#oh or i was thinking a garfield themed kitchen
scyaxe · 1 year
i want an aesthetic bedroom when i move out, and i've already started vaguely planning, but i don't think anything i currently own would match my vision. and i can't get rid of most of it bc i really like it and/or use it
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inverted-typo · 11 months
I would love to hear the rest of your rambles on damirae I love hearing people different views regarding them and what they do in their daily life or thing in general relating to them
And I would love to share! Thanks for being interested in my thoughts haha. Side note, if you want some awesome takes visit @redstreetsahead and @djbunnie they have some really fun ideas! Below are just a garbled bullet list of hcs and whatnot. No particular order or theme
When it’s just Raven and him, Damian is astonishingly more patient and less hot-headed. Raven was surprised to find this out at first but fell even deeper in love with him because of this exclusive and hidden gentle side. It wasn’t always like that but when he started actually feeling vulnerable and comfortable around her it was like a dam had been broken. Raven knows if she ever told anyone what he was like behind closed doors no one would believe her
There are definitely instances where the two have to be apart for x amounts of time, and I think Damian experiences a greater sense of longing of missing her. Not that Raven doesn’t miss him terribly, but because she has such masterful control over her emotions it’s easier for her to manage. Damian of course is extremely focused on the mission at hand, and doesn’t allow his emotions to distract him by any means; but if he gets a moment to pause he will happily think about her
On that note I would love to see a moment where Damian is on mission with Dick, and while they’re in transit or have a second to breathe, Dick asks about Raven. Dick strategically brings up this topic because Damian can’t just run away from it lol. At this point, Dick has inklings that Damian has developed some very real feelings for her, and wants to assure him he has his support. Of course Damian vehemently expresses it’s none of Grayscum’s (my hc for what Damian calls him lol) business, but deep down really appreciates it because he isn’t sure if he could go to his father for those types of things
Damian is the first person to ask if he can practice meditating with her. He had been feeling particularly frustrated at this time and became open minded to other options because punching a wall until his knuckles bled wasn’t really working. At first Raven was unsure because she didn’t know if she could handle a second person while she meditated, but after realizing his presence, despite his tumultuous emotional state, was quite comforting. Having (good) companionship she found was extremely helpful and it became something she enjoyed immensely. From that point forward he was always welcome to meditate with her. It took a bit of courage but finally Raven actually invites him to meditate together
Imagine after them publicly dating for a bit, their sparring sessions become a bit more flirtatious. They’ve grown comfortable with people knowing about them so their private mannerisms sometimes slip out. Garfield notes one day, “Jeeze you guys are becoming a Dick and Kori 2.0.” Neither of them will ever fully recover from that kind of embarrassment.
Damian learns Raven doesn’t know how to drive. Absolutely stunned and appalled by this fact, Raven is forced (very panicked by the way) behind the wheel by the end of the day. “Damian PLEASE don’t make me do this?!” “You HAVE TO KNOW HOW TO DRIVE RAVEN.” “NO I DON’T I CAN FLY AND TELEPORT OH MY GOD.” “Okay, so this is a manual.”
The pride Damian has when he introduces Raven to the Bat Fam is palpable. He is especially excited when Raven and Alfred end up having long talks in the kitchen over a cup of tea about poetry and other niche literature that even Bruce doesn’t know about.
Raven asks one day if she can draw with Damian, and that was one of the best moments in that little angry boy’s life. He happily gets her supplies and she is very out of her comfort zone. But she wanted to share yet another thing with him. So she tries her best. She tries not to think about Mr. Picasso over there too much and manages to produce a very rough and haphazard sketch. Damian insists on framing it. Raven refuses.
Raven sucks so bad at cooking. Anything more than a sandwich or boxed Mac and cheese is simply too much to ask for. Girl knows her limits and respects them. Damian on the other hand can cook, but I think they both actively avoid it. His knife skills are stellar though.
Not sure how good of a carpenter Damian would be, but maybe at one point he tries to build her a bookshelf. If it doesn’t turn out good he can always just buy an antique for her.
While Damian is the gift giver, Raven’s love language is quality time. She makes sure to do things they both enjoy, whether that’s reading together, listening to music, going on a motorcycle ride, or just taking a nap together. If she notices Damian feeling the need to blow steam or just get away from the tower, she offers to teleport them to Gotham to go on patrol for the night. Damian cannot express how much that truly means to him.
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underoosweb · 2 years
Live stream
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Andrew Garfield X Fem!reader
Andrew accidentally live streams and things get a little steamy
18+: suggestive themes, teasing
Y/N stared at her boyfriend’s wide-open arms. Andrew smiled at her, his hands making a grabbing motion.
“Come on, love. Come and sit here with me.”
“In between your legs?” His eyes lit up and a mischievous grin appeared on his face. He nodded. She smiled and crossed her arms over her chest
“I feel like I’m being set up here.”
