#and of course he’ll do it in the most unhinged selfish way
honorarybuckley · 5 months
it’s amazing how our brains choose to remember the good things about the people we love when they die. everything gets viewed through rose colored glasses until it becomes distorted. for eddie, falling in love with shannon was magic and while things became difficult the love was always true. their problems were on him not shannon. he wasn’t enough, he screwed up, he should’ve, he could’ve. he’s rewriting history to place her on a pedestal because she’s yet another person he’s outlived. someone who deserves to be here when maybe he doesn’t. (there’s also the fact that he wants to remember her this way for christopher’s sake. to erase her flaws and her humanity in favor of making her the hero of the story.) and now he’s choosing to live in the delusion of a second chance. but he will end up disappointed because kim can’t live up to the ideal. shannon can’t live up to the ideal. that’s the part of grief eddie needs to reckon with....
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One of the things that makes Dread so compelling is that he himself is simple. He wants his rock and will do anything to get it. Practically any insane stunt you can think of is something Dread would pull.
But he still has lots to talk about and analyze because of the way he contrasts and reflects Knuckles. One is a guardian who defends, the other is a pirate who takes. Knuckles’ core virtues have been reversed in Dread.
Knuckles is protective, kind, loyal, selfless and dutiful. Dread is possessive, cruel, traitorous, selfish and irresponsible.
Knuckles guards the most powerful artifact in the world without any recognition (which he definitely deserves). He’s never tempted to use this power that could probably let him take over the world. his big concerns are that he’ll end up hurting others. And if he ever does use it it’s as a last resort to save the world. He has the safety of the entire world on his shoulders and it’s been there’s his whole life!
on the outside he’s all gruff, aloof and rude, but that’s perfectly understandable considering his lack of upbringing and how much pressure and stress he’s under. But look at how he interacts with chao and the creatures of his island, they love him so much and gather around him. The guy looks so stressed in the frontiers prologue when the chao almost cries from getting hit on the head and immediately goes to help it. He’s a sweetheart heart.
His guardianship clearly extends to his friends. Ready to jump to their defense at any moment, has a need to keep them safe. Has no hesitation in blocking blows from reaching them and would be the type to sacrifice himself to save others. He even tries to save his enemies! He gives people chances because he has a hope there’s good in everyone.
Sure he’s been in opposition to his friends, but there’s never malice there or disloyalty. It’s always because he’s working on wrong info and is trying to do the right thing. When he realizes he’s wrong he course corrects immediately.
And then there’s Dread.
Dread is none of that.
Dread takes what he wants and doesn’t care who he hurts in the process. Once he works out how to use the the shard he does not hesitate in using it. He snaps at his crew and blames those around him for everything that goes wrong. He’ll lie and manipulate. He’ll endanger everyone without a single care for their safety. He acts all nice and friendly, in reality he’s an awful person. Another inversion to how Knuckles seems like he’s just rude and angry but in reality he cares so much and is a pure boy
Dread has a cunning side that gets overshadowed by his unhinged behavior. Knuckles has a wisdom and knowledge that is forgotten far too often.
And that isn’t even everything! I have so many other thoughts and more parallels I can draw but I can’t put them into words right now.
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chibivesicle · 3 years
Golden Kamuy - Kikuta really deserved better [part 2] 277-279.
Can you tell by my title that I’m a fan of Kikuta and I have some choice words for Noda?  Chapter 277 starts out with an introduction to the regional politics of Meiji era Japan.  The entire political shift occurred with the marriage of convenience between Choushuu and Satsuma (the Sat-Chou alliance) and how that is playing out in government and the military. With Hanazawa on the Satsuma side a commanding officer is having Tsurumi deal with the damage control.  That being Lt. General Okuda (and Kikuta’s boss)
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He discloses how he’s the person who helped to cover up the scandal for Hanazawa and more of the regional politics comes into play as he pulls Tsurumi into this.
Recall that Tsurumi is from Niigata and we know he is from a family that lost power and wealth due to political changes.  He assumes that of course Tsurumi would hold a grudge towards those from the Sat-Chou alliance.  Usami is also from a fallen samurai family in Niigata and we know that Ogata is from Ibaraki and also from a samurai family on the losing side.  Tsukishima is from the island of Sado where unwanted people were dumped in Niigata so he is also an outsider.  We learn of his ‘true’ feelings as the tells his core group his opinion on things.
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I love how we get unhinged Tsurumi calling it all a farce and he’s over Central.  But most importantly Okuda confirmed his own intel about the gold he learned while in Russia at some point in time.  His gold plan can slowly move along.  So Tsurumi becomes in the Hanazawa scandal cover up looking for the young 2nd Lt. and Kikuta, working under Okuda’s direct orders.
Despite his best efforts, Kikuta’s plan is revealed by a secretary at the Military Academy, while we know that Sugimoto and Kikuta are en route to the engagement dinner.
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Hanazawa panics and sprints out to determine what is happening. Right on his tail is Tsurumi and his key team of Ogata, Tsukishima and Usami.  Clearly this is going to become a huge mess.  The next few pages are amusing, but really don’t add value to the plot.  I am impressed that Kaeko has an excellent plot to get Sugimoto naked and I commend her efforts!  GK is never short of strong female characters.  Who enjoy sex.
This sets up a hilarious moment where he’s naked and trapped in a bedroom while she leverages the potential scandal to her advantage.  By that point Tsurumi has caught up to them.  What is most interesting is when Usami addresses Ogata as Hyakunnosuke and asks him what he thinks about meeting his brother.  It is clear this isn’t out of concern from Usami’s part, we know he hates Ogata to his very core.
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But as usual, Ogata doesn’t respond and we just see only a part of his eyes, not even a glance of his lips to give us an idea of what he’s thinking.
Kaeko and Sugimoto continue to talk as she reveals what she knows from Hanazawa Hiro.  She had been a nurse during the first Sino-Japanese war so it has allowed her to reflect on the impact of war on individual soliders.
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This tells us a few things;  Hiro’s patriotism is more nuanced.  If she were being selfish and just saying she doesn’t want her son to go off to war without experience it, that would be one thing.  Instead, she knows being a military spouse first hand what happens - no one could say she didn’t do her own duty and go likely above and beyond.  Ultimately, she wants to protect her son from her own experiences and observations and be a mother.
Sugimoto then realizes he needs to bail and leaves poor Kikuta confused.  And then bam! The 27th is there.
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Of course this leads to the most Sugimoto situation of all time!  Tsurumi threatens Kaeko with his handgun and Ogata asks where Yuusaku is.  Of course Sugimoto flies out of the bathroom naked sans Kikuta’s hat and Ogata is just amused beyond belief.
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This would be complete if he were relaxed eating a box of popcorn or something like that. 278 continues this absolute chaos and lots of fan service for Miss Kaeko!  I really don’t think the fight scene needs much meta.  Ogata just finds it amusing (and btw sucks at hand to hand combat) while Usami rumbles with Sugimoto.  Tsurumi realizes he’s not Yuusaku and Kikuta rushes in and gets shot in the shoulder by Tsukishima.
Somehow, Kikuta is able to get the rest of them to flee but not without running into the actual Hanazawa Yuusaku.  Awkward.  Tsurumi only then realizes that Kikuta was doing his job and they run out into the street.
Kaeko tries her best to convince Sugimoto to marry her.  Granted he is a very heroic figure and he fought to protect her.  However, reality wouldn’t allow that to happen and Sugimoto decides to join the army - thinking he won’t starve that way.
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Kikuta looks so sad and disappointed when he hears this.
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He’s definitely thinking of his younger brother who died b/c he told him to join the army with him.  I loved the fact that we learn that Kaeko got to be a successful woman who was also compassionate to others. 
There is a quick exchange that shows the first encounter between Ogata and Yuusaku.  Yuusaku notices Ogata and salutes him as a cadet.
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Ogata doesn’t even return the salute and he look he gives him out of the corner of his eyes.  What is he thinking?  I’d say Yuusaku doesn’t know who Ogata even is.  But something has him very suspicious to be this leery of him.  This also makes me think of this previous encounter between Koito and Ogata in chapter 200.
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This time Ogata is bolder when he walks by Koito who is also currently still in the Army Academy.  Except unlike Yuusaku who doesn’t seem to pick up on Ogata’s vibes, Koito does!  And the two of them stare each other down.  I think that this in part shows that Koito has more innate awareness of things and could be considered more of a ‘natural’ in the military.  Which Yuusaku isn’t.  We have no evidence Yuusaku has any sort of military talent or skills. 
The chapter ends with Kikuta asking Sugimoto if he’s serious about joining the military and how he’s already fated to go to hell based on what he’s done in his life.  279 continues the conversation between Kikuta and Sugimoto and he flat out tells Sugimoto about how his brother died of illness in the army during the Sino-Japanese war.
Sugimoto then becomes Kikuta’s younger brother telling him that it is time to move on.  This continues the trend in GK where a character that is speaking becomes someone else to the listener.
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This is most evident with Asirpa when she becomes Yuusaku on more than one occasion to Ogata.
But this facial expression from Kikuta [sobs].
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No wonder Kikuta worked so hard to save Ariko’s life!  He can’t just always be responsible for the deaths of others.
Sugimoto convinces Kikuta that he’ll be alright in the army and he relents and lets him keep the cap.  This shows that Kikuta has moved on from the death of his brother - a big deal!  In an unusual way, Sugimoto has helped Kikuta move on and take the next step in the healing process. Kikuta reports to his commander in the 1st.  Okuda wants him to keep an eye on Tsurumi.  Obviously, he knows now that Tsurumi interfered with Kikuta’s plans for Hanazawa rather heavy-handedly so he would need someone else to balance it out.
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It then reveals that Ogata is also working for Okuda in the 1st.  This explains why when the two of them crossed paths in the brewery they did not engage but nor did they appear to exchange any information.
I can’t help but feel like something is still off with this.  Ogata does have skills from working in intelligence with Tsurumi.  He’s observant, makes himself invisible and can get others to talk easily.  But Ogata being a 100% willing spy - it seems like he wants something else out of this. Kikuta’s character screams secret agent - but Ogata, he’s something else.  I’m not sure if Ogata’s choice to be a spy on Tsurumi was a real choice.
When Ogata and Tsukishima had their shoot out in Yubari at Edogai’s, Tsukishima told him he was a pet cat for Central.  Ogata replied that they were part of a rebel element.  We know that Ogata was working with Tamai at the beginning of the manga.  I struggle to see how Ogata has loyalty to anyone honestly.  He seems to be moving throughout this game with again his own mysterious objective.  Ogata is cynical and has no belief in the nation state nor does he harbor any sort of deep patriotism towards Imperial Japan.
Since Okuda is friends with Hanazawa and is based in Tokyo, he may have known Ogata since his birth and has kept tabs on him after the Ogata grandparents took him back to Ibaraki with his mom.  Ogata’s existence might be a sort of trump card that Okuda is keeping . . . but others found out as well like Tsurumi.  Did Okuda have Ogata tell or leak information that Ogata is Hanazawa’s first son? The chapter jumps to the 203 meter hill in the war and we see Yuusaku fallen on the battlefield.  Ogata watches from distance, his face cut off while other members of the 27th run out to help Yuusaku.
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This finally reveals Yuusaku’s eyes!  Not the anticipated reveal - I kept thinking this was something that Ogata was going to see but it shows us clear eyes.  Which look sort of similar to Asirpa’s eyes.
So many thoughts are jumping around in my brain about this reveal.
1.) These eyes are not the ‘trademark’ Hanazawa eyes.  Dark black orbs with those eyebrows!  This indicates his eyes aren’t from his father.
Seeing this, I can’t help but think that Yuusaku is not Hanazawa’s son.  Instead, Hiro had an affair with someone else.  A major theme in GK is that the children inherit the skills of their parents.  Asirpa is able to do many things as she inherited the intelligence of Wilk.  And that Ogata is the true inheritor of Hanazawa’s military skills.
Recall this from chapter 58.  Ogata leads the crappy local gang against Hijikata and acts like a commander.
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We know that Tsurumi’s lie about Ogata wanting to avenge Hanazawa is to keep Nikaido in the dark.
This would also explain why everything we learn about Yuusaku is terrible at military things.  If he also isn’t Hanazawa’s son it would make it even more reason for Hiro to try to prevent him from entering the military since he’s not even genetically related to this great line of Hanazawas.  I wish we knew more about the Ogata side of things - I think we’ll also learn that the Ogata side had competent military men on it as well.  2.) Yuusaku’s eyes are the same as Asirpa’s and indicate their sort of innocence.  In this case, it would perfectly explain why Ogata sees Yuusaku instead of Asirpa when he has the fever and then the melt down on the ice floe.  Yuusaku kept himself naive and innocent to meet his father’s expectations.  A man who I don’t think is even his father at this moment.  Therefore, Ogata’s guilt on killing Yuusaku is tied to his sort of innocence in these situations and why he can’t seem to shake his mental confusion when it comes to Asirpa.  However, unlike Yuusaku, Asirpa has never forced herself on him to do things or guilt tripped him so it leaves things open for him to not link her to Yuusaku.
3.) Yuusaku was going to blow Ogata’s cover working for Okuda.  Now that we know that Ogata was working for Okuda while in the 27th it means he’d have to keep his role quiet.  If Yuusaku found out that Ogata was working for Okuda, I could see him going to Tsurumi and telling him this information.  Therefore, to protect his status, Ogata used this as his rationale to kill Yuusaku on the battle field.  I have never figured out if Ogata was nudged to kill Tsurumi by his ‘don’t kill him right now.’ comment as one of Tsurumi’s backwards motivations that lead Ogata to directly killing him. So many possibilities!  I want more Ogata backstory dammit!
Anyhoo, to not make this meta super long let’s get back to the action. Asirpa begins working out how to try to break the code.  Hijikata notes that Wilk could have used something other than kanji, since he’d know the Latin alphabet for Polish and Cyrillic for Russian.  Shiraishi makes a clear point that this could be a message from Wilk towards her, though it feels like he’s channeling Kiro.  Out of many of the Japanese characters Shiraishi time and time again comes out much more sympathetic to the minorities than others.
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Asirpa begins to wonder how the coin is linked to the skins. She’s thinking things through and is on her way to solving the puzzle.
After saving Ariko, Kikuta is returning to Tsurumi’s group in the church.  Oh Roger, this is why I love you so much.
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Look at that smirk with a slightly watery eye.  At the same time Tsurumi is also looking at the coin and realizes he’s figured it out.
Kikuta approaches the rest of the group and comments on if he’s found the location.  Tsurumi states that things are just getting started.  He casually pulls out his gun and fires two shots into Kikuta at point blank range.
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And with this I am deeply saddened and shocked.  How dare you do that to Kikuta!!!  He was my Kiro replacement and now he’s also going to die.
First Boutarou died and now Kikuta.  [cries].  We know that Tsurumi is a shinigami but this is just brutal.  The bear death trio died early on in the manga.  Ogata escaped.  Kikuta now is the next link to Central that goes down.
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bunnykawa · 4 years
I hope this doesn't count as a request but who do you think is the worst yandere hq boys?? Like stay clear level dangerous.
i love this question HAHA i have a couple of characters in mind!! i'll just do it in headcanon form?? idek man i'm just making a list
♡ oikawa
oikawa is kind but damn he's so affected by his inferiority complex that it's developed into a god complex?? like he constantly has to be better than other people that even though he is so devastatingly insecure, he won't hesitate to step on his victim to make them feel worthless.
he's really good at gaslighting, too. lies easily and way too often. will make sure that you're only his by feeding you lies and making you dependent on him.
selfish. always has a motive and does things only bc it'll benefit him. but he loves you so he believes whatever he does will benefit you, too, and he's SURE OF IT. you can't reason with this guy AT ALL.
yes i headcanon that he won't hesitate to kill someone ok I JUST GET THOSE VIBES FROM HIM. the type to own a gun and know how to use it. just pew pew when he feels threatened. if he knows someone will affect your relationship or someone hurts you, say goodbye cs you ain't seeing them again.
he KNOWS that his actions are wrong. doesn't give a single fuck. will probably act oblivious about it and it makes him look even more crazy (don't be fooled, he's smart so he knows exactly what he's doing). lacks empathy for other people except you. literally no guilt after his actions. scary.
he thinks he's untouchable. no matter what he does, it won't negatively affect him. police?? LOL what's that? family? friends? don't be ridiculous. they can't do anything to hurt him. as long as he's alive, he's walking the earth like he's some kind of divine being.
you're basically walking on egg shells around him. some thin ass ice. you're scared to leave.
