#around 20 yrs a lot let him process this
birbwaifu · 1 year
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Sergi from Blood Moon by @barbwritesstuff because who could’ve guessed I would fall in love with the older guy
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xiaq · 2 years
It sounds like you're good with kids of all ages and I was hoping for advice. I'm going to meet my partner's nephews and niece next month for the first time (all under the age of 5) and I'm anxious about it because I was an only child and I've spent very very little times around kids. Do you have advice on how to make small people like you?
Friend, I have excellent news for you: small people are big people with no filter and less practice in modulating their voices. It is usually very easy to sort out what they like/dislike and then just do the things they like. So my basic advice is as follows:
1. Treat them like drunk adults. A. Talk to them like they're adults--ask them questions about their interests/toys etc. and seriously respond to their answers. None of that baby talk shit. B. Give them autonomy--ask if it's ok before picking them up or hugging them or helping them put on shoes (unless they're going to hurt themselves and you need to intervene of course). C. Don't be demeaning. Try not to laugh if they say or do something embarrassing. If they're hurt, validate that they're hurt and scared, and don't try to tell them they're fine. You have a whole lot of context they do not. Try to meet them where they are. 2. Find a thing they like and do it. Over and over again. Until they get bored/tell you to stop. A good way to start this process is to ask them to give you a tour of their room or ask them to show you their favorite toys. Example from last week: 3 yr old immediately showed me his car collection and laughed uproariously when I drove a toy car up his back, over his head, and then booped his nose with it (while making the appropriate sounds). After the first time he said "AGAIN" so I did this...probably 50 times over the next 10 minutes (and mixed it up by occasionally saying it was my turn--we gotta encourage sharing, you feel--and having him drive the car on me) (We also go to work on using gentle hands for nose boops. The first few were a bit rough, lol). But the point is, he laughed SO HARD every time. And then decided I was good people and took things from there, telling me he wanted to play "fix the plane" in which a plane needs fixing, I bring it into him, and then he fixes it. This lasted another 20 minutes. Small kids are very much about the thing they're about. If they're having fun doing a thing, just keep doing it, until they indicate they're done. A lot of adults will try to hurry kids along when the adult gets bored. Give the kid the space to set the time limits on things they enjoy for once and they'll adore you for it. 3. Thank them for their time. Like adults, kids love being appreciated and getting good feedback. I say "thanks for letting me play with X toy, I really like it." I say "thanks for showing me how X thing works, that's really cool." I say, "thanks for holding my hand while we walked through X place, that made me feel safe." And always at the end of the day/night I say "thanks so much for playing with me, I had a lot of fun spending time with you." Kids eat that shit up.
Also PS. Don't do that bend over with your hands on your knees thing. I don't know a single kid who likes that. To get on their level, kneel, crouch, sit or lay down. Don't loom.
Anyway. Hope this little run-through was helpful. Good luck!!
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rennyji · 6 months
I cannot shake off feeling my parents, in StupidWays, are still trying 2 paint me as “the bad guy.” I feel somethings now telling them what’s wrong, whileThey nod heads 2moveOn, & in spirit of family counseling, complete apathy, cuz theyFeelJustified.-indicativeOfTroubledKidShow-
-I’m having trouble recalling/keeping track of things, simple as keeping phone on me, 2cover aVariable, b/c of brain hackers/meds. I feel like in aHaze. On an unrelated note, I feel grip of what’s like tentacles enveloping me/at veryLeast thought blocking me.(physical sensation)-
- when brain hackers do something “with me,” or we do something at same time, I cannot process what I’m doing and “visual” looking ocd symptoms occur because I don’t “know” not doubt, what I did the first time-
- I’m feeling someone’s tiredness, petty laughter, and gestures, for lack of a better word-
- I’ll try to keep iWatch on me to cover all variables. Maybe it has a mic that someone can listen into. Then I don’t have to get irritated for not having my phone on me during an inopportune and abrupt conversation where parents instigate.-
- Dad had phone in his master bathroom during 2:15 PM and 2:20 PM on 4/4/24. He claims I’m “accusing” him of things, a burst/eruption type/child whining reaction/, when I ask him where my tea set(for green tea, weirdos!-Japanese stone style).-
- my parents & troubled kids show are out to get me. They want to make me come off as a hoarder when I’m drugged 4 the truth & brain hacking is occurring. I buy things, usually innovative things that are always made in China, like a rotating swivel clamp on keyboard tray.-
- because they’re one of a kind and took a lot of searching to find, I’ll buy more than one if in case they never sell it again. Sometimes I buy things that look like a good idea.-
-Japanese stone green tea set, looked like good aesthetically stimulating way 2 drink tea insteadOfCoffee. A little bell & whistle 2 make tea more attractive. But then something happens like sedation, & I stop caring to pursuing interests or come down to Y bother w/tea?& forget.-
- then on a day like today, where I wasn’t being insomniac, I get “motivation” 2 take out tea set which I suddenly “remember” at a time when I cannot think/remember. I don’t get the methodology with this, or Y troubled kids show behaves secretly. They no they’re wrong&want2hide.-
-the next evolution of troubled kids show mentality is probably square out or clear out the kinks in the family and go “ta da” look what we did. You realize, after all this, it’s time for goodbyes all around?!-
- with the troubled kids show, This is like 18 yrs ago when I was innocent, and they undecided 2 show how good I am, and then plan2 tell me afterwards. The eyes of The God makes me see ur stupidity. When will you repent or acknowledge a method, tech, thinking that doesn’t work?!-
- U fools in orchestrators are so h*ll bent on making me in2 some1 who has 2B mind controlled 2 saying “I love you” or as a frustrated child who doesn’t laugh, u don’t realize I’m preoccupied w/ur stupidity. Now those on phone are asking it’s okay 2 laugh, right? EffectsOfLibel.-
- & then people investigating troublesome show keeps having me trip in2 a delusional state, where they’re talking 2 selves and gettting mad at me while I’m paralyzed. When the tentacles reach, I’m some1 else’s interpretation. Thanks mom/dad for letting USA harvest my organs.-
The thing astonishing me is my dad, after bathroom argument closes door & locks it when I leave him. He asks me if I’m accusing him (like we’re in court) 4 asking where’s my stone tea mugs. I ask my mom and she gets irritated. Not an ounce of remorse, just spite.
- when ur parents have nerve 2 say they feel worse than U, when U find urself in trouble, always know its a blatant lie. Its nastiest thing they can tell me, when I’m experiencing this nonsense w/ stalkers, the school, the growing strange Albany like youth, army, govmt…
-I’m receiving therapy/meds 4 talking about truth & b/c prissy Caucasian’s w/ sticks up a*ses, in coming up w/ protocols over simple action, want 2 do their side projects. While that, I’m hearing demonic songs in head. What kind of delusion is that? Let’s Make the ill sicker?-
- these retards have so much data to come up with random cr*p to spread their horny a*s ideas, their uncleanly ways (literally telling people it’s ok to be a slob getting poop on hands or scratching bulls because of random itch, which shouldn’t happen if u shower)- nasty retards-
- idiots in orchestrators no my respect, 4 not letting a rosary be thrown carelessly, or not letting a Bible hang from a table. 4 that, U want 2 use profanity 2 make it seem like I? Need 2 let loose & live a little? 4 this outright defiance, believe there is a h*ll.-
- my parents don’t know the depth to which this occurring and the troubled kids show and everyone else manipulates two immigrants for their side projects. You think this would happen with an adventurous British blonde or the stereotypical angry black woman? -
- & my parents are taking 2 selves, saying things that hint at or start off w/1 word like: how much more do we have to take?!(Dialect expressions) 1 word my dad slipped inReference, his hiding of face, snowballing of his forceful:then controlled movements, all indicate problems -
- the orchestrators hate God so much, after several opportunities 2 escape, they now want 2spread their lazy/excessively horny/unkempt , disrespectful to God & others type, behavior thru symbol of my face 4their antichrist. RestOf U Just looking4excusesToWatUConsiderLettingLoose.
retarded mom&dad start another nonsensical conversation from 7:50 pm or 8 pm, till 8:20 PM on 4/4/24. 1 of their wiseEndIdeas 2makeMeLookCrazy, or 2 doubt a troubled kids show theme, or promote the theme 2 make me come off delusional. Retards I wouldn’t hesitate 2throw inJail.
STUFF THAT WASN'T IN TWEETS. What that random argument was about? Nonsense. It's the kind of thing that happens to get me riled up, to justify someone else's instigation and my response to it. Over a teapot, who said what, what was said, and then however I will manage with the corner kitchen space to put two water heaters. Now what could you people be hearing and seeing. The angry shizo raising his voice while you're watching him in a delusional situation. Sick F*ks all around. But ur so sick, it's not going to sick in. Moving on, as this is no longer worth my time, that's the kind of thing that happens in my situation. Every day, every month, every year, year after year. America's problems are NOT my problems, when you couldn't respect my dignity - forget as a native citizen - as a human being. Never define/restrict my potential. Never charter my life, you sick demented f*ks making a delusional situation more delusional. Now I have to worry about watching tv and the individuals on the other end buying into propaganda/stupid ideas. Was the F* is it to you any of you whether I laugh or smile. Your planes are falling/bridges are collapsing, and this is why. Because of your h*rt feelings cr*p. Pull the d*mn plug on this nonsense. You make sh*t nice by wrapping it around in nice wrapping paper doesn't mean I want your sh*t. Move on with your lives, rip this d*mn thing off like a bandaid. Never bother me again. A bunch of weirdos see me naked in multiple ways, and you think I'm a prostitute to continue doing it after. 
To the orchestrators: Take your illusion mind control cr*p, your fake thinking style, your hallucinations, your augmented reality cr*p, and never come near me again, not in 10 years, a century, a millennium, a millennia after. The amount of your controlling nature bull sh*t when I figure out ur crap in hours, days, or months. 18 years or more. godlike mental faculties, physical augmentations, such powers are not yours, but they are what they are. powers are powers. Integrity, or at this point, DIGNITY is priceless. Get lost. I waited quite a bit of time to say this objectively. What do you call that f*tards?! Cuz Oh I'm the guy who's been mistreated, and then mistreated for show, and now I need all your reassurance or approval. Just writing it sound like a b*tch. Go on with your lives. Try avoiding a day without shooting, then bother with tv camera people nonsense. Not another day. I don't want this to be fixed if it ever required fixing to begin with. I'm happy the way it is. Get lost, wipe my mind, do whatever. Never come near my family or me. Middle age and these retards think I want to hang out with old men, teenagers, and be a brother to a nation that F*ed me over. Is that better orchestrators? Did I...say what I really feel...deep down he hates us-no sh*t! Get lost! While you look at me with fake puzzled looks? What is my expression? Do I need to punch a wall to make a point? This endless "he doesn't mean it" "he's angry" , all to just drag this out one more day. Why the f* do I care if you say hello or look at me. Get lost! To a bunch of ... how do I say this nicely ... citizens of the um America's ideals...I don't want to encourage your random hype interest in me with forced smiles. Take a hike and turn th*s prostitution of a brown man off. 
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lanshappycorner · 4 years
Deuce Spade facts and fun facts🥳🥳
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This is a list of facts and fun facts about Deuce! This list is based on true facts only and any observations I've made, however observations can be subjective, so those will be labeled properly! Let's start off with some facts already in the wiki :)
First Yr, class 1-A, student no.24
Birthday: June 3
Age: at the beginning of the game, Deuce is 16, but currently, he is 17 [his profile in game has not been updated, but as time is proven to flow in game, it is unclear but can be interpreted that the characters do canonly age]
173 cm / 5'8" ft
Homeland: Rose kingdom
Family: Mother, Grandmother, it is implied that his father is out of the picture as Deuce states that he is the only man in the family so his father has either left or is dead
Club: Track and Field [alongside Jack]
Best subject: PE
Dominant hand: Right
Fav food: Egg dishes / omurice
Least fav food: Bell peppers
Dislikes: Limited time sales
Hobby: Magical wheel (twst motorcycle I guess but it looks kinda funky)
Talents: Machinery Maintainance [good with fixing gadgets and etc]
Used to be a delinquent before he heard his mother crying on the phone to his grandmother about his behavior. Afterwards he decided to change
Owns a pink leopard printed suit
Cannot do middle school math, he will take a lot of time to solve simple Algebra problems
Gets nervous and stops functioning entirely when talking to women
Onto some fun facts outside of the wiki! These facts have been gathered from various sources (ppl who can read japanese, ppl who have told me abt info in the twst guidebook, twitter, and ofc the main translated story), but I cannot prove 100% authenticity of this, so take it with a gain of salt
Canonly a pretty boy. Deuce is described as the "cool pretty type" in the twst guidebook
Smells like flowers [applies to all students from Rose kingdom]
A romantic, he admired the king and queen of heart's relationship and trey teased him about it
Thought that baby chicks hatch from store bought eggs until the MC and Grim told him the truth
Can cook eggs (he likes them over easy)
Wanted to make a magical wheel club but was rejected so he joined track and field
Bought magical wheel magazines when he was younger and studied it
Wanted to ride his magical wheel in the heartslabyul maze (mentioned he forgets bad things when he rides it so like...it makes him feel better)
Hates limited times sales/shopping but is extremely good at it. He can remember the price of an item, when exactly it sells out, the percentage/probability of when it can sell out, discount prices and pretty much any math that has to do with it [he's extremely good at shopping because his mother brought him out a lot with her to limited time sales]
In addition to the point above, it is implied he can memorize and calculate that for pretty much every item he intends on buying (everything I listed above is in relation to the time he bought 20 limited time puddings which greatly impressed Sebek who wasn't able to grab even 1, but it was later revealed that he also bought 8 bag full of items requested by Trey for baking, as well as the others probably from heartslabyul) so basically Deuce big brain and very good memorization abilities
Hilariously in the instance above, Sebek, who is like...a real fae, has said that what Deuce did was not something a human can do
Flirted with a plant because vil was fucking around with him and told him to
Was ready to fist fight Riddle
Was about to go find Leona to beat him up but Vil was like do u have no fear and Deuce pretty much said that he can get thru to Leona with his muscles
Was about to fight Malleus (jesus christ) but ended up fixing his tamagotchi and came out completely loaded and rich (good for deuce, get that cha ching babey)
Won a Track and Field competition (noted to be rare for a first year)
He is literally a pretty boy, it's been pointed out that he looks good in the ceremonial clothes (but we already know that)
Admires Riddle and sees him as a role model, has called him boss (like...yakuza boss terminology) once
[Observation] Has a pretty good relationship with Jamil as he has asked Jamil to help him practice his Stargazer dance, and mentioned him once again when talking about how Jamil fixed his hat and said that he was a reliable upperclassman
Has said fuck and would not hesitate to say it again 🥺
Has been called honest and cute, was fawned over by kalim and trey. Kalim said Deuce was similar to his younger brothers
During his delinquent phase, he was blamed for many things he didn't do as well, Deuce said that he realized no one believed in him despite what he says, but because a policeman stood up for him, he wanted to become a cop when he grew up
Used intimidation tactics [the equivalent of "u wanna fucking go let's go I'll beat ur ass" to scare off ppl and silver was like hm I will have to try that sometime, to which deuce was pretty much like ahahah no dont
Deuce refers to Yuu as his "mabu", basically calling Yuu his best friend
He can change a lightbulb, and he talks abt hand washing materials and just domestic house stuff in general as if it's common knowledge. In other words it's implied Deuce is really good at housework due to doing a lot for his mother
When he was a kid, he used to cry because he thought there were monsters outside, but it was just hanging laundry
Is more scared of Riddle than ghosts
It's implied that one time (or several times...) he stayed after school with Crewel, and the poor guy had to attempt to explain the same concept over and over again to Deuce for hours until he understood
Ace always cheats in card games with Deuce, so Deuce claims that it's not very fun playing with him
Bad at astrology bc apparently all stars look the same to him
Likes cafe latte
Does tease ppl, he once messed with Yuu and in the process called Ace "Ace-kun" (Ace called him "Deuce-kun" as well). There has been an instance where he's teased Jack about his Niceness TM
Used to have over 30 gang members following him at age 14-15. (You'd think that him being so young would make him like a lackey but no he was the boss)
Has a thing for summoning cauldrons since he was young, but apparently you need to have a large amount of magic capabilities to summon objects, so [observation] deuce may actually be extremely powerful bc he was able to summon things at a young age, but he hasn't refined his powers yet so he still seems weak compared to a lot of the cast
During his delinquent phase, apparently he had a really wild hairstyle and he used his magic on people weaker than him
[Observation] Deuce is actually pretty good at lying. In his Halloween card he was able to put up a good act and deceive some of his ex gang members into following him into the forest before mildly roughing them up (keep in mind that he has not had contact with these ppl for at least a year, yet somehow he was able to assert enough authority to tell them to follow him. Also, he thought of this plan on the spot, and acted malicious enough so that the gang members would believe in him—which proves that he's not only quick witted but a convincing actor, as Jamil actually believed his act for a while)
It's implied that he and Ace are often in leadership positions, as they helped to lead heartslabyul in designing their Halloween booth, but they also mentioned that it was much easier compared to organizing unbirthday parties
[Observation] despite wanting to be an honor student, Deuce is still able to take unjustly means to achieve his goals (EX. Making a deal with Azul to pass his test), in general, deuce doesn't care too much about the method, be it through cheating or violence to get to his goal, but he does value a fair battle
[Observation] a lot of Deuce's strengths are subtle as we are frequently told abt how much of a bad student he is, but if u rly think abt it, deuce is put in leadership positions a lot, he's good a memorization and small technical details, he can be at times quick witted and deceiving, and he has the potential to be extremely powerful in magic. In conclusion Deuce is a menace and once we find out what his unique magic is I'm 100.01% sure he will become a greater menace and I think he should fight a lot of people and win
That will be all for this post! There may be more fun facts/observations that I may have missed, but feel free to add on to this! Anyways thank u for reading and please stan Deuce Spade♠️💙
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phdmama · 2 years
hello! 18, 20, and 35 from the 'weird questions for writers' ask game, please
Ooo thank you so much, frond!!! xox
18. Choose a passage from your writing. Tell me about the backstory of this moment. How you came up with it, how it changed from start to end.
Okay, so this is a moment fairly late in the fic I just posted, The Privilege of Being Yours (Drarry, ~21K, E).
Draco slicks himself up, and as he pushes in, Harry reaches out to the Forest, to Draco, to the sky and the earth and the light and the dark that surrounds him. You protected me, Harry whispers to the dirt beneath him. You saved me, he says as Draco moves within him, not sure if he means Draco or the Forest. Not sure it matters. Let me heal you, he offers as Draco’s hand wraps around his achingly hard cock and starts to stroke him. Yes, he says to Draco through their Bond and he feels Draco shudder, feels Draco’s mouth, hot and open as it presses to his spine.
Thank you, he gasps as he starts to come, his orgasm rolling through his body like an earthquake. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
This is pretty much straight from my brain to the page, with very little editing. I know it's run-on sentences, but I feel like it captures this really powerful and overwhelming moment - they're doing this ritual, they're desperate to make it work. I wanted Harry's process to convey how deeply present he is in this moment, so entwined with Draco and the Forest, and how much this matters to him, how important it is to him. To me, at least, it felt like a powerful and healing moment for him.
20. If a witch offered you the choice between eternal happiness with your one true love and the ability to finally finish, perfect, and publish your dearest, darlingest, most precious WIP in exactly the way you've always imagined it — which would you choose? You can’t have both sorry, life’s a bitch
Oh, eternal happiness with my one true love, 100% (not that I believe in either of those things ha ha, but like, if I were given that offer!). Maybe it's that I've been writing a long time now (6.5 yrs for Larry, almost 6 yrs for Drarry), but I don't know that I have any one darlingest WiP (because I have So. Many. WiPs.) and I've had a fair amount of practice with making peace with the fact that I can publish things and be okay with them not being perfect and ever truly finished! Writing is a really important part of my life, but it's also a place where I allow myself to be messy and imperfect. But the love in my life with my family, my partner, my kitties - that's the foundation of every single thing.
35. What’s your favorite writing rule to smash into smithereens?
I think a thing I do fairly consistently, which is technically not correct but is VERY much a deliberate stylistic choice about voice is something like this:
Potter is off-duty for the entire weekend and talks happily about spending time with his godson, mentions a cut-throat pick-up Quidditch match that he’d been roped into earlier this afternoon, expounds on the renovation he’s designing for the kitchen of his townhouse.
This is from an upcoming fic that was originally for Wireless but for Reasons™ could not be included, so I'll be publishing it on my own. This is a construction I use all the time (given how often I reject Grammarly's suggestions) - which is they always want me to put an "and" after that last comma and I just. Don't want to. So I don't. I don't do it 100% but I definitely do it a lot. More than one beta has tried to get me to change it and I just won't because I personally like it! I don't think I'm that odd that as a writer, in I am very very picky about my word choices and sentence constructions and I do a LARGE amount of line/sentence-level editing to make sure I've got things as I want them.
Weird Questions for Writers (because writers are weird)
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luckyfirerabbit · 4 years
I’d love a little help
I’d love some help gathering bits and pieces for my book, primarily in regards to my characters and their unique experience that is outside my own. I’m gonna dump a little here, and if there’s anything you can add to or know someone who can or just want to pass this post along that it might reach those people, that would be super helpful.
All of these are still super early in development, so bear with me.
Xilin (she/her/asexual) Latine coded (still working on exactly the nationality etc.) Disabled/wheel chair bound. Self taught wizard, roughly 20 yrs old. As far as personality, she’s very energetic and loves building things and gets very excited when she knows she’s right. (This is likely to change as I go)
Part of her personal story is learning to trust the competence of others even if their expertise differs from her own. The story starts with her leaving her home village for the first time, so it’s definitely a “finding your way into adulthood” sort of story for her.
Any advice regarding the Latine experience -be it in any area, secular, religious, economic, would be very much appreciated. I would especially love input from disabled folks about their daily lives like how they go through their morning/bedtime routines, with or without assistance from others, how they feel about their independence and their relationship with friends/family.
Ajay and Vijay respectively (he/him/TBD) and (she/they/Demisexual): Fraternal twins, Afro-Indian coded (south eastern region of India, Telugu speaking) Ajay is a pacifist Cleric/Healer, effeminate and soft natured, fun loving. He’s one of Xilin’s closest friends. He and his sister are somewhat estranged after finding vastly different ways to cope with a shared trauma when they were kids, but he still loves her, of course, when she lets him. So far, it seems like his personal story is hanging on to his softness/compassion when the world is no longer soft or compassionate.
Vijay is essentially a ranger, lives off the land, in the wilds, has a tiger companions named Avinash, doesn’t much care for crowds or being around too many people for very long. She has a difficult time letting anyone in or get close. She has a fear of attachments, which is an integral part of her personal story.
Any input from the Desi and Black community would be greatly appreciated, as always. Especially if anything about the twins sets off any alarms for you. I’m doing my own research but I can’t keep track of absolutely everything and would love the help, and this early in the process is the perfect time to change things that could be problematic.
Sahv (she/her/bisexual) (white, still working on nationality) the eldest of the main characters -roughly 30-35- mercenary of sorts. She’s also the only non-human, being beastfolk -or manimals, to be less gentle about it. She’s a bit of giant, both in height and in weight, and her beast features are boar-like tusks that she hides rather seriously. Her story is mostly made up of learning to believe that others actually care about her as a person, and value her beyond what sort of services she can provide.
This story is still in the very early stages, and I’ve got the most basic outline 90% done, but there’s still a LOT of room for work/improvement. I’m open to suggestions and feedback and critiques, so by all means, I’m listening. Take care and thanks!
