#and playing recognise the shooting locations
frekless · 10 months
Watching the Artful Dodger and I honestly don’t know why it amuses me so much that some of the exterior shots of the hospital are actually the outside and grounds of Sydney Observatory
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playmiya · 30 days
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chapter ten: the big book of roblox previous ⎯ masterlist ⎯ next
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Atsumu finds himself on the rooftop of a building, once again, waiting. He prays the files in his hand aren't soggy from the beer that some klutz spilt on his bag at the party, and he's anxiously pacing when Vigilante makes her entrance rather unglamorously up the stairs.
He made it a point to go and watch surveillance footage of her after the Commissioner had asked him to partner up. She was discreet, lethal, but also, clearly amateurish. She wasn't a first responder like he was, but at the same time aided in cleanup efforts and petty crime. Of all the civilians taking legalities into their own hands, Vigilante was probably the most effective, and by extension, the best to work this case with. Atsumu only hoped that this would be one of the last times he'd have to convene with her on isolated rooftops, because it was getting tougher and tougher to make excuses to worm out of situations at night.
Vigilante's hood and loose black balaclava are up in characteristic fashion, and with the all-black outfits that she usually sports, if it weren't for Atsumu's spider-senses, he's sure she would've jumped him a long time ago.
Approaching him, he notices the heavy quilted puffer bag slung over her torso, and she shoots him a weary two-finger salute. "Got the footage?", he asks, and she nods, setting her bag down and plopping onto the cold granite of the roof.
"Got the lists?", she asks, and he nods. She taps the space beside her as she pulls out an age-old laptop that takes a couple of minutes to start up. He settles down beside her, laying out his own files. The laptop hums to life, and she begins playing back the security footage. He observes Vigilante's eyes, as they follow the grainy video, and he can't help but see flecks of poorly rubbed off mascara and glitter around her waterline. Noticing his gaze, she pulls her hoodie even lower, obscuring her side profile immediately.
Ah, so Vigilante was more than a mask and a pair of phantom eyes, he muses. This was the first time he'd caught her off-guard, and the first time she gave away something about her identity. It was reassuring, in some ways, to know that just like him, she had a life of her own. Prior to this, he'd always been antsy around her, always paranoid about something giving him away; so he'd dance around this case and pray that it'd end quickly, and while he still wants that to happen, he muses that in another universe, it'd be nice to have a friend in the same line of work as him. Someone who'd understand just how emotionally and mentally taxing this job could be.
If she shared any sort of similar feelings, he couldn't tell, since she was probably someone just as skilled as him when it came to putting up a front.
"Here," she declares, snapping him out of his reverie. She points towards the blurry, bulky figure on screen who's in the middle of lighting a match. There's nothing discernible about the person, other than eyewitnesses claiming that it was a muscular man with an expensive chain.
The store being lit on fire was a sporting goods one, Atsumu recognises. He'd passed by it multiple times, but never bothered shopping from there not just because of his own contracts, but also because he'd heard of their poor quality stock.
"JV Sporting Co.," he mumbles, and she motions for his files, pulling out a blueprint of the other locations the arsonist had hit in Shinjuku and Ginza. The fires had all been large ones, big enough to spread and catch beyond the epicentre. There was no pattern in terms of the shops hit; one sports store, a supermarket, and a record store.
"Mark all the shops affected, even if it's the tiniest breakdown, anything that could possibly make them shut down because of the fire," she says, uncapping a Sharpie and handing it to him. He circles the shops that'd been declared closed due to the fires in the statement by the business owners associations of the area, and once he's done, he stares at his handiwork with great satisfaction.
"Okay, now we need the names of the owners," Vigilante chimes, pulling out a ring binder of neatly laminated names. She placse each over the names of the shops, and shivers when a cool gust of wind hits the rooftop.
"Why're we doin' this, again?", Atsumu asks. She shrugs. "We'd hit a dead end because of lack of evidence so I did some research. Statistically, more than 80% of arsonists turn out to be owners who wanna get insurance claims from failing businesses."
"But a cluster event like this at more than one store with different owners makes no sense," Atsumu observes, and she hums. "Yeah, some of these places were doing pretty well, too," she states, pointing towards the supermarket.
"I just have this gut feeling though, that what we're looking for is right in front of us, we just need to dig deeper," she adds, laying down the final name in the list of Ginza stores. She shifts closer to him, and Atsumu catches the tiniest whiff of her perfume; floral and sweet emanating from the hoodie. She recoils instantly after, fiddling with the edge of the chart, contemplating.
"No point wasting your time and mine," she sighs, getting up. "Same time, same place, day after?", Atsumu asks, and she nods. "I'm going to check out some of these places. You do too, okay?", she asks, and he shoots her a two-fingered salute. As he exits, he notices her standing on the rooftop, lost deep in thought. The floral notes of her perfume play in his head for the rest of the night.
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taglist: @diorzs @egoistars @she-lovesmyheartshapedsunglasses @dailyakira @giocriedpower @southernfrogprincesd @iiwaijime @punkhazardlaw @dazqa @loverlunaire @milesmoralesluvs @thiisisntlovely @kuroppiii @gsyche
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99guz · 9 months
Best Friend Wooyoung who is so excited for you to go on a date but also wants to make sure you’re safe. He makes sure to remind you to put your location on and knows exactly where you are going on the date. So here you sit at the small little hole in the wall restaurant your date across from you having a conversation while waiting for your food to arrive.
And here he sits just a few seats away in disguise. Dark sunglasses and your damn sun hat which in his defense he had bought you so he has every right to wear it. Yeosang told him this was a dumb idea. He should just wait for you to get back home and tell him about the date but what if you needed to send an SOS!
Yes there is an SOS system. SOS Yellow, the date isn’t going well, definitely not gonna see them again. SOS Orange, definitely a creep, come get me. SOS Red Get Me Out Of Here Now! Wooyoung had used SOS Red once and you called him in hysterics saying your grandpa was missing and you needed his help to search. Grandpa wasn’t actually missing; he was at the senior center playing cards.
The date is going well. He is funny, nice and so far nothing short of a gentleman. You had decided to eat first before heading off to watch a movie at the theater. Through laughter you have been going back and forth on what to watch. You say horror, he says action. So here the both of you sit trying to prove which one is better and why.
“Sitting there and imagining yourself in the action, come on. Ca-pow!” he punches the air. “That’s the best thing about action movies.” he places his hands on the table in front of him.
You nod at his words. He has a point about the amount of times you have pictured yourself as a superhero many times. “Okay you have a point but, admit it you get chills down your back while watching a good horror movie. It’s the best feeling! Plus when it's over there is still a thrill left over.”
He shakes his head leaning back into his chair. “No, I stick by my decision. Action is better.” He takes hold of his fork and next thing you know he is taking a forkful from my plate. You gasp and he chuckles. “Ooh good choice.”
That’s when it catches your eye. Looking behind your date's head a few tables away there is a person wearing sunglasses and a sun hat. A sun hat which seems very familiar, since you have worn it multiple times. Your eyes fall lower to the hoodie they are wearing, limited edition Hunter x Hunter hoodie starting price $400.00 you barely wear it.
They angle their head down to block their face and turn their head to the right before getting up and walking away towards the bathrooms. You excuse yourself from the table claiming to need the bathroom. Wooyoung is racing to the bathroom to escape from your wrath he knows you’ve spotted him. He saw the face that you made when you recognised the sweater but you had left it in his car so he can totally wear it. Probably shouldn't have thought to be fair.
He almost made it to a sweet escape but you had caught him by the arm. Wooyoung turns an innocent smile on his face. “Oh my god what are you doing here?” His voice is high as he fakes innocence.
Your eyes narrow shooting arrows at him. “Wooyoung I told you I was coming here! What are you doing here? And in my limited edition Hunter x Hunter shirt! That’s $400.00! Have you lost your damn mind?” you whisper yell.
“I’m sorry I was worried. This is your first date since gorilla shit and if you think I was gonna send you in without backup. What if he’s a creep?” he leans in closer, peaking around the corner at the table then back to you. “Is he a creep?”
“No, he is actually really nice.” A smile creeps onto your face. “He is giving me a Viking vibe.”
Wooyoung nods “Tattoos, full beard, tall, and muscular total Viking.” he smirks.
You smirk. “Super nice voice too. Great tone.”
“Okay I will go home but text me as soon as you get home. You know I’m just worried right?” he clarifies.
You smile because you know he means well, and it makes you feel really safe knowing he has your back the way he does. “I know Woo and I really appreciate it and I love you for having my back. I’ll text you as soon as I get home, okay?” assured him.
He sighs and nods his head. Taking hold of your hands he intertwines your fingers and looks into your eyes with a loving look. “I hope he rearranges your guts. You deserve only the best.”
“I can’t fucking stand you!” you bark out throwing his hands off yours and turn to go back to your date. “Take my goddam fucking sweater off too! And my hat!” you finish. With that you leave Wooyoung behind and get back to the table where your date awaits. Just behind him you can see Wooyoung making his way out of the restaurant, both of you sharing one last secret smile before he sets out.
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wolven91 · 5 months
Drifting - Part 13
Casper’s optics scanned the smouldering wreck of Qik’s rig and found that whilst her reactor was still online, more concernedly; her pilot casket was still contained inside instead of ejecting away from danger. 
The caskets were designed to save the most important part of these warmachines, the pilot. From life support to stealth capabilities, the point to the caskets was to fire the pilots away from the threat once their mechs had become immobilised. 
A downed mech as a coffin, to stay inside was to invite disaster. 
[Qik?!] Casper sent urgently, already feeling that he’d spent too long in one place against the new danger. 
{I’m fine! Focus on the danger!}
Unconsciously nodding, the Spectre unit pushed off from the building and deliberately moved away from Qik, trying to draw the new threat away from her prone and vulnerable form. 
As soon as his machine broke from the building, he was showered with short, beams of light that caused whatever they hit to crater in a shower of debris and pulverished concrete. Ducking down one street, Casper zigged and zagged, breaking line of sight whilst staying as low as he could. 
His advantage was his build, it was meant to be low and fast, able to hide and obfuscate it’s own radar profile. 
{It’s a chintian mech, they’re tough, you’re not built for this fight.} 
[Eject and get away or shut up. If you suggest I leave you I’m shooting you myself.]
{He’s not a newbie. He’s clearing streets as he moves. Be careful.}
[What about you?]
{Playing dead. Not a threat to him.}
Casper closed his eyes and willed his sensors to reach out for the threat. He felt it immediately, a large ‘ping’ on his sensors that was systematically searching for him. It wasn’t moving directly at his location though.
‘He can’t find me.’ Casper realised, instantly making a mental note to thank Zeet for making good on his word to make a fast, quiet machine. Casper glanced down at his hand where he still gripped the sword in his right and considered his options. 
Gripping it until his hand’s servos whined, Casper began to make his way towards the new threat, doing his best to get behind him. 
After a few minutes though, he realised that the practised movements of the chintian built mech was not just impressive, it kept Casper from being able to sneak around and get at the enemy’s back. 
Instead, Casper waited behind one corner, and calmed himself, cooling his reactor as he waited in ambush. The threat kept both arms out and ready, fully prepared to squeeze his triggers and light up the Spectre as soon as it showed itself. 
As the enemy approached, Casper shoved with all his might into the corner of the building, sending a shower of concrete and debris across the enemy, blinding him. Casper immediately followed this with a wide, upwards slash, fully intending on cutting the target down by bisecting it from hip to shoulder. 
But his blade passed through nothing. 
Just as Casper was agile, so was the enemy and the front of Casper’s mech received a punishing hailstorm of damage as the chintian mech jumped backwards, firing as it leaped away from the danger, unafraid or even seemingly surprised by the ambush. 
Grimacing, Casper raised his arm to fend off the burning shots as he retreated and spun away, engaging his thrusters to distance himself and try again. He expected the enemy to chase him, or at least follow and pepper him, but none of the punishment came. 
