#and obviously hal and seb
meowcatmutie · 6 months
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the only good option.
based on this post, obviously, except dirkified
(dirkified = best adjective)
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angel---eater · 25 days
in the couple 100s of years between dirk going ult and hal fucking off to pluto, dirk would age regress because of lil seb sometimes during big moments of (self-imposed) stress. like if dirk was having a BPD/NPD attack, the seb splinter would take over until dirk was feeling stable again. itd wig hal out severely for a while, because dirk is suddenly very obviously not in an adult headspace, but hed massively prefer those moments over dirk spiralling. seb-dirk would actually let hal help and take care of him for one, and seb would be more receptive to actually talking about whats going on. dirk is all about avoid avoid avoid, seb wants to solve solve solve
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daphnebowen · 1 year
season four episode three!
richard Bowen in a hat is actually the cutest thing I’ve ever seen
what is ricky wearing on his feet his shoes are… yikes 😬
Awwww!!! Emmy brought muffins for everyone! That’s so sweet!
“the tension is fierce but also appropriate for all audiences” LMAO WHAT
ricky looks so amazed and tbh so am i
they sound so goooooodddddddd together how can anyone ever compete like tbh I almost like their version better than the og Troy and Gabriella’s
the whole cast is so involved in their song and I am absolutely here for it
”my boyfriend 😃🥰”
maddox’s smile is so pretty!
Ashlyn’s laugh is so awkward omg
me only just now realizing that Jet saying he was in love with the girl playing Elsa (aka Kourtney) could be because of the RCOSL episode where Carlos tells her to pretend to be in love with her for the drama 💀 BUT OMG ITS ALSO TRUE HEHEHEHE
Seb and Carlos fighting is physically hurting me
did Carlos even pay for that coffee or did he just walk away?
”richard, sit. Faster.”
”totally forgettable in every way” not with Kourtney wearing a whole candy shop or something. Seriously why does everyone look semi normal but Kourtney??? Is the the candy land Sharpay or something??
”disasters might be” looks right at Ricky
ricky: repeats Gina’s famous lines. Also Ricky: it’s me *pulls down glasses*
okay but in all honesty why is everyone freaking out about ms darbus leaving especially if Bailey (the character that Gina is playing) is a senior like how does that make sense??? Yes it is sad but I feel like you would get over it…?? I mean obviously it parallels with Ricky and Gina but still
“making sure you don’t fall in love with your costar” “barebones production of Romeo and Juliet” OMG DARBUS REALLY DOES KNOW EVERYTHING
rickys infamous words ! “Wow.”
kourtney: Ricky!!!! Ricky: looks behind him in confusion
“keyboard smash”
”too much sunshine. I found it depressing.” “That tracks for you, actually”
Awh I think Mazzy is a little bit jealous of Mike and Jenns relationship
“like a dog?” He’s so naive what the heck
maddox and Ashlyn flirting while kourt is just standing there awkwardly is absolutely cringe worthy
“security be d*mned!”
jets been there for less than a day, didn’t even see the “can i have this dance” duet, and still somehow knows that Ricky and Gina are “not dating.” Man this boy is the biggest supporter of rina that there ever was
the way mr mazarra just reads silently except for “hmm. Hmm. Hmmm…”
she used two thesaurus’s???
I want one of those Ricky and Gina hugs like COME ON MAN WHY AM I SO SINGLEEEE
omg when Gina said she never gets things right the first time she told him that AFTER him and nini had kissed AND HE STILL REMEMBERS AKDNFJEJHAIWIXNEJSJS I CANT THE PINING IS CRAZY
”secret make out times” YESSS RICKYYYYYY
he has absolute faith in her and her in him and i freaking LOVE IT!
omg miss jennnnnn stoppppppp interferingggg it’s driving me nuts
the tension between Jenn and Benny boo is crazy
yesss Kourtney go get your therapy I’m proud of youuu 😻😻
most of the parents in this show absolutely suck but kourtneys mom is lowkey the best (ninis moms are also pretty cool but Gina’s mom, Ricky’s parents, Todd, and ejs dad all suck)
The look of disappointment on Gina’s face when it was Mack showing up at her trailer instead of it being Ricky :((((
NONONONONO THE WRITING THE NUMBER ON THE HAND IS SO TERRIBLE but also really cute if I actually shipped them
ginas face- girl is absolutely SHOOK
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timeaus-passed · 4 years
hey there you liked my ryo bakura kincall so i figured id say hi! im also guessing youre a dirk kinnie? i kin john egbert & lil hal too
[me trying to shove all of my Dirkness into a comically small box] No clue what you mean;;;;
but hi!
