#and need to bond her with Midori
katfreaks-hidyhole · 5 months
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The newest member to the +10 club, Norne the Volunteer
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bunnwich · 1 month
My Yuusona🐇
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Enter Yuuta Midori:
Between looking out for their adoptive youger siblings and wrangling Grim "the Great" this busy prefect can often be found doing odd jobs around the campus for extra money. From tending to the botanical gardens or assisting Sam at the Mystery Shack. With a stubbornness to survive as a magicless person in a magical world, rugged but charming Yuu is always there to help their friends in need or tend to their wounds.
- Yuuta resides in the Ramshackle alongside Yume Ume, (@comingyourlugubriousness) and Yuuhi, who they have dubbed their younger brothers. While not actually related, the 3 bonded after being brought to this strange new world with no memories. - Yuuta is genderfluid and goes by they/them, he/him and she/her. However, sometimes (like Epel) they become self-conscious of their "softer" features and prefer to present more masc at the beginning of the year. - To their dismay, after Riddle's Overblot Yuuta discovered that they have empathic powers forcing them to feel the emotions of others around them. This effect grows as they become closer to the person. Sometimes touch triggers the ability to see others' memories. The only people who currently know of this power are their Ramshackle roommates and Leona Kingscholar, (who they accidentally confessed this to.) - After the events of Chapter 2 Yuuta was given a set of magical cards by Sam that can perform small, elemental attacks in battle. These cards are imbued with special energy and also function as Yuuta's Tarot deck. - After discovering they have a talent for brews and tarot reading, often Yuuta offers small charges for these services to their fellow classmates. They offer potions that help with confidence, studying, and even love confessions. - Due to a gas leak at the Ramshackle after the events of Chapter 4 Yuuta was sorted into the Savanaclaw dorm temporarily. During their stay, they managed to grow their first aid skills as well as earn the respect of the Savanaclaw Dorm and even its leader. (More in Part 2!) -
Part 1/2
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factual-fantasy · 2 months
31 asks! Thank you! :}} ☯️
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Now I'm gonna be totally honest, I DO have a favorite twin and its Ingo <XDD But I also fully understand and support your point!
What makes Ingo and Emmet so fun and interesting to me is their bond! How they mirror each other, how they interact, their strength as a team! Sure separating them for the angst is great an all- but truly showing them together and more importantly as equals is where the good stuffs at!
This is also why I usually try to wrap up their separation arcs in my AUs, and also don't really enjoy reading any Legends Arceus content.. seeing Ingo alone is not only heartbreaking,, but its also just not as fin. Ingo and Emmet are stronger together :)
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@sallychaosaura (In response to this post)
Miiiight be a bit too late for that <XDD
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Thank you! :D I'm glad :))
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Sorry, no can do! <:( Also thank you! :))
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(Post in question)
(It was very intentional! :}) He's stressed. 😔
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Ugh.. well, thanks for letting me know.. and at least the commenters know I don't consent to reposts..
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@soulful-rodent (Post in question)
Well in-game we was traded to a friend and back so he'd evolve..
Buuuut lore wise, without a trainer..? <:D No idea-
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Probably somewhere around 100 <XD
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Absolutely terrifying! Next question XD
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No, no, aaaaand poorly, XD I'm doing fiiiiine won't worry! :)
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I can imagine when he first gained the ability to hide in peoples shadows, he probably gave many people quite a scare without meaning to <XDDD
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Thank you! :DD And Their stories are kind'a vague when I take out my trainer..
I'm thinking that somehow, Midori met Gloria in their first evolutions and became friends. Then they found Grim..
later on Midori found Anastasia after she had run away from a battle. She tried to hide but her shiny gold color made that impossible.. Midori took her to Gloria and they took care of her.
Afterwards they met Sylvester..
Beyond that, I don't have any details in mind.. 😅 Sorry!
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Typically I prefer horror games/movies, but ONLY when they're being played by or watched by someone else in a YouTube video XDD
Some of those YouTubers being Elvis The Alien and Markiplier! :}}}
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@fragmented-ghost (Pokémon Violet team master post)
AAAA I'm so glad you like them! :DD I plan to draw them more at some point, but atm I kind'a got sucked back into the Violet grind XDD I'm just about to beat the main game! :0000
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I have! :DD I like it quite a lot an have drawn some things for it here and there! Though I never got around to completing the game..
Someday I'd like to go back and beat the game. I can imagine I'd jump right into the fandom afterwards if I did XDD
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XD Probably!
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I don't remember talking about that.. if you had a link to the original post maybe I could remember with context..? <:0
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@tallchest13-blog (Post in question)
XDDD I'm glad you like them! :))
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XDD All of those titles made me laugh! And I see your point, but I have a few counter points to this ask..
For 1, to keep with the theme, I would want to/have to make this cape IRL in order to add it to my sona. Now if the last 4 quilts have shown me anything? Its that I'm not super great at making quilts <XDD
If it was that challenging to make it on a smaller scale? I cant imagine how much trouble I'd have trying to make a full size one! <XDD Plus buying the materials... having to physically get up, go buy the stuff I need and make it. With these health issues I've been battling, that's not something I wanna do atm.. 😅Not to mention with how hot its been lately, I don't think I need a quilt anyways-
And then lastly- I'd have to draw myself with it every time! I like my sona being a simplistic blob that has minimal colors and not much of a model to keep too. I worry a quilt might take that away.. :(((
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XDD I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees the potential! :))
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I have a few times here an there. Just to hang out with some friends :)
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I mean, I don't know the history between you two... But my advice is to leave them be. If they ghosted you, they probably want space..
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I altered the story of Welcome Home to make my version of Sally a teenager. So I was thinking she could be bluish-white to look like a young star..? But looking back I don't like the blue.. For story purposes she might stay a teen, but I think I'll keep her yellow <XDD
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Yoo! :DD She's so colorful! And that black shadowy arm is so spooky.. Does she have a story? 👀👀
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(Pixel art tutorial in question)
I'm glad it helped! Happy pixeling!! :}} 👋👋
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XD Don't worry its fiiiiiine!