Dropping into another crouch, Casper made an effort to get as far away as he could from the enemy. 
((Ha! Żałosne! Nikt cię synku mieczem robić nie nauczył?! No chodź! Wyłaź pokrako! Psi pomiocie! Czasu w życiu mi nie stanie! Stawaj!))
Casper blinked, shocked to his core, as whilst he didn’t understand what the script said, he recognised the words, or at least the language. It was from Earth. 
[Wait! I’m human!]
((Ni brat, ni krewny lecz Boże Dziecię. Toć jedną szansę dam. Poddaj lub giń.))
Taking a chance, Casper poked one side of his reconnaissance unit out from the corner he was hiding behind before ducking back in a section later. He was already moving away when the volley ripped that section of the city corner to pieces. 
Casper half crawled, half scrambled to take as many lefts and rights as he could whilst not completely abandoning Qik’s machine. He needed to keep the other pilot’s attention, but also find an opening. 
[Fine then! Fuck you! Come and get me.]
((WIJ SIĘ TCHÓRZU! Piskorzu zaropiały! Wstyd na cały twój niedołężny ród! Diabelskich sztuczek ci nie starczy co by z życiem ujść! Przeklęta magia Odmieńców! Bez niej dawno byś syneczku żarł piach!!))
Casper, still unsure of the enemy’s words, monitored his movements instead. The accent was thick and without the translation software working, he had no clue as to what the pilot was saying. It could have been mocking, or even suggesting they sit down for a chat and he wouldn’t know. 
Still, for all his training, it appeared as if the other mech was working from line of sight only, not being able to ‘sense’ where Casper hid. The young man needed to commit to the attack, he needed to surprise the other pilot completely, and have him within range of his blade. 
Several minutes passed by without either combatant seeing each other. 
Within the chintian mech, the human pilot held his arms up and out, ready to squeeze the physical triggers that his own, flesh and blood hands held. Within the cockpit, his upper body counted as the puppeteer for the mech itself. Unlike the geckin made machines, the chintians relied on physical piloting, aiming and shooting. 
The onboard intelligences could act independently when without a pilot, but they were limited as guards for an area, or guard dogs for a single individual, usually the pilot who had disengaged. 
It meant the chintian mechs were far more robust, and their pilots unspoilt by their times within the mechs, capable of existing inside the machines without any negative effects to their health, the downside was that they were limited to readouts. The reacted to the machine’s information, to the reaction time of the pilot, viewing the screens then instructing the machine into action. 
It took time to get used to it, but The Pilot had long since gotten used to piloting any number of different designs from his old fighter, to the new cutting edge pieces of technology. 
This difference between the two designs of the machine however, meant that when Casper sprung from his hiding space, The Pilot could only react, and whilst saved himself and the majority of the machine, snarled in frustration as warnings alerted him to the loss of one of his main weapons. 
Casper had laucnhed himself from the ground floor of one of the buildings. On the opposite side of the building, it had been gutted, yet remained up right. After quietly squeezing himself inside, thanks to his masterful control over the machine and its dimensions, he had launched himself forwards once the target was in range, sweeping his sword up in an all out attacked, with the goal of cutting the bastard in half. 
He felt the shudder of his blade hitting the other mech and felt genuine hope bloom inside of him as the right arm of the machine was spiralling off down the road, sparks flying from the smooth cut through the metal.
Casper’s joy was short lived as once more, he was hosed down with withering fire that had him retreat again, several of his systems reporting damage to his right side. He immediately felt sore there, as if he had pulled a muscle and now was unable to use it properly. Putting several buildings between himself and the other pilot, he tried to move and bend, only to find that his full range of movement was now limited with certain turns. 
It didn’t matter, one of the enemy’s weapons was now gone, he could win this. 
Casper half expected The Pilot to say something, to acknowledge his blow, yet instead, all that happened was a change in stance. A personality shift. As if the enemy was now leaning forwards, focused on the fight in totality. 
Casper heard the sounds of the enemy mech’s jet ignite, forcing him to turn, keeping the blade out in front of him just in case of an attack. 
That said however, he watched as the enemy machine rose into the sky before landing on top of the tallest building in the distance near Qik’s still prone machine. It fired dust out from beneath the machine and huge cracks appeared in the burnt out shell’s superstructure as the heavy device landed unceremoniously before traversing its torso around, bringing its lone weapon to bare. 
Bracing its remaining weapon, the gatling laser on the end of his left arm with the useless right arm, the enemy immediately spotted the Spectre unit and opened fire. Casper ducked and half crawled, half jumped out of the way and tried to reposition, but from the machine’s new vantage point, he could spot Casper the moment he poked any part of his body out from behind solid cover. 
[Fuck! Qik, I can’t get close!]
{I can give you an opening, but you need to be ready.}
[I won’t be able to close the distance!]
{You’ve only got one chance. Throw your sword.}
[What if I miss?]
{Everything I’ve seen so far tells me every weakness you had in the body, is compensated for in the machine. Just use your instincts. You ready?}
Casper ducked again as the weapon's fire doused across the concrete of the building he was hiding behind.
[Do it.]
Beyond Casper’s sight, the protective flaps on Qik’s torso opened, revealing one of the last usable salvos she had. The Pilot’s early warning system immediately gave a shrill alert that instantly told The Pilot he was being painted with a missile lock. 
Fractions of a second later, he had to roll his entire body to dodge the chaotic swirling storm of smaller missiles that threatened to detonate across his body. His desperate tumble however, broke line of sight with Qik’s mech as he fell from her perch and braced himself to land roughly on the asphalt below. 
Casper was already waiting for him, his sword held aloft like a javelin. 
With every ounce of his strength, he threw the blade as far and as hard as he could, aiming for the centre mass of the enemy machine, where the pilot would be sat. 
Hundreds of thousands of years of human evolution was dumped into the Spectre’s targeting computer. Ones and zeros that counted in the trillions taught the machine how to perfectly throw an item with the instinct to follow. The targeting computer threw in its own opinion on what was the danger to them and picked its target appropriately. 
The sword sliced through the air and hit its target was perfect accuracy, pinning the remaining gatling laser to the building’s wall, even before the chintian mech had come out of his landing crouch. 
Something told Casper that The Pilot wasn’t congratulating him on a fine strike, but the young man still allowed himself a faint smile across his face. 
((Obrzydliwym jest, kopanie leżącego. Lecz jeślim zmuszon, tak też uczynię.))
Instantly, Casper felt something was drastically wrong as the enemy combatant turned away from Casper and ran towards where Qik had been. The Spectre’s booster roared to life and sped the young human towards where the enemy pilot had been only moments before. He zigged and zagged through the streets before finding the main thoroughfare again as he watched the chintian mech running full pelt towards the still prone torso of Qik. 
[Eject! Eject!]
As the chintian mech raised a heavy metal foot over the ejection port of Qik’s mech, the Spectre unit slammed into The Pilot’s back, sending both of them tumbling, rolling head over heels with the sheer speed and force in which Casper and crashed into them. 
The pair of them fell out of the city limits and into the bombed out wasteland that may have been pristine and rolling green hills at some point in the past. 
The chintian mech was first on his feet, followed shortly by Casper. 
Neither of them had any weapons they could draw on, but they were now on even ground, facing off with each other. 
Casper wanted him dead. He’d threatened the one ally the human had, had since leaving Earth. 
Human or not, this bastard was dying. 
The Spectre raised it’s hands into fists, raised up and ready to beat the other mech into the ground. The chintian model followed suit, the gatlings may have been scrap; but The Pilot didn’t need fist to beat on a petulant child. 
The two stared at each other as the rain continued to beat down against them. 
As one, the pair ran at each other.
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bgomtori · 1 year
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★ perseids meteor shower - beomgyu
-> a drabble
-> two lovers trying to catch the annual meteor shower.
-> !! im trying to look out for the meteor shower right now so why not write about it, i love astrology sm.
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gyu :> : come out
ynn ☆ : huh? it's so late
gyu :> : i've something to show you
you quickly got out of bed and headed straight to your front door, startled when you saw beomgyu literally outside your doorstep.
" what the fuck i thought you'd be downstairs. " you cursed softly, trying not to disturb your neighbours. beomgyu let out a chuckle before holding onto your hand.
" i know how much you like space and astrology, soo i found a spot to watch the perseus meteor shower. " beomgyu stated as he pressed the ' 1 ' button of your apartment's elevator. you felt yourself grow warm, he remembers your love for astrology.
the two of you walked to an isolated place, it was perfect for stargazing, and trying to spot meteors. nobody was around to distrupt your peace, the nightsky was clear, no clouds in the way, light pollution was basically gone. you could see stars and the different planets in the dimly lit sky. beomgyu noticed you admiring the pretty night sky and smiled, he was glad you enjoyed it. he found it slightly boring to sit there just to watch the stars, but as long as you're beside him, and happy, he'll be glad to do it with you.
you pulled out your constellation app, trying to spot where the perseus constellation would be located at. beomgyu peaked his head to look at your phone as if he knew what was written on the app. you spun around slowly, tilting your phone up and down, until you finally found the constellation that was just slightly above the horizon.
" ok, northeast.. " you mumbled to yourself, grabbing beomgyu's arm, making him face the direction you were facing. you were so glad you took a long nap in the afternoon, at least you still had quite a lot of energy left in you to pull and all nighter to see the meteor shower. beomgyu stared boredly into the nightsky, spotting one bright star that caught his attention.
" what star, or planet is that? " he asked, pointing to it. you immediately recognised it as jupiter, enthusiastically, you exclaimed softly,
" that's jupiter! my third favourite planet. " beomgyu smiled at how much interest you showed in astrology.
" then what's your top 2? " he asked, genuinely interested in your response.
" i love neptune so much, it looks so pretty through the nasa pictures. then hmm i love saturn, it's so cool like the big rings around it and stuff. " you rambled on and on about facts about the two planets, beomgyu listened with all ears, looking at you softly. you constantly squeezed on his hand whenever you stated a new fact, he found this cute.
" that's all! " you finished off with a big smile on your face before you leaned on beomgyu's shoulder, staring off into the night sky, waiting for the perseus constellation to rise higher into the sky. you felt beomgyu handed you one side of his earpiece, pressing the shuffle button on your shared playlist.
a few hours passed, it was past 4am. you felt yourself dozing off, your head almost falling off beomgyu's shoulder. soon, beomgyu looked at your phone, realising that the perseus constellation was at it's peak.
" yn, i think it's almost time, look up. " beomgyu nudged you, scaring you. thankfully, this made you more awake, you looked up, staring intently into the sky. you paitiently waited to see a meteor. 'meteor shower' played in both your ears as you saw the first meteor go across the night sky. you were fully awake now, your eyes widened in awe as you saw the following shooting stars behind it.
" you gonna make a wish? " beomgyu asked, you turned to him and looked back up to the amazing scenic view, humming as you thought of a response.
" i suppose i have a wish. " you replied before closing your eyes and cupping your hands together. beomgyu gazed at you softly as you mumbled out your wish, it was only loud enough to be heard by you thankfully.
" what did you wish for? " beomgyu tilted his head as he asked you, you gave him a cheeky grin, before placing a finger on your lips.
" if i say my secret it won't be true. "
" hmm, but look, there are multiple meteors now, you can tell me what you wished for and wish again! that simple. " beomgyu smirked, pointing to his brain as if he's saying that he's smart. you scoffed, rolling your eyes at him, you shook your head,
" i keep my wish a secret, you also have to keep your wish a secret. " beomgyu sighed, there was no use persuading you anymore.
" i'm going to crash at your place by the way, 'm too lazy to go home. " beomgyu requested, wrapping his arm around your waist. you sighed loudly, pretending like you didn't want to, but you still agreed to him staying at your place. i guess you missed him too much. you looked at the dazzling sky once again, one meteor following the other, you smiled to yourself as you recalled your wish.