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overtrolled · 2 years
2021/1/8 Fic Rec Repost
In the fic rec post that is going around, I make reference to a previous recommendation post. This was a post which I made back on January 8th, 2021. I posted it on my liveblog, since it was inspired by a request for more Homestuck fics I liked by an anon on that blog. I recently realized that I had not reblogged it here, and so rather than do so, I decided to list the recommendations on a new post, without the formatting errors which bug me about the original post. In my last fic rec post, I chose fic which I thought would be broadly appealing, but in this rec post, since I was responding to an inquiry about my personal favorites, i included some fairly dark stories, and some of them deal with some potentially triggering content. Please read the content tags! You should read the content warnings anyway, but I’m just saying. Take care of yourselves, yeah?
Independent Fics (not part of a series)
Battlestuck [Various Authors] - The beta kids and beta trolls in the Battle Royale universe. Like BR, this fic is full of extremely explicit violence. It is definitely not for everyone. However, it is very good.
Detective Pony [Sonnetstuck] - A children’s book about horses and horse girls edited by Dirk into a labyrinthine treatise on the meaning of fiction and the self. A great fic for all HS fans, and a must-read for any Dirk enjoyers.
General Vantas Gets Hitched, or, The Limits Of Bilateral Diplomacy: A Black Powder Romance [JumpingJackFlash] - Black powder fantasy AU. King John of Skaia and Karkat are put in an arranged marriage in order to end the war between Skaia and the Empire. Full of a lot of fun character interaction and a bit of hurt/comfort adjacent stuff near the end. A fic that feels very 'comfy' to me.
Guilty by Association [mtjester] - This is one of the ones with a darker premise. High school human AU. In the aftermath of Damara and Rufioh's breakup, Damara starts sexually assaulting Tavros, while Meenah and Cronus try to protect him without letting word get out. Well written, fascinating characterization, but it depicts the sexual violence fairly explicitly, so it’s obviously not for everyone.
Modern Cannibals [Bavitz] - This one is set in the 'real world'. Max gets becomes obsessed with Homestuck, and seems to abandon his friendship with Z. Determined to rescue her relationship, Z. gets Max, her other friend Kiki, and Kiki’s boyfriend Cal to take a road trip to Las Vegas where Andrew Hussie will make an appearance. As they approach this heart of darkness, reality starts to warp and fracture.
The Serendipity Gospels [urbanAnchorite] - No SBURB AU Alternia, focusing on Terezi and Gamzee, and their developing black romance. Gospels stopped updating before its originally planned ending, but it does have something of a 'season 1 finale' type ending. The author of this fic is now a published author, and her works have a fandom of their own here on tumblr. If you liked the skull facepaint, the pseudochristian death cult stuff, and the antagonistic yet romantically charged relationship elements in Gideon the Ninth, maybe you'll like this bit of the author's early work.
Straw Soldiers [Lucid_Dream] - A personal favorite of mine. No SBURB shared universe AU. The Alternian Empire sets its eyes on Earth, and Karkat’s blood color makes him an ideal candidate for a spy, whether he wants to be or not. Action, tension, angst, comfort, a deeply enjoyable read. The first act has some body horror, as Karkat's body is modified to make him appear human, but this is absent in the second act, which mainly takes place on Earth.
Unwanted Free Ugly Troll [Orphan Account] - One of the most popular fics in the fandom. No SBURB Earth AU. Trolls are sentient beings which are treated as domesticated animals by humans. The Striders adopt one, then two, then become activists for troll rights.
Cyberbunny Apocalypseverse [Curlicuecal] - When the game ends, Lil Hal and Lil Seb get separated from the kids, and wake in a new universe with cyborg bodies. In a world of tension between cyborgs, humans, trolls, and carapacians, these castaway Striders struggle to find Sawtooth and Squarewave, meet this universe's version of minor HS characters, and deal with the struggles of being human.
