#and parody certain scenes in movies i like xD
lucdoodle · 2 years
Reaction to the ROTTMNT movie
So, obviously, SPOILER for the movie !!!
Holyshit is that blood ??! Is that allowed ??
5 minutes in and a main died whoa
6 minutes in and 2 MAIN DIED
I kind of just thought of it rn but Casey Jones could be Cassandra’s brother ?
(mention of the Krang) holy shit Splinter is serious
why did you guys sent did dude THE SAME DAY and not a little before whyyy
the technodrome Whou-ou !!
(leo gets the key) destroy the key leo !
( very dark sound) HOLLY FUCK IS IT RAPH ??!
haha, knew it
also thank god it was his shell, that sounds didn’t let me think that, but yeah, there’s only certain things that they’re allowed to do
the plot didn’t go where i thought it would go, with them ACTUALLY getting the key, that’s cool
I don’t need to say that at this point but the animation is AMAZING
« NICE » ?!! Dude come on XD jgftuygfvjh
yeah, you should destroy this thing
April: « then we should destroy it » Yeah !!
« guys, we’re doing my way, remenber ? » geez
Yeah, that reaction exactly !
Mikey’s comment on donnie’s soft shell reminds me of a LOT of angsty donnie fanart rn
April’s school science room will save the day ? Imagine it’s just salt, like, something mixed with just salt, lol, i bet on this
casey= and all we got is this guy// GEEZ DUDE HOLY FUCK
by the way i hope we see cassandra (foot recruit) at some point and casey say something like « sis ?! » i dunno (also I think that casey has a sister mentionned in the 2021 version?? maybe)
(April and Splinter save Donnie and Mikey) Ah, is hat herbicide?
I bet Raph is possessed in there, or like,  in feral mode
ah, yes, i saw something like that in the trailer tho
(see possessed Raph(tm)) ……………………….. the badass fanarts that will be made
(casey= we can’t chznge the future) DUDE DON T ?? SAY THAT ?!
Holy fuck the animation !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(fight against the main’s brother) Nice move Mikey !!
(I AM A SPACESHIP line) omg, I feel like it’s a reference to something too, either a movie or the 2003 adapdation maybe ?? I’m going by vibes here)
(leo speech/and that i’m sorry)i know this isn’t refering to that but in the last season of the 2012 adaptation, in the parody of mad max i think?? there was a scene like this one, but it was possessed Leo holding Raph instead
Mickey doing the move !!! trowing extremely big object at others *cheers *
Hw did you survive that Raph ??????!!!
(you re one to talk big bro) yeah
i’m trying to think i there’s an adaptation where leo died but i don’t think so ?? i didn’t read the comics tho umm, anyway i REALLY think he’ll be okay anayway
‘you ve been portal chopped) hooolyyyyyyyyyyy fuck
holy shit
MICKEY ?!!!!!!!!!
Now that i think oof it there s a little bit of baron draxum, not even a mention or a silgle shot, or big mama, was expectng like, a reaction or something, but I guess this really isn’t about them
Raph doesn’t have his eye scar anymore ? Ah his shell is still damaged from that hit at the beginning (i knooow it’s not a ref but it’s interesting to know that in the real life (the Bay movies i think they’re called), in the first one Raph’s shell gets damaged too, they fixed it bu using duck tape)
aww !!
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gavillain · 4 years
Top ten princesses!
*rubs hands together* Alright, let’s rank us some Disney princesses. Technically there’s only four others who aren’t gonna make the cut buuuut they’re the four I don’t really like XD
10: Pocahontas (Pocahontas)
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With Pocahontas, you can very clearly see the behind the scenes "self-consciousness" of the filmmakers baked into her character writing. Pocahontas was Disney's big attempt at Oscar gold, trying to tell a Big Important portentous story while also grappling with trying to make Pocahontas as inoffensive as possible. The result is a character who is kind and likable enough, but also kind of wooden. The historical accuracy value is practically nil, and Pocahontas as a character and a movie comes off worse and worse with the passage of time. All that being said, I think Disney did the very best job they could with Pocahontas given the situation she emerged in. They created a character who is likable, free-spirited, a strong believer in justice and unity, and a character who leads with empathy and courage at the forefront. If nothing else, Pocahontas is a strong role model for little girls to look up to, and her love story with John Smith is one of Disney's most mature love stories as well, so there's plenty for older fans to enjoy as well.
9: Mulan (Mulan)
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Mulan is counted as a Disney princess because they don't have any other Asian princesses and they wanted a more diverse lineup. That's the reason. Y'all can stop pretending not to know now. But with that strange categorizing, Mulan is weird fixture of the princess lineup any way you look at her. Mulan, for me, both as a princess and a movie, has always been just kind of there. A lot of people passionately love it, and I get that completely. A lot of people tear it apart, and I get that too. Mulan is a great girl power character, and her resourcefulness and cleverness being her defining trait is excellent. Her internal turmoil over her identity is perhaps more poignant here than with any other princess, and Reflection still stands as one of the greatest Disney songs ever written. That said, Mulan's defining character flaw being clumsiness and awkwardness and this being why she has such internal turmoil about fitting in just makes her come off as a bit hollow to me, and I feel like there was a better route to take her. After how surprisingly good an LGBT take on her worked over in Once Upon a Time and how much better that informed her feeling like an outsider, it just made the animated version come off as weaker on the internal side to me. Good character overall, though, and I do really like Mulan.
