#and now my babe's alone and crying outside of the house and he's alone when he gets home! Bruh!
paint-music-with-me · 4 months
im so conflicted bc i wanted to rewrite ep 11 pt 4 where mhok and day actually talk and mhok actually gets to open up to day but while i was writing the outline for the fic, i realized how much more similar mhok and night are re: guilt and responsibility for their siblings, rung and day respectively. like write a scene where night and mhok are talking, maybe about guilt and night notices that mhok is carrying some emotional weight and maybe he opens up bc he doesn't feel like he could open up like that to day (not bc he's doesn't trust day but bc "why should i dump this trauma onto him?" kind of thing yk?) and maybe while night and mhok talk, day overhears and is like connecting a couple strings from previous eps? then maybe something happens and day brings it up and mhok allows himself to be vulnerable to day and day takes care of him 🥺🥺🥺
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soursturniolo · 6 months
left • chris sturniolo
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pairing: chris/fem!reader
tags: angst, misunderstanding, party scene, mention of past cheating in past relationship, fluff at the end
As I wave and say goodbye to my old friend Alex, I make my way through the crowded hallways and rooms trying to find my boyfriend Chris. I squeeze through people smelling of cigarettes, weed, and alcohol as I search the faces hoping to find his or at least a familiar one.
I let out a sigh of relief upon meeting a familiar pair of blue eyes by the front door. Nick. He smiles and waves me over to him.
“Hey babe, have you seen chris? Matt’s wanting to leave, he’s already in the car ready to go,” he tells me as he looks over me, also searching the crowd for Chris. I frown and shake my head.
“No, I’m still looking for him. We got separated when I went upstairs to talk to my old friend Alex,” I tell him, to which his eyes light up.
“Alex? That really cute tall guy with black hair who I’m like 99% likes men?” He asks me, sounding excited.
“Yeah! He’s an old friend of mine, we used to be coworkers. I could set you up if you want?” I offer, laughing at his giddiness.
“Oh my god please, he’s so fine,” Nick whisper yells.
“Okay, I will! Anyways, I’m still looking for chris so you guys go ahead and head back and we can just get an Uber, okay?” I suggest.
Nick nods in agreement, pulling me in for a quick hug.
“Okay, you guys be safe, we’ll see you back home,” he assures me before leaving out the front door and heading to their car. I let out a small sigh as I turn back to face the party. Nick and Matt left, Alex left once we finished talking, and I have no idea where chris is in this crowded house party. There’s at least 200 people here and I don’t know anyone here now except for Chris. I hope I can find him soon.
After twenty minutes of searching various rooms and outside I give up, sitting on a porch bench outside as I pull my phone out of my purse to text Chris to see where he is.
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The tears in my eyes finally overflow as I sniffle, putting my phone back in my purse and holding it on my lap as I wait. I can’t believe he’d just leave me here all alone. I’d never do that to him. Not only is that embarrassing but it’s so hurtful. I feel like trash and I didn’t even do anything wrong. Alex is gay. And even if he wasn’t I’d never do anything or cheat on Chris. I love him too much to even consider that.
I thought he knew that? I thought he trusted me. My tears keep streaming down my face, some falling to my lap as others slide down my cheeks and down my neck. I reach my hand up to try to wipe some away, just to look at my hand and see a dark smudge. Great. I didn’t wear waterproof mascara so now I’m sure I look ridiculous with mascara streaks everywhere.
I sniffle again try blinking away the rest of my tears as I hear a car pull up. It’s them. I see Chris quickly jump out of the back, making his way up to me quickly. I stand from the park bench, and notice how much my feet are hurting, making me wince. As Chris walks up to me that’s the first thing he sees.
“Baby, are you okay?” He asks, searching my tear streaked face with a remorseful expression.
“Fine,” my voice cracks a bit from my tears and crying fest as I step out of my heels, picking them up to carry them. Chris reaches out a hand to offer to carry them, but I shake my head and walk past him to the car.
“Baby, wait” he calls, as he follows me. Feeling anger bubble up, I whip around to face him.
“What Chris? What do you want to talk about? How you left me here? How you assumed I was trying to cheat on you with some guy? How you didn’t even care to talk to me about it or make sure I could get home after you left me here? How I know no one else here because Alex left and I sent your brothers home because I never fathomed my boyfriend who I love more than anything would just leave me here like I’m trash? What do you want to talk about, huh?” I question rapidly, yelling by the time I finish, a new set of hot tears rolling down my face.
He sighs, looking at me so defeated and sad. He knows he fucked up. But I don’t have it in me to care about how he feels at the moment.
“I’m so deeply sorry, baby. I fucked up. Big time.” He whispers, looking down at me.
I bring my hands up to my face, roughly wiping my tears away as I nod. I don’t have the energy to talk about this anymore, so I turn around and finish walking to the car, opening the back passenger side door and getting in, sliding down the seat until I’m seated behind Matt. Chris gets in a shuts the door, settling in behind Nick. I feel Matt and Nicks eyes on me and look up at them as I reach for my seatbelt.
“Sorry, guys, for making you come back here for me,” I whisper, feeling embarrassed again at the predicament Chris’s actions have put me in. Nick and Matt quickly shake their heads.
“Hey, it’s perfectly okay we wanted to come get you,” Nick kindly tells me, before giving Chris a glare and turning back around in the front passenger seat.
“This isn’t your fault, no need to apologize, we’re just glad you’re okay,” Matt assures me, his eyes and expression soft before it hardens to a judgement look as he looks to Chris before starting the car.
The car ride back home is quiet. I feel Chris’s gaze on me a few times but I never return it. All I want is a hot shower and to sleep so this night can be over.
The car lurches to a stop in front of the house. I quickly unbuckle and exit the vehicle before Chris can try to say anything. I quickly make my way to our bedroom, setting my heels and purse down as I pick up my previously laid out pj set. I make my way to the adjoined bathroom, shutting and locking the door as Chris makes his way through the bedroom door.
I take my time in the bathroom, taking of my leftover makeup and brushing my hair out before stepping into the steamy shower I had heating up. I shower slowly, exfoliating and shaving as I let a hair mask sit in. I rinse out the mask and rinse my body one last time before turning off the water and stepping out. I dry off quickly and change into my pj set. I now stand in front of the bathroom door, dreading going out to face Chris. I find myself hoping he’s already asleep as I slowly open the bathroom door and step into our dimly lit bedroom that we share. I look up to find him meeting my gaze, changed into a white tank and boxers as he sits up against the headboard. He pats the spot next to him on the bed, and I sigh, shaking my head.
“I’ll sleep in the living room tonight,” I quietly suggest as I walk up to the bed and move to grab my pillow. His hand reaches up and grabs mine gently to stop me.
“Please sit with me. Five minutes, that’s all I’m asking, and then if you still want to not sleep with me I’ll move to the living room, okay?” He quietly asks.
I sigh, mulling it over before nodding. I sit down next to him against the headboard of his bed. Chris reaches out a hesitantly grabs my hands in his, looking at me as if he’s waiting for me to pull away. I consider it, but I’m tired and I just want to hear what he has to say so I can go to sleep. He lets out a sigh of relief when I don’t pull away.
“Baby, you have no idea how sorry I am. I fucked up. There is no excuse for what I did. I just got so scared when I went upstairs and saw you talking with that guy. You guys were getting along and laughing when I came up to find you and my mind immediately went to the worst. And I’m so sorry for what I did after that. I should have never left you there. I shouldn’t have assumed my brothers would get you home. I left my girlfriend at a crowded, gross house party where she barely knew anyone and that’s a mistake that’s on me that I will be apologizing for every day for a long time,” he tells me, expression sad but heartfelt as he apologizes. I can see in his eyes that he’s genuinely sorry for what he did, but I’m still confused and hurt about one thing specifically.
“Why did you think the worst? Why didn’t you trust me?” I ask softly.
He sighs, looking down at our held hands before meeting my eyes again.
“My ex. Before you, a year ago. She cheated on me at a party and it was like the same scenario. She went upstairs to talk to a guy friend ‘in a more quiet space’ she claimed. When I went up to check on her after not seeing her for a bit they were all over each other, making out. It broke my heart. When I came up and saw you and him laughing and playfully hitting each other it took me right back to that moment. But you’re the polar opposite of my ex, in the best way, and I should have known you’d never do that to me. I’m so sorry. Like I said, there’s no excuse for what I did, all I can tell you is that I’m so deeply sorry. I know better, I knew better. I should have done better. And I will next time. I promise you, baby.” He vows.
“You know I’d never cheat on you, right? I love you,” I tell him, feeling my lip quivering as tears gather in my eyes again.
He nods quickly, wrapping me in his arms and pulling me into his chest.
“I know baby, I know. I love you too, I’m so sorry,” he whispers against my head as he pressed gentle kisses there.
“It’s okay,” I whisper against his chest, “just please don’t leave me somewhere again?” I ask, and I feel him quickly nod in agreement.
“Never again, baby, never again. I’m so sorry. Can you forgive me?” He asks, his hand coming to cup my face to lead me to look up at him. I gaze into his eyes and all I see is a combination of warmth and regret for what he did. I lean in and press my lips gently to his. I feel him smile slightly against my lips, making me smile in return as I pull away.
“I forgive you. Love you too much not to,” I say, laughing a little. He smiles and laughs a bit too, thanking me as he pulls me in for another kiss.
We settle into bed together that night, cuddled close to each other, both of us enjoying the comfort we brought each other.
tag list members; @secret-sturniolo @sturniolopepsi @christinarowie332 @mangosrar @cupidsword @st4rswrld @biimpanicking @bernardenjoyer @lovingsturniolo @loveesiren @sturnphilia @mxqdii @oh-toseewithoutmy-eyes @its-jennarose @fionaheartswomen @hedgehogperalta @lea0518 @lxvlysworld @mattsd0ll @urmyslxt @thetriplets3 @lilsxo10 @recklesssturniolo @meg-sturniolo @flowerxbunnie @mlimmm
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bangchansgirlsblog · 2 months
Heyyy, give me something angsty with Felix please🥰 like maybe she comes home really tired and he’s just mad about everything small and calls her clingy🙀 and they go to bed angry (really bad idea btw never do that‼️) and then in the morning she tries to avoid him bc she doesn’t want to seem clingy? Happy ending tho, I can’t take too much heartbreak🩵
By my side.
Warnings: Yelling and crying.
Paring: Felix x Reader.
This is my first Felix story and I messed it up lol. Anyways. Enjoy 🩷
Y/n slowly removed her shoes at the door trying not to make a sound. Her body was aching and she was extremely exhausted. She moved like a sloth as she put away everything; her coat, her bag, etc.
When she heard the sound of banging dishes she knew her boyfriend, Felix, was home from his schedules.
Never in her life did she ever think she would be so irritated by his presence. She thought she would come home to a quiet house, she really wanted to be alone since work was so tiring.
"Oh! Hey my love," Felix face lit up when he saw his girlfriend walk through the living room. He quickly hurried around the counter to give her a kiss in which she returned.
"Heyy," she said trying to be as energetic as him but completely failed. Her chest was tight and all she wanted to do was cry.
"What's the matter?" He frowned when he noticed her little pout, "how was work?"
His hands automatically land on her waist trying to sooth the not's on her back. He cringed at how stiff she was and automatically knew she wasn't in a good mood.
"Can I have some alone time babe," she shrugged his hands off and started to make her way to their room.
"Did something happen?" Felix frowned as he quickly followed behind. She let out a frustrated sigh seeing he was still going on. He heard the sigh and was a little hurt by it but decided to push it to the side and make sure she was okay. That was what mattered right now.
