#and see Ardyn and go OH NO HES HOT
Newly Separated: Noctis Caelum x Reader
Almost as if you yourself were actually hollow, that’s how bad it was.
You felt no emotion, mainly because you didn’t know how to process information like this. You didn’t know whether to be sad, to be angry, to be confused.
You sat there on your couch, staring at the television, eyes glued no longer to the live footage of the Citadel in all of its royal glory, but to the latest news headline.
You had just turned on the local news to see what the weather would be like tonight as Noctis had promised you that he would take you out as he had been busy with boring council meetings and pointless calls on complete bullshit. You didn’t blame him though, he was the prince, he would be taking up the throne soon, he was stressed and he would be shoved and pulled into calls and meetings all the time. You knew what you were signing up for when you agreed on dating Noctis.
You knew it even more when he had proposed to you nearly a year and a half ago.
Oh Gods.
You suddenly felt sick to your stomach. You felt your throat squeezing tightly, it was suddenly too hard to breathe. You felt like you were going to faint and… was it suddenly too hot in here?
With swaying vision, you kept rereading the headlines, the news broadcasters quickly rambling on what was happening on the live footage.
‘Prince Noctis Lucis Caelum to wed Lady Lunafreya Nox Fleuret.’
It was a peace treaty, something Regis himself couldn’t back his kingdom out of. You could see the look of pain on his face in the few shots of him the news had captured, Noctis looking even worse.
You couldn’t help but fiddle with the engagement ring still on your fing-
The ring.
You felt as though you were suddenly punched in the gut. You tore your eyes away from the television screen to look down at the ring on your finger.
Pure sparkling silver engraved with swirls and spirals with the brightest and clearest sapphires and diamonds you have ever seen. It was something out of a fairy tale, it was so beautiful.
You suddenly felt disgusting wearing it, like you weren’t worthy to wear it.
It’s because you’re not.
You felt like you were going to vomit from dizzying this whole situation was. Chills ran down your spine like icy fingers, a frozen ball sat deep in your gut. You couldn’t breathe. Your hand that adorned the engagement ring had suddenly grown too heavy as though your ring finger had suddenly turned to heavy lead.
Your breath had started to shudder, your vision started to blur with tears.
It was all starting to settle in now, the whole situation now starting to sink into your mind that now felt like shattering glass.
With trembling fingers, you slid the engagement ring off and set it on the coffee table in front of you where you watched it for maybe another few minutes, allowing tears to fall as you silently cried to yourself in your mind. No matter what you wanted to do, you couldn’t find any drive to open your mouth and sob and wail. Instead, tears were blinked away, they trailed down your cheeks and soaked into your bottoms before the television had suddenly distracted you once again.
“We’ve just received word that Prince Noctis was asked his opinion on the established peace treaty with Niflheim,” the male reporter stated in his usual monotone drawl.
Instead, the front steps of the Citadel remained empty. Noctis did not step foot outside to face the crowd.
What was he going to do? What would he say? He’ll give up the safety of his people for a commoner with no trace of royal blood?
Instead, the reporters stood in shock as Noctis never left the Citadel doors to address them. Not even Ignis nor Regis stepped outside.
Instead, an official from Niflheim had stepped out, a man with wine red hair and the creepiest grin on his aged face. You could feel horrible energy through your television just from looking at him, only to be revealed as the High Chancellor of Niflheim himself: Ardyn Izunia.
You didn’t listen to his cheshire voice spew out curdled words, instead opting to mute the television altogether.
And that was when you heard your phone blowing up from its spot on the charger in the kitchen. You didn’t have the energy to get up, but you had somehow willed your legs to push you up from the sofa and stumbled out into the kitchen, tossing the charger away and squinting at how bright your phone suddenly became with spams of text messages from multiple people; Gladio, Prompto, Ignis, Nyx and… Noctis…
You tore apart every text message.
Prompto was apologetic, offering comfort and fun times.
Gladio and Nyx were both offering help, offering to help you grieve with things to take your mind off this.
Ignis was level-headed and patient, promising you to help you heal and explain everything to you when the time was right.
And Noctis, you only got one message from him:
'Stay where you are. I’m coming.’
You suddenly looked back to the television with red and swollen eyes, mouth slacking as it clicked in your head.
Noctis didn’t come out the front, he snuck through the back like you both did when you first started dating to avoid detection from Gladio and Ignis as well as his father.
You went back to stand in front of the television, watching with a weird feeling in your gut as time ticked by faster than you expected.
You were suddenly startled out of your trance with the news station when the front door of your shared apartment swung open to reveal Noctis standing there.
He was out of breath, hair a complete mess from running his hands through it when stressed, eyes pink from crying and nose still a little red.
You both found yourselves embracing each other tightly as if the other would fade out of existence. Your legs had crumpled, knees collapsing to the floor as you both clawed at each others clothing. Noctis was trembling under your grasp, but you didn’t know if he was shaking with rage or out of grief.
“I’m so sorry,” he mourned into your shoulder. “I’m so sorry I couldn’t stop this.”
Your shoulder by this point was soaked with tears, your shirt now stretched out due to him grabbing two fistfuls and pulling.
“It’s okay,” you sniffled, scratching at the back of his neck gently. “It’s okay, we’ll figure something out,” you mumbled by his ear.
“Please,” he somehow tugged you closer despite there being no pocket of space between the two of you anymore, “I can’t lose you. I can’t (Y/n).”
“It’s all going to be okay,” you whimpered into his jacket.
But just like back in the good days where you would sneak through, Ignis would always be the one to catch you.
You saw his lean figure in the doorway, the advisor looking as though he had shed a few tears on his way to fetch the prince from the loss of your engagement to Noctis. But seeing how Noctis was clinging to you had Ignis back off, deciding it was best to wait as he couldn’t bear tearing him away from the one person that made him the happiest.
So you sat there in your shared apartment, Noctis’ dry sobs the only sound in your ear as you rocked him in your arms, fearing this would be the last time you would see your true love.
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savage-rhi · 1 year
Oh! I've got another one “you’re so cute when you’re half asleep.” Ha, from Ardyn, who else. I'm so in love with characters sharing cute little moments in the morning...like.. It's probably one of my favorite tropes
@sillylittlevulpine Hey, me too! Those kind of moments really hit the feels, don't they? Here ya go and happy Ardyn day!
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Ardyn sighed through his nose while his eyes adjusted to the first rays of the sun coming over the large mountains of Niflheim. He could feel the morning air gently flow downwind, casting its cold touch upon his skin that was exposed. The dewy smell that permeated the woods was relaxing, and nearly coaxed Ardyn into going back to sleep. Had it not been for the rough texture of the tree his back was upon, he would've done just that.
A shiver went down Ardyn's spine as his tired gaze looked around. Now that his consciousness was more aroused, he was at first startled as to why he had been slumbering outside. That's when he registered the weight that was on his chest, making his breath uneven. His amber eyes glanced downward, watching Y/N sleep against his chest, their body curled up underneath his large coat. 
Memories from the night began to play in Ardyn’s head. He remembered the scourge flaring inside of his chest back at his chambers in Gralea. How his body felt so hot to the touch that he needed to step outside. The million souls and their stories that dwelled within Ardyn clamored for attention, piling upon each other like grains of sand attempting to make a hill. The scourge cursed him with a sensory overload that would’ve made most men crumble into ash. 
Though Ardyn remained standing, his reality was bending in and out of time. One moment, he  was at his residence. He blinked. Now he was on the streets of the capitol, barely a soul strode by him. Ardyn blinked. He was before a crowd of thousands, strung up before the public while from afar a high priest of the gods proclaimed him sinful. He blinked. Ardyn was running. He felt a terrible wave of panic slam into his nerves. His heart thundered in his chest, and he blinked again, and again. Each time a new set of characters and worlds greeted him. Little frightened Ardyn, but when the scourge gained enough momentum to try and break free from its prison, the darkness came with vengeance; trying to psych him out to where he’d give up control. 
That’s when at some point in his manic running, did Ardyn bump into Y/N, his personal help. The only person outside of Verstael and the emperor that truly knew what he was, that knew he couldn’t afford to be seen in public daemonified. Y/N dropped whatever errand they were on, and spent half the night trying to wrangle him. Ardyn recalled it had been an tense affair both physically and emotionally. He was surprised that he didn’t murder them. 
Somehow both of them stumbled into the woods along Niflheim’s outer rim. Ardyn’s body finally gave out, and he fell to his knees underneath the tree where he would eventually sleep. He screamed and yelled. His hands ripping grass apart and his fingers dug into the ground while he pounded the earth. Rage covered the deep sadness that was lurking closeby as another onslaught of memories from 2,000 years ago plummeted into his skull. He couldn’t handle it. He couldn’t see the future or the past, but a mess of everything and nothing. 
Ardyn snarled obscenities and threats at Y/N when they caught up to him. He attempted to shove them away, and push Y/N back when they ventured too close. Nonetheless, they persisted approaching him. Ardyn found himself squirming under Y/N’s touch, trying to rip away from them.  Exhausted pleads of ‘no’ burst from his mouth, until he succumbed and fell against Y/N. 
Carefully, Y/N dragged Ardyn to the base of the large tree and propped him up. They didn’t say a word to him while Ardyn closed his eyes and attempted to take back control of the scourge. The silence lasted for hours, until Y/N asked if he was alright after his breathing became even once again. From there, conversations about the mundane took place. Neither of them wanting to address the elephant that had just stampeded and destroyed the room. 
There was a mutual understanding that spoke through both Ardyn’s and Y/N’s eyes while they acknowledged the other; a wordless promise that both of them would be safe. The conversation evolved into musings, and then into intimate ponderings. Ardyn wasn’t sure when, but at some point Y/N complained about being cold and he took off his coat and handed it over. The rest was history. 
In the present, Ardyn leaned his head against Y/N’s while his right hand tiredly stroked through their hair. He normally wasn’t one to indulge in touch, finding the sentimentality to be a nuisance especially when he couldn’t afford connecting with anybody due to his fate. However, Ardyn felt he owed Y/N this acknowledgement; letting them know he valued what they had done but without saying a word. 
Ardyn felt Y/N begin to stir in their sleep. Their head tilted upward, eyes squinting open to barely make out his complexion.
“Hello.” Y/N croaked. 
“Good morning.”  A smile tugged Ardyn’s lips though his eyes remained neutral and wearied. 
“Heavy night last night?” Y/N teased.
“It was quite eventful. I think I’ve had my share of fun for a while. Wouldn’t you agree?” 
“Hmm hmm,” Y/N nodded then made a face at him. “I’m never chasing you down again if you have a panic attack.” 
Ardyn snorted, knowing his experience was anything but that. He was humored nevertheless. He let out a content sigh while his amber eyes combed over Y/N’s face. A mischievous smirk played his lips. 
“That’s a shame, because I’ve discovered something about you that I admire.” 
“What’s that?” Y/N yawned. 
“You’re so cute when you’re half asleep.” 
“I’m getting up now.” 
“You do that.” Ardyn grinned, chuckling while Y/N’s expression remained unimpressed with his sincere comment. He loved pressing their buttons, seeing where he could get them to crack. As Y/N’s body left his, Ardyn couldn’t help but furrow his brows. He’d never admit it aloud but he was already missing the contact. 
Y/N, now sitting criss cross beside him glanced over his face. “Are you okay?” 
“No,” Ardyn murmured. He nervously glanced between Y/N and his chest before leaning forward and away from the tree. He closed his eyes briefly, trying to keep himself grounded. 
“But I will be,” Ardyn turned his head to Y/N. “And you?” 
A contemplative look crossed Y/N’s features then they smiled, shaking their head as a playful huff left them. “I’m going to need a lot of therapy after last night if I’m being honest.” 
