#and of course xander doesn't remember
lucy-moderatz · 2 months
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coraniaid · 5 months
I don't think I believe that people in Sunnydale High School think of the Scooby Gang as "Buffy Summers and her weird friends".
I mean, yes, they know Buffy is (more than) a bit weird and has a history of violence, and they know that she's often at the center of lots of strange things that happen in the school. But if you forget what you know about vampires and the Slayer and look at the dynamics and personal histories of that group from the outside, there's exactly one person who connects them all together. And it's not the (ex?) arsonist and (ex?) gang member who recently transferred to Sunnydale from LA.
Everyone in Sunnydale High seems to know Willow Rosenberg, and everyone knows she's a huge nerd who (A) love libraries and (B) has something of a history of either tutoring (e.g. Rodney Muson) or otherwise hanging out with (e.g. Shelia Martini) some of the school's more violent and dangerous elements.
There's Xander Harris, Willow's best friend since kindergarten (and who, unlike Willow, doesn't really seem to have many other friends at all after Jesse mysteriously vanishes)
There's the (weirdly religious?) ex-aronist from LA who Willow seems to be tutoring in the library a lot (see B above) or who she's possibly recruited as muscle. Sheila and Rodney both mysteriously went missing one day too, so people aren't that surprised when Buffy does herself at the end of junior year.
There's the English librarian (see A above) that anyone who has seen Willow's locker knows Willow has a crush on
There's the computer science teacher that anyone who has been in class with knows Willow also has a crush on, who sometimes has Willow come in to class to help her run sessions for remedial students on the weekends and whose job Willow (somehow) takes over when she dies
There's Cordelia Chase, who Willow has a whole historical Thing with, probably going back to when they were little kids themselves. People say Willow hates her but they're always hanging out together (there's a persistent rumor that they once spent a whole night together in a closet, if you know what I mean) and Willow helped run her campaign for Homecoming Queen. Cordelia was secretly dating Willow's friend for a bit and some people say Willow was really, really upset when she found out; read into that what you will.
There's the mysterious older guy in a band who doesn't talk much and that Willow is apparently actually dating. (This isn't the same older guy in a band Cordelia was dating, but oddly enough it is the same band.) A few kids swear they've seen him naked and locked up in the library at night.
There are (again, from the outside) people like Willow's childhood friend Amy and Amy's friend Michael, who people might remember were once being investigated by the police for ritual murder before Amy mysteriously vanished
To the outside eye, the Scooby Gang are Willow Rosenberg and her weird friends.
(A lot of kids swear that one time they saw her hold the whole Bronze hostage and rip a girl's throat out with her teeth, but of course Principal Snyder hushed it all up and she was back at school the next day. He really doesn't want to have to hire a new computer science teacher this year.)
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 6 days
hawthorne brothers after a (verbal) fight with their so head canons
my moot @never-enough-novels requested this a while ago (at this point she might not even remember asking for this), so here it is. hope you like them <3.
i mentioned this in my averyjameson fight hcs post, but, whenever they fight, jameson gets scared that avery will realize she deserves better and leave him. bc of this, when they're done fighting, he always cuddles up next to her for comfort. avery just sits there with him telling him that he's stuck with her.
jameson tends to blame himself for most of his fights with avery bc he thinks he's the problem (anti-hero) which makes him hate himself so, after they fight, they always sit down and watch friends or any other tv show to distract him (he's never explicitly said that it makes him hate himself but avery can see it. she started the 'tradition').
he hates fighting so he usually starts planning their next date after one. he's next to her lying in bed watching their tv show typing ideas on his phone. he sometimes asks avery for some input. he'll be there like 'hey, heiress, should our next date be in italy or spain', and avery just tells him that he doesn't have to do so much and they can just have a candlelit rooftop date. jameson then tells her she deserves the world and that he'll do anything for her. avery ends up shedding a few (happy) tears discreetly.
he becomes a touch starved mess. he's either holding avery's hand, begging for hugs and cuddles, or pulling avery into his arms so that he can stroke her hair and kiss her face.
fights tend to make him tired so he usually falls asleep next to avery while they watch their show. avery sees this, closes the tv, pulls him into her arms, and falls asleep too.
like jameson, he'll start blaming himself for his fights with his so, but, instead of finding healthy ways to distract himself, he overworks himself the next day to forget about it (i say next day bc he spends the day of the fight (after it of course) with his so)
fights give him anxiety so, to losen up, he takes a bubble bath (and sometimes his so joins him)
he finds this weird, but he always feels the need to change clothes after a fight bc when he looks in the mirror and sees the suit that he wore during the fight, he starts thinking about it and it makes him feel bad. his so usually has another suit out ready for him to put on.
at night, when his so is sleeping, he goes out for a swim to clear his mind. sometimes, one of his brothers (or avery) finds him and tells to get back to bed bc its late. sometimes he listens and sometimes he doesn't. when he doesn't they just sit there with him/keep an eye on him from further away if he wants to be alone. (this might seem ooc of the brothers/avery but, in my head, in the books, whenever grayson is out for a swim at night, its usually around 10 pm and here its like 3am which is why avery/the brothers intervene)
he has to go to the bathroom and fix his hair bc he tends to run his hands through his hair when he's fighting with his so and it always messes it up, enough to annoy him.
xander: (i honestly see him and max as the type of couple who don't fight)
fights take a lot out of him bc he rarely has them which makes him hungry. he usually goes downstairs to have a scone and ends up bringing one up for max or he gets on of the maids to bring some food up for them.
he goes out the next day and buys items to make max a care package. he buys little bows and glitter to decorate (a rich boy's care package includes things like : 10 new books (or more), 100 bags of her favorite candy that she'll never have the time to finish (he only puts on in the care package and the rest he gets shipped to her), a new necklace with a customized pendant that reminds him of her, and more all wrapped and placed in a designer handbag)
in bed, later that night, he secretly wonders if he's good enough of a boyfriend for max. he doesn't dwell on this for too long bc he's scared of his own emotions, but he does take some time to think about it.
if he does dwell on it (what i mentioned in my last hc), he gets up and goes to his lab. he usually ends up building smth that he knows max wants to please her and to prove to himself that he's good enough (also building distracts him. its a 2 in 1). also, idk how to explain this so here's an example: max and him fought him bc he didn't give max enough kisses in her opinion so he builds a machine that slaps him every hour and yells 'kisses' (they would never fight about this, but this was easy to come up with a gadget for it).
sometimes, when he dwells on it (what i mentioned 2 hcs ago), he ends up taking a walk bc fresh air always clears his mind.
his first insitnct, after a fight, is to ask libby if she's ok. his feelings don't matter to him if she's not ok. if she's ok, he'll kiss her and think about what he's feeling (if he isn't happy), but if she's sad, he'll pick her up, sit her on his lap, and whisper sweet nothing into her ear.
libby doesn't need to explicitly say this, but nash knows she has abandonment issues and thinks that their fights will someday lead to him leaving her, so sits he goes out and buys her a gift and a card in which he writes that he'll never leave her and that he can't wait to grow old with her.
he's obsessed with her playing with his hair and it always cheers him up. their fights will sometimes sour his mood so he lays his head down on her lap which she knows means he wants her to play with his hair. he'll close his eyes and either relax or fall asleep. libby finds him adorable.
bc fights sour his mood, he usually brings libby out for some horseback riding. he also gets some food ready so that, during their ride, they can sit down somewhere and have a picnic. usually they take these rides close to sunset so that, when they settle down to eat, the sun is setting.
if the fight upset him or made him anxious and he doesn't want to talk about his feelings to libby, he either heads to the bar at night (not to drink but to bartend) or he gets a massage therapist to show up at the house and give him a massage. this usually ends up clearing his mind.