"Nothing, I just want to be alone Lix-"
"I made us brownies! We can eat it with ice cream and chocolate-"
"Felix! For the love of God I said it's enough! Leave me alone. You're being clingy." She screamed and slammed the bathroom door in his face. He quickly took a step back in disbelief. He was hurt and it was so obvious.
His heart ached. He didn't know what to do but stand there hearing her soft sobs. Should he say something? Should he wait outside? Should he leave?
He was overthinking it. His hands were shaking and tears filled his eyes. She never yelled at him. Never did she even try to tell him off. This was all new to him. Was she getting tired of him? He thought.
Meanwhile on the other side, Y/n's tears were streaming down her face. She felt disgusted and guilty. Felix didn't deserve any of that. She knew it, he was just trying to help.
How could she let a miserable day at work affect her home life? Her relationship? Her thoughts became foggy as she sat there. All she could do was cry and so she cried until she finally fell asleep on the cold, hard tiles.
The frantic knocks on the door were what woke her up. Her head was banging and she was freezing. She looked over at her phone and saw it had been an hour and a few minutes. All she could hear was Felix's voice in distress calling out for her.
He sounded weak, worried and tired. What had she done? She quickly got off the floor and opened the door to see what was going on.
When the door opened Felix pulled her into his arms. He was so scared that she might have passed out or did something to herself since she had been locked in for an hour.
"Are you okay my love? Don't ever do that again to me! I was so scared something might have happened," he told her off but still managed to keep her in his arms.
"I'm sorry for yelling at you," she whispered, "I know you were just looking out for me and you were worried. I love you babe," she tightened her grip around his waist as she hid her tears.
"Hey, look at me," he slowly put his finger under her chin. "We all have bad days, I know you didn't mean any of it. Okay?" She nodded, "stop crying my love, you need to talk to me and don't shut me out. Please?"
"I don't know what I would do without you," she whimpered.
"Well first off, you wouldn't be able to reach the top shelves..." he trailed off and smiled at her little laugh. He loved her laugh. Her laugh made him feel warm and happy. All he wanted was for her to be happy.
"You're so silly-"
"Yeah but you love it," he pecked her lips and helped wipe her tears, "should we go cuddle and eat the brownies now?"
"Yes please, I was actually craving them when I was in there,"
"My poor baby, go lay down and I'll be back in a bit," he let go of her and made his way to the kitchen where he got busy.
Y/n sat in their cozy bed trying to figure out how she would explain to Felix what was going on and she knew he was not going to let it go unless she told him and so she did.
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skyjasper · 3 months
Betray You Like A Man.
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Azriel X Rhys sister oc (but Rhys Centric kinda?! Rhys and Az angst?)
Summary: HOFAS bonus chapter inspired. Azriel and his mate Y/N Moonbeam aka Rhysands little sister have been hiding for over 50 years. When her older brother finds out he is anything but happy.
Warnings: mentions of SA, Yelling, lots and lots of Angst, quite Az.
Words: 1,382.
She and Azriel had been seeing each other secretly for over 50 years now. They had been through hell and back together, finding out about Rhysand under the mountain, Supporting her brother with his mate, fighting a damned war, and even finding out they were mates. Not once did either of them let on to their secret relationship, always passing each other with cold glances and curt words. The only form of kindness shown was on important occasions. But the minute they were alone, when they got back to their secret apartment, they were perfectly fine.
That was until Rhysand barged into Azriel’s apartment yelling something about Nesta telling Feyre something about their babe and found the two of them laying on the floor. Y/N reading and Azriel mulling over paperwork with a biscuit. In an instant, albeit a second too late, Azriel’s wing was covering her. Rhysands words fell away and he stood still, she could see him just barely through her mate's wing but she knew that her older brother could smell her.
“Azriel,” Rhysand growled out. With a knowing sight, Azriel released his wing that covered Y/N’s frame, not hiding her wings.
The moment Rhysands eyes found her matching violet ones he turned and walked out, slamming the door. She turned her head to her mate whose eyes were glazed over in silent conversation, she decided to listen to what Rhys had told him.
“Do we go? We should probably give him time to calm down shouldn’t we?” She asked, staring at Azriel’s golden eyes. He just nodded quietly.
Silently and with deathly calmness they gathered themselves and flew to the river house. She winced as they walked in the door, taking in the ruined vases and the loud shouting of her other brother and sister trying to calm Rhysand down.
“I DO NOT CARE. THAT IS MY SISTER.” He screamed at Cassian. She turned to Azriel, putting a hand on his chest to stop him,
“Maybe I should go in there alone.” She offered. And with a short nod he agreed, before she could walk away he grabbed her arm, and with a deadly voice he spoke,
“If he even thinks about yelling at you I will be in there. I will just be right outside.” Then he let go so she could enter the room. When she did she gasped at the sight of her older brother.
“Rhysand,” she spoke firmly, only slightly scared as his raging eyes turned on her.
“Is that bastard here?!” He spoke.
“It doesn’t matter, Rhysand.” She went to place her hand on his arm when he flinched away and stared at her with disgust.
“Don’t even get me started on you.” He raised his voice, tears springing to her eyes at his reaction. The pair of them had always been as thick as thieves, never staying mad, and definitely never yelling at each other like this.
In an instant, Azriel was behind her, hands on her waist to inform her he was behind her. Her brother didn’t even glance at the male behind her before continuing,
“I can’t believe you slept with my brother like some common whore.” He spat out like a slap in the face, he knew what she had been through, what she had done for him while he was under the mountain. A cry fell out of her mouth, his words inflicting more pain than any physical blow could.
Before she could say anything the entire room went still, the bottom half of the room covered in angry shadows. Before she could blink her mate had her brother around the throat against the wall.
“Be very careful how you talk about my mate,” Azriel growled, she could feel his anger festering through the bond. She sent a comforting phantom hand over his shoulder.
“Your mate?!” Rhysand laughed, “That’s hilarious brother, no one could ever love a bastard like you. We all know it, just admit it Azriel, you aren’t capable of loving a female.”
And then it was Y/N who was on top of her brother, facing him with a slap that resonated throughout the entire room. Not a single soul spoke as the sound of flesh meeting flesh echoed through the room. Not even Feyre said anything as her sister-in-law hit her mate.
“Fuck you Rhysand.” She yelled. “Fuck you for reacting like this! You are nothing but a cowardly piece of shit. You blame everyone else for everything that is your fault. Did you ever stop and think as to why we didn’t tell you?!” She yelled, Rhysands mouth opened to respond but she continued, “No Rhysand, you don’t get to speak. Maybe if for once in your godsforsaken life actually looked at anyone other than your mate you see that the people around you are going through shit! You would see the face that Elain is on the verge of breaking, that Nesta was going through something none of us could possibly imagine, that Cassian was coping and that I, your fucking sister, was traumatized. I get it Rhysand, what you went through under the mountain, trust me I get it, but it does not give you the right to treat everyone else like shit because they don’t react the same way you do to trauma. You do not get to sit here and act like my brother trying to defend my honor when you haven’t actually acted like a decent brother for the past 3 years!” She screamed in his face.
She gave him one more resounding slap before standing up and finding Azriels hands.
“Do not come find us brother, for I do not want to see your pitiful face.”
Then, hand in hand with her mate, they left. They both flew, flew for hours till they were at the cabin Azriel had built for his mother before she passed. When they arrived and got out of the cold she sunk to her knees, tears finally flowing.
Az’s rough hands came to hold her face, “Shh my love, he is not worthy of your tears.” He murmured into her hair. Instead of trying to calm her again he just let her cry, not once letting her go, instead instructing his shadows to gather water and blankets.
So she fell asleep crying in his arms over the hurt her brother had caused. And when she woke she found Azriel’s dark hair. She stared at him as her fingers twirled in the onyx strands.
“You know what he said wasn’t true right, you know how to love and you are worthy of it Azriel. You and I are the proof, this right here,” she gestured in between the two, lightly pulling on the golden ribbon that flowed between them. “This is the proof. I love you beyond words Azriel. I know you feel the same shadow singer.” She told him. Observing as his hands tightened around her waist. They had both suffered far too much to let the words of her cruel brother diminish all the progress they had made.
It wasn’t easy at the beginning, getting Azriel to open up and come to accept himself. It took him years to realize he was worthy of her love. That he wasn’t a broken bastard.
“I love you beyond the sun and the stars, I would travel worlds for you Azriel. And if the stars would vanish then I would voyage through the darkness with nothing but my bare hands to find you.” She whispered, “I would rip the wings off my back if yours were ruined because I know how much you need to fly. I would kill gods and kings alike to ensure you are safe. For as long as I am alive you will no longer be alone ever again, you will always be loved. I will always love every part of you.” She brought his scarred hands to her lips and kissed the skin on them. When she released his hands her lips found his mouth.
“There are not enough words in this world for me to express my love for you Y/N Moonbeam, So instead let me show you.” He spoke against her lips before moving his kiss down her neck.
And show her he did.
@littlelunatica @going-through-shit @annaaaaa88 @i-am-infinite @impossibelle
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wonbin-truther · 2 months
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i will
bf! mark x reader - 715 words
hurt/comfort , non idol au
"its always you" mark whispers, hands cupping your cheeks as if you were made of glass as tears fell from his eyes.
it seemed like everything had been going wrong recently. your car had broken down, you misplaced your house keys, you and your best friend got into an argument, and other things that had been building up as the days continued. you could feel yourself slipping into the dark hole you had once pulled yourself out of by the skin of your teeth.
everything boiled over today. first you overslept, curled up in your boyfriends arms so comfortably you missed all your alarms. you showed up to class 15 min late, causing the professor to kick you out. next, you had studied weeks for an exam worth 75% of your grade and failed it horribly. the final thing was your car breaking down for the 3rd time, leaving you to walk back to your small apartment.
you could already feel tears picking your eyes as you kicked off your shoes and collapsed onto the couch. the pounding headache making it hard to gain the strength to get up and finish the housework and classwork that had to get done. you sighed, pushing yourself up to take care of the pilled up responsibilities.
at some point into your now 4 hour studying session your boyfriend mark let himself into your place. "hey babe?" his voice rang through the silence. you didnt respond, focused on the math problem that had your head in your hands. you heard the footsteps get louder as he found his way to your room, pushing open the door. he walked over to your place at the desk and kissed the top of your head. he knew better to interrupt when you were focused.
it had now been 7 hours since you started studying. mark noted how you havent moved from that position despite him trying to get you to eat and drink water for the last 3 hours he was there. he stood up from your bed, wrapping his arms around your shoulders and pressing a kiss to your temple.
"babe dont you think its time for a break"
"not now"
"lets just get dinner quickly"
everything was starting to bubble over and you could feel the stress getting to you. without thinking you yelled out, "jesus fucking christ mark leave me alone!" you didnt have time to realize what you said until mark let go of you, walking out the door wordlessly. you let the tears fall down your face as you buried your face in your hands. to add on top of the shitty weak, you can put losing your boyfriend.
little did you know mark hadn't gone very far, standing just outside your room so he could take a breather. he heard your muffled sobs and spun on his heel, pushing open your door and making his way to your shaking figure. he turned your chair around so that he had room to kneel in front of you, moving your hands out of your face so he could get a better look at you. you stared at him through wet eyelashes and jumped to hug him, knocking him to the floor and burying your face in his shoulder as you sobbed harder.
he held you close, rubbing circles into your back.
"my love its okay. what happened?" he spoke softly, holding you as close to himself as he could.
"i dont deserve you," he made out between your sobs.
"what do you mean?"
