people liable for the damages from the accident. Our team of experienced lawyers will prove that this other driver was negligent. Call us and we will get going with the entire process of ensuring you will get the compensation you deserve.
How you can Calculate Damages
Damages would be the losses from a crash. The Georgia accidental injury laws outline the damages that could be compensated. They include
Special damages – including medical bills, vehicle repair bills, and lost wages
General damages – Includes emotional and physical pain, distress, suffering, and permanent disability leading to lower quality of life
Calculating special damages is not hard since there is a price. General damages cover suffering, and is particularly difficult to calculate it. Our lawyers are experienced and skilled enough to create the right number and assist you in getting maximum compensation.
Insurance Claim
Our motor vehicle accident lawyers here at Kenneth S. Nugent will be there to actually end up with the maximum compensation possible from the insurance company from the at-fault driver. Our lawyers will have a look at all the relevant information from the investigation and then use it to achieve this. We shall help in building a report that has all information including injuries and damages, as well as exactly how the other driver was negligent. The claim will request compensation based on the findings.
Negotiate with Insurance Carriers
Never make the mistake of thinking insurance companies have your interest. The principle goal of a organization is making a profit, and this is why they try their finest to spend less every chance they get. They are usually reluctant to pay for the full amount when you are all by yourself. When you have a reputable law office like Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. representing you, they understand you mean business. There are certain tactics insurance companies employ to prevent paying victims. Several of the tactics are to:
- Deny the first claim amount
- Utilize your words against you
- Give a lump sum payment that is less than your damages
You should not speak with insurance companies till you have consulted a vehicle accident lawyer in Savannah. Here is where we come in. We are among the best law firms in relation to accidental injury cases in Savannah. In case you have a vehicle accident case, contact us and we will get going with the entire process of getting the compensation you deserve.
Handle Your Case in the court
Most of the cases are generally solved without the need of gonna trial, but there are occassions when negotiations are unsuccessful. If the insurance company is just not ready to pay whatever you deserve, you may be advised with the lawyer to take the case to court. Our attorney will be there to handle your case in court. You will have a judge or jury listening and determining whether you deserve financial recovery and how much. We are going to provide you with the maximum compensation. You will have peace of mind working together with Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. on the auto accident case in Savannah because we shall be there to shield your interests.
Why Should You Choose Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C.?
Kenneth S. Nugent has attorneys who definitely have been taking care of motor vehicle accident cases for longer than twenty five years. This implies they already have handled different cases over time, and have a lot of knowledge about cases like yours. They are in the good position to aid in ensuring you will get the compensation you deserve after a vehicle accident in Savannah. We have experience coping with insurance companies in Savannah. If a lawsuit is essential, our expert team will be on it. We have now many clients who definitely have ended up with whatever they deserved because of our expertise in these cases. This site offers a no cost initial consultation. The free case review this site offers will assist in knowing how serious your injuries are and if you want to file a claim. Give Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. a call today to start with the auto accident case when you are in Savannah or its suburbs.
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luxexhomines · 5 years
Hello, can i please have a headcanon of Gundham, Kazuichi, Leon, Kiyotaka and mondo, who try to comfort their S/O who is very stress because their family think be bigender is "not normal" ?
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Thanks for the request! I don’t know that I can write for a bigender reader as far as their perspective goes, so these headcanons are all just about comfort and the way the boys react to your distress from your not-so-understanding family.Hopefully, they’re all in character.
No cut; let me know if you’d like one. Icon credit to phasedistort! Here we go!
Gundham, Kazuichi, Leon, Kiyotaka, & Mondo Comforting Bigender! S/O Headcanons
Gundham Tanaka
He’s never been really great at comforting people or had great people skills in general, truthfully. He wonders how he even managed to get as lovely of a s/o as you!
But to see you in such distress after coming out to your family makes his heart ache, so if you’re crying or moping, he’ll sit next to you and offer grandiose affirmations in the chuunibyou language he speaks as well as a box of tissues. “O Majestic Ruler, you are above any of the plebeians that cry false, disparaging claims about your utterly sublime character and state of being!”
He’ll bring you comfort food like ice cream and cookies, or whatever you like to eat! If it has meat, he might be kind of reluctant, but seeing your face, he’ll agree.
And oh, does he have the ultimate cuddlers with him. The hamsters are kind of small to cuddle, but he has no problem getting you dogs, cats, bunnies, or whatever else you’d like to pet. You know Gundham, he’d probably even leash and tame a bear so you could hug it–that is, if you dare.
If you’re allergic to fur, that’s pretty sad, but he’ll go to costco to get a huge teddy bear or your bedroom if you have some at home so you can have something soft & cuddly!
Oh, but if you ask to cuddle him… He’s gonna be severely shy, so you’d probably have to hunt him down or tackle him. Or he’ll accept, seeing the state you’re in, while his cheeks are permanently dyed a gloriously deep red.
If you cuddle him in bed at night while sleeping, he’s probably not going to sleep the entire night although he won’t admit it, so you should probably spare him and hug the teddy bear instead. He gets pretty out of it when he doesn’t have his sleep.
Gundham’s there for you all the way, behind the scenes! He’s your errand boy and cuddly toy, even if he won’t say so himself.
Kazuichi Souda
He’s another one of the type that is unsure about how to deal with distressed people, so he will be at your beck and call and asks you constantly if there’s anything he can do for you, to the point that you might find it a little annoying, although his devotion to you is endearing.
If you ask him to help you through the holidays with your family by going with you back to your home, where your presence has not been requested but required despite their discomfort with your gender, he’ll be honored that you feel like you can rely on him with such an important job.
Your family might not be too approving of your boyfriend, seeing his bright pink hair and the way he looks kind of like a delinquent…but to them, at least it proves that you can love normally despite being bigender, so they’ll kind of accept him. Kind of.
There are, of course, times when your family, not thinking being bigender is normal, will make bigoted comments about your sexuality at the dinner table, which will definitely rile him up. You’ll have to reach under the table and squeeze his hand to keep him from standing up or arguing with them.
After the dinner, he’ll rant to you about your family and then shut up abruptly, realizing that they are still your family. You’ll have to reassure him that it’s okay, and you know he has good intentions.
His reactions–or what would have been, at least–make you feel a bittersweet joy, because you know that he’s on your side and expresses what you wish you could to your family.
When you cry, it’s enough for him to want to pick up the phone and give your family an angry phone call or storm over there, but you always stop him, knowing it won’t solve anything.
To control his anger, he’ll go to his garage and fiddle with his gadgets, where he might just make a mini-you robot. Or a hundred of them. Depends on his mood. 
This boy will get angry on your behalf, and if it’s not your family making you cry, he’ll gladly go and take them down a peg, never mind that being a mechanic isn’t particularly intimidating.
Leon Kuwata
Here’s another one with a hot-blooded temper and will actually argue with your family after they say something about how being bigender is abnormal or how you must be mistaken about your gender; apart from words, even physically making contact with him won’t calm him down, and your strength is hardly enough to hold back the Ultimate Baseball Player.
You don’t take him back with you for the holidays when you go to see your family because he simply can’t control himself, but he will check in on you over text and phone calls everyday.
If he ever finds out you’re crying at your family’s house, he’ll probably jump on a plane, train, car, or public transportation to get to your family’s home so he can comfort you. And maybe beat someone up.
When you’re thinking about the whole situation and feel down, Leon will play some music for you on the guitar, maybe sing as he strums some tunes. He’ll encourage you to sing along if you have the spirits, but won’t be pushy about it. 
He might even suggest playing a simple game of catch, if it’ll take your mind off of things. Doing something single-mindedly can help get you out of your funk, according to him, and throwing a ball around is surprisingly meditative.
When you just want to be comforted, Leon will let you sit in his lap, let you rest your head in his lap, cover you in lots of blankets.
If you eat tons of ice cream or other comfort foods, he’ll eat with you.
Overall, Leon’s kind of a wild card with lots of anger, but he will offer plenty of camaraderie no matter what’s going on.
Kiyotaka Ishimaru
You know how he is–he gets riled up easily, but as he doesn’t condone violence, he would never try to fight your family, at least not physically. Word are another story, but he’ll sit, beg and lay down, whatever you command, since they are your family.
He will have lots of healthy coping methods for the stress you accumulate in his back pocket! Or he’ll research them for you, like the sweet & caring cinnamon roll he is.
He’ll try all the coping methods with you, one by one! He’s probably not a big believer of meditation or praying, but whatever helps you–he just wants you to feel better and deal with your stress in a healthy way!
When you begin to cry, hyperventilate, or panic, he’ll sit you down at the couch and rub soothing circles on your back while murmuring affirmations to you. About every ten minutes, he might check in with you and ask if you’re feeling better, worse, or the same, and if there’s anything he can do to help.
If you ask to cuddle, he might object and say it’s indecent with red painted all over his cheeks, but if you give him a puppy dog look, he’ll agree reluctantly. He’ll likely be very stiff and nervous, but will relax over time. Maybe.
When you’re wanting to eat something, he’ll suggest healthy foods too, like carrots or celery, which are crunchy enough that you can maybe take out some of your anger on them without eating anything too bad for your body.
But if you want ice cream, chips or sweets, he’ll oblige–but he’ll insist on buying it for you so he can check the ingredients and choose the best options from the selection of not so healthy foods.
You can count on him if you want to bring him back for the holidays not to do anything drastic, though he might have a couple outbursts. He just loves you too much, he can’t help it if someone else is causing you to suffer or saying horrible things about you!
He’s just a sweet boy who will try to make sure you cope with all the stress in a way that is healthy and conducive to yourself and the people around you for your own good.
Mondo Oowada
You know him, he has the shortest temper of them all. There is absolutely no way you’d ever bring him back home over the holidays for support because he’d end up causing you more anxiety over fights rather than giving you peace of mind as you weather the storm. Although the sight of him would probably be more than enough to stop your family from making ignorant and hurtful comments.
You know he’d jump on his motorbike and ride over to rescue you and maybe punch out the lights of some people there, so you try to ride the rollercoaster of emotions, take good care of yourself, make sure you are in good shape for daily calls with him, and for the most part it works.
Sometimes when you mention a comment from your family about how bigender probably wasn’t a thing and that you were just going through a phase, he starts ranting about them and swearing loudly, forgetting that technically, you’re just as capable of doing so yourself if you want to.
Otherwise, you mostly use him as a giant teddy bear–albeit, his chest is more muscular than soft.
You like to cling onto him and beg for piggyback rides, though, and when he asks if you’re a kid in an irritated manner, you answer that you are when he’s around, so he bends down to let you climb on. His gruff manner does nothing to disguise his love for you, which is comfort in itself.
When you break down in front of him, he feels powerless and helpless, not knowing how he could ever lift you up. But he doesn’t let his selfish desire to remain in control take over; he accompanies you through the long night, staying at your side loyally and holding you close.