“I don’t mind footing the bill on your behalf,” Ardyn mused. His eyes lit up hearing Y/N laugh. “It’s not everyday one contends with the Adagium and his woes. You didn’t sign up for that when you came under my charge.” 
Y/N smiled sadly at his latter remark. “For what it’s worth, I’m glad I found you before it got worse.” 
“I could’ve killed you.” 
“But you didn’t.” 
Ardyn’s eyes locked with Y/N’s then. Like last night, there was the wordless promise: that he was safe with them as much as they were safe with him. The concern and care Y/N had shown throughout this ordeal reminded Ardyn of someone he once knew. A person who went above and beyond for others to their own detriment. Such contemplation was sure to set a dangerous precidence, but Ardyn was too tired to care. 
“What are you looking at?” Y/N asked curiously. Their gaze shyly averting every so often as Ardyn’s eyes never left them. 
“Myself,” Ardyn said softly. “Once upon a time…” 
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ronkeyroo · 2 years
Know what I think is both sad and hilarious? If Verstael hadn't set Ardyn on the path of vengeance as well as absorb Infrit's memories.....he could have been a 2,000 year old hottie just roaming the world with the expression of "i'm so done with this shit". Just this cocktail of depression and a slight lack of empathy with a dash of "fuck off".
Like, "Oh, YOU think you go it bad?! Yes, tell me how you were literally backstabbed back your own brother who also killed your fiance and then turned everyone your ever helped against you to the point they threw rocks and crap at you before being dragged off onto an island where you were left in total isolation for CENTURIES only to be rescued by this short little blond shit speaking gibberish who won't stop poking and proding you in the name of science and war?"
"That's what I thought." The proceeds to just down a bottle of wine before going out to sleep in his car.
He'd be that cynical uncle who has ptsd, depression, and conspiracy theories. Which is ultimately sad and just horrible but like...can you imagine the dialog with other people?!? 😂 Just this whole attitude of, "Oh we're in an apocalypse? Shiiit, drink up and smoke 'em it you got 'em. This is going to be one hell of a ride."
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Dude his past hurt and resonated with me so fucking much, im still heartbroken. He's been through such unjust shit,,i want to give him everything from the life that was stolen from him to therapy and self care and the meanest- heart cleansing bj for real
i CRINGED SO BADLY when Verst' found him, tortured and alone, after all those years, and literally used Ardyn's pain against him like that. Like If i were Ardyn, i'd still be hot on revenge even if i wasnt manipulated into it, especially after the unforgivable shit somnus pulled out of his ass, but verstael just threw gasoline in those wounds man. Motherfucker literally used him as a weapon for his own gain and I wish someone better was there to find him first...Imagine the POTENTIAL, muah, delicious.
This HC of Ardyn you shared with me is SO well fleshed out and accurate to his character that i can see it ANIMATED and HEAR IT IN HIS VOICE HGGHFNF. Like imagine that half drunk, half spiteful chug of wine at the end of his rant followed by a tipsy head tilt and a dissatisfied, squinting glare before turning away with a "hmph". UGH i love him. I love him in any way. I love him when he's trash jesus and when hes hobo man. Its awful that he suffers in like most of those AU's but i will love him through it all ANYWAYS.
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strangefellows · 2 years
Two different fandoms and I know in general but I'm curious about the details, Cu and Emet?
First impression
Emet: God my reaction was basically OH GOD, NO when he popped up the first time because I'd been so burned by Ardyn's treatment and how he was mishandled in XV, and Emet giving me Ardyn vibes nearly immediately triggered my panic button of NO I DON'T WANT THIS AGAIN. I did NOT want to like him and get fucked over again.
Cu: Hot! Hot guy! Oh, Cu Chulainn, I know him! He's my dad's favorite myth hero! My dad and I watched UBW together, so he was pretty hyped to see Cu, and though at the time I didn't know as much about him, I thought he looked pretty cool and I'm a nut for Irish/Celtic mythos, so I was intrigued.
Impression now
Emet: MY LOVE MY DARLING, YOU BASTARD MAN. I can tell you the exact moment I gave in was in Amaurot, during Hyth's little speech about Emet when they had a nearly frame-by-frame perfect recreation of an Ardyn scene (the bit where Emet's walking down the street shot in dif angles) and it hit me that Ishikawa was not going to do me dirty like Tabata did, and I just went "oh okay I can safely love him". He's fantastic and one of my favorite FF characters now but also FUCK YOU FOR LEAVING YOU ABSOLUTE BITCHLORD
Cu: I LOVE HIM SO MUCH [sobbing] his interactions with Rin and Shirou in UBW were what sold me on him completely, he was just so warm and friendly and teasing, and so clearly a loyal badass, and his death scene absolutely destroyed my ass, and then I read about myth Cu and screamed a bit because he's SO COOL, and then FGO ruined me further. He's incredible.
Favorite moment
Emet: "You've committed the cardinal sin of boring me." is one of them for sure, but also Literally Everything In Elpis. The moment when you go in as a DPS and this motherfucker is a DRK.
Cu: Absolutely destroying Kirei in UBW, CasCu wrecking Corrupted Emiya's shit in the Fuyuki Singularity anime, every single time in my FGO file this absolute Irish cockroach has been my last man standing and saved the entire fight for me singlehandedly, my love my darling.
Idea for a story
Emet: YOU SHOULD HAVE STAYED YOU BITCH; anything like that I guess, but also let me see more past shenanigans.
Cu: God, IDK, myth stuff? Chaldea shenanigans? Let this man have a damn nap?
Unpopular opinion
Emet: ....I'm not sure what's unpopular or not anymore? It's hard to say.
Cu: I absolutely fucking despise the "Oh no, you killed Cu!" joke, it's not funny, mildly insulting frankly, and it needs to knock it off. He has plenty of comedic potential without him needing to be lol-murdered every five minutes. The comedic abuse angle is awful. (On a less salty note, I don't ship Cu and Emiya, though yall do yall XD)
Favorite relationship
Emet: EmetAzemHyth OT3, obviously! Though Emet and non-Azem WoLs is fun to explore too, his relationship with them.
Cu: Besides how much I fucking adore the BFF relationship I've written between him and my Fujimaru? ALL ABOARD THE GOOD DINGHY SS CUROBIN!!!! Though CuGil is a fun secondary ship, and like I said for Gil, the Cu+Gil+Emiya friendship trio is delightful.
Favorite headcanon
Emet: I like the idea he has some sentimental feelings towards the Garlean Empire (its people specifically) despite everything, and it would kinda break his heart to see it as of EW.
Cu: Trans Cu thanks very much. Also I headcanon a VERY DIFFERENT version of events regarding Aife and Connla's conception that I won't talk about here, but I do prefer my version given Cu's stated personality. (Also I like thinking he was actually pretty loyal to Emer despite the flirting, he doesn't seem the type to actively cheat, regardless of what's said his personality doesn't to me seem the type.)
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x-nephophile-x · 2 years
Look I see your thirsty tags and I love them.
Ardyn lives in my brain rent-free, and I am physically ill if I look at him too long. It's been four years. Y e a r s. This man shouldn't have the effect he has on me after four years but somehow, I am sitting here grinning like an idiot making heart eyes at my screen anytime he appears. S e n d h e l p! :D <3
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berrydoodleoo · 3 years
spring is in the world
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Title from ‘since feeling is first’. Chosen with Luna in mind, who in this AU has defied her fate and is no longer confined to parentheses. Read more about the art here, or have a short fic instead:
In hindsight, she shouldn’t have assumed things were going as well as they seemed. She had no great experience in taking lovers, after all, having devoted most of her thirty-odd years to fighting the Scourge in one form or another. She had lost so much time, first to her injuries after Altissa and the coma that had swallowed her for years, and then to the terrible fear and lethargy that gripped her once Ardyn was dead and her purpose in life (seemingly) fulfilled.
Not to mention that Noctis and Prompto were Lucian, whose upper-classes still ascribed to all sorts of prescriptive rules about romance and marriage. She should have been more vigilant -- Prompto in particular still regarded Noct and the sunlit world with nervousness bordering on dread, as if they might be ripped away from him at any moment. So what if she had danced with Noctis and Prompto at the ball held for the New Dawn’s first anniversary last week? So what if she had kissed Noctis outside her room, when he very courteously escorted her to her quarters? So what if Prompto had given her a gift of watercolor paints and cold-pressed paper at breakfast, asking with a flirty smirk if she had a model for her newest painting?
And most of all -- so what if they had made plans to celebrate Noctis’ birthday with a trip outside the city, where they would sleep (hopefully together) beneath the stars (her first test of her new resolve to walk in the dark without fear). So what? They hadn’t said anything out loud, hadn’t made any promises. She shouldn’t have assumed. She should never assume. It was such a terrible risk, forgetting to be afraid. She should have known….
It’s when she lays her hand over his, resting on Noctis’ chest, that she realizes they’ve been having two separate conversations. “He’s here to stay, Prompto,” she says, pressing gently. “I promise.”
“I know, I know.” Prompto clears his throat, forces a rough little laugh. “It’s not that.” He sniffs.
It gives her an ugly jolt to see him so distressed. They’d only been watching Noct sleep, praising his handsome features and planning how best to tease him when he awoke. Umbra is snoring cutely at Noctis’ side and Pryna is probably still in the field, chasing butterflies. Everything had seemed perfect.
Prompto glances skittishly at her frown and then begins to babble. “I just, uh -- got used to checking, you know? Making sure he hadn’t stopped breathing or started bleeding inside or something. It’ll, uh.” He shakes his head, tries to pull his hand away. “It’ll be weird not being able to check, you know, but I won’t -- I mean, I know you two -- I won’t get in the way, I won’t make things difficult, I promise--”
“Prompto,” Luna interrupts gently, struggling to follow. “I don’t understand what you’re--”
Prompto rakes his free hand over his eyes, smearing the hint of tears around. “You guys are gonna be great, you know?” He smiles bravely, props his head on his fist like they’re still chatting idly and he isn’t weeping openly. “You’ve waited for each other for so long. I guess destiny can be kind after all.” He tries to smile.
But he can’t keep the bleakness out of his eyes, and it’s clear that Prompto doesn’t believe any of this kindness has been reserved for him. “Prompto,” Luna bursts out, fumbling, confused, “are you -- breaking up with Noctis? Through me?”
Prompto recoils, or tries to; she still won’t let him get away. “O-of course not,” he stammers, “we weren’t -- I mean -- not really, we haven’t, not since -- he wouldn’t lie to you like that--”
Luna untangles this with some effort. “Do you mean you two aren’t together?” Confused, she reviews their interactions from the past few days, and then from the last time she saw them, after the final battle. “You haven’t been -- Prompto Argentum, you two haven’t been refraining because of me, have you?”
Prompto gapes at her. She gapes back.
“You have!” Astonished, Luna leans back to peer at the sky. “Why in the -- Prompto. Dear, dearest Prompto.” She checks on Noctis, in case their spirited conversation has woken him, but he sleeps on obliviously. She’ll have words with him later.
Prompto tries to sit up, retreat again, and this time Luna tugs him quite firmly back into place. “Don’t you dare,” she orders, and he freezes. “Prompto, you and Noctis love each other. You’ve been part of each other’s lives for so long, have supported and believed in one another through the worst of--” She finds she can’t find the words to continue, and tries again. “I would never, will never, seek to separate the two of you.”
Prompto’s lower lip is trembling. Luna starts to shift forward, cup his cheek, and then realizes such a gesture might be unwelcome. Dear gods, she has misread this. Such a fool she is. She’d thought--
“Quite the opposite,” she finally continues, quietly, despite the cold terror creeping through her veins. “So long as the two of you have one another, I may have peace in my heart, for I know that one good, true thing prevails.”
