#I also need to figure out what her item skill is
katfreaks-hidyhole · 5 months
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The newest member to the +10 club, Norne the Volunteer
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You know what would make the Lucky Charm more balanced? Make it so that there are times where other characters figure it out, not just Ladybug. That way, it doesn't make Ladybug hypercompent and makes it possible for other people to save the day.
I don't mind Ladybug being the one best suited to Lucky Charm. I don't think it makes her hyper competent because you don't need a Lucky Charm to save the day. It's just the way that she saves the day. The other characters should have their own unique talents that let them win fights. Generally speaking, that's how strong teams work.
For a random example, let's talk about the teenage mutant ninja turtles simply because I think most people know something about that franchise. The character Donatello (aka Donnie) is the team's tech guy. He makes all kinds of inventions that help them save the day. The show would not be improved if all four of the turtles were able to take on this inventor role. I'd argue that it would actually be lessened because the characters would become interchangeable. This is something that the franchise seems to agree with as each version of the show gives each turtle unique skills and personality traits that makes each of them indispensable in their own way, which is what I think Miraculous should have done with the temp heroes.
That being said, I do think that there's a way to make your idea work. I'd just go a slightly different, more lore balancing route since Lucky Charm is technically bad lore and you all know how I feel about bad lore. So let's talk about giving it a minor tweak and how I think that would actually improve things.
Tikki is supposed to be Creation, not Luck, so the Lucky Charm shouldn't have anything to do with Luck. It should just be pure Creation where the holder comes up with a thing they want and that thing then pops up. It could also have a give and take element where the holder gets what they asked for if they want something specific, but they could also just call the power as a hail Mary and Tikki would come up with something on the fly, leading to the occasional puzzle.
This leads me to my proposed changed.
I personally think it would be hilarious and honestly more fun for Marinette's character if she could summon anything she wanted, but the Lucky Charms stay exactly the same because that's just how her mind works. Even when Tikki is helping, it's still all wacky items because Tikki knows how Marinette is and just goes with it.
For example, in Copy Cat, Ladybug turns a spoon into a hook for a cobbled together fishing pole. Wouldn't it be even funnier if Marinette summoned a spoon on purpose because she was thinking of the makeshift thing she cobbled together in order to fish up something she dropped from her balcony? Then, post fight, Chat Noir praises her like always, only to then ask, "So why a spoon and not a fishing hook?" And Ladybug just stares at him because oh, right, those are things they make. She could have done that. Ooops.
And in Malediktator where she summons a sniper rifle to get a laser pointer? Well, she was thinking about this silly comic about a cat assassin! She totally spaced on the fact that you could just get a laser pointer by itself.
Eventually, her team learns to just go with it and not ask questions. Meanwhile, the general public thinks that the Lucky Charm is some random item that Ladybug has to figure out and no one bothers to correct this misunderstanding. You can even have a running gag of new team members learning the truth and going through the acceptance process of, "Hey, you try thinking up how to set a trap while a 5 meter tall lollipop is trying to crush you! Your mind goes to what it knows, not to the ideal solution, okay???"
If we go with this setup, then other people can wield the Ladybug and use Lucky Charm effectively, they'll just use it in a very different way from the way Marinette uses it. There will also be people who are just not suited to the Ladybug since that was initially how the powers were supposed to work and it made perfect sense. Kwamis should have ideal holders along with okay backups and terrible backups. I personally think Alya would be an okay backup since she's creative, but not creative in the same way Marinette is, leading her to be a lesser Ladybug. Adrien, on the other hand, should generally suck at the Ladybug as he simply doesn't have that style of creative thinking. Which is fine. Better than fine, even! You don't want your characters to be interchangeable! They should all have strengths and weaknesses!
This is one of the show's big flaws. Since everything is on Marinette's shoulders, the other characters rarely get a chance to shine and so they feel interchangeable. For example, if gift always shows the target what THEY want, then why does Rose need to be the one to wield it? Juleka could wield it just as easily. And if Ladybug is generally the one telling Marc and Nathaniel what to summon with their powers, then their creativity is not needed. Anyone could wield the rooster and the goat! The show has completely failed to understand what makes teams memorable and so we have a bloated, boring team whose presence I'm dreading because they had five seasons to set these guys up and yet here we are.
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astroismypassion · 1 year
Astrology observations🌊🌊🌊
Credit goes to @astroismypassion
🐟Pisces over the 4th house in a woman's chart points to the fact that her father had not the best work ethic (tends to avoid work), faced a longer period of time of unemployment or retired very early. 4th house because in a woman's chart 4th house sign represent the father and 10th house the mother. But in a man's natal chart 4th house represents the mother and 10th house sign the father. It's just the opposite.
🌊It's so strange how much Pisces Moons and Moon in the 12th house people get easily embarassed, which is not a trait you would connect with them, but more so with their opposite sign Virgo. When in fact they can very easily get embarassed by their past wrongdoings and mistakes from the past that they often deflect the truth when talking about it in the present moment, they might pretend that what you are remembering NOW about THEIR PAST SELF actually inaccurate.
🐟I noticed that people who have Capricorn moon can have a 6, 7 or 10 years difference with their romantic partner, but rarely more than 10 years. But with Aquarius Moons is often more. They might have a romantic partner even with a 12, 15 or 20 years difference.
🌊Pisces South Node people need to be mindful of not being grateful for everything as it is in the present moment. With Virgo North Node you might become critical of the things you currently don't have (either in skillset or items).
🐟Gemini over the 4th house in a man's natal chart points to the fact that his mother (and even romantic partner) didn't want to get a job or the mother was actually a homemaker/housewife/stay-at-home parent.
🌊If you have Sagittarius, Aquarius or Aries Midheaven in your Midheaven Persona chart, you might work in a variety of career fields in this lifetime, you might often switch jobs just to work in a completely unrelated next job in comparison with your last one.
🐟I always taught that Gemini Moon/Virgo Moon/Virgo/Gemini over the 6th house men have good hygiene, when I figure it out that I'm looking at it the wrong way. THEIR PARTNER usually keeps up a very good personal hygiene and is very particular about health, body, hair, skin, nails. They themselves are more disorganized and chaotic or downright bored to pay too much attention to hygiene.
🌊Aquarius Jupiter singers are musically always ahead of time. They might also get inspired by music from decades long time ago. Real life examples would be: Alicia Keys, Miley Cyrus, Lana del Rey, Mariah Carey, Christina Aguilera and Shakira. They were all ahead of time at some point in their music career and have at least one hit that is known worldwide and on all continents.
🐟Virgo Liliths struggle with accepting invitations for hangouts or gatherings, such as birthday celebrations, weddings, anniversaries, they most often say no.
🌊Natives who have Gemini Ascendant or Gemini over the 1st house in their Midheaven/MC Persona chart might be very indecisive about which career field they want to go into.
🐟A tip for finding the best photographer in your friendgroup is to search for Pisces/Neptune contact. Such as if you are a Taurus/Libra Sun, search for people that have Pisces Venus to take your best photo. If you are Cancer Sun, search for Pisces Moons. If you are Leo Sun, search for Pisces Sun people. If you are Virgo/Gemini Sun, then opt for Pisces Mercury people. If you are Sagittarius Sun, search for Pisces Jupiter people.
🌊Virgo North Node or North Node in the 6th house might find it hard to keep a job due to not know how to work well with others. Learning this skill will be one of the their main life lessons.
🐟Virgo North Node avoids daily routines, routine at their job. Which is often seen by them wanting to change their daily routine every 2-3 days, they might want to introduce different, new activities in their daily routine. However, sometimes it's not just that these individuals need to follow a routine, but more so they could help OTHERS with routine, mundane task and how to have a steady daily routine.
🌊The degree of the Ascendant in your Midheaven/MC Persona chart might point to your age when you get your first steady job.
🐟People who have Sun in the 5th house in their Midheaven Persona chart might transform a hobby or something that interests them into a full-time career.
Credit goes to @astroismypassion
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starboyyoongi · 3 months
(de)tangled. ateez au
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⭑ summary: unable to a set an appointment with your favorite braider, your roommates decide to step in and help. the problem, though? the three of you had absolutely no idea how to braid—at all.
or, in which you, hongjoong, and wooyoung (damn near) fail at doing your braids at home.