8: Moana (Moana)
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Moana has a similar situation to Mulan where she's not really a princess but she gets shoehorned into the princess mold because they have nowhere else to put her. She and Mulan are Disney heroes, and they have different expectations for that reason. All that being said, Moana is easily the best of the Revival era CGI princesses. For one thing, while she has a bit of the Revival trend of modernizing the princesses too much, they don't make her overly adorkable to make her relatable (... “overly” being the key word; she’s not exempt). On the contrary, Moana is written very much like a person. We see Moana grapple with the weight of duty both to her people and to the world as a whole. Her story is one of trying figure out whether it is better to chase the unknown or to follow the tried and true. And I like that. I also really appreciate how Moana wins the final battle with empathy for the monster, and that's what makes her unique. The whole "Know Who You Are" musical number is legitimately one of the most powerful moments ever put into a Disney film too. My biggest issue with her actually comes from Maui whose constant meta quips and spotlight stealing tends to undermine Moana's character a lot and takes away from some of her moments that I wish hit harder than they do.
7: Jasmine (Aladdin)
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Jasmine is the only princess in the lineup who is not the main character of her movie. On the contrary, she's the love interest of the main character and more of a supporting player in her film. She doesn't even get a solo, something every other princess, save Merida who isn't in a musical, gets. As a result of this, Jasmine isn't really as strong in her own right as several of the other princesses. But she's still awesome. She has a strong internal life and vibrancy, and the way her character revolves around a longing for freedom and the way that compares to Aladdin and the Genie makes her really come alive and work well within the context of the film. She's also clever, resourceful, a self proclaimed fast-learner, and someone who never allows her voice to be silenced. Yet even with all her strength, she's allowed tender moments of kindness and gentleness to show that there's another side to her. Also the TV series and sequels expanded on her character in a wonderful way.
6: Tiana (The Princess and the Frog)
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Okay, yes, Disney's first black princess being a frog for more than half the movie was a bad creative decision on their part that wasn't a good look. But for Disney's first black princess, considering the company's history with race issues in particular and how self-conscious a lot of their princesses of color have come off, I think a lot of people underestimate just how good Tiana is. Tiana is vibrant and full of personality without every coming off as a stereotype or as anything less than dignified and admirable. She's hard worker, but she never comes off to me as trying to be "look how much better I am than the other princesses." She lets her actions and her character speak for themselves. I like that her arc is actually about finding a healthy balance between storybook love and wishing and hard work and determination. She's a woman with ambition, but she also learns to make time for a bit of fairytale fantasy and the things that really count like love and friendship. Also, just major props to Anika Noni Rose for making Tiana so damn likable and fun to follow.
5: Aurora (Sleeping Beauty)
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And now that we're in the top five, we start getting into the classics. Aurora gets an unfair reputation as a basic boring princess who needs a man to save her and has no value of her own. But with Sleeping Beauty being an adaptation of ballet in particular, that's really missing the forest for the trees. Sleeping Beauty was envisioned by Walt as the pinnacle of animation, an animated film that would stand tall in an art gallery, and you can see that very much at play in Aurora. From Marc Davis's absolutely stunning animation on her to Mary Costa's beautiful vocal work in blending with the musical stylings of Tchaikovsky, Aurora is, more than any other princess in the Disney lineup, a piece of high art. She's written deceptively simply to allow for the animation and the music to convey the brunt of her character. And, when you get right down to it, Aurora is, like art, designed around the emotions of the piece more than specific character quirks. Yet the essence of her kindness, of her grace, and of her sly looks and shrewd coyness is all right there in the character. She also pretty perfectly encapsulates the emotions and feelings of young love, and I think there's a lot of value in that portrayal as well.
4: Ariel (The Little Mermaid)
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I used to give Ariel a hard time in the recent past, and I fully regret allowing certain sects of discourse to color my view of her. Ariel is an amazing character, and an excellent princess. One of the things that has struck me, revisiting the movie as a gay adult, is just how queer of a story Ariel's is. Hans Christian Anderson wrote the original in response to male lover of his, openly gay Howard Ashman was a major creative driving force behind the story, and openly gay animator Andreas Deja brought to life the visceral Grotto scene based on his falling out with his own father. There's queerness baked into the fabric of this film, and it shows itself clearly with the narrative of a princess who is unhappy with her home life and has a forbidden love that she must hide away from her own family and then must undergo the process of evolving into the version of herself that she wants to be in order to satisfy the love within herself. She gets dismissed as being just a rebellious teenager, but there's so much more to her than that and she hits home to so many people for that reason. Also, Jodi Benson's incredible voice work and the writing for her makes Ariel constantly a vibrant and interesting character who I feel like we get to know better and more intimately than almost any other princess.
