#and scar was godly with his bow
thefuzzzz · 3 months
Haikyuu!! Camp Half-Blood AU
I drew all of these at 1 am please excuse the poor coloring skills, it was 4 in the morning at that point (Image text written out after the cut, plus bonus explanations for design and AU choices :))
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Image Text and Explantions:
Sawamura Daichi: Image Text:
Son of Hephaestus
18 years old
Head of the Hephaestus cabin
Has been at camp for 7 years
Mainly uses a sword as his weapon, prefers fighting up close
Goes on a lot of quests
Has fully mastered the volcano training wall
Usually the one who shows younger campers around and trains them
Has a bunch of scars
Old quest team was Sugawara and Asahi, after Asahi left it became Sugawara and Tanaka
Prefers close range fighting over long range
Forces Suga to help him train the younger kids, especially in archery
Simultaneously everyone's favorite and least favorite older camper
Plans on going to New Rome University
Sugawara Koushi: Image Text:
Son of Aphrodite
18 years old
Head of the Aphrodite cabin
Has been at camp for 7 years, but got there a little earlier than Daichi
Uses a bow and arrow
Can charmspeak, but he doesn't use it often and isn't the best at it
Hates quests so much
Oikawa is also in the Aphrodite cabin (sorry to any Sugawa shippers), and they almost kill each other every two seconds
Prefers long range fighting over close range
Helps out in the infirmary sometimes
Hates the Aphrodite kid stereotypes and will punch anyone in the face who compares him to them
Younger campers love him, older campers are afraid of him
Azumane Asahi: Image Text:
Son of Ares
18 years old
Has been at camp 7 years
Used to go on quests with Daichi and Suga
Uses a spear
Very similar to Frank Zhang in personality and views of his godly parent
Was head of his cabin, left camp, then became head again
Hates his whole cabin (not really he loves them)
Got into an arguement with Nishinoya over how the gods treated demigods during the war with Kronos. Noya said he partially sided with Kronos's army, and Asahi thought he was nuts for that. They both ended up leaving camp, Asahi going to mortal school. He didn't know where Noya was.
He was convinced by Hinata to come back for the Battle of Manhattan, and almost lost his mind when he realized Noya was back on CHB's side and not with Kronos
Is the most mature of the Ares cabin
Yuu Nishinoya: Image Text:
Son of Hermes
17 years old
Would've been at camp for 7 years, but spent a year away from camp (no one knows where he was except Asahi)
Uses knives typically
Was head of his cabin, got fired
Huge trouble maker, lives up to Herme's kid reputation
Pranks everyone, especially new campers
After an argument with Asahi, he went to join Kronos's army, but decided not to after all
Spent the rest of that year training before going back to camp and helping them win the Battle of Manhattan
Smooths things over with Asahi, but never tells anyone else that he was planning on joining Kronos
Trains constantly, always in training gear
Kageyama Tobio: Image Text:
Son of Hades
15 years old
Has been at camp for 2 years, but spent a lot of his first year on a quest or in the underworld
Animals don't like him because he's a Hades kid
Weapon is a bow, Suga was his mentor
Basically Nico Di Angelo, but taller and less emo
Ghost king
Only person in his cabin
Went to Camp Jupiter for a while before coming to Camp Half-Blood
Earned the title Ghost King while at SPQR
Ends up going on a lot of quests with Hinata
Hinata Shoyo: Image Text:
Son of Zeus...currently unclaimed
15 years olf
Has been at camp for 1 year
Uses knives, mentored by Noya
Spends every second training, always in training clothes
Once he's claimed, he instantly gets sent on a quest with Kageyama
Gets claimed after saving someone from a monster by using his powers
Jumps super high with wind powers
Gains massive control of his powers later on, but has to spend a lot of time training them
Tsukishima Kei: Image Text:
Son of Athena
15 years old
Has been at camp for 2 years
Weapon is a sword, but he's versatile
Got claimed after "erm, actually"-ing everyone enough for them to just know
Skips training and thinks he's too good to train with others
Won't spar with anyone
Pretends he's not sweating his ass off in that sweater
Goes to mortal university after turning 18, but comes back to camp every once in a while
Wants to go to Camp Jupiter very badly, but doesn't want to leave Yamaguchi (he will never admit this)
Yamaguchi Tadashi: Image Text:
Son of Demeter
15 years old
Has been at camp for 2 years
Uses a sword, or just his kinda weak plan powers
Also skips training to look cool, but trains in secret. Usually wearing training clothes under his casuals
The only person keeping the strawberry field alive
Learns to use his powers very well later
I picked Demeter to be his godly parent because 1.) yall remember 2020 where everyone drew him in that fucking strawberry dress, and 2.) I saw a post somewhere about how Demeter's children often let personal relationships cloud their judgement (COUGH COUGH TSUKI)
Anyways, hope yall enjoyed my inane rambling. I'll never shut up about this AU, it plauges me. I thought it up while making a bagel, Haikyuu was on the TV and there was a Percy Jackson book in front of me. I might make more stuff from this because I’m mentally ill about it
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Helpless part 38, devil's roll the dice, angels roll their eyes
Nico turned for the hundredth time, he checked the clock, 01:53am. He still hadn't been able to get to sleep, he stared out the window until he noticed a figure standing outside the infirmary. The doors weren't locked, he wasn't sure why but he walked outside trying to see who would be standing outside side the infirmary, by the look of it smoking at almost two in the morning. As he edged closer, still remaining perfectly silent he realised it was Will, he crept up behind him, not believing his eyes. As he got closer he realised he was crying, he sank to the floor as he brought the cigarette back to his lips, breathing the smoke in and out.
"Will, are you okay?" He said sitting down next to him,
"Neeks? What are you doing out here?"
"Couldn't sleep, saw someone outside. Will what happened?" Nico said, grasping his hand,
"Lost a patient today, she was barely seven. Isla Brown, I thought she was doing better, she said she was feeling fine, everything seemed normal, we were doing hourly check ups, she was fine at seven, then we walked in at eight and she had no pulse, she never said anything about being in pain, and we tried to bring her back but it- it didn't work. We never even found out her godly parent, I think she was an Athena kid though, she was crazy smart especially for her age."
"I'm so sorry."
"I should have been able to save her."
"You can't prevent every death, it's part of how the world work."
"But she was so young."
"I know, the world in cruel that way."
"It's my fault, I should have noticed I-"
"Noticed what? Something you still can't figure out?"
"I should have run extra tests I-"
"William. It isn't your fault, there was nothing you could do. She's happy, she's in Elysium, I can sense it, and she doesn't blame you."
"Shh, you said you could glow in the dark, can you show me?" A faint light started to appears from around him, growing brighter quickly.
"I can go brighter but I don't want to get anyones attention."
"That's so cool, why don't you show it off more?"
"I have the most boring powers, what's glowing in comparison to having perfect aim with a bow."
"Anyone with enough practice can learn to shoot a bow and arrow, don't think anyone can just try and suddenly glow in the dark." Will half smiled
"I guess." Nico glanced down, the light had revealed a scar on his forearm, he didn't want to panic but as he slowly turning his arm around more and more scars and cuts revealed themselves, most didn't look that old and they all looked very much self inflicted. How the Hades had he not noticed before? He thought back to every time he'd seen Will, he was always wearing a hoodie or some other sort of long sleeves. Fuck, he started to panic but managed to keep his expression calm, he knew he needed to say something but what the fuck was he going to say?
"I guess you think I'm a hypocrite now?"
"Telling you to quit drugs and smoking yet here I am."
"Why haven't you gotten help?" Nico asked, being careful around the subject, he wasn't exactly sure how Will would react and was trying desperately to not make him mad.
"I'm not worth it, even if I was I don't have the time for it."
"I've never been on a quest and I can't fight to save my life, I'm not worth helping."
"Without you all of camp would be dead."
"Clearly I'm not doing too good of a job, I've lost so many patients, more than Michael ever did."
"Two wars have happened, obviously more people are going to die after a war."
"He would ha-"
"No. No he couldn't, Will sometimes people die no matter what you do. If the fates decide it you can't save them, sometimes people are too close to death and no matter what you do you can't save them." He pulled him closer, pressing his lips to the taller boy's. "Everyone's worth saving Will, you told me that, so apply it to yourself." Nico ran his finger over Will's cuts, "And please, please tell me if you ever want to hurt yourself again. William, you're one of the nicest people I know, you care for people even if you know nothing about them, I've never even seen you get mad at someone, everyone would miss you."
"You haven't seen every part of me, you don't know how many people I've hurt. I hate myself."
"Will, you can't be perfect. Nobody's perfect, everyone has different sides. You're only human."
"But I hurt them, I was trying to hurt them and I did."
"What are you even talking about?" He said, pulling the cigarette out of his boyfriend's hand and taking a breath before getting rid of it, he knew he wasn't meant to but he needed it.
"When I first came out, people started to say stuff, it made me hate myself but I wouldn't fight them. That- that was until one time a group of Demeter kids were beating the living shit out of Kayla for being les so I... I sort of fought them... I broke a few jaws and arms until Annabeth stopped me. I don't regret it but- I shouldn't have hurt them, I'm a fucking healer I'm not meant to fucking hurt people."
