#and not the fact that they’re literal magic bending wizards
ignisnocturnalia · 3 years
Ushdhsjdhei those Nokris hcs had me SWEATING they were so good! I’m not sure if you’re taking requests currently, but if you are, could we have some for Oryx please? At any rate, I hope you have a lovely day! 🥰
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Oryx was on my personal list next, so this request lines up PERFECTLY 😏 I hope you've been having good days as well, my friend 😎
Oryx x Reader
As the Taken King, congratulations, you are now the Taken Queen and most likely an ✨outlaw✨ to the city
Things might get a little dicey, since before you came along he viewed “loving” as killing the object of his affections repeatedly… (I have the anthologies, bro has killed his siblings like 3 times not even halfway through the book while gushing about how much he cares about them)
Takes you to the different planets he’s conquered, detailing their indiginous species before he had them annihilated whenever you ask about them (including war moons)
Tries to help you create your own throne world, and if you can’t or don’t want to, he shares his with you
Just the same as him, Hive kneel to you, and though unnecessary you receive a part of the upward stream of power acquired through their Sword Logic per Oryx’s command
Even though you might not understand the culture very well, your words will still carry hefty weight; be mindful of what you say, it could literally get a solar system erased
It’s highly unlikely, but on the rare occasion that you’d have a run in with one of his siblings he’s ready to challenge their doubts about you being his mate
Since you don’t use the power given to you and Oryx doesn’t restrict what you use it on, the fastest way for you to befriend his soldiers is by dangling favors just within reach; the Thralls act like cats to you in the absence of the King, and Wizards flock to you so you can see their accomplishments and be impressed by their work enough to give them a boost in their hierarchical climb
Oryx has, in fact, made a throne beside his for you and frequently invites you to help him study the Darkness; he thinks your cluelessness of the universe is cute, but he is determined to get you to understand what he means when he speaks of “The Final Shape”
You have your own fleet, no questions asked. If you’re going to be his Queen, he wants you to grow your influence across space so your name becomes known and feared as equally as his is
NSFW 👁👄👁
I have a supreme feeling, that as the “King of Shapes”, Oryx can totally shift between a female morph and a male morph especially since he used to be female
Pays close attention to what makes you squirm, can and will make you come through touching alone
Prefers being dominant, but will give you opportunities to feel like you’re in control
Don’t care how tall you are, size difference will exist and he digs it in the sack, bonus if he can see his outline on the skin of your stomach
His wings twitch and shudder a lot, and they’re quite sensitive to light touches, so if you can reach them  d o  i t 
He is very rough, prepare to lose your legs for ~1 week. If he’s feeling generous for whatever reason he will be a little more gentle, but it’s almost unnoticeable
Likes it when you try to scratch his chitin, and will be very vocal if you can actually cause any amount of damage
He is a big fan of overstimulation, as well as teasing, so you’re either going to be over the moon and unable to speak or begging for him to do something
A human’s flexibility has him totally enraptured, and every chance he gets he will put you into the most questionable, and sometimes uncomfortable, positions just to see the way your body will bend
You merked basically all of his children and annihilated quite a few of his high ranking soldiers; if that isn’t a testament to your strength and worthiness, what is? He thinks it’s extremely arousing, and biology be damned he will figure out a way to breed you so he can have his strongest heirs yet
You both make certain auras with your powers, so if you’re ever at different places on his Dreadnaught you send waves of Light and Dark to each other; normal Hive are jarred by the Light you send out until they realize it’s just you and not a massive assault from Earth’s Guardians
When you two sit together, he makes a point of allowing you to rest your hand on top of his or interlock your fingers
Oryx leans over a lot whenever you want to give him a smooch, like damn,  you wanna give him back problems you tiny ass person?
While he definitely isn’t going to understand and will think it’s childish, he does let you decorate his horns occasionally (flowers, precious metals, etc)
Once you get used to it, he has you go with him to check on planets being conquered. Nothing boosts incentive better than having your King and Queen watching your progress! Even if the work is insufficient for his tastes, you can usually dampen punishments; some Hive regard it as human softness, but countless others will grovel at your feet in gratefulness later
You two spend freetime with sword dueling- if you don’t know how to properly fight, he’s more than eager to teach you
He postpones his invasions in the Sol system in regards to your feelings on the subject, but he always has an excuse ready to go; however, give him an inch and he will go a mile. If he’s under the impression that you don’t care enough or prioritize him over your race, he will push his work full force
While he prefers not to, he’ll basically never let you sleep or nap with him; he doesn’t need or want sleep in the same way that you do, so he thinks it’s a waste of time, and he only likes it because of your warmth
Should you try to dip into Hive magic, he will watch your growth with tremendous pride and help where he can, even sending in Wizards with similar talents to help cultivate your skills
Enjoys holding your shoulders and pressing your body close to his in more private moments because it makes him feel big even though you could totally cripple him in a 1v1
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Hobbit Tricks
Hello everyone. I submitted a microfiction to a fan fiction contest. Thank you @studiocitypsychic​ for helping me edit this! You’re amazing! I hope everyone enjoys it:  Buildings didn’t blaze with fire. Frogs weren’t raining down upon the city. Sidhe queens stayed clear of duking it out tonight. I intended to keep it that way.
If the fate of the world isn’t hanging in the balance, I’d typically spend this day of the year curled up enjoying my comfortable recliner, a cup of cocoa in one hand, book in the other, fireplace burning brightly in the background as I reveled in being the Grinch of Halloween. This holiday is all well and good when you’re not me.
Who am I? I’m the only wizard in the Chicago phone book, Harry Dresden. To say this day’s my least favorite is putting it mildly. This year I couldn’t just attempt to ignore it. No more fireplace, basement apartment, or staying in. I’m a dad, and there are certain responsibilities a single parent needs to live up to. It might not be saving Earth from becoming an undead paradise, but it’s still important. Tonight I’d be escorting two Hobbits and an ax-wielding Foo dog on an epic adventure to claim unspeakably valuable treasure…
Father mode engaged as I let my baby girl help me get my fake bushy white eyebrows glued on. Maggie insisted they were absolutely necessary with the wig and beard. My beautiful little girl dressed up as Frodo. She had little makeup freckles on her cheeks, the elven cloak, and the iconic clothing made from what I guessed might be a pattern based on the movies, with lots of grays, greens, and browns. On top of that they’d picked out boots a few sizes too big and decorated them to look like Hobbit feet.
Scratching my jaw a little I determined I would not disappoint her by complaining about my costume she and Charity Carpenter made. Maggie and the Carpenters spent weeks on these outfits. No matter how itchy fake facial hair and wigs could be, not a single negative word would come out of my mouth about it. Anyway, I rarely get to dress up like one of my favorite fictional wizards, and this made both Maggie and me happy. Mouse wore a helmet, fake plastic ax, and that big goofy doggy grin of his. He couldn’t help it as he noticed how much Maggie enjoyed all of this.
Hope or another one of the Carpenter kids normally lead the trick-or-treating. They’d instead volunteered to help with Father Forthill’s trunk-or-treat at the church this year. Maggie and Hank demanded an old-fashioned door-to-door experience instead. I couldn’t lie about the fact that taking Maggie trick-or-treating made my heart grow three sizes.
We picked up Hank, and he brought out a map the Carpenter kids developed over years of experience of the best houses to get candy from. And with that, Sam, Frodo, Gandalf, and Gimli were off on an adventure. Now and then I’d whisper a spell, and Maggie’s plastic version of Sting would glow with a pale blue light. It delighted her and the surrounding kids. One house gave the kids full-sized candy bars as the adults complimented the costumes.
“Dad! Look!” she hurried over to show me. The large boots decorated to resemble Hobbit feet made running or walking tricky. She still half-waddled impressively fast. I whistled and smiled as she held up the candy bar.
“Seems the costumes impressed them. You did an amazing job, kiddo. I mean, these costumes couldn’t be more perfect. Starting to dig the beard. Maybe I should keep this look, huh?” I stroked the fake beard and tried impersonating that knowing stare into the distance Sir Ian McKellen used in the movies.
She giggled, hurrying off towards the next house, Mouse and Hank right by her side and me just behind. No way would those kids leave my sight. Her eyes lit up each time she said ‘trick or treat’. Every few houses she brought her bag over to show off the bounty of the adventure. It made painful memories wash away little by little. Soon we ran out of houses on the map. We were all loaded into the car as Hank checked his watch. I half expected him to jokingly call the watch ‘my precious’.
“Hey, Harry, isn’t there anywhere else you can take us? It’s still super early,” he pleaded as they buckled up.
“That’s all the places on the map, kiddo,” I replied, thinking about how fast we got through it, and blaming it on the kids’ energy and excitement.
“Nowhere else, dad?” I might not have seen it since I kept an eye on the road, but my dad senses felt the pout Maggie had while asking that.
“Alright, fine. Off to Helm’s Deep,” I grinned, changing direction to head to Murph’s house.
When we got there Murphy wasn’t home. There were no signs of foul play from what I could see. She might be at a party. I didn’t expect that with her injuries, but I’m not her keeper. I had really wanted to see her tonight, and couldn’t help the slight ache in my chest. Oh well, on to try Waldo’s place.
I gave a few quick knocks on Butters’ door when we arrived before waiting for an answer. No answer. He might be busy with knight business or his job. He enjoyed working late. Billy and Georgia were the next destination. They also weren’t home.
Before going to Thomas’ apartment, I called him. No answer. He and Justine were likely at a White Court party or busy with other activities. I’d rather not chance interrupting them with two kids in tow.
Back in the car, I noticed that Maggie and Hank were being remarkably quiet. Maybe they were bored. I tried to think about where else we might go. The church was a good option since they had set up games for the kids.
“Hey, sorry, it’s a bust. We’ll head to the church and see what they’re up-”
“No!” the two kids blurted out, interrupting me.“I mean, uh, I think I’d rather head home and you and Maggie could stay over and watch a scary movie or something?” Hank asked.
I turned to glance at the two of them and noticed Maggie change her attention to Mouse, away from Hank’s watch. The way they kept hovering over it, they reminded me of the Hobbits and the One Ring. Hopefully Maggie wouldn’t attempt biting off Hank’s entire hand to get it.
“Uh-huh… You two are up to something,” I said and narrowed my eyes.
“We don’t want the adventure to end just yet. We haven’t even been to Mordor,” Hank chimed with a half smile.
I needed to keep them safe from watching anything nightmare inducing or Charity’d mince me up and bake me into meat pies Sweeny Todd style. Out of the many monsters I’ve fought, I’d rather face them over her. Soon we parked in front of the Carpenters’ home. A shiver ran up my spine from the eeriness of Michael’s house with all the lights off. I thought at least one of the Carpenters would be home. Before I could ask Hank anything both the Hobbits rushed out trailed by the furry Gimli.
“Hey!” I shouted, not wanting to lose sight of them.
Why were they running off knowing how dangerous tonight of all nights could be? Might just be heading to the backyard to play, but it was still Halloween. Even knowing literal angels protected Michael’s property, my chest felt tight with worry when I couldn’t see the kids.
Once I entered the backyard, a bunch of lights blinded me.
“SURPRISE!” voices echoed in the night.
My eyes adjusted and I saw everyone and all the decorations they set up. The Carpenter family arranged themselves behind the table everyone had gathered around. I noticed Butters hanging out with the wolf pack to one side of the table. Murphy sat up in a chair with her crutches close by. Thomas and Justine were even there, wearing modest clothing and standing next to Murphy. The large cake on the table featured a t-rex picture on top, probably Butters’ idea. Next to it were plates and forks. A cooler filled with different soda sat next to the table. To top everything else off, the Monster Mash played in the background.
I felt Maggie hug my leg. Bending down, I picked her up and wrapped her into an even bigger hug. She kissed my cheek and wrapped her arms around my neck as I held her close. Everyone had planned this together. They set me up. Michael brought out an old Polaroid camera to take pictures. Wizards don’t photograph well on most modern equipment.
“You sneaky little hobbitses,” I tried to say in my best Gollum impression before sniffling as the fake beard tickled my nose. “You tricked me.”
That smile she gave me made me feel… Well, let’s just say if it were sunny out I could have used magic to catch daylight in a handkerchief.
“Happy birthday, dad.”
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strwbrryeos · 5 years
The Magic Shop (M)
SUMMARY; Your mother always told you magic came at a price. You should’ve listened. Well, at least you got revenge on that stupid shapeshifter Yoongi.
Genre : smut, angst, magic!au
Pairing : witch!Reader x shapeshifter!Yoongi
Contains : rough sex, grinding, nipple play, unprotected sex, you’re soulmates Jungkook said so, oral, hand job, creampie, enemies to lovers, major character death, lotta angst, sorry not sorry, dirty talk, praise kink, minor dom!Yoongi, finger sucking
Links removed! Please visit my blog for the master list!
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Yoongi can feel the wind rushing under him; it’s almost as amazing as how free he feels. He loves this. Loves as the air bends around him, doing his bidding and keeping him afloat.
His favorite thing, however, has to be the fact that for a time, he can forget about you.
Well, that is until he lands to find you scowling at him with a very grumpy face. Terrible.
“Min Yoongi!” you screech, causing passersby to nearly jump out of their skin.
Yoongi huffs, shedding his owl form for that of a handsome, young man. So much for the freedom. “What?” he groans. “I’m here, aren’t I?” He shoves his way past you and into the store, ignoring the way your eyes burn holes into his back. Or at least, he tries to ignore it. But then he’s acutely aware of how his back hurts and oh my god is that smoke?
“Y/N!” he screams in panic, “stop it! Stop it!”  
“What? You seem―”
“Y/N!” shouts a new voice, distant and annoyed. “Stop setting your coworker on fire!”
With a dissatisfied sigh and a snap of your fingers, the flame on Yoongi’s back disappears, though the new scorch marks on his shirt aren’t much better. “Really?” he asks, and he has half a mind to turn into a wolf right now and snap your neck. Maybe next time.
“Next time don’t be late,” you say with a simple shrug.
“Are you just mad because I bit you last time?”
“You could’ve given me rabies!”
“For the last time, Y/N, I don’t have rabies!”
“That’s exactly what a person with rabies would say.”
“You’re insufferable.”
“And I hate you.”
You and Yoongi work as you always do: in perfect tandem but complete silence. Part of the reason that the wizard you work for hasn’t fired either of you yet is because, despite how absolutely morbidly you get along, you work fine as long as you don’t talk. The wizard likes it that way anyway.
He hired the both of you about two years ago; you, for your wonderful knack for magic and Yoongi for his healing abilities as a shapeshifter. The perfect duo to run an all-needs magic shop.
It’s too bad you hate each other, though.
The wizard, Seokjin, comes down from his lot, shaking his head at the two of you as he watches you work. “Still nothing, huh?” he asks with a laugh. “You’d think you’d get along better after so much time together.”
“Maybe we would if she weren’t such a―”
“I will literally give you fleas,” you cut him off, causing Seokjin to roll his eyes in exasperation.
“You know, part of what makes a good magician is being able to work with other people,” he says as he begins shuffling through the day’s schedule. “It’s important, especially if you’re gonna be a healer.”
“I have good people skills,” Yoongi huffs. “It’s this one who doesn’t.”
“It’s only when I’m around you,” you reply without so much as looking up from your pot. You turn to Seokjin, changing the subject. “I brewed the first potion of the day already,” you say, gesturing to your work. “The customer will be here to pick it up in about twenty minutes. I can get working on the next one if you want.”
Seokjin nods in approval. “Good work. Looks perfect. But I think I’ll do the next. You get started on the three o’clock appointment.”
“Sure thing.”
“And Yoongi,” he says, turning his attention to the man as he fiddles with his burnt shirt, “I’m pretty sure there’s a unicorn coming in later. Take care of that, would you?”
“You got it, Boss.”
Seokjin throws him a thumbs up, fixing his shirt in the process, before giving a few final instructions and vanishing into the air. You return to your work in silence, humming what is, to Yoongi’s ears, incoherent gibberish. It makes his ears ring, though magic spells always seem to have that kind of effect on his much-too-sensitive senses. Your hands wave in a defined yet random way over the cauldron until it turns the perfect shade of glass blue. Despite the annoyed rumbling deep in his chest that comes from being near you, Yoongi can’t help deny that you always look your best when you’re working. Maybe it’s because you’re not talking either.
Where you deal with the potions and the spells and magic items (seriously, why do talking cloaks even exist?), Yoongi specializes in magical nature, whether it be plants or animals or that really weird growth on a person’s skin that they swear is whispering stupid pick-up lines to them when they’re trying to fall asleep. He pokes around the greenhouse, checking in on his new batch of nightshade and making sure to give the silver orchids extra water. He whistles while he works, and a few of the live-in fairies come to pay him a visit from their gardens.
“How are you, Yoongi?” asks one delicately, fluttering in front of his face.
He smiles at the creature, her wings sparkling in the sunlight but so paper-thin that they’re nearly invisible, and says, “Better now that you’re here,” and the little fairy zips away in shyness. Another fairy appears, opting to sit on Yoongi’s shoulder as the shapeshifter makes his way towards the back of the greenhouse.
“How’s your coworker?” he asks.
Yoongi grunts in response, the thing in his chest growling in annoyance. “Always the worst.”
“Eh, I like her.”
“Still don’t understand why.”
“She’s cool! You should get to know her. I think you guys would make good friends.”
The other fair reappears, taking her place on Yoongi’s opposite shoulder. “Doubt it! Yoongi is nice! Y/N is not!”
“Oh, you’re just biased ‘cause he paid you a nice compliment!”
“I can pay you a compliment too, if you’d like, Novus,” Yoongi says with a soft laugh, and the small creature is blushing, angry at having been so easily charmed.