“What? No, come on. Please.” He pouted, she shook her head, giggled, and slid in between his legs. His arms wrapped around her waist automatically.
“What were you doing?” 
“Oh, just scrolling through Instagram.”
“Your fans are probably dying for you to upload a photo, a video, damn maybe even just a meme. Give the thirsty people what they want baby.” Y/N stated with a smile on her face. Andrew laughed and kissed her cheek.
“They want me to upload or you?” She shrugged
“Well, I mean who wouldn’t want to see you. Look at you.” Y/N turned to place her hand on his cheek
“My handsome baby boy.” Andrew blushed leaning into her hand
Y/n could hear the phone buzzing on the kitchen counter. She rolled her eyes, pulling her way and moving to get up. Andrew held onto her waist tighter, his lips lightly brushing against her neck
“Ignore it.” 
“Just wanna hold you and talk. No interruptions.” She looked down at his puppy dog eyes
“Please?” She groaned, leaning back against his chest
“Ugh, why are you so cute?” Andrew smiled, her head resting against his shoulder. Y/N continued to hear her phone buzz on the kitchen counter.
“Speaking of pictures…”
“What? Are you in a Peter Parker mood?” He laughed
“I’m talking about the Polaroids I took of you a couple of days ago, remember?” She felt his teeth nibble her neck. She froze.
“Yeah, I remember…”
“That was fun, wasn’t it?” He trailed kisses down her neck, she nodded. Her breathing getting heavy. Andrew noticed and smirked.
“I was thinking…” His hand trailed to the top of her sweatpants, playing with the strings
“Yeah?” She gasped out
“I should take some more, maybe…” His hand slipped into her sweatpants, playing with the top of her underwear.
“Maybe photos of my cock inside of you, completely covered in your c-” They jumped when they heard a loud crash. Y/N looked over, her phone on the kitchen floor continuing to buzz.
“Shit!” She jumped up from his lap. The buzzing had stopped. She sighed in relief 
“Luckily it didn’t crack, I think I would have cried. It’s brand new.” Andrew didn’t care about the phone, Y/N met his eyes, his pupils were fully blown. Y/N looked down, the obvious tent in his sweatpants. She smirked, slowly taking off her over-sized shirt. By the time her shirt come off over her head; he was there in front of her. His hands cupped her breast, thumb brushing over her nipple. She gasped. He leaned and she jumped from the phone buzzing again, Andrew groaned.
“Ignore it.”
“I can’t, they keep calling.”
“Who is it?” Y/N looked down and her brows furrowed
“It’s your manager.” Andrew’s brow rose
“Why didn’t he call me and just leave a message?” Y/N shrugged
“No idea.” She answered the phone and put it on speaker
“Um, Hi Jack. What’s up?”
“Fucking finally! I’ve been calling for the last 30 fucking minutes!”
“Is something wrong?” Worry in her voice
“FUCK!” Andrew yelled. Y/N stood there staring at her boyfriend as he frantically looked for his phone
“WHERE THE FUCK DID IT GO?!” Y/N choked back a laugh.
“Baby?” he looked over at her, she pointed to the other couch cushion. Andrew quickly picked up the phone, he stared at his feet through the phone.
“SORRY!” He yelled ending the live stream.
“I can’t wait to see the news articles about this. I’m pretty sure tik tok and twitter are all over this already.” Andrew groaned; running his fingers through his hair
“I’m so sorry, Y/N”
“Don’t worry about it, just next time double-check what you click on.” He nodded, Y/N felt her phone buzz again. Mom flashed on the screen 
“Shit!” her eyes widened, Andrew ran over to her
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tomdutch · 3 years
*slams fists on table* prompt #30 [grabbing your lover by the collar] and #37 [kitchen counter make-outs] with peter please my dear talented mutual <3 <3 <3
❀ home to me ❀
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prompts: (30) grabbing your lover by the collar + (37) kitchen counter makeout
↳ post-college!peter, established relationship, a bit of suggestiveness at the end
word count: 1.7k of light angst & lots of fluff
flufftober drabbles (now completed)
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wednesday is the worst day of the week for peter. he’s had this argument with ned all through high school, usually under your amused gaze as you watched your two best friends argue like bored housewives.
hating monday is garfield behaviour and it’s not cute, peter maintains, and tuesday is unmemorable. thursday has a spark of excitement, knowing friday is so close and will bring with it the weekend, which are totally exempt from criticism. except sunday from the hours of three to eleven pm, where peter often finds himself scrambling to catch up on all the schoolwork he’s missed while being new york’s friendly vigilante.
he can easily remember the first time you witnessed him and ned bickering; it was a dreaded wednesday afternoon during junior year of high school, and the three of you had decided to skip your last period—an egregious crime for peter, but you talked him into it—to get sandwiches from delmar and eat them on the roof of peter’s building, since he lived the closest to the shop. the sight of your twinkling eyes watching his hands gesture enthusiastically and his cheeks darken with enthusiasm for his explanations was more than enough to have him stuttering even more than usual.
