#danneel ackles imagine
impalanna · 1 year
Title: You Found Me
Second Chapter
Warnings: Smut. Lots and lots of smut. Sex gifs. Cussing.
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I woke up to the sound of my alarm, set every morning for 7 am. I really need to turn that thing off, I don’t have to work my shit job anymore.
“Sweetheart, what’s - what’s goin’ on?” Dean rubs his eyes and looks at me, squinting from just waking up. He has the most confused, adorable look on his face and it makes me look at him and giggle. “You’re so cute, Dean.”
The sight in front of me was so gorgeous. I’ve been wanting this for a long time. You have no idea how much I have missed the man in front of me.
“Yeah, I missed you too.” He looks up at me with a guilty gaze. “I didn’t want to leave you.” He looks down at the part of the bed I was sleeping in.
Noticing the look on his face, I sit down in the spot he’s laying in and I tilt his jaw gently to face me. “You did what you had to. You’re here now and that’s what matters.” I kiss him slowly, my hands cupping his jaw.
“No, I mean I had no choice. I wouldn’t leave you, ever.” He had a look on his face, anger mixed with pain. “I- I just didn’t have a choice.”
“Tell me what happened.” I know he wouldn’t just leave, and I’ve been thinking about that since he picked me up from that dumb ass job. “I know you didn’t want to leave, so what made you?” This isn’t anger, it’s worry.
“I can’t talk about that right now.” His face was stern.
I leaned into him. I kissed him, then I whispered in his ear. “When you can, I’ll be here. I’m here now.”
Dean backed away to look at me. “Damn right you are.”
The look on his face was intense. His eyes were so green. His eyes always did that whenever he wanted to have sex with me. He didn’t take his eyes off me, he knew that I knew what he wanted.
“Dean, it’s been a while since I’ve done it.” I felt so stupid saying this to him. It made me feel so pathetic saying it out loud.
“How long, sweetheart?”
“Since, the night before you left. The sex we had that night. I haven’t done it with anyone else.” My cheeks were so red, I knew they were. I had to look like an idiot standing in front of him saying all this.
“What? Since, that was -“
“A long time ago, I know.” I finished his sentence.
“Sweetheart, that’s, that’s amazing.” He had a look on his face I’ve never seen before. He leaned in and kissed me gently, ending the kiss by biting my bottom lip. “You’re amazing.”
“Dean, I love you.” I couldn’t help it, it flew out of my mouth. I meant every word of it, but I know how he is with this kind of thing so I’ve never told him until now. It feels good and scary all at the same time, telling him.
“I know you do, sweetheart.” He kissed me again.
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Dean crawls on top of me, I can feel his boner against my body. I couldn’t help but moan when I felt him on me like that. He whispers in my ear, “baby, I love it when you moan for me.” He grinds against my leg. “I wanna feel you.”
“Dean, please.” I begged him. I couldn’t help it.
Dean moved his hips at the sound of my voice, letting me feel how hard he is.
“Please, please Dean, I need it.” Dean smirked down at me. You want more, baby?” His voice is like honey.
“Yes, Dean please. Please fuck me. I need it so b -“ and the door slammed open. It was Sam.
I heard a low “fuck” in my right ear.
“Uh, damn - Wait, is that -?” Sam was so surprised.
“Hey, Sam.” Fuck. I did miss him too, but fuck. He always did have horrible timing.
“I’ll go, sorry -“ I can’t kick him out of his own room.
“You’re okay.” Dean gave me a stare that would kill me if it could. I bit my lip looking down at his red chest, sitting in my own wet.
“O -okay.” He looked so embarrassed.
“Sorry, Sammy.” Dean sounded so pissed.
“I’m sorry.” I whisper into Dean’s ear.
Sam walks into the bathroom to get ready for bed. I immediately get on top of Dean. I slide myself onto his hard and throbbing cock. His hands are on my hips, grabbing me hard, looking into my eyes like I cooked him a whole ass meal.
“Damn, your pussy is so tight. You feel so good.” His voice was shaky and on edge. I knew he was about to cum, so I slowed down and I rolled my hips, grabbing my boobs in front of him. “Dean, I’ve been needing this.”
I feel his nails dig into my sides. “Fuck, I missed this.”
I bite my lip when he says that. Something about him cussing during sex, it’s so hot. I roll my nipples between my fingers, moaning Dean’s name so loud I know Sam heard me, but I didn’t give a fuck.
“I’m about to cum.” I could feel it. I leaned down and I sucked on his neck. Whenever I knew he was about to explode in me, I leaned up so I could look at him. He squeezed my ass as I rolled my hips.
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“Fuck, fuck” he is so so close. I am, too. But I always like to wait and cum with him. I can feel his skin on my clit, getting me closer and closer. I feel the grip on my ass tighten as hot juices fill me. “Dean, don’t stop I’m coming - DEAN!” I scream his name as I clench around him. My hips are rolling, and I slow down, my body almost twitching as I finish on him.
“That, that was beautiful.” Deans voice was breathy, his chest and neck covered in sweat. “You are beautiful.”
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A Cry for Help
Summary: Jensen see something one night that makes him think his daughter is in trouble. He confronts her, only to find out its deeper than he thought…
Pairing: Jensen x daughter!reader
Warnings: language, angst, drug addiction, sexual assault (non-graphic)
A/N #1: The reader is 16-17 years old for this series. Danneel and Jensen are married, Danneel is not reader’s mother, JJ and the twins are included, and the reader has dyslexia.
Part 1 (Coming Soon)
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Bonus Chapter
Bonus Chapter
Bonus Chapter
Bonus Chapter
Bonus Chapter
Bonus Chapter
Bonus Chapter
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coldhearted93 · 9 months
Makes me so jealous! She gets this man anytime she wants!!
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darkshrimpemotions · 2 years
I feel like this is an excellent time to get back on my Weird Girl Jensen soap box.
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lightofraye · 23 days
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Hi there!
Per your request, I've cropped your name out.
Now to your message!
Yes! I noticed Mama Ackles seemed very proud of Jensen, beaming at him as he sang. I'm not surprised though. I recall her giving Danneel hell when Danneel chose to ignore Jensen at his play of A Few Good Men and focus on her cellphone. I'm glad to see that she's at least this supportive of her son.
Papa Ackles... Alan...
You're not overthinking things. It's the impression I've had ever since I heard the story of him beating Jensen with a belt and claiming it was done out of love. I also recall the hell he gave Jensen when Alan showed up for an episode of Supernatural and Jensen was director. Alan scoffed and chose to demean his son.
Jensen is having the career and fame that Alan wishes he had. That much is clear. His IMDb and Wikipedia heap on the unnecessary praise.
In so many ways, Danneel is a lot like Alan. Which explains so much about why Jensen struggles with her as well. Why Jensen said he keeps trying to impress her. It's how Danneel knew how to entrap him.
It makes me sad to see that despite the crap he's done to her children, Mama Ackles seems unwilling to push for happiness. If any man I was with chose to do that, I would've kicked him out and took him through hell.
But then... that's exactly what I did. I left my abuser, facing homelessness, unemployment, no transportation, and the clothes I could bring with me. That was ten years ago.
I'm not saying this to crow or brag. I'm sharing this to encourage. The unknown is terrifying. It'd be too easy, at times, for us to stay where it's uncomfortable and painful because at least it's pain we know. The unknown is even more so frightening.
Yet... it's so much better to make the attempt and find peace and happiness.
I digress. I really went off on a tangent.
Your impressions are not wrong. It was the same I had the moment I saw that photo. I can't even imagine what Papa Ackles was thinking as he saw the swarm of primarily women lusting after his son. Did he have any approval at all? Was he proud of his son for being made lead of a TV show? (Countdown.) Or did he frown and scowl, disapproving as always--because in his mind, negativity led to growth? (It doesn't, but that's how some abusers think.)
It's food for thought.
Thank you for your ask.
As always folks, if my anon asks are off, you are still free to send me an ask and just tell me you want me to hide your name and I will.
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sheepstiel · 2 years
imagine an absolute dean girl and an absolute cas girl getting married... that's just jensen and danneel ackles
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pollsnatural · 7 months
Part 1
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hologramcowboy · 5 months
I just need to vent for a second.
More and more I'm thankful for the blogs who are not afraid to call out something problematic that Jensen Ackles says or does. I'm not looking to pile on the guy. We're all human, but when someone says something that isn't right, as a society we tend to call it out for what it is: racism, sexism, homophobia, or just plain wrong. That church abuse joke, the Brendan Fraser Whale comment, the misogynistic and homophobic comments he's made in the past are all wrong.
Can someone grow and learn to be a better human? Sure. We all do that every single day as time passes. I like to think that Jensen has grown quite a bit in some areas and has learned. But those two recent "jokes" were not okay. One is incredibly fatphobic and fat-shaming while the other is literally disregarding the hundreds of victims who suffered sexual abuse in the Catholic church over decades. Do I think that he stood there both times and thought of the bigger picture? No. I think he just said what came to mind because they're both funny to him so they should be funny to his AA's. But I think what flabbergasts me is that they were! There are still AA's traversing this site and other social media that are defending them, particularly the church joke. Saying that if we call it out for the problematic statement that it was, if we don't immediately laugh, then we're not true fans of Jensen, we don't understand his humor, there's something wrong with us, we're just looking to hate on him, and all that crap. And it's like, no, there is something wrong with YOU if you find that funny and then would even defend that. Why is it that common sense continues to elude AA's when it comes to the topic of Jensen? Is he an attractive guy? Yes. Does he seem like the perfectly wrapped package for some? Sure. Are some of these same people obsessed with him? Yep. But that shouldn't completely eradicate common sense and empathy (I'm being kind here). Can you imagine having suffered sexual abuse or knowing someone who had and hearing that had you been in that room or watched the video? Can you (general you) imagine how you would feel?