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hathorneheiress · 4 months
Which side are you on?
(Just a silly little head cannon I made of which side the Hawthorne boys sleep on)
Nash: He sleeps on his stomach. Simple as that. Before Libby came around he would clutch a pillow as he slept. he still does it though. Funny thing though, despite sleeping on his stomach, he snores and it's bad! So bad that Libby ends up sleeping in the other room because she can't stand it. The next day a very repentive Nash tries his best to make it up to her. Of course Libby forgives him. Secretly, she hated leaving him alone, but she needs her sleep too!
Grayson: Side sleeper. But it's always his left. Never right. Occasionally, he rolls over on his back, but very rarely. Because he struggles falling asleep, many nights are spent tossing and turning but he always returns to his left side. Even he doesn't know why he likes it, but since he could remember he did. He also sleeps on the right side of his king side bed, so he doesn't fall off his bed often. (That happened a few times)
Jameson: On his Back. You can't convince me otherwise. Always ready for anything, he sleeps like it too. Unfortunately, he also snores, but not as bad as Nash. And Avery has to listen to it as well. But since He isn't as bad as his oldest brother and thankfully Avery is a deep sleeper so very rarely does he wake up to her being gone because of his snores. When it does happen, he doesn't repent just gives Avery a hard time about it.
Xander: He can't decide. He's everywhere. He moves all the time which is why his brothers hated when he would crawl into bed with them. Max is ironically the same. Both end up kicking and rolling into each other. Which causes no end of playful banter between them. Privately of course.
Well, that's it. I hope you like it. But before I go, I can't take all the credit. My best friend and fanfic Bestie @riddles-n-games deserves some recognition. Part of Nash's and Jameson's go's to her. She gave me some of the ideas and I spun it in. (I hope you don't mind)
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sunlit-haruka · 10 months
Arturo's talent confuses me a lot
Okay so on this fine 12:30 PM I was thinking about the newest QnA, and how DRDTDev said this in it
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And it was always something that intrigued me a lot because I really could not figure out what it meant or why the exact ages of the cast were kept hidden. That is, until I started thinking about everyone's favorite(...?) Ultimate Plastic Surgeon, Arturo Giles. Specifically, his talent in question. Because to put it bluntly: How in the everliving FUCK is Arturo a Plastic Surgeon at his age Now you might wonder just what I mean by that, and as such let me run you down the requirements to be a plastic surgeon in the US from what I have researched:
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Now obviously these are only three sources, and this is mainly referring to the US because that is where DRDT takes place, but the point still stands. For Arturo to become a licensed plastic surgeon, he would have to go through a six year program/residency for plastic surgery, obtain a bachelor's degree (or I guess whatever Hope's Peak's version of a bachelors degree is) which is canonically a four-year university in the DRDTverse, as WELL as an extra four years in medical school.
(Now fair warning, I am not the best when it comes to reading comprehension, so there might be some things in the screenshots I linked that I ultimately missed. And if so, you're allowed to (politely) point it out to me !) Even if there are a few things I misread, it still brings into question how Arturo obtained his talent when you look at his possible age Now obviously, as I mentioned before, the DT cast's actual age is a spoiler. But that doesn't mean we can't speculate based on the information we do have from the series
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(A challenger has approached: Min Jeung /j) This line from the first bonus episode is the closest thing we get to a clear-cut age for the DT cast, where Unnamed Classmate / Mai says that Min is 18. Unfortunate jinxing aside, this also brings back up the fact that Hope's Peak in the DTverse is a four-year university course akin to US college (I'll actually include a screenshot this time)
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So it can be assumed that this bonus episode (and I assume Xander's), takes place during their first year at Hope's Peak, and assuming that the rest of the cast is the same age they were all 18-19 during their first year. But that isn't all ! As remember, these guys have their HPA memories snatched from them, so let's cover that as well
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Now, we don't know how long "a few years" could be. It could be only one year like Rose said initially, it could be two, three, hell ten for all we know. However, Min (as posted before) and Xander don't seem to have aged that much in comparison to their current appearences. So I'm going to assume (keyword here, assume) that about three years at most have been taken from them. as that would put them largely around the end of HPA. So with all of this in mind, that would mean that Arturo is around 19-22 during the events of the death game, but even with that considered, that still means that Arturo was scouted and given the title of Ultimate Plastic Surgeon at 18. And that is where my confusion lies since that...is basically impossible DRDT-Dev has clearly thoroughly researched all of the talents of the cast and how they work in the DTverse and in general seems to be very intricate when it comes to their writing, so I highly doubt they would make an oversight like this. There has got to be a reasoning for this. And I can think of three possible ones 1. Arturo is some kind of prodigy in the medical and cosmetic surgery field which could've led to him becoming a plastic surgeon much earlier in life than one typically would 2. Arturo is just straightup lying about his ultimate talent for whatever reason, possibly fabricating the license on his coat. He's obviously not faking his medical knowledge as we've seen in the actual series, but him faking his ultimate isn't exactly ruled out 3. The DRDT cast are much older then we or they realize, and there is another reason why they still look to be in their early 20s (I swear to god if this turns out to be some virtual world shit I am actually going to go insane /lh)
...Or the 4th reason that being I AM looking too deep into this, but whatever it's fun to overanalyze this shit Please let me know what you think, I'd love to hear other people's opinions on this !
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What or who do you miss most from your regular life before accepting to spend the rest of your lives at Hope’s Peak?
Ace: "My regular life? What do you think? Of course I miss my regular life. I hate this place." (He doesn't know.)
Arturo: "Nothing." (A certain relative he'll deny the existence of)
Arei: "I'd like to put that in the past, if that's okay." (Doesn't like to look back on when she wasn't as good a person. She doesn't really miss anything due to the bullying.)
???: "I don't think there's anything I particularly miss.. Not that I remember, anyway." (The memory feels just out of reach)
David: "...." (Never had a positive outlook on life to begin with)
Eden: "It's sad not being able to see my family and friends..."
