#and now i attempt to sleep cause it’s already 8am
regivaem · 1 year
hc before i pass the fuck out: rosa has elf ears; they’re no longer rounded or strictly human-like. thank you.
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criolla-star · 6 months
A Fiery Lovestory (Red Son x Mk part 4)
(I suggest you check out part 1-3 if you haven't already, just a reminder Macaque and Red Son are just friends they aren't like a father son duo cause that would be weird since i have Shadowpeach in this comic and since Macaque and Wukong are practically MKs' parent annnnd Red Son has bull ears, and horns that are small i'm sure you have seen fanart of it before, i'll shut up now)
Red Son woke up the next day it took him a moment to process where he was, but when he did he checked the time, it was 6:23am. Red Son always woke up early to prevent the scolding from his parents for being up late, but then he just realised, "Oh fuck...my parents don't know where I am..." Red Son thought to himself he hadn't thought about this yesterday when he agreed to follow he was just exhausted. "Hopefully Macaque can lie for me..." Red mumbled, sure he didn't know where he was but Macaque knew better than to out him. Red let out a sigh before getting up and stretching. He was still wearing MKs' clothes and it was really comfy this made him blush slightly. Suddenly he remembered his fire and then carefully attempted to ignite a fire it took a minute but he let out a sigh of relief when he finally managed to do it rain honestly really fucked him up but that won't be the only thing fucking him.....
He had a pretty peaceful sleep and looked and went to the bathroom he was honestly surprised with how furnished MK's home was, but his thought went back to MKs' sculpted body from when he was shirtless last night, "So hot..." Red Son whispered out, "Why the fuck am I thinking about him, he's an idiot...a handsome idiot" Red Son added, "That's it I'm just gonna find something to eat in this place" Red Son scolded himself before going into the kitchen. He looked around and saw discarder cereal boxes on the counter and table, there were dirty dishes in the sink, "It's such a mess in here" Red Son mumbled, the fire demon wasn't a fan of messy places the closest he's ever had a place this dirty was his workshop.
"I can't with this..." Red Son mumbled as he went and turned on the tap before tying up his hair, taking off MKs' jacket from yesterday, finding some gloves and beginning to do the dishes. Red Son didn't find cleaning a pain and actually enjoyed it (can ya believe someone likes cleaning) He continued to do the dishes and eventually finished that, the fire demon also enjoyed singing and talking to himself while he did things such as cleaning, working or cooking, and yes he can cook like really good also really enjoys it. Eventually Red finished cleaning the whole kitchen, it was now 7:30am he's been cleaning for an hour and was honestly surprised the noodle boy hasn't awoken from his slumber by now. "Hm...hungry..." Red Son said quietly to himself. The fire demon went through cupboards and the found ingredients to make pancakes, "Well he has something else other than cereal" Red Son mumbled before taking off the jacket and he surprisingly found an apron which wasn't dirty and put it one I mean of course it wouldn't be dirty by the looks of it Mk probably only ate cereal and noodles which was kinda sad for Red Son to think about but he shrugged it off.
Red Son grabbed a bowl and made the pancake mixture, I don't know how to bake/cook so don't expect a good description. Once the mixture was complete the fire demon poured it onto a pan, used his fire to ignite the stove and made pancake after pancake. It honestly smelt amazing and Red Son was singing whatever song you want with the most angelic voice very ironic for a demon.
Mk woke up to an amazing smell unaware of the stunning fire demon cooking in his apartment and the beautiful act of cleaning he did. Mk yawned out loudly then checked the time, it was 8am and honestly that surprised him he usually up later than this, "Wow I'm up early, must be the smell..." Mk thought, "Haha...Red Sons' here...OH SHIT RED SONS HERE!" Mk panicked realising that the fire demon was probably up and in the kitchen. He grabbed a shirt and rushed out while putting it on. Only to hear Red Son singing as well as him cooking, the fire demon didn't notice him and continued singing unaware that he was being watched Mk looked around and noticed how clean everything was, "Did he do this..?" The monkey thought. Mk leaned on the door frame and continued to listen until the demon noticed. He was honestly lost in his thoughts Red Sons' voice sounded so sweet and soft. He was watching for 2 minutes until Red Son did a twirl and realisation hit him, "AHHH!! WHAT THE FUCK HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN THERE!!!??" Red Son panicked almost falling down. "Long enough...did you clean this place up?" Mk chuckled out walking towards Red Son, "I-I in fact did, this place was filthy!" Red Son nervously said out before talking in his bratty tone.
"Well thank you, was gonna eventually clean it but never had the motivation to" Mk responded before looking Red Son up and down, he was still wearing his sweatpants but the apron looked really cute on him. "I don't know how you could let your place get like this, but I made pancakes you barely had anything in those cupboards of yours other than cereal, eat it or not I couldn't care less" Red Son said before putting another pancake on a stack, "Hey I'll eat anything at this point I think I've had noodles and cereal a bit too much" Mk said as he sat at the table because Red Son signalled him to sit down. "As if that part wasn't obvious..." The fire demon mumbled before plating some pancakes and giving it to Mk. Before grabbing a tub of ice cream, and strawberries and placing it next to Mk. "Did you go through everything?" Mk chuckled out, "So what if I did? If you have a problem go back to eating cereal noodle boy" Red Son hissed slightly annoyed, "Haha...no..." Mk replied before beginning to eat. MKs' eyes lit up, "Holy shit this is like the best thing I've ever eaten, you are an amazing cook I never thought you would be able to cook" Mk said praising Red Son. Hearing this made the fire demon blush, "I-I tend to do cooking and baking as a hobby it relaxes me" Red Son replied before sitting down and beginning to eat.
Mk stared at him before smirking, "Does singing also relax you~?" the monkey teased, the fire demons' face lit up with blush, "D-Don't you mention that!!" Hr stuttered out embarrassingly. "Hey I'm not making fun of you, you're voice is really nice...I wouldn't mind listening to it forever..." Mk said his voice becoming softer as he lost himself while staring at Red Son. The fire demon blushed hearing that, "J-Just shut up you peasant and eat!" Red said nervously Mk chuckled before continuing to eat.
"I have work at 9:30, I don't mind if you stay here" Mk said breaking a silence as they ate, "Mhm...I suppose I could stay..." Red Son spoke, he was hoping Macaque managed to convince his parents that he didn't run away and somehow Mk must've read his mind, "Does Macaque know you're here...?" Mk added his voice going from his dumb tone to a more serious tone, "No...but, he won't be bothering you till he knows where I am..." Red Son replied.
After a while they finished eating Mk had to go to work and told Red Son rules he had to follow. "Morning kid, you're here early" Pigsy said surprisingly when Mk came in, "Yep" Mk replied happily while waiting for order but he couldn't quite get Red Son off his mind.
(The amount of times i lost motivation for this is unspeakable like i clicked off it and started reading other fanfic or watching youtube, ALSO the true power of the samadhi fire is blue which alters based on the power used if it's a little amount it will stay as red too much it'll be blue saying that i already mentioned this before that Meis' fire is a way downgraded version of the actual fire due to the colour)
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varicrux · 2 years
“i didn’t cause the collateral! the hell d’they want me apologisin’ for, huh?” stupid media and their assumptions. “why th’hell can’t i just tell ‘em it was the stupid villain who had no idea how t’give a shit about a building collapsin’ on us? i had to crawl my ass out of that fuckin’ mess, sunbae. does it look like i’d do that on purpose?” he’s convinced the media just wants to see him plummet in approval ratings and drop out of the top ten.
@ofdetonation. | katsuki b. | prompted.
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          this is something she had already anticipated would transpire. katsuki is a wild card in the industry when it comes to his ratings , primarily because of his natural aggression & less than ideal method of handling the general public. sunbae doesn't quite understand why people continue to judge him so harshly , after recognizing the feats that he's achieved all those years ago during the GREAT WAR ( including the incredible accomplishments he continues to break ground on even now ) , & on top of that , the fact that katsuki hasn't endured much of a change personality wise as time has passed. perhaps that was the issue , but . . . it's not as though he's become any worse.
          katsuki is a man that isn't easily readable. he takes charge , performs excellent work , & at the end of the day , is attempting to do the same as the other professional heroes of his time: maintain the era of peace that has been ushered upon the nation by his generation. if he happens to pave the way to this future using some . . . harsher , unorthodox methods , as long as the end result of prosperity is obtained & the least amount of damage comes with it , shouldn't that be all that matters? no , unfortunately , & sunbae has since been privy to society's idealistic expectations about the appropriate behavior of the heroes that walk their streets & protect their tomorrows. these people are not just saviors ⎯⎯ they're HUMANS too.
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          ' ⎯⎯ i get it katsuki , i do. i think i'd know you well enough by now to back the fact that you wouldn't just destroy a building to get to a villain. but there's the catch , eh? I KNOW YOU. these citizens don't , not the real you , they only saw a pro who just blasted out of the debris of the building that injured a handful of people. ' she can clearly recall what happened from the cameras televising the chase from a helicopter above the scene. the angles on screen & the commentary . . . none of it sat right with sunbae , but that’s fine , because that wasn’t the first instance of subtle sabotage she’s dealt with when it comes to who she represents. 
          ' listen. don't think of apologizing as like , you've done something wrong. you're not sorry for CAUSING the building to collapse ; you're sorry BECAUSE the building collapsed & innocent civilians were injured. you're sorry because that asshole villain put their lives at stake just to get away from you. it's not on you , katsuki. what is on your shoulders , is the responsibility to make those people feel like they can be safe again. i have the conference scheduled tomorrow at 8am. get some sleep , wake up early , go for a run & get your head in the game. '
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Rosie getting sick With a fever and start throwing up. JACK takes care of them because you're out but she's dying to see you
The sickies • jack Harlow
GENRE: fluff
WARNING: sick Rosie
PAIRING: jack Harlow x reader, dad! Jack harlow
AUTHOR NOTE: Rosie is a daddies girl so this is unlike her to want the reader so much
Mini Harlow masterlist
©writing by Iguessweallcrazyithinktho do not steal or repost any of my content anywhere without my consent
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It was around 8am when jack woke up to the sound of cry. He opened his eyes confused as to what was going on. His eyes turned to your side of the bed, you weren't there. Around 6am you had left to do some business work leaving Jack and Rosie there alone.
The sound of the crying getting louder woke jack up more. He realized it was Rosie. Jack rubbed his eyes and kicked off the blanket. He walked out of the bedroom to Rosie's that was right down the hall.
When he opened the door he was met with Rosie face full of tears. Jack looked at her shirt to see she had thrown up over it.
"oh bug, what happened?" He walked over to her, despite the vomit on her shirt he picked her up and placed her on the edge of the bed which was clean.
"tummy hurts." Rosie said through her tears. Jack sighed and placed his hand on her forehead. Right away he can feel that she was burning up. She was sick.
"you're very hot. Let's go get you cleaned up." Jack picked her up placed her on the floor. He went straight to her bathroom and turned on the water while she sat on the toilet waiting for him to finish.
"you mad at me?" Rosie pouted through her tears. Jack turned to her and frown. "Why would I be mad bug?"
"I made a mess." Her doe eyes that were about to spill tears looked up at him. Jack heart broke. He didn't like seeing Rose like this. She was usually so full of energy but when she was sick she was so sad that tugged on his heart strings.
"no I'm not mad at you baby girl." Jack said in a soft voice hoping it'll calm her down. "You got sick that's not something we can control."
Rosie nodded. "Otay "
"ok, let's get rid of these dirty close and take a quick bath."
Jack got rid of Rosie's dirty pajamas and placed her in the warm bath. The whole time he tried to cheer her up but she wasn't having any of it. He can tell she was exhausted already.
After about 10 minutes he took her out and wrapped her in her little towel. He put her in some fresh clothes before putting her in your bed.
"I'm going to get you some medicine." He said. He walked into the bathroom and pulled some cough syrup out the cabinet before returning back to the bedroom.
"oh daddy I don't wike it." Rosie turned away from jack in attempt to not take the medicine. "I know, but it'll make you feel better."
Rosie whined but took it anyways. When she swallowed she made a sour face making jack laugh.
"is it yummy." Rosie looked at him with an angry face. Jack knew what was up.
"where's mama?"
"mommy's at work."
Rosie huffed, "but I want to see her."
"I know, but you can't see her now." Jack knew by the tears forming in her eyes she was about to throw a fit.
"how about we call mommy!?"
Rosie nodded and reached for his phone before he even got the chance to do it himself. Jack dialed your number and waited for you to pick up. Rosie sat on his lap her eyes glued to the phone.
"after the second ring you finally picked up. "Oh hello you two.”
"mama, I miss you. Come home now."
You took notice of Rosie's rough throat. "Oh mamas are you sick?"
Rosie nodded and pouted. "I fhew up."
"oh I'm so sorry. I'm not going to be home in a while. Can you wait a little longer?"
"no I want you back now!" Rosie started to get cranky causing jack to chime in. "Hey these next few hours will go by fast. Before you know it mommy will be home ok?"
Rosie looked at her daddy, her lip was still pouted making him pout himself.
" I gotta go." You said. "I love you bug, you get some sleep ok?"
She nodded. "By mama. Come home soon."
With that you hung. You really didn't want to, , but you had to. There was nothing more you wanted then to go home and cuddle her, but work was a priority right now. You knew jack had it though.
"I hungwy."
"you wanna eat. How about some soup and grilled cheese." Rosie's eyes widen. It was the first time today he saw a little excitement from her.
"yes. Gwilled cheeseeee!"
Jack got up. "Ok grilled cheese and soup it is." Jack put on some cartoons for Rosie while he got her some food.
15 minutes later he walked back into the room with a tray of grill cheese and tomato soup. "Now Ro you can't tell mommy we're eating in bed. She'll be very angry."
"she won't be angry with me daddy. She will be angry at you." Rosie took a bite of her grilled cheese and turned back to the TV. Jack shook his head but laugh.
After eating jack went to go clean the dishes and put Rosie's dirty sheets ib the laundry.
When he came back to the room she was fast asleep. He sighed tucking her in. She was finally back asleep, but jack knew she'll have a rough time when she woke up and saw you were not home yet.
Jack killed some time by cleaning up, writing some verses and making some more soup for when Rosie got up(the perfect house husband).
When she woke up, two hours later, she walked into the living room rubbing her eyes. "Why you leave me all alone daddy?"
She walked over to him. He picked her up and she cuddled into his chest. "I had to clean up a bit."
Rosie hummed. "Otay. My tummy don't hurt a lot anymore." She said proudly as she pulled away. "That's good!" Jack laughed as she pushed her rowdy curls out of her face with the back of her hands as she smiled.
"I made you more soup. This time chicken noodle soup."
"I don't wanna eat till my Mommy gets home." Rosie tucked her head into Jack's neck and let out a soft sigh. Jack decided not to fight her on it. When she was hungry she would eat. He wasn't going to force her to do something she didn't want to.
A few hours had gone by since Rosie woke up. Her and Jack passed the time by watching some harry Potter. Jack also brought up fairy talk to which Rosie spent ages talking about. Even though he was kinda bored he loved seeing her a little bit like her normal self.
You on the other hand were just making your way home. You missed jack and Rosie like crazy and you know they did as well. Jack keep you updated about Rosie throughout the day. He Keep telling you about how she kept asking for you. You know your baby missed you a lot.
You walked into the house. The first thing you could hear was the TV playing in the living room. Five seconds later you hear footsteps against the floor before Rosie appeared in the foyer.
"mommy." She giggled and did a little hop of excitement before running to you.
"hi. I missed you so much." You hugged her and kissed her head. She pulled away after a bit and pointed to her tummy. "My tummy."
"oh yeah you're a little sick, but you know what? You're going to be better soon."
You kissed her cheek making her laugh a bit. Jack soon made his way to front door to see you holding Rosie.
"daddy mama home!!"
Rosie pointed to you with a huge smile on her face. "I see that. That's crazy."
Jack walked over to you and kissed you.
"now we can eat soup cause mommy home." Rosie wiggled from your arms and ran to the kitchen.
"did she prevent you from eating until I got home?" You asked as you took off your heels. Jack nodded and rolled his eyes. "Yes. But it was worth it I guess."
You laughed and grabbed Jack's hand. "Lets go eat."
You, jack and Rosie ate the soup jack made earlier. The whole time Rosie sat on your lap and tried to feed you crackers but you kindly declined them from the sick child.
Once dinner was done you all got ready for bed. Rosie suggested she sleep with you and Jack, but you talked her out of it after a brief discussion. It didn't take her long to fall asleep either. On her fresh sheets she fell right asleep.
You walked into the bedroom, jack was already in bed waiting for you.
"come here." He opened his arms up. "I haven't got time to you all day."
You laughed and jumped into bed into his arms. You gave him a quick kiss before settling down beside him.
"you had a long day didn't you?"
Jack ran his fingers through his curls and relaxed into the bed. "Yep, I had a long one. She missed you like crazy. Lots of coughing and sneezing along the way, but we made it."
"I'm very proud of you." You said kissing him again. "I just hope you aren't sick tomorrow cause then I gotta take care of you. "
"I won't be sick tomorrow I promise."
The next morning you woke up to a sick jack in bed beside you. You weren't complaining. He did do everything yesterday so now it was your turn to take of your sick babies. It was long and hard, but it was worth it.
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levi-akerman248 · 3 years
I love you
Levi x male reader
Summary: Levi and his boyfriend(Y/n)have naturally fell into a day to day routine with each other. But one bad day and a lack of filter causes utter agony in Levi’s already sorrowful life. Leaving him with regrets.
Warning: angst, eventual character death
Note: sorry, I felt like crying today. 🥲
Part 1
The cheerful singing of his name woke Levi up from his slumber
He opened his eyes and was met with the bright (e/c) eyes of his lover
His lips curl slightly into his version of a smile and he grumbles out a “good morning”
(Y/n) smiles, hovering over his sleepy boyfriend who has yet to get out of bed
He leans down and kisses Levi’s cheek, “Good morning love, you have a meeting you need to get ready for.”
Levi rolls his eyes and ever so slightly pouts, he hated meetings. Especially in the morning. But never the less he begrudgingly got up to start the day, not forgetting to give his grinning lover a goodbye kiss on his way out.
One very long and very boring meeting later, Levi walked down the hallway to (Y/n)’s office. He always feels so drained after meetings and just wants so sit on his boyfriends lap and cuddle.
Not that he’d ever admit that.
He knocked on the door and heard the gentle “Come in.” Echo from within.
(Y/n) looked up at who entered and when he saw his baby boy looking like a kicked puppy he knew what was up
While Levi really wants cuddles, he could never initiate it so (Y/n) always finds a way to make Levi think the cuddle session was something he needed and not Levi.
“Hello love, you’re here just in time. This paper work was starting to give me a headache, I could really use a cuddle.”
He smiled up at Levi who was now standing in front of his office chair, looking down at him (for once)
Rolling his eyes, Levi huffed.
“Maybe I don’t want to cuddle.”
(Y/n) new this was a giant lie and horrible attempt at Levi keeping his reputation in check
(Y/n) pouted up at levi with his arms out, “Please love, I really need it.”
Levi gave out a dramatic huff and practically jumped into (Y/n)’s lap
“Fine, but only for a minute brat.”
They both knew he wouldn’t leave his lap until dinner but that was alright.
Dinner came and went, they both sat at the upper command table and ate their food. Levi giving what he couldn’t eat to (Y/n) who ate it without trouble. Hange rambled about their day and before they knew it, it was time for bed.
(Y/n) was just getting out of the shower and entering the bedroom where Levi was laying down with a book. He had already showered so he was just waiting for (y/n).
When he was dressed, (Y/n) realized Levi still hadn’t put his book down. Wanting some attention, he crawled onto the bed, wiggled his way onto Levi, and shoved his head under the book, gazing up into his lovers eyes
Levi gave him a little smirk, “Yes?”
(Y/n) pouted, “You’re more interested in that book then me”
Levi chuckled and rolled his eyes
They always did this. Levi would read a book in bed, (Y/n) would shove his head between Levi and the book, then claim Levi liked the book better then him. Knowing full well Levi would disagree and give him the attention he wanted.
It was a routine.
Levi tossed the book aside and ruffled his lovers hair, “You know that’s not true brat.”
(Y/n) buried his head into Levi’s stomach and grumbled,
“I was over there naked and you didn’t even glance at me”
“I’m looking at you now”
“Too late, I’m not naked anymore.”
Levi smirked, “you could be.”
(Y/n) raised his head and smirked back at his lover
And just like that, their night was sealed with kisses and moans. Much to the dismay of the other members who were trying to sleep.
Levi opened his eyes and looked at his lover who was way too hyper for 8am
Levi grumbled and tried to pull the blankets up over him but (Y/n) was pulling them back
“Come on love, the cadets with be up any minute awaiting their captains orders.”
“Those brats can wait until the rapture for all I care.”
(Y/n) chuckled and leaned down, kissing his grumpy lovers neck in hopes to coerce them into getting up
“Come on baby, it wouldn’t be good for their captain to be the one running late now would it?”
“Then why don’t you go teach them, captain.”
(Y/n) shook his head with a smile,
“As much as I would love to take a load off your shoulders, it’s not allowed. They’re not my squad and I have lots of paperwork to do today.”
(Y/n) laid another kiss on Levi’s shoulder before getting up and pulling him along with
“Come on, I’ll make you some tea to drink when you’re done yeah?”
Levi sighed but got up, “Fine.”
Once he was ready, he headed out to the training field where he expected to see the brats already lined up and waiting but no one was there.
While he wasn’t late, Levi definitely wasn’t early. There should have been at least some of the brats here.
He inwardly groaned and headed to the bunkers to wake them all up.
‘This is gonna be a long day.’
Morning training was terrible.
Nothing went wrong per say, other then them being late, but it was just annoying Levi.
They had a mission TOMORROW and all of them were acting like it wasn’t a big deal.
It pissed Levi off, definitely not a great start to his day.
After ordering the brats to run extra laps for being late, and having Armin supervise, he headed down to (Y/n)’s office for a much needed cuddle.
