#and no television. heat n glow
rilayagifs · 1 year
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Enclosed - Living Room
0 notes
you look good on camera, baby, let's go make a film | Lando Norris⁴
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“Can you leave your camera alone for five minutes? You play with that thing too much lately.” "Would you rather I play with you instead?"
Pairings: Lando Norris x fem!reader
Warnings: smut
Word count: 9356
Songs that really inspired me: Under The Influence, I Luv This Shit (Remix), Or Nah, Zayn - Sweat
With your feet in Lando's lap, you were laying on his couch watching television, his hand mindlessly massaging your foot. The sun was beginning to set, washing the living room in a golden light, the tv buzzing in the background and your occasional laughter interrupting the silence.
Lando’s touch was soothing, his fingers expertly finding all the right pressure points on your foot, but you didn’t mind that at all. It wasn’t uncommon for the two of you to spend lazy evenings like this at each other’s place, comfortable in each other's presence without the need for constant conversation.
“Are you seeing this?” you giggled, not tearing your eyes from the screen. Lando didn’t react.
That wasn’t the first time that evening that you said something and he completely ignored you. You shifted slightly, feeling a nudge of irritation prickling at your skin. Lando’s continued silence started grating on your nerves, the one-sided conversation gnawing at the edges of your patience.
“Are you even listening to me?” you nudged him with your foot, turning to face him.
“Hmm?” he hummed, giving your ankle a gentle squeeze and raising his eyebrows in your direction to let you know that he registered you this time.
You scoffed, seeing what was occupying his attention. “Can you leave your camera alone for five minutes? It’s like your third eye, I swear.”
Lando chuckled, but kept scrolling through the pictures. “Sorry. Just reviewing what we took today.”
Rolling your eyes, you propped yourself on your elbows. “You play with that thing too much lately.”
“Would you rather I play with you instead?” he raised his eyes, mischievous gleam in them, and smirked.
His fingers traveled up your calf, a heat rushing through you at his suggestive tone and touch causing a familiar swirl of butterflies in your belly. You cleared your throat and sat up properly, moving his hand away.
“Show me what you captured today,” you said, trying to steer the conversation back to normalcy. You knew that lingering in those moments would only complicate an already delicate dance happening between the two of you.
Lando's smirk widened at your reaction, his eyes shining with amusement, but leaned closer so you could see the screen better. The photographs flashed across the display – picturesque landscapes, candid shots of people in the streets, and close-ups of intricate details that caught Lando’s keen eye. You felt a sense of awe at the way he could turn the mundane into something breathtaking through his lens.
In one particular photo, a vibrant sunset painted the sky in an array of pinks and oranges, casting a warm glow over a quiet beach. The colors were so vivid, it felt like you could almost hear the waves crashing and feel the salty breeze on your skin.
Lost in the beauty of the photographs, you almost didn't notice Lando's hand inching back toward your leg, his touch light and teasing. You shot him a playful look, trying to maintain some semblance of composure despite the flutter of excitement building in your chest.
"Just focus on the pictures, Lando," you said with a laugh, swatting his hand away playfully. But he only grinned, his gaze flicking between the screen and you, a silent challenge in his eyes.
The next photo caught you both by surprise. More you than him. It was an explicit photo of Lando, wearing nothing but a mischievous smile, his eyes daring and playful. You gasped, turning away in shock at the unexpected image. Lando let out a hearty laugh at your reaction, clearly finding amusement in your flustered state.
“Oh, come on, y/n, it’s nothing you haven’t seen before.” he teased, waggling his eyebrows suggestively as he looked at you expectantly.
Your cheeks burned with embarrassment and confusion, unsure of how to respond to the intimate photograph that had appeared out of nowhere.
“Well, yeah, but that was… private,” you managed to choke out, looking anywhere except at him or the screen.
Lando's laughter filled the room, a deep rumble that made your heart race even faster. He shifted closer, his hand resting on your knee as he tried to catch your gaze.
"Don't be shy, y/n. I’m sure you have taken a few risqué photos yourself,” he whispered, his voice low and smooth, sending a shiver down your spine.
“Want to see them?” you side eyed him.
“I mean, if you’re offering—”
“I was joking, you muppet!” you turned to smack him across the chest, but Lando caught your hand before it made contact. His fingers intertwined with yours, holding your gaze with an intensity that sent a jolt of electricity through you, the playful banter fading into something more charged and raw between you.
“Maybe I do have some photos,” you admitted softly, your voice barely above a whisper. “But they're not for everyone to see.”
“What about a sex tape? Would you ever consider making one of those?” he asked, his voice low and eyes darkening. “I mean, since we're on the subject…” he cleared his throat.
The question hung in the air between you, heavy with unspoken implications. Your heart pounded in your chest as you struggled to process his words, the boundary between friendship and something more blurring with each passing second.
Lando's gaze bore into yours, searching for any hint of your true feelings. His thumb brushed over the back of your hand in a silent caress, his touch igniting a fire in your veins. You could feel the pull of attraction drawing you closer to him, tempting you to cross that line.
But as much as you wanted to explore this newfound tension, you pulled your hand out of his grasp. “I’m not sure, I don’t think I would want that.”
Lando raised an eyebrow, his eyes sparkling with curiosity and a bit of disappointment. “Why not? It wouldn’t be the first time we explored our boundaries.”
You paused, biting your lip as you considered his words. The thought of sharing something so intimate with him was both thrilling and terrifying. “I just don’t think I would look good, you know…”
“Are you kidding? You know you are the most beautiful person I have ever laid my eyes on.”
Your heart skipped a beat at his words, the sincerity in his gaze stirring emotions you had long tried to suppress. The air crackled with anticipation, the weight of unspoken desires hanging between you like a heavy fog.
“I’ve taken pictures of you countless times and in each you look like a work of art,” he continued, his voice gentle caress that seeped into every pore.
“Yeah, but that was different… We were having fun… It wasn’t meant to be serious…”
“Why can’t it be serious?” Lando’s voice was soft, his eyes locked on yours with a vulnerability you had never seen before. The air in the room felt charged with emotions as he reached out to cup your cheek gently. The warmth of his touch sent a shiver down your spine, awakening a longing you had buried deep within your heart.
You searched his eyes for any sign of hesitation or doubt, but all you found was unwavering sincerity and a hint of nervousness. In that moment, you realized that perhaps the unstated tension between you was mutual, a silent dance that had been playing out beneath the surface for longer than you had dared to admit.
“I… I never thought about it that way,” you whispered, your voice barely above a breath as you leaned into his touch, your eyes fluttering close at the intimacy.
Lando’s thumb brushed against your cheek, his touch sending sparks through you as he drew closer, his gaze flicking back and forth between your eyes and lips. The room seemed to shrink around the two of you, the world outside fading into insignificance as you were lost in each other's gaze. You felt your resistance fading with each pass, as if their attraction was slowly but surely pulling you under.
He leaned in closer, his breath warm against your cheek. “You know, y/n, I’ve always imagined watching you in a moment like this,” he whispered, his voice low and husky, “capturing your beauty on film in a way that only I can see.”
You shivered as his breath ghosted over your skin, the intensity of the moment leaving you reeling. “What do you mean?” you asked, your voice barely more than a whisper.
Lando’s eyes locked with yours, his tone growing more earnest. “Taking pictures of you, ones that only I get to see, ones that no one else gets to touch or look at without your permission.”
You gulped, your heart pounding with equal parts fear and excitement. This was a line you had never dared to cross before, and yet, Lando's words had a way of making anything seem possible.
Lando smiled softly, his eyes never leaving yours. "Pictures that capture the essence of you, the real you," he said quietly. "The sides of you that you show only to me."
You bit your lip, feeling a flutter in your chest. This was an intimate proposition, one that made you feel both vulnerable and empowered. "And what would be the point of that?" you asked, curiosity getting the better of you.
Lando's gaze held yours, his expression serious yet filled with desire. "The point would be to immortalize you, to capture the essence of who you are in a way that words can never fully express. I want to show you how beautiful you are through my eyes, how every smile, every glance, every moment we share is a masterpiece waiting to be unveiled. And I want a collection of memories that belong only to me, ones that I can look back on and remember the moments that you shared with me."
Your heart raced as you considered his proposal. The idea of Lando capturing your nature in a way that only he could see was both enticing and terrifying. But the thought of being the sole muse for his art, the one person he would hold close in his heart, was a powerful draw.
"I'm not sure I can do that," you replied hesitantly, "but I can try."
Lando's eyes lit up with exhilaration, his smile growing wider. "We'll start with the simplest things, the little quirks that make you unique. Then we'll move on to more intimate moments. I promise to never push you too far or make you uncomfortable. We'll do this together."
You nodded, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. This was a new adventure and you were unsure of what lay ahead. But you were ready to take that leap with Lando by your side.
"Alright, deal," you said with a shy smile. "But promise me that you won't share these photos with anyone. They're for your eyes only."
Lando's eyes softened, his expression turning sincere. "I promise, y/n. We'll do this together, at your pace, and I'll make sure to always respect your boundaries."
You took a deep breath, trying to calm the fluttering in your chest. This was a bold move, but you trusted Lando. You knew that he would never do anything to hurt you.
"Alright," you said, feeling a sense of determination. "Let's do this."
Lando leaned in, his lips brushing against yours in a gentle, tentative kiss. It was soft and sweet, his lips like clouds. The world around you faded away as you melted into him, leaving only the two of you wrapped up in each other’s arms, lost in a moment that felt like it would never end.
Lando pulled back and his eyes locked with yours. His fingers curled around the hem of your shirt and with a silent permission he pulled it over your head, revealing the vulnerable beauty beneath. Your skin tingled as his gaze traced every inch of you, his camera forgotten as he captured each moment with his eyes. The room seemed to hum with a quiet intensity as he leaned in to press kisses along your collarbone, his touch igniting a fire within you that threatened to consume everything in its path.
You felt the weight of his wishes pressing against you, a silent plea for more as he whispered words of adoration against your skin. Your doubts and fears melted away in the heat of the moment, leaving only raw passion and longing behind.
As Lando's hands roamed over your body, every touch electric and searing, you realized that this was where you were meant to be. In his arms, exposed and vulnerable yet safe and cherished in a way you had never known before.
The room was filled with the sound of the camera shutter, immortalizing the intimate moments between you, and you surrendered yourself completely to the unknown, knowing Lando is there to guide you. You felt naked under his gaze, as if his lens had stripped away every layer of your clothing and left you uncovered to his unbridled desire. 
Your breath caught in your throat as Lando's hand grazed your skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake. The light from the camera flickered across your face, casting shadows and highlighting the contours of your features. It was surreal, to feel like you were being transformed into a work of art, a masterpiece crafted with love and longing.
He kissed your chest and you reached for his shirt, unfurling the fabric to reveal the body that had been hiding beneath. Lando's muscles rippled as he stretched, hinting at a strength that belied his gentle demeanor. The sight stole your breath, your heart beating faster with each passing moment.
The air grew thick with anticipation, the scent of his skin mingling with the heady emotions that filled the room. You felt yourself being pulled into a world where art and desire intertwined, and knew that the line between reality and fantasy had blurred.
With a deep breath, you met Lando's eyes, trusting him as you had never trusted anyone before. He smiled softly, his gaze filled with warmth and understanding. He held a side of your face, kissing your lips gently, his touch feather-light and tender. You felt a wave of affection wash over you, and you knew that this moment was more than just a passing fancy. This was for real, and you were ready to embrace it.
"I'm ready," you whispered, your voice barely above a breath, your eyes locked with his as you gave him permission to continue.
Lando's lips found their way to your neck, his tongue tracing the delicate curve of your collarbone, his fingers grazing the sensitive skin just beneath your ear. You felt a shiver of desire course through your body, and you knew that this was what you had been waiting for.
"You're mine, you know that?" he murmured, his voice low and throaty, his breath hot against your skin. "You're my muse, my inspiration…”
He guided you to lay on the couch as he spoke, your bare skin glistening in the soft light that filtered through the curtains. Lando's eyes never left your face as he positioned you, adjusting the pillows behind your back to make you comfortable.
He moved to the other side of the room, the camera in his hands. You could see the longing in his eyes, the want to capture every inch of you in his lens. He looked at you again, his gaze lingering on your lips, your eyes, the curve of your neck.
Taking a deep breath, he began to capture you. The first shot was of your face, your eyes wide with anticipation, your lips parted in a gentle smile. The second was of your neck, the delicate arc of your throat revealed, your skin glowing in the orange light. The third was of your chest, your breasts rising and falling with each breath, your skin flushed with craving.
“Perfect,” he whispered and lowered the camera.
He was on top of you now, straddling you, but careful not to put all his weight on you. He used his body to block out the rest of the world, leaving only the two of you in this intimate moment. He leaned down, kissing your lips softly, his tongue brushing against your bottom lip, coaxing it open. You opened your mouth, allowing his tongue to enter, exploring the depths of yours, tasting you. His hands were on your waist, his fingers tracing the curves of your hips, your waist, your sides, discovering your body, learning its contours.
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered in between kisses, his voice breathless.
His eyes lingered on you in a way that made you feel exposed, yet safe. He dipped his head and bit the spot where your neck and shoulder connected. You gasped, a mixture of pain and pleasure coursing through your body. Lando's lips were warm against your skin, his breath sending tremors through your body.
"You have no idea how much I've wanted this," he murmured against your shoulder, taking off the strap of your bra. "You have no idea how much..."
He trailed off, his words stolen by the kiss he pressed against your lips. His hand slid up your side, his fingertips brushing the edge of your bra. You could feel your nipples hardening under the fabric, aching for his touch.
"Lando..." you called, your voice barely audible.
Lando's hand moved to your throat, his fingers gently caressing your skin as he looked up at you. "I want to see you," he said softly, "let me see you."
You nodded, unable to speak as you reached up to wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him closer. He continued to bite and kiss the sensitive skin of your neck as he reached behind your back to unclasp your bra. You could feel the need building in him, the need to possess you, to claim you as his own.
Lando's fingers finally released the clasp, and your bra slipped off, leaving you exposed to his gaze. His eyes widened at the sight of your breasts, the hardened nipples standing at attention, begging for his. You could see the want in his eyes, the hunger to devour every inch of you.
He reached for his camera on the table and straightened on his knees above you. He adjusted the focus, making sure to catch every detail of your skin's smoothness, your aroused nipples, and the flush of aspiration on your cheeks.
With the camera in one hand and his free hand on your chest, he leaned in to take a close-up of your nipples, his lips brushing against your skin as he did so. You could feel the warmth of his breath on your sensitive skin, sending shivers down your spine.
As the camera shutter clicked, he moved his hand down your body, trailing his fingers over your stomach, your hips, and down to your thighs. He spread your legs slightly, giving himself a better view of you, a better angle for his camera. He took another photograph, capturing your legs spread, your hips slightly arched, inviting him in.
Then he handed the camera to you. You took it hesitantly, unsure what to do with it. Lando smiled reassuringly at you and placed his hand over yours, guiding your fingers to the shutter button.
“Would you film while I suck on your tits?”
His words made you shiver, making you both nervous and excited. You nodded, taking a deep breath and pressing the button, starting to film the moment you had been waiting for.
His hands traced the valley of your breasts, his fingers lightly brushing over your nipples, sending shivers of pleasure racing across your skin. You arched into his touch, your hips rising to meet his, your body crying out for more.
He leaned down, his breath hot against your skin, and caught one nipple in his mouth. You moaned softly, your hips bucking forward as he sucked and licked, your body arching towards him. His other hand slid down your body, his fingers tracing your hip, your thigh, your knee.
He alternated between sucking and biting, his tongue flicking against the sensitive bud. You felt your body respond, your nipples hardening even more under his attention. You moaned, your hand reaching down to grip his hair, pulling him closer.
As he moved to your other nipple, his teeth grazed your skin, leaving a faint mark. You gasped, the sensation sending waves of pleasure-pain coursing through you, your core clenching in response.
His hands moved to your waist, his fingers gently digging into your skin, gripping you tightly. You could feel his passion, his need for you, the way he wanted to devour you in every way possible.
"Do you like that?" he whispered, his breath hot against your skin.
You moaned softly, your hips bucking forward, your body begging for more. "Yes," you breathed out.
Lando smiled, his eyes gleaming with hunger. “Fuck, you taste so good,” he groaned, his tongue darting out to lick some more.
You moaned quietly, your body quivering with each touch, each lick, each suck, each bite. He moved lower, his hands sliding down your body, his lips tracing the line of your stomach, your hips, your thighs. You could feel his breath against your skin, the anticipation building with each move.
He sat back on his knees, hands hooking on the waistband of your shorts and sliding them down your legs. He raised your left leg up and rested it on his shoulder, kissing the inside of your ankle and making his way up. Your skin was soft and warm under his touch, his lips trailing up your ankle, your calf, your knee.
You were nervous but also aroused by his touch, feeling your yearning building with each kiss and caress, each soft word whispered in your ear. You could feel his arousal, the hardness of his erection pressing against your thigh, and it sent a jolt of excitement through your body.
He gently kissed your inner thigh, his tongue dipping into the soft flesh, causing you to gasp. He pulled back once more, doing the same to your other leg. His attention was now solely on you, and the expectation was almost unbearable. You could hardly breathe as he continued to kiss and caress your legs, building the tension between you. Finally, he reached the apex of your desire, the junction where your legs met, and he dipped his head to his prize.
"Open up for me," he said softly, his eyes locked on your now damp panties.
You hesitated for a moment, feeling exposed and vulnerable, but then you nodded, spreading your legs wider for him. You could feel his breath on your skin, the warmth of his body against yours, and the prediction of what was to come.
His hands gently cupped your hips, guiding his head closer to your arousal. "I want to taste you," he said, almost reverently.
You closed your eyes and shivered, feeling his hot breath against your sensitive skin. He teased you, blowing softly, causing your hips to thrust upward, seeking his touch. He laughed softly and backed away once more.
“Not here. Come,” he said, standing up and extending a hand to help you up.
You took his hand, feeling weak in the chest from the intensity of the moment. You both walked towards the table, the camera still in your hands, documenting every step.
“Lean on the edge,” he instructed, constructing the scene and sank to his knees.
You did as he asked, your hand gripping the edge as he positioned himself between your legs. You could feel his hot breath on your thighs, making you breathe heavily.
"Move your panties to the side," he directed, his voice low and seductive. You obeyed, sliding the damp fabric aside, exposing yourself to him.
Then his tongue darted out, teasing you, licking the sensitive flesh of your inner thigh. You moaned softly, your hips bucking forward, seeking more of his touch. He laughed softly, his hands gripping your thighs as he continued to tease you, his tongue tracing patterns on your skin. You felt your need building, the anticipation making you wetter, your juices trickling down the inside of your thighs.
"Are you ready?" he asked, his voice deep.
You nodded, unable to speak. Your entire body was screaming for his touch, for his lips, for his tongue. He leaned in, his tongue dipping into your folds, swirling around your delicate skin and licking up and down with the skill of an expert. You moaned, your body arching into his face, your hips bucking against his mouth.
"Oh, fuck," he groaned against your skin, his tongue plunging inside you.
You were lost in the moment, your body trembling with need as he tested your boundaries, exploring every inch of you. With your free hand, you reached down to grip his shoulder, pulling him closer, needing him more than ever before. His hands gripped your hips tightly, steadying you.
"You taste so good. So sweet, so wet," you could feel the heat of his breath against your pussy, the soft rustle of his hair against your thighs.
His tongue continued its tour, flicking against your sensitive flesh, his fingers gently caressing your hips. You could feel the tension building within you, the desire for him to take you over the edge.
But Lando was not in a hurry. He wanted to savor every moment, every touch, every taste. He moved his fingers to your clit, gently stroking it with the tip of his finger, causing you to arch into his touch.
“You like that?” he whispered, his voice hot.
“Y-yes,” you moaned back.
“I’m going to make you cum,”
You gasped, one hand gripping his hair, pulling him closer, wanting more, and the other holding the camera, recording every moment.
He moaned, the taste of you driving him wild. He licked and sucked gently, exploring every inch of your folds, his tongue probing deeper, his fingers gently parting you, giving himself better access to your most sensitive spots.
You moaned loudly, your hips bucking forward, your body responding to his touch, your mind lost in the pleasure of his seductive advances. You could feel your arousal building, the tension between your legs growing stronger with each touch, each lick, each suck.
He slid a finger inside you, his thumb rubbing your clit in a slow, steady rhythm. You cried out, your body arching towards him, your hips bucking as he stroked you deeper, his fingers inspecting your inner depths. Your mind was consumed with the sensations, the pleasure building to a crescendo within you.
"Yes, yes, yes," you whimpered, your fingers digging into his hair, urging him on.
He smiled around your wet folds, raising his eyes and locking them with yours and not with the camera lens. He added another finger, stretching you just enough to send you over the edge.
You cried out, your body tensing and shaking as wave after wave of pleasure washed over you, your hips bucking wildly, your legs shaking uncontrollably. You felt like you were flying and floating and everything was blurry and burning and perfect.
He continued to lick and suck, milking every last drop of pleasure from you, his fingers moving in sync with his mouth, driving you higher and higher with each stroke.
Your orgasm subsided, leaving you panting and breathless, your body trembling with aftershocks and your hands shaking. He continued to hold you, his hand gently caressing your hip. You could feel the moisture seeping from between your legs, staining his fingers.
He pulled back, his face dripping with your juices, and looked up at you with craving in his eyes. You could see the wild animal in him, the hunger for you, the need to have you. You could hardly believe what had just happened. You had never felt such desire, such want, such pleasure before. You felt alive, you felt wild, and you felt so, so loved.
He stood up and guided your hand to the bulge in his pants, his eyes never leaving yours. He thrust forward, his pulse beating wildly against your palm. You could feel the heat of his erection through the material of his sweatpants, and the pulse between your legs again.
"Are you ready for the next part?" he asked, cupping your face and kissing you deeply.