⭑ pairing: kim hongjoong x jung wooyoung x choi san x black female!reader
⭑ warnings/tags: cursing, lots of confusion, questionable hair parting skills, joong and woo bickering, use of nicknames (“ji” and “mama”), play fighting
⭑ notes: in light of me stressing over getting my braids done, i decided to write something a little light hearted and funny about the boys trying to help reader do her braids. i also thought that this would be a cute way to kick off the series? idk but i hope that you guys enjoy and feel free to leave feedback! x
and then there were nine series masterlist
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YOU ALWAYS PRIDED yourself on being able to figure things out relatively quickly especially when it came to others. it’s how you ended up becoming the unofficial mom of the group a couple of years ago. the boys, and just about anybody who knew you, knew that they could always depend on you to come up with a solution.
when it came to yourself, however, things were… different.
it was like all of your problem solving skills went out of the window and your body became riddled with anxiety. you didn’t know what to do when it came to solving your own problems. sure, you could ask someone else for help, but why would you want to run the risk of being looked at as stupid or incompetent? it was a silly thing to worry about, yes, but you couldn’t help it.
if anyone was going to come up with a solution to your problems it was going to be you—plain and simple.
however, your current problem was starting to feel more and more like something you couldn’t do by yourself. as you stared at the pieces of braiding hair strewn out in front of you, you wondered why you thought that this would be a good idea. while you knew how to manage your natural hair and do a couple of plaits or twists whenever it was necessary, you were by no means a braider.
that was something reserved for either your mom or your braiding lady who you had been loyal to for the last four years. speaking of said woman, she was the reason why you were in this mess to begin with. she was booked solid for the next few weeks which meant that any plans to get your hair done was basically thrown out of the window.
you were desperate, though, and instead of finding someone else to do it and risking your hair being botched you decided to do it yourself. you now recognized that in theory this sounded like a good idea. you felt so confident as you picked out your hair color and browsed the hair beads section in the beauty supply. you couldn’t keep the smile off of your face as the cashier rang your items up and you thought about how cute your hair was going to look.
but that was in theory.
in reality, you were a confused mess standing in the middle of your room clutching your phone in one hand and a comb in the other. you didn’t have the slightest clue where to begin and it was stressful to say the least. just as you began typing something in tiktok’s search bar, you heard a knock at your bedroom door followed by hongjoong saying your name in a sing song kind of tone.
“jia, babe, have you seen my— oh. what’s, um… what’s going on here?” hongjoong asked.
you peaked up at him with a fake smile and held your comb up as you said, “nothing. just getting ready to do my hair.”
hongjoong raised an eyebrow in confusion. “okay… so what’s with all of the pieces of hair on your bed? and why is your hair still up?”
“because i’m just getting started.”
“by looking at your phone all anxious and whatnot?”
“ugh. okay, fine,” you sighed. “i don’t know what i’m doing, joong. i thought that doing my own braids was going to be easy, but i completely underestimated things.”
“do you need some help?” hongjoong asked.
you opened your mouth to say no, but then you hesitated. now really wasn’t the time to be picky and deny any help that was offered to you. because again, braiding your hair wasn’t your forte. and if you could get an extra pair of hands to get the job done then so be it.
you nodded in response and watched as hongjoong smiled at you before loudly calling wooyoung’s name. it took a few seconds, but soon your other roommate was popping his head into your door frame and asking, “what’s up? everything okay?”
“yeah, but are you busy right now? jia needs our help doing her hair” hongjoong explained.
“no, no, i’m not doing anything right now,” wooyoung smiled. “however, i’ve never done hair before so i’m not sure how this is going to turn out…”
“don’t worry. i have a bunch of tutorials in a little playlist i created and we have all the supplies that we’ll need,” you said half reassuringly. you weren’t sure if you were trying to convince them or yourself. “so we should be okay.”
⭑ ⭑ ⭑ ⭑
you guys were in fact not okay.
twenty minutes later, the three of you found yourselves situated in front of your mirror trying to follow along a hair parting video you found on youtube. the video was pretty straightforward to you, but the same couldn’t be said for wooyoung and hongjoong. where wooyoung was confused about how big to make the parts, hongjoong was confused as to why so many were needed in the first place.
“the more parts, the more braids, joongie,” you tried to explain, but to no avail.
hongjoong scrunched up his face in confusion as he said, “yeah, but, like… won’t it be too much hair? and will parting your hair hurt?”
“why would it hurt, hongjoong?” wooyoung huffed out with an eye roll. “clearly jia’s hair has been parted before and it’s never hurt her. are you stupid?”
“you don’t know even know how to part her hair to begin with!”
“neither do you, fuck face!”
“oh, fuck yo—”
“okay!” you said loudly as you paused the video. “clearly this is getting out of hand. how about one of you work on pre parting my hair for now? what do you say, wooyoung?”
at the mention of his name, wooyoung started to nervously laugh. he wanted to say no so, so bad, but he couldn’t. he had such a big soft spot for you that saying no felt like it was impossible. hell, he doesn’t even think that he’s ever told you no before and he wasn’t about to start now.
so with a nod of determination, he positioned himself behind you, comb in hand. your hair had already been blow dried and taken out of the messy ponytail that you had it in earlier. all that was left now was for your hair to be parted then braided.
“ready, woo?” you asked.
he gave a thumbs up.
hongjoong watched as his (clearly nervous) friend began to part your hair. for a minute, it felt like things were going well. wooyoung had managed to part a straight line across for the first row before starting on the square parts. everything seemed fine until hongjoong realized that the squares were all different sizes.
he stifled a giggle as he looked away, not wanting to draw attention to himself. but you had noticed and asked what he was laughing at.
“nothing, babes,” hongjoong replied. “just looking at woo’s, um… squares is all.”
you narrowed your eyes at him. “why’d you say it like that?”
“like what?”
“you know. like something was wrong with the squares or something.”
“pfft, no. there’s nothing wrong with the squares…”
“okay, good.”
“…except for the the fact that they’re different sizes and look goofy from this angle. but aside from that, everything’s fine.”
“what?!” you screeched out, immediately twisting your neck to try and see what wooyoung was doing.
“i thought that i was doing a good job! they look fine to me, ji, i swear—” wooyoung tried to explain.
you wanted to believe him.
you really, really did, but one glimpse of the back of your head told you otherwise. you sighed and told wooyoung and hongjoong to switch. if hongjoong was just as nervous to part your hair he didn’t show it. you sat still as you felt the end of your rat tail comb glide through your hair once more.
you couldn’t see it, but hongjoong had somewhat managed to fix wooyoung’s square partings. once everything looked okay to him, he moved on to start making the second row of squares. wooyoung had been standing beside him watching closely the entire time without saying a word. once again, it started to feel like some progress was being made. if hongjoong could just get through parting your hair then—
“your parting is ugly as shit, joong.”
hongjoong threw wooyoung a nasty glare before he glanced at you in the mirror and gave you a very unconvincing smile.
“he doesn’t know what he’s talking about, jia. the parting looks great! woo’s just being a fucking hater” hongjoong stated, but you didn’t miss the way that his voice faltered at the end. that was all that you needed to shoo him away and twist and turn your neck in the mirror once more to see the damage.
okay, so maybe wooyoung was right—hongjoong’s parting was definitely on the weird looking side. you couldn’t deny it no matter how hard you wanted to.
you sighed for what seemed like the nth time that day. if you guys couldn’t even get the parting right, then there was no telling what the actual braiding process was going to be like.
you started to weigh your options.
on one hand, you could forego the entire thing and style your natural hair for the next few weeks instead. there were quite a few styles that you had been meaning to try on pinterest anyways and your hair was finally long enough for some of them. the only downside was your lack of patience and sort of laziness when it came to doing your hair. a cute slick backed hairstyle that was meant for two days could easily turn into a three week old, caked up gel mess on your head.
on the other hand, you could continue to go through with the braiding process. you had more than enough hands to help and your best friends didn’t seem to mind redoing anything for the sake of wanting your hair to look good. plus, you had more than enough tutorials on deck for practically every part of the braiding process. the downside, though? you were taking a huge risk with your hair being botched—the one thing that you had been trying to avoid this entire time. as much as you loved your best friends, they weren’t experienced braiders and it would (most likely) show.
in other words, you were fucked.
sort of.
kind of.
you groaned in frustration before you spun around in your seat to face wooyoung and hongjoong. you looked up at them, eyebrows furrowed as you said, “guys, i don’t think that this is working.”
“you think?” wooyoung immediately deadpanned.
hongjoong gave him a nasty glare before he nudged him rather painfully in his side. he ignored wooyoung’s whines for help as he asked you, “what do you want to do then? should we keep going or…?”
you shrugged in response.
hongjoong hummed as he started to wrack his brain for a solution. it had become apparent to him over the last hour or so that the three of you were not cut out to braid hair whatsoever. the whole thing was a bad idea from the jump and hongjoong knew that. but he was so desperate to help you out that he was willing to ignore the possibility of the whole thing falling apart.
now, though, as he stared at the uneven parts in your hair and the frustrated look on your face, he felt bad—awful even. there had to be a way to fix things. you guys couldn’t give up just yet.
“what if—” hongjoong started only to be cut off.
“san. we should ask san.” wooyoung interjected.
“what? san?” you said in a confused tone.
“yeah, san,” wooyoung said with a shake of his head. “he has a little more experience with braiding hair and could probably follow the videos better than we can.”
you chewed at your bottom lip as you thought the sudden suggestion over. you had no idea how wooyoung even knew that san could braid hair in the first place, but you weren’t in a position to really question it. either you agreed to ask for his help or you called it a day and stuck to hiding your hair under a bonnet for the next few weeks.