3: Cinderella (Cinderella)
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Though, much like Aurora and Ariel, Cinderella gets an unfair reputation as weak and needing a man, that couldn't be further from the truth. Cinderella is an abuse survivor who keeps her dreams, optimism, and kindness alive even in the face of crippling despair and misery. She's a woman who fought a daily battle just for the right to keep existing, and while the Fairy Godmother gave her magical assistance, Cinderella earned her happy ending herself. I just have to admire how she embodies patience and kindness while also still being strong in her own way. She's not a masculine warrior action figure; she's very feminine. Yet she finds strength in her femininity without relying on sex, and I just think that's wonderful. I also really love how much personality and humanity they filled Cinderella with without going overboard or making her into a parody of herself. Cinderella maintains the grace, poise, and beauty of a princess all while having so many little quirks and traits that make her feel like a real woman. Also, it must be said, Cinderella III is still the best Disney sequel, and I love how it expands upon her and gives her new opportunities to prove herself all while maintaining the core kindness and strength of her character.
2: Snow White (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)
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The one that started it all and still a radiant joy of beauty and kindness, Snow White is everything a princess should be. Like Cinderella, Snow White shows that you can survive abusive situations with your positivity in tact. In fact, Snow White goes one step further. She shows that "there's no use in grumbling when raindrops come tumbling; remember you're the one who can fill the world with sunshine." She's a beacon of hope and positivity who shows that compassion and kindness are the true virtues that deserve to be held as the most precious. She also shows the importance of found family and finding a loving support system that is right for you even if that's not your actual family members. In addition to all that, Snow White is great for being full of personality and having a vibrancy to her. She meets the dwarfs and immediately begins to take charge and to hold them to the standards she expects. She's never afraid to make her voice or opinion heard, and she's also got a playful teasing side to her that shines through. While her film is a heightened reality, she still has a core realness to her that makes her plight and her adventure feel all the more immersive for a viewer.
1: Belle (Beauty and the Beast)
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But my favorite princess is always plain to see. While I love many of the other princesses, none quite hit that same sweet spot for me that Belle does. Belle is an outcast. She's a well read and intelligent woman more concerned with books and ideas of adventure than she is with the types of things she's expected to be concerned with by her small town. According to the townsfolk, she should be only concerned with getting married to a handsome man and being his doting little wife. However, Belle has absolutely no interest in taking part in any of that nonsense, and because of that, the people of her hometown write her off as odd or crazy. Many of us have been in a similar situation and felt excluded from society because we were somehow "not normal." Whether it was for our sexualities, our weight, our skin color, our religious beliefs, our over abundant love of comic books, or what have you, many people out there feel alone and ostracized. Yet Belle is that shining beacon of someone who lives her authentic life no matter what the world around her thinks, and that can give courage to others who relate to those feelings. Belle inspires the Beast to change to be better for her, not because she can break a spell, but because she sees the true beauty inside of him that no one else ever had. Some of my favorite types of heroes are those individuals who see the good inside of everyone. Those who give everyone a fair chance, especially to those who were never given a chance by anyone before, are the type of heroes we need more of in real life. No she can't fight off villains or complete daring feats of physical prowess, but she doesn't have to do those things to make a difference. She can save an entire castle by goodness and compassion alone. Paige O'Hara really does a fantastic job filling Belle with personality as well. I love that her voice work conveys confidence and strength, but also has moments of gentleness and vulnerability. She's allowed to have a range of emotions and certain spunk that is nothing short of endearing. Special mention must go to how excited and energized O'Hara plays Belle as getting when she talks about her books and stories. You really get the sense that reading is Belle's passion, not just something she enjoys. There's a real sense that Belle experiences the world around her fully and vigorously, and that adds to the charm of her character that makes her, for me, the most likable and best of the Disney princesses.
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doll-in-the-walls · 6 years
Horror Movie Reviews
This is a redo of my post on my main, minus the gifs that way I can make it as long as I want. That being said, this post gets long. Not in any order really though towards the end it’s in order of me watching or remembering movies I’ve seen.
Keep in mind: These are just my personal opinions/reviews.
Rating Key - Pumpkins
🎃🔶🔶🔶🔶 - HATED IT
🎃🎃🔶🔶🔶 - Really didn’t like it but it wasn’t that horrible
🎃🎃🎃🔶🔶 - It was decent. Neutral. No strong opinion.
🎃🎃🎃🎃🔶 - Really liked it but probably wouldn’t watch it again.
🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃 - LOVED IT. 10/10. Would watch again. (Probably already have)
Halloween (1978)
🎃🎃🎃🔶🔶 3/5 Pumpkins
It was very slow to me. Didn’t seem to really get going until the last 10-20 minutes. I don’t like movies that do ADR honestly but it’s to be expected from older movies. It was a nice start to the series. Don’t hate it. Ending definitely worked to make me watch the next one.
Halloween II (1981)
🎃🎃🎃🎃🔶 (4/5 Pumpkins)
Not sure why but I liked this one better even though I didn’t get answers to most of my questions. More action, some VERY nice camera shots (in my opinion) and cool lil moments that make you gasp.
Halloween The Curse of Michael Myers (1995)
🎃🎃🔶🔶🔶 (2/5 Pumpkins)
I left with even more questions and very few answers… Looks much better effects/fake wound wise though.