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I've wanted to draw evil Grim and Sylvester again in general, but I don't really have any ideas for them yet.. 😅
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vulturnus · 1 year
Tw for Rape, Assault, Unhealthy Relationships, (it’s goodnight Punpun, man…)
Regarding Midori’s actions in Volume 5
God the scene with Midori assaulting Punpun is still at the forefront of my mind even after just finishing it. You and Punpun both latch onto her because she’s safe and a reprieve from the abuse and neglect of Punpuns normal life, and then she betrays you both.
Punpun needed a constant strong adult figure in his life, really anyone, and while his Uncle is imperfect he cares in a more obvious and receptive way for Punpun. His mother is too hostile and distant, with their past Punpun can’t love her. Punpuns father is gone entirely. But here’s Midori who Punpun bonds to, is supported by, supports in turn he feels loved he feels a little braver a little more open. You see these slightest changes in Punpuns behavior.
And it’s no wonder readers end up despising her, not just for her unforgivable assault on Punpun (who is barely a teen and a naive and sad one at that) but for the betrayal that hurts Punpun and the reader together at the same time. And it effects him for the rest of his life. It effects how he sees intimacy. He uses it as an outlet and commodity, and it doesn’t bring him joy. Punpun (similarly to Midori) is violent during sex with Aiko, he’s distant with Sachi, but neither of these give him pleasure. It still pains him, the Daruma she gives him remains broken and even corresponds with the black spot that is mentioned by Pegasus as if further solidifying how horrific and all encompassing this event was for not only Punpun but the people who surround him. What doesn’t help is that for Midori and (Yuichi to a lesser extent) life went on as normal. She doesn’t even think about it. Yet for Punpun this effects him forever, he still thinks about it years in the future.
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saizov · 7 months
Art is under a cut because I’m rusty and don’t want my first step back into the pool screaming on the dash 😂
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Class/es. Ninja (starting) -> Apothecary/Swordmaster (with a narrative focus on heavier blades)
Trained as a ninja from his earliest years ( and you’ll see a running theme that Saizo always has his child/children begin exploring the world from the ninja’s lifestyle ) but pursued a singular focus on the blade and apothecarial practices in honor of his mother’s strength and her gathering talents
Would have progressed to become a samurai and pursue the Bushido code but was informed (by Saizo) that they do not wield heavy blades nor dish out sweets, so Lapis!Asugi said heck to the naw
Bonds heavily with Midori and even sort of tutors her along her early journey towards medicines and concoctions
Can whip up the most insane meal from all of like four ingredients. Will also go out and about to find his own resources instead of going to the markets — he just thinks he can do a better job
Learned he inherited his ma’s strength when he sock’em bopped his pop in the face as a kid and broke Saizo’s nose. Couldn’t have been more proud of the boy despite the pain and intensity of the injury
It’s almost written in his blood to become a retainer
Brings his own made sweets to Rock Paper Scissor tournaments both as party favors and consolation prizes for when he whoops the other kid’s ass
Family is el numero uno — he used to play pretend that he was the retainer to one of his parents (typically his ma) and go about doing things for her
Has made the most insane contraptions with his ma’s innovativeness and pa’s understanding of technical gimmicks explosions
Redneck ingenuity — look it up
Doesn’t really boast about much, and tries to keep on the down-low — both from ninja training and modesty
Very secretive — it’s like pulling teeth to get him to talk about something other than sweets. He simply will not talk about himself — he just doesn’t feel the need to, and when he gets asked, he’s like “Why do you need to know? 🤨”
Messes with his pa about how his own favorite colors happen to match Lord Ryoma’s. Saizo just lets him at this point — sure kid.
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Your Turn to Die Swap AU I made few years ago
Death order is the same as their 'roles'. Example: Whoever is the teacher/Mishima's role died in the first vote. Note Gin, Kanna & Hinako are all the same because it would be hard to know how they would act like as adults. Gashu too. MAIN CAST Keiji; A popular high school student, called the 'godfather' of his school. Best friends with the ray of sunshine that is Sue, and ready to take action when needed. {Sara's Role} Reko; Brash, loud and harsh. Three words commonly to describe this rash homemaker. Odd that a girl so chaotic like her is a housewife… Maybe there is something more to her? {Kai's Role} Anzu; A chirpy girl who's on the skittish side. Adores art, and was the lovely student of Naomichi through out high school. She is now going to an art college, hoping to achieve her dreams of painting the perfect portrait of her teacher. {Nao's Role}
Midori; Used to be a drummer in a band, until a horrible incident happen when he got accused for the death of a man named 'Q-Taro Burgerberg'. Slightly sadistic, silly, but not eager to make friends after the incident. Holds zero regret for his crime. {Alice's Role}
Alice; A mostly reserved musician, and the older brother of Reko. He used to be a lead singer in a band, until the drummer killed someone. He is now a solo artist, and has trouble making new relationships. {Reko's Role}
Joe; A friendly police officer, hiding lots of trauma and regrets under his shiny smile. Killed his friend and boss 'by mistake', but that doesn't dent his positive outlook on life. {Keiji's Role}
Ranmaru; A confident and strong willed pitcher, determined to find his parents again. Even though he's quite thin, his will to move forward and survive rivals none. {Q-Taro's Role}
Tia; An aloof and nervous job hopper, carrying zero pride on her back. She apologizes for every mistake, no matter how big or small. Maybe there is something more to her…? {Sou's Role}
Naomichi; A large man who just obtained his teaching degree. He is a professor in art and Japanese. He has a tight bond with his student, named Anzu. {Mishima's Role}
Sue; A peppy high school girl, best friends with the popular (yet cold), Keiji. Always there to cheer someone up, and is dating a girl outside of the game named Ryoko. {Joe's Role}
Sara; A cold police chief, assisted in covering up Joe's murder long ago. Confident and strong willed, the death game should be no problem for her! Well, unless a regretful detective holds your life in their palms. Died during the first trial. {Megumi's Role}
Kazumi; The oldest participant, a clown in a traveling circus. Kind, polite and sweet, making him a favorite among the crowd. Not fearful to risk his life either, causing him to die in his first trial. {Anzu's Role}
Megumi; A polite but shifty baker, willing to do anything to survive. Including stab her allies and friends in the back. Died during her first trial, unable to trust others. {Mai's Role} Kai; A shy boxer, his body's appearance betraying it's true strength. Has trouble speaking up to people with louder voices, but will stand his ground if need be. Died in his first trial. {Naomichi's Role}
Nao; An average high school student with no major emotion connections to anyone. Bonds well with anyone who opens their hands out to her kind heart. Died in her first trial, unable to hold her breath for a elongated period. {Ranmaru's Role}
Shin; An employee of ASUNARO, assigned finding information on everyone. Skittish and untrusting, but his shell can be melted with enough warmth. Died in his first trial, cursing out Keiji. {Shunsuke's Role} -------- FLOOR MASTERS
Rio; Floormaster of the first and second floor, running the main game all on his own! He wears a fowl mouth, holding no filter. Sadistic, mocking and proud, for sure one of the most annoying floormasters. {Sue's Role}
Mai; Floormaster of the third floor, collecting clothing of people who died with regrets. That includes Naomichi's lanyard, Reko's make up, Sue's tie, Shin's beanie, Nao's necklace, Kai's jacket, Sara's police badge and Megumi's shoes. Chirpy and speaks with utmost glee. Doesn't seem to take anything seriously, and flirts with legal people in the death game. {Rio's Role}
Shunsuke; A reserved man, taking on the role of a nurse when people get hurt. Gets very frustrated when people touch his equipment, and knows everything about everyone. Good idea not to piss him off… {Tia's Role}
Q-Taro; A prideful viper, and Tia's former employer. A genius inventor, having no fear in poking people to get what he wants. Cocky and smug, knowing exactly how to get people to hate him. Got killed by Midori long ago after finding some… Information (you know what if you played ch3-1) {Midori's Role}
Please tell me if you like this as I have a lot of old stuff about the plot, focused more on psychological horror & the theme of paranoia v blind trust.