But he was stopped on the way there by a cadet telling him that Erwin needed him for a meeting.
Levi wanted to just say, “Fuck no.” But he new that if Erwin needed him in the meeting, it must’ve been important.
Hours later and it was lunch. The meeting took way too long, he thought about seeing if (Y/n) was too busy to cuddle but after thinking about it, he concluded that he just wanted to be alone for a bit.
So he skipped lunch and went to his room, picked up his book, and continued where he left off
Not three pages in and a knock echos through the room
Levi contemplates not answering but the possibility of it being an emergency weighed too much for him to ignore
“What is it?”
“Uh sir? I-it’s Armin, um. Eren and Jean are fighting again and no one can get close enough to get them apart.”
Levi damn near threw his book onto the table before he stormed out of the room to handle the situation, nearly running over Armin in the process.
When he got to the lunch room, everyone had left except his squad whom were surrounding Eren and Jean fighting.
They were screaming in each other’s face, talking so fast even Levi couldn’t understand what was going on
And he didn’t care, he was pissed and just wanted some alone time
People backed out of Levi’s way as he stormed over to the two blabbering idiots
He grabbed both of them by their hair and slammed their heads together before throwing them apart
They rubbed their heads in pain, angry at whoever did that until they saw who it was
Seeing it was their captain, they both started trying to come up with an excuse, claiming it was the other who started it but Levi just held up his hand making them pause
Uncomfortable Silence rang through the room before Levi’s cold, menacing tone slithered into their ears.
“You two, clean this mess. The rest of you, to training. Now.”
They all scurried out like rats in a barn, aside from Eren and Jean who scrambled to grab the cleaning supplies and get started.
Levi stormed back to his room, grabbed his book and laid down.
Then another knock, “Sir? It’s time for training.”
‘Fucking hell.’
Part 2 is up
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thevelvetseries · 4 years
Voice In My Head (Part 1)
Summary : This is the story about Ashley Ackles and how her life turned upside down.
Pairing : Jensen Ackles x Daughter Reader / Danneel Ackles x Daughter Reader
Warnings : Fluff, Angst, Eating Disorder, Self Inflicting Cuts, Self Hate, Attempted Suicide, Minor Drug Use.
Series Masterlist / Main Masterlist
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It’s hard to know where to begin telling you about this. I wonder if there’s any such thing as beginnings.
At this point in Ashley’s life everything had been normal. She was an A+ Grade student with a bright future ahead of her. She had her loving family surrounded around her and had good health. She had her 5 best friends Veronica, Selena, Bram (Abraham), Taylor and Matt (my boyfriend). She had been friends with Veronica and Selena since they were in kindergarten, she then met Bram in middle school then Taylor and Matt in High School and they six of them because the best of friends. They do everything together. They travel to school together every morning, go to the mall every Friday after school and talk about what friends usually talk about.
This is where our story starts. Ashley, Veronica and Selena were walking down the school hallway from just having gym class and was going to meet the boys for lunch. Once they get to the cafeteria they wait in line to get their food before going to find Matt, Taylor and Bram sitting at there normal table. I sit next to Matt and give him a quick kiss before starting my lunch. We were all eating and taking about the party that was happening on Saturday at Justin’s house. Justin is one of the school popular football players and always had parties whenever his parents went out of town for a weekend. Who knew this was going to be the downfall in Ashley’s life, the moment that changed her life forever.
“So who’s driving who Saturday?” Matt says while drinking some of his water.
“I don’t mind driving, it’s not like I’m gonna drink anyway.” I say while biting into my chicken salad sandwich.
“That makes sense too, you have 7 seats in your car.” Veronica said with a little laugh.
We spent the rest of lunch just talking and eating before finishing the rest of the day and heading home. Since tomorrow was the party we decided to skip the mall this week. Me and Matt went to my house today to do homework and watch TV. I pull my car into the driveway. Mums car wasn’t there meaning she was picking my younger siblings up from school and dad was away at work filming, he was coming home for the weekend though. We get out of the car and head inside get some snacks and head up to my bedroom. We were sitting on my bed with our work spread around us.
“Ok. What did you get for number 16?” Matt asked while fiddling with his pencil.
“Wait. There’s no number 16” I say while going through my papers.
“Hmmmm hmmmm” Matt started humming, in the cute annoying way he always does.
“STOP!” I say while pushing him a little.
“I’m just making sure your awake.” He said with a little smile forming on his lips.
“I’m awake, there’s just something about studying in a bed.” I reply. Since when we normally study together were on the floor with pillows.
“Well I guess I shouldn’t be complaining right. I’m in bed with a smoking hot, intelligent girl.” Matt started off saying before I interrupted him saying “women” which he corrects himself “women”. Then I continue saying “and your on the bed, not in it.” I say with a little smile.
“And I’m worried about math” Matt said.
We continued working for a little more, during that time mum had come home from picking up my younger siblings from school, and we had started working on the the subject we needed to get through, when I remembered something. I got off the bed Matt watching the walk across the room and going into my closet coming out with a black piece of fabric. I chucked them at him.
“You left your boxers here Monday”. I say with a smile.
“Oh no. I left them on purpose. You know to remind you of the wonderful night we had.” He said before grabbing my waist and kissing up my neck, which is when I begin to start giggling. Suddenly there was a knock on my bedroom door.
“Come in” I spoke loudly trying to stop giggling.
“Hello.” Mum said when she entered. “How’s the studying going” she asked.
“It’s going well. Nearly done” I reply,
“Good. Matt you joining us for dinner tonight?” She asked.
“No. Not tonight mum is making her famous spaghetti tonight.” He replied.
“Ok, also remember you father will be home tonight. So we are having his favourite” he should be home around 7.” Mum said before leaving the room.
Matt ends up leaving around 6pm to head home. I packed up all my work and put it away before heading downstairs for the night to spend time with my family. We were all in the living room when we heard the front door open and close. Dad was home. He had just finished filming season 14 of his show and was finally on hiatus. While dad was putting his luggage on the floor we all got up and welcomed him home before having dinner.
“So how was everyone’s day” dad asked. That’s when Zepp, Arrow and JJ start telling three different stories at once.
“Wow wow wow. Slooow down. One at a time. One at a time.” He interrupted. The one by one the all went through what happened to them. While this was happening I continued to eat my food, mums food is always delicious. Especially her spaghetti.
“Ashley, what about you?” Dad asked before taking another mouthful of his dinner.
“Not much really. Went to my lessons. Had gym. Had lunch, we didn’t go to the mall this week since there’s a party tomorrow night and then Matt came over after school so we could study together.” I said.
“What party?” He replied.
“Some guy called Justin. Don’t worry I won’t be drinking, I’m driving us all there and then home. So all I’m drinking is soda.”
“Well that’s ok. Just make sure you get home at a reasonable hour please. I don’t want to be up all night worrying because you’re not home.” Dad said while taking a forkful of his food.
“I promise I’ll be home before midnight.” I replied.
“That’s all I ask.” He replied.
For the rest of the night we spend together as a family. We all relaxed in the living room watching movies and snacking on popcorn and different snacks. It was nice. We don’t get to do this often since dad is away at work for too many months during the year. We all started to go to bed around 11pm, before I went to sleep I got my outfit ready for the party tomorrow night and went off to sleep.
I could hear the beeping of my alarm like it was in a tunnel getting louder and louder. Slowly I started to wake up, I reached out my arm and turned off my alarm and started to get out of bed. I put on my slippers and my dressing gown on and headed into the bathroom and started getting ready for the day ahead. Around 8am I was finished and made my way downstairs. While walking down the hallway of her house she could smell the sizzling delicious smell of bacon cooking coming from the kitchen. When the kitchen comes into view she see her dad and mum standing in the kitchen cooking breakfast together. I make my way over to the kitchen table and start to pour myself a glass of orange juice that was already on the table.
“Morning sweetie.” Mum said when she saw me walking across the room.
“Morning.” I say before drinking half of my glass.
“How did you sleep last night?” Mum asked
“I had a good night sleep.” I replied.
We went along with our morning. Around 8pm I was all ready for the party and texted everyone I was ready and was about to leave to pick everybody up. I made my way downstairs and picked up my car keys from the bowl and walked into the living room.
“I’m about to leave. I’ll try and get home before midnight ok. I’ll text you when we leave the party so you don’t have to worry ok.” I say from the doorway to my dad.
“That’s ok sweetie. We’re not going anywhere tonight so we’ll be home.” He replied.
I got in my car, I collected everyone from their houses and made it to Justin’s house. I parked my car on his street and we all made our way inside.
“Um.. 11:45 at the car.” I say so we all agree on a time to head home.
“Now let’s have some fun.” Matt said while he came closer to me to give me a kiss under my ear, which caused me to giggle.
We all spent our night dancing around the backyard drinking. I only have 1 drink and stayed drinking cola and water for the rest of the night. The party was in full swing and everyone was drinking and dancing and were having a good time. It currently 11:45pm when we got in the car and left the party.
We all got in the car still laughing and having fun from the night that had just happened. I drove for about 10 minutes to Veronica house where I was dropping her off and Selena since she was staying over at her house next was Bram, then it was just Tyler, Matt and me. I was currently sitting at a red light singing along to the radio and just being our normal selves. After about 2 minutes light changed to green and I slowly started to move. When I reached the middle of the intersection of the road, out of the corner of my eye I could suddenly see bright white lights coming straight to us and hitting the car from the passenger side. The place were Matt was sitting. At first I didn’t know what to do. Blood was coming down my head from where I hit it on my door window. Matt wasn’t moving or talking and sight was getting shorter and shorter. The last thing I remember before I passed out was that I could see flashing lights and hear sirens.
Voices In My Head Taglist
@scatchia @spngirl05 @myopiamystical @dracosassismine @maia-skye @vicmc624 @blqcklust @cassiwalkinatural @ray-l-00@superspackles @mamanoota5 @bea789 @pooks06 @m1s10@youngnickeleggseagle @overthinkingsoulcat @kettnerjanea@vildemc @izzy0731 @blogaboutmylife2 @101stshippersquad@spnfamily-j2 @hgs2018 @desiredposion @weightlessdevil@alliedimlerr @lifeofanerd164 @hettolini @spneditsdestiel@smoothdogsgirl @weirdoforeves @lovingbrock @dannyo000@supergirl000983 @jensenandjaredsgirl0516 @sarsmilesah@thisshallbegrand @thehalediaries @generallyclumsy​ @hoboal87​ @snowangle1994
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nekoabiwrites · 4 years
The 5 Times Patton Tripped and the 1 Time Patton Fell (In Love)
Happy borthday @midnightsdarkangel​!!!
AU: Human Pairing: Moxiety Words: 3704 Warnings: Lots of tripping, brief mentions of pain. Anything else, please let me go.
Summary: Patton falls over a lot; always has, always will. But while he was used to it, that didn’t mean his new roommate and friend would immediately be okay with it.
Patton had always been clumsy. Ever since he was young, he’d been covered in so many little scrapes and bruises that his mother fondly nicknamed him ‘Dalmatian’. It continued well into his adult life and was just his normal; not once did he step out of his home without a plaster covering some sort of scratch. However, just because he was used to tripping so often, didn’t mean that everyone was used to seeing him falling to the ground.
It always happened in an instant. One second, he was upright and just fine. The next, his face was planted on the ground and something was stinging. Patton would simply laugh it off, pick himself up and continue on with his day. However, when he fell in front of his new roommate, Patton didn’t know that he wasn’t going to let it go so easily.
“Patton, oh my god. Are you okay? Are you hurt? That looked like it hurt a lot. Do you need help? What happened, oh god.” Virgil rambled in a single breath, falling to the ground beside his new friend.
Patton pushed himself up onto his knees, brushing the dirt off his hands. “I’m fine, I promise. Just a little fall, nothing big. I’m used to it.” He reassured him, though did wince slightly as the grazed skin moved in his attempt to stand. Patton went to brush the dirt from his leg, but Virgil’s hand gripped his wrist tightly before he could even get close.
“Don’t! You’ll get more dirt in it! There’s a bench a little down the street. Come sit. I’ll clean it. I have water in my backpack and some wipes, probably some tissues too.” The emo dragged Patton towards the bench as he continued to rattle off words. Patton didn’t have it in him to turn his friend down, so he simply did as he was told.
As Virgil was swinging his backpack over to unzip it, Patton glanced back to where he had pretty much made out with the pavement. He found that it was pretty flat, none of the stone were too out of place and made an obvious Patton-Hazard. Nothing around the area was showing as something that would be at fault either.
“Ow!” Patton yelped, flinching away from the damp tissue Virgil held.
“Sorry, but we need to get the dirt out…”
“Oh no, it’s okay! I didn’t mean to do that! I just wasn’t expecting it.” Patton reassured, relaxing more and giving Virgil his full attention. He still cringed when the damp tissue pressed against the graze, but Patton did his best not to worry his roommate even more.
Eventually, Virgil crumpled the tissue up in his fist and dropped the bottle back into his backpack, “It’s the best I can do for now. We should probably get back and put something over it though. Just to be safe. I’m gonna go put this in the bin over there, back in a sec.”
Patton nodded and went to stand back up, but something moving out of the corner of his eye caught his attention. Patton looked down at his feet, blinked for a moment and then sighed, “I swear my shoelaces were tied before… that was probably it.” He reached down to tie them again, but a sudden incredulous voice had him looking up.
“Are you serious? You think you tripped on your shoelaces?” Virgil asked, his eyes wide.
Patton shrugged, “I mean, yeah. I’ve done it loads of times. They just never wanna stay tied.” He pointed at the laces of his shoes and wagged his finger at them, as though he were a father scolding his child.
“Oh my god…” Virgil dropped to sit next to Patton on the bench, “Are you for real?”
The pastel-coloured man sat back up, finally having his laces sorted. He tilted his head in confusion, patting his body down, “Um, well… I think so?”
Virgil learnt quickly that Patton had a very special relationship with gravity. It seemed like it wanted nothing more than to have Patton be as horizontal as possible. He’d learnt that Patton had issues with walking on uneven surfaces, even surfaces… just generally walking anywhere. Patton’s biggest enemy, though, was stairs.
So, when they went to see a movie with some friends and they had to climb the steps to get to their seats, Virgil was already counting down the seconds until disaster.
Their two friends went first, making it up to the seats with absolutely no issues, as most normal people did. Virgil gestured for Patton to go up before him, just so he could see if and when his roommate was going to fall down. He counted each step.
One. Two.
It was going fine. He was halfway there. Maybe today was a good day and the universe would leave Patton alone.
Six. Seven. Ei-
Never mind.
The fall was spectacular. Since Patton was holding a full bucket of popcorn and his natural reaction was to throw his arms out to cushion the blow, the sound and sight of the snack falling all around him really made it look more dramatic than it was.
Virgil quickly hopped up the stairs, taking them two at a time. He crouched by Patton, offering a hand to help him to his feet. Patton got back up and looked down at the popcorn all around them, a slight wobble to his lower lip as the guilt punctured his heart.
Patton turned to his roommate, “I’m so sorry, Virgil.” He whispered, clearly trying not to let tears roll down his cheeks, “I shouldn’t have held that. I knew I was gonna fall. I just wasted it all.” He suddenly gasped and tried to push past to make his way back down the floor, but Virgil stopped him and steered the man into his seat. “Virge! Let me go! I need to go tell someone!”
“No.” Virgil responded firmly, pushing his own popcorn bucket into Patton’s grip, “That’s why I got two. And I’ll go find someone. You stay here. Logan, make sure he stays.” When their friend nodded, Virgil turned on his heel and sped back down the stairs. He quickly located the nearest usher, let them know what happened and made his way back to his screen. The lights had dimmed, and the adverts had started to play, so Virgil creeped back up the stairs and slipped into his seat beside Patton. Before he’d even had the chance to relax, a pair of hands gripped his hoodie sleeve.
Patton looked to be right on the edge of crying when Virgil turned to look at him. “Virgil, did you find someone? Is everything okay?” He whined pathetically, sniffling like a hurt child.
“Yes, I did. They said they clean it once the movie’s over. No one was mad.” Virgil whispered back, awkwardly patting Patton’s hands to try and be reassuring. After Patton smiled softly and turned back to looking at the screen, Virgil let out a silent breath he didn’t know he’d been holding.
“Virgil! Virgil! Come out here! Look, look!”
Virgil groaned and forced himself to sit up in bed. He checked the time on his phone, only to find it was around 8am, far too early for Virgil to be awake. But, the constant happy squealing noises from outside his room forced his hand and he slid out from under the covers, exiting his room in a sleepy haze, “What?” He grumbled, rubbing his eyes tiredly.
“PUPPY!” Patton held the dog up to Virgil’s face, causing the emo to yell suddenly in surprise and take a step back. “Sorry, I got really excited.” Patton had a light blush to his cheeks, but his grin still remained as large as ever as he petted the small animal.
“Right… um, so… why is there a dog here? You didn’t, like, get one without telling me, right?” Virgil tentatively asked, trying his best to hurt his incredibly sweet and cute roommate’s.
“Well…” Patton swayed back and forth, trying to pick his words carefully, “My mum’s friend is out of town for a bit and she needed someone to look after her dog. She asked my mum, but my mum is really busy and already has two dogs that she can just about look after and they don’t really like other dogs. And, well, long story short, I kinda said I could look after the dog for a while… and now she’s… here?” Patton offered with a sheepish grin.
Virgil looked between Patton and the dog for a moment, his sleep-addled brain trying to come up with something to say that wasn’t embarrassing. He eventually just shrugged and turned back to go into his room, “Whatever, just make sure it doesn’t destroy anything. I’m going back to bed.”
Patton let out a high-pitched squeal of happiness, “You’re the best, Virgil! I’ll make sure that she’s good!” He called out as the door shut behind his roommate, not allowing him to see the light blush the compliment put upon the emo’s cheeks.
A few uneventful days passed by with Patton fussing over the dog every second of every hour while Virgil awkwardly listened from either in his room or from the couch. It seemed like everything was going just perfectly. But then…
A loud squeal and yelp sounded, with several more noises that struck fear into the emo following shortly after. Virgil jumped to his feet, wrenched open the door and practically threw himself out into the living room. “PATTON?! Are you alright?!” His gaze trained downwards to the man sat on the ground before him, with the dog cautiously approaching him again.
Patton rubbed his butt while he smiled sheepishly, “I didn’t see her down there. I just fell back after I felt her on my foot. I’m okay!” As he started to collect up his belongings that had fallen from his grip, the dog had seemingly deemed Patton safe and started to jump up to lick his face again. It distracted him enough to drop his things back to the floor and just be reduced to pure giggles.
Virgil let out a sigh of relief and moved across the room to pick up Patton’s stuff, “Next time, just don’t carry so much crap with you. I don’t need another heart attack like that, okay?”
Patton nodded, holding the dog in his arms with a wide grin and shining eyes, as though he had the best life he could possibly ask for and hadn’t just fallen on his ass a few minutes ago. The sight had Virgil’s world stopping dead for a moment. Just enough for him to commit it to memory.
“And you tell me that my room is a mess…” Virgil quipped as he opened the door to his roommate’s bedroom.
“It’s not that bad!” Patton protested with a huff. He’d taken a few steps in and turned to stare at Virgil with a pout. It was hard enough to see where his feet were as there was a pile of clothes just in front of him, as well as other piles of random objects around the rest of the floor space. It had clearly been like this for a long time, as there seemed to be something akin to pathways running between the mess – going from the bed to the desk to the door to the window.
“Uh huh… sure.” Virgil carefully took his first steps into Patton’s room. “So, what was it you needed help with?” He asked, peering at all the pictures that littered the shelves closest to the door.
“Oh right!” Patton spun on his toes and wandered over to the tallest bookshelf, “Can you help me reach up there?” He pointed to the very top, “Something accidentally got up there and I can’t quite reach by myself…”
“I mean, I can try.” Virgil cautiously stepped around the rest of the mess and joined Patton just in front of the bookshelf. “How do you wanna do this? I’m not exactly that much taller than you. I could… maybe… try and lift you up to reach it, or something…”
Patton gasped, his eyes lighting up, “That’s perfect!” He grabbed Virgil’s arms and tugged him closer, “I didn’t even think of that!”
Virgil opened his mouth to ask how else he was supposed to help but thought better of it. He crouched down a little and wrapped his arms tightly around Patton’s legs, “Are you sure you’re okay with this?”
“Yup! I’m ready!” Both Patton’s hands were ready on Virgil’s shoulders, in case he needed to steady himself.
Carefully and slowly, Virgil stood, lifting his roommate up in the air. Patton’s grip on his shoulders was tight, but not entirely uncomfortable. It was a bit of a shock that Patton was as light as he was, and that Virgil was as strong as he was. Neither expected this to go so well. Patton, with a moment of hesitation, managed to reach up on top of the bookshelf and feel around for the missing object. The moment his hand came in contact with it, he gasped, “I got it!” He grabbed a hold of it tightly and pulled it close to his chest. At the same pace, Virgil dropped him back to the ground and let him go.
It was only once they’d fully parted that Virgil got a chance to see what it was.
“I’m afraid to ask why that stuffed cat was on top of the bookshelf, but I’m apparently too stupid to keep my mouth shut.” Virgil cocked his head, raising a questioning eyebrow.
Patton blushed and clutched the plush toy tighter, “It was an accident… We were dancing and just, all of a sudden, he went flying…”
“Yeah! Like this!”
Patton started to slow dance, holding the cat’s paw in his hand as though it was his dance partner. He twirled around the room, humming to himself. It was a little silly, but ultimately endearing. At least, it was for a while.
Somehow, a rogue bottle rolled into the space Patton was dancing in and got under his feet. In the moments he was going down, Patton’s eyes widened in fear and he reached out for the closest thing to try and keep himself upright. Unfortunately, the object he grabbed a hold of was not steady enough and both of them fell to the ground. Patton let out a pained squeak and shut his eyes tight as his head hit the floor, the blow only somewhat cushioned by the mess beneath it.