“Whatever,” the fairy scoffs. “Y/N is a good witch. You’re just angry.”
“And you’re not?” cries his female counterpart. “I don’t understand why you defend her. She doesn’t even come in here.”
“That’s cause this big ol’ shifter here won’t let her. How do you think she gets her spell ingredients?”
Yoongi jumps a little in realization. “So you’re the one that’s been taking from my supplies!”
“It’s not taking if it’s from my own home!”
“I guess,” chuckles Yoongi, really not caring but glad to have solved that mystery. “We’re not gonna be friends, though, Novus.”
“I think you two have more in common than you think?”
“Like what?”
“They don’t have anything!”
“Stay out of this, West!” The grouchy fairy continues. “You’re both here to help people, for starters.”
“So we have one career interest. Doesn’t make her more appealing.”
“I know you both like music.”
“Everybody likes music!”
“And you’re magical.”
“Everybody is magical, Novus!” laughs an exasperated Yoongi. “Look, let me just go water the shrooms and then I’ll leave you two alone, okay?”
“No, no, please take West with you. She never shuts up about you.”
“Novus!” West exclaimes, embarrassed and scandalized. “Be quiet.”
Yoongi only shakes his head, ignoring the bickering fairies that stay perched on his shoulders. A few gnomes come to greet him, but they’re quick to leave, annoyed by the chattering of the winged creatures. After Yoongi attends to the shrooms (during which the damned things wouldn’t shut up about how he and you were destined for life, claiming they could see into his soul), he retreats from the greenhouse and back into the real world.
He finds you in the shop, busily attending five different customers, and he already knows he’s going to get hell for this as soon as they’re done. “Hello, how can I help you?” he asks, rushing down the wooden steps. The customer glares at you before returning a friendly grin to Yoongi.
“Finally some service around here! I need to pick up an order. Heat suppressants for a young hybrid.”
“Sure thing,” Yoongi says, moving to the counter. “Name?”
“Lee Daesong.”
“Got it.”
Yoongi turns around, shuffling through the wooden cabinets behind him. He pulls out a small sack where the name “Lee Daesong” is printed in fine, gold ink. Yoongi hands it the man and he returns a smile and a handful of gold pieces.
“Thanks. Have a good day.”
“You too. Come back soon.”
Yoongi watches as you help an old witch with a spell before escorting her out of the shop, and you close the door with an exasperated sigh, whipping around to face your co-worker. He’s expecting you to yell, but instead he’s greeted with cold silence. You seethe instead, sitting down at your workstation and ignoring him entirely.
He rolls his eyes in annoyance. “Not even gonna talk to me now?”
“I have nothing to say.”
“Y/N,” the shifter whines, standing in front of your desk. “For fucks sake, we work together!”
“C’mon, really?”
You look up, staring him in the eye as your finger flicks the air, turning the pages of the book for you. “You left me to deal with five angry customers all on my own, and Seokjin is probably gonna hear about it and have my head!”
“Look, I’ll vouch, okay? My fault.”
“Yeah,” you scoff, “as if. We all know he loves you.”
“Loves me? You’re his prodigy student!” Yoongi exclaims, and he can feel his blood beginning to heat up.
You stand up, glaring at him. “Whatever. Just make sure it doesn’t happen again.”
“Yeah. Whatever,” Yoongi retorts before stomping off. You hear the distinct slam of the greenhouse door, and you sit back down in a huff.
It’s not like Yoongi is a bad person. He’s a great person. Hell, he’s perfect. And maybe that’s what pissed you off so much about him.
You liked him when you first met him. You might’ve even harbored a small crush on him. But after years of being groomed as the “prodigy student,” the girl destined for greatness, it irked you to find someone so good at magic―and so easily praised by your idol. Working for the Wizard Seokjin is a dream come true, but he never seems to have time for you. He might give you a passive nod after a potion well-done, but all Yoongi needs to do is smile at him and all of a sudden he’s getting cakes and cookies and a new plant to take care of.
Quite simply, you hated that. So you hated him.
The only good thing that came out of meeting Yoongi was the fact that you push yourself to be the best you can be every single day. You practice your magic into long, dark hours, ignoring the pulse of your head after so many spells. Magic flows from your fingers with incredible ease, and everywhere but the shop, at least, you are praised for it. At least something was worth it.
As the sun finally set to reveal a shimmering night sky, Yoongi flips the shop’s sign to “closed,” and you both begin packing up for the evening. Seokjin returns, his arms stuffed to the brim of all kinds of wacky looking plants and contraptions. Yoongi rushes to help him, ending up with a hoard of stuff that piled high and obscured his vision.
You crack a smile until Yoongi says, “I can feel your happiness. Stop it.”
Seokjin sets down his bags before taking the load off, one by one, and ratting off each thing’s use. “This one,” he says, holding up a clear jar with red fluid sloshing around in it, “is siren’s blood. Straight from the Seventh Sea. Pretty isn’t it? See the way it glitters?”
“Gross,” Yoongi says, his nose scrunching in distaste. “I can smell it through the jar.”
“What’s it for?” you ask.
“Really good for curses,” Seokjin replies as he stashes it away. “It’s pretty potent stuff. Good for enemies.”
“Thanks for the tip.”
“It’s not to be used on innocent shapeshifters!” Yoongi pipes up, not liking the idea of you having access to such a thing.
“You act as if I would hurt you―”
Both Seokjin and Yoongi interrupt you with a sharp look.
“―on purpose! You didn’t let me finish!”
“The ‘innocent shapeshifter’ is right, Y/N. No curses.” Yoongi smiles triumphantly until the wizard says, “And you’re not allowed to use it to make yourself into some terrifying, super animal, okay?”
“Wait, I can do that?”
“Don’t give him ideas!” you shout.
“Enough, enough,” Seokjin says with a dismissive wave of his hands. “Gods, you two really don’t know when to cut it out, do you? No matter. I’ll see you both bright and early in the morning! Now get out. I can’t stand the sound of you two arguing.”
You and Yoongi give him a sheepish grin and utter your goodbyes before exiting the shop. The streets have a wispy, yellow glow to them, courtesy of the streetlights. You see a few pixies flying near the rooftops, dancing to a tune that you can’t hear.
“Gonna stand there the entire night?” asks Yoongi from behind you, ruining the serenity of the moment.
“Not as long as you’re here,” you reply cooly. You step away from him, turning to head home. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Don’t be afraid to call in sick.”
“And make your day? Wouldn’t dream of it.”
Yoongi watches you go, shaking his head in irritation. You hear the sound of him morphing, but when you turn around, his figure is long gone. You shrug, continuing down the quiet street on your own. You pass stores and boutiques, markets and taverns before arriving at a cozy cafe on the street’s corner.
The bell on the door jingles as you push your way in, and a fluffy, two-headed puppy bounds its way up to you. You squat down in excitement, cooing and petting the dog until a shadow appear over you.
“I swear he likes you more than me. One day he’s just gonna leave with you.”
“If that’s the case I can consider my life a successful one. Hi, Taehyung.”
“Dork,” he says with a cheesy grin, pulling you into a hug. “How was work?”
“Hate that guy.”
Taehyung rolls his eyes and laughs, walking back towards the counter, his cloak flowing behind him. “He’s a good guy,” he says as he turns on the latte machine. “I don’t know what you have against him.”
You groan. “Can everyone stop telling me he’s such a great guy? I’m over it!”
“Well, he is. Sorry.”
“Taehyungie,” you whine. “You’re supposed to be my best friend. Take my side for once!”
“As your best friend it is my legal obligation to tell you when you should shut the fuck up and make friends with the guy.”
You huff, sitting in a chair with Cosmo comfortably seated in your lap. “That’s it. Cosmo is my new best friend.”
“Fine. Yoongi is mine.”
“You wouldn’t dare!”
Taehyung shrugs, bringing back a latte for you and a juice for himself. “I’ve known him forever. He’s a good friend.”
“Better than me?”
“No,” Taehyung snorts, “you both are terrible. Always complaining about each other and never doing anything about it.”
Cosmo hops off of your lap to snuggle up next to his owner. Taehyung alternates between heads, scratching them both behind the ears.
“Oh, he talks about me?”
“Don’t let it inflate your ego. He’s just telling me about what a bad person you are. You two seriously need to think about couple’s therapy. It’s been two years.”
“Look, Y/N, in all seriousness, I love you both. Sure, I’ve known you longer, but I’d be lying if I said Yoongi wasn’t a good friend.” He pauses to sip his drink. “But if you both are going into the same career, which is, keep in mind, healing, then you need to learn to work with people you don’t like.”
“Yeah, but Yoongi is―”
“Is a person that you’re spending a lot of time with, like it or not. Might as well make the most of the situation.”
You slump in your chair, suddenly feeling very childish. You love Taehyung, but you hate how he’s always right. He’s too damn smart. “I knew I should’ve talked to Hoseok today.”
“Really?” Taehyung laughs. “The man’s a sadist! He’d be giving you the worst advice possible.”
“Well, maybe that’s what I need.”
“Oh, fuck off, Y/N. C’mon. Try it my way first. Then, if it really, really sucks, you can go talk to the witchdoctor and see what he has to say.”
“Fine, fine. But only because I love you.”
“Mmhmm, I love you, too. Now go. Namjoon’s coming to pick me up.”
“Oh?” you say as you stand. “How’s that going?”
“Would probably go better if you weren’t here when he showed up!” he exclaims as he about shoves you out the door.
“Okay, okay, okay! Bye, Taehyung.”
“Bye, Y/N. Let me know how it goes tomorrow, okay?”
“Will do. Can I take Cosmo with me?”
“Not a chance.”
Against Taehyung’s wishes, you show up at Hoseok’s door anyway, and he greets you with a mischievous smile. “Can I do something for you, Y/N?”
“Yeah,” you laugh. “I need a curse.”
You take a deep breath before entering the shop, trying to swallow the last of your pride. Taehyung is right, you know it. You just need to be the bigger person.
You climb the steps, and the door opens with a soft creak. Yoongi is already there, humming quietly as he organizes his plants. There’s a fairy napping on his shoulder, but she flies out of sight as soon as she hears you.
Yoongi looks up, expecting a snide remark, but he’s pleasantly surprised when all you say is, “Good morning.”
“Good morning.”
“Do anything fun last night?” you ask as you rifle through the papers that Seokjin has left at your desk.
“I―uh, yeah. Visited some friends.”
“Cool, me too.” You sit down, your eyebrows scrunched in concentration as you take in the information before you. Most of the papers are written in Ancient Draconian, and you can’t for the life of you remember what the squiggly symbol means.
“Hey, uh,” Yoongi interrupts you, waving a hand in front of your face.
You look up in confusion, not expecting to see him standing so close. “Yeah? What?”
“Are you okay?”
“What do you mean?”
“You’re just… acting really nice, is all.”
Your cheeks flush and you look back down, averting his gaze. “I just figure that we should be nicer to each other is all.”
Yoongi chuckles and shakes his head. Taehyung. He points to the squiggly symbol on the paper. “Mix thoroughly.”
You pause, not quite registering that Min Yoongi just willingly helped you. “Oh. Thanks.”
“No problem.”
He turns around, going back to work. The fairy from before is now hiding in his hair, eyeing you suspiciously. “She’s up to something,” West whispers just loud enough for Yoongi to hear.
“Don’t be so cynical.”
The two of you are doing your own thing in silence until Seokjin pops into the shop with a loud whap. He stops immediately, watching as the two of you work peacefully. “Did someone die?”
“Nope. Just trying something new.”
Seokjin narrows his eyes, glancing feverishly between the two of you. “It’s weird. I don’t like it.”
“You don’t like us getting along?” you ask.
“What can I say? I must’ve gotten used to two years worth of unnecessary yelling.” The two of you say nothing as he begins his ascent up the stairs. Halfway up, he halts before saying, “You’re not fucking, are you?”
Seokjin puts his hands up in defense. “Sorry, sorry. Felt like I had to ask.” And with that, he disappears.
The air is thick with uncomfortable tension until someone walks in, and you both breathe in relief. It’s an attractive young man, dressed in a suit of fine, red silk and a black robe. He fiddles with his watch before turning his attention towards you.
“I’m here to pick up a potion.”
“O-Oh, yes. Sorry. Uh, name?”
“Jeon Jungkook. Can I also pick up a few ingredients while I’m here?”
“Sure. Yoongi can help you with that.”
Yoongi hops beside you, giving the visitor a gracious smile. “What are you looking for today, Sir?”
“Mm, a few things. Fairy wings, golden nightshade, black shrooms, and a couple of unicorn tears.”
“Sure,” Yoongi says with a nod. “The fairy wings and unicorn tears are here, and if you prefer, you can pick out the nightshade and shrooms yourself.”
“I would like that very much, yes.”
“Follow me then.”
Yoongi leads Jungkook to the greenhouse, and the two of them walk in silence until Jungkook says, “So how long have you and Y/N been together?”
Yoongi stops, eyes wide. “I―uh. What? We’re not… How do you know her name?”
“Oh, my bad,” Jungkook says with a small laugh. “Sometimes it’s hard to tell the future from the present.”
“I’m a seer. Sorry if that wasn’t clear. I can see people as they are now and who they’re going to become. Trying to work on seeing people in the past, but that’s a bit tricky. Everybody’s hidden themselves away.”
“So,” Yoongi says as he leads them towards the field of nightshade, “you’re telling me that we… me and Y/N… we become a couple?”
“Should I not have said anything?”
“No I just… We hate each other.”
“Hate? Doesn’t seem like it.”
“What are you talking about? There’s not a single day that she and I have ever gotten along.”
Jungkook smiles and sticks his hands in his pockets. Yoongi thinks he looks infuriatingly calm. “She envies you. You admire her. Your ‘hate’ is just a miscommunication. Plus your souls are practically yearning to be together. I thought it was obvious.”
They stop at the nightshade garden, and Jungkook begins picking his way through them, leaving a dumbfounded Yoongi to process this information alone. “So we’re… soulmates?” Yoongi asks quietly as Jungkook picks his plant.
“Yep,” the seer says quite nonchalantly. “But beyond that it’s kind of blurry. Not sure why.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I don’t know. It’s blurry. What more do you want me to say?”
“I’m not a mage. I don’t know what ‘blurry’ means.”
“It means I can’t see. I can see images. I see you two together. But beyond that it’s all very hazy. It’s blurry.”
“Sounds like a lot of projection to me,” Yoongi replies as he leads the young seer to the shroom patch. “Did Taehyung put you up to this?”
“Oh, you know Taehyung? I love that guy! His dog is super cute too.”
“He did, didn’t he?”
Jungkook laughs again. “Certainly not. Taehyung takes orders. Doesn’t give ‘em,” he says with a smirk.
Yoongi cringes. He did not need to know that. “Here are the shrooms. The black ones are back there.”
Jungkook nods, careful not to tread on any. “Shrooms can see into your soul too, can’t they? What do they say?”
Yoongi knows the answer, but he doesn’t want to give this guy the smug satisfaction of being right. “I don’t know.”
“Hm, maybe I’m wrong then.” He steps back onto the main path and Yoongi begins to lead them back into the shop. “But I’m probably not. Thanks for the stuff. How much will that be?”
“That’s forty-six gold,” you interject from your place at the counter.
“Perfect. I’ll see you two love-birds around, yeah? Have a good day.”
You watch him exit with wide eyes before turning to Yoongi. “Uh…”
“Don’t ask. Guy’s crazy.”
At some point, you’re not really sure when, you realize that you don’t actually have to try to be nice to Yoongi. You can just do it. Maybe he’s not all bad.
He still irritates you, though.
“So I hear you two are getting along now, huh?” Taehyung says from across the table.
Hoseok, who had been slurping at his food noisily, stops and looks up. “Yoongi?”
“Yeah. We are. Doesn’t make him less annoying though.”
“How’s that curse going?”
“No need for your curses, Hoseok,” Taehyung replies with a shake of his head.
Hoseok shrugs. “Too late. Already done.”
Taehyung looks at the both of you in shock. “You did what?” he screams.
“Relax,” he says around a mouthful of food. “It’s nothing bad. Just take away something he loves.”
“It’s fine. It doesn’t hurt anyone. The thing he loves most right now is an old record player.”
“Or,” Taehyung interjects, “you could, I don’t know, not.”
“Ah, you’re no fun.” He turns his attention back to you. “So tell me more about this Yoongi character. Y’all gonna fuck?”
Taehyung’s face turns at his crass statement, and you slap his arm. “We will not! He’s a friend.” The words were out of your mouth before you could think about it, and Taehyung’s face is absolutely glowing.
“He’s a friend! Oh my gods I have to go tell the whole world.”
“Please, don’t. I hate you.”
“It’s okay. You love Yoongi.”
“Wow, can’t believe she’s all grown-up. Boyfriend and everything,” Hoseok laughs.
“He’s not my boyfriend!” you shout defensively.
“Yeah, yeah. So I hear he’s a pretty powerful shapeshifter, right? Super young too.”
“Yeah,” says Taehyung. “He’s got a pretty impressive streak. And you hear the rumors about his family? They say that Min shapeshifters can become magical entities.”
“Aren’t they already magical entities themselves?”
“No, no, like demons. Angels. Unicorns. Mermaids. Dragons.”  
“What? No way. And a healer too, huh? Sounds like you two are perfect together, Y/N.”
“We’re not―”
“Oh no,” Taehyung says, “they’re soulmates.”
“Can you both please―”
“I knew it.”
“Stop it!” you bark, causing them both to stop and look at you. “Nothing is happening! He’s a friend, okay? Yes. That’s it. Now, my break is over, so I need to get back to work. I’ll talk to you guys later, okay?”