Hu: "I suppose I miss my family. I think this place is better for me, though.."
J: "My brother." (They don't care about the rest of their family. They have been granted permission to speak to their brother via the computer lab.)
Levi: "There's nothing to miss out there." (He finds it difficult to think about what happened.)
Min: "My room was nice." (She doesn't miss the constant studying.)
Nico: "I don't know.. I had a cat." *proceeds to talk about said cat for 20 minutes*
Rose: "My family, I miss them. It's nice here though." (Also has permission to talk to her family)
Teruko: "Nothing out there is worthy of my thoughts." (She did think about someone, for a second.)
Veronika: "I miss life out there.. but it's okay, I can watch movies and stuff! So it's alright here too! But I do miss my family, and my friends, and my home..." (...?)
Whit: "My parents. And my neighbour's pet dog, obviously." (He barely saw them anyway.. except the dog, of course.)
Xander: "There's a lot of regrets I have from out there, I don't want to think about it. But there's people who, if I'd saved them, I think I'd have missed them the most."
(This has meaning and symbolism.. I want to see the theories, there's a lot to look at :3)
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lilguiguinevere · 11 months
today on ena and cater's ramblings and character analyses: david chiem's system coding!
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as a system ourselves, we've managed to pick up on some of his behaviors, which are, if you look deep enough, symptoms of did and/or osdd. so we're gonna talk about that now!
the layout of what we're going to talk about: his "facade" slipping (masking), his possible memory issues, him pausing before doing stuff, his tumblr page quote, and just going over his entire reveal (since it shows a lot).
1: facade/mask slips
several times in drdt, david's facade will slip when he thinks no one's looking, or if he's stressed. the first example is in the prologue itself, during his introduction:
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and then he panics and asks teruko to forget what he said right after:
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thats the first instance.
there was also before the first trial, when david snaps at teruko to shut up and leave him alone before immediately correcting himself and apologizing, along with several others.
during trial 2, david rambles on about arei being tricked, spewing out derogatory adjectives, and nobody really questions it?
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this can be seen as both masking (pretending to be a different alter/one person, essentially) and cofronting (when there are 2 or more alters fronting at once).
the first instance in the prologue seems more like masking, as do most of his slip-ups. the one before the first trial seems like cofronting because of how quick the correction was.
otherwise, he's good at maintaining his mask.
2: memory issues
...it's clear he has memory issues, and they're very apparent in trial 2.
we'll talk about him forgetting the conversation with are in the last section. for now, we're focusing on this:
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david doesn't remember going to the relaxation room at first, and he goes along with it because if they're saying it happened, it had to have. and teruko points out his confusion.
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but the topic is changed after.
before the breakdown, he said "i was wrong, i think," as if he didn't really know what he did and what he was taking accountability for.
memory issues and amnesia are a big part of systemhood, especially if you have DID. if there are any other mentions of david forgetting things, someone let us know so we can add them! because we forgot. very ironic, i know.
3: pauses
before doing a lot of things, whether it's acting or responding to someone, he pauses for a second, or ignores someone.
like, when he's asked for his alibi pre-trial 1:
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of course, he could just be ignoring teruko, since xander just died. but.. he does this a lot.
he hesitated before running after arei. and. well. we'll talk about the rest at the end.
this can be seen as switching (which we'll talk about with the breakdown), or dissociation. mostly dissociation, though? i don't know how to elaborate, but he just seems more distant than one would during this. shrug.
4: quote
this isn't concrete in the slightest, but the source code quote on david's tumblr page is "i hate you, i hate you, i hate you, i wish you would just die."
we know that most people will likely say their quotes in some canon media, like min and arei have. and the quotes, i think, can be up to interpretation on who they were about. arei's doesn't count, but min's has both first and second person pronouns ("i wanted to save you.") honestly? in canon context, this can be seen as her telling teruko she was trying to save her, and her trying to save herself from execution.
david's also uses first and second person pronouns, which we don't believe any other quotes do. obviously, he hasn't said it (yet), so we don't know who it's directed at, but since most quotes are somewhat directed at the owners, it's clear it'll be somewhat about himself.
this completely diverges, but we think it could be "pre-reveal" david directed at "post-reveal" david. since... it doesn't seem like the two like each other, based on how relieved post-reveal david felt after dropping the facade (even though i don't think that's what happened), and pre-reveal david's panic over being called a manipulator.
5: chapter two, episode eleven
alright, this'll be the longest section, but it covers a lot of stuff.
first: david didn't remember the conversation with arei at first.
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second: at first, he was panicking over being called a manipulator (he panicked twice! first with arei, second right before he broke down).
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first instance ^ here, we don't know what happened after yet, but he was extremely quiet, like mentioned before.
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second instance ^ right here, he clams up real bad, as teruko points out.
and what happens right after?
he breaks down. the way we saw it was him switching out with the post-reveal david, but it can also be seen as him giving up on masking. with the long pause, it feels like a switch, though.
and suddenly, after the breakdown, he remembers everything, from meeting arei to going to the relaxation room, and has zero problems with being called a manipulator. he doesn't pause that much anymore, and just takes it all with zero issue.
he did a complete 180. two very different personalities.
now, we hit the image limit, so it's hard to elaborate further. we'll close the post off here:
tl;dr: david is incredibly system-coded, whether it be on purpose or not. he dissociates, has moments that can be described as switches, struggles to mask sometimes, and has bad memory issues.
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bunbeeplays · 3 months
The Lemon Legacy: Generation 1, Chapter 32 - Five Finger Flop
After everything is confirmed, Ophelia calls Penny to tell her, and to check in on her friend. She's furious, more for Miko's sake than her own. The poor thing hardly needed something else to stress about.
Penny thanks Ophelia and the team for their hard work and says goodbye.
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Ophelia can't remember the last time she was this angry. Tiff had no right to ruin Penny and Miko's wedding day just to spite them for not letting her sing.
Hector can't protect Tiff from Hilary this time, so maybe that knowledge clouds Ophelia's judgement.
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Ophelia storms into the dressing room, targeting in on Tiff's perfumes. It's not like Tiff's ever seeing this room again. That can be her overtime payment.
Her usual perceptiveness is gone, and she reaches to take them without even bothering to notice the incoming footsteps.
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Xander: Hey, do you want me to make- What are you doing?
Ophelia: Huh?
Xander: Were you… trying to steal Tiff's perfume?
Ophelia: What? No, of course not! Come on, only a kleptomaniac would do that!
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Xander sees right through her attempt to walk around the truth.
Xander: That’s your third trait, isn’t it? Kleptomaniac?
Ophelia: I…
Xander: Have you been stealing other stuff from here too? This place is what keeps a roof over my sister and her kids!
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Ophelia: No, I would never!
Xander: Kleptos can steal autonomously! They don’t even think about it, they just swipe with no regard!