I was super happy to see Paul Rudd. Nice surprise, I didn’t know he was in it.
Freddy vs Jason (2003)
Very enjoyable to watch. (I of course was rooting for Jason the whole time. Just not a fan of Freddy). Didn’t need to watch either original movie/series to understand the two. (I’ve only seen parts of Nightmare on Elm Street, and honestly never watched Friday the 13th.)
The Boy (2016)
🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃 (5/5 Pumpkins)
I LOVE Brahms and CAN’T WAIT for the sequel. Movie kept me guessing and shocked me at the end (I was pleasantly shocked). The scares weren’t too in your face and the movie kept me interested the whole time. Definitely going to watch again.
House of Wax (2005)
🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃 (5/5 Pumpkins)
Loved it. I’ve already watched multiple times. I feel so bad for Vincent (pretty much any mask man from horror movies I seem to love. Idk why). Loved the effects and set/props (wax stuff obviously lol). Never really liked the opening scenes though, I’d rather we get right to the House of Wax but understand it’s necessary.
Child’s Play/ Chucky Movies [1-6] (1988-2013)
🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃 (5/5 Pumpkins)
(I’m going to do each one at some point so grouping these all together just for now).
I’ve rewatched these so much. I find 4 (Bride of Chucky) and 5 (Seed of Chucky) more funny than scary honestly.
Though no idea what they were thinking after that, the one after Seed is no good in my opinion. They should have ended it after Seed. BUT (See below)
Cult of Chucky (2017)
🎃🎃🎃🎃🔶 (4/5 Pumpkins)
Watched this only cause it was on Netflix and I gotta say it wasn’t that bad. I actually loved the ending though I’m usually one for happy endings. Probably wouldn’t watch it again but it was better than the one before
The Lost Boys (1987)
🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃 (5/5 Pumpkins)
Love it so much I have it on DVD. Watched it as a kid and never found it too scary but it that’s just cause I fell in love with the characters.... Love Kiefer Sutherland. Didn’t care for any of the sequels.
Friday the 13th (1980)
🎃🎃🔶🔶🔶 (2/5 Pumpkins)
It’s one of those that was probably super scary at the time it came out. I was between 2-3 Pumpkins for the rating. 1) I knew who the killer was. Hard to avoid spoilers when the movie came out in the 80s 2) I could figure out who survived 3) I like the acting by “Alice” but “Marcy” and “Annie” (omfg).... don’t get me started on Annie.
I am however excited to see the next one. Gimmie some Jason.
Friday the 13th Part 2 (1981)
🎃🎃🎃🎃🔶 (4/5 Pumpkins)
Liked it much better than the first. Acting was better. I like how this (like Halloween II) basically showed the ending of the first movie as a reminder (though I didn’t like that it was shown as a nightmare Alice had) And I had a few issues. 1) MUFFIN 2) WHERE’S PAUL? (What was real? What was a dream?)
I also have played the Friday The 13th The Game and it was cool to see one of the maps and basically one of the challenges kill for kill. I didn’t know the challenges were based off the movies, I knew the maps were.
Friday the 13th - Part III (1982)
🎃🎃🎃🎃🔶 (4/5 Pumpkins)
I liked this one but was left with questions that I don’t know if I missed the answer or what.
Idk how I feel about them changing Jason’s face. Part 2 his face was half deformed (and he had hair!) And now suddenly it’s his whole face and he’s bald. (which, don’t get me wrong, I don’t care what he looks like. I’m just confused as to why they changed it.)
Again cool to see a place the game has as a map (I knew what rooms were what lol) and again how certain people died. And now that kill in the barn (in game not movie) makes sense to be called a revenge kill.
Can’t wait to watch the next one.
Friday the 13th The Final Chapter (1984)
🎃🎃🎃🎃🔶 (4/5 Pumpkins)
First off…. Yay tiny Cory Feldman. Second … WHAT THE WHAT?! So I liked this one and only had a few problems with it. Namely.. I thought Jason only killed people who we teens/“being bad”/on his land. The family of three had to have been there during the 3rd movie, it was only like a day after the end of that one. I think he shouldn’t have killed the only blonde mom (maybe he doesn’t trust anyone who looks like his mom anymore). And the kid did nothing
WHICH BRINGS ME TO TOMMY. (Who I didn’t know was a kid in the movies…) Why and how did him making himself look like a young Jason work? A simple “he moved” would have assured his sister he wasn’t going insane. And also, what did Jason possess him at the end?? (Or was it just to show he’d grow up to like hacking people?)
And my last problem was… Why did the “peace” girl have to die?! She wasn’t doing anything!
Also … Trish… Why didn’t you just jump over that body…you did going back. Anyway I liked it. (XD)
Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The beginning (2006)
🎃🎃🎃🎃🔶 (4/5 Pumpkins)
Well right off the bat I want to hug Thomas and never let go. (I also want to maim everyone who insults him and calls him the R word. I really HATE that word). Honestly didn’t know about the whole cannibal aspect to the movie(s) I just knew about the face wearing. “Hoyt” gave me the fucking creeps but I did like how he defended Thomas in the beginning. I still have to watch the movie that came before this and the originals (Where his name isn’t Thomas apparently. I like it as Thomas) but Thomas has been added to the list of Slashers I like.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2
🎃🎃🎃🔶🔶 (3/5 Pumpkins)
This one was meant to be a dark comedy, which I can see how but yikes...