"You did the right thing."
"I should have called it down, not made it worse."
"You stood up for your sister, that's nothing to feel bad for."
"I still shouldn't have hurt them."
"I would have killed them, you're did a lot better than I would have."
"I'm a fucking healer, and that wasn't the only time."
"You're a person, you're whole life isn't your power, you are a living, breathing, human being who sometimes does things that aren't perfect. I don't know who told you otherwise, tell me who hurt you, and let me make life hell for them."
"Don't do that, they don't deserve it."
"Look me straight in the face and tell me you wouldn't do the same if someone was in your position."
"I- but- they-"
"Will, you deserve to be happy just as much as everyone else, I don't know why you don't believe that."
"My own blood doesn't want me."
"What would you say if Leo said that?"
"But that's different, he's brave and smart and a genuinely amazing person. He's fought and his life's been hard, he's had to work so hard for everything."
"Apply that to yourself."
"I'm worthless, no one fucking wants me, not just my family."
"I want you. Will I want you and I love you no matter how much you hate yourself I will always love you."
"You'll get tired of me soon enough, they always do."
"I swear I won't, I swear on the river of Styx I will never stop loving you William."
"Why would yo-" His sentence was interrupted by a kiss, Nico wrapped his hands around his neck, Will smelt like smoke and strawberries, he was warm even in the cold night. He wiped a tear from his eyes,
"Just being honest, come on Sunshine." He whispered, pulling him up, they walked with each other inside the infirmary.
"Will, can you stay?"
"Course Neeks." He started to walk towards the chair
"Sleep, you need it." Will wanted to protest but his tiredness got the better of him so he slipped inside the bed next the the raven haired boy, kissing him on the forehead before they both fell asleep.
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primestartes · 2 months
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The Fox-King's Procession
“Forces of Chaos,’ the voice carried in the howling gale of perfumed winds. Every warrior that called onto the Dark Powers and been caressed by the ruinous gifts felt it touch their minds and bodies into a quivers that faltered their battle for the briefest blissful moment. All eyes were following a great being striding into this reality. ‘Bow to me.”
And they did, even when their minds commanded otherwise. Their knees were weak. Their hearts pattering and the warbands fell one at a time before the passing power. Those of the Dark Prince fell into the prostate before a great vision of their stolen god. Musclebound and intent, swaying like a courtesan among hungry nobles and soldiers to the curvaceous attraction bedazzled by jewels bouncing off bountiful thighs and tight waist. Armoured of limbs, layered by a hateful dragon yet boldly naked of chest and groin, pristine velvet-soft pelt of death’s pallor. 
Its face clad by a twisted fox’s laughing sneer with the most hateful gaze, none worthy to even a moment’s glance. Those caressed by the whipping nest of tails sixfold dropped dead of cruel razor-fur, salivating maws full of teeth that shouldn’t be, or the crushing whip of disdain. Every soul plucked to give the miniscule sample of life onto the crossing being. 
None raised their eyes. All forced to the dirt as they should. Nostrils bleeding with the bountiful musk that pushed through the six-limbed daemon’s pores. A smell so odorous of sulfuric poison yet demanding that they huffed again, hoping for another painful taste for that slightest hint of the pure carnality. For Pain was its commandment. The only bliss that it radiates is the freedom of the mortal coil that everyone wore, even the temporary presence of the undead. 
At its heel, a great host processed behind its ruinous king. The bounding of daemonic steeds ridden by prideful knights and salacious hunters to attend its great hunt, ranks of hellplated warriors and scarred marauders, dissents and love-slaves of every race and faction behind it while daemons danced and cartwheels singing their master’s hateful motif that roused the submissive audience. Their hearts pounded and eyes wept as if they felt a wanting bounty to the Fox-King’s rage and tragedy, hundred of standards flew in a multitude of fleshly color and runes to his kingdom and god’s dominance. Even those of other gods had been transformed to that of the Dark Prince provided the moment of shade.
 Oh woe, To lose his opulent kingdom and godly might to a jealous megarie, even his beloved divine stolen. How could these cretins continue to live?
Warriors of Khorne started to fall on their own blades in associated shame. Their axes maiming their beloved weapon limbs, mutated tendrils coiling their necks for rightful strangulations, nails popping eyes in sweet agonizing pleas of forgiveness, blades piercing their too-aching hearts. Those too strong under their Skull-Father lunged, allowed a moment’s present glory and fell to Slaaneshi daemons and men happy to murder them with hundreds of stabbing and tearing. A single stroke of a quick death. 
This and more turned into a growing aroma into the air, distorting and twisting to a perfume that clung to the battlefield. It brought the power of the Dark Prince deeper and fuelled the daemons’ malevolent flesh. Men and women were plucked and added to the procession, seamlessly joining the mourners and bearers. The rest will be forever envious to have survived and be unchosen by the Host of the Fox-King. 
And this insulted rage fell upon their new unity against the stormhost to stand in the Exalted of Daemons’ way in his Great Hunt. They threw their fury and lives to the storm of Sigmar’s Un-Men before Ludwig the Obsessed dirtied his great claws, his voice was malevolent thunder over the flesh and ears as he sung in shrieking howls and venomous cries, turning blood into lead and melancholy slugged noble warriors’ righteous swings.
Even for his size, he moved with a lightning-bolt’s passing. Four limbs startling blows that claimed scores of lives as he swirled and twirled. A blade thorned like a spiteful rose and as red in its crystalline length sliced as fine as a painter’s brush and tossed blood just as fine. The death-bolts of Anvil-casted were the drums steadied and added to the warlike music, their supplement of freemen screamed in horror a chorus swooned by daemonettes and spell maestros directing the symphony to the wind of magics. 
Even as the draconiths were claiming their own bounty of ruinous mortals, their hide were plucked and hearts given as great fistful grapes by the leaping dancers of Ludwig’s following Keeper-kin attracted to his self-pity and hateful following, jeering and swooning. Praising and urging him on, some even finding loving embrace and gossip-filled whispers to one another among the chaos. 
The Aspired Patron cared little. His heart was too blackened and his body urged, as if his Stolen Prince could feel it all and begged him;
Go! Keep going, my beloved pet. Hunt those who undone you. Hunt for your lust of vengeance. Even chained, I love you and adore you. Send their souls onto me for your passion. Send your lovers’ souls onto me for your obsessions. Send your pain onto me, so I may feel it carve my perfect ribs. And when their souls fill your breached gullet, let it remind me of my stolen bounty soon to return, O Precious Lap-Darling Mine.
Just the thought of those words drew poisonous tears that stained cheek and ground, Ludwig screamed as he cried out his Master-Mistress’ name and a tempest of scorning scourges spiraled around his being, claiming ally and foe both in bone-crushing coils and life-ending lashes. Their souls to be scattered and drunk, what wounds that felt like brushes of gnats closed and spurred their killer into a higher glory.
Kill! Kill! Kill! 
Maim. Torture. Flay. 
Kill everything denies you! 
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fandomshenanigans · 1 year
Minecraft!Reader in a SAGAU World: Introducing the Server!
[Fun fact!: They're all based off old Minecraft skins of mine and a few from former servers that I've joined in the past
Also most of these names came out of a generator since I could not for the life of me, think anything up]
KakuriPierrot (Admin)
- Prefers either Uri or Pierrot as a nickname
- Admin of the Server and father figure to everyone
- The kind of guy who would pull up to a McDonald's drive thru and order himself a single black coffee
- But then he'd loop back and let the kids order what they want because he'd feel guilty
- Exceptional redstoner, exceptional builder, disaster when playing survival on his own
- He's decent at PVP though
- Very protective of server members, to the point where he can be a bit overbearing (he means well though)
- Has a poker face but when the emotions hit him, he is an open book
- He is the calm and sensible type but can also be an airhead at times
- Prefers to be called Gator as a nickname
- Redstone expert of the server
- They are the equivalent of DocM77 when it comes to both redstone and breaking Minecraft as a whole
- Very dramatic in personality and are kind of a smartass at times
- Godly in redstone, decent in building, decent in Survival (whether on his own or in multiplayer) and they're good at PVP, mainly one on one
- The kind of person who complains when you ask for help but then they go above and beyond to help you with whatever issue you may have
- Undeniably soft for their friends and has no shame when admitting it
- Prefers to be called Lory, Seven or Rihanna
- Expert Builder who makes large builds and calls it a 'starter base' (Just imagine Boatem Scar or Pearl, that's the kind of builder she is)
- Incorporates an ungodly amount of pastel colors into her builds, regardless of the theme she uses
- She's hyper and bubbly but she's got some dark and cynical humor
- Short Queen!