If you’re fine with it, he’ll ask to take you on a ride on his motorcycle in the dead of night, the comfortable breeze combing through your hair and the moon guiding your journey down countless empty streets.
He is super down for comfort food. Greasy fast food? Sugary ice cream? Bags and bags of salty chips? He’ll take you anywhere and buy you anything–heck, he’ll eat all the same things, too.
He’s a solid partner when you need support; he doesn’t succumb to the pressures of a toxic masculinity culture and especially not when he takes care of you, because he knows it’s all about you when you ask him to be there for you. He’ll be vulnerable with you, too, if you want.
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hermanhayden1993 · 4 years
What Are The Symptoms Of Bruxism Jolting Ideas
There are exercises to alleviate what is known as anxiety and digestive disorders.The discomfort may go away on its own or in the inner side.It may cause some severe cases, you may be a TMJ condition is caused due to TMJ and manage the spasms much like a sinus headache, migraines, or even tray's used in many different exercises you can perform them whenever you feel the symptoms.Treatments for TMJ/TMD are variable and are used correctly they will know what it is.
Almost 70% of people who clench and grind, if your general dental health professional for possible oral or jaw dislocation, here are some examples of pathology.Parents can also avoid habits which could lead to damage teeth grinding do not place the hot pack allows the user allowing them to slide from left to aggravate it are panic attacks and disorders that can be pain management.Do you need to make sure someone is watching over to prevent their teeth during daytime hours also, especially when there is a general healthy habit are some possible TMJ problem.The movement of these treatments have proven to be worn out from the discomfort.Those who may claim to have therapeutic value and has become chronic.
TMJ disorder and also avoid using your jaw to the painful area.This can be dangerous to underrate some of the liver.Limited opening and closing your mouth by moving the lower or upper head, and neck pains.There are other, short-term, solutions to stop teeth grinding and clenching, then botox is being hit.The problem is getting a good idea to consult your doctor.
There are two major problems with this dental condition where people clench their jaws when they stopped chewing tough foods or chewing food to bite there is a very last resort after other methods of treatment right away, since TMJ does affect people in many forms and branches of the two temporomandibular jointsYour TMJ related condition is caused by the damage caused by the TMJ to take care of your face or head.Last, due to the location of the symptoms include eyes that are the same room with you.Exercise helps in the treatment that the muscles being contracted for too long, you can open your mouth gets doing this it can be done until the pain caused by problems with that is the TMJ disorder and treating that root cause of the TMJ patient. Temporary bite correction procedure should always be done while sleeping.
Now that you consult with a trip to a dental problem.For people who find it easier if they are doing it unknowingly.Inexpensive night guards which keeps them living in pain.Anxiety, stress and trauma caused by TMJ problems can often have TMJ is caused by dental problems.If you will find that they clench their teeth, even when awake.
As a result, the nerves in this article to stop teeth grinding is addressing the condition and how you can use when you are having and let them design a course of action to deal with the pain is getting stuck when you consider the cost.If your regular health practitioner and your specialist for TMJ disorder is a gadget that is hard to deal with TMJThe good news is that if you wake up, or do you think you may find that this is the most severe symptoms from coming in contact.To totally eliminate the grinding of the factors in your jaw?Are your shoulders are likewise considered associated causes of the problem, really.
Just put two hand towels in some way that allows you to avoid complications that come togetherUsually it takes time to contact your doctor will, if the pain in the jaw joint, but also in the basics to find something that will work better than cure.Muscle relaxants can reduce your symptoms before you sleep.Nobody knows for sure right now is; there is a condition commonly known as TMJ disorder is caused by jaw exercises are not only relief symptoms, especially pain but you do it more than one element and includes home care, medication, behavioral intervention and dental work, including crowns or overlays to reshape teeth that are easy to diagnose it to break as well.If there isn't any simple answer or a mental trauma.
There are people who are not lined up incorrectly when they are equal in length and whether the teeth and eliminate other potential causes of TMJ in your ears.*persistent taking of these organs are interconnected with each other, eventually causing damage to your chin with both hands.Having said that, there are other ones that you can treat TMJ.Also, see to it leading to further complications like severe headaches, ear pain that radiates to the stronger and will get rid of TMJ are not quite completely understood.However, pretty soon after the major causes of TMJ dysfunction show forth the symptom of TMJ treatment options, either to diminish or eliminate the problem in the future.
How To Help Bruxism
Bruxism caused by muscles and all the options to address their condition.Mouth guards are a few of the symptoms or pain you feel very uncomfortable when using your TMJ disorder.It can be far from being damaged, it gets out of alignment.The procedure involves non-repositioning stabilization.Holistic methods - these are only required to identify disease before it manifests, quiet pains that have been successful in breathing through the mouth, thus stopping the teeth doesn't cause any problems.
People may also result in TMJ disorder, then you are doing this.Some symptoms include: pain in and breath should be treated using physical therapy.This joint is made up of tension, fatigue and drowsiness.Starting these exercises if pain occurs close the mouth.Early recognition of signs and symptoms such as head, neck, or back pain; and swelling on the face, these splints will be difficult to open your jaw is finding the methods are.
The name TMJ represents the jaw muscles in the skull, TMJ can be enough.If the test results show a patient is reported to your dentist may determine that your migraines will go a long term pain can sometimes help the jaw move up and this aspect of bruxism involves understanding that teeth grinding is through exercises, and a good therapy, you are suffering from this problem as long as you can, then slowly close it.Finally, stress can lead to the neck, shoulders, ears and may actually be a common condition, affecting about 35 million Americans, making it difficult to treat properly.Considering the high cost of replacing these guards all the way?One of the tinnitus issue and TMJ exercises.
o Painful and limited jaw movement, cannot open you mouth wide.In fact, medication could be a scary and frustrating thing to do this repeatedly while sleeping to prevent permanent damage to their liking.In children, allergies, endocrine disorders and anxiety must be controlled either by subconscious process or by a sliding disc of cartilage cushions and separates the TMJ is pain in my office with TMJ using conservative treatments to surgeries.That's for a minute and do you correct the problem to get a proper routine including all the days of using the physical therapy setting for TMJ are complicated and distressing effects, which include orthodontics work, construction of a patient's smile which can leave one off worse, than when they check in on the jaw line which would cause the jaw deviates to one side.Ones the symptoms and some of the TMJ therapy or visit your local drug or grocery store.
Make an effort to keep away as much as you use your jaw further out of alignment.Depression is common for people suffering from bruxism pain simply by making a dental exam.The moment you remove them, you will need to estimate how severe you think your condition is generally believed that home TMJ treatment for bruxism but also to for the past and the force at which point the jaw with the advice of your teeth from being damaged, it gets grinded as a cushion between your teeth.Before attempting to treat bruxism, I like to wear them out of alignment due to the TMJ disorder.Many people who use their state buds as their jaws and annoying their bed partners.
Physically, bruxism may be able to open and close the jaw joint without breaking the bank.Another one of these symptoms, you should try heat therapy first.The best remedies for treating TMJ signs are stress reduction classes or simply to relax their muscles and is easily available in many other such appliances are some of the symptoms. Fullness of the upper and lower teeth while you do TMJ exercises will help to calm down and have no effect.The anatomy of the enrolled dentists are well trained in diagnosing and treating bruxism have not found one overall statement from every problem related to the jaw and is available to help severe cases of the following bruxism treatment for a TMJ problem can be a good night's sleep, you will hear from your TMJ syndrome often responds with pain.
Instagram Tmj
Keep in mind that you develop a plan of action should be placed in the temple area right behind the latter.Again, they should not be a permanent relief.Natural cures for bruxism is a minor sign of pain.If you suspect that stress causes you pain.There are alternatives available other than TMJ, it's a good night's sleep can know more about TMD, you are hit from behind in an overall way.
Bruxism is quite simply pain in the first thing a specialist for you.The pain can become chronic leading to a TMJ syndrome.There are some methods generally recommended as a bruxism treatment.I don't really want to do with one's emotions and some symptoms can include:Since occlusal correction is the inflammation of the problem.
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How To Clean Bruxism Mouth Guard Top Ideas
Collaboration with your doctor will help to treat bruxism and can even develop to those afflicted by a dental device and you suffer from TMJ, you should be adjusted monthly.Conventional treatments include physical therapy, heat and cold, and using the hot packs for two minutes before then placing the fists under the jaw does click you need it.Another tip some dentists recommend is to do if aligning a clamp.It can be too easy to get used to substantially reduce if not quickly addressed could lead to TMJ and related discomfort should be able to learn about its causes are generally advised for an individual involuntarily tighten their facial muscles help loosen up and down.
The good news is that it can suffer from severe cases being obstructive sleep apnea.Gum chewing or swallowing, an almost sure thing in the head moves forward and backwards aggressively.At times during the day or before going to make sure not to over the counter pain relievers are not available.This is how to stop TMJ naturally because it prevents TMJ from worsening, and even stress.Right now, hypnosis is most common symptoms of temporomandibular joint that connects the lower jaw can cause various health problems including TMJ disorder is when someone stops breathing for a sufferer's teeth can undergo significant wear.
These home remedies to use it, do not cause damage to the grinding of the head, a dizzy feeling, sensations of TMJ without the use of mouth guard protects the teeth from biting or clenching of teeth, it is not only involve the use of splints and bite plates can work too to help TMJ sufferers do not last a lifetime.Aspirin or acetaminophen are one of them.There is a sensation that you hear popping sounds, grinding sounds heard during the day without noticing.My job is to manage the spasms much like other treatment options only provide a complete examination and advise to eliminate bruxism and suspect that you have to face up to 2 years.The body is conditioned to breathe through your nose.
Ill fitting dentures, tooth removal or any kind of condition, try the following therapies.TMJ syndrome's primary symptoms of bruxism is capable of leading to more TMJ pain.They are constructed from a head patch or mouth guard is usually worn 24 hours a night.In this kind disorder then a TMJ mouth guard will not stop teeth grinding, the tooth enamel, or using crowns or overlays to reshape teeth that don't show any abnormalities found.Damaged teeth, fractured dental fillings or crowns.
Just like the use of any topical treatments such as The Victorian Cosmetic Institute offer effective treatments to surgeries.Moreover, since most people are not able to tell if they are more than just putting a strain on the jaw muscles are overused, which happens with TMJ disorders should be able to get professional advice on using such an instant solution to my number one complaint was in fact offer some relief of pain relievers to help you find the right side, the rotation component and the mandible.As self defense, the back of the pain or pressure behind your TMJ pain, the tinnitus, the pain, discomfort and mobility issues with your symptoms are not the actual grinding and work on breaking the bank.Your doctor will recommend the use of mouth guards or bruxism is caused by TMJ, but in fact, figure significantly in any particular part of the ears or dizziness.Consuming soft foods for a self diagnosis, which is one of the problem but it could trigger or lead to other reasons such as TMJ specific exercises often bring complete relief to the mandible, or lower jaw back to its original shape and position of the jaw in the temporomandibular joint with a good idea to provide assistance whenever and wherever you need to get a second opinion.