I watched this one before the first one just because I heard that he ends up liking a girl in it and I love Bubba so I wanted to see that. Now I know where the “Wiggles” gif comes from. I find him so adorable even though he makes the girl wear a face… I like him a bit better than the one in the first movie only cause we see more of him not just chasing someone. I’m a sucker for anything even slightly romantic.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
🎃🎃 🔶 🔶 🔶(2/5 Pumpkins)
I honestly started it and stopped it so much just cause I was bored... I kinda knew what happened so maybe that had something to do with it but for most of the movies I knew what was gonna happen, this one just kept loosing me anyways.
One of those movies that makes you wanna scream at the victims for how stupid they were. Who goes up to a house and after not getting a response the first five or so times GOES INTO THE HOUSE. That’s trespassing and STUPID.
I really both loved and hated the way Sally screamed the ENTIRE time she ran. It really made her sound actually terrified but also...if he lost sight of her it wouldn’t matter cause he could just follow the screams.
I prefer Thomas’ family better cause they’re not as mean to him...
Scream (1996)
🎃🎃🎃🎃🔶 (4/5 Pumpkins)
I had seen Scary Movie, which is a spoof/parody of this movie, so even if I didn’t already know who Billy was I would’ve known who the killer(s) was. Probably actually scary for its time but also I don’t personally get too scared by horror movies like this. Billy is very yummy though…
Took me forever to realize where I knew Stu from… The live action Scooby-Do movies… XD
Jason Lives Friday 13th Part VI (1986)
🎃🎃🎃🎃 🎃 (5/5 Pumpkins)
Okay.. just reading the lil blurb on Show Box… TOMMY DID WHAT NOW? How do you accidentally… I’m just gonna watch the movie…
Was it supposed to be as funny as it was? XD The whole thing could’ve been avoided if Tommy just didn’t stab his body during a storm. (Also... Tommy is very yummy, omg)
I would honestly watch it again just because it’s so funny and I don’t mind looking at Tommy.
The Babadook
🎃🎃🎃🎃 🎃 (5/5 Pumpkins) 
I loved this. Technically a “drama/thriller” but damn some scenes got me. I loved the meaning behind it all and would definitely watch it again.
Working on watching more movies. Below is what I still need to watch.
Friday the 13th A New Beginning (1985)
(which apparently isn’t even Jason so I’m probably going to skip it)
Friday the 13th Part VII The New Blood (1988)
Friday The 13th Part VIII Jason Takes Manhattan (1989)
(What is he, a giant monster like Godzilla now?)
Jason Goes to Hell The Final Friday (1993)
Jason X (2001)
Halloween (2007)
Halloween II (2009)
Scream 2 (1997)
Scream 3 (2000)
Scream 4 (2011)
House at the End of the Street (2012)
Probably a ton more I need to see but that’s all I can think of for now. Got a movie suggestion? Lemme know.
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pkmnjesus · 6 years
Monday Madness Media for 7/23/18
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Media: Movie Jaws 
Today’s MMM was already prepared before my accident happened, so I had this queued up tonight in time for Shark Week! I’m excited to talk about this one because it’s probably one of my favorite thrillers of all time! You’ve heard of the Spielberg classic (based on a novel) JAWS? Long story short, it’s basically about three guys (a local police chief, a marine biologist and a professional shark hunter) on a boat trying to stop this man-eating beast from further causing trouble at the beach in Amity Island. Sounds like a simple plot right? Well you’ll definitely have to watch it yourself because it’s more than that!
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This film has won three Academy Awards, and was the highest-grossing film of all time! That is until Star Wars came along in 1977 and beat it lol...and let’s not talk about the sequels of the Jaws franchise...they had phenomenal actors starring in this film such as Roy Scheider (with his famous “bigger boat” quote), and Robert Shaw’s amazing performance as Quint, the shark hunter.
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The production of the movie was very interesting since the movie had very low budget. Despite the low budget b-movie elements it brought to the table, it grossed A LOT of money and became a worldwide success. Fun fact: the movie used both a mechanical shark AND a real shark for shooting certain scenes. Too bad we don’t see these nowadays since big monster (Sharknado?) thrillers/movies heavily really on the technology of C.G.I. :| I’m just very interested with the process since I studied this in college as a film major.
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Probably the most memorable thing to come out of this movie was JAWS’s theme as the shark gets ready to feed on its prey. John Williams composed the film's score, (which earned him an Academy Award). Every time you hear the main "shark" theme, you already know that a shark is nearby, so watch out! There are so many countless parodies of this movie, but the one that comes to my mind is from SpongeBob SquarePants in the “Clams” episode. They even parodied the shark theme in their own version and made a joke out of it xD
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With the legacy of this movie continuing to impact film enthusiasts from one generation to another, I’d like to end this post with probably my favorite scene in the movie where Hooper, Quint & Brody sing a classic tune (click GIF to view the full scene) to lighten up the depressing mood in the boat as they drift in the ocean waiting for the shark to pop-up.....in which JAWS eventually does:
♫ “Show me the way to go home I'm tired and I want to go to bed I had a little drink about an hour ago And it’s gone right to my head Wherever I may roam On land or sea or foam You can always hear me singing this song Show me the way to go home” ♪
Happy Sharpedo Shark week y’all!