"you're too good for me. i dont deserve it"
his heart broke into a million pieces as he felt tears prick his eyes. he pulled you away from his shoulder, cupping your face in his hands. he left kisses all over your face, making you scrunch your nose and let out a small giggle as he continued to pepper them around your face. as he pulled away, you caught a tear slip down his cheek.
"why are you crying?" you stared at him, placing your hands over his.
"i hate when you cry. you deserve more than the universe could ever give you. it'll always be you my pretty girl," he left a gentle kiss on your lips and you happily kissed back. he pulled away and rubbed the stray tears from your cheeks.
"cuddle and watch a movie?" you asked
"whatever my girl wants to do"
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a/n not proofread so idk if theres mistakes here 😭
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veeluvss · 11 months
we'll get them
emily prentiss x daughter!reader
tw : nudes and sexual abuse
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i pulled up outside the bau, feeling sick. garcia was in here and i was praying she could help me. i hadn't been able to show my face at school for months and mum had no idea. i couldn't tell her. i couldn't dare - what would she think of me? would she call me a whore? a slag? like the rest of them. i knew my mum was usually understanding but at the same time, this was serious.
i left the elevator with my visitor badge on and tried to stay out of sight. i knew mum was on a case and not in town but i didn't know about anyone else. i was well known at the bau, people loved me but i didn't want to be recognised now. i felt ashamed looking at my reflection.
i knocked on the door to garcia's computers and heard her little chime from inside 'two seconds my love'. she didn't know who it was but she called everyone the sweetest names. she just radiated love and positivity, i could already feel myself feeling better. to my shock, jj opened the door. "y/n!" she cheered, smiling widely. "y/n?" garcia said, spinning on her chair. "emily's on a case, did she not tell you?" jj said, concerned. "oh erm," i muttered and lowered my head. "i came to see garcia." "oh come in sweet cheeks!" garcia said, standing up and welcoming me in. "do you want me to leave you to it?" jj asked sweetly but something compelled me to shake my head. i needed her support too. "sit down baby, are you okay?" garcia asked. i felt sick. "i can't tell you so i'm going to show you," i mumbled. "okay," garcia said. i tapped away on my phone til i found the twitter post. i handed it to garcia and she looked at it. jj peering over her shoulder. "oh sugar plum," garcia mumbled. "does emily know?" jj asked me, sadness in her voice. i shook my head rapidly. "please don't tell her!" "y/n," jj sighed. she crouched down beside me and i felt tears welling up in my eyes. "babe, this was posted over a month ago, why didn't you come to me sooner?" "i couldn't leave my house." i buried my head in my hands and jj held me.
"i didn't take them," i whispered. "you didn't?" jj asked, putting some hair behind my ear. penelope was already looking at how to get rid of them, although it was hard. she was going to find the origin at least because then we know who posted them. "some guy," i began explaining. "we got drunk one night when mum was away and he - he forced me too. he used a polaroid and , and his phone but i didn't know he used his phone." "that's okay," jj muttered, stroking my hair. "right, i've got the person who posted it," garcia said. "however, it is one of them cases where it's on the internet and anyone can have them - especially after a month." i nodded, understanding. when she showed me the guy who posted them i felt even more violated as i didn't even know him. "baby, can we ring emily?" jj asked. "no! no you can't!" "she'll understand, she really will." "no, she can't see them." "she doesn't have to see them, we'll just be able to arrest him and get him put away for it. we can also get talking to the people who shared it." i began to cry. i wanted my mum, so bad. i just began to nod. jj and garcia were decent cuddles but nothing beat my mum. jj held me whilst garcia rang emily.
"what've you got for me garcia?" mum asked down the phone. "emily, are you alone?" garcia asked. "this is personal." "i don't really have time for personal-..." she began. "it's about your daughter so yes you do," penelope said. i smiled at that. we heard mum mumble a quick 'excuse me' to whoever she was with. "what's happened?" her voice was panicked. "JJ and i got a little unprompted visit from your baby today," garcia began. i hugged jj and she pulled me closer to her. "is she okay?" emily asked. "emily you can't judge, she's already hurt enough by it and she just needs her mum. okay?" "garcia, what is going on?" "someone posted pictures of her online, erm, not clothed." i hid in jj, not wanting to hear her response. there was silence for a minute. "do you know who?" she asked. "i tracked down the ip address." "does she know them?" garcia looked at me and i shook my head. "she does not." "i'm coming home," she hung up then. i couldn't tell if she was mad or upset or angry or disappointed. i felt sick. i just clung to jj, hoping she'd understand.
a few hours later, mum charged into garcia's office. i was sat on one of the desks, coffee in my hand and apple in the other. i gulped seeing her. she looked at me, between garcia and jj. "i need to see them." she said, holding out her hand. "no!" i said suddenly, getting down. "no mum, please." i begged. "y/n i need to see what they did to you." "emily," jj whispered as i shook my head over and over. "we've seen them. you don't need to see." "it's nothing i haven't seen before for christ sake!" she groaned, throwing up her hands. i began to cry then, she was angry. so so angry with me. "it's not the same em and you know it." jj said, putting a supportive hand on my back. "we have the IP address and we know who posted them online. we just need your orders to send someone to the house and get him arrested." "get him arrested and sent down. and anyone else who distributed it. no one is getting away with this," she said. i looked at her between my fingers and saw her expression soften at the sight of me. she sighed before pulling me into her arms.
"we'll get them," she said. "mum i'm sorry," i cried. "sorry? why on earth are you sorry?" she asked me, genuinely surprised. "i didn't know he was taking them, i didn't know they'd be posted. i dragged you away from a case," i explained, clinging to her blazer. "sweetheart," she whispered, caressing my hair. "this isn't your fault. at all." she pushed me away slightly and put her fingers under my chin so i looked at her. "i'm not mad or disappointed at you. baby i love you and i'd never judge you." she whispered and my heart swelled with love. "i'm just really fucking mad at the people who hurt my baby." i chuckled a little and she pulled me back into my arms. "what did i tell you eh," jj said, rubbing my back. i only nodded, clinging to my mum. i'd needed this. i'd needed her.
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byechristopher · 7 months
– Crhis Sturniolo angst (happy ending).
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chris x f!reader.
Author's note: It's been so long since I've written something and I am s o r r y but I will never stop loving 'angst'. So you have to suffer with me too. It's l o n g and I haven't checked for any typos, so if I do have any, excusez-moi.
Warnings: Depression, mood swings, Chris is smoking, could be triggering to some, please do not read if it could affect you. ♡
Summary: Chris is so obsessed with you that he suggests you should break up for a bit now that he's leaving to study abroad (just the thought of other people being around you while he can't, seemed impossible to him). When he does, he realises what a mistake that was.
I stare down at my phone for a little bit and the screen goes off a few seconds later. I do not know how to feel or what to do, but I do know a small tear just runs down my cheek. Matt just called me – he said that Chris hasn't left his room in days; they're worried.
"Chris, are you serious?" I can feel my chest getting heavier with every second that passes.
"What the hell do you want me to think? What else is there to do?!" he explodes – his hands are buried in his hair and he gets up from the bed, "it's not easy for me either, but seriously! I can't fucking stand the thought of you being away from me.. I just can't do it. I will go crazy." he doesn't stay in place, he keeps moving anxiously, "what if.. someone flirts with you, what if you forget me while I'm away, so many what ifs – I just can't do this, I'm already fucking obsessed with you."
"Well, same goes for me, Chris! What are you saying then? We should just break up because you decided you wanted to study abroad?" I get up from the bed as well and I see him turning his back to me, his hands pressed against the wall in front of him.
"I didn't just 'decide' to fucking leave you! You know it's always been my dream to leave this goddamn place and study abroad!" he's almost screaming now and I want to hit the walls, I want to kick the doors, I want to grab him and never let him leave.
Instead, I grab his stuff and put them in his backpack, not being able to see clearly from all the tears that threaten to leave my eyes.
"What are you doing?" he sounds a little calmer now but I can feel my skin burning from all the anger, the sadness, everything all at once.
"Leave." is all I say before I throw his backpack outside my room and I turn around, not wanting to see him actually leave.
"Babe–" he starts but I quickly turn around, "leave!" I am shouting now.
Before he can say anything, I push him outside of my room and close the door behind him. And then, I break down. The heaviest weight is on my chest and it makes it so, so hard to breathe. The tears fully blurry my vision now and I almost pass out from how hard I am crying.
Two weeks have passed after that incident and yet, I can still feel that weight on my chest, let alone now.. after Matt's call. We did break up but that doesn't mean I automatically stop caring about him. I will always love him, whether he is in my life or not.
I start getting worried so I don't waste any time – I grab my phone and my bag, and with that, I quickly leave to go to Chris' house. While I'm in the car, I can't stop crying, Matt's words are on repeat in my head.
"I.. I don't know what to do.. we don't know what to say to him, he won't say anything to us.." Matt's voice is almost trembling and it's the only time I've ever heard him this worried.
"Matt, I just.. I am not sure if I can help after–" he cuts me off, pleading, "I know you guys broke up but please. We're begging you."
And here I am. Already outside their house, tears streaming down my face. I grab my stuff and before I can wipe away all the tears, the door opens and I'm met with two arms around me.
"We apologise for bringing you all the way here, we're just.. worried.." Nick says and I hug him back. I tell him it's fine and rub his back.
"Guys.. could I ask you a favor?" they both nod at the same time, "could you.. just leave for a bit? Once I make sure he is okay, I will call you straight away."
"Of course. Yes. We'll go grab a coffee. Tell us if you need anything." I nod and they both come closer to me, placing a kiss on both of my cheeks and I can't help but smile.
I leave my stuff on their couch and without a second thought, I immediately walk up the stairs, where Chris' room is. I knock on his door, even though I know he won't answer but I do anyway. I call his name – this is the only time I can actually hear something behind this big, wooden door. I say his name again. The door opens slowly and my heart breaks into pieces.
My beautiful Chris – he looks exhausted. He stands there with his usual gray hoodie, his pyjamas, his hair is a literal mess and there are eye bags under his beautiful eyes. I can see smoke coming out of the room, he smells like it as well – he's been smoking.
"What.. are you doing here?" his voice is hoarse, his eyes are so red, it makes want to cry even more.
"Why are you scaring me like that?" my voice is calm but my bottom lip is quivering.
"I'm sorry.." he says, although I'm not sure if he knows what he's apologizing for, "where's Matt and Nick?"
"They let me in and then I asked them to leave." I say but all I wanna do is hug him.
"Thank you.. uhm, come inside.. if you want." he mutters and attempts to fix his hair as he lets me into his room. I only see bottles of water here and there, I can also see burnt cigarettes all over his desk, there are clothes on the floor, journals scattered all around. His room is a mess, "sorry." he whispers.
"It's fine.." I say under my breath, and honestly, I don't know what to say to him. All I want to do is hug him and kiss him, and I would, but I am still hurt, too.
"You didn't have to come here." he murmurs and takes another cigarette in his mouth, lighter in his other hand. It's like he read my mind because he immediately opens his mouth to speak again, "you don't need to feel sorry for me. I'll be fine."
There's not much I can say to him, but I do move closer to him. He is seated at the edge of his bed and I am now in front of him, looking down at him. I slowly grab the cigarette, pulling it away from him and after I throw it in the ashtray, I pull him in for a big hug. He stays still for a few seconds but I can feel his arms wrapping around my waist just a few seconds later. His head is pressed against my tummy and I have my fingers buried into his hair.
"Do you know how scared I was to hear that you haven't left your room in days?" I whisper and I try hard not to let the tears run down my cheeks once again. I can hear him sniffling and my heart breaks all over again.