- Expert Builder, Terrible Redstoner, decent in Survival as well as PvP
- She's also an expert in potion making and often makes trips to the Nether for Blazerods
- Prefers Link as nickname
- Explorer and Miner of the group
- He is homeless and doesn't seem too eager to make his own base so he'll bunk with whoever is available
- He will pay you back with anything you'd like within the mines or what he obtained from his constant wanderings
- Metals like iron, copper or gold? You'll find a chest in your kitchen that filled with stacks of the raw metals. Need Diamonds or Emeralds? He pops into your line of sight, hands several Diamonds or Emeralds to you before he disappears again
- He is just gone almost the entire time he's on the server, often disappearing for days or weeks before reappearing again without warning
- The ghost of the server
- An expert in PvP, whether one on one or by group, bad redstoner, Decent Builder (or so he claims) and an amazing Survivalist, both in solo and multiplayer worlds
- Prefers Vanny or just Van as a nickname
- Explorer and Builder, also the kind who makes big builds and claims it to be her starter base but then she never makes another build ever again
- Disappears frequently to explore but will stick around to make farms and such
- She also goes out of her way to 'beautify' the area around other people's builds (with permission, of course)
- Has a villager farm set up for most of her materials as well as a few autofarms for things she can't get through villagers
- Is not afraid to get her hands dirty and will work hard as long as the end goal is worth it, or if it's hilarious enough, really depends on the mood
- Decent Redstoner, Pro Builder but is just very lazy, Decent Survivalist and a Decent PVPer, mainly in groups but can hold her own if one on one
- Prefers to use long ranged weapons like crossbows, bows and tridents rather than close ranged weapons
- Prefers Mind or Cat as a nickname
- An all rounder and a casual player, almost never makes any major projects but is more than happy to join other projects
- Is mostly here to vibe and shall vibe alongside you
- Has like three to five dogs and would often take them with them whenever they go somewhere that's bound to have mobs
- The resident prankster, will target anyone and everyone but if his pranks cause any damage, don't worry! They'll help out with the cleaning process and will replace anything lost.... Most of the time at least..
- Good Builder, Good Redstoner and amazing Survivalist. He can survive just about anywhere as long as he has a tree and some access to water
- Decent PvPer who prefers to set up traps instead of doing face to face confrontations
- Prefers Pepper or Pat as a nickname, he'd still respond if you call him just about anything as long as it's from his original gamer tag
- PVP expert and bloodthirsty psycho who mastered redstone for the sake of causing even more conflict via traps
- Nothing stays alive when he's within the vicinity with the exception if his servermates make it clear that he can't kill them
- Goes hunting for Woodland mansions a lot for the loot so they're stacked when it comes to Notch Apples or Totems
- He is THE Scary Dog Privilege™
- Feral and will snap at anyone who approaches him but is as sweet as pie with their servermates
- Pro PVPer, Pro Redstoner (mostly for traps and such), Pro Survivalist, Decent Builder
- They have mastered the use of any weapon and miscellaneous items that can kill if used right
- Very fond of TNT Traps and will use it at any time he can
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vi0light · 2 days
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࣪𓏲ּ  ֶָ  𝑤𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑠𝒕𝒗   ⁝         hazal filiz küçükkös ,  37 ,  cisgendered woman ,  she / her.    announcing  the  arrival  of  𝐒𝐀𝐅𝐈𝐘𝐄  of  𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓  𝐖𝐘𝐊,  the  𝐒𝐀𝐋𝐓  𝐖𝐈𝐅𝐄  of  𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆  𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐃  𝐆𝐎𝐎𝐃𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 .  whispers  among  the  court  name  them  to  be  both  gregarious  and  dogmatic  in  disposition,  and  those  closest  to  them  speak  to  their  interests  in  cheating  playing  cards  whilst  sipping  arbor  red .  if  we  bards  could  compose  a  song  for  them,  it  might  tell  stories  of  crimson  silks  billowing  against  maelstrom  skies  ,  slight  of  hand  and  predatory  smirks  over  the  rim  of  chalice  ,  fangs  bared  in  feral  growls  protective  hand  over  her  young  .  the  seven  whisper  to  their  most  devout  queen  as  she  sleeps,  making  her  question  where  their  loyalties  truly  lie.  are  they  right  to  whisper?  for  their  loyalties  truly  lie  with  𝐓𝐇𝐄  𝐆𝐎𝐎𝐃𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐒  . 
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#  𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜  𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 .
official  name:  safiye  of  great  wyk .  nicknames:  saf .  noble  title:  lady  of  hammerhorn  ,  unnoficial .  moniker:  the  crimson  lady ,  the  femme  devil  ,  the  great  bitch  of  great  wyk , bitch  of  hammerhorn date  of  birth:  tbd.  age:  thirty 7.  birthplace:  greenblood  river , upon  the  barge  whispering  nymph .  home:  hammerhorn ,  great  wyk .  nationality:  dornish .  gender:  cisgendered  woman.  pronouns:  she / her.  orientation:  bisexual.  languages:  common  tongue  ,  rhyonish  ( secretly ) .  accent:  unrefined  dornish  with  roughened  edges  from  years  in  the  iron  islands  . 
#  𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥  𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 .
faceclaim:  hazal  filiz  küçükkös.  ethnicity:  rhoynar.  hair:  very dark brown , almost black in most light but warmer tone shine in the sun . falls mostly straight to her waist , more often than not worn loose .  eyes:  amber  hues  that  burn  like  molten  honey.  height:  5ft 10.  build:  mesomorph ;  sultry  and  curvaceous .  scent:  jasmine  ,  sandalwood  and  salt.  dominant  hand:  right.  allergies:  n/a.  scars:  a two inch scar across the left side of her neck .  distinguishing  features:  cupid - bow  lips  usually  painted  some  shade  of  red ,  thick  dark  lashes  framing  hawkish  eyes , resting  bitch  face .  clothing  style:  draws  on  more  dornish  fashion ,  though  adapted  to  meet  the  climate  of  the  iron  islands .  not  one  to  shy  away  from  bearing  flesh ,  cuts  are  often  considered  to  be  revealing .  shades  of  red  is  her  favoured  colour  ,  sometimes  branches  out  to  black .  she  almost  exclusively  wears  amber  jewels  that  match  her  eyes ,  save  for  the  black  pearls  darion  brings  back  for  her .
#  𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 .
label:   the  femme  fatale.   mbti:   istp.   enneagram:   the  challenger.   element:   fire.   star   sign:   scorpio.   temperament:   choleric.   character   inspirations:   tba.   deadly   sin:   lust.   heavenly   virtue:   fortitude.   godly   parent:   zeus.
#  𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐬 .
hobbies:  playing  cards  &  dice  ,  conning  people  in  cards  &  dice  ,  sailing  ,  drinking  and  fucking .  religion:  mother  rhoyne , formerly .  developed  an  interest  in  the  r'hllor  during  her  time  in  essos  and  dorne  and  the  drowned  gods  since  living  at  hammerhorn .  alliance:  the  goodbrothers .  personal goals:  to  see  her  son  receive  what  should  be  his  ,  to  explore  the  r'hllor  more  and  to  generally  make  every  westerosi  noble  uncomfortable  in  her  presence .  would they choose family or power?  family , always .
#  𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐥  𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬 .
father:  unknown  southern  dornish  noble .  relationship:  none  existant.  mother:  esme  of  greenblood . relationship:  estranged  for  twenty  years .  spouse:  darion  goodbrother . relationship:  positive .  lover:  potentially  lady  goodbrother.  relationship:  positive.  children:  greydon  goodbrother , 17 & sabiyre goodbrother , 5 .  relationship:  positive.  step ? daughter:  nalina  goodbrother.  relationship:  positive .  
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            𝐓𝐇𝐄  𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄...
an  orphan  of  greenblood  ,  though  mother  cradles  the  swaddled  babe  close  .  barge  ,  the whispering  nymph  , named  for  the  dark  haired  beauty  at  its  helm  ,  no  lord  ,  liege  or  lady  safe  from  her  charms  in  the  southern  reaches  of  dorne .  which  noble  lord  fathered  the  babe  ?   a  mystery  lost  to  wine  ,  not  that  it  was  ever  truly  significant  .  safiye  grew  upon  the  greenblood  river ,  surrounded  by  fellow  followers  of  mother  rhoyne  ,  their  lives  traditional  upon  ornately  painted  barges  ,  mothertongue  a  sacred  murmur  on  the  holiest  of  nights .  by  only  six  and  ten  ,  such  tradition  had  lost  its  appeal  ;  kiss  pressed  to  mother's  cheek  ,  there  was  no  promise  of  return  ,  each  knew  better  than  to  promise  the  impossible .   
games  of  cards  and  dice  brought  the  nightmarish  beauty  from  tavern  to  tavern  across  dorne  ,  and  even  essos  for  a  short  while .  inability  to  stay  in  one  place  for  too  long  caused  by  slight  of  hand ,  a  trick  that  took  some  time  to  perfect .  yet  a  girl  must  feed  herself  somehow  ,  and  honest  work  never  held  any  great  appeal  .  a  storm  brought  her  to  the  shores  of  great  wyk  .  ship  sheltering  in  port  ,  set  to  sail  on  the  morrow  ,  destination  some  northern  port  on  the  mainland  .  femme  ventures  to  nearest  tavern  ,  joins  the  first  table  she  see  ,  cards  dealt  in  jovial  spirits  .  cheat  ,  rings  out  soon  enough  ,  a  word  she  despises  no  matter  how  true  it  may  be .  self  defence  a  necessity  for  a  woman  alone   and  man  ,  dog  really  ,  swiftly  lays  flat  upon  the  table , her  blade  pressed  to  jugular  as  he  begs  for  mercy  –  oh  how  she  adores  it  when  they  beg .  
amber  hues  meet  her  fate  across  the  crowded  tavern  ,  the  game  not  the  only  thing  she  won  that  eve .  the  tavern  is  one  she  still  frequents  to  this  day  ,  though  locals  know  better  than  to  brand  the  great  bitch  of  great  wyk  a  cheat  these  days ,  well ,  most  of  them  anyway .  the  few  who  slip  are  soon  shown  the  error  of  their  ways  ,  either  by  her  hand  or  her  loyal  war  hound .  