“okay,” you agreed. “call sannie and ask, but you better not be lying to me, woo. or else i’ll beat your ass.”
“so will i!” hongjoong chimed in.
“but you just hit me! what the fuck, joong,” wooyoung complained as his fingers started to fly across his dimly lit screen. just as he finished sending the text and was about to lock his phone, he saw the three little bubbles pop up. they disappeared for a second before wooyoung’s phone buzzed with san’s response.
sanieee 🕺
LMFAOOO of course you two dumbasses messed up
tell ji i’ll be up in a few 😁
⭑ ⭑ ⭑ ⭑
seven hours.
it had taken you and san (with occasional help from wooyoung and hongjoong) seven hours to braid your hair with an additional twenty minutes spent adding beads at the end. that part would have taken less time, but hongjoong had no idea how to add them and kept dropping the beads every five seconds.
by the time you guys had finished both braiding and beading your hair, your fingers and arms were in pain. san was pretty sure that his fingers had gotten cramped up and you had a feeling that you’d be finding braiding hair and beads in odd places for the next few days.
the boys watched as you kept turning in the mirror to see your hair, the grin on your face growing wider with each turn. you swung your small, long pink and red braids from side to side as you took a quick ten second video of yourself. you tilted your phone down slightly and zoomed in a little on the clear and black beads that adorned the ends of your hair. simply put, your hair was fucking stunning.
you took a few more videos and pictures before you finally set your phone down to work on your edges. as you rummaged through your drawer for your edge brush, you caught san’s gaze in the mirror. just as you were about to thank him for the millionth time in a row, you suddenly remembered what wooyoung had said earlier.
“he has a little more experience with braiding hair and could probably follow the instructions better than us.”
dipping your brush into the half empty jar of edge control, you called out san’s name. he tore his gaze away from hongjoong to look at you as he answered, “yes, ji?”
“a little birdy here tells me that apparently you,” you started as you pointed your edge brush in his direction. “know how to braid hair. i’ve known you for how many years now and i’m just now finding out about this?”
“oh. um…” san ran a hand through his hair as he laughed, slightly taken aback by your question. beside him, wooyoung and hongjoong were watching you two and giggling like two little kids.
“well, i wouldn’t say that i know how to braid. i only know how to do plaits and stuff, you know? basic shit” he said.
you turned around to face him and raised your eyebrows in disbelief.
“you just braided my entire head and you gon’ sit up here and tell me that you only know how to do ‘plaits’? and ‘basic shit’?” you questioned, not entirely convinced by his answer.
“but it’s true though?” san said with a a shrug of his shoulders. “and to be fair, i was just following along and being patient. braiding isn’t that hard to do.”
“okay, now you’re just being a show off, dude” hongjoong muttered with a roll of his eyes.
you barely managed to stifle your giggles as san suddenly shoved hongjoong, causing him to fall off of your bed and land on the floor with a loud thud. it took all of five seconds for hongjoong to get back up and lunge at san. you watched as the two men rolled around your bed play fighting with one another and messing up your neatly spread bed in the process.
you shook your head and turned back to your mirror to finish doing your edges. you could hear wooyoung in the background repeatedly yelling out “fight! fight!” and hongjoong and san giggling loudly. as you finished fixing your baby hairs and putting your things back, you couldn’t help but stare at all three of them in your mirror’s reflection and smile.
you didn’t realize how long you had been smiling and looking at them, though until wooyoung asked in a teasing tone, “uh oh. what’s got you smiling so hard, mama?”
“you guys, duh. although,” you squinted your eyes at them a little. “you look like a bunch of idiots right now play fighting on my bed and stuff.”
“yeah, but we’re your idiots and you love us, so…” wooyoung joked with a toothy grin as he dragged out the ‘o.’
you rolled your eyes at him with a dramatic sigh, but you didn’t disagree.
“of course i do. i’ll always love you guys. forever?”
“and always, mama.”
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ghostradiodylan · 9 months
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[s k i l l ]
So, we talk a lot about Quarry headcanons and what could have been on the Brainrot Discord server that Kat made and one of the things I keep thinking about is how they gave (at least some of) the characters these sets of skills that never really impact gameplay, and I think it would be really cool if they did. Like, if there was more variety in who could be sent on which path. Switching Kaitlyn to the Hackett house path with Laura and Ryan to the scrapyard with Dylan being a popular one for fanfic, but also, idk, maybe Dylan won't let Ryan go without him so he ends up on the Hackett house path too? Maybe Abi steps up to go with Kaitlyn to the scrapyard and has to figure out the crane even though it's way out of her skillset, maybe Emma and Jacob can actually come back and link up with the rest of the gang instead of being stuck out in the woods for so long, stuff like that.
I'm just thinking about what their skills might be and how that might impact the game. Also keep in mind that if the character you most need for a task ends up up dead before that task comes along, it's going to be carnage for everyone else, which would up the replay value significantly IMO.
Kaitlyn: Shooting. She's a MUCH better shot than Ryan, if we can believe the Shooting Stars scoreboard (four of the actual children attending the camp score higher than him), but we never see that in the game? What if the aiming mechanism was actually different between different characters? What if there were shots you could make more easily as Kaitlyn, that were harder to pull off as Ryan?
Ryan: Agility. Guy does a lot of running and jumping, what if there were timed segments that were easier to complete as Ryan within the allotted time, or else something consequential happened? Good luck if you ended up plodding along with Jacob instead, now Abi and Nick are both mauled and turning, or something like that.
Dylan: Tech. Dylan's the physics nerd who slays at the crane game. What if you could bring him to the Hackett house and he could figure out the electric circuit puzzle in no time, but that meant someone else had to help Kaitlyn in the scrapyard? Maybe Ryan can still save Jacob without him but he takes too much time and the Hacketts catch you and pick off one of your party.
Jacob: Strength. Jakey's probably the buffest of the dudes, so maybe there are times you need a pair of strong arms or legs and Jacob's the only one who can come through. They also show us him picking locks but he never does that in an impactful situation, so maybe he'd have a lesser talent for that as well.
Abi: Stealth. Okay, so Abi runs and hides? Maybe she's awesome at hiding, then? Maybe she can get through parts of the game undiscovered by the werewolves that other characters can't. Maybe her being short AF means she can fit into hiding spots that you can't cram the leggy bois like Dylan and Nick into.
Emma: Observation. Emma's always watching and analyzing everyone's behavior and documenting things on her phone. Maybe she can find evidence or tarot cards others can't, or put pieces of the mystery together in ways no one else thinks of. Emma's a badass in the game, but it would be cool to see her 'documentarian' side come in handy prior to the credits rolling, too.
Nick: Climbing. I completely made this up because we don't get to see Nick do much besides try to pull his crush, suck face on a dare with Emma, and get mauled, but we do know he takes kids through the ropes course based on his dialogue with Abi, plus he's tall so he's got long arms and legs! Maybe he's the aerial expert. Maybe he can scale fences and get important items down from trees. Maybe he can climb up and free other characters who get stuck in those snare traps. (Obviously this assumes someone else can be the Designated Werewolf Victim, which I also think would improve the game.)
This also assumes Laura and Max keep their current roles, but I'd be up for that to be changeable too. It's not that I necessarily want a higher number of choices available, I just want the choices we can make to actually impact the gameplay and story arc more! Anyway, that's my Quarry ramble for the day (unless I come up with another one). Anyone else have thoughts?
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crazyfandomluver · 13 days
*clears throat and leans into the mic* oc update. *disappears*
So. I figured out a bit more about my shadow company oc, and I need to share it so here’s what it is:
I decided I didn’t want him to be a soldier, we already have plenty of those, and I know we already have a medic. I was originally thinking about making him a cook, because someone has to cook for all this hungry babies, right??? WRONG. They can make their own food for themselves and for others. What these lil fellas really need, is some gosh dang THERAPY. So he’s gonna be a therapist and help his precious buddies😌
As another thing relating to therapy, he’s pretty adamant about them not bottling up their feelings, and finding some way to unleash their feelings. If they don’t want to talk about it, he’s turned an empty office room into a rage room where they can safely destroy things (The walls do not count PIXEL. You will break your fist, PIXEL.) My oc has made sure to provide safety gear, and has had soldiers bring back items from the war zone so that the soldiers can take care of pent up energy.
However, if they DO want to talk about it, he would love to sit down and talk with them! Nothing will be shared outside of his office, and he makes sure that they can feel as comfortable as they can.
He’s also REALLY good with his hands. In a crafty way, of course. He’ll often spend most of his free time making plushies, pillows, bean bags, and other things for soldiers. He’s very skilled, and very sneaky about finding out what soldiers would like, in ways ranging from having others ask about it, to sneaking the question into the end of a session. He’ll often make something for someone while they’re on a mission, and then when they come back, he’ll either give it to them personally, or they’ll find it on their bunk with a little note :) Unfortunately due to the danger that’s normally present on missions, there has been a few times where he’ll be waiting outside of the transport vehicle with the thing he made for them, watching for the soldier to exit, only to find out that they died on the mission. He knows how to handle his own grief of course, but that doesn’t make it hurt any less.