“Owww…” he whined, going to reach up to rub his head. It was stopped by something sorta squishy yet still firm. Patton’s brow furrowed as his hand grasped a hold of whatever it was that was in his way and his eyes opened, only to be met with a familiar pair of eyes underlined with dark eyeshadow. “Virgil…?”
The emo’s face was a deep red as his blush spread across his face. He opened and closed his mouth several times, his eyes darting between Patton’s face and the hand that was curled around his forearm. Eventually, Virgil managed to croak out a few words, though they were no louder than a whisper, “You… you okay?”
Patton muttered a gentle “yeah”, as he seemed to almost forget where he was, staring up into Virgil’s eyes. They seemed to be getting closer, but Patton couldn’t say if he was seeing things or not. They’d eventually get off the floor and have a long chat, but for now, this was fine. The pain was gone too.
Over time, Virgil had done everything he could to make sure anything that was a trip hazard was either removed or given more height. It did mean that the rug they had was now pretty much glued to the floor at the edges and the coffee table was like a mini dining table, but less injuries were far more beneficial.
Virgil was relaxing on the couch, watching some show for the umpteenth time while scrolling through his phone absent-mindedly. In the kitchen, he could hear the sound of the oven and dishwasher – both of which Virgil had been supervising helping with since Patton almost toppled over or walked into them whilst loading them up. Thankfully, they happened on separate occasions, but it was enough to have Virgil’s anxiety going crazy if Patton was alone in the kitchen too long. His roommate was currently in his room, on the phone with his family. It was a calm afternoon, something Virgil needed.
After a while, Patton’s phone call ended and he practically skipped out into the living area, ready to greet his roommate. He’d only gotten so far as to open his mouth, when his foot caught on his other and he went plummeting to the ground.
Thankfully, he’d been close to the couch when his feet got all tangled together.
Patton’s landing was cushioned by Virgil’s hands and his face pretty much ended up directly in the emo’s lap. His cheeks flushed a soft pink as he raised his head to smile up at the man on the couch, “Whoops, sorry about that…” However, Patton didn’t move from the position – other than tucking his legs under himself so he was more comfortable. His head rested back down onto Virgil’s lap and Patton relaxed, one of the hands that had caught him now gently running through his hair.
Virgil let out a playful sigh, “What are we gonna do with you?”
“Hmm, I dunno. Sure you’ll figure it out though.” Patton reached up and interlocked his fingers with Virgil’s free hand, pulling it close enough that he could place a soft kiss upon the metal band.
“You might be a lost cause, but we’ve got plenty of time to find that out…” Virgil’s voice was low as he looked down at the man resting in his lap, a gentle smile tugging at his lips.
Patton was positively giddy with excitement. He’d not been able to stop smiling since the moment he woke up. His day had been absolutely magical, something he’d treasure for years to come. He felt stunning in his gorgeous, tailor-made white dress with flowing long sleeves and soft makeup, all complimented wonderfully by his partner’s darker tastes as they stood side-by-side.
Finally, he was in his partner’s arms, slowly swaying to the music. Nothing over-the-top, no spinning or twirling, no choreography – much to their friends’ dismay and frustration - just a sweet moment for a sweet couple. At least, that was what Patton thought was going to happen.
All of a sudden, his hand was grasped tightly, and three words were whispered into his ear.
“Hold on tight.”
Patton had no time to even ask what that meant before he heard the song change and he was spun out and back in. He could only laugh in surprise, when he caught the playful glint in Virgil’s eyes and they both started to dance with more purpose. It was still far from choreographed, but it didn’t matter to them.
Patton’s smile had widened into a grin as he continued to laugh. Once more, as the end of the song approached, he was spun out and back, but this time he felt his weight tipping backwards. He squealed in shock, reaching up for Virgil with his free hand and grabbing a hold of his shoulder. Patton didn’t even reach the floor, however. Instead, he felt his weight being supported by Virgil’s arm beneath him.
“Gotcha.” Virgil said quietly with a grin. His partner burst into giggles and Virgil returned him upright, wrapping him in a loose hug.
“That wasn’t fair, Virge!” Patton jokingly chastised his new husband as they took their seats at the head table with the rest of their wedding party.
Virgil simply shrugged, “You’d fall at some point today anyway. Why not get a head start?”
“Virgil!” Patton whispers, lightly tapping against his arm with the back of his hand causing them both to smile at each other.
Later, once the speeches had concluded and food had been served, Virgil was looking over to his now-husband. He’d been under strict instruction from Patton’s mother to keep as close to Patton as he could for the duration of the wedding and reception, in order to save him if he tripped over. Not only to avoid him any embarrassment, but also save the pristine white dress from any dirt so the pictures would look good. But, it was bound to happen at some point during the reception. Patton was going to find some way to end up falling over and he would probably scuff the dress up a little bit. Patton would immediately feel so awful about ruining it, even if it could just be dry-cleaned later. So, Virgil had concocted a plan.
He purposefully grabbed his drink with more force than necessary, causing a few drops to spill over the edge and at least one tiny splotch to appear on Patton’s dress. Virgil gasped exaggeratedly in order to grab Patton’s attention, “Oh my god. I’m so sorry, Patton. I spilt my drink on your dress…”
Patton looked down and noticed the little mark, “You didn’t. It’s just a tiny little mark, it’ll be fine!” He cheerily reassured his partner, who shook his head.
“No, no… I really did ruin it. It’s no longer… perfect. I’m so sorry.” Virgil emphasised that it was his fault.
The cogs clicked in place and Patton’s expression slowly turned to one of understanding, “Ohhh…” he breathed out as his smile returned, “Well, it’s still okay. No harm done to either of us, right?” Patton winked unsubtly.
“Yeah, no harm at all.” Virgil pressed a kiss to Patton’s cheek before returning to his food.
Patton couldn’t help but stare at his husband for a moment. This man had gone from fretting and worrying about Patton’s little falls and trips to making sure that Patton wouldn’t be upset with the consequences of a little stumble on their wedding day. It was enough to make him fall all over again, and this fall wasn’t one he’d ever want to pick himself up from.
My other stuff: http://nekoabi.tumblr.com/myworks Mobile Accessible Masterlist: http://nekoabi.tumblr.com/post/181954641376/fic-masterlist
General Tag List: @not-so-innocent-bi-sander @didsomeonesayprince @llamaly @justanotherpurplebutterfly  @iaminmultiplefandoms @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2 @lowkeyvirgilobsessed @louisthewarlock @fangsandrainbows @xxladystarlightxx @sleepyssnail @ao-koshka @notalwaysthevillian @pumpkinminette @doces-e--tuga @coloursintheblur @safesandersides @hogwarts-my-love
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bxllafanficc · 4 years
¡Skate/sing your hearts out! (Yuri Plisetsky x reader)
(part one)
part two part three part four part five. Find the rest on; Masterlist
Summary: After last year's cancellation of Figure Skating Grand Prix, Yuri Plisetsky finds himself unable to bring out his inner skater after a year of doing nothing but enjoy life like a regular teenager. That's when you enter the picture; We Are Voice Grand Awards's currently hottest competitive vocalist come first place two years in a row. Just like the other competitors of Grand Prix, it turns out that Victor and Yuuri faces the same issue. With an arrangement between Victor and Yakov, they agree to travel to Japan and hire you as a mutual coach for Yuri and Yuuri to help bring back the emotion into their performances like before, maybe even more intense than ever. Yuri however, who's never experienced issues with his coaches before, for some reason finds this one particularly difficult to coexist along with in their (reasonably) odd partnership. Warnings: none
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*Yuri's POV*
"Remind me once again why we're going to Japan? It's clear you'd never take us there just because you miss Victor and I know by experience that it's not because of his apprentice."
First class flight like usual. The view out the airplane window of the sparkling city at nighttime below them would stun anybody but at this point, Yuri has traveled so many times it's only become regular sights and the lights of the streets are only plain colored spots in a dark void to him these days. One thing he will never feel comfortable with though is staying in the same seat for hours on end until the airplane arrives at its destination. His legs are itching from wanting to move around. He'll just have to jog it off back on the ground like every other trip in the past.
"You'll be spending some time with Yuuri Katsuki and Victor the following weeks to gain your fighting spirit back. You need to get back in touch with your emotions, remember?" Yakov slightly turned his posture towards the Russian skater beside him, folding his newspaper in half and putting it in his lap.
He only nodded with a slight hum. He could see Yakov's reasoning, some parts of it at least. He HAD been lacking in emotional performance ever since the new year began and it was time to get back into the mindset of winning yet another Grand Prix gold medal like last year. No, not last year. Last year's competition was cancelled after a minor pandemic spread through Russia and the nearby regions. In fear of the virus spreading, all competitions cancelled and larger crowded areas were forbidden to take place. Therefore Yuri's only been able to practice by himself and keeping himself fit for a possible competition next year. But a year of doing nothing can really change your spirit and afraid to admitting it to his coach, he's been missing several opportunities to hit the rink and stayed home watching anime or scrolled through social media instead.
But one thing he doesn't get is how Victor and Yuuri are gonna make him get his mindset in the right track again. He already won his first gold medal at his senior debut and he doubt that the Japanese skater will be in any better condition than Yuri's currently in right now. Pig-man must've been in a much worse state considering his boo Victor had to stay in Russia during the pandemic, unable to keep an eye on Yuuri's routines.
"Besides, there's a little surprise waiting for you where you'll be staying with the two of them. It better work out fine or else I'm out of ideas."
That caught his attention to say the least.
"Well if it's supposed to save me from the deep end then why be so secretive and hushy with it? Spill the news, Yakov."
The old man only grunted and picked up his newspaper once again and hid his face behind it. Well now he really wanted to know what it was. Clearly he would have to make some effort. Soon the article about a Russian charity event taking place this weekend got replaced with a clenched fist going straight through the back of the paper. Yuri expected some kind of reaction but Yakov only sighed and leaned back in his seat without even a flinch.
"It's no surprise if I tell you. I promised Victor to keep it a secret."
"Tell me."
Yuri groaned and folded his arms with a sour glare. The display in the ceiling told the traveler's that it was 10 minutes until landing so he gave up his attempts and let his eyes rest for a while. At least he would find out tomorrow, he assumed. It was 2am and he would be staying at a hotel close to the airport since it was too late to make rest of the trip in one day.
Yuri was out with the speed of a lightning bolt the second the plane doors opened. He sped past everyone before him and he didn't stop when he finally got outside. His feet carried him to run circles around the plane meanwhile he was waiting for Yakov to get out the normal way. It's a silly habit of his and he knows he looks stupid doing it but his coach has given him strict orders to not run away at one random direction like used to do at first. It would take like half an hour for him to be found once he took off, but only if he got lost.
"Yuri! Get over here!"
Well, there's his cue to get ready and head to the hotel. Finally he's able to get some sleep before he's forced to wake up early at dawn to head to Hot Springs and meet the two most annoying people in Japan.
He didn't even have time to eat breakfast. He overslept and got rushed to the cab with an angry Yakov behind him, newspaper folded tightly in his fist. The trip through the beautiful Japan would've been pleasant if Yuri hadn't dozed off every 10 seconds. He didn't get much sleep after all. He spent at least three hours thinking about the special surprise and raiding the free mini bar before he finally got to rest. At 8am he was woken up with banging on the door and now, at 10am, he was standing at the entrance of Hot Springs waiting for Yuuri's mom to announce their arrival. She hurried away somewhere with her usual bubbly happy self that Yuri had no idea how a person could be so... not moody all day long.
The place was as crowded with customers as last time and the two Russians were told to step inside to the more private parts of the building where the family lived along with Victor at the moment.
"Victor! How come my brand new lotion is used? You smelled a suspicious amount of peaches and wild berries at breakfast and there's no point denying it!" A fairly soft and modulated voice was heard from somewhere to the left where the private shower stalls were located. A couple seconds later a giggly Victor and Yuuri came through the direction of the living room and greeted Yuri with happy cheers. The slender white haired Russian caught Yakov in a bear hug, much to the old man's surprise. Yuuri extended his hand towards Yuri but Yuri didn't give any effort in taking it.
"Food. I'm starving."
Yuuri dropped his hand with a light blush but Victor pouted and let go of his former coach. Strong and clingy arms were suddenly wrapped around his chest and he couldn't breathe.
"So unpolite... Yuriooo we've missed you! Haven't you missed us?"
Yuri thrashed like a fish caught in a net and tried to hit the arms of the bastard trapping him. Yuuri joined in, only to get a kick in the hip. His stomach growled angrily and the endless void in his body didn't lighten up the experience a bit.
"Let go you old man! You too piglet!"
"I hoped you'd say it out loud but I know that deep down you've been missing us, Yuriii." Victor went to whisper in his ear with pouty lips but was swatted away by a backhand in his face. That finally caused him to let go and Yuri jumped out of reach for the two males.
"Hm... Or not." The expression he got from Victor was sad and pouty and the man earned a hand on his shoulder, put there by Yuuri. Yuri could only sigh and shake his head.
"Victor! Did you steal my shampoo too?! I will- Oh? What now?" Yuri turned around abruptly by the unfamiliar yet familiar voice behind him. His eyes widened.
The girl was standing to the left of the hall, seemingly coming from the shower. A curious hand rested against the wall beside her and her face was covered in a grey clay face mask, a toothbrush lazily hanging from the corner of her lips. Her (h/c) eyes glistened with mild shock along with her mouth hanging slightly open.
"You are early... Victor, you told me they would arrive at 1pm1!" She pointed a strict finger at the tall man who scratched the back of his head with a hesitant laugh. Her eyes narrowed and she grabbed her toothbrush. Because even if she was standing unprepared in front of two strangers, she would at least not forget to brush her teeth in the process, as you do.
Yuri might've considered it normal if it wasn't for that she was almost naked. Two towels were the only fabric hiding her, one wrapped around her dripping figure and the other tied up in her hair.
"Yeah, about that! I kind of mixed up the time of their arrival and your meeting with the press, that's, by the way now when I think of it, not actually cancelled but later today. Silly of me to forget, right?"
She eyed him as though her bullshit meter was ticking in the red zone and let out a huff. Yuri had to advert his gaze when it suddenly felt intruding to eye her the way he did. He also turned away because a light tint of pink was creeping up his cheeks.
"Right. Thanks for the early update. I appreciate it, really. I'll be with you again in 30 minutes. Don't wait up for me." And with that, she was gone. The silence of the men maintained for a few moments until Yuuri coughed with an awkward smile, his red cheeks still visible even after the girl had disappeared. 'It's a little weird to blush at your almost naked sister' he thought.
"So food, right? Mom is preparing pork cutlet bowls for you, Yurio, since she remembered how much you liked them last time-" He didn't have to say it twice. Yuri was off to the dining area before the man even finished saying 'pork cutlet bowl'.
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infernwetrust · 4 years
winesday (Michael’s Snapchat Story) [Bestfriends AU Exclusive]
Summary: A day in the life of Michael, brought to you by his Snapchat story. Winesday, a night where college students drink wine until they can’t anymore.
Warnings: Swearing, drug use, alcohol use
WC: 1.1k (give or take lol)
A/N: This is exclusive to the Bestfriends Universe! It’ll help to read f**k, i luv my friends to ground yourself in everyone’s roles. Every main role will have their own Snapchat snippet. I’ll try to do these frequently as fillers for when I’m working on longer or more detailed writings. I haven’t seen these around on tumblr, so hopefully I can inspire a few writers lol. I may try to do other social media snippets as well, but so far snapchat remains the easiest. I was sooo stressed about the Bitmoji lol. I hope you guys enjoy this. The Bestfriends Universe can be found on my master list, here. Thank you for reading! -Juno
Michael's Username: blueeyedwonderboy
Michael's Screen Name: Michael 🖤🔥
Michael's Bitmoji:
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Michael 🖤🔥
Caption: "Jim wakes up on 100 everyday lol"
"A little bit early aren't we?" Michael asks, his camera pointing on Jim, his close friend and college roommate, who laid in his Twin XL bed opposite the room from Michael's. Jim is laid out in his bed, shirtless, covers barely on him, his desk lamp the only source of light so the two don't go back to sleep, both having an 8AM today. "You'll float awayyyyyy."
In Jim's hand is about 5 grams of mushrooms that he's piling into his mouth, chewing quickly to avoid the taste. Jim sleepily turns his head to the side, giving Michael the finger and a smug smile before he responds,
"Never too early."
Caption: "I hope he knows that I'm not carrying him 💀"
Michael has his camera on Jim, the both of them seated in the dining hall finishing up breakfast before their first class. Jim has his head down on the table, apple in his hand as he half struggles to chew, breathing heavily.
"How goes it, Jim?" Michael questions, chuckling lightly behind the camera.
"My legs. Where are they?" Jim asks Michael, head still down on the table.
Michael 🖤🔥
Caption: "A wild Xavier spotted in his natural habitat"
Michael grabs a picture of Xavier while on the way to his second class of the day. Xavier sits in his normal spot between his Wednesday classes. Underneath the tree, center of campus, on his favorite blanket that he got for his birthday 2 years ago, typing away on his laptop, drinking a smoothie.
Michael 🖤🔥
Caption: "On a date. Kinda nervous"
Chet sits across the table from Michael as the two have lunch together, having had their last class together at 12:00. Chet is wearing his favorite plain white t-shirt, smiling proudly at the camera, a full course meal in front of him.
1:45 PM
Caption: "Date ruined, nvm."
"I proudly present to you in replace of the disgusting root-beer float." Chet begins. "The Mountain Dew Float."
"You have got to be fucking kidding me." Michael says behind the camera. "That's... that's not how it works."
"You can turn anything into a float." Chet says back. Michael double taps his screen, so that the camera is now facing him and still staring at Chet he says,
"Well I don't want to fucking do that."
Michael 🖤🔥
Caption: "Mid-day cuddles and head scratches? Yes."
Michael has the camera facing himself as he lays on his stomach, shirtless, but still in his shorts from the day, in your bed, in your residence hall. You lay on top of him, in his hoody and some cute shorts, your hand tangled in his beautiful blonde hair, scratching away at his scalp. He gives the camera a weak smile as he zooms in on the both of you. You giggle in response.
"Just have sex already." Montana says as she lays in the opposite bed.
"Are you mad because Xavier isn't here right now?" Michael asks before turning the camera around to her. She simply gives him the finger. "That's what I thought."
Michael 🖤🔥
Caption: "What a fucking stud."
Michael takes a picture of his cross country teammate and friend, Timothy. Timothy is sitting on the side of the practice field, shirtless and only in his running shorts. His phone is in his hand as he squints his eyes, trying to read whatever is on his phone.
Caption: " Timothy if you're hungry, just say that."
Michael has his camera on Timothy who piled his plate high with pizza slices, a salad on the side. Other cross country teammates can be heard and seen in the background as the team has dinner together.
Michael 🖤🔥
Caption: "Let winesday begin, fuckers."
Michael single handedly opens a bottle of wine and then opens his now empty water bottle. He dramatically throws both lids onto his desk, before pouring the entire bottle of red wine in his water bottle and closing it, double tapping his phone to turn the camera around. He gives a wink.
Caption: "Happy Winesday???????"
Michael walks into Chet and Ray's room in their fraternity. Chet and Ray are screaming playfully at each other over what looks like Mortal Kombat, Xbox controllers in hand. Over to Xavier who is sitting in Chet's bed, Juul hanging out of his mouth as he scrolls through his phone, then over to Jim who on top of the wine in his water bottle, is pouring vodka into it.
"Jim that is not fucking wine!" Michael sarcastically yells behind the camera, which causes everyone's head in the room to turn and look at Jim, who just continues to pour about 2 shots into his wine. Michael puts the camera back on Xavier who just sighs and face palms himself.
"Jim are you okay?" Ray asks, pretending to be concerned. Chet is shaking his head at the camera before Michael starts laughing.
Michael 🖤🔥
Caption: "Jim is not okay lol"
Jim is laid out on the carpet, Xavier's socked feet placed firmly on his back as he smiles drunkenly at the phone.
"Okay. I got the pizza!" Chet yells as he stumbles back into the room, 3 pizza boxes in hand. "Is Jim really knocked out right now?"
"I don't know. Let's ask him." Michael walks over to Jim, kneeling beside him.
"Oh boy." Xavier sighs, running his hand through his hair before he lays all the way down. Michael focuses his phone on Jim, lightly tapping the side of Jim's face a few times.
"Jim are you really knocked out right now?" Michael asks, trying not to laugh as Jim doesn't respond, instead groaning and swatting his hand away.
Michael 🖤🔥
12:00AM (Thursday)
Caption: "This what they've resorted to.."
Ray is attempting to throw a skittle into Xavier's mouth.
Michael 🖤🔥
Caption: "Jim is literally the only one with an 8AM today lol"
Chet is carrying a super knocked out Jim in his arms, back to his and Michael's residence hall since Michael wasn't going to be able to carry him the whole way there.
"First Winesday of Junior year and Jim pulls a fast one." Chet says, sighing as Michael walks backwards to film the two.
"He's going to be real mad when he wakes up at 6:30 super hungover off maybe 5 hours of sleep." Michael says back.
Michael 🖤🔥
Caption: "G'Night"
Chet throws Jim onto his bed, huffing as he does so.
Taglist: @jimmason @angelicmichael @whatcodysaid @9layerdevilfoodcake @theneverendinghunger​ @fernfiction
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bts-bay-bee · 4 years
bad day
Pairing: Kim Namjoon x reader
Genre: smut
Word Count: 4k
Warnings: established relationship, anal fingering, gagging (with panties), oral sex (male and female receiving), vaginal fingering, butt plug, tied-up (by a belt), vibrators, unprotected sex (use a condom irl), some light dirty talk and offensive names (cock-slut), spanking, squirting, multiple orgasms, cream pie, soft dom!Namjoon, cum eating, fingering after sex, it somehow turned soft idk how, unedited work
Summary: you had a bad day at work, and Namjoon tries to make it better
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 Talk about a day from hell. It all started when you woke up, an hour late, your phone ringing incessantly next to your ear. According to your phone it was 8am – the time that you usually started work – while the caller ID flashed your friend’s name from work. She had phoned to tell you that there was a meeting with everyone in the company, and it started in half an hour.
