#Norne has always been a favourite
katfreaks-hidyhole · 5 months
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The newest member to the +10 club, Norne the Volunteer
0 notes
holdmytesseract · 2 months
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moodboard by @mochie85 divider by @fictive-sl0th <3
Summary: It's been a long time coming... But now the day for you and Loki to say 'Yes' and enter the bond of marriage has finally arrived. A covenant for eternity.
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Chapter Three - Loki's Bachelor Party
Warnings for this Chapter: alcohol, partying, Scott as a stripper – kind of? also fluff
Word Count: 3,6k
a/n: I absolutely love the gif for this. Fight me. 😂
Once again goes the shoutout to @sagitternolunaspace for the Midgardian (pre-) wedding traditions! Thank you! And again a thank you goes out to everyone who helped me along with this chapter!
💍 Chapter Two °☆• Chapter Four 💍
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You had been barely swept away from Loki by Natasha, Pepper, Jane and Wanda, when the god returned to the now empty apartment in the tower he shared with you. Once the door fell gently into its hinges behind him, he snapped his fingers; causing his Asgardian armour to melt away from his body - leaving him completely nude.
Loki ran a hand through his untamed raven curls, while he made his way to the bathroom. It was time for a shower. Time to get rid of all the stains which had left the mission on his skin.
The warm water massaged his muscles and helped him relax. It usually always did. The god loved a good, hot, relaxing shower after a mission - and if you'd join him, he loved it even more. If the girls wouldn't have stolen you away for your bachelorette party, Loki would've totally taken you with him, but well...
You had discussed this Midgardian pre-wedding tradition with him already a few weeks ago. It was something you were eager to have - and your friends didn't let this tell them twice, of course. They were more than happy to plan the party for you and surprise you.
As for Loki... The god wasn't sure about it. He understood the concept of this tradition. You had explained it, but he didn't know if he should like it or not. Alcohol, silly costumes - or well, T-Shirts and Strippers in the most cases? Tendencies to no. Hence, Loki didn't even know if his oaf of a brother would think so far to prepare something for him and he was convinced that the other male Avengers certainly wouldn't do it. Why should they?
Back when Thor married, he didn't have a bachelor party, but only because he did not know of such a tradition. When you gathered up Jane for her party, it was already too late - given the fact that you all were on Asgard at that moment in time. So, no Stark or Rogers who could saunter through the golden palace doors and pick up Thor for his turn.
Loki laughed to himself. As if Roger would ever do that... He would have to remove the stick up his ass first.
With a sigh, the god turned off the tab, reached for his towel and stepped out of the shower. Thick, hot steam had gathered inside the room; fogging up the mirror. Loki dried himself, went through his after shower routine and lastly put on fresh underwear. Then he cleaned everything up with his seidr and left the bathroom.
His next destination was the bedroom he shared with you, in order to get dressed - preferably casual. In the closet, the god found his favourite grey sweatpants (What a shame it was that you couldn't be here right now and admire the things this specific kind of trousers did to him.) and a loose black t-shirt - perfect for a lonely and lazy afternoon, evening and unfortunately night.
Loki then paid the little shelf in the living room a visit, which was stuffed to the brim with books. The chosen one was a old Norse romance - one of your favourites. Book in hand, the god made himself comfortable on the sofa; ready to get lost in a fictional world.
Unfortunately, he didn't quite get that far...
Barely ten minutes in, a loud knock sounded from the main door. Loki's eyes lifted. Another knock - followed by further knocks. "Oh for the Norns sake..." The god cursed; laid the novel aside and stood up. It knocked again. "I'm on my way!" He grumbled annoyed and at last opened the door for the impatient visitor - and once he did, his eyes almost popped out of his head; jaw slacking.
It was none other than his oaf of a brother, of course.
Thor had the brightest smile on his face which must be physical possible. Nothing very unusual. It was the dress up that shocked Loki... His brother wore black leather trousers and a emerald green t-shirt, on which stood in big golden letters: Loki's Bachelor Party. And the worst was the huge, very unfortunate taken picture of himself, which was printed on the t-shirt as well.
He couldn't be serious right now...
"Thor... What in Odin's name is that?" The blond god giggled and proudly displayed the t-shirt. "Do you like it, brother? I created it myself!" He boasted, but added seconds later in a whisper after Loki gave him a disbelieving glance: "Alright, alright... Jane helped me quite a bit, but... Shhhh. Don't tell the others." "Others?" The younger man asked; blinking.
Thor started to smirk again. "Of course, brother! We are not celebrating your bachelor party alone - if that is what you think." The black haired god looked once more incredulously at his older brother. "Bachelor party?"
Thor sighed and shook his head. "For somebody so utterly witty and clever, you are really stupid sometimes." The blond gestured towards his green t-shirt again, "You did see what it reads, brother, didn't you? 'Loki's Bachelor Party'!" before he reached inside his seemingly endless leather pocket and pulled out another emerald green t-shirt. "Now let's go, brother! Get changed! It's time to celebrate!" Thor threw the t-shirt at Loki, who caught it effortlessly.
"T-Shirt, black leather trousers and black boots. It's the, uh, dress code - like the Midgardians say. Five minutes, then you shall meet us outside. You will be awaited." Loki wanted to say something - anything, in order to protest, display his discomfort and especially ask his brother if he had lost his last remaining braincells, but before he could, Thor had already walked away.
Loki sighed as he closed the door shut; pinching the bridge of his nose. He clearly didn't want to do this. He refused to do this. After all, who knew who his brother had invited to this ridiculous Midgardian pre-wedding tradition party? Nobody of the male Avengers liked him that much to spend a great amount of time with him on a party for him.
At least that was what Loki thought.
The god wanted to call his brother; tell him that he would not attend this... bachelor party. He had already picked up his phone; thumb hovering over the green button beside his brother's name.
But then he remembered a conversation he had with you not such a long time ago...
"A what?" The raven haired man asked; eyebrows slanting. You giggled beside him. "A bachelorette party, babe. It's a Midgardian pre-wedding 'tradition'. The female friends of the bride organise a day - or a weekend, where they take her somewhere in order to celebrate the fact she is going to marry. Commonly - I'd say, it is an evening, where they party, have alcohol and mostly book a stripper." "A stripper?!" Loki shouted out; almost horrified. You nodded. "Yeah, it's, uh, I don't know... It's somehow a thing for such partys. After all, they are celebrating the bride's last days or weeks as an unmarried woman..."
"Yes, darling, I think I understood the concept, but... A stripper?" Your fiancè shook his head. "I don't want this. I don't want another man stripping for you."
You kinda saw that coming. You knew Loki was very... territorial when it came to other men. He always had been and you couldn't deny that you loved this about him. You were the only one for him - the only woman he'd ever lay his eyes upon, and it should be the same for you.
"If the girls really do that, I will refuse, okay? I promise, I won't watch that man strip for me." Loki shot you a relieved, almost thankful smile. "I appreciate this a lot, my love."
There was silence for a few moments, as you walked side by side, until... "The same usually goes for the bachelor party as well..." Loki wasn't stupid, of course. He could connect the dots quickly. "Female stripper?" The god asked; swallowing. "Almost, babe... I'm sure you heard of clubs with a lot of stages and poles in it? Seats and sofas where men - and women can sit, have a few drinks and watch half naked - or naked, who knows... Women dancing at those poles?"
Loki knew what you were talking about. He had been quite a few years on Midgard now; having definitely heard of such... establishments. Before he met you, such a thought would've peaked his interest, without a doubt. Beautiful ladies dancing at poles and showing off their curves? Which man wouldn't be intrigued? By the Norns, he would've probably spent various nights there already, if he was still the same god he was years ago - but he wasn't. Meanwhile, the thought of such clubs was everything but a turn on. It disgusted him, because if he went there, he would disrespect you. Yes, Loki would probably go as far and say he would cheat on you - and that was the last thing he wanted to do.
Your fiancè scrunched his nose. "Love, alone the mere thought of such an establishment disgusts me. I am yours - and only yours. I don't want to see other half naked women dancing for me. They don't deserve my attention. I swear to you, Y/N, I won't ever set one foot in such a club. Not under any circumstances. Never." You blinked; were quite a bit... shocked? Sure, you never discussed that topic, because there hadn't been a reason, but... All your ex-boyfriends would've salivated at the mere mention of such clubs...
"You seem surprised, my love?" You blinked again. "I-I, no, I... It's not that, babe. I'd rather say I'm shocked about the fact that all my ex-boyfriends wouldn't have said no to such a club night and you..." Loki raised an eyebrow at you; a look of disgust on his face. "Pft..." He scoffed. "Mortal men... They never fail to shock and disgust me. It's almost embarrassing that they still don't know how to cherish, worship and appreciate a woman and the love she gives them."
You couldn't help but smile; feeling pure love pumping through your veins for the raven haired god walking beside you. You reached for Loki's hand; slipped your fingers through his and gave them a squeeze. "Have I already told you today how much I love you?" Your fiancè chuckled. "Yes, darling. I believe about five times." You shook your head. "That's not enough... I love you, Loki, with all my heart."
The god stopped abruptly in his tracks and reeled you in, causing you to squeak up and crash against his muscular chest. A strong hand kept you from rebounding and pinned your body against his. "I love you even more, my darling," Loki whispered and caught your lips in a feverish kiss; not caring the slightest that you two were actually on a walk - in public.
"Let's say the unthinkable happens and Thor organises a bachelor party for me... What am I going to do? I don't think I'm the right person for such things - and not really best friends with the other... men in this compound." You smiled gently up at Loki; once again giving him a loving squeeze. "I know what you mean, babe, but... If the boys, or just Thor - whoever throws a bachelor party just for you, I'd say it's a huge gesture. Give them a chance, please? See how it goes and then decide."
Give them a chance, please? Your words echoed through the god's head on repeat. He swallowed hard; pondering what to do, but in the end he closed the contacts app on his mobile and placed the little device on the sofa. With long strides, he moved to the bedroom to change his clothes - again.
A look in the mirror told him, that the decision he made was probably already not a wise one. The t-shirt looked... interesting. He didn't really like it, but if he wanted to participate in that game, he had to play by the rules, right?
Running a hand through his raven locks and collecting a few things he'd probably need on this 'party', Loki then closed the main door of your shared apartment behind himself. Taking a deep breath, the god made his way down to the first floor.
The moment the metallic doors slid open, he could already hear voices. His brother, of course; Laing, Banner, Stark... He fought the urge to roll his eyes and stepped out of the elevator.
Tony was the first to notice him. "Reindeer Games! There you are!" All eyes were on Loki now. "Man, I honestly didn't think he'd come...," added Bruce in a whisper, whereas Thor and Scott smiled brightly. "But my brother did come!" Thor boomed and made his way over to him; slamming his meaty hand on his left shoulder blade; causing Loki to grimace in slight pain. "He truly is here!" The blond continued. "No illusions!" "And he's wearing the t-shirt! Suits you, bro!" Scott smiled like a little boy in the candy store.
"Well, yes," Loki answered and adjusted the t-shirt - which everybody else wore as well; trying to stay cool. "Admittedly, I pondered to just call my brother and tell him I rather prefer to read, but... I thought I give this-" He gestured around. "-a chance."
Thor patted his shoulder once more. "Wise decision, brother. Now let us go. A merry time is awaiting us!" "Poetically put, Point Break." Stark commented; passing the two Asgardians by. The other two men followed. Loki watched them leave the building through the main doors, where already an all black bus - yes, bus, waited.
The god grimaced. He could've relinquished the sight of Tony Stark in black leather trousers.
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Loki found himself in a so-called 'party bus' again. Like the name already said, it wasn't a normal vehicle with seats. The interior looked more like a disco than a bus... Loud music, tons of alcohol and bright lights. The god didn't really like it at first; was still reluctant and kind of mistrustful. He still couldn't believe that this - whatever it was or going to be, was for him. For his bachelor party.
While the others were already in party mode and having fun, Loki sat in a corner with a drink in his hand; observing - until Thor made his way over to him.
"Brother!" The blond shouted through the music. "Do you like our surprise?" Loki hesitatingly shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know, I-" He got interrupted by Tony, suddenly shouting at the two Asgardians through the music as well. "Point Break, Reindeer Games, c'mon! We arrived!" And with those words the music stopped abruptly, just like the bus.
Loki frowned. "Arrived? Where?" Thor just grinned at him; the conversation he just started already forgotten and gripped his arm; pulling the younger god to his feet. "Let yourself be surprised, brother, but I can assure that you will like it."