Ophelia: I don’t need your judgement, Mister Good, Self-Assured Goofball. Not everyone is lucky enough to have all nice traits.
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Ophelia: I didn’t grow up with parents that support me! I did the best I could, but I have this one little vice. I’d never steal from my friends, or anyone I cared about. If I could change it, I would!
Xander: You can change it. It just takes some work.
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Ophelia: Well I was a little busy working to get where I am to worry about that. Stealing a soap pump from a community lot every now and then is a victimless crime!
Xander: The people who uploaded those builds on the gallery worked hard on them and every little detail counts!
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Xander: Look, I know you’ve had a rough week, but you make good money now. It’s not like you need to steal to survive. Maybe this is a wake up call for you to reassess some parts of your life.
Ophelia: Ugh, you sound like Father Winter
Xander: …what?
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Ophelia: Why do you even care if I swipe something from Tiff? You hate her too!
Xander: That doesn’t make it okay! Tiff may have crossed the line, but stealing from her isn’t going to fix anything.
Ophelia: Her not having her perfume would make me feel a lot better, though!
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Xander: So someone pisses you off, you take their stuff? What if you played for a bridezilla, and you got caught trying to steal from her? Not only would Hilary have to fire you, that looks bad on her. I’m not going to stand here and let you jeopardize my sister’s career.
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Xander has a point. What was she thinking?
Ophelia: Xander, I’m sorry! I’m sleep deprived and frustrated and- you’re right, I shouldn’t have even tried it. Please don’t tell Hilary. I would never do anything to hurt your family, I swear. Not after everything they've done for me.
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Xander: I’m not going to tell anyone. You were already in a bad place, tonight made it worse, and you made a mistake. Everyone deserves a second chance. I know you're a good person. But you need to work on this. It’s not cool. I expected better from you, Ophelia.
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Xander leaves, and Ophelia has never felt so humiliated. She doesn't think he's ever called her by her name. This feeling isn't worth all the highs she's gotten from swiping in the past.
Ophelia thought the day she got dumped was the worst day of her life, but no. Today is.
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cynical-gamer-media · 1 month
Might I have another wip? Azura's impressions of the Nohr sibling maybe?
Of course you can ask for another! I am thrilled to share this idea too!
The fic is set within Conquest. It would all be Azura POV. The fic would be divided into segments about each sibling (or it gets long enough short chapters dedicated to each sibling). I would start with the first sibling she meets (Elise) to the last (Xander)! Hopefully incorporate bits of some of her supports with them.
Elise: The big thing to strike Azura is just how sincere and kind Elise is. Usually Azura would be sceptical, thinking it a ruse... but no Elise really is just a kind person. It is a farcry from how any other Nohr sibling treated Azura back when she was a child/during the concubine wars. Elise gets her to relax more around others.
Camilla: Azura is more cautious around her, having very vague memories of a lavender hair girl who did nothing to help her. Yet she cannot help but be fascinated with how motherly Camilla acts with Elise and Corrin, as if she is compensating them for not having mothers/good mothers and for never having a good mother herself. So that gets her to eventually approach her and discuss such elements. Touch upon some concubine war world building.
Leo: Sometimes Leo acts blunt and harsh around others, predominantly his siblings, but she starts to notice that he does so to protect his family and to do the dirty work instead. She also spoke with the other Nohr siblings prior, who admit that yes he will sometimes act cold--the proper son of King Garon--just so he doesn't think to hurt his family. But it must put a lot of pressure on Leo. Thus Azura decides to confront him on it. Both learn they are very bad at asking people for help.
Xander: Azura was stunned during Conquest Chapter 16 that he admitted how horrible Nohr treated her, and seemed quite sincere (especially with how she hears he is a stoic man unless around family). She remembers vaguely what he was like. He didn't help her, but he always appeared ashamed to never step in to protect her. After getting to know Elise, Camilla & Leo she feels comfortable enough to approach him. They chat about what they hope for the world. He encourages her to open up about her Hoshido family--not to use information against her, but because he is merely curious how they treated his estranged sibling.
Those points are the gist of it, though I may change some ideas or adapt as I write! Thanks for asking me: it has allowed me to dot point ideas to incorporate into the fic!
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sunnydaleherald · 3 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Thursday, February 22
Giles: Welcome home, Buffy. Buffy: I got in a few hours ago, but I wanted to go see my mom first. Giles: Yes. Yes, of course. How, how did you find her? Buffy: Well, I pretty much remembered the address.
~~Dead Man's Party~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Do We Have A Deal? (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by veronyxk84
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For Eternity (Buffy/Angel, G) by Pinkperson
Debrief (Lindsey/Lilah, M) by TheClowniestLivInExistence
Worship the Rain (Angel/Cordelia, M) by MyCosmicAlice
Side Effects (OC, E) by Novel_Ningan
An Itch She Can't Scratch (Buffy/Spike, T) by EllieRose101
Closeted (Buffy/Cordelia, T) by LittleRaven
Back In Town, Punks (Buffy/Faith, T) by Val_Creative
o zi normala (Giles/Jenny, G) by CoraClavia
Staked (Buffy/Spike, E) by SirenOfTitan
something old and borrowed (Buffy/Spike, E) by cheju
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Forgiveness Doesn't Come Easy, Chapter 23 (Buffy/Spike, R) by Slaymesoftly
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My Person, Chapter 2 (Buffy/Faith, E) by Moonkid10
Greatest Love Story Postlude, Chapter 3 (Angel/Spike, M) by FalseGinger
Same Coin, Chapter 1 (Buffy, OC, G) by The_Eclectic_Bookworm
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A Vampie and a Slayer Walk Into a Park..., Chapter 16 (Buffy/Spike, AO) by holetoledo
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A Breath is But a Soundless Whisper, Chapter 24 (Buffy/Spike, 18+) by Blackoberst
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nowis-scales · 1 year
Ryoma Birthday Headcanons
It’s the first day of May, and so that means that it’s Ryoma’s birthday! Per the usual when there’s a Hoshidan royal with a birthday, I have to write a set of birthday headcanons to celebrate them. Hopefully you enjoy this year’s round!
‣ So you know how for years, there’s been that joke about that Ryoma’s probably like, really annoyed that Xander is taller than him? My hot take on this is that initially, he didn’t really care. Whatever, right? It’s not like he can control his height by sheer force of will, and Ryoma quite likes not having to duck through the average doorway. However, once everyone else started pointing out as a big deal to him… yeah, admittedly, he started to get more grumpy about it. Only problem is, he won’t admit to being grumpy about it, so he’s just standing there like “yeah whatever, I don’t care” when it is just so, so painfully obvious that he cares.