You nodded, gasping for air as his kisses became more fervent. He helped you to stand, your legs still shaking from the aftermath of your orgasm, but you couldn't deny the excitement coursing through your veins.
“Get on your knees,” he instructed, taking the camera from you.
“No,” you said, making him raise an eyebrow.
Instead, you took him by the shoulders and swapped places with him so that he was now leaning on the edge of the table. Neither of you could take your eyes off each other as you inched closer, his erection straining against the fabric of his sweatpants.
“I want to give you a good time too,” you murmured, kissing the side of his neck, your hand trailing down his chest until you took a palmful of his cock.
His breath hitched, teeth sinking into his bottom lip and head thrown back, eyes closed. You peppered the line of his neck with kisses, dragging your tongue down the curve of his shoulders, before reaching his collarbones. Your fingers teased him, lightly stroking his length and feeling it twitch under your touch.
“Please, baby,” he growled, clutching at the edge of the table and arching his hips towards your hand. “Need you to touch me.”
You couldn’t resist his plea, your hand gripping his erection more firmly, stroking him slowly and watching as his eyes fluttered open, dark and needy. Your other hand traced the outline of his hip, skimming over the waistband of his sweats and glorying in the feel of his hardness beneath your fingers.
“Fuck, that feels good,” he breathed, eyes locked on your fingers as they moved.
You leaned closer, brushing your lips against his ear. “Do you want me to take it off?”
"Uh huh," he nodded, his breaths coming in sharp, ragged gasps.
"Words, Lando. I need you to use words," you were demanding, but gentle.
He gulped before responding, sounding breathless. “Yes, please."
You smirked against his chest and began pathing your way down with kisses. You settled on your knees, your fingers dug into the waistband of his sweats.
"Turn the camera on, you will not want to miss a moment of this,” you told him.
You pulled them down slowly, almost irritatingly so just to tease him some more. The whole time you were keeping eye contact, licking your lips and watching him squirm and take deep breaths.
Next were his boxers. You latched your teeth on the edge of the waistband and slowly, ever so slowly, pulled them down. His cock sprang out, hard and throbbing, the head glistening with pre-cum.
“Fuck, that was so hot,” he muttered, holding the camera with both hands to steady it as he watched you.
You licked your lips again, staring at his erection and the dark, pulsing head. You reached out and wrapped your fingers around it, pumping it slowly, watching as his hips bucked involuntarily.
“Was that good?” you asked, your voice low and sultry.
He groaned, his eyes never leaving your hand. “God, yes.”
"You're so hard for me," you whispered, kissing the head gently as you watched him squirm. And you knew exactly what to do to make him even harder.
You took him in your hand, your palm wrapping around his length, your fingers stroking him from base to tip. You watched as a drop of pre-cum glistened at the tip, and you used your thumb to smear it around, slicking him up. Lando moaned loudly, his head dropping back as you continued to stroke him, your hand matching the rhythm of his breaths. You reached into your mouth and began to lick and flick your tongue over the sensitive underside of his cock, his length twitching in response. 
"Mmm, so sweet," you moaned around his shaft, the taste making your saliva flow. You took him deeper into your mouth, sucking him down until the tip hit the back of your throat. He groaned, his hand grabbing your hair and pulling you closer, driving his cock deeper into your mouth.
You pulled back, your teeth scraping over his sensitive head, earning you another growl from him. You teased him with your tongue, swirling it around the delicate tip while pumping his shaft with your hand. His hips bucked, and hand tightened in your hair.
You moaned around him, feeling the power that this simple act of pleasure held over him. He groaned, thrusting his hips forward as you put him back into your mouth, taking him deep until your nose was pressed against his pubic hair, his hand gripping the back of your head, wanting you even deeper. You pulled back, sucking him off with a pop, the sound echoing in the room. His cock twitched, getting harder, more sensitive with every stroke.
“God, you look so pretty sucking my cock,” he growled, his eyes locked on your face as you continued to stroke him and hollow out his thoughts.
You didn't miss a beat, your hand moving in sync with your mouth as you suckled his length, feeling his cock pulse in your hand. You could feel his desire building, feel him reaching for that point of no return. And you wanted to be there when he crossed that line.
“Look at me, baby, look at the camera with your pretty eyes while my cock’s in your mouth,” he commanded, his voice raw and needy.
You lifted your eyes to meet the camera lens, your gaze unwavering as you continued to suck on his cock, your other hand still pumping him rhythmically. You could feel his thighs trembling, his hips bucking, and his grip on your hair stronger.
“That’s it, take my whole cock,” he growled, his voice a mixture of pleasure and dominance. “Look at you, sucking me off like a pro. Such a good girl.”
You took him in deeper, praise giving you a new surge of confidence, your throat stretching to accommodate his girth, and your eyes watering from the sensation. You could feel the veins throbbing under your lips, and the taste of his precum glistening on your tongue.
“Don’t be shy, lick my balls too,” he said, taking his cock out of your mouth.
You eagerly complied, lowering your head towards his balls, kissing, licking and nibbling gently. He moaned loudly, his hands gripping your hair tighter as you took his balls into your mouth, sucking and releasing, creating a soft slurping sound as you did so.
"Oh fuck, yes," he groaned, his hips rocking back and forth in time with your mouth. "Suck on them harder, baby."
You obliged, taking his balls in your mouth and sucking on them deeply while his cock throbbed above you. You could feel him getting closer, his body stiffening and his breathing quickening.
“Mmm... fuck, you’re so good at this,” he whispered, his voice filled with awe. “I’m gonna cum soon. Are you ready for it?”
You knew what he needed, so you went back to work, taking his cock into your mouth once more. You sucked and licked, and your hand stroked him vigorously. Your saliva mixed with his precum, making your mouth slick and warm.
“Oh fuck, right there, that’s it, baby,” he panted, his body shuddering. “You’re going to make me cum so hard.”
You increased your pace, your mouth swallowing him down.
“Are you going to cum on my tits?” You asked, raising your eyes from the camera lens to look into his.
He smirked, "No, I want to see you take it down your throat."
You swallowed hard, nodding as you removed your mouth from his cock and backed away slightly. His cock, glistening with a mix of saliva and pre-cum, stood at attention, twitching softly.
You took it in your hand and rubbed the sensitive head between your fingers, watching your spit glisten on the tip. He moaned softly, his hips bucking as you slowly brought it to your lips. You ran your tongue over the tip, savoring the taste of his pre-cum, before taking him into your mouth. You slowly slid down his length, taking him deeper with each swallow.
He let out a low groan, his hand fisting in your hair as you took him further and further. When your nose was pressed against his pubic hair, he let out a strangled cry and thrust his hips forward, his cock hitting the back of your throat. His cum erupted from him, a torrent of hot, salty jets that coated your tongue and filled your throat. You choked back a reflexive gag, your eyes watering with the sensation, but held on, swallowing the thick, ropy liquid until he was spent.
You pulled away, your lips plump and glistening with his cum, and hooked a finger under your chin to wipe away the excess. For a moment, you just looked at him, your eyes locked with his, your chests heaving as you both caught your breaths.
He reached down and wiped away the remaining cum from your cheek, his eyes never leaving yours. There was a moment of stillness, a sense of completion and satisfaction in the air.
"Fuck, that was amazing," he panted, his hand still in your hair.
You smiled, your eyes glinting with mischief. "Not done yet," you whispered, reaching up to kiss his lips, the taste of cum still on your tongue.
The two of you shared a long, lingering kiss, sucking on each other’s tongues as passion still simmered between you. His hand moved down to your chest, brushing over your breast, his fingers playing with your nipple.
You broke the kiss, your eyes still locked with his. "Come with me," you purred, a smirk playing on your lips.
You led him to the bed, your movements confident and sultry. He followed you, his eyes never leaving your body, his hunger for you palpable.
“I want to sit on your face, and I want to film it.” you announced, your voice low and seductive. Not even you knew from where this newfound confidence came from, but you let it wash over you, feeling empowered and desirable. And you wanted to explore this side of you further.
He looked at you with a mixture of surprise and excitement, clearly not expecting this sudden turn of events.
"Are you sure?" he asked, a hint of disbelief in his voice.
"Absolutely," you replied, your eyes sparkling with mischief. "I want to see your face when you're pleasuring me.”
“Wow, look at you. I thought you were camera shy, but here you are directing me around,” he teased, a playful smile spreading across his face.
"Get on the bed, on your back," you instructed, taking off your panties, your voice now firm and commanding. He did as you instructed, spreading out on the bed with a cheeky grin on his face.
You climbed onto the bed, straddling him and positioning yourself above his face. Your hips swayed as you watched him watch you, his eyes never leaving your face. You held the camera in front of you, making sure it was centered on his face and capturing every detail of his expression. You could feel his breath against your most intimate parts, a gentle reminder of what was to come.
“Ready, set…”
Instantly his mouth met your cunt, his tongue darting out to tease your clit before delving inside, tasting your sweetness. You moaned softly, your hips bucking in time with his mouth. He sucked and licked, his hands stroking your thighs, his eyes never leaving the lens. It was like a dance, your movements in sync with his, each touch and stroke building the momentum.
The camera captured it all - your gasping, your moaning, and the way your body arched as his tongue dug deeper. His cheeks hollowed as he sucked on your clit and your legs shook, your whole body trembling as pleasure coursed through you. You could feel him growing more confident with every passing second, his tongue moving in a rhythm that drove you wild.
“Harder,” you demanded, your voice strained with lust. “Fuck me with that tongue.”
He complied, his tongue thrusting in and out of you, his lips sucking and pulling right where you needed the most. Each touch sent shivers through your body, the tension building and the release just around the corner.
“I’m so close, baby,” you whispered, your eyes locking with his.
“Don’t stop,” you whimpered, the sensation overwhelming. He didn’t, his tongue flicking and probing, his hand going up your waist, now reaching to cup your breasts, his fingers twirling and pinching your nipples.
You gripped at his hair, giving yourself some more balance as you started grinding on his face. He moaned against your pussy, sending vibrations throughout your body.
“Mm, that’s right, baby. Ride my face.” he muffled, one hand falling to your hip and the other slapping your ass, encouraging you further.
You looked at him, breath catching in your throat at the sight. His green eyes filled with such lust and wildness that you wanted to take a picture and carry it in your wallet if it were any appropriate. And that was just enough to send you overboard.
He held your hips firmly as you spasmed over his face, his mouth continuing to devour you. Your moans turned to screams, and he licked and sucked at your sensitive spots, not letting any drop of pleasure from you go to waste. His hands roamed your body until you finally collapsed on top of him, breathless and drained.
You lay there for a moment, camera dropped on the mattress, your cheeks flushed and heart pounding. You looked down at him, his face glistening with your juices and smiled. He looked up at you, his eyes filled with satisfaction and gave you a smirk. Slowly, you climbed off him and he sat up, and you kissed him, savoring the taste of yourself on his lips, his rough beard stubble scraping against your skin.
“I’m ready. I want you now,” you murmured against his mouth.
He smiled, a devilish grin spreading across his face. “Get on your hands and knees then,”
You complied way too eagerly, positioning yourself just as he wanted, ass up in the air and back arched. He crawled behind you, his cock hard and ready again. He slapped your ass, the sting of his hand sending a new wave of drive coursing through you.
“Are you dripping for me?” he leaned to whisper in your ear, his breath making you shudder. You moaned in response, the desire too intense.
“Oh yes, you are,” he said for you, running his fingers through your folds.
He slid his cock into you from behind, filling you up in a single, powerful thrust. Your moan turned to a growl as he began to move, his hand gripping your hips tightly. You could feel his cock hitting your sweet spot with each thrust, and the pleasure was almost too much to bear.
“Harder!” you urged, your body begging for me.
Obliging, his thrust became rougher, your skin slapping against his. He filmed as he pounded you, the camera capturing every movement, every expression on your face as you turned to look at him over your shoulder, every bead of sweat that dripped down your skin. His thrusts grew harder and faster, animalistic in their intensity. Your breath was coming in short, sharp gasps as he hit you deeper, your body quivering.
“Lando, I’m going to cum,” you panted.
He grunted and took a handful of your hair, and yanked you towards him, making you yelp. Throwing the camera away, he wrapped his now free hand around your throat as he continued to drill into you. You could hear his heavy breaths, feel his heart racing against your back. Your mind was on fire, adrenaline coursing through your veins. With another deep and forceful thrust, he suddenly pushed you off his cock. Then, he laid on the bed.
“Get on top of me,” he ordered.
You wasted no time climbing on top of him, your body trembling with satisfaction, but aching for more. You straddled his hips, both of you watching as you lowered yourself on his thick cock. He groaned as you impaled yourself on him, his hands gripping your hips, pulling you closer to him. The sensation of being filled again was both intense and pleasurable and you couldn’t help but moan as your body began to move in sync with his.
Your hips undulated, your tits bouncing and jiggling with every thrust. You could feel his eyes on you, the camera back in his hands and the hunger and desire never waning. He let you take control, and you began to move faster, your excitement building with each second. Your body was aching for release, but you held on, savoring the moment. You could hear his breath hitching, his body straining to keep up with you.
Your movements became more erratic, your pace quickening as you neared the edge. The thrusts became deep and hard, your ass slapping against his thighs with each impact. You held onto his shoulders for support, the sensation of his hand gripping your flesh only fueling you more. But in all that ecstasy, you lost your balance and collapsed onto his chest, your hips never ceasing to grind on him.
He wrapped his arm around you, holding you close as you shuddered and trembled in his embrace. “Easy, babe,” he whispered, a smirk evident in his voice.
You moaned into his neck and straightened up again. You began slowly rocking your hips back and forth, sitting fully on his cock.
“That’s right, baby, ride me for a bit,” he whispered, running his hand down your spine.
You smirked and leaned down, placing a kiss on his lips before grinding your hips against him in a slow and sensual rhythm. Your breasts jiggled with each movement, and he followed every sway through the lens.
“Look at you. Aren’t you a goddess, huh?” he said, his green eyes never leaving your body as his fingers continued to roam your skin. Your movements became hypnotic, each gentle rock increased the pressure on his cock, making him groan with pleasure.
“A goddess sitting on her throne.” he propped himself up, trailing kisses down your neck, his fingers digging into your hip. You could feel his cock pulsating against your sensitive spots, reminding you of how much more he wanted.
“Time to show me what you got,” he whispered and laid back on the pillows.
You leaned back on your hands, angling yourself perfectly over him, both of you gazing into each other’s eyes. You gave him a full display of your cunt and slowly started going up and down on his cock, his hand pulling you closer each time you descended onto him. You increased your movements, your tits bouncing wildly with each bump. He matched your energy, propping his hips up to meet yours.
You moaned and grunted, your body trembling with each thrust. His eyes were intently focused on your body, capturing every detail for the camera. He reached up and pinched your sensitive nipples, making you cry out in pleasure.
Lowering his hand, he started rubbing circles on your clit with his thumb. Your body buckled under his touch, your moans growing louder and your movements becoming erratic. He could feel your walls pulsating around him and he knew that this wasn’t going to last much longer. Throwing the camera away, he wrapped both of his arms around you, pulling you onto his chest. You fell without resistance and he took control, fucking into you from below.
“I can feel you getting close,” he said, his voice ragged.
“Uh huh,” you gasped, your voice caught in your throat.
“Not yet, baby,” and in one swift motion, he flipped you over onto your back. Your legs fell apart and he thrust into you with a deep groan. He leaned down, kissing you hard, his tongue darting into your mouth, tasting you, consuming you. You wrapped your legs around his waist, pushing him deeper, not letting him stop, feeling his cock sliding in and out of you with a slick, wet sound.
His hands wandered over your body, his mouth attached to your breast and fingers teasing your clit. You cried out with every move, your body trembling, your desire reaching its peak. He could feel your juices flowing, slicking his cock, coating your bodies. He thrust into you harder, faster, his eyes locked on yours.
He was dominating you, he was possessing you and you loved every second of it. You loved the way he made you feel, the power he exuded and above all, you loved the pleasure and satisfaction he was giving you.
“Are you going to cum?” he asked, eyes blazing.
“I’m so close, Lan,” you moaned and whined, your whole body tightening as you neared your end.
“Hold it,” he groaned, his hips still pistoning into you with a fierce determination.
“I don’t know how much longer I can—”
“I’m going to give you a countdown,” he growled, his breath becoming ragged and hot against your neck.
“Ten,” he whispered, thrusting deeper into your pulsating pussy. Your breath hitched as you waited with bated breath.
“Nine,” he groaned, his hands gripping your hip and pulling you closer.
“Eight,” he growled, his chest heaving with the effort of holding back his own release. You felt the tension building within you, the lust and desire coursing through your veins, making you moan and buck your hips.
“Seven,” he hissed, his mouth closing over yours in a searing kiss as his hips pressed against you. You groaned into his mouth, your hips bucking temporarily out of control as the sensation of his tongue dueling with yours sent shivers down your spine.
“Six,” he moaned, finding your hips again and slamming into you, his rough moans echoing in your ears as he fought to hold back his own climax. You could feel the tension in his body, the desperation that threatened to consume him.
“Five,” he panted, his eyes locked on yours, his hands gripping your ass and pulling you even closer.
“Four,” he breathed, his hips bucking wildly, his cock slamming into you with a fierce intensity.
“Three,” he growled, his passion and desire coursing through his veins, his body shaking with the need to release.
“Two,” he hissed, the muscles in his arms and legs tensing as he held himself back from cumming.
“Almost there,” you whispered, your voice barely a breath.
“Not yet,” he groaned, his hips never faltering in their rhythm. “One more.”
“One more,” you agreed, your body trembling, your pussy pulsating around his cock.
“One. Now, baby. Cum around me,” and then, just as you thought you couldn’t take it anymore, he began to thrust harder, faster, his eyes locked with yours as he pushed you right to the edge.
You threw your head back, your eyes rolling up in sheer bliss of the orgasm taking over. Your muscles tightened around him, milking for every ounce of pleasure he could give. He grew more aggressive, thrusting into you with abandon, your orgasm triggering his own.
“I’m going to cum,” he grunted, his body shuddering with the force of his release.
You reached for the camera, ready to capture the moment forever, but he got a hold of your wrist and pinned it down.
“Leave it,” he gasped, his eyes glazed over.
“I thought you wanted to record this?” you panted, struggling to keep up with his intense pace.
He shook his head, a smirk playing on his lips. His hand slid into yours and interlocked your fingers together. “I want to remember this through my eyes. I want it to stay only in my mind, forever.”
And with that, he pulled out and spilled all over your stomach. You laid there, panting and spent, his cum drying on your skin and you found yourself in awe of the experience that just happened between the two of you. A rush of adrenaline and pleasure coursed through your veins, making you feel alive and invigorated.
Lando laid beside you, his eyes still glazed over from his intense orgasm. He reached down and wiped the cum off of your stomach, then slowly started stroking your thigh. “Was everything okay?”
You gazed into his eyes and traced your fingers along his jawline. “It was incredible, Lando. I’ve never felt so alive.”
“I’m glad you enjoyed it.” His voice was a gentle purr, and he leaned in to nibble on your earlobe. “Maybe next time we’ll try something different. You know, switch it up and keep things interesting.”
“Next time?” you playfully raised your eyebrow. “Who said there’s going to be a next time?”
Lando chuckled, his hand drifting down to your firm ass, squeezing it lightly. "Oh, there will definitely be a next time. You can't resist me, sweetheart."
You smiled coyly, playing along. “In your dreams, Norris.”
He chuckled at your playful banter, his hand still firmly on your ass. “We’ll see about that, babe.” He leaned in closer, his lips brush against your neck, making you shiver. “But for now, I think it’s time for a little aftercare.”
He rolled off of you, his arms still wrapped around your waist. You sat up, your body still pulsating from the intense sex, and looked at him. He was still panting, his eyes locked onto your body, his arousal still prominent. He pulled you into his embrace, his hands gently caressing your back, his breath warm on your neck.
“I can’t believe we did that,” you whispered, still in awe of the intensity of the experience.
“Do you want to review the footage?” Lando asked, breaking the sweet moment.
“Yeah, we could do that,”
He nodded, breaking the embrace and reaching for the camera. He scrolled through the footage, stopping at the part where you were on top of him.
“Look at that,” he said, a proud smile on his face. “You were incredible.”
He kept scrolling, stopping at the part where he took you from behind. He played it back, and you couldn’t help but watch in amazement.
“Who knew you were so kinky?” you teased, laughing at the sight of your own flexibility.
He grinned, still looking at the footage. “I think I knew all along. But it's nice to see you let loose.”
You glanced at the screen, your cheeks flushing a little at the sight of your body, your moans, and the way you surrendered to him. You felt a wave of pride and satisfaction wash over you, knowing that you had given him a performance that you both could remember forever.
“I had a lot of fun,” you admitted, still laughing.
He handed you the camera, and you scrolled through the footage. You stopped at the part where he was on top of you, his eyes locked onto yours, and you felt the rush of adrenaline all over again.
“I never knew I could feel this way,” you whispered, a tear escaping from the corner of your eye. “With you.”
He leaned over, wiping away your tear with his thumb, his eyes filled with tenderness and love.
“You can feel any way you want to,” he said, his voice soft and reassuring. “As long as it’s with me.”
He pulled you into a deep, passionate kiss, his hands roaming over your body once again, reminding you of the intense pleasure and connection you had just shared. And he was right - you could feel anything you wanted to, as long as it was with him.