She blinks back a sudden flood of tears. Perhaps they don’t want her. Perhaps she doesn’t have a place with them after all. She wants her room, suddenly, her safe, prison-like room, where nothing joyful grows but nothing can hurt her, either.
“But you guys have been -- oh.” Prompto blinks rapidly, and then starts to redden. “Oh. Is this a, uh, Tenebrean thing? Like the triad thing? Oh man, is this what Iggy was trying to -- oh, man.”
Luna can’t help it; she bursts into damp, semi-hysterical giggles, despite the icy shake in her guts. Prompto smiles up at her blurrily, and then starts to laugh as well.
“Man,” he says again, suddenly beaming, eyes still tear-reddened. “He is gonna give me so much crap about this. I am literally never gonna live it down. Wow.” He takes a deep breath and squeezes her hand tenderly, overwhelmed. “Is this really -- you might have to -- I am really oblivious sometimes, but uh, I guess you know that now.” He laughs again, edged, at himself.
Luna starts to nod, changes to shaking her head, and then feels hot, wet tears dripping down her face. She’ll feel foolish later. Prompto sits up, and this time she lets him, because he’s moving to lean closer, cup her face and wipe her tears away.
“Luna,” he murmurs. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I misunderstood.” She presses his rough, large hands to her cheeks and feels herself crumple a little more. “No,” he continues. “No, please don’t cry. I can’t -- I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
Luna takes a deep breath. She isn’t been rejected. You aren’t being rejected, she reminds herself. “No, no,” she says wetly, “I shouldn’t have assumed--”
She stops herself. She’s making an effort to reprimand herself less these days. She is trying so hard to be better. And in a fight for blame, she suspects she and Prompto could go round and round until the sun went down and never came up again, but that isn’t what she wants. For either of them.
Luna takes a deep breath. She refuses to start their relationship in a spiral of apologies and self-blame. She doesn’t want that anymore. She wants to open the door to a rolling world of yellow suns and indigo skies and, eventually, gentle nights that fill her with wonder and comfort instead of fear. She wants to let go of the fear and her desperate need for control -- she wants to be free, a part of the world for the first time in her life.
So instead of berating herself, she grips his hands in hers and lets their combined grip rest against their (still sleeping, seriously, Noct?) king’s chest. Umbra is watching them with interest, she notes. And then she takes another breath.
“Prompto,” she says, falling back on an old, formal proposal from a romantic show she used to watch, as a teenager confined within Fenestala Manor. “Will you grant me the honor of your affection and presence, and keep a place for me in your heart?”
Prompto’s lovely eyes widen, full of hope and delight. Pure sunlight. He’s grinning and she’s breathless. All further words fly from her mind.
His fingers squeeze hers as he leans forward for a kiss, and then another, tentative turning into playful, his smile slotting sweetly against hers again and again. Blindly, her hands work themselves free to touch his cheeks, his throat, the rasp of his short beard. He retreats for a quick breath, tracing her lips with hot, hooded eyes, and then devours her mouth in a kiss that raises her onto her knees, toes curled and body tingling. Oh, oh, oh--
“Hey,” Noctis grumbles, exactly like a grumpy cat awoken from a nap. “Uh, did I miss something? I thought we were waiting till my birthday.”
Prompto gasps, wrenching away. “That’s what that’s all about?” he demands shrilly, and Luna bursts into giggles. “The camping trip? Oh my gods, Gladio’s gonna kill me--”
Noctis pushes himself up his elbows, squinting and scowling with the sun in his eyes. “What? You seriously didn’t know?” He sits up, absently guiding Luna to sit at his side in a way that makes her heart warm. “Thought you were kidding about that.”
“--never gonna hear the end of this, crap--”
Noctis looks to Luna, about to ask something -- probably ‘what on Eos is happening right now, I was only asleep for thirty minutes’ -- but then his expression changes and he makes a wise choice of priorities. “Uh, Luna? Pryna’s after the cheese again.”
Luna yelps and Pryna yips, betrayed, and the dog knocks the picnic basket over in her haste to escape her mistress, wedge of cheese clamped firmly in her jaws. Prompto dives to catch her -- “I’ve got her!” -- but he doesn’t. Noct fails to catch him and he lands on their legs, trapping them. Umbra runs in circles and barks for the sheer, chaotic joy of it. Pryna devours her stolen prize. And in the sunlit field, with her loves bickering and playing at her side, Lunafreya laughs until she cries for the first time in her life.
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chocobroness · 3 years
I love any au were Ardyns good and is a trash uncle to noct. But what about the bros? Can we have some headcanons of uncle (trashman) ardyn with the chocobros? Like does Ardyn just go "well I didn't realize I got the buy one get three free deal yet here I am".
Let’s see...
• He hadn’t been around for a year or so, when Noctis befriended Prompto and solidified his friendships with the other two.
• Not for any reason, he had simply felt he hadn’t irritated anyone as of late.
• Noctis never really bothered to mention his cryptid of an uncle.
• So when he DID come visit. It was to many questions.
• “Noct, since when did you have an UNCLE?!?”“Since always,Prompto.”
• Ardyn simply never stood a chance against his young nephew’s adorable friends.
• But he’s here for it.
• “You’re mine now.” “Uncle, No-“
• He would coo at them. His long life cementing their positions as literal infants in his mind.
• Don’t worry boys, Uncle Ardy’s got your back.
• He pops in at the most random of times. To give the boys something
• Ignis need coffee but is in a meeting? He’s by the door waiting for Iggy to notice him with a can of Ignis’ fave coffee piping hot.
• Noctis forgot his school lunch? Ardyn’ll randomly stick his head through the classroom window where Noct is seated and wave the lunch bag.
• Gladio needs to pick up his sword but is driving to the citadel and can’t stop by his house? Don’t ask how Ardyn got into the car Gladio. He won’t tell you.
• Prompto being bullied by customers at work?
• Ardyn is already calling Drautos for the inevitable body disposal.
• Cor hates when Ardyn does that.
• (Expect when Cor doesn’t.)
• Which is always when one of the bros are involved.
Prompto: I think Noct’s uncle killed a couple of customers at my job Cor!
Cor: Why?
Noctis, right behind Prompto: Well they were saying some bad things to Prompto when-
Cor: Oh, then that’s okay.
Prompto: WHAT.
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liveblog: kingsglaive final fantasy xv
some absolute king put the movie to the internet archive - thank you. of course, i hope i'm watching the right thing haha.
regis honestly just so -chefs kiss-
it's crazy how long the wall around Insomnia was up
love when the niffs fuck up a royal gathering
young ravus! love it
ravus yelling for regis to help them :(
wow this flashback is different than the one in the anime
luna's clothes are different
but the acitons are te same
so not that different
getting some lotr the two towers vibes from this battle scene and i'm here fo it
and i LOVE this dude's invisible power nice
nyx's voice sounds so familiar!
nyx: i'm worth the wait
loving him already
but i'm liking seeing the way all these warriors are interacting with each other. can definitely tell they've spent plenty of time in each other's pockets
oh the cerberus!! i really liked that entrance
oh wait, no, what fun daemon is this?????
in love with the way nyx is using the warp
now i can ask the question: where the fuck are they? clearly not in insomnia, unless this is set during noctis' rest? but it can't be since this is 12 yrs after lunafreya became a prisoner...
hm, it'll get explained to me
nyx is nothing without the king. please remember that nyx
hm, yes, we love king regis
an envoy from niflheim????
oh it's ardyn!!!!!
god, yes, yes, yes, we love ardyn
oh he's delicious i loe his grandstanding
oh he mentioned noctis, that's a no-no
oh??? ardyn proposed noctis and lunafreya to get married??
oh this is so fucking great wow thank you ardyn
hm so this one insomnia soldier doesn't like nyx, how nice
oh shit night life in insomnia??
whatever the music is is banging
i missed his name but the dude makes sense
but where did these kingsglaive soldiers come from if they're outsiders?
i love a strategic meeting
especially because of how you can see regis actually tremble from weakness
also, gotta say, it's amazing that regis has the strength to support the wall and the kingsglaive
hm regis accepted the truce
who the hell is clarus?? i know who he is, but more like where is he, so who is he in regis' little posse
commencing operation: infiltrate tenebrae
lunafreya looks GREAT
oh hello ravus
"whatt you believe does not concern me"
god, knowing what i know about ravus, it must've hurt him hearing his own sister call him a lap dog to the empire
they have cartoons????
going back a bit, wonder what was up with the van that crow saw. bit suspicious
mm what a sexy car
i fucking KNEW it was an audi
"what good will you be without the king's magic?"
oh that IS clarus okay
yo they really just came in and said "we'll take lunafreya thanks"
hm.. i have suspicious feelings about lunafreya
like maybe she's ardyn??
"my duty is my destiny, your majesty. i'm prepared to accept whatever my come to pass"
oh so crow's defintiely dead
i keep missing his name, but this dude is so torn up over crow's death he ripped off the kingsglaive insignia
hm, so the dude is going rougue, and wow, that was overheard by three other glaives
eve of the signing ceremony...
doesn't that mean that noctis and co have left already, actually?
yes, it must, because regis wanted freya to meet noctis
so, yes, the freya in insomnia is absolutely... not ardyn
crutch dude has now joined a rebel group - i just hope he did some vetting and isn't about to talk to niffs
who is that general in the armor?? hm, interesting
oof nyx with that round bubble butt
lunafreya is missing, how nice and convenient when the treaty signing is about the happen
regis ordered the kingsglaive to go save lunafreya, nice
god, one of regis's last acts as king :(
"for hearth" "and home"
that's actually a nice call and response
god, i'd love to be a legilimens so i could read regis' thoughts. he must know what this is probably gonna be his last day on eos
the hoods are very asassin's creed and i like that inspiration
hm what fun whisper was that to the niff ambassador
oh wait that dude is the niff emperor my bad
hm, yes, we love double talk
mm sexy kills yes
god, yes, the game's afoot!
octopus in teh airship? kinky
we love traitors
oh wow the crystal has been deactivated :(
honestly though, humungous props to niflheim for diong this. like this is a BRILLIANT politcal move, it really is
yes we fucking love regis and clarus fighting together!!
"then let us once more into the fray, old friend"
so sad the outcome though :(
ouch, clarus!!
"we have broken the wall. all that remains is the break the city"
100% correct emperor
nyx is so exasperated by lunafreya
yeah this dude in the vest - like he thought he was gonna somehow be great under niff rule??
oh hello there ravus
ravus put on the ring and, hm, he wasn't found worhty
nyx is fighting the super souped up general
and it JUST occured to me that the reason why nyx sparks when he uses magic is because it's not his
so this is how luna got the ring okay
we love parallels
regis's last stand :(
oh so the crutch dude didn't do any vetting at all because he only found out that the other refugees were working with niflheim
slacking bro
but, now yo can do what you want and bring refugees into the city
idk why any one would that that niff would keep its word, but that's besides the point
hm, no airbags?