♡ hinata
unhinged. feral. y'all know how this guy can be so dedicated and passionate with volleyball. we seen him do some crazy shit. yeah imagine as a yandere how dedicated he'll be to his victim. NO THOUGHTS. HEAD EMPTY. JUST YOU.
i'm not saying hinata is an idiot. of course not. but he's kinda stupid. takes everything at face value. he won't understand why you're fighting him and running away when all he wants to do is love you.
this also means that the SMALLEST things that you do for him makes him believe that you're also in love with him. you let him borrow a pencil? tell him his shoes are untied? shiiiit even mention he got food stuck in his teeth?? he's like so you wanna get married??
also very unpredictable and sporadic. you won't know what to expect from him and that's what makes him terrifying.
doesn't realize that stalking ISN'T how you show your s/o that you love them. will be the yandere to follow your every move and be a few steps away. will constantly text you and try to call you even though you never gave him your number. wake up one morning feeling like you're being watched and look who it is!! hinata shoyo looking through your bedroom window at 3 am!!!!
JEALOUSY. he wants to be the best so he needs to destroy his rivals. you get close to someone? he'll scare them away. why do you need someone else? he gives you all the attention you'd ever need. constant harassment. will also make his intentions VERY clear and explain why he's harassing them when he does.
if he has to, and this is a conclusion he'll make on his own depending on how severe he believes the situation is, he'll kill them. pew pew again. where'd he get the gun? he stole it. or maybe he'll just stab them. more of a last resort than his first thought.
♡ tendou
now y'all probably expected this man. canonically he's a lil unhinged already from that childhood trauma 🥰 makes him spicier LMFAO but anyway-
generally a cynical person!! will constantly tease you and provoke you to get a rise out of you FOR FUN. he doesn't care if he's annoying you. will put a little rat poision in your food because he thinks it's a funny prank HAHAHA
sadistic. you know what? he'd probably stab you during sex. i fucking said it. he'd get off on that shit. he likes seeing you in pain. loves seeing your skin turn different colors from bruises. blood?? mmm he's gonna suck that shit up. vampire grrrr
MOST LIKELY TO KIDNAP YOU. you know in those situations where you feel bad if you say no to someone?? and you don't wanna hurt their feelings because if you do, then the outcome might turn out worse (ex. they get angry, hurt you, etc.)??? yeah this is how he gets you LMFAOOAO you'd be too scared to say no
then suddenly you're at his place and the door is locked forever sorry no takebacks you're stuck with him
i KNOW this mans owns a gun. or some other kind of weapon. maybe he has a torture chamber. man, he has bodies in his basement. the thing is, he kills people FOR FUN!!!! he won't hesitate to kill someone for you, but he also won't hesitate to kill someone just because he wants to. like a "huh, i'm bored. i'll just go kill someone today!!" person.
just scary. do not engage. do not make eye contact. you'll regret it. you'd be worried about your safety more than other people's safety because he keeps you alive. this man does not know boundaries.
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nohoney · 4 years
Tell Me (When You’re Ready) - 4.2
warnings: 18+, drug use, polyamory, low key manipulation, toxic relationships
It was a hidden selfish offer he put out there, hoping on the slightest chance that he can become closer to you by becoming apart of the relationship if Touya approved. So when his offer gets the green light, he can’t help but feel a little bit giddy inside for the opportunity to become even closer to you.
Keigo loves being your friend, he genuinely does, but his desire for you is so strong that friendship can only wall off those feelings for so long.
4.1 ✧ 4.2 ✧ 4.3 ✧ 4.4
Since having met Touya, Keigo understood pretty quickly that his friend was the ‘no strings attached’ kind of guy when it came to girls. Not even a friends with benefits type of deal because hell, Touya didn’t really want friends. He was just a shameless guy who shamelessly used girls. So to learn that he’s chasing after one specific girl, going so far as to ghost half of the chicks he usually fucked, Keigo has to know who you are that’s got his friend entranced so much.
Before meeting you, Keigo had already known what you looked like naked and cock drunk after getting fucked. How fucking pretty you look with cum all over your face and how intoxicatingly cute you sounded as you backed up into Touya’s cock. Touya had no shame about sharing your nudes and the videos he recorded of the two of you, he’d done it plenty of times before. Just with you, instead of deleting them when he got bored they were saved into a folder on his phone.
Keigo just had to ask, “You got a crush on this girl?”
He’s not necessarily surprised that his question isn’t answered, just given a half hearted shrug before the line on the plate was snorted.
You’re definitely a pretty little thing that apparently that gives fantastic head and you’ve got a sweet cunt to match, that’s the impression that Keigo gets just from looking at photos of you. When you’re officially introduced to him, he gets why Touya became enthralled in you pretty quick. There’s an air about you that makes the people around you want to take care of you; it’s not that you’re an innocent virgin or inexperienced little girl that made Touya fall over for you, you’re just the type of girl that needs to be looked over and taken care of. That’s your purpose and the purpose you give to others because god, the award of just your smile and gratitude was just… enchanting.
You’re just begging to be possessed by someone and how fortunate for you that Touya’s the one you decide to give it a chance with.
Keigo had to admit silently to himself that it was a little amusing but also a little sad to watch Touya try to compute being sensitive and considerate to someone else’s feelings. But he cares about Touya so of course he helps him try to navigate the pitfalls of actually being tied down to someone. He hears both sides, the hardheadedness from Touya and the frustrations you bear from it but Keigo is there to help smooth things along.
He knows that he shouldn’t play therapist to you and Touya too often, you guys are adults and need to figure it out on your own, but he likes to see the two of you happy when things are calm for the time being up until another little mishap comes along again.
It’s so quick how it happens, considering that Keigo only met you so recently, but just like Touya he becomes more enamored by you as time passes by. When he’s alone with you, his heart flutters and he takes little moments to be close to you without breaking any suspicion that he wants more from you. More than just wanting you to bounce on his dick the way you do with Touya, he doesn’t want just sex from you, Keigo wants to own a piece of you too.
He thinks about fleeting moments with you, the little things you do with just him that Touya would be unable to do, and loves the sparkle you get in your eye when he does something as simple as get you a cup of coffee.
On the days that he’s not with you or Touya, when he’s busy with his own workload because he likes to keep busy, his breaks are spent just thinking of you. The texts you send back and forth to one another, a meme that’s an inside joke with you, and when he’s alone at night Keigo listens to the audio recordings of you getting fucked that Touya sent to him just the day before.
The few days that he doesn’t think about you at all are when he’s hyper focused on his work, needing Adderall to make sure that he’s ready for his upcoming presentation or upcoming exam that he feels he won’t do very well on. He works hard and focuses on what needs to be done for his courses, and when he’s all finished Keigo rewards himself by either thinking of you or contacting you for a little hangout.
Touya’s making good and sure that you’re bound to him, Keigo admittedly helping him in the process because he doesn’t want to be excluded from you and knowing that Touya won’t cut you off from him. You’ve got a pretty strong attachment to Keigo that actually warms his heart, you’re his little dove and Touya’s pretty doll.
Keigo is pretty sure that Touya is aware of his feelings for you, but he gives him the courtesy of coming clean to his friend. He’s admitting that he likes his friend’s girlfriend as more than just a friend and a sexual object. Touya doesn’t seem to react to his admission, further confirming that he most likely knew all along, but Keigo is surprised by Touya’s confession that he’s in love with you.
The guy that’s still fucks other girls on the side while dealing to them is in love with you.
At least it’s Touya’s version of love.
Keigo can see Touya’s anxiety, how he hides his codependency for you by always trying to ensure you’re right where he wants you and how unhinged he gets when it seems you’re gone too long. Sometimes he really does fear for Touya’s psyche and how fragile he actually is sometimes, such an apathetic guy getting hung up over one girl. He understands though because you’re Touya’s first love and as scared as he is of that feeling, he also doesn’t want to let it go so he’s grooms you to keep you by his side. Overt attention by always wanting to know where you are, verbal seduction and charming you with the cute names he gives you, physical isolation by always wanting to keep you at his apartment, and gift giving in the form of pills and powders that you’re actually craving more of but they keep you balanced, not too little and definitely not too much.
You have such soft boundaries so it was easy to capture you, he knows it’s wrong.
But Keigo can’t say he’ll stop himself or Touya from keeping you to themselves. They both treat you the same way, Keigo’s just a bit on the nicer side and a little more polished with his social skills so he flies a bit under the radar. The two of them guard you away from anything you shouldn’t know, things that you don’t have to know because there’s no reason for you to get involved in the first place. You learned pretty early on to not ask questions, even if the both of them can see that burning curiosity in your eye but you extinguish those feelings and do as you’re told.
You are such a good little bird.
Touya still struggles navigating his relationship and committing himself to you, so Keigo offers himself as a buffer. It was a hidden selfish offer he put out there, hoping on the slightest chance that he can become closer to you by becoming apart of the relationship if Touya approved. So when his offer gets the green light, he can’t help but feel a little bit giddy inside for the opportunity to become even closer to you.
Keigo loves being your friend, he genuinely does, but his desire for you is so strong that friendship can only wall off those feelings for so long.
He wants to care for you, wants to look over you, and wants to keep you happy.
“You’re so good Keigo… I love you so much. I’m so glad that we met Keigo, I’m so happy you’re in my life.” you told him while you’re at the peak of your roll at a house party Touya brought you to. He knows that you only took the tablet to forget about your anger towards your boyfriend but Keigo will gladly take all the affection you give him while you’re doped up on serotonin.
And the way you pulled him in to kiss you?
God, he knew that you were on but you couldn’t have done that with him without at least feeling a little bit something more than just friendship with him.
Now Keigo doesn’t want to shift the blame around… but Touya was the one that almost fucked up the arrangement. Of course you were going to get mad at Touya when you saw that hickey on his neck, it shouldn’t have been a surprise. But Keigo is familiar with his friend’s temper and has to talk him down when he insinuates breaking up with you, which is the last thing that either of them wants. “She just misses you, you gotta at least try to meet her in the middle. Are you really okay with her feeling like you’re ignoring her?”
Keigo knows that it’s really serious between the two of you as he commanded you to call him by his name instead of Dabi, both of them looking down on you as Touya thrusts his cock into your little pussy. He remembers your eyes looking back and forth between the two of them, probably still not comprehending what exactly was happening. He heard all of Touya’s words and your little sounds through the haze of his own come down, just enough blood rushing to his dick to get him hard but not enough where he can take up Touya’s offer to fuck you in the moment. He figured it was best though, that it wasn’t the right time for him to fuck your brains out when you just learned the truth of how he really felt about you.
It was a rough start but Keigo got inducted into the relationship although in the process he had accidentally revealed some information to you that Touya wasn’t ready to discuss with you yet. He just hated seeing you so upset over the other girls and when you had depreciated yourself into listing yourself as just one of the whores, he just had to tell you that you were more important to Touya than anything else. You technically weren’t wrong when you deduced that Keigo was being offered into the relationship for Touya’s peace of mind and to ensure you wouldn’t run off to anyone else.
“He feels you only deserved to get fucked by people who love you, those were his words.”
Those words had secured everything into place, even if he was never supposed to say it in the first place.
“Wait, did Touya actually say that he loves me? What kind of love are we talking about?”
Keigo couldn’t say anymore on that, it wasn’t his place to say anything.
“Do you love me Keigo and is that love the same as Touya’s?”
Nope, he accidentally cracked that door open and now you were trying to get a peek inside. And on top of ousting Touya, he also did it to himself as well. Touya was the one who said out loud that he loved you, not him… at least not yet. He definitely feels something more than just a friendly fondness for you, infatuation was probably the right word to describe it but not enough, just saying ‘liking you a lot’ doesn’t cover the foundation of what his feelings for you are. It’s much too abstract for him to label it but he guesses love could be the best word to describe it.
That first time he pushed his cock inside you, he felt like he was about to almost blow his load immediately into you. He just almost couldn’t believe that it was actually happening, he wasn’t fisting his dick in his hand while listening to another audio recording of you sent from Touya or fucking some annoying girl into her bed while wishing it was you; Keigo was actually fucking you himself. He also couldn’t help the slight satisfaction that you were so shy to have him join whereas with Touya you were so eager; you were so cute acting all bashful and so fucking sexy as you lost your mind over his dick.
And when Touya asked if you wanted Keigo to fuck you too and be with the both of them, he came earlier than he would have liked because he got so excited when you said that you wanted the both of them.
She wants me… she wants me!
After that ‘proper threesome’ and spending more time together as more than just friends, Keigo decides that he no longer guesses he loves you; he really does love you.
After months of silently pining, he gets to have you the same way Touya does. He doesn’t mind this whole polyamorous thing going on between the three of them, Keigo’s brought a balance to the relationship that Touya could never bring himself. It’s not to say that things are one hundred percent smooth since Keigo came in, but definitely not as rocky as before when it was just you and Touya. They get the (not so) occasional looks from people as you hold hands with the both of them, move to kiss one of them on the lips before going to the other, and then drop little innuendos that you want to get railed by the both of them.
Touya’s happy and Keigo’s happy.
And what’s most important is that you’re happy and you’re not leaving them.
Touya tends to worry himself into anxiety over that possibility and Keigo not as much, but it does creep on him on occasion.
There was one day Touya brings something new for all three of you to try: ketamine. Touya’s really into opioids and anesthetics so it seemed suitable for him whereas Keigo favors amphetamine and stimulants; one likes to be detached and relaxed versus the other that wants to be alert and energetic. Anesthetics aren’t really his thing but he’s willing to give it a try at least, just like he did with orgies and shrooms. Keigo tried them, thought it was decent and would think about doing it again if there was an opportunity.
So the three of you try it together and wait for it to settle in.
Like Keigo thought would happen, Touya really likes it. He sat on his side of the couch very comfortable and relaxed while you sat by his feet on the floor, looking like you were in a dream and floating in whatever happy sea that the tranquilizer had brought to you. Unfortunately for Keigo, he did not like it at all and he wondered what he did wrong for him to feel fucked up. He didn’t like feeling detached from his body and he felt anxious instead, sitting uncomfortably on his side of the couch and trying to calm himself.
He feels lazy and numb but not in the good way.
At that moment he craved coke more than ever to wake him up, wondering how many lines it would take to pull him out of this sea that he was drowning in. Then he feels a weight on his lap, he opens his bleary eyes and sees you right in front of him looking so concerned for him. “S’okay Keigo… we’re here. Don’t freak out.” you coo to him, dropping your hands on his shoulders and getting comfortable in his lap. Your movements are a bit lazy but he can see you trying your best to be present for him.
“Dove… no, M’fine…” Keigo drawls out and frowns at hearing his own voice.
His eyes gloss over your features and he thinks in that moment that you’re pretty, much too pretty for your own good. There was a guy he saw walking down the street the other day, a very handsome guy and then he’s suddenly pairing that random handsome stranger with you instead. Keigo doesn’t like the image he conjured in his head and he drops his head back against the couch.
Keigo feels one of your hands on the back of his head, carefully cradling his head as you bring it forward. He lolls a little bit and he still feels like he’s out of his own body, images of you with that handsome man still dance in his head and he feels like he’s in that scenario he’s imagining rather than being present with you as you comb your hand through his hair. “Don’ leave songbird… don’ go.”
“I’m here Kei… M’here.” your voice is so soft when you reassure him, though you look unsure yourself if your words were reaching him. “C’mere… let’s hold hands…”
With the best effort your could you settled in between the boys on the couch, leaning more towards Keigo’s side so that you could tend to him and Touya leaning towards you. His hands felt like it was two hundred pounds when you grabbed his, wondering how you got so strong when just yesterday you couldn’t open your water bottle because Touya screwed the lid on too tight. But you hold Keigo’s hand in your lap and Touya puts his hand over yours as well.
“We fucked up… I shoulda’ trip sit for you guys…” Touya says quietly, enjoying the effects of the ketamine but present enough to acknowledge the irresponsibility of the three of you experimenting with something new without someone to watch over you. “No more for the bird boy… he don’t like it.”
That was a huge understatement.
“How do you feel (Name)?”
“Kinda like… I’m drunk but not? It feels good for me but Keigo… I think he mighta’ done a little more than us and thas’ why he’s like this…”
You talk but Keigo still thinks about you and the handsome stranger together, his own anxieties forming in his chest and clawing him from the inside. Like he’s living in that hallucination in his mind, following the imaginary you as a ghost even though you were literally right next to him. He’s unable to freak out properly but he tries to concentrate, hating himself and the passage of time because goddamnit, he wants to be sober.
