#and my mc is huggin him at all times
birbwaifu · 1 year
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Sergi from Blood Moon by @barbwritesstuff because who could’ve guessed I would fall in love with the older guy
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moemammon · 3 years
Can I request the bros reacting to mc running up to them for a surprise hug? Fluff or crack works for me ahaha I hope you have a lovely day!
Think Fast! It's a Surprise Hug!
(Feat. The Demon Bros and GN!MC)
Who in the blazes is running down the hall-
Leaves his office ready to smite someone, when you suddenly crash into his torso and cling to him.
Takes him a minute to realize that you're hugging him on purpose, and not trying to play off running into him on accident
But did you really need to run down the hall for that?? Ngl it kinda strokes his ego to know you came rushing specifically to see him, but he'll never admit it.
"Running around the house just to hug me, MC? I'm flattered, but isn't there a quieter way for you to come to me? If you ask properly next time, I'll be glad to entertain you."
You fool... Mammon can sense when you're coming to him!! There's no surprise here except YOUR surprise when he catches you!
He's so smug about it too, spinning you around with a wide grin on his face before he pulls you in.
And when he's done, he'll promptly pull back and fight off that impending feeling of embarrassment that's creeping up on him.
Of course you'd wanna hug THE Great Mammon. Who wouldn't?? Though he can't deny that he was a little surprised when you just leapt at him like that-
"Tryin' to catch me off guard, huh? I saw ya from a mile away, so it's impossible! Who can resist huggin' me?" "....S-So makes it's only ME you're huggin' like that, ya hear?!"
His lightning fast reflexes are no match for your sheer speed... or rather, his weak gamer body doesn't let him dodge you
Gets mowed down oop-
Can't even be mad at you though because he's so 😳❤️ about you ACTUALLY wanting to hug him
So while he's recovering from his new concussion, he's stammering and fidgeting while he tries to figure out where his hands should go
"M-M-MC!! You can't just come out of nowhere like that, you know?! A-At least give me a chance to prepare my heart!! I don't mind hugging you, s-so warn me next time!"
You surprise the hell out of him when you come sprinting down the hall and suddenly cling to his back
Was about to kick into fight or flight mode until he realized it was just you. Instantly softens up awwww
You make him laugh though, looking all disheveled and grinning at him triumphantly.
How dare you try to be more mischievous than he is. Don't you know HE'S the king of surprises?? 😤
"Did you really come running just to catch me off guard? I'll admit you surprised me, you cheeky thing. But you'd better watch out, because I plan to get revenge. Why don't we make this into a game?"
You know DAMN WELL you see he's holding a curling iron wAIT A SECOND PLEASE
But you don't wait, and Asmo has four seconds to quickly put the iron down or he risks burning the both of you.
His cheeks are all red and he's clearly annoyed, but he can't stay angry when you came all this way just to hug him. Who said you could be so cute??
"MC!! What would you have done if I singed my hair, hm?? Or worse, my gorgeous face! That's it... as punishment, you have to spend the entire evening with me! Now sit down, so I can get you ready~"
Beel hears you take your running start, and internally panics. MC wait pls, his arms are full of so much food plea-
Soft "oof" as he catches you in his arms, watching in dismay as all of his snacks go falling to the floor
When they ask you how you're doing and you have to say that you're fine, but you're not really fine-
Doesn't know if he's happy to be holding you in his arms, or distraught about the food gone to waste. But tbh we all know he's gonna eat it off the floor so-
"Did something good happen? You're pretty excited. If you came to tell me about the 'buy-one-get-one' special at McDevil's, I already know about it. But.. since I dropped it all, why don't we get some together?"
Just kidding, Belphie knows there's a coffee table right there and doesn't want you smashing into it, so he's bracing himself for impact.
He doesn't open his arms for you, but lets you cling to him for a little while. Leans into it like the wee baby he is
Can't help but chuckle at you, despite trying his best to look like this is the biggest inconvenience in the world.
"Seriously, how can you always be so full of energy? Just looking at you makes me tired... so I hope you're okay with offering yourself up as my pillow. Don't move, okay?"
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belphies-cuhm-sluht · 4 years
hello, I love your blog, and I would like to ask how the brothers would react when an MC receives good news about something and hugs them, but the MC has big breasts and they are sitting, so their faces are "stuck" between her breasts. if you don't feel comfortable it's okay! thank u ♡
Brothers When MC Accidentally Puts Their Face Between Big Tiddies (Slightly NSFW)
When you had charged into his office excitedly he had been passed out on his desk, but luckily you didn’t notice that, you just seemed so happy, running straight over to him. You announced the news that had you so overjoyed, and just as he was about to congratulate you, you pulled him into a hug. First off, he was not used to hugs. Not only were you hugging him, but your breasts were hugging his face. If he had been wide awake, he probably would have scolded you for this, but he was still kind of dazed so… queue the smirk. Smug Lucifer is smug. He probably won’t stop thinking about it all day, and that smirk won’t leave his lips for a good bit.  
“Don’t hesitate to come to me if you get any more good news, Y/N.”  
The fact that you found Mammon when he was sitting still somewhere is shocking to you. His head whipped around as soon as he heard your footsteps approaching, and he was already happy to see you. When you practically bounced over to him, already exclaiming about your good news, he was just excited that you came to him to tell him, that you thought of him. When you pulled him into that hug though, oh boy, he was not ready. Your breasts… his face was in between them. His arms wrapped around you though to hold you there a little longer, just long enough for him to stop blushing. Might have gotten a boner from it, but he isn’t letting you know about that. 
“Oi! D-don’t ya go huggin’ up on no one else like that. And if ya get any more news, I wanna hear it first, ‘kay Y/N?” 
