#and my computer and skateboards and skate decks
scyaxe · 1 year
i want an aesthetic bedroom when i move out, and i've already started vaguely planning, but i don't think anything i currently own would match my vision. and i can't get rid of most of it bc i really like it and/or use it
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Hi I'm waiting for class to start at the time of writing this and I decided to spout bullshit!
So welcome to whether or not I think the Reverie Characters can skateboard!!
(I need to make a Reverie Masterlist once I get a computer charger again.)
Starting strong with my favorite-
Jacob - I wanna say yes, I really do. It would be faster than walking which seems like he enjoys doing. But considering what he is, I'm gonna say no. He would probably say that they're inefficient or something. Which, okay fair I guess. But I would like to point out that he would look very hot skating to his listener to slam the deck over their head so they stop whatever it is they're doing.
Dion - another dude that makes me unsure. But he would definitely try it out if Bunny has one. Just imagine him repeatedly trying to do kickflips or other tricks while Bunny shouts at him to stop scratching up their hardwood flooring. They already worry about him leaving fire damage.
Bodyguard - No he doesn't. He's trying to get in Bunny's good graces too (to see if that will help Dion go back) so he would help hide that skateboard from Dion. It's an ongoing struggle.
Casey - he does give off a bit of that vibe, but I'm still going to say no. He likes to stop and smell the flowers (pun very much intended) so he doesn't use a skateboard. He could if he wanted though, I fully hold onto that.
Cyril - Yes. And let me explain why. It gets him away from people faster and is convenient to carry so he can escape any annoying social interaction near immediately. No other reason. Just that.
Neo - typically no, but he saw that Gage could do it (and his listener totally can but I'll make the listeners in a part 2) so he decided to learn. He wants to be able to cruise with his listener and also wants to be better at it than Gage. And depending on the route that Gage took, Neo's level of success is iffy.
Gage - YES A THOUSAND TIMES YES! it goes one of two ways though. He's a total master at it and can do dozens of cool stunts. Or he's absolutely horrid, can't keep his balance and always leaves with scrapes and a cheeky grin. That doesn't mean he'll stop though. Man is destined to be a skater boy.
Desmond - another one that I want to say yes because he would look very hot just cruising down the road. But no he doesn't. Another guy that sees them as impractical. Plus Gage and Neo's rivalry over them kinda made him want to avoid trying at all costs.
Roman - Also yes. He has those menace vibes that he sometimes hides under the surface. I could totally see him just cruising down the hallways, whistling as he pretends not to hear Cyril yelling after him to come back. He has more than once tried to get his listener to climb behind him so they can go together. But it always throws the balance off and then both of them are visiting the infirmary again. But maybe it will work next time... Right?
Ellis - yes. They knows how good they look just vibing along. There's a mini skateboard toy thing on their desk that they likes to fidget with and make it do little tricks. Whether the tricks are possible or not makes no difference to them. They just enjoys it. So yes, they does use a skateboard.
Law - no. Like Desmond, Gage and Neo kinda warded him away from trying and it never crossed his mind to try earlier in his life. Besides, he enjoys the modes of transportation he uses right now anyways.
(and because he said we could tag him... @reverieaudios )
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akinosenoragami · 1 year
Starless daze
A Blackstar theater starless Kagepro au.
I've been really into kagerou project again recently. And so I decided to write this fanfiction. So far I'm still figuring out the cast and such so please be patient with me.
This was also posted on ao3. Enjoy.
Taiga is a shut in who hasn't left his house in 2 years, one August 14th he gets into an argument with Mizuki a boy who lives in his computer, jump scared by his brother barging into his room and spills coffee on his keyboard and is forced to go to the mall. he is then faced with a hostage situation, teenagers with super powers and black eyes that call themselves the Kurohoshi dan and secrets that slowly come to light about the mysterious group, himself and everyone else around him.
First chapter: an artificial enemy
It was a hot August day. Summer has already started, children are out of school for summer break, the cicadas are out and about singing loud, and then you have Taiga. 
"Hey, are you sure you don't wanna go outside?" 
"Not, now Mizuki I'm busy." 
This is Taiga, a shut-in who doesn't leave the house yet somehow is able to get work as a freelance engineer, and lives with his older brother. 
"Busy with what? You're currently on discord talking about the latest shooter you've played and complaining how the quality is shit." 
"It's called taking a break. And I'm not saying it's shit, I'm reviewing it. Now go back to whatever you were doing."
"What ev' " 
And that is Mizuki, a digital being that lives in Taiga's computer that just magically appeared one day from an email. Loves to bug Taiga to go outside. 
"C'mon the weather is so nice out!"
"And by nice you mean scorching hot. I'd die out there before reaching my destination." 
"So what If you die. I'll just ask your brother to pack you some water instead of coffee." 
"You're evil. You know coffee is my bloodline." 
"Not anymore Bitch." 
They continued the conversation back and forth until, “Taiga! I’m heading to the mall. Do you need anything?” Nekome said as he stuck his head in startling Taiga, causing him to fall back on his chair, kicking the table and sending the mug of coffee flying with the liquid landing on his keyboard.
“Ah…that’s a goner alright.” Mizuki commented
“Argh! Aniki!!!” 
“Sorry, did I scare you?” 
And this here folks is Nekome, Taiga’s older brother. Unfortunately we don’t know much about him.
“I thought we already went over this! Knock first before entering, stupid brother!” 
“Sorry I was just going to ask if you’d like to come to the mall with me.”
“...Not like I’ve got a choice.”
“Hey there Nekome!” 
“Hello Mizuki, would you like to come with us?” 
“Hell Yeah!”
A few minutes later we skipped to the three of them on the way to the mall. 
“I told you it was scorching hot…” 
“ C’mon Taiga, we're just a few blocks away from air conditioning!”
“Mizuki. Shut up. You’re not helping.”
“Now now, Taiga, don't be like that Mizuki was only trying to cheer you on.” 
“Oi Nekome, make sure you give this fucker plenty of water.”
“Alright you two.” 
“Alright we’re here!” 
“Alright, I’m going to find some lightbulbs. Meetup back here in an hour or so alright.” 
Taiga and Mizuki then proceeded to part ways with Nekome in search for a new keyboard. Meanwhile Mizuki gets distracted by all the stuff that’s around them. 
“Taiga, look at that! Doesn’t that skate deck look cool?!” 
“I’ve got no idea what you’re going on about. Besides, we're looking for a keyboard, not a skateboard."
"Boo what the fuck, you're no fun." 
“I’m only interested if it’s essential. Now then where are the electronics- ugh.” 
“Sorry. I wasn’t looking.” a stranger with long hot pink hair apologized.
“It’s alright, it's also my bad I didn’t see you there.” Taiga replied. As soon as he lifted his head the stranger had mysteriously vanished. 
“What the- Where’d he go?”
“Pfft- Taiga that was lame af.” 
“Zip it Mizuki.”
A couple of seconds later they were soon greeted with a smoke bomb, “Cough, cough, What the hell is going on?!” Taiga asked, confused by the situation, only to be met with a metal pipe to the head.
“Taiga! Oi Taiga! Wake Up Taiga!” 
“Ugh…what the?”
“Taiga! Thank god you’re awake!” Nekome said as he sat right next to him. 
“Oh great you’re finally awake motherfucker.”
“Attention all shoppers, this floor is now under our control, we have hostages and we want a 3 billion yen ransom. To the mall owner. If you are unable to provide the money, who knows what will happen to these poor hostages. You have no way to open the safety shutters on this floor.” 
“Yeah. Current situation, you are being held hostage.”
“Eh?” Taiga looked around him and noticed the zip ties on his thumbs tied to the back.”
“They got me too unfortunately haha. " Nekome said as he laughed it off.
"Well this is one hell of a predicament." Taiga complained. 
"Nice hell of a predicament you're in. " 
"Woah! Who are you?" 
" The name's Akira. And I got myself into a pickle just like you."
"So? What about you? What's your name?" 
"So…Taiga…do you have a plan?" 
Looking around Taiga Stas forming strategies in his head.
"Actually I do." 
"Wait for real?! Like an actual plan?"
"Hear that Sotetsu?" 
"Loud and clear." 
"Uagh! Since when were you there?!" 
"He's been here the whole time." 
“Aight…so what’s the plan?” 
“ I’m gonna make a dash for it. Computer over there’s got like a usb-c cable. I can hook it up and let Mizuki loose on the terrorist system. But I’m gonna need a diversion”
“You got it.” Akira says with a smirk.