“Yeah, alright. See you.”
You shake your head, laughing to yourself as you make your way back to the shop. When the door opens, you’re afraid to find yourself suddenly pinned to the floor and face-to-face with a very mean looking wolf. Your body is frozen in panic, and for a second you forget any magic you had ever learned.
But then the wolf turns into a man, and you’re faced with one happy looking Min Yoongi. “That’s for being late,” he says as he climbs off you before extending you a hand.
You take it, and apparently Yoongi is stronger than you think because he pulls you right up, and now you’re face-to-face with his chest instead. Wow.
“Jerk,” you murmur before pulling away, the slightest tint to your cheeks.
“Aw, don’t be mad. You set my shirt on fire when I was late, remember?”
“Oh, right―”
“And then you said I had rabies.”
You cringe, preferring not to remember the more unsavory aspects of your behavior towards him. “Right. I know. I deserved that. I’m sorry.”
Yoongi laughs, his cheeks crinkling to accommodate his big smile. “Wow, I can’t believe I got an apology out of you.”
“That’s the only one you’ll ever get,” you say with a smile.
The day goes by easily; you spent most of it poured over your books. Seokjin left plenty of things for you to decrypt, most of them being lost spells. Where he acquired them you were afraid to ask.
“It’s closing time,” Yoongi says, appearing beside you. You look up, surprised to see that the world is dark beyond the shop’s windows.
“Oh. I didn’t even notice.”
“You’re too wrapped up in… what is this? Elvish?”
You giggle. “Nope. Mermaidian. Can you believe it?”
“I thought their spells were lost in the sinking of Atlantis.”
You thought so too, but apparently not. “Don’t know,” you say with a shrug. “And I’m not about to ask Seokjin. He does enough sketchy activity on his own.”
“You might have a point. C’mon. I’ll clean if you file.”
“Aw, what a gentleman.”
The cabinet complains loudly as you nudge it open, filing away the day’s receipts. Yoongi swipes up any stray dirt and waters his plants one last time. Your mind is preoccupied with the spells, though, and you’re running through the motions in your head. As soon as you’re finished, you’re back at your desk, trying to comprehend its instructions. You don’t notice Yoongi leaning on the broom, watching you intensely. The way you run your fingers through your hair, or the way your hair keeps falling out from behind your ears. The way you get a slight flush to your cheeks when you’ve made a breakthrough, or the adorable way you whisper as you talk yourself through it.
It’s when you smile to yourself and the thing in Yoongi’s chest damn near purrs that he drops the broom he’s leaning on and almost falls because, well, when did he catch feelings for you?
You perk up, alerted by the noise. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” he says, his voice shaking slightly. “Scared myself is all. I think I’m tired.”
You nod. “Go home.”
“Yeah. Yeah, I will. What about you?” he asks as he grabs his bag.
“I’ll close up. Goodnight, Yoongi.”
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
Yoongi departs and you throw yourself back into your work, the solitary atmosphere something of second nature to you. You read the words of the script outloud, the hand motions coming to you naturally, and glittery, golden water fills up your hands. The fairy Novus, who likes to come and watch you sometimes, gives you a cheer, and you file the spell away, moving on to the next.
This one is a bit harder, and you laugh a bit to yourself because, hey, this one is in Elvish. It takes a couple tries (and a lot of frustrated murmuring) before you’re able to get it; thorny vines erupt from shimmering green sigils on the ground, whipping around dangerously like they’re looking for an enemy to strike. You quickly reverse your actions, the sigils vanishing into thin air and taking the vines along with it.
“Old Elvish battle spell,” you say to Novus as you file it away. “Good for enemies.”
“What about this one?” He flies down to your desk, picking a spell written on burn parchment. The writing shimmers, but there’s something deeply unsettling about it. You shrug and pick it up.
“Not sure. Looks Draconian, but it’s not.”
Novus hovers over it for a second before looking up at you in realization. “Oh! It’s an old spell from the Blood Age! It’s like a combination of Draconian and Vampiric.”
“Hmm, sounds utterly terrifying.” You smile. “I’m gonna try it.”
“Do you need help reading it?”
“Yeah, do you mind?”
Novus shakes his head, sitting atop your shoulder as he helps you recite the words. When you’ve learned it fully, Novus steps back and watches the magic happen.
Yoongi is halfway through his flight home when he feels it. The thing in his chest growls, twists and turns and he abruptly drops in altitude, suddenly feeling very wrong. It doesn’t take him long to realize that something’s happened to you, and he’s darting back towards the shop within seconds.
There’s an eerie red light emanating from the shop when he gets there, and when he knocks on the door, he gets no answer. “Y/N?” he shouts. “It’s me. Are you okay?”
No answer. The Thing urges him forward, begging him to just kick down the damn door.
So he does.
The door opens to reveal you, eyes closed as you cry out, your feet chained down by restraints that wind up from a terrifying, red portal. Yoongi takes a step towards you before he’s pushed roughly back by a small, purple light.
“Don’t touch it!” Novus shouts. “It’s bad magic! Bad magic!”
“What? What happened? We need to get her out of there!”
“No, no, no,” the fairy cries, zipping around the shop in a panic. “Bad magic, it’s bad magic…”
Yoongi turns to you, and the Thing shouts as he watches you scream in pain, your eyes opening for a split second to land on him before closing again. He doesn’t know what to do. All he knows is that you’re hurting and something is trying to take you from him and oh, gods, why does his chest hurt so bad?
He doubles over in pain, and his head starts to feel fuzzy, like he’s falling asleep. The Thing roars, and he blacks out.
When he wakes up, he’s in his apartment. He does not remember getting there. He also does not know why you’re cradled in his arms, nor does he know why he physically can’t bring himself to let you go. But most importantly, why are the two of you on the hard-fucking-floor?
Yoongi lifts you gently and brings you into his room. He tucks you underneath the covers before tucking you under him, his arms wrapped protectively around you as he pulls you tightly to his chest. He breathes in your scent before drifting off again, his mind hazy.
You wake with a start, the previous night’s events rushing back to you at once. You remember Novus. You remember the language. You remember the words. You remember watching as your hands conjured a portal straight from Hell, and you watched as the Devil’s Ropes ensnared your feet, then your legs and hands. You remember a voice, a deep, ugly voice whispering your darkest fears in your ears. You remember blinding pain, coursing through your body as if in your very blood. But most important you remember Yoongi. He was there. He transformed into something terrible, something you never though capable, and he closed the portal himself.
And as everything came back to you, your body shook, and tears fell from your face. You bury your head in the pillow, afraid that when you open your eyes you would see it all again.
But when you do open your eyes again it’s to a soft-smiling Yoongi, gently rubbing the tears off your cheeks. “Don’t worry,” he says, “You’re safe with me.”
You hesitate, all of a sudden unsure of how to act, before rolling into him, body pressed right against his as you cry. He holds you close, stroking you lightly and whispering reassurances until your body stops trembling.
“Thank you,” you mumble into his chest. “Thank you for saving me.”
He leans down and kisses your head, an act that doesn’t go unnoticed by either of you. “What would I do without my favorite coworker?”
You sit up abruptly. “Work! Seokjin’s gonna kill me! I’m―”
“Come here,” he says, grabbing you by the hand and putting you back on the bed. “You’re taking a day off. I’ll tell him what happened.”
“But Yoongi―”
“Good luck trying to argue with me,” he laughs. “I’ll send Taehyung over to check on you, okay?”
You nod, sinking back down into the bed. “Okay.”
“I can’t believe it! He’s your prince charming!”
“Shut up, Tae. So he saved me from a demonic portal. Big deal.”
“Gods, you’re dense.”
“What are you talking about?” you groan.
“Okay, tell me, how did Yoongi know to come back for you?”
“Uh, I don’t know, lucky guess?”
“You know, as smart as you are, you can be pretty stupid.”
“Shapeshifters have what can only be described as a thing in their chest, right? The source of all their powers?”
“Yeah, yeah. This is common knowledge, Tae.”
“Well the Thing is alert to danger when something they care strongly for is in trouble.”
“Holy fuck, you’re slow! He cares about you! And a hell of a lot too if his Thing thinks you’re that important.”
“What, so, it thinks I’m like his mate?”
“I mean, weird way to put it, but yeah. Pretty much.”
You lean back, your soup long forgotten. “Woah.”
“Now the question is, how do you feel about him?”
“I actually… I don’t know. I guess I’ve never thought about it.”
“Well, get thinking about it. ‘Cause the truth is out there for him at least. I know you like to hide yourself from people, Y/N,” Taehyung says, standing to clean up. “But do yourself a favor, okay? Don’t hide from him.”
Taehyung leaves you confused and irritated in Yoongi’s apartment, and there’s not much for you to do except pace back and forth impatiently.
“How do I feel about Yoongi?” you said aloud. “Hell if I know!” You flick your fingers in agitation, sparks flying from them every so often. Okay, yes, he’s good looking. Really good looking, but who’s paying attention? He’s got a heart of gold; you’ve seen it firsthand.
But that doesn’t mean you like him, right?
Sure, he can be equal parts infuriating and equal parts endearing. And, sure, the way that little kids and magical creatures alike flock to him is the cutest thing you’ve ever seen, and yes, he has the cutest smile, and wow you wish you weren’t so stupid because you’ve obviously liked him for a while now. Maybe you even loved him. At this point, who knew? Certainly not you.
You flop down on his couch in defeat. You really should’ve seen that coming from a mile away. At least Taehyung did.
The door rattles and keys jingle from the other side of it, and you realize that the sun had set long ago. You sit up, looking a bit frazzled as Yoongi walks in, and he looks just as startled, not really expecting you to pop up like that.
“What’s up?” he asks with a laugh, placing his keys on the counter.
“Not much. Thanks for sending Taehyung over by the way. How was work? Was Seokjin mad? Is he going to fire me?”
“Relax,” he says as he comes to sit next to you. “He felt really bad, actually. He never meant to put that spell in your stack.”
Yoongi looks at you with a sweet, sincere smile, and suddenly it’s like you’re seeing him for the first time. His pretty, pale skin. The way his hair falls over his head. His deep, thoughtful eyes.
“Something wrong?” he asks, pulling you out of your trance.
“Um. No. Actually. Okay, wow, I just…”
Don’t hide from him.
“I wanna tell you something.”
“Why doesn’t that sound good?”
“No, no, it’s good!” You pause. “I hope.”
“You’re making me nervous.”
“Okay, okay.” You take a deep breath. Taehyung’s words replaying in your mind.
Don’t hide from him.
“I… think I like you.”
Yoongi stares at you for a moment, and you think he’s about to reject you, and you swear you’re going to murder Kim Taehyung until he says, “That’s a relief.” He inches closer to you, and suddenly you’re very aware of your proximity. “Because I think I like you, too.”
Overwhelmed with the incredible urge to kiss the man in front of you, you only hesitate for a second before your lips are on his, and suddenly everything feels right in the world.
You can’t explain it; maybe it’s magic. Something is dancing through you, lifting you up and making your heart race. It’s something to do with Yoongi, you know, but beyond that you can’t tell. All you really care about is the fact that his lips are so soft and you wish you had done this sooner.
Yoongi’s hand slides to your waist and pulls you onto his lap, desperate to have you as close as possible. The thing in his chest is fucking ecstatic, having waited too long. Yoongi bites down gently on your bottom lip, and your mouth opens to let out a small gasp, a sound he quickly swallows back down. His hands are digging roughly into your sides, itching to go farther but afraid to make the first move. You’re wrapped around his neck, stroking the sensitive skin there.
You depart from his lips, evoking a quiet, needy sound from him as you move across his cheek and down his jaw before reaching his neck. You nip the skin, and Yoongi can’t help but grind up into you. It occurs to you that Min Yoongi is hard underneath you, and you’re doing no better, and you grind down into him, eliciting the sweetest of sounds from him.
“Y/N… we can… we can stop.”
“I don’t want to.”
“A-Are you sure.”
You pause to look up at him and nod eagerly. “I’m sure.”
“I don’t think I’ll be able to hold back,” he says, and the look in your eyes tells you that he’s telling the truth.
You lean in close and whisper, “I don’t want you to.”
He growls, wrapping you around his waist as he stands and carries you into the bedroom. He hardly hesitates, stripping his clothes off before ripping off your own. His eyes drink you in, loving the sight of you flushed and spread out before him, and he’s barely begun. He takes your mouth back in his before leaving kisses across your body, making sure to take pleasured time at your nipples.
He pinches one, rolling it between his fingers as he licks and laps at the other, not ever really wanting to stop because the sounds you make are oh, so pretty. But if it’s sounds he wants then it’s sounds he gets as a stray finger finds its place at your folds, flicking at your clit.
You arch your back, yelling out Yoongi’s name, and he hums in satisfaction. “That’s it, pretty girl. Say my name.”
“Y-Yoongi,” you moan as he descends, wanting to taste you for himself.
“You’re so wet for me already. I’m sorry to keep you waiting.”
“Please, Yoongi,” you whimper, already so pathetically fucked out for him.
“Don’t worry, baby. I’ll take care of you.”
Yoongi sticks his tongue out quickly, just to see your reaction, but it’s hard to tease you when you’re pushing so hard on his head. You yank on his hair, and he gives you a slap on the leg that says, “Behave.”
You squirm under him as he finally puts his mouth on you, tongue working wonders. He easily slips two fingers inside you and you cry out, the sensation nothing but bliss. He licks at you roughly and fucks you on his fingers, loving the way you twist and turn beneath him.
“You taste so good, baby,” he says before returning back to your dripping center.
“Fuck, fuck, Yoongi,” you murmur as he nibbles at your clit. “Don’t stop.”
“You’re not in charge here, baby,” he says before standing up and giving your pussy a slap. You yelp, gripping tightly to the bedsheets. Yoongi’s face is coated in your juices, and he’s never looked happier. “Come here,” he commands.
You obey, though at first you have trouble, your legs shaking from denied pleasure. “Why don’t you get me ready for you?” You take a hold of his cock, already leaking precum and just begging to be sucked, but as you lean in towards him, he grabs a hold of your hair and says, “Nah, uh, baby. I’m gonna give everything I have to that sweet pussy of yours.”
You nod, not able to find a voice for yourself. You pump him gently, and he closes his eyes and relishes the feeling. You pick up your pace and his mouth drops open, face scrunched in concentration as he tries not to cum in your hand right then and there.
Eventually he’s had enough, and he says, “Lay back, babe.”
Your back hits the mattress without a second though, eager to finally have him inside of you. Yoongi laughs, stopping to kiss you gently. He massages your thighs a couple of times before looking deep into your eyes. He doesn’t have to say anything to ask, “Is this okay?”
You give him a small nod, telling him to go ahead. He chases your lips one last time before lining himself up at your entrance.
“Please, Yoongi,” you plead.
He doesn’t respond, but looks at you through lidded eyes, his body awash with lust. “I’ll try to hold back.” He pushes his way in, and the both of you have your heads thrown back in groans of pleasure.
“D-Don’t,” you pant, struggling to find your voice. “Don’t hold back.”
You grab his arm in urgency, the only thing on your mind the desperate urge to be fucked. “Please!”
Yoongi nods, withdrawing from you carefully before slamming back into you. The force has him slipping out of you, so he respositions himself and holds you close before entering you again. His grip is tight, and you can do nothing but sit there and take it.
Yoongi fucks into you with abandon, pouring everything from the last two years into his thrusts. Hate. Anger. Jealousy. Friendship. Happiness. Adoration.
He’s losing his goddamn mind inside you, and you’re no better.
Something’s alight inside of you, a fine sheen of sweat coating your body, but it’s nothing compared to the feelings raging inside you. You want this to last forever. “Yoongi,” you say, your mind dizzy with lust, “look at me.”
Yoongi does, a hand on your waist coming to trap your wrists above your head, and he stares right into your soul as he fucks the life out of you. You lean up to kiss him, though it’s more or less just tongue on tongue. The room is nothing but the sound of sex, and you can feel your orgasm approaching.
It starts in your toes, climbing its way up your body until you’re shivering. It starts to coil, centering in your stomach.”Y-Yoongi… Fuck… I’m gonna―fuck―I’m gonna cum.”
“I know, babe. Me too. Just wait. Just wait.”
“Fuck, fuck, fuck. Touch me, please.”
Yoongi’s hand darts to your clit, feverishly working the sensitive bud. Your nails dig into his back, the sensation becoming too much.
“Cum with me, babe,” he says, and that’s all it takes for the two of you to come undone together.
You open your mouth in a scream, and Yoongi sticks two fingers in. You bob your head on them as if you were sucking his cock, muffling the sounds of your orgasm.
Finally the two of you come down, heaving as you collapse back onto the bed. You can feel the cum dripping out of you, but you really don’t give a damn. Everything just feels too good.
“Y/N?” Yoongi says through heavy breathing.
“Hm?” you answer sleepily.
“I think I lied earlier. When I said I liked you.”
“I think I’m falling in love with you.”
And you fall in love right back, and Seokjin is so sick of seeing the two of you cuddle at work that he is actually contemplating firing you both.
“I think I liked it better when you guys always argued,” Seokjin grumbles as he rifles through paperwork. Yoongi only grins, stealing a kiss from you on his way to the greenhouse. “Yuck. Definitely liked it better when you guys always argued.”
“Bite me,” you laugh, sticking your tongue out in defiance.
“That’s my job!” Yoongi calls from the other side of the shop, and Seokjin groans in disgust. You scratch at your hand as you continue to work; the annoying itch set in about two weeks ago and still hasn’t gone away. Seokjin takes notice, and grabs it to inspect.
