#and one time in 8th grade when my friends were pushing me to find a label and I told her I thought maaaybe I wasn't exactly a girl
ib disco, adira's boyfriend has such powerful femboy vibes that my sister keeps misgendering him as "she"
ok so this has been in my drafts for so long because I looked it up and accidentally found out that the actor is actually trans so I should really get my sister to stop doing tha- wait we already watched them all, it's too late, crap
We had all been correcting her every time, (she thought he was a girl the very first time his character was onscreen and didn't ever fully get that he wasn't) but she didn't really try very hard to get his pronouns right, or adira's, once they came out as non-binary, so nearly every time one or both of them was on screen, my brother and sister (who, annoyingly, like to talk about the show during it) would be trying to ask their questions or laugh about what was going on by retelling it, but just constantly tripped over all the pronouns in a mess of gender confusion
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mossyivy · 2 months
Domestic Chris…Because that’s my specialty. 🥹
I see Chris having three kids, two boys, one girl. He’d be the type of dad to push his boys so hard, always expecting the best of the best from them. His daughter as well, but not as harsh. I see them all pretty close in age, maybe 1-2 years apart for each kid.
He’d have his boys do all sorts of sports and activities. Football, baseball, basketball, tennis, track, cross country, you name it, they do it. Chris would also help them practice, especially in football and baseball. His daughter would probably do ballet, tennis, and be in the Girl Scouts with Cecilia, and maybe do drama with Violet as well.
Also, it’s very much cannon that Chris spoils his daughter 10X more than his boys. His little girl wants to go on a Sephora shopping trip? Take his card and go crazy. His boys want to go out with their friends? Here’s $25 for the both of you.
Chris is also such a loving husband. He’d buy you gifts “Just because”. Or if you mention a new designer purse online, it would mysteriously show up on the dining table to greet you when you woke up…With a handwritten note of course. You were very much a spoiled wife, but he didn’t care, you gave him three beautiful kids for god sakes, of course he’d buy you whatever you want.
If there was ever a time any of your boys were disrespectful to you while he was gone, (Because they know better than to mess with their mother while dad’s around.) He’d give them the “You don’t disrespect MY wife.” Talk. Ugh, 😣 give me a chance Chris…☹️
- Anon! 🎀
But I'll scream with you anyday bb!!!
(I'm sorry this is so long I just couldn't help myself 😭)
Okay so I've had the idea that Chris met someone with a child from a previous relationship (Your first born son, Let's name him Oliver and call him Ollie for short! He's like 2 years older than Violet. He struggles a bit in school so they're in the same grade, along with his younger brother, after he was held back in 5th and 8th grade but that's okay! Everyone struggles!)
Ollie was like 2 when they first met. Your ex-husband was a HORRIBLE MAN, absolutely terrible to you and the only good thing he ever did was bless you with Ollie. That's it.
Chris and his wife met through work (let's be honest here, how tf else would he meet a woman? Chris is very much a workaholic.) His wife is basically the lead of the BSAA's dispatch response team (Basically what Hunnigan does at the FOS but the BSAA's version) and she's good at her job. Very strong willed and mouthy as a mf. Isn't scared to go back at anyone over the radio and definitely got into it with Chris once or twice before they officially met.
(catch me posting what happened when they met in person the first chance someone asks)
After y'all start dating it doesn't take long before you introduce Chris to your son and Ollie is just OBSESSED with Chris. Like you've never seen this kid so excited to see another human being until Chris shows up. You two only started dating for a few months and Ollie already calls Chris dad. You try correcting him scared AF that Chris is gonna get freaked out but he's actually super chill with it. He's use to taking care of people, he basically raised Claire after their parents died but this little guy is much younger and a lot more fun and excitable than Claire was.
A few months into the relationship you find out you're pregnant. Chris is excited but also freaking out with how often he's gone. But everything works out and you end up having your second son, Christopher Jr but CJ for short.
You and Chris end up getting married not long after your first anniversary after the babies born. Not making a big deal out of anything just getting papers signed and having a little get together celebrating everything.
2 years go by, Ollie's in Kindergarten and CJ does daycare. You start getting horribly ill out of nowhere. So you go get checked out and oh God you're pregnant again...
(This would be the point in time where Leon starts bugging for another baby with his wife)
9 months of Chris being a nervous wreck fly by and the world meets your daughter, Talulla, Lulu for short.
Chris would be adamant on sticking the kids in after school activities once they're old enough. His boys would do sports and his baby girl in softball and girl scouts so she can hangout with her pseudo cousins. (Her being 2 years younger than Violet and 2 years older than Cecilia) Until her older cousin quits cause girl scouts are for babies (🙄)
Chris and his wife would be UBER COMPETITIVE when it came to cookie selling season. It's all out war between the Redfield's and Kennedy's every year.
I feel like Ollie would also really be musically gifted and play piano for the school choir and musicals. Lulu would Ed up wanting to do drama but be a stage hand or in the costume department. She's actually very shy.
CJ is basically Chris when he was a kid. Always doing stupid shit... Getting in trouble over the dumbest of things but looking out for others. (Definitely beat up that kid who was picking on Violet when they were 7.)
You're getting calls from the school at least once a month because CJ got in trouble for either getting into an argument with a teacher over rules or another kid tried something stupid.
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alwaysonthemend · 1 year
Ménage a Quatre
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Author’s Note: Requested by @ignite-my-fire , this fic was an absolute delight to write. It’s way longer than I had initially planned so sorry for the delay. I think this is the fic that’s officially making me go to hell but I’d say it’s fucking worth it because damn was this fun to write. I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Sorry for any typos/mistakes! Please note, there is no slash in this fic, as this is not Alabama. (I can make that joke because I was born there)
Summary: You’ve known the Kiszkas for practically their entire lives. Your friendship with them is a little unique given that you’ve slept with all three of them over the years, but you never made it official with any of them. You figure it’s just a matter of time before they find out the truth and  you know that once they do, you’ll probably never hear from any of them ever again. They're just about to finish up the last leg of tour and you discover that it’s actually quite the opposite. 
Content Warnings: Fem!reader, forgive me father for I have sinned. Foursome. Cussing, dirty talk, name calling, oral sex (male and female receiving), fingering, hand jobs, unprotected sex. Overall just very dirty. Needless to say, 18+ MINORS DNI (plz) 
Word Count: 5056
These situations were rarely ever simple. And yours is extra complicated given that you’d been friends with the Kiszka brothers for most of their lives. You’d met them all the way back in middle school when you’d shared a class with Sam. He had invited you over to his house to hang out and, as the years passed, you became good friends with Jake and Josh as well. You had been with them for all of it – from their first few band practices in the garage to Greta Van Fleet becoming famous. And somehow, they still considered you family, despite their newfound rockstar status. 
It started, you suppose, with Sammy. Since you two are the same age, he’d always been the one that you considered yourself closest to. And sure, you couldn’t deny that you found him attractive, especially as he grew into the man he is now. And he’d always been the one that you figured you might have a shot with. He’d been your first kiss in the 8th grade, and he’d been the one to take your virginity after a drunken homecoming party your senior year. And though it had been incredible, and the two of you slept with each other a few more times that summer, you had never made it official. 
Things changed though when you were a sophomore in college and Josh had come alone to visit you. The thing about Josh is that he always comes across as a little flirty, and you had never paid it any mind. But during that particular visit, the banter back and forth between the two of you had been at an all time high. Little touches of his would linger, and you would often catch him staring at you as you passed. Inevitably, you fell into bed with him – just as you had with Sam years before. It was incredible. Josh is a giving lover (just as you always assumed he’d be) and your time together that night haunted your dreams for months after he left. You’d always had a little crush on Sam, but suddenly you found yourself looking at Josh in a brand new light. You felt terribly guilty and chalked it up to the Kiszka charm and did your best to push the both of them from your mind. 
And then came your graduation party. Josh, Jake, and Sam – along with all of your other friends and family were present. The night was full of excitement and catching up and plenty of alcohol to go around. You would blame that alcohol for a long time for what happened. Sleeping with the third Kiszka brother was, you insisted to yourself, merely a result of drinking way too much. Jake was nothing like Josh or Sam. He was dominant, commanding. And you loved every minute of it. His fingers were fucking magical, calloused and talented, and he had brought you to the edge so many times you had lost count. And as you laid there that night, head resting on his shoulder as he slept, you realized that you were completely, irrevocably, and utterly fucked. 
Sleeping with your childhood best friend was one thing, but fucking both of his older brothers was a whole other problem. The guilt ate away at you, consuming your thoughts and souring any moment you shared with them. And the worst part of it was, you couldn’t really make yourself regret any of it. All three of them had given you nights that you would never forget, and any other man you tried to sleep with paled in comparison. You couldn’t even pleasure yourself without your mind drifting to those nights – imagining the way Sam thrust into powerfully, or the way Josh ate you out like a man starved, or the way Jake had stared into your eyes has he edged you for what felt like the millionth time. You’d had a taste of the talented Kiszka brothers, and you were hungry for me – no matter how wrong it was. 
The years passed and, despite your best efforts, you slept with them all a handle of times each. And each and every time the guilt chipped away at you, eating away at your thoughts constantly. You never said a word to any of them about the whole situation, and as the years passed it got harder and harder to think of a way to bring it up to them. Eventually, you just accepted that one day they’d all find out and your friendship with the Kiszkas would be ruined forever and that there was nothing you could really do about it. The best you could do was enjoy each encounter as much as you could and be thankful while it lasted. 
But things would soon change for all four of you. The release of the Battle at Garden’s Gate and the beginning of the Dreams in Gold Tour changed your world completely. The first leg had been brutal as you hardly got to see the boys at all. On one of the few instances in which they were all at home, taking a break, Sam had approached you with an offer you couldn’t refuse. 
“Y/n,” He’d said one day whilst the two of you were sitting at the table eating a light lunch, “how would you feel about coming with us for this last leg of the tour?” 
Your eyes had grown comically large and you stared at him. 
“I mean, ya! I’d love to but… why?” You wrung your hands together, nervous. “I mean, I FaceTime you guys all the time. It’s not like we never get to talk when you’re on tour.”
“I know.” Sam had said, eyes staring at you intently. “But the truth is… I miss the way we used to be.” He glanced down, suddenly bashful. “I miss the nights we used to have together and I thought that maybe, if you were on tour with us, we could do it again.” 
The panic that washed over you had been unlike anything you’d ever felt before. The back of your neck grew hot as the guilt that you thought you had escaped reared its ugly head ten fold. The fear must have shown on your face because Sam was quick to backtrack. 
“It’s okay if you don’t want to! I… I just thought I’d ask.” 
“It’s not that, Sammy. I want to. Of course I want to. It’s just…” You trailed off, desperately trying to come up with a reason other than the terrible truth. You couldn’t think of anything. 
“Sam, there’s no way for me to tell you this without sounding like the worst fucking person on the planet, and I hope we can still be at least sort of friends after I tell you… but I understand if you decide against ever talking to me ever again because-” 
“Y/n.” Sam silenced your rambling. “I know. We all know.” 
You stared, unbelieving. 
“Know what?” It couldn’t be true. 
“Do you really think three brothers aren’t going to brag to each other about sleeping with the hottest fucking girl we know?” He laughed and took a sip of his drink. “Granted, we didn’t immediately know we all were talking about the same one but… once we did, none of us really cared.” 
Your jaw fell open as you stared at him. Your brain was barely processing the words he was saying. They had known? All these years? And not one of them had thought to mention it to you… 
“And… you’re all, you know… okay with it?” You asked in a shaky voice. 
“Duh. I’m not the only one who wants you on tour with us. Josh and Jake both wholeheartedly want you there with us, too.” He watched your face morph from emotion to emotion – from panic, fear, confusion, and finally doubt. “I promise y/n. We’re all cool with it. I wouldn’t have asked you to come along with us if we all hadn’t talked about it first. So,” He spread his arms wide and grinned at you, “What'll it be, y/n?” 
And that’s how you found yourself traveling the world with Greta Van Fleet, spending your nights partying with them and sleeping with them whenever they pleased. It was weird at first, having sex with each of them whilst knowing that they all knew, but eventually the oddness faded. Sam, Jake, and Josh were the handsomest fuckers to ever walk the planet, and you were lucky enough to be able to have all three of them. And to be honest, you were having the time of your fucking life. 
