#and she doesn’t want to put financial stress on him
feelingtheaster99 · 5 months
Aww poor Jawbone, he wants so badly for Adaine to know that she can turn to him when she needs help, but she’s so fiercely independent and rich-parented-traumatized that she just doesn’t want to be a burden and would never ask him for money and I just 😭
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I’m sure you’ll be inundated with asks for this, but…
Nick Fowler and from Through Me (The Flood) by Hozier
Measure the silence of a house
The unheard footsteps at the doorway
The unemployment of the mouth
The waking up, having forgotten
And remembering again the full extent of what forever is
The Bargain
Warnings: financial stress and abuse, coercion, and some possible unmentioned triggers.
Character: Nick Fowler
Summary: You accept a dangerous offer.
As always, I appreciate all kinds of feedback. A like and reblog means so much to me! <3
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The man in the grey suit leads you beneath the high ceilings. Each step echoes, emphasizing the vastness of the house. At least ten times the apartment you share with your mother. The cost alone would put your overinflated rent to shame.
The man opens a set of dark oak doors and stands back to let you through. He follows at your shoulder as you hug the folder against your chest. Your stomach flips as you see him. Sitting casually in a chair, legs wide, one knee swinging, a drink in his hand, perched atop the armrest.
“Sir, may I fetch you anything else?” The overly polite man asks his master.
“Only unless the lady requires a drink,” Nick answers, his haughty gaze fixated on you. He know why you’re there but he wants the show.
“No thank you,” you say to the man.
Sole click across the floor and the hinges whisper, the doors closing with a snap, leaving you alone in your predicament. You take a breath and tear your eyes from Nick’s. You can’t stand the smugness that dimples in his cheek.
“Nice to see you,” he taunts, “you got my messages… at last?”
You clear your throat and shift on your feet. You close your eyes and rein in your nerves. What is pride when faced with the bottom line? You lift your chin and stare above him.
“Please,” you eke out, “can’t we just get past the groveling?”
“Ah, but that’s the part I was looking forward to most,” he snickers. You squirm and bite the inside of your lip. You fight yourself. Stay, don’t speak. “If you can look me in the eye, we can go over details.”
You jut out your jaw and nod. You swallow tightly and your eyes reluctantly list down to meet his. He leans forward and gulps from his glass. 
“You first.”
You step forward and toss the folder on the low table. He doesn’t flinch. You gesture to the paperwork before you cross your arms. He scoffs.
“I don’t feel much like reading,” he taps his fingertip on his glass.
“Rent, bills, groceries. What use is food when you can’t afford the electricity to cook it?”
He nods and rests his chin in his hand. He smiles, his brows rising in farcical interest. It’s not enough for him. He’s not a saviour, just a man who gets off on control.
“My mother’s sick. She needs treatment. She needs somewhere to stay. I can’t… I won’t let her live on the streets.”
He pokes his tongue out in consideration and looks you over, “you couldn’t have dolled up a bit?”
You shake your head. Be honest. Why are you fighting when you know it’s over?
“I got the invoice this morning. I didn’t have time,” you admit in defeat, “Nick, help me. I’ll wear what you want, I do what you want, I’ll be your whore. Happy?”
He tuts and drains his glass. He pulls it away from his mouth and examines the emptiness. He leans forward and sets it down. He stands and comes around the table. He stops before you, tugging the string of your hoodie with a hum.
“I don’t want a whore. I want a wife.”
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peaches2217 · 5 days
My first therapy appointment in several months went really well! I’m returning to the councilor I’ve had for a couple years now. I updated her on my transition journey because the last time I saw her was a couple weeks before I started on T; I told her about coming out to my dad last night, and how disappointing it was.
The ensuing conversation was both productive, and so fucking validating.
My recent depressive episode? Complicated by an event with a former friend, but set into motion, and dragged out for so long, because of the stress of what was to come. My voice has gotten too low to even PRETEND it’s just a holdover from being sick or part of allergies or what have you. I’ve known for the past month that the time to tell my dad was coming. The fear of his reaction and the consequences it could bring since I’m currently in a financially vulnerable place was killing me.
And as we talked, I figured out that the unpredictability is still my only real, big fear: my dad promised me he wouldn’t kick me out, but there’s that lingering fear that he could change his mind, and even if he doesn’t, he could start draining my paychecks — I told him my GAC, insurance copays and all, has been coming exclusively out of my pocket, so I get the sneaking suspicion he’s gonna take advantage of us sharing a bank account and deepen that financial dependency. And above all, I’m afraid of losing our relationship. I’m okay with him not accepting my identity so long as he doesn’t treat me any differently in spite of it. But if he starts pulling away or pushing me away or withholding love as punishment for following down a path he disapproves of, what then?
