#and one of the other party members was gambling with an entity to fix his heart
pisswizard420 · 8 months
Notorious huckster dick harden strikes again with the “what if we gambled our way out of this issue” and succeeded much to nobody’s surprise
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monkey-network · 5 years
WarioWare The Series: The Final Season Episodes
28 episodes. Season 1, Season 2, Season 3, Season 4
* = Episodes submitted by @doodlefox-beta ** = Episode submitted by @ichigo-milk
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A Bottle of Soda: After the chaos that was the previous season, all Wario wants is a bottle of his favorite drink. Yet all of Diamond City has stopped selling it, so the big guy sets out to find some before he blows his stack.
Yellow and Black Beebop: Mona and Jimmy T work together to help the bee population, but they succeed too well. Now DC is stuck in a swarmaggeddon, and everyone tries to come up with a way to stop it without getting back to square one.
Dancing with the Demons: It’s Ashley’s first school dance, so she lets Red go in her place. Seems like a good idea as Red becomes the popular one at the hall, but things go sour when a witch child wants him as her servant.
WarioWare, The Anime: Ana becomes obsessed with this new book series and starts to imagine the world of Diamond City as the one in the book. Suddenly she’s thrusted into a quest to save the geisha Mona from the clutches of the Tengu mastermind Big Belly with the help of Cricket.
CatDogFish: Master Mantis and Dribble decide to hang out together by going fishing, which slowly causes a rift between the latter and Spitz. Though Spitz tries to redeem their friendship by catching the most vicious fish around.
Sand Turismo: 9 and 18-Volt wake up in a limo, alone, outside the city limits. There’s mystery afoot, and dinner to get back to, no time to lose!
The Word: Orbulon accidentally says the one word you must never say in public, and this forces the gang to shun him as does everyone in Diamond City. This forces Orbulon on a journey of self discovery to understand the rights and wrongs of speech.
Zine Machine: Lulu and Penny start making a magazine which becomes a huge hit. Such a big hit, that all of Diamond City start to rely on them for the latest of info. Then again, the stuff in this paper was imaginary from the start and the two can only make up so much before things get out of hand.
Michael Checks in: The Gang check in at a hotel where a dog show is taking place. Dr. Crygor wants in on the competition, but doesn’t have a dog. This is where Mike steps up to the plate… helping him build the perfect doggo.
How to Get Away with Dinner: 5-Volt turns detective when her special dinner for the gang turns out into a food fight and yet nobody knows who started it.
Wafted Dimensions (Part 1): Dr. Crygor’s new invention unfortunately creates a crack in space time, forcing each member to live through their most horrible moments of the series. This time, it’s up to an familiar outside force to save everyone.
Wafted Dimensions (Part 2): Wario turned out to be all by himself after the incident struck and has found the door back to the original dimension. Yet struggles to reach it when distractions hit him hard.
Prank Note: While hanging out at Ashley’s manor, Penny, Lulu and the Ninja twins find a journal with the ability to prank someone hardcore just by writing their name on it. Fun ensues until they hurt the wrong person at the wrong time, and this time it’s not Wario.
Lemon: Lemons have warped the fabric of reality to become the rulers of the world and it’s up to the gang to stop. That is, if they can overcome the catchy song by Lemon Demon.
Moonman Magic: A new alien stops by and is able to charm everyone except Orbulon. Is there an alterior motive behind it all? Or is he just a nice guy? Whatever may be, Crygor himself has devi- scientific plans for this new speci... creature.
Lethal Age: One of Crygor’s rejects sets off, making everyone age at a rapid rate. It’s up to the kids, now adults, to set things right. Or namely Penny, what can the others do really?
Automobile Training Video: Dribble and Spitz make a educational video on how to fix, improve, and tame your ride. Wait, tame?
Censored Love: A grumpy exec from the Bureau of Fun Cease & Desists finds Wario both crude, a vile being, and an apologetically attractive guy. He’s enamored with Wario’s “charm” and this makes Mona green with envy. So she tries to stop him while preventing Diamond City from turning into a pixelized graveyard.
Polterguts*: When a demon summoning goes horribly wrong and Ashley is possessed, Wario is forced to call upon a familiar green figure in order to help bring the entity out. The monster isn't content on leaving the physical plane, however, forcing Luigi and a few other members of the cast to think outside of the box...
Bass & 8-Bit: 13-Amp wants a change in her rhythmic style, but is having a hard time finding something original. So she turns to 18-Volt for guidance and he gives her the key place for a potential new sound: the arcade.
Minion Union: The Fronks decide to unionize when a new toy is sweeping the city to the point of annoyance. However, they don’t know how to run an actual union, so they speculate on what a union is.
Yep, This is Totally the Final Episode*: An extremely destructive hurricane is heading straight towards Diamond City and nearly everyone enters the "let's reminiscence about our lives before we get swept up" phase...except for the Crygor and Orbulon, who are trying to construct a device to block the hurricane from touching the city at all because this is definitely the final episode. Mmmhmm, the final one. The one episode that is truly final. That final episode.