And Thor should be proven right...
The building before the group of men stood now, wasn't just a building... It was huge and filled with dozens of different parcours; built for a game called Lasertag. Tony didn't need to explain much, since the game itself was kind of self-explanatory.
"Let's go, dudes!" Scott chirped like a little school boy; was totally excited and already made his way to the entrance. The others followed.
About twenty minutes later, after they all got a instruction and their attire, the Avengers decided which parcour to play first. Loki looked around. "Can we just choose anyone we like? I mean, what about the other people here?" The group started to laugh; giving the fact that the usually so attentive god didn't notice it yet.
"There are no other people here, today, Loki..." Bruce started to explain. "Tony rented the whole thing for us."
The god blinked. "The... whole thing?" He asked; quoting Banner. They all nodded. "Yes, of course the whole thing. Unless it wouldn't be fun." Stark shrugged his shoulders; looking around.
Loki blinked again. He was confused - but probably in the best way possible. "Why? Why would you all agree to celebrate this Midgardian tradition with me? For me?" The four other men exchanged a few looks, before Tony took a step closer to the tall, dark god; awkwardly placing a hand on his shoulder.
"Because you're one of us, Reindeer Games. You're an Avenger - even if we don't always get along and approve of this, but you are." Bruce nodded; agreed with the billionaire. "Tony's right. You earned your place. You proved us and the world wrong. You can be good - when you want." Scott nodded approvingly. "Yeah, man."
Loki swallowed hard. To hear such words had always seemed to be in far distance for him. He would've never... never anticipated or expected that the team would accept him one day. He thought they'd see forever the psychotic, maniacal killer they always had seen in him... Apparently not anymore...
"I..." Again swallowed Loki hard. "I don't know what to say, except... Thank you. Truly. I mean it."
The mood was on the verge of getting very emotional. But before that could happen, Tony eased the situation up. "Yeah, well, your soon-to-be wife played a huge roll in this all, but don't get too comfortable. You are still a pain in the ass."
Loki just smirked; gave the billionaire his best, mischievous smoulder. "Vice versa."
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It was already pitch dark outside, when the small group of men emerged from the Lasertag 'arena' again; laughing and smiling. Loki would've never thought that he could have so much fun with Thor, Bruce, Scott and especially Tony in his 'free time'. Perhaps you could blame it on the small amount of alcohol running through their veins, but who knew?
"I did not know that this... Midgardian game was going to be so much fun!" Thor boomed; walking besides Loki and Tony. "I told you, Point Break, haven't I? Just like I said that your drama queen of a brother was going to like it." "Indeed, Stark." "You do know that I can hear you?" Loki threw in; causing them to snicker - almost like little school girls. The raven haired god just rolled his eyes in mock offence.
The group made their way towards the party bus again. Happy already waited in front of the big, black vehicle for them to return. Of course, Tony had hired him as a driver.
Only now did Loki realise, that Happy was dressed in the same clothes as the rest of the men; paired with black sunglasses.
"Happy! Are we ready to go?" The friendly bodyguard nodded; adjusting his glasses. "Sure, Mr. Stark. The bachelor party is ready to roll on." "What are waiting for then?! Let's go, Reindeer Games! Time to really celebrate the fact that someone is willing to marry you."
Loki wanted to give a snarky response, but a clap on his back from Thor caused all the air to escape his lungs and the words to die in his throat. "Come, brother! Stark is right!" Grumbling under his breath, the god followed the others inside the bus.
It took him a little while to get comfortable and especially to just let go and - he repeated your words in his head... Give this a chance.
And he did.
The music was loud; echoing through the whole bus. Alcohol was flowing and Scott had already reached the level where he was awkwardly dancing around a pole in the middle of the bus - much to everyone else's entertainment. One thing was sure, though... Loki had fun, was definitely a bit tipsy, but also the most sober one. He hadn't had a single break yet from the loud, deafening, colourful and amusing chaos around him. Well, he went outside for a moment to call you, since he saw that you tried to call him, but that was hours ago and didn't really count as a break, did it?
A look on his mobile told him that it was already way past midnight. Usually, at this time, the god laid curled up in bed with you, but you weren't here and the alcohol and adrenaline in his bloodstream kept him wide awake.
"Hey! Guys, guys, guys!" Tony suddenly turned down the music; causing all eyes to land on him. "I have 'n idea." He prompted; swaggering over to the others. "What 'bout we ask Happy to take us to a strip club, huh?" The other three men were way too drunk to think straight and so they all agreed - except Loki.
The god shook his head. "Stark, no." Tony raised an eyebrow; looking at the raven haired man in disbelief. "Sorry, princess, I think I misheard ya. Did you say no?" "Yes. I won't go to a strip club with you." Tony started to pout like a toddler. "But why not? Lots of pretty ladies, Reindeer Games! They're gonna be aaaall over you!" Loki swallowed the anger bubbling up inside him. "That may be true, yes, but I don't want that. Y/N is the only woman for me. I don't want or need others."
Tony groaned and theatrically steadied himself on Bruce's shoulder; almost causing the doctor to tip over. "You're such a party pooper..." The billionaire shook his head, before pressing a button on his watch. "Happy, escort us to the next bar. Not strip club - unfortunately." Then he turned to Scott. "I s'ppose your performance has to be enough. Show us what ya got, Thumbelina." Lang didn't let himself tell that twice and Thor turned up the music again.
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The party went on till the first rays of sunshine kissed the summer sky and the amount of alcohol coursing through the men's veins catapulted them into a deep slumber.
Loki awoke late afternoon that day, with a thundering headache and Scott cuddled up against him. The god groaned and grimaced. It had been definitely a night to remember.
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Tags: @muddyorbsblr @mochie85 @asgards-princess-of-mischief @jaidenhawke @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @multifandom-worlds @jennyggggrrr @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @fictive-sl0th @herdetectivetheorist @hisredheadedgoddess28 @chennqingg @princess-ofthe-pages @km-ffluv @brokenpoetliz @huntedmusicgardenn @lokiforever @stupidthoughtsinwriting @loz-3 @jaguarthecat @icytrickster17 @eleniblue @yourfriendlyslytherinhc @mypainischronicbutmyassisiconic @kimanne723 @lou12346789 @smolvenger @lokisrealpurpous @isaidoop @lokisgoodgirl @aagn360 @cakesandtom @alexakeyloveloki @glitchquake (continuing in the comments!)
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lokisgoodgirl · 1 year
A Lot of Boning [Asgard!Loki Oneshot]
A Link to My Masterlist is HERE Summary: Asgard!Loki loses bet and must wear a corset on a night out. Loki is very pleased about this. (w/c 2.5k) Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI. Loki/corsets. Smuttish. Language. Heavy petting. Spoiled, flirty prince behaviour. Stupid stuff. Ridiculous HC lore. Asgardian crones. A/N: That tik tok wouldn't leave my brain. Sorry folks.
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“A-HA, brother...you have been bested most thoroughly!” Thor’s voice boomed around the pillars, spilling over the balcony. Loki raised an eyebrow, stiffening and clenching his fists while a smile threatened to betray him.
“Indeed, brother” he purred bitterly, making sure he sounded surprised. "How awful."
In the training courtyard below, Sif held Volstagg pinned to the ground, her sword inescapably pointed to his throat. “It seems I underestimated her.” “And what of the bet, then?” Fandral coo-d, his face emerging between the brothers shoulders. Loki shot a questioning glance at the thin fingers now curled around his triceps, before looking to their owner. “I shall adhere to the stakes agreed. Obviously.”
Thor clapped Fandral on the back, chuckling loudly and shaking his head.
“Brother no one expects you to parade the Asgardian night taverns wearing a corset. Norns, Fandral was only joking. Weren’t you, Fandral?” Fandral smirked, reaching for his goblet. He tipped it briefly towards them both, before sipping.
Loki studied the man’s face, watching a tinge of pink creeping up his neck. He tilted his head.
“I very much think he was not joking, brother” Loki said calmly, seeing Thor’s jaw drop out the corner of his eye. “But never let it be said that a son of Odin reneges on his wagers.” “Loki you can’t be ser-” Loki held up a hand, eyes closed towards his brother’s protestations. “But your reputation...the scrolls of gossip which will circulate. Father." Thor's eyes widened. "Brother I implore yo-” “Enough,” Loki murmured malevolently, shooting Thor a silencing stare. The blonde’s lips hardened in a thin line, as the god of mischief shook dark hair back from his shoulders.
“The usual place?” he drawled, pushing himself away from the balustrade. Thor nodded reluctantly.
“Very well,” said Loki, with a feigned sigh of lament.
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When he arrived to his chambers, the staff were dismissed with a wave of his hand.
All save one.
“Wait here,” he soothed as he passed her, trailing a knuckle down her bare bicep. Every goosebump he left in his wake was a promise. “I will have need of you.”
He smirked as she smoothed the front of her silken apron. Loki licked his lips at the memory of the taste of what lay beneath those skirts, already soaking for him he’d wager. That is a bet I wouldn’t intentionally lose, he mused as he threw open the ornate doors to his garment-room. Arms spread wide, he basked in the pungent smell of leather which overcame him. It was warm, and rich. Decadent, just like that chambermaid’s sweet little quim.
He clasped his hands ceremonially behind his back, pacing slowly forward. Loki enjoyed every faint rustle of his leather trousers, each measure thump of his boot on polished marble. The sound of his velvet-gloved fingers brushing together was like the flurry of a lovers skin. All these things and more, he always noticed in the moments before he disrobed. He could feel himself hardening already at the prospect of what was to come. The god smoothed his hair behind his ears and stretched in front of him, lacing his fingers. His knuckles cracked. He stretched his neck to one side, then the other; and with a parting of his digits – a secret compartment blossomed into view.
This was his very favourite selection of garments, each handmade by only the finest knobbled fingers among the Asgardian Crones.
Although responsible for all the royal families more intricate ceremonial costumery....these...they made only for him. For his cabinet of debauchery. And they were well rewarded.
He trailed the pads of his fingertips across displayed fabrics as he moved. Robes of chiffon and silk and leather which cut and hung to his body like honey, so much so that the very sight of his immortal frame wrapped in their embrace had been known to make his lover climax. Into every sinful negligee, every blindfold, every erotic ensemble, every fluttering tail in a well-worn crop; the Asgardian Crones had worked their spells.
‘Are you certain, my Prince,’ one had crooned doubtfully, craning closer to his sketch. Her fingers shook as she did so, tracing the lines of his elaborate request.
“Quite,” Loki had replied with the air of one who did not expect to be asked twice. She observed him craftily, creased skin trembling as one decrepit eyebrow rose. She’d always been a flirt.
“I’m not sure there’s time – tis a lot of boning, Prince Loki-” she hummed, coy undertones fresh even in the creak of her voice. He waved his hand dismissively with a sultry chuckle.
“The tales you could tell about boning, eyh Lagartha?” he purred wickedly. “I’ve heard the songs.” Lagertha’s wrinkled skin had flushed a pale pink as he’d leant across the large cutting table, ensuring to spread his fingers against the wood, making the veins she enjoyed in his hands flex.
She would be able to see down the loose tie of his tunic neckline, to the shifting ropes of muscle beneath. To his naval, most likely. The scent of him, the warmth, the pure essence of masculine, sexual power that flowed from his skin to her nostrils. He watched her cloudy pupils dilate.
A wolfish grin had spread his lips. “Or if you prefer...I could tell you some of mine” he’d winked.
The crone cleared her throat suddenly, hacking. “Are you alright, darling?” the Prince said with excruciating sensuality.
Lagertha hacked louder.
Two new crones had rounded the corner at an alarmingly slow pace. Loki rolled his eyes as they shuffled towards their ailing sister. Loki returned to a standing position. “I shall return next solstice to collect it,” Loki had said pointedly to Lagertha, making a show of stretching out each leather glove before pulling it on. He arched a brow.
Lagertha, close to expiration in her chair, nodded.
The other weavers shot him dirty looks as they began a lacklustre, synchronised fan of her face.
Loki had almost skipped back to his chambers that day. And now, as he rested his thumb beneath his chin in wonder at the finished article, he felt the same elation. He had waited for the perfect debut for this most treasured piece. Oh, how he had waited.
And finally, here it was.