“i’m just saying,” he ended his account with a loud breath shaking his chest, “wednesday is the purgatory of capitalist society’s seven day week.”
ned’s jaw slackened, while your grin only got bigger as the three of you took seats on the ground near the roof’s railing, warm sandwiches in hand. “oh my god, we’re never getting girlfriends.” he exlaimed, throwing his head back and clutching his grilled chicken sub close to his heart as though this new proximity would heal it.
an embarrassed shut up left peter’s thin lips, and he looked down, focusing on unwrapping his sandwich and on not shivering when your thigh brushed his as you settled in beside him.
“i don’t know,” you giggled, sparing your curly-haired best friend a glance from the corner of your eyes, “i’m sure there’s a girl out there who love freckle-faced boys with strong opinions on the days of the week and a hatred of non-smushed down sandwiches. who knows, maybe she’s closer than you think.”
this wasn’t the exact moment peter fell in love with you—no, that ship had sunk a long time ago—but it is when he knew he would never love anyone more than you. and now, five years later, that certainty still hasn’t faded, not even one bit. not even when you two fight over the dumbest topics imaginable.
it’s been almost two hours since peter’s seen you. after your argument, the first one in your new shared apartment over the furniture of your new shared apartment, you’d glared at him with palpable contempts, turned on your heel, and slammed the door shut behind you. rain soon started plummeting from the skies, like it’s mocking peter’s horrid mood, and he knew you hadn’t stopped to check the weather app and grab an umbrella before you stormed off.
great, peter thinks, i can’t suit up and go looking for her or she’ll get even more mad i didn’t give her space and if i don’t, she’ll come home mad about the rain and mad i didn’t go find her. all he can do is fall onto the couch, making sure not to knock any of the boxes around the coffee table, and bury his face in his hands. right as he’s about to bite the bullet and get up to wear his suit, the front doorknob jiggles for three solid minutes before the hinge creaks loudly when you throw the door open.
as expected, you’re utterly soaked, clothes sticking to your skin and shoes squeaking on the thor-themed welcome mat before you take them off. you glare at the little cartoon norse god holding his hammer up as thunder strikes loudly outside for good measure.
“hey,” you surprise peter by addressing him first, making his back snap to an upright position.
“hi, sweetheart.” he responds, snapping into action when your bottom lip trembles and your eyes fall onto the hardwood floor. thankfully, the bathroom is the first room you two got working on when you moved in a couple days ago, and he was able to find warm, clean towels in seconds. “here you go, baby.” peter mumbles, wrapping a big one around your trembling shoulders and a smaller one over your head; big, gentle hands attempting to dry your hair.
your throat feels strained, a heavy weight in the middle restricting your breathing. wide eyes with unshed tears watch your boyfriend as he tenderly moves the towel over your wet strands, and you place your hands over his wrists, effectively stopping his ministrations. once your gazes meet, peter’s worried brown eyes locking onto your regretful ones, you whisper, “i’m sorry.” the words almost get stuck rolling off your tongue from your remorse, but you manage them. “i’m sorry for fighting and leaving when i was angry, petey. i’m so sorry.”
one of your palms leaves his skin to grab a fistful of his signature find x pyjama shirt, and peter lets you drag him close until your noses are touching despite his super strength. “it’s okay, baby.” he reassures you, voice kind and light. “you can get mad at me whenever you want, as long you always come home to me.” his eyes turn glossy, thin bottom lip getting caught between his teeth. “i can’t lose you, too.”
“never, peter.” you answer him immediately, reaching up to press kisses to his wobbling chin, your boy trying hard not to cry. “you’ll never lose me, love, you’re stuck with me for good. no return policy here. matter of fact, it’s illegal.”
a breathy chuckle leaves his throat, and he rests his forehead on yours. comfortable silence falls over you, peter’s fingers playing with the hem of your wet sweatshirt, stuck to your cold skin uneasily.
“why don’t you take a hot shower and i’ll whip up some light dinner?” he mutters, dragging the tip of his nose along the slope of your own.
shit-eating grin spreading over your lips, you cup his cheeks and drop a peck on his mouth. “as long as the shower isn’t hot because you’ve set our home on fire trying to make an omelet.”
peter groans loudly, throwing his head back with amused irritation as he steps away from you, “you’re so annoying.” he grumbles and snaps the towel off your head just to playfully throw it in your face. “go shower before the living room smells like wet dog.”
he doesn’t wait for your response, heading to the kitchenette and giggling under his breath at your insulted gasp.
thirty minutes later, you’re dry and sitting on the kitchen counter, legs swinging back and forth as you tap your flannel pants-clad thighs along to the rhythm of a song on peter’s playlist. the culry-haired boy is standing in front of the stove, dumping some of may’s tomato sauce that she dropped off as a housewarming gift onto pasta and veggies.