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lunargrapejuice · 8 days
i saw a post while scrolling down your profile and i came up with a req of sleepy sex with seph whos just a super exhausted husband who wants to spend time with his wife but doesn't have the energy to go all out
eeee anon!!! i love this request - i am but a puddle against this man🥺🩷 husband!seph my beloved<3 i hope you enjoy, thank you for requesting this! my heart was all warm writing this🥰💕
sephiroth x fem!reader | 3.3k + words
warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI, pre nibelheim seph, soft n sweet, size kink if you squint (i will repeat this man is huge), cream pie
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slow and heavy, your eyes blink and through your bleary vision the animated movie about the baby chocobo who ran away from home that you had started about an hour ago continues to play quietly on the television screen. you can hear their small voice, make out the tuft of pale yellow feathers at the top of their head but don’t register what’s being said or what they're doing. 
your thumb fiddles with the band around your finger, the motion trying to keep you awake for just a little longer in hopes you’d be able to wait for your husband to get home. it’s late, with the moon high above your shared apartment on the top floor of the building and the quiet streets below set in the glow of the streetlights that emanate the color of the mako that powers them. 
the world was in a similar state when sephiroth had left early this morning and you suppose you were too. though instead of being tucked into bed that clung with his warmth, wiggling more and more onto his side until you could bury your face in his pillow, you were now laying on the couch in a half comfortable position with a soft blanket wrapped around you. it also happened to smell like him.
blinking again, or what you thought was you blinking, you’re surprised when your eyes open and in the dim light the only thing you see is the familiar dark leather of sephiroths coat against his pale skin, so very close you could reach your hand out to touch him with little effort, could feel his warmth. the apartment is quiet, like you had slept through the rest of the movie even though it feels like only a minute has passed since you closed your eyes.
“welcome home,” you coo, your voice clinging with sleep and happiness.
“i didn’t mean to wake you,” he replies quietly, caring. tired.
“you didn’t,” your assurance is sweet as you stretch out your arms towards him. even kneeling he’s so much larger than you and you have to sit up a bit to wrap your arms around his neck properly, wanting to hold onto him and not the armor he still adorned. he must have just walked through the door. you smile when you look up to meet his shimmering eyes, loving how tenderly they look back at you but there’s no ignoring the dark circles under them either.
bringing him into your embrace, needing no strength or words to do so, large arms envelope around you. he smells like leather and sweat and the flora of his shampoo, an intoxicating combination that has you snuggling closer, shamelessly taking in a deep breath. only a moment passes before he pulls you from the blanket, effortlessly lifting your body and so easily you follow, wrapping your legs around his waist as he stands and starts to make his way to the bedroom. dressed only in one of sephiroths old tshirts and your panties, in the cool air your bare legs break out in goosebumps and you cling to him harder, soaking in his natural heat.
sephiroths hold on your thighs grows tighter. 
“were you waiting for me?” he asks, murmuring softly against the side of your head where his lips place a long kiss but there's a teasing lilt to his tone that makes your heart flutter wildly.
“of course i was, i wanted to see you. didn’t mean to fall asleep,” you mumble the last part, feeling your heart contract.
perfect pink lips still pressed to the side of your head, he hums in contentment at your words. what had he done to deserve you? “i’m sorry to keep you waiting.”
shaking your head, you hug him tighter, nuzzling the tip of your nose into his soft skin. “it’s okay seph. i’ll always wait for you.”
so often you have left him speechless, longing to never let you leave his embrace. he felt the same when he came through the door and spotted your figure curled up on the couch. his little love, so adorable and even more thoughtful in a way he wasn’t sure he’d ever be used to. 
in sephiroths long strides the walk to the bedroom isn’t long but he wasn’t ready to let you go just yet and instead of placing you on your side of the bed and leave you curled up under the blankets to get ready to join you, he sits at the edge of it and rests your legs comfortably on either side of his muscular thighs. perhaps he should have shed his armor before he came over to you on the couch but upon seeing you there, his feet immediately brought him to your side. all he wanted after every day, long or not, though lately they had been constantly long, was to end it with you in his arms.
shifting your weight on his legs, you move your arms from around his neck, letting your fingers roam from the column of the throat, over his exposed collar bone and to his shoulder. he sighs under your touch and you can feel his eyes on your face but your own can’t be torn from the rise and fall of his chest and the milky soft skin you want to kiss over and over again. 
your hands are gentle and delicate as you pull at the straps that keep his pauldrons secured to his jacket and you have to grip each one with both hands as you lift them off his shoulders, forgetting how heavy they actually are. he helps you shrug them off of him and place them at the ground near his feet, one after the other, and as you undo the clasps of his belts, he sheds his gloves and spreads his large hands over the span of the top of your thighs.
he feels lighter, in so many ways and all of which lead back to you; your love, your soft touch, your tender flesh under his hands that were never meant for anything but to be a weapon, a tool, and yet to you they’re nothing of the sort. home, you had once called them so fondly. you had always trusted him to touch you with gentleness he once believed he was not capable of.
“i missed you,” your voice, barely above a whisper, breaks the silence in the room as you undo his jacket, moving onto the suspenders of his soldier uniform that cross his chest. you work on unbuttoning them and look up at him, feeling your body flush with heat under the glow of his mako eyes in the moonlit room and the pulse of his thin pupils that blow wide and return to their normal thin slits at the locking of your gazes.
the warmth of his left palm leaves your leg and his large hand cradles the back of your skull, bringing you to his lips. tips of silver locks tickle your cheeks, act as a sheer curtain of starlight and it is all you can see against the sparkle of the lifestream in his beautiful eyes. “i’ve missed you too darling,” he says lowly, his words spoken on your lips before capturing you in a deep, breath stealing kiss that has you clinging to his chest for purchase and his right hand traveling from your thigh, over the hem of your panties and under your shirt to your lower back to press you against him.
years of training, experiments, mako, have made his body hard, every inch of him defined in thick cords of muscle and scars that you’ve counted and mapped out like constellations and loved endlessly but there’s a distinct press between your legs and with each kiss you share, it only grows harder, more evident and you can’t stop yourself from wiggling your hips to feel more of him.
sephiroth groans against your lips, his fingers flexing and pulling you further into him until there’s nothing that could slip between your two bodies. a languid roll of his hips has you gasping into the kiss and he takes the opportunity to slip his tongue inside, exploring your mouth and bucking his hips at the touch of your tongue against his, so sweet and needy.
you don’t know how long you stay like that, on the edge of breathlessness and pleasure that wasn’t enough and was all you need at the same time but suddenly your world is turning and your body becomes caged between the plush sheets and your husband's firm body. the hand on your back moves to keep him hovering above you, so as not to crush you with his full weight, and your thighs spread instinctively. through your panties his thick clothed cock rubs against your clit, making you gasp.
at the breaking of your lips, you take in cool air that does nothing to quell the heat building inside of you, especially when his own finds your neck and begins to kiss the span of your throat, the tip of his tongue licking along your pulse point, tasting your skin without hurry. but you can’t help the worry building inside of you either. he must be so exhausted. you saw it in his eyes, felt it on his skin and your own longing was a reminder of how much he had been working of late.
“seph- wait.”
he pulls away from your neck to look into your eyes, stopping the soft rutting of his hips. worry flashes through his eyes as he looks down at you, his breath heavy and hot in the little air that surrounds you.
“what’s wrong?”
“nothing,” you’re quick to assure him, bringing your hands up to cup his cheeks. he leans into your touch, long dark lashes fluttering closed. “i just - aren’t you tired? we don’t have to ton-”
your words are cut off by sephiroth bringing a hand over one of your own, holding it there as he kisses your palm and speaks against your skin. “i’m okay. i want you,” another kiss to your palm. “i need you.” as if to emphasize his point, he rolls his hips again, letting you feel just how hard he is for you. “can i have you angel?”
“please.” you all but whimper as you arch into him and your free hand on his face sinks into his silver locks, soft and silky between your fingers. he always asked but he never needed to. “i’m yours seph.” yours for the taking. yours to love. yours for eternity, in every life, in every universe.
“you’re mine,” he says, leaning down to kiss your lips softly while keeping your palm pressed to his cheek. “and i’m yours,” he murmurs against your lips before he’s completely too far away from you, now standing at the edge of the bed while you lay enveloped completely in it.
you can feel your heart pounding in your chest and how it reverberates throughout the rest of your body. you can hear it in your ears, heating you from head to toe, feel its pulse through your throbbing cunt as you watch sephiroth shed the rest of his clothes, starting with his jacket. 
he has always adored calling you angel but you were constantly reminded of his ethereal beauty and were convinced, truly and totally, that he was the actual angel here. or so much more than that, you thought as you watched long and thick fingers against pale skin and dark cloth, pulling down his pants and underwear in the same movement, lifting over the unbelievable length of his cock before sliding down his thighs and hitting the ground with a dull thud.
yes, so much more. your breath caught at the sight of your husband in the moonlight, his flushed mushroom tip leaking on his abdomen, every dip and curve of muscle and inch of skin you know is soft to the touch despite how marred it is from years of war and battle. cat-like eyes that shine and swirl with devouring, all consuming, love and devotion. a god among men but with the way he worshiped you, you were always his equal, regardless of whether you believed it yourself.
even in his much larger grasps his cock looks big and your mouth waters at the remembrance of the weight of it on your tongue as he pumps it slowly once, twice, with heaving breaths as he crawls back over to you. 
truthfully, he is as exhausted as you worry he is. he knows he is but this time apart from you has taken more of a toll on him than the tiredness could. all he wants is to be with you, his precious wife, and now you are finally underneath him, pliant and sweet and needing him just as much as he does you. nothing could keep him from you.
you lift your hips to help him slide your panties down your legs, the wetness of them trailing along your skin and deliciously evident to sephiroth in the dim light.
“so wet for me,” he purrs and sucks in a sharp breath as he taps your clit with his cock head again and again, a wet, lewd, noise filling the air. 
your essence is slick and drooling down his length, onto his hand at the base of his cock the more he slides it along your slit until it catches at your entrance and he sinks into your tight hole just a little more. he nearly collapses on top of you, the last of his weight held up by his forearm near your head and is joined by his other that cradles your cheek and brings you to his lips once more.
he takes his time sheathing fully himself inside your velvety walls, swallowing each of your whimpers and murmurs of his name the deeper he delves into you with each roll of his hips and the pleasurable ache between your legs from the stretch makes your body burst with the flames he controls so well.
the way sephiroth sighs your name as he stills inside of you, now completely enveloped by you and letting his forehead rest on yours, is like the most beautiful and sinful melody. one that stirs you to your core and makes you cling to him like you needed reassurance he was really there. your fingers sink into the soft flesh of his back and the strands of hair that spill over his frame and shoulders, your legs squeezing around his hips so he might not slip from your grasp.
when he finally starts to move, his thrusts are slow and deep, barely pulling out of you before he’s reaching deeper than before, the thick vein on the underside of his cock rubbing and throbbing against your walls. you’re so full of him, in every way you can possibly think of. every thought is only of him, each breath heady with his scent, everywhere your bodies touch pressing you further into the plush mattress and keeping you right underneath him, right where he needs you, where you don’t know where he ends and you begin.
you’re so tight around him, taking him perfectly, and moaning his name with a particularly deep roll of his hips that has him thinking he won't last much longer. you could bring him to his knees with your smile alone but like this..
“oh, seph~”
“say my name again,” his voice is low and husky with desire and laced with tiredness but he doesn’t stop, doesn’t want to stop. he needs to be as close to you as possible.
you do, over and over at the drugging feeling of him making love to you, filling you like you were made for each other, like the missing piece of your soul you couldn’t go without. you can feel the tautness of his muscles when he’s so very deep and your walls squeeze around him in white hot pleasure, pulling him in deeper, begging for more. 
“seph.. mmm.. please -  sephiroth!!”
you gasp his name as he grabs ahold of your leg and brings it up to his chest, still thrusting in and out of you as he easily maneuvers you so you’re laying on your side and without sliding out of you, he takes the place behind you, pressing your back against his chest with the hand that snakes underneath you and presses on the space below your breasts underneath your shirt.
he gingerly guides your leg back down, soaking in the feeling of your soft skin under his palm and this new angle with you in his embrace. his pace remains unhurried and overwhelming at the same time; you whine each time he pulls his hips back, feeling unbearably empty despite how much just his tip splits you open, and cling to his arms around you desperately, mewling and writhing in his hold when he pushes back into you slowly and fluidly, hitting that perfect spot inside of you that has you burning and trembling. 
“look at you.. my beautiful darling.. i love you,” his voice is hot and heavy in your ear, a seductive purr that breaks the hold on the tightness below your belly. a rare curse leaves his lips, “fuck - you always take me so well.” his hold on you tightens, keeping you in place as his thrusts become less paced and more desperate, not able to retract from your heat, but bringing you down on his cock more and more.
your voice cracks around his name on your tongue, your pretty pussy fluttering around his length and he stills inside of you to feel every last squeeze as you milk him for all he’s worth.  
“just like that angel, take me..” 
you’re still throbbing around him, his release plentiful and sticky, unable to be kept all inside of your cunt with you so full of his cock but he doesn’t seem to mind the messiness between your legs and keeps you held close even after you’ve both come down from your highs. 
nuzzling his nose into your hair, you feel his weight sag against you and the expanding of his chest with the deep inhale he takes that’s wafting with sex and your sweet scent and that melts the remnants of his strength, what little of it had been getting him through these last few days. none of it mattered anymore now that he was home with you. 
“seph?” you ask, feeling his breath fall into a steadiness that reminds you of when he’s sleeping in your arms without a worry.
“let me clean us up,” you offer, wanting to take care of him, though he hadn’t had you ever do so before. cleaning you up after was a duty and privilege he took very seriously, as if he needed to care for you in that way.
you try to wiggle from his hold, shivering at the over stimulating movement of his half hard cock still sheathed in your cunt, but he doesn’t budge and you aren’t strong enough to escape, even if you were to give it an honest effort.
“stay like this with me for a little longer,” his voice sounds so full of sleep and boyish. it makes your heart stutter and your cheeks warm.
you can’t deny him. you don’t think you’d ever be able to. so you give in to your own tiredness, fitting perfectly in the curled up space of his chest and thighs when you snuggle closer, letting the weight of him surrounding you, inside of you, drift you into sweet and steamy dreams featuring your soldier.
when you wake, moonlight still fills the room but the mess between your legs is gone, the sheets are clean and your husband holds you so impossible close, the warm metal of his wedding band clinking against your own as you lace your fingers together and fall back asleep to the sound of his steady heart in your ears.
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wildemaven · 4 months
strangers : poolside | dave york
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pairing: dave york x f!reader word count: 6622 content warnings: 18+ blog; ANGST, soft!Dave, established relationship, miscommunication (like a lot), mentions of alcohol and food, workaholic Dave, morning breath, Dave’s stupid phone, talks of marital woes, slight exhibitionism, breast/nipple/clit play, a random handsome stranger, jealous Dave, talk of having or wanting children, a kiss of fluff, implied/alluding to infidelity (there is none, reader just doesn’t know this), reader is mentioned wearing lingerie and a bathing suit- but zero description features, no age given but it’s implied she’s at least over 30, no y/n, established relationship, this is au- no Carol or kids, if I missed anything let me know. notes: ahh! I’m so nervous for this chapter!! But so excited for it also. I’m so glad I took my time with it so it could be exactly what it needed to be— which is kinda of a roller coaster of emotions. While the story is completely fictional, this has felt very cathartic to me because I dealt with a lot of similar thoughts/feelings as the reader. Anywho! Biggest thank you to @gnpwdrnwhiskey for literally holding my hand through this and helping me work through it. 💕 strangers masterlist | previous | next | inspo board | playlist
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The soft glow of the television bathes the hotel room in a soft ambient flicker. Faint colors and scene changes adjust the room’s atmosphere. Actors silently exchanging words back and forth, expressions all the more dramatic with the muted volume. The movie you’ve been looking forward to seeing, long forgotten, playing out in silence across the screen. 
As expected, the bed is better than anything you have ever slept in. Its plush mattress, divine and soft. Similar to what you assume it might be like to doze off among the clouds. It braces your bodies with ease through shifting positions as the evening extends into the early hours of the next day. 
The intricate structure of lace and mesh material felt exquisite on your skin. Molding over your body like it was made for you and only you. The cups of the teasing bra cradling the weight of your breast, pushed up on display, enticing enough to bring a man to his knees— the plan at least. Taking your time, admiring yourself in the bathroom mirror once everything was in place. Your eyes roaming over your body, letting your hands follow suit. Imaging all the ways Dave would map over your skin in the same manner. The prospect for what was to come was thrilling. Desire blooming in your veins. Arousal warm and already pooling in the crotch of your panties. It was evident, your body filled with pent up lust, ready to be satiated by your husband. 
You delicately dotted drops of perfume to your skin— base of your throat, behind your ears, inner wrists. The warmth  from your pulse points amplifying the lush fig and sandalwood notes, blending with your natural pheromones instantaneously. Before rejoining Dave, you slipped a hotel robe over your body, concealing the lacey number with wild anticipation.  
His hands, gentle where they met your body with a soft caressing motion. Not rushed or seeking more than they were ready for. Blazing heat emitted from him, scorching your skin with a fieriness you so desperately craved. They stilled. Lingered. 
Dave. Your voice cautious, velvety sweet, calling out to him. 
The sounds that fell from his lips were beyond anything you could have prepared for. A booming roar reverberated through him. Filling the room. Consuming you. As quickly as the rousing fuse had been lit, it had just as quickly fizzled out mid burn. 
Dave’s snoring was like a shock to the system. The warm buzz of arousal dissolved into a cold emptiness as you lay in bed alongside Dave’s sleeping form. No amount of lace or lack thereof, seemed to be enough to seduce the sluggish man, already nodding off when you had come slinking out from the bathroom. Propped up on pillows, his eyelids growing heavy with each forced blink as stared blankly at the television. His dinner plate picked over and discarded onto the nightstand. 
This scenario you knew all too well— and regularly. The build up, always so hopeful. The prospect of Dave having his way with you, pure exhilaration. Your body so desperate, in need of a release that didn’t hail from a hurried moment alone with a tiny vibrating wand before crawling into bed with Dave’s sleeping form.
Your brain refused to shut off as you lay staring up at the ceiling, willing away tears. You finally settled on the only thing that made sense at this early hour.  He no longer desired you like he once did. No amount of time or vacations away could restore that connection. Then there was also that outcome that you dreaded the idea of entertaining— maybe it just wasn’t you he desired. 
The whole evening had been on a constant loop. Replaying and taking precedence over your usual fictional fantasies that unfolded upon entering a heavy slumber. The hotel suite balcony offered a reprieve from the room, quietly sipping your coffee alone. 
It was mid morning when you decided to crawl out of bed, in desperate need of something to numb the dullness that settled behind your eyes. Sleep did little to ease the tornado of thoughts that swept through your mind as the sun rose over the coast of California. Your brain had a funny way of tormenting you with fabricated information. On high alert the minute it sensed uncertainty, in search of answers to unasked questions.
As the coastal fog burned off, you were able to properly take in the view. A colony of gulls flew by, their collaborative squawking was every bit as annoying as it was captivating. 
Fellow early risers strolled the sidewalks below, coffees and large water bottles in tow, all absorbed in their little private worlds. Couples hand in hand, in search of  the perfect ocean view to start their day. A strange feeling of resentment had crept in. These strangers, carrying on with their lives, seemingly unaware of the jealousy you harbored for their happiness. 
Your thoughts trail back to Dave and the evening again. It was only the first day and the optimism around this vacation was starting to wane. 
“Shit— I must have really needed some fucking sleep.”  Dave groans as he joins you on the balcony, his hands rubbing the sleep from his eyes. The sheet wrinkles embedded into the side of his face matched the similar ones on his cotton pajama pants and gray sleep shirt. His sleep etched voice is one of your favorite things to wake up to each morning. “I don’t even remember falling asleep at all.” 
His body molds into yours, caging you in against the edge of the balcony. He’s warm and soft first thing in the morning. Like a moth to a flame, his lips find your skin. Tiny wet pecks from the base of your neck to your temple. 
There was a point in time where things in your marriage felt very easy and Dave wasn’t always so invested in his work. You never felt like you were competing with files and phone calls for his undivided attention. The infatuation he held for you was palpable, leaving little room for doubt or worry. 
When you met Dave there was an enigmatic quality about him. Neither of you were in a relationship or seeking out one, but also not completely opposed to the prospect of exploring one if something happened to fall into your laps. A chance meeting at a bar when his drink had literally fallen into your lap led to the rest of the evening spent tucked away in a dimly lit booth. The buzz of alcohol had you talking his ear off, and he allowed you to do so, consuming every little detail about you. 
Dave shared minimal information about himself. Very on brand for his reserved but alluring demeanor. Aside from basic introductory  facts, the only real thing you knew about him was his recent discharge from the military and his onboarding career in the CIA. 
By the end of the night, you felt there was something intriguing about Dave, completely drawn to him. He was kind, generous and clearly the greatest listener. Ideally, he was someone you could see yourself with, wanting to know the ins and outs of who he was. So much so, you gave him your number. Scrawled across a beer soaked napkin, the ink bleeding out as each digit was carefully written out. He even said he’d call, leaving you with a kiss on your cheek before rejoining his buddies and calling it a night. 
It was a week before you heard from him again, nearly giving up any hope he would be even remotely interested in you. 
You learned that Dave’s walls were strong. Built of the strongest concrete. Resistant and impermeable to the elements. Over time his walls couldn’t withstand the depth at which you were willing to endure for him. Slowly crumbling and exposed. Finding that underneath the rubble was a man who was all in. A man who loved hard and never once made you question his loyalty to you. 
“We can blame it on the jet lag.” You laugh softly into the coffee mug, taking another sip— definitely in need of more. 
“Good morning, Honey.” He says, nudging his aquiline nose into your cheek, instinctively turning into him. 
“Morning, Babe.” Dave turns you, the top of your robe slides off your shoulder— exposing the lace set you were still wearing.  
“You’re still wearing it. Didn’t even get the chance to peel it off of you like I wanted to last night.” Pulling at the robe belt, the front falls open. Dave’s eyes widened, taking you all in, his irises now a deeper shade of his usual brown. “
“Yeah, well—“ You huffed, suppressing the impulse to acknowledge the hurt that was still ever-present. 
“Fuck— Baby, I’m sorry. I'm two for two now. Let me make it up to you?” 
Dave’s hands breach the inside of your robe. His hips flush to you— he’s hard, morning wood ready and eager. His deft fingers slide up the length of your spine, your skin covered in goosebumps once he reaches the clasp of the bra. 
