#and she also made me pinch myself (my leg usually)
jasmine-angel · 4 months
i keep getting uncontrollably angry that my mum trained my stimming out of me. i was doing harmless things! i looked a little odd but it hurt NO ONE. but she couldn’t stand having a freak daughter and made me punish myself every time i did it or got the urge to do it.
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lovexdeepspace · 3 months
hi! can you pls do an alternative version of the breakup of the l&ds men?? instead of making up and forgiving them, reader just flat out rejects them and kicks them out or reader has found someone new and the boys get a taste of their own medicine??
also love your work!!
“life without you.” (v2)
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summary; once your trust is broken, there’s nothing xavier, zayne, or rafayel can do to undo the damage they’ve done.
warnings; angst, sadness, heartbreak
note; as much as i — along with others — needed a happy ending to the original post, the itch to do this was in the back of my head and i’m glad others wanted it too! ( credit to @neverlandlostchild for helping me immensely with this idea, i am so so grateful towards them and @noclue-0 for advocating for this idea alongside anon!! )
!! divider by @cafekitsune !!
part 1 | happier ending
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༊*·˚ . xavier
curled up on the couch with remote in hand, you were absentmindedly scrolling through movies when there was a loud knock at your door.
food’s finally here, you thought excitedly while kicking the blanket off your legs. you grabbed your wallet and fished out a ten to tip the driver before heading to the door.
“thank you so — much.”
the last word fell flat as you opened the door only to find xavier standing there. he looked at you with half-lidded, tired eyes and a tight-lipped grimace as you took in the shell of a man standing before you.
his clothes were wrinkled and stained; his hair was messy and it was evident he hadn’t showered in at least a couple of days. his cheeks were red and tear-stained and you couldn’t help but think that he looked downright pitiful.
“xavier, what’re you doing here?” you asked, pocketing the money before crossing your arms over your chest. “i thought i made myself clear.”
the blonde rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “i know but i just couldn’t get you off my mind. i miss you and what we had.”
you raised a brow at him. “things with her didn’t work out?”
“she doesn’t matter,” xavier retorted with a frown. he stepped closer to you and you stepped back just as fast. “you’re all that matters to me and —”
he stopped as a voice behind you called your name and, a moment later, a pair of arms wrapped around your waist from behind. you felt your face flush as sylus pressed a kiss to your cheek.
“food’s here?” he asked you as his eyes moved from you to xavier. noticing the lack of food and the subdued yet very evident fury in xavier’s eyes, he quickly added, “guess not.”
“i’m —” xavier started but you held up a hand to cut him off.
“i think it’s best if you left, xavier,” you interrupted, leaning back against sylus. “we’re trying to have a relaxing evening.”
xavier faltered, giving you an incredulous stare before nodding slowly. ��right. i guess i’ll leave, then.”
you gave him an unenthusiastic half-wave and shut the door in his face, leaving him alone in the hallway of your apartment building.
he felt the hot sting of tears in his eyes as he heard you and sylus laughing about something behind the closed door before forcing himself to walk away.
༊*·˚ . rafayel
with the days finally getting warmer you refused to stay holed up in your apartment all the time, often opting for outings to the park for some fresh air.
on a particularly fateful day, you were standing in the shade of a beautiful cherry blossom tree, admiring the picnic you had set up so perfectly. with your hands on your hips you racked your mental checklist, making sure everything was set out and ready for your —
“well, well, long time no see.”
pinching the bridge of your nose, you didn’t even bother to look over your shoulder as you addressed rafayel with a dull, “what do you want?”
rafayel clicked his tongue, sidling up to you. “aww, c’mon, that’s no way to treat your favorite artist.”
“you say that as if you have any right to be my favorite anything,” you retorted, side-eyeing him with a frown. he was watching you with that usual cocky grin but you could tell time had not been the kindest to him — dark circles under his eyes, unkempt hair, and this awful odor that made you gag as he moved closer.
“about that,” he muttered, trying (and failing) to put on that usual innocent guise that would’ve had a more naive version of you falling head over heels, “it’s been a while since i’ve last seen you. i’ve changed, i promise. i’ll be a better —”
“you won’t be anything, not to me at least,” you snapped, stepping away from him. “go run back to whatever her name is, since you wanted her so bad. i’m waiting for someone and don’t need you scaring them away looking like a lost puppy.”
rafayel staggered backwards at your harsh words, his demeanor changing as the idea of you seeing someone else really sunk in.
“who are you —”
“ah, fuck.”
rafayel’s jaw clenched as he slowly turned, eyes ablaze as they settled on thomas. his manager offered a sheepish grin before quickly heading to your side, muttering an apology to you.
“i can’t believe this,” the artist hissed, looking between the two of you. you shrugged nonchalantly and drove the point further by placing your hand in thomas’, slotting your fingers between his. “you - and you —!!”
“you made your choice,” you said plainly. “now, would you please leave? i’d like to enjoy my afternoon.”
rafayel gaped at you before muttering something under his breath, turning on his heel and storming away. the last thing he needed was for you to see the way tears had started to form in his eyes or the ugly sobbing that came seconds later as soon as he was out of sight.
༊*·˚ . zayne
you had finally found some balance in your life, a rarity that you held onto desperately. things had finally calmed down months after your breakup with zayne and you had bounced back in ways you didn’t even imagine.
hell, you even found yourself putting yourself out there and — with your newfound confidence — things were going really well for you!
so well, in fact, that you were sitting in the destiny cafè with a book in hand while you waited for your partner to return with your order. so captivated by the text, you didn’t look up when the chair across from you was once again occupied. it was only when the occupant said your name did you grimace and take a mental note of the page number before closing the book and setting it down in front of you.
“gods i do not have the energy to talk to you right now,” you said bluntly, putting your head in your hands. “or ever, for that matter.”
“well, hello to you as well,” zayne replied, sitting up straighter in his chair as you took your hands away to glare at him. “you look beautiful.”
“i know,” you deadpanned. giving him a once-over, you can’t see much difference from the last time you saw him save for the fact he looks more sleep deprived than usual. “now, let me be direct: i don’t want to talk to you.”
zayne sighed. “fine, but i need to talk to —”
he was cut off by the soft thunk! of two mugs being firmly set down on the table.
“here you are, pipsqueak.” caleb slid one mug in your direction with a sweet smile then turned to zayne. his expression quickly became menacing hidden behind a fake smile. “i’d say it’s nice to see you again, zayne, but i’m about three seconds from punching your face in. get out of my seat and leave my partner alone.”
zayne’s jaw clenched as he looked from caleb to you. “i just need to talk to them.”
caleb laughed and leaned in a little the smile dropping from his face. “you don’t need to do anything, zayne. so how about you get out of my seat and go yap to that girl you were getting all handsy with, hm?”
the air was thick and you could only watch with a smirk as zayne stood and quickly exited the cafè. caleb reclaimed his seat and reached across the table to give your hand a reassuring squeeze.
“you okay?” he asked, grabbing his mug with his other hand and taking a sip.
you nodded and squeezed his hand in return. “better now.”
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tightjeansjavi · 4 months
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A/N: I was making myself a cup of tea earlier this evening and the idea blossomed from there 🥺
for @morallyinept Valentine’s Day masterlist 💗
~word count: 1.3k~
Summary: it’s Valentine’s Day and Dieter Bravo is alone and missing you
Pairing | Dieter Bravo x f!reader
Warnings: mature, fluff, angst, language,implicit smut, one mention of dieter giving himself a handjob, mentions of alcohol and ouid, fwb���s, pining, assumed one-sided feelings, two idiots in love without realizing it, typical dieter behavior, reader has no physical descriptions, readers nickname is petal, +18 minors dni!
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On the long, lonely nights where Dieter Bravo is away from you, his solace, his person, he always finds himself struggling to sleep. An hour here, and an hour there, but it can never compare to the deep, dreamy, snooze he gets when you’re laying next to him, tangled up in his legs, under his sheets.
He knows deep down he’s got it bad for you. So bad, he can hardly think straight on most days. Dieter, you missed your cue, again.
He groans, pinching the bridge of his nose and shakes his shoulders to relieve any pent up stress he’s feeling and to get back on track.
Did you even read the fucking script, Bravo?
He scoffs, jaw ticking under the harsh studio lights that buzz in his ear like a swarm of angry bees. Course I did. He lies through his teeth.
How could he even think about reading his lines when he spent hours of his night staring down his phone as he deeply contemplated the pros and cons of calling you up.
If I tell her how I feel, it makes everything fucking weird.
Or you get to live out your very own rom-com!
Or she never wants to speak to me again
Or she also confesses her deep, profound love for you.
Or..she doesn’t feel the same way and breaks my fucking heart into a million tiny pieces!
Or your dreams come true, Dieter.
You met Dieter Bravo through a friend of a friend at one of the movie star’s infamous parties. Dieter was drunk, a bit of a stumbling mess, but when his warm, and slightly clammy palm wrapped around your own, you knew you were donefore. And how was it possible for a scruffy man such as himself to have the kindest, softest, warmest brown eyes you ever had the pleasure of gazing into?
No, you were not in love with Dieter Bravo. He was just your friend..with the occasional benefits. Nothing more, nothing less.
When Dieter finds himself alone in his too big of a house for another night, he packs a bowl, and then another, and another. He takes a relaxing bath, alone with nothing but the comfort of his own fist wrapped around his cock. His lashes flutter shut, plush lips parting as he sinks further into the chamomile scented bubbles.
You told him once that chamomile should help him sleep better. He sent his assistant out the next day to buy chamomile tea, and literally any and all the chamomile scented products that she could find.
You took a bath together once, and he vividly remembers dragging his nose across the base of your neck, inhaling the sweet aroma while you nearly dozed off in his saccharine grip. Muscles relaxed, limbs pliant under the soapy water.
But you weren’t here. You were thousands of miles away on a girls trip with some of your single friends. It was the trip that finally made it out of the group chat, and it happened to fall on the week of Valentine’s Day.
Wait, that’s today, right? Shit. How pathetic. He thinks to himself, stroking his cock faster, creating ripples in the sudsy water.
Yeah, so fucking pathetic. Alone on fucking Valentine’s Day, and higher than a goddamn kite.
He doesn’t come, and while that in itself should be frustrating, he accepts his fate of misery while the temperature of the water becomes too cold to bear and he’s forced to retreat.
He packs another bowl, yanks his leftover Taco Bell from the fridge and eats it cold, like the feeling of his heart.
His king sized bed feels even larger than usual, and he chuffs a laugh, taking another bite of his half eaten crunch wrap supreme.
That’s because I’m fucking alone on Valentine’s Day.
He knows he’s not really alone. But on a day that is all about love, he sure as hell doesn’t feel the love.
He misses the way you would roll over mid sleep and drape your arm across his bare stomach. Your fingers would play with the dark, soft hair that led down to his happy trail while you drooled into the crook of his neck, soft snores escaping past your parted lips. He found it endearing. You were like a koala, and he was the tree branch of your choosing.
He so badly wanted to be your tree branch right now.
Was that lame? Probably. But Dieter could give less of a shit about any of that. He missed you, and the feeling ate away at him, carving a hole in his chest and yanking his heart right out.
He didn’t mind that you would accidentally kick him off the side of the bed, or steal all the covers. He loved it when you would talk in your sleep, babbling about pure nonsense that somehow to his ears made perfect sense.
Okay, so he missed you…a lot. He wasn’t the only person to miss someone this much. Hell, maybe even his neighbor was going through the same feelings and emotions as he was.
Love. Yeah, that’s what he was feeling. He was in love with you, and you had no fucking idea how he truly felt.
He tossed and turned, fluffed down his pillows, scrolled on his phone, watching his favorite saved tik toks, and he even tried listening to the soothing sounds of a thunderstorm through a podcast on Spotify. None of it was working. He couldn’t sleep, and you were to blame.
That’s how Dieter Bravo found himself in his kitchen, fully exposed sans some fluffy slippers on his feet that had seen better days. He dug through his pantry till he found the familiar box of chamomile tea. He let out a sigh of relief and tore open the silver foil with his teeth.
His phone screen read 2:30a.m as the kettle on the stove whistled loudly in his eardrums.
The familiar scent of chamomile coated his senses in a warmth that could only be described as you as he let the tea bag steep in his favorite chipped mug.
His knuckles drummed along the countertop nervously as he stared down his phone once more. He let out a huff, bringing one hand to scratch at the patches in his scraggly beard.
As steam billowed from the mug next to him, he finally picked up his phone and dialed your number.
He chewed on the tip of his thumbnail, eyes dancing nervously as the dial tone rang, and rang. He was ready to hang up and toss his phone in the garbage disposal when you finally answered.
His heart skipped a beat and his weed-hazed mind couldn’t keep up with the rate that words were flowing past his lips.
“Petal? Hey, happy Valentine’s Day. Well—er, happy belated Valentine’s Day? ‘Suppose it’s already over. Uh—hope I’m not bothering you, I just couldn’t sleep, so I’m in my kitchen having a cup of chamomile tea, like you suggested. Fuck, I’m rambling, aren’t I? I smoked a few too many bowls so my brain is a bit scrambled. Anyway, I miss you, baby. I’m so lonely, and I wish you were here.”
His stoned rambling continued on as you listened silently, holding your phone close to your ear and swatting at your friend's arm when they asked who was on the phone. The club music was booming at the same rate that your heart was pounding in your chest.
“Hi, Dee. I miss you too. I've been thinking...when I get back, can we grab dinner sometime?" You warmly suggest.
His pupils are blown wide like two shiny marbles illuminated under the soft glow of the moonlight trickling in through his tall kitchen windows.
“Fuck yes. I’d fucking love to grab dinner with you sometime, Petal.” He rasps softly through the receiver.
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banners made by the lovely @saradika 💗
I no longer have a taglist so please follow @tightjeansjaviupdates for fic notifications and updates!
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meangirltogoodgirls · 4 months
Last night my (ftm pre-everything) partner and I were in bed about to go to sleep, I was spooning them. They were wearing only a loose shirt and underwear. They took off their underwear and said I could touch them wherever I wanted; just to not be too obvious about it I let my hands wander over their thighs and ass a bit first before going right for their tits. They have a lot of top dysphoria and talk almost every day about how they can’t wait to get top surgery, and I always avoid touching their tits unless they specifically ask me for it - like last night. I mean, they didn’t *specifically* ask me for it but they said I could touch them wherever I wanted so they shouldn’t expect me to not grope their huge tits immediately. I started grinding against her ass as I did and got close in under a minute, I was just so turned on from touching her tits. I pulled away and since she already spread her legs a little I used my other hand to finger her pussy. I fingered her nipples and clit simultaneously and she was moaning soon, it sounded so fucking girly. She called me stupid (playfully) and teased me for not being able to control myself and for how badly I probably wanted to put my cock inside her. I grabbed her shoulder and rolled her on her back and then I was fucking her, her pussy was so wet at this point I slid inside instantly. She was so out of it she didn’t even protest when I pulled up her shirt so I could watch her tits bounce. We both came at the same time (her orgasm lasted twice as long as usual) and she told me afterwards she’d probably never cum this hard.
Do you have any advice on how I could make her feel more comfortable with her tits so we could repeat that kind of thing? (if it helps at all I can also send pics <3 )
hmmm, it sounds to me like her pussy got soaked just from you playing with her tits a little bit, yeah? and knowing that you enjoyed them made her cum harder than ever before? so i'd say she's actually pretty comfortable with her tits, despite all the bullshit she might say about wanting top surgery. it sounds to me like your partner just needs some help getting past her insecurities. she'll be much more comfortable and happy when she understands how much you really do love her giant tits.
in fact, my advice would be the next time she starts talking about how she can't wait to get rid of her tits, grope her right then and there to remind her just how much you love them. the more she protests, the more you pinch and squeeze and make them bounce and jiggle. no matter what she says, bend her over and i'm willing to bet her pussy will be dripping.
hope this helps!
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silentglassbreak · 4 months
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Noah Sebastian x OFC
The next chapter of Noah & Leena's story
I was so on the fence about writing a sequel, yet here we are. I saw the sequel in my head, and decided it was worth the write. This story is told from Noah's perspective. This time, I'm going to put warnings in on each individual chapter, as some may not need any. Also - something worth mentioning; the names of each part in the first story were obviously Bad Omens song titles. This time, they will be titles from songs that just inspire me. If you're here, thank you for reading! Leave me your thoughts, and let me know if you'd like to be tagged. xo
Warnings: Just some gool ol' fashioned smut with some kinky stuff added in. (Also mention of marijuana smoking)
+It goes without saying. This is a work of fiction. My words are mine. Plagiarism is a crime.
Taglist: @flowery-mess @lma1986 @myownthoughts12 @poisongirl616 @missduffsblog @reidsblessing
Part 1 - Shame On Me
I've been a morning person my entire life. Even before I was active, and in the shape I'm in now, I was usually risen with the sun. However, after having spent the vast majority of my days the last year running on fumes, I found myself still laying in bed, hugging my pillow, letting my brain drift comfortably in and out of consciousness.
That is, until I felt something tugging at the edge of the blanket I had draped over my midsection.
I rolled over, eyes cracking open, seeing the miniature fingers grasping at me, Addison's eyes bright with a smile plastered across her face.
"Da da da da!" I smiled back at her, sitting up and lifting her onto the bed, flopping her down on the pillow next to me. She giggled wildly and I pulled the blanket up over the both of us.
"Five more minutes, baby girl."
Her tiny hand was pulling at the hem of my tank top, trying to 'wake me up' as I laid there, dramatically snoring.
"Da da!" Her voice was getting angrier, and I laughed.
"Da da's tired, Addie! I get to sleep in!"
"Nooo!" I snorted at one of the few words she had come to learn very well.
"No?!" I grabbed her sides, pinching and tickling her, causing a roaring laughter to burst out of her. Her onesie was wrinkled and nearly popping open at her diaper from how hard she wriggled under my grip. "You don't get to say no to me, lady! I am your Daddy!"
She thrashed her head back and forth, gasping for air between happy squeals.
"Addie, would you let your Daddy sleep?" Mileena's voice floated in from the doorway.