Much like how Touya swore off acid the first and last time he tried it, Keigo would never consume ketamine again. He probably really did take a little more than he thought he did because you and Touya had a positive experience while he was suffering. He read online later about some other people’s experience and some of them falling into the ‘K-hole’, an experience of extreme dissociation and severe sedation.
“God… never fucking again.”
He’ll stick to cocaine and Adderall, thank you. Neither of those things gave him anxiety or weird  hallucinations about you running off with other people.
You doted on him for a while after that experience, like making his favorite foods and stopping by his lab to drop off coffee to him. He appreciated you going out of your way for him but it wasn’t necessary, you were the one that should be doted on. So with the little favors you did for him, he rewarded you back twice as much.
Of course he knows that your favorite rewards are the ones that leave your legs shaking and cum either oozing out of your cute pussy or painted on your body instead.
He likes working alongside Touya to make you go cock crazy when the three of you are together. It’s a little paradoxical how much they want to protect you but when it comes to sex, they just want to bully and make you cry so much. Your cute little hiccups when you beg that they be nice to you or the tears that gather on the rim of your pretty eyes as they overwhelm you the point of being unable to articulate anything else but their names, calling you a dumb little girl or a cock crazed bitch or a useless cumslut.
So fucking mean… but it feels so fucking good.
“Use me… use me please!” you cry out.
“Such a dumb little whore.” Keigo tuts at you while Touya fetches his belt and restrains your arms through the loops after making sure it’s nice and secure.
They fuck you like crazy, demeaning names coupled with little rewards as you helplessly let yourself be used and overloaded. And as mean as they are, they’re always extra loving afterwards. The first time you experienced a sub drop from them, it didn’t go very smoothly and they had to scramble because they thought the aftercare they provided before was enough. They’re whispering sweet praises and compliments for being such a good girl, more head pets and massages to relax you, squeezing hugs and loving kisses.
“Princess, you are so sweet… such a good princess.”
“Baby bird, our pretty little baby.”
When they’re sure that you’re all taken care of, they let you rest for however long you need to. They quietly leave the bedroom and they sit together, sometimes having a smoke together or making something to eat later on.
Touya returns from the balcony after having a cigarette while Keigo just sat inside and scrolled through his phone. He checked up on you just a few minutes ago, still finding you sound asleep and still leaving you be. Touya plants himself on the opposite end of the couch, exhaling and letting his head fall back against the cushions.
“I love her.” he says out loud.
“I know.”
“Do you think she loves us?”
“I’m pretty sure that with everything we’ve been through, she has to at least feel a little something like that.”
Touya turns his head to look at Keigo and asks, “Do you think she knows I love her?”
Yeah because Keigo is the one that accidentally told you.
He clears his throat and reaches for his glass of water, taking a few sips before setting it back down on the coaster. “Do you think you’re ready to tell her?”
“I’ve told her I loved her… just never to her face.”
Keigo didn’t exactly know what he meant saying that but he put a reassuring hand on his shoulder and told him, “Take the time you need man, I’m sure (Name) will be really happy when you decide to tell her.”
Keigo says that but he actually hopes that Touya will confess himself to you soon so that he can say it too. He wants to tell you that he loves you too, but he’s very aware that you probably want to reciprocate an ‘I love you’ to Touya first rather than him. After all, it was Touya that you got together with first so it seemed natural that you would trade those words with him before telling Keigo.
He can see that sparkle in your eye when you look at either of them, the way you look so fucking soft at them that he just wants to lay in bed naked with you and just hold you until the universe disintegrates. You put so much trust in them and you don’t even realize how much power you hold over them. They love you but the questions begs is if you love them back in the same way they do.
You must be, you wouldn’t be doing this with them if you didn’t at all.
It’s always hard to be the first one to put those words out there and honestly if Touya wasn’t in the picture, Keigo would have said them by now.
Don’t get him wrong, Keigo does love this three way relationship he has with you and Touya but sometimes there’s that small selfish part of him that imagines that it was just you and him. Touya got to date you by himself for a few months, just the two of you before Keigo was added in and Keigo knows that he’ll never have the chance to monogamously date you because he knows that you and Touya won’t let each other go. You’ve been reeled in, going against your intuition to leave him because you’ve made yourself to believe the infatuation and obsession he has over you is genuine love despite still fucking other girls and struggling internally with his own commitment to you.
But is Keigo’s love any different from Touya’s? It honestly isn’t, he can’t fool himself into thinking that he loves you any different than Touya; everything his friend does, Keigo would do the same, just the only difference being that if you told him to stop seeing other girls, Keigo would in a heartbeat. They obsess over you with the same intensity, dote on you the same, coddle the hell out of you and spoil you so much.
Keigo secretly loves when you go to him when Touya leaves to sell to the whores. He hates seeing you upset over Touya but he loves that you go to him to take your mind off of it. In those times he lies to himself and believes that you’re just dating him and him alone, that there’s no other person you’re in love with and all your devotion belongs to him. Keigo knows that Touya still struggles with his commitment to you, that as much as he loves you there’s also a voice that whispers in his head to sabotage things with you by still returning to the whores. And Keigo is there to tell his friend that one day he’ll stop seeing those other girls, that one day Touya will imagine his world without you if he continued to do what he does and that it’ll scare him so much that it really will just be you and only you.
Keigo hopes that when that day comes that he’ll still be around as well, that you’re feelings for him will be just as strong as you feel for Touya and you’ll want him to stay just as bad.
He’s apart of this too, he’s in love with you too.
When you’re in his bed with your knees pressed to your chest and your hands weakly holding onto the headboard he asks you, “Am I your boyfriend?”
“Yeah… Yes, you’re my boyfriend!” you mewl, eyes rolling to the back of your head.
His golden eyes are intense on you as he pulls those beautiful sounds from you, like he’s a conductor and you’re his choir. He twirls his hip a certain way and you cry out for him, he presses his thumb to your clit and you choke out a curse, he slaps one of your tits and you beg for Keigo to be a little more gentle. You were being such a coy little brat earlier, not following instructions when he told you to ride his cock the way he wanted you to, instead of getting him off you were using him for your own pleasures. And he would have spoiled you with all the orgasms you wanted had you not been such a cheeky little thing and had the audacity to call him your dildo as you rode him to your pleasure.
Keigo understands why Touya likes it so much when you’re a brat, you’ve got that crazed look in your eye as you anticipate punishment from either of them. That you know you’re being a little shit by acting defiant just so that they can assume control over you and fucking show that you’re not the boss around here, they are. They control whether or not you get to get off and if you do, it’s going to be by their rules and not yours.
Be a little brat, be a little whore… just keep on being ours…
“Who’s pussy is this little dove? Who does your pussy belong to?” Keigo grunts the questions as he drives his hips forward into your cunt. The bed creaks under the weight of his movements but your sounds are louder, garbled moans and cute hiccups as you try to find in your scrambled, fucked up brain the answer he wants to hear. He holds the back of your knees, skin slapping loudly against one another every time he pushes his length into you. “I asked you a question dove.”
“It’s yours Keigo! This pussy belongs to you!” you sob out as your hands lose grip on the headboard and fall limply above your head.
You’re such a radiating vision in that moment that Keigo’s heart jumps up into his throat, caught off guard by how much he’s enraptured by you. He has plenty of photos and videos of you in his phone, thousands of memories that play through in his head, and yet his heart still swells every time he sees how beautiful you are. Whether your hair is tied up or worn down, with or without makeup, wearing big sweats or pretty dresses, when you’ve got the happiest grin on your face or heartbreaking tears fall from your eyes, whether you’re just being yourself or navigating in the throes of something difficult for you, he always thinks you’re beautiful.
Chest heaving and broken sobs spill out of your pretty lips, you cum unexpectedly on his cock and he wonders himself what triggered you because he’s pretty certain that he didn’t do anything in particular. So he inspects you and sees how flustered you are, glassy eyes that look away in embarrassment, the cute way you use one hand to cover the lower half of your face and the other covering your breasts… you’re acting shy all of a sudden.
How adorable… but for what reason?
Keigo gently takes your hands and pins them down onto the bed, his grip firm to ensure you won’t go anywhere but not too tight. You try to turn your head away but he follows, capturing you in a kiss and cherishing how you moan against his mouth. Your pussy clenches around him and he pulls back, a line of drool connecting your lips together. “Baby bird? Are you okay?”
You nod your head and look up at him through your lashes, you’re so demure when not too long ago you were acting like a little brat.
Something changed but Keigo doesn’t know what.
“Kei… fuck me please.”
So he does, releasing your wrists and bracing one arm by your head while the other grabs the headboard. Keigo’s body shivers slightly as your arms go up and he feels your hands lay flat on the upper of his back, the tips of your fingers just pressing slightly down on muscles that almost makes him like jelly. His weak spot was right there and you knew what you were doing when you touched him there.
He thinks about the conversation you had with him and Touya, the one where you talked about if they both had super powers. It intrigued him when you told him that you could imagine him having wings as his power, it inspired him a little to consider getting wings tattooed on his back. You always admired Touya’s own minimal tattoos and he can imagine your awe if he were to get his own ink designed into his body as well.
Keigo fucks you roughly enough where you head begins to bounce against the headboard but you’re uncaring since it doesn’t hurt too much. You might get a little headache later on but he’ll be there to nurse your little head.
“Touch yourself baby bird, play with yourself…”
When you play with your clit, your pussy quivers around his cock and it’s only a few more pumps until the both of you finish together. He presses his face into the crook of your neck and groans lowly, the timber of his voice making you shudder beneath him. Quiet panting as the two of you catch your breath, Keigo reaching blindly for the shirt he tossed off earlier so that he could use it as a cum rag. He pulls out quickly and you whimper, letting his cum ooze out of your little pussy.
“Make sure to pee baby bird.” he reminds you.
“Yes Keigo…”
You wash up in his bathroom, your favorite shampoo and conditioner set along with your body wash sit in his little shower caddy that hangs from the shower head. Music plays from your phone as you clean up while Keigo is in his kitchen and setting up some snacks to eat for when you come out. Touya is going to return soon, making a delivery in downtown and meeting up with Shigaraki in the meantime.
He should be here any minute.
Keigo hears his hair dryer being used, louder than the music playing from your phone from where he stands. You told him how you want to style his hair differently the next time there’s a date night and he looks forward to it.
Emerging from the shower refreshed and clean, you come out wearing a pair of comfy sweats and a little tank top that hangs a little low and shows off your cleavage. You’re not trying to be sexy, it’s just comfortable loungewear for you. Refreshed from cleaning up, you help Keigo put the snacks on the coffee table as well as pour a cup of coffee for Touya when he arrives. Feeding each other chips and popcorn, Keigo cuddles you as the two of you watch a comedy together.
The lock to his door turns and Touya enters, taking off his jacket and leaving his boots by the front door. He goes straight to you, a sign that he hadn’t sold to one of his whores because if he did, he would have just gone straight to the restroom to wash off whatever perfume the bitch was wearing. You’re happy to see him, pecking him on the lips and letting him lay his head down in his lap while Keigo has his arm around your shoulder.
It feels nice, just the three of you.
Touya will talk to Keigo later about what happened with Shigaraki, if there is anything at all to say. But for now, he enjoys the hand you have on his knee while your other one massages Touya’s scalp.
At some point Touya turns his head, his nose pretty close to your crotch and he takes a small sniff. “I can smell Keigo’s cum in you doll. You sitting here still stuffed with cum?”
You’re embarrassed and try to push Touya’s head away. “I-I swear that I washed most of it out while I was in the shower! I just didn’t want to have to change my panties twice in a day if I kept it in me and-”
Touya chuckles and taps his finger on the tip of your nose. “I’m just kidding princess but now I know that you were being a little whore again while I was away.” It’s said in jest and it makes Keigo laugh as well as you squawk at him, pushing at Touya’s head and demand that he take his ass to the shower because you claim that he stinks. Keigo continues to snicker as Touya does as he’s told, knocking his head slightly on the way before shutting the bathroom door.
You take the bowl of chips that’s almost empty and head to the kitchen for a refill, mumbling about how dirty Touya was.
Keigo follows you, hearing the shower running inside the bathroom and knowing that he has to say this quickly since Touya doesn’t take very long showers. So he puts an arm around your waist and pulls you to him, softly calling your name to get your attention. You look up at him and wonder what he wants to say, noticing the change of tone in his voice.
Touya can take the time he needs for his own confession, Keigo wants to let you know now.
“I love you.”
Your eyes widen slightly in surprise and your mouth drops a little, clearly not anticipating that he would say such a thing. But then a happy smile comes onto your face and Keigo is relieved to see a positive reaction, his heart would have been broken if you had given him anything else. He can see that you’re trying to say it back but you hesitate as your eyes shift to the bathroom door and he already knows why; you want to tell Touya you love him first before saying it to Keigo.
It’s okay, you’re worth the wait.
“You don’t have to say it back right now, I just wanted to let you know dove.”
Because now that he thinks about it, that reaction you had earlier in his bed, he could see that shift when he replays it in his head. You must have realized it then with his cock buried in you that you were in love with him too, not just with Touya. He’s buried deep in your heart now and he’s not as fearful that you’ll let him go and choose him over Touya, he needs to be in this relationship in order for you and Touya to thrive.
You’ll choose them both because you know that you need both him and Touya.
Even if sometimes he still imagines that it was just you and him, Keigo knows that it’s better that he share you with Touya than not have you at all.
“Will you say it again Keigo?” you ask quietly, your eyes shining with a new light that makes Keigo’s heart swell. He knows you love him back and he’ll patiently for you to return those words back to him when you’re ready, he looks forward to it. He leans in close to your ear, whispering it so smoothly as your whole body shudders in pleasure.
“I love you.”
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elgaravel · 3 years
5, 18, 35 for basil and law, 7, 19, 23 please😎😎
Doing the less unhinged couple first fjdkslf    from this post
Demetria and Darien: 
7. What is something they’d want to change about the other if they could?
I’m having such a hard time with this question tbh djfsklf. Demetria would certainly change his current status back to living but... 💀. Other than that? I don’t think there’s really anything about him that she would change. Perhaps his selflessness, because then he could have stayed with her at least just a little longer, right? 
Darien knew Demetria at her at her best, at her kindest and most selfless state. What was there to change? Even though they weren’t together long, Darien got to know who Demetria was at her core all those years ago. She was brave and beautiful, and funny, hilarious, really. Nobody had ever made him laugh like she had. But he could sense the sadness she had hidden inside, he saw the way her face dropped when her friends turned away from her even for just a split second, the way she’d quietly cry at night, begging the gods to take her curse away. He’d take her pain away. Take it for himself if he had to, his love was a victim of horrible circumstances and all he wanted was for her to be as happy as she seemed to other people. 
19. Would they ever lie to each other? Why or why not?
Hmmm. I don’t think so, at least not intentionally or to hurt one another. They were separated for a while, while Darien went off to do whatever he did with Meridia. Demetria spent most of the time they were apart looking for him, but to no avail until they met again in Artaeum. Darien’s up front about being the Golden Knight and being able to repair the Dawnbreaker, but not how exactly he can do that. If he even knew himself? I’m not sure. But if he did, I don’t remember him saying that he has to die until the end of Summerset, which of course devastates her. 
23. Is there top/dom and bottom/sub energy?
Demetria does prefer to top/dom due to trauma but she was a little more willing to give up control because she genuinely did trust Darien. But I can’t see Darien being terribly picky one way or another, so Demetria was in charge most of the time. He def got pegged djfkls. 
Basil and Lawrence:
5. What personality trait do they love the most about each other?
I think Lawrence loves how loving (or perhaps, delusional) she is. She adapted sooo quickly to this life because she loves him! Right? They got off on the wrong foot, sure, but Basil is the only person who truly understands him and vice versa. He’s just lucky that he got someone like her. Nobody’s ever cradled his face and looked at him with genuine fondness before. He’s so used to seeing fear or discomfort when people look at him but with Basil, it’s just pure adoration and obsession that he could drown in just as he could in the river. Though he’s finding this is far more pleasant. She makes life bearable. 
As delusional as she is, she does genuinely love almost everything about him, or so she’s convinced herself. Most of all, she loves how obsessive he is. She’s never felt truly loved and since she was with Indigo before, this is just how she’s used to receiving love. Sure, Law takes it to a new extreme but it’s comforting in a way. His love is all-consuming, he wants to be with her constantly, he wants to provide for her, he wants her dependent on him. How could she feel unwanted when she has him? 