‣ You remember how last year, for Sakura's birthday, I mentioned that one of her siblings lost a tooth by falling down the stairs when they were little? Yeah, that was Ryoma. He was about six when it happened, and of course it was on one of the big stair cases leading up to Castle Shirasagi. Thankfully he was one of those kids that was just like, strangely durable, so he didn’t really cry when it happened. He was far more excited that one of his teeth had been knocked out, and kept trying to excitedly show Sumeragi and Ikona, who were so busy checking him over for cuts and bruises and whispering to each other “oh my gods we’re such terrible parents” to initially understand what their son was trying to show them. Sumeragi used to love to tell that story to people. Fuuga still laughs about it.
‣ According to the 4koma anthology comics, Ryoma is for the most part pretty honest, but he’ll still soften the blow on a lot of things if he can. However, if you really want to see Ryoma at his peak honesty, just talk to him when he’s sick. He doesn’t have the energy to put things into a nicer delivery. Oh, you want him to do politics with a fever, chills, and upset stomach? Fine, but you’d better be prepared to paraphrase literally everything he said in response to that daimyo’s questionable idea, because there’s no way you’re going to be able to deliver anything Ryoma said upfront. And don’t even bother asking about Ryoma’s general symptoms unless you’re the healer — he’ll tell it to you in grouchy, pouting detail.
‣ One of Ryoma’s worst fears is being helpless in any situation. When he’s put into a position where he can’t do anything, he’ll start to panic. This often means that he will do anything he can get to get out of it, even if it means doing something underhanded or against his typical moral code. That's also part of the reason why he can be characterized as impulsive or stubborn at times: he cannot give into a helpless situation. He needs to be able to take some sort of action to make things "right". If he doesn't feel that he has sufficiently acted, then he can never make peace with what happened. In the back of his mind he knows that this is probably a trauma response from Corrin's kidnapping in childhood, but he doesn't really want to have to confront the idea that it might be the wrong thing to do sometimes.
‣ Loves dogs. Loves them. When he was little, he was always pestering Sumeragi to let him have one. Obviously, because of his age, Sumeragi didn't think it was a good idea, but said that he might let him have one when he got older. Unfortunately, he passed before he could see that promise through. For a long time Ryoma largely forgot about getting a canine friend, too focused on other things to consider that that was something he could do for himself... but after the war drew to a close, he finally adopted that pup we see in the art piece Kozaki did of him.
‣ Though Ryoma’s hair may look like it’s spiky, it’s actually more so fluffy than anything. That of course doesn’t make it any easier to work with, but the texture probably isn’t as bad as you’d expect. Unfortunately, this still means that it gets all matted and tangled at the drop of a hat, so Ryoma is constantly wrestling with it to keep it under control. Most of the time he just ties it up to keep it out of the way, but he leaves it down in battle because he’s been told it makes him look more intimidating. It has led to the occasional embarrassing moment when it’s been caught in parts of his armour, though.
‣ His position makes him kind of emotionally distant at times. It's not necessarily something he wants to be, but the whole being a prince thing/being the "head of the family" by Hoshidan standards does kind of make him feel isolated. He tends to act on that in turn, and though there are times where he does try to connect with those around him, it still comes across as awkward and stilted from time to time. He finds it difficult to have close friends, and can never seem to connect with Takumi and Sakura the way that he wants to. To some people, this comes across as him not thinking much of them, but he honestly just doesn't know the right way to engage a lot of the time so he just... doesn't. It's something he would like to improve upon.
‣ One of Hoshido’s most eligible, if not the most eligible, bachelors. He’s not particularly crazy about this status. It’s not like he never wants to get married — he knows some day he’s going to have to, for the good of the kingdom and whatnot — but he hates being in a room full of people or corresponding with people he knows are just trying so desperately to impress him. The entire experience just feels terribly inauthentic, and he’s worried about if any of this is really enough to found a relationship on. Tack on the fact that he barely notices flirting from the average woman, and it just becomes overwhelming to even think about choosing a partner in those circumstances. He would much rather fall in love where it's possible.
‣ When it comes to pettiness, the man is like a crow. If you have wronged him or his family, he can and will remember it. And he doesn't hesitate to take revenge for it at times, either. There's still one nobleman who can't figure out why the crown prince seems so much colder than him than to everyone else. Hinoka asked Ryoma about it one time. Apparently, when they were younger, the nobleman mocked Hinoka's interest in battle and suggested she was a faulty woman. He apparently did so when Hinoka was in earshot, but she doesn't remember a thing. Ryoma, however, has kept this little grudge of his close to his heart and refuses to let go because how dare you talk about my sister that way!!
‣ While we know his English and Japanese VAs can both sing quite well, I feel like Ryoma is just not a very good singer. He's not necessarily always out of tune, but he just... sounds awkward. I don't really think of him as the singing type, to be honest, so whenever he tries it's probably more of that mumble-singing you do in the car anyways. He tends to stumble over lyrics or occasionally hit the wrong note, and when that happens once it's just going to throw him completely and keep happening, so it just tends to be a very mediocre performance. He probably once got Shiro to stop crying as a baby by singing to him, but purely because Shiro was so focused on Ryoma's second-rate lullaby that he couldn't remember to be upset.
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🔥 kendra!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My fully honest take is that I would not change her dying when she did if I had the option to.
What I would change was the other casting decisions. A fair amount of main characters like Willow and Xander are minimally impacted by their race and could easily have been played by a black actor.
It's bewildering to me that there are so few people of color on this show given that it is supposedly modeled off of Santa Barbara which, from what I have read, does actually have a fair amount of people of color.
It's also interesting (tm) that all of the named people of color in Buffy (not talking about Angel here) are individuals from outside of Sunnydale who travel to it. We don't see any named POC who grew up there at any point in the show.
I think if you can access my "Which Angel character would you choose to move over to Buffy" @titsgirlbuffy, @transangelus, and @punksouthie all make a good if apparently unpopular point about moving Gunn over.
Back to Kendra.
Why would I still have Kendra die?
I think firstly, by the end of Becoming II, Kendra has outlived her usefulness as a shadow self to Buffy. Secondly, the death of Kendra and introduction of Faith is a reminder of the perpetuity of everything. Regardless of what Buffy does there will always be more vampires and demons, the slayer will always die in the line of duty, and there will always be another to replace her.
But, here's the thing: who says Faith (or like, almost any character on this show to be honest) needs to be white?
I feel like Kendra is definitely portrayed as this victim of patriarchal violence. The council have taken everything from her to mold her into this sort of a perfect soldier to "fight their war" as Quentin puts it in checkpoint. Riley comparisons I feel are particularly interesting here.
Riley, like Kendra, is a 'triumph' of nurture over nature. Riley is molded by Professor Walsh to be a good and obedient soldier who never asks questions. Similarly for Kendra. There are differences (I feel Professor Walsh was not as heavy handed) but the comparison is apt.