“Morning coffee breath— I’m gonna go brush my teeth.” Your head swerves his oncoming kiss, pulling the front of your robe closed again. 
A hitch in your confidence. Curling in on yourself as you dislodge your body from where he has you pinned. That hot coiling response building in your lower abdomen, moments ago desperate for the way Dave wants you, now subsiding to a low simmer.
“You— um, have those calls you still need to make this morning?” You ask him, standing half way through the door, turning enough to catch the sunlight illuminating the bafflement on Dave’s face. 
“Uh— Yeah. Still need to make those calls.” Dave’s dejected tone hits you like a bucket of ice. His head hanging and palms digging into his eyes. 
“How long do you think it should take?”
“Few hours, give or take. Done by noon at the latest.”
“Okay. Maybe, if you’re up for it when you’re done— maybe we can go to the pool? Lounge a bit. Have some drinks. I got some new bathing suits, and have been dying to wear them. I think you might even like them.” An olive branch in the form of you served on a platter wearing minimal clothing. The likelihood of Dave accepting is rather favorable. 
It’s unmistakable, devouring you— all conspicuous like and intense. Surveying every inch of your form leaning against the doorway. 
Up the length of your smooth bare legs. The front of the robe flapping with the ocean breeze offering a peek of thigh and black lace. The fingers of your free hand toy with the collar, making it lay askew across your chest. A single breast exposed to cool morning air, nipple tight against the sheer material. 
His gaze finally meets yours, shoulders lowering to their normal level. The slightest lift at the corner of his mouth, tip of his tongue gliding over his full bottom lip. Both of you landing on the same page, temptation reciprocated with blatant irresistibility. 
“Yeah— Yeah, we can definitely do that.” He replied, his smile widening, the corner of his eyes crinkled— the Dave you fell in love with all those years ago in his truest form. 
“Okay. I’ll order us some breakfast then. More coffee too. I drank the whole pot.” There’s a giddy feeling erupting inside of you. It seems like it’s been ages since you’ve seen Dave smile— genuinely smiling. 
“Not surprised by that one bit. Hey—“ Capturing your attention before you’ve completely left the balcony. “I love you, you know that right?”
“Of course I do. I love you, too.”
Maybe it’s complacency that makes you feel like things within your marriage are stagnant, even borderline dull as of recently. The lack of regular intimacy, a normal thing all couples encounter at some point through their years together, not a telltale sign of extramarital meandering. Maybe that’s also not a bad thing. Just a season of life. A small hiccup in your otherwise normal and loving relationship. 
As promised, it’s noon by the time Dave wraps up his final phone call and you’re both sitting atop the roof of the hotel. Basking in the sweltering rays of the California sun is exactly what was needed after being cooped up in the room all morning. 
Breakfast in bed while Dave paced the length of the balcony. One phone call after the next, all varying in degrees of duration and intensity based on how animated Dave’s hand gestures and contorted expressions were. You had delivered his plate of eggs, sausage and toast during his first call, leaving it on the small table along with a fresh pot of coffee. He kissed you and mouthed a ‘thank you’ before sinking his teeth into the burnt buttered bread and continuing his meeting or whatever it was he was doing. 
The minute he walked in announcing he was finished, your two piece suit was on and you were throwing Dave’s swim trunks at him from across the room. Tote bag containing pool lounging necessities— sunscreen, sunglasses, current book, wallet —was packed and waiting by the door. Your sheer excitement filled the room, a contagious feeling in the way Dave was mildly laughing at your frantic antics. 
Either you both were the only ones staying at this hotel or no one else found joy in a gorgeous rooftop pool like you did. In the few hours spent lounging poolside, there was one, maybe two, other guests that also had an afternoon by the pool on their itinerary, too. There was a silent understanding among everyone that they stay in their respective spaces, evenly spaced out.  
No one was complaining though. Fewer people meant less people lined up for cocktail refills at the bar. Fewer obnoxious conversations you didn’t have to drown out while focusing on the romance novel you were close to finishing. Zero avoidance of bodies in the water while Dave and you took a dip to cool off. Aside from visiting the pacific, this is how you intended to spend the rest of your days in California. 
The moment you dive into your book, time and everything around you becomesa faint distraction from the fictional world you're absorbed in. The sheriff with his cowboy drawl and ridiculously handsome mustache, falls for the sweet baker. A reunion of past lovers, doing life together somewhere on the east coast in the small town they both reside in. A typical smitten cowboy vying for her love and attention at any chance he gets. There’s a permanent smile plastered across your face, dog-eared corners for future you to return to with the intention to relive the passages all over again. Page by page, you’re so engrossed with their whirlwind romance— you never want it to end. 
The book consumes you longer than you planned for. So much so, you're unaware of the fact that Dave is no longer immersed in the LA Times he picked up in the hotel lobby earlier. The inked paper now folded neatly and discarded on the ground next to your tote.
Dave’s tortoise colored shades blocking out the sun and hiding the fact that he’s passed out. For how long, you’re not sure. Breathing is light and rhythmic. His usual thundering snore trades for small puffs of air from his parted lips. His bare golden chest, now a pale shade of red— shit!
Folding the current page of the book, tossing it to the end of your lounge chair, you sit up in search for more sunscreen for Dave, and yourself. Sifting through the contents of your tote, finding the bottle conveniently at the bottom. Hating the feeling of residual lotion getting between your jewelry, you remove your rings and toss them into a secured pocket inside the tote. 
“Dave? Babe, wake up!” Gently nudging his bare shoulder to wake him. 
“Hmmm—“ Dave grumbles a string of incoherent sleep laden words, lifting his head in your direction. 
“Sorry. You passed out and I was so caught up in my book, I didn’t realize the umbrella shade wasn’t covering us anymore. You’re not completely burnt, but we’ve been here for a while. Sit up and let me put some more sunscreen on you.” You motion for him to sit forward, then squeeze a heaping amount of lotion in your hand, tossing the back into the tote. 
Dave hissed, his back arching as you smooth the lotion over his warmed skin, allowing himself to ease into your touch after a few tensed moments. His head hangs below his shoulders as you continue to work the sunscreen over every inch of him that’s exposed to the blazing sun. 
“Fuuuuck— that feels nice.” He groans when your touch switches to a different pressure. Adjusting your focus from protecting him from the harmful rays to pampering him, working out the built up tension he carries around daily. 
Your fingers dig into the meat of his back as they glide up the length of his spine, pinching and squeezing over the rounded muscles of his shoulders. Thumbs pressing into the tender spot in his neck he’s been rubbing at for the better part of the last few weeks, craning his neck to the side. So relaxed you can barely make out his mumbled appreciation. “That fucking knot has been bothering me— Ouch! Fucking hell, woman!” 
“Shh! So dramatic.” You laugh, easing up on the pressure. Your hands still lingering, smoothing over his broadness, taking advantage of the closeness. 
“Oh, quit it. Those hands always were fucking magic, though. Already feels better when I move it.” Demonstrating how limber and loose it feels, rolling his head from side to side. 
Were. His use of past tense doesn’t go unnoticed. It might have just been an unintentional slip, but its use isn’t lost on you in the slightest. It feels like it’s been ages, since you had explored each other—  more than just a fleeting brush of hands. Reveling in an endless honeymoon phase, well beyond the traditional sense. You can only assume he had that same realization too, hence his choice in using were instead of are. But this moment feels too good to dwell on the logistics of proper past and present tense, so you push the thought aside. 
“I’m sure if you play your cards right, there’s plenty more magic these hands can do later.” You playfully purred, not missing the way Dave’s eyebrows jut up from behind his sunglasses— that catches his attention. 
You settle back into your lounge chair, sliding the straps of your bikini top down and off your arms, turning it into a makeshift strapless top as you prepare to cover yourself in a fresh layer of sunscreen. 
 “What are you doing?” Dave tilts his head forward, just enough so he can peer at you over his glasses. 
“What does it look like I’m doing? I’m reapplying some on myself, too.” Running the oily lotion up your arms and shoulders. 
“Here. Let me help you. Seems only fair.” His hand reaches out to you.  
“It’s fine, Dave. I can manage.” 
You’re not sure why you're shocked by his offer. Probably because you just assumed he would be diving back into reading up on worldly news. Top slimy politician was fighting for his life against rather damning accusations— the man is guilty, solely based on public opinion polls and your inherent duty as a woman to always believe the woman. Research shows more couples are putting their careers first, waiting to have children well into their thirties— that one does catch your eye, making a mental note to snag the article at some point. Sure, you can manage, but you also don’t want to. Not with him right here, so willing and capable. 
“Don’t be stubborn, Baby. And don’t think I won’t drag that sweet ass of yours over here if I have to. Give me the bottle and sit down.” 
It feels incredible. You have to remind yourself that you’re both in a public setting. This isn’t the time nor the place to let the salacious side of you self-indulge, but Dave’s hands are inducing the most carnal thoughts and it’s taking everything in you to not haul him back up to the room. 
Dave had practically hauled you into the chair. Maneuvering you both into a comfortable sitting position, his legs spread and feet planted firmly on the ground and you practically sitting in his lap. 
The task at hand is long forgotten, no longer a priority or even a relevant thought as you melted into him. His chest firm against your back, thighs caging and tight against your own. 
It’s when his hands cup your breast that nearly sends you into another dimension, so brazen and menacing. A practiced musician, slowly plucking each string of his beloved instrument as the chords play the intro to his well rehearsed song. Rolling your peaked nipples between his fingers, the fabric of your top adding just the right amount of pinched pulsation. Your eyes fluttering shut as your head falls back onto his shoulder, stifling a moan as pleasure surges through you. 
“I swear to god, Dave— fuck! Someone is going to catch us! ahh! Y-you need to s-stop before…” 
“Hmmm. I don’t know, Baby— I think you want them to see. Want them to catch my hands all over you. Hear the sounds I’m able to pull from you. I could probably fuck you right here and no one would even care.” Dave murmurs into your ear. A husked sonorous tone that has you completely surrendering to him. 
He seems to have this whole thing thoroughly thought out in a brief amount of time. Keen to his surroundings, already having scanned the entire area, aware of the people situated in cabanas on the far corner of the pool— paying no mind to either of you. His methodical nature takes hold, even as exposed as you are, he’d never put you in any situation he didn’t have complete confidence in. 
“Dave—“ Your body writhes with each continuous change in motion, the way he’s oscillating between a dizzy tweak of your nipples and the sudden dart of his tongue grazing your ear lobe. 
“You’d like that wouldn’t you. It’s been so long— fucking miss the way you feel, Baby.” Fuck. He’s not wrong. 
You might have even mentioned you would be into it at some point. All vulnerable and the slightest possibility of being detected. It was more thrilling than you had expected it to be. You weren’t even ashamed how you were so absolutely turned on by your own boldness. 
“I bet you’re fucking wet for me too. Hmm? Would take much— pull those skimpy little bottoms to the side, bet I’d slide right in.” God you were! Unquestionably so, and throbbing. 
His hand traveled to where you’ve been craving him for so long, fingers brushing the top of your bathing suit bottoms.  
“Christ! Don’t you d-dare put those lotion covered fingers anywhere near my— Fuuuuck!”
Dave wouldn’t dare, but that doesn’t mean he won’t work around it. His hand cupping your clothed mound, your eager hips rocking against the heel of his palm. His face smashes into your cheek when he feels how wet you are, your bottoms sticky with arousal and clinging to your pussy as he slides two fingers back up to your aching clit. Groaning as he takes your lobe between his teeth and gently bites down. 
“Tsk tsk!” Clicking his tongue in a menacing manner. “Eyes open, Baby. Need you to keep watch, can’t have anyone seeing you while you fall apart.”
You’ve missed this side of him. Spontaneous sex was always something that was a regular occurrence in your early relationship even well into your marriage. You always looked forward to the days he’d come home without so much as a hello when he walked through the front door. His briefcase and coat were abandoned somewhere in the entryway— I missed you so much today. Need you right now —and then he was fucking you like a starved man against the wall in the hallway. 
“Dave—“ Your lashes flutter, the sun unforgiving as you fight to keep your eyes focused on your surroundings. Your body so desperate for pleasure, so willing to succumb, just needing a little help to get there.
Each tender circle he draws over your clit has your brain muddled with bliss. A restrained whimper escapes, doing your best to concentrate as Dave continues to work you into a euphoric mess. But it’s so hard when your body has been yearning for this, all of this, for so long. 
Your nails bite into his thighs as your lower abdomen begins to tighten. 
“Baby, you’re gonna have to be quiet. Those gorgeous sounds are gonna get us in trouble.” Fuck! Almost there! So fucking close—
“Dave— is that…” The lounge vibrates, halting Dave’s movements. The orgasm that was just starting to barrel towards you, vanishing from your grasp. 
“Shit! I, uh, think someone saw us—“ What?! No one is even paying attention!
Dave extricates himself from the chair, adjusting his sunglasses and his pronounced erection bulging under his swim trunks. He hastily grabs for some things as you sit perplexed by the sudden change in his demeanor. Your sexy audacious husband is gone before your eyes— leaving you with the tight lipped cryptic Dave, who you can’t seem to get a read on. 
“What the fuck, Dave!” Watching as he slips on his sandals and throws his shirt over himself, playing no mind to a single button. 
“Let’s finish this later— when we get back to the room, hmm? I’m gonna… go get us more drinks.” He says as he kisses the top of your head and heads in the direction of the bar. Hoping he brings back some shots, because you’re gonna need something strong to take the fucking edge off. 
“Yeah— sure…” You say. Stunned and breathless.
You're not sure if you want to cry, scream or laugh as you crawl back into your chair. Maybe a mixture of all of them. What a sight that would be. 
That brief glimpse of the fun adventurous Dave was intoxicating, even now your body is still buzzing and aroused. There’s a pang in your chest at how quickly he was able to mold back into the man you’ve needed for the past year, yearned to have back. Then instantly closed off and distant as if it never happened. Maybe the sun was getting to you, that whole moment some fucking hallucinated fantasy. 
Rather than dwell on it, you push the hurt aside. You reach for your book and settle back into the chair. Finding where you left off and jumping back in with the handsome sheriff, who literally worships the ground that this woman walks on— must be nice. 
“S’cuse me ma’am. Sorry to bother you, but is this seat taken?” A deep voice breaks your concentration, realizing he’s in fact asking you if the unoccupied seat next to you is available. 
A man in his mid forties, maybe early fifties is standing at the foot of the chair next to you. Your sunglasses hide the fact that you're giving him a once over, noting every detail about this random stranger who’s decided of all the empty seats, he wants the one next to you. 
His hair is slightly disheveled in a deliberate manner. Peppered streaks of gray throughout his curly locks. He’s wearing green and red plaid swim shorts and a worn dark blue t-shirt, kind of an odd pairing but it seems to work for him. You notice a dimple hidden beneath the gray scruff that almost hides his angular features. He seems harmless and rather handsome— plus, it would be rude to turn him away with no explanation. 
“Nope. Feel free to use it.” You smile at him kindly and go in search of the words you had just read. 
“Thanks so much.” He says as he removes his shirt and settles down on the lounge chair. 
“Of course. It’s no problem at all.” You tell him. 
You don’t even dare to look in his direction. You imagine this is what Eve felt like, tempted and allured by carnality in the form of an apple. Except your carnal desire is a fizzling orgasm your husband couldn’t even be bothered to deliver, now reawakening at the sight of this beautiful man. 
You would never act on anything, even as beautiful as he was, you were married and you love Dave— but that didn’t mean you couldn't admire, sunglasses masking your lingering eyes. 
“I’m Joel by the way. Joel Miller.” His hand outstretched to you, that damn dimple even more pronounced when he smiles. 
“I take it you’re not from around these parts are you now, Joel.” You give him your name and return the handshake— his grip is rather firm, but friendly. 
 “What gave it away?” He laughs. There’s a hint of southern drawl woven into his rich voice. 
“Well, you don’t seem like the California boy type for starters. Not that that’s a bad thing— I just get the impression you’re far from home.” You fold another page and drop your book into your bag, your attempt at reading sidelined again. 
“You’d be correct then. Texas— born ‘n raised. Since we’re makin’ impressions, I’m gonna guess you’re not from ‘round here either?” He looks over to you, his arms crossed over his tanned chest. The breeze catching a few of his curls, tossing them about. 
“You would also be correct. So what brings you all the way west, cowboy?” 
“My daughter, actually. She’s gettin’ married this week. Fiancé’s family is out here and they’ve got connections and what not, so they’re able to do it here at the hotel. They put me up in one of the suites, bein’ I am the father of the bride an’ all.” 
“Oh! Congratulations then. I’m sure you’re so excited then.” 
“Yea’. Crazy seein’ her all grown up an’ goin’ off on her own. Still got one more though. She’s turning 16– little wild thing she is. Keeps me on my toes, but I love her for it.”
You get the sense that being a father is one of his favorite things. He hasn’t stopped smiling since he started talking about his kids. 
“You and your wife must be so proud.”
“Nah, no wife— or girlfriend. Jus’ me and my girls. So, now that I’ve bothered you with my life story. What brings you out this way to California?” 
What am I even doing in California? You think to yourself. It’s then you catch sight of your husband at the bar. Dave is already looking in your direction, leaning against the wood counter, waving at you with his phone glued to his ear. 
“See that guy over at the bar? The one talking on the phone.” You wave back at Dave. You pick up on the shift in his demeanor from where you're sitting. His jaw clenched and brows furrowed enough you can make out the deep lines across his forehead. If you didn’t know any better, you would think he was shooting daggers at Joel— but you do know better, and that’s exactly what’s happening. “That’s my husband. We’re supposed to be here relaxing— not working. But he’s over there taking a phone call, when he was going to grab us more drinks and I’m here relaxing. Maybe one day he’ll actually show some interest in me again— until then it’s just work work work. Geez— I’m sorry to dump all of that personal shit on you. Like you even care about a stranger's marital problems.”  
“No need to apologize— I get it. My ex and me had our own issues. Tried to work through them, for the sake of the kids n’ all.” He says, waving off your apology.  
“I’m guessing it didn’t go so well?” You look out over the pool, catching a few gulls passing over. You can already sense his heavy answer before he even gives it to you. 
“Well, she’s my ex for a reason. But it’s for the best. And not saying that’s what’s gonna happen for you. We love our kids and do this whole co-parentin’ thing better than when we were married. Umm— y'all got any kids?”
“Uhh— no, no kids. Yet… I think? I mean, we both talked about once our careers were established we would start trying. And we did try for a bit, but never got pregnant, which we were okay with— figured it would happen when it happens. But now, I’m not really sure if it’s what he wants anymore.” You pick at the polish on your nails. 
You realize it’s been awhile since you and Dave readdressed the conversation about having kids. It’s always been idling in the back of your mind. Becoming a mother was something you would love to do. With Dave never really ever being present or interested in any sort of in-depth conversation, you haven’t really discussed where you both stand now on the topic. 
“Have you asked him?”
“No. I haven’t. I probably sh—“
You’re cut off when Dave reappears, holding nothing but his phone and wallet. 
“Hey, Sweetheart!” There’s a hint of irritation in his voice, his tone a slightly higher pitch than usual, though he tries to hide it as he bends to kiss the top of your head. 
“Babe, this is Joel. He’s here for his oldest daughter’s wedding. Joel, this is my husband Dave. Where’s our drinks?” Attempting to ease the weird tension he brought back with him instead of your drinks. . 
Dave’s glaring at Joel. His lips pressed in a tight line and his nostrils flared. Irritated? No, it’s jealousy. He’s jealous and it’s oozing from him. Dave was jealous at the attention, all innocent and friendly, that you were receiving from another man. 
“Uh, nice to meet you.” Dave reaches over you, taking Joel’s hand in his. He’s friendly enough, even though his smile looks rather forced. “We hate to run out on you like this, Joel— we’ve got dinner reservations later on and the sun is starting to get to me. You don’t mind if we head to the room early, Babe.”
“Yeah, of course, Baby. Let’s go— you probably need more water and some rest before dinner.” You get up from the chair to pull your cover up dress on and begin to gather everything between yours and Joel’s chair, throwing it haphazardly back into your bag. “It was so nice meeting you, Joel. Hope your daughter has a beautiful day and you have a great time.”
“Thank you. Now you two get outta here and enjoy your evening. My brother is wanderin’ around somewhere. I’m sure he’ll end up here at some point. Nice meetin’ y'all.” Joel says, giving a cordial nod and a two finger wave. 
You call out to Dave when you realize he’s already halfway to the exit, hoping he’ll snap out of whatever this thing is he’s doing. Knowing it’s more than just the sun that’s bothering him. 
“Dave, what’s going on? Are you okay?” You ask, stepping into the elevator with him. 
“I’m good. Got a bit of a headache. Probably just too much sun.” His thumb smashes into the floor number. The elevator doors slowly obstructing the rooftop view. 
The walk back to the room felt like it was never ending. The slap on your sandals against the carpeted floor and exchanged hello’s with the sweet old lady dragging far more bars than she could handle were the only sounds echoing through the long hallway. 
Dave’s body, all broad and inflexible, blocked the room door as he searched for the key card in his wallet. 
“Dave? Are you going to talk to me and tell me what’s actually going on?” You ask softly. 
The door beeps and Dave pushes it open. He seems to not have lost all his senses because he holds it open for you. 
“Dave, will you at least look at me— please?” You toss everything you’re carrying onto the bed, watching him walk over to the floor to the large windows. 
Even from behind, you know he’s wearing his sharp scowl. Proven by the way his hip is cocked out and on hand resting on his waist, head hanging with his attention on the floor. Too embarrassed to acknowledge he might have overreacted up at the pool. 