He doesn't say anything and I lean down to leave a kiss on the top of his head, "I am sorry I hurt you. I am just.. I thought that was the solution, but it obviously wasn't." he whispers and I can feel my shirt getting wet.
"I hurt you too, and I am sorry. I know how much you want to leave, I shouldn't be selfish. I just can't be away from you." a big tear leaves my eye and I squeeze him in my arms a little bit, "neither can I." he says as he looks up at me.
"Chris.. this is very hard for me, but if it means you'll get to chase your dreams.. then fuck it. I need to see you chasing your goals, I need to know you're happy." I get down on my knees in between his legs and I cup his cheeks, "and if we're meant to be, then we sure will in the future." with every word, it's like I'm stabbing myself over and over again. My hearts cries but my mind knows exactly what it has to do.
He looks at me with those blue eyes, uncontrollable tears falling from them and I just want to kiss them away, "I cannot believe you just said that.." he says, but he doesn't look hurt, if anything, he looks more.. in love?
He grabs my cheeks and pulls me closer, pressing his forehead against mine – his tears fall onto my skin as he wipes away mine, "come with me."
My heart stops. My eyes widen and in pretty sure I look a little crazy, "what?"
"Come with me. Let's move in together. Like we always said we would do when we grow up – now's the time. Come with me." he says and I can finally see a little smile behind that constant frown, "you can decorate our apartment. You can have as many plants as you want inside, you can watch all these fucking horror movies that you like to watch and I won't complain, ever! Please."
Our apartment. I feel like passing out, right here.
"Promise me you'll make up for all the damage you've done to yourself these past few weeks and I swear, I'll go pack my things right now." I whisper against his lips, I cannot stop crying.
He cries too, but his smile is so big, I feel like the whole room is shining. He caresses my cheeks and leans in, placing his soft lips against mine – my heart beats faster than it ever did before, "I love you so much." he says.
Before I can even say anything, he pulls me into his lap so that I'm straddling his thighs and hugs me tightly, looking up at me, "I love you too, babe." I say and lean in for another kiss.
"Sorry I kicked your brothers out earlier."
He laughs and I can't help but laugh with him, "it's okay, they'll be fine. Now come here, I've missed you."
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Prompts 8 and 14 with Poly lost boys? (If not Poly, I’ll be good with any of them-)
8. Quiet, she has just fallen asleep!
14. Are you alright?
Thank you so much for requesting! I hope you like this!💜
The house was quiet. Maria had gone off to work at the videostore, and Shelly had gone out to meet with her boyfriend Greg. Normally, I would have put some music on, doing some chores or making some art now that they were gone. But not today. I woke up feeling off. I had hoped that after some breakfast and some coffee, it would be over, but alas, it only got worse. So that's why I found myself lying on the couch, with the remote control of the telly in my hand. I still hadn't put it on, knowing that the sound - no matter how soft it could be - would only worsen the headache I had.
I closed my eyes as I felt another pang of pain flashing through my head. The headache had been there all day, but now it was slowly but surely turning into a splitting headache. I knew I couldn't ignore it any longer and made my way to the kitchen. Somewhere, in one of the cabinets, I was certain I'd have a package with aspirin. I sighed as I entered the kitchen, seeing the dirty dishes piling out of the sink. The remains of our lunch were lying on the kitchen island. It was a mess. Normally, I wouldn't mind cleaning it up, but now, the thought alone made me want to cry. God, I felt sick.
I opened the cupboard, realising that the package I had had been used up by my housemates. The only thing left of it was the empty box. I sighed as I threw it in the bin, deciding that I'd have to go to the drugstore. I got dressed in some comfortable yet more appropriate clothing - I didn't want to go outside in my pyjamas - and put my shoes on. After locating my keys on the dining room table, I headed outside - only to return to put a jacket on. It was surprisingly cold outside.
As I walked down the street, I was a little relieved to realise that the sun was setting already. It meant that my boyfriends would be going to the boardwalk soon. As much as the idea of being in a brightly lit, loud space didn't appeal to me, the idea of being with them and near them did.
The door to the drugstore opened with a soft tinkle as I pushed it open, the bell above the door signalling my presence. It was quiet inside, the only other customer an old lady. I greeted her quietly before searching the aisles for what I needed. I didn't pay attention when I heard the bell ring, nor did I pay attention to the space around me. So, when I found the brand I needed, and made a move to grab it, I bumped into someone.
"Oh my god, I'm so-"
"Shit, you look like shit babe!" I looked up and saw that I had bumped into Marko. I gave him a watery smile.
"I kind of feel like it, I think it hay-fever or something."
Marko nodded, his hand resting on my forehead to check my temperature. "I think it's a bit more than that."
"Yeah, a bit. Come on," he took the medicine I wanted and walked towards the checkout. "You're staying with us tonight."
"Weren't you going to the boardwalk?"
"You're more important. Santa Carla won't forget who owns the place if we don't show up one night."
I nodded, taking a deep breath. It was suddenly really warm inside. "What were you doing here?"
"Paul's been complaining about a lack of liquorice in the cave."
"He really likes that stuff?"
"Apparently. We can't all be perfect," he paid for the liquorice and the aspirin, also asking for a bottle of water. He grabbed our stuff, opening the door for me. Once we were outside, I stopped walking for a moment, taking some deep breaths.
"Are you alright?"
I shook my head slightly. " 'm feeling a little faint."
"Go and sit down, alright?" He handed me the bottle of water and the aspirin. "Have you eaten today?"
I shrugged as I took a sip. "Wasn't hungry."
"You actually got the liquorice!" I looked up as I saw Paul appearing out of thin air in front of me. "And you got our gir- Jesus, you look like shit."
I nodded, feeling a little less faint than before. I heard the loud rumble of motorcycles, and I knew that Dwayne and David were also here now. I looked up, smiling tiredly as David walked towards me.
"Hey darlin'," he helped me stand up, looking me over as I did. I felt myself tremble a little. Maybe Marko was right, and this was more than allergies. "Let's get you home. Do you think you can hold on?"
I nodded, climbing on the back of his bike, and holding on to him tightly.
"We need some food, see if there's a store open so you can get her some fruit and bread and such."
"Sure thing. Is there anything you'd like?" Paul looked at me, and I shook my head. He nodded, kissing me softly on my forehead before driving off. Marko handed Dwayne the stuff we'd just bought, saying he'd be home shortly. He had to feed. Dwayne drove next to us, both David and him driving slower than usual. I was glad they did, mainly because their usual driving style was close to nauseating. Besides, with them driving slower, the chances of me gliding off were slimmer. I closed my eyes for a bit, a sudden tiredness overwhelming me.
"Don't fall asleep, love."
" 'm not." I mumbled, holding on a little tighter.
"We're almost home, then you can sleep all you want."
Dwayne was true to his word. Less than five minutes later, we stopped at the edge of the cliff leading towards the cave. Without a word, Dwayne lifted me up, carrying me in his arms down the stairs and into the lobby of the sunken hotel.
"Couch or bed?"
"Couch," I said softly, trying to stiffle a yawn, "Don't want to be alone."
"Alright, love."
He carefully laid me down on the couch, taking some pillows from Star's bed to make sure I was comfortable. David brought me the blanket I normally used while staying here, a thick and soft fabric covering the whole thing. I mumbled a soft thank you.
"How long have you been feeling sick?" David asked, crouching down next to me, brushing some hair out of my face.
"Since this morning."
"It's probably just a cold or a flu. Is the aspirin helping?"
"A little, I guess?"
He gave me a soft smile, getting up. I closed my eyes, drifting in and out of consciousness before sleep finally came.
I don't know how much time passed before I woke up, but when I did, I could hear an annoyed Dwayne hiss something at Paul and Marko.
"Quiet, she has just fallen asleep!"
"Ah shit, sorry, babe!" Paul whisper yelled at me, causing me to sleepily open my eyes.
" 's okay," I nodded, looking at them.
"I know you said you didn't want anything from the store, but I also brought you some cookies and chocolate."
I smiled tiredly, wincing as I felt my headache return. "Thank you, hon."
"If you're not feeling better tomorrow, we could give you some blood to speed up the healing process?" Marko offered. I bit my lip, not knowing whether I'd like that or not. I did feel sick, but to drink blood? "Just think about it, alright?"
He smiled before looking outside. The sky was turning a bright red. He went to the back of the cave, climbing through the liftshaft. Dwayne and Paul followed. I pulled my blanket closer against me, curling up, when I felt a pair of arms lifting me up.
"We're staying with you today, sweetheart."
" 's nice," I mumbled sleepily, already dosing off as he brought me to the bedroom. I was asleep before I even hit the pillow, my boys surrounding me, making sure I'd be okay.
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bartxnhood · 1 year
second chance | c.b
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colby brock x fem!reader
summary: you’ve been bottling up your emotions for too long, when colby finally returns from an investigation you blow up. he begs for a second chance.
warnings: angst, mild language, argument.
a/n: back with another colby blurb bc i literally cant get him out of my mind lol. this was kinda inspired by a song so i will link it below and you can listen while you read if you want !! enjoy ! feedback is appreciated.
requests open
not proofread
Copyright © 2023 bartxnhood. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format.
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you frantically began throwing random items of clothing into your bag, rummaging through drawers, your shared closet, and the bathroom. getting what you needed for a few days away.
you were so tired of being alone. katrina was visiting her family, and sam and colby were on their filming trip which left you alone at the house. of course, you could just go home but you didn’t have the money for a flight at the moment and you were too keen on the idea of driving across the state alone.
so you just decided to stay back at the house.
but you were finally at your breaking point. colby was coming home today, but you just had enough. you needed a breather and the only way you’d get that is getting out and away.
you heard commotion downstairs and you took that as he and sam were home. “babe! i’m home!” colby announced coming upstairs, but when he opened the bedroom door he didn’t expect the scene in front of him.
colby asked, “where are you going?” as he dropped his bags to the floor. “staying with a friend” you answered, zipping up your bags and throwing them over your shoulder. you made a b-line for the door but, colby stopped you. “why?” you looked ahead, not wanting to face him.
he knew you were mad, he couldn’t understand why you were though. colby didn’t know about your loneliest nights, the ones you’d scream and cry yourself to sleep because of his lack of attention and time differences. he didn’t know how much you were suffering while he was out having fun recording his videos. you never told him.
“i just need to get out, colby.” you never called him that, it was always ‘colbs’ or ‘hun’. he pulled you back, you finally looked at him. “what’s wrong? talk to me” “nothing's wrong! im fine!” you weren’t. you wanted to punch him and call him stupid for not seeing your pain. colby sighed, “then why are you leaving?” finally, you snapped.
“because i’m tired!” you dropped your bags, your chest burning with anger. “i’m so tired of being left here alone for weeks, sometimes months while you’re gone. i know you’ve offered to let me join but you know i hate that stuff, colby.” it all came pouring out. “i’m so tired of waiting for you” you began punching and pushing his chest, the damn opened and tears flowed down your face. “i’m. so. tired!” his arms held you tightly but you fought back, and you cried, “don’t!” colby’s eyes were starting to tear up. “i wake up every fucking day reaching for you but you’re not here.”
“y/n..i..” he was at a loss for words, running a hand through his hair. “please just don’t leave, let’s talk this out, please.” he reached for your hand, pulling you closer his other hand held your chin up. “what can i do?” you blinked away tears blurring your vision, “i..” you fell silent, unable to think straight. colby added, “use your words.”