“Ow! Watch it dickhead!” the terrorist leader said as he grabbed one of his lackeys by the collar.    
Soon the whole place started crashing down, TVs started falling over, shelves started coming down. The whole place is in chaos as people start screaming. 
By the confusion Taiga makes a mad dash towards the other side of the floor, but one of the lackeys grabs him by his shirt. “Where do you think you’re going huh?”, only to be met with a smack to the head by none other than Nekome, “What do you think you’re doing to my brother huh?” Taiga gets freed from the lackey’s grip. “ Thanks bro!” Taiga says as he continues on.
Finally reaching the computers, Taiga pulls out his phone. “Alright Mizuki… Your Turn!” 
“Leave it to me.”
Plugging his phone to the cable, the terrorist network gets taken over. “Ha Ha, system overload complete, take that motherfuckers!!! Muahahahaha!”
As the safety shutters lift up flooding the floor with daylight, Taiga begins to feel dizzy and faints. 
“Taiga! Are you okay?!” Mizuki panics, As Taiga starts to black out. 
To be continued.
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fiftymilehighclub · 2 years
Tumblr media
Related to my last post: here’s Aoi at age 35 with her children: (clockwise from left) twins Misato and Taichi, age 19, Kagirinai, age 10, and Chikara, age 4
Yes, the twins were born while Aoi was in high school. I wrote this when I myself was in high school. So any cringe is 100% honest and I have 0 shame.
Misato grows up to be a champion skateboarder and owns a skate shop; Taichi starts off designing deck art and ultimately becomes a graphic designer; Kagirinai inherited his mother’s genius intellect and becomes a computer engineer; Chikara always had an eye for fashion and ultimately opens a shop selling street fashion designs she makes (loosely inspired by shops like Baby, the Stars Shine Bright etc).
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts: Oz the Originator Steps Into the Spotlight
When Kipo and the Age of the Wonderbeasts was released in January 2020, many viewers quickly became fans of not only the show but the music contained within, particularly that of in-show producer Oz the Originator. The tracks of Oz were especially loved because they brought main character Benson and his crush Troy together, a rare example of queer characters in kids animation. The two bonded over their favorite old world MC, with Benson in possession of several of his albums.
Only small snippets of the songs were heard in the series but it was enough to make the audience seek out the voice behind the songs. What they found was the multi talented Andra Gunter, a rapper, music producer, writer, and skate boarder who called the response from fans “unbelievable.”
In a previous interview with Den of Geek, Kipo creator Rad Sechrist sang Gunter’s praises, particularly for his scriptwriting. Co-showruner Bill Wolkoff echoed that sentiment, adding, “Andra is this amazing talent. Keep your eye out for him. He’s a great writer and great musician.”
But you don’t go from relative obscurity to being on a show and getting the praise of showrunners just like that. I was interested in learning not just about Gunter’s work on Kipo but everything that got him to that point as well. From his 2009 start in making music to his influences and even how his ADHD affects his work, Gunter let me into his thought process and how all that (and skateboarding) lead him to working on Kipo. We also discussed the Oz the Originator character, his new ‘Brave War’ album, and his screenplay work.  
Gunter had a lot to say and I was delighted to sit back and listen as he shared both his and Oz the Orginator’s story, the two of which are more connected than you might realize.
DEN OF GEEK: Tell me a little of your story. I mean, this is a huge question, but how did you get to where you are today in terms of music?
ANDRA GUNTER: Well, definitely started music after seeing my brother make music. I always rapped and made music. I have heard numerous stories from my family of me trying to make music on radios and tape decks and stuff like that. But me remembering that I really wanted to do this, it was probably 2009.
What sort of music were you making then? Is it similar to what you’re doing now? What were some of your first big compositions then?
Well, at first, I was just starting off just probably a newb at it. Obviously, that’s how it starts off for everybody; you’re not that good at it. Eventually over time I started just concentrating on it every day by myself. I made my first real song, probably, 2010. I was making just pretty much all types of music, just anything that I could find the beat to and I could rhyme to it, I was pretty much doing it. I just wanted to make music, that was just the point, like, “Yo, whatever they got on the internet, whatever I can learn, then I’m going to do.” 
What sort of things were you putting in your lyrics at the time? Was it just anything goes, or was there any specific themes that were coming out?
Well, I mean, 2010 was a really funny era for music. I feel like that time was Wiz Khalifa and Joey Badass, and that was the beginning of Tyler, the Creator. So it was a really expressive form at that time. Anything went. If you knew who Tyler, the Creator was in 2010, man, you knew what the rules were in rapping at that time. 
There’s a long span of time between 2010 and now, how did your music evolve over that time? Obviously, it got better, as it does for any creative person, right? But what sort of things did you find yourself zeroing in on, a style that you liked or different themes that you wanted to use?
Well, I can say, in 2011 I was introduced to this type of music called jerk music, It was this really crazed dance called jerking in the black community, and I feel like all over the world. It was everywhere you could possibly think people wanted to dance. I got into making that music for my brother and his little cousin, and that music opened up my ear to just kind of everything, because at that time it was almost like dubstep music or like rave music in a different sense. Definitely doesn’t sound the same. It has the same point of sampling a lot of music, ranging from Anita Baker all the way down to System of a Down.
Samples were everywhere at that time, because it was a lot of new producers just going on the internet, finding something and trying to create their own sound. So that’s what gave me my style of just being all over the board and not really staying in one box. Even though jerk music was definitely one box, I feel like everybody that was doing jerk music had a range of a lot of different things.
And in that, did you find yourself sampling other people, and if so, what kind of samples were you using, or was it just anything goes?
Yeah, pretty much anything went. I mean, in those early days, I wasn’t really sampling because I was still really new to producing. So I didn’t really understand that part of it yet, but once I got a hang of it and I understood, then I was sampling like crazy. I definitely range all over the board too. The first thing I’ve ever sampled was a Earth, Wind & Fire song. Nowadays it’s more of listening to really weird that I’ve been finding through playlists and things like that. All the way from alternative, to deep soul, to punk rock, I sample everything now. 
This is the music nerd question, what programs do you use to make your music?
Oh, yes. My favorite question of all. My first time ever using a program was FL Studio. It was FL Studio 9. My brother threw the USB at me, and was like, “Download this on the computer and learn how to use it.” After that, and he introduced me to that program, I never really turned back or tried to really go into a new program.  I do know how to use programs because, I mean, they’re all kind of the same, but if I had to choose a program to use, it’s definitely FL Studio.
How did you eventually end up working on Kipo? 
I want to say 2014 or ’15, I met Rad Sechrist, the creator of Kipo, through skateboarding. All my life I’ve been skateboarding, and at one point I got really good. I had a group of friends, and one of my friends in that group by the name of Isaiah, he was like, ” Yo, I got this friend. He works in animation, and he does this and he does that.” And mind you, Isaiah’s sort of that friend that you just don’t believe. You’re looking at him like, “Dude, what the fuck are you talking about? Who is this guy?” So this dude pulls up, and we’re 17, 18 years old at this time. It’s Isaiah’s 16th or 17th birthday, and this old white dude pulls up. I’m like, “Who’s this guy?”
So didn’t pay too much attention to Rad at first, but I guess from my personality and the way I talked to people that day, he just hit me up one day, was like, “Yo, I was really fucking with you, just your vibe in the car. So come through and check out some of the stuff I’m doing.” And I was like, “All right.” And then that’s when I believed that he was an animator and storyboard artist, because he brought me to one of his offices where he was working on this movie about a dragon, and it was fucking crazy. I’m in this place and I’m watching him draw on a Cintiq for the first time with all this crazy artwork on the wall, and I’m just amazed.
At this time, there was a company he was running, it was a skateboard company called Plastic Walrus. He was like, “Yeah, I want you to ride for my company and stuff like that,” and I’m like, “Bro, I will do anything you want me to do. Look at the office here.” At that point I just started hanging out with Rad a little bit more. I was going out to Silver Lake, because I live in Watts, California. I was going all the way out to Silver Lake, catching three trains just to go meet up with him and get boards and stuff.
Then, eventually, I checked into college, Los Angeles Trade Tech College. And then that’s when I got into pretty much being a writer because at first I was really uncertain on what I wanted to do, in general. But I got into writing, I got in this English class in college and started writing. I was writing these poems and writing these short stories for class and sending them around, and Brad’s like, “Yo, you’re a writer, dude. You should try to write.” I was like, “I don’t really want to write. I got this music for you though,” and I sent him a whole bunch of music. And then that’s how I got considered for Kipo, him pretty much introducing writing to me and me telling him, “I am already a writer. I write music,” and then sending him my music.