“Dave, were you jealous?.” You ask, your voice velvety and sweet. Taking a few tempered steps, you close the distance between you and where he’s standing, needing him to know everything was okay. You smooth over his solid back, all brooding with his shoulder blades tightly drawn together. One hand sliding around to his chest and the other reaching for the hand hanging at his side, intertwining your fingers with his, your grip tightening around him. “Baby— you were, weren't you? It’s okay if you were, you know. It’s obviously a natural reaction to have. I know I’d react the same way if it were you and some gorgeous woman. But baby, you know I only have eyes for you and only you— always. I love you, Dave.”
“I love you and I’m sorry.” Dave sighs, his hand squeezing back. I overreacted and shouldn’t have— it's implied without him actually voicing it, but you know he means it. 
“Did you still want to go out for dinner? If you’re not feeling up to it, we can just order in again so you can rest.” You ask him, resting your nose and lips against his sun warmed skin, breathing him in. 
His aroma is pungent, but familiarly pleasant. A subtle note of coconut blends with his trademark spicy musk and sweat. It reminds you of the summer while you were dating, Dave whisked you away to Rehoboth Beach on the coast of Delaware. Renting out a beach house on the water where you spent every morning watching the sun flee the horizon from the front porch. Evenings spent walking near the water’s edge, recounting your favorite parts of the day and dreaming of a future together.
“Yeah, we can still go out. I just— I need a minute. Gonna get some fresh air.” He says, turning his head to tell you over his shoulder. 
“Okay. I’m going to take a quick shower then.” You kiss the nape of his neck before you leave, grabbing the robe off the accent chair as you head to the bathroom. 
At the flick of the switch, a soft glow of light cascades from the decorative wall sconces. Everything becomes very automatic as you move through the room, placing the robe over the sink,  ridding yourself of your pool attire, thrown into a growing pile in the corner of the room. Intent on unwinding, trusting the spray of hot water will alleviate the weight of today’s tension before going out with your husband, until you hear Dave’s voice fading as he walks out into the balcony, muffled by the distant waves and passing cars. 
“Hey, Ashley. It’s Dave, sorry about earlier…”
Ashley. It’s light and beautiful, and yet feels like the most threatening thing to have ever pierce through your heart. All your emotions flowing, congealing as one giant mass within your ribcage. Its numbness best describes the way you feel, hollowing out the pain in your chest. It's too much to deal with or even believe. You shut the door, avoidance being one of your worst traits— but if you don’t confront it, it doesn’t exist. 
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simpforfandom231 · 3 months
take control
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story: Reneé wants to be in charge tonight ;) a/n: I'm baaaack!! okay not a 100% but I'm getting better! enjoy this one tho.
warnig: smut and just cuteness ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reneé Rapp and her girlfriend, Y/n, had settled into their cozy living room for what seemed like just another typical evening. The soft glow of the television illuminated their faces as they lounged on the couch, each wrapped up in their own thoughts after a long day. Reneé, however, had something different in mind for this particular night.
As the credits rolled on the screen, Reneé couldn't help but feel a sudden surge of desire coursing through her veins. She turned to Y/n with a mischievous glint in her eyes, her lips curling into a playful smirk.
"Hey, babe," she purred, her voice laced with seduction. "How about we switch things up a bit tonight?"
Y/n raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the sudden change in tone. "Oh? And what did you have in mind, Ren?"
Reneé's fingers trailed lightly along Y/n's hips, sending shivers down her spine as she leaned in closer, her lips grazing Y/n's neck in a teasing manner. "I was thinking... maybe I could take charge tonight," she whispered, her breath hot against Y/n's skin.
Y/n's heart skipped a beat at the suggestion, her cheeks flushing with anticipation. "I like the sound of that," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper as she leaned into Reneé's touch.
With a devilish grin, Reneé gently guided Y/n to stand up, their bodies pressed together in a tantalizing embrace. "Good," she purred, her voice dripping with desire. "Because tonight, I want to show you just how much I crave you."
And with that, Reneé took Y/n's hand in hers, leading her towards the bedroom with a hunger that burned hotter than any flame. Tonight, there would be no distractions, no interruptions. Just the two of them, lost in a whirlwind of passion and desire as they explored the depths of their love for each other.
Y/n couldn't tear her eyes away from Reneé's mesmerizing figure as they walked, her gaze lingering on the subtle sway of her hips with each step. Reneé's confidence and allure were like a magnet, drawing Y/n in closer with every passing moment.
With a sultry smile, Reneé turned to face Y/n, her eyes smoldering with desire as she leaned in close, her lips brushing against Y/n's ear. "You can't stop staring at me, can you?" she teased, her voice low and husky.
Y/n felt her cheeks flush with heat at the boldness of Reneé's words, but she couldn't deny the truth in them. "Can you blame me?" she replied, her voice breathless with longing. "You're irresistible."
Reneé grinned triumphantly, her fingers trailing lightly along Y/n's jawline as she guided her towards the bedroom door. "Flattery will get you everywhere, babe," she purred, her voice dripping with seduction.
As they entered the dimly lit bedroom, Reneé turned to face Y/n, her eyes flashing with a hint of dominance as she spoke with authority. "Sit," she commanded, her voice leaving no room for argument.
Y/n felt a thrill shoot through her veins at the commanding tone in Reneé's voice, a rebellious spark igniting within her. "Make me," she challenged, a playful smirk dancing across her lips.
Reneé's eyebrows raised in amusement at Y/n's bratty demeanor, but instead of backing down, she only leaned in closer, her gaze darkening with determination. With a swift motion, she grasped Y/n's chin firmly, her touch both possessive and commanding.
"Is that how you want to play?" she murmured, her voice laced with a hint of danger.
Y/n's breath caught in her throat at the intensity in Reneé's eyes, a thrill coursing through her veins at the raw power she exuded. "Yes," she whispered, her voice barely above a whisper.
With a smirk, Reneé released her hold on Y/n's chin, her fingers trailing down her neck in a tantalizing caress. "Then let the games begin," she whispered, her voice heavy with promise.
As Reneé held Y/n's jaw firmly in her grasp, her dominance radiated through the room, casting a spell that neither could resist. With a steely gaze, she commanded Y/n to remove her shirt, her voice leaving no room for disobedience.
"Off," she ordered, her tone sending shivers down Y/n's spine.
Y/n felt a surge of defiance rise within her, a playful smirk tugging at the corners of her lips as she met Reneé's gaze head-on. "Make me," she challenged, her voice laced with mischief.
Reneé's eyes darkened with a mixture of amusement and determination as she leaned in closer, her breath hot against Y/n's skin. With a swift motion, she released Y/n's jaw and took a step back, her gaze never leaving Y/n's as she crossed her arms over her chest.
"Fine," she said, her voice dripping with authority. "But don't say I didn't warn you."
Y/n's heart raced with excitement at the promise of what was to come, her fingers trembling slightly as she reached for the hem of her shirt. With a tantalizing slowness, she peeled the fabric away from her skin, exposing herself to Reneé's hungry gaze.
Reneé's eyes roamed over Y/n's bare torso, a hunger burning brightly in their depths as she took in the sight before her. "Good girl," she murmured, her voice thick with desire.
Y/n couldn't help but feel a thrill shoot through her veins at the praise, her cheeks flushing with heat as she basked in the attention of her dominant lover. "You like that, don't you?" she teased, her voice soft with affection.
Reneé's lips curled into a wicked grin as she stepped forward, her fingers trailing lightly along Y/n's exposed skin. "Oh, I more than like it," she purred, her voice low and husky. "I love it."
As Y/n stood before Reneé, her shirt discarded on the floor, she couldn't help but feel a rush of exhilaration coursing through her veins. The way Reneé commanded her, the seductive nicknames she whispered, it all sent a thrill of excitement straight to Y/n's core. She was completely under Reneé's spell, willingly surrendering to her dominance.
Reneé's eyes glinted with mischief as she watched Y/n's reaction, her lips curling into a teasing smile. "You like it when I take charge, don't you, kitten?" she purred, her voice dripping with satisfaction.
Y/n's breath hitched at the pet name, a shiver running down her spine as she nodded eagerly. "Yes," she whispered, her voice barely above a breath. "I love it."
Reneé chuckled softly at Y/n's response, her fingers trailing lightly along Y/n's jawline as she leaned in close. "Good," she murmured, her voice thick with desire. "Because tonight, you're all mine."
With a swift motion, Reneé pushed Y/n down to her knees, her dominance leaving no room for argument. Y/n's pulse raced with excitement as she gazed up at Reneé from her submissive position, her breath coming in shallow gasps as she awaited Reneé's next command.
Reneé reached up to pull her hair into a ponytail, the action sending a jolt of desire straight to Y/n's core. She couldn't tear her eyes away from Reneé's commanding presence, her heart pounding in her chest as she braced herself for what was to come.
With a predatory glint in her eyes, Reneé reached down to grab Y/n's hair, pulling her head back with a firm grip. "Look at me," she commanded, her voice leaving no room for disobedience.
Y/n's breath caught in her throat as she locked eyes with Reneé, her heart pounding wildly in her chest as she surrendered to Reneé's dominance.
Reneé's lips crashed against Y/n's with an intensity that left them both breathless, their mouths moving hungrily against each other as passion ignited between them. Y/n's hands instinctively reached out to touch Reneé's bare skin, but before she could make contact, Reneé pulled away, a wicked smirk playing on her lips.
"Not yet, kitten," Reneé growled, her voice dripping with dominance. "I'm in control tonight."
Y/n's frustration bubbled to the surface, her eyes flashing with defiance as she fought against the urge to reach out and touch Reneé. "But I want to," she protested, her voice laced with desire.
Reneé's smirk widened at Y/n's defiance, her fingers trailing lightly along Y/n's cheek as she leaned in close. "You'll get what you want when I say you can," she purred, her voice low and husky. "Until then, you're mine to command."
Y/n's pulse raced with excitement at Reneé's words, her defiance melting away as she surrendered to Reneé's dominance. She knew she was powerless to resist the pull of Reneé's touch, and deep down, she didn't want to.
As Reneé's lips found hers once more, Y/n sank further into submission, her body trembling with anticipation as Reneé's hands roamed over her bare skin. She wanted nothing more than to lose herself in the heat of the moment, to give herself over completely to Reneé's control.
But as Reneé's shirt joined Y/n's on the floor, leaving her completely exposed, Y/n's desire to touch Reneé only intensified. She watched with hungry eyes as Reneé's toned body came into view, her breath catching in her throat at the sight.
"Please," Y/n begged, her voice barely a whisper as she reached out to touch Reneé once more.
But before her fingers could make contact, Reneé seized her wrist with a firm grip, her eyes flashing with dominance as she pushed Y/n back onto her knees.
"No touching," she commanded, her voice leaving no room for argument.
Y/n's heart raced with excitement at the firmness in Reneé's voice, her defiance rearing its head once more as she fought against the restriction. "You can't control me," she challenged, her voice filled with bravado.
But even as she spoke, Y/n knew she was lying to herself. Deep down, she craved Reneé's dominance, longed for her touch, and was willing to submit completely to her will.
Reneé's lips curled into a knowing smirk as she leaned in close to Y/n, her breath sending shivers down Y/n's spine. "Oh, I can control you, darling," she whispered, her voice laced with seduction. "And you love it."
Y/n's breath hitched at Reneé's words, her resolve crumbling as desire surged through her veins. She couldn't deny the truth in Reneé's statement. Every touch, every command from Reneé sent waves of pleasure coursing through her, leaving her powerless to resist.
With a newfound sense of submission, Y/n lowered her gaze, her heart pounding in her chest as she waited for Reneé's next move. She could feel the heat of Reneé's gaze on her, the intensity of it sending a thrill of anticipation through her body.
Reneé's fingers trailed lightly along Y/n's jawline, her touch gentle yet possessive as she tilted Y/n's chin up to meet her gaze. "That's better, kitten," she murmured, her voice filled with satisfaction.
Y/n's breath caught in her throat at the praise, a soft whimper escaping her lips as she surrendered completely to Reneé's dominance. She was completely under Reneé's spell, willing to do anything to please her.
As Reneé leaned in close, her lips brushing against Y/n's ear, a surge of desire pulsed through Y/n's body. "You're mine," Reneé whispered, her voice sending shivers down Y/n's spine. "All mine."
Y/n's heart raced with excitement at the possessiveness in Reneé's words, her body trembling with anticipation as Reneé's hands roamed over her bare skin. She wanted nothing more than to give herself over completely to Reneé, to be consumed by the fire of their desire.
With a sudden surge of boldness, Y/n reached out to touch Reneé once more, her fingers trailing lightly along the curve of her waist. But before she could make contact, Reneé seized her wrist with a firm grip, her eyes flashing with dominance.
"I said no touching," she growled, her voice filled with authority.
Reneé's eyes darkened with raw desire as she leaned in close to Y/n, her voice dropping to a low, commanding growl. "You think you can disobey me, kitten?" she rumbled, her breath hot against Y/n's skin.
Y/n's heart pounded in her chest at the intensity in Reneé's voice, a shiver running down her spine as she met Reneé's gaze with a mixture of desire and submission. "No," she whispered, her voice barely above a breath.
With a predatory glint in her eyes, Reneé's hand shot out, her fingers wrapping firmly around Y/n's throat. Y/n gasped at the suddenness of the action, her pulse racing with excitement as Reneé's dominance washed over her like a tidal wave.
"Good," Reneé murmured, her voice thick with desire. "Because tonight, you're going to do exactly as I say."
Y/n's breath hitched at the command, a thrill coursing through her veins as she surrendered completely to Reneé's dominance. She couldn't deny the exhilaration that pulsed through her body, the fire of desire burning hotter with each passing moment.
As Reneé released her grip on Y/n's throat, she leaned in close, her lips brushing against Y/n's ear in a tantalizing caress. "Now," she whispered, her voice sending shivers down Y/n's spine. "Get rid of those pants."
Y/n's hands trembled with anticipation as she reached for the waistband of her pants, her fingers fumbling slightly as she worked to remove them. With each passing second, the tension in the room grew thicker, the air heavy with the promise of what was to come.
As Y/n finally stripped off her pants, she stood before Reneé completely exposed, her body trembling with anticipation as she awaited Reneé's next command. She could feel the heat of Reneé's gaze on her, the intensity of it sending waves of desire crashing over her like a tidal wave.
Reneé's eyes roamed over Y/n's bare form, a hungry glint in her eyes as she took in the sight before her. "You're so beautiful," she murmured, her voice thick with desire. "So perfect."
Y/n's cheeks flushed with heat at the praise, her heart pounding in her chest as she basked in the attention of her dominant lover. She had never felt more desired, more wanted, than in this moment with Reneé.
Reneé's voice was a potent mix of command and desire as she ordered Y/n to get on all fours on the bed and wait. Y/n complied eagerly, the anticipation coursing through her veins like a wildfire. She could feel her pulse racing, her skin tingling with excitement as she obeyed Reneé's every word.
As Y/n positioned herself as commanded, she heard the rustle of fabric as Reneé rid herself of her own clothes. The sound sent a thrill of excitement coursing through Y/n's body, her heart pounding in her chest as she imagined the sight of Reneé standing naked behind her.
Reneé's voice broke through Y/n's thoughts, rich with authority and desire. "You're so good for me, kitten," she praised, her words like a sweet melody to Y/n's ears. "So obedient."
Y/n couldn't help but shiver at the praise, her body trembling with anticipation as she waited for Reneé's next move. She knew that Reneé held all the power in this moment, and the thought sent a surge of desire coursing through her veins.
As Reneé approached from behind, Y/n could feel the heat of her body, the anticipation driving her wild with need. Reneé's hands roamed over Y/n's exposed skin, igniting a fire that burned hotter with each passing moment.
"You're so beautiful like this," Reneé murmured, her voice thick with desire. "So eager to please."
Y/n's cheeks flushed with heat at the praise, her heart pounding in her chest as she surrendered completely to Reneé's dominance. She craved Reneé's touch, yearned for her approval, and was willing to do anything to please her.
Reneé's voice was a velvet whisper as she continued to praise and call Y/n pet names, her words wrapping around Y/n like a warm embrace. "You're such a good girl, my little kitten," she cooed, her tone laced with adoration. "So eager to please me."
Y/n's heart fluttered at the endearments, her body thrumming with anticipation as Reneé's hands trailed over her skin. But the soft caresses were soon replaced by something more commanding as Reneé's palm connected with Y/n's backside in a sharp spank.
Y/n gasped at the sudden sting, a rush of heat flooding through her as she arched her back instinctively, offering herself up to Reneé's touch. "Yes," she moaned, her voice a breathy plea.
Reneé's dominance surged as she spanked Y/n again, her grip possessive and firm as she pulled Y/n closer. "That's it, my little slut," she growled, her voice dripping with desire. "You love it, don't you? You love when I take control."
Y/n couldn't deny the truth in Reneé's words, the sensation of her hand against her skin sending waves of pleasure coursing through her body. "Yes," she cried out, her voice filled with need. "I love it."
With each spank, Y/n's arousal grew, her moans filling the air as she surrendered completely to Reneé's dominance. She wanted nothing more than to be consumed by the fire of their passion, to lose herself in the ecstasy of Reneé's touch.
But as the intensity of their desire reached its peak, Reneé's grip tightened around Y/n's throat once more, her dominance overwhelming as she claimed Y/n as her own. Y/n arched her back even further, her body trembling with need as Reneé's touch sent shockwaves of pleasure coursing through her veins.
Y/n's pleas filled the room, her voice a desperate melody as she begged for Reneé's touch. "Please, neé," she whimpered, her body trembling with need. "I need you."
Reneé's lips curled into a wicked smile as she teasingly trailed her fingers along Y/n's skin, her touch sending shivers of anticipation down Y/n's spine. "You want it, don't you, my sweet little pet?" she teased, her voice thick with desire.
Y/n's breath hitched at the teasing, her body arching towards Reneé's touch as she tried to close the distance between them. "Yes, please," she pleaded, her voice barely a whisper.
Reneé's grip tightened around Y/n's waist, her dominance overwhelming as she pulled Y/n closer. "You're so beautiful when you beg," she murmured, her voice filled with adoration. "But you'll have to earn it."
With a playful smirk, Reneé began to tease and tantalize Y/n, her touches driving Y/n wild with desire. Each caress sent shockwaves of pleasure coursing through Y/n's body, leaving her trembling with need as she surrendered completely to Reneé's dominance.
But as the intensity of their desire reached its peak, Reneé finally gave Y/n what she had been begging for, her touch sending waves of ecstasy crashing over Y/n like a tidal wave. Y/n cried out in pleasure, her body arching towards Reneé's as she lost herself in the heat of the moment.
Reneé's grip on Y/n tightened, her dominance overwhelming as she pushed Y/n's head into the pillows and kept her ass up, allowing her to penetrate deeper. Y/n moaned in ecstasy, her body trembling with pleasure as she surrendered completely to Reneé's control.
Reneé's fingers curled tightly around Y/n's hair, pulling her close as she increased the pace, driving deeper into Y/n with each thrust. Y/n's cries of pleasure filled the room, her voice echoing with abandon as she surrendered to the overwhelming sensation of Reneé's touch.
"You like that, don't you, my little slut?" Reneé growled, her voice husky with desire as she pounded into Y/n with relentless force.
Y/n could only nod in response, her mind consumed by the ecstasy of their union. The pleasure was overwhelming, sending waves of ecstasy crashing over her as she lost herself in the rhythm of their passion.
Reneé's praise filled the air, her words like a sweet melody to Y/n's ears as she lavished her with adoration. "You're so beautiful like this, my sweet pet," she murmured, her voice thick with desire. "So perfect."
Y/n's heart soared at the praise, her body trembling with pleasure as she basked in the warmth of Reneé's affection. She had never felt more desired, more wanted, than in this moment with Reneé.
But as the intensity of their desire reached its peak, Reneé shifted Y/n onto her back, her dominance overwhelming as she took control once more. Y/n's breath caught in her throat as Reneé's grip tightened around her throat, her touch sending shockwaves of pleasure coursing through Y/n's body.
With each thrust, Y/n cried out in pleasure, her voice filling the room as she surrendered completely to Reneé's control. The sensation was overwhelming, sending her spiraling into a whirlwind of ecstasy and bliss as she lost herself in the heat of the moment.
Reneé's voice was a husky whisper as she leaned in close to Y/n, her breath hot against Y/n's ear. "Let go, my sweet pet," she murmured, her voice thick with desire. "Come undone for me."
Y/n's body trembled with anticipation as she surrendered completely to Reneé's command, her cries of pleasure filling the room as she gave herself over to the overwhelming sensation of their union. Each thrust sent shockwaves of ecstasy coursing through her veins, leaving her trembling with need as she lost herself in the heat of the moment.
Reneé's praise filled the air, her words like a sweet melody to Y/n's ears as she lavished her with adoration. "That's it, my little slut," she growled, her voice thick with desire. "You're so beautiful when you're like this."
Y/n's heart soared at the praise, her body trembling with pleasure as she basked in the warmth of Reneé's affection. She had never felt more desired, more wanted, than in this moment with Reneé.
With each passing moment, the intensity of their desire grew, the pleasure overwhelming as they moved together in perfect harmony. Y/n's cries of pleasure filled the room, her voice echoing with abandon as she surrendered completely to the overwhelming sensation of their union.
And as they reached the peak of their passion, Y/n felt herself teetering on the edge of oblivion, her body consumed by the ecstasy of their love. With one final thrust, she cried out in pleasure, her voice filling the room as she finally let go, surrendering completely to the overwhelming sensation of their union.
After their intense passion subsided, Reneé held Y/n close, her arms wrapped protectively around her as they lay together, still catching their breath. Y/n cuddled up to Reneé, her heart racing with the lingering echoes of their lovemaking.
Reneé's touch was gentle now, her fingers stroking Y/n's hair with tender affection as she pressed soft kisses to Y/n's forehead. "You were amazing, my love," she whispered, her voice filled with adoration. "I'm so lucky to have you."
Y/n chuckled softly, still feeling the warmth of their connection coursing through her veins. "You should be more in charge like that," she joked, her voice laced with playful teasing.
