#like he’s already so scared could u fuckin imagine
birbwaifu · 1 year
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Sergi from Blood Moon by @barbwritesstuff because who could’ve guessed I would fall in love with the older guy
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luvrxbunny · 8 months
hot pink
Pairing: Steve Harrington x F!Reader
Prompt: Pegging
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, tiny bit of addiction talk, reader doesn’t cum (lmk if I forgot anything)
WC: 3.5k
A/N: this is so long omg i hope u guys like it <3 (not proofread) and i know basically nothing about pegging except that its hot so if anything is explained in-correctly just shhh and pretend pls
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“So you just let her…” Steve trails off, too stunned to finish his sentence. Eddie is red from laughter and a twinge of embarrassment at Steve’s reaction. “Yes, but Steve-” He cuts himself off with another laugh as Steve’s eyes widen comically at Eddie’s confirmation. “You have to just try it, man.” Steve’s already shaking his head as he takes a sip of his beer, trying to think it over but unable to see a scenario in which he’d enjoy himself.
“Look, Eddie.” He chuckles a bit. “Some guys are into that and-” Eddie cuts him off with a groan. “No, Harrington, you’re not getting me. I didn’t want to! She convinced me and promised that we could do whatever I wanted if I didn’t like it.” He pauses for a bit for dramatic effect. “But I fuckin’ loved it.” Steve breathes out a surprised sigh at Eddie’s words. “It feels weird at first, sure, but once she finds this spot. She says it’s my prostate-” He scoots closer to Steve to explain. “So apparently you know how she has a G-Spot? Your girl?” He waits for Steve to nod at him. 
“Yeah, I know.” Steve’s face is bright red, embarrassed at this entire conversation. “Okay, yeah, it’s like we have one of those but it’s in our ass. So I’m kinda like… Does that mean we’re supposed to have something up our asses?” He raises his hands in defense when Steve turns to him with a disbelieving stare. “I’m just saying! Like- why is it there? If not to be played with? I don’t know, man, seems weird.” Eddie’s half-joking now, saying these things mostly to get a rise out of Steve, amused by how red his face gets. “Whatever. Just like- don’t knock it ‘til you try it, y’know?” Steve nods silently at Eddie and the conversation moves on, they light up another joint and talk about where Eddie’s next gig is supposed to be. Steve’s mind, however, never moves on. 
You’ve had this thought too. Eddie’s girlfriend, Bunny, had gifted you a strap-on about six months ago after convincing Eddie to let her peg him. She says it’s almost better than sex, despite the large drop in stimulation she's receiving. You thought she was crazy when she gave you the hot pink strap, you tried to give it back immediately, without even fully understanding what it was for. She and Eddie are just so much more- aggressive than you and Steve. The pair always has some new sex story to share with you two and you’ve never found any of them appealing, until she told you that one. 
“No- he was so cute too! He was face down on the bed- I know.” She giggles in agreement when your eyes widen with your smile. “And he wouldn’t shut up! He was whining almost the whole time, his hands were like- ugh he’s so cute. He was like trying to reach back for me the whole time!” You try not to show how her story was heating your body up as she squeals about Eddie. You’re imagining Steve in his place and the thought- although it’s one you’ve never had before- becomes the main thing on your mind. It just got worse over the six months of you keeping it a secret. You didn’t want to over-share, unsure if Eddie was okay with the fact that she told you, and not wanting to scare Steve off. The kinkiest thing the two of you have done is have sex in a changing room, you haven’t even brought toys into the bedroom yet so how are you supposed to ask him if you can stick a silicone rod up his ass? You can’t. So the strap collected dust at the top of your closet. 
Steve comes home almost drunk, tipsy enough that Wayne had to drive him home and he stinks of weed, letting you know he had a good night with Eddie. He can stand on his own, not swaying or anything but he has this delirious smile on his face and a cloudiness over his eyes that tells you he’s intoxicated. He opens his arms for you the moment you open the door and buries you in a hug. You wave behind him aimlessly, hoping Wayne is in the driveway and can see your appreciation. He walks you inside, your face still buried in his chest and your hands wrapped around his waist. “Missed you s’much, honeybun.” 
You snort at the nickname and pull away from him, eyes closing in relaxation when he presses a wet, loving kiss to your forehead. “Oh-” He sees his slobber on your forehead and blushes with an adorably embarrassed smile as he pulls his sleeve to his palm and rubs his spit off your head. “Sorry, darling. That’s so na-” You cut him off with a giggle, crush him into another hug, and lean up onto your tip-toes to kiss him properly. He exhales a sigh of relief, of contentedness as your lips cover his before you pull away. “I missed you too, baby.” He beams like a little boy at your statement, his chest filling with love for you. “Good.” 
You both giggle your way to his room and he changes as you sit on his bed, watching him. He sobers up a bit in the process, needing his brain power since you’re not helping him. He fumbles with his button-up pajama shirt and looks over at you pathetically. He could do it himself if he really tried but he has fat, dumb fingers, while yours are cute and dainty, so he’d rather just ask you for help. You smile at him knowingly and slowly walk over to him, reaching your hands out to button his shirt while he holds your eye contact. “Soo.. How was your time with Eddie?” You ask gently, finally breaking the silence. 
He thinks through the hangout again, trying to decide which part he wants to tell you first but then the memory of a certain conversation smacks into his mind. You can see he’s remembered something big by the sharp inhale he takes, he also straightens his shoulders, fixing his posture a bit as red leaks into his face. “What?” You ask with a giggle, surprised at his reaction and unable to think of what would even make him react this way. He stops your hands on his buttons and that brings your eyes to his, seeing their fear. You pull away from his shirt, a bit scared at his intensity. His eyes flicker to the bed for a moment. “Do you wanna sit?”
You nod silently but now your mind is running wild with thoughts. 
Eddie got him to do crack. Now he’s addicted. Fuck. No- No, Eddie probably ordered a hooker or something and cheated on Bunny! Or he ordered the hooker for Steve… And he cheated… No. He would never. So..? Oh my god. It’s meth. Steve’s addicted to meth. 
Steve sits silently beside you, his hands wringing each other nervously, only worsening your thoughts. He takes a breath to say something but loses his nerve.
What if she thinks it’s too weird? What if she leaves you over this, goes to all her friends, and talks about how Steve ‘the hair’ Harrington wants a dick up his ass. Shit. Should I just abort?.. No. I mean, she wouldn’t do that, would she? No. No, of course not. 
“Um.” He finally starts and your body tenses, preparing for the worst. He won’t even look at you, his gaze is fixed on his nails as he picks at his cuticles. “I- Eddie talked about something. I kinda- It sounded intriguing- Well. It- It sounded scary at first.” He breathes out an incredulous chuckle. “I was like- No way. But then- uh. Then I imagined it with… With you and-” A shaky sigh falls from his lips and you turn to him. His face is beet red and his hands are shaking lightly when he rubs them against his thighs, trying to help with the clamminess. 
“And after I did that it- The idea became very, very appealing. Like- It’s kinda embarrassing how bad I- How badly I want it…” You begin to get a bit nervous at how he’s dancing around the topic, and how vague he’s being. He turns to you for a moment, his face getting redder when he realizes you’ve been looking at him. “Don’t- Just uh, don’t judge me too fast, okay? Eddie, he- he made it sound really- really good, sweetheart.”
Your heart is racing, his intense gaze piercing into your soul. “You’re scaring me, Steve.” His eyes widen and he takes your hand into his, you try not to make a face at how damp his palm is. “It’s- I mean it’s not bad. I hope you don’t think it is. Uhm…” He takes a deep breath and breaks your eye contact to analyze the bedsheets. “Have you heard of, um… p-pegging?”
A light spreads through your body and you fight the smile that wants to crack your face open, trying to stay more neutral. “Yeah… Why?” He looks up at you hesitantly, his eyes are scared and desperate. His eyelids flutter as his lips tremble, “I - I want-” He whines and pulls away from you, conceding. “Nevermind. It’s- Fuck. It’s probably too late to backtrack, huh?” His hand combs through his hair, embarrassed, stressed, and scared for your reaction. 
You stay silent for a bit as Steve gets lost in his thoughts, you’re considering your options and ultimately decide to show him. You stand and start walking to the closet, Steve exhales a frantic sigh and you hear him stand behind you. “You- Don’t be weird about it, I just-” You grab the box and turn around, holding it out to show him, picture side first. His mouth shuts immediately. He’s frozen where he stands, just staring at the box in your hands. Now you’re growing nervous at his silence. You chuckle nervously and walk back to where you were sitting on the bed, handing him the box and his eyes never leave it. 
“Bunny gave this to me a while ago… I never said anything ‘cus I didn’t think you’d want to but-” He finally lifts his gaze to you and you lose your breath at his state, already needy and wanting. “We could… If- I mean if you want we can t-try?” You feel like you’re vibrating in your seat, anxious but excited at the same time because Steve has been nodding at you since your sentence started. You giggle and take the box from his hand, turning to put it in your top drawer until the time is right. You giggle at your thought before turning back around to voice it to Steve. 
He’s fumbling with his buttons, his pants already off and a prominent bulge in his boxers. 
“Oh! Right- Right now? You want it right now?” You ask, audibly shocked and his hands freeze. He looks at you, embarrassed and you instantly feel bad for your tone. “I thought you’d be too drunk, baby.” He shakes his head lightly. “I’m not drunk anymore.” His tone is so soft, delicate as he speaks and it brings a smile to your face. You look him up and down, your smile widening at the dark spot spreading around his tip. You walk over to him slowly and watch his breathing speed up the closer you get. 
“Then get on the bed.” You say with an innocent tilt to your voice that ruins him. He moans at your words and basically throws himself on the bed. He’s wiggling his clothes off as you read the instructions for the strap, trying to figure out how you’re supposed to situate it over your hips. You get it up your legs before having to look back at the instructions, following each step as carefully as you could, but still left with the leather straps sliding down your legs instead of holding your dick in place. 
“Baby?” Embarrassment and a bit of amusement flood you as Steve calls out. You turn around begrudgingly and bite your lip at the sight. He’s laid out across his bed, his entire body flushed and blushing for you, his dick kissing his belly as his hips thrust into the air gently. You walk over to him with a shy smile on your face, holding the strap up on your hip as you climb over him. “I think I need your help.”
He’s mesmerized by the silicone cock, how it hands between your legs, how the hot pink color matches your character perfectly, like it’s meant to be your dick. “Yeah. Yes, I can help.” He sits up and starts pulling random straps until something tightens, then does the same with the other side. “Thanks, baby. Can you make sure the back straps are all secure?” You turn around and bend for him, not totally aware of the way you’re putting yourself on display for him. His eyes can’t help but gravitate to your ass, admiring the way the leather straps dig into the plush of it, leaving little indents on your skin. “A- all set, sweetheart.” He says with a light pat on your ass to tell you that you can turn back around. 
You turn to him with a smirk and he just stares up at you. His pink lips are wet and bitten and so alluring. You lean down and bury them in a kiss, smothering his lips with yours and breathing in every whine he gives. You pull away with a smile and he makes no move to flip over, his hands just rest on your hips as you stare at him. You lift off of him, and all he gives you is a confused stare… Himbo.
“Face down-” His breathing shudders. “Ass up, sweetheart.” He whines and flips over for you, but leaves his ass low, his dick flush with the bed. You shake your head fondly and climb over him, your legs on each side of his calves and you reach for his hips, letting your fingers ghost over his skin before pulling them up to rest against yours. Steve whines at the feeling of your cock between his ass, he wants to pull away but your hands convince him to stay put. Your thumb is rubbing back and forth, soothing him as you lean forward to whisper in his ear. “I’m gonna make you feel so good, baby,” He shivers and you pull away to reach over to your nightstand, grabbing his lube and squirting a generous amount into your hand before returning to your previous spot. 
“Okay. I’m pretty sure I have to stretch you out first. Is that okay?” He whines, sounding a bit upset and his hips wiggle so subtly you almost don’t catch it. You rest your un-lubricated hand on his lower back, stilling his movements. “How- Is that gonna take long?” You’re a bit confused by his question, silent as you figure out your answer. He turns to look at you over his shoulder, ensuring that you heard him and then he sees your confused expression. “I really want it.” 
His voice dissolves into a whine and you almost forgo it, almost convincing yourself that he doesn’t need prep- but the fear of tearing his pink little hole stops you. “It’ll just take a minute.” You spit the words at him, growing just as desperate as he is as your finger plunges into his hole, a bit faster than you probably should’ve but earning you a shouting moan from his pretty lips.
“Don’t wanna hurt your little hole, baby.” You tell him just to add insult to injury. He’s whimpering your name against the sheets, his eyes shut tight as he squeezes around your finger and you see his cock jump. You push in another finger and he takes it like a champ, begging for a third long before you planned. 
Once you’re done stretching him his entire body is hot and shaking, his cock leaking onto the sheets but he’s still unsatisfied. You line your cock up with his entrance and smile at the instant whimper it gets from Steve. You’re watching the way the silicone dick presses into his hole, the way he’s pushing back on it and this strapon must've figured out a way to connect to your nervous system because you swear you can feel his heat on it. You’re confused and entranced by how it looks, how it feels, and how he sounds. “M’gonna fuck you now, Stevie.” His dick twitches as he groans at your words and his hips press back onto your dick, teasing you with his warmth and friction. “Oh fuck. Please.”
You work your tip into him and a little nub at the bottom of the strap pushes into your clit, only furthering your fantasies of being able to feel real pleasure from his ass. You moan with him as you slide in. You prepped him well enough that you’re able to get half your dick in before he’s whining at you to slow down. You rest your front on his back and he can feel your boobs squishing into him, making the whole experience that more arousing. “You feel so good, love.”
You moan into his ear, low and sultry to fuck him up even further. He moans your name, eyes shooting open and his hips rock him back, forcing the rest of your cock into him and accidentally ramming you right into his prostate. “FU-” His curse is cut off with a breathless gasp and he collapses onto the bed. His arms are covering his obviously red face and he’s letting out shouting groans into the mattress as you grind yourself into that spot again and again. You never pull out very far, too scared that you’ll lose his special button.
His thighs are already shaking against yours and it twinges arousal in your stomach. You bottom out inside Steve and grind yourself into the base, moaning his name and riling him up. He can’t fathom why you’re moaning, he knows you can’t feel him but you’re moaning like he’s fucking you, and it’s fucking him up. His hips swivel back onto your dick, trying to get as much stimulation as he can. It’s like nothing he’s ever experienced, it feels like you’re everywhere, and he feels so full. The thought sparks a memory of you telling him the same thing and his balls tense at the role reversal. The fact that it's now you fucking him, filling him to the brim, moaning at how tight he is. 
He cries out your name and you watch his hand uncurl from the sheets in favor of sliding between his legs. You pull out and start fucking him as quickly as you can, surprised at how much it actually exerts but the sore muscles are worth it to hear the way his moans increase. He becomes frantic and pathetic, with high whines of  “So good, love it s’much. Love you s’much.” begin to litter his incoherent moans and you know he’s getting close. You watch his hole squeeze you more frequently the closer he gets and you wrap your hand around his waist. You smack his hand away from his dick and rest your entire body over him as you wrap your hand around him- causing him to collapse entirely as he moans your name. You’re jostled as he crashes to the bed but you keep up your pace as best you can. 
It’s a struggle to jerk him off against the mattress but his moans tell you that he doesn’t mind in the slightest. You’re able to fuck into him more easily from this angle and it shows, your pace is doubled and he’s basically screaming a loose frame of your name. The back of his neck is burning red and his moans are climbing, warning you of his impending orgasm. You smile, proud of yourself and him, and lean down to kiss the back of his neck, snapping his last straw. 
He shouts into the mattress, it’s barely a moan, closer to a sob or a scream as his cock throbs painfully. He’s spilling against the mattress, completely soaking the sheets with his cum as his body shakes against you. Your hand is slick on him, now flooded with his cum as he stutters into you, trying to fuck himself into your fist while fucking himself onto your cock. You thrust into him slowly, cooing into and kissing his ears as he comes down slowly. He twitches into you occasionally, gradually becoming overly sensitive to your movements but every time you stop he presses his hips up from the bed, forcing you to thrust into him again. So you stop stopping. 
You grind into him slowly, listening to the little mewls he lets out when you land close to his prostate. It’s like you’re massaging his insides, stroking along his soft, sensitive walls and eventually he falls asleep that way, leaving you with the struggle of flipping him over to clean him up but you don’t mind in the slightest.  
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Thank you so much for reading! If you enjoyed, here's the rest of my Kinktober Works and be sure to check out my Main Masterlist!!
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pixiemunsons · 2 years
you're so cute (em)
your boyfriend was always so scared of corrupting you, he never considered that that might be just how you wanted it. time to convince him.
a/n: i can't believe how many people liked for your viewing pleasure! i'm so excited to share this one with you. hope u love it<3
smutty smut smut, use of slut and whore during sex, reader thinks she's in control but she's not<3, soft!dom eddie, spit play, semi public bathroom sex, choking, rough sex, the ending's cringe because i didn't know how to end it, reader is a cheerleader and fits into an oversized t-shirt of eddie's but no explicit mention of body size. eddie and reader flirt like he's cheating on her but he's not you'll see what i mean. no use of y/n
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cute was very quickly becoming your least favourite word.
you used to love it. when boys told you you looked ‘cute’ at parties, when your friends told you your outfit for school was ‘so cute’, when your mother picked out ‘the cutest’ swimsuits for you to wear on holiday. you revelled in the fuzzy socks and pink wallpapered life you existed in. perfect cheer practice, ill-be-home-for-nine-daddy, milkshakes in a 50s diner with a boy whose hand would never creep any further up your leg than your knee. 
but then eddie munson exploded into your life. and dragged along behind him in a shitty, beat up van came a whole new world.