“just please don’t be so distant. i miss us, i miss you. i miss everything, and i just can’t be alone anymore.” colby nodded, “okay. i won’t leave. i promise” he wrapped his arms around your neck holding you closer than ever.
it had been a few hours since the fight, and now the two of you sat by the fire outside sharing a blanket. “im sorry for what i said and how i handled it. i was just so frustrated”
he hummed, “don’t apologize, im glad you told me. i think i needed to hear it” colby kidded your temple. “just promise me one thing, don’t shut me out. please” the pad of his thumb caressed your cheek. “i’ll be better too, i’ll stay home more often, kay?” you nodded, smiling. “i love you, colbs” he pecked your lips once more, “i love you too, y/n/n. i promise i’ll never act like that again. i’m sorry i put you through so much pain.”
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indigenouslabrys · 1 year
Rough night - Ellie x Fem!reader
Summary: In moments like this, Ellie's house becomes your safe place.
Warnings: reader has a really toxic (lesbophobic) mother, a lot of crying, argument, and some fluff/comfort at the end.
A/N: that's a modern au because I never know what to do with original universes of shows/games 👍🏽 Also, maybe I did write Joel a little bit too emotional (?), but that's because I took out my daddy/mommy issues in this story, hope you don't mind.
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You were reading your favorite book when you heard your mother calling you from the second floor.
"Y/n, come here now."
''Can you wait for 5 more min-'' She cuts you off.
''What do you think I mean when I say 'now'!?''
"Ok, I'm coming.'' You roll up your eyes and get up from the couch.
When you get upstairs and see her in your room, holding your sketchbook and your journal, you feel your heart racing.
''Why are you going through my stuff?'' You try to act calm.
''It doesn't matter. I'll ask just once. Who's Ellie Williams, and what's going on between you and her?''
You don't know what's worse, the question or the way she says it.
''W- why are you asking?'' You stutter.
''I made a question first, answer me.''
''She... she's just a friend, nothing more than that.''
''What kind of friends take pictures like these?'' She shows you two Polaroids. One was of you and Ellie kissing and the other was of you sleeping on her chest, both of you naked.
''Ok'' you sigh ''Actually she's my girlfriend, we're dating for eight months now. That's it.'' You say, looking away from your mother's eyes.
''What about that guy who you were always hanging out with?''
''Jesse? I tried to be with him, but after a few weeks I realized I don't like him. At least not the way I like her.''
She sighs ''Listen. I'm gonna sleep now and when I wake up I don't wanna see you here, ok?''
''Wait- what? Mom, please, don't do that!'' You say, but she ignored you and kept making her way out of your room.
''I refuse to share this house with someone like you.'' She takes a deep breath before keep talking "it's 11:47(pm), you have until tomorrow morning to leave.''
''But I have nowhere to go!''
''You should've thought about it before doing what you did.'' This is all you hear before she slams her door.
When you have a mind of somewhere to go, you rush into your room and start to pack up. It's not the best time of the night to walk alone to her place, but you don't have too many options left.
Ellie was sleeping when she listened to something like a few knocks on the front door. She gets up and goes downstairs to see what is going on. Her eyes widen in surprise when she sees you.
''Hmm... hi.'
''Y/n? Fuck- come in, it's cold outside.'' Ellie says taking your hand to bring you inside. "What happened to make you come here?''
''My mom found our pictures in my room and kicked me out.'' You try to hold the tears back, but they insist on falling down your cheeks. ''Well, I think I'm homeless now."
''Oh, babe." Ellie pulls you in a hug ''Why you didn't tell me, hum? I would take the car to pick you up.''
''No way I would let you drive after telling that. I don't like it when you drive angry, it's too dangerous.'' You say laying your chin on top of Ellie's head.
''You go out at nearly 01:00 am is dangerous.'' Ellie chuckles hugging you tighter. ''Come on, let's take your things to my room.''
It took about an hour to tidy your clothes, shoes, and other things you could shove in your suitcases and backpack. When you two were almost done, a deep voice sounded from Ellie's door.
''Y/n?'' It was your father-in-law ''I thought you were coming here tomorrow.''
''Hi, Joel. Well, I planned to come here only tomorrow, but I argued with my mom, and she told me to leave.'' You explain sitting on Ellie's desk chair. ''It's ok if I stay here for a few weeks? Because I'll understand if you say no, it's totally fine.''
''Why would I say no?'' He gives you a slight smile.
''Soo, she can stay?'' Ellie asks.
''Of course. '' Joel says coming into the room, hugging and kissing the top of her head, doing the same to you next. ''I'm sorry for what happened. Well, good night to you two.'' He heads out and closes the door after you and your girlfriend answer.
''Have I ever said I love your dad?'' You say laying down on Ellie's bed. She lays by your side.
''More times than I'm able to count.'' She lays by your side. ''We're gonna keep organizing everything or just ignore it and sleep?''
''Sleep, of course. This was the most tiring night of my life, and you must be tired too.''
''I can't even disagree.'' Ellie gets up and turns off the lamp, now the only light in the room it's from the moon passing through the gaps of the curtains. She comes back to bed with you ''Are you okay?'' Ellie says caressing your cheek.
''I mean, after everything. How are you feeling?''
''I'm not at my best, to be honest. But at least I'm with you, and that's the most important thing to me.'' You take her hand in yours and kiss it softly ''I love you.''
''I love you the most.'' ❤️
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I'm sorry if reader explaining her situation more than once got a little repetitive since you already know what happened, I didn't know how to write it in another way.
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libraryofloveletters · 5 months
Holiday Oopsies
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Virgil Van Dijk x Fem!Reader
Warnings: boy dad virg, neither of the van dijk boys listen, football in the snow goes wrong, baby sitter trent, trips to the er, virg is a cry baby on the lows, it's not christmas unless you make a trip to the er, trent and seb are besties.
Word Count: 952
Author's Note: always call him my baby daddy so we gave him a kid 💅🏽
A snowstorm hits Liverpool and Virgil decides it would be good to take the kids to the park. Even with a warning from you, someone ends up in the hospital on Christmas Eve.
The first snowfall in Liverpool and it was a massive one, the biggest you've seen in years. Both of the Van Dijk boys had been bouncing off the walls all day, losing their minds after being cooped up in the house. You can hear them whispering while you make the cookies for Santa.
"What are you two whispering about?" You asked him, wiping your hands on the apron you had on.
Virgil shook his head, "nothing, baby." The man smiles at you. Your brows furrow, looking between him and your son, the little boy avoiding your gaze.
"Seb, sweetheart. What was daddy whispering about?" You asked him, walking over to sit on the coffee table in front of him. Seb shakes his head, not looking at you. "Nothing, mama."
"Sebastian," your tone was enough to get him to look at you. "Don't lie."
"Dad said he'd take me to the park!" He caved, telling you. Virgil rolls his eyes, he knew it was a weakness both of them had; telling you anything you wanted to know.
You look at your husband, "are you sure that's a good idea? It's slippery and cold outside."
Your husband waves you off, "it's fine babe. It's just snow."
"Okay," you nodded, "make sure you bundle up, and no football!" You tell him, Seb kissing your cheek as he gets off the couch, running down the hallway to his bedroom.
You met them by the door a few minutes later, made sure they were wearing the right clothes, had their hats and gloves and made sure they promised to be safe.
"Stay with your dad," you kissed Seb's chunky cheek. The boy nodded, holding his dad's hand. "Watch him," you tell your husband, on your tiptoes to kiss him.
You watched as they walked out, Virgil and Seb waved to you as you shut the front door.
It hadn't even been a half an hour, you had just taken the cookies out of the oven when you heard someone fiddling with the door. Peeking from behind the curtains, you see Seb trying to open the door.
"What's wrong baby?" You opened the door, seeing him alone. "Where's dad?"
"Dad got hurt!" He shouts, catching you off guard. Just as you go to look for Virgil, the man comes walking in, holding his shoulder in pain.
"Oh my god, babe. What happened?" You helped him to the couch, Seb running to the kitchen to get an ice pack from the fridge for his dad. You carefully help Virg out of his coat, the man wincing in pain as you gently take it off of him.
"Dad jumped to get the ball but he slipped on the ice."
You pressed your lips together, the image of your husband falling made you laugh but also he was in pain so that trumped the giggles.
"We need to take you to the doctors." You tell him and Virgil shakes his head. "I'm fine."
You flicked his shoulder, the man groaned in pain while shooting your daggers. "What was that for!?"
"To prove that you need to go to the ER. Now shut up, I'm calling Trent to come watch Seb."
It took Trent ten minutes to get to your place, the man assures you that he and Seb will be okay. They'll order pizza and watch movies and go to bed before 9pm. You told them to call if they needed anything and you gave Seb a kiss on the head before you helped Virgil into the car.
It was insane at the ER, Christmas eve brought its own set of madness. You sat with Virgil for a few hours before you finally went to go back to see the doctor, from there they sent you for an X-ray and then you were waiting again.
A nurse had come by to give him some pain meds while he waited. Virgil groaned in pain, you looked over from your seat.
"What's wrong?"
"It hurts," he mumbled, you feel a bit bad for him.
You always think of your husband as a big tough guy, considering that he was but it hurt you to see him in pain. You did bite back your snarky remarks and your 'I told you not to play in the snow' comments.
Reaching over, you held his hand, your thumb brushing over his as you waited for the doctor. You rambled on about the stuff you had bought Seb, trying to distract him from the pain.
After a bit, the doctor comes in and lets you know that it was in fact a sprain. It seems that when Virgil fell, he landed on his shoulder and hurt the muscle in his shoulder. The doctor prescribed him a low-dose of pain meds and told him to consult with the team's physio when he returns back to training but other than that, just to rest it and not overwork it.
You drove home, it was well after midnight at this point and the house was quiet. You see the pizza box on the counter and you assume the boys were in bed, Seb in his room and Trent in the guest room.
Virgil made his way up the stairs slowly and you were behind him, wanting to help him settle into bed before you go check on Seb but as you open the door, you find both Seb and Trent cuddled up on your bed, the tv still playing quietly.
You smile, Virgil already turning in the direction of the guest room.
The two of you settle down for the night, your husband looks over at you. "Merry Christmas, baby."
You lean over, kissing him softly." Merry Christmas, big man."
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applejuicefruit · 1 year
So I have a request
So my house was on fire yesterday and I was on the top floor the stairs were burning I couldn’t get out
Could you write a Kylian Mbappe imagine just for comfort yknow, im sorry I wasn’t specific about this
oh my god are you okay?? im really sorry to hear that, let me know if you’re okay please, i hope this brings you a bit of comfort <33
also i changed it a bit cause i didn’t know what to write on the part you got stuck upstairs, hope you don’t mind
kylian mbappe x reader
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Fire on fire
You had no idea how everything started. You were just chilling in your home, reading a book on the comfort of your couch when you smelled some weird stuff. Like something was burning. You didn’t exactly remember cooking or leaving the gas on so you went to the kitchen and checked but everything seemed alright. You maybe thought that the smell came from outside so you didn’t pay it much attention. But the smell of something burning came more powerful every second it passed so you had no idea of what to do. You went upstairs and checked the bedrooms but everything was fine. The last room you checked was the bathroom, probably you wouldn’t even check it if it wasn’t for a weird noise coming from there. The moment you opened the door you saw big red flames all over the room and you felt yourself like suffocating. You panicked. You didn’t know what to do. Of course your first thought was calling the firefighters but in that moment your mind was completely blocked. You were shocked. Panicking and crying, you stood there for almost a minute as you watched the flames growing bigger and bigger under your watch.
You ran downstairs as you quickly brought a jacket and your phone and you got out of the house. You knew that the first thing and the most logical thing to do was calling the firefighters but in that moment your mind went to Kylian and how much you needed him there in that moment. You knew he was training so he probably didn’t even have his phone with him but you tried calling him anyway.
After a few seconds he answered.