Fandral thought to cast tarnish on his masculinity? On his virility? On his very power and reputation in this realm? Well, Loki thought with a smile as his eyes tracked every immaculate detail of the corset; he thinks wrong. His brother might be excused for being blinded to Loki’s ability to outplay any trickster-like attempts, but Fandral? Loki had given him far too much credit in the past, clearly.
To save time, Loki peeled the clothes from his body with magic. New garments unfurled around his limbs, having been drawn from the everyday closets outside. Tight dark chinos, and a thick cotton shirt; such a depth of green it was almost obsidian.
The thrill of unfamiliar Midgardian clothes on his body sent a shiver of anticipation up Loki’s spine. They were so light. Almost like being naked. If not for the tightness. His cock ached, heavy desire throbbing with renewed vigour. The demon thickened against his leg, each wince from the cotton pants making him hiss as he screwed his eyes shut in pleasure.
Migardians and their fascination with tightness, he mulled as he spun towards the flickering doorway.
“Girl?” he called expectantly. There was a pause, before the chambermaid’s brisk footsteps sounded, stopping abruptly in front of the door to the concealed portion of Loki’s closet. Her eyes were wide in wonder, gazing around until they stopped at his feet. She worked her way up his statuesque body, legs wide and triangular; arms crossed and straining against the shirt. “My P-prince,” she stammered, covering her eyes. Loki chuckled. “Come now, you don’t look this bashful when I come to you with sword in hand,” he teased as he straightened his back. She lowered her hands, revealing only her eyes. They shone. I really should move these ‘suits’ to the cabinet of debauchery, he pondered; watching the chambermaid squirm.
He suddenly wondered how she would fare on her knees, fumbling with the other-wordly zipper, biting her lip as she salivated impatiently for his cock. No time, he chided as he raised a hand, beckoning.
“I require your assistance with this,” he gestured to the side.
He didn’t. Not truly. But Loki Odinson knew how to wring every last screeching sliver of drama from a production. And after the time he had waited for this debut, he would make it drip until its last drop.
Her eyes grew wider. “Loki...” she murmured in awe, protocols forgotten.
The corset handcrafted by his loyal crones hung perfectly lit, showcased on the wall. Exquisite boning curved the sides, cutting inward at the perfect dimensions to cinch the sluttish nips of his taut waist.
The bodice was boned to perfection, thick strips of Nilfheimian narwal tusk holding shape. Golden flashes glinted at the shoulders, down the deep V of the neckline. His richest shade of royal green adorned the bodice, silken threads stitched so close it slid beneath the fingertips like polished glass.
“For what do you require my assistance, my Lord?” she murmured, letting her eyes fall wantonly to his curled lips. Loki slipped the corset from its display, swirling it elegantly over his arms and slotting it in place, much like a reverse waistcoat. “For this,” he said, spinning slowly on his heels. He raised his arms, raking his hair into a messy bun; fingers fastened to his scalp, exposing his neck.
The back of the corset splayed open. A long thread of ebony silk unfurled in Loki’s hand. One end of the ribbon poised upward from his palm like a snake, head pointed to the maid. It lunged towards her before stopping abruptly.
“Take it,” Loki smouldered, “it won’t bite.” The chambermaid’s trembling hands diligently wove the silk through the intricate holes of the corset, each pull of the length together making her groan gently against his back in spite of herself. She was taking her time, wondering at the creases of shirt beneath the boning. Wondering at him.
Loki’s eyes closed, the press of her fingertips between his shoulder-blades making fucking her over the nearest chaise greatly tempting. She pulled the binds tighter, looping strands with a final flourish. Loki hummed quietly, clenching. “I hope this is acceptable, my Prince” she murmured, trailing her fingers wilfully down the criss-cross of ribbon. Her breasts pushed flush to his spine, her words low and sultry. “I have not laced a corset since my lady Frigga’s.” “Do not speak of my mother,” Loki moaned quietly as he guided her hand to the crook of his thigh. His cock met her palm, the resulting squeeze rewarded with a buck of his hips. He spun towards her and guided her to the wall.
Her lungs emptied as he pressed to her, feeling her digits tugging gently at her handiwork. Loki could feel the boning press against her curves, the tight outline of his glamorous armour making her struggle for breath. His lips traced hers with the lightest of touches, her hot breath filling his throat. She thrust against the thigh pressed between her legs, gasping like a virgin as he nudged upwards to her sex.
“Pretty thing,” he whispered warm and wet into her ear. She whined, bucking against him. Loki released a dark chuckle. “Be here to undress me on my return.”
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In Asgard’s busiest tavern, the evening’s festivities were in full swing. Thor stared into his tankard, watching thick bubbles pop lazily on the surface.
“Oh Fandral, what have we done?” he lamented, sliding a meaty palm further up his cheek. “He will be here at any moment. Reputation? Ruined.” Fandral scoffed, glancing at the door for the third time in as many minutes. “Do you think he’ll wear a garter?” announced Sif, swinging a leg over the bench with two large tankards in each fist. Volstagg spat ale in a cloud of laughter. "I bet he wears a garter," Sif continued seriously. "I hereby claim first attempt to rip it off with my teeth." "No fair," Fandral whined. “-Tis no matter of mirth,” Thor snapped loudly. Plates on the table rattled. Fandral patted his hand with a sigh. “Your brother knows us well enough. He is Asgard’s biggest tease. He will not wear ladies underthings - not in public anyway..." he paused, momentarily taken away. " I am most sure of it," he continued breezily. "Fragile masculinity, most likely.” But as he spoke, his face simmered with excitement.
Sif narrowed her eyes at him warily, realising in tandem with the others that the raucous tavern had grown quiet. The four of them spun to face the door, where a hundred other patrons also stared, transfixed.
“Brother?” Thor murmured disbelieving. But there, in all his splendour, was Loki.
The figure cut against the star-littered sky, the outline of his body as crisp and clear as carved marble. Thick curls spilled over his shoulders, fluttering in the nights chill. Long limbs strode rakishly over the paved floor, the click of his heels making onlookers jump as their arousal fizzed like malevolent static.
His cheekbones slashed, the determined set of his smoulder making him look like a king. A demon of the night.
Simply the sight of him moving across the floor made the captive audience hold its breath. The tight grip of the unfamiliar style of shirt to his muscles, the mercilessly cinched nip of his waist which exploded the breadth of his shoulders. A golden brooch in the crest of a snake was pinned to the centre of his chest, complimenting the lavish glint of the corset piping. The god of mischief's ordained colours were saturated by the auburn glow of candlelight. Loki smiled wickedly, winking at an unsuspecting woman grasping feverishly at her friend’s shoulder. He stood at the end of the table, spreading his arms wide before clasping them behind his back. “Well?” he asked smugly, giving them a slow spin. There were a series of thumps as members of the Asgardian public hit the floor. “You know midgardian garments are frowned upon,” Thor grumbled, casting glances over his shoulder. Loki rolled his eyes. “It’s about the ensemble, brother” he snipped. “Although I wouldn’t expect you to understand that.”
Fandral cleared his throat, standing and raising his cup towards the ceiling. “Prince Loki you look-”
“-Ravishing,” Loki drawled. “I know.” He cast a scathing glance down Fandral’s body, making his way leisurely back to his face. “Smarts, doesn’t it? To see me the victorious antithesis of your childish plot to humiliate me.” Sif snorted. “He just wanted to see you in a corset” she remarked, pushing her tankard from one hand to the other. Loki’s lips pursed, folding his arms as he spoke. “The evident stirring in his breeches betrays that much.” Fandral sat down immediately to the sound of raucous laughter round the table.
A crowd had begun to gather at a respectful distance around the dark prince, dozens of eyes combing over every deliciously wrapped inch of him. The air was bubbling with sexual energy. Hair on Loki’s arms bristled. He was just about to bestow greetings upon his inflamed public when Thor tugged his shirt sleeve.
“Brother, the gossip-scrolls will still remark on this…”
Loki scoffed, rolling his eyes. “What care have I? I look incredible brother, as you well know. Desist with your petulant jealousy.” He straightened, enjoying the wistful longing in Thor’s gaze as it swung from Loki’s cinched trunk trussed in boning to the feral, shifting stares of his lustful devotees. And tonight, that was everyone it seemed.
Loki paced around the table, settling his hands on his wary brother's shoulders. “It was supposed to be funny” Thor grumbled, shaking his head while Fandral squirmed beside him. Loki’s mouth twitched in a knowing smile as he watched the man run his palms down his thighs repeatedly. Trying to distract himself. He lowered himself, hovering between Thor and his misguided best friend.
“The wager did not include that we were to wear lace and brassiere and frill and garter. Although I do have those effects in my personal collection, too.”
He winked at Fandral, who flushed crimson.
The god of thunder folded his arms. “It’s just very...you” he whined. The envy, Loki mused, is palpable. His fingers curled around Fandral’s bicep, giving him a knowing squeeze. “Exactly, brother” Loki whispered with finality in his siblings ear. The triumphant god straightened before raising his arms. Dying embers nestling in the tavern fireplaces roared to life at the command. Tonight, he was a king. And the squeals of the crowd grew to a roar.
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atopearth · 1 month
Norn9: Last Era Part 1 - Prelude
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I have been wanting to play this fandisc ever since I finished the main game, but I had to finish Amnesia: Later first so I literally had to stop myself from dropping everything for it hahaha. Anyway, to say I'm excited is an understatement because I am SO ready. Personally, I'm planning on starting with Senri or Heishi because they're my least favourites but I'll see, I might alternate with guys I kinda like so I don't get bored haha. Nagisa is pretty! I'm actually so glad we're getting more background on Masamune and the island because we basically knew nothing about it in the original game. As for Masamune's uncle, definitely a genius scientist for making the hiyoko-san! Who doesn't want adorable little chicks cleaning and cooking and even navigating a ship?! I mean if it's going to be functional and practical, why not be cute as well?! I believe in the importance of cuteness and I approve. Anyway, it's nice to finally see "adults" in this world aside from Yuiga. Lmao at Masamune being surprised at how many hiyoko there actually were on the ship hahahah. I find it amusing that the Hiyocook wasn't actually good at cooking tasty food until Masamune gave it a cook book haha. It's also interesting but sad to know that the hiyoko actually can't remember too many things and that Masamune actually has to delete recipes if he wants Hiyocook to cook something else. They're robots, but seeing stuff like Hiyocook getting dejected that Masamune didn't like its' cooking and then becoming happy when Masamune said the food is delicious, isn't that enough for you to care about them?
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I guess it's nice to know that just as everyone else came on the Norn unsure of what to expect and how to interact with others, Masamune was also worried about talking to people outside of the island. I think it was sweet of him to be considerate towards Kakeru and want him to be able to relax here. Ooh so you have to go through the whole Prelude with all the characters perspectives before you can go to the individual story! I like that because it's very interesting to me right now. Is the sister Masamune is talking about Nagisa, and her brother is Natsuhiko? I never thought about it until now but their hair colour is the same isn't it! I know people aren't that fond of Masamune but I really love him. I love how he prioritises others before himself without any hesitation, and I think it's exactly because of that, that Kakeru can't help but open up and like him for who he is as well. Since there's only nine squares, I assume we won't get to the girls' perspectives, which is sad because I would have liked to see their initial impressions too even if some bits and pieces may have already been shown.
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Even though Mikoto is harsh as usual, seeing her so concerned and worried about Sakuya reminds me of how much I liked them together. I can see why Kakeru has always been irked by Mikoto considering her attitude when she first arrived on the Norn, especially when he cooked for everyone and she didn't appreciate it at all and instead said pretty harsh words. I can't blame him for disliking her at all haha😅 Both Sakuya and Mikoto are stubborn, but I like seeing Sakuya who usually dotes on Mikoto and would do anything for her be strict with her and not budge on her ruining her health by not eating. Mikoto is a true tsundere that cares about people too much for her own good even if she doesn't express it well. Honestly, I never really thought too deeply about the story of Rapunzel but I do agree with Sakuya to an extent that the witch was "protecting" Rapunzel in her own way whether those were her true intentions or not. Natsuhiko, Setsu and Ron chilling on the ship together was such a nice CG, I actually quite like their relationship. I didn't expect Ron and Natsuhiko to have known each other for eight years! It's sad to think about how tough Natsuhiko's life was after leaving the island and how his desire to stop the Reset was the only thing fuelling him. Lmao at Natsuhiko being so sweet and packing Ron's bags for him when he leaves for the Norn, it's so funny how he packs stuff like cold medicine haha, he's too cute! Natsuhiko really is like a mother or wife haha, I love how he told Ron to keep his hands to himself and wear pajamas to bed🤣 I thinks it's nice to see that just as Natsuhiko was interested in Mikoto after seeing photos of her during his investigation, Ron was also interested in Nanami even though it's mainly because he knew she had the power to erase memories.