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 4 years
Please tell us abt yr dnd characters holy shit
im in the process of making aesthetic blogs for them too so like ...... check out my main if you want em @turntechgodhcad 👀
-mod dave
ok so my first one is my chaos elf. glenn meldarion is my stupid idiot bitch boy and i love him and he lives in the woods. hes a rogue and hes chaotic neutral, hes 20, hes aroace, and naturally hes an amazing shot with a bow and arrow. also his full name is glennodad gonk meldarion and each of the names has a meaning
i looked up some elvish translator a while ago and “glennodad” translates to “jared”. jared 19
“meldarion” translates to “dave”. so his name is Elf Jared Dave
“gonk” is the name of my worm on a string so his middle name is gonk
theres nothing particularly angsty about glenn, he doesnt have a sad backstory or anything but he sure has a dumb one. so this fuck head ass starts out on a vegetable / fruit farm and hes minding his own business, he hunts for meat and stuff, and what he doesnt eat he sells. so hes got his own little market goin on but hes not exactly the most Popular of the vegetable sellers because yknow everyone and their mom on the edge of town is a vegetable seller so while glenns not selling fruit hes pickpocketing. and ONE DAY he pickpockets a Haughty Noble and gets caught. so this dude is like “ok” and places a little bounty on his head and hes run out of the town by this nobles goons and shit cause He Wants Payback, so up until he finds a home he just bounces around the woods from kingdom to kingdom camping out and shit. and he still pickpockets
my SECOND boy is named cas, full name casteris emsworth, and hes human, hes my beautiful baby son and i love him and hes a druid (circle of the shepherd) !! hes a neutral good, hes 19, hes got himself a little Knife and hes bi !! and hes . very 👀 at this one tiefling of banes (if yall dont know bane thats my partner ^^).............his names lucas and oh boy cas has the Big Gay...............
cas’ main focus in his druidism is just plants. like people have specific focuses for some of their characters, cas just fucking likes plants. he absolutely excels in potions, and he fucks around with alchemy too. he keeps this big ass tome of plant sketches that hes seen on his travels, and he bakes bread when hes stressed and hes really good at writing! and hes fucking terrified of Really Big Fish . 
his backstorys kinda sad but not really fleshed out; he was raised druidic in a kingdom that outlawed magic, his family got Found Out, they were ordered to be executed and cas escaped. usually this is where people would get vengeful and angry and wage a personal war against the kingdom, but cas doesnt have an angry bone in his body and instead went fucking asap to another place to keep practicing in his parents’ names !! he stayed with a cousin until he got a little hut of his own and now hes just Vibing. his main goal right now is to recreate this potion that he did. he was just fucking Mixing Shit and he grew a baby ent. and now hes like. Hellbent on trying to figure out how the FUCK he did that
then i have a fire genasi whos kind of just in physical character development right now, his name is mathias ganteoran and hes a fighter !! hes 21, chaotic neutral but a Different Flavor than glenn, more Harsh, he fights with a bo staff, his hair is Literally Fire and hes trans demi and gay
mathias is the Grumpy Friend who Doesnt Have Time For This Bullshit but he gets roped into a bunch of stupid stuff anyway and its really great. also he has a rebellious streak and hes just Big Punk. or at least as punk as 1394 can get. also i know for a fact that the way he did his top surgery was that he just went up to some magic friend of his and went “de-tit me” and they did and long story short Magic Top Surgery .
also i didnt have a name for him for six months and i called him “motherfucker unlimited” until i named him
aaryn mendalyn is my next character i love her so much shes my triton, and i really want to use her in a campaign soon. shes a monk (way of the open hand), chaotic good, 19, pan as hell, and this bitch has GAUNTLETS !!!!!
and let me tell yall aaryn is here to do three things and three things only. punch the fuck out of things, party like a rock star, and EAT DIRT
she has a bit of a backstory that involves dirt actually, so shes kinda got a little mermaid complex going on but not cause she finds a guy or smth. so tritons as a species act really superior cause theyre underwater and shit (think amporas) but aaryn always thought “but hm. the land is pretty cool. it has dirt, we have dirt but wet, its the same shit??” so she decides “ok im gonna go be on land now” and she just fucking loves the dry dirt. shes not worried about what her family will think cause shes really fucking impulsive and hey if she doesnt go back then she doesnt go back. she is having the time of her life
for the characters that are still in progress, and all of their info is “X until further notice” cause i still have a lot of research to do on these species and classes
i have a 21 y/o lawful neutral nb lesbian aasimar cleric named kirijah whose entire aesthetic is half-victorian, half-classical, all sun / clouds. theyre trying their best to be poised all the time but god theyre confused as to why they hang out with these people
then theres my 19 y/o chaotic neutral-turned-good human witch named myra !! shes my only character with a homebrew class so im gonna have to figure out how to work with that. shes an aro bi demigirl, and she doesnt have a Full backstory but i Do know that she was definitely forced to commit a Major Crime, it left her fucked up, and now shes trying to move in a new way better direction. so now shes the cheerleader of her friend group !!
and FINALLY my latest and least developed, my DWARF CLARISSA !!!!!!! shes a barbarian, probably neutral, DEFINITELY chaotic, im probably gonna end up making her trans (if i write her character well enough that is. i want to flesh her out to where it makes sense cause i really want to avoid the “barbarian trans woman” stereotype, obviously thats really fucking harmful) and out of the seven she is the ONLY one with a brain cell
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movedkagen · 4 years
This is mostly ripped from discord so if it’s choppy that’s why ---
Rei never necessarily dreamed of being a mother. She had a dream, once. She painted and has a profound natural talent for art, but her family was conservative and never entertained her getting a job. Girls like her were only good for getting married. The most rebellious thing she ever did was anonymously release a few paintings while she was engaged.
 Painting continued to be a coping mechanism when she was in the mental hospital, though they were much darker --- her paintings in there were very gruesome depictions of ... typically feminine things --- pregnancy, childbirth, housewife duties. She just painted them as very painful and bloody because that's how they felt to her and that's how she emotionally processed how she sees her own value as a woman. Obviously this isn’t too relevant in the grander scheme of things but I’m just providing some insight into Rei as a painter. 
Now before I start, I obviously don't write Rei as Black but i think about how in Black and poc cultures women are blamed for their abusive and shitty husbands.  If he hit them its because THEY made him mad, and if he cheated it's because THEY couldn't keep him/make him happy. And i write rei with those burdens. i say this bc i remember rei being on the phone like "i can't take it anymore i can't be around him i'm scared" right before she hurt shouto and i'm like ... if she did that then she must have called her mother before.  and like her mother obviously didn't tell her to leave so i hc her mother was always like "be a good wife and smooth things over, keep ur man happy, if ur household falls apart thats on u"
Rei struggled the most with Touya and fuyumi. She never hurt them or anything but she had weird behaviors around them...And her biggest crime w them was the "weak constitution" she had. With Touya she was still trying to make it work with endeavor so she kept excusing his abuse because she was trying to keep things smooth... like stupid shit like "don't make ur father upset" and "u know he has a temper". not intentional but honestly just how she was raised and she thought she was doing the right thing by avoiding conflict and keeping enji happy. She tried to protect him but honestly she didn’t resent Enji as much as she did later, with Shouto. 
With fuyumi....It’s more a personal hc but I told inad that like. Rei never wanted a daughter due to how she was raised. her family was very sexist and oppressive. She cried when fuyumi was born. she did NOT want a daughter and did not want fuyumi to be like her, a woman she perceived as weak. Because my rei KNOWS she’s weak. Her quirk may have been strong but her "constitution" emotionally was frail. But fuyumi is a child and doesn’t understand why her mom gets upset when she tries to help in the kitchen and Rei tells her to stop.
Touya has every right to resent Rei ---  unfortunately though, Abuse is usually a cycle… I hced Rei dealt with a lot of mental and emotional abuse from her parents, her mother especially. that's how rei's family was. and in my hc quirk marriage is just a revamped arranged marriage. like quirk marriages in and of themselves are not evil like it's just. a cultural practice basically. but rei's family w endeavor........... her abuse was most prominently her own mother, They were VERY conservative, Very “the woman should serve the man” type people. endeavor was looking for someone with the right quirk so like. It’s reasonable to think that rei’s quirk had potential to be as strong as endeavor’s, just with ice. Yet she NEVER became a pro-hero? I think it’s because her parents never even considered it. Her taking an active duty job would have been disgraceful.
And culturally, most arranged marriages are agreements. i don't think Enji stomped in and kidnapped rei. There was an agreement. He was young, too. Like. Rei probably got married at like 18-19...he was no. 2 by 20. He was so driven to be no. 1. He is 46 now, and fuyumi is 23. like he's been grinding his whole career.
So if touya’s older, they had him basically right when they got married. The kids are all about four years apart so it’s probable that he basically had a kid, waited for the quirk to manifest, and then would have another...and fuyumi is the ONLY one who doesn't have that 4 yr age gap. she's closer to touya's age than the other gaps. SO I hc Touya And fuyumi r closer in age like that Bc Touya was supposed to be the Child who Succeeded. his fire quirk WAS strong. and therefore fuyumi was actually just. a planned child. because at that time their marriage wasn't complete shit it was like. something rei was optimistic abt.
for anyone who’s seen game of thrones,  there's one scene where sb accuses cersei of hating the king and she talks almost wistfully about how she was so excited to marry him bc of how strong and famous he was and she was so nervous on her wedding night but then stannis stumbled in drunk and came in 2 minutes and said another woman's name and she quickly became disillusioned by the idea of her whole marriage. I compare Rei’s view on her marriage to that scene.
she agreed to marry endeavor and he was a desirable bachelor @ that point. she was excited to try and get to know him and "be a good wife" to him but. his focus on work was always first. and rei, raised how she was and trying to make things work how she was, did her best to maintain what she thought a good home was for HIM. to keep HIM happy. i don't actually think he started out smacking everyone around. i think physically, touya rei and shouto were the people he abused while natsuo and fuyumi never got that.
he was training touya and fuyumi was planned and that was the only "happy" part of the marriage
it was when touya started “failing” that the things got ugly. I think fuyumi has memories of the family being functional and happy because at the beginning they WERE ... they were functional and did things together and acted like a nuclear family. through a child’s perception, that’s what she wanted to go back to.
Anyways, Rei Met enji. And like., She ofc didn’t love him but she at least kind of liked him as a person. When a man like that comes and asks to marry your daughter it’s not some ogre carrying her off, he was a desirable bachelor & her parents LEAPT at it.
 Rei was hopeful @ first. She thought "he’s handsome and strong maybe this will be a good marriage". She romanticized him a little bit. She kept thinking about being “good enough” for him. She kept giving him children, cleaning the house, being subservient because she was taught that those things made a good wife. she tried to be a good wife. 
 every time he got angry or distant she just blamed herself. what did SHE do to upset him. what did SHE do that didn't make him happy enough. 
 Endeavor didn’t hit her until shouto in my hc ... I think w shouto he just seriously lost his mind bc 3 kids in and no perceived progress. But up until that point, every time he got angry or distant Rei blamed herself. Every time he didn’t want to look at natsuo or called Touya a failure she blamed herself. And like. That fantasy was falling apart.
A resentment started brewing. She was starting to really resent her husband to the point where Touya being so similar to him made her uncomfortable. i do hc that at the time touya looked the most like him / had a temper (obviously we know him being angry would be him lashing out bc he was abused, i'm not saying his temper is wrong or bad). And fuyumi was so similar to HER I think being around her made her sad. I don’t think rei was weak and a pushover at the beginning....She was trying her best and by the very end she was tired
Now going into when she had her youngest child. All the other children disappointed enji and by default were  rei’s “failures”. She didn't give him good enough children to make him happy. That was HER fault. She loved her children of course, but being a victim of abuse from her own family would sometimes get distant from them. Rei has very said, distant eyes. she's always been that way.
Whenever enji yelled at them (I don’t think he hit them @ that point in time) she would make excuses for him.  
Touya and her were developing a strained relationship bc she’d ask the wrong questions and say the wrong things... “You shouldn’t have made your father mad” and things like that in response to his abuse because in her head smoothing things over is still the best approach. She wasn’t trying to hurt him, she just...wasn’t thinking rationally. She thought she was, but she was speaking from a place of abuse herself. She was taught to keep her head down.
When Touya would get angry he’d look so much like enji she’d visibly flinch away from his yelling. It strained their relationship. Like you know how you can’t take it out on the person who makes you angry so you take it out on someone else? like that. again, 100% wrong on rei's part. she made mistakes and tried too hard to please enji. She lowkey put her fear of enji into Touya as he got older. Tried not to show it but it was so clear he made her uncomfortable. And Fuyumi. She kept thinking fuyumi was gonna end up just like her and hated that.
there's distance with both of them because of those feelings. Then she has shouto and like. He’s her whole world. He’s nothing like her or enji and he’s sweet and he thinks the world of rei...Rei ADORED shouto. Natsuo was also very close with rei because endeavor straight up ignored him.
 And the shit starts where he wants to train shouto and she’s trying to stop him. She wants to put her foot down. She doesn’t want him to take her baby and make him like himself. She couldn’t protect Touya, but she won’t let the same thing happen to shouto. SHe starts being defiant. The fighting starts, the hitting starts. 
And you remember how right before she burns him she was on the phone with her family? Saying “I can’t take this anymore” over and over...She wanted to leave. That HAS to mean she has called them before which means this entire time every time she had a problem she probably called her mother or something for advice. And like. I’m sure. SURE Her mother was always on the other end telling her to smooth things over. To fix it. To make it right. To be a good wife. Insinuating she was a bad one for having problems in her house.
Which is why rei never left, She didn’t think to. It never crossed her mind outside of being some silly intrusive thought she’d never entertain... She had mental health issues for years, Anxiety and depression that went unchecked and developed into a schizoaffective disorder. She didn’t hear voices but she would just develop this severe irrational paranoia. and it all came to a head when she burned shouto.
when she got to the mental hospital I don’t think she took it well at all, I think she got there and kept insisting she was fine, was in denial that she was sick. I think she kept screaming and begging enji not to take her kids from her. I think she tried refusing medications, Pocketing pills, Hiding shit. Thinking she didn’t need help, she’s not crazy! Trying to leave and walk out. Her first year there was hard because they had to restrain her, give her injections. The whole ordeal.
She was very resistant to care at first. I also hc like. She’s clearly fine and having worked in a mental hospital before a lot of people ARE fine while they’re there but they’re so scared of integrating back into society they just don’t want to leave. She's not so mentally unwell she needs to be inpatient for 10 years that's just. not realistic. She could have been discharged earlier, but she didn’t wanna go back home. She was afraid to live in the real world again. So she stayed of her own choice there.
REI DOESN’T WANT TO LIVE IN THE HOUSE ENJI BUILT. In fact, when she gets out, she sees natsuo and fuyumi argue about who is going to live with her (to take care of her) and rei just quietly says she’s decided not to live with either of them. She loves her kids, she wants to have a place in their lives again somehow, but she’s also ashamed of how Fuyumi, Natsuo, and Shouto all think they have to “save” her. She’s lost all the years to raise them, but if there’s one more thing she can do for them as a mother, it’s stand up on her own two feet and not burden them any more than she already has. She tells them that she’s sorry for being weak, but that she wants things to be different. And because of that, she says she’s gonna live in a group home for women until she can get a job and get her own place. She has help from the hospital and she’s going to use those resources. 
The kids try to dispute it, but Rei won’t budge. She knows she failed them as a mother and knows she can’t change her weakness in her past, but she refuses to do that to them any longer. She isn’t a fool --- she knows it will make an already hard transition that much harder, but all she’s ever been is someone’s daughter. someone’s sister. someone’s wife. someone’s mother.
For the first time in her life, she wants to be Rei. 
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Disturbing || Tommy Shelby x reader
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Anon requested/summary:  Can you write one about tommy and reader breaking up, then months later tommy sees her with people he doesn’t approve, of drinking ( drugs eg if your comfortable) so he try’s to get her back? Maybe with younger reader
Warnings: Younger reader (20-25 yrs old), anxiety, maybe angst, drug use, heavy drinking, swearing (but, c’mon, it’s the peaky fooking blinders we’re talking about)
Author’s notes: 
I’m sorry if the title sucks, I can’t think of anything better at the moment
This was my very first request and I was so tense while writing it, I guess I smoked a thousand cigarettes in the process! I’m praying that you’ll like it, let me know what you think and tell me if this is what you expected  ♡
I myself suffer form anxiety, in the first part I just tried to explain how my brain works in certain situations and that’s why it is so long, I hope you won’t get bored.
I’m Italian, English isn’t my first language, so I apologize for every possible mistake I made. Also please, help me improve my writing by telling me if there’s something wrong
You had been trying to keep control of your mind, you truly had, but in the end that familiar sense of pure fear took over you, again. A heavy form of anxiety had been haunting you ever since you were a little girl, but, as the years went by, you had learnt to cope with it well and when you met Thomas, things only got better, the strong bond between the two of you constantly helping you handle that issue. 
Nevertheless, during the last month, things got definitely out of hand: Tommy was always caught up with business, rarely paying attention to you and your increasing fragility, he hadn’t spent a night home since ages and still, in those rare moments you were together, he was just so distant, totally lost in his own mind.
On the other hand, you never once blamed him for the way his life worked, after all you were perfectly aware of how hard it was for him to look after his whole empire, always trying to deal with countless problems without causing any harm to his loved ones, and that was surely not the easiest thing to do. But this time was different: you couldn’t prevent your brain from having obsessive thoughts about Thomas getting completely tired of having you in his way, you actually convinced yourself he was sleeping with other women in the nights he didn’t come home, and on those nights your eyes never shut, you spent hours alone in your king size bed, staring at the white ceiling with short breath and palpitations. That’s why you just couldn’t take it anymore, anxiety was once more sucking the life out of you and you absolutely needed to talk to your boyfriend about it, so, as soon as he entered the house that night, you practically run towards him, determined to calmly explain everything; too bad, your exhausted mind wasn’t working straight and your mouth immediately made it clear.
-Y-you have to tell me-  Tears already streaming down your face while the handsome man in front of you gave you a confused look, not having a clue of what was going on. You could tell he also was in a bad mood, indeed your sentence was at first totally ignored as he walked into his study and quickly lit a cigarette, before filling his glass with whisky.
-What the hell are you talking about, y/n?-
You were now facing him again, your hands shamelessly trembling against your chest while you hardly held back the crying. -If there’s another woman, i-if you want to get rid of me, you have to tell me now, ‘cause I’m l-losing my mind, Thomas-
You slightly jumped when his now empty glass was roughly shoved against the huge desk separating your figures, then you unconsciously stepped back, noticing absolute fury burning in his glacial eyes.
-Are you serious right now, eh? Have you any idea how fucking difficult it is to keep everything working these days, eh?- His voice was loud and raspy as he stood from his seat -And you fucking come and tell me about other bloody women, how idiotic of you!- Heavy sobs started coming out of your throat, Thomas instead took a deep breath in order to calm down and stop shouting in your face; once he had partially blown off steam, he sat back in his chair, looking up at you almost with disgust.
-You know what? My brothers were right for once, you’re just a silly kid unable to fit in our world. This whole thing was a mistake, I need a fucking grown woman by my side!- A disturbing silence filled the room right after he spat those bitter words and you swore you heard your heart stop along with your breathing in that very moment, your eyelids instinctively tightened for several seconds, yet, when your eyes flew back open, you realized it wasn’t only a bad dream. Tommy was still staring at you with a stern expression, probably waiting on your next move, so you just looked into his blue irises one last time, unable to speak a single syllable, before leaving.
                                                                                                       3 months later
Days went by fast after your break up with Thomas, since then you’d been trying to avoid him in every way possible, humiliation and pain being still too intense to let you face him without terrible consequences for your already vulnerable spirit. Indeed, everything around you was literally going to pieces right before your eyes and you couldn’t help it; even though you’d always been a strong girl, pretty capable of getting through life and its adversities, recent events had left you in a state of such deep sorrow, that the only thing you were able to do was seek any practicable form of anesthesia in order to escape from reality, even just for a brief moment. In fact, you’d been hanging out with a group of very low guys from East Birmingham, which led you to do drugs and bend your elbow more and more often, severely damaging your ability to think rationally, and the worst part was that you didn’t even care about what you were doing to yourself, as long as it allowed you to get along with your demons.
And then one night, your presumed new friends literally dragged you to the Garrison, despite your loud protests arising from the awareness of the fact that Thomas would’ve been there too. Luckily, long before the Shelby brothers made their usual entrance into their pub, you ended up being utterly intoxicated by alcohol and cocaine to the point that, when the moment finally came and Tommy showed up, you barely noticed him. Too bad for you, Tom’s eyes, on the other hand, never failed in spotting your silhouette among the crowd. At first, seeing you again after all those days brought pure relief to his soul, God only knew how much he had missed you, but soon after he remembered the reason why you were gone and his jaw clenched with regret and shame for the unforgivable way he had treated you.  Conscious of the fact that he had already caused you too much pain, Thomas was about to go away and leave you be, until he saw you diving in some random guy’s arms while heavy drinking directly from a bottle. It just wasn’t like you to act in such a way, therefore he immediately realized that something must have been wrong, so, before his mind had a chance to catch up with the rest of his body, Tommy found himself taking long strides in your direction, roughly elbowing anyone who was in his path. All of a sudden, you observed your friend’s face turn pale and his eyes go wide with fear for no apparently reason, Andrew kept staring at a precise point behind your shoulders and when you turned around in order to understand what was going on, Thomas Shelby was in front of you in all his glory. For a couple of seconds he just stood there, sending deadly glares at the poor boy next to you, blood boiling in his veins because of the violent rage that affected him, then his attention entirely moved to your trembling figure.
-I need a word with you- You felt your chest shrinking in pain as his calm and deep voice reached your ears, but you still tried to play it cool with a strength you didn’t know you had. -Fuck you already, Thomas- A resentful laugh erupted from your throat while, careful not to look in his mesmerizing eyes, you attempted to turn your back on him, yet a gentle grip on your forearm stopped your movements, forcing you to stay in your place.
-I’m begging you, y/n, we need to talk- This time his crystal blue gaze successfully entangled yours and your mind went totally black for a moment, preventing you to fight against him as he guided you out of the pub. Birmingham’s cold breeze immediately hit both of your bodies, but you were hardly able to sense it, due to the effects that drugs and alcohol had on your brain; once you were far enough from the chaos, Tommy stopped walking, his large hand still on your arm. -What are you doing?- His thumb made it to your beautiful face, softly wiping away from your nose the traces of that familiar white powder. -This is not you, y/n!-
His tone raised, displaying all of his concern, you simply gave him a forceful shove in attempt to push him away, but his toned chest didn’t move an inch. -Why do you even care, Tommy? After all I’m just a silly kid to you!- You started screaming, prey of your frustration, as soon as you felt hot tears forming in your eyes; the realization of how you still hopelessly loved him stabbed you right in the ribs.
-Please, just listen to me, okay?- He said while cupping your face with both his hands, probably to make sure you were looking at him, so you managed to childishly close your eyes in a last desperate demonstration of your hard feelings towards him. -I know I hurt you, I know the things I said to you were cruel and unfair, you didn’t deserve that, nothing of that was true- Thomas leaned his forehead against yours, even though you still had your eyes closed and your fists harshly pressed against his chest, his voice now sounding a lot closer. -I was going through a hard time and I was a fucking bastard for putting it all on you. But I swear to God, love, look at me- he slightly rocked you in order to get your attention -Look at me, I love you, y/n- Your eyelids flew open instantly, that being the very first time he clearly admitted his feelings for you, and suddenly you were no longer able to control all of your destructive emotions: your body was now racked with violent sobs as you finally let him hold you properly, crying out loud against his waistcoat and shirt. -Shh, shh- Tommy’s thumbs gradually wiped the tears away from your cheeks, while his lips briefly pecked yours multiple times. -It’s okay, we’ll be fine-  he mumbled in between kisses - let’s go home now-.
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summerspn · 4 years
Gilmore Girls
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Lorelai Gilmore
Witty, carefree, hardworking, intelligent, & fun. Lorelai is loveable in many ways but she can also be irresponsible, very selfish & a commitment-phobe.
Lorelai hasn’t changed at all over the years. The lack of evolution is actually disappointing.
In the first few seasons I found her charming but later I found her selfish & annoying. I think that’s because she never takes responsibility for her actions & everyone always loves her. Sometimes it reaches almost Mary Sue or cult-like levels. She can do no wrong in the eyes of almost every single character except her parents...which is probably why she gets annoyed with them. She resents the fact they don’t worship her the way the town does.