My counselor told me that, sad as it is, I can’t control how he chooses to react. But I have my mom and brother’s support, my girlfriend’s support, and an online community of friends; if I lose my relationship with him, that’s ultimately his decision and his loss, and no matter what he does, I won’t face it alone.
I had hoped that assuring him I felt God’s peace in my choices and that I’d spent years praying over the situation would at least sorta put him at ease, but all he did was infantilize and illegitimize my entire experience as guided by evil and selfishness. I can’t reason with him or come to a happy medium with him like I did with my mom. The faith he’s praised me for sticking close to he’s now decided is all lies and self-delusion simply because he doesn’t like the conclusions I’ve come to. Nothing I do will satisfy or convince him… so why waste energy trying?
I just have to live with his disappointment, and as much as it hurts, it’s also freeing. I’ve done all I can do. I don’t have to hide anymore. I don’t have to live with the stress of what will happen once he knows, because for better or worse, he knows now. If he doesn’t like it, so be it. I’ve laid my cards down, and how things progress between us is entirely up to him. When I put aside my stress over our relationship, I feel nothing but confidence and happiness and certainty. If he thinks this is a mistake… well, he’s gotta let me make my mistakes. I spent 20+ years not doing anything for fear of what bad might happen, and that left me a suicidal wreck by age 18. I won’t sit by and let ominous warnings and premonitions hold me back any longer. It COULD be a mistake, or it COULD be the best decision I’ve ever made. How will I know if I freeze up in fear?
My counselor noted several times that I look, sound, and act more confident than she’s ever seen from me. Without the pressure of keeping secrets, I’m able to more easily sort between what thoughts are mind and what thoughts my dad, my trauma, or both have planted in my head. I can say with my whole chest that I feel I’m going in the right direction. I can even say “Fuck it, my dad’s approval or disapproval is on him, not me” with greater conviction. I’m acting on things I’ve wanted from the moment we first spoke, and she says the positive change it’s made radiates off of me. She said she’s extremely proud of the progress I’ve made.
I’ll be seeing her again next week, then dropping down to seeing her every other week. In spite of how relatively poorly last night went, I feel empowered. God I’m so glad to be back.
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legoflowrs · 1 year
cw: tiny bit of nsfw, drug use, abuse, drinking, smoking
Kenny McCormick
- Kenny has a southern twinge thanks to his parents. They moved from Texas early on into Kenny’s life but thanks to always being surrounded by it he inherited it.
- Kenny works at least 2 jobs for most of high school. He has always been financially independent and wants to make sure he can take care of Karen.
- Lowkey a mamas boy always felt bad for Carol and tried to help her when he could.
- His Dad never hit him but he has always been pretty emotionally and verbally abusive, especially when he was drunk.
- This doesn’t deter Kenny from drinking but he’s the complete opposite of his Dad when he’s drunk. Kenny is a nice drunk, telling all his friends how much he loves them.
- Kenny has done all the piercings he has himself. Definitely had at least 6 in each ear and he’d probably have shark bites as well as a nose ring.
- Kenny LOVES tattoos. He’s done a few stick and pokes on himself but he met someone who did a professional one on him. He saved up for ages to get it. It’s a lark tattoo which is Karen’s favourite bird. He got it on his forearm.
- Karen is super into helping animals so every Saturday Kenny drives her to the animal shelter.
- His favourite cookie is snickerdoodles because his Grandma used to send them to his family every Christmas before she passed away.
- He has a truck that’s his passion project. I genuinely believe he went into a mechanic’s apprenticeship when school finished. He’s very smart and very handy with tools as he had to fix a lot of shit growing up.
- Kenny skates a lot. It’s a good stress reliever and it gives him adrenaline without the danger of him dying.
- Speaking of which he is still immortal but he got smarter with it when he grew up.
- I firmly believe in pansexual Kenny supremacy! He doesn’t care who you are if he likes you he likes you.
-Thrifting god! He’s what every tik tok girlie wants to be. I head cannon he goes thrifting with Heidi cause she’s super environmentally conscious.
- He’s friends with everyone! I think as they grew older he became super close with Stan. They bond over their shitty family’s.