He was playing video games, of course he was, what else would he be doing. You didn’t want to interrupt his gaming, but the news was just too good not to share immediately with your favorite otaku. You rushed into his room, pulling him into a hug while he was still at his desk, his eyes going wide as your breasts pushed his headphones off and now his face was stuck in between them. He’s redder than an apple, slightly hyperventilating and happy that you can’t hear it. Definitely popped a boner and he can’t even hide it because sweatpants aren’t very good for that. You ruined his kill streak with that hug, but he isn’t even upset about it. He’s just a flustered, stuttering mess. 
“I.. that’s… I’m… super happy for you, Y/N. Y-you did tell me first… right?”
He heard you coming down the hallway, turned in anticipation as your footsteps approached his door. Of course you were running to him, he knew you would at some point. You burst through the door, squealing with excitement and he only squealed right back, not really knowing what was so exciting but he absolutely adores whatever it is you’re doing. When you told him the good news, he cheered with you, and when you hugged him, well, he definitely didn’t have a problem with it. He’s not even shocked. Your tits aren’t the first pair he’s had his face between, but yours might just become his favorite. He doesn’t even let you move away, holding you closer to him as he nuzzled his face between your breasts. He’s not the avatar of lust for nothing. 
“Maybe you should take your shirt off next time you hug me like this, Y/N. It’ll be much more enjoyable for us both.” 
Sitting in the library, he focused on the book in his hands, thankful for the silence that would soon be broken by your barging into the room. He felt stupid for jumping slightly, but the unexpected intrusion to his quiet space sent a jolt through him. Trying to get angry at you for interrupting his Silent Sustained Reading time proved to be difficult considering you were jumping around so excitedly, and the smile on your face seemed to light up the room more than the fireplace ever could. You ran over to where he was sitting, pulling him into a tight hug, his face held between your breasts. It wasn’t awful, it definitely made losing his spot in the book worth it. 
“I don’t think I heard you quite clearly the first time. How about you start again, Y/N, and don’t leave out the hug at the end.” 
Of course he was at the table when you found him, happily eating away when he looked up and saw you coming towards him. His smile was wide, it was always the same greeting when he saw you, he was just so happy to have you around. When he saw that you were happy he couldn’t help but be happy too. Your joy was his joy, obviously. Anything that made you excited would surely excite him. What he wasn’t expecting was the hug, not that he didn’t like your hugs, he loved them, but now his face was buried between your breasts and he was a flustered mess because he so clearly enjoyed it and now he was feeling hungry for something other than food.
“Would you like to go up to my room with me, Y/N? I want to hear all about it.” 
Sleeping. He was always sleeping. That’s the way you had left him, and that’s the way you found him when you came back to the attic to tell him the news. You called his name out softly, enough to get him to at least sit up and seem like he was listening, but his eyes were still kind of closed. It didn’t really matter though, you just wanted to tell someone. The news rushed quickly from your lips, and just as he was about to lay back down and go to sleep he felt your arms around his neck. He quickly, almost instinctively wrapped his arms around you, his eyes slowly opening to find that his face was now snuggly resting between your breasts. It was nice, they were like pillows, and now he was not only tired, but also slightly turned on. He pulled you down with him on the bed, making sure your upper body never moved as he slowly dozed off again. 
“Let’s just stay like this, Y/N. You’re so comfortable. These are definitely my new favorite pillows.”
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anenbylittlepotato · 3 years
The Bros + side dateables (minus Luke) React to You Hugging them while looking sad
You go to this character, preferably in private, and quietly hug them, burying your face in his shoulder or chest, looking a little sad.
His eyes widen slightly as he looks down at you.
He's a little shook because he's not used to people touching him out of the blue like this.
Relaxes rather quickly and hugs back. At first, he's smirking at you a bit until he notices how sad you look. 
"MC? Is something the matter?"
When you only hug tighter and hide your face more he just sighs. 
"I can't help if you won't say what's wrong."
If you decide to tell him, he'll listen quietly while gently rubbing your back and possibly give advice, if the situation calls for it.
If you don't… well, he'll take that as a sign that you don't really wanna talk about it and comfort you anyway.
He'll probably put on one of his records for you both to listen to so that the music might soothe you.
Huh??? What???
He's so shook and flustered.
He's honestly too flustered for a hot minute to even notice you're sad.
"MC, what the hell do ya think you're doin', huh? Huggin' me outta nowhere like that…! Ya gotta warn me first!"
When he finally notices how sad you are, he immediately softens and starts asking qUESTIONS.
He wants nAMES.
"Hey, are you okay? What happened? Who hurt you? Did someone hurt you? Was it Belphie? I swear if it was Belphie-"
He's finna WHOOP some ASS.
If you decide to tell him and it turns out it is someone and he can go kick their ass, then you can bet your pretty little butt that's exactly what he'll do. No one hurts his human! >:(
If you tell him and it's not someone, or someone he can beat up, then he'll just sit you on his couch and put his jacket on you and hug you.
If you decide not to tell him at all, he'll be a little butt-hurt over it but he won't press you on it.
He's died
He has a fucking aneurism the moment you touch him.
His entire body is red, help him.
But then he notices you look sad and calms down a bit.
"M-MC??? Are you okay?"
He has no idea what to do, help him
*flipping through a book of comfort words* "Uhhhhhhh… There, there???” 
He's so awkward and doesn't know what to say. He wants to help, but he's no good at talking to people, dammit!
He literally looks up, "How to help your friends not be sad."
He's trying, be patient with him, please.
"Uhhh… do you uhh… wanna talk about it?"
If you say yes, then he'll listen. He's a good listener bc he has literally no idea what to say.
If you say no then he'll probably be a little relieved bc he knows he would be terrible help.
Either way, he'll sit down with you and watch anime or play video games with you.
He blushes a little when you hug him.
He's pretty observant, so he notices pretty quickly that something is up as he hugs back.