Also like to make comparisons between Kendra and Gunn. Gunn struggles over the course of Ats with grappling with the realities morally grey world he exists in. In just two episodes we can see Kendra do the same.
It's rough that she is in the show for so little time but there are other characters who have much more screen time than her that make a much less distinct impression. Kendra is a character that, despite her minimal footprint in terms of physical time in the show, has a huge footprint in the way she haunts the narrative.
Graham from season 4 is definitely remembered by a lot of fans and he shows up very frequently over the course of the season, but nobody really cares about Graham because he doesn't have the same emotional impact as Kendra does. Holland Manners on Angel is in a similar place.
If I get around to writing more meta style stuff about my transfemme buffy headcanon I think I definitely want to flout the poll results and talk about what's my line and Kendra because I think that from the lens I have established, What's My Line, an episode where Buffy is provided an Out from a life as a slayer that will certainly kill her, and voluntarily chooses not to take that out in order to help improve the life of someone else suffering from a patriarchal institution, becomes such a fascinating episode.
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coraniaid · 3 months
I don't think there should be a Buffy the Vampire Slayer reboot and I don't have any reason to believe there is going to be a Buffy the Vampire Slayer reboot and I would not watch a Buffy the Vampire Slayer reboot.
But, that said, if there were to be a Buffy reboot I think a big (small) change that would improve the show a lot (especially in its first season) would be to have a much broader pool of recurring student characters from the very beginning.  Not just the Scooby Gang and Cordelia, but ideally almost all the students we see in the first season should appear in multiple episodes and, if they die, they should be talked about at least once afterwards.  As it is, Season 1 is full of ghosts: characters like Amy and Harmony who will go on to be somewhat recurring but aren't quite there yet, and characters like Jesse and Cordelia's boyfriend Kevin (remember him?) who only exist to die and are not mentioned before or after. Most of the show's recurring minor student characters will only be introduced in Season 2.
In particular, I think the characters most ill-served by this in canon are, in order of first (and often only) appearance:
I actually think the concept of Jesse – as a sympathetic character who is killed in the opening episodes before we really get to know him – is a good one.  Beyond any possible shock value of his death, it's a useful way of establishing that people can and will die in this story, and of stating out loud the setting's rules for vampires ("you're not looking at your friend, you're looking at the thing that killed him").  On the other hand, the execution is pretty awful because it is immediately clear that Jesse is not the same status of character as Willow and Xander (he isn’t even in the opening credits), he is not actually sympathetic at all (he seems to exist to answer the question "what if Xander Harris but Worse?"), and large parts of the fandom (and later writers of the show itself) will decide to completely ignore what the show is telling them about how vampires as a concept on Buffy work and why Buffy is not only justified but morally obliged to Slay them.
But the most egregious thing about Jesse is, of course, that after his death in The Harvest he is never talked about again.  I honestly think that just a couple of lines of dialogue spread out over Season 1 (Buffy blaming herself for Jesse's death while worrying whether she’s making a positive difference as a Slayer, say, or Xander mentioning Jesse as a reason for disliking vampires, or Jesse being named as one of several mysteriously missing students by Principal Flutie) would go a really long way to fixing that.  
A brief cameo appearance in Nightmares wouldn't have hurt either.  (Just months ago Xander failed to save his best friend from vampires and was taunted by the demon wearing his corpse and had to watch him turn to dust in front of his eyes, so of course he’s terrified of … clowns.  OK.)
OK, for real, if I were in charge of creating a Buffy reboot I would be very tempted to just add Amy to the Gang after Witch.  She knows that magic is real!  She knows Buffy knows magic is real!  She seems to be on friendly terms with both Buffy and Willow when the episode ends! And yet she vanishes after her first appearance more quickly than Marcie Ross.  
But, failing that, having Amy show up more than once a year in the high school seasons would be a start (especially since the show implies so much is happening to her behind the scenes each year).  Let her be a friend of Buffy's who doesn't know anything about Buffy being the Slayer.  Have Willow at least think about asking her for help with Angel’s soul curse!  Pull the trick the writers used in The Wish (and never used again) of having Willow talk about her as if they're friends even in episodes she's not appearing in.  Show us Willow spending time with her rather than Buffy during Dead Man's Party!  Remember that this character exists even when she’s not on screen!
Lance (and his various bullies) from The Pack
Hapless victim Lance is basically a proto-Jonathan and, if I were remaking the show, I would just lean into that fully and simply replace him with Jonathan from the very beginning.  
It would be tempting to do the same thing with Kyle and Heidi and the others, too: rather than retroactively introduce multiple new characters who apparently used to bully Xander in Seasons 2 and 3 that we’ve never met before and never will again (how big is Sunnydale High meant to be?).  
The obvious problem with that is that the show tells us that the Pack remember eating Principal Flutie alive, which means rather than hanging out in school giving Xander and Willow a hard time when the plot requires it they should probably all be in therapy for years.  But you can fix that while fixing The Pack as an episode by just ... not having the fact Xander not only remembers assaulting Buffy but lies about it to her face presented to us as a punchline?  Have Xander forget what happened to him. Have them all forget what happened when they were possessed, and then Kyle and Heidi and the others can be conflated with Inca Mummy Girl's Rodney and School Hard's Sheila as and when required.
This requires slightly more work, but I think Owen and Scott work better if they're the same character too.  Rather than Owen promising to stay friends with Buffy and then never appearing or being mentioned again, or Willow telling Buffy she "wasn't ready" to date Scott before Season 3 as if he even existed then, just make Scott somebody that we've already met and who Buffy had previously briefly dated pre-Angel.
The challenge here is that Buffy breaks up with Owen because she doesn’t want to get him hurt and she’s still very focussed on keeping her identity as the Slayer secret and only letting a handful of people know.
But that fits into the wider theme of Season 3 perfectly.  By this point, Buffy’s let far more people know than just Willow and Xander.  Xander’s girlfriend Cordelia knows, and Willow’s boyfriend Oz knows, and Buffy’s own mother knows, and none of this has caused the world to end.  Why shouldn’t Buffy try dating a normal guy who knows she’s the Slayer?
(And I think everything about Scott works better if he’s somebody we’ve seen before – somebody we’ve seen Buffy be romantically interested in before – rather than suddenly appearing only to disappear almost as quickly. Scott is meant to represent Buffy trying to reassert her claim to a 'normal' life after everything that happened with Angel last year..  What better way to do that than to try to start things over with the one person we do see her trying to date on the show before Angel? How much harder would Scott's rejection of Buffy hit if we'd seen that the pre-Angelus version of Buffy really did get on well with him and would have expected to make things work?)
The end of Season 1 features, back-to-back, two of its best episodes.  In Out of Mind Out of Sight, we focus on Cordelia Chase.  We're reintroduced to Cordelia's friend Harmony and we meet Cordelia's current boyfriend, Mitch.  (Who is attacked by Marice Ross, but survives.)  In Prophecy Girl Cordelia briefly bonds with Willow while talking about how much she likes her current boyfriend, Kevin, only for the two of them to discover him dead, killed by vampires on school grounds.