Reneé's laughter filled the room, a soft, melodic sound that warmed Y/n's heart. "I loved being in charge," she admitted, her gaze softening with love. "But I love it even more when you take control."
Y/n's heart swelled with affection at Reneé's words, her love for her girlfriend overflowing. She pressed a soft kiss to Reneé's lips, their love a bond that could never be broken.
Reneé smiled against Y/n's lips, her heart bursting with love for the woman in her arms. She rose from the bed, her movements graceful as she went to run a bath for her beloved girlfriend.
As Y/n watched Reneé move about the room, her heart filled with a sense of contentment unlike anything she had ever known. She knew that she was completely and utterly devoted to Reneé, willing to follow her to the ends of the earth and back.
Once the bath was ready, Reneé returned to Y/n's side, helping her into the warm water with gentle hands. Y/n sighed in contentment as she sank into the soothing embrace of the bath, Reneé's presence beside her like a warm blanket of love.
As they soaked together, Reneé whispered sweet nothings into Y/n's ear, their love filling the air around them like a soft, comforting embrace.
As the water caressed their skin and the warmth enveloped them, Reneé gently washed Y/n's back, her touch tender and loving. Y/n leaned back into her embrace, basking in the sensation of Reneé's hands moving over her body with care.
"You're so beautiful, my love," Reneé murmured, her voice a soft melody that filled the room with warmth. "I adore every part of you."
Y/n's heart swelled with affection at Reneé's words, feeling truly cherished in this intimate moment. "And I adore you," she whispered, turning to press a loving kiss to Reneé's lips.
Their embrace was sweet and tender, a silent affirmation of the deep bond they shared. Y/n couldn't help but marvel at the depth of her love for Reneé, feeling as though her heart could burst with the intensity of her emotions.
Reneé smiled against Y/n's lips, her eyes shining with love as she returned the kiss with equal tenderness. "I'm so grateful for you," she whispered, her voice filled with sincerity.
Their love filled the room like a warm, comforting blanket, wrapping around them and holding them close. In this moment, there was no past or future, only the present and the overwhelming sense of love that bound them together.
As they soaked in the bath, lost in the quiet intimacy of their shared love, Y/n knew that she was exactly where she belonged—in the arms of the woman who had captured her heart completely and utterly. And as they cuddled together, their bodies intertwined in a perfect embrace, Y/n felt a sense of peace wash over her, knowing that their love would endure for all eternity.
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supercap2319 · 6 months
"Why don't you tell everyone the present you have for me, Ben?" Um chuckled nervously. After Lumiere reveals a stained glass panel of Y/N and Ben, it seems that Ben was reaching towards it. Almost like he wasn't himself. Uma couldn't have that now could she?
Ben took a few steps towards the stairs, and looked around the room. "I have an announcement!" He declared.
Beast removed his glasses and walked down the stairs towards his son. Ben takes Uma's hand. "Uma will be joining the court tonight as my lady." Uma beams at Y/N as he looks shocked.
"No..." His subjects cried.
Beast gives him a look. "Son..." He began.
"NOT NOW, DAD! I AM NOT DONE YET!" Ben growled in his most beast-like voice. Scarier than his father's. His subjects jump in fear at their King's outburst. Ben groaned as he grabbed his head.
Ben's parents regard him with concerned looks. "Uh, so, as my gift, uh, to her... I'm bringing down the barrier once and for all." Everyone's jaw drops on surprise at that announcement.
On the Isle, Harry Hook watches the announcement on their busted up television set. He grins. "Mateys... We ride with the tide!" They all cheer and whoop. They stomped their feet and clapped their hands. Harry gives Gil a surly look, and locks lips with him in a heated and passionate kiss. Their time has finally come.
On the ship, Y/N, his sister, and their friends trade stunned looks. "Fairy Godmother." She turns to Ben. "Bring down the barrier." She gripped her wand tightly. "I most certainly will not."
"Obey him." Uma said.
"Ben's been spelled, Y/N." Mal whispered.
"Uma must have found your spell book." Evie said.
"You must have dropped it back on the Isle. We have to break it." Y/N said.
"The reverse spell. We can say it together." Mal grabbed her brother's hand as her eyes glowed a brilliant green. Y/N's eyes glowed red and his hair was set ablaze. "Repeat after me: Host soul reject the poison possession. Let love's light end this cruel obsession."
"Host soul reject the poison possession. Let love's light end this cruel obsession."
They cast the reverse spell, but nothing happened. "I don't understand. That spell should have worked."
Evie put a hand on Y/N's shoulder. "I think you're going to need the strongest of magic to save, Ben. True love."
"True love's kiss can break any spell or curse." Y/N nods. He takes a step towards Ben and Uma, ready to spill his guts in front of everyone. Hopefully, it's enough to save Ben.
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makkir0ll · 3 months
summer heat
(reader x mattsun)
959 words
{a/n: I did in fact finish writing this at 12 am. So excuse any grammar and mistakes. But this in fact my first ever piece I'm publishing here. So if you have any sort of constructive criticism please tell me (kindly though) anyways enjoy}
it was mid-summer, and its that point of the month where the temperatures were at their all time highs, and the fact that your air conditioning broke didn't make it any better.
it's late at night, you and your boyfriend mattsun couldn't sleep comfortably. The humidity and heat mixing which made your sheets stick to your sweaty body in discomfort.
the two of you had made your way to the living room couch. The room is dim with only the fairy lights you hung in your apartment giving it a comforting glow, and the light of the television playing your favorite show shines on your faces. The windows are open to let the cool night breeze in along with the fans spinning at the highest speeds in attempts to cool the both of you down. You and mattsun lay on opposite ends of the couch, not being able to sit close to each other without being uncomfortable, but your legs meet in the middle, tangled with each other.
"Its so hot" you groan in annoyance. Mattsun glances over at you, wishing he could do something. Anything. To put the two of you out of this misery.
"I know baby, tomorrow we'll call the landlord again and I'll make sure he fixes it. And if not, we can crash at Makki's" he responds in a sweet tone, putting his hand over your shin to comfort you. You smile at the gesture.
He feels the weight of the couch shift, he glances over at you get up and walk to the fridge. You open the freezer and grab two ice cubes, you turn back around to face him with a grin on your face. He smiles dearly at you as he watches you walk towards him, handing him the cube. He puts the cold cube on his body, the cool touch soothing him. You move his legs aside as you rub your ice cube all over your neck. You sigh at the feeling.
In that moment, mattsun can't seem to get his eyes off you. You look so beautiful to him at that moment. Your hair tied back in a bun with your front layers clipped back. You're wearing a sports bra and the shorts you've had since high school. You're wearing your glasses, that you only wear at home or when you're too lazy to put in your contacts. He wishes you always wore your glasses.
"What are you staring at? Do I have something on my face?" you question, looking at him, and putting your fingers around your mouth. Maybe some of your dinner had missed your mouth. He shakes his head no, and you turn your head back at the tv.
Suddenly he feels like this moment right here, this is it. Sitting on your couch as your favorite tv show plays in front of the two of you. He reaches his hand into the pocket of his shorts and he feels the small velvet box he'd been carrying around with him everywhere since after your one month anniversary.
Now he sits here, next to you, two years later on the couch the two of you bought when you first moved in after a year. His stomach is doing flips, he can't believe what he's about to do, but he knows that this is what he wants for the rest of his life. He's known since the moment he laid eyes on you.
"Will you marry me?"
"What?!" you say in shock, whipping your head to his direction. All your focus is on him.
"Will you marry me?" he asks again. His stomach churns, he feels butterflies in his stomach, his heart is beating faster than imaginable, and he starts sweating. Not because of the heat this time. He moves down to the ground and gets on one knee, pulling the box out his pocket, opening it to reveal the ring.
"Y/N, for as long as we've been dating that I was going to marry you. Fuck, since the moment I laid my eyes on you I knew. I-"
"Yes." you cut him off
"Yes. YES. YES! A MILLION TIMES YES! I'LL MARRY YOU!" You yell as you jump onto him. You have a couple of happy tears streaming down your face as you and mattsun lie on the floor of your apartment, bodies tangle with each other.
He shifts his weight so that you straddle his lap now. You cup his face, leaning in to give him a kiss. "I'll marry you any day" You say between kisses. He smiles and pulls you impossibly closer to him. He pulls away and grabs your left hand, sliding the ring onto your ring finger. It fits perfectly. Its in the metal you always wear, something he noticed immediately. It has a small diamond in the middle, nothing too fancy. You look at it in awe.
"I know its not much, but it's all I could afford at the moment." He looks at you, rubbing small circles on your hip.
"It's perfect." you say softly. Looking back at him. "It's everything and more. I love you"
"I love you too." He puts his hands behind your neck, pulling you into a kiss. You gladly kiss him bacl. It's soft, its intimate...
You both feel a gush of cool air blow against your bodies. You break the kiss and stare in disbelief and turn to your air conditioner, seeing it had turned on. You giggle at the coincidence of the timing, and you guys go back to what you were doing before.
Its still late at night. You and your fiancé mattsun lay in bed sleeping comfortably in each others arms with a feeling of love in the air.
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velvrei · 1 year
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pairing : sub!hawk moskowitz x reader
summary : you catch hawk in an interesting position and decide to help him out
warnings : nsfw, sub!hawk, oral (m receiving), masturbation, throat fucking, praise kink, begging
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The house was empty. Well that's how it seemed, when you walked inside and kicked your shoes off. You through your coat onto the couch. Hawk hadn't been answering your texts.
Y/N: hey babeeee
10 minutes later...
Y/N: are you okay
Y/N: did i do something?
20 minutes later...
Y/N: pigeon? eli? hello?!?
2 minutes later...
Y/N: i'm coming over i stg if this is some kind of sick joke i will actually kill you
You texted Hawk that last message five minutes ago, that five minutes you spent rushing over to his house just to see that the front door was slightly open. Was he okay? He never intentionally left the door open or unlocked. You pushed the front door shut.
It calmed you a little when you noticed the television playing a random episode of Victorious, and the microwave read end meaning he was here.
No answer.
You called again, no answer. But if he was here, why was there no answer? You silently hoped for the best, noticing his bedroom door slightly open at the end of the hallway.
You always tried to give Eli his privacy, but the second you heard a faint moan leave his pretty mouth, you shuttered. That rule instantly became the least of your worries. Your curiosity got the best of you as you peeled through the open slit.
You almost came at the sight of Eli, both AirPods in, one hand wrapped around his dick, pumping, slowly improving his pace just as you did. His head thrown back onto his headboard while his skin glowed with sweat, his cheeks pink. You covered your mouth, holding in your gasp as his lips parted and he let out a low, sexy groan. "Oh, god, Y/N."
His muscles tightened with each stroke, you watched his thighs tremble slightly as your mind started to imagine mischievous scenarios.
You gulped, refraining from distracting him but it just became too hard. Your heat was basically dripping, and to make it worse, his moans were increasing, fast, you could tell he was close. Whenever he was close to releasing he would choke over his own moans, and he would repeat your name over and over, as he was doing just now.
You quickly decided to reveal yourself at the worst time, knowing how much it would effect him.
"Eli!" You yelled loudly, startling your man as he ripped both AirPods out and threw his phone across his bed. He covered himself, embarrassed.
His breathing was heavy as he just stared. Poor boy looked like a deer in headlights. "Y-Y/N! What are you doing here?" He stuttered, struggling to catch his breath.
"I'm sorry, my love, I didn't mean to startle you," You spoke, slowly but sensually walking over to him. "You weren't answering my texts, so I came to check up on you, but clearly, you're more than okay." You chimed with a cheeky grin and a tiny laugh.
He looked down, and you grabbed his chin, so he looked up at you, "I'm not laughing at you, baby, you looked like you were really enjoying yourself and I just want to join in on the fun. But you really worried me when you weren't answering my texts, I thought I did something. Maybe give your girl a warning next time."
He sighed with relief, "I will, I'm sorry, baby." He still looked startled, his eyes widened when you stopped at his bed, wrapped one leg around his waist so you straddled his body. "I could tell you were close though," He gulped, You thighs moved against his, the slight sensation made him throw his head back against the headboard.
"Please, Y/N. Help me out, please. I- I started thinking about you and I couldn't help myself," He grabbed his phone, unlocking it, awkwardly turning his phone to show you. "So I started looking at your Instagram photos, an- and- god, baby, you're just so gorgeous."
He clicked on one of the photos of you in a skimpy bikini, "You look so good in that swimsuit, baby. I hate saying things like this cause I feel like an asshole but your tits look so good, oh my god," He rambled, groaning and throwing his head back once again.
You smiled, your nails lightly grazing along his dick, he trembled, "Holy fuck, please!" His eyes squeezed shut. You decided to save him from torture. You winked up at him before running your tongue along his dick, before taking him fully into your mouth. His mouth dropped open, a loud sultry groan fell out.
"Baby, baby, please." He whimpered when your lips left him and began pressing soft kisses onto his balls. "Please what?" You smiled, stroking him as you pressed a gentle kiss to his tip, your left hand cupping his balls.
He whined, "Suck me, please, baby." His words made you throb, as you wrapped your lips around him. You swirled your tongue a couple times, he let out another moan and you smirked at the sexy sound. He mumbled a bunch of gibberish then repeatedly whispered your name. You remembered how close he was just from his hand, so you knew he wouldn't last long with your mouth.
His hand grabbed the back of your head, and instead of holding your hair back, he thrusted into your mouth, repeatedly. "Yes, baby, take my cock, fuck," He moaned, apparently he was feeling more dominant before he orgasmed, but you weren't complaining. He moaned over and over, his sounds only egging you on as you pumped the part your mouth couldn't take yet.
The sound of your face being fucked turned him on to the max, the sight of your lips around him and your eyes practically begging him to release sent him over the edge. You bobbed your head through his orgasm, his hot ropes of cum shot down your throat. The room was silent beside the sound of Eli's breath above you.
"Thank you, baby, I needed that." He said, his eyelids heavy as he smiled down at you, still catching his breath. "I am very tired, but I promise I will return the favor." He winked, then laid his head on your chest, and fell asleep.
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rascal-xo · 1 year
Oh for the request! Maybe Graves with his homemaker wife and he returns home to her having missed him so much! 💕 maybe slight hurt comfort or domestic smut whatever you like! I just need more sweet loving Graves ✨😂
Home | Phillip Graves x Wife Reader |
summary: Graves comes home after a long deployment and you get to bask in his presence at home again…
Warnings: FLUFF, Smut, P in V, Language, Smoking
tags: @fiveshelmet @myguiltypleasures21 @madamemelancholysstuff @emmaadlerrichtofen1 @swissy23 @thatchickwiththecamera
A/N: Sorry not proofread, hope you enjoy!! 🩷🩷
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Graves stood on the doorstep of his home, his heart pounding with anticipation. It had been a long and grueling deployment.
You two had been apart for what felt like an eternity, and he missed you more than words could express. With a duffel bag slung over his shoulder, he inserted the key into the lock.
As the door swung open, Phillip was immediately greeted by the familiar scent of home. A mixture of vanilla and lavender filled the air, instantly putting him at ease. He stepped inside, closing the door softly behind him, and kicked off his boots.
"Y/N?" he called out, his voice filled with both excitement. There was a brief silence before he heard a faint shuffling sound coming from the living room. Curiosity sparked within him as he carefully made his way towards the source of the noise.
As Graves turned the corner, his eyes softened at the sight of you. There, you laid sprawled out on the couch, wearing one of his army t shirts, with your eyes fixed on the television screen. You jumped at the sound of his voice and spun around, a mix of shock and joy written across your face.
"Phillip!" You exclaimed, your eyes widening with disbelief. A mixture of emotions washed over her as tears welled up in her eyes. Without hesitation, you rushed toward him, abandoning the remote control on the couch.
Phillip dropped his duffel bag and opened his arms, eagerly awaiting your embrace. Your bodies collided with a force fueled by months of separation and longing. He held you tight, feeling your warmth and hearing your rapid heartbeat against his chest.
"I can't believe you're home!" You said, your voice trembling with joy as you nestled your head against his shoulder. "You were supposed to be away for another week. How did you manage to come back early?"
He chuckled softly, relishing the feel of you in his arms. "Well, I might have pulled a few strings," he confessed, a mischievous glimmer in his eyes. "I wanted to surprise you."
A few hours later, the night air enveloped you in a gentle breeze as you stepped out onto the deck, freshly showered and dressed in his t shirt.
The soft glow of the moon illuminated the surroundings, casting a tranquil aura over the scene.
As you approached the deck, you noticed Phillip standing there, his back leaning against the railing, a faint trail of smoke swirling around him. His eyes were fixed on the distance, lost in his own thoughts.
Phillip's gaze shifted towards you, a flicker of surprise passing through his eyes before a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips. He took one last drag from his cigarette before extinguishing it against the ashtray.
He reached out, his fingers gently tracing the outline of your cheek. "Missed seeing you in my clothes," he murmured, his voice filled with a mixture of tenderness and awe, pulling you into him.
“All those pictures weren’t enough, Commander?” You teased, leaning upwards to peck at his lips
“Not better than the real thing, darlin.” He spoke against your lips. Phillip's hands cradled your face, his touch tender yet possessive.
Your bodies pressed tightly against each other, an electric current flowing between you. A low moan escaped from Phillip's lips as your fingers tangled in his hair, pulling him closer, deepening the connection.
Desire surged through your veins, igniting a hunger that could only be satisfied in each other's arms. Your breathing grew ragged, the heat between you rising with every touch and caress.
Phillip's hands roamed over your body, tracing the lines of your silhouette, leaving a trail of fire in their wake.
He slipped his arm around your waist and kissed you more aggressively as you melted into him at once. He could feel your arms around his neck, your soft breath against his ear.
"I want you," you said, feeling him sliding his free hand up over your breast and under the loose fabric, tracing a finger lightly across your nipple as you exhaled.
You moaned quietly in response.
You looked to face him then, your eyes meeting. You were both smiling breathlessly. He took your hand and led you into your shared bedroom.
Your reached out and touched him, running your fingers on the hair on his chest. He gently pushed you back onto the bed, pulling your shirt off as he did so.
You moaned softly. He lowered his head to kiss your breasts, licking and sucking each one until they were covered in his saliva.
He moved down your stomach, kissing and biting all along the way.
He kissed your navel, then began working his way south. When he got to your panties, he pulled them aside almost ripping them and ran his tongue along your pussy lips. She gasped and spread your legs wide open.
He slid his tongue inside you, tasting your sweet juices.“Phil..” You whines at his teasing He lapped at you slowly, savoring every drop. He moved up to your clit, flicking it with his tongue, then gently sucking on it.
You moaned louder and writhed beneath him, pushing your pussy harder against his mouth. He sucked harder, feeling her muscles contract around his tongue. But before you could get your release he stopped.
Kissing his way back up to you he finally made it to your lips. Hungry for more, he flipped you over onto your stomach, pulling your hips up. “I want you to come with me.”
“Yes, please Phill.” You practically begged him to be inside of you at this point, not being able to take it any longer.
Your body was on fire, and the only thing that could quench the flames were him. You arched your back and pressed yourself into him as he thrust inside of you.
The sound of your moans filled the room, and the smell of sex was heavy in the air. You could feel every inch of him inside of you, stretching you wider than you'd ever been before. “Fuck, You take me so good.” He cooed, pounding harder into you. You felt your walks closing around him, beginning to ride your high all the way to his. “Fuck!”
You let out a loud cry when he came inside of you, filling you up with his hot cum. You both collapsed down onto the bed, gasping for breath.
“I missed you.” He mumbled against your skin, running a hand against your stomach. “So fucking much”
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deong · 11 months
burnout ㅡ karina x fem!reader
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word count: 1.2k words (part 1)
pairing: idol karina x fem reader
synopsis: it was not like this before, life 's too fast that we got swept away along with it. i have loved you for so long.
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The echoes of the rain and the rumble of thunder filled the house, creating a somber backdrop to my awakening. As I slowly emerged from my slumber, I noticed the glow of the television casting flickering shadows around the room. Suddenly, the jingling of keys and the familiar sound of high heels announced Karina's arrival.
"Hmm?" I mumbled, rubbing the sleep from my eyes and adjusting to the sudden brightness. Karina's question hung in the air, and I couldn't help but smile albeit with a tinge of sadness.
"Did you stay up waiting for me?" she inquired, searching for an explanation.
"Kinda," I replied, my voice filled with gentle understanding. I knew she didn't expect me to wait, but deep down, I couldn't help but show my devotion. The past month had been filled with her absences, a constant source of frustration and concern.
Her voice carried a hint of remorse as she responded, "Baby, you didn't have to do that." Her words tugged at my heart, knowing that my actions were born out of love and a desire for connection.
Aware of the tension I suggested, "You can heat up the food in the microwave. I'm going to sleep, goodnight, darling." Planting a tender kiss upon her lips, I made my way toward the stairs longing for a sense of clarity and peace.
Before I could go, I felt her hand gently grasp mine causing me to turn back and meet her gaze. "Wait," she pleaded softly, her eyes reflecting sincerity amidst the shadows.
I looked into her eyes, searching for the truth that lay beneath her words. "I'm sorry I haven't been returning your calls lately," she confessed, her smile offering solace.
"I've been consumed by the relentless flow of songwriting. It's like I can't stop, you know?"
Understanding her passion, I replied my voice tinged with a mixture of acceptance and concern, "It's okay. Go eat before the food spoils. Goodnight, baby." Offering her another gentle kiss.
I finally ascended the stairs, leaving behind the melody of raindrops against the window as my thoughts swirled with contemplation.
Lying on the bed, I listened to the soothing rhythm of the rain outside, seeking solace in its melancholic symphony. A flood of emotions coursed through me as I pondered the underlying unease that persisted within my heart, aware that something was wrong.
The rain whispered its secrets against the window of the shared bedroom, urging me to confront the truth. Deep down, I knew that mere explanations and apologies couldn't mend the growing divide between us. In the stillness of the night, I yearned for a path forward, hoping that our love could weather this storm and find its way back to the harmony it once knew.