"Hello, MC. Are you alright? You look upset about something."
He'll listen if you decide to tell him, stroking your hair gently. 
If not, he'll respect your decision and comfort you anyway.
He'll bring you over to his bed and sit down with you, after moving all the books littered on it of course.
He'll pull you in his lap and either read to you or show you cute cat pictures. Or maybe both, who knows.
And when he starts to notice you looking down again, he'll hug you tightly and whisper sweet nothings to you until you fall asleep.
Aw, how cute, you want his attention~!
He doesn't hesitate to hug you back.
Hey, he's not complaining, as long as he gets to hold you and show how much he loves you!
Then he notices how sad you look and he immediately cups your face in his hands.
"Oh, what's wrong, darling? What has you looking so down? Come, sit with me and you can tell me all about it while I give you a lovely manicure."
He'll sit with you on his bed and dote on you, listening if you decide to tell him your woes and humming soothingly if you don't.
He'll offer to take a bath with you to help you feel better.
Actually, he'll give you a full-on spa day.
This man will seriously pamper you till you feel better.
He'll take you shopping, do your nails and makeup, do your hair, whatever it takes to make you feel better.
He's a little taken aback by the sudden hug, but he's more than happy to accept it! He loves hugs!
He hugs you back very gently as if he's handling a baby bird. He doesn't want to hurt you!
But then he notices you look sad.
"MC? What's wrong? You look upset. Are you hungry?"
If you tell him, he'll listen very intently, nodding every so often to show he's listening. 
If you don't, he'll understand.
Either way, he takes you to his bed and sits you down. He gets you some food and sits on the bed with you and pulls you into his lap, giving you food.
Once you decide you're finished with food, he'll snuggle you gently until you fall asleep.
He doesn't mind at all and doesn't hesitate to hug back.
He immediately notices something is wrong but doesn't say anything about it right away, instead, letting you hug him in silence while gently rubbing your back.
After a long moment of silence, he pulls back only enough so that he can look at your face.
"You're upset about something. I could tell as soon as you hugged me. So what is it?"
If you decide to tell him, he'll be kind of glad and listen.
If not, he'll just give a curt nod.
Afterward, he pulls you over to his bed and pulls you in with him, clinging to you like a koala.
It's snuggle time now. You have no choice. 
He'll probably fall asleep though tbh
This man is through the roof as soon as you touch him.
He's super lonely, so any amount of physical affection has him soaring.
But then he notices you look sad.
He's immediately worried. Did he do something wrong? Did one of the brothers bully you? Is there some demon harassing you? What happened??? Tell him!
"MC? Are you okay, what happened?"
If you tell him, he'll listen intently and if it's something he can do something about, he will, immediately. 
If you don't tell him, or it's something he can't do anything about, then he'll bring you with him to his office and hold you in his lap while he works and have Barbatos bring you some herbal tea to make you feel better.
He's honestly just so gentle and soft with you I can't-
*ahem* anyways
You might think he'd have seen this coming, but he honestly wasn't looking for anything like this, so he's kind of taken off guard when you hug him which is uncommon for him.
MC, please, he's trying to work-
Then he notices how upset you look.
"MC, are you alright? It appears that something's troubling you."
He won't look into the future to find out in case you decide not to tell him. He respects your boundaries, you know?
If you tell him, he'll listen and try to do something about it if he can, most likely talking to Diavolo about it. 
If you don't tell him or can't do anything, then he'll gently sit you down in a chair, wrap you in a blanket and bring you some chamomile tea to soothe you.
He'll talk to you as he goes about his work, gently tending to your needs while still continuing his daily routine.
He's a butler, so he's the multitasking king-
Plus, he's used to comforting Diavolo, particularly when the Prince was young, so he knows how to handle it.
Oh- a hug? Well alright.
He's happy to oblige, he enjoys your presence and your touch.
He notices quickly that you look sad though.
"What's the matter, my little lamb? Is something troubling you?"
He'll sit down with you and give you tea
If you decide to tell him, he'll listen, gently offering advice. He likely won't take care of it for you, he wants you to be able to take care of yourself! But he'll still hold you and comfort you.
If you don't tell him, then he'll nod understandingly and comfort you anyway.
He's so soft and caring about it and he'll sit with you until you calm down, gently hugging you and stroking your hair.
He's a little taken aback when you hug him.
But then he smiles and is about to tease you when he notices you look sad.
He blinks and hugs you back.
"MC, what's the matter? It must be something big if you're hugging me like this."
If you tell him, he'll listen while seemingly deep in thought. If it's got to do with some demon, then perhaps you'll find that they oddly disappear one day… if it's one of the brothers, then they'll find that they get hit with lots of magical pranks. If it's something else then he'll sit with you and help you work it out.
If you decide not to tell him, he'll be a little sad but he'll understand anyway and sit with you to comfort you.
He's actually surprisingly sweet and understanding.
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asmolemmeeatyouout · 4 years
The boys with Autistic! MC! part two ! SFW
(Bc I’m self indulgent and like 5 ppl wanted it so yesyesyes)
(Had my first proper spoonie day in a while today so imma finish this after what 4 months? Whoopsie. Sorry if any of the points overlap I’ve not re read my last post, please shoot me an ask if you want anything clarified/expanded on !)