 Pushing your long-term boyfriend, Namjoon (who was still peacefully sleeping), off of you, you ran into your bathroom and took the shortest, most chaotic shower in history. Five minutes later, you were rushing to get clothes on. Your boyfriend, who had woken up when he realised that he was alone in bed, peered up at you, still snuggled close against the blanket. You wanted nothing more than to stay in bed with him the entire day, but you couldn’t.
 Once you had gotten your white blouse and black skirt on, you slipped your black heels, then leaned down to kiss Namjoon, with a hurried “goodbye, love you”.
Somehow, thankfully, you were only five minutes late for the company meeting. Yet you were late, nonetheless. Your boss, who was usually an impatient twit by nature, was even more so today, and took twenty minutes of the meeting to berate you about your tardiness.
 Fine, you thought, I probably deserved that for being late. But it was almost as if the universe had decided that today was the day that everything was going to go wrong.
 After the meeting, you walked into your office and found it flooded. Your usually neat office was somehow the only room that had suffered any damage in the entire building. Lovely, you sourly thought as you plucked a piece of paper that had your newest business proposal printed on it from the water.
 By midday, you found yourself sharing an office with the same friend who had called you that morning. Sadly, she was your boss’s PA, and her office was right next to his. Only separated by a half-frosted glass partition. You also found yourself starving, having not eaten anything the entire day; and you made peace with the fact that you also wouldn’t be eating anything until you went home – your boss had clearly said that because you were late, you had to work the extra time in, essentially taking away your lunch break. In between everything that had already happened, someone bumped into you earlier, spilling coffee all over your white blouse. Not that it was a big deal, but it simply added to your list of annoying things that had happened today.
 At around 3pm, you received a call from Namjoon – the one good thing about your day. Quickly answering the call, you ducked down so that your boss couldn’t see. “Hi, babe.”
 “Hey, baby girl.” His deep voice cooed, making you melt. It had only been a few hours, but you missed him. “Is everything okay? I haven’t heard from you the entire day.”
 You know it was stupid, but the way he said it, like he cared so deeply, made you tear up. “Joonie…” You sighed, closing your eyes. “This is the worst day I’ve ever had.”
 You began listing everything that had transpired, Namjoon listening quietly. As the conversation neared its end, you saw your boss’s door open, making you quickly end the call, and continued with your boring spreadsheet of figures.
 At 5pm, you basically ran out the office, desperate to get through the traffic as soon as you could. As you pulled into your driveway, it was long after sunset, and you were exhausted; wanting nothing more than to eat while watching TV with Namjoon, cuddled on the couch.
 You walked into the living room, dropping your car keys onto the coffee table, immediately being met with Namjoon’s embrace. You buried your head in his chest as he kissed the top of your head, rubbing your back gently.
 “Missed you.” Namjoon hummed, before you broke your hug. You just flashed him a small smile, before pecking him, happy to finally be home. “I set out some clothes for you on the bed.”
 As you walked into the room, you smiled gratefully as you found one of his shirts – your favourite one – on the bed. Quickly peeling off your work clothes, you pulled the shirt over you, now wearing nothing but your panties and his shirt, that fell to your mid-thigh.
 As you quickly shuffled to the living room, you found Namjoon accepting something at the door. He turned around with a packet from your favourite fast food place, and he grinned at your brightly.
 Half an hour later, you found yourself stuffed with food, happily cuddling into Namjoon, with your back against his chest.
 “I’m sorry I made you late for work.” He said, kissing your collarbone. You sighed and leaned your head against him, subconsciously giving him more exposed skin to devour.
 “It’s not your fault.”
 “I’m the one who kept you up.” He frowned.
 You found yourself smirking, unknowingly, your mind flashing back to last night. Namjoon had suggested something new in the bedroom, which was anal play; it was nothing crazy, as it was your first time doing anything like it, but it felt amazing. Your orgasms had been mind-blowing. They had left you shaking, a light gleam of sweat coating your body; you were sure that you’d passed out somewhere in-between the heavenly pleasure.
 “What are you suddenly smirking about?” Namjoon asked, his eyebrow raised as you realized you had crossed your legs, an attempt to stop yourself from getting aroused.
 “Um…” You said, embarrassed. “Last night…”
 Now Namjoon was the one smirking. “You enjoyed it, sweetheart?” Nodding shyly, you turned to face him, straddling him to be more comfortable. He ran his large hands over your exposed thighs, leaving goose bumps in their wake. “Would you want to try it again?” As you nodded again, Namjoon chuckled. “Can I try something new today?”
 “You already know my answer.” You replied, breathlessly, your arousal beginning to drip out of you, as your mind flashed back to last night and the premise of something new tonight. You subconsciously began to grind on Namjoon, making him groan.
 “Play nice, Y/N.” He warned, making you cease your actions as he grabbed your hips. “Go to the room.”
 Getting up and almost running to your shared bedroom, Namjoon couldn’t help but chuckle at your eagerness. Getting up from the couch himself, he opened a package that had arrived that morning after you hastily left for work. Grabbing what he was searching for, he slipped it into his pocket before following your footsteps.
 You had already stripped of Namjoon’s shirt, leaving you in your tiny black thong. When Namjoon entered the room, you knew his eyes were trained on your clothed pussy, eyes only leaving it to get something from your shared walk-in closet. Heart beating profusely, you knew you were in for a long night; Namjoon only took your toys from the closet when he wanted to make you cry with pleasure. You had quite fond memories of the toys in the closet.
 Namjoon walked back to you, his belt in his hand, before leaning down to kiss you roughly. His soft, plump lips pressed against yours before shoving his tongue into your mouth, making you whimper at the roughness, as your arousal continued to drip out of you, soaking the tiny piece of fabric covering your core.
 His tongue massaged your own, swallowing your moans as his hands roamed all over your body, eventually one hand settling on your ass, kneading it, while the other dipped into your soaked panties, allowing Namjoon to feel your arousal.
 “All for me?” He teased quietly, gathering your slickness on his fingers before pushing them into your mouth, making you taste yourself. “How sweet do you taste, baby girl?” You just whined in response, causing him to tut at you. “Guess I’ll just have to find out myself then, hmm?”
 He moved you to the bed, dropping his belt next to you, then shedding his shirt, leaving him only in sweatpants. Sliding down your sodden panties, he immediately deposited them into your mouth, causing you to essentially be gagged. Your sweet juices coated your tongue, making Namjoon hum happily.
 Kissing down the length of your neck, he stopped at the base of your neck, biting down harshly at your collarbone, then sucking on it, leaving dark red marks that will surely turn into deep purple bruises soon. He continued to assault your neck, only stopping to take one of your hardened nipples into his mouth, his fingers tweaking at the other. He sucked your sensitive bud, before switching his position, so that he could take the other one in his warm mouth.
 As his tongue skimmed over your nipple, he was bucking into your core, not giving you enough friction to get any relief. His sweatpants acted as a barrier between his throbbing cock and your dripping folds. As your hands tried to pull his pants off, he harshly bit your breast, making you cry out.
 “Behave, Y/N.” He snapped, then went back to leaving marks on your chest. Once he was satisfied at the angry, red spots left on your skin, he kissed down your stomach, finally getting to your core, which was pulsing uncomfortably from the lack of attention.
 “Hmm, always dripping for me, huh?” He murmured, spreading your folds so that you were completely exposed to him. The panties that were still in your mouth prevented you from replying, until he looked up at you, chuckled, then reached up and removed them from your mouth. “You’re allowed to make as much noise as you want today, sweetheart.”
 Not even a second later, he attached his mouth onto your swollen clit, making you cry out, as his soft, warm mouth encased it. Flicking his tongue over your clit, he began to slowly finger your core, causing you to moan and tangle your fingers in his lush hair. He entered you with two fingers, almost immediately curling them against your tight, sodden walls, while he continued to alternate between licking stripes across your clit, and suckling on it, harshly.
 “Nam…joon.” You sighed, feeling euphoria encase your entire being. He abruptly stopped his actions, making you cry out in protest. He just chuckled, before pressed his forefinger into your asshole, causing you to squeak at the sudden intrusion. His finger slid in easily, still slick from your wet pussy.
 He went back to licking stripes across your clit, before quickly sticking his stiffened tongue into your pussy, tongue-fucking you mercilessly. As his tongue shot in and out of you, he began to rub tight circles onto your clit with his freehand, releasing an endless supply of whines and cries from your throat.
 His single finger curling around your tight asshole, his tongue fucking your pussy without pausing and the incessant rubbing of your clit made the coil in your stomach snap, causing you to cum hard on Namjoon’s tongue. His actions didn’t cease, even with your thighs shaking on either side of his head. You fingers knotting in his hair, whimpering, and moaning as your pleasure linked with the dullest pain, as your pussy quivered from sensitivity.
 “J-Joon…” You whispered, trying to pull him off of you. When he didn’t stop, you whimpered out, “Please… H-hurts…”
 “You taste so good.” He replied, finally giving into your pleading as he allowed you to pull him up to your mouth. “Your pussy tastes so sweet. It’s intoxicating.”
 He came up, laying down on the bed next to you, his mouth pressed against yours in an open-mouthed kiss. He nibbled on your lip, before massaging his tongue with yours. A moan involuntarily left your mouth when you tasted your cum on his tongue, which had seemingly soaked into every crevice of the magical appendage.
 You pulled away, with the intentions of taking Namjoon’s cock into your mouth. As you began to pull his sweatpants down, you felt something oddly shaped in his pocket. He smirked up at you, as he palmed himself through his boxers.
 “Take it out my pocket, baby. It’s for you.” He instructed, sliding his boxers down with his sweatpants, leaving him in all his gorgeous glory. Curiosity nibbling at your very being, you pulled out a small, bright pink… Something. You didn’t really know what it was, so you stared up at Namjoon, questioningly. He groaned, “Fuck, you look so innocent right now, sweetheart. Do you know what that is?” Shaking your head, no; he smirked. “It’s a butt plug. I got a small one, for now, baby girl. I don’t want to overwhelm you, yet.”
 “How am I supposed to use it?” You asked, completely confused, as your hand encased the small silicone toy. Namjoon sat up, taking it from you. This action drew your eyes to his cock, which rested against his tummy. The angry red tip gleamed with pre-cum, making your mouth water, craving the salty, delicious taste of him in your mouth.
 Your tongue ran over your bottom lip, something that Namjoon caught you doing, before smirking. Only when he stopped talking, did you realise that he was talking. You looked up at him, innocently, before pouting, making him chuckle.
 “I was explaining how we were going to use it, but it seems like your attention is elsewhere, sweetheart.” He murmured, running his thumb over your bottom lip to make you release it from your teeth, you didn’t even realise you were biting it.
 “Please…” You whispered, leaning into his touch, wanting nothing more than to take his cock into your mouth. He nodded, giving you the go ahead, before leaning back and allowing you to do whatever you wanted.
 Your velvety soft mouth encased the head of his dick, lightly suckling on it, swiping your tongue over the slit so you could taste the pre-cum. As you did this, Namjoon sucked in a deep breathe, his hands weaving into your long hair. Moaning at his delicious taste, you took more of him into your mouth, softly massaging his balls.
 “Hmm… Fuck, Y/N.” He groaned, “Your mouth is so fucking good, baby.”
 You continued to suck on his cock, swirling your tongue around the head. After a few moments of doing this, you decided to take him even deeper into your throat, sinking your head down until your nose was nestled against his pubic bone. He let out a string of curses, bucking into your mouth.
 Gagging around his girthy, long length, your throat muscles massaged his cock, enveloping Namjoon in its warmth. You moaned as he leaked more pre-cum into your throat, your saliva leaking out the corners of your mouth. Namjoon bucked into you again, releasing a whimper out of you, before he pulled out of your mouth.
 You whined at the loss of his exquisite taste, but he just took a deep breath, not acknowledging your neediness to have him bucking into your mouth. “But, baby...” You whined, your desire for his cock making him chuckle. “Want you to cum in my mouth.”
 “Let me cum in your pussy, sweetheart.” He said, still chuckling at how needy you were. It was endearing as much as it was enticing. He moved off the bed, now standing on the floor behind you. He grabbed his belt, positioning your arms so that it was behind you, and proceeded to loop the belt around a single arm, then both, making sure that you were bound tightly.
 “Is that too tight, sweetheart?” He asked, sweetly, kissing up your spine. You shivered, relishing the way he ghosted his plump lips over your skin. After shaking your head at his question, he positioned you the way he wanted. The front of your body was pressed flush against the bed with your arms tied behind you. Seeing you splayed out for him, Namjoon groaned.
 Grabbing the lube from the nightstand, which was left there from last night’s activities, he squirted some into his hand, then slowly lubricated the pink silicone toy. After getting the butt plug sufficiently coated, he deposited the excess lube onto your asshole, making you gasp. Spreading the slippery substance all over your anus, he leaned forward kissing your neck, before nibbling on the shell of your ear.
 “Tell me if you want me to stop, okay, baby?” He murmured into your ear. You nodded, your pussy clenching around nothing as he continued to work lube into your asshole. After he deemed it enough, you felt Namjoon press the blunt head of the butt plug against your puckered hole, making you release some of your juices onto the sheets.
 He slowly eased the toy in, allowing the sounds coming from your mouth to guide how fast or slow he should be going. Once he had fit the whole thing in you, he turned your head and kissed you chastely.
 “You look so fucking sexy with it in you, baby girl.” He groaned. You couldn’t form words – the plug filled you so well, you almost couldn’t have coherent thoughts. Namjoon got off the bed, making you whine, wanting nothing more than him; just him. Due to your position, you couldn’t turn back and see where he had gone, instead, you were forced to simply wait for him.
 A few moments later, you felt the bed between your legs dip, signalling his return.
 “Where did you go?” You whimpered, your neediness evident. Namjoon ignored you, lifting up your hips to place something directly onto your clit. You moaned when you felt it was your ribbed vibrator, which was still turned off. He really wanted to pleasure you today.
 “Oh, I forgot to tell you,” He murmured into your ear. “This is a vibrating butt plug.”
 Pressing the button on both the butt plug and the vibrator, Namjoon sat back for a few seconds, watching you moan, the heavenly sounds pumping more blood to his dick, making it impossibly hard. The ribbed vibrator curled around your clit, making the whole piece of flesh sensitive, while the butt plug pulsed rhythmically in your asshole, just edging you closer and closer to the edge.
 “Joonie!” You cried, feeling like you were close, so close, but it didn’t feel like you could reach an orgasm without Namjoon’s touch. You felt his gaze on you, the mattress still dipped between your legs. “P-Please… I n-need you in me-e!”
 He ran the head of his cock across your folds, before slowly pushing himself in you, stretching your walls to their breaking point around his girthy length. You let out a loud moan, your hands straining to be let out of their confinements.
 “Fuck! I can feel the toys too.” He said, panting as he dragged his cock of you, before slamming back in. “You feel so tight, sweetheart. Your pussy is clenching around me so tight. Gonna fuck you until you’re crying.”
 With that promise, Namjoon began to fuck you into the mattress, mercilessly. He entered you repeatedly, his hips snapping against your plump ass, making the obscene sound of skin-on-skin. His balls slapped your pussy lips incessantly, making the tiniest contact with your vibrator, only adding to Namjoon’s pleasure.
 “Ah – Namjoon!” You cried, feeling him press against the small of your back, making you push onto the vibrator even harder. The butt plug was still sending shocks of pleasure right down to your core, making you release more and more arousal. Slapping your ass, making it redden under his palms, Namjoon started to fuck you so hard that you moved slightly up the bed with each thrust.
 “Baby, I’m gonna cum!” You whimpered, feeling your throat raw from all the moans and whimpers you’ve been letting out. “F-Fuck, you’re so-o big…”
 Your pussy clenched around Namjoon’s cock, making him moan into your ear. “You’re gonna cum on my dick, baby? While your ass is stuffed and your clit is swollen, huh? You’re gonna cream on my cock while I spank the fuck out of you? You’re such a cock-slut, Y/N. Always so needy for my dick, huh?”
 To emphasize his point, he began to slap your ass cheeks, making your entire ass turn red; all while snapping his hips into yours. Paired with Namjoon’s filthy words and the fact that your pussy was being destroyed by his cock, your asshole filled with the pulsating butt plug, as well as the vibrator against your clit, you cried out his name, before cumming all over the sheets and Namjoon’s cock.
 You felt a rush of wetness slip out of you; your cries caught in your throat at the sheer power of your orgasm. You vaguely heard Namjoon groan, not faltering in his thrusts, before he continued his assault on your poor pussy.
 “You just squirted all over me, baby girl. You like this that much? Being tied up and forced to take everything that I give you? You dirty, little cock-slut.”
 Your intense orgasm rendered you speechless, unable to form words or thoughts – but you knew one thing: Namjoon completely owned you. He made you feel things no one else could, and that no one else ever can. Once you came back around, head fully functional, you found Namjoon still fucking you.
 “Yes, yes, yes, you take my cock so well, sweetheart.” He groaned, roughly pulling your hair so that your neck snapped against his shoulder. You whimpered, the position making his tip nudge against your cervix. The squelching of your pussy around his cock made him groan, the dirty sound bringing him closer and closer to his own release. “I’m so fucking close, Y/N!”
 “You gonna cum in my pussy, baby?” You panted, the coil in the pit of your stomach tightening again. “Make a mess in between my thighs? You’re fucking me so good, baby, shit! Come in me, please, please, please! Love your cock so much. Fuck, I’m gonna cum again, baby.”
 Namjoon moaned, feeling you tighten around him, as you released for the third time tonight.
 “Namjoon!” You whined, your orgasm not as powerful as the previous, but enough to have you clenching tightly around his cock to make him cum right after you. He pushed himself deep into your pussy, before you felt his hips stutter against your ass.
 “Oh, fuck, yes! Y/N! I’m coming, baby girl.” He moaned, releasing string after string of hot, thick sperm, painting your pussy white.
 Undoing the belt around your arms, he flung it to one side, before collapsing next to you, his cock still deep within you. With your new freedom, you pulled the vibrator out from underneath you, the pulsing now hurting your red, swollen clit. The butt plug was still turned on, making you twitch; the overstimulation being too much. Namjoon, still panting, reached over, and pulled it out of you, allowing your body to relax, finally not being assaulted with copious amounts of pleasure.
 “Are you okay, sweetheart?” He asked, pushing your sweaty hair out of your face. You nodded, laying your head against his rapidly rising and falling chest. “You did so well, baby.”
 You basked in the light that was his compliments, feeling your cheeks heat up at his words. You leaned up, kissing him softly, while he pulled his limp dick out of you. Wincing at the loss of him, he chuckled, before caressing your still reddened ass. He watched as his cum began to leak out of your entrance, the site almost enough to make him hard again. Without realising it, he ran two fingers around your messy entrance, making you twitch.
 He gathered his cum from around your entrance before pushing it back into you, making you whine; the overstimulation being too much. Namjoon brought his fingers to your mouth, making you suck off his cum that coated his digits. His salty sperm coated your tongue, making you moan and swirl your tongue over his long fingers.
 Seeing how much you enjoyed it, Namjoon chuckled. Pulling his fingers away from your lips, he replaced them with his own, kissing you gently. He pulled you into his chest, allowing you to cuddle after your intense fucking-session.
 Massaging your ass, now feeling guilty for spanking you so hard, he kissed your forehead, seeing you already half asleep. “Did that take care of your bad day?”
 You lifted your head off of his chest, confused. “What bad day?”
 A/N: hey guys! I hope you enjoyed that :) Please let me know what you think <3
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it’s all because of you
So I FINALLY finished Coco’s bday fic. Sorry it’s so late, but I hope you enjoy this one-shot @cicinicole-14
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Alex tells Jo about Eli & Alexis immediately after finding out about them
“Hey so, I wasn’t able to find the chips that you wanted but I did buy some of that ice cream we both really love,” Jo walked into the loft and paused when she saw the distraught look on Alex’s face. “Oh God. What happened? Is something wrong? Did something happen with Meredith’s trial? Alex?”
“Huh?” Alex looked up from where he’d been staring at the floor for the past thirty minutes after he made the phone call that rocked his entire world.
“Alex, what’s going on? Who died?”
“No one—no one died,” Alex shook his head.
“Then why do you look like you’ve seen a ghost?” Jo placed the bags of groceries on the counter and moved to sit next to him on the couch. “Alex. Baby, what’s going on? You’re worrying me. Please tell me. I want to help you.”
“I... I don’t even know how to say this,” Alex buried his head in his hands. He let out a nervous breath. “I have kids. Two of them. Twins.”
“What?” Jo’s eyes bulged. “Oh my God. Who did you—when... Alex did you cheat on me? Or was this when we were broken up? I won’t yell, just please tell me.”
“No, no, Jo!” Alex’s eyes shot up to her terrified expression. “I didn’t cheat on you. I didn’t sleep with someone else. Not even when we were broken up a few years ago. Babe, I haven’t been with anyone other than you in the past eight years.”
“Oh,” Jo sighed in relief. “Okay. So, how...”
“You remember the embryos?” Alex stared up at Jo who looked like she might puke at any given moment. He hated that he was doing this to her. She had just gotten better after a tough depressive episode. Jo didn’t deserve the stress of this burden that was his to bear. But he also knew that she deserved the truth and he’d be damned if he wasn’t completely forthcoming with the one person who’d been there for him through it all. “I called Izzie. I told myself it was just for the trial. To get Mer a letter of support. And at first, that’s exactly what it was. But then we started talking and it felt nice, normal. I felt all the nostalgia while talking to her and I can’t lie to you Jo, but it made me kind of miss her.”