‘sweetheart, y’know i’d love nothing more, but it’s just not your kinda scene. you wouldn’t enjoy yourself.’ eddie felt terrible for cancelling your upstanding saturday night together, but gareth had begged him to go to a gig at the hideout, and whilst he really couldn’t care less about a rush cover - prog rock was definitely not his usual scene - he’d bailed on his friends at least twice this month already, and it was starting to get hard to hide what was going on from everyone.
not that you really wanted to. but cmon; the rebel and the good girl? it was bad enough when grease did it. and if people were to find out, then both of you would end up miserable, at least in hawkins. so it was easier to have spaces devoted to just you; eddie’s bedroom, his van, skull rock when you were feeling particularly risky. once or twice you’d managed to drive to a town an hour or so away, where no one knew either of you, and you’d almost cried the first time you’d held his hand in public.
still, that wasn’t going to stop you from pouting about not being able to go with him. sure, you were more pretty in pink than pink floyd, but anything could be a good time with eddie. you sighed down the phone, fiddling with the edge of your bed sheet as you spoke.
‘you better not meet any girls there,’ you teased, and you could hear the smile in his voice when he replied.
‘i’d never find anyone as cute as you, baby. i gotta go, listen i’ll swing by sunday for fifteen, how’s that? i gotta go, love you sweetheart.’ his voice was crackly on the shitty line, but one word stood out.
that’s what you were, you supposed. soft. sweet. cute. 
when you had lost your virginity to eddie, he’d been so careful and gentle, making love to you like you’d always imagined. but it had never gone further than that, and you knew he was capable of so much more. you’d heard the locker room talk after gym, seen the black bandana hanging out of his tight jeans, felt the way he held himself back when he was inside you as if you were a precious porcelain doll he was terrified of breaking. well, you thought, maybe it was time you put an end to that. and, well, when’s a better time than the present?
‘yeah, baby, love you too. see you later.’
it had taken two hours to get ready, not including the hour you’d had to wait for your parents to get ready and get out of the house, off to some retirement party or other. your mother had waved you goodbye with a twenty, not before checking at least three times that you would be fine on your own overnight. and as soon as they’d left, you began.
and you thought you looked pretty fuckin’ hot.
gone was the cheerleader’s outfit and sensible white tennis shoes. eddie had left enough clothes at your house for you to fashion an outfit, and what he didn’t provide you could put together from some old clothes in the back of your closet. you were wearing your hair down for once, and black eyeliner was smeared around your eyes in a semi-messy, semi-sexy style. eddie’s big, worn black sabbath shirt was tucked into a pair of black denim shorts you’d bought secretly on a shopping trip a few months back. your old tights were ripped in a few places, and you finished the outfit off with your black high top chucks; you’d had to beg your dad for weeks to buy them for you, convincing him finally that they went best with the green of the hawkins high sports teams, and all of the other girls had them.
the drive to the hideout was filled with nervous energy. you tried playing some van halen cassette that eddie had left in your car to gear yourself up, but hot for teacher reallywasn’t calming your nerves. so you simply switched it off and drove the five miles in silence, contemplating what you were about to do. getting in wasn’t the issue; they almost never took id, and even if they did, you weren’t sure the bouncers could even read to work out how old your date of birth made you. 
the bar was absolutely packed out when you arrived, and you weren’t even sure you’d be able to find your boyfriend through the thick crowd of leather jackets and long hair and doc marten boots. you half considered standing on a table, but you wanted to find him before he found you. so you worked your way through the throng, muttering ‘excuse me’s and ‘thank you’s as you navigated the sticky carpet. then, in the corner of your eye, right at the end of the bar, you spotted a figure slouching against the wall, beer in one hand and the other in a jacket pocket. a jacket with dio painted on the back. grin plastered on your face, you walked over to eddie quietly, leaning up to his ear from behind.
‘hey honey, you gonna let me buy you a drink?’
you saw his arm jump at the slight intrusion, beer sloshing over the rim of the cup, but he barely turned his head towards you.
‘nah, i’m cool, i got a girl.’ you cocked an eyebrow, placing a hand on his left shoulder.
‘is that right, babe?’
you heard him huff in annoyance, making to turn around and face you fully.
‘yeah, i fuckin’ do, so- jesus h christ!’
you had never heard eddie as silent as when his eyes scanned your form, lingering over the ripped lines on your thigh and the curve of your ass in particular with his jaw wide open. you hadn’t expected his reaction to be so visceral, and the way his face transformed had you clenching your thighs together. eddie thought you were hot in your cute little everyday outfits, but this?
you were a goddamned wet dream.
‘what brings you here…?’ you quirked an eyebrow up at him questioningly, smoothing down the collar of his t-shirt, and he gulped loudly, seemingly getting the hint.
you smiled, all teeth, and ran your hand further down his front, hooking it around his waist and stepping forward so you were chest to chest. you could feel his heart beating wildly against your front, and you hoped to god he couldn’t feel yours.
‘cute name for a hot guy,’ you winked. ‘surprised your girlfriend lets you out alone.’ something about the way you said girlfriend, dripping with seduction, seemed to snap something in him, and he leant down so his lips brushed against your ear, his hot breath sending heat directly to your centre.
‘she was gonna come, but she’s got cheerleading practise in the morning.’
‘ah, a cheerleader? she sounds like a good girl.’ he smirked down at you, laughing lightly, and reached a hand to tug your hips against his.
‘i think she likes people to think she is. she dresses in all this cute shit usually, puts a show on. but really, deep down inside? i think she’s a dirty little whore who wants her shit rocking.’
any modicum of dominance you were holding onto fell from your grasp at his words. you had allowed him to slowly back you up against a pillar, and were now standing with his legs between yours and his head tucked into your neck. with a thrill, you realised that people probably thought he was kissing your neck, thought that the hand gripping your waist was feeling you up, and you couldn’t deny it was turning you the fuck on. you clutched onto his waist, keening up against him and whining as he pressed a sharp-teethed kiss onto the delicate skin of your throat, and it took everything you had not to groan aloud.
‘what do you think, honey?’ he asked, and you made dazed eye contact with him. 
‘i said,’ eddie growled, ‘what do you think? my girlfriend. she a slut?’ his voice was gravelly, and you could tell you’d almost pushed him to where you wanted him; breaking point. so you pushed your chest forward, and looked him in the eye.
‘i think, eddie,’ your voice sounded husky and sexy under the music booming through the club, and you reached to lace your fingers through his belt loops. ‘that i would let you do whatever you wanted to me, and i’d do it better than your girl can.’
you had no idea what to expect of the hideout’s bathroom. you’d never been in a bar like this before. not that it mattered; before you could get a good look at it, your back was pressed against the locked door and eddie’s tongue was down your throat.
‘i can’t fuckin’ believe you turned up here,’ eddie gasped, running his teeth down the column of your throat and letting out a moan when you pulled on a handful of his hair.
‘didn’t think it was your scene, princess.’ he adjusted his grip on your thigh, pulling your feet to link behind his waist, and you could feel a bulge pressing against your core through two layers of denim.
‘wasn’t really the cheerleader’s,’ you breathed out, gripping his leather jacket to pull his mouth back to yours. ‘but ’s definitely mine.’ this time, he was barely kissing you; instead, he was nipping at your lips, stroking his tongue against yours, and you weren’t sure if it was his spit or yours that was dripping down your chin.
‘does this you fuck in bathrooms?’ he asked, and you couldn’t help but laugh as he grinned down at you. you knew eddie would never do anything you didn’t want, but you also knew this was the beginning of a whole new aspect of your life together.
‘eddie, this version of me wants you to fucking destroy her in this bathroom.’ eddie’s eyes went dark, and he tilted your chin up, forcing you to meet them.
‘baby, do you know what you’re asking for?’ you sighed at him, rolling your eyes.
‘i’m so sick of everyone treating me like i’m gonna break! eddie, i can take whatever you got. whatever you wanna give me. i jus- i just want you to fuck me like i know you can. like i know you want to.’
‘in that case, princess,’ he looked downright sinful as he spoke, stroking your face with a ringed hand before slapping it lightly, ‘hold on tight.’
suddenly, you were in the air, and your ass was landing on the cold porcelain sink behind you. you put your hands out to steady yourself, gripping onto the edge, and eddie looked at you approvingly.
‘good, you’re learning quick. open that dirty mouth.’
you opened up, sticking your tongue out a little, and eddie came to settle himself between your open legs. his large hand gripping your chin once more, your eyes fluttered shut, anticipating his next move. you felt something wet touch your tongue, looking up to see a trail of spit connecting your mouth to his.
‘don’t swallow yet,’ he demanded, and you could’ve cum on the spot. he just spat in your fucking mouth and you let him, wanted him to. two thick fingers made their way into your mouth, playing with your mixed saliva, rubbing it into your tongue and pushing themselves down your throat until you were gagging and your eyeliner was streaming.
‘aww baby, are you sure you can take it? choking on my fingers already, my cock’s gonna fuck you completely dumb, ’s that right?’ his voice was taunting, harsh and going straight to your pussy, and it was all you could do to concentrate on nodding your head as you drooled around his fingers.
then they were gone, and you went to chase them out of your mouth, whining at the loss, but a sharp slap against your inner thigh had you mewling and pulling away.
‘gonna have to be a good girl f’me, princess. wanna get down for me?’
you were on your knees before he could push you down, yanking his pants down and taking his boxers with them. you weren’t even gonna pretend to tease, no kitten kicks or soft kisses to the tip. instead, you spat right on the head, just like eddie’d spat on your tongue not two minutes earlier, and took his unbelievably hard dick as far as you could.
‘jesus fuckin’-, sweetheart, are you okay?’ eddie looked almost concerned, and he went to card a hand through your hair reassuringly. instead, you caught it halfway and slowly, nervously, traced it down your face, past where you were connected, and down to the swell of your neck. you placed his hand there, looking hopefully up at him, and he took the hint and squeezed.
‘o-oh, honey, is that- you gotta be fuckin’ kiddin’ me, it’s buried in there, holy sh-‘ eddie could feel his cock moving through the skin of your throat, feel it in his hand how you swallowed around the thickness of him, how your muscles contracted and tried to push him out.
‘think this face was made for fuckin’, baby, what’d’you think?’ you moaned around his length, pushing yourself down on it even further, and you could hear him breathe in sharply above you.
‘christ, honey, i need to get out. i wanna fuck you, need to feel how wet that pussy is.’ eddie grabbed your hair and pulled you back to your feet, kissing your slick mouth and revelling in the way you pressed against him, tasting himself on you.
‘bend over the sink for me, princess.’
you were practically grinding back against him already, hips swivelling on nothing. you hadn’t noticed the mirror when eddie had first pushed you into the stall, but you finally caught a glimpse of yourself and- holy hell.
your eyeliner was dripping down your face, and where it had previously stylishly smudged it was now destroyed, smeared around your cheeks. your hair was a knotty mess, nose snotty and drool seeping out of the edges of your mouth. yet, somehow, you felt so powerful. you’d taken control of the situation, got what you wanted and, you’d discovered, looked pretty hot when you were all fucked out. behind you, eddie already had your shorts pulled down your thighs, and he was making moves to eat you out until you cried when your hand came back to stop him.
‘baby,’ you panted, vice-like grip on his wrist, ‘i need you. ‘m wet enough, promise, just put it in, please.’
eddie never much liked passing up on foreplay with you. he always took his time, made you come once or twice with his fingers and tongue before he eased himself into you. you very rarely had to do anything to get him going; he’d spend so long on you, he’d be bursting to cum before you’d even started. but the tables had been turned and he had the power here. so he yanked your panties down and sank himself to the hilt in your pussy.
‘eddie, fuck!’ you cried out as soon as he bottomed out, head dropping down so your forehead was touching the porcelain sink. instantly, a hand wound it’s way around the back of your neck and yanked your head back.
‘i’m gonna need you to watch, babe. watch yourself get fucked out, there’s a good girl.’ you whined at his words, meeting his eyes in the mirror. he looked as wild as you; hair sticking up all over, fringe plastered to his forehead, and his eyes were fixed on the place where you met. it was all too much, too hot, and before you knew it your eyes were closed again. the hand braced against your hip delivered a sharp slap to your ass, the other gripping your hair and pulling your head back.
‘stop fuckin’ looking away, baby, i’m not gonna tell you again,’ he spat, delivering a particularly deep thrust that had your knees buckling under you.
‘i want you to look at yourself in the mirror while i stuff you up. you’re gonna let me fuck you in a public space like a dirty slut, you’re gonna get fucking treated like one, do you understand me?’ you could only moan in response, and he let go of your hair in favour of wrapping his hand around your neck. your back was arched against him, his rings chilly and biting against the hot skin of your throat, and he lowered his voice to a dangerous whisper against your ear.
‘sweetheart, if you don’t give me an answer right now, i’ll cum inside you and make you walk out in front of all of those people with it dripping down your legs. so, i’ll ask you again, and i want you to answer me properly. are you going to be a good girl, like i know you can be, and keep watching us, or do i need to repeat myself?’
‘yes, yes eddie, i’ll be so good for you, your good girl, please make me cum, gotta come so bad,’ you were babbling now, and eddie knew you were close. picking up the pace, he gripped your neck even harder, and now you were dizzy and chasing your orgasm and your eyes were pricking tears at how hard you were trying to keep eye contact.
then he bit your shoulder and it was all you needed to push you over the edge, one hand gripping the sink and the other clinging onto the hand wrapped around your neck as you pushed back against him, triggering his own orgasm. he came inside you, deep and hot, and you could hear him rambling as he rode you both through it.
‘jesus christ if i knew you had it in you i’d have been fuckin’ you like this for months, so beautiful, so- shit, so good for me sweetheart, can’t believe you let me do this to you…’ his forehead rested against your shoulder gently, and you leant a hand back to smooth his hair out.
‘was- was that too much?’
you whirled around in surprise, hissing slightly as eddie’s cock slipped out of you, and took his face in both hands.
‘fuck, eddie, that was the hottest shit that’s ever happened to me! and one to tick off the bucket list,’ you shrugged, laughing as his face lit up.
‘bucket list, huh?’
‘oh baby, i gotta whoooole lotta shit to cross off it,’ you winked, giggling as he swooped you up in his arms to kiss you again.
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hawkins-losers · 2 years
an idea : could you write abt billy fucking you on the hood of his camaro. i cant think of a situation but i imagine it at night after some sort of jealousy simulated argument outside his car and he says ‘don’t think i won’t just fuck u dumb in the backseat of my fuckin car rn’ and then ‘fuck it id bend u over on the hood right here if you don’t…’ thanks :D
A/N: When I think of a car hood, I think of Lana Del Rey in Born to Die music video. Sorry I didn’t follow everything, but this is my first try at Billy
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You and Billy left the house party with slamming doors and screeching tires, all the while screaming at each other. 
‘’I saw you! You were flirting with Louise,’’ you said, seething. 
Cigarette between his lips, Billy took a left to pull out of the neighborhood. ‘’Louise? Who the fuck is Louise?’’
‘’The blonde you were about to shove your tongue in her mouth right before I walked in. Does that ring a bell?’’ 
‘’Oh! That cow?’’ Billy shook his head, laughing. ‘’I never intended to put my tongue anywhere near her. I flirted with her just to rile you up, to make you jealous. You know how you get when you’re jealous, the sex is so much better.’’ 
So he had plotted this to have better sex? You didn’t know if you should be impressed, laugh or keep being angry. 
‘’You’re infuriating.’’ 
‘’You really thought I would fuck her?’’ He scoffed, then swiped his tongues over his lips, his blue eyes looking right at you. ‘’All I've been thinking about since you showed up in that dress is fucking you dumb in the backseat of my fucking car.’’ 
Billy’s hand traveled up your thigh, slipping under the hem of your short dress. He pressed down on the gas, your eyes flicking to the speedometer and watching the number get higher and higher on the dashboard. You should be scared of the speed, but you liked it. You loved it.
You parted your legs a bit, just to tease him, but the car hit a pothole, making you bounce in your seat and causing Billy’s hand to slip further down, his fingertips touching your underwear. 
A surprised squeal came out of your mouth. 
‘’Already wet for me? Damn, babygirl.’’  Billy smiled smugly, knowing the rumble of his Camaro gets you wet. 
The trees were flying fast outside your window, but all you could focus on was Billy’s hand between your legs, stroking you over your panties while driving. You thought of parting your legs further, of allowing him to finger you, but you got another idea. 
You removed Billy’s hand, making him tear his eyes off the road. He was about to protest or tell you off for doing that, but you slipped your hand under your dress, shuffled on your seat until you got a grip of what you wanted, and peeled off your panties, dragging them down your legs and off. You threw them in the backseat, making Billy groan. The thought of you in his passenger seat, legs slightly spread without anything under made his pants grow very very tight. 