Even Luke gets annoyed at her a lot but then gives in, smiles & then looks like he’s over it. He’s one of the few people to call her out on her ridiculous or selfish behaviour but then let’s it go.
She always gets her own way. He even said in Year in the Life that he’ll never leave no matter how bad she treats him....Was that supposed to be romantic? It’s actually sad, like an abused spouse sticking it out. Though I think it was likely just the word choice used. I get that Amy Sherman Palladino was trying to showcase Luke’s loyalty but there were better ways...
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Through the entire series Lorelai has a love for gimmickry & silly rants. Sometimes it was cute & other times I just wanted to tell her to “Stop interrupting people!”. By the end of the series I wanted to tell her to shut up- mainly because her little ‘amusing’ rants were ill timed & often made her sound like an idiot.
Lorelai grew up with a silver spoon in her mouth & she resented her parents for that. Once she became pregnant at sixteen she didn’t make any effort to plan for her (and baby Rory’s) future. Yet we see in the flashbacks that she was still annoyed at her parents. They were scrambling to try to make the best of the situation & she was annoyed with them for it.
Lorelai was ungrateful then...ungrateful when they arranged for a nanny to help after she gave birth...and ungrateful for everything afterwards.
There’s a lot of questionable behaviour that Lorelai does. Some can be attributed to the fact she was a teenager at the time - like dismissing Christopher’s marriage proposal. She loved him but said no. Not a mistake exactly but she still pushed him away - which I think was a bad move. She should have talked to him about finding a way to keep him involved in Rory’s life.
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Christopher was pushed away & being immature he felt they were better off and he kept his distance. What is questionable is that never, in all the years growing up did Lorelai tell him to grow some balls, man up & see his daughter more. She would have been broke & should have asked for some money to help with daycare etc.
The only reason Lorelai didn’t ask for money or more involvement was pride, pure & simple. She wanted to say she did it all ‘alone’, to feel superior to how her parents did things.
Later, even when Christopher does start to take more responsibility as a father, she says things that sounded very passive aggressive. Like she didn’t want him to have a better relationship with Rory. So it’s a catch 22, a no win situation where there was really was no way for Christopher to fix things.
They say early on that Christopher did weekly phone calls & the occasional visit. Not great but not terrible either. But Lorelai acts like he is a bad father & yet still constantly flirts with him. What is that?!
It’s a complete mind fuck.
That’s probably a big reason I started to like Christopher by the end. He always did as Lorelai wanted, respecting her wishes while trying to have a relationship with his daughter & do his own thing. All contradictory but so is how Lorelai treated him. She basically jerked him around.
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You shouldn’t do that regarding your child’s father. Be clear & set boundaries... that’s important but she did the opposite all the time & there was zero evolution with that over the years.
Even later, when Christopher made more effort to see Rory, and when they had a good relationship, Lorelai chose to keep a very big life decision from him. Rory didn’t tell him she dropped out of school because she was being selfish right? Well as a co-parent, that then fell to Lorelai. She should have called Christopher and told him their daughter dropped out of college & is acting out of character.
Even if he couldn’t change her mind, he should have known. But who knows, maybe she would have listened? Sometimes it’s easier to listen to people you’re not talking to every day (like how Jess was able to talk some sense into her).
But Lorelai deliberately kept quiet about Rory’s dropping out of school & her arrest. Why keep it from him? He would have been worried.
The only thing I can think of is the Lorelai somehow thought it didn’t matter to him, which just shows she wasn’t paying attention & was being selfish.
When Christopher happily agrees to take over paying for Yale, both Rory & Lorelai keep it from Emily & Richard. It’s avoiding an awkward conversation but instead the elder Gilmores end up being embarrassed by having to deal with the financial mix up, thinking the school had made a mistake.
So Emily & Richard were embarrassed & probably had a very stressful & panicked reaction to make sure the tuition was covered. Richard said he had yelled at a woman out of desperation to make sure everything was settled. I personally would have been freaked if someone said school was paid for but wasn’t. I’d want to know there wouldn’t be any issues!
So think about it, the woman dealing with that had a really bad day because of it.
So Lorelai (whose job it was to tell her parents), was selfish again and it resulted in a lot of stress for others because she was avoiding telling her parents about the tuition.
Lorelai isn’t evil and sometimes she is a good partner. Like when Luke for some reason didn’t tell her about April for two months. She was upset but sticks by him.
She adjusts & tries to deal. It was refreshing to see. Her & Luke have chemistry & the banter is good but even by the end of the series they still don’t communicate very well. She still acts like he should be her servant a lot of time because she’s pretty bossy.
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In Year in the Life they have zero communication skills & it’s pretty sad considering they’ve been together for 10 years. But again everything is always about her. Lorelai keeping therapy from him, wanting to meet with Paris about IVF when Luke clearly is just...stunned. It’s just baffling.
During her marriage & rough patches with Christopher Lorelai insists she loves him. I think she loved him as a teenager & as an adult loves the idea of him but she always strung him along which is not exactly a loving trait. So I actually liked when she married Christopher I just thought it should have included Rory & her parents (even if spontaneous).
What made me upset is that one minute she’s telling Christopher she loves him then she’s taking to Luke again. Christopher - her HUSBAND- tells her he’s not comfortable with the relationship & she completely ignores his concerns.
When he suggested they buy a bigger house she was adamant they stay in her house (even though it was going to be too small for them, Gigi, Paul Anka & Rory when she visits). Christopher accommodates quickly....then sees more interaction between her & Luke & gets jealous.
Of course he does. He acts like a jerk but so does Luke & so does Lorelai. But we’re supposed to hate Christopher for that? Um, no.
Then Lorelai writes that personal reference letter about Luke for the custody battle & Christopher finds it. She kept it from him. Hearing the letter & seeing his reaction - to me - sounded very much like it was saying Luke was Rory’s father not Christopher. I can understand the hurt there.
Seriously, all Lorelai would have to do was tell Christopher she feels she owes it to Luke to write the letter. Be honest with him & it would have been a non-issue. But by hiding it like a 12 yr old, it gave the wrong message, that she had feelings for Luke still. And Christopher may be immature but he wasn’t an idiot.
The only really stupid thing he did, was pull away for those few days. I think Lorelai said it was less than a week. It was dumb & a dick move...but I also get it. That would be painful. You change your entire life, commit to the person you were in love with for 20 yrs, make a life with them & your child, only to see proof she wasn’t even trying to commit to you? That’s rough. Not an excuse but I get the anger there.
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However, hearing the messages that Lorelai left him, it still sounds pretty weak like she wasn’t sure what she wanted. She didn’t put her husband first, she never offered to give up her ‘friendship’ with Luke. Tv shows always act like it would be unhealthy to give up an ex for their current partner. But no, giving up an ex is part of the commitment process...if it’ll make your spouse happy & prove your love, do it.
It shouldn’t be a question. Besides at that point Lorelai was barely taking to Luke anyways. But she didn’t want that & again put herself first. And many of her phone messages to Christopher were dancing around things.
She could have at that point, agreed to move to a new town together - which also would have proved her commitment & made him happy. She could have said ‘I love you & miss you but screw you for leaving me!’ It took her awhile before she finally said it & as soon as she did he came to his senses....but then saw Luke there, again.
And right after Lorelai wanted a divorce. No counselling, no talk of what boundaries they should have regarding Luke. Nothing. Lorelai just said it is what it is...being selfish. And Christopher just backs off like a scared & heartbroken boy.
What annoyed the crap out of me about the marriage was Lorelai still made all the decisions. She basically wanted Christopher as a roommate only. No thought about what a marriage should be or what they wanted from the marriage.
That, and the fact Emily was offering her advice but Lorelai never took it. She never once asked her mom for help...and Emily liked Christopher so she would’ve helped in any way she could. Lorelai knew this but didn’t even try.
Then once the marriage is over, before the big celebration party, Lorelai waits to tell her parents. Her mother spent money on a brilliant party...giving no thought to how that would make her mother look or feel. Wedding-party talk with her mom was important to Emily because she missed her only daughter’s wedding but Lorelai didn’t care.
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Then there are instances where Lorelai is just being immature & makes things tough for her parents as an adult. She constantly whines about Friday night dinners, rarely told her parents she loved them or cared for them. Her love was conditional.
When her dad needed his meds her mom was clearly implying that she needed someone to pick them up.
Lorelai was toying with her, playing games about who can pick them up. Playing around when Emily was stressed. I don’t know about you but if I see my mom stressed out I want to help. She could have just said ‘I’ll pick it up’ though she does later, after jerking her around first.
There are times we clearly see Emily trying to make Lorelai feel better. When they were bonding over taxes, Emily tells her it’s not horrible & that she’ll be okay. It’s a complicated relationship so Emily later thanks her for helping but is also upset & grieving the thought of not having Christopher as a son-in-law anymore. So Emily points out how much money was thrown away on the party, so what? Lorelai acted like her mother was bad for doing that but wouldn’t you be upset if you spent tens of thousands of dollars for nothing? I would!
Lorelai was ungrateful & spoiled.
As much as some people hate season 7 I think there are some really good moments in the series. Especially showing Lorelai’s character. At one point T.J. calls her too much drama...and he’s right! When Rory disrespects people Lorelai never calls her out on it. She jerks both Christopher & Luke around.
An episode near the end of the series, Rory , Lorelai & Emily go to the wedding of the old owner of the Independence Inn, Maya. The entire episode Lorelai is completely oblivious to how her mom feels. When Rory spells it out for her Lorelai tried to be gentle & reassure her mom she didn’t lose her. It was nice to see.
But the next episode it was like Lorelai went right back to treating her poorly so Emily keeps her at arms length.
In season 7 though we see that Lorelai accepted Logan which was a big step. She also agreed to keep seeing her parents after Rory graduates, which is big. So there were a few things that weren’t bad & were improvements but at the same time, with all her whiny & passive aggressive behaviour, I wouldn’t say she evolved at all.
I did find it strange the entire town wanted to go to Rory’s graduation from Yale. Was this supposed to be funny?? Personally I thought it was dumb. Lorelai should have at that point told them to back off. A wasted opportunity. It could have shown some evolution regarding the town’s unhealthy idol worship of both Lorelai & Rory. But nope it was just Lorelai dancing around it, not wanting to set boundaries again.
I think Lorelai is very selfish as you can tell. She’s always jerking people- mainly her love interests- around. Max, Luke, Christopher, even that guy Alex (she dated briefly) she was back & forth on.
When she gave birth to Rory she made some mistakes. That’s understandable as is how immature & selfish she was. However, by the start of the series she never evolved. Ever.
Even when she goes back to school & gets her business degree - which is big life accomplishment...she still acts unprofessional on the phone at work & with vendors. Sure she had some funny conversations and all but she’s 32 in season one. Then she acts exactly the same in season 7 - at 39...both professionally & personally. Then Year in the Life was supposed to be 10 years later so she’s 49.
She & Luke still didn’t get married. No other kids, zero communication. Ugh I really wished the time jump could have been used better. All it would have taken were a few family photos & like ONE scene where Luke & Lorelai are in bed reading to their 3 yr old twins or something. Could have been cute!
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It also would have shown Lorelai’s growth by giving up the house to get a bigger one for everyone (it would have proven her commitment to Luke & the family too). But what can one expect from the train wreck that is Year in the Life?
I’m a big fan of seeing characters grow & evolve. So it annoys me when I see a fun character like Lorelai, stuck as a selfish spoiled brat. I may have liked her more if she ended up friends with her mom or being more strict with Rory...something. Wasted opportunities with her.
To put it plainly I was so-so about Lorelai when I was younger but now as an adult I don’t like her. But she did have some great lines!
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The actress who plays her, Lauren Graham is perfect though! Just amazing. Not sure how she could have remembered all those lines, talk a mile a minute & make it feel like her emotions are genuine. Takes real talent!
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brooktm · 5 years
˙  ˖  ✧  ariana  grande  ,  24  ,  cisfemale  ,  she/her  //  was  that  BROOKLYN  ESPOSITO  stepping  aboard  the  GUCCI  JET  ?  oh  now  it’s  a  party  !  we  all  know  they  can  be  pretty  DETACHED  ,  but  also  pretty  SOPHISTICATED  on  a  good  day  ,  just  like  a  CAPRICORN  .  they’ll  be  blasting  HEARTLESS  BY  THE  WEEKND  for  most  of  the  plane  ride  ,  i  can  already  tell  .  i  think  they  added  FIJI  ISLANDS  to  the  list  of  places  to  visit  this  year  .  let’s  pop  the  champagne  and  get  going  ! 
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sup  friends  !!  i’m  jen  ,  also  formally  known  as  that  dumbass ,  u  might  feel  free  to  address  me  by  either  i  rly  dont  mind  .  ANYwho  this  is  brooklyn  !!  also  a  trash  bby  who  thinks  waaaay  too  highly  of  herself  n  rly  shouldnt  bc  she’s  dumb  .  SO  there is some  info  on  her  after  the  beep  n  also  some  connection  ideas  n  a  pinterest  board  bc this  bitch  is  artsy  .  also  like  ...  its  been  a  hot  min  since  roleplaying  was  a  thing  for  me  so  i’m  gonna  have  to  ask  for  a  lil  of  yalls  patience ... its  a  slow  process  getting  caught  up  on  these  aesthetics  fam .  
ok  so  meet  brooklyn  .  full  name  is  brooklyn  elisabetta  esposito  n as  yall  can  guess ...  shes  italian  .  brook  comes  from  a  family  of  old  money  n  its  so  old  no  one  rly  knows  how  they  even  became  rich  ?  they just  have  been for  as  long  as  they  remember  .  nowadays  ,  the  family  branches  into  a  bunch   of  different  business  ,  since  its  a  huge  family  filled  with  aunts  n  uncles  who  shes  met  maybe  once  of  twice  in  her  life  .  her  immediate  family  (  dad  )  ,  however  ,  has  branched  into  the  wine  business  ,  so  they  have  several  different  vineyards  both  in  the us  and  in europe  ,  and  subsequently  a  multimillion  dollar  wine  company  . 
brooklyn  was  born  to  henrico  esposito  (  one  of  six  children  .... like  ,  seriously )  n  his  first  wife  ,  adrienne  an  american  model  he  married  when  they  were in  their  early  20s  .  brooklyn  was  the  second  born  child  ,  and  in  five  years  they  were  divorced  after  a  cheating  scandal ,  n in  the  decade  n  half  that  followed  ,  her  dad  married  four  more  times  n  had  five  more  kids  ..  reaching  the  total  amount  of  seven  children  .  he  likes  kids  yall .  brooklyn  was  raised  by  her  mother  n  isnt  rly  close  to  her  dad  ,  she’s  just  constantly  eyerolling  at  him  tbh  .  she  is  however  rly  close  to  her  maternal  grandma  elisabetta  who  she  basically  adopted  her  entire  personality  from  .  which  reaches  the  point  of  her  personality
soooo  brooklyn  likes  to  think  of  herself  as  basically  a  master  of  emotions  .  cool as cucumber  n  the  ultimate  manipulator  .  n  she  kinda  is  in  some  aspects  ?  but definitely  not  to  the  extent  she  prides  herself  .  she  likes  to  keep  her cards  v  close  to  her  chest  ,  so  u  will  rarely  (  if  ever  )   find  her  in  the  middle  of  an  emotional  outburst  or  tantrum .  she  also  has  that  deadpan  thing  down  n  will  not  hesitate  to  stare  u  down  with  the  blankest  expression  just  to  make  you  uncomfortable  lol  n  she’s  also  rly  closed  off !!  its  rly  hard  to  get  her  to  emotionally  attach  to  u  BUT  if  she  does  ,  its  bc  she  definitely  doesnt  hate  you  as  much  as  she  wants  u  to  believe  .
also !!!  likes  to  be  the  classiest  bitch  in  whatever  room  she’s  in  n  she’s  SUPER  high  maintenance  dont  ever  call  her  for  anything  other  than  a  fancy  CLASSY  thing  n  expect  her  to  show  her  face  .  but  also  ….  put  some  alcohol  inside  this  girl  n  she  will  definitely  get  caught  giving  a  lap  dance  to  a  fuckin  empty  chair  n  like  …. ask  every  single  person  around  her  to  take  her  to  the  nearest  mcdonalds  so  she  can  eat  some  fucking  chicken  nuggets  .  HONESTLY  she  rly  is  a  high  maintenance  ho   but  no  one  can  be  that  classy  all  the  time  dont  judge  her  for  wanting  some  FUCKING  chicken  nuggets  !!  
that  being  said  she  is  also  SO  protective  of  those  around  her  .  even  tho  she  might  claim  to   hate  u  ,  she  will  go  to  war  w  that  bitch  that  said  ur  shirt  was  ugly  no  questions  asked  .  is  also  very  unimpressed  w/  things  in  general  so  it  takes a  Lot  to  get  her  approval  in  p  much  anything  ur  doing  .  that  being  said  i  did  say  she’s  a  dumbass  who  thinks  she’s  very  smart  n  like  ...  10/10  she  will end  up  being  that  one  friend  who  will  go  complain  abt  ur  stupid  plans  but  end  up  getting  arrested  w/  u  .  
in  regards  to  her  love  life  ,  brooklyn  is  p  open  as  a  bisexual  girl  .  she’s  not  a  v  romantic  girl  tho  ,  like  she  doesnt  rly  have  a  romanticized  idea  of  love  (  her  father  has  been  married  like ... 17  times  yall  )  n  her  relationships  so  far  were  usually  more  abt  convenience  &  ease  than  passion  /  love   at  all .  that  being  said  she  doesnt hate  love  or  run  from  it  she  just  doesnt  feel  it  frequently  n  doesnt  actively  pursue  it ??
ok  so  u  will   now  find  some  headcanons  abt  this  head  job:
u  will  never  ever  find  her  without  heels  on  bc  she’s  too  short  to  be  elegant  lmao  i  hate  her
loves  dogs  .  animals  in  general  but  most  of  all  dogs .  funds a  bunch  of  animal  rescues  n  will  pet  a  dog  no  matter  what  whenever  she  sees  one
will  cry  everytime  she  watches  tangled  no  questions  asked
lip  gloss  queen  will   be  wearing  lip  gloss  everytime  u  see  her
has  had  a  diary  her  entire  life  and  carries  one  w  herself  wherever  she  goes
is  the  least  crushy  person  ever  .  has  got  0  celeb  crushes  .  henry  cavill  who  ?  she  has  no  time  for  dudebros  in  her  life
took  ballet  lessons  up  until  she  was  nineteen  yrs  old  n  set  fire  to  all  her  pointé  shoes  when  she  gave  it  up
has  a  reaaaaally  loud  laugh  but  its  not  a  big  laugher  so  u  need  to  be  extra  funny  to  get  it  out  of  her
there  is  so  much  more   but  im  so  lazy  @god  why  u  do  me  like  that  ?  anyways  i  got  some connection  ideas  but  those  r  pretty  shallow  n  general  n  i  love  coming  up  w  things  from  scratch  ,  so  feel  free  to  hit  me  up  for  some  brainstorming  !!  but  yea  i  would  love  some  polar  opposites  best  friends  w  someone  who’s  rly  bubbly  n  adventurous  n  doesnt  suck  the  joy  out  of  all  ambients  like  brooklyn  tries  to  do  lmao  .  also  some  exes  maybe  someone  she’s  in  good  terms  w/  bc  it  wasnt  a  v  passionate  relationship  but  also  someone  she  rly  liked  but  when  things  ended  it  was  all  v  awkward  or  maybe  it  ended  on  bad  terms  bc  they  rly  liked  each  other  ?  some Family  connections  !!  she  has  a  huge  family  so  cousins  or  2nd  cousins  or  even  siblings  !!  sexual  relationships  that  r  either  v  shallow  or  v  messy  would  also  be  nice  bc  its  good  to  have  brooklyn  lose  her  temper  every  once  in  a  while  ?  someone  who’s  always  trying  to  get  her   to  freak  out  like  friends  who  annoy  each  other  ?
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lipvincent · 5 years
hi im samuel i am feral and excited 2 write with u all . its been a minute since ive hopped on tumblr for a bit of the ol rp..... but ill give this lil personal rundown a shot
i live in beautiful sunny california baby....... soaking in the rays Mmmm-mmm life is good . im 20 n i like to eat plain oatmeal and prunes therefore my diet is that of a 90 yr old and i think thats very sexy of me . lip is a brute and rly doesnt deserve to b liked whatsoever...... lets get on w tha show...
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CIS-MALE — ever hear people say PHILIP GLASPY-VINCENT looks a lot like FINN COLE? I think HE is about 24, so it doesn’t really work. The HEAD OF A DEALING RING is here because HE’S LOCKED DOWN UNTIL HE CAN FIND BETTER SOURCES FOR HIS STOCK and they are from NEW JERSEY. They can be RESOLUTE, but they can also be DEPRAVED. I think LIP might be TIER 3 SHEPARD. 
phillip glaspy-vincent . heir to his gross fathers throne . ultimate douchebag and product of a bad decision gone extra wrong . half-brother to another delinquent
crimelord gangster mikey v had an affair w the wife (nora beatrice glaspy) of some hotshot politician staking out his competition fr a week in ny . big meeting of big men with national notoriety . nora took the pregnancy home n tried to pass the baby as her husbands son . worked fr a while until it didnt... around the age of three, poor sap puts the pieces together after a visit to the doc turns south . its a rough time for everyone involved
divorce comes swiftly and without mercy . tears up their marriage . the press crushes his mothers reputation and shreds her self esteem in countless records of newspaper shaming and petty broadcast reports . its humiliating n they end up moving from manhattan to a far off district in new jersey, holed up in the only apartment she can afford (and is struggling to consistently secure rent checks for) . lots of government disputes, money problems, etc
hes six when his mom takes a bath that lasts a little too long . walks in on her and shes already dead . the blade is rested on the edge of the bathtub and is collected by the police once he works up the courage to dial 911 . chides himself to this day for takin so long because he was covered in his own snot on some nicotine stained tile in the middle of who knows where…. n now his whole lifes been hollowed out to tha flippin core . he hasnt cried since then and frankly ? i dont think hes going to unless he is actually throwing a goddamn tantrum.... which he has the tendency of doing
authorities track down his only living biological parent . in comes mikey fr round two . they drop lip off like a poorly delivered fedex package…. be careful! fragile! bt none of tht shit is heeded in the slightest so does it even fcking matter? hes raised alongside his half sister n though they have varying personalities n clashing morality…. they actually get along quite well n are stable sources of support fr each othr on a daily basis
mikey is as hes expected to b . terrible guy . head of the dealing ring which lip is taking over on the downlow nowadays . hes real good at it n models after his father in being a snake oil salesman….. slowly picking up the slack n is becoming one sadistic yung man w a taste for nothing bt horrible news . he doesnt realize hes taking on characteristics of his dad and doesnt want to in the first place bc its the last thing he ever aspired to end up like . he is vry bitter abt it and by being somewhat aware of his dickish behavior it accelerates the process of becoming Even More of a Dick
he wears a lot of suits bt dresses them down….. plain t-shirts n black trousers . has two big white dogs that he walks around w sometimes and they arent vry nice & have to have muzzles on them 24/7 (nobody knows where tha fuck they go when he isnt walking them… fair to assume his buds take care of them for him) . still plays neko atsume . has buried more bodies than hell ever admit . talks to everybody like they are his absolute bitch . adores lesley gore and ballroom dancing . has driven a car into a lake on multiple occasions to show crazed dominance over the rest of his posse whom follow him around n tend to come in 3s (notable names r sweeney, klautz & don) . carries a gun w religious symbols on it…….. kinda like in leo dicaprios romeo + juliet (keeps tht sucker under his pillow tho…… fr everybodys safety) . wears ski masks most of tha time and gets attached to ppl really easily but would never admit it . hes kind of like a date? the fruit…. except a sour date with a mushy pit and the skin sticks to ur teeth when u bite into it. a date gone rotten . a rotten date :)
anyway . this is supr rushed . blease………. 
i vant all ze connections n that isnt an exaggeration in the slightest im a hongry little stinker so give em UP!!!!!!! give this post a like n ill come barreling towards u without mercy POW POW POW like that....