The Golden Age [elanor_pam] - A utopian intergalactic society has discovered the Alternian Empire, and tries to reduce harm without prompting the Condesce to use the nuclear option of the Vast Glub. 'The Great Escape' is the standout fic in this series, though it has some content warnings you really ought to heed. Some troll kids, including Karkat, get kidnapped by slavers, resist their captors, and get rescued, and escape Alternian pursuit.
Happy reading!
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sebstanaddict · 3 years
New Beginning
Chapter 18 - The Enemies
Note : There are some interesting cameos in this chapter including a cameo of Seb as himself 😉 he IS canon in the MCU after all. Hope you guys will enjoy this. Oh, and Bucky speaks German! Sorry if it's not accurate as I don't speak German and I used Google translate.
Summary :
What if Bucky falls in love with the daughter of one of his victims. The story takes place after The Falcon and The Winter Soldier. It tells of the very last end of Bucky's struggle to make amends to the families of everyone he has killed in the past. In his book he has only one name left to make amends to. And the story starts right when he was about to find the family of the man that he killed last.
Pairings : Bucky Barnes x Adriana Weaver (original character)
Chapters : 18 / 30 (written 24 so far, may add more, we'll see)
Chapter List>
Word count : 2k
Warnings : reference to murder, a little violence
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Back in the Avengers compound, Bucky accompanied Sam in interrogating the Flag Smashers members that were caught. They had succeeded in capturing 10 people, 2 of which were not members of the Flag Smashers but locals in Cologne that were hired as security guards. So they were extradited back to Germany. The other 8 men were clearly members. They were all big, burly and had super soldier strength. As for the others, 3 were killed by Bucky, and approximately 7 people got away.
At first SHIELD agents were tasked to interrogate the caught members, but they were not talking. And clearly the agents were intimidated by the members, knowing they could kill them easily. They were strapped to a restrictive chair, their hands and legs locked down to the chair, but somehow they still caused the agents to fear them. After a couple of hours, Bucky and Sam were called to help.
They were in a closed interrogation room. One member of the Flag Smashers were strapped to a chair. Sam and Bucky stood in front of him, trying to make him talk.
"Tell me, who's your leader?" Sam asked directly. The man just stared at him defiantly, refusing to talk.
Bucky flexed his metal arm and grabbed a nearby chair. He squeezed the back of the chair and it was destroyed by the power of his metal arm. The man's eyes widened.
"Du weißt, ich könnte dich leicht töten"
("You know I could kill you easily.")
Bucky said in German.
The man stayed silent though his eyes emitted fear.
"Do you know who this is?" Sam asked. The man stayed silent.
"He's the Winter Soldier..you've heard of him right? Winter Soldat." Sam said, emphasized it in German.
"I didn't know you speak German." Bucky said, breaking out of his menacing character.
"Well I know a little." Sam said shrugging. The man relaxed a little but Bucky noticed and he quickly put his menacing stare at the man again, flexing his arm, and he picked up the broken chair and smashed it to the ground, breaking it to pieces. The man winced.
"Wenn du nicht anfängst zu reden, zögere ich nicht, dir das um den Hals zu legen."
("If you don't start talking I will not hesitate to put this around your neck.")
Bucky threatened, referring to his metal arm.
Beads of sweat started to form on the man's forehead.
"Ich habe drei deiner Freunde getötet. Ich werde nicht zögern, noch mehr zu töten."
("I've killed three of your friends. I will not hesitate to kill more.")
Bucky continued coolly.
The man visibly started to look shaken. He obviously didn't know his friends were killed.
Just then the door to the interrogation room was knocked, and Sharon walked in.
"Any progress?" She asked.
"He was just about to break." Bucky said.
"I can take it from here. You guys go on ahead. I heard Rhodey said Carol is on the line. You guys might wanna go check in with her." She said.
"You sure you can deal with this alone? We don't mind staying a bit longer." Sam said.