I spoke with Rad before this interview and he mentioned that originally he was just hoping you’d temp on the tracks but then the higher ups at DreamWorks loved it so much they put it into the show. When did you find out about that?
That shit just happened random, dude. Obviously, you don’t know what’s really going on in the office. You just send in an email and you hope for an email back. I sent maybe 30 songs and there was a whole bunch of different years I did these songs. One era it’s from 2012 to 2014, and the others continue to 2015 to now. I wasn’t sure they were even going to consider it. So I’m texting Rad, and I’m like, “Dude, I need to find something else to do.” At this time, I didn’t have a job. I had just checked into college. They weren’t trying to give me financial aid. So I was like, “I need something to do, dude, to get money.” He’s like, “Dude, I got you. I know they have something for you. You can be a writer if you start writing.”
He’s telling me all the things I need in order to get a writing job over at DreamWorks, and I’m not listening to that. I’m just like, “Dude, just send them my music, just please, that’s what I do. There’s nothing else I can do but make music.” So after a hop, skip, and a shove I get an email from the music department over at DreamWorks, and then they tell me they’re considering a couple of songs. I’m pretty sure that shit just happened random. Rad probably was in their ear so much that they’re like, “All right, we’re just going to hit this kid up.”
So was it just that they took what you had existing, or did they ask you to adapt it to fit the show more?
(Of the) 30 songs I sent in maybe two of them were considered. In episode ten when Benson finds Troy, that part where the tape deck falls out of his backpack, that song is an original song I did probably when I first met Rad. It was before he even knew I did music. That song was definitely not altered to fit the show.
There’s another episode where (the characters are) eating breakfast. That song is also an original song that I made in my room, and they didn’t make me alter it, they didn’t make me re-edit it or anything. It was perfect enough to just go inside the show.
I know you were listed as vocal contributor on the credits, did you end up recording more music specifically for the show?
Rad was hitting me up like, “Yeah, dude. They’re loving the shit you sent, and we’re pushing towards putting that in the show, for sure.” He was telling me every step of the way about my original songs. He’s like, “But there’s more.” I was like, “What’s more?” And he’s like, “Well, they’re trying to record original songs because the Kipo script is pretty much musically based. It’s almost like a musical.” So he’s like, “I got this guy that we’re hiring, his name’s Daniel Rojas.” He gives me the whole rundown on this dude, and I’m already kind of fan crazed, because he brings up Hans Zimmer. He told me Daniel used to work with Hans Zimmerman, and I’m like, “Dude, what the… Do you know who Hans Zimmerman is in the music world?” You know what I mean? So instantly, right there, I’m like, “Yo, set me up with this guy. I got to see who this is.” So we set up a meeting with Daniel, and I go to his studio. 
You know how Jonah Hill looks like he’s fricking 21, but he’s almost 40 years old? That’s what Daniel looked like. He’s this really young looking older dude. So already I was really intrigued by this guy. I’m like, “Yo, you look like a baby man.” He’s like, “Yeah, we get real cool. We chop it up. I got a couple of songs that I produced for the show, and I want you to rap over these beats.” So that’s when we got to the point where they were trying to get me to make songs for the show.
When you were rapping over it, did they give you lyrics, or were they just like, “Just freestyle over it.”
Oh, no. If they would’ve gave me the verse, I don’t think I would’ve got credit. So, (I) definitely wrote the verses. I was so excited, I wrote those verses in like five minutes.
Oh, wow. Did they give you any directives about what they needed to be about, or was it just like, “go for it”?
At first it was like, “Go for it so we can get a feel,” but once I started showing them and rapping it out loud, Rad’s like, “There’s certain things you can’t say in the song.” During the song they were telling me what I could say and what I couldn’t say, and what I could make it about and what I couldn’t make it about. They didn’t coach me through it. They let me do my thing, but, ultimately, told me there was an outline of what I needed to be talking about.
I was comparing the songs from Kipo to the ones on your recent Brave War album. The Kipo songs feel a little bit lighter. Your own music feels heavier. Can you talk a little bit more about those differences?
I definitely had to tone it down a bit for the DreamWorks songs. Obviously, DreamWorks is not going to let me go talk about what’s going on in my mental health. Kipo a kids’ show. The songs I had originally made; I was younger and my head space was in a way different space from what I’m making now.
Talk to me about the Oz the Originator character that your songs are attributed to in the show. Did they give you an outline of who he was?
His story and his outlook of who he is, (his) songs are supposed to speak for him. Those songs are pretty much saying exactly what he’s going through in those times of whatever he’s going through in his miscellaneous life. Oz is like Tyler, the Creator in an alternative universe. That’s the way I would like to see it. 
So then, let’s talk about your album ‘The Brave War.’ You’ve said it’s an introduction to who Oz the Originator is. Tell me a little bit about the kind of songs that you want to have under that name, especially, because I know that you changed your name from what you originally had, right?
I’m Andra, at the end of the day, I’m Andra Gunter, but I definitely have different characters I portray, like Oz the Originator and Tim Lynch and that’s probably it right now. I’ve portrayed so many characters over the years, but those are the two main ones right now that are for sure people.
What would you say is the difference between the Lynch character and then Oz the Originator, in regards to the sound or how you’re going through the music? What are the differences?
Tim Lynch just doesn’t give a fuck about anything. That guy is more of the hard core hijinks that we all love and miss from the early ’90s. I feel like that’s what Tim Lynch is all about, just the hijinks era, and just being free and being able to express yourself the way you want to express yourself. I
Oz is, I want to say, the 2.0 version of Lynch. He’s what Lynch was supposed to be. They’re brothers. Oz and Tim Lynch are brothers, because The Brave War comes from a script, my first script I ever wrote, and technically, The Brave War album that I dropped is the soundtrack to the script. So Tim Lynch and Oz are definitely brothers, and Oz is supposed to be carrying the torch for Tim Lynch, because Tim Lynch is a era that rose and died recently. I let go of trying to pursue the Tim Lynch name early 2020, just because I wanted to concentrate more on writing and stuff. I’ve been Tim Lynch since 2009, dude. So, I was ready to give him his proper burial.
What made you want to switch? 
Well, I write screenplays. Right now I’m working on a feature film, but Oz was just… He was just a really cool idea, at the time, and he developed into what he is now. I don’t really think Oz was supposed to go this far, but obviously some things you just can’t stop. The Oz the Originator character is a really dope character, in my opinion. He’s one of the tightest people I’ve ever seen on the mic. The way I see it is, it’s real, but it’s not. Oz is an illusion.
In terms of ‘The Brave War’ album, I love that you said that it was the soundtrack for a script you wrote. Tell me more about either the making of the album or the feeling behind it. What are you trying to put out to the world with that album?
I just wanted you to see the brave war that you would have to go through, inside of yourself. That whole album is pretty much me going through the brave war. As of a year and a half ago, I lost my mom due to cancer, stage four liver cancer. My whole life, obviously, did a complete 360. So what Oz is, is like my afterbirth after my mom passed. Tim Lynch is when my mom’s around, and then Oz is after, to express the original feelings.
Oz is an expressor. That’s what that whole album is about. It’s about expression, me getting people to understand what my mental health state is, and what Oz is going through. The script is definitely based on my life, but it’s not. It’s obviously altered. It’s pretty much me going through my emotions as I get through my life in the script. So it’s just the emotions of the script, just everything you could possibly feel as a skateboarder, as an up-and-coming rapper, skater that just lost a parent and has to be on their own now.
Going forward career-wise are you more focused music, the writing, or skating? Is it all three?
Well, I don’t really want to compare myself to nobody, but I’m going to be one of those guys who does it all. I definitely am inspired and look up to Donald Glover, who is also Childish Gambino. He writes movies, he writes TV shows, he acts in TV shows, he makes music, he’s one of the greatest artists on the planet. So pretty much just the Donald Glover outlook. It’s a little bit of everything.
Is there anything else that you are working on right now that you can talk about, or the stuff that you want to be writing? What’s the big writing stuff for you?
I can say I am going to be dropping some new music on SoundCloud when July comes and the summer starts. Obviously, everyone needs some new tunes to cook some barbecue to. So I’m definitely going to be dropping some new songs as Tim Lynch and some new Andra Gunter songs. I kind of want to retire Oz, but I won’t say I retire him yet. We’re going to throw Oz in the air and say, “We don’t know what’s going to happen with him right now,” but there’s definitely going to be new music.