I turned my head, and my hand stopped the torment on Addison. Leena was stood in a pair of black leggings, white crop top exposing her belly button, and her dark brown faded hair now pulled up in a messy bun. She looked so comfortable, so unkempt, and absolutely fucking delicious.
I reached an arm out toward her, earning me a small grin when she walked toward me. She placed a hand in mine, and I pulled her close to me. She bent down, her face stopping only inches from mine.
"Happy Birthday, Noah." Her voice was even, but her eyes were hungry.
With everything we had been through the last few weeks, with shows, Addie's first birthday, a bout of the flu, and Laura announcing she was getting a divorce, there had been very little time for us to be alone. I knew she felt it, but we weren't there yet. We needed to get through today, the Halloween party/birthday celebration, before we had any chance of spending time together.
"Thank you, my love. Happy Halloween."
Leena's eyes lit up. Halloween was her favorite holiday even before her and I met, so getting to have a huge celebration was right up her alley.
After Addison was born, it became abundantly clear that living with a newborn and all of the band members was no longer ideal. Addie was as colicky as they come, keeping everyone up at all hours of the night. The constant crying, mess, and general irritation that it caused made our living arrangements difficult. As much as Uncles Nick, Jolly, and Folio loved baby Addie, they needed a change.
I had offered to move us out, buy a new house, but Nick insisted that they would get a place - promised to be close by - to allow us our space. I was eternally grateful, and will never be able to pay him back for everything he had done for me. Eventually, they moved out, and the house was left for just us.
Aside from the struggle that being new parents took on Leena and I's sex life, it also took a serious toll on our recovery. Nothing sounds better to take the edge off from three-day long sleepless binges than a rum and Coke. Leena confessed her drink of choice was Vodka, and she nearly broke down once, driving to the liquor store, but never making it inside.
We both went back to our meetings once Addie was old enough to be babysat, spending a few hours at a time with either Laura or the guys.
After spending a few more minutes smothering Addie in kisses, I finally began getting out of bed. Leena was folding laundry on the dresser, putting it away meticulously.
"What time is it?"
"Almost noon. Laura will be here in a few hours to pick up Addie for the night." She folded one of my pairs of pants, placing it neatly in the dresser drawer.
I turned my attention back to my daughter, wiggling my eyebrows at her. "Nah, I think she's going to stay here with me. Hang out with Daddy on his birthday!"
Addison squealed, her legs kicking at me. I grabbed her hand and began pretending I was going to eat her fingers.
"As fun as that would be, I don't know that her being here when the sheer amount of musicians in our house come by is such a great idea."
I didn't look at her, still pretending to take bites out of the baby's arm. "What do you mean? Andy loves kids! Oli does too, said Addie was the next Stevie Knicks!"
Mileena shook her head and snorted. "Yeah? Are you referring to the last party, when she was kept awake most of the night, and we had a miserable day afterwards because she was so tired?"
I narrowed my eyes back at her. "Listen, Folio promised he wouldn't play drums this time."
She gave me a look that told me I wasn't winning this.
"You sure she isn't old enough to trick or treat, yet?"
She shook her head at me. "Honey, that's what the trunk or treat last night was for."
I pursed my lips. "Fine, but tomorrow, I'm taking you guys somewhere. Just the three of us, yeah?"
I was standing now, shirtless, and pulled Addie down onto the carpet. She immediately crawled toward Angel laying on the floor.
"That sounds fun." Mileena was bent down, putting one of her shirts in the drawer in the bottom of the dresser.
I walked up behind her, my hand grazing the back of her thigh, coming to rest on the curve of her ass. My touch startled her, making her stand up straight in a flash, her back bumping into my chest.
I took the opportunity to wrap an arm around her middle, pulling her back into me. "Mmm," I hummed into the skin just below her ear. "think Addie's going to nap today?"
Leena pressed her ass against me, pushing into the fabric of my shorts. She leaned her had back against my collarbone, eyes closing comfortably.
"Probably not." Her voice was breathless. "She slept in."
“That’s too fucking bad.” I kept my voice low, glancing at Addie, who was leaned against Angel’s sleeping body, holding her feet in wonder. “Because it’s been so long.” I let my hand graze over the hem of her leggings, slipping a thumb in the waistband.
She groaned. “Noah, don’t start something you can’t finish.” As annoyed as she sounded, she was still pressed against me, hands now gripping my arm where it held her in place.
“Oh, baby, I’m finishing it. The second I get you alone, I’m ripping you to fucking shreds.”
She giggled then, pulling away and turning to peer up at me, her eyes as dark as mine.
“Yeah? You always say that. Yet, somehow, I can still walk afterwards?” Her smirk was devious, and I raised an eyebrow at her.
She chuckled, and picked the laundry basket up from the bed, making her way back toward the hallway.
Oh, she was dead.
The living room was buzzing with energy, music playing over the speakers, and conversations filling the air. I stood, leaned against the bannister of the staircase, hands in my pockets. The smell of marijuana permeated the air, which was to be expected.
Hearing we were having ‘dry parties’ didn’t sound like much fun, until people learned we made other accommodations. Although Leena and I didn’t partake, we weren’t opposed to others having a good time.
Speaking of my girl, I had lost her at some point in the night. When Ronnie and Saraya showed up, she had excitedly grabbed the latter’s hand and drug her off to the backyard, where her garden was flourishing. The girls were undoubtedly gossiping. They usually did.
I made my way through the sea of bodies toward my kitchen, where I found Jolly and Nick, ripping a joint, laughing about something I hadn’t heard.
I had to raise my voice for them to hear me. “You seen Leena?”
Jolly exhaled his smoke, a rough cough coming out as he passed it back to Nick. “Last I saw, she was outside talking to Oli.”
I nodded, heading for the back door. I stopped at the dining room table, catching sight of her. Her floor length black, unforgivably tight dress hung so beautifully off of her frame. The sleeves reached her wrists, the neckline plunging disrespectfully. Her, now freshly dyed, black hair was pulled up into a ponytail, the length falling down her back. I drank in the sight of her.
My gaze was disrupted when I saw her hand reach up, grabbing an arm. It was a thick, muscular arm covered in tattoos. I then realized that she was, in fact, talking to Oli. Her lips were pulled in a smile, her teeth flashing. She was laughing. And she was touching him.
He was towering over her. Oliver was nearly as tall as me, his frame poised so you could see the ripples of his chest under his shirt. Something inside me tightened. I didn’t like it.
Stepping outside, I consciously kept myself calm as I approached them. Oli saw me first.
“Hey, there he is! Birthday boy!” His thick accent made me smile, my primitive rage fading slightly.
“Hey, what’s going on guys?”
Leena turned, her body pressing close to me instinctively. “Hey! Oli and I were just talking about that tour you were on with him in Europe?”
I nodded. “Fun stuff, man. Cant wait to do it again.”
Oliver nodded, a lazy smile spread across his face. “Oh yeah, we had that crowd eating out of our hands, man. What a fucking rush.”
Leena giggled at Oli’s excitement, it made my spine stiffen, and my blood run cold.
She shouldn’t be laughing like that, not because of Oliver. That giggle was so high-pitched and squirrely. I didn’t care for that at all. It felt flirtatious.
I knew before Leena and I even got together that Bring Me The Horizon was one of her favorites, of course Oli being, by extension, one of her favorites. However, she was also a huge Falling in Reverse fan, but she sure didn’t giggle like that around Ronnie.
Ronnie was also not Oli Sykes; a big British brute with a natural sense of seduction, whether he was trying to or not. Regardless, I still did not like that laugh, not when it wasn’t pointed at me.
“Hey, could I borrow her for just a few?”
Oliver nodded, clapping a hand on my shoulder. “Well, of course, man! Listen, I’ve got to get out of here anyways, got to head back to the motherland in the morning. Early flight and all that.”
He reached an arm around me first, pulling me into a tough, tight hug. “So good to see you, mate. Come see me on the other side of the pond some time, right?”
I slapped his back while embracing him. “Of course, man. I appreciate you being here.”
Oli excused himself inside the house, leaving Leena and I stood on the patio, alone.
She smiled brightly at me, but I still had this unnerving itch. She must have noticed my stiff demeanor, because her face fell some and she raised an eyebrow.
“You alright, babe?”
I exhaled. “Yeah, why?”
She took a step back, putting a hand on her hip. “Well, you asked Oliver if you could borrow me? And you look irritated?” Her eyes were soft, which contradicted the sass in her stance.
“Mm.” I sucked my teeth and glanced back toward the house. “How is Oliver?”
Anything soft fell right off her face, her eyebrows scrunching together. She saw right through me.
“He’s great.”
I inhaled deeply.
“What did you need to borrow me for, Noah?”
I looked back at her then, realizing I didn’t have a reason to pull her out of her conversation aside from disliking the way she was touching another man. Running it back in my head, it felt stupid.
“Oh, uh,” I ran a hand over my mouth, thinking. “just wanted to see if you heard from Laura? How Addie’s doing?”
She wasn’t buying it. “Addie’s fine, like she always is with Laura. Last update I got was an hour ago, when I came and found you.”
This wasn’t going well.
“Well, good.” I pulled at the skin of my bottom lip with my teeth.
“Noah?” I looked back at her. “What’s going on?”
Shaking my head, I tried to look clueless. “Nothing, why?”
She crossed her arms. “Cause you’re acting weird.”
Something about her tone, her body language, I couldn’t put my finger on why, but it irritated me. She was feeling up on someone else, and I’m getting questioned?
I mimicked her and folded my own arms over my chest. “I’m not the one acting weird.”
Eyes narrowed at her, I held my face even.
“And how is that?” She didn’t falter. Leena was one of the only women I knew who could give my poker face a run for its money.
“Oh, I’m sorry. Were you not just getting all grabby with Oli?”
Her eyes widened then in disbelief. I knew, because when I heard it come out of my own mouth, I realized that was a pretty big stretch. She grabbed his arm, not his cock.
But still, we were already here, and I wasn’t in a place to back down. Not right now, feeling this attracted to her when she was pissed off.
“Grabby?!” Her voice came out louder than I expected, and I whipped my head around to see if anyone else was outside. “How in the hell was I being grabby with him?”
I rolled my eyes.
“Well, it was pretty clear to me.” I was digging myself a hole, I knew it. So did she, but now she was waving her hands around, and her tits were bouncing in her dress, no confines of a bra. My mouth was watering, so I doubled down. “Was it really necessary to be grabbing his arms like that?”
My tone was cool, which contrasted her face that was now turning a shade of pink with rage. Was I proud? Not exactly… Maybe a little.
She’s so fucking sexy when she’s mad.
“You’ve lost it, you know that?” Her voice was filled with incredulous frustration. She then began trying to walk away, forcing me to reach out and catch one of her wrists in my hand. I was too tired, too depraved. I needed her so badly, but the idea of her being spitting mad at me made it worth the effort. I wanted her so angry that she was damn near ready to rip me apart. The idea made my dick twitch in my slacks.
“Leena,” She looked down at where I held her arm, then looked back at me with narrowed eyes. Oh she was enraged. Excellent. “I-“ I wanted to say sorry, tell her I was being dumb and to go inside and enjoy the party, but I just…couldn’t.
Something in her stare told me she had figured me out, and her eyebrows lowered, her lips twisting up in a menacing grin.
“Are you…jealous?”
I was taken back. Jealous? Of Oli? Nope. Couldn’t be me.
“No.” I said through grit teeth. “I just don’t want you to forget who you belong to.”
That was it. That sent her over the edge. She ripped her arm out of my grip, standing back defensively.
“Belong to? Like a piece of fucking property?”
I didn’t respond, just shrugged.
“You son of a bitch!” Twitch.
“How dare you speak to me that way?! As if you own me?!” Twitch.
“I don’t give a half of a fuck who I’m talking to, or grabbing. You don’t own me.”
Maybe this was going too far. Maybe.
But then she stormed inside, and I was barreling after her. She was already halfway to the staircase when I grabbed Nick by the sleeve on my way after her.
“Everyone out. Now.” No one needed to hear what I was about to get into.
The bedroom door slammed when I was about a foot away. I could hear bodies shuffling out the front door, but I didn’t care. I just burst into the room, not surprised it wasn’t locked.
She stood between the bed and the dresser, fists balled at her sides, baring her teeth. Oh it was lovely, seeing her so fucking hostile. I nearly fell to my knees in front of her, begging her to do whatever she saw fit. I didn’t, however.
Instead, I slipped the door closed and turned the lock carefully behind me. My face was stoic, doing my best to keep my own composure. It was taking every bit of self restraint, but I could feel it faltering. We were going down soon, I could feel it. My brain was sizzling just looking at her.
“I don’t care how much I love you, Noah Sebastian. I will not be treated like a piece of meat.” She was waving a finger at me, manicured and perfect.
I took a step toward her. She didn’t allow me the space to speak.
“I’m not sure where you found all of that fucking audacity, but I will tell you, it is so out of character for you.” Her voice had fallen some.
“Is it?” My words came out low and slow.
She couldn’t believe me. As if I had no idea the inconvenience I had caused her.
“Why would you do that?” Her face was now pulled into something that looked like confusion. “I can’t think of one good reason why you-“
She didn’t get to finish, my control finally slipping through my fingers, and my hands grabbing her and pressing our mouths together. She stilled at first, but when I pressed my tongue against her lips, she melted, her anger being fed through her grasp on me.
Mileena pulled at my blazer, ripping it down my shoulders and tossing it on the bed.
In a moment of absolute primal agitation, she growled at me, which sent every drop of blood in my body down to my crotch.
When her fingers began pulling at the bottom of my shirt, I wrapped my hand in her hair and pulled her backwards. She stared at me, all venom and lust, and snarled. I smiled, licking my lips. It was unbelievable. I used my free hand to rip the front of her dress open, her breasts falling out, and capturing my attention. My hand loosened on her hair, sliding down her face, neck, and reaching for her chest.
She used this opportunity to wrap a hand around my throat, which took me by surprise, my gaze lifting. She was controlling this, which was new.
Her teeth ground together, and her fingers squeezed me, the tips of her sharp acrylics digging into my skin.
“On your fucking knees.”
I scoffed. “Or what?”
Her hand tightened even further, and her other hand came up to grab me by the cock, gripping the fabric of my pants in an almost uncomfortable squeeze.
“Or I walk away, right now.”
That sounded like misery in the highest degree, so, naturally, I sunk down to the floor, sharp eyes glancing up at her. The hand on my neck was now running through my hair. She was looking down at me with an almost loving look on her face.
“You were so fucking mean, you need to make up for it.”
My hand grabbed her ankle just above her heel, sliding up the back of her calf, to her thigh. When my fingertips reached her hip, I noticed something that made me nearly fall backwards. She wasn’t wearing any panties.
Using the slit up the side of her dress skirt, I moved the fabric over to see her, already visibly wet. She loved this as much as I did. I only peered up at her for a split second, seeing she now had her head leaned back, waiting, anticipating.
Catching her off guard, instead of starting slow, building her up, making her whine and beg, I attached myself to her core, drawing a sharp breath out of her.
“Fuck, Noah!” She pulled at my hair, looking down at me while I worked her over, feeling the moisture running down my chin. “Ugh, you look so fucking cute when you do that.”
I raised an eyebrow at her, but didn’t detach. I pulled her one leg so her thigh balanced on my shoulder and dove in deeper, sliding my tongue up and down her folds. I saw her tits bouncing up and down as she bucked into my face.
I settled in, intending to let her finish before I took the reins back, but I was interrupted at her pulling me upward by the hair. The unfamiliar sting on my scalp made me wince, but I still stood up in response.
“Lay the fuck down.” She pushed me down onto the bed. “Pants off.” I smirked at her, not moving an inch. “Now.”
Her voice was terrifying. I began unbuckling my belt, and popped the button open with one hand. She must have been getting impatient, because her hands ripped my pants down and off, her eyes focusing on the bulge in my boxers. I leaned back on my elbows, waiting for her to do whatever she needed to torment me further.
I truly did not expect what she said next.
“Touch yourself.” This confused me.
“You fucking heard me.” She jumped up onto the dresser, leaning back against the wall, and let her legs fall open, giving me full view of her. My eyes followed her every move.
I reached down and palmed myself over my underwear, feeling vulnerable.
“C’mon now Sebastian, this is no time to be shy.” This made me actually fucking blush. She was enjoying this way more than I expected.
Hooking my thumbs in the band of my boxers, I carefully slid them down low enough to let myself free. My fingers gently grabbed my dick, tugging at it ever so slightly. The sensation was good, but it wasn’t her.
“That’s it, baby.” She spread her legs, her pussy sitting just above the wood of the dresser, putting herself on full display. “Nice and slow.”
I whimpered. I actually fucking whimpered. It wasn’t lost on her, either, her eyes darting to my face and licking her lips.
“See, Noah? This is what happens when you’re an asshole. You get treated like the fucking brat you are.”
Who the fuck was this girl and how quickly could I lock her in a room and never let her escape?
My hand worked up and down my shaft, my eyes falling closed and my breathing erratic. I could feel myself getting close just thinking about her.
“Stop.” My hand froze, and I opened my eyes, staring at her in defeat. “Don’t come yet.”
I was getting frustrated. “Why the fuck not?”
She sat up, crossing her legs, putting herself away.
“If you don’t wait until I tell you to come, I swear I will put on my sweats, go downstairs, and start cleaning.”
That was the threat that made any confidence I had falter. Once she started cleaning, it was over. She would hyper-focus, and I wouldn’t see her again until the entire house was shining.
I moved my hand off of my cock to resist the temptation and laid flat back on the bed, digging the heels of my palms into my eye sockets.
I stopped when I felt the bed dip on either side of me, and looked up to see her kneeling over me, now fully nude. My heart sped up as I felt her slide herself up and down my shaft, her slick pussy gliding so fucking deliciously. Instinctively, I reached for her hips, but my hand was met with a hard slap, which caused me to pull away.
“Not this time, baby boy.” I groaned, lavishing the feeling of her on me, the weight on my hips excruciatingly divine.
“Now, what do you have to say for yourself?” I looked at her, lost on what she was asking for.
“What?” My voice was a breath, an exhale.
“For treating me so foul?” She pulled back, and grabbed the base of my cock, pulling it forward to line up with her entrance but holding steady as not to let it touch her.
“Ugh, Leena,” I moaned,
My hips trying to buck. She pulled further away as I tried to press into her.