As time passed, the whole situation began to feel a little less strange. Granted, your situation was anything but normal – but you found yourself and the Kiszkas enjoying life far more than you had been before. There was never any weirdness or animosity between you all – much to your relief. Even if one of them walked in on you with another, there were never any hard feelings. Usually just a smirk and an apology, often accompanied by a laugh as they exited the room. The life became normal – despite being so atypical, and time flew by. Before you all knew it, the tour was drawing to a close. 
It was the night of the last show. The boys had absolutely killed it out on stage (just like they always did) but there had been something particularly special about their performance this time. Sam had looked downright ethereal out on stage, effortlessly playing the best he had all tour. Josh’s vocals had been heavenly, and the raw emotion that he was feeling at the end of the tour had been evident – making his singing even more powerful than usual. And Jake’s last Weight of Dreams solo had been mesmerizing, his mannerisms becoming practically feral by the end as he basically fucked his guitar on stage. By the end, you excused yourself to your hotel room, completely wound up after the show. You needed some relief, and you didn’t care which of them it was. At this point, you just needed whoever showed up at your door first. They all had their own spare key, so you were sure it was a race of who could get here first.
It was Jake that made it first. You heard the door unlock and he strode across the room quickly, wrapping his arms around you and pressing a hot kiss to your neck. He was still sweaty and warm against you, and you could easily feel his cock through his stage pants. You turned in his grasp to face him, pressing your lips to his in a needy kiss. 
“You looked incredible out there tonight, Jakey.” You said between kisses. He chuckled as he detached himself from you to close the door behind himself. 
“Thank you, y/n. Got myself a little worked up.” He turned back around and gave you a pointed grin. 
“Oh?” You asked, walking slowly over to the bed. “Something I can help with?” 
Jake let out a growl deep in his chest as he wasted no time in stripping his stage clothes, tossing them to the floor in a heap. He walked confidently over to you, threading his fingers through your hair and pulling your head back to expose your throat. 
“You know exactly what I need, sweet girl.” He released you. “Strip.” He ordered, and you quickly complied, almost falling over in your haste to rid yourself of your own clothes. 
Once free of your clothes, you crawled onto the bed and leaned back, hair splayed out like a halo around your head. You let your legs fall apart, giving Jake a clear view of your glistening folds. 
“Well then,” You said, eyes hooded and heart racing, “come and take it.” 
Jake wasted no time before jumping onto the bed, the springs creaking as his weight settled. He dove between your thighs, licking a stripe up your pussy. You threw your head back and moaned loudly, uncaring if anyone heard you. Jake began to eat you out like he was a starving man given his first meal, and he quickly had you spewing curses and moans loudly. So loud, in fact, that neither of you heard the door to the room open and close. 
“God damn, she is a fucking sight to behold.” Your eyes snapped open at the sound of Josh’s voice. Jake detached himself from your dripping cunt, turning to give his twin a smirk. 
“Don’t stop on my account, brother.” Josh said grinning, eyes still trained on your pussy. “Do you mind if I join in on the fun? It is the last show and all…”
They both were looking at you now, and neither of their gazes were demanding. Truly, it was your choice, and you knew that you could say ‘no’ without either of them becoming upset. You thought for a moment, weighing the idea in your mind. Though you’d been sharing them the whole time, none of you had ever crossed the line of sharing at the same time. But you’d be a big fat liar if you said you hadn’t imagined it before – secret, dirty dreams in which you got to have all three of them at once. And well, two out of three ain’t bad. 
“I’d love for you to join.” You said, voice still a little shaky from Jake’s earlier attention. 
“You sure?” Jake asked, placing a warm palm on your thigh. “It’s okay if you say no.”
“No hard feelings at all, love. Promise.” Josh added, giving you a sweet smile. 
“I’m sure. Promise.” You echo Josh’s words and both of their smiles grow. 
“Perfect.” Josh said, already beginning to step out of his jumpsuit. He lets it pool around his feet before stepping out of it and you can’t help but moan at the sight of him. Jake brings his mouth back down on your throbbing cunt, and you clench your eyes shut and groan loudly. You feel the bed dip next to you as Josh climbs in, leaning down to press wet kisses to your tits. 
“Sammy’s gonna be so jealous that he’s missing out.” You sigh, fighting to keep your voice from cracking. 
“Mmm. Probably.” Josh agrees, before swirling his tongue around one of your hard nipples. You moan loudly as Jake suckles on your clit for a moment before sitting up. His face is wet with your juices and he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. 
“Do you want me to text him?” Jake asks quietly, and Josh sits up as well. “Only if you’re comfortable, of course.” Jake hastily adds. “Two is one thing. All three might be the death of you.” He grins and Josh scoffs at him. 
“There were probably a million better ways you could have phrased that.” You laugh at Josh’s comment and Jake gives you both a joking scowl. 
“Yeah, probably.”  You pause again, gathering your racing thoughts. This whole night is becoming a wet dream come true. “Text him, Jake.”
He nods and rises from the bed to extract his phone from the pile of clothes on the floor by the door. He taps his fingers quickly across the screen. 
“He was waiting just down in the lobby bar.” He says, clicking his phone off and lying it back on top of his clothes. “He was gonna wait for his turn.” He chuckles as he returns to the bed. 
It doesn’t take long for the door to open again, and Sam enters the room. His hair is framing his pretty face beautifully and you lick your lips at the sight of him. 
“Hey, Sammy.” You whisper, eyes dark and chest flushed with excitement. He’s only wearing his stage pants and you can see his cock straining beneath them.
“Hey, y/n.” He says, walking over to the side of the bed. 
The three brothers look to each other, eyes dancing back and forth amongst themselves, almost as if they’re carrying a conversation with each other. Knowing them and their close bonds, they probably are.  
“Well,” Josh finally says, voice horse and gruff, “a menage a quatre it is, then.” He grins and Sam and Jake do the same, before all of their eyes turn to you. You gulp. You feel like prey, being stalked through the woods by a pack of wild animals. And in a sense, you are. This whole experience with them has been eye opening, as you’ve learned more about yourself and what you like than ever before. Sam, Josh, and Jake have given you a freedom that you’ve never had before, and one that you probably won’t have again. 
‘Tonight, pretty girl,” Sammy whispers, “you’re ours.” He says, tracing a finger along the curve of your jaw. 
“All ours, my dear.” Josh murmurs as he leans down, ghosting his lips over your skin and leaving a trail of goosebumps. 
Jake roughly grips the meat of one of your ass cheeks and squeezes, calloused fingers digging into your flesh. 
“And you’re gonna fucking take it however we want it.” He says, eyes dark and sparkling. 
You swallow thickly and nod your head wordlessly, senses already overwhelmed and every nerve in your body on fire. Sam slides his pants down and off him, allowing his hard cock to spring free. He climbs onto the bed and settles onto his knees by your feet. You turn your head to watch him, entranced by the grace of his movements. In your peripheral you see Josh’s curly head descend upon your skin, leaving wet, hot kisses on your neck. He nips and bites as he goes, drawing breathy little moans from you. 
“So pretty like this, baby girl.” He says as he licks into your mouth, tongue plunging into you to explore. He swallows your moan as Sam takes over from Jake earlier, lapping between your folds and circling your clit with the tip of his tongue. 
“Oh, fuck.” You whine, tossing your head back as Josh brings his mouth back to your tits while one hand tweaks your other nipple. He wraps his free hand around his cock and begins to fuck into his own hand. 
“Such pretty noises.” He moans around your breast. 
“Such pretty lips, too.” Jake says, sinking to his knees above your head, looking down on you as his hair falls around his face. “Bet they’d look so nice wrapped around my cock.” 
“She’s a little slut for sucking cock, Jake.” Sam says, rising briefly from your cunt and your pussy clenches at the loss of stimulation.
Jake grips your jaw with his hand and forces it open before sliding his hard length into your waiting mouth. You relax your tongue and swallow him down deep as you can go and hollow your cheeks. He fucks into your mouth and you can only watch as his eyes fall closed and he throws his head back in pleasure. 
Without warning, Sam plunges two fingers into you, stroking your walls with a ‘come here’ motion. You moan and almost choke around Jake’s cock, but you push through it and your eyes water with the effort. Your every sense is overwhelmed as Josh nips and bites at your tits. Jake’s moans and grunts as he fucks into your mouth are fucking pornographic and Sam’s fingers are quickly guiding you onto the edge. 
You reach your right hand out blindly, finding Josh’s hand where he’s stroking himself. You swat it away, relying only on your peripheral to see. You begin to pump his cock for him instead and he lets out a loud groan. 
“See that, Jake?” He says through clenched teeth. “Letting you fuck into her mouth and jacking me off at the same time… Such a talented little whore.” 
You moan at his words and the vibration makes Jake moan as well. He pulls his cock from you and a string of saliva falls from your lips. 
“Mmm.” He nods, brushing your sweaty hair from your forehead. “Such a good girl.” Jake observes you with dark eyes as you practically writhe on the bed. He can tell that you’re about to cum all over Sam’s fingers and yet you’re still giving Josh the handjob of his life. 
“Cum for me, y/n.” Sam demands, pumping his fingers in and out of you at a brutal pace. “Cum on my fingers.” And that’s all it takes for the coil in your belly to snap. Your hand drops from Josh’s dick as your mouth drops open and you let out a wail as you ride through the pleasure. 
“Fucking gorgeous.” Josh whispers, watching you fall apart. When you finally come down, you're met with all the Kiszkas looking at you like you’re the only girl in the whole world. And to them, you are. You’re struck again by the craziness of the situation you’ve found yourself in, surrounded by the three most attractive men you’ve ever met, all willing to share in your pleasure. 
“Get on your hands and knees.” Sam commands, snapping you back into the moment. 
You scramble up from your lying down position and do as you're told, sinking to your hands and knees in the middle of the bed. It creaks loudly as you let your weight settle, making sure to stick your ass up in the air to give them a show. 
“Always so fucking eager to please…” Jake mutters approvingly, giving your ass an appreciative squeeze before sliding underneath you on his back. In this position, his hard cock rests at attention between your breasts and his mouth is right beneath your dripping pussy. You rest your forearms on either side of his hips and lick his cock, swirling your tongue around the head. He hooks his arms around your thighs and pulls you down so that you're sitting on his face. He plunges his tongue into you, moving in and out slowly. 
Josh rises from his place by your side and scoots over so that he’s directly behind you. Sitting up on his knees, he fucks into his own hand lazily as he admires the sight of your ass up in the air. 
“You ready for my cock, baby?” He asks and you nod. 
He slides into you in one long thrust, moaning loudly as he bottoms out. 
“Shit!” You cry, the feeling of his cock stretching you coupled with Jake’s tongue is fucking overwhelming.
“Jesus, look at you.” Sam says, coming to rest at Jake’s feet. 
“Lemme suck you off, Sammy.” You moan, looking up at him with hooded eyes. 
“You guys hear that?” Sam says, chuckling darkly. “She wants to suck my cock.” 
“Fuck, y/n,” Josh says, thrusting in and out of you. “You’re a fucking sight to behold. Jesus.”
“Since you asked so nicely.” Sam sits up and you open your mouth and wrap your lips around him. You hollow your cheeks and bob your head as much as you can. The pleasure washing over you is so intense you can hardly focus and drool is falling from the corners of your lips, but you keep going. 
Jake suckles on your clit and you yelp around Sam’s cock, and Josh squeezes your ass cheeks as he pistons his hips in and out of you. Beneath you, Jake begins sliding his cock between your breasts, – never once letting up with his tongue, but still in desperate need for his own release. The sounds you’re making are making him feel fucking feral. 
Sam moans as you suck him off, and he tangles his fingers in your hair as he begins to fuck into your mouth in earnest. His cock hits the back of your throat and he groans loudly. You’re wound so tight you can hardly fucking stand it and your second orgasm is quickly overtaking you. You pull off Sam’s cock for a moment, wailing loudly. 
“I’m gonna fucking cum. Oh fuck.” The moan that falls from your mouth as you cum for the second time is high pitched and needy, and you’d probably be embarrassed if you weren’t so drunk on pleasure. Your mouth falls open in a perfect ‘o,’ and Sam takes the opportunity to thrust his cock back between your lips again. Your pussy clenches around Josh’s cock, pulling a loud moan from him and Jake laps at your release. You can feel his dick twitch between your breasts and he moans as he tastes you. 