18. What is their sex life like?
It definitely starts off rocky with Law’s inexperience and general selfishness. But since he does genuinely like and care about her, I think he’d more receptive to requests, or her telling him how to make her feel good. He’ll never be perfect or always take her into consideration but he’ll give it the good ol’ college try, and that’s good enough for Basil. She can find pleasure in other aspects of their relationship. 
They’re both nasty and depraved though, so ik they’re doing weird shit in the woods :/ also thoughts about their lich forms... 
35. How do they deal with being away from each other for a long time?
Not well. Though I think Lawrence would struggle the most with this, at least in the beginning of their relationship when Basil isn’t as codependent. He does trust her so he lets her leave for extended amounts of time, though there is the expectation that she will come back eventually, or he’ll make her. He doesn’t have to worry much because she’s rarely ever gone for more than a day or two. But as time goes on, Basil leaves less and less, shutting herself out from the outside world and her friends, much preferring to just be with Lawrence. 
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saintheartwing · 3 years
So...I’ve Begun Reading Artemis Fowl...It IS Really Good
So, I decided to check out the movie and...ugh.Not good. So I began to think “How badly did they screw this up” and began reading the books.
They’re REALLY good. The thing you need to know about Artemis Fowl is he starts off as...well, a smug snake. He’s a big jerk in a lot of ways who, after his dad supposedly dies out trying to get into a new market in Russia which the Russian mafia doesn’t take kind to, his mom goes nutso. She doesn’t recognize him half the time. His only friend is his butler...and he doesn’t even know Butler’s real name. He’s also a super brilliant young man. Add all that up, and you get a very selfish, self-centered, pretentious young man who doesn’t find ANYBODY his equal. 
He decides upon doing some investigation into the more strange and occultish things in the world to get hold of a ton of money through a SEEMINGLY insane, ludicrous way...through the fairy world. Yes, there’s actual elves. He got into it, evidently, by trolling through the ancient stories and there always seemed to be commonalities among them from ancient races. 
Artemis slightly lucks out. He’s able to get hold of basically the Fairy Bible, the Book of the People. It provides insider knowledge of how they do things, and through that, he makes a plan. He’ll kidnap a fairy, overcoming their magic, and ransom them for gold. It’ll be difficult, they need to get one that’s low on magic. And they have to wear special sunglasses that will be reflective, for fairies can MESMERIZE people, hypnotizing them.  They’ll catch one doing the necessary ritual for magic recharge. 
The good news is fairies are fairly commonly popping out of the Underground they live in in Ireland...where the Fowl manor is located. And the ritual is best done near an ancient oak and a riverbend and even better, under a full moon. Well, there’s one not too far from Fowl Manor...and after some staking out...Fowl catches one. A fairy named Holly Short, the only female fairy on the recon unit that the fair folk have. 
He, Butler, and his butler’s sister Juliet lock her in a room with a bed. They’ve got their hostage. They use the helmet armor she’s got to communicate with her boss. The fairies figure out where Fowl Manor is, but though they can slow down time, pretty much stop it...Artemis now has fairy tech because he caught Holly, and this means Butler can move freely through the time bubble. He kicks the butts of EVERY recon agent sent to save her. So Holly’s boss, Commander Root, has to come in for negotiations. 
Artemis wants gold. A ton of twenty four carat gold. And a ton of gold is, evidently,  64.3 million dollars. A looot of money. Root says that Artemis can’t win. They have a “bio bomb”. It destroys all organic matter used on it, and if they’re caught in a time field, as they are right now, they can’t just race out the front door to get away. There’s only one helmet, and there’s three of them. They’re trapped.
Well, Artemis says he knows how to escape it. And he’s thought of everything ELSE the fairies would do so far. So...they send in a wild card. Professional Thief Mulch Diggums, a dwarf. Dwarves are natural diggers, they tunnel by unhinging their jaws, eating through the dirt, and expelling it out their rump.
...yeaaah...THAT particular scene from the movie’s pretty accurate. So Mulch is called on to tunnel into the Fowl estate to try and help free Holly. At the same time, Holly’s got a way to break free. She’s been using the bed to break into the floor and beneath the floor...is some earth. And she’s got an acorn on her. With that acorn and the proper words and access to real Earth...she can recharge her magic. Not even reflective lenses can keep her from mesmerizing Juliet. And Mulch finds Artemis’s copy of the Book of the People, thus taking away his big advantage over the fairies. Holly’s now free, but she can’t leave the house. Fairies have rules to adhere to if they wanna keep their magic, and when captured by Artemis, one of his rules was “You absolutely can’t leave the house”. Now...she COULD leave her room. He didn’t say she couldn’t do that. But the house? Nope.
No matter. Root’s gonna send in the gold, get Holly out...then bio bomb the place, stroll in, and claim the ransom.
Unfortuntely his second in command and friend, Cudgeon, has a better idea. They’ve got a troll Holly recently caught. Cudgeon suggested to the fairy’s ruling council to just launch the troll in. Have it wreck the place, the humans will be screaming for help, and then the fairies can just bust in and kick Fowl’s little ass up and down the halls. And if Holly’s hurt, well...too bad. 
It goes badly. Butler is strong and skilled but he was trying to get Juliet to safety and he wasn’t expecting a TROLL. Holly tries to help fight it off but she can’t get her helmet to work properly, it’s been damaged, and the weapon she used on the troll earlier to beat it was IN the helmet. She only manages to make it reel back, but she’s badly hurt. BUT...not so hurt she can’t use magic to heal Butler. Who is NOT. PLAYING.
He rises up, puts some nearby knight armor from a standing knight stand on...and has a mace. BAM! BAM! BAM! He has a Sig Saurer submachine gun. BAM-BAM-BAM! Nobody touches his sister. But...Holly asks him not to kill the troll. It’s beaten. And it’s just a dumb animal, please show mercy. So he doesn’t kill it, kicks it out, and Artemis and Juliet and Butler get contacted by Root, who agrees to send the money in, apologizing for the troll. 
Holly feels bad that Juliet’s about to get killed, she doesn’t feel bad about Artemis, but she doesn’t want Juliet killed. She says “I have magic, please, isn’t there anything I can do, you’re gonna be killed!” Artemis says there’s nothing she can do. He knows there’s a real danger coming but he’s sure he can beat it.
Although...there is ONE thing Holly could do with her magic. 
Then...sure enough...Holly is allowed to leave the house with half the gold. Payment for services rendered. The fairies launch the bio bomb as Artemis and Butler and Juliet drink drugged champagne.
And THAT...is how they beat the time field and the bio bomb. By knocking themselves unconcious, they can weasel out of the time field’s effects. When the fairy recon team comes in...yep. Sure enough, no bodies lying around. Artemis has escaped. So he gets to keep half a ton of gold. 
And...well, Holly did some magic for Artemis. She cured his mother of her mental illness. And that’s the first book.
Artemis is kinda unlikable, but having Holly freeing herself basically, not being a true damsel in distress, AND her saving Butler, who’s a lot more uneasy and disliking of Artemis’s plan, makes the story engaging. Artemis may not be a nice kid you can like, but the other characters make up for that. And there’s great worldbuilding and humor, with some nice, dry wit. 
The “Artic Incident” shows that Artemis’s mom is having him see a shrink. THe issue is he doesn’t respect anybody else. Nobody alive. Sure, he respects people like Einstein and Archimedes, but nobody PRESENT. And his dad’s still gone.
...or so he thought. A video has come in. Slightly blurry. But a man is tied up to a pole in a Russian winter and a sign on him reads...Hello Son. 
...Artemis is sure it’s him. And the FAIRIES are sure Artemis has teamed up with one of the most problematic, and STUPIDEST races of all...goblins. Nasty little things who can breath fire and who are super dumb...but now they’re using human tech to attack the fair folk underground. Who else but Artemis would do it? It’s sinister, evil, clever, it’s totally him.
The joke, though, is it isn’t him  who’s sold the tech to the goblins. Holly brings him in to be interrogated by Commander Root, and the scientist centaur, Foaly, who’s a brilliant mind and who makes fascianting devices like iris cams, little cameras that can slip onto your eyes as easily as a contact lens. Artemis isn’t behind what the goblins are doing BUT...he’s willing to help find out who is...
If they help him get his dad back. Well, Root agrees. Holly at first doesn’t believe Artemis actually cares until more time goes on and she realizes “Oh, wow, he’s serious, he DOES care about his dad, he’s not as cold and cruel as I thought”. They find out though that...well...they’ve got problems. While going to Russia, and trekking through the artic to where his dad is being held...goblins attack, and their weapons have been sabotaged! Somebody on the inside has screwed them over. 
But no, it’s not Foaly or Commander Root or the like. It’s Cudgeon. He’s teamed up with the pixie Opal Kaboi, a brilliant young woman who “upgraded” all the fairy folk police weaponry...as part of a plan for Cudgeon to take over the fairy lands. He’s sold weapons to the goblins, and he’s depowered the fair folks weapons...but then he’ll come riding in, JUST in time to save them. The weapons of the fair folk will be restored, the goblin rebellion put down, and they’ll all be so grateful he saved them he’ll get into a position of power. And then he’ll make Opal Kaboi meet with a tragic accident. Maybe several. And, of course, he’ll kill off Commander Root and Holly and Foaly and those “mud men”, as he calls Artemis and Butler. Heck, all the fairies call humans mud men. Racist pricks. 
Artemis is able to help stop the rebellion. He exposes cudgeon to Opal, Butler and Root kick goblin ass, and in the end, they uphold their end of the bargain and go back to Russia to free Artemis’s dad, faking him being shot. Artemis thanks Holly...rather profusely, at that. He’s SUPER grateful. She’s given him back his family, she’s saved his life once, and she’s just an amazing woman and-
Yeaaah, it’s sorta implied he KINDA has feelings for her. And Holly’s grateful too, not just for the “helping to stop the goblin rebellion and conspiracy” thing. She had lost her finger in an incident involving a train earlier when travelling through the artic with him. A door had slammed and cut her finger off, but Artemis was able to get it back on and to use the magic ritual to heal her, meaning she didn’t have to lose her trigger finger. She gives him a gold coin that she shoots through, a trophy, and says that beneath that exterior, there’s a “spark of decency. Blow on it sometime”.
The next story has Artemis trying to be a bit more...well, less criminal. He’s got some technology he salvaged from that helmet Holly left behind at his house. He’s used the tech and made a fancy computer cube, YEAAAARS beyond anything humanity has. No, he’s not putting it on the market. Not yet. He wants a businessman, Jon Spiro, to invest in his company he’s gonna be making. He’ll keep the cube off the market, Jon Spiro can sell his stocks, and invest in a real winner. After all nobody else has this kind of tech.
Spiro, however, is like “I could just kill you and take your fancy computer here you just showed me”. And Artemis is like “Oh give me a break, I arranged to meet you in a public restaurant, in broad daylight, and with my bodyguard who’s like three times your size, you can’t threaten me.”
Well. actually...he can. Spiro had the ENTIRE PLACE filled with his assassins before Artemis arrived. All the “customers” are his men. He takes the cube and leaves Artemis to get plugged by his bodyguards. Not good! The good news is Artemis rigged a sonic grenade underneath the table and they set it off. So all the bodyguards are beaten down!
Bad news is that one of the bodyguards actually was prepared for such a thing...well, mostly. His teeth are all blown out but he’s still concious enough...to try and shoot Artemis right in the chest. 
Butler barely saves him, taking the shot, and managing to shoot THAT guy, knocking him out. But Butler...Butler’s wound is basically fatal, and he reveals his true name, Domovoi, before he goes limp.
Artemis is DESPERATE. He has only one recourse. He sticks Butler in the nearby frozen fish ice tank in the restaurant to keep the body cool, and calls in a favor, getting a cryo pod delivered to keep Butler’s body cool. He then makes a call. A public phone call...that talks about stuff ONLY the fair folk would know, all to get the attention of the fairies. And lucky him...Holly shows up. He begs her to heal Butler. 
“Please, Holly. I can’t just let him go. It’s BUTLER...”
“...alright, Mud Boy.” Holly agrees. She owes Butler, after all. He’s saved her life several times and he’s a good man. Foaly the centaur is unsure the magical procedure will work, it’s NEVER really been done before. Artemis keeping the body cool has helped, but...it’s a shot in the dark.
But...the magic ritual works. Holly heals him. But she’s also sorta...took  some of his life force. The process made him age a bit. He’s now got a beard! But, still, he’s alive.
Artemis admits what happened with the cube computer, and Jon Spiro. And the cube is SO powerful and SO beyond normal human tech, in Spiro’s hands, it’d be a nightmare for all parties. He can easily, if he cracks the code on it, find out about the fairy folk. So Artemis offers to clean up his mess if he can get some help from Holly. Commander Root says sure...if he agrees to a mind wipe. He, Juliet, and Butler. They’ll remove all memory of the People from him, he won’t remember anything about fairies and the like, and they’ll fill in the gaps since, after all, he’s known about them for several years now. 
Artemis agrees, and they come up with a plan. Jon Spiro can’t get INTO the cube. So Artemis will agree to come to him in exchange for Spiro not going after him and his family, and he’ll crack the code he put on the cube to allow Spiro to make use of it. But it’s a trick. He’s wired with some fairy tech to spy on Spiro through it all as they make a plan. He’ll “fix” the cube, crack it open...but make it so it won’t actually tell Spiro about The People. On top  of that, he knows full well Spiro wants to use the cube to get even with his rivals...
And what better way to do that than to break into their own corporate HQ with the cube and hack their security and steal all their stuff right from out of their noses? Artemis is like “I don’t think that’s a good ideaaaa” in a sort of more subtle “Stop, don’t, come back” bit from Willy Wonka. He’s COUNTING on Spiro being a “rub his face in it” type...and Spiro really, REALLY is that type. Super petty, super smug. And super screwed. Artemis and the gang manage to trap him, get the cops to show up, and they steal the cube back, with Artemis tricking Spiro handily. He even fiddled with the cameras in the facility that Spiro tried to break into to make it look like HE wasn’t even there at all!
With the adventure done, the gang has to have their memories wiped. Artemis gives Mulch Diggums, who helped with everything, the gold coin memento Holly gave him saying “it means a lot to me, and I’d like you to have it”. He also thanks Holly for everything. He has both his family and now real friends thanks to the People. He wishes he didn’t have to forget that. 
Soon, the memory wipe is done. Artemis tried to leave behind some memory triggers to get AROUND the wipe, like unsent emails, online storage, and even a time capsule buried in the yard. But...well, that gold coin he gave to Mulch the dwarf isn’t ACTUALLY the coin.
It’s a computer disc. With a few memory triggers on it. He also has a note attached to it. “Wait a few years and come find me...we’re gonna do a TON of business together”, basically. Artemis, meanwhile, realizes a short time after the mind wipe that..something isn’t right. He was washing his face...when a tiny lens fell from his eyes. A corroded contact lens with a mirrored  layer behind it. And Juliet and Butler had them too. But they don’t remember putting those lenses there...clearly, something’s up. And he’s determined to find out what. 
Meanwhile, Holly and Foaly are rather sad about wiping Artemis’s memory. They were really beginning to like him. They’re worried, too, that maybe wiping his memory has taken away all the progress he’s made. Maybe he’s back to being that cold, cruel criminal Holly met those few years ago...
Well, the People will soon end up needing him. Because the pixie Opal Kaboi, sinister mastermind and sociopathic inventor, has been faking a coma, and she’s got two servants of hers to break her out. She switches herself with a clone of her that’s brain dead to fake the coma, and she’s got a plan. She’s disguised herself as a human, the child of a billionaire environmentalist, and she’s going to make herself human...and have her dad do a special project. A project...to tunnel down into the Earth to tap into the core.
And, well...fairies live underground. The two races are sure to meet thanks to this project, and Opal is sure they’ll be war, and with her sinister technology and skills, she intends to wipe out the fair folk and have humans win, and then work her way up from there, getting more and more power so she can finally take over the world. 
Artemis, meanwhile, is engaging in some theft of a very special painting...the Fairy Thief. He’s now gonna be the youngest thief in the entire world, and as he admires the painting, he realizes something about this Pascal Herve painting. The fairy is lingering at the window because she can’t come in unless INVITED. How does he know that? 
At the same time, Holly and Commander Root are trying to track down a goblin general who was able to sneak out of prison. Root has recommended Holly to basically take over the division she’s a part of, to be, well, a commander herself. And he also wants her to know how proud he is of what she’s become. He’s become a secondary father to her after she lost her own dad twenty years back. 
