#she would make me snap an elastic against my wrist
floatingwithlaura · 7 months
i keep getting uncontrollably angry that my mum trained my stimming out of me. i was doing harmless things! i looked a little odd but it hurt NO ONE. but she couldn’t stand having a freak daughter and made me punish myself every time i did it or got the urge to do it.
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shoshiwrites · 2 years
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while spring is making promises outside — a flower shop AU featuring my OC Jo. Chapter 2/9. Later chapters a little NSFW.
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Tuesdays and Thursdays are Clara's workshop days at the community center. She teaches writing, and leaves Jo to the machine and to clean-up. Sometimes Lena will pop by between classes to offer a hand, if she's not too busy, but the two of them seem sufficient enough to handle this morning's business. Famous last words. Lena would say something about the water and bleach gracing her shirt again, and Jo knows she would deserve it. She dumps too much ice in her coffee for January and tries to wring herself out over the flower sink with her free fist. Just as Frankie dips to the back office to check on some paperwork, the door buzzes. 
"Can you get that? It's Bill."
Jo makes a noise of assent, expecting him, and opens the door. The fact that it's quiet should be her first clue, quiet except for the sound of moving crates and boxes from the far side of the truck, amplified in the cold. Bill usually gets at least a few minutes of catch-up in before he even thinks about unlatching the trunk.
It's not Bill. In fact, it's someone she's never seen before, in a worn Eagles sweatshirt and heavy boots softly crunching against the packed-down snow and ice.
He seems so focused on the task at hand that it doesn't hit her for several seconds that she's keeping the door open unnecessarily, that she's in a wet shirt creased in ridiculous little bunches across the front, and that her hair is falling out of its multitude of clips and pins. It doesn't occur to her to do anything but stare, half in confusion, until he's standing across from her on the ramp, looking through lashes that she can tell even from this distance are obscenely long.
"Is this Fran's?" he asks. "I don't know if Bill mentioned-"
She doesn't know if Bill mentioned. She doesn't know if Frankie mentioned. Jo is blissfully unaware of the comings and goings of the day's floral deliveries unless and until something is being shoved into her hands at that very moment to hold. She means to say one second please, and in that moment her brain belatedly catches up to her arm. She shuts the door.
Frankie's already standing next to her, looking vaguely bewildered. She reaches past Jo and opens the door.
"You're not Bill," says Frankie, but she doesn't seem too concerned about it.
"Fran- his Fran- had an appointment-" the guy says, hefting a box over the threshold now that he's ascertained they're not going to stop him. 
Jo, meanwhile, attempts to redo her hair. The elastic breaks, snapping painfully against her wrist. "Fuck!"
"Josephine," Frankie says, and it's Please chill and What is wrong with you all at once.
To Not-Bill she says, "you can put them in here."
"Ma'am," he acknowledges, and Frankie gives a look like she thinks they're both crazy.
He keeps bringing boxes in, seemingly unbothered by the fact that Jo's been rendered immobile with embarrassment. Aren't you cold, she wants to say, ignoring the goosebumps on her own arms, laser-focused on the blotchy burn scar that's been there for years. Behind her she can hear the stereo start on a Whitney Houston ballad.
"Would you like some coffee," Frankie asks, inching back towards her Perfect Customer Service voice.
His voice is curt. "No thanks."
"You sure?" Sicilian grandmother, activated. "And I have a few things for Bill, but since he's not here-"
"Give 'em to me," the guy says. "I'll stop by on the way back." He sounds tired.
Jo starts to regain her sense of movement, crossing her arms tightly around herself. "Bill'll be by tomorrow, Fran," she says, and Frankie, surprisingly, acquiesces with a wave of her palm.
“Forget I said anything."
Does Not-Bill look relieved? He tips his chin up in a nod. "I'll stop by later for the pick-up."
"Sounds good." The phone cuts through ringing. Frankie goes to answer it, her voice completely polished.
"Oh, almost forgot," the guy says. He disappears back to the truck, around to the passenger seat to delicately wrangle some sort of special arrangement in his arms. 
Jo's still standing there, the only option for caretaker. He eyes her warily. Unsurprising, considering all she's done is demonstrate she doesn't know how to operate a door. "I can take it," she says, immediately cringing at her own words, but his face doesn't change. They stare at each other for several tenths of a second. His hands are very warm.
"Have a nice day," he starts, with the same tone a park ranger might use to warn of the threat of bears. Before she can answer him he's back through the door, before she has the chance to act like a normal person and ask his name. The flowers, she notices, now that she can, are beautiful. Their petals look like buttercream. I will be sure, Jo resolves, to be out for coffee when he comes back. Behind her, the office door opens. 
"My orchids!" cries Fran. 
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Warnings: noncon sexual acts and rape, voyeurism/exhibitionism, slight stalking, masturbation, naughty talk.
This is dark!(camboy!)Andy Barber. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Your guilty pleasures becomes and all too real terror.
Note: Okay, here’s the second and last part of this short little piece. Thanks for reading and the excitement. I’m sorry if I’m a bit blegh rn.
Thank you so much for your patience! And support!!
As always, if you are so inclined, please like, reblog, and comment. <3
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Andy stared at the chat. He waited and waited but the green dot didn’t pop up. Maybe she was freaked out after meeting him. Or maybe she was over him. Her name hadn’t blipped up in any of his sessions in the last week and he even invited her to an impromptu private show after he got back from the café. He hoped her seeing him might nudge her but it only seemed to scare the fuck out of her.
He recalled how she nearly fell on her face running away from him. That wasn’t the reaction he was expecting. No preening or smiles, just terror and a quick escape. He didn’t understand. He was a good looking guy and she was obviously lonely. Hell, she was cute too. He was hardly disappointed.
He waited another fifteen minutes, distracting himself with the colour matching game on his phone but her status remained inactive. He scrolled through his bookmarks and clicked on her insta profile. She had commented on some DIY tutorials in the last hour but hadn’t posted. She only ever added pictures of flowers anyway; her last photo of herself was from a year ago. It was her and some guy but he could guess they were no longer together.
He was starting to get upset. She was ignoring him. He wasn’t stupid but what had he done? Their sessions were going well up until this week and he actually looked forward to them. He felt that same thrill he had when he first started his hustle.
He slammed his laptop shut and dropped his phone face down. Fuck it, he had better stuff to do.
He crossed the room and grabbed one of the boxes still stacked against the wall. He hauled it over to the empty bookshelf and flipped it open. He unpacked the books one at a time and the heavy bookend shaped like half a globe. He didn’t know why he brought all these things, he didn’t use them. He wasn’t a lawyer anymore.
He leaned against the side of the sofa and crossed his arms. He boxed up his whole life, or what was left of it, and drove halfway across the country. She couldn’t even give him a hello or her name. She could hardly look at him and she wouldn’t answer his goddamn messages.
He pushed himself straight and stormed over to his laptop. He ripped it open and clicked on the chat. Still, nothing. The invitation was scheduled for less than an hour. Well, if she wasn’t going to open it, he’d have to get it to her another way. He was done waiting on her and he was done playing with her through a screen.
He wanted the real thing and he knew she wanted it too.
You were still slightly addled from your encounter at the café. After you got home and unpacked your groceries, you didn’t find your coffee again until it went cold. You dumped it and replaced it with a glass of wine. You bought the bottle a month ago, expecting to unwind and that time finally came.
You sat with the healthy dose of alcohol, almost to the brim as it darkened the full belly of the glass. You wore only a baggy Winnie the Pooh tee and panties as you lounged and flipped on the tv. 
You rarely used the front room anymore, ever since your boyfriend moved out you spent most of your time in the bedroom, exhausted and lonely. It was easier to just linger there between responsibilities.
Your dainty sips turned to greedy slurps as you turned on an episode of Project Runway and lost yourself in the competition and drama of it all. Your ex hated that show and you hadn’t watched it in years. It was time to get caught up with what would forever be your unfulfilled dream of being a designer.
By the runway, your glass was empty and the television had a soft glare as you were slightly buzzed by the high potency. The dark blend had a percentage in the double digits and you were feeling it, delightfully so. As the designers came up for their feedback from judges, more so a roast, you leaned back and wiggled your hips as you stretched. You yawned and closed your eyes as you listened to a designer give cutting critique of a hem.
You peeked under your lashes as the camera panned in on the fraying stitches. Well, it looked alright from far away. You bent your arm under your head as you turned onto your side and your eyes closed again as you pondered another glass of wine. That might give you a decent night’s sleep.
You inhaled and sat up, intent on another indulgence but you stopped short as you blinked in shock. You hadn’t drank that much. You couldn’t be hallucinating. You pressed yourself to the back of the couch and shook your head as you gaped at the figure stood just beside the tv, eyes calmly watching you.
“What…” you gulped.
“Shhhh,” the man, the one you watched all those nights on your laptop, brought his finger to his lips as he hushed you, “it’s okay, honey.”
“I--” your heart leapt into your throat and you stood as you swiped up your glass, “get out. How did--”
“I sent you an invitation. Several this week. You haven’t answered--”
You hit the glass off the table so it cracked and left a jagged edge. You jabbed it out at him from the other side of the coffee table, your hand shaking as the shock turned to a jolt of adrenaline.
“Go! Get out!” you snapped, too terrified to think on how he found you or if your meeting that day was truly a coincidence. It didn’t seem like it, “you’re crazy, get out of my--”
He marched around the table as you backed up and swung the glass at him. He caught your wrist and twisted it as he wrenched you close to him and pointed the sharp edge at your throat. The scent of him filled your lungs and mingled with the taste of wine as the glass pressed to your skin.
“I don’t want to hurt you,” he warned, “so don’t make me.”
He said your name, calmly, as you drowned in his oceanic eyes. You quivered in his grasp and tensed as you tried to lean away from him, “Andy,” he offered, “that’s my real name.”
“Please, I don’t know what you want--”
“You know exactly what I want,” he hissed as he pulled away the glass and tossed it to shatter against the wall, “the same thing I always wanted… that you want.”
You took a deep breath and he clapped his hand over your mouth and tutted. His brows wrinkled in irritation and your drunken fingers bounced futilely off his shoulder. He turned you and sat you down on the couch and knelt with you, shushing you again as he settled on his knees on the floor.
“Honey, aren’t you tired of this? Of being apart? Of just… watching?” his eyes strayed from yours and he smiled as he eyed the yellow bear on your shirt, “that’s cute.”
You shook your head and murmured against his hand. His lashes flicked up and his jaw squared. His lips thinned as he considered you.
“Thing is, honey, I’d love to talk but you gotta promise not to scream,” he said, “and I mean that because I don’t want to gag you… not yet, anyway.”
Your eyes rounded and you nodded fervently as your breath puffed under his palm. He narrowed his eyes and shifted his hand slightly, moving it just an inch at a time as he watched you. You sniffled as he let his grip fall to your knee.
“Why? How…” you stuttered, “it was a mistake. Just a show--”
“You were always there,” he said as his other hand came up to your other knee and he ran his hands up and down your legs, “it didn’t sound like a mistake.” He pushed his fingers along the top of your thighs, “you enjoyed it.”
“It wasn’t… like that, just…”
He squeezed your thighs painfully and you winced. His fingers crawled up under the hem of your tee to the elastic of your panties and he hooked them beneath the fabric. You grasped his wrists in shock at his sudden movement and he looked you in the face.
“Say whatever you want, make your excuses,” he snarled, “you said you wanted me, you said it a dozen times, and I know you do.”
He tore down the cotton and you flailed out and caught yourself against the back of the couch. He rolled your panties down and untangled them from your ankles as you tried to close your legs. He kept your panties around his wrist as he stopped your knees from meeting and moved between them.
“Honey, now, I think we’ve had enough build up--”
“Hel--” you screamed and he grabbed your chin and snapped your mouth shut so that you bit your tongue.
He growled and shook your panties down over his hand. He brought up the twisted fabric and shoved it into your mouth. You tried to turn away from his grip as he stuffed the panties in with two fingers as deep as they would go and you almost gagged.
“It’s too bad,” he said, “I wanted to try that mouth… next time.”
You batted at his arms and chest and his hand shot to your throat. You stilled as he choked you, just enough for lungs to burn. He kept his hand on your neck until you sat back and he let it trail down the front of your shirt. He groped you through the fabric, rolling his thumb around your nipples as they hardened.
“I know you can be good, honey,” he hummed, “you’re just… nervous. I know what it’s like, trying to get over someone else. Trying to move on from a life you built-- a break-up, right? That lanky guy on your Insta--”
You gave a terrified flutter of your lashes and he smiled, a tight-lipped sympathetic gesture.
“Look, we’re two lonely people,” he kneaded your chest as he spoke and leaned in, “so, it only makes sense, and I promise, honey, the shows are over. It’s all for you now.”
You trembled as he dropped his hands and pulled up your shirt. He tickled your stomach with his knuckles and framed your tits with his hands as he admired them. You squirmed as he flicked them with his thumbs and leaned into you. He took one in his mouth and suckled. You whimpered as you felt a pluck in your core.
He parted with a pop and licked his lips, “I never… it was always hard to think of what you’d look like but I couldn’t picture anyone so perfect.”
Your nails dug into the couch cushions as you tried not to flinch. The glimmer of delight turned to disgust as you watched this stranger fondle you and he sealed his lips around your other nipple. You bit down on the cotton and moaned. You were so pathetic. It was your stupid moments of lonely desperation that brought you to this, that brought him to you.
His large hands spread along your sides and he pressed his fingertips into you sharply as he toyed with your nipples. He grazed his teeth along each bud and pulled back to look at you again. You grasped his shoulders as you begged him with your eyes and shook your head.
“I… always wanted to do this in the bedroom,” he said, “that’s where you usually are, huh? Touching yourself for me all alone in the dark--”
You hung your head in defeat and he pulled you forward on the cushion. He lifted you onto your feet and spun you around in the space between him and the couch. He put one hand on your hip and the other on the back of your neck and walked you around the sofa. He paced slowly behind you as he urged you down the hall and paused to peer through your bedroom door.
“Here we are,” he said as he angled you through the door. You reached up as your jaw ached around the wad of fabric and he caught your hand and yanked it down, “I didn’t say you could do that.”
You dropped your arm and he let you go. He pressed his body to your back as he nudged you closer to the bed and stopped you right before it. He bunched your shirt in his hands and tugged it up until you raised your arms. He swiped it over your head and let it crumple beside your feet.
“Go on, sit nice and pretty for me,” he tapped your ass lightly.
Naked, you shivered as you stepped away from him and got onto the bed. You turned as you bent your legs over the edge and lowered your chin. You hugged yourself as he stood watching you with his hands on his belt.
“Don’t you worry, it’s still a show,” he said as his hands slid over to his buckle. 
He winked and ran his fingers up the front of his jacket and pulled it off. He draped it over the folding stool by your bookshelf and bent each leg to tug off his shoes. His socks followed shortly after and he squared his shoulders before he scooped his shirt up and off. He returned to his buckle and tilted his head at you.
“Look at me, honey,” he said as you stared at the pile of clothing, “we both know you love to watch.”
You raised your eyes to him and clamped your hands around your shoulders, arms crossed over your chest. He grinned and unbuckled his belt, his zipper gliding down smoothly beneath his fingers.
“You got me hard as fuck,” he said, “I didn’t like that earlier, you know? The way you ran from me.”
You just sat and tried to swallow the hopeless acceptance. He pushed down his pants and stepped out of them, his arousal bulging against his boxers. Your fingernails cut into your skin as you curled your fingers.
“You’ve been so good to me, honey,” he continued as he rolled down his boxers, “you know, I only want to return the favour. I came all this way just to get close so that--” he paused as his dick sprang up before him and he kicked away his underwear, “I can take care of you now.”
He gripped himself and stroked his length with a hum. His stomach tensed and the lines of his muscles deepened as he groaned and played with himself as he would before the camera. You were mortified as you watched him helplessly and he got closer and closer.
“Now you get the live show, honey,” he reached out and took your hand, closing it around his dick as he guided it up and down.
He moaned and hung his head back as he used both your hands on his shaft. He shuddered and leaned into your grasp. You listened to his pants as they grew quicker and quicker and he stopped you abruptly. You looked down at the glistening pre-cum as it leaked from his tip and he trailed his thumb through it as he let you go.
You flinched as he moved towards you suddenly and grabbed your hips. He lifted you and dropped you onto your back. He took your ankles and placed them against his shoulders as he stretched your legs up his torso. His cock slid along your cunt and hovered over your folds.
“Fuck, I can’t wait any longer,” he bit his lips and looked between your legs as he let go of one leg and reached down to guide himself between your lips, “oh, honey, your so sexy.”
He pushed apart your cunt with two fingers and slid in between his knuckles. He gasped as you stretched around him and you pushed your head back and whined around the fabric in your mouth. You whimpered as he drew back just a little and pushed in deeper. He rocked his hips, getting further each time as your walls strained around him.
He tilted you against him so that he reached his limit and slid his thumb along your bud. He swirled around your clit as he carried a slow motion, gliding in and out of you as you slicked around him. The tingle of his touch crept like tendrils beneath your flesh and made you clench around his dick.
He groaned and sped up, just a little as he played with you, pressing more firmly on your clit until your hand shot down over his. You didn’t move him away, only gripped his wrist as he toyed with you, fucking you deliberately as the sensation melded into a maelstrom. The twisting spring inside of you compressed and released suddenly in a ripple of sheer delight.
You groaned and bent your legs against him, raising your pelvis higher so he dipped even deeper. Your eyes rolled back and you ripped the panties from your mouth in your ecstatic trance. You balled them in your hand and writhed on his dick. 
He grasped your hips and dragged your ass over the edge of the bed and rammed into you. You cried out and he did it again. It was as if he lost all control as his pelvis slapped against you loudly and his voice rumbled through the room. You gulped and gasped as he pressed the heel of his hand to your clit and rubbed harder, his fingers stabbing sharply against your flesh.
His other hand snaked up to pinch your nipple and cup your tit. He braced you as he bent over you and fucked you furiously. He stepped up onto the edge of the bed frame as he curled your body beneath his and brought both his hands up beside your head as he held himself over you.
He plunged down into you over and over and he huffed as he watched the joining of your bodies. He growled and pulled out of you suddenly, bending your legs up as you were contorted further. He grabbed your hand again and trapped it around his dick, moving it quickly as he muttered.
He came in thick ropes onto your chest and down the folds of your stomach as you were in almost a C beneath him, his knees around your thighs. You shook and lifted his chin as he snarled and kept your hand moving, still cumming over you. He tore your grasp from him as he grew over sensitive and hung his head as he quivered.
“Shit,” he swore as he backed off of you and stood, leaning on the bed to steady himself. Your legs fell over the edge and his cum cooled across your skin, “you look good like that, honey.”
He stepped closer and pushed his fingers through the mess. You shivered and stopped his hand as you slowly returned to reality. You lifted yourself on one elbow and batted your lashes in confusion.
“How did you even find me?” you uttered.
“Doesn’t matter how,” he grabbed your wrist and pulled you to sit up gruffly, “only that I did.”
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leafs-lover · 2 years
Too Far Gone - Part Thirty Nine
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Series Masterlist
Warnings: Mentions of drugs, alcohol and substance abuse, mental health issues (mainly depression), maybe some swearing
Word Count: 3100
September 19, 2019
Tia knew she would hate therapy. Talking about her problems wasn’t exactly something she had been excelling in as of late. How would talking to a stranger be any different? She knew she would hate it. She also knew she didn’t exactly have a choice.
Auston wasn’t giving her a choice. At first she considered not talking to Heidi, sitting in silence for an hour. And the quiet was a nice change, but Heidi asked her a question, and then another, and another, until finally Tia gave in with a quick three-worded response and it all unraveled from there.
“And what did you do?” Heidi asks her.
“Well…” Tia lets out an exasperated huff. Glancing to the clock she feels her nose crinkle but makes zero attempt to hide it – twenty minutes left. “I buried myself with work. I went to Celeste’s five days a week and any night without Taylour I was at the club, and when I did have him, I’d spend my evenings with him and my nights sketching, sometimes sewing, that didn’t happen a lot,” Tia mutters out the last part under her breath, feeling frustrated at the lack of progress she made despite hours of trying. “But then I met Thomas and stopped working as much. Auston was paying for Taylour’s daycare, and I had time before fall classes. I didn’t need to work as much.”
“Instead of spending time at work, you spent it with Thomas?”
“Yeah,” Tia nods. “I still worked, just not nearly as often.”
“Is it possible that you never truly healed? You just found new ways to distract yourself.” Heidi poses another question, and Tia stays silent. “That you never addressed the cause of your problem, just buried it?”
“And what would the cause be?” Tia counters, becoming slightly annoyed at her line of questioning.
Tia scrunches her face and turns away, taking a deep breath she turns back and says, “I don’t want to talk about Kylie.”
“At some point you will have to. I’m not saying you need to see her or speak to her, but to get better you will need to –“
“I’m not talking about Kylie,” Tia reiterates, firmer this time.
“What about your relationship with Thomas?”
“Why would we talk about that?” Tia replies harshly. Tia’s least favourite part about therapy is answering the questions, but all therapy is, is answering questions.
“Have you spoken to him since Labour Day?”
Tia purses her lips and faintly nods. “Just text, and very sporadic.”
Anytime Auston sees his name pop up on her phone he will not so subtly tell Tia he is a bad influence, and she shouldn’t talk to him. To avoid any conflict, Tia bit her tongue, and only replies when she was at school, away from his judgment. She knows he has some of the answers to her questions, but also has this gut instinct that she doesn’t want to see him, but she can’t pinpoint why. “He wants to see me.”