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                                          𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒 ... 
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evicted-oc · 1 year
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════ஓ๑ Höðr the god of night and darkness ๑ஓ════
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═════════ஓ๑ Godly Information ๑ஓ═════════
ஓ๑ Son of Odin
ஓ๑ Was tricked into killing his brother
ஓ๑ Blind in one eye
ஓ๑ Pronounced as [HO-der]
ஓ๑ Name means warrior
ஓ๑ Always carries a bow and arrow
ஓ๑ As a god he has many abilities
══ஓ๑ Dark manipulation
════ஓ๑ Has full control of night time and shadows
══ஓ๑ Winter manipulation
════ஓ๑ Is always cold and can create snow
══ஓ๑ Ice manipulation
════ஓ๑ Can create ice
═════════ஓ๑ Godly Appearance ๑ஓ═════════
ஓ๑ Has short black hair and icey blue eyes, blind in his left eye
ஓ๑ Thin with long legs and is 6'0
ஓ๑ Skin is light blue and is always cold
ஓ๑ Scared hands
ஓ๑ Finger tips are black
═════════ஓ๑ Human Appearance ๑ஓ═════════
ஓ๑ Fluffy short hair and bright blue eyes
ஓ๑ Sleepers build and is 5'5 | 165 cm | 19 years old
ஓ๑ Nails are always painted black
ஓ๑ Always freezing to the touch
ஓ๑ Large, black hole scar on his ribs with a bone sticking out
ஓ๑ Blue tongue
ஓ๑ Prefers to wear dark and baggy clothes
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════════════ஓ๑ Personality ๑ஓ════════════
ஓ๑ Annoying, sassy, outgoing, dirty minded, flirty, bratty, disrespect
ஓ๑ Complete opposite of Baldr
ஓ๑ Avoids the sun as much as he can
ஓ๑ Flirts with everyone in first meeting
ஓ๑ Really close with his twin brother
ஓ๑ Always in trouble
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═══════════ஓ๑ Preferences ๑ஓ═══════════
ஓ๑ Likes
══ஓ๑ Darkness, cold, winter, snow, flirting, cherries, parties, drinking
ஓ๑ Dislikes
══ஓ๑ Sun, light, being left alone, mistletoes, trickery
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═════════════ஓ๑ Nsfw ๑ஓ═════════════
ஓ๑ Switch with no lean
ஓ๑ Soft dom, sassy bottom
ஓ๑ Kinks
══ஓ๑ Free use, blood play, triple penetrarion, bdsm, manhandling, pushing limits, gagging, choking, oral, degradation, marking, size kink, hand kink, extreme impact play, punishments, humiliation, ice play
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═══════════ஓ๑ Relationships ๑ஓ═══════════
ஓ๑ Gay | Polyamorous
ஓ๑ Dating
══ஓ๑ Currently single | uninterested
══ஓ๑ Will take 4 partners | 0/4
ஓ๑ Friends
══ஓ๑ Thor | Brother
══ஓ๑ Loki | Brother
══ஓ๑ Baldr | Brother
══ஓ๑ Balor | Close friends
ஓ๑ Pets
══ஓ๑ Snow leopard | Snowy
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Paradox info
Height:10 foot 8 (repressed form) 20 foot 7 (Apocalypse form) 60,000 foot (True/draconic form)
Weight:980lbs, 1859lbs, 700 tons.
Weapons:Worldrender(a large chainsword which is capable of channeling magic) True Celestia (Bow that was made by Apollo and Artimes. Can shoot invisible arrows of sunlight or moonlight. One burns one freezes.) Magic, Bare hands, various revolvers.attacks. Anti-Magic, Life-force
Strengths:Godly strength (could match Shiva in a fight and he's apparently strong enough to destroy and recreate the world whenever he wants. Once punched out a demon that took the Eye of Isis to defeat the second time. Has knocked out both Gaoru and Deku in on hit. Threw Naruko in her Kurama form hard enough she landed onto the moon.) Godly durability (has survived the moon falling on him and got hit with Thor's hammer hard enough that Thor was sure he'd break the hammer. Thor is stated to be strong enough to destroy worlds with his hammer. He only died in his first life from a magic acid that could harm gods. According to his sister every God of storms or thunder has hit him at least 5 times with lighting as he likes mocking them. Has been hit with magic strong enough to kill the other Einherjars. No selled two isekai heros who claimed they had the powers of the Shadow and Light weavers.) FTL speed (Can outspeed Deku and can deflect along with dodging Apollo's arrows. These arrows are invisible and are fast enough to hit the gods of Mai's pantheon and even were fast enough to overwhelm garou for a short period of time said fighter can fight and outspeed Platinum Sperm) being the strongest and youngest of the 'Blessed 100' he can use any Anti-Magic or magic attack he can see and remember without a grimore but his body and third eye are connected to 'The Cube' which is his grimore allowing him to use any attack he can remember thanks to anti magic he has some psychic power and Chi manipulation can infuse both into magic to make them stronger. Suprising intelligence (his father states he's a 'Adaptive Genius like his mother.' Is a master in all things Magic.) Due to his longer lifespan the multi purpose communicator and his planets day length he's got more battle experience then most (Despite being 50 in the reboot timeline the 90 hour long days means he's at least 200 he also has spent longer in Valhalla as he died in 2989 and Ragnarok being once a millenia means he lived to 3000 with his time line in the after life and Goll says his hair grew put indicating he trained while in the afterlife. [Brunhilde stats human souls who train long enough in the ways of combat in the afterlife age. (Kaito went from looking 25 to looking 90 garou was 18 when he died but aged to 45 and Bun/Deku went from 18 to 25)] thanks to Bun taking quirks he gave Paradox the quirk 'Toho' which gives him scales a thicker tail with spikes and the ability to photosynthe nutrients to keep his stamina up. Godly stamina (stays up for a week at a time from a good night's sleep and it's his planet's week) has a healing factor that regenerates everything even his soul as long as he isn't atomized. As the great-grandson of a storm and sea god along with a volcanos goddess he can manipulate the weather at will.
Weaknesses:As a dark blue dragon, he has no resistance to lighting and is weak to holy/Godly weapons and magic. He is rather reckless due to his healing factor. Gods of Destruction and Death can and will nullify his healing factor and leave permanent scars. Rather lazy and laid back and will avoid a fight if he dosent deem it worth anyone's time. While immune to almost all mortal weapons as a demigod he is still capable of being hurt by magic weapons anything with an enchantment or weapons made in heaven or hell.
Ares info
Height: 6 foot 8
Weight: 440lbs
Weapons: Bare Hands, Pyrokinesis, Back Spikes, Greatsword
Strengths: Was one of the most powerful of Zeus’s children before his betrayal of Olympus, Godlike strength (As the God of War Ares was arguably physically the most powerful of the Greek Gods, Was stronger than Atlas who held up the world, Overpowered Kratos with ease until he opened Pandora’s box), Godlike durability (Is utterly impervious to mortal Weaponry, Survived the war against the Titans unharmed, Tanked numerous blows from Kratos even after he had unlocked Pandora’s Box), Massively hypersonic speeds/FTL reactions (Was one of the fastest of the Greek Gods, Was stated to be faster than the Primordials), Can manifest Weapons at will (His favoured being a flaming Greatsword), Possesses Pyrokinesis, Can bestow mortals with power and remove it at will, Was able to sense Kratos acquiring Pandora’s Box from several miles away, Can project his image threw Flames, Can create his own pocket dimensions, Can increase and decrease his size at will, Has several thousand years of experience.
Weaknesses: As a Greek God Ares suffers a weakness to the Blade of Olympus and the power contained within Pandora’s Box, Whilst he is invulnerable to the likes of mortals Ares can be killed by fellow Gods or those with Godlike power, Was killed by Kratos when he was arguably at his weakest.
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the-void-writes · 10 months
Thank you so much Timi! 💖 For this one, I’m working on an idea I had for Will falling into the hands of a dangerous Celestial, and having to rely on a reclusive hunter for survival. Here, they’re bonding and making promises for the future. I hope you guys enjoy it!
“Do you want to know something funny?”
Romero looked down at the frail, soft-spoken man on the bed, weakened by the continued rituals of Aphelion and his guests. He could see each mark on Will’s skin where the Moon God tried to cut, and where his Infection stitched him back together. The very thing that had almost killed him was now the only thing keeping him alive.
“What is it?” Romero asked, hoping to keep him conscious in case those wretched creatures came back.
“I get why my father fell so hard for Rio. I always kind of understood it, but now I know what he was thinking.”
“And what’s that?”
“He was scared, and miserable, and all alone. If it weren’t for Rio’s comfort, he wouldn’t have lasted in that building, and I wouldn’t have found him. Rio helped him live again.”