I just don't get it. The thing is, I don't hate Jensen, I don't want to pick him apart just because, I used to have massive respect for him actually until the last few years, starting with that whole "bitch Alba" machismo crap of a podcast interview (proving some of that good ol' boy misogyny is still alive and well, but well hidden). And these last two instances have left me even more disappointed but sad to say, I'm not surprised. Shocked, yes, but not surprised. I don't wish him ill and I do still hope for the best for him, personally and professionally, but he's a celebrity, an actor, another human being on the planet subject to the same laws of physics and the universe as everyone else. He may have more money than some, fame, and however much of a following on social media, but underneath all that, he's just a man, another human like any other. Born to parents like other humans, grew up and went to school like other kids, started a career like other people after school ended, got married like other people do, had kids like other people do, and on and on and on. He literally gets up every day and puts on his pants the same way as many other people on the planet do every single day. He's not this messiah-like figure for crying out loud who is above everyone else. So why do they act like he is? Why can't they see the forest for the trees? You can be a fan of his and still have common sense and live on planet Earth.
His stanbase really needs a fucking reality check. Had Jared said that, he'd be in deep shit. Had Misha or Danneel said that (and I am no fan of theirs), they'd be in trouble. Had Henry Cavil or Tom Cruise made that joke? Forget it. Canceled. Hell, if Trump or Biden made that joke, oof. So why would his stanbase not hesitate to call out any of those people had they made that problematic joke but when Jensen does it, suddenly the calling out process starts and we are immediately gaslit and made to feel ashamed for calling it out? By these very same people?
I know the answer but I just had to get this off my chest and I figured you would have the most understanding seeing as you've dealt with his stanbase time and time again. Thank you for letting me vent.
Anon 🧡🧡🧡 You expressed something I feel too and you did it with so much clarity, in a grounded, balanced, beautiful way. Thank you!
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It's truly creepy how distorted views become when AA's are driven by lust blindly.
I think the most heartbreaking thing in all of this is: that Jensen is buying his own hype and thinks he is above everything so he makes such jokes and feels entitled to approval. He is letting the overblown image they created be his self image and is, in many ways, just as blind as they are. This worries because it's very easy to lose balance and do stupid things when we become wrapped up in a false sense of self. I really wish Jensen had good rolemodel around him because I truly believe that if he did he would make an amazing leader. 😳
I deeply loved reading your thoughts on the way Jensen is perceived so thank you for sharing. 🧡
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impalanna · 2 years
So I started selling my writings!
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laf-outloud · 1 year
You don't have to post this if you don't want to but I just had some thoughts.
You know what kills me about this whole lawsuit issue? Jensen said after the show was done filming, after the finale aired, that he was proud of it with everyone involved and what they accomplished. Yet this injury obviously took place during filming and whatever his and Danneel's responsibilities as EP's might be in this scenario, whether they were present or not, you can't tell me they weren't told about the injury happening. Especially since their production company was involved. We know major studios like WB has insurance and of course there's workman's comp, but I can't imagine that a production company that puts in its own $ into said production wouldn't have something similar or at the very least be affected in some way. Meaning there is NO way he and Danneel didn't hear about this injury and the circumstances surrounding it.
And yet he still said he was proud of it, knowing this (even if he may not have known definitively that a lawsuit was coming at that time) had happened and how it happened. And that just...there's no words.
Sometimes I really wish I could just ask him "what are you doing, man?" Or even why he apparently feels the way he does about people working in shitty conditions like we saw with Rust and other stuff going on with The Winchesters, especially after encountering and experiencing some of these himself in his career. Like why was it so important for Led Zeppelin to be in the finale compared to hiring competent people who wouldn't put the cast and crew in jeopardy? Literally, for me, the past 2 and a half years, I just have so many questions for this guy, this being the latest round.
And this latest event definitely throws shade on Danneel proclaiming that she "protected" Meg on that Drama Queens podcast. I know it's not the same context but if she was supposedly paying that much close attention, there's no way she didn't know about the injury and it's circumstances, either.
Just shady all around. This honestly leaves me very disappointed in Jensen. Most people's experiences leave them with empathy. His appears to have done the opposite for him if this situation and his Rust remarks are anything to go by. The "little people" matter, too. And I really thought he had learned that through his career.
You make some really good points, so of course I'll post your ask!
I will say that regardless of some of the questionable hires and practices that the Ackles put into place, I'm sure there were still a lot of very hard-working people both in the cast and crew of TW. It's okay to be proud of the work they did. (Though, as a whole, there's very little to be proud of in the end result).
For as often as Jensen talks in cons about befriending the crew on SPN and other shows, his actions and words outside of cons prove he really doesn't think much of them. It makes it seem like he only befriends them to ensure that they make him look good, not because he actually cares.
As for what Danneel said on Drama Queens? I hadn't heard that, but I can imagine the only protection she offered Meg was from herself if Meg dared go after her man. We already know there wasn't any protection for Meg when she was forced to work while being incredibly sick.
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crashdevlin · 1 year
Losses and Gains 4- Something Wrong
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Author’s Note: This is the fourth chapter of Losses and Gains, the second part of To Have it All. This is Something More...from Jensen's side!
Second Author's note: I'm sorry this took so damn long to get out. I won't bore you with the details but I'm on new meds and things should be getting better from now on. Love all of you that have stuck around.
Summary: Jensen is having trouble letting go...and maybe he's imagining it, but it seems Y/n is having troubles too.
Pairing:  Jensen x Reader, background Reader x Tom Hiddleston
Word count: 3386
Story Warnings: open marriage, mentions of depression and heartbreak, bad things, alcohol as a crutch, anger, fighting
"What did you do?!" Misha's voice went up by at least three octaves as he pointed to the workers taking my broken flatscreen out to the dumpster so they could fit the new one in its place.
“It broke,” I responded, hoping that he wouldn’t press. It’s Misha, though, so of course, he insisted.
“Coffee machine slipped. It’s fine. I got a new one coming.”
“A new TV or a new coffee machine?”
I rolled my eyes. “Both. It’s not a big deal, Misha. Seriously.”
“Hey, is everything okay? I mean, I don’t wanna pry but-”
“Then don’t,” I interrupted. “I’m fine. Everything is fine.”
“Oh…kay,” he said skeptically. “Well…have you heard about Y/n and Tom Hiddleston? Ya know, I knew something was going on between them. I could just see them together…and they are a cute couple, don’t you think?”
I had to stop myself from stomping away like a fucking child. Misha didn’t know, and I couldn’t let him in on it now, so I made an excuse. “Yeah, they’re adorable. I’m gonna go check on the movers.”
I was standing off to the side, watching them put my new TV on its mount, when the trailer rocked, and Jared stepped up into the kitchenette with me. “So, I take it you saw Tom’s post?” He ran his hand over the dent in the fridge. I didn’t look at him, just gave a nod as I watched the workers. “You took it out on your stuff this time, not Danneel, so I guess that’s progress.”
I clenched my jaw for a minute before turning to him. “She didn’t even want him to tell people. You know that, right?”
“But he could tell people…and that’s what you’re upset about.”
“You think I’m jealous?”
“You think you’re not?” He scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest. “You can’t be that deluded, Ackles. All of this is because you’re jealous of him, that he can give her what you never could. You don’t want her happy.”
“I’m not--Of course, I want her happy, Jared.”
“Only if she’s with you.” I focused on the workers again. “You’re sabotaging your marriage. You’re sabotaging yourself. All because you don’t want her to find happiness with anyone else.”
“I’m not sabotaging shit.”
“You’re sabotaging everything.” He stepped in front of me, obscuring my view to force me to focus on him. I stared at his shoulder, but I refused to look at his face. “You have to stop this. You have to learn how to deal. You have to let her be happy with someone else.”
“Is she?” My jaw clenched as I let my eyes jump to his. “She’s barely even talking to anybody anymore. Kim and Bri haven’t heard from her in weeks. When’s the last time she called you?”
He looked away this time. “She’d tell us if she were having problems.”
“No, she wouldn’t,” I whispered, angrily. “She knows she’s made her bed and she would fucking lay in it, Jared. That’s who she is. She doesn’t wanna hurt anyone so she’d stick it out with him because that’s the option that she thinks will hurt the fewest people! So, what if she’s not happy? Jared, what if he’s…” I looked at my feet as tears popped up in my eyes. “What if she misses me?”
He sighed and reached out to pull me into a hug. “Of course, she does. She can miss you and be happy with him. She was in love with you, too, and that didn’t go away. It’s gonna be okay. You just gotta breathe and focus on the good, man.”
I swallowed down my tears and pulled away from him. “I don’t know if I can do it. She’s coming back next week. I don’t think I can be in the same place as her and not…not fucking break, man.”
He ran his hand through his hair and turned to look at the new TV as the workers turned it on to test it. “She’ll be here next week. I can check on her. She won’t be able to lie to me…not to my face. I’ll make sure she’s okay.”
“You’d do that for me?”
“She’s still my friend, too, Jay…and you’re right. She hasn’t been talking. I hope that she’s just busy and things are good but she hasn’t been talking to anybody. Fuck, Misha said she hasn’t even been responding to his incessant emails about GISH.”
I looked at my boots and sighed a little. "I'm sure I'm just overreacting. Seeing trouble because I want it to be there. She's probably MIA because she's busy and she's spending all her extra focus on him."
Jared smiled and patted my shoulder. "That's the most introspective, clear-headed thing you've said since Atlanta. Maybe you will get through this with your life intact."
He walked out as the workmen handed me a new remote and asked if I needed anything else before they left. I shook my head and thanked them. Only one person could give me what I needed...and I couldn’t call her.
I spent the next few days thinking I was getting better. I was improving. I was talking to Dee again, video chatting every day and not wanting to ignore her existence completely. I wasn't drowning in bitterness anymore. I was gonna be okay, I could feel it.
Until Y/n drove her little Nissan rental car onto the lot. I was talking to the mechanics about a scene with the Impala when she got out and looked around. My throat went dry and I had to force myself to look away as she greeted several of the crew on her way to wardrobe. I excused myself from my conversation and...followed her, but not in a creeper way. I just wanted to see her.
Yeah, I know that seems creepy. That's why I didn't answer when Jared walked up to stand next to me as I was staring at the door of the makeup trailer, waiting for her to come out.