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greetings-inferiors · 4 months
Kouki Midori (HIS NAME IS LITERALLY MR GREEN LMAOOOOOOOOO) is one of the protagonists for my Personal Persona Project, Persona: Green. He’s an 18/19 year old first year uni student, average height, medium length hair, pretty average guy really. He’s kind hearted, with some trickster energy when he’s in a funny mood. He’s very empathetic, and loves hanging out with and interacting with others. He’s quite the optimist, too, believing that worrying about things only leads to too much worrying, and it’s best to move forward and tackle problems. This leads to a problem when he has issues which can’t be easily solved, in which case he tends to just… ignore them. He’s looking forward to his time at uni, being quite skilled at both the arts and sciences, though he intends to pursue solely the sciences. If only he had reason to, say, tutor someone studying literature (foreshadowing). He wears bright colours, like green and yellow, though his wardrobe is pretty basic once you get past the bright colour palette, shirts, jumpers, shorts, and trousers. He gravitates towards people that need his help, so the party members he forms social links with, Miyuki, Safie, Nenji, and Tsuneko, are all those that he can help find purpose and meaning in life, whether that be helping Safie find a passion in the human world, or helping Tsuneko cope with and live around her disability.
His persona is Arthur, of the Sun arcana, legendary king of England. He manifests as a knight in smooth, gleaming white and yellow armour, with a helmet in one hand and jewelled sword in the other, his hair flowing behind him. He is atop a steed, or at least half a steed, made of that same metal. His element is Holy/light, but he also functions as a healer. He maybe even buffs others, idk.
Kouki himself wields a sword, obviously. The foliage that lets him summon Arthur manifests as a wreath atop his head, that he slashes with his sword (because he just has to be that cool). His fighting style is strategic and graceful, fitting for the leader, and he’s ready to support his teammates that focus more on offence.
At the start of the story he’s just moved to a new city, when he notices a cough, and going for a check up, is informed he has caught a very early lung cancer, and that he should consider himself lucky he caught it so early, and so his chances of living are very optimistic with treatment. He has faith in humanity, having been shown kindness all his life, and he’s more than happy to repay that kindness to others, a belief goaded by a tad unprofessional doctor waxing poetic about humanity’s advancements when it comes to saving lives. Across his journey he sees both the good and bad in humanity, learning that while not everyone always are what they seem, everyone has the potential to do good, no matter who they are.
If I had to sum up his relationship with each of the party members:
Miyuki: The strongest bond on the team, he’s able to see through her walls and teasing and see who she really is. He’s determined to bring out the best in her, while not letting her off the hook easily when she messes up. He sees the best in everyone, but you have to put in work to be the best, y’know? He does genuinely really respect her, too, and finds her funny lol
Safie: She kinda forced herself into his life and is crashing at his place, but can see that she’s a lovely person, even if her grasp (or lack thereof) of humans, society, and boundaries can make it hard to get along. They’re practically siblings.
Nenji: They hang out at restaurants quite a lot, they just like to shoot the shit. Nenji is quite unconfident and Kouki helps him to come out of his shell and have confidence in himself, and stand up for himself.
Shin: Appreciates Shin’s professionalism and tactical combat style. Very much respects him in an academic context as well, constantly asking for insight into maths coursework, which Shin happily provides.
Yoshie: Kind of terrified of her, she acts quite manic around him. She’s a great fighter and her bubbly enthusiasm is great for the group, she’s just… a lot.
Tsuneko: He helps her counteract and live with her fatigue, and enjoys seeing her have more and more energy as the year goes on. Also enjoys listening to her rambling about whatever thing she’s interested in recently.
Johnny: Loves how enthusiastic Johnny is, and it drives Miyuki insane so he’ll go along with any of his antics. They have matching cowboy hats that Johnny bought for him.
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I unfortunately do not have any floormaster headcanons to send you, so I’ll ask a question instead: how do you think the floormasters would act if they were participants in the game?
now, without much context it's hard to say... are the floor masters participants and viceversa? or are the floor masters participants together with the main cast? are the floor masters acting like their "floor masters selves" or are they acting "human"? some answers might change depending on that but. ugh. my thoughts can't turn into words.