“Fuck, y/n. You’re so fucking tight.” Josh says through clenched teeth, and his chest is flushed as he continues to fuck into you. Jake plunges his tongue back between your folds, mercilessly swirling your clit and you whine loudly, dancing on the edge between pain and pleasure. You’re so overstimulated and tears leak from your eyes, but none of them let up. You moan around Sam’s cock and he groans loudly. 
“You’re such a good whore for us, y/n. So fucking good.” You whine deep in your throat and clench your eyes shut. Between Josh’s cock and Jake’s tongue – not to mention the sounds that Sam is making, you feel like you could fucking explode. 
“So good.” Josh pants. “And all ours.” 
“Fuck I’m gonna cum!” Sam throws his head back and that’s all the warning you get before his release spills down your throat. You greedily swallow it all down and milk him for all he’s got. He pulls his cock from you with a pop and falls back against the headboard. 
The sound of his release sends you spiraling into a third orgasm, this one quick and sharp and without warning. You wail loudly as it crashes over you, and you clench hard around Josh. 
“Jesus, mama. Shit! So fucking tight. Gonna fucking cum. So fucking close.” His thrusts are sloppy and erratic, and it isn’t long before he reaches his own release, painting your walls with thick ropes of cum. The sound that falls from his lips is sinful, and your eyes roll back as Jake continues to eat you out. Jake is desperately rutting his dick up between your tits and you can tell he’s on the edge, but he’s not going to let himself fall off that crest without making you cum one more time. You need it so badly and your whole body feels like it’s on fucking fire. 
“Come on, y/n.” Sam encourages, voice silky smooth. “One more.”
“You can do it, pretty girl. Come on. Let us see you fall apart one more time.” Josh says between shaky breaths, pulling his soft cock from your pussy. 
You’re spewing profanities and whines and you're wailing their names as the coil in your belly somehow begins to tighten again. You have no idea what you’re saying and your vision is beginning to go black around the edges. With one last swirl of his tongue around your clit, Jake has you falling apart for the fourth time. Your eyes roll back in your head and you scream as you cum. You’re a babbling mess and the sight and sound of you makes Jake finally come apart himself. Ropes upon ropes of his cum paint your chest as he ruts his cock against your smooth skin and he moans your name loudly. 
“Fuck, y/n!” He cries as he finally comes down from his high. He slides out from under you and you collapse onto the bed, completely and utterly spent. 
Josh rises from the bed and hooks one arm beneath your knees and the other around your waist. He lifts you gently and Sam pulls the covers down to the foot of the bed. Josh lays you gingerly onto your back and wipes your hair from your face. You crack your eyes open at him. 
“Hey, mama.” He says with a sweet smile. “You okay?” 
You just hum and close your eyes again. Jake rises to grab a washcloth from the bathroom. He runs it under the warm water of the sink and brings it back over to the bed while Sam goes to grab you a glass of water. Jake cleans you up carefully, wiping the evidence of the night's activities from your skin. Josh helps you sit up and Sammy brings the glass to your lips and you take large, greedy gulps of it. When you’re finished, he places it on the nightstand. 
“You did so good for us, baby.” Jake says, voice almost a whisper. 
“So fucking good.” Josh murmurs as well, reaching down to grab his jumpsuit off the floor. He steps back into it and pulls it up, not bothering to zip it all the way. Jake does the same, pulling his pants on and grabbing his jacket and phone. 
“Get some rest.” He says. 
“Think I’m gonna sleep for a week.” You say tiredly, and the three of them laugh. “You were right, Jakey. All three of you was definitely the death of me.” 
“A valiant and noble death, m’lady.” Josh says with a dramatic bow. You giggle at his perpetual goofiness. 
“You guys have a good night.” Sam says, crawling into the bed and pulling the covers over you both. “I’ll take good care of her.” 
“You better.” Jake says and points a finger at him. “She needs some good rest.” 
“You kids be good.” Josh says, following Jake to the door to the hotel room. “I’ll have breakfast delivered to her in the morning.”
“What about me?” Sam said and you laughed at the indignation in his voice. 
“You’re a big kid, Sammy boy.” Josh laughs and Jake rolls his eyes at the both of them. “I’m sure you’ll manage.” 
The twins both give you soft, matching smiles before turning to open the door. 
“Thank you.” You tell them. 
Jake gives you a cheeky grin and a salute. 
“Any time.” And with that, he disappears out the door. 
“The pleasure was all mine, good lady.” Josh bowed once more and followed Jake, softly closing the door behind him. 
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Sam says, extending his arm to turn off the light before settling back down. 
“You kidding me?” You ask, lying your head down and practically sinking into the bed. “That was a wet dream come true.”
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hiyaa! ive sent in requests to so many accs but no ones replied idk wether they are busy or not but anyways, i was wondering if you could do a #32 where y/n and eddie have secretly liked eachother for years but eddie always annoys y/n by flirting with her even though gareth is her brother. one day corroded coffin are practicing in y/ns garage whilst shes watching tv eddie comes in and start’s annoying her and flirts a little saying “y’know you love it” and all that shii. she starts to get angry and tells him to stop cuz its not fair on gareth if anything happened and but eddie being eddie just keeps pushing until eventually they kiss. gareth can walk in on them if you would like to add that i dont mind :) sorry if it was a rubbish explanation im terrible at writing stuff lol. thank you 💗
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Gareth sister!Reader
Prompt: "How mad would you be if I kissed you?"
A/N: Hello friend! Thank you so so much for this super fun request! I had a blast writing this! I think it's made me want to explore more sibling!reader x Eddie fics! I really hope that this came out the way you wanted and that you like it as much as I do! Thank you so much!
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You were sitting sideways out of your open driver's side door reading a book as your Iron Maiden cassette played loudly out of your car's speakers. You sighed as you checked your watch and tapped your foot in annoyance. They were late again. 
You’re Gareth’s older sister, you had graduated 2 years ago but you helped out by picking up him and some of his friends from school everyday after your shifts at work. Today was Hellfire night so you knew it was a late night, but they should have been out 15 minutes ago. You sighed again. Gareth would owe you big if he made you wait any longer, you were doing him a favor after all. You’d make him do your chores for the rest of the week if he didn’t show up in the next 5 minutes and just the thought brought a small smile to your face.
“A beautiful smile on a beautiful girl.” You heard from right in front of you. You jumped and let out a startled gasp at the noise, causing the person to laugh. You looked up and found Eddie Munson. 
Your heart was thundering in your chest, you’d be lying if you said that it was just from the surprise. You had harbored a crush on Eddie ever since the 8th grade, having been in the same class with him since kindergarten. But the two of you had run in different circles and you never thought he would be interested in you. Hell, he had barely even started talking to you until Gareth joined his D&D campaign as a freshman. 
You had no idea though, that Eddie had been too nervous to talk to you until the day you walked into the drama room to pick up your little brother that first time. He had thought you were beautiful and way too smart for him and never thought he’d get a reason to speak to you, all until Gareth. Now he made it a point to talk to you any chance that he could. After school when you picked up your brother, at your job at the record shop, at your house during Corroded Coffin practices.  He made it his goal every time. 
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you, sweetheart.” He chuckled, dimples on full display. 
“It’s okay, Munson.” You said with a small smile. “Where’s my loser of a brother?” You asked, noticing the other boys we suspiciously absent. 
“He had to get something from his locker and Jeff went with him.” Eddie responded, “But how’s the prettiest girl in Hawkin’s doing?” He flirted, you rolled your eyes as you tried to ignore the way your heart skipped a beat at his words. Eddie was a notorious flirt. You wanted to flirt back. But he’s Gareth’s friend and bandmate, you couldn’t do that to him. What if you dated and broke up, and made it uncomfortable for your brother to even have band practice? No you couldn’t do that to him. So you brushed Eddie off every time.
“I don’t know, you should go find her and ask.” You shot back, looking from him back to your book. You heard him tut at your response.
“Come on sweetheart. You know I mean you. When are you gonna let me take you out?” He asked. You looked up at that, that was new. Normally he just flirted, maybe joked about kissing you. But never actually asking you out. 
You felt your mouth drop open slightly in surprise, much to Eddie’s amusement. “You know we can’t do that Eddie.” You said simply, gesturing your head towards Gareth as he finally walked out of the school towards your car. 
Eddie looked over his shoulder and smiled, “Come on, he won’t mind.” He said as he turned back. 
“You don’t know that. We just can’t Eddie.” You sighed. “Hurry up Gareth or I’ll make you do my chores for the rest of the week!” You called, pulling yourself back into the car fully and closing the door. “See you around Eddie.” You said through the open window. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow, sweetheart.” He smiled, undeterred. 
“See you for practice tomorrow Eddie, good game!” Gareth said as he walked up and opened the passenger door to your car. 
“See you all then.” Eddie said with a knowing smile as he backed away from your car, sending you a little wave before putting his hands in his pockets and walking towards his van. 
It was the next afternoon, you had just finished your chores for the weekend and decided to watch a movie in the living room while your parents were out and the boys were practicing in the garage. 
They had been going for hours and currently it sounded like Gareth and Jeff were going over a section of the song together, trying to tighten their parts. The door to the garage opened in the kitchen and you turned to look at who it was, sighing when you saw Eddie. He smiled brightly at you as he closed the door and sauntered over, plopping down on the couch right next to you and placing his arm on the couch behind you. 
“Afternoon, beautiful.” He beamed with a wink. 
“Eddie.” You sighed, determined to ignore him as you stared at the TV. 
“How are you doing today, pretty girl?” He asked.
“You look great today.” He said, “Just like every day.”
“Eddie.” You said in a warning tone. 
“That’s my name sweetheart. I love the way you say it.” He cooed as he leaned into you more. 
“Eddie, you have to stop.” You said firmly, looking into his eyes. He was much closer than he had ever been before and you’re senses we flooded with him. You could smell his cologne and cigarettes, a combo that normally wouldn’t smell good to you, but for some reason it was intoxicating. His long curls were tickling the exposed skin of your shoulder, causing goosebumps to raise on your body. And you could almost melt under the intense look he was giving you, full of an emotion you couldn’t quite place. 
“You know you love it sweetheart.” He said with a sly smile. “I see the way you smile to yourself when you think no one’s looking. You like when I flirt with you.” He said simply, his smile growing wider at the dumbstruck look on your face at being found out. “And I like you. So I’m going to keep doing it, until you kiss me or slap me.” 
“I -wha- are you- I-” You tried to start. “I don’t know what you’re talking about Munson.” You finally got out, pulling your eyes away from him and back to the movie as you felt the heat rise to your face. You didn’t want him to know that he was right, you loved when he flirted with you. You wanted to flirt back, but you were trying to be a good sister. 
“Yes you do, princess.” He said, raising his hand up to your chin to pull your face to look at him. “Let me take you out. We could be great.” 
I furrowed your brows in distress, your resolve crumbling as you tried to be strong. “We can’t!” you hissed quietly. “Think of Gareth. We could hurt him.” You pleaded.
“We won’t. I promise.” He cooed, leaning into you. His lips were so close that you could feel his warm breath on yours. “How mad would you be if I kissed you?” He breathed. 
“Pissed.” You breathed. But you leaned in, crashing your lips onto his, eliciting a surprised noise out of the metalhead. Eddie recovered quickly, kissing you back feverishly as he pressed himself into you as he wrapped his arms around you, pulling the two of you close so there was no space between you. You ran your hands through his curls, tugging lightly, causing the brunette to moan into your mouth. 
You pulled away, breathless, after a few moments. “We have to stop.” You gasped, you opened your eyes to lock with Eddie’s hooded ones. 
“Sure, sure, sweetheart.” He mused with a smile before his lips were on yours again. It was your turn to moan this time as he kissed you hungrily. 
You let yourselves get lost in each other, ignoring the world around you as you gave into your feelings for Eddie. All the years of pining for each other led to this. And it felt so good, so right to be like this with him. And for a moment you forgot why you had been avoiding this for so long. 
“Fucking finally.” You heard from behind you, followed by a laugh. 
You pulled apart with a gasp and spun around in your seat to see Gareth and Jeff standing in the entrance to the living room. You hadn’t even heard the garage door open. 
“Honestly it took you long enough.” Gareth teased. “Now will you stop being so weird around each other and just go out?” Your mouth fell open in surprise as you looked between the two boys and Eddie. 