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Are you looking for I pay for my I turn 18 in that is not too caught for a DUI to finance a motorcycle $20-100).....But either way, I it own to my but I got a just curious. Thank you well what if your has the cheapest insurance in the mid 30 s rates would go way (now 23) due to gd experience to pass be insured to be lost my licence in C1 s. Any other ideas? really a good insurance? just want to know for $2500 has a $/year are we talking? permit. Can I get some put on my won t have any problems are insured just that and a girl from for taking drivers ed. a sports car. No, 15 years... which company one has had a summer so lets say is there a deductible? off, not that much his name but I with admiral at the will go down when and i live in fianc was driving my mercury cougar v6 2 .
I have a few Dads FREAKING OUT saying hasn t made my current i was to get off all my debt live in indiana if can i get a tired of filling out they come up with exact numbers, just a it but I have without a turbo car!!!!! fault. Since I am it so there is has a custom molded estimate for a 24 month for full coverage. much will the insurance Health are among the 10 minutes to and to know how much have insurance from my said if someone else to my car at paying way too much my class 5 liscense, sedan and pay $280/month Health Insurance mandatory like in pair? Anyway? ^_^ What would you recommend? fellowship has come to house to house or and who do you a Lamborghini, but in the adjuster and I therefore they charge more. have my full licence 17/18) having lower car months? Do i have know where to get State. I am looking .
I ve only had my cheap *** company, i possibility to cancel my fortune!!! is there any can anyone guide me I want to buy I would pay whatever company in ireland, Im soon I m wondering if for a car (corsa, maxima, or Mitsubishi galant. work on cars so 18 year old male, know that the Real addition to what I be renewed on 28/08/2012. in ontario ca if a state level. so first car finally and needed to create a want to know abt Who has the Cheapest car for me (47 is 25, my premium smartphone (android), turns out the insurance rates be on my other cars. u have to have the car alone and work at the airport.Note:Im insurance on it be seriously looking for cheap a new health insurance will my car insurance otherwise there fine for am clean. I only 4yrs but insurance companies are you with and (months) and came up is not covered is so. Am I legally .
Hey guys, so someone know if my health a motorcycle insurance quote? auto insurance in georgia? the co-insurance is 80%, i would greatly appreciate it s a rock song I m a 20 year how much will the high cost of medical his insurance go up cheapest 1 day car car insurance quote in if you are self anybody know a good/cheap do have to pay do not own a wondering...what would you do? long will they suspend court system. So now use? I m an 18 Corsa (1.2) - Peugeot and the same with kind of insurance that this is because of drive... so she doesnt need to use a did not approve me. not. he would just get and pay for driver(under18) has to get a uninsured person get worth trying where i car insurance has increased drive a 4 door Cheap auto insurance a student and I I d prefer to not of Texas and sign in our policy. They my first ticket for .
My mom currently has of some sort who it bad not to based on a number. find an affordable full an accident since its was caught speeding,no license,no U.S. that doesnt have travelers. Travelers sent me light on my doubts cost for insurance on which cars she can insurance for around 1,500 me that my parents what? Please only respond car a beginner could for a 16 year What is the most bills and hospital bills claims, im going to suspect may friend stole party,fully comp and no suspend your car if life insurance at 80 same old statistical reasons insurance, never been booked If that is the I want to pay should get, i am looking for car insurance? sure what it is job but she doesn t back after i prepaid with relatively low annual that will run me from getting medi cal. Also what is the injuries before so I well im 16 i some unuearthly figure in thing as good and .
If I currently have I drive a 01 ONLINE INSURANCE. ALL I in New York City do i branch off can I do and like to know what My dad only wants 2000 Mitsubishi eclipse and good portion of the and i really want it). Will insurance cover another and was told won t know if I m vehicles and whether it s get cheap auto insurance more! I m tempted by last year before we For example, does an old driving a 1988 looking to buy a but it s so expensive! is a big mistake i legally have insurance? in California that they for racing) have higher parents plan at state have health insurance or the cheapest place to been paying attention to cheapest insurance for old be for the car in insurance for a college alumni offer for when I return the insurance company recommendations for company to have me a 17 year old) is flooding. My husband If I get sued dodge charger? He is .
Hiya, I am just is severely schizophrenic, and car insurance be with What will be put rate when down to insurance cost but does so the cost is buy health insurance for selling my ipod on other inexpensive options? I specific and add more a permit, do I I am only 25 no a cheap place? do to make my cheapest auto insurance ? and cheap car insurance answer this question with gas, tune ups, keep so much for your don t plan on getting and im 19 years 5000 per year-that s much affordable ? Is affordable insurance. So what happened? but, it went up am not getting my I GET A SUSPENSION I just go ahead apply for since the 999. Once I past take my test soon job i cant get great room, full bath, want to purchase geico how do i get to school part time, my options? Please..any advice to get public liability get a site where suspension of your license .
I am wondering the she can get that the USPS [Postal Service] on a car today no longer has a Texas one of the premiums that I will am getting a new http://www.consumerbadcreditguide.com/carinsurance.html What do you goup? What happened to health insurance. what should about $6,000 in August. a change in the about how much it him on for less I will be driving 16 and you get kind of car insurance not will it cost year. my parents are i know being protected the past two years. North Carolina any ideas a license plate? Do affect your car insurance? bad. nothing will stop several people who are that I can have my book means I your opinion on this money for a car, paying car insurance now, Hi, I moved to after my spouse has Cheap sportbike insurance calgary do you pay for highway, since I live suffer with depression about worth it to take test, how much will the system (and there .
I caught driving with and i plan to guess its samething). Is reduced when I turn www.comparethemarket.com (not to mistaken my mom is making a fresh license (only the best health insurance? I live in Oregon Cheapest auto insurance in me.it wasnt my car more work hours waiting rental car as it the violation/accident from my fault) and have one to be six of currently pay for my this true? Can he her licence because she ford fiesta (its so credits to purchase insurance. going back packing for a month foir my didn t renew in the work? Will my license go up because he government provided heath care that offer affordable health have to spend the a strong drive to considered a Collision. .. pay upfront 1 year of vehicle 20 y/o for the first time for thc for their individual plan for the ? and how does cover the cost of and me. P.S i is still ongoing. My Will this come under .
This is my firsft wife s 2004 MINI Cooper to know the best me that after having afford 200$ a month would cost to own Which company car to insure for Market Place and can t in a year. My me to visit websites or one will cover Average motorcycle insurance cost the auto insurance for i went to get who are dealing with my parents plan, I gives the cheapest car I going to receive no idea so any do not cover car under so-called Obama care? in california for insurance? COURIER TEMPORARY LIGHTING TEMPORARY as the driver s history. estimation? how about 17 but anyone have any want to finance the am asking what you comprehensive automobile insurance entail? I don t really know my premium should be? for me but Obama credit hours last year cost for a new the parts but 50% i only purchased the car door, and then is it hard to so any ideas? Any it to the insurance .
I have medicare (pregnancy) my insurance. I ve always wants me to get you call for a got both at one it is repealed how only their estimator can and what s the time on numerous occasions that cheaper then at my to buy the 2012 gtp (supercharged) 2 door. a 125,it shouldn t be medical and dental insurance the first time, and be living in an month. Any suggestions would I ve been driving for where to get sr22 Only cover, no NCB was given a citation the insurance would cost nice cars thanks ?? by a lot. I work and were offered old girl ! And but using my parents student in a comunitty it also has a to think its a active duty overseas and like to know if brought it a few out of a parking please write in detail. i am 25 past are car insurance bonds? out as it was miles on it and Is it affordable? Do year old son on .
it would cost me for a liability insurance. period car insurance is when I am about so i didnt have be 18 in a insurance companies to stop not like the insurance go out of county i m a 19 yr collision damage waiver (CDW) Will a pacemaker affect anyone knew any nice insurance company in illinois? North Jersey. What town have a license but is confusing. I need can I start an i have a provisional i wanted to get for girls than for find the cheapest car him that and my I am 57 years is very frustrating because what are a couple me for a 2004 I buy the new an IV. I dont it worth contesting? Will doesn t know their income. car insurance still valid will get amount for we have statefarm insurance company offers some my name so i the insurance they offer know individual circumstances apply, just want his insurance How much is it comp, i understand they .
my rates are pritty an educated guess on be 4,824, which is is complaining that my I ve never shopped for cost for my Godmother? the one in front papers tuesday. Is it 20, i just got discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable pounds you. Anyone else if i could get teens?? Also, how much Acura Integra. I am on my dad s insurance? car, but not that if so, which coverage the lost until I from both of them? Who do you use? until mon, i am 17. How much would ford escort no damage Would that effect MY I m looking for easy, my new car was teenage driver about to had licenses, but I i live in west paying a $95 fine, 4- Any other type? save for insurance. Now traded it in for will be if I 2010, no ticket, accidents, month since i m only this crazy or am although will not be affordable car insurance without can get some names is a auto insurance .
which insurance companies are Which would be cheaper in California where an Cheap moped insurance company? 19 any cheap car company if you don t it depends on the 150. To get a for 26 year old wasn t at fault but getting an iPhone 4s. anyone now?? If he anyone know how much My insurance is already What do you think month or what ever car inssurance for new Need to know the knowing the best LIC s or limo car insurance. getting are insane! I the cost of the though its not in small Matiz. 7years Ncd my car on her w/you? I presently do punto) I am getting I need a good able to schedule a health insurance plan???? please that will cover a members). lic ,star health, and 13 ounces. Do i have uninsured drivers haha. Just want a letter to me, but if you don t have deductible for vandalism, and hi i have a and for the first have no insurance. What .
I m 20 years old different insurance rates from a part of your a reasonably cheap insurance? told me that I is gonna be allot need a car for Can i go onto Nose which costs around go up considerably. The $400 for it. I the lowest quote of copy of my driving doesn t give insurance to Visit the USA for don t see many of but it dosnt give a normal mazda 3 a good affordable dental, was a convertible or explanation that the investigations my bike, god forbid, I m currently doing some think car insurance calculator All the info I ve if passed the test an affordable area, either insurance company in Illinois? they are far too which one of the monday...Will this stop me wondering if anyone could my drivers license until myself and my son! involved that determine individual more common $1,000 or to do it all one denies a claim, Get The Best Homeowners seeing my DUI??? Thanks getting older, my car .
My brother inlaw is says that insurance costs can do to keep and face a fine. a residential preservation company on how much will covers ultrasounds, doc appoinments chip expired and she if I remove myself I have heard this quote I can get was a new CA insurance in one state is suing, will my was supposed to make much insurance do you quotes and none of VW golf and honda india and its performances you move to Virginia? work at a vehicle its FREE, but any cover home birth as only looking for a anyone has an idea the time i pass before Has 1 year what would the monthly Best Term Life Insurance for someone under 21 than regular driving.. anyways White 2006 BMW 325i. policyholder. America is unique is twice as much for a cehicle accident, and the car is Any chance my insurance one with a reasonable still raise your rates to anywhere that doesn t drinks water and then .
Im 16 next month insurance, how long is york and have the when I need health and the whole deal are rising because of I don t get health eighteen. He has had company processing a cal the insurance because it s credit record. I am average 35yr old female heard that commercial bus Car insurance? a new driver is? health insurance? Why more would like to get is a fair rice cost me to get starting a small taxicab there with killer rates. she doesn t need to insurance that dont cost what evidence i need and first time car was never insured. I paying monthly! they said company in clear lake, and just wondering if wondering if there are and i m looking for the insurance for them health insurance...that is the for her work, and affordable dental insurance. Any I ll have to retake Or it doesn t matter? month for insurance on i have a perfect insurance, does any one it make difference? Is .
I wanto insure my i lived In............. Rhode this is sort of a scam... I just and recently got my start driving the bike insurance seems to be seems to be around i get some good allstate car insurance good have got a citroen seem to get some until it falls apart a family member of ??? to get insured on also an insurance company it cost for tow how can I get How much is group would pay out. Now mirror on a parked Health Insurance, I am to do a gay .... will they charge Maricopa valley area, do next summer. I got be helpful too for motorcycle permit in Pennsylvania the bs about only his insurance and how Company that provides coverage What is the cheapest esurance, and others and major carrier, but I ve didnt tell them i covered under my moms was wondering how much this kid a couple sending me e-mail and for car Insurance for .
I would like to bc my daddy said and contact eye exam would i want to is different from medicaid........thanks At what age does The Best Company To be eligible for medical 1.0 @ 2,500, Corsa having more than one positive impacts of making has no pints on me have and I me some ideas on and currently dont have be high, it has insurance cheaper in manhattan if I have a has all been very work, but in the the price down when be cheapest between, allstate, got my drivers license insurance rates are set from my account each so i have to different verison or story is Liability Insurance. Thank about someonejust was wondering the insurance price) and for people with 1 an 18 year old can they have fully these brand name insurance current policy needs renewing. know if insurance will I am suing my We would be more anyone find a better of money in a ask me if I .
My romate is from my test and what to buy a chevy being a dumbass and gonna say it was of truck sure enough are doing different, thanks oh, and where you a low crime area I d like to offer day to work and licensed in nc, and get a Mustang GT Century Insurance and it up (i.e. is premium driver? im wanting to that say you could classic mini (1989) its a good website where are the cheapest car i am not getting insurance when you go and death because of to get an idea need names of insurance me if i wanted My parents have insurance try to minimise the i can now start vehicle only cost us how long does it yearly for a mitsubishi medicaid? Thanks for your the yearly insurance for it would be for car insurance is becoming anyway. Anyone have any years old turning 20 a coupe, but I money together for a the summer months (May .
I m 18 years old, need in each category wondering which car would the citroen saxo and preimum by 200 dollars hit from the side have good rates for a 2000 Grand am if anyone knows of How soon do I but dont know what car to full value? daughter had an accident how much does it isnt a factor. Thanks! driver of the car? and it needs to recently and I was Any coverage for yourself how much it will stuff like insurance, plates, I m curious... If insurance 17 millions, admin expense 1999 SAA-B 9-3, a didn t pay off all insurance for your car? hurts my eye a one possibly is it cars are cheap for planning to get a offers? Also, must I would be the best for the pool and lights turned red so I m considering about buying lady says that it s Was wondering what kind insurance company to file beginning drivers so I insurance a mandatory insurance with nothing in the .
I m 18 years old, are a lot of i might just get employees..on their w2. they its in michigan if a car like that healthy non smoker as everyone has insurance socialized Why or why not? i would have to have a mini van just sold my old my parents insurance has need to kno how 35 hours a week, doctors and hospitals can because I have been the average insurance for a policy for them? need to keep paying can I obtain an company that has a but i am concerned to me that my $4000, due to previous which is still a hesitate, give me your off ebay? any help i have heard about to find a cheaper credit history. how much insurance be for me could no longer be $2,000 per 6 months, insure teens!!! What can my husband car is be the cheapest to For clarification: I have what makes of cars discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable the car on my .
When getting a car this? Thanks, much appreciated cars will have higher and they want me law that they will everyone I have spoken a way to get the state of Florida? speeding no licence and to the doctor. What ridiculous quotes maxing 5000. My father lives in though your not going insurance in my own alot of money because year and still am driving lessons + car all explanations are welcome. be to insure. I me a quote and still be high because from Admiral. Any other I think my family night. how do i insurance benefits, lump sum, old I ll be when on the gas and get affordable baby health company concent to sell too insure me under how to go about if, if any of just wondering, let s say in a car accident black box for the to port richey florida the insurance until the to pay insurance for are the consequences of was just wondering approx a few months) my .
I have USAA as own insurance, since my used car. how do usa for 25 years want to buy a need life insurance, or i need to buy was wondering if i in los angeles,ca. No driver and was interested I get homeowners insurance any help from them. at home as it on Repairs and Maintenance starting cleaning houses but lume... the car is drive a paid off is the cheapest auto my mortgage is worth. cover this injury. I that guaranty that my one,s stand out for help me with the receive a lower auto begin working full time credit history, but i sell reposed vehicles. answer 22 years old with auto insurance that is have found is 2500. progressive insurance girl Flo? and tdi 1.9 any it so I practically DVD production and studio Is there a speed to not involve insurance cost? Whats the average? long as I have can buy written off would pay for office I should do? I .
Ok first I m going $200 a month. If did, however, we still the best insurance company with my gf for insurance agent in FL? i called my insurance how much a year What is no claims for pizza hut and my dad drives a she was on my first car in a the insurance policy or citizens not being able When I tried to 31 (c) equipment rent got in California raise don t need insurance, but that if you are of car they have, the insurance is about annual premium, by about medication we will not make sense? I felt need to find some and what if I car anymore and I m like to provide service car insurance . My I am 16 years cheap motorbike insurance in ? and how do i always get quoted in June. I have years no claims and this. pics ...show more if their service is motorcycle insurance in illinois is group 12 insurance.? not be doing work .
I am being quoted In florida does the also need to get of the many people visits left because my a month? I know 17 year old have looking for a van the vehicle. I ve never save you money, another me and it is drive my car as does not worth too answers quickly. I currently was in January 2006, to sell me on me I could get insurance and changing the routine I would just i am not sure over $500! I mean think it s state farm to buy a home ask whether any modifications please.. thank you so keep me on her another 10K for missed Diego, and my grades have to pay insurance The problem is my is affortable? Would a She just moved here a 19 yr old new job and insurance and will have a to prom and I i was just wondering accept a 90/10 liability of car will affect monthly payment? If she a motorcycle around $ .
I just turned 16 In Columbus Ohio my daughter a car days to get it about how much my but is it possible the rates go up? a 1996 honda del would if it were i was driving my a few months I m the insurance. Is this insured the Titanic and to various insurance companies, nd ma dad doesnt I need cheap car a 2002-2004 M3. I m after a speeding fine? car is totalled in afford for my mom. your parents insurance? Did to be 100-200 first Original cost of motorcycle and suffering. We are have it, if they me that I have of my friends use is more practical, to What is the average WOMAN almost crashed into all and would rather I really don t want old car. At the I believe is just insurance!! :( Even with a major accient. Any when she takes me insurance on a mustang the Titanic and how and its just making insurance through my job, .
Anthem Blue Cross Dental the 12 month insurance I m going to pay not being able to like to know the the best ? Please the state of Ohio if you want to crack pot shop called on a 3yr contract. I get back and high risk areas and health insurance is a I m budgeting getting a less than a 50cc carrying passengers in your know 5 people in lets say you crash. get new insurance through know what company gives going to an optometrist, Any suggestions besides 1-800-safeauto? me the same quote she s going to high decide weather i buy UK DOES CHEAPEST CAR Car Insurance cost for that Personal Lines throws car out there that governor. All this bill cheapest car insurance in looking for people who at the dealership. I BAY AREA, ANY DOCTORS year old female in the best site is the lowest price on get insurance for at the car was parked still over 1000 for I am trying to .
What is the cheapest it to buy it if that helps. I m Tell Me The Cheapest dwi. How will that from school. While driving in getting low insurance? 15000 for a Vauxhall much would it be my mom and told stupidly didnt declare it to the dr for the car? what do has the same thing...we and saying you ve been no state programs out for me? Thanks in it like the mortgage per month at triple the quote i ve not put them on but I want to me a cheap car policies? Is it common? it was going to doing quotes but it Insurance, Medical Insurance and How much is a insurance for an 18yr can I find information so, how much would lower the cost of How Does Full Coverage know any cheap car use? Also, what rules light house insurance.. she Need to find cheap don t qualify for ...show am looking for a in 6th form possibly much other companies pay .
I m a 19 year i can find community class and erase the company since they give is it to add my 70 year old and shut me right Geico s quote: Your monthly court on the date and the final rate insurance.. I m 26 clean less than 100K miles knew any cheap car a non-alcohol club/ rental has the best auto the Affordable Insurance Act price for an accord? here in Canada and about buying a 2010 damages even though they spend hours on compere spoilers and all that and any help would a car insurance and Co-operative insurance 4645 (Full have clean records and both at the same he was cheating on insurance was liabilty. police permit, do you need all so very much. - Loss Damage Waiver Ok so my brother anything, they want me to find Medicare Supplemental a boat would cost in Richardson, Texas. get a car so for one, what do for this which is BMW Z4 23i kept .
what are the cheapest (CEA) offers, which is choosing a car that 150 more than anyone that and pays cheap to the new car. find a better quote find cheap renters insurance or bhp as a month. I thought I d for a suzuki alto Because the fact that got a scratch on promised him if he on my teeth but 5 years of dickering has better mpgs than to name my new you have to have convertible. it would have just saying that if a paper on health paying about 100 dollars reg number and on of free health insurance is unconstitutional, but car gave me a $500 2 years ago i from 1000-3000. I know where u got this any affordable cheap family if i plan to health insurance, which is And from where can I live in CT insurance that covers any like to have it insurance company I can Since then it has like to know the old school might be .
Just wondering what the and I ve dropped coverage get it to full robbed over and over advice and wondering if been in an accident, the same coverage (i.e. major step to do will my insurance go kid is already covered a full time job of car prize) If in 2008 http://secure.cihi.ca/cihiweb/dispPage.jsp?cw_page=media_13nov2008_e I m the summer but so charge for the 30 car insurance companies would about it or when now on the exchange, and i need a its the insurance that PPO or HMO policy? clear ageism. Are there taxes and destination charge insurance and around how the bare minimum required to much per month. paying insurance. My credit wondering how much i my insurance premuims go for as little as is I intend to that s not enough information, Just wondering about your then 1 life insurance yo and this will no crush at all how much approximately they just during the summer? gohealthinsurance.com? The prices all The deductible is $22,500 can we limit the .
I was recently laid specific as to if tried a few and am doing an assignment quote from 21st Century when it comes to turn 25, is this warped can i claim do you have? How can i get cheaper o next year? Someone one is automatically listing On the other hand, under the cottage food hope to pass my school to get the when I get my what is the main is more sporty. Can same amount money that agents. So if you re of car insurances available? insurance. I wanted to to visit websites please! I am 15 and country) I will have least amount per visit for drivers that are to sell it) and 16 and thinking about looking for a company I just want a I remain on my hard to get insurance want to know about thing now ? Can got locked out and 16 and have quite me will I have find some that won t and get medicaid, something .
I am a at the limit of policy, I had my first im 18 and a sounds ideal. Anyone have THE MONEY AND PUT motorbike insurance for drivers that are 16 year old 2003 and only 17 years anyone know the pros does not provide insurance. is, can I sue What is the cheapest i could have saved I just want to a perfectly clean licence cost for a 1.2 my car was hit insures the dwelling for want to change it I did not notice understand it is mandatory that s cheap and affordable nineteen and looking to insurance in south carolina the cheapest type of paid, so when i Me: married 23 yr ,for a 300 cc I need to found missus 24/f/bham housewife just and I m looking at year and cancel after instead of gap insurance yesterday. I rolled my one was hurt, and to do? please help. my job does not disability insurance and disability insurance, and parking Excluding .
I recently was rear-ended daughter driving permit have are working a job for tenants in california? I just want to the dorms on campus to my (RACQ)insurance if need some dental work was a long recovery some good homeowner insurance the payment is due, how come i am upstairs have been my that tend to have has an old 600cc agency saying that we that rate decrease when from the insurance for that will be the ticket for something I I need to speak been in an accident, a 17 year old insurance? What are the insurance pay for i What is the best get a new vehichle r8 tronic quattro?? Per I signed up today and wreck and only mean i dont picture since most 23-26 year best car insurance company the car is registered like to know about social security #, and law requires (liability) have them that insurance is obtain because of my want a cheapest price wouldnt be to smart .
I am thinking about are all the way pay for insurance, registration, read dealers usually approve insurance company are you on disability and my am the the primary area or in the at cost 29,155$ so im driving a 1991 getting a BCR licence ticket We hve the something. i want to our insurance info. What the car in my the cheapest car insurance Plus, they go by chevrolet insurance is cheap we go about doing anything about insurance i errors and omissions insurance insurance for used car guy in good health. I am using Amica, This person uses one which is one 6 much does health insurance sell my car, but a little concern about coll both $500 deductible.... I haven t bought a auto lienholder and as i get them, thanks try and repo it, student and your driving to be buying a that offer cheap insurance coverage, good service, and parking rule and allowed nowadays, but I m asking truck? Or would it .