“What do you think about seeing him?”
“Everyone thinks it’s a bad idea,” her eyes wander to the clock as her fingers drum against the leather arm rest. Seventeen minutes left.
“We’re not here to talk about them,” Heidi reminds her. “What are your thoughts on seeing Thomas?”
“Torn,” Tia admits.
“And why is that?” Heidi pushes her glasses back up her face, speaking firm but softly, trying to bring Tia to ease.
“He could help me understand some of it…piece together those fragments in my memory,” Tia explains. Pulling at the hair elastic on her wrist, it snaps against her skin as she breathes out her response. “But I worry about seeing him. How I’ll feel.”
“You’re worried about your destructive habits?” Heidi prompts her, earning a nod from Tia.
One of their many discussions has been on her destructive habits. And how it’s not just the drugs and partying that fall into the category, but parts of her relationship fall into that category. Very rarely did she share in good news with him, whenever things in her life were difficult or she didn’t want to face it, she found herself at his door. There were many times where it was just the two of them, and instead of telling him what was bothering her she’d use her mouth for something else.
When Heidi explained all this to Tia, she thought about Auston. Originally Tia thought sleeping with him at the NHL awards was a heat of the moment incident, but when she looks at how her life had been, the struggles to pay for food and burying herself with work, Celeste’s and a million other things, she wondered if that night fell into that category. And if it did, how long had she been avoiding her issues with sex?
“I think facing issues head on can be productive if done correctly. You need to have boundaries set before hand, and you have to stick to them. You need to know what you are looking to achieve by having the conversation, and if you’re not ready, then you wait. Having these types of conversations too early can result in you repeating the past. Only you can decide if you’re ready.”
Tia is late.
Auston went to pick her up from class and she wasn’t there. He waited for fifteen minutes, called her seven times, and everyone went straight to voicemail. He went to her apartment, hopeful to find her there. All the lights were off, and everything is exactly as they left it six hours ago.
Tia is late.
Auston found himself running through every situation imaginable. Did something happen at therapy, and she wasn’t feeling up to class? Did she miss the bus after therapy and is still walking from the other side of town? Did she go back to Kylies? Did she go see Thomas? Does she actually have a drug problem, and is out buying or using some? Did something happen, is she hurt or sick? He has no idea where she is, only that he dropped her off at therapy hours ago, her class ended forty-two minutes ago, and she isn’t home.
He sits at the table with his foot anxiously tapping against the floor. He furiously paces around the kitchen. He checks his phone then locks his phone. He repeats the process, constantly looking to the door, hoping she will walk in.
It’s barely a second between the door opening and Auston being is on his feet, brown eyes wide and full of fear. Unaware of his presence Tia drops her backpack, purse and cloth shopping bag and a few helium balloons -red, blue, green and orange - on the floor and starts removing her boots.
“You’re late.” Auston states bluntly, startling Tia.
“I went to pick you up and you were gone,” Auston doesn’t let her speak. “Your class ended almost an hour ago, where were you?”
At first Tia doesn’t speak. Auston has never used this tone with her, it’s the tone her father used every time he told her to stop dating Auston. It’s stern, unwavering, but also completely uncalled for.
“Class ended early,” she starts to explain.
“It’s a seven-minute bus ride, twenty-five-minute walk, if class ended early you should have been here long ago.” Auston’s brows furrow and he actually makes an attempt to hide the anger burning inside of him.
“I had some errands to run.” She picks up the reusable shopping bags from the floor and starts to make her way into the apartment.
“Why didn’t you tell me? I would have taken you.”
“Because my phone died, but I don’t need you to hold my hand,” Tia snaps. Dropping the bags on the counter she exhales heavily, trying to hold on to some poise.
“Seriously?” Auston’s tone matches hers. “After what happened –“ he trails off when she walks away from him mid-sentence. He is taken aback by not only her dismissive nature, but the fact she walked out of the room, down the hall and went into the closet with no regard for him or what he has to say. “With what happened I’m allowed to know where you are,” he increases his tone, almost to a yell, so she can hear from inside the closet.
“Why don’t you just fucking track my phone, Paul,” Tia purposely emphasizes that to make her point, as if the comparison to her dad wouldn’t be enough. Closing the door to the closet she has a few more bags in her hands and drops them on the counter beside the others.
“I am not your dad.” His voice is loud, anger being all that comes through. “I’m sorry that my first thought after finding you on the floor is –“
“Why don’t you look in the fucking bags first?” Tia yells over him as she eyes to them. He can feel the anger rolling off her body in violent waves as she steps back and crosses her arms over her chest and narrows her gaze.
Muttering incoherently under his breath, Auston clicks his jaw and turns his attention to the bags. Opening the first one he sees a bag of Paw Patrol napkins, blue, orange and green streamers, but it’s not until he pulls out the Paw Patrol ‘Happy Birthday’ banner that he realizes what it is.
“It was your birthday a few days ago,” Tia starts, voice full of bitterness. “Your son wanted you to have a surprise party, I stopped to get a gift bag and the cake Taylour wanted, but because he insisted on it being a surprise, I couldn’t tell you. I thought I’d have everything set up before you’d get here, but it took forever to get the stupid balloons filled.” Auston hears her voice shift. That while she is trying to stay firm, it cracks and softens.
All of the anger falls off Auston’s face, and he is left feeling like an ass. He didn’t trust her and jumped to conclusions, all while not letting her explain. Something Paul used to do whenever he thought he was right, regardless of how wrong he was. He did exactly what her dad did.
“Tia, I –“
“Can you leave? For like twenty minutes? I have to get Taylour from daycare, he wants to help set it up.” Tia starts to pull everything out of the bags, plates, cups, bowls – all Paw Patrol. As she empties one bag, she moves to another, slowly covering her counters in everything. “And act surprised when you show up.”
Auston gave her forty minutes, and even that didn’t seem long enough, so he gave her ten more. He put his hood over his hat and tucked his chin to his chest to avoid any fans, and he walked. He had no destination in mind, no plan, he just needed to think. He knows he has to apologize, but how do you say sorry for not even letting someone explain? The fact is if he let her talk, even for thirty seconds, this whole thing could have been avoided.
When he came back holding a cup of Tia’s favourite tea, he didn’t want to go inside. He knows he overstepped, but it’s not easy living with your ex, especially after everything that happened. He wants to give her some more time, maybe an hour or two, but Taylour is waiting for him, and he is excited. So excited, Auston can hear him through the door.
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY!” Taylour screeches the second he walks into the condo. Before Auston has a chance to take off his shoes Taylour is wrapping his arm around his leg, squeezing tightly while anxiously waiting to be lifted up to give him a proper hug.
“Oh, thank you Taylour,” Auston tosses him up, and lets him land on his hip.
“We’re having a party!” he enthusiastically announces as his arms wrap around Auston’s neck.
Looking around the apartment there are blue and green streamers taped to the walls, but everything else is Paw Patrol. Paw Patrol table cloth, plates, party hats, cups, balloons, the banner, even a “pin the Pup Tag on Chase” game is taped to the wall. It looks like Paw Patrol threw up in the apartment, the exact kind of party he would expect his three-year-old to throw him.
“I see that,” Auston laughs. Glancing around the room he spots Tia off to the side, holding up her phone videotaping the entire thing, even a small smile on her face.
“There is cake!” Taylour points to the counter.
Carrying him over, Auston stops to examine the cake. Chocolate cake and chocolate icing – Taylour’s favourite. Marshall and Cash candles are on top, both of them with the number 2, and he sees the spot where Taylour dragged his finger through the icing to get a taste.
“And a present!” Taylour yells loudly in his ear. “Open it!”
“Why don’t you go get your costume on,” Tia finally speaks from the corner of the kitchen. “Then we can start the party.”
“YES!” His entire face somehow gets brighter.
Putting Taylour down he runs over to Tia and grabs the red plastic backpack from her hands and skips off to his room.
“It’s a lot of Paw Patrol,” Auston hesitantly says, wondering if this is his birthday or Taylour’s.
“We actually had a Leafs theme going at the store, then he saw the Paw Patrol plates and, well, he said you loved Paw Patrol too,” she slowly starts to make her way closer to him. “He told me it’s your favourite.”
“He’s very intuitive,” Auston nods, chuckling softly.
The air gets heavy, both of them having something to say but knowing the other does too. Tia wants to apologize for how she handled the situation. One of the topics her and Heidi have discussed is productive ways to handle conflicts, and she didn’t follow any of her guidance. And Auston knows he should have let her explain before blowing up and jumping to conclusions.
“Look” “I-“ They both start and stop at the same time, then let out an uncomfortable laugh.
“I’m sorry,” Auston jumps back in. “I might have overreacted.”
“Might?” Tia quirks an eyebrow at him.
“Alright, I did,” he exhales. “But this isn’t easy for –“
“Mommy I need help!” Taylour calls from the bedroom, making them both grin softly.
“This isn’t easy, I’ll try to be better.”
“Thank you,” she responds.
There is more she should say, she knows this. Heidi has discussed at length the importance of boundaries, and making sure other people understand what hers are, but also why she feels the way she does. She should tell him why his behaviour was too much, that they can’t keep doing this if there is no trust between them. He has to trust her.
She knows she should say all these things, but she can’t. Instead, she takes a few steps forward and Auston expects her to walk to Taylour’s room, but she walks right into his chest. Shock begins to consume him following Tia’s embrace, but he quickly engulfs her as she nestles her head against him, listening to the steady, yet hard, beating of his heart.
If Auston thought conversation with Tia was scarce, any sort of physical contact was non-existent, basically only accidental. Even when in bed, she sleeps as far to the side as she can, and he has yet to wake up to her tangled with him. It makes him wonder if she wakes up before him and moves, or if even when unconscious she still wants space from him.
“Happy Birthday Auston,” Tia speaks softly against him, following it up with a weak moan that he would have missed were he not paying attention.
“Thanks T,” he strengthens his grip, not wanting to let her go.
“Mommy,” Taylour pokes his head out around the corner and huffs. “I need your help mommy!” Pure annoyance is all they can hear.
“I got it,” Auston laughs and eases his grip, slowly releasing the familiar scent of his cologne from the air.
“NO!” Taylour shrieks, eyes going wide in horror.
“It’s a birthday surprise,” Tia quickly explains.
When Tia starts to walk toward him, Taylour grins and patters away to his bedroom. There is a lot of Tia saying, ‘this goes here’ and Taylour giggling ‘think Daddy will like it?’
Auston could tell there was something she didn’t say, and he wishes she would have. Maybe she didn’t get the chance because of Taylour, if that’s true why did he get the impression she bit her tongue? He is thankful she opened up, even if it was only for a birthday hug, but what if she used it to mask something else.
There are countless thoughts running through his head, and he wants to think about them, think of how to bring it up to her, but he doesn’t get the chance. Taylour quickly reappears wearing a bright red leather jacket, complete with dalmatian print sleeves, red fireman hat and dog ears flopping at the sides.
“Wow, Tia, I didn’t know you got a Marshall,” Auston bends down and gently plays with the dalmatian ears, Taylour grinning widely back at him. “You have your own fireman now.”
“Yeah,” she smiles at them, arms gently crossed over her chest. “Don’t have to worry about you making dinner anymore.”
Auston’s eyes narrow ever so slightly, and he glares up at her, but her smile only grows. “Oh, Taylour would love to meet you Marshall,” he quickly stands up, “Marshall is his favourite!” Taking a few quick strides towards his bedroom door Auston turns around, face whitening with fear. “Taylour’s missing!”
“WHAT!” she brings a hand to her mouth and gasps dramatically. “He was just there!” She goes to her bedroom and pokes her head inside, scanning around, fighting the smile as Taylour giggles from inside his costume. “He’s not in here,” she turns around, eyes going wide to match Auston’s.
“Oh, thank goodness you’re here Marshall,” Auston is quickly beside him. Pressing the Pup Tag that hangs from the collar, he starts speaking, “Ryder, we have a missing boy. Taylour, he’s almost three years old, brown curly hair –“
“Daddy,” Taylour giggles in response, “Daddy, I’m right here.”
“You sure do sound like my son,” Auston crouches back down in front of him. “But he doesn’t have floppy ears,” he gently lifts the ones in the costume and lets it sway against his face.
“I’m right here!” Taylour exclaims loudly, pulling the fireman hat off for Auston to see.
“Oh Taylour!” He brings him in for a big hug and breathes out a dramatic sigh of relief. “I was so worried.”
“You’re silly daddy!” Taylour giggles again.
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cartierbin · 3 years
Hello can author-nim i really like your stories can i request a story for dilf-seungmin. Thank uuu🤧❤️
tysm baby.
『 pairing — seungmin x reader
genre — smut + dilf!seungmin fucking the hell out of his daughter’s best friend against the fridge
word count — 1.323k 』
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smut under the cut !
“daddy! I need help please”. the two year old shouts from the bathroom, watching his feet dangle in front of him. It was a good thing the bathroom was right beside seungmin’s bedroom, he could always hear the smaller boy at 3am struggling for potty help like he was now. the father rolls over and rubs his face trying to wake himself up and gather enough energy to get out of bed. “I’m coming theo”. he groggily answers, wanting to just lay back down.
he enters the bathroom to see his son with his arms already raised up for his father to help him— which seungmin did and was glad that he barely made a mess this time. he washes his hands and carries him off to his room, tucking him in once more. “go back to sleep okay? you have school tomorrow”. Theo pouts a little at his father’s swift movements. he began to whine once seungmin reached the door. “daddy can I have kisses?”. he questions with a raised intonation and with the cutest pouty face that seungmin couldn’t say no to. he smiles at his adorable son nonetheless. giving him forehead and cheek kisses was just like giving them to himself, theo was a miniature version of him after all. “Is that better?”, he questions and the toddler nods his head yes before hiding under his blankets. seungmin touches the doorknob. “sleep tight theo. daddy loves you”, he giggles with the same laugh that made seungmin’s heart warm every time. “I love you too daddy”.
on his way to his bedroom seungmin forgot that he dismissed his normal routine of checking up on his daughter. mostly because she normally got annoyed with him when he did that since she was now a college student so she always ranted about how she needed her privacy. but seungmin couldn’t help himself. he wanted to make sure his baby was alright even throughout the night so he checked anyways. when he softly opened the door his heart dropped to the pit of his stomach at the sight. he forgot Ava invited one of her friends over tonight, one whom was currently touching herself underneath the blankets in the bed beside ava’s.
you didn’t even hear the door creak open, you were much too immersed in the explicit audios you were listening to, imagining it was ava’s dad who was touching you. you couldn’t help yourself it was late and Ava had gone to sleep and you were feeling hornier than usual these past couple of days. you’ve always had the biggest crush on mr. Kim and you wished things could go further than just a simple greeting between you two. your small whining noises crept from under the blankets and you hadn’t realized you mistakenly moaned his name before turning over for better angles. you met his shocked gaze while he was at the door. your heart began to pound dangerously fast as he started to quickly shut the door behind himself.
once he started walking down the hallway he tried his best to believe that he didn’t just see what he saw. he tried his to erase it from memory. he didn’t want to see you that way, you were his daughter’s best friend.
“mr. kim”.
he stopped in his tracks at the sound of you calling him from down the hallway. he swiftly turns around to explain himself. “listen you don’t have to worry I didn’t see anything and I’m not telling ava about any of this”. he meant what he said, he wouldn’t know what to do if his daughter found out about it. she’d probably freak the hell out. but seungmin was already freaking out with the way you approached him, your silk bed shorts riding up your thick thighs each time you took a step. unnecessary sinful thoughts flooded his head once he saw your body for what it truly was. you traced your fingers over his chest, nervous as hell but not regretting what you were about to ask of him. “mr.kim I want you to fuck me”. his breath caught in his throat at the question. he opened his mouth to speak but you were already loosening the buttons on your bed shirt and seungmin would be lying through his teeth if he said he didn’t want this. he instead clutched your wrist to prevent you from continuing. “stop it. I need you to go to bed”. you inched your face near his, grabbing his hand and shoving it directly inside your bed shorts. seungmin kept the same blank expression but when his finger tips felt your wet folds my god, was he crumbling. you pouted a little, trying to use your seductive skills the best way you knew how. “please. I’m too wet to go to sleep like this”.
“you need to—“. he couldn’t finish his sentence when you sunk his fingers deeper inside yourself and bit your lips. by now the bulge in his pajama pants was prominent. you reached the goal you wanted to reach. you made him hard. “please”. you begged again, sensing that he was already on the verge of giving in. blood rushed to his cock when he felt the way your slick coated his fingers. he was horny and now he refused to let this opportunity pass without sticking his dick inside you. he clutched the collar of your shirt and drew you closer with his eyes shading dark. he didn’t smile or anything, just a cold serious look that made you tremble under his height. “if I fuck you you better not tell ava. do you understand me?”. every cell in your brain rushed at the thought of him manhandling you the way you wanted. you quickly nod your head yes. “I understand I won’t tell please. just please”. he released you, chewing on the inside of his cheek before he sized you up with his eyes. he slid his hand behind the elastic of your shorts. “take these shits off”.
you followed instructions and kicked the fabric down your ankles. he grabbed you by your thighs and hoisted your body against his wrapping your naked legs around his waist. his wet lips pressed kisses on your neck and your cheeks flush an embarrassed red at how delicate they were. he walks just a few short steps before pushing your body against the cold fridge. your eyes hazed across the dark kitchen, not being able to be believe that it was mr.Kim who was finally kissing on you and touching you like this. that it was him who was slipping his fingers under your shirt just to play with your nipples. it was him who pulled his own pants down just to stick his hardened length inside your awaiting hole. your body froze in utter shock and your eyes grew as wide as saucers. he enjoyed it. It’s what he loved the most about sex, seeing the gaping mouths of those who couldn’t believe his cock was big enough to fill them until they couldn’t be filled anymore. your body immediately grew weak and his fingers began digging into the flesh of your thighs. his eyes were foreboding and bleak as they overcasted your smaller frame. his jaw clenched and his face was so close you could practically count his every pore. as soon as he started thrusting into you, you yelped, the number of his pores not even being a concern of yours anymore.
your mouth watered at how hard he made you clench around him, each time he snapped into you your body slammed against the refrigerator door. just by the way you whined underneath him he could tell how sensitive you were. he could tell that you thought this is what you wanted. he wrapped your hair around his knuckles and pinned his hand against the steel sheet metal behind you. you were entrapped under the heat of his gaze, it was either you forced yourself to look into his eyes or try to glance up pathetically at the ceiling. either way you felt intimidated, gaspy pleads never left your tongue. he raises your thighs higher around his waist and licks his lips. “you thought your little pussy could take my cock didn’t you?”.
your mouth remained agape and you exhaled perilously trying to say his name. each time you got out the first letter you choked up, unable to say more before he dick hit another spot of yours. he smirks at the mess he made of you. the stuttering, gasping, moaning ruin that you were. your clammy hands clutched his shirt while your eyes rolled to the back of your head in disbelief that something could feel so fucking good. “look at the way your pussy is creaming down my cock. Is it everything you thought it would be?”. he drops his hand down to cuff it around your ass while he hastens his pace a bit, sending a cereal box flying down the sides of the fridge. you nodded your head and continued trying to register all the sensations he made you feel. you’ve never pulsated so hard in your life. he flattens his tongue and grazes it up your chin until it was down your throat. he tongue kisses you roughly with disregard for how much saliva was dribbling down your bottom lip and his own. you moaned his name so loud and raunchy into the cavern of his mouth that he slapped the meat of your thighs hard and with a painful sting that made you want to rub it right after.
“you shut your fucking mouth. ava knows the sound of your voice when you call me that”. you make a gurgled noise as the fridge began vigorously shaking, sending another cereal box flying down the other side. he could tell just by dry sob in your eyes that you didn’t quite know what to do or say. you looked so cute he couldn’t help sucking your tongue again, all while you tried to suck his back without suffocating. he drunk every single one of your moans with fervor. you could feel the explosion of heat coiling in your belly once he pulled away with the thread of salvia that connected your mouth to his. “call me daddy”. your eyes swallowed him whole with unbridled lust and your mouth was parted desperate for air. your back arches further towards him. you looked so hopeless, like you could burst any second and the sight made seungmin’s dick swell inside you. you throbbed tortuously around his length, your hands finding purchase bunching up the fabric on his back.
. “gonna c-cum please—please you’re fucking me so hard daddy”. maybe it was the way your breasts jiggled when he was fucking you or the fact that your voice was so tiny when you moaned. either way, both made seungmin want to splatter his seed along your pussy walls. you could hear the bottles and glasses rattle inside the fridge as he fucked you until you were drooling down the sides of your lips. he gripped your ass harder when he was close, his ministrations becoming much sloppier as your own cum drizzled down his length. the tight wet feeling made his bones shudder. he figured since he fucked you that hard he might as well be respectful and dart his cum elsewhere which he did, directly onto the front of the fridge below you both. even then he continued his slow strokes, sending the rest of the cereal boxes slamming down on the counter beside it. your body went limp as soon as you came for the second time and you were grateful for his strength holding you against the surface. his chest heaved and he seized the collar of your shirt with his hand once more,
“if you tell ava I promise your pussy will never feel my cock again”
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obxsummer · 3 years
Breaking Ankles // John B. Routledge
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platonic!John B x neutral!reader
part of #obx2celebration
ask me anything
summary below the cut to avoid spoilers
summary: running through charleston was anything but easy so it's not uncalled for to end it with a few bruises and scrapes. you were just happy it was john b applying your band-aids.