Romero nodded respectfully. “The right person can pull you out of the darkest depths. Harper showed me that… and Ione right after him.”
“And you.” Will’s sad eyes flickered towards Romero for a moment. “If you weren’t here with me, if you hadn’t given me hope, I would have gone insane.”
Romero let out a deep sigh. His hand lingered on Will’s, a gesture he shared with Ione to let her know he was there. Will squeezed his hand in return.
“I’ll get you out of here,” Romero said, “I swear on it.”
Will smiled and sat up, taking a look around his room. It was undoubtedly the smallest room in the entire palace, only large enough to fit a bed and an old dresser, with a long ascent into darkness in place of a ceiling. In a regular building, this room would have been a crawlspace in the walls for a tiny mouse. Despite the size being an afterthought, it had still been beautifully decorated with quilts and flowers from Paradise. Nothing but the finest for Aphelion’s prized possession…
The Celestials never predicted that a human would stay in Aphelion’s domain for so long. Then again, they never predicted that the Moon King, with his distaste for humanity, would fall in love with a man from the world below. Will was “just like him,” he had said, a being of unfathomable power. All they needed to do was cut him open so his godly essence could walk the halls as intended.
Preston, Bluebrook, the Celestial Kingdom… All his life, everyone wanted him to be someone else.
Will looked out the window at the landscape of the Celestial domain. The grand hills were made of stardust, strange and colorful plants dotted the horizons like trees, and comets rushed through each one like rivers. Everything buzzed and hissed and roared across the land, a symphony of the stars themselves. In another world, Will could have spent hours traversing the cosmic plains, happy to live out the dreams of his childhood self.
Now, the sight of the world he once loved made his stomach churn. The view was a trap, a piece of bait meant to draw Will further into the arms of the creature who made it, a creature who didn’t plan to let him go. If Will couldn’t become a god like Aphelion wanted, then a pet would do just as nicely for him.
Romero tapped his shoulder gently. There was more warmth in his eyes than when they had first met, which Will didn’t blame him for. He wouldn’t have been happy in his shoes, either. Aphelion had killed Romero’s fiancé, for the same reason he would inevitably kill Will for. No one should be forced to confront a creature like that again for someone else’s sake.
Still, his battle-scarred eyes held no animosity towards Will. Dare he say, they had a familiar shimmer, like how Dante would look at him.
“Are you able to stand?” Romero asked.
“Yes, but— We can’t leave yet. You wanted to kill Aphelion, to avenge Harper.”
“I’ll avenge Harper by getting you out alive.” He bowed his head. “But I appreciate your concern.”
“We can’t leave, anyway. The Celestials are scattered all over the place, and you’re not properly rested. We wouldn't get far.”
“Then what are we doing?”
Romero kept his eyes on the floor. “You have this look in your eyes, the kind Ione has when she’s weighed down by her thoughts. I thought I could help you, if you’d like.”
He reached out his hand, and Will took it gently. They stood in the center of the room, and with the cosmic symphony outside to guide them, Romero led him in a waltz. His hand was pressed against his back, and he could feel each soft vibration as Will laughed at himself for stumbling over his feet.
His smile was brighter than any star outside.
“Sorry,” Will said, “I’m sure Ione is a much better dancer.”
“She’s surprisingly talented. I guess that temple was good for something.”
“Right. ‘Come on down to the Temple of Sapphirus. We can make blind women dance, if you let us feed your family to a god.’”
Romero bit his fist through his mask. It hurt to laugh, but he couldn’t help it. Will smiled at him as they spun around, the starlight from the window turning the world around them into a whirlpool of color.
“I know we’re not close, or anything—”
“Please, feel free to speak. You and Dante are honorary members of our group.”
“He’s looking after Ione for me, I’ll never forget his kindness… or yours.”
“Then could you promise me something?”
“What is it?”
“You don’t have to give up your time for it, but if you could just check on Dante every now and then, I would appreciate it forever. He already lost Vani, I hate putting him through that again.”
Romero paused. “You’re going to see him again, I promise.”
Will smiled sadly. “You don’t have to make that promise. I know it’ll be impossible to get out unnoticed.”
“It’s not impossible. We’ll find a way—”
He faltered as Will held his cheek, the one that hadn’t been scarred. Romero couldn’t understand why his heart was beating so fast.
“Please, just promise me.”
“… I promise. Everyone you love, I’ll check on them.”
“Thank you, Ro.”
These feelings… Romero didn’t like them. Never mind that Will had a wonderful partner already, but he was also in captivity. His kind words and gentle voice shouldn’t have been weakening Romero so suddenly. He couldn’t help that the man was so much like Harper.
Maybe, in a different life…
“One more thing, if you don’t mind.”
“Tell me.”
Will laid his head on Romero's shoulder. “If I can’t leave… please kill me. I don’t want Aphelion to do it.”
“I’ll make sure it doesn’t come to that—” Romero closed his eyes. “—but you have my word.”
He spun with Will for a while longer, both of them unwilling to let go, to face their predicament once more. It had been so long since Romero had people to live for, and this time, he would make sure they stayed out of Aphelion’s hands. The Moon King would finally pay for the pain he had caused, by losing something he “loved,” in return.
Romero would free Will. He swore it on his life.
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tamedstray · 9 months
Name Vigor Kovach
Age 36
Race Human
Sex/gender Male/cis
Height 6’
Class Rogue (Assassin), later Ranger
Sexuality Heterosexual (bi curious)
Illithid-infected Yes
Tall, but not imposing at 6ft. Fair skin and wheat-gold hair. Warm brown eyes carry an innocence to them, with a thin blue stripe in the centre of his left eye. Despite keeping his hair and beard fairly short, they still manage to be in a constant state of disarray; except for his moustache, which is impeccably neat with pointed ends. He often wears a large red coat over his armour, soft with age and frays around the lapels. Despite his storied life, Vigor does not have many scars, but the largest of which is one thick cut across his collarbone that trails down towards his chest. He is embarrassed by the scars he got as an assassin. His brothers all have a cut along the palm of their sword-hand, which is on the left for Vigor.
The first thing people tend to notice when speaking to Vigor is his formalities. There is an eloquence to his deep drawl. He finds comfort in manners as it helps him compose himself, giving form to the high-strung man. When he’s nervous, he stammers. For every bit that Vigor cares, he worries in equal measure. He has the sincerity to care for people he barely knows until he worries himself sick. Vigor genuinely just wants to help, born out of his unique upbringing and his burden of guilt. He’s not wholly naive, but tries to give people the benefit of the doubt. His loneliness is easy to manipulate. He is disciplined to an almost neurotic degree. Afraid to upset people or listen to his gentle heart. So deathly afraid of falling into the past that he does not trust himself, making him doubt any decisions that aren’t about surviving to the next day, living adrift in the woods with no one to share his grief with.
With time and support, he learns to become more confident. He longs to be free from his past and enjoy a quiet life in the woods. When he is comfortable around someone, a more playful side emerges. His childhood restrained and restricted, he enjoys the freedom to let loose.
Myers-Briggs INFJ-T
Central themes Will you ever be free of guilt? Is it too late to change? Who might you have become if you had the love and support you needed, rather than the 'love' you were given?
Vigor was unwanted. When he was born his mother left, leaving him in the care of his father Dmetry, a man who had little to offer the boy. His father was a poacher, able to hunt just enough for the two of them with little to spare to trade for bread and vegetables. Vigor grew into his clothes until they fell apart. When the hunting shack started to rot he was barely old enough to hold a bow, let alone make use of it. The boy clung on to blankets for warmth as if they were his own mother.
There was nothing left to give, so Dmetry made a choice. He found a nobleman living in the Upper City of Baldur’s Gate willing to offer the boy a home. There he could learn to read, to fight, everything Vigor desperately needed and more.
Vigor was one of four boys taken in by Irnvar. The children earned their keep through not only daily chores but rigorous education. Hobbies were only permitted in the pursuit of making the boys seem like children of noble birth. They did not know why they had to become men so young, but they owed Irnvar everything.
As the boys got older, they knew that Irnvar had plans for them, they just didn’t know what until the oldest turned eighteen. Kazimir was first, and with it the plan was revealed. Irnvar, a godly and righteous man, needed the boys to help enact his will on the wicked and the unworthy. Posing as noble gentlemen, the boys would find doors open up for them— doors to parties, doors to apartments, doors to boudoirs, all perfect positions to strike.
For over ten years, Vigor was convinced that he was doing what was necessary for the good of Baldur’s Gate. Killing corrupt nobles, men who would see the city fall to ruin, or who supposedly beat their staff. Only people who, according to Irnvar, needed to die. It is only when Vigor meets Gortash that he starts to accept that he has been used and misled. Enver, despite being a putrid man rotten to his very core, did not deserve to die. None of them deserved to die.
Vigor spares him before confronting Irnvar who attempts to kill him. Vigor manages to flee the city and disappear into the woods. At age twenty-nine, he begins his new life. He wanders the sword coast trying to be a better man, learning to survive on his own whilst helping people out as best he can.
The years pass but the pain lingers. One day he wakes up on a nautiloid and into an uncertain future.