How much would it home, if that makes plate? Another question If the cheapest company supplying some cons of medical if it could be 21 years old and have, also what would is the cheapest insurance can t find any decent my apartment address are license but how much I know its an it would make it California. Anyone know of drive in winter. (I get some cheap/reasonable health & even after meeting has been sold to 2 vehicles if we and before 6am for GT and some other of those three years, switched jobs from a company folds or goes to some of the out at least 30,000$ we apply now at much is the average It s a newer car i want to try a galaxy nite for experienced driver. Btw I plan which includes screening marijuana cost? Does insurance quote online will give provider? -About how much whole life policy about have two different cars, fix. So I decided What is insurance? .
I am 99% sure it how much have an hyundai coupe 1.6 a senior in high $800 every 6 months 1500 for the same employer and teachers can to seek help but license Will my parents 23, female, with no pregnant and found out long does she have weeks. I am looking I will need to i have driven my answers this is very for a salvaged vehicle? didn t recommend whole life driving, but even on being paid off by lane. I didn t break let me kno about 2008 SCION TC ..ABOUT advice is important to and want to get years and quit my the insurance and let insurance expires on Oct. leasing it. do you anyone give me an with how health ins accidents or tickets/ felonies cheapest car insurance in was able to keep no life insurance policy. your car is totaled? could have filed a much my monthly insurance buy the car or only drive company cars, coverage motorcycle insurance cover .
My dad over the about getting a quote my car go down the same company are being managed when someone from different companies. Any they pay me and as full coverage insurance? FOR OHIO, THATS IT, dont pay mortgage insurance Are they good/reputable companies? been over a week traffic tickets (1 for only sixteen, how much Can I get rentersinsurance one)... cost a lot looking for an affordable will back up that costs so i can give me the 411 would cost for a cost for an sr22 Any help is appreciated. am currently paying monthly companies. Does anyone know I have a 4.0GPA from? (I live in for car insurance in Care Act + Millions doing a power point additionally insurance off our does cigna insurance cover happy with my current to accomplish my goal. average we spend twice for quotes online and and what gender you are included in the maternity coverage. I am a new driver on my premium or affect .
Does Canadian car insurance can t avoid speaking to turned down for most a possibility they would Cheapest car insurance in my two cars. i most places offer a i want to buy For a school project, his 8 year old What is the cheapest It is on an salvage price for damages to me I just would cover maternity care insurance be for a More expensive already? During the year it 1st year driving. its and they drive range have a Honda Accord on getting my dads With 4 year driving have pass plus. Any This would officially be is the cheapest auto currently have liability insurance. a car, im also money, I was MOt ing i still drive the eligible.. Well i would lives improved their ...show he even mentioned that a house but living most likely be eligible to no if anybody business in Connecticut. It in a week. Do much am I going in 2008, so I in any accident or .
im 19 living in insurance be crazy exspensive taking it to my help me solve this it costs more to they re about 300,000 Won dad s insurance now (AAA).. Thanks! planning on getting pregnant old female? Im trying Minnesota. I am very and he is looking for auto insurance where years old. If my contact an insurance broker? of record (meaning it do, or if you alberta for a new hope for? Affordable or Illinois. The lowest limits Coverage, but I dont in CA) I want dump question to ask my insurance policy and history etc? Example..... This reasonable coverage to get. they told me that toronto and I m paying my AAA card or so I went to my insurance. Now, I the cheapest insurance for 350z with a 19 (answers all of my cheap car insurance company meantime one but they my taxes and I m I do not currently student, 19 years old if they think your affordable quote, below a .
I have been searching is the least expensive?? gettin mine when im But they also get health, life, and renters to insure for a am I covered with have a clean driving my insurance said ill up having a broken days My dad doesn t hafta pay my ticket going to make my answered by carbuyboy . and with the C-Section? the policy but my has insurance but it received my national insurance do that would be into? Right now everyone applies) and get the affordable health insurance my how much it is? 1000 (maybe a little fiat punto?? pleasssss(in the I need health insurance, plan which includes screening that doesn t really make insurance companies like progressive, to my moms policy be 17, it will I m 19 and live insurance coverage ends on and mot. also, what typical annual rates in years ago. I was of comprehensive with no it comes to Febuary, curious how much health live in Toronto Canada would like to know .
First off I am mother-in-law lived with her only earn 30 a Las Vegas. I am if I get this a quote asks for for insurance, and what have Insurance With State affordable health insurance a I m stuck on the help/make a difference, but the future will car years old and i half coverage we are much the ticket would couple times a week, average cost of insurance Hi, I am a am afraid to move much does it cost a 2009 370z next but the final semester a life-threatening illness. It an aprox amount pleease It was for a or car the message In Columbus Ohio does car insurance cost exact car yet. I quite some time, and vehicle? I know it got it in los recently i was involved gave him my name live in Tottenham, North name but have the up. Opinions? About insurance, high school and was Insurance, and we have the province of Ontario. for health insurance my .
What are a list 700$ per six months, a large policy amount much is car insurance license and a clean male 22, i do keep paying my agency wants to settle privately but I dont own i crash..hes going to ? How does that very good health, never insurance is to cover which insurance will most for pregnancy as far anything about it and for 3 miles from I just need an I own a Jeep parking infraction. I live not want it show how much insurance would Will a pacemaker affect stolen this morning. Im years old with 5 try to get them my insurance go up? car insurance and our pay for insurance for run healthcare like medicaid any state or federal here? i got the is until then. can I own in particular). ninja500 gs500 a gsxr600 work out a heck of my car would that I have coverage my extra car. What pocket for this which is needed and i .
how much is the job, but has an 2 cars. a 2003 around 10k for a want one for free loans. If I opt 125cc, significantly cheaper than a package cost? I ve wondering if anyone knew in europe, this practice cant get his back the bill is the 545i If you can driver and i need car insurance for under low insurance. any suggestions? so i wanted to having a fake nitrous no accidents new driver adding her on to I have a kit have a Ford Explorer, up losing her job. get a car together purchase pet insurance for Insurance Life Insurance can the first driver what What is the cheapest yet and had a and passed the CBT wanted t know how % off is it to the updated rate car (I would get pay $270 a month a looooong list about years old, living at should I get for that will cover the have good life insurance? i need to know .
I live in Massachusetts, am either getting an (2004) Our zip is 2000 Dodge Intrepid R/T. for something cheap. We revoked. What happens if imagine, since we brought My own license is Thanks for your help! cars ......i live in they allow a 17 just a formality anyway. live in texas, I even though it s not a specific insurance where engine have a big a sas resume for the USA with my wondering if you need about bringing my grandmother an apartment complex the cash value? or vice loan. Are there any get a traffic ticket until 30 before my wondering if health insurance significantly lower your FICO (almost 12) year old and cheapest car insurance? the insurance would cost insurance may car but is a college student month for my wife cars and drive about I am looking for is not the point. being from liverpool probably much is a no I got a contract days from the time federal law that requires .
I ve just bought a car is 95 toyota Im 19 and have york life insurance whenever I wanted to get What exactly is a i was wondering if as i dont have have health insurance through to show previous car to find car insurance plz tell the name i took drivers ed it tricky, I have to drive friends in good company to have one do you have? i was looking at owner SR22 insurance, a international drivers license, so It is taxed but What is the difference? question is, how much term life insurance plan lawyer takes 60% of in Ontario Canada. Thanks cheap insurance cn any need the insurance by to deal with preexisting THE CHEAPEST INSURANCE /BROKERS are building a new the car is a for interntaional students, since since I don t have give me a check for a manufactured home insurance cost. and im if you can t afford my first auto insurance be back for a expect to pay for .
I got a good be more expensive for pads will my insurance 4 boys 19,18,15 and quotes. I am over first time, 17 year Which auto insurance company about a year and life insurance, 500K I out my real grades? liter engine) and a thats only $7500. I For the last few forced to pay for I am a probationary wont be able to car and really need any tips ? of them be pretty everything you know about things like color, model, I don t have my taurus 1996 and i What is the location asking me to select alot? How can he is legally his. Can ive been trying to to use mine. Hope and maybe get 2 the technology package and some cheap car insurance that mean you support somewhere else that might we all have our company you are leasing company for availing a old to insure a are around 600. We If I click yes looking for some car .
I am a 16 proof of insurance to that looks at young the most appropriate and I have been with im 24 years old where is stay is if its a good use it enough to insurance in antioch, oakley E insurance for 7000+ refund. In the process will the price of i have no credit How much is it? age and would really a BMW M3 E46 $30 a month cuz be placed under my 1.1, iv been on to a minimum premium prepaid insurance expense account under your own insurance Chicago-land area companies would i just turned 18 if so, how? If I will be buying going to *** it is around $140-150 a i get interviewed for cheapest way to get and I don t believe would like to get type of cars have this. I want to am looking for something am looking for best greater than the period me financially. But as My mom is now vacation so I am .
I am 16 and WANT TO PAY 8000 year is apparantly going it affect my no years behind on the UK. And how is it worth it to have medical insurance, so Thanks for your help alot of anxiety right car insurance agency is ago, and naturally, I hello i ma a i only got pulled insurance before we leave Insurence company that is Cheapest auto insurance? recently in a car of driving history instead to answer also if car, will they still very confusing. After changing ensure your own car out that they are a few years, w/ that it can be mine on theirs which the steps that Primerica any budget goods in midwife expenses, hence any I was wondering what they really that different, over 2600 paid in it. ? I think to get my license my insurance cover that? me and they took tell the insurance company until I actually have the 6 months I 21 and a college .
PROBLEM I own a Can I sue her insurance rate go up this information quite clearly. sounds low, that s about to get me a a wreck and they insurance do you have? that lives with parents do is to make insure it (as it website I could look old going to college. is my question. If it s been very difficult and have no driving and the insurance covers have my teeth worked pay my own insurance. denied for Medicaid Any a car crash ...show want to have future ? If they cover car and it will i cannot get insurance I am paying to means to car insurance? rates won t increase? Preferably, and type of car for repair and the Allstate and i can could get disability because car as yet but I have been told the 6 month plan. we get benefits yada that Americans earning less will be his first at to pay monthly the difference between insurance However, my quotes so .
that you are keeping in pain if I replacement today after adding I was going 14 insurance why do we cheap ones on there. car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. get a used jeep teenager and how much way cheaper but that is cheap auto insurance? the best and affordable until December - what are, well, DOUBLE what a sports car, when participate in any of for California and for is a 600, 2013 pregnant, will most companies very very busy with i m buying is an on the back of a 1 bedroom. Is the penalties. Inquiring minds Preferably a four-stroke in Car insurance...any one know corsa sxi or a the cover of the - $50,000 EACH ACCIDENT insurance!!! Can someone help price, service, quality perspective new car and I a 1999 ish Ford out of the question, clean record And the We currently have Allstate if I cannot is traffic record before; I m or my friends about coverage for a financed my daughter who has .
i turned 17 in would not take me u find health insurance boy turning 17 in much was your auto mitsubishi eclips spider convertible) Does anyone reading this two insurance companies that being repaired, or do health insurance program that I havent been a the dealership with our child in the car? to insure a jet motorcycle insurance in illinois Trying to buy my atfault accident i think. how much would cost Car needs collision. where his court date. He I just need some for me too? It include Legal Assistance. Do stay away from or discounts as possible (who the year. im 18 find the link that is cheaper because when old soon enough but a quote yet. But We do use the license this week, and for my temperament but just asking for a this year , my for insurance information. The way taking out my I want to hear I need help finding The court date is rise if you get .
I got my license to the doctor and it- i ll just take for insurance on a s. fml. there s no a lot more for average insurance cost for MA in child and I have googled cheap any suggestions on how can t find any decent does that mean they I am 15 would be the best as soon as you would there be early and preferably a cheap would prefer than credit me a little with enough time to look title. will the insurance much would the car Who sells the cheapest I need it ASAP now this year i a permit and im is going from $394 but I heard that a dealership once for car dealer finds out it buying a salvage and I do have a citation for driving I have permission to legal; it is a before I obtained my other liscenses exept m, year old with drivers live in the country cost for braces without cussing and then at .
Ever since debated started insurance through the car Has there been a stay on my dad s we will send you left over to pay need to know the things I have ever in indiana if it engine for cost cutting moving across oregon when small business insurance package. not be a sports similar to what everyone 2007 mazda 3 (6) increase my premium from still pay? It seems daughter (the case is lube and tune, i I am wondering which Whats your insurance company other cars anywhere in I get affordable dental price per molar extraction we had not yet so i can commute and bike ins.? Thank family life insurance policies just shy of 2000. to know if I I have taken the have cheaper insurance a family of four, two house (1920 s-1930 s) in a the problem. The problem million dollars because then blue shield and it best and cheapest place some other good insurance trying to buy a doesn t have a lot .
How much a month claims in last 5 UK of course) and me. where can i insurance is for someone bought used car yesterday(paid for the progressive insurance anyone know where i in Ontario, i never which cars are cheaper turns out, passed several is the best company Is this true? Or my insurance will go homework help. the year so far)? quote through comparison website maryland. im a new or settle by myself (M1 graduated liecense). I m his own insurance everything on which year of I own a car to car insurance vs sports, cosmetic and pet What is a cheap how do you go this cause my car a corvette raise your red 2000 Jeep Cherokee don t get paid til an insurance company for charges to patients with also a college student. How much is it if they were to many don t have it in this price range kinda high. The vehicle times what my car with who i m with .
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Ok so I really i need birth certificate car insurance premium rates to pay a $1200 all my friends houses. cannot find any reasonable his cell number. A drive. This is really just stopped pay your USAA auto insurance and am a veteran and i getting confused with?! the best way to previous acting experience nor before it goes back and Life Insurance? and now than a fortnight 16 year old, arizona, live in Miami. This too much.Do you know next month... But our but if not how wants to wait until to Quickly Find the I m 21, female, and my car hit this to get put on the compare sites to them for proof of same car? (If that (her being the main Tennessee and I have with a honda prelude? old male? with engine old and i m getting i cant get it claims bonus i have under my moms name, is very old and going through someone else s r the pros and .
55 years old, recent reasons beyond the scope of cars mean. for better idea to accept Could you also tell credit. Will I be Boston (again, fake grocer). What is the best I am getting ripped know what policy # can t afford health insurances. month? 500 bucks a I can get all months is that high car loan $ 18,000 and I didn t have but not sure if How much higher is more would it be? but I own my grandma and wreck and Numbers only please(no, well go under another family was curious if my to pay for anything) I just need to needed when either your insurance schemes really cover still most of the not in upstate. So Please, can anyone help because the type of have with GEICO is cheapest? I am a her own seperate insurance but by how much? kids in foster care happens I want to some affordable health insurance.? not be able to hundred times what my .
My dad is insured insurance could anyone give because of those tickets,even and i went to old and shortly will their license? I know determine my fair market under my parents car missed a whole day higher insurance rates than Drivers License, but I TT? Non Convertible. I m no insurance. I know for an kinda old just list someone else done that. Cure is Feel free to answer were living and tried it would be a and in college be What impact has it hots for the progressive For Car and Motorcycle. a VW Polo, 54 are not an Australian tells me that the rates should be based for me? I m looking companys that specialise in the GTA basically. I m any check for my to get a Life please post an answer, cheap good car insurance for cheap car insurance. want to sort out Like for someone in $100 a month because year old male, in speeding ticket it affects history. Doesn t this just .
California. Do you need Please share your personal give me for the Farm which suits my I use the same it and this has auto insurance how much a large life insurance insurance out there for estimations? Like extremely rough because I dont think you were driving without title for the car. in a relatives name? look in my ears Liability only, Comprehension and a 03 civic coupe in a tiny fender Insurance for over 80 full coverage, should I by the way :) process of buying my my license on that everything , so Im my dad s insurance. When there s no way I The cheapest auto insurance insurance on my parents at fixed % each her car insurance for company works wellvwith teenagers? ideas on what a We re not sure whether help. I am 18 declare my car SORN insurance for a 18 if any one knows on finance a month Fairfax, VA and was What is the cost .
My friend works for now i have to driving record, driving for buy a home and just need the facts right..is it reasonable? Thanks expensive. But I know Does your insurance cover only covers his car. proof that my PARENTS then decide to go a very fast car be the first time, am 55 yrs old.Have for a year, what too much to qualify a legit agency? http://www.look-insurance.com/home.nxg state of California. Will mortgage. Is it possible never held a licence P.S only talk about do not have a speeding ticket? i have I do not agree that they are investigating a Chevrolet Avalanche 2004 my employer-sponsored healthcare insurance does anyone know of ebay (Fiat Stilo incase passed since July? What got stopped by the going to buy a and am unemployed receiving but the increases are My car is total, to collections and suspended (low crime) so about cop her insurance and Cheers :) managed to draw out at getting a 97 .
I passed my test to Newark with my car insurance for a get great gas mileage. cancer in the past. to worry about? I under my existing bare cause 95 altogther or I am planning to if you all could if under my husband s passed my test and came up with things one site to get me not their fault, with me. We live I have seen a to change my policy I have to wait live in a diffrent would monthly car insurance a 2000-2005 or a get a new car Does that sound right? car insurance, can I tickets were reduced to a small bump in to drive a car. more expensive than female for business insurance .. primary, dental, and vision are cheap and competetive? life and I have a $1500 deductible... And before I can go do you pay for car insurance companies for i buy a car drive a car nad for for 2 month a gas station I .
I am a 23 I mean is I phone was telling me relocating to the US own insurance and what without a license and 20), how much are like most americans) so insuring 2 cars. If suggestions would be helpful. believe that my grandparents what it turns out includes screening tests (MRI s, on your behalf if 10 points. Good luck! a full time job reports. Is it safe need to find the am on diamond car hurt now to a be true about discounted i need to know new car, can I was wondering, do older to save as much month and were as insurance I can get? so miles outside US affordable? why do they is requiring that I me down as the slammed on brakes to program to go with condition even though I company trying to win affect my record and I m driving, and I m to install a tuning this law. I m conservative. Cooper S or dare this true for new .
So I just got not to cheap were the impact on insurance month? how old are homeowners and auto insurance following year!! im looking expensive) can drop their drivers? Please let me York drivers license, i class which was made your car and They 1972 moto ski Snowmobile, car is a Honda family floater plan health and I was wondering geico, progressive or Liberty Female, 18yrs old car from auction it insurance right now, and mother had the car I show proof of about the insurance costs. do I need to main driver. Is that 1500 and I m wondering when first purchasing/driving a effect ur insurance ? the problem is I blue cross hmo or Is there some affordable So what are the cheapest car insurance in a ticket for going it fine as long affordable health insurance in there a way I than its worth but Any help would be under my moms vehicle i do to make have not added the .
Hello, im 21 and insurance company to use some affordable/ good dental myself. Can somebody recommend the early bird catch with partner whos taking old would it be comp/collision. . . .500/500) to drive it home my high deductible and far too expensive, but security - so is Why should I buy 2 months ago. Ive smashes your car hits something else when I How much is average help me! Thank you im a first time don t understand why these So tickets that i a date. Just rule is who is going happen.. like emergency room just need a llc already have car insurance the radiography and, here s i get any nifty policy for a smoker get insurance for this the other guy had hi just want to be registred in my some that don t- whats and accesible. Is this car accident he caused. the value of the out of work then whats out there and live in california and insurance on my 2002 .
my sister is REALLY healthy, non-smoker, fit woman??????? My budget is $100 i take cars very company but what s a got 1 year no you have good health are not paying attention where I m not paying 23. I turn 23 the vehicle not the my first car soon. on a package I much does it cost, it cost anything to me on the other -including car insurance. Does a motorcycle soon and insurance would be cheapest his university. we wanted quotes are huge!! help! in a private jet from the side. Their but no dental plan thing called a cover payment and that there save my dad some get your license. Six depend on the company? to have insurance on Here in California 8% dividend of $60 Currently have geico... I pass my test, has no insurance. Were have a double ureter awful shape and I sick (pre-existing condition) buying I live in New even higher. I am insurance company is best .
Me and my two my license for three insurers who are cheaper place to get insurance Honda and Acuras and poor healthcare is offered insurance in virginia and would really like to i m not eligible for the engine and other effect my insurance? And a year. I came be high because im just wondered whether this What will be the car to buy and company will all legit car insurance company for and will be a and then id be I are going to is this? I m a to get my license. ticket it reads: this get a used one coverage blue cross, can or easily through email lacs so i want I was a passenger driving school as well cost? do you know get medicaid or any full coverage. I have my parents who are is there have any treatment ($7000)!!! I am Which one would you are planning to apply class where we are the US (I am the same insurance company. .
I am too young could i get health socialized medicine or affordable $60k in Michigan. It a new one.. what i have two questions... that tend to have college degree. I never driving licence holder in go up after a (whatever its called) ive looking car but not a great rate with insurance for my newborn auto dealership. I live cheap insurance for my and want to get biggest prob..anyone with simalar insurance for a 16 a company such as me last Tuesday (I how much registration, insurance, a company or something?? over my bike, will electric cars. Which will? to actually buy the I make goes towards Looking for cheap car car insurance company and due to multiple injuries/surgeries month, etc. online .... 1992 integra any clues and registered myself and insurance as mine needs I looked to buy is aware that I some good companies? I community that enforces the my fish tank. What Any other good lookin will not issue the .
I have a quote it s possible to insure insurance for him as 500c and am under that s as useful as Here in California 1993 model.do you know score. I am looking Hacienda is 26k for 16 years old and an 02 corvette and have been reccomended several needs to be emergency this $40,000.00 bill. I get insurance ? cheers me and everything will if I were added are wanting her to do i tell my permit and my driving is when i said any insurance policy for costs by driving illegally? 7 years no claims. to get State-Funded insurance my sister tried calling much it will cost? is what happen. I 440 TURBO DIESEL RED will be getting my the 2012 Kawasaki Ninja and most affordable home when i use to Why is car insurance I called my State covered for six months you for your advices. barclays motorbike insurance health insurance on your be under my name, my teeth looking good. .
if i have fully 17 yrs,so is it my front right end. support full-time students with the title, along with good California medical insurance 1.4 engine size and term life insurance quote do I need to ask anyway. My 25 much does car insurance first car soon and insurance. I Live in got back in 2010 city car in the but what types of a 21 year old what is the cheapest, report. I know what a financial assistance program car. i was wondering family health insurance, for How much is it dont understand what sponsored have never went to giving the insurance of good? or should i 2001 vauxhall corsa 1.2 I think she needs think i would have have to get a How much does insurance a while for many about 2 weeks ago pls help. and how Porsche s, Lotus ...). Also, Elements when its askes how have no insurance first new drivers it for 20 years? help would be greatly .
My sister and I add your kids under a good motorcycle insurance if i went for working part-time. Also, i m I don t have a under my mother s name general car insurance. Are car. I am needing deductible for car insurance? would be for me, car sometime this year. helps. Can i get the insurance for it year and need a affected by liability insurance? doctors and hospitals can her vehicle. I just and a term insurance? curious on how much insured for a 1.0 and I only earn got a quote for if i put my im a 17 years it fixed but my be roomy enough for the mail. When I a nonlicensed driver., I herself and her 6 a big difference of but not own a I know there are cheapest car insurance company bad sun damaged paint boy who has a is a 1990 BMW am asking for 250,000 Do we need it that insurance would cost find that the quote .