“Say it, Noah.” She demanded.
“Fuck!” My body was screaming, fire coursing through me as she ran her hand up and down, grazing the head. “I’m sorry! Jesus Christ!”
With that, she sunk down, enveloping all of me so fucking perfectly. My eyes snapped shut, trying like hell not to finish just from the edge of it.
“That’s right, honey.” Her voice was a soft moan, her hand coming up to wrap around my throat again as her hips snapped forward. My vision was turning white.
“Now, ask me fucking nicely.”
Wild that she could think I could speak, given she was cutting all my air off. It was unholy, and I loved every fucking second.
I choked, trying to speak, and I felt her fingers loosen slightly.
“Please, baby,” I breathed in hard. “please let me come.”
“Fuck, Noah, you’re so fucking gorgeous.” She let go of my throat, reaching down to circle her clit. I felt her rhythm become unsteady.
“Leena, Jesus fucking Christ, please, baby, please.”
She thrusted faster, her climax coming uncoiled, and I felt her tighten around me.
“Oh, fuck!” She fell forward, wrapping her fingers in my hair.
“Fuck me, Noah. Fuck me, please!” Did I need to be told twice?
My hands gripped her ass and lifted her, slamming my hips up and pounded into her. She still hadn’t told me yet, so I was fighting as hard as I could to hold it together.
“Noah, come for me.” She cooed directly into my ear, her voice so fucking sweet.
I think I may have had a stroke, the sheer velocity of my orgasm ripping out of me. I let out a hard, visceral scream.
Once we were both still, her body laid lazily on top of me, I left soft kisses on her shoulder.
“I really am sorry, baby.”
She chuckled softly. “I know, babe.”
I turned my head to look at her face, looking absolutely exhausted.
“You’re so fucking amazing when you’re angry.”
She lazily lifted her eyebrow. “Did you start a fight just to have angry sex?”
I bit the inside of my cheek. That was probably the better answer.
“Maybe.” I tried to be coy, and she seemed to buy it.
I didn’t know what had come over me in the backyard, or why I got so annoyed with her talking to another man. I’m not like that, I never have been.
But something inside me told me that the feeling was going to get me into trouble.
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fear-and-delight-l · 2 years
IMAGINE where rhea ripley has a championship match, and the reader goes out to ringside with her but when the reader takes a punch for the love of her life, Rhea explodes and finally comes out with her true feelings.
WARNINGS: none. Slight swearing? Erotic fluff? no smut but feel free to request it.
ALSO I TAKE REQUESTS, so if you have an idea, let me know and I'd love to make it come true! Love you guys and thanks for reading!
I take a deep breath before we step out into the arena. Rhea is full of adrenaline, I can feel it radiating off of her, but I am all nerves. Rhea might have gotten too far ahead of herself this time.
We step out into the light.
Rhea’s theme music plays and the crowd is crazy. I don’t let anyone see my anxiety on my face. I change my expression to true brutality.
“You ready for this, babe?” Rhea cries, her eyes burning bright. 
Babe, babe, babe, babe, babe…
“Hell yeah” I say and we head down to the ring, Rhea pinching my arm with a grin on her face.
She climbs up the ropes, fists in the air. (It’s a damn shame that she doesn’t pummel me with those fists.) Her lips are painted black and her hair is slicked back yet looser than usual. It's gotten a little long, and I must say that I want nothing more to put my hand in her hair and pull it, just so I can hear her gasp.
Her smile is brighter than all the lights in the arena and I can’t help but smile at my thoughts. Rhea Ripley is by far the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Her body is toned and muscled but everything about her is graceful and sleek. And really I just can’t get over her damned smile-
Part of me is grateful that the rest of The Judgement Day didn’t come out to ringside this time. I’m so selfish for wanting her all to myself…
The music changes. 
Bianca Belair walks into the arena. 
I have to give it to Bianca. She has made a name for herself and makes everyone turn their heads and stop what they are doing. She won her Raw women’s championship belt fair and square and has defended it well. Rhea said so herself. 
But when Rhea challenged her for it, I couldn’t help but think that the only way Bianca would give up the title is out of her cold dead hands. 
As Bianca makes her way down to the ring, I look up at Rhea and she gives me one last look. She winks at me and turns back to the E-S-T.
I am not sure if my heart is racing because I think Rhea is going to take the loss or the fact that she winked at me.
Bianca has only managed to pin Rhea once. My nerves have settled a bit because Rhea really has the upper hand in this match. Bianca is strong. HELLA strong. But not as strong as my Rhea. I never should have doubted her. 
Rhea hooks Bianca’s arms between her legs and hoists her up. Yes, yes, yes!!! Riptide–
Where’s the ref? 
Rhea slams Bianca down and I wince at how hard Bianca hits the mat. Where the hell is the ref? Rhea has had her down for more than a count of three…
I realize the referee wasn’t at the count because Alexa Bliss had made her way into the ring and tried to interfere. The ref turns around and looks in horror that he missed a vital moment in the match trying to get rid of Alexa. Bianca kicked out before he could count. 
Oh, I was not letting this happen. 
I run over to where Alexa stands laughing. I reach across the apron and grab her by her ankles. She slams to the mat and I drag her out. 
“You wanna screw up this match, bitch? Not gonna happen with me.” I say. “So come and face me if you even have the balls to.”
Alexa stands up and screams, running straight into my midsection and slamming me into the post. The back of my head throbs, practically on fire. No way I am letting this blonde bitch beat me. 
Trying my hardest to ignore the pain in my head, I push Alexa off of me and grab her by her hair, dragging and slamming her into the barricade. I hear her groan. It’s not enough. I get her on her feet again. I shouldn't try to steal Rhea's move, but I've been practicing just for her. I silently pray that my next move will work. 
I hook her arm around my neck. 
I pull her other arm between her legs. 
I hoist her up. 
And with all my force–
Alexa hits the floor, immediately writhing in pain. Her back took the full force of the hit…
I look up and Rhea rushes down from the ring and towards me, her hands grasping my sides. Bianca still lay lifeless in the ring. Rhea looks at me up and down and begs to know if I’m okay. 
“I’m okay, I promise. My head just hurts a little…”
“That riptide was so good! Have you been practicing somehow?” She asks, her thumbs rubbing circles on my skin. I reach my hands up and grab the sides of her face. Her skin is warm from sweat but I want to kiss all over it anyway. Her smile her smile her smile oh my god I can't breathe....her eyes crinkle in delight at me and I think I am more breathless than she is.
“How else would Dominik have all his bruises?” I laugh. Her hands squeeze just a little tighter on my waist as she grins. 
Damn it, her smile! I can’t ever resist it–
It only takes me a split second to notice Bianca barreling towards Rhea. I shove Rhea out of the way just as Bianca raises her fist to strike. 
She makes direct contact with my eye. 
I feel my body still and I slump to the ground. 
Y’know, that kinda fuckin’ hurt. My second hit to the head.
The edges of my vision dance with black spots, and I can hear Rhea’s screams of rage. I reach my hand up towards my eye and wince at the sting. I look for Rhea, and she’s starting to corner Bianca towards the ring, yelling in her face. 
“You wanna mess with my girl, huh? You wanna hit my girl? I don’t fucking think so!”
Rhea grabs Bianca’s ponytail and uses it to slam her face into the apron. Bianca groans as she is thrown back into the ring. I sit up, a little dizzy, and watch as Rhea screams at the ref. 
“You gonna watch this one, huh? Yeah? You gonna watch this?  You gonna do your damn job? Watch this!” 
Rhea drops onto Bianca, straddling her. And she starts to lay the punches onto Bianca’s head. She tries to kick out from under Rhea but to no avail. I get to my feet and get on my belly to slide in the ring.
The Judgment Day music plays and Damian and Finn and Dominik run out. Why are they out here? If they try to interfere, Rhea will be disqualified! 
 I won’t interfere either. I know that it could get Rhea in trouble but I also know that she doesn’t want me to interfere because she knows what she’s doing. 
Damian leans onto the apron and screams, “Rhea, stop! Just finish her!” 
“Finish her, mami!” Dom cries. 
Finn is shaking his head and muttering “She’s gonna kill her, she’s gonna kill her…”
I realize why they are so upset. With the way Rhea is beating Bianca, she is getting too violent and it’s possible that Rhea could get banned from wrestling. Bianca's lip has busted open and little drops of blood scatter onto Rhea's hands.
I look at Damian. He’s got worry etched all over his face.
I stumble to the corner, and I watch Rhea pick Bianca up and slam her back down. 
Rhea is rage. 
She is anger. 
She is graceful yet harsh. 
Quick on her feet and fast with her hands. 
She is beautiful. 
She is a nightmare. 
An eradicator. 
True brutality. 
She beats the shit out of Bianca for a little longer and then she does it. 
Arm around her neck. 
Leg tucked between the thighs. 
Bianca is out. I know it. 
The ref doesn’t miss the count. 1, 2, 3. 
Rhea gets up and shouts with joy. I run up to her and she opens her arms to me and I jump into her, putting my face into her neck. She’s spinning me and she’s screaming about not how she won but we won. We won. 
I’m back on my feet again and a little disappointed that she won’t hold me on her hip so I can wrap my legs around her. The ref  hands her the belt and she screams in delight as she hoists it up in the air. Damian and Finn and Dom rush into the ring and suddenly we are all screaming and whooping and crying out our war cries. Victory is ours. No one can hurt us anymore.
Dominik takes my face in his hands and inspects my eye, 
“te golpeó muy fuerte, mi amor.”  [she hit you pretty hard, my love]
“dominik, estoy bien, lo prometo.” [dominik, im fine, i promise]
He grins and Finn picks me up in excitement. I laugh and Damian laughs with me. Finn sets me down and I turn back to Rhea. 
She stares at me, her beautiful, wicked smile gone. She’s breathless and she’s looking at me as though I am her prize instead of the belt she holds in her hand. 
Rhea drops her belt. 
She rushes to me and grabs my hips harshly but kisses me gently.
Oh. Oh, oh, oh, oh…
Rhea’s lips kiss me so gently but her grip on me is like iron. The only thing separating me and her is our ring gear. I grab the sides of her face and press my lips against hers, begging for more, more, more. 
I realize that we are so  close that our hips are smashed together and she is enveloping me in her embrace. Her arms snake around to my back and she pulls me even closer. 
There is no way for us to be closer but I want us to be closer. I want to be molded into her so me and her are one. I pull away for a moment and I look into her lust filled eyes. I want more, more , more of her.
“I can’t believe you dropped your title belt,” I say with a laugh.
Rhea puts one hand in my hair and says, 
“No championship could ever be worth as much as kissing you.” 
She strokes my hair and leans down to give me a soft peck that has me trembling and aching for more of her. 
“My girl,” she says. “My girl.”
I smile and kiss her again. I don’t care if her black lipstick smears all over me. I don’t ever want to stop kissing her. 
“I’m so proud of you,” I say, a kiss between each word. She smiles at me with her teeth and I melt into her. I love when she’s soft. 
I look over at Finn who is clapping like the rest of the audience. Dominik is cheering and Damian is wearing a smirk. I can tell that they knew this would happen eventually. I hear Rhea laugh and she picks up her title belt and then picks me up, wrapping my legs around her waist. She is my champion and I am her prize. She looks up at me, her eyes twinkling with pride. She is not ashamed of me. She would never be ashamed of me. I lean down to kiss her, my hands resting on the sides of her neck. 
She raises her belt in victory, and I throw my head back in laughter. 
My brutal, wicked, graceful, beautiful champion. 
im super proud of this one. IDK i just think its neat. Remember, i take requests and i am very flexible with characters and such.
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thepaperpanda · 2 years
Moonboys & Khonshu vs cat || Steven Grant x fem!Reader || Marc Spector x fem!Reader || Jake Lockley x fem!Reader || Khonshu x fem!Reader
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Summary: How would moonboys interact with a kitten? And how would Khonshu handle a cat if he had to?
Warnings: none 
Word count: ~ 2890
Authors: Cass & Rouge
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😻 JAKE 😻
It was usual for Jake to announce his return home loudly, but this time he didn't. He entered the apartment and went to the bathroom without removing his cap or jacket.
You peered out of the kitchen after you thought you had heard the lock and keys squeaking. "Jake, is that you?"
"¡Sí! ¡Me das un momento!" He yelled loudly from behind the closed door.
"Of course!"
Within a few moments, Jake walked out of the bathroom. "You better not get in there. I have blood on my stuff. I don't want you looking at it."
A frown appeared on your forehead but you followed him back to the hallway, not questioning anything else.
"How was your day, cariño?" Jake asked, trying to catch your attention.
"I made dinner and tried to reach you but you didn't answer my calls. Was everything okay? I'll wash your stained clothes. Do you want me to wash your jacket as well?" You replied with a frown still on your face.
Sitting down, Jake protested, "None of that is necessary. I can take care of it myself. You don't need to worry yourself."
You proceeded to set the kettle on fire to make Jake his afternoon espresso. It wasn't until you could swear you heard a loud meow sound coming from the bathroom.
Jake heard that too and cleared his throat loudly. "That crazy lady next door. I wonder how many cats she has there."
With a raised eyebrow, you left the kitchen and headed straight to the bathroom. "She only has three of them and none meows like that."
Immediately after getting up, he grabbed your hand tightly. "Since when do you know how her cats meow? I told you not to go there."
"Why not? She's just an older lady. I sometimes help her with shopping and I've been there a few times. She's very kind and her kittens are cute. Also, none of them meow like that, so stop making fun of me, Lockley, and tell me what you're hiding in our bathroom."
Jake continued to argue, "Just blood on my stuff. I don't want you to even look at it."
Another loud meow and a small paw reaching out from under the bathroom's door sold him out.
In a nod, Jake pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed heavily. "Okay fine. It's a cat... A kitten to be exact."
"Bring it here," you instructed your boyfriend and walked to the living room.
After rolling his eyes, he went to the bathroom only to return with a kitten in his arms. "Here."
You immediately approached him and rubbed the kitten's head.
"I just found him in the trash can outside and I couldn't leave this little guy there," Jake shrugged.
You made a quiet awww sound and picked the kitten out of Jake's arms.
"I was also unsure if you would let me keep him here," Jake added.
"Why wouldn't I, silly?"
"Because the building owner is weird and you don't want to have any trouble?" Jake gave you one more shrug. "I hope the kitten isn't a problem."
"Like I'd care about the groaning of that old prick," you told him, cradling the kitten in your arms. "How are we going to name the baby?"
I was going to ask you for a name idea, honey. You always come up with great ones."
You picked the cat up to have a brief look between its legs. "It's a boy. So maybe Nuka?"
Jake rolled his eyes with a soft chuckle. "I know it's a boy, silly. Well, you will have to think about more names then."
"You can give your thoughts too, love," you told him. "We need to take our baby to the vet."
"Babies, cariño," Jake muttered, rubbing the back of his neck. "I have a box full of his siblings in my limo."
You blinked. "What?"
"Well... There was more than one kitten."
"How many?"
"Four more," Jake said quietly.
You gasped quietly. "Mr Lockley, I never thought you would care about the plight of poor stray animals."
"I just like cats, okay?!” Jake groaned, not too happy with your teasing.
You put the kitten down and turned to Jake to give him a deep kiss.
He didn't even dare to protest and kissed you back, grabbing your sides. Once you pulled away, he smiled. "What was that for?”
"For bringing this beautiful furball home. Now, chop chop, move your round ass and get his siblings here."
"You want to keep them all?"
"Why not? Our flat is spacious."
This time he grabbed you by cheeks and kissed you deeply. "I love you."
"Go, go and bring them. I can't wait to see those babies."
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Steven was busy with a new book you gave him recently. Your return to the flat after work caught his attention. "Evening, luv!" He said cheerfully. "Look, I'm reading the book you got me!"
You entered the flat with something nestled in your arms. "Baby! Can you help me out here?"
In the blink of an eye, Steven sprang from the armchair, abandoning the book on the desk. "Did you go shopping again?" Steven asked softly. "One more trip like that and we'll drown in your dresses."
As you shook your head, a soft chuckle escaped your lips. "This time, no. Take a look at who I brought with me."
A small, red-haired cat was curled up in your arms.
Steve smiled, surprised, and gently touched the kitten. "Who might that be?" He chuckled. "You're a cute one, aren't you? Where did you find this poor thing?"
"I noticed him limping down the street near my office. He was so tired that he kept falling, and it appeared that his back paw was injured. I couldn't let him live on the streets any longer... I had no idea what else I could do."
"Did you take it to the vet? Shall I call someone?"
"Actually, I didn't. I wasn't sure if you'd let me keep him because I live by your house, so first I wanted to see if you'd agree," you explained everything.
The kitten you were holding opened his eyes and meowed loudly, his gaze fixed on Steven. The tiny creature was trembling.
As Steven picked up the kitten from your arms, he gently wrapped it in a blanket from the couch.
"Poor little thing. We need to get you warm and cosy. Then we should take you to the right doctor," He abruptly stopped, looking at the fish tank. "Oh, bloody hell. We cannot have cats here. Gus... Cats eat fish."
You blinked as you listened to Steven's words. "But, babe? Gus lives in his tank. The tank is covered from above. And the kitten is too young to comprehend the significance of his own cat nature and hunting abilities. Not to mention that he's hurt. If he grows up around Gus, he will never attack him..." You made an effort to make your points clear.
"He will learn how to get under the covers if he grows up here," Steven explained, looking at the kitten.
You approached Steven and gently took the cat wrapped in a blanket from his arms. "So, why are you holding such a raging beast?" You couldn't pretend not to be angry with Steven. "It's only a kitten. A furball. He will not attack your goldfish. But if you take him as a treat, I'll take him with me to my old flat, where he won't try to hunt, kill, or eat anyone nor anything."
Don't act so dramatic, darling. I didn't say I wanted to throw him out."
"I'm not being dramatic, but you're accusing him of something he'll never do. You stated that cats consume fish. That is, you attempted to find him guilty before he committed a crime. Are you playing Ammit?" You started raising your voice.
Grabbing your arm gently, Steven protested, "Don't pull that card on me now, luv. I don't judge the kitten. I am just worried about Gus. That's all."