You said you had retired Lynch before. Are you going to bring him back in now?
Well, the idea of Lynch is that he went off to the Navy. Now he’s coming back, and Oz is… he’s taking a hiatus right now. We have some legal issues going on with the album, so we’re trying to settle those out right now.
What’s the reaction you’ve gotten from Kipo fans? What’s it been like to get that attention?
Oh, man. I’ve been making music for a long time, like I keep saying. This year alone has showed me that there are people who actually like me. As a artist, you go through the motions of everything, who likes me, this and that, and you don’t really know where you are until people tell you in music. For a long time didn’t know my musical worth and where it was going to go. I did know that I was definitely going to have my song in a TV show, just because of personal reasons. I have an uncle, by the way, who was in Afro Samurai. He did the same thing I’m doing, he did a couple of original songs for the show.
I already had a outlook of what I wanted to do in my life, so when this came about, I definitely took the opportunity and I ran with it. The response of all the people showing me love is just… it’s kind of unbelievable. I have actual fans now and people who ask me questions and people who want to actually know what’s up with me, which is a new feeling. This definitely doesn’t feel like it did before, so it’s pretty crazy.
What’s it like knowing that your music is the favorite of a fictional cartoon character that unites this fictional cartoon boy with another boy?
I think that’s just dope, dude. This is some of the craziest things to be involved with. I told a lot of people that this is making history. This show is doing so many things that have never been done in the history of animation. When I found out Benson liked Oz the Originator, I was pretty ecstatic. I was like, “Yo, that kind of changes my life, in a way, because now I have to live up to Benson’s expectations. What are his expectations now?”
What other messages do you have for the people out there? 
I am an advocate of kids with ADHD. So, for anyone who’s out there questioning their worth or not knowing how they’re going to get through the mental breakdowns we go through every 20 minutes, I want them to know that our minds are important. Our fast-paced moving minds are very important. We’re important. That’s what I just want to say. 
Can you talk a little more about working with ADHD when you’re writing scripts or music?
Working with ADHD definitely is a fucking uphill battle, dude. I struggle, still, every day with a lot of things but I feel like it helps me. My uphill battle is a fun uphill battle. It’s not completely just digging into the dirt. I get to go here and get to go there because my mind has this thing where it hyper-focuses on certain things I want to do. I think working with ADHD is a good thing and a bad thing, all at the same time. I feel like my mind is a couple steps ahead of a lot of people’s at some times, because I’m hyperly thinking at all times. I feel like my ADHD has gotten me to where I am today.
If wasn’t for that, I don’t think I would be in the show. I don’t think I would be able to write a script. There’s a lot of things I don’t think I would be able to do had I not had ADHD, but I’m not going to glorify it. So, it’s a good and bad thing.
Any other messages you want to throw out there?
Yeah. Go check out my music, please.
You can check out Gunter’s music and all his other work here, where you can stream all of his music and more!
The post Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts: Oz the Originator Steps Into the Spotlight appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/2EtS1sU
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siriseen · 4 years
Muse Skills / Talents.
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REPOST AND BOLD WHAT YOUR MUSE CAN DO. ( italics for what they can sort of do. )
          swim   /   scuba dive   /   read and write   /   do calligraphy   /   ride a bike   /   ride a unicycle   /   ride a motorcycle   /   drive   /   draw   /   paint    /   sing   /   play an instrument   /   maintain a rhythm   /   converse in a language   /   converse in more than two languages   /   converse in more than four languages   /   do basic maths   /   do algebra   /   understand structural formulas   /    do physics   /   read a floor plan   /   assemble ikea   /   build a working piece of furniture   /   build a house   /   sew a button   /   customise clothes   /   make clothes   /   bind a book   /   use a vacuum   /   clean windows without leaving streaks   /   boil water  /   make pasta  /   remove the pit of an avocado   /   cut bell peppers   /   cook   /   bake   /   basic first aid   /   cpr   /   close a bullet wound   /   fire a gun   /   load a gun   /   shuffle a deck of cards   /   shuffle a deck of cards one-handed   /   play or read tarot   /   use matches   /   use a lighter  /   make a fire without either   /   code   /   fix a virus-inflicted computer   /   hack   /   steal a car without keys   /   pick a lock   /   kick down a door   /   throw a punch   /   put an opponent smaller than them into a choke-hold   /   put an opponent larger than them into a choke-hold   /   intentionally break a bone   /   make a cast   /   chop down a tree   /   put up a tent.
           make a knot   /   create a shelter without tools or brought materials   /   make a cocktail   /   brew tea   /   make a shake or smoothie    /   cut a line of cocaine   /   change a diaper   /   recite a nursery rhyme from memory   /   recite an important religious text from memory   /   recite the table of elements from memory   /   recite all pokémon in the pokemon  song from memory   /   recite a 10-digit code 24 hours later after only reading it once   /   tell a person’s zodiac sign   /   tell a person’s age   /   play football   /   play basketball   /   play another ball sport   /   ice skate   /   roller skate   /   surf   /   skateboard   /   snowboard   /   use an audio recording device   /   use a camera   /   tattoo   /   do a piercing   /   do a cartwheel   /   do a front-flip   /   do a back-flip   /   do ballet   /   do the tango   /   dance freestyle   /    run an advice column    /    ride a horse   /   train a dog   /   create a video game    /   create a website   /   use photoshop   /   style hair   /   do makeup   /   star in theater, film, or a TV show   /   model   /   manage and lead a team   /   craft a suit of armor   /   craft weaponry   /   craft  jewelry   /   build traps   /   build robots or androids   /   build a computer or any other sort of electronic device    /   help deliver a baby   /   operate on someone    /   play cupid and match people up    /   think outside the box   /   do taxes.
Tagged by: @warriorfortamaran​ ( thank you, my love! )  Tagging: Steal it!!!
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chaletnz · 6 years
Exploring Madrid
Since I had arrived late last night to Madrid I was planning on sleeping in but I ended up feeling wide awake at about 7am so I got up to shower and have the free breakfast downstairs. It was essentially an overcrowded room with backpackers attacking a packet of shitty white bread then lining up for the toaster. There were only disposable plates, cutlery and cups. I decided I wouldn't be having another breakfast here in this chaos. After breakfast I regained my composure, packed a day bag and began walking. My first stop was a small cafe called Urbano where I ordered a flat white. The coffee was of average quality but I loved the relaxed atmosphere of the cafe so o stayed put for about an hour updating my blog notes and people watching. I headed next towards the cultural centre and passed what appeared to be a popular local spot so I stopped in for a morning tea of churros con chocolade which were very good and I enjoyed watching the staff dancing around and singing and laughing with one another while they worked. Once I reached the cultural centre I was ready to game because they had an exhibition of some amateur computer games. I started off as a border agent stamping passports for about half an hour, then I worked as a police researcher for another half hour. But the best game was a post apocalyptic survival game called This War Is Mine which had me glued to the screen for two hours. My day disappeared into that game but I regret nothing! Eventually I was rubbing my eyes to readjust to the sunlight and walked to the Plaza de España and then the Palacio Real de Madrid. There was a busker playing an accordion there but he only knew how to play two songs - and one of them was the famous hit Despacito. My last visit on the way back to my hostel was Puerta del Sol which was so incredibly busy I quickly felt overwhelmed trying to take photos. It was so crowded that when I tried to get a photo of the small statue of a bear and a tree I actually walked right past it a few times because there were so many tourists huddled around it. For dinner I had chosen the Skate Rock Restaurant, I mucked around while they had their siesta and grabbed a cider to drink in front of a small fountain watching the sunset. The online hours said it would reopen at 7.30pm however when I knocked on the door the waitress told me 8pm so I hung around a bit more and was absolutely starving when I was finally allowed inside. I had a great homemade burger and fries with a cider and tried to make conversation with the waitress despite her not really speaking much English and me certainly not speaking any Spanish! She had a shot of Fireball with me and let me walk around the restaurant while I waited for my meal - it had a small half pipe inside and loads of skateboards hanging on the walls, the shelves in the bar were actually decks too. The TV was playing some pro skater showreels and I thoroughly enjoyed my visit!
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anya-b · 4 years
Week-3 History of Design
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“Amateur typographers flooded market and created typefaces that lack balance. Much like todays market is filled with amateurs because of widespread access to phones, computers and [programs]
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“Nuremburg paper mill, 1493, required to be outside city because of noise and smell (today it is the opposite)
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Film photography has made a comeback after an era of mostly digital photography. It is said that when a new technology is released, the old version becomes an artform. While some new film or polaroid cameras are being made, most people like to buy truly vintage cameras because of their authenticity and vintage design. 