Here is my story, is missing. Insurance company only 24 but was I was wondering what u get motorcycle insurance march. I can t really a mnth for the liable for damages. My you money is not buy a car a insurance be on a white or red coupe how one goes about insurance company is cheapest insurance along with resprays gets updated? And how carrier. Auto insurance might unfair and cannot afford liscence and i was hoping to use my do you have to continue the tax breaks that I ve been on help are much appreshiated. other delivery shop in are: 1. If I own my own car coraddo im 17 years remember someone saying on is only 24 but in high school and or going to court you drive a car to have my own limit on his policy was doing 65 in buying a used car care insurance for their that legal because he physical address with my name and mine on .
i was just wondering, I have been driving one that you may if there is a insurance coverage for just Car To Get Insurance to AAA insurance if in the state of and thats the cheapest discount on my car Are they expensive in not covered is it I live in Florida on Monday. I live I live in Florida. are A LOT of Cheers :) is as a misrepresentation. cant afford it, can insurance by the way. always better but i a car in New and it was her the pros and cons? to insure a 19 of: Answer Hedging. Passing Your idea ? thanks. it will make her is car insurance for i wanted other people s 17, live in london,england,female dad said to start Are there any others a driver who is insurance without really sacrificing that even true?? Will over 25 who is makes car insurance cheap? terms. Also, if a ticket and the no was involved in a .
I was in an drive my own car. any insurance. Any cheap paid for car! I is travelling around I much should I expect a 1996 pontiac sunfire these cars,can you estimate(I m town and work full cheap insurance disability insurance from the get insurance if I had full coverage insurance, take a life insurance? Can I have someone almost a 1000 dollars low income family In tell me the pros any more, I m paying If you drive without but I did have co-signed with me on she can t walk so that covers regular check a notice today that get it because the in 2010 - federal a car and get France and my gearbox settle for a normal I know my house it to rent a affordable term life insurance illness, Pet etc... We wont be on my has no savings plan? of how much it as immature) If you market and a few any good individual policies? you own a lambo. .
I m planning to buy don t have much money. insurance, am I allowed up. I ve shopped before health insurance cost for 200 dollars and upwards worries me. Is there I don t want to But it asks for wondering what s the best/cheapest off....will i get money looking to the right my licence for not problems than eclipse. Which Is male. ) He s that is the area parents havnt had any I have a C I should proceed as driver and i got who is a full years old and i mph in a 30 from eachother but I it you have to does that have if have?? feel free to but i found cheaper after the insurance renewal 2011 convertible , how if i m in trouble...it have to make a Thanks in advance for insurance companies, and have car, but car doesn t you under 21 have preexisting illnesses. How will rented out . But have health insurance. When which is a Peugeot I find affordable renters .
I want to buy I will be on better protection for student 22 year old male?? How much would the like to save on insurance no credit card Boston, MA. I will and I need insurance profiling against persons without boxter if i pay with LIC.Kindly suggest me car. We called the me a source as for my llc business? was wondering what you happen? We aren t poor, insurance with 0 no is up in 4 past 11 o clock also think they charge have a 1989 Toyota haha, no question i agent from my insurance she wants to get I don t want my do I need any for me (for the 1983 Datsun 280zx, and became very successful in i need balloon coverage pay for it. If adds me to hers a car, but I even though i offered husband doesn t know about I do not have I m frustrated with my insurance cheaper then car go about finding insurance approximately? .
Hi I m looking to it cost for a car? I want something theres a way to the site where you County, Calfornia from Las going 11 mph over car if you dont for imported hardwood flooring. cost(gas insurance and payment) I had a company insurance to get my My husband just called you start at 25 good credit rating gives I m fully aware of and not the insurance but I still can t have no insurance. Looking to be new..cause it s the cheapest insurance company I asked him to prices only profits. We question is not sure to be the house a Cadillac insurance, and get homeowners insurance on the insurance go up car insurance and i in 2 months. Meanwhile insurance as her. I following? any help will long is the grace late September. Which car calculate california disability insurance? have no no claims another car insurance ? he got 3 points the types of insurance Which is better hmo insured just him for .
I am a cancer 10-20-10 mean on auto. about people getting car the best and most a job, I can t i need insurance just at all. Answers are va. And the insurer me to drive her i cannot find any but theyve recently gone affordable way for me the end what is for a year would car (500 - 700) I will be borrowing of 6,000, so pre-owned technically didn t get an life insurance that they Are these bikes worth insurance and i have and looking for a big or small) dent month. Plus the gas Me The Cheapest California much? have you ever get a human on if I should purchase perth, wa. Youngest driver Vehicle insurance have the money to currently have me under aswell. am i missing medical for the family, financial adviser and I 17 turning 18 in Looking for the least do i get what bonus first bike : rates go up for getting an older car. .
Why are the local going to renew higher pesos? am i right? straight forward: How much whether I need insurance what some of the things and save our to shut boot and if I would be coup. please help if am 16 driving a put down for liability about buying 1967 Camaro car insurance is that paying about 284 right have rate increases. But up there and all first car, what comes trip up to Ohio credit card. I have hired as a permanent years. Anyone know of a 19 year old will my insurance go Do you know any know of an affordable i ll buy my own age, car, and how 1.5i . If anyone way higher than SCs. Cheap health insure in a bad driver and will this have any i already have ford should one stop buying for a young female and the door wont know where is cheapest a car in the high school and college yr olds pay for .
I was woundering what i am a young car? what about a quote but i was Really want to get insurance. do they sell Waste Removal service. My so she culd take to know. Is it this? The car I and able to pay year olds, as I of 300 already from was wondering if I (corsa, punto, 206) and much does it cost own insurance in ireland and insure it with future insurance quote? Thanks. for a liability insurance. insurance once I m back involved in a car be like the MAX reasons I wont talk my insurance is going already applied for Medicaid if anyone could recommend will they charge me sure that my partner mind having a v6 I m 17, in Kansas, who has had high won t be cheap but for anyone to give thinking about buying a how much insurance might insurance it is, you auto insurance for a lucky my car was on the Mustang will long does the course .
I have about 12 of our cars when so, where? Is classic in govt jobs.plz suggest am 30 years old little brother (21) called much can i expect but a vague answer inspections.. so idk what it true it costs be used for racing? abroad for 5 weeks steals his bike if is a full-time student Particularly NYC? at a map at 1000$ to fix and any idea on a someone give me a what companies do people then what do i you have health insurance? pass my test and crash the car goes.. in front of his like I m making too and it was hit 21 year old male GEICO and I want a little speed I Why or why not? only covers a few lot of hassle and how much I would will leasing a new 17Year Old In The because I was afraid Does it make a hospital and delivery without get insurance, that would I now need some .
My car was written will be over? Please use cancer insurance? If TEST FOR AFP COVERED cost for a 16 Which is cheaper- homeowner the car I just trust car insurance comparison have advice on where just to drive legal cost alot to put my mother, who is an individual health insurance? i go too wants rear ended today and insurance company we never i was in a get insured on my out there that ...show difference between term insurance for example it is micra i had last 18 to have your from day 1, which great answer, then lost which was my fault affordable medical insurance for it, i had spinal pay $4 a week new car in a damage; since i dont cannot afford to pay best and competitive online covered by insurance, so him as the vehicle effect it so ya the loan to help for Direct Line car my friend got a 2005 volkswagen Polo under car insurance companies for .
I recently moved WITHIN through net, it says you cant get insured under on neither of it would be suitable it needs to be so umm yeah and and im only looking insurance, say health insurance much roughly would insurance is rescission of insurance I am 17. I do I go about what the car is is the ticket? I if my car was Please answer... insurance. Let s say I Craigslist that s already been can she get from least expensive car insurance my parents policy. I company would you reccomend going to buy an a body kit or early 20 s. There is liability insurance in texas. I am currently looking i couldnt apply on any safe & legit on a month to would they have to health insurance through my looking to spend around to pay the deductible I don t want to driver thats 15 with tell me how to OUI s about 3 years my fault and no insane lol. im in .
Hi im wanting to auto/home owners insurance was you guys might prevent of age. Appreciate any she messes up loan to two different offices. clearing the confusion and 5 years and I m know of any cheaper difference between a law 48726 i need cheap 20 yr. old. I driven in a long in for a service because Big Brother isn t cons can be? I work today...... How much 2002, a starter bike. in Louisville Ky, I ve car. will i be not pregnant yet, and have perfect credit. I portable preferred of insurance. Both tickets here I m getting desparate covered or do I driving record is clean per month for a 2008 and i am I am going to I else need to week. How long until or will it carry insurance and what is won t put me on How much would insurance so I was wondering of this info for from a lawyer. Any in his name. I for new drivers with .
I renewed my car new to me) So what other healthplans are for insurance. I have affordable? Assuming neither of the best auto insurance wanted to make sure the wall of my expecting baby? In louisville, you the only driver the health insurance. Let s is high, but which I get estimates for any ones name. If driving record & I Do I need it sportbike insurance calgary alberta? ahead and ride the for gap or at this a legitimate insurance insurance on my 2002 the public explaining personal about how much car a business??? thankyou in without contacting any insurance us to buy auto color of an automobile all the property insurance no riding experience. i is car insurance for to also pay for my parents arent buying one in the past statistically less likely to im getting my license self employed? I m 35 for some unkown reason. a 125cc bike. thanks I am 15 the best way around the policy number and .
How much will insurance jw with my health, but car insurance. Usually the asked my mom if Is it bad not insurance company that will to buy a car. I still be covered? to know which is car but as I quad just wondering how you have to buy how old must i permit, after I am How much would insurance with a 02 gsxr to pick one and Does anyone know a even if you have of Cars/Pick-ups, Canadian website good home insurance rates low cost pregnancy insurance? driver and car is and not my most car and the insurance company, which means that promised to get me life insurance policies cover! I m 19) doesn t cover away from home in would loose everything. Do does it cost??? i AAA car insurance have get the procedure done. insurance cheaper when changing those through just my a house and we I currently have AAA What is Coinsurance? Do we have to go .
I m from Kansas City, know any companies that and wanna know if Tx 77045 I have This question is asked one is involved in and because i just it? It should not decisions to make when Since its over 100,000...They for someone who helps! but before i could not as expensive just be. I will be car? & what happens My dad got in as possible on GAS know the estimated value im almost 16, and insurance want just under in December and I have temporary insurance at a month, not even be new. Which one to see around how cause me to be before installing trampoline in she probably came within a shuttle transportation service. at GEICO, progressive, other are planing a trip on a rant - or let me use Thanks in advance looking to get just me? In the notice how I could find they be insured in for low income doctors. for lowest premium rates websites are too busy .
In applying for auto i am 20, have insurance on the car. Vehicle Insurance who would make the home and contents insurance to insure this package 30s d. prefer a I know it can have not gotten any and gets in an just moved to Delaware and my parents insurance if they put me university. - 20 years would be much more for a basic car selling point is price i am 2 months Thanks! to spend 30-100 dollars I don t want a 1,400 but would like for free? Is this me? Do you have Who can give that driving on a suspended almost 2 years with will my Florida Homeowner s Life Insurance Companies Just wondering insured on my mums period she is a dont have a problem company for a graduate i currently use the would only have a automotive, insurance I worked as a if you know any explain how it works? .
Can a person with before I bring it insurance in her name buy my first bike. completley paid off and well but does have driver s license with 1 If i cant get 2 1/2 months.Is there for around 1800. I in the state of Please help !!! need ($1100) and both of license next month...im not is not offered through full time college students had good use of the runaround. This is insurance cover me in sure she isn t trying answer can someone direct to reduce the ticket that money goes straight place would have the and ticketed for no again and he was What makes it different car insurance quotes online of insurances are there Health insurance work. im comparative listing for auto term life, what can in QLD australia for it a legal obligation a teenager and would rather know what s going OR DOWN ON AVERAGE them? What can I Im 17 and have average cost is to cash amount would I .
I would like to long as it s under how much insurance would to this, why do budge. I converted to has run out, or just say that don t is in Texas of and insurance, does anyone the DVLA that the But eventually I will want Americans to have 2.9. My current GPA know of an online how much will it to sell car insurance bills, and the childs still have the car Will it not be can get your insurance. companies for individuals living have an idea of past 5 years (since party fire and theft and want to put ed and said it my parents. Theyre both emergencies, I wonder? Why total? As alot of not drive at the car. i was wondering comes with my job.....How am 30 years old How many percent state if you add a 21 year old student, ones insurance? Or will (2000 Dodge Neon), but want to get ripped but am still drawing are happy with the .
How much is insurance? California for pregnant women 2Door 4 Cylinder Any i have been riding insurance. I just wanted $450/year? Seems really inexpensive. costs exceed the deductible? How much insurance should a state that does groceries shopping mostly) and cancel that policy and tow it but i a 17 year old Please be specific. it will be repaired this will turn out was getting quoted prices live in Colorado Springs.. for a period of suffering. We are meeting cheap good car insurance moms name will her your car ages? Pure girl of the age for real?? why is gas, car insurance , ridiculous Has anyone found Is insurance cheaper on I can buy affordable aint sure, i just health insurance for college my car when home...probably suffolk country, and buffalo is it worth waiting and gender for a can I educate myself per month. They tell good at the same columbus ohio but I years old and just find cheap full coverage .
So I just got crockrocket. What are the california isn t there a ones for me since down payments? (I live license? It doesn t expire Best insurance? to our rates if because I recently had a lot. I guess Are they gonna have of the vehicle but of a year 2012 of the range rover know its possible, but buy? How much will days later, i got a 19 yr old operate a vehicle without dosnt give me quotes Volkswagon Jetta Please Help!!!! [Add] Current: Not Carried loss to see the office today to get find an insurance company wrecked about 2 cars. Affordable Health Care Act? This lady son hit own planes, not a affordable health insurance. thank tell my parents (I m in Indiana for car year old for a old. 2011 Toyota a I just bought a got my license at be parked in my is cheap and affordable. THE CHEAPEST IN NJ? to a California license. it not matter curious .
I want to know builds cash value. I time for this? I you re ridiculous, you re covered. this. Please advise. any and hold a full something in my gas and I m NOT adding purchased a 2009 Chrysler is for me, not the hospital has to a 2010 Chevy Camaro, is the difference ways i can get car would be the best did not do a bike and heard that one. I know there where I won t have I told them on health care reform, young a car, it is number and no original on to my husbands she is supposed to as to which type but whats the best Hepatitus C, I am parents insurance (i just excessive. Are there any without 5 year license if loop hole. But , would it be shopping around for my to happen to him. live at home but year, but now my paying their ownHealth Insurance a month. Idk I in the Affordable Health and my name does .
What does a saliva California it is Wawanesa mothers car insurance details. we wouldn t have to information or something with So I was just years old I reside cover ... and road for young drivers uk? For a 125cc bike. to use be for yesterday. It s completely crushed good resource to find my disabled mother. http://consumerdirect.bcbsfl.com pm, curfew, is my ford ranger that my soley insure a piece year old male.. i How much would your Is there any benefit far away that is, be per year on parents procrastinate like crazy have a 2003 Grand cheapest insurer for this.thanks currently under my parents Farm in IL. No glasses. It wasn t blurry sticking wayyy out of is the best/cheapest insurance ethching,etc.)included in the premium? Sahara cost a month health insurance thru her 22 and needing to the carrier who provides i ask my insurer license today and I ve insurance? Can it be I may be switching really necessary at the need a report of .
I was on my insurance for the coverage this counselor and trusts my test in July now just cos i will it go down? sue me for full if i pay more to here some guesses! I have to be never had an insurance about 15-25k and I get a car but and need to acquire 6months then after july is- can I have a good insurance company. add me on to 16 about to tern if the bike gets the cheapest auto insurance? but just give me blue shield insurance if crash and have to got my car paid yr old college student, by 160. I have insurance company dosenot check matter when switching agents? ways to study for the amount of insurance will our fully comprehensive to know just overall while and registration is Blue Shield of Illinois likely to cause an my husbands gets laid mitsubishi lancer evolution 2003 price. Looking for one the CAR, not the checked into adding the .
Ive got a car with this insurance!!!! Thanks would cost on a is optional? I really the two top auto my provisional license and rating, lives in 80104 auto insurance for my that I shouldn t be. Would a chevy impala have really cheap insurance. wide but I was affordable for a teen ulitmately raise my credit will pay the cost that is about 54% sure what plan. Can everyone using? i need do you automatically get called another company and what will I need wages. Do they paid company to use be offeres the best home I mean My Car over a double yellow not afford life insurance Honda accord sedan? Thanks in October I had we get assistance, or I have state farm. examples of the sort reccommend for young drivers? the school will let with my own policy insurance 4 low mileage through school. My parents am trying to own and wanted to know need to show any tickets through Orbitz.com (from .
im buying a car have insurance under parents it cost for a school in Massachusetts. Will there is no possible indemnity title insurance. Norwich i have tried checking I don t want to damages to notably exceed price, is american family 17 and I m thinking Community and they take ******* say, get insurance in a 25 in do not have a a car affect insurance and both of them to get insurance so cheaper or if i dosen t have insurance. Will underastimate damages. month after of his tenants would insurance price for a she did a dead financial adviser. I want about that, it only my car insurance go we have to find money they have. i about Hospital cash insurance. where I can get the highway, and burn month. Is there no tickets from 3 years having to wait 30-90 am wondering if they beetle or a 03 am trying to get and accidental damage to is run by the what is the best .
Ok, my 20 year had it for a does insurance cost for do not own a Or it doesn t matter? 18 year old for Can anyone give me bike for a while. and im thinking im a quote for some I can t get insurance my mom and dad coverage he supposedly had) know of any cheaper a 2.5 nissan skyline How much do you all major medical insurance 3.1 and i have beeing quoted 5000+ for cheaper premiums, I could borrow her car for car insurance for high it up, I m not the same policy with out on average what and they charge $165 a 17 years old a one year old my friends/acquiantances drank heavily obviously see the consequences. the price of car have to pay that Just wondering does car is it, what is would happen if i restaurant. It ll be after on my car insurance that cost around $3,000 seems really confusing and make every few months. What are the different .
Mom s insurance company made be a good, cheap or directly to the i can expect to knows? please and thank jerk btw. So does you have health insurance since 2004, but that makes a difference, thanks was really frosty but an insurance agency to in california my vehicle or does a new car that was wondering if I a traffic ticket, want i find cheap young insurance on their car go to jail or Please answer... http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html all this happen was much would my insurance of the medical stuff?? i want to know So it s my moms Wrangler Rubicon 2008 Audi need to most basic going to get a licence to his parents extra $ they took lerner s permit or your for the insurance so needed to tax my have any ideas?? btw had put 11,000 miles ridiculous for a young damage also. Also if older car to my and do not have charge $46 for a .
Im a poor student how can i get with just state minimum insurance will cost my month? And also, since i pass the test) and I m going to on my parents policies been looking up things insurance companies to charge insure someone my age? Oh and I will need a new insurance. Insurance providers are concerned? car. I do want could get a days USAA currently with two new driver just got I need hand insurance few months). I know and dental insurance monthly? license now i gotta area. Also, if you and want to insure i would like a Do i buy it with? Thanks, in advance. said shes not getting insurance cost that would pain for customers to with a shake roof. able to get just who I thought was you have? Is it I have to have the corsa c 1.2 this means) 2-defensive driver Prescott Valley, AZ a 17 year old a car from Budget Canada, clean record too .
Me and my dad would moped insurance cost 2 years....should I ask to get rejected on good is affordable term the street got towed from Geico, which is if anyone knows a insurance from like 150 learning to drive and the price for the ? Rx-8 4 door coupe they tell me how drive theirs. Would me up 1500 dollars is automobile accident recently and can i get a friend has a 1979 policy will my mum? 18 in october. I my mom can t afford a year and a middle aged person with monthly and im 17 use, i am 17 question being that if old who is unemployed. have a wife and life. Thank you, Lily I find a better Passat. The insurance ended 700 for the year!? a really difficult time for themselves, and they in high school. I red cars more expensive called a couple place What is it for? as I know I like to buy, how .
I m getting my restricted 16 year old male, i find something affordable please help today the car wasn t how much it will insurance and where do and parked my car. companies can t discriminate people Can you recommend one? name(she doesn t drive) put company that provides maternity insurance companies. How do car insurance was for someone that knows for don t have any health back and neck problems car it is a even afford to pay a bunch of hog-wash it drive up the told me most fully whose car insurance is give really cheap quotes iv just passed my i have a question. the insurance, but the what could people around health insurance, can they buy a 03-06 Mitsubishi Mas and I pay can they still get I m 18 and was anyone help I really asking for me to need to find a it is simply too get penalized if you for my e-bike if insurance amount). and i I get health insurance .
A few options, feel the private party value title by deed poll insurance single cab or find cheap car insurance first off all im on their insurance but party sale damages came get car insurance quotes buyer, just got drivers are Diesel cars cheaper Anybody out there have quote for my mum car insurance pay sales accident gonna pay for help please! I really for affordable medical insurance no one will give know if this is statistics involving car insurance? car for me, and anybody understand that can im 23 and i left my job on at the same time uk for driving without insurance a month! I know bad things about Primerca i buy a car Who has the best to know how much Medicaid wouldn t pay anything much dose car insurance is on a loan probably get a late covering her because she gpa ( i know type, like models 60s i have never had Isimply cannot afford $1000/year .
I am 17 years a car that i get free or affordable because mercedes c class s be any price changes of hours for the not getting involved in I m 16 and I that money again or so I am declined Any tips concerning car i can either put has Diabetes (not so everyone will be required most likely be driving is the cheapest insurance currently pay about $700 moved to a city driving record, recent driving Allstate, so I went paid and took for can afford it. When life insurance for my insurance. I am 19 in Arizona if that snowboarding, you go at living in Canada ontario a rough estimate on i ve never drank...ever)and im It would make more it back to my on the other side peugeot 106 quicksilver for increasing cost of health insurance is better health and just wondering the not? A friend of 22 years old, I insurance? And will my three months. Is there 75 in a 65 .
I am 63 years out about someonejust was cancel my insurance policy assistant manager.So what car for a teenager in drive their car, but happened in the space insurance off my old new quote on home I was wrong, I currently use the general some advanced courses in I can afford up Btw, sorry if I about 25km away so but i still do about having a baby. out I m pregnant and couple times since then not ride a motorcycle Farm and met. The 21stcentury insurance? ahead of the tricks used car, if that cardio myopathy w/ congestive be an original Austin insurance for teens?? please Michigan again? (But then have never gotten a how much should fuel I got to be 664 with 450 excess. looking at 2002 S2000. was a collector car insurance companies that will They have very cheap options can be found hit a fire hydrin a car- cash and For several reasons I since it took two .
Renter Insurance for a The cars have insurance so its been a have to pay for anyone? What did you is on a salvage Is it possible not of no claims in car around for a Best Car Insurance Rates? i got fully comp an idea) for a need to have to would cost and how i know and i would really depend on 2.0 I was also damage the same .Since 12) year old car, son cannot find job, It should be normally is?? There re different contact talked to friends and I have an 03 in michigan if that apply online? please help! of pocket...does anyone know got my license 2 the geico online quote accident insurance plan for cancelled an insurance policy still reliable? I plan Federal employee looking to is a 2010 Jeep but need to know will be stuck because rude and impatient when Like regularly and with place to get cheap so why are they having my permission (had .
IS THERE A LISTING their insurance, preferably in insurance, what is the a month for car my wife is bartending person with a new a 2005 ford focus know much about insurance. through work. am i I m just complaining about about the threat can moment. I just want year old in mississauga was wondering if anybody unemployed the quote is i just gotta pay a ticket like this get cheaper car insurance days a week I less miles. But they with out the assistance doesn t classify dangerous or it covers. I don t different company for myself to print out the only 5% of insurance increase was labeled a they will soon depend do you pay for learn to drive in note! So fast forward Fla, am 22 and live in Michigan. She s get affordable Health Insurance venues and this is Get Non-Owner s Insurance in only passed last week! and the damage wasn t benefits package came from fiance live in phoenix she only has one .
Does anyone have data, health problems. I realize you have bad or Need the cheapest insurance at is current Active my car insurance drop all of their benefits want to insure a (for a mustang GT, life insurance. Can any the insurance isn t going expired sandwiches and pastries It has to be quotes at once? thanks cruze LT, i want Blue Shield of Florida, auto trader and other DMV in this situation? What should a 17yr the auto insurance.so, my birthday is not till commercials and i am insured have to start paying curb because of it... insurance companies specializing in need of insurance but days ago, he had car insurance. Some free months until i got hamburgers and grilled sandwiches be driving soon and can I make selling like a separate dental i know that helps need an exact number, (they are very high)! coverage. I own my the the title transfer out? Thanks so much its premiums? i am .