“Oh God,” Jo pressed a hand to her mouth and ran to the trash bin and threw up. She felt Alex come behind her, held her hair, and rubbed her back lightly as he waited for her stop vomiting. Jo took a deep breath and straightened her back. She leaned against the wall and slumped down onto the floor, eyes closed. “You’re going to leave me, right? You’re gonna leave me for Izzie and the babies she has with your face on them. It’s over isn’t it?” Jo lost her fight with her tears. “Well it was good while it lasted, wasn’t it? I should’ve known. You can’t hold on to anything you don’t want to lose.”
“Jo, baby, I’m not leaving you. I swear to God. This doesn’t change the fact that I love you more than life itself, or that I want to be your husband and grow old with you. This changes none of that,” Alex crouched down in front of her and squeezed her knee. “Let me finish what I was trying to say.” Jo nodded at Alex to continue. “Then she told me all about her job as surgical oncologist and all of the things she’d accomplished. I told her how proud I was and shared that I got into peds and that I’m Chief of Surgery at Pac North. I told her all about how I’m cleaning the place up. Then she asked me if I’d met anyone and that’s when I told her about you. About how we met and fell in love and got married, and she was happy for me, for us. Really happy. She was asking me to send her a few of our wedding pictures when I heard them.”
Alex clutched Jo’s hands tightly within his own, “I heard kids laughing in the background, so I asked her if she had kids. She said yes. She has five year old twins, Eli and Alexis Stevens. They’re mine. She used our embryos.”
“She used the embryos. They’re five years old,” Jo repeated, attempting to process the information she’d just been given while staying strong for Alex. “So, it turns out when I found that form all those years ago, you already had not one, but two Izzie babies crawling around with your face on them.”
“Yeah,” Alex had a pained look on his face. “I’m sorry Jo. I should’ve—I should’ve called her years ago. Before we—because then I would’ve—“
“Before we got married,” Jo looked at Alex intensely. “That’s what you were gonna say right? You wish you would’ve known before we got married, or better yet, before we got serious, so that you could be with them. So that you could be their dad and be with Izzie and have the family you always wanted.” Jo wiped a couple tears. “But you didn’t call. I told you to call her two years ago and you didn’t do it. And now you’re stuck with me.”
“Jo, you know that we were never not serious. From the minute I kissed you, I knew you were it for me. I’m not stuck with you. I chose you and I’ll always choose you,” Alex shook his head and stared at their joined hands. “I gave up my rights when we got divorced, so she had every right to use them. But I just keep thinking about how I have kids and I never knew. I just wish I would’ve known. I would’ve done things differently. I wish Izzie would’ve told me. But she didn’t, so now I’ve lost five years of my kids’ lives and I don’t know how to even feel about it. I don’t know if I’m allowed to feel upset about it. I’m basically just their sperm donor.”
“Of course you’re allowed to be upset, Alex,” Jo placed a hand on his cheek. As much as Jo was in pain and as scared as she was to lose him, Jo knew that she had to be there for her husband. “When you and Izzie made those embryos, it was always under the understanding that you’d do it together. You never thought she’d use them after the fact.” Jo took a deep breath. “So, are you going to do anything about this? Are you going to meet them?”
“I don’t know,” Alex shook his head. “Iz said I could go see meet them. They live on a farm in the middle of freaking no where Kansas. They don’t know about me, though. Izzie never told them and they never asked. It’s just her and the kids. Well, she’s got this detective boyfriend now, but he doesn’t try to pretend to be their father.” Alex ran a hand over his face. “It doesn’t matter right now, though. What matters is Meredith’s trial. I can’t—I can’t focus on that and focus on the trial. After the trial is over, maybe I’ll revisit this, but I can’t Jo. I can’t.”
In retrospect, Jo thinks maybe she should’ve thought things through a little better before packing a bag and flying out to Kansas in the middle of the night. It was an impulse decision, and like most impulse decisions, probably not the most wise one. But as soon as she touched down in Kansas at 8am the next morning, Jo knows that she made the right choice.
Jo walked out of her terminal and hailed a cab to take her to the nearest coffee shop or diner. She got dropped off at a small local diner that looked like it had been frozen in the 1960s. Finally mustering up what little courage she had left, Jo took her phone out of her pocket and dialed the number she had been dreading to dial. It rang four times before someone answered.
“Hello?” It was a woman’s voice in the background. “Hello? Can I help you?”
Jo cleared her throat, “Hi. Is this Izzie Stevens?”
“Yes, this is she,” the woman on the other line responded. “Who’s this?”
“Hi. This is uh—Jo, Jo Karev.”
“Oh my goodness,” Izzie’s gasp of surprise was heard over the line. “Jo! Alex’s wife Jo?”
“Yeah. That’s me,” Jo let out a breath. “Look, I don’t want to cause any issues or problems. Alex doesn’t even know that I’m calling or anything, but I was hoping you and I could meet. I’m here in Kansas.”
“You’re—you’re here?” Izzie asked, some shuffling being heard in the background. “Yes, of course. Where are you? Where should I meet you?”
“I’m at a diner in Kansas City. I can send you my location, if you’d like,” Jo suggested.
“Yeah, that’s perfect. I can be there in an hour,” Izzie replied. “I’ll see you soon.”
“See you soon.”
“Jo! What the hell? Where are you? I’ve been trying to get a hold of you for the past ten hours. I woke up and you were gone,” Alex shouted angrily over the FaceTime call. “You didn’t leave a note or anything. No one knew where you were.”
“I know, I’m sorry,” Jo sighed. “I didn’t mean to scare you. There was just… something I had to do.”
“Where are you? Please tell me. Jo, I don’t want to lose you, ever and right now you’re scaring me,” Alex’s brows furrowed. “Just… tell me you’re okay. Tell me that you’re not gonna leave me or hurt yourself.”
“What? Alex, no,” Jo shook her head. “I would never leave you. And I wouldn’t hurt myself. I swear.” Jo bit her lip nervously. “I’m not in Seattle. I caught a flight in the middle of the night last night, to Kansas.”
“Kansas?” Alex’s eyes widened. “What—why—what are you doing in Kansas?”
“I’m in Baldwin City,” Jo answered simply, knowing that Alex would immediately know the exact reason.
Alex’s face grew serious, “Why are you there Jo?”
“I spoke with Izzie. I’m actually in a guest room at the farmhouse right now,” Jo confessed. “I just… I couldn’t stand around and watch you feel conflicted. The trial was a week ago and you still haven’t made a decision about what it is that you want to do. And I’m not trying to rush you, I swear. But, you’ve been there for me when I needed it. You spoke for me when I couldn’t speak for myself. You reacted when I couldn’t demonstrate things effectively for myself. So, I wanted to do this for you. I wanted to come out here and talk to Izzie and tell her all the feelings that you’re not quite sure how to express.”
“I never asked you to do that for me,” Alex had an unreadable expression on his face.
“You didn’t have to,” Jo looked at his face over the video call expectantly.
“So, what’s the verdict?” Alex asked after a couple moments in silence.
“You have really cute kids. Your son looks exactly like you and your daughter might as well be a miniature evil spawn from how Izzie described her,” Jo chuckled and averted her gaze from the screen. “I didn’t meet them. Just Izzie. I didn’t think it would be right for me to meet your kids before you do or before you even knew I was here.”
“Izzie wants me to meet them?” Alex questioned.
“Your kids want to meet you,” Jo stated quietly. “They know about you. They’ve seen pictures. Izzie asked me to send her a few pictures of us two when she and I met. She texted me about an hour ago. Eli and Alexis are very eager to meet Dad and JoJo.” Jo watched as Alex’s face contorted in a variety of emotions. “I bought you a ticket to Kansas City Airport. It leaves first thing tomorrow morning. I hope you’ll take it.”
“JoJo!” Alexis shrieked as Jo opened the loft door, throwing her arms around her stepmother’s now protruding abdomen. “I missed you!”
“I missed you too,” Jo placed a light kiss on the young girl’s forehead. She laughed at Alexis’ widening eyes as her tiny hands were met with strong, powerful kicks. “And it looks like someone else also missed you.”
Alexis pressed her face up to Jo’s belly, “Hi baby. I missed you too.”
“JoJo!” Eli jumped forward and squeezed Jo as best as he could with her round belly in the way. “I couldn’t wait to see you!”
“And I couldn’t wait to see you,” Jo ruffled his hair as he and Alexis went off to play in the living room.
“Hi, Jo,” Izzie smiled warmly.
“Iz!” Jo wrapped Izzie in a hug. “How was your flight?”
“It was pretty smooth, which is surprising considering these two are definitely all Karev,” Izzie and answered and pointed to the twins. “I was convinced they’d pull off some prank or joke that got us kicked off the airline forever.”
“Well, I’m glad the kids didn’t cause you too much trouble,” Jo laughed. “Sometimes I get really worried about this kid’s temperament because Alex and I weren’t exactly the most well-behaved children. At least the twins have you.”
“I wasn’t exactly the best example either,” Izzie shook her head. “I got pregnant at sixteen. As long as I can make it through their teenage years without Alexis getting pregnant or Eli getting someone pregnant, I’ll consider that a victory.”
“Setting the bar really high, I see,” Alex spoke from behind the two women as he walked inside the door with grocery bags in his hand. He leaned down to kiss Jo. “Hey, babe.” And gave Izzie a quick hug. “Hey, Iz.”
“Daddy!!” Alexis and Eli shot up from the couch as soon as they noticed their father had walked through the door and begun to place the groceries on the table.
“Hey kiddos,” Alex lifted the two of them up in his arms and peppered light kisses on their faces. “I missed you guys so much.”
“We missed you too, Daddy!” Alexis squeezed her dad’s head tightly. “Two months is too long.”
“I agree,” Alex grinned.
“You know, that was actually something I wanted to talk to you two about,” Izzie sat down on one of the stools at the table. “I broke up with Carter last month.”
“Oh my goodness. I’m so sorry, Izzie,” Jo placed a hand on Izzie’s arm.
“No it’s okay. It was a mutual thing,” Izzie waved it off. “Anyway, I don’t really have anything left for me in Kansas and my mom is here in Chehalis. Also, you guys have a baby on the way and I’d really love it if Eli and Lex grew up next to their sibling. So, I was thinking that maybe the kids and I could move back to Seattle.”
Jo and Alex exchanged a look before simultaneously answering.
“Yes! That’s a great idea!” “We’d love it if you moved back.”
“Really?” Izzie beamed. “That’s amazing! Okay, I’ll start making arrangements for the move and look into buying a house here. I can’t wait to tell the kids!”
“We can’t wait for you guys to make Seattle your home,” Jo made a little noise of excitement.
“What?” Jo asked as she looked up from the book she was reading later that night to find Alex staring at her strangely.
“Nothing,” Alex shrugged and placed his hand on her stomach. “Just thinking about how much I love you and how grateful I am that you’re my wife.”
“Really now,” Jo hummed. “You do know that it doesn’t matter how many sweet words you say to me tonight, we are not having sex. The twins are asleep on the couch in front of us.”
Alex laughed, “I’m not trying to get in your pants.”
“Huh. What a miracle,” Jo raised an eyebrow. “You’re always trying to get into my pants.”
“That’s true,” Alex smiled smugly. “I normally get in them, too.”
Jo slapped his shoulder playfully, “Perv.”
“Seriously, though. I’m very grateful for you,” Alex brought Jo closer to him and looked deeply into her eyes. “If it weren’t for you, those kids wouldn’t be knocked out on our couch and snoring like truckers. If it weren’t for you, I probably never would’ve gotten the balls to go meet them or maybe I would’ve met them and done something stupid in the process. But you went to Kansas and talked to Izzie and assured me that this was a good thing. And it is. It’s the best thing. We have a family, Jo. A real family. And it’s all because of you.”
“I love you,” Jo replied, eyes shining. “And I love our kids.”
“I love you, too.”
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jisungsmochi · 4 years
lovestruck - park jisung
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lovestruck - park jisung by jisungsmochi 
NEW SERIES ALERT: i’m doing short fics for the dreamies based off songs by The Vamps! stay tuned for the rest hehe <3
college!au, whipped jisung, lots of fluff and teeny bit of angst but not really 
word count: 3.3k
summary: “i’m hung up, i’m shook up, i’m lovestruck”
park jisung wasn’t the one to ask someone out, god he didn’t even know how to properly cook ramen. but from the day he met you, he needed to know you. he wanted to love you, it was something he couldn’t shake away. but what do you do when you’re heartbroken yourself, and there’s a lovestruck boy pining over you?
Excuse me miss,
I don’t ever do this,
Must admit i’m pretty nervous,
But just incase you say yes.
jisung was terrified to start his first semester at college. the fact that he just scraped by to get accepted, was already feeding into his nerves. he was worried he wouldn’t make any friends, or be able to keep up with the course content. no matter how many times jeno and jaemin tried to drill into his head that they’d be there to help him through it, the younger boy had a hard time believing in himself. his first day wasn’t the best, he was lost on campus for a solid 30 minutes, missing half of his first lecture. he couldn’t shake the image of rows of people staring at him as he rushed to a seat in the theatre. he felt his cheeks burn at the embarrassment, attempting to hide behind his laptop screen. from the corner of your eye, you noticed the flustered boy, sitting three seats away from you. the seats were empty, giving you a clear view of the dark haired boy. you tuned back into the lecture, thoughts of him still lingering in your mind.
jisung didn’t notice you until the third or fourth lecture. you always sat in the same spot and so did he. naturally, you both started noticing eachother. at first you exchanged small glances, kind of like ‘are you getting this?’ and other times, jisung would catch himself staring at you, zoning out the voice of the lecturer. he thought you were utterly mesmerising. from the way you pushed strands of hair behind your ears, to the way your face contorted into confused expressions. jisung wanted to get to know you, he felt like it was something he needed to do.
so he went to the two people who were experts at both relationships and the college lifestyle.
“okay so you think she’s pretty?” jaemin raised his eyebrows, attempting to catch popcorn in his mouth while sitting on his bed in his shared dorm with jeno.
“pretty is an understatement. she’s just...i don’t know how to explain it” jisung smiles to himself, feeling giddy inside.
“do you know her name?” jeno continues, admiring how flustered the younger boy was becoming.
“uh, not exactly. i mean, i think i heard someone call her before, but i can’t be sure” jisung pouted, realising that he truly didn’t even know your name.
“gosh jisung! you don’t even know the girl’s name, and you’re pining over her already?” jaemin teased, throwing popcorn at him.
jeno started scolding jaemin for making a mess, while trying to give his best advice to jisung.
“why don’t you approach her before the lecture, so you both can have a conversation and then you can ease into asking her to hang out with you?” jeno suggested, but the thought of doing so, had jisung worried.
“i can’t do that, it’s not me. you guys know i’m shy” he softly sighed, lowering his head. the two older boys looked at him in pity, both coming to his side.
“don’t be like that, just try to talk to her, and if she flat out rejects you then she’s not the one okay? you gotta put yourself out there! it’s what college is about” jeno continued to comfort him.
“yeah exactly! and what would happen if you didn’t talk to her? you’d just be creepily staring at her until she has to tell you to stop” jaemin shrugged, causing jeno to throw a pillow at him.
“don’t listen to that idiot, just be yourself and i’m sure she will be more than happy to talk to you” jeno patted jisung’s shoulder, slowly beginning to calm down the anxious boy.
here goes nothing.
the very next lecture, you found yourself arriving to the theatre earlier than you thought. you slept through one of your many alarms, panicking that you were going to be late. you opted to sitting on the staircase outside the theatre, waiting for everyone else to arrive. jisung also arrived earlier than usual, but for the sole reason that he needed to rehearse what he was going to say to you. so when he saw you sitting on the staircase with no one else in sight, he froze. you noticed his presence, instantly recognising him as the boy who sat three seats away from you. you gave him a small smile before continuing to tap on your phone. jisung held his fists tightly together, going over the his prepared script one last time, before approaching you.
“uh excuse me....miss” he blurted, causing you to stop what you were doing. you looked up at the flustered boy, shocked he was speaking to you.
“did you really just call me miss?” you softly chuckled, standing up to face him. you were standing on the second step of the staircase, almost making you eye level with him.
“y-yes? i don’t usually do this, actually i’m kind of nervous. wait where was i again? oh yeah, i’m hoping you’ll say yes, but uh do you want to like, hang out after this lecture?” jisung stammered, as you followed along with each word. you couldn’t help but smile, he was cute, and you couldn’t deny it. but you hoped that this was nothing more than a friendly, classmate outing. you weren’t ready for anything more than that.
“yeah sure, jisung” you nodded, watching as his eyes shot open widely.
“you know my name?” he stuttered,
“yeah, you have your name on your laptop case, you know that right?” you giggled, watching as the realisation hit him. jisung just chuckled along, stringing on about random things as you both entered the lecture theatre. he took the initiative to sit next to you this time, softly whispering to you about all sorts of things. he finally made a friend.
I had to ask,
If you already had dinner plans,
I know you probably have a man,
But if you happen to be unattached.
“alright jisung, what is it now?” jaemin opened the door to the younger boy who had woken them up by banging on their door at 8am.
“i need more advice” he rushed into the room, noticing how messy it had gotten. he stepped over random items on the floor before waking jeno up by hitting him with a pillow.
“i’m too tired to be mad right now” jeno groaned, pulling himself up to rest against his head board. jaemin shuffled back into his bed, ready for another update on operation lovestruck jisung.
“i want to ask her to go out to dinner with me” jisung started, the two boys now slowly becoming more interested.
“big move, dinner is a huge step from just hanging at the cafe on campus” jeno commented as jisung shot him a glare.
“yes i know, but i really just want to ask her to see if she’d say yes” jisung assured himself as the two boys just shrugged,
“you worry too much, she seems like a good person, don’t be too frantic” jaemin sighed, ruffling jisung’s hair before walking to the bathroom to brush his teeth.
maybe jaemin was right, jisung thought to himself. just play it cool.
you and jisung were at the campus cafe once again, reviewing the notes from this week’s lecture. it was a regular occurrence for the both of you to hang out like this. you didn’t think much of it. but today, jisung was acting more jittery than usual. he wouldn’t look at you and was always on his phone. you weren’t exactly annoyed at him, but curious as to what was bothering him.
“are you okay? you don’t seem like yourself today” you commented, hoping he would talk to you about it.
“ahh yeah i’m fine, just hungry i guess. i could go for dinner” he started, but you cut him off,
“oh my god! dinner! jisung you just reminded me, i have a dinner date with my boyfriend soon” you instantly remembered  beginning to pack up your stuff.
“wait boyfriend?” he intended to say to himself, rather than aloud.
“oh y-yeah, it’s kinda fresh? i would have told you about it but i’m still waiting to see if it’s serious. i’ll let you know how it goes? i’ll send over any annotations i finish when i can! see you jisung!” you smiled softly, giving his shoulder a small squeeze before rushing out of the cafe.
boyfriend. of course you had a boyfriend. jisung didn’t stand a chance.
I'd sing your name over the airwaves,
Crash your couch and sleep off or stay awake.
If not tonight, maybe tomorrow,
'Cause I'm hung up, I'm shook up,
I'm lovestruck.
jisung was laying in his bed, indulging in a random crime show on netflix. he tried everything to get his mind off of you, but nothing seemed to work. of course you had a boyfriend, how couldn’t you? you were absolutely stunning, with the most charismatic personality, jisung had ever witnessed. he felt like a fool for even thinking he had a chance. 
his thoughts were interrupted by his phone ringing. he furrowed his eyebrows, not expecting any calls. but when your name popped up on his screen, he immediately answered.
“hello?” he greeted, curious as to why you were calling him so late at night.
“jisung” your voice cracked, which had jisung concerned.
“are you alright? what happened?” he questioned, listening as you let out short sniffles.
“he stood me up. i looked like an idiot, waiting for him outside the restaurant. god, i’m so lucky i didn’t go inside and actually get a table” you tried to lighten up the mood but it clearly didn’t work. jisung didn’t know what to say to you, he was shocked that someone could ever stand you up.
“you’re not an idiot, y/n. don’t say that to yourself. did he give you a reason?” jisung tried to calm you down, his own heart clenching, hearing you in pain.
“no, he hasn’t even responded to my texts or calls. i just feel stupid” you sighed, feeling tears fall down your cheeks. jisung didn’t know how else to comfort you, only wishing he could be close to you right now, and wipe away your tears.
“do you want me to come meet you somewhere? we can just talk” jisung suggested, instantly feeling regret after doing so.
“i mean, you can come to my apartment if you want? i kind of need a friend right now” you continued to sniffle, hearing jisung shuffle around on the other side.
“text me the address and i’m on my way” he hung up the phone, dressing himself appropriately before rushing out of his house and into his car. he felt completely insane for rushing over to you like this, with his messy hair and puffed face from the cold. but he couldn’t bear to see you upset.
he knocked softly on your door, hearing you jiggle the lock on the other end. you pulled the door back slowly, revealing the tall boy dressed in his pajamas with a large black puffed jacket over it. jisung entered your apartment cautiously, taking notice of how small and glum you looked. he wanted to hold you in his arms, but he knew it wasn’t his place to do so. instead he let you lead him to your living room couch where you turned on the heater and made him a mug of hot chocolate.
“by the way, he’s the idiot for ditching you. it’s truly his loss” jisung shrugged, sipping the warm beverage.
“you think so? i feel like i’m at a loss, i mean, i dressed up and waited in the cold, for nothing” you felt like you could start joking about the situation, but jisung didn’t appreciate how you talked down on yourself.
“why do you bring yourself down like that?” jisung questioned, genuinely concerned,
“i don’t know, it’s just easier to blame myself rather than someone who couldn’t give me the time of day” you sunk back into the couch, clutching onto a cushion. jisung have you a solemn look, moving his hand to your shoulder.
“well stop it okay? it’s not nice to hear and as your friend, i cannot let you weep about this stupid guy who does not deserve you” jisung reassured you, making sure to look at you in the eyes. he meant every single word. he thought you were incredible. you needed to know it.