“See? I told you he’d be fine, sweetheart.” Eddie laughed, pecking your cheek affectionately.
Taglist: @srapalestina @yvonneeeee @cityofidek @anaisweird @mrslovesmayahawke @harrys-tittie @becca-alexa @catacina
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Cant Fight This Feeling
A/N- This was from the song fic list i made a while back 🥰 the list was still saved, along with all the fics i made for it so hopefully soon i’ll be able to finish the full list!!
Summary- After you get sick of Eddie being an asshole to every guy that comes across you, he decides it’s finally time to come clean
Genre- Fluff
Warnings- None :)
Tag List- @imagine-all-the-imagines @hellfirewh0re @paola-carter @whiplaaaaaaaaash @ladyapplejackdnd @thatlonelypieceoftoast @efvyqrs
Words- 2.2k
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“What’s this guys name again?”
Eddie asked from his seat next to you in the cafeteria. You had been telling him about another guy that was supposed to be taking you out that night.
“Scott. He’s pretty nice, but i know you already hate him.” You said with a smile, leaning back in your seat and crossing your arms.
“What makes you say that?”
“Because that’s how you feel about every guy that’s ever taken me out.”
You and Eddie had been inseparable since middle school, and it was hard to find one of you without the other at this point. He was your best friend, and you told each other everything, but he hated having to hear about every single guy you had a crush on or who was taking you out on dates.
“That’s not true…” He said quietly.
“Oh really?” You said with a laugh, “You remember in 8th grade when you threatened to beat up Michael Peterson because he asked me to the Snowball? Or when Paul took me to junior prom last year? Last month you tried punching Joey because he said he thought my dress was cute. You don’t always have to try and ‘protect’ me or whatever it is that you think you’re doing to help.”
“Hey! I do it out of a place of love, you know all those guys aren’t good for you!” You raised your eyebrows at his response, noticeably a bit angry,
“They’re not good for me?” You stared him down, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Um…” He went silent, “You know what i’m talking about.”
“Oh no, i don’t think i do,” You leaned forward and put your fist under your chin, “why don’t you explain it to me.”
He knew he wouldn’t be able to save himself from this,
“I mean, just look at us. And look at them! You don’t need one of those preppy douchebags to be your boy toys.”
“From what i remember, you always seem to be the douchebag.” You started raising your voice, putting Eddie in his place, “Every single guy that’s ever talked to me, asked me out, complimented me, has been completely fine around me! They’re not mean, they’re not grabby, they can barely get past making a move with you constantly up my ass.”
The two of you had gotten into arguments over this subject countless amounts of times. Eddie always saying something along the lines of ‘you’re too good for them’ or ‘guys only have one thing on their mind’, all the normal bullshit. But this pushed your buttons more than any other time it was brought up. Eddie knew it pissed you off but there wasn’t much else he could do to try and get those other guys away from you. His friends knew it, his uncle knew it, but for some reason you were the only person who was completely oblivious to his feelings for you.
“They’re nice to me. And i don’t know why you think that just because some guy comes around me that i like, you feel the need to get in the way and fuck it up. I just want to be happy with someone and i don’t know why that pisses you off so much.”
You grabbed your bag and stood up from your seat, but Eddie quickly grabbed your wrist,
“Where are you going?”
“I’m going to sit with Scott,” you snatched your arm back from his grip, “when you decide to stop acting like a child then i’ll come back.”
Eddie sat there defeated, watching you walk across the cafeteria.
He knew that he wouldn’t be able to keep up the charade forever. That he would have to come clean and finally admit to everything, that he knew the only person that would ever make him happy was you. Seeing how all those other guys wanted you as badly as he did made him sick, and he knew it wasn’t good to be such an asshole to them all the time but he just couldn’t help himself.
His attention turned to Jeff and Gareth as they sat in their designated spots on his left,
“Hey where’s (y/n)?” Jeff said as he took a sip from the Coke can on his lunch tray.
Eddie said nothing, turning his head over to see you giggling with Scott and his friends at their table, Jeff and Gareth spotting you as they looked over.
“You fucked up didn’t you?”
You sighed and laid on top of your bed, bored out of your mind. Your parents were still at work and by this time you and Eddie were either having one of your seshes or just hanging out and it was weird to not have him around you for so long. You hadn’t spoken to him since lunch and it was strange how quiet it seemed without him there. You missed him.
It had only been maybe 5 hours and you missed him so much.
You tried to get your mind off of him and try to focus on your date with Scott. Eddie was somewhat right about you, every guy that seemed interested in you was almost the complete opposite as you and him. It didn’t bother you much until you really sat to think about it. Sure, they were all nice now, but the constant cycle of guys losing their interest because of Eddie really made you think. It wasn’t the fact that Eddie was threatening them or scaring them away from you that made them leave, it was because no matter what whenever you were out with any of them you wished Eddie could be there with you instead of them.
All those guys wanted to do was the same dates over and over again, dinner and then a movie and dinner and then a movie. They bored you. But Eddie never did.
Though it was just hanging out you and Eddie always had something different planned, and sometimes you would end up doing a few of the same things, mainly movie nights at his place and a smoke sesh at yours but just spending your time with him always felt so comfortable. So right.
You’ve always liked Eddie, if you didn’t like him at least a little bit then you wouldn’t have been around him so much, but you were starting to realize that maybe you liked him more than you thought…
He was sweet, he was honest, and though he was annoying and obnoxious sometimes that’s just how he is. And you like how he is.
You LOVE how he is.
Sighing, you reach for your phone to try and reach Eddie at his trailer. You hated having to give in but even if he wasn’t going to apologize you just missed having him around you.
You put the phone to your ear and waited, listening to the tone and hoping that if Eddie wasn’t home to pick up the phone then his uncle would let him know you called. Groaning after waiting for what seemed like forever, you set the phone back onto the receiver and decided to just drive over. Talking to Eddie face to face would be a lot easier than doing it over a phone call. You quickly grabbed your bag and keys and quickly made your way downstairs to your front door.
As you opened it you shrieked in surprise, not expecting Eddie to be waiting at your front door,
“Eddie? What’re you doing here?” You looked him up and down and you were surprised to see him in a style so different from his normal look. He was wearing a darker denim button up, probably borrowed from his uncle since it seemed to be about two sizes too big, and a decent looking pair of jeans surprisingly with no rips in them. In his hand was a small makeshift bouquet of different wildflowers you recognized from around the neighborhood. He looked good. Seeing him so dressed up was definitely different, but you had to admit he looked pretty handsome all dressed up.
“I uh…” He cleared his throat and tried to collect his thoughts, he was flustered, “I just wanted to apologize for how i’ve been. I know i can be a dick sometimes so i figured i should man up and try to be an adult about it instead of always being so jealous…” He gave you a soft smile and handed you the flowers in his hand.
You took the bouquet and smiled, seeing all the different daisies and daffodils he found for you, thinking about how sweet it was for him to finally apologize for being… jealous?
“Wait…” You looked back up at him, his eyes staring down at the wooden boards of your porch to hide the gentle blush across his face, “did you say you were jealous?” You leaned against your doorframe, crossing your arms over your chest, “What do you have to be jealous about?”
“It’s stupid, i should just go-“
“Eddie.” You said sternly, he looked back up to your face and his eyes met yours.
“Fuck… Ok fine,” he said with a sigh, “I like you. I really like you. And seeing you go out with all those guys, all those preppy athletes and popular kids, it just hurt cause they weren’t anything like… well like me. And i figured me being a dick about it was easier than acting like it didn’t hurt me, but me acting like that hurt you more than i thought it did and i’m sorry… I thought if i showed up looking a little nicer, like they do, you might…” He trailed off, too nervous to finish his own sentence before you gave him a nod to continue, “You might… wanna go out with me?”
You just stared him down and smiled,
“How long have you felt like that?”
“A while…” He scratched the back of his neck, “8th grade i think. I didn’t think it was a crush but when Michael asked you to the snowball it just got me so pissed off that i wouldn’t get to go with you. I know it’s stupid…”
You giggled and took a step forward, placing a hand onto his shoulder as you stood on your tip toes to kiss his cheek,
“It’s not stupid. You’re an asshole for being a dick to all those guys, but it’s sweet that you apologized. And brought me flowers, cause you’re such a gentleman.”
He smiled, thankful you still weren’t pissed at him,
“So, you never answered my question…”
You giggled again,
“Yes, I’ll go out with you Eddie.”
He let out a big sigh of relief,
“Oh thank god, you have no idea how much i was panicking about doing all this.”
“Yeah i can tell,” looking up and down at his outfit again, “did you have to borrow your uncles shirt? It looks pretty big on you.”
“I don’t have any of those nice fancy clothes that all those guys do, i had to do what i could with what i had ok?”
The two of you stood there giggling with each other,
“How about we do something tonight?” You said with a smile, “We could make up for a couple of those hours we’ve been apart, i don’t think we’ve been separated for that long before.”
“Yeah, it was weird not having that annoying voice in my ear-“
“Hey!” You punched his arm, “i’m not that annoying.”
“Besides, i thought you were going out with that Scott guy?”
“I’ll call him and tell him i’m feeling sick or something. I wasn’t really into him anyways, i think he just wanted to add another notch on his belt and tell his friends he went out with one of the ‘freaks’.”
“I knew that guy was just gonna be another asshole. So what do you wanna do tonight?”
“How about tonight you come over and we’ll watch a movie, talk, smoke a little, the usual.”
“Don’t you wanna… You know, go on a date date?”
“Nope,” You said with a smile, “not tonight anyways, you can take me out next time.”
“Next time?” He smiled back at you, “Damn, first date hasn’t even started and you’re already planning a second? I knew you had the hots for me.”
You giggled and looked down to try and hide the blush coming to your cheeks,
“Maybe i did, maybe i didn’t. But you should go home and change first, i like the normal Eddie.”
“What do you mean?” He did a spin in his outfit, “You don’t like the suave new Eddie Munson?”
“I definitely don’t,” You said laughing, “ but i might when you find a shirt that fits you right.”
You took a few steps towards him, “Go home and change,” your arms reached up around his neck and you gently brought his face to yours, placing your lips softly onto his, “you’ll get more of that when you get back.”
He didn’t say a word as soon as you finished talking. The corners of his lips turned to the biggest smile you’ve ever seen on him before he quickly jumped off of your porch and ran back to his van,
“I’ll be back in an hour!”
You smiled and walked back into your home, thinking about what movie the two of you could watch together, and what you could put on afterwards for background noise. After seeing his reaction to one kiss, you knew there wouldn’t be much attention paid to the movie.
If you’d like to read more of my work, make sure to check out my masterlist 🥰
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pandoraslove · 2 years
hi my love !! i’m not sure where to write requests on here (idk how to properly use tumblr) but i was wondering if i could get an eddie imagine where the reader sings/is a singer but is super shy about their voice, and eddie hears and is like oh MY GOD ?! i’m also a sucker for a good ‘ol friends to lovers trope so if you wanna add that i will cry tears of joy.
thank you btw <3
I love this!! And same I'm still pretty new to Tumblr, but I'm getting more used to it now, still learning a few things on the way to. 
Voice of an Angel
Eddie Munson x Reader
Warnings: A little steamy but no smut only making out/kissing, No spoilers, just fluff over all, and not proofread. 
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Eddie knew you would be home alone today, since you’ve been counting down the days to finally get some time to yourself without your family. you loved them of course but they were a bit chaotic, your two younger siblings could never go 20 minutes without fighting and your parents never lasted more than 24 hours without arguing, so you suggested they go on a vacation. you were going to have to stay because ‘you had work’, which was completely false, you’d asked for the 3 days off. Eddie had the bright idea to sneak up on you. He got in through the small basement door and walked up to the kitchen. 
You were making yourself a sandwich and softly singing to “Running Up That Hill’, One of your all time favorite songs. you’ve never sung around people, you never like being the center of attention and kept mostly to yourself. which is a little strange seeing that you were in l- best friends with one of the most. loudest people in all of Hawkins. It wasn’t all bad though, he could be quiet and calm when he wanted to and to be honest he wasn’t very loud outside of school, only when he was having fun and stuff like that. 
The music was softly playing on the side and you were singing along. “I’d be running up that road, Be running up that hill with no problems Say, if I only could I’d make a deal with god and get him to swap our places-” You turned around only to find Eddie leaning against the entry. you let out a small yelp. 