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Advertising looks much different than when it first became a norm in the 19th century. Ads back in the day were made to fill every part of the paper it was printed on, and multiple different font were often used. Today, it is much more minimal. Space is used to draw the viewer into a certain part of the ad, and less text is put on there for the convenience of only having to take a quick glance at an ad and already knowing what it is advertising. 
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Somethings never grow out of style, one of those things is posters. Posters became popular around the time that graphic design was becoming more established and they were used to bring life to a grey urban city. While the method of getting a print onto a paper has evolved, the use of paper to display art/ads has not and posters still fill the walls of urban cities today. 
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There are hundreds of different variations of shoes out in the market today. There are sandals, sneakers, boots, heels etc. Even those categories have subcategories like high tops, low tops, canvas, mesh, tennis, running, skate etc. Different shoes are made to fit different needs and styles and the demand for new shoe designs seems infinite. People have always wanted shoes, but the style and variety of them has definitely increased in the last 30 years than it has ever before. 
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One of the most complicated yet exciting forms of design that evolved only within the last 30 years is digital game design. Even though it is still a new concepts in the design world the game market is flooded with all different types of games, a lot of them repeat the same game idea but with unique graphics. I think the typeface example from my first image on this post can relate to this because many people have access to platforms that allow them to create digital games but maybe not all of them should. 
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Skateboard decks have evolved alongside the style of skateboarding. In the 70s, people used cruiser boards and large wheels, in the 80/90 the decks became wider and the wheels became smaller as more people wanted to go fast down ramps or skate “vert”. Modern day skateboarding has evolved into a street style sport, the boards are crafted to withstand hard impact for a long period of time, and made to be able to pop high and float in the air. The interest of skateboarders has led the design of skateboards. 
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One of my favorite parts of living in Milwaukee is being able to be both part of an old world and a new world. Modern city building exist to fit modern days needs like offices and factories. However Milwaukee strives to preserve its history and beautiful architecture because it’s citizens have grown to love the feel of it. 
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sallysneed667 · 4 years
Choosing A Familiar Subject Helps Create And Sell Ebooks Online
One of the things that I have found realize is today individuals options accessible to men business women to make an online purchase than increasingly. There are many sites that didn't exist organic and natural 2004 as i started my blogs. There are a number big names in plus fashion in which making changes to keep up with the demand. Make certain thoughts i have on why on-line for plus-sized items is a good thing. I have seen that juicing has made my taste buds much more sensitive to excessive salt and sugar. What this means is that juicing has truly helped me to curtail my pop consumption - the soft drinks I that are used to love just don't taste as great to me anymore. Curtailing soft drink use a great answer for those of you that ask "why fresh juice?" Juicing on a regular basis has also helped me and others to possess a greater awareness about extremely. By applying health principles to other areas of life we stay healthier - the medical principles I talking about include getting adequate rest and exercise, etc. It's also recommended that you simply use one card to perform all of one's shopping and this will make it much for you to track fraudulent activity when it does occur. On-line for Christmas can build this christmas season more enjoyable as long as you follow the few simple tips . Have a great holiday! Except for your motor, each of the parts are dishwasher safe, so the juice machine is easy to clean if you make sure totally it following using the concept. The Breville 800jexl juice fountain has a very nice and solid metal exterior. Looking to purchase significant other lingerie for a gift? You're a brave man, daring to buy where most men's knees shake and palms sweat in pure anxiety. In the market for lingerie needn't be too intimidating. For starters, forget having to join an all-too-feminine lingerie store in the mall where it feels like all eyes are anyone. Try shopping online and discover the experience to considerably less traumatizing. Still, lingerie is a difficult gift, generally there are some very useful tips to purchasing for lingerie which can help you find the perfect selection on her. Trust me, if you find the correct lingerie gift for lady in existence. . with. well, I don't have to let you just how rewarding wanting to learn be. With online Shopping becoming as well as more popular, customers are finding that can easily get ingredients which one time could basically bought individual can are found online to have a lot more low-priced. This is concerning is abundance of competition online that stores have give you decent deals just to keep up a problem next body. There may be the perception whenever people shop online, they'll get the best possible price for items they want. Comparison shopping is very easy online. All they to be able to do is visit several websites learn which one offers leading deals. Action much simpler than visiting a variety of shops too .. When you're read to exit the juice fast, take it slowly. You ought to that beginning from simple vegetables and salads site to website day, slowly add heavier fruits like bananas and vegetables, after which you'll maybe avocados the following day. A few days later additionally nuts and seeds. Take at least 3 days to only eat raw food prior to starting eating regular food far more. Be sure to remember your initial weight loss goal. As you go off of the juice fast completely this will help you keep the weight off by watching your food consumption and just how much you put in your mouth. You will notice that after you come over juice fast it possibly be easier maintain a good diet. You'll also notice that plenty of cravings have diminished drastically. Consider basic security. Your browser, your computer and your wi-fi ought to be as secure as they possibly can. Keep your os and applications updated. Use multiple layers of alarm. Scan your computer for problems regularly. Backup your data, maybe whole system, on a good basis. For all sports fanatic people, online Shopping offers a brilliant range of sick sportswear and sports gear. The best thing about internet is that you get range of products for instance if are usually shopping for sport equipment, you uncover all possible sport gear which otherwise is inconceivable in and offline market. For example, skateboards can be situated on online shopping. Online shopping of skateboards, will offer top range of decks and bearings to get rid of parks and ramps with style. Purchase end up getting number of skates additionally save serious money. Shop online and that $70.00 could drop to an easier on the pocket book price of $50.00. You'd save $20 which end up being the enough extra fragrance. You buy two fragrances rather and the other. is that OK for your Vape juice ? To educate yourself on the best sites that present the product you looking for, you should use the right keywords. For example, a person's want cheap shoes, should use the keywords within your search engines like "cheap shoes" or "discount shoes". Also, another thing use as relevant and precise keywords as actually possible. Like if oodles of flab . shoes for girls or formal shoes, use the exact keywords so that you can seen sites supply these products.
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holybnj · 5 years
Essential Facts About Picking Out The Best golf Clubs to Suit Your Game
Golf clubs are made to satisfy the demands of various genders, height and skill level - at one stage the same might be said regarding the aesthetics of golf equipment. A skateboard can also be used by simply standing about the deck while on a downward slope and allowing gravity to propel the board and rider. It is important that you have the correct golf iron for that middle portion of your game. The skateboard has evolved since the very first mass produced models in the 1960s. I finally made a decision to carry just my 5 wood. . Using the appropriate type of golf-club will help the beginner learn quickly and achieve results. Purchase an off name driver having a bright-colored shaft.
These are three of the finest starter sets available for lady golfers are available highly recommended. The strategy is symmetrically designed that causes it to be easy to get a variety of players to make use of it. They attached roller skate wheels from your Chicago Roller Skate Company to a plank of wood and sold them in their Val best putters for beginners Surf Shops.
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Telescoping crappie fishing poles: price range: 10$ to 30$ Telescoping rods are wonderful for fishing in thick brush because they are adjustable. " One absolute necessity is a golf bag to assist you or your caddy in moving from green to green, and of course, golf balls. Whether you are looking to shop online or in a physical store, exactly the same rules apply to finding a good deal. Whether you are looking to look online or in a offline store, the same rules affect finding a good deal. Young people today have many options that are competing for their attention and may cause a lethargic lifestyle including computers, video games, several television channels to name a few. . Use these phones solve your initial swing flaws and decided how you like to play. Then you will be ready to talk to an expert or golf shop about custom fit name brand equipment.