“Still there, huh?”
“Yeah. Not sure what it is.”
“Get bit?”
“I don’t see a bite mark.”
“I can put a salve on it.”
“Yeah, please.”
Yoongi’s traipsing through the water lily garden when he hears Seokjin shout, “Yah! Get some blue shrooms for your girlfriend! I’m doing a thing!”
“Sounds sketch!” he shouts back but does as he’s told. The shroom patch is extra chatty today, much to his chagrin, and they’re all eager to get a word in. He does a pretty good job at ignoring them until a cursed shroom speaks up. They only have one; it’s good for enemies, as Seokjin says, and it’s an ugly, little thing. It’s green and brown and speaks with venom in its voice.
Yoongi is expecting some vicious jibe or harsh remark, but instead the shroom just says, simply, “What do you love most?”
Yoongi hesitates. “What?”
“You heard me.” The shroom repeats itself. “What, in your life, do you love most?”
It sounds like a harmless question, so Yoongi answers, “Y/N, of course.”
“Of course,” the shroom says, and its mouth morphs into a horrible grin as a shrill scream pierces the air. Yoongi looks up in a panic, knowing full well that that’s you.
“What did you do?” Yoongi shrieks, the thing in his chest bubbling in fear and anger.
“Nothing that wasn’t already done.”
Yoongi rips the shroom out of the ground and throws it onto the floor before running as fast as he can. His human legs, he decides, aren’t fast enough and he’s at your side in the form of a big, black wolf. He morphs back into a human and holds you in his arms, searching to Seokjin for answers.
“What the fuck happened?” he asks, panic rising in his chest.
Seokjin looks just as alarmed. “I don’t know! She was just standing here! And then something happened, I don’t know, and now there’s a mark on her hand!”
“A mark? What mark?” He turns to look down at you and finds you sobbing, clutching desperately at your left hand. His heart aches to see you that way, and the Thing isn’t too happy about it either. “Baby,” he says, “let me see your hand.”
“I c-can’t,” you sob. “H-Hurts, Yoongi, it hurts!”
“Let me see. We can make it go away.”
With coaxing from both Yoongi and Seokjin, you’re able to release your hand long enough to show them the source of your pain. A large ‘X’ is embedded in your skin, written in an odd mix of gold glitter and your own blood.
Seokjin frowns, a look that does not put Yoongi at ease, and says, “Let’s put her to sleep for a bit. Then we can try and discern what’s wrong.”
Yoongi doesn’t have nearly half a second to protest when Seokjin is already casting the spell, and you fall limp in Yoongi’s arms. At least you’re not crying anymore. Yoongi carries you upstairs at Seokjin’s behest and lays you on his bed.
“What the hell is that?” he asks the wizard who’s pacing nervously around the room. He doesn’t get an answer when two figures zap into the room.
“Got your message,” Taehyung says, rushing to your side. “What happened?”
“Maybe you can tell me,” Seokjin replies, anger lacing his voice.
“What? Are you trying to imply I had something to do with it?”
“No. But your friend here might.”
Hoseok looks up in shock. “Okay, I am a lot of things but never, never would I hurt Y/N.”
“Look at her hand,” Seokjin says simply, and the color drains from Hoseok’s face.
“What? But I…”
Then he notices Yoongi standing there, and everything clicks into place. He storms at him, grabbing the shapeshifter and thrusting him against the wall.
“What the fuck?” Yoongi growls, ready to tear him limb from limb.
“What did you do?” Hoseok hisses, and Yoongi can only stare at him dumbfounded.
“What did I do? What did you do?”
“What did you do right before this happened? Right before the mark appeared?” Hoseok pressed.
“I… I don’t know! I was having a conversation with a dumb shroom, is all!”
“You idiot! Shrooms can see into the future!”
“Gods, you activated the curse!”
“What curse?”
“Ah, the curse, the curse…” Hoseok mumbles, letting Yoongi down.
Taehyung approaches his friend, and he looks quite calm, so Yoongi isn’t expecting him to slap him so hard across the face.
“Motherfucker,” he fumes. “I told you. I told you. Look what you’ve done!”
“She came to me!”
“And all you had to do was say no! It’s easy! One word! N-O!”
“Will someone please tell me what the fuck is going on here?” Yoongi bellows over the chaos, his voice reverberating enough to shake the room. Yoongi notices that Seokjin is crying, Taehyung’s eyes are glassy, and Hoseok looks like he’s about to collapse; he’s not so sure he wants to know anymore.
“You tell him,” Taehyung whispers. “You tell him.”
“I… I’m sorry… The curse… You can’t go back…”
“It’s the Devil’s Trade,” Seokjin says, his voice rough. Yoongi has never heard him sound so wrecked. “Take away the thing your enemy loves most.” Yoongi sucks in a breath. “And you shall have the ultimate revenge.”
“At the time of the curse, you loved a record player the most. She was supposed to ask you about. She was supposed to ask you the question. But then she wanted to be nice to you and started being friends, and I guess she forgot.”
“So you’re…” Yoongi stumbles backwards. He can’t breathe. “She’s gonna… I’m…”
“I’m sorry,” Hoseok mumbles again. “She’s gonna die.”
Yoongi doesn’t even realize he’s crying until he can’t see anymore. All he can see is your broken figure, barely heaving a breathe in Seokjin’s bed. Yoongi does what he does best: he runs. He runs right out of the shop and right into the sky.
Yoongi can feel the wind rushing under him; it tugs on his wings like the hand that tugs at his heart. He hates this. Hates that all of a sudden he has no control, his life seemingly flailing like a flag in the wind.
The worst thing, however, has to be the fact that all he can remember is you.
The thing in his chest tells him to go be with you, to be by your side, but he can’t bear to see you like that. He wants to see you laugh and smile and dance with him. He wants to see you waking up next to him. He wants to see you when he comes home.
But he knows it’s not an option. He needs to be strong for you. 
He lands again, and stares at the building where he knows you’re sleeping. He takes a deep breath and steps inside the magic shop, exchanging his fears for a positive attitude.
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svtegg · 5 years
hogwarts!svt (95line)
this is gna be a long ass post but this is my svt as hogwarts students headcanons with houses, favorite subjects, what pet they have, what theyre like, what wand they would have and what their patronus is owo hope you enjoy!!! 
Captain & Beater on the gryffindor quidditch team
Favorite subject is defence against dark arts
Likes a little action but is also really interested in the actual subject
Has a tawny owl named Buster and talks about it to anyone that will listen
Became a prefect in his fifth year and was promoted to head boy at the start of his 6th
Every teacher loves him even though he’s not a top student
Very charismatic and quickly becomes the resident schoolgirl crush
Has wayyyy too much responsibility but still manages to get average grades
Almost never seen studying, but often hangs in the library with Wonu, Joshua, Jeonghan and Minghao.
They have a table by the windows they sit at almost every day.
Knows all the portraits in the Grand Staircase by first name
Often chats with the elfs when he’s passing through the dungeons
Kind of the School’s heartthrob…..he’s so dreamy owo
Always nags the younger gryffindoors to clean up the common room because he wants to have the best looking commonroom out of all the houses
Takes pride in keeping his housemates in check n kinda basks in the authority of the prefect role
Everyone always talk about the fact that Seungcheol will be a famous quidditch player when he leaved Hogwarts, he just laughs it off and says he’d rather work at the leaky cauldron
He wants to be an auror but doesn’t think he’ll get more than four N.E.W.T’s Jeonghan and Joshua are trying very hard to get him to study for his finals though n often sit with him in the library late into the night
Weasels his way into Apparition classes with Joshua because it looks good on his resumé
His wand is Cherrywood with a dragon heartstring core, 8.5 inches and slender with a rounded point, the wand has a slight bend at the tip. Rigid flexibility.
His Patronus was a Scops Owl the first time he casted expect patronum, but he has since seen both a Runespoor and an Oryx so he’s never confirmed what his patronus is.
He is a pureblood but never brings it up, its not important to him at all
Half blood, metamorphmagus
Always changes his hair colors and grows out his hair from fairly short to long flowy locks over night, his favorite is shoulder length silver hair to match his black, green and silver robes.
Very pleasant and charming
Best friends with all the teachers, always avoids trouble despite being somewhat of a trickster and a cheater
Often uses his abilities to prank people or help people with something
Never breaks “rules of impotance” aka rules that would get him expelled if he broke them
Best friends, roommates and seatmates with Joshua Hong, they’re basically connected at the hip.
Doesn’t have any pets and often gets Seungcheol to lend him Buster if he needs to send a letter to him mom or something. Is also often seen with Joshua’s pet rat Grover on his shoulders.
Lowkey flirts with everyone, is the most popular Slytherin iuehfjdskj
Jeonghan’s favorite subject is Astronomy and Divination and you could often catch him reading up on the latest Astronomy books while watching the gryffindoor quidditch team practice
Looks out for Chan a lot, making sure he’s okay n taken care of since he’s so young n had to skip a year
Once threatened the Ravenclaw Quidditch captain with a few transfiguration hexes because Chan had ended up in the hospital wing with a broken wrist
Doesn’t really know what he wants to do after school but isn’t too worried about it
He’s a very powerful wizard, but flaunts it in the stupidest way possible like putting a cloud of raining glitter above his head for a day or making flowers bloom on the crown of his head for a day
Only takes one extra class during his two last years; Ancient Studies, because he’s actually quite interested in history
His wand is a 9.3 inch light dogwood with a unicorn hair core, flexible. A distinct twirl that reaches up about 2/3 of the length of the wand.
Jeonghan’s patrouns is a abraxan winged horse, as majestic as himself.  
Pureblood, his mother was also a Slytherin and he’s proud to be one
A very humble and kind slytherin, will have anyone who hates slytherin rethinking their choices
Very very nice, he’s friends with literally everyone
Only his closest friends know he’s the mastermind behing his and Jeonghan’s pranks and tricks, because he has the rest of the school fooled thinking he’s a gentle, nice young man
Theyre like Fred and George 2.0
Often seen in the Great Hall playing wizards chess against Vernon, Wonwoo and Seokmin
He has a grey and white rex rat named Grover
His favorite subject is Herbology and he’s especially good friends with the Herbology Professor often being invited to tea at his office
Naturally good at potions as well, often helps Mingyu brew more complicated potions for both extra credit and secret missions (Polyjuice to get Jun and Vernon out of detention)
Spends a lot of his free time in the greenhouse, brings Minghao with him because Minghao likes quiet when he reads his Anicent Runes books and Joshua likes watering the plants and checking up on his favorite mandrakes in peace
Everyone seems to like him, even the most stuck up professors
Has a secret talent in dueling but never duels bc he’s lowkey scared of getting hurt
Joshua is also a very powerful wizard, definitely being one of the strongest ones in his friend group but he doesn’t really know that himself as he is very controlled and meticulous with his magic
One of the few students who starts Alchemy and Apparition classes in his 6th year
He’s the head boy of Slytherin, but never really hands out detention or punishments which may be the reason everyone likes him so much
His wand is a 11 inch Elm with a Phoenix feather core, with a Viking inspired pattern round the base of the handle. Sturdy and inflexible, there’s an inscription along the length of the wand that reads ‘vacate et scire’
Joshua’s patronus is a Lynx Cat
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ladybalem · 5 years
Eternity - a Confession about Alex Forbes - part 2 of 2
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SMUT ALERT: BLACK MAGIC SMUT AS FAR AS THE EYES CAN SEE * <If someone pour holy water here today, it gonna boil. Prior, bring me a liter, please. Fun fact: Uncle Redmayne must have a foot stepping into the occult: When he played Alex, he was into black magic; when he played  Jack, he was a son of a witch; (LOL!) when Osmund, he hunted and tortured witches; and now himself is the wizard Newt. Mmm, I don't know. That's SO suspicious > ****************** WARNING: CHILDREN, DO NOT TRY TO DO IT AT HOME. * * * (Continuing...)          Opening the bedroom's door, Alex gave her passageway, and Grace entered in his wide room, having a sigh of admiration. The Forbes' house it was huge, there was no doubt they were a rich family, but Alex's bedroom, by itself,  it was almost the size of the living room of Grace's former house, and she stood there, looking around, a little dazzled, while he closed the door, locking it. There was nothing visible around that denounced something different to the bedroom of a rich and absolutely common teenager boy, and turning on the lampshades around, Alex turned off the bright light at the roof, the room diving then into a yellowish and cozy clearness, and running into the window he opened it widely, the full moon's light that was right ahead the high window striking on his face and bathing all of the floor ahead, and with a satisfied sigh he once again turned into the inside, while saying:          - Today the moon's phase and position are perfect - and he smiled fugaciously at Grace, before to take a key from inside a drawer and to kneel down ahead a chest covered by a tapestry, and taking it off from there, Alex unlocked it, opening it, starting to pick out from there some antique books, yellow candles yet partially used, bird's feathers, crystals and some other things, placing them on the floor ahead himself in an excited way, and as soon as he took a piece of cloth carefully between his hands, he got up, turning to face her, with eyes sparkling of pleasure - Look at that, Grace - and he started to unpack the cloth, showing her a complete nestle, having three feather bird's eggs inside.          - Do you keep the eggs inside the chest? - Grace asked him incredulously.          - They're fresh - he said - I recover them always at the eve - and lowering himself again he left the nestle on the floor zealously, taking then out of the chest a yellow crayon and a bit of twine, and leaving it all behind he started to quickly wrap the rug which was covering the wooden floor, from the middle of the door into the window way, under which he left it. And seeming satisfied he observed for a moment how the grayish moonlight was striking right on the floor before that, seeming to be suddenly forgotten of Grace's presence there, and he just ripped out the tee he was wearing, tossing it on the bed, and standing on his feet he ripped off his tennis and socks, placing them aside, and taking position on his hands and knees on the floor he traced a large circle using the crayon and the twine as a compass, having it almost three meters of diameter, and right in sequence he traced another by the inside of it from its concentric point, while Grace kept observing him in silence.          Excited by what he was doing, Alex was breathing heavily, with eyes wide open, and Grace was taking notice of the precision to which he was doing such things, just as if he was used on doing them frequently, seeing him in sequence to position a little compass on the center of the circles and using the twine now with a crystal tied at its edge, he started to mark the vortex of a pentagram on the floor, to which he traced with the crayon carefully. But suddenly distracted, Grace began to take notice of his body, his quie lean and white chest and back, all covered by freckles, that under that light became just as like little golden dots, and she found him irresistibly beautiful shirtless under that light, and she bit her lip all of a sudden, trying to fix her attention again on what he was doing then: Taking one of the books and opening it, he skimmed it nervously until to find what he wanted, starting to copy symbols from it to the inner side of the circular band around the great pentagram in a hurry way, tracing them quickly, taking then another book and doing the same, before to start lighting the candles, spreading them around the large circle, at the total number of a dozen, starting then in sequence to position at each one of the vortexes a glass of water, another containing earth, a lit red candle and at the other one an incense stick, and when he finally placed the nestle at the vortex above, it was with triumphant eyes that he raised his glance to Grace, with a smile on his beautiful lips as he said:          - It's done - and getting up, with his gaze fixed upon her Alex came into her way and Grace asked:          - What will we do, Alex? You didn't tell me yet - and Grace truly couldn't suppose nothing by what she was saying, cause a lot of the symbols used there by him were unknown to her. And approaching enough to slightly took a handful of her hair while with his other hand he was touching her face, he whispered:          - You've got what I need, Grace. And you were finally sent to me.        Feeling a shiver under his touch and proximity, Grace blinked her eyes, confused.          - I'm not getting it.          - You'll understand it soon - and saying this he lowered her face to kiss her, first just lightly touching her lips with his, so smooth and warm to her as their sight promised they were, to then in sequence to make a bigger pressure. And feeling his long fingers to move from her hair to her nape and the ones on her face to her chin, Alex stretched his tongue into her mouth, and whispering, Grace moaned, suddenly comprehending what he wanted. And soon his hands were going down into the baby-look tee she wore, his fingers getting under it slowly and touching at her silky skin under it, never stopping kissing her.          Luckily Grace had already some experience in this subject, but she never before had sex with a boy that wasn't her boyfriend, and to think it scared her a bit, being her not much sure if she should do that; and taking in advantage when Alex lowered his face to kiss at her neck, while slowly bringing up her blouse, placing both hands on his arms Grace whispered under a breath:          - But, Alex... We're just friends, isn't? Is it right we two doing this?          - But Grace... The friendship - he whispered against her skin, his warm exhalation on her neck causing her shivers - is the purest form of love that there is, because it's free - and he lifted up his hands to her breasts under her tee - Just like the feather birds - and Grace couldn't tell how or why, but she felt wickedness hidden in his words, and turning to kiss again her lips, he pulled her baby-look up, and Grace lifted up her arms, letting him to take it off from her, and with a smile he looked at her naked breasts, the chainlet hanging between them, and touching them he moaned - You're beautiful... Absolutely beautiful.          And when he kissed her again, Grace this time grabbed at his back, her hands sliding along it as their chests united between, and sighing she felt his hands descending until her waist, and then over her jeans, to which Grace let him to open and then slide his large hands through her hips while panting against her face, and when Grace felt him to glide his fingers under her panties, gliding hers along of his long arms Grace sighed under a breath:          - Alex...          - Come - he sighed back, sliding her panties down and taking it off from her - You've got what I need - and as soon as he saw her naked he slid his eyes for her for whole, slightly placing his hands on her hips, feeling ravished - You've got what I need within you, I feel it - and he pulled her into himself, and with a sigh Grace felt his arousal under the jeans he was still wearing, and raising and offering her lips to him Grace said pretty lowly:          - And what do you want, Alex?          - ETERNITY - he responded, with a saturnine voice, as he started to unbutton and open to his own jeans in a hurry, putting himself on naked quickly, as he glued himself to her while kissing her with urgency, taking one of her thighs and lifting it up to rub himself against her, who holding to him moaned softly, as he said - Come. It's almost midnight. It's right on time.          And letting her go, he took her by a hand and gave some steps back into the way of the circle traced at the floor, carefully passing over the candles, and taking position with his back to the upper side of the pentagram, where it was situated the nestle, Alex sat down in lotus position at the center of the drawing, bending his legs, not taking his eyes away from Grace not even for a second, and as soon as he arranged himself, he raised her his right hand, calling for her:          - Grace, come.          With a smile, she stretched him her right hand and carefully passing over the candles too, Grace took place towards him, standing and looking at him from above, as with a ravished gaze he slid his eyes along her, focusing then on her sex, and with his fingertips he touched at her belly, saying lowly:          - My priestess. I receive you. We'll be united, and we'll be one, and we'll be bonded - and then he slid his fingers even downer, touching at her most sensitive spot with his thumb, and closing her eyes, Grace sighed in pleasure - And we'll complete each other. I receive you - and suddenly he stretched his neck into her, kissing on her sex with reverence, and never before someone had did her such, and placing her hands on his shoulders Grace sighed, Alex stopping for a while to give her a second kiss, before to stood away and say - Come!          And slowly Grace crouched, passing her legs above his bent ones, her heart pulsating and palpitating on her chest as she was approaching her face from his as well the center of their bodies, and arranging himself with a hand under the girl Alex took position at her entrance, against which, biting a lip, Grace felt its tip to slightly rub, and against her face he whispered still a third time, before that with the other hand on her back to pull her down and over himself, as he kissed the tiny medal between her breasts with wet lips:          - I receive you!          And as she got down, Grace was little by little penetrated by him, leaning on his shoulders as she moaned deliciously, letting him to pull her down by now with both hands, to the end, and completely fulfilled for him Grace panted and took a deep breath, grabbing at his hair and closing her eyes tight shut.  And smiling a mysterious smile Alex bit at her chin as he whispered:          - My wanton black priestess. Show me your power - and he lowered his face, hiding it at the curve of her neck - Open the portals to me, come.          And starting to move her hips against his, Grace made him to moan against her face, the candlelight gilding their naked bodies, the full moon's light towards the opened window pouring itself on their heads, and grabbing at his shoulders and raising her face inflamed of pleasure to the silver moon Grace moaned, with a voice which seemed to be no more her own:          - Yes, my Templar disciple. I will open them. Tonight. * * ***************************** * <And 9 months later it was born Rosemary's baby... LOL, sorry, I couldn't resist> * <You there who was wanting to see some fuck in the middle of a circle surrounded by candles, here it is, your crazy one. Now leave me, cause I'm going to pray along 200 rosaries to get rid of the bad luck. Bye, bye.😅> * *********************************** * MY CONFESSION TO PRIOR PHILIP: Hi, prior, what? What am I doing? I'm washing the Church, ouch. Come, Jack, come, help me, lift up this bucket right there and turn it on the floor, please! *Jack lifts up the wooden bucket and turns it, tossing ahead its content, that falls on the floor boiling and releasing smoke* What? Why am I washing the Church with acid? But it isn't acid, prior Philip. IT'S HOLY WATER. It's boiling like this cause someone had traced here at the floor a lot of symbols of black magic, it's that. It was hard to clean the outlines, wasn't it, Jack? Tell the prior how much it was hard... I'm telling you, prior. Jack, another bucket, do me a favor. *takes a straw broom and starts to rub the floor* What broom is this? I took it there with my lil' mother in law. Ouch, by the way, I'm a woman who can say, having no fear of being sinning, that my mother in law is a witch, cause she is, isn't, Jack? *Jack smiles* By the way, how much I love my mother in law, omg, Ellen is so beautiful, Jesus. *Jack turns another bucket full of holy water and the floor boils again* Prior, it's better you come here later, go out for a stroll, I don't want you to wet the hem of your habit, please. Cause then you'll lift it up, and you've got beautiful ankles, and things will get difficult, cause there's not enough holy water for me to take a bath, go, go, go!  *Philip gets out of the Church* Jack, will we two be up to clean it all? Mmm? To call your mother? Mmm? To kill a chicken? No, Jack, she did it in Alfred's wedding and his stuff never got up again; no. I want it to keep getting up, for the love of Balem, it's just to wash off the pagan heresy! *he turns another bucket full of water* Ok then, let's keep rubbing it patiently, ok. *stops, lean on the broom, stares right at Jack and smiles* If there's a thing I like to do, it's to rub along with you. I'm yet thinking about to let Alex to frequent here more times. AMEN LORD BALEM!