You smiled devilishly. Billy liked his girls insane - unhinged.
The window on the driver side was slightly down to let the cigarette smoke out, creating a small breeze in the car. Pushing your teasing to the max, you parted your legs again, allowing the chill air to hit your bare pussy.
A sweet little moan escaped your lips, and Billy's hand clenched on the steering wheel. You were probably dripping on his seat, but he couldn't care less. If he weren't driving, he'd lick it up.
‘’Fuck, I'm gonna stop the car and bend you over on the hood right here if you don’t stop that shit-’’
‘’Do it.’’
Taglist: @broadway-or-noway @violetsleftfist @thelaststraw3  @cursedandromedablack  @Slashersimpfor  @savagejane1   @wh0reforbucknasty   @eddiemunson-slut   @slvdsjjk  @hehehehannahthings  @dreamdancers-world  @grace-loux  @iamharrystyleslover  @matildavol6  @Original_babababoo  @eddiemunsonbby  @notbeforelong  @lexi-2004 @violetrainbow412-blog  @tatespillows  @alwayslexii  @lilygreennn   @milkiane  @imahomeslice  @bunnygrl16 @cwritesforfun
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pacienties · 2 months
Headcanon/smut emo txt, emo txt x Coquette reader, soft.
recently I have been watching slaughtering movies and while I was watching it I imagined emo txt being so yandere... Like Slaughtering every person who gets near their friend, just to make her feel distant towards every person she talks to except for them.. Reassuring it was fine.. Then.. For like after days of hanging out.. Emo txt teaches reader how to drink and listen to PTV, So after like making the reader drunk emo txt fcks the reader's brains out ackk I know this is too much but trust me this scenerio is making me feral, I wanted to writ but I can't explain it..
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— emo slasher txt!
warnings <3: !death, yandere txt! , reader is a sweetheart but very brain washed , !smut , !slasher txt , kinda mean txt (sorry.. at least they think ur pretty :D ) , txt r obsessive in this fic like hiding under your air vents to watch you obsessive (im sorry) , established relationship between reader nd txt !! (txt x reader as bestfriends through memories) ,, !smut , alcohol drinking ,, ddlg if u squint ,, daddy kink !! ,, reader is codependent on txt ,, dark n toxic txt who is good at gaslighting ): ,, !crybaby reader who’s sensitive
a/n <3: i promise what you’re requesting isn’t too much!! i just hope i did my best and you enjoyed this fic ):
“crying already babydoll?” you hear your boyfriends rough voice whispering in your ear as you try your best not to cry out loud at how aggressive your boyfriend was rutting inside of you
although you were quiet; you still couldn’t help yourself from letting tears fall down our hooded eyes feeling yourself grow more tipsy and tipsy as time went by
you let out a soft gasp as you felt your boyfriend above you dig his fingertips harshly into the cheeks of your face before leaning in so close to your face you feel his minty breath fanning over your nose; “you know you’re so fuckin’ pretty when you cry you know that right?” he laughs sickly lightly slapping your face giggling like some type of maniac when you flinch and cry more
“my pretty little girl takin’ it so good and you’re not even fighting back” your boyfriends tone was filled with fake sympathy as he sped up his already harsh thrusts on your poor pussy
you could barely speak, the alcohol and sex making you feel so far gone but still you were able to keep track of what’s going on and where your surroundings were
“bet chaewon can’t make you feel this good huh baby? she can’t make your cunnie feel this good like i do can’t she?” your boyfriend begins to rub your sweet pussy as he can feel you close up on him signaling you were close to cumming
you felt your blood run cold at the mention of your now dead friend; “w-what?” you reply shakily “you heard me baby can chaewon make you feel this good like daddy does? i bet she can’t she doesn’t even know how to make you cum like i do” your boyfriends tone grows more sicker and sicker as you begin to panic at the idea of him having to do with your friends death.
but you didn’t wanna question him about that right now, you just knew that you were on the verge of cumming and after a nod in approval from your boyfriend you finally did
that following night you lay weakly in your boyfriends big strong arms, watching him through doe wide eyes as he lazily takes a puff out of his blunt building up the courage to ask what the hell was that question he asked you while fucking your brains out
but you gulped back your question; scared of his answer and scared of his harsh reaction if you questioned him
your suspicions grew worse and worse the more your friends were randomly disappearing although your boyfriend hasn’t bought anyone of them up since that night you were still scared
eventually though due to your boyfriend distracting you; you have forgotten all about your friends deaths. only thinking about one thing and one thing only your boyfriend
you thought about what to wear to make him compliment you, what to say and how to act to make him wanna take care of you since all you ever wanted was to be taken care of by him
“you don’t need your friends baby you have me and that’s enough for you right?” your boyfriend would grip on your chin as you’d tell him you missed your old friends but with wide glimmering eyes you’d nod at his words eager to please him making grin like the cheshire cat
you tried to remember how life was before you become so dependent on your boyfriend; and maybe tried looking for the warnings signs and clues that maybe just maybe he had something to do with murders going around town but you wanted to make sure first
you huff looking back down on memory lane; sure your boyfriend was a red flag but he was no killer sure he put you on drugs and alcohol but that’s what normal bestfriends do right? and even so he’d make it up to you by gifting you his favorite pierce the veil cds so it’s all good right? plus he said he would never harm you!
you decided to finally give it a rest; being so brainwashed where you couldn’t even tell what your boyfriends warning signs were so you gave up maybe you’ll never know why you felt so distant from everybody
that was until you were awaken with the feeling of blood drip down to your stomach; opening your eyes gently to let out the biggest scream as you awaken in a bed in a unfamiliar basement with your friend chaewon’s already decaying dead body tied upside down from the ceiling
your boyfriend smiling in delight when you cried out for his help; even though the signs were there your boyfriend really was the mass murdered running around town even obvious signs like a pair of butterfly knives you’ve gifted him for christmas which again you didn’t think was that serious was splattered with fresh blood that didn’t belong to you just below your feet <3
a/n <3: i hope i brought ur vision to life anon i tried :(
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nexusnyx · 1 year
heyyy. so what if reader and joel got in a really big argument because he wasn’t being safe and putting his life on the line and that pissed her off. so joel gets on a horse, and rides off into the sunset in true cowboy fashion. when she’s on a supply run with some of the other people from tommy’s town, they find joel, injured and hiding out in a barn. she didn’t recognize him at first, and pointed her gun at him but when he’s like “it’s me.” she’s all like “for fuck’s sake, joel. i almost shot you.” “someone already did.” and yeah feel free to take that anywhere u want <3
that's such a cinematic idea!! you've got a good imagination, Sof. thanks for the request. — main masterlist | 🏷️: established 'situationship', post-outbreak, mentions of past attempted suicide, hurt/comfort, fluff. [WC: 1.7k]
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ˗ˏˋ꒰ foolish ꒱
All of his recklessness had a direction. A purpose.
Joel had no reason to tend to his own life with careful hands. Not when those same hands had inflicted so much damage already. When they'd caused so much destruction. He knew how to direct his anger and reckless behavior well—to protect, evade, survive.
All of that kept him away from building any kind of real relations, but that goes up in flames after Ellie. And then it really disappears after you.
Joel's scared again. He panics. He cares, and he talks about himself, and he lets spill out secrets he never once spoke about.
He's just not ready for what comes after they're out in the open.
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“I just can’t concentrate if I’m worried about you going in with your knuckles and elbows to someone’s fucking face instead of at least trying to keep it cool. y’know? I don’t know. Call me crazy, Joel. I thought you could control yourself.”
“No. That just ain’t fair. Was I supposed to do nothin’?”
“Yes! Exactly. If you’d given me at least one second—”
“He asked if you up for offer. I should’ve fuckin’ killed, him.”
“Joel, he could’ve asked ‘if the little bitch worth a quarter or 10 bucks’ and I couldn’t give less of a shit—”
“You—I swear to god.”
“He’s an animal! And a fucking idiot. But he was the idiotic animal with the goddamn information. Which we needed. And now we don’t have, ‘cause he and his buddies have ran back to wherever the hell they’re hiding and we’re never gonna see them again. And they had the real deal—they had medicine we need that are lacking in the stock.”
“I know. I know. Fuckin’ hell, I know.”
“... you know I’d help you do anything you wanted, right? I don’t care about what they say. And I’d wanna kill anyone who disrespected you like that, too, but we gotta be at least smart before we’re emotional.”
“...Tommy’s gonna fuckin’ kill me.”
“No, he won’t. I’ll talk to him. Make something up.”
“You don’t need to.”
“I know. But I’m gonna.”
“...thank you. … I really am sorry, ‘kay? I’m still gettin’ used to—I just. I saw red.”
“And I get that.”
“...you really do, don’t you?”
“Yeah. Remember how I acted at that river trade? Because of what that man said about you?”
“Couldn’t forget it if someone blew my brains away. … You’re a lil’ crazy, baby, y’know that?”
“Coming from you, Miller. That’s rich.”
“Yeah… It’s kinda beautiful. You’re like—a force o’nature, or somethin’. Fuck, I’m sorry—I’m drunk—but listen. I won’t fuck up again.”
“I know you’ve got my back. I just want you to have yours, too. I worry about you and how you dive head first into dangerous shit ‘cause when it comes to you, you don’t think.”
“... had no reason to, ‘till recently.”
“Well, now you do. Should’ve always had, but now you really do ‘cause there are people, like Ellie, like Tommy, like me, who are gonna be pretty pissed off if you’re stabbed again anytime soon. Don’t make me go feral and have to kill a fucker ‘cause you know me by now. I have the whole thing where I have to bury the bodies I’m responsible for and, honestly—have pity on my back’s sake, Joel. I don’t got the back for that shit anymore.”
“You’re so—can’t believe your fuckin’ jokes sometimes.”
“You’re laughing.”
“Yeah, ‘cause I’m crazy too, obviously.”
“‘don’t got the back for it’. You’re—You know, I never thought I’d be this happy I didn’t blow my brains out. Last time I thought that Ellie was standin’ on top of a fuckin’ dinosaur and—”
Joel shivered.
You found him as you were searching a barn on a supply run with Tommy, the day after he ran away on Shimmer’s back.
A stom had followed his departure, not minutes later, and he was still out of the gates when the time to close them came by, which meant he’d been locked out. Tommy was the one to give the ‘ok’ for the gatekeepers to shut them down, his face twisted into a painful twist and an apologetic look sent your way, but it was also Tommy who nodded his agreement to go with you when you announced you were going out the very next morning despite the horrible weather and the feet of snow making everything ten times harder.
It was obvious to you he couldn’t have gone far.
When you find him, Joel speaks up first. “It’s me.” He somehow heard you coming before you saw him.
Of course he did. It’s Joel.
The voice still makes you flinch—Joel was kneeling on the ground with his thickest jacket wrapped around him and his knees pulled up, and—”Jesus Christ, Joel. I almost fuckin’ shot you.”
As you’re lowering your gun, he goes. “It’s happened before.”
It’s such an oddly-timed joke that it halts your steps toward him, but then, his eyes find yours and it happens, just like always. You two share a private, ‘this is a fucked up joke, but we find it funny either way’ laugh. The same one that bonded you two.
You kneel beside him, taking out the blanket you brought in your backpack exactly for this, and wrap it around his shoulders, rubbing him up and down on his arms and his back.
When you’re satisfied with your job — he quit shivering — you finally make eye contact.
“You got stuck because of the storm, right?” your question comes out in a whisper, and your breath fogs up the air between the both of you.
You didn’t run away, right?
Joel takes a deep breath, and nods. His eyes close for a moment before he leans in slowly until his forehead is touching yours.
“Told you I wouldn’t do that.” Joel said those words a couple of months ago, and you still had trouble wrapping your head around them. I ain’t goin’ nowhere. I like it here. With you.
“‘kay.” Your lips search his in the dark and find them waiting for the kiss already. With your hands still on his shoulders, you can feel a lot of tension dissipating when you sigh into the kiss, and Joel seems to fully come back to his body. You pull away against your will, and take a few seconds before you’re able to open your eyes.
His warmth always spreads through you like an oven slowly heating up.
“‘m sorry if I scared you.”
It’s inevitable—a smile blossoms in your face, and you start laughing.
“What?” Joel asks, confused and serving the biggest doe eyes in your direction.
For someone who punched first and asked questions later, a night stuck with the howling story winds made quick work of reminding him he was cared for. “Nothing.” I love you. “You did scare me. I spent all night thinking about whether you were okay or not.” The doe eyes seem to glisten with the soft light, and it pulls you in to seal your lips on his again. “But it’s ok. I just wanna go now and run you a hot bath and massage… all of your body. Is that ok? Can I do that?”
Joel’s eyes said I’ve never felt more vulnerable and that’s going to be a lot, but it also said it’s exactly what I need and I don’t know how to say that out loud. From his lips, it came out, “I… yeah. Yeah, ya can. I wanna… Wash your hair. And—you. ‘s that weird?”
“It’s not.”
“I like that smile on you. ‘s my favorite.”
“I am so happy I left Tommy behind.” Joel laughs at that, and he makes a move to get up. “I’m serious. We’d never hear the end of this.”He gets up with your help, and you two can walk side by side, leaning on each other and not speak of the storm that passed and carried more than just heavy snow all around. The things that are rising and growing between you are deep-rooted somewhere—nothing seems to shake you and Joel away. Only closer together. Tighter. Realer.
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🏷 @sakuralikestars — @mostardentily — @thegreat-annamaria — @leiticia — @polyglot-noodle — @casssiopeiaaa — @levylovegood — @simply-sams-things — @lavenderhhze — @gracie7209 — @waywardwolfbonklight — @shadytalething — @yesimwriting — @celestialstar111 — @averysblog — @pedrostories — @fleursirvart — @sirtommyholland — @capbrie — @hawsx3 — @superflymaterial — @ashleyforeverareject — @girlofchaos — @queerponcho — @am-3-thyst — @nyotamalfoy — @my-tearsricochet — @ponyboys-sunsets — @peqchsoup
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ* . join my Fireplace celebration. * | send me mail 💌
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dullahandyke · 5 months
Also I'm gonna try making one liveblog post again ‼ heres case 2 part 2
Was prompted to go into nikolina's cabin but I paused for a sec and sighed and panned to the right and there sholmes was hanging off of a desk bug like. It took several moments for me to gather the strength to engage with him
Sidenote I hate the new names for the Russian characters... pavlova? For real? What were their og names I'm gonna Google it
Ok borchevic isnt that much better but it's not fuckin pavlova!! So
Also I love the susato sprite where shes turned to look at something in the background with u... all the sprites of characters turning towards things of interest r so nice it rlly makes the space feel real. Adds on to the killer cinematography in here
Also also I need to get more like sholmes. This is a bad thing but at least he is not masking (I also dont do a lot of masking but I could do less of it)
DHHWJWJAK HIS FALLING ANIMATIOM IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWED BY HIS BOXING ANIMATION.... he is so comical and animated I love it. Need that to be me
Hes so real for that tho. Singing is so fun if u keep me from singing I'll kill u dead
Also I love his little cap flip animation. A bit stupid but that's fine
(I already have plans to add a sholmes sticker to my laptop once I finish this game)
Everyone has headaches 🤨 I personally blame a gas leak. Those r always happening on old shit arent they
Nikolina has dresses n shit in her wardrobe she didnt before... what did she unpack or something ? Maybe the cat did it. So helpful
Also the bookshelf being in the cabin is so cool the way it's set into the wall like that... dream house feature. Fuck a pool I want a book hole
I like the solution to the locked room being the ship tilting that's nice and fun
'Isnt there anyone who can help me out of this mess' ryuu calls. Deep breath. Pan left. Sholmes is hanging off the coat rack
Love sholmes w the tiara... u just know iris has So much fun doing dress up w him and he is equally as delighted
Btw the logic and reason spectacular continues to fuck
Asougi on the floor during the spectacular.... :(
Also poor nikolina she seems so scared
Love how susato knows Facts and Knowledge... RIP girlie you would have loved pub quizzes
Ryunosuke naruhodou objectum ally... 'well if the teapot is her friend that's fine, we're all different' ryuu I trust u w my life
LOVE IT WHEN RYUU DOES THE SPECTACULARS hes getting in the facking groove!!!!!
Also love how smooth all the sprites r... the mocap so awesome
We need to get ryuu and susato some kittens.... they would love Cute Kitten Video Compilation
Sidenote I love asougi's shin things. Cunt-tastic
I have to say this is rhe first aa game that I'm not watching a playthru of or cheesing with a walkthru and I'm having fun yippee!!!
I do wonder how long the case is gonna be tho
The percussion in all this music is so awesome
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Wait hold on a sec. If ryuu was being framed then that means there was someone else who knew ryuu was stowing away
Sidenote but I've been wondering, what did ryuu tell his family about him going to London? Becauss it seems like literally only he and asougi knew if they weren't even letting susato in on it. Did he tell them he was going somewhere totally different? Did he just disappear? Is he now on the missing persons list? I mean I Guess he could be an orphan but theres that whole ryutarou thing and I'd imagine he would need at least one additional family member to pull that off
We need to get susato access to wikipedia I think she would love it
We also need to get sholmes access to a fidget cube
Ryuu? We can get him access to a nice hearty meal. He deserves it
Ryuu getting distracted by strogenov's beefy arms... 🤐🏳️‍🌈
Nikolina... she looks like a small sad kitten
Wahhhhhh asougiiiiii... so niceys to nikolina...