...I think...you can guess what I’m going to say next. No, he’s not three days until retirement. But he and Holly walk into a trap set up by Opal Kaboi. The goblin general is wired. When Root tries to grab the goblin...a special bomb is strapped to him. One that’s messing with the electronics in the room they’re currently stuck in. Foaly, watching everything from Holly’s camera, can’t hear what’s being said, and all he sees is her pointing a gun at her commanding officer, he can’t even see the bomb because the bomb’s made of a special stealth ore. 
Root is gonna explode. But Opal says “Hey, if you shoot this ONE SPECIFIC PART of the bomb...MAYBE you’ll stop the countdownn, but you really should go off and save those mud men, because the Fairy Thief painting they’re after has a tracking chip in it. And I’ve sent a bio bomb after them to blow them up.” 
Holly is SURE she can make the shot and stop the countdown but...
...well, she doesn’t. Poor Root is violently blown up. It’s a horrifying, terrible scene. And shortly after as Holly BARRELS desperately to try and save them, the bio bomb soars at Artemis and Butler! The good news is Butler leaps out the window with Artemis, using a bed to cushion the fall.
The bad news is they barely survive. Holly manages to save Artemis, carrrying him off, intending to come back to help Butler later, he’s just WAY too heavy to carry, and after healing Artemis, and he awakens, she explains what’s going on. 
You might think he doesn’t believe her. But no, he does. He remembers the strange lenses he’d put in his eyes, and her story lines up with them. He found out shortly after discovering those lenses HE ordered them, and he could only have done so to cheat a fairy mesmer. So he belives Holly...but he doesn’t remember her one iota. 
Butler, meanwhile, is visited by Mulch Diggum, who’s broken out of prison upon hearing Julius Root is dead and Holly is suspect number one. They’re his friends...and he HAS to help them! So he’s gone to Fowl Manor...with the memory trigger disc. He plays it for Butler...and Butler remembers everything. Good thing too...
Because Opal Kaboi has just found Artemis and Holly and intends to PERSONALLY have them killed as NASTILY as possible cuz they avoided being killed by her little bombs earlier. She’s gonna have trolls tear them apart. And she rubs salt in the wound by telling Holly that hey, funny story...that sweet spot I told you about? On the bomb on Root? That I said if you shot, it’d stop the countdown? Well, there wasn’t one. I lied just to frame you. The good news is, Artemis had his phone on and was leaving a message at Fowl Manor, and Butler and Mulch heard the whole thing, so they know where Opal is gonna be sending them. And they hurry over as Artemis begins to get more of his memories back, and they try to escape from being torn apart by trolls.
Soon Artemis has his whole memory back...and he’s torn by guilt over what he did to Holly when he first met her. He feels scummy. And he also swears to stop Opal Kaboi. And he knows exactly how. 
They know where Opal is going to be because she’s bragged so much. Mulch is able to sneak onto her ship...steal the bombs she intended to trigger that would be part of her plan to damage the home of the fairies and make them even MORE vulnerable to the drilling plan her “adopted human father” was planning...and put them in her ship. In fact, right where she was keeping her chocolate truffles. Just to add insult to injury. Opal had been all “You’re so dumb if you thought stealing the bombs would stop me, I’ll just detonate them and your whole ship will blow up”. Well, Opal, they did steal them from your ship...but they just moved it to another part of the ship you didn’t think to check...
Until it’s too late. Opal’s ship blows up, she BARELY escapes to the surface...and just as her  magic has run out, leaving her stranded in Italy and forced to work in a vineyard, digging holes for grapes and the like. Artemis and the gang reunite with Foaly and explain to him and the fairy authorities what happened, and after an investigation and Commander Julius Root’s funeral, Holly is cleared. She and Mulch decide to work together as private detectives, the Fairy Folk now consider Artemis and Butler a true friend of the people, Mulch has his criminal record expunged completely, and Artemis, in a show of generosity, decides to secretly donate “The Fairy Thief” painting he stole (which,t to be fair, was taken from ANOTHER thief...) to the Louvre.
The fourth story is definitely the height of the series. Some dramatic changes, Artemis at his very best, the interplay with the gang, the high stakes...so I can recommend the series. Well, to a point. THIS point. After this, the books begin to go downhill. It just comes across as spinning  it’s wheels, and then for the last book, well...
Well, uh...see, there’s this plan Opal has to cause chaos and because a TON of her technology is now being used up on the surface world, all the technology she had friggin blows up. We’re talking stuff like dialysis machines and other medical equipment made useless. Pacemakers? BOOM! Right in your chest! Submarines no longer functioning! People on boats? Stranded! People begin looting. PLANES FALL FROM THE SKY. 
Oh but hey, at least they’re not distracted by TV anymore. No really, that’s...like, nobody really dwells on what’s clearly a horrific, apocalyptic scenario and god knows how many people died...
Look, I love the series. But I think I can best recommend it...in the graphic novel format it came in. So check those out. They go all the way, at least currently, up to the fourth book. So just read those if you can. They’re a ton of fun and super creative. :)
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platedgolds · 4 years
hi,   friends   !   i’m   admin   fox   (   23.   she/they.   brt.   )   and   i’m   so   excited   to   get   this   going   !   it’s   been   a   wild   journey   to   make   this   group   happen   but   everyone   seems   so   nice   and   all   of   your   muses   are   so   interesting   it’s   def   all   worth   it   !   this   is   romeo   dubois,   my   himbo   baby   and   all   around   hot   mess.   if   you’d   like   to   plot   with   him,   please   feel   free   to   message   me   on   discord   at   pedro pascal stan blog#9349   or   send   me   your   discord   @   and   i’ll   message   you   there   !
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*                     SEBASTIAN   STAN   +   CIS   MALE   +   HE/HIM   ——   have   you   seen   ROMEO   DUBOIS   around?   they’re   a   THIRTY-SIX   year   old   PHYSICAL   EDUCATION   TEACHER   known   around   town   as   the   LOOSE   CANON.   not   only   are   they   broke   af,   but   they’ve   been   in   town   for   SIX   YEARS.   they’re   LOYAL   +   LAID-BACK,   as   well   as   CHILDISH   +   UNHINGED,   but   what   else   would   you   expect   from   an   ARIES?   low-hanging   grey   sweatpants.   back   muscles.   a   beer   bottled   tucked   on   the   back   pocket   of   a   pair   of   jeans.
romeo   was   born   in   eldora   to   two   very   absent   parents;   they   were   one   of   the   few   middle   class   families   in   town,   with   his   mother   always   traveling   for   work   and   his   father   at   home,   drowning   himself   in   alcohol.   from   an   early   age,   romeo   was   left   to   his   own   devices;   he   was   the   one   who   raised   his   brother   even   though   he   was   still   just   a   child   himself   when   cain   was   born,   with   no   skill   or   mental   capacity   to   take   care   of   himself   let   alone   an   infant. 
his   parents’   marriage   was   in   shambles;   the   whole   town   often   spoke   about   how   unfaithful   mrs.   dubois   was,   and   how   her   husband   only   stood   by   her   side   because   of   the   money   she   made.   romeo   was   too   young   to   understand   what   ‘cheating’   meant   when   the   rumors   first   started,   but   he   still   got   into   plenty   of   fights   by   the   time   he   entered   his   teens   and   the   infamy   of   his   mother’s   choices   were   echoed   throughout   high   school   bleachers
it   didn’t   take   long   before   people   started   recognizing   romeo   as   one   of   the   trouble   makers   in   town;   his   anger   against   his   parents   and   the   horrible   situation   they   forced   upon   him   made   its   way   out   of   his   chest   with   the   blink   of   an   eye,   lashing   out   at   everyone   and   anyone   he   could.   in   the   height   of   his   teenagehood,   romeo   knew   the   name   of   every   single   cop   in   eldora’s   precinct.   he   got   into   so   many   fights   it   was   hard   to   see   romeo   without   a   bruise   on   his   face,   got   drunk   and   wrecked   his   car   more   times   than   anyone   could   ever   count,   and   he   even   spent   a   few   nights   in   a   cell   after   a   particular   incident   involving   the   break   in   of   several   homes   around   town.   still,   people   pitied   the   kid,   and   many   would   leave   him   off   the   hook   no   matter   what   kind   of   bad   trouble   he   got   into.
despite   his   bad   manners   and   constant   anger,   romeo   excelled   in   sports.   more   specifically   ice   hockey,   which   he   had   to   take   a   bus   three   towns   over   to   be   able   to   practice   every   week;   he   loved   the   freedom   of   the   skates,   and   he   was   large   and   violent   enough   to   be   unstoppable   in   the   rink.   his   prowess   caught   the   eye   of   many,   and   by   the   time   romeo   was   legal   to   drink   he   was   shoved   in   an   airplane   and   taken   to   canada   where   he   could   practice   and   properly   excel   in   his   craft.
by   the   age   of   twenty-three,   romeo   was   back   in   the   united   states   playing   for   the   jersey   devils,   a   team   he   wasn’t   too   proud   of,   but   it   paid   the   bills   and   it   brought   him   the   notoriety   he   felt   like   he   truly   deserved.
by   the   age   of   twenty-seven,   romeo   dubois   was   captain   of   the   chicago   blackhawks   and   making   more   money   than   he   could   ever   know   what   to   do   with   it.   twenty-seven   was   also   the   year   he   got   married   to   the   victoria’s   secret   angel   he’d   met   just   eight   months   prior;   anyone   that   has   ever   met   romeo   will   say   he   peaked   in   his   late   20s,   though   he   would   say   they   were   the   most   miserable   years   he’s   ever   had.
it   all   came   crumbling   down   on   his   29th   birthday,   when   romeo   was   arrested   in   chicago   for   a   car   accident   that   nearly   took   the   life   of   a   young   mother;   he   had   two   male   escorts   and   over   a   pound   of   cocaine   in   his   car,   and   even   though   his   lawyers   managed   to   bribe   his   way   into   a   short   six   months   prison   sentence,   the   media   wasn’t   so   kind.   romeo   lost   his   job,   lost   his   reputation   and   managed   to   lose   every   single   penny   he   had   once   his   wife   divorced   him.
once   romeo   was   out   of   jail,   he   had   no   place   to   go   other   than   eldora.   he’s   been   back   into   town   for   six   years,   working   as   a   p.e.   teacher   at   the   local   high   school   solely   because   the   principal   was   a   family   friend   that   pulled   many   strings   to   get   him   the   position.   he   currently   lives   in   the   dingy   motel   in   the   outskirts   of   town,   spending   most   of   his   time   drunk   and   high---   and   for   a   man   who   swore   he’d   never   be   like   his   father,   romeo’s   had   never   been   more   wrong. 
literal   himbo.   that’s   it,   that’s   his   personality.   hot   &   stupid,   absolutely   joey   tribbiani   kinda   guy--   you   know,   if   joey   was   an   asshole   and   not   the   absolute   sweetheart   he   is.
v   selfish,   will   do   whatever   it   takes   to   make   sure   he   comes   out   on   top   of   every   situation.   still,   if   he   thinks   someone   is   worthy   of   his   loyalty,   he’ll   stick   by   them   no   matter   what.
big   liar.   seriously.   has   no   qualms   about   making   shit   up   on   the   spot   so   that   his   narrative   is   the   one   being   told;   damn   good   actor,   too.
big   hoe   (   it   runs   in   the   family,   the   bad   tongues   would   say.   ),   will   sleep   with   anyone   as   long   as   they’re   paying   attention   to   him   for   long   enough.
he   was   in   the   closet   his   entire   career,   and   now   that   he’s   been   shoved   out   of   it   romeo   has   no   intention   of   going   back---   calls   himself   gay   as   hell   way   too   much   for   someone   who’s   actually   bi.
6′3,   broad   shoulders   and   still   with   an   athletic   build   even   if   he   doesn’t   play   anymore;   romeo’s   far   too   shallow   to   let   himself   go,   even   if   working   out   nowadays   kills   a   little   bit   of   his   soul   every   time.
covered   in   tattoos,   with   a   well   trimmed   beard   and   hair   styled   perfectly   so   that   it   looks   messy   enough;   romeo   has   the   ‘i   look   like   i   just   woke   up   and   yet   it   took   me   three   hours   to   get   ready’   nonchalant   look   down   to   the   t.
a   party   friend   ---   romeo’s   only   likable   when   he’s   drunk;   thankfully,   that   seems   to   be   the   case   most   of   the   time.   this   person   only   comes   around   when   they   want   to   get   drunk   or   high,   and   of   course   romeo’s   always   ready   to   take   it   up   a   notch.
a   best   friend   ---   they   are   always   on   each   other’s   corner;      this   is   someone   that   sees   romeo   for   who   he   really   is   instead   of   the   bad   guy   façade   he   wears,   and   loves   him   despite   his   flaws;   maybe   they   even   lived   together   for   a   while   when   romeo   first   came   back   into   town?   could   be   a   childhood   friendship   or   something   new.
a   protege   ---   for   one   reason   or   another,   romeo   has   deemed   this   person   worthy   of   caring   for   and   protecting   with   his   life.   like   a   momma   bear,   except   you’re   not   a   bear   cub   and   he   certainly   doesn’t   know   how   to   care   for   anyone.   could   be   funny   if   this   was   clearly   someone   that   doesn’t   need   protecting.
a   one   night   stand   ---   like   a   said,   big   hoe.   maybe   romeo   and   this   person   that   a   night   together   (   or   more   than   one   )   and   he   simply   never   called   back   ?   probably   doesn’t   even   remember   about   it,   acts   as   if   it   never   happened;   could   be   fun   if   they   had   been   friends   beforehand.
an   ex   ---   they   were   pretty   serious   at   one   point,   maybe   even   lived   together   ?   and   then   romeo   fucked   things   up;   it   was   definitely   a   self-sabotaging   thing,   where   he   felt   like   he   was   too   close   to   happiness   and   subconsciously   couldn’t   allow   himself   such   a   thing.   maybe   he   cheated,   or   maybe   he   started   picking   fights   for   every   single   small   thing,   or   hell,   maybe   he   even   started   ghosting   them   and   spending   the   nights   away   from   home.   whatever   he   needed   to   do   to   get   them   to   break   up   with   him.
a   hate   fuck   ---   they   hate   each   other,   but   they   can’t   keep   their   clothes   on   around   each   other   either;   every   argument   ends   up   in   heated   sex,   and   at   this   point   they   aren’t   sure   if   they’re   fighting   because   they   can’t   stand   the   other,   or   if   they’re   doing   it   because   they   know   where   it’ll   end. 
a   fan   ---   someone   that   knew   him   from   his   time   as   a   hockey   player   !   romeo   def   feels   very   uncomfortable   around   them,   a   constant   reminder   of   the   good   life   he’s   lost.
friends   of   all   kinds   ---   romeo’s   a   social   butterfly   on   his   good   days,   so   give   him   all   sorts   of   friends   !   co-workers,   old   friends,   some   new.   anything   !
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purrincess-chat · 5 years
Will You Be My (Fake) Lover CH3
I really needed this today, so I’m posting it just in case anyone else does too. Enjoy!
Read on AO3
Chapter 3
Innocent bystanders dove out of the way, running to safety as Chloe marched past with a stern expression, but she only had one target on her mind this time.
“Marinette Dupain-Cheng!” Chloe shouted, kicking open the door to the locker room to spot the wretch in question with Adrien’s arm around her shoulder.
“Here we go,” Marinette sighed.
“How dare you stoop so low! You were just waiting for me to turn my back so you could steal, Adrien,” she accused, and Marinette rolled her eyes. “Unhand him this instant!”
“Chloe, Adrien was the one who confessed to Marinette,” Alya said pointedly with an amused smirk.
“There’s no way Adrien would ever be into Dupain-Cheng! He has much better taste,” Chloe scoffed indignantly, flipping her ponytail.
“Actually, it’s true, Chlo,” Adrien piped up, and her head snapped to him. “Marinette and I are in love.”
“In l…lo…ve?” Chloe’s expression changed from angry to horrified. “You’re in love with her?”
“Yes.” Adrien winced, pulling Marinette closer as Chloe processed those words.
The room fell silent, all eyes on her as her shoulders began to heave, and they braced themselves against her unhinged expression. Half of them expected her to explode. The other half thought she might lunge at Marinette, but to their surprise, she simply let out a pathetic whimper, knotting her hands into fists as tears streamed down her cheeks before she turned and darted off.
“Whoa, did Chloe really just back down?” Nino’s eyebrows raised in surprise.
“That’s the first I’ve seen,” Alya said in equal disbelief, and Adrien sighed.
“It’s the first time I’ve gone against her in a way she can’t get out of,” he said with a wince.