“thank you for this. i don’t know what i would have been doing right now if you weren’t here” you mumbled, feeling heat rise to your cheeks at his words. you’d be lying if you said that jisung didn’t give you butterflies. but considering what went down tonight, you weren’t so sure if having something more than a friendship, with jisung, would be ideal. you were dealing with your own drama, and jisung didn’t need to be a part of your cycle of problems.
jisung always thought jeno and jaemin were just teasing when they said he was a lovestruck puppy. but in this very moment, he agreed with them. he was lovestruck. all he wanted to do was make you smile again. so that’s what he did for the rest of the night. despite your invitations for him to sleep on your bedroom floor, jisung decided to just crash on the couch. he didn’t care if it took weeks, or months to get you to be his. all he knew was that these feelings weren’t going away any time soon.
I'd wait all day, just for a maybe
I'm trying to find a way to be worthy.
If not tonight, maybe tomorrow
'Cause I'm hung up, I'm shook up,
I'm lovestruck.
“so you’re telling me, that she has a boyfriend, but then he stood her up, and she called you and then you spent the night on her couch?!” jaemin’s jaw dropped. jeno couldn’t believe a single word either.
“yep, exactly” jisung shrugged, stuffing his mouth with doritos. the three boys were yet again, hanging out in jeno and jaemin’s dorm room as jisung dished out the details from a few nights ago.
“is she still with him?” jeno was curious,
“i’m not sure. she said that she wanted space from him but you know girls, it’s probably code for, she’s going back to him eventually” jisung admitted defeat, still stuffing his mouth with handfuls of doritos.
“then why does her facebook status say single?” jaemin smirked, shoving his phone in the younger boy’s face.
jisung halted just actions, eyes scanning across the screen.
“no fucking way” he blurted out, crumbs of the doritos, falling all over him.
“you’re a mess, dude. she’s not gonna wanna go for you when you look like this” jeno teased, helping dust off the crumbs from jisung’s shirt.
“you guys think i have a chance?” jisung’s eyes glistened at the idea of you and him dating. it didn’t feel real.
“well you should probably give her time to heal from the breakup. i mean, she’s probably not going to want to jump into anything straight away. just show her you’re there for her and let nature take its course” jeno advised as jaemin nodded in affirmation.
“exactly, just be like how you were a few nights ago and she’ll come around. i must admire how loyal and determined you are” jaemin gave the younger boy a pat on the shoulder before stealing the bag of chips from him.
jisung couldn’t help but think of all the possibilities that would come for you both in the near future.
every weekend from that day onward, you and jisung hung out at your apartment. you’d usually study, watch random shows and movies or simply just talk about the week.
it had been almost two months since your breakup, and you were confident in saying that you no longer felt upset. you started to accept that he wasn’t the one for you and that you deserved better. you couldn’t take all the credit for your progress, having jisung by your side to support you was a huge help.
“hey jisung” you muttered, causing him to look up from his laptop. you were both sitting next to eachother on your living room floor, reviewing lecture notes.
“thank you” you stopped yourself, making jisung more confused by the minute.
“thank you for everything. i don’t know if i would have properly ever gotten over it without you. i know that’s a lot to put onto you and i’m so grateful that you decided to stick with me. if i’m going to be honest, i’ve always wanted to be friends with you. you were the dorky guy who came in late to the very first lecture and sat three seats from me. now you are seated in front of me in my apartment as we cram for our exams” you let out a soft giggle at the last part, jisung reacting in a similar manner. he was shocked to hear your words, the butterflies in his stomach were erratic.
“before you finish, there’s something i think i should tell you” jisung interrupted, his eyes meeting yours. you nodded for him to continue, unsure of what he was about to say,
“from the day i first started noticing you, i could help but admire you. you were always so kind to me and made me feel more at ease with starting college. i’ll just outright say that i have a big crush on you, i have since that day. it feels so weird to say it to you right now. i don’t know if the timing is right, but i’m hoping you can accept my confession. because i really care about you” jisung didn’t continue. he saw your eyes start to glisten. you couldn’t control the emotions you were feeling in this moment.
“jisung, i accept your confession. i know you’re probably wondering if i return you feelings. and if i’m being honest, i’m not quite sure just yet. but i know what type of person you are and i do believe we can be a good fit. so why don’t we go out on a date” you suggested, watching as his mouth was wide open.
“wait what? for real? a date? like right now?” jisung couldn’t believe the words that were leaving his own mouth. you nodded enthusiastically at his reaction.
“i’m going to make this the best date ever, i swear!” he jumped up from his seat, taking your hand before dragging you out of the apartment.
being with jisung was filled with constant laughter, lame jokes, soft touches and warm hugs. he wasn’t afraid to show you how much he adored you. he wasn’t afraid to pull you into him when you were down. and he wasn’t afraid to admit to you, that he was completely lovestruck.
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enigma-im · 4 years
Under Pressure
Rating: Mature Relationship: Bigfoot x Female!Human Warning: Established relationship, couples problems, arguing, misunderstanding, fluff, angst
Word count: 3160
a reason couples may fight is because lack of intimacy in a relationship
"I just don’t know what to do, I don’t think he wants me anymore," I grumble near my beer. I don’t bother looking over at my friends, knowing they are giving such pity-filled faces.
"I'm sure that’s not the case," Aria soothes. I rest my cheek on my arm as I regard her.
"But what if it is. I'm really different than his previous taste," I argue, wording things differently. I cant tell them that we are completely different species all together. It’s a fear I've had from the start, we are just so different. What if he is bored of the novelty of bedding a human? Perhaps he is already looking for someone more close to home. The thought is heavy in my stomach, the image is like daggers to my brain.
"Than you are more special than the others cause you don’t match his previous taste," Aria attempts to persuade. It falls flat quickly.
"I think I was more of a 'slumming it' kind of case more than a 'better than the rest' thing," I groan.
"Don’t say that! You are way too pretty to be considered 'slumming it' material. I know you ar-," Aria continues to comfort till Trina interrupts.
"Have you just asked him," Trina asks from beside me. I turn over and watch her finish off her pint. She glances over at me and cocks a brow," It’s the new age, no use overthinking things when you can just ask." I look at her skeptically, it cant be that easy. I don’t think I can bare the answer even if it was. What if bringing it up makes him ponders the situation then likes it. I rather not be the reason he starts looking at me as a waste. God, where has the self-critical nature come from? I use to be so proud and confident, why am I like this now?
'Probably because you boyfriend refuses to touch you' the thought screams in my mind.
I drive home in radio silence, torturing myself with self deprecating thoughts. I have never been like this before, care so much about a man's opinion of me. It probably doesn’t help that he isn't human, no frame of reference to base anything off of. I can pick out signs when my ex's were losing interest, know from a mile away when one was ready to high tail it out of there. With him its different, he is close but distant. He is with me but far away in his head. I park in my driveway and bang my head on the steering wheel.
"Why am I so pathetic," I wince.
I shuffle out of my car and make my way inside. I make it into the dark house wondering if he is upstairs or if he slept at his place again. I really hope he slept here. I walk up the steps, removing my shirt as I do. As I near my room I chuck the clothing inside. I unbutton my pants as I turn the light on, immediately looking to my bed for the familiar lump. I sigh in disappointment.
As I get ready for bed I do my best to not think about it. He has a life outside of me, and that’s fine. I can survive a night without him, its not a big deal.
It still stings when I walk back into the bedroom.
I settle in bed and fail to not let my mind wonder. Where could he be? Is he at his place or is he out and about? Will he be back tonight or will I see him tomorrow?
Fuck, I sound like a teenage girl all over again.
Once I begin to drift I feel the bed dip. So dazed I think nothing of it, just humming when I feel arms wrap around my middle. Being pulled back into a warm strong chest.
I lazily wake the next morning with my cheek resting on his arm, my nose pressed to his shoulder. I suck in a deep breath, taking in his inviting smell. Its enough to make me forget about my woes of last night, snuggling closer to his side. As my knees bump against his he startles awake with a gasp.
"What time is it," he mumbles as he turns on his side. His chest presses against my cheek, his hand settling on my waist.
"Not sure, I don’t work today so I didn’t set my alarm," I answer. He hums as he falls back asleep. He snorts awake again a second later.
"Damn," he grumbles as he lets go of me and shuffles out of bed. I curl up in the comforter and watch him walk out the door. I listen as the front door opens then closes. Where the fuck does he have to be in such a hurry? I turn over and look at the digital clock, 8am. Where the fuck does he have to be at 8 in the damn morning?
I try everything I can to ignore the nagging thoughts. Yet they wiggle their fingers into my brain, threading their devilish thinking into my head. 'he isn't cheating, he isn't cheating, he isn't cheating' I chant. It makes no sense to me, if a man was cheating why would he rush out the house at 8am. Its hardly a logical conclusion but damn if I don’t think it anyway.
"God, I'm terrible," I grumble for the 100th time. I trust him, I do! The dark inkiness of doubt still dribbles into my thinking. He hasn’t touched me in weeks, he isn't around recently, we don’t talk as much, and he rushed out this morning. How am I suppose to not think something bad?
It isn't till nearly sunset does he come back. He enters from the back door like usual and scavengers through the kitchen. I hear the fridge open and him shuffle through items. The tinging and clanking of condiments and drawers.
"You know where the leftover sausage is," he calls out.
"Bottom drawer, green lid," I answer. There is more shuffling till a drawer is closed with finality.
"Great, thanks," he calls back. More noises play about the house as he fixes his meal. I sit on the couch biting my lip. I have to talk to him, do what Trina said and just ask him.
Like a coward I avoid the confrontation," How was your day?"
"Fine, yours was probably more entertaining since you had the day off," he walks into the living room holding a plate. He sits down at the recliner and set his food on the plate. I observe him, having noticed he isn't sitting next to me like he usually does. He shovels the sausages down his throat like an animal. If I wasn’t so moody I would have laughed, even make a joke about it, but here I am. He notices me staring and eyes me confused, "What?"
I watch him for a second longer then turn away," nothing. My day was fine."
"Just fine? Didn’t do anything eventful on your first day off in, what, a month? I cant imagine you didn’t have fun lounging about," he finishes off another meat cord.
"just fine," I answer shortly. I know I'm doing the opposite of what I wanted to do, talk with him. I cant help it, I keep giving him the cold shoulder even though I started the conversation.
Out the corner of my eye I see him watching me," Babe, what's up?"
"Nothing," I lie.
"Babe," he growls. I turn towards him with a fake innocent look and shrug. I look back over to the tv and continue acting like an insolent child. He shifts out the corner of my eye and leans on his knees. He watches me for a moment, perhaps trying to find clues. "What's wrong, I know you aren't fine. Was it work? Did something happen," he tries to pry.
"Nothing happened, I'm fine," I snap at him. I take the chance to glance over him, regretting it when I see his sneer.
"Clearly you aren't fine, what is wrong," he snaps back. We haven't been together that long but this might be our first fight. He has never snapped at me or I him.
"How many times do I have to tell you? I'm fine," I find myself shouting.
He stand from his chair," Stop fucking saying that! I want to know what's wrong so I can fix it!"
I stand with him," Who says you have to fix this? I'm a big girl, I don’t need your help with everything!"
"So you admit you aren't fine since you said there is a problem I don’t need to fix," he points at me.
"No, I wasn’t implying that I wasn't fine. I'm just saying that I'm an independent woman who doesn’t need some man swooping in and saving me," I clarify. This argument is off track, I'm not positive what we are exactly fighting about or what I'm angry with.
"I never said I was swooping in to save you. I just want to hear about your day that seems so bad! Why are you yelling at me," he crosses his arms.
"I'm not yelling," I shout.
"Yes you are," he shouts back.
"Then I'm only yelling because you are!"
"But you started yelling first," he rubs his face," lets start over, I'm losing track of what's happening." he massages his eyes before dropping his hands." Babe," he starts softly," what is wrong?"
"Nothing. Is. Wrong," I growl.
He huffs," Fucking aye! What is wrong?"
"Nothing," I cross my arms.
"what is wrong," he repeats as he steps closer.
"Nothing," I say again as I turn away from him.
"What is wrong," he crowds me to the sofa. I take a step back and fall on the cushions. He takes the chance to frame my head with his arms, resting his hands to the back of the couch. "I will ask you one more time. What is wrong," he says slowly. I glare up at him with a stubborn amount of distaste. I have no idea where its coming from but I hold onto it.
"Not-," he interrupts me with a growl. Instead I twist away from him with my arms folded. I glare down at his arms noticing that even when we are arguing he barely wants to touch me. I sigh as my shoulders sag. I nibble on my cheek as I take in the details of his fur. I find myself reaching out and tracing my finger over them. He jerks his arm back out of reach.
"why wont you touch me," I mumble to myself.
"what," he asks.
I turn towards him with a knot in my throat," why wont you touch me?" he looks startled by my question, his eye wide and mouth parted.
"What," he furrows his brows.
"You heard me," I bite my cheek to keep my voice steady," you have barely touched me all month and you have been out and about all day, coming to bed late almost every night since. The only time you have touched me was at night but even then if I try to start something you turn around and go to sleep. So I'll ask again, why wont you touch me?" he stares down at me dumbfounded for a solid few seconds. It’s a bit annoying watching him look so confused.
"What," he asks again. I growl at his answer and push off the couch, shoving him out of the way.
"Fucking aye, its not a hard question," I fold into myself as I stand on the other side of the room. I rest my back to the wall and watch him just from the corner of my eye. He stands by the couch like an idiot, lost and confused.
"sorry, I'm just a bit caught off guard," he answered dazed.
I scoff," we don’t have sex for about a month and some change and your caught off guard because I wonder why."
"a month and some change," he mumbles to himself," Damn." he rubs his eyes again and looks up to the ceiling.
"Listen, if you don’t want me you can just leave because I rather not be strung along for mont-," I startle when he crosses the room quickly. He interrupts me by grabbing me from the wall and pressing his lips to mine with too much force. His teeth clank against mine and his incisors poke the corner of my mouth a bit too hard. He holds firm, not moving at all as he forces this on me.
He pulls back with a little blood on the edge of lip," I have never stopped wanting you so lets make that very clear right now." I lick at my lips as I stare at him wide eyed. I taste a bit of copper but its not an alarming amount. I cant bring myself to care since he displayed such a convincing argument.
"But," I start," you have been basically avoiding me all week."
"Yes, but its not because I didn’t want you. I was busy dealing with a terror around the neighborhood. Its taken up a lot of my time this week and I've been rather tired," he answers simply.
"A terror," I ask confused.
"yea, some cougar has migrated down the mountain and has been killing the pets around here. I didn’t want it to hurt you so I started hunting it," he clarifies. For a second I'm distracted by the idea of a cougar lurking around the neighborhood.
I get back on subject," Then why did you leave so quickly this morning?"
His lips quirk for a second," I was meeting with an old buddy, she knew what to do with the cougar once I caught it. I promised I'd meet her around 8am, I was a bit late. I figured you would be working so we would wake up because your alarm, I was wrong."
"Ok, but you haven't initiated anything all month. You said the cougar was all week," I counter not really knowing why I feel like winning this argument. Such a bad habit to have.
He has the decency to look sad as he pets up my arm," I'm sorry, I didn’t know that was hurting you. If I knew sooner I would have had you many times by now." he pulls me closer as he settles his hands on my lower back.
"Why haven't you to begin with," I ask with a wilt in my voice. He hums as he pets some hair out of my face.
"You have been so busy with work that I didn’t feel right trying to convince you to fuck me if you were so tired. I want my mate to be happy, even if that means putting off my needs so she gets a full nights rest," he nuzzles along my forehead, humming as he does.
"You thought I was too tired to have sex? Babe, I've been tormenting myself all week because I thought I was losing your interest but you were just being considerate," I scoff as I bang my head to his shoulder. I feel like such an idiot.
"You thought I was losing interest in you? My mate, my love, my sexually frustrated female. I will want you always," he growls with affirmation.
I rub my cheek to him with a self-deprecating sigh," I just thought I lost my appeal, that you might want something closer to home. Your exes are nothing like me." his large hands rub up and down my back as his chest vibrates with a comforting hum.
"Of course you are nothing like them, you are my mate. They weren't, and never will be. You, my love, are one of a kind," he presses little kisses and nibbles to my neck," I don’t think you understand what I mean when I call you my mate. I claimed you that first night, you remember?" I nod," 'No one is taking you away. I will have you always because you are mine,'" he repeats those words that made my skin feel hot. "I wasn’t just blowing snot, when I call you my mate I mean you are my one and only. The love of my life, my shinning star, my best friend, and my lover forever. Do you get that now," he leans back. I look up at his determined eyes and feel even more ridiculous doubting him.
"So a mate is like a wife," I ask still a bit perplexed.
"Best comparison I can think of," he nods. I smile to myself but then think about.
"You declared me as your one and only the first night we met," I snap at him," thinking with you prick before your head again?" he chuckles when I slap his shoulder.
"sometimes we are in agreement," he continues to laugh. This big fucking ape is going to be the death of me and I know it.
"you never asked if I wanted to be mates with you," I scold half-heartedly. At the time, probably would have said no. right now, I'd say yes because I adore this big idiot.
"Why would I have needed to," he leans down and licks my cheek," you were begging for a lot of things that night."
I pop him lightly on the cheek," you are exhausting."
He chuckles along with me," well, I'm about to be more exhausting because I need to make up for lost time." before I could ask he reaches behind my thighs and lifts. I startle, grabbing on to his arms to not fall.
"Babe," I cry as he wraps my legs around himself.
"Yes, love," he quirks a brow with a big smile. He walks us out the room and to the stairs, taking two at a time as he leads us to our room. He rest me down on the bed with care then crawls over me with his imposing size. I cant help but smile up at him, feeling more adored this day than in the past month.
I reach up and cup his face," I'm sorry I didn’t talk to you sooner, also for doubting you."
He turns his face and kisses my palm," it's fine. Just remember that when I do something stupid in the future." I playfully scowl at him.
"You plan on doing something stupid in the future," my lips quirk.
He leans down and presses kisses to my collar," I don’t plan on it, just comes out sometimes." I pap his cheek with an unbelieved smile. This man will be the death of me.
"Alright," I pull him back to look him in the eyes," Now are you going to make sweet love to your ignorant mate?"
He hums with lidded eyes," don’t I always?"
This story was longer than i remember, but i stand by it. I have the biggest issue with writing couples fighting. i never fought in any of my relationships so i don’t know how to go about it. i googled it and some reasons couples fight is lack of intimacy...also unbalance chore duties. so i happened to read a story on how someone thought their partner was cheating but they were just so busy with work. a bunch of google searches later i have this.
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hockeylvr59 · 4 years
Life Changes Part 11 || Paul Bissonnette
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Summary: It’s crazy how quickly your life can change...one minute you’re a struggling personal injury lawyer and the next you’re working for one of the hottest sports podcasts to supplement your income. A new job and the end of a long-term relationship was just the beginning for Leigh Thompson when it comes to life changes. Thankfully she has the one and only Paul Bissonnette at her side to help her handle them all. 
Author's Note: Sappiness, sappiness, and more sappiness. I’m not sure what else you expected from a 31-week pregnant woman and a man who is secretly head over heels. 
Requested: [ ] yes [x] no       Warnings: cursing   
Word Count: 2,900 (Series Total: 30,199)
In my mind, there was absolutely zero reason why I needed to be dragged to the Jersey shore when it was 80 degrees outside and I was 31 weeks pregnant. The guys had all disagreed though and refused to let me skip out on the Pink Whitney Launch Party. Still, I was the last to arrive having chosen to drive while everyone else flew in earlier in the day. Dropping my weekend bag in the bedroom where Paul’s bag was, I plopped down onto the bed, already ready to sleep even though it wasn’t even dinner time yet. I was now at the stage of pregnancy where I was hardly sleeping because I couldn’t get comfortable and because my daughter was shifting onto my bladder every time I did manage to get comfortable. I was exhausted and cranky and everyone else would just have to deal with it because they weren’t the ones who had grown to the size of a whale. 
Just as I had laid down though, my phone buzzed, Paul’s message reading that I should come up to the rooftop deck when I arrived because that was where all of them were. As much as I didn’t want to, I knew that I would never hear the end of it if I didn’t so after struggling to hoist myself off of the bed, I waddled up the stairs hoping to say hi and then return back inside where at least there was air conditioning. Upon reaching the roof, my eyes went wide from shock. Pink balloons were tied around the railings and a stack of presents was on the picnic table. 
“What in the world?” I found myself mumbling as a cheer took over the group at the sight of me. 
“It’s a baby shower.” Grinnell voiced. “Well sorta.” Immediately my eyes filled with tears at the fact that they had even thought to put anything together for me. 
“Don’t cry.” Paul murmured, appearing beside me, his hand falling to my lower back as he leaned down to kiss the top of my head. “It’s just a little something. No big deal.” He insisted. He guided me to sit in one of the more comfortable chairs, quickly handing me a bottle of water. As the stack of presents was moved to the ground beside me, I could feel Paul’s eyes on my body. The weight of his gaze made me uncomfortable because the last thing I needed was more people taking note of how large I was. 
My focus was shifted when a present was set on top of my bump by Whit and everyone settled back into chairs to watch me open them. By the end of my work baby shower, it was clear that my little girl was going to be decked out in spittin chiclets merchandise. The guys had gifted me everything from onesies to hats to matching pink denim jackets for the pink whitney girls. Additionally, there was a stack of children’s books and a plush hockey stick along with a few other toys. It was all so incredibly sweet and I felt so loved, even if I was still annoyed at them as sweat gathered along every crease of my skin. Just when I thought we were done, Paul handed me one more present and I opened it to find the softest stuffed rabbit. 
“A bunny for dust bunny.” I breathed, tearing up once more. “Thank you,” I added, directing the comment at all of the guys though my eyes stayed locked on Paul’s. Leaning down, he moved to pull me into a hug and as he stood back up his hand rested against the side of my bump for just a moment. Almost immediately though, a sharp kick resounded from inside me, directed right at Paul’s hand and his eyes went wide. His hand didn’t move right away and a second and then third kick quickly followed the first. 
“That’s…” Paul said, his voice suddenly tight.  
“Okay, little one that’s enough,” I replied, my hand falling to my stomach right beside Paul’s. “I know you just wanted to say hi but that’s mama you’re beating up in there.” Though Paul pulled his hand back, a look of shock remained on his face. 