"true power is not something that is found by those who seek it. it is something that is found by those who deserve it."
crutch dude being called 'hero' = irony
haha this traitor put the ring on, idiot.
though lunafreya baited him a bit but i support that
wow this ring got passed around like a hot potato
nyx has been found wothy - until dawn
crutch dude's name is libertus
libertus threw away the pills, good job!
oh ehll yea the statues are moving!! i iked seeing that in thhe game
caught way caught up in watching the movvie
i absolutely loved the fighting. all the moving parts were done amazingly well and the effects and graphics were stunning
honestly a great fight. truly enjoyed that.
though, both libertus and luna know what nys is definitely come with morning's light, it's nice of them to be optimistic
luna doesn't fit in with the other people but separate paths yes
okay nyx was aaron paul, regis was sean bean
i knew nyx's voice was familiar
what a good movie! i really enjoyed that
love that it helps flesh out what happened prior to signing day, and also showed us how good the kingsglaives are in combat
i liked that everything was so tense and there weren't too many motivations for why people turned traitor or fighting - everything came down to fighting for home (minus niff as a whole but that's an empire so given)
also, liked seeing how the ring got passed around,and seeing ravus try it on, though it was told to us in game he had
overall, good! the backstory provided was great and really does help develop the game more
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penthepoet · 2 years
Persona 4 for the fandom asks! ^^
I'm gonna do Persona 4 and FFXV (because it's a current hyperfixation of mine)
Persona 4
5 favorite characters: - Tohru Adachi - Ryotaro Dojima - Nanako Dojima
- Taro Namatame - Margaret
3 OTPs:
I suppose Souyo?
hmmmm. Kanjinao but in a queer way
Funniest character:
Tohru Adachi, for the sheer pathetic little meow meow vibes he's got going on for the first half of the game.
Prettiest character:
Look, I'm just saying, Margaret Pretty.
Most badass character:
People need to give more credit to Dojima for holding up the way he did, but I'd also say Yu Narukami, for dealing with everything and still finding the strength to step away from the community he'd fallen so dearly in love with at the end of things.
Character I’d like as my BFF:
Nanako would give me a cup of soup and ask me to ramble about my characters to her, and that is why I love her.
Character that’s ruined my life:
Tohru Adachi made me write 75k words of sheer concentrated autistic brainrot in the form of Jester, Meet Your Son, The Moon, so we're blaming him.
Final Fantasy XV
5 favorite characters:
Love of the lords, Ardyn Izunia owns my soul. The flamboyancy. The VERVE. The anger so deep it almost expresses itself as a lust. His fucking tremendous voice acting by Darin de Paul. That motherfucker had me by the tongue from the moment he first strutted on screen. He is the legend. He is the moment. And by the gods, is he such a fantastic villain.
But Gladiolus Amicitia owns my heart. He's so deeply underrated by the fandom that I attached to him and decided I'd defend him to the death. He's such a sweet guy, and intelligent, and deeply good looking. And his flaws are hella fascinating to delve into.
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret is also very near and dear to my heart. The resolve she has to carry through the game's events is so intense, and she's so much more than the fandom likes to see her has. I hope she knows how much I care about her.
Noctis Lucis Caelum also really stands out as a fascinating protagonist who goes through so much well-done character development by the end of the game. Ray Chase adds so much dimension and depth to every voice line, bringing a sincerity to Noct's words in happiness and sadness that makes me truly root for him.
And then, of course, how could I forget Regis Lucis Caelum, the best dad. We don't get to see much of him, but I'm actually really fascinated in the past time he spent with his friends when he was younger, especially his friendship with Clarus, his royal bodyguard and Gladio's dad.
3 OTPs:
Gladio/Lunafreya/Ardyn is my peak ship out of every single other ship in FFXV, and the fact that it is a rarepair continually makes me cry.
Gladio/Lunafreya is also really good!! I think they both care for Noctis a ton, and would bond over that.
And Ardyn/Lunafreya, for the enemies to lovers dynamic.
Funniest character:
Each of the main four boys (Prompto, Ignis, Gladio and Noctis) get their moments of snark throughout the game, but it's Prompto that really does get me with some of the fuckin best lines. I can't help but snicker every time at him defending his selfie taking with "hashtag sorry not sorry!" or him dropping a hard curse when realizing Gladio's most likely off flirting with girls. It's so good and his voice actor, Robbie Daymond, knows just how to nail that comedic timing.
Prettiest character:
I need Gladio in ways that would get me censored by the Hays Code.
Seriously, his fucking eyes?? That scar??? It's just not fair! It's just not fair! He's so hot! He's so unspeakably pretty!!!!! Sir who allowed this?? Who allowed you to be like this!!!
Tumblr media
Ardyn is a close second, but man... come on. Nobody can beat that fucking look.
Most badass character:
Ardyn is badass as fuck for his abilities, the fact that he almost won, just so much about him. I won't go into detail because spoilers, but oh man... he really does earn this title handily.
Character I’d like as my BFF:
All of the Chocobros seem like they would be so fucking fun to hang out with and I'd take the chance to do so in a heartbeat.
Character that’s ruined my life:
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Book One: Gold (Prompto x Reader) Chapter VI
The next morning, (Y/n) wandered into the convenience store. She offered to do some shopping for the boys and stock up on supplies for their dangerous trip ahead. She looked around at the items on display, wondering what all she should buy with the gil Ignis gave her. While staring at a few potions on the shelves, memories from the past filled her mind. She remembered the time when they were only 12 and Prompto was living with his adoptive parents. They didn't know about her due to the blonde keeping her hidden in the gemstone whenever they were around.
When his parents went to work one day, they left a sick Prompto behind. She took it upon herself to take care of him while they were gone. She was forced to head to a nearby store for some medicine and was gone for almost an hour due to not being familiar with human remedies. By the time she got back, he was crying. Tears were streaming down his face as he wailed at the top of his lungs. A sniffle came from him every now and then. She learned he was crying because he couldn't find her and thought she'd left him for good. The spirit reassured him before showing him what she bought at the store to help with his cold.
Suddenly, (Y/n) was torn from her thoughts when Ardyn strolled over. She tried to ignore him, but it was futile when he blocked her from grabbing some potions. She kept calm and did her best to be nice. "May I squeeze by and get some potions?"
"Why, of course." He stepped aside. "My apologies, (Y/n)."
She grabbed a few potions and elixirs, ignoring the man when she noticed he was staring at her. She headed to the counter and paid for the items, but she was once again stopped by Ardyn when he blocked the entrance of the store. She looked up at his face, seeing his somewhat unsettling smile. "What?"
"I must say, young Prompto truly is fortunate to have you by his side," he said.
Her eyes narrowed. She wasn't sure what made him say such a thing. "And what brought this up?"
"A mere observation on my part, is all." He sighed dramatically. "Oh, if only Callyx was as dedicated."
"Maybe it's not him, but you. Now if you'll excuse me..." She pushes past him to exit the convenience store and returns to the caravan. She handed the curatives to Ignis, who thanked her.
Once they were all ready to ship out, they left the caravan. Noctis begrudgingly spoke with Ardyn inside the store to tell the man they were ready to leave. Callyx told (Y/n) she no longer had to ride with them before entering the red car alongside his auburn-haired man. The girl didn't complain and sat in between Gladio and Ignis in the backseat of the Regalia. Noctis started the engine once everyone was inside the car.
Like the day before, Noctis followed a safe distance behind Ardyn's car. After leaving Cauthess Coernix Station, Gladio glanced at their destination that loomed in the distance. "Whoever thought of tapping into the Meteor's power was a genius."
Prompto glanced at the Disc. "Can you even go near that thing?"
"They harvest fragments found nearby-pieces that broke off when the Meteor fell. Almost fell, I should say, for the Archaean caught it," Ignis explained.
"And he's still there, holding the thing up," Gladio added.
"Guess he never misses leg day," Noctis commented.
"Or any day for that matter," Prompto said.
"His unceasing toil and the Meteor's might form the tenets of worship for the locals of Duscae," the advisor stated.
"Makes you wonder what it's like down there at his feet," the shield voiced his thoughts out loud.
"Speaking of gods, that Callyx guy seems to know a lot about an Astral that's supposedly forgotten," Noctis said.
"It's possible Callyx has access to ancient texts that mention Brahma. He did tell me a little more about the seventh Astral," (Y/n) chimed in. "The creator god's consciousness resides within the Celestial Crescent."
"You mean that cluster of stars you told me about?" Prompto asked.
She nodded. "Yeah. Callyx even asked me if I was hearing voices coming from it."
"Are you?" Gladio inquired.
"Well..." She clasped her hands together in her lap. "I'm...not sure. I think I hear a voice, but I can't say for certain."
"Eh, don't worry about it, (Y/n)," Prompto said. "Let's tackle one all-mighty being before worrying about another."
"Couldn't agree more," Noctis stated.
Ignis, after a couple minutes of silence, spoke up and discussed another topic. "So you know, it's hot where we're going. Will the camera fare all right?"
Prompto lifted up his camera, examining the device. "As long as I avoid open flames, it should be okay. I think."
"We don't have a spare if it breaks," Gladio said.
"Leave it in the car?" Noctis suggested.
"Oh no, I'm taking it. Not every day you get up close and personal with the Archaean. I'd kick myself if I missed the photo op," Prompto replied.
"Spoken like a true photographer," the brute remarked.
"As they say, "Better to try and fail than never to try at all"."
Noctis grinned. "Look at you."
"Well, they say that, not me," the blonde said.
"Well, you just do what you gotta."
"But in all seriousness, try not to break it. It was expensive," (Y/n) chimed in.
"I'd never break it! It's very precious to me, especially since you're the one who bought it for me," Prompto stated.
"You bought it? With what money?" Gladio questioned, glancing at the girl sitting beside him.
"I used to work in a small boutique in Insomnia. It was run by a spirit like myself. I worked hard for every yen I spent on that camera." The guardian leaned back in her seat. "She was the first spirit I met. Callyx is the second."
"Wow. Are spirits really that rare?" Noctis asked.
"Yeah. It'll take some serious dedication on the empire's part if they want to wipe out all the spirits on Eos."
The group, once again, fell silent. Noctis kept his attention on road to ensure he wasn't too far or too close to Ardyn's car. Prompto glanced into the backseat at (Y/n) before looking towards Ignis. "Hey, Iggy. Can your glasses take the heat?"
At the mention of his glasses, the strategist adjusted them. "Well, I don't see why they shouldn't."
"Even if they couldn't, he'd still be all right," Noctis commented.
Gladio nodded in agreement. "Yeah, Iggy's eyes ain't that bad."
Prompto was flabbergasted at the news. "Oh, really?"
"My vision is passable without corrective lenses," Ignis explained.
"Then why not take 'em off sometimes?"
Noctis snorted with laughter. "You don't get it, huh?"
"Ignis likes his world to be crystal clear," the shield said.
"Indeed. I've never been one for ambiguity," the advisor claimed.
"Ah. I think I'm getting the picture now." Prompto sat back down, turning to face the front.
"What if they were to break? Do you have a spare pair?" (Y/n) questioned out of curiosity.
"I'm afraid not," the bespectacled man answered.
Drawing closer to the Disc of Cauthess, Prompto has one more question to ask the strategist. "Hey Ignis, how's it feel being away from the wheel?"
"Positively frightening," Ignis responded honestly.
Noctis glanced at him in the rear view mirror, eyes narrowed. "What're you sayin'?"
"That I'm no stranger to His Highness' driving habits."
"'Preciate the confidence."
"Wait," (Y/n) sat up slightly. "Is he really that bad of a driver?"
"Morosely, yes," Ignis replied.
"I mean, he can't be that bad...can he?"
"Trust us, short stuff, he's the worst driver you could ever meet," Gladio said.
"I'm not that bad!" Noctis shouted.
"But you admit you're bad," Prompto cackled.
The prince rolled his eyes. "Ugh..."
After another minute or two, they arrived at the Cauthess barricade. It was sealed tight with imperial troopers watching the perimeter. What shocked the group the most was the lack of hostility from the enemy soldiers.
"We're here," Ardyn chirped.
"Better not be a setup," Noctis commented.
The auburn-haired man glanced over at him. "Have I given you reason to doubt me?"
"You don't exactly inspire confidence," Prompto answered.
Gladio was in agreement with the blonde. "Yeah, not very straightforward."