- Eased up with the drugs over time after Karen found him after he overdosed in their bathroom once. Usually sticks to weed.
- Has hooked up with Henrietta (she thinks he’s the only somewhat okay conformist in south park and they usually smoke together after), Bebe (this caused a massive rift between him and Clyde), Red once or twice and Tammy.
- He flirts around a lot but doesn’t sleep around as much as people think.
- He would be extremely respectful in a long term relationship but he just hasn’t found the time to take care of anyone other than himself and Karen.
- Loves camping!!! He is very rugged and keen on doing heaps of stuff outdoors since he didn’t have that much to entertain himself growing up.
- Listens to all types of music but especially loves soft rock! It helps him mellow out.
- Would move out with Stan! Until him and Kyle started dating.
- Great with kids !!
- He pushed Stan to confess his feelings for Kyle and to this day takes credit for their relationship!
- Regularly works out! Made a makeshift home gym and Stan and Kyle join him often.
- Distanced himself from Cartman after he realised what a piece of shit he was.
- Was Majorines biggest support when she transitioned! They are super close and Kenny has a very soft spot for her.
- Hangs out with Craig to smoke and they talk about life (a little OOC for Craig but whatever lol).
- Kenny has a scar on his left eyebrow from the first time he died. It never went away and serves as a permanent reminder that he should be more careful.
- Defs a MILF lover lol.
- Drinks oat milk, Heidi put him into it.
- Him and Karen went vegetarian for a while!
- Super sporty, played football for a while but dropped it when he got bored. Stuck with track for most of high school.
- Smart but didn’t apply himself at school! Would skip often and was the guy everyone hated to be in group projects with.
- Plays the base. Did a stint with Stan in a band for a while. They still regularly play with Marj and Jimmy just for fun.
- A GOD at multiplayer video games. No one wants to verse him anymore.
- Still has his collection of playboys lol. Too attached to throw them out but would die if Karen saw them (she has seen them).
- Country music is his guilty pleasure.
- Smokes cigs but switched to vaping when Karen complained about the smell.
- Played Ice Hockey with Stan for a while.
- Was in the wedding party for both Creek and Style.
- Pre Karen complaining about the smell of cigs he smelt like cigarettes, motor oil and cinnamon.
Kenny in a relationship
- Physical touch!!!!!! That’s his main love language. Would always have his hands on your waist, the small of your back, holding your hand, stroking your hair!!
- He also loves acts of service. Your milk is running low? He runs to the store and tops it up. Light bulb went out? Changes it without even being asked.
- He’s pretty experienced with sex. Loves giving and making you feel good. It’s pretty much a reward for him.
- Whole heartedly loves you, would never even consider cheating. Super loyal!
- Loves going to the drive ins for a date! It was his first date with you and he has a soft spot for it.
- You cook and he cleans!!
- Wants to be friends with your friends and wants you to like his friends. His world is yours too when you guys are dating.
- You babysit Karen often even though she’s older now. I definitely think she’d love having a sort of older sibling to go to.
- Whenever Kenny sees you with Karen he gets instant baby fever lol and often you know what ensues.
- You bought him a record player for his birthday and he just about died. You guys slow danced for hours.
- He will be there any time of day or night to pick you up.
- I think he’ll know pretty early on he wants marriage. Keeps it to himself for a while until you guys have been in a committed relationship.
- Loves seeing the little fashion shows after you go shopping he thinks it adorable.
- Gotten to the point where if you aren’t in bed with him he doesn’t really sleep well.
- I think he has an anxious attachment style but that’s definitely worked on!
- Will take you camping even if you don’t like it lmao.
- Makes you a playlist on a CD because he’s an old man.
- Uses your body wash cause he’s a cheap bitch….
- Loves breakfast in bed.
- Would have double dates with y’all and Style and Creek occasionally.
- You get on with Majorine like a house on fire. At first you were very insecure of her because you knew at one point Kenny had a thing for her but he’s actually good at reassuring you, that you’re the one he wants.
- You guys aren’t prefect, when y’all fight it can be explosive and he usually goes for a drive but he can’t stop thinking about it.
- Decided to go to couples therapy when you got engaged to work some things out before y’all committed to marriage.
- Obsessed with you lol 10/10 partner.
A/N: first post kinda nervous lmao. kenny is my fav love him to bits. idk if any of these are kinda OOC but this is just for funsies! Also added his moodboard slay vibes.