' i wish that our fates would be intertwined forever. '
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁
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octuscle · 1 year
Chornivac support, I need your help. I was toying around the "reliving your core memory" but I think I fucked up. After making my perfect body, ginger, muscled with a tight ass and very sensitive cock, I think I fucked up and now I'm trapped in a time loop. I can't get out and I'm living the same moment again and again. Please help me I don't know how long I'll be able to keep loosing my virginity again and again and again. OH no, it's resetting again. Chornivac support, I need your help. I was toying around the "reliving your core memory" but I think I fucked up. After making my perfect body, ginger, muscled with a tight ass and very sensitive cock, I think I fucked up and now I'm trapped in a time loop. I can't get out and I'm living the same moment again and again. Please help me I don't know how long I'll be able to keep loosing my virginity again and again and again. OH no, it's resetting again. Chornivac support, I need your help. I was toying around the "reliving your core memory" but I think I fucked up. After making ...
Maybe you're too young to remember the film Groundhog Day. But that's exactly the kind of time loop you're currently caught in. That in itself is not a Chronivac problem. This phenomenon is rare. But it can happen to anyone. And you can only free yourself by fulfilling a goal. And this much I was able to find out: Your goal is to lose your virginity in an epic way. If you know film, it takes Bill Murray many days to recognise and solve the problem. We can do it faster.
The first day you lost your virginity was a disaster. A quick and awkward fuck from an old trucker with a cheesy cock in a restroom at a rest stop. Maybe we'll look for a better location first. The local swimming pool is much better. You look amazing, you should definitely find something better.
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It's 4:00. It's a good time. The swimming club's training has just finished. And there are some good jocks there. So take off your shirt and get in the shower. Try to make eye contact with the lads you find sexy. And if someone makes eye contact, start lathering up your dick real thoroughly. You see, it doesn't take long before one of the lads disappears in the direction of the changing rooms with a meaningful look.
Okay, the fuck itself was a disaster. No problem. You just lack practice. You can replay this day as many times as you need to. Check out the lad. Find out what he's into. And then keep training out as many times as you need to.
Today will work. You have placed the body oil in the changing room where you always disappear. You oil his cock first and then your hole. Even though you technically lose your virginity today, you have much more experience than the stud behind you. You play his cock like a master plays his piano. You know exactly how to make him almost cum three times and then delay it again. And then he shoots his load into your ass with high pressure. You turn around to him, jerk your cock, give him a deep French kiss. And cum your load all over your chest and face.
You can hardly wait to get home to you. You fuck all night. And tomorrow you wake up together in cum-encrusted sheets.
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alln64games · 8 months
Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon
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JP release: 7st August 1997
NA release: 16th April 1998
PAL release: 18th April 1998
Developer: Konami
Publisher: Konami
N64 Magazine Score: 90%
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I remember seeing the scores for Mystical Ninja in N64 magazine, but it didn’t seem like my kind of game. I was very wrong about that – Goemon’s first N64 game is kind of a hybrid of Super Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time, mixed with edo era Japan and a gloriously absurd plot of musical performers trying to turn Japan into their stage.
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The game starts out in a Zelda-style town, but what’s impressive is that this is from before Ocarina of Time. You can swap between Goemon and Ebisumaru (plus more you meet along the way) at any time, each with their own set of weapons and abilities. These are uses sparingly throughout the game, so for the most part you can play as who you prefer.
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Connecting each town is a large overworld with some nice locations. The first one I encountered brought back strong childhood memories as I recognised the music from Krazy Konami Racers, but the rest of the music in the game is also great, with lots of great tracks throughout the game. I was bopping my head to quite a lot of the music which mixes classical and modern instrument sounds.
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Dungeons also play a big part in the game. While there are map/compass items to collect and keys to find, they’re a lot more platform-oriented than Zelda dungeons. One downside is the game’s camera (which can be turned holding R and using the c-buttons), but it’s something you get used to. While there are some bottomless pits, other areas just have you fall to a section where you work your way back – although one handy thing is that there’s no fall damage.
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There’s also a variety of other sections, including multiple giant robot boss fights, which treat you to a song each time you use your giant robot, Impact. Each starts off with an arcade-style section to build up your health and ammo before taking a first person perspective as you shoot and punch your opponent. It’s a lot of fun, although they do become more frustrating the longer they go on.
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Goemon is an incredibly charming game that’s still a ton of fun to play. Some of the puzzles do have a sign flat out telling you what to do, although these mainly relate to Ebisumaru’s camera item, which reveals hidden things, so I would probably get stuck without being reminded that the object exists. Even with that, the main story is amusingly silly and the game likes throwing new things at you. It’s a great game.
It’s a clever game, not only because there’s simply so much to do, but because you’re never quite sure what’s going to come next. Mini boss? End-of-level boss? Ludicrous sub-game involving a big yellow man and some falling shrinking pills? Erm, yes, quite. Mystical Ninja is a supreme example of game invention.
- Tim Weaver, N64 Magazine #14
Remake or remaster?
An updated version of Mystical Ninja would be great, with a better camera and fine tuned controls. A bit of extra side content would also be welcome. And perhaps a quest log as instructions are a but unclear at times.
Official ways to get the game.
There is no official way to get Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon.
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jpbradley · 5 months
JP is Writing: Dark Heresy
(I'm still off work ill, understimulated and have nobody to bounce ideas off really so now I am going to ramble for far too long about a thing I am noodling around. Sorry.)
I've been toying around with GayHalforc's Sledgehammer rules, which I like for a bunch of reasons but mostly the fact that it's a rules light hack of Dark Heresy, which is a foundational text for a whole bunch of designers (myself included) who looked at its combination of low power, high lethality and lovingly crafted cross section of the Warhammer 40,000 and asked the question: What if this had rules that weren't shit?
If you want to hack Dark Heresy then Sledgehammer is a good place to start. It actually leans closer to Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (WHFRP) but a simple reskin can set it in the 41st millennium and the rules are hacked right the way down so you can start reintroducing the crunch to a level that suits your own particular tastes.
For me this meant adding weapon traits (my group loves guns) and cribbing in Gamma World 7e's ammunition system (if you shoot more than once keep shooting cause you'll be out of ammo at the end of the encounter anyway), which is a brilliant rule I've always wanted to play with.
The other big change I wanted to make is more foundational; getting rid of the d% system.
It's something I've always wanted to do with Dark Heresy because percentiles get very 'mathsy' quickly, something made worse in the original system having variable bonuses and penalties depending on the situation. If you're shooting you +20 if firing full auto, +10 if aiming for a half action but +20 instead if aiming for a full turn. God only knows how lighting works, and thats before you even get to hit locations, cover and damage (Dice and weapon strength, minus target toughness, and maybe armour less the penetration of the weapon? ICK!)
None of which would be an issue if you didn't have to engage with that system, but stats in Dark Heresy are 25-40% range unmodified so you need to navigate all the variables to do anything reliably. Sure routine tests are supposed to get bonuses, but if they're routine why are we rolling at all?
I replaced all that with 1d10 roll under a stat between 2 and 5 (at base) which seems harsh until you throw in an extra 1d10 for having a relevant background detail and another 1d10 for anything that makes life easier. Anything under is a success, the highest of them is used for causing damage.
On the flip side particularly difficult tasks will steal a success after rolling, because that's how Heart: The City Beneath managed its difficulty and I found it suitably vicious for a hard edged setting.
Which brings us to the setting. One of the big problems with Dark Heresy's successor, Wrath & Glory, was that it tried to encompass the entirety of the 40k setting with its rules. Dark Heresy and its successors (Rogue Trader, Deathwatch, not so much Black Crusade) benefitted from focusing the action to a specific corner of the Imperium and the street level 'Cthulhu and boltguns' vibe of the original is definitely what I want to capture.
A big source of inspiration for playing Dark Heresy recently has been Warhammer 40,000 Darktide, which has a similar sort of vibe of picking your way through a massive hive city as the whole place goes to fuck. I'm not sure that I want it to be a full on warzone the way the Hive is there, but the idea of a place where Imperial rule is less absolute, rebellion more open; of a world straining at the shackles of distant masters and the space between the oppression of the past and the open rebellion of tomorrow, is something that appeals to me for reasons that you might recognise yourself.
So that is where my players will find themselves, with a name, an accusation, all of the responsibility and none of the authority needed to bring their target to justice and completely disposable to their distant masters.
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Goncharov by Stanwixbuster
============= Links
Play the game See other reviews of the game See other games by Stanwixbuster or follow @stanwixbuster
============= Synopsis
just a bunch of boring conversations and shooting? - letterboxd an excuse to mess about with tape window and a dead joke for goncharov jam
============= Other Info
Goncharov is a Tape Window piece, submitted to the Goncharov Game Jam.
Status: Completed Genre: Unreality, Goncharov, Meta
CW: implied injury, implied death, implied violence, unreality, animated text/background
============= Playthrough
First Played: Dec-2022 Last Played: 1-Sept-2023 Playtime: around 20min Rating: 4 /5 Thoughts: Did we watch the correct movie?
============= Review
Goncharov is a fairly short stylised kinetic piece, presenting itself as an adaptation of the "original" movie, through snippets of different critical scenes, as defined in the meme lore. Though, you could play the scenes chaotically, by doing a random order for examples, the story is best enjoyed when followed chronologically.
Spoilers ahead. It is recommended to play the game first. The review is based on my understanding/reading of the story.
Above a usually animated background, dialog boxes pop up on the screen, typing out descriptions of the scene or the dialogue between characters. Locations, time and present actors are visualised through small screenshots - the character sprites do not change from scene to scenes, so it is easy to recognise who is who. Depending on your setup, the animated background and text may lag.
A few scenes in, you get the sense that something is not quite right. Maybe it is because each scenes have very few words, or because they lack connection between each other. Their succession from the listed menu makes sense, but it is clear there are gaps between each scene. Or it could simply be the game trying to send you off track, like any good intrigue movie: nothing is truly as it seems.
While the end scene is quite something, the truly interesting part of the game, in my opinion, is when the credits roll. We sort of leave the realm of the movie and the canon, to have a more... meta discussion. Some criticism mentioned above, as well as potential failings of both the game itself and the meme at large, are discussed through two viewers of the movie you just experienced through the scenes. These criticism, from the lack of coherence to the missing actions, are linked to discourse that happened around the meme (though in-game, the discourse is about the movie).
You could take this final conversation at face-value: two friends watching a movie and discussing it when it ends. Or you could look at is as a discussion of the strange phenomenon that was Goncharov - the meme. Taking the internet by storm, it spread without rhyme or reason, with many users contradicting each other with sequencing, lore, or details, as they made up their version of the fake movie. As a collective, we all made the "movie" happen, each adding a scene or lore, trying to make our voice heard through the sea of creators participating. Maybe we were all Matteo, in a way, directors of Goncharov.
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findlayccarter · 11 months
Grad Thriller – Beginning plans and Meeting with Tom
Had a productive meeting with Tom today and think it helped both of us see the project come to life more. Although a lot of the script is still in progress, talking through the plot cleared a lot of the structure up for me. I’m glad that Tom’s chosen to go down a more sinister route with the film in general as I think this allows more opportunity for creativity. But further, I think if you’re hinting at a character having evil intentions then its best to fully commit. I know now what to focus on in terms of the crucial scenes of the film and we came up with some dark but good ideas for how it could end/how she could uncover his stalking. From the discussion I started typing up some contextualisation notes about the film so I can refer back to them but also just make a starting point for the pitch. 
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Before the meeting I booked out equipment to do some camera/lighting tests. Although this was mainly unsuccessful as I ran out of time in the room I booked, it was good to keep up to date with using the URSA and other lighting stuff. Sometimes I feel like I don’t use it for a while and forget how everything works. The only test that’s worth sharing is the low lighting test I did on a Halloween mask that doesn’t look good at all as I brought a reflective mask. It also didn’t help that the only rooms I could get all had white walls, so everything was constantly bouncing. Next time I’m going to see if there's an option to book out the chapel, because unless you’re shooting outside there doesn’t seem to be a better option. 