sorry they aren't very long but I honestly never thought of this and didn't want to leave you to wait for a week </3 also. writer's block sucks :D
[actual headcanons under the cut]
Sue Miley
- bonds with Safalin almost immediately, seeing her as the most normal among the group
- she doesn't like the rest of the group too much but recognizes why they're needed to move forward in the game
- a bit cold
- not the laughing doll in this scenario but laughs at most inopportune moments (nervous laughter)
Rio Ranger
- a bit of an annoying brat
- most people dislike him but understand he's a kid
- he doesn't really leave Gashu's side and vouches for him, showing they can trust him
- he left Gashu's side once and got caught in a trap
- if Kai's there, he'd glare daggers at him the whole time
- comes up with great and brilliant ideas out of nowhere from time to time
- great at minigames (attractions)
Tia Safalin
- she tries to keep an eye on Rio, trying to be the main target of his harassment so that others won't dislike him too much (they're still annoyed by proxy)
- she's mostly patient and nice with everyone, but could easily backstab them (or try to) if the situation allows it
- she's not as much of a crybaby as she is in game since she's not the crying doll here
- but she's still very sensitive
- she cries during arguments (main game discussions)
Gashu Satou
- he has the potential to be very helpful to the group but he gives uncanny valley, so they're mostly uncomfortable around him
- his potential is mainly in the technological/mechanical field
- if Kai is in the group, depending on the Asu-Naro situation in this scenario, he'd either avoid him and be neutral to him as much as he can or try to protect him as much as possible without it being too apparent
- he'd try to protect Rio
- he'd either die first or survive until the final floor (to die anyway)
- someone tried at lest once to rip that crabstache off only to come to the terrible realizzation that it is indeed real
Midori / Sou Hiyori
- he wouldn't have to change his name in any scenario
- manipulates everyone into trusting him, making them believe that he's a good guy who only wants what's best for them, who wants to help them escape, who would sacrifice himself even for them... etc
- then he backstabs everyone, managing to be the only one standing at the end of the game.
- at least that's the plan
- he'd be among the ones with the highest survival percentage, although, as we know, his plans don't always go his way...
- bro's chilling :D
- he's rather friendly with everyone but something seems off
- he actually takes the situation very seriously but his calm and nonchalant behavior might show otherwise
- no, no one is questioning why he's covered in bandages
- quietly makes it quite far
- although a bit suspicious
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sarachidouinfandom · 9 months
YOOOO here with some ideas for the au since you combined two of my favorite pieces of media :3
Tia Safalin in Ponefiore (because of her Memory-all-gone thingy) or Ignihyde (her building the dolls and introverted personality)
Gashu in Heartslabyul (he quite literally bites the bullet to abide by the rules)
Kurumada in Savanaclaw (muscles. Hot.)
Midori in Octavinelle (average contract giver moment)
Sue Miley in either Scarabia (self preservation much?) or Savanaclaw (she can survive the bonk of the pan)
Kanna in Diasomnia (family bonds and all that shazzazz)
AHH HII!! the safalin ignihyde one is a good shout, i was originally gonna put her in octavinelle because although she acts introverted (because it is literally her role to be a crying doll) she is pretty deceptive. but i think her being in ignihyde is more fitting, even if you include those traits.
im thinking maybe gashu could be perhaps a graduated mage who maybe specialises in something doll related(but also i dont want him to yoink safalins thing because that would definitely be her thing too.) heartslabyul would definitely be a good one for him to have graduated from.
savanaclaw is a hard one to pick characters for, for me, i do think kurumadas personality would fit savanaclaw though. and hes literally a boxer, so it would be fitting for him to be in a dorm focused on strength.
midori is midori. octavinelle is his calling
miley for me is a hard one, i need to think about it, but scarabia is a good one!! if nothing else arises in my brain expect to see miley in scarabia!!!
for kanna i was thinking ignihyde to stick with her brother, maybe she looks upto his computer skills and her goal is to eventually create an ai that you can converse with i think you know where this is going but if youre willing to explain a little more, id love to hear it!!
also, theres a whole part of my brain that is confused about ages and roles in this au, im thinking maybe the ones in their 20s are either held back, like leona, or in this au are 18 or 19. and even though mishima isnt as old as he looks i think it would still work for him to be a teacher, like he is in yttd.
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ajentmm · 11 months
Journey Begins Theorycraft
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I’m back! Why? Flame Emperor was the last GHB unit I theorycrafted for, and this month, she got her refine. Iago is next, so let’s get to it.
Journey Begins is a weirdly named banner that’s themed around Fire Emblem Fates Revelation, the beginning of the game. Lilith, Rinkah, and Iago are in the beginning of the game, but Midori and Forrest? Naw. Would they be in the FEH now if they weren’t this banner. IDK. Ask Mitama or Percy.
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Lilith: Astral Daughter
Lvl. 40 5 ☆ 39/36/41/27/30          Max Invest: 49/46/51/36/40
Astral Breath: Grants Spd+3. Unit can move to a space adjacent to support partner. If unit is within 3 spaces of support partner, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit during combat. If foe's Range = 2, calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res.
Reposition – Atk/Spd Bond 3 – Def/Res Link 3 – Joint Drive Atk
Lilith is the dragon fish girl that runs the My Castle feature in Fates, even in the after life. With Astral projection powers and a micro dimension at her disposal, you would think she would be the Mythic classification with Askr or Sothis. Nope. But Veyle can be a mythic, why not? …. Actually, if she did get a Mythic that’s her ghost form like Sigurd and Deirdre, that be fine. They could make her a lighting / healing tower; she would deal damage to foes and restore health to allies out of combat, either at the start of turn, when attacking, or when an ally attacks. But this isn’t for a Lilith alt, this is for her refine.
Astral Breath: Grants Spd+3. Unit can move to a space within 2 spaces of support partner. At start of turn, if unit is within 3 tile radius of support partner, grants Atk/Spd+6 and the following status to unit and allies within 2 spaces for 1 turn: "Grants Special cooldown charge +1 per attack during combat (only highest value applied; does not stack)." If unit is within 3 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit during combat. If foe's Range = 2, calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res.
So, for the refine to Lilith’s Astral Breath, we look to Fallen Lilith. She got a greater ranged warp range and grants the ally “Special Charge +1” rather than [NFU]. This should help with Galeforce teams, not that Lilith can get Galeforce. Combined this with Guidance 4 (or Soaring Guidance) for more wrapping maneuvers.  
If unit's HP >25%, grant Atk/Spd/Def/Res+X to unit, deals damage = 15% of unit’s Spd, neutralize effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks and prevent unit’s follow-up attacks. (X = 4 + highest bonus on each stat between unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit; calculates each stat bonus independently).
And this next part is per combat, something to make her surprise attack hit with a little more “omf”. She got Bonus Doubler 4, NFU, and 15% Spd damage boost. The DR tanks will still have her beat, but any conventional Res tanks that prevent follow-up, use guarantee follow-up, or Guard (cuz we got Breath), won’t be countered. Plus, she still has adaptive damage to ranged foes, so she can clean those guys up.