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hotpotrandomfics · 1 year
Riordanverse OC Profile: Emilio Victor (V.) Silverio-Azarello
Full Name: Emilio Victor (V.) Silverio-Azarello
Alias/Nicknames: Em, V., Dark Knight, Styx's Problem Child, River Boy
Godly Lineage: Styx (mother), Kymopoleia (ancestor), Guabancex (ancestor)
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Birthday: August, 7th
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Species: Demigod
Language: English, Spanish, French, Portugues, Cantonese, Ancient Greek
Hairstyle, Hair Color: Undercut with Medium Fade, Obsidian Black
Eye Shape and Color: Upturned and Obsidian Black
Lip Shape: Bow Shaped
Nose Shape: Straight
Face Shape: Oval
Body Type: 
Swimmer-toned physique
Extra Traits: 
Left Cheek Bone
Right Collarbone
Left Shoulder
Right shoulder, hydra claw
Left oblique, sword
Height: 5'10
Skin tone: Almond Brown
Ethnicities: Puerto Rican, Dominican, Brazilian, Spanish
Style of dress: Natural, relaxed but functional. Jeans, running sneakers or hiking boots, t-shirts or plaid long sleeves, a pair of rings in one hand with one ring on the opposite. Colors of olive green, forest green, black, grey, and white.
Personality: At first glance, they appear self-centered or intolerant but on closer inspection, they're pragmatic, honest, and compassionate, especially to those who've been harmed or wronged unjustly.
Strengths: Adaptability, Perseverance, Humility
Flaws: Pushes others away, self-confidence
Fatal flaw: Excessive Personal Loyalty
Likes and Hobbies: Latin American and Italian coffee, medium-rare cooked meats, martial arts tournaments, dogs, cats, and otters
Dislikes: Promise breakers, liars, heavy sweets, and people pleasers
Voice: Crisp and ethereal
Fears or Phobias: Atychiphobia 
Favorite Color: Sea Green
Favorite animal: Otters
Favorite possession: N/A
Favorite food: Churrasco steak with rice, beans, and fried yuca root
Least Favourite food: War Heads
Love interest: N/A
Best friends: N/A
Friends: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Rivals: N/A
Hydrokinesis (Includes):
Water Immunity
Water Solidification
Water Empowerment
Toxikinesis (limited)
Atmokinesis (Includes):
Storm Spirit Communication
Oath Binding (Includes):
Umbrakinesis (Includes):
Shadow Travel
Enhanced Strength
Enhanced Durability
Enhanced Stamina
Oath's Bane (multi-formed weapon, Kali/Eskrima sticks initially form) 
Kali/Eskrima Sticks: Stygian Iron/Silver
Baat Jaam Do (Butterfly Sword): Stygian Iron/Silver
Luk Dim Boon Kwun (6 & 1/2 Pole) Stygian Iron/Silver
Fighting style(s):
Wing Chun
Pencak Silat
Jiu Jitsu
Wing Chun
Pencak Silat
Backstory: Born to a reformed criminal turned lawyer, Emilio grew up in Tampa, Florida, and was raised by his father, Enrique, who served in the state attorney office of the city. Emilio didn't care for much as his father provided all he needed but never allowed his son to have anything without fulfilling some promise or obligation. An effective method to prevent his son from becoming a spoiled brat, Enrique enrolled the young boy in multiple martial arts schools to help him develop discipline and mental fortitude especially given that he could potentially become a target because of his father's past. 
During hurricane season when he was seven, Emilio saw three women from his window in the middle of the bay. They appeared to be arguing as the hurricane became more violent so did the body language of those women. To his surprise, they all pointed in his direction and he ran to his father as he was in the middle of going over a case. Comforting his son, Enrique assured Emilio he was safe and that his eyes were playing tricks on him. Eventually, the young boy would peer into the veil that was the Mist and question what happened during that storm and why one of the women stared at him with a mix of pain, contempt, and something else...
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graveyardgason · 3 days
He sat there in a chair across from his bed covered only by the silence and weight of the darkness of his room. A sliver of moonlight cut through his window, the only source of luminescence as it fell on the naked form of Ollie sleep in his bed. Returned from his last mission that put him up against the force of nature. The tales of the battle told of many who came close to deaths door. Luckily Ollie was spared to which Amant could only thank one person for such a favor. After putting on some pants he made his way to the living room table. Grabbing two crystal stemmed shot glasses and the bottle of rum he kept hidden. A gift from his gran gran that he only used for such occasions.
Amant last extended prayer to his father didn't go as he planned. Far from it. Experiencing death in it's truest form left some scars on the boy he tried to hide from the others. But it is through those scars that he felt more connected to his power than before. To see death first hand in such a profound way. Be it gift or punishment for tapping too deep in a world not meant for the living. It changed him in a way that felt more natural than breathing. Even more than the unnatural death tint to his eyes. He poured the glass for himself another for the empty chair, a drop of blood in each glass before taking a seat.
Raising the glass to the above and then to the below before facing the chair across from him. Death's domain might not be solely held t the heavens after all. "Iku, great father and originator of my power and blood...I, Amant, your dearest and most devote son wish to thank you. For returning those close to me...for sparing them of your gift for another day. May the ones that fell by their blade or power meet you as they transition from the living to dead and bow in your name." His voice filled with both pride and thankful prayer. Sure that many believed their godly parent was why the were still alive. But Amant knew better. No matter what power their parents held over ocean, fire or time itself...death touched all. Ending it with a prayer taught to him by his gran gran. "Kiamaku ni kekere, Kiamaku iku ina, kiamaku iku oro, kiamaku iku ejo, kiamaku sinu omi, Ase." He clicked the glass. "Mo be yin, bi iku ba sunmo itosi kie bami ye ojo iku fun." And downed the shot of rum in his father's honor and prayer.
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(Translation from ofo ase: May they not die young, may they not die in fire, may they not die in tragedy, may they not die in shame, may they not die in water. May it be so. I beg you, if Death is coming, help us to avert it.)
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wcrfcres · 5 months
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ALARIC of  HOUSE MORMONT,  LORD OF BEAR ISLAND.  whispers  among  the  court  name  them  to  be  both  HONORABLE  and  STUBBORN  in  disposition,  and  those  closest  to  them  speak  to  their  interests  in  archery and weaponsmithing .  if  we  bards  could  compose  a  song  for  them,  it  might  tell  stories  of  ❝ roaring, adamant cubs pushing past merciless white snowstorms, paws deep in velvet snow, fangs sinking harshly into rigid, shivering flesh, crystals of frost and blood dangling like rubies on fur tips and beards. a cub, nevertheless, a predator, aching to stretch out its limbs, shed its prey-like youth, and become full-pledged predator ; sharp, polished arrows, piercing aged walls of wars and victories, released from resolute bows, neglecting its frailty and anciency upon the imposition of buoyant boys ; a troublesome childhood, scraped knees, raised hands, and pale mothers, to perturbed young men on wild horses, falling fast into hollows, clawing to escape, only to fall helplessly and hopelessly into familiar despair, tears emptied into tattered, ripped hems and uncanny shoulders . ❞  the  seven  whisper  to  their  most  devout  queen  as  she  sleeps,  making  her  question  where  their  loyalties  truly  lie.  are  they  right  to  whisper?  for  their  loyalties  truly  lie  with  HOUSE MORMONT and THE NORTH.
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official name : alaric mormont . noble title : lord of bear island . date of birth : tenth day of the fifth turn . age : nine and twenty years . gender : cis man . pronouns : he / him . orientation : demiromantic bisexual . spoken language : common tongue , old tongue . accent : frosted
face claim : henry zaga . ethnicity : first men . hair : black (scruffy, bedhead) . eyes : dark brown . height : 6"ft / 1.83m . build : fairly-muscular after the attack on the capital , appears imposing and taller than he is because of his now heavy and muscular build , long & lean- limbed . scent : predominantly musky , vanilla . dominant hand : right . scars : multiple healed burn scars on his hands and wrist . clothing style : sturdy cotton and wools , leather armors and cuffs
positive traits : honorable, just, well-intentioned, compassionate . negative traits: stubborn, blunt, arrogant, filial . mbti : istj . enneagram : 1 ( the idealist) . element : fire . star sign : taurus . temperament : choleric . moral alignment : lawful good . character inspiration : robb stark (asoiaf), jean kirstein (aot), boromir (lotr), leto atreides i (dune), lyanna mormont (asoiaf) . deadly sins : pride & greed . heavenly virtues : justice & courage . godly parents : hephaestus & ares
hobbies : archery , weaponsmithing . religion : old gods . alliance : house mormont , the north . personal goals : vie for an independent north . would they choose family or power ? family
father : lord jeor mormont (71) . mother : lady alysanne mormont nee glover (deceased 29 years ago) . siblings : lord/lady/liege utp mormont (40+) , lord antony arryn nee mormont (37) , lord/lady/liege utp mormont (25-28) , lord/lady/liege utp mormont (21-24) . extended family : ruling lady adrienne arryn (37)
( trigger warning: death in childbirth )
his is a sin no one spoke of , yet it hangs in the air ... dry , rekindled in whispers , behind closed doors and in the dead of night . his is a sin that's unforgivable , taking a life of its own in the confides of his quarters , that of his older siblings , and that of his father who can only offer him a smile on good days . his is a sin that took a life of its own , a stain on his existence seeking the price ... the lady that brought warmth to the icy halls of house mormont . his is a sin that took a life of its own , claiming him hostage , smothered with guilt despite the reassuring words made by his kin . his is a sin that took a life . he hears it in his sleep , at the dining halls , during hunts in the forest . screeching , moaning , and begging to be taken out , to soak him with scarlet despair .
