#and obi-wan is like your old jedi colleagues
tennessoui · 2 years
I’m just picturing them doing the Angelina and Brad pose and it’s sending me
ok i was thinking about this au this morning so here is 1.1k of a writing warm up set in the mr and mr sith au where the jedi have captured master skywalker to take him home (they think he's been held hostage this entire time), but they accidentally pick up sith obi-wan instead and no one is prepared........
Ena frowns down at Jedi Master Anakin Skywalker, a bad feeling sprouting in her chest. This all feels wrong, but it isn’t. She knows it isn’t.
“He really fought back?” she asks Mal as soon as he enters the room. “But you told him we were Jedi, right? That we came to rescue him? That he was safe?”
Mal puts his hand on her shoulder. The touch is supposed to be comforting, but Ena isn’t sure how much she wants comfort right now. “I did,” he swears. “But he’s been held captive by the Sith for so long, Ena, who knows what they’ve done to his mind?” “He doesn’t…he doesn’t look tortured,” Ena says, looking over Master Skywalker’s bound figure. They’d had to physically tie him down with rope and chain once they’d subdued him, apparently. Apart from the livid bruise along his cheekbone, he appears uninjured. His hair—auburn and rather short—falls messily over his face.
“You and I both know that sometimes the deepest scars are ones we cannot see,” Mal tells her, squeezing her shoulder once.
“And the child?” Ena asks. “Has the med droid finished looking him over?” “Healthy,” Senaka reports as she comes into the room, montrals twitching at the change of Force, a heaviness in the air that they know comes from their captive even though they’re not sure why. “Five standard years of age, I believe, with a ridiculously high midichlorian count. He’ll be waking up within the hour, I’m sure.”
“Master Skywalker has clearly bonded with the boy,” Mal reports, hand rising to tug at a padawan braid that’s no longer there. “It was only when we separated them that he stopped fighting us. He didn’t even notice Senaka had a force collar until it was already on his neck.”
Ena feels a headache brewing behind her eyes. She knows what they’ve done is the right thing.
It doesn’t feel right though.
To tie a venerated, traumatized man to a chair, to win a fight against him by subduing a child…but they had had no other option. 
After six years of no information, the Jedi Council had finally caught a whisper about Jedi Master Anakin Skywalker’s location. Four Jedi Knights had been dispatched to follow this rumor to its bitter end, to track down Master Skywalker, rescue him from the clutches of the Sith who stole him away so long ago, and bring him home.
Their informant had confirmed that a man with yellow eyes was often seen on the same planet, in the same city. So they’d had to move fast.
And when Master Skywalker had not been receptive…when he’d killed Knight Avas…Ena knows they’d been forced into making a decision that felt wrong but must be right.
Mal squeezes her shoulder once, opening his mouth to say something. Before he can, Master Skywalker shifts slightly in his chair before he freezes completely. Awake.
His eyes flash open a second later, pale blue glowering right into Ena’s soul. “Where is he?” he spits, words spoken in an unexpectedly Coruscanti accent. “What have you done with him?”
“Master Skywalker,” Ena says, holding out a hand to try and soothe the fury thrashing in the man’s eyes. He snarls the moment she comes too close. “The boy is fine. I swear it, you know the Jedi would never hurt a child. We won’t hurt you either. It’s over. You’re safe.”
Master Skywalker rears back as much as he can in his current position. “I want to see him,” he commands. “Bring him to me.”
“We can’t do that,” Senaka shakes her head slowly. “You’re…volatile, Master. You could hurt him.”
“You will let me see my child,” Master Skywalker snaps, voice seeping with danger. “I—”
It is the patter of little feet that interrupts him now, and the three Jedi turn around immediately. Not before there’s a blur of movement from the door and the boy careens between their legs, running to throw himself onto Master Skywalker’s lap.
Though the man’s arms are bound tightly behind him, Ena can see the way he automatically tries to hold the boy, shoulders jerking forward before he sinks back with a snarl of frustration.
“Papa!” the boy is saying over and over again, rubbing over the Jedi Master like an affectionate tooka cat. “I can’t feel you! Papa, why are you gone?”
“I’m here, Luke, it’s alright. We’re alright,” Master Skywalker murmurs, voice becoming impossibly softer as he leans far enough down so that he can tap their foreheads together.
“Master Skywalker, we mean you no harm,” Ena tries to say, taking another step forward. Senaka is right. Master Skywalker killed a Jedi only a few hours ago. He’s unstable. He’s dangerous. 
“I don’t know who that is,” the man snaps as the child—his child?—hides his face in his neck. “Release me at once. I have no ties to the Jedi Order.”
“What?” Mal looks shocked then shaken. Ena understands. None of them ever knew Master Skywalker, but everyone in the Temple had heard of him. He was legendary. A perfect Jedi. To hear that he doesn’t even recognize his name…it shakes Ena to her core. “No—you—you are Master Skywalker. Do you—Anakin. That’s your name. Anakin Skywalker. You’ve been missing for six years. You were kidnapped by the Sith on an undercover mission to Nyrel. We never stopped looking for you.”
The man in front of them freezes again, face expressionless as the seconds tick on. Slowly, a red eyebrow arches its way up his forehead. “Oh,” he says like he’s suddenly realized a great mystery of the universe. “Oh, I see.”
The child on his lap tugs at the front of his robes before deciding to tug at the bristles of his beard instead. “Papa,” Luke says in that way children do when they are demanding attention. “I can feel Daddy though. He’s not feeling good.”
Skywalker’s nostrils flare at this, and he cuts his eyes from the far wall down to the boy and then up to Ena. “Did you hurt him?” he demands, voice like ice. “When you captured me. Did you hurt him?”
“The boy? No—you can see, he’s fine—”
“A man,” Skywalker shakes his head. “Golden hair. Blue eyes. Tall.”
“No, papa,” Luke tugs at Skywalker’s beard again. “No. He’s okay. But he’s not feeling good things.”
Skywalker’s attention is fully on his child. “What do you mean, Luke?” he asks, voice gentle and coaxing.
“Angry,” Luke says. “Daddy is angry and close.”
For some reason this makes Master Skywalker smile, lines around his eyes crinkling with the force of his joy. “That’s very good then, Luke Love. Do you know why?”
Ena feels Mal shift next to her, unease growing in the air around them as Master Skywalker turns his face up to them. “Why?” Luke asks.
“Because our friends here really want to meet your daddy,” he says. “And I think your daddy’s going to be absolutely charmed.”
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Fluffy 🌸 with Clone Wars Anakin please? 🥺🥺 with maybe Ahsoka and Obi-Wan shipping them?
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The Long Game
Pairing: Clone Wars Era!Anakin x Jedi!Knight Reader 
Requested: Yes | No
Warnings: Nothing too bad, but due to the nature of the Clone Wars obviously there is potential mentions of death/loss/wounds etc. I am Australian and therefore swear words aren’t worth a warning for me, but I shall place a warning here regardless. As always, let me know if you think there should be something listed here. 
Words: 1.5k - sorry its very short, I'm hoping a part 2 will be requested <3
Author’s Notes: ahhhhh! Thank you for the request @darthgloris I hope this is okay I had a brief idea and I ran with it, hope its still fluffy enough for you! 🥰 This was requested via my Emoji Request Prompts
Anakin was nothing if not arrogant, egotistical and, surprisingly talented to boot. As a youngling he excelled, as a Padawan learner he saved Senator and friend Padmé Amidala’s life more than once. Now, as General Skywalker, Anakin felt like he had grown into himself, grown into his power. It felt limitless, he was limitless. Anakin often had dreams of spreading himself thin, extending his power across the galaxy like a blanket, keeping everyone and everything safe.
He thought highly of himself, it wasn’t a secret. And, he didn’t think it was particularly a problem. He was the Chosen One, was he not? If anyone in the Jedi Temple was allowed to peacock a bit, it was him. 
Well, that’s how Anakin rationalised it to himself anyway. Besides, Anakin did not like playing the long game. What was the point when he could sieze everything he wanted now? 
Regardless, he had a sharp learning curve when it came to his own Padawan learner, Ashoka Tano. The snippy young girl challenged him more than most. He saw so much of himself in her, the power, the strength, the raw talent. Frustratingly, Anakin saw his faults in her too. Occasionally, the arrogance being something that Anakin couldn’t ignore. Like right now for example. 
“Please Kestis the only reason you were moved from youngling to Padawan,” Ashoka paused, pointing her spoon at her young red-headed friend. “Is because the council wanted to try and mellow out your Master with the responsibility of a child.” 
Anakin cringed as the young boy - Cal Kestis - pouted at the breakfast table. Anakin could sense Obi-wan’s displeasure from beside him, he saw his old master holding his tongue, allowing Anakin to take the floor in order to berate his Padawan. 
Unfortunately, she had a point. And, embarrassingly enough, Ashoka’s argument came straight from the kitchen, so they say. Well, his mother, Shmi, used to say. Anakin remembered expressing the same frustration only a few weeks prior. Jedi Knight, Jedi Master, Council member and friend, Y/N L/N, was unable to join Anakin and Ashoka on a crucial mission in the outer rim, due to the passover of her new, young apprentice: Cal Kestis. It perhaps wasn’t the most fair or patient thing for Anakin to do, but he blamed the boy and focused all of his frustration on the twelve-year-old. 
Fuck it, Anakin thought. He had to admit to himself, he was a little jealous of the boy. He could not help but want to be the center of your attention, at all times. Which isn’t a very Jedi thing to want. But Anakin wanted more. He always did. He always felt distracted, like he was slipping away from his mental fortitude the more he thought of you. You were playing some kind of long game with him, and he didn’t like it, the guessing, the pining - it all kept him up at night more than the war had. 
Anakin supposed he was ought to be worried about it, but he couldn’t find it in himself to care. He pined after you, and all he wanted was for you to maybe, even consider him more than a work colleague. 
“Ahsoka.” Anakin said sternly, as he pushed his Jedi mandated food around his Jedi mandated plate with his Jedi mandated fork, not bothering to look up at his young charge. “Watch your snippy mouth.” 
“She’s not wrong, Master.” Meekly, Cal Kestis mirrored General Skywalker across the table. Anakin felt for the young boy then. Anakin looked up, finally taking in the boy. With his fiery hair and splattering of freckles across his face, he seemed inherently sad, with his lips held tight in a line. Anakin couldn’t help but remember the same expression on his own face as he made his way around Watto’s junkyard. 
“Do you not like your Master, young Kestis?” Obi-wan sensed Anakin’s mind was far, far away, the anxiety rolling off him in thick waves. 
Cal looked up, quickly, at the two Jedi knights in front of him. He felt like he was in shock, as if the air had been torn from his lungs. Of all the questions he expected to be asked, that was not one of them. 
“No!” Cal defended, adamantly. “No! Well yes!” The young Padawan could feel the heat rise to his pale face, heating the back of his neck. General Kenobi quirked an eyebrow at the boy, urging him to continue. Kestis sighed, gathering his thoughts once more. He was embarrassed. “I am afraid I am too attached to Master L/N.” He started. Anakin felt his lip twitch, fighting a smile at the honesty from the young learner. Cal continued, “I don’t want to let her down, but my lightsaber skills are not where she wants them to be, I need more training but I am afraid to ask.” 
From the corner of his eye Anakin watched as Obi-wan opened his mouth. He knew what his old master would say: Just ask, Padawan. That is what the master is there for, to teach. But Anakin knew what it felt like to want more. 
“I would be happy to provide you with additional combat training, Padawan Cal Kestis.” Anakin leant back in his chair, both hands happily resting behind his head, left ankle at home on his right knee, lips comfortably in a smirk. 
Long game it was. 
Your eyes scanned the meals room in the Temple for your Padawan learner. You knew that you could use the force to locate him, if you wanted. But, your relationship with Cal was still so new, and somehow that felt like encroaching on the young boy’s privacy. 
Besides, there was another presence in the large dining hall that almost overwhelmed you. Anakin Skywalker. 
Arrogant, talented, intelligent, calculated, The Chosen One, handsome, flirtatious. You weren’t sure where you stood with Anakin. You longed to call him friend, but you were ultimately convinced he saw you little more as a colleague. 
Despite all that though, he was a hard man to escape at the best of times. And now, since Cal and Anakin’s Padwan, Ahsoka Tano, were friends, you knew that Anakin would always be around. 
You couldn’t help the schoolgirl flutter that it striked into you. It was exciting, you supposed, to finally have something a bit easy on the eye about constantly. It certainly made the war a little easier, to do missions with Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker. 
Eventually, Cal’s beautiful bright hair shone like a beacon for you. You began to weave your way across the room. You couldn’t help to admit that you’ve become attached to him, you deeply cared for him, his wellbeing. As much as you loved the Jedi, you often thought of Cal playing, running free with kids his own age. Not becoming a soldier on the front lines of an intergalactic war. Perhaps that was why you slacked on Cal’s training. You simply wanted him to be loved, to be happy, to be a child. 
All of the fondness you held so tightly quickly got packed away once you realised who Cal was sat with. Approaching the breakfast table you clocked Anakin’s relaxed figure. The effortlessly beautiful set of his lips, the way that his eyelashes curled upwards, you were convinced his demeanour was larger than life. And, maybe, perhaps, you let your eyes wander for a beat longer than what was socially acceptable. 
Gently you placed your hand on Cal’s shoulder, perhaps it was because you were his Master, or maybe it was something deeper, something maternal, but you always felt more at ease when you had him close. With a slight bow of your head, you opened:
“Morning to you Master Kenobi, Ahsoka.” You took a moment to lick your lips, your whole mouth had gone dry, but you tried desperately to save yourself from Anakin’s piercing gaze. “General Skywalker.” The rest greeted you verbally, but Anakin said nothing, just a simple tilt of his head. You held Anakin’s gaze, his blue eyes held something else in them, you felt like he was playing some kind of game. You didn’t mind game, but only if you knew the rules, and Anakin was one to make up the play as he went along. You felt Cal clear his throat, his body lurching under your hand.
Finally, you broke the contact with Anakin, ruffiling Cal’s hair, and placing his braid behind his ear. “If you’d excusae us, my Padawan and I have much to do.” 
Anakin waited for at least 30 seconds for you and your Padawan to start walking away before he turned in his chair to follow you out with his eyes. 
Ahsoka watched as her usually oh-so-clever and suave and calculating Master watch Cal Kestis and his Master leave the dining hall like a Lothal Cat waiting for its owner to return. She couldn’t help but smile, Anakin’s pining was hilarious, and Master L/N was a good choice. She turned to share a look with Master Kenobi, and to Ahsoka’s delight he was chuckling softly to himself, coving his smile with his hand, playing it off as if he was simply stroking his beard. 
Ahsoka knew Anakin thought he was playing some kind of long game, but it was going to be a painfully long pining. Not if she was going to have anything to do with it.
P.S This is a side account, my main is @mayhemories, so I will be answering any comments with that account but rest assured it is still me :) <3
Much love, El. 
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nahoney22 · 2 years
OMG HI! 🤩 Are you taking writing commissions?! Can I be added to a commission waiting list if you have one for a soft-pining between Plo-Koon and a Jedi!Reader? I’m talking like fluffiest fluff you can muster! Maybe them being like parents to their battalions! The forbidden attraction because of old Jedi rules 🥺
P.S: You are so right! None of this bs wouldn’t have happed if he didn’t bite the dust 😭
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Plo Koon X GN!JediReader
word count: 2.6k
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Both being the greatest Jedi they can be to their Battalion, it’s no surprise that the kindness shared between you both brings you closer and maybe just maybe, makes things a little risky.
warnings: none, fluff! Minor mention of injury & death to Clones, forbidden romance trope, mutual pining. Ngl, not overly proud of this as I feel it’s a little rushed and messy. It was better in my head. I’m losing my touch.
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The Medbay was often a horrible place for any person or sentient to visit and no matter how many visits General Plo attends, it is never any easier.
The last mission was a success but with so many casualties. His respect for his Battalion grows each passing second and has come to care about each man individually but at what cost? Another win yet it seemed like they were no step closer to beating the Separatist threat.
“I am here for CC-3636.” Plo speaks to one of the droids that maintained care for those who were taken in, hating using his Commander's designated number rather than his preferred name.
“Right this way. His condition is stable.”
Plo stays silent, walking down the painfully white halls of the Kaminoan facility towards one of the bays. Though deep in his thoughts, something stops him.
As if something had shoved on his chest and commanded him to stop, his head turned to look into an empty room. Well, aside from two beings in the right hand corner.
There’s a clone on the bed, no colour to their armor aside from the stark white and shiny new armor and a presence beside them. Their back was to him but he was certain that they were Jedi. That Jedi being you, someone who he still has not been formally introduced to though he had heard things. Many great things in fact.
Slowly, he turns and looks into a room opposite, busier than the others but still no other Jedi present. If he were to hazard a guess, he would confirm that the only two Jedi here were just the pair of you. All these men injured, yet it seemed that only you two had cared.
He sighs to himself, knowing he should not think ill of the other Jedi as he was well aware that most have care for their troops but clearly, maybe just not as much as him and yourself.
“Just this way Master Jedi.” The AZI droid speaks up, snapping Plo out of his doubting thoughts and proceeds to move on along. But as he leaves, you look over your shoulder and feel a shift in the Force. A Jedi was present and although curious to who it could be, you focus on your trooper and wait for him to wake up.
“Anakin is growing stronger and courageous each day though I fear there is conflict within him.” Obi-Wan speaks softly as he walks alongside Plo.
The Kel Dor sensed his friend and colleagues troubles and opted to walk with him and try to clear his mind. “Your padawan is headstrong and a fine Jedi. Little Soka is becoming the ideal Jedi too because of him. Trust in him Obi-Wan and soon you will see everything will play out smoothly.”
Walking out into the courtyard, conversation changing to something more cheerful rather than Obi-Wan’s worrying woes, the two of them took in the calming air.
“Ah, look who is over there.” Kenobi points to the center of the courtyard, over by The Great Tree.
Plo looks in the direction and as if by an instant, he recognised you to be the Jedi on Kamino a few rotations ago. Your robes were breezing around your body, a content expression on your face.
“You haven’t met them yet, have you?” Kenobi asks, already getting ready to walk on over but like before, something pushed against him and his feet find their way walking over to you.
“No.” He answered him.
“Well, let me introduce you.”
Kenobi says your name aloud, catching your attention and as you turn, there’s a strange feeling in the Kel Dor’s stomach. He had not expected you to appear so youthful as you appeared wise beyond your years.
“General, what do I owe the pleasure?” You smile warmly to your friend, eyes flickering between the human male and then to Kel Dor beside him.