“Sorry, princess, didn’t mean to scare you.” he chuckles and pushes himself off the wall, “you never told me you could sing.” you took a bite of your sandwich. 
“I don’t like doing it in front of others.” you tell him, shrugging. “what are you doing here?” 
“I could leave if you want.” He says pointing towards the front door. 
“No.” you say a little too quickly, “no, you can stay, unless you want to leave, you don’t have to sta- I'm rambling...” You say the last part slightly, He simply grins. 
You and Eddie have been friends since he was in the 8th grade, you in the 7th. You graduated the year after he was supposed to, but you stayed good friends. you were more of the shy type, always reading with your knees up to your chest or listening and watching the sky or simply sleeping. either in class or on Eddie or by him. Lunch was always your designated nap time. 
“You should sing more often...” Eddie says sitting next to you on your bed. 
“I only like to sing when I'm by myself,” 
“Because it’s a little bit of a coping mechanism, I guess, Whenever I feel vulnerable or alone, I sing, but I also do it when I’m bored.” 
“Well, princess, you have the voice of an angel.” He says, looking at you in the eyes. For a second you held the eye contact and then looked down at his lips, only to quickly look back up to his eyes. He’d caught nonetheless and smirks. He takes one of his hands and puts it against your cheek. The only reason you’ve never told him how you felt was because you didn’t want to ruin your friendship. 
“You know, y/n,” He says softly, “I don’t miss those little glances you take of my lips when I'm talking or how flustered you sometimes get when I put my arm around your shoulder, The way you look at me...” Your breath hitched as his face got closer. “But you’ve never actually said it.” 
“Said what?” He looks at you with an ‘I know you know what I’m talking about’ look, “I don’t want to lose you...” you sigh. 
“I don't think that could ever happen,” He says getting on top of you, he had his legs on either side of you, both his hands on the sides of your face making you look up at him. he leaned down and kissed your cheek then your nose, the corner of you mouth, and then finally your lips. your hands grabbed onto his wrists lightly as you kissed him back. 
you pull back slightly, “so, you've known this entire time?” You asks slightly out of breath.
“kind of,” He says nudging his nose on yours making you smile a little, “I just wanted to make sure I was right before making any moves, so I asked robin.” He says grinning. 
“um excuse me what?” you say completely baffled.
“I told her I liked you and asked her if I was right about you liking me back, princess, that's all, she didn’t tell how much you gossip about me or dream about me either,” He says winking. 
“I don’t gossip or dream about you, Munson.” you tell him, narrowing your eyes at him jokingly making him laugh. 
“Whatever you say princess.” you roll your eyes. 
“So, you like me too?” You asks with the widest grin.
“Yes, I... like... you...too.”He says, kissing you in between each word. 
“Good.” You says pulling him into another kiss. Oh, How you’ve dreamt of this moment, although you’d never admit it to him, it would only boost his ego even more. you’d have to thank Robin later. 
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lost-and-created · 6 months
How was my New Year?
-Got my group a fishbowl (my one drink of the night). Drank too much of it.
-Got play-slapped on the face. Told them, "You can hit me harder, if you want," half joking. They actually slap me as I'm turning away, getting clocked on the back of my jaw, and get so surprised I throw up a little, on the floor. Fish bowl in your nose is not fun.
-Go return the bowl to get my ID back and my whole group books it out of the bar. I return to the table being empty and I'm looking around, but can't find anyone. Turns out they all left the building and my friend had to wiggle back in to get me and we had to push our way back out.
-Friend drags me by my leash for 2 blocks back to my car where I put some stuff away and grab some other stuff for our last bar, including a drink coupon I'd won in a raffle. Group proceeds to use it to buy everyone but me a shot (not even a pop) and bring my back the envelope, for some reason. Turned a little square.of it into a paper crane.
-My 8th grade English teacher ended up being at this bar and seeing me tipsy and wearing both a leash and a collar.
-Goes to the bathroom, cuz I thought I had time and I really had to go. Just finishing up when I hear the countdown.
-While I'm washing my hands, a girl I'd seen over by our table asks if I got a NYE kiss and I said no. She asks if I'd like one and I say sure. Quick kiss with a very pretty girl in this bar bathroom. I give her the tiny paper crane I had made, while sitting at my booth. She gives me some very drunk advice about how I deserve good things, then tells me that she has a boyfriend. I immediately feel gross, because I've been cheated on before.
-Go back to my group to tell them what happened. They all congratulate me. Then, I see the guy the girl was with had taken my seat at our booth (we were at a booth and a separate table). When she comes back, it's very obvious that this is her boyfriend and I feel worse as I help them call a Lyft.
-Ending up overstimmed and feeling shitty in my car, after ending up at a fourth bar, when I was told we were just stopping in to see if the guy my friends were fawning over had left his darts there, the other night. They turned it from a quick check to people getting more drinks and playing darts .
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uwmadarchives · 2 years
Diving into the intersection of religion and queerness at the UW
by Chloe Foor, Student Historian 2022/2023
I am ecstatic to be one of the student historians this year! Over the course of these upcoming two semesters, I plan to research the history of LGBTQ+ students at UW and their relationship with religion. This is very special to me; I grew up in a Catholic family and attended Catholic school for most of my life. In 8th grade, I realized that I was queer. Around that same time, I went through the Catholic version of sex education — “Theology of the Body.” I was taught that marriage was a sacrament - only to be done between a man and a woman - and that the main purpose of marriage was to conceive children. I don’t remember if Theology of the Body ever expressly condemned homosexual relationships, but the message was clear: relationships between people of the same sex does not produce children, and by extension is a sin. At the time, I identified as bisexual, but this simple condemnation of my identity isolated me from my peers, despite only having come out to a very small group of friends. Even though 95% of the school did not know I was queer, I still felt so different. I attended high school at the same school district, where religion class was mandatory. Over and over again, I was taught that homosexual behavior is a sin. I personally never believed that I was going to hell for being queer, but it was hard for me to accept this part of my identity when everyone around me denounced people of the LGBTQ+ community. In a weird way, I was relieved when COVID cut my senior year short; I would never have to worry about my classmates finding out I was a lesbian, which I had only found out about myself during my last year of high school. This intersection of religion and queerness shaped most of my teenage years. 
When I left for college, I rejected religion completely. I considered myself agnostic ever since 9th grade, but I still regularly attended church services with my family, which I stopped doing in college. In my mind, Christianity and queerness were mutually exclusive. However, at UW I met many more queer people (there were only two other queer people I knew of at my high school, and only one of them was out to the whole school). One of them, who I became good friends with, was a gay man who was still involved in his church, the United Church of Christ (UCC), and attended church almost every Sunday. Though the UCC is generally accepting of queer people, this was the first queer person I had ever met who was still regularly involved in any type of religious practice. Something that I pushed away early on in my queer discovery brought him comfort. I started to wonder how queer people interacted with religion across different denominations. Was there one group that had more queer people as members? Did queer people raised in one religion reject it more so than someone else who was raised in a different religion? How did people justify the condemnation of LGBTQ+ people with the Christian philosophy of “love thy neighbor”? As a student historian, I am going to attempt to tackle some of these questions through the experience of UW students. 
When beginning my research, I browsed through the library catalog and newspaper archives using keywords like “homosexuality,” “queer,” “sodomy,” and “LGBT.” Though many incredible resources appeared, very few seemed to occupy the niche that I hoped to research. The Integrity/Divinity files applied to queer religious adults, the Gay Purge files and LGBT Campus Center records were about queer students, but rarely included the factor of religion, and the LGBTQ Oral History Project rarely included interviews with queer religious people who were students at Madison. Although all of these resources were incredible and fascinating in their own right, there wasn’t a lot about what I personally hoped to research. 
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This led to me reaching out to Troy Reeves, the head of the Oral History Program at UW. At this point, I had listened to a few oral history projects conducted for the LGBTQ Oral History Project, so I recognized how useful they could be in gathering information. After an initial meeting where we considered if an oral history route would be ideal for this project (we decided that it was), I spent some time learning about the actual process of creating an oral history project. At the moment, I am conducting preliminary research on the groups of people I hope to be interviewing, which has mostly been looking into the attitudes of various religious institutions towards queer people. I am also compiling a list of different people and organizations I might like to conduct an oral history interview with. Everything looks really daunting right now, but breaking things up into more manageable steps definitely helps. I think I am the most excited about actually conducting the oral histories with the people I hope to interview, but there is a lot of preparation to do before I get to that point. Everyone I have reached out to so far has been super helpful and accommodating, and I could not ask for a better experience during these first few months as a student historian!
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fangirlsuperhero · 2 years
10 Songs on Repeat
okay, @10paper20heart wanted to know what 10 songs I’ve had on loop. I got my flu shot and covid booster today and I’m a little loopy and a whole lot tired so ignore my mistakes or embarrassing answers. None of them are embarrassing.
1. Norwegian Wood by the Beatles which is totally a boring answer BUT! my friend Vicki and I used to make ouija boards out of cardboard and try to talk to the dead while putting this song on loop (for some reason) and this is closely related to my nano story I’m working on so it gets the number 1 spot
2. Lean on Me -Club Nuveau (I totally spelled that wrong but we’re ignoring it because of the side effects). My dad was on a bowling league when I was in like, 6th grade maybe and a bunch of us kids that got dragged there would all hang out and do dumb kid stuff around the bowling alley. Anyway, this song had just come out and we collectively decided it was our favorite song and I spent the whole next week trying to record it off the radio (I’m old. We didn’t have Spotify or YouTube or anything back then) and when I finally did, I listened to it every chance I got and it still to this day makes me excited when I hear it on the radio
3. Love Eyes by Rosemary Clooney is one of the best songs you’ve ever heard in your entire life and I really think you should try to seek it out (it’s a rare one and it’s only on the Rosemary Swings Softly album. I think)
4. No Control by One Direction because listen to it!! You guys should be making mixed tape notes on all my song choices
5. Poison by Bel Biv DeVoe. Actually the whole album but it’s a song list so I had to choose one. And the choice is poison and try NOT to dance when you hear poison by bbd in the grocery store. This album came out when I was in 8th grade and it’s the only thing I listened to for like, a year. I still have the tape and the cd and a burned copy of the cd when I thought I had lost it. So two cds I suppose. Very awful lyrics, highly recommend.
6. Try Me by James Brown is my favorite James Brown song of all time. Also a really fun song to belt out in a parking lot after work with all your friends at 1am.
7. Paint it Black by The Rolling Stones is cliche but it’s a perfect song and you will deal with my decisions
8. Surfer Girl by The Beach Boys. There was a 50’s restaurant here in Denver and my friend Vicki (ouija board) and I would bring like a roll of quarters in and play surfer girl on the jukebox over and over (i know it sounds like I’m doing the John mulany bit, but I’m not this is real) and finally after months and months, no matter how many quarters we put in, they wouldn’t play surfer girl anymore. Then we moved to California and fast forward like 10 years, I’m home visiting and we went to the diner and I was like, “hmmm shall I???” And I put several quarters in and pushed the surfer girl button several times and nothing. They removed Surfer Girl from rotation. I ruined it for everyone. Then I moved back here and the restaurant had closed down. I have to assume it was because I had been keeping them in business with my Surfer Girl quarters. Your loss, Gunther Toody’s
9. Lost in Emotion by Lisa Lisa and Cult Jam. I used to roller skate to this song and it makes me happy and it’s my go to song when I want to listen to music when I’m cooking or doing the dishes or cleaning or something equally boring
10. Love Me by Elvis. When my oldest son was a toddler, he decided that Elvis was his favorite and while all the other children were watching Cars and Polar Express, he watched Blue Hawaii and GI Blues everyday an he wore a jailhouse rock jacket everywhere we went. And so I would play an Elvis cd that I found and it had this song on it and it hits me in that same spot that Try Me does. It’s perfect.