Charleston was a beautiful city, but when you were running for your life, it somehow got more confusing and you were beginning to hate every bit of it. Pope’s invitation from someone who had evidence to clear John B had not gone well in any way, and now you, Kie, Pope, and JJ were running for your lives in an attempt to get back home.
Mr. Heyward’s truck had busted, even after Kie footed the bill to get it fixed on your way over. You were dreading the chaos of going home. Pope would no doubt get in trouble, not to mention Kiara’s parents would flip their lid on her.
“We gotta go now!” JJ’s hands were pushing your shoulders, causing you to almost trip as you all stumbled out of the truck.
“Guys, I think he has a gun!” Kiara shouted from behind you as you took off running. You were too focused on your breathing and making sure you didn’t trip to look back.
“Shit, get down!” JJ pointlessly commented as if any of you could duck and run successfully.
You turned a corner and almost crashed into some older woman. “Sorry!” You shouted over your shoulder as you ducked down another alleyway to hide in. Pope grunted next to you and held his side as he cursed about a cramp.
“This way, we might have to split up!” JJ directed. Your lungs were burning with each breath and you cursed your friends for always having to find a way to end up running from something. It wasn’t uncommon for your group, hence the reason you should probably be used to it by now. “We gotta lose them!”
JJ collided with a man carrying a couple of packages and sent the boxes flying up into the air. He cursed and mumbled out an apology as the guy yelled at the four of you. “Right here, go!” He pulled on your t-shirt sleeve and yanked you down a brick lined ally.
“He’s gaining, let’s go!” Pope shouted from behind you.
JJ groaned. “I am going, Pope. I know, I know. You guys gotta keep up.”
You shoved past the blond boy back out onto the main sidewalk before screeching to a stop as a bicycle almost hit you. Looking up, your face broke out into the biggest smile at the sight of John B and Sarah staring back at you.
There was no time for celebration before the boy in front of you was rushing you all to climb on. “Get in! Get in! Get in! Come on!” The size of the bike was really inconvenient and there was no way all of you would fit on it. As Kie hopped in the seat next to Sarah, you, JJ, and Pope crowded the back of it and started pushing as John B pedaled.
“Oh, my God,” You huffed in exhaustion as you continued to run in between the two boys while pushing the bike. In a lack of coordination, you stepped at the same time as JJ and lost your balance. A scream left your lips as you tumbled against the hard concrete, managing to knock down the guy who was chasing you in the mix. “Shit!”
“Y/N!” John B’s voice broke through your confusion as you struggled to get back on your feet. The guy who had been chasing after Pope remained on the ground, groaning. John B’s attention was still on you as he shouted, “You’re bleeding!”
“No shit!” With a wince, you got back on your feet and waved your friends on. “Don’t stop, keep going! I’m coming!” You hissed at the sharp pain in your ankle, not to mention the blood that was dripping down your knee and elbow. Pope stretched his arm out to grab your hand before he pulled you onto the ledge with him.
JJ laughed excitedly, “See you later, asshole! Woohoo!” He made sure to flip off your chasers as John B continued to pedal away from the chaos you caused in Charleston.
“Y/N!” Sarah reached back to give you an awkward hug as the bike began to slow with your arrival to the shore where you assumed John B and Sarah had a boat. Despite the amount of pain sure to hit you once you calmed down, you couldn’t wipe the smile off your face at the return of your best friends.
After abandoning the bicycle, you all clambered down to where the Cameron’s Bahama boat was. As JJ, Pope, and Kie moved to refuel and prep to leave, John B’s attention was set on you. The two of you had always had this intense (and slightly intimate) relationship with each other. When he started dating Sarah, it was one of the first things he told her about so she wasn’t alarmed. That had always been his rule with girls: if they didn’t accept you, they weren’t staying.
You and John B had grown up together, for starters, but ever since you were about 10, it was like you were on the same wavelength. Kinda like soulmates, but in a non-romantic way. You loved John B, and he loved you, but you guys could never survive as a couple. It was one of those things where you were too similar and stubborn and it would end in a disaster.
If Sarah was honest, she loved watching you two function together. It was surreal. You guys moved in tandem, one doing what the other was thinking. It was beautiful, and she couldn’t even be jealous. She was just glad John B had someone like you in his life who could communicate so flawlessly with him.
“Hiya, bubs,” John B crouched down to where you were seated in the sand for the time being. He was holding the boat’s extensive first aid kit in his hands in hopes that something in it would help.
You smiled at him and didn’t hesitate to wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him in for a tight hug. The warmth from his hands spread across your body as you let your fingers play with a few strands of hair. “I missed you so much.”
“I missed you too,” He replied as he kissed your forehead before pulling back. “I’m gonna get you up on this boat and we’re gonna figure this all out, m’kay?”
You nodded and took his outstretched hand before standing up on the ankle that wasn’t hurting. John B climbed up onto the boat first and then maneuvered as best as possible to get you up without hurting your injuries any further. Once you were situated, JJ took over the wheel and began to steer your course back home.
A hiss left your mouth when John B used a disinfecting wipe to clean your scratches. He mumbled an apology each time before covering them with some medicine and a bandage. You leaned your head back against the cushion you were lying on. “This is so not how I imagined our reunion going.”
“Yeah?” John B joked as he used the large elastic wrap to help your ankle as best as possible until you could see a doctor. “And how exactly did you imagine it?”
You shrugged lightly and played with one of his banadas you always kept on your wrist. “I don’t know. Figured I was gonna be kicking some drinks in the hammock at the Chateau and you’d flip me over just like the old days.”
John B almost snorted a laugh, “You’d end up bleeding each time so I don’t think we’re too far off.”
You sat up and listened to the other Pogues goof around, sharing stories of what had happened in your time away with a smile. John B took the spot next to you as he closed the first aid kid with a snap. “I’m glad you’re back,” You whispered as you leaned your head against his shoulder.
John B’s gaze shifted from the box in his hands to Sarah who gave him a loving smile. He returned the gesture before looking down at you. “I’m glad to be back with you.”
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fruitcoops · 3 years
eve, what i would not GIVE to read one of our boys being edged within the very last inch of his life (if you have time of course and would like to !)
Of course I have time! Please enjoy some questionable decisions and skinny jean worship. SW credit goes to @lumosinlove!
TW for semi-public smut, mentioned mild injury, alcohol, and tears (the good kind)
The second they were out of view, Sirius pushed Remus against the wall and shoved both hands up his shirt with reckless abandon. “Jesus—Christ,” Remus said between frantic kisses, leaving a bite on his lower lip. “Impatient, much?”
“Off,” Sirius demanded, though it came out as more of a pathetic plea as he slid one hand down to cup Remus’ ass.
“We’re in public,” Remus mumbled against his lips.
“Don’t care.”
“You’re gonna break my ass if you keep squeezing that hard.”
Sirius whined into his mouth and pushed their hips together. “Skinny jeans.”
“I fucking knew it,” Remus said with a grin. “Come on.”
“Wh—” A hand closed around his wrist and Remus dragged him down the hallway at a run, his face bright with excitement and flushed with arousal. Sirius had been looking forward to a heavy makeout session and maybe a handjob in the hall, but he couldn’t bring himself to protest when letting Remus haul him around meant he could stare at the best ass the world had ever seen for a few moments longer. Want, he thought. Want that. Now.
Remus opened a door on the left with clumsy fingers and pulled him inside with a hand on the back of his neck; as soon as the door shut, he broke away from the kiss and hurried over to the desk. “Two seconds,” he panted.
“I…okay?” Sirius leaned back against the door in confusion. They were in the PT room—he’d know that place anywhere, even through his lust-addled haze—and Remus was stealing Layla’s chair. “Why do you need that?”
“I really hope she didn’t find it,” Remus muttered to himself as he stood on the seat and stretched to reach the gap between the built-in shelves and the ceiling. After a moment of befuddling silence, his face split into a grin. “Got it.”
“Can I kiss you now?” Sirius asked.
“You can do more than that,” Remus said, hopping down from his perch. He tossed a small tube across the room and swaggered over, obviously proud of himself. Sirius frowned at the tube; it was too dark to read the label, but it seemed familiar.
Realization struck just as Remus reached him. “Is this lube?”
“You keep lube in Layla’s office?”
“I kept lube in my office,” Remus corrected, wrapping his hands in the front of Sirius’ shirt and turning them so his own back was against the door. “And I forgot about it until five minutes ago. Thank god she’s short.”
Remus sighed through his nose. “Because I was horny and ever-hopeful, and maybe I harbored a fantasy or two about fucking on the desk. Does it matter?”
Sirius wasn’t sure his eyebrows could creep any higher. “Was that—are we going to—?”
“Are you kidding? Hell no. I’m not desecrating Layla’s desk. However, we are going to be fucking against this door, so if you would kindly take your shirt off, it would be appreciated.”
Sirius paused, then wrenched his shirt over his head so fast he nearly tore the fabric, crowding closer to Remus to drown in his kisses and his hands roving Sirius’ bare skin. He was practically vibrating with anticipation—Remus wasn’t the only one with fantasies about exciting times in the PT room, but until that moment Sirius had been sure his own were nothing more than a pipe dream.
Except this pipe dream seemed awfully real, and it came equipped with skinny jeans.
“You drive me fucking crazy,” he murmured into the side of Remus’ neck, gripping his waist tight over the denim as their hips rocked together. “You and your legs.”
Remus pulled his face up for another openmouthed kiss as his hand snuck down to undo Sirius’ belt, fumbling with the clasp and button before yanking the zipper open. “What are you going to do about it, captain?”
New voices echoed in the hall outside and they both went still, though Remus’ smile didn’t falter in the slightest. Sirius quirked an eyebrow at him. “You’re going to have to be quiet.”
“I can be quiet.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll make it hard for you.”
“I’m always hard for you,” Remus teased, leaning back against the door with a huff as Sirius bit down on the junction of his shoulder. “Now come on, slowpoke, I didn’t get that lube down for nothing.”
Sirius made a disgruntled noise into his skin and smacked him lightly on the thigh; Remus just laughed, though it was more breathless than before. The clear outline of his dick stood out in his skinny jeans and Sirius rubbed his palm over the shaft with steady pressure until Remus’ exhales trembled and his feet began to shuffle on the linoleum. “What if I want to see you come all over those skinny jeans?”
“No,” Remus whined, bucking his hips as Sirius traced the head. “Fuck, Sirius, I gave you the lube for a reason.”
“I could blow you.” He carefully undid the front button and slid the zipper down at a snail’s pace. He could feel his own heartbeat in his dick already, but shoved that thought to the back of his mind. “Return the favor after all that time in here?”
Remus grumbled into the dip of his shoulder, then leaned away to glare. “Either fuck me or I’ll do it myself.”
“You don’t want my mouth?”
“I want your mouth on me and your dick in me,” he fired back, though Sirius could see the playfulness in his eyes as he pulled Sirius’ lower lip between his teeth. “Get with the program, captain.”
Sirius nuzzled into his cheek, leaving a kiss by the corner of his mouth. “Will you wear these every day?”
“You like them?”
He moved his hands from Remus’ hips back his ass, grabbing a handful of each side with a hum. “You look like a walking wet dream.”
“Then do something about it.”
“Ask nicely.”
“I stood on a chair to get you lube,” Remus snorted. “That’s pretty damn nice.”
“Say ‘please’.”
“Because otherwise I’ll keep doing this until you can’t take it anymore.” Sirius begrudgingly moved one hand back around to hold Remus’ dick through his pants; he shifted, brows pitching, before he sighed.
“Then do something about it please.”
A thrill raced white-hot through Sirius’ stomach and up his spine, and he slipped both hands under the high waistband to slowly drag them down Remus’ thighs, revealing first his boxers, then miles of golden skin. “Off,” he said quietly when they reached his ankles. Remus’ throat bobbed and he kicked first his shoes off, then his jeans. Sirius tossed his own aside as well and began the all-important removal of Remus’ henley. “You should wear this more often, too.”
Remus cleared his throat. “Yeah, okay.”
“Wasn’t that easy?” Sirius didn’t give him the chance to respond—his lips were looking far too kissable to worry about things like that, especially when the snark melted out of Remus on a slow breath when their lips met. More people ran by outside, but he didn’t care. They had no lights on, and he would make sure they were quiet enough. “Up.”
Remus pushed down on his shoulders just as Sirius caught him by the thighs and hoisted him up against the door; some of the dizzying arousal on his face gave way to a giddy smile. “I love it when you do that. Which leg d’you want me to keep down?”
Sirius smiled and nudged their noses together. “Neither.”
A beat of silence fell over the room. “But…I won’t have leverage.”
“And I need leverage.”
“Says who?” Sirius dipped his fingertips under the waistband of Remus’ boxers and kissed the confusion off his face. “I can hold you.”
His breaths turned shallow with anticipation; Sirius snapped the elastic against his skin before pulling it down, down, down over the curve of his ass and the muscle of his thighs as they clenched around his waist. He did have to set him down for a moment to get both their boxers off, but within moments Remus’ heartbeat was pounding next to his shoulder again and Sirius was in perfect range to lean up and kiss him.
The lube was small enough that he could open it with one hand and squeeze it directly onto Remus’ cleft, making him jolt with a hushed curse. Sirius capped it again and tossed it onto the closest table, still supporting Remus with one arm under him and their hips pressed flush together. He gathered some of the lube onto his fingers and circled his hole before sliding in—he didn’t stop at the first knuckle to let Remus adjust and instead kept pushing until the whole digit was inside.
Remus’ mouth fell open slightly; he tried to rock down for more, but he couldn’t do much other than tighten his thighs around Sirius. “Leverage.”
“You don’t need it.”
“Can’t move,” Remus whined, squirming until a second finger started moving in beside the first. A shiver rolled through him when Sirius crooked them; outside, the music from the party was still making the wooden door tremble. Earlier in the night, he had fantasized about ditching the team party to spend the night with a pair of glorious legs thrown over his shoulders—now, he knew there was no better way to avoid Harzy’s godawful spiked punch than fucking his boyfriend in said boyfriend’s previous office.
“How much do you want to feel it?” Sirius asked as Remus buried his face in his neck.
“Game,” he managed around a moan as Sirius found his sweet spot. “Can’t—need to be okay for the game—god fuck there.”
The music softened for a moment as the songs switched and Sirius shushed him. “Quiet, mon coeur, they’ll hear you.”
Remus bit down hard on his lower lip to stifle the answering choked whine, and Sirius took his fingers out to gently pull it free. Remus had bitten his lip bloody trying to keep quiet before, but tonight wasn’t about how rough they could be. It was about giving him a taste of what those skinny jeans did to Sirius, and making sure he never forgot it. “Put it back,” Remus pleaded. “Put it back.”
“Nice and slow,” Sirius soothed. “We’ve got a game, you said it yourself. Have to make sure you’re relaxed.”
Remus closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the door, toying with the hair at the nape of Sirius’ neck. This is going to be fun, Sirius thought as he pushed two fingers back in. Very, very fun.
“Storage closet,” Nado confirmed as he plopped down next to James on one of the leather couches in the game room. “Could hear ‘em from all the way down the hall.”
“Hey, I get it,” James said with a shake of his head. “Nat was in Florida for, like, two weeks. I miss Lily after two days. Kudos to them for finding a place to fuck without actually ditching the party.”
Nado took a swig of beer. “What’s the tally?”
“Cubs in the break room, Cap and Loops…somewhere, and now Nat and Kasey in the storage closet.” James counted on his fingers. “Sounds like a damn successful party to me.”
“Amen.” Nado clinked their bottles together. “I bet you a Kinder egg Cap and Loops are in the PT room.”
“Pay up, then, ‘cause I heard them while I was walking back.”
“Aw, come on,” James complained. “That’s so not fair!”
“Thunk, thunk, thunk,” Nado mimicked with a grin. “The Kinder egg is for emotional support.”
“Cheater,” James muttered.
“Oh, fuck, there,” Remus panted, tilting his head back as Sirius canted his hips forward for the next thrust. “Please.”
“Tell me what you want.” Sweat dripped down Sirius’ temple and he wiped it on his shoulder without breaking pace; he had been holding Remus up with the help of the door for over ten minutes, and he was finally starting to feel a slight burn. Remus’ turned his face to the side as his whole body tensed, bracing against the doorjamb with one arm and gripping under Sirius’ shoulder with the other.
“Anything,” he moaned.
“You have to be quiet, mon loup.” Sirius nosed along the glistening expanse of Remus’ neck, leaving bites and kisses in his wake.
“I can’t.”
“Be good for me.”
“ ‘m trying, promise.” Remus’ shaking thigh dug into his waist as he tried to breathe through it, only for a whimper to escape when Sirius sucked a mark beneath his collarbone.
“I can make you, if I have to.”
He heard Remus’ breath catch, hitching between thrusts, and Sirius kept one hand on each side of his ass to support him. He locked his ankles at the small of Sirius’ back with a soft noise. “My mouth, I—your neck, please, please, I can’t reach.”
“I can’t get you—” He broke off with an oh of his own as Remus tightened around him. “—close enough, not like this.”
“Fuck,” Remus huffed. His teeth slid over his lower lip again; an idea sprang to life in Sirius’ mind.
“You want something in your mouth, mon amour?”
“Yes, yes, pl—”
Sirius interrupted him by sliding two fingers into his mouth, muffling the answering moan. “Is that good?”
Remus nodded enthusiastically, running his tongue over the pads of Sirius’ fingers. The burn in his right arm grew a bit more intense without the help of the left to keep Remus up, but the change in position seemed to be doing something good—Remus’ eyes fluttered shut and his abs jumped at the feeling. Sirius’ fingertips buzzed with each sound he pulled from him, each slurred plea, each choked groan as Remus’ lips turned cherry red around them. The party was still roaring, but in the darkness of the PT room there was nothing but them and the door.
“Can you come like this?” Sirius asked, speeding up his pace by a degree. He didn’t want his arm to seize and drop Remus, but he wasn’t too keen on stopping the waves of pleasure crashing down his spine, either.
Remus paused, then nodded with some hesitation. “Dunno,” he managed around Sirius’ fingers. “Tired?”
“Just my arm,” Sirius admitted with a kiss to the underside of his jaw. “I’m okay right now, though.”
“Mhmm—” Remus cut off with a sharp gasp and a series of short inhales; his hands dug into Sirius’ back muscles and he sucked hard on the digits pressing his tongue down.
“Like that?” Sirius circled his hips again and Remus’ eyes unfocused for a second as his dick twitched. “D’accord.”
After that, it was almost too easy. Sirius closed his eyes and kept his face tucked against the side of Remus’ neck as he shook closer to the edge with every passing moment, focusing less on the burn of his arm and more on the wet warmth around his fingers. A few stray tears of overwhelming pleasure dripped down Remus’ cheeks as he pushed back as best he could and Sirius hitched him higher up the door, kissing away the tracks. Within moments, their heartbeats and breaths were the only thing he could hear.
Remus mumbled some form of his name and Sirius pulled away from the collection of hickeys forming on his neck to kiss him on the side of the mouth; with great effort, Remus raised an unsteady hand and pulled Sirius’ away from his mouth. “Almost there,” he breathed, voice wound wire-taut. “Almost.”
“You earned it. À tout moment.” Any time. Remus’ face scrunched, his knee slid up to Sirius’ ribcage, and then Sirius wrapped his spit-slick hand around his shaft and he came with a shuddering exhale, gripping the backs of Sirius’ shoulders like his life depended on it as he swallowed his moans.
He was hot and tight and Sirius could feel both their rabbit-quick pulses—he moved both hands back to Remus’ ass and kept his face pressed close to his neck as he came with a bitten-back whine, his knees nearly giving out under him. As soon as his vision stopped blurring, he set Remus down and they both sank to the floor. “Holy shit,” Remus said at last, leaning his head on Sirius’ arm.
“Holy shit,” Sirius agreed.
Remus sat up and ran a hand down his face, using his abandoned shirt to wipe away the sweat and tearstains. “Thanks for sneaking into my old office for mindblowing sex.”
Sirius wasn’t sure his lungs would ever be at full capacity again. “No problem.”
They both laughed at that, then found they couldn’t stop. It took three full minutes for Sirius to catch his breath again, and the first thing he did was press a gentle kiss to Remus’ lips. “I love you.”
“I love you, too,” Sirius said with a smile. “Do you think they miss us yet?”
“Are you kidding?” Remus snorted. “They probably haven’t realized we’re gone. Kasey and Nat ran off a good ten minutes before us, too, so it’s not like we did some scandalous new thing.”
“And alcohol.”
“And alcohol.” Remus pulled one of Sirius’ arms over his shoulders and cuddled into his side with a contented hum. “We’re going to have to clean this door, but I don’t think I can move yet.”
“Did you also store water and snacks in here, by chance?”
“I already feel bad about ruining Layla’s door. I’m not emotionally prepared to steal her food, too.”
“We can sneak to the bathroom in cinq minutes,” Sirius said, checking Remus’ watch with a yawn. “Dix minutes.”
“Ten minutes,” Remus repeated sleepily. “Then I’ll see if I can get those jeans on again.”
“Don’t remind me,” Sirius groaned.
“If that’s what happens when I wear them, those skinny jeans are staying on until I’m dead. Bury me in them.”
A rapid knock on the door didn’t get even a flinch out of either of them. “Occupied,” Remus called.
“Dix minutes,” Sirius added as he closed his eyes. “Dix minutes.”