Has to stop his brothers from constantly bothering you when you’re overwhelmed (they’re just worried)
You very quickly learn his office is the safest place to be when overwhelmed due to the dim lighting and the brother deterring curse on his doorway
He has a record player and SO much classical music for when you need background noise
This leads to impromptu slow dancing when you insist he needs a break and there’s music playing
If you have your own records, the *smoother ones will end up mixed in with his
*smoother as in less staccato /distracting because he is most likely working
Very much enjoys spending time in silence with you, he finds it comfortng to just exist with someone without having anything needed of him
Especially if you’re both doing your own thing, like you just being in the room with him (playing a game or reading or smthn) while he does his paperwork is so soothing to him
Have you seen his horns? They’re so smooth and shinyyy, a+++ stimming material
He loves head pats so he’ll willingly put his head in your lap when you watch movies
he’s very proud of his demon form but also kind of shy so it’ll take some coaxing to get him to let you touch his horns but when he sees how content it makes you? It’s his new favourite hobby letting you play with his hair and horns during movies
(That said they’re very sensitive (like him) so be gentle)
He WILL adopt your love language and mannerisms:
if you bump people he will start knocking into you constantly, (wrists, hips, shoulders, head, any and all on random repeat)
if you like to collect and give things to people he will a. Hoard them in a little shrine (that he Denys. having) and b. Start looking for things he can give you back
If you rub textures you like you’ll find him stroking your arms/face/jumper right back (sometimes with his face, but only ever in private because he feels vulnerable using such a soft form of affection)
You cannot tell me this man isn’t autistic
Communication is SO! EASY!
Then even If you don’t understand you can just ask. You can just ask and he’ll tell you. None of this ‘figure it out yourself’ nt bullshit
Our baby has anxiety anyway so he’s probably ‘over’ explained it before you can say anything
(Over explained in the sense of nt, personally I love it when ppl get really detailed)
In that case he gets embarrassed about how much he’s talking so it’s your turn to reassure him that he’s not boring you
The solace you get in realising you like all of his autistic traits soothes your own insecurities
That being said your anxiety (if you have it) is matchy matchy so don’t expect him to talk to the cashier for you
He’s very chill with you being non verbal because either he’s absorbed in his own game/anime/show or it means there’s more room for him to talk about his interests
That being said if your special interests/ hyperfixations don’t line up on any given day? The bickering over who’s turn it is to infodump gets intense (this is the one source of all your arguments)
All the other brothers are kind of terrified/jealous of your relationship, especially when they see you talking about a shared special interest because you talk rapid fire and very in-depth. to them it’s almost like you’re talking in code or another language because they know all the individual words but what the everloving fuck are you on about
Has specific outfits he wears when he wants you to hug him (which is always). They’re made out of the softest material, or any clothing of his you’ve expressed a texture interest in.
Finds it so amusing when you come rushing over to rub your face against his chest bc mmmmm softsoftsoft
Likes to text you in the morning to see how you’re feeling (and how sensory sensitive you are because god forbid his outfit with chains and jangles stops him from seeing you)
Understands better than Anyone that affection and love can be shown in a whole barrage of ways not just physically
Figures out how you show affection faster than any of the other brothers
Immediately starts reciprocating it (partly bc he’s selfishly trying to make you love him most)
Will learn about your special interests so he can engage you on the topic
Is the ONLY person in the house you can talk about any special interest with, no matter how niche because he loves learning (although he does prefer the *academic* side of them rather than pop culture but he will listen to both)
*academic* as in something involving learning about something or crafting or *how* to do something, not just like, maths
You’re pretty much the only person who can keep up with him in terms of knowledge and enthusiasm (even if it’s only for very specific things) and thus you become the person he talks to about his interests
Originally kind of annoyed by how absentminded you are (because you forget several dates) but once you get settled into a routine he starts to find it cute how habitual you are, and then realises it could work to his advantage.
He then schedules a date into your weekly routine (or biweekly depending on your energy levels) so you start to get upset if it’s missed bc it’s part of your routine. (Satan is ridiculously smart and is very much willing to manipulate your routine to his (and yours) advantage, he is a demon after all)
Gives the best squishes. He’s just so big he can literally envelope you (in other news he is terrified of hurting you so he’s very nervous at first, he’s used to huggin ppl very gently bc he is a muscle mountain)
Maybe don’t use chew stims around him (unless he’s eating) because seeing you use them will either make him hungry, or he’ll ask to see it and oops it’s been swallowed hope you didn’t want that back (he’s very apologetic he really didn’t mean to but it was in his mouth and chewed before he could think)
Literally the kindest man in the universe, if you have issues with shame or *guilt* (especially if it creeps outta nowhere or it relates to not being able to do something) he will a. Reassure you and give you cuddles until you feel okay (or one on one bonding time if you’re too touch sensitive) then b. Go help with whatever task was too much so you don’t have to worry
Have I mentioned the stuffies? This boy definitely has a stash of soft toys that all have names and personalities. This originally stemmed from the fact he was locked alone in an attic for a year, he needed some form of company or he was gonna go crazy, and sleeping alone is meh in his opinion. But then he became attached and after you showed him yours? And you weren’t ashamed of your teddy bears or how much you loved them he confided in you about his. (And you had a tea party)
Problems sleeping ? (Me too bud it’s 3.44 am lol) nonononno baby boy has got you, just snuggle up to him and you’ll be snoozing in no time (I HC that being around belphagor just makes you a little sleepy and the longer you’re there the stronger the urge to sleep gets)
You’re at rad (or out in public and can’t leave) and get overstimmed? Belphie has got you! He keeps sunglasses on him so he can secretly sleep when he’s not supposed to. Also (imo) he’s the king of hoodies, both his main outfits have a hood (and you can’t convince me he doesn’t wear one of them over his uniform as soon as lucifer dips), my boy will slip his hoodie on you and wrap you in a hug to get you away from the noise/sights
(I am now too tired to write anymore, hope yall enjoyed!)
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leviathans-normie · 4 years
Helo- so uh ;-; I have a request- (*whispers* maybe I'll make others later) can you please make a MC that just- runs as fast as they can to the bros to hug them 🥺 I just need fluff rn Thank you!
Hey ya! You can request as much as you wanna lmao, so don't worry~ Hope ya like it!