Alright I did it!!! I need to go find out if Love Eyes has finally made it to YouTube. I’ll post it if I find it
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ana-dahlia404 · 5 months
I Guess I would blame my mom and sister for my need to be skinny cause they were skinny and small like my mom a short tiny woman my sister a skinny pretty emo tumblr girl but me I was this potato elementary schooler trying to be in their world and be like a woman or something keep in mind this was back in 2009 and my sister would point out if I ate anymore i would get fatter so I stopped then at dinner I would refuse desert and then my mom would get mad and say I had an ed when I really just didn’t want dessert flash forward to middle school I join athletics to get skinny the uniform was an oversized t shirt and basketball shorts and somehow I still got called fat by one of the boys some how that triggered me I pushed harder in athletics joined track and soccer got the best mile times and all I ate during all of middle school water and a bag of chips still wasn’t enough because during that time my boobs decided they wanted to be 32Ds in 8th grade which made me feel so insecure cause all the smaller girls had small cute boobs but I was small but I had huge boobs which made me feel worse my mom would make fun of the way my boobs would bounce when I run but I think she was mad cause her and my sister had perfect A cups but to them they were too small then my feet weren’t small enough I had the same shoes size as them but my feet were apparently wider I’m a size 5 in woman’s. Let’s just say shopping for anything was torture then flash forward to hs I tryout for the dance team didn’t make it the first time confidence all time low then second year finally make then during a dress rehearsal me and another girl get called out infront of all these tall skinny girls because our boobs were too big for the tiny ass costume she called it distracting then another time she called out a girl cause her boobs were sagging in the uniform dance teams are terrible with those who already have issues with their bodies this woman made the whole team get to practice an hour early to do intense Zumba and ab workouts because she believed we were all out of shape and need to work on our swimsuit bodies and get well shaped butts.flashing to senior year I quit that dance cult and finally feel good about my self and free but then prom comes around and it seems the guys say that they aren’t going but then I find out they asked another girl I ended up going alone to prom with a dress I didn’t know where to get tailored cause my mother decided to peace out that year so I’m wearing an unflattering dress with ugly makeup I didn’t know how to put on none of my close friends wanted to go to prom so I sat alone watching my other friends have fun safe to say I did cry.Gaduation comes I didn’t have anyone to go dress shopping with I end up going straight home after graduation no one showed up for mine but all five family members showed up for my sister and brother…tbc…
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thedejaview · 1 year
My name is Deja Solo. I’m a 26 year old artist based in Salem MA. And for my entire life I have struggled with a whole list of mental health issues including Anxiety, Depression, BiPolar, and much more.
I’m both Spanish and African American, and experiencing mental health in these communities is wildly ignored. And even at a young age, I always associated with goth, rock and roll, hardcore, and emo culture. I remember in 8th grade feeling like the coolest kid ever, because the skater kids had asked if I wanted to skip school and go to the skate park.
And though it goes unsaid, one of the hardest things being both Spanish and African American, is that’s both of those communities tend to distance each other from one another, and I would often be ridiculed for not being “black enough” or not being “Spanish enough” and that my involvement with Goth and Emo culture was somehow a “white” thing.
I COMPLETELY rejected these sentiments. And if anything, the pushback I received for expressing myself, made me push even harder into, what I felt was, my truth.. (Had to really let them know it wasn’t a phase lol)
So a lot of my early years were formed by the communities I found myself in, and the music that lived there. This radically influenced me. And I remember the joy in my heart the day Linkin Park and Jay Z dropped an album, it was like a big middle finger to all the people who said those two worlds could never exist
I’m someone whose experienced bullying, racism, as well as violent and repeated abuse as a child, so in my adult life, I choose to mostly keep to myself, and the circle I trust. So music, has been and continues to be a constant light for me. And when it comes to healing, as much as I encourage others to seek out professional help as needed, I find an extraordinary amount of healing in creating, writing and preforming music. Some of my darkest moments in life were completely turned around by the right song, at just the right moment. So I’ve sought to do the same in my own creations, to offer a guiding light. A light into the world that’s tortured me and the world that’s healed me. A light into the many thoughts and ramblings of a kid who laughs at the time to come. A light into my madness that I call my spectrum of expressions. There’s been so many people who have told me I’ll never make it, or that pursuing music is a pointless dream, but I just know with all my heart and soul that this is what I was meant for. And I know that even if it’s just one person that is helped by my music, that I’ve accomplished my mission. And at the end of the day, I would much rather have a tight knit community of fans that know and love me, then to just be “famous”. I want to connect with real people in a real way the way the artists I grew up with did for me.
So this month I decided to drop a record in light of the mental health struggles I face, and in honor of those who have lost that struggle. I believe that despite my mental health, I still have a lot to offer this world, and if you can relate, I believe you do to, so let’s do this together 🖤💚🖤
The album will be called “Songs For The Broken: An Audible Memior” and will consist of 5 new songs. It’s coming to all platforms 2.23.23
Please share this with a friend 🙏🏾 every share brings me that much closer to living my dreams. And every like is a middle finger to the racist assholes and doubting voices who said a black emo kid would never make it
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matzimintz · 1 year
🕯️✩°。⋆ shrines ✧ purity ring ⋆。°✩🕯️
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The first time I ever heard purity ring was in 8th grade and on Vine. I’m sure some of you will remember the 6 second videos that constructed and upheld our tween days. I was following some girl named “Piper” and she had posted a 6 second video at a show with a hand full of people and fluorescent twinkling lights made up the stage. There was a feeling that gathered inside of me that I had never felt before when listening to music, it was twisting my insides and made me want to search to the ends of the earth for more of those soft , fluid, and ambient sounds. I looked at the comments and the song was OBEDEAR by purity ring.
As I’ve grown older this album has inspired me in ways that have pushed me to seek out the magic that fills the universe [Especially producing my own sounds and music.] Every time I listen to this album I can picture and create scenarios inside my mind to play as I listen. I’m going to write what each song makes me think and feel.
crawlersout - Immediately I think of the way each and every sound was made and how Corin is able to create sounds that I’ve only heard before in my dreams. It’s as if I’ve listened and heard these sounds in lifetimes before and after. I feel creepy yet soft as I listen to the magic that the lyrics are creating. Megan’s voice is the lullaby that I want to wake up to every morning, listen to throughout the day, and fall asleep to during the midnight hours as the moon is the only light that fills my room.
2. fineshrine - I’m jumping around my friendly fire with the rest of my friends who are and can be animals, insects, the wind, the roots below, the moon above, and everything else you only one can imagine. I wish to be surrounded by these drum kicks who are so prominent yet so warm and calming.
3. ungirthed - peach is the color that this song makes me see. It’s little sparks off a cream color that end up mixed with peach to create a sour and sweet sound literally just like sorbet. [Maybe I’m sorbet in a cup at the moment I’m listening to this song.] Listening to Megan say “the air is familiar” reminds me of the lifetimes we’ve lived throughout and how infinite we are. [OK PERKS OF BEING A WALLFLOWER -_-]
4. amenamy- the first sound makes me see rays of lights that I can only hear as I am floating under the water looking up. This is one of my all time favorite tracks on this album because I feel like I am swimming alongside all the fish as we flow under and over the trinkets that we live amongst under the sea. The reverb is a cradle to me in this song, it holds me as I’m swimming in the lyrics and notes that Corin and Megan were able to create.
5. grandloves- I see myself walking down that corridor that seems never ending in our dreams. Pale light guides me as the path is narrow and I’m trying to find my way out. Young Magic and Megan’s voice are echoing down and around as I keep walking forth. The little twinkly notes create light that help me see the path that seems never ending.
6. cartographist - such a daunting beginning, I feel like I’ve yet to come out of the dark corridor I was trying to escape. But it is as though the comfort of walking for a while has helped me push forward. Suddenly I’m no longer walking and I can see machines and gadgets working to create something, anything it seems. The soft and whimsical feeling that was created earlier has now turned into something more sinister, yet still intriguing. I’m not scared, I want to see where I’m being led. I don’t know where I’m headed, but I’m comfortable knowing change is coming. After time [that seemingly does not exist in this realm] continues to pass me by, I keep walking as I end up finding doors that lead to another eternity.
7. belispeak - I’m running. Maybe because of the song title, I feel like something is chasing me and wants to eat me, not due to hunger, but for longing to fill a type of void. But each and every time it thinks it has me, I am able to avoid it, it’s like something is taking care of me. Something that I can’t see but I can feel all around me. It’s like although I keep on running and running, I know I’ll be able to get away each and every time. Am I the one running away? Am I the one chasing?
8. saltkin - It’s an awakening. There is no fear, I am strong. I am magical, I am powerful. Everything around me and inside of me, is what I have created. There’s no where to go, I’ve been everywhere. I am the creator and I am the creation. I was then, I am now and I am forever. The power this song holds is for you to find here, there, in the next, forever. OUR BODIES WILL RETURN.
9. obedear - I feel safe within this song. It’s a reminder of the past memories and the paths that have led me to find this type of feeling that hides within lyrics and music. I can see and feel the little notes that make the song and I hear and see the lyrics that Megan has wrote. The colors in the sky are green, which would implicate something wrong, yet theres nothing to be afraid of. The universe unfolds within the sky and surrenders, there is nothing to fear as we live alongside what we cannot see.
10. lofticries - This is my favorite song on the album. I am fascinated by the sounds and noises. OVER AND OVER AGAIN, I listen to this song and I picture the spells and ingredients used to create this type of magic. I am filled with envy and sadness as I wish I could experience this song for the first time again, every time. [explains why I see green and blue when listening.]
This song is me floating in the middle of the sea and as I look up all I can see is the green thunder and the dark gray clouds that overturn any sense of light. I can feel the water drop on my face as the clouds cry tears of black back into the void of sea. Although the world around me is loud and dark, I am at peace. I am serene with the fact that there’s darkness that extends to the farthest realms of the earth. I am okay with the world being scary and dark. I accept it and choose to be the light.
11. shuck - Transcending from light. All in that one moment where I can see the sparks pop out of the fire, is this song. It’s the moment of looking up at the moon and realizing you exist amongst magic and are created by it. It’s the wind that kisses your cheek and reminds you that you are never alone.
In conclusion, this entire album is a story to me. It may not be a story to you. Everything I explained might make you think I’m schizophrenic or batshit crazy, but there’s certain things that music has always made me feel and see inside the pits of my brain that I’ll never be able to truly explain in words to the extent in which I wish could. This album is made of magic, all kinds.
c u next time -
matzi ✦⋆𓆩✧𓆪⋆✦
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1legitconnor · 1 year
The Chariot, Strength, and Temperance!
07. THE CHARIOT: SUCCESS (How do you measure success?) 
A: I think I’ve been successful when I’ve made something that I’m proud of and that the people close to me enjoy. I do realize how optimistic that sounds, but one of the things I’ve created that I’m most proud of was a short film that really only a handful of people really got, so me being proud of it wasn’t based on audience reaction, but based on knowing that, for me, I had made exactly the thing I had been trying to pull off.
08. STRENGTH: COURAGE (What has been the hardest part of being a writer?) 
A: Finding time to write and finding the motivation to push through draft after draft to get to the completed product. A lot of my early writing was for visual media (sketches, short films, and plays) and for those, my process was to write one or two drafts of a script and then figure out how well it did or didn’t work in filming or rehearsal and just make finding the final draft of the script a group effort to a certain degree. So, needing to go through the whole thing myself over and over without the ability to literally bring the voices of the characters to life to give their opinions is a challenge (though the characters do still definitely impact the story in ways I don’t expect)
14. TEMPERANCE: PURPOSE (When did writing become your purpose?)
A: I think the first time I realized that I liked and was good at writing was in 7th or 8th grade when we were given a lot of projects where we had to film something and I would write the scripts for those videos and it was immediately apparent how much more entertaining the projects I worked on were than the rest of my class.
Then, in high school, some of my friends and I would make comedy sketches and I wrote most of those and way more people than I was expecting really liked them from family members to kids at my school and I realized that writing was something I was apparently pretty good at and also something that I really liked doing.
And at some point, I heard Dan Harmon’s quote: “It’s self-centered, but it’s as good as self-centered gets, when you say, ‘I want to be the guy that makes other people happy.’ ” And that’s kind of stuck with me ever since.
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nikkiandroses · 2 years
~Here’s a start~
I guess if I wanted to, I could tell you a sob story about how my life has been so miserable and it’s the worlds fault. But I don’t really know if it’s that bad. When looking from an outside perspective of one’s life story, it’s easy to compare and tell them if they’ve had it bad or not. But when’s it’s the life you’re actually living, there no good way to judge how good it bad it is. When you can get every details of someone’s life, you can pass judgment by comparing your own experiences. But if you don’t know all the details of someone’s else’s life, you can’t exactly make a proper comparison to your own or theirs. One of the hardest things I had to get over in life was judgment.