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writing-on-the-wahl · 3 years
Office Hours Part 2
Part 1 here
Thanks @shieldmaiden-of-gondor and @im-a-wonderling for making sure my fluff makes sense 😊
“Utterly hopeless. You are completely and utterly hopeless.”
Villain punctuated each word by banging his head on the table. When he finished his lament, he rested his head on the wood, dark hair falling haphazardly across his forehead.
Hero, sitting opposite him at the table in the private study room, also wanted to bang her head against the wood.
It was late. They’d been at this for hours. She wanted to scream in frustration.
Instead, she threw her pencil at Villain’s head.
His hand flew up, plucking the pencil from the air, and sending it back at her in one swift motion.
It nailed her in the shoulder, and she frowned at Villain as she rubbed the spot. He hadn’t even bothered to look up.
“You’re supposed to be helping me.”
He groaned. “Some things just can’t be helped.”
The metal pen on the table flew into the air with surprising speed, smacking into Villain’s shoulder before clattering to the floor.
He looked up then, raking his hair back off his forehead.
“You know, if you spent as much time studying as you did practicing your metallokinesis, you might actually pass this test.”
“I’m trying.” she snapped, eager to escape the dark-eyed scrutiny.
She frowned. Again. Trying to smother her embarrassment that Villain, of all people, knew how horribly inept she was.
It wasn’t that she wasn’t trying. It was just that Supervillain had been launching increasingly elaborate attacks each night. Then every time she studied, the concepts and numbers blurred together in her mind and she inevitably found herself waking up hours later with her face stuck to the pages of her textbook.
Villain was still looking at her, waiting for a response.
She swiped a hand across her bleary eyes and pink cheeks, wincing as her fingers brushed the large scrape on her left cheek.
A lucky blow from one of Supervillain’s droids had sent her careening into a brick wall last night, roughing up her face and arm in the process.
“What happened?”
It wasn’t the first time she’d caught him looking at her injuries through narrowed eyes.
Her stomach fluttered, despite the fact that the concern in his voice was obviously manufactured to get her to let her guard down.
“Where do you think, genius?” Squashing the wretched butterflies dancing around her insides, she shot him a glare and stood to retrieve her pencil and pen.
She had to go around the table to get her pen, and as she crouched to retrieve it, Villain chuckled.
“You could just use your powers, you know.”
Her face heated and she jolted back up, pen flying into her hand with a bit too much force. Her heart pounded in her chest, intensifying the color in her cheeks.
As she turned to return to her seat, a cool hand closed loosely around her wrist.
Villain gently tugged her towards where he sat, grip loose enough she could have pulled away if she wanted to.
She didn’t want to.
Considering the fact his boss wanted her dead, that was probably a bad thing.
Villain didn’t seem to notice her internal dilemma as he brought her closer.
When she was standing right in front of him, he let go, long slender fingers moving from her wrist to the angry red scrapes that marked her arm from wrist to shoulder. His touch was light, barely a flutter against her skin.
“I’ve been wondering all night what happened.”
His voice was quiet. Soft.
Hero raised her eyebrows. Then why hadn’t he asked earlier?
She shrugged. “Just a droid, you know. Like always.”
Her breath caught as his fingers wrapped around her upper arm, slowly turning it to get a better view of an angry red line that was deeper than the others.
“This isn’t from a droid.”
He was right. A droid would have ripped her arm off.
“Well, the droid may have had help from a brick wall.”
He winced in sympathy before looking up at her face, eyebrows scrunched together in concern as his fingers reached up towards her cheek.
He suddenly whirled to face the wall, hand falling away and his eyes narrowing as though he could see straight through it. Which, in a way, she guessed he could.
“Supervillain is coming. You should sit down.”
“He’s coming? Here? You told—”
Villain shook his head as he shooed her back to her seat. “I can sense him coming. He probably just has a question for me.”
Hero finally heeded Villain’s words and scrambled back around the table. Halfway there, she froze, pen slipping from her grasp.
Oh no.
Her heart leapt into her throat. “He’ll know it’s me! I have to go...” She reached to gather all the textbooks and papers spread across the table, but Villain appeared between her and the table.
“Calm down, Hero. He’s never seen your face without the mask.”
“It’s not about my face, Villain!” She gestured to the raw skin on her arm and cheek that had been too sensitive to bandage. “He saw me get thrown against the wall.”
Villain stiffened at her words, at the implication that these particular injuries labeled her as Hero just as effectively as her supersuit.
She tried to push past him.
“Wait. There’s no time.”
He grabbed the hem of his black hoodie and yanked it off in one swift motion.
Before she could comprehend his action, he was pulling the soft material down over her head.
“Arms in.”
She numbly obeyed, goosebumps springing up at his closeness, despite the warmth of the fleece.
“We can’t put the hood up, it would be too suspicious.” His words were muttered under his breath, and she wasn’t sure if she was meant to respond. She froze as his hands came around her, pulling the elastic from her hair.
He quickly ran his fingers through the blonde strands, pulling them forward to frame her face. She shivered as his knuckles brushed against her skin, and he pulled back.
“Sorry! I didn’t mean to—”
She hadn’t even realized it had been her injured cheek.
“It’s fine!” She said quickly, pulling at the strands herself. “Is this good?”
His lips were a tight line as he shook his head. “It’s still too obvious...”
His eyes shuttered closed for a moment, then flew open. “He’s almost here!”
Hero started, eyes leaping around the small room. There was nowhere to go, nowhere to hide.
Supervillain was known as the ‘friendly professor’ for a reason. He could chat the ear off an elephant. There was no way she could keep her head turned away the entire time he—
Villain was suddenly standing right there, and there was something wild in his eyes.
“I have an idea. You’re not going to like it.”
His head was tilted down towards hers, inches away.
His eyes were green.
She’d thought them black but...
Strong hands were suddenly at her waist, spinning her around and lifting her up onto the edge of the table, her back to the door.
She gasped, eyes going wide.
Villain raised an eyebrow in question.
She knew what he was asking; would be lying if she said she hadn’t imagined what it would feel like to...
Her eyes darted to his lips, which had quirked up into a smirk at the expression on her face as if to say, ‘I guess that answers that question.’
The doorknob jangled, and his hand slid around her back, pulling her against him as his lips crashed into hers.
Her hands slid up his chest and around his neck as he leaned forward, the fingers splayed across her back sending warm shivers across her skin.
Her leg wrapped around him and she heard his breath hitch as his warm lips moved against hers.
His other hand slid under her hair, coming to rest softly against her injured cheek, hiding it from view as the door swung open.
Hero’s arms fell away at the low chuckle behind her, but Villain simply pulled her more tightly against him. He pressed a final, slow kiss to her lips before straightening, slightly breathless.
His hands stayed though, subtly pushing her towards him as he smiled nonchalantly over her shoulder at the open door.
“Good evening, Professor.”
“Mr. Hammond.”
The voice sent fear snaking down Hero’s spine, and she buried her face in Villain’s green T-shirt, her trembling fingers grasping the fabric.
“I assume you are clocked in and getting paid for the work you do in office hours.”
“Yes, sir.”
Hero braced herself for a tirade from Supervillain, but instead she could hear the smile in his voice as he responded.
A long pause.
“Is there something I can help you with, sir?”
His voice was calm but Hero could feel the tension running through him.
“I had a question about our latest project, but seeing as you are... otherwise occupied... it can wait until morning.”
Her face, still buried in the dark green fabric, burned at the implication, but she felt Villain release a tiny sigh of relief.
“I’ll be at your office at 8am.”
“Good, good. I’ll just leave you to it then…”
Hero breathed a silent sigh of relief as she heard Supervillain’s hand grasp the doorknob. But she didn’t hear it close.
“Say, you look familiar, young lady…” Panic surged through her veins as his non-question hung in the air, and Hero’s hands clutched Villain’s shirt so tightly her knuckles turned white.
Villain chuckled softly. “She’s in your class, so you’ll have to forgive her for being embarrassed about the way you found out about our... relationship.”
How did he sound so calm??
Villain’s fingers slid back to her cheek, encouraging her to lift her head while covering her injury.
“It’s alright, love,” Her heart skipped at the endearment, and she had to remind herself it was an act. “He doesn’t bite.”
No, but he would gladly murder her if he knew who she was.
She slowly lifted her head, turning her good cheek towards Supervillain and his knowing grin.
“And what’s your name, lucky one?”
“Addie.” Her voice came out a strangled whisper, but Supervillain seemed to find it funny rather than suspicious.
“Well, Miss Addie, I guess if you do poorly on this midterm, I’ll know who to blame.”
And with a small wink at Villain, he slipped out, closing the door firmly behind him.
257 notes · View notes
meanhoeforcb97 · 4 years
Pairing: Soft!Dom! Felix x Chubby!Hairy!Fem! Reader
Genre: Smut, some fluff
Warnings: Not! Shaved reader, shaved felix, mentions of insecurities, reader doesnt believe shes good enough, oral (f), fingering (f), nicknames (angel, love), unprotected sex (dont be silly wrap your willy) Felix is very soft and reassuring in general and stops multiple times to make sure y/n is alright lmk if I'm missing anything
Requested: No
Words: 4.5k
Note: this is not proof read, excuse my mistakes
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You were on your phone when you heard the door of your apartment opening, even though you were focused on your boyfriend's latest performance video, just the thought that it might be him at the door made you quickly pause it and look at the door of your bedroom. Soon enough Felix's silver hair popped out of the dark hallway with a huge smile plastered on his face.
He was still in the same clothes he wore while filming but his make up had already been removed by his stylists.
He looked ethereal with his hair pulled back making his beautiful features all the more noticable, including his adorable freckles that were out in the open for you to admire. His body was covered by a pair of leather pants and a white dress shirt with a sleeveless blue jacket on top. Various earrings were adorning his ears and rings on his fingers. You almost jumped up to greet him but he was quick to cup your face and kiss you lovingly, your phone falling from your grip somewhere to the side. You giggled after he pulled back "Hello." He said almost breathlessly and you smiled widely "Hey.." And another kiss.
Kiss after kiss you found him sitting on your lap while you two were making out when his hardening cock suddenly pressed up against your stomach making him moan into your kiss and you quickly pulled back and placed your hands on his chest pushing him away slightly. Felix looked at you concerned as he got off and examined your panicked expression.
"Baby what's wrong?" He asked and you gulped. "I-I cant do it today!" You let out embarrased. "Oh shit!" He let out in half realization hitting his forehead lightly, "Are you on your period love? Do you wanna cuddle and watch a movie?" He asked caressing your stomach tenderly and you blushed madly while shaking your head slightly pushing his hand away from your stomach out of embarrassment.
"What is it angel?" Felix asked his deep voice making heat rush through your entire body and juices to leak onto your panties.
"I-I havent shaved... down there.." You let out, your face burning from embarrassment. He looked at you quite dumbfounded eyes widened and lips slightly apart. "That's....it?" He asked cautiously and when you shyly nodded and rubbed your forearms a few times out of embarrassment and awkwardness he could only chuckle. He tucked a stray strand of hair behind your ear and caressed your cheek softly.
"Baby, you know I dont give a fuck about whether you shaved or not, right? It's your body and even the fact that you let me connect with you through it means the world to me. Okay angel?" He asked with a small smile lingering on his lips that only got wider when you pouted slightly.
"B-but, I bet my ass that you are as hairless as a newborn baby under those fancy leather pants of yours." You whined pointing at his cock through his trousers. He blushed slightly as he laughed at your cute expressions. "Well yeah, because that's what I like and what makes me feel comfortable in my own skin. If you didnt wanna shave it means you don't need it!" Felix said as he softly caressed your cheek again and you leaned into his touch loving the feeling of his cold hands against your warm face.
He leaned in and captured your lips between his own initiating a passionate kiss which soon enough turned into a messy make out session. He pulled you closer by the waist until your chest was flush against his own. The position was borderline uncomfortable as you were both sitting next to each other and turning and twisting your bodies so you could face each other on your shared bed. His hand snaked it's way from your face down to your chest, then to your waist and lastly on your thigh as he pulled you on top of him and without much thought you complied.
Straddling his lap, his bulge that was growing with your every movement pressed against your inner thigh and he groaned into your lips. Panicking again you pulled back to check on him, he was panting heavily and looking at you as confused as you were—maybe more. "D-did I hurt you? Am i too heavy?" You asked raising your hips off of his. "W-what? No! Why would you think that?" He asked in disbelief pushing you down on him and you blushed again. "I dont know.. I'm just so big and heavy and I thought I hurt you.." You said avoiding his gaze but glancing back at him every few seconds. "Angel, we've had sex a million times now and you still dont know how it works?" Felix cooed at you almost mockingly as if he was talking to a child, the indirect degradation making you soak your panties as you whined at him.
Kissing again he started removing your clothes and you helped him remove his own. When you were in your bra and sweatpants and he was only in his leather pants, he pulled back from your mouth to admire you. His hands trailed up your thighs to your waist as his thumbs caressed your stomach, and he dived into you chest as he kissed, licked and sucked on every bit of flesh he could find at that very moment. You were a moaning mess, every single hickey making you more sensitive than the last, his hands on your sides never going unnoticed.
Pulling back from your collarbone, a string of saliva connected your marked up body to his wet and kiss-swollen lips making you lick your own at the beautiful sight. Felix held your waist tightly and his muscles flexed under your grip when he flipped you around making you yelp. "Lix.. dont do that, you know I'm too heavy." You pouted at him and only smiled down at you, "Weight is just a meaningless number to me, angel." He said before kissing you again, his hands traveling up your stomach caressing your tummy and snaking their way up to your covered breasts.
Caressing over the sensitive nipples through the fabric of your bra made you whimper quietly and grab onto his forearms tightly. Sliding them all the way to the back, you arched your body off the bed helping Felix take off the unwanted piece of clothing. His lips immediately attached themselves on your right nipple while his hand tugged and rubbed on the left one. After a few moments of you moaning and threading your fingers through his hair he switches to the other breast repeating his motions.
"F-Felix.. m-more!" You cried out as you felt your wet cunt pulse at just the mere thought of his cock inside of you. He hummed against your breast making a soft moan slip from between your lips. "Does my baby need me? How bad do you need me angel?" Felix pulled away from your chest to look you in the eye with that soft mocking look as if he's talking to a child again. You whined at the sweet degradation making you hot all over again, hiding your face behind your hands you nodded and he chuckled. "I asked you a question angel, how bad do you need me?" He repeated and with a shaky voice you replied, still not looking at him. "R-really really bad L-Lix. I need you to fill me up with your beautiful cock." You moaned out without even thinking before speaking. Felix groaned and quickly tagged your sweats off your legs and threw them somehwere across the room. Trailing his cold hands against the warm skin of your thighs up to your hips where he caressed your stomach. His hands lingered on the stretch marks on your inner thighs as he kneaded the soft skin. "You're so fucking beautiful baby. You make me wanna eat you up." He groaned into your stomach as he left multiple kisses at the swell of it. Finally moving down where you need him most he rubbed you through the thin material of your panties with his thumb making you moan at the tiny yet delicious sparks of pleasure. Placing a lingering kiss right on your clit made a breathy moan escape your lips and your head to fall back on the soft pillows. Felix hummed against your heat making you shiver from the vibrations, "I love your sounds more than anything angel, I love how needy you sound. Who do you make these sounds for my love?" He said, his hot breath was tingling your pussy as he was only a few millimeters away from touching it again. "For you, only you Felix!" You said more like whined as you let your hands find their way into his beautiful silver locks. They were still tightly held together by hairspray making them rough to the touch and quite hard to get your hands through. Gently and carefully you started brushing your fingers through his hair breaking the hair apart and making it soft and loose again. He sighed in content against your clit making you slightly tug on the silver locks emitting a moan from him. He hooked his ring filled fingers under te elastic band of your cotton panties slowly sliding them down the curve of your hips, his eyes remained glued to your face watching your expressions for any sign of discomfort.
After your earlier talk even though he wanted to prove that it actually didnt bother him at all, if it was bothering you he should stop. After all that's what partners do for their significant other, shower them with love and affection and listen to their worries as to not cause them any discomfort. When all he saw was desperation in your eyes as you bit your lower lip he smirked and slid the thin material off your legs. At that very moment the realization of your hairy core being in full display right in front of Felix' face seeped in through your horny mind making you snap out of your trance with a gasp and close your thighs. Before your hands could leave his hair to cover yourself he was alreay spreading you apart all over again.
He propped himself up on his knees to look at you, your legs spread apart and your hands now holding his wrists placed on either side of your inner thighs.
"Babe, we need to get this out of the way because I cant do this without knowing you're alright, okay?" He asked and understanding what he meant you nodded. "Are you just shy and embarrassed or are you genuinely uncomfortable with me touching you? Because I swear if you genuinely dont want to do this today I will stop right here right now. You know you're much more important than my needy cock right? I will stop at any moment for you angel, I just need you to be clear with me." He said as he caressed your cheek softly with his ring-filled warm hands.
The contrast between his warm skin and the ice cold jewellery was comforting. The rings cooled your heated skin down while his natural warmth made you feel like home. God you love this man with all your heart. You realised you were tearing up and so your grip on his wrists loosened as you brought both of your hands to cover you face as you silently cried.
Felix pouted, he didnt mean to make you cry, he didnt even know why you were crying but it made him sad.
"No no no no no!" He exclaimed in his soft calming voice as he caressed his way up to your arms and holding your hands over your face gently. As if you were fragile glass capable of breaking at any moment he ever so slight pulled your hands away from your face just enough to meet your teary gaze.
"Why are you crying baby? Did I do something wrong?" Felix asked with concern–filled eyes and god you wanted to punch him so bad. You scoffed through your shaky breaths as you wiped a few tears away. "You're too good for me Felix. Way too fucking good." You say, voice soft and weak, afraid that if you spoke up it would break from crying.
"Its what you deserve baby," he caresses your face softly and one hand slides to your thigh again caressing it. "you deserve all the best." He says as he leans in to capture your lips in a sweet loving kiss. Pulling away Felix looked into your eyes again, "Angel do you want to do this?" He asked again and your heart swelled with love for this perfect man in front of you. "Fuck Felix, I do. You're the only person that could ever make me feel this beautiful." You muttered out almost inaudibly out of embarrassment. He smiled his famous sunshine smile before kissing your lips shortly and moving down to your core again.
His mouth attached itself on your lower lips, your folds already glistening with arousal. One hand found yours and intertwined your fingers with his while the other one spread your pussy apart to grant himself better access. Leaving an open mouthed kiss, your breath hitched in your throat for a split second. Poking his tongue out he left kitten licks against your slit as if testing the waters. When he felt your grip tighten around his hand he decided to take it a step further as he laid his tongue flat against your entrance licking all the way up to your clit. Little hairs poked against his tongue making the sensation quite unfamiliar and strange but welcome nonetheless, because when he heard the beautiful moan that escaped your lips he'd swear he was in heaven — or hell most likely. But he couldnt care less if he was going to hell after this, nothing mattered but you, you, you, you.
His lips found your clit easily as he lightly sucked on the sensitive bundle of nerves making your legs twitch out of instinct and wrap around his head. He moaned against your core making you moan in return and your thighs to tighten their grip around him.
The hot muscle guided itself into your cavern. The friction against your wet walls making you whine, the hand that was previously covering your mouth tangling along his silver locks. His nose touched your pelvis with every thrust of his tongue making his nose slightly tickle from the hair, he could only smile at the feeling before pulling his tongue out and attaching his lips back to your clit.
He squeezed your hand in his lightly before retrieving it and placing both of his hands on either of your thighs, spreading them apart once again. When he figured your legs were open enough for him he guided his right hand at your entrance, his eyes never leaving your face. His middle finger teased against your slit collecting your arousal before slowly entering you. He could only bite his lip at the blissful expression occupying your beautiful face and he could swear to God he had never witnessed anything more beautiful than you. "F-felix!" You moaned out his name like a mantra and the man smiled against your thigh. "Does it feel good angel?" He asked placing a quick kiss against your clit before pulling back again to watch you. You could only nod desperately and clutch on his hair harder making him moan.
"How about now, how does this make you feel?" He asked adding a second finger into your tight pussy with the help of your natural lube. You threw your head back and pulled him closer to your core. "So good oh my god, so fuckjng good!" You exclaimed, your voice reaching barely lower than a scream. "Good." He let out before diving back into your heat. His tongue and his teeth took turns torturing your clit in the most pleasurable way possible.
The pleasure was beginning to to get too much as you felt yourself drift into cloud 9, your high arriving quickly. "F-felix I'm– Ah I–" was all you managed to say as you failed miserably at trying to warn him. And with one strong suck on your clit from him your high came crushing upon you. Your juices coated Felix's fingers and mouth and you spasmed on the bed moaning and whining uncontrollably. Felix helped you ride out your orgasm by slowing down his fingers until they came to an eventual stop and his tongue licked against your core very lightly until you whined at him to pull away.
He smiled and moved up your body until your faces were mere centimeters apart. He used his thumb to collect your arousal dripping on his chin and pushed it into his own mouth humming in satisfaction, "You're so delicious angel." he smiled teasingly. You whined at his words and at the sight, bringing your hands up to hide your face. He laughed and brought himself up to lay next to you. You turned towards him confused, "Felix.." You muttered as you slowly turned towards him, chest still panting from your previous orgasm. "Yes love?" He asked also turning to face you, his beautiful smile never leaving his handsome face. "You didnt cum.. actually you never even took it out of your pants." You exclaimed in realization pouting at him, he smiled even more widely at that letting out a chuckle.