on his ninth or tenth name day , somber as the ones before , his wet nurse , not as youthful as she once was yet as motherly as can be , assured him that he should not deprive himself of merriment . that a smile , a laugh , does not bring insult to the grave of the lady glover that birthed him and his brothers . that he is free from fault , free from accountability , from incapacitating guilt . truths hard to hold in the tender hands of a young boy , who had slipped his grief , resentment , and doubts in his pockets like they were trinkets to be carried to his own deathbed . he is held in an embraced , tears streaming down the cub's reddened cheeks . he convinces himself with the old woman's words , that his birth is a right bestowed by the old gods , a blessing that his late mother had prayed for night and day . it is said that lady glover , with delight and utter excitement strokes her swollen belly ; often speaks of her relief , that carrying the third babe was the easiest of her pregnancies . she will often whisper that the first child belonged her lord husband and bear island , the second is a debt to her hometown and the old gods , and the third , the babe she carried willfully despite her age , is all hers .
alaric mormont , the last child of lady glover with the ruling lord of bear island , was raised not by the woman who desperately prayed for his birth , not the woman who yearned for his arrival , not the woman who bled to death in the birthing bed , but by his father's second wife . a living , breathing reminder that old god's , too , bestow fateless intentions . kinslayer , a name branded on his back when the ale takes hold of men , a joke looming in gatherings , the bustling halls , and the hunt's bonfire . a word never meant to hurt him or insult the memory of the late lady , but a swipe at the unseen when events go awry . the youngest of lady glover learned to make himself small , to tiptoe , to appear only when absolutely necessary . he made a home in the shadows , nestled himself behind towering lumber , the skillful hands behind mighty weapons . he sang lullabies to dreams of journeying past the cold fortresses , engaged in small talk with sons and daughters of his father's choosing , and kissed lips only behind closed doors . freed himself from being the object of everyone's drunken amusement , and became an indispensable force who can craft , mold , and b e n d steel , wood , and any & all earth - birthed substances to his hand's and fire's desire .
a door was always left open for the young cub , to take shelter , to seat with the family during meals , but he remained elusive , kept to himself , and made his blood run cold and harsh as the weather that imprisons their beloved bear island . lord mormont himself reaches out , holds out his hand , and pats the young man's back as often as he is able ; tells him he holds no fault , that he is every bit a son to him as his other siblings ... that he must forgive himself for a fate beyond his doing . the love and concern is felt , yet it does not wash or burn away the guilt that eats at his heart , does not paint colors on the dull and gray that is the absence of his mother , who wished nothing more but to meet him . it does not help that she lives on in his features , in the way he smiles , the way he talks , and the way he exudes the same warmth and kindness ( and stubbornness , oh how proud she must be ! ) the lady glover brought with her when she arrived from deepwood motte . her blood , soul , and heart runs deep in her youngest , the babe she had prayed for .
perhaps it is in this likeness to his mother that he finds it difficult to find comfort and rest at home , in their political stance , in their strict adherence to tradition . alaric understands , truly he does , and he takes pride in the blood that runs through his veins — every last drop of the first men's . feels every bit frustrated with the surrender of the north's freedom to conquerors . but this inherited doubt he nursed and carried , makes him wonder about the bigger picture , the compromise that could be made , and still preserve the might and strength house mormont .
considered one of the best weaponsmiths in the north , took particular interest in the craft at a young age after hearing his maternal grandfather was a skilled weaponsmith himself
weapons of choice are axes and bows & arrows
reads history books during his free time, sincere there are not many libraries or available reading materials in bear island, he makes deals with those who travel out for books on various subjects in exchange for a weapon of their choosing
kissed someone for the very first time when he was eighteen, a young lord from the south possible connection
relationships are almost always physical in nature , only out of curiosity, he doesn't get attached ppl thinks he's an asshole for it but tbh he just doesn't know how love and relationship goes so he says yes to what feels good and is totally fine when it ends
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jdgo51 · 9 months
Joy Through Sorrow
Today's inspiration comes from:
Streams in the Desert
by L.B.E. Cowman
"The LORD blessed the latter part of Job’s life more than the first". — Job 42:12
"'Job found his legacy through the grief he experienced. He was tried that his godliness might be confirmed and validated. In the same way, my troubles are intended to deepen my character and to clothe me in gifts I had little of prior to my difficulties, for my ripest fruit grows against the roughest wall. I come to a place of glory only through my own humility, tears, and death, just as Job’s afflictions left him with a higher view of God and more humble thoughts of himself. At last he cried,
Now my eyes have seen You. — Job 42:5
If I experience the presence of God in His majesty through my pain and loss, so that I bow before Him and pray, “Your will be done” (Matthew 6:10), then I have gained much indeed.
God gave Job glimpses of his future glory, for in those weary and difficult days and nights, he was allowed to penetrate God’s veil and could honestly say, “I know that my Redeemer lives” (Job 19:25). So truly: “The Lord blessed the latter part of Job’s life more than the first.” (from In the Hour of Silence)
Trouble never comes to someone unless it brings a nugget of gold in its hand.
Trouble never comes to someone unless it brings a nugget of gold in its hand.
Apparent adversity will ultimately become an advantage for those of us doing what is right, if we are willing to keep serving and to wait patiently. Think of the great victorious souls of the past who worked with steadfast faith and who were invincible and courageous!
There are many blessings we will never obtain if we are unwilling to accept and endure suffering.
There are certain joys that can come to us only through sorrow. There are revelations of God’s divine truth that we will receive only when the lights of earth have been extinguished. And there are harvests that will grow only once the plow has done its work.
It is from suffering that the strongest souls ever known have emerged; the world’s greatest display of character is seen in those who exhibit the scars of sorrow; the martyrs of the ages have worn their coronation robes that have glistened with fire, yet through their tears and sorrow have seen the gates of heaven. (~Chapin)
I will know by the gleam and glitter
Of the golden chain you wear, Joy Through Sorrow
Today's inspiration comes from:
Streams in the Desert
by L.B.E. Cowman
The LORD blessed the latter part of Job’s life more than the first. — Job 42:12
Job found his legacy through the grief he experienced. He was tried that his godliness might be confirmed and validated. In the same way, my troubles are intended to deepen my character and to clothe me in gifts I had little of prior to my difficulties, for my ripest fruit grows against the roughest wall. I come to a place of glory only through my own humility, tears, and death, just as Job’s afflictions left him with a higher view of God and more humble thoughts of himself. At last he cried,
Now my eyes have seen You. — Job 42:5
If I experience the presence of God in His majesty through my pain and loss, so that I bow before Him and pray, “Your will be done” (Matthew 6:10), then I have gained much indeed.
God gave Job glimpses of his future glory, for in those weary and difficult days and nights, he was allowed to penetrate God’s veil and could honestly say, “I know that my Redeemer lives” (Job 19:25). So truly: “The Lord blessed the latter part of Job’s life more than the first.” (from In the Hour of Silence)
Trouble never comes to someone unless it brings a nugget of gold in its hand.
Trouble never comes to someone unless it brings a nugget of gold in its hand.
Apparent adversity will ultimately become an advantage for those of us doing what is right, if we are willing to keep serving and to wait patiently. Think of the great victorious souls of the past who worked with steadfast faith and who were invincible and courageous!
There are many blessings we will never obtain if we are unwilling to accept and endure suffering.
There are certain joys that can come to us only through sorrow. There are revelations of God’s divine truth that we will receive only when the lights of earth have been extinguished. And there are harvests that will grow only once the plow has done its work.
It is from suffering that the strongest souls ever known have emerged; the world’s greatest display of character is seen in those who exhibit the scars of sorrow; the martyrs of the ages have worn their coronation robes that have glistened with fire, yet through their tears and sorrow have seen the gates of heaven. (~Chapin)
I will know by the gleam and glitter
Of the golden chain you wear,
By your heart’s calm strength in loving,
Of the fire you have had to bear.
Beat on, true heart, forever;
Shine bright, strong golden chain;
And bless the cleansing fire
And the furnace of living pain!
~ Adelaide Proctor"'
Excerpted with permission from Streams in the Desert by L. B. E. Cowman, copyright Zondervan. By your heart’s calm strength in loving,
Of the fire you have had to bear.
Beat on, true heart, forever;
Shine bright, strong golden chain;
And bless the cleansing fire
And the furnace of living pain!
~ Adelaide Proctor
Excerpted with permission from Streams in the Desert by L. B. E. Cowman, copyright Zondervan.