“She’ll get over it,” Alya said with a shrug. “We have got to go out on a double date this weekend. This is gonna be so awesome now that you two are together!”
“Yeah, totally!” Marinette echoed.
Lila glared around the corner as the group made plans for the weekend. It seemed as though Chloe hadn’t been as much of a crushing force as she’d hoped, so she supposed she’d just have to do things herself if she wanted to pull the plug. After all, Gabriel had still been true to one promise.
“Knock, knock.”
Chloe laid face down in her bed later that afternoon, not even bothering to look up when anyone entered.
“Hey, Chlo. Can I come in? I brought you some sushi.” Her chest tightened at his familiar voice, timid and apologetic as ever, and she finally lifted her head to reveal mascara-streaked cheeks and a red nose.
“Traitor!” She barked, and Adrien averted his gaze with a sigh, setting the small box on the nightstand before sitting on the edge of the bed.
“I didn’t think you’d be this upset,” he said with a wince, and Chloe hugged her pillow to her chest with a pout.
“She’s horrible! How could you fall for her?” She whined.
“I know you two don’t get along, but Marinette has always been a dear friend to me. She’s kind and caring, and I admire so many things about her,” Adrien said, and Chloe gagged. “Look, I don’t expect you two to ever get along, but she’s my girlfriend now, Chloe. Whether you like it or not.”
“Are you sure she didn’t drug you?” Chloe quirked a brow.
“I’m sure,” Adrien sighed.
“And you’re not a clone?”
“Nope.” He shook his head.
She lowered her gaze to her pillow and sighed.
“Just promise me one thing,” she said softly, flicking her gaze up to meet his.
“What’s that?” He asked, tilting his head and tucking her hair back into place.
“Promise you won’t abandon me,” she requested, and Adrien’s face softened into a smile.
“Of course not, Chlo. We’ll always be friends,” he said.
Chloe set her pillow aside, crawling into his arms and squeezing him tight, and Adrien’s face fell a little as he leaned his head against hers.
He wasn’t sure how Lila could stand to lie to people all the time. Tricking the people he cared about made him feel hollow inside, but he had to remind himself of the alternative to telling the truth. It wasn’t an option he could risk. Not ever.
“Excellent work today, m’lady. I think I deserve a reward for saving that bus,” Chat said, leaning down and puckering his lips, though after a moment, he blinked and pressed them into a firm line.
“Wow, I didn’t even have to flick your nose this time,” Ladybug said as he straightened and rubbed the back of his head.
“Yeah…” He said with a wince, and Ladybug quirked a brow.
“You okay, Chat Noir?” She asked, and he plastered on a smile before retrieving his staff.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Better get going before I change back,” he said before vaulting off.
It was strange, but he felt a little guilty flirting with Ladybug, like he was somehow being unfaithful to Marinette. They weren’t really dating, so it wasn’t technically two-timing. Not to mention to the rest of Paris, Adrien Agreste and Chat Noir were two different people, so no one would ever know if he did, yet it still made him feel kind of skeevy.
Sure, Marinette was his fake girlfriend, but in a way that technically still made her his girlfriend in some capacity. Maybe he was overthinking everything, but ever since this whole thing started, he’d been so conflicted and confused.
He hated lying to everyone, but he didn’t have another choice. Not to mention he was potentially sacrificing both of their happiness by being with someone they didn’t truly love. Was it fair of him to tie Marinette up for his own selfish reasons? What if she loved someone else who overlooked her because she was in a relationship with him? What if she ended up alone because of him? Marinette didn’t deserve that.
She was the most amazing girl he’d ever met, and she deserved to have someone who loved her for real. Someone who would treat her like a queen and give her the world, and he supposed that even if he didn’t have romantic feelings for her, he was still her ‘boyfriend’ for the time being. So, until they could break things off safely, he’d give her everything that he could and treat her with every ounce of gentleness and dedication she deserved. It was the least he could do for her after everything. He only hoped that everything would work out for them in the end, and that entering this fake relationship wouldn’t turn out to be a horrible mistake.
Marinette fidgeted outside the gate of the Agreste mansion, twisting the hems of her jacket between her hands. She’d been to the mansion to spend time with Adrien the night before, and he said his father was okay with the two of them being together, yet when he texted her that his father wanted to speak to both of them, she couldn’t help but freak out a little.
Was he onto them? Had he changed his mind? What if he banned her from ever speaking to Adrien again? Then he’d never fall in love with her for real! They’d never get their house or three kids or the dog or the hamster named-
“Shouldn’t you ring the bell, Marinette?” Tikki piped up from her purse.
“I’m too scared,” she admitted, biting her nails. “Mr. Agreste is huge in the world of fashion, and he’s Adrien’s very strict and hard-to-impress father. What if I trip and spill hot tea in his lap, and he gets scalded and then it gets infected then he’ll have to retire early, and it’ll be all my fault, Adrien will probably never speak to me again, and I can kiss my dreams of becoming a fashion designer goodbye for good.”
“Marinette, you always think too much,” Tikki chided gently with an amused glint in her eye. “He’s probably just interested in who his son is dating. Besides, you’ve already impressed him with your hat designs.”
“I know, but this is different. He doesn’t know me much outside of the hat design, and you know how protective he is of Adrien,” Marinette said pointedly. “If I screw this up Adrien could end up having to date Lila, and I can’t let that happen at any cost!”
“Well, you can’t impress him if you never go in. They’re probably waiting on you,” Tikki said, and Marinette tensed.
“You’re right! If I’m late because I was out here panicking, then I’m already off to a bad start. I can do this!” She took a deep breath before pressing the doorbell with a nervous squeak.
“Yes?” Nathalie’s voice sounded through the camera that poked out.
“Um, hello.” Marinette waved.
“Come on in, Marinette. Mr. Agreste is waiting,” Nathalie said before the camera retracted, and the gate opened.
Marinette swallowed hard before hesitantly creeping up the front steps to the door where Nathalie let her in. She wiped her palms on her pants as they headed for Mr. Agreste’s office. Once through the door, her eyes locked with Adrien’s who gave her an encouraging smile as he stood up and crossed the room to greet her. He stooped to kiss her cheeks before taking her hand and leading her to her seat beside him.
“Are we in trouble?” She whispered to him, and he shrugged.
“No, Marinette. You’re not in trouble, you can relax,” Nathalie assured her, pouring a cup of tea and passing it to her.
“The media has been rather loud about you two,” Gabriel stated, staring up at the portrait of his wife before turning to face them. “Everyone is talking about your young love, and they all want to know who Adrien Agreste’s girlfriend is.”
“Of course, they’ve seen you two together before, and several magazines have already published speculation that you two have been together for several months ever since your incident at the movie theater,” Nathalie continued. “The point is people are curious about your relationship, so we’ve arranged an interview for you both with Mode with a collaborative shoot to go with it.”
“Collaborative? As in-”
“You two will be posing together,” Gabriel said with a nod. “You will answer the public’s burning questions and promote the brand. We originally thought Miss Rossi would have been a more suitable choice, but the public is also quite familiar with you, Marinette.”
“As it turns out, people are quite happy with the two of you pairing up, seeing as Marinette has designed for you, Adrien,” Nathalie said, and Marinette felt her cheeks flush as Adrien cast her a warm smile.
“I’m glad. We’re happy too,” he said, giving her hand a squeeze.
“Your relationship will be good the brand, so I will allow you two out publicly provided that Gorilla accompanies you,” Gabriel said, turning his attention back to his screen.
“Thank you, Father,” Adrien said, perking up as Nathalie moved to the door.
“That is all,” Gabriel said dismissively, and Nathalie gestured them out.
“Father, is it okay if Marinette stays for a while?” Adrien requested.
Gabriel glanced at Nathalie who consulted her tablet.
“He has 40 free minutes before his fencing lesson,” she said, and Gabriel gave a permissive nod.
“Thank you, Father, Nathalie!” Adrien took her hand and led her up to his room, leaning against the door and letting out a sigh once they were inside. “Well, looks like everything is working out so far.”
“Shouldn’t we be concerned that your dad wants to use us to promote his brand?” Marinette quirked a brow.
“It doesn’t surprise me that he’s capitalizing on it. That’s the whole reason he wanted me to date Lila after all,” he said with a shrug. “I think it’s his way of justifying allowing us to be together.”
“Your happiness isn’t enough?” Adrien averted his gaze at that, so Marinette changed the subject. “You’ll have to give me pointers for modelling for our shoot coming up.”
“Don’t worry. That won’t be a problem,” he said, shoulders curling as he rubbed the back of his neck. “I’m more worried about being…convincing.”
“Convincing?” Marinette’s eyebrows furrowed.
“Yeah, ya know…being couple-like,” he said. “Being awkward and flustered worked when Lila put us on the spot because it was our first kiss, but if we want everyone to believe that we’re together, we’re going to have to sell it.”
“I guess you’re right. If we look uncomfortable together during the photoshoot, it will be pretty obvious that we’re faking,” she said, crossing her arms over her chest. “So, what do we do?”
“Well…” Adrien started, pursing his lips. “I have an idea, but…”
“It’s…” His voice trailed off, his gaze dropping to his shoes. “I mean, it’s okay if you don’t want to, I just thought…”
“Thought what?” Marinette quirked a brow, giving him an encouraging nod to continue.
“Well, when you want to get better at something, you practice, so I was thinking that in order to be more convincing, we could…practice kissing.” He flicked his gaze up to hers timidly, ears burning when she visibly faltered. “It was just a dumb idea. We don’t have to.”
“No, no- it’s fine! I think it’s a good idea.” She waved her hands frantically. “I mean, we’re going to have to in front of everyone, so…”
“Right.” Adrien nodded, and they fell into silence, averting their gazes until Adrien reached out to take her hand again.
He led her over to his couch where they sat stiffly, and Adrien rubbed his palms on his jeans. Marinette sat still, hands balling into fists in her lap as Adrien adjusted to face her. Their eyes locked then immediately darted away, nervous laughs escaping their lips. He leaned in first, and Marinette sat forward to meet him, bumping her nose into his.
“Sorry!” They said in unison.
Adrien leaned in again, and this time Marinette sat still, her gaze flicking down to his lips as they inched closer. He was so close, his hair tickling her forehead as his eyelids hooded. Her breath hitched as their lips brushed, and Adrien hesitated, muttering a breathy apology with another awkward laugh before closing the gap between them.
Their lips fit together wrong. Hers were too stiff and his spread to wide. When she pictured kissing Adrien, she’d always imagined the world stopping, and the clouds parting, but this was…awkward. He seemed to feel it too, pulling back with a wince before leaning in once more, only this time they compensated too much for the other, reversing the roles.
They pulled away with apologetic laughs, Adrien leaning his forehead against hers with a sigh. All of her plans to make him fall in love with her were tossed out the window now. She couldn’t even manage to kiss him properly let alone charm him. How was she better at kissing Chat Noir in the middle of an akuma battle than Adrien in the privacy of his bedroom?
“I’m sorry,” Adrien said, and Marinette blinked in surprise.
“For what?” She asked as he pinched the bridge of his nose.
“I’m really terrible at this, and I just can’t stop thinking that I’m asking too much of you,” he said, lowering his gaze.
Technically, he was, but for different reasons she didn’t want to bring up right now. Instead, she reached up to cup his cheek with a kind smile.
“I wouldn’t have agreed to this if I thought I couldn’t handle it,” she said, lifting his chin. “We just need to relax, that’s all. We’re friends, and we care about each other, so we shouldn’t worry about being awkward or messing up if we both aren’t bothered by it.”
Adrien gave her one of those warm smiles that made her heart skip and nodded.
“You’re right, Marinette. I’m really grateful to have such an amazing friend like you. Any boy that ends up with you will be the luckiest person in the world,” he said, and she felt her cheeks flush.
His gaze flicked back down to her lips, and he leaned in once more, gently touching his lips to hers. A hand cupped her face, tenderly caressing her cheek while the other slid around her waist, and as much as she knew she shouldn’t, she let herself pretend that this was real. That Adrien loved her, and that they were really together.
For one small fraction of time, she didn’t worry about how much it would hurt later. How her heart would shatter and break when all was said and done. How painful it would be when she and Adrien went their separate ways, and she’d watch as he moved on with someone else.
She didn’t care. All that mattered to her were the soft lips entwined with her own, the gentle yet eager way he pulled her closer, tilting his head until his tongue slipped between her lips and made contact with hers. The soft moan that rumbled in his throat as she dared to reach up to curl her fingers through his golden locks that urged him to kiss her deeper until her back was against the couch as he pressed against her. The hungry way his tongue danced with her own and the breath shared between them that became heavier as they held tighter, hands knotting fistfuls of clothing and hair as what was meant to be a gentle melody evolved into a symphony.
Neither one cared to slow down. Adrien found himself just as lost in her as she was him, and he didn’t want to stop.
Marinette was a friend, a fact he knew this quite well, but something in this felt right. Kissing her was exhilarating and fun, and he had to admit, it felt pretty good. However, as was customary for his life, all good things came swiftly to an end, and when Nathalie cleared her throat forcefully, he felt the haze parting.
Pulling away, his eyes locked with Marinette’s who seemed just as dazed and confused as he did, and he realized how unconsciously entwined they’d become and quickly pushed away with flushed cheeks. Nathalie barely batted an eye as he looked up at her, wiping saliva from his mouth and fussing with his hair.
“Mr. D’Argencourt is here for your private fencing lesson,” Nathalie informed him, and he glanced at the time on his phone, realizing that more time had past than he first thought. In the moment, it seemed as though they’d only been kissing for a few seconds, but it had been over 40 minutes.
“Oh, um, yeah,” he said lamely, swallowing hard as he attempted to see through the dense fog that clouded his mind.
“You can see Marinette tomorrow at school,” she continued, shifting to give Marinette a path to the door, and the girl in question averted her gaze, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear.
“Um, see you tomorrow,” she said quickly, and Adrien stood up with her.
“I’ll walk you out,” he offered, but Nathalie gave him one of those denying looks.
“Mr. D’Argencourt is waiting. You should get changed.” Was all she said, but Adrien knew the meaning behind those words.
Say goodbye now. There is no time to waste.
“Um, yeah, I’ll see you at school,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck before leaning in to kiss her cheek. “Bye.”
“Bye,” she said before scurrying toward the door, and Nathalie gave him a pointed look before following after her.
Adrien checked the time again, touching his lips thoughtfully. So much time passed in an instant, and without him even realizing it, he’d gotten so carried away. Did kissing always feel that good? Or was there something deeper hiding inside him for Marinette?
He shook his head to clear it, letting out a deep breath before moving to the bathroom to change. There was no way. Marinette was just a friend doing him a favor. There was nothing between them. Nothing…and yet he couldn’t stop thinking about the taste of her lips or the softness of her skin all throughout his lesson.
Downstairs, Nathalie closed the office door behind her, a smirk on her lips.
“We’ll have to keep an eye on those two,” she said with a hint of amusement. “They were kissing rather passionately when I walked in.”
“See to it that they’re supervised,” Gabriel instructed, and Nathalie nodded before taking her seat at her desk.
Gabriel glanced up at the portrait behind him with a frown, hoping that his son never had to endure the pain that he did. He hoped, for Adrien’s sake, that he and Marinette could just be happy.
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lucius-a-malfoy · 4 years
Full Audition
TW: Death & Abuse
NAME | Leah
AGE | 28
ACTIVITY LEVEL | 6-7 I work full time but I can be around evenings and weekends plus answer messages during the day
TRIGGERS | Suicide
PREVIOUS RP ACCOUNTS | Prior Lucius Account (I do see him a little darker and different in this group though)
ANYTHING ELSE| Trigger warnings for Abuse and Death in the audition, particularly freeform portion
CHARACTER DETAILS | Lucius Abraxas Malfoy, he/him, Pureblood. I would like to use Cody Fern as his FC please
WHAT DREW YOU IN | So the story goes like this: A friend and I were talking about Marauders era RPs and I commented “I just don’t think I could play Lucius.” I then promptly stayed up all night thinking about how I would play him and he just got really under my skin and I realized I in fact could play him. He’s so self righteous and confident, even though he often has no true reason to be other than his family name, and even that confidence is conditional with his father’s voice always chiming in his ear he’s not enough. He’s cool and detached and calculated--he’s the mind behind the madness to me, the expert chess player who isn’t afraid to lose a few pawns to secure the win. 