“Nothing at all, just thought I would introduce you to Master Plo Koon. I don’t think you two have worked together.”
When you look at him your eyes are full of intrigue and interest as you bore into the mask on his face. “No, I don’t believe we have.” You take a step closer and extend a hand. “Pleased to meet you.”
His hands or talons so to speak, reach out to you and gently clutches at the softness of your skin. His touch is surprisingly warm and enough to send chills down your arms but luckily, your robes hid the bumps. When he says your name you feel an odd sensation. A sensation as if you would want him to repeat it over and over again.
“And you. I see you find calmness in The Great Tree?” He pulls his arm back, digits leaving yours and you try to ignore how cold you suddenly felt. What was happening? Were you feeling unwell? You push the thoughts back for the time being and focus back on his question.
“Yes, I find it beautiful.” You say softly, turning to look at the leaves that bristled in the soft wind. “We’re definitely lucky to have one in our midst due to its rarity.”
There was something about you that Plo was fascinated by. Your voice was a soft and calming presence and there seemed to be no heavy grief on your shoulders. He was internally thankful that Kenobi had parted ways with you both and took the opportunity to get to know you more.
Respectfully, he had asked of your homeworld and family and listened with great interest at whatever you had to say. You also made sure to include him too and would ask questions about how the war is fairing for him and if he had any worries which reminded him:
“If you recall, I remember seeing you on Kamino though I didn’t make myself known.” He begins to walk alongside you and as you take small and slow steps, his large ones go down to a minimum.
At least the question in your mind of which Jedi had seen you that day was answered and a small smile crept onto your lips. “I thought I felt a spectre close by. You have a very warm presence in the Force.” Although you spoke calmly, there was no denying that there was a small hesitance in your mind and sincerely hoped you had not said anything too outrageous after just meeting him.
“That is kind of you to say.” He nods, genuinely appreciating your gentle words. “I hope that trooper you were seeing made a full recovery?”
“Oh yes,” you smile softly “Jammy, as I so named him, has made a speedy recovery. He got badly wounded on our last mission and I really thought he wouldn’t make it out this time.”
“This time?”
You roll your eyes a little playfully. “Hence the name. He’s been in that Medbay more times than I can count. He’s a lucky one.”
Plo smiles, noticing how affectionate you are when it comes to talking about the Clones. It was a nice relief to see one having respect for them after all they do for the GAR. It was rather refreshing.
“Who were you going to see?” You turn your head to look up at him. He chuckles softly and tells you about Wolffe, a trust Commander and the name just so happens to ring a bell.
“Wolffe,” you repeat his name, pausing, “I don’t suppose he is the Commander of the 104th? Making you their General?”
“Yes, why do you ask?” He stops with you and you find yourself blushing as you notice just how close he stood beside you, slowly moving to stand in front.
“I believe that I am joining you and your entourage in the next following days, on Aleen?” You ask hopefully and that strange sudden hope that you had was a little dangerous.
He hums a small chuckle but shakes his head. “Not me, but I’m sure my men will be a great addition in my absence.”
You tried to not look disappointed but the way he tilts his head at you makes you think that maybe he knew. “I’ll be happy to work with them, General.”
“Please,” he says softly and with enough grace places a hand to your shoulder, “call me Plo.”
The relationship you had with Plo only grew from then on. Coincidentally (or not) the two of you would often find yourselves walking the halls of the Temple together but there was something not quite right.
Just now, your conversation with Plo was innocent and had you both laughing but as you passed a small group of maybe three members of the order, they were eyeing you both up suspiciously. At first you thought nothing of it but the stares lingered and then whispers would begin. You wondered if Plo had seen it too but for now, he said nothing.
When he walked you to your room, there was a small moment just outside your door. You were wishing him a restful sleep but the Kel Dor, almost unnaturally reached out and gently pushed a strand of hair away from your face. Your eyes widen, a blush creeping up your neck and you thank him quietly. He smiles a little and nods his head. “Sleep well, little one.”
The nickname was new and Maker it made you feel airy and light.
A week or two had passed and your heart that had been so full was heavy. You were back on Kamino and your chest tightened as you watched the AZI droids cover not one, not two but at least seven of your men with white sheets. The mission, although successful, left a sour taste in your mouth as you stayed in the Medbay, overlooking your fallen troops.
When the door behind you hissed open however, just by the thought of being with someone who you knew to be Plo, your emotions took over. You raised a hand to your face and quickly swept away a stray tear, turning to face your friend.
“Afternoon Plo.”
Although you could not see it, there is grief behind the mask as he crosses the threshold to you. “Come, little one… let us find somewhere else to talk.”
The nickname would have been lovely if not for the environment but alas you listened and followed after him with your head bowed. For the first time in a while, you both walked in silence until he found a quiet room for you both to sit in.
He gestures to a spot beside him and as you sit, you let out a heavy sigh.
“Your thoughts are wild and understandably so. Is there anything I can do to give you comfort?” His modulated voice was soft and gentle, just like the man he was. You knew that he knows just how hard losing men can be and it never gets any easier. For you, you make bonds with your men. Attachments so to speak, something forbidden within the Order. The thought of being careless to them made you angry and you knew some Jedi would not bat an eyelid. So as your fists tighten by your sides, there is no surprise that Plo had gently taken one of your hands and whispered, “At ease, they wouldn’t want to see you upset.”
That afternoon, you didn’t say much but you didn’t need to. Plo stayed by your side and as you felt yourself getting weary, he had let you rest upon his shoulder, even if it’s just for a few minutes.
Another week passed and another week of your feelings being a mangled mess. It was clear now that feelings had started to bloom between yourself and Plo. On your part, anyway. There is conflict within you and something tells you to back away and get a hold of yourself but that was a little impossible to do when your men had made jokey passing comments to you.
“What was that Trooper?” You turn to him with an amused gleam in your eyes, glad to see how at ease they were with you when he replies if you’re thinking about going to see the ‘Wolfpacks dad’. You snorted, dismissing him playfully but there was something in the back of your mind that was tickling your senses. Was it obvious to them that there was something there? Is that why the Jedi had been keeping a watchful eye on you both. Surely if they knew, Plo would know. This piques your curiosity even more.
That evening, you had decided to stay away from Plo purely because you did not understand these feelings yourself yet. Though, naturally, you both found yourselves in each other’s company.
You’re along one of the balconies back in the Temple when Plo had arrived.
“I didn’t think you would be here.” His voice made you jump a little, your mind so deep in force you didn’t even sense his overpowering presence.
“And why is that?” You poke at his thoughts as he stands beside you, overlooking the city below.
“This is where I often come to ponder my thoughts - something I find myself doing a lot more lately.”
Your body gets tingly at his words, heart racing a little faster. This could either be a good thing, a bad thing, or both. “Something on your mind?”
He stays silent for a few moments, his thoughts conflicted for the first time in a while. He was often quick, wise and brave but he felt the opposite now. Especially with you by his side.
“It is more someone than it is something.”
There it was. You just knew it was about you, or so you certainly had hoped unless he has someone else in his life he has kept quiet about. Words can not even string together but luckily, he does the talking. “My men, they like to talk shall we say about our relationship.”
You freeze. Relationship? Was there even one aside from friendship? “I see.”
Plo looks down at the railing, seeing your hands nervously strum along it and hoping he had read the last few rotations correctly, he quietly placed his hand over yours, talons very gently caressing into your warm skin. “Is this okay little one?” He whispers in your ear and you shudder a small gasp before nodding.
“Plo, what if someone sees us?”
“I must admit I am point the past of caring. I can not help who I admire, and that is you little one.” Plo is watching you carefully but when a small smile flicks onto your lips and your turn to face him, you carefully rest your hand upon his.
“Me too,” you sigh softly, “but I fear this may impact our place in the Order.”
Gently, his other hand comes down to your waist and turns you to face him fully. His hand leaves yours and places it to the side of your face as he looks adoringly into your eyes. “Like I said, I am past the point of caring. I can not stand to believe that we are to shut ourselves out of anything and not be deemed as a Jedi. I trust you feel the same?”
Without hesitation, you fall into his chest. Arms wrapping around his lean and tall frame, Plo wastes no time in reciprocating the gesture. “Of course I feel the same Plo… ever since I met you I could not help but-.”
“Fall for one another.” He finishes off for the both of you.
You’re both elated, glad that the mutual feelings were out in the open but for what is to happen next is uncertain. But what you both did know is that you would both pick one another over any stupid rule. Together, you will treat your own men with the love and dignity they deserve and if yours has to be a secret, so be it.
As long as you’re with him.
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tags: @s1st3r @buddee @taskfork-archive @nunanuggets @andyoufollowyourheart @littlefeatherr @kaitou2417 @eyecandyeoz @captxin-rex @cwarssimp @jesseeka @ashotofspotchka @oohyesplease @megafrost4 @adriiibell @theroguesully @equalityforcats @rexandechosandwich @mustluvecho @inagalaxywickedfahaway @misogirl828 @ladykatakuri @jambolska-grozdova @chxpsi @alexandrisonfire @arctrooper69 @padawancat97 7 @rain-on-kamino @either-madness-or-brilliance @by-the-primes @torchbearerkyle @tech-aficionado @grizabellasolo o @therealnekomari @a-c-lee @autumnleaves1991-blog @tech-depression-inventory @mylifeinthetardisforever @brynhildrmimi @greaser-wolf @lucyysthings @agenteliix
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swbumblebee · 2 years
“Thank you for joining me Masters Jedi” The reporter, a petite Mon Calamari, greeted them with a well-practiced smile, desperately hoping it hid her nerves as the selection of available (or, she had a sneaking suspicion, those who were not quite quick enough with a plausible excuse) council members filed in. They took seats in the comfortable chairs arranged in a semicircle in front of her.
“Thank you for inviting us” Obi-Wan Kenobi responded with a charming smile, characteristically polite and the voice of the group as they sat down. Mace Windu and Plo Koon both nodded in acknowledgement, Shaak Ti smiled serenely and Kit Fisto flashed her his usual wide grin. It was like looking at holo-posters.    
“Please make yourselves comfortable” She cleared her throat and switched on her holo-mic “and before we start, my listeners have asked me to pass on their heartfelt thanks for all your efforts during the war, and for making the Galaxy safe once again.”
At this there was some shuffling, her Jedi guests looking between each other, a surprising air of awkwardness settled over the group and she instantly kicked herself.
“We simply followed the will of the Force, and we were fortunate enough to have our Trooper brothers with us. We could not have prevailed without them” Master Plo Koon replied with a slight dip of his head in thanks, even as he shrugged off the compliment.
The reporter smiled back at him.
“Of course, I’m very excited to meet them later.” She said, noting the rather pleased looks on the Jedi’s faces as she did so and hoping she had clawed back some goodwill. “For now, though, I’m very interested in learning more about our Jedi heroes and I have some fantastic questions from our listeners.”  She settled back in her chair and looked at her notes, willing her hands to stop shaking. This was a career making opportunity.
 “Could I first ask, to set us up nicely, for you all to state your name, species and age for the holo-mic please. It helps listeners distinguish voices and really build a picture of you” she explained, getting down to business.
“Sure! I’m Kit Fisto, Nautolian, and I’m fifty-five in standard years.” The first Jedi, a shockingly youthful (and very handsome) male smiled at her reaction as the reporter’s face widened in surprise.
“My species age well” he said with a wink, and the reporter was amused to note his confidence got him a whack on the leg from the next Jedi, Shaak Ti.
“Greetings, I am Shaak Ti, Togrutan and I am fifty-eight in Galactic Standard Years” she said with a lovely, measured voice that would make an excellent narrator, the reporter thought.  
“Thank you” She said, before moving down the line.
“I am Plo Koon, Kel Dor, and I am three hundred and eighty-five GSY old” he said rather proudly, the reporter thought. She nodded in appreciation and slight awe. She understood some of the older races had different life spans and ages, but she’d never met one before.
“I am Mace Windu, Korun from Haruun Kal, and I am sixty-one GSY.” The reporter struggled to meet the serious brown eyes of the head of the order, trying very hard not to be intimidated she nodded in thanks and moved on to her last guest. Her personal favourite.
“Hello there, I am Obi-Wan Kenobi, a near-human from Stewjon and I’m thirty-eight.” He said with another polite smile.
“Excellent, now then-“
The reporter was incredibly surprised to be interrupted by the serene master herself, Shaak Ti, who had something akin to shock on her face.
“ah, sorry? What?” Master Kenobi asked, a little unsure, looking between his colleague and the reporter, who shrugged a little.
Master Ti looked at him down the line.
“You’re how old?!” she asked again.
Master Kenobi was starting to look downright uneasy.
Master Ti continued to stare at him.
“In Galactic Standard Years?” she clarified incredulously
A snort came from Master Fisto at the other end of the line.
“Ahh Shaak. All this time, didn’t realise he was a baby did you?” he said knowingly.
“I am not a baby!” Master Kenobi spluttered.
“I mean I knew he was young but…”
“Now hang on, I’m not that young-“
“I had a similar moment of realisation about halfway through the war” Plo pacified her with an understanding pat. “We basically followed a teenager into battle” he said sagely.
“Oh now you’re just being –“
“Did you know about this?!” Shaak asked the head of the order accusingly, ignoring her young colleague’s protests.
Master Windu’s frown held a hint of amusement.
“Yes…I can do mathematics, and read personnel files…” he answered slowly, dry as the dessert. Master Ti glared at him.   
“Sorry Obi-Wan” The surprised Togruten turned at last to mollify her colleague. “I’m just…surprised. That makes you the youngest member in…a while. I can’t believe I never knew!” She said in amazement.
“He’s the youngest ever member if I am correct” Master Windu stated, with a rather smug smile, and the reporter was amused to note Master Plo Koon nodding along with a distinct air of pride.
For his part, the reporter could swear Young Master Kenobi’s ears were starting to turn an amusing shade of pink, and for some reason he scowled slightly.
“Depa is only five years older than me!” he grumbled into his folded arms.
“Yeah but she’s Depa” Master Fisto chimed in, in a knowing tone.
“Just what is that supposed to mean-“
The reporter blinked at the scene in before her, rapidly descending into a friendly argument and the bickering of age-old friends. Or, young friends, as the case may be.
She looked at her stack of questions again, and grinned, her previous nerves about interviewing the most powerful beings in the galaxy all but disappearing as Master Fisto winked at her again and Master Plo leaned over to ruffle Master Kenobi’s hair, dodging around a protective Master Windu.
She put the questions on the floor under her chair and grinned.
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klmwrites · 4 months
Here is the 2nd and final deleted scene from my recently completed fic: When Generation X met Z! Please enjoy 😊
1st deleted scene
DELETED SCENE #2: Lokun's fight with the council (placeholder title) - from When Generation X met Z
“Dooku has defected.”
The woman who was pacing in the middle of the council chambers stopped. 
“I’m sorry?” She then looked towards Obi-Wan first, but when the ginger averted his eyes she made eye contact with the Grandmaster for confirmation on those words. And when he nodded, she froze. How? When did this happen?
“We received visual confirmation of various representatives from Separatist planets landing in Serenno not too long ago, and Dooku welcoming them with open arms.” As he spoke, Mace Windu removed a hologram from his pocket and proceeded to play a holo recording of just that. Indeed, the footage was undeniable - the woman saw Dooku’s signature red and black cape fluttering in the wind as he shook the hands of each representative and ushered them through the double doors of castle Serenno. 
The woman narrowed her eyes. “How long ago was this?”
“A week.”
The woman exhaled through her nose sharply, mastering her best neutral face before turning to face Master Yoda. “Send me to Serenno. I’ll uncover the truth of the situation and report back to the council.”
“Strong faith you still have, for my old padawan.” Yoda observed. “Admire your tenacity, I do. But no longer the man you knew, Count Dooku is. Sending you to Serenno, suicide it will be.”
“Suicide?” the woman asked, intrigued by the Grandmaster’s choice of words. “And why is that? I am a Jedi Knight, and a fully trained espionage agent. I can handle myself.”
“We do not doubt your abilities Ashleigh. That’s not why we are hesitant, rather it’s due to our lack of intelligence on Serennian soil and its defences.” Obi-Wan now spoke up, trying to soften Master Yoda’s words. But Lokun was having none of it. 
"What difference would it make if someone else was sent out? Doing so would also mean certain death for them!”
“We are not sending anyone out to Serenno.” Master Windu’s stern voice cut through the ever so rising tension in the room like a knife. “Serenno is deeply entrenched in Separatist territory, and at present shows little to no regular military activity. It is off limits until we can find out more information about the place.”
“And how in the name of the force are we going to do just that if we are not even going to consider breaching into enemy territory? Information doesn’t just come preloaded into the council’s holocomms, you know!”
“Lokun!” Windu barked back - a feat done so rarely on the part of the older man that it even took his colleagues by surprise. “The decision is final.” Lokun remained rooted to the spot, fists clenched tightly till her nails formed half crescent indentations into her skin. Her head was now bowed downwards - in disappointment or fury was anyone’s guess - and took deep breaths. Anger swirled around the Jedi Knight like a fumes, and like a hungry fire licked the very recesses of her mind, tempting her to open the floodgates she had kept sealed her entire young adult life until now: the temptation to tap into the dark side. But she wouldn’t. She couldn’t. She made a promise - and promises were sacred. Master Katri had taught her this ever since she was a junior padawan, and that breaking one’s promise is a telltale sign of a distrustful person. Distrust is not the Jedi way.
Truth is, Lokun had tapped into the dark side at a really early age. At the tender age of 13, she had tapped so deeply into the dark side that she had managed to conjure force lighting. Watching the streaks of crackling, pure energy shoot out from her fingertips and target her opponent was quite the experience - one that put her in an unconscious state for half a day. Since then, Master Katri had made it her duty to teach her padawan how to contain her anger for which Lokun was grateful. Against all odds; against the naysayers that came in the form of Senior Jedi Masters and even some members of the Council, Katri remained adamant on keeping Lokun as her student. And in a surprising turn of events, Master Yoda publicly backed Katri's decision.
Since that day, Lokun was determined to uphold the Jedi code to the best of her ability - in honour of her late master’s memory. And we weren't about to break that streak now. 
When Lokun looked up once more, she was met with a half observant, half knowing look from Yoda. 
“Want to know why paired you with Dooku, I did?” This question caught the woman off guard, as did the other councillors. Some were leaning forward in their seats, all attention on the little green troll.
“If that is possible, yes.”