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Failed attempt at low key lighting. I think if the mask wasn’t so shiny, you’d see it clearer, I was also in a rush to pack away for a class coming in next, so I didn’t take a picture of the lighting setup – you’ll have to trust me that it would’ve worked. 
Draft Beat Sheet:
Noah Stalking Anna around Edinburgh. Subtly and from a distance.
Anna recognises him as someone from school but is unaware that he is stalking her.
They begin chatting and organise to meetup for drinks in the future. 
Noah goes home and we see the extent of his stalking on top of his anger that he’s made contact with Anna.
They have drinks at a pub.
They go back to his flat.
Anna notices something that reveals to her that Noah has been stalking her. 
Tense atmosphere of her not knowing how to react and Noah realising that she has found out.
Some form of action that ends the film (Violence, death… still to be decided.)
Locations established so far:
Edinburgh streets
Outside Anna’s flat
Inside Noah’s flat
Outside Noah’s flat/Noah’s flats stairway
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He is a resentful stalker. For most of the film, we are viewing it from his perspective and thoughts. 
His character should be viewed with a tone of anxiety, spitefulness, and hate. He enjoys the power he has over stalking Anna. Knowing she is unaware and having the feeling that he controls her life (which he doesn’t actually) is what he enjoys. So, when he unintentionally becomes noticed by her the game he likes to play is ruined. 
We only look through her perspective at certain points, as we want to focus on Noah being the main character and see how we sees his situation.
At this point we see through her perspective when; She notices Noah, she uncovers Noah’s stalking, and the climax at the end of the film.
Tonally, we don’t want to portray her as completely innocent (backstory about their previous relationship is still to be decided). She needs to have an aura of wholesomeness and ordinality, however this is not the side of her that we see from Noah. There needs to be a clear contrast between the way each character see’s each other. 
Stalking around Edinburgh:
Following her from a far distance, but on a long lens. Doing this will create a compressed image, creating a sense of distance from her as a realistic way of how he would stalk her. 
Contrast this with closer shots but on an extremely wide lens. These will be moving, most likely following her. The wide lens will keep the movement smooth and not too shaky but also will create this feeling of distance from Anna. He’s close behind her but at a distance safe enough to be undetected.
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I also want to use objects and symmetry in objects to draw the viewers eye towards Anna. As we will first be establishing the character I think its important that Anna is seen as the subject in each frame. Things like foreground elements and leading lines are what I want to use to cut/direct the frame towards Anna's character.
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How to show the difference in perspectives the have on each other:
Hard vs softly lit.
High vs low angle.
Dark vs light eyes 
Low vs high aperture
Partially lit vs fully lit (shadowy face vs complete lit) (Racoon eyes)
Foreground element cutting part of the frame. 
Camera movement
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ionasadventures · 11 months
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We managed to reset our sleeping scheduled to conquer the jet lag today so weren’t asleep for tooooo much of it! Didn’t wake up till midday though. We had planned for today to be a rest day anyway so didn’t really have much planned. Our hotel was within walking distance to the Warner Bros.‘ Studio Tour so we decided to check that out! After like…. 2 minutes outside my hair was completely dry from the shower I took. Safe to say it was HOT. About 30C which was interesting! Luckily most places in the US have AC so when we arrived at the studios the temperature was nice. There was a Starbucks there lmao and also a LOT of security. Like airport level security but I guess that’s for safety purposes as a lot of stuff is filmed here. Upon entry you’re guided to a introductory room explaining about the Warner Brothers themselves - Harry, Albert, Sam, and Jack - who founded the studio in 1923. This means that this year (2023) is the 100th anniversary of the studio founding! They were the children of Polish-Jewish immigrants. After this information area you are ushered to a movie theatre-esq room which plays an introductory showcase of all the films made and some of the things you will see. Then you’re split into groups and taken on a shuttle ride. Our guide (Jenny I think?) was SO good, really kind and helpful and can constantly walk backwards without looking, like Mater in cars lmao which was a little uncanny but very impressive! She really knew her stuff and made sure to point out most of the things that locations were used for, not just the more popular shows. Which was good cause honestly the tour primarily was banking on Friends, Gilmore Girls, and The Big Bang Theory, none of which I’ve seen! However one thing I HAVE seen that was filmed almost ENTIRELY on this set is Pretty Little Liars. It’s an ….. interesting show? Shall we say? I wouldn’t say it’s terrible and I wouldn’t say it’s good. Like Glee. A LOT of the houses on the tour we saw were used in PLL and it was so cool to see them and recognise them! Fun fact - each of the houses have multiple façades, so they can act as the exterior of different places depending on which angle the camera is at! The interior is empty completely to allow for multiple uses, and there’s no ceiling on the inside! This is to allow the lighting, cameras, and AC to be moved and positioned to accommodate different things. We went into what was Emily’s house in PLL and everything looks so realistic, but is actually made with other materials to allow for complete remodelling if the shoot calls for it. Fun fact 2 - if any changes are made at ALL, at the end of filming the crew MUST return the set to what it originally looked like. So in PLL, Spencer’s barn is white and has fancier doors and foliage than the red barn originally has. The windows are also all made out of sugar glass so no one gets hurt when doing stunts. In an episode of PLL, a car gets driven into Emily’s living room - this was actually done here, on this set! The stunt driver drove a car straight through the walls and windows, and because of the material the house is made from, it could smash into it without posing much danger to the driver. It’s absolutely fascinating to see and hear how the behind the scenes work! I’ve tried to include in the pictures screenshots from the shows so you can see how they were used and how they were changed, but I took most from a moving golf shuttle (like a golf cart but longer and can fit 12 people) and i shake like there’s no tomorrow so they won’t be the clearest 😅 the sets were also used for films like Batman, Citizen Cane, and they were currently all set up to look like the streets of Texas for Young Sheldon, which was currently filming as we were driving around! Luckily all the film stages are soundproof to accommodate things like this.
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emilykristina · 4 months
How to Play With 8 Ball Pool
In 8-ball pool, there is a single white "cue ball" and fifteen numbered balls, one of which is a black "8-ball." The objective of each player is to pocket the solid-colored balls (referred to as "solids," numbered 1-7) and knock in the striped balls (referred to as "stripes," numbered 9–15). Before sinking the eight ball, a player must pocket all of the relevant balls (solids or stripes). The game is won by the first person to pocket the eight ball.
Setting Up the Game
Recognise the fundamentals
Recognise the fundamentals. A cue ball and fifteen "object balls," numbered 1 through 15, are used to play the game of eight ball. While the other player possesses balls numbered 9 through 15 (stripes), one player needs to pocket balls from the group numbered 1 through 7 (solid colours). You have to be the player to pocket the 8-ball lawfully after pocketing either group first in order to win.
Locate the head location
Locate the head location. About 25% of the way down the table's length, look for a little dot or triangle in the felt's lateral centre. The cue ball will be placed here to start the game. This line across this point is referred to as the "head string."
Arrange the balls
Arrange the spheres. Place the balls numbered one through fifteen within the triangle pool rack. Place the rack with one corner of the triangle facing the break and at the other end of the table from the head spot. Verify that the rack is positioned with its centre of gravity along the foot string. When you're prepared to play, take out the racking frame and let the balls alone.
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The "foot spot" is the dot on the tabletop that corresponds to the head spot. Position the triangle's point three-quarters of the way down the length of the table. The "foot string" is an imaginary line that indicates the distance 3/4 of the way from the head to the foot if the "head string" indicates the 1/4 point from the head of the table to the foot. The exact middle of the foot string line is where the 'food place' is situated.
Place the eight ball in the triangle's middle. Position the 1-ball with its back to the break at the triangle's tip. Put a solid ball in one corner and a striped ball in the other of the rack's back corners.
Pick up some terminology
Acquire the vocabulary. There is a lot of specialised jargon in pool that inexperienced players may find confusing. Refer to the terminology as you pick up the game. Ask an experienced pool player to explain anything you don't understand.
Balls of objects: The balls were solid and striped and numbered 1–15. All pool balls aside from the cue ball. The balls that you are attempting to knock into the pockets are known as "object balls".
Pocket: The baskets that surround the pool table's edge. Six pockets total—one at the middle of each long side and one in each corner. "Pocketing" is the activity of striking one or more "object" balls with numbers into a pocket.
Rail: The edge of the pool table that runs alongside the bank.
When a player inadvertently knocks the cue ball into a pocket, it's called a scratch. Take one of your sunk balls out of a pocket and put it back in the middle of the table if you scratch. Now is your opponent's turn to shoot from the spot they have selected at the top of the table.
Table Open: When the choice of groups (solids or stripes) has not yet been made, the table is "open." It is permissible to hit a solid first to create a stripe or solid while the table is open.
The cue ball is handed to the opposing player as a result of a foul. This implies that the player's next shot can be made wherever on the table using the cue ball.
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Beginning the Game
Break the rack
Break the rack. One player lines up the cue ball behind the head string and aims at the rack. Knock the cue ball into the triangle of balls with force and precision. To execute a legal break shot, the breaker must either pocket a ball, or drive at least four numbered balls to the rail. When the breaker fails to execute a proper break, it is a foul.
Know what to do in case of a scratch or foul
Know what to do in case of a scratch or foul. If the breaking player scratches on his or her shot, then the game has only partially begun. In the case of a foul, the incoming player has two options: accept the table as is and take the next shot, or re-rack the balls for a redo of the opening break. The incoming player gets to choose whether to personally break or to allow the original breaker to try again.[6]
If a player scratches on a legal break shot:
All balls pocketed remain pocketed.
The shot is a foul, meaning that it is now the other player's turn to shoot.
The table is open, meaning that the first player to sink a ball without scratching chooses that ball type (stripes or solids) as his or her objective for the game.
If a player jumps a numbered ball off the table on the break shot, it is a foul. The incoming player has two options:
Accept the table in position. Take the next shot and continue the game.
Take the cue ball in hand behind the head string. Shoot or break again, as necessary.
If the 8-ball is pocketed on the break, then the breaker may ask for a re-rack, or have the 8-ball spotted and continue shooting. If the breaker scratches while pocketing the 8-ball on the break, the incoming player has the option of a re-rack or having the 8-ball spotted and begin shooting with ball in hand behind the head string.
Choose groups
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Choose groups. Before groups are chosen, the table is "open." The first player to sink a numbered ball effectively chooses to aim for that group of balls throughout the rest of the game. If you are the breaking player, for instance, and you sink the striped 13-ball, then you are "stripes." Look around for other striped balls that are easy to strike. Your goal is to pocket all of the striped balls (and then the 8-ball) before your opponent pockets all of the solid balls and the 8-ball.[7]
Make it clear who is who. If you make a stripe, call out, "I'm stripes!" If you make a solid, call out, "I'm solids!"
If you are the first player to pocket a numbered ball, but you sink both a stripe and a solid at the same time: you have your pick between the two groups. Choose the group that looks the most immediately advantageous.
Playing the Game
Keep shooting until you fail to pocket a ball.
Keep shooting until you fail to pocket a ball. If you are shooting on "stripes," and you make the striped 12 ball, then it is still your turn. Try to pocket another striped ball. If you successfully pocket another striped ball on your next shot, then you can shoot again. As soon as you scratch or miss the pocket, however, it immediately becomes your opponent's turn.
There is no rule against combination shots, in which you sink two numbered balls from your group with one shot. However, the 8-ball can not be used as a first ball in the combination unless it is the shooter’s only remaining legal object ball on the table. Otherwise, it is a foul.
Step 2 Pocket all of the balls in your group
Pocket all of the balls in your group. If you are shooting "solids," then try to make all of the balls numbered 1-7 so that you can pocket the 8-ball. If you are shooting "stripes," then make all of the balls numbered 9-15. If you make your opponent's ball, then your turn ends in a scratch.