"Its okay angel dont worry about me okay? You already came so it's all that matters alright?" He said with that overly sweet smile and you knew it wasnt alright, you knew he wished he could just cum by fucking you and not by his hand; and you did too. "No Felix, I want to help." You said as you raised yourself up and positioned yourself over the rough fabric of the leather. The cold sensation it gave off making shivers run down your spine. Your hands traveled over his heavily clothed erection making sure your touches were feather light, making his breath hitch in his throat and his hips twitch beneath you.
"Fuck dont tease me y/n I'm already painfully turned on and you know that." He panted out, his breaths heavy and voice ruspy from want. You nodded with a small smile knowing you caused this; your ego being boosted over the roof.
Unbuckling his belt you took your time undoing his buttons, wanting to see how long his patient and sweet facade could last before he was completely engulfed by lust and took matters into his own hands. He raised an arm to rest over his face his hooded eyes still fixed on you. His plump bottom lip was caged between his teeth making the already red (from previoys activities) skin a darker shade. His first was clenched and you could tell he was close. Close to giving up the battle between his want: to be as gentle with you as possible and let you take your time and need: to flip you over and fuck the living daylights out of you. His self control was running thin and even though you fed off of his reactions you took pity in him knowing he'd be upset at himself if he lost control. So with that thought in mind you pulled the zipper down revealing the top of his boxers and you felt giddy at the thought of his cock alone. A low groan left his lips as he raised himself up. "That's it I cant take this anymore" he grumbled, his already low voice going an octave lower. He placed both his hands on your waist and flipped you both over so he was standing between your open legs. He got off the bed momentarily to shrug his pants down, the only pieces of clothing separating him from you. "I have you naked and looking Oh so gorgeous right in front of me and I couldnt do anything" he continues to ramble to himself throwing the clothes somewhere inside your bedroom. "Imagine how hard it was having your perfect body all aroused for me like this and I couldn't even take it out of my pants." He said and at this point you werent even listening, your eyes staring at his perfect cock. It was impossibly hard, the tip an angry red color and already oozing precum. "I cant believe I have such a huge effect on you." You held yourself up on your elbows and muttered out and he immediately stopped rambling. "What?" He asked dumbfounded. You glanced up to meet his eyes and back at his dick and back up into his eyes again, this time maintaining eye contact. "I just cant believe that I can make you so hard that you are already dripping precum without a single touch." You repeated, awe obvious in your tone of voice.
Felix smiled and moved on the bed again settling himself between your thighs and pushing you to lay back again, nazzling his nose with yours. "I've already told you you're the most beautiful person in this entire world how could I resist?" He said as he kissed you again. "You know baby, I really love the small talk but i really fucking need to cum." He reminded you and you chuckled as you reached down between your bodies to touch his dick.
Your fingers barely traced the underside of his shaft and he sighed out in content at the small touch. You looked up at him with lust filled eyes, "Why dont you do something about it then?" You challenged and he smirked chuckling slightly. "Your wish, my command." He said and kissed your lips. Balancing his weight on his left arm, his right arm caressed the curve of your breast down to your waist and slid across your stomach to your heat. Rubbing a few circles on your entrance, he tested the waters before grabbing his cock in his hand and guiding it to your pussy replacing his fingers. You could only moan in his mouth, finally feeling his cock on you felt amazing, you couldnt wait for him to do more. Spreading your legs as wide as you possibly could underneath him you pulled back from the kiss catching your breath. "Felix~ please.." you whined, wrapping your arms around his neck and thrusted your naked hips up to meet his equally naked ones. He groaned and repeated the same phrase from earlier "You wish, my command." He kissed you on the lips one last time before finally pushing the head of his cock inside your pussy. You moaned out at the familiar feeling that you hadnt felt for a while, his busy schedule making it harder for the two of you to have any alone time recently.
Kissing along the side of your face his lips drew their path down to your collarbones with blooming hickeys. "F-felix that's so unfair." You intended it to sound more stern but it could only come out as a breathy moan as he worked his way to bottoming out. "What's unfair love?" He asked pulling back from your neck momentarily. "Y-you keep leaving hickeys everywhere and I'll have to cover them to go to work b-but I cant do the same cause e-even if you cover them it's too dangerous with all your f-fans" You moaned and at that moment his balls touched your ass and he stopped moving letting you get accustomed to the stretch his dick offered you. "I-I know how much you love doing that y/n and believe me I do too, but unfortunately that's g-gonna have to wait for my break. I'm all yours then." He said, his voice equally unstable from feeling your tight walls construct against his cock.
"I cant wait then." You said pulling his head down and giving him a long passionate kiss.
"Felix, please move!" After a few moments of kissing that was the first thing that escaped your lips other than silent whimpers. He moaned at the blatant order and started pulling his dick out to the point only the tip remained inside you before slipping it back inside all the way in slow powerful thrusts. You instantly became a moaning mess as your nails dug into his shoulders, the slight pain feeling way too good. "Remeber baby, no marks.." He panted as he kissed your cheek and you nodded your head quickly. "I-i cant help it, you feel so good!" You moaned out and he groaned in return. "I know baby, you're clenching around my dick like crazy" he replied in a breathy voice.
Suddenly a particularly hard thrust had your back arching of the bed and your legs quivering. "Oh my God Felix, right there!" You moaned out as your wrapped your legs around his waist bringing him incredibly closer to you. He moaned at the feeling of reaching even deeper inside you and he did his best to hit that spot that would make your body spasm in pleasure. And boy, he was doing a great job.
You continusly and unconsciously clenched around his length emitting moans and groans out of him. Soon you felt the familiar knot of release in the pit of your stomach and you pulled his upper body even closer to yours so your chests could meet. "I-im cumming Oh my God please Felix dont stop!" You moaned out loudly and he groaned at your words also feeling his release coming closer and closer with every thrust. Suddenly you were cumming around his dick, you're body shaking and your throat aching from moaning so loudly, the intimacy of the situation and the uncontrollable clench around him made him cum inside of you soon after painting your walls white with his essence.
After a couple more thrusts that aided the both of you to ride your highs, he pulled out and let his body fall limb next to yours.
"Fuck baby that was amazing, please dont underestimate yourself." He said basically giving you heart eyes, the after glow on his face making him look even more ethereal. "If it means we get to do this everytime I might do just that." You said with a giggle and he also chuckled and pulled you close to his chest, engulfing you in his warm embrace. "Let's sleep angel, I'm too fucking tired." He said finishing his sentence with a yawn. You nodded against his chest as you pulled the covers over the both of you. "I know baby, you did great today, I'm so proud of you." Referring to both his musical and sexual performances.
And with that you both drifted into a dreamless sleep with only thoughts of each other occupying your minds.
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radioactivepeasant · 3 years
Fic Prompts: Transformers Tuesday
(Wrecking and reconstructing the events of the Bayverse, because I can)
Of all the things Mikaela expected to find in her garage that night -- a mess of car parts, seven broken trouble lights, a filing cabinet of her dad's stuff, and Bonecrusher hiding from the rain -- a gigantic robotic...person...had not been in the running.
It was huge -- large enough that its head scraped the ceiling and flung sparks in every direction whenever it moved. It sort of looked like someone had taken pieces of a motorcycle, then warped and stretched them into a humanoid shape. Two blue eyes or headlights or screens peered at Mikaela from the darkest corner of the garage. They whirred like the lens of a camera as they narrowed to focus on Mikaela. Not that Mikaela could hear it over the rattling sound coming from the Thing.
The girl stared straight into the Thing's eyes (or lights or whatever) and for reasons she could never quite remember afterwards, the next thing out of her mouth was, "You better not have sat on my tool chest."
Was this some kind of government experiment? An army thing gone haywire or something?
"Helloooo?" Mikaela waved her hand. "Who's got your remote control? Is anyone driving this thing?"
The Thing didn't respond, except to tilt its shadowy head slightly.
With a huff, Mikaela snapped an elastic band off her wrist and tied her soaked hair back out of her face. At least she could get a better look at this thing some joker had stashed in her garage. As if to punctuate her annoyance, there was a slight flicker of lightning from the open door behind her, immediately followed by a clap of thunder. Mikaela jumped, just a little, on reflex.
So did the Thing.
It flinched noticeably, and drew its head down low between what resembled shoulders. The rattling and clanging grew louder, and for the first time Mikaela noticed that the metal figure was moving. Well, not moving, exactly. More like...trembling.
Why would a massive robotic thing be shaking? Was it about to explode?
Thunder rumbled again, and the Thing flinched again. This time, two spindly arms rose to clamp disturbingly human-like fingers over the sides of its angular pink head. Almost like it was covering its ears.
But that was impossible, right? Robots weren't that complex. Unless this was some kind of AI experiment, which definitely did not explain how it had gotten into a junkyard garage.
"Hey..." Mikaela edged forward just a step. "Are...are you okay?"
The robot startled at her voice and knocked against the corrugated steel wall. The resulting boom made it jump again and it cowered in the shadows. It was afraid.
Mikaela swallowed hard and frowned. "What's wrong? Is it the thunder? You're scared of the thunder?"
For several seconds, the robot didn't respond. Then, in a voice that was far less electronic sounding than Mikaela would have guessed, she said, "Thun...der..."
"Oh! Okay, um, okay, you can talk. Didn't expect that." Mikaela almost took a step back. "Uh...how did you get in my garage?"
"What did you drive?"
Thunder rattled the walls of the garage, making both of them jump. A metal box full of car parts probably wasn't the best place to shelter during a thunderstorm, Mikaela guessed.
"You...okay. I don't know where you came from or who you are, but that last lightning strike was kind of close. You should probably move away from that wall so you don't get fried."
One inch at a time, the giant eased away from the wall and into the dim light. "You don't seem afraid," she said slowly. "Are you not surprised to see something like me?"
The long answer was that on any other day, Mikaela would have been fascinated but probably also a little terrified. But the short answer was-
"It's exam week," the girl blurted out, "I don't have the brainpower left over to freak out about a robot that's scared of thunder."
"Sounds like a path blaster," the robot mumbled.
Mikaela blinked. That sounded like a lot to unpack.
"Who are you, anyway? Where did you come from?" she asked again.
The robot settled onto her knees and bent to see the human better. "I," she said softly, "am an autonomous robotic organism from the planet Cybertron. My name is Arcee. And...I may require your help."
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hes-writer · 4 years
Summary: y/n wants to know how it feels to love herself
Warnings: tw weight, angst, and a bit of fluff
Word Count: 1468 words
Pairings: plus size!reader x harry
Based on: “For all of my pretty, and all of my ugly too. I’d love to see me from your point of view” - pov, Ariana Grande
A/N: heavy themes on this one! please read the warnings
Y/N had always stuck out when she was in school.
She was that one girl who was thicker in circumference than other girls. The one who had a double chin without meaning to and the one who had chubby fingers that ‘looked like stubby carrots’ as one mean guy, Jamie, told her during kindergarten. Her cheeks appeared to be full—puffed out—with or without food.
Sometimes it made her blush because people often pointed out how cute she was because of it. Other times—which is most of the time—Y/N blushed because her cheekbones were practically non-existent. Contour couldn’t even save her as it only caused a breakout of tiny pimples to litter her sensitive skin.
Don’t even get her started on her arms—how flappy they were whenever she raised them. Or the way her watch had to be stretched out at the last cut hole around her wrist. She hated how everything looked on her.
“It’s okay, Y/N. He knows you’re a big girl,” She mumbled to herself, stretching the elastic of the sports bra just below her breasts. The fabric was already digging into her thick skin and causing marks to form.
Harry had invited Y/N to work out with him this morning. She thought that it was a fleeting dream, probably because Y/N was half-asleep when he raised the question. But the way Harry eagerly shook her figure awake this morning was a sign that it was reality and Y/N would have to face a very fit Harry while he faced at a not-so-fit her.
They had been together for a year now. Y/N was doubtful of her figure in clothing that did nothing to hide her ‘chunky’ silhouette. She opted for loose sweaters and high-waisted jeans most of the time. Shorts were rarely worn for the first few months of their relationship because Y/N couldn’t even imagine what Harry’s reaction would be like upon seeing her legs. Though, Harry always seemed to prove her wrong when his jaw ripped ajar and he practically salivated at the sight of them.
Y/N was aware that Harry knew that she did not look like the stick-thin models that he had a history of dating. She wasn’t the ‘normal’ size with the perfect ratio of boobs to bum, paired with a flat stomach. The fact was, Y/N had a larger chest and a thicker bottom, but that also meant that her stomach would bulge out, especially when she was bloated.
It took sometime for Y/N to be completely comfortable with herself. Even then, acceptance was a rollercoaster of loving and hating her body depending on how she felt.
Y/N was more comfortable with Harry reaching out to touch her waist. At first, Y/N would immediately shield her middle with an arm draped across or completely flinch back in fear of Harry touching any of her squishy fat. The questioning look he gave her almost made Y/N feel guilty. Now, she would only tense up for a few seconds, holding her breath to suck her tummy in before relaxing because this was Harry.
Harry never gave Y/N a reason to doubt herself. He supported her in every diet she planned to spearhead and comforted her when it didn’t exactly work out the way she wanted it to. Harry was there to take care of her when she felt too dizzy to move because she refused to take another bite solely because she went over her calorie limit for the day. He was the one with worried brows when Y/N would stare at herself in the bathroom mirror, wondering why nothing had changed when she was working so hard. Or, it felt like it.
Harry was also there for her when Y/N squealed in happiness at the sight of the scale showcasing a number that has decreased from the last time she was on it. He saw first hand how Y/N’s eyes brightly lit up from the smile on her face. The fondness of his green eyes prevailed because he was so so proud of her. Small steps.
Y/N was not too keen on working out with Harry because he had never seen her in that state before.
As silly as it sounds, Y/N had managed to steer Harry away when she was jogging on the treadmill or doing stationary workouts. If she didn’t like the way she looked, sweaty and out of breath, why would he?
Being in work out clothes didn’t make it any better either. He would see every crunch of her stomach fold as she struggled to do a sit up whereas he could continuously do some without a hitch in his breath. Y/N was sure that she would stumble somehow because of her stubby legs while Harry would be stoic because he was light.
And although Y/N was working on her technique, she would still get out of breath after about a minute.
It was just too . . . embarrassing to witness.
A knock on the door sounded rapidly before the door opened, revealing Harry in his short sleeved t-shirt and athletic shorts. A sweatband was keeping his curls away from his face.
‘You ready, sweetheart?” He questioned, standing behind her with his chin on her plush shoulder and hands running over the skin of her arms.
Y/N caught his gaze through the mirror. Sad, droopy eyes doing once over at her reflection before shaking her head ‘no’.
“I-I can’t let you see me like this,” Y/N admitted shyly, tugging on the band once more to snap it back in place. “I don’t look very nice,”
Harry pursed his lips in a thin line, roaming his hands over her stomach. Y/N winced at the closeness of his touch, inching her hand to grab at his. Though, Harry was quick to catch them.
“No, listen to me, Y/N,” He stared at her down. His breath was hitting her damp neck and she nodded nervously. “I do not care what you look like. You look beautiful to me everyday; with makeup without make up. In sweatpants or in skinny jeans. I don’t care,”
Y/N opened her mouth to respond because ‘that’s not really how you think of me’, she thought.
“It’s true,” Harry shrugged. “‘Know ya’ don’t believe me but it’s true. Love the way you’re plush on your stomach and everywhere else,”
Y/N laughed sarcastically, “You’re lying. There’s no way—look at me!”
“I am,” He said sternly, turning her around so that they could be face-to-face. “I’m looking at you right now, no?” Harry tilted his head to the side, raising an arm to thumb away the tears pooling beneath her eyes.
“Y-you just—how can you love me when I don’t even love myself? I can’t even look at myself in the mirror without crying,”
Harry’s heart broke with the withering sound of Y/N’s voice. Her words and tone held a truthfulness that pained him to no end. He couldn’t imagine the hatred Y/N felt for herself. Harry wished that he could make her see how beautiful she was.
“S’cause you’re not looking properly, love,” He whispered. His thumb stroked her cheek, hating the way her mouth drooped in a frown a little ways away. “Y’looking at yourself and finding things to hate,”
“There’s nothing to love, is there?”
Harry shook his head, grasping her jaw to look at her in the eye.
“There’s everything to love,” He pulled Y/N in for a hug. The feeling of her bare skin in his instantly warming his chest, toasting any sort of dilemma into a fuzzy feeling. “I wish you’d see it too,”
Y/N nodded in agreement, sniffling against his chest, “How do you do it, H?”
“Do what?”
“Love me,” She sighed, giving in to his embrace and wrapping her arms around his body. “For all of my pretty, which I doubt, and all of my ugly—you just accept everything about me. I jus’ wanna know how it feels like to love myself like you. . . like you love me,”
Harry’s heart practically melted at the whisper of her last few words—barely audible. But nonetheless, it warmed his heart that Y/N knew that she was loved. Y/N traced random patterns on his chest, zeroing in on the action to distract her from her shot of vulnerability.
“That’s how love works, no? Y’love someone despite what they think—despite what everybody thinks because it’s jus’ you and your person,”
I love you guys.
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heli0s-writes · 4 years
pagan poetry*
A/N: Hey-o! After nearly 3 months of being a complete disaster, I ... did a thing. Very much my usual brand of filth. Thanks for sticking around as I continue to navigate this impending sense of oblivion!! 1.6k words of bangin’ Bucky Barnes. Yeeeeeeahhh.
Title is from this song, by Bjork. 🖤
Warnings: Smutty smut and heathen shit, what else is new with Helios?
brooklyn after dark masterlist
Tumblr media
Steve asked if you were religious once.
It was an off the cuff kind of question, prompted by something you can’t remember now—silly banter over drinks and a background party, perhaps. Both grown weary of entertaining a crowd of strangers, etiquette spent nearing the night’s end. You’d shrugged lazily and prefaced that it’s hard to shake an entire childhood of indoctrination but now, by resolute choice, you aren’t.
You lied. You’ve never been more devout.
It was easier than getting into all the semantics, anyway. Where would you start explaining that you now spend more time than ever at worship? Not in the middle of Tony’s so-called “small” get-together of “only” seventy-five people. Certainly not a place to admit to Steve that your knees supplicate more earnestly than the most pious of priests, your throat constantly pouring the sweetest profession of faith—the name of the most divine.
Even if the two of you were somewhere more private, and he was at least half as drunk as you were, it’s a bit blasphemous, Steve, that you fuck Bucky six ways to Sunday and call it religion.
It’s a hard desire to curb when he looks like that. Bucky’s built like a god— his arm the kind of weapon you’d happily split your tongue polishing. Strong, powerful legs. Broad shoulders like lovingly carved marble, worked between the hands of a Renaissance master, tapered sharply down to his wasp’s waist.
His hips. Lord, you could dedicate eternity naming every last inch of his hips.
Such a pretty boy. How he makes you hungry to sin.
“Bucky,” you whisper, enthralled again when he steps out from a quick shower. Smoldering and glorious, and you’re Joan of Arc constantly being descended upon by a burning archangel. Some random night, like any other night, and you’re overtaken again. Hazy with orange glow, the billowing mist makes a halo to crown him and for a second you feel blind.
Then, you feel… hm.
He cautions the way you chew on your lip, eyes twinkling brightly because what else is new. You? Turned on? Bucky could be brushing his teeth and you’d start climbing him like your personal jungle gym.
“Sweetheart,” he begins warily, adjusting the towel on his hips—those beautiful, beautiful hips. “One more dinner with us swinging in late and they’re gonna stop inviting us.”
You nod along dumbly, deaf now and set on a singular mission. Crawling on your knees, you reach Bucky halfway as he tries to put an end to your pilgrimage. Tries because your palms are fast over the damp fabric, fingers threading through warm fibers before landing flat against his abs, feeling up to his chest, murmuring stupidly, always so shocked at his everything. You graze up his wrists, his forearms, making paths of taut muscle.
“How bout after dinner?” His thumbs gently brush the swell of your breasts before he holds you back, straightening your spine when you arch into him. “Promise I’ll give it to you good later.”
“Give it to me now?”
He laughs. “You really gotta work on your negotiation skills…”
“Huh… Lemme try again: give it to me… right now?”
Bucky groans in equal measures of exasperation and exhilaration when you fall back on your knees. A few more half-hearted baby, quit it, ‘m serious, and then he gives up completely.
“Steve’s gonna get himself in a mood.”
“Steve’s always in a mood.”
Wilted protests quickly disappear into the hollow of your cheeks, licked away by your clever tongue. He grips the back of your neck firmly, tilting your head the way he likes best, eyes flicking down to meet yours before they close. He keeps you there a little longer, his toes curling into the carpet with each bob of your head.
“Yeah, you’re—always in a mood, too—uhhm—“
And you hum in agreeance, but the sound only vibrates into his skin, making him groan louder.
Bucky’s voice is slurred, as if half drunk. “Can’t hear— mm— you, sweetheart…”
So you make something up to give him what he wants, that buzzing of your throat on his cock, and his thighs tighten in response, the hand on the back of your neck reflexively scrabbling to your shoulder with a hard grip.
It’s a bit counterproductive of you to be so sloppy, considering that Bucky’s freshly showered and cleaned up— the scent of his brisk body wash strong and harsh in your nose— but fucking him like it’s your job allows some insight to what he likes, and it’s easily this:
Dirty, filthy, drooling wet blowjobs. The messier the better and the faster it gets him there. Your radiant Right Hand of God, but goddamn is he a little devil himself.