I had started thinking about what I wanted his first name to be, (because he’s not a soldier so he doesn’t have a callsign or a number) and the first name that came to mind was Adam, and I couldn’t think of anything else so… he finally has a name now! 🥳 I also decided that his last name will be Takker, which is pronounced ‘Tah-care’
Also, here’s a plushie I decided that he would make based off this dog toy that I found!
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Plushie Grandpa Russell the Opossum!! Of course, the head wouldn’t be made of rubber, but I’m sure you get the idea 😅 This is just one of the things that Adam would make, including bean bags and other things. He’s also good at painting and stuff and has even drawn on his knife that he has for self defense so it’s a neat little custom decal knife ^^
I feel like he would definitely enjoy having a family, he in fact has a sweet wife who works part time on weekends and bakes him things to take to work and to his friends, and one adorable little girl who he brings to work on ‘bring your kid to work’ day. Her name is Asher, and she carries around this little unicorn plushie that Adam made for her 🥰
I will eventually draw him. (Eventually could be anywhere from today to 5 years later)
@pampanope @mrsphillipgraves @whitewolfmystery @theseareregularthoughts
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yslende · 3 months
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cabin 16 ー children of nemesis headcanons
| author's note: yeah i only really made this because i figured out that nemesis would be my godly parent. quite a few of these are based on me. probably not going to do any more of these, if only because i'd be unable to emulate this amount of detail again.
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vindictive. do i even need to say it.
ambidextrous. the lot of them.
all of them have stares that seem like they look right through you. 
insane resting bitch and poker faces. nothing shows unless they explicitly let it.
⬆️ however, any emotion they feel, they feel it STRONGLY. happiness? more like euphoria. sadness? more like depression. annoyance? more like fury. (the furies *wish* they had what nemesis kids do.)
they're the type of people to be fashionable by default because all they wear is black, red, and Leather Jacket (which is a color in itself.)
⬆️ despite this, they don't mind the camp shirts, if only because everyone else is wearing them.
three options: read rulebooks for fun, be the reason rules are created, or both. 
they treat death like a trip to the dentist: an unpleasant inevitability. 
unshakeable loyalty. once you've got a nemesis demigod on your side, they'll follow you to tartarus and back.
⬆️ likewise, if you harm them or their friends, there is nothing they won't do to get back at you. nothing is beneath them. be terrified.
natural skeptics. nemesis is a daughter of nyx, so some of her kids have likely been to the underworld. they've met shades. even so, they'll passionately argue against the existence of ghosts.
weirdly good memory. of course, they remember every insult said about them, but they also remember how many arrows you shot into the woods at archery practice last tuesday. especially good with remembering strings of letters or numbers.
⬆️ they're some of the few demigods that can do math. they do it for fun, that's how bad it is.
really good at strategy, but often people don't go along with their plans. see: nothing is beneath them.
geese fucking love them. a common sight at chb is watching geese try and bite everyone's faces off, then trip over themselves to be pet like drugged cats by the nemesis cabin.
all super good at board games, especially chess, settlers of catan, and monopoly. uno skills are 50/50.
they're the type of people to save every deus ex machina item in a video game for later, and then proceed to never use them.
great sense of balance. they're great at tightropes, and can do triple pirouettes (a type of turn in ballet) easily. they like perching in trees and watching during capture the flag if they're not fighting.
if you're unwilling to debate or close-minded, be prepared to find spiders in your underwear. *especially* if you're an athena kid.
⬆️ probably have a tarantula as a cabin pet, named 'houdini,' because he keeps ""escaping"" to the athena cabin. it's super unfortunate like that.
⬆️ they also probably have a favorite wild goose, too. 
there are no extroverted nemesis demigods. if one seems like an extrovert, they're either in denial or masking super hard.
they're the type of people to do all of the group project work alone. they have no patience for anyone who can't pull their weight.
each have their own methods of organization. if you touch their stuff you will die. they always know.
can't sleep without the ends of their blankets tucked underneath the mattress and the sides perfectly even. it just feels off to them.
socialism. communism. literally anything except pro-capitalist. look at me in my face and tell me i'm wrong.
optimistic pessimism? very 'the glass is half-empty, but at least there's something in there' vibes.
about as blunt as a club. if you want the brutal truth, ask a nemesis kid about your swordsmanship. you'll come out crying.
they take things very literally. jokes often fly over their head, but they catch sarcasm and veiled insults faster than hermes runs. 
always take things seriously. even things that aren't supposed to be taken seriously. like 'packing rocks in snowballs' seriously.
all of them despise bullies with all of their being. there isn't a nemesis demigod who won't introduce their knee to a bully's crotch for fun. hades, they'll *pay* you to let them do it.
their fighting skills and athleticism increase when serving justice, revenge, or vengeance. like normally, they're really good, but then someone steals their marshmallow or something and then they get REALLY good.
like to put extra effort into scaring and prank new campers before being nice to them. trial by fire, i guess.
however, after the inital hazing, they protect unclaimed kids with their lives. again, see: nothing is beneath them.
want to know everything, including but not limited to why you didn't put any grapes on your plate to every single reason why your godly parent acts the way they do towards you. once again, see: nothing is beneath them.
fight best with either a sword or a shield, but they're especially good with both. 
(sidenote: their favorite swords would probably be executioners' swords, which imo are super fucking cool. their favorite shields would probably be aspis (roman: clipeus) but specifically the ones with faces or figures carved in them.)
nemesis isn't a super caring mother tbh. she punishes her children mercilessly if they do something wrong or malicious. however, likewise, she praises them lavishly whenever they complete a quest or do something that demonstrates the power of cabin 16.
⬆️ her kids either have huge problems with authority or zero problems with authority. most swing wildly between the two, but that's what balance means, right?
friends with cabins: 1, 5, 8, 13, 15, 20
chill with cabins: 3, 9, 12, 14, 17, 19
does not get along with cabins: 4, 6, 7, 10, 11, 18
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softpascalito · 10 months
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Presents - Pedro Pascal Characters Headcanons
Summary: Which presents do the Pedro boys give you for Christmas? I have some ideas.
Relationships: Joel Miller x Reader, Javier Peña x Reader, Dieter Bravo x Reader, Din Djarin x Reader Tags/Warnings: Non-explicit smut, Fluff, Headcanons
notes: some more headcanons for you darlings <3
Joel Miller
Joel is actually surprisingly good at giving presents. He'll pay extra attention to what you're saying or what you may need in the weeks before Christmas.
During patrol, he keeps an eye out for your favorite foods and products, storing them away into his backpack to add them to the ever-growing list of presents for you.
He prefers giving to getting, even though he's always more than thankful when it comes to his own presents. But nothing beats the look his loved ones get in their eyes when they unwrap a present from him and it's just the perfect one, showing just how well Joel knows them.
Come Christmas Eve, there's at least half a dozen small packages waiting under the Christmas Tree for you. Joel loves to spoil you.
He gets creative as well, making use of his woodworking skill to add a few more personal gifts to the pile, carving you small figurines of your favorite animals.
Javier Peña
Javi gets lost at least three times while he visits the mall to go Christmas shopping. He does not like the over-crowded stores at all but he knows he needs to find something that let's you know just how much you mean to him.
When asked about his own wishes for Christmas, he only asked for a pack of Malboros (needless to say, he gets a few packs AND a proper present).
He's about to pick out a frangrance that seems like you'd like it when he runs into Connie. She instantly sees that he looks like a fucking lost puppy in between all the products and options and takes pity.
She helps him pick out a few things you'll actually like and even reminds him to grab some wrapping paper. She also promises to not tell you about her helping out a little bit.
You're blown away by the gifts he picked for you, trying not to show how surprised you are he actually knew what to pick.
At the DEA's Christmas Party, you run into Connie. She just winks when you ask her if she'd been helping Javi. You both never tell him.
Dieter Bravo
Dieter thinks about whether or not to get you drugs (he doesn't).
He loves giving gifts that he knows will benefit him as much as they do you- something for your shared apartment or something for you to wear.
There's a cozy sweater and a hat from your favorite brand under the Christmas Tree, but there is also some more ... naughty clothing.
You like dressing up a little for Dieter, teasing him more than once throughout Christmas-time by suggesting to get one of those little red and white outfits that would perfectly highlight your figure.
He gets you a few, unable to decide on just one when he begins to imagine how good you'd look in them.
Dieter and you both name the white lace one as your favorite, detailed with little, glittering snowflakes all over the fabric.
Needless to say, the rest of the presents dont get unwrapped until the second day of Christmas.
Din Djarin
Din is absolutely lost when it comes to presents. The two of you are inseperable, which doesn't really make secretly buying something easier.
The opportunity presents itself when you decide to shop for some new clothes and he gets a little while to himself.