“Is that the first time you’ve felt a baby kick?” I asked him, reaching my hand out for him to pull me to my feet because I had been sitting too long and needed to stretch. He nodded, still at a loss for words, and I smiled drawing his hand back to my stomach to see if it would make dust bunny kick again. It was clear she sensed the new touch because she once again responded immediately, her tiny feet shifting inside of me. 
“Fuck.” Paul cursed, his eyes wet by the time he finally pulled his hand away. Seeing his reaction to her movements was a moment I doubted I’d forget any time soon but those emotions were quickly quashed by the feeling of the sun beating down on me. 
“Alright...it’s time for me to go back inside. It’s too darn hot out here.” I explained. “And I don’t want to hear a word about it. When you guys are heavily pregnant during the summer, then you can throw around chirps. 
Propped up in bed later that night, I watched as Paul lay with his head on my thigh, talking to and pressing the occasional kiss to my bump. It was so obvious that he was going to be completely wrapped around her finger once she was born if he wasn’t already and for the first time in weeks I felt an unknown tension slip out of my body. 
“You’re incredible you know…” Paul whispered, lifting his head just a bit to look up at me. When my eyebrow quirked in response, Paul leaned up a little more. “I mean you’re growing another person inside of you right now. You’re providing her protection and food and oxygen and soon she’ll become her own little entity. It’s incredible.” 
“Women do this all of the time,” I replied, sure it was cool and pretty incredible but it was how nature worked so it wasn’t like I was doing anything that was any more special than any other mother. 
“That may be true but it’s still incredible.” Paul insisted. “Only a bit longer until she’s here.” He mused, his fingers tracing over the area where my little girl had just kicked, having watched the way my belly flexed because of her tiny feet. 
“Don’t remind me.” I sighed, biting gently at my lower lip. 
“What’s wrong Leigh? I thought you’d be so ready for her to be here?” He asked, his hand sliding to lace his fingers with mine. 
“I am ready for her to be here.” I insisted. “I’m just not ready for the whole labor thing.” 
Paul’s face went pensive, his fingers just tracing patterns against my own. 
“I mean you’re going to have your mom there right?” He questioned causing me to let out an even bigger sigh. 
“I don’t know,” I admitted. “My mother is the queen of all worriers and I don’t know if having her there would help or just cause me more stress.” This wasn’t the first time I’d thought about this and time and time again I’d come to the same conclusion. “I guess I’m just going to be on my own.” Paul was silent for a minute, multiple emotions shifting across his face. 
“Is there someone you’d want to have there?” He eventually inquired, his voice barely audible. Hints of a frown appeared on my face as what seemed impossible crossed my mind once more. It wasn’t something I’d ever ask, not after everything. “Leigh…” Paul trailed off. “Do you want me there when she’s born?” Weakly I nodded and Paul immediately sat up, pulling me against his chest as best he could. 
“You make me feel calm,” I mumbled into his shoulder. “You make me feel like I can do anything.” My voice dropped significantly as I started crying into his shoulder, all of the overwhelming thoughts bubbling over the edge. “I can’t imagine doing it without you.” With his lips pressed against my temple and his hand rubbing up and down my back, eventually, I regained control of my emotions. 
“I’ll make some calls in the morning okay.” He promised. “I’ll do everything in my power to be there.” With what felt like an elephant-sized weight lifted off of my shoulders I let Paul shift the two of us into our usual sleeping position, one of his knees pressed between mine as his hand rested against my stomach and his body spooned behind me providing a welcome support to my aching back. 
When I woke, the sun was peeking through the bedroom curtains. Reaching for my phone I discovered that it was nearly 8am. Needing to pee, I slipped out from under Paul’s arm and moved to the bathroom. This was the first time in over a month I had slept through the night and it didn’t take a genius to figure out just why that was. 
Slowly making my way downstairs, I found Whit sitting at the counter with a mug full of coffee in front of him. 
“Want some breakfast?” I whispered planning on making up a few eggs for myself because I hadn’t had my multiple middle of the night snacks and I was starving. With the launch party scheduled from 12-4pm, I knew everyone would need to get moving sooner rather than later. A large breakfast for everyone was soon made up, and after eating, I made my way back upstairs to shower and get ready while the guys cleaned up the kitchen. 
I’d slipped into my swimsuit before throwing on a maxi dress. Not long after my hair was straightened and I’d put on just some light makeup, certain that anything more would just melt off my face from the sun.  However, there was still one task I needed to take care of and it happened to be the most difficult. 
Twenty minutes later, I was precariously perched on the edge of the tub which contained an inch or so of water when Paul knocked on the door. 
“The guys are ready to go.” He called out through the wood. 
“I need a few more minutes.” I declared, my voice exasperated as I attempted to lean forward to drag the razor along the skin of my legs. After a moment the door gave way and Paul stepped into the small bathroom. 
“What are you…?” He trailed off before quickly shaking his head. 
“Don’t look at me like that okay,” I grumbled. “This is not easy with little miss in the way,” I complained. Another slow pass of the razor up my leg almost sent me tumbling into the tub. 
“Give it here,” Paul demanded. 
“I am quite capable.” I insisted, my stubbornness showing. 
“Leigh just give me the damn razor before you hurt yourself,” Paul repeated, his large frame moving to sit on the lid of the toilet seat. 
“You don’t even know what you’re doing.” I continued, struggling once more to reach my ankles. “I’d rather not have cuts everywhere.” 
Paul ultimately won this battle, and soon I was sitting on the toilet seat while Paul balanced on the edge of the tub, his hands gently holding each of my legs in turn as he slowly and carefully pulled the razor blades along my skin. It was such an intimate action that I struggled not to shiver under his touch. When he was done, he dried my legs off before pulling me to my feet, and after a moment, my sandals were dropped in front of me so all I had to do was slide into them. 
“Now are you ready?” He murmured softly, his gaze soft but teasing. 
“I mean I guess so.” I sighed although today was even hotter than yesterday had been and I was not looking forward to melting under the sun. The guys complained about how long I had taken as I walked into the living room and after flipping them off I grabbed the beach bag I had packed before waddling my way out to the van New Amsterdam had sent. 
The Jersey shore was pumping and alcohol was flowing by the time we finally arrived at the beach. Representatives from New Amsterdam met us in a staff tent and it was explained that the guys and drink would be introduced and then they would just have to mingle, chat and take pictures with fans who were trying the drink for the first time. While they did the official things, I sat in a shaded tent trying to keep my water intake up. Soon though, the guys returned and urged me to come out and socialize with people because apparently, people wanted to talk to me too. I wasn’t sure how much of that I was buying but complaining hadn’t seemed to be doing me much good so I went along with things, walking around the beach to talk to people. 
Soon, the guys were pulled into a beach volleyball game. With Paul having tossed his shirt off into the sand at some point, I was met with an eyeful that sent my body temperature spiking even higher. Needing to cool down, I dumped my things somewhere safe and made my way down into the ocean, letting the cool water lap at my skin as it helped make the heat a little less unbearable. 
The heat was back full force though as soon as I climbed out of the ocean and slipped back into my dress and shoes. Running back into Paul I was pulled into the conversation he was having with a group around him and soon I found myself leaning against his chest, his arms wrapped lightly around my waist. As the conversation continued, I closed my eyes and just tried to relax, feeling fatigued and overwhelmingly hot. 
“Leigh?” Paul’s voice filtered through to my ears and I hummed in response. “I called your name multiple times and you didn’t respond...are you okay?” He questioned. 
“Tired. Headache. Hot.” I mumbled and immediately Paul excused us from the group of fans surrounding us. I was led into a tent and Paul disappeared but when he returned I found myself being helped back into the same van as earlier. “Hmm?” I questioned, full thoughts not really forming in my brain right now. 
“Taking you back to the house before you pass out from heat exhaustion,” Paul explained and it wasn’t much longer before he was leading me into the beach house, his hands providing additional balance support as I moved into our bedroom. Already the air conditioning felt wonderful and the feeling of softness along my entire body took the edge off of the achiness that lingered everywhere. 
I must have fallen asleep because the sun was no longer pouring through the window when I next opened my eyes. A bottle of water and some strawberries were sitting on the bedside table. I was finishing off the bowl when Paul appeared in the doorway, concern etched into his expression. 
“Feeling better?” He asked. 
“Yeah. Thanks.” I replied, rubbing my hand gently over my bump and smiling when I felt my little girl shift in response. 
“Why didn’t you speak up sooner?” He wondered as he moved to sit beside me. 
“I told you guys for weeks that it wasn’t a good idea and no one listened to me,” I mumbled. Immediately concern shifted to guilt and Paul sighed, scraping his nails over the back of his neck. 
“I should have listened.” He admitted. “I’m sorry. I let my desire to see you in person drown out your wants and needs.” Shrugging, I sent him a soft smile to let him know that all was forgiven. “So I have some good news for you.” He declared, shifting topics. “The coyotes agreed to give me two weeks off. So I was thinking I’d come out a week before your due date and stay the full two weeks so hopefully, I can help you out for at least a few days once she arrives.” 
The knowledge that he was willing to fly across the country to be there to support me and this little girl through labor and the first little bit after her arrival meant the world and I couldn’t control the tears pouring down my cheeks. As quickly as they fell, Paul’s thumbs were wiping them away. “I take it that works for you…” He surmised. “At least I’m hoping these are happy tears. Sometimes I can’t tell anymore with the way you start crying at the drop of a hat.” He teased. 
Though he teased about my emotions going haywire, he never complained and took whatever I threw at him, letting anything negative roll right off of his back. I owed him more thank yous than I could ever say and shifting my body, I wrapped my arms around him, hugging him tightly as my little girl squirmed inside of me. 
Knowing that he would be by my side made the prospect of labor a little less scary and now I was even more ready to have my little girl in my arms. 
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catboymingi · 4 years
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your majesty, the simp - veninder chap. 5
story masterlist
pairing: mingi x reader
genre: a little crack, fluff; eventual best friends to lovers
word count: 6.4k
warnings: no specific ones! some moments of anxiety but that is simply how it be with this fic
a/n: there is one (1) single link in this in the same manner as in bittersweet, taking to the song the lyric was taken from with the translation on hover! also shoutout to that one very specific german friend in the language discord that is always right there to answer to my (INSERT WORD) IN ENGLISH BUT I NEED THESE VERY SPECIFIC VIBES, you’re the real mvp and without you none of my chapters would ever be finished
de ved hvad vi lavede / gid at de var ligeglade / for de vil blande sig i alting - they know what we did / let’s hope they don’t care / because they want to meddle in everything
of course your alarm rang at five again, because even though you probably should have you hadn’t turned it off last night, too tired to even remember you had it set in the first place. or rather, that mingi didn’t have an alarm set for five. and now that it was ringing you couldn’t turn it off, seeing how the giant was still entirely wrapped around you, effectively caging you between him and the wall. it seemed like he hadn’t yet realised that the unpleasant sound was your alarm, because he made no effort to move, just groaning a little and holding you even tighter rather than letting you slip free.
“mingi”, you whined out, poking his side in an attempt to get him to let go so you could turn off that annoying beeping alarm that was most definitely going to give you a headache if it kept ringing. but no reaction other than him shuffling slightly.
you tried again, dragging the last i of his name in hopes that he’d maybe react if his name lasted upwards of ten seconds, though you found yourself disappointed once again.
“why is it so impossible to wake you up”, you complained, and because you really wanted the alarm to stop because you could feel the headache approaching already you shifted slightly, and then you pushed against the wall with your legs as hard as you could, hoping to be able to move the giant next to you this way.
you hadn’t expected it to work as well as it did, maybe having pushed a little too hard, because next thing you knew you were on the floor, on top of mingi, whom you had just successfully caused to fall out of bed. it wasn’t a high fall, he most definitely wasn’t actually hurt, but you still felt bad, apologising profusely, though you couldn’t keep yourself from laughing.
“don’t laugh at me”, you heard a huff from underneath you.
“just let me turn off the alarm.” he could clearly hear the pout in your voice, and first then did he realise that he was still somewhat wrapped around you and that there was an incredibly annoying background noise making this situation even less pleasant.
“you’re lucky you’re so cute”, you continued as you made your way to where your phone was and turned off the sound that had you inclined to just throw the phone against the wall to let out your frustration.
“how is getting kicked out of bed at five in the night lucky?” he’d sat up and was now looking at you with an incredulous expression on his face.
“you’re lucky because i let you go back to bed now”, and even though he didn’t exactly consider himself lucky for being allowed to sleep until the same time any normal person would he wasn’t about to complain and risk having to stay up. instead he just launched himself back into bed, looking at you expectantly.
you joined him with a sigh and laughed when his arm was wrapped around you just a few seconds after you’d laid down.
“you’re so cuddly when you’re sleepy.” you weren’t one to talk, because that was most definitely a characteristic you had as well, but right now he was the only one still incredibly tired since unlike him you were used to getting up at this time, so you could tease him without the risk of being teased back.
“like a baby.” but you weren’t complaining; it was cute, to be honest, so you gladly let him pull you into his chest. he just hummed at your teasing, seemingly too tired to even care, and you checked on your phone to make 100% sure the alarms at least until eight were turned off and you wouldn’t wake him up in less than half an hour again.
it was then that you saw the messages in ‘hyung hate club’ - apparently mingi had neglected to inform the boys that he wasn’t coming home, and they were worried, naturally, considering what kind of weather it had been the day before. so you decided to shoot them a message letting them know that he was fine, and that was a good decision in itself, but what was much less good was the fact that when you exited that chat you were faced with the reality of the girls’ group chat again. you immediately left the app and locked your phone, once more inclined to throw it against the wall.
despite how sleepy he was, the tall redhead noticed that you were tensing up, and he held you even closer ever so slightly, stroking up and down your arm with calm, rhythmic movements. it helped, but you knew you’d have to leave the chat sooner or later, and you wanted it to be sooner rather than later. wanted it to be now.
“hm?” he sounded somewhat awake now and you started feeling guilty about that, because it was illegally early and you knew he wanted to sleep, but here you were, keeping him up.
“can you leave for me?”
if you hadn’t been holding on to your phone like that he might have been confused by what exactly you meant in his half-awake state, but he quickly understood what you meant. “of course. now?”
you unlocked the device in reply, opening the app before you handed it to him. he’d turned around now, laying on his stomach to be able to more comfortably hold the phone, and it was your turn to move as close to him as possible.
a few silent seconds later mingi faced you, still holding your phone.
“should i delete the chat from your list or do you want to keep it?”
you might just have to marry him. you hadn’t even thought of deleting the chat, but now that he suggested it you wanted nothing more than for it to be gone right away, and you were so glad that he was willing to get rid of it for you.
“delete.” so he did, tapping on the screen a few more times before turning back to his side and giving your phone back to you. you looked at the list of chats for a moment, relieved to see the group chat gone, but handed your phone back to the boy next to you, having selected several private chats (all the chats with your now ex-friends), and it didn’t take long for him to realise what you wanted him to do.
“block or just delete?”
he nodded, doing as asked, and once the chats were gone he pulled you back against his chest. you didn’t even need to ask him to - he could tell this was hard on you, and while he couldn’t do much he could be there. you appreciated it a lot, because you’d always been one to feel more comforted by physical contact rather than just words, especially since you often didn’t even want to talk about what was wrong in the moment it affected you most. and even though mingi barely even knew you he instinctively managed to comfort you the way you needed to be comforted.
“try to sleep some more”, mingi told you with his deep, calm voice, and because you didn’t want to have to deal with your anxiety yet you did, the tall boy wrapped around you and making you feel safe.
you were surprised that you’d actually managed to sleep some more when your 8am alarm rang; you’d expected yourself to just lay there anxiously and trying to reduce your nervous heartbeat until it beat at the same rate as the redhead’s, but it seemed like your body had been desperate for any small break it could get.
you were greeted with a low “good morning” once your alarm was turned off, and “morning” you said back. his arms were still around you and you were weirdly happy about that, enjoying the warmth he provided. but you knew you’d have to get up, and soon at that, since it wasn’t weekend yet and you’d have to go to university at some point.
“do you want fruit loops again?” you could feel him nod against your head, so you let yourself slide off the bed and onto the ground before getting up and fetching your breakfast.
“with milk or do you have taste now?”
“i’ve always had taste”, you heard mingi huff from the bed behind you, resulting in a grin spreading across your face, “it just got better since yesterday.”
“so no milk.” and even though you weren’t facing him yet he could hear the smile in your voice, and he felt a weird mix of pride and happiness because he was the one that’d made you smile.
his expression showed these emotions as well, though you weren’t able to interpret the grin on his face when you sat back down next to him.
“please don’t tell me there’s drool on my face”, you groaned as you handed him the bowl, and first then did his expression change from whatever it had been before to a surprised one.
“why would you?” his wide, curious eyes and messy bed hair were way more adorable than they should be considering he was also sporting abs and no shirt.
“because you’re staring at me all weird!”
it seemed like he hadn’t even realised that he was doing that, though, because as soon as you called him out he averted his gaze, staring at the fruit loops instead as if he’d never seen anything more fascinating in his entire life. you didn’t fully understand his reaction, but you were still somewhat dazed from having woken up not too long ago, so you didn’t ask about it. instead you followed his example and gave the fruit loops in your own bowl your undivided attention as you started eating.
the first few minutes were spent in silence, just crunching at each other as if it was a valid method of communication - you were morse-crunching, except neither of you knew morse code, so you were probably just keysmashing in morse -, until your fake conversation was interrupted by a real question.
“what language was the movie in yesterday? like, the voices.”
“finnish. i watched it like that as a child, too, so that might be why i fell asleep so fast.” you let out a short, embarrassed laugh because you’d just straight up fallen asleep on him while he was watching the movie that you had chosen. but he didn’t think it was embarrassing at all; quite the opposite, he thought it was cute.
“it sounded nice. though i felt like they said twice the amount of words than the subtitles showed.” the last statement was a little bit of a whine, because mingi was scared he’d missed something just because he’d been dependent on the subtitles rather than being able to understand what was being said.
“i checked the subtitles a little in the beginning to make sure they were good, don’t worry”, you reassured him, your voice laughter-adjacent, “finnish words are just extraordinarily long.”
and again he seemed actually curious about the language you’d grown up with, asking you to tell him the longest word you could think of.
“it’s probably by far not the longest”, you warned him, “but i think käyttämättömällämmeköhän is long? don’t quote me on that though.”
“what does it mean?” his eyes trained to your face as he waited for the translation.
“unused even by us? it’s hard to translate, there’s a lot of grammar in there.”
“that’s one word?” he couldn’t believe it, refused to believe it because that was so many different things going on at once and you just claimed half a sentence was a single word in finnish.
“yeah. we stan linguistics”, you joked, trying to hold in your laugh as his completely dumbfounded expression.
“but… how?” it seemed like he was unable to wrap his head around the fact that so much could be said with a single word, so you tried to break it up into its components, and a delighted ‘aah!’ left his mouth when he finally understood it after the third attempt.
“you’re learning so much already”, your voice half teasing, half impressed.
“because you know so many things to teach me, i need to keep up with you somehow!”
“don’t act like you don’t know a bunch of things that i don’t know! aren’t you like, a maths major?”
and though it hadn’t been your intention to get this result, you just couldn’t decline when mingi offered you to teach you some maths in return because he seemed equally as excited about his subject as you knew you were about yours.
“only if you keep geometry away from me. that’s a hard no”, you let him know, and he nodded right away.
“no geometry! got it.” then he continued crunching, incredibly satisfied with himself, and you were convinced that this was the first time that you’d ever heard someone chew on their fruit loops in an audibly self-satisfied way.
the rest of the morning was spent comfortable like that, as well - you finished up breakfast, then got changed and went to the boys’ place (though you took a little detour because the weather was much nicer than it had been the night before and the air smelled fresh), where you hung out until you had to go to university. the giant insisted on giving you a hug before you each left for your own class, and a hug as soon as he saw you at lunch, and then he all but kicked wooyoung off the bench so there’d be space for you next to him, and then he kept sitting shoulder to shoulder while you ate. you were painfully oblivious to the knowing glances the two of you got from your friends while mingi was once more about to use the cutlery to commit a crime. instead he focused on aggressively eating, claiming he was just hungry when you shot him a slightly worried look.
“oh!”, you exclaimed in response, and then, “take some of mine! i’m not that hungry!” and before he could protest you were holding a spoonful of rice to his face and telling him to say ‘aah’. he shook his head because he knew if he’d let you feed him the boys would never let him live this down, but when you looked at him with big pleading eyes and a small pout on your face before slowly lowering the spoon, thinking he didn’t want your food, he grabbed your hand and guided it to his now wide open mouth.
while the boys were trying their best not to laugh at mingi’s completely whipped expression, you were focused on feeding him the rest of your food, because you really weren’t hungry anymore and your brain had apparently decided that he needed to be babied.
feeding people was a weird situation for you, as was the majority of affection that koreans seemed to not think twice about displaying towards their friends. there was a weird level of dissociation between what you were willing to display towards others and what you were willing to accept from others, and the standard varied from act to act, as well - with holding hands, you’d accept if someone else grabbed yours, but you wouldn’t grab someone else’s, while with feeding it was the other way round, which confused the redhead as he tried to feed you a piece of his dessert and you refused to accept it.
when he’d finally given up on his attempts to give you some food you looked at him apologetically and said: “that’s a boyfriend thing.”
“but you fed me?” he sounded so confused, and you could really understand it, because these double standards didn’t exactly make a lot of sense.
“that’s not a boyfriend thing”, and at the complete lack of understanding apparent not only on his but also the other boys’ faces, “i know it’s fine to feed friends, like, technically. but it feels like when others feed me, that’s way too intimate to just do it? because my parents would never just randomly feed even each other, the standard is so different. it’s weird.” and you laughed to mask your embarrassment, because this really didn’t make any sense at all if you didn’t grow up with this experience.
“it is”, hongjoong confirmed, but he was grinning, obviously somewhat amused. “but it’s also kind of funny.”