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verynerdybitch · 11 months
hear me out |fanfic below
alright so we all know that there is some disourse/confusion of who canonically/ fanon are philzas children and the connection with mumza in dsmp lore so hear me out with this fic below... (if your not intrested dont keep reading) TW the fic has mentions of gore, blood, death, murder, memory loss, and other stuff that may be triggering so be warned! but other then that its fine for any age
it’s hasent been read over or edited any really also idk the count but it’s kind of long lmao
The bastion stood before him. the bubbling lava provided a warm glow along his long black feathers as he flew around the blackstone bricks. He had been scouting this one for a long time as he prepared to mine through the nether rack into the fortress. He could already hear the snorts and murmurs of the piglins inside. Carefully he equipped a pair of handsome golden boots. Soon he enter the prison, sword in hand. He looked around before he headed deeper into the camp. He then saw his first guard and took him out from a distance. He wiped the extra blood from his brow. (Careful to leave some for his blade). And with this first kill she was summoned. The goddess of death. Silently she floated aross the realms down to the netherworld. Carefully she collected the soul of the guard. as she placed a kiss apon his brow his spirt was transformed into a beautiful black crow. She had heard of the warrior who had claimed his soul before. Although they had never meet one on one before she had admired him from a distance. Part of her wishing for her to claim him as one of her feathered guardens, others deep down knew that it wouldn’t be likely as they had been in their dance of life and death for centuries. Meanwhile he had began to loot the chest of the prison, careful to not fall into the many lava filled cracks as he gently hovered with his large wings. But as he began to examine a large golden blade over his shoulder he saw a larger piglin. She had adorned a large golden crown, adorned with bright emeralds. And within a breath and the lift of a crossbow she was down. Unlike the guard this alerted a variety of piglin folks within the vicinity and more lives had been claimed. Just as she had before she gone over to each of the blooded bodies to claim them. Until she reached the royal. As she claimed her, she saw a small piglin son. Underneath his fallen mother he shivered as he gazed at the large godly woman. “ oh dear” of course she had dealt with the souls of parents and their living children something about this one was different as he glazed at her. His eyes glazed, one with a small scar above his eye . “Come with me little one” her arm stretched for him. He looked at his mother, then the goddess. Quickly he collected his mothers fallen crown from before her before giving her one last glance before she took the hand of the goddess. Although she was familiar with the warriors blood lust she was also Familiar of his fatherly tendency. She guided him closer to the warrior as the royal mother’s phantom followed behind to the crows beconing. “Hello Philza” she beconded, her voice echoed arose the plane. In a Swift turn he first raised his blade. But when he saw the goddess he had been stunned by her. “Greetings goddess” he bowed in his fashion to show his respects. “This soul..” she spoke as she claimed the aspersion to her crow army. “I don’t normally do this but… this one feels different.” She spoke as she peared down at the child. “Goddess?” He spoke. “Please Phil call me Kristen”.
Follow for pt 2 :DD
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tome-of-zixiban · 2 years
The Artisan Butcher
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Standing before the hanging slab, The Artisan Butcher absentmindedly caresses his impeccably sharpened knives with a many-scarred hand as he awaits  the image to coalesce in his mind.  With unfocused eyes and shallow breaths he shapes the meat in his mind.  It's not so much about cutting the meat into consumable slabs.  It’s about releasing the art contained within.  It’s bringing dead flesh back to life. "Pork again."  He sighs.  He enjoys working with pork, it carries emotion better than almost all other meats.  It's just that he can’t but help yearn for a more divine medium.  "Oh, to work in true flesh," he muses, shuddering in pleasure at the thought.  He sighs again, shoulders slumping as he puts on a voluminous apron.  Working with these "lesser fleshes" is like asking Michelangelo to finger paint. Straightening swiftly, his knives flash with blinding precision. Fragments of fat and gristle and bone flicking in all directions.  The hanging slab of meat practically bows before his stainless steel will.  There is a godliness in working The Art, and usually whilst in the throes of carving his creations an electric thrill courses through him.  As of late, however, it has been...absent.  Not that his work has suffered for it, of course not.  His work is as beautiful as ever, and his patrons are always pleased. Each artist has a life's work, a Magnum Opus to call their own. And for him, the yearning for his masterpiece propels him towards the exploration of taboo mediums, an ambition that crusades deep into the very marrow of his soul. As another customer enters, the Artisan's gaze inadvertently follows the graceful curves of the musculature of her arms as she steadies the weighty parcels of her purchases. His eyes flash, detecting…  something lurking beneath her skin, something that yearns to be released. This woman is a prime example of pliable flesh, someone who's lived a life of luxury and excess as he's observed during his deliveries to her estate. All his customers are of the same ilk. One must possess a certain degree of influence to acquire his exceptional wares, whether they be of monetary difficulty or of a more esoteric nature.
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evicted-oc · 2 years
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ஓ๑ Loki the god of mischief, trickery, and deception ๑ஓ
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═════════ஓ๑ Godly Information ๑ஓ═════════
ஓ๑ He's a god in Norse mythology who is known to change his appearance and sex
ஓ๑ He needs to mess with people to keep his energy up
ஓ๑ Trouble seems to follow him around and he welcomes it
ஓ๑ He is technically a frost giant, but Odin adopted him so now he's considered a god
ஓ๑ As a god, he has many magical abilities
══ஓ๑ Astral Projection
════ஓ๑ Can talk to people from afar without being present
══ஓ๑ Shape shifting
════ஓ๑ Can turn into anything or anyone, including changing into the opposite sex
══ஓ๑ Telekinesis
════ஓ๑ Can control objects with his mind
══ஓ๑ Molecular Rearrangement
════ஓ๑ Can turn anything into anything else
══ஓ๑ Energy Blasts
════ஓ๑ Can release a strong blast of energy to a specific target
══ஓ๑ Levitation
════ஓ๑ Can lift himself, someone else, or objects
══ஓ๑ Conjuration
════ஓ๑ Can form items out of thin air
══ஓ๑ Cryokinesis
════ஓ๑ Can manipulate and control ice
══ஓ๑ Teleportation
════ஓ๑ Can teleport over short distances, disappears and reappears in a green flame
ஓ๑ Unfortunately, due to him being sent to earth to live amongst the Midgaurds, he is not able to freely use his powers. Each of them make him very tired after too much usage. The only two he can use freely are Astral projection, and levitation
═════════ஓ๑ Godly Appearance ๑ஓ═════════
ஓ๑ Blonde, braided hair and green eyes
ஓ๑ Very thin and is 6'3 | 190 cm
ஓ๑ Has pale and see through skin, but is a light blue in giant form
ஓ๑ Has scars on his lips from them being sewn shut and then ripped open
ஓ๑ Tends to shape shift himself into what is considered handsome depending where in the world he's in
════════ஓ๑ Midguard Appearance ๑ஓ════════
ஓ๑ Natural black hair but bleaches it to platinum cool blonde, green eyes
ஓ๑ Very thin and is 5'6 | 167 cm | 23 years old
ஓ๑ Pale, but slightly more tan compared to his god form and is covered in tattoos from collarbones down to his hips
ஓ๑ One scar that starts just above his right cupids bow and goes down to just under his bottom lip
ஓ๑ Has a very thick Scottish accent
ஓ๑ He has to earn money somehow on earth, so he joined a well known band. He is the lead guitarist. He also does acting on the side
ஓ๑ He likes to wear darker clothing and prefers to show off some skin
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════════════ஓ๑ Personality ๑ஓ════════════
ஓ๑ Mischievous, sassy, chaotic, self confident, playful, reckless, clever, horny, smart, greedy
ஓ๑ Dispite those rather harsh words, he is very loving, charming, and charismatic
ஓ๑ He has very devious antics
ஓ๑ Loves to irritate people for no reason
ஓ๑ Likes to stab his brother just because he wants to
ஓ๑ He wants to do his own thing even if he's walking to his own doom
ஓ๑ He isn't exactly evil or good. He vibes in the middle and causes his own chaos
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═══════════ஓ๑ Preferences ๑ஓ═══════════
ஓ๑ Likes
══ஓ๑ Playing guitar, acting, listening to music, attention, annoying Donn (and his other partners), snakes, taking candy from kids, praise, winning, power, chaos, talking, getting what he wants, sweets
ஓ๑ Dislikes
══ஓ๑ Being told no, not getting his way, weakness, being sassed at, questioning his power, lightening, thunder, the gym
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═════════════ஓ๑ Nsfw ๑ஓ═════════════
ஓ๑ Extremely bratty and demanding sub
ஓ๑ He is used to subbing as Donn prefers to dom
ஓ๑ Kinks
══ஓ๑ Public | his favorite, breeding | receiving, punishment | receiving, marking | giving + receiving, size, hosiery, breath play | receiving, spanking | giving + receiving, exhibitionism, BDSM, edging | giving + receiving, blood play | receiving, free use, fisting | receiving, face sitting | giving
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═══════════ஓ๑ Relationships ๑ஓ═══════════
ஓ๑ Bisexual | Polyamorous
ஓ๑ Dating
══ஓ๑ Donn | ♡ 12 ♡ 17 ♡ 2019 ♡
══ஓ๑ @romeochen | ♡ 4 ♡ 23 ♡ 2023
══ஓ๑ Will date 2 more people with Donn | 1/2
══ஓ๑ Will date up to 3 more people | 0/3
ஓ๑ Friends
══ஓ๑ Thor | Brother
══ஓ๑ Hœnir | Bestie
══ஓ๑ Morrigan | Close friends
ஓ๑ Pets
══ஓ๑ Nugget | Corgi Puppy
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