Call your shots
Call your shots. In many official pool games, players must call each shot they take in order for that shot to be legal. This means: before each shot, announce which ball you are going to knock into which pocket. You might say, "4-ball, corner pocket," and indicate with your pool cue to make it clear which pocket you mean.[8] If you are playing a casual game of pool with friends, then there is no need to call your shots.
Pocket the 8-ball
Pocket the 8-ball. You can only legally shoot at the 8-ball once you have made all of the other numbered balls in your group (stripes or solids). Make sure to call your pocket! Look over the table and decide which pocket will be the easiest place to sink the 8-ball. Then, announce where you are going to pocket the 8-ball before you shoot. If you are the first to legally pocket the 8-ball, then you win the game!
For instance: say, "8-ball, corner pocket," and indicate which corner pocket you mean.
If you call your shot, but you do not make the 8-ball into a pocket: it is now your opponent's turn to shoot. You have neither won nor lost unless you make the 8-ball or scratch while trying to make the 8-ball.
Finish the game
Finish the game. A game of 8-ball pool ends when a player legally sinks the 8-ball after pocketing all of the numbered balls in his or her group. However, a player can also lose the game by committing certain infractions.
A player loses when he or she: pockets the 8-ball at any point after the break; pockets the 8-ball on the same stroke as the last of his/her group of balls; jumps the 8-ball off the table at any time after the break; pockets the 8-ball in a pocket other than the one he/she has called; or pockets the 8-ball when it is not the legal "object ball."
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geminiamethyst · 5 months
Skyline Gang: Fears (Candi)
1shot stories list: click HERE
Fears Summary: click HERE
WARNING! This one shot does contain minor spoilers from “Trial of Darkness”. If you haven’t read the chapters 18 and 19 yet, please do so now. Thank you and enjoy.
Candi honestly felt very ill. It wasn’t like a normal cold or flu. It was very different from a normal bug that she would pick up from anywhere.
There was to be a photoshoot of her and the others today on the high ropes course. They had been doing various shoots like this for the past couple of months throughout the Skyline. It was mainly to help promote the different facilities a little bit. So far everything went well. The photographer that they hired was lovely to get along with and always listened when there were any concerns. Like when the weather suddenly took a bad turn that one time and they all decided to do an indoor location instead of one outside like originally planned. Or when Mimi had that bad stomach ache and couldn’t be part of a shoot (much to her extreme disappointment). There was nothing but patience and understanding. They really liked the photographer and couldn’t be grateful enough to have her services.
However, today was different.
Candi knew the location for the shoot today. But what changed was the photographer. Their usual one suddenly called in sick the day before and there was going to be a replacement for her. That’s fine. It’s just if he or she knew that Candi had a certain…problem so to speak. Dude reassured her countless times that the new photographer should know since their boss and the usual photographer notified them. Everything should be fine, right?
“You okay, Candi?” Sprout suddenly asks. Candi snapped out of her dizzying state at that second. The others had gone on far ahead, while both siblings stayed at the back. Sprout more for support while Candi suffered from her stomach ache.
“Um…” Candi whimpered, looking at the structure up ahead. They were a few feet away, making it look smaller than it really was. She was trembling again, her chest feeling tight. Sprout recognised the signs instantly. Brother instincts kicked in. He hurriedly took over, turning Candi around gently as he looped an arm around her shoulders.
“Candi, it’s okay. We know that you won’t go up there.” He smiled brightly. It was enough to help Candi to calm down. “We’ll just have some pictures on solid ground, then the rest of us will go up around the course. You can wander around the Skyline or something like that, you don’t have to watch us.”
“Thanks Sproutie.” Candi returned a shaky smile. Yeah. While the others continue the photoshoot, she can go occupy herself. Maybe she’ll assist the Redcoats. Or play with the children. Or walk Rainbow somewhere. Anything to shake off this awful feeling.
“Anything for my sister! Now let’s go!” Sprout grinned. He’d honestly be lying if he said that he didn’t feel better himself. He hated it when Candi got like that. She was always bright and cheerful. Seeing her looking that dizzy was abnormal, maybe even close to criminal. Maybe Sprout will get her a pink plushie to make her feel better. Who cares is she’s got dozens more? She might as well be earning one for being this close to the high ropes course.
Thankfully, Candi didn’t have to wait too long. Once the others were harnessed up and give the safety briefing (and Dude preventing Misty from getting started halfway through said briefing), the photographer arrived. Honestly, Candi got a bad feeling the second she saw him. He just gave off this flare of arrogance and pompous attitude. He was a little rude too. Instead of a polite hello, as soon as he saw everyone else in harnesses and done with the safety briefing, he said “perfect! We can get started!”
He made everyone else think that he was some form of paparazzi or something until Dude asked him who he was. Once there was a confirmation, the photoshoot went underway. Things were starting out fine. They were all under the structure, taking different photos. This is fine. They’re on solid ground. It was when the ground shots were over that the problems started. As everyone started to go up, Candi took that as a sign to evacuate herself to safety. Maybe she’ll watch for a little bit. If she feels queasy, she’ll do something else like she had planned.
“Hold on! Where are you going?” The photographer asked, clamping a hand on Candi’s shoulder. When he forced her to face him, he looked at her up and down. “And where are your harness and helmet?”
“Oh…um…” Candi started shaking again. Calm down. Candi’s on solid ground. She’s safe. She’s fine. Just explain what was wrong and why she wasn’t going on the course with everyone. However, she couldn’t get a word out as the photographer glared down at her. Did she do something wrong? Why was he angry at her?
“She doesn’t want to go up.” Sprout started speaking up. He was the last one to follow the others. He was confused by this too. “She’s…”
“I don’t feel comfortable going up there.” Candi finished off, wringing her fingers so much that they might be flexible.
“Nonsense! You’ll be fine!” The photographer waved off. Sprout and Candi stared at him in disbelief. Was he not listening to them on purpose? “All the safety checks were done right?”
“It’s not safety that’s the issue here. Candi doesn’t-” Sprout protested.
“She’ll be fine!” The photographer sighed heavily, cutting Sprout off completely. He turned back to Candi, almost challenging her to argue back. “Now get a harness on! Time’s being wasted here!”
“What’s going on?” Dude suddenly asked. He noticed the commotion after realising that Sprout wasn’t following him. He immediately came back down to see what was wrong.
“You’re the leader, right? Order her to go and get a harness on!” The photographer barked, pointing at Candi as if she had offended him. Thankfully he didn’t enforce it any further as he stomped off. “I’ll be back in a couple of minutes.”
Dude and Sprout exchanged appalled glances. Order Candi? Sure, Dude was the leader but he doesn’t bark orders like a drill sergeant. He does give them out, but only when absolutely necessary. This isn’t one of those few times. Especially while Candi was terrified. She was contemplating what was said to her. Should she go up? Maybe he’ll stop harassing her? However, the thought of being high up with only a harness to support her was enough to nearly make her throw up.
“You okay?” Dude asked, as he noticed how much Candi was shaking.
“Please don’t make me go up there! I can’t-” Candi started wailing, tears springing from her eyes. She knows that Dude wouldn’t do that, but panic kicked into overdrive.
“Candi, calm down. I won’t force you up there. I know how you are with heights.” Dude gently said, offering an understanding smile. He knew from first hand experience that Candi wouldn’t go around the course, even if her life depended on it. He then gestured for Rainbow to come over as he waited by the gate. Seems that the photographer neglected to let him out as he left. “Tell you what? I think Rainbow would be quite happy if you take him for a walk by the beach. You could maybe go for a short swim too if you’d like.”
“A walk will do me some good. It sounds lovely.” Candi smiled as Rainbow took his spot beside her. She was still pale but at least the distraction was working. Before she left, she gave Dude and Sprout a hug as thanks. Both boys stayed on the ground as Candi left with Rainbow, making sure that the photographer didn’t catch her again. That was the last thing they needed right now. Either the photographer was going to the bathroom or he was getting something from his car because he was raking his time. By time he got back, the Gang had arranged what order they would go in around the course; from then most confident going first and the least confident going last. When the photographer looked around, his expectant smile dropped.
“Where’s the pink girl?” He asked. In all honesty, Dude can’t say that he was surprised to hear that. He really needs to clear up the misunderstanding here. “I told you to bring her up here!”
“She’s not comfortable being up here.” Dude spoke up, crossing his arms defensively. The others equally looked annoyed by this man. Sprout and Dude had filled them in on what’s going on. Needless to say that it was a mistake for Candi to be messed around like this. The photographer should know the reason why Candi won’t partake in the photoshoot. Even the instructors were wondering why he was so ignorant to the facts here. They were aware about why Candi won’t be part of the shoot too.
“I’ll go find her.” The photographer sighed heavily. What?!
“Oh no, you won’t.” Dude declared, immediately blocking the man from going anywhere. What is wrong with this guy?! Rainbow wasn’t being on the course either, and yet he wasn’t complaining about that. He was only targeting Candi. “Look you’ve already taken a few photos of her with us on the ground. That’s more than enough right?”
“I’m meant to take photos of all of you on the course. That includes Pinkie.” The photographer argued arrogantly. This idiot…
“First of all, her name is Candi. And second, I don’t like how you’re talking about and treating her.” Dude fought back. He had a small urge to march this guy out of the Skyline. He was usually tolerable with a lot of things, but someone being close to harm his friends is something that he won’t take lightly. Why can’t the photographer accept that and move on already?!
“Just get her here.” The photographer ordered.
“No, I won’t do that!” Dude continued to stand his ground. Don’t let him win. Get to the main point of the argument. Now! “Even if I did, she’d still refuse to come up here. She’s-”
“Enough!” The photographer shouted, ready to push Dude out of the way.
“How about this?” Mimi suddenly asked, taking her place beside Dude. She was awfully calm about the situation. For now. “We go around the course and you take your pictures. No need to kick up a fuss.”
“But I need-” the photographer started his dumb argument again. Mimi was quick to cut him off.
“No, you don’t.” Her voice rose a little in tension. A subtle warning. “We’ve wasted time here because you’re refusing to listen. Make do with what you have right now, or we can arrange a different photographer to come here.”
“Fine! But if I see Pinkie, she’s coming up here!” The photographer grumbled, finally giving up. As he started setting up, no one could believe his attitude towards Candi. Again, what was wrong with him?! Did he not get the notice about Candi? Honestly, Dude felt terrible. He had told Candi more than once that this new guy should be fine with her not going around the course. Now that this has happened, he felt like a traitor to her trust.
“I’ve just messaged Candi.” Mimi suddenly whispered to him, showing her phone. For once, Dude was glad to see the device on her person. “Hopefully she’ll get the warning I’ve sent and stay away.”
“Good call.” “And once this is done, he’ll be gone.”
Just one hour. And one hour was enough.
The Skyline Gang tried to have fun while going around the course. But the photographer wasn’t allowing that. Throughout the shoot, this idiot barked orders and told different members of the Gang to just stay still. Even when clinging onto a net despite the burn in their muscles, he wouldn’t let them move until he had the “perfect shot”. He also forced them to move around the course more than twice to be satisfied. He didn’t have any patience or understanding with them at all. Bud’s glasses nearly fell off at one point because he was so surprised by the sudden shouting. Nearly everyone felt like they would fall off if this guy wasn’t careful, even while they were safely harnessed in. Not to mention he didn’t listen to anyone, including the instructors that were supervising the Gang. He didn’t refer anybody by their names, despite them literally being plastered in front of him. It was always “you”, “blondie”, “four eyes”, “Sportacus” and so on. He even tired to go against safety by ordering Sprout, Dude and Bud to swap their helmets for their usual headwear. To make them “more recognisable”. It was only when the instructors and the Gang were combining forces that he listened for about five minutes. It didn’t stop his nonsense though.