Yoda snorted good naturedly. “Paired you with Dooku I did, was to curb his draw to the dark side. Always learning, we Jedi are, therefore though a padawan takes instructions from their Master, the Master should learn from their padawans as well. Learn to contain the dark side since your Initiate days, you have. Hoped Dooku could have learnt from you in that regard, I did.” The Grandmaster sighed. “Too arrogant and self-centred, Dooku had become. More cynical, Qui-Gon’s death made him with the Order.” He now looked towards her, in which Lokun was prepared to swear she saw tears glisten in those big, wise eyes of his. “Failed my old padawan, I have. Failed to look out for the signs, I did.”
The room was silent at the Grandmaster’s confession, each taking in Master Yoda’s words in their own way. Lokun’s heart shattered for Master Yoda, for she of all people knew how it felt to have disappointed others; to be a disappointment when you were expected to be at the pinnacle of things. 
“Master.” The woman now stepped forward and knelt before the green figure. “You have not failed. My Master Yan Dooku was a good man, a good jedi. A man who was excellent in his sabre skills as he was in his mental prowess. He moulded me into the person I am today, and if not for his tutelage i would still be stumbling over my own feet every time I wield my sabre; I would not have been encouraged to pick up Jar’kai, nor would I have had the skills of negotiation that we as an organisation seem to be lacking.” Lokun smiled at the memory of Dooku using the training sabre to swipe her feet the first time they met - how frustrated she was at him back then! “People change, such is the nature of things. After a certain stage, a Master cannot be blamed for the actions of his padawan; such is the necessity of accountability and the understanding of agency.” 
Lokun stood up and gave a sweeping glance towards the rest of the council: Some were looking at her with admiration(Obi-Wan), others with scepticism (Mace Windu). She powered on nevertheless. “Why Dooku defected I do not know. Though I was his padawan, Dooku had always been a private man. I was not made privy to his inner thoughts or feelings throughout my padawanship with him, and such status quo remained long after I was knighted. But what I do know is this: the man defected for a reason. He made his bed, and he is prepared to lay in it in the long run. What I simply wish to know is what motivated him to do so and why.”
Yoda nodded. “Misjudged you, I have. Alot about reading people, I wish I learnt from Dooku.” the green troll chuckled at the hypocrisy of his own words, before giving a discreet glance towards Master Windu, who simply raised an eyebrow. “One observation about you, Dooku made. Told me, he did. And after listening to you, right he is.”
Lokun raised both eyebrows in curiosity. The Grandmaster now hesitated slightly, as if contemplating if what he was about to say was appropriate in the given setting. 
“Little value for your own life, you hold. Onto a higher goal you cling to, so as to feel a sense of satisfaction and purpose.” Yoda’s tone softened, as did his voice. “Always available I am, if you need someone to talk to.”
Normally, most people would feel a sense of relief when being assured by the Grandmaster of the jedi order, but for Lokun it created an opposite effect. She felt disgusted. 
“Excuse me.” And with those words she turned abruptly and left the chambers, leaving behind a worried Master Yoda, a concerned Obi-Wan Kenobi and a frustrated Mace Windu. 
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megamindsupremacy · 1 year
Star Wars Fic Recs (Part 5)
crawl home by skatzaa
The door hissed open, and there was Obi-Wan, hair still long and incredibly unflattering, beard a little longer than the last time Quinlan saw him, robe draped perfectly over his shoulders so it flared out dramatically around his legs.
They stared at one another for a long second, Obi-Wan with his hands folded serenely into his sleeves, Quinlan listing sideways in his sparring position. Then Obi-Wan told him, “Quinlan Vos, you look like banthashit.”
Cody’s jedi(s) by Gabriel4sam
General Kenobi's bad habits get worse when General Vos is near, and the explosions only get bigger. Cody regrets it less than people could believe.
Unfamiliar purpose by darthpumpkinspice
After the purge, and after Asajj, Quinlan Vos reconnects with an old friend in an unexpected place. -
on wanting and being wanted back (in ways beyond the romantic) by PhoenixThirteen
Anakin is not accepted into the Jedi Order. Obi-Wan makes good on his promise and leaves with him.
Unmake me (not for long) by lionfire42
It is a tool. A weapon. Meant to serve. It's opinions are neither needed nor existant. It's made to follow orders. Pain is negligible, a sign of insubordination, of weakness. Tools do not feel pain. They are honed then used and then honed again.
The Winter Soldier!Ahsoka AU. -
Unbowed by spacewall
Padmé Amidala wakes up in the hospital and learns her child is dead, her husband has fallen, and the system she fought so hard to save is broken. She does not give in. Under the watchful eyes of her senate colleagues, she never surrenders.
About six months after E day, Amidala stopped mourning, stopped matching Vader. She went out and spent an exorbitant amount of money – her family was wealthy, she was a senator, and she had a queen’s pension – on an entirely new wardrobe. There was no black or white, and none of the queenly, regal dignity people had come to associate with her. She dressed like a bird, trying to grab the attention of the nearest mate: blue and green and silver, purple and gold, massive earrings in the shape of solar systems. She dyed her hair gold. She ensured the eyes of the world were on her at all times.
Vader started leaving every room she entered, rather than the other way around.
Come down from your mountain by stormwarnings
Fox finally settles on something close enough to all of those, but just a step to the right. “Are they usually like that? Unnerving?"
“Always,” Gree says, those eyes that never miss a single detail. “Every single one of them.”
(Seven clone commanders gathering for a drink, and their reflections on war, love, and Jedi.)
Luminous objects by spacewall
Teetering on the edge of darkness, an unexpected call from his grandpadawan forces Dooku of Serenno to see himself as a Jedi once more. Anakin Skywalker, and the galaxy as a whole, will never be the same.
A retelling (or re-imagining) beginning after The Phantom Menace, with significant canon divergence. Mostly gen. Tags updated as events warrant, content/trigger warnings delivered in notes by chapter to avoid spoilers.
The Coruscant Guard is Compromised
It ripples through the link again and again, a hurricane siren, a klaxon, both warning and desperate plea. Fox hopes it will be enough.
The Coruscant Guard is compromised.
Sometimes ‘better’ is all there is by shadowspires
Kix hears a voice outside.
It cuts straight through duty, and the grief that weighs on him every day, and slices straight into his soul.
A brother’s voice.
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xoxo-ada · 5 months
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Summary: When Y/N meets her new roommate, Padmé Amidala, she instantly becomes a part of her friend group. After hearing many stories about a member of the group that can never make it to the hangouts, she finally meets him, Anakin Skywalker, for the first time. Well, that’s what she thought at least.
WC: 2.6k | DO NOT REPOST ANYWHERE. Reblogs are fine and appreciated <3 DISCLAIMER: In this story Y/N is described as female, however it is up to you what she looks like!
Just wanted to clear some things up before the story begins:        
In this story Y/N is a college freshman, and she's 20 years old, Anakin and Padmé are both sophomores, but Anakin is 22 (he could be a junior with Obi-Wan but you'll see why he's not later on) and Padmé is 21. Obi-Wan/Ben and Satine are juniors, and they are 23, and Ahsoka is a senior in high school. I know this isn't accurate to how the ages work in the films but it makes the most sense for this book. There are some other characters in the friend group and their ages will come up eventually, haha. Y/N is hoping to work for JEDI, which is the equivalent to NASA in this universe. This is a modernized story, however I imagine it taking place kind of when the prequels were released.. not sure exactly how accurate it'll all be, but I'll try to keep it together.
Super excited to see where this story goes!!
           College. The phase of your life when you're stuck in the middle of being a kid and an adult. Sometimes the best years of your life or sometimes the worst. For me, they were pretty important. You know, friends come and go. Until those friends turn into colleagues, spouses, or best friends. It's crazy how just a few years can cement your entire future.
           The long line I currently stood in wrapped around the large, cement building, emphasizing the amount of people I'd be living in a dorm building with this year. I was starting off my freshman year at Tatooine University with a stressful schedule, a sophomore for a roommate, and a smile on my face. My goal in life was to study planets so I was going to major in astrology. The solar system always fascinated me when I was younger and I made it a mission to make it into the field somehow. 
"Next!" The man who was handing out the schedules called  me up and asked for my name. 
"Y/N L/N." I responded, excited to see who my roommate would be and my class schedule. Once the man had handed the stack of papers to me, and I had gotten out of the line, a woman who seemed to be around my age ran up to me. 
"Hey! I think you're my roommate! You're Y/N right? I'm Padmé Amidala." I glanced down at the top of my paper and saw that she in fact was my roommate.
"Yeah, I'm Y/N, super nice to finally meet you Padmé." I stuck out my hand to shake hers and noticed her nicely manicured purple fingernails. "I like your nails, the color is gorgeous." I complimented.
"Thank you! You can borrow it sometime." She winked and I smiled. 
"I'll see you at the room tonight, then?" I asked her, hoping I wouldn't have to be alone on my first night.
"Yep, hey, a bunch of my friends are getting together this evening. Do you want to come and meet them? There's no classes until Monday." 
My face lit up at her invitation. So far I had no friends here, but it seems like I did now! 
"That'd be so great. Thanks for the invite!"
"Of course. It was great to meet you, I'll see you this afternoon, Y/N!" Padmé waved goodbye and ran back to her station as I walked off towards my car to grab my boxes of stuff.
            A few hours later I had moved all my stuff into the side of the dorm that I'd be calling home for the forseeable future. Padmé hadn't come home yet so I took it as the perfect time to navigate the residence hall and take a shower. I grabbed a towel, my shampoo, conditioner, and anything else I'd need and went down the hall, looking at the map on the wall. I just needed to take a few turns and I'd make it. As I made my way, I heard a man on the phone walking through the hall as well.
"Look, Snips, I'm not gonna make it tonight. Yes, I know. I'm sor-"
Well, I guess we both weren't looking where we were going cause next thing I knew we had crashed into each other in the middle of the busy hallway. 
"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry." I told him, looking at him for the first time. And wow, was he handsome.
"Don't worry about it, it was my fault. Here's your stuff." He handed the fallen items to me and I took them quickly, hoping he didn't notice my cheeks turning a peachy color. 
"Thanks, see you around." He nodded and smiled while we stood up and went our separate ways. I hoped my previous statement had been true; I better see him around. 
            After I took my shower, I found my way back up to the dorm and noticed that Padmé had written our names with little stars around them on the whiteboard on our door. I smiled at the gesture, it was cute. I entered the room and saw Padmé setting up her stuff. 
"Hey, Y/N! Good to see you found your way to the bathrooms." I nodded in response. 
"Yea, I saw a pretty cute guy on the way too." She squealed at the comment.
"Tell me everything! Who was he?" I set down my stuff on the shelf near my bed and sat down in my desk chair.
"Well, first, I don't know a single person here other than you, and two, even if I did, he didn't tell me his name." I jokingly frowned and Padmé groaned.
"Ugh, that's the worst! You better find out someday." I smiled in agreement.
"Hey, so when are we going to hang out with your friends?" I questioned, and looked through my freshly set up closet for something to wear. 
"Hm, in like an hour. You think you'll be ready by then?"
"Yep, anything I should wear specifically?" 
"We're just hanging out in the common rooms. They do some fun stuff on the first few days. I'm just wearing jeans and a t-shirt. Wear whatever you want!" She explained and tossed the purple nail polish I had admired that morning.
I changed into some bootcut jeans, a blue tank top, and a black zip-up. I did my makeup and my hair, painted my nails with the purple polish and after around 50 minutes we were both ready to go. We walked to the common room and I was surprised at just how busy it was. There were people of all grade levels in there, having a good time on the last few days of summer break. A girl with two blue and white braids waved us over into the corner of the room where I saw an auburn haired man with a short beard and a gorgeous blonde woman sitting next to him. 
"Soka, so good to see you!" Padmé hugged the girl with the braids and smiled.
"You too Padmé. Barely made it past security this time. Can't wait until next year when I finally get to go here with you guys!" The young girl squealed and I grinned at her enthusiasm.
"I don't know why you don't just get one of us to let you in." Padme laughed.
"I enjoy the thrill." Ahsoka raised her eyebrows goofily.
"Oh, I am so awful, everyone, this is my new roommate, Y/N. Y/N, this is Ahsoka, Ben, and Satine." Padmé introduced me, putting her arm around my shoulder.
"Hello there." Ben said smiling.
"It's really great to meet you all! Thanks for being so welcoming." Padmé and I sat next to Ahsoka on the worn couch and got comfortable.
"So, where's Anakin this time?" Padmé asked, scoffing.
"I don't know, but who ever knows with him." Ahsoka laughed.
"Who's Anakin? If you don't mind me asking." I hoped I wasn't getting too personal too soon. 
"Oh, Anakin's a close friend. He's a sophomore, studying aerospace engineering. We're all a bunch of "space nerds." Ben explained, and the group laughed. "Well, except Padmé and Satine here. They're too good for us."
I smiled at that. "So I've heard. Political science is awesome though. You go Padmé. And Satine, I assume you study the same thing?" She grinned and nodded her head. I continued the conversation by saying, "but don't worry, I'm a "space nerd" too." The group perked up at that and I started to explain what I was going to be studying. They all seemed to love me off of first impressions, and I was very happy to have some new friends. 
"So, Ahsoka, you're gonna study here next year?" I diverted the attention off of me to open up the conversation. 
"Yep! I'm gonna study with Anakin. He's basically my brother so I'm really looking forward to it." She seemed to get even more happy while talking about Anakin, which I thought was really sweet. Someday I'll have to meet this guy. 
"That's awesome, you seem to be really passionate about your work. I'm sure you're going to make it super far." I smiled sincerely at her. "So, how about you guys. How did you all become such good friends?"
Ben started to explain what was basically a life story of everyone I had befriended that night. Ben and Anakin had grown up together, Anakin had become sort of a big brother to Ahsoka after he was assigned to show her around their shared high school, and Padmé was Anakin's ex-girlfriend who stuck around in the friend group after they broke up. Satine was the newest addition after she had met Padmé through their shared classes. She had introduced her to the group and now her and Ben were an adorable couple. I thought their story was super cute, and they all seemed like great people.
"Oh! I just got a text from Sabé. She's here and wants me to come get her in. Y/N, you don't mind waiting here do you?" Padmé shot up.
"Oh, come on, Padmé. We won't bite." Satine smiled sweetly. 
I giggled and told her I obviously didn't mind waiting with my new friends. When I referred to them as that they all cheered with their drinks started smiling. After Padmé had run out to grab her friend Sabé, a new pack of beer has been opened. You know, Ahsoka and I technically weren't supposed to be drinking alcohol, but I don't think any of us actually cared.
"Hey guys." A new voice announced their presence and I assumed it was Sabé.
We all said hi and I was introduced again. Padmé explained that Sabé was her class vice president in high school and they had been good friends ever since. Another adorable story. Was everyone in this friend group straight out of a movie?? It sure seemed like it.
After another couple of hours of getting to know each other, it was quite late and we all decided to turn in. Padmé and I took the short walk back to our dorm, and I pointed out the spot where I had run into the mystery man earlier that day. We laughed a little too loud and someone stuck their head out of the dorm room to "ssshhh" us. Honestly, it didn't help, and we started laughing louder. When we finally made it to our room, we quickly ran back to the bathroom and then fell asleep once back in our room. 
          The next day I wore a yellow sundress and some white sneakers and attended my freshman orientation. I met some cool people and learned a lot of important information about my classes and how I'd be spending the next four years. Since I now knew my teachers I could find out what I would need for each class so I asked Padmé if she needed to go shopping and if she wanted to go with me. She agreed quickly and we drove off to the nearest supply store. As we were walking down the notebook aisle she started asking me some random questions that would come to her mind.
"So, Y/N what was high school like for you?"
"Oh, wow. It's so weird to be out of it still. Well, I was a cheerleader, and took a lot of science related classes since this is the field I wanted to enter. It was pretty good honestly. I kinda miss it, which is not what I expected to say." We both started laughing and Padmé agreed.
"And what about boyfriends? Any gossip I should know?"
"Well, I dated a couple guys over the span of the four years. Nobody really stuck. Clearly. Had my first heartbreak last year, but I got over it." I shrugged. I had dated a guy that I really liked, but it ended up just not working out. I pushed the cart down the aisle, an annoying screech occurring each time a certain wheel moved.
"That sucks. Yea, I mostly only dated Anakin in high school, but that also didn't end up working out."
"How come?" I wanted to hear more about this guy. He seemed to get brought up a lot.
"I don't know. I guess we just wanted to be friends. Which we are, and I'm really glad. I can't imagine him not in my life at all. You'll hopefully get to meet him someday soon."
"Yea, that'd be nice. I've heard a lot about him now." I threw some notebooks into the cart. 
"He's a loveable guy." Padmé smiled softly, also grabbing some stuff she'd need.
After we had left the store we decided to grab something to eat at the restaurant next door.
"Hey, I'm gonna go to the bathroom, will you get us a table?" Padmé asked.
"Yea, of course." I walked over and grabbed a table while examining the menu. I glanced out the window next to the table and was surprised to notice the same guy I had run into in the hallway the day before walking to his car parked next to the store. I must've just missed him in there! What a shame. Shortly after he drove away, Padmé returned and we got back to chatting. I told her about seeing the guy again, and she groaned in frustration. 
"I can't believe you saw him again, yet you still don't know his name. All you know is that he most likely goes to school with us since he was in our dorm building."
"Yea. It's so annoying! I'll find out some day." I nodded my head in defeat. 
      Ahsoka and Anakin's Text Thread
Snips: skyguy u coming to the movies with the gang tonight? you gotta meet padmé's new roomie, she's super cool.
SkyGuy: Sorry Snips, not gonna be able to make it again. I promise you I'll be there next time, can't wait to meet her.
Later that evening the same group I had hung out with the previous night minus Sabé; who couldn't make it due to her classes starting a day earlier than ours, all joined together to go see a movie. We were going to see a new rom-com called "How To Lose a Guy In 10 Days" even though Ben protested. We told him he was outnumbered, three to one. It ended up working on him. After the movie, we all went to the nearest sports bar and got dinner. I ended up learning a lot about the college that night, which was nice and very helpful.
"Gosh, I wish Anakin was here to give you advice. He's got great insight on this kind of stuff." Satine commented.
"Wow, I really gotta meet this guy! There's been so much talk about him." 
Little did I know, I had already met him. And really wanted to meet him again. Luckily, I would.
A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter of In the Stars! I'm really excited to keep writing it. I hope you'll stick around to see where it leads! Love, Ada.
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orangevtae · 2 years
Ascending Star | Obi-Wan Kenobi
Summary: Life on Tatooine after the end of the Jedi Order wasn't easy, after 5 years of the end of your Jedi life you got to have the first interaction ever with Luke and are bubbling in joy and can't wait to tell your husband.