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Midori: Reliable Chemist
Lvl. 40 5 ☆ 41/41/30/34/21          Max Invest: 51/51/39/44/31
Spendthrift Bow+: Effective against flying foes. Grants Atk+7 to unit and inflicts Atk-7 on foe during combat. After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts Special cooldown count+2 on unit. (Cannot exceed the unit's maximum Special cooldown.)
Rally Atk/Def+ - Close Foil – Chill Atk 3
Hey, remember Spendthrift Bow? Yeah, it’s really good for archers who’s Atk, Def, and Res were too low, and needed to invest in stat raising skills or wanted to use Close Foil. The downside was that their Special cooldown was almost reset after combat. Meaning you needed a Moonbow with guaranteed follow-up and special charge, or you can not use the Special at all. Look, 2020 was different. We now have a couple of bows that grant Atk/Def+5 and Peppy Bow that inflicts Atk/Def-5 while preventing follow-ups, while not effecting your Special at all. Also, Arcane bows exist.
Hey, remember Close Foil? It’s also a good skill for Def focused archers and dagger units that only fight physical foes. I talked about them before in my defensive tier 4 skill theorycraft, but this was the best one just because those units needed the stats and dragons were going to one-shot you anyway.
Hey, remember who introduced both those skills? Midori! There was nothing else interesting about her, aside from higher-than-average Def on an archer at the time. But hey, she’s an apothecary and her Spendthrift bow was named after the Spendthrift skill from Fates, which she could promote and obtain. How can we integrate that?
Apothecary Bow: Effective against flying foes. At the start of turn, if unit is within 2 spaces of unit, restore 7 HP to unit and allies within 2 spaces, and also, if unit's HP > 25%, grant [Golden Bar] to unit and allies within 2 spaces for 1 turn. At the start of combat, if unit's HP > 25%, grant Atk +7 to unit and inflict Atk-7 on foe during combat. [Golden Bar] Unit deals damage +10 and takes damage -10, but after combat, this bonus is removed.
THAT’S RIGHT! WE ARE MAKING BANK! GOLDEN BAR META COMENCE! THIS IS REAL SPENDTHRIFT! It’s just not a luck chance of getting a golden bar item that then gets consumed at the start of combat to give +10 damage and -10 damage taken, it’s a guaranteed chance to get a bonus effect that gives you a one-time use of +10 damage and -10 damage taken. Not only that, she shares this ability with everybody, share the wealth!
At the start of combat, if unit's HP > 50% or if [Bonus] is active on unit, grant Def/Res+5 to unit and inflict Def/Res-5 on foe during combat, grant unit guaranteed follow-up attack, prevent foe’s follow-up attack, and inflict Special cooldown charge-1 on foe per attack.
AND WE KEEP GOING! If she has her bonus or is above 50% HP, she gets more in combat stats, omni breaker, and Guard. Is this overkill? Maybe. Don’t care.
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Rinkah: Scion of Flame
Lvl. 40 5 ☆ 40/34/39/41/18          Max Invest: 50/43/49/51/28
Rinkah's Club: Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). If foe initiates combat or if unit's HP < 100% at start of combat, grants Atk/Def+5 and Special cooldown charge +1 per foe's attack during combat. (Only highest value applied. Does not stack. Special cooldown charge granted even if foe's attack deals 0 damage.)
Bonfire – Distant Foil – Wrath 3 – Even Def Wave 3
*Insert picture of Spongebob licking Rinkah’s abs*
As in Fate’s, Rinkah is an underpowered axe unit with mix matched stats for an axe unit. She’s designed for the beginning, and falls off after getting her in Birthright and is immediately bad when obtained in Revelations. Her utility came from her personal, which gave more damage with 1 point of damage, wielding Clubs, which have higher Hit/Crit than axes, using her good Skill/Spd, and getting Spells + Death Blow when promoted. She like a sword master in a way. What she has in FEH is high Spd/Def and Low Atk/Res, a Special spamming Club, and Distant Foil to win match-ups with Physical attacking units. Her biggest weakness in Feh is magic foes, obviously. My goal for this refine is make her the best she can be again Physical attacking foe’s on mixed phase, while leaving her magic weakness, not adding to it.
Rinkah's Club: Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). At start of combat, if foe initiates combat, if unit's HP ≤ 99%, or if foe's HP = 100%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5, reduces damage from foe's attacks by 20% of unit's Def (excluding area-of-effect Specials), Special cooldown charge +1 per attack during combat.
So, let’s start with this. Thanks to Brash Assault 4 and Desperation 4, we have easy way to give her in combat boosts and Special charge she needs, before she takes damage, during player phase. I then just gave her the True Damage Reduction by 20% Def. You can use that high she has to shrug of physical attacks or lessen the power of magic attacks. But where is the True Damage?
If foe initiates combat or foe's HP ≥ 75%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit during combat, and also, if unit's max Special cooldown count value ≥ 2 and unit's attack can trigger unit's Special, when unit's Special triggers (excluding area-of-effect Specials), neutralizes "reduces damage by X%" effects from non-Special skills and calculates that attack's damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res.
And this is where all the power comes form. With Bonfire or Ignis, like Brave Robin, Coincidentally, Rinkah damage is hindered by the Def and DR of physical attacking units, which Close Foil only works on, and those foe’s tend to have lower Res. Rinkah promotion gets her Magic (if you go Oni Chieftain) so this is just her channeling that. Also, if you just get distant counter, cool, mages already have low def, and unless you are fighting certain mages and dragons, you aren’t dealing to DR. I should note, I can see them giving her an effect like her Flame Tribe alt, “inflicts penalty on foe's Atk/Def during combat = 20% of unit's Def at start of combat” instead of TDR.
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Iago: Nohr's Tactician
Lvl. 40 5 ☆ 42/38/27/23/32          Max Invest: 52/48/36/32/43
Iago's Tome: Grants Res+3. At start of odd-numbered turns, if any foe's HP ≤ unit's HP-3 and that foe is not adjacent to another foe, inflicts Atk/Spd-4 and 【Guard】 on that foe. At start of even-numbered turns, if any foe's HP ≤ unit's HP-3 and that foe is adjacent to another foe, inflicts Def/Res-4 and 【Panic】 on that foe.