Whenverr they show asougi I get so sad.. . RIP gayboy I loved u
The final deduction of the wardrobe.... :(
The music is fucking w me too...
I know she killed asougi but cant we let nikolina go.... everyone is being so hard on her she is 15
Case over.... AAAAAAA!!!! now I am hungry but bubbles is atop me so ig I'll just answer texts... if shes still not up by the time I'm done then we'll see about starting case 3 but doubtful
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harringrovsonsworld · 2 years
So I mentioned it in another post but who wants to hear my horrific angst for aus or season 5? No one? TS this is my blog
Long post under the cut
Ok so my thought is very much around how vecna has his victims lined up as trophies in his mindscape. They can't JUST be trophies right? Vecna is a loon but he's too pragmatic to be so vain. They must serve a purpose. He needed 4 of them to open the gates so they must have some significance that his other victims don't.
Which brings me to my theory. Vecna needs his s4 victims to power the gates, like uh totems or human battery packs, that's why he needs them close to hand in his mind and not buried in some forgotten hole like the ones he killed in the lab. So he can keep them trapped in bad memories, keep tormenting them so their misery keeps the gates open. That's why he tormented them first. We know from Kali fear and anger are powerful emotions but from el and Mike we know love is stronger. Henry doesn't understand love, so he's basically using scare power like he's in monsters inc.
Once vecna opens the gates, he's got his first set of 4 victims powering them, but it's not enough. We know El has a longer range wither her powers and even she needed to piggy back on max to reach him. My idea is that to keep his influence spreading he needs to piggy back on others too, more victims to act as human relays. Think some sort of torture based radio tower or the shield of Morty suffering from Rick and Morty.
My idea is that he has people sort of strung up to towers made of flesh like the mind flayer, being kept alive and 'protected' by demogorgons like Will with the tube down his throat in season 1. Vecna is using their nightmares, their mental scapes as pitstops for his abilites. Jump from the upside down where he's safe ,like the creel house scene, into their mind scapes and from then onto whoever he wants.
Next question is, who would he choose as victims? Well I'm glad you asked:
disclaimer, im more on the side of kas eddie than this but lets just run with it.
Fairly self explanatory, Eddie was a choice of convenience, there's a person, might as well use them. Dying in the upside down, vecna is sure he'd agree to anything to live. Imagine his suprise when Eddie pulls a fuck you and fuck your plan too out of his flack jacket. Now vecna is determined to keep him alive out of spite. If he'd just been good and done as vecna asked maybe he'd give a nice dream to his little human relay but no, now Eddie gets to watch Chrissy and Dustin die over and over until vecnas finally done with him or his body gives out under the strain. i guess if u wanted kas eddie, this could be punishment from vecna for disobeying him . maybe doesnt have the same effect since kas eddie is already dead but hey ho its still not pleasant.
I think Jason's death was bullshit. Not in the way Eddie's, bobs, or Billy's was bullshit but bullshit all the same. So I'm bringing him back in the worst fuckin way possible. the gate opening doesnt rip him in half so much as it swallows him whole. he lands face first in the upside down creel house just in time to miss steve nancy and robin leaving. hes hurt, thats no short fall he just had so hes kinda stuck there. obviously when hes done licking his wounds vecna comes home and finds him. Jason has zero fucking clue what's going on in Hawkins so for him to be strung up and tortured by vecna just has so many layers to it. Jason would think he'd died and gone to hell and that's a whole new kind of angst for me to work with. Vecna wouldn't even need to make him hallucinate to get the kind of suffering he needs to boost his powers. Just keep him awake and watching and Jason would be out of his mind in minutes. Bonus points for any body horror he might bring to the table: vecna has those vines in his back , maybe he could put some in Jason and turn him into a human security system with tendrils and eyes all over Hawkins. Forces Jason to watch the horror unfold AND when Jason inevitably reacts to the party, cries out to lucas or his friends to help him, vecna will know instantly.
Ok we know for a fact that billy is still around in vecnas head somewhere. See my other post for proof. Tldr billy is the only hallucination who seems to have real eyes or a soul and consciousness. Susan's eyes go white, Chrissy's moms eyes go white, freds accusers eyes are all white. The reason Billy's aren't is BC vecna has him, he can use the real billy in the hallucination to torment max. I imagine the reason he does this is 2 fold. To scare max yes but moreso to punish billy for daring to stand up to him, for beating his mind games in season 3. When max is in a coma neither vecna or el can reach her, she's safe. So what does vecna do? Take his frustration out on billy by forcing him to help spread the upside down around Hawkins. I see this 1 of two ways.
1. Billy has give up. He is too broken, he doesn't care what happens to him, to Hawkins, to anyone, even max. He is just too exhausted and can't bring himself to fight when he suddenly finds he has a body again. It just means more pain and he just cant take it anymore. i do love me some angst but i think this is a little ooc for Billy.
2.Billy is too tough for vecna to break. He tried it once and it didn't work and all its done is pissed Bills off. Billy is fucking mad so there's no sense in trying to hallucinate him into compliance because hes already gazed into the abyss and spat in its face with the double middle finger salute. Further more, billy doesn't give a fuck about Hawkins, so making him watch shit hit the fan doesnt work either. But what does work, is threatening max. She's the only thing he gives a fuck about and he can't help her like this. "Do as I say and I won't touch her." Vecna says "you could run but you'll never get to her before I do" the noodly bastard is lying through his teeth and praying billy doesnt call his bluff. Nancy did a number on him, his brisk walking days are over. He's just praying billy doesn't find out max is in a coma and essentially untouchable in everything but the physical sense. So billy complies, for now, plotting to grind vecnas face into the concrete with his boot heel. He'll behave for now.
For max.
And since we need 4 I've got 2 choices.
First one is Nancy. Not that I don't love Nancy, even despite her flaws, i still canon that Karen wheeler is Alice creel which would make Henry, Nancy and mike's uncle. There has to be some reason why he picked her to show those visions to. Also I want to see Jonathan robin and Steve panicking BC Nancy is the only one holding the braincell and they all love her deeply. Bonus points if they get half way though saving her and she walks past having saved herself. insert i fear no man but that thing scares me meme of vecna with nancy.
Second one might lose more people but
You know how stranger things is inspired by silent hill? I think the last relay tower human/ victim should be Henry. Or at least, some part of the original Henry creel.
Think about it. Silent hills Alessa separated herself into "dark" and " light" sides. Og alessa stayed in the otherworld/ upside down and Cheryl/heather escaped. No powers but free from the darkness of alessas mind and the other world .why wouldn't vecna try that if he could? He's got trauma, he's got weakness, he may not look human anymore but hes still fallible . imagine if he found out he could just split himself down the middle and send that weak half packing some place else? become the apex predator he clearly wants to be? he'd jump at the chance...well, hobble at the chance. id like to see vecna treat this "weak" part of himself terribly. 'henry' gets the worst treatment from vecna and its just delicious angst and self loathing.
side note i had a thought about vecna using 'henry' as a human blood pouch for vampire eddie. henry using his 'talk to kids in the lab' voice to try and keep eddie calm, eddies sobbing and apologising as he drinks from henry but hes so hungry and in pain and has no control over it, henry just telling him its ok even though its agony.its nearly whumptober lads no one can stop me.
i am a sick and twisted individual. i may rewrite this thought into an actual fic with mungrove or munver, havent decided yet.
so yes, there are all my thoughts tm . i need a nap, maybe if i daydream up anymore suffering for my favorites ill let you all know
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4acoffee · 2 years
Being best friends with Katsuki Bakugou's younger sister.
Part 2
Katsuri Bakugou, I'd imagine she looks a lot like Katsuki, with trademark bakugou eyes, — angry ruby-red, and long blonde hair with dark brown roots peeking out from her dad's side, usually pulled up into a neat ponytail. Slightly tanned skin, unlike Katsuki's pale ass, from how much time she spends outside.
She's only a year younger than Katsuki, and like him she strives to be the best at what she does, except instead of being a hero she wants to be a professional athlete. Volleyball. She plays volleyball. Shut up.
The two of you meet in your late years of middle school, both equally dead set on being the best and reaching the top. Also you have no other friends so-
There's probably that one mean girl at school that preys on the unsuspecting freshmen, and it's up to you two to defend their honor and it just results in a lot of chaos
You guys get coffee and macarons every morning before school and ALWAYS cut it really close. Like just RIGHT before the bell rings.
Imagine having a spot in an old playground that no one visits anymore with a near ancient vball court. Like I'm talking, the net is falling apart and has so many holes in it. Could absolutely fall apart any minute, but it's your SPECIAL spot.
She has you toss her sets for practice whenever you guys are hanging out.
Pffft imagine saying something to catch her off guard while you toss one and it just lands on her head and she's just like ¯\_ಠ_ಠ_/¯ and then proceeds to attempt a murder on your life
just usual best friend stuff bro, y'all are icons
Imagine not meeting or knowing anything about her family for the longest time because she hates being labeled as "dynamite's little sister"
Bruh and you know Katsuki and Katsuri are arguing all the time.
"I just can't believe you took MY FUCKING TAKIS AGAIN WITHOUT ASKING" 
Mitsuki should have looked into judge duty smh.
But they still love each other tho, like he'd beat the shit outta anyone who tries an' start something with Katsuri
Their siblings, your honor
Her parents are always telling her to bring you over, and one day over dinner she's bringing up your shenanigans. You know that AWFUL feeling you get that somebody is talking about you? Yea with that in mind u call her and her parents insist she picks up AT THE TABLE AND TURNS THE SPEAKER ON.
"Heard ya talkin shit.", they're all trying to be quiet and not laugh.
"Heyyy bro."
"Don't fuckin hey bro me you little shit, you were talking about me again with your family weren't you, you godamn menace. The AUDACITY you must have, you'd better keep my name out of your stupid mouth from now on you hear me"
Don't even get me started on when you finally find out she has an older brother. You could tease the HELL out of her,"AHAHA, LITTLE BABY KATSURI AND HER BIG STRONG OLDER BROTHER,— ISN'T THAT JUST SO CUTE."
"Hey Katsuri"
"How's it feel being the youngest sibling"
Eventually she gets you to come over and it's a whole thing
Mitsuki is your number one hype woman
You were so nervous the first time you came over but you could NEVER tell her that. Mama Bakugou would be so sweet to you being best friends with her daughter and all. She finds out what your favorite stuff is, and always has homemade snacks ready for when you come over.
Masaru would be the most polite best friend's dad ever, always asking about your day every time you come over.
And then there's Katsuki himself: He's heard ALL about you
When you first meet I'd think it's when he's home for break or something.
Imagine running into him by yourself in the hallway trying to find the restroom or something. You'd probably be scared shitless cuz he'd be a scary ass big brother, but still ur too proud to look it on the outside. He's already towering over you and he just straightens him up even more to look intimidating.
Looks you up and down, and just fixes you with a glare. 
"So it's you, huh"
Que Katsuri finding you and being like, 'tf are you doing bro'
protective bff mode on.
"Quit botherin her Katsuki."
It would take him a while to stop grumbling around you, probably just ignores you for the most part,— leaves you alone as long as you leave him alone.
But EVENTUALLY—they would absolutely start bringing you into your arguments. THEY WOULD MAKE YOU PICK SIDES!!
"Come on tell him he's being stupid! You know I'm right bro." "She’s not gonna Suri because she knows I'M right. RIGHT?!" "Oh my god, leave me alone"
Dude everytime you go there it's like World War 1 and you're America.
So much fighting and your in the middle like -_-
But yea I just had this thought man idk, it was too fun not to write about. LMK if you’d wanna hear more!
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lilithbasically · 3 years
"First Time for Everything"
Caught in 4K Collab: @hornime
Warnings: Masturbation (m&f), oral (f receiving), overstim, fingering, double penetration, degradation & praise, mentions of daddy kink, dacryphilia, anal, dumbification, tiny bit of cum play, mentions of breeding
W.C.: 2.4K
Well, this certainly wasn't how Kirishima expected his afternoon habit to go. If he'd just caught that villain a little faster, he could've made it home in time but nooooo, the slippery little fuck kept getting away at the last second. So really, Kirishima had no choice.
He had no choice but to rush to his office to catch your livestream. No choice but to sit in his office chair and free his cock from his hero suit. There's a first time for everything, right?
His dick was already rock hard and aching, dripping with precum in anticipation for what you had in store. Kirishima had feelings for you, sure, but he watched your videos because you always kept things interesting and new. You weren't afraid to try new things and that left him wanting, no, needing more. Furthermore, he had no choice but to thrust his hips up to fuck into his fist when you started fucking yourself with a replica Red Riot brand dildo. Watching as you rubbed the tip of it through your folds and teased your entrance. Letting out a little whine at the stretch of it, you had Kirishima a drooling mess. The replica was a couple inches off in length and not quite enough girth but it was close enough. Close enough that it was easy to imagine it was his cock splitting you open, feeling your pussy clench around his length as he rutted his hips into you, getting as deep as he possibly could.
Reaching a hand down to cup and lightly squeeze his balls, he matched his strokes and thrusts to your pace, he came with a sinful moan when he heard, "mmm...fuck, Red Daddy Riot..." fall from your lips. His cum covering his chest and abs, spilling over his hand as he rode out his high to your moans and whines.
"Oi, Shitty Hai- OH MY GOD lock your damn door, dumba-" Bakugo froze. He'd recognize those moans anywhere. Slowly turning back around, he looked at Kirishima's phone.
Throwing the tissues he hurriedly cleaned up with, Kirishima stood up, "Uh...sorry about that bro. That's fuckin embarrassing. Um...why do you look like that?" Following his best friend's gaze to where his phone sat atop his desk, unlocked, still playing your stream, Kirishima's eyes widened as he quickly grabbed and locked his phone before starting, "Fuck, dude. I can explain."
"Shut. The Fuck. Up. Did you just get off to my girlfriend?" Bakugo asked, his voice unsettlingly low and calm.
"Uhhh...yes? I'm so sorry, man. I know it's fucked up but I-" he stopped talking as Bakugo walked out without another word.
Kirishima felt so fucking guilty. How could he do that to his best friend? So unmanly of him. He spent that night worrying about the state of his friendship, scared he lost his best friend.
He woke up to a text the next morning from Bakugo. "Hey, need your help with somethin at my place. I'll leave the door unlocked, just come in."
Kiri jumped out of bed sending a "you got it, bro" in return. Happy that it seemed like his longest friendship was still intact.
Little did he know, you and Bakugo had spent the night talking. Discussing details and what it could possibly mean for the future of not only y'all's relationship but your relationship with Kirishima.
You heard the front door open and Bakugo yelled, "Oi, Kiri, come in here."
"What's u-oH. Holy fuck," Kirishima breathed. His eyes widening, spit pooling in his mouth, dick growing hard at the sight in front of him.
Bakugo was naked, leaning his back against the headboard of his bed, you in his lap. He had your legs spread on either side of his, your pussy on full display for his best friend. You watched Kiri's gaze lock onto how Bakugo's hands were kneading your breasts before pinching and rolling each nipple. His lust hazed gaze slowly lowered to your exposed core, biting his lip, his eyes snapped to yours when he heard you speak.
"You okay, Kiri?" You sweetly asked.
How the fuck could he not be, he wanted to reply. But the words got stuck in his throat and all he could muster was a small whimper and a nod.
"This what you actually wanted, right, Shitty Hair?" Bakugo smirked. "You wanna taste her?"
Kirishima didn't have to be asked twice. Stripping down to his boxers, he laid on the bed in front of you and licked his lips.
Running a finger through your folds, he asked, "Goddamn, baby. You're fuckin soaked. You want me to eat your pretty little pussy that bad?"
He wasted no more time before running his tongue from your entrance to your clit. Your back arched and your legs tried to snap shut until you heard Bakugo growl don't even fuckin think about it in your ear before licking, nibbling, and sucking up and down your neck.
"Fuckin knew you'd taste good," Kirishima mumbled and watched your face contort in pleasure as he pushed a single digit into your cunt, making you gasp and moan. He attached his lips around your clit and began sucking, licking small figure eights and circles over it as he added a second finger, curling them up to find the spot that would make you scream.
He didn't want you to just fall apart for him. No, he wanted you to completely lose your goddamn mind from pleasure. To be so fucked out you become a drooling, babbling, empty headed, cum filled mess. And holy fuck were you well on your way already.
Between Bakugo attacking your neck with his mouth, your nipples between his fingers, and Kirishima slurping up everything you gave him, feeling Bakugo rut his dick against your ass and seeing Kiri work his hips against the mattress, you were right on the edge.
"Gonna cum for us, baby? Do it. I wanna see you cum on his tongue. Be a good little whore for us and cum so we can fuck you full, yeah?"
A particularly hard suck on your clit had your legs threatening to close but a sharp slap to your inner thigh kept them open.
"Think he told you to keep them open, baby girl," Kirishima scolded.
"Ahhhh fuck...Kiri please..." you whined.