"What'cha doin'?" I just shrugged. "Y/n's in there?"
"I don't need to tell you how creepy it is for you to be standing out here like a stalker, do I?"
"Good, then I won’t. Go run lines with Alex or something, I'm gonna go say 'hi'." I nodded, not watching as he walking away. I just turned and headed for Alex's trailer so I wouldn't be tempted to stick around. I didn’t run lines, though, just let the kid provide a distracting conversation for me as I waiting for call so I could interrogate Jared.
He immediately seemed on the defense. "I didn't have a lot of time to talk to her. She was due on Second Unit so I only had a few minutes, but we're gonna get dinner tonight so I can talk to her a bit more in depth."
"Okay, but how'd she seem? She seem good? Did you ask her about Tom? Is she happy?" I whispered furiously as we headed for the motel set.
He hesitated. He fucking hesitated. "I...don't know. I'm sure she is but…"
"But what?" I demanded, stopping in my tracks.
He ran his hand through his hair and rubbed the back of her neck. "She didn't want the Facebook post. We all guessed that but...the way she excused it...I don’t know, Ackles, it just seemed...off. She said something about him making decisions for her because she doesn't make good decisions. It just seemed...wrong. I don't know exactly why but...I'm gonna get to the bottom of it at dinner, okay? I'm sure it's nothing but bad wording on her part."
My mind went rampaging through options but I didn't really have any. There was nothing I could do. Even if there was something wrong, what could I do? Absolutely nothing.
"Jared...if she's not happy with him, you have to convince her-"
"I'm not going to convince her of shit, dude. If she's not happy, she will figure it out eventually. She's smart and she got out of her bad marriage and she can get herself out of this if it's bad."
I didn't bring up the fact that Nate fucking cheated on her and left her. What would be the point? I just went to work. Had to focus on something.
"She swears she's happy," Jared said as we ate our breakfast burritos the next day.
"And do you believe her? What about Tom making decisions for her?"
"She's letting him make decisions because she thinks he's helping her."
"Yeah? How does telling the world about their relationship when she said she didn't want him to help her?"
Jared shrugged. "He's helping with her career and Nova, too, apparently. Did you know Nate is trying to get full custody? She's under a lot of stress. That's probably what I was picking up on yesterday, ya know."
I rolled my eyes. I remembered Nate threatening to go after custody but I didn't think he'd actually do it. "Bet he just wants child support out of her. He doesn't give a fuck about that little girl."
"Yeah, but...it is what it is. And it's part of why she's off. Honestly, I also think she's afraid to be too close with the Family because they are all such good friends with you and staying close to them...puts her in your circle."
I scoffed. "What, like I'm gonna make things hard for her if she's hanging with fuckin' Misha or something?"
"No, not intentionally, but hearing about you, knowing that they don't know, having to act like nothing happened between you...that's gotta be as hard for her as it is for you."
I chewed on my bottom lip for a moment before sighing. "I didn't mean for this to happen."
"Of course not, but it did. She's dealing with her end of it the best she can. You have to do the same. You getting over it might allow her to come back comfortably. You ever think of that? That maybe the reason she can't be around you has nothing to do with Tom and has everything to do with her not being able to deal with the guilt and the angry looks you give her and how everything exploded."
He was right. I wanted Tom to be the reason she pulled away because then it wouldn't be my fault but it was. Everything was my fault.
"Oh, and she has her first late show appearance this week. I'm gonna give her a shout out on Twitter. A good friend would do the same. It's a Marvel thing, press for her Anthology."
"So Tom'll be there too," I guessed, bitterly.
"And Anthony Mackey and Sebastian Stan, yeah," he confirmed. "Look, you don't have to watch it. Just try to be supportive."
“If I’m gonna advertise for their press junket, I’m gonna fuckin’ watch the thing...for her.”
“You remember that Tom is all about the PDA, right? You might see something you don’t want to see.” Jared was trying to be helpful. I know he was, but...it just seemed like salt in my wounds.
“Yeah. I’m a big boy. I can handle it. Thanks.”
“If you say so, Ackles,” he said, before walking away.
I made sure I had a stiff drink in my hand when I sat down in my trailer to watch Y/n on Colbert. A double of the best whiskey I owned. I knew that it was going to be a long night. I figured an angry fit, maybe an ugly cry, was on the books. Instead, I felt a bit numb as I watched the Marvel crew walk onstage. Tom was holding her hand and they were both smiling so fucking bright. She looked so excited to be on that stage and so...good. I wanted to be upset about the way Tom sat right beside her and put a possessive hand on her arm, but I was so lost in her eyes and the smile she got when Colbert greeted her and congratulated her on her first late night appearance that I couldn't think much of anything.
But then Stephen said, "We gotta talk about that bombshell Tom dropped last week." and she (and Mackey) immediately said, "No, we don't." She didn't want to talk about it. She still wanted her goddamn privacy!
But the host pressed. Of course he did. It was newsworthy, after all. “Come on. It’s an important topic. You two met on set?”
She sighed and I think I saw her roll her eyes a bit. "Fine. I’ll play. Yes, we met on set. I flew down from Vancouver and I was trying really hard to be invisible. Before Supernatural, I was really good at that whole wallflower thing. Tom noticed me right away, so I guess my chameleon circuit is blown." I didn't get the joke but some of the people in the audience did because there was a smattering of laughter. "And that's how you find the Whovians," she commented with a little smile. "Anyway, Tom commented on my character's name and then he asked me for drinks. A couple days later, I invited him to sing with me at a convention and we...haven't spent much time apart since."
Tom's face contorted a bit and then he scoffed at her. "That's amazing."
She looked down at her lap, something between shame and guilt on her face. "What is?"
"That a woman so adept at the written word could take all of the poetry out of our first encounter." She bit her lip as he turned to look at Colbert. "Her hair caught my eye. Her natural coloring, not the dye job she did to cover her character’s ginger hair. It's this Neopolitan shade, with highlights of light and lowlights of brilliant caramel, but as I passed her the sun hit her just right to showcase the firey red strands that are usually hidden. When I saw that the hue of her eyes matched the brilliance of her smile, I knew I had to get to know her. When she got so shy the first time I spoke her name…" He turned back to her and I knew she was blushing, even through the TV screen. Even from a few thousand miles away, I could see what she was hiding behind her hair. "Like she's doing right now...I determined that I would get her out on the town, have a few drinks, and learn everything I could about her. By the time we took the stage for karaoke, I was absolutely taken with her."
Stephen leaned forward, trying to see Y/n. “And keeping it quiet for the last, what 3 months, that was really her idea?”
Tom nodded. “Definitely. I’m not a man that keeps quiet about his affections.”
“He’s a big fan of the PDA.” Sebastian Stan chuckled. “You remember the Taylor Swift shirt?”
“And you’re not?” Colbert asked. That was a loaded question. I knew she would have loved PDA with someone she wanted everyone to see her with. She took it to a self-deprecating place, though.
"I mean, look, I'm almost thirty and that is ancient by Hollywood’s standards for women and I'm just now getting started in show business." If thirty is ancient, what the hell was I to her? "A year ago, I was a cashier or running a forklift at a Sam's Club back home. I'm not used to everyone knowing every little detail of my life. I'm not used to anyone caring to know about me." She shook her head. "I knew this relationship would be something people would be all over if they knew about it. I mean...he's Tom Hiddleston and I'm just...who the hell am I? Nobody. We've been together a few months. We're still in that early infatuation stage where everything’s great and there’s never been any problems. We haven't even had our first fight yet. In my experience, things can fall apart pretty quickly as soon as you're out of the honeymoon stage."
"That's not true." I hated how Tom smiled at her. "We fought over the Facebook post."
"That wasn’t a fight, Tom. The knock-down, drag-out arguments I had with my ex...those were fights."
Colbert seemed to remember his place as host and leaned forward again. "So when he said that you were giving him the opportunity to leave without anyone capitalizing on your drama, that was…"
“It was totally true, but it’s more complicated than that. It wasn’t like I was rooting for him to leave me, I just…I mean, look at him. He’s Tom freakin’ Hiddleston." I rolled my eyes at her words. "His last girlfriend was Taylor Swift, who has like 8 inches of height on me and millions of dollars and a squad of supermodel best friends. I’m short and chubby and have a kid. It would’ve been unreasonable and, frankly, arrogant to assume he would stick around. How could I possibly know there was something lovable about me?”
She said that like a joke but I wanted to scream. She was being so mean to herself. She was being downright horrible. Why wasn't Tom disagreeing? Why wasn't he building her up? Why did she seem more torn down and broken than when I  met her?
“Anyway, why don’t we talk about the dang movie?" she volunteered, obviously tired of being the center of attention. "Which I had very little to do with so you can talk to Monsieurs Stan and Mackey, who’ve been sitting there annoyed with the relationship talk.”
“I don’t know about ‘annoyed’,” Anthony disputed with a smile.
“Don’t lie, Mack," Sebastian said, chuckling. “No, we’re good. She’s cool. I mean, we just met her in the green room 'cause she’s been forcing Tom to keep her a secret from us, too, but she seems genuine.”
“I’m gonna point out that she’s an actor, too, though. We’re well-versed in hiding our crazy. Also, she’s from the South. Southern women are either the most genuine chicks you’ll ever meet…or the ultimate in crazy.” Anthony Mackey obviously knows his Southern women.
“I’ve met her family. If she’s hiding any craziness, it’s directly resultant from them,” Tom responded.
Colbert's eyes went wide just like mine did. “Oh, insulting the family on national television, not a good idea."
“Nah, it’s okay. They know they’re crazy," Y/n covered. "And we’ll go with Anthony’s assessment. I got damage, and I use my acting chops to hide a lot of it, but…I’m…”
Tom must've sensed her floundering because he reached out to take her hand again. “She’s amazing. She’s intelligent, she’s funny, she’s gorgeous and better than all that, she’s an unbelievable mother." He got to meet Nova. He got to meet Nova and I only ever saw her through a video chat. Why did that burn? "Her daughter, Nova, is an absolute dream and it’s square on this woman’s shoulders.”