Blazing Wind – HP/Atk 2 – Atk Opening 3
And here we have Iago, the … wait. We forget Forrest. …
And here we have Iago, the most gremlin-y of the dark advisors of the ancient dark dragon architype. His whole gimmick was flip flopping between nerfing the offensive power of foe’s with less HP then him on odd-numbered turns, and naffing the defensive power of foe’s with less HP then him on even-numbered turns. There was no escape, but the burden was set on you to attack offensively on even turn and act defensively on odd turns. Now a days, we got mages that debuff the whole team with better/more effects without an HP check or them needing to be near an ally, and they still put up a fight.
Iago's Tome: Grants Res+3. At start of odd-numbered turns, if any foe's HP ≤ unit's HP-1 and that foe is adjacent to another foe, inflicts Atk/Spd-6 and 【Guard】 on that foe. At start of even-numbered turns, if any foe's HP ≤ unit's HP-1 and that foe is adjacent to another foe, inflicts Def/Res-6 and 【Panic】 on that foe. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grant Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit during combat.
So, the changes are as followed; decrease the required HP to be 1 higher rather than 3, make both effects work when that foe is adjacent to another foe (I get you are trying counter measures but no), increase the penalties inflicted to 6, and the basic +4 to all stats when healthy.
At start of combat, if 【Penalty】 is active on foe, foe's HP ≤ 99%, or unit's HP ≥ 50%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-X on foe (X = highest penalty on each stat between target and foes within 2 spaces of target; calculates each stat penalty independently), unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack during combat, and also, if this unit's HP ≥ foe's HP+5 at the start of combat and foe’s attack can trigger foe’s Special, inflicts Special cooldown count+1 on foe before foe’s first attack during combat (cannot exceed foe's maximum Special cooldown).
Now for the nutty stuff that makes him a tough nut to crack. When the foe has any penalty, is hurt slightly, or Iago is healthier, it’s +4 to all stats, the Sabbotage effect in combat, a guaranteed follow-up, and an HP check Snare, like with B!Tiki or Veyle’s C skill. The other examples uses Res, which Iago does have enough to benefit against some god swords, but if you want the other part of his tome to work, you are investing in HP. This maybe to strong of an effect for a Grail unit, but it’s harder to get that HP check then a RES check. You may need Savage Blow or other out of combat damaging skills to get those checks. It’s better than needing a support partner at least.
And with that, another banner is done. See you guys … whenever.
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fatesdeepdive · 1 year
Entry 115: Oops! All Supports #19
Support: Nina/Shiro
C: Nina decides to go to a play with two male leads because she is thirsty. Shiro comes along because it sounds like a comedy, to Nina's annoyance.
B: Shiro keeps laughing during the play, which keeps Nina from fantasizing. Shiro says he liked the fight scenes, while Nina says she liked the dance off and beach sex scene. Shiro is confused, as those scenes were not in the play.
A: Nina is embarrassed about Shiro knowing about her fantasizing. Shiro says it's fine, because she had fun, which is what the actors probably want. Shiro invites her to another play.
S: Shiro praises Nina's imagination then says he likes her or whatever.
Review: Alright. One of those Supports that would be better if we saw Shiro reacting to the play, though.
Support: Dwyer/Velouria
C: Dwyer drops a cookie. Velouria eats it off the ground. Dwyer calls her gross.
B: Velouria tries to knock cookies out of Dwyer's hands, so they will fall on the dirt and be garbage, so she can eat them without stealing. Dwyer gives her a cookie. Velouria gives him a broken tea cup as a gift.
A: Dwyer invites Velouria for tea and treats her injuries after she burns herself. Velouria smells awkwardness.
S: Dwyer gives Velouria a scarf from a garbage dump. Velouria thinks he is an imposter because that took effort.
Review: Velouria's twisted logic is fun. Her and Dwyer have decent chemistry. Not bad.
Support: Soleil/Sophie
C: Soleil calls Sophie a beautiful flower. This annoys Sophie, who wants to be recognized for her ability as a knight. Soleil and Sophie start a bet: if Sophie is a good knight during the next battle, Soleil isn't allowed to call her a flower; if not, Sophie must put a flower on her armor.
B: Sophie does amazing in battle, meaning Soleil can't write about her being beautiful. Soleil objects and they go double or nothing, this time on whether or not Soleil is a good mercenary.
A: Soleil is a good mercenary. She's happy to win, because not being able to hit on Sophie is apparently torture.
Review: Boring and mediocre. Someone needs to spray Soleil with a hose and tell her to stop.
Support: Midori/Percy
C: Percy talks about how his father is a valiant knight, ignoring the fact that Arthur can only obtain the knight class through a friendship seal with Benny or partner seal with Effie. Midori says knights need to have etiquette.
B: Midori tries to teach Percy manners. Percy eats like a pig.
A: Midori tells Percy to clean his saddle. Percy ignores this to save a little girl from falling in a lake. Midori decides manners aren't important because Percy needs to be ready to spring into action.
S: Percy asks Midori out.
Review: Mediocre and kinda dumb.
Support: Shiro/Siegbert
C: Siegbert, knowing he and Shiro will one day be kings, attempts to form a friendship with Shiro. Shiro is apathetic about his responsibilities as a prince. Siegbert says he needs to be more mindful, so Shiro challenges him to an arm wrestling contest.
B: Shiro wins and says he both bonded with Siegbert and learned about his character through wrestling. Shiro says he wants people to like him for being a good guy, not for being a prince. Siegbert says he worries he can fill Xander's shoes. Shiro says Siegbert should stop comparing himself to Xander and just try to make the kingdom awesome.
A: Siegbert wins an arm wrestling rematch after training in secret. The two of them talk about how they'll always be friends, even after the war ends, and hope it will inspire their people to do the same.
Review: Pretty good! Shiro and Siegbert have a good dynamic and both have good advice for the other.
Support: Kiragi/Rhajat
C: Kiragi invites Rhajat to go on a walk in the mountains with him. Rhajat tells him to climb down a cliff and get mushrooms for her, fully expecting him to die.
B: Kiragi returns from his suicide mission, completely unharmed. He invites Rhajat to go on a walk with him, even though it's raining. When she says no, he assumes she's a witch. Rhajat sends him to get rare algae from a dangerous bog.