“smells so good.” you sigh, leaning your head back on a high cabinet and delighting in the proud, happy beam your boyfriend sends you.
the phone in your lap vibrates, and you look down to your lockscreen, a message from one of your friends flashing on it. that’s when your eyes fall on the date, memories of high school flooding your mind like a tsunami of reminiscence.
biting back a laugh, you look over at peter, his tongue slipping between his pink lips as he attempts to not splatter sauce all over the stove while mixing the pasta and sauce together.
“baby,” you giggle, holding your phone up to him, “it’s wednesday.”
the furrow in his eyebrows and confused expression only make your laughter multiply, fully amused as realisation sinks in. “fucking wednesdays,” peter grumbles, turning the heat off with the strength of a petulant child. “i swear, i need to start sleeping through w*dn*sdays so that nothing bad happens to me or anyone i love during them again.”
“wait,” you deadpan, “how did you just censor wednesdays if we’re talking out loud?”
“never mind.” you shake your head, waiting for peter to finish serving the pasta on each of your plates.
he takes his time, moving slowly and twirling the tongs around dramatically to swirl the spaghetti as though he’s a contestant on masterchef. dork. when he’s satisfied with the presentation, he grabs a fork and gets a bit of everything on it, before looking at you with the most convincing puppy dog expression you’ve ever countered.
“taste?” peter asks, shy smile tugging the corners of his lips up.
you nod, and he feeds you, cheering adorably when you close your eyes and moan at the savours. “if i hadn’t watched you make this, i’d think you got takeout while i was showering. ‘s really delicious, petey.”
his eyes light up at the compliments, cheeks a soft pink as he places the fork on your plate. he’s about to graciously respond, when your hands grab the neck of his shirt and drag him into you, hips cornered between your thighs and mouth pressed to yours. despite the sudden movements, peter recovers quickly, melting into your embrace like butter on a hot pan. tongue slipping between his lips, you run your fingers through the dark curls at the nape of his neck, pleasurable shivers racking down your back when he groans at the contact. the taste of the sauce on your tongue moves to peter’s while his hands grasp your waist tightly, dragging you to the edge of the counter.
you break apart minutes later, both your chests heaving for air and faces feeling warm. sucking your bottom lip between his own, peter smirks at the whimper you let out. “how about after we enjoy my skilled cooking,” he whispers, feeling his heart literally skip a beat when you giggle, “i can eat something else?”
the ridiculous comment is very much worth it when you laugh harder and pinch his tummy playfully.
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clarkimagines · 4 years
A Sweet Surprise
Pairing: Garfield Logan x reader
Prompts: #14: This is a disaster; #9: Just go ahead, say ‘I told you so’
Word Count: 390
A/N: me writing this: “clark can have little a imagine. As a treat.” 😂 This is the last Valentine’s Day themed post. Thank you so so much to everyone who requested, it’s been so much fun writing for y’all! It’s crazy to think that I’ve only been running this blog for a month and a half, I couldn’t have done it without you guys. I hope you all have a wonderful Valentine’s Day!!
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“This is a disaster,” Gar conceded as he stared in horror at the mess you had made of the kitchen.
He’s right. It’s a disaster. You put your head in your hands. “Just go ahead, say ‘I told you so.’ I know you want to.” It didn’t matter that you were smearing flour across your face, or that you had spent the last five hours trying—and failing—to make the perfect cake for the Titans. You were out of time. Gar places a sympathetic hand on your shoulder, and you could tell without looking that he felt as frustrated as you did.
“I bet Dick’s going to kill us when he sees the kitchen,” you intoned grimly.
Your statement broke the somber atmosphere; you and Gar burst into laughter.
“I can just imagine—his face—“ Gar gasped out in between laughs. He straightened up where he was seated on the counter for a moment, imitating Dick’s rigid posture. “I want you to clean this kitchen with your toothbrushes, and when you’re done, drop and give me fifty!”
The two of you dissolved into giggles again. You laughed until your sides hurt; the mental image of Dick as a drill sergeant was just too accurate sometimes. Gar seemed to recover a little more quickly than you did. You were wiping away a tear that had leaked out when Gar caught you off guard. He shook out a handful of sprinkles and hurled them at you.
“They match the frosting on your face,” Gar snickered.
You took a spoon that still had gummy frosting on it from a failed taste-test and flung it at him. Gar dodged it, throwing a glob of dough at you as he ducked. The dough hit you right in the face.
“How dare you!” You were preparing for a counterattack when Gar started laughing again, this time so hard that his shoulders shook and he fell right off the counter and landed with a thud on the floor. “Serves you right,” you said with a sniff. “Now let’s get this mess cleaned up before anyone else sees. Maybe we could just buy a cake instead.”
Gar accepted your help getting back to his feet. Then, just as you were about to start on making the kitchen look less like a war zone, the elevator door opened.