A Mandalorian wandering around the aroma and lotion shop turns heads but Din can't bring himself to care. He tries a few items, holding them below his helmet so that he can take a whiff.
He settles on a set of lotions and creams that smell refreshing, a note of pine in them. You always prefer the wooded planets to the desert ones so he hopes that it's a safe pick.
You love it more than he expects - and he does too. For the next few weeks, his entire ship seems to smell like the store did, fresh and gentle, and you seem surrounded by the scents he got you. It begins to smell like home.
He insists, as soon as you have used the bottles up, to go back and get you new ones, stocking up on the lotions and soaps and oils. If you ever leave, he tells himself, he'll at least remember the smell.
(You never leave).
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rouge-the-bat · 1 year
i think itd be really funny if hiei didnt realize who kurama truly was for a while after they meet. kurama introduces his name to him as just "kurama," and im sure theres More Than One demon kurama, so its not like hiei would immediately assume hes THE infamous youko kurama. and kurama doesnt tell him, because hes a silly lil fox with much patience and finds much amusement in waiting and seeing how long itll take hiei to realize.
and its not like kurama tries to be subtle either. he gets a fox keychain on his backpack, hiei notices it and asks its purpose. kurama says its just a fun decoration, which hiei dismisses as stupid.
kurama eventually mentions having a tail in his old body. hiei realizes he was an animal demon, but doesnt care which he may have been, because what would it matter?
kurama also does not keep quiet about the fact he was and still is a thief. there are a lot of thieves in the makai, though, things dont click in hieis mind yet.
hiei turns down much of kuramas attempts to "pry into his life" (as he sees it) at first, and doesnt want to pry into kuramas either. he wants to keep their partnership as just business, he has no interest in getting all buddy-buddy (he will also not think into at all why he likes looking at kurama, it doesnt mean anything if he doesnt think about it). BUT. he does end up becoming very curious, because how could he not with a demon in a human body, that has such an unusual situation and loads of knowledge and skill?
kurama told him at least that his soul had escaped to the body of an unborn human before he was able to perish. hiei wondered how long ago that happened, and asked kurama how old his human form is. "14," kurama tells him.
at this point hiei is still able to return to the makai, and he goes to retrieve some various seeds kurama needs for weapons/medicine and such. a good way he can be useful for their partnership- he doesnt want it to be one-sided after all- and plus kurama equipped with more items would defintely be helpful for him as well.
on one trip he eavesdrops on some bandit hideout he discovers- nothing interesting they got there, but information they speak about could come in handy. a very unimpressive-looking demon mentions that theyre gonna become the next youko kurama (hiei manages to keep himself from snorting, but not from rolling his eyes). another demon says that theyve been hearing rumors that youko kurama died for over a decade now, but they still dont believe it. says they bet he faked his death so he can catch some big shot off guard and take em for all theyve got.
this conversation doesnt make him question anything until later, when hes relaxing in a tree back in the ningenkai. its late, and his mind starts to wander and remembers the conversation. hes always heard a lot of tales about the king of thieves, but doesnt know how much may be factual. he offhandedly wonders if kurama happens to know any concrete details, since hes proven to be very knowledgeable about many things.
then it clicks. all the little details over the months fall into place in his mind and hes suddenly wide awake and rushing to kuramas house. he slams kuramas sliding window open, and kurama startles and halts from brushing his hair. he sternly tells hiei to be careful, that glass can break easily, and that sound could have woken his mother. shes a light sleeper and needs her sleep! hiei doesnt comment on that, and just urgently says "kurama. what kind of demon are you?"
kurama blinks for a moment, then chuckles. he gives hiei a wicked grin as he replies "youre just now figuring out who i am, are you?" "kurama," hiei repeats, "what are you?" he sees a mischievous glint in those green eyes that almost looked gold before kurama answers "why, a youko, of course."
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jackdaniel69nice · 2 months
Another Midoriya inko au idea
SO. When izuku is diagnosed as quirkless by “dr. tsubasa” (dr.giraki) inko immediately does a ton of research on quirkless people and discovers the high amount of mistreatment and profiling they are subjected to from bullying at a young age to being denied work as an adult from prejudice. She immediately begs him to remove the diagnosis, he says he will for a…fee. It’s MUCH more than she can afford. She refuses to ask mitski for money in what is a completely illegal operation so she…becomes a pickpocket.
Her quirk allows her to levitate small objects so she stealthily takes wallets from pockets to slowly add up to the due amount. In doing so she is accidentally training her quirk to become stronger and can begin to lift much bigger objects until she can easily lift izuku, then she can lift a whole couch. She feels bad for stealing from common people like her but she needs to save her baby and a mother will do anything for her child.
Soon enough izuku comes home with bruises one day and even though she told izuku to keep his diagnosis a secret the teachers leaked his “quirkless status” and he has begun to be bullied. Inko now has a target. The families of the children who have been bullying izuku quickly become troubled with financial issues after their place has been robbed of valuables. Izuku (the angel he is) tries to offer them reassurance after and ends up making a surprising amount of friends. Inko is officially an anti-hero of sorts. Inko can lift a small car.
It has been only been one year and she still can’t reach her goal, she needs to set her sights higher before tsubasa revokes his offer. She looks up wealthy businessmen and some politicians who have been known to be quirkest. She robs them blind in the night. It’s finally enough. Izuku gets registered as an intelligence enhancing quirk with and empathy influencing sub-ability. It’s not something that can easily be proved or disproved that he has. Izuku thinks he has genuinely developed a quirk. Bakugo isn’t much nicer to him because the problem was never really his quirklessness and just the fact he thought izuku looked down on him. They have a sort of normal rivalry and izuku works on “training his quirk” by his usual studying and analysis to try and figure out ways to fight using the environment around him, support items, and sidekicks. He leads his “new friends” (lackeys) and uses their abilities together to fight bakugo and even wins a few times. They subconsciously believe they are under the influence of his empath quirk and follow him pretty blindly. He also believes he has an intelligence enhancing quirk and gets into building support items for himself. He also does lots of physical training and learns lots martial arts from his mom who is still keeping her skills sharp just in case, she can lift many large trucks in row with her quirk and is really buff to boot💪 . The only one who suspects there is anything off about inko are the bakugos, specifically Mitzki.
I’m not sure if izuku would inherit ofa but there would be a great opportunity after seeing izuku (and his mom) beat the sludge villain with intelligence. Maybe he would make his final decision after izu gets into UA.
I also want dr. Giraki to reveal that inko is a “villain” and that izuku is actually quirkless >:)
very angsty and delicious
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theskeleton117 · 26 days
Ok so I decided to write down all my CotL AU's character's fighting styles because I got bored and wanted to share lore but didn't have any huge lore to share so we doing some subtle stuff today
Lamb: Not incredibly coordinated compared to the others, since Ratau didn't have long to train him, and a lot of what he's come up with was on his own, but his fighting style does somewhat lean on the fact that he's durable. He can take a lot of hits without going down, so he does take a lot of hits. Pre-game Lamb on the other hand is much more coordinated and in line with the others due to more time to train. Funnily enough though, Lamb is the most reliant on his powers
Narinder: Narinder's fighting style is more mid-ranged, since his main weapon tends to be things on chains that he throws and swings around, however he has a sword for regular close range combat if needed
Leshy: Leshy's is chaotic and I don't even need to state it. It's chaotic, but has a strategy to it despite that. He relies on many fast attacks, however he tends to also try to attack where the enemy can't attack him back, like behind them. Leshy is the most agile out of everyone so I imagine he'd be able to get behind people without too much effort in most situations
Heket: So Heket mostly uses her strength to her advantage, using things like hammers against less agile opponents, while switching to her axe when someone more mobile challenges her
Kallamar: He fights with 4 weapons at a time, all of them usually being swords, however his main weapon is his ability to adapt to any situation. He's not a master at any weapon, but he can use any weapon effectively, and even is good at using non-weapon items as weapons
Shamura: So Shamura is the most skilled out of all of them, and they partly have the ability to adapt that Kallamar has, they're agile, they know how to use their powers to their most effective uses while not relying on them, and their most important skill is their coordination. They can figure out the best place to bit you in a split second, and their reaction time is on point
Aym and Baal: Their fighting styles are a bit odd, as they're incredibly powerful together, but on their own, they're just average.