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yuly · 2 years
↬ A Two Way Street ↫
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Aaron Hotchner x Jessica Brooks x female reader (platonic)
Summary: Aaron walks in on you calling him out and urging your friend Jessica to speak up for herself. 
Warnings: angst, some comfort, family issues, Hailey is mentioned, angry Hotch
A/N: just a little blurb I thought of after watching S10E20, hope you enjoy 
WC: 1K
Pic credit: pinterest 
*✧・゚: *✧・゚
You were heartbroken, sitting across from your best friend as she broke down for the third time this week. You’ve known Jessica Brooks for almost seven years. The two of you share everything and have an almost sisterly bond. Despite her bubbly and outgoing persona, the past few years have been tough on her. Between the sudden loss of her sister, stepping up in a major way for her nephew Jack and his dad, financial stress, and her father's new dementia diagnosis, you were worried about your friend. She had too much on her plate and was slowly losing herself. 
Naturally, you felt angry for her. She gave every part of herself to her family, held nothing back and never said no. But everyone has their limit, and Jessica was well past hers. 
“Jess, please let me help you. I can watch Jack, we both know this interview is important.”
You had called up an old friend for a favour to get Ray a spot at one of the best assisted living facilities in the city. Jessica landed an interview, but Jack’s father wasn't home for another two days. You’ve only met the man in passing, you never really had an opinion on him one way or the other, but as of late, you've grown to resent him for all the pressure he puts on your friend. 
“It's fine Y/N, you know how Aaron is, he wouldn’t be happy with his son being around people he doesn’t know,” you rolled your eyes at that. 
Meanwhile, Aaron’s case ended earlier than expected. He decided to come by Jessica's place to surprise Jack. He let himself in quietly, knowing it was either Jack’s nap-time or reading time, not wanting to disturb either. He paused at the sound of your voices coming from the kitchen.
“You know what I mean Y/N, I trust you with Jack but I want to respect his father's wishes,” she explained patiently. 
“C'mon Jess, I know he’s your family but this laundry list of demands and expectations is ridiculous. He knows about your dad, has he offered to help in any way? He knows about your job situation, has he offered any help? Jess, why is it that you have to be the backbone for everyone and no one looks out for you?” Jessica sighs, biting her lip.
Aaron’s jaw is clenched tightly as the heat begins to rise to his face, he feels a swarm of emotions at the moment, but mainly anger. Anger at being called out by someone he barely knows, anger that you know this much about his family life, anger that you have the nerve to say any of this out loud.
“Y/N, you're always looking out for me and I’m forever grateful, you put in a good word for dad at this facility, you put in a referral for me at your job, and you always offer to watch Jack for me. You are the best friend and biggest supporter I have right now and I love you for it Y/N. But it's different with Aaron, he's-” 
“Your ex-brother-in-law that you feel bad for? Look, Jess, I know I'm well out of line here but you are drowning and you need to speak up for yourself.” That was bold, but you stood ten toes behind every word and behind your friend. 
Hotch decides he has heard enough, he clears his throat, causing you both to jump.
“Aaron, your home! Jack’s gone down for a nap, he was worn out today, they played tennis and it was his turn to be pizza helper,” Jessica rambles on nervously, firmly planting herself between the two of you. The tension in the room is thick. 
“Can I have a word please,” he shoots you a stern glare, “in private.”
You move out to the balcony, avoiding all eye contact, feeling guilty for the awkward situation you've created for Jess. 
“Aaron listen, she’s my friend, her delivery is harsh but she means well,” Hotch abruptly cuts her off, “I don’t want her anywhere near my son and I’d appreciate it if you'd stop indulging our private business with her,” he snaps. 
Jessica is slightly taken aback, “Aaron, I understand she said some harsh words just now, but that's not fair, she's my friend and she’s genuinely concerned. She's coming from a good place.” Her tone is calm, a stark contrast to his.
“Why didn't you just come to me instead of venting to your friend about our family’s issues?”
“Aaron, you are not the easiest person to talk to. You have a lot on your plate already, and you're not always open to having hard conversations. Y/N is a good friend, she listens and offers real solutions to help.”
Aaron shifts slightly, feeling an uncomfortable pang in his chest.
“I would've heard you out. I didn't know you were struggling with work, and I was going to talk to you about your dad, but I wanted to give you some space first,” his voice is lower now.
“That's it, Aaron, I don't need any more ‘space’ I feel like I'm on an island by myself as it is! I want to feel like I can talk to you without worrying about you getting upset.”