“Uh oh.”
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Her Name is Mar’i
Author’s note: So after the last Ask where someone asked me to write a Dickkory Drabble, I very much fell in love with the idea of the Titans’ universe Dickkory having a baby Mar’i. This fic is testing the waters (and does not follow the end of season two at all because fuck that noise) to see how people like it. I tagged most of the characters in it even if they don’t necessarily speak. This is a Dick Kory Fic, just so everyone’s on the same page, and does not follow the cannon of my other stories. Enjoy and let me know if you’d like to see more of this cute family!
“Come on! They’ll be here any minute!” Garfield tosses Connor another streamer. The purple and gold decorations remind Hank, Dawn, and Donna think about Garth’s birthday. Somehow it doesn’t hurt as much. Rachel rolls her eyes as she and Rose read on the couch.
          “Really, Gar? It’s not like she’ll remember it.”
          “But we will, Rae.” Garfield’s ears twitch as the security system beeps.
          Dick and Kory walk down the hall, carrying precious cargo. Dick enters the code to the elevator. He glances at his girlfriend, smiling at her. She’s so beautiful he still wonders what she sees in him. Kory’s always alternating between sweet and sarcastic that he’s not sure what to believe when he asks. He does know how much he loves her. That part’s always been easy. The ride up is easy. He rests his hand on the middle of her back, pressing a soft kiss to her temple. They get out in the living room.
          “Hello?” Dick pokes his head around the corner to the kitchen.
          “Welcome home!” Everyone erupts. This doesn’t bode well for them as a piercing cry fills the room. Kory rolls her eyes and bounces the newborn in her arms.
          “Off to a great start I see.” Kory looks down at the fussing baby. She rocks side to side, and slowly the baby begins to calm down. She’s definitely got Kory’s coloring, with beautiful dark skin that makes her piercing green eyes stand out even more. But there’s a bit of her father in her features. Dawn and Donna immediately swoop in on their new niece, Hank just behind them acting leisurely about it.
          “She’s beautiful, Kory!” Dawn beams.
          “Thanks.” Kory smiles at her daughter.
          “What’s her name? I know you two were going back and forth on Earth and Tamaranean names.” Donna asks.
          “We settled on a name that has Tamaranean and Earth roots.” Kory looks at her boyfriend.
          “Mar’i. Our daughter’s name is Mar’i Grayson.”
          “No middle name?” Rachel asks, sneaking a peak at the baby. Mar’i gives a tiny yawn.
          “No. We thought that was enough. Especially since on Tamaran, her full title would be ‘her royal highness, Princess Mar’i, First of her name, Heir to the Throne.” Kory snorts. Mar’i stretches out, looking around. “You want to go to your daddy, Starshine? Let’s go see Daddy.”
          Kory hands the baby over to Dick. The former Boy Wonder can’t help the smile that spreads across his face as he looks down at his daughter. Mar’i gives another yawn, stretching out more. Dawn smiles, “Never thought I’d see Dick Grayson with a cute kid.”
          “She is pretty cute,” Hank offers a finger to the baby. Mar’i grabs it in her tiny fist. “Too cute to be related to you. You sure she’s yours, Grayson?”
          Before Dick or Kory can answer, Mar’i grunts and pulls on Hank’s finger. They all hear the loud pop and Hank swears, “Fuck! She just broke my finger!”
          His shouting scares Mar’i. She starts wailing, dark skin starting to glow. Kory takes the infant just before Mar’i’s body and hair catch fire. Kory shifts side to side trying to calm her. “There, there. You were just protecting Daddy’s honor, weren’t you? Already daddy’s little girl.”
          “She broke his finger.” Donna says slowly. “She’s currently on fire.”
          “She takes after her mother.” Dick shrugs. Mar’i sneezes, sending a ball of fire at the wall. “She also does that.”
          Donna and Dawn look at each other before bursting out laughing. Donna doubles over, “Look, we were thrilled when you said it was a girl. Because you have a lot of karma to pay for from your playboy days. This just makes it better.”
          Dick can’t help but laugh along. Kory manages to get Mar’i to calm down, rocking the baby to sleep. Garfield beams as he holds her. She even opens her eyes to see him. Raven and Rose decline for now, preferring to watch. Mar’i takes an instant liking to Dawn and Donna. Connor doesn’t even flinch when she sneezes a fireball at his face. Krypto licks her little feet, making her squeal. Even Hank gets over the injury and lets Mar’i sleep on his chest for a while.
          They hadn’t expected to have her in San Francisco. They’d been living in Bludhaven in his old apartment, but a team retreat brought them back. Kory thought she had more time. Mar’i had other ideas. Their beautiful healthy girl. The team reminisces on the couch about old times while Kory nurses Mar’i. Poor baby is so loved out by 7, that Dick and Kory retire to their room. They give her her first real bath at home. She hits the water with fascination. Kory watches as her boyfriend dress their baby. She’d teasingly tossed a pair of Robin themed pajamas at him, only for them to be ignored on the ground. He talks to Mar’i as he puts her diaper on, telling her about everything she looks at. He’s so gentle with his little girl as he holds her close. Kory sings her a lullaby.