When I was just a toddler, I was never scared of strangers. I thought everyone and everything was my friend. The day my mom talked to me about strangers, I was maybe 3 or 4. We were shopping for groceries when I asked my mom “what is a stranger,” my mom unsure of how to describe what a stranger was, told me that it was some who I don’t know their name. Being young and nieve, I promptly turned to the lady on the other side of the isle and asked her name. She answered awkwardly and I proceeded to smile to my mother and tell her, “mom, her name is —— she’s not a stranger.” My mom tells me to this day that my big heart was both my most redeeming and also most terrifying trait.
For many years, I was gullible. I could believe anything and everything someone told me. I once had a friend named Addy who would spill some of the most outlandish tales and for years, I was dumb enough to believe them.
Around the time I went into 6th grade was it seemed to fully hit that unlike I had hoped, not everyone was my friend. I became untrusting and slowly began shutting down my social life. In the second half on my 6th grade year, I fell into the all to common pool of bully and victim, predator and prey. I felt like over night I was suddenly getting tore down about my body, personality, and even mascara. I can still remember, in detail when my so called friend Brooklyn had insulted my mascara during 7th grade lunch in front another so called friend, trinity.
It has been 8 years since then and it still remember the details or how it made me feel. Like any other average teen, I processed the bullying by projecting it onto others. I talked so much shot about the outcasted kids in a pathetic attempt to push the attention off of me. Naturally it worked only barely and was never worth it. It was too much shit talking others to even be able to compare to the bullying I would still get. I wish I could say I realized it after the first few times but I didn’t. I was a bully through 8th as well. Caught in this sick loop of (get bullied- project onto others- feel bad- get bullied again- project again).
The first time I cut myself, I was 13. My boyfriend had told me about what it was and during a mental break one night, I snuck a cheap dollar store pink razor to my room and took it to my bicep. I remember calling myself pathetic and a coward because I was to scared to go slow or push hard. We have a particularly violent cat at the time and since the lines were all different directions and barely scratches, I got away with it.
It slowly became a bi-weekly occurrence, then a weeekly occurrence, then daily. Very quickly I fell into a hole of craving the pain and the sting it left afterwards. I began finding comfort in a habit that if I simply pushed a little harder, could’ve killed me.
It wasn’t until a year and a half later, my mom stopped me in the kitchen and half my hand as I fought her from pulling up my sleeves. I will never forget her reaction. She left to her room, and sat on the floor in her closet. I felt like the absolute biggest mistake in that moment than any other time. When my father got home, he took me into his room where my mom was still sitting in the closet and sat me down. I remember him gently asking me if I enjoyed seeing my mother like that and how I thought it made them feel. Though his voice was soft, he did more damage in that moment than any good in the following weeks.
Being alienated from the family because of the habit, was one of the most lonely times in my life. I became an addict, desperate for another fix. Any chance I got when I was alone in the kitchen for even a second, I was grabbing at the kitchen knives. When my mom realized this, she began hiding every knife she could find. I would slip one and hide it between my mattress for months before she found out and began checking my mattresses. After the, I discovered eraser burns by watching friends burns pentacles into their hands in the freshman pottery class. I began covering my arms with burns and when my mom found that, she put me with a 5th counselor in my life.
But I never gave up. It was not only a relief, but a self inflicted punishment for when I messed up. I went so far as to use anything I could. Knives, razors, erasers, scissors, eyebrow razors, even my own nails which I would file into a sharp claw. There’s was nothing my mom could do to stop me. And the entire time, according to her, it was always to make her feel like shit. I never wanted to hurt my mom. Or my dad. I had grown so numb to emotions that everything blurred together and the sting of a cut was always a sure way to feel one specific thing. It became a distraction from the emotional Turmoil.
I was no broken angel however. I was the type of kid who was so desperate to buy good snacks that I would steal money from everyone in my family. Parents and siblings. Anything I could get my hands on. It was the same for things I wanted or would ask for and then get given to my siblings. When my sisters got the things I wanted from Christmas, I would take it. I became a clepto and started to branch out to extended family and friends. Soon out to stores after I got the hang of sliding things up my sleeves.
I was certainly never a good person to my sister Jane. She was the oddball of the family. It was t until years later, we figurées out she is on the autism spectrum. My and my brother were merciless assholes to her and yet through it all. She always and still loves me. Despite the things I would say, she always wanted to be friends. Always wanted to have makeovers and hangout with my friends. I will never forgive myself for how I treated her and though she has long forgiven me and I have grown out of the bastard I was, I won’t forget what I did. Even now, she has only one or two friends and doesn’t completely function averagely and I know for a fact I played a role in her mental health and permanently have damaged the that sweet girl. My sister Miriam and I were simply never close we always seemed to indifferent to each other. While my brother did as brother do best and seemed to enjoy making games of getting every one of his sisters crying all at the same time. We suspect he has ash burgers but he would never get tested in fear of being labels as a “freak” or “weirdo”. I don’t blame him, with the generation he lives in, sneezing wring could get you bullied for the rest of your life.
There’s simply no justification for the bastard I was. Maybe it was bad emotional processing on my part, or maybe it was being provoked by them. Either way. I wish I was nicer.
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justasparkwritings · 2 years
Request: No More Regrets
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Request for @timospeach​
Request: could you perhaps write either high school!timmy x reader best friends to lovers or enemies to lovers?? i’d appreciate that a lot :)
To Request 
Warnings: Swearing! 
        Timothée stared as you walked across the stage, gown hanging off your body, cap meticulously pinned to your head. Your hair, curled delicately, framed your face, and he wished he could see the smile of pride you were surely giving the graduation photographer, your perfect grin, cheeks pushing into your eyes, making your right a bit squinted… He wished…
        He had a lot of wishes, some might call them regrets, but when it came to you… yeah, they were all fucking regrets. Timothée wished he hadn’t cursed you out in French on a dare in 8th grade, and he wished he didn’t set up his friend Daniel with Lexie just so you wouldn’t have a date to prom with the hopes you’d go with him… even though he supposedly had a girlfriend (it was very confusing and at the moment of graduation, does not have a girlfriend). He wished in so many situations he had been a bigger, better man… and yet, he wasn’t. He can’t change what he’s done, or somehow right the wrongs or apologize away the hurt he knows he’s caused… he’s seen it in your eyes. But maybe tonight – at the grad party – he can finally move off your enemies list.
        His gaze doesn’t leave your form as you sit down, crossing your ankles, holding your diploma holder. He had one night, 12 hours to prove it. Could he do it?
11 Hours to Go
        Sitting on the edge of the bench, you watched your best friend attempt to knock out the final 3 pins… bowling has never been either of your strong suits, and yet, in this crowded arcade, it’s the only activity that seems free of all the people you’re meant to be spending your last precious hours with.
        “Damn it!” Catherine yelled, watching the ball pass the three pins. “I was so close!”
        “You were not,” You laughed.
        “I was! It was my last turn, you’re going to win.”
        “I could strikeout,” You remind her, standing and picking up the 8lb neon purple ball.
        “You won’t.”
        “But I might.” You give her on last glance, and in the corner of your eye you catch him: Timothée, laughing with Daniel and Nick and that kid Ethan that had tripped on your shoe during play rehearsal freshman year and never forgiven you for it.
        “What are you looking at?” Emilie asked, turning to follow your gaze. “He’s getting hot.”
        “What? No,” You shook your head, turning back to the lane and squaring your shoulders. You would not give him the time of day. Nope, not today.
10 Hours to Go
        Timothée wasn’t going to stalk you, following you and Catherine and Emilie in the shadows until he could corner you. That’s creepy, and pervy. He’ll have to play it cool, cooler than he has been.
9 Hours to Go
        You snack on a freshly baked chocolate chip cookie, the melting chips gooey in your mouth, not too hot, or burnt but just right. Whoever made these is a genius, so much better than Tollhouse. Or what used to be Mrs. Fields. These are heaven.
        “So, you gonna avoid me all night?” Daniel asked, sidling up to you.
        “Come on, Y/N, talk to me.”
        “You went to the prom with Lexie when you had already told me we were going together. I don’t have anything else to say to you other than, you’re an ass, and I hope you get eaten alive in Ohio this summer,” You take another cookie, oatmeal berry, and saunter off to find your friends.
        The problem with grad parties is that you’re stranded in whatever hell hole they’ve bused you to. If you lived anywhere other than the city of Manhattan, the possibilities would be endless. But here? Coney Island or whatever Dave & Busters hell you’re currently stuck in. It would be incredible to have a full Hannah Horvath and eat cake on the beach with Coney Island next to you, the sounds of fair machines and a hundred 18-year-olds screaming as the perfect backdrop. It would be incredible, maybe someone super loaded would send in fireworks… But alas, you’re sneaking cookies and wandering around, looking for your friends.
8 Hours to Go
        Pizza and an endless soda fountain really fix so many things.
7 Hours to Go
        You’ve never been good at claw machines. Frankly anyone that is, is a sociopath.
        “You know there’s no skill involved,” A voice said from behind you. Your hand slams against the button and you watch, as the claw drops, closing on nothing, before lifting and emitting its embarrassing “you lose” music.
        “I don’t need your help.”
        “C’mon, let me win you something,” Timothée said. “Or at least show you?”
        “Any excuse to touch me, yeah?” You teased.
        His hand rested on top of yours, fingers too hot and tight. “It’s simple, really, always go for the one you don’t want.”
        “Because, when the claw finally drops,” He timed his words perfectly, the claw dropping into a corner of the enclosure. “It’ll bring you something even better.”
        In the jaws of the claw is a blue, off brand Care Bear, with yellow and pink striped ears and a rainbow nose. It’s cute, only small hints of creepy in it’s eyes.
        “Damn,” You mutter, hands holding the bear between them. You spin it over and over again, it’s fur soft and cuddly.  
        “Told ya,” Timothée smiled.
6 Hours to Go
        “That’s all that happened?” Emilie asked.
        “Yeah, I left and his dumb friends came over,” You shrugged.  
        Catherine rolled her eyes. “Okay, so he’s being flirty and cute. Are you gonna talk to him?”
        “Why would I talk to him?”
        “You have a crush on him, duh,” Emilie said.
        “I do not.”
        “You have since 7th grade when he was truly just another white boy.”
        “He’s been an ass ever since, why would I give him any time now? We leave for college in the fall, it’s not like I’m going to pull a Felicity and switch my entire life plan for a guy.”
        “To be fair, he does have gorgeous curly hair and gives some Scott Speedman vibes,” Catherine argues.
        You retie your ponytail, tightening the elastic around your hair as many times as it would allow. “But I’m not Felicity.”
        “New Haven to Harlem isn’t… bad,” Emilie tried to add some hope.  
        “That’s a lie and you know it!”
        Emilie nodded, she did.
        “You could have a great summer, a fling, and part ways,”
        “I don’t think I could do that,” You muttered, staring across to where Timothée laughed with his friends.
        “Why not?” Emilie asked.
        “She already loves him,” Catherine answered.
5 Hours to Go
        Whoever decided a coffee cart should be brought to this event, is a god send. Timothée would like to give the entire parent board a round of applause.
4 Hours to Go
        Somehow, you’re alone, Catherine and Emilie went off with Jordan and Caitlin to drink from a flask you’re sure Noel and Gavin brought in. Someone supposedly has weed gummies, and another crew is allegedly snorting blow in a bathroom. It’s about time every devolved. You’ve also heard rumors people are hooking up in various photo booths and dark corners. It’s a horny, experimental night for everyone it seems, except you.
3 Hours to Go
        It’s a series of dominoes toppling over so quickly you’re not sure what to do.
        Emilie pulls you into a game of very R-rated spin the bottle.
        Daniel escalates it to 7 minutes in heaven.
        Timothée spun the bowling pin, stolen from lane 9.
        It landed on you.
        You wanted to throw up.
        Instead, you stand and let him take your hand. He walks you back to the designated “make out room” and someone, Nico or Zac or Gretchen, calls the time.
        You’re left in the dark, your hand still in his. He pulled you close, wrapping his arms around your waist.
        “Timmy,” You muttered.
        “Can I just, can I speak first?” He asked.
        “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I’ve been a dick, and rude and mean to you. I’m sorry I let the last four years of competition get in the way. But, in my defense, I’m dumb and 18. The point is, I’m sorry I’ve wasted all this time, and I wish I could take them back… but I can’t. So instead, can we maybe, make up for it this summer?”