During that entire time, the photographer looked around and got distracted as he kept an eye out for Candi. Thankfully, she got Mimi’s warning, and stayed at the beach. Not that it made the photographer any better to get along with. Let’s just say that even Mimi had enough with the photoshoot, and she usually loves looking good for the camera. When that long, excruciating hour was done, they were more than happy. Those pictures had better be good enough. And they have their usual, friendly photographer back for the next shoot.
After another hour of taking a well deserved break and catch up with Candi (with Candi showing all the shells that she and Rainbow had collected), the Gang went back to their usual routine. Show and then meet and greet the guests. They even played a few games for a short time. This was so much better. It almost made everyone forget the rotten morning that they all had.
However, as the old saying goes, there’s always a calm before the storm.
“Dude! Sprout!”
The blue and green ones jumped at the sudden wailing. They were speaking to a couple of young guests when they were interrupted. Two kids, probably siblings judging by their resemblances, came running up to them. It wasn’t that unusual. Kids run up to them all the time. What was unusual was the tears streaking down their faces.
“Whoa! What’s going on, kids?” Dude asked as the kids skidded to a stop in front of him. Were they lost? Did a parent get hurt? Bullying? Parents being “unfair” by not buying something that they wanted?
“Some mean man is kidnapping Candi!” The bother wailed.
“What?!” Sprout exclaimed, standing right behind Dude. He couldn’t stop shaking. It wasn’t from fear. Was this anger?
“He’s dragging her away!” The sister cried, her body shuddering from her tears. There’s no way either of them can speak now. Even the other kids that didn’t see what happened started to cry from fear.
“Where did they go?” Dude asked the mother as she caught up to her children.
“To the high ropes course. He scared my children as the poor girl was talking to them.” She explained, equally as distraught as her children. The high ropes course? Did that mean…? Sprout didn’t think for a second. He immediately started running. Each step was filled with determination. No one’s taking his sister without his say so.
“Sprout! Wait!” Dude shouted after him. It wasn’t because he didn’t want to help. It’s that it wasn’t a good idea for Sprout to go alone. He spotted Bud who had witnessed the commotion, looking just as aghast. “Bud! Call security! Get them to meet us at the high ropes course!” He didn’t wait for a response. He ran off after Sprout. He easily caught up with him as they dashed out of the pavilion. Some people pointed out where Candi and the kidnapper went. Still towards the course. As soon as he spotted them, Dude couldn’t hold in a frustrated groan. Does that jerk ever give up?! That photographer really hung around just to catch Candi off guard. How could this guy be that ignorant and spiteful?! All for some stupid pictures!
Sprinting with all he could muster, Dude outran Sprout. People cleared the way as he ran. He caught up instantly. He didn’t hesitate. As he got closer, he saw how hard Candi was being jerked by the arm. The force was so hard that it looked like her arm was going to break. She was crying and screaming so much that the earth would shatter. This needs to stop! Now!
“What are you doing?!” Dude yelled as he caught up. He grabbed Candi while simultaneously pushing the photographer away from her. Candi let out a huge wail, clinging onto Dude like a limpet to a rock. He held onto her just as tightly, turning his body to act like a shield. He heard Sprout coming up to them. Good, he’s going to have a little help.
“I was just-” the photographer started.
“We’re done with the photoshoot!” Dude shouted. It was his turn to interrupt this idiot. Once Sprout stepped behind him, Candi latched onto him too. Despite the comfort he was giving, he still looked angry. At least Candi wasn’t seeing it. And now Dude can focus all of his attention on the idiot. “There’s no need to drag her to the course like that!
“She needs-” the photographer started again, holding up his camera.
“No she doesn’t! If you’d bothered to listen to us, you’d get the picture already!” Dude argued back. He can’t believe this. Why can’t this guy get the hint already?! Priorities. Get Candi out of this area. Now! “Sprout, get her back to the house.”
“Just let me get one in!” Sprout started growling, trying to take a step forward despite Candi still clutching onto him.
“No! House, now!” Dude hissed, getting between Sprout and the photographer. He flinched a little at how dark Sprout’s face had gotten. It was like he was a completely different person right now. Get him to calm down. Sprout choosing to swing fists was the last thing that Candi needed to witness. “Sprout, believe me, I know how angry you are. But Candi needs her brother right now.” Sprout blinked at this, his rage diminishing. He looked down at Candi. Did he forget that she was there for a moment? How blind was he? Taking a deep breath, he went back to hugging Candi, her sobs muffled by his shirt. Dude’s right. Candi needs her brother, not the boy he was seconds ago. He was still mad but not as blind as he was before.
“Just get him to leave.” Sprout muttered. He didn’t say anymore. He didn’t need to. Carefully, he started walking, taking Candi with him. Some people who witnessed the abduction walked with them, almost like a living shield for the siblings. Dude sighed in relief. He was worried that he needed to restrain Sprout from doing any damage. Honestly, Sprout had never been that angry before, not even at Misty. Protective brother instincts must have kicked into overdrive. Truth be told, it was quite terrifying.
“You’re ruining my job!” The photographer shouted, shoving Dude harshly. Dude stumbled forward, just able to stay standing. Now he was starting to get more angry.
“No, you are!” He fired back, maintaining his distance. Don’t make it more physical than it already has. He really has had enough. Bring the main point up now! “Do you know why Candi won’t go up there? She’s afraid of heights!” The photographer buckled at those words, his camera almost falling from his hand. He seriously didn’t know?!
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He exclaimed as he started to drop thinking straight again.
“We tried to! But you wouldn’t let us explain!” Dude sighed in frustration. How could this idiot not know an important detail like this?! “Come to think of it, I’ve told your boss and coworker about her phobia. A couple of times actually. Didn’t you get a memo about it?”
“I was sent one…but I didn’t read it.” The photographer said so quietly that Dude was lucky to hear that.
“You got a notification about one of your clients and her mental health, and you didn’t read it?!” Dude exclaimed, his fists clenching. There was so much wrong with this that he couldn’t write a whole book.
“That’s not my fault!” The photographer shouted back. “You’re just a dumb teenager that needs to get that Gang in line! If you took your responsibilities seriously, this wouldn’t be happening.”
Seriously?! Okay. Dude had to admit that he should’ve been more upfront about Candi’s phobia earlier. Would the photographer have listened then? Or would he still pull this stunt? And he’s deflecting the blame onto Dude too. Had he been caught doing this before? Did his employer know about his behaviour? Just get him out! Now!
“And you’re a bully! One without common sense no less!” Dude spat back. How he hasn’t punched this guy already is a miracle in itself. “Don’t think that your employer won’t be hearing about this.”
“What?! You can’t! I will lose my job!” The photographer whimpered, growing pale. Dude couldn’t help but roll his eyes. If this idiot was worried about his job, he should’ve read this memo he got or listened to everyone when they tried to explain to him what was wrong. He not only put Candi’s life in danger, he put others in danger too. Turned out there were some guests going around the course right now. If he had forced her up there, who knows what could have happened! He has made one too many mistakes today. And was messing with Candi in the first place.
Some familiar faces and uniforms came into Dude’s peripheral vision. Better late than never.
“You have about ten seconds to start leaving.” Dude warned, pointing to Bud and the members of security that he had with him. The photographer became even paler at the sight of them. “Or I’ll have security drag you out just like how you were dragging my friend.” The photographer slumped. He had no more fight in him. He sauntered away, security staying with him. People gave a small cheer for him leaving, accompanied by some boos and people scolding him.
“He’s not going to get away with this, is he?” Bud asked, stepping up to Dude.
“No. I’ll call his boss.” Dude sighed, trying to calm down. The idiot is gone. He can’t be that angry anymore. “I don’t know if Candi’s the first victim of his abuse, but she won’t be the last unless we do something about it.”
“I’ll gather any security footage of this. I’ve got a feeling they we’ll need it.” Bud agreed, already linking his smartwatch with the security system. He improved the old one himself, so it was easy for him to have remote access. He just wished that this wasn’t for this situation. Dude felt the same likewise. As Bud was working, he went back to the house. Mimi was there, brewing the kettle. Sprout and Candi were more than likely upstairs. No doubt it was the safest place for Candi right now. Dude highly doubts that she’ll come out any time soon. He tried not to lose his cool as he held onto his promise about phoning the idiot’s boss. He told him what had happened from start to finish. He honestly felt bad for this employer. He apologised so many times that it was pitiful. As Dude brought up a possible chance of suing, the boss cooperated with full force. Over the phone he started sending evidence of the notice that the photographer never read and said that the photographer’s employment was over, effective immediately. He even offered a refund for today’s photoshoot. He also said that he’ll contact previous clients. If there were other incidences that were never brought to his attention, it’ll add extra fuel to Dude’s fire.
At the end of the call, Dude couldn’t have felt better. He was worried that the boss would defend his employee. Thankfully, it didn’t come to that. However there was still some work to be done.
“How is Candi?” Dude asked as Mimi came back downstairs from her tea run.
“She’s really shaken up. Sprout and Rainbow are with her right now.” She sighed, caught between sad and angry. Rainbow was here too? That’s good. He always made himself the Gang’s support dog, and he was darn good at it. “How did the call go?”
“Better than I hoped for.” Dude smiled a little. However, his smile faded almost instantly. “But I still need to speak to Candi real quick.”
Mimi’s silent nod was all he needed. He didn’t wait for any other response. As he went up the stairs, he heard Misty enter the house. She was complaining to Mimi about her arm hurting and demanding to know what happened. Dude didn’t enlighten her. That can be Mimi’s job. Maintains his composure, Dude knocked on Candi’s pink door as gently as he could. He heard some shuffling, and a muffled voice. After a few seconds of waiting, Sprout opened the door. He still looked upset, but thankfully wasn’t in beast mode.
“Is he gone?” He forced out, his voice not his own. He was far from the joker that he always is. Who knew that he could change that easily? Candi being attacked like that was more than enough for it.
“Yeah.” Dude was blunt to answer. He didn’t need to give details. Just a simple answer.
“Good. If he wasn’t, I would’ve sent Rainbow after him.” Sprout remarked, looking over where Rainbow was in the room. He barked in agreement. Dude poked his head in, scanning the room.
“Where’s Candi? I thought she was up here.” He asked curiously. Did she go to the bathroom or something without him knowing?
“She is.” Sprout grinned a little. He pointed to the mountain of pink plushies on one side of the room. Not for the first time, Dude wondered about how many plushies did one girl need. It turned out to be a lot. He still didn’t understand why Sprout was pointing at them. Nor why Rainbow was lying right next to them. It was only when he noticed a small amount of movement from within the mountain of softness that he understood. Candi had buried herself alive within the plushies.
“She does that when she’s scared or stressed.” Sprout explained upon seeing the perplexed look on Dude’s face. “I’ve seen her do it a couple of times. It makes her feel safe.”
“Well, with dozens of plushies to hide in, who wouldn’t feel safe?” Dude smiled a little as Sprout allowed him in. When the door was closed, he approached the plushies. Kneeling down in front of him, he tried to make out where Candi was, but that was impossible. He could still hear her crying though. It was truly heartbreaking. Still, he needs to do this quick task and small talk. “Candi? The scary man is gone. I just need to see your arm. Is that okay?”
There was a chorus of sniffling from inside the toys, accompanied by shuddering breaths. There was a little bit of movement again, causing one of the plushies from the top of the pile to fall off. Rainbow stood up and made a move to prod the plushies to encourage the pink girl. Sprout gently held him back. Don’t force Candi out, let her come out on her own. All three sat in front of the plushies. Just wait. After a couple of minutes, the plushies moved more. One by one, they all cascaded from the pile. A couple landed in Dude’s and Sprout’s laps, leading them to gently push them off. Candi was revealed from the centre of her hiding spot, clutching her favourite pink teddy bear tightly. Her eyes were puffy and red, tears soaking her flushed face. She was trembling from a combination of fright and her weeping. Dude held his hand out. Stay patient. Don’t force her. He needs to let her come to him. Candi glanced from Rainbow, to Sprout and then back to Dude. She looked at them back and forth, unsure what to do. After another minute, her hand unlatched from her teddy, and shakily reached over to Dude’s. As Dude held her hand, he could immediately see the handprint on her arm. The photographer had grabbed her so tight that it left a bruise that will darken by morning.