          Mar’i sleeps in a travel bassinet while her parents get ready for bed. Dick spoons his girlfriend so they can both watch her. He presses a few kisses to the back of her neck. “What are you thinking about, princess?”
          “Just…I’m really happy. She’s got her whole life ahead of her. A life without anyone telling her that she has to be a certain thing for her entire identity. She can just…be Mar’i.” Kory smiles sadly. Dick holds her a little tighter.
          “You know it’s not that easy. She’s Bruce Wayne’s granddaughter. Sh—”
          “That doesn’t matter. She’s Mar’i before she’s anyone else. She can be anything she wants to be.”
          Dick smiles at that. “What do you think she’ll grow up to be like?”
          “Given that we’re her parents? She’s already doomed to being unbelievably stubborn. Probably very clever given her daddy.” Kory turns a bit to smile at her boyfriend. He tucks a bit of her hair behind her ear.
          “Her mom’s pretty smart too…”
          “Smart and clever are two different things.” Mar’i gives a tiny sneeze, a bit of fire jumping out from the bassinet. “She might be a hero. Or she might be a dancer. Or a police officer.”
          “Whatever she grows up to be, there’s one thing that I know she will be.”
          “Oh really? What’s that, Mr. Grayson.”
          “Loved, Ms. Anders. She’s going to be loved.”
          “Why do I love your cheesy ass?”
          “You tell me.” He kisses her gently. They fall asleep, knowing they’ll be woken up to their daughter’s cries for food in a few hours. If they’re honest, they can’t wait.
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maealbert · 5 years
The Addams Family // Little Reid
Little Reid (shortie) A/N: Imagine the team being involved.
Prompt 11. Picking out little one’s first Halloween costume.
Walking into the bullpen you carry Gideon on your hip as you approach Spencer’s desk. “Well this is a nice surprise!” Spencer exclaims as he jumps up from his desk chair. He embraces you in a hug and gives you a kiss before pulling Gideon into his arms. “What are you doing here?”
“We were out and about and I thought that since it’s almost your lunch break you’d want to try on your costume and make sure that it fits.”
“Oh my gosh, what are you dressing Gideon up as?” JJ questions from her desk.
“Oh please tell me you’re not doing the basic pumpkin.” Tara says.
“He’s so going as Spencer for Halloween.” Luke jokes.
“I was totally thinking you guys would do a Disney theme since he loves Disney so much.” Garcia says. “Oooo like Spencer could be Christopher Robin and (Y/N) could be Kanga and Little G could be Roo! How cute would that be!”
“We already have ours picked out though,” Spencer says shrugging his shoulders. “Sorry.”
“So what are you guys going to be this year now that (Y/N) isn’t pregnant anymore?” Rossi asks as he leans on Spencer’s desk.
“I will be Gomez Addams.” Spencer says.
“And I will be Morticia.” You say. “And Little G is going to be Pugsley.”
“You know, I always saw Emily as Morticia.” Garcia says looking over at Emily as she rolls her eyes. “Well I mean, you do look like Anjelica.”
“Kudos on going the dark route,” Emily says. “If you need help with your makeup, you know where to find me.”
“Who could forget the goth kid from Garfield High?” Garcia teases.
“I will most definitely be coming to you for the makeup,” You say sitting on Spencer’s desk. “I just need to find a striped shirt that will fit Gideon. Kid is growing so fast I can’t ever find clothes that fit him for more than a month.”
“He’s just really long.” JJ says. “Like his daddy.”
“Alright then, let’s get a move on.” Spencer says. “Halloween is in three days and I need my suit to fit.”
It was now the Halloween night and Emily was doing your makeup while Spencer was getting Gideon dressed. “And you all wanted me to be Morticia for Halloween.” Emily says as she finishes applying eyeliner.
“You could pull it off.” You reply opening your eyes as she moves away.
“Alright you’re all done.” Emily says as she puts her makeup away. Standing up from the chair you head into the bathroom to apply the last piece to the costume. The wig. Emily got the straightener ready. Pinning the wig on, she starts to straighten out the hair. “I think we’re ready to go.” Emily says turning off the straightener and unplugging it.
“Mama..” Gideon calls as he walks into the bathroom. You pick him up and straighten out his shirt.
“(Y/N), are you ready?” Spencer says as he walks through the bedroom.
“We’re ready.” You say leaving the bathroom. You see him dressed in his black suit and his hair greased down and combed to the side and his fake black mustache attached to his upper lip. “You look great!”
“I have the car and heat on, it’s a little chilly out.” He says.
“We’d better get going to we aren’t late for Garcia’s Halloween party.” Emily says as she grabs her witches hat.