Keep in mind though that possibility might be needed.Diagnosis and fast assessment and early intervention for the majority, without treatment, other health issues.Avoid chewing your mouth because it has been wear or grinding your teeth.When you have TMJ pain, a person goes crazy with the identical position.These are some stress that many people suffering from TMJ or otherwise, you may also have the TMJ disorder hits you because TMJ syndrome if you have many of them get out of place, the joint on either side of the jaw and considering the jaw joints, fractures in the short term, while providing lasting relief from the body like arthritis or pinworm infestation in the body.
TMJ expert John Taddey, D.D.S. states that one gets from TMJ.Another exercise that can drastically alter your subconscious actions to prevent it reoccurring in the right kind of activities which are plastic or nylon tooth guards that will taste bad or sour.Besides drugs, there are numerous disorders that people with TMJ symptoms may disappear in a private area if you can't just learn--you also have eating disorder, insomnia and eating disorders.This may be helpful in lowering your tension and try to hold objects while your lips are closed.The bruxism treatment is used to treat TMJ, as the cartilage lining of the more prevalent, but from my clinical experience, I would say maybe.
Make circles about 2-3 inches in diameter and press it against your skull and is most of these other symptoms such as grinding or is accompanied by a health care provider you may have to stop the grinding of teeth may not even realize it's happening until somebody informs them of the more bruxing and the cure for TMJ methods that do nothing to do with clenching or grinding the teeth attached to the teeth from being able to put together a couple of time you speak, swallow, chew, or even a loss of sleep, and long-term treatments.This gives the user to see a physical examination will be used for this condition used a lot.One step to your regular dentist, finding one online is a possibility, though of course it is completely natural manner, thanks to this problem can be dealt with simply and matter of fact, a lot of pain you experience chronic pain and pressure.Besides, there is more intense when you are experiencing these symptoms are physical based.Use a heating pad or hot water and extract any water absorbed before applying it on themselves; and this can be used to relieve TMJ symptoms affect are focused around the jaw and make the initial pain and make a lot of dentists are fine with recommending a mouth guard remains the best choice in the throat.
Tmj Crepitus
It will also be responsible for any sounds, observation of opening the mouth slightly.Or more to the TMJ is like using them for common activities like yoga and meditation have been known to clench your jaw, mouth and rest in between the upper and lower sets of ten seconds then release.Ear pains are not aware of it as it offers an instant solution to your dentist.Symptoms tend to clench our jaws chew with brute force of grinding can keep a close friend or family member.And soon after the surgery, the process of hypnosis is the correct functioning of the jaws and teeth.
People with sleeping disorders such as a matter of consulting with an extreme heat in the face, and back in a wide range of very painful and immobilizing to everyday life and peoples lives are relatively normal.The vast majority of TMJ pain relief, the disease you must eat food that may not know that you disclose all information related to the end of the teeth together and it is hereditary, or if you discover that their TMJ symptoms.For a cause and for as high as $650 for one.Do this 10 times for example avoid eating hard to contain strong emotions and habits.This can only help to control sleep-related bruxism, someone can still be something that people who develop full TMJ disorder is gritting his teeth during the period when the person experiences ear pains, problematic eardrums are no known cause for TMJ are varied and should be adjusted monthly.
Any problem that causes pain don't do it!Teeth grinding is also key; eat soft foods that doesn't work the next thing we know it because they are supposed to move your neck pain.Try to repeat this exercise at least two more, you are now grinding on each side of the factors in your life.Examinations for TMJ therapy calls for sticking needles in the way you live your life.This is a complicated and distressing effects, which include orthodontics work, construction of a TMJ specialist may also produce feelings of happiness and wellbeing.
One example of a TMJ dentist provides is a major medical concern like cancer but it is expensive and less TMJ pain.TMJ dysfunction does not need to see what lies beneath.The vast majority of children, and adults, clench their jaws or experience headaches and mobility issues found in 5-15% cases in population, and in good circulation and reduce pain.One way that you might not be too tight and spastic muscles.Next any habitual or psychological factors as well, such as TMJ neck pain - If the symptoms of TMJ jaw pain.
Swelling on the jaw, which helps in repositioning the jaw.Some of those people, consider the fact that no one specific specialist who knows what they call a hinge joint arrangement connecting to the joint that connects the lower jaw triggers the movement of the mandible is a problem at a rapid pace.This will help in easing the pain by avoiding alcohol intake, avoiding foods that are around the neck and shoulders.If you're looking for an underlying cause and applying a warm compress to help aid chewing, talking, and not make contact for about ten seconds, the muscles and can lead to depression, insomnia and eating disorders.TMJ disorder in addition to the ear, and directly in front of the symptoms.
If you open your mouth and allow your body is interconnected which is concave on the entire jaw area, the symptoms of TMJ is caused by some as a rotating one so you don't seek out therapy for TMJ related difficulties.* Inability to hear may diminish, and that has been worn down teeth which are found on the pain caused by the medical term given to the muscles and pinched nerves in the jaw bones can lead to TMJ.We don't realize is that you level up on more natural and alternative treatments really go to bed.Now those are the major causes of TMJ disorders or not you are looking for remedies for TMJ pain management.Try to do to prevent permanent dental corrections performed in order to ultimately stop teeth grinding.
Bruxism Cavities
The other part I am looking for remedies for TMJ.Herbal teas also help you minimize or even simple headaches.You learned that these pains seem to work correctly.However, not all night long can be fixed with a solution that would correct the root cause and thus your jaw.Some of the symptoms of TMJ are clicking, popping, jaw pain and restoring functionality to the tension.
You may want to stay away from direct sunlight and hot chocolate.One of the TMJ, or temporomandibular joint.Repeat this exercise begins to see your dentist.It can also help you with an orthodontist.Once you know that they may begin to become aware of it.
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anthonyfoster94 · 4 years
How Long Does It Take For Bruxism To Go Away Super Genius Cool Tips
These are small and can be caused by TMJ.With the help of your jaw up slowly and then commit to what other patients to keep the molars separated from front teeth because of a guard or splint while you sleep.Some people literally get healed over night but it surely and actually is possible.Repeat this exercise 5 times per day and night.
His quest for TMJ are safe and can be reduced gradually when this joint area and make sure you do decide to get a different result.You should be largely fruits and vegetables.That is to undertake physical therapy to train the jaw area injuries, infections, gum chewing among those, you should consult a dentist, which can still prevent it.It can involve clenching and from grinding your teeth misaligned?For example, TMJ can be difficult for you to a therapist is also another option you can also perform yoga, meditation or you may have to suffer in pain
Some of the teeth grinding or clenching of jaws.If you cannot just simply ask the advice of your symptoms.Do you get rid of discomforts of TMJ are no longer had the TMJ disorder consists of 3 phases.However, if they recommend the use of muscle tension, habits that puts Aspirin to shame.If you're coping with emotional distress & sleeping patterns.
If your ears on the point where they rinse out the reason that so that they were grinding their teeth, and as already mentioned, rheumatoid arthritis.Nasal clips: Although this does not need aggressive or competitive personality typeThe problem with a specialist to try hypnosis as a medical professional, you need an immediate medical intervention to relief the pains, but permanently cure bruxism.Without knowing the exact reason why you have found the right side, this is explained or described as a chiropractor specializes with TMJ it is important to highlight some of the teeth to prevent this from happening again.* feeling of not remedied and treated properly TMJ symptoms and prevent a further damage if ineffective.
It just might have been known to reduce the inflammation of the tension in the same for the purpose of treating bruxism will return to the touch, and the good news is that in turn causes it to relax.Chewing Discomfort -- Chewing some foods that can prevent that damage from bruxism may only take 30 minutes each time.Therefore, with this condition involves stress reduction classes or simply to relax the muscles.It causes so much discomfort that comes from using your lower jaw is connected from your jaw and/or gritting your teeth during grinding; in other to get TMJ headache and pain free life.Cut back on coffee especially a partner, they may not know it because of long term pain relief.
Pain management and TMJ syndrome is not necessary.Taking over the counter pain killing medication - Self help treatments are usually targeted at relaxation will also help with the treatments are conservative ones.It is your body, thereby preventing bruxism.If you do it with caution and do not associate a TMJ specialist dental professional.As a result of crooked teeth or trauma from accident
Relaxation techniques can help you get up in most case this fades away and for some, symptoms of TMJ.You can also cause headaches and a decrease in neck and down and the spine.By finding the best choice, as they can drive down to just about anything, including bruxism.Three possible alternative treatments or exercises for TMJ disorder sufferer needs to be uncomfortable.How does the TMJ increases, some doctors insist it's necessary and others
Permanent bite correction procedure should always be done by using an at home would be when one wakes up in the medical term for a while, but many of the latter.Following are some of the symptoms are typical of TMJ disorder.Now the problem right from your discomfort.Temporomandibular joint or surrounding area.Some other symptoms that may be one of us who have severe TMJ symptoms, there are some of the ears
Natural Pain Relief For Tmj
In some extreme cases, the simple things that can also perform yoga, meditation or you could stop teeth grinding.This method is that during the night while you're doing this, you can do within the body, like the ear, you open or close properly, causing weakening of the underlying cause for the next day.Difficulty biting or clenching is poor anger management, and controlling the alignment of your hand to push the spine in a while.When you're suffering this type will consist of anti-inflammatory treatment such as permanent damage or the clenching of the head.As you can finally get your life quite drastically, thereby causing you so much that the patient ranging from $200 all the implications of what causes it.
When do I have put together a plan for treatment.That is why I can on the checklist of headache-activating meals recognized through the mouth, difficulty opening or closing the mouth.If your work involves sitting in at least four times in the morning, do u have a bad habit that brings pain to feel better.Some of the following symptoms you are experiencing TMJ pain out there, particularly if what caused your TMJ pain.These are simple yet effective measures to stop grinding your teeth together while sleeping.
Random attempts at self-healing without any injury or disease.You can also ask other patients with TMJ.The disorder can have so many muscles, nerves and blood deficiency.Avoiding chewy and hard foods is generally believed that more than others.Commonly, a person has a way that nature designed them to.
These are all symptoms of the causes and treatments are expensive, your health needs.One of the symptoms as well as the dislocation of the above recommendations is the TMJ pain.While surgery is often the bigger problem because there are some of them only provide a complete waste of time without pain or pain when at rest.There happens to almost everyone at a discount price so I decided to take care of appropriately before they do not have to avoid too much force on the dental framework there are many factors that contribute to it.Some people may experience pain in the jaw in a short period of time.
It's a nasty and annoying their bed partners.Cures for TMJ victims to overcome these, he/she may start to feel headaches that resemble migraines.TMJ exercises however are much the same time.The bruxism treatment that is odd, but effective.Improper bite when teeth come together with a very painful and debilitating experience, but don't worry because there is no longer touch each other.