She looked uncomfortable with the praise. Maybe she wasn't used to hearing it from him...or maybe just not in so public a venue. “Okay, that’s not true. Nova is awesome but I can’t take full credit on that. Also, please let some other topic rule the time we got left, please. This is a MCU promo, not a Y/n promo.”
“As long as you’re not giving credit to anyone who doesn’t actually deserve it.” He almost growled that one. He seemed to have a problem with her past. Her parents, her ex...only Nova seemed to be spared.
“Please, Stephen, ask about the Winter Soldier sequence," she begged.
She sat silently through the rest of the segment as the others spoke enthusiastically about their characters and the rumored TV show for the Falcon and Winter Soldier and the growth of both characters in relation to Steve Rogers. She kept her eyes on her lap, or on her hand clasped in Tom's.
Something wasn't right. There was something very wrong.
I wasn’t with her. I wasn’t lifting her up. He was failing her...but there was nothing I could do about it. I picked up my whiskey and downed it in one gulp.
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sapphyreopal5 · 2 months
Your natal chart reading for Gen was wild! Could you do one for Danneel?
Hello Anon, thank you for the compliments and the ask! So for anyone who is interested, this is the natal chart reading analysis I did for Gen. Below is Elta Danneel Ackles' natal chart reading. Since I don't know her time of birth, I again picked 12 noon since this is what's been suggested by other astrologers when you don't know when someone was born on a day.
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Damn, the first thing I noticed right off the bat is that she's got FIVE planets that are in retrograde in her natal chart (Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Pluto), along with her Node. When a planet goes retrograde, it's basically when a planet looks like it's going backwards (when Earth overtakes a slower moving planet in its orbit around the sun or is overtaken by a faster moving planet). According to People.com, "In astrology, a retrograde is like a big reset. Instead of looking at retrogrades as events that cause havoc, in astrology, retrogrades "are opportunities for recentering, rebalancing, and refocusing certain aspects of our lives," says Winston." With this being said, I am going to go break down some of these planetary interpretations and then also delve into the retrograde meanings for the respective planets. Now onto the natal chart!
Sun in Pisces People born under the sign of Pisces are just like people born under the sign of Aquarius influenced by two planets. Jupiter gives them sense for justice, social conscience and willingness to help others, while Neptune both helps them and complicates their life. Neptune gives them imagination, creativity and emotionality, but it also gives them hypersensitivity and dreaminess that leads to passivity, indecision and excessive sensitivity. Sun in the 10th House The Sun in the tenth house means glory and honour, but sometimes it can mean scandal and disgrace instead. These people will definitely not miss public attention. They will try to get authority, power or responsibility. This position often indicates a career in politics or the achievement of notable personal ambitions. These people will be an example and inspiration to others and their tenacious efforts will likely bring them growing reputation. Only very few individuals with the Sun in the tenth house will not become well-known. These people need respect because they consider their high social status essential. They have a noble character and they hate anything degrading, demoralizing or immoral.
I can see Danneel and Gen both have their sun in the 10th house. Which of course we all know they both are more or less famous mostly for who they are married to but we can't ruin it for these people with facts, can we?
Moon in Scorpio Moon in Scorpio creates the need to delve into your feelings as deep as possible and this brings great vulnerability. You never forget anything that was done to you. It's hard to force you to do anything. Moon in the 5th House The Moon in the fifth house creates a bond between emotions and creativity. These people are often somewhat trusting, so they have to watch out for bad advice regarding financial and other risky matters. They are the kind of people for whom safety is very important. They tend not to give their children enough independence. Their relationship with children has a strong emotional basis and their emotions play an important role in personal relationships. Sometimes they tend to remain in unsuitable personal relationships.
Not sure about Danneel's parenting skills but I am aware she and Jensen did bring JJ to Mardi Gras before. Also I don't think that Danneel spends that much time outside of the house besides the kids. She does apparently wrap presents for the kids on her own birthday and will have entire family outings a lot of times at Disney for her birthday (ex. 2023, 2022, etc.) and even "in keeping with the tradition... she gave the celebration to the kids. (Pretty sure she's secured "Sainthood" status)".
Mercury in Aries People with Mercury in Aries do everything quickly and they sometimes say things without thinking. Their enthusiasm may be quickly replaced with an interest in a new thing or another exciting experience. It may seem to other people that there is a fire behind them that is forcing them to act fast. Mercury affects fiery signs by creating lively imps who are interested in anything that attracts their attention. Their mind is active and wants thoughts and words to become deeds. However, it is important to accept not only mental stimulation but also challenges, and acknowledge that it takes some time before an idea or goal can be realised. Mercury in the 10th House Mercury in the tenth house tells us about achieving personal goals and ambitions. These people express themselves well both orally and in writing, and they can use this ability to achieve success and recognition in their work. Their job is important to them and their career is carefully and thoroughly planned, including education and preparation necessary to achieve their goals. Mercury brings the ability to present ideas and opinions to the public, and it often generates a talent for making great speeches, publishing or political strategy.
Now for Mercury in Retrograde:
Mercury appears to move backward in the sky (retrograde motion) three or four times a year for about 24 days. While this is more frequent than any other planet, Mercury is still only retrograde 19% of the time. This is far less than Jupiter outwards but more than Venus and Mars. Mercury Retrograde Natal Natal Mercury retrograde suggests there may have been a problem with how you thought and communicated in an earlier life. Perhaps you gave someone bad advice that had critical repercussions. Perhaps you were prone to making costly mistakes. Maybe you wrote defamatory material about someone in a book or newspaper or verbally teased and abused people. Whatever the circumstances of the previous significant incarnation, you come into this life with those bad memories etched in your soul. You probably don’t recognize them as memories but as déjà vu or unexplained guilt. A repeating theme of challenging events related to your past is likely, especially when young.
I notated earlier that Mercury in Aries can make people speak without thinking first and they can be a bit flighty in the sense their interests and pursuits can change rather quickly. We saw here that Danneel spoke about how Dean Winchester on Supernatural learned it all from his mother Mary (who by the way died when she was just 4 years old). In Danneel's natal chart, the Mercury is in her 10th house, which pertains to career, status and reputation. It seems that she does seem to have some issues with communication with regards to this kind of topic.
This may also be a contributing factor or at least a hint of the ongoing The Winchesters lawsuit. Seeing as how there were in fact communications indicating thunderstorms were picked up by radar within a 10 mile radius at the time of filming the second episode of the show. Bryan expressed concerns for the safety of filming at that time and no more than 10 min later, STRUCK by lightning he was! I'd say that some important communication issues at work took place here that are going to be potentially very costly for Danneel and Jensen and the other defendants.
Now if we also want to talk about how Danneel has argued with fans and stuff in the past or the alleged abuse happening between Danneel and Jensen per multiple anti Danneel bloggers on here...
Venus in Aquarius People with Venus in Aquarius have an open and experimental approach to relationships and art. On the one hand, it can be both relaxing and stimulating because it lets other people relax and be themselves. But on the other hand it may be harder to understand their feelings because their style may be disturbing, shocking or weird. They want to satisfy all types of people with their liberal attitude but if they do not adhere to some moral code, their relationships will end when their partner finds out that their broad-mindedness and free spirit are only manifestations of hidden objections. Their cold and impersonal personality may be ok on social events or with their friends, but it may be the reason why somebody who is more than a friend leaves them. Venus in the 8th House Venus in the eighth house suggests material gain obtained through marriage or other partnership. It often means an inheritance. At other times, it can mean a marriage closed by a desire for material security. These people are usually somewhat possessive and jealous. In any case, Venus in the eight house means that financial resources of these people will be of common origin and will not only be the result of their own efforts. It can lead to laziness or inertia because their life is too easy.
Now I am going to have to say... the Venus in the 8th house tidbit is extremely fitting. The other anti Danneel folks here will agree with this tidbit 100%, I just know it. Also, we know about the Tiger cleaning business or whatever the hell you want to call it went and her other so called businesses. We can also talk about her quality of work in the past prior to marriage and kids, as well as The Winchesters if we want to talk about laziness or inertia form life being too easy. Oh but wait, she has started going back to work with the upcoming Wales con and the other events she's been doing as well.
Mars in Pisces Mars in Pisces gives people the opportunity to work in professions where one does not come into direct contact with the public but exercises his authority in a detached workplace. These people can work for example as detectives, prison wardens or doctors in hospitals. They may also work in desolate places, for example on oil rigs. People with Mars in Pisces get what they want by delicate or indirect means. They tend to have secret love affairs and they can successfully hide such relationship from the public eye. Their actions are affected by strong emotional undercurrents and if they do not want them to negatively influence their efforts to reach their goals they have to figure out what these emotional undercurrents mean. Mars in the 9th House Mars in the ninth house suggests interest in travelling, sports, religion and philosophy. These people adhere to their principles and strongly advocate their opinions. They usually easily convince others about the correctness of their opinions. If they are not successful in doing what they do, they become impatient and they get angry easily. They are adventurous travelers who like to travel abroad. They are trying hard to learn new skills and gain new knowledge.
Well, I do know that Danneel apparently admitted to kissing someone that was not Jensen in an elevator or some nonsense like this during a Drama Queens Podcast episode. Many fans in the general population aren't going to listen to everything but those who are more into the fandom and care enough will dig up this info and not like what they see. It seems also that after people expressed concerns about FBBC and violating the terms of the actors and writers strikes in August 2023 regarding the Supe Juice beer, many comments were deleted of this nature. Supe Juice was announced 8/9/2023, about a couple weeks before a Mercury retrograde began. However, we sure as hell wouldn't see Danneel working hard on an oil rig or detective or certainly not a doctor in a hospital, no way jose! However, I do know that her father is an opthalmologist.
Now, Mars is another planet that's retrograde on Danneel's natal chart. Mars in retrograde according to wellandgood.com:
Mars is a spitfire planet with lots of physical energy—its placement in your chart informs your fitness personality and sex drive alike. If you were born during Mars retrograde, you may grapple with issues relating to energy, drive, ambition, autonomy, leadership, and manifestation.