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af-answers · 6 years
All Hallow’s Eve
(DISCLAIMER: We’re going way off the canon path here, kiddos.)
Orion hadn’t heard from Artemis in weeks. He wanted to be thrilled, but he knew better than to trust himself. He wondered if he’d ever be fully at ease in his own head, or how long it would be before the little worm of guilt allowed him to call the head his own. He sat on a window ledge outside the Great Hall at early morning, waiting for his friends and thinking. He found it less and less pleasant to have time to himself lately: the longer he was alone and the longer he thought, the more he found gaps in his memory, gaps only his Other Half had access to. The day before he’d needed the colors of the rainbow for a spell and found he couldn’t remember them. His classmates had a jolly laugh at his expense when Snape made him memorize a song of colors, then sing it aloud for the class.
“Oi, Orion!” Ron called, pulling the Slytherin from the sill and out of his thoughts. “We thought we’d get here before you for a change.”
“Have you been sleeping well?” Harry asked, clapping a hand on Orion’s shoulder as they strode toward the monumental double doors.
Orion pursed his lips. “I’ve been sleeping, but not resting, you know?”
“Yeah, I can relate,” Harry said with a sad smile.
Orion had learned a lot about Harry in the last weeks, specifically the three Gryffindors’ annual exploits and the possible return of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.
He’s a regular King Arthur, Orion thought. A boy with a great destiny. He wished he could tell his friends about his own adventures, but even he knew raving about other dimensions and fairies with time-stop technology and demons living on the moon would result in a one-way ticket to the loony bin.
The four children walked towards the closed doors of the Hall without breaking stride and the doors swung open on their hinges without being touched: though today, they did so with an unearthly groan. Orion jumped, and his friends grinned.
“I love Halloween,” Hermione said, stretching her arms over her head.
Black candles floated in clusters above the tables in the Great Hall, their wax surprisingly not dripping on the bright orange tablecloths below. The rafters were swathed in giant, real cobwebs, and a giant jack-o-lantern loomed in the middle of the ceiling, leering at the students as they entered.
Orion grinned back, his initial skittishness forgotten. He’d never had a real Halloween. Artemis wasn’t one for the season.
The children were feasting on caramel apples, spiced oatmeal, and pumpkin milk when the ghosts came into the hall, descending through the ceiling and phasing through walls.
“Do they not have ghosts at Ilvermorny School?” Hermione asked, noticing Orion’s open fascination.
“Erm, no,” he recovered. “Haven’t been around long enough, I suppose. Do they have to die in the school to be ghosts here?”
“I sure hope not!” Ron said through a mouth full of pumpkin muffin. Hermione glared at him, and he shrugged. “If so, where do the ghosts get their mounts for the Headless Hunt? Did the horses all die with their masters?”
“Or do they have to wait around for the horses to die?” Harry cut in.
“How many headless men couldn’t be in the hunt for lack of steed?” Ron asked, pointing at Harry with a fork.
Harry laughed. “Maybe it started off as a Headless Jog.”
“The two of you, really,” Hermione chastised. “A lot of them do,” she told Orion. “Or at least, they all have a strong connection to Hogwarts.”
“And unfinished business,” Ron added, wiggling his fingers under his chin and baring his teeth.
“What’s the Headless Hunt?” Orion laughed.
“A gaggle of really old men on their high horses boasting about not having a good head on their shoulders.” Nearly Headless Nick sulked. He phased between Ron and Harry, and the chill he brought on prompted them to make room for him on the table bench. “Now me, I may not be completely headless, but at least I have a head!” He said the last part loudly, so a group of men a good deal shorter than they should be, heads tucked under their arms, could hear.
“He’s talking about Lord Valeron,” Ron whispered behind his hand. “He lost his head, literally. His head was misplaced before his burial. But he’s still able to take part in the Hunt. No one knows how.”
“I know how! It’s prejudice!” Nick bewailed. “He can’t use his head for Nogglin’ Rolling, or Cranium Volleyball! They only like him because he’s mysterious.”
“He is pretty mysterious,” Hermione said, resting her chin on her fist as she watched the only truly headless man on the outskirts of the group, fixing cufflinks he couldn’t have known had come askew.
Orion felt a stirring in his mind, a cold, familiar itch that made his stomach turn.
“It’s rumored that his head knows such terrible secrets it’s been buried separate from his body somewhere on the Hogwarts estate,” Ron said in hushed tones, “and that he searches for it still.”
“Ahh! He’s bewitched you as well!” Nick wailed. He swung an arm to bang the table, but his arm fell right through. “But I’ll have the last laugh,” he told them, leaning in conspiratorially. “Because I know where Lord Valeron’s head lies.”
Ron and Hermione made faces of awe, though it was evident they didn’t believe him, while Harry shook his head. But someone did believe the beleaguered specter.
‘Ask him if he wants his head completely removed.’
Orion started so violently that he dumped a goblet of pumpkin milk into his lap. He performed an anti-stain spell before Hermione could, but the wand shook in his hand and the spell transferred the stain to the tablecloth.
“Orion?” Hermione asked, her heavy brows furrowed.
He turned his attention to Nick on the other side of the table. “I can remove your head for you.”
“What?” Nick, Ron, and Harry said in unison.
“I can remove your head for you,” Orion said, the color returning to his cheeks, “and you can finally take part in the Headless Hunt. But in return, you tell me where Lord Valeron’s head is.”
The three Gryffindors and the ghost stared at the pale boy for a long moment.
The ghost finally spoke. “If you can get me into the Hunt,” he said slowly, “I will do whatever you want.”
“How in the seven layers of the underworld are we supposed to remove a dead man’s head?” Orion hissed, trying not to sound excited. He’d ducked into a dark gap between columns for privacy while he talked to himself.
‘Oh, you’re acknowledging me now?’ Artemis said snidely.
“You haven’t talked to me for weeks!” Orion sputtered. “But never mind that, you must have a plan if you’ve promised the poor soul his deepest wish.”
‘The simplest solution would be to exhume the body and finish the job.’ Artemis smiled at Orion’s squeamishness. ‘But as I’m doubting there’s any flesh left, that avenue is out. Thankfully, while you’ve been traipsing around wizard academy, I’ve been doing some theorizing with quantum and particle physics.’
“Yeah?” Orion asked, pretending to understand.
He could almost see Artemis’s vampiric grin, quite fitting for the holiday. ‘Yeah.’
That night, the four friends gathered under Harry’s Cloak of Invisibility and snuck into the Transfiguration classroom, chose because it was the only class with windows big enough to be lit by the full moon.
Orion had gathered supplies per Artemis’s instructions and hid them in the room before light’s out: a coil of copper wire, the interdimensional device that brought them there, the damaged tazer pen, some protection equipment, and a knife.
‘Or any sharp blade,’ Artemis had specified.
Orion had never distrusted himself more.
“What do we do now?” Hermione whispered. “We told Nick to meet us at midnight, that’s two hours away.”
“We— I need the time to set this up,” he explained. “It’s very precise, but I’ll let you know if I need help.”
The three friends gathered around a table a few meters away to play some game they’d invented with the Chocolate Frog cards. Orion wished he were playing with them.
‘Focus,’ Artemis reprimanded. ‘You have the steady hands for this job, but not the knowledge. Now listen to me very carefully—‘
It was about fifteen minutes till midnight, and the Gryffindors had long since become bored of their game and infatuated with Orion’s mysterious assignment. He’d set up a small workstation at McGonagall’s desk. Odd sparks flew in every direction as he used his wand as a welding torch to rewire something in the tech-watch he’d snuck in from home.
“Electronics don’t work here,” Hermione reminded him, her face flickering in the blue light of the flame. “That’s why your watch broke in the first place.”
“It’s a good thing I’m not trying to fix it then,” Orion said through the bandana covering his mouth.
“What are you trying to do?” Ron asked.
“Supe it up,” he replied, using tweezers to lift a tiny coil on the circuit board and bend it where he wanted it. “If my theory is correct, ghosts are a mix between the magical and the physical: real, organic beings who left an imprint on the world. I’m not the first to wonder if those who died didn’t really pass on to a higher plane, but are in fact dimension-adjacent, and the sad creatures we call ghosts are caught between our world and the beyond.” He wound two lengths of wire to the sides of the circuit board, twisted those wires together, and snipped it with the knife half a meter from the watch. “However, the human brain essentially runs on electricity, a current,” he activated the tazer pen, which he’d reworked to create a steadier charge. “It’s no coincidence that electronics go haywire when specters draw near. They’re an ectoplasmic container for the neurons that contain the brain, the spirit! So hence, my little experiment.”
He twisted the wire around the fountain pen’s split tip, then switched it on. The watch’s display screen flickered, then lit up and beeped a digital greeting.
“Voila,” he said, folding his arms over his chest.
“You just fixed a watch,” Harry said, raising an eyebrow.
“You sounded just like Arthur,” Hermione added, her eyes wide and admiring.
“I’ve done more than fix it,” Orion said, coughing once into his fist. He took up the knife, a switchblade he’d knicked from one of the other Slytherin boys. He wrapped the watch’s band around the knife and tapped a few buttons on its interface.
“Are you ready for me?” Nearly Headless Nick phased through a window, the moonlight refracting through his hair and ruffled collar.
“Are you ready to be headless?” Ron asked as the ghost descended to their level.
“I’ve been ready for one hundred seventeen years,” Nick said. He rubbed his hands together. “So what do I do?”
“Come closer,” Orion pressed a final button on the watch and leaned over it, his palms planted on the desktop. “And trust me.”
A red web emanated from the watch, causing the three other humans to jump back. The laser lattice scanned Nick, then whirred as the frankensteined contraption hummed and vibrated so hard the knife rattled on the table.
“Is it supposed to be doing that?” Hermione whispered, eyeing the door warily. The machine was making quite a racket now.
“Someone’s going to hear!” Agreed Harry.
As he said this, the Hogwarts clocktower began to ring, the bells’ resonance drowning out the droning of the machine.
“Look!” Hermione said, pointing at the experiment. The base of the hilt glowed blue. The blue virus spread up the knife, and when it encased the tip of the blade, Orion turned off the tazer and cut the power to the watch. 
“Wizard,” Ron said.
Orion touched the hilt with a finger experimentally, and when it didn’t hurt him, he slipped it from the watch band and held it aloft. It was still opaque, but had the eery aura of the haunting dead.
“An entrancing display,” Nick said, “but how’s that—“
With a quick, practiced strike, Orion slid the knife through the preexisting cut bisecting his throat, exerting a bit more pressure when he felt the resistance of skin.
All four students and the ghost watched in awe as his head tipped comically to one side, then fell to the floor.
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raifuujin · 6 years
MK Treasured Edition Commentary
From here, here, and here.
Volume 1
Hello, it's me, Aoyama. 
In the course of the republication of Magic Kaito I take the liberty to show my memories of this time straightforwardly. (grin) 
The Revived Phantom Thief The memorable first chapter! Actually I became a Mangaka because I wanted to write about a high school phantom (grin) and so I drew it under great tension! Well and back then I was short of money which is the reason why his hatband around his tophat isn't shaded with screen tone… 
The Police Are Everywhere The original title „Keikan ga ippai” referred to a movie... „Taiyou ga ippai”, a movie with Alain Delon („Purple Noon”). Detective Doron is an allusion, too, because „Delon” is written as „Doron” in Japan. (grin) By the way! The words „When you bend them, they...” Kaito announces the light-emitting diode were literally written on the package of one of those things I purchased on a public festival as a kid. (grin) Appearantly they're actually known as „glow stick”.
 The Clockwork Heart A science-fiction-thriller! A rarity for Kaito (grin). I recall that I perceived it as really exhausting to draw all the parts of the robot and that I had no computer, so that I had to write Kaito's farewell letter by hand (Haha!). By the way! In the panel the robot says „I'm Kuroba Kaito... Haha!!” Kaito's pupils look kinda strange (?). There I mimicked Akemi Matsunae of which I was a big fan back then. (grin)
 Kaitou Kid's Busy Day Off Back then, the 3D movie „Captain EO” starring Michael Jackson was being played in cinemas and has been satirized in this chapter, although I never thought 3D movies could have been revived because of „Avatar”... (grin) By the way! When I read the closing scene today I think that the phrase „But, ice cream... still tastes great!” is my most embarrassing quote ever (grin).