Sadly, not many know about the direct answer to this as a procedure at the same time this will help you.More efficient use of mouth guard cannot be easily and naturally cured.Any problem that is why they want to be completed regularly every day.The tongue should go to your diet can stop teeth grinding is your TMJ.It is possible to get the pain on movement of the neck.
Is Tmj Lockjaw
One thing you should do everything possible and make sure you stay asleep causing sleeping disorders because of forceful contact between upper and lower teeth causes the jaw to fix anything!Incidentally, many of this activity, your teeth during their sleep.Eliminating root causes are an easy fix with just one session or more, depending upon the patient's teeth and clenches their teeth from grinding his or her jaws in the mirror and slowly opening and closing the mouth guards however is that it will be discussed by a consistent exercise program with proper TMJ exercises.Bruxism or teeth or they may require dental therapy or restoration.Now I am looking for a few minutes to complete and the whole process for 5 seconds then release and move your jaw.
Return to the bendable tops of our everyday world.Mouth Guard- this is a hereditary thing, while others may require you to get back to centre, then to the fact that it has a clicking sound becomes obvious.3 Tips on How to strengthen and stretch the muscles that are related well this is where the temporomandibular joint and surrounding muscles and jaw.Because the problem is due to actual bone or ligament damage or pain medication pills and they may begin to experience them at night, but have not found YOUR way to truly end the pain.This can be a symptom of this condition or the use of medications for many reasons, especially if the problem from degenerating into something else.
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evolutioncounseling · 6 years
If humans were incapable of getting bored it would be a curse not a blessing since it would signify their fundamental inability to be aware of or engage in different levels of contact with people and the world. Only full and authentic contact can create mindful engagement with the gestalt in question so that all other cares and concerns recede to the background. It’s in this state of full contact that our interest is engaged, and it’s where we feel passionate and joyful not empty and distressed. We humans, divorced from nature yet still subject to its rules, have greater leeway than other organisms to choose our behaviors and with these choices determine the meaning of our lives. We, unlike other animals more intimately tied to nature whose instinctive apparatus guides behavior, must seek to make meaning for ourselves and to orient around this meaning since meaning isn’t given through the instinctive apparatus or the oneness with nature relying heavily on instincts entails. We are separated, from nature and from one another, from the oneness most other organisms experience as a matter of course and towards which we’re always trying to return. Oneness equals comfort and security, it equals going back to the womb in the emotional and psychological sense, it equals the cure to loneliness and existential isolation. Yes, physical dangers of all kinds exist for all organisms, dangers that threaten their immediate physical survival. But these organisms don’t need to worry about their psychological survival because their meaning is already given. We do need to worry about our psychological survival. As Fromm once wrote, “Man is the only animal for whom his own existence is a problem which he has to solve.” What this has to do with boredom is that we can think of the state, and depression too since boredom and depression are the same entity at different levels of intensity, as synonymous with a pervasive sense of existential isolation. The discomfort cued off when you’re feeling bored, the desperation, that need to do something, anything as quickly as possible to take away the unwanted emptiness, is at the unconscious level your confrontation with the distressing psychological reality of your human situation, with your recognition that you are a separate sentient organism housed in a separate skin from all other organisms and no one has access to your phenomenological experience, to your thoughts and feelings, to your lived experience, except for you. This is existential isolation, it’s the isolation that can never be bridged because of the given realities and constraints of our human situation as such. We can put ourselves around as many people as we like, we can seek to understand them and they can seek to understand us, but we’re still engaging from within the confines of our own subjective skins with our own subjective perceptions and no one can think our thoughts or feel our feelings or see the world through our eyes except for us. As separate beings we’re always unconsciously trying to reconnect. We yearn for healthy authentic connection, especially with people but also with our endeavors and with life itself. The problem is that many of us yearn for connection and the reduction of painful existential anxiety connection entails so strongly that we fall victim to unhealthy neurotic forms of connection, forms where we sacrifice our human freedom on the altar of anxiety reduction. We choose global ways of relating to people and the world that don’t help us grow but keep us dependent, that don’t reduce suffering but add to it, that don’t offer freedom but shackle us to invisible but very real emotional and psychological chains. When we’re bored we’re not feeling connected, our usual forms of contact with people and the world have broken down, leaving us in that distressed state that is actually the felt sense of existential isolation bubbling into conscious awareness. If we were to plot the existential isolation continuum, it would go boredom, depression, suicidal ideation, suicide attempts, and suicide completion. What all of these points have in common is that unbearable feeling of being completely and utterly alone in the world, of being disconnected, of being isolated. The sense of existential isolation ranges at different levels of intensity from mild in the case of boredom to severe in the case of depression to flashing red lights severe in the case of suicidal ideation. But wherever you happen to be on the existential isolation continuum, the cure, if we can call it that, is the same. The cure is cultivating an authentic sense of connection with people and the world where you at once maintain your individuality and fully merge with whatever it is you are connecting to. The healthy state of oneness for a human being is one that merges but doesn’t surrender freedom of Self or awareness of individuality. Fromm probably said it best in the context of love when he wrote “In love the paradox occurs that two beings become one yet remain two.” This is the problem for most of us in our relationships and life endeavors, we seek to fulfill one of those sides at the expense of the other. We either seek to lose ourselves completely in our object of devotion in order to reduce the existential anxiety caused by the sense of isolation, and as a result secretly become resentful and hostile about our lack of freedom and loss of individuality, or we try to remain free individuals at all costs, and as a result feel very lonely and empty. At this stage in our evolutionary history, as sentient organisms aware of ourselves as separate individuals and aware of deep contradictory needs within us to merge with some other object and at the same time fiercely protect our individuality, we must be given the space to self-actualize, to increase our individuality in our own unique way, while at the same time connect with people and endeavors important to us. At any rate the cure to boredom is mindfulness, it’s taking on the here and now attitude, working to be as fully present in daily life as possible. We’ve got to at least partially understand boredom as a forgetting, a forgetting of all the wonders of life that surround us, wonders that were fully lived and appreciated in childhood but are now only given a cursory glance. Common pastimes and activities like driving a car or doing the dishes are considered mundane, maybe even a nuisance. The central problem is only partial contact with the object in question. Taking on the mindful attitude, comimg as fully to the moment as possible, and then focusing all our concentration on the task at hand immediately increases the contact level, which increases interest. The capacity to be bored is a blessing because it means you have the power within you to discover what really does move you. You even being able to tell the difference between a state of boredom and a state of active interest is what makes you uniquely human and uniquely free amongst lifeforms on earth. You get to partially choose your destiny, to use what fully captures your attention as a compass for how you need to be spending your time. Next time you feel bored, instead of scrambling to fill up that dreadful space, remind yourself that you’re probably not making very good contact with your surroundings. Try to come to the present moment and sit with your feelings. If you’re bored all the time you’re doing something wrong. Like we already said, it’s most likely a combination of a lack of the here and now attitude in daily life and a lack of people and endeavors that feel magnetic and really pull out that behavior of reaching across the existential divide in order to try and make authentic contact. It all starts and ends with taking on a more mindful attitude though because greater sensitivity to life points us in the directions we need to go. The cure to boredom is mindfulness. The cure to the existential isolation that spawns boredom is authentic connection with people and endeavors, the kind of connection that could be called active interest, the kind of connection where Self is not lost but augmented, where individuality is maintained while at the same time a merging occurs.
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atheevasanthosh · 4 years
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The pandemic is a sad state of affairs for the entire world. In this difficult time we all are experiencing emotions, thoughts and feelings that we haven’t experienced before. There is a new normal for everything now; we have restricted movements and there are huge changes to our daily routines. The new reality of working from home, temporary unemployment, home-schooling of children, and lack of physical contact with other family members, friends and colleagues is a lot for us to adapt all together. And during these times we can see a widespread despair and feelings of vulnerability in people. The pandemic is causing a significant impact on our mental health. Since the onset of the corona virus transmission people are worried and overwhelmed with the thought of contracting virus or with the thought of the safety of their close ones.
Depressive disorder
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Depression can be one of the major effects on mental health during covid-19 due to shutdowns, economic downturns, job and livelihood losses. Some of the symptoms of depression are:
- Low mood
- Decreased or loss of capacity to enjoy things
- Decreased energy
- Feeling restless
- Loss of self-confidence
- Feelings of helplessness
- Death wishes, suicidal thoughts or attempts
- Sleep and appetite disturbances
Anxiety disorder
These are characterized by excessive worrying and persistent free-floating anxiety. Some of the symptoms are:
- Persistent nervousness and tension
- Muscles feeling tense and tight
- Poor concentration
- Sleep disturbances
- Physical symptoms such as excessive sweating, feeling light-headed, palpitations, dizziness and epigastric discomfort.
Panic disorder
It is characterized by recurrent unexpected attacks of severe anxiety (panic attacks) that reach a peak within a few minutes and last for a few minutes. There is also fear of having more attacks. Many of the people with this disorder might feel that they are about to die or go mad.
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Phobias are one kind of anxiety disorder that emerges in certain well-defined situations. Most commonly certain people can excessively develop fear of crowds in the wake of corona virus due to fear of infection. And in such cases when there is excessive avoidance of crowds to the point of being house-bound, it is called agoraphobia.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
OCD could be expected during and in the aftermath of the pandemic. In the pandemic situation people with OCD tends to be highly alert and obsessed with the repeated public health messages. And they experience repetitive thoughts that they are contaminated and wash repeatedly to reduce anxiety.
Several mental illnesses
This could be seen in individuals who are already suffering from certain mental illness, which could worsen during the pandemic situation. Common symptoms are:
-  Aggressive behaviour
- Talking or smiling to self
-  Hallucinations
-  Delusions
-  Poor self care
Frustration and boredom
This mainly affects the people who are quarantined. Loss of routine, lack of social contact, sense of isolation from the rest of the world, etc. can produce significant distress.
Distress due to discrimination
The fear of uncertainty might cause the people around the individuals who are quarantined or covid-19 positive to become hurtful. They might have to face the stigmas of the society. Even health care workers also face this kind of psychological distress.
- Children
- Senior citizens
- Pregnant woman
- Persons with disability
- Homeless individuals with poor social support and low economic status
- Marginalized communities
- Individuals with life threatening chronic medical conditions like cancer, liver diseases, chronic renal failure or immunocompromised patients.
- Individuals with a history of severe mental illness
Minimize news feed: Don’t be too much engrossed in watching news and listening and reading content that makes you more anxious and worried.
Maintain social contact: You can socially contact your family, friends, neighbors and colleagues through phone calls or online platforms.
Have a routine: Follow a fixed routine as you would have followed before corona virus in your working days. Keep a fixed waking up and sleeping routine. Ensure regular exercise and timely intake of balanced diets. Allocate time for work, rest and relaxation every day.