→When he saw MC running up to him, he really thought he was going to get attacked
→so when they wrapped their arms around him and shoved their head in his chest, he was confused
→what is going on.png
→let's be realistic, the last time he got affection was before the war, so he's really caught off guard
→a small blush had crept on his cheeks, not gonna lie
→but he's gonna deny it.
→he just focuses on that moment, putting all of his stress aside.
→once MC pulls away, he says, "I expect this to happen often," with a proud smirk on his face
→he may look smug and all, but he really wants affection
→Now, MC runs up to him like that on the daily
→Not that he complains
→We all know Mammon's a huge tsundere
→There's no way in Beel's custard he's going to admit that he loves the fact MC run up to him and hugged him
→Of course, he's going to be blushy, but mostly confused
→"W-What are ya doin', human?"
→When arms tighten around him as a response, his blush becomes deeper and bigger.
→But he doesn't stand NOT to hug back
→After all, if he, the Great Mammon, MC's first, doesn't hug back, who the hell will?
→"Feel honoured THE Great Mammon is huggin' ya!"
→Now he expects a hug like that every morning, and gets low-key disappointed.
→Not that he's ever gonna admit it.
→"Mammon, why are you pouting?"
→"Well, if someone hadn't forgotten something I wouldn't be poutin' now!"
→When he saw MC running, he knew exactly what was coming to him. He’s watched far too many anime not to know.
→He can and will deny that he likes it.
→”W-What are you doing, normie?!”
→Of course, no matter what he tells MC, they will only put their head on his shoulder and smile. 
→He feels so blessed. The gods of TLS had finally granted him ultra happiness.
→Despite his heavy blush and stutter, he will hug back quickly. 
→He’ll even attempt to comb MC’s hair, even though his hand is trembling like crazy. 
→Now, he’s more than happy to take hugs like these. It was hard getting used to the PDA aspect of it.
→But he’s just happy to know that MC’s doing that only to him and not his brothers.
→”Don’t you dare do this to any of my brothers, a-alright? Promise me you won’t!”
→Poor boy was reading when MC ran up to him and hugged him. 
→He hadn’t bothered to look at the person, but he was ready for murder.
→Though once he did, he took all of his mental insults back. 
→A smile, a genuine one covered his lips. 
→”You know, if it were anyone else, they’d be dead.”
→Blushes a bit, but puts his head on MC’s shoulder to hide it and gives into the hug.
→He likes the scent of MC’s hair. It was even better than the smell of an old book to him. 
→Was low-key embarrassed that he was caught off guard like that. 
→No one was allowed to see him be this vulnerable.
→Aside from MC, of course.
→Once they parted, he patted MC’s head, as if they were a kitten, and smiled.
→”Aren’t you a brave one. Well, if you wanna do it again, I’ll allow it.”
→Out of the blue hug? Sign him the fuck up.
→He obviously knew what was going on by the time they saw MC running.
→Opened his arms in anticipation, and when they reached him, he spinned them in the air. 
→”Aw, honey~”
→After that, he holds MC close in his arms, whispering sweet words in their ear.
→He could turn it more intimate, had he wanted.
→But he really just wanted to savour that moment. 
→It wasn’t every day that he received such affection.
→Of course this became a daily thing.
→When MC didn’t run to him, he would.
→He was eating when it happened, so at first, he’s confused to feel something on his side.
→Once he looked, there was an MC, arms wrapped around him.
→He didn’t question it, just accepted it and finished his food.
→Of course, that action of affection wasn’t going to go unnoticed.
→He quickly wrapped his arms around MC in a tight bear hug, a smile glossing his lips. 
→He put his head on top of MC’s. 
→It was as if all of his hunger had disappeared that moment. 
→He was content with just that hug. 
→Now, every time it happened, if he wasn’t holding food, he’d lift MC off the ground and hold them close. 
→He barely noticed that hurricane called MC running towards him. 
→His eyes were just about to close, when he was shaken by the warmth of someone else’s body. 
→He was annoyed at first, ready to stab someone. 
→But he quickly realised it was MC and couldn’t help but smile. 
→”Ah, it’s you.” 
→He wrapped his arms around them lazily and put his head at the crook of their neck. 
→Closing his eyes, he dozed of there, on their shoulder. It was more comfortable than any other pillow in the world. 
→MC carried him to his bed. After all, their shoulder was kinda hurting. 
→Belphie, even in his sleep, denied to leave them, though, pulling them closer once he realised the absence of their warmth. 
→MC smiled and lay there next to him, holding him close to their chest for him to listen to their heartbeat. 
→Just before they were about to fall asleep, they heard a small whisper.
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fellulahh · 4 years
‘Mammon visits MC in the human realm and Lucifer gets jealous’ Part 25/???
Read Part 24 here!
“MC I—“ Lucifer tried to speak
“Please Luci.” She spoke with desperate eyes, “I want to talk to him.”
“Okay.” He agreed, “When you feel the time is right we’ll go.”
After having their discussion, the nurse reappeared in the room with Lillian stating that they had the all clear to go home. MC’s mind was instantly distracted as her eyes laid on their baby and a wide smile appeared on her face. Taking their daughter in her arms, MC cooed down at her as she was wrapped up in the tiny blanket.
They spent time going over the details of MC’s recovery and nursing the baby and before long they were on their way back home. Lucifer had never been so anxious. Every step they took his eyes were darting back and forth in case of any possible danger. There were still demons in Devildom who absolutely loathed MC for being a human so she was never particularly safe, especially now that she’d had a baby and was weak.
Having a protective hand on her lower back the entire time, Lucifer helped guide her through the corridors until eventually they left the hospital and were able to make their way back home. MC made sure to message Satan to make them all aware of their arrival.
The brothers were all gathered in the entranceway, eagerly awaiting for MC and Lucifer to arrive home. They’d spent the last half an hour quickly tidying and erecting some pink bunting on the walls.