Pairings: Jedi!Reader x Obi-Wan Kenobi
Warnings: Reader still dealing with grief, mentions of nightmares and death, there's fluff tho. This one happens 5 years before the Obi-Wan Kenobi's series but it doesn't have spoiler of the show. There's no use of pronouns so can be read freely.
A/N: i've been kinda obsessed with Star Wars lately so this came up to my mind, hope you like it!
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It was a hot day in Tatooine, the planet was always hot due to it's twin sun's but that day especifically seemed to be hotter, you felt it even with a slight breeze going around, shuffling your clothes and hair around.
The tavern you worked on had less movement than the last few days, some clients that are old on the house are present here and there but you really hadn't to worry or work that much since there wasn't much you could do, you let a sigh noticing that it was almost time for you to go home and you wanted nothing more than at least have a bath to soothe the heating wave and be with your lovely husband that by now must be home.
You have been on Tatooine for...what now? 5 years? You were sure it were 5 years now, you've lost track after a time, be absorbed on your job helped a lot to not let your mind wander back to what happened on Coruscanti. But sometimes it wasn't that easy, no, sometimes you would let your mind drift back to the hurtful memories that you lived that day, where you lost most of your friends and colleagues. Jedi weren't supposed to have attachements but it was almost impossible to not have them in the line of work you used to have.
Back then you always thought that some council rules were a little bit too much, some Padawans that were your age agreed with you that attachements that helped you to strenght you on the light side had no issues, Anakin and you used to have a lot of conversations about that, before...you shook your head from side to side, vanishing the thoughts, you wouldn't think about him, no, you refused, you've been dealing well by doing it. You already had too many nightmares without putting him into scene, you didn't need them to worse by remembering him, of what he became, when you thought about your old friend, you prefered to remember of who he was before he got tricked by Palpatine.
You sighed again and slumped your shoulders, deciding to keep your mind busy by cleaning some dishes and give attention to your clients, otherwise you would hear nonstop from your boss and you prefered to think about now than to live in the past, what is done it's done, nothing could change that.
"Y/N, can you get me one more of these?" one of the clients asked you, holding out an empty bottle of the drink he asked earlier
"Of course, it's on hands" you smiled back at him and he nodded
You finished cleaning some cups and dried your hands on some piece of clothing that you carry around to dry them and picked up the bottle of the drink your client asked and brought to him.
"How's your day today Y/N?" he asked, already filling his cup with the drink you brought
"It's slow today, but it's almost the end of my shift, so maybe you're my last client for the day today Kyl. How's your wife? She got any better?" you asked him, making small talk
"You know the ma'am, she's strong as a rock, nothing can beat that woman up, she's better, thanks to your advice"
"Don't thank me, it was only something i had in hands"
"Nonsense, you helped all of us around town, i don't know what you used to work with before coming to this planet, but you got the hands by helping everyone" he laughed and took a sip of the contents on his cup "How's your husband?"
"He's fine, tired, but fine, i think he's already home by now"
"Tell Ben that i said hi"
"I'll let him know, good to see you Kyl"
Kyl was one of the regular clients of the house, a middle aged man, lived with his wife, he was easy to talk to, being the kind man he is. He's the first friend you made when you arrived in Tattooine, he and his wife helped you and Ben to adapt a lot.
As you returned to the balcony, ready to pick up your things and finish for today as you saw your co-worker arriving, a little boy came in running, his breath uneven, cheeks a little bit red and blonde hair messy, he took a deep breath and looked up at you.
You smiled down at him as he tried to get his breathing even again, he didn't look like he was more than 5 years, his clothes looked a little baggy on him and you waited as he lift up his hand.
"You okay boy?" you asked, voice full of playfuness
"Yes, i..." he huffed and looked up at you "I'm fine"
"You sure?"
"Yes, can i have a cup of water please?" he asked
"Of course!" you filled a cup full of water and slided to him on the balcony, you were pretty sure that he was on his tiptoes to be able to reach the cup and you let out a giggle as you saw that he still couldn't reach, so you put the strap of your bag over your shoulder and made a turn to get out from behind the balcony "There you go" you said handing him the cup
"Thank you!" he smiled up and took a big glup from the water you gave him.
As he was quietly drinking his water, eyes wondering around the place, you took a moment to have a better look at him and you almost gasped by noticing why he looked so familiar. You almost let out a gasp as you looked at the boy, you and Obi-Wan have been watching over him for the last 5 years, you almost didn't believe that this was Luke, the last time you saw him in person was when you delivered him on his uncle arms as a baby.
Owen never let either you or Obi-Wan have an interaction with Luke, too afraid that maybe if he let, he would turn as he father did, you never thought that not even him thought like that but maybe that was his way of dealing with things, so maybe even if this was the only time you ever be able to talk to Luke, you would keep it in your heart.
"I'll have to pay for the water? Cause i don't have any credits with me" he asked as he finished drinking, handing you the cup as you chuckled at him
"No, it's just water, don't worry about it, it's on the house" you put the cup on the balcony behind you
"Really? I can tell to my uncle to come pay for it" he said, hands grasping the end of his clothes on fists
"No, it's alright, i'm heading home so that one's on me" you smiled at him and got down on his eye level, hands holding his "It's okay, really"
"Luke?!" You heard Owen's voice calling for him, he turned by hearing his name and you sighed
"You're a wonderful boy, Luke. Not many people are worried in paying water sometimes" you smiled and he giggled "Now, off you go, your uncle will be worried"
"What's your name?" he asked, big eyes traced on you
"Y/N/N" you said your nickname softly
"Luke?" Looking up, you saw Owen, hands on his hips and harsh expression on his face as he saw you talking with Luke "Where you've been?"
"I got thirsty and came to ask for water! Y/N/N gave me some and said that i didn't have to pay for it!" he said in one breath and you giggled as you standed up
"So...how do we say, Luke?" Owen sighed
"Thank you, Y/N/N!" the boy told you
"You're welcome"
"Bye Y/N/N" he said walking to his uncle, waving his little hand at you as you waved back
"Bye Luke"
He holded his uncle hand and them both walked out of the tavern, you smiled softly and tightened your grip on the strap of your bag and made your way to your Eopie to go back home.
The ride home was long, but you got there as the twin sun's were setting, when you got close enough you could see that Obi-Wan's Eopie was there already, a clear signal that he was home. You got down from your Eopie and gave it a piece of the meat you carried, as it eated, you tapped it's head softly and headed inside after the droid of recognition bipped by taking it was you.
You took off your cloak and hung it by the door as you got inside, taking off your boots and headed more inside and called for your husband "Ben?" Nothing, you frowned, you had a little suspicion of where he was but wanted to make sure and called louder for him "Ben?!"
"In here, darling!" you heard him shout back and headed to where his voice called. He was on his usual spot: having a watch over Luke. You smlied and kissed his cheek before sitting beside him, he smiled at this "I saw you coming. How was your day today my dear?"
"Pretty slow, but something great happened" you smiled
"Oh, what was it?" he lowered his device and looked over at you, pushing you to his side by your waist, planting a soft kiss on your lips "What was so wonderful on your slow day that made you smile like that?"
"I got to talk with Luke today" you said softly, your hand carressing softly his cheek, playing with his overgrown beard, you looked up at him and laughed at the surprise look on his face.
"How? Did Owen allowed or...?" he started and you planted a kiss on the tip of his nose
"No, no, nothing like that. He just came to ask for a cup of water, it was a small interaction, it could've been insignificant for any other but it meant so much, he was more interested on his water though" you chuckled softly and Obi-Wan was paying close attention to what you were saying, soft smile on his lips "I wish you could've seen how he came: his cheeks were so flushed and hair a mess, i think he was running around. He got worried in having to pay for the water, water Ben" you sighed "It was short, but...it made my whole day"
You looked up at Obi-Wan and let out a chuckle by the way he was looking at you, soft look present on his eyes and soft smile playing on his lips, he loved to see you happy and he would always make everything on him to being able to keep seeing this smile on your face, he thought that he could never get tired of seeing your smiling face. It has been 5 years that he was married to you, more than almost 10 years that you have been together and he still felt like floating in the clouds when near you "That's great, love. I can see how much that little interaction made you happy. I wish that Owen would let us have contact with the boy, so i could see that beautiful smile more often than i already do"
"Ben i think aging is making you sappy" you said playfull and he roled his eyes as he let out a laugh, kissing your cheek softly
"It's been 5 years that we are officialy married..." he trailed off to you, hands cradling your face and you arched your brow
"Yes, what about it?" your hands have gone to his shoulder
"I was thinking if..." he sighed and you waited for him to continue, hands softly pressuring on his shoulders "...If you would want to build a family with me?"
"Where that came from?" you giggled
"It's just that...we've been together for so long, love. I just thought that maybe now would be a good time to bring this up and seeing you so radiant talking about Luke just got me wondering" he felt his cheeks got hot, it was incredible of how much you still were capable to make him feel like that even after years of being together
"I want it...as long you want to, Obi-Wan Kenobi" you brushed your nose with his, eyes closed and soft smile on your lips "There's not even much that i could deny you, being freely with you like this it's everything already but start our little family can just complete everything"
It was foreign to hear his name again, it looked like ages since the last time you called him by his real name, the people in town knew him as Ben Kenobi and they only knew you by your nickname followed by your surname, but hear you calling him Obi-Wan kept him grounded and he smiled softly, kissing the palm of your hand that was against his face.
"You are the ascending star that i need on my life forever Y/N Kenobi"
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purgetrooperfox · 2 years
hey, eh, if you wanna, I'd be interested in Nocte meeting mister 'I show now human reaction to things' Lockup? Idk how that would happen, but I'd love to see Nocte's thoughts, they're very fun to read >:D or, if you're down for it, literally anything about Bastra. His growing up, his friends and relations (I vaguely remember Obes the Kenobes somewhere?) or how he you think he'd react to Jackal. Ehhh, yeah, only if you wanna n have time n fun with it!
hiiii hmhmhmhm thinking thinking
since Lockup isn't on Coruscant very often and Nocte generally steers clear of the Temple, it would probably be kind of hard for their paths to cross 🤔 but it could definitely happen for the sake of I Would Like To See It lol so I just finished scrolling your Lockup tag and fell in love with him all over again, and I think Nocte would actually have mad respect for his commitment to not sugarcoating and being honest regardless of who he's talking to. like if Nocte saw him completely shut Anakin down, he'd probably figure out a way to gift him a bottle of champagne and an invite over if he wants to share it or something djdbdjd
they would probably never successfully talk about anything emotionally charged because they both stonewall the topic immediately, but that's fine they can just shoot the shit and complain about the war and whatnot
(this got long so I'm putting the rest under the cut jshddj)
and Bastra! my dearly beloved! so he's from Dathomir and lived there until he was like 6, when Dooku scooped him up (at the Urgent request of his village) and brought him to Coruscant. he and Sifo-Dyas made a case for him to the Council, got him accepted into the Order despite mixed levels of resistance from the Council, and kept an eye on him while he was growing up. Sifo took him as a Padawan once he was old enough and Dooku basically stood around providing "supplemental education" (read: micromanaging and pushing makashi unconditionally) while pretending he wasn't actually interested in helping train him
hmhm relationships! yeah you remember right! he's buddies with Obi-Wan and Quinlan and Luminara. when he's older, he meets Omura Vane (@certified-anakinfucker' Jedi OC) and promptly takes on a big bro role to it. he only ever takes one Padawan, and I'm kind of in the middle of overhauling her story rn oopsie but that's his kid and he loves her dearly. uhhh he's on decent terms with the Guard (Temple and Corrie), chatty with the upper command structure of the 7th Sky, and very close - basically siblings - with Eesla Lunelle (@dilf-archivist's Jedi OC). he's also in a long term relationship with Jaro Tapal and terribly fond of little Cal Kestis by proxy. have you noticed a trend of being soft for kids yet? 😅
[takes a breath]
whew. sO he would probably get along with Jackal! he's the type to stay loyal to people moreso than institutions and it seems like Jackal feels similar. Bastra definitely butts heads with certain colleagues in the Order, but it's mostly because their morals and values clash. Mundi (derogatory), for example. regardless. he would definitely recognize the way Jackal treats their troops and the way they see Jackal as an honorary buir and decide that Jackal's one of the Good Ones. I'd definitely be interested in hammering out their dynamic if you've got thoughts!
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daddywanken0bi · 4 years
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word count: 1.7k
author: Allie
warnings: female reader, but none other than that. it’s fluffy :)
a/n: oh my gosh it’s been so long. Jess and I have been working like crazy this semester, but we’re finally on break. And this one, for some reason, took forever to write. I still don’t think it’s perfect, but I don’t want to keep y’all waiting any longer. 
Obi Wan x Mandalorian!reader
requested by @the-mandalorian-clone-lover​
Your armor didn’t used to feel this heavy.
It was designed to be light weight, flexible and silent in combat. It was precisely tailored to your body with chrome plating and acute edges. It used to be something you relied on and trusted to protect your most vital organs. But now, as the red paint chipped to reveal the true blue underneath, it only felt like a burden, a customized reminder of a distantly past life. You probably offended someone wearing it still, but you didn’t really care at this point. The menacing helmet was enough to prevent people from approaching you - that was the last thing you needed.
So you kept it, wore it with some sort of false pride that was more akin to stubbornness than anything else. If you were honest with yourself, you’d acknowledge the comfort it provided - a shield that prevented you from facing the Galaxy and coming to terms with your past. But life as a bounty hunter was far from honest, and you were good at your job.
Your armor hung especially low on your shoulders as you landed back on Coruscant. The target you’d been hunting for a week slipped through your fingers again. Every time you thought you had them, the bastard squirmed out of your grasp. And to add insult to injury, a colleague (to put it politely) captured the shmuck just as you were about to close in. Dejected and bitter, you returned to the city planet with very little of your pride intact.
However, as soon your boots hit the pavement, all of the tension released from your shoulders. You exhaled and tilted your gaze to the magnificent temple piercing the horizon. Beneath your chest plate, your heart reached for your lover that resided there. It wouldn’t be long until he found you, you knew, as the Force drew him to you like a moth to a flame. You shook your head, and beneath your helmet, a smile tugged at your lips.
The thought of reuniting with his sapphire eyes kept your shoulders square as you traipsed through the muddy streets. You surveyed its inhabitants, noting how any of them could be your next target. On your left, an elderly man played the ommni box, his hat on the ground for credits. On some strange level, you empathized with him: you both resorted to your talents to make a living. To your right, a couple stumbled out of a bar, giggling and collapsing on top of one another. Acidic jealousy bubbled in your stomach as you watched, but shame quickly suppressed it. It was unfair of you to be envious. Loving a Jedi was difficult, but you knew you were just as difficult to love, if not more.  
You shook your head and his eyes flashed in your mind once more. You smiled again at the reminder, and  the old man and the couple disintegrated back into the hustle and bustle. You kept your head high for the final few blocks that separated you from your building, but as soon as the elevator doors sealed behind you, you slumped against the wall. You sighed as you peeled off your helmet, grateful to release some of the weight. The hum of the lift was lulling and you hardly fought the closing of your eyelids. But the hiss of the lift doors opening reminded you that you weren’t at your apartment yet, so you heaved yourself off the wall. You could barely keep your eyes open as you made your way down the hallway. All you could think about was how wonderful your bed would feel as soon as you got the door open...if only you could get the door open.
“Are you having trouble with your key code, dear one?”
Your eyes few wide.
You swung your head, and sure enough, your lover stood, propped against the wall with his arms crossed deliciously over his chest. A smiled played on his beautiful lips a you registered him there - just as you predicted.
“Obi Wan,” You crossed to him in two steps and all but collapsed into his arms. “How long have you been here?”
“Oh, not too long.” He whispered into your dirty hair, his smile evident in his voice. You released him, eager to see that smile with your own eyes. He nearly took your breath away. Wow, was he remarkable.
You returned to your door, finally energized enough to tap in the (correct) code. You reached for him with your free hand (your helmet tucked under the other), a silent gesture for him to follow you inside. He did, and he watched as you discarded your helmet and made a b-line for the kitchen. You reached for the kettle.
“It’s good to see you.”
“You, too,” Obi Wan said as he leaned against the counter. He crossed his arms over his chest, restrained excitement bubbling in his eyes. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t posses the same look. You focused back in the kettle.
“I nearly had him, you know.”
“I believe you.”
“If only that stupid patron didn’t spill their drink and make an entire scene-“
“You must be exhausted,” You hadn’t noticed his proximity until he slipped his hand under yours, taking it off the stove ignition. You peered up him.
“No more than usual,” You chuckled.
“Lets get this armor off you.”
“Obi Wan-“
You knew better than to argue with him. So you followed as he lead you out of the kitchen, down the hall, and into your bedroom. He dropped your hand and crossed to pull fresh clothes from your dresser. You took to opportunity to start loosening the clasps on your chest plate.
“Please,” Obi Wan took your hands again as soon as he noticed. “Let me.”
Resigning, you let your hands fall to your sides. He resumed your previous chore, gentle and patient as ever. He unbuckled the last clasp and mumbled a small “up,” urging you to lift your arms so he could pull the armor over your head. He then moved to the metal on your arms, unhinging their grasp on your biceps and forearms. He finished with your gloves - he placed a soft kiss to each palm as they were revealed.
“Sit.” He nodded towards the bed and you did as he asked. He knelt before you and began unlacing your boots. He pulled each one off, massaging your toes before removing your socks. He worked next on your shin guards, then pulled you up to stand once they were shed. He remained kneeling, peeling the last bits of armor protecting your legs to the floor. You stepped out of them, and Obi Wan gathered the discarded pieces and placed them into the drawers of your dresser.
You just admired him, joy radiating from your bones as he moved so gracefully around your room.
“Do you need help changing your clothes, too?” He teased. “I thought you would be capable of doing that yourself?” You giggled.
“I’m just so tired, Obi Wan. Would you please assist me?” You feigned, biting back a grin. His eyes rolled to the side, but his laugh gave him away.
“You’re lucky you’re beautiful.” He reached for zipper down the front of your bodysuit.
“That’s the only reason you love me-” As he pulled it down your shoulders, “-my appearance.” He pursed his lips.
“Oh no, darling.” He pressed a kiss to your cheek, “I love your wit,” a kiss to your jaw, “Your humor,” to your shoulder, “Your no-nonsense attitude,” your collar bone, “Your strength,” the center of your chest, “Your flaws,” your chin…
“You,” He hovered just above your lips, “in entirety.”