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Personally, I will always agree with Natsuhiko's thoughts and feelings towards the Reset because it's ridiculous to control how the world should be, it's egotistic and forces your own ideals on the world itself. Also, in the end, the fact that they keep doing multiple Resets already goes to show it does nothing but merely reset things to a certain time but humans don't change how they act and the decisions they make. If they don't remember, they won't learn and if they don't learn, they will always do the same thing thinking it's the right way. Ron throwing away the bag Natsuhiko so thoughtfully prepared was so sad but so him. I didn't expect Ron's name to come from Mahjong though lol. Lmao, I can't help but love Hiyocook, it's so dedicated to cooking and gets dejected when it's Akito's turn now that he's come aboard the ship hahahaha.
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I really enjoy seeing the guys interact and learn things from each other considering their various different backgrounds, especially Sakuya, I'm happy for him that he gets to experience a bit more of the world with Kakeru and Akito teaching him things. Lmao at Akito scared of cracking eggs because he's worried a little chick will come out of it🤣🤣 HAHAHA, Akito being scared of birds because he met a peacock who ended up trying to court him by following him 24/7 and leaving him bugs and stuff on his doorstep is so silly!!🤣🤣 Akito meeting Senri for the first time in six years and not being able to call out his name because Senri didn't remember him broke my heart. It was obvious that Akito was good at cooking because he wanted to cook delicious food for Senri but hearing him say it really warms my heart. He's always done everything he could to protect and love Senri but they were forced to be separated in such a terrible way. It was so sweet how Akito actually talked to Hiyocook and swapped shifts so he could cook for Senri, poor Akito faced his fears did Senri! Even though I do acknowledge that Kakeru can go a bit too far sometimes (also Senri's fault sometimes tbh), when he got Senri to say that the food was delicious louder so Akito could hear it, I was so happy for Akito. And honestly, if Kakeru wasn't so drastic, Senri really might just stay in his room forever being babied by Masamune and them who would bring him food.
I feel bad for Mikoto, can totally understand why she was scared of Itsuki, his first impression is definitely the worst haha. Lmao, I love how Ron's comment about thinking that Itsuki was some sort of prostitute made all the girls avoid him🤣 Legit ruined his reputation with one word. HAHAHA, Itsuki definitely deserved the flying kick from Sakuya when he asked Mikoto to meow🤣 LMAO at Itsuki thinking Senri was a zashiki warashi (child ghost) because he never realised he existed😂😂 I've always wondered about Senri's tattoo on his face but since they never addressed it, I just thought of it as some sort distinction to make him look less plain haha, but knowing that the adults in the village basically did it to brand him and always recognise him so he can never run away just makes me all the more disgusted with them. They tried to kill Akito and branded Senri for their livelihoods thinking that just because they needed them to live, it was all right to do these things because it was a matter of life and death. It was actually pretty funny how when Sakuya wasn't feeling good after seeing the future, Senri got Ron to help and Ron was basically useless and just kept wondering how he should pull himself together and be a proper adult like Senri told him he should hahahha.
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I was actually wondering why it felt so quiet, I completely forgot about Heishi! I can't remember if it was ever told, but I really didn't realise that Heishi was part of a travelling entertainment troupe playing the flute before he came on the Norn! I can see why Itsuki cares for Heishi so much in his route now. He was the one who gave Itsuki the push he needed to see his sister's grave and make him realise that there are things more important than just listening to The World and going along with things using excuses like it can't be helped. It's also nice to see Nanami get to break out of her shell with Heishi because he just does whatever he wants. I always felt like Heishi was the one who helped Nanami get out of her shell the most so I was disappointed when I actually didn't like his route, but hopefully this will be better considering I'm really enjoying the Prelude! I really like how the three hour train ride (one way) was how the three of them started playing cards together and getting along haha! I knew Itsuki's sister's body wasn't in the grave but I never thought that it was because her body got incinerated since people didn't know what her illness was and thought it might be contagious. That is certainly something cruel to have to face with every time he visits the grave, it must hurt to think he couldn't stop it and couldn't even save the house or their belongings, that is so terrible. They basically razed everything that reminds him of his life with his sister. I think it was really sweet of Heishi's Grandpa and Seiji to give Heishi so much money in hope that he could run away and live a free life for himself instead of being shackled to The World. It's sad to think that Heishi has nothing important to him so he thinks it's pointless to run away to somewhere he doesn't even know, but I think his decision is right in that by being beside Mikoto and them, there's a chance he'll find a way of life he wants to live, and that by interacting with others who understand and know his powers, he can learn to accept that it's a part of him instead of just calling it an illness. I've always liked how Heishi gave his tie to Nanami, it's so cute. I liked how Masamune scolded them for coming back so late and Kakeru called him a dad hahaha. I think I especially liked it because Nanami, Itsuki and Heishi have never really experienced something like that where their parents would be so worried about them coming home so late and shout at them, it's endearing haha, not everyone gets to experience that normal concern and love.
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Overall, I really liked the Prelude! I kinda hoped to see more of Masamune's part with the scientists but oh well, I still enjoyed seeing everyone's perspectives. I personally enjoyed seeing how Heishi, Itsuki and Nanami's relationship developed from the beginning the most, but I think it was also really cute to see how Kakeru always flusters Masamune and what kind of feelings Masamune had as the first one on the ship waiting for everyone to board. But yeah, I really just enjoyed watching everyone pop up one by one filling up the ship as they all became the rowdy bunch they were when Koharu joined. The extra insight into everyone's thoughts and feelings as they all left things behind once they stepped on to the Norn for their various reasons was interesting to watch and I honestly can't wait to see more of their stories!
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ailendolin · 1 year
for the ship opinion game: thomas/humphrey, debbie/negatus, and because any excuse to hear you talk about them: thomas/nigel
Thanks for the ask! I'm going to answer for Gabrian instead of Norne like we talked about.
I really, really like this ship but I love the idea of Thomas and Humphrey becoming friends even more. They're both lonely in their own way and since everyone else already has their buddy, so to speak, it would make sense for them to gravitate towards each other. It's something I really hope we'll see happen in series 5. That being said, I have read some incredible Thomphrey fics so even though I prefer them as friends, it's definitely up in my top 3 favourite Thomas ships.
I don't ship it but I do get where people who do are coming from. Negatus, especially, seems a little obsessed with Debbie and though I always attribute that to him wanting to be liked like her, I can certainly see why people would interpret this as him having a crush on her. I think I adore Debbie's relationship with Pete too much to even entertain the thought of breaking the two of them up so Debbie/Negatus is something I'll most likely neither read nor write.
I love these two probably a little too much given that they have not a single on-screen interaction in the film lol. That's probably what makes this ship so interesting, though - because we know they have met and likely interacted in some way. They were at Croydon's London residence at the same time, have both been present at Chris's murder (I think) and attended / acted in the play for the queen. It's fun to fill in the blanks for these moments, especially because both Ian and Gabriel are a little lost after the plot gets discovered - Ian because he's out of a job and Gabriel because she's stuck in a foreign country far away from home - and I adore the idea of them helping each other find their place in the world again.
Ask Game can be found here.
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ratasum · 2 years
🍑 for your current top 5 ocs atm!
Jumbo Ask Game
🍑 Where is your OC’s favourite place to relax or calm down? Recount a story of their time spent in this place! What makes it so special to them?
Since these get long... under the cut!
His favorite place to relax is his little garden outside the home he shares with Rissia in Applenook. Any opportunity he can get to go outside, sit in the dirt, and weed his flowers while his little stubborn bone minion that was too scared to fight anything and surprisingly resilient (it has been with him since the Inquest) rolls around in the mud? It's heaven to him.
While he doesn't have any recent stories regarding it, more recently he's found himself sitting there in the sunshine while the windows to their little home were open, and he could hear his twin progeny cooing as Rissia played with them, singing gently to them as she was putting them down to nap.
Children from the village calling "Hi Mister Vezz!" as they ran by playing, a couple of merchants cheerfully greeting him.
After the life he led before, fleeing the Inquest and struggling through guilt and anger and depression, he realized sitting there among family and friends, his community. His town. He realized he'd made it.
He'd finally found home.
Phee's favorite place is down on the docks at Sanctum Harbor, watching the fishermen come in.
She grew up in Lion's Arch, listening quietly to the bustle and the waves gently lapping the docks. It's especially appealing to her after a storm, when the air smells of salt and the wood of the docks and the ozone from the lightning.
There were times as a child that she remembers her mother, a retired ship captain, pushing the windows open after a storm to "let in the good air," then sending her out with her brothers to gather seaweed off the rocks. The smells and sounds always take her back to her childhood, picking up sea grapes and seaweed to use for various foodstuffs or for drying.
It's not uncommon now for her to take her own daughter Kinna down to the rocks after a storm to pick seaweed with her, and once she was old enough, to let her go down herself with her cousins.
It's one of the best things in the world to her.
If there's anywhere Umbra feels at ease, it's as far from civilization as possible. Her strangely strong connection to the mists means she can hear the dead around her at all times, and so the further out she gets, the easier it can be to quiet the voices that aren't the spirits of her warband, supporting her as her stance.
She still recalls a time sitting far up in the Shiverpeaks, only hearing her closest friend and fahrar sister talking to her about how it felt to see all of this through her eyes.
It was painful, but at the same time bittersweet. These were the people she cared the most about in her life, and she can give them experiences they never would have gotten in life. As a gladium, she can travel, giving them some sense of peace as well.
She's also found it nice to visit the Olmakhan, as they have ways to help her quiet the spirits that aren't the ones she wants to hear. It's let her get some of the best sleep she's had in years.
Deshauna often finds herself in the hills overlooking Applenook from the small village of New Hope, watching the farms as she works on a hand loom. Typically it's made better if her beloved wife Eshara is with her, if only so she can lean into the norn and let her shoulders relax, occasionally just closing her eyes and letting her hands follow practiced motions.
It was in one such a time that she finally admitted she genuinely loved Eshara, sitting up with her weaving in her lap. It was something she had been incredibly nervous about, especially since she was the oldest surviving child of her siblings now, with all of the expectations that entailed.
But sharing a warm, vulnerable moment with Eshara and finding out that she reciprocated her feelings? It is the most wonderful thing she can ever remember happening to her.
Even if her younger siblings, having spied on them from one of the upper floors of their family home, teased her endlessly after the fact, equal parts giddy for her and eager to let her know that they approved and planned to never let her live her schoolgirlish nervousness down.
My newest boy because he's been rapidly developing in my head!
Kaill is shy and just... cannot stand being among people for long. His favorite thing to do is head back to the Priory, go down into the library, and climb up onto the stacks with some books to thumb through and a bowl of riced mealworms.
It's rarely terribly overwhelming down there, and since his hearing is poor, he can just ignore anything going down unless someone specifically seeks him out because he's needed.
He still remembers sitting up there when Sieran brought down a novice initiate, a tiny little albino asura who didn't look old enough to even be out of Rata Sum, watching quietly as the little one darted around pulling out books to look at.
It reminded him of his own little sister back in Rata Sum, and he recalls smiling and taking a moment to write her, just to remind her he was always thinking of her.
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silvesi · 2 years
1, 4, 5 and 6 for Larry
LARRY!! I’m so glad someone asked, I make the mistake of not talking about him much even though I love my shroom…. Sorry it took a while to reply! For the record, I actually made Larry as a joke and then got emotionally attached.
Write a basic lowdown of your OC. What’s their deal?
Larry, aka Lichen Larry, aka Larold (yes, Larold is his actual name, don’t call him that or he’ll ignore you for about 5 hours.). Thirdborn (maybe second?), cycle of dusk. My commander, at least for now ;) Despite being alive for as long as he has, never had a Wyld hunt until the beginning of the personal story, instead spending a lot of his time mentoring saplings and defending the Grove. During his first year he was a TERRIBLE warrior, despite this being what he really really wanted to do, protect and teach people, but… he eventually realised that He Just Couldn’t See Properly and really needed glasses. 
Felt like he was lagging way behind all his peers due to not having a hunt, so eventually joined the priory to try to make his own way a bit more, distancing himself from most of the sylvari somewhat.  