“Oh I cannot wait to see them!” Asmo gushed, “even Lucifer!”
“Yeah well I get first dibs on huggin’ MC.” Mammon stated as he folded his arms over his chest.
“Why do you get to hug her first?” Levi muttered, completely unimpressed.
“Please, let’s not start this.” Satan shook his head, already sighing at his brother’s antics.
Before any of them could say anything, they heard footsteps approach the door and before they knew it, Lucifer and MC had appeared.
She had a huge grin on her face as she was met by the six demons. The House of Lamentation had never felt so welcoming. With Lucifer carrying Lillian, MC stepped further into the room.
“Hey Mammon.” She beamed as she gently hugged him.
“Hey MC, I’ve missed ya!” He grinned as he held her, quickly sticking his tongue out at Levi nearby.
“I was thinking about you on our way here.” She told him as she pulled out from the hug. Mammon had a bewildered look on his face as he processed her words. “I was just telling Lucifer how different things would be if it weren’t for you.”
He raised his eyebrow, still querying her words.
“You came to see me all of those months ago...if you hadn’t then Lucifer never would have come too and I’d have no way of contacting him once I would have found out I was pregnant.” She smiled, “It’s all thanks to you that we’re here now.”
While Mammon had a proud look on his face, Lucifer didn’t quite share the same expression. His was more sombre as he began to imagine what would have happened if him and Mammon never went to see her. Would Diavolo have eventually gone to the human realm?
Although the Prince had somewhat redeemed himself, Lucifer couldn’t help but feel angry whenever he thought of the way he’d originally planned to manipulate MC into carrying his baby. Whether he loved her or not, at one point he had completely unbalanced thoughts and that’s all Lucifer will see whenever he sees Diavolo now.
But despite his negative thoughts, even he couldn’t help but feel the smallest shred of admiration for his younger brother.
“She’s right, Mammon.” Lucifer spoke up, “Without you I may never have known about our baby.”
All seven brothers and MC watched him intently, silenced by his words.
“Thank you.” He spoke sincerely as he placed a hand on his chest.
Mammon was completely taken aback by Lucifer’s gratitude. It was incredibly rare for him to ever thank any of the brothers let alone him. Feeling himself growing sheepish at the praise, he scratched the back of his head. “Y—ya can always leave it to the Great Mammon to save the day!”
MC smiled at him in awe as she placed a hand on his cheek. “You are great, Mammon.”
“Come.” Lucifer ordered, taking Lillian toward the door, “Let’s move this into the lounge.”
With the brothers dispersing from the room, MC quickly reached out and grabbed Satan’s hand before he could follow. He turned around with a confused expression. “Is everything okay?” He asked concerned.
“I know you’ve been really supportive for Lucifer.” MC smiled sweetly, “It’d seem that you’ve been his voice of reason - thank you.”
“Lucifer and I may never have gotten along but I know that when something plays on his mind it can spiral him into insanity and cause him to make the wrong choices.” Satan stated simply. “Usually I wouldn’t care but this wasn’t something that I could sit idle for - I didn’t want him to make a decision that he’d regret for the rest of his existence.”
“You’re a great demon, Satan.” MC breathed, “I know he appreciates everything you’ve done.”
“So do I.” Satan spoke with a small smile.
“Good.” She mouthed at him before they left the room to join everybody else.
Entering the lounge, the first thing they saw were all of the brothers gathered around Lucifer as he carefully removed Lillian from her carrier. Holding her close in his arms, the demons were all silent as they gazed down at the tiny baby.
“Can I hold her?” Mammon practically whispered.
Lucifer was a little hesitant at first. The only other person he wanted to see holding his baby was MC and that was partly because he had no other choice. “Mammon you be caref—“
“I know, I know! I’ll be careful.” He stated.
Reluctantly leaning his body toward his brother, Lucifer delicately passed Lillian over to him. She wasn’t sleeping. In fact, her eyes had never been so wide as she stared at all of these strange new faces. Her tiny hands shifted as Mammon took her in his arms. He couldn’t hide the absolutely huge grin he had on his face as he gushed over her.
“Ya kinda cute!” He beamed.
“Kind of?” Lucifer questioned sternly.
“Ooh, calm down Dad!” Asmo giggled.
Feeling the warmth of her Uncle’s arms, a tiny content smile appeared on Lillian’s face. “Ah!! Look at her she’s smilin’!” Mammon grinned as he almost dropped her.
Diavolo twiddled his quill between his fingers as he stared down at his desk. He couldn’t hide the sombre look he had on his face as he tried to rid his thoughts of MC and Lucifer. His mind tormented him over and over, reminding him of what he almost tried to tear apart.
“My Lord.” Barbatos’ pleasant voice spoke softly.
Lifting his head, Diavolo’s eyes met his as he dropped the quill from his hand. “Apologies Barbatos, I hadn’t realised you were stood there.”
“There’s no need to apologise, My Lord.” Barbatos spoke politely.
His servant could see that the Prince wasn’t himself. Although he knew it was his fault that Lucifer discovered his true antics, Barbatos never felt guilt for Diavolo. After all, his intentions of telling the eldest brother were only because he could see something dire to come if the Prince were to continue his malevolent plans.
“Tell me Barbatos...” Diavolo spoke quietly, “How is she?”
“Home.” He nodded, sensing MC being back at the house.
“And the baby?” He asked desperately.
Barbatos paused for a moment, his gaze falling to the floor. “I don’t know, My Lord. My abilities are sparse when it comes to the infant - it’d seem with her being a mix of three species I’m unable to see through to her.”
“Three?” Diavolo scrunched his nose.
“Yes, My Lord. She’s part human due to her Mother and part demon because of her Father. However, with MC being a descendant of Lillith and Lucifer being a fallen angel, their baby still carries celestial blood.”