Mike & the Bidding Tree: Mike turns from music to a luck machine when a lightning strikes grants him the ability to see probability and uses this to become the empirical king of gambling.
The Heroes Unite: Lulu, with the help of Kat & Ana, 9 & 18 Volt, Penny, and Red for one final heroic quest: finish her cho- I mean, CONQUER THE SEVEN TRIALS OF MOMADIA!
A Blossoming Story: Rejected from another job opportunity, a young woman comes across the gang and they each give her a dose of what it means to be determined.
Mario Party** (Part 1): An old rival of Wario comes to Diamond City for a parade celebration and everyone grows a liking to him, indirectly making Wario feel inferior and unwelcome to the point where he leaves town for good. (Un)fortunately he leaves at a convenient time when things go from good to bad.
Smash Party Ultimate Crusade (Part 2): Evil dopplegangers invade Diamond City and Mario calls upon the many characters of Nintendo to help stop the demonic lords responsible. The WarioWare gang however try to get out of dodge knowing most of them aren’t fit or interested in this massive fight. Meanwhile, Wario laments with his dopplegangers about how he’s acted throughout the series.
WarioWare Forever (Part 3): Ashley merges with Galeem and Dharkon to become the ultimate demon sorceress and plans to sees the universe to her liking. And for this finale, it will be up to Wario to show her what she’s been burying deep down all this time. Mayhem, friendship, and tears are bound to this one last hurrah, so don’t miss out.
Monkey’s note: I’d like to thank the many who liked and shared these posts. Apologies for the long wait. A lot of thought and heart went into these for a game IP I honestly love. Especially love that I got requests for episodes to put in these posts, that was a surprise to me really. Above all, if you get a chance to read this, hope you have a good day.
Oh ye, and I’ll see to continue this with another series I’ve had in mind for a while. But I’ll cross that bridge at a later time.
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blogmarydsouza · 5 years
Crypto Currency - Future of Transactions
Introduction of Crypto Currency 
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A cryptocurrency  is a digital asset designed to work as a medium of exchange that uses strong cryptography to secure financial transactions, control the creation of additional units, and verify the transfer of assets Cryptocurrencies use decentralized control as opposed to centralized digital currency and central banking systems.
The decentralized control of each cryptocurrency works through distributed ledger technology, typically a blockchain, that serves as a public financial transaction database.
Bitcoin, first released as open-source software in 2009, is generally considered the first decentralized cryptocurrency. Since the release of bitcoin, over 6,000 altcoins (alternative variants of bitcoin, or other cryptocurrencies) have been created.
History of  Cryptocurrency
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 In 1983, the American cryptographer David Chaum conceived an anonymous cryptographic electronic money called ecash. 
1995, he implemented it through Digicash, an early form of cryptographic electronic payments which required user software in order to withdraw notes from a bank and designate specific encrypted keys before it can be sent to a recipient. This allowed the digital currency to be untraceable by the issuing bank, the government, or any third party.
In 1996, the NSA published a paper entitled How to Make a Mint: the Cryptography of Anonymous Electronic Cash, describing a Cryptocurrency system first publishing it in a MIT mailing list] and later in 1997, in The American Law Review
In 1998, Wei Dai published a description of "b-money", characterized as an anonymous, distributed electronic cash system.Shortly thereafter, Nick Szabo described bit gold. Like bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies that would follow it, bit gold (not to be confused with the later gold-based exchange, BitGold) was described as an electronic currency system which required users to complete a proof of work function with solutions being cryptographically put together and published. A currency system based on a reusable proof of work was later created by Hal Finney who followed the work of Dai and Szabo
The first decentralized cryptocurrency, bitcoin, was created in 2009 by pseudonymous developer Satoshi Nakamoto. It used SHA-256, a cryptographic hash function, as its proof-of-work scheme. In April 2011, Namecoin was created as an attempt at forming a decentralized DNS, which would make internet censorship very difficult. Soon after, in October 2011, Litecoin was released. It was the first successful cryptocurrency to use scrypt as its hash function instead of SHA-256. Another notable cryptocurrency, Peercoin was the first to use a proof-of-work/proof-of-stake hybrid.
On 6 August 2014, the UK announced its Treasury had been commissioned to do a study of cryptocurrencies, and what role, if any, they can play in the UK economy. 
The purpose of  Cryptocurrency 
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The  purpose of cryptocurrencies is to create a medium for gambling and speculation. There is no way any crypto could become a sort of international or universal medium of exchange. The only purpose for having a money system is to provide an acceptable and guaranteed medium of exchange to facilitate trade. As there are no regulations relating to cryptos there is no way anyone can provide a guarantee that they either exist in the first place, of that what is being speculated on is, in fact, a genuine bit of digital dust floating around in cyberspace.