Ruri: Ruri heavily uses stealth to her advantage, which is something Narinder could also do very well mind you, but prefers not to. While Ruri is a stealth expert, whenever she gets caught or needs to abandon stealth, she's still easily able to defend herself. She dual wields two swords usually, and has some longer range options as well, though she doesn't always bring them with her on every mission as they're not always necessary
Ok, now that all the canon characters are done, time for the characters who only show up in either this fic or expanded CotL media
Menta: Menta's style of fighting is like a more refined qnd safe version of Lamb's, having their improvised moves be improved on, with coordination more akin to the average bishop. Menta was never really told not to use her powers as much, and given how she technically didn't have a crown, just all the power of one, she didn't need to worry about it ever being taken from her, so she uses that to it's full advantage
Scratch: He's just a little scared guy who didn't really sign up for this. Scratch tends to use long ranged weapons, which he had trained in for a long portion of his life, but never thought he'd actually have to kill with. He pretty much exclusively uses a crossbow because of it's distance to the opponent, as well as the fact that he was trained for hunting, not fighting
Mauser: Mauser is a special case because he's able to fly, so while his sword makes him close range, his wings make him able to approach quickly, and he usually attacks by making quick dives down at his opponent, then using the momentum from that attack to fly back up to where they can't hit him, to then make another attack. Since he can't do this indoors with low ceilings, however, he tends to fight how most people would with a sword when not flying
Burnaby: Fire. He uses a lot of fire. His fighting style kinda reminds me of Leshy’s with it's speed, but with more throwing and a lot more fire and burning and explosives. He uses a small axe, which he tends to throw at opponents, then run up to them, grab the axe back in such a manner that does a lot of damage on the way out, usually jumping onto the oppent for this move (perks of being short as hell), then usually jumps away to be in better range for more fire based attacks, like fire bombs, regular bombs, you get the idea
Sabre: Basically just what Heket had, however since he doesn't fight with or alongside Lamb, he's not redundant. His combat style is somewhat affected by Burnaby, ad some of their attacks are cooperative, one of them being this one where Sabre throws Burnaby into the enemy at full force (perks of being slightly above averagely tall in a team of mostly short people), which I could explain in more detail since there's more to it but I think it's funnier if I leave it at that
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nunalastor · 3 months
Resident Evil Asks Because Goddamn There Are A Lot
Anonymous asked:
One downside to RE7: Alastor gets his hands on a grenade launcher. That feels like a weapon he shouldn’t have. 
Anonymous asked:
There’s a bit in RE7 and 8 that protagonist Ethan absolutely refuses to show his face to cameras. His face is covered in pictures, he will turn away from the camera if you go into 3rd person, and he suffered horrible damage and collapsed on his back but STILL ROLLED OVER SO HIS FACE WOULDN’T BE SEEN IN EVIDENCE PICTURES.
Yeah we picked Ethan as the RE protagonist Alastor slots into for a reason.
Anonymous asked:
Resident Evil 7
Lucas Baker appears around the hotel and if the residents thought they knew what it looked like when Alastor was on sight, they've seen NOTHING until they saw Alastor attack him with a shotgun, resulting in the two getting into a screaming match.
It's hard to make out what is being said but between "you ruined my trap, Alastor" and "you kidnapped Guy TWICE. I know you weren't controlled like your parents" they figured out this ties back to their human lives. Charlie gives up on even attempting to go into her usual forgiveness spiel when Alastor brings out the flamethrower saying he killed Lucas once and he'll do it again because come on he did not let Lucas get away like in the game.
Now they have more questions. How do they know each other? Who is Guy and why does Alastor care about him? What control are they both talking about? What trap???
Vox meanwhile wants to know who this guy is and why Alastor hates him more than Vox himself.
Anonymous asked:
Alastor stockpiling the healing items from RE7 and using them in his battle against Adam. He takes the hit and sustains all the injuries buckshot anon described but it's a mild inconvenience because he pours the weird herb fluid on his hand and is back in action and goes at Adam again.
Adam has fun with it at first, a sinner who won’t back down, but Alastor's stockpiling means he can go at this for as long as he wants to become familiar with Adam's moves and openings, and that would get frustrating.
If he does manage to sever a limb and Alastor calmly puts it back on is when that would really start to freak Adam out. And Vox would be fuming while watching because all of this proves the "almost beat" in their own fight was not any skill Vox had, instead Alastor not giving a fuck.
Anonymous asked:
Combining Alastor having the Dahlia Hawthorne thing going on and Resident Evil 7 means Alastor went to the Baker Estate at minimum armed with the sun umbrella Dahlia always has. Alastor beat the shit out of a mold zombie with an umbrella, there’s no way he didn’t.
Anonymous asked:
For the RE7 au, when Alastor finds Lucas Bake, he puts him through the same ‘tests’ that Lucas made Alastor endure in the Baker Estate. Alastor definitely makes sure Lucas’ pain is slow and agonizing.
When hotel find out he has someone captive that he frequently tortures (that Husk or Nifty didn’t even know about) they’re like,
“Why is this guy your prisoner?” “Even for you this is too far” “What could he have possibly done for you to do this?”
Charlie would even try (and fail miserably) to persuade Alastor to let Lucas go and maybe forgive.
Alastor would only give vague answers or not even give any. He would just say, “This is between me and the miserable wretch”
Also Alastor never kept Lucas in the hotel, but a secret location that Lucifer discovered. Lucifer cause he was suspicious of Alastor because he said he was going to Cannibal Town. Charlie needed Alastor for an emergency and when she called Rosie, she said Alastor never visited. That made Lucifer suspicious so he decided to follow Alastor and found him in one of his sessions with Lucas.
Anonymous asked:
Some more RE7 ideas I want to share, especially the whole mind thing. Ethan was able to communicate with the real Jack Baker because all them were infected with the mold.
So it’s kind of like a form of communication between everyone, that even souls from heaven and hell can communicate but it’s laggy and slow (kind of like low internet connection). This means they can also communicate with Roo but only if she allows it. Despite what happened, Alastor and the Bakers (exception of Lucas) became good friends. They and Guy are on board for Alastor to be redeemed.
The subject of Lucas is a sore topic and Alastor tries to avoid it the best he can. As long as he keeps Lucas’ weak, his connection is low.
Anonymous asked:
If the hotel thinks watching just Jack's section of Alastor's time in the Baker Estate was bad, wait until they get to Marguerite, Lucas, and Eveline. Eveline's section would probably be different to the game because Mia was directly involved with her creation where Guy was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, but still terrifying.
Anonymous asked:
Resident Evil 7 
Alastor sometimes hums the song ���go tell Aunt Rhody,” the song Eveline would always hum (really recommend the RE7 version), and the hotel never thought anything of it. Husk sometimes heard Alastor singing the lyrics and thought he was talking about himself based on the line “they locked me up and took my soul,” so he didn’t think anything of it either.
They have a lot of concerned opinions about that upon knowing what happened in the Baker Estate and where that song actually came from.
Anonymous asked:
Watching Alastor's time in the Baker's Estate, nobody talks much but when that cop finds Alastor trapped inside and basically says Alastor isn't right in the head and there have been missing people in this area, Charlie is practically screaming "THAT'S HIM! HE'S ONE OF THE MISSING!"
Anonymous asked:
Alastor was reasonably frightened in the Baker’s Estate, serial killer or not the creatures he’s up against would be terrifying, but the thing that truly scared him was when he found Guy locked in that padded cell, and Guy immediately had some kind of mental breakdown and tried to get them out because “Daddy’s coming.”
Angel raised an eyebrow at the Daddy title if Lucifer showed them what happened at the Baker's Estate, but that was the moment Alastor knew something was seriously wrong with Guy. Guy knows Alastor has issues with his father and fathers in general. He wouldn’t say something like that unless either that was the only name he knew for his captor (begging the question of why), or something got into Guy’s head. That's the worst thing Guy could possibly say, and Guy should know that.
He wouldn’t immediately assume Guy’s possessed by demon mold, but that combined with Guy panicking about disappearing doors, not remembering things well, and behavior indicative of hallucinations, Alastor knows he needs to watch his back. When Guy disappears and Alastor finds him again, he is much more prepared for this to be the mold-possessed version of Guy that tries to attack him. 
Anonymous asked:
Eveline (RE7) manifests herself as a child but Alastor “would strike a child” Hawthorne was in no way deterred by this. Need to defeat the demon child to save Guy? He's on his way to get it over with.
Anonymous asked:
Talks of Guy and Alastor in the Bakers' Estate got me thinking. Both would have serious trauma from that, especially Guy who was there longer, and that trauma would be even worse if he died by an illness from the Bakers' Estate.
During episode 6, Adam shamed Angel for going to a bar with friends after a hard day, and when called out for that only retaliated that "Uh, we don't have hard days? It's fucking Heaven, bitch." Nobody tried to deny this was the line of thinking in Heaven, that people don't have bad days so coping methods are minimal or shamed.
Would Guy even do well in Heaven? He was ripped from his friend he knows understands his trauma, and any attempts to process or cope with the trauma would be shamed so he would have to either suffer in silence or live in secrecy. If he died from disease, he didn't get a chance in life to come to terms with it either and his death was awful.
Anonymous asked:
For RE7, I’m scared to think about the screenshots Vox took of human Alastor. He already has a room filled with Alastor’s photos, now he has the human ones.
Anonymous asked:
Another messed-up aspect of Alastor going to the Bakers' Estate (and would terrify the hotel) is the beginning of Marguerite's section. In the game, Ethan found a video from Mia detailing her experiences that night trying to escape and being captured. In absence of that technology, Alastor is either going in blind, or managed to find Guy again and they went through the old house the first time together, hearing Marguerite’s switching between calm and enraged, yelling and chastising Guy for wanting to escape with “that boy, Alastor,” and neither of them know how she knows Alastor's name, because Alastor didn't say it and Guy insists he didn't either but has so many memory problems he can't be sure.