“Hells...” Diavolo whispered with wide eyes as his stare diverted across the room. “I hadn’t even considered the thought.”
“And now you understand why I had to stop anything from coming between the parents of the child who is the key to uniting all of the realms.” Barbatos stated, bowing his head.
Diavolo contemplated the idea. Suddenly worry filled him, was Lillian protected enough? Were they all protected enough?
“My Lord there is something else that I must tell you.” Barbatos sighed, catching the Prince’s attention. “With MC and Lucifer being the first to mix species with their baby, it may cause them great threat.”
“The nobles.” Diavolo muttered through gritted teeth, already knowing where the conversation was going.
“Should they learn of their child, I fear that Lucifer, Lillian and MC may not be safe.” Barbatos informed him.
“They’d never defy me.” Diavolo stated, abruptly standing up from his chair.
“I only wish for that to be true, My Lord.”
Ooh gurl! What do we think to that?
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dragqueen-eddie · 7 years
Our Last Summer (3)
Summary: The Losers club all recall their encounters with IT, and meet Mike Hanlon along the way;
AN: This took so long fuck sorry Happy new year! This is really long oh dear.
(Part 1) (Part 2)
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It was just after dinner win the phone began ringing. Your mother was repairing some old clothes at the kitchen table and your father was busy working in his office, Y/N walked over to the phone and picked it up, not expecting the voice on the other end.
“Y/N?” spoke an upset voice, it was obvious that they had been crying.
“Bev is that you? What’s up?” Y/N’s voice was laced with concern, there was a pause before Beverly spoke again.
“C-Can you come over? I need your help.”
“Sure, I’ll be right there. Is your dad there?” 
“No... He’s gone to the pub, he won’t be back until the morning. Can you please hurry?” Her voice was breaking, you’d never heard her sound so upset.
“Yeah, sure I’ll be there asap. Just, stay there OK?” You put the phone back on the hook and slid her shoes on. Her mother looked up from her place and cocked a brow
“Where do you think you’re going?” 
“Bev called, she sounded really upset, I’m going to go check on her.” Was all you said as you walked out the back door and got onto her bike, peddling as fast as you could to Bev’s house.
You dumped your bike by the fire escape and ran up the steel stairs. You opened the door to Bev’s flat and rushed in.
“Bev? Bev where are you?” you called as you looked around the small space.
“Bathroom.” She shouted, her voice cracking. You rushed into the bathroom and gasped when she set her eyes on her friend. Her hair was cut short and uneven, hair covered the sink.
“Bevvie...” You went in to hug her “What happened?” 
“It was impulsive... Can you help me even it out?” She spoke softly, calmer know that Y/N was here.
“Of course...” was all you said as you grabbed the scissors and began to cut away at the strands, evening them out as you went. It took an hour but soon enough, you were done.
“What do you think?” you asked timidly
Bev turned to the mirror and ran her hands through her hair
“I love it. Thank you Y/N.” Bev smiled, and they hugged once more, before Y/N left.
The next day, You and Bev met up and rode down the the quarry together. Once the two of you had reached the quarry, you saw the group of boys already stripped and at the edge.
“W-Who wants to go first?” Bill asked
“I’ll go.” Bev piped up from her place beside Y/N, She quickly took off her dress and ran to the edge, jumping over. You began to laugh at the others reactions, doing the same, you jumped in as well.
The 7 of you spent the entire day playing and swimming in the quarry. It was some of the most fun that Y/N had ever had. You all swam, raced, Y/N even sat on Richie’s shoulders and wrestled Bev. It was the type of day you’d wish would never end.
After a while, all of you got out of the water and sat on some near by rocks. Somebody had brought a boom box, which was blasting some Young MC song while you and Bev sunbathed. 
“News flash Ben! Schools out for summer!” Richie said in a stupid voice, which made you laugh. You sat up to see what they were doing and saw Richie  digging through Ben’s backpack, you briefly saw a post card but Ben snatched it out of Richie’s hand and put it back in his bag. Richie then pulled out a folder and began to flip through it.
“Whats with the History project?” Richie asked before passing the folder to Bill
“I didn’t have anyone to hang out when I first moved here so I spent a lot of time at the Library.” Ben replied bashfully.
“You went to the library? On purpose?” 
“I wanna see.” Bev stood up and sat next to Bill, who stared at her.
“Y-Y-Your hair.” Bill began, but stopped.
“Your hair is beautiful, Beverly.” Ben interrupted, making Bev blush lightly. You gave her a small smile. 
“Thanks.” She smiled to the two boys.
You stood up and sat next to Richie on the rocks, looking at the folder.
“Why’s it all murders and missing kids?” Richie asked, passing it to Stan
“Derry’s not like any other town I've ever been in. Did you know that people go missing here twice the national average?” Ben watched as everyone passed around his folder, reading the pages with fascination.
“Is that true?” You asked
“That’s just adults... Kids are worse. I’ve got more stuff if you want to see it?” Ben asked and before you knew it, you were all on your bikes, on your way to Ben’s house.
Once everyone had dumped their bikes outside of Ben’s house, everyone filed in after him. Once all of you had reached Ben’s room, you were speechless. All sorts of old public records, newspaper clippings, and old drawings littered the wall. You were astonished.
“Cool, right?” Ben asked with a slight enthusiasm, you could tell he really enjoyed all of the History here in Derry.
“No... No not cool.” Richie began a sarcastic rant, which you ignored. You looked at the various drawings but one caught your eye. One with a clown. The same clown you saw in the woods. Your breath caught in your throat and you felt your stomach sink. 
“Y/N?” A voice said beside you, You jumped slightly. You turned to see Stan looking at you with slight concern. “Are you OK?” 