Catch P J’s #Monday Madness Media with different media explored every week...err not for a while though, since I’m still recovering from my accident.
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the-desolated-quill · 6 years
Deadpool 2 - Quill’s Quickies (No Spoilers)
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I’m a massive, massive, massive, MASSIVE fan of the Merc with the Mouth. I love the comics, I love the humour, I loved the first movie, and I love him. He’s my queer superhero and I love him with all my heart. So you can imagine I was practically counting the seconds until Deadpool 2 was released (especially after the disappointment that was Avengers: Infinity Bore). And yet I was also extremely nervous. Would the sequel be as good as the first? How many great comedies can you think of whose sequel is just as fondly remembered? Not many, right? Also this is the first time Deadpool has hit the mainstream in such a big way. No doubt 20th Century Fox are going to want to take advantage of that. Is there a risk that they might interfere with the film’s production to the point where they begin to censor the character or that, god forbid. we might end up in another X-Men Origins: Wolverine situation? And then of course there was the loss of Tim Miller. He did a spectacular job directing the first movie and was a huge cheerleader for the character. He spoke about Deadpool’s pansexuality in interviews completely unprompted, he got really emotional whilst promoting the movie at Comic Con, and he clearly understood the character back to front. Not only did he clearly love Deadpool and cared deeply about the project, he also recognised why the character is so important to so many people. So the news that he was not going to direct the sequel because of creative differences with Ryan Reynolds was a massive blow. Could a sequel work without him or his support?
Turns out there was nothing to worry about. I loved Deadpool 2. I love it just as much as I did the first movie. It takes what works from the previous instalment and builds on it. It also manages to avoid a lot of the pitfalls that sequels usually have. While there are callbacks to popular gags from the first movie, there’s also a ton of original material too. The filmmakers clearly aren’t content with just repeating themselves. They’ve gotten more confident, not just in terms of humour, but also in terms of storytelling, and their love and respect from for both the character and the fans is apparent for all to see.
Ryan Reynolds continues to demonstrate why he’s so perfect to be this character. He’s just so witty and charming and he completely understands what makes Deadpool tick. But most importantly of all, he’s able to tap into the underlying tragedy of the character. I always get annoyed when people dismiss Deadpool as being a more violent Spider-Man or as a childish irrelevance because that couldn’t be further from the truth. One of the many reasons why I connect so much with the character is because of his inner vulnerability. He is a man in constant pain. Both physical and emotional. His pop culture references and meta humour is really used as a way to mask his many insecurities and anxieties. The first movie touched on this briefly, but this movie dives headfirst into this. Yes it’s a comedy first and foremost, but it doesn't hold back on some of the far darker aspects of the character, and it’s this that makes him more interesting and more compelling. We like him not just because he makes us laugh, but because we care about him and feel genuinely sorry for him. He is, at his core, a broken man, and that’s what Deadpool 2 explores to great effect. Not only does the film lampoon certain tropes and cliches found in most superhero movies, it’s also able to use those same tropes to create something truly powerful and moving. It’s cynical satire with a heart basically.
But as the poster said, Deadpool isn’t coming alone. Not only do characters like Collosus, Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Weasel, Blind Al and Dopinder come back, we’re also introduced to a few new characters. Most notably fan favourites Cable and Domino, played by Josh Brolin and Zazie Beetz respectively. I was particularly excited to see Domino and I knew Beetz wouldn’t let me down. She practically oozes charisma and her character gets some really great and memorable moments. It was Cable I was initially a bit skeptical about. I honestly didn’t think Brolin was a good fit at first. Upon seeing the movie however, I honestly couldn’t imagine anyone else playing him. Brolin embodies the character perfectly and has amazing chemistry with Reynolds. He also has a lot more to work with here than he did with Thanos and his barmy plot to kill off half the universe using his collection of shiny pebbles. The comparisons they draw between both Cable and Deadpool are done exceptionally well and I can’t wait to see their partnership developed further in future films.
Another standout character is Firefist, played brilliantly by Julian Dennison. His character essentially drives the narrative and the way his story and character are handled is phenomenal. I’m afraid to say too much in case I spoil the plot, but honestly he’s incredible. Really funny, but also very sympathetic and Dennison doesn’t put a single foot wrong, giving one of the strongest performances in the film. I really hope this isn’t the last we’ve seen of the character. I would love to see him again in X-Force or Deadpool 3.
Because that’s another thing, isn’t it? This isn’t just a sequel to Deadpool. This is setting up yet another team ensemble movie (because we haven’t got enough of those already). How well is that done? Honestly, better than expected. While movies like Infinity War, Suicide Squad and Justice League made the same mistake of cynically putting their characters together like pieces of a jigsaw without actually putting in the effort to develop the relationships between the characters or explore what draws them together, Deadpool 2 is very much character-centric. By the end of the film, not only do you know enough about each character, seen how they relate to each other and formed a strong emotional connection with them, you’re also eager to see them again.