The Pirate Ship Unsurfaced A sea adventure with Kaito? This is a rarity, too! (grin) I can't remember at all why I wanted to draw this story, but maybe I wanted a confrontation between a thief from the mainland and a thief of the seas...? (Ha!) Well, and so Kaito brought his costume of Kaitou Kid even to this place...?! (grin)
The Scarlet Temptress There she is! Mistress Akako! To be honest, she, as practitioner of black magic, is the reason who drove me into the corner the most during Kaitos appearances in Conan. Well, you just have to accept these works as parallel universes. (grin) By the way, Kaito Kuroba is written on the handkerchief, this probably was a prank done by his mom (Chikage)... (grin)
Aoyama Kid ♥
 Volume 2
 Stay Away From Him Although it's more of a romantic tale than a thief story I really like this one ♥ Especially the panel with „Well, excuse me for being an idiot...“ is a real gem, because of how often I had to redraw it! (laughs) Additionally, Superman and Top Gun appear... which is according to my taste! It's also revealed in this story that Aoko is flat-chested. (laughs)
Japan's Most Irresponsible Prime Minister A story I used one of my then-favourite actors Hitoshi Ueki, who has passed away in the meantime, as model! I also dared to use the Japanese prime minister - this was probably really audacious... And then characters appear who look like the past leaders of the USSR and the USA, Gorbachev and Reagan... (sweating). By the way, did anyone notice the „Akako balloon“ in the night sky? (laughs)
I Am the Master! This story was purely written because I felt like it! Anyway, I really wanted to draw how Kaitou Kid makes a balls to the wall ride down the facade of a building... (laughs). I would be nice if they one day made an Anime out of it ♫ Oh well, even if Cleopatra's Vanity case should really exist, two thousand years later one probably couldn't use it anymore... (laughs)
Would You Grow Up If I remember correctly, the hang-glider associated with Kaitou Kid lifted the first time in this story. Well, one could also say that Kaitou Kid could have fled from the get-go with it, instead of stretching a rope to the Tokyo Tower first (laughs). I'd really like to bring the motorized roller skates again.
The Boy Who Bet on the Ball It has also been really daring to take real professional baseball player as a model... (laughs). I think the story was created after I talked with my editor in charge about how thrilling it would be if Kaitou Kid appeared on a pole in Tokyo Dome. Well, the Yomiuri Giants are working together with Conan in several ways anyway, so I hope they can turn a blind eye to this... (fierce laughter)
Ghost Game If I remember correctly, I was frantically busy because I had to draw „Tantei George no Minimini Daisa-kusen“ („Detective George's Mini-Mini Big Strategy“) three weeks in a row for the Sunday magazine, so I finished this chapter in a very short time... (laughs). Directly afterwards my series „Yaiba“ started, because of which „Magic Kaito“ had to pause for a while. Hard to believe that the series is continued until today...! (laughs)
Hustler vs. Magician Originally this was the true second chapter of „Magic Kaito“! But... it was rejected! Since my debut in „Sunday“ there was never a story before or after it that was rejected. It's real luck that it made it into this volume! (laughs)
Omake „Magic Kaito“ was the first Manga I was allowed to publish as a Mangaka, which could be the reason I drew this story with zest and high motivation... Oh well, this probably was my youthful enthusiasm... (laughs)
Aoyama Kid ♥
Volume 3
Star Wars The first „Magic Kaito“ story I drew in the Heisei era (since 1989 -editor's note). There are several stories in which someone tries to gain profit from using a false Kid, but this is the shining first one! At the crime scene Kid announced a lot of Kid fans have assembled and shout "Kid! Kid!". Pretty clever idea, huh? Because this has developed to a classical element until today.
The Great Detective Appears!! Entrance of Saguru Hakuba! No, not only that, the chief inspector also shows his face...! Perhaps the junior was just worried because the top policeman never appears at the crime scene? (grin) By the way, Kid is so bad at ice skating because I'm so lousy in it myself.
Kaitou Under Scrutiny The skirt of Aoko's school uniform is so long and Kid's television is so big! From this you can tell the time! (Haha!) Apropos, the newspaper appearing on the last page is called „Oshima Daily Paper“ in the original version. Most of the newspapers shown in „Magic Kaito“ were named after my then editors. I beg your pardon. (grin)
Akako's Delivery Service Kaitou Kids measurements, 1.74 m (~ 5'9") and 58 kg (~ 128 lbs), naturally are my measurements from back then! The same goes for his blood type! (grin) Back then I thought it's really cool that it's possible to figure out skin colour and age of a person just by a single hair, but today, with DNA analysis you can figure out the whole identity of the person the hair belongs to. The progress of science is frightening... (Haha!)
(Extra Chapter) Yaiba vs. Kaito! I was told to draw a short, self-contained story and this dream sequence is the result. Back when I was a kid I already loved collaborations like „Mazinger Z vs. Devilman“, so I wanted to draw something like this. This is also the reason Kaitou Kid appears in Conan... (grin)
Blue Birthday The first time the gem Kaitou is after is the name origin for the title! Because this was the first „Magic Kaito“ after a very long time I debuted Kaitou Kid's arch-enemy and I can remember how much this motivated me... but it's also a story about a nightly firework in the midst of the city which must have made a lot of trouble in the surroundings... (grin)
Green Dream Oh well, this story is nothing special, but to be honest, it's this story which grew dear to my heart. (grin) What should I say about it? The rhythm is felicitous. This story was the first time I drew Kid's „signature“ we've grown so accustomed to. You can also tell from the name of one of the persons appearing that I really loved „Furuhata Ninzaburō“ back then - a japanese police detective drama.
Aoyama Kid ♥
Volume 4
Hello, it's me, Aoyama.
Since Magic Kaito is being republished I allow myself to show my memories about the past without further delay. (grin)
Crystal Mother This is the Kaito-train story I always wanted to draw! Including some allusions to "Lupin III" or "Sherlock Holmes" it became a story during which I could live it up... (grin) Snake, who got severely hurt in the tunnel returns in the following chapter completely unharmed. That's what I call "tough“! (Ha, ha!)
Red Tear Back when this story was published the first time, the thre first pages were in color! In fact, this created a mystery: „The gem on page 1 is blue, but the one on the cover page is red... Why oh why?“ Great that we can revive this mystery in all its glory! (grin) By the way, the closing scene in which all the photos containing the fondest memories are projected against the wall is an homage to the closing scene of the movie  „Cinema Paradiso“. ♪ I used this highlight again in „Detective Conan – The Last Wizard of the Century“. (grin)
Black Star The first confrontation with the one and only Shinichi Kudo! In this story, Kaito says: „The inspector couldn't catch him even if he used a satellite system!“ But really, it's kind of surprising that he hasn't caught him before, isn't it?! (grin) Shinichi is firing a pistol? Akako wants to use magic to get rid of Shinichi? Little Kaito is flirting with Aoko? What a crazy story! (grin) Well, the scene in which Akako uses her magic powers was cut from TV syndication, but it was restored for the DVD, so everyone who wants to watch it, can do so now. ♥ Oh yeah, the title „Black Star“! I believe there are some readers who ask themselves why this gemstone served as the namesake of the story even though it's just mentioned in passing at the end. That's because Kaitou Kid himself is the "Black Star" after all ★ – hence the title! ♪
Golden Eye The first duel of the phantoms! (... maybe.) Catherine Zeta-Jones was the model for the character Ruby Jones. ♥ Well, they don't look very much alike... (Ha, ha!) In this story it's made clear that Kaito was born in June and Aoko in September! Exactly... Kaitou Kid may be a thief, but he is also a magician, so it really delighted me to slip in the name of the grandiose real-life magician Harry Houdini. (grin) There are a lot of tricky moments that show how much Detective Conan "poisoned" this story... (Ha, ha!)
Dark Knights The mask Nightmare is wearing is based on one I bought during a vacation in Spain, because I really liked it. It now hangs at the wall of my living room. (Ha, ha!) Again, in this story is a lot to analyze and moreover, it ends in a thought-provoking, grim mood, which isn't very typical for „Magic Kaito“. On the other hand, this isn't bad either, isn't it? Superintendent Chaki, an old acquaintance from Detective Conan, had his origin in this story. Further on, Hakuba's nanny „Baaya“ has her very first appearance in here! Actually, it's said that there is another nanny for him who has a more docile personality, but that's a different story altogether... (He, he...)
Phantom Lady (Preannouncement) This story revolves around how the original Kaitou Kid obtained a wonderfully beautiful jewel for the first time. ♥ It will be the first in Volume 5... I wonder when it will be released? (grin)
Volume 5
Hi, it's Aoyama ! Since a new volume of ''Magic Kaito'' came out, I have to delve into my memories from the past. PHANTOM LADY I wrote this story about Kaito's parents four years ago. I had stopped writing Magic Kaito for Conan and I thought : ''Wow, so much time has passed ?'' (laughs) If I recall correctly, his mother mutters ''Kaito, it's time for you to know'', and the story's finally here ! It's this story that finally revealed that Kaito's mother's name is ''Chikage''. It was my first time digitalizing a manuscript, I was glad I managed to portray the security sensor similar to phantom thieves stories so cooly, but I had to drew one night scenery after another, and that took time and so I almost didn't make it in a deadline. By the way, this story leads to Conan's Ryouma case, in volume 70. Read it if you're interested ! MIDNIGHT CROW When it was decided to animate the series, I had a meeting with the animation staff. We asked ourselves ''How are we going to finish the story ?''. So I suggested : ''Why not do one about a black Kaitou Kid that would be published in the Sunday ?''. And that's how I wrote Midnight Crow. I will never forget the staff's face when I told them ''Actually, Touichi is alive'' (laughs) Ikeda-san, Touichi's voice actor, had difficulty saying the line ''When you come in contact with an audience, it's a scene of duel...'' quickly ! <3 The ''sucker trick'' line comes from Kaito Kid's anime screenwriter Kunihiko Okada, who I thank very much. In the Phantom Lady chapter, Kaito's work as Kid was given by Chikage, but in Midnight Crow, he's supposed to quit because a lot happened in Las Vegas... but it's another story (laughs) SUN HALO This chapter was written to commemorate the 30th anniversary of Magic Kaito, so it had to be a love comedy <3 When I drew the chapter, Kaito's bike is a Suzuki GSX 250 R. I had forgotten that it was supposed to be broken, so I had Jii-chan say that a ''doctor friend'' helped him... I leave that to your imagination (laughs) Speaking of characters, Lucifer appears again ! As I thought, Akako uses red magic ! (Fortunately Akako doesn't exist in Conan's world (laughs)). The entrance hall in the chapter is based on Tottori's entrance hall, so please go there if you visit Tottori ! By the way, in Sun Halo, Aoko rides the bike with Kaito ! NONCHALANT LUPIN It's a short story I sent to a shounen magazine, and I got an award for it. As you can see, it was a prototype for ''Magic Kaito'' (laughs) The forms are different but there's no card gun. I drew this because the editor I had at that time told me : ''Show me a story you want to write''. It's my second work ! Now that I look back, I'm embarassed because it looks bad. (laughs) Anyway, the hero's name is Lupin, and the name of the story ''Nonchalant Lupin'', but I don't know where he's nonchalant... (laughs)
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anima-contritum · 7 years
hamilsquad magic!au headcanons
A/N: this au is my baby so please be gentle with it. if you guys wanna write stuff based on this (which i myself will eventually do) then ask me and credit me and @11wolfpup11 because she had a big part in creating this world with me. this is just a little bit of something big that i have tons of notes on so feel free to ask questions and such (: as always, enjoy! p.s. this is my first hc so idk if im doing it right o well
Weather Wizard
this boy can make the sunniest day instantly cloudy and dark if he’s in a bad mood
when he cries, it rains with flashing lightning and thunder that shakes the ground
overall, donT MAKE HIM UPSET
he will either strike lightning down on your ass or have a storm cloud follow you for a week
one time after he fought with Jefferson, he manipulated the static electricity so his hair was frizzy 
Thomas nearly killed him for it
When he first discovered his powers, he set off a hurricane
he and his brother were fighting pretty bad to the point that’s what set Alex off
poor Alex couldnt control it, it was like a giant burst of energy exploded inside of him
it destroyed the entire town killing hundreds
he could hardly forgive himself after knowing this uncontrollable thing inside himself caused it
everyone hated him once his secret powers were exposed
there were riots and it all got pretty dangerous until he was finally able to be transported to Flilria Magic Academy 
Very bisexual and very flirty
when he first met Angelica, the ice witch nearly froze his face off for flirting with her
(John still laughs his ass off at that fact)
even after that he made the mistake of thinking dirtily about John Andre when the man could literally read every thought
(again, John still laughs)
but despite all that, Alexander still shamelessly flirts with Laurens and usually is very protective of him
Defiant as fuck
on his first day of attending Flilria, he got sent down to Headmaster Washington’s office at least 6 times
part of it was because he nearly talked Professor Seabury out of his own classroom 
another part was because he was veryyy close to kicking James Reynolds into the next fucking dimension for abusing Maria and degrading Hercules and Laf
Potions Wizard
this freckled cutie is a total geek when it comes to potions and spells
he can create any potion knowing the ingredients and chants no matter what, like the information was already in his brain
he can also turn water into poison if he tried hard enough
when he first learned he could this kind of stuff, he accidentally poisoned one of his classmates from the human world and had to run away - again
his biological dad - whom no one ever speaks of (and surprisingly isn’t Henry hehe) - abused him both physically and emotionally
John was blamed for his mothers death when she died from the birth
his dad took his anger and grief out on him, cursing him so every full moon he turns into a hideous beast and so that his kiss was poisonous
when he was old enough, John ran away
for a while he lived on the streets with almost nothing to live on
it wasn’t until he was taken in by the Laurens’s did he know a little bit of compassion 
but in John’s experience, everything good has its end
Henry had slapped him across the face and beat him black and blue for accidentally knocking over a very antique and expensive family heirloom
he ran and never looked back
even after being taken into Flilria Academy, he has a hard time
people bully him because he isn’t that powerful
(in which Alex tells them to fuck off unless they want a foot where the sun don’t shine)
he has a hard time dealing with his ability because it just reminds him of his powerful and dark biological father
please protect him 
(more on the curse)
my poOR BOY 
John could never press his lips against someone’s skin, for the person would die 
its intention is to prevent John from ever falling in love (but boy oh boy that didn’t stop him)
to add to it, the curse prevents him from ever speaking of it to anyone
it kinda cuts off his words and leaves him speechless for a moment
the curse itself acts as a live darkness that can take over his body and mind or cause him pain if it senses something it doesn’t like
not even magic can cure the curse...
Alex has tried too many times to count
Loves Alexander despite the damn curse
he can be shy about it but is generally very open about his affections for the other boy
but he always has mini heart attacks whenever his lips get too close to Alex’s skin 
there was one time where they nearly kissed
John avoided Alex for a week after, terrified of killing his love and best friend
he often helps him with tests and stuff when it’s based on potions and all that hoopla
it’s all very cute and fluffy, but can be a big danger 
Earth Wizard
this boy can pick up boulders and bend metal wiTH HIS MIND
(i kinda based his powers off of Avatar oops)
he can also do crazy natural disaster stuff like earthquakes 
super damn powerful but literally the sweetest boy ever
in addition, he can spawn cute lil flowers and other earthy things 
(he likes to put the flowers in Laf’s hair)
He caused a devastating earthquake when he first tapped into his abilities
it killed his family and nearly everything around him for miles was in ruins 
nobody was able to pinpoint the cause so Herc was shoved around like every other orphan
that was until he was teleported to the magic school where he first met Lafayette - his roommate
He was selectively mute for a very long time because of the after effects of the earthquake
it left him traumatized
he was speechless for a very long time, occasionally learning ASL words to ask Laf for something
Laf was always there, teaching him new sign language and talking to him even though there was no reply 
Laf was just generally okay with it and both supported and defended Herc through it all
this went on until one day Lafayette was rambling on about not having a Moon Stone for his collection
Herc had perked up and gotten up from where he was sitting. It took a bit to find it, but when he did he gave the Moon Stone he had to Laf with a small smile as two words passed his lips. “Keep it.”
(Laf made it into a necklace and wears it everyday)
That was the first time he had spoken since the earthquake
Please love and respec and protec
for a while, Herc would only ever talk to Laf
it would progress from quiet one worded responses to whispered sentences to full conversations
but even though he talks to Laf doesn’t mean he talks to everyone
he’s still trying to get passed his barriers and talking to others but most times it comes out in stutters and broken whispers
he has really bad anxiety but still tries
most times Laf has to stand up for him because others use his struggles against him
He’s scared of his powers
no lying, he’s one of the most powerful kids in the school
but because of the earthquake and avoiding his powers, he doesn’t know how to control it
it’s very hard for him to do big things at a time because he’s terrified if he pushes the limits he has set, he’ll hurt someone
it all comes down to his bad anxiety but he does try if he’s encouraged
sometimes the encouragement can be someone messing with Laf 
he learned he could bend metal from that one time someone called them a homophobic slur and he lost all sense of control
it still scares him though when he tries new things
Animal Wizard
this pure boy can talk to animals
even though he can do this though, he sometimes has trouble understanding certain animal dialects
it’s kinda like how people can’t understand a different language if we don’t study it
he can also sometimes compel them if he has to but he hates it
he found the dragon egg under a giant willow tree
after carefully watching over it and keeping it safe, it hatched and out came a little black and blue scaled dragon he’d name Saule
(Saule translates to Willow in french)
Laf would soon learn that he and Saule established an unbreakable bond after she was born where they can speak telepathically and feel each other’s emotions 
now as she’s basically a teenager in dragon years, Saule’s the sassiest lil shit ever
she always teases him about his giant crush on Hercules 
oH and she breathes electricity rather than fire which is pretty cool
at this point, she’d be about the size of a very large dog
essentially, she’s like Lafayette’s sister and will do anything and everything she can to protect him
Fun fact; he was one of the first students at Flilria
he was very young when he learned of his abilities
his family had gotten into a car accident that got his mother killed and he unconsciously called out to a family of bears that took him from away the incident
when little Laf finally got to Flilria, good ol’ Gwash became like a father to him 
in other words, they’re very close
Very much likes Hercules
that is all
he just likes him
a lot
he will protect him and love him 
it’s very cute and domestic and not angsty and goD I LOVE MULLETTE LET ME LIVE
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incarnandine · 7 years
and, last but not least, three valentines drabbles for my one and only beloved @lost-nari! i love you bby i know you’ve seen them before but I hope they will still continue to make you happy especially when you’re sick ;;; <3333
under the cut!
final fantasy xv // noctis x prompto // [G] Is that my sweater?