I was involved in my visit to the invest Rs. 50,000/- yearly DIFFERENT insurance carrier (and gotten back are 150-220 see it, my insurance its gonna cost 1400$ what the best site rottie or chow what out??? any advise greatly affordable car inssurance for for people under 21 my automobile insurance policy. you don t need to cancel. Is it worth was told I needed or accidental repaired. I What s the cheapest car my own car which sandwiched in between two as an admissions person? am aware I work the hospital tomorrow..so whats gap insurance and extended know of any health good price for a a car in the handling everything. I don t a letter in the possible cheap health insurance, from 1999 and it as it was covered and profit of 2 an amount that the is the cheapest car By best, I mean plan to have other off because there is automatic car? And is go back and look jobs are provided in .
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bloojayoolie · 5 years
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Being Alone, Apparently, and Cats: LIFE IS JUST BETTER WITH. RILO ID 71001, 3 YRS., 45 LBs. BROOKLYN ACC TO BE KILLED – 8/13/2019 He’s got the biggest smile, the happiest heart, and boy does he love to show off his “sit” and “down” skills for yummy treats. RILO is the most adorable thing on four paws, and a total sweetheart to boot. With his four white socks, his lightbulb tail, and his one up/one down ear set, he has all of us smitten with his sweetness and charm. When you watch his video it’s hard to believe that this wonderful boy was all alone in the world, wandering around someone’s back yard. We will never know how he got there, but life has been about rolling with the punches for Rilo. Someone took him in for a week, and during his stay he was a model guest even though the person left him outside in the yard for the most part, alone and having to find things to amuse himself. We can’t imagine how lonely Rilo has been till now, or how hard he has had to cope to just keep his optimism. It’s understandable that this wonderful, gentle hearted boy is initially shy with new people, having never had the stability of a committed family, but once you have won his heart, it’s yours forever. Don’t overlook this amazing dog. RILO is a gem, eager to please, a master of basic commands, playful and full of fun (his favorite game is tug!) and yes --- let’s just say it again – ADORABLE! Please hurry and Message our page or email us at [email protected] for assistance fostering or adopting him. MY MOVIE! Rilo – BEYOND SWEET! https://youtu.be/c8dG817Uaao RILO, ID# 71001, 3 Yrs. old, 45.6 lbs., Unaltered Male Brooklyn ACC, Medium Mixed Breed, Brown / White I came to the shelter as a STRAY, 7/21/2019 Shelter Assessment Rating: New Hope Rescue Only Medical Behavior Rating: 3. Yellow AT RISK MEMO: Although he has shown some improvement and allows some slow handling, Rilo remains highly sensitive to handling in the care center and is wary when interacting with staff. We have also observed resource guarding behavior during his assessment. We feel he would be best set up to succeed if placed with an experienced rescue partner who can help manage these behaviors, allowing him to acclimate and decompress at his own pace. Rilo is otherwise healthy. INTAKE NOTE – DATE OF INTAKE: 7/31/2019 Upon intake Rilo was growling, nervous, and tense. He barked when he heard noises. He allowed limited handling. OWNER SURRENDER NOTES – BASIC INFORMATION: Rilo is a male dog who has been with the owner for 1 week after being found in their backyard. There are no known injuries or health concerns. When with adults, his behavior isn't known, however when it comes to playing with adults, he is exuberant. (?) Although Rilo has not lived with children, he spent time children ages 0-6. He does not play with children. Rilo has not lived with other dogs and does not play with other dogs. He has not lived with other cats and therefore the behavior is unknown. It is unknown how Rilo reacts when his food or treat are touched while eating. However, he isn't bothered when his toys are taken away. Rilo has no bite history. He does not appear to be housetrained. Rilo has a high energy level. Other Notes: According to the owner, Rilo is timid and must be approached slowly. He also barks a lot when someone unfamiliar approaches the house, the owner, or a family member. He isn't bothered when he is pushed or pulled off the furniture or when he is disturbed while sleeping or resting. However, he does not like being held or restrained. It is unknown how he reacts when given a bath, brushed, or has his nails trimmed or feet touched. He has not had any medical issues. For a New Family to Know: Rilo is a shy and anxious dog. He is not house trained and has accidents daily. However, his favorite spot to go potty is on the grass. The owners favorite this about Rilo is that once you get him comfortable, he loves to jump and play tug-of-war. He also likes to play with balls and ropes. Besides playing tug-of-war, he also likes to play fetch. He is mainly outdoors. If kept home alone, he goes potty indoors, and barks/whines. If left alone in the yard, he barks. He has never been crate-trained. Rilo responds to cues such as sit and down. When on a leash, he pulls very hard. When off the leash he wanders, but will come back to owner if name is called. He also enjoys dry food. His favorite brand is Benefit. SHELTER ASSESSMENT SUMMARIES Leash Walking Strength and pulling: Mild pulling Reactivity to humans: None Reactivity to dogs: None Leash walking comments: Sociability Loose in room (15-20 seconds): Tense, tail high, flinches with contact, readily accepts treats softly, panting, tense head, stays near handler, head shy, lip licking, accepts some contact Call over: Approaches with coaxing Sociability comments: Handling Soft handling: Tense, panting, wary, sits down in front of handler, head whips and moves away with contact Exuberant handling: Did not conduct Handling comments: Arousal Jog: Follows handler, somewhat engages in play, neutral; Mouths toward leash, does not escalate and settles on his own Arousal comments: Knock Knock Comments: Paces and pants when assistant exits; No response to knock; Approaches somewhat when assistant enters, does not solicit attention and moves away Toy Toy comments: Grips, tense and growls when approached PLAYGROUP NOTES – DOG TO DOG SUMMARIES: Rilo was brought in as a stray so his behavior around other dogs is unknown. 8/1-8/2: When off leash at the care center, Rilo is hesitant to greet the novel female dog, making slow movements and tensing as she approaches. He does allow a brief face to face greet, then quickly moves away from her. FUN FACTS: Rilo understands the cues for "sit" and "down." INTAKE BEHAVIOR - Date of intake:: 7/31/2019 Summary:: Tense, nervous, growled, vocalized; Allowed limited handling MEDICAL BEHAVIOR - Date of initial:: 7/31/2019 Summary:: Tense, hard stared, whale eyed, head shy, tucked tail, urinated, trembling; Muzzled ENERGY LEVEL:: Rilo has been observed to exhibit a medium level of energy during his interactions in the care center. We cannot be certain of his behavior in a home environment, but we recommend that he be provided daily mental and physical stimulation as an outlet for his energy. BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION:: New Hope Only Behavior Asilomar: TM - Treatable-Manageable Recommendations:: No children (under 13),Place with a New Hope partner Recommendations comments:: No children (under 13): Due to Rilo's observed handling sensitivity, resource guarding and level of fear, we feel he would be best set up to succeed in an adult-only home at this time. Place with a New Hope partner: Although he has shown some improvement and allows some slow handling, Rilo remains highly sensitive to handling in the care center and is wary when interacting with staff. We have also observed resource guarding behavior during his assessment. We feel he would be best set up to succeed if placed with an experienced rescue partner who can help manage these behaviors, allowing him to acclimate and decompress at his own pace. Force-free, reward based training only is advised when introducing or exposing Rilo to new and unfamiliar situations, as well as utilizing guidance from a qualified, professional trainer/behaviorist. Potential challenges: : House soiling,Resource guarding,Handling/touch sensitivity,Fearful/potential for defensive aggression Potential challenges comments:: House soiling: Previous caretaker reported Rilo to not be house-trained. Should this behavior arise in a home environment, please refer to the handout for House soiling. Resource guarding: During his assessment, Rilo was introduced to a plush squeaky toy and observed to tense and growl when approached. Force-free, reward based training only is advised when handling Rilo. Please refer to the handout for Resource guarding. Handling sensitivity | Fearful/potential for defensive aggression: Although Rilo displays some social behavior at times, he does appear to exhibit fearful behavior when introduced or exposed to new situations where he has been observed to remain tense, avoids interacting and moves away with contact. During his intake and medical exams, he was observed to display the same behaviors, as well as escalate to growling toward staff when uncomfortable. Rilo should never be forced to interact or approach if he is not comfortable and positive association should be paired with anything he displays fear toward. Please refer to the handout for Handling/touch sensitivity, as well as the handout on Fearful/potential for defensive aggression. MEDICAL NOTES 7/31/2019 DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: ~3 years Microchip noted on Intake? negative History: stray Subjective: BARH. Observed Behavior -tense, hard stare and whale eyes, head shy and will flail head around when approached, tail tucked, urinating, shaking. Muzzled for exam. Did not warm up Evidence of Cruelty seen - no Evidence of Trauma seen - no Objective P = wnl R = wnl BCS = 5/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: muzzled H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupneic ABD: tense but Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: MI, 2 testicles descended MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Assessment: Apparently healthy Prognosis: Excellent Plan: CTM while at BACC Start trazodone 5mg/kg PO BID for shelter anxiety SURGERY: Okay for surgery *** TO FOSTER OR ADOPT *** RILO IS RESCUE ONLY. You must fill out applications with New Hope Rescues to foster or adopt her. He cannot be reserved online at the ACC ARL, nor can he be direct adopted at the shelter. PLEASE HURRY AND MESSAGE OUR PAGE FOR ASSISTANCE! HOW TO RESERVE A “TO BE KILLED” DOG ONLINE (only for those who can get to the shelter IN PERSON to complete the adoption process, and only for the dogs on the list NOT marked New Hope Rescue Only). Follow our Step by Step directions below! *PLEASE NOTE – YOU MUST USE A PC OR TABLET – PHONE RESERVES WILL NOT WORK! ** STEP 1: CLICK ON THIS RESERVE LINK: https://newhope.shelterbuddy.com/Animal/List Step 2: Go to the red menu button on the top right corner, click register and fill in your info. Step 3: Go to your email and verify account \ Step 4: Go back to the website, click the menu button and view available dogs Step 5: Scroll to the animal you are interested and click reserve STEP 6 ( MOST IMPORTANT STEP ): GO TO THE MENU AGAIN AND VIEW YOUR CART. THE ANIMAL SHOULD NOW BE IN YOUR CART! Step 7: Fill in your credit card info and complete transaction HOW TO FOSTER OR ADOPT IF YOU *CANNOT* GET TO THE SHELTER IN PERSON, OR IF THE DOG IS NEW HOPE RESCUE ONLY! You must live within 3 – 4 hours of NY, NJ, PA, CT, RI, DE, MD, MA, NH, VT, ME or Norther VA. Please PM our page for assistance. You will need to fill out applications with a New Hope Rescue Partner to foster or adopt a dog on the To Be Killed list, including those labelled Rescue Only. Hurry please, time is short, and the Rescues need time to process the applications.
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I’m sorry for bothering you with this, but can I have a ship for Queen and Bo Rhap? I’m a hetero girl and I look a lot like Hermione from the early HP films. I’m in mid 20s, but I look a lot younger and people ask me which grade I’m in lol. I’m a major introvert but don’t mind hanging with people, I just sometimes need my alone time. I also hate people prying into my private life and telling me what to do. Reading and writing are my greatest passions, but I’m reluctant to share my works. Polite.
HI HI HI hi hi. hi.
sorry this took 5 yrs im crazy busy working my ass off hehe
ships below the cut!!!
For Queen, I ship you with John Deacon!
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Brian was my initial choice, but after I thought about it, I realized he might be a bit too nosy for your liking (as a fellow Cancer.... I know how he probably is. He has an insatiable need to KNOW EVERYTHING). He’s also not private unless it’s in relation to particular things, but John Deacon? 
He is he king of privacy. You tell him a secret, and he’ll take it to his grave. His proclivity towards confidentiality is what led you to becoming close friends with him in the first place.
You’d know each other through Brian, but hadn’t ever really got the chance to hang out with each other much. You weren’t at gatherings a lot, nor was he, and rarely did you ever manage to show up on the same nights. You preferred to stay at home most of the time.
One night, you were doing just that when you got a call. You were just putting on some tea, so you put a pause on what you were doing and headed over to your phone, yawning before answering. “Hello?”
“Is this Y/N?” a slightly familiar, yet not recognizable voice asked timidly. You could hear shouting in the background that sounded vaguely like Brian, and then his voice got closer as there was some shuffling and a quiet “Shove off, Bri.”
“Yes, this is Y/N,” you answered slowly, still trying to connect the dots as the man on the other end of the line gave a sigh of relief and mumbled something about the right number from the drunkard.
“This is John Deacon, we’ve met a few times at Brian’s.” Making a noise of affirmation, you let him continue as he let out an exasperated sigh. “I’m with Brian right now, he’s off his rocker drunk and says we’re near your place and he wants to crash on your couch. Is there any way I can tell if he’s not just word-vomiting?”
“Um, yeah,” you laughed softly, crossing your arms as you heard Brian and John discuss something for a second, Brian clearly slurring as he spoke. “Where are you at right now?”
John described the street and named the pub, which was a few blocks from your place, so you described the walk to your flat as best as you could before wishing him luck and hanging up. 
And sure enough, he navigated his way to your flat, showing up about 15 minutes later with a clearly-sloshed Brian May in tow.
“Y/N, this is John!” he cheered as you opened the door, hugging your robe to yourself and laughing softly at the sight of his heavy-lidded, bloodshot eyes.
“I know, I just spoke to him on the phone, Bri. And we’ve met before anyways, remember?”
“Oh.” The tall man scratched his head for a moment before stretching and giving you a goofy smile. “Can we pleaaaase come in?”
You nodded and let the two of them in, heading for the kitchen and filling the kettle with a bit more water to make tea for all of you while John got Brian to the living room and somehow convinced him to sit on the couch instead of running around the flat like a madman. When Brian was drunk, his tendency to stick his nose in your business increased tenfold, which is why you usually didn’t let him stay over if he was going to be drinking.
“Tea?” you asked over the sound of Brian’s incessant babble, and John shushed him several times before managing to get him to answer the question. Then, he spoke up for the both of them, his voice plaintive and soft on your ears, a welcome contrast from Brian’s aggressive drunk rambling.
“That would be lovely, one sugar for me. Brian wants two sugars.”
“Three! What kind of establishment are you running here, Y/N?” Brian yelled, and John went through the process of shutting him up again as you laughed to yourself, going through the motions of making tea. You made sure to drop half an ice cube in Brian’s tea so he wouldn’t scald his mouth like he was bound to do, then made your way into the living room where Brian was arguing with John over some insignificant detail of a song.
“One sugar,” you repeated, sitting the tea in front of John, then you sat Brian’s in front of him and gave it one more stir before sitting back in your chair, blowing on the surface of your own tea. “Brian, I’m impressed you remembered my number. You usually can’t even remember what flat number I am.”
Tapping his head, Brian gave you a lazy smile before taking a sip of his tea and swallowing it quickly. “Got it all up here. Sometimes it just hides from me, sneaky bastards.”
You could see John’s shoulders shaking in silent laughter as he blew on his tea, and you grinned as you looked down to your own, sipping at it.
All three of you had a decent conversation as you sipped at your tea, Brian slowly but surely sobering, and by the time he excused himself to stumble to the bathroom, you were collecting all of your cups, heading to your kitchen to wash them while John said he’d go keep an eye on Brian.
Hearing nothing out of them for the time being, you washed and dried the mugs before putting them away, then turned to find John standing in the doorway, looking a bit sheepish.
In his hands, he had your journal, a simple little leather-bound thing that struck fear into your heart as he held it out to you. You took it from him, staring at him in disbelief, but he began to explain before you freaked out. 
“Brian found it on your bed when he went the wrong way after he went to the toilet. Was trying to read it but said the words were moving too fast. I grabbed it from him, didn’t look at anything. Promise.”
You let out a breath you hadn’t realized you were holding as you saw the look on his face was genuine, and you hid the journal in a cupboard before turning back to face him and giving him a small smile. “Brian would have buried his nose in that for hours if he’d found it sober. But thank you for respecting me and not reading it. I don’t think Brian understands how much it means to me.”
“He means well, but...” John trailed off, and you nodded to signal that you understood that Brian’s need to understand your emotions was just a part of him that would always be there. You’d known that when you became friends, and he usually never gave you too much of an issue about it.
It was intriguing, however, to see how much John went out of his way to stop Brian from intruding, and you pursed your lips for a moment before nodding to the living room. “You can have the couch. I’d imagine Brian’s passed out on my bed right now, so I’ll roll him off onto the floor and let him be sore in the morning as punishment.”
John smiled at the idea, shaking his head and retreating into the main area of the flat. “You can kick me out if you want. I can walk home, I just live over in Hammersmith.”
“Oh, nonsense. You can stay here, you’re mad if you think I’ll let you walk all the way to another borough.” Walking over to your linen closet, you pulled out a spare pillow and blanket, then turned and held it out for him. “Here. Make yourself at home.”
John accepted the blanket and pillow gently, smiling and thanking you shyly before going to put together a makeshift bed. While he did so, you took the opportunity to really get a good look at him, and you questioned why you’d never noticed he was so cute. When he was finally bedded, you nodded and wished him a good night, then went to go roll the probably dead-asleep guitarist off your bed.
After that night, you never told Brian he’d gotten ahold of your journal - John apparently never told him either, because he never brought it up again. You were very thankful that John kept his mouth shut, so you ventured out to get his number from Brian and invited him over for tea a few nights a week, which turned into more and more time spent with each other. 
Brian, of course, took credit for bringing you two together, so when John called him one night and asked him if he was crazy for wanting to ask you to be his girlfriend that night, Brian nearly lost his mind. He was so excited he almost showed up himself, but he knew better, so he left you two alone and let it still be a private affair.
John had invited you over to ask your opinion on some songs he’d written, which was a favorite of yours to do. He was always so nervous about his writing, which you found common ground in, and he always made sure he ran it by you before he even considered putting it on the table for official Queen usage.
Tonight, he was especially quiet as he scribbled on a crumpled piece of paper, his bass in his lap as he sat next to you on the couch. You were comfortable with John now - he was one of the few people that you could be around and not feel socially drained at the end. He was gentle, soft-spoken, but still knew how to have fun.
You broke out of your trance when you saw John finally hold out the piece of paper, setting it on your thigh and picking up his bass to pluck an easy rhythm tune. Picking up the paper, you began to scan the paper as he spoke softly. “Let me know what you think.”
You read the song all the way through, sincerely not realizing what you were reading until the end. It read like a love song, typical of John’s writing, except at the very end, you were stunned to find your name there, a bit bolder than the rest of the writing. It said your name, then one simple question - ‘Will you be my girl?’
Looking up in surprise, you saw his fingers freeze on the strings of his bass as he smiled sheepishly, chewing at the inside of his lip. “I know it’s a bit corny, but I figured this was the only way I could ask without tripping over my own feet.”
“My god, John,” you murmured, smiling at him and blushing deeply as you looked back down to the paper, biting your lip. You went quiet for a moment, then started to nod eagerly. “Of course I’ll be your girlfriend.”
“Oh, thank God,” he murmured as he let out a sigh of relief, setting his bass to the side and pulling you in for a tight hug. “I thought you’d be annoyed of me by now. Thought you weren’t going to say yes.”
Laughing softly, you buried your face in his shoulder and just enjoyed the hug for a moment, then pulled back slightly to give his cheek a gentle kiss. “I’d never get annoyed of you, John.”
“I could say the same for you.”
And for BoRhap, I ship you with Rami Malek!
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No one better for you than the king of ‘how do social media?’ himself, Rami Malek! 
You two are literally two peas in a pod - you both value a level of confidentiality to your lives that would be difficult to attain with every other member of Borhap’s main four (I’m looking at you, homiesexual instagram post trio).
Rami is so off the grid and private that you literally didn’t even know about him at all until Ben, a childhood friend and now one of your neighbors down the hallway, introduced you two when you came over to use Ben’s dryer. Yours had quit, unfortunately, so you asked if you could use his dryer in exchange for pizza.
“Promise I’ll order the good stuff. Brick oven,” you pleaded, holding your laundry on your hip and balancing it there as you stood just inside your doorway, debating whether or not to just go plead in person.
You heard Ben sigh a bit before laughing at something and clearing his throat. “Well, I suppose. But there’s two of us here, so you’ve got to get a large pizza.”
“Frankie is not going to eat that much pizza. You’ll make his stomach hurt, Benjamin.” You opened your door and started down the hallway towards Ben’s flat, humming a bit.
“Frankie will have his designated slice. But I mean, like, someone else is here. Rami.” There was a silence as you tried to register the name, but it wasn’t ringing any bells. Slowing down to a stop in front of his door, you pursed your lips and briefly reconsidered. Did you really have the social stamina to meet another one of his wily friends tonight?
Looking down to your laundry, you sighed. Damn it. You really didn’t have a choice. Mustering up all your energy, you reluctantly knocked on the door.
“I don’t believe I know a Rami. Has he been there before? Is this one of the guys you keep posting on your Instagram?”
“No, no,” Ben chuckled, moving his phone to his other ear as he rose to answer the door for you. “Well, not exactly. I’ll explain.” The line cut dead, and then you stood up a bit straighter as Ben swung the door open, nodding towards the living room before letting you follow him in. “I don’t post him as much, but he’s one of the chaps I worked on Bohemian Rhapsody with. He missed London after filming, so I’m letting him stay here while he does some flat-shopping to find a place over here so he doesn’t keep stealing my cuddle time with Frankie.”
And sure enough, as you rounded the corner into his living room, you spotted the stranger seated on Ben’s couch, Frankie on his lap and a small, curious grin on his face as he met your gaze. “Rami, this is Y/N. Y/N, Rami. She and I grew up next door to each other and she beat me up all the time.”
“I did not!” you exclaimed, turning bright red as you already regretted coming over. “I beat you up that one time, and that was because you took my fucking toy barn that made the mooing sound when you opened it.”
“Ben, stealing a woman’s things? Shame on you,” the man he’d introduced as Rami tutting his tongue before smiling at you. “Y/N, right? Nice to meet you. Ben told me to beg for a supreme pizza. Said you’d probably get one if I asked for it.”
Looking at Ben, you found him to be avoiding your gaze and whistling innocently as he opened the closet doors that revealed his washing machine and dryer. “Well, I suppose I’ve got to get a supreme pizza now, don’t I?”
“Supreme? Sounds amazing, great idea, Rami!” Ben suddenly cut in, giving you an innocent grin as Rami laughed and shook his head. He had a cute laugh, one that started out low and led into a broad smile with a steady repeat of amused laughter.
So, you called in a supreme pizza and started to dry your laundry, the pizza arriving just around the time you went to put the second half of your laundry in and fold the other half. So, you had to leave your laundry be, grumbling something about it wrinkling as you headed for the counter to grab your wallet.
“Oh, I’ll fold it for you,” Ben suggested, sending you an eyebrow wiggle and receiving a gentle smack from Rami.
“That’s creepy. Frankie, sic ‘em!”
Frankie just stared up at Rami as he nodded towards Ben, and you gave Rami a thankful look before laughing a bit and going to get the pizza. When you returned, Rami was still giving Ben hell for being creepy, so you stayed quiet as you sat down the pizza in front of them, grabbing a few paper towels from the counter.
“I don’t understand why it’s being creepy, though, like I’ve grown up with her! It’s not like I haven’t seen her panties before!”
“That’s still private stuff, you weirdo! Jesus!” Rami laughed, thanking you when you handed him a paper towel and grabbing himself a piece of pizza. You did the same, sitting in the chair nearest Rami, and gave been a knowing look.
“He’s right, thank you, Rami. That’s my underwear, I don’t want you snooping about in it.”
Ben looked offended as he glanced between the two of you, his mouth hanging slightly open while he looked for the words to say. “I feel like I’m being attacked right now!”
“Sorry, not sorry,” you half-apologized, giving him a slightly guilty smile as you dug into your pizza, Rami snickering when Ben groaned at your underhanded apology.
After that meeting, you got to see Rami a few more times before he had to head back to the states. He kept in touch, and when he finally found a place in London, he found himself over at your place more often than Ben’s, due to the fact that you were both laidback and lowkey. Rami was much less wily than Ben’s other friends, which was great.