You gazed at him, pure adoration in his eyes. You traced his cheekbone with your fingertips and kissed him with all the love you had to give. For he was the only thing in the galaxy that gave you purpose anymore, the least you could do was love him in return.
You drew away from him for breath, he rested his forehead on yours. You forgot for a moment that you were half dressed, until a draft shivered up your arms. Obi Wan noticed, and reached for the clean shirt he pulled out earlier. He pulled it over your head, blissful smiles permanent on both of your faces. You peeled the rest of your body suit off your legs, and replaced it with fresh lounge pants.
“There.” Obi Wan sighed, content, “Better?”
“Much.” You smiled. “Now it’s your turn, Master General.”
“Sweetheart, I’m alri-“
“It’s simply unfair that I stand so unprotected in front of you.” You placed your hands on his shoulder pads. You raised your eyebrow, and repeated the same phrase , “Let me?”
He didn’t protest, he only chuckled and nodded encouragingly. You mirrored his previous actions - drawing his chest plate over his head, unclasping his arm guards, and pulling his gloves. However, you placed a kiss to his knuckles instead of his palm. He wore significantly less armor than you, so you were done much faster than he was, but you wanted to savor the moment as he did. You caressed the linen hugging his chest, grateful to feel him near you again. You ghosted your lips at the crest of his collar bone, the small glimpse of him his robes provided.
Obi Wan lifted your chin with his finger, an endearing gesture that always sent butterflies to your stomach - this he knew. You melted into him, closed your eyes, rendered yourself completely vulnerable.
“So beautiful…” He murmured, barely audible. You leaned closer to him, expecting to feel the weight of his lips on yours-
A scream rang through the apartment. You relaxed after you realized it was only the obnoxious screech of the kettle echoing from the kitchen. The moment with your love now absolutely butchered, your head fell onto his chest, laughs and giggles spilling from both of your lips. Your head tilted back up at him.
“Care for a cup of tea?”
He grabbed your cheeks and smacked a sloppy, playful kiss to your lips.
Wiping the kiss from your mouth and stumbling with laughter, you followed Obi Wan out of the bed room, your lost bounty forgotten with your discarded armor.
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kyberphilosopher · 4 years
You looked beautiful in the sun- all two of them. 
Word Count: 2006
Requested: Obi Wan heated fluff on Tatooine. Delivered. (I hope)
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apricity. PRONUNCIATION: (a-PRIS-i-tee)/ the warmth of sun in the Winter.
Obi-Wan did not know what had happened to you, after. 
He could recall your last meeting, however. He could recall it so vividly. It was the day before he was sent to Utapau, and the day you had been sent to the other side of Kashyyyk to assist Master Yoda. Your Clones, who you were immensely proud of, had painted their armor differing shades of camouflage green with little white markings and a bright green streak down their right arms. Even your closest confidant, Commander Syphers, had modified his appearance to match both the jungle of a system, and your lightsaber. 
He had approached you while you and Commander Syphers were nudging at each other while giggling at something. Obi-Wan couldn’t remember what. When you had seen him, a big grin came over your face. You told him your clones had planned something special for your birthday (which was the next day) and that they were all very excited to participate in battle. This was followed with applause from the soldiers on the gunship, and you beginning to walk away from Obi-Wan. 
“You’re not even going to wish me a happy birthday?” you said with a smirk, walking backwards. Obi-Wan didn’t remember what he had said. He could only remember you rolling your eyes, and your final interaction towards him being a playful salute as your gunship lifted up into the air. 
Obi-Wan had not realized that Order Sixty-Six had been executed on your birthday- and possibly you along with it- until much later. You probably hadn’t even gotten to see or experience what your men had done for your birthday. They had already turned on you. 
He had been so focused and finding Anakin after, that he had completely forgotten about you. It wasn’t until his first night on Tatooine that you began to suddenly bombard his thoughts, and he was forced to assume that you had died. 
So this did not explain why you were standing in front of him.
Obi-Wan understood that this was no trick of the suns, nor the heat. The clouds were fluffy in the baby blue sky, the sand mustard and deep, and the plains infinite and distant. You were there, clear as day, in the middle. You didn’t look real, but you were. If anything at all, Obi-Wan Kenobi would’ve described you as surreal. 
You were dressed in a grey cloak and poncho, with the hood up and your makeshift face mask pulled down so he could see and confirm your whole face. Your hair color, which was peaking out from the bun by your neck, had not changed. Your eye color, eyebrows, lips, nose- hadn’t changed. Despite a few sunspots, the shadow of a scar on your collar bone, and the hollow look in your eyes, you were you. And you were real. And you were alive. 
“I thought you were dead,” Obi-Wan said. It was the first words he spoke to you since you had come into his little hovel, and it sounded like a confession of some kind. He knew he shouldn’t have felt silly for it, but he did. He felt ashamed for not having faith in you, even though he knew you wouldn’t have cared much about that. You would’ve understood- you did understand. 
“Me too,” you said. Your thumb rubbed against the clay cup of a warm liquid Obi-Wan had made for you. It was comforting to know that even after tragedy, the man’s manners were unbreakable. “How long have you been here?”
“About nine months,” Obi-Wan guessed. His hands rung together in thought and nervousness. You noticed his voice was so much more soft now, like whatever authority he once had had been shaken. You knew, with a deep sadness, that this was because he didn’t feel he was worthy of authority anymore. It was a shame, because you would’ve followed him anywhere. That’s why you were here now. “How did you find me?” he asked sincerely, his eyes crinkling as he thought about all the options. 
“Master Yoda wasn’t the only one who could see things,” you told him. This too sounded like a confession. Holding his eyes a second longer, you averted them to the table and your cup. “Is he...?”
Obi-Wan took in a silent, shaky breath. “No,” he promised. “He’s alive. On Dagobah, I believe.”
You nodded your head in understanding, looking anywhere but Obi-Wan’s eyes. He was disturbed that you were not the same person as you were, but he didn’t blame you for that. He wasn’t the same person either. 
But you were, at one time, a rather charismatic person. Intelligent and cunning, you were known for your sarcasm and quips. Obi-Wan liked that about you. You were refreshing to be around. Although you two were not the closest, it was a treat working together, and Obi-Wan was sure there was a mutual respect. Now it wasn’t the same. You were more serious, more sad and lonely. You were like a shadow of what you once were. 
“May I ask...” You looked up at Obi-Wan’s words. He knew he shouldn’t have asked, but he was not a man to just leave his words hanging. “What happened? On your birthday?”
Your eyes fluttered shut sharply. “I apologize,” Obi-Wan said quickly.
“No,” you ushered, talking over him slightly. “No, I...just...” you inhaled. “Sometimes, I feel like I’m back in that moment, when I can’t breathe. And I just feel like I’m dying.” Obi-Wan gave you a moment to compose yourself, deciding against placing his hand over your own comfortingly. After another breath, you spoke again. “It was during one of the attacks,” you began. “Wookies everywhere, Seppie scum all around- we were winning. I was looking over it when I heard him say something and then...” your eyebrows scrunched together, almost in confusion, as you recounted the memory. “He raised his gun at me.”
Obi-Wan found himself leaning forward as he listened to your tale. He understood what you meant about the feeling. He could imagine the rocks falling all around him and the breath leaving his lungs as he was shot down. But Cody didn’t look Obi-Wan in the eyes, no. 
“Who did?” Obi-Wan asked quietly. He felt like it was such a forbidden thing to ask, and maybe it was. But this also felt like an interrogation, and it didn’t feel right to let it hang. 
“Syphers.” Maker, he could hear your voice breaking. 
“And, what about your birthday?”
You shook your head softly, and in the most lost and confused voice, you told him: “I don’t know.” 
You were always there when Obi-Wan would wake up. When he stretched his muscles, and wandered outside to watch the twin suns rise into the sky, you were there. Whether sitting or standing, you would watch him when he watched you. Sometimes, he could’ve sworn you had tears in your eyes, almost as if you were saying that you couldn’t believe you had finally gotten to see the sun again.
In the beginning, Obi-Wan Kenobi thought you were simply exquisite in this way. 
Your light colored outfit was simple and contrasted the orange and red light of the world. It seemed distant and far away to think that you were someone the Jedi once knew, almost as if you were from a past life. Although, he supposed that you were. But you were a woman, a companion, someone he trusted with everything inside of his chest. Obi-Wan knew, at least, that there was one person in the world who understood. 
Soon enough, the Jedi would realize you were more than just exquisite- you were beautiful. 
You always had been an attractive woman, though Kenobi supposed he had not given it much thought in the past. There had never been a reason, nor opportunity to until this point. You were a colleague. Now you weren’t. You had bonded through the pain of Anakin’s betrayal, which had become Anakin’s last favor for his old Master. 
Obi-Wan was beautiful too, in the mornings. When you looked over to him, the suns always cast an orange glow across his features, which looked sorrowful. Although he had begun developing tired wrinkles from focusing everything into the force, he had remained the same Kenobi you had always known. Thoughtful, methodical, and handsome. 
The love that grew between the two of you was unsaid for a while. It was all just a poem, a hazy dream that only seemed to become hazier. The mornings that you shared with him wordlessly seemed to melt into nights, and when you had finally begun accepting food from him, dinners. 
You would tell Obi-Wan about your life before the Jedi, and the Master you wondered about so much. In turn, he revealed how he had cradled Qui-Gon in his arms while he died, and Satine’s death sometime later. You were not jealous at the latter, instead admitting you had fallen in love one of your men- a Clone named Ace who had died on the battlefield. That was the first time you had held hands. 
In the low light of the candles and the dry wind that came from the window, Obi-Wan put his hand over your own tentatively, sharing the pain. It did not seem as heavy as it had been before, and it didn’t take long to melt into his touch. 
In the nights, Obi-Wan and you began to sleep on the same blanket. You did not sleep for a long time, instead looking into his eyes and wondering, wondering if you were supposed to die that day. You became hyper aware that you were glad you hadn’t, because then you wouldn’t have been with Obi-Wan now, who was becoming the only thing in the world that brought you peace. 
The mornings became shorter. The way he watched you in the tangerine light never seemed to last long enough. Obi-Wan agreed. 
Following the mornings, the days without his touch and his dialogue seemed to become unsatisfactory. On those days, all food tasted like ash. The blanket you shared seemed scratchy. All the stories you would think of telling him didn’t seem worthy anymore. All you wanted was him in his entirety, even his pain. More than that, you wanted his peace, and he wanted yours.
You could not recall how it happened, because everything up to that point didn’t seem to matter. Obi-Wan didn’t mind. All he focused on was you and your skin, and how the horizon contrasted your back and the suns made the tips of your hair buzz in different shades. 
The both of you were completely naked, you on his lap with your chests pressed together. Your face, which Obi-Wan had accepted as a work of art, was buried in the crook of his neck. Your eyes watched the view behind him, quite literally watching his back while your fingers dug into it so he didn’t turn to dust. 
Similarly, Obi Wan held you as close as he could while he watched the suns rise. Your skin and aura had seemed to fall together, creating a golden glow that he deemed worthy of defining you. Your core- your heart along with your sex- seemed to be a part of him in the best way. You were not Satine or anyone from his past life, you were the trusted companion who understood. And quite frankly, neither of you could fully recall if he was inside of you or not. 
Whether he was or wasn’t didn’t matter. Obi-Wan was a part of you now. You didn’t want that to stop, and Obi-Wan had become too lost and guided by you to stop it. 
But that moment in the sand as the suns rose into the heavens above, and the two lovers entangled as they watched the air all seemed very much like a painting, in which the artist had decided to paint over something very sad, with something very sunny. 
Taglist: @omg-we-really-doo​ @chokemeanakin​ @haztory @laorme34
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pumpkinparade · 3 years
Palpatine, Obi-wan, and tea
So, this is a very stupid idea, but I needed to get it out of my head before I did something extreme like writing fanfic. As a heads up, I've used real-world meanings for various details since there presumably isn't a Star Wars equivalent.
The story begins when Anakin is late for a social engagement. Both Palpatine and Obi-wan are anticipating his appearance. The Sith lord presents a kindly and patient front but fumes at this egregious waste of his time internally while the Jedi pushes his dissatisfaction into the force. He disapproves of the Chancellor, but his former padawan's discourtesy is off-putting. The fact that he has put the Chancellor of the Republic on hold merely aggravated the situation.
The Jedi informs the politician that Skywalker should arrive shortly. He doesn't. The chosen one is with Padmé at present and has forgotten he's meant to be elsewhere. Kenobi ultimately invites Palpatine to offers him some tea aboard his ship while they delay action until Anakin materializes.
Normally, Jedi eschew worldly possessions, but Kenobi owns an old miniature tea set that once belonged to Qui Gon. His tea supplies are generally supplied by colleagues who offer him the leaves when he's not on Coruscant. The ship is equipped with an electric tea kettle and a portable Hot Plate for cooking. He goes about preparing Green tea for both of them when he remembers the Sencha, while excellent in quality, has since gone somewhat stale. It hasn't gone bad, but it has lost some of its fresh flavours.
Jedi are practical(in theory), and tea can be costly.
Lower-income individuals in certain Asian countries have roasted stale green tea to enhance the taste. As this is an accepted practice, he takes the loose leaf tea in his possession, grounds, roasts, and serves it with minimal preamble. Palpatine debates whether or he'll actually drink peasant tea. When Anakin appears, apologizing profusely for the delay before noticing his ex-teacher has brewed tea and claims a cup for himself, supplementing copious amounts of sugar. On Skywalker's recommendation, the Sith decides to take a chance. It's not bad, so he compliments it. The evening wraps up without an event. http://mattchasblog.blogspot.com/2012/05/experiments-with-re-roasting-stale.html?m=1
Later on, the bureaucrat invites the Jedi to attend a senate afternoon tea party. It's an opulent affair. Flowering (Gyokuro) tea with Jasmine flowers bloomed within transparent glass teapots sat next to elegantly designed tiered trays. On hundreds of tables, they rested; the flat surfaces were loaded with the first, second, and third courses, from petite pastries on the top to the tiny tea sandwiches on the bottom, the aggregate sum had been skillfully prepared for the guests. Palpatine had the wherewithal to afford a party grand enough to unsettle a Jedi. To his delight, he had succeeded.
Nearly everyone in attendance had been bequeathed a box of 16 Jasmine Pearls green tea blooms, the dried bundled ball of tea leaves and flowers would open like a plant in "bloom" when placed in hot water.  
Kenobi had "accidentally" received 17,  an unlucky number. In Roman numerals, 17 is XVII. One anagram for XVII is VIXI. In Latin, vixi means "I have lived," the implication being that the person(Obi-wan) is now dead. Jasmine is a plant that symbolizes purity and takes its name from the Persian word "Yasmine". This term translates to "gift from God". Put together; your death is a gift from God(the Sith'ari). Darth Sidious finds himself deeply amusing.
Obi-wan is grateful for the tea, especially since he's recently finished off his supply and always felt sheepish defending the expenditure to the Council. Official regulation dictates that he's not permitted to keep the gift. However, Jedi can distribute the donations to others in the order or, better still, add it to the communal ownership and shared at the temple. There are enough in the box for all parties to experience the high-end tea, so he gladly donates it to the Jedi temple and appreciates it along with everyone else.  When Sidious hears what happened to his gift, he's pleased his secret message was brought to the rest of the Jedi as well.
Obi-Wan is averse to socializing with lawmakers in general and Palpatine in particular. Still, he makes a mental note to invite Chancellor to have tea with him again next time Anakin has them waiting for him as recognition for the expensive gift. Nevertheless, the opportunity doesn't come along until a few months later. Thankfully this time, the tea isn't stale. Unknown to Obi-wan, Anakin is in the middle of winning an illegal pod race. Skywalker wanted to purchase a present for Ahsoka, but as a Jedi, the lack of personal funds to his name meant he had to be creative if he wanted to show the people that meant the most to him how much he loved them, rules against attachments be damned.
This time he has Maghrebi mint tea. Traditionally the drink is sweetened, but he hasn't used sweetener. There is a bowl of rock sugar grown in the shape of tiny purple lightsabers on the counter. It was available if either party wanted to utilize the sweetener. The ingredients, as well as the tea, had come from Mace Windu.
Jedi were generally not meant to accept gifts from clients unless it's culturally necessary for them to do so. The tea was a regifted thank you gift from an ambassador. As the items couldn't be shared equally with everyone, Mace decided Obi-wan, as Anakin's minder had a more significant need for it.
After all the passive-aggressive messages he'd sent at the party, Sidious isn't expecting anything to receive any in return but still looks for any possible messages Obi-Wan might covertly send him through the tea anyway.
His actions don't seem to convey a particular message... unless Kenobi considered serving him a herbal tea that also happens to be an appetite suppressant is a message. Perhaps he intended to inform the wealthy politician that the Jedi felt Palpatine's tea party Palpatine had been too lavish and wanted him to know he'd offended the man utilitarian sensibilities, but that was likely a reach.
The tea itself was one of hospitality, meant to welcome guests by the male head of a family. As Kenobi poured the tea in three rounds as expected of tradition, he wondered if he had missed something and resolves to reflect on it more in the future. Each of the three rounds poured has a different meaning: life, love and death. The sugar represents the sweet aspects of life, and Sidious wonders as the sugar dissolves within his cup if the Jedi is aware of what he's saying about his life by going without it.
The Chancellor certainly knows the symbolism of prolonging the second cup to avoiding the third. Love as a concept was not something he neither wanted nor needed, but he had no fear of it. He drank to the idea without hesitance. If he played his cards right, Anakin's love would pave the way for the ascendancy of the Sith. As for death, he had designs on immortality. He would pass on even the metaphorical notion of his own demise.
When Anakin arrived, he doesn't go for any of the tea. He's tried the tea Mace had given his former master. It's tolerable, yet he has another target. Instead, he seizes the rock candy and laughs when Obi-wan protested that grinding on the purple sugar crystals might ruin his teeth. Nevertheless, he drops the bowl back on the counter after taking two and takes off with Palpatine.
Obi-wan is surprised the next day when the Chancellor has a package delivered that contains four(because four means death) kombucha starter kits(kombucha was considered to have "yang" energy in traditional Chinese medicine) and silver needle tea. As before, Obi-Wan gives the white tea to the temple, but he feels self-conscious. This incident marks the second time the Chancellor has given him something extravagant, and he feels like there are strings attached to the gift even if the politician hasn't said as much.
Politicians don't give gifts without reason—especially politicians who are not friends with the receiver.