They got snowed in.
Unsurprising, seeing the weather in Insomnia got all kinds of crazy right before spring; it could be warm and sunny one day and literally /freezing/ the other. In tandem with university (or not-university, Prompto thinks with a grim face as he pulls the warm, soft sweater over his head) and all kinds of princely duties, it makes getting some time with Noct almost impossible.
This is why the snow is a blessing, even though a fifteen-minute trek between the burger chain he part-times at and the fancy lot of apartment buildings Noct lives in made him look like a very shivery and bizarrely lanky snowman.
Snowmans were good for the New Year, for gifts and hot chocolate, for time spent with family and friends; not for Lovers' day, when he put _extra_ care into styling his hair that new way he saw in a magazine last week and he was sure Noct was going to like (or at least not laugh at). Why did he bother getting all styled up for someone who literally never changed out of his gym pants if he could help it, Prompto still didn't understand; love (love!) makes you do all kinds of weird things.
And here he was, wet like an angry chocobo, hair flat against his cheeks, his new shirt discarded to dry and replaced by a sweater that was both too small (in the shoulders area) and too big (everywhere else) at once. Ugh, to think that half a year ago he and Noct could borrow each other's clothes at every possible opportunity.
Well, at least Gladio's training started to pay off, Prompto thought, squaring his shoulders under the soft black wool.
The last ruffle to his hair and he was good to go-- oh oh oh /no/, he backtracked, realizing that the gift he had for Noct was, by some awful joke of the Six, still at his workplace.
He went back to the living room, looking every ounce as sad and disappointed as he felt; it was supposed to be a _perfect_ day, his - Noct's! - first real Lovers', with gifts and food ordered in (the good kind, not Kenny's burgers), and, hopefully, a little more of something else later on in the evening. And the stupid snow - and Prompto himself - managed to completely ruin it.
A choked sound from around the couch rustled him out of the grim thoughts. Noct, who previously was lazing around under a blanket, now sat upright, his eyes a caleidoscope of emotions that Prompto couldn't quite decipher; he knew all of them, of course, saw them on Noct like nobody else, but combined... It was new, bizarre, but-- but not unpleasant.
"Is that my sweater?" Noct asks, a small, choked sound, and Prompto feels proud and unsure all at once; he borrowed the first thing he found on the dryer, not really bothering, but maybe he should have asked--
Oh. Noct is kissing him. It seems that, for some bizarre reason, he doesn't mind (of course he doesn't, a voice says in Prompto's head; you'd jump his bones the very moment you saw him in something of yours), and the lights in his storm blue eyes are as mischievous and playful as the smile Prompto feels creeping onto his face.
"Yeah," he manages to say, bumping his nose against Noct's. "That's your gift for today. Limited edition, one-of-a-kind, Lover's day special-- and you'd better unpack it very carefully," he grins and leans in for another kiss.
d gray man // allen x kanda x lavi // [G] snow scene
He's always loved winter.
It was winter when he met his father; it was winter, years after, when Cross took him in-- finally, it was winter when the war against the Noah was over.
And Allen, too, thinks he's like winter in those small moments; sometimes life still weighs over his too-young shoulders like a heavy, smoky night of the city - sometimes, in return, everything seems light and soft like the gentle mist of snow on a white winter morning.
February is still winter, even in much-warmer-than-England France, but it's close enough to spring to see the first buds of flowers, imported from the south for lovers to gift their ladies with on the 14th. Allen is no lady (he would be clearly offended!) but the custom seems nice. Nice enough that he hovers over one of the flower stands for a longer moment, letting the florist rattle on and on about what bouquet would be finest for a girl such a handsome gentleman fancies.
Allen listens and nods with a gentle smile; buys two and moves away with an elaborate bow in her direction, amused by how the girl blushes and chuckles. Then, he looks at the bouquets in his hands and blushes, too: why on Earth has he decided to do something such as this?
But, money well spent, it would do no good to let the flowers go to waste; he trots back to the Headquarters, head downcast, deep in thought on how to explain this. He passes Miranda on her way out and blushes even more when she grants him with a knowing smile: women in this organization know a lot, lot more than they're supposed to, he decides. Lena will be even worse when she gets a sniff of what's happening.
It starts snowing on his way to the cathedral; small, soft snowflakes falling all around, nothing dangerous yet - but Allen cradles the flowers closer to his chest, determined for them not to get too cold before he reaches home. Back inside, cheerful voices and the unmistakable mouth-watering scent of chocolate cake welcome him back home. He smiles a little more at that.
Home is still such a good word, in the end.
Kanda likes gardening, so giving him flowers wasn't all that mistaken, it turns out; his thin lips even manage to twist into something that might, somehow, resemble a smile. He wraps an arm around Allen's waist and pulls him into a short, but very promising kiss, then disappears to find a vase, leaving Allen dazed and with a very stupid grin on his face that will take several good moments to go away.
And there is still the second bouquet to deliver.
Lavi claps his hands excitedly as he coos and bends over the gift; clearly, he had never received a similar gift, but enjoys it all the same. The bouquet doesn't stay intact for long, though: it takes a quick moment, long nimble fingers working the stems with ease, and Allen sneezes as a large crown made of exotic flowers is placed atop his hair.
"Here! I like my flowers better that way," Lavi laughs, and Allen wears the wreath proudly for the rest of the day.
In the evening, curled up on a rug in Kanda's room - the remnants of chocolate cake and mulled wine somewhere between the tangle of their limbs - he runs his fingers slowly through Kanda's hair and closes his eyes in contentment as Lavi hums them both a song he'd heard on the street a day or two ago; his mind is soft, fuzzy and floaty, and yet, it keeps coming back to the words of the flower girl this morning.
His two lovers must really be lucky, if a fine gentleman such as himself fancies both of them, he muses with a playful smile.
bbc merlin // merlin x arthur // [G] You're unusually quiet today.
The first time Arthur sees Merlin's magic, the young prince is breathless.
It's just a spark of light over the fire they've set up in the woods; tiny, firefly-like sparks fluttering around until they join in the shape of a dragon: all possible colours, from cold blue, through a soft off-white, to warm crimson. They fly up, shatter, disappear just to let others take their place as the dragon moves around in easy circles.
It baffles him, how silly he was not to notice the signs before: the sheer luck with which Merlin escaped any and all danger, the countless times he saved the prince's life; the way every mundane task was finished in a timeframe where nobody would be able to finish it without any reasonable help, and yet, Merlin had the damned time to read his books despite all that.
The dragon flies up and Arthur flinches, until a soft chuckle reassures him that really, it's okay; the fire is real but it will not harm him. Merlin means no harm, is what he understands, and this thought puts him at ease - makes him feel, in a strange yet comfortable way, safe. There's something about Merlin - something about magic - that makes Arthur stop and think, moreso now than ever before; something that buzzes between them, saying /you were born from it, and so was I./
He doesn't dare deny it: he knows the story of his own birth and he can only guess Merlin's.
The dragon jumps onto his shoulder and nuzzles into the crook of his neck, giving a perfect imitation of a sneeze as the fine tuft of hair tucked behind Arthur's ear tickles its nose.
Arthur startles.
"Finally!" Merlin laughs, scooting up closer in hopes that the prince will, maybe, share the warmer blanket with him. "I was thinking that something happened; you're unusually quiet today."
Arthur just shakes his head. None of them mention the magic, or the dragon, or the warmth blossoming where their shoulders meet; the prince tilts his head a fraction just when the wizard looks up, and it takes one, two, three heartbeats before their lips touch: Arthur's still wary and confused, Merlin's curling into a smile.
Some things were familiar enough to assure him that nothing, in fact, is out of the ordinary.
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broken-endings · 7 years
theresa predicts attack on titan ?/?
Okay, catching up with Shingeki no Kyojin starting with chapter 87-88
might as well make this all the way through chp 92
i apologize in advance for my SERIOUS inconsistency with capitalizing proper nouns. Everything written here is me experiencing the story in real time, stream of consciousness, stopping to write and reading some more. i hope it's at least a little coherent. there’s some good theories and conjectures in here
tl;dr i have a MOTHER UPON MOTHER of theories that’s at the very end of this post that I thought of while formatting all this text.
seeing the owl's titan form, and i'm just like "it looks like eren's"
then when the man was coming out of the nape i was like "he looks like grisha"
or "he looks like EREN"
man, i don't even know how that would work but what if eren was the OWL and is older than grisha or something.
though owl guy DOES have lighter hair, but other than that i'm like "damn man"
and damn man, why does old eren look so much like erwin with darker hair too? i mean i suppose everyone being eldian in the walls, they're all at least distantly related. but like what if in some weird twist of all this erwin was eren's son or something???
alright i've got some better sense of all this after the information settled and i read on
I know our eren is not "that eren" or he didn't ever start out being that owl eren he’s only both erens after he gained the coordinate
because grisha ate owl eren and eren ate grisha, he's become both of them, and the first king. Just like Armin has Bertholdt in him, eren has both of them in him. and grisha must have, out of honor and respect, and maybe a reminder of his mission, named his son after the owl.
but there's STILL something bothering me about all this. before eren ever got truly involved in this, no titan power or anything, in the first chapter he had that dream of mikasa with shorter hair
like that's still the oddball of all the details we know. how do you dream about the future?? so far everything has been about memory and the past.
and the fact that the scene where eren woke up dreaming grisha's flashback and said almost the exact same thing he said in chapter one. "this feeling i was dreaming for a very long time" and he was crying after both too.
one other possibility i wonder is. if a person inherited titan powers by eating someone has a child, can any aspect of that eaten person be inherited through blood? Like memories for example.
Because grisha's blood would've had first eren's blood, which went on to run in second eren's veins
but owl eren wouldn't have just had his own memories, he'd have had all the ones who had his power before him, and have given them all to grisha.
so maybe without eating anyone, our eren had some kind of memories from birth? IF this is true it would COMPLETELY explain his ability to kill grown men as a young child and also fool them in order to gain an upperhand. he mercilessly stabbed them to save mikasa, and encouraged her to do the same.
even if that is true then that still doesn't explain the "future" dream thing from chapter 1.
i'm writing all this before grisha has even eaten owl eren. i'm assuming nothing unexpected happens. but maybe i better continue reading.
whomever inherits the power of the nine titans WILL DIE IN THIRTEEN YEARS (why thirteen. that’s awfully...specific. nine titans, thirteen years...idk where this is leading)
barring a miracle eren won't reach his 24th? birthday? armin will but will barely reach his 28th birthday. UGH this sucks.
and OH MY GOSH THAT’S why grisha did it when he did. eren was 10? when grisha gave him the power, wasn't he?? if we consider that it probably took a couple years between coming to paradise and the birth of his son... ...grisha was literally out of time. that's why he left to get the coordinate. he couldn't have known the marley controlled titans would attack in that time. When he left to get it he never thought he'd have to involve his son, but between the wall falling and the 13 year time limit, even though he finally got the coordinate, if he wanted to save his people, his son, he had to give eren the power.
i know i'm missing some kind of detail that makes it "have to be eren" cuz grisha wasn't royal blood, his first wife was and his son with her was. But he did know eren's disposition. His hardcore determination to see the outside world, join the scouts and kill titans. It wasn't like eren was his only option, but he was his best option with what little time he had left.
chp 89
it only just occurred to me seeing levi say it:
there are nine titans nine scouts remain from reclaiming wall maria and 2 of them are titans
maybe it's just for story symmetry and nothing else but it feels ominous just realizing that eren, armin, mikasa, levi, hanji, jean, sasha, connie, and...the one guy whose name i don't know, but almost saved erwin? though he might be a red shirt.
old eren instructing grisha mentions mikasa and armin whom he DOESNT KNOW who they are or whose memories they are from when grisha asks
WHAT MUST GRISHA have thought when his son befriended mikasa and armin. though grisha knew mikasa before eren did.
WHAT THE HELL DOES ALL THIS MEAN why does old eren know future things???? why has current eren seen personal future things????
my mind is so oversaturated with new information. I haven't read this many chapters in a row since I finished the anime and caught up to the current chapter which was right around eren and historia being abducted.
all this stuff and we still don't entirely know the mystery surrounding the ackerman family and how it fits in the outside world.
so eren could use the coordinate because he was touching a member of the royal family when he did whatever needed to be done to activate it: dina, his dad's first wife and the titan who ate his mom.
so then, doesn't that mean he doesn't have to eat a royal family member but merely have one by his side aka historia, like skin contact for something
i can't see historia remaining the motionless figurehead inside the walls for the rest of the story. She would want to fight and DO something. this is something she could do
they mentioned "magic" for the first time: grisha to owl!eren. which feels really out of place after 80+ chapters. which is ironic since what about normal humans growing into giant titans doesn't scream magic? i guess the word magic has connotations tightly bound to traditional fairy tales and witches and wizards and wands and spells. in other genres it's usually called something else: bending, mutation, etc.
and this thing about all the eldian people being connected by an invisible thread which is how the coordinate controls the titans. i wonder if that kind of information could lead to de-titanizing people without them having to eat anyone.
I wonder if the connections between the people, the invisible threads, could transcend time? Since they already transcend space when it comes to the coordinate.
If the connections CAN transcend time then that could mean owl eren could have experienced eren-who-wasn't-born-yet's memories because in the future their memories possess the same body in our present day eren.
bertholdt had a better handle on armin's strategy than anyone and armin was the one who would eat bertholdt. could it be he was tapping into "future" memories of being armin?
and if they can tap into "future" memories that would also imply there is fate in this world. Since before grisha knew he'd have a son, the owl had eren's memories cuz, no matter what, grisha was going to eat the owl and eren was going to eat grisha. If that was a changeable outcome then the "future memory" wouldn't be there
and if fate exists
maybe there's a prophesy associated with titans.
but if fate exists then choice is meaningless. This whole time has been about making a choice because you don't know what the future holds.
i never thought that that could mean anything other than being a lesson and wise words, but there's still "future related things" we don't know about. the owl knowing mikasa and armin. eren seeing his own future, in an older mikasa.
what would it mean if isayama makes this a fate driven world? I suppose it'd enforce "there's no way of knowing which is the right or better choice"
but it'd also mean that the choice you make would have always been the only way things could turn out. but i guess that could be nice. there'd be none of this "if only you'd chosen the other thing" in all these situations and "you made the wrong choice" it'd enforce that there is no right or wrong choice, there is just the choice that happens, and it can't be changed or rewritten, like the king did with people's memories.
would it make the characters feel worse if they learn they're controlled by fate and their choices don't matter?
or even if they are controlled by fate, who knows, maybe there's an even more outer layer of this story onion and beyond eldians and marley, fate is in charge, and they have to ultimately "escape predestined fate" beyond the conflict with marley.
though if fate is escapable that'd also imply someone or something tangible is controlling everything we've seen so far. isayama wouldn't do that would he? he rendered the war against the titans moot by revealing what's outside the walls, would he render the conflict outside the walls moot by putting something greater?
it all depends on how long this manga is gonna be. cuz damn if that ended up being true it'd have to probably be 150-175 chapters long.
i doubt the fate thing but it’s cool to imagine. The thing with war and history repeating itself is a theme through the manga and “who’s the real enemy” could actually be “ourselves.” Because no matter how much you learn you’re never as free as you want to be, and you make someone an enemy cuz you need someone to fight other than yourself. And you rewrite history to control others and see things your way because history is what you write, not necessarily what happened. That’s actually pretty profound, and part of why i like this story so much
and they finally see the ocean that is the ONE wish i had for the trio to see the ocean but now any fuckery could happen cuz they won a battle but not the war.
the time skips just take me by surprise. they're all sixteen, some seventeen or almost seventeen.
WHAT HAS ZEKE been doing all this time??? REINER?? maybe Marley imprisoned them for failure?
i seriously can't wait for this, but i'm assuming at some point we may see a flashback of what began the conflict between marley and the eldians
we briefly heard what i think may be the true history from the owl about how ymir got the power. i hope we get more information.
whoa whoa whoa
time is flying.
when the eldians say they've been fighting for four years
that doesn't mean another timeskip does it?? cuz reiner has FACIAL HAIR
though i think he was an older recruit maybe 16 or 17 when they graduated. (do we know his age?). then a year kind of passed between then and the retaking of wall maria. and we had a year time skip after that, so he could be 18/19 which i guess facial hair is allowed, but it makes him seem much older and i'm like "shit, is he in his twenties or something??" it can't be
is this gabi gonna be a foil for eren. a young girl on the enemy's side despite being blood related will see everyone that's her enemy be destroyed.
that's eren when this story started. cuz the titans are related to him by blood, but he didn't know that. and he wanted to see them all destroyed.
she even looks like eren, is drawn like him
that marley general says when they tried to take back the original titan power NINE YEARS AGO
what's been happening on paradise island the last FOUR years
or maybe i should say three years. this conflict could've started during the first year time skip we saw. but so eren and them should be 19ish, reiner would be 20/21
and annie, in that stone would she age? or would she stay the same? frozen in time. but her times almost up just like reiner's right?
and while EDITING and formatting in the text box cuz copy and paste didn’t work.
So we know everyone is “descended from Ymir who got the power of the titans. She split her power into nine parts. blahblahblah”
Something that was once whole was split into pieces from one being. everyone is connected via “invisible thread” and the original titan power controls all the titans because THEY WERE ALL MEANT TO BE WHOLE. They are literally mere pieces of something larger.