Bucky’s growling by the time he hauls you toward the bed, depositing your thrilled skin on the mattress firmly. Red lips meet yours with force, plush and full, nipping at the corners of your wet mouth like he’s kissing back every trace of him. He presses on across your jaw, up and down your neck. His voice is husky sweet and breathy in your ear.
“You bad, bad girl.” And you start curling yourself into him, nodding for more. One of his hands is working himself, the sound of your spit slippery in his fist. “You got me all messy again.”
Your skin feels blistering and freezing at the same time, chills racing to your fingertips tightly hooked around his biceps. The outfit you put on for a nice, quaint dinner at Steve and Sharon’s too heavy now, too constricting, but he doesn’t let you take it off.
“Every morning and night not enough dick for you, is it?” Bucky brushes your hands away, taking hold of your chin and peeling your head back until you’re looking at him. His pupils are blown wide, the only thing left of his irises are two thin rings of barely there blue as he scans your face. Your brain is short-circuiting, hanging onto every syllable, every purse of his cherry lips.
He switches on and off like a light. Beautiful, soft, thoughtful one minute, all force and darkness the next. You faithfully take it all, every facet of him. Your angel boy. Your wicked soldier.
Joan of Arc was only hallucinating, but she wasn’t half as lucky as you to have conjured something half as astonishing as Bucky. Gorgeous strong jaw, bristles along his chin and cheek scrubbing noisily against your lips as he kisses you. His mouth— open and wet, sloppy against yours— hardly landing right and you’re toeing delirium by the time his fingers slide up your shirt.
Bucky pushes you down into the sheets, rucking up your skirt until it bunches around your waist. “We’re in a rush, remember?” He tucks two fingers into the elastic of your panties and yanks them to one side. Just enough. In a rush. Your thighs meet with a determined shimmy of his hips— those incredible hips— and then you’re full, so full of him.
The blood in your ears crashes against reality and bends it all sideways. Not religious like that, but since the first time you’d touched him, you’ve been cocksure if heaven were real, it’d be this. It’d be him.
“Everyone’s gonna know,” Bucky promises, “You stumbling in there.”
The image flashes through your addled brain, the tell-tale sign of him screwing you stupid— lips swollen, legs wobbly, outfit crumpled up, smelling like him and sex in front of all your friends.
“You want it, don’t you, want them to know you’re all mine?” He smears your wet around the sides of where he’s connected— spit, slick— up to your clit. And then he pushes you like a button, flicking the pad of his thumb upwards and grins at the way you jerk in time to it like a trained toy.
“Bucky,” you mewl, “Buck.” The syllable breaks, your panting comes out in choked babbling.
He takes the back of your neck again, lowering his body over yours, faster now. Deliberately reckless and the entire bed is rocking, springs squealing under his pace.
“Oh my god,” you smash your brow into the junction of his shoulder, hanging on by a thread as he drives into you, on a mission to break either the bed frame or your brain, both were fine. In a rush. Can’t quit now. A little bit more. Your entire body is folded against him, insides fluttering desperately, maddeningly.
“Come,” he commands, “Come for me right now and I’ll fuck you through it, how you like. Then I’ll make you come again and we can go.”
His grip is tourniquet tight, thumb moving to the middle of your throat, pressing ever so slightly until your breath feels trapped under the swirl of his fingerprint. The curtain of his hair hangs over your face, blocking out the room going blindingly white. Your eyes shut tightly, opening only for a second to catch him panting over you, burning hot, his features flickering from utter control to trembling pleasure to something akin to frenzy.
Your vision shuffles like a deck of cards. His hands are everywhere. Eyes devouring every inch of your skin. There’s a million of him taking a million of you to a million more pieces. You shatter then, clawing his back and arms, singing like a fucking choir the infinity of his name.
Bucky. Bucky. Bucky. He makes your days holy. The altar of his body. The sacrament of his sweat. He breaks you apart into something luminous.
Religion. Not religion. Your heathen soul—whatever tiny fracture you may have—all his, forever. Now, tomorrow, at the end of the world.
So, when the two of you stumble into a nearly finished dinner, as predicted, over an hour late and in terrible disarray, Steve crosses himself before promising, “I’m getting you two a goddamn chastity belt.”
On the couch, Sam clicks the remote to a new channel, snapping his fingers with an offhanded, “A-fucking-men.” 
All you can do is duck your head and grin.
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Mile Six
Summary: The Kings, and Queens, of Con take on the Central Texas Tough Mudder Competition and have a good time doing it. 
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Reader
Word Count: 2.3K+
Warnings: Language, suggestive themes
Author’s Note: So, this little thing was inspired by this post (x). I saw it and instantly went weak in the knees and thus this was born. I hope you enjoy my little musings. As always, I love to hear what you thought xo Alex.
Check out Alexandra’s Library for more works by yours truly!
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Trees lined the wide expanse of the field, the grass below shimmering against the Texas sun that had settled high in the afternoon sky. A slight breeze blew across the space, rustling the edges of the leaves and sending a chill down the breadth of her wet body. 
“Your turn, Y/n,” the quirky voice of her team member had slipped past her consciousness as she watched the sun be eclipsed by a wisp of a cloud. “Y/n!” 
“Hmm, what?” The woman snapped her head back to the obstacle in front of her. 
“Go, Jensen’s gonna boost you,” Rob urged her forward with a hand on her shoulder. She shook off her daze, the exhaustion fogging not only her muscles but her brain as well. The team had officially hit the halfway point of the obstacle course and she knew that she was going to be sore for days. 
“Come on, baby,” Jensen smirked at her from where he was squatted against the tall wooden wall. He cupped his hands in front of himself and indicated for her to step one foot into his palms. Y/n halted in front of him as she placed her right foot in his hold and rested her hands against his broad shoulders. She glanced up at Jared and Rich sitting on the ledge, ready to help her in whatever way she needed. “You’ve got this.”
The mud-caked woman smirked back at the actor, who was still grinning from ear to ear. She rolled her eyes for effect but leaned in and pressed a quick peck to her husband’s lips before using her leverage on his shoulders to jump. Jensen responded easily, lifting her in one swift movement as if she weighed nothing and guiding her to step on his shoulder with her left foot. As soon as the ledge was in reach she wrapped her gloved hand around it and allowed Jared to take her other to assist. Every muscle in her body protested the action, but she pushed through until both legs were swung over the wall. She wasted no time in climbing down the other side just far enough that it was safe for her to jump the rest of the way. 
Cheers erupted from her team waiting on the other side, much like they had after every other obstacle they had overcome. Y/n ran straight into her best friend, Genevieve’s, arms and embraced her tight. Both of them knew they were kicking ass at this, having argued with their respective husbands about being able to keep up with the guys. They trained for months beforehand, building up their strength and nothing made them more gleeful than proving they deserved their spots on the team. 
The two relented their embrace as the three remaining team members clambered from the barrier.  They all exchanged high fives before setting off down the trail. It didn’t take long before they arrived at yet another pool of murky water directly in their path. The group wasted no time in heading straight into the muddy hurdle. Despite the rays of the early spring sun beating down unhindered, the water was bone-chilling slowly. A shiver ran up her spine as soon as it met her heated skin and she couldn’t be sure if it was refreshing or just shocking. Y/n could also feel her feet sinking into the thick mud at the bottom of the pit, making each step difficult and slowing their process through the course. 
Once on the other side, getting back out of the pit proved difficult, the sheer weight and stickiness of the surrounding sludge seeming to want to drag her back down with every advance. She finally made it out, running to the nearby grass to rub away what she could from her sneakers as her teammates joined her one by one. When everyone was back together, they once again continued on. 
They jogged a few hundred feet before the majority slowed down as the day began to wear on them. Rich pulled the recording camera from Osric’s head as he squeezed through the group. The spritely man stuck it in everyone’s faces, asking a myriad of questions.
“That footage is going to be hell to cut together in the end,” Gen turned to Y/n with a giggle. 
“I know that true,” she agreed before sending her only female counterpart a wink. “Watch this.” Y/n jogged ahead to be closer to the group and hollered. “Hey Speight, toss me the camera. I know what the fans are gonna want to see.” The guys all turned to look at her, confusion evident in their expressions. Rich frowned but obliged the woman’s request, who caught the small camera with ease. Her steps slowed to give the guys space, allowing her to fall back into stride with Genevieve. The woman rubbed the dried mud from the display as she steadied the recorder and pointed it at her target. Gen watched over her shoulder as her friend focused on the men’s backsides, one at a time. 
“This is the view Gen and I have had all day,” she narrated, emphasizing ‘all’ for her intended audience. As she came up behind her Texan husband, he peered over his shoulder at her, taking in where she had the lens directed. He rolled his eyes at her as she rounded the group and jogged to where Jared was leading a couple of yards ahead. 
“Now what are you doing?” Jensen furrowed his brow as she kept the camera pointed on them, now walking backward as the group continued to advance. 
“I’m getting ahead of you so I can get you all in the frame,” she explained, her eyes still trained on the display to ensure she was getting at least semi-quality footage. 
“You can see all of us, it’s a wide-angle lens,” Jensen retorted gruffly, earning a grimace from his wife. Her jaw dropped in offense to his comment, turning the lens on Jared. 
“Alright, I see Ackles got an attitude around mile six,” she huffed to the towering man who just shook his head with a grin. Y/n spun back around, now seeing the group gaining on her and Jared. 
“Turn it off, I’ll show you an attitude,” Jensen indicated the camera delicately balanced in her grip. His wife nearly choked on her breath, his unexpected words settling a heat deep in her belly.
“Oh, will you now?” The woman was quick to steady her composure and cocked a challenging eyebrow at the bowlegged man who now took up a majority of the display she was observing. The look set him off and he reached her in two swift strides, snatching the camera out of her hand and ducking to pull her over his shoulder before she could react to his movement. Y/n let out a shriek that faded into laughter as her husband gripped her legs against his body with both hands. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him quickly toss the camera to one of the guys, jetting off away from the path and the crowd. 
“Aw, come on, Ackles,” Jared’s voice faded as Jensen carried the woman to the nearby tree line. “Be quick!” 
Shade enclosed the two completely before he set her back on her feet. Jensen pushed her back a step until her body hit rough bark. He placed one hand on either side of her head, caging her against the oak. She took a deep breath now that her stomach was no longer restricted by his shoulder and looked up at her husband through her lashes her stomach fluttering as she took in his hooded gaze. 
“I feel like you want to say something.” A hint of a smile twitched at the corners of her lips which was instantly reciprocated by the actor. He raised a gloved hand, trailing his exposed fingertips light as a feather across her jaw and down her neck. His eyes were trained where his digit tucked into the collar of her destroyed tee and pulled it away from her skin. 
“You’re cold,” he noted, the smug upturn of one corner of his lips telling her he had noticed her condition a long while ago. Y/n followed his gaze, noting the faint outline of her nipples seeping through the sports bra. She cursed silently, having hoped the material would have done a better job at hiding her modesty throughout the day. 
“Maybe?” His eyes flickered up to hers, amusement hidden throughout the familiar verdant iris’ that she loved so much. Dragging out the moment, the woman chewed on her bottom lip and took the opportunity to enjoy the visage of her husband. His hair was a wild mess, pushed away from his face with a sweatband that matched the color of his shorts and tennis shoes. He was caked in mud from head to toe, much like she was. A lot of it had dried and caked to the skin of his face and his beard while his body was dripping with the foggy liquid and his sweat. Even through all of it, he was somehow still as beautiful as ever. Still Jensen Ackles. 
“Maybe I’ve just been enjoying the view,” she teased him, her hands gripping the stretched-out material of his shirt to pull his body flush against her own. He was warm and refreshingly cool at the same time. Y/n breathed in his musky scent, mixed with the fading aroma of his signature cologne. It was her favorite thing in the world, something reserved just for her and the times he spent ravaging her body. 
“I can’t take you anywhere can I?” The hot breath of his chuckle fanned over her face. He let go of his hold on her tee, the material shrinking slowly back against her wet skin. 
“Not when you are looking like a whole damn meal,” she purred before pushing up on her toes to press her lips to his. He froze at first, his brain taking a second to catch up to her before he responded in kind. His hands fell from the tree to cradle her head in place as he deepened the kiss. Y/n let her body relax against the wood as her husband sucked her tongue into his mouth, pulling a moan from inside her chest. He picked up the pace, devouring her in the shadows of the competition that was continuing around them. As her hands dropped to the elastic of his shorts, he begrudgingly pulled away and gripped her wrists to halt her movements. 
“Fuck, we can’t,” he whispered, resting his forehead against hers. His eyes were screwed shut as he breathed deeply. She exaggerated the pout on her face even though he wasn’t looking at her. 
“That’s unfortunate, considering your little problem there.” Y/n jutted her hips forward, coming in contact with the situation now in her husband’s pants. 
“Oh, I hate you so much right now,” Jensen pushed away from his wife, putting a respectable distance between the two of them. 
“Hey, you are not the only one suffering right now. Lucky for me, my panties were already soaked.” Before he could utter a word, she ducked away and back into the heat of the Texas sun. He watched her jog away, but not before she glanced back over her shoulder, a wide grin on her face. 
It didn’t take her long to catch up to the group, her and Jensen having not been gone as long as she thought. Her eyes scanned the crowd of people for Jared, knowing his tall frame would stick out to her first. And she was right, the mess of hair on top of his head towering over everyone else, guiding her to where they were huddled waiting for the group ahead to finish the next course. 
“Where’s Ackles?” Jared chirped as she moved through the people to come and stand with the Kings of Con. 
“He should be right behind me,” she snorted out the words in an attempt to hide the laughter bubbling up inside her. Jared narrowed his eyes at her as if he didn’t believe what she was telling him. Not that it mattered much, as her husband’s voice drifted towards them. 
“I’m here, I’m here,” he promised, only slightly out of breath from sprinting to meet up with them. “What’s next?” 
“‘Hold Your Wood’,” Jason answered as he turned to where a massive log was being placed in front of the lot of them. Y/n nearly fell over as the barely contained laughter spilled from her lips. She brought a hand to her face as the laughter turned silent and tears ran down her cheeks, the action muffling the squeals of delight that came with each breath. 
“Yes, it’s all very funny, babe,” Jensen frowned at his wife, the downturn of his lips only fueling the hysterics inside her. 
“What the hell is wrong with her?” Rich had the same look of concern on his face as the rest of the group. Even passersby were beginning to stare at Y/n where she stood shaking with laughter. 
“Wood,” was the only word she could force past her lips as she held up her hands, gesturing to indicate length. 
“Jensen had a boner,” Jared clarified for the group, ready to keep moving. 
“Dude!” Jensen smacked his friend upside the back of his head, sending his wife into further giggles. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Y/n finally was able to force a semi-coherent sentence. “Jay, you are just too easy.” 
“That’s what she said,” Rob and Rich shouted in tandem. 
Jensen rounded on Osric, who still had one of the action cameras attached to his head, and pointed at the lens. “You can cut that out.”
“No,” Y/n protested, grabbing her husband’s arms as he reached for the Go Pro. “Keep it in.” 
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Forevers: @22sarah08​ @440mxs-wife​ @akshi8278​ @anathewierdo​ @asgoodasdancingqueen @atc74​ @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce​​ @briagallen​ @callmekda​ @dawnie1988​ @deandreamernp​ @deangirl93​ @deanwanddamons​ @ellewritesfix05​ @emoryhemsworth​ @foxyjwls007​ @hobby27​ @janicho88​ @jbsgirl4ever11​ @jensengirl83​ @lunarmoon8​ @lyarr24​ @mishacollins4evah​ @miss-nerd95​ @mrsjenniferwinchester​ @msmarvelouswinchester​ @polina-93​​ @sleepylunarwolf​ @squirrelnotsam​ @stiles-stilinski-24-dylan​ @suckmyapplejacks​ @supraveng​ @tatted-trina6​ @thoughts-and-funnies​ @traceyaudette​ @tranquility-or-chaos​​ @waywardbeanie​ @winchest09​ 
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gotnofucks · 4 years
Sell My Soul - 3
Pairing: soft!dark!Lee Bodecker x reader
Words: 2.4k
Warning: smut, lactation kink, possessiveness, jealousy. Pretty mild actually. 18+ ONLY
A/N: Final part to Sell my Soul. Thank you all for giving this story a chance. And like always, I love a happy ending.
Part 1     Part 2
“Here ya go Miss, just like you ordered.” The man gave you a silk pouch and you opened it with ultimate delicacy, peeking inside. A smile spread on your face. It was perfect, exactly the way you had imagined it would be.
“Thank you, sir. This is perfect!” You beamed at him. “About the payment…what time will you like for me to come to your house?”
“Anytime that suits you this Saturday, Miss” He said.
You nodded and were about to ask for one tiny detail when you felt the hair on your neck stand. Even before you saw him, you could feel his presence. His body was like a magnet and the pull he had on you was almost unreal.
“Its Missus”
Your husband seemed to have materialized out of thin air, his voice as imposing as his personality. Lee’s hand wound around your pregnant belly and you shot him a pleading look that he promptly ignored. Instead, he glared at the stranger you were talking you, his touch around you possessive and tight.
“She’s my wife. You look at this round belly, she’s pregnant with my child. If you think I’ll allow you to sniff around her knickers in my own backyard –”
“Sir, you misunderstand!” The man said and looked at you with disbelief. He had come here to make you a simple delivery, not get on the wrong side of the town’s sheriff.
“Do I now?” Lee made to approach the man and you quickly held him back by pulling on his arm. Lee was positively seething, and you knew if he had his gun on him it would be pointing at the poor guy.
“Honey, lets go inside and talk.” You knew how your husband could get when you spoke to other men. Despite having claimed you in every way possible, despite the proof of his ownership growing inside your womb, he still felt threatened by any and every man. Your pregnancy had only made him overprotective and it was a wonder you had been able to do what you just did.
“I think I’d rather stay here!” Lee shouted and you quickly planted yourself in front of him, both hands resting on his chest in an effort to calm him.
“Mr. Jeffords, if you’d kindly leave.” You said without turning to look at the man behind you. Your eyes were intently fixed on your husband knowing how volatile he could get. You heard the man behind you shuffling away as fast as he could, probably running away to the closest pub to tell the patrons how the Sheriff’s wife was treated. Not that it bothered you anymore what anyone in this town thought.
“Who the fuck was he?” Lee asked, his drawl more pronounced in his anger.
“Can we go inside? I would rather sit and talk.” You said. Lee frowned, both in annoyance and concern as he took your hand and led you back inside your house. Ever since your pregnancy, he had become more…mellow. Softer somehow.
You sat on couch and you watched in wry amusement as Lee made sure your legs rested on a cushion despite his apparent anger. He had changed his behavior towards you in the past few months but there were times when he lost control. You weren’t scared of him anymore, but you didn’t push his boundaries a lot. Having a loving and caring husband was more than you had expected out of your marriage and that was more than what other women could say.
“I leave you alone for some time and you’re off skipping with a strange man in the garden. What do you have to say for yourself, wife?”
“I want to say that you are being absolutely ridiculous.”
Lee put his hands on either side of you behind the couch, effectively caging you in. His blue eyes boiled in a raging storm, reminding you again in their own way who was in charge here.
“You seem to have forgotten who wears the pants in this relationship darlin’” He whispered, dipping his head, and kissing you slowly. His tongue slipped past your lips and claimed your mouth, and you fisted his shirt. He broke away and you leaned forward to follow, not ready to let him go just yet. Lee smirked and pulled back, knowing what he was doing.
“You don’t like me wearing pants anyway. You want easy access” You huffed, and Lee traced your jawline with a finger and you almost bite that appendage before he pulls it back chuckling.
“You’re the only woman in the world who makes me feel this way. I’m fucking pissed yet all I wanna do is slide home inside you and fill you again and again.”
Heat pools between your legs and you unconsciously squeeze them closed. Damn pregnancy hormones. Your libido almost surpassed your husband’s, but it seemed seeing you waddle around with his kid made him even more of a horny bastard than before and your sexual appetites were well taken care of.
“Who was he Y/n? Don’t make me ask again.” Lee said sitting next to you. Icy tinge of anger coated his tone and you looked him dead in the eyes, your expression completely unguarded.
“He was a jeweler. I – I ordered something.” You said, your eyes downcast.
One of Lee’s hands pushed your cardigan away and started playing with the strap of your dress. You leaned into the warmth of his body, your nose at his throat.
“What was that about you going to his house?” Lee asked, voice still hard but his hands were gentle as always.
“For the payment. I didn’t want to borrow too much money from you and so I thought I could pay him my way”
Your head was pulled back by the back of your neck, his face right in yours and breath washing over your parted lips.
“Your own way? And what’s that? Laying down on your back and opening those legs?”
Remorse filled his eyes the moment those words left his mouth as tears filled yours. There it was- the cruel person you had initially married making his sporadic appearance. You struggled in his hold, wanting to get away but he held your wrist, trapping your body in his arms.
“Let me go you bastard!” You screamed.
Lee shushed you, pulling you in his lap and cradling your wiggling body softly. You hit his shoulders and threatened to poison his tea if he didn’t unhand you, but he held fast, one hand around your waist and the other pressing your head into his chest. You didn’t realize when you had stopped flailing your hands and bunched them in his shirt. You sobbed and his hand caressed you, apologies whispered right in your ear with guilt and love.
You sniffled and wiped your dripping nose on him for good measure. You hated this part of your relationship as much as you loved it. One comment from him would make you fly off the handle and you’ll shout and rage but only find solace in his arms. Similarly, he will get mad about the littlest of things and breath fire but late at night he’ll crawl under the covers with you, his hands worshiping your body while he muttered sweet nothings mixed with apologies. You both were tied by an elastic band that no matter how farther apart you go, you snap back and come home to each other.