“I’m just going to take a picture, just in case we need to sue.” Dude gently explained, pulling his phone out. Candi almost pulled her hand back, but she didn’t. This needs to be done. Dude gently rubbed her knuckles with his thumb for encouragement. He didn’t linger on the issue. He just snapped as clear a picture as he could. At least it was more evidence. And hopefully help give Candi more peace of mind. As soon as the deed was done, Dude squeezed Candi’s hand gently. Sprout meanwhile had grabbed a box of tissues and passed one to Candi so that she could wipe away her tears. Rainbow helped by licking her face a little. Candi laughed a little from the dog’s attempt to help. Sprout and Dude exchanged a smile. That felt great to hear. It was impossible to describe how it felt to listen to. After wiping her face of dog drool and tears, Candi gently placed her teddy down. Without a word, she leaped forward to pull Sprout and Dude into a tight group hug. The embrace was returned instantly. Relief, security and care. That’s all that was needed for all three of them at that moment.
“Thank you both for saving me.” Candi whispered, making the hug more emotional.
“It’s okay. If anything, you should be thanking those kids that told us what happened.” Dude smiled. He made a mental note to remember those kids and their mum. They deserve to know that Candi was okay in the end.
“Yeah! They’re the real heroes!” Sprout added with a wide smile. “Dude and I were just the sidekicks.” Candi let out another small laugh before taking a deep breath. This day she started off being scared. That photographer only made her fear of heights even worse. She might never go near the high ropes course again after today. She never thought that she would be that terrified. But being here, held tightly by her brother and someone who is just as close as a friend, made her feel better. For the first time all day, she truly felt safe.
Acrophobia -fear of heights
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I’m going to be very honest here, I struggled writing this. Because I had already written about Candi’s fear of heights in “Trial of Darkness”, I obviously couldn’t copy and paste the chapter here. It would be…cheating? Sure I’ll go with cheating. Anyway, hope you all enjoyed this one shot.
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govindhtech · 6 months
TCL Monitors(27R83U): Where Performance Meets Value
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TCL Monitors
The 27R83U is a new Mini-LED gaming monitor from TCL that boasts cutting-edge features. With sharp display quality, TCL’s newest 27R83U Mini-LED monitor are designed for high-end gaming performance. The TCL 27R83U gaming monitor is intended for a wider range of applications and is aimed at the higher-end market.
QD-Mini LED Display
The best high-end display technology available worldwide. The QD-Mini LED from TCL transformed the conventional backlight into pixel-level precise illumination by combining the best features of QLED and OLED technologies. It also makes use of the most advanced QLED technology available today, which provides contrast and colour gamut comparable to OLED but with a longer lifetime and a greater peak brightness. This is the display technology of the future.
Pixel by pixel, bringing the truth back over 1100 Dimming Zones Locally. 1100+ independent light control zones at the pixel level. It achieves pixel-level light control, offers 65,000 levels of exact dimming, and faithfully recovers the original picture.
HDR 1600 lm
Extremely strong peak illumination with highest degree of professional HDR certification. It achieved VESA DisplayHDR 1400, the highest level of the Video Electronics Standards Association, thanks to its 1600 nits high peak brightness. It can precisely recover every bright and dark detail thanks to its outstanding 1600W:1 ultra-high dynamic contrast ratio display capabilities.
QLED Technology
Professional colour technique that won the Nobel Prize. It uses ultra-precision technology, novel quaternary quantum crystal materials, and Nobel Prize-winning QLED colour technology to provide 97% DCI-P3 ultra-high colour gamut and 100,000 hours of non-fading colour display performance, enhancing the realism and vibrancy of the image.
Approximately one in three gaming displays have a TCL Quick-HVA display. The screen technology used in the best e-sports monitors worldwide is called TCL CSOT Fast-HVA. The gaming screen has richer levels, the scene restoration is more realistic, and it increases immersion thanks to its high static contrast, quick LCD reaction time, and high refresh rate.
4K at 160 Hz
Clear and flowing, without a lingering afterdeal. The ideal fusion of an ultra-high refresh rate of 160Hz with 4K resolution creates a visual experience that is more subtle, fluid, and authentic.
Every action is a step forward
The 1 ms (GTG) quick reaction. The lightning-fast reaction minimises smearing and blurring of images, enabling you to seize targets on the battlefield with more speed.
Various Game Scene Modes expert game modes for role-playing, shooter, and role-playing games. And game modes may be switched with a single click. Start your gaming tale by smoothly integrating yourself into the game universe.
Targeting Games raise your firing accuracy with their four distinct styles of game crosshairs, these crosshairs will quickly assist you in locating the optimal shooting or operating areas.
Control of Dark Field no space for the adversary to hide nothing can elude your sight in the dark thanks to its ability to recognise and brighten dark features with intelligence.
Completely Working 90W Type-C
Consolidating charging, data transfer, and display into one. The feature-rich 90W Type-C interface allows 90W reverse charging and can transmit data at up to 10Gbps at high speed. This interface allows accessories, like laptops, to be connected to the display so they may be charged while working or playing games. This eliminates the need for tangles of unnecessary data wires and improves the comfort of both work and play.
Several computers may be controlled by a single keyboard and mouse set. You can operate numerous computers with a single set of keyboard, mouse, and TCL monitors, which not only reduces the need for extra devices but also neatens up the desktop.
Increasing output by twofold
One TCL monitors may show screens from many jobs at once, and it supports picture-in-picture and left-and right-split-screen modes, which reduce moving between screens and increase productivity by twofold.
All-purpose Stand
Adaptable and scalable pedestal it is adaptable to a range of use circumstances, with the ability to do vertical lifting, pitching, horizontal rotation, and multidirectional adjustment according on your demands.
Side Hook
More comfortable and fulfilling with a simple pull, one may access the headphone hook concealed inside the body. with a high-end miniature LED logo. combining elegance, usefulness, and quality.
Joystick Button
Joystick button with five settings five separate directions are detected by the integrated sensor to provide versatile control and five-way follow-up.
Rheinland Certification for Low Blue Light top-tier accreditation for eye care has an integrated eye protection mode capability and has earned the top Rheinland low blue light eye protection certification. It may always shield your eyes from dangerous blue light when you activate the eye protection mode.
Read more on govindhtech.com
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blogbyisaac · 1 year
Asteroids Elevator Pitch
The name of my asteroids game will be Asteroid Attack. This game is a top-down multidirectional shooter where the objective is to control a spaceship in space and shoot down as many asteroids as you can. This game is in the space combat and shoot ’em up genre where the difficulty of the game will increase progressively as the round continues. A core mechanic that will be featured in this game is the ability to shoot asteroids where the player will earn points which will go to their total score in that round. Another mechanic is the players ability to control the spaceship on a two-dimensional plane to manoeuvre around objects such as asteroids and position themselves in an optimal location to take down the asteroids. The style of this game will feature a paper drawn notebook design that gives the feel that the game is taking place within someone’s notebook. The audience of this will consist of all ages as this game contains traditional gameplay that older generation will recognise and appreciate, and younger people can also pick up and enjoy. This game can be enjoyed at both a casual level and competitive level whether it be on a mobile device or computer. Some additional features that will be implemented into the game will include a customisation section where players can use their point earnt throughout their matches to purchase cosmetics items either for their spaceship, the environment or even the asteroids. Potential powerups can also be purchased. Another feature will include an assortment of game modes the player can play. For example, the player can either choose an endless mode where they have to see what total score they can achieve in one round, or they can choose the level mode where there are various predetermined levels that the player has to progress through (e.g., level one starts with a few asteroids however once the player reaches level ten there are more asteroids, and they are larger). If you are needing to get in contact with me, you can do so on Tumblr.
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ladymunson · 2 years
Is This Love
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Fic summary: Eddie’s band Corroded Coffin is playing a gig at the Metro Club in Chicago, Illinois. You’ve been a fan since you saw them perform at your middle school talent show, around that time you’d developed your crush on Eddie. Unbeknownst to you, Eddie had also been harbouring a secret crush on you for years. Will he finally shoot his shot?
This is my very first one shot, I hope you all enjoy it. Inspired by the Whitesnake song.
Word count: 3521
Warnings: Lots of SMUT, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!), mentions of parents fighting, mentions of drinking and smoking, brief mention of fingering
I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated, copied or posted to any other platform. Support content creators by reblogging.
You arrive at the club early, you know that the headliners don’t go on until 10pm but you wanted to get there before all the screaming groupies.
You’d dressed in a black mini skirt, a Metallica sleeveless shirt, black leather jacket, fishnets and platform boots. You show that you’re a actual fan and not just there for the gorgeous long haired lead singer and guitarist.
Eddie Munson. Your middle and high school crush. The one you’d never had the courage to act upon. You didn’t avoid Eddie but you tried not to get too close, you were worried that you’d blurt it out one day. You didn’t belong to the Hellfire Club but you weren’t part of the ‘in crowd’ in school either, in fact those were the people who bullied you but you didn’t care. You’d spent your evenings and weekends listening to heavy metal, watching the Star Wars movies and reading fantasy novels.
Eddie was a year ahead of you in school but you ended up graduating the year before he did, as he failed twice. His band had been signed as soon as he’d finally graduated the year after you. You’d moved out of Hawkins straight after graduation, wanting to get away from your parents constant bickering. It didn’t matter much as your mom ended up staying with you at least once a month, and the phone calls made you feel like you’re back at home.
Your apartment wasn’t huge, but you’d saved up enough money from babysitting, tutoring and your job in the bookstore. You were very proud of your place, it was on the outskirts of Chicago so the rent was slightly cheaper. You had to travel into the city for work so you knew the place well. You’ve been waitressing at a diner five days a week during the day, and you tend bar twice at the weekend. You hope to save up enough to start night classes next semester.
You know the security at the bar, having been a regular visitor since you moved to Chicago, so you had no problems getting in. Once inside you went to the bar for a beer and headed to a table where you’d get a great view of the stage. You know Eddie always stood on the left, the right when looking at the stage so you made sure you were in his eye line.
He might not see you due to the lights but if he did, you hoped he’d recognise you. You’d tutored him in English when you were back in school. He’d passed that class but failed to graduate due to failing other classes.
You nursed that beer for an hour before the club started to fill up, you know the bartender Liv as well, having tended bar with her at another location. She sends a fresh beer over with another bartender that you know, Carrie, who isn’t working tonight.
Carrie approaches the table, two bottles of beer in her hands, one of them is your brand.  You look up at her with a cocked eyebrow. “Liv sent you another beer, said you’ve been sitting here alone for like 40 mins. Date stand you up?”
“Nah no date, not in months. Just here to enjoy the music.” You reply, accepting the beer with a smile. “I’ll settle up with Liv at the end of the night.” You clink bottles together and take a drink.
Eddie is backstage, smoking a joint and drinking a beer. He can hear the sounds of  Ten Seconds to Love by Motley Crue coming through the speakers, the walls are so thin. He has to be careful about bringing a groupie back here tonight.
He always picked a girl out from the crowd, the ones that looked at him with hearts and dollar signs in their eyes, and would dedicate a song to her. He’d always choose someone who looked like her. Then he’d invite the random girl backstage, to smoke and fool around, so she’d have a story to tell her friends. To make him seem like a real rockstar.
Lately though, he was tired of hook ups that meant nothing, that were forgotten almost as quickly as they happened. Tired of the girls saying his full name as his fingers were inside them. They didn’t know him, not really, they knew his stage persona. The one that’s full of confidence and sex appeal. Behind closed doors, he’s insecure, always thinking he’s not good enough. If he was he would’ve….
“Munson!!” The doors flew open as Gareth and Jeff burst in.