"Do you honestly believe I won't teach the cat not to eat Gus, and treat him like a part of the family instead? Do you think I'm a horrible person? You already know how much I adore your goldfish," you protested.
I never said I thought anything like that. Now you put things into my mouth, and that's something I don't like," Steven said, shaking his head. "Let's get the little guy to the vet, okay?”
Steven nodded and gave you a small smile. "Then we will go to the pet store and get him everything he needs."
"And you promise to not accuse the little one of anything, deal?'
"I promise."
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It had been two months. Freddy, the kitty, was doing much better after his injured leg was treated by the veterinarian. He was a bouncing ball of energy who was too cute to not be liked by everyone in the house.
You got home earlier one day because your boss had to close the store where you worked a bit earlier due to computer problems. How surprised were you that Steven wasn't there to greet you right away.
He was on the couch with the kitten on his lap. He was moving his finger right above the kitten's head, giggling when Freddy tried to catch it. "Look at you. Jumping like a little bunny. Someone is getting better."
Your heart melted at that precise moment. You were annoyed with Steven at times for being too harsh with the kitten, but the man was still concerned about his beloved goldfish. However, the scene you witnessed convinced you that Steven adored your new pet. "Hey, boys, I'm back. I can see you two are having a lot of fun!"
"Oh yes we do!" Steven cooed, stroking Freddy's little cheek. "He was a good kitten the entire day. Today, I woke up with him sleeping on my chest. I-it's okay, right?"
"I've been convincing you that he's not a beast, but a sweet, fluffy furball," you flopped on the couch next to Steven and briefly kissed his cheek. "Thanks for giving him a chance. You did the best thing possible by saving his life."
"Although I try, I still get nervous when he sits under the tank and watches," Steven admitted, kissing Freddy's head. "But he is indeed a cute, little furball."
"He watches Gus because it's interesting to him to see other animal just floating so peacefully in the water," you explained. "It's nice to see you two getting along so well. I'm pretty sure you both are the cutest boys around."
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😾 MARC 😾
Marc loved visiting your flat. Your cat was the only thing he didn't like. The animal hated Marc, despite your claims that it was sweet and cute.
Your cat was a lovely black girl with a pointy nose and big, golden eyes. She was a sweet furball around you, but whenever Marc came into your flat, she transformed into a demon, as if possessed.
When Spector entered the room that day, your kitten ran up to him and hissed loudly.
Marc frowned in disbelief at the cat. "Yeah. Glad to see you too," Spector groaned, already annoyed before he looked at you. "Why is she like this?"
"Maybe she's just a bit jealous of you, you know? You're the only man that visits us and you pay all of your attention to me," you told him after making it to the hallway to greet him.
He scoffed, rolling his eyes. There is no doubt in our minds that she is your one and only baby."
"But she can sense that you're a leader type here," you commented. "Maybe we can run a short test?"
"Test? Should I be worried?"
"No. Just come with me," you grabbed Spector's hands and led him behind you, right to the living room.
Reluctantly, Marc nodded and followed you, squeezing your palm.
You asked him to take a seat on the couch.
As reluctantly as before, Marc took a seat and got comfortable. "What are you planning?”
You took a seat by his side, and asked him, "Kiss me now."
Before pulling you into a deep kiss, Marc teased, "So demanding."
The moment you started kissing, your cat jumped on the couch and aggressively poked Marc's lap with her paw.
He glared at the cat, then at you, with an annoyed growl. "She seriously has a problem with me getting close to you. What now?"
In the softest voice you could muster, you advised, "Give her some attention. And change your tone, she can sense your exasperation."
As soon as I touch her, she's going to try to scratch me, you're aware of that, right? She's done that before."
"At least this time, trust me."
As Marc rolled his eyes, he decided to gently scratch the cat behind the ear. It was a hit with cats, wasn't it? What could possibly go wrong?
You knew everything you said was true when you heard a loud purr of approval filling the room.
"I wonder when she'll happily sink her claws into my hand," Marc joked.
The kitten jumped on his lap, made two small spins and laid down, purring loudly. Some moments later, a meow accompanied.
"I still don't trust her. I saw her sharp teeth," Marc said, scratching the cat's back.
"If you give her the attention she seeks, there's no way she'll think of attacking you."
"Are you sure about that? It's a mini version of a tiger."
"It's just a kitten, Marc. You're several times bigger than she is."
Marc was brave enough to pick up the cat and display it to you like a little lion. "Look at those paws. Mini tiger."
You couldn't help but chuckle. "Marc, it's a small kitten. She won't eat you alive and all she needs is love."
The cat meowed loudly, wiggling her tail.
"She agrees with me,” Spector added, happy that the kitten finally stopped hissing at him.
"You see? We can say you tamed her in some way," you smiled at Marc.
Marc chuckled and took a look at the kitten. "Yep. When she's not hissing at me, she's not so bad.
The cat freed herself and instantly placed herself on Marc's lap again, purring loudly as soon as her golden eyes were closed and Marc started scratching her back again.
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Khonshu asked, watching you carry a cat in your arms, "What's the point of this creature even being here?"
A small frown crept on your forehead after you heard Khonshu's words. "Well, she's my cat, and I love her. Do I really need some deeper purpose in keeping a cat at home?"
He scoffed, "In my time those were treated like saints and not like common house mascots."
"Would you tell me more, Khonshu? Of course, I've heard they were worshipped in Egypt."
“Is there anything else you would like to know, woman?" Khonshu asked.
"How did it start?"
"Have you heard about the goddess Bastet?”
"Yes, I did."
"There's no need to discuss that then," the god nodded, getting closer to gently rub the cat's head. "The Egyptians believed cats brought good luck. To honour them, wealthy families dressed them in jewels and fed them royal treats."
Your kitten tried to grab Khonshu's hand, meowing loudly. "This is what I need to do for my beautiful Nea," you smiled, looking at your cat.
"Do you know how to mummify it?" Khonshu asked curiously.
You blinked in disbelief, shaking your head.
"You don't? And you house a cat? Pathetic.”
"I won't mummify my cat after she passes away," you said with a frown. "She'll be buried, that's all."
A roar came from Khonshu. "What? You all lack even a shred of respect these days! I knew humans were stupid, but now it's ridiculous and disrespectful."
"What's your problem this time, 'ol bird?"
He scoffed, scratching the cat's head as he said, "You humans have no respect for old customs. Poor thing will die and be buried without respect."
Your cat tried to be picked up by the creature as best she could.
Khonshu picked up the cat and scratched its chin. During my time, owners would shave their eyebrows as a sign of mourning. They would mourn until their eyebrows grew back," the god stated simply.
You blinked and frowned more. You thought to yourself that as much as you loved your kitten, there was no way for you to shave your fucking eyebrows as a sign of mourning. "Well, it was centuries ago, Khonshu. And now we live in the modern world and we have modern ways to worship our dead, beloved ones."
By burying them like ordinary animals. Modern people are so pathetic and weak."
"Even though you think we're weak and pathetic, we've gained longevity not only for us but also for others thanks to medicine and science," you argued with Khonshu.
A life full of nothing. Hardly worth extending," Khonshu muttered, absorbed in the care of your feline companion.
Your kitten climbed on her back legs and licked Khonshu's beak.
"I will ensure that you are respected after you are gone, my dear," Khonshu promised, stroking your kitten's head carefully.
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voraciousvore · 8 months
Boarding School for Giants (9/25)
------ Chapter 9 ------
Mr. Henderson dropped me off at the human dormitory and left. The sun was spent, swathing the campus in the velvety darkness of night. Towering streetlamps provided sparks of light to weakly illuminate the sidewalks in a soft glow. Insects that presented as nothing more than sentient white specks floated around the lights. Crickets chirped enthusiastically, providing a soothing ambience. 
The night was calm, but inside I was churning with desperate turmoil. Fate must be playing some sort of cruel trick on me. If I had any doubts that my mother didn’t want me anymore, they had been cast aside. I just couldn’t believe it, couldn’t accept it. My life was falling apart before my eyes. I wasn’t sure if I could make it through another day here, alone, much less an entire year of school and beyond. I felt as if I were imprisoned within my own personal twisted version of purgatory, atoning for my past wrongs. Sighing heavily, I went inside and prepared for my day tomorrow. 
At least tomorrow was Friday. I just had to get through one day of school and then I’d have the weekend to cool off. A whole weekend of hiding out in this building, praying that nobody would open the roof and torment me or steal me away. Ugh. I’d have to find a secret place somewhere else on campus to hide out, some place where only a human could fit and no giants would find me. It would also be advantageous to have a spot to hide within the dormitory. Scanning my surroundings, I checked the cabinet beneath the sink. The small compartment underneath wasn’t the most comfortable, but I could fit inside if necessary. I made a mental note to remember the cramped space if I got in a pinch. 
Next, I looked over my class schedule for tomorrow. The school worked off an alternating schedule, with six total class periods, three per day. Friday, the odd day out, rotated on a weekly basis. This week’s Friday consisted of periods four through six. Since I didn’t have PE, my sixth period was an empty slot, meaning I just had to get through two classes, history and chemistry, and then I could leave. I could manage that, hopefully. Being optimistic wasn’t in my nature, but I made an exception in this case. I couldn’t allow myself to imagine all the horrible ways that my day could go wrong, or else I’d have another mental breakdown. Trying to drown out all the troubled thoughts rattling around in my brain, I went to bed. 
When I woke up the next morning, my legs were very sore. My muscles had been worked a lot more than usual traversing the giant campus, and I had never biked so much in my life. I groaned and stretched and rolled out of bed. After I got dressed and was all ready to go, I collected up the textbooks I would need into my backpack and stepped outside, after checking that the coast was clear. I hopped on my bike and began the long journey to the giant school.  
I considered myself lucky that I actually enjoyed biking, because otherwise I would have been even more miserable than I already was. I just wished my legs weren’t hurting as much as they were. Since I had left early, there weren’t too many giants out and about yet. They were fortunate enough to be able to stumble out of bed and take a few steps to get to school, as opposed to biking a marathon like me. I was very skittish, giving everyone I saw a wide berth, especially after my little accident yesterday where I had scraped my knees. 
I eventually succeeded in my quest to reach the cafeteria, which had opened for breakfast only a few minutes earlier. My food wasn’t there, so I waited around nervously. After my terrible interaction with that one student in the cafeteria, I was on high alert, fearful of any eyes that may wander my way. Right now, most of the students filing in were waiting in line for their breakfast, so nobody was looking at me. Distracted, I didn’t notice the lunch lady who stepped around the counter with my breakfast until she was practically right on top of me. 
“Excuse me, dear,” the plump elderly women announced her presence, kneeling over me. I squeaked in surprise and jumped back about five feet. “Oh, I didn’t mean to startle you. Here’s your breakfast sweetie.” She held out a small brown paper bag pinched between two gloved fingers, being careful not to smash the contents. 
“T-thanks,” I managed to respond. I took the bag from her fingers and looked up at her with wide eyes. 
“Also, I apologize for not having your meals ready for you on your first day. There was a miscommunication, and nobody told us there was a human attending the school,” she explained to me, smiling kindly. “If anything like that happens again, don’t be afraid to come talk to one of us in the kitchen, alright?” 
“Okay,” I uttered, barely above a whisper. She returned to her full height and walked off, and I stood there holding the bag, stunned that somebody had actually been nice to me. I opened the bag, revealing a tasty-looking breakfast burrito, a cup of chopped fruit, and a carton of chocolate milk. I marveled at the thought that giant hands had been able to meticulously craft my tiny human meal. The sentiment was kind of sweet, considering the staff could have just cut up some giant food and sloppily thrown something together, rather than carefully wrapping up a mini burrito. 
I was about to sit down and partake in my repast, but I noticed some giant students shooting subtle glances my way. I didn’t want any attention or trouble, so I exited the cafeteria to find a more secluded spot to eat. I decided to go to the library. I snuck inside and parked my bike just inside the door where it wouldn’t get kicked or stepped on. I walked over to one of the human-sized tables and made myself comfortable, taking a big satisfying bite out of the breakfast burrito.  
A giant pair of black high-heeled shoes clicked down loudly next to me. I looked up with my cheeks puffed full of food. My eyes traced a sleek pair of feminine legs wrapped in a tight pencil skirt, topped with a white blouse, up to a stern face with glasses. I could only assume she was the librarian. I swallowed and nearly choked. 
The giantess aggressively cleared her throat. “Just what do you think you’re doing?” she asked angrily. I was at a loss for words and stared up at her blankly. She pointed at a sign on the wall, miles above my head where I had completely missed it. “No food or drink allowed,” she recited, glaring down at me. 
“S-sorry,” I stuttered in apology, avoiding eye contact and grabbing my things. I scurried out in a rush, taking my bike with me. Although I didn’t want to eat my breakfast in the bathroom, I couldn’t think of any other place to go where I would reliably be left alone. Sighing, I crept into the human bathroom and finished my meal in solitude. The whole morning had been quite jarring. One moment somebody was being nice to me, handing me a custom meal, and the next somebody was yelling at me to get out. The latter confrontation left me consumed by anxiety, and I hadn’t even started my first class of the day yet. 
Reminded of class, I realized it would be in my best interest to get there early, before the hazardous flood of giant students rushing to their respective classrooms. I left the bathroom and biked to my next class without incident, dodging feet as I went. Not surprisingly, I was the first in the room, and I took advantage of that fact by taking my time setting my bike in the rack, climbing the stairs, and picking out the optimal place to sit. I pulled my class materials out of my bag and waited. 
Soon enough the teacher strolled in. He was an older man with a salt-and-pepper beard and thick bifocal glasses. He wore a tan suit with a muted plaid print design, a brown bowtie, and brown loafers. He presented exactly as I imagined a history teacher should appear, dusty and faded. He didn’t notice me at all, and started writing on the chalkboard at the front of the class. Giant students began filtering in. A few of them glanced over at me and my stomach cramped up with discomfort. Was it just my imagination, or were more of the giants becoming aware of my existence? I had almost preferred to be invisible. I was scared that the increased attention would cause more problems for me. 
I supposed, at a school like this with relatively few students (I couldn’t exactly refer to it as a “small” school, now could I?), where everybody lived on campus and knew each other, word would get around quickly. I was sure the expulsion of a student for consuming another student would be a hot topic for gossip. How could such a crazy concept not make the rounds? I didn’t like the idea that everybody already knew about my humiliating, traumatic experience, that being small enough to fit inside someone’s stomach would be my defining characteristic before they even got to know me. Just being reminded of the incident made me sick and agitated. I started to feel like I was falling into an endless abyss, panic welling up within me, until the sound of the bell snapped me out of my trance. 
“Ok, class. Today we’ll be discussing the topic of human slavery in giant society. Please open your textbooks to chapter six,” the giant teacher announced. Did I hear him correctly? I obeyed and flipped open my textbook to the correct chapter. A grisly image of humans muzzled and chained up in a giant hand greeted my eyes. My blood ran cold. I turned the page to expose more images of humans constrained with black leather harnesses, working under the supervision of giant slavedrivers. There were pictures suggesting torture, and humans being cooked and eaten. My mouth dropped open with horror. I had never heard of such a history from any human textbooks. 
“So, the time period we’re discussing now predates the construction of the wall, when humans and giants still lived together in a single society. Clearly, as giants were and still are the physically superior species, humans were delegated to the role of slaves,” the teacher lectured. As the teacher surveyed the class, his eyes finally found me. He stopped, plainly surprised to see a human among the students, and raised an eyebrow. However, he recovered quickly and continued his lecture without a hitch. 
“While some humans were put to work in the fields, they were unable to operate farming equipment, due to their miniscule size. Thus, humans were best put to use as domestic servants or personal assistants, and were oftentimes utilized for personal pleasure.” I shuddered hard at this revelation. Just the other day, I had almost been forcibly conscripted for such a nefarious purpose. 
“Humans who resisted were sometimes brutally beaten or tortured, but most often were simply eaten,” the teacher continued. “Of course, humans could not provide any effective resistance against giants, so no wide-scale revolts ever materialized.” That fact was hardly surprising to me, considering how powerless I personally was among giants. 
 “Eventually, economic and social change ushered in a new era of development, and slavery fell out of fashion. A group of giants sympathetic to humankind pushed to end the barbaric practice, and through peaceful political means a law was passed in the legislature banning slavery. Humans were allotted their own land, and the wall was built to keep the two societies separate. In order to foster healthy relations between humans and giants, humans agreed not to teach to future generations the ugly history of slavery, so as not to breed resentment towards giants.” 
That last statement explained why I had never heard anything about the subject, or giants in general, and why the two societies remained relatively insulated from each other. I was skeptical of the reasoning, however. I doubted such a sensitive topic could simply be discarded and forgotten. The humans were likely coerced into the agreement, forced to accept the condition in exchange for their freedom. It was history, and in the past, but considering my current circumstances I was nonetheless deeply disturbed. 
The teacher droned on for a while, going into detail about specific dates and historical figures. He assigned us a passage in the textbook to read and an essay on the subject. Great, my first homework assignment. Yuck. At long last, the bell rang. I was in no hurry to leave, since braving the halls would be easier once most of the giants cleared out. I took my time gathering up my stuff and plodding down the stairs. 
By the time I collected my bike, most of the other students had left. I rolled my bike toward the doorway and was about to get on when a giant brown loafer blocked my path. My heart jumped into my throat. I gazed up at the colossal giant towering above me. 
“Hold on,” his voice rumbled like thunder. “I need to speak to you for a moment.” He bent down to be closer to my level, wincing slightly when he put weight on his knee. Even when he was in a crouch, his gargantuan form still loomed over me. 
“I don’t know if you realize this, but I won’t be able to read any handwritten assignment you turn in,” he pointed out, adjusting his glasses. I hadn’t thought it through until then, but it dawned on me that he was undeniably right. A paper my size would barely be the size of his fingernail. 
“You’ll need to pair up with another student and have them type up your paper and print it for you, alright?” he instructed. I gulped as a heavy blanket of dread smothered me. I didn’t have anyone to help me. I was alone. I was too nervous to protest to the teacher, though. 
“Okay,” I agreed in a weak, high-pitched voice. 