"Neither of you are," (Y/n) mumbled, eyeing both men in the car beside the Regalia.
Ardyn looked away from the group and shouts over the wall. "Hello! It's me! Be so kind as to open up!"
At his lighthearted command, the gates open. Prompto gasped in shock at how easy it was for the man to gain access to the Disc. "Wow, that worked?"
"I may not look like much, but I do have some influence. Aren't you glad we came together? Your audience with divinity lies ahead."
"You're leaving?"
"I drop you at the Archaean's open door, and with that, bid you farewell."
As Noctis drives the Regalia through the open gates, (Y/n) spared one last glance toward the red car. Her golden eyes locked with Callyx's emerald ones for a split second before they were too far apart to see each other. Even with his stoic expression, she could sense something much more sinister under the surface.
"I've met some weirdos..." Gladio mumbled.
"I hope we never meet those two again," Ignis remarked.
"Whoa! Little harsh there, don't you think?" Prompto asked.
"There's something off about those two..." (Y/n) muttered.
"Glad we agree," Noctis said.
The prince continued to drive the car down the dirt path until they came to what appeared to be a dead end. The five hop out of the Regalia and located a narrow pathway to the side. They follow the path and eventually stumble upon a stone sarcophagus. Prompto recognizes the design and asked, "Is that what I think it is?"
"Didn't expect to find a royal tomb here," Ignis expresses his own bewilderment.
Gladio elbowed the prince. "Would be a shame not to grab that power, eh, Highness?"
"Let's grab it and go," Noctis blandly stated.
As the raven-haired boy walks up to the sarcophagus near the ledge, (Y/n) heard a voice again from above. It was the same one she heard yesterday. Looking up at the sky, her golden-slitted eyes focused on the Celestial Crescent. She felt as if someone had put her under a trance. Unconsciously, she walked forward a few steps and came to a halt when the disembodied voice addressed her.
"Are you...Brahma?" The girl whispered.
(Y/n) was still in a dream-like trance when the ground begins to shake dramatically. She managed to keep her balance while all the boys weren't so lucky. Prompto and Ignis fall down while Gladio and Noct just barely manage to keep themselves upright. "Here we go again," Prompto said, bracing himself.
"This one's huge!" Gladio bellowed over the loud rumbling.
That's when Ignis notices the ground beginning to crack underneath Gladio, Noctis, and (Y/n). "Get away! Quickly!"
The spirit's gaze was still locked on the sky. She failed to notice the danger and hear the painful cries of the prince as he was overcome by another headache. She reached out a hand towards the sky just as the ground beneath her feet crumbled. She gasped when feeling a plummeting sensation in her gut, snapping out of the trance as she began to fall. The sound of Prompto shouting her name echoed in her ears.
(Y/n) feared for her life, but her fall was short-lived. A hand wrapped around her wrist and ceased her quick descent. "I've gotcha!" Her savior shouted. Looking up, she saw it was Prompto who grabbed her.
"Prompto..." The guardian whispered.
"Just hold on!" He shouted. Using his strength, he struggled slightly to pull her up. When he managed to pull her up onto solid ground, he sighed in relief. "Whew... That was close." He wiped the few sweat droplets off his forehead before gazing towards the girl. "Are you okay, (Y/n)?"
"I'm fine thanks to you," she smiled.
Just then, the Meteor begins to rise before them, revealing Titan. The Astral who has been holding the chunk of space debris on his back for many years makes his presence known. Prompto and (Y/n) stared in awe and fear at the sight of the mighty god. They both flinched when the Archaean's booming voice resounded out.
"So this is Titan..." The guardian mumbled.
Prompto, remembering Noctis and Gladio had also fell, peers over the ledge to check on them. He shouts when seeing they were both on a lower ledge. "Noct! You okay?!"
Ignis stood by the blonde and was relieved to see the prince and his shield were in one piece. "Thank heavens you're safe. Is there a way back up?"
"No, but there's a path. Gonna see where it leads," Noctis replied.
"You three try to get down," Gladio said.
The strategist nodded. "Very well. We'll look for a way. Be careful, now."
"You, too," the prince retorted.
"What? We're going where?!" Prompto shrieked.
"No time to dawdle," Ignis spoke up. "We must make haste."
(Y/n) wandered a little ways from the crumbling ledge and spotted a narrow, rocky path nearby. She noticed it went out of the way, but it was the only route leading down. "What about this path?"
"It's our only option," the advisor said.
"Then down we go!" Prompto cheered.
The trio wandered down the path, watching where they stepped. It was narrow and littered with jagged stones. Prompto slipped a few times due to being distracted by the rumbling caused by the Archaean. Luckily, (Y/n) caught him every time he stumbled. She sighed when he nervously laughed and thanked her every time.
They continued to listen to the Astral slam his mighty stone fist into the cliffside. They weren't able to see what damage the Titan was causing, but they were able to deduce who he was trying to reach-Noctis.
Ignis, Prompto, and (Y/n) soon arrived at a dead end. They looked around for another path, but they couldn't find one. When they walked over to a cliff, they saw a path below. Carefully, they slid down the small rocky slope and land on the path. As their feet landed on the ground, they spotted the Archaean's fist strike across the way. Ignis ushered them to move quickly.
All of a sudden, (Y/n) heard a faint humming. She looked around before glancing upward. Flying overhead were imperial drop ships. Seeing the empire had arrived, Ignis pulled out his phone and tried to get ahold of Noctis. When he managed to get ahold of the prince, he was relieved. "You're safe. Good. Listen, imperial troopers are near."
Morosely, that was all the advisor got to safe before the signal was lost and the call dropped. "Bloody hell," he hissed, shoving his phone back into his pocket.
Prompto was about to ask Ignis about the call, but his attention was drawn to their left when he saw movement in his peripheral vision. "(Y/n), Iggy, we've got trouble!"
The advisor and spirit looked in the direction the blonde was. Their eyes widen when seeing Titan's open-palmed hand heading straight for them. The girl was the first to react. She shoved Ignis and Prompto to the ground just as the Astral tried to grab them.
When the Archaean's hand wrapped around (Y/n), she cried out in pain at how tight the god was gripping her. She could barely breath and only managed to gasp as Titan retracted his hand.
Prompto heard her painful wail and scurried to his feet. "(Y/n), no!" He summoned his pistol and aimed, but he was afraid of hurting her if he pulled the trigger and missed. He watched helplessly as she was dragged away by the god.
The guardian squirmed in Titan's grip. She lifted her head just as she realized she was at eye level with the Astral. She winced the moment the Archaean's booming voice echoed out. She couldn't understand what he was saying and could only stare into his eyes. Feeling the god's grip lighten, she gasped when she could breathe again.
Suddenly, her attention was drawn away from Titan when she heard the voice in the sky speak to her.
(Y/n) blinked in surprise. "Brahma, are you the one talking to me?"
You...are...my vessel...
She shook her head. "Please, don't choose me. I-I wouldn't even know what to do as the conduit! There's no way I could become your vessel!"
You are...worthy...
Child...of Pneuma...
Heed...my call...and do...my bidding...
Fear not...
I...shall...guide you...
(Y/n) gasped in pain, shouting at the top of her lungs when she felt an intense heat radiate in her chest. She clawed at her chest, the gemstone on her arm pulsating with a brilliant golden light. Blood trickled from her eyes and nose. She released one final bloodcurdling scream before falling unconscious. Her body went limp in the Archaean's hand.
Before the Astral could place the girl down, Noctis appeared out of thin air. He warped and struck the god's hand, forcing him to drop the guardian. The prince caught her and grabbed his sword. He warped them down to the ground near Titan's feet where Gladio, Ignis, and Prompto were waiting.
Once landing safely with (Y/n), that's when Noctis saw her bleeding eyes and nose. Prompto rushes over while Gladio and Ignis provide protection from the Astral. The blonde carefully took the girl's body out of the prince's arms and pulled her into his. His heart was racing with worry after seeing the blood and seeing she was unconscious. He quickly picked her up and carried her away from Titan as Noctis parries the god's fist. He gently placed her down on the ground, glancing between her and the others. Seeing they needed his help, he reluctantly left her side to rejoin the fight.
As the royal retinue continued to fight against the Archaean, more imperial drop ships arrived. The group was ready to deal with the empire, but they were relieved when Titan swatted away some of the ships before they could attack. With the imperials now disposed of, they continued to deal damage to the god.
Eventually, Noctis built up enough energy to activate the armiger. He dealt blow after blow before performing a joint attack with his companions. They dealt heavy damage, causing the Astral to lose his balance and fall to a single knee. After attacking, Ignis then hurls a Blizzard spell at the god's arm. "The game's up!"
Gladio and Prompto follow the advisor's lead and hurl yet more Blizzard spells at Titan's arm. "You're out!" The blonde shouted. The Archaean's left arm freezes from the elbow down.
"It's over!" Noctis swings his sword down into the arm, shattering it all the way up to the elbow. Titan then collapses. The prince turns around to face his friends. "Hey, we all still here?"
"Yep, still here," Gladio replied.
"If a little battered," Ignis added. "How is (Y/n)?"
Prompto gasped, eyes widening as he ran over to the girl. Noctis, Gladio, and Ignis stood behind the marksman as he tended to her. He fell to his knees beside her and used a potion. He wasn't sure if it would help, but he knew it wouldn't hurt to use one. Prompto cups her cheeks in his palms and wipes the blood off of them. He stared at her with a saddened expression. "(Y/n)...?"
He received no response.
Ignis checked on her and was able to tell she was physically fine on the outside. His only concerns were her bleeding nose and eyes, which could be a result of internal injuries. He assisted Prompto by helping him put the girl on his back. When seeing she was safely onto the sharpshooter's back, he stepped away.
Just then, the tremors resume. The ground shook violently. The group's gazes fell back on to Titan. "What-what is it now?" Noctis asked.
Ignis' eyes narrowed, watching the Astral closely. "What is he doing?"
"He's winding up!" Prompto shouted. His grip on (Y/n)'s thighs tighten and he took a few steps back, readying himself to run.
"For the big one!" Gladio bellowed.
Titan roars, his booming cry echoing all around the royal retinue. Gold lights begin to emanate from his body, some of which coalesce around Noctis, showing him the god's memory of Luna standing before the god. Once Luna fades, he watched another memory of the god fighting a cosmic being. Titan, although bigger than the cosmic being, fell to his knees after being defeated.
When the god's memory fades, Noctis blinks in surprise. "That was...Luna. You spoke with her. That's why... But what was with that other memory?"
Titan and the Meteor suddenly discorporate in a powerful flash that sends all the imperial ships in the vicinity crashing to the ground. Lava spews from the earth as the Disc of Cauthess crumbles around the boys.
"Doesn't get much worse than this," Gladio commented. The four find themselves trapped.
Suddenly, an imperial drop ship descends to their location. Ignis grew tense as the airship closed in on them. "The empire! Now?"
The drop ship's door lowers, revealing Ardyn and Callyx. The auburn-haired man smiled at them. "Fancy meeting you here!"
Noctis and the others stare at the two men in stunned silence. Callyx crosses his arms with a sigh. "Maybe they didn't hear you."
Ardyn continues. "It occurs to me I never formally introduced myself. Izunia. Ardyn Izunia."
Ignis was shocked at the revelation. "Imperial Chancellor Izunia?"
"At your service. And more importantly, to your aid."
None of the boys move, instead offering only uncertain stares. Prompto glared up at the two, remembering what the empire's plans were. He couldn't believe Callyx was working for the empire knowing they were hunting down and killing spirits.
"I guarantee your safe passage. Though you're always welcome to take your chances down there," Ardyn spoke up. He glanced around at the faces of the royal retinue after receiving no response. "Buried among the rubble, is it?"