They are shards of something that was once a whole being, and are trying to return to that. If one of the titans were to consume the other 8 powers, then they’d be closer to whole again
mindless titans are like echoes of the original because they’re made from fluids of a true titan’s body. So they eat people because they’re trying to become whole again, an instinctual nature to eat someone who’s a real titan so they can be part of that whole again that is titan ymir.
to return to being whole, the theoretical titan who gains all the titans’ abilities would also need to consume all the mindless titans because they literally possess part of that whole, running through their bodies, the fluid that was taken. I don’t think that WILL happen. But many parts of this puzzle WANT that to happen. I think that’s possibly the only reason mindless titans eat people. to become whole again.
but all this begs the question
the walls are FULL of colossal titans. are they mindless titans too? how are they so big? and if they’re NOT mindless titans then WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?? there’s only nine titan powers, one being colossal. STILL LOTS OF IMPORTANT INFORMATION MISSING
i caught up on attack on titan and my head hurts. should try not to miss six chapters in a row. it’s a fuck ton
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aethelar · 8 years
Newt is a really, really weird demon whom Percival Graves summoned to help with MACUSA's Grindelwald problem. Go wild.
When people look at Percival Graves, they see his grandfather’s grandson. Not his father - Leodegrance Graves is a quiet man, the sort whose cardigans are soft and have elbow patches, the sort who putters around his bookshop and hums snatches of songs to himself as he sorts the books by size and personality. People tend to skip over Leo, not that it makes much of a difference to him.
But still, people look at Graves and they see a Graves, like his Grandfather, like his Great Grandfather, like the whole line of them before him. They see his purposeful strides, the way magic bends wandlessly to his will, the hardness in his eyes when he makes an arrest. The Graves are an old family with old roots, a family of duellers and fighters, a family whose magic is straightforward, blunt and strong.
When Grindelwald designs his prison for Graves, he designs it to contain a Graves in any and every way possible. The wards cannot be flooded. The iron cuffs dampen and strangle magic, pressing in against Graves like a crushing weight he can barely breathe through. The door cannot be kicked down. It is, in many ways, the perfect prison and if Graves were only a Graves and nothing more then he’d be trapped to wither and die in the barren cell.
It is good for Graves that he has a mother then, and better still that Grindelwald is fool enough to overlook her. Carlotta de Lucci learnt the old magics at her mother’s knee; her son learnt them just the same at hers, and though Grindelwald has taken care to stop anyone getting out of his carefully constructed prison cell, he’s taken no such care to stop someone getting in.
Or something.
Graves presses a wad of torn cloth against his bleeding hand and double checks the sigils again. There’s a bitter tang to the air, a heaviness as ancient forces swell and stir in anticipation. The summoning circle is crude and the usual candles and herbs are missing, but it thrums with power all the same.
He breathes.
My soul for strength, my freedom for power. Look kindly on me in this life for I have forsaken the next. 
Even in his mind the words reverberate, a dissonant choir of whispered screams building in his ears. His mother’s warnings hover on the edge of his memory, but this isn’t the time to be cautious. This has gone long beyond the time to be cautious. The sigils gleam at his thoughts, the wet smear of blood deepening to the orange-red glow of fire. Graves holds his hand over the circle and opens his fist to allow three drops to fall.
“Ad attrahendum eos,” he says in a voice that burns his throat. “Ad constringendum, ad ligandum eos pariter et solvendum, et ad congregantum eos coram me.”
There is a blinding shriek as the flames explode outwards. Graves digs his heels into the floor and braces himself against them, gritting his teeth in pain as their icy fingers claw at his chest. He can’t feel them take his soul, but the desolate, gaping lack of it once it’s gone drives him to his knees. He huddles there, hunched over and gasping as the flames flare brilliant white and dissolve into wisps of brimstone smoke that curli and reshape themselves, formless red glinting gold and blue until it finally coalesces into a man.
No, not a man. A demon. One bound to him and his bidding for as long as he lives - this is what Graves’ soul has bought. Perhaps, when he’s free and Grindelwald is little more than a smear in time, Graves will barter for his soul back. Horror stories are built and dark lords are made on the deals people make to win back their souls, but let’s be honest here: Graves didn’t go into this expecting life to be easy. He hauls himself to his feet, pushing aside the shards of agony shooting from the wailing cavity in his chest.
“My name is Percival Graves, son of the de Lucci line,” he says formally. “Do you obey?”
The demon blinks at him, wide eyes set in a freckled face. Graves is thrown for a second at how disarmingly… innocent the demon looks; it’s taken a male form, younger than Graves himself, with loose curls and a crooked tilt to its lips. He shakes himself out it; demons aren’t innocent, nor young - they’re ageless beings of spite and malice, fallen angels warped and made foul in hell. There’s nothing innocent about them.
“Um. Um? Oh! Hi.” The demon -
what the fuck.
The demon waves at him, shy smile and bashful dip to its head, the whole package. “I’m - no, not that, you can’t pronounce that. Call me… Newt. And I’m terribly sorry, I didn’t catch your name.”
“Graves,” Graves says numbly, mind still scrambling to catch up. He shook himself, reaching for the clarity of mind needed to bargain with a demon - and the demon steps out the circle to shake his hand.
What the fuck.
“Nice to meet you,” Newt says politely, hand held out awkwardly. Graves stares at it. Somewhere in the back of his mind a small part of him is gibbering about the fact that demons aren’t supposed to be able to cross the circle, and that Graves isn’t supposed to be alive once the demon crosses the circle. Newt’s smile wavers and he retrieves his hand to stick it in a pocket instead.
“Did you get summoned here too?” he asks, doggedly pursuing conversation. “I hope it doesn’t take long. I’m supposed to feed the graphorns in a minute, they get grumpy if I’m late.”
“Graphorns,” Graves echoes. The ability to say more than one word at a time seems to have escaped him.
“Graphorns,” Newt repeats happily. “You probably won’t have seen any - the last pair died just a few months ago, poor things, they’re completely extinct now. But! I rescued them and they’re doing fine, they’ve really taken being undead. I think it’s going well.”
At the risk of becoming repetitive, what the fuck.
“No,” Graves, says, pinching the bridge of his nose. He uses the wrong hand and smears blood on his forehead which is just peachy and as his magic is still tied up in the damn iron manacles, he resorts to scrubbing it off with his sleeve. “Start again.”
“Um?” Newt tries, and Graves can’t tell if he’s being a shit or being honest and now he’s considering the idea that a demon looks that tiny bit cute when it scrunches its nose up in confusion and he really needs to stop this.
“You,” he says with a rude jab of his finger, “are a demon. I traded my soul for your servitude and you’re going to get me out of here and rain damnation on my enemies. Capisci?”
Newt’s face falls. “Oh,” he mumbles. “That sort of summoning.”
Graves is tempted to ask what other sort of summoning Newt was hoping for. In his experience, if you’re trading your soul for something then you’re looking for at least a little hellfire and revenge. People in need of a cup of sugar tended not to summon demons. He’s tempted to ask, but he doesn’t because god only knows what explanation Newt will come up with.
“Does it have to be damnation?” Newt asks plaintively. “Can’t we just… travel for a bit? I’m not allowed up top much. We could see a phoenix! We never get phoenix in hell, how awesome would it be to find a phoenix? Do they really set themselves on fire? Have you ever seen one - what if it’s raining, can they still set themselves on fire in the rain?”
“I traded my soul for damnation,” Graves tries desperately. Newt doesn’t miss a beat.
“I’ll trade it back if we go travelling and find a phoenix.”
What the frick kind of demon trades a soul for anything short of seventy seven other souls to replace it? Graves squints at Newt, but as far as he can tell the other man - demon, demon, damnit - genuinely wants to chase flaming pigeons around the world.
“What about your graphorns?” he says suspiciously. Newt shrugs him off.
“I can set up a portal to the enclosures and just nip home to feed them, it’s not a problem. Put it in something to take with us - do you have a puzzlebox? Friend of mine set his up in a puzzlebox. Or anything, a suitcase, even. Hide it in the suitcase.” He looks up hopefully, tilting his head with just the tiniest hint of a smile, and Graves has the awful suspicion that he’s being seduced into agreeing to something here. On the other hand… Newt is offering him his soul back, and he doesn’t have to kill anyone to get it. Just find a phoenix. How hard can it be?
“Deal?” Newt presses when Graves hesitates, and damn it (probably literally) - Graves agrees.
“Deal,” he says, holding his hand out to shake on it.
Newt shakes his head, looking so regretfully innocent about it that it has to be feigned. “Oh, no - demon deals are sealed with a kiss.” He steps forwards, hands already reaching for Graves and his smile morphing into a satisfied smirk as he closes the distance between them.
Graves knew Newt had ulterior motives.
Not that he particularly minds.
(Oh, and that bit about not having to kill anyone as part of this deal? Unfortunately not true. Newt, it turns out, is all in favour of wanton destruction when he learns about poachers. Illegal potions trade, that too. Hell, Graves had to talk fast to keep Newt from taking down the legal potions trade, nevermind the illegal stuff, and has to spend several years campaigning for better regulation and higher standards of care just to stop Newt setting the entire wizarding world on fire.
They don’t find a phoenix. Newt drags him all over the world and somehow they never find a phoenix. The ache where Graves’ soul used to be never quite goes away, but when he’s curled up against Newt, limbs tangled and sleep-heavy and his nose pressed into the crook of Newt’s neck - it doesn’t hurt so much, then.
They don’t find a phoenix, until a day when Graves is an old man. Newt isn’t - he’s aged his appearance to match and given himself shockingly white hair just because, but he dances around as sprightly and youthfully as he ever did. Graves on the other hand… He uses a cane, these days. He walks slowly, bent over, stopping to take a breath. His back is a constant pain, his knees - well. He’s an old man.
Newt has been quiet all day, and he won’t say where they’re going. It’s somewhere in Scotland, somewhere miserably cold and wet and the chill seeps into Graves’ bones like a physical wound. He’s more leaning on Newt than walking at this stage, but Newt still doesn’t say anything.
A castle looms out of the mist, tall and stately and all but shimmering with magic. The gates are guarded by a pair of winged boar and wards that fair hum with the power curled in their dormant runes. There’s a man by the gates, waiting for them, an old man - no. Old in the way that Newt is old, white haired but ageless underneath.
The man nods at them. With a pained grimace, Newt nods back. Graves opens his mouth to ask what’s going on, but - in a minute. His chest hurts, he needs to get his breath back first.
He doesn’t get the chance to ask though, because the pain in his chest isn’t going away. It spreads to his arm and fine, heart attack, he’s had one of these before but Newt’s there and he’ll just - he’ll just -
Newt isn’t crying, but there’s a terrifying emptiness to his face as he holds Graves. “I was selfish,” he says, flat and monotone and deliberately, awfully blank. “I won’t say I’m sorry because I’m not, but I was selfish.” 
Why, Graves wants to ask, but he doesn’t have the breath. There’s a ringing in his ears, black and white spots fading in and out of his vision -
The last thing he sees is the phoenix. It sits on Newt’s shoulder and presses itself against him like it knows him, and with that, with that Newt has found a phoenix and the deal is finally complete. Graves’ soul floods back into him like a rush of ice over a burn and it hurts, it hurts, it hurts because the pain on Newt’s face as Graves’ soul is torn from him is a thousand times worse than the lack of pain Graves feels as he dies.
When it’s done, the old man rests a hand on Newt’s shoulder. Newt is like a statue beneath his touch, cold and hard in a way he’d never been for Graves. But… he has no reason to feign humanity anymore. He stands, Graves’ empty body cradled bridle style in his arms, and walks away without a word. He fades with each step, his outline going thin and insubstantial until the last wisps of smoke drift away on the breeze.)
(In heaven, the newest arrival marches up to the Big Guy with his fluffy white wings flaring out behind him, and demands to know what he has to do to get himself put down as officially fallen and cast out to hell because did Newt ask before he gave Graves his soul back and got him a ticket up to harps and cloud land? Did he fuck.)
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Anime: Fuckin’ Nationalism and Torture all up in these animation cells
Watched two different new anime last night, and both had me a little more worried than I already was with what shows up in Japanese media.
One had the absurd premise that a modern salaryman was sent into an alternate past and transformed into a pubsecent girl wizard who leads a strikeforce of magic users fighting for the Germans on the Western Front of an alternate WWI.
For starters...Japan in World War I was allied to France and England, sinking German ships and capturing German soldiers late in the war. The narrative opens up revealing details of the world, basically an alternate Europe, with different stylized flags for everyone (hey Japan, you’re really good at making German duchy flags...not so good at getting that anglo and latin societies flags don’t feature 36 colors and lots and lots of emblems) and then goes waaaaaayyyy past my comfort zone as it reveals that Germany...or the Empire or whatever they are...is surrounded by enemies hellbent on destroying it, and that all these enemies are envious of the power and culture of the Germans, and so the Germans wage a war to free themselves of these enemies.
This isn’t just a wonky reimagining of the start of World War I, it also sounds an awful lot like a pretty simple allegory for Japan. Nationalism and old imperial sentiments are on the rise here, and in many places these aren’t your slicked back hair ‘alt-right nazi’ ‘we would just like an ethno state, so please leave’ shit, I mean like ‘Koreans aren’t people and we need Manchuko back’ shit. Japan has had a long and weird affinity for the Third Reich, lots of symbolism, characters, costumes, stories, and often it’s an exercise in telling stories of a valiant master race who is being subjugated by foreign enemies and how they regain their strength and triumph...stories that if just exclusively told from a Japanese perspective would come across...and probably be written up as dangerously nationalistic. This anime takes the third reich, and moves even further back, reimagining Germany merely as the perfect Japan of Europe, fighting for survival amidst a sea of enemies. This of course with the creepy anime girl baggage, I kinda had to tune out of the episode only about a quarter of the way through...even if the character is supposed to be ‘evil’ as the title suggests, often the concept of ‘good and evil’ is highly subjective, and evil is treated as merely al alternate point of view that’s valid to root for.
The second was a period cop drama...a fucked up period cop drama. Set in the Edo period, probably in the 18th century, there’s a detective working for the Arson and Theft department of the Shogun’s police...or whatever the relevant agency in Edo Japan was...I mean, theft and arson in a society of paper and wood houses and lacquer everywhere would be pretty big crimes right? Anyway, this show was kinda messed up in a whole other way. It had the kinda jazzy music you get in Japanese cop dramas...you see a criminal get nabbed, then taken back for questioning.
The questioning, under guidance from the titular hero of the show, involves flaying the suspect, then driving a nail through their foot, and pouring hot wax over it, presumably because the nail would transmit the heat into the wound. The hero is presented as this intense, bad ass dude who gets the info he needs by any means necessary...but...when the guy doesn’t talk he keeps him in jail...and other characters come by the guys cell to talk about ‘hey that dude that mini crucified you and ripped all the skin off your shoulders? He had a criminal executed once, and is now taking care of the guys child...he’s just...so...manly and soft hearted.’
So then this torture detective comes by, and shares a drink with the prisoner, he finds out the guy was down on his luck and had been an orphan after his grandma died...then as the detective leaves...he says in effect ‘I wish I’d been so lucky as to have a grandma who died.’ Like...’yeah, being an orphan can lead you to a life of crime...but I had it so much worse...giant venomous centipedes raised me and I was daily mauled by wild bears...and now I’m chief of police for this suburb and when I’m not torturing suspects I’m being a GOOD DAD.’
So...historically speaking there’s no reason to assume that these types of brutal interrogations and summary executions weren’t completely the norm. The Shogunate was a dictatorship, and order was strictly preserved with extreme prejudice...but...when presenting a narrative you can show the brutality of the era without also glorifying it...and the supposed result. The show in effect has your hero a torturer with an absolute dedication to enforcement of the laws and summary punishments...but with a heart of gold and a deep sense of honor and justice. The ideal is a guy who follows the rules, and bends them only to more judiciously uphold the law, and wont get squeamish when it’s time to cut off a dudes balls to make him talk.
Both of these are currently airing I think, and despite the fact we all kinda treat foreign media as its own thing, I was thinking about anime from other periods in Japan’s history, the kinda...messages that appear in the setting, the characters, the depiction of places and events. Think of these shows as being present in a media landscape...like how you have TV shows that you regularly turn to, and are part of the cultural tapestry of your country. You bemoan that too many people watched Duck Dynasty...or remember how people were getting upset with 24 for its depiction of torture and the idea of this constant terrorist threat. Now imagine a show where you get an allegorical version of the Indian Wars, where the US isn’t the bad guy, and the indigenous groups depicted all had it coming. Or where your cop and detective shows are literally just ways to demonstrate what the preferred form of masculinity is...absolute devotion to the law, and a brutal indifference to suffering and pain in others. Can you imagine the discourse ‘WHY ISN’T ANYONE TALKING ABOUT BEAT COP AND RECORD OF THE SAVAGE WAR? THEY’RE KINDA PROBLEMATIC.’
The thing is, you also have competing programming that takes an entirely different approach to period stories and just...I liked Hyouge Mono, it was an amusing historical political drama/comedy, but Oribe never came across as the ideal...no one really was, everyone was fickle, brutal, vain, misguided...even the most aesthetic and philosophical characters would be knocked down a peg just to show they weren’t ideologically perfect. Looking at 80′s and 90′s anime too shows a lot of stuff that was kinda ‘ra ra work hard and be friends with your coworkers’ but not an explicitly revisionist narrative that starts digging up the old imperial sentiments and saying ‘you know what we haven’t done in a while...thought about conquering the mainland.’
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