“Also, as regards the subject matter of today’s class,” he added, “be careful. Human slave trafficking is illegal, but in rare cases it still happens today, in defiance of the law. Don’t let yourself fall into the wrong hands.” He gave me an earnest look. 
I could only nod dumbly. The giant stood back up and moved his foot out of the way, allowing me to pass. I hustled out of there as fast as my bike would carry me. 
Next chapter: https://www.tumblr.com/voraciousvore/731604787749060608/boarding-school-for-giants-1025?source=share
1st chapter: https://www.tumblr.com/voraciousvore/731600430392639488/boarding-school-for-giants-125?source=share
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grace122 · 2 years
hi so — starting this off, could i be 'dom anon'? since mostly the stuff I have posted or will post are gonna be domming blurbs, (I'm the Dream sounding rod and Sapnap & Dream chastity blurb person)
but! I'll make this blurb and let your inbox rest a little from me, but I had this shower thought i cannot get rid of and this seems to be the best place to let this go.
Dominating and also dom!Punz seems to be a pretty regular talk here, he seems to be a switch in my opinion, but I still would love to dom him completely.
Usually during scenes or day to day life, if you're into the d/s lifestyle have rules. y'know like no touching without permission, being kind to your body, telling your d/ whenever something is wrong type'a thing.
I can see Punz as a regular rule breaker, especially when he can't touch or can't cum without permission. When he breaks rules it's like an adrenaline rush, happy and excited in the moment that he got away with it, but once he knows a punishment is coming it all goes away.
When he walks into the bedroom and sees where you are on the bed, a disappointed look adoring your face, he knows he fucked up.
"Baby, what is this?" You raised your fingers, the blanket with a very obvious uncleaned cum-stain soaking a little patch.
"W-Well, uhm.. I-I.." Punz stuttered, shifting on his heels to try and find a quick excuse.
You shook your head, scoffing, "Don't pull a bullshit excuse on me. I don't cum this much or hump the sheets like a whore."
The other in the room whimpered, head hung in shame from your humiliation.
"Mommy is very disappointed, I thought you could finally not have a cage on and be trusted to monitor yourself again, guess I was wrong."
Punz went limp in front of you, kneeling at your feet to kiss at your ankles and calves, "P-Please mommy..! Didn't mean to.. Accidentally got hard and couldn't help myself.." He sobbed already.
Pathetic, "Look at you, so powerless under me." You crossed your legs, body language showing full control over the one on the ground. "You can always help yourself, now, you got our bedsheets dirty and made mommy upset."
You held a hand out, helping Punz stand up on his weak legs, "Come sit on mommys lap, c'mon." You tugged him forward to straddle your lap, tugging his shorts and boxers down just enough to show his cock and balls.
"Look at this.." You touched the tip with your finger, pulling it away to show Punz the string of pre-cum connected, "Someone is getting off on mommy being stern." You teased.
But Punz took it, all of your humiliating words, it's all he could do. He has to pay the price for doing something without being granted permission.
You started to stroke his cock, giving extra attention to the sensitive red tip while your free hand pinched his sac, toying with his balls.
"Mommy is gonna make you cum for however many times she pleases. since you think you can cum anywhere anytime."
The whole time Punz squirmed in your lap, fucking your hand and sobbing from how good it felt. You let him, knowing soon he'd be changing his mind.
The first orgasm (second of the day) was pleasurable, Punz arched his back beautifully and was glad it was over. Or was it?
Your hand continued, palm rolling over his now even more sensitive tip.
"A-Ah..! Mommy n-no!" Punz sobbed, fingers digging into your wrist to try and tug your hand away, "Can't c-cum a-anymore.." His body shook while he cried.
"Don't give me those pity tears now, be that big boy you were when you decided to cum all over our bed." The hand still busy with his balls slapped them, pinching the red skin harder.
Punz tried to pull away himself and also tried to pull your hand away to no avail. He was stuck there, stuck taking every overstimulating stroke until you felt he was good enough.
After he came a few more times (you can choose teehee) you finally decided he learnt his lesson, taking your hand away from his cock to wipe off on the already dirty bedding.
"Now, have you learnt your lesson?" You strained your neck to meet the shaking boys eyes, smiling when you earned a nod. "Good boy."
Punz's body visibly relaxed at the praise, finding comfort by leaning on your warm body.
"What do we say?"
"Thank y-you mommy." His cute voice was all sore, high pitched from congestion.
You ended the punishment by aftercare, always aftercare. Cleaning the dirty bedsheets, replacing them with new ones, giving Punz some much needed praise, kisses, and cuddles. But deservingly, he got locked back in his little chastity cage, clearing showing that he is not deserving of having a free cock.
(ofc you can be dom anon!)
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through-blue-eyes · 2 years
Co-Star told me to speak my truths loudly and clearly, or I may lose them in the vast murmur, so I'm taking that as a sign to make a post. I want to try to do this regularly - I am just so freaking busy right now 😩😩 ANYWHO.....
For the past month, honestly, I keep thinking about this incident that happened when I was in second grade. I've never really talked about it before - and I think I need to. I never had a lot of friends in elementary school, pre 5th grade actually was some of the hardest years for me as a child. I grew up lower middle class, in a religious home, so I only wore skirts, and they were usually hand downs. I was an outcast in my class, but there was another outcast too, so we sat beside each other and did our work and things in silence -I actually didn't mind being left alone. That all changed, shortly after I "gave my heart to Jesus" got saved and started to process to be a Christian. I was 8ish - I can't remember what month this happened in the school year so I'm not for sure exactly how old I was (December baby) - I remember I told EVERYONE at school the next day about my Christianity. I was happy, I thought others would be too. Most people didn't care. I do remember the teachers congratulated me though - with the exception of one, she almost seemed to disapprove. Shortly after this happened, within a month, something happened though, and yeah, I'd be lying if I said it didn't still bother me.
I rode public transportation to school, and back then we had assigned seats - I shared my seat with my cousin, who lived in the same holler that I did. There were two younger kids that sat in front of us. I cant remember his name, but I will never forget his tear stained face, blue eyes and blonde hair. I can't remember what I was doing on that bus ride up until I noticed he was upset - he looked terrified, he was crying and we were right at his stop, so I didn't get a chance to talk to him. I remember I asked him if he was okay, and what was wrong, but he wouldn't tell me. I would have (should have) told the bus driver immediately, but where we were at his stop, I didn't. Because he was home.
The next morning I noticed he wasn't on the bus. Shortly after school started, I was called to the main office. There, I was met with an extremely angry father of the little boy, my mother, who looked upset/worried/uncertain, the principal, vice principal and counselor. Someone, the day before had pinched this boy, all over his arms, legs, back, stomach, literally EVERYWHERE. When asked to identify the person who did this to him, I was told the first two times he went though the yearbook, he didn't point anyone out. The third time, he pointed at me, and said that I did it. I tried to explain that I didn't do this, my cousin even spoke for me and said I didn't, but that was dismissed because she was my cousin. I asked to speak with the boy, and that was denied (I understand now, it's victim protection, but I certainly didn't at the time). I tried to defend myself - I didn't sit next to this boy, he was in a different grade then me, how could I pinch him all over if I didn't sit with him? My mom asked about cameras on the bus, at the time there weren't any. My mom did believe me - but she also didn't know how to properly advocate for her child. She was intimidated by the boys father, she even told me this then. And so, despite not having the answers as to how, the fact that he pointed me out, meant that I did it, as far as everyone else was concerned. Because my mom believed me, I didn't get paddled - but I did receive punishment. What got me more than that though, was what one of my teachers did. The same teacher who disapproved of my Christianity. She 'made an example' of me. She had me stand in the hallway, asked the other students if any of them had had issues with me bullying/being mean to them. And some lied, and said that I had made mean comments, or took their things and didnt give them back etc. None of which was true. She then humiliated and shamed me in front of the entire classroom and finished with the line I will never forget "And you're supposed to be a Christian". I think I was in the "doghouse" as they called it for at least a month. You sit by yourself, at a desk that was 5 feet away from everyone else, you were not allowed to speak, you are lunch alone, you went to the bathroom alone, and you didn't receive recess. And that's when I started to get bullied, rather than left alone. It was never physical, it was just words, but they definitely made lasting impressions on me. All of these people who were my peers knowing lying about things that I didnt do, just further cementing that I wasn't welcome, didn't fit in. Didn't belong. I probably should have been put in counseling after that incident. It definitely changed me. I loved school before that happened. But the remainder of elementary was hard after that. That's when I really started to read I think. That's when I started escaping.
This post turned out to be super long 😳 I started writing this at 1:30, and I'm just now finishing it up. (busy, busy). Hopefully getting this out there will get it off my mind. I do feel better after having finally wrote about it. I'm not for sure why I've been thinking about it so much, but maybe this will help.
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searidings · 3 years
That med bay scene with Lena crossing her arms like she's doing that in order to prevent herself from physically reaching out to check on Kara had me thinking about all the times Kara's gotten hurt and Lena didn't even know it was her best friend being punched and thrown around and I nearly made myself cry so I had to share because I see you're also in your feelings.
“So, do you think Nxyly senses you, too?”
Her sister’s tone, the atmosphere in the med bay, they’re quiet and sombre and almost painfully serious. This is decidedly not the time, Kara reminds herself sternly, to make a Harry Potter reference. Even if she has just learned she has a psychic bond with a fifth-dimensional imp à la Harry and Voldemort. Even if she has just essentially become a horcrux.
Kara sighs. She’d always fancied herself more of a Luna Lovegood than the Boy Who Lived but in the scheme of their issues, her own miscasting is pretty small potatoes.
Alex’s fingers are warm on her thigh. Lena stands at the foot of the gurney, hands tucked tight beneath her folded arms. Kara forces herself not to dwell on the absence.
“I think so,” she mutters at her sister’s worried expression, dragging herself firmly back to the crisis of the hour. “And I think to fight her, I’m gonna need every bit of power I can find. And then some.”
She doesn’t know why she looks at Lena as she says it, really. Something about the source of her strength and her reason to keep fighting and a hundred other things she might never find the courage to say aloud.
But Lena breaks their gaze, staring down at her feet as her fingers tap anxiously against her folded arms. Her posture is tense, everything about her reeled in and tightly controlled and Kara feels her brow furrow at the sight, feels the lingering twinge behind her eyes in response.
“Hey,” she hums as Alex collects her tablet and bustles out the door, swinging her legs over the side of the gurney. “Are you okay?”
But Lena flinches backwards when the distance between them closes, hands clenching so hard around her own biceps her knuckles bleach white, straining beneath her skin.
Kara frowns, surrendered fully to the unspoken magnetism that always seem to tug her toward Lena as she shuffles to the edge, reaching out a hand. “Lena,” she says worriedly, watching the way the other woman regards her outstretched fingers as if they’re cloaking a nuclear bomb. “Hey. What’s going on? What— what’s this?”
Her hand wafts vaguely in the air between them to encompass Lena’s rigid posture, her clenched jaw. The deep crinkle between her brows looks as if it’s been carved from marble.
“You got hurt,” Lena frowns, pressing her lips together as her tremulous voice cracks on the last word.
Kara squints. “I’m fine. It wasn’t even—”
“You’ve been hurt so many times,” Lena interrupts, mouth twisting. “Supergirl’s been hurt so many times, and I never knew. I didn’t know, and I wasn’t here.”
“Lena.” The lingering pain in her head is nothing compared to this achingly fresh, sickeningly ancient pain in her heart. “That wasn’t your fault. It was mine.”
“I wasn’t here,” Lena says again, face pinching with the effort of holding back tears. “I wasn’t here for you. I haven’t done this before and I don’t know— what do I do?”
Kara’s stomach twists. She wants so desperately to close the distance between them. She doesn’t dare. “What do you mean?”
“I don’t know what I can do now,” Lena gasps, fingers clenching tighter still. “I don’t know what’s appropriate. You’re Kara but— but you’re also Supergirl and I’ve never done this before and I don’t— should I even be in here?” Her breathing is quick and shallow, uncertainty rooting through her tone. “What’s my role now? Can I comfort you, or is that worse? Do I keep my distance because you’re a hero, or can I— God. Can I even touch you?”
Kara’s heart is in her throat. She tries valiantly to swallow it down. It’s so clear now. Lena’s hesitance, the tension in her frame— she isn’t shutting down or pulling away. She’s holding herself back.
“Oh, Lena,” she breathes, fingers twitching, heart breaking. “Of course you can. Always.”
She opens her arms. Lena slots into them like they were made for her.
Kara tugs until their bodies are flush, Lena’s hips pressed to the edge of the gurney between her own spread thighs. Lena’s arms wind tightly around her waist and Kara encircles her shoulders in return, stroking a hand over the soft waves of her hair.
“You’re here now,” she whispers against Lena’s temple, the sneakers that have replaced her usual boardroom heels giving Kara even more of a height advantage over the woman in her arms. “That’s all I need. Just you, here, with me.”
Lena sighs against her, softening a little further into the warmth of their embrace. Her steady breaths tickle Kara’s neck, the soft scent of her shampoo all-encompassing, and Kara feels her eyes slide closed.
“Just you,” she breathes again, feeling the steady thump of Lena’s heart against her own. The arms at her waist tighten and Kara thinks of the fight ahead, thinks of the strength she needs to find, has already found, will always find, right here, with her. She drops her head to press against the warm darkness of Lena’s shoulder, presses the promise of her words against her skin. “That’s enough. Always will be.”
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hollandsmushroom · 3 years
Could you maybe do a smut where the reader never had a big o, and Sarah and kie got her a vibrator, and she thinks no ones home while she’s using it but jj is home to check on her and they end up doing a mutual masterbaustion
First Peak || JJ
okay but literally i feel so attacked by this because my friend told me that and i straight up pulled up bellesa asked her about her vulva and then picked out the vibrator i thought she would like best lmao. (not me answering this imediately)
word count: 1366
warnings: Smut, mutual masturbation, use of a toy
"Wait wait wait" Sarah stopped, looking at you with wide eyes and her mouth dropped open. "You are telling me that you have never had an orgasm?" Kie was looking at you with a similar expression to Sarah. "JJ has never given you one?" she clarifies.
"Um" you stuttered, stalling with heat rising through your body, you were embarrassed at yourself, the fact that you had never cum, never made your own toes curl. Your hand brushed over the back of your neck anxiously, worried about their reactions. "No, we um, we haven't really gotten their in our relationship" you muttered it, they had heard you earlier when they were talking about their best highs and you had blurted out that you didn't have any to rank.
"Oh we need to fix this, Kie, give me a phone" Sarah stuck her hand out, still intently wanting you as she waved her hand around gesticulating for a phone which Kie promptly set in her hand.
"We gonna find them a toy?" Kie inquires, scooting closer to Sarah on the log. Your eyes widened at her words, this wasn't the way that you thought this was going to go, you thought that they would be shocked and then they would move on but alas your friends were too good, they wanted to assure you felt good in every way possible.
"You bet your ass" Sarah exhales as she taps violently away at the screen before turning the phone to you "Which one do you like?" you were speechless at the sight in front of you, the screen filled with so many toys of all shapes and sizes, it was nearly intimidating and also...arousing?
"I don't exactly know what I am looking at" you mutter, scrolling through the options, was that a...tentacle shaped dildo? Some toys looked more appealing than others but you didn't wanna get too adventurous, you wanted to play it safe, not get too adventurous with something that you were going to have to learn the basics with.
"Just choose whatever you think will feel best" Sarah suggests, nudging you with her shoulder "And don't worry about the price, I'll just use my dad's card"
"Won't that show up on his credit card history that like...you bought a vibrator?" you looked at her in shock.
"Nah, it usually just says that I bought like a really expensive blouse from a boutique or something" she laughs before pointing back to the phone. "Now chose something!"
"Okay okay, I think I like this one" you spoke as you clicked on the icon of small bullet type vibe and handed her back the phone.
"Good choice for your first toy, I think you are gonna have A LOT of fun" she chuckles, adding the item to the cart and typing in here fathers credit card number. "It should show up at your house soon, let us know how it goes after" she wiggles her eye brows at you and returns to the previous conversation.
A week later the small unmarked package arrived on your front doorstep and even the concept of it had you fluttering in between your legs as you ran back to your room, closing the door and falling onto your bed, tearing open the cardboard and pulling out the small oblong with a soft button on the bottom to control the speeds, pressing the button and feeling how it shook in your palm.
"Oh fuck" muttering to yourself as you examined the object, feeling how it felt as it rolled across your skin before apprehensively rolling the plastic toy between your legs, your eyes immediately rolling back at the sudden pleasurable sensation. It felt like nothing you had ever felt before this insane sensation of a cold burning and it made you want to scream, so that is exactly what you did, letting the euphoric sounds escape your gaping mouth.
"Y/n? Are you okay? Why are you screa-holy fuck" a familiar voice came into your pleasure filled haze making you shoot up, your eyes rolling back and settling on a slightly burnt and sandy looking JJ leant against your doorframe with his arms crossed, his eyes wide as he examines the scene in front of him with joy.
"Fuck-uh-JJ!" you cry out, pulling the toy from between your legs and eyeing your boyfriend timidly.
"Don't stop on my account, seems like you were having fun" He was smiling at you, a genuine smile that also contained strong hints of temptation and arousal.
"Are you serious?" you gape at him, the toy still vibrating against your thigh, still tempting you, any apprehension that you would normally have melting away by the pure horniness that was burning against your skin.
"Oh yes, you think I am gonna pass up the opportunity to watch you get yourself off? You are strongly mistaken" he mutters, leaning down and pressing his lips to yours, pushing you back with the force of his kiss. His fingers were dipping beneath your waistband, teasing the heated skin with his calloused touch. “Can we talk these off, wanna see you” he mumbles, pulling back and toying with the buttons on your shorts, you couldn’t form words, too wracked with lechery to truly convey how much you wanted him to take them off, to leave you bare for him to see. “Words, babe, need words”
“Yes, JJ, fuck, please” you groan and he doesn’t waist a second, pulling you off your clothing and letting your core become exposed to the air, the coolness of the room reaching your heat and making you gasp. 
“You look so pretty, baby, so fucking pretty” JJ sighs, examining your cunt as he pulls back, tugging at his own shorts catching your attention. 
“Wait, J babe, I am not ready for us to um” you stutter.