Ignis looked away from the chancellor and guardian, eyeing the prince. "Dying here is not an option. We have no choice, Noct."
Noctis met his advisor's gaze. "I know."
Reluctantly, the boys board the airship. As the hatch closes behind them, Prompto placed (Y/n) down. He then sat down and pulled her body into his arms. He rested his head on top of hers, ignoring Ardyn as he tried to speak to the others. He closed his eyes, holding her tightly against him.
It wasn't long before Prompto's eyes flew open at the sound of approaching footsteps. Looking up, he saw Callyx and glared at him. He watched the emerald-eyed guardian kneel in front of him. The moment he tried to touch (Y/n), Prompto summoned his pistol and aimed it at the man's head. "Don't touch her."
Callyx retracted his hand before raising it as a sign of peace. "I only wanted to check on her. What happened?"
Prompto lowered his pistol slightly, but kept it aimed at the spirit. "I-I don't know..." He looked down at the girl slumped against his chest. "Why're you working with the empire? Aren't you the one that said they were killing spirits?"
"I made a deal with them a short while ago. They allowed me to keep my life in exchange for loyalty. I'm using my position to warn any guardians I come across. (Y/n) is the first guardian I've met outside the empire."
"Won't they kill you once they learn you're protecting other guardians?"
"Most likely, but I'm willing to risk my life to protect my people."
Even at Callyx's declaration, Prompto didn't trust him. He dispelled his pistol and chose to remain silent. The spirit walked away after taking the hint and rejoined Ardyn and the others.
Now alone, Prompto buried his face into (Y/n)'s (h/c) hair and whispered, "Please wake up soon..."
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secret-engima · 4 years
...only one more after this, promise! -Ice in my veins, never gonna run, venom on my fangs, fire on my tongue
Specifically an AU where Prompto was, unbeknownst to Cor, part of a special science project to create the ultimate weapon.
Let’s assume shapeshifters used to be a thing, but died out or something so now there’s just legends. But Verstael “I Unearthed the Actual Adagium” Besithia is not going to let petty things like “extinction” and “possibly fictional” stop him from getting what he wants so he starts gene tampering. Most of the clones in the project die, but one Special Clone that he added special genes to survives, and he can’t WAIT to see if it will learn to shift when it grows old enough-
Except then some Lucian (a very righteously angry and oblivious Cor) STEALS IT.
Cue Prompto growing up in Insomnia, terrified of two things in his life. One is anyone finding the barcode on his wrist-
The other is anyone finding out he can turn into a monster.
A dragon, specifically, but Prompto doesn’t really CARE what kind of monster it is when he had to learn to handle suppressing the transformation during his puberty all by himself and HE’S never heard of the old shapeshifter legends so he has NO IDEA that he’s anything other than a freak. Let alone that, secret of secrets (something even Besithia doesn’t know and Ardyn never told) the lines blessed by Bahamut can shapeshift too, and are ALWAYS draconic. Of course, it’s been so LONG that even the LCs and Oracles don’t really remember how, and Luna and Noctis are the first in generations to shift instinctively (Regis ... did not take it too calmly when his son hit puberty and then accidentally transformed while having an argument with Gladio. Gladiolus also did not take it calmly, but that was because he went from arguing with a tiny ten year old to getting roared at by a six foot tall baby DRAGON. Everyone give thanks to the quick thinking Ignis and his hot chocolate or else something would have gotten set on fire that day)
(also coincidentally in this AU, Besithia stabilized his last prospective shifter clone with Ardyn’s DNA, thinking that since he was an ancient human he was closer to the time shifter’s died out, he genuinely has no clue that Ardyn IS a dragon shifter and that’s why his special project clone didn’t die instantly).
Anyway! Shenanigans happen and Prompto and Noct become friends ala canon and Prompto struggles with his raging dragon MINE instincts over his friends and Noctis struggles with his own MINE instincts over Prompto (do not glomp the civilian, Noctis tells himself, do not attempt to flop all over and cuddle the civilian, DO NOT grab a hairbrush and compulsively groom the civilian he won’t understand your following dragon instincts and not intentionally being a weird creep, Noctis tells himself sternly as his instincts screech).
And then like- SOMETHING happens and there’s DANGER, probably an assassination attempt or something while Prom and Noct are doing video games in Noct’s apartment and Noctis goes down before he can debate the risk of transforming in front of Prompto with a glancing blow to the head and Prompto sees his friend-packbrother-wingmate go down and sees BLOOD and-
R a g e s
The Crownsguard and a few Glaives arrive at the apartment to find that the assassins are very, very dead and in multiple pieces, and the living room furniture has been smashed against the walls to make room for the Very Unhappy and Enraged golden dragon that JUST BARELY fits in the apartment living room, hunched protectively over the unconscious Noctis and hissing at the startled newcomers, with something dripping from his fangs that makes a very acidic hiss and pockmarks on the floor when it lands.
Cor, who KNOWS who Prompto really is and is there and can see the barcode peaking out on one scaly wrist is just- his brain is shorting. Cor.exe no working pls reboot.
Nyx, who has no idea what’s going on but as a Galahdian (and secret Coeurl-shifter) remembers enough stories to know this young dragon is maybe 5 seconds away from eating them, goes into damage control while internally screaming because MARSHAL STOP STARING. MARSHAL WHY IS NYX THE BRAINCELL RIGHT NOW HE DOESN’T LIKE IT.
So anyway yes I now have a new AU (oh no) and here are some thoughts:
Noctis is a fire-breathing/four legged dragon, Luna is an ice/eastern dragon, and Prompto is a GoT-Style dragon with venom he can spit rather than fire-breathing, that way all the stuff in the title is officially covered. >:D
Shifters still exist, but are mostly in hiding because Obviously and also are predominantly Galahdian, which means they can only take non-flying, natural animal shapes. They are also still rare. Ulrics are the only Coeurls left, but the Bellum have a Behemoth or three and the Arra have a handful of Wolves.
Ardyn has 0 clue that he technically has a SON running around playing best friends with his “hated enemy”
The day he finds out Besithia used his blood to make a child and didn’t tell him is also coincidentally the day Besithia and his lab go Fwoosh because Ardyn may be Scourge crazy and vengeful but he is still a dragon and YOU DO NOT take a dragon’s hatchling away from them. Ever. For any reason.
Also coincidentally Ardyn decides that he is going to have to rework some of his plans.
Also also Dragon shifters get BIG. Regular shifters are the size of their animal or smaller (Bellum Behemoths are smaller than regular Behemoths but far more Fightey), but because Magic™, dragon shifters when full grown/old get to be HUGE. Like- can knock over four story buildings huge. KAIJU HUGE. But that’s when they’re full grown. Noctis at twenty is only about 20-24 feet at the shoulder. Wait until he’s fifty+ years old and THEN we’ll hit Kaiju sizes.
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bestboyignis · 4 years
Tumblr media
This baby is a good baby, I love him!
My NOTP for them: Ardyn! Because Ardyn doesn't deserve him. In fact, any ship that gives me Prompto whump, stop hurting my baby.
My BroTP for them: Aranea? Yeah, Aranea. I love how she supported Prom in Episode Prompto, I really appreciate this wonderful, sexy lady. I know Prom jokes about liking her, but they kind of have a big sister-lil' bro thing going that I don't want to mess with.
My OTP for them: Aaw, it's gotta be Promptis. Promptis is that ship I tried not to like just because Noct has a canon ship, but let's be real, Promptis is powerful. While I do enjoy them being just best friends and yeah, I can buy that, too, there are enough between the lines to push the friendship to something more in a universe where they're open to pursuing that. Noct is very fond of Prompto, you can tell. He's really soft on the boy, and how they met again in HS? Noct going, "Don't I already know you?" He's watched Prom even back when Prom thought he wasn't good enough. And Prompto's weird dialogue with Noct in Insomnia? Prompto, are you going to confess?? I think this ship exists, I really do. 
My second choice pairing for them: Oh, Promnis! I am such a sucker for the fact that Iggy is weirdly fond of Prompto. I say weird because honestly? If Iggy was the selfish, spiteful type, he might have thought Prompto became the best friend he should have been to Noct, given their history. Instead, Iggy's character seemed to take the big brother route and saw Prompto as the same-age good friend Noct seemed to need, and their own friendship just unfolded from there. Also, listen, disaster boy leaning over his best friend and gay panicking, "Duuude, your brother's hot!" is my kind of cute-awkward shounen ai, don't @ me. 
My fluffy pairing for them: Promnis. Promnis just edged Promptis a bit just because Iggy fills the role of gentle, reliable, caring boyfriend especially when it comes to Prompto. Noct is... soft on Prom, too, but hilariously awkward. He and Prompto are like a crack ship taken seriously, I don't know what to call them. Meanwhile, Iggy is the tall, smart, handsome, rich, caring boyfriend you can't believe you bagged. When I picture him leaning over and brushing Prompto's hair back to tell him not to worry and he's lovely, or when Prompto calls his name and Iggy looks up and smiles a soft smile and goes, "Yes, darling?" AKSBSHHA MY HEART.
My angsty pairing for them: Oh man. Speaking of taking things too seriously, this goes to Promptis. If you go by the canon route, try watching the best friend you've been crushing on for years whisked off to be married. And you can't do anything about it because, how can you? He's the Crown Prince and you're a commoner. You're barely holding on to deserve his friendship as it is, much less want for more. There is just a lot of inner angst that Prompto goes through that Noct has to continuously work towards appeasing. I can see him doing it, happily even, but yeah, Promptis has its bittersweet moments. 
My favorite polyship for them: Forever OT4! Man, where even is Gladio in all of this? I actually also love Promptio actually.
My weirdest pairing for them: Daddy Cor, because I am sick like that shut up they ain't related 
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ronkeyroo · 2 years
Honestly, I remember when my friends first introduced me to FFXV and I got to adore all the Chocobros and then I saw Ardyn Izunia. So I asked, "Whoooo is thaaaaaat?!" And they were all, "Oh, he's a trash man. He's basically this dude who blahblahblah bad stuff blahblahblah scourge blahblahblah betrayal blahblahblah." And I just recall my muse just standing there like, "....I'mma fuck 'im. 😏"
Followed by other muses (not mine), "But he a bad man. He trash man."
Ended with my own, "I'mma take the trash out!"
I cant understand seeing Ardyn for the first time and NOT wanting to fuck him feeling attracted to him?????????? LIKE????
Him being heart breakingly hot aside, Hes...literally the coolest, most fleshed out FFXV character i've gotten the joy to experience?? 😭 I've only recently been introduced to the game and yet he captivated me so deeply already....His level of charm and flamboyancy and and and everything from his demeanor to the way he talks and his overal character depth & complexity is so incredibly attractive to me. The dichotomy between good and evil when it comes Ardyn can be challenged in so many ways under the circumstances he was put through and I can even argue that his undoing/role as the antagonist is exactly what makes him all the more desirable. I just...There are so many things and aspects about him that makes me love this bad bastard so much and I wont be able to shut up about if i continue to go on ;_;
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xylune · 3 years
FFXV Ardyn fanfic
I’ve been replaying Final Fantasy XV since things have settled down and I’ve had the chance to get all the additions and episodes. An idea for a canonverse AU hit me last night and I started working on it this morning, but for some reason, I just had to start writing a scene that won’t happen until later in the story...if I maintain the inspiration enough to keep at it.
Quick explanation: This story will build off the “Dawn of the Future” book addition, taking place after those events. Ardyn is unwillingly revived and supremely unhappy about it. Noctis and company are left with little choice but to try and manage him, as he’s become virtually un-killable. Unfortunately, Ardyn is desperate to die and the choices are to either deliver further torment on the man or try and help him find a purpose in his endless existence.