Well, this seems agreeable with what the Venus in the 8th house tidbit says about inertia or laziness. It seems that the Mars retrograde in the 9th house may point to her interests in the occult... but also can be a bit armchair about it at the same time. We know she had the Rider Waite tarot deck hanging on their wall at the lakehouse seen during the AD Tour. She also did one book talk tour stop for Hilarie Burton's book Grimoire Girl Oct 4, 2023. Not sure if she actually read the whole book or what at this point however. According to the psychic guy I mentioned in previous posts, she had to conjure for 2 months to conceive the twins. Seems she has to work harder with conjuring in order to get what she wants...
Jupiter in the 1st House Jupiter in the first house plays an important role in shaping people´s character. It can be good or bad. Jupiter in the first house suggests optimistic and generous people. It focuses on the happy side of life. These people are sincere, trustworthy and benevolent, and these characteristics make them popular. However, they can also be extravagant and full of themselves. Jupiter is the planet of enlargement, so it sometimes causes obesity. It gives people confidence and respectable behaviour, especially in later life. These people are usually very religious and moral. It gives them the ability to take on a leading role in any chosen area, especially in religion, education and social development.
Now I'm going to have to say that I can't say she's always on her best behavior, nor is she always trustworthy and benevolent. I wonder if based on the below information, this could explain why Danneel has been barely posting on her own Instagram and Twitter pages in the last couplish years. No good news to share with the world or "newsworthy content" as some people say, no content. Some might say this is due to narcissism but it could be she just doesn't want to post as much anymore, who knows? I'd still like an answer for this myself ha ha. According to astrology.com:
Jupiter Retrograde in the Natal Chart A native with Jupiter retrograde in their natal chart will tend to have an innate sense of righteousness, morality, faith, and wisdom beyond their years. Depending on Jupiter's house placement, one will take a philosophical approach regarding matters of that house; seeking a deeper a truth. For example, in the second house, this translates to a quest for one's true values and worth beyond material possessions as deemed by society. This is also the area of life where the native will retreat when the troubles of the world get to be too much. Jupiter is benevolent even when retrograde, allowing the individual to internalize positivity on a deeper level. As inner seekers, those with Jupiter retrograde in the natal chart value kindness, generosity, compassion, reason, a purpose for existence, and a great awareness of their gifts. However, in the earlier years, they might find it harder to share their gifts with the world for reasons including lack of opportunities, self-confidence, and self-doubt. But within the first 30 years of the native's life, Jupiter will station direct by progression, marking it a time when the wheel of fortune is turning, demanding a huge leap of faith.
Saturn in Virgo Saturn in Virgo teaches these people to distinguish between what is important and what is insignificant, and about what is good for them and what is bad for them. Their life lessons can lead them to extreme asceticism or on contrary, to self-indulgence. Sometimes their conscience is like an altar on which they sacrifice all their desires for secular pleasures, and at other times they desecrate them with vigour. Therefore, they have to establish certain purity of being, but this purity should not be too demanding and it should not expose their soul completely. Saturn in the 3rd House Saturn in the third house influences mental processes and communication. It implies mental discipline and hand-on approach. It often leads to depressions and low self-confidence. They are practical people who judge things according to their usefulness. They usually speak slowly and they think their words through carefully. They are very careful in financial and legal matters. In some cases, Saturn in the third house may mean difficulties or delays in education, especially at a young age. They are honest people whose sense of justice is very well developed.
Now, I don't know about her childhood and if she's had any issues in school or anything. I will say that I've had some people tell me via PMs they had some difficulties verifying the info out there claiming Danneel did go to school. Not sure if she did obtain a degree at Louisiana State University but the info out there says says she "was a cheerleader in high school and went on to attend Louisiana State University". Now, if someone wants to go ahead and request a transcript from her college be my guest ha ha.
Saturn is a planet that's also retrograde in her Natal chart. According to astrologyking.com:
Natal Saturn Retrograde Saturn retrograde in your natal chart suggests a problem with self-discipline or avoiding responsibility in a former life. Due to illness, immaturity, or disrespect, you may have neglected to look after your loved ones. Perhaps you failed to earn a living to support your parents or ran out on your partner and children. There will be some lessons or extra effort required in this life to pay back this karmic debt. You must learn the lessons so you don’t have to go through this difficult cycle again.
Mars Opposition Saturn (5°40’, Separating) This aspect brings one personality trait that is not very constructive - these people are often unable to finish things they have started, even when it is important for them. They can get excited about it but then they quickly give up when they see obstacles along the way that appear to happen "by chance". These people often have a weaker will which reduces their stamina. It is precisely the problem that they should learn to deal with in life - they should learn to be more persistent and firm and to complete things they have started.
Could this be why Danneel is more or less a so called homemaker, despite supposed desires to do more outside of the home (in the name of "failed" business startups)? Is this why despite her having an easy life as seen in her lifestyle and other aspects in her natal chart she does feel... unmotivated? Past life karma and thus why she is barely "allowed" to travel or just generally doesn't travel as much as say Gen? Bummer Danneel couldn't make it to Italy because she loves Italian food, and bummer Danneel couldn't make it to France earlier this year because she "loves French food and listens to French music". This motivation problem seems to be more present thanks to that Venus in 8th house, as well as the Mars opposing Saturn, Saturn being retrograde in the 3rd house, etc. I can see communication problems are definitely a theme in Danneel's natal chart and life manifestations as well.
Uranus in Scorpio Uranus in Scorpio increases the fluctuations of emotions, providing new and fresh insights into the process of death and transformation. These people often have a revolutionary approach to sex, they are interested in psychology and they are able to bring new practices and methods into it. Perhaps the biggest advantage of this aspect is that it gives people very strong will and improves their resistance to physical suffering. Uranus in the 5th House Uranus in the fifth house brings turbulence and changes to the house of love, personal creativity and children. These people are usually inventive and creative, but they may suffer from a lack of discipline. They may be careless or ruthless, and their ideas may cost them dearly. They usually long for freedom and independence. These attitudes will be passed on to their children. These people need good governance since they are little otherwise they will get into trouble. Their usually not very conventional personal relationships are established quickly and they often end just as abruptly.
Uranus too is a planet that's retrograde on her natal chart. According to astrology.com:
In traditional astrology, however, retrograde planets are not seen as merely misguided, but as being thoroughly weakened. Speed and visibility were both important considerations to ancient astrologers, and on both accounts, retrograde planets are at a disadvantage. Fast-moving planets were interpreted as being active and able to bring about their significations, while slow-moving planets, like ones in retrograde, were deemed too sluggish to do their job properly. It is worth noting that the outer planets—Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto—had not yet been discovered when the ancient astrologers were drafting their opinions on retrograde planets. In general, Uranus retrograde in the natal chart is considered less impactful than a retrograde personal planet, such as Mercury or Venus. The effects of natal Uranus retrograde gain more potency if Uranus forms strong aspects to other planets or points, particularly the sun, moon, and ascendant. Uranus' responsibility in the birth chart is to awaken us to real freedom, pushing us out of complacency through subsequent breakdowns and breakthroughs. Wherever Uranus is found in the birth chart is an area of life which we may feel inordinately confined, even if we are not; throughout life, we may hatch an escape plan, attempting to free ourselves from the shackles of responsibility. A prominently placed Uranus, whether direct or retrograde, usually indicates that the holder of the chart must find a way to grapple with the wily energy of Uranus, charting a middle path between inspired innovation and meaningless rebellion. Positively, this usually leads those with prominent Uranus placements to high levels of autonomy and self-individuation. When poorly expressed, Uranian influences can erupt as erratic outbursts of brilliance which fail to find proper expression in material reality. Those with Uranus retrograde in the natal chart may need to expend considerable energy coming to terms with their need for individuality and freedom.
Also saw this in her natal chart (with squares being considered a strong aspect some astrologers consider to be negative):
Venus Square Uranus (3°07’, Applying) This aspect complicates any relationship because these people see relationships literally as a loss of personal freedom and integrity. They are mentally unstable and their feelings constantly change. They often get involved in great number of relationships throughout their life. They are unconventional, difficult to get along with, eccentric and original when they create art. They are just as unstable in their ways of dealing with money. They are adventurous and they lead unstable love life.
Moon Conjunction Uranus (2°51’, Separating) This conjunction gives people strong need for emotional and family freedom. They need constant change. It may seem that these people express their feelings openly but then they have emotional outbursts to unwind their feelings. They feel separated from society (complex of separation). They are restless, original and eccentric. They experience sudden emotional changes of mood and strong fragmented emotions.
It seems to me like Danneel has a bit of an eccentric take on relationships publicly and possibly even secretly. People who frequent Tumblr will immediate think of her and Steve Carlson, who Jensen sings with for Radio Company. they may also look back on the whole cheating on Riley with Jensen tidbit (and breaking up with him to be with Jensen).
Now for a planet that is NOT retrograde on her natal chart, Neptune. Apparently this is the most dominant planet on her natal chart according to astro-seek.com.
Neptune in Sagittarius People with Neptune in Sagittarius use their creative abilities to serve ideals, whether these ideals are their own or somebody´s else. They tend to serve their faith or religion. In any case, their thoughts and opinions are influenced by philosophical insights, and they are happy to help develop some religious or philosophical ideal. Neptune in the 6th House Neptune in the sixth house suggests a connection with the work environment, the need to provide services and also with health. These people may have the spiritual urge to help others. They may have illusions about their job and have somewhat grandiose attitude towards their job. They often have difficulties fulfilling their everyday duties and with small things. They are not good organizers and they are not very practical. They have to pay attention to their health.