“Oh no, baby, no I know, I just um, I was gonna get myself off while you do you, like if thats alright” his ring clad hand scratched at the back of his neck anxiously thinking that he had overstepped. 
“Fuck yes please” you whimper, setting your toy to the side and undoing his cargo shorts, tugging them down as he watched but you were intently eyeing his hard cock, your mouth watering. “Oh fuck yes” falling back against the bed you pull him down with you his cock brushing your stomach before he wraps a hand around it, tugging at the flushed flesh as you grasp out for your vibrator, bringing it to your now exposed cunt making your cry out, JJ watching you with hungry eyes as he kissed your lower lip passionately, drinking in the sounds of your moans as he groans against your chin. 
“Fuck fuck fuck” moaning against your skin, it was burning everything was burning for the both of you and JJ was fighting a fast approaching orgasm, it was hard not to rush to the peak when he was watching his beautiful partner fuck themselves beneath him, he could hear the sounds your cunt was making and watched the way that your face pinched as your wrist hit his thigh while moving your toy.
“JJ, fuck, I-I-I’m think I’m cu-” you cut yourself off mid word with a loud cry, your back arching up into his chest as he sped up the pace of his hand, spilling his seed onto your bare abdomen, milking himself for everything that he had as he heard you get wetter and wetter, it was nearly overwhelming how hot it was. 
When everything calmed down, JJ rolled off of you panting as he looked over at you with inquisitive eyes. 
“What did you mean you ‘think’ you were cumming?” he asks, brushing his hand over your cheek(the on that wasn’t just on his dick)
“Oh uh, I had never had an orgasm before” you mumble, looking away from him as not to see his judgmental face but when he was silent you looked back at him, finding a soft smile on his face. 
“Well I am glad I was here to experience it with you” he grins cheekily as he moves to press his hot mouth to yours. 
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babyboiboyega · 3 years
Enough (Shangqi x f!reader)
Shangqi x f!reader
Content: a little bit of angst, fluff at the end, Shangqi being such a damn sweetheart
Word Count: 1.3k
Babyboiboyega’s Marvel Masterlist
Y/N’s movements were a little slower than usual as she dodged, kicked, and punched, and it was obvious, especially to her. It was obvious, and it frustrated her to no end as she continued to move around the mat. 
The slight throbbing in her temple she had woken up with had only gotten worse as the day went on, and it continued to do so the more she exerted herself. 
She tried to hide the pain behind a grimace, but under the guise of being focused, but she had a slight suspicion that he could see right through her. This only prompted her to intensify her actions, trying to come off as fine when in reality, the pressure in her head was close to debilitating. 
She knew that she should have stopped and told him what was wrong, but the stubborn, reckless side of her won out. And that was exactly what she was doing: being incredibly reckless. 
A grunt left her mouth as she was pushed back, her feet stumbling over each other.
“Y/N, what’s going on with you tonight? You’re a little slower than usual.”
Shangqi’s voice rang out, a teasing lilt to it as he gazed at her with his hands on his hips. His eyebrows were furrowed in genuine worry as she bent at the waist, bracing herself against her knees. 
With every breath she took came another painful throb in her temple, and even with her eyes squeezed shut, she could feel her head spinning. 
Hearing her labored breaths and noticing her silence, Shangqi walked closer, the small smile on his face dropping.
“Hey, what’s wrong? We can take a break. We should take a break.”
At his words, Y/N shook her head slowly before straightening. The wince that she tried to hide did not go unnoticed. 
“I’m fine. Let’s go again.”
Shangqi’s head tilted and his eyes narrowed slightly, this time with suspicion. 
“Y/N, there’s nothing wrong with taking a break. Maybe get a sip of water-”
“I’m fine, Shangqi, okay? I’m...I’m good.”
The conviction in her voice was enough for him to slowly nod his head before taking stance. His eyes watched her carefully as she did the same, and once he was satisfied that she was ready, he resumed their dance around each other.
He threw easily avoidable hits while still watching the way she reacted. Her eyebrows were pinched in concentration as she blocked his hits, her feet moving in the way he had taught her. 
For a brief moment, she felt pride and forgot about the pain that gripped her head. All of the sparring lessons were culminating into something she was proud of. 
But then Shangqi had to throw a punch while simultaneously going for her exposed bottom half. 
She had managed to block the hit, but she had been too oblivious of her open leg area.
Y/N felt herself falling and managed to right her foot enough to where her impact with the mat was more controlled. An almost embarrassing “oof” fell from her lips as she quite literally landed on her ass.  
It only took a few seconds for Shangqi to approach her, his hand held out to help her up. 
“We’re taking a break. I’ll go get your water.”
The finality of his words paired with her own frustration resulted in a pang of anger quickly running through her. 
She grabbed his hand and pulled herself up quickly, her mouth forming words of insistence that only dissipated as black spots crowded her vision. 
She rapidly blinked her eyes, but only seemed to make it worse. The pain in her head had decided to make itself known once again, and it came with a vengeance. 
This time, she couldn’t stop the small groan from escaping her mouth as her hand raised and gripped her head. 
The pain was unbearable now, akin to having one’s head slammed into a metal pole without the relief of eventually passing out. She could feel the throbbing at the base of her neck, and the pain had started to make her stomach churn. 
She should have listened to him. She should have stopped earlier.
Y/N hadn’t realized that she was swaying, leaning a little too far in one direction, until she felt soft, calloused hands land on her arms. 
“Y/N...Y/N, talk to me. What’s going on?”
As she spoke, Shangqi gently guided her down until she was safely kneeling on the floor, no longer swaying on her feet. He wasted no time in kneeling in front of her, his hands moving to cup her face.
“Come on, take deep breaths. Talk to me, sweetheart.”
Y/N spoke quietly and through clenched teeth, her hand continuing to put pressure against her temple.
The sigh that left Shangqi’s mouth was sympathetic as he rubbed her cheek. He leaned forward and pressed a chaste kiss against her forehead before slowly rising and bringing her with him.
He had no trouble supporting her weight as he led her in the direction of his room, leaving the open space behind them.
In reality, it had only taken a minute or so to get to Shangqi’s room, but every step had felt like 10 to Y/N. She was acutely aware of Shangqi turning off every light as they walked, and if she weren’t so busy making sure her lunch stayed down, she would have expressed her love and gratitude for his actions. 
She simply let Shangqi guide her to wherever she needed to go, knowing and trusting without a doubt that he would take care of her. 
He only proceeded to prove her right as he wasted no time in walking her towards his bed and gently lowering her onto it. As soon as she was situated, he quietly walked around the bed and turned off every remaining light, the tv, and even closed the blinds.
In only a span of a few seconds, he had grabbed a glass of water and the medicine she had left at his place for a situation exactly like this. 
“Y/N, here’s your medicine. Come on, babe. I just need you to take this real quick.”
With an agonized groan and her eyes still tightly shut, Y/N slowly sat up. Her hands blindly reached out, prompting Shangqi to drop her pill into her hand followed by the glass of water. She took the medicine quickly and without hesitation, before holding it out once more. 
Shangqi’s hands shot out, one grabbing the glass while the other gently landed on her back, keeping her from laying back down.
A noise between a soft cry and a groan left Y/N’s mouth at being stopped, but the slight annoyance she had quickly dissipated as Shangqi gently crawled into bed in front of her. 
All while whispering apologies to her, he maneuvered their bodies to where they could lay down with Y/N completely covering his body with her own. 
There had been a question on the tip of her tongue as he had moved them, but it all made sense when his hands raised and started massaging her temples, gingerly but with enough pressure to ease the pain. 
She felt his lips touch her hair, and it made a lone tear slip from her tear line. The tears that formed as a result of pain only fell as a result of being cared and loved for.
But Shangqi had interpreted the new tear stain on his shirt as one of pain. He spoke softly with his lips pressed to her head. 
“I know. I know, I’m sorry I can’t do more.”
His words made her arms tighten where they were wound around his torso. As she spoke, more tears fell from her eyes.
“You do more than enough, Shangqi. You’re more than enough.”
I hope you all enjoyed this! Like I said, this is a comfort fic that I really wrote for myself, but decided to post it here! I do deal with chronic migraines, and with every migraine comes a great disdain for everyone in the immediate vicinity....but I just KNOW that Shangqi would do anything to help me feel better, so I wanted to write it!
This week has been reaaaalllyy tough so far between work, class, and personal issues, so that’s another reason why this is a comfort fic, it helped me escape life while I was writing. 
But once again, I hope you all enjoyed this! Please like, reblog, and/or leave a comment. Literally whenever someone leaves a comment, it makes my day!
OH! I’m also thinking about making a tag list! 👀👀
Stay safe, y’all!
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pockcock · 3 years
No thoughts. Pussy dwelling on Erwin's fingers edging you until you're a begging mess though. (Because let's face it, we all know the calluses on his hands feel like heaven when his tongue eases the feeling soon after-)
"whore mouth" // erwin smith x f!reader
word count: 2.4k
a/n: Oh god I'M SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG I'M SORRY I'M SORRYYYY :( This was supposed to be a drabble but I got carried away... Anyways. ENJOY <3
tw// porn with very little plot. impact play. slapping. jealous!erwin. sugardaddy!erwin. dom!erwin. sadist!erwin. edging. cunnilingus. breath play. dumbification. spitting. forced orgasm. slight blood. squirting. clit slapping. slight consensual non-con (reader and erwin have a dom/sub relationship). prey-predator if you squint. usage of "whore, slut, bitch". aftercare.
Erwin isn't the jealous type in your eye. He is a confident man, he is fierce. He is the CEO of the Corps Ltd. after all. He isn't jealous, people are jealous of him.
But the look he gave you at the party made you lose your ability to breathe.
He bought this black silk dress for you a couple of weeks ago. It arrived at your door by his assistant, Armin, a pretty young boy. He reminded you of Erwin, only young and naive. You felt incredible in the fabric, it felt as if the dress was made for you and you only. Everything was right about the dress. But you didn't have any opportunity to wear it. Until tonight.
"Here we are, madam," Armin spoke, his eyes met yours from the rearview mirror. It was obvious that he was having a hard time keeping his eyes away from your beautifully exposed chest and perky nipples showing through the dress. "Mr. Smith is waiting for you inside."
You thanked him and carefully got out of the car not letting your dress go even higher. As you entered the hotel where the party was being hosted, your eyes found your pretty CEO. Surrounded by his close friends Miche and Levi, he was laughing. He was wearing his brand new black Hermes set with a gold detailed Versace tie. Then he saw you, his whole expression changed. The bright, playful eyes turned into loving ones.
"My sunshine," he greeted you with open arms, calling you in. "She is finally here!"
You walked towards him. "Traffic hold me hostage!"
A little laugh escaped his lips as he hugged you. But his words were far far away from his laugh. "Why the fuck are you wearing that?"
You hugged him, hiding your surprised and sad face in his neck. "I-I thought you'd enjoy it..."
He let you go, fixed your hair a bit. Cupping your cheeks, he said: "We'll talk about it when we go home, okay? Now let's enjoy our party." And, uh, what a bastard he is, to put the smile back into your face, he added. "You're looking like a swan."
And the rest of the night was almost perfect. Erwin introduced you as "My cup of sunshine!" to his friends, co-workers, business partners. He complimented you, let others compliment you and he even let Miche steal you for the dance and touch your bareback with his enormous hands. He let Zeke kiss your hand which was decorated by the ring Erwin gave. Everything went smoothly.
And yet, here you were, in front of him. Couldn't even look at his face because of the humiliation and mockery he possessed in his eyes.
"Tell me, princess. Why did you wear that?" he asked, emphasizing the word 'that'.
"I'm sorry-"
Your head went to your right with the impact. Your left cheek was burning and you were in shock. Did he slap you?
"I'm not asking for your apology. I'm asking for the reason."
You lifted your head, eyes filled with fear. "I-"
Another slap. This one hurt more than the other. "Stop this fucking nonsense and answer me." His voice was calm, steady. It contained no anger or fury.
"I thought..." A tear left your eye, you wiped it with the back of your hand. "I thought y-you'd like it."
Another slap. "Did you get the note I sent with the dress? I remember putting it into the box myself. I even attached it to the dress with an anklet. Remember?"
Another slap, you fell onto the ground. "What did it say?"
A sob left your lips. "I-I don't..."
"You don't what, princess?" He kneeled down. He grabbed your chin, lifting it up and looking directly into your teary eyes. "Tell me."
" I don't remember!" You screamed it out. Humiliation now took over your body, making you ache in pain. It was also creating a pool between your legs. "I don't remember, Erwin! I'm so-"
Another slap. "You don't get to say my name tonight." He took his jacket off, then his tie, he threw both across the room. He talked as he rolled his sleeves up. “You don’t deserve to say my name with that whore mouth.”
He yanked your hair making you scream in pain, he slammed you into the wall. The photos fell down, shattered. His rough hands ripped the dress’ straps, making it fall onto the floor, pooling around your feet. “I bought this for my eyes. My pleasure.” He slapped your right breast harshly. “You are mine.” He pinched your cheeks together, making you open your mouth. “That’s what I wrote, stupid whore.” He spitted onto your tongue, it tasted like whiskey and cigar. Then he covered your mouth and your nose, not letting you breathe. “Swallow.”
You did as he said. How couldn’t you?
“Open your mouth, tongue out.” He let go of your mouth, wanted to see your mouth empty. You inhaled in relief, brain too hazy to understand anything. He slapped you again. “Open your fucking mouth.”
“Erwin!” You screamed with pain again.
He laughed and let your hair go, you fell down with the sudden movement. “Your stupid brain can’t understand a word I say, right?” He grabbed you by the neck, lifting your fragile body up. “What are you good for? Oh, right! Being a whore, now I remember.”
You grabbed his forearm, nails digging into his skin. You couldn’t breathe, couldn’t do anything. You tried to push him away but he didn’t budge. The worst part wasn’t him being harsh with you. It was him being calm as usual, never shouting, never talking with clenched teeth. Even his damn expression was calm. His damn eyebrows weren’t furrowed. That scared you.
“Stop,” he said, pushing your hands away with a harsh move. You made his arms bleed a little. He looked at you unimpressed. “You never understand, do you?”
He took you to your shared bedroom, threw you onto the bed. You tried to get away, silly you, where could you go. Your makeup was a mess, mascara running down onto your cheeks as your tears left your eyes, painting your face black. Crying loudly, you screamed once more. “Please! Please don’t!” You tried to stop him. “Daddy please!”
He choked you, again, harsher this time. You held onto his arms, wishing he would let you breathe just once. Slammed your weak body into the mattress, he ripped your panties. “You’re begging me not to do anything, yet you’re soaking like a fucking slut.” Without warning, he pushed his thick middle and ring finger inside you. “See? You take my fingers like a slut too!” Amusement coated his tone. “You either want my fingers or my dick. You just want to be my pocket pussy, right, slut?” He was pounding into you like there was no tomorrow, wet noises filled the room. “Stupid whore.”
Your eyes rolled back. Everything was too much. Too much pleasure, too much pain, too little air. Your brain was shutting down slowly, you couldn’t think straight. You wanted to kiss him, wanted to beg him to fuck you with his huge cock. Wanted him to take you then and there, without preparation. Yet, the only thing you could do was to moan, like a stupid whore. His voice echoed in your brain. You got closer, his fingers curled inside you, finding that pretty spot. It was too much?
“You’re cumming already?” He mocked, his pace quickened. “You won’t. Hold it.”
Your fingernails once again found the little cuts they made previously, digging even harder as the pleasure built up. You were losing consciousness due to the lack of oxygen in your body. You couldn’t do anything. Couldn’t breathe, couldn’t hold your orgasm, couldn’t stop him.
Erwin felt your orgasm before you. He pulled his hands away from you. “Open your legs. Ruin it. Don’t cum.”
You couldn’t.
The pleasure hit you, hit your body like a truck. With the sudden feeling of air coming into your lungs, your legs started trembling. Your whole body clenched, shaking like your vibrator Erwin bought you for your birthday. Your eyes snapped open and you felt something coming out of your cunt, wetting your legs, the bed and Erwin in front of you. You squirted.
“Fuck…” You heard Erwin cursing under his breath. His pants were soaking wet.
“D-Daddy...” You reached out for him, eyes barely functioning after the intense orgasm. “I-I’m sorry, I co-uldn’t hold it… I couldn't ruin it!”
He tsked. “Princess, what have you done?”
Your eyes filled with tears once again. You were slowly regaining your ability to think. “Daddy... I’m sorry…”
He sat next to you, pushed the hair from your face. “Shh, don’t talk…” He cupped your cheeks. “Maybe I was a bit too harsh for you.” He leaned down to kiss your puffy lips. “But you still need to be punished baby.”
Before you could protest, he spanked your clit.
“You were being a whore today.” Spank. “And you were also being a bad girl.” Spank. “You didn’t listen to me.” Spank. “But now,” Spank. “You’ll be cumming from this.”
You did. You didn’t know you could. But you did. And he didn’t stop.
“Daddy! S-Stop! I’ve come already” You tried to close your legs, the pleasure was turning into pain with each slap. “Can’t take it! Daddy I’m cumming!”
“Yes, babygirl,” He whispered. His eyes were locked into your, his pupils had expanded. “You’re cumming again. And you’ll be cumming again. And again. Until I’m done with you.”
His spanks became even faster and harder, hitting that sensitive bud throbbing in a mixture of pain and pleasure. When you opened your mouth to moan, he spitted onto your tongue once again. “Don’t swallow. Stick your tongue out, slut,” he said as his other hand caressed your hair. “Let yourself drool like a stupid whore.” His words, his actions… Everything was so complicated. Making you feel even more stupid.
After cumming another four times you were a drooling, dripping mess. You were lost your sight. Everything was spinning, the ceiling, Erwin in front of you, and you. Your breaths were unsteady, you couldn’t even hear your heartbeat because of its speed.
Erwin patted your cheek. “Don’t faint on me now, bitch.”
He smiled. “Shh, princess. I know.” His hands came down on your face to wipe your tears away. “I’m proud of you.” He kissed your forehead. “Now, I’m going to eat you out, ‘kay? I wanna taste my pretty pocket pussy.”