Uncomfortable by the thought, he waited until one of his friends gifts him with tea.  It's Bant who visits him first—intending to give her friend Pu'er tea(flavoured with dried honey ginger chamomile) she'd received at a medical conference. Obi-wan explains the situation and asks if he can send the tea to the diplomat as a sign of gratitude. Bant isn't bothered by the question and wishes him success.
Little does he know that although he intended nothing untoward with his regift, Palpatine had, after considering the possible implications, managed to be offended by it. Pu'er tea was often used to treat hangovers(among other things). His former teacher, Darth Plagueis, had once kept several kilos of it in his home. The muun would consume premium Poo Poo Pu-Erh Tea the morning after he'd had a night of excess on Sullustan wine. After he'd given the Jedi kombucha, a very mildly alcoholic beverage, he'd apparently proceeded to criticize the gift by implying he (Sidious) was a drunk who needed it. Indicating he shared the same weakness that had gotten the deceased Sith Lord murdered was exasperating, even if Obi-wan couldn't have identified the reason.
And that's when the situation becomes, for lack of a better word,"serious". Obi-wan thinks they're exchanging gifts, almost they're friends, but he's becoming increasingly frustrated because they're uneasy allies at best. Still, he doesn't want to feel like he owes the Chancellor anything, so the cycle begins anew. His financial circumstances still haven't changed, so he's been forced to regift a few presents from his friends to have something to present to the politician who won't leave him alone.
Kenobi is frustrated by this. He already spoke of the issue with several of his friends. Usually an honest man, he felt compelled to share what might happen to tea they might give him. Always while out of Anakin's earshot. They're sympathetic but unsure what could be done about the man who holds so much power, especially considering the relationship his former padawan has developed with the politician. It's difficult to entirely avoid the man without avoiding Skywalker, who would notice any attempts at evasion and likely take umbrage, even if the Chancellor did not.
Palpatine, for his part, is honestly surprised to learn how very snide Obi-wan appears. He can sense the Jedi's frustration building and is aware it's related to the tea. That said, he hasn't guessed the actual cause. Instead, he believes Kenobi has managed to guess at the intent of his gift and is ostensibly reacting to the Chancellor's actual message.
Amused, he no longer sends veiled death threats. If he does it one time too many time, someone at the temple, likely Yoda, will start asking awkward questions he doesn't want to answer. Yet, he continues to send hidden messages with the intent of antagonizing the Jedi as he proceeds to misread the situation. As the other Force-user's better, Darth Sidious refuses to be out-performed in a game of pettiness by Obi-wan Kenobi.
Anakin assumes they're just two older men who love tea and have found a way to bond over that. He's pleased to finally witness two people he respects burying the hatchet and getting along. Ahsoka doesn't have the heart to tell him that Obi-wan is not happy with whatever madness he's been dropped into. Madame has resigned herself to remaining silent regarding her husband's bond with her former friend. She no longer trusts the Chancellor and knows bringing up her feelings with Skywalker will only end in arguments with the man she loves.
Matters take a turn for the weird when Obi-wan receives cacao maca tea from Quinlan Vos. His fellow Jedi had gotten it from a secret admirer with a crush. After tests came back proving it wasn't poisoned, he'd given the herbal tea to his tea-loving friend.
Like most of the gifts he'd received lately, obi-wan presents it Palpatine. He wouldn't have the ability to keep up with the bizarre back and forth otherwise. He doesn't have the money. He's thankful his friends understand how much he dislikes the idea of being beholden to Palpatine and encourage his efforts to circumvent it.
What he'd failed to account for was the reaction he'd spark by presenting a herbal tea that was viewed, by some, to be an aphrodisiac. Obi-wan himself hasn't realized he'd done anything problematic. Vos hadn't mentioned maca had a reputation because he hadn't known himself. When he'd dropped it off, he'd simply named the vitamins the healers had said it contained.
Palpatine is confused. He's politically powerful and comes from a wealthy family, so it's hardly the first time anyone has been interested in pursuing him. However! Just the other month, they'd been politely abusing one another. There hadn't been any reason for the change.  
Sidious can't decide Obi-wan attempting to insult his virility since maca is reported to help with reproductive health or if the Jedi is propositioning him. He hadn't thought Kenobi was interested in hate-based romantic overtures. That said, making mockeries of a sexual nature is astonishingly inappropriate given their positions. He wasn't offended, the possible slight was far too childish for him to take it sincerely, but he hadn't taken the General as the type of man who would make the insult in the first place. Complicating matters is the fact that the General is Anakin's former master.
He's hesitant to assume the situation would work out in his favour if the Jedi is twitterpated and if he should allow it... whatever it was, to persist. Would developing a relationship with Kenobi hasten Skywalker's fall to the dark side, or would the interaction convince the boy to turn his back on Darth Sidious.
Sexual relationships were irrational, messy little things and far more unpredictable than pretended friendship. He tended to avoid non-transactional sex due to the wildly unpredictable nature of the beast. If an uncompensated connection didn't service his ambition, didn't cultivate his power or influence, it was deemed irrelevant and discarded. An ill-defined situation occupied a troublesome grey area he despised, leaving him in something of a quandary on how to advance his agenda. Sidious knew he'd have to adopt a resolution expeditiously, and that inaction was as much a choice as any other.
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stonefreeak · 4 years
I hope everyone is doing well in these times. My hands are still giving me trouble, and life never seems to calm down, but at least I have this! I hope this fic can bring you all some joy in these times! <3
The Senate may have been a bust, and unfortunately the scene of the crime isn't shaping up to be much better. Quinlan had hoped that he'd stumble upon something his fellow Jedi had missed, however unlikely, but no such luck materialises as they move through the damaged rooms in the roped off area.
Quinlan hates not finding anything new. He doesn't like the way the whole investigation is slowing down. Even though they found the assassin, she's already been killed. Even though her guild is helping with the investigation... Their primary weapon, so to speak, has yet to bring any sort of results.
Not that Quinlan wasn't already aware that finding a single person in a sea of people like the Senate would be difficult, especially considering all the aides and extra personnel moving about, but he'd still had some hopes. As it is, he'll just go bother Kenobi a bit to get his mind off of everything.
Besides, it'll be good to see him up and about. Last Quinlan saw him, he was in a bacta tank and entirely unresponsive.
"Where are we going now, Van?" La says, anxiety bleeding into the Force around her.
Quinlan gives her a lazy grin. "I'm going to go visit an old friend of mine. You're just coming along."
She rolls her eyes, but Quinlan doesn't pay that any mind. He's got Kenobi to bother.
"By the Force, what are you doing here?" Obi-Wan looks extremely tired, but in a good way. In a way that's not "dying or close to death".
"Well, you know, La and I decided to get investigating, but we didn't find much. So I figured I'd pay you a visit!" He gives Kenobi a huge smile and takes more than a little pleasure in the arch look he receives in turn.
"Pleasure to meet you, La," Obi-Wan says, no doubt ignoring Quinlan now.
La, of course, is discomfited and anxious. No doubt she doesn't want to be anywhere near the Supreme Chancellor and all of his Clone Trooper bodyguards. Especially not when she's out in the open and they can see her.
"Pleasure," she says, voice faint.
Shaking his head and rubbing his eyes, Obi-Wan sighs. "Well, I hate to be a bad host, but I'm afraid I'm swamped. I'm sure you can find some ways to enjoy yourself on your own. Please don't make a nuisance of yourself and let me get on with my work."
Quinlan grins. "I'm sure we can. Especially considering all the plants you've got here. Want me to see if I can tell who sent them to you?"
"Plausible deniability, thank you." Kenobi doesn't even look up from his datapad.
Quinlan shrugs and turns his attention to the rest of the room instead. There's sure to be some interesting things to be found in here, especially since some of it is left-over from when Palpatine was still the Supreme Chancellor. Maybe there is some dirt to dig up from his stuff!
Quinlan closes his eyes and stretches out his senses with the Force, seeking anything of interest. Sometimes you can find stuff like that just through the Force before you even touch it at all.
There's a sense of.. chill in the room, and a sense of danger from farther inside. Frowning, Quinlan opens his eyes and starts moving towards the direction of the cold first.
It's... a chalice, of some sort. Not especially pretty to look at, and with not much in the way of distinguishing features.
"What is it, Van?" La murmurs, stepping in closer.
"There's something about this thing..." Quinlan isn't sure how to explain it to someone who doesn't have the Force. The fact that this thing feels cold in a way that isn't in the temperature sense is... Well, if Quinlan didn't have the Force he would probably think someone trying to explain it was crazy. After all, most people can't feel the way this thing seems to make you feel cold in your spirit because most people, people who aren't Force Sensitive, simply can't feel their own spirit. Can't feel their connection to the Force and the galaxy around them.
"Is it some Force mumbo-jumbo that I can't hope to understand?" La does the togrutan equivalent of a raised eyebrow and Quinlan lets out a small laugh. Despite the fact that she's a frustrating and closed-mouthed assassin, Quinlan finds himself liking La. He tries not to think too much about it, because they're hardly going to be able to be friends...
Then again, she'll most likely be a useful contact to have in the galactic underworld. And if he helps her find the person who hired and murdered her colleague, she and the Hissleet Endai might become very useful allies in the future... If... Not exactly the kind of allies you speak about in polite company.
But Quinlan is pretty much never in polite company anyway, so it hardly matters to him.
"If I say that this thing makes me experience a chill in my spirit, as if it's cold in a way that has nothing to do with temperature... Does that make sense to you or do I sound nuts?"
La makes a face. "I mean... I suppose it makes sense, in a way, but you also sound crazy."
Quinlan throws his head back in a laugh and shakes his head. Fair enough, he thinks. That's not so bad, it could be far worse than that.
Still... There's something about this thing. Where has Kenobi gotten it? Of course, considering Obi-Wan is sitting right over there, Quinlan can just ask him. Sure, Obi-Wan might have asked him to not make a bother of himself, but eh, this seems important. Even if it's possibly only important in the way of settling Quinlan's curiosity.
"Hey, Kenobi!" he calls out, leaning back slightly to try and see him from behind a large bush. Seriously, the number of plants in this office is ridiculous. Quinlan always thought it was Master Jinn who was crazy about plants, not Obi-Wan.
"What is it?" Man, Kenobi doesn't have to sound so tired and put upon.
La looks torn between amusement and horror. She's probably still not sure how to react to Quinlan's very much casual relationship with the Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic.
"This chalice thing! Where did you get it?"
As Quinlan watches, Obi-Wan freezes. Well now, isn't that an interesting reaction?
"What about it? It was here when I took over the office, it's part of the objects confiscated from former Chancellor Palpatine."
Well now, isn't that just a most delicious little morsel of information. Quinlan grins.
"Well, you've felt it, haven't you?" He's not going to let Kenobi play dumb about this. There's no way Obi-Wan Kenobi, one of the youngest Masters of the High Council in recent times and a well regarded Jedi Master hasn't been able to feel the weird vibes this thing is sending out.
"... I have. I wasn't sure if I was only imagining it, and I have no idea where it comes from. There are no records of information about it to be found, I'm afraid."
So it was Palpatine's before Obi-Wan commandeered his offices and that's all they know about it. That really is interesting. How does a regular man, no more Force Sensitive than any other random person, somehow get his hands on something as interesting as this? Not just that, but also decides to place them in a prominent position in their offices to boot. It's not exactly pretty or valuable looking, it’s not made from precious metals and there are no valuable stones...
Why did Palpatine have something like this on display?
Quinlan's not going to ask him, because if Palpatine is hiding something then he doesn't want to tip his hand... Well, he'll need to look into Palpatine more. Well, as soon as the investigation results come in and they know how well off he's gotten on the whole deal with the corruption charges. Because even if he gets off easy, that doesn't mean that he doesn't have other skeletons in his closet. It just means that whatever bodies remain, they're very well buried indeed.
Of course, there's nothing that says for sure that investigating Palpatine will be worth his time. After all, an investigation into his conduct was just concluded and is going to trial in just a few days' time. He doesn't think that they could have missed that much, could they?
Unless... Well, the investigation was into his professional conduct, not his personal business, wasn't it?
It's an interesting food for thought if nothing else. He'll run it by the council later when he gives his report. That way they'll know the outcome of the already ongoing investigation and they can take some time to consider whether or not another investigation would be worth it. Better have them make the decisions than Quinlan. At least that way, they can't blame him if it blows up in their faces!
Rolling his shoulders, Quinlan starts looking around the office again. Maybe he should go search for whatever is giving off that warning feeling. Though again, he doubts Kenobi has missed it, and if he hasn't done anything about it yet...
Eh, he'll have to see when he finds it. Maybe he'll get something through his psychometry.
(Supreme Chancellor Obi-Wan Kenobi masterpost)
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famouskittychild · 3 years
Star Wars Fun in the Sun
vol 2 - At the pool
This is my gift (vol2) for @milfsyndullas in the Fun in the Sun gift exchange (hosted at @starwarsfandomfests). Some poolside fun during a break away from the war with the trio of Obi-wan, Anakin and Ahsoka. 
The small skiff that had carried them down to the planet was a welcome sight. It was the first civilian craft they had been in for a while, and the unusual colours, shapes and interior kept them occupied during the descent.
“What a nice little ship this is” expressed Ahsoka what all three of them were thinking. Obi-wan answered with his usual serenity.
“Yes, it was acquired for the Grand Army not long after the beginning of the war. The planet we are heading to is on a supply line, so many of their infrastructure is now helping the war effort.”
Anakin’s mood darkened a bit though if anyone would’ve asked why, he couldn’t have answered. Ahsoka did find the problem for him.
“So… they had to give up their livelihood to the Republic…”
“... and the Republic uses it so they can go back to live their lives undisturbed by war as soon as possible.” Obi-wan nodded.
The skiff banked and they had a great view at the land under them. Green forests, white dwellings and small blue lakes were the dominant features under the patchy cover of rainclouds. The craft straightened out, bringing the landscape slowly out of view. The pilot’s voice came through the on-board comm system.
“We will be landing in five minutes. Please fasten your seatbelts and prepare for landing.”
 The facility that was chosen as housing for the visiting officers was a sprawling complex of low, simple buildings nestled in a valley between gently rising hills. The person who took them over from the clerk at the front desk told them about the place after Obi-wan asked about it. Lilac Crescent was a holiday resort, with the attractions of forest walks, multiple lakes and wildlife reserves nearby.
“Soon after the war started, the ‘Crescent was acquired for the war effort. The tourism dried up anyways, what with all the blockades and restrictions. We usually host training sessions here, or provide housing for all kind of personnel, from troopers to clerks to maintenance workers. Most recently we had a conference for medical personnel. This way please.”
They reached a pair of glass doors on the corridor. It opened onto a spacious square that had a large enough space in the middle for every resident to gather there. Outside of the open area, the lawn was dotted with benches, tidy bushes and picnic tables. Small pathways led to the white walled cabins strewn around the premises, trees giving shade to them here and there.
Their building was off from the main one somewhat. Behind the cabins there were clusters of larger houses with two stories.
“Those have apartments, as we were told we can expect some of your colleagues to join you later. We had prepared an apartment with three bedrooms for you; if there is any request or you would like a different one, please let us know and we can make the necessary adjustments.”
“Thank you” Obi-wan answered for all three of them. They knew they wont be asking for anything.
There were differently coloured doors for each of the separate apartments on the outside of the building, but their guide led them to a widest, double door in the middle. It opened into an alcove cutting straight through the building,  walls lined with ferns and other shadow tolerant plants. As they rounded the corner and stepped into the inner courtyard, they all drew to a stop. Their guide grinned at them, no doubt expecting their reaction from experience with other visitors. Ahsoka’s jaw dropped, Anakin broke into a grin, and even Obi-wan’s smile grew wider.
“A swimming pool?” Ahsoka breathed.
“With parasols!” Anakin pointed out, which made Ahsoka snap around to look at him. She didn’t expected him to single those out when there was a small slide at one corner.
“And a slide!” she pointed it out to him.
“This is very nice.” Obi-wan turned to their guide. “Thank you.”
Their guide smiled.
“You are very welcome. Your unit will be just over there” they pointed towards the corner on their right, at one of the transparent wide doors. “Communal rooms on the ground floor, bedrooms and fresher upstairs. The shed over there contains pool equipment. There’s instructions for everything that needs instructions, and the rest is safe to use as is.”
They gave the keycards to Anakin who stood closest.
“The main building has meals all through the day, and we have a delivery service too, accessible from your datapads, both for groceries and meals. Just use the comm in the lounge if you need anything, any time.”
They thanked them for their help, smiling and looking forward to spending a few days there, then the employee left and they went to settle into their rooms. The glass double doors opened to the lounge, with low sofas in cheerful colours. Other transparent sliding doors separated the kitchen and dining areas, with windows set high on the walls that looked outside, for privacy. They opened all of them and enjoyed the breeze crossing the house.
Ahsoka run upstairs then yelled down telling them she had found her room.
“Its the one with the blue curtains!”
Anakin was inspecting the taps and Obi-wan was reading the safety guide posted on the hallway wall. Ahsoka grabbed their bags and carried them upstairs, leaving them in the middle of the foyer on the landing, thinking the other two can choose their rooms later. They were still inspecting the place when she got back downstairs. Anakin was now looking at the kettle, flipping the switch on and off on it. It was an old, almost entirely mechanical model, nothing like the automated appliances they were used to. She plopped down onto a sofa and relaxed.
“Don’t get too comfortable, we will have to leave for the briefing soon.” Obi-wan told her, as she expected he would, and she sighed. They might have come here for training and other official stuff, not even knowing for exactly how many days, but at least their surrounding were nice. She looked out at the pool. Very nice.
If only the weather would cooperate.
 After returning at the end of their official schedule later that day, Ahsoka went to the top floor straight away, leaving the other two downstairs. There was a large closet on the corridor, right by the stairs, that she wanted to investigate. She wondered what would be stored there; not bedlinen or bathing towels, as those were supplied with each room in their own closets. She opened the large doors and her jaw dropped. The contents of the spacious storage were so colourful, it reminded her of a toyshop.
“What are these? Circus tent accessories?” She mused, than looked closer. The neat piles were sorted by type it seemed. There were some that looked like towels, in several sizes. Others seemed to have tailoring and hems - cloaks, probably; and then there were thin shawl-looking pieces, and simple carrier bags in several sizes, and an assortment of hats. She pulled out one of the clothes-looking things: it was a loosely shaped yellow and blue striped dress. It was probably meant to fit many sizes and shapes with its wide sleeves, overlapping panels and ties at the waist and hems.  