“I can’t believe Garcia convinced you to be a witch.”
“Apparently it’s the only thing besides a vampire she thinks I could be.” Emily says. “And I’m not putting fake teeth in my mouth.”
Arriving at Garcia’s apartment, they walk inside only to be attacked by fake spider webs. “Oh my..” You say brushing them out of your face.
“Sorry!” Garcia calls as she rushes out of the kitchen. “They must’ve fallen. But welcome to the party!” She adds.
“Welp, I don’t know about you but I’m getting some wine.” Emily says as she heads to the kitchen.
tag list: @nomajdetective @literallyreid @idkbutspencer @literallyprentissstwin @remember-me-forever-silent-angel @cynbx @tenaciousarcadeexpert @rawritsmolly @dontshootmespence @princesswagger15 @drspencerreider @illegalcerebral @marvelfanlife @rt8815 @punkpenguin2019 @extremeobsessions101 @spence-imagines
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twiststreet · 5 years
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Under the Silver Lake (2019):  Every generation gets its Southland Tales, I guess.  This one, it had a lot of, like, Winter Kills in there, too.  Who remembers Winter Kills??  (Winter Kills was the Southland Tales of the late 1970′s, starring Jeff Bridges, as a guy’s son solving a kind of JFK assassination or something-- it was a Richard Condon thing which doesn’t mean anything to anyone anymore either, but he was a weird guy, too, though one that sold a lot of weird,black-comedy conspiracy thrillers for a very brief period, one of which being the Manchurian Candidate...).  
I had a decent time, but I mean, I seriously think most everybody I know would really strongly dislike that movie, though.  Among many other things, it’s definitely one of those movies that don’t get LA, even if parts are shot in the Last Bookstore or all sorts of ultra-recognizable spaces.  And there’s a lot of, like, “check out these sweet themes” going on.  Also: it’s two and a half hours long, with about a half hour of Andrew Garfield’s naked butt-- it’s not as gratuitous as McConnaughey’s naked butt in Serenity (a movie I still wonder about and how it got made, basically constantly) but boy, you sure see a lot of Peter Parker’s ass in that movie.  Plus, the gender stuff in the movie’s just dopey as fuck-- it’s like a Male Ally (TM)’s idea of talking about gender stuff. I think that’s the biggest problem with the movie actually, is it might want to talk about something, but it chooses to do so in a way that I think fatally undermines that effort...
But there was stuff I liked in there. Patrick Fischler’s got a great very Patrick-Fischler-yscene in there, with this whole thing about $1 bills I’d never noticed before (I don’t remember ever seeing the *fucking owl* before)-- he was the guy in Mulholland Drive who gets killed by the homeless Winkie’s man?  I like when that guy shows up in things.  There’s a completely random scene of Andrew Garfield pretty brutally beating up a small child that I am completely unable to understand the plot, thematic or any other significance to-- which I really think is great.  More movies should have scenes like that in them (*looking at you Avengers 4*).  There’s a couple scenes where the director (who’s coming off It Follows) just does sort of horror-y bits that I thought were pretty fun-- the guy has a style that I enjoy; some camera moves or whatever, knowing where to put a camera; maybe everyone shouldn’t be a writer-director though, I guess. I’m having a rooooough month or two at work so I’m going to be extra-appreciative of just about anything I watch right now, in general. Oh, and Jimmi SImpson (the guy from Letterman and Westworld) floats in and out of the movie, giving one of the most Jimmi-Simpson-y performances he’s ever given; I liked him in this more than Garfield or anyone else...
I mean, I don’t know, it’s a Southland Tales-- it’s the big self-indulgent, more “bonkers”-in-quotes than smart, where did the money come from, kitchen sink “let me tell you about LA, a city I’ve lived in for about 2 years” movie by a guy coming off a surprise hit.  Like, I guess I had an idea going in that it was going to be Southland Tales so I was ready for some of its excesses, and I had fun with enough of it that I had a good time, I guess.  And it’s more straightforward thematically than Southland Tales, at least-- like, I at least get what this one is trying to say, at least, whereas I did not leave Southland Tales with that feeling, no. I got what it was trying to do, and who it was trying to attack, and all that.  It’s a movie where the filmmakers are smarter than its characters, at least.  There’s a bunch of stuff here to like, even if I’m not sure if any of that stuff connects with the other stuff exactly...
But boy, 2 and a half hours???  That’s the part that’s more astonishing than anything-- certainly at some point, someone must’ve said “wait a second, are we making a 2 and a half hour movie here oh god let’s not do that”...???  I know it’s silly to complain about that when an Avenger movie is going to be 3, but I’ve been to Silver Lake-- there’s not a 2 and a half hour long movie to be made about anything going on at Sunset Junction...