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archerinshadows-a · 7 years
bake  a  cake  from  scratch.   ride  a  horse.  drive  a  submarine.   speak  a  second  language. dance.   catch  a  fish.  play  an  instrument.   throw  a  punch. build  a  deck. ice  skate. skateboard. unclog  a  drain.   program  a  computer.   change  a  flat  tire.   fire  a  gun.  sew. juggle. play  poker.   paint.   fly  a  kite.   sculpt.   write  poetry.   change  a  diaper.  sing. shoot  a  bow  &  arrow.   ride  a  bike.   swim.   sail  a  boat. do  a  back  flip.   play  chess.   give  cpr.  pitch  a  tent.   flirt. stitch  a  wound. read  palms.   use  chopsticks.  write  in  cursive  /  calligraphy.   use  an  electric  drill. braid  hair. make  a  campfire.  make  a  mixed  drink.   do  sudoku  puzzles.  wrap  a  gift.   give  a  good  massage. jump - start  a  car. roll  their  tongue.  magic  tricks.   do  yoga.   tie  a  tie. skip  a  rock. shuffle  a  deck  of  cards.   read  morse  code.  pick  a  lock.
tagged by: @wolfraeken (on my scott blog)
tagging: @glitterandmagic , @finestglitter , @highwarlockxbane, @highwarlockxofbrooklyn, @umbraevenatores, @goldtouched,and @inxcorde
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chocolateheal · 6 years
20 Secrets About Girl Skateboards Logo That Has Never Been Revealed For The Past 20 Years | girl skateboards logo
10% of the Acquirement Amount of Anniversary (VIZIO)RED P-Series 55″ Class 4K HDR Acute TV will go to the Global Fund to activity AIDS with (RED)
Girl Mccrank Kodak Skateboard-Deck – 19.19 Inch – girl skateboards logo | girl skateboards logo
IRVINE, Calif., November 20, 2018 (Newswire.com) – VIZIO, Inc., in accord with (RED)®, appear today the availability of the (VIZIO)RED P-Series 55” Class 4K HDR Acute TV advised to accession acquaintance and funds in the activity adjoin HIV/AIDS. In abutment of (RED)’s mission to end AIDS, a minimum of 10 percent of the acquirement amount of every (VIZIO)RED P-Series 55” Class 4K HDR Acute TV will go anon to the Global Fund to activity HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa. The new (VIZIO)RED P-Series 55” Class archetypal is accent by a conspicuously glassy red edge-to-edge awning and is on auction now for an MSRP of $799.99 at Amazon.com, Dell.com, SamsClub.com, Walmart.com, VIZIO.com and advancing anon to Target.com.
“VIZIO is committed to allowance appearance a bigger tomorrow. We’re appreciative to angle alongside (RED) as an apostle in the activity adjoin HIV/AIDS as we commence on our mission to accession abundant funds to accommodate over 375,000 canicule of life-saving HIV medication,” said Robynne Curry, Senior Director of Artefact Marketing, VIZIO. “The new (VIZIO)RED P-Series 55” Class 4K HDR Acute TV comes aloof in time for the holidays and World AIDS Day on Dec. 1, acceptance shoppers the befalling to absolutely acquirement for acceptable and alone abutment the activity to end AIDS.”
As with all VIZIO P-Series 4K HDR Acute TVs, the (VIZIO)RED archetypal delivers all-embracing colors, above HDR performance, and aboriginal 4K detail for a jaw-dropping acquaintance in every frame. Ultra Color Spectrum® technology paints anniversary arena with added than one billion colors while Dolby Vision HDR with UltraBright 1000 brings amazing contrast, depth, and accuracy to the awning – authoritative baptize blinking and blaze beam with acute realism. VIZIO’s high-performance Active Abounding Array Probacklight with 56 bounded concealment zones aftermath picture-perfect blacks and is commutual with a 240Hz able brace amount accomplished with backlight scanning to accomplish fast activity attending as cottony bland as it is tack-sharp.
The (VIZIO)RED P-Series 55” Class 4K HDR Acute TV additionally boasts VIZIO SmartCast which provides accustomed users, cord-cutters and acute home enthusiasts with an unparalleled acute TV experience. With Chromecast built-in, users can beck bags of their admired Chromecast-enabled apps beeline from their buzz to the TV. Abutment for Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa additionally accomplish the VIZIO P-Series the absolute centerpiece for any acute home. Users can artlessly booty ascendancy of the TV with articulation – ability on/off your TV, play, abeyance or about-face up the volume, alike beck your admired ball – all after appropriation a finger.
Since 2006, (RED) has generated added than $500 actor dollars for the Global Fund to activity AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria and to abutment grants in Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Rwanda, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, and Zambia. 100 percent of that money goes to assignment on the arena – no aerial is taken. The Global Fund grants that (RED) supports accept impacted about 110 actor bodies with prevention, treatment, counseling, HIV testing and affliction services.
<img src='https://ift.tt/2OWBEod; title='Bitch Skateboards < Skately Library – girl skateboards logo ' alt='Bitch Skateboards Bitch Skateboards < Skately Library – girl skateboards logo | girl skateboards logo ]
For added advice on the new (VIZIO)RED P-Series 55” Class 4K HDR Acute TV or to apprentice added about how VIZIO is abutting the activity to end HIV/AIDS, amuse appointment https://ift.tt/2zqbm9f.
VIZIO’s mission is to bear the ultimate ball acquaintance through our association of affiliated consumers, advertisers, and media agreeable providers. Through our affiliated ball platform, VIZIO is transforming the way consumers ascertain and acquaintance media content. Since our founding in California in 2002, VIZIO has congenital an industry-leading cast of products, including televisions, complete confined and added devices. VIZIO is a arch HDTV and complete bar cast in America. VIZIO artefact administration is accent by a cardinal of industry reviews and awards, making the 2018 collection the best awarded in aggregation history. The 2018 VIZIO SmartCast E-, P-, and P-Series Quantum TVs accept becoming Reviewed.com’s Editors’ Choice awards(1). VIZIO 2018 P-Series earned Wirecutter’s Best LCD/LED TV and the P-Series Quantum becoming their Upgrade Pick(2). VIZIO’s SB3651 was called “Best Budget Pick” by Wirecutter(3), a New York Times company. The SB3621n-E8 complete bar accustomed a 9.1 account and an Editor’s Choice from CNET(4).
For added information, amuse alarm 888-VIZIOCE or visit www.VIZIO.com.
About (RED)
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(RED) was founded in 2006 to appoint businesses and bodies in the activity adjoin AIDS. (RED) ally with the world’s best iconic brands that accord gain from (RED)-branded appurtenances and casework to the Global Fund. (RED) Appreciative Ally include: Amazon, Apple, Bank of America, Beats by Dr. Dre, Belvedere, Claro, The Coca-Cola Company, Durex, MCM, Salesforce, SAP, Starbucks and Telcel. (RED) Special Edition ally include: aden anais, Alessi, ALEX AND ANI, Andaz, Baxter of California, Bombas, Calm, Fatboy USA, Girl Skateboards, Montblanc, Mophie, S’well, Wanderlust and Vespa. 
To date, (RED) has generated added than $500 actor for the Global Fund to activity AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, to abutment HIV/AIDS grants in Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Rwanda, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania and Zambia. 100 percent of that money goes to assignment on the arena – no aerial is taken. Global Fund grants that (RED) supports accept impacted about 110 actor bodies with prevention, treatment, counseling, HIV testing and affliction services.
© 2018 VIZIO, Inc. VIZIO, the V Logo, VIZIO SmartCast and added agreement and phrases are trademarks or registered trademarks of VIZIO, Inc. All added trademarks and logos are acreage of their corresponding owners. All rights reserved.
(1) Visit Reviewed.com for abounding reviews for the VIZIO SmartCast P-Series Quantum (published: July 25, 2018), VIZIO SmartCast P-Series (published: July 15, 2018) and VIZIO SmartCast E-Series (published: Aug. 21, 2018)(2) Visit Wirecutter.com for the Best LCD/LED TV (published: Aug. 31, 2018)(3) Visit Wirecutter.com for the abounding commodity (published Sept. 11, 2018)(4) Visit CNET.com for the abounding VIZIO SB3621 review (published Aug. 21, 2017)
Press Contacts for VIZIO:
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Katie Kotarak​​​The Cast AMPT: 949-438-1078E: [email protected]
Jim Noyd​Noyd Communications Inc.T: 310-951-3768E: [email protected]
Source: VIZIO, Inc.
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roywaelchi · 6 years
Skateboard Artist Profile: Lauren Ramer
New Jersey designer and illustrator Lauren Ramer’s skateboards give us a warm, nostalgic feeling as her graphics remind us of late 80s and early 90s deck designs. It was a time when skateboard graphics, much like the people who rode them, fit in very few scenes outside of its own culture. Of course Lauren has a contemporary take on deck design, but her obvious connection to the genesis of modern day skateboard graphics, and her delightfully repulsive designs, made us very curious about her first exposure to skateboarding as well as her creative process.
What was your introduction to skateboarding?
Growing up I had a lot of guy friends. I would hang out with all the skateboarders and so eagerly want to skate, but, unfortunately, lacked any and all talent for skating. Although I sucked at it, I would still try and I would fall… a lot, especially when I turned 18 and got my first longboard. I hit a huge rock, face-planted in front of my house, and was covered in band-aids for a few days. It was around this age I realized that maybe I would be a part of the community by using my artistic side to design skateboard graphics instead.