Quite a gentlemanly character. Tends to keep to himself, while remaining polite and open enough to enable diplomatic friendships with a variety of people. Still has a slight disdain for asura, viewing the ones that are his friends and colleagues as the “exception” to the rule (of them being assholes, that is). Outwardly viewed as VERY put together, but I imagine his closer friends know he can be a bit of a worrier - mostly about other people. Usually decides everyone else’s issues are his own and will silently go out of his way to try and fix them. 
4. Do they have a family or people they view as family?
Larry DID have a wife at one point, Mal - she went nightmare court. She took their fern hound with them. Larry is NOT OKAY ABOUT THIS and WILL go on a murder mission to get his puppy back. In terms of family, although he’s been quite close to some of the second/firstborn, I imagine it's currently mostly found within the priory, as he’s been a member for a long time. Unfortunately I’m not really in a knowledgeable enough position to give names - although he mentored a sylvari, another one of my characters - Valerayn. They were very close, but had some kind of falling out. Why? Who knows. Larry is currently in a position in his life where he feels he doesn’t really have too many close relationships, to be honest, especially with his duties as commander keeping him away from the priory. Although, naturally, he and Trahearne become very close over the course of the main quest. 
He also becomes quite protective over Fedsy, being in the grove at the same time as Feds was practically thrown straight out of the pod into a wyld hunt - he teaches him a lot and they do tend to accompany each other frequently. Although fundamentally different people in terms of personality and a fair few other things, they both want what’s best and Larry does come to act as a father figure for him. 
Due to his time teaching and mentoring there’s probably also a LOT of random sylvari that love and respect him. He’s always got some kind of support network, despite how he feels. 
5. Their most favorite map/place in general?
I haven’t done much of the colder regions but I can tell you that Larry prefers them. He finds the presence of the mountains oddly calming, and enjoys feeling like he’s removed from the ‘pressures’ of the Grove. I can see him really enjoying spending time in Hoelbrak, to be honest! He thinks it’s cosy as heck and I can somehow see him really vibing with the Norn. (He is fascinated by the Dolyak and I think his favourite thing to do would be sit next to a huge fire to warm up after the most gruelling fight through a dungeon, cleaning his armour and sharing stories with some nice food. He values that, and the Norn do it best.)
6. How do they celebrate the holidays, if at all?
I imagine that Larry thinks the holidays, especially of the other races are FASCINATING. He contains his excitement well, but you should not doubt that he really loves being involved in them when he can be. I’d put him as quite a lover of the Wintersday festival, and despite it all, Dragons bash. He can be found beating holograms up in the arena and then sat quietly in a circle with a warm mug of mulled wine listening contentedly to other people’s stories - although he’s not one for dramatized tales of his own exploits. Sure, he’s up for that kind of attention in the arena, but anywhere else? No thank you. As for Wintersday? I think he’s a big gift giver, especially since he’s not the most emotive in terms of displays of affection. He gives GREAT gifts (He got Fedsy the little suit he wears!)
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concerningwolves · 2 years
You said drop asks for When Dealing with Wolves and The Kindness of Ravens, so: Where did the initial idea for the duology come from? It's such a cool set of stories, so I'm super curious where the inspiration came from, haha.
Oohh thank you, this is a great question :3
The short answer to where the inspiration to the Wyrdseren came from is: childhood (/lifelong) Norse mythology special interest collided with a love of fantasy and eldritch horror. The longer answer is more along the lines of "I started writing one story inspired by the idea of a world being overrun by sentient magic in the wake of some kind of cataclysm, which had erased much of history. I then somehow took a hard left and fell into WDWW".
TL;DR: I've always loved the "quieter" part of Norse myths – the Norns tending to Yggdrasil, the striking visual imagery of Yggdrasil itself, the amazing craftmanship of the dwarves etc. – and wanted to use those vibes. I also really love the way fate (and storytelling) is often likened to weaving or threads, and how the imagery of threads connecting people is similar to the imagery of root systems spreading through the earth to connect plants. Also, I think wolves are very cool. So, the story has wolves in it.
Long answer is under the cut. Contains some minor spoilers for WDWW.
See, WDWW was never meant to exist as its own story and it definitely wasn't meant to become a duology (with other potential works besides). If you go back in time to 2018? 2019? I was writing a story called of Seas and Stars which I was convinced was going to be my Magnum Opus. My One Great Masterpiece. It was set in a world that had been occupied by a strange otherworldly empire, until said empire vanished into thin air and left a lot of chaos and destruction behind. The story followed a young woman called Nessa whose home, the Isle of Ys, had been overrun by anti-magic fanatics and was starting to sink into the sea. She fled Ys and (literally) washed up on the shore of this tiny fenced-in village that'd sprung up from a prison colony, which was now under the control of a manipulative matriarch – Ethy's previous incarnation, of a sort.
At one point, the other characters ask Nessa to tell them a story, and she tells them her favourite legend from home: the tale of Rostfar Ulfaetha (translation: literally "wolf soul", meaning "one with the soul of a wolf"), who went to the wolves and made a truce with them, called the Ulfraeges. By then, oSaS had become … bloated, I think is a good way to put it. It was very heavy with purple prose and I was trying to stuff all of my favourite things into it, so I kept losing track of the plot, and I didn't have any endgame. Taking a break to work on fleshing out the short story that Nessa told her friends seemed like a good idea.
There's still elements of oSaS in the Wyrdseren. Nessa's people had once worshipped The Speaking Tree, a tree grown from the heart of a goddess – which is still the case in the Wyrdseren. The Wolvenkind still exist in the same incarnation, too. The wyrdsight comes from an oSaS character who had the ability to see sound, and I loved that power too much to ditch it, so I absorbed it into the magic system.
Mostly, I wanted a culture with a historical Norse feel and inspired by Norse myths and legends that didn't focus on the pop culture perception of Vikings. I've always loved the "quieter" part of Norse myths, like the flytings, Loki's trickery, the craftsmanship of the dwarves, the striking visual imagery of Yggdrasil etc. It was around this time that I started to crochet and got really into learning about different fibre crafts, and this created a kind of feedback loop between "the Norns are said to spin the thread of fate" and "storytelling is likened to weaving" and "threads are like the roots of a tree except they weave life not cloth".
Everything else came from my own sense of alienation as I got to grips with my autism diagnosis, a trip to Iceland in 2019, and the fact that wolves are very cool creatures.
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where-is-caithe · 2 years
Gimme the whole food emoji section for Rhowan and Yden both :3c
thank you fox 💞
these are all going under a read more since most of them ran away from me.
🥞 PANCAKE - what is their comfort breakfast?
Both of them tend to be busy, they don't really have the time for breakfast. Rhowan always wakes up early, with the sun, and she has a few hours to kill before it's safe to wake up Yden, and she'll usually make something with whatever they have available. If they're home, she might make eggs with ham or sausage, sometimes she'll make muffins, but it depends on what they have on hand. Rhowan doesn't think much about food, she might have preferences but to her food is mostly just fuel, especially with how she's been living as the Commander. She likes fish so some days, if she's feeling indulgent, she'll spend a few hours in the morning fishing before making breakfast.
Yden likes pretty much any breakfast, and even at. 26. as a sylvari she's still finding things she's never tasted before. She doesn't usually have time for it, but Rhowan will literally hunt her down and make her eat something every morning. She likes sweet foods especially, so things like muffins, pancakes, and waffles are usually what she would go for as a comfort.
🎂 BIRTHDAY CAKE - when is their birthday? do they like celebrating it?
Rhowan's birthday is August 16! Soon! Or 228 Scion in the gw2 calendar. Yden's birthday is March 26, or 85 Zephyr (it makes Yden an Aries and Rhowan a Leo, and while I don't really care much for horoscopes, it is funny enough to mention. Rhowan also shares her birthday with Madonna so if I ever forget I look up Madonna's birthday and I'll remember).
Rhowan was born at dawn and this isn't very significant to a Norn, but to Yden it is. Yden was born at dusk. They don't really celebrate their birthdays much. It might be written on a calendar or remembered and said to each other, but neither go out of their way to celebrate.
🍩 DONUT - favourite sweet treat?
Rhowan's not big on sweet foods, she likes little candies and small things she can pop in her mouth and suck on for a while. Suckers, small candies, hard caramels. It also has the added effect of shutting her up for a while. Sometimes the Commander is quiet and looking off into the distance thinking hard about something... or maybe she just found a candy.
Yden, on the other hand, loves sweet foods. She thinks chocolate is one of the greatest things ever invented. She especially likes pastries and sweet breads (with chocolate in them) and cakes. There was a chocolate cake she still thinks about, from a little bakery in Lion's Arch, oh some fall probably in 1322. They were visiting some old bookstore and Rhowan bought it for her and she thought it was the best cake she'd eaten, "what I wouldn't give to have one of those again." "That bakery shut down years ago, Yden." "And if I ever see Scarlet I'm killing her a second time for that."
🍟 FRIES - do they order food often? or they prefer to cook their own food?
They don't really go out much, and Rhowan's hobbies are mainly hunting and cooking, so they tend to just eat at home, when they're there.
☕️ HOT BEVERAGE - do they prefer hot or cold drinks? what is their favourite drink?
Yden prefers hot drinks, but she also prefers cold weather and the two go together. She's pretty precise when it comes to making teas and when she has the chance, will like to drink a strong, black tea with honey instead of coffee when she's winding down for the night.
Rhowan doesn't really care if it's cold or hot, she doesn't have much of a preference. She likes to drink strong coffees and it doesn't matter if it has any milk or sugar, she'll drink any coffee. Her other favorite drink is a nice aged whiskey that'll get her drunk fast.
🍓 STRAWBERRY - do they eat their fruit & veg? what is their favourite fruit or vegetable?
Yes they both eat their fruits and veggies. Yden would probably like juicy fruits that are almost too far gone to eat, and she'd like plums based solely on their color and then eat them and think they're okay. Cherries, blackberries, blueberries, all top tier fruits for her. Cherries especially as I don't think they'd have them very often.
Rhowan likes things she can carry around with her so probably apples and other fruits she can take on the road. Berries are something she likes to pick when she finds them while she's out in the woods (and she knows which ones to eat and which will definitely kill you, it was one of her first lessons with her father. On the other hand, Yden also knows which ones will kill you but only because she likes plants that can kill you).
🍰 CAKE SLICE - favourite cake flavour? are they specific about types of cakes?
Yden will eat any cakes but her favorites are chocolate, and Rhowan doesn't have much preference. They're both easy to please here.
🍧 SHAVED ICE - do they still have any objects from their childhood? what significance does it have to them? what would their reaction be if they lost it?
Rhowan I've done already!
As for Yden, I don't think she'd have much from when she was a sapling. Her notebooks she'd keep, and any journals from when she was just starting out in the world. She'd keep them out of sentimentality and, later, as a way to remember herself. She hasn't kept a journal in years now, but the ones she did use, she still has. Rhowan held onto them and kept them safe in her home when Yden was "dead", and when they were on speaking terms later on, Rhowan gave them back to her. Yden still looks at them from time to time.
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otterskin · 4 years
Dumb Details From the Loki Trailer I noticed but then got too serious about
First - apparently it’s not a trailer, so I guess we’ll get ‘Trailer 1′ later? ‘Exclusive Clip’ hardly seems accurate, but hey, I’m not Disney’s marketing division. I wouldn’t live in a shoebox if I was.
Dumb detail no. 1:
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Owen Wilson’s jacket is...weird. Look closely.
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And another shot:
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Yeah...his jacket has a ‘reversed collar’. It’s a cut-out rather than cloth folding on top. Huh. What a strange design choice. What could it mean?
I’ve no idea, but that I watched the trailer enough times to notice this should concern you.
Detail No. 2
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In this scene, we see what we can presume to be President Loki’s ‘Throne’. Notice the candy-canes. This is a Santa Claus throne, presumably from some mall Santa. This whole place might be in a mall, judging by the stuff in it.
But the Loki in this shot is not President Loki. Notice that he’s wearing brown pants, a thin brown tie, and the beige shirt he’s seen wearing in other parts of the trailer after he's apparently joined the TVA. President Loki wears black pants, a green vest and a wide green tie with a golden clip that resembles Loki’s little chevron he always has (more on that later).
So it would seem that Loki might meet President Loki here. President Loki might even be addressing him at the end of the trailer. It’s possible that his minions turn on him because there’s two Lokis and they don’t know which is the ‘imposter’. 