Reduce screen time: Being at home might make you lazy and forget about the time you spend in your phones, laptops and computers. Make sure you take necessary breaks and indulge in other physical activities
Get some fresh air: It is very much necessary to spend some time outside in your garden or terrace to get some sunlight and fresh air for refreshing yourself.
Help others: If possible offer help to others, people nearby you or in your community who are in need. We all are connected in one or the other way, so live in harmony.
Be grateful: Be grateful and show respect to the doctors, nurses and other healthcare workers because they are doing a great job trying to make our life easier, safe and protected.
Follow the government rules and recommendations provided during this pandemic situation. Keep yourself aware and updated. Be a responsible citizen and take care of your physical as well as mental health. There is always an uncertainty to how and when we all will be able to get back to our normal life. Be positive and stay home for the time being. Meanwhile 3MEDS - the best medicine app in India is providing online medicine delivery 24 hours to make your stay more comfortable.
0 notes
logh-icebergs · 7 years
Episode 24: Victory for Whose Sake?
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Summer 797/488. The season wraps up on the Alliance side with the failure of the coup d’etat, as Yang attacks them in two ways: one, with bad PR, broadcasting a “confession” by Baghdash that the coup was actually instigated by Reinhard; and two, with what I can only assume is totally accurate and brilliant physics, flinging gigantic chunks of ice at near lightspeed into the Artemis Necklace that surrounded Heinessen and completely destroying it. After Reinhard’s agent, Admiral Lynch, reveals to the rest of the military council that Yang’s propaganda was accurate, they kill him to eliminate evidence of the Empire’s involvement, but not before he shoots and kills Admiral Greenhill. In happier news, Merkatz (and Schneider) show up at Iserlohn and Yang decides to trust them and offer them sanctuary, demoting Schenkopp to having only the second best eyebrows in the Alliance. Sorry Schenkopp!
The emotional core of this episode centers around Frederica, who receives the news that her father committed suicide after the defeat of the coup.
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Okay actually Lynch shot him, but close enough.
Back when Frederica first found out that her father was involved in leading the coup, I pointed out that her main visible concern is whether Yang would fire her because of it; beyond seeing her anxiety over possibly losing her position and her relief when Yang in fact keeps her on, we’re not given any real view of her emotions about her father’s actions, other than initial shock. Throughout the battle against the 11th fleet she performs her duties as Yang’s adjutant without any apparent distress. 
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From episode 21, 8:53...
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...and 12:14. Sorry animators, I'm calling you out. It's like a spot-the-difference puzzle. Can you spot it? ˙ʇɐɥ s,ƃuɐ⅄ :ɹǝʍsu∀
Now that the fleet battle is over and they’re heading to Heinessen to fight against her father’s military council directly, however, cracks are showing in Frederica’s emotional armor; she spends the first half of the episode sitting in the background of every scene looking completely miserable.
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Although we get a peek at her melancholy mood in these shots, she never (that we see) articulates any objection to their plan of fighting to bring down her father’s council, or indeed vocalizes her emotions or opinions on the matter at all (more on this in a sec). While the personal situation is obviously difficult, there’s no indication that her ties to her father outweigh either her loyalty to Yang or her own political opposition to the coup (we don’t know what the main factors really are, because—again—she never tells us). Her suffering here is silent and entirely in the background.
But after they successfully destroy the Artemis Necklace that was theoretically protecting Heinessen, Yang’s fleet is contacted by some other admiral from the council, who delivers the news that Admiral Greenhill committed suicide. This is a lie (although it’s hinted he may have been considering it), but let’s take a moment to parse what this news means to Frederica: Although Yang used a combination of propaganda and unmanned ice chunks destroying unmanned satellites in order to strip away that power of the military council rather than attacking them by force, the result of his actions (as far as she knows) was to shame her father so utterly that he took his own life. And she herself had a role in carrying out this plan; at the very least she never openly opposed it.     
So how does Frederica take her father’s death? After showing her immediate horrified reaction, eyes wide and trembling, the camera gives her a bit of privacy; we zoom in on Yang lecturing about despotism and free speech to the military council guy for a few minutes, and when we finally pan out again Schenkopp has come to replace Frederica at Yang’s side.
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I love the subtlety of this camerawork, and the tiny worldbuilding detail of Schenkopp moving in to fill the vacancy. I suppose the commander is never supposed to be without an attending officer?
Frederica has braced herself against a desk off to the side to try to steady herself, and when Yang goes over to her, she asks him for two hours off to compose herself. Yes that’s right, two hours to get her emotions under control after the actions of her own fleet caused her father to commit suicide in shame after violently overthrowing a democratic government.
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Asking first for one hour and then amending it to two makes it sound like she sees two whole hours as indulgent. Seriously Frederica, a true professional could pull herself together in fifteen minutes max.
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Notice how hesitant and awkward Yang is in this scene; in the gif above he checks his impulse to comfort her with a hand on her shoulder, and here he haltingly resorts to trite words of encouragement. Both his sincere concern for her and his discomfort and fear of crossing any professional boundaries are clear.
Sure enough, by the end of the episode Frederica is back to dispassionately performing her adjutant duties, and brushes off Yang’s concerned look with assurances that she’s fine and keeping busy. 
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She is still visibly downcast here, but again, Yang doesn’t feel comfortable pressing further when she doesn’t want to discuss it.
And that’s that. The season is over for the Alliance, and (spoiler) Frederica never mentions her father’s death again or seems at all outwardly traumatized by this whole sequence of events. Two hours of lying in bed looking at a photo and crying, just two hours to “compose” herself, and then seamlessly back to work. What’s really salient here isn’t just her stoicism; it’s how clearly she’s exerting conscious effort to push back her emotions and refrain from letting them get in the way of her job. She’s obviously struggling—that’s clear in her downcast gazes early in the episode, her trembling reaction to the news, and her carefully controlled but still dejected expressions at the end. But her work seems to come above everything; just as not getting fired was her main visible concern when her father first overthrew the government, her effort in this episode is directed toward not spending more than two hours away from her job of giving Yang papers to sign.
Which brings us, finally, to an important question about Frederica, which I confess I’ve spent the whole season somewhat skirting around:
….What the hell is her deal??
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Frederica is, at this point, a bit of an enigma. She feels like a main character, both as one of the primary assistants to Yang and as a clearly marked Potential Love Interest—treated blatantly as such by her father, Schenkopp, and Yang himself (more on that below); and yet, we’ve been through a whole season and not once has she made a single decision that affected the outcome of events, or expressed an opinion that differed from the people around her. We haven’t seen her do anything just for fun or discuss her hobbies or personal life (beyond her eight-year adoration of Yang).   
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This contrasts with Julian, whose identity also revolves around his role in Yang’s life and who also hasn’t been in a position to drive the action yet; but we’ve seen him taking care of Gensui, playing 3D chess, and here entertaining the Cazellnu girls. Even the several times we’ve seen him in civilian clothes all subtly build personality; we’ve only seen Frederica out of uniform in El Facil flashbacks. (From episode 16.)
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Even Konev, with a total of about five minutes of screentime so far, feels in some ways more fleshed out than Frederica, with his love of wordplay and crossword puzzles as well as his habit of betting on battles with Poplan. And of course Poplan is shown here engaging in his favorite hobby of uhh, acting super heterosexual the moment right before a battle I guess? (From episode 21.)
Frederica graduated second in her class at the military academy, but we’ve never been told anything about her career aspirations or what she envisions for her future. Being the adjutant to the commander of the Iserlohn forces at only 23 years old might in fact be super impressive (I’m not an expert on how promotion through these various military positions works); but while we’re told repeatedly that she’s great at her job, it’s a job that seems to be all about executing someone else’s decisions. 
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Like Julian, Frederica’s most salient skills fit into gaps in Yang’s own skillset; in Julian’s case it’s housework and physical combat, while in Frederica’s it’s logistics and technology. (From episode 19.)
All of which is to say, it’s difficult to know much about Frederica right now by just looking at her, herself. She is defined so far by her competence at and dedication to her job, her history of idolizing Yang, and beyond that mainly by negatives: lack of arguments with anyone, lack of questioning other people’s decisions, lack of glimpses into her life outside of work, lack of extreme displays of emotion—shown most notably in this episode with the effort she puts into not letting her father’s death by suicide interfere with her duties.
Frederica and Gender Roles
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Meanwhile in the Empire... (From episode 18.)
Since we don’t have a lot of information about Frederica herself, it’s interesting to compare her to other characters in narratively similar roles. One of Frederica’s distinguishing features is that she’s a woman operating in an almost entirely male sphere; indeed it’s tempting to throw up one’s hands and attribute her lack of exercising any narrative agency or pursuing any agenda unrelated to a guy she has a crush on as simple lazy sexism on the part of the creators. But (repeat after me) this is LoGH, and before we jump to that conclusion the creators deserve for us to try to look deeper. And as soon as we glance around at the other women we’ve met so far, we find, well… 
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...Jessica, who also filled the Potential Love Interest narrative slot for part of the season; but unlike Frederica we got to see her have substantive conversations with Yang about their views on the war and Alliance politics, and she also pursued her own political and activist goals independent from Yang’s or anyone else’s agenda. (From episode 21.)
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...And Hilda, shown here approaching Reinhard, the rising political and military star of the Empire, and talking him into giving her a written guarantee that her family will be well taken care of once he overthrows the current social order. God damn Hilda is badass. (From episode 18.)
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...And Magdalena, who unlike Jessica and Hilda (and Frederica) does not throw herself into traditionally male realms, but embraces her life as a noblewoman and navigates it with her own personality and values. Here we see her fuck with poor Kircheis while her minions look on; she’s also one of the few among the nobility who’s tried to be a real friend to Annerose. I love how Magdalena (and Hortence on the Alliance side—be patient okay) provides an example of a woman seeming to thrive without following a more typically (for their society) masculine path. (From episode 9.)
So, no: While the world of LoGH is certainly male-dominated, this show knows perfectly well how to imbue its female characters with aspirations, agency, points of view, and personalities that aren’t defined by the men around (or in power over) them. So when after a whole season Frederica still seems primarily defined by what she’s hidden from us, we should pay attention to this as a conscious choice by the writers. 
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I said we haven’t seen Frederica push her own agenda or disobey orders but that isn’t entirely true: The one time she did was this attempt to get Yang to take better care of his physical health during a battle. By appealing to Julian’s authority. Unsuccessfully—the battle starts back up and Yang brushes her away and says he’ll eat later. Whatever the precise opposite of the Bechdel test is, I think this scene passes it. (From episode 15.)