The Disasterpeace soundtrack is pretty great, again, though. I remember them being my favorite thing about It Follows, too. Here, instead of doing a horror thing, they’re doing more of a classic Hollywood score-- but it’s, like, Andrew Garfield running around with his pants down, wandering around Griffith Park or whatever, except it sounds like the climactic scene of a 1930′s romance...? I think he really hit on something with that Disasterpeace... A lot of mid-to-late period REM in that movie’s soundtrack, though (like Andrew Garfield dances around to What’s the Frequency Kenneth... which-- what???)-- boy, it’s weird when people around your age start making movies... 
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Semester break is over! and Hello Monday! here’s pictures of my cat Medium! Looking good right.
Mostly people would assume that “Being a cat lady” is basically a lonely women hooman with tons of cats companions. Some may state that it leads to crazy cat lady syndrome.
I am taking this from wikipedia (wow very academic), just let it slide! Stated that A cat lady keeps large numbers of cats without having the ability to properly house or care for them. ( I crei at this part) They may be ignorant about their situation, or generally unaware of their situation. People who are aware of it are not normally considered cat ladies. (What does that even mean, am I not a cat lady? what why!)
Urban Dictionary:
“A old woman who usually lives secluded from society with her hundreds of cats. Because she is forced to use all of her social security money of her cats, she eats only cat food and drinks only milk. She usually feels the need to name every single one of her cats with funny names and possesses the uncanny ability to recognize which cat is which no matter how similar they may look to one another.”
According to BuzzFeed:
Already have a deep conversation with your cat
Hmm, kind of but I like to ask about how my cat’s day, have then eaten or play or been sleeping all day long.
Use cat emoji
Well, I do use cat stickers more than emoji
Believe TV shows would be better starred cats
Kind of
Protect yourself with self-defence cat keychain
I need this!
Follow non-human more on instagram – majority of cat images
I do follow lots of cat instagram
Spend hours curled up thinking about life
More like thinking how to survive university, I need to play games, watch anime!
Believer in cat lifestyle
Cat Nap part? yes yes
Your kitchen have a general cat theme
Cat mugs
I need cat mugs, I don’t have any at the moment!
All cat everything
I do have, cat bag, cat make-up theme, cat shirt, cat onesie, you know where this goes.
Cat Nail art
It’s hard! I wish
Well I took only 11 statement from the website, others are mostly repetitive.
So, I’m curious! Lets do tests, am I a cat lady? or am I not?
28 Signs That You Are a Crazy Cat Lady – TEST 
I scored 8–14, in which it stated that:
Family and friends have stopped visiting, and co-workers pretend to be on the phone when you walk by.
Ah, I am not so sure about this. Still living with my family with 11 cats. I hardly invited friends to come home, or for them to visit – oh wait, I don’t have friends. . . just kidding I don’t socialize much. Pretending to walk by, I’m a person show stays at home, watch anime and eats food.
What’s your Cat Lady Score – BuzzFeed
hey! thats not bad right? 90 % cat lady. I mean BuzzFeed said so.
The Dodo
OKay, THat wAs AlOt to Take In.
First of all, I did not know its sounds so mean or what. I am completely confuse. In my own definition is basically
I have lots of kids
too obsess with their paws
I literally shout MEOW whenever I see cats at wherever!
I do own couple of cat themes items not to the extreme part
100% I love my cats
I am not lonely, I think. I own 11 cats, more soon. 23 if you would add my boyfriend’s cat. Talking about responsibility.. hahaha, okay I have to admit, I do asked help from my brother to take care of the poo poo section because, ay I’m currently studying still, my schedule is so messed up and he’s in a holiday mode. I can’t go to cat store or I’ll ended up buying lots of snacks for my kids. Can’t buy them toys, because it won’t last in 24 hours. RIP toys.
Being unaware of the situation – for those who are aware of their situation does not consider as a cat lady. but but but but BUTTTT. damn it.
I don’t have hundreds of cat, nor eating cat food or drinking milk ONLY. Who created such categories that I can never be a cat lady! *CRIES IN CAT LANGUAGE* I am laughing also crying reading numbers of articles here, also the definitions. One Fact, I don’t like milk. To have cats with funny names?
Puga chan
N. Junior
Honey Star
Coco Crunch
Garfield (coming soon)
Does it seems funny? except for Honey Star and Coco..
Possesses the uncanny ability to recognize which cat is which no matter how similar they may look to one another, I think that’s very typical of cat owners to know their cats very well. I mean, I used to have 6 black cats, it’s easy to recognize them.
This is new, I know. I was bored searching about “Cat Lady” ended up talking or writing about it. It’s interesting and – omg my head- kind of topic. Overall it’s fun to do so. Anyway what do you think? does the title “Cat Lady” really need to follow the criteria of what have been stated on the internet, or simply meh. I KNOW IF I AM A CAT LADY OR NAY.
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Being A Cat Lady Semester break is over! and Hello Monday! here's pictures of my cat Medium! Looking good right.
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