Wouldn't the death in the latter episode work much better if those two "current boyfriends" were the same person?  Wouldn't we care more about Kevin's death if he was somebody we'd actually met before? 
But let’s go further than that: at the start of Season 2, in Some Assembly Required, we meet Chris, whose brother used to date Cordelia but tragically died. Chris tries to bring him back, and his brother pursues Cordelia.  The show doesn’t mention – or doesn’t remember – that Cordelia already has a tragically dead ex-boyfriend, one who died only two episodes ago.  Why not fix that?  Why not identify Chris’s brother Darryl with Kevin as well?
Make Mitch/Kevin/Darryl a single character, and then we would achieve that rarest of sights on Buffy: a minor character who we meet an episode before they die and who is mentioned again in an episode after they died.
And wouldn’t that almost make a potential Buffy reboot palatable?
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 1 month
Hcs of the remaining characters dying (nash, xan, etc.)
people's reaction to xander's death
of course! i'll do xander for this one, and nash next (i'm also planning on doing libby and a short one for max). hope you like them!
avery: this is obvious but she would be absolutely devastated. she would definitely spend a lot of time in his old lab playing with his gadgets or just sitting there. she would make sure to visit his grave a lot bc she knows xander gets lonely and bored easily and doesn't want him to suffer in the afterlife. she would not want to get out of bed, but alisa would force her to for interviews and stuff. her grief would be too much for her to hide. her fans would notice and start getting worried for her so they'd send her little gifts to make her feel better. whenever she visits his grave, she brings scones with her to 'share' with xander.
jameson: jameson would start drinking profusely again (just like after emily died). he would leave xander little riddles he wrote near his grave for him to solve in the after life to keep him entertained. he learned how to bake just to make scones to leave at xander's grave. he'd sleep in his room a lot to feel closer to him. he has this really cool glass xander made him (it's up to you what it looks like/what special thing it does), and he makes sure to drink from it whenever he he has alcohol. his grief would keep him from getting any sleep. it got so bad he got prescribed pills to get him to fall asleep bc his body was shutting down.
grayson: grayson and xander used to talk a lot about their dreams and things they wanted to accomplish later on in life. gray would make sure to fulfill all of his dreams for him knowing it would make him happy. he would spend hours studying on robotics and stuff to be able to accomplish his dreams, and he'd make sure everything he did was perfect. i didn't add this in any of my other hc posts, but i think that, if one of his brothers died, he could potentially start drinking or taking drugs. i think that he'd want to find a way to suppress his grief so that he would be able to work and distract himself.
nash: nash would be wrecked (obviously). he'd eat scones even though he hates them just because xander loves them. i mentioned in my sad nash hc post that i think he takes weed when he's anxious and stuff, and i think xander (or any of his brothers really) dying would make him start smoking weed excessively. libby would notice him taking it quite often and would get him help to make sure he didn't get addicted. he's also the type of person to overwork himself when he's nervous, sad, angry, etc. he would be bartending 24/7. i can also see him getting so mad he starts throwing glasses around and stuff at the bar he works at.
libby: i wanted to include her even though i don't really know what to say. i think, over the years, her and xander (and all of the other brothers) would get really close. they would definietly bond over baking, making it impossible to bake after his death without crying. at the same time, baking is libby's coping mechanism so she wouldn't be able to stop. she'd bake scones with grayson and accompany him to leave them at xander's grave. nash's grief would also make things worse for her. she'd be trying to find ways to help him whilst at the same time grieving herself (i mentioned that nash would start throwing things like glasses around to let his anger out, and, although he'd NEVER hurt libby, i think it would scare her enough to convince him to get help)
max: max would be ruined over his death. she'd lose interest in everything because everything would remind her of xander. for example, she'd start to hate reading bc she'd remember all of the time he bought her books. her life without him would become so lackluster that she'd consider offing herself. xander would definitely have made her life more entertaining and worth living, so, losing him would make her go back to her life the way it was before meeting him (we know she has strict parents and is really isolated so the change would really affect her). she'd spend days in bed 'talking' to him, and would have to convince herself he faked his death to be able to keep going. i think she'd also spend a lot of time sleeping in his bed or with avery.
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ahungeringknife · 8 months
365: May 22
Alex poked his head into Saint and Osiris' apartment. Saint was gone but Osiris was in. He wasn't wearing his normal regalia and was pacing back and forth in the living room holding his bearded chin, face set in a thoughtful scowl. Alex recognized the look anywhere. He didn't notice as Alex and Alshain slipped inside and stood by the door, closing it silently.
They stood there for a few minutes waiting to be acknowledged. It wasn't the first, or be the last time, that Osiris took a while to acknowledge them. Finally Alshain made a short static noise out of his voice box. Osiris didn't startle but he did stop and turn and look at them, his dark eyes focused. "Took you long enough," he said.
"We've been here five minutes waiting on you," Alshain said, leaning on Alex in a relaxed curve of his metal spine.
"What's up, boss?" Alex asked
Osiris' hands flexed uselessly, her eyes narrowing in frustration, anger maybe? "You boys trust me, don't you?"
"Of course," Alex said.
"Even... after Savathun?"
"That wasn't you," Alshain said.
"Would we have let ourselves get banished on your behalf and then spent two centuries as outcasts if we didn't trust you?" Alex asked him back. "We never doubted, even when you faltered. Don't doubt us now."
Osiris' face smoothed out slightly, softening. "Good. Then I need you to do something for me that by every measure is an impossibility."
"Oh so back to the normal stuff we did and not just walking behind Crow making sure he doesn't fall over?" Alshain asked, getting off Alex to walk over to Osiris, all swagger and bravado in his long cloak. "And keeping him out of trouble," he added with a scoff.
"I need you to find something that is hidden so well our scans can't pick it up. The Legion cannot find it. The Hidden cannot find it. But I know its' there."
"What?" Alex asked joining her brother in front of Osiris.
"Must be a real bag," Alshain said casually.
"A city. Hidden on Neptune. A city full of humans. A city Savathun-- I remember." He turned away from them, putting a hand to his temple and the side of his face. "I remember some of her thoughts," he whispered, caught by a vision or some mania. They'd seen it before. This didn't even move the needle on the weird shit they'd seen Osiris do. "Some of her plans," and it graveled his voice. "She knew there was a city on Neptune," he looked at them both, speaking up. "But no one can find it."
"Boss I appreciate you blowing smoke up my ass as much as the next guy but how do you suppose we find something not the Legion or the Hidden could find? We're just two Hunters," Alshain said with a frown.