“Kylian…” you said, your voice cracking a bit.
“Mon amour is everything okay?” he asked worried.
“No…there’s a fire” you said softly as your eyes were full of tears.
“What? Where? Baby tell me where…” he got so worried the moment you said that there was a fire somewhere.
“Here…at my place…Kylian I’m so scared” you broke down crying on the phone.
“What? Oh my…” he panicked knowing how scared you must have been since you were there all alone “…babe are you hurt? Are you okay?” he asked you.
“No I’m not hurt…but I’m not okay Kyky…I’m terrified” you said sobbing.
His heart broke hearing you crying and knowing he couldn’t do anything in that moment.
“I know mon amour…I’ll be there as soon as possible, I’m leaving right now okay? Just hold on for me…have you called the firefighters?” he asked as you heard him starting his car.
“No…I just wanted to hear your voice…” you said panicking a bit.
“It’s okay baby…stay on the phone with me okay? I’ll call them for you, just hold on a minute” he said never leaving his phone from his hands as with his work phone he called help and telling them that there was a fire at your house and that they needed to rush because you were there all alone. You heard Kylian’s worried tone as he spoke with them in the phone and you cursed yourself for making him worrying so much.
You were still on the phone with Kylian as he talked to you trying to distract you.
The moment you heard the sirens from behind you knew they were there to help you.
“They’re here…” you said to Kylian as you saw them approaching you.
“Okay baby…I’m gonna hang up now, I’m two minutes away…just tell them what’s going on and for whatever reason don’t go inside the house okay? I’ll be there very soon I promise” he said.
“Okay…” you whispered as you closed your phone.
You showed the firefighters where was the fire and they immediately got into your home. You were terrified, your mind racing and your heart beating so fast you thought it would explode.
You saw Kylian’s car slowly approaching you and you started running into his direction.
The moment he saw you he got out of his car and walked in your direction.
“It’s okay baby, I’m here…I’m here” he said as he hugged you. You cried into his shoulder as his arms were around your waist holding you close.
Almost ten minutes later the firefighters came out telling you that the fire was off. Luckily for you the house wasn’t very damaged. Only the bathroom and the guest bedroom burned. Kylian offered you to stay at his place as you got your home renovating and repaired so one of the firefighters helped you inside as you packed your bags with clothes and stuff you knew you needed if you had to stay with Kylian.
“Thank you for letting me stay here…” you said as he helped you bringing your suitcases into his apartment.
“Of course baby…I told you before, this home is your home too…” he said carrying the bags into his, now your, shared bedroom.
“You’re very sweet Mbappè” you teased him.
“Only for you babe…only for you” he wrapped you in a big hug and kissed your forehead. In that moment you wondered how you got so lucky to have found someone like Kylian in your life.
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ladyveronikawrites · 10 months
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[30 Days of Bad Omens]
@signs-of-ill-portent bingo card here
Pairing List: # 5 Noah Sebastian x OFC (Mel)
Kink List: #9 Sensory Deprivation
CW: Bondage, Blindfolds, earplugs, P in V sex, oral female receiving, orgasm denial, mention of panic attack.
*AN// descriptions of panic attack, unwanted touch, and consented deprivation of senses. Please take care of your mental health.
This is a work of fiction, based on real people in fictious situations. Please don't yuck someone else's yum; scroll on.//**
Summary: Mel has a panic attack at a party and Noah helps her to calm down.
word count: 3.5k
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Mel finds herself sitting alone in the corner of the living. Loud music blasts through the speakers as people dance and grind around her. She sucks in a shaky breath. The air is hot and sticky from the body heat. I have to stay. I have to do this for Nicholas. I promised Noah I would come. 
She tries to convince herself to remain planted on the couch. She clenches her shaking fists. It’s all too much. Too much noise. Everyone’s too close. Mel struggles to take a deep breath. She shuts her eyes tight trying to keep the tears from spilling over. When a tear escapes it does her in.
Mel shoots up from the couch and pushes through the crowded space. She practically sobs in relief when she eyes a sliding door to the patio outside. The cool autumn air floods into her lungs with every gasp. Mel plops herself down onto the cement patio and leans against the brick wall of the house. Shutting her eyes tight Mel sobs into her hands wishing she could disappear. 
“Melly, are you okay?” A soft voice calls over to her. Through her hiccups and wails, she can’t hear whoever called after her. Gentle warm hands begin to rub up and down her arms. Mel’s eyes spring open as she gasps for another breath. A shadow of Noah appears in her blurry vision. His mouth is moving but his voice is muffled. Noah tenderly caresses her cheeks and wipes away the tears with his thumbs. 
“I’m here Melly.” Noah’s voice pierces through the haze of her mind. “Take a big breath for me.” Noah inhales deeply through his nose and then exhales through his mouth. Mel follows with a shaky breath. 
“Atta girl. Let’s try another, okay?” Mel nods. “Breathe in with me. Inhale…”
Noah watches as Mel’s chest rises. “That’s my girl. Now exhale…”
Mel’s breathing steadies and her vision clears. “How are you feeling?” Noah asks as he crosses his long legs to sit across from her. He takes her hands in his and squeezes gently. 
“Better, thank you.” Mel rasps out, her throat is still sore from crying.
“Was it too loud?” Mel nods her head quickly and drops her eyes to her hands still entwined in Noah’s. “Despite his quiet demeanor, Nicholas can be a party animal. It’s always the quiet ones you have to look out for.” Noah chuckles as he rummages through the pocket in his jeans. 
“Here.” Noah presents Mel with his Loop earplugs. “These should help with the sound. And I won’t leave your side tonight ok?” 
Mel cracks a smile. “You’re the best, Noah.” 
“Hey, I know what it’s like to be overwhelmed by noise and crowds. I got you, babe.” 
Noah grins at Mel as he rises and offers her his hand. Mel practically skips back into the house with Noah by her side. Mel and Noah’s friendship has always been a special one. Quick to rekindle after months of touring like they never missed a beat. The way they met was an accident but their connection feels like they’ve known each other for a lifetime. 
Crossing the threshold of the sliding door, the muffled music fills Mel’s ears as if she were in a waiting room instead of a raging house party. Noah entwines his fingers through hers and leads her into the kitchen. Without letting her go, he grabs her a glass and fills it with water. Mel giggles at the image of this tall tattooed man rummaging through cabinets with one hand. Mel gulps down the water and thanks Noah. 
Noah leans into her and asks Mel to dance which she gleefully accepts as she, inturns,  pulls him into the living where moments ago she was having a panic attack. Noah can’t help but grin at how much Mel lights up a room with her excitement when she’s not overwhelmed by the world. 
Mel brings herself on her tip toes to wrap her arms around Noah’s neck. Noah adjusts slightly to wrap his arms around her waist closing the gap between them. Mel’s green eyes shimmer against the strobe lights as her hips sway to the beat. Noah leans over to tell Mel he will grab them a drink. She nods but keeps dancing allowing the music to fill her and push away the anxiety. Mel closes her eyes and raises her arms releasing all abandon grinding on anyone nearby. 
Arms wrap around Mel’s waist as a firm body presses against her. With her eyes closed and earplugs in, she is utterly oblivious to the scene around her. The warm hand snakes down her dress grazing the exposed skin of her thigh. Mel’s eyes shoot open as fear and adrenaline course through her veins. She pushes against the stranger's arms but he grabs her wrists and pulls her against him. 
“Let her go,” Noah’s familiar voice pierces Mel’s muffled ears. 
Her heartbeat skyrockets as Noah pushes through the crowd to her. The stranger digs his nails into her and she lets out a small yelp. She searches frantically for Noah in the crowd but he’s nowhere in sight. Mel’s chest heaves up and down as she gasps for air. “Noah!” Mel screams at the top of her lungs. The crowd starts to scatter when all of a sudden, she stumbles forward out of the stranger’s grasp. Mel slams into someone’s shoulder and lands on her ass. In the frenzy, Mel scrambles to her feet and forces her way through the mass of bodies. The sea of people pushes Mel to the staircase. Mel sprints up the stairs and opens the first she finds. 
Mel collapses against the door gasping for air. In the dim light of the bedroom, Mel’s thoughts begin to spiral about Noah’s well-being… Noah. Inhale Mel!  She takes in a shaky breath but blows it out quickly through her teeth. Tears prick the corners of her eyes. It’s no use. Hastily she pulls the earplugs from her ears and throws them to the ground. 
A knock on the door. “Mel, are you in here?” Mel jumps to her feet and opens the door. 
“N-Noah!” Mel hiccups. 
Noah sees Mel’s wide eyes and heaving chest. He pulls her into an embrace. “Breathe Melly,” he soothes gently stroking her hair. Noah feels her chest expand against him. Her raspy breath tightens his stomach. 
“Just like that,” Noah whispers pulling her tighter. When Mel’s breath starts to even Noah back slightly.
“What do you need from me?” Noah asks wiping away her tears. 
Mel is desperate for an escape from the racing thoughts in her head. Despite her knowing Noah is safe her thoughts won’t cease. “I-I need a distraction,” Mel squeaks out barely audible. A blush creeps over her cheeks. 
“What kind of distraction?"
Noah’s voice is low as he searches her eyes for the answer. In the shadows, Noah can still see a small spark of desire in her green eyes. 
“You,” Mel breaths out. Noah’s core tightens at the revelation. 
“I can help with that,” Noah whispers in her ear then plants a tender kiss on her cheek.
Mel gasps softly as Noah’s lips graze the delicate skin of her jaw. Mel inhales Noah’s cologne of cinnamon and sandalwood. It instantly turns the tightness in her stomach into a frenzy of butterflies. 
“Can I kiss you here?”
Noah’s lips linger mere centimeters from her lips. Mel can practically taste the spice of bourbon Noah drank earlier. Through hooded eyes, Mel looks up at Noah. His eyes are dark. 
“Yes,” Mel rushes out. “Pleas-” 
Noah silences Mel with a chaste kiss and leads her to rest against the door. His kiss is tender as if she is fragile, but Mel urges forward as her hands dive under the hem of his shirt and she digs her nails into his hips pulling him closer. Noah grunts at the shock of pain but it only encourages him more as he splits Mel’s lips apart with his tongue. Sloppy wet noises and mutual moans fill the room. Mel nibbles at Noah’s bottom lip as she breaks away from the kiss. For a heartbeat and a breath, they stare intently at each other. 
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Noah asks taking a step back to gauge Mel’s reaction. He cares about her too deeply and doesn’t want to hurt her. 
“Yes, after everything that happened tonight, I need to get out of my head and I know you will keep me safe.” Mel watches as Noah picks up the Loop earplugs from the floor and then walks over to the bedside table.
“Ok, good thing you stumbled into my bedroom,” Noah chuckles as he rummages in the drawer for a second.
He places something small in his back pocket and places a condom and a sleep mask on the nightstand. He lights the candle and places it on the table. Mel’s mouth drops open when Noah rips the comforter off the bed, casting it to the ground. At each end of the bed, he adjusts the bed restraints so they are snug around the mattress.
“Sensory deprivation can help you focus all your attention on how I make you feel.” Noah hands Mel the earplugs. “And remember if you need everything to stop, just say ‘stop’.
“I understand,” Mel says as she puts the earplugs back in. 
“I’m going to start slow, ok?” Mel nods her head. “Now that we have deprived your sense of hearing I’m going to ask you to close your eyes.” 
Mel’s heartbeat pulses in her ears as she shuts her eyes tight. Excitement and arousal begin to bubble in her stomach. Noah’s breath is hot when it tickles her face. Warm and soft lips trail kisses along her jaw. Mel lets out a breathy moan as Noah nips at the delicate skin of her neck. Noah’s deep chuckle rumbles against her ear. 