The corners of her mouth turned upwards. This closet was here probably for the same reason the shed down by the pool was: to be used by guest who didn’t bring their own things, or just needed a spare of something. She could choose for herself, yes. But she could also choose for all three of them.
Just to spare the bother for the others.
 Fifteen minutes later, she hopped down the stairs, with a pile for the two jedis on her arm.
Anakin looked up at the sound of her barrelling down the stairs and stopped in his tracks as she came into view.
“Where did you got those?”
Ahsoka stopped in the middle of the room and looked down at herself as if just noticing that something is out of the ordinary.
“Oh. These. I found them in the closet upstairs. I’ve got some for you, master, and for Master Kenobi.” She lifted her arm with the suspicious pile. Anakin raised an eyebrow at her.
“Thank you for your effort”, he said cautiously. If her current look and the cascade of colours and patterns he could see where any indication, they weren't in for anything good.
Over her clothes she was wearing a cheerful lilac wrap-dress with a pattern of small blue flowers. She had a large towel thrown over her shoulder in a riot of greens, yellows and purples. The most unusual was the wide brimmed yellow hat she had over her montrals, the top of them sticking out of it.
She must’ve noticed his gaze as she glanced up at her headwear.
“I even found hats for non-round-heads. This will be good against the sun, isn’t it?” She addressed the question for both of them, as Obi-wan had moved closer too.
“What had you chosen for us?” he asked her in his usual light tone. Anakin braced himself, and his padawan’s exited grin just further spurred his suspicions.
He was right. She got them a similarly riotous assortment of shirts, dressing gowns, towels and even hats. Obi-wan seemed happy with her choices, but Anakin felt a bit uncomfortable.
“These are so… colourful.” He tried to put it into words. He wasn’t sure it was right for them, or for him, to wear things like these.
Ahsoka shrugged with a mischievous grin.
“That was my intent, master. Usually we have plain clothes, but we are on holiday. I thought we might enjoy our clothes for once, not just use them.”
Anakin looked at her, and realized he had to make a choice. She was right, there was nothing wrong with letting their hair down a bit. On the other hand, he also realized that his padawan had probably chosen the most outrageously coloured and patterned and maybe even tailored things she could find.
Out of habit, he glanced over to his former master. Obi-wan looked back from the corner of his eye, lips in a half smirk, and Anakin knew he had came to the same conclusion. But Anakin was the teacher here; it had to be his choice how to handle this.
“Make sure to take some holo recordings whilst we are wearing these, as you already went to the trouble of selecting the most outrages ones for us.”
Ahsoka opened her mouth to dispute some of what he said, then wisely changed her mind.
 The weather, as it often happens, did not cooperate. It rained through the next day, but at least they were busy with their schedule. They were also told to have a rest for another four days. Their troopers were back on Kamino, getting their usual update courses and evaluations. They could expect the officers showing up sometime the last day or two, depending on other factors. Until then, they were free to relax.
They talked about maybe going back to Coruscant, but Obi-wan cut that idea short.
“We haven’t had any time away either from the battlefields or the operation planning on Coruscant. Rest is important, too. Let’s recharge in the next few days.”
“Then when the boys get here we can dive straight back into action.” Anakin added, already on board. Ahsoka looked between the two of them, then shot a pointed look towards the courtyard.
“Swimming pool?” she asked. So far they had no time to try it out.
“Not in this weather” Anakin looked out through the doors. Over the low roofs of the building, the clouds were grey. It was raining intermittently.
“Not exactly pool weather,” Obi-wan was still cheerful despite it, “but good for a barbecue.”
The other two met his enthusiasm with doubt.
“Master Kenobi, it’s raining.” Ahsoka stated, just in case he missed the obvious. She could find no other explanation.
“Thank the Force for whoever had invented the umbrella, than.” He smiled at them once more before getting up from the sofa and getting ready to head out.
 Off to the side of the lounge doors in front of every apartment was a small enclosed area with tiled floor, surrounded with low walls and small shrubs. There was enough room for a table and four chairs on one side and a pair of sunbeds opposite. It also had a built in grill with a cover over it at about shoulder height but no roof for whoever was standing in front of it.
Ahsoka and Anakin decided to stick to the lounge, reading their datapads and watching holos. They occasionally looked outside at Obi-wan, grilling away in his purple shirt decorated with palm leaves. He was using one hand to hold whatever utensil he needed and the other to hold the colourful umbrella. He even twirled it once in a while.
They thought him a bit silly, standing outside in the gloomy weather and messing with the smoky grill when they had a very well equipped and rain-free kitchen. Until he came back indoors with a pile of grilled meats and vegetables.
“Get those salads we ordered earlier, please. Time for dinner.”
Ahsoka retrieved the stack of dishes they had ordered from the Crescent’s own kitchen. Obi-wan piled up a plate for her with meats, and shared out the veggies between Anakin and himself, then they all had their pick from the salads. Anakin pestered Ahsoka light heartedly about her not eating her veggies, and she showed her carnivore canines to him as answer. But they both thanked Obi-wan for making the majority of the food, and for making it delicious. 
“Lets hope the weather turns soon” he answered before tucking in.
 The colourful wooden building the opposite of their apartment on the other side of the pool, turned out to be a shed housing treasures, at least according to Ahsoka. When they had woken up to clear skies and sunshine the that morning, it was all she could do to wolf down her breakfast porridge before she raced outside.
On their third day, it finally did, and they broke out the pool equipment.
Anakin followed her.
“I think I should supervise. I don’t want the pool to end up with rainbow bubbles.” He got up, and Obi-wan stopped with the spoon halfway to his mouth. That was something that didn’t occur to him before. Than he reminded himself that they were on officially mandated holiday, and the employees of the Crescent assured them that everything is safe that was stored around the pool for guests to use. He hoped safe didn’t mean skin coloured to purple and teal patches that takes weeks of three rounds of daily sonic use to fade away.
The sun was still low but started to rise above the rooftops surrounding the courtyard. It made him remember another thing he had learned the hard way. He gathered the dishes but left the washing up for later, then he followed his former padawan and their current padawan outside.
The sun had already dried up any remnants of puddles on the tiled courtyard. He did spot some dew on the patches of lawns between the poolside and the individual terraces but only where there was till shadow. He knew the last reminders of the past few rainy days will vanish before noon and the meteorology service promised sunshine with a bit of breeze for the coming days. Perfect poolside weather.
He caught up with the younger ones and peaked over their shoulders. They were combing through the contents of the pool shed, at the moment inspecting the second shelf from the left. It had colourful boxes on the top shelves and some larger containers at the bottom.
“What are those?” He asked, and the other two jumped. “Sorry.”
Anakin waved him to not worry about it, and shoved him one of the boxes.
“Inflatables. There’s an airpump over there,” he pointed at a small machine in the corner, “and we are trying to choose.”
“I want the thranta. They are adorable.” Ahsoka said, showing the box already in her hand. Anakin raised an eyebrow.
“Those are aiwhas, obviously. The shape of the head…”
Ahsoka leaned forward, ready to argue with him. Obi-wan threw his palms up, stopping them.
“Argue later, please. For now, I want to remind you two to a very important thing.”
They both turned to him and showered him with guesses.
”Not to drown in the pool?” ”Not to pee in the pool?””Anakin! Where did you get that idea?!””The boys, obviously…”No eating in the pool!””No datapads, they aren’t actually waterproof.””Wear haircaps!””Not me!””Wear goggles?“
“Stop, please.” Obi-wan sighed, and the other two calmed down a bit. “I meant sunscreen. Plenty of sunscreen.” He paused, then looked at each of them in turn. “Learned that the hard way.”
“I smell a good story” grinned Ahsoka.
“I smell a funny story” Anakin added. Obi-wan rolled his eyes.
“If you want to know, yes, at one time I gut a sunburn so bad after a mere afternoon outside that I needed medical care. My face was red for two weeks and I needed to slather enough cooling lotion on myself that it would’ve covered a grown thranta. Or an aiwha.”
The other two tried not to laugh. Obi-wan was so pale, it was hard to imagine him all red, but they managed it of course. And it was hilarious. Only their respect for him stopped them to laugh at him, at least whilst he was standing in front of them.
“I haven’t seen any in the house, I guess people bring their own with them when they come here. I’ll put on a delivery request for them. Until that arrives, you two stay out of direct sunlight.” Again he looked at each of them in turn. It must have been really important to him if he was putting so much emphasis on it. “You don’t want to end up all red like I did back then.”
“Well that would be terrible” Ahsoka deadpanned, looking at her arms. Obi-wan smiled.
“I apologize. I should have worded that differently.”
“Like ‘burned like a crispy stuffed tomato’ for example?” Anakin volunteered. Obi-wan shot him a look but there was humour behind it. He left them to continue their exploration and went back to the lounge to put the order in on his datapad.
 The shed was a treasure throw. Neither of them had ever been to a place like this. They did swim at the temple’s pool but that was for learning and training. They never had the opportunity yet to just have fun with some water. It was extra nice that it wasn’t a beach - no sand. Anakin could never get used to having sand around water. Sand was desert, aridity, and water was everything the desert wasn’t. He could also never wrap his mind around the fact that the larger the body of water the more sand it’s shores tended to have.
Or that people went there willingly not just to swim but to play in the sand. For him, that substance was hard, gritty life, and when having fun, he didn’t wanted to be reminded of that.
Ahsoka had no such qualms, although she knew about her master’s aversion and she sympathised with him.
 By the time Obi-wan had arrived with the sunscreen sometime later, the other two had a competition going on. The airpump stood unused by their side and they were trying to inflate their respective pool floats using only their own lung capacities.
“That’s futile but a valiant effort” Obi-wan commented, and the other two threw him the annoyed look of the young. “I also have the sunscreen here, if you two need a break.”
They didn’t, of course, and they continued their strenuous competition. Watching the other two getting more and more winded whilst their floats where still barely more than colourful limp piles at their feet, Obi-wan sat down at one of the sunbeds around the pool with his yellow-green-red spotted towel and started to put lotion on his skin methodically.
“Do you need help, master?” Anakin asked some time later. Obi-wan looked up to see that they had stopped - and barely made progress - and were both looking at him. He shook his head, a bit confused about the question.
“No, I can manage, thank you Anakin.”
The other two exchanged looks than turned back to him. Than he realized. He was finished with the front of his torso and his shoulders; next would be his back. Which they thought would be a problem for poor old Obi-wan, obviously.
“Don’t worry I can reach my own back.” He turned around so they could see, and hooked his hands together behind his back, one arm over his shoulder the other reaching up from below. “See?”
He turned around and the other two had the grace to look a bit embarrassed. He didn’t blame them. He might’ve had similar thoughts about others at their age.
“Now how are those floats going?” he asked while his hands were working on his back.
“Abysmal.” “Hopeless.” “Futile.” “They are faulty.” “Yes, I bet they have holes on them.”
Obi-wan shot a look at them that made them stop.
“Well, I guess, we should admit defeat…”Anakin conceded, “and just use the machine.”
“Yes, I think that’s a good idea, master” agreed Ahsoka too.
They went over to the machine and in a few minutes they had two colourful, vaguely air-whale shaped mattresses. Ahsoka’s one was teal and turquoise and gray, while Anakin had a pink-blue-yellow one for himself.
“Would you like one too, master?” They already started to walk towards the shed.
“No thank you Anakin, I’ll chose one later after I finished.”
“It’s not a problem” and they already vanished. Obi-wan sighed, wondering what will he get. Between his shirts that Ahsoka cheerfully picked out for him every morning - he had a pink one on with tiny porgs all over it today- and his towels - those he choose himself, but the selection for both ranged from “cheerfully bright” through “interesting pattern” to “what where they on when they designed this”- he probably wore more colour in this past few days than usually did in a standard year, disguises included. He decided to wait to see what they chose for him, than he’d just have make his own choice if he doesn't like their selection.
 He didn’t liked it. It was some large bird, green and purple, and unlike theirs, wasn’t flat but shaped like a very awkward chair. So he went and rummaged around, settling on a large torus shaped something in all the colours of the rainbow. He was already covered in colours, so he thought why not go all out.
They air-whales were already floating on the water. Anakin and Ahsoka were sitting at the edge of the pool near them, hanging their legs into the water, passing the sunscreen bottle back and forth between them. After inflating his own device, Obi-wan saw that they were taking the task of screening up seriously. He got hold of the doughnut firmly, took a two careful steps to speed up than jumped onto the water. As he landed, he splashed up a good deal of water - straight at the two younger ones.
“Master!” he heard the two indignant voices. He turned to look at them innocently.
“Yes my dears?”
They had water dripping all over them. He knew they’ll get back at him later. He padded away, looking for the small portable music device he remembered seeing somewhere beside the pool. Might as well have some music too.
 Their attack was coordinated and well executed. Anakin floated in front of him, blocking his view and chatting with him. Under that cover, Ahsoka managed to round him unnoticed, then at a sign they both grabbed his doughnut and upturned it, tossing him into the water.
“Vengeance!” the yelled, laughing, as Obi-wan resurfaced spluttering, shaking his hair out of his eyers. Their alliance broke up almost immediately as their floats bumped into each other and they started to jostle.
“Hey, mind the thranta!” Ahsoka warned.
“It’s an aiwha.” Anakin pushed her, and her mattress wobbled heavily, threatening to throw her off.
“Yours maybe. This one isn't.”
They argued back and forth about the properties of the different air-whale species until they managed to knock each other off their respective float. All three in the water, the fight turned to everyone for themselves. Ahsoka was the shortest but also the most agile, and she swam around the other two like a fish. Anakin and Obi-wan was evenly matched, and they managed to push each other under the water and being pushed down by the other about equal frequency. Ahsoka won the battle when she remembered that she saw some long, straight foam rolls in the shed and whilst the other two was occupying themselves she sneaked out to get them Than she slapped them both on top of their heads, making them admitting defeat.
 When they got too tired - and hungry - they climbed out of the water and wrapped up in their oversized towels. Ahsoka’s was so large it covered her like a tent, but she loved the one she had and kept in on: it had tookas all over it. Than they fired up the barbecue again. This time Obi-wan had help, mostly because the other two were really hungry. After eating, he pulled out a second box of deliveries, just when they were getting ready to get back into the water.
“What are those?”
The largish box was full with bottles and jars, their contents a rainbow of colours.
“This, dear Ahsoka,” Obi-wan checked his datapad, “ well, let me read out the official product designation. This is a ‘The starter box every pool party needs if you want to avoid your guests getting too rowdy, touchy or messing up your place in one way or another - Everything You Need to Make Your Own Mocktails, Starter pack for twelve guests’. This was the smallest package, the others were for 24, 30, 50 or even more guests.”
“That’s how they called their product?” Anakin dug into the box, pulling out a jar with small golden fruits in it. It harmonised with the shirt he had on, with songbirds. “And they are still in business…”
“Who has twelve guest?” was Ahsoka’s observation.
“Here are some recipes” Obi-wan handed a small puck to her. She pushed a button on the cheap plastic gadget and a cheery hologram of an assortment of colourful drinks in fancy glasses showed up. She scrolled to the next picture, and there was indeed a recipe for the simplest of drinks under it.
“Syrup, water, bubbles - where do we get bubbles?” she mused.
“I think there’s a gadget for that. All is supposed to be in the box.” Obi-wan shrugged.
They all choose from the supplied list than set to measure and shake and stir. The first round was a success.
“Let’s try some of the more complicated ones” Anakin suggested only halfway into his drink. Ahsoka scrolled through the recipes and they found one that they both liked.
“How about this one. ‘Chandrilla Sunrise’. Phew, long list, but doesn’t seem too complicated.”
Their first try failed, predictably.
“Focus, padawan. I think we’ll have to follow the instructions by the letter.” Anakin furrowed his brows.
“Oh dear, that’s terrible” commented Obi-wan, than he turned back to his own holopad quickly. “I’ll will just look up some more tricks and recipes while you two… brew.”
They messed up something again. The colours didn’t stay separate bands but blended together into a muddy mix. Obi-wan found the root of their problem.
“The recipe doesn’t mention it, but here it says you have to keep each syrup chilled before pouring them into the glass, than wait a bit for it to warm up to air temperature before adding the next one.” The other two made a ‘hmm, gotcha’ noise simultaneously. “Other advise is to chill the glass beforehand.”
“Let’s try those ideas.” Anakin’s enthusiasm renewed, they got back to work on their third glass. It was a success, finally. Then they had to repeat the process two more times so each of them had a glass for themselves. Decorating them with straws, paper shapes that went over the edge and extra candied fruits.
Ahsoka exchanged her towel to a blue dress with puffy pink clouds printed on it, then turned the volume up on the music player before picking up her glass again. The sun was shining, their bellies were full and no one was shooting at them. It was a great day.
 The sun was slowly getting lower over the rooftops. Music was playing at an acceptable volume now after Ahsoka started to go a bit overboard before and they had to shout to hear each other. Some of the sunbeds were covered with towels and wraps and hats as they tossed them aside when not needed. They took turns on the slide, having a competition about who could make the biggest splash when crashing into the water. Anakin seemed to be in the lead.
“It’s not fair, you are just taller, that’s your advantage!” Ahsoka complained as they stood at the edge of the pool. Obi-wan agreed with her.
“Yes, he doesn’t use any technique aside of stretching out all limbs.”
Anakin grinned at them.
“You two are just sore losers.” Then he suddenly turned and with a single step, reached the edge of the pool and jumped. The other two barely had enough time to turn away before he smashed into the pool, splashing plenty of water at them.
 After declaring Anakin the splasher champion, him and Ahsoka got back on their floats for another round of foam-noodle duel and general splashing about. Obi-wan had stuck to his datapad, still reading about drink-making tricks and flavour harmonization and fruit types. He floated around on his doughnut as far as possible from the ruckus the other two were making, sipping from his glass with an umbrella in it and a fruit rind over its edge. By the end of the day, he had made almost a dozen different drinks, and they never had to float around long without one in hand, or put aside at the edge of the pool.
“Don’t forget to visit the fresher if you need to, master” Ahsoka reminded Anakin, who shot her a look of mock offence.
“Now why would you say that?” He took a sip of his drink, than furrowed his brow. “Actually that's not that bad of an idea.”
It took him a while to paddle to the edge of the pool using only one hand.
“You can do it, master!” “Use your legs!” “Don’t drop the glass, I spent half hour on that one!” was just a few of the advice he had received.
He mock- growled back at them then laughed himself as he finally climbed up onto the tiles.
“I'm so proud of you” Obi-wan told him, and raised his glass, Ahsoka’s giggling behind him.
They stayed out after the sun had already set, than gathered up their their stuff and went to sleep tired but happy.