Beneath the cut (provided it works as it should) is a sample of a scene in which Gladiolus and Prompto are trying to babysit Ardyn, and the situation is made worse when he believes he’s seen a ghost from his past.
"Hmm, first time here. Let's see what's on the menu."
Ardyn checked a sigh of impatience. His flat still awaited, but it was a good ways further into Lestallum and they had been driving all day without a bite to eat. Even he, who could not die, still suffered the pangs of hunger and thirst. Cruel twist, that. What purpose did it serve for an immortal to still require food and drink? It wasn't as though he could starve to death; he'd already tried that. Going without did make him sick and weak, though.
Ever polite even when killing someone, the former Chancellor gave an elegant shrug and flourished a wave of his hand. "By all means, after you."
Gladiolus waited for his smaller companion Prompto to pass through the door first, and then the big, tattooed warrior followed behind. Ardyn held the door open for them both, and then he joined them inside the building.
"Charming little place," he mused, casting a look around. "There, by the window. A perfect spot for us."
The pair looked, and Gladio nodded. "Yeah. Backs to the wall and we can see who comes in and out. Good call."
"Paranoid sort, aren't you?" Ardyn smirked at the black-haired kings guard. "I chose it for the aesthetic position, but you see—"
"I see what I've been trained to see for all these years," interrupted Gladiolus in a low, serious voice. "Don't act so surprised. You're a big part of the reason we all learned to do everything strategically, learned to treat every place we went as a potential ambush spot."
"Guys," interjected Prompto before Ardyn could respond, "who cares about that? We're here to feed our faces and get something hot and nice to drink. Come on, I'm fading fast, here."
Gladiolus kept his hard brown gaze locked with Ardyn's for a moment, and then he nodded. "Right. A meal, then Ardyn's old place, then a place to sleep for the night."
"That's a top plan," agreed Ardyn amicably. "I would offer my flat for the night, but the utilities, I'm sure, have been cut off by now. Not to mention, the place hasn't been given a proper cleaning since I was last there. Dust mites, you know."
"How do you even know it's still available?" asked Prompto as they claimed their table and sat down. "You've been gone for a really long time. They might have cleared it out and rented it to someone else by now."
Ardyn shook his head, removed his fedora and plucked up the menu sitting on the table before him. "I'm paid up for the better part of two years on rent. You see, I can be forgetful about some things, and while it's easy enough to get utilities turned back on if I'm away for too long, personal effects can be a bother to replace. The flat is mine until the end of the year."
"Huh." Gladiolus examined his own menu. "Why not just buy the place, if you had that kind of money?"
Ardyn's usual flair with speech dropped, leaving his tone flat and level. "Because I didn't intend to be here for longer than that."
The younger two men paused, and they exchanged a look with one another over the tops of their menus.
"Oh dear, have I made you uncomfortable?" Ardyn's smirk came back, though it lacked humor. "How tactless of me. Still, you asked."
"Enough talk of suicide and death," insisted Gladiolus.
"I don't believe either of those two words were—"
"Or insinuations of the subject," interrupted the black-haired man, his squared jaw tightening. "We've talked about this. Remember the agreement."
"Yes of course, but the point remains that I was asked a question, to which I merely answered with honesty." Ardyn turned to the freckled blond seated beside him. "True, Prompto?"
"Well, yeah. That's a pretty valid point."
"All right, whatever," huffed Gladiolus. "Let's just drop it and get on with the eating. I'm starving and we're burning what's left of our daylight."
Ardyn could have ordinarily thought up a few snappy quips in response to that, but the inadvertent turn of the subject matter, however brief, reminded him again of his misery. His thoughts twisted back into the same dismal questions he'd been asking himself since the day of his unwilling return to the flesh.
How was he to maintain what little he had left of his sanity, knowing he had endless days and nights ahead of him with no end or purpose in sight?
"Hmph. No rest for the wicked," he mumbled under his breath.
"What was that?"
Ardyn glanced sidelong over the top of his menu at Gladiolus, and then he pointedly focused on the text again. "Just thinking aloud, friend. Hmm, the Nebula Salmon Melt looks rather appetizing. I think I'll try that. What say you?"
Gladiolus scowled—not at Ardyn this time, but at the menu. "Everything looks pretentious to me. Iggy would love it."
"No meat and potato sub, then?"
"No cup o' noodles, either," added Prompto glibly.
Bless the speckled pistol specialist. Even though he clearly shared an understandable grudge and mistrust against Ardyn, Prompto's sociable nature compelled him to join in on some good-natured ribbing. Ardyn rather liked the lad for that.
"Knock it off," warned the big man. "Don't poke the bear when he's hungry, got it? I'm not in the mood."
"Yes, Prompto," Ardyn nudged the blond beside him with an elbow. "Do be careful. Now, Gladio—"
"I've told you not to call me that," reminded the kings guard with a frown. "Only friends and family are authorized to use the short version. You're neither. In fact, you're still at the top of my shit list, so cut the familiarity crap."
"Of course, Gladiolus," revised Ardyn politely. "I forget myself at times. Now, as I was saying, have you noticed the menu items on the other side? They have several items of a meatier variety."
Gladiolus flipped his menu over and looked. "Huh, you're right." He peered at the menu for a moment, and then he frowned, and he looked at Prompto. "What's 'prosciutto'?"
"Beats me, dude." The blond spread his hands helplessly. "I bet Noct or Specs would know, but I'm just as uncultured as you are. Ardyn, do you know?"
He did, but the older man's patience was quietly wearing thinner, and Gladiolus' rudeness wasn't helping. "It's meat."
Gladiolus' tiny smirk suggested that he was picking up on Ardyn's veiled frustration. "What kind of meat?"
"From a dead animal."
"No shit. What kind of animal? What part? Must be pretty special for such a fancy name."
Now Ardyn could feel his precious control slipping, and the daemons within him were trying to push to the surface. He spoke through his teeth, with a smile. "Why, the most delectable of both. A human ass."
Prompto sputtered, coughed and put his camera away. "Okay guys, time out. Let's just ask a waitress before you two eat each other. Hey, I see one over there. She's cute, too! Not as cute as Cindy, but real pretty. Uh, actually, I'll just go straight to her and ask. Don't kill each other, okay?"
For a moment, gold-amber eyes remained locked with dusky brown ones. Gladiolus was the first to look away, and he covered up whatever disquiet he felt by turning his attention to their companion, who had left the table to speak with a server.
"Him and the blondes. He's got a real thing for them. She is cute, though."
Inwardly glad for the distraction from his own annoyance, Ardyn followed Gladiolas' gaze across the room, to the bar area. Prompto was chatting with a fetching young woman wearing a uniform apron over her clothes. No matter the horrors he'd seen or the darkness he lived in, Ardyn could still appreciate beauty in all its forms. Women were certainly no exception, so he examined her with as much interest as his companions.
She had her back turned to him at first, but he noted that she had a pleasing form with delicate curves. Small of build, of average height, she had her hair gathered into a ponytail at the base of her neck.
The color of her hair caught his attention the most, provoking a little pang of nostalgia within him. It was certainly blonde, as Gladiolus said, but it wasn't a yellow tone like Prompto's or a platinum shade like the queen's. Most would consider it an unremarkable color blonde, almost a neutral tone between white and yellow, pale and with just enough highlights to lend a faint touch of gold.
Ardyn knew this particular hair color well, for he'd run his fingers through strands of it just like that, many times in the distant past. He'd always compared it to pale wheat, and he'd always found it to be the most interesting variation of that hair shade. Even the density of the waitress's hair was the same, though the length was greater than the hair he'd once touched.
She then turned, and Ardyn Izunia was treated to the interesting experience of feeling his body go hot and cold all at once. He couldn't say it was a pleasant thing. He couldn't move, and his breath halted in his lungs, lodging somewhere in his throat on its way out.
Her face, sweetly, softly rounding a bit where the cheekbones met the jaw, softening her features there before tapering down to a gently curving chin.
Her brow, pale and fine like the hair on her head.
Her nose. Her lovely, pert and perfect nose.
Her lips, pouty with a slight upward curve at the corners, sweet and generous with both kisses and smiles.
Her eyes. Colors of blue and green, forest and sea harmonizing together, creating a beautiful, soulful color made even more expressive by the downward tilt of the outer eye corners. There was wisdom in those eyes, made ancient by an abiding love and devotion to the gods, and to the light. There was compassion there as well, and laughter.
A collection of words describing his dead betrothed kept spinning in Ardyn's head, and a part of him realized he had reduced this poor girl before him to a collection of body parts, comparing them to his lost love's bit by bit, because he simply could not believe what he was seeing.
Everything about her, every part of her, was an exact copy of the woman he would have married, had fate been more kind. Down to every detail, as far as he could tell from this distance. He had eyes like a hawk though, and he could even see that she had the exact same faint little freckles on her cheeks and nose, in the exact places he remembered them. He used to kiss them lovingly when they spent afternoons together, so he'd memorized them all.
Gladiolus was talking to him, in his rough voice. Ardyn could hear him, but it was faint as if coming from far away. There was a ringing in his ears, and it drowned out his companion's questions. For a moment, Ardyn wondered if he'd gone deaf, but then he heard the waitress's voice. Even that was identical to the one he remembered. She even had the same accent.
Every other voice and every other sound in the cafe faded into the background as the fallen healer focused on the sound of her voice.
"—cured ham," she was saying to Prompto, smiling. "It's quite popular. You can assure your friend that it doesn't come from a human's ass."
Prompto then pointed at the table they'd claimed, and Ardyn was overwhelmed with a sudden, immediate rush of panic as the waitress's gaze flicked to him. He quickly looked away, turning his head so hard that his neck popped in the process. He closed his eyes, willing himself to calmness.
He was imagining things. Seeing things that weren't there. It wouldn't be the first time. His beloved Aera couldn't possibly be there, serving sandwiches and coffee in a cafe. She was dead. Not only that, she was lost to him forever. When he'd let go after the defeat of Bahamut, thinking he could finally rest, he thought he was going to be with her. She wasn't there, though. There was only darkness, and then...he found himself in the flesh again, in pain, in Noctis' throne room.
He only got to see his beloved for a moment, and she wasn't there waiting for him like he'd thought. Perhaps he'd only hallucinated her after all, and they couldn't be together in any form because of the sins he'd committed.
She wasn't really here, in this establishment, offering sandwich advice. It wasn't possible.
"Hey, what's with you?"
For once, Gladiolus's aggressive barking was received with gratitude, because it startled Ardyn enough to anchor him back to reality...somewhat.
"So sorry," he managed to verbalize, "but I need fresh air. Be right back."
She was coming. He could feel her presence, hear her dainty steps like the thunder of an approaching storm. Ardyn Izunia abandoned all pretense of grace and manners, snatched up the fedora he'd set on the windowsill, crammed it on his head and made his egress as quickly as he could without using his warping abilities and causing a scene.
"What the hell did you say to him?" Prompto looked from Gladio to the door Ardyn had just vanished through.
"Nothing. He just spaced out all the sudden." Gladio was frowning, appearing just as lost as Prompto. "He looked like he saw a ghost or something, if you ask me. You went over there to talk to the waitress, and then he went still as a statue and turned about five shades whiter. All I did was ask if he was okay."
Prompto scratched his head, looking through the window and leaning a little to get a better view. "I see him. He's by the street lamp. He's just standing there with his hands in his coat pockets and his head down."
"Prompt, I swear I didn't do anything. We watched you talking to the waitress, and then he flipped."
Prompto combed his fingers through his spiky hair—or as much as he could before the stiffening product in his locks stopped him. "Damn. Well, who knows with him? Why was I the peacekeeper here, anyway? Ignis is better at this than me."