Smirking, he replaced his fingers with his tongue and started rubbing fast circles over your clit.
"fuck fuck fuck...oh god...Kiri please don't fucking stop...ahhhh fuck I'm gonna...gonna...cum"
Kirishima groaned as you came on his tongue, working you through your release, his fingers keeping their speed over your clit.
You try to jerk away from his mouth but Bakugo just grabs your hips to keep you still, chuckling as you whine and writhe from the overstimulation.
"I think he wants another, baby."
"Can't Kiri...'Suki...s'too much...please" you sob.
You feel Kirishima growl against your cunt, his fingers speeding up as he feels your walls pulse around his tongue.
"Yes you fucking can and you fucking will," Bakugo growled, grabbing your face to shove his tongue in your mouth, rolling with yours, swallowing your moans.
Tears blurring your vision, you feel the familiar coil snap as clear liquid gushes from your cunt.
"Holy shit, good fuckin girl."
Kirishima pulls away to wipe his mouth and chin before grinning at you, "Didn't know you were a squirter baby girl," he chuckled while he laid on his back, lifting his hips to take off his boxers.
Your mouth dropped open seeing how big and thick this man's dick is. A prominent vein running along the underside with smaller ones scattered around, the tip flushed a dark red and leaking precum. You licked your lips and started to lean forward before being pulled back by a large hand wrapped around your throat.
"Next time, Princess. For now," Bakugo started while sharing a look with Kirishima, "I want you to sit on Kiri's cock and keep him warm while I stretch your ass."
He pushed you forward to Kirishima who wrapped his hands around your hips, hovering you above him, teasing your folds by grinding his dick through your lips. Finally letting the tip of his dick push through your entrance, he gave shallow little thrusts with just his tip going in and out of you. Hearing you whimper a desperate, please Kiri, made him lose the control he was trying to keep. Slamming you down on his length until you were fully seated on his pelvis, you let out a yelp at the sudden movement that quickly turned into a loud moan when you felt just how full you were. Feeling completely filled, your body broke out in goosebumps as you shivered. Letting out a shaky breath, Kirishima looked up at you. Your eyes already rolled back, tongue poking out, your eyes snapped back as you moaned feeling Bakugo press a lubed finger into your ass.
"Ahhh...fuck, babygirl...squeezing me so fuckin tight. Being such a good little girl for us. Want us to fill you up even more, hmm? Is that what you need?" Kirishima asked as he rolled his hips into you when Bakugo added another finger, pumping and scissoring them inside your ass to help stretch you.
"Good little whore...you love this don't you? Love feeling so full?"
You whimpered when Bakugo removed his fingers, he chuckled lowly, "Don't worry your pretty little head, Princess. I'm about to fill ya real nice."
He pushed you forward and you planted your hands on Kirishima's chest for balance. You leaned down to capture his lips in a heated kiss, all tongues, teeth, and spit. As you pulled away, he gently nibbled on your lower lip. Bakugo slowly starting pushing into you, one hand rubbing soothing circles on your lower back. Kirishima took a nipple into his mouth to bite and suck to help distract both you and himself from the sensation of Bakugo's cock entering you. It was taking every ounce of self control for Kiri to not buck up into your heat.
Once fully sheathed in your ass, Bakugo groaned and pressed sweet kisses to your shoulder as Kirishima did the same to your face, "You okay, babygirl?" He asked.
You whimpered and nodded as you started moving against them, encouraging them to start.
"Good, because we're not goin easy on ya", Bakugo warned before pulling out and slamming back in. Kirishima timing his thrusts with his best friend's so that you always had at least one dick filling you up.
"Fuck, baby, you feel so good. You like- hnnn...you like us filling you up, huh? Panting like a bitch in heat, such a good little slut. Fuck..."
"Goddamn, I'm not gonna last much longer. Fuck...ahhh...shit Y/N you're so tight. Perfect little pussy...all for us, yeah? All for us to fuck and fill as much as we want, right, babygirl? Ahhh...fuck...can't wait to see my cum drip out of this perfect fuckin cunt..."
It was all you could do to stay upright. Barely even doing that, Bakugo's arm wrapped your waist and Kirishima's hands gripping your hips hard enough to leave bruises. Your mind couldn't form coherent words; only babbling "yes daddy" "feelss'good" between moans and sobs. Seeing tears streaming down your face only served to fuel Kirishima more, fucking into you harder, chasing his high.
"Ahh fuck...she's crying, Bakugo...s'pretty when you cry, babygirl...keep cryin for me, yeah?" Kirishima groaned, feeling your walls flutter around him as he licked the tears from your face.
"Taking our cocks so goddamn well...perfect little cumdump for us...all ours...all-fuckin-ours..." Bakugo's hips accenting every word.
Kirishima pushed two fingers into your mouth and chuckled when you immediately started swirling your tongue around the digits, sucking them in further.
"Fuuuuuck...God you really are just a dumb little whore, aren't you? Sucking my fingers like its a cock...you want somethin to fill that hole too? Mmmnnnn...fuck..."
He removed his fingers and placed them between your legs, rubbing small, fast circles over your clit coaxing you to your release.
"Fuck, baby...cum so we can fill you. You want that, yeah? Ahhh...wanna be stuffed full and feel it leak out of you? Gonna breed you like the slut you are..."
Feeling your walls flutter around them, Kirishima and Bakugo sped up their pace, thrust getting wild and sloppy, climbing higher and higher to their ends, when you finally cum, you all but scream, body convulsing, pussy clamping down.
"Good fuckin girl...f-fuck...fuck I'm cumming...I'm...cum-ming, ahhhhhaahh," Kirishima groaned as his cock coated your walls with his cum.
"Fuck...fuck fuck fuck...oh gawwwdd, babyyy," Bakugo moaned as he came undone.
Both slowing their thrusts, Bakugo told Kirishima not to move yet. Leaning over to grab his phone, Bakugo slid out of you, hissing at the cold air hitting his dick. Kirishima lifted you up off his cock, gently laying you on your back, planting small kisses all over your face, wiping your tears. You let out a slight whimper and moan when you felt Bakugo push his fingers into you before he put down his phone and climbed up to lay beside you and wrap an arm around you.
"How's our baby doin, hmm? You feel okay?" Bakugo asked while pulling your face to his chest, motioning for Kiri to snuggle against your back.
"Feels really fucking nice, 'Suki. Thank you both, I've never done that before," you said with a smile and light giggle.
Kirishima chuckled and pressed a kiss to your shoulder, "Any time, beautiful. Let's get cleaned up, yeah?"
The next day, as Kirishima sat at his desk, he heard his phone chime, seeing Bakugo had sent him a video. Assuming it was some news segment, he ignored it until he received another text that read, "Wanna take her for round 2?"
Opening the video, Kirishima's eyes widened and he felt his cock stir to life in his pants.
It was a video of you from the day before, his and Bakugo's cum dripping from your cunt and asshole before Bakugo collected it and pushed it back into your fluttering hole.
"I'll be there in five," Kiri responded, feeling a little guilty about leaving work early because he never did that. But, ya know, there's a first time for everything.
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shorkbrian · 3 years
Oohh how would shouta and hizashi take their submissive readers virginity?
(What to expect - virginity, NSFW, dubcon, noncon. If you’re wondering the type of piercings Hizashi has, they’re dydoes (or kings head) and a pubic piercing. MxM penetration, anal plugs (Hizashi’s wearing one while he diddles u hehe))
Gently, I imagine.
If their darling is submissive, too afraid to run or fight, then there’s no need for them to be harsh.
They can take their time, be sweet and loving.
"Shhhh, you're getting loud." Hizashi holds a fingers to your lips as you lay there, panicked whimpers, distressed whines tumbling out of you.
Shouta huffs at the irony, his fingers working at the button on your jeans, then the zipper, then hooking into your belt loops, tugging the pants down easily as you begin to hyperventilate.
“Hey, hey, breathe with me, you’re alright.” Hizashi places a a hand against your chest, pressing you back against his warmth as he begin to take deep, steady breaths, encouraging you to do the same.
You can’t calm yourself though, eyes wide and fixed on the man in front of you, drawing your legs up and away from him as he rids you of your jeans, trying to keep your panties from his view.
If your wrists weren’t tied together, lashed to each other with soft, black ribbon, you’d be clutching at Shouta’s fingers as they ghost over your calves, up to your knees.
“P-please-” Is all you can whisper, fear settled so thoroughly in your body that you’re almost frozen.
“Don’t worry, I’m going to be gentle. ‘Zashi’s just holding you so you don’t wiggle too much and hurt yourself.” Shouta’s words are measured, steady even when he slips a hand between your knees and forces them apart.
You want to sob, but you can’t. Shouta breathes out a quiet “fuck” as he looks at your panties, running a finger across the waistband.
“She’s shaking like hell Sho.”
“It’ll be fine. It’s just nerves. Everyone’s nervous their first time.”
It’s nerves, it’s fear, it’s terror and dread. You’re horrified, and scared, and you’re shivering as if the room is freezing, even though it’s warm, cozy.
Hizashi dips down, brushes his lips against your neck, and you flinch, your shoulder rising to push his head away, his mustache tickling your flesh.
“Hah, you ticklish? That’s so cute.” The blonde coos, his arms circling around your stomach as his husband begins to tug down your panties. You’re sitting in Hizashi’s lap as Shouta strips you, the two men working together.
The blonde is already shirtless, pants-less, in nothing but boxers. You can feel his warm flesh through your hoodie, pressed against your back.
“My first time, I came in my pants.” Hizashi chuckled, thumbs rubbing at your sides. “Embarrassed myself to tears. The other dude thought it was hot, dropped right to his knees and pulled out my dick and got to suckin’. It kinda hurt, but he was fingerin’ himself at the same time and well, teenage-me was able to get it up immediately.”
You suppose he’s trying to ease your nerves.
Shouta gets your panties off, tosses them to the side as a hand grips each of your ankles, and then you’re spread wide.
A cry gets caught in your throat at the humiliation, Shouta and Hizashi both pausing to peer at your pussy, Hizashi letting out a low whistle.
“Damn, you’re a fuckin’ snack!”
Shouta lets go of your legs, and you snap them shut, closing your eyes as your cheeks burn.
“When I first had sex, I was a one-pump-chump. The girl I was with at the time said it was fine, but I didn’t know how to get her off. I’ve learned a lot since then.” The dark haired man offered his own story, hand slipping between your legs no matter how you twisted or clenched your thighs.
“Wooo! Imagine that, little ole Sho losin’ it after one stroke!”
“That’s what happens when you lose your virginity when you’re thirteen, ‘Zashi.” But Shouta has a gentle grin on his face, and his words held no malice towards his husband. Just two men in love recounting stories.
The dark-haired man leaned towards you, one of his fingers petting slowly over your folds as he did. Shouta wasn’t shy about kissing you, his lips warm, soft, stubble prickly against your skin.
He pulled back, breathing hotly against your lips. “How do you touch yourself? What feels good? I don’t want to overwhelm you, it’s easy to see that you’re sensitive.”
You trembled even harder, sniffling, closing your eyes as his finger still ran softly over your folds, barely touching.
“Sweetie-pop, can you show us? Show us how you want us to touch you down there.” Hizashi’s hands were playing with the edge of your hoodie, easing it up, his warm digits skimming against your skin.
Both men are waiting on your answer, watching you with lust-filled gazes as they run their hands over your skin. They’re already touching you, burning your skin, and you want to scream. All that comes out is a pathetic whimper.
“How do you masturabate? Do you like touching here-?” Aizawa presses his thumb to your clit, wiggles the digit and you tense, shaking your head. 
“-Here?” His fingers trail down to your entrance, one slowly beginning to push inside. You whimper again desperately, shaking your head side to side while looking at the man in front of you with pleading eyes.
“’K, this is gettin’ old-” Hizashi interjected. “I’ll ask one last time, and then Sho’ and I get to touch you however we want to, got it? How do you want us to touch your cute lil’ pussy?”
“I don’t know!” You wail, tears rolling down your cheeks. You’re so overwhelmed, and scared, and you just want to go home.
Neither man moves for a second, but then Hizashi is letting out a an excited sigh, hunching his back so he can kiss at your shoulder before questioning. “You don’t know?”
“I’ve never-never touched my-myself down there.” You manage to hiccup, and Shouta rubs your knee soothingly, his grey eyes trained on your face. 
“That’s alright, there’s no need to cry.” One of his hands cups your cheek, thumb brushing away salty tears. “We just want to make you feel good.”
You’d feel good if they took their hands off of you.
The hand that’s been rubbing over your folds becomes bolder, parting the lips of your cunt even as you try to squeeze your thighs shut. All that does is trap Shouta’s hand against you, his fingers sending little jolts of unsteady fire burning through your tummy.
“Mm, wait, please-” You whimper, desperate to escape this sensation.
Aizawa doesn’t wait.
Hizashi slips his nimble fingers underneath your hoodie, rucks it up over your chest and you burn with embarrassment at being exposed like this. You want to hide your face, but with your wrists bound, all you can do is cover your eyes with shaky fingers.
“Look at ‘er, god, you’re delicious. Just wanna eat you up! Sho, after you finger her, think I could eat her out? I wanna taste.”
His lewd words make you cringe, and you can’t even think about how it would feel, the blonde pressed between your thighs, tongue laving against you over and over-
“One thing at a time, she’s already a bit dazed. Maybe another time.” Shouta’s gently stimulating your clit, brushing his knuckles over it, watching you twitch with each pass of his fingers against the sensitive little organ.
“Alright, relax now, okay? Breath out for me.” The man instructs, and you could almost laugh; if the man thinks you could relax, he’s an idiot-
A wet finger pushes inside of you slowly, and you gasp brokenly, mouth falling open. There’s so much pressure, you feel stretched and it almost burns, but he’s not stopping.
There’s a squelch, and cool liquid rushes over your hole, slips inside as the finger slightly retracts, and you shudder at the feeling. It’s weird and you feel like you can’t breath.
The finger inside rubs at your walls, and your muscles clench at the foreign sensation, unsure whether it feels good or bad.
“Calm down, you’re okay. I’m just stretching you out. Tell me if something feels really good, alright?” Shouta is acting as if he’s speaking to a child, a spooked rabbit, a baby. His eyes keep flicking between your flushed face and your pussy, enamored by the way you suck his finger inside, at the feel of your velvety walls, the slick feeling that he can’t wait to experience hugging his cock.
“I can’t, I can’t, please-” 
“You can, doin’ so good for us sweetie.” Hizashi chirps, and you realize his hands are resting against your bare chest, idly squeezing at your breasts. You had been so focused on his partner’s actions that you had missed his coy advancement. 
One finger turns to two, and two fingers turns to three, and you’re quickly reduced to a sweaty, blubbering mess, begging the men to wait, to slow down, writhing in Hizashi’s lap while his husband violates you.
The pressure fades away to a comfortable stretch, and by the time Shouta begins to move his fingers with intent, you’re already close to your limit. Your thighs are still clenched together tightly, but the dark-haired man has plenty of room to maneuver his hand, moving his fingers in and out, letting his thumb tickle your clit.
You can’t stop your legs from shaking, abs clenching in pleasure, little noises that fall from your mouth without your permission. It feels good now, and Aizawa and Hizashi seem to know it, speeding up their movements, manipulating your body as a team.
The orgasm that washes over you is gentle, the build up to it steady and measured. The pleasure is expected, and yet it still hits you like a train, hips jerking against Shouta’s hand as he continues to finger you through it, a smile on his face as you drench his hand, pussy drooling.
“I’m sorry, oh no-oh no I made a-a m-mess.” You sob, mortified at your body, at your reaction, feeling gross and disgusting and a sweaty mess while both men watch you fall apart.
But Shouta just slips his hand from between your thighs, holds it out towards you expectantly. You’re confused, still trying to hide your face behind your bound hands, but then the man behind you is leaning forward, sucking Shouta’s fingers into his mouth, right next to your face.
You can hear him sucking your juices off his husband’s fingers, feel the shame coloring your cheeks deepen and spread. He’s so noisy about it, licking the digits, running his fingers between them, and your pussy clenches when you catch sight of a piercing nestled in the middle of his tongue.
You feel dizzy.
“Mmm, just like I though-” Hizashi purrs as he cleans his husband’s hand. He pulls back, growls in your ear “-Delicious.”
Then the two men are switching positions, Hizashi handing you off to Aizawa who settles you easily onto your back, head in his lap. Hizashi pulls at your hips, lifting them up to stuff a folded pillow underneath them, and you begin to realize what’s happening.
“Wait! Please! Hold on, I-I-just wait, oh god, please wait!” The fear is evident as your voice cracks pathetically, but you aren’t above begging.
“’Zashi’s a bit smaller than I am, figured that he’ll be nicer to ease you into it. If-” He shoots his husband a glare “-He keeps his cool.”
Hizashi was grinning as he shucked of his boxers, completely shameless as he revealed himself to you. “Hey, can’t blame a man for bein’ a bit excited. I mean, look at this little sweetie, all laid out like this.”
You felt exposed, afraid. Hizashi’s length bobbed against his stomach as he moved forward, grabbing your legs and settling them on either side of his hips.
There was a piercing in his cock, several piercings.