"Yeah, don't worry about me. I've spent some time back in Madripoor dealing with the likes of him. And as you can see, I survived." Sharon said matter of factly.
"Okay. Come on Buck. Let's go." Sam beckoned Bucky to come, but Bucky stood his ground. He turned to the man and said,
"Reden Sie, oder ich komme zurück, um Sie zu holen, und Sie werden sich wünschen, Sie wären tot."
("Talk, or I will come back for you and you will wish you were dead.")
The man looked shaken but stayed silent. His eyes moving to Sharon.
"I'm gonna make him talk Bucky. Don't worry about it. I'll see you guys later. Okay." Sharon said.
Bucky finally turned and he and Sam walked out of the room.
As soon as they were out the door Sam commented.
"You were quite scary back there, Buck."
"Yeah, I still remember how it is to be scary when needed." He shrugged. Sam just smiled.
They then went to the meeting room at the Avengers penthouse. When they got there, Rhodey, Bruce and Clint were there. The young girls were nowhere in sight though. Carol was also there in holographic form. As well as Thor and Peter Quill.
"Hey guys. Didn't know the party has started." Sam commented, smiling at Carol, Thor and Peter.
"Sam, Bucky, how are you guys? It's been awhile." Thor smiled at them. He had lost a considerable amount of weight and he looked more like his old self. His hair was long and a lot tidier the last time Bucky saw him. He looked like he was in a better condition since the battle with Thanos.
"New hair?" Thor pointed at Bucky.
"Yeah. Hey Thor, what's up man?" Bucky said and stopped in front of him.
"I'm doing great. Thanks. Love the hair." Thor said winking.
"Kind of look like mine a little, back when I was in Sakaar." He pointed out.
"Yeah, it became a bit of a nuisance." Bucky shrugged.
"Peter." Bucky nodded at Peter.
"Bucky." Peter nodded back at him. Opposite to Thor, Peter didn't look good. He looked like he had the weight of the world on his shoulder. Bucky thought it could be that Peter was still thinking about Gamora, his dead girlfriend. He felt sorry for him. It must be really hard losing someone you loved so much. He knew how it felt.
"So, what did we miss?" Sam asked the group.
"Carol was just explaining the Kree's movements." Rhodey said.
"Yeah, we were just fighting them on Astra." She said.
"Astra?" Sam asked.
"Yeah, it's a planet inhabited by Astrans. They're sentient humanoid beings able to manipulate metal. We managed to fight the Kree and had them move back to Hala." Carol said. Hala was the Kree's home planet.
"Well that's great news." Sam said.
"Yeah, but my sources said they're going to come here next." Carol said. "I think they have gotten a bit impatient. They're still ambitious. They have observed earth for a long time. They think they have a chance on succeeding here." Carol said.
"Well why didn't they invade us first instead of attacking other planets?" Sam asked.
"After the Thanos event, they had to adjust their view on us. The fact that we won against Thanos, despite all the sacrifices we had made, had made them fear us. So they go from planet to planet, invade them, and plan to use the planet's inhabitants to become part of their army. That way they think they will have better chance invading us." Carol explained.
"But they lost at Astra, right?" Bucky asked.
"They did..but they didn't use all their resources. A large number of Kree's army is waiting and preparing on Hala. Not to mention that they have successfully brainwashed some of the beings from planets they have invaded, made them think they are part of the Kree's army, and successfully made them think they're fighting with the good side. Just like I did." Carol said, referring to the time she once had on Hala, brainwashed and made to forget about her past. Much like Bucky did.
"What's the timeline? How much time do we have?" Bruce asked.
"I have no guarantee, but maybe three months, at most." Carol answered.
"Well, we better prepare then." Rhodey said.
"Speaking of prepare. My friend had an idea." Bucky said, thinking of Adriana's idea of preparing the earth's inhabitants to evacuate.
Bucky explained Adriana's idea to the group and they agreed with her idea unanimously.
They talked a bit more about the plan to let the earth's public know of the Kree invasion, and they divided tasks between them. After about an hour, the meeting concluded.
Bucky didn't have much connection in the political world on earth so it was left to Sam and Rhodey to communicate with the earth's leaders. Bucky still had the task to train the young Avengers and SHIELD agents. Aside from training hand to hand combat, he was also tasked to train weaponry. That means his schedule at the compound became tighter, and he had to stay there more permanently to make it easier.