"Because Noct is stressed as hell and right now, he needs Ignis at his side as his advisor and his hand."
"I know, I know," sighed Prompto. "This is kind of a vacation from babysitting for him and Luna. I...I guess I'll go out and talk to him, see if I can figure out what's up before he blows a gasket. She's gonna come bring us some water in a sec, but if we're not back inside would you order the drinks?"
"Fine. What do you want?"
The blond shrugged his slim, bare shoulders. "Just the usual green soda. I don't know what Ardyn wants."
"He needs a tall glass of calm the fuck down," grumbled Gladio.
"I don't think they serve that here," Prompto answered dryly. "He said something about coffee earlier."
"The last thing that guy needs right now is caffeine."
Prompto threw his hands up. "Well, I don't know! Tea or something? He likes tea, right?"
"Guess it couldn't hurt. Go on; I'll hold the fort."
Ardyn had calmed himself enough to risk another look inside, but Prompto came out and tapped him on the shoulder just as he was about to try and confirm what he thought he'd seen. To his chagrin, the older man jumped a bit, and he turned to face Prompto with a frown.
"You, boy, should avoid sneaking up on me that way."
Truthfully, Prompto was no "boy" anymore. He and his friends were now nearly of an age with Ardyn. At least physically. He couldn't help but still think of them all as youths though, for compared to himself, virtually everyone alive on Eos was just a babe.
"Sorry, I was worried about you."
The casually and honestly worded response gave Ardyn pause. He knew the core of Prompto's concern was rooted in Noctis' expectations of him, naturally. Prompto's concern was more in letting his friend and king down than any true care for Ardyn's well-being, but it was nice to hear someone say that without hesitation, all the same.
"You saw her too, didn't you?" He was hardly aware of what he was saying. The words spilled out without conscious thought, but Ardyn realized that he did need confirmation from someone.
"Saw who?"
"The girl."
Prompto blinked, and there was a rumble of thunder overhead. He glanced up at the sky briefly, then flinched when a drop of rain landed on his nose. "There were a few girls in there, man. Can you be more specific?"
Growing more agitated, Ardyn grabbed Pronto by the shoulders. "The girl. The one you were speaking to."
Prompto's hand inched toward the holster where he kept his gun, but he didn't draw it. He regarded the ancient warily, his fair brows hedging with alarm. "Whoa, slow down. Do you mean the waitress?"
Aware that he'd just inadvertently made Prompto feel threatened, Ardyn relaxed his hold, though he didn't release it. "Aye, the waitress. Blonde, fair of skin, eyes like the color of a lagoon. Voice like bells."
"Um...okay. Your speech has ah...really gone old school all the sudden. And that's a pretty intense description..."
"Just answer me!"
Prompto nodded convulsively. "Yeah, yeah! Of course I saw her, dude. I was the one that pointed her out in the first place!"
"So...she's real. She's really here."
The smaller man's eyes were almost bugging out now. "Well I sure as shit hope so, because otherwise I was standing there talking to thin air about human ass sandwiches."
If he weren't so bewildered, Ardyn would have laughed uproariously over that. Under current circumstances though, his sense of humor was crippled. Nonetheless, he tried to at least put on a facade of calm for the sake of his companion. He removed his hands from Prompto's shoulders, taking a step back to give the other man space.
"Ah, well. Begging your pardon, friend. I was merely...startled. She looks very much like someone I once knew, and well...this is rather embarrassing, but I feared for a moment that I was hallucinating. Hence my asking you those odd questions."
Prompto's "fight or flight" stance relaxed a bit, and he shifted from foot to foot. "Oh. Yeah, I can see where you're coming from. I mean, after what you've...well, it's okay."
Prompto gave the taller man an awkward pat on the shoulder. "She's real, you're not seeing things and the rain is starting to come down. Let's go back inside for some chow, okay?"
"Splendid. Do let's. After you."
Ardyn tugged his hat brim down a little lower, waited for his companion to go back in, and then peeked through the window furtively. The rain was coming down faster now, streaking the glass and spoiling his view. He couldn't see the waitress, but she was in there.
"Pull it together," he whispered to himself.
The girl was real, and she definitely shared some traits with his lost love, but surely his mind had tricked him earlier. He saw through the eyes of a grieving heart, and he was clinically insane. He could make it through a quick meal without going completely off hinge...he hoped.
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a-world-in-grey · 4 years
Nani here - does Sola get pulled into Dissidia?
Oooo, Dissidia AU!
Okay, bear in mind that the only bits I know of Dissidia are what @secret-engima has rambled about, but based off that-
-Sola doesn’t get called to Dissidia. No, during Sola’s life it’s Noctis and Ardyn who are called as Champions.
-No, instead it’s Phoebe who finds herself tripping into the middle of a dusty, dry red desert that’s honestly nothing like Leide. Finds herself sidestepping the decapitating strike from a silver haired man with cat-slit green eyes and a blade longer than the swordsman is tall. Finds herself following the man - Sephiroth, he calls himself - to the glowing red tower in the distance, the only spark of magic in a world on it’s last breath.
-Phoebe would very much like to know what the actual Pyre is going on, and she’s more than a bit insulted that she’s been lumped in with a bunch of nutjobs and murderers. Sure, Snow is less villainous and more... jaded and broken, but after him the next decent is Sephiroth, and he gives off an air far too similar to Sola’s memories of Ardyn. 
-It doesn’t help that the other Champions have been summoned in their various finery, while Phoebe is in her battered Hunter leathers. And while Phoebe is fairly certain she’s nowhere near the oldest, she certainly looks it, pushing fifty as she is. Though Phoebe does admit, side-eyeing some of her fellow Champions, at least she isn’t under-dressed.
-Then Phoebe learns of Materia and her Champions, of Order and Harmony, and Phoebe remembers enough of Noctis’ various video game rambles to realize that she’s essentially on the Villains’ side. 
-And she’s pretty sure she knows why. Which, okay, fair, but that doesn’t mean she has to like it.
-Now, to find out which poor sod got dragged into this mess as Materia’s Champion.
-Regis is not happy when he finds himself in a dusty desert that is most certainly not his office. He’s even less happy when he hears about why he’s no longer in the Citadel, and he has no compunctions making it clear to Materia his exact feelings on the matter. He has a kingdom to run, and a newly wedded wife and premature, newborn daughter to get back to!
-It’s his worry for Sola - born too early, born too small and monitored around the clock because the doctors don’t know if his little Sun will survive - that brings Regis’ fatherly instincts to the fore and by the time Materia’s Champions head out to find and battle Spiritus’, Regis is fussing over the half of Materia’s Champions who are eighteen and younger. The eighteen years olds - Firion and Terra - try to protest the treatment, but look, Cor is eighteen so there’s little they can do to stop Regis from slotting them into the ‘must protect’ category.
-Regis honestly has no clue who his counterpart in Spiritus’ Champions is supposed to be. He just... doesn’t have an archenemy like the rest of Materia’s Champions, certainly not like the WoL or Cloud. Someone from Niflheim, perhaps?
-It’s not.
-They run into some of Spiritus’ Champions, and Regis is fending off the Champion aiming for young Onion Knight - and trying not to look at how little she’s wearing, but it’s rather difficult when she’s attacking so insistently - when there’s a low, inhuman snarl and a glaive nearly spears the the woman from behind. The shattering of chimes, golden shards of magic and the woman has to dodge the fire and lightning aiming to utterly obliterate her.
-The battle screeches to a halt. Spiritus’ Champions stare at the redhead in battered leathers, their supposed teammate as she snarls at the scantily dressed woman. Materia’s Champions stare for an altogether reason, Regis included, because-
-“Phoebe?” He sputters.
-“Not now Regis.” Phoebe tells him, gaze not leaving her target as she spins her glaive and stalks forward with the lethal grace of a Coeurl. Her Hunter’s uniform disappears in a burst of golden shards, replaced by gilded black leather armor. “I have a would-be childslayer to deal with.”
-Phoebe’s target flees, Phoebe in hot pursuit. And Regis wonders when everything stopped making sense.
-Lightning glances at Regis’ shocked expression. “Not who you were expecting, I take it?” And all Regis can do is shake his head.
-No. Not at all. Not the magic, the oh so familiar pattern of lines tracing Phoebe’s face, a pattern altogether different than Regis remembers seeing on her, and the dark lines dripping from blackened eyes glowing red with the force of her fury.
-But he knows Phoebe. Perhaps not as well as he’d once thought, but regardless of her secrets the woman herself has not changed. Her protective fury is proof enough.
-So when Phoebe tracks them down, unarmed and in her Hunter leathers once more, eyes and face as Regis remembered from their first meeting, Regis waves for the others to stand down.
-“I assume she’s been taken care of?” Regis says after a moment.
-Phoebe’s satisfied smirk is answer enough. But she sobers only a moment later, shifting from foot to foot as she looks away. “I... guess you’d like an explanation.”
-“Not if you don’t want to give one.” Regis refutes immediately. He’s had the time to think about it, to stamp down on the shock and think rationally. Revelations aside, Regis has never had any reason to distrust Phoebe. Not when the woman has done so much for Regis, including facing down Gilgamesh to rescue Cor from the Immortal Shield.
-“Well, I’d like one.” Lightning interjects, crossing her arms and staring at Phoebe with narrowed eyes. The rest of his fellow Champions look no less suspicious. “Who are you?”
-Phoebe hums, and Regis would almost say the Elder looks amused. “I’m Phoebe, Chief of Clan Astrum and Regis’ kin.”
-“And the... incident, earlier?” Y’shtola asks. “Not that we aren’t grateful.” She hurriedly adds. “But it is... odd, for a Champion of Spiritus.”
-Oh, Regis knows the answer to this one. “Phoebe is Galahdian.” He tells them, echoing the words from years back. “Galahdians don’t tolerate childslayers. Or would-be ones.”
- Phoebe’s grin is less a smile and more a baring of teeth. “We execute them.”
-Which is pretty much the same thing Phoebe and Koios told Regis when he asked about it.
-Lightning looks like she has a headache. “So why are you Spiritus’ Champion?”
-“I’m considered Regis’ rival.” Phoebe shrugs. “If you want to be technical about it.”
-“Because you’re a candidate for the throne?” Y’shtola asks.
-“Ah, no. Not that.” Phoebe grimaces. “But the gods would rather Regis try to kill me, given I’m the Accursed.”
-Regis chokes. “You’re what?”
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tarotdeckshuffle · 5 years
How would the chocobros react when they accidentally find out that their SO is sensitive when they play with thier hair? Unleashing an un-involentary spasm, shiver or moan?
He...hewwo? Taro? Are you still alive?
I think I suffered from some burnout there and wasn’t writing as much. But I’m trying to push through it. My wonderful spouse bought me a whole new computer setup for my birthday and today I’m testing it out! So I think I’m going to do a warm up, maybe work on an Arcana fic ( ͝סּ ͜ʖ͡סּ), and then do some work on a zine piece before testing out this new setup with some Fallout 4. 
Taglist: @idiotflowerex, @laststory1013, @sayaoqueen, @jophinabean, @mysme-already
If you like what you read, please consider supporting me on Patreon or buying me a Ko-fi!
Smiles because he knows he can tease you now. 
Giggles because it’s adorable.
Works to elicit the greatest reaction from you. This is a challenge and an experiment now!
Is so damned turned on to hear you make those sounds. 
Giggles because you’re adorable but she WILL.NOT.RELENT. Now. 
Tries to stifle a smile. How can something be so funny yet so incredibly hot at the same time?
This is all a game to him now to see how far he can drive you. 
This is more than a game, this is another way he can test your limits...in a loving way, of course. 
Simply laughs. “Oh? You like that?” He growls in your ear. 
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