I think there’s something really interesting to Lucius in your plot though--he’s just lost his father and being thrust into a spot of power and likely leadership. In many ways, I see this leaving Lucius at a bit of a loss. He and his father’s relationship has neer been good, Merlin knows he doesn’t know the first thing about what fatherly love could possibly look like. But he’s always done as his father told him. Always followed Abraxas’s guidance. His father’s alway been the one to point him in the right direction and tell him what to do. Except now he’s not here. And there’s more weight on his shoulders than ever. On top of that, the Mundus Novus is expecting him to step up, to fill his father’s place, to be a leader. It has all the potential for power he’s always wanted. With one twenty tiny little catch. Being a leader in a fledgling rebellion that is ready to step out against not one but two great powers means thinking about other people and, well, that never has been Lucius’s strong suit. 
He’s at a point where he could have everything he’s ever wanted--leadership, power, adoration, glory, the Wizarding World bowing to his feet. But...suddenly...he’s realizing just how much goes into all of that. It’s not that he’s not ready (no...no...of course not, he was totally anticipating his father to just suddenly keel over of Dragon Pox) but it’s a bit overwhelming. Not that he could ever, ever dare let that show to anyone. And the idea of being on the opposite end of Tom Riddle’s wand...well it certainly sounded better when it was just an idea coming out of his father’s mouth. We’re really seeing Lucius at a turning point, seeing just what he has in him and if he had the true ability to lead or if it’s all been a facade all this time.
Occupation: Improper Use of Magic Department of the Ministry of Magic -- There were only two options for Lucius upon graduation--either become a socialite doing nothing or begin work at the Ministry. And his father would never approve of him being a socialite. So really there was only one option for him upon graduation. The Improper Use of Magic Department was, like most things in his life, a strategic choice. First of course was the practical. Learning how the Ministry pins people for Improper Use means knowing all of the loopholes. It opens up possibilities of knowledge not only for himself, but for the Death Eaters (and now the Mundus Novus). Additionally, when you’re a key figure in organizations like the DE and MN, sometimes you want to find the rule breakers. He’s certainly used his position to scout new recruits for Voldemort’s army and his father was all set to use his new role for just that as well. The second purpose is a bit more on the selfish side--but then aren’t most things with Lucius? He has always been deeply fascinated with dark objects. Hexed daggers, charmed necklaces, portkeys with too much strength to strictly pass Ministry regulations. And what better way to grow his collection than to take them while on the job? A little change of charges here and little switch in evidence found there and look at that, he’s the new owner of a priceless vanishing cabinet. The job serves his purposes just fine--and it’s not like he really needs the money, so what other need is there for a job?
Social Status & Family Name: Everyone in the Wizarding World knows the Malfoy name. Even those outside the UK’s Wizarding World. Calling them a pillar of strength and synonymous with wealth almost does them a disservice. Lucius has always gotten by on his family’s name and reputation and he would have it no other way. They’re not known to be nice, but nice doesn’t get anything done. They’re known for power. They’re known for wealth. They’re known for intelligence. And Lucius will be damned if that ends with him. He can practically hear his father clawing his way out of his coffin at the mere suggestion. In public, the Malfoy name earns you respect and fear or at the very least that people know who you are the second you walk in the room. It’s nothing but wonderful. Behind closed doors? Well...it isn’t just in public that Malfoys are cold and abusive, even to their own. And if it weren’t for the house elves’ extensive healing spells, a young Lucius would have had the bruises to prove that one. Being a Malfoy mean expectation and consequence when you fail to meet those expectations. Yes, Lucius has more on his shoulders now than ever, but even before he walked into the halls of Hogwarts he carried a millenniums long family history he was meant to live up to.
Death Eaters: Being a Death Eater was never really a choice--sure, he would have chosen it if given the chance, it was after all, everything he had been raised to believe in. But joining the ranks was simply and expectation. His father has known Voldemort long enough that Lucius knows the name Tom Riddle and was among his first disciples. Lucius was raised on all the same ideas of blood purity and blood superiority, raised believing that to be a Death Eater was true glory, that Voldemort was to be a leader to their people that would leave people wondering who Gellert Grindelwald was anyway. Lucius was raised with the ideals early and gained his dark mark at only seventeen, something he bore with pride for years and to an extent still does. But his father spent the last few years whispering in his ear that this wasn’t enough. That this man (because remember, this is just Tom Riddle, a man, a boy, not some monstrous figure too good for a real name) wasn’t one of them, was a half-blood for Merlin’s sake. What would he know about blood purity? 
Mundus Novus: And it was that though that really brought Lucius around to his father’s new idea. There was already a structure in place that said who the best of the best were. There were already twenty-eight families set out to rule over the rest of them. The Malfoys are among them. So why are they serving as soldiers in a war where they ought to be generals? Much the way he was pulled into the Death Eaters early in life, he was an early member of the Mundus, one of the first outside the founding five to enter its ranks, a founding member and bringing his wife with him. He simply doesn’t see why he would settle for being just another wizard in the Death Eater ranks when he could go into legend in the Mundus ranks. He’s already a member of the Twenty Eight. He’s already better than the very mass majority of the Wizarding World. And finally there’s an organization that can see that. 
It is no secret that he’s a member of the Death Eaters and, frankly, it never really has been. Now Mundus has kept a little more tight lipped about their existence at all, but frankly as news of the group’s possible existence, the odds he’ll be tied to it likely won’t take long. He’s not worried about how the Order will react to the news. The so called Dark Lord though...well he is a bit more of a threat.
Within the Death Eaters, Lucius is a Keyholder and a Soldier. Among the Mundus Novus, I see Lucius serving as a Captain and with his father’s passing, all eyes are on him to see just how far he takes the role and how far up the food chain he’ll fight. 
FUTURE PLOTS | What are some plots or connections that you’d like to see played out for your character? Please elaborate on 2-3 plot/connection ideas.
Lucius no longer believes Voldemort is the right one to be leading the blood purity charge. He’s not even pureblood himself. But Lucius is still very aware of how strong he is. Truth be told, Lucius is actually scared of him finding out he’s a member of Mundus. He tried to hide his fear, he’s beaten it down for years--the fear of his parents, the fear of failure, fear of people seeing below the carefully crafted facade. I think it will be interesting to play on his fear of Voldemort coinciding with his growing role and responsibility within Mundus Novus. 
I have this little headcanon that the reason he has the cane-wand in Harry Potter times is actually because he needs it. He got injured in the war somehow that couldn’t ever be fully magically healed and actually needs a cane so, well, he we with the most obnoxious design he could find for it. So I am absolutely here for him getting injured at some point.
Connections (of course pending player agreement):
Lucius was surprised that his father actually wanted his input on who should and should not make the ranks of Mundus Novus. And even more surprised when he listened. Lucius made one think very clear to his father--Bellatrix Lestrange was not to be a member.She’s wild and unhinged and while that makes her strong, it also makes her a liability. Her unerring faith to Voldemort only makes things worse. She would be anything but an asset to the cause, no matter how pure her or her husband’s blood line are. He knows Narcissa isn’t pleased with it and god knows Bellatrix won’t be, but it’s for the best. If they’re looking for a good bloodline and one that will be faithful? Well Bellatrix doesn’t make the cut. 
Narcissa Black was always the best of the Black girls by a long stretch. He was glad that of the girls, she was the one his parents chose for him. That’s what it was really, their parents setting them up, practically an arranged marriage really. Not that Lucius had  any qualms about it, he had his eye on her so soon after her arrival at Hogwarts. She was beautiful and smart and looks enough like him that their children would be sure to still bear a resemblance to him. She’s a perfect match for him really. But he doesn’t love her. He doesn’t even really know what love is truthfully. But whatever it is, he doesn’t have it for Narcissa. He’s said all the right things, made all the right moves, feigned it just enough that maybe, just maybe she believes he does. Because even if he doesn’t love her, he needs her. She’s a good match, good blood, good looks, a good partner, and the right person to bring the next Malfoy heir into the world. Narcissa is another in a long line of strategic choices in his life and he won’t let this one be the one that falls apart.
Unfortunately, he couldn’t keep everyone out. He didn’t even think it needed to be said that Sirius Black didn’t deserve a spot in the new world order. And yet, for some reason, here he is anyway. He turned his back on the cause once and Lucius has heard all the tails about how he’s far too close with Fleamont Potter’s boy. Lucius can’t stand the fact that he’s been let into the sacred circle and he doesn’t trust him for a second. Maybe what his father overlooked, Lucius can correct. Though that means getting through Orion first.
Severus Snape has always been an intrigue to Lucius. If he were a pureblood, he would probably be more than that. He’s a skilled wizard--those rumors flew quickly enough and Lucius has seen the man’s potion abilities during their time in the Death Eaters for himself. There isn’t a place for him at the table Lucius is creating...but that doesn’t mean the table can’t be built on him. He has potential. He has use. He has connections to that pesky little group that calls themselves “The Marauders” as though it makes them someone important. Of the Death Eaters, Lucuis will be a bit disappointed when Serverus’s time comes to a close. If only his mother had chosen a better match, maybe he could have been something. Instead, Lucius plans to use him at every available moment until its the to clear the bloodstream once and for all.
If Lucius were really going to speak his tongue, he would have to demand from Orion why in the bloody hell he chose his older boy for Mundus when it’s so painfully clear Regulus is the only young Black (other than his own wife of course) who stands a chance of being worth anything. He’s young, yes, and unremarkable thus far. But that’s the fun thing about him. He’s not much of anything yet. Lucius has made it his goal to whisper all the things into Regulus’s ear that his father whispered into his. The Black boy is still malleable, still could be worth something, there’s potential there if only he can be broken away from his leach of a brother. And that’s just what Lucius intends to do. If he is the one to bring Orion Black’s son to the light? What a feat that would be.
Also Lucius’s mother is a pureblood Ravenclaw in my head so I’m always up for pureblood cousins who just don’t have the Malfoy name
FREEFORM | This can be anything ranging from an in-character paragraph sample, a biography, headcanons, Q&A style, or any type of character study that inspires your muse and gives a good interpretation of who your character is. If you’re looking for a prompt, I’ve listed a couple general prompts on the FAQ PAGE to get you started. 
Bio (TW child abuse)
Lucius Malfoy’s childhood was everything you would imagine from the youth of a Malfoy. Born to one of the wizarding world’s most wealthy families, with a silver spoon in his mouth, he wanted for nothing he didn’t get. He had two parents, a library containing all the best wizarding lore and spellbooks, more toys than any one child could ever manage to play with. He had everything any child could ever ask for. Except perhaps for those two parents of his to be loving. Salinda Malfoy was too busy being anything but a mother, which was preferable to Abraxas, who believed very much fists spoke better than words. As a Malfoy, perfection was the expectation, not the exception, and Abraxas would go to any measure to ensure his son achieved it.
His mother was absentee at best and his father simply didn’t make time for his son--working for the Ministry was job enough. The pair had also followed Malfoy tradition of only procreating until the birth of the first son (it helped keep the bloodline clean and the money growing rather than being divvied among squabeling children), meaning Lucius had no siblings either. He was often left alone on the sprawling Malfoy Estate--other than the countless house elves of course, but they certainly don’t count--but never left to his own devices. Spellbooks were shoved into his hand from the time he could read and his father enforced the expectation of learning all he could while alone in the house, even if not allowed to practice as a child. There was no time for play if Lucius were to be good enough to carry on the Malfoy legacy. If he were to fail, his father stepped in to discipline and Lucius learned young that was not something he wanted to happen.
Hogwarts, then, should have been a safe haven. Away from the parents that had made his early years so difficult, and starting miles ahead of the others in knowledge. The wizarding school should have been an ideal place for the likes of Lucius Malfoy. Unfortunately, that wasn’t quite how it worked out. So many things were wrong with Hogwarts. First of all there were far too many mixed bloods and mudbloods. Both his parents had taught him the importance of blood purity and he hadn’t often been exposed to those who weren’t pureblood. Second, school was boring--he knew the basics of most everything they taught, even if he hadn’t used them in practice.  And third, and most egregious of all, it seemed there was a rather large portion of the population there that did not care he was Lucius Malfoy, son of Abraxas Malfoy and had more money than so many of them could ever dream of having. He simply didn’t know what to make of it. He had expected everyone at school to love him, and while he was well liked by his Slytherin peers, the other houses left something to be desired. And his father’s involvement with the ousting of Minister Leach only further divided the peers he wanted to be devoted to him.
One thing became abundantly clear about Lucius Malfor while in school. He was smart, naturally so, but he would far rather lie and cheat and manipulate than put in the full effort. Using banned charms for tests and his family name and money to convince professors to give him better grades than he deserved, it was all better than actually just doing the work. He was particularly gifted with unspoken spell work and potions brewing, all natural and not the result of anything from Hogwarts (now see, this is what happens when you keep a blood line clear), enough so to justify his boasting and appointment to Prefect. His grades were good, and his OWLs and NEWTs middling (something that proved he would never be too old for his father to quite literally beat proper behavior into his son). Sure, he wanted to be the best, but finding alternate ways to get there was always best. Besides, he cared more about being the most powerful than he did being the highest performing. 
By the time of graduation, Lucius Malfoy had mastered several skills, though none from the institution's teaching. From his father’s, shall we say, forceful teachings, he had learned a calm, cool surface worked best. Stay even, at all times, don’t let emotions show unless they are superiority or anger. He had also become incredibly talented at persuasion and manipulation and frankly often preferred them over spellcasting. Together, they had shown him the importance of appearances. Say what you need to say, do what you need to do, craft whatever lies needed to keep people eating out of the palm of your hand, and everything will always come up roses for you.
Between his reputation and his lineage, Lucius easily obtained a role in the Ministry not long after his time at Hogwarts. He didn’t need a job, no, but with it would come more power and paise and money. Not to mention, his father made it quite clear that the life of a socialite wouldn’t be tolerated. He found his position with the Improper use of Magic department rather well suited. He’s used the position to create ties with other powerful witches and wizards and groom ties with the Minister and any potential future Ministers as well as expanding his collection of dark artifacts.
 It has also been rather useful to serve the Dark Lord--and now the Mundus. Being a member of Voldemort’s chosen flock was a birthright of being a Malfoy as much as anything else in his life. His father had known the Dark Lord for years and as he rose to power, Lucius was an early member of the Death Eaters, taking his Dark Mark the day after his graduation. His message is one Lucius has been bred to believe his whole life. Lucius has been using his position at the Ministry to keep an extra eye on magical use--being overly harsh with any reports involving those believed to have ties to the Order, conveniently losing data on pureblood children and Death Eaters with illegal magic use, turning in false reports showing misuse of magic from those against the cause--not that this is well known outside the highest Death Eater and Mundus ranks. 
When Mundus Novus was created, there was no more natural fit for Lucius. He likely would have joined their cause even without his father being a founder, but Abraxas’s always firm hand was just another reason to tilt his head high, knowing he’s better than everyone else. It felt right, natural, comfortable. Until suddenly it was oppressing. No one saw his father’s death coming, least of all Lucius. He was just starting to get the feel of the ground beneath him at Mundus and knowing he would have his father and the Black brother to hide behind when Voldemort caught on. But now his father is dead. He didn’t even have time to decide if he’s sad about it or not. Because there’s a war and the pillars of Mundus Novus have an empty chair that’s meant to be his. But it’s so much pressure for a boy who’s only ever been told he’s not good enough by his parents. And it means doing what he’s most afraid of--taking a defiant move against the Dark Lord he’d been bred to respect and fear in equal measure. He’ll step up. He has to. There’s no other option. He just wishes he had had more time to prepare.
EXTRAS | This is not required but if you’d like to submit anything extra (Pinterest boards, mock blog, playlist, character tags, etc), feel free to share!
Enjoy this tag of Lucius related content on my old blog
A few headcanons:
Lineage -- The Malfoy family only procreates until they have their first male offspring, so as to keep the bloodline clean and the money growing rather than being divvied among squabbling children
Sexuality -- I always picture Lucius on the aromantic and asexual spectrum. He’s not a completely sex-negative ace individual, he can and does have sex, it’s just not something he’s particularly interested in--he has more important things to worry about. And he’s certainly aro because, really, Lucius Malfoy loving anyone but himself is practically laughable 
House Elves -- Lucius’s parents couldn’t be bothered to raise him. They both had more important things to do. So his raising feel to the House Elves. There was one elderly house elf, Maisel, who cared for him as a baby, would sneak him treats while he was a child, and showed him little bits of house elf magic to entertain him. She died turing his fifth year at Hogwarts, without so much as an owl from his parents. He simply returned at the end of term to find her no longer there and a young male houself (a Dob...something, Lucius didn’t bother learning the new elf’s name) tearfully telling him she had passed.