He didn't mind staying at the compound, but he missed Adriana. He asked Sam's permission whether he could go back to Brooklyn that night and had a day off before going back to the compound more permanently. He wanted to spend some time with Adriana. Besides, he also needed to grab more of his clothes from his apartment. Sam allowed him to go.
"Don't forget what I said, Buck." Sam reminded Bucky as he was about to leave.
"About what?" Bucky asked.
"Adriana's father." Sam said. He looked a bit sorry for Bucky that he had to bring it up again. But Bucky knew Sam was just thinking about his well being. He didn't want to have nightmares everyday for the rest of his life either. But he decided to ignore that for the time being. He didn't want to process it yet. He just wanted to be with her and make her happy. If she was happy, he was happy.
"Thanks for the reminder, Sam." Bucky said simply.
"Yeah, take care, Buck." Sam said.
"You too, Sam. Thanks again." Bucky said.
He then got on his motorcycle and rode back to Brooklyn.
By the time he arrived in Brooklyn it was late at night. He didn't want to wake Adriana even though he wanted so bad to come to her apartment and see her. So he decided to go back to his apartment and meet her in the morning. He wanted to surprise her. So he decided to come to her office in the morning and maybe have breakfast together. His heart soared at the thought of meeting her again.
That night Bucky had a nightmare again. It was the same one he had last. The one where he killed Adriana's father. He woke up in a start, his whole body was covered in sweat. His heart beating fast. He looked up at the clock and saw it was 5.30 am already. He ignored the nightmare he just had and went to have a shower. He then had coffee and once he was done, he put on his jacket, gloves and boots and went out the door.
Bucky decided to take the subway. He didn't want to draw attention by riding his motorcycle to Adriana's office. He wanted to make a surprise anyway. Riding his motorcycle would ruin the plan as his motorcycle's loud roaring sound would attract many people to look at him.
By the time he arrived at Gucci Tower it was 7 am. Adriana usually had breakfast with her friends around that time. He hoped he could catch them in one of the cafes across from Gucci Tower.
He scanned the cafes and noticed Adriana's familiar laugh. His heart soared. He was right, she was at Dear Butter cafe. She was sitting on a table with a man sitting across from her. She looked so gorgeous. She had on a maroon top with a v neck, and her hair was down.
As Bucky walked closer, he noticed the man she was with wasn't one of her friends that he knew. This man was different. He stopped in his tracks, gobsmacked. The man looked exactly like him, except that he had a short buzz cut. He was his doppelganger, the actor Sebastian Stan. He was talking animatedly to Adriana, smiling as he was telling Adriana something. And Adriana was also smiling, and laughing at whatever Sebastian was saying.
Bucky felt like a dagger had stabbed his heart. He didn't know what that feeling was, but it was unpleasant. He gritted his teeth and unconsciously balled his fist, trying to keep himself from coming to them and attack Sebastian. How dare he made Adriana laugh like that. How dare he look at her like that. Adriana was supposed to be his. Just because Sebastian looked like him didn't mean he could just swoop in and take his girl. Adriana was his and his alone. And he was determined to let Sebastian know that.
Chapter 19>
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hansensgirl · 3 years
Hey! I got a request to write for some Seb characters but I'm not as familiar with the fan faves (besides Bucky obviously) - can you shoot me some names please? Sending love! x
ooh okie
this is in no particular order!
charles blackwood, lance tucker, carter baizen, lee bodecker, jefferson, chase collins, chris beck, destroyer chris, dayton white, hal carter and frank!
happy writing!!
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creideamhgradochas · 6 years
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Thanks to the lovely @abovethesmokestacks for taking the time to answer these! Get to know more about lovely Pia, go give her a follow and then show her some love!
These questions are from this list. You should check it out, there’s 50 questions all together and they’d be great to ask your favorite fic writer!
1) How old were you when you first starting writing fan-fiction?
I started back in 2008 when I was 21 years old.
2) Do you prefer writing OC’s or reader inserts? Explain your answer.