He was circumcised, with a prominent mushroom tip that held three prominent barbells along the edge. Another barbell glinted ominously behind the curve of his dick, settled right at the base on the top, blonde pubic hair trimmed neatly to showcase the piercing. 
“No, no please don’t. I’ll do anything, please, just not this! Please, please-”
“The piercings feel really good.” Shouta murmured, one hand cradling your head, the other pressed to your chest underneath your hoodie, keeping you anchored to the bed as you squirmed.
“I got this one ‘specially for you sweetie!” Hizashi took hold of his dick, pointed it down to show off the barbell in his pubic area, displaying it to you proudly. “It’s supposed to hit your cute lil’ clit when we’re going at it.”
The words washed over you, and the severity of your situation hit you. The planning required to get a piercing, have it heal-plus the idea that he expected to be actively using it with you again and again....
You started bawling.
“P-please! Don’t do this, please don’t! No no no no, no, no-” Your words were garbled, practically nonsensical, but that’s what you were trying to say. Whether or not they could understand you was out of your control.
“Hey, shh, shh. You’re okay sweetie.” The blonde placed a hand on your thigh, but that only served to make you sob harder.
“Calm down, we aren’t going to hurt you. It’ll feel good (Y/N).”
“No-oo! ‘M scared!!” You cried, and if your vision wasn’t blurry from tears, you’d have seen Hizashi’s green eyes soften, his lips twitch downward into a concerned frown. 
The married couple looked at each other, Hizashi hesitant and moved by your teary display, but Shouta was firm.
“You’ll be okay. It’s normal to be a bit frightened during your first time. But ‘Zashi and I have a lot of experience, we’re going to take good care of you.”
You don’t have time to protest, Hizashi settling between your thighs again, those long hands of his guiding his cock to your drooling entrance.
Shouta’s kissing you then, insist, his tongue pressing against your lips, distracting you.
Hizashi pushes inside, you gasp, and Shouta plunges his tongue into your mouth. There’s too much sensation, between the warm rod settling into you and the slimy tongue slipping around your own, and you can’t do anything but cry.
You cry when Shouta pulls back, when he places a soft, uncharacteristic kiss to your nose, brushes your tears away with his hand.
You cry when Hizashi groans, finally seating himself balls-deep in your cunt.
You cry when he pulls out, thrust back in with a smooth roll of his hips, swearing underneath his breath.
Shouta leans over you, grabs his husband by the back of the head and pulls him in for a passionate kiss. Long blond hair slips over Hizashi’s shoulders, tickles against your skin but it’s just another sensation that you can barely register, overwhelmed and already too fucked-out to focus.
The piercing at the base of Hizashi’s cock does stimulate your clit, especially when the man presses himself flush against you, circling his hips in a quick grinding motion. The metal rubs against your folds and you feel like screaming, it feels good but you don’t want it to.
The metal through the flared mushroom tip keeps brushing against a spot inside you that has you seeing sparks, but you still feel uncomfortable, too full, too stretched.
Hizashi fucks you slow, his husband petting awkwardly at your face.
Minutes pass, you’re not sure how long, but then Hizashi is going a bit faster, then faster again, Shouta’s telling him to slow down, but the blonde pants out “Can’t Sho’, she feels so damn good-”
The metal keeps grinding across your clit, and then you’re shrieking as an orgasm slams into you full-force out of nowhere.
It had been feeling good, but the combination of the tip of Hizashi’s cock hitting your sweet spot, plus the barbell along his pubic bone rubbing your little nub as he humped your cunt had you spasming, mouth dropping open and your eyes rolling back.
The next few moments are hazy, but you know Hizashi pulls out, lets out a low groan and then there's a bit of warmth striping across your stomach. Aizawa is saying something in that low baritone of his, but you don’t know what.
Your limbs feel like jelly, you feel too hot but chilled at the same time, feverish, sweaty. Shouta pats your cheek “Still with us?”
Aizawa laughed then, a full, throaty sound that made his stomach quake, and both you and Hizashi looked at him in surprise.
It was rare for the man to make such a noise.
“You good Sho’?” Hizashi asked, a puzzled smile on his face. Aizawa nodded, calming himself down a bit to respond, a broad grin still plastered across his features.
“I’m more than good, this is.... you were perfect.” The last bit is directed at you, and Aizawa leans down to kiss you, even though it’s clumsy and awkward. Still, he persists.
When he breaks away, he reaches for his husband, and pecks him on the lips, before shuffling backwards on the bed, your head sliding off his lap.
“Do’ya wanna lay down sweetie-pop? Or sit in the chair and watch?”
“Wha-?” You blink at the blonde, a hand rubbing at your puffy eyes. You’re thirsty.
“She’s exhausted, have her lay down. Plus, you can kiss her when you start getting too loud.” Aizawa prompts his husband, and Hizashi swats playfully at the dark-haired man, but heeds his advice.
You’re maneuvered up the bed, until your head rests on the pillows. Your wrists stay tied though, and your brows knit in confusion. Are they leaving?
No, Aizawa’s removing his boxers, Hizashi’s on his knees, his face by yours scrunched up as he reaches back to his rear.
A glimpse of Shouta’s cock, and you’re suddenly extremely grateful that you had been under his husband, and not taking the monster Shouta had been hiding behind his boxers.
But your attention is torn away by Hizashi, who’s holding up.... a plug, shiny with lube.
Shouta shuffles behind him, grabs his husband’s hips, and then Hizashi is kissing you, whimpering into your mouth as Shouta enters him.
You can’t find it in yourself to feel sorry for Hizashi. At least he’s going to enjoy himself, sharing that part of himself with someone he loves.
Bitterness rises within you as you realize; you aren’t able to say the same.
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(skate rat) kawanishi taichi x fem!reader | w.c 3.5k
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a/n: SURPRISE it’s a sequel to mouth <3 my original skate rat sin i suppose, and also like my first real fic/drab for the fandom. god bless. as always thank u to @bakatenshii​ + @sugardaddykenma​ for putting up with me ranting about this fic (and also putting up with me since mouth)
big big thanku to #1 wife @pomsuki​ for reading this for me and yelling at me to finish this damn thing <3
18+ university age | pls read ALL warnings
warnings: drugs, public sex, dub/noncon exhibitionism, degredation, humiliation, dubcon, blood, slight injury (it’s a bloody nose), toxic behavior, misogynistic energy? vibes? you’ll know when u see it honestly
reading mouth isn’t necessary but it is appreciated! and pls check out melt + nightingale syndrome for they exist in the same skate rat universe (+ they’re delicious fics) also the people who wrote em r BIG SEXY
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There were more than enough reasons to quit Kunimi Akira. He never texts back, he doesn’t go to class, he’s fucked a few of your friends and he couldn’t commit if you paid him. He was simply a waste of time, it was like every second spent with him was another mark ticked off a test, a percentile lowering on your next paper.
But chucking Kunimi would be like trying to sort grains of rice, difficult and damn near impossible. He always knew how to draw you back in and he enjoyed the mind games a lot more than his bored expression would let on. 
Despite the impossibility of quitting him you had to at least try, so you swore up and down that hooking up with him at Oikawa’s party some odd months ago was truly the last of it, that you were done with him and all of his irritating skate rat friends.
Which begs the question of how you ended up at the little concrete amphitheater on campus, sandwiched between Hanamaki and Matsukawa on one of the steps, a blunt being passed between the two of them without so much as a second glance towards you.
“Say, when’s the last time you and Kunimi had fun?” Makki’s grin is nothing short of lascivious, a slimy feeling weighs on your tongue as you shrug off a shudder.
“Say, was that ever any of your business?” You retort, snatching the blunt from his lips bringing it to your own and inhaling deeply, revelling at the warmth creeping down your throat and filling your chest. 
“Quit it Makki, she’s not gonna fuck you. Kunimi got her ‘round his little finger,” Mattsun coos, taking back the blunt, “besides, heard she’s a fuckin ice queen in the sack. Boooring.”
A sharp inhale keeps you grounded, the sound of Iwaizumi’s board slamming back down onto the pavement reminding you where you are, who you’re with. You’re not going to fall for Mattsun’s little games too.
“Tch.” Daggers prick at your lips, but you bite your tongue knowing that fueling the fire will earn you nothing but a headache. It’s not like you’re waiting for anything, or anyone, stealing a few more hits and leaving would be the best option.
“Oh? Nothing to say? But I heard your mouth was your only redeeming quality.” You focus your gaze on Iwaizumi telling Oikawa to stay out of his way, trying not to let your growing discomfort scare you away. The stubborn refusal of letting Mattsun’s words win only letting a dull ache grow at the base of your skull, prickling further when he and Makki let out low mocking laughs.
“Hey fucknuts!” Your head whips over to see a blur of crimson race by, followed gradually by a few other familiar faces you’ve seen around at parties and on campus.
“God, not these assholes.” Makki laughs as Oikawa makes faces at one of the newcomers. Your eyes drag across the unfolding scene as the number of rowdy idiots grows. You swallow hard, knowing that staying any longer would only cause your headache to further bloom.
“That’s my cue to leave.” You sigh, it’s not like you were waiting for Kunimi in the first place. You weren’t. You were just...killing time.
“Leaving?” Your head tips back to look up at the source of the question, Kawanishi Taichi, of course. 
“Yeah, dunno why I’m here in the first place.” You brush off his quirked brow and shove Mattsun hard with your shoulder as you stand up. With a curt nod, you smooth a hand over your jeans, turning on your heel to brush past Kawanishi, ignoring the low whistle that falls from his lips. You make it a good distance down the walkway before the sound of crunching footsteps behind you prickles at your ears as you ready yourself to tell whoever it is to get lost. 
“Want a ride?” You let out a huff as you look over your shoulder to see Kawanishi standing so nonchalantly, hands tucked into his pockets as he chews on a toothpick.
“Shouldn’t you be skating around with your little boyfriends?” The comment slips out, followed by your tongue sliding over your bottom lip as if it’ll soften the sharpness of your tone. 
“Nah, just droppin 'em off,” his eyes rake up and down your figure as you turn to face him, “where’s yours?”
“My what?”
“Your little boyfriend. You were waiting there like a lost puppy for him.” A protest rises in your chest, curbing it when you see a flash of something akin to flirtatious teasing in his normally passive eyes. 
“I... I don’t have one.” The words are slathered in honey, punctuated with a flutter of your lashes as Kawanishi takes another step forward. 
If Kunimi likes playing all those stupid games, why not play a few of your own?
“Is that so?” His head tilts slightly, you feign shyness, fiddling with the hem of your shirt as you smile sweetly at him, confirming your statement with a nod of your head. “My car’s just over in the parking lot.” He tips his head in the direction of the closest lot, before turning to start walking. Without hesitation you easily fall into step beside him, trying to dampen your rising nerves.
Despite the dumb little hookups peppering your dating history, you had only gone so far with most of them, Kunimi being one of the few —and the only one you crawled back to— that you had made the unfortunate pleasure of going all the way with. You keep pushing away at the thoughts of inexperience as Kawanishi approaches an old, beat up, black Corolla, the paint flaking off with dings and dents littering across the body, the impeccably shiny rims on the wheels making you snort. 
It was a rather famous car across campus, seeing it around with stupid skate rats crammed in there with the windows fogged with smoke was an almost daily occurrence, especially highlighted by how it’s tied to one too many stories of girls having varying encounters with Kawanishi –and sometimes one of his friends– in said car.
“Wanna smoke or skip to the real fun?” He never minced any words, always up front or just completely skipping out on the conversation. It always made him the best project partner in the odd classes you’ve shared over your uni years.
“I don’t like waiting.” The fuzziness nipping at your spine from the few hits you took earlier were just enough, not wanting to dull your senses completely during this encounter. The bluntness of your answer causes a smirk to play at Kawanishi’s lips as he opens the door to the back.
“Well then, ladies first.” He gestures to the gray cloth seats, you make a point to ignore the questionable stains littered across it as you slide in, trying to focus instead on figuring out the heady scent permeating through the car. Cheap cologne, cigarettes, weed and maybe stale beer, and something that was distinctly him. 
Your eyes are drawn to a stain on the roof that looks oddly similar to an eagle, the thought unfinished as Kawanishi practically dives in after you. The sound of the door slamming preempting hands roaming over your body and lips moving against your neck. 
“Just Taichi.” He clips as he works the buttons of your jeans, a coarse hand working against your spine as he unhooks your bra.
“Eager much?” You laugh as he pushes at your shirt and bra exposing pert nipples to cool air, simultaneously managing to work your jeans past your hips and down your thighs.
“You said no waiting.” With a chaste kiss to your lips he’s maneuvering you onto your stomach, raising your hips in the air, face shoved halfway between the seat and door.  You let out a huff as your hand braces itself against the door, while the other on the seat below you, trying to find some semblance of comfort in the cramped setting.
“Mhm.” It’s the best reply you can manage as he grinds his clothed cock against the cleft of your ass, already hard. You can only imagine how many women he’s had in this situation to award all six feet and three inches of himself the ability to move so successfully around in the cramped backseat. 
Nimble and worn fingers circle around your hip, dipping down to tease at dampening lace, eliciting a soft moan from you. You push back against him, delighting in the soft grunt he lets out as he curls himself over you to scrape his teeth over your nape. His fingers continue to run up and down against your clothed cunt, pressing at the growing slick spot marking your wanting hole.
“Excited huh?” He mumbles as he skims his tongue against the shell of your ear, you manage a low hum in reply as he slides his hands back up, tugging down the flimsy piece of clothing, exposing your needy cunt to hungry eyes. He wastes no time pressing his fingers against your twitching hole, causing you to wiggle your hips just enough to earn a low chuckle and send the message of just how much you want him, need him. 
Without any further hesitation he slips in a finger, your back arching with the realization his fingers are longer than Kunimi’s, chest burning at the fact you could even think of another man in this situation. As if he can sense your wandering thoughts Taichi works in another finger, another following quickly after. There’s no urgency in his movements, each twist and thrust of his fingers methodical, curling in just the right way, making sure to brush his thumb over your throbbing clit to send a stinging pleasure up your spine. 
You can’t deny the way he’s taking you apart so sweetly, the tightening deep in your belly achingly sweet, as he starts to thrust his fingers even deeper, tiny gasps and whines starting to grow louder and louder as you careen towards bliss. With a particularly rough curl of his fingers you feel yourself come undone completely, punctuated by a shameless moan.
The sound of knuckles tapping against the fogged glass pulls you out of your blissful haze, still acutely aware of the way Taichi has his fingers lazily twisting inside of you. 
“It’s open.” He tugs you back by the hips slightly as he retracts his fingers painfully slow, listening as he unzips his jeans. Your heart races as the passenger door opens, shifting uncomfortably to try to catch a glimpse of who’s slid into the car.
“Oh, so that’s where you went, Mattsun said you were hanging around.” Your blood runs cold, your state of undress tightening your chest as you become painfully aware of the situation you’re in. The passive tone of Kunimi’s voice nips at your skin, tears away at the search of mindless fun that you had tried to pursue with Taichi, filling your chest with raw embarrassment.
“What do you want?” The tear of a wrapper following the question, whatever protest you had silenced by a hand coming down to grip harshly at your ass.
“You have my grinder.” Kunimi slips into the passenger seat, the sound of the glove box popping open making your eyes squeeze shut. 
“Yeah well close the door at least.” Your eyes widen at Taichi’s statement, you didn’t want Kunimi to just close the door, you wanted him to leave.
“Whatever. Can I smoke in here?” It doesn’t sound like much of a question, more of a declaration with the ‘can’ and the question mark tacked on for decoration.
“I don’t care, do you?” You crane your head just enough to catch the blasé expression on Taichi’s face, a quirked brow directed more at your ass than you.
“Yeah sweetheart, care if I’m in here while you’re whoring yourself out?” Kunimi scoffs, the irritated tinge to his bored tone making you furrow your brows.
“Oh fuck you.” You start to rise on your elbows, only for Taichi’s hand to land between your shoulder blades, keeping you from moving any further. You let out a huff as Kunimi clicks his tongue in feigned disappointment.
“Sorry babe, it’s me who’s fucking you this time around, maybe Kunimi can get the next round.” Before you can even bother with a retort, Taichi drags the head of his cock against slick folds, teasing at your entrance. You let your head hang down, the click of a lighter grating on your nerves more than you would like to admit. 
“Please, fuck me, I want it so bad.” The whininess of your voice annoys even you, but if Kunimi wants to stick around and get on your nerves, then two could play that game. 
“Since you asked so nicely.” Just like before he slides in slowly, carefully, as if to make you memorize what each inch of him feels like splitting you apart so sweetly.
“Shit.” You exhale shakily as you try to adjust to him, it had been months since you last fucked anyone, since you last fucked the asshole sitting passenger.
He sets a leisurely pace, steady and infuriating. There’s a hand clamped down on your hip, fingers digging in painfully to keep you in place, to establish that he’s the one calling all the shots. You huff, still trying to buck your hips to meet his thrusts. There’s something in his actions that makes you feel greedy, desperate for so much more than he’s offering.
There’s no way around it, you’re completely at his mercy, left taking the shallow, slow thrusts that only makes the desperate ache deep in your cunt grow.
“Hook a finger or two in her mouth.” There’s a pause in Taichi’s motions, letting you finally take a deep breath of the thick weed laced air. “Don’t look at me funny, do it and see what happens.”