Especially terrifying if that means Alastor was there when Guy is captured again by Marguerite, and he has the chase after them as Guy is screaming and begging Alastor for help.
Anonymous asked:
Since we are doing RE 7, how about RE 8 with Rose being the biological daughter of Guy
After being rescued, the police force thought it was a good idea to hire a lady of the night to entertain Guy. (I still think Guy is also on the ace spectrum but he just experienced a living hell for about three years. And he was probably buzzed and without Alastor there things happened)
They didn’t know about Rose until a friend of the girl dropped her off. Apparently the mother didn’t want to take care of Rose (appearntly she sensed an evil presence in the baby) making Guy was a single dad. But Alastor decided to step up and that’s how Rose Hawthorne Winters had two dads in the 1920/30’s.
Anonymous asked:
Resident Evil 7
Alastor avoiding everyone in the hotel because they watched his past and now his photo of his human self is all over the web. Eventually he would leave the hotel for even days, choosing to stay at Cannibal Town and murdering every person that decides to go up to him talk about his past.
Charlie: Alastor I’m so sorry!
Alastor: Sorry that you invaded my privacy or sorry that most of hell know what I looked like and my past.
Charlie: Both
Alastor: Noted. But now I have to remind those stupid enough to mess with the Radio Demon.
They’re also on the lookout for Bakers. Alastor will be damned if anyone, especially the Vees find Lucas Baker.
Anonymous asked:
Susan is actually Eveline and she can change her age to little girl to an old lady, with Alastor she reverts back to her Eveline form and when she is playing with the Cannibal children.
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happydragon · 29 days
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Useful Skill
Phee and Crosshair come to an understanding
Rating: G
Word Count: 960
Hope y'all enjoy!!
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Phee lisented as Crosshair cursed and struggled through his task. He didn’t know she was there since he probably would have snarked at her to leave if he did. She hadn’t even meant to sneak up on him in the first place, but then she heard a cursed shout which scared a poor moon-yo. When she went to find out the source, she discovered a very frustrated sniper as he struggled with his prosthetic hand. He seemed to be trying to do some maintenance on it but wasn’t making much progress. After a few more curses and a handful of groans, she decided enough was enough.
“Need a hand?” she asked as she approached closer. 
He briefly lifted his eyes, not surprised she was standing there. He tinkered a bit more before he finally gave up and threw the tool to the ground. 
“Be my guest,” he hissed as he turned away but held his hand out for her. She raised a skeptical brow but picked up the tool and sat a respectable distance from the sulking man. Both for his comfort and her safety. Can never be too sure if someone bites when aggravated. 
“What seems to be the problem?” She asked as she took his hand to inspect it. When he remained quiet, she glanced up with an expectant look and found him still turned away from her. 
“Listen, as much as I understand you don’t like me, I can’t fix a problem if I don’t know what it is.”
He finally turned to her with an annoyed frown but finally spoke, “Blasted thing won’t respond when I try to do anything. I pick something up only to end up dropping it two minutes later.”
She hummed as she turned back to the offensive item in question. With a slight press of her finger, she opened the compartment that hid all the wiring. She inspected the wiring, carefully using the tool to push aside the wiring so she wouldn’t accidentally cause him pain. 
As she worked, she could feel Crosshair’s eyes watching her every move. It wasn’t so much annoying as it was curious. He usually kept their interactions to a minimum. Hunter assured he was like that with everyone when he first met them and to be fair to Crosshair she has enjoyed getting under his skin just a little too much. He reminded her of Tech, although she used a different method to get under his skin. She sometimes made it a game to see how red she could get his cheeks in the shortest amount of time. Although the things he could say, she could swear made her heart stop. 
With one final click, she finished and handed the tool back to him.
“Should work smoothly now,” she announced as she stood back up and dusted herself. She watched as he flexed his trembling fingers, testing the movements. After a moment he nodded, so she turned to take her leave. 
“I don’t hate you, you know?” he said, causing her to turn back. He now stood, massaging the back of his prosthetic hand as he stared at the ground. 
“Yeah, I know. I also know I don’t make it the easiest for you.”
“Yeah, well I suppose I could be less cruel.”
She hummed but said nothing. Guess they were both at fault. 
“Where did you learn how to do that anyway?” he asked, “You don’t seem-”
“Like the smart type?”
“Your words, not mine.”
She gave a small laugh with a shake of her head. 
“Learned from Brown Eyes.” Crosshair paused in mistrations. “He said it could be used for more than just prosthetics. Like when I need to repair Mel.”
Now it was Crosshair’s turn to hum. She almost decided to turn back but then he spoke up again. 
“What,” a pause, “what was he to you?” 
That took her by surprise. She figured he had been filled in on their relationship by the others or at least had an idea of it. Maybe he wanted a better understanding. 
“Well I’d say we’re what you hope to be with Jana,” she said, unable to resist the chance to tease him. It worked, with his mouth immediately turning into a scowl as his cheeks darkened, if only slightly. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“You’re a bad liar, you know that right? Most of you are. Funny how the sweetest one of all of you is the best liar.”
That made him actually bark a short laugh, which in turn made her smile. He deserved a good laugh. He and his siblings. If there was one thing she enjoyed more than teasing Tech, it was making him laugh. He had a great laugh. Not too bad of a smile either. She missed that smile. So kriffing much.
“To answer your question,” she began as she looked down, “We never had a chance to define what we were.” 
Crosshair nodded and didn’t press further. It felt strange to talk about it. Shep, Hunter, and Wrecker never asked, but Shep wasn’t a pushy person and the latter two had more pressing matters. It sort of felt nice to let out in the open. While it hurt, it made it real. Whatever they were, it was real. 
“Thanks again for the hand,” he interrupted her thoughts.
“Yeah, well, you know where to find me if you need me.”
“Right, I’ll be sure to look for where there's buried treasure.”
“Oh he’s got jokes now,” she laughed, not the slightest bit upset. 
“I’m full of surprises.”
With that, he wandered off, leaving Phee with her thoughts once more. As she watched him go, she secretly hoped that Crosshair and Jana would have the chance she never did.
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I like to think it took a bit before Phee and Crosshair got along, but now that they've teamed up, pray for Hunter's sanity lol
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miharuki · 10 months
I'm thinking about something...or rather...someone.
Just a few sketches...
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—Y-your highn- I mean, sir Link...—the man with long hair looks up, observing his figure as he nervously clasps both hands in front of him—D-do you... need any help?
Oh, no, thank you. I'm fine here—you glance at the container filled with food that the boy is preparing, witnessing the skills of the so-called "Link Chef" or just "Chef" or even "Wild Hero" as the group calls him, working on the group's meal.
You feel lost and, above all, guilty for not being able to help at all, even though you don't really know these guys well, and this isn't your land.
—Alright...—you walk away a bit quickly, heading to the corner where the group's temporary camp would be, the group you feel disconnected from, despite being a hero, technically.
Watching everyone chatting and even joking and laughing with each other, while you remain in the corner, waiting to be somehow useful.
Looking at where the chef is, you notice many cooking items he has with him, perhaps things that you don't even know what they are, much like how did you get here? Or, what world is this?
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—So, what about it?—you say challengingly while flexing your fingers, looking at the boy in the blue scarf, your arm positioned for an arm wrestling match.
—Afraid of losing?—you devilishly smile beneath a seemingly gentle gaze.
The boy just sighs before smiling challengingly, raising his arm and clasping yours.
—I bet I'll win!
"You got this, War!" shouted the newest group member, watching the scene unfold and the arm wrestling match begin. Though it didn't mean much when you had already won.
—Ah, now it's my turn!—Twilight says, tapping War's shoulder, smiling confidently, thinking he might have a chance, especially after all he's been through.
But it was a surprise for everyone, including Twilight, when you held his arm on the table for a while without even giving him a chance to try.
—I told you!—you smile again as you watch the boy shake his hand.
—Dude, you lost to a woman!—War says, playfully hitting Twilight's shoulder—Look who's talking!
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—f.fou--..muhpmm?!?!—surprised at being interrupted when the blacksmith boy decides to make you stay quiet, kissing you, while holding the back of your neck, so you don't stray. It wasn't enough that you arrived at the time he separated but also being extremely adorable. You tried to push the boy, but he held you tight, if that wasn't enough, you felt something wet enter your mouth, it was at that moment that your face was redder than ever, this boy not only stole your first kiss but also your first French kiss.
-fuck! How did we let this happen!
-I don't know! But…
. —oh man! she's so cute, I can't help it! —I think I want to stay longer….