I do enjoy both, but lately it's been more reader inserts. It's challenge to write a good reader insert, to make them a natural part of the setting, to make them relatable to your audience and find a way to make them click with the other characters. Because they are meant to be a character you should be able to see yourself in, it tests your ability to make the character both approachable to a wide range of readers, yet specific enough to mesh with the story. 
3) What is your favorite genre to write for?
Well, I have been called the angst queen on numerous occasions. Apparently I am a sucker for making myself and others hurt. 
4) If you had to delete one of your stories and never speak of it again, which would it be and why?
Oh Jesus, probably one of the Twilight fics I wrote during the dark days of my ff.net run. I got swept up in the hype and with a few exceptions, I have no qualms about tossing those fics into a volcano. 
5) When is your preferred time to write?
When I have both inspiration, motivation and time. Sadly, sometimes that happens at night and let's just say I have sometimes sacrificed sleep in favour of a story. Generally, though, I don't have a preferred time of day.
6) Where do you take your inspiration from?
From anything and everything. Something I've seen or heard or experienced, videos I've seen, songs I've listened to.
7) In your Sweet Dreams - Assorted Flavors fic, what’s your favorite scene that you wrote?
The final scenes of Assorted Flavours is close to my heart. Same with the scene in the Easy As Pie-chapter where they discuss Bucky's metal arm.
8) Have you ever amended a story due to criticisms you’ve received after posting it?
I haven't made major amendments. Someone may have pointed out typos or missing words which I have edited, but nothing storyline-wise. 
9) Who is your favorite character to write for? Why?
I am a sucker for a lot of Seb's characters, especially Bucky and Hal. And Chris Beck. They are fun to write and there is so much that can be done and explored with them. 
10) Who is your least favorite character to write for? Why?
I wanna preface this by saying it's not so much I dislike them as I find them hard to write well. Tony and Thor hard for me to write because I can't seem to connect as easily with them as I can with other characters, and I'd hate to do these guys wrong.
11) How did you come up with the title for the Sweet Dreams - Assorted Flavors?
This is the eternal struggle with me, to come up with a good title. I knew I wanted something that alluded to reader being a baker and one my Spotify playlist shuffled to Emily Browning's rendition of Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This). For the sequel series, I wanted to continue on the same theme, and my friend Loup helped me land on Sweet Dreams - Assorted Flavours. 
12) How did you come up with the idea for Sweet Dreams - Assorted Flavours?
I am not entirely sure anymore, but it may have included a conversation about Bucky Barnes (or Seb, or both) and cupcakes, and evolved into an idea about Bucky finding a nightopen bakery during one of his nightly walks through Brooklyn (because obviously). 
13) Do you have any abandoned WIP’s? What made you abandon them?
I have two. One is a Twilight fic that I abandoned and deleted when I left behind my ff.net account for good. It was never going to get finished and I didn't want any WIPs on the account. I didn't delete the account, it's basically there as an archive, but yeah. Deleted that story because I was never going to finish it. The second fic is a Gilmore Girls collab fic I started YEARS ago with a friend from Australia. It was put on hiatus when my friend started writing original fiction. That one I would love to finish, but I don't know how likely that is.
14) Are there any stories that you’ve written that you’d really love to do a sequel to?
None that I am really aching to do a sequel for. That being said, with the right inspiration, I could possibly nake a third fic in the little verse I created with Hal in Cling To Me and Cling To You.
15) Are there any stories that you wished you’d ended differently?
Surprisingly, no. I've been happy with the endings to all of my fics.
16) Tell me about another writer(s) who you admire? What is it about them that you admire?
Are we talking other fanfic writers or other fiction writers? For fanfic writers, just go into my fic rec tag. All of them are immensely talented in their own way. I will give special props to the writers of Not Easily Conquered because what they did with that series has fucked me up for life and I have the tattoo to prove it. For fiction writers, I do love Rowling for what she created with Harry Potter. I remember reading the books as they were published and just... I was mezmerized! I also love everything Neil Gaiman writes, it's dark and quirky and has that little something that takes hold of you. I can reread Pullman's His Dark Materials over and over just for the amazing world and mythology he created for that series. 
17) Do you have a story that you look back on and cringe when you reread it?