The producers had granted Karina an early release from work that evening, and both of us opted for takeout, as neither of us had the energy or inclination to cook. We sat in silence, the air heavy with unspoken words, each of us picking at our food. Karina absentmindedly toyed with her fork, and a knot formed in my stomach.
Finally, unable to bear the weight of the silence any longer, I ventured to break it. "What's wrong?" I asked, my voice laced with concern. She looked up at me, shaking her head. "Nothing, just tired." she replied, her tone devoid of emotion.
A furrow formed between my brows as I questioned further "Are you sure?" I pressed gently, searching for a way to ease her burden. Her response caught me off guard, her voice tinged with frustration.
"Oh my god. Yes! Y/N. I'm fine." she snapped, her volume rising slightly, causing my eyes to widen.
Caught off guard by her sudden outburst, I sat there in silence, unsure of how to respond. She continued, her voice strained with weariness and exhaustion. "Maybe I don't feel like talking. Maybe I need some time to myself" she expressed, her words dripping with a mixture of frustration and longing for solitude. "I'm sorry, I just don't feel like talking tonight," she added, her voice softer now, almost pleading for understanding.
My head tilted to the side, my heart heavy with a mix of confusion and concern. "Oh, okay" I replied, my voice tinged with a hint of disappointment. "I'm sorry, I didn't know."
As the meal came to an end, a noticeable distance settled between us shrouding the room in an atmosphere of tension. Karina remained silent throughout the night, her back turned towards me as we lay in bed. With a mixture of longing and a desperate attempt to close the gap, I wrapped my arms around her, molding myself to her. But she remained motionless, her response muted, and all she did was switch off the lamp, enveloping us in darkness.
During my lunch break, I decided to reach out to Karina hoping to share a meal together since she had the day off.
"Hi," she greeted as she picked up the call.
"Hey, I'm on my lunch break. Can you come eat with me?" I questioned with anticipation.
"I can't. I'm spending the day with the girls. I haven't seen them since the last comeback promotions ended" she replied, her tone filled with excitement.
A slight frown formed on my face, though I tried to conceal my disappointment. "Oh well, hope you have fun then. Be safe. I love you" I said, my words tinged with a trace of longing.
"Thanks. I'll talk to you later," she responded before ending the call.
The absence of her reciprocal words of affection stung, and I couldn't help but feel a pang of hurt. Over the next few weeks, my attempts to spend time with her were met with various excuses and disinterest.
"Sorry, I can't. Work has me caught up."
"I don't feel like doing anything."
"I'm so tired, babe."
"I'm busy right now, can't make it."
"Not right now."
"I just want to sleep."
"I'm going to sleep."
With each failed attempt, I gradually began to lose hope. The fights, the lack of intimacy, the absence of dates, and the dwindling communication served as stark reminders of the growing distance between us. It became clear that we were drifting apart.
My interest in her started to wane, despite my lingering love. The once vibrant flame of passion was flickering, and I found myself falling.
"Y/N?" her voice pulled me from my thoughts, and my lashes fluttered as I refocused on her.
"Y/N, I'm not feeling the same love I felt before. I promise I never meant to hurt you," she confessed, her eyes welling with tears. "Thank you for being so sweet and caring to me every single day. I love you for that." Her words were filled with sorrow and regret, and I struggled to find my voice amidst the turmoil within me.
"I…" I began, but she gently interrupted.
"I can't be with you anymore. I'm so sorry, Y/N" she continued, her touch grazing my cheek. "I'll come to get my things next week." She wiped away her tears and placed a tender kiss on my cheek. I sat there, numb, not knowing how to respond. The realization dawned upon me that chasing after her would serve no purpose if her heart no longer belonged to me.
Why wasn't I crying? I was undeniably heartbroken, but the tears refused to fall. In the midst of the pain, I sat there silently mourning the love we had for years now lost, swept away along life's phase.
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tenderyellowbluefics · 7 months
Hi, could you please do something fluffy-smutty about Jerry Cantrell please and thank you :)
Sickness In Seattle // J.C
Thanks for the request!! I'll be honest I've had this idea for a little bit now and I just didn't have it in me to do smut I'm sorry!! But I'll def do something smutty with him in the future!!
Summary: When y/n wakes up with the flu, it is Jerry's duty to take care of her.
Warnings: None, just fluff!
Requests are open!
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Your eyes slowly flutter open, scanning the room of your and Jerry's downtown Seattle apartment. You wince at the light as you start to become aware of the apparent headache you have. You look over at Jerry, still sound asleep. Long blonde hair thrown across his face, his bare upper half seeming to glow in the morning sunlight. You smile softly and swallow, only to wince in pain once more. This time you let out a groan. Apparently, it was louder than you thought as it caused Jerry to stir.
Incoherent mumbles come from him as he pulls you closer to him. And for the first time ever, you detest the feeling of his fingers on your skin. Even your skin feels sore, and the body heat coming from him makes you feel even worse. You try to pull away slightly and pull the covers off of you. This causes Jerry's eyes to shoot open. You’d never pull away from him like this.
"What's wrong?" He asks, his eyebrows furrowing. His voice is deep and raspy, dripping like honey from his mouth. But it’s still not enough to soothe you from the agony you’re in.
"I don't feel good," you mutter, your voice whiney and congested.
He sighs softly and brings the back of his hand to your forehead. "You're burning up."
You groan at his words. "No, I can't be sick." You protest as you try to sit up in bed. But as you do the room seems to spin.
"Woah there," Jerry says with a soft chuckle, sitting up next to you. "Whining won't make it any better."
You shoot him a look and roll your eyes before laying back down with a huff.
"I'm way too busy to be sick right now." You whine, looking up at him with a pout.
"Baby, it won't kill you to take one day to rest." He says softly, letting his right hand trail up your arm soothingly. "How about I go get you some medicine?"
You merely nod, not wanting to talk and inflame your throat any more than it is.
He hops out of bed and pulls on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt before striding over to your side of the bed.
"I'll be right back." He says, leaning down to place a kiss on your forehead.
Upon hearing the front door close you huff once more and roll over on your side. Since the day is ruined you decide it's best to at least get a little more sleep in.
You wake up a little later to Jerry's soft voice saying your name and nudging your side. You flutter open your eyes to see him standing over you.
"It's DayQuil time!" he sings, pulling an orange bottle of medicine out of a plastic bag.
"You really couldn't have gotten me the pill form?" You ask, disgusted at the thought of having to drink medicine.
"You know, thanks would suffice." He jokes.
"Thank you, baby." You say with a small chuckle.
He pours the medicine into the small shot glass-type top before handing it to you to drink.
You shudder slightly, quickly knocking back the medicine and swallowing, scrunching up your face in disgust. Jerry chuckles at this response and hands you a bottle of orange juice he also got at the store to chase it.
"That bad?"
"That bad." You say after taking a drink from the bottle of OJ.
He shakes his head with a laugh before kicking his shoes off and climbing into the bed. You scooch over as close as you can get to him and lay your head on his chest, in desperate need of body heat. The sickness causing your body temperature to fluctuate from being on fire to being ice cold.
He wraps both arms around you, placing his head on yours. He grabs the remote and flicks the TV on before deciding on some random sitcom.
"This is shit television, but I don't plan on being awake much longer anyways." He says with a yawn.
"Don't you have stuff to do today?" You question with a giggle.
"Hey, if you get to take today off so do I!" He chuckles. "No, but in seriousness, I did have stuff to do today, but it can wait; I gotta take care of my baby."
You raise your head up to kiss him on the cheek, earning a small smile from him. You lay your head back down and doze off to the sound of his heartbeat. Selfishly, you kind of hope you're still sick tomorrow so you both can stay home again.
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andkisses · 7 months
♡ always, promise | sunoo ♡
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you decide, snuggled up as the weather turns colder, that sunoo deserves all your love
♡ sunoo x gn!reader | wc. 1.4k ♡ genres/tropes: domestic, fluff, two dorks in love who say it ♡ mentions of/warnings: sunoo calls reader a pet name ♡ a/n: this is a rewrite of a fic i wrote and posted YEARS ago; unfortunately it was eaten up when i accidentally deleted my blog :’) it was originally for mingyu from svt ♡ masterlist ♡
Rain showers the roof in soft pats, sliding down the walls and running over the windowsill before continuing it’s journey downward.  Outside, the trees and grass and flowers have become an electric shade of green, with the leaves glowing in the fresh water.  Wind blows the light raindrops around in swirling circles, creating a delicate mist that moves and breathes at a moment's notice.
Just inside, separating cool from warm, is the fireplace, flames licking and crawling around the logs. They crackle and spit when the wind rushes or when raindrops slip down the chimney. A warm glow casts around the living room, where the heat keeps the winter chills at bay.  Soon, the weatherman figures on the television, the rain will change into sleet and then into snow.  By tomorrow morning, he determines, there should be a good foot of fluffy white snow blanketing the ground. Double check your plans, he warns, because some things will have to change.
But you don't have plans.  You hardly even hear let alone register what the weatherman is droning on about over your heartbeat.  And you swear you can hear his, too.
Every single blanket the two of you owned, including the fluffy comforter off the bed and the soft throws from the couch and every extra one from the linen closet, were tossed onto the floor between the couch and the fireplace. The coffee table has long been pushed aside and forgotten along with the cooling mugs of cocoa and coffee resting on top.  Every single pillow has made its way down with the blankets, too.
And then there’s the two of you, snuggled up in borrowed hoodies and long pants and warm fuzzy socks.  You're in one of his hoodies—you "borrowed" and never returned (partially because it's warm and partially because smells like him) but he never asked for it back (partially because he knows you love it and partially because he loves how it looks on you).  You're both buried beneath the blankets and pillows, but still close enough to feel the fireplace's heat to feel delightfully toasty.
Close enough to feel each other's warmth.
Your hands find their way to cup his cheeks, and he leans into your touch, eyes closed with a soft and peaceful smile on his face.  A frown shapes your lips.  “You're still cold,” you say, pinching his still-red cheeks.  “You shouldn’t have come over in the rain.”
He laughs, giggles turning his cheeks warm beneath your touch. “What are you? My mom?” He reaches out to boop your nose. “I distinctly remember you saying you were lonely and asking me to come over.”
You make a face, scrunch your nose–because he’s right. You were lonely and you did ask him. And you had been paying attention to the weatherman earlier, imagining the snow and ice and what it would be like to build pillow forts with Sunoo and keeping each other company. He’s already closed his eyes again, melting into the touch of your hands. God, you’re so in love with him.
But you don’t let him know that. That would be embarrassing. Instead, you counter, “You could get sick.”
One eye slowly peers open mischievously, the matching eyebrow quirking up. “Me? Sick?” He laughs again, shuffling closer to you.  His arms wrap around your waist, pulling you in, and you end up with your own arms around his neck.  He plants a gentle kiss on the crown of your head, and even though you can’t see it, you can feel his smile against your skin.  You must have me mistaken for someone else.  I'd never get sick.”
You stay there like that for a while, a smile secure on your lips, you nestled in his arms and safely tucked under his chin.  He curls into you, almost like a kid who’s spent too long from home.  A drowsy state falls over the room, and you see everything through warm, hazy vision.  Outside, the rain had turned to sleet, just as the weatherman predicted.  It pinks at the windows. From behind the clouds, the sun begins to sink below the horizon, taking the little light with it. The streetlights turn on.  The flames of the fireplace continue to flicker, casting everything in a moving orange glow.
“If we fall asleep now, we’ll ruin our sleeping schedule,” you murmur, already feeling the warm hands of sleep coaxing you away from the land of the awake.  “We’ll wake up at like four in the morning.”
Sunoo pulls you a tad closer, hands spread out, one splayed against your ribs and the other running soothing patterns over your back.  “Or,” he begins, eyes glittery in front of you with firelight, “we fall into a deep slumber and don’t awaken for thousands of years, but when we do, we'll be rulers of a magical land.”
You blink, eyes tired. You can’t help the smile on your lips. “Would you be the king?”
“Yeah, but I'd let you do whatever you want.”
A lazy laugh escapes your lips, and you move your arms from his neck to wrap them around his torso, to hold him close, face tucked into his chest. He's precious, you realize suddenly, and you feel as if he needs protecting.  You think back to when you first met, and he was a cute, bubbly, adorable hot mess trying to start a conversation with you.  His confidence clashed with his nerves about you. His cheeks had flushed red hot and he could hardly look you in the eye, but when he did, all you saw was genuine sincerity and child-like curiosity.  When he finally asked, "would you be my friend?" you couldn’t fathom how someone could possibly say no.  The next memory, the one where immediately after you said yes he jumped and giggled like you told him Santa was actually real and on his way right then.
“You're smiling, I can sense it,” Sunoo coos, drawing more circles onto your back with his fingertips.  “What’cha smiling at, honey bee?”
You shake your head, slightly embarrassed by how such a simple, faraway memory could make you feel so giddy and lightheaded.  It pairs with your feeling from earlier–how madly you love him–and you know your face is red. “It’s nothing.”
Sunoo pulls away slightly, a small smirk across his lips, mischief in his eyes.  “Nothing, hm?” he echoes.  He quirks his eyebrow up again.  “If nothing does this to you, I'd love to be nothing.  I’d be able to make you smile all the time.”
You can’t get your hands to cover your cheeks fast enough, so you bury your face in his hoodie, listening to the charm of his giggles as he laughs at your antics.  You pull him even closer, and you feel him do the same, enveloped in his warmth.  
Then, he whispers, soft and tender. “I love you,” he says, and you’re convinced your heart is about to burst. “You don’t have to say it back yet; I know it’s big, and—”
“I love you, too.” The joy in his eyes, growth of his smile, how his touch holds you that much more. It makes it all worth the nerves you felt building those worse, convincing yourself to say them before you took Sunoo up on his offer of not saying it back. You really lucked out with a boy named Kim Sunoo.
“Always?” he asks, a tone of seriousness. You know there’d been people before you; you know they weren’t always as kind or as protective with his heart. If they were, you wouldn’t be here, and he wouldn’t be in your arms pleading with you. “Promise?”
Kim Sunoo, you decide, deserves a soft, good love. Before you kiss him, you see snowflakes falling outside. You imagine the two of you, bundled up, running around and playing. You can see snowflakes landing on Sunoo’s lashes, imagine him laughing as he pulls you in for a kiss, hands on your waist. You can imagine helping give him everything he deserves.
“Promise,” you reply. You kiss him then, soft and delicate, ignoring your crazed heartbeat. When you pull back, you move your hands from his cheeks to the back of his head, carding through his locks before moving him to be tucked beneath your chin. Sunoo curls against you, a happy hum against your throat as you continue to stroke through his hair. “Always.”
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winxanity-ii · 2 months
⌜Know No Evil | Chapter 02 Chapter 02 | glowing defiance⌟
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Your life was a carefully constructed bubble, meticulously crafted by your ever-anxious mother, Mei. Unlike other children your age, you didn't attend daycare or school.
The outside world, with its potential dangers and lurking germs, was deemed too much for your mother's fragile peace of mind.
Instead, your days revolved around a routine as predictable as the sunrise.
Mornings began with a meticulously planned breakfast, followed by lessons conducted by Mei herself. As a former high school teacher, she poured all her energy into your homeschooling, bombarding you with colorful flashcards and meticulously constructed schedules.
While other children learned through messy playdates and scraped knees, your world was confined to the walls of your apartment, safe but undeniably stifling.
Wino remained a distant figure in all this, keeping his interactions with you brief and impersonal. Sometimes, you'd catch him stealing a glance your way—a flicker of something unreadable passing through his gaze before he quickly retreated behind a curtain of newspaper.
Despite, or perhaps because of, your sheltered life, a fierce independence bloomed within you. You devoured the lessons Mei presented, your mind a sponge soaking up knowledge. You craved understanding, a way to make sense of the world beyond the four walls of your home.
One afternoon, as you were diligently building a tower with colorful blocks, the sunlight streamed through the window, casting a warm glow on your focused face.
The air was thick with the aroma of baking cookies, courtesy of Mei, who was humming cheerfully in the kitchen.
Suddenly, the gentle hum was replaced by the familiar blaring voice of a cartoon announcer on the television.
You glanced up, the frown furrowing your brow mirroring the one now etched on the face of the overly enthusiastic cartoon hero plastered across the television screen.
The hero, clad in a flamboyant costume that seemed more of a hindrance than a help, was pummeling a villain whose entire power seemed to be an unfortunate case of bad hair.
"And that, my friends," the announcer boomed, his voice dripping with condescension, "is how a proper hero uses their Quirk! Now, let's talk about those unfortunate souls who weren't blessed with such amazing abilities."
A familiar heat pooled in your chest, a simmering resentment fueled by the announcer's patronizing tone.You weren't 'unfortunate'—you were Y/N.
And you wouldn't be belittled like some charity case.
The announcer, completely oblivious to your internal dilemma, continued his spiel. "Being Quirkless doesn't mean you can't contribute to society," he chirped, his voice laced with a saccharine sweetness that made your teeth itch.
You rolled your eyes, grumbling under your breath, "Yeah, contribute by being a glorified dog walker."
You spent the next few moments trying to drown out the annoying voice, focusing on meticulously placing the final block atop your ever-growing castle.
You stacked them with an almost obsessive focus, each piece a silent rebuttal to the announcer's words. But you couldn't drown him out forever.
"And remember, kids," the announcer declared, his voice adopting a sinister edge, "if you're Quirkless, no point in attempting to do the impossible. You're better off understanding your role as a citizen in society. Don't become a burden!"
Slowly, you raised your head; your eyes narrowed to pinpoints as the last line echoed in your head.
Burden? A scowl thundered across your face, erasing any trace of childish amusement. A low growl, more animalistic than human, rumbled from your chest.
Everything went silent around you, the only sound being the frantic drumming of your heart.
Unbeknownst to you, your eyes once again began to glow an unsettling yellow.
A blinding flash of static suddenly erupted from the television, scrambling the image on the screen into a distorted mess. You were so engrossed in glaring at the screen—your mind running miles a minute with internal arguments about how you weren't average and wouldn't be belittled—that you didn't notice your mother rushing in.
The static intensified, morphing into a horrifying, demonic screech that sent shivers down your spine. The air crackled with unseen energy, and the hairs on your arms stood on end.
Suddenly, with a deafening pop, the television went completely black. The room plunged into an eerie silence, broken only by the faint hum of the refrigerator in the kitchen.
You blinked, your heart pounding a frantic rhythm against your ribs.
Slowly, you turned your head to find Mei standing frozen in the doorway, her face etched with a mixture of concern and confusion.
The silence stretched on, thick and heavy. Mei, finally breaking free from her shock, ventured towards the lifeless television.
"Well, I guess that means it's time for an upgrade?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper, as much a question to herself as to you.
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Warm bubbles tickled your skin as you leaned back in the tub, tilting your head to allow Mei to lather your hair with shampoo. Her gentle hands worked the suds in, a soft smile lighting her face.
"You're unbelievable, sweetie~ You managed to finish all the multiplication flash cards in record time!" she chirped, her voice tinged with a touch of awe. "Honestly, Y/N, you're learning so fast, I'll have to find some more challenging material soon!"
Her praises usually fill you with a sense of accomplishment, a validation of your efforts. Today, however, it triggered a different thought.
She was right...you weren't like the other children—like the ones in the grainy television shows you occasionally glimpsed at or the ones you saw playing from your window.
They were carefree, giggling as they chased each other down the street, their quirks a vibrant kaleidoscope of color and powers.
Mei continued, blissfully unaware of your internal turmoil. "Maybe we could even tackle some basic science concepts next! Wouldn't that be exciting?"
Exciting wasn't the word you'd use to describe your current mood.
You tilted your head back, allowing Mei to rinse out the soap. As the cool water cascaded down your face, you squeezed your eyes shut, picturing those same children once again.
You weren't like them.
They interacted with ease; their world filled with laughter and adventure.
You, on the other hand, were a mystery, even to yourself. The yellow glow in your eyes, the distorted television, the demonic screech—these weren't normal occurrences.
A shiver ran down your spine, but it wasn't entirely from the cool water rinsing down your face. A chilling realization settled in—the world you inhabited felt small and stifling.
A question, heavy with unspoken fear and a strange, exhilarating thrill, began to form in your mind: What exactly were you?
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***ok, i swear this is the last update. I just couldn't wait ❤️❤️ see you guys soon
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lenaariewrld · 1 month
dream girl
sakusa kiyoomi ending・ᡣ𐭩
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True to his word, Sakusa comes to pick you up when you let him know you’re ready, his sleek black car pulling up close to the sidewalk where you’re crouched with your things around you. A smile lights up your face when he gets out to help you up. “Glad to see you’re still alive,” You say playfully, placing your hands on your thighs and pushing yourself up from your crouched position. Sakusa chuckles softly, gathering the few items you had managed to acquire with Kunimi alongside you.
Once you’re seated in the passenger seat and buckled in, he gets in and starts the engine. Like before, you find yourself mesmerised by the deftness of his hands as he drives you to his and Samu’s apartment. The apartment that you considered a second home at this point.
When you arrive, you tuck your bags in the crook of your elbow, this time adamantly refusing Sakusa’s help to carry anything, and let him lead the way to the door. “I know you don’t really like a lot of things, but I did get you some goodies,” You tell him, your voice hushed in the echoing hallway. The man smiles, or you hope he does, and pats your head affectionately.
“Thank you, y/n,” Is all he says, unlocking the door and ushering you inside. You kick off your shoes and place them by the door in your designated spot, hanging up your cardigan on the little command hook the two of them had gotten for you. Little pieces of their lives that had been altered to accommodate you.
It makes your chest glow.
With your shoes off, you set the bags down and immediately detour to the nearest bathroom to wash your hands. Sakusa sets up the television while you do so. You hear the little jingle of a streaming service app open as you turn off the water. With that, you make yourself at home and grab drinks from the kitchen, helping him to wipe off the coffee table and set out the food you’d also grabbed.