“Jesus H Christ! Are you trying to kill me?!” Eddie clutches his chest.
“Sorry but we had to….” Gareth says.
Jeff butts in, “Stop being such a wuss and tell him already!”
“I was about to but you cut me off…”
“Shut up!” Eddie yells, sick of the bickering that was just getting started. They stop and look at him. “Now… would you ladies like to tell me why you interrupted my pre show blunt?”
They look at each other, Gareth gulps before answering with his eyes on the floor. “Y/N is here.”
The room begins to spin. Either this weed is strong shit, or Eddie is having a panic attack. He hasn’t seen you in two years, since you left Hawkins after graduating. And yet the sound of your name makes him feel as nervous as he did the first time Corroded Coffin played at the talent show in middle school.
“Are you sure?” Eddie looks at both of them.
They nod. “Fuck!”
The first band came and went, you feel bad that they were so forgettable. They had some fans in the crowd but you couldn’t even remember their name.
Carrie had stayed with you, not wanting you to be alone. Guys have been giving you the eye all night but you’d not even noticed until Carrie pointed it out.
“What about him? He’s hot.” She says pointing to the guy standing three tables down from you. “He’s been staring at you since he got here.” He was good looking, blonde haired, tall and muscular. He was in a RATT vest and dark jeans, you could see the muscles bulging under his shirt.
“Not interested!” You give her the side eye.
“Okay well… you know that Liv is single?” You turn your head quickly, the serious expression on her face making you break out into a fit of giggles. “What’s funny?”
You can’t speak due to your laughter, Carrie  huffs and pouts, folding her arms across her chest. Your laughter dies down. “I’m sorry Caz, just because I’m not interested in any of these guys doesn’t mean…”
She nods, “I get it y/n, just giving you options.” You smile and thank her as the second opening band start their set.
Eddie pokes his head out of the door that leads to the backstage area to see if he can find you, he doesn’t even need to look very hard. He’d spot you during rush hour at grand central station. His crush having got to the point where he knew every freckle on your face, the shape of your lips, all the various colours in your eyes, the slope of your nose and of course the curves of your body.
The crush he had on you has festered over the years and he thinks it’s now more than a crush. He gazes at you, love in his eyes. You’ve grown your hair out since he last saw you, it looks the perfect length to grab. Eddie curses his mind, it had to go there. He turns back into the backstage area before his semi becomes a full blown erection and he’ll have to go and rub one out in the dingy bathroom.
He ignores the tent in his pants and goes back to the dressing room, relighting his joint and taking a long drag. He worries that seeing you when he’s on stage is gonna affect his playing…
“How do you guys feel about doing a… ballad tonight?” Eddie asks nervously. The guys smirk but say nothing, letting Eddie ramble on. “I mean I know we don’t usually, but you know that y/n is here and I’ve liked her for the longest time so do you think maybe…?” The guys burst into laughter. Eddie hangs his head in defeat.
They see how their laughing has effected him so they stop and look at each other. “What song were you thinking?” His head snaps up.
“You know we’ve jammed and played a few songs off the new Whitesnake album?” They all nod. “I was thinking Is This Love, it says all the things I’m afraid to say.” They all agree to play that song. Eddie has butterflies, he worries that you’ll reject or laugh at him but he tries to stay brave.
The lights go out in the club, except those behind the bar. You feel nerves start to bubble up as the headliners, Corroded Coffin are announced. The crowd goes wild and there’s a loud guitar riff as the lights go on and there’s an explosion as the pyros go off and they break into their first song.
Eddie steps up to the microphone and begins singing, his voice is silky and beautiful. The sound going straight between your legs, you cross your legs to gain some friction. You’re embarrassed about doing it in plain sight but the sight of him and the sound of his voice lights a fire inside you. But no one seems to notice, everyone is too busy mesmerised by the band performing on stage.
The song finishes and there’s a huge round of applause, cheering and screaming. “Wow, now I know what all the hype is about!” Carrie yells over the sound of the crowd, you don’t answer, you simply nod.
“We are Corroded Coffin and here’s one you might know!” Eddie says, and slams his hand down the strings of his guitar and the recognisable opening riff of ‘Master of Puppets’ begins. You almost fall off your chair, you’re wearing a Master of Puppets shirt! Has he seen you already? They play the song flawlessly, you’re on the edge of your seat the whole time and instantly on your feet at the end. Cheering and clapping for them.
“What’s gotten in to you?” Carrie asks as you sit back down.
“Nothing just…” you point to your shirt. “It’s my favourite Metallica song.” Carrie smirks but says nothing. The band play a couple more original songs, you clap and cheer along with everyone else.
“We’d like to slow things down for a moment, to catch our breath before our big finale. This song is dedicated to… y/n.” Eddie says, and the opening chords of the song began, you recognised them instantly. Your breath catches in your throat and tears form behind your eyes. And then Eddie starts singing.
I should’ve known better, than to let you go alone.
It’s times like these, can’t make it on my own. Wasted days, and sleepless nights. I can’t wait to see you again.
I find I spend my time, waiting on your call.
 How can I tell you babe, my back’s against the wall.
I need you by my side, to tell me it’s alright. ‘Cause I don’t think I can take any more.
Is this love, that I’m feeling
Is this the love, that I’ve been searching for
Is this love, or am I dreaming
Is this love, ‘cause it’s really got a hold on me.
“Did he mean you?” Carrie asks as there’s the instrumental after the chorus. You turn to face her but you didn’t need to answer, she could see it written all over your face. “So that’s why you didn’t want me to help you get a date…”
“We went to high school together but I haven’t seen him in two years.” Carrie’s eyes widen. “I guess this means that he had a crush on me too.”  Eddie locks eyes with you and continues singing.
Can’t stop the feeling, I’ve been this way before.
But with you I’ve found the key, to open any door.
I can feel my love for you, growing stronger day by day.
And I can’t wait to see you again, so I can hold you in my arms.
Is this love, that I’m feeling…
When the song is finished, you and Eddie stare at each other. The crowd goes wild. He turns to look at Gareth and nods, Gareth counts in for the final song. You don’t stop staring at Eddie and the way his fingers flow up and down the neck of his guitar, the light shining off his rings.
The song comes to an end and the band thanks the crowd. Eddie looks back towards the boys who grin nod at him, he flashes a grin back and jumps off the stage. Making his way through the screaming crowd, ignoring all the girls who are manhandling him until he gets to you.
He reaches you, grabs your hand and pulls you out of your seat. Your face is flushed as you stand, he flashes that stupid fucking grin at you. The one that used to leave you with damp underwear, and pulls you towards the door.
The air hits you as you get outside, a harsh change compared to the sweat inducing heat inside. Eddie begins to pull you towards his van but you stop him, leaning against the wall outside and reaching inside your jacket for your cigarettes and lighter.
Eddie grabs them from your hand, staring straight into your eyes, breath heaving. He drops them onto the floor and reaches for you, cupping your face and leaning his forehead on yours.
“Five fucking years, not waiting anymore.” Eddie says, brushing his lips against yours. You moan and grab the back of his head, pulling him closer. Your lips part, granting him access. He groans into your mouth as your tongue sweeps along his, taking in his taste. He tastes like beer, whisky and cigarettes. A combination you hadn’t even been aware that was your kryptonite. You let out a moan, your hands tangling in his hair.
He pulls away momentarily, catching his breath and looking around, trying to find a private spot. He spots an alleyway about fifteen yards from where you’re standing, grabs your hand, grins and drags you into the alley.
You’re pushed against the wall and Eddie’s mouth is on yours again, tongues and hands exploring. Your arms are around his neck as he kisses the life out of you. Eddie’s hands grab your thighs and he lifts you, your legs wrapping around his waist and locking just above the curve of his ass.
His hands wander underneath your skirt, playing with the gusset of your underwear. “Holy shit y/n! You’re fucking soaked!” Eddie moans into your mouth as you continue kissing. The urgency of your kissing making your teeth clash together. Eddie stops kissing you for a moment and fumbles to find his belt and zipper, finding them after a moment and undoing his pants.
A thought crosses your mind and you lean forward like you’re going to kiss him again, but you instead take his bottom lip between your teeth and nip him gently. You feel his cock twitch under your ass and he growls. He pulls your underwear aside, and lines himself up with your heat, coating himself in your slick.
“You okay with this?” Eddie asks breathlessly. You let out a breathy “yes” and he begins to slide inside you. Your eyes roll back, your mouth opens and you let out a moan as he begins to fill your dripping cunt. Your walls pulsating around him, making him grunt as he continues to slide into you.
‘Jesus he must be fucking huge!’ You think to yourself as he’s still not fully inside you. You revel in the stretch as he bottoms out, completely sheathed in you. You feel… complete, like he’s a part of your that’s been missing all your life.
“You’re so warm and wet, and tight… fuck it’s like you were made just for me!” Eddie moans as he begins to move, sliding through your wetness smoothly. Gliding in and out of your heat like a man possessed. Your hands are in his hair again and you pull his face to yours, kissing him like you’re starved for him. “I’ve waited so fucking long for this y/n.” He groans into your mouth. “It always took every fibre of my being to not bend you over the lunch table and take you right there in the cafeteria.” You grin at the thought.
“Shit!” Eddie’s hips falter. “I don’t know how much longer I can keep going.”
You look around the alley and spot a large crate in the corner and point to it. Eddie turns his head and nods, leaving his cock inside you as he grabs your thighs, holding you up and walks over to the crate. He sits on the edge, pulling himself further on while you’re still on him.
Your knees now on the crate and Eddie in an almost laying position, you grin at him. Leaning down for a quick peck on the lips before your hands press down on his chest and you lift yourself ever so slightly. A strangled sound leaves Eddie’s throat and you smile to yourself.
‘Holy fucking shit! She’s gonna ride me! I never ever thought this would happen our first time.’ Eddie thinks to himself as you lift and lower yourself into him again.
Your wet velvety walls squeezing his rock hard cock, he can’t remember the last time he was this hard. You begin circling your hips and Eddie almost loses his goddamn mind, he’s never known anyone like you. You’re not only caring about your pleasure, but about his too.
Most of the girls that he’d hooked up with backstage have always been his priority, none of them even got him remotely close so he just got them off so they would leave. But you… you were something else!
Variating between circling your hips, rolling them and lifting up and sliding back down on to his cock. He tries to sit up so he can kiss you but you hold him down, winking at him as you move faster.
“Baby… slow down.” Eddie whispers, you stop and look at him. “I want you there with me.” You move your hands off his chest and he sits up, his left hand cupping the back of your head as he covers your mouth with his. His tongue flicking all around as he devours your mouth.
His right hand reaches between you, finding your sensitive bundle of nerves, making shocks flow through you. Eddie can feel the little flutters around his cock, he wants you to cum, to make the memory of how you feel as your walls clench and pulsate around him.
He releases your mouth, and groans out, “come for me baby!”
His words instantly trigger your climax, making you cry out and hold onto Eddie for dear life. You’ve never experienced an orgasm this intense before in your life. It’s the kind that you’ve read about in magazines. The one that makes your eyes roll back, tears flow and your entire body shake all over. You thought those kinds of orgasms were a myth… until now.
Eddie comes with you, but he’d had never had his cock squeezed this tightly before. It’s like your cunt is trying to strangle him and milk him all at the same time, it makes his climax run longer than he’s used to. You hold each other for a while, coming down from your high and trying to catch your breath.
Is this what people mean when they talk about soul mates? Eddie cynical brain is starting to think that may be a very real thing. 
You smile, “that was… something else!” You breathe out.
Eddie looks at you with hooded eyes, “mine now?”
“I’ve always been yours Eddie.” He grins and lifts you off of him, sliding your underwear back into place.
Eddie looks at you and smiles, leaning in to gently brush his lips across yours. He pulls back just enough to touch his forehead to yours. “Marry me?!”
The end
Taglist: @sweetpeapod, @nycbaby21, @b-irock
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