Sun Square Neptune (7°03’, Separating) This aspect creates people that are overly empathetic and too willing to sacrifice themselves, and thus they may easily be used by others or cheated. These people should stay away from drugs, alcohol and tobacco because they have considerable tendencies to use drugs and alcohol to solve their problems. Node Square Neptune (3°19’, Separating) The positive thing about this aspect is that these people are sure of their decisions and this helps them overcome life challenges. Pure spirituality becomes the focus of their life. The negative side of this aspect is that these people only have vague ideas about their focus and meaning of life or their sense for life direction is poor. They easily withdraw their focus from what is important, they are not persistent, or all their goals fall apart. Mars Square Neptune (5°35’, Applying) This aspect is great for mysticism and it reinforces imagination and fantasy which these people often prefer to reality. Their practical approach to life is also greatly suppressed. They often combine feverish activities in order to promote themselves through illusions of their unrealistic ideals and fantasies. These people are often chaotic.
Could this in a way explain why Danneel seems to turn to botox a lot and also apparently had a nose job and implants in the past? Resolve the issues in her romantic life with Jensen and others? I also noticed in some photos that her hand looked poofy. The psychic guy did also mention some health crisis taking place over this summer. I believe this was an averted crisis from what I was told by my guides personally. Not sure how she's doing now but if she's signing up for cons I imagine she can't be doing too terribly.
Pluto in Libra People with Pluto in the Libra have a good sense of balance, but because Pluto is falling in this sign, it can also bring about sudden and profound changes in their family or unexpected changes in relationships etc. In general, this position brings fears and uncertainties to relationships. These people are adaptable and responsible in their relationships, but they are also unstable. Personal transformation can be accomplished by developing the ability to relate to other people. Pluto in the 4th House Pluto in the fourth house creates tension at home. These people will have the tendency to be domineering towards their friends and relatives. In such a home environment there may be a struggle for power among family members. These people have a strong bond with their home or country. In some cases, they will be interested in science or jobs that deal with their country or the world.
I'm seeing a lot of tension at home or within relationships type of elements going on within Danneel's natal chart. I also see a lot of desire for freedom in her natal chart but also her lifestyle being given to her through her marriage with Jensen shining through as well. I will say there's a lot less Plutonian aspects in Danneel's natal chart than in Gen's. Some say may be a good thing from a parental point of view particularly with regards to the maternal side (Pluto and moon especially). Since Pluto is also retrograde in Danneel's natal chart:
In general, Pluto retrograde in the natal chart is considered less impactful than a retrograde personal planet, such as Mercury or Venus. The effects of natal Pluto retrograde gain more potency if Pluto forms strong aspects to other planets or points, particularly the sun, moon, and ascendant. Part of Pluto's unenviable remit is to introduce us to the bleaker realities of life, like death and rebirth, destruction and regeneration. All things, even particularly good things, people, and places, must meet their end, eventually. While our joys can be plentiful, none of us escape scotch free from the grip of pain and loss as we navigate through life. A prominently placed Pluto, whether direct or retrograde, may afford one a deeper, more acute relationship with the kinds of shadowy material that Pluto embodies (and which most sensible folks avoid). Less helpfully, with Pluto's connection to power and control, someone with Pluto retrograde may be less able to express their power effectively and may find themselves more likely to shrink back when confronted. Over time, those with Pluto retrograde in the natal chart may become more able to integrate the intensity of their personalities.
Also spotted these aspects in her natal chart:
Neptune Sextile Pluto (2°04’, Separating) This harmonious aspect is long-lasting and it affects peace-making attitudes. In connection with other aspects it further enhances peace-building and transformative actions on global scale. Venus Trine Pluto (0°45’, Applying) This harmonious aspect gives people the ability to experience relationships very deeply. However, these people require the same from their partner, and this may give rise to problems and conflicts, especially if these requirements are not met by the partner. This aspect gives people talent for publicity in media. They often have many useful contacts that help them succeed. This aspect activates sexuality and sex appeal. In general, these people can experience their sexuality without unnecessary "adornments" and superstitions.
Also saw this for her Chiron and Lunar Nodes
Chiron in Taurus- also on Gen's chart Unhealable wound of these people may be the result of the fact that other people, their parents, teachers, colleagues, superiors etc. have been constantly belittling them, although they have had no reason to do so. It is as if they have always been lacking something and therefore cannot be regarded as full-fledged. Revolutionary social events could deprive them of property that has been in the family for generations. These people cannot seem to manage to create their own privacy. It's as if something prevents them from enjoying the little that they have. Even the accumulation of property and various rewards and prices can not heal this injury. Chiron in the 11th House Trauma caused by inability to implement Utopian visions, the impossibility of carrying out reforms in society and building the ideal society. Disappointment in friends that often does not cease to hurt even in old age, and from time to time this wound reopens. These people have been trying to be independent all their life but it is as if something is stopping them from realising this dream.
North Node in Virgo (South in Pisces) North Node in Virgo brings the conflict between rational and irrational, between dream and reality, between self-adjustment and self-sacrifice. These people have to learn to be more concrete and to cope with everyday routine and reality. They need to move from vague imagination to activity and fulfilment of routine duties. They need to stop escaping into their dream world and go through transcendental experiences in everyday life instead. Beware of unreliability, escaping the world and isolating from the world. North Node (Mean) in the 3rd House - South Node in the 9th House North Node in the third house brings the conflict between seeking objectivity and lively communication on the one hand, and clinging to a highly subjective understanding, firmly anchored opinions and commands on the other. These people need to learn how to express complex contexts and ideas in everyday language, how to convey spiritual thinking into practical life, transfer it in comprehensible form and show clearly the connection between the philosophical and noble knowledge and values of everyday life. Beware of prejudices and stubborn beliefs.
And of course her Lilith.
Lilith in Leo These people are very proud, or even stuck-up. Lilith in this sign may indicate the struggle "I against the rest of the world". These people are self-centred and selfish. They do not acknowledge other people. The common attitude of these people in sexuality is "My sexuality does not belong to my partner, it only belongs to me". It is not always easy to live with this attitude because the likes and preferences of our partner should be taken into account as well. These people can develop their inner wisdom by humour, insight, play, theatre, and everything they can do for others to make them happy. Beware of eye injuries and problems with heart. Lilith (Mean) in the 2nd House Clear ambiguity between obsession and rejection of material goods.
I did say before that it seems Danneel is likely having issues with her cardiovascular system instead of her reproductive system as the psychic guy implied. It seems to me that a big life lesson Danneel needs to learn but may not is being independent and worth something more than just being Jensen Ackles' wife. I sense that based on her astrology her, her past life karma ultimately points to a need for her to speak her truth and for her to actually take a more honest look at herself... and if she wants true freedom and independence she needs to venture out of the home more. This may be why the higher powers let her have the kids via black magic: because they allow things based on everyone involved and their karma. She was "locked in" at home with the kids for a long time while Jensen worked on Supernatural for most of the year.
Another big lesson for Danneel is bringing her dreams into fruition but also being realistic about what she wants. You can't expect people to do it all for you, if you want something done, you got to do it yourself. The lack of motivation that's clear in her behaviors and even in her natal chart. I believe also this is a good reason why FBBC is not doing so good. Gino and the rest of the Graul family depended on Jensen's deep pockets and reputation to keep it afloat, as opposed to great service, good food, unique craft beers and for god's sake, location, location, location! People don't want to drive 30 min+ out of town to go hang out at a brewery all day anymore.
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sara78 · 2 years
Family don't end in blood - Chapter 4
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Summary: Time moves fast while Y/N tries to juggle school and filming. When given a chance for a break, she takes it with a bit of hesitation to her decision and hopes for the best.
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x foster!daughter reader
Word count: 3,000 and some change
A/N: Sorry for the long wait! I finally got around to posting this. Enjoy!
It's been almost three months since you started school. Some days were more challenging than others, but you surely fell into a routine. Jensen kept a close eye on you and ensured you were doing well. At first, you didn't like it when he was bossy and twisting your schedule around, but you soon enough realized that he was doing that for your own well-being. So, instead of bitching about it, you decided to appreciate the act of kindness, because you knew that he didn't have to do any of what he's been doing for months, ever since you moved in.
You were really excited about your fall break. The fact that you got a total of 7 days off of filming made it even better. You had a few assignments to turn in here and there, a book to annotate and a math test coming up, but you now had all the time in the world to do all of that without any stressing about not having enough time to do so.
You overheard Jensen talking on the phone with his wife, plotting a surprise for his kids. You smiled softly, only imagining the smiles on their faces as they see their daddy. You were really happy for him. You were happy for Jared and Misha too. They all missed their families like crazy, and this strict filming schedule was for sure rough on them.
Jensen's POV
"Hey sweetheart," I hummed, answering Danneel's call,
"Hi," she responded, "How's the filming?"
"Hm, Y/N and I got off early. Turns out when we don't film a scene with Jared, it takes us like 5 takes."
"That doesn't surprise me, like at all," Dee teased, "What's the plan?"
"Hm, packing," I began, "I got some toys for the little ones."
"And Y/N?"
"She sends some toys over for the kiddos too."
"That's so sweet of her! Tell her I said thanks. And what are her plans?"
"Huh, I dunno. I think she'll stay here and do her schoolwork."
"You told me she has a fall break?"
"Yeah, and a lot of schoolwork to turn in after it ends. She even mentioned a math test."
"That doesn't sound like a fun fall break," Danneel responded,
"Hm, true that. I was thinking of inviting her to come over with me. What do you think about that?"
"That's so sweet of you. Sure, why not?"
"Really?" I asked, not able to hide the joy at the offer. Truth to be told, I wanted her to meet Danneel and the kiddos. She could use a change of scenery and environment in general,
"Yeah! I'd love to meet her. She sounds like a great kid from your stories."
"I'll ask her then. You didn't blow my surprise, right?"
"Don't worry about it," Danneel responded, a scream going off on her end, "And that's my cue. Have a good flight, sweetie. I'll see you soon!"
When I walk out of my room, I see Y/N once again situated at the counter, singing something softly. I don't walk over yet, listening carefully to the melody, recognizing it right away. One of my songs. I smile to myself, approaching her. I let my hand on her shoulder, grabbing her attention. She takes her headphones off, looking up at me with a smile,
"Hey! You all packed up?"
"Yes sir," I smile, "That math?"
"Close. Physics," she responded, "I hate it."
"I believe you do," I giggled, "I got a question for you," she tilted her head sideways, making me chuckle, "Too much time with Misha, dude."