You tell him everything you got and where you got it from, letting him pick and choose what he wanted. You weren’t too picky, happy to eat whatever he didn’t.
“I also got you this,” You dig into the last bag and pull out a small glass container tinted a dark green. Popping off the lid, you show him a cream-coloured candle. “It’s supposed to have scents similar to that of a bookstore… I remember you saying that you found them calming,” You explain as he takes the candle from your hand and sniffs it.
“It’s good,” He smiles again and this time you can see the soft upturn of his lips without the mask he usually wears outside. He looks heavenly like this, relaxed and open with you. And to think you met him all because Osamu didn’t have his license yet. “Thank you,” Sakusa’s smooth voice shakes your thoughts back to the present and you smile sheepishly, placing your hands in your lap.
He urges you to show him everything else you got, so you happily do so. You had gotten only a few other things, namely a few scented soaps and a pair of matching cat keychains that reminded you of him and you. Sakusa hums thoughtfully at each thing you show him, nodding appreciatively and taking it in before you move on. You can’t help but giggle when he takes the white smiling cat keychain, leaving the grey stone-faced one in your palm. “I’ll keep this one,” He says. “It’ll remind me of you,” He adds quietly, getting up to locate his house keys and loop the keychain on them.
The heat in your cheeks take a while to manifest, and you quickly press the back of your hands against your face in an attempt to soothe it down before he can see. “Should we watch the movies, then?” You ask, clearing your throat. He nods and sits back down, passing you the remote.
You quickly decide on an entertaining movie for the both of you to watch and lean over the coffee table with some of your snacks as it plays. You can feel Sakusa’s legs against your own, aware of the amount of touch you two share, not wanting to make him uncomfortable. Though he’d gotten used to you and Samu’s affections with time, you were still wary and respected his boundaries.
When you finish eating, you lean back on the cushions. Halfway through the movie. Sakusa finishes eating soon after, wordlessly adjusting himself to be comfortable and his arm sliding over the back of the couch around you. Your attention on the movie crumbles at the proximity, and though it’s small, it makes your heart race and your head dizzy. Omi doesn’t seem to notice your flickering gaze, or he doesn’t comment on it. A few more minutes pass before he reaches out and pulls you against his chest. “Relax,” is all he says, an arm lazily looped around your waist while his other still rests on the back of the couch.
Your muscles are tense at first, feeling the warmth of his skin through his t-shirt, and the solid mass of his body beneath yours. He told you to relax, and he pulled you closer, so surely he really doesn’t mind? You reason with yourself before settling in, your head resting against his collarbone and your legs stretching out over his own, a comfortable tangling of limbs that eases your racing heart somewhat. Though you can admit it’s still out of whack with how close the two of you now are.
Nothing else is said, and your attention slowly returns to the movie. When it ends, you let Omi pick the next one, not wanting to move from your spot and have him refuse to let you rest there again. Not that you think he would, but he could. You drank up the moment as long as it lasted.
The second movie holds your attention about as well as the first, and your find your mind drifting elsewhere, fuzzy from the exhaustion of the day and the calmness you find yourself in with Sakusa. It feels right and precious to be in his arms like this. His cheek is pressed against your hair, his breathing steady underneath you. When you turn your head to face him, he only lifts his enough to look at you too, a few inches separating the two of you. A delicate bubble just for your eyes and ears.
You know this is the moment. If not now, if you didn’t speak it into existence how you felt, you would never find the courage again. So, without much thought or warning, you speak, placing your hand on Omi’s chest right above his heart.
It thunders beneath your palm.
“Sakusa, I like you,” You tell him. “Like a lot.. You’re just… You’ve done a lot for me and I know we haven’t known each other that long, but you’ve already come to mean a lot to me and–”
He cuts you off with a gentle kiss on your forehead, your words dying on the tip of your tongue. “You mean a lot to me too, Y/n…” He says it slowly, forming the words in his head. Your fingers bunch in the fabric of his shirt, an eagerness to hear more biting at your brain. “I knew you were already a great person by the way Samu talked about you so often, but…” He looks at you, his hand coming up to cup your cheek, his thumb caressing the hollow of your cheekbone. “Seeing it firsthand is really something else,” The corners of his lips turn into a faint smile, and you feel one of your own tugging at your features, your eyes sparkling.
“I want to take you on a date,” You say quietly, still fisting his shirt, like he might fall away from you if you do so. He chuckles and nods.
“I’ll go wherever you want to take me,” And with that, you can hear the fond tone he regards you with, the softness in his eyes and his features that gives away how deep his own affections run. How you never saw it before, you don’t know, but now it’s clear as day. Probably as clear as your own expressions are, your cheeks blotchy with warmth. Hesitantly, you lean upwards and press your lips against his cheek.
He hums pleasantly, his hand falling from your cheek to rest on your waist again, holding you securely and tighter this time. “Let’s get back to the movie,” He whispers. You nod and snuggle against him again, settling into your spot with ease, like you were meant to be there. You were grateful you’d spoken up now. Maybe the courage would’ve found you again later, but now had been the perfect time in your mind…
| three years later...
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previous | masterlist
the first movie they watched was pride and prejudice (bc i love it and said so)
samu did come home maaaaaaaaaany hours later, but sakusa and y/n had fallen asleep by that point. he got quite a few pictures of them asleep together.
taglist: closed
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tonyspank · 2 years
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Warnings: fluff, kissing, and some bad writing on my end
A/N: sorry for the long wait! i hope you're all doing well.
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series masterlist | main masterlist
It's been a week since Wanda came over to watch The Dick Van Dyke Show with you. If she was being honest with herself, she couldn't get you out of her mind. She fancied your company and little did she know you fancied hers.
She wanted to spend more time with you, as shocking as it sounded. Before Wanda was a closed-off person, someone who kept to herself. Being closed off didn't mean she was a huge asshole to everyone she met, it solely meant if you really wanted to know Wanda you'd have to make an effort to do so.
You weren't going to make an effort anytime soon. The new feeling frightened you. Your heart raced, and your stomach always had a fluttery feeling at the thought of Wanda. Your life was quite boring before a week ago even if you can release energy from your eyes in the form of heat, light, or concussive force and could fly 850 miles per hour... it got pretty boring.
You'd do the same thing every day. Wake up at seven o'clock, cook yourself breakfast, read almost any book you could get your hands on, eat lunch, come home and write about everything that happened in your day. You seemed to forget many things that happened earlier in your life, and you didn't want that to happen as you got older.
What is astonishing is that you didn't write about that night with Wanda. You didn't write about that day at all. You knew you wouldn't forget her, who could ever forget about someone like Wanda?
When you looked into Wanda's eyes you noticed she has seen both happiness and suffering, good and bad, light and dark, you saw there was a story to be told with her, and you wanted to know all of it. Every detail.
Wanda liked how welcoming you were with her, how well-mannered you were, how you listened to what she had to say, and god, don't her started on your laugh. When you laughed, you would always slightly throw your head back, how your eyes closed with a nose scrunch, and that smile wouldn't leave your face until the joke was fully over.
By the time it was noon Wanda had decided to build up enough courage to ask you to dinner, a friendly dinner, or a romantic dinner? She didn't know, to be completely honest any type of dinner with you would be okay with her.
Wanda had clouded your thoughts, badly. You stayed up all night thinking about her, even today when you were cooking your breakfast you found yourself daydreaming of her. Those beautiful green eyes that glowed when she got too focused on the television screen, those alluring pink lips that—
Your toast was more than burnt this morning, if anyone tried to take a bite their teeth would crack most likely. You couldn't make a new slice because you had run out of bread.
So you decided after reading a few chapters in your book you'd go by to the shop for bread and lunch until you only made it through ten pages. Again, due to the fact, that a certain Sokovian was on your mind.
After getting nowhere in your book, you got dressed and ready to leave the house. Once you opened the door your heart dropped.
Wanda awkwardly smiled at your shocked face, "Sorry... is it a bad time?"
You immediately shake your head no, "No— no not at all! I was just heading to the store, what's up?" You smile, trying to reassure her that she wasn't bothering you, she couldn't even if she tried. She nodded to herself as she played with the rings on her fingers, "I was wondering if you'd to have dinner with me tonight?"
You couldn't help but think about how adorable the woman in front of you was, how she came out of her way to ask you for dinner, and you'd taken notice of how nervous she was, yet here she was fighting back that feeling to ask you for a good time.
Wanda's nerves increased when you hadn't responded after a few seconds, so she decided to take it in herself to read your mind. She didn't know if her choice was good or bad. Because it only left her blushing furiously, all because you found her adorable.
"I'd love to have dinner with you, Wanda." A large smile appeared on her face as she released a breath she didn't even know she was holding.
"Does six work for you?" She asked, hopeful. Even if it didn't she'd be more than able to reschedule, she wasn't as busy as you'd expect.
"Six is great." Wanda nods and you follow, a silence falling off you. You and Wanda meet each other's gaze, holding the look. Your eyes saying more than words could ever say.
You clear your throat, breaking the silence along with the shared gaze.
"If you want you could come to the store with me?" You suggested, Wanda moved a bit to the side so you had room to step out and lock your door. "Sure. I don't see why not."
You turned back around with a smile on your face, "Cool."
The walk to the supermarket was short and entertaining, Wanda had been telling you what she's been up to last week. She had almost admitted that she was thinking about you the entire week, but caught herself just in time.
You loved hearing Wanda talk. The way her eyes lit up when she talked about something passionate, like cooking. Or, how her smile would increase once she got a good reaction from you. She could talk about the most boring subject in the world and you'd still wanna hear every word of it, not once getting distracted or losing interest.
"So what are we here to get chef?" You raise a brow at her choice of words. "Chef? Do you not remember me telling you I'm here due to the fact I burnt my last two pieces of toast?"
Wanda giggles as you grab a basket, "Oh! About dinner. Are we going out or?"
"Out. I found this great restaurant not too far from my place." You nod, walking towards the bread aisle.
Wanda sets herself in front of the bread loaves. "Are you a wheat or white bread kind of person?"
"How about both?" She throws you a playful look which you return as she grabs the bread placing them in the cart. "Such a daredevil," You laugh as you take the bread from her hand, placing it into the basket.
The rest of the shopping was fun, you got everything you needed and enjoyed your time with Wanda. She was like a breath of fresh air. Wanda was everything you didn't know you needed.
After walking Wanda back to her place and then arriving to your own, you freaked. Was this a date? Or was this a way of Wanda repaying you for letting her watch her favorite sitcom with you? What were you supposed to wear?
Quickly putting up your groceries you run towards your closet, swiftly moving the obviously bad options out of the way, and throwing the decent options on your bed.
Now here you were hands on your hips, furrowed eyebrows, and over one-thousand outfit patterns going throughout your head.
While on Wanda's side she was on her couch, eating ice cream to buy away time. Her outfit had already been picked out from the previous night, a simple black dress to go along with her black heels.
Very simple, but cute.
She was taking you to a seafood place she had accidentally found a few nights ago. But, she hasn't gotten the chance to ask if you like seafood, it'll be a horrible date if you ended up being allergic.
Maybe that's why Wanda was eating a tub of strawberry ice cream, eating away her stress.
Back on your end you finally decided on an outfit. Black slacks with a clean white button-up. You cannot believe you've been stressing over an outfit just to end up being happy with something so simple. But at least you got it out of your way.
Now it was time to practice what you were going to say on your friendly dinner date.
After hours of stress from both you and Wanda, it was finally six o'clock. Wanda was on her way to your house while you were running around it shoving mints and your mouth and putting on perfume/cologne.
To be fair you weren't exactly late getting dressed. You were already dressed and ready but then you noticed a stain on your shirt so you had to find a new one, but that one ended up being too small.
Then you proceeded to run to the store with a shirt that was way too small for you and buy one that was your size. Talk about commitment.
Wanda knocked on your and then proceeded to take a step back, patiently waiting for you. She couldn't help but smile as she imagined how tonight might go.
Once you heard Wanda knock on your door you quickly ran to a mirror, fixing your hair a bit and checking if your breath was okay. Everything was fine, you looked good, you had your wallet, you had your cellphone, and you knew your lines.
You quickly walk to your door, grabbing a coat from the rack before opening it.
Wanda looked downright jaw-dropping. She actually took your breath away, and the more steps you took towards her felt as if you were getting closer to heaven. The redhead finally noticed you, showing you her picture-perfect smile, which you reciprocated.
"Wow, Wanda you look... stunning." If it was possible, her smile widen. "Likewise." A comfortable silence fell over the two of you as you both examined each other.
"Shall we get going?" You nod, "Of course. Lead the way," Wanda interlocked her arm with yours, walking in the direction of the restaurant. During the walk, you kept asking where you were going but as expected Wanda didn't spill anything. The smile hadn't left your face since you left the house widened, you hadn't used any of the cliché lines you had been practicing.
Your connection with Wanda was just so natural.
"Oh, this place looks fancy," Your eyes roamed around the outside of the seafood restaurant. "Right? I was passing by and knew I had to give it a try."
"I'm glad you invited me." Wanda sent a small smile your way before the two of you made your way into the restaurant. You guys were seated in the back of the restaurant, most of the people were seated near the front. The hostess handed you both a menu and let you know a waiter will be over soon.
"Squid? Never tried that before." Wanda mumbles making you let out a chuckle, "It's not that bad, kind of tastes like a sweeter lobster." Wanda's brows furrow, "Sweet?"
"Not sweet, sweet, but almost like.. less of a seafood taste to it. You should try it!"
"Maybe next time." You smile as your eyes scan the menu once again.
"We should order an appetizer first, I still don't know what I want as my main meal yet." Wanda says, "Yeah, let's do that. I was-" You're interrupted by the waiter, "Hello! Welcome to Gamba, what can I get started for you today?"
"Hi, we're still kind of glancing over the menu, could we order an appetizer first?" Wanda asks the waiter, who smiles nodding. "Of course!"
"I'd like a California roll.." The waiter's eyes move towards you, "Umm.. I'll have a Dragon roll." You read off before lifting your eyes to smile back at the waiter.
"Any drinks?" You flip the menu over and just decide on something simple. "Water is fine."
"Water for me as well." "Alrighty, your food and drinks will be out shortly." You both say "Thank you," before moving into your own conversation.
Wanda felt as if she could talk about anything with you. No matter how stupid or how serious. She felt comfortable around you, and she wanted to show you who she truly was. Inside and out, she wanted to let you know every little detail about her, she even wanted you to know about her powers. Something that she felt so ashamed and embarrassed of. But, there was that voice in her head telling her to tell you, saying "They wouldn't care!"
The last remaining bit of the date was wonderful. Wanda got to know you better and you got to know her better as well. Yet, the two of you didn't tell each other about your powers. Wanda knew soon or later you'd find out on your own, especially if you checked the news about New York.
You and Wanda were again walking on the sidewalk, arms interlocked as you talked about complete nonsense. You stopped walking accidentally pulling Wanda back, who looked at you confused. "Sorry," You mumble out, "I just wanted to thank you for tonight. It's the most fun I've had in a while."
Her green eyes stare into yours as she smiles, her trademark smile playing across her lips. "Thank you for agreeing to come with me. I really like being around you," You smile back at the redhead. And that same comfortable silence fills the air. Yet this time it's different, with more tension. You don't notice Wanda leaning in until the last second, that's when you turn your head moving in closer.
Suddenly, your lips met. As you held onto Wanda's waist, her arms interlocked behind your neck. Everything with Wanda was natural, including the kiss. Your strong desire for each other had finally subsided. As you pull apart, you search for Wanda's expression of regret, but all you see is adoration.
You kiss her more intensely this time, grasping her cheeks with your hands. A moan escaped Wanda as you slid your tongue inside her mouth. Her hands were gripping your jacket so tight her knuckles were turning white, before moving them to roam around your body. You could feel the goosebumps rising from where her hands lingered.
You had forgotten all of your worries, any reason to pull apart was out of the widow. This kiss, this night, and this girl couldn't get any more perfect.
taglist- @justaproudslytherpuff
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anteroom-of-death · 3 months
Not A Bad Saturday
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Synopsis: Quiet Saturday in with Mr and Mrs Malcolm Tucker during a heat wave.
A/n: shameless fluff. Self insert. Yea...also Sam is bisexual. And it's set at the beginning of s4. I am not a well woman.
The thermometer on your window crept up into the upper-thirties. You had your portable air conditioning blasting in the living room, but it was too damn hot still. If not for the man laying on the sofa fanning himself with a file-folder needing to keep all eyes on his phone and television, you would’ve stripped down past your boxers and tank top.
None such luck.
It was a Saturday, but the work was never done…
You set yourself up in the kitchen and began lunch. Perhaps it would be a welcome reset.
Nothing complex, just a bunch of vegetables in some vinegar and oil with some soft cheese from the fridge. A bit of crusty bread ripped from it’s loaf. Nothing special. Your soul would repel itself from your body if you dared with any appliances.
You looked again, it had just hit forty. This damn heatwave was threatening to kill you.
You suddenly had great sympathy for all the snotty office drones in those buildings that had to maintain a dress code. Not you though, couldn’t be fucking you.
You started to slice up a watermelon and placed it in the fridge for snacks later. The chilled slices would be absolutely crucial if the temperature got any hotter.
You offered him a plate and he started picking at it as he went to send a particularly vile voice-mail to that Nicola woman.
You had met her a few times and she seemed dull as eraser crumbs. However she got her position in life was beyond you!
Being Missus Malcolm Tucker had many Perks, but those were the Draws. All dressed in a nice dress, surrounded by dull people whom had you willing to open a major artery.
You didn’t know how he did it day in and day out.
At least you felt like you were the glowing star at those events. After the initial controversy of his and your age-gap had worm off, you’d taken to stride your rare, but dutiful role as ‘Politics wife at a public event.’
The pay-off afterwards for dealing with them was always your favorite part.
On the now, you flopped down on your favorite chair and pulled lightly at your tank top to get the cool air in your body a bit easy. You grabbed a book and started flipping through it.
Eventually, you heard your husband power off his phone and click the telly off.
“Enough of that.” He declared. “Christ, it’s so fucking hot out!”
You nodded along.
“Want to go out to the terrace? There fresh air may help. Being cooped up does no one good…” You reasoned with your husband.
“Aye. That’ll do.” He peeled himself off his space on the sofa and got up with a groan and stretch. You caught a small glimpse of his midriff and you had several thoughts that you would have acted out on if not for the heat.
“What’s that face for?” He inquired.
“Wouldn’t you like to know…” You rolled your eyes and cracked your neck.
He just shook his head and wandered out and you grabbed the chilled fruit from the fridge.
You also grabbed him a drink. The man was severely close to being dehydrated and had the diet of a hummingbird. How he raged on for decades on Red Bull and Curly-Wurly’s without any A&E trips was beyond your comprehension.
And kept his body so thin…
A man of many mysteries.
“So I was thinking of us taking a holiday soon.” He said once you sat down on the chair next to him.
“Fair. Better be somewhere glacial. I won’t live if it’s like London.” You jokingly put out guidelines.
“Ah, no, a fucking all-expenses paid trip to Hoth!”
“You’ve been hanging around that Reeder boy too much.” You sarcastically laughed as your lips pursed.
“He might replace me.”
“And that’s how we know the end times are near…”
Malcolm not working? Perish the thought! His brief forced resignation nearly killed him. As much as he loathed the job and all it’d players, it did give him a sense of duty.
It was good when men had hobbies, right?
“That it fucking would be.”
You nodded.
“Drink.” You ordered.
“Fine.” He responded with petulance.
You started munching on the watermelon and staring blithely across the garden.
“What about Iceland? We can go to the thermal baths and hunt puffins. It’s got to be cooler there. And aren’t there no mosquitoes? Spa time would be…relaxing.” You scrounged around in your brain for information on the country. It was only a short flight to and from. A short holiday.
“You’re always trying to get me out of my clothes.” He laughed in a faux-accusatory tone.
Your tongue rested on your teeth, twisted. “Uh-huh.” As if you were confessing to some great crime.
“Just skating past my puffin hunting remark? Damn.”
“My very best.”
You shook your head, “King of Spin." You muttered as you picked up a book you’d left outdoors last night. Some sordid little number about vampires and werewolves that came out a while ago that you had been meaning to read, but it kept escaping you. It was pure trash, but it was entertaining.
“I’ll ring Sam and see if she has any ideas, her and her fiancée recently did some ten-day cruise around the Elbe. Maybe they have some fucking idea on how to escape…”
“Give Sam and Zara my love.” You called out as you barely looked up from your book.
He went out to the garden to do a chat and multitasked by putting freshly-ripened veg and fruits on your terrace table. It took about five minutes but the conversation quickly (from what it sounded like…) veered into some catastrophe involving that bald man who’s eyes you felt were like crab shells. Jamie’s name came up a bit. And some emails.
“Good fucking riddance, Nicholson is out.” He beamed. “I’ll go get some salt, these are best enjoyed fresh off the vine, eaten like apples.” He showed you a tomato and you snickered.
How quickly he was able to change gears these days. At the start of your relationship it seemed like you were the side piece against the literal British government. Surely, he was falling fast for you, but damn, that bitch was jealous and didn’t like you being the apple of Malcolm’s eye…
It was always going to be something, but so long as you gave him peace and indulged him his emotions, it was working out. He could go so fast from work-mode to home-mode now.
He returned quickly with the salt and bit a chunk out and sprinkled a pinch on.
He was right. It was good.
“Sam said your idea of a spa trip in Iceland was very overdue.”
“Ah, yeah, well, Sam’s smart. She knows what’s up.”
“Best damn PA, no one deserves her.”
You knew. Sam was lovely. Too cool and smart to be just a personal assistant. You reckoned she was the glue holding Number 10 together. And the fact that she was very gorgeous and very capable of giving anyone their shit right back at them? Admirable. She was untouchable and you wanted to be her when you grew up.
“Not a bad Saturday, eh?” Your husband said, finally back, content in his chair. There was a slight breeze now.
You agreed.
Not a bad Saturday, indeed.
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