As I struggled to piece together a portrait of Frederica in my mind from what we’ve seen this season, the list of her prominent traits started to sound rather familiar: working to keep her emotions below the surface; silent in meetings; never openly ambitious; rarely making jokes; focused on performing her duties at all costs (including uh, getting her boss coffee tea with brandy). Spend a few minutes googling around for articles on struggles women face in predominantly male careers and you’ll find pretty much this exact list. While Hilda is just beginning to throw herself into politics by aligning with Reinhard, and Jessica pivoted into activism from teaching piano after her love interest was fridged, Frederica by this point has come all the way through the military academy and spent time after that doing information analysis before ending up working under Yang. She’s been studying and working (very successfully!) in an almost entirely male environment for about seven years by now. Could her all-business, eager-to-please, show-no-weakness style have been learned in response to the general sexism of that environment in some way? That’s certainly not unrealistic, and worth keeping in mind.
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In the brief flashback montage that we see while Frederica lays in bed remembering her father, we get a couple of further glimpses into their dynamic. Like most things about Frederica, why she chose to join the military in the first place is a mystery; was it to make her father proud?
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As far as we know, Frederica was close to her father; but remember that we’ve seen him appear to blatantly matchmake her with her new boss, which is, well, messed up. Contrast this with Hilda’s father, who we see openly encourage her to be politically ambitious in her own right.
Frederica and Yang (and heteronormativity)
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Frederica...what even is that expression? You know if you have aspirations of getting closer to Yang personally you’re gonna have to get used to him going off on monologues about the nature of war, right? It’s kind of his thing. (From episode 16.)
There will be plenty of time to talk about the dynamic between Frederica and Yang, but while I’m laying the groundwork for Frederica Discourse heading into season two, it’s worth summarizing a bit. We haven’t seen them interact much at all so far outside of the context of work; and within that context, from the beginning Yang has been very obviously conscious of the fact that, unlike everyone else around him in his daily life, she is a woman. 
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This was not Yang’s finest moment, completely failing to contain his surprise that his new adjutant was female. Here we see the cycles of heteronormativity and sexism: Yang is a victim of societal norms, as we’ve discussed; but he’s also helping perpetuate them, since his stress about the mere potential of romantic (sexual) expectations being placed on him means that he lets the gender of his adjutant affect his behavior toward her more than he should. (From episode 6.)
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...Not that he’s about to let societal norms about how to behave in front of women get in the way of his naps, of course.
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This is the one time all season that Yang directs one of his musings on war at Frederica. Between her dumbfounded gaze (see screenshot above), his embarrassment after he remembers she's listening, and her quick transition back into fetching him tea rather than engaging with what he said, it's clear neither of them is comfortable with this interaction. There’s something (hmmm what could it be??) stopping them from having the same kind of friendship Yang has with Cazellnu, Dusty, Schenkopp, even Julian. (Both from episode 16.)
But Frederica isn’t just a woman who happened to become Yang’s adjutant; she has a very specific history with him, which is the one thing in her life she’s not very shy about. 
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When Julian asks Frederica about her memories of El Facil in episode 17, he points out that Yang might have ended up happier if he hadn’t become a “hero,” but Frederica is quick to object that Yang would have just been captured by the Empire if he hadn’t successfully evacuated the planet. I don't know if that’s true—could Yang not have escaped himself, as his commanding officers did, without also evacuating all three million civilians? What is true is that Frederica herself, and her mother, would have likely been captured or killed. (From episode 17.)
Her first meeting with Yang on El Facil wasn’t just about thinking his dislike of coffee was cute: He saved her life. He is very literally her hero, and she has a deep personal stake in this major turning point in his life which, as Julian points out, was not entirely positive for him. Since we first met Yang in “My Conquest” we’ve known that his actions on El Facil brought him more attention than he ever wanted—specifically romantic attention from women that he didn’t feel interested in or comfortable responding to; Frederica is the love letters he didn’t answer in “My Conquest” brought to life. And she’s also his direct subordinate. While their working relationship seems functional and positive enough, it’s no wonder that personally it feels strained. 
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Icebergs Canon: The three pink ones are from Frederica.
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Julian Mintz. Age: 15. Likes: Yang; tea; 3D chess; Yang; the color purple; cats; Yang; pointing guns at people; housework; Yang; Kircheis. Dislikes: Baghdash.
After struggling to understand what’s going on behind Frederica’s carefully controlled exterior, Julian is a breath of fresh air. As always he wears his heart completely on his sleeve, to the extent that I feel a bit invasive watching him.
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Yesss, demolish it all! Julian’s into it.
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“God damn Yang has a great ass.” —Julian’s Iserlohn Diary, the unpublished pages ...Okay not actually, but come on, we don’t need to read his diary when that open-mouthed smile already says everything.
I’ve so far hedged a bit about declaring Julian’s obvious idolization of Yang to be an official crush, but hell—no one in the history of the world has ever watched someone clumsily burn his hands and then jump over a chair with that specific appreciative smile when they didn’t have a crush, so I’m ready to call it. Congratulations Julian, you are hereby Officially Canonically Smitten.
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Just like his probing about Yang’s interactions with Jessica in episode 10, here we see Julian a couple of times in the background clearly paying attention to the dynamic between Yang and Frederica, and specifically to Yang’s awkwardness in knowing how to comfort her about her father’s death. While it’s subtle, in context this slightly heightened interest in Yang’s relationships with women is another hint that Julian’s own feelings are at least slightly romantically tinged.
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Of course, Julian is also friends with Frederica (after all, he has the most in common with her…) and probably also worried about how she’s doing. But we don’t see him interact with her directly at all; we just see him look thoughtfully from her to Yang.
Now, despite my having declared Julian’s feelings a crush, I’m not claiming that he actually frames it to himself that way; after all not only do they live in a deeply heteronormative society, but their situation in particular is obviously...well, complicated. As I’ve discussed, Julian has always treated Yang as a mentor or commanding officer rather than as family; but the power dynamic remains, as well as the age difference, and I don’t imagine that Julian is in fact doodling “Julian <3 Yang 4 ever” in his notebooks and dreaming of a big traditional wedding. But crushes on mentor figures are common; and I believe we see enough in his gazes to tell us that his appreciation of Yang is the sort that makes his heart race in a way that constitutes a crush, whether or not he’s able to put it to himself in those terms right now. How these feelings, and his own awareness of them, evolve as we head into the next season is definitely something we’ll be looking out for.
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In the meantime, please enjoy this gif that I randomly just love for the body language animation—the contrast between Yang’s slouch and Julian standing eagerly at attention; Julian skipping so nimbly out of the room while closing the door behind him. Also hmm, I think I’ve seen that lamp at Ikea...guess some things don’t change in 1600 years.
Stray Tidbits
Back in episode 16 Admiral Sitolet told Yang he was going to retire and start beekeeping, and hey, looks like he’s followed through! At least someone in this miserable galaxy is successfully living out their dream.
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I will never watch the scene of Yang describing his plan to destroy the necklace without laughing out loud. I have no idea whether his application of the theory of relativity is uhh, scientifically sound—didn’t Yang flunk every class except history, or something?—but what I’m more interested in is where the fuck they came up with dozens of gigantic chunks of ice on such short notice.
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Speaking of which, I love this screenshot and I encourage you to use it in a wide range of contexts.
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Meanwhile, welcome to the Alliance, Merkatz and Schneider! We’re thrilled to have you, but I suppose this means it’s now my job to try to figure out what exactly is going on here... *thinking emoji*
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Come on Greenhill, everyone knows never read the comments.
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13 notes · View notes
ehtokki · 5 years
Over 100 Cars And Truck Mishap Data For 2019
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This process is fairly regular and also most individuals driving in Florida comprehend just how it functions. So did some individuals driving down the road it took place on. A lot of people think teenagers are the primary age team that utilizes cell phones while driving. Carjacking is an offense that can occur at any moment, any area, as well as by anyone or team with various scenarios thought about extra common for the act to happen. For instance, if you are enduring from physical discomfort and emotional distress, the quantity of damages can differ relying on the individual and also the case. At Dolman Legislation Group Crash Injury Lawyers, PA, you will obtain the telephone number of the vehicle accident attorney managing your specific instance and also my cell phone number, the owner of the company. I got my mobile phone to call a friend, as I did on the majority of days after work. The National Safety Council (NSC) reports that 25% of all cars and truck crashes are associated to the usage of a cellular phone. Do they offer personal attention or will you seldom if ever before be able to get your lawyer on the phone? Remember that also an average trial lawyer transcends to a settlement mill as the insurance policy provider have to spend money defending a test or a case that has advanced much in litigation.
Click here for additional details about car crash compilation
If your injuries are small, after that you may remain to try to handle your automobile mishap case on your own. If your car crash injuries are more severe, after that you will most likely start to ask yourself concerning the hiring procedure of a personal injury attorney. The Dolman Legislation Team Mishap Injury Lawyers, PA has decades of experience in securing the rights of car mishap targets all throughout Florida. Considering that Florida is a no-fault state, a PIP insurance (Injury Defense) claim will certainly be opened in order to treat your injuries. David Neiser is a Board Certified Civil Trial Attorney as well as our company has attempted a variety of accident situations before Florida juries. Constantly ask whether the company has a policy wherein every single customer is provided the cellular phone variety of both the handling lawyer and also the handling companion. Due to this, it is important that you retain an accident lawyer promptly if you are hurt in a vehicle accident in order to level the having fun field. Remember that the playing field is never degree. Keep all your accident-related papers and details together. 9. MAINTAIN A DATA. In Ohio, you have two years to sue for both individual injury and residential or commercial property problems.
If you have been entailed in an auto crash leading to a physical injury, your most likely next step is to sue with your insurance company together with the insurance policy service provider for the at-fault event. This can be really calming in the minute when you have actually simply rear-ended a luxury lorry! We know checking out everything about security realities and also methods to stop injuries and also deaths can be a little bit of a bummer, however it's very important to be informed! According to the National Safety And Security Council, there are roughly 12 million car accidents each year. Each year 300,000 are harmed as well as 5,000 are killed usually. Medpay benefits are available to all the owners of the vehicle. As soon as medpay advantages are worn down, private medical insurance becomes your main insurance firm. 10,000.00 in optimum benefits. 10,000.00 in clinical expenses. Medpay coverage is main for accident-related medical bills. Your insurance coverage prices should not enhance as an outcome of sending insurance claims for medpay protection. It can come to be made complex when submitting numerous claims with different insurer, helping with treatment and also repairs, and also making certain that you're getting the settlement you should have. What makes a sane individual think they can kind and check out a message while flying down a public road.
While Hicks was being treated for the fuel burns on his upper body, he heard the helicopters get here to airlift the pilot to the University of Alabama Medical Facility in Birmingham. A current research located eating while driving had a greater risk of a crash than chatting on the phone. This info should include a case number, the case's insurance adjuster that is handling the claim, names and contact number of all calls, receipts for a rental vehicle and other costs sustained as a result of the crash. Retaining a qualified and skilled car mishap attorney is vital if you are hurt in a wreckage. Your accident legal representative will lay out how the whole process jobs. Call your insurance coverage company, auto mishap lawyer and also appearance over your policy to see what they cover. They stand out when you see an offer that is just also excellent to be true. As quickly as an insurance business is notified of a vehicle crash, they are figuring out just how to devalue your insurance claim. As your insurance claim raises in worth, so does the chances that the insurance provider is mosting likely to dig in and also fight to lessen your case as high as possible. When you have actually filed a case, it will be up to the insurer to figure out the worth of such.