You squinted your eyes to see him. Your eyes filled with tears once again. Your makeup was already ruined and smudged into the sheets. “Please daddy! I can’t take-”
“Shut up, baby.” He stood up, got between your legs and pulled you towards his face. Erwin loved your pussy so much, he could live in there forever. He inhaled the heavenly scent and licked your slit, drinking everything you offered. “It’s my pussy and I chose to do whatever I want.”
You tried to push him, kick him away. Nothing worked. Erwin Smith, ate your pussy like it was his last day on earth. He ate your cum, drank your juices, sucked on your clit and fucked you with his tongue. His face was sweaty, his perfect hair stuck onto his forehead. His naked chin was now coated with your nectar. He made you cum again, leaving you breathless, sucking your soul out of your body. He made you cum, made you squirt onto his face. He was pussy drunk, couldn’t let you go. Couldn’t stop sucking your clit. He loved the way your legs trembled after each orgasm. He loved the way you screamed “Daddy!” first and when he didn’t stop you screamed “Erwin!”. He loved the way you babble nonsense trying to apologize from him. Stupid slut, he thought. And ate you out until your whole body went numb.
When he was finally done, both of you were panting. You were barely awake, holding onto nothing but trying your best not to lose consciousness. Erwin was tired, tired from eating you out, fingering you and taking your soul away from you. He got up, laid right next to you. He adored this sight; you, completely fucked up and ruined. He did this without putting his cock in you. He was proud.
“Are you with me princess?” He whispered into the night. He was being cautious.
You nodded weakly.
“Good girl,” he said. Kissed your forehead slowly he cupped your cheeks. “Can you give me a color baby?” You were using a color system alongside your safeword. It was for your safety.
“Y-Yellow…” Your voice was hoarse after all the screaming.
He furrowed his brows. He was too harsh on you. “I’m sorry, kitten.” He carefully flipped you onto your side, hugging your back tightly, he kissed your shoulder. “I was too harsh on you. I’m so sorry baby.”
A sob escaped your lips. “But you didn’t cum…”
“It’s okay baby, it’s okay. You’ve done so well. I got pleasure from your pleasure. I'm not important. You are. Your pleasure is. You did so well. So well baby. That’s what is important. I got you now, okay? I’ll never let you go. You’re my everything. I got you. I’ll never leave you.”
You stayed there, tangled together for a long time. Erwin kissed your shoulders, back and hair, his calloused hands caressed your arms. When the extreme pleasure made you clench again, he hugged you tighter, whispering. “Calm down, baby. I got you.” He made sure you were fully okay after your intense session.
His heart shattered into thousand pieces after hearing that tone in your voice. “You can say my name baby, it’s over now.”
“Erwin,” you said almost hesitantly. “C-Can I go to the bathroom? I need to pee.”
His eyes snapped open. Right, you had to. “Yes baby, let me take you there.” He took you into his arms bridal style. “And we’ll take a bath, I really want to try that lavender bath bomb you bought. Is that okay baby?”
You snuggled into his shirt, it was still wet after your countless orgasms.
After you were done with everything, you were in your marble bathtub with Erwin. A purple color was prominent in the water, making you feel safe. You leaned into his chest filled with little patches of thin gold hair even more. He was your home.
“Erwin?” you asked, melting into his touches.
“Yes, princess?”
“How many times did I cum?” You asked, lifted your head to look at him. You loved that expression. You could see surprise, confusion, calculation and answer in seconds.
“Thirty..” he furrowed his thick brows, he was counting. “Thirty-nine.” Then he realized what he said. His eyes opened up with amazement. “Oh.”
“Yeah..” you said, a chuckle left your chest.
“We broke our record!”
taggings: @maries-gallery @st-arlert (you have to read this baby, no escapes) @azazelles
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hornime · 3 years
voyeurant | kenma kozume x f!reader
he tentatively wrapped a palm around the shaft, shuddering at the contact, his eyelids fluttering shut. god, i’m such a pervert, thinking about her like this. she’d hate me if she knew i saw her like that, knew that i was touching myself thinking about her tits...
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warnings: 18+, timeskip!kenma, kinda dubcon, kenma’s unintentionally pervy, male masturbation, poorly written video game content (i tried my best), mutual pining but u both are oblivious
w/c: 1.5k
a/n: yes, the title is a shitty pun of valorant. no, i will not be changing it. also this tiktok about timeskip kenma made me giggle so pls enjoy.
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voyeurant: part one ↓ | part two | part three:
“fuck, i hate this map,” kenma grumbled into his headset.
your voiced chimed in his ears. “is it ascent?” you turned to see his face on your screen, pinched in annoyance. “ha, it is ascent. sucks for you.”
“which one are you on? haven?”
“you know it,” you chuckled. “your favorite.”
“i hate you.” he weighed his options, did he really want to play this game? the layout of the world made it irritatingly hard to strategize, and today’s losing streak was making him more agitated than usual. with a sign, he closed the application. “fuck this. i’m gonna go piss.”
“yeah, yeah, you’re such a big baby. and...” you released your mouse, throwing your hands up in triumph, “we just won. at this point, i’m gonna outrank you.” you were joking, of course. kenma wasn’t just a gamer, he was kodzuken, one of japan’s best pro-gamers, and you were just someone that played as a hobby. but it was always fun to tease.
“hmm,” he hummed. “i’m sure you will.” he turned his head to look directly at his webcam, smirking, “in your dreams.”
“ooh, catboy’s getting feisty!” he flinched at the nickname. “go pee so i can beat you at your best.”
he obliged, pulling his headphones off and looping them on the top of his chair. he casually raised his middle finger at you while smoothing out strands of his hair, prompting a series of profanities to escape your mouth, none of which he could hear. he chuckled playfully as you responded with two middle fingers of your own, before moving out of the camera to get to the bathroom.
you and kenma had met in an... interesting way, to say the least. after going moderately viral from lashing out at him for refusing to heal you in a game of overwatch—while he was streaming—the two of you reconciled over a twitter thread and exchanged gamer tags. since then, you’d struck up an easygoing friendship, characterized by almost nightly discord calls and occasional flirting. but we’re just friends, you often reminded yourself. and you were fine, well, mostly fine, with that.
tonight was like any other night: both you and him spending hours in a video chat with nothing better to do than mindlessly play games and bash each other. it was more than enough to strengthen your relationship but fell short of giving you the romantic tension you craved.
with kenma off in the bathroom, you, already bored, spun wildly in your chair. forgetting that your earbuds were still plugged in, the white wire caught on an opened can of coke sitting on your desk, spilling the sugary drink all over your keyboard and the front of your shirt. 
“shit!” you quickly scrambled for paper towels, but the still-connected wire yanked you backwards. in your haste for something to wipe the soda with, the fact that your camera remained on in the video call completely slipped your mind. making the split-second decision that the trip for a towel wasn’t worth it at this point, you quickly whipped off your shirt, dabbing the keys with the part that was still dry. since you were home, you’d gone braless, and your current predicament had you flashing your webcam.
now, kenma had seen a lot of things from your side of the call: he’d seen you get chewed out by your residential advisor for being too loud, you with two sticks of pocky poking out of your mouth like walrus tusks, and you doing random cosplay moves you’d seen on tiktok. what he wasn’t expecting to see, not even in his wildest dreams, was a screenful of your tits, slightly damp from the cola that had seeped through the fabric of your long-gone shirt.
he stopped in his tracks, still out of the frame of his camera, eyes wide and heart racing, desperately trying to calm down and prevent the gradual hardening of his cock in his pants. unable to deny his desires, he continued staring at your plump breasts on his computer, you completely unaware that he could see you.
you quickly threw your soaked top in the laundry basket before throwing on a random sweatshirt and trying to calm your frazzled nerves. you tentatively touched your keyboard, groaning internally when you fingers lightly stuck to the buttons. it’s gonna take forever to clean this, you mourned.
“hey,” kenma mumbled, reappearing on screen and shaking you out of your thoughts.
“hey.” you noticed his flushed expression. “are you okay? you look really red.”
“uh, yeah. i actually uh, i feel kinda sick. so i’m gonna, gonna go.”
“oh, okay.” why’s he acting so weird? “feel better!” you disconnected from the call with a huff, disappointment morphing your face into a pout. well, you thought, better get to cleaning.
kenma, on the other hand, was still, swallowing as the bulge in his boxers became agonizingly hard. though the only thing left on his screen was his reflection staring back at him, the luscious view of your bust was etched in his mind. his hands moved to free his cock, the tip an angry red and smearing pre-cum over the waistband of his underwear. 
he tentatively wrapped a palm around the shaft, shuddering at the contact, his eyelids fluttering shut. god, i’m such a pervert, thinking about her like this. she’d hate me if she knew i saw her like that, knew that i was touching myself thinking about her tits...
“fuck,” he whined, slowly stroking up and down. his thighs trembled as he fell back into his chair, mind wandering. he couldn’t stop himself, his thoughts become more and more lewd, fantasizing about how your breasts would bounce as he thrusted into you, how your thighs would wrap warmly around your head as he ate you out, how you’d cry out his name so prettily when he made you squirt around his fingers.
it was all too much, and as the circle he made with his fingers tightened as he reached his tip, he lurched forward, alarmed at how good everything felt just by thinking about you. i can’t cum, i can’t, the small part of his brain that wasn’t completely overtaken with pleasure tried to reason with him. there’s no going back if i—shit—if i cum. she’ll know, somehow, if i—if i cum, i—
the ecstasy kept clouding his judgement and his body worked against his mind as his hand pumped faster and faster while his conscience screamed to stop. his wrist wetly slapped the base of his cock, the sounds of both his hands and his moans getting too loud for comfort, but all he could think about was you. your eyes, your mouth, your chest, your legs, your ass, your pussy. god, he wanted to be in you so badly.
he couldn’t hold back, his insatiable need to cum overriding his senses, and the translucent liquid twitched out of his throbbing cock in spurts, drenching his fist and his balls. “fuck, fuck, fuck. i’m—fuck.”
he collapsed against the back of his chair, chest heaving with the sheer intensity of his orgasm. he combed a hand through his hair, the consequences of his actions now weighing heavily on his shoulders. i’m never gonna be able to look at her in the eyes again, he lamented. how am i ever gonna—damn it. 
the sudden ping of a notification had his eyes raising from the mess on his pants towards his computer screen. 
meanwhile, you were messaging kenma, a little off-put by his sudden radio silence but chalking it all up to his mysterious sickness.
[11:05 PM] you: hey ken! hope u feel better
[11:05 PM] you: if u get the chance u should check out what i added to our minecraft house. its perfect for sick victorian orphans like u
[12:14 PM] you: guess
[12:05 PM] you: guess
[12:05 PM] you: guess
[12:05 PM] you: guess
[12:05 PM] you: why arent u responding
[12:05 PM] you: guess
[12:05 PM] you: ok u got me ill tell u
[12:05 PM] you: its a hot tub
[12:05 PM] you: but with soup
[12:05 PM] you: but the soup is lava
[12:05 PM] you: genius right
[12:06 PM] you: anyway get some sleep and feel better <3
[12:06 PM] you: lmk if u wanna play animal crossing
[12:06 PM] you: actually no u should sleep. rest ur eyes and shit
[12:06 PM] you: no animal crossing for u!
[12:06 PM] you: sleep well so i can destroy ur ass in val tmrw
[12:06 PM] you: >:)
he sighed as he read your one-sided ramblings. he really liked you.
and he really wanted to fuck you. lucky for you, you wanted the exact same thing. 
if only kenma knew what you did on the other side of the screen, hands in your undies and his name on your lips...
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>> part two
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© property of hornime 2021. do not plagiarize any of my writing and do not repost/copy my writing onto any other sites.
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spinster-sisters · 3 years
Pushover. psh jwy
TW: exhibitionism, fingering, oral female receiving, dirty talk, praise, degradation, grinding, slight bondage, good ole fashion fucking, cock stepping apparently, daddy kink, mutual masturbation, probably other stuff that have escaped my mind cuz writing this felt like a fever dream. So wooyoung is involved pretty heavily involved in this, like many of the kinks listed are done on him and by him so there you have it. Also yeosang is directly involved for like 4 seconds, also please just assume any tags mentioned in the first part that are not listed here may also pop up.
Part 1 (this is a direct continuation of this timestamp)
WC: 5k words of pure smut.
You were hardly aware of your surroundings. Nestled into Seonghwa’s lap, your head fell back onto his shoulder and your eyes screwed shut. You could hear the garbled sound of your boyfriend’s voice rumbling next to your ear, but the slim fingers working in and out of your wet hole stopped any thoughts from entering your brain. Your panties had been pushed aside only enough for him to slip two fingers inside you but you were already keening.
Seonghwa knew how to work you, knew how to make you fall apart and he would usually take his time doing it. Normally you had to put in the work for this kind of treatment, you would have to be especially good and listen to him well during the day, a single misstep or disobeyed words would leave you hopeless, but you had gotten very good at behaving. Why would you when he treated you so well? Not to mention that Seonghwa had something to prove today, without an exchange of words you already knew to be on your best behavior today.
“So what do you say, Woo? It’s your call.” Seonghwa spoke with a cool calm tone. His free hand tapped your side and you knew he wanted your attention for the next part, so your head lifted up and you pulled your eyes open to face the room.
Seven pairs of eyes were glued to you and your boyfriend, all in various stages of embarrassment to downright turned on, but the ones that caught your attention were none other than Wooyoung’s. Because it seemed for the first time the man was at a complete loss for words. His mouth was flapping open and closed like a fish out of water but his complexion was suddenly very pink. He was watching with careful eyes the way Seonghwa’s fingers slipped in and out of you, each time pulling more wetness from you, where it pooled on Seonghwa’s pant leg and made his fingers glisten.
“Are you going to answer me? I don’t appreciate being ignored Wooyoung.” Seonghwa’s voice sounded again, this time with a much steelier tone. Snapped out of his reverie Wooyoung’s eyes flung up to your boyfriend's hard gaze and he made a confused noise. Wooyoung’s body twitched at Seonghwa’s disappointed sigh and somewhere in the room, you heard Mingi muttering to Jongho.
“I asked you a question Woo, do you have an answer?”
Wooyoung’s eyes flitted around the room, desperately looking for aid in the faces of his friends, but none came. They seemed perfectly content to watch the loud boy struggle for words. Eventually, he looked to you for help with pleading eyes, you weren’t quite sure what he wanted you to do but before you could even ponder Seonghwa slipped another finger inside you, stretching you open, even more, making your lips fall open with a pleased sigh and your brain clouded over again.
“Don’t look to her for help, she listened well and is getting her reward. You can’t possibly expect her to risk that to help you. Now, I don’t like repeating myself Woo, so I’m only going to do it once. Do you still think I’m too much of a pushover?” Seonghwa spoke with icy venom.
Wooyoung frantically shook his head ‘no.’ You almost felt sorry for the man when your boyfriend's face turned to stone. Wooyoung noticed it too, and in a moment of frantic panic he realized his mistake and pushed out the word “No!” With perhaps a little too much force. Your head turned to look at Seonghwa’s sharp side profile. He looked very pleased with himself. Rightfully so, taking charge was his forte in times like these.
Seonghwa returned your gaze with a smirk. Using his free hand he gently took your chin between his fingers and pulled you in for a deep kiss. The hand working inside you slowed it is ministrations, but you knew better than to voice your disapproval. Seonghwa’s lips effortlessly urged yours to open and his long tongue slipped between them. Seonghwa’s kisses were always so, strong? He put so much force into every press of the lips and every swipe of the tongue head spun with excitement. Your eyes feel shut almost immediately, moving your mouth gently along with your boyfriend.
It seems you got a little too lost in the feeling of the kiss and the gentle push of the hand working inside you because you were slowly becoming more and more vocal with each passing second. What started as soft groans were now developing into full moans that were only slightly muffled by Seonghwa’s lips. But a sudden squeal from across the room drew both of your attention. Seonghwa broke the kiss to peer across the room at none other than Wooyoung, whose pink complexion had turned bright red since you last looked at him. Also notable, was the way he kept clenching his thighs together and making small grinding motions.
He wasn’t completely alone in this, one quick glass around the room showed you that all of your friends seemed to be enjoying the scene before them, many of them sporting hard dicks of their own (San and Hongjoong especially had taken to slowly palming themselves over their jeans) but none seemed to be quite as affected as the boy directly across for you.
“Getting impatient?” Seonghwa asked with disinterest.
“No,” Wooyoung replied, trying to match your boyfriend's tone but failing miserably.
“We’ve barely started and you're already rutting against the floor like a dog, are you sure this isn’t too much for you?” Seonghwa asked in a tone of mock concern. Seonghwa pulled his fingers from you to instead gently circle your clit with care. You. Squirmed again. The truth was you were remarkably close to the cumming. A fact Seonghwa probably knew. You tried to reassure yourself, knowing that in the current circumstances a high reward was coming your way soon, but the sudden emptiness was disappointing none the less and while it showed on your face you dared not make a sound.
“Get on with it then,”
You winced. Knowing the kind of reaction Wooyoung’s words would bring. Seonghwa’s face hardened. Much darker than you had seen in a long time. One quick glance to the side told you that the younger boy's word had left Seonghwa seething. He stayed silent for a moment, but not inactive. His fingers dancing across your folds seemed to gain a sense of purpose, and with sudden and unexpected vigor, Seonghwa worked them in a way that made your legs twitch and your hole clench around nothing.
“Can I, please?” You asked aloud, though it was clear who you were talking to.
“Go ahead little one,” Seonghwa encouraged with a surprisingly gentle tone.
A loud whine came from your open mouth and the room watched with rapt attention as your body came undone. Even Seonghwa pulled eyes dangerous gaze away from Wooyoung who had been gulping with fear, to watch with soft eyes at the way his pretty girl fell apart for him.
It must have been a truly lewd sight. Your body spasming freely as your glistening core twitched, not to mention your chest covered with marks given to you by the very man who caused your pleasure. The helpless cries were only the cherry on top to the room of onlookers, Yunho had even let out a low groan of his own. But the man of the hour, as it seemed, Wooyoung had returned to his stunned silence, watching the way Seonghwa continued to toy with your clit, prolonging your orgasm as much as possible for the room to enjoy.