A: Rhajat decides to stop endangering Kiragi and apologizes. Kirgai doesn't mind, because they're friends. Rhajat agrees to go hiking with him.
S: Kiragi asks her out. Rhajat reveals that she's been cursing him to keep all of the other girls from liking him. Kiragi thinks this is cool. They laugh evilly together.
Review: Honestly, Kiragi's unstoppable naive friendliness works well with Rhajat's evilness. Her trying to kill him and him being oblivious is funny, in a dark way.
Support: Asugi/Ignatius
C: Ignatius stares at Asugi as he makes cookies.
B: Ignatius stares again because the cookies are animal shaped and he thinks they're cute. Asugi doesn't make fun of him, because he also likes cute stuff.
A: Ignatius refuses to eat the cookies because they're too cute. Asugi shoves a kitty cookie in his mouth. Ignatius cannot describe how good the cookie is.
Review: Kinda dumb but also kinda wholesome.
Support: Hisame/Selkie
C: Hisame makes pickles. Selkie thinks it smells gross.
B: Hisame gives Selkie pickled buffalo. She likes it and the normal pickled cucumbers he gives her.
A: Selkie tries making pickles but they're terrible because she rushes it. Fortunately, Hisame keeps a year's supply of pickles at all times. Selkie devours the pickles and Hisame begrudgingly decides to ramp up production.
S: Selkie travels 200 miles both ways to bring Hisame a rice cracker that goes good with pickles, because she loves him.
Review: Characters in Fire Emblem games are often defined by a single quirk. Pickles is a weird quirk. That said this one is fine.
Support: Caeldori/Mitama
C: Caeldori is melancholy because she read a book about unrequited love. Mitama says this is a common feeling and recommends Caeldori writes poetry.
B: Mitama shows Caeldori poetry books and explains the metaphors. Caeldori offers her novels with similar themes.
A: Caeldori delivers a cart full of books. Mitama says that much prose is exhausting. Caeldori begs and Mitama begrudgingly agrees to read them.
Review: Stories need conflict.
Support: Forrest/Fana
C: Kana cries because her parents are always busy. Forrest says he used to cry a lot when he was growing up, but talking to a friend is important.
B: Forrest distracts Kana from her sadness by asking her to help him embroider. Kana helps and Forrest praises her for channeling her tears into beauty. He says that he started sewing to get over his sadness.
A: Kana says she's done crying because she's busy embroidering.
S: Kana cries because she's a liar. Forrest says it's okay to cry and that his sadness is a source of inspiration. They decide to be friends forever.
Review: Forrest is a good older cousin. Kana should not be a soldier.
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Ranking YTTD Characters on Who Has Friends (outside of the game)
Special Mention: Midori - has a parasocial relationship with everyone, but they all hate him
Joe - Has friends! Lots of friends at school, and he'd say he's the winner, because he has Sara!
Reko - She's really close with her bandmates, and they're like family to her
Sara - Has Joe and Ryoko!
Anzu - Has an entire clown car full of clownworkers who love her, and treat her like family
Mishima - had a lot of friends in his old school days gang of bad boys, but disconnected from them when he got older, and started to get busy with work. They reconnect a few years later, when they've cleaned up their lives, and go out together to have dinner once a month and talk about things
QTaro - Gets along great with his baseball buddies, but those are technically coworkers, so they don't count as friends
Kurumada - Total Chad, animals love him, fish wanna be him, looks after kids at the rec centre, but doesn't have any close adult friends, but a few friendly boxer rivals
Kai - Gets along with Sara's parents, and has fun reality tv/tea time with Sara's mom.
Nao - Is a college student who hangs out with her high school teacher, she's still adjusting and hasn't made any close friends yet
Kanna - Hangs out with her sister after school mostly, she's a sweetie, everyone loves her
Gin - I'm his friend
Alice - He went to jail, but everyone really liked him there because he's great
Ranmaru - Has specifically Gaia online friends who are all bots :(
Mai - She's a hot girl, she doesn't need friends
Maple - Ignore her instruction manual, she's making out with Mai as we speak
Gashu - He has a fitness club he goes to, and his ass is so round and juicey, they let him stay
Hinako - She and Ranger bond over putting hair dye and literal poison in Midori's drinks to mess with him. They wouldn't ordinarily get along, but they just hate that guy, and he's their older coworker they have to work with, even though it's more like babysitting, so they bond over that
Ranger - Takes any opportunity he can to mess with Kai, but doesn't have any kids his age he gets along with, besides pranks with Hinako
Hayasaka - The guy at 7/11 who smiles at him with pity when he buys a redbull, and mixes it with a black coffee outside of the 7/11 at three in the morning
Safalin - Lookit her
Miley - Starts drama for fun constantly between anyone she befriends. Likes to pin people against each other to watch
Shin Tsukimi - He had one, but it was Midori, so does that really count
Keiji - See screencap:
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starlitfunkster · 7 months
A new Bomberman AU?
It's called 'Heroes Rule All', where anyone that gets a Bom-Crystal can become a 'Bomberman Hero'... or a 'Bomberwoman Hero' if they are a woman. Or just 'Bomber Hero' for anyone else.
It's basically a humanization AU where the humans become Bombers using their own Bom-Crystal that they are bonded to. They also receive a Bomberband that can speak to the bonded user and their friends, and anyone without a Bom-Crystal and Bomberband cannot hear them.
The main character is, of course, the one with the Shirobom Crystal. His name is Touki Shiro, a Freshman at the Chuukaku (Core) Academy. He's a go-getter who's quick to get into trouble! And he's not the best at PE, but he's trying his best. He also has a crush on Kyoku Pinku (aka the owner of the Pretty Crystal).
Others including the aforementioned Kyoku Pinku, who's a member of the K. Midnights, a popular girl-band that's motif is welll... I haven't decided it yet, but she has the heart motif. She's a Sophomore, and her bomber form has a mixture of Pretty Bomber's classic attire and Karaoke Bomber's attire from SBR.
There is also Kurai Max and Joou Mizuiro. And a rival group who sometimes teams up with the main group of four, with leader Kuro, and other members Midori Laimu, Nensho Aka, Yasashii Ao, and Akarui Kiiro.
Not much plot. Aside from the one below.