“I’m sorry my love” His lips moved all over your face, pressing kisses on your cheeks and chin and neck. “I am sorry”. You lay in his arms and held him, consoling him and yourself at the same time.  
“I was going to babysit his children and bake him a cake for his wife’s birthday” You whispered and felt his arms tighten around yours. He sighs and rocks you, lips never ceasing their journey on your skin.
“You should try leading with explanations” He says, and you give a muffled laugh causing him to vibrate in mirth too. You look at him from under your lashes and pull him down for a sweet sweet kiss, letting your tongue brush the back of his teeth and relishing in his shiver. He pulled back long enough to lay you on your back before carefully hovering over you, the straps of your dress being pulled away.
“When will you start producing milk?” Lee asked, his tongue making circles around your engorged nipple. He had been very pleased with the effect of pregnancy on your breasts and loved to nestle his face between them.
“Few more week I think” you said between moans, tugging at his hair and pushing more of your flesh in his mouth.
“I want to drink from it. I know our baby will need it, but you’re gonna be a good wife and save some for me, yes?”
His words made you hotter than before, slick coating your thighs and ruining your panties. His hands teased the offending garment down, sliding smoothly along your damp skin and finding the treasure you hid between your legs.
“I’m yours my love. Every part of me belongs to you. Whatever you want.” You sigh in pleasure and become putty in his hands. It was so easy to let go with him, forget yourself in the feel and smell of him.
You felt him removing his trousers and then he’s inside you, sinfully filling you to the brim. Your breath hitches as his hips snap against yours, gentle in their ministrations. You bucked against him, asking for more and yet he went slow.
“Lee, I need more. Harder!” You beg and your husband groans in the crook of your neck. His hand teases your bud, one hand holding his weight so as not to crush you.
“Must not hurt the little one” Lee said, and you whined in displeasure. You tried to push against him, get him deeper but he resisted with a hand at your hip. Tears of frustration leaked down your eyes and he licked them away, taking the taste of salt in a messy kiss.
“Please, need it so bad” you plead. “We’ll be careful”
He relented, still not going rough but a little firmer and faster. Your voice increases in cadence, high pitched garbled words escaping you as you lose your mind. Your nails are digging in Lee’s shoulder, leaving marks he proudly wears as battle scars.  Sweat travels from his hairline and falls on your body, the couch shaking from your rocking motion. You’re both making salacious sounds that echo around your house, uncaring if they travel outside. Nothing compares to the feeling of him rubbing against your soft, fluttering walls. You’re urging him on, goading him into letting go. His mouth is on yours, teeth clashing together and hands clenching painfully. His pelvic brushes against your bud and you’re falling, howling your pleasure and feel Lee twitching inside you, his seed mixing with your creamy essence.
You pant and lay together in a heap, his arms protectively wrapped around you. One hand gently rubs your slightly protruding belly, the most tender expression on his face.
“What did you order from the jeweler?” Lee asked and to his surprise you blushed and buried your head in his shoulder.
“It’s embarrassing.” You mutter and he titled your head to his.
“My love, I’ve tasted your nectar from the source and had you on your knees for me enough times for you to abandon all shame. I’m surprised you can still blush after all the filthy things we do to each other.” The bastard was smirking, and you pouted.
You reached out with your hand and got the silk pouch from the table, pulling out from within a silver armlet with an aquamarine stone in between. The stone was the exact shade of Lee’s eyes and you held it out for him to take. He did so, brows furrowed in confusion.
“This is for me?” He asked incredulous and you nodded. “Why?”
Your face flushed again but you met his eyes.
“It’s a talisman” You said and saw him roll his eyes.
“Y/n, you know I don’t believe in this shit.” He said, trying to give the armlet back to you. You pushed his hand back and looked at him imploringly.
“I believe in them Lee! You remember that old lady last month whose son you arrested? She – She cursed you. Said you’ll die a horrible death. I can’t get those words out of my head. I won’t lose you.” Lee pursed his lips at you, still not convinced.
“Lee, we’re in the family way. You’ll have a son or daughter in a couple months. I can’t sleep at night with worry that something will happen to you. I – I can’t let anything happen to you. This stone…it’s a symbol of health and hope. It will keep you safe.”
You had never been as afraid of anything in your life as the curse of that woman. You were never one to put too much faith in religion and superstitions, but when it came to your family you worried about everything. The very feel of this town is ominous. If wearing a piece of jewelry can protect your husband than you’ll make sure he wears it even if you have to use every last trick of seduction to convince him.
Lee looked at your determined face, jaw set stubbornly, and he smiled. His hand cupped your face and pulled you into a breathless kiss before resting his forehead on yours.
“My pretty girl, my love, my wife” He breathed against you mouth. “Don’t you know I have no need of anything else in this world but you? You are my strength Y/n. You keep me sane and woe betide anyone who tries to separate us.”
You clutched his collar and pulled him flush against you, your eyes blazing, and he looked at you in wonder. “You listen to me Lee Bodecker, you will wear this armlet whether you want to or not. No amount of sweet promises will get you out of it.”
Lee laughed since he had rarely seen you this fierce. His blue eyes beheld you in your glory, still naked in his arms and watery eyes that shone brighter than the sun. In that moment he knew he had never seen a more beautiful woman and he nodded.
“Whatever you say goes my love. I belong to you.”
You sealed the deal with a kiss, promising him a reward for agreeing later tonight.
More Lee Stories: Sweet Tooth
Drabbles for Lee : Drabbles Masterlist
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The sacrifices we make.
Also known as, my take on the TRK ending-ish after Blue kisses Gansey. I have hounded @ganseymaboi @91percentpynch @jostyardho about this for weeks so here we go. I'm so sorry but this is just pure pain and angst.
(TW for death)
He fell quietly from her arms.
He was a king.
Adam's heartbeat stuttered as he watched Gansey die. Something in his chest cracked open and broke. So this was what pain felt like when you lost someone you cared for so deeply. A sudden drop, a vicious blow and a horrific hollow that you left empty and gasping for air.
Adam stood there frozen, Orphan Girl's hand tightly held in his and Henry standing beside him as they watched Blue and Ronan crouched over Gansey. Ronan was crying, so was Blue but Adam's gaze flickered from Blue's bleeding eyelid to Gansey's dead body to Ronan's neck. He was responsible for all of those things. Blue's stitches, Ronan's bruises and Gansey's death from his vision from the dream tree.
It was after his snapping and Henry's prodding that he thought about the fact that they could ask Cabeswater to sacrifice itself to save Gansey.
Adam felt Cabeswater and the ley line flow through him like it always had, except now it seemed slower, weaker. Adam spoke, pleaded and begged to Cabeswater to save Gansey, to do something to save Gansey. He couldn't just let Gansey die. He signalled to Blue, wordlessly because they understood each other well and she spoke. Please, echoed Blue's voice all through Adam till it reached Cabeswater and it breathed in recognition. The tir e e’lintes. Blue was one of them.
Cabeswater breathed, the leaves rustled and water flowed and Adam heard broken Latin words before magic happened and Adam felt something happen, something he couldn't understand but he could feel it. The warmth beneath his skin and in his nerves, the weaving of something magical and Adam felt Blue and her sadness ram into Cabeswater and it didn't budge but absorbed it, weaved it into the patchwork quilt it was working on.
But then it stopped. Adam felt the line power down, felt it in his body, soul and all and he swayed but Henry caught him quickly, sliding his arms around Adam's body.
Blue and Ronan stared at him. Adam felt hollow, all over again.
Not enough, the trees spoke. Not enough.
It made sense to Adam that Cabeswater had lost itself because of the demon, or lost most of itself because of the unmaker itself. But without Cabeswater, there would be nobody.
To Adam, the choice was saving Gansey and Ronan or death, and he knew what his answer would be.
Not enough, the trees rumbled again, stuttering words. Not enough.
Adam gathered himself, thanked Henry. He let go of Orphan Girl's hand and pat her head twice, thrice for good measure. She tilted her head at him in question, wondering. It was a surprise she hadn't guessed Adam's answer yet.
"It'll be okay", he told her.
He looked at Henry, then at Blue who sat with Gansey's head on her and then finally braved to look at Ronan. He was barely ten steps away but now it felt like ten thousand, ten million even.
Not enough, he heard. Not enough.
I gave you my hands, I gave you my eyes, he replied.
The next moment, he saw Ronan gape at him because of course he heard it to. Ronan was getting up and Orphan Girl was telling in incoherent Latin beside him but he wasn't really paying attention. He saw Ronan dart towards him.
He closed his eyes.
I gave you my hands, I gave you my eyes, he replied. Now I give you all of me, to save all of them.
Magician, the trees roared. Somewhere five steps away, Ronan did too.
When he opened his eyes, Gansey woke up. Adam fell quietly, eyes staring into Ronan's as he fell, and kept on falling.
A king woke up from his sleep, another fell into it.
Ronan was late, he was so fucking late as he ran towards Adam but he was fucking late. The gravel crunched under his shoes as he ran, watched Adam fall like a raggedy doll and Orphan Girl scream loudly and Henry watch Adam fall.
Because it was Aurora first, Gansey next and now Adam. Ronan had thought he would have died before he watched Adam sacrifice his life but no, the fucking idiot had to do something like that.
Adam's head hit the ground, muddy water splashing across his cheeks and his hair turning a muddy brown from its dusty blond. Orphan Girl was wailing loudly.
Wake up, Atom, she screamed.
He's not going to wake up.
He was not going to wake up.
Ronan fell down on his knees. His chest hurt, so did everything but he couldn't bear the vision anymore. He wrapped his arms around Adam's wrist, desperately trying to feel something, something at least. But nothing, he just felt his fingers press into the wrist bone of Adam's hand.
He wrapped his arms around Adam's lifeless body, pressed Adam's head against his chest and let his tears fall on Adam's hair. And then he screamed at the top of his lungs until everything hurt a bit more and he couldn't yell Adam's name anymore. Henry crouched beside him, he was crying too. Orphan Girl was still wailing loudly, muttering periodic phrases in Latin.
Two palms pressed into both of his shoulders. Gansey had woken up, because of course he had. Blue sat on her knees, mirroring Henry. Adam felt cold, lifeless, light under his hands and Ronan felt colder, dead, heavy on himself.
"Parrish, you fucking idiot. You fucking idiot."
"Ronan-" Gansey began but his words fell short. He instead wrapped his arms around Orphan Girl, who had climbed onto his lap. One of Blue's arms was around Ronan's neck, the other on his arm which snaked itself around Adam's shoulder. She squeezed his arm, Ronan squeezed Adam's arm. Her head lay on Ronan's shoulder, choked sobs entering his ears.
"We should go", Henry said, voice hoarse.
The rain had subsided now, pouring in light drizzles now. They all got up, with Gansey picking Orphan Girl in his arms and she hid herself. Blue wiped her eyes and got up. Her hand lay on Ronan's elbow as he got up too. He slid one arm under Adam's knees and the other under his back and picked him up. His breath hitched when one of Adam's arms fell to the side but Blue quickly folded it across his chest.
Ronan dared look at Adam again. He looked asleep, peaceful even.
Peaceful and Adam Parrish just didn't go along in a sentence.
It felt like a cosmic joke, seeing Adam was so peacefully asleep.He didn't, couldn't bother to let go of Adam so Gansey slid into the driver's seat of the BMW with Blue in the passenger seat and Orphan Girl and Henry on either side of Ronan in the backseat with Adam's head tucked under Ronan's chin and his legs spread long across Henry's lap, who put his hands on them and stared blankly. They just sat in the car, Ronan didn't bother to care why they weren't moving.
The ocean burned, the rain fell over it. It stopped burning.
He remembered making the mixtape for Adam's shitbox, remembered feeling warm at the mere thought of imagining Adam's face when the Murder Squash song blasted through the speakers. He remembered dreaming the lotion for Adam's chapped hands, and the way it smelled of wood and moss. He remembered the way Adam smiled, elastic and amiable.
"Wake up, Parrish."
"Your dumb fucking idiot. How dare you? How fucking dare you?"
"you can't just die on me, Adam."
"Adam, please."
He remembered the shape of Adam's hands, the feeling of Adam's palm against his, his fingers around Adam's wrist and their thumbs crossed over one another's. He remembered Adam in the hospital when he had lost his hearing, remembered Adam at the court facing his father alone because he didn't want Gansey or Ronan to find out.
He remembered him kissing Adam, and Adam kissing him and his name pouring out of Adam's mouth, honey velvet smooth. He remembered the warmth of Adam's lips, chapped and dry and the way Adam tasted of the coke they had had for dinner.
He remembered.
He kept on remembering.
How dare he forget?
He watched Orphan Girl tuck one of the blue dream flowers behind Adam's ear. He closed his eyes, dropped his head on Adam's till their foreheads touched.
"tamquam", he whispered.
He didn't hear anything back.
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muffindaddystyles · 4 years
KISMETS (Part 3)
Harry Styles x Preggs Fem!Reader.
Frenmies to lovers to parents, Dadthon!!H
Oral Smut, dirty talk and teasing.
Angst! Angst and fluff!! N' tooth rotting fluff.
Dadrry, bestie!h, boyfriend!h
Author's Note: The concept's kinda weird but if you've watched F.R.I.E.N.D.S and Phoebe Buffay carrying child for someone. You've got it my pal!
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The morning light cocoons them with softness and they don't care if they're sitting in a pool of blood.
"I love you too, so much." She hiccups pacifying down not wanting to never be to able say them again as Harry runs a hand at her back, limbs still tangled with eachother, whispering sweet things to her while Miss. Dori pulled her placenta out, "Y/N?" He panics when she dulls in his arms head lulling at his shoulder and heartbeat slowing down to feeble line. Gently pulling his face out from the cave of her neck he pats her cheek worriedly, again, at her unconscious state, her head dangling back over his wrist, "Y/N!?" His heart squeezing tight miserably into his ribcages when she doesn't respond to his calls.
Harry and Y/N are back being to besties and enjoying being pregnant together.
Warning: Mentions of blood, pregnancy trauma and natural childbirth hurdles.
Eyes gives it all. Even the hidden treasures get's looted from the mere mistake of someone's gaze just like right now when he's pretending to be confused as ever, "what? Called her myself . . ." He frowns and she sniffs frozen in her position feeling exposed from the vulnerability of being naked infront of him; tries to cover herself criss-crossing her arms over her chest.
"Why'd you d'that?" She hiccups wiping her blushed nose and his pupils bursts wide into realization. Immediately, cradles her face tenderly stroking the apple of her cheeks shaking his head vigorously, "Oh -— no. no. no baby told her to come over to take her leftover stuff if not I better give it to charity."
"O . . okay." She sucks in a breather. Without a word he removes hers arms away in a gesture that you never need to hide from me. Kisses her shoulder blade stroking her wrists and her pulse in circles.
"Don't cry, lil penguin. Why're ye' cryin'?" He asks in his most gentle voice feathering her cheek with the back of his hand, "'m . . . 'm scared." She tries to recoup her cries holding her breath causing her cheeks to puff like a fish.
"Let's get you cleaned warm and nice. Then we'll talk yeah lovie?" He slides her elbows behind his neck holding her strongly to walk them to his bedroom. Gives her a bath full of vanilla bubbles, essential oils, scrubbed her back and would trail kisses up her belly from under water making her giggle and weave her fingers into his own wet curls.
Him loving all three of them's the most adorable thing.
Got her ready for mid-nap with his sweater and boxers putting fur pads atop her ears, aloe fused socks on her feet and turning the heat a bit to sleepy temperature. Tucks a quilt under their chins and snuggles her closer to himself letting herself calm to his heartbeats before she speaks her heart out to him, "wanna talk? What you're scared of babe tell me all of it. Knows that I'll handle." He slips further into bed bringing her thigh around his torso and her head atop his buff chest.
She exhales loudly trying to subside the emotional feeling of crying along with each word that comes out of her mouth. Her bad habbit of grounding everything to the pit of her stomach until it blasts into a massive destruction always gets her into worst scenarios.
"'M worried about alot of things –- actually." She peeks up at him and he's already looking down at her genuinely with relaxed self to let her know that nothing has changes and he's still her bestfriend who'd wait for her till she manages to speak, "about what?" He encourages her petting down her hair.
"Everything like 'like future . . 'n — me being a good mum after all of that 'm uni too. . . the semester would start right after the month of my delivery." She furls her toes to keep her anxiety at bay level cocooning her womb cause she feels the safest with the assurement of her babies being with her, "about my career and what about me dreams? What if I'll never get to chase 'em?" He listens to her diligently boring his gaze to the way her lips mold with each word. Sighs gently rubbing her arms up and down salutating his palm around the side of her neck to tip her face towards him. His lips lingers at her temple murmuring against it, "Together we're gonna do this."
"You're gonna be the kindest and bestest mommy ever Y/N. I belive in ye' and about your dreams. I'll take care that nothing comes in the way to stop ya . . You'll attend UNI same as before 'cause 'm takin' a break to be with our babies till your done with your degree." He declares to her seriously and honestly running his hand all over her spine to assure her in every way possible, locking his ankles with her under the sheets.
"'M a big boy now! A daddy to two babies don't underestimate me miss gremlin!" He grins impishly smushing his cheeks into her side wide spreading his palm atop her tummy warmly with bare fingers, "'kay gotcha!" She giggles cuddling into him with droopy eyes inhaling the same scent she's lathered in from the sweet spot of his neck.
She wakes up in the evening satisfied and happy with the nap marks, sweaty baby hairs, a bit of drool at the corner of her mouth and Harry already awake but still spooning her. He's her pregnancy pillow.
Covers her mouth with his pinky and ring finger when she yawns cutely stretching beneath him slowly blinking. Proper stops with his intense loving gaze still on her and blushes hard when he pecks her dry lips after sleep. Her chest heaves with his kisses and snogs trailing down between the valley of her breasts making her card her fingers through his chocolate curls. Whimpers ever hoarsely raising her hips in air for some friction and to levitate the throb in between her legs asking for him to release the ache away.
He takes the hint scooching closer to her side nudging her knees wide stroking the flesh of her thighs with tickling pinches. She whines fisting sheets with yearning arch of her back, "insatiable lil thing aren't ya?" He gives a toothy grin wetting his lips making her pause in her heave of getting his fingers instead flickering her vision over his candy plush lips.
"Kiss me?" She whispers and how couldn't he when she's looking this soft, warm and full of blush from the nap. He was litreally nutters for not ever pondering over the thought how alluring and attractiveness her satiny features hold, "'course darlin'." He tips her chin towards himself letting her sweet cushiony lips fuse against his's into an ardent kiss shooting her libidos 100 times higher than before making her moan pathetically into his mouth.
Her forearms winding around his shoulders instinctively and exhales through her nose not pulling away from the kiss and squeaks lowly when he bites her lower lip pulling away, "'ve got asthma y'mad mad woman." He gapes down at her dramatically fiddling with the bow of her panties. They skim down to her mound feeling the slickness that has spread all around and the rough trim of hair, "and I've got an extravagant sex drive!" It whisks into a breathy gasp of dense air when he slid his digits in between her slick folds flickering her swollen clitoris and repeating till she's panting for more.
"Sad innit? 'S me fault. I should be the one to help my girl out." He mutters trailing sweet kisses down her swollen belly to her pelvis snapping the elastic with his teeth causing her to jolt under his firm hold. She's too floaty else the statement of him claiming her would have swiped her away into a paradise of never ending imaginations.
"Mhmp. What did ya had fo' lunch lovie'?" He licks her juices off from the inside of her thighs sending intense quivers to her core. His palms smoothes under her thighs to hike them up and over his shoulders nipping at her skin when all she did was responded with a gasp, "d- dunno forgot . ." He perks his brows to his forehead commenting playfully while dipping down to tickle her with his curls.
"Pregnancy made ye' loose your braincells, moppet?" She raises her hand to smack him at head instead tugs his hair when for finally he flattens his tongue thickly against her wet cunt to give a good mind boggling lick sucking her clitoris in the way, "asshole. . ." She moans squirming like leaf under him but he quites her by taking her sensitive nub between his teeth to give a little graze and pull. It makes her pussy lips flutter and her hole leak with so much wetness it sticks to Harry's chin.
"H – ha . . rry. Harry." She tries to grind her hips against his mouth but he tuts brushing his pads around her dripping hole to tease her, "yes baby?" Groans of annoyance fills the room and she shoves her face into the pillow bitting down the snarky insults thrown at the curly head.
"Not gonna give ye' me fingers till you ask fo' it." He smooches wet filthy kisses letting her stickiness coat his lips stirring a ball of fire in her pit, "shut up." She whines nudging him with her knee telling him to do something to relax her.
"Make me." He smirks tilting his head to suck her petal fold creating dirty seductive noises on purpose. She huffs taking the matters into her hands pulling him up towards her by a hard grip onto his hair, "ouch ouch!!" He quips shutting his eyes tight.
"Harry Styles you make me cum or I'm never letting you fuck me ever." She glares him and he gives out a defeated sigh naughtiness still lurking in his moss of irises, "bossy – kay! Sorry! Was kiddin' babe. 'M all here to please ye'." She nods her head curtly shoving him back down and he giggles at her when in an instant from an angry lil penguin she melted into a mush of gooe when Harry thrusted two fingers at once inside her curving them once they were buried snug deep.