During those early days in the skateboarding community, were you influenced at all by skateboard graphics? Was it even something you noticed at the time or do you ever think back to those designs?
When it came to skateboarding the graphics were all I ever saw or noticed. When it came to brand, speed, style, etc. I didn’t really know any of it, but the bright and crazy graphics are what always stood out to me.
Your designs have a classic skateboard graphic feel, combining gross or dark subjects with a playful sense of humor. Was using skateboards as a canvas a natural progression for you or something that was always in your sights as a designer?
Designing skateboards felt like a very natural progression for my art style, especially since the subject matter I like to draw doesn’t fit into a lot of industries.
In the beginning, what drew you towards art or was it just something you always did because it came naturally? What were some of your earliest creations and inspirations?
I have been an artist for as long as I can remember, but I personally feel like I didn’t start finding my style and artistic voice until college. Over the years I tried to experiment with different mediums to find what I like, but I really like pencil and ink drawings followed by digital coloring. It just feels natural! Also, one theme that has really stuck with me through my art development is horror. Through high school a lot of my art revolved around horror, creepiness, and just overall weirdness. I’ve always had a love for horror movies and creepy characters so it felt natural I keep that theme in my work.
My designs always seem to take a cute, light turn and I honestly have no idea why. Whenever I begin a project with the initial thought of “Oh yeah! I’m going to make this gross, disgusting illustration.” it always ends up becoming cute and charming somehow. Also I think my use of bright colors also adds to this.
Who is the artist that inspired you the most when exploring this side of your creativity?
I was always very inspired by 90s cartoons like Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network. The weird characters and funky colors always got me so excited. One artist who really inspires me is Chris Piascik. One of my professors at college introduced us to him, and ever since then it made me feel confident that drawing weird and unusual creatures is something people actually want to see!
When creating graphics for a skateboard do you start with the idea that it’s going to look good on a deck or does that realization come after the graphic is completed?
For my skateboards I always take into account the strange long dimensions. I usually start with a small rough sketch of a skateboard shape, then I create my illustrations to fit nicely inside the weird shape. I like to think of things that are tall or long, for instance right now I am working on a really tall and gross cheeseburger deck.
What’s your process for creating a design as a skateboard graphic?
After I have have drawn a little doodle of a design inside a skateboard shape I redraw it at a slightly larger scale on Bristol paper, usually 11 x 14 [inches] or something. This is where I usually take a lot of time to draw in all the details. When I get to the inking phase with pens I don’t like to have to think about anything, so I take my time in pencil mode until I’ve got the drawing to where I like it.
After inking, I scan it into my computer and I color it in Photoshop with my Wacom Cintiq. Adding bright colors is my favorite part. Also, I’m so indecisive about colors. I usually go through like 6 different palette options before I find the one I like.
Describe your work space and the conditions in which you enjoy designing.
Currently I have my own small studio in the second bedroom of my house in which I use to create art. It’s amazing to have my own space considering over the years I never had an art studio. Before this I was living in a small 500 square foot house where my “studio” was just a corner of my kitchen. Now it’s great. I can listen to music or watch It’s Always Sunny… and lock myself in my studio for hours on end. It’s surrounded with all types of art and weird decorations so it definitely makes it feel like home.
Do you figuratively or literally ever go outside of your comfort zone when creating? 
I feel like I haven’t really gone out of my comfort zone in a while, especially with my illustration, but I think that’s because I tend to dabble in quite a few different hobbies and crafts, so I don’t get bored of one thing. For example, I painted a mural in my house a few weeks ago and the style, medium is very different than my illustration. I tend to find other outlets to express creatively so I don’t ever feel a need to leave my comfort zone.
However, I will mention that I am currently doing Inktober this year and, although it’s not totally out of my element, color is my safe space, so doing strictly black and white illustrations is a little scary for me!
What’s the mural you painted in your house?
I feel like most people would expect me to say “Oh I painted a giant monster with boogers” since that is my illustration style, but I actually just painted a really simple mountain scene. I like my house to feel homey and serene. I keep the weirdness to my art studio.
Do you only create digitally or is there another medium you enjoy exploring?
When it comes to my illustration and my style, digital is what I love. However, every now and then I like picking up all sorts of mediums and tools for creating. Sometimes I like sewing and knitting, other times I even like acrylic or oil painting. I think I just prefer digital illustration nowadays since there is no mess and mistakes are easier to fix.
Where does the name Freak Head come from? Why was that choice made for your skate brand name?
When I was trying to think of a name for my boards I wanted something fun and strange. Not sure how those two words came together, but it felt right!
What would be a dream project within the skateboard industry? What about a dream project in general?
For me a dream project isn’t necessarily an individual illustration, but more of a dream to launch my brand into a full on skateboard and apparel company. It’s definitely one of my long term goals, but there’s much work to be done!
What advice do you have for other artists when tackling the concept of putting their designs on skateboards? What general advice do you have for artists getting started?
Just do it! Skateboards are a unique medium in which really anything goes for skateboard graphics. Any gross, pretty, silly, or simple graphic can make an awesome board design. So just start doodling, painting, or whatever it is you do and throw it on a board.
Lauren’s Freak Head skateboards can be seen and purchased at BoardPusher.com/shop/FreakHead, find more of her artwork at LaurenRamer.com, follow her on Instagram and most social channels @laurenramer, and, if you’re fortunate enough to be in Philadelphia this weekend, find her booth at the Philly Punk Rock Flea Market this Saturday, October 27th.
Skateboard Artist Profile: Lauren Ramer published first on https://laderaskateboards.tumblr.com/
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revolegnever · 7 years
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😪 always have to remind myself to take a break from the computer to rest my eyes. My daughter decided to party-rock last night and the night before so I'm pretty beat. Night. . . . #illustrator #illustration #sketch #skull #toon #moon #bones #october #halloween #skate #skateboard #deck #wip
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ameet12-blog1 · 7 years
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X Games finals on the computer. All in all, I am not too impressed with the finals if I'm being honest. The main idea was to design skateboards decks and an exhibition space where you could design your own deck with other artists but due to my time planning it did not come off. The target market aged between 16-25, majority skaters have a strong sense of freedom and are quite rebellious, skating is one way of showing that. Another way is graffiti, especially in LA, so I wanted my designs to be Grafitti based. Maybe if I created a model of the exhibition and designed the skateboard decks using this style, it could have worked.
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houstonlocalus-blog · 8 years
Let’s Go Skate: Tommy Guerrero
Tommy Guerrero. Photo: Claudine Gossett
  In my earliest teens I had so many friends who I had no idea at the time were just a couple of years away from the end of their lives.  It felt like every year I lost another friend and skateboarding was what kept me out of the troublesome things that they had all gotten into.  Though my first deck was a Hosoi, the first deck I bought was a Powell Peralta Tommy Guerrero model.  Watching the Bones Brigade videos and reading the mags, guys like Tommy Guerrero were the ones I could relate to the most.  Skating the streets, hopping off of jump ramps, and just using curbs, ditches, and pretty much any terrain we could find, it always felt like Guerrero was the one Brigade member I wanted to emulate the most.  When I reached out to him, I had no idea that I’d actually hear back.  Though Guerrero literally helped shape my teens through his skating, he’s been a busy guy since that time and he never really seems to look back.  Co-founder of Real Skateboards, an accomplished and critically acclaimed musician, and former art director for Krooked Skateboards — under the Deluxe Distribution brand who distributes Spitfire Wheels, Thunder and Venture Trucks, as well as Krooked, Anti Hero, and Real Skateboards — Guerrero doesn’t ever seem to slow down.  It’s refreshing to see someone who just lives in the moment and who incorporates all of his past and his present into his future.  Free Press Houston was more than thrilled to sit down with him and talk about all he’s done, all he does, and all he has in the works for the future.
  Free Press Houston: You grew up in San Francisco where Thrasher is based, do you see San Francisco as the birthplace of street skating?  
You won the first street contest as an amateur, and you and Gonz both had pro models come out in 1985, but which one came out first?
Tommy Guerrero:  I don’t think San Francisco is the birthplace, but because of Thrasher being here they just reported on it more.  Things are happening simultaneously throughout the world, so who’s to say where the birthplace of street skating is.  We never really had a skatepark here after South Bay closed in 1980, so we just skated the streets cause’ that’s all we had.  Not many people in San Francisco have backyards or at least yards big enough for a ramp, so we skated street just based off of geography and necessity.  The terrain alone of San Fran made us ride street more than anything else.