Mel flinches as Noah’s fingertips graze her shoulders as he pulls down the straps of the dress. Mel sucks in a breath as Noah draws lazy circles on her shoulders and chest with the pad of a finger. With a tug, the dress falls to the floor. Goosebumps spread over Mel’s arms as she shakes slightly to the unexpected cool air. 
To his surprise, Mel doesn’t cover herself in shame like other girls might. She just stands there in her rose-colored lingerie with her eyes still closed, perfectly still for him to admire. Noah has to clench his fist to hold back the urge to touch her. He has to take this slow. He doesn’t want to overwhelm her. 
Noah walks over to the bed and grabs the mask then beelines for the bedside table. Noah chuckles to himself as he slips on his leather glove. Carefully, Noah slips the mask over Mel’s eyes. With his gloved hand, Noah tilts Mel’s head slightly and brushes his thumb over her lower lip. 
“Glove… leather glove?” Mel’s brows furrow turning the idea over in her head. 
“Is that what you think it is? Describe the way it feels to me.” Noah glides his fingertip down her jaw and throat. He rests his hand open around her neck, rubbing small circles on the side.
“It’s soft and smells like leather… and sweat?” Mel giggles. “Oh, it’s your concert glove isn’t it?” 
Noah can’t help but throw his head back and laugh. “Yes, yes it is Melly. I can’t believe you got that correct.” Noah caresses her cheek. 
“Open up.” Mel swallows down an excited giggle as she opens her mouth sticking her tongue out. Suddenly something small and…sour hits her tongue. Mel’s face twists as the tangy candy melts and coats her tongue. 
“Noah what the-” Noah grasps the back of Mel’s neck and crashes his lips onto hers spearing her lips apart with his tongue. Noah’s shoulders tense as the tartness from the candy touches his tongue. Mel groans as Noah explores her mouth further. When he breaks the sloppy kiss he grins from ear to ear. 
“How did that taste?” Noah chuckles.
“Sour and...” Mel licks her lips. “Lemon!”  Arousal pools in Noah’s gut as Mel bites her lip. He can’t wait to taste her again.
“The shock of the sour can be enough to quiet the racing thoughts.”
“It was a definite shock to the system for sure, but fun! Can I have another?” Mel’s heart is about to burst from her ribcage with excitement. Noah grins, “Maybe.” 
Mel takes a sharp inhale of breath as Noah presses his body against hers and wraps his fingers around her wrists restraining them to her sides. Noah nips at her earlobe. “Sound”, he whispers. He kisses each of her eyes covered by the mask. “Sight,” he continues. Noah peppers kisses down the bridge of Mel’s nose to the tip of her adorable button nose. “Smell.” The light pressure around her wrists disappears when Noah lets her go. Mel’s lips part slightly with anticipation. She can feel Noah’s stare burning a hole in her soul.  Without warning, Noah turns Mel’s hands over and kisses each of the pads of her fingers. A sweet soft sound escapes Mel's lips. “Touch,” Noah says softly as he releases her hands. 
“How do you feel?” Noah asks. 
“Really good,” Mel’s voice comes out more breathy than she wanted. 
Noah closes the space between them. “Shall we continue?” He asks as he tilts her head with his gloved hand.
“Please, Noah.” His name on Mel’s desperate lips makes his dick twitch. Noah answers her with a heated kiss and then leads her to the bed. Noah helps Mel unfasten her lacy bra and then she steps out of her panties. If Noah could high-five himself he would as he snatches her panties and tosses them in the drawer of his bedside table. 
“Lay down on your back, dear. I’ve got you,” Noah coos as Mel scoots to the center of the bed. As Noah binds her wrists and ankles in the soft cuffs, he reviews the safewords. Noah crawls between Mel’s legs and sits back on his heels to admire her bare form. 
“You are gorgeous, you know what Mel?” Noah licks his lips as a blush creeps over Mel’s cheeks and chest.
“Thanks,” Mel says softly still trying to wrap her head around this moment. 
“Uh uh, I see those wheels turning again Mel.” Noah starts to trace lines down her chest and tummy with his gloved hand. “Focus on me and how I make you feel.” Noah watches as Mel shivers to his touch.  “That’s it, give in to the sensation.”  His hand roams back up to her breast where he lazily draws circles around her now pebbled nipple. Mel yelps when Noah pinches her nipple then the other one. Mel’s breathing quickens as Noah’s gloved hand snakes its way between her thighs and onto her sex.
“What do you want?” Noah asks as he cups her pussy. Noah bites back a groan as her heat saturates his glove. 
“You,” Mel whimpers. 
Noah adjusts above her as he slides his non-dominant hand between her folds. He takes his time teasing her clit with the soft leather garment. Noah wants Mel to beg for his touch. Mel's legs tense against the restraints. Noah watches as she bites her lip but a soft moan escapes anyway. 
“Use your words, Mel,” Noah says firmly keeping a steady circle around her clit.
“Touch me, please.” 
In an instant, Noah pulls away from Mel and off the bed. Mel’s heartbeat quickens as adrenaline and arousal course through her. Her clit throbs at the absence of Noah’s touch. Muffled sounds of clothes and a belt hitting the wooden floor filter through her blocked ears. The bed creaks as Noah makes his way over Mel’s bound legs. Mel squirms against her restraints trying desperately to touch Noah as his body heat emanates above her. 
“Please,” Mel whimpers softly. 
Noah obliges with a chaste kiss on her cheek, then trails tender kisses down her jaw and brushes his lips against hers. Mel answers back with a kiss. Noah deepens the kiss as he teases the tip of his cock at her entrance. 
“Desperate little thing aren’t you?” Noah smirks as he wets the tip with her slickness. 
He sits back to watch Mel’s cheeks flush. Mel huffs in frustration and then abruptly inhales sharply as Noah pinches both of her nipples with his bare hands. He grazes his fingertips along her sides, inch by inch until he digs his nails into her hips. Mel yelps as the pain spreads through her. 
“Breathe through the pain.” Noah watches Mel’s chest rise and fall. “That’s it.” 
Noah braces Mel’s thighs with elbows as he takes he leans down to nibble at the delicate flesh of her inner thigh. He soothes each bite with a tender kiss. Mel’s moans get louder encouraging Noah to do the same to her other thigh. 
“God Noah-” Mel starts.
“There’s no God here,” Noah growls then splits her folds apart with his tongue. 
Mel bucks her hips.
Noah bares down digging his nails into her to keep her steady. Noah can’t wait to let her loose. He flicks the tip of his tongue over her clit as Mel starts to mewl.  He speeds up his pace as he plunges two fingers into slick pussy.
“Fuck Noah,” Mel yells thrashing against her restraints. 
Mel’s fists clench and her legs start to tense; toes curling. Noah finds a rhythm with his fingers hitting just the right spot and he licks and sucks at her sensitive bud. 
“That’s it Mel, come for me.” 
Mel’s walls clench around his fingers drenching him in the process. Mel throws her head back as she screams his name. Noah keeps his steady pace as he finger fucks her through her orgasm. As Mel comes down from her high, she squirms as Noah drags his fingers from her pussy and then licks up her juices. 
“You taste amazing, Mel,” Noah moans between licks of his fingers. Once Noah is satisfied, he unfastens each of the restraints and pulls off the sleep mask. 
“Hi, pretty girl.” 
Noah’s big brown eyes and dazzling grin are the first things Mel sees as her eyes adjust. Tendrils stick to his forehead, framing his angular face. His shoulder and neck muscles tense as he breathes heavily. 
Mel caresses his cheek with her hand. “Hi.” 
Noah melts into her touch, hungry for more. So is Mel. Mel pulls Noah to her lips tilting her head slightly as she splits his lips open with her tongue. Mel trails her hands up the side of Noah’s face then tugs at the roots. Noah groans against her lips.  
Noah pulls from their heated kiss. “So needy for my touch,” he smirks as he pushes the tip of his hard covered cock into her entrance. Mel’s back arches slightly as digs her nail into Noah’s back forcing him to stretch her walls further. 
“Fuck, I’m not going to last long if you keep that up.” Noah's lashes flutter for a second then spring open when Mel wraps her legs around Noah’s waist. She pushes her heels into his back and grips his hips. It's Noah’s undoing and he can’t stop himself from thrusting into her fast and hard. 
“Yes, Noah!” Mel screams as she shuts her eyes tight. Noah slows his pace when he notices her closed eyes. 
“Eyes on me Mel. I want to watch you come undone.” Noah commands. 
Her bright green eyes are blown wide. Noah rewards Mel by grazing his thumb over her engorged clit then plunges his cock deep inside. A few more deep thrusts and stars speckle Mel’s vision. Mel’s eyes threatened to roll back but somehow she manages to keep her eyes on him as Noah fucks her through her mindblowing orgasm. 
“Atta girl, Mel,” Noah says between thrusts. “I’m almost-” Noah fucks her faster as he releases into her. Noah grunts when he slides out of her; her juices drenching his sheets. He quickly ties up the condom and before leaving the bed Noah kisses Mel on the forehead. 
“You ok?” Noah asks.
“Yeah.” Is all Mel can muster in her blissed-out state. 
“Good,” Noah grins as he helps Mel sit up. 
After they both clean themselves off, Noah changes the sheets and grabs a shirt and sweats for Mel to change into. While Mel changes he too dresses and then crawls into bed. Noah looks up when the bathroom door closes to find Mel drowning in fabric. She giggles softly when their eyes meet. 
“Come here,” Noah gestures for Mel to join him. Entangled in each other’s arms, both Mel and Noah drift off to sleep. 
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and-claudia · 1 year
Face Down (Billy Hargrove x reader)
Short song fic based on Face Down by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
Warnings: OoC Billy, Abusive relationship (not with Billy), mentions of physical abuse, PLEASE DO NOT READ IF THESE TOPICS DO NOT SIT WELL WITH YOU
Stranger Things Taglist
Wordcount: 881
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Billy was sitting on my bed as I sat on the floor in front of my mirror, doing my makeup. I had a date later, and Billy had been hanging out with me today so he decided to stick around until it was time for me to go. I glanced over my shoulder to make sure he wasn’t watching before removing the foundation I had done earlier. It needed to be redone to cover up the bruise I had on my cheek.