You hear a non-committal hum as those devilishly nimble fingers skim past your jaw, a whimper preceding his index pushing past your lips with a harsh tug at the corner of your mouth, the painful stretch of your cheek causing you to clench down on his length.
“Oh? You were right.”
“She’s already broken in,” Kunimi takes a long drag of the joint hanging in his fingers, “no point in holding back.” 
It’s as if a flip is switched in Taichi, the statement becoming an immediate challenge as he hooks in another finger beside the other, yanking harshly as the snap of his hips becomes almost painful. The sound of skin slapping against skin fills the car, swirling with the heady smoke defiling the air. 
“W-Wait Taichi.” The words are garbled around his fingers, and you’re quickly dismissed as he snakes around his other hand to hook his middle and index on the other corner of your mouth, the stretch in your lips burning as he shifts from the quick paced thrusts to deep, hard strokes.
His only reply is to tug harshly on your mouth as pathetic whines and distored words spill from you. 
You can feel yourself start to shake almost violently, still reeling from your earlier orgasm and suffering at the hands of Taichi’s now vicious pace. Each thrust pushing you into madness, each tug of his fingers bringing you back. 
“Fuck, fuck.” He curls over you again, sloppily running his tongue up your nape. “You wanna cum?” 
“Mhmm,” you yelp at a particularly rough slam of his hips, “please.”
He grunts, moving a hand to grip at the back of your head while keeping his other hand planted on your hip, fingers biting into your hip. There’s no warning as he grinds into you, the hold on your hip finally relenting as he slides his digits back down to pinch at your throbbing clit, the bit of pressure sending you careening over the edge.
“T-Taichi.” Pleasure wracks through your body, your legs tremble violently as you try to move your hand on the door, shoulder aching from holding yourself in place. The second your hand moves, you give into the force of Taichi’s hand on the back of your head, forcing you to slam face first into the door, the impact making your nose sting, blood immediately starting to gush, running down your face and chin. 
You’re not sure if he doesn’t notice or doesn’t care as he continues his assault, the once careful, methodical thrusts turning desperate and depraved as he moves with reckless abandon. His teeth drag across your shoulder, before pulling out completely.
“Don’t need this.” You grip at your nose, trying to ignore the disgusting feeling of blood seeping onto your fingers, looking over your shoulder again to see Taichi pull off the condom. You can’t even protest with the way you’re bleeding profusely, pinching at your bridge at a poor attempt of stopping the bleeding.
“Stay still.” In one swift movement he’s plunging back into you, bottoming out immediately, a muffled yell falls from your lips, arching your back as he drives into you with just a few more hard thrusts you feel his seed spill inside you. 
For a moment you two stay suspended, the head of his cock nudging against your cervix, making you groan in a twisted sense of pleasure of pain. He pulls out painfully slow, delivering another harsh slap your ass as he sits back.
“Oh, sorry ‘bout your nose.” He helps you flip onto your back, swiping his thumb over the blood trickling onto your lip before shucking off his t-shirt and handing it to you. “Don’t have any tissues.” 
“So who’d you like playing fuck toy for better?” For a split second, somewhere between the back breaking orgasm and your nose being slammed into the door, you had blissfully forgotten that Kunimi was still in the car, but now that perfect illusion just had to be shattered.
“Must you be such a dick all the time?” You manage to pull your jeans back up, hissing at the stinging pain in your hips and lower back, ignoring the lewd feeling of Taichi’s cum starting to leak from your abused cunt. 
Beside you Taichi manages to tuck himself back into his pants, reaching under the driver's seat to yank out a hoodie reeking of weed and cigarettes.
“Maybe you two should just get together already.” Taichi lets out a low chuckle as he pulls on the hoodie, getting out of the backseat, slamming the door hard before throwing the driver’s door open. You don’t even bother trying to hook your bra back on as you pull your shirt down, letting yourself slump back down and lay across the backseat as you reach up to check if your nose is still bleeding.
“Like hell.” Kunimi twists around in the passenger seat, looking down at you with an amused smirk, offering the freshly rolled joint to you. “You look like shit. I said she was broken in, not to break her more.” He only gets a wry laugh from Taichi as he starts the car.
“Thanks, right back at you.” You sit up just enough, looking at Kunimi expectantly. He shakes his head before twisting the joint in his fingers and placing it between your lips, producing the lighter. Just as he’s about to hand it to you he brings his hand back a bit, grabbing your jaw with his other as he lights the joint. He picks up Taichi’s bloodied shirt, pouring water from a twisted plastic bottle onto it before passing it back to you.
“Cute, blew her back out and you’re doting on her.” You watch as Kunimi moves to sit back in his seat, not even bothering to spare you a second glance as he shrugs. You dab away at the drying blood on your face, ignoring a few of the splotches that landed on the joint.
“Guess I play favorites, drop us off at my place.” 
“Us?” You exhale after a long drag, narrowing your eyes at the back of Kunimi’s head as Taichi pulls out of the parking spot.
“What do I even get out of doing that?” You can’t help but nod in agreement of Taichi’s statement, feeling yourself growing annoyed at the way they seem to ignore your entire presence.
“You can fuck her again.” Kunimi offers and you almost drop the joint as your jaw falls open at the absolute nerve of the man. 
“Excuse me? I’m right here?” The way that neither of them even flinch at your statement, let alone acknowledge it makes you slump back into the seat, begrudgingly accepting the fact whatever you say isn’t worth shit to either of them.
“Hm.” It doesn’t sound like he’s actually considering the offer, but the quick look over his shoulder as he turns out of the parking lot sends a chill down your spine and your stomach to twist.
“Believe it or not, her mouth’s her one redeeming quality.” The two of them snicker, like two old pals sharing an inside joke.
“Shut the fuck up.” You’re brushed off once again as they toss back a few more comments before Taichi stops at a red light, looking over at Kunimi, then back at you and finally back towards the road.
“Yeah alright.”
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mariusroyale · 3 years
You better give us some headcanons on the crew /j
uh hah ha-
- what’s the bet he watches and rewatches pirates of the Caribbean
- he’s littered with scars! battle scars he calls em and it stresses out peso bc he doesn’t WANT MORE SCARS ON HIM
- i hc him as bi! he just radiates bi energy to me-
- he blinks slow around peso :>>
- has used his claws to pick locks before!
- kwaso bc duh- he loves rubbing his face against pesos like he can’t help it he jus HAS to bc he loves him sm
- this is sort of canon already but he can’t go a minute without jumping or doing front flips anywhere like he GAHTTA MOVE
- when he’s thoroughly spooked he’ll jump extra high and cling onto the ceiling like in those cartoons akdjdkdh
- often studies when he’s not busy!! gotta know more abt how to help sea creatures he hasn’t encountered yet after all
- sings/chirps when he’s v v happy
- FLAPS when he’s happy too hahdkfjd
- i think he’d like watching medical dramas! probably me projecting but i like them
- WHAT IF HES INTO KDRAMAS (ive only gotten into one but that hc is cute ahehsj)
- loves listening to kwazii’s stories!! (this is already canon basically (cough cough, that snail ep in season 5))
- I’d like to think he preens sometimes! just sorta fixing up his feathers and some (kwazii) of the crew are like ‘why are u stabbing urself’
- is a super fast swimmer! this is already confirmed p much but like HELLA FAST
- enjoys listening to classical music
- could sometimes act like captain holt in my version of the crew!
- and by that i mean he sees kwazii as a son and would die for him (not if i die for u first captain!)
- when really really tired (as in u can’t save him with coffee) he’ll just blabber abt how much he treasures the crew and how much he’ll do for them
- sometimes he doesn’t get enough sleep! (like tweak-) and peso as his doctor has to keep him in check cos like yeah captain ur strong as shit but ur still old!!!
- his teefs are super fuckin S H A R P like sometimes when he needs a knife or maybe scissors he’ll just *SLICE*
- he’s obviously a huge softie but man this guy is SUCH a cutie patootie id imagine if he was in a relationship he’d be nonstop affection and all that
- speaking OF affection, he’ll pull kwazii into these big ass BEAR HUGS bc augwh he loves this cat so much “my SO N” “CAP LOOSEN IT A LITTLE IM A BIT SQUISHED-“
- bad at cooking but delights in watching cooking shows from time to time
- probably watches bob ross
- ohhhhh my god he could totally be an artist n stuff
- this one’s so stupid but, tweak and kwazii keep giggling whenever they make him say ‘LAWRENCE CHANEY’ KAHAKAHDS
- I’d like to think he tries to learn new languages too!
- falls asleep at his desk sometimes and one of the crew either carries him to bed or puts a blanket over him
- tries his hand at cooking with his children the vegimals! does not work out well he’s a disaster
- enjoys watching stuff on YouTube! u decide what youtubers he watches
- could hc him as ace!
- does that thing and eats ice
- he’s a lanky guy but almost reaches the captains height in my version
- sometimes when she’s really really frustrated she’ll just accidentally bark and she’ll just be like “😳 my bad-“
- when she’s particularly delirious (exhaustion, probably) she’ll chase her tail
- when she gets really excited her tail will wag really really fast
- adjdk sometimes when she’s super hungry she’ll skip chewing food and just I N H A L E (re: does not bode well when it’s noodles)
- sometimes she’ll just sleep in weird ass positions, neck tilted n all that
- loves dressing up tweak sometimes when she’s comfy with it (gives her her own stylish tomboy fits and stuff)
- LOOOOVES the barbie movies god she grew up on them and sometimes she’ll just watch fashion fairytale or princess charm school
- forces koshi to watch them too (she also loves them)
- visibly winces when kwazii tries mimicking her Aussie (tho it sounds p kiwi to me) accent
- probably watches drag race
- watches game grumps ajdjd
- sometimes gets too loud in her room when playing games cos she’ll get mad n shit
- sometimes she’ll just. eat leaves (even when they’re just on land in the wild if she knows it’s safe she’ll just. *nom*)
- goes NUTS whenever she makes blueprints that are like, detachable parts of a gup that are also modes of transport like she loves that the gup k and gup q
- like making it she’s like “HOHOHOJOUO WE GETTIN FUNKY WITH IT TONIGHT BOIZ” and it’s midnight and ‘bois’ is herself
- wants to redesign the gup f! ofc it was dodgy and is now a teeny artificial reef but she wants to make a new one that looks like the design she wanted initially !! (clownfish im p sure at least)
- her and kwazii get up to stupid shit in my version, assuming it doesn’t harm her gups or other creations
- when she’s pissed off/frustrated, she’ll tap her foot really quick repeatedly
- and while her ears twirl around each other when she’s scared, her nose also twitches!
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drakenology · 3 years
Their S/O is shy. With Bakugo, Todoroki and Midoriya!
author’s note: HIIII! So I got this idea from work today. I’m a shy, reserved person in real life and I imagined a headcannon where y/n was an uwu girl. enjoy! I’m going to do the Bakusquad next time. 
warnings: suggestive themes, light violence, fluff, and cussing.
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thinks you’re the cutest
teases you a lot. 
will smack the shit outta anyone who tries taking advantage of your kind and shy demeanor.
loves how your shyness comes to play in the bedroom; he likes trying to get you to loosen up a little.
Would butter you up with compliments and praises.
“I dunno what you’re so shy about. You’re fuckin hot.”
likes how he’s the complete opposite of you
VERY protective over you. 
You and Bakugo are out at a restaurant on a date. You’re looking through the menu to see what you want, not being able to decide between the burger or the quesadilla (yum!). 
“I think I’m gonna get the steak. What about you, babe?” Katsuki asked, peering over to look at your menu. 
“I dunno.. I think the burger sounds good. I think that’s what I’ll get” You say, sitting your menu down. Bakugo is staring down your dress, oogling at your ample cleavage popping out of the v-neckline. You notice his gaze, blushing profusely. 
“S-Stop it, Katsuki.” You say, covering up your chest with your menu. He smirks and runs his hands up your thighs causing you to fold your legs to try and stop the wetness coming from your panties. Even though you never admit it out loud, you loved when he groped and stared at you. It made you feel like the sexiest woman in the world. Katsuki grabs your chin and kisses you.
“You’re gonna get it tonight, princess.” He whispered in your ear. You blush as you notice the waiter coming your way, swatting Katsuki’s hands away from you. The waiter walked towards your table and sat your drinks down.
“Thanks. Ready to order, babe?” Bakugo looks towards you. You nod, feeling a little nervous to order yourself. You were very soft spoken, so ordering food was a bit of a challenge for you. But today, you had worked up the courage to order without Bakugo’s help. 
“Hi, u-um.. I’ll have the burger, please. Also could I get that without any onions? I’m allergic.” You say, looking down at your menu instead of at the waiter. 
“Certainly. And for you, sir?” The waiter said, motioning to Bakugo.
“I’ll have the steak please. Well done. I don’t like my steak pink. If I see pink, me and my lady are leaving without payin’, ya got that!?” Bakugo said aggressively. To anyone not knowing him, they think he’s being rude and difficult but you know he’s just trying to make the waiter nervous on purpose as a joke. 
“Yes, sir. Coming right up.” The waiter says, leaving in a hurry. 
“Katsuki, you’re giving the waiter a hard time.” You say softly, your voice sounding like a disappointed mother. He sighed, grabbing your hand and kissing it. 
“Alright, I’ll lay off.” He said, laughing. You two chatter about what you guys did for hero work that day, laughing and enjoying each other’s company until the food came. Finally, the food comes; the aroma coating your nose as you get excited to eat.
“Enjoy.” The waiter said dryly, clearly not liking Bakugo’s attitude. You both shrug it off and prepare to dig in. Bakugo seemed to like his steak but your burger had onions all over it. Even if you had picked them off, it still wouldn’t have been safe to eat. You sigh, poking at your burger in disappointment.
“What’s wrong? How come you’re not eating?” Bakugo asked, his mouth full as he wiped steak sauce from his mouth. You shake your head, not wanting to make a scene. He looked at your plate, seeing your burger teething with onions. He’s way angrier than you are, waving the waiter over to your table with fervor. 
“K-Katsuki, I can just take them off it’s not-” You’re interrupted by Bakugo, who isn’t having any of it; already knowing what you’re about to say. The waiter clearly didn’t like Bakugo’s attitude so he messed your order up on purpose because he noticed how soft-spoken you are. He didn’t chance fucking up Katsuki’s order because he knew he’d have a fit and probably kick his ass if he got short with him. 
“No Y/N, it is a big deal. Look at it! It’s got onions all over it. You can’t eat that shit, you’ll get sick even if you pick ‘em off. I’m givin that asshole a piece of my mind!” He shouts, still trying to get the waiter’s attention who was clearly ignoring you two. 
“HEY! I KNOW YOU FUCKING SEE ME. GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE, NOW.” Bakugo shouts. Oh god. The waiter rolled his eyes, walking over to your table.
“Is there a problem, sir?” He asks, not eager to help at all. 
“You’re fuckin’ right there’s a problem. What did my girl order, huh?” Bakugo says, standing from his seat. 
“Katsuki, please.” You say, tugging his sleeve trying to get him to sit back down.
“She ordered a burger.” the waiter answered with attitude. 
“Yeah, with NO ONIONS you idiot! GO TELL THEM TO FUCKING FIX IT OR I’M TELLIN’ YOUR BOSS AND YOU’RE FUCKED.” Bakugo yelled, grabbing the waiter by his collar. The waiter; scared out of his mind, is now sweating with fear. 
“V-Very sorry, sir. I’ll fix that for you right away!” The waiter said, running back to the kitchen to fix your order. Bakugo sat back down in his seat, going back to eat his steak as if nothing happened. The whole restaurant was staring at you both, you sinking into your chair from all the eyes on you. 
“THE FUCK ARE YALL LOOKIN AT!?” Bakugo yelled, getting everyone in the room to turn their attention back to their own tables. He looked back to you, seeing a frown on your face. 
“Don’t you think you went a bit too far?” You ask, crossing your arms. 
“Nope.” He said, feeding you some of his steak until your new burger came. 
“Nobody messes with my baby.”
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is such a mom omg
just as protective as Bakugo (if not more)
encourages you to open up
supports your small wins (awww)
fucks the shyness outta you hehe
loves you and your shyness no matter what 
You and Shoto are getting ready to go out when you’re having a difficult time deciding what to wear. You had pulled out a few garments to wear; a red strapless bodycon dress that Shoto got you to accentuate them curves of yours or a simple bulky sweater and jeans. You were a little nervous to dress sexy for Shoto, unsure of yourself and your body not to mention all the potential unwarranted stares from others. You sigh and start dressing yourself in the boring outfit you picked out and sat down at your vanity to do your makeup. Shoto walked in the bedroom from your bathroom to see the dress sitting on the bed. 
“Why aren’t you wearing your dress, love?” He asked, concern written all over his face as he stood next to your vanity. 
“I-I just don’t want all the attention on me. I’m nervous. What if everyone stares at me?” You say, tears burning your eyes. Shoto takes you by your hand and leads you to the full body mirror mounted on the wall of your bedroom. He pushed your hair back and kissed your neck, running his hands on either side of your body. 
“You don’t have to worry about the stares. I’m going to be there to protect you, okay?” He says, sweetly kissing your cheek. You smile warmly and nod. He was right. You change into the dress and slipped on some heels to match, giggling at the praises and encouragement from your boyfriend as he reached for your hand to kiss it. 