—we want…! It had been a few minutes since you stopped pushing, you didn't know why, but you liked the feeling, he was warm, and for some reason, it was actually good, except for the part where you saw 4 people just like the blacksmith, but you were already forgetting, how could you think about that when the boy in front of you felt the need to take you right there, to make you stutter, and not bear it any longer until you forgot what you saw, until you could no longer bear the pain in your pants , he wants to take her Right there, they want to, and maybe that happens, maybe that way you keep secrets, maybe you like being fucked by all of them. And then, you can go out on a date, maybe even be together, he wants that so much.
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Just a fanfic prototype that might come out, if you like it maybe I'll turn it into a fanfic.
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waywardangel-wilds · 5 months
What's your headcanon for Katniss and Peeta's children?
How old was Katniss when give birth to their daughter?
How many years apart between them in age?
Your headcanon for their name?
Who gets the singing and art skill from their parent?
Bonus question : please give recs of your fav everlark post-Mockingjay fanfic.
Thank you :)
How old was Katniss when she gave birth to her daughter?
I know that canon is somewhere around 30-32 but my soul wants it to be 35. Probably because I personally consider 35 to be the best age to get pregnant by. I also like the idea of K&P having elementary-aged kids while they're in their 40s. 40 is such a hot age, its also such a good age to be parents IMO. 40 is just great.
How many years apart are they in age?
I picture them as being 4 years apart at the maximum. I think that makes sense for the epilogue ages we get hinted at. Toddler is 1-3 so the boy is somewhere in that range while the girl is between 4-7. I think that makes sense.
Your headcanon for their name?
I'm a strong believer in Willow and Rye. Those names just sound so Twelve to me. There's also something 'traditional' about those names, in that they're callbacks to Katniss and Peeta's own families (that is assuming the baker names all the kids after bread/bread-related/adjacent items). It's a way of honoring the dead, which I think is extremely important to them.
Who gets the singing and art skill from their parent?
I'm the controversial everlarker. I don't love stories where one kid is super Peeta-like and the other is super Katniss-like. In my experience kids aren't like that, they don't typically take after their parents' talents/hobbies/skills. I think each kid might have a special bond with either parent surrounding one of these skills but I think it's unrealistic to expect one of them to be super artsy and the other to be super outdoorsy. I just don't see it. I also think Katniss and Peeta would love it if their kids pursued other interests that are in no way connected to their own just because that is something they never got the chance to explore at all. I might be biased by my own family (my family has lived through war and military occupation), but because of that context I see Katniss and Peeta being those parents who go all out for every single interest their kids have. Oh, this summer little Rye is into swimming? It's swim world now baby. Little Willow wants to do soccer? The whole family has jerseys now. I don't think there's anything wrong or bad about the kids doing their parents' hobbies or anything like that - I just think it's unlikely they would inherit so much from their parents. I think both kids have wonderful memories of baking and painting with Dad as well as hunting, camping, and singing with Mom. I don't think either of them is necessarily amazing at those skills nor do I think Katniss and Peeta push them in that direction because one way or another all those skills were cultivated from a need to survive. Peeta bakes for work but also paints for therapy. Katniss hunted to survive and also sang for the emotional value she got out of it. These hobbies/skills have their baggage to them. I think that's something to keep in mind. Hell, my grandpa is a hunter, grew up a hunter, and used to hunt during the war so my family could eat something other than rations. None of us know how to hunt. It's something he decided he didn't want to trouble us with. There's baggage there.
Bonus question: please give recs of your fav everlark post-Mockingjay fanfic.
I am the worst for fic recommendations because I never remember the titles of anything. Rn I can recommend my friend @vasilissadragomir 's fic Us Among The Living (it is very good and she puts so much love and care into it!!) and my own growing together fic which is (I swear) going to be updated soon. Other than that I'd have to go on a hunting spree myself to figure out the names of stuff lol.
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nilesdaughter · 28 days
Wrapped in Love
Fandom: Critical Role Characters: Percy De Rolo, Vex'ahlia Pairing: Perc'ahlia Word Count: 1,065 Note: Yes, I know Perc'ahlia Week 2024 is coming up in a month--and I should be focusing on those prompts--but I've been trying to finish up what I didn't for the 2023 prompts. This one in particular was fighting me, but I finally got it to a point where I don't hate it.
[Also found on AO3.]
Aside from her obvious love for her archery lessons, Vex’ahlia looked back on her woodworking lessons with some level of fondness. They were not something she’d had the opportunity to do often, as Syldor focused more on the twins’ academic and martial studies rather than their artistic pursuits, but they put her at ease in much the same way that archery did, surrounding her with the comforting scent of wood even when she was indoors.
She naturally fell out of practice when she and Vax’ildan abandoned Syngorn, since she lacked access to the full range of necessary tools while they traveled. She picked up small projects where she could just to fill the idle moments, but her woodworking—limited as it was—became delegated to creating more arrows when she couldn’t buy them and carving small personalizing details into her bow. Even when Vox Machina earned Greyskull Keep, she still didn’t get a proper chance to return to it, since it took several months for the keep to be constructed and then their ordeals with the Briarwoods and the Chroma Conclave kept them away from their new home.
It wasn’t until Vox Machina spent some time away from each other that she could actually pick the craft up once more. As she and Percy settled more into Grey Hunt manor—her manor—they curated a workshop space for him, giving him an excuse to spend more time in her vicinity. (Not that he really needed an excuse, of course, but it was one of the reasons he gave Cassandra when she refused to stop needling him about it.) Over time, though, Vex eventually intruded on what she considered his space by installing a small workbench for her own tools, obtained gradually over the first few months of their break. She still didn’t turn to woodworking often, as she did have to focus on her Grey Hunt duties, but in the quiet moments where Percy was holed up in the workshop and she wanted the benefit of his quiet company, she would sit near him and cut and carve and shape the wood into more “frivolous” items.
She started small, carving small details and curling shapes along the curve of Fenthras, sprawling out from where she had made careful, tiny letters out of ‘sinaeth’ as she made the Vestige hers and hers alone. Eventually, she allowed herself to graduate to larger projects: a small bear the size of her palm, a simple trinket box where she began to keep her Earring of Whisper when she wasn’t actively wearing it, a panel of the De Rolo family crest that she hung above the mantle in the main sitting room of the manor. When she regained some confidence in her hands and her skills, she turned her attention to a more complex trinket box, using different woods from across Exandria to represent all the places she and Percy had seen together, determined to create something for the man that spoiled her with his own creations.
“Darling?” Vex called with a light trio of taps on the doorframe of the workshop.
“Hmmm?” Percy pushed his work goggles up onto his forehead and glanced her way. “Yes, dear?”
“I have something for you.”
“Oh?” His brow furrowed a little in confusion, like he was trying to figure out what the occasion might be.
She nodded, almost hesitant and shy in the gesture. “May I?”
“Of course, dear,” he replied readily.
Vex smiled faintly and crossed the room, holding the completed box—wrapped in dark blue paper—behind her back. Once she stood next to Percy, she set the package down in the spot he had cleared for her on the workbench surface; he seemed even more confused and glanced at her in curiosity.
“Well, go on and open it, darling.”
He nodded slowly and returned his attention to the package, careful and meticulous as he unwrapped the paper. He revealed the most complex section of it—the various wood types carefully cut and arranged to portray a landscape view of Whitestone as she often saw it from one of her favorite hidden spots within the Parchwood—and ran his shaking fingers along the edge of the lid.
“Is this what you’ve been working on when you’ve been spending time in the workshop?” he asked.
“Yes,” she replied with a small nod. “You always make such wonderful trinkets for me, darling, and I felt it would only be appropriate to return the favor.”
Percy seemed to be at a genuine loss for words, silent as he looked the box over. The longer the silence stretched on, the more anxious that Vex began to feel, a small and distant part of her remembering the time Syldor had discarded a pipe that she had put hours of work into as a gift to him. Before her thoughts could truly spiral, Percy let out something of a soft laugh as he glanced up at her again.
“You didn’t have to do this, you know.”
Vex smiled, trying not to let her relief show in her posture nor expression. “I didn’t have to, but I wanted to. And I thought that you might enjoy something practical rather than purely decorative.”
Percy’s expression softened (oh, how she loved that he only looked at her so) as he said, “I believe it actually serves both purposes, dear. It’s lovely work.”
Vex blinked, startled by the praise. “Oh…! Well… thank you for saying that, darling.”
He tilted his head before he frowned slightly. “You are aware that I’m being genuine, dear? I’m not merely spouting niceties?”
Vex didn’t answer, unsure of how she felt about him knowing exactly what he had inadvertently hit upon, even if that perceptiveness was one of the reasons she cherished him so deeply.
Percy sighed a little and set the box back down on the workbench before reaching out to take both of her hands in his, his tremor seeming to calm as he held onto her. “I do love the box, dear. It’s beautiful and speaks to a skill I did not realize you had. And I’m flattered that you spent so much time and effort on something for me.”
She offered him a shaky smile and, in return, he leaned down to press a kiss to her brow.
“Thank you, Vex’ahlia,” he reiterated when he pulled away. “Truly.”
“You’re welcome, darling.”
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