 Just like the day before, Anakin and Ahsoka spent most of the day in the pool. They got very good at jumping in from the edge of the pool without their feet slipping on the wet tiles. When they got tired of that, they flopped onto their respective air-whales and padded about, occasionally bumping into each other and having a wrestling match. Obi-wan had joined them before, after the sun dipped a bit lower after the glare of the middle of the day. He even jumped in himself a few times, though he enjoyed the slide more. He was now making a late afternoon meal; the leftovers were all gone and he was happy to muck about the barbecue yet again.
He heard some noises from outside. It was quiet aside of the splashing coming from the pool and the noises made by the small portable music player. Maybe they were getting some neighbours before the officers arrived. They were expecting them the next day, no later than noon. Then the noises grew louder and he could tell that they were definitely made by sentients, and were getting closer. He stuck his head out around the barbecue’s wall and peaked towards the courtyard entrance, just in time to see the approaching group of clone officers step out into the sunshine. They burst into hollering upon seeing them, and when Ahsoka and Anakin noticed them they greeted them from the water with equal enthusiasm.
Obi-wan sighed. How lucky, he thought, that he spent the last afternoon studying how to make mocktails. He checked that everything that was on the grill could be left there for a little while, than he wiped his hands on his ‘Best chef in the sector’ apron and got his datapad.
As the officers gathered around the pool, chatting with Anakin and Ahsoka and no doubt planning to get in the water as soon as possible, he opened the delivery service on his datapad. He run through the items in his head that they’ll need to feed everyone. And the drink supplies too.
Maybe he can get some of them to help out with the food and drink preparations - if he can drag them from the pool first.
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kyberled · 3 years
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Anonymous asked:
can you explain some of your favorite character tags and why you chose them for the character/what they mean to braig?
This is a really cool question, anon! I don’t know if I have any ‘favourites’, but I do have some that are more ‘generic’, for lack of a better words, and others that are more personalized. The generic ones are typically for characters I haven’t written with - Yoda, Ki-Adi, etc etc. I can sort of theorize how Braig feels about them, but he’s never really interacted with them, so I keep it pretty plain. 
For the more ‘specialized’ tags, again, I don’t have favourites, but these are based more on relationships or perceptions of characters Braig has (based on past interactions, in the case of character tags) or just Braig himself (in the case of ‘meta’ tags, eg in character, out of character, etc). But, since you asked for character tags specifically, I’ll give you a peek at those (plus relationship tags, because those relate to specific portrayals and typically have more meaning). (I feel like I should also clarify here I’m absolutely open to writing with multiples, I just so far only have one relationship per muse, ergo one tag per.) 
OBI-WAN: ‘Paragon of the Order’ / ‘To Make You Proud’
This is the only case where both the character tag and the relationship tag are based on a specific portrayal. That’s simply because without Rodi/Spacedad, this boy wouldn’t exist. When I say Rodi has joint custody of Braig, I’m only half kidding. The tag ‘paragon of the Order’ is taken both from what some novels said about Obi-Wan, how he was the gold standard that other knights told their padawans to be like and all, as well as Braig’s own personal bias.  He loves his dad. He always has. In his mind, Obi is the best and brightest, so the tag reflects that. The relationship tag stems from that, as well - it’s really all Braig has ever wanted from their relationship. He just wants his dad to be proud of him. That’s it. 
CODY: ‘Unwavering Loyalty’ / ‘Follow Your Lead’
Now we’re onto Cody! The Marshal Commander of the 7th Sky, and leader of the 212th. Cody is known for his loyalty, and that’s something Braig has noticed. It’s impossible to miss. Loyalty to his brothers, loyalty to his Jedi… That’s just Cody. The relationship tag, ‘Follow your lead’, is for Liz’s (nieithryn / itspersonalforus) portrayal. This is another case of Braig bonding at the hip with someone, and it’s mutual. He ADORES Cody. Of course, it took them a little bit to get into the groove of things (If you’re reading this, Liz, I’ll never be over Cody’s shift from ‘it’s a little awkward having two commanders’ to *picks up Braig* ‘oh you mean my son? My child?? My boy???’), just as it took Braig some time to find his footing in a war zone. He was only fourteen, after all. When he was still figuring out how to navigate being around  soldiers, he took cues from Cody as much as he did from Obi-Wan. And the older and more experienced Braig got, the more Cody would come to rely on him, as well. So, in that sense, the tag ‘Follow Your Lead’ is representative of the trust and faith they have in each other as colleagues, allies, friends, and, eventually, as family, too. 
WOLFFE: ‘Howling Fury’ / ‘Tough Love’ 
This is an older one, since unfortunately Xidori hasn’t been around tumblr in quite a while, but the old folks here will remember the snarly brother. The character tag for Wolffe is pretty straightforward, I think. His name is Wolffe, he heads the Wolfpack, he’s angry a lot. Ergo, howling fury. Tough love came from, again, Xidori. Braig was entirely convinced Wolffe didn’t like him, because Wolffe was, well, Wolffe. Then one of the other clone muses on the dash started teasing Braig and Wolffe threatened to rip their head off, so. It should be noted this became a pretty common trend. He may not have always been the most affectionate, but he was a protective ori’vod, so ‘tough love’ it was. 
AHSOKA TANO: ‘Earned Her Stripes’ / ‘Hear Us Roar’ / Honourable Mention: ‘Make It Through Together’
Ahsoka’s character tag is another straightforward one. It’s also a bit of a pun, which, if you know me, is about as on brand as I can get. She’s a stripey girl, but she also comes into her own over the course of the Clone Wars. She’s still a kid when we leave her, but she’s grown. So, to Braig, the ‘earned her stripes’ means that he’s acknowledging her growth, and he’s proud of her, for what it’s worth. It isn’t easy to do what they do. 
And I lied! I had, for a while, two different Ahsoka relationship tags. Only one of them is ‘active’ now, since I have no idea where Alpha’s gone off to, but there were two. ‘Hear us roar’ is the platonic/familial relationship between Braig and Cortnye (iamnojedi)’s Ahsoka. These two became fast friends, bonding over a love of a certain Fett (to be discussed later), shared eyerolls while their masters bickered, and general teenage tomfoolery. It was Cortnye’s idea that these doofuses used to have roaring contests when they were babies in creche, so the tag is partly in reference to that. It’s also because neither of them shy away from a fight when it’s needed. Whether it’s standing up for the rights of the men in the Clone Wars or facing down Inquisitors in the days of the Empire, they don’t know how to go quietly into that good night. They’re a force to be reckoned with at any stage, and I like to think the tag reflects that. 
The honourable mention goes out to Alpha’s Ahsoka. I can’t link a blog, because Alpha had a few, and I’m not sure which she’d prefer, but in this case, the relationship between Braig and Ahsoka was romantic. (They even had a daughter! Her name was Ashla, Ashie for short, and Braig basically acted like she hung the stars in the sky.) They started out as friends, then best friends, then Alpha and I realized it had progressed to something different, so here we were. They got up to all manner of trouble both on and off the battlefield, and tended to go to each other for comfort when things got rough. Alpha and I once said that they’d make it through anything if they had each other, so that became their tag. 
BOBA FETT: ‘Strange Parallels’ / ‘Worth The Risk’
I told you we’d talk about him later, and now it’s technically later. The ‘character tag’ doesn’t necessarily mean much to Braig, since, in a ‘typical’ universe, he wouldn’t know much about our favourite hunter, but it means a bit to me. These two are surprisingly alike. Both orphans at at least one point in their lives, both carrying the legacy of their fathers on their shoulders, both lost their dads at the end of a lightsaber, both struggling to grow up in a universe that is cruel to them. Every time Obi-Wan and Jango fought, I couldn’t help but think that if the fortunes had played out differently, the boys could have almost role-swapped. I didn’t even realize it until I started talking to Darian, well after making this boy of mine, but I thought it was really cool. And speaking of Darian, how about that relationship tag? 
In this case, the tag is for Darian (godshaped)’s Boba. This is, I think, the longest ship I’ve had on any of my blogs, since we’ve been writing them for at least five years - maybe six. I’m bad at counting. But yes, the boys are going strong, and that’s not about to change. I don’t think either of us expected them to go the route they did. To be fair, I’;m not sure the boys expected it, either. I still remember the moment Braig realized he’d caught feelings and they weren’t going away - the ‘oh. OH. oh no.’ will forever live in my mind. He doesn’t regret it. He’s happy. The ‘worth the risk’ kind of changed meanings over time. Originally, I think it was in part ‘worth the risk of attachment’, but they’re beyond that. They had that conversation early on, when they realized they were getting serious. ‘I love you and I don’t think I’m ever going to feel like this for anyone else, but I am a Jedi and my first commitment is always going to be to the Order.’ vs. ‘I love you too but I’m a bounty hunter  and that means I’m going to be very hard to contact at times if not completely off the radar. Also the legality of it is in question.’ Plus the general danger of their jobs. They ended up at the conclusion that ‘this was who you are before we met and will probably be who you are after, I don’t want to take that from you or get in the way of it, so we’ll just enjoy the time we have together while we can’. I’m proud of them. Anyway, I could go on about them for ages, but the tag has sort of transitioned to ‘being with you is worth the risk that comes with’, that being that Boba is a fugitive before the Republic falls, and Braig is one after. Not exactly the safest relationship, but they love each other regardless. 
DARTH MAUL: ‘Tenacity of a Roach’ / ‘Changing Course’ 
This one is laced with a bit more of Braig’s personal opinions. Maul is hard to kill, we all know that. In canon, Braig cannot stand Maul. Maul killed his grandmaster and Maul won’t stop tormenting his master/dad. It’s not really conducive to a good relationship. That’s honestly all I have to say about that. 
The ‘Changing Course’ tag is for the AU I have with Keats (rcvival). This one was a surprise for Braig. But you know what? Sometimes you just have to rehabilitate a Sith. You just gotta. This is still a relatively new one, though Braig is proud of the progress his uncle is making. He’s just trying to be very careful to not undo any of that progress, and - especially early on - not get himself stabbed. The ‘Changing Course’ tag is to show that this is changing the way the story went, in a few ways. Sidious still wins, 66 still happens, all of that, but it’s a bit of a different path for Maul to take. 
MACE WINDU: ‘Steadfast and Stern’ / ‘A Violet Legacy’ 
In this house we love and support Mace Windu. That’s the rules. He’s a good good man and Braig knows that well; I imagine all Jedi do. But still, the war takes a toll on him. This sort of represents the two sides of Mace we see: The man who holds firm to his beliefs, and the man who has to represent and defend the Order in public settings. Steadfast and stern. 
The relationship tag is for another one of Liz’s kids: Grandpa Mace. Another one of Braig’s favourites, and the person who came closest to training kiddo before Obi swooped in to scoop him up. If you get it, you get it: Grandpa tried to poach him with bird facts. The long and short of it is Braig loves his grandpa, and this should come as no surprise to anyone. The fact that Mace takes him on as a student of Vapaad only adds to that. It’s an honour to be taught that style, an honour to be seen as good enough, but it also gives them a fair amount of one on one time. They talk a lot during cool-down periods. Sometimes it’s about their days, or general thoughts, or the war, and sometimes Mace just told him stories. Braig learned a lot from him. He hopes that, by passing on these lessons, he can keep some of Mace’s memory alive, even if only in a small way.
Also, they both have purple lightsabers. 
SHAAK TI: ‘Matriarch of Millions’ / ‘A Mother’s Love’
Ah, yes. Mama Ti. Matriarch seemed to fit because, whether or not you view her as being motherly to the clones, she’s definitely in charge. And there are, well, millions of them. So, yes, another straight-forward one. 
As for the relationship tag, this one goes out to Sam (strcngered) and the mama they wrote for many years. (Fun fact, this is the character Sam was writing when we met, so, on a meta level, Shaak is very special to me.) Now, Braig doesn’t know what it’s like to have a mother in the traditional Western nuclear family sense. He doesn’t know what it’s like to have a traditional ‘family’ at all. His memories begin at the Temple. They would’ve ended there, too, but Palpatine is awful. All that aside, Braig has never felt like he was ‘missing out’, so to speak. Part of that was because of masters like Shaak. In our threads, this boy was absolutely doted on. He still has the baby blanket she made for him. (Or, he does until the Order falls. Again, Palpatine is awful.) He still draws great comfort and security from the sound of purring. And it’s all because of his mama. 
RAKO HARDEEN: ‘Learned to Hate’ / ‘Shattered Trust’ 
Fuck this guy. That’s basically what Rako’s character tag means, as far as Braig is concerned. Just fuck this guy. The Hardeen arc in general was a horrible time for him. He was maybe fifteen (which, granted, is kind of old for watching your dad die in Star Wars), he had no master and no idea what he was going to do, he watched his dad die (as I said), nobody seemed to care (yes, he knows Jedi don’t take revenge, but the dude broke out of prison, can we try to do SOMETHING to get him under some kind of supervision?), and for whatever reason, he hadn’t been able to do a thing to stop it. He was a mess those few days, and trying to process it all while also trying to do his duty as a Jedi was rough. I don’t think he’s ever really disliked anyone as much as he did Rako over those two days, so, yeah. 
As for the ‘relationship’ tag, that’s a bit of a misnomer in this case, since Braig only ever saw the real Rako once, when he shot Obi-Wan, and even that was only for a fleeting moment. It’s sort of a catch-all as both a Deception Arc verse/timeline tag and a way to describe his feelings towards the end of it all. It’s messy, and actually causes a chain reaction of events that leads to Braig getting his scar - but that’s a subject for a different post. Long story short, he didn’t really take the reveal well.
…. And that’s probably enough for now. I just picked some random ones here, for the most part, so sorry there isn’t really a theme between them. If there are any I didn’t touch on that you’re curious about, or any you want more clarification on, or anything like that, please let me know! <3
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levitatingbiscuits · 4 years
I'm a little scared, but...tell me more about "Padawan child soldier au where there Republic figures out that Mandalorians don’t like to harm children and takes full advantage"?
i have a series of posts about it already under the “child soldier au” tag, but thank you for the opportunity to ramble about my headcanons and justifications! it’s absurdly long so i had to hide it under the cut lol
welllllll, we all know from the clone wars that the republic had no problem sending jedi children to the battlefield to die. in the first battle of the war on geonosis, anakin was the only padawan and youngest jedi present at age 19. 200 jedi (a full 5% of the jedi order) died within a few hours at most. as the war continued and jedi knights died in droves, ages continued to drop until they were sending out 14 year olds like ahsoka just a year later. 
i’m not sure if this was due to mandatory jedi general quotas (older padawans got their own commands before they were even knighted, at least according to the 1st star wars: clone wars cartoon), but considering palpatine manufactured the conflict in order to more easily commit genocide, I think it’s very likely. Ahsoka is shown to be sent back to the temple or sent on peaceful (or at least supposed to be peaceful) missions a lot more than either obi-wan or anakin, and she often spends time with other masters while anakin and obi-wan are busy with the war (or with padme, in anakin’s case :/ he always has time to hang out in her apartment and go to her parties or escort her places and i think palps has a hand in it, considering how we pretty much never see obi-wan or the other jedi have that much free time).  
SO: if the senate and the republic citizenry are so eager to send children to die for them when there’s literally no tactical advantage whatsoever, they’d definitely use child soldiers against a culture that treasures children.
Of course, this might be difficult to notice at first, considering that Mandalorians come of age at 13, which is also the cutoff for initiates to be accepted by a master before they have to leave the Jedi Order. (love me some jedi/mando cultural parallels.) However, considering that their parents literally coach them through their verd’goten (warrior’s trial), and the reward is to be able to forge their own beskar’gam, I think this stage of “adulthood” is equivalent to a jedi apprenticeship: more freedom and responsibilities, but you’re still learning and being closely monitored as you come into your own. they’re also expected to live with their parents until they get married and start their own family, so I see marriage as equivalent to knighthood. Mandalorian youths are NOT encouraged to engage with the enemy directly, as we see with jaster and jango, jango and boba, and din and yodito. they might get peripherally involved, or help from the sidelines, but if you target the child directly the parent whoops your ass in short order. (notice how jango lets his kid near jedi when he won’t even let the kid meet most of his bounty hunter colleagues, because he knows that they don’t hurt kids. notice how obi-wan doesn’t even THINK of going after boba even when he’s firing the ship’s guns at him, and how the jedi don’t touch him even when he’s in the middle of the arena on geonosis and they could probably use him as a hostage.)
but padawans don’t have a marker of adulthood in the way that mandalorians do. you can become a padawan when you’re still in the single digits. at first, the jedi would work very hard to keep their padawans from having to fight directly against the mandalorians, but going off the clone wars, as casualties rise among the jedi the average age of the combatants drops.
going against the jedi is FUN for mandalorians. for a significant portion of their history they hunted jedi for sport. but going against an eerily graceful master is  a lot different than fighting some half-trained shrimp, and without any armor they can see how YOUNG some of these jedi look.
so the mandalorians might start hesitating. just a bit, at first. maybe they let the enemy retreat instead of killing them all or something, because they don’t want to kill a master (parent) in front of such a young “adult.” and the republic war machine notices, and sends more master-padawan teams. younger, this time. and the mandalorians let more people live, fight a little less ferociously. (maybe they think of their own children, far behind the front lines, running easy missions with their other parents and clanmates, so excited to be wearing armor for the first time.)
the republic starts sending padawans on solo missions, like in the clone wars. padawans are in high demand as bodyguards for diplomats and senators, like in TCW, not because of their skills but because the whole entourage is much less likely to be massacred if they have one with them; the more baby-faced, the better. age requirements for combatants drop lower, and lower, and lower, until a mandalorian looks at the padawan brandishing a lightsaber at them and notices that they still have teeth growing in. 
and it works. it works well. force-sensitive toddlers start getting conscripted by the republic instead of willingly surrendered to the temple. maybe the republic finally cracks down on the booming slave trade of force-sensitive children so that they can have more soldiers. instead of aging out, Jedi initiates have to complete a few years of mandatory military service before they’re allowed to leave the order or join the corps. the coruscant guard is required to have at least 5 initiates in the senate building at any time.
and who can stop them? there are fewer and fewer jedi every year, even if the creche is overcrowded to bursting. the code has to be amended to allow masters to teach two or four or six padawans whatever they can to keep them alive just that much longer. after all, the order can’t resist the will of the senate if most of them die before they can even reach knighthood, let alone mastery. the mandalorians go after the adults even more violently now because they blame them for putting their children in danger, which ironically means that the republic can exploit them even more easily as their guardians and advocates die out.
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