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Speaking of, there’s a minion with bicycle handlebars grafted to a football helmet here, likely meant to resemble Loki. I dig it. There’s also cans of food scattered among the rubbish here. Makes sense that food production is non-existent since everyone has resorted to wearing license plates and spoons. Love how tattered the whole aesthetic is.
This reminds me of the opening Michael Waldron’s script ‘Worst Guy of All Time’, which featured a similar post-apocalyptic setting after the ‘worst guy’ ruins everything and makes himself king of the ashes. That’s likely what’s happened here, but I hope that Loki isn’t anything like Logan Paul, who was the inspiration for that title character.
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Ah, the mysterious female character watching a meteor shower WAY TOO CLOSE UP. But my eyes are drawn to one thing...
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What is that oblong object with a shiny handle? Could it be...
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A sword? I do love swords. Did you know there’s a bunch of pictures of me in the stock photos for ‘Fencing?’ That’s my cred for loving swords.
I suspect that this female character will be an amalgamation of Amora (shudder) and Sylvie and an alternate Loki of some kind. This sword is currently in her possession, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it or another timeline version of it becomes the Loki Show’s Loki′s weapon. 
Loki has lacked a ‘weapon of his own’ in the MCU for quite some time. I mean, yes, he has his little knives, but they are many and disposable and something he chose for himself, rather than the two legendary weapons wielded by Odin and Thor, Gungnir and Mjolnir. In fact, throughout his appearances, Loki has seemed to want such a thing of his own - he briefly had Gungnir, and then the Gungnir-like scepter, and even tried to lift Mjolnir.
One might ask why Odin would’ve overlooked such an obvious show of favouritism. Why give Thor a storied weapon and leave Loki empty-handed? Heck, even Hela had the Necroblade.
In Thor 1, we might’ve assumed that the Casket of Ancient Winters was perhaps intended one day to be given to Loki, as it is shown with Mjolnir in the Vault and thus connected to it and the children who would inherit it.  But in the comics, Odin did have another weapon of storied history put away for his second son: Gram the Sword.
It was locked for eons by Odin in a special vault which required five keys to be opened, and it was meant to be for Loki if he be worthy.[2] The five keys were infused by Odin with the powers of "journeys", "endurance", "secrets", "new beginnings", and "brotherhood", respectively.[3]
The sword, like everything else in comics, has a complicated history full of take-backs and twists, but let’s just leave it at ‘it’s a representation of Loki’s worthiness and belonging in the trifecta with Odin and Thor as a King of Asgard’. It gives him ‘equality’.
In the original mythology, it’s wielded by Sigurd to kill the dragon Fafnir, and the only relation it has to Loki is that Loki is partially responsible for Fafnir existing in the first place (my username is nod to this myth by the by. Sorry Ottär.) But hey, maybe that means we’re getting a dragon? The Fafnir would be very cool.
Or it could just be a bit of rebar in this mining quarry.
Then again...it appears somewhere else...
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It’s easier to see in motion, but that’s a sword swinging on this person’s back.
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So the hooded figure is this lady...shall we call her Amylkie? Does that mean she’s the antagonist of this show? Well...maybe, but I suspect the true antagonist is foreshadowed here  -
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So, what’s going on here? A young girl (Young Amylkie? Some other TVA prisoner that the guard is watching over? An oracle, A Norn, or a kid who wandered off from the tour group in a basilica somewhere?) She’s giving Mobius M. Mobius a...piece of chocolate. Maybe he saw a Dementor, I dunno. I suspect it’ll be a MacGuffin of some kind later. He looks pretty concerned here, which contrasts with his ‘another day at the office’ blaséness when dealing with Loki. But of course this is the eye-catcher:
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So, Norse Mythology. It’s been Christiannized. You can thank Snorri Sturluson for that, but you can google all about him later. Let’s just say that he made many Norse figures into equivalents for Christian ones. Baldur is Jesus, pure and a sacrificial lamb who dies for a greater good. And the devil is...Loki. Something the Marvel comics and the MCU have continued.
Here we have a devil, dressed in green and with a distinct shape on his chest:
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Hmmm...wait...I know that weird horny shape...
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Ah. I’d say that cinches it. This is meant to be Loki. If you look at the devil’s hair, it also resembles Loki’s, being shoulder-length and black.
So, what’s devil-Loki doing? Laying an egg? Trying out a foot massager? For a second I thought it was a moon, but we see the moon over his left shoulder, amongst the stars. Which means this is - probably the Earth.
...Dammit; I live there.
So Earth is barren and being devoured by flames, likely caused by this Loki sitting atop of it (in a throne, no less). Aw gee, things look pretty bad, don’t they?
But wait - what’s that? Under the Earth (and, possibly, under the earth)?
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It’s a plant. A shoot, to be exact.
Back to Ragnarok for a second. Ragnarok isn’t the apocalypse (something we see a lot of in this trailer - all of it seems to be exploring the end of days). Ragnarok is the fire meant to wipe out the old and fertilize the ground for the new. And after the gods have died, what happens? Well, Baldur emerges from Hel, one of the only surviving gods (hmm, seems him dying worked out, didn’t it?). He’s joined by Líf and Lífþrasir, who are the new first man and woman, who’s names mean ‘Life’ and who are pictured, usually, with plants and new life. It is they who are tasked who growing a new Yggdrasil after the destruction of the old. The previous first man and woman are Ask and Embla, meaning Ash Tree and Vine/Elm tree, so there’s a theme there. 
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So a new sprout, possibly a tree, growing out of the destruction of the old.
This fits with Loki’s role as understood in mythology. He checks the arrogance of the gods, including when they tried to achieve immortality (sorry, Baldur, nothing personal), and that keeps the gods at their best. After Loki is imprisoned, the gods become weak, unhelpful and foolish, and Yggdrasil starts to rot. Eventually Loki escapes and returns along with Surtur (who also resembles this figure) to burn it all to the ground. This is also referenced in Thor:Ragnarok, with Loki releasing Surtur in the Vault, a place of thematic importance to Loki and one that represents the hidden secrets and sins of Asgard). You could say Ragnarok continued into Infinity War, where Loki played an important part in aiding Thanos’ destruction, giving up the stone to protect his brother and essentially dooming the rest of the universe - but also ultimately leading to its salvation, even if, like Myth Loki, he wasn’t around to see it.
So, we see Amylkie literally start a fire in the trailer -
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- in fact, this whole trailer is awash in flame -
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It’s fire, fire everywhere and she’s setting them!
It’s possible Amylkie’s our big bad, but I think there’s a chance she’s either a red herring, or, much like how Loki ‘worked’ with Thanos in The Avengers, she is the pawn of a greater foe -
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  - a Loki bent on destruction, for some reason or other. The TVA is obviously aware that this is the case, and it seems like they might be trying to ‘fight fire with fire’ by enlisting one Loki to combat another. The villain could be President Loki, since there's evidence of 2 Lokis in that scene - or maybe that's one of many Lokis, and the Big Bad Loki is being played by Hugh Grant as Old Loki. In any case, it would appear that Loki will be coming face-to-face with the worst versions of himself, and many of them. And, if I’m right about this scene:
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...Loki will likely eventually discover that even his ‘good’ timeline ended in the destruction of his people and home, plus his own gruesome and torturous death. Although I think the TVA will keep that from him, and just show him the happy parts in an effort to inspire ‘good behaviour’. Until Loki inevitably discovers the rest of how that timeline played out and realize he’s been lied to. I don’t imagine he’ll take that very well...
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Damn, even our ‘hero’ Loki is burning stuff down! Does this mean that Loki is doomed, always meant to be an avatar of death and toasty destruction?
Well...let’s go back to that stained glass.
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Hmmm...wait...I know that weird horny shape...
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And there’s something else...the bottom of the Earth is being lit up, and not by fire. Light appears to be coming off this little plant.
What colour is this plant again? That’s right, green. Green is the colour of new life and growth and change and...hang on, I’ve heard that before, too...
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Hang on hang on HANG ON... let me have a look at the shape again.
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That’s...a letter. An L? For Loki? Like in the title sequence?
Wait...no, a different letter. An older letter. After all, Loki is old Norse. How do you spell his name in that again?
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ᛚᛟᚲ ᛁ -
And ENHANCE on that third letter!
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This, my friends, is a Kenaz/Kaunaz, or what would become 'K' in our alphabet. It is also known as the 'Loki Rune' (and the Ulcer Rune, for some reason. I suspect Odin understands why). It’s used to spell his name, but is also used on his own to represent him. Heck, it's even his Superman 'S' in the comics:
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Runes are more than letters - they are symbols for concepts. So what else does it mean?
Primarly, it means ‘torch’.
And also ‘knowledge’ (ken). As well as ‘growth, change, the search for truth, decay, arrogance, elitism, feminine, kinship and creativity.’
...Okay, that’s a lot, but you have to admit it fits.
More specifically, it means ‘Mastery of the Fire’. As in, someone who has learned to tame fire so that it is helpful, not harmful. To bring light and, symbolically, knowledge.
There’s another way Loki’s been associated with fire - in the Wagner Ring Cycle, Das Rheingold, the opera that inspired much the Thor films’ aesthetic and certainly their helmets, Loki is called ‘Loge’, which means ‘Fire’. He’s usually dressed to match, too -
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Many trickster figures are associated with fire. They are usually called ‘Fire-bringers’ - See: Raven, Lucifer, Prometheus, etc. They are often complex figures with a foot in different worlds, but who nonetheless help mankind with the gift of ‘fire’ - although they usually pay for it, and tend to be self-destructive.
(Side note. Lucifer means light-bringer, which is what luciferase is named after. Because it glows. Which is helpful in labs. In case someone needed to know that.)
Moving from a destructive fire-starter to a fire-bringer seems like a great character arc for Loki to take, especially given his rehabilitation in pop culture, the comics, and even wider culture. Loki has gone from being seen as an evil, deviant, destructive character to one who’s seen as a patron of the arts and creativity, of stories rather than lies. Heck, some scholars of Norse Mythology even posit that he’s the closet thing to a protagonist Norse Mythology has, so I guess that backfired, Snorri!). Being dressed in green and with the sprout clearly also being stylized after his Kaunaz, there’s foreshadowing that he’ll be capable of growing good things even out of ashes.
So, to sum up: Being ‘Satan’ sounds pretty bad, but with a little letter re-arranging like we see in the title sequence, you can be...
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...practically a saint. Maybe even a saviour.
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Merry Christmas, everybody.
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geminijackdaw · 2 years
Fool's Gold
He tries to be a good brother, he does, but sometimes, when Thor is on his last nerve and the stars align just right, when he sees, with such perfect clarity, something he knows he can get away with— well. Loki just can’t resist.
But this time he knows he’s gone too far.
He can pretend all he likes that it hasn’t been needling at him, all the talk of Thor’s coronation, and he isn’t sure if those opportunities have been presenting themselves more often, or if, as he grows pettier, the bar simply gets lower, but it always, always works, and Thor’s temper is predictable as always when anything goes awry. And Loki has been counting every little mishap, every tantrum, and then imagining that trying to rule Asgard.
Is it his fault Thor is so easily led? How easy it is to convince him that something was his own idea, and then simply get out of his way as he launches into it headfirst. Really, he’s done the realm a favour, hasn’t he? How can anyone look at Thor after today and trust his judgement? How can anyone see him as anything but an impulsive child?
Still, his stomach lurches at the aftermath. It’s one thing to plan, that gleeful mental trail of dominoes, it’s another to see the result. So, so much worse than he could have envisioned. Ultimately, Loki had taken no pleasure in the consequences, but…. Thor could have stopped it. There were plenty of opportunities to turn back, to reconsider, but no, that’s never been his way.
Loki has holed up in one of his favourite forgotten corners of the palace, drumming his fingers anxiously against a stone ledge overlooking the sleeping city. This was far worse than he had intended, and as much as he tries to convince himself, there’s guilt roiling in his stomach just the same. Best be out of mind for a while, try not to be associated with this disaster in anyone’s mind. Norns all forbid any of his brother’s friends think to blame him for this…. Or worse, his mother.
Loki scrubs his hands over his face, as a chuckle he’s been supressing slips forth and the dam breaks, and the god of mischief laughs until tears roll down his cheeks.
How long would it take bleached eyebrows to grow out?