Besides that, no digital currency is worth anything unless it, ultimately, can be exchanged for some form of legal tender. Only a nation’s Government has the authority to declare what shall be a nation’s legal tender and only the Government has the authority to guarantee the tender by punishing counterfeiters.
Characteristics of  Cryptocurrency
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In order to believe in the crypto revolution, it’s important to understand the fundamental aspects of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology that make it so revolutionary.
The 3 key characteristics of cryptocurrencies are that they are trustless, immutable, and decentralized.
1) Trustless
Bitcoin is trustless because it was designed in a way that nobody has to trust anybody else in order for the network to function.
Every form of currency before bitcoin required a central authority that you had to trust in order to use it. In all cases, that central authority becomes the central weakness that leads to the demise of the currency.
With bitcoin, each part of the ecosystem validates what the other parts are telling it without needing to trust anybody. If you broadcast a bitcoin transaction, all nodes receive it and verify that the signatures are valid. If the signatures are not valid, they discard the transaction.
Everyone on the network has a copy of the ledger so we no longer need to trust a single entity/organization/third-party because there is no need to trust when you can just verify against this ledger because you have a copy of it. The decentralized ledger is known as the block chain.
The incentivization of individual network actors though the proof-of-work consensus algorithm is one of the most groundbreaking ideas in modern economics.
The incentive may help encourage nodes to stay honest. If a greedy attacker is able to assemble more CPU proof-of-worker than all the honest nodes, he would have to choose between using it to defraud people by stealing back his payments, or using it to generate new coins.
He ought to find it more profitable to play by the rules, such rules that favor him with more new coins than everyone else combined, than to undermine the system and the validity of his own wealth.
— Satoshi Nakamoto
Although we are still figuring out exactly how we use cryptocurrencies and and what for, they are here to stay. Aside from the other major benefits of cryptocurrencies and blockchain tech, solving the centralized trust issue alone is a big enough innovation to give crypto staying power.
2) Immutable
“Immutable”, in its simplest sense, means “cannot be undone.”
Immutability in regards to blockchain and cryptocurrency should follow 3 principles:
·         It should be highly improbable or difficult to rewrite history.
·         It should be impossible for anyone but the owner of a private key to move            funds.
·         All transactions are recorded on the blockchain. 
When we want to check how money has been spent from our bank accounts, we check our transaction history with the bank. We trust our banks not to fabricate transactions or manipulate our money as we trust them to deliver our transactions to recipients. If there are fraudulent transactions, the bank also needs to be trusted to change them and fix the situation.
As we have already seen that the elements of centralization and trust are removed from cryptocurrency, there is no longer a third party for us to trust to do these things. Therefore, transaction records are made public and unchangeable (immutable).
Although it isn’t impossible to change the transaction ledger, cryptographic security makes it extremely difficult. It require you to compromise the entire network of cryptocurrency users.
3) Decentralized
Since “decentralization” is such a relevant buzzword in the crypto community, it’s important to define it well. It can take on different meanings.
“Blockchains are politically decentralized (no one controls them) and architecturally decentralized (no infrastructural central point of failure) but they are logically centralized (there is one commonly agreed state and the system behaves like a single computer).” — Vitalik Buterin
·         Fault tolerance: decentralized systems are less likely to fail accidentally because they rely on networks of separate components.
·         Attack resistance: decentralized systems are more expensive to attack and destroy or manipulate because they don’t have vulnerable central points that can be attacked at much lower cost than the surrounding system.
·         Collusion resistance : it‘s harder for members of decentralized systems to act in ways that benefit them at the expense of others. On the other hand, corporations and governments collude in ways that benefit themselves but hurt others all the time.
With central banks and governments, the supply and creation of money through mints and interest rates are controlled only by the banks. Users of fiat currencies are at the mercy of the central banks’ money-printing whims.
The problem in this world is to avoid concentration of power — we must have a dispersion of power .
— Milton Friedman
If you are not yet outraged by the central banking money-printing scam, it is helpful to think of it as a hidden tax when they print and destroy the wealth you have stored in those fiat currencies.
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Moving Into the Future
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Top Cryptocurrencies will play an important role in the future, with the use steadily increasing over the past several years. Bitcoin is currently used in 96 countries and growing, with 12,000 transactions occur every hour. Understanding more about cryptocurrency is the first step, and the second is to try it.
Purchase a small amount of cryptocurrency through an exchange, test it out, and complete a few transactions. After you get a feel for the process, you may decide to try mining. But whatever your path, know that the future of cryptocurrency is bright, and the list of cryptocurrencies is only expanding.
Genesis Mining offers you a smart and easy way to mine using our cloud hosting solution. Our solution is designed for those who are new to the world of cryptocurrencies, as well as for cryptocurrency experts and large-scale end users. Genesis Mining is the world’s first large-scale multi-algorithm cloud-mining service, offering an alternative to those who would like to engage in Bitcoin and altcoin mining.
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