You nodded, “Yeah, just not feeling to well.” You made up an excuse, you didn't want to tell anyone about the clown, not yet anyway. They’d think you were crazy.
After you had all looked around Ben’s room, you all left. One by one, going home for dinner.
The next day you had gotten another phone call from Bev, she sounded equally as distressed as the last time. You barely had time to talk before she hung up. 
“Get the boys and come to my house. Now.” Was all she said, before you heard the dial tone. Once again, you rushed out the back door, jumped onto your bike and rode over to Beverly’s, picking up the boys on your way.
“What did she say, Y/N?” One of them asked
“She didn’t say anything, just that we had to come over.” You groaned as you stopped your bike and jumped. You saw Bev running down the stairs and she gave you a hug
“You made it! I-I need to show you something.”
“What is it?”
“More than we saw at the quarry?” Richie joked
“Shut up! Just shut up Richie!” Shouted Eddie
“My dad’ll kill me if he founds out if i had boys in the apartment...” Bev continued, glancing at you.
“Then w-we’ll leave a l-look out. Richie s-stay here.” Bill said as he got off his bike, the others did the same and ran up the stairs while Richie complained.
“What do i do if he comes back?!” He shouted.
“Start talking!” You called.
The group of you all walked in to the small flat. You followed Beverly and raised a brow.
“In there.” She said nervously.
“The bathroom?” you asked
“What is it?” Stan said from beside you.
“You’ll see.” Was all Bev said as you began to walk towards the green door.
“The bathroom? Did you know that 89% of injuries in the home happen in the bathroom...” Eddie began to spout out different statistics about injuries caused at home. He soon stopped when Bill pushed open the bathroom door. Your stomach sank.
There was blood everywhere. The crimson colour painted the floors, ceilings, windows and walls. All light that shone in from the window was blocked, and instead filtered in ominous red light. 
“Holy shit...” You muttered
“You can see it?” She asked us all hopefully
“What happened in here?” Stan asked
“My dad couldn’t see it... I thought i might be crazy.”
“We can’t leave it like this. We have to clean it up.” You said and began to walk to the cleaning supplies.
The group spent what felt like hours, scrubbing and rinsing the bathroom. It was disgusting. 
After you’d finished cleaning, the group found themselves walking along the street. Richie was riding his bike in circles around all of you, moaning about how bored he was being left alone outside while you had scrubbed the floors.
“Beep beep Richie.” You said quietly
“Oh I’m sorry I wasn’t scrubbing imaginary blood that came out of the sink. Probably looked like Eddie’s mums vaginas on Halloween.”
“She d-didn’t imagine it... I-I saw s-something too.” Bill said. We all stopped in our path and turned to him.
“More blood?” Stan asked. Bill shook his head.
“Not blood... I saw Georgie. It seemed so real, It seemed l-like him, but i s-saw this-” 
“Clown?” Eddie interupte, his voice shook slightly. You stared at the ground, It couldn’t be real. Other people had seen It too?
“I saw it too.” He continued. The other losers nodded in agreement, as did you.
“I didn’t want to say anything, in case you thought I was crazy but, on my way home from school, on the very last day of term... I saw this clown. He looked like Betty Ripsom at first... But then he turned into a clown. I tried to run but the trees branches turned into... Hands I suppose. My upper arms got scratched from it all....” You rolled up your sleeves and showed the scratches briefly to the Losers, who gave you a look of sympathy. 
“Wait can only Virgins see this stuff? Is that why i haven’t seen anything?” Richie piped up, the losers gave him a scowl. Before anyone could tell say anything, shouting could be heard from the woods next to the road.
“Shit that’s Belch Huggins car. We should go.” Eddie said while he climbed onto his bike.
“Wait isn’t that the home schooled kids bike?” Bill pointed to a bike, the basket on the front had packages spilling out of it, as if it had been thrown hastily.
“Yeah that’s Mikes...” You furrowed your brows, You had met Mike before. He was sweet, but didn’t talk much.
“We have to go and help him.” Bev said firmly
“We should?” 
“Yes.” You agreed with Bev, the two of you immediately dropped your bikes and ran off into the clearing. The group soon in toe. Quickly, you had all gathered across the stream and saw the Bowers gang, They were pushing Mikes face down into raw meat. The sight of it made your stomach churn, Those Bastards. The next thing you knew, Henry had Mike pinned and he held a rock over him, Threatening to hit make with it. You and Bev picked up a rock each and launched it at Henry, Who paused and turned to look at you both with anger.
“Nice throw...”
The rest of the losers soon joined you and followed suit, picking up a rock each, as Mike crawled across the stream. You helped him sit up and turned your attention to Bowers.
“You losers are putting in way to much effort. They’ll do you, maybe at the same time. You just gotta ask nicely. Like I did.” Henry smirked and did an obscene gesture towards you and Bev. You scowled at him, but sadness could be seen in your eyes. It wasn't true of course, but nobody ever believed that. Ben let out a roar and launched his rock at Henry, hitting him square in the face. The losers followed, all throwing their rocks at the Bowers gang. 
“Rock war!” Richie shouted just before being hit in the face, It was The Bowers gang Verses the Losers. Everyone of you threw the rocks as hard as you could, fighting a winning battle against bowers and his goons. Eventually, the Bowers gang gave up, and ran away.
The eight of you walked along to a meadow nearby. 
“Guys that was nice an all,  but you really shouldn't have have done that. He’ll be after you too now.” Mike sighed 
“Oh no Bowers is always after us. It’s fine.” Eddie shrugged, Mutters of agreement could be heard through the group.
“Yeah home school, welcome to the losers club.”
Tag list: @sound-board-controls @staned @its-called-being-spontaneous @veryweirdintrovert @heartless--girls @aritzapandr @holycoldcoffee @michi-bruh @funelatra
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