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fellwar-finch · 2 years
Esper, There's, Shadowmoor
Esper: My favourite artifact. That's a hard one. Artifacts were such a big part of my early experience with the game that I have quite a few. My first cohesive deck that I built myself was actually a myr tribal deck! So choices here are Myr Battlesphere (a classic, my first real boss monster), Memnarch (I always loved the design, really wanna build a commander for this guy), and Pentavus (never managed to make this one work until recently in an Alesha deck!!). I've always also been enthralled by Door to Nothingness, but I've never won with it. Perhaps my next deck is 5 colour artifacts? Goin' back to my roots with Myr. Grinning Totem also gets a special shoutout for being my sister's favourite card back when she used to play! And Fellwar stone for how I got my primary internet name--Fellwar Finch--is absolutely up there too! If I had to choose one... It's Myr Battlesphere. Myr piled on top of each other is cute and the effect has *never* failed to deliver. If I want sac fodder, tokens to attack with, burn damage, affinity for artifacts, tapped creatures. The Battlesphere always comes in clutch.
Theros: (I assume you meant Theros and also I DM'd you to check): a plane you want to see next. Mirrodin mirrodin mirrodin mirrodin mirrodin mirrodin mirrodin. I suppose It's New Phyrexia now, but Mirrodin's where I got my start, and I cannot wait to go back. My greatest wish in magic is that we'll get a Myr-specific commander (no, brudiclad doesn't count), and I think that's gonna happen next time we return to new phyrexia! Shouldn't be too long, either. Once we encounter Sheoldred, I see us returning to new Phyrexia to bring the fight to Elesh Norn! ...Pls let my myrs be okay. Wouldn't mind seeing Original Phyrexia either, but that's not very likely to happen.
Shadowmoor: ...Green. I've been trying it out more lately, but I've always preferred my strategies a bit more nuanced than just 'big creature beatdown'. I have a soft spot for Green, my dad played it back in the day, but it's just historically not really been my colour. Also recently blue. Countering spells and gaining advantage ain't for me. A game of magic is an honest clashing of souls, and I don't wanna sully that with negations (...lookin' at you, yugioh). Counterspells have never been my cup of tea, and recently blue in general hasn't been, either. Back in the day I was extremely blue aligned, my first actual deck was the venser dual deck, white/blue, then I went to Izzet and Dimir before settling on Orzhov, and haven't really looked back since. Every other colour's represented among decks I play, but until I got the spirit precon for my birthday, Blue just,,, wasn't. ...Needless to say, Simic's never really been my style. Love the aesthetic they got goin', just not for me.
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We would name our children Jackie and Wilson
Relationship: Loki/Female Reader (Hozier did the gender first, don't @ me)
Warnings: Major Character Death, Mourning, mental health, alcohol.
Summary: Your relationship reminds you of a nice soft song. But things are not always so sweet.
Notes: this is part of a somewhat Collab with @lucywrites02, her part is done and can be found here, read it to soften the pain. I would say that I'm terribly sorry for the pain ahead, but I'm not. Meaning of the song can be found here, I used it for reference
Read On AO3
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So tired trying to see from behind the red in my eyes
Loki fights for a deep breath.
It's just your face, you idiot. What are you afraid of? This mean voice from the back of his head asks.
They manage to draw a shaky inhale and puff it out, finally opening his eyes and staring at the reflection.
But those hateful crimson eyes staring back is too much, even though they look at them behind tears.
"Maybe another day���" he sighs and wears the illusion again. But the bloodshot eyes stay, this time not because of the Jötunn form.
No better version of me I could pretend to be tonight
For how long will you hide from the monster you are? This same voice asks in the dead of the night.
Once again, it's not mistaken.
"I can't walk amongst mortals like this. This illusion helps me avoid some of the staring," they respond. It's a beautiful lie, Loki almost believes it.
Still, it will break down. Like everything does.
This argument stays and torments him for the rest of the night.
Soul deep in this swill with the most familiar of swine / For reasons wretched and divine
Stark had suggested another night out on a bar. Loki usually declines, but comes to this one.
Soon enough, everyone is drunk and happy. Alcohol from Midgard is like a beverage for Æsir, and Loki can barely get tipsy. But Loki still decides to drink.
This period had some very successful missions, and the avengers are celebrating it by drinking. Little do they know that Loki drinks for a whole more different reasons…
She blows out of nowhere, a roman candle of the wild
It's late. Loki's surely past the tipsy phase, but still has control. So, they just sit on a bar and watch the others have fun.
"Would you mind some company?" you yell from a part of the crowd. Loki tries not to flinch, loud sounds do no good at him.
Then they see you, all smiling and beaming like a firework, drink in hand as you walk closer and point at a stool beside him.
They have to admit, you look ravishing.
"You're free to sit, if you want to," he smiles back and nods at the seat. You grin and slide there, placing your drink in the bar and having your attention to them.
"Are you not afraid someone might drug the drink?" Loki winders, eyes on the cocktail.
"Sitting beside an Avenger is safe enough, don't you think? And it's rubbish anyways, I probably won't finish it,"
Midgard has different communication patterns, and Loki's inability to catch up in time has made their silver tongue rusty and useless. But you make a conversation with him out of nowhere, like it's the most easy thing.
Laughing her way through my feeble disguise/ And Lord, she found me just in time
A few days later after the night out, the sparks of happiness you casted on Loki's heart have died out. But Thor insists that being out of the four walls of their chambers will do good to him, and Loki gives in. They wear an illusion to hide the mess that he is in and join Thor on their afternoon walk around for some food, mostly.
During the hours long conversation, you didn't mention that you work for Stark, in the Tower. They smile and call your name the sparks igniting inside his heart once again. It gets stronger when you give them this glowing smile and walk closer.
"Brother, will you mind if I get stolen for a moment?" he turns to Thor.
"Have fun, brother," he smiles before greeting you and leaving.
"You know, there's a nice coffee shop with a big tea collection, what do you think?" you beam, knowing it's an offer Loki cannot resist.
It's not far away, and truly a sweet little place, crammed between the offices. You order your drinks and settle on a table nearby. You give Loki the chair with the view on the passers by, sitting so you can only see them and the wall behind him.
"You didn't say you work for Stark," they hum, taking a testing sip of the dandelion tea that caught his attention.
"That's cause I work for the Avengers, technically, not Stark. Mission support agent, Romanov brought me here," you shrug one shoulder. Loki can't hide a smile, they always had a soft spot for humble warriors, for they're so rare on Asgard.
"Odd, I don't remember you in any field," he mutters.
"I haven't gone on a mission with you. I find it insulting for a God to be supported by someone who learned how to tie their shoelaces at age 12," you laugh. Loki doesn't share the enthusiasm for the 'joke'.
"You'll be the best support, if you ask me," they smile, and change the subject. And then, you throw this damned question.
"So, how are you doing?" you trail off.
"Just fine," he scoffs. You see through it like they're the worst liar ever.
"I know we're somewhere public, but you are allowed to be honest," your eyes scan him.
He takes a deep breath and makes an illusion of you and them just talking. Then, he lifts his own.
Your face stays almost unreadable as the green glow reveals the mess of them. Expect for the eyes that speak of sympathy.
Underneath the table, you cup his right hand, your thumb petting it. "If you want to, we can go somewhere more private. Your call,"
"Only you can see this. Don't worry, I'm not making a fool out of you," they laugh without humour, voice almost breaking. You now squeeze the hand.
"You'll have to actively try to make a fool out of me, your highness. It's your boundaries I'm worried about," the playful tone leaves you as you speak.
You've barely done anything, but Loki is already determined to kill for you.
Cause with my mid-youth crisis all said and done / I need to be youthfully felt 'cause, God, I never felt young
"Forget it, I'm not doing it. It's stupid!" he tries hard not to yell at you.
"But it's going to be fun! Come on, you can cast an illusion if you're embarrassed. Didn't you have fun as a teen?" You grin, pleading for them to come.
Little do you know that the last question feels like a knife in the guts.
"No," he whispers.
"Okay then. I'll be there with Sam, you can pop up if you change your mind," you sigh. It takes some minutes for them to realise what you just said.
"Allow me to rephrase it. No, I didn't have fun as a teen, I had to prepare myself for the throne I wouldn't take. And… this park will do nothing but remind me what I've lost. I'm sorry but I can't come nor change my mind," he fights against tears as he talks, your eyes on them. You walk closer and cup one cheek, letting them rest their head.
"Society says that you must have certain experiences at certain time frames. It's wrong, especially for someone who will live for as long as you. There's always time to replace things you've lost, the question if if you'll do it or not,"
Loki gazes at you and takes a deep breath, in, holding it, and out. Almost like he's smoking the air.
"Fine. But don't force me to stay if it's too much," they smile weakly, but it's genuine.
"Have I ever forced you?" you grin and place your forehead against his. "And anything critical to your physical health doesn't count,"
They laugh before nodding a no, a small kiss being blown in your nose.
Lord, it'd be great to find a place we could escape sometime / Me and my Isis growing black irises in the sunshine
Out of all the things Loki expected his fallen heart to do, daydreaming was last on the list.
They're a realist, always have been.
But the image of him and you in a nice stone castle in the middle of the woods is too perfect to resist. How you two would wake up and sleep together, have no one and nothing to make you feel anything but bliss. The two Monarchs in your little kingdom of two residents
Norns, they haven't even talked to you about these feelings. And he's already scheming his retirement with you.
How are you doing this to them?
Every version of me dead and buried in the yard outside / We'd sit back and watch the world go by
"That's it, Laufeyson," he's glaring at the mirror, one finger pointing at the glass, "no more lies. Fuck those illusions and games and just say the damned words!"
They sigh and run their fingers through the hair, testing if the smell of smoke is still in there, after five sessions with the shower. He has noticed that you don't like the smell, when you keep some distance on his bad days. And stinking on a moment like this is the least they want.
"Alright… into the battlefield…" he conjures his weapon, a bouquet of black irises, your favourite flowers. They finally teleport themselves on the field, outside your door.
Goal of the mission: be vulnerable.
He rings the bell, fixing his already perfect posture before you open the door. This smile they know and love so much is on your lips.
"You didn't have to! Come in," you exhale, beaming as you make space for him to walk in.
They call your name, the tone making your smile drop. "I have to tell you something I've been hiding from you for a while…" he sighs.
You nod, the agent face on. A green shimmer makes the flowers rest in a vase on the coffee table, Loki's hands now free to pick on each other.
"I appreciate your friendship, more than you can ever imagine. You're the only person who has reached out to me like this for eons. But, my heart has started to yearn for more. I've fallen for you, hard. And I can't keep the illusion anymore," they recite, eyes scanning your unreadable face. You stay dead serious, making Loki's nerves eat him up.
"Took you long enough," you grin and bring them down to a kiss.
It's nice and warm and slow, one devouring the other while also offering the best you can. Then, a salty taste makes you break the contact and cup Loki's face.
"Love, why are you crying?" you whisper, wiping away the thin paths the tears have crossed. He hasn't even noticed he's been crying.
"You can't imagine how happy you make me… I love you," they whisper.
You barely have time to say anything before he pulls you into the tightest hug possible, tears streaming down to your shirt and those three words coming out of their lips again and again like a prayer.
Loki has no idea how many lifetimes he washed off within just one hug, but a weight they never noticed they carried was gone when you break the embrace and stare deep into his now puffy eyes.
"I love you too,"
She's gonna save me, call me baby / Run her hands through my hair
"I'm telling you, you have to be more careful in the missions. Yes, you are a God, but don't be so reckless," you groan as you rinse them with water and try to remove the blood and dirt from their hair.
Just the right amount of strikes, and he now can't lift his hands enough to wash his own hair. If you weren't so good at it, they would refuse to stoop so low.
"It was supposed to be abandoned. How would I know that it wasn't? I'm a God, not a prophet," he sighs, holding his sides. Even talking is making their scattered ribs pierce him… "And I did call you to save my arse, that's the exact opposite of recklessness,"
"If you say so. But what will I do if one day my baby comes home with something more than a wretched ribcage?" you laugh.
They try to answer but both the pain and the pleasure from your fingers on his hair, massaging his scalp with shampoo, are making his tongue a knot and his throat release one moan of pleasure after another.
She'll know me crazy, soothe me daily / Better yet, she wouldn't care
You walk through broken mirrors and scattered furniture, reached out to Loki, who's hiding their head between their knees.
You don't say anything, you just play with his hair. It's cold, much colder than usually. But you don't care.
"Leave, please. You'll get hurt," their voice is growly from the smoking but weak.