My only real complaint I’ve got is with Vanessa. She’s still not Copycat sadly, but also I feel she’s under-utilised. I can’t really explain further without going into spoiler territory I’m afraid. And for the record, I’m not saying she’s bad or that they’ve necessarily mistreated her or anything. Her relationship with Deadpool is still very much focal point of this movie just as it was with the previous movie, but a creative decision is made early on that may make you raise your eyebrows, and while I do like how it ultimately serves the narrative, I’d be lying if I said I was 100% in support of it. (I’d highly recommend sticking around for the mid-credits scenes to those who remain concerned by this).
Deadpool 2 succeeds not just as a gory, foul mouthed parody of superhero movies, but also as a superhero movie in its own right. It’s not only incredibly funny, but also legitimately emotional and moving at many points. As a hardcore Deadpool fan, I can confidently say that this is a perfect representation of both the character and his world. It feels like a definitive Deadpool story ripped straight out of the comics and I cannot stress enough how much you need to see this.
One last thing, to those who felt the first movie didn’t showcase the character’s sexuality enough, the second movie is a lot more explicit. Not only do we finally have a same sex couple in a big budget superhero movie, Deadpool has become a lot more open about his tastes in men. I won’t say too much, but there’s a scene in particular during the third act that doesn’t exactly leave a lot of room for doubt which way Deadpool swings. Let’s just say you won’t see Collosus in the same way again ;)
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Hmmmm let's go with Boubei! (haha i still need to watch that eventually :p)
Aaaah,thank you, Jenna! This is the one I was waiting for. XD (Yes, you should watchBoueibu at some point and then tell me what you think of it! ;P)
How I entered/learnedabout the said game/show/movie/etc of that fandom:
Let me take you back to Valentine’s Day 2015. I was waiting for Starkid to upload their new Trail toOregon musical, and I was in the mood to watch something cute and fluffy totreat myself in the meantime. I had been considering trying to get back intoanime again, so naturally I went looking through some deviantart polls forValentine’s Day anime recommendations. Because why not? It was a perfectopportunity.
Then, Isaw it. Someone highly recommending a hilarious new show about “gay magical boys”and that intrigued me. I hadn’t heard of magical boys before, so I was like“okay, this HAS to be good” and I Googled it and discovered that 6episodes had already come out. Perfect!
I watchedthe first episode and I laughed harder than I had in a long time. I was soamazed by how clever and whimsical the parody was that I kept watching all theway through. And I immediately called my older brother afterwards to explain tohim exactly what I had just watched because I thought he would appreciate it asmuch as I did. We were both laughing so hard, it was great. Best Valentine’s Day up to that point (especially since I began watching Coffee Prince later that night after watching the Starkid musical and that was a whole other world of beautiful). XD
I toldmyself I wouldn’t get involved with the fandom. This was going to be my privatespecial thing that gave me joy every week when I so desperately neededsomething as pure as magical boys saving the world with the power of love,since I was lacking so much light in my life then. I caved exactly three dayslater and dived head on into the Tumblr tag. Boueibu has since taken over mylife. I had also told myself I wouldn’t write fic, but I wanted to give somethingback to the wonderful, loving, and accepting community that I had found, so… Iended up getting in over my head with that, too. ;;v;;
And I’vemade (and keep making) so many amazing friends because of this series, so Ihave a lot to be grateful for.
Fave character:
I loveevery character in the series! Main characters, the loveless, animal mascots, side/guest/backgroundcharacters, even characters that didn’t get any lines because they were onlythere to fill in space. I love each and every one of them! They are all mybabies~
But…thanks to the otome game, Io is special.
I mean, one of my favorite scenes inthe anime is the bathroom scene in S1E3 because, Io, oh my god why, but thegame is something else. All of the moments in the Io/Ryuu route where Io talkedabout dressing Ryuu up in costumes to make money off him just made me go“omfg, child, what even are you?!”, but it was the moment where theygo shopping with protag-chan that really sealed it for me.
Io and Ryuu pick outan article of clothing that they think protag-chan should buy (Ryuu chooses askirt and Io chooses a sweater) and protag-chan has the option of choosing apair of shorts for herself. And if she chooses the shorts, Io commentssomething along the lines of “But aren’t they a bit short?” and myreaction was just “CHILD PLEASE! THEY ARE SHORTS! THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO BESHORT! THAT IS THE POINT! AND THEY AREN’T EVEN THAT SHORT ON HER EITHER. OH MYGOD YOU POOR PRECIOUS THING. THAT’S IT YOU’RE MINE NOW. I AM ADOPTINGYOU.”
And therest is history.
Least fave character:
I don’thave a least favorite. I love them all.