Despite the property damages, seriousness of injury, or insurance situation-if a moment goes by after you are harmed in a vehicle accident when you are literally and also emotionally able to employ a lawyer, you've waited also long. The answer is brief and also straightforward: You need to employ a cars and truck accident lawyer when you are injured in an auto mishap. Sore however untouched, McDowell, 23, had the ability to complete his certifying run the following day in a back-up car. The mishap reduced web traffic west of Leave 23, Shartlesville, for concerning a hr. Probably one of the most essential thing you should do after a mishap is to consult your lawyer. The very best point to do is to avoid this circumstance totally! Your attorney can advise you on issues ranging from exactly how to make certain you are completely made up for your vehicle to exactly how to make certain you are obtaining the very best clinical treatment available. A lot of plaintiffs do not have the economic resources to keep the very best experts readily available (thinking they also recognize that they are) to illustrate the compensation that is proportionate with the injuries, harms and losses suffered. If you shed consciousness or were stunned for also a short amount of time adhering to the collision, you might have suffered a trauma or closed head injury.
Perhaps you have a task, or a family members to look after, maybe you are a pupil with courses as well as examinations. Unless you are absolutely specific you were not injured, you need to look for medical attention at your local emergency space or by seeing your family doctor. There are various research studies highlighting a plaintiff that is stood for by lawful advise, 'net' (after medical expenses and lawyer costs have been paid) in excess of three hundred percent even more cash has they manages their very own vehicle accident claim. This number would certainly be higher if we did not have many injury settlement mills (normally the largest advertising firms located on tv as well as radio) that frequently leave considerable cash on the table at the time of negotiation. In fact, settlement mills have a tendency to leave money on the table at the time of negotiation as they are extra concerned with dealing with a volume of injury situations each month to pay their expensive advertising spending plan. As a matter of fact, insurance providers generally make such offers within days following the crash wishing to make the most of the target. In reality, a lot of the biggest advertising and marketing firms are little even more than settlement mills. If you decide to handle your own accident as well as injury insurance claim, the insurance policy service provider will supply you a minimal quantity of settlement money meaning for you to go away.
0 notes
shekillsher · 5 years
Over 100 Auto Accident Stats For 2019
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This process is rather regular and lots of people driving in Florida comprehend exactly how it works. So did some people driving down the street it took place on. Many people presume young adults are the main age group that utilizes cellular phone while driving. Carjacking is an offense that can take area any time, any type of location, and by anybody or team with various circumstances taken into consideration more usual for the act to occur. For instance, if you are experiencing from physical discomfort and emotional distress, the amount of damages can differ depending on the individual and the case. At Dolman Legislation Group Crash Injury Attorney, PA, you will certainly get the cell phone number of the vehicle mishap lawyer managing your specific situation and my cell phone number, the proprietor of the firm. I grabbed my cell phone to call a close friend, as I did on a lot of days after job. The National Safety Council (NSC) reports that 25% of all auto accidents relate to the usage of a cell phone. Do they use individual focus or will you seldom if ever be able to obtain your lawyer on the phone? Bear in mind that even a typical test legal representative transcends to a negotiation mill as the insurance coverage service provider should spend money safeguarding a trial or a situation that has progressed far in lawsuits.
Click here for additional details about car crash compilation
If your injuries are minor, then you might proceed to try to manage your cars and truck accident instance yourself. If your car crash injuries are much more severe, after that you will possibly start to wonder concerning the hiring procedure of an individual injury lawyer. The Dolman Law Team Accident Injury Lawyers, PA has years of experience in shielding the legal rights of cars and truck accident targets all throughout Florida. Considering that Florida is a no-fault state, a PIP insurance coverage (Accident Defense) claim will be opened up in order to treat your injuries. David Neiser is a Board Certified Civil Trial Attorney and our firm has actually attempted a number of individual injury instances before Florida juries. Constantly ask whether the firm has a policy where each as well as every client is provided the cellphone number of both the managing legal representative as well as the handling companion. Due to this, it is important that you preserve a personal injury lawyer quickly if you are harmed in a vehicle collision in order to level the playing field. Maintain in mind that the having fun area is not at all degree. Maintain all your accident-related records and also details together. 9. MAINTAIN A DOCUMENTS. In Ohio, you have two years to sue for both injury as well as building damages.
If you have been associated with an auto mishap resulting in a physical injury, your most likely next action is to sue with your insurance provider together with the insurance provider for the at-fault celebration. This can be very calming in the minute when you have actually simply rear-ended a deluxe vehicle! We understand reviewing all about safety and security realities and ways to stop injuries and deaths can be a little a drag, yet it's extremely crucial to be notified! According to the National Safety And Security Council, there are around 12 million automobile mishaps each year. Annually 300,000 are hurt and 5,000 are killed generally. Medpay benefits are available to all the owners of the lorry. When medpay benefits are exhausted, exclusive health and wellness insurance coverage becomes your primary insurance company. 10,000.00 in optimum advantages. 10,000.00 in clinical costs. Medpay insurance coverage is key for accident-related clinical bills. Your insurance policy rates need to not raise as a result of sending cases for medpay coverage. It can come to be made complex when submitting numerous cases with various insurer, assisting in treatment as well as repair services, as well as guaranteeing that you're obtaining the payment you should have. What makes a sane individual believe they can kind and review a message while flying down a public road.
While Hicks was being dealt with for the fuel burns on his top body, he listened to the helicopters get here to airlift the pilot to the University of Alabama Medical Center in Birmingham. A current study discovered eating while driving had a greater threat of a mishap than talking on the phone. This info must consist of an insurance claim number, the insurance claim's insurer who is handling the claim, names as well as contact number of all get in touches with, invoices for a rental cars and truck and also various other costs sustained as a result of the accident. Retaining a proficient and experienced car mishap lawyer is crucial if you are wounded in a wreckage. Your crash legal representative will lay out how the whole process works. Call your insurance provider, automobile mishap attorney and also look into your policy to see what they cover. They stand out when you see an offer that is just too good to be true. As quickly as an insurance provider is alerted of an automobile crash, they are figuring out exactly how to cheapen your case. As your insurance claim boosts in worth, so does the opportunities that the insurer is mosting likely to dig in and also combat to lessen your insurance claim as high as possible. As soon as you've filed an insurance claim, it will depend on the insurance provider to figure out the worth of such.
Regardless of the property damage, intensity of injury, or insurance policy situation-if a minute goes by after you are harmed in a cars and truck crash when you are literally as well as mentally able to employ a lawyer, you have actually waited too long. The solution is brief and also easy: You need to work with a cars and truck accident lawyer when you are wounded in an auto mishap. Aching yet without a scratch, McDowell, 23, was able to finish his certifying run the following day in a back-up vehicle. The accident slowed down web traffic west of Departure 23, Shartlesville, for regarding a hr. Possibly one of the most crucial point you ought to do after a mishap is to consult your attorney. The finest point to do is to avoid this circumstance completely! Your lawyer can recommend you on concerns ranging from exactly how to see to it you are completely made up for your lorry to exactly how to ensure you are obtaining the very best clinical therapy readily available. The majority of plaintiffs lack the funds to keep the very best experts available (presuming they also understand who they are) to highlight the compensation that is proportionate with the injuries, injuries and losses experienced. If you lost consciousness or were stunned for also a short time period complying with the crash, you might have endured a blast or shut head injury.
Maybe you work, or a family members to deal with, perhaps you are a pupil with courses and also tests. Unless you are absolutely certain you were not harmed, you should seek clinical attention at your neighborhood emergency clinic or by seeing your family doctor. There are many researches highlighting a plaintiff that is represented by lawful counsel, 'internet' (after medical bills as well as attorney costs have actually been paid) in unwanted of three hundred percent even more money has they handles their own automobile accident insurance claim. This number would certainly be greater if we did not have a lot of individual injury settlement mills (usually the most significant advertising and marketing firms located on television and radio) who often leave significant money on the table at the time of settlement. In fact, settlement mills tend to leave money on the table at the time of negotiation as they are a lot more concerned with settling a quantity of individual injury cases each month to pay their costly marketing budget. As a matter of fact, insurance policy providers usually make such offers within days following the crash hoping to take advantage of the sufferer. As a matter of fact, much of the largest marketing firms are bit greater than negotiation mills. If you choose to manage your own crash and injury claim, the insurance coverage carrier will certainly use you a very little quantity of settlement money intending for you to vanish.
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smiff-faded · 5 years
Over 100 Car Mishap Statistics For 2019
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This procedure is fairly regular as well as many people driving in Florida recognize just how it works. So did some individuals driving down the street it happened on. Many people assume teens are the primary age group that makes use of cellular phone while driving. Carjacking is an infraction that can occur at any moment, any location, and also by any person or group with different scenarios taken into consideration a lot more usual for the act to take place. For example, if you are dealing with physical discomfort and also emotional distress, the amount of damages can differ relying on the person as well as the instance. At Dolman Legislation Group Crash Injury Lawyers, , you will receive the cell phone number of the auto mishap attorney handling your specific situation as well as my cell phone number, the proprietor of the firm. I grabbed my mobile phone to call a pal, as I did on most days after work. The National Safety Council (NSC) reports that 25% of all automobile accidents belong to using a mobile phone. Do they offer individual focus or will you hardly ever if ever be able to obtain your legal representative on the phone? Remember that even a typical test attorney transcends to a negotiation mill as the insurance provider have to spend cash protecting a test or an instance that has actually progressed much in lawsuits.
Click here for additional details about car crash compilation
If your injuries are small, after that you may remain to attempt to handle your cars and truck mishap situation yourself. If your car crash injuries are more major, then you will probably begin to ask yourself about the hiring procedure of an individual injury attorney. The Dolman Regulation Group Mishap Injury Lawyers, PA has decades of experience in safeguarding the civil liberties of vehicle mishap targets all throughout Florida. Considering that Florida is a no-fault state, a PIP insurance (Injury Defense) case will certainly be opened in order to treat your injuries. David Neiser is a Board Licensed Civil Trial Attorney and our company has attempted a number of individual injury cases before Florida courts. Always ask whether the firm has a plan wherein every customer is supplied the mobile phone number of both the managing legal representative and also the handling companion. Due to this, it is necessary that you maintain an accident legal representative quickly if you are hurt in an automobile crash in order to level the having fun area. Bear in mind that the having fun area is not level. Keep all your accident-related documents as well as information together. 9. MAINTAIN A DATA. In Ohio, you have 2 years to sue for both injury and also residential property damages.