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owl-eyed-woman · 7 years
Attack on Titan Season 2 Episode Analysis - Episode 9 (Episode 34)
Last week, I briefly expressed frustration over the lack of focus on Eren’s troubling predicament.  Well, I guess the show read my mind, because this episode is all about Eren, consisting almost entirely of an extended conversation between Eren, Reiner, Bertholdt and Ymir. I see now why they structured these episodes as they did; by getting last week’s stuff out the way, this episode can concentrate on Eren’s experience.
Now, I do need to impress just how light this episode is on any plot. To be reductive, this episode is basically just 4 titan-shifting kids hanging out in the trees and chatting. It’s about as chill as an episode about being kidnapped could possibly be.  
The only time we cut away from this scene is to remind us that the scouts are closing in as a type of ticking clock and to show us that maybe, finally, after so many episodes, Hanji might have figured out that humans have been turning into titans (we’ve waited so long, please I’m so tired). Apart from these brief digressions, this episode is all about an intense yet intimate situation, providing an opportunity to show off AOT’s deft characterisation.
But before we get to all that fun character stuff, we first need to establish the specifics of the situation. Or in other words, we need an explanation for why everyone can just chill out and talk for a while. The reason for this is relatively simple; there’s literally nothing else they can do.
AOT makes it abundantly clear that they have reached a stalemate, lovingly detailing the reasons why their only option is to sit around and shoot the shit. They’re good reasons too: they’re surrounded by titans, Reiner and Bertholdt are the only ones with ODM gear, all of them are too exhausted to turn into titans, they need to heal, and so on. Every possibility is accounted for and comprehensively dismissed, just to force the audience to suspend their disbelief and hopefully alleviate our inevitable frustration. It’s quite sneaky when you think about it.
So Eren is caught in a situation where wits and a cool head are essential. To further complicate matters, Eren is forced to work with Ymir. This is the first time we’ve seen Eren and Ymir properly interact and I think I can guess the reason why; Eren and Ymir are such fundamentally different people, it’s obvious that they really don’t like each other. Eren is naturally idealistic and moralistic, wearing his emotions and his ethics on his sleeve. Ymir is unfailingly cynical and frequently selfish, concealing her true intentions behind several layers of snark and misdirection. If they had to choose who they’d be stuck with like this, I’m sure that they’d be each other’s last choice. It’s telling that Eren, the guy who trusts almost every single one of his fellow cadets, isn’t sure if he can trust Ymir.
In general, this whole situation is completely antithetical to Eren. Eren is a man of action and emotion, so the fact that he has to stay put and stay calm is practically torture. Funnily enough, Eren is fully aware of this and that, in order to succeed, he’ll need to supress his emotions; this is obviously a big ask for Eren, the most emotionally volatile character in AOT. I mean, I’m sure he’ll fail (and he does) but it’s nice to see that he’s aware of his flaws and is actively trying to address them. Progress!
Ymir, on the other hand, is frankly excelling. One of Ymir’s defining character traits is her ability to conceal her emotions and intentions, remaining cool and detached while secretly pursuing her goals. She is in her element and she is playing the people around her so well. Ymir seems bored and honestly indifferent to the situation, but all the while she’s gathering information and investigating her enemies’ intentions. This doesn’t go entirely unnoticed by Reiner and Bertholdt, but she’s successfully using her façade of aloofness to confront them and bide her time (what for, we’ll have to see).
Still, Eren and Ymir are only one plate on offer in this tension buffet. Another integral dish to this very messy situation is the current betrayer of the day, Reiner.
For the first half of this episode, Reiner is a suitably imposing captor, acting very straight-laced and intimidating. But then, something changes. Entirely unprompted, Reiner starts talking about completely mundane topics, about military promotions, about being worked too hard, as if he was still a soldier and not a traitor. For a brief moment, the Reiner we knew and loved, the one who cares about his friends and who wants to marry Christa, is back. But it’s all so wrong.
When Reiner’s true motivations were revealed in episode 6, it was honestly a challenge to reconcile this new knowledge with how I’d previously understood Reiner. Reiner truly seemed like a morally upstanding, sincerely loyal soldier, more so than Bertholdt or Annie. Could I have completely misread Reiner? There had to be more going on to justify this unexpected about-face.
Now, we finally get an answer as the true depths of Reiner’s psychology are revealed. In the face of his incredible crimes against humanity, Reiner’s guilt became so great that his mind and memories split into two different personalities. All this time, there have been two separate sides to Reiner, warrior-Reiner and soldier-Reiner. One side is aware of his monstrous crimes and his ultimate aim, and the other side is entirely oblivious to the truth as a coping mechanism to live with the guilt and find solace in the simple life of a soldier. All those shots of Reiner’s reflection in the water in episode 6 definitely make a lot more sense now; they were there to foreshadow Reiner’s bifurcated personality.
Reiner’s act as a loyal soldier was so convincing to me because he had convinced himself it was legitimate. Unlike Reiner, Bertholdt and Annie never risked their lives for another soldier or even got emotionally invested in their deception; such actions could jeopardise the mission, which a true traitor wouldn’t do. It all makes sense, then, why Reiner risked his life for his comrades and seemed to genuinely care for his fellow soldiers – because one side of him actually did!
Of course, Ymir and Eren are completely shocked and dumbfounded when they realise just how unhinged Reiner truly is. Bertholdt’s reminder that he’s a warrior, not a soldier, snaps Reiner back to reality and has an almost triggering effect on Reiner. He starts to shake with fear and suffer through a PTSD-style flashback. He actually starts crying; that’s how traumatic it is.
As is to be expected, Eren doesn’t react to this revelation well. Reiner and Bertholdt’s betrayal has been incredibly painful for Eren to deal with and he’s still working through conflicting feelings of love, hate, anger and betrayal. To have this betrayal complicated by the fact that Reiner was (in his own messed-up, split-personality way) sincerely loyal this entire time, is truly confronting for Eren. This is all compounded by the fact that Reiner and Bertholdt’s actions directly resulted in his mother’s death; his beef with Reiner is deeply personal.
So in the wake of this reveal, Eren is justifiably livid and almost sanctimonious, verbally attacking Reiner and rejecting his right to this emotional trauma and guilt. Usually, I question Eren’s propensity to ignore the moral complexity of these situations, but he makes a salient point here; Bertholdt and Reiner did horrible, monstrous things, so how much sympathy do they deserve? I do think it’s important to remember that no matter how relatable and sympathetic they may seem, our true sympathy must remain with the tens of thousands of people that died because of their actions. As Eren argues, they aren’t soldiers or warriors or any other noble classification, they’re just murderers.
But then Eren goes and takes it too far, demanding that they stop pretending to have emotions because they aren’t human anymore. I had honestly hoped that episode 7’s fight was a sign that Eren could acknowledge the humanity of his enemies, rather than simply dehumanising them to make them fit into his moral worldview. Sadly, Eren has reverted to his typical response. It’s always one step forward, two steps back with Eren. Humans can do monstrous things, Eren (that’s the point of your show).
Dangerously, Eren’s moralism blinds him to the bigger picture. He focuses far too much on the clear-cut evil in front of him that he is unable to realise that Reiner and Bertholdt are almost certainly pawns in a much larger conspiracy. Yes, they did something horrible, but there is still so much we haven’t been told about the circumstances surrounding their participation in this massacre. While, I’m sure this will not absolve them of their crimes, it will at least explain their motivations and add nuance to this tragedy.
Reiner doesn’t react well to Eren’s virulent condemnation either, and angrily asks what Eren wants from him since his diatribe won’t bring back the people they killed.
Eren’s reaction to this is really fascinating. He is taken aback but then he admits to his naivety and vows to “make you guys suffer in the worst way possible”. There’s something monstrous about the way Eren says this.  At this point, Eren isn’t trying to do the just or moral thing, he simply wants the most violent, painful kind of revenge. Eren isn’t as pure or as good as he thinks he is. He has a cruel, monstrous side that has grown more and more pronounced.
This proclamation might have led somewhere too. But then, Ymir scoffs at him, telling him off for his childishness. Morally, Ymir is the complete opposite of Eren. Eren sees the world in strict black and white and truly believes right and wrong can be delineated in every situation. Ymir is all grey, prioritising her own wellbeing and rejecting moral codes in lieu of self-preservation.
So when she hears Eren’s very simplistic response, she completely rejects it. Ymir doesn’t care about who Reiner is or if what they did was right or wrong. Besides, Ymir knows there’s a bigger enemy behind all of this. But before she can tell Eren who this enemy is, Reiner interjects.
Since Ymir already knows so much and is so unaligned morally, Reiner offers her a chance to join their side. Ymir initially balks at this - she has no reason to trust them or side with them. But then, Reiner brings up Christa. Ymir is often a confusing, complicated character, but one thing has been made very clear: she genuinely loves Christa and will do anything to protect her. This is the key to Ymir’s allegiance and Reiner knows this.
As this episode has shown us, Ymir has no love (or even loyalty) for Eren, feeling either indifference or antipathy. Every interaction with him thus far has been a tactical move to ensure her survival. But when Reiner says that they can protect Christa and appeals to this side of her, Ymir makes her choice to side with them. Ultimately, while Ymir values her own wellbeing, she will prioritise Christa over herself no matter what.
I can only say that I genuinely hope Christa can snap Ymir back to her senses. It’s hard because I desperately want Ymir to stay on Eren’s side, even though it makes complete sense that she would go against him. It’s such good characterisation, even if it pains me to watch her make this choice.  
On that depressing note, the episode ends. It’s a fairly simple episode, but still well-done overall. All will be decided next time…
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famehunting · 7 years
Topic of Impeachment
*Fair warning… LONG post ahead! Thank you so much for reading if you choose to*
I’ve seen a few Nonnies ask you, Effie, about if 45 is outright trying to get impeached, so I figured I’d throw my 2 cents in since I’m in the mood at the moment to make a political post. That will likely change in 2 hours or so. LOL 
In general, no I don’t think he is outright trying to get impeached. I did think of that early on (how scary is it that 3 months is so long to us now that the first month was ‘early on’??), and yeah I leaned toward ‘that monster is going to get bored soon and then he’ll accept impeachment as a 'bow out’’… but then it occurred to me that impeachment is firing, and I temporarily forgot that this is the man who literally patented the phrase 'you’re fired’. Yeah i forgot for a moment… this buffoon wasn’t even on my radar before last year. Obviously I knew about him, but I didn’t pay attention to him until he was about to run for POTUS. 
It certainly SEEMS like the actions of someone trying to get fired from their job, for sure. But nope, I think this is just an unhinged NPD/psychopath who has the literal keys to the world. He is 'playing’, this is all one big wargame to him and the country is just another company he can fleece before he bankrupts it. That is what is so scary about this… he is dead serious, even though to us, it seems he can’t possibly be. 
So what are the options moving forward, in my humble opinion? Well, as I said before, i believe, without a shadow of a doubt, that the GOP establishment saw that this was a populist election, and if Bernie had gotten the Dem nom, we would likely be looking at a whole different world. But he didn’t, Hillary did (more on her below), and the GOP got Trump. It was pretty easy to see from there the plan… let 45 get the 'win’ (whether it was straight up Electoral College win or the Russians literally won it for us, or something else) and let him 'hang’ himself while promoting the GOP agenda. When it became too much to sustain, he is either impeached or even assassinated, Pence/Ryan take over, GOP is happy as Nazi-clams in a fascist stew.
Problem is, the GOP isn’t too bright. Paul Ryan is considered the 'intellectual’ of the bunch. That’s a lot of stupid in one party. 
So what happens when you impeach Donald J Trump? YOU ARE FIRING HIM. That radioactive Cheeto is NOT going down in history as being fired from being the POTUS, I believe that 100%. I could of course be wrong, but this is just my personal opinion. He will burn the world to the ground before he gets fired. So in that case, the GOP has a really pissed off honey badger and there isn’t a leash strong enough for that monster. That will be when shit gets REALLY dangerous, and that COULD be where we’re heading. I don’t remember how impeachment all works, I was a teen during Bill Clinton’s proceedings, but 45 would still be POTUS when he found out he is being impeached. BOOM. There goes the world. 
I lean towards either he gets assassinated, or he stays in. The first option, well we’ll see, if that happens, again… Pence/Ryan, Nazi clams and fascist stew and we all only have our hands to eat it with. 
So, the other option is he stays in… a simple, yet also more complicated, scenerio. The groundwork for that is already being laid, in my opinion. These firings left and right? All people who either stood up to him or failed to properly defend him. There are plenty of 'Brownshirts’ (not to be confused with Browncoats b/c Goddamit we are ALL Mal and Zoe in this scenerio!!) to fill most of those positions. 
BUT… we are looking at the 'he stays in’ option from the point of view of our current government structure. Don’t forget… Jared Kushner, the son-in-law, has been given a 'new division’ and tasked with 'redesigning the entire American government’. I know, he’s also tasked with bringing peace to the Middle East and ending world poverty, LOL. But he actually CAN restructure our entire government. In fact, I expect it happen if 45 sticks around past this first year.
So keep in mind…. impeachment means firing, and 45 just is not going to go down in history as being fired from being POTUS. Nope, no way, no how. He could get taken out, might happen. But more likely, again in my humble opinion, the entire government could get restructured, and 45 will let his kids run it while he golfs and does whatever the hell it is he does.
As an aside, on the topic of Hillary…. first, I do feel bad for her, she almost became the first woman POTUS and I think that has been her lifelong dream. The DNC really fucked up though, if they had gone with a Bernie/Warren ticket, we would have a whole different outcome.
But, my sister has worked for the Intelligence community for about 15 years; first while in the Navy, then as a civilian FOR the Navy, then the Air Force, and then for private companies (I think). To be honest, I have NO idea what she does exactly, or who she actually works for, now. She’s deep in, my ex-husband and I used to joke that she was the non-CIA version of Carrie Matheson (Claire Danes’ character in Homeland). Hell, for all I know she IS in the CIA, but I don’t think so. I think she’s with some private contractor now. Maybe sometimes works with Navy, since that was her start in Intelligence. I don’t know how all that works. 
So she was 'plugged in’ you could say while Hillary was Sec of State. She says that Hillary is NOT the monster she was made out to be. Her foreign policy is not very good, according to my sister, no details, but she would have had better experts to help her with that as POTUS. That was kind of my sister’s whole view on Hillary– shitty at foreign policy, but would have been a very good POTUS. My sister said Obama was similar– he was a good POTUS to work under after dealing with Bush/Cheney; she worked intelligence under Bush too, and she was literally suicidal b/c of the things she encountered, if that gives you any clue– all I know for sure is she was going to be sent to Gitmo to help develop the psy-torture program, and that’s when she wanted to killed herself and was given a med discharge from the Navy for some weird knee problem, but still got employed FOR the Navy as a civilian afterward, but not at Gitmo. Obama had his flaws, usually relating to be TOO easy on some foreign nations that he should have taken a harder line with. But in general, a good POTUS who tried very hard to do the right thing in a difficult world. She feels Hillary would have been the same. 
My sister’s biggest problem with Obama and Clinton were the proxy wars, but she said that has also been par for the course for the US for decades and it would take a serious overhaul to have stopped that. That doesn’t make it right, it’s actually disgusting, but she also said they were up against well entrenched policies and that without a complete overhaul (in a good way, not in 45’s planned way) of US policy, that wouldn’t have ended soon no matter who got in. I don’t know a whole hell of a lot about what my sister knows, mainly because we don’t see each other in person due to distance and yes, her every communication is monitored. She has promised though that when we are little old ladies on a rocking chair on the porch, she will spill ALL she knows. I cannot wait for that day, b/c my God has she been in the thick of it.
Effie, I’m sorry for the length of this submit, but if you publish it, I thank you, and to anyone who has read this far of my humble ramblings, i thank you too. Stay strong, watch each other’s backs, and maybe I’ll see you at the gates of the WH when we go to pull these fuckers from power. If it comes to that. Which I think it will. 
Now… I’m going to cuddle with my cats and look at pretty Loki!Tom and Adam!Tom pics. Love you all!
~Alice (currently hiding from the world in her mirror)
I’m mostly going to let this submission stand on its own, but I appreciate the fairhanded look at the Hillary-Bernie thing in particular.
I don’t think Vongo von Fucko is smart enough to get himself impeached to save himself, or will quit, or any of that. I think he’s narcissistic enough and demented enough and selfish enough to genuinely think he’s the victim here and also the powerful one. I think he thinks he’s been untouchable, it’s everyone else around him that’s the fuckup.
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