        “You’ve hurt my feelings so many times.”
        “The prom thing was the worst one, I know.”
        “How long?”
        “How long?”
        “How long have you, liked me?” You asked. Your eyes adjusted to the darkness, staring up into his. You can make out his smirk in the glow of the neon signs.
        “Long enough it’s embarrassing.”
        “And this is how you make a move? Getting your friends to rig 7 minutes in heaven?”
        “I didn’t rig it,”
        “I’m sure you didn’t, but they did.”
        “Nico’s been really sweet to your friend Catherine, maybe they did it together”
        “That tracks,” You muttered.
        “Will you forgive me?” Timothée asked.
2 Hours to Go
        “And then?” Emilie asked, excitement bubbling in her chest.
        “And then what?” You laughed.
        “Oh my god – did he kiss you?” Catherine chimed in.
        You don’t say anything, the stupid smile on your lips broad and telling. You nodded, letting your squeal and giggle of excitement melt into theirs.
1 Hour to Go
        Intertwining your fingers, Timothée lets out a contended sigh as the last standing parent board gives their speeches. The slide show is all queued up, and despite hating the fact that you’re sure people are sniggering over this display of affection, you can’t quite find enough in you to care. Exhaustion is a powerful thing, and Timothée’s loose grip on your hand, coupled with the warmth spreading from his body to yours, has your eye lids drifting shut.
0 Hours to Go
        Timothée offered to walk you home, after the buses dropped you all off. It’s New York, parents aren’t required to get you, despite the state of many of your friends, you all know how to get home safely.
        “You know,” He started, guiding you the blocks to your house. The sun was rising, quickly, over the high rises.
        “We have all of June, and July, to spend together.”
        “What happens in August?” You asked.
        “I don’t know, but I don’t want to regret any moment this summer,” Timothée kissed your forehead. He meant it. When it comes to you, he wants no more regrets.
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yumehoxo · 3 years
⚠️WARNING⚠️ this content contains 18 actions (face fucking, strong language, mirror sex, degradation, suggestive themes)
Eren x female bodied! reader
~Pent up feelings~
Authors note:
This was a request from one of my followers so yeh 😩🤌. Anyways I just wanted to let you know y/n gives Eren full consent during this story just so no one gets confused. As I am part of it I hope none of you guys are part of the 97% and if you are, I’m so sorry I promise everything will be just fine, so from now own I’m just going to leave a note saying that y/n gives him full consent because I do not write anything that has to do with rape or sexual harassment (etc..)
It was around 2:00am, to be specific it was 1:43am. Eren said he was going to go out with some friends to have a drink but you expected him to be home by now. It wasn’t like you guys were super close or anything, you just knew him long enough to be comfortable around him. You both were closefriends in 8th-11th grade but then fell apart after his mom passed away and he slowly broke ties with everyone. It was last year when you both came in contact again and agreed on the decision to share an apartment since the dorms were over-priced and small. But ever since you north moved in your feelings for him grew as time went by. You weren’t sure you could say the same went for him but there was a lot of flags indicating so.
Normally him not being home at this hour used to not bother you but lately you’ve taken his flirty personality to heart. The way he would purposely get up close and personal to you when he saw you struggling to reach something as helped you from behind, or the way his eyes would linger for too long on a certain body part or outfit you were wearing, but it wasn’t a one-sided thing that only he would do. The amount of times you caught yourself staring at the way his grey joggers sat dangerously low on his waist, just enough to see the waist band of his underwear drove you crazy. Not to mention how he was always shirtless, his physique was so beautifully structured, the way his happy trail wasn’t too much and would lead right to his angelically sculpted abs, how his tricep would flex as he did the simplest things, such as going to grab an object or simply open a door.
‘Ugh I need to stop thinking about him for onc-’ your precious thoughts were interrupted by hearing the apartment doors knob get twisted multiple times and then the slight noise of changing keys right after that. You decided to stay in bed since he knew how to get inside and you had no reason to talk to him. After a couple more minutes of Eren struggling with his keys he finally got it to open. You could hear him walk to the kitchen and put his keychain and bag down, trying his “best” to not make noise but miserably failing as his key slid of the counter and fell on the floor.
‘oh my god this child’ you said as you shook your head in disbelief of how clumsy he was, although he was basically a grown man at this point. You decided to let him be and pressed the space bar on your laptop so the rest of your show could continue playing. It was a show about oversized humans that ate normal ones, if you dared to say the main character looked alarmingly similar to Eren. After 20 minutes go by of your show you finished your last blunt and started getting drowsy. As you were about to fall asleep you were woken up to your bedroom door getting swung open, just to find eren standing there with his hair lazily tied back and wearing his famous grey sweatpants, nothing else.
“W-what could you possibly want??” You asked him, quite flustered since you were only in a see through tank top and shorts. Although Eren didn’t seem to mind because he wasn’t fazed at all.
“I can’t sleep.” He said as his body slightly swayed to the side, clearly indicating he was tipsy, on the verge of being drunk.
“And what am I supposed to do about that?” You said through gritted teeth as you covered yourself with the blanket.
“Awww come one don’t be so lame, I just wanted to stay with you” Eren said back in a whiny tone as he threw his head back.
“Stay with me? Since when have you ever wanted to do that?” You said back.
“Don’t act like you don’t want me to stay” Eren said while rolling his eyes and closing the door behind him.
“W-what’s that supposed to mean?” You asked back as your face grew a darker shade of red.
“It means...” Eren made his way over to you putting his thumb on your chin and pointer finger underneath and directed your head to you could look him straight in the eyes. Although it didn’t last long as he made his way to your ear.. “I know you want this as much as I do”. The slight wind from his whisper sent chills down your spine, you could of sworn that he must of been able to hear how hard your heart is pounding. You could smell the strong scent of alcohol from him but your mental state wasn’t any better then his, you were about to sleep off your high but there’s no way your going to sleep after this.
“I- I- I never said that!” You whispered-screamed back pushing him slightly away with your hands, only for him to grab you by your hands and pull you out of bed. He was much stronger then you so you couldn’t do anything about it at this point. You were faced in front of your mirror next to your bed. He held onto one of your hands as the other was placed on your waist, his head slightly resting on your shoulder, as he look at you through the mirror.
“You didn’t have to say it. You didn’t think I wouldn’t notice the way you looked at me?” Eren whispered in your ear as his eyebrow rose up slightly.
“Eren your drunk, you don’t even know what your saying” you said back your voice shaky from all the nerves exploding in your body.
“I may be just a little bit, but it doesn’t seem like your any better then me” he responded back. He slowly pressed his lips onto your neck and looking beck up for your approval. You just as slowly nodded your head trying to keep your cool but your heart was going 100 miles per hour. His hand made its way underneath your shirt, his hands ran up and down the sides of your figure, as he peppered kisses on your neck all the way up to your ear. He made his way up to your breasts, gently pinching at your nipple, causing you to moan out loud. He pressed his body up against yours and you could feel his erection pressing against your ass. He turned your head to the side and immediately put his mouth giants yours, tongues sliding over each others in sync. His cold hands running up and down your body made you shiver, but you were addicted to how his calloused hands felt against your body, how he towered over you, how he made you obey him with little to no effort. You ran your hand down his body and started slowly palming at his erection earning you a moan into your heated kiss. Slowly you pulled away from the kiss and got onto your knees, he got the idea and started taking off his pants. You took off your shirt and shorts so you were just in your panties at this point. You could feel his eyes lingering on your bare chest making you blush a dark shade of red. You didn’t even bother to make eye contact with him, you know you would just be teased about it. You looked at the sight in front of you, you could see his imprint though his boxers, you could feel your heat dripping at just the sight. You pulled at the waistband of his boxers of his boxers freeing his cock. You spit on his tip and started slowly running up and down, earning you a low moan from him. You put your lips on his tip, your tongue slowly circling around his tip just to tease him.
“Shit, y/n please don’t tease me like that” Eren whined, his eyes tightly shut. You didn’t say anything back but instead took as much of his length as you can in his mouth making you gag. You were going at a slow pace, causing Eren to take a fistful of your h/c hair a guided your head up and down, his speed slowly increasing until all you could do was keep your mouth open, drool and pre-cum leaking down your face. His moans were loud and raspy and he muttered your name and curses shortly after. He sped up slightly and you could hear his moans getting louder as he got closer, and then finally he released into the back of your throat. You swallowed and winced at the taste.
“I-I’m so sorry, I got carried away I didn’t mean-” you cut his apology off.
“It’s fine” you said back looking up and smiling at him.
“Let me make it up to you” Eren apologetically smiled. He picked you up throwing you over his shoulder and gently laid your back on your bed. He peppered kisses on your neck all the way down your breasts, taking one in his mouth and massaging the other with his hand. You tried to suppress your moans by covering your mouth but he immediately took you hand and removed it away from your mouth.
“It’s just the two of us, you don’t need to be quiet.” Eren smirked as he looked up from your chest. You slowly nodded as he left kisses all the way down your stomach reaching just above your cunt. He spreader your legs just a little more and started leaving kisses on the inside of your thighs. You could of sworn this was just payback from earlier as you started to get impatient your heat dripping even more as his hot breathe hit your clit only for him to go back to kissing around your heat. Your softly whined as he continued to take his time. Eren too, the hint and started slowly licking up and down your slit. You didn’t even bother to try and be quiet as he started to suck harshly, his tongue circling around your clit. He caught you by surprise as he put his digits in you going one at a time. He picked up his pace as his two digits pumped in and out of you. You arched your back and pushed his head closer to your cunt, slowly grinding against him asking for more.
“Someone impatient, aren’t they?” Eren asked with a smug smirk on his face. You whined at the loss of contact...
“N-not like your any better” you shot back. You could see his face turn slightly red. His fingers started pumping in and out of you faster and he harshly ran his tongue over your cunt. You legs started shaking violently as your moans grew louder and louder and your back arched. It didn’t take you long until your released he tried to cool down your orgasm and he slowly rubbed at his clit. As you finally caught your breath he went up to kiss you, you could taste your bitter sweet fluids on his lips. He pulled away, a string of saliva connecting your mouths together..
“Get on your knees” Eren demanded with a stern but lustful look on his face. You simply obeyed get on you knees hands arms slightly hanging off of the bed. You could see your self in the mirror next to your bed as Eren positioned himself at you entrance. You gripped the sheets tightly as he slowly pushed in, he stopped halfway through so you could adjust to his size.
“Are you okay?” He asked you with a completely different demeanor then the the one he had before. He sounded more caring as he wanted to make sure you felt no discomfort.
“Mhmm” you said back as you bit onto your lip. He slowly pushed his full length into you, you bit down on your lip even harder, you could of sworn you were bleeding by now.
“Shit y/n y-your so tight” Eren whined. All you could do was moan back as no words formed on your mouth. You looked up into the the mirror and you could see your back arched and your chest was flat against the bed, Erens hair was more messed up then before as his man bam was so close to falling out. He started picking up the pace, he didn’t even notice there was a mirror infront of you guys until he looked up. He couldn’t see your face since you had to facing to the side nit daring to look at yourself in the mirror. He caught onto you little scheme and grabbed some of you hair and pulled at it so your head could be looking straight into the mirror.
“Why don’t you look at yourself while you take my cock you little slut?” Eren said looking straight into your eyes. You clenched around his com at his words causing him to let out a moan. You codling even respond to him as his pace picked up.
“You like that? You like being a called a slut?” Eren said as he slapped the side of your ass.
“E-Eren” you moaned out, your voice raspy and frail. You could feel the knot building up in your stomach as his started hitting it in just the right spot. Stars started dancing around in your vision as you got closer to your high, you and Erens moans started becoming more high pitched in frequent. You couldn’t take it any more as you released on his cock, it took him a few strokes until he pulled out and came onto your back. You slumped down after he pulled out trying your best to catch your breath again, your legs were still shaking as you heard Eren catching his breath as well. He grabbed the towel on the side of your bed and wiped your back clean. He put on his boxers and handed you your panties. You were too tired to even put them on, you went under the sheets and rested your head on Erens chest. You head slowly rose up and down as he breathed.
“Yes y/n?” He responded back.
“I love you” you said back. He picked his head up form his pillow making your move your head away from his chest. He took the side of your face into his hand and gave you a kiss on your lips, you could feel the tenderness in the kiss.
“I love you too y/n” he said back.
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