“You’re so beautiful, baby.” Shoto said, taking a good look at your curves. He feels himself harden at the sight of you, involuntarily groaning as he pulled you close to him for a deep kiss. 
“How about we stay in tonight instead?” 
He was determined to make you open up... one way or any other teehee.
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loves you SO MUCH OMG
doesn’t care that you’re a little shy and soft-spoken
speaks for you when needed
stands up for you
loves to motivate you 
thinks you’re sinfully adorable
You and Midoriya are walking through the supermarket, shopping for food for your shared home. Izuku was always such a huge help, lifting all the heavy things and putting them in the cart or reaching for things that were too high for you to reach. You loved shopping with him and he loved it too because he could look after you and spend time with you at the same time. 
“Crap, I forgot we need meats for dinner tonight. What did you want again, Izuku?” You asked, looking up from your shopping list. 
“Pork, please. You always make the best pork curry, Y/N” He said sweetly, kissing your forehead. You blush and walk over to the meat department while Izuku gathers the rest of the ingredients for dinner. You stand in line with your number and waited your turn patiently. Suddenly, this big burly man comes out of nowhere and cuts right in front of you in line. You hated when situations like this happen because it was always so hard for you to stand up for yourself. You gulp and muster up enough courage to confront him...sorta?
“U-um excuse me.. I was ne-” You’re interrupted by the man shouting over you.
“Shut up, bitch! I’m in a hurry so why don’t you just wait a little while longer.” He yells. You’re shocked at how he spoke to you, clearly this man lacked manners. You stand there, dumbfounded and scared. You were so frustrated with yourself you’re brought to tears, wiping them away as you stand in line and wait your turn. 
“Bitch?” you hear a familiar voice repeat. It was Midoriya, standing beside you with your cart in toe. “You thought this woman was alone, didn’t you? Fucking coward.” Izuku walks towards the man, intimidatingly calm. The man scoffs until he sees Izuku’s face. The pro hero Deku was standing right in front of him and he was angry.
“H-Hey.. I had no idea okay? I’ll back o-”
“If it was me standing there would you have cut in front of me and called me a bitch?” Izuku asked, grabbing the man by his shirt. “You get off on bullying women don’t you, you spineless bastard? Think that just because your big and ugly that you can just push people around? People like you make me sick. Get in the back of fucking line before I lose my temper.” The man does so, glaring at you as he walked to the back of the line. You sigh in relief as your number is called, Izuku leading you to the counter with his hand on your back. He turned around and glared at the man who gave you a hard time one last time. 
“What would you like to order, miss?” The butcher said with a smile.
“Pork, please.” You sigh.
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LOWI CONGRATS ON THE FOLLOWER MILESTONE!! 🥺💞💞💞 u deserve it and so much more!! for the kiss prompt could i get 18 with shinsou ?? 🥺👉👈
TYSM SOFFFF so uh. I’ve been fuckin stupid dkfnskfb my dumbass rlly wrote Shinsou correctly on my master post like a week ago and then still managed to write for Shigaraki instead when it came to the actual piece 😳 so thanks to my handyman brainrot you get two—that’s right, two!—characters for the price of one ur welcome ♥️ I cheated a lil bit so shinsou;s not sitting in the reader’s lap it’s just his head but i think its cute 🥺 also Shiggy’s is like twice as long as ive been trying to write them oops i rlly like the jealous reader premise 👉👈 it’s under the read more bc of that and bc of kiiiinda spoilers? if yall arent caught up to the manga you won’t get it but if u are it’s canonical. Whew that was a lot! Enjoy!
Kisses where one person is sitting in the other’s lap
To say that your relationship with Shinsou is new would be an understatement. You’ve been friends for years—ever since the third year of high school when you’d been assigned to him as his support—but you’ve never been particularly close until recently when you’d once again found yourself working on his hero costume and support items.
He’d only asked you out yesterday after nearly two months of tension-filled glances and fleeting touches. Now, the two of you are watching a movie at your mutual friend Kirishima’s apartment, sitting quite awkwardly on a loveseat and pretending like you don’t want to get closer to each other. You haven’t told your friends yet about your new relationship status, but that’s not entirely what’s holding you two back. If anything, it’s run-of-the-mill first date awkwardness (if watching a movie with six of your closest friends around can be considered a date), too afraid to initiate anything.
The movie’s dull; the two of you have pulled out your phones to snark at each other through text, a strategy you’d begun weeks ago after being hushed one too many times by Kaminari because you were talking too loudly. The bright screens probably aren’t all that much better, but you two are in the back anyway; nobody can see it unless they turn away from the TV.
You risk a glance up and end up locking eyes with Shinsou. Your face heats up, heartbeat quickening, as he gives you a charming smile. You watch him glance around the room, unsure at first why he’s doing it until he turns his attention back to you and slowly, silently, moves over across the loveseat into your personal space.
Your legs are touching now, faces so close your nose is nearly brushing his. One of his hands has come to brace against the armrest you’re leaning on, allowing him to stay leaning in.
“Hey,” he says, little more than a whisper and clearly hushed so the others don’t hear.
“Hey yourself,” you respond, earning yourself a low snort.
Instead of vocally responding, he pushes himself back up to a sitting position and then moves his hands to maneuver your legs until you’re no longer curled up against the couch’s backing but sitting like a normal person.
Then he lays down, head resting on your thighs, and turns to face the movie.
You’re grinning uncontrollably. All possible self-conscious thoughts of the others seeing you are dashed from your mind; you like the weight of him in your lap too much.
You spend much of the rest of the movie like that, easily over half an hour. A few minutes in he reaches down to find your hand and bring it to his hair, encouraging you to stroke it. It’s even softer than you’ve imagined in the past, fluffy and thick and genuinely nice to run your hands though. There’s a surge of contentment that rushes through you, and maybe a little bit of pride at the knowledge that you can do this pretty much any time you want now.
By the end of the film, you’re pretty sure Shinsou’s fallen asleep. He gives you the scare of your life, however, when he grabs your arm as you’re trying to pull away. His eyes open, purple irises trained on you.
What happens next you blame on grogginess, him still not quite being awake. He blames it on you; whenever you mention it, he says he saw you and had become consumed with an overwhelming desire to just lean up and kiss you. Whatever the reason, it’s nice for you.
His hand comes up to the back of your neck, tugging you down just as much as he lifts up. It begins soft, kind of sweet, just lips as the two of you melt into each other—but it doesn’t stay that way for long. Within moments the two of you morph the kiss from a quick peck after a movie to a very passionate makeout, and frankly you’d be more concerned if they hadn’t interrupted the two of you.
You pull away when you hear Kaminari’s wolf whistle, left sitting on the loveseat with a burning face and your boyfriend in your lap, still half asleep.
You’re not jealous.
No, you’ve been dating Tomura for months. You can’t be jealous when he’s, well, yours, and has been for quite some time. You’re his first relationship, his first everything, and it’s frankly foolish of you to feel this insecure just because some floozy is simpering at him from across the enormous room where you and the rest of the League are scattered about. It’s not like she really wants him, or even knows him; he’s just the hew big-shot leader and she’s decided being his lover sounds good. Too bad that role’s already taken.
Still, there’s a sinking feeling in your chest—an ache in your heart, a burning lump in your throat—that says now that Tomura is Grand Commander he’ll drop you for someone better.
You don’t realize you’re glaring daggers at the woman until she catches your eye. She has no business looking that smug; the only reason she’s allowed in the room is to give Tomura reports. You’re the one lounging next to him as she approaches; he has your legs over his lap, his thumb absent-mindedly rubbing circles on your thigh.
And when she bends down to drop the report on his lap (as if your damn legs aren’t there, you want to scoff) she draws the eyes of every League member except the one she wants, because you’re the one who has Tomura’s attention.
He’s wearing Father, but you’ve long passed being afraid when he looks at you from between those lifeless digits and you can see the expression beneath; those lips tugging down slightly in a pout, brow furrowed, eyes far softer than they have any damn business being while hiding behind the severed hand of his old man. He’s concerned, and a little confused.
Tomura plucks the report from your legs and sets it aside, reaching to pull you fully into his lap. To your surprise he takes Father off, too; he buries his face into your neck to prevent the outsider from seeing, lips just brushing your ear so that you can hear him.
“What’s wrong?”
“You’ve been pouting ever since the secretary came in, brat.”
Like hell you’re saying anything in front of her. You remain stubbornly silent.
He doesn’t like that, you can tell, but while the secretary’s interest is lost on him he knows you well enough to tell that you’re uncomfortable with her. Presumably that’s why he doesn’t press the issue and kisses you instead.
You don’t expect it. Tomura’s not exactly one to shy away from PDA (you’re sitting in his lap in front of the whole League, for fuck’s sake), but intimacy is something he’s never wanted to take beyond closed doors. When he’s in a sour mood you’ll kiss him sometimes, even in public (he’s invigorated by your affection in many way, but never anything you’d call heated.
This kiss, though, is. It’s anything but chaste, perhaps even downright lewd. He’s all but initiating a makeout with you while Miss Secretary is standing right there. Maybe his affection-motivated ways are rubbing off on you, but it helps more than it probably ought to.
You’re dazed by the time he pulls away. The sound of the door slamming closed snaps you from your trance. The secretary, ploy foiled simply by your annoyed expression, had left. It doesn’t matter. None of this was ever really about her in the first place.
“There,” Tomura says, audibly quite pleased with himself. “She’s gone. Now tell me what’s wrong.”
You sigh, leaning in to tuck your own head into his shoulder. Your voice is muffled when you speak, quiet so that only he can hear.
“It’s dumb.”
“It’s bothering you,” he says simply. There’s an underlying statement there: tell me so I can destroy it for you. In many ways, Tomura is a predictable man.
You know he’s not going to drop it, so you accept your fate. “She was making a pass at you.”
He tenses beneath you, holding you closer. You risk lifting your head from where it’s buried to see the way his nose is scrunched up. “She wasn’t.”
“Yeah, she was.”
There’s a pause, like he’s processing everything you’re saying. Then, seemingly finally registering what exactly is bothering you, his hands move to grip your hips and maneuver you to straddle him, sitting fully on his lap facing him. “Fine. Why’re you pissed about it, then?”
You lean in again, arms coming to wrap around his neck as you bury your face into his chest and try to ignore the tears that are coming. You’d never be able to live it down if any of the others saw you crying over the fucking secretary.
But you know more than anyone thanks to many late nights assuring your boyfriend he’s the only one for you that Tomura can empathize with this insecurity. It’s a little strange how the script has flipped.
“She’s a high ranking MLA member, she probably has some crazy strong quirk. I’m quirkless. I dunno. I guess I’m scared you’ll drop me for someone like her. Like I said, it’s dumb.”
He doesn’t speak for a moment. You sit there, listening to his heartbeat and matching your breathing to his. Then he speaks.
“Your emotions aren’t dumb. It’s okay that you’re feeling this way. Thank you for telling me.” He’s parroting you, you realize; this is what you tell him every time he comes to you for comfort when he’s gotten in a mood. You feel a little fuzzy, warmth flooding your chest. “But I think we both know they’re irrational.”
“Tomura… I—”
“I’m not interested in some lame-ass NPC,” he interrupts, no hesitation and entirely sincere. He doesn’t even need to think about it. “You’re my player two, my endgame. The only thing in this world worth protecting. You really think that secretary can hold a candle to you? I didn’t even notice her. Why would I when you’re here?”
You can’t help it, you surge upward and kiss him, just as passionately as he had you mere moments before. His right hand traces up your spine to find the back of your neck and pull you closer, sending a thrill through your body as your own arms tighten around him.
“Oi! Horndogs! Get a damn room, don’t make us see that!”
You break away at Dabi’s words, panting slightly, and if the sincerity of Tomura’s little rant hadn’t convinced you that his words were true, the look of utter adoration he’s regarding you with would have.
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bloosomjoon · 3 years
Let You Go - B. Simpson
Summary: you and Brad have a hard time in your relationship, and after a long talk u decides to break up, just for your and his mental health. This happened like two month ago, but accidentally you hear on the radio Brad a new song “Let You Go” and the whole conversation comes back to you in one second.
Based on: “Let You Go” by Joshua Bassett for HSMTS
Warning: english isn’t my first language, so I'm sorry for any mistakes. sad stuff, mension of bad mental health and break up stuff.
Words: 1126
a/n: Hi, so this is my first imagine I think? I hope that you’ll like it and if you want more, let me know! Let's go and I'm sorry for any mistake again!
»»————- ♡ ————-««
“And now, The vamps with their new song!” It was the first thing you heard when you turned on the radio in the car. You were scared at some point, because it was the first time after a break up, where you would hear Bradley's voice and to be honest, it was your favorite thing, when you were sad. You started the car and after a few seconds you were already on the way to your home.
“Close the book before it turns to tragedy Tear the treehouse down, give up the fantasy
It was hard for you, not to start crying in the middle of the road. Those lyrics hit you instantly and give you a hard flashback to this weird but special night. For you, all of it was like yesterday, and you can still feel those hot tears on your cheek. And still feel them on your fingers, after wiping them off from Bradley's face.
“Are you busy?” After a quiet knocking on the wooden door to his home studio, you slowly came in with a soft smile. All he do, was play on guitar some simple melodies.
“Not really” He smiled back, and put his guitar on the side, and completely turned to you. “something happened babe?”
“um” you started, and slowly came closer to him, to finally sit on his thighs and slightly hug him. “i don't even know how to start this conversation, but…” u mumbled into his neck and exhaled loudly.
It was hard for you, that was clear. From the last two month You don't feel too good, around Brad as his girlfriend or even as a friend. You don’t talk much, only when you have to. Most of the time you spend time on the couch, and he in his studio or bedroom. Even when you go to sleep, the only thing you do is say “good night”.
Let’s be honest, you're not that couple, who was called “true love” by fans and friends. Not anymore.
“Y/n you scare me, what's in your mind?” he asked after some quiet minutes. You could feel his hand in your hair. The best feeling in the world.
Maybe we still have some chance to fix it?
“Babe?” he asked again but this time you picked your head up, and looked into his chocolate eyes.
“What happened to us?” you simply asked, trying not to let any tears touch your skin. He hold breath. He knew what you were talking about. Immediately you saw tears in his eyes, which made you finally feel wet cheeks.
“I’m so sorry…” this time he hid his face while whispering those words
“Nothin' to regret since the day we met Glad we took a chance makin' our own world Perfectly imperfect like it had to be”
“Please don’t say that” You hugged him, let your tears wet his hair and your skin. “Don’t say that” you replayed sinking fingers in his hair.
After that you had a long talk about your feelings, thoughts and resolutions. You said your, Brad said his. But you know that in this situation, you don't have any chance to fix this. And he knows this too.
“So…” he started, when you stopped wiping his tears from his face. You both don’t know why, but with this motion you started giggling through the tears. “Who start this last confession?”
“not me, you know that i don’t know how to do things like that” you smile and this time, he wipes these hot tears from your skin.
“Well… yea, I know”
“I love you so much that I've gotta let you go It couldn't last forever And I hope you find better I can't forget us, can't pretend we ain't broken It was good together Now I've gotta let you go”
“Before I start, you have to know that I love.. i love you so fuckin’ much” you could feel how gently he took your hair by your ear. With that, you already know that he doesn't know what to really say in this situation, but at the same time, no matter what, you know that you’ll cry again. “and because of that, I have to let you go. I have to start working on myself and my mind again, to not destroy another future girl just like you. You deserve better Y/n, and I can't watch how you lose your light because of me.”
With that, you felt tears rolling on your skin once again, because you had the right.
“You have to find yourself back, and when this happens, just give me a sign, okay? We can't get back together, but at least we can still be friends, right?” he adds, wiping tears from you.
“Right” you replied, giving him a slight smile.
“I'll always be in love with who we used to be I'll save the photographs and keep the memories”
“That's crazy, you know?” It was the middle of the night. Your last night in a shared room and bed. The last night hug and last kiss before closing eyes.
“What actually?” he asked, looking at you and again he took your hair by your ear.
“I always thought that there was no way to break up with someone in complete peace. My last relationship ended with a really hard fight… u remember this anyway.” you giggled and looked at the window and stars in the sky. “And now, we lay in our bed, hugging each other, after our long talk… with that i don’t feel like we even break up here”
“oh so you wanna fight then?” he laughed as you too
“no, i don’t wanna” you rolled your eyes “it is fine as it is now”
“I know” he said proudly, but after that he looked into your eyes and took a deep breath. “Can I kiss you? You know, this last time before we go to sleep?”
Without any special words, you picked yourself up a little and put your hand on his cheek and kiss his lips. to be honest, it was your best last kiss for the rest of your life. After a few seconds you pulled away, because you feld another tears on your face. But u don’t really know who it was. Your… or Brad. You took a deep breath and smiled a little.
“Goodnight Brad”
“Goodnight Y/n”
“Who thought that one first kiss Would turn into two heartbreaks?”
“This was The vamps, and after a little break you’ll hear “Out of love” by beautiful and amazing Y/n! For little reminder, Y/n released this song two weeks ago, and now she breaks all records established by Olivia Rodrigo and her “driving license”! Stay with us!”
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