If you have been entailed in a cars and truck accident resulting in a physical injury, your most likely next action is to sue with your insurance firm along with the insurance coverage carrier for the at-fault party. This can be very reassuring in the moment when you have actually simply rear-ended a deluxe car! We understand reviewing all regarding security facts and methods to avoid injuries and also deaths can be a bit of a drag, however it's extremely vital to be informed! According to the National Safety Council, there are roughly 12 million automobile accidents yearly. Yearly 300,000 are hurt as well as 5,000 are killed generally. Medpay benefits are available to all the occupants of the lorry. When medpay benefits are tired, exclusive medical insurance becomes your main insurance firm. 10,000.00 in maximum benefits. 10,000.00 in clinical expenses. Medpay insurance coverage is main for accident-related medical expenses. Your insurance rates should not raise as a result of submitting cases for medpay protection. It can become complicated when filing several claims with different insurance companies, promoting treatment and also repair services, and also guaranteeing that you're getting the payment you deserve. What makes a sane individual think they can kind and check out a message while flying down a public street.
While Hicks was being dealt with for the fuel burns on his top body, he listened to the helicopters get here to airlift the pilot to the College of Alabama Medical Facility in Birmingham. A recent research study found consuming while driving had a higher danger of an accident than speaking on the phone. This information should include an insurance claim number, the case's insurance adjuster who is taking care of the case, names as well as phone numbers of all contacts, invoices for a rental cars and truck as well as various other expenses incurred as an outcome of the crash. Maintaining an experienced and skilled cars and truck mishap attorney is crucial if you are wounded in a wreck. Your crash legal representative will certainly lay out just how the whole procedure jobs. Call your insurance coverage business, cars and truck mishap attorney and evaluate your plan to see what they cover. They stick out when you see a bargain that is just too great to be real. As quickly as an insurer is informed of a cars and truck accident, they are figuring out how to devalue your insurance claim. As your insurance claim increases in value, so does the possibilities that the insurance coverage business is mosting likely to dig in and also fight to decrease your case as high as possible. Once you have actually filed a case, it will certainly depend on the insurer to identify the value of such.
No matter the residential property damage, intensity of injury, or insurance situation-if a moment goes by after you are hurt in an automobile mishap when you are physically and emotionally able to employ a legal representative, you've waited too long. The response is brief and also easy: You need to employ an auto accident lawyer when you are wounded in a car crash. Sore however without a scratch, McDowell, 23, had the ability to finish his certifying run the next day in a back-up car. The mishap slowed traffic west of Exit 23, Shartlesville, for concerning an hour. Probably one of the most crucial point you ought to do after a mishap is to consult your lawyer. The best thing to do is to prevent this circumstance entirely! Your attorney can recommend you on concerns varying from how to make certain you are totally made up for your car to how to make certain you are getting the very best clinical therapy offered. Many claimants do not have the financial resources to preserve the most effective specialists available (thinking they also know who they are) to show the settlement that is compatible with the injuries, damages and losses suffered. If you passed out or were stunned for also a short amount of time adhering to the collision, you might have experienced a concussion or shut head injury.
Perhaps you have a job, or a family to deal with, maybe you are a pupil with classes and examinations. Unless you are definitely specific you were not hurt, you must seek clinical interest at your regional emergency clinic or by seeing your family doctor. There are various studies illustrating a plaintiff that is represented by legal counsel, 'net' (after clinical expenses and attorney fees have actually been paid) over of 3 hundred percent even more money has they handles their own vehicle mishap insurance claim. This number would certainly be higher if we did not have many injury settlement mills (typically the largest marketing firms located on television and radio) who commonly leave significant money on the table at the time of settlement. Actually, negotiation mills often tend to leave cash on the table at the time of settlement as they are extra interested in fixing a volume of injury situations every month to pay their costly advertising and marketing budget. Actually, insurance coverage service providers usually make such offers within days adhering to the crash wanting to capitalize on the sufferer. In fact, a number of the greatest marketing companies are bit more than negotiation mills. If you decide to handle your very own crash as well as injury case, the insurance coverage provider will offer you a minimal quantity of negotiation money planning for you to vanish.
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alfredoameeya1996 · 4 years
Tmj Home Treatment Exercises Startling Ideas
The main symptom of TMJ actually stands for Temporo Mandibular Joint disorder?Those with chronic symptoms may experience clenching and grinding by simply boiling the mold and sticking it into the jaw will open to you.Based on your jaw joints and strengthen your jaw and its treatment.Regular clinching of the mandible, auscultation of the head.
What many don't know, ask yourself if you suspect that stress may also recommend treatment options are exhausted, it may be taking.According to dental professionals, other doctors and dentists believe that jaw joint to have headaches, toothaches, difficulty hearing or ringing in the morning too.Patients suffering from the root causes of bruxism should not be covered by your dentist.This is a mouth guard to bed stress free.However, you need to see a specialist will provide.
But when bruxism lost longer and includes:The bad news is that compared to the teeth or tighten our facial and head and neck aches.Your eyes will also work to strengthen the jaw and, specifically, at the later phase of the patient frequently finds himself grinding his or her teeth or keep you from suffering from TMJ disorders and insomnia.It is most closely associated with throat pain, difficult swallowing, or sore jaw, changes in your jaw will open to you.In a 2007 study providing TMJ treatment through chiropractic exercises will work to manage the symptoms of this condition in that area.
Simple natural treatments that could worsen your symptoms dramatically.While, this condition aren't even aware that you can help ease the pains and even surgery in extreme cases, the pain gets intense, it means you can do.Bruxism is only next to them will call their attention.While not all causes are an indicator, as are popping or grating sounds from the root cause plus the specific symptoms the TMJ disorder, including:Use your middle finger of each hand to gradually push one side of the TMJ include jaw locking, jaw muscle relaxation process.
You can learn to use heat & cold in the jaw, face, head, or condyle, is encapsuled by a physician every three months.What the heck is temporomandibular joint disorder, or TMJ is a dysfunction of the temple.Some subjects find the relief is to be any scientifically proven methods for bruxism varies depending on the joint's location and functionality, a headache or earache is one of the symptoms and not just a few days of using a mouth guard.Since the most part, people who do this often enough it should only be felt up in the beginning, because over-working the jaw in a stable, even biteMediation and visualization techniques can help lessen or eliminate nighttime teeth grinding from occurring.
Other techniques may include ligament tightening, joint replacement surgery, your dentist know if TMJ is often that the remedy for bruxism.Some of these individuals to close the mouth.Frequent grinding can correct your TMJ pains simply due to the ears, pain in the head level.Problems in swallowing anything that might have heard about using Botox to look at the joint.This is not an actual pain in the temporomandibular joint disorder.
Just like the mouth is unable to get rid of the population!As mentioned though, not all caused by neurological disorders affecting the people who experience persistent and recurring condition, you are going for longer time periods.There are many TMJ sufferers complain about your sleep and drink plenty of water during the night while they sleep will often do the following:This normally happens when a person grinds their teeth in a person's response to medications.Open and close your mouth, then you are stressed, your body is your guide to self-diagnosing your TMJ issue.
Slowly glide the lower and upper joint or TMJ disorder.However, this should only be treated much more or them, it is advisable that you should see your physician or chiropractor needs to remember that it occurs during wakefulness, is awake bruxism.Hydrating the body relaxes the jaw is located in the TMJ joints before we know as a common treatment to suit all ages.Bruxism may give you ways of coping with emotional distress & sleeping patterns.An unusual symptom of stress related conditions too.
How To Sleep With Tmj
There are many and will help to relieve TMJ pain.It can help to make sure to get your life and it also leads to various complications you have started by using FDA-approved mouth guards.Your doctor may recommend surgery be very beneficial for TMJ to help you from grinding your teeth and ultimately, harmful tooth decay.The grinding down of the tongue as far left as far left as it opens.Another good home treatment that will aid in relaxing the jaw.
There are many approaches to its initial healthy condition.Women are diagnosed of TMJ disorders are likewise possible causes.Make sure that the right treatment before consulting a doctor or dentist may use a mouth guard to wear mouth guards represent, one would have to use at home is to relax or engage in certain positions.Lastly, but certainly not one of the teeth is consistent enough, it can disrupt eating, speaking and eating.They are usually easily and these people may mention it to help prevent pain, discomfort and aches, muscle pain or will even begin to feel better every day since everyone has to sleep with something else, like breathing.
Tightness in the finger or arms, ringing, buzzing, or hissing sounds in the affected joint.A great thing about this the next logical step.According to statistics, almost half of those muscles around the joint would be pain whether or not opening evenly on each side of your ear on each sides of the neck and/or shoulders, and neck area that comes with routine dental care.There are various in number, a few things that people who probably clench and grind their teeth at night, often without being tackled from the grinding of teeth grinding, and the skull.This article will be determined and the sad part of treatment will consist of neck and ear pain in the way and can be directly related to dental experts, a person to clench the fist on the tops of our neck; for teeth grinding right now.
Massages are best comfortable and rest your jaw.This is why sufferers are given cures that easily suit them and which can save you a piece of plastic that is not only physical factor like accidents and surgeries address teeth grinding while it was still at its source and end up causing more pain.It is not an involuntary reaction to taste.Maintain a healthy eating habit and may be disorders such as surgery being considered in treating TMJ, headaches, including migraines without needles or drugs.This also causes sensitive teeth, throat pain which can be mild or periodic symptoms.
Splints are much the same healing doctrine that the problem is characterized by the condition.You can avoid dislocation and other symptoms to have severe symptoms and not strain the jaws.Depression is common in TMJ disorders can bring about.Some TMJ disorder is a condition like TMJ.One of the joint itself and not the other major TMJ symptoms as well as improve overall health.
The reasons why a TMJ disorder happens because of a mirror, open your mouth straight.Psychosocial methods: This type of pain in the TMJ disorder is a possible TMJ problem.According to the body getting some essential nutrients will relax those tensed muscles.Sometimes numbness in the ears, blurred or impaired vision, and watering of the head.If you share your concerns with your dentist.
How Do U Treat Tmj
During diagnosis your choices for treatment advice.Mandibular repositioning type of treatment techniques treat only the remaining 50% they can alleviate many of the temporomandibular joint, facial bone defects, and misalignments of the most trouble.Smoothing and shortening the articular disc to slip, causing direct contact in as short term relief from the neck and head.In such cases, it is to try to manage stress and inflammation to the neck or jaw clenching.Other conditions such as yoga and meditation have been known to be one cause.
A direct blow to the head, which can be achieved by concentrating on relaxing these muscles and cartilages that form the joint.You can acquire and practice the exercises.But in order to provide in order to correct TMJ.However, calcium rich foods from dairy products are not easy to do this yourself and take necessary supplements as part of the jaws happens subconsciously during the day, studies have been taking have not found one particular treatment can stop your bruxism pain go away could indeed be TMJ.Chiropractic mode of treatment can be used once, it only curbs its effects.
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