Seonghwa turned back to Wooyoung and stopped his work on you only after the majority of your orgasm had passed, leaving you breathless and panting. You felt Seonghwa’s hard cock digging into your ass, but Seonghwa had other matters to attend to first. He fixed Wooyoung with a hard gaze and gave a simple command.
“Come here,”
Wooyoung froze at his words, unable to look away. Yeosang, who had been enjoying Wooyoung’s torment far more than the others urged his forward with a small push on the shoulder, which snapped him out of his trance, and after a moment he slowly crawled across the floor to sit on the floor before you.
Everyone in the room seemed shocked by this turn of events, yourself included, but one quick look from Seonghwa’s encouraging smile settled your nerves. Besides, your brain way still basking in the aftermath of your orgasm so this all seemed much more exciting than you would admit out loud.
With a pinch on your outer thigh from Seonghwa your legs instinctively opened wider, giving Wooyoung an eye full of your now slightly swollen core. Seonghwa reached between your legs and spread your pussy open, exposing your still pulsing hole to the man on the floor, and with one simple sentence, changed the tone of the night for good.
“Get on with it then,”
“What?” Wooyoung sputtered helplessly, looking up to your boyfriend with wide eyes.
“Your attitude has done nothing but remind me how wonderfully obedient my pretty girl is,” as Seonghwa spoke you subconsciously cuddled further into his chest, his eyes flicked to you and he gave you a reassuring squeeze on your neck with his free hand, “and I think she should be rewarded before I deal with that mouth of yours.”
Wooyoung’s eyes shown with realization as it finally dawned on him exactly what his teasing had gotten him into. His eyes flicked around to the faces of his friends only to see them waiting expectantly for Wooyoung to do as he was told. He looked back to Seonghwa and opened his mouth, to apologize, to beg, to l say anything at all, but no words came out. Seonghwa frowned at him.
“Don’t you think she’s been good?” Your boyfriend asked accusatorily.
“Yes, she has-“ Wooyoung started.
Seonghwa’s finger slipped down to drag through your folds and collect the wetness gathering there. You were still incredibly sensitive from your orgasm and the movement made you shudder a gasp. Wooyoung’s eyes followed the action with a downright hungry gaze but something was still restraining him from acting. Seonghwa held out his wet finger in front of the boy's face, and Wooyoung couldn’t help but lick his lips at the sight.
“I’m not going to say it again. Get. On. With. It.”
It seemed whatever defiant streak had been holding the boy back had finally broken. Wooyoung’s head snapped forward and took the Seonghwa’s long shining finger into his mouth and sucked it clean. A loud whinny groan came from the boy instantaneously and after a moment his lips pulled away with a loud pop. With his new resolve Wooyoung’s eyes zeroed in on your face blushing face and with an incredibly what look his eyes snapped back down and he dove in.
An unapologetic scream ripped from your open mouth. The first sensation you felt was pain, you have only fully come down from your high a minute or so prior and your clit was still incredibly sensitive as Wooyoung attached his lips to your cunt and rolled his tongue over the bud repeatedly. But the longer he kept at it, sliding his tongue over the length of your core in a wide lick, the more the full pain turned into biting pleasure.
“You look so pretty like this baby,” Seonghwa muttered encouragingly in your ear, but still loud enough for the room to hear over the obscene slurping noises Wooyoung was now making as he sucked at your entrance. “Doesn't that feel nice?”
Depends on how you define nice really, it felt like all too much all at once, it hurt yes, but every swipe of the younger boy's tongue brought more wetness out of you and made your body twitch and writhe with the slightest movement. Honestly, you should have been used to this by now. Seonghwa loved to do this to you, overstimulate you for hours till there were tears in your eyes and you had lost control of your limbs, he thought you looked best when completely at his mercy. But this was only your first orgasm, you had been trained well enough to keep some of your composure despite the abuse your aching core was suffering at Wooyoung’s hand. You turned to Seonghwa’s satisfied face, and gave him a weak smile,
“Feels good, Daddy.”
Somewhere in the room someone let out an “oh fuck,” and Wooyoung groaned particularly loud directly into your pussy and the vibrations traveled up your spine like lightning. Your mouth fell open as you looked into Seonghwa’s eyes with a dazed look. Your hips arched off your boyfriend's lap. It was Wooyoung who made the first move to push your hips back, eager to have his mouth back on you, but he had no sooner touched you than Seonghwa slapped his hand away from your body.
Wooyoung pulled away from your core, his chin dripping with your juices and his eyes shining with confusion. Seonghwa took your hips into both of his hands and pulled you back, flush against his lap and still hard cock, he then fixed Wooyoung with a glare.
“Your not here to touch. Make my baby girl cum in the next five minutes and I might just go easier on you.” Seonghwa spat.
Wooyoung blinked at him, before giving him the sweetest smile he could muster.
“Yes, Daddy”
This took you and the rest of the room by surprise. But you didn’t have time to ponder before Seonghwa took the boy by the roots of his hair and pulled his face forward into your swollen cunt.
“Times ticking, little boy, better get a move on.”
And so he did. Wooyoung ate you out with a burning passion you had never quite experienced. Seonghwa preferred to take hours going down on you, purposely going a slow and steady as possible to build up extremely powerful orgasms that would last for minutes. This was entirely different. Wooyoung was being incredibly messy. Wet sounds echoed around the room and into your ears, he seemed to be trying to eat you alive with the way his mouth moved desperately around your folds. His tongue had made its return to your clit. He sucked the bud between his lips and rolled it around with his tongue in such quick tight little circles your brain spun and if it weren’t for the iron grip one of your boyfriend's hand still had on your hip your sure you would flailing around like a madwoman. You certainly sounded like one with the way endless cries, whines, and groan spilled from your lips in increasing volume. Wooyoung had a clear goal, Seonghwa had given him five minutes? He would do it in three.
You were nearing the end of your rope, your entire lower half seemed to be vibrating with numb pain and pleasure it was almost unbearable but somehow nowhere near enough.
“Daddy? Can I cum please?” You spoke in a shattered voice. Seonghwa, who still had his hand twisted in Wooyoung’s hair looked down expectantly at the boy, who was already peering up at your face with wide eyes. Both you and your boyfriend watched as Wooyoung slid his tongue into your hole and began fucking it in and out of you in time with your breathy gasps. Your head flipped frantically to search your boyfriend's eyes, begging for permission.
“Please, please, Daddy, I can’t hold-“
“You can cum baby,”
And that was all it took. You practically screamed. Your eyes went white as your head fell back again. Having lost all control of the movement of your limbs Seonghwa took his hand from Wooyoung’s head and used both to hold your spasming body close against his. Your brain had gone fuzzy and the only two things registering in your brain were the gentle praise being whispered into your ear and the beat of Seonghwa’s heart against your back from how closely he held you.
Your recovery to much longer this time. To be perfectly honest, in your whacked-out brain it could have been hours.
Slowly you came back to reality. When you opened your eyes the first thing you saw was Yunho from across the room, he gave you a reassuring smile but it was offset slightly by the way his hand was down his pants, nevertheless you smiled back. You laid limp and spent across Seonghwa’s lap. His arm had come around your waist to hold you up and his other hand was rubbing soft circles on your inner thigh. He gave a gentle kiss to your temple as you stirred, leaving butterflies in your stomach. Shifting slightly so you sat sideways on his lap you curled yourself into him with an affectionate purr.
And then there way Wooyoung. He sat on his knees with his hands on his thighs looking up at you like he won a prize.
“You taste good,” he said with an almost happy hour lucky smile.
“Did you like it, Woo?” San asked from behind him, San was sporting his own wide eyes and looking overly jealous about the whole thing.
Wooyoung spun around to look at his best friend and spoke enthusiastically,
“She tastes so good Sannie, really, it was so much fun!”
“Don’t get too excited Woo, we’re not done yet.” Seonghwa chided. Wooyoung whirled around to face him.
“Didn’t I do good?” He asked with a confused look.
You nodded absently as Seonghwa spoke.
“Yea you did good, but that doesn’t excuse your attitude earlier. You still need to learn some respect. I’m sure our friends would agree all this attention you’ve been getting has gone to your head.”
Yeosang and Jongho snickered in agreement. Wooyoung turned to shoot them a glare but it was cut short by a strangled moan. Seonghwa had pressed the heel of his shoe onto the swollen tip of Wooyoung’s cock through his jeans. And to your surprise, Wooyoung’s hips bucked up into the sole of his shoe. Your brain short-circuited.
Wooyoung started to move away but Seonghwa took hold of his hair again and kept him in place.
“What’s the matter woo? Embarrassed? Embarrassed you almost got yourself off on Daddy’s shoe?”
Wooyoung shook his head no, but Seonghwa only dug his heel in harder and Wooyoung couldn’t help but buck against his shoe again with a pained moan. Your legs were clenching together as another pool of arousal pooled between them. Here’s the deal, you had always admired Seonghwa’s incredible level-headedness. In fact, it was one of the best qualities you could ask for in a lover. But for months now, you had been hoping for the chance that Seonghwa would show his true colors to the rest of the group. The idea had been a fantasy of yours for such a long time, but seeing it, here and now, and like this? Not to mention you had always wondered just how far Seonghwa would go if someone disobeyed him, perhaps you didn’t have the guts to do it yourself, especially since being good reaped such high reward, but this was far more than you ever imagined. You doubt whether you had ever been this turned on in your life.
Seonghwa noticed your reaction, of course, he could always read you like a book. He glanced around the room to the hungry faces of your friends till he found who he was looking for and locked eyes with them with a smirk.
“Yeosang, think you could help me for a moment?”
Yeosang returned the smirk and the room watched with bated breath as he made his way over to the scene, eyes zeroed in on Wooyoung’s mortified face.
“Who knew Wooyoung was such a pain slut.”
Yeosang’s voice was as cool as a cucumber, and if it wasn’t for the bulge in his pants you would think he was talking about the weather. Seonghwa dug his heel into Woo one last time before spinning the boy around to face Yeosang by yanking the hair in his grip. Wooyoung was whining pathetically at it all. Your hand was placed on Seonghwa’s hard chest. He glanced at you with a promising smile at your desperate face.
“Not had your fill yet, little one?” He asked you with a smirk. You shook your head ‘no.’
“No Daddy, you make me so needy.” You reply with wide eyes and a slight whine, grasping the fabric of his shirt in a tight fist. He grinned at you before turning to Yeosang again.
“I think it’s finally time to fuck my baby girl, but I don’t think Wooyoung has learned his lesson yet,” as he spoke Seonghwa began fiddling with his belt, pulling through the loops of his jeans. Handing the belt to Yeosang he continued, “Do me a favor, tie him up, make him desperate, don’t stop till he begs.”
Yeosang accepted the challenge with a smile. Seonghwa’s attention was finally on you and you alone. With his help as your body was still weak, he adjusted you to straddle his hips facing him. You looked a mess surely, there was no way you looked anything but obscene and sweaty, But Seonghwa took in your face with a smile.
“You look so pretty like this baby girl” As he spoke, Seonghwa’s hand came to your ass and kneaded it in his palms. The room could no longer see your face, but they could most definitely see this, and likely your still leaking cunt.
Directly behind you, you could hear rummaging noises and the distinct clink of a belt being done up. A quick glance over your shoulder showed you that Wooyoung was now facing the room, with his hands bound behind his back and a pillow between his legs, Yeosang sat to his side clearly satisfied with his work. After taking it in you turned back to Seonghwa who looked pleased himself.
“You’ve been so good baby, want Daddy to fuck you? Nice and deep how you like it?” You practically purred at his words. It’s true so far you had enjoyed yourself, but there was nothing quite like when Seonghwa filled you up with his cock.
“Please fuck me Daddy” you whispered, leaning in close to him with your biggest doll eyes, and your hands gripping his shoulder. Seonghwa smiled at you, content with your answer.
A moment later he had freed his duck from his jeans and was stroking it leisurely. Your mouth watered. Oh, the way he could make you feel, how many times he had made you cum. As Seonghwa sunk into the couch, taking a moment to watch you squirm on his lap he truly looked too powerful. The calm in the sea of chaos that had unfolded that night, it was unfair how he made your heart skip a beat. With one quick glance over your shoulder, he called out to Wooyoung one last time.
“I’d start doing as you were told Wooyoung, wouldn’t want the others to get impatient with you,”
At that, you heard the first grunt of Wooyoung grinding helplessly on the pillow, then whimpering at how the surface was too soft to gain any friction over his pants. The poor boy was at his wit's end.
But your attention was drawn back to the man in front of you before you had time to feel sorry for Wooyoung. One of his fingers had slipped inside you once again to test the waters. You flinched at the intrusion, your body was utterly spent, and the overstimulation would be hell, but as God, as your witness, you were going to take your boyfriend's cock tonight.
“Are you sure your ok baby? Wouldn’t want to push you too far after the night you’ve had.” He spoke with mild concern, but he already knew the answer.
“No! I want to! I can take it!” You spoke with urgency.
“Absolutely sure sweetpea?” He asked one last time. Your hand gripping his shirt twisted and shook. You looked at him with the most pleading look you could muster.
“Please fuck me, Daddy.”
“Ok then,” he replied with a smile. Not once today had you forgotten your manners or rules, after dealing with the whimpering boy behind you for an evening he was glad to have his perfect baby girl still being as good as ever.
Seonghwa hoisted your hips to be level with his. Seonghwa had a thing about eye contact while he fucked you, so you did your best to not break it as the tip of his cock teased your entrance.
To be completely honest, but the focus of the rest of the room seemed to now be on Wooyoung, who was still rutting against the pillow like a dog, and they all seemed to be enjoying the show far too much to notice the tender way Seonghwa pulled your body down flush against his hips and down onto his cock. Although the broken whipper that came from you at the feeling overwhelming sensation did turn a few heads.
Your knees were shaking and your hands trembling. You had been right, the overstimulation was making it too hard to move on your own. But Seonghwa was attentive as always. He wrapped an arm around your waist and used it to slowly work you up and down on his cock. Each thrust he made felt like pins and needles in the best way possible. After Seonghwa had worked up a steady rhythm a numbing pleasure had already begun to build. Looking deep into your boyfriend's eyes you placed and hand on your tummy and after moving it around for a bit you could feel him moving inside you. You groaned out, this position had always been the best for deep penetration anyways.
“Daddy I can feel you inside me,” you whipper as he picks up speed. The room was beginning to sound like a symphony of lewd cries and squelching noises coming from both you and Wooyoung. Not to mention the panting and groaning coming from the others in the room, who had lost any semblance of shame and were jerking off freely to the unexpected yet beautiful sight. The other boy's eyes kept flicking back and forth, unable to decide which one was more arousing to watch. Many of them had already gotten themselves off before now and were now sporting half-hard cocks as they were faced with the delightful scene.
“I know baby girl, I know how much you love to be stuffed full of cock. And now everyone else knows too.” Seonghwa replied clearly satisfied with himself. His hand came up to your jaw and he delivered a particularly hard thrust and pulled your hips down to match it. You were already losing focus of the world around you and the pleasure was mounting rapidly. At the force of the thrust, your eyes almost dropped closed but Seonghwa pulled your head forward and they opened a bit wider.
“Now everyone knows how good you are for me, baby. My good little girl, who loves taking my cock.” Seonghwa was speaking in such a low grumbling voice it was almost like he was talking to himself rather than you like he was reminding himself of what he had accomplished today. You could tell that after waiting all night for stimulation he was also getting close to his own edge, and if you listen to the whiny panting of the boy behind you you could tell he was getting desperate for the release that would never come from the pillow.
You almost lost eye contact again when Seonghwa’s thrusts became sloppy. Increased pace but with less consistency was the tell-tale sign that Seonghwa was going to cum, but luckily for him, it was this exact treatment that made your head spin. Your lower half was numb with biting pleasure and it was all you could do to keep your eyes open to watch the sweat dripping down Seonghwa’s forehead as he carried on with determination. The others had caught on to what was about to happen and many were now speeding up their ministrations to themselves to climax at the same time as you and your boyfriend.
Seonghwa’s hand wound its way into your hair and used it to crash your lips onto his is a heated, wet, and messy kiss. Any second now and you would lose yourself to the pleasure. You detached your lips just enough to pant into Seonghwa’s lips,
“Daddy, in cumming”
“Damn right you are,” he moaned in response.
It was wise of him to reattach your lips before you came undone. Even with him muffling your noises there was no way the sounds you made didn’t echo around the room and ring In everyone’s ears. Seonghwa kept his pace, pushing more and more whinnies out of you till you almost jumped away from him in overstimulation, butter grip on your waist didn’t let you get far. There were tears in your eyes by the time Seonghwa finally came. Your orgasm had turned silent almost immediately after and your mouth hung wide open in an empty moan. Your brain had all but shut off when the feeling of your boyfriend's cum spilling into you registered into your brain.
Saying you blacked out would be a strong word. But when your eyes fell closed they didn’t seem to want to open. You and Seonghwa stayed connected for what seemed like an eternity before he pulled out of you with a groan and laid you gently down onto the couch to his side.
You were dead weight at this point. But when you felt Seonghwa stand up you pried your eyes open the slightest bit once you realized that the unmistakable noises of a begging Wooyoung had filled your ears.
Seonghwa walked around to stand in front of him. Most of the others in the room were now basking in the afterglow of their own orgasms but had perked up to watch.
“Please, please, please, Daddy. Please let me cum. I promise I’ll be good, I promise I won’t bother you as much, I promise, please-“
Wooyoung ramblings we’re cut short by Seonghwa taking hold of Wooyoung’s head and turning it up to look him in the eyes.
“That’s exactly what I wanted to hear,” Seonghwa replied. Wooyoung gasped a sigh of relief. Seonghwa motioned for Yeosang to come over and untie the poor boy and hopefully get him some relief. But Seonghwa didn’t care about that part, his eyes were now back on you. His sweet perfect, obedient little girl.
Tag List: @deja-vux @txtbbys @darlingmulti @emotionally-intellectual @mingishoe @eonghwa @galaxteez
@a-soft-hornytiny @yunhospuppy @barnesbabee @woowommy @hyetiny @multidreams-and-desires @spacepiratehongjoong @pikacuuuuuuu
if your wondering why your tagged, its either because you expressed interest in a part two or are otherwise a homie or I would like you to be a homie and this is my olive branch
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