"I don't regret a second," she responded,
"Yeah, I agree on that one. Anyways, Danneel and I were wondering if you would be down to tag along with me?" she furrowed her brows in confusion, "I mean if you want to fly with me to Texas, change up the scenery a bit. I'm pretty sure you're bored of Vancouver by now."
"I... I don't wanna intrude," she whispered, "You're super excited to see your family. I don't wanna be in the way of that."
"You're not in way of anything. I'm serious, kiddie," I smiled, "You can come with me."
"I... Are you sure?"
"Hundred percent," she looked down, nodding, "Is that a yes?" I asked, making her giggle as she looked back up,
"Yeah, it's a yes."
"YAY!" I exclaimed, "Okay, go pack. I'll book another ticket for you," I said, walking away.
"Jensen!" she exclaimed, making me stop and turn around, "Thanks."
"You don't thank me just yet," I teased, "You've still to survive three hyperactive kids. I think you'll be thanking me for bringing you back to Vancouver in a week," she laughed, standing up and going to her room.
Your POV
You stirred on your side, humming quietly at the soft surface beneath you. You don't remember plane seats were this comfortable. You open your eyes for a hot second and you freak out, jumping up to a sitting position immediately.
"Hey, you're safe," Jensen's voice whispered, making you look back at his tired face, "We made it home."
"How did you-"
"I carried you. Jared got your bag," Jensen nod his head in the direction where he left her suitcase, "You didn't get a lot of sleep last night and we had no heart to wake you up. It's no biggie."
"Thanks," you smiled, Jensen returning it back,
"Always. Welcome home, kid," he said, "Well, we're in the guest room right now."
"You didn't go to your room?"
"No. It's literally 3AM. I don't want to wake her or the kiddos up. I always crash here when I make it late."
"Aww, you're very thoughtful," you said, "Thanks for inviting me once again."
"Hm, don't sweat it," he nod, "You didn't have a nightmare, did you?"
"No," you shook your head, "My eyes opened accidentally and I panicked cause the last thing I remember is sitting between you and Jared."
"Valid," Jensen giggled, "Now you don't have a moose hanging over your head and you can sleep."
"Yeah," you said, looking around the room before you giggled,
"You really do turn that doll away," you teased, pointing at the porcelain doll standing on a bookshelf. Jensen laughed, throwing his head back against the pillow,
"Haters gonna hate."
"You've been filming a horror show for 16 years now and you're scared of a porcelain doll. I find it cute in all honesty."
"In my defense, supernatural is different kind of scary. Besides, I've done enough of it to know that thing can be... suitable for possessions," he said, making you laugh, "Okay kid, go back to sleep now."
"Right," you nod, laying back down, "Sorry for waking you up," Jensen rolled his eyes before ruffling your hair,
"Don't apologize. Night night."
The next morning
"Good morning, Ackles household!" Jensen exclaimed, the kids screaming their asses off as they ran to Jensen, jumping on him and hugging him like there's no tomorrow. You smiled as you stood behind him, taking in the sight of the widest child smiles you've ever seen. While the girls hung themselves on Jensen's neck, Zeppelin let go of his dad and decided to walk over to you, giving you a wave. You giggled at the cute face he sported, just like his dad's. You crouched down to his level,
"Hi!" he exclaimed with a smile, "You daddy's friend?"
"Yeah," you smiled, "You must be Zeppelin, huh?" he nod, immediately walking over to you and wrapping his tiny arms around your neck. You gasped at the sudden movement but accepted the embrace, picking him up and sitting him on your hip. You heard a laugh, followed by Danneel who joined the gathering,
"Ackles junior already got you wrapped around his little finger, huh?" she asked, making you giggle as you rocked Zeppelin in your arms, making him giggle before he rested his head on your shoulder, "I'm Danneel."
"Y/N. It's nice to meet you," you smiled kindly, Danneel returning it,
"The pleasure is mine," she smiled,
"Ah, there's my boy," Jensen smiled, letting the girls down on the ground and coming up to you and Zeppelin, "You found a cuddle buddy, huh?" he teased Zeppelin who nod. Jensen kissed his temple before grabbing Danneel's hand and pulling her in for a kiss, you and the little ones cringing immediately,
"Daddy has cooties, mommy!" Arrow exclaimed, making everyone giggle,
"Well thank you very much," Jensen grumbled before kissing Danneel again, "You're gonna have to deal with it," he smirked, Danneel smacking him playfully before hugging him, "Missed ya."
You walked up to the girls who weren't really rolling with your presence, or at least that's what it seemed to you. You crouched down once again,
"Hi. I'm Y/N."
The girls didn't respond and it made you frown. You did expect kids not to like you but the expectation didn't prepare you for the sting you'd feel in the given moment,
"Hey, come on, introduce yourselves," Jensen said,
"Arrow," she spoke up first, smiling lightly,
"Justice Jay," she grumbled, turning around and walking away. You sighed but turned your attention back on Arrow who was still there,
"That's a very nice name," you commented, "Tell me, Arrow, how old are you?"
"Five!" she and Zeppelin exclaimed in union, making you smile,
"Unca Jare says we gonna be real big soon cuz we turn six and we show our age with both hands!" Zeppelin explained,
"Uncle Jared has a point there. That is really cool and you get to be big kids soon, huh?" they both nod,
"Breakfast is ready!"
After breakfast
"Okay, daddy wants to hear all about what you guys did in school for the past few weeks, so," he said, sitting down on the floor, "Bring it in!" you smiled as you watched the kids run out of the room to grab some of their stuff to show Jensen while you chose to help Danneel clean the table,
"Oh, you don't have to do that," she smiled, "You had an exhausting day yesterday, and a flight on top of it."
"This isn't much, really. It's the least I can do," you smiled back, feeling a little hand grab your shorts. You looked down, seeing Arrow, "Hey, what's the matter?" you asked, leaning down,
"Do you wanna come to my and JJ's teaparty today?"
"Oh, well since you asked so nicely, yeah, I'll come. Is your big sis okay with it?" Arrow shrugged her shoulders, "Okay, you need to ask your big sis first and then let me know, okay?" she nod, turning around and walking away to where Jensen was seated with JJ and Zeppelin,
"Listen, JJ might not be the most welcoming person at the moment, but she's a good kid. She's just-"
"Not trusting me," you smiled, "I understand. I was well aware of that possibility. It's okay. I hope that will change someday. Until then I'll respect her boundaries. She needs to know that I'm not here to steal anyone or anything nor interrupt or bother. Can you let me know if she begins thinking like that? I really don't want to cause problems to you and Jensen."
"You have to respect her boundaries but she has to respect you too. Jensen and I will have a chat with her. She's a big kid and she should know better than give you the cold shoulder. She's just hard-headed. Kinda like her mom. And her dad too. She's a bit of both worlds," she giggled, making you smile too, "Jensen told me you got a load of schoolwork to get done. If you need peace, Zeppelin can take you to the swing spot in our backyard. It's quiet there."
"Oh, thanks a lot. I'll definitely use it at some point."
"Women!" Jensen exclaimed, turning his head around, "You two gonna gossip all day or join us here?"
"Go," Danneel said and you nod, drying the last dish before leaving to where Jensen was seated with all of the kiddos,
"Okay, what are we doing?" you asked, sitting down on the floor and looking up at Jensen who dragged his suitcase over. Zeppelin sat on your lap, cuddling into you and you couldn't help but smile at the motion, wrapping your arms around him as he made himself comfy. Jensen smiled at you, opening his suitcase, "Let's see..."
"Hey there," Danneel smiled, sitting next to you after dinner, as you were reading a book. She giggled at Zeppelin, asleep in the hammock, "Well he's out like a light."
"We played soccer and were playing cars for the majority of the day. I'd be surprised if he were still upright," you commented, "How's the tea party?"
"Oh it's going fabulous," Danneel giggled, "Jensen is getting his manicure and pedicure as we speak," you giggled with Danneel, "You didn't join us," she mentioned,
"No," you shook your head, "I didn't really want to intrude. The girls missed their dad and Zeppelin was kinda all alone. I figured he'd like my company. He kinda dragged me out to play anyways."
"You don't feel obliged to do everything he asks you to. You have your work to do too."
"I don't mind him wanting to play with me. He reminds me of my best friend's little brother. He used to do that all the time when we were babysitting him. Brings back some nice memories. Besides, I'm honored to have some of his trust this fast."
"Hm, you want to know something?" Danneel hummed, making you look at her, "He's the shy one. I hide behind mom, dad and big sisters at all times shy. I didn't expect him to come up to you like that."
"Well, he is a spitting image of his dad, if nothing I expected him to have some of his personality. And believe me, I was surprised myself."
"I think he can sense a real good heart, like his dad," Danneel smiled, "So, tell me how are you handling all the stuff? Jensen told me you're a great student. You can balance it with work?"
"Yeah," you nod, "It's hard sometimes, but Jensen really helps a lot with everything he can. Also, if you see my character doing some research in a scene, it's usually me doing my schoolwork," Danneel and you giggled, "It's challenging but I really appreciate the teachers going out their way to help me and all."
"That's right! Jensen told me you're from Y/H/C. That's a long way from Vancouver."
"It is. I was really surprised to find out that the teachers were on board with the whole online school thing."
"Well, I guess they know you're a hard-working kid," she smiled, "And how do you feel about being on set? This is a new experience for you, I suppose?"
"Mhm," you nod, "I've never been close to a set before. And it's amazing. I was a fan of the show and a part of the family, and I really get to see now that this show and everyone working on it is just so kind and generous and I feel like I belong even though I'm the newest person there."
"I have to ask you one last thing before I take the lil' guy to bed - have you pranked Misha yet?" you burst out laughing, throwing your head back,
"Oh God," you said, finally catching a breath, "No, not directly. I just don't have heart to do that to him. I did stand by and watch the brilliant ways Jared's brain works though."
"Oh, finally someone who understands me!" Danneel exclaimed, making you smile, "Okay, I won't bother you anymore. Don't stay outside for much longer, mosquitoes are a pain and it's getting pretty dark," she warned, picking up Zeppelin gently, "Night Y/N."