Mark and I were the first to turn professional for street skating specifically, but I don’t know if his board came out before mine or not, so I don’t know who was first.  But you know, Lance [Mountain], [John] Lucero, and Neil [Blender] were all skating street before us.  They were just known more for vert skating.
  FPH:  I know you don’t really get nostalgic, but when you were doing the Bones Brigade stuff, as it was happening, did it seem as revolutionary as it became known for?
Guerrero: We weren’t conscious of it at the time, we were just skating.  Thrasher and Powell got behind it so hard, which is what really pushed it.  I mean, when things happen, you’re in the moment, so it didn’t seem revolutionary at all back then.
  FPH:  I’ve heard stories about skaters saying “Tommy bought us beers” or your (Mike) McGill smoking hash story.  I know the other guys were seen as “choir boys” by some of the other skaters of the time, but you guys drank and smoked out, right?  
Guerrero: No one did hard drugs, but we weren’t “choir boys” either.  Mostly just beer and occasionally weed, but that’s it.
FPH:  You and Jim [Thiebaud] started Real Skateboards in 1991, how big of a leap of faith was it to start your own brand back then?
Guerrero: It was huge.  We had no idea what we were doing in the beginning other than to just skate and stick to what we believed in.  Fausto [Vitello] and Eric Swenson gave us the money to order like our first 300 boards, or maybe it was 100, I forget.  Coming from Powell, I was paid off of royalties at a dollar a deck and that was it.  So coming into Real and taking a two thirds pay cut wasn’t easy, but I did it because I wanted to stay in skating for the rest of my life and it was important to do.  
  FPH:  You guys have a pretty stellar team including possibly one of the greatest street skaters currently riding, Dennis Busenitz.  I see Busenitz and you having a lot in common where you both are tying two eras together, have you ever seen that as a common thing between you two before?
Guerrero: I’ve never really seen that, but the guys today stand out in two big ways being that they’re so technical and that they’re so consistent with their tricks.  Some of these guys are gnarly and effortless in how they come up with different variations of tricks.  When we first learned kickflips, we figured there were about thirty different ways to do them,  These guys today blow me away with how they can just keep taking things to the next level.  Because so many of them came into skating so recently, their starting point is off the charts already.  It only makes sense that they’d have the green light to just go nuts with it.
  FPH:  I know you do art direction for the brands of Deluxe, do you still do graphics work or is it just taking what the artists work on and getting it to have the overall look that you want? Who’s idea was it to do the Trump deck?
Guerrero: I was doing Krooked hands on where Mark [Gonzales] would just send me the art and I’d handle the layout and the marketing of it all with the overall look and feel of the brand.  But the repetitive stress in my arms and in my hands along with being in front of the computer all day is not my place in this world.  So that all took a backseat years ago, and we have a really talented team of artists today.  So Jim will show me stuff and I’ll put in my two cents but that’s about it.  
Jim came up with that one.  He really likes to fuck with establishment.
  Tommy Guerrero in Japan. Photo: Claudine Gossett
  FPH:  Your grandfather was a jazz musician, you and your brother had a punk band that played with Bad Brains, DOA, and more; does it feel like music has helped shape who you are in more ways than one?
Guerrero: Yeah, completely.  Because skating and punk were still new back then with outcasts in both worlds.  With punk you didn’t need lessons, you didn’t need to learn “Louie Louie,” and you didn’t need a past in music, you just need that DIY energy.  When you’re a kid, when things are just fucked up, skating and punk back then were like saying, “fuck you” to the jocks and the people who beat you up.  Because when they’d come into our world, they were the outcasts, but we were the outcasts in the everyday world.  I can’t say this enough, but back then, skating was not cool.  The two worlds go hand in hand because skating and music are both built off of acceptance from your friends.  Music was another form of expression, and in a way, we’re all fuck ups.  But when you’re with your kind, things are just better.  Skaters see the world in a different way just in how we look at a red painted curb.  Every one else sees it as a red curb and that’s it, but a skater sees it as fun for hours.  We have seen friends die young while we grew up throwing ourselves into the ground for fun.  We’re different.  Not many people wanna’ fall down for a living.
  FPH:  Your solo work feels like my impression of who you are in everything you do.  There’s a flow to it, especially on this last solo album, 2015’s Perpetual where it feels like who you are in that moment while embodying the vibe of the bay area.  Is that the goal, for it to be a flowing entity that exists in that moment and time?
Guerrero: To be honest, a lot of the time I have an idea of how to approach it.  On that one, I wanted to steer away from making an album in front of a computer, moving wav files around.  So I bought an eight track Tascam, and worked within the limitations of what I had in front of me.  The album before that one was darker and less open, so I wanted something with a sixties drum machine, a floor tom, and a surf almost desert rock guitar sound.
  FPH:  The most recent album, Concrete Jungle from your group with Ray [Barbee] & Chuck [Treece], Blktop Project is all improvised correct?  Was that the plan from the start, to just go in and see what comes out?
Guerrero: We had a day and a half to record, because Ray is super busy, so we worked loosely on ideas and grooves.  We set up in a live room of the recording studio and the foundation of the album we did like it was a rehearsal.  We wrote a bunch on the spot, but that made it better I think because it was a challenge.  I go back and listen to it now and there are things on it that are really great moments.
  FPH:  I know you just toured Japan doing solo sets and DJ sets, do you see the DJ sets becoming something you’ll start doing on the regular?
Guerrero: I’ve been spinning records for a long time now.  I have a friend who has a killer record collection who lets me borrow things, and since I turned 45, I decided to only spin 45’s.  I don’t use a Serrato or anything, but I wanted the tour to have a party atmosphere.  So I did the solo sets with just me and some looper pedals.  I wanted to spin the 45’s with a social type of gathering where I could do something different to change it up and keep it interesting for me and the crowd.  Because I go there alot and I really just wanted it to be a different experience for them so I don’t wear out my welcome by coming back again and again and doing the same ol’ things.  I also wanted to challenge myself by mixing it up.
  FPH:  How did BS with TG become a thing?
Guerrero: I’d been talking about it for a while.  I love a good story, just BS ing with characters, especially skaters.  I love Steve Olson, and I’ve gotten to where I can get someone to just tell me story.  Originally I had planned to do it in a bar, you know how people will tell a bartender anything?  That’s the look I had in mind and I had a friend who was gonna’ let me use his bar, but it was complicated so I just got a camera and Frank [Gerwer] and we just did it.  He’s such a funny guy and so it made sense to use him for it.  It’s hard to have consistency because all of our videographers are all out shooting skaters.
  FPH:  Are there dream guests for you or is it just a shoot from the hip thing on who does it?
Guerrero: Well, I’ve kind of gotten them all already.  I mean getting Mark [Gonzales], everyone in the skate community knows that there’s no one else like Mark.  He’s such a good guy and I’ve seen him give people the shirt off of his back before, literally.  He’s so funny and he has such great stories, plus knowing for so long I’ve gotten to see him through all of the incarnations of his life. Back when he’d come to my mom’s house she’d even be like “your friend Mark is a funny guy.”  I mean, I got Natas [Kaupus], the white unicorn of skating who never does interviews, Eric Dressen and Tony [Hawk], too.  I’d like to get Neil [Blender] and I really wanna’ do Ed Templeton but I wanna’ go down to where he is to do it.  [John] Cardiel is someone else I’d like to interview and [Geoff] Rowley just because he does what he does and just doesn’t give a fuck.  I went and did that one with Matt Hensley and we didn’t really talk about Flogging Molly, so I’d like to do a second one with him.  I mean, there are too many people in our history that I’d like to do but I’m unprepared.  I’m so fucked and I’m not the most organized person.
  FPH:  You’ve lived a life under a lens, you come off as a guy who looks forwards and never backwards, but if you had the chance to go back and tell your younger self anything, what would it be?
Guerrero: Don’t be so stupid.
  It’s insane and inspiring that Tommy Guerrero never seems to stop.  Between recording albums, playing shows, and running a skateboard company he still has the time to live in the moment without ever looking back.  You can find Real Skateboards at pretty much any professional skate shop, you can find his solo albums and work with Blktop Project in all of the digital outlets, and you can catch new episodes of BS With TG here on Youtube.  While he’s not one to relish the “good ole days,” he definitely doesn’t look on all he’s done without humility and grace.  Possibly one of the most humble guys you could meet, he’s definitely someone to admire as much today as he was thirty years ago.  
Let’s Go Skate: Tommy Guerrero this is a repost
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