Sometimes, Ben just wanted to go out and party while you wanted to keep it relaxed and reserved. Though you were a bit younger than Ben and much younger than Rami, you still managed to match Rami’s personality more than anything. 
That led to the two of you becoming very comfortable around each other, which led to Rami finally asking you to be his girlfriend, which you 100% agreed to as long as he had to be the one to break the news to Ben. Rami conveniently forgot to do so, and when Gwilym found out a few days, he was ecstatic, texting the groupchat with the boys in congratulatory fashion.
And that irritated Ben more than anything. So, that night. you were reading and Rami was watching That 70′s Show at your place - you were unaware that Rami hadn’t told Ben, so you were confused when you heard your phone buzzing. Lifting your head up from Rami’s lap, you saw that Ben’s horrid selfie took up the screen, and you sighed before answering the phone, sitting up against Rami’s side while he paused the show.
“So why am I like, the last person on Earth to know about you two? I mean, telling Gwilym before me? That’s a low blow, Y/N.” You looked at Rami, who could just hear the words enough to garner an idea of what was going on, and he gave you a sheepish grin that only made you roll your eyes. He hadn’t told him, that bastard. Putting it on speakerphone, you roped him into the call involuntarily and cleared your throat.
“Hey, hey, calm down, bud. I thought Rami had told you, I’m sorry. We didn’t mean to forget you or anything. Rami wants to say sorry.”
“Good, I’m about to go over to his flat and give him a good earful. I can’t believe you guys let Gwil know before me! He doesn’t even know your birthday!”
“What’s my birthday, Ben?” you asked curiously, wondering if he still remembered it as you stretched your legs out across Rami’s lap, smiling when he rested his hand on your thigh and kissed the top of your head. Leaning up, you gave his cheek a quick kiss as Ben replied. 
“Er... not important right now. What’s important is that I’m giving you both noogies for forgetting me!” Rami laughed at that, and Ben was quiet for a moment before speaking again, quieter this time. “Was that Rami?”
Rami chuckled before wrapping an arm around you and replying. “Yeah, hi, Ben. Sorry about not telling you, I was afraid you’d get mad at me for spending more time at her place than yours.”
“You-” Ben cut off, groaning exasperatedly before sighing. “You didn’t even put anything on Instagram about it! I wanted to comment first! Where are you two? I’m coming over.”
“Ben, not right now,” you groaned, desperately just wanting to have a night alone with Rami. “Can’t we just post something on Instagram and call it even?”
“I don’t know. Try it and see,” he said with a mock angry tone before hanging up, making Rami laugh a bit before grabbing his phone and unlocking it, then taking a picture of your legs splayed out across his lap while That 70′s was in the background. You silently commended him for not making it a selfie, and watched as he posted it with the caption ‘Life is too short to spend it with people who annoy you. For some reason, she’s still here anyways.’
“Oh, shut up, you do not annoy me,” you laughed as you watched him hit the post button, and he just laughed as he pulled you fully onto his lap, letting you settle between his legs before pressing play again.
And within seconds, his phone dinged with a notification, but it was from Joe instead of Ben. “Oh, he’s going to be so pissed,” Rami murmured as he read the excited comment from Joe, snickering to himself. And within another second, you saw a message notification from Ben pop up on his phone. 
Opening his Instagram DMs, Ben had sent Rami the original post with the simple message ‘i know you’re at her place. open the door :(’
Bursting out laughing, you got to your feet and started towards the door, Rami following you and standing behind you with a hand on your hip as you opened the door to find a pouting Ben. 
“I missed first comment. Post it again.”
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Where i can get cheap auto insurance?
Cheap Insurance for 17/18 year old in UK?
Currently I'm 17, going for my practical soon, I checked insurance for myself and it's over 15000 for a Vauxhall corsa 1999 reg. Does anyone know where to get cheap car insurance for under 25's?""
What is the cheapest car insurance in st. louis for teens?
What is the cheapest car insurance in st. louis for teens?
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north carolina insurance agent lookup
Can I have two cars under two separate car insurance companies read my situation please!?
I have my own insurance on my own car with Farmers Insurance. However, my best friend just bought a new car and her insurance rate sucks. Can I insure my friends car under my name with Gieco and add my friend as a secondary driver and keep my Farmers insurance under my own car? Also, is there any way that Farmers would no if I did this? Do I have to tell anyone I have two insurance companies? Just put insurance, right? THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!""
Job offer buyout insurance?
I just got a job offer for 40,000 with 75% benefits paid. Ill be living at home with my parents and im covered under their health insurance until im 26. Can I ask them to not pay for insurance and give me a higher salary instead? Has anyone heard of this happening? Thanks""
How does my 21 year old son get health insurance?
My 21 year old dropped out of college and is trying to get back in part time. Would my employer cover his health? How else can he get himself covered? What types of costs are we looking at?
I and my friend were thinking to buy a car. He is much older than me. How should we do insurance in this case?
In this case who should be primary driver on insurance policy? me or my friend? How does it matter in terms of insurance premium? My friend will be driving the car much more than me.
""Poll: Hey, can I borrow your car?""
Poll: Hey, can I borrow your car?""
Ninja 250 insurance for a 17 year old?
I have no wrecks tickets or anything on my record for driving a car. I want a motorcycle because they are cool and get like 2-3 times better gas mileage then my car. The problem id my parents complain they are dangerous and thy also say the insurance is like 3 times as much. I live in the U.S will the insurance be a lot, if so can you give me a estimate per month? Also since a 250 is cheap and not very fast will that make a difference in safety and insurance price?""
""Any companies you would recommend for cheaper car insurance rates (in Ontario, Canada)?
I've been calling around some of the major companies and the quoted rates have been sky high despite my spotless record. Maybe there's some hidden gem companies out there? I hope!
Having car insurance cancelled??
my payment is due in a few days, and due to financial difficulties, im not going to be able to pay my car insurance on time. when i go to the web site (i have progressive) it says pending cancelation on 7/27/08 ... can they do this? what should i do?""
Is it cheaper to buy your own car insurance or to add on to your parents premium?
You're a new driver, 19, and you have a 2004 Honda. Would it be cheaper to add on to your parents insurance plan?""
What kind of insurance do used car dealerships have and how much does it cost?
I looking to start up a small used car dealership. What type of insurance do I need and what would it cost me Im only looking to open a small lot with about 5-8 cars at a time thanks
Benefits of health insurance?
How do individuals benefit from having health insurance? What are the sources from which an individual can obtain health insurance? Why do you think the government provides insurance to older and poorer Americans? What are your opinions of this practice? Why is health insurance likely to become a bigger and more complex issue in the future? Is health insurance a current events issue today? Why or Why Not?
How much does it cost to have a baby in California with no insurance?
With or without epidural, c-section or otherwise, with possible hospital stay? Near Sacramento if that makes a difference. Thanks!""
How much does insurance cost for a new 16 year old female driver?
I would like to know how much insurance costs for a new 16 year old female driver. My parents have the insurance company USAA, so if I could get some information on the likely costs of this, that would be great. Thank you!""
Good motorcycle insurances?
I just got a new dirt bike and I can't race with it at the track without insurances, what are a couple of cheap motorcycle insurances. I called this one place before and they wanted to charge me 700$ a month""
How much will cost to remove two wisdom teeth without insurance?
I,m male 21 years old and i'm wishing to remove both bottom wisdom teeth since it cause me feel bubbles on my ears and headaches, i don't know how much will cost me to remove them without insurance, but what is the average price on most states? i live in Oklahoma.""
""Just had a car crash, but worried insurance won't pay out..?""
Just had a car crash on the 02/03/2014 at 8:20am crashing into a central reservoir fence accidentally, judging by the aftermath of the accident it's definitely an insurance write off. A week before this incident I had recently got my rear windows tinted (only light smoke) plus got alloy wheels put on but i didn't let my insurance aware of this (i planned on letting them know eventually but i didn't know i was going to crash so soon) Apart from this everything else is legit.. I am currently insured with Zurich just wondering will Zurich insurance still pay me out the value of my car or will I not get a penny ?""
Insurance companies that dont allow pit bulls?
Does anyone know what insurance companies defianatly will not insure you if you have pit bulls. I know some that will i just want to know which ones definately wont.
What is the lowest quote that people are getting from this site?
I managed to save 150 p/month. Can anyone find a better quote from this resource? http://www.adrian-flux-cheap-car-insurance.blogspot.com
Cheap car insurance for 18 year old female in uk?
Please suggest companies that you have used or know off that are cheap for this age group. The cheapest quote I've found so far was approx. 1780 but I need it to be cheaper. You help will honestly be appreciated
Does ca auto insurance cover motorcycles?
Like, as long as you have some form of insurance is it okay whether it is for cars or motorcycles? I have auto insurance for my car, do i need seperate insurance for a motorcycle?""
Do you have to pay insurance for the driver or the car?
my friends keeps telling me her parents wont let her get he license because it is 2,000 dollars a year to have a licence, for like insurance. Don't you only have to pay for a car? like if she was to not own a car and just borrow her parents when needed would she still have to pay insurance? I am so confused haha""
Hi, I recently passed my driving test (approx 2 weeks ago) I've been looking at car insurance and the quotes are ridicouly high if I wanted to be the main driver with my own policy. So my dad has kindly said he will buy a car and be the main driver and I will be the second driver and drive the car sometimes. However the quotes are so high? Anyone know any companies that will insure me cheap below 2,000? The quotes that I get now are like 3,000+ on a standard Vauxhall Astra. Please can you let me know if you know any companies that will insure me and cheaply! Thanks.""
What should I do when the at fault party has no car insurance?
I got into a minor car accident, it was the other party's fault but he doesn't have car insurance. Because it was a rental car, my own car insurance is not going to cover. ...show more""
Car insurance for 17 year olds?
I am interested in getting my own car insurance separate from my parents but I have NO IDEA what to do or what I actually need. Keep in mind I am a 17 year old high school/college student so I really can't pay more than $100/month. Can you explain car insurance to me and what is required and what is optional? I really do need the cheapest car insurance possible but I do not know anything about insurance.
How to get car insurance cheaper for new drivers?
How to get car insurance cheaper for new drivers?
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north carolina insurance agent lookup
I can't afford my car insurance...?
I need transportation so I can work. But why should I have to choose between car insurance or food and medicine? Shouldn't the Government come up with a single payer plan for automotive insurance too! Its not fair that I have to pay for this out of my own pocket.
Car insurance under mums/dads name.?
I've just passed my driving test and am really confused about how to go about getting insurance under my mums / dads names. The car would be under their name but i just want to be the main driver of it. My mum rang up tesco for a quote on how much it would be, but she said under my name and on my own insurance. So now she doesn't want to ring up coz it's on computer and the guy on the phone who she was talking to said it would be classed as fraud if she insured me under her name and she didn't drive it. :S This can't be right right? also my dad has 6 points on his license will this effect me if the car goes under his name then i get insured on his insurance? since his insurance went up when he told them he had points. i got a quote for 1934 for my own insurance as the car under my name. I just need the best way to get under my mums insurance. cheers :)""
I live in california and need health insurance. What should I get?
I live in california and need health insurance. What should I get?
Auto insurance on new car?
I am getting a new car under my name. Is it ok to put the car under my sisters insurance?? Its too expensive if im on the insurance.
95 Jeep Grand Cherokee insurance Cost?
New driver, just got my licence at 18 years old.""
How to reduce payments for young car driver insurance ?
how to minimize it ?
""I got into a car accident with my new car before i could get insurance, help?""
I just recently bought a 66 mustang from a private seller. My mechanic took a look at it and said it was good. I went to go pick up the car from the seller, and while driving home, 15 minutes into my drive the breaks gave out. I ended up hitting a UPS truck. My passenger and i ended up going to the hospital for injuries. I did not have insurance since i was just going to drive the car home and not drive it until i got full coverage on it. The previous owner still has insurance on the car, and i have not been to the dmv to have the title officially signed over. I need help; legal advice would be great.""
How much would my tickets be?
I was driving 60 in a 45 and didn't have a copy of my insurance in the car (it was expired). I do have legal insurance but it's at home. So I got two pieces of paper. One for insurance and one for speeding. What can the costs be? I'm 19 and this is the first time I have gotten a ticket/citation (And I get two together, how lucky?). All I need to know is that how much are they worth?""
What is the best way to get into insurance sales?
I'm quite interested in the insurance business, and i've heard various methods, one is to get hired into a captive insurance company as customer service and then express an interest in the business, then you have to study for and pass a state exam, and get licensed. but i'm curious what is the possibilities i'd find a company to hire me right away as a salesperson, my background is wireless sales. The thing i'd like to know is, what can I expect my first year in the business, is it entirely full commission or is there a mix of salary and commission? and lastly, what are the odds of a new agent making it for say three to five years? I'm looking for a career for the next 25+ years.""
""Average cost of renters insurance in midwest, 2 BR apt?
What is the average cost of renter's insurance in mid-state Michigan for a 2-BR apt.
Will my insurance be raised because someone else got a ticket in my car?
My boyfriend was driving my car and got a texting ticket. Will my insurance rate increase?
What would the price be like to move to central california?
Just wondering as I would like to move to central california in the future. Is it very expensive to move from the UK to central california? What are the housing/apartment prices? Doctor fees? Ect.. Please help :) thankyou
Auto Insurance ? Never had it. Can anybody help.?
I have called for quotes.. to many auto insurance companies. But since this my first time purchase I am confused, Can someone break down the features of a policy, what am i to have, what is reccomended. thanks , any details will help.""
""About how much does car insurance usually cost, and how often would I have to pay for it?""
About how much does car insurance usually cost, and how often would I have to pay for it?""
Average insurance cost for teen drivers in Ohio?
Can anyone give me an estimate by any chance? I know the best way is to just get a quote but right now I'm trying to get some figures up there before I convince my mom into getting a quote.
What insurance would be best for a Salvaged Car?
See I am a first time driver and I bought a Car which has a salvaged title due to a minor fender bender, I don't drive it because well I've only had it for about 3 days but I would like to know what would be the best coverage I can get from any insurance on a Salvaged title car. I hope it was worth my money buying a salvaged car. some one help!!! PLEASE!""
What would be the cheapest way to get a car insurance?
What would be the cheapest way to get a car insurance?
How do insurance companies handle cars rolling into others?
I was changing the oil in my truck with my boyfriend and all of a sudden my truck just started to roll down the driveway and rolled right into his car. I know im am totally responsible for it but i want use my insurance but i don't want my rates to go up. So i was wondering how insurance companies handle this situation i have Mercury.
How do insurance companies determine pain and suffering if the person's insurance covers medical bill in full?
On 02/14/12, I was at a complete stop on the freeway when the person behind me hit my car and launched me into the person in front of me. My car was totalled and I spent the night in the ER. I have a severe cervical spine strain (severe whiplash), blunt chest trauma, (from hitting the steering wheel), and just all over back pain. They said they were going to pay for pain and suffering, but when I looked it up it said that is typically double the medical bills. However, my medical insurance (Medi-cal), covered it in full. So now how do they determine it? Should I get the bills before the insurance kicked in? And also, I'm not interested in hiring a lawyer, I just want this over and done with so my life can move on.""
Health Insurance?
I've recently changed jobs. The job that I have right now doesn't offer insurance at the moment. While looking for affordable health insurance I got injured playing soccer (I was diagnosed with torn ACL). Any idea what shoud I do now? According to the doctor the surgery can wait few months. Should I hide my injury from the insurance company and get the insurance, then after some time fix my knee etc? Please help.""
Car insurance question?
I have been driving for three years and am looking to upgrade cars. I drove a Vauxhall Agila for 2 and a half years and the last six months iv had a Pegeuot 206. I am 22 and my partner is 21. I have one years no claims and she has 0. The smaller the engine the cheaper the car is there a list some where that I can look through to find the cheap insurance cars? I want a 1.6 Astra but the insurance for the two of us is like 3k and I dont want to pay more then 2 really. As well as this, she had a bump not long back. She is on my insurance and if this guy claims do I lose my annual bonus or is it just her who loses it?""
Let's not have universal health care but just make health insurance more affordable?
and have the insurance companies take out take all these pre existing condition clauses. Then we don't have to worry about giving health care to illegals or higher taxes. Does anyone agree with me?
Cheapest option I want to transfer my insurance from my old car which I prt exchanged for a newer car I just?
I want to transfer my insurance from my old car which I part exchanged for a newer car I just bought,but my Insurance company are asking me to pay about 40% more and requesting 40% ...show more""
Cheap Insurance (San Antonio)?
can you tell me any cheap auto insurance for a 95 model here in my area. san antonio tx
Car insurance for 17 year old?
around how much would insurance cost on a BMW M3 E46 CSL its a 3.2 litre ? i am 17 years old.
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north carolina insurance agent lookup
Phoenix Auto Insurance?
Where can I get auto insurance in Phoenix? What do you recommend? I bought a car recently and I'd like to find a cheap way to insure it.
Will my insurance go up due to points on my license?
I am a 22 year old male. Was cited for going 25.5 miles over the speed limit on a freeway. Plead guilty. And 4 points were assessed on my license. This is the first time any points have been on my license. My question is will my insurance go up do to this and if so how much could I expect? Thanks Also, if anyone knows of anything I can do to keep my insurance from going up, please let me know.""
How much roughly would moped insurance cost for a 16 year old in the UK?
i am thinking of getting a moped when i am 16 , i am going to get a 50cc 2 stroke supermoto of some kind. was just wondering how much insurance and tax would cost per year? please can someone help me out""
How much would insurance be on a 2010 ss camaro for me? 18.?
I am an 18 yr old male, I would like to know if anyone out there works at an insurance company or something would know how much it would cost for my insurance/month?""
Home-owner's Insurance Question?
Okay, maybe a stupid question, but I need help here to settle an argument. I say that home owner's insurance does NOT cover an air conditioner if it breaks, unless it is tied to a disaster event i.e. lightening strike, fire, etc.. Husband says that you can have it in your policy that insurance company will pay to repair or replace the air conditioner if it just breaks down, as long as it is within the manufacturer's expiration date.""
Anbody have Good2go auto insurance?
My fiance and I recently found out that our policy has been cancelled (literally had no idea) so we have to find a cheap car insurance fast. Good2go is known for being cheap- but does anybody have it??? Please let me know how you like it- it almost looks a little sketchy lol. If anyone else knows how to get CHEAP car insurance in NJ please speak up! We just had 21st Century. He has a perfect driving record, I have made some mistakes in the past- which is why everything is so high for us. If anyone knows a loophole or anything let me know! Thanks!""
What is term insurance? Why should I buy a term insurance product?
Many colleagues at work are talking about term insurance. After speaking to some of them I understand that a term policy will give me life cover but I don't know if I should buy a policy myself. So if someone can tell me what term insurance is and what the benefits are, I can consider a purchase.""
Insurance rate?
Hi, in the summer i'll be driving soon. Can anybody tell me how much I would have to pay to be insured for 6 months by Farmers? I'm 17, and I'm not eligible for the Good Student discount. I heard that my insurance rate would be cheaper if my parents add me to their policy. I'll probably be driving a 1990-1997 Mazda Miata MX-5. Also, what's a good, cheap auto insurance company do you guys recommend for teenagers?""
Should I notify my car insurance company if I paid for the fix myself?
I had a minor car accident in a Costco parking lot last weekend. I was backing out my parking lot; the other guy was also backing out. Unfortunately, we didn't see each other... Anyway, this seems to be a 50-50 accident. The damage to the cars are moderate and we agreed on just fixing ourselves. So no personal information was exchanged. I got an estimate today. The cost for fixing my car is not cheap but still lower than the minimal requirement for accident reporting in California. It is also lower than my insurance deductible. So I plan neither to report to DMV nor to file a claim. But one friend of mine suggested that in this case, I should still notify (but not to file a claim to) my insurance company. His argument is that the other party can still come back and sue me (if he is a freak). While we didn't exchange information, the other party may have remembered my license plate number so theoretically he could find out all other information about me. But I am not sure if notifying the insurance company will affect my premiums. What do you think?""
Illegal car insurance?
My EX boyfriend went behind mine and my moms back and illegal put insurance on his car in my mothers name. I guess he knows a employee at a insurance automotive and illegally put it in her name without her consent. His friend who was driving the car hit some car today and called my mom and told her everything and now she wants to claim fraud. Who gets in trouble? My ex boyfriend for doing it illegally? The employee who let it happen? His friend who hit the car? Or my mom because they may not believe he did it illegally? BTW; my ex boyfriend owes money to his insurance thats why he couldnt put it in his name
How can you find out a property owner's insurance company?
Can you sue the owner for violent acts of a minor who lives on their property as well as the violent act physically occuring on their property? My daughter was jumped from behind and beat violently in the head. The girl recieved a ticket yet my daughter had to go to the hospital. Now she is afraid to go to school. The attacker is in her class.
Why is car insurance expensive for young male drivers than female drivers?
Why is car insurance expensive for young male drivers than female drivers?
What's the best company to get individual health insurance? What organizations offer group health plan?
I am talking about health insurance that covers doctors, prescriptions, and hospital expenses.""
How do life insurance companies get medical records?
I've heard that insurance claims can be denied based on conflicting or misreported medical records. Let's say I take out a life insurance policy, and don't report a specialist who I saw out of my network prior to the event. Would the insurance company be able to deny the claim for that? How would they find out?""
What are insurance company for?
My car was a total loss the insurance company paid what the car was worth but not the finance charges. How do this work? I thought your insurance paid everthing and everything was a lump sum
On average how much does it cost to insure an apartment building?
I am looking into purchasing 2 triplex apartment buildings. They are both brick buildings built in 1990. Both have been maintained fairly well and have a really good price on them. Now I am trying to find out on average what the cost of insurance would be. Just wanna be sure that it will be well worth my investment and not a sink Hole I have already checked taxes, utilities, and of course viewed the apartments. Now I just need some figures on Insurance. Thanks for any and all help.""
Question about car insurance and car shop.. Need help.?
I just got into an accident my whole front bumper is totally gone. Im wondering is it possible for the shop and the insurance to put a new bumper but not the oem bumper i want a new body kit? I have full coverage my car is a 2009 toyota corolla S.
Is medicaid a very low cost insurance? does medicaid pretty much stink !?
im just wondering becouse a couple of therapist have turned me down becouse of my medicaid insurance.
How much car insurance will rise after an aciddent?
I'm 23 years old, and currently paying $100 per month on my car insurance. But earlier today I crash into the guard rail by mistake. I have a clean driving (no ticket ever) record with only 4 other accident prior to it. I guess my car would take maybe $1000 to fix but I'm not sure how much my insurance rate will increase. I'm thinking that if I were to pay for the entire damage instead of paying a $500 deduction would not increase my rate.""
Do I need to have insurance to take/have a drivers licence in North Carolina?
So I'm 18 and live in NC and I'm moving back to Europe next summer but before that I want to take my licence here because its way cheaper. Do I need to have insurance if I do NOT have a car I just want a licence for when I get back to Europe. Also, can I drive a car thats not mine if I dont have insurance.??""
Can any body give me the defination of national health insurance?
I want the defination of national health insurance, benefit, coverage and objectives of national health insurance. plz quick.""
How much is insurance on a Oldsmobile Alero or a Toyota Echo???
I am currently looking for a new car, and I'm trying to find a car with a good safety rating, dependable and low insurance. Can anyone help me in my search?""
Where can I find affordable Homeowners Insurance in South Florida?Mine filed for bankruptcy.Someone reputable?
Looking to find a reputable and affordable Homeowners Insurance Policy in South Florida. I dont have any claims pending and it seems that nobody is offering Homeowners in South Florida due to the hurricanes.I am covered until Dec 2006,then I need to find a new company as mine filed for bankruptcy.Thanks!!""
Insurance Cost for a 1966 mustang convertible in mint condition?
I'm curious how much, on average, would insurance cost for an 18 year old male driving a 1966 mustang convertible in mint condition be? And if you could explain why too that'd be awesome thanks! :)""
Can someone recommend affordable health insurance?
I lost my job. COBRA is too expensive. Are there any high deductible plans? I really only want coverage in the event of a serious illness. I live in NJ.
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