"Night," you smiled, watching as she walked off into the house.
3rd person POV
As Danneel was tucking Zeppelin into his bed, he whined,
"Yes, honey?"
"Can Y/N stay?" he whispered shyly, "Forever?"
"Well I think Y/N has a family of her own, but she can come to visit us for sure."
"Okay," he yawned, closing his eyes again, "Night night mommy."
"Night night, sweetheart," she cooed, kissing his forehead before turning on her heel and leaving his room.
"Hey," Jensen whispered, "Girls are out like a light."
"So is Zeppelin. Y/N wore him out good."
"Yeah?" Jensen asked, coming up to Danneel and wrapping an arm around her,
"Mhm. She played with him all afternoon. She's very sweet. And the little guy likes her too."
"He does like her. He took me by surprise this morning."
"He just asked if she can stay with us forever," Danneel smiled, ruffling Jensen's hair, "You chose a good kid, honey."
"Thanks," he giggled, "Where's she?"
"I think she's outside," Danneel yawned, "I'll go take a shower."
"Wait up for me?" he winked, Danneel rolling her eyes,
"I'll wait for you in our bed, mister," she teased as she walked off, Jensen grumbling jokingly as he walked away.
"Kiddo!" Jensen exclaimed, Y/N looking behind her from where she was sitting on the grass, "You like to watch the stars?" he hummed, sitting down next to her,
"Mhm. Grandpa and I used to do that when I was little. He's one of the very few that was actually good to me."
"Yeah? You mention your grandpa a lot. You were close to him?"
"Mhm. I grew up without a dad. He was like a dad to me though. Taught me all the stuff and raised me. Maybe I didn't turn out perfect, but I like to think that he's proud of me for every choice I made."
"I'm sure he is," Jensen smiled, looking up at the sky, "He up there?"
"Yeah," she smiled sadly, "It'll be two years in December."
"Sorry," Jensen said softly, hugging her. She sighed, leaning in for a moment before pulling away,
"What else did you do with your grandpa?"
"We did a lot of gardening. I really miss doing that."
"Jared's wife, Gen, she has her little garden. I bet she'd love another helper."
"Maybe," she said, shrugging her shoulders, "It's late. Are the kids asleep?"
"Yup," Jensen nod, "Listen, sorry about JJ's behavior today."
"Don't be. I know that she's not very welcoming at the moment. I'm an unfamiliar face to her and that's okay."
"That is true, but she should give you a chance. Now, I wanted to ask if you would be comfortable with a little party tomorrow? I'm thinking of inviting the Padaleckis for barbecue."
"I'm fine with whatever you guys plan to do. I'm in your house after all."
"Okay then," he smiled, hugging her gently, "You should go to bed too."
"Yeah, I probably should," she said, yawning,
"Let's go."
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lightofraye · 18 days
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I had this as an ask--I think the person was going around a bit to get some folks' input, which doesn't bother me. But I decided to grab the full screenshots and point to the part that had sparked a conversation among some folks. I even had a couple of followers ask for my thoughts.
Now... this did come up in a little group chat amongst me and a few others. We all have thoughts on it.
Oh I should probably go to the part I'm talking about. My bad.
The tweeter--HanmeiCui--tried to capture all that was said during Radio Company's little BBQ dinner during AustinCon. And folks were intrigued by Number 8.
"Fans asked him what he misses most about Texas and he said, I don't? I am still here all the time. I am here now, I was here a few weeks ago and then a few weeks before that. My whole family's still here my mom and dad are in Dallas I often visit them."
HanmeiCui also added: "So I kind of… I didn't catch what he said after that but I got the idea that he thinks of himself more like commuting, instead of permanently moved out."
Given he doesn't have any property (none that we have to officially verify ourselves with public records anyway) in Austin or Texas as a whole... FBBC is... something. Sold, not sold, either way, the brewery won't be back. Maybe a small taproom to keep incompetent brother-in-law Gino busy after he ran FBBC into the ground. Ahem. Yes, there is a house on the FBBC property but... near as we can tell, no one lives there.
The Ackles sold the rest of their properties--the condo, the lake house, etc. Also sold the Colorado condo.
Near as any of us could tell... no properties in Texas.
It had been largely assumed that if Jensen did visit his parents, it was likely without Danneel in tow. So if Jensen does visit often as he indicated, he may just be staying at a hotel, a friend's guest room (Steve does have a place in Austin), or the like.
I mean, Papa Ackles is 75 now. (Oh dang, his father is just a couple of years older than mine.) I imagine Jensen would want to see his parents a bit more. And for a while, he had the free time to do so.
A lot of folks have interpreted the statements in a few ways. One was a kind of professional "He's trying to keep the ol' boy Texan persona" going. Another was "Maybe he's trying to get re-established back in Texas without the wife." A third was "Maybe he has a place in secret in Texas"!
My thoughts?
I want to believe it's number two--getting re-established in Texas without the wife. (Come on, you know I'm an anti-Danneel. Why are you reading my stuff?) He's certainly made a few decisions this past year and a half that have me poking at the game board of life and going "Hmm...."
Such as his Social Media changing from a mix of family and business to strictly work posts (and frustrating his stans in the process, heh); such as Danneel going completely radio silent on her IG (but still commenting on others, hmm); such as selling all of FBBC without a new location in place; buying a mansion across the darn country and so far away from most of his friends and family; to seemingly abandoning CMP to Danneel to destroy.
There's still a few things we're not seeing. A few things we're not aware of. I could speculate until my face turned blue. For now, I'm content to sit and wait and observe the chess board.
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thetiredstuff · 1 year
Now that we know jensen and misha are working on something and the press release revealed chaos machine productions has now moved its first look deal to Amazon, I wonder if jensen and misha and danneel’s project has anything to do with TV or movies (which I would imagine it does cuz it doesn’t make sense for the Ackles to mention it otherwise) so does that mean that with a bit of luck we’ll see it manifest on Amazon??
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theyarebothgunshot · 2 years
Your tag under this post here so true. Also the post itself. I'm always having a blast when everyone is joined in the craziness, but at the same time I'm always exhausted afterwards 😆
lmao yes so true, it is chaotic in the best way hfdhhsf but i finally have time to freak out some more after being a "responsible adult" all day......
it's been a while since i have done a compilation like this but i dont wanna clog the dash and it's all about the same thing so here we goooo
Jensen did everything in his power to stomp the J*2 narrative into dust this weekend. Love that journey for him!
listen, i am not one to be petty (lol okay sometimes i am, ngl) but.... the difference was SO stark this time, it has to be said
I was obviously hoping for some good cockles content this con, but this has exceeded everything I could have thought of lol. Amazing.
my expectations were pretty managed after we got interrupted so early last time, but this indeed exeeded everything!!
Gonna have a difficult week... And difficult four months until I leave work... But I'm so hyped but today's Cockles nothing's gonna stop me - tea anon
i'm sorry you are gonna face some hard times <3 you know i am here when you want to talk! thankfully jenmish gave us enough seretonin for a life time hdgfhdg
First we get Mish. Dee. Now we have Jensen, Danneel and their boyfriend Misha. Truly could not have predicted them being *that* unhinged but I do love to see it! Going to need about 10 business days to process it all though lmaoooo - Honeymoon Anon
you and me both!!
The thing is, there is absolutely no reason for them to act like that, none. like, can you imagine jensen making that kind of jokes toward jp lmaoooo he'd rather unalive himself💀 but then again, misha is his close friend so , what's the difference hmmm🫠 they are driving me insane Rose
*kermit nodding gif* yeah..... it is a lot lmfaooo
“tell jensen i mentioned him first”
they wanna score points with the big boss ghdhgh
Rose it's 5 am and I haven't slept yet and I am so not normal about this. I have been around a lot of JIBs so I knew what was coming. Yet, I still am so overwhelmed by everything that happened. I have watched the cockles panel twice by now. Some scenes I have definitely watched more than 20 times. I have perceived more and more details every time I rewind. Jensen Ackles butt wiggling. Him winking at Misha. That weird expression on his face when he made a wish. The movement of chairs, which is, of course - as it always is every JIB - closer together. The weird non-improvisation of the improvisation. Daniela coming in with the CW sniper in the form of a birthday cake to stop Jensen coming out as Misha Collins' boyfriend. Not to mention all the other big things that happened. Canary? Kissing Misha? When in Rome??? The preparation of Misha's 50th birthday party. Misha and Jensen playing an European puppet show with Misha shouting "Dieter I love you! Kiss me Dieter". Rose. Jensen said Misha is Danneel's boyfriend. Jensen said Misha is his boyfriend. The underbear and straddlegate have walked so that this Jibcon panel could run. How am I supposed to sleep? I am not even attending a convetion yet the convention high is keeping me restless. I feel like I need a continuation. Like this was a series finale with a cliffhanger that needs to be resolved. Like there are things that need to come up so this can settle. I have been a cockles perceiver since years yet my patience is limited right now. I mean if I wait a day or two I know it will wear of. It always does. But the boyfriend will stay. Right here with us.
- anon anon (you know who I am)
ahhhhh i totally feel you!! i had to physically make myself go to bed last night because i had to get up early, but it took a LOT to finally go to bed and i slept poorly ngl hfgdhhg i hope you did manage to get some sleep though!! and oof. what a year yesterday was!!!
Also @ all the other anons, I remember you guys, too!!! ♥️ I don't know if you remember me though haha
- anon anon
ahww i'm sure they do!! <3
You Know what i have realised. This weekend have felt like a fan fic of dean and cas but instead of reading it i was watching it.
you're not wrong!!
Ok also at the end of angeles he glances at misha then suddenly stops playing and looks away sooooo bashful. Did you show too much jensen? Did you get nervous when you made eye contact???
head in my fucking hands!!!!! jensen.... sweetie....... why sing that song huh????? answer quickly (also hiiii omg love seeing you in my inbox!!)
jensen singing angeles with misha there watching (and at some points singing directly to misha) seems like fanfic AND YET…
and yet..........
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