"Because I trust you. And you've never let me down," Osiris said in as kind and gentle way he could manage but it was still tinged with his mania about this city. "I've asked Ikora to spend more resources for it, I even spoke to Xander-
"Wow you even asked Nightjar something nicely?" Alex teased.
Osiris scowled at him. "Ikora doesn't trust me," he said and started pacing again. "She blames herself for letting Savathun so close but in this doubt she doubts me. And Xander said he's keeping the bounty open and I get updated on it every few days. They've found nothing. Just nothing. But that's impossible! There is something! There is. Something!" he cried, looking at them both, desperate for them to believe him.
"Okay," Alshain said casually. "We'll look for the city. And if we don't find it what do you want us to do?"
"Keep looking. Until you've mapped and scanned every inch of Neptune I won't be satisfied."
"Uhhhg, that sounds so boring," Alshain groaned, leaning back, arms limp at his side. He looked over at Alex, "You think Bracius would give us a bigger ship?"
"For what? I am not sharing a ship with you and Fletcher. I refuse. Bad enough you used to bring him to our apartment," he made a gagging noise despite not having a mouth.
"We could bring Nissa too," Alshain said. "She's smart. She'd figure out a way to scan every inch of Neptune in a reasonable time," he said thoughtfully.
"If Nissa is coming then we are getting our own ship and you can share with Fletcher all on your own."
"You just miss her licking your face-
"You literally talk about Fletcher's dick during ops I don't want to hear it!"
"Boys," Osiris said before they could start punching each other. It was a near thing. Alex loved his brother. He really did but no one triggered Alex's 'punch you in the face' response quite like Alshain did. "No bickering. I know you both have your own ships. Figure it out."
"Nah. Alshain crashed his. Probably because he was thinking about Titan ass," Alex said in his best sneer voice.
Osiris pinched the bridge of his nose, squeezing his eyes closed when Alshain punched his arm so hard it dented the metal. "Speak with Bracius about a second ship. If not I will pull a favor with Amanda so four people don't have to be crammed into a jumpship," he sighed.
"Sounds great! We'll be in contact," Alshain said cheerfully. "We'll get out shit together and head out to Neptune as soon as possible."
"Good. Now get out of my hair- yes I know," he added when both of them rubbed their own bald metal heads indicating Osiris had no hair. They giggled between each other before bundling back out of Osiris and Saint's apartment.
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oveliagirlhaditright · 8 months
One thing that annoys me about some of the ships in the Buffyverse, is how a character will start dating someone who bad mouths a previous love interest of theirs that they still clearly care about.
And I just... maybe this is just because I don't like anyone putting other people down, ever. (And, for instance, I remember one time when one of my RL friends was insulting another one of my friends that she didn't like, and I kindly asked her to stop.)
But for me personally, this would not endear me to the new love interest and make me want to date them. The opposite, actually.
But we see this with Angel and Cordelia. Eventually, these two form a romance, but Cordy had often put Buffy down in the past.
(Also, I feel like Cordelia and Wesley mocking Buffy and Angel's romance--when the two were meeting each other right after she'd come back from the dead!--was not good, even though they were just teasing and it was all supposed to be in good fun.)
Likewise, Bangel somewhat starts up again in the comics after Cordelia's death. And Buffy wasn't really around when the Angel/Cordelia stuff was happening to be saying hurtful stuff about Cordelia really at all, or around Angel. But there is a moment in the comics where Buffy dreams that they're all back in their high school years and that Cordelia is bullying Willow. And to cheer Willow up she tells her something along the lines of, "Some day you might be a super powerful witch and she might be dead." :( And I feel like if Angel ever found out about that, he wouldn't be happy, of course. (To be honest, I think Buffy in the comics is pretty OOC, and this is an example of it. Though that really isn't the point here.)
We have Spike putting down both Riley and Angel when he's wanting to get with Buffy.
And also Angel saying bad things about Spike when he clearly still wants to be with Buffy when she's later with Spike.
In a similar vein, friends of the Scoobies putting down one of the Scoobies' love interests also happens quite a bit.
Xander cutting down Angel because of his jealousy. And after the Angelus stuff, no one is really comfortable around him. Which is definitely justified. Though one might argue that at some point it's like, "Why are you willing to forgive X character for this, but not Y character for that?" And Giles letting Fred die because of what Angel did is just... too much. And in the books, some of the way Giles treats Angel after the Angelus stuff--even if you do get it's because of the trauma there--is quite petty.
Spike... to be honest, I feel like Buffy and the Scoobies are justified in how they treat Spike, for the most part, when he doesn't have a soul. And I think after he gains one, pretty soon they accept him and start treating him pretty well (like in the comics) Maybe the closest I can think of of when they maybe went too far, is when he wanted to give Buffy flowers after Joyce's death.
Cordelia with Xander: this one is really quite sad. Both Buffy and Willow really didn't like Xander dating Cordy (even while somewhat becoming friends with her during it? So it kind of feels a little bit back-stabby, maybe. Though, to be fair, I think maybe some of this dies down as they do spend time with Cordelia and befriend her more and more). And I do get it: Cordy bullied Willow for years and Cordy's also been mean to Buffy for most of her time in Sunnydale thus far. But still. What's even worse is that Xander even seems to agree with them, and even badmouths Cordelia some himself, while dating her!
Anya. Poor Anya. Buffy and Willow really don't like her at first and say some mean things, really just because she doesn't understand what it's like to be human again, which isn't her fault (people have even argued this about Xander. And if you think that, that's fair. But I think it's moreso that Xander is trying to help her understand the human world that she doesn't quite get. I really don't think he's talking down to her. But if you do, I definitely understand your side). Eventually, however, I do think they do become friends... but when Xander leaves Anya at the altar, Buffy and Willow mainly take Xander's side. And this must have really hurt Anya, since Buffy and Willow were her bridesmaids. She then even confronts them about is, saying in an angry and hurt tone that she gets it: Xander is their friend and she isn't. But in season seven, we see how this isn't true, when Buffy informs her that it's really dangerous and she doesn't want her friends out there right now. But then- but then we get a scene where Anya tells Buffy she's not her friend. And why? Ugh, some of the S7 writing with Anya and in general. I find that hard to believe, when earlier she was hurt that Buffy and Willow didn't think of her as her friend: it clearly seems to indicate she saw them as friends and wanted to be their friend. Is it that she maybe didn't believe Buffy when she said she was her friend? Does she think that bridge has burned now? What?
When Oz starts dating Willow, Xander at first doesn't like it... because Oz is in a band and stuff, and he thinks he's too dangerous or something. LOL This is added to when Oz becomes a werewolf. This is largely because Willow and Xander have been friends for years and he's so protective of her. And also because Xander is starting to get romantic feelings for Willow at this point and is somewhat jealous. But he does get over this quickly and the two become friends.
...These are all the ones I can think of off the top of my head. But I wouldn't be surprised if I'm forgetting something.
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