This is adangerous question. I multi-ship the crapout of this series. The only thing I don’t ship is incest and alienxhumanships. ;;v;; But I have my main go-to ships that I’ll mention because otherwisethis post would never end if I listed EVERY. SINGLE. SHIP. *sobbing in acorner*
Kinshirou/Haruand Aki
Goura/MissBara Beach
Since Ireceived another Ask requesting Boueibu, I’ll mention some other important ships there~
Pairing that everyonelikes but I don’t get:
Theonly thing I don’t ship is incest and alienxhuman ships. So, like…Goura/Yumoto and Aki/Haru are not my thing, though I know there are quite a lotof people who like them (not “everyone”, of course, but enough peoplefor it to count for this question). I also remember seeing some Yumoto/Wombat,but I haven’t really seen any other aliens being shipped with humans so far.But yeah, that’s not my thing either, though I don’t know if it’s still somethingpeople ship?
Fave thing about thefandom:
I love how accepting, loving, and supportive the fandom wasduring season 1. It was like having a small family here and it was a beacon of light in a very dark time for me. Ever since season 2, I’vebeen a bit distant from the fandom for personal reasons, but it’s still reallycomforting to see that there are still so many people trying to make this fandoma welcoming place. ;;w;;
The most despisedthing:
I couldhave definitely done without the violence/aggressiveness, especially regardingthe twins, ever since season 2 started airing. I had to retreat from the fandomwhile that happened because I didn’t really like being called an “abuseapologist” and other downright uncalled-for things for liking the twins orfor simply liking what the season had to offer. Thankfully, that has died downquite a bit in the last few months, but I still occasionally see things that makeme feel a bit alienated. For my own health, I’ve just learned how to seek outthe good things and avoid/ignore the bad, though. Everyone is absolutely entitled to their opinion, but bullying people over a difference in opinions is something that should never happen and now I’m wary of certain subjects because of it. ^^’
If there is somethingI would change from said game/show/movie/etc., what would it be:
Oh god, Idon’t even want to answer this question, so I’ll keep it short.
The cuddlejokes in season 1 got out of hand real fast and started to make meuncomfortable about halfway through (even though I appreciated how it was used to subvert common shota tropes), so I was glad that they toned it down alot in season 2. Though, the dead sensei jokes increased to compensate, itseems. Please let Tawarayama-sensei live. He has a family. They miss him somuch. Think of the children. AND, HONESTLY, HE COULD BE SUCH A GREAT MENTOR TOTHE BOYS IN THIS SITUATION IF GIVEN THE CHANCE.
Otherwise,the writing in season 2 could have been a bit stronger. I think the staff didthe best they could with the time and resources they had and I appreciate itgreatly, but it could have been paced a bit differently to give each of thecharacters a proper focus. I won’t go into detail about that because I don’twant to spoil it anymore for you and, also, I really don’t want to talk about myopinions publicly. ;v;
Most of myconcerns/issues with the series will eventually be addressed in my series rewrite anyway… where I simultaneously proceed tomake few things better and everything worse. //bricked
Feelfree to send me more fandoms~
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armorbirdpress · 8 years
“Shiny” feat. Smaug
How long has it been since I updated my writing blog? Anyway, having listened to the songs of Moana on repeat over the past few weeks (and having loved the movie besides), I thought about a post made a while ago by a certain someone I know, comparing the scene with Tamatoa to Bilbo’s encounter with Smaug in The Hobbit book. So, well... this happened. XD
I may do a recording of this parody in the future, but no promises considering how busy I am. ^^; I’d certainly like to sometime, though! ;)
The LoTR universe (c) Tolkien Moana (c) Disney
Well, Smaug the Golden hasn't always been this great I was a drab dragon back then Now I know I can be of the highest rate Because I'm glorious, theifling Did your wizard say help the ones in need Be who they want you to become I need three words to get his reasoning to bleed Your wizard's scum! I'd rather be... Shiny
Like a treasure from a dwarven kingdom's lair Heat the air and make it look... Shiny
'Cuz I sparkle like the eleven ruler's chair Like I care! Don't you know Men are dumb, dumb, dumb They chase anything that glitters (beginners!) Oh, and when they come, come, come To the brightest thing that glitters Instant dinners I just love free eats And you look like fresh meats (Like fresh meats) Well, well, well Little Thorin's having trouble staying sane You little teeny-weeny-meanie king Ooh! I guess my gold is really gonna make it rain By which I mean fire comin' down, man Is that what I'm hearing right about revenge? The Lord of Dale's dead as doornails I’ve slaughtered every soldier underneath this henge Check out my scales - oh yes, they're too... Shiny
For I laid low the warriors before your day Now I'm old, and strong, and so... Shiny
My armor's like a field of iron shields so gray My teeth are swords Thorin man, my claws are spears, spears, spears And you can't expect a dwarven king To beat a beast of bling (Come and try!) My breath is death and fear Now it's time for me to batter down That pleasant town No blade can pierce me for I’m armored with Scales of iron and hard gems which Men cannot fathom You tried to be tough But your blade is just not sharp enough Thorin Now it's time to send you... Soarin' Ever seen a beast so... Shiny
'Cuz a dragon's better than you'll ever be You will see, unlike thee, I'm so... Shiny
Now your people will be dead because of me, Scream and flee! They'll never know bling so shiny The Arkenstone, oh so...
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