"Yes. Yes. Yes." She gasps moving her hips along him that he stayed in his place eating her out while his fingers pushed in and out of her tight pussy with squelching noises, "fuckin' tight urghh." He grits rubbing her clit into harsh circles with his other hand, mouth on her cunt and fingers fucking her continuously.
"Want more?" He asks and she bobs her head not even processing what he said almost loosing the idea of her presence feeling too much ecastasy and over the clouds, "here take as much as ye' want baby." He slips another third finger admiring the way her pussy stretches swallowing his fingers, "'m gonna lick your little wet cunt off then clean it with me filthy tongue to make a mess of ye' all over again filling you full with me cock. Sounds good baby?" He knows she's the shy lil bean and his sweet enthusiastic words of vulgarism heats her up enough.
"Gonna come. Harry --" She tips her head down and back in air eyes rolling into her sockets. Harry rubs her outer thighs soothing her thrashing body, "shhh baby relax. You can cum on me fingers." She obliges him softening in his arms and her pussy makes soppy noises gushing with each wave of pleasure throbbing around his digits while he works her out to make her feel as giddy as he could, "That's it baby girl. That's it cum fo' me again?" He prods at the sponge of bump inside her seething through her twitching walls making it impossible for him to pull out and tent his cock against the bed leaving a spot of how turned on he's at the moment.
But, his first-most priority is her. It always was her maybe more than Chessie
"Happy my lil lioness?" He comes back on top of her arms digged on either side of her temple and she tries to squint from one eye pulling him to herself planting a rewarding kiss at his cheek, "how 'bout a pizza from Tommy's place?" He lays ontop of her (like half ontop of her and half on his side; just to share her warmth).
"Can I have an extra topping of olives, pretttyy pleaseee?" She makes a weird funny face to convince him, "but you're allergic to 'em." He frowns sitting up thumb hovering over the contacts popping on the screen. He has everything memorized she's allergic to; it's not much peanuts, olives and clay dough ( she claims that she ate it once when she was possibly 5 and it swelled her flesh up ) not that she's gonna nip at it now but Harry couldn't trust her cravings at all.
"But 'm craving them sooo baddd." She clutches the hem of his tattered shirt pouting but he retorts with the shake of his head intervining their fingers together to kiss her knuckles, "Nope moppet. We don't need another hospital visit at fou' in the morning like last time, do we?" She remembers it. A very angry Chessie at his doorsteps while he helped her walk inside this home post hospital visit.
"I hate this." She huffs folding her arms against her chest, "I know. How about we delay getting y'sick once babies are out?"
"You kidding?" Her mouth slacks turning into a widespread grin at last, "absolutely not. Pizza without olives yeah?" He smacks a kiss against her open mouth loudly before his phones rings at the pizza place.
Harry's the busy bee. From grocery shopping to making the list of all the organic food he needs to line up his pantry with, he took everything's responsibility on himself. Cause mama has a huge duty for wrapping two babies in her womb safe and heated. Even when she tries to bend down to put a plate in dishwasher he skates near her supporting her back and scolding her, "all you've t'do is eat and nap. Dunno fucks count 'cause we fuck alot — chill sweet baby. 'switch onto telly 'm bringing banana milk and cookies." She pouts because she doesn't want to be a burden on him. She wants to suspect any tiredness from his features — the way he's been on his trippy toes for her from eight and half months but how much she tries she couldn't instead he looks way more giggly and joyful than before with never ending dad jokes and teasing bum pats.
They indeed fuck alot. Harry loves that she's always sleepy and clingy — he thinks he's truly, deeply and madly in love with his lil penguin but they're in the middle of train's track whose destination is atlast confession of love but he wants to wait. He can't wait though. He's always been impatient and light from stomach can't sleep at night without sharing a word of his swimming thought with anyone. He shared it with Nialler, it was at three in the morning after Y/N sucked his cock dry with so much admiration for his prick he was bout to cry and blurt out but he didn't. Cuddled with her and oreo practically on his face then ringed his lad startling him up, "why did ya wake me up fo' something we all already know Harold? Do I've to teach ya lessons cause now that would be a shame to your kiddos." He grunted dropping the call leaving Harry baffled and alone to his thoughts again.
"Sweet angel . . " He cooes jarring the door to his room with his foot. She has moved in to his house, from guest room to his room and his heart. Told him she didn't like sleeping alone and gets the most amazing slumber squished up against his chest in his arms. He was ardent that she completes him. He's right. She does. Always had but this time it's till they're getting old and wrinkly.
Lilac walls glow from the telly's illumination and the flicker of light from their open wardrobe. His ears perks at a repulsive groan and his brows dips to tune into the situation, "what are ye' doin', pet?" He asks confused at the sight of Y/N in a funny position with a razor in her hand standing in the middle of their wardrobe trying to duck and see through her huge bump.
"'M tryin' to shave me legs — seems impossible though." She throws her head back to convey her annoyance and Harry chuckles placing the banana milk and the plate of dark chocolate cookies atop the drawer island taking her wrist which's holding onto the razor, "you don't 'ave to it's just a maternity shoot –- no biggie, moppet." She huffs. Their faces at level and intimately close to have a good stare in eachother's eyes.
"No biggie!? it's the first time I'll get to have someone take me pictures, all, personally fo' me." Her smile pouty as she tries not to break her disgruntled facade down.
"How 'bout the times, I was a victim of ye'r endless pictures taking sessions?" He squints down at her. Hands out of instinct fumbling by her sides to feel her warmth on his skin, "you were sooo shittt at that job."
"Kay, kay then, lemme just –- hand this razor, I'll shave ye'r legs pretty girl." Happily she shoves it in his grip while he knees down hiking her leg ontop of his knee. His pink tongue popping out in concentration. She trusts him in this because last time he was the one to shave herdown there. Taking a sip of her banana milk she taps the straw against his lips speaking, "a bestie in need is a bestie indeed." With his eyes on her ankle and his pretty hands which could make her come infinite times right now working so diligently, He gives her a high five taking a sip himself.
She breaks a cookie forwarding it to Harry and he looks up — so being all dramatic she acts shy and blushy turning her gaze away in a swift, "what baby?" He laughs putting her other foot on his knee his grip tight around her ankle.
"Don't stare at me calves like that you creep." He wipes away the crumbs from his lips giggling and making her giggle, "I've literally shaved your cooch days before." She jabs her big-toe against his nipple getting a high pitched squeak from a grown ass man in return.
"I hate you!" She says through the spurt of chuckles and his response in return turned both of them silent, "I know ye' love me." Their cheeks blazed. Eyes twinkling. Hearts doing lil dance dance but nobody from them tries to break the comforting silence knowing they'd word vomit the instant they'd.
They say "I love you." And "love you." in their normal routines without making it a mess of shyness. But the butterflies at that specific moment when the epiphany dawns on the pair that they really are in love with eachother makes their tummies float in void with butterflies.
"All done!" He announces enthusiastically kissing her knee like she's a princess in distress and the words burns at the plush of her lips, "love you."
"You too, lil penguin." He smiles boyishly.
"Oh fuck, I forgot we're gonna have shoot in our pyjamas." She yells in a low hum and he rolls his eyes slapping her ass, "rotten you're."
A maternity shoot in their back garden along oreo never seemed this fun when they were gushing about it days prior. Nialler gifted them cute baby pink coloured matching pyjamas with yellow peaches pattern, mommy and daddy embroidered on them. They even matched some fluffy kitten hats too!! A pair of yellow and pink with kitten ears with goggly eyes, big cheshire that of Oreo.
Their close friend Onna was all up for the shoot and nothing's more adorable than Harry's soft hands around Y/N's belly in a protective way, while they sat on the fluffy growing grass and cotton flowers. Her back resting against his taught chest, his legs wrapped on either side of her and oreo almost stretching atop her bump quenching loud belly ache laughs from them.
"Two pictures 'n 'm already tiredd, pff." She gasps shuffling a little to activate her sore bum and Harry pecks her shoulder cutely, "some more 'cause you'll grump later." Onna captures each every second of their tooth rotting interaction.
"Oi. I'll not!!" To avoid a banter Harry taps her chin pointing towards the camera speaking, "last one doll, one to show that we really are pregnant." Onna's laughing at their techniques. Shaking her head with each shot of overloaded sweetness she traps in her camera.
"I. Am. Indeed. Pregnant. Pet." She looks down with wide eyes rubbing her prodding tummy in circles, the top button litreally about to pop and Harry's face adorns with a naughty grin showing his bunny teeth, "Me too!!" He squeals rubbing his moth covered belly the same way she's doing and it sent both girls into fits of laughters.
"Sillllyyyyy." She sing-songs throwing an arm around the nape of his neck to bring him closer and smooch a loving kiss to his cheek, "you're gonna be the best dad." She whispers eyes closing into the diameter of his scent and he rests his lips against her forehead. Onna having a smile of adoration for her friends while she did her job, laying down to capture this one beautifully.
"Yeah?" His voice just audible to them. "Uhmm." She nods fiddling with the collar of his pyjamas and their bubbles pops when oreo tugs at Y/N's top revealing her graceful babies bump.
"You batty creature!!" She tries to grab oreo to smoosh her in her arms but oreo gallops miles away before it could happen.
The whole last night Y/N couldn't sleep. Tossing and turning with whines of complaints to a snoring Harry on her side. When Harry woke up she was already staring him like an owl scaring the poor thing, cause it wasn't a loving one. It was a proper creeping stare with baggy eyes and pouty lips, "can we have 'em out already?" She snuggles into his throat and he massages her head.
"In a week." He grogs out stroking his cheek against her's, "Have ya taken out all the required papers?" He asks her and she nods with a yawn. Today's the enrollment day for Y/N's next semester -- Harry will go to her UNI to talk to the administration instead of her.
"I'll be back in no time, till then try havin' a good rest, want some donughts from that one shop near ye'r UNI?" He thumbs at her baby locks. She shakes her head murmuring into his flimsy sweat shirt, "not feeling like it." Dunno what happened. She was alright after for finally her sickness went away but today she feels like shit because of her Braxton hicks climbing to painful peak.
Kissing her head last time he untangles himself to get ready and she watches him buttoning up his cuffs with his curl dangling over his eyes, he's looking handsome and a bit too out of her league with the crisp white shirt and chequered trousers.
He squats down pecking her lips. Her nostrils filling with cinnamon ocean-y smell soothing the tick of her nerves. Her body reacting to even the air pricking at her skin, "don't miss me too much, lil penguin." He gives her an eskimo kiss knowing she's feeling down and tired today the way she has her face squished into pillow and isn't trying even to cup his cheeks like she does everytime he leaves for something.
He puts her phone on the nightstand tugging her under the sheets, switching off the lamp and slowly exists the room not to disturb her. She doesn't know when he leaves but the pin-drop silence tells it all and she's half conscious half awake with fluttering eyelids.
She turns on her back with a groan to get rid of the dull ache in her pelvis and outer thighs — but then she feels something . . . . something wet between down there and it makes her snap open her eyes blinking blankly at the ceiling. Tries not to think of bad scenarios but it's otherwise.
"Holy cow of jesus." She fists the pillow under her sitting up with much difficulty and to her worst horrors the sheets are sploched badly. She stands up with her spine almost bending in two — staying calm and positive even when a heavy gush of water trickles down her legs soaking the rug. It has nothing attractive in it as they show in movies but rather feels like a dam leaking and a litreal adult peeing in their gowns.
She snatches the phone from nightstand putting a firm arm beneath her belly walking out of room, her maternity floral white gown clinging to her skin. A tinge of shock weaved through her bones but that didn't made her loose her balance. She wants to throw the phone against the wall when the line always beeps busy, "already missin — " his honey of voice bringing tears in her eyes.
"Get your ass back home!! Right fuckin' now!" She yells into speaker trudging forward with carefull steps. He pushes onto breaks hard, panicking into his seat, "What happened!?" He's quick in turning gears speeding back home. Her lips wobbles blue from pain and the unbearable throb between her thighs. Words struck in her throat as she tries to speak gripping the globe of stair railing leaning against it when a hard contraction striked against her spine.
"'M going into labour — " Harry's heart falls into his arse. His vision blurring from the intensity of the moment and he's thanking Gods for being five minute drive away from home. How many times they prepared for this time it all went in vain and now Harry's beating himself for leaving her side at all, "'m comin' home, it's okay baby, it's okay breath." His lips stammers from an invisible fear and fingers twitches around the wheel.
Wanted to shout at him "breath, my ass." Instead She gasps loudly in fright when she feels her cervix dilating to the maximum point and it did the last fireworks for her tears, "no, no, noo!!"
"'M giving birth!!" She shouts kissing her teeth together to keep the pain at the bay hooking a thumb into her panties, scrunching her dress up to press them under her armpits and squatting down with the heels of her palms pressed with so much strength over the last stair case, "what? oh my — 'm calling our midwife." She can feel a head trying to force it's way out from her vagina and it rakes out a sob from her chest.
"Please be gentle with mommy, 'm coming." Harry says and it comes out as a weak whisper while he drives sitting on the edge of the seat and Y/N's ears are ringing with white noise to even pay attention to what he's saying. Her gown drenching with sweat and she screamed at the top of her lungs pushing with her all might scaring a sleepy oreo in her bassinet, "Shit." He mutters tugging his curls back immediately calling their midwife. He wishes his babies could atleast wait for him to be there with their momma.
"Miss. Dori !! Y/N has gone into labour, 'm out, dunno —---" There's loud urgent shuffling on her side that of picking stuff and closing metal boxes as she assures Harry with firmness, "I'll be there in just 10 minutes, till then reach there as quick as possible. She needs you Mr. Styles." It collects sweat at the dip of his spine sky rocketing his anxiety. His breath elevating at the sight of his society's gate and if it was possible he'd have flown to her.
Parking hastily on the side of road and leaving his car's door open — dishelved he steps outside almost falling square on his face while the old couple that use to sit at their porch in mornings watch him with concern, "Is everythin' alright son?"
They ask and Harry nods yelling to them, "Y/N is in labour!!" His face blowing out of any color when his ears fills with painful screams of his lil penguin and his fingers jumbles with keys unlocking the door.
It's surreal. The realization not completely setting in that all of this's happening right at this moment, that he's going to be a daddy in some hours, Y/N hunched over the bottom stair squatting down with thighs wide apart and her gown soaked against her back. His breath knocks out of his lungs and eyes bursts into shock when he sees his baby's head pushing it's way out in between her legs.
"I can see it's head! I can see it's head oh m'godness." He announces rushing towards her and Miss. Dori guides him, "Harry help her pull it out, cup the baby's head and if it's shoulders are grab-able, have it out." He places the phone atop the stair sitting down beside Y/N kissing the side of her head quickly wiping her tears away.
"Hi baby, it'll be alright, 'm here now let's pull our bubba out mighty quick." He presses his chest to floor to look down there and if Y/N would have been in her good state of mind she'd have butt him in not to. His brows kinks tightly together as he tries to concentrate and not to pass out from the sight of blood and his blood covered infant half hanging in it's mother's v.
Gently he wraps his shivering palm around it's head and shoulder moreso figuring out if it could itself comes out, "push a bit more, moppet." She shakes her head furiously crying and trying with all her will, "It's hurts!!" He wishes the process wasn't that painful.
"I know, I know baby —- oh okay okay! We got him." He cackles through his worry taking him all out and in his arms having a good grip around it's tiny waist fearing it would slip. Y/N takes a huge sigh of relief muscles loosening and shoulders slumping. She could hear him sniffing close to her with little noises despite of how much she wants to hug him, she still has another one to bring out in the world.
"It's Elios." He grins with ablazed glossy eyes stroking his tweeny baby hair back. Though his excitement shatters into pieces as he cries to Miss. Dori, "He's not breathin, n'--not breathin' what do I do??" He has switched into his fight and flight mode. Fat tears spilling down his cheeks. Y/N wants to have him in her arms and make sure her baby's healthy but a hard contraction makes her bones jello with her another baby trying to pop out.
"Calm down Mr. Styles, Is his cord wrapped 'round his neck?" When Harry couldn't mutter a single word just shaking his head ear to ear staring down his little one with fear and sadness, Y/N screams for him, "No!!"
"It's nothin', clean his nose, it's probably some clotting blocking his breathing passage." Harry acts on her instruction without wasting a time and the threshold's walls bounced with prattle of his low coarse cries, "Oh my god!!" Harry gasps holding his baby boy closer to his chest not giving two fucks if his shirt and skin stains with thick blood.
In the meantime Miss. Dori and her assistant nurse tramps through their door. Cutting the cord Nurse takes Elios from Harry's arms and takes him for a cleanup as Harry leads her to their nursery. When he comes back Miss. Dori has their other bubba already out and it's worth watching him flying into clouds of paradise, full of glee, happiness, so much happiness has never experienced before.
"Hi. Victoria." He keeps his voice soft if she's a chinese porcelain doll and would break in his arms. He loves his son to core but the way his heart just swirled with fondness and love for his daughter the second she was layed into his embrace was something else. He's tender with her and from just gazing her it spurt out a sob from the deepest of his tummy, "she was so stubborn to come out rather than his brother." Miss. Dori tells him and his head perks up with proud adoration. Handing her to nurse he turns his gaze back to his exhausted lil penguin leaning against the wall now. And scoots closer to his bestfriend, the love of his life and the mother of his babies.
Hugging her warmly and affectionately, winding his arm around the nape of her neck to smoosh her into his chest while she cries against his throat. Being tender and the softest yet sweetest he could be with her, pressing his lips against her ear to whisper words that made her cry even more loudly into his bicep, "I love you, I love you more than anythin' in the world, 'm s' soo proud of ye' baby, me soulmate and the love of me life. I promise to love you forever and infinity." The world blurs around them and their heartbeats latches to sync in with eachother. The morning light cocoons them with softness and they don't care if they're sitting in a pool of blood, mess of the beautiful birth of their gorgeous twins.
"I love you too, so much." She hiccups pacifying down not wanting to never be able say them again as Harry runs a hand at her back, limbs still tangled with eachother, whispering sweet things to her while Miss. Dori pulled her placenta out, "Y/N?" He panics when she dulls in his arms head lulling at his shoulder and heartbeat slowing down to feeble a line. Gently pulling his face out from the cave of her neck he pats her cheek worriedly, again, at her unconscious state, her head dangling back over his wrist, "Y/N!?" His heart squeezing tight miserably into his ribcages when she doesn't respond to his calls.
"'M listenin', pet." She whispers smiling weakly and Harry's lungs nourishes with air, "Scared me baby love." He hugs her again with a wobbling pout and this time she tries to console him.
"Y'okay baby? Should we go to hospital? It's better if —--"
"'M okay!!" She simpers kissing the dip of his collarbone. Carefully he smoothes an arm down her back and knees picking her up bridal style to take her to their bathroom for a hot nice bath full of essential oils. He caress her face, trailing his knuckles down her cheeks, gazing her fondly while sitting down on the floor beside her with his one hand inside the warm water to lull around her calves.
"I love you, you've given me such beautiful babies. 'Ave ye seen Tori ? She's a proper you, that lil bunny mouth of yours, aish." He giggles and she squeezes his fingers in a silent gesture to tell him how happy she's. Drying her clean with a towel and moisturizing her body, making her wear her comfortable gown.
When he tucks her under sheets she babbles with droopy eyelids and tired body, "can I see my babies?" He smauches a kiss against her forehead, "After a teeny rest, yeah angel?" But, she was already out like a bulb making him chuckle softly.
Miss. Dori left the kind nurse behind with them till Y/N wakes up and with her help Harry lays down the twins on either side of their mommy. Deeply pondering how lucky he's to have his family completed and healthy, tucked into their mother's armpits.
He giggles and holds his breath in awe when Elio wriggles in his blanket, scootes his bum closer when Y/N yawns and stretches, "how ye' feelin'?" He brushes her loose tresses back and she nods attempting to sit up.
"Good." Thanking him when he gets comfy amount of pillows behind her, "wanna hold them?" He asks as she ducks down to kiss both of their soft skins.
"'M arms are still shakin' . ." She chuckles, "no biggie, I'll help ya out, a bestie in need is a bestie indeed." She giggles loudly startling Tori and Harry hushes her comically scooching behind her embracing her in a heated wrap from behind chin resting over her shoulder, "shh, gotta be quite with this one — such a light sleeper bub."
"This's Victoria Anne Styles and Elios Vincent Styles." He supports her one forearm with his's under: giving Elio to her and having Tori in his other, "are you presenting them to me as some kind of award for my bravery, pet?" She nudges him playfully and he shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly.
"Such nice awards, innit?" He gives her an eskimo kiss and she puckers her lips asking for a loving smooch of his candy lips, "absolutely."
They took their first nap together with Harry and Y/N on either side of bed with their babies in the middle of their warmth just like a nest of sparrows, safe, comfy and utterly snuggly with the couple protecting their dainty creatures of soft flesh from the storms of outside.
"C'mere baby . . " Harry usheres Oreo with the snap of his thumb as she tries to canoodle into the soles of his feet tickling him and she obliges his tone, "Good girl . ." His own voice tired petting her crown when she turns into a lil ball of fur beside Tori who's sleeping at her daddy's side, being ever hesitant and carefull with them making Harry smile at her thinking of giving her treats in dinner.
He almost slips from under the sheets when a shriek of cry jolts him awake and it's Tori crying loudly thrashing under the blanket while her brother kept on sleeping stretched over his mommy's chest, head tucked under her chin.
Ah! Here comes the real deal. Daddy Harry's about to face real challenges 'cause we all know he once promised that he's a big boy now, innit?
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