But below is in case you are interested in the AU, and wanted to make your own Bomber Hero! I'm doubtful because there is just crumbs with this AU.
Heroes ^ Knights ^ Bombers ^ Normals
In short, there's a hierarchy system in this Bomberman AU. One where the Heroes are praised, and the Normals want to fight to get a Bom-Crystal of their own.
The main character is a kid named Touki Shiro (White Winter), who gets bullied a lot due to his dad being apart of the core Heroes. His only friends are a group of students also in his class, Kyoku Pinku (Pink Song), Kurai Max (Max Dark), and Joou Mizuiro (Aqua Queen). They go to Chuukaku (Core) Academy, where the hierarchy affects the students the most.
Along the way, they suddenly get Bom-Crystal's after bonding with them during an attack on the city (an attack from mysterious cloaked figures with Bom-Crystal's of their own…). Realizing they must become the true heroes their city needs most, they set out to simultaneously stop the cloaked figures from causing havoc AND destroy the hierarchy system from the inside! Will they succeed? Who knows.
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So you see these two things? When a Bom-Crystal detects that their hero is needed, they become the heroes Bom-Key (which is the USB looking thing). The device that goes around their wrists is the Bomberband that I just went over above.
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You insert the key into the Bomberband as shown here, and the eyes glow and activate the transformation. The Bomberband vanishes, but becomes the belt that binds the Normal and Bomber together.
Dark Crystals are what Normals who were tricked into buying them by the cloaked villain use to become Dark Bomber's. Villains that use the power of the Bom-Crystals for evil. And the Normal isn't even aware that this is happening, as the darkness in the crystal takes over the Normals mind!
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slashcrz · 8 months
it's ok to post! she has other names. peach is the newish name she changed to. she's gone by lily before that and many others. my friend won't say anything because she wants nothing to do with peach but peach stole a few character names from my friends personal blog. it's on her pinned post and names i have never seen used until suddenly ava used it for davika hoorne muses. people need to know she's equally as bad.
so they both steal characters? wild, thats wild! screenshots posted below since anons are nosy lol
(screenshot includes me going to the other admin out of fear of retaliation from mars when i felt that my character & my wc was being directly coped - and i was retaliated against anyway) i had my muse for months, with his intro written, and posted in the family chat. mars brought in another chinese prince (which my muse also was) and had the exact backstory, romantic plot wc, and even down to the exact same timeline. literally down to the same MONTHS. i mentioned it to mars once and was immediately shut down, so i turned to the other admin, peach.
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later on, i do try and discuss with mars my concerns, because i believe in transparency. essentially the conversation went, after mars posted fang's intro, along the lines of me saying how they were similar and would have plenty to bond over! (i also have screenshots from july, a month prior, to us talking about tian feng being a war veteran so mars DID know prior to bringing fang about tian feng's general plot.)
here is when i contacted mars about the wanted connection (the direct echo, even down to the same country of my existing wc & plot that had been in the works for weeks or even months at that point.)
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here, i thought this was resolved! i was happy with this solution - the wc was set for a korean family instead of japan, and my immediate concern was handled. i thought things were fine.
mars ignored me from then on.
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i never asked mars to drop him, i never even made a big deal once we handled my concern about them both having forbidden romances in the same family, brothers secretly dating forbidden enemy sisters???, since tian feng had to fight so hard just to get the PERMISSION to see midori. anyway. whatever, right? she literally admits to avoiding me though, all because i voiced a concern about a wc. it never improved.
she continued to intentionally avoid me, hardly wrote with me, bullied me in the group chat, and just generally acted cruel towards me. another example.
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maggicktouched · 1 year
Headcanons: Beck
Beck was a difficult and strange child to deal with. One on one she’s not so bad with adults (depending on what age you encounter her at) but put her in a group or try and get her to interact with her peers and it is a different story. And the degree to which she is just sort of fundamentally damaged will vary on the verse and her age and such, but just in general here as some things that make Beck a difficult kid.
She has almost an endless amount of energy.
Just like she does as an adult, kid Beck is just bursting with the need to move and run and sing and dance and explore. 
She doesn’t ever really engage with toys like children typically do.
Stuffed animals are about the closest thing to a toy you’ll see her interacting with. She’ll give them names and carry them with her, but she doesn’t really participate in imaginative play like a child her age typically would. Dolls, cars, legos, or just about anything that encourages a child to sit relatively still just never gain an appeal to her.
She will never enjoy TV or computers. I don’t know why, but I can’t get Beck to watch TV in any fucking verse. Maybe if music is playing she might pay more attention? But they give her headaches and again, they involve too much focus and sitting still.
Beck entertains herself as a child by exploring and testing the limits of her own power. I’ve stated before that the catch to having so much power comes at a price, and that price is an infatuation with it. She does have other interests, but when it comes down to what she enjoys doing most, it is going to involve roaming around the wilderness and messing with animals or playing with magic.
Beck struggles to engage in large groups. This is why she kind of sucks at school. Sit her down one on one and she’s ok, but put her in a class of ten students where you aren’t constantly working for her attention and you will lose it. Also, just as in adulthood, Beck gets kind of overwhelmed by being surrounded by large numbers of people. Being in cities is still very hard for Beck, because all of the energies of people around her can feel smothering.
She will make friends but it is slow going. Her ability to trust, even as young as like six, has been pretty battered. She barely trusts other witches and she certainly doesn’t bond with many humans out of the fear that she’ll reveal herself. Eventually she meets Midori, then Jari a couple years later, then Frankie joins the group. Those will probably be the only people she really sticks with though.
Everything Beck does is at least just a little tainted by the trauma she’s experienced, and the older she is, the more that applies. So she’s prone to panicking and overreacting.
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Only one way to know is to try it and find out.
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We'll be leaving now. Thank you Maple.
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Anytime! Please come back soon!
*Ranmaru and Hiyoko then exit.*
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Well? Didja find Midori?
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Nope, just a relaxtion room where you can talk in private or just bond with your partner.
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Maple was there too if you can remember her..
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Nope! No clue who Maple syrup is but a relaxtion room sounds exactly what I need right now! I'm stressing like.. A teenager who has an exam coming up and its due tomorrow and you barely studied!
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Oooo! A bonding room sounds amazing! If we have time we should totally bond together Little sir!
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Sure. I'll think about it.
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