"Forget it. I'm not leaving you alone in this state," you declare matter–of–factly. A sound comes out of his throat, something between a chuckle and a cough.
They snap their head up, blue and scarred cheeks wet with tears and flaming red eyes with blue veins all over them drilling holes in you. "Do you dare say this in my true face? Declare that you care about a monster?" He spits, lips shaking as they try to hold back another crying fit.
You face stone, you grib his cheeks to stop them from breaking eye contact. "I am not leaving you alone like this, because I care about you and I love you. And, I don't give a fuck what others have made you think of yourself, you're anything but a monster," you keep your voice steady, trying to physically pin those words in his mind.
They sigh and lean against your hands, eyes closed and breaths slow as tears start rolling down his cheeks again. They turn to kiss your palm, now the rest of his body relaxing and hands bringing you close to a hug. "Thank you," they breathe out against you, the weakest of smiles forming slowly.
We'll steal a Lexus, be detectives / Ride 'round picking up clues
"Feet off or I'll chop them off and put them in the truck," you snap, eyes on the road as you try to find a place to park.
"Relax, it's not ours," Loki brushes off the threat. You sigh and park the car among some trees on the edge of the road, hoping no one will see it. He tries to mask it, like always, but you can see how the pain is making their features harsh.
"You can drop some spells, we're well hidden," you point out, watching as the pale skin starts melting and dark azure replaces it. Your skin crawls, you don't know if it's the cold or the awe. Loki breathes out, head resting back on the seat. "I didn't know the illusion is so painful," you think out loud.
"When running so low on rest, everything is painful. Now, where are those files…" they mutter and turn around, searching for the yellow case in the back seat. "Here. Do you have any idea?" he asks, giving you the file.
"I'll probably find something to milk. Now get that rest before you pass out on the field," you glare at them with that Look. He grins and nods before laying against the window, a thin layer of frost already forming.
Then, they start laughing.
"What's so funny?" you ask, not looking up from the report you're reading.
"Before I even talked to you, I had the honeymoon trip already planned in my brain, with too many versions to count. This wasn't even on the list," he straightens up and smiles. You laugh too.
"Well, it's not exactly as bad as you make it sound,"
"Norns, are your standards so low or are you so disappointed in me?" They raise one eyebrow.
"Neither, love. Now get rest before I have to knock you out," you smile through threatening him.
"Kinky, might try it later," they wink and lay back down, his breathing deepening some minutes afterwards.
We'll name our children Jackie and Wilson / Raise 'em on rhythm and blues
You're laying against them, smiling like an idiot as he runs a hand on your stomach and feeling this new anomaly.
"Are you sure?" you ask, watching a small wrinkle from between their brows.
"Yes. Two of them. Perhaps boys but I can't tell yet," he whispers, hand still resting there even though the spell is over.
"Twins… we will become parents," you smile, breathing out and laying against their shoulders.
Loki calls your name. You turn around and he rests his forehead against your own. "I love you so much, you know that? All three of you," they grin. You chuckle and close your eyes, accepting the kiss that's definitely coming.
"You know, we'll have to name them something," you point out after they break the kiss.
"Narfi and Vali," he's… quite fast on picking up the name.
"No way,"
You freeze. "It's silly…" you mutter.
They cup your face, glowing green eyes on yours. "It's bothering you,"
"It's the myth… how Narfi and Vali suffered in the myth because of your… because of Loki's mistakes… I don't want this to happen to the little guys," you sigh.
"Then, do you have to suggest another name while I'm trying to think of a second choice?" he smiles.
"It's even more silly," you giggle.
"At least it won't be your mythological dead kids,"
You take a deep breath. "Jackie and Wilson, from the song," you are ready to hear them laughing at you for the suggestion. But he just smiles.
"Jackie and Wilson…"
Cut clean from the dream that night, let my mind reset / Looking up from a cigarette, she's already left
Loki has no idea how long they've been staring blankly at the ashtray, the suit in front of him mocking him.
It's maybe the first time they're so hesitant about wearing all black.
It was supposed to be a small mission, nothing dangerous. You were supposed to be back, safe, within an hour.
You were supposed to raise your sons and retire in that castle in the middle of the forest.
Why was he so foolish to believe that he deserves a happy ending?
"You have to collect yourself. You have to say the farewell, a fucking thank you for all you've got from it, you coward!" they spit at the mirror opposite to them, hand tensing and breaking the cigarette in half.
A deep breath, in and out, a tight squeeze on the wedding ring hanging from his neck, and they stand up to put the damn suit on.
I start digging up the yard for what's left of me in our little vignette / For whatever poor soul is coming next
The funeral is over, the farewell has been said. But there's a small dinner coming afterwards.
Out of all the public appearances, this is by far the worse. Malevolence is something Loki has learned how to deal with a long time ago. But these eyes of pity are unbearable.
The strangers, probably reporters or Stark's acquaintances, coming to express their "condolences" are at least few enough to allow Loki to slip away to the bathroom.
He sits on the cold floor, this numbness drowning him. They hoped you had made it go away, but you just suppressed it. He wants to cry, to scream, to beg to whatever cruel Deity did this to bring you back. But their mind cannot give the order.
He takes your phone out, opening the music app and wearing your earphones. They press play on the last song you listened to, only to hear some familiar chords echo from the small device.
You were muttering this song all the time since you found out about the pregnancy, it's no wonder it's the last tune you listened to. But the upbringing melody of the song and the dark emptiness in Loki's heart are painfully opposite.
He sits there and listens to the whole song in silence, trying to milk some happiness out of it.
But they only manage to whisper along the last two lines, or an alteration of them. Just before he starts weeping at the tile floor until Thor finds him.
"We would name our children Jackie and Wilson, Raise 'em on rhythm and blues,"
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i-mybrunettelady · 2 years
🍑📀🌳🌠 for Vladimira
Mirka hours <3
🍑 Where is your OC’s favourite place to relax or calm down? Recount a story of their time spent in this place! What makes it so special to them?
Is there anywhere your OC hates to go to? Anywhere that stresses them out or have negative memories of?
- There's this shrine to the Spirits near the homestead where she grew up. She went there often when she was a kid to get away from her community, especially when she was a teen, and they knew that they could find her there if she left the homestead upset. She was attacked by a snow leopard there once, but fortunately, she managed to scare it away before it could do any damage (and she did raise a middle finger the Snow Leopard. Probably.)
But she doesn't really like areas of the Shiverpeaks that are brimming with Svanir. The ice dragon energy from those homesteads both stresses and makes her feel uneasy, as well as the presence of too many men who absolutely hate her gender.
📀How easy is it to shock your OC? To confuse them? To lie to them, to manipulate them? How are they with feelings of trust? Can your OC be trusted?
- You can absolutely trust Mirka. She's got this mature, motherly vibes and if you tell her something in secret, she'll keep it. She's not easy to manipulate or confuse either, she's got some experience surviving in the wilderness by herself, though it is easier to shock her than you might think, especially by other races' dating practices and family structure.
🌳 Compare your OC to themself from 10 years ago. How has their mental state changed since then, how have they aged and grown up? Would they say they’re in a better place than they were back then or do they need help? What advice would they give their younger self? What advice would their younger self give to them now?
- Ten years ago Mirka had just had Kov. Kov's birth has been a huge turning point in her life, leading her from a life of pointless brawls and purposelessness to a life that actually has a goal and an aim and a purpose. She's matured, she became more stable, more self-satisfied, she accepted herself as she was rather than fight for what she couldn't really have. A few months after Kov was born, she got her wolf transformation too!
To her younger self, she'd say that she was always a little different from others and that's okay. There's no need to struggle with and envy those who have what wasn't meant for her and to just walk her own path with confidence. There's no one true way to be a person, or to be a norn for that matter.
🌠Who was your OC’s first friend? Do they remember them or are they still friends now? Talk about some of the people your OC has lost contact with over the years. Do they have any regrets about losing these people and would they revist them if they could?
- Her first friend was her cousin/brother, Svarogg. They're about the same age, they grew up together and they're very close to this day. They both had one parent growing up and they needed to rely on each other for company a lot because the nearest homestead to theirs was still a little away, so they forged a life-long friendship and love.
As for people she lost contact with, I'd say Kov's father. He was a result of a one night stand and she and the hunter she had him with parted ways long before she found out she was pregnant, so he has no idea he has a son, Mirka doesn't know where he is, nor does she particularly want to meet him again, even if she does wonder from time to time, because sometimes Kov asks.
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uselessidiotsquad · 3 years
2-5 & 8-9 (and is okay to skip if if's too much, 11-15) from the GW2 asks, maybe?
[ @thoseofuswhoblossom ]
Ty for the ask :D Hope you are doing well! >:3 no such thing as too many questions. I didn't know if you meant the dash as an *and* or a *through* so I did the latter.
Tis lengthy so it's under the cut!
2. What was your first characters race/class (profession)?
Sylvari Ranger! It was Ruby :D My first beeb! I had her during the beta when the game was first launching and loved her to bits. Longbow BM with a big chunky bear, my beloved.
3. How many characters do you have?
... o h. I had to go count, fhfhfhf
16 In-Game Kids
4 Not In-Game Kids.
So 20 all total.
Soon to be more
4. Whats your favourite race?
Guilty Sylvari Slut here FHFHFHF I just love the amount of color and texture combinations you can get.
5. Whats your least favourite race?
It's a tie for Humans and Norn. I like as far away from normal as possible that I can get in fantasy games and Big Human and Regular Human do not do it for me.
8. Whats your favourite zone?
Malchor's Leap! Orr sort of strikes me in a funny way, that it's a bummer and gloomy but I love looking at all the stuff and wondering about it.
9. Whats your favourite city?
The Grove! Tree Mom, nice ambiance, little nifty corners to just hang out and vibe.
11. Whats a piece of gear you always transmute because you love the look of it so much?
Carapace Cloth Pants. Finding Cloth anything that I like is a struggle, and besides the weird tail thing it has - it's right up there!
12. How many achievement points do you have?
5,551. I'm not really an achievement hunter.
13. Is it okay to ask to RP with you?
I've always wanted to get into RPing but being sort of people shy and anxious has always kept me off from it. RPing with friends or people I'm comfortable with would be fun!. So for people I regularly interact with - sure! For others? No, sorry.
14. Is your guild open to new members?
My main guild, TRNS [Trans Right Are Human Rights] is always open as far as I know. I don't have invite abilities, but I can forward the request along to our GM or an officer. It's a very chill, supportive guild and I adore them.
15. Have you ever been really angry at the game? why?
Y E A H. I got stuck on a lot of the HoT story by myself and quit playing for a good long while just because I was so frustrated. That was my Hiatus era - I had a crap computer and bad internet - couldn't get anything done.
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chuuguins · 3 years
top 5 makeup items of 2021 so far 💛
indulging my makeup problems !! ty sarah 🌸
5. colourpop pretty fresh tinted moisturiser over the last year i've started steering away from full coverage matte foundations and this tinted moisturiser has the perfect amount of coverage and just always looks perfect on my skin. it's so easy to use and just gorgeous. i can't stop reaching for it.
4. apieu juicy pang blusher (cherry) i had been looking for this product for ages bc i couldn't be fucked ordering on yestyle so when i finally found it in a store i lost my shit. it's such a cute red colour (i'm v into red blush atm) and so dewy. plus, i love the fruity scent of these.
3. odens eye norns palette my favourite new eyeshadow palette!! seriously, the colours are insane. it's mostly shimmers but i don't even care bc odens eyes shimmer formula is so glittery and high impact. i feel so pretty every time i wear this and it makes me so happy.
2. rare beauty soft pinch liquid blush (joy) of course rare beauty owns the top of this list even though i only bought the products in the last month. i thought the blushes might win but they were just beaten out. my favourite shade is joy, which is a peachy shade. these are so so so pigmented so be careful with them but they're so dewy and easy to blend. i love them!! i want all shades!
1. rare beauty positive light liquid luminzer (enlighten) aaahh!! i did not expect to fall so hard for this one bc i almost didn't buy it. this just looks like the sun is beaming from your face!! i literally put three dots on and blend with my fingers and i instantly feel so pretty. it's honestly all i want to use at the moment, i'm so in love. i have the lightest shade but they have such a good shade range.
honourable mentions: colourpop super shock highlighter (candy floss), colourpop hello kitty quad (cherry sweet), odens eye alva ii highlighter palette, rare beauty stay vulnerable liquid eyeshadow (nearly apricot)
ask me my top five anything !!
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