Billy PoV I sat on her bed, flipping through a random book she had on her pillow. She was getting ready for another date with Christopher. I had no idea why she stayed with him. The two of them constantly argued and I knew he hurt her, but she brushed me off anytime I brought it up or tried to ask her if she was okay. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught her looking at me. I leaned over to say something to her when I saw it. She had a bruise across her cheek that she was trying to cover up with makeup. “Yn…” I said gently. “Don’t, Billy.” She warned knowing what I was about to say. “Yn, this is serious. He’s never hurt you that bad before…” “And it’s not going to happen again.” She snapped. “Do you believe that? Really?” I asked. “Yes. He apologized. It was an accident.” “If he actually cared he wouldn’t be hurting you like this, on purpose or by accident.” She sighed, “He does care. He loves me. And I love him.” It honestly sounded like she was trying to convince herself of that more than she was trying to convince me. We have had this conversation many times before. It always ended the same way. She swears that she is fine but I know better. I knew what it was like to hide abuse. I had done it for so many years now with my own father. I hated seeing Yn suffer but she would never let me help her either. Later that night, I was home alone. Neil and Susan were on a date, Max had gone to El’s for the night. I was about to just call it a night and go to bed when the phone rang. “Hello?” “Billy?” It was Yn and she was crying. “Yn? Where are you? Are you alright?” I could hear banging on the other end of the phone and she let out a small cry. In an instant, I knew what was going on. “Hang in there sweetheart, I’ll be there as fast as I can. I promise it’s going to be okay.” Before I hung up I heard her whisper a small “Hurry.” I had never driven so fast in my life. There was only one thing on my mind, saving Yn from that man. I pulled up outside his house haphazardly before getting out and running to the door. I didn’t even knock I just busted in and started calling out for Yn. I heard a yelp down the hallway and followed it. I opened the door just in time to see him shove her backward into the dresser. She hit it hard and fell to the ground. “Hey, dipshit!” I yelled, getting Christopher’s attention. “Who the hell are you?” He yelled before turning back to Yn as she lay on the ground, “Have you been cheating on me, whore?” She shook her head and scooted back away from him even more. When he turned back to me I was already getting up in his face. “Do you feel like a man? Huh, do you? Does pushing her around like that make you feel all big and strong? Does it make you feel better about your sad, pathetic life?” I yelled. “Get back man!” He snapped. “Not until Yn’s safe and away from you.” I glanced over his shoulder to see her slowly getting up. “She doesn’t need to go anywhere. She’s fine here, right babe?” He turned to her and gave her a pointed look that stopped her dead in her tracks. I looked at her waiting for a response. Slowly she began to shake her head, “No, I’m not… I’m not fine… I’ve had enough. Enough of you hurting me.” She said. “That’s a load of bullshit!” He yelled. “Yn, go wait in the car.” I said gently nodding to the door. She gave a small nod before rushing out as I held Christopher back. I shoved him back once she was out of the room. “Listen, buddy, one day this world that you’re living in is going to come to an end and when it does, all the lies that you keep telling yourself are going to come crashing down and then you are going to finally see the monster that you are. And when it does, oh when that day comes, I hope I’m here to see you get everything you deserve for everything you’ve done to her.” I said, shoving him back one last time before walking out. “I’m sorry for not listening to you.” Yn said quietly as I got into the car. I shook my head, “No, none of that. All that matters is that you’re safe now.”
Billy Hargrove Angst taglist:
@lothiriel9 @leetaeilsnecktattoo @jedi-mabari @honey-tongued-devil @notfeelingverydora @mystargirl-interlude @alexxavicry
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filmbyjy · 1 year
I want angst to fluff
youre dating heejake but you feel like youre not bcs they are always together, when 3 of you are in dates they would always be close to eachother, so you decided to end thjngs with them, they were grieving so much and they only noticed they werent giving you affection, one time you posted on like insta or smth but the caption is " ty for being my friends you guys were the only one who were there for me" (insert pic of friends). Heejake saw your post and went to apologize to you but they saw you with jaywon , they were showering you with hugs and kisses on the cheek. so they decide if its the best to leave you alone, you were happy with heejake but not happy as jaywon.
a/n: no!! long asks means its a good thing!! I will have bigger idea and its been narrowed down to how you’d like it! so yes, I don’t mind getting long asks!!
pairing: heeseung x fem!reader x jake
genre: polyamorous relationship, angst and fluff
warning: there is angst for the first part but don't worry! the ending was meh, i'm so sorry :')
word count: 1.3K words
don’t leave me
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it had been a total 245 days since you’ve started dating these two boys. about 8 months or so. you love them both however, recently...you were feeling like a thirdwheel. you knew your two boyfriends were practically attached to the hip.
they were best friends since middle school, they practically grew up with each other. at first when dating them you knew what you were signing up for. you knew they were very close but you just didn't expect them to literally ignore you at times. it was like you weren't there at times and it hurt you.
you tried telling them about this. expressing your feelings. they did try to improve on it but then they just went back to how it was. you had enough with it, you couldn't deal with this anymore.
"let's break up." you told them as they were laughing in the living room talking about all the crazy fun things they had done together at the arcade. you weren't even invited to it.
it went silent. the two boys staring at you wide eyed. you looked away from them so you couldn't see their expressions. you knew you'd breakdown the moment you saw their faces. you still loved them a lot but you couldn't handle more of this. you didn't even feel like a friend, you’re just like an outsider to your relationship.
— placing this in case the read more messes up —
"what, why?" jake voices out. his tone was soft, he knew you'd cry any second now.
"just because." you simply said.
"i'll pack my bags and leave tonight. you two take care, alright?" you left the living room and went to your room.
it had been a month since the break up. you've moved out of their house and left not a single trace. you had such a hard time for the first 2 weeks. you didn't leave the bed. not even once. your two friends jay and jungwon had tried to pull you up. get you out and make you happy but it was hard.
jay and jungwon were a couple. though, they frequently deny they are in a relationship but it was obvious they liked each other. you assumed they didn’t want to put a label over their ‘relationship’.
jungwon nudges your shoulder, "hey there, pretty. here, a glass of water to sober you up."
jay drapes his jacket over you. you smiled at him and thanked him.
"look, i know you want to forget about them but sometimes it's okay to say that you miss them." jay says. you laid your head on jungwon's shoulder.
"is it obvious?"
"very." jungwon says. you smacked his arm. he chuckles and grabs your hand, playing with your fingers. you've never experienced this when you were dating heeseung and jake.
sure, they did a little affection but they did more together then with you. jay and jungwon always gave you the perfect affection. they both initiate it on you (despite being only friends with those two. it was simply platonic)
"you know...if you want them back, we could always devise a plan." jay says.
"a plan of revenge, hyung?" jungwon asks. jay smirks and ruffles jungwon's hair.
"god, now you are making me feel like a thirdwheel." you groaned.
"ah, no. you aren't a thirdwheel! you know we love you (name)."
"yeah yeah. just bring me home. i wanna sleep, i'm tired. i don't wanna deal with life anymore." you mumbled out. jay and jungwon sighed. they brought you home that night and tucked you into bed.
jay dials for jake.
“she’s asleep.”
“that’s great.” jake says.
jay sighs, “look, I know you two miss her. it’s obvious every time we hang out. I literally can see you two pouting every time we mention her.”
“we don’t-”
“cut that bullshit. you two love her a lot still and the break up was stupid. the three of you could’ve worked it out if you talked. (name) told you about it and you did nothing.”
“we did try something but it didn’t work. maybe we were never meant to both date her.”
“what do you mean. you both brought the best out of her. she was happy. yeah, she’s happy with us but she’s not as happy as when she was with you.”
“well it’s over.”
“not if you two get your asses back to her, get on your damn knees and apologise.”
“but she won’t-”
“jake, both me and jungwon love you but sometimes…I JUST WANNA SMACK THAT IDIOTIC FACE OF YOURS.” jay yells. jake winces.
“alright. we’ll go talk to her tomorrow.”
however, they never did. well in the morning nor afternoon but you heard the doorbell ring at like 1am. you had just gone out of bed to grab a glass of water since your throat felt dry. the moment you opened the door, you swore your heart dropped at the sight of your exes.
“(name).” heeseung says. you wanted to shut the door on them but you couldn’t. you were frozen in your spot. it’s been too long since you’ve seen them since the break up.
“we came to apologise.” jake adds.
“can we come in?” heeseung cautiously asks.
it was freezing and the two boys had simply thrown a hoodie over their body. you knew they both got cold easily and you would feel bad to let them freeze so you let them in your home.
all three of you settled on the couch in the living room. jake kneels down on the ground. you were shocked.
“(name). we are so sorry.” he voices out. heeseung does the same and kneels in front of you.
“boys, get up.” you pulled them up. “why are you doing this?”
“we can’t forget about you, (name).”
“we also feel awful about ignoring you. we didnt intentionally do it. it’s just-”
“our first time getting into this kind of polyamorous relationship. moreover, you are our first girlfriend.”
“we didn’t know how to act and to be honest, it was a jerk move to completely ignore you and not communicate with you.”
“you deserve the world, (name). we didn’t treasure you enough and for that…we’re extremely sorry.” jake says. the moment you looked up to meet their eyes, you noticed the tears falling from both of their faces.
“jake, heeseung.” you pulled them into a hug. it felt too long, you missed this. you missed them. however, you knew you’d be a fool to accept them back. what if they continued with the same thing again?
you let go of them once all three of you calmed down.
“I’ll be honest, I don’t know if I’ll be ready to fully accept you guys back. i’m afraid that you guys might ignore me again and we’d just go back to how it was. i don’t want that to happen.” you say. they nod.
“we completely understand. we should leave, thank you for hearing our apology (name).” heeseung says. he pays jake’s shoulders and jake stands up. poor jake sniffles, he already feels like crying once again.
“wait.” you say. they turned around and you hugged them again. “i love the both of you.”
“we love you too.”
they left that night feeling guilty and sad. however, nothing could fully prepare themselves for when you appeared at their front door. kissing the living daylights out of heeseung since he opened the door.
it had been too long. since you’ve felt your lips against his.
“hyung, who was at- the front door..” jake pauses. he did not expect to see you. you pulled away from heeseung and turned your head to meet jake’s eyes.
“umm hi?” jake says. you walked over to him and pulled his onto his collar before smashing your lips against his. jake yelps in surprise. he wasn’t complaining though, your kiss was truly something else.
his hands wrapped around your waist. you pulled away.
“why did you-”
“i know i’m stupid but I really don’t want you guys gone from my life. i really love you two. i umm, can we try this over?”
both heeseung and jake looked at each other.
“of course.” jake pulls you into a hug.
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starry-hughes · 4 months
like maybe charlie’s family trying to reconnect when chase comes and she’s at the house alone with a newborn when they show up
charlie lets them cause what else is she supposed to do? when trevor gets home he’s so confused and asks them to leave.
he’s upset and asks charlie what she was thinking. charlie starts breaking down crying cause she’s didn’t know what to do.
i feel like after trevor calms down, he talks it through with her and make up
trevor gets home, he was only gone for a couple of hours. he doesn’t know who’s in the driveway when he gets there, he doesn’t recognize the car.
“babe who’s here?” his voice trails off as he sees charlie on the couch, her mom is holding chase and it’s freaking charlie out. she looks terrified. “see all he needed was his grandma to calm down? you know a mother should be able to stop her baby from crying? and this house, you should keep it cleaner and you should look presentable as a mom and-”
“get out.”
trevor doesn’t speak loud but everyone hears it. “charlie tell your husband that we are family and have a right to be here.” she sits there. “no, you have no rights. we are the parents. this is our house. if you don’t think i will trespass you from my house, you’re wrong.”
trevor practically stomps over and scoops the baby out of the arms of charlie’s mom who immediately gasps and charlie’s dad starts shouting. chase is freaked out by the noise and starts crying. “take him upstairs. now.”
charlie is silent as she takes her son and goes upstairs, trevor blocking any of her family from following. “out of my house!” once they are gone and the door is locked, trevor goes upstairs. chase is in the crib no longer crying, door cracked open and charlie is sitting outside the nursery on the ground. he shuts the nursery door and walks toward the bedroom, charlie picking herself up and following.
“what were you thinking?!”
charlie flinches at his voice. “jesus charlie you let them in! you let them hold our baby! why would you do that?!”
he’s so upset. charlie is wishing she could disappear, take everything back, rewind the day. when trevor finally looks at her again, she’s crying. face red from holding in sobs, her whole body is shaking. “charlie i didn’t mean-”
she steps back from him, arms wrapping around herself. he feels betrayed in that moment but he knows even if he’s mad, he shouldn’t have said anything, he shouldn’t have shouted. “i’m going to go downstairs for a bit,” he says.
as soon as he shuts the bedroom door, he hears her sobs. her panicked breathing as she tries to calm herself down and he just wants to punch himself. he knows she doesn’t want him there so he doesn’t bother going back in.
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