I usually don't reread stories I haven't clicked with, so not really.
18) Do you prefer listening to music when you’re writing or do you need silence?
Both. I have a Bucky playlist on Spotify that I usually crank whenever I am writing a fic that features him. But I can just as well write in silence.
19) Have you ever cried whilst writing a story?
Yes. I cried while writing With Him I Will Stay and Goodbye for example.
20) Which part of your Sweet Dreams fic was the hardest to write?
There wasn't one part that was specifically harder to write than others. I do sometimes get stuck on transitions, how to move from one scene to the next as smoothly as possible. If anything, writing Sweet Dreams has taught me that sometimes it's totally okay to just shift scenes and not make a big deal out of it. Not everything has to be complex.
21) Do you make a general outline for your stories or do you just go with the flow?
Often I have a rough idea of how I want things to play out, focus points that I want to include that function as pit stops for me as I write. The only time I haven't made a clear outline was for Kintsugi. I let the prompt guide me and hopes like hell it made sense.
22) What is something you wished you’d known before you started posting fanfiction?
That it's a process and you learn. I was so worried about writing perfectly. When I started out in the Gilmore Girls fandom and posting at ff.net, it was really common to have a beta reader. I was new, I had no one to beta read and I kept obsessing over getting things right until I realized that I didn't HAVE to have a beta reader and that yeah, I made mistakes but I could learn from them and from reading other what other people wrote.
23) Do you have a story that you feel doesn’t get as much love as you’d like?
Maybe Snapshots. Or my T.J fic. I love them both dearly.
24) In contrast to 23 is there a story which gets lots of love which you kinda eye roll at?
Not to the point where it's an eye roll because I do like the attention my fics get. I was very surprised though by the amount of notes that flooded in for a drabble called Fight Night.
25) Are any of your characters based on real people?
I haven't really made use of a lot of OC's. Aiden from Make Me Feel Like I'm Real is the only one that qualifies and with him it's all in how he looks. When I came up with him, I had a very vivid image of a man that looked like a mix of Donald Glover and Daveed Diggs. His personality came quite naturally as he started interacting more with T.J.
26) What’s the biggest compliment you’ve gotten?
There are so many that have made me blush so hard. One that I remember very vividly was when @lostinthoughtsandfeelings-blog commented on Soft Devotion that it made them feel the same kind of empowerment that the Wonder Woman soundtrack evoked!
27) What’s the harshest criticism you’ve gotten?
I have been very lucky so far in the criticism that I've gotten. Mostly it's just been typos or something similar that's been pointed out. When I started out on ff.net there were a few who commented that they didn't understand where I was going with a certain story. I think for one fic I got a comment about having dragged it out for too long, but that's about it.
28) Do you share your story ideas with anyone else or do you keep them close to your chest?
I do share some of them, simply because I get excited about them or because it's an idea that comes from a conversation that ends with "I need to fic this!!"
29) Do people know you write fan-fiction?
My husband knows, but he doesn't really know what it is (despite my attempts to explain). A few of my old school mates know I write, but otherwise no. I don't really talk about writing fan-fiction with people outside the fandoms I write for.
30) What’s you favorite minor character you’ve written?
I love Steve's parts in Sweet Dreams, and anything that involves Sam.
31) What spurs you on during the writing process?
If I'm writing a series, the feedback from previous chapters do so much to encourage me. Feedback in general motivates me. I often ask friends to give me feedback on certain scenes or passages while I write and seeing their excitement does a lot to help me push through and finish.
32) What’s your favorite trope to write?
AUs and A/B/O for sure.
33) Can you remember the first fic you read? What was it about?
I can't remember exactly which one, but it was a Gilmore Girls fic.
34) If you could write only angst, fluff or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why?
I'd love to say fluff, but angst just hurts so good, and getting screamed at in caps-lock is kinda fun.
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borkingbarnes · 6 years
Bc i LITERALLY never know what to ask but I like to send the asks when I see these posts, favorite Seb role. (Or, like, top three, bc how can you choose, right? XD )
LOL aww thank you for asking regardless b 💕 My fav is obviously Borky 😂 but I also loved him as Hal and Lance!
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