“why’s it funny?” now it was you who didn’t understand, but the boy was quick to elaborate.
“you’ve been feeding mingi half your meal but as soon as he tried feeding you you got all flustered, it’s cute.”
him calling you out like this didn’t exactly help to make you less flustered though, hiding your face in the boy in question’s shoulder and whining out. the chorus of ‘cute’s  you got as a reaction only made it worse, and now you were trying to hide your entire upper body behind mingi.
“it’s not my fault! finns just don’t show affection like that. i don’t think my parents have ever actually hugged in public, so of course i think it’s weird that you just run around acting all cutesy all the time!”
now your shelter from the others’ teasing glares got worried, though, because he had very much been acting all cutesy with you and there was no guarantee that you hadn’t secretly been weirded out about that, and he moved so he could look at your face.
“you think i’m weird?” and maybe he shouldn’t be admitting to having acted cutesy with you when the boys were all sitting there (they’d barely witnessed anything, so he just outed himself, basically), but his worry about having made you uncomfortable was stronger than his embarrassment.
“no!”, you were quick to disagree. “you’re not weird. you’re cute.”
it was near impossible to not tease the two of you, but somehow the boys managed to hold it in, maybe partly because they were scared that it would become weird for you if they commented on it too much. while teasing was always fun, none of them ever wanted to genuinely make someone feel bad - so they formed a silent agreement that this would be off limits. that didn’t mean they wouldn’t tease mingi about it, though, and yeosang was the first to do so.
while his victim was busy giving you heart eyes he got out his phone, tapping around a little before sending a screenshot to their group chat. the others quickly did the same, knowing they might regret this the moment the only boy that hadn’t joined in saw that all seven of them had changed his contact name to ‘simp’. but he was very much whipped for you, obvious to everyone but the two of you.
“how was class?”, the redhead now asked you, body turned towards you completely to show you that you had his undivided attention.
“it was okay. though i’m still anxious whenever i see them, but that’s just how it is.” and then, because you didn’t want to talk about it further: “how was yours?”, a question directed at all eight of the boys.
the rest of lunch was spent happily chatting away about whatever came to mind, until mingi reminded you of the pyjama party you, in all honesty, had already forgotten about.
“friday to saturday for the pyjama party or saturday to sunday? which one’s better?”
your attempt at protesting was shut down immediately with a “but you promised!”, and because he seemed so excited and because you might have been whipped for him too, just a little bit, you sighed but agreed.
"saturday would be better for me", you informed him then, "how about you all?"
since no one had any objections you decided that you'd come over saturday around noon and that then the fun would start, as wooyoung claimed, which left everyone but him worried that fun was the last thing you'd call whatever would happen. but you were somewhat excited, admittedly, because you’d not been to a pyjama party that wasn’t held with the intention of getting into someone’s pants since you were like twelve, and though it maybe was childish you just wanted to have a pillow fight or something.
lunch was over soon after, and to your surprise your afternoon class that day was cancelled, so that you were able to go home already. though you weren’t sure if mingi had intended to study with you again that day you texted him, saying that class got cancelled and that he could come over as soon as his was over to study if he wanted to.
you made use of your extra freetime and finally got the groceries you’d neglected to get this entire week, and then just relaxed a little, reading one of your moomin books (that you had to search for because your bookshelf was both incredibly full and incredibly messy because it was so stuffed) with a long neglected playlist of finnish music running.
by the point mingi came over the book was long neglected, your room instead having become a single person-disco as you sang along. you felt more relaxed than you had all week, and though you tried to not embarrass yourself when you opened the door for him your attempt at that quickly failed when you registered that the chorus of your current song was playing in the background, joining in as you dragged the surprised redhead into your flat before resuming your silly dancing while still holding on to him, your energy forcing him to at least somewhat move along to the beat.
“tanssi mun kanssa!”, you laughed at him while attempting to get him to actually dance, and though he had no idea what on earth was going on he did - but unlike you it seemed like he actually knew how to dance, taking the lead as he swirled you around in the little space you had.
“so what exactly were we studying just now?”, mingi asked once you’d dropped to the floor out of breath, laughing.
“cultural differences in dance culture? no idea”, you replied, laughing just as much.
“what’s the difference?”
“if you’re representative for koreans and i’m representative for finns we can conclude that koreans are much better at it”, you informed him, “but finns are more likely to start an embarrassing dance party.”
“a sec.” and without explaining anything more he got out his phone, typing for a moment before locking it again and smiling at you.
“hm?” you cocked your head in curiosity, but all he told you was that it was a surprise and that it was time to start studying now. you weren’t pleased, but you nodded, soon forgetting about it as you became fully immersed in the topic.
he stayed rather late (for a study session, at least), leaving around ten after several hours of trying to understand the topic which you only interrupted in order to eat.
“you’re doing great!”, you praised him as you said goodbye, “it seems like you’re getting a hang of it really quickly.”
“that’s just because you got like a dozen different examples for everything, so at one point it clicks even for me.” the giant was getting shy at your praise, though he couldn’t say he didn’t enjoy it. it made him feel accomplished, in a way - he wanted to impress you, and it seemed like he might if he continued like this.
“i think you’re just smart”, you waved him off before hugging him. “get home safe?”
and because he was an embarrassing idiot taken aback by your hug, he replied: “you too”, even though you were literally standing in front of your building.
“i’ll try not to break my neck on the way back in.” but the smile you gave him was genuine, not teasing, and he nodded. then he took off, walking backwards and waving at you, almost running into a street lamp when he turned around to actually see where he was going. that made you laugh, waving at him one last time before you went back inside.
the next two days were spent similarly, studying with mingi after university, though you opted for a café near university on friday since both of you only had a morning class and thus wouldn’t be getting lunch there together.
“what do you want?”, with his head tilted to the side in curiosity, and even though you’d spent quite some time with him this past week you still couldn’t understand how someone his height could be so cute sometimes.
“you’re not going to pay for me.” he still insisted on paying for your train tickets whenever you took the train together, and you plain refused to let him pay for this, too.
“but maybe i’ll accidentally order two drinks even though i only wanted one and beg you to please drink the other one so i didn’t waste my money on it” was how he let you know that he would pay for your drink, whether you liked it or not.
“why are you like this”, you whined out in reply, but told him your order nonetheless.
“find us a seat? i’ll come once the drinks are done.”
you did as asked, though you wouldn’t have if you’d known that he planned on getting more than just your drinks. when he returned with a small tray you smiled at him, moving the notes you’d looked through while waiting out of the way, but that smile became a fake-annoyed expression when you saw the piece of cake he’d gotten. you knew he wouldn’t sit there and just eat by himself, so at least part of the money spent on the cake was spent for you.
“you’re the worst”, you informed him while rolling your eyes, even though you knew he wouldn’t care about that. 
and he didn’t, just grinning at you as he said: “i hope you like chocolate.”
“you’re impossible.”
“i’m impeccable.”
“let’s see if you still think so when i get out the big guns”, you teased, the big guns being contextual prestige related to different lects.
as expected, he did no longer think so when he had to understand not only the different lects (which you’d tried to teach him these past few days) but also that the prestige varied from situation to situation and that some people, depending on context, would choose to speak a usually less prestigious lect because of other factors.
“i’m going to die”, he groaned out, getting some cake because he really needed emotional support sweets right now.
“you’re doing fine”, you tried to reassure, patting his arm and smiling comfortingly. you were impressed he even managed to learn this much in such a short amount of time at all, so struggling with one topic that combined a lot of different ones wasn’t something that undermined the fact that you were dealing with a genius.
“do you want to take a break?”
you knew he wouldn’t ask for one (you had noticed that during your past study sessions, that he wouldn’t even tell you that he needed to use the bathroom but would dart off as soon as you told him to rest a little), but he was obviously grateful for this one. he enjoyed the silence that settled as both of you sipped on your drinks, eating a little cake every now and then, but something had been on his mind ever since he first saw the messages you’d been sent from the people that claimed to be your friends. and though he didn’t want to upset you he knew he’d end up asking sooner or later anyway, so he might as well do it now.
“why do your friends hate you so much?”, mingi asked, voice silent and calm to avoid upsetting you any more than this question probably already would. but you surprised him when you seemed rather unbothered.
“they kinda called dibs on you at that party where we met”, you explained, shrugging.
“yeah. yeah. they’ve been arguing over who gets to have you the entire night, that’s why i was outside in the rain. and now they’re annoyed you’re spending time with me because i didn’t even call dibs in the first place.”
“so they hate you because you’re talking to someone they decided they had some kind of claim on?”
“so if i stopped talking to you, in theory, they’d leave you alone?” the tall boy hated this thought, but he hated the thought of him being the reason for all these issues you had even more. you were quick to shut him down, though, not wanting him to even consider what he was obviously hinting at.
“don’t even think about it. that’s not going to help at all, and i don’t want you to stop, so drop that thought right now.” and while you pretended to be calm the thought of him just dropping you again when you’d just started to genuinely really enjoy his presence had you panic slightly.
“how wouldn’t it help? they’re mad because we talk, so if we don’t they have no reason to be mad anymore. or am i wrong?”
“you are. it’s not just about me talking to you still, it’s mainly about… control? they told me they don’t want me to talk to any of you and i did it anyway, and now they want to make sure i never do that again. they don’t like it when people aren’t all submissive for them.”
to you this was normal behaviour from them, an attitude you’d witnessed countless times and that had left you doing your best to kiss their asses, but he wasn’t used to people acting like that, and it, quite frankly, was quite appalling. he knew it wasn’t something he could change, though, and he admittedly also wondered why you hadn’t called dibs back then when the others all obviously had. while it shouldn’t be his concern at all he did worry a little - what if you thought he was ugly?
“who were your dibs on, though?” he couldn’t help his curiosity.
“no one. i think it’s stupid to call dibs on someone as if they didn’t have any say in the matter.”
“it is, yeah.” he refused to think about why this answer relieved him - it was just because you were a decent person respecting people’s emotions and definitely not because your lack of dibs wasn’t because you thought he was ugly, definitely. or maybe the guys were justified in changing his contact name to ‘simp’. just maybe.
after that little serious conversation you continued studying until it was getting dark, at which point you decided to call it a day. he was the first to buy his train ticket, but when he turned to you with a grin he was unsuccessfully trying to suppress on his face you knew he’d gotten you your ticket instead.
“i accidentally clicked on your station because that’s where we went all week”, he told you, but it was obvious that it had not at all been an accident.
“you’re the worst”, you sighed out, but you were secretly glad that he’d done this because you’d just have walked otherwise, something you hadn’t exactly been looking forward to doing in the dark. you watched as mingi got his own ticket - the right one this time -, then you hugged goodbye before each getting in the train to go home.
it had become a habit that he’d text you as soon as he was home, because if he hadn’t messaged you an hour after leaving you’d text him, worried, asking if he was okay and if he got home safe. then you’d text some more, about anything that was on your minds, before sending a final goodnight text. the same happened today, as well, with mingi being the first to go to bed since you had some coursework to do still.
[mingi]: ill be there tmrw at 10. 11?
[mingi]: goodnight
and before you could protest he’d gone offline, a sign that he wasn’t going to see any possible protests before the next morning, at which point it’d be too late to save him the pain of getting up early anyway.
[y/n]: both are fine, sleep well
he was there at 11, naturally, but you were glad about the extra hour because that meant you were able to finish an essay due monday at noon and still had enough time to prepare a bag with things you’d need for the pyjama party.
“come in”, you greeted the redhead as soon as you’d opened the door for him, “i still need to choose a pyjama.”
“choose? why not just… bring the pyjama you wear?”
“because i don’t want to embarrass myself!” for some reason you felt like your choice of pyjama was incredibly important, like you’d embarrass yourself if you didn’t wear the perfect one.
“don’t be silly. it’s just a pyjama”, he laughed at your dilemma, and you scoffed at him.
“unlike you i can’t just run around shirtless and call it a day”, and because you were still on the quest for the perfect pyjama you missed the embarrassed expression on his face.
“it’s not like i had a lot of options!”, he defended himself, “your shirts definitely wouldn’t have done. unless you’re into the crop top kind of look, i guess.”
“that would definitely be interesting”, you laughed, then pulled out some clothes as you finally seemed to have decided on what to wear.
“we can go now. should we get snacks on the way?”
“pretty sure seonghwa and hongjoong have already organised an entire buffet”, he let you know, and you nodded while grabbing your bag, making your way to the door with mingi following suit.
and he’d been right - the table was covered in all kinds of food when you arrived at their place, though a quick look told you that you most likely wouldn’t touch about half of them.
“i probably should’ve mentioned i’m a vegetarian”, you said slightly embarrassed when yunho, who’d been the first to greet you and the other giant, told you that you absolutely had to try seonghwa’s kimchi.
“oh! i’m sorry.” the man with the infamous kimchi was now in the living room as well, obviously feeling somewhat bad about the fact that so much of the prepared food included meat.
“it’s fine! i know it’s not like, common, so i know how to work around it”, you tried to reassure, and the other seemed to accept that as an answer, telling you that if you needed any more food they’d gladly get it for you.
“why are all of you so nice?”,  your reply a whine, but the boys just laughed. maybe you would’ve been a little embarrassed about how kind everyone was being, but wooyoung interrupted by entering the living room with a loud “is it fun time?”, to which jongho quickly yelled back: “no!”
that was not an answer the boy would accept, though, and it very soon became fun time as you played all kinds of games that they were much better at than you since you’d never or barely ever played them before.
“it’s time for a challenge!”, yeosang declared, and though you tried protesting (because you knew you’d lose) you were outvoted on the grounds of democracy, so you just had to accept your fate.
“what happens to the loser?” you really wanted to know what would inevitably await you, but the only information you got was that the male had a surprise penalty in his room that he’d organised when the others were busy, so they didn’t know either. that only made it fun, he claimed, but you were certain that he was the only one who was going to have fun with this.
the challenge was a game you’d played before, and for a moment you hoped, begged the heavens that you might actually win, but of course life wasn’t that kind. everyone cheered when you were the first to lose, and when yeosang went to get the penalty you were inclined to stop him with all the power you held in you. before you could make a move he was already back, though, a terrifyingly familiar bag in his hands.
“please tell me that’s not what i think it is.”
the grin on his face destroyed all your hope, however, and you knew you would regret ever agreeing to this pyjama party after latest two seconds of having it in your mouth. you were impossibly bad at eating spicy food, and of course the penalty was one of the spiciest things you’d ever tried in an act of youthful recklessness at age sixteen. ever since then, you’d plain refused to touch anything that brand produced, but it seemed like now your fate was in the hands of whatever higher power controlled your tastebuds.
“you’re going to kill me”, you let him know before reluctantly taking the bag he held out for you. you pretended you weren’t able to open it, hoping to that way get out of having to eat it, but jongho volunteered to assist in opening it way too eagerly. there was no escaping, and you took one of the snacks, smelling it, examining it, turning it to look at it from every angle, trying to buy yourself more time and maybe get the boys to have mercy with you. and just as you were about to put the horror machine in your mouth mingi grabbed your hand, guiding it to his own instead and eating the snack you’d so dreaded to eat. it was apparent by his reaction that he didn’t necessarily enjoy this, either, but he’d done it anyways, and once the source of his suffering was swallowed he informed your friends that he’d taken your penalty and that you’d not have to eat it anymore. they had to accept it since they hadn’t previously agreed that others taking the loser’s penalty wasn’t allowed, and the redhead gave you a slightly pained but still somewhat proud smile.
and now there was no denying it anymore, song min gi was a simp for you and you only.
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goodtimingz · 4 years
dreaming you would come true
intro. pt1. pt2. pt3. pt4. pt5.
AN: plz send in your relationship goals or prompts, i’m losing ideas and my brain cells.
tags: studentlife, jae day6, fluff, college!au
: the one where you meet jae in your second year of college and it’s basically love at first sight. just little excerpts of what i think a relationship w jae would be like c:
1.2k words
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Please stop being cute now, baby.
When you woke up there were 2 immediate thoughts. One, why the hell was it so bright? Two, who the hell had their face smushed to your side?
Your first task was to orientate yourself, made extremely difficult because you could barely open one eye. Your head ached worse than you’d ever experienced before and it was too hot. You could identify two more things now, one being that you were lying on your own bed (a king single), the second that you were lying beside what felt like a human heater.
His name flashed through your mind and everything rushed back, except how (and why) you both managed to be lying in bed together. As though a bucket of cold water had been dropped on you, your whole body tensed and your felt your breath quicken.
So there was that.
Your curtains were still wide open, a glance at the clock read 8am, there was Jae sleeping angelically beside you with blue hair wearing a t-shirt and what felt like sweatpants, but why??? His arm rested over your waist holding tightly and he looked totally peaceful. The complete opposite of how you felt.
Last night you had stayed in despite it being a Saturday. Jae had surprised you with soju and the two of you had ordered Chinese food while very drunk. The memories washed in like waves but there were so many gaps in the puzzle. You remembered kissing Jae, unsure how to forget that… And you had definitely confessed to each other… but then Wonpil had returned…? Yeah.
Wonpil had returned with a bottle of wine to your room around 3am, very drunk. He had known Jae would be there after receiving the boy’s text before going out, however, he had not expected to find you two sitting on your floor with a sheet on the ground, dying Jae’s hair blue. (Actually he wasn’t quite sure what he expected). Of course he didn’t even question it because it was 3am and he probably wouldn’t question anything considering how drunk he was. He simply busied himself with pouring you all a glass of wine, mumbling drunk words of congrats for getting through the semester, and made his way out back to his room down the hall. 
Because that’s what best friends were for, right?  (Aka Wonpil doing random stuff when drunk).
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So the Wonpil-getting-you-drunk explained the headache (and the 3 bottles of soju), which also (briefly) explained, why Jae’s hair was blue - although you could hardly imagine how the two of you had washed his hair at 3-something-in-the-morning, but that was a minor detail. Now to explain why Jae - who to your horror was waking up, lay beside you. You were in your PJ’s same as you had been when Jae arrived (thankfully). Which meant you definitely had to have went out in public drunk and in your PJ’s to buy blue hairdye together.
“What time is it…” A very sleepy Jae mumbled, moving closer to nestle in his face into your neck. He must’ve realised the same thing you had because after 1 second of you tensing like a freaking rock, his whole body tensed too. 

“Y/N?!” His eyes were wide open for a second, before a delayed response to the major headache he probably had cause him to wince.
By now the two of you had made decent space between you, but it was a single bed so the space meant more like 4 inches. Jae’s cheeks were flushed and he ran his hands through his hair, as if to prevent the major morning head he was absolutely sporting.
“What exactly happened last night…?”
You looked at Jae, and then his hair, and then Jae again. Instinctively you covered your face with your hands, laughing awkwardly.
“Your hair is blue.” The words were muffled by your attempt to hide and your eyes were shut tightly. Jae laughed slightly, removing your hands away from your face. “I just remembered that part. You pushed me into the shower before I could even change.”
“Let’s never do that again. Oh my gosh.”
“Let’s definitely do that again. When else am I supposed to hear you sing the Pororo song to me while I rinse out blue hair dye?!”
You could not bring yourself to face Jae, focusing more on trying to shape-shift into a tiny ball and disappear off of the earth. Jae falls silent beside you, and you don’t dare look up. Did he remember the kiss? He seemed a bit more sober than you last night. 
To be fair, in any other situation you might be concerned Jae had taken advantage of you, but the fact that you now realised he’s wearing the sweatpants Wonpil had left in your room awhile back and a very bashful vibe… That was definitely not a Jae thing. Plus, nothing hurt inside (author note: hgfjjfj).
Jae hadn't slept so well in a long time. No more finals and someone warm beside him? It was perfect...
“What time is it…” He mumbled softly, pulling his girlfriend closer.
But Jae didn't have a girlfriend (yet).
When he woke up beside you he had genuinely forgotten everything. You hadn't taken advantage of him right???? No. You weren't that kind of girl (not that there's anything wrong with that).
You acted so shy as you both attempted to puzzle last night's happenings together. However, all Jae could really think about is that you'd finally kissed, which lead to his next thought: What if you don't remember?
He realised now why he didn't get drunk often. With your head dropped in embarrassment, Jae took the chance to fully look at you. You sported the cutest bedhead and in your PJ's aswell? That was just too much cute.
"D-do you remember-" "That we kissed?" Jae cut you off because you looked so nervous. Of course he remembered, and so did you apparently.
"Do you regret it?" Your eyes filled with so much worry as they met his. Jae reached over and held your hand gently, happy to see your shoulders drop slightly.
"Yes, I regret it so much..." He watched as your faced dropped, speaking again before you could pull your hand away. "-That I think I might have to kiss you again?"
That morning Jae was hit 4 times,
and he could only laugh, finding your reaction so damn adorable. The way you exclaimed his name, it was too fun not to tease you. 
Watching you settle back against the headboard with your arms folded, he couldn't resist fulfilling his words. He reached up to touch your face, relieved when you immediately turned to face him. When your beautiful (sleepy) eyes met his he swore he wouldn't trade you for anyone else. From then on he wanted to be the one to wake up beside you, the first one to say good morning, and the last one to say goodnight.
Gosh, he was so whipped for you and he knew it. He wasn't the kind to fall so fast but somehow you did all this to him. His gaze dropped to your lips. You and your pretty lips, pretty nose, pretty eyes pretty face. Ugh.
Surprisingly, when his eyes returned back to meet yours, you were already leaning forward. And yes, it was the morning and yes you both looked like a mess (read: adorable), but he didn't care and the way you kissed him, softly at first and then so passionately as if you really meant it... He knew you didn't care that it was the morning either.
There was someone else though. Wonpil, apparently cared. He burst through your door as if it didn't weigh 100pounds causing the two of you to break apart so fast it actually hurt a little. It felt like you two were the deers and Wonpil was the headlights.
"YA! Park Jaehyung! What are you doing!"
Jae watched you facepalm out of the corner of his eye, preparing himself for whatever was to come out of Kim Wonpil’s mouth. 
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