Jessica sighs, gently placing a hand on his shoulder, “and I want you to talk to me Aaron, you don’t have to carry everything by yourself, this is a two-way street.”
Aaron looks down at his feet, hands tucked into his pockets as guilt washes over him. Jessica has been a rock for him and he had no idea how badly she was hurting. Aaron’s coping mechanism is to drown out the noise with work, to bury his head in the sand. 
“I’m sorry Jessica, I’m sorry for not listening and for making you feel like you couldn’t talk to me. I’ll try do better about talking to you.”
You’ve been watching and listening silently from your spot on the balcony as the two of them talk it out and you smile to yourself, proud of Jessica for finally speaking up. Hearing Aaron speak candidly and be vulnerable for once shifts something inside of you.
Maybe Jack’s dad isn't as bad as you thought….
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lo-reads · 2 months
Cry No More
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Y’all see how good he looks in that picture??? The chokehold this man has on me……I’d let him (redacted) 🙂
I was a little inspired by watching Receiver then finding out Justin cheated on me by having a baby 😭😭😭
“A WHAT?!”
He had no words, no explanation, no reason. He sat there, staring off into the distance, eyes red from crying. He shook his head then placed it into his hands. He had already spent months apologizing after cheating on her, promising it would never happen again. Buying all her favorites, that perfume she was running low on, just because flowers, custom chains to match his, and a week long vacation in her dream location of Bora Bora. Only, he wasn’t anticipating a baby to come along as a result of the cheating and he wasn’t expecting it to blow up the way it did.
“How could this happen?” She started pacing the room. “An abortion??? I don’t…..I don’t even know what to say. What if it was me? We talked about having kids…. OUR baby?….”
“Come on now mama, you know it’s not like that. I fucked up with sleeping with her.” She was an old fling, someone he dated in college. They hadn’t spoken or seen each other in years but all it took was one night while him and YN were on a break for him to slip and have a one night stand.
“Right….and now you have a newborn” she scoffed, leaving him in their shared room. Hurt wasn’t even the word, she didn’t know how to feel. How are you supposed to feel when you find out your soulmate got his ex girlfriend pregnant and pushed for an abortion? And why did it take him so long to tell her? He knew when the pregnancy tests were taken, but he waited until a lawsuit was filed to tell YN. He couldn’t even act like a baby didn’t exist anymore. There is a baby in the picture now, now he has to figure out if it is actually his.
Even though she was hurting, YN couldn’t stop thinking about how he felt in this situation. Justin was on top of his game. He was on his way to becoming the highest paid wide receiver in the NFL, everything was going right until Alexa texted his phone one night with the news. He told Alexa he didn’t want the baby, she said she wanted to keep the baby. He did push for an abortion however Alexa was not going. Alexa and her mom started blowing his phone up at all hours of the day and night, leaving him to have to cut all communication with her unless it was about their daughter being born and he changed his number. Justin was mad at himself for ever sleeping with her, especially without a condom, he can still hear his mom scolding him to this day.
Sophia was born right before Christmas. Justin was not in attendance. He wasn’t even sure she was his. A few weeks after her birth, Alexa filled a lawsuit against Justin for financial and healthcare support for Sophia. Justin counter sued for paternity, saying she was using him for clout on social media.
By the time news broke of Justin having a child and the ongoing court battle, YN had calmed. She had months to process the news and make a decision. She trusted Justin, he was like no one she had ever met before. Everything with him just felt right, as if she had met the one.
It was confirmed a few short months later that Justin was sweet Sophia’s father. Both parties were granted joint custody which meant YN would have to meet and get to know Alexa since Sophia would be in their house. Every time YN thinks about being around the woman, she rolls her eyes and says “Yay me”. But YN was going to tough it out, she could put her feelings behind her for the sake of Justin’s daughter, as long as her mama doesn’t start talking crazy.
Things between them were tense, especially once the paternity test came back as he was the father. It had been a stressful year, one of the hardest years they managed. How would you feel? Sick to her stomach, can’t sleep, crying and asking God why me, YN was pretty sure she lost 15 pounds from all the stress but she put on a brave face and supported her man. She was going to make things work. She hoped.
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thatlavenderhaze · 1 year
I lost my job
I hate to be posting this, but I’m unfortunately in a bit of a desperate situation.
Back in May, a student reached out to me via text message about a fight that was going to take place in the neighborhood attached to the elementary school I work at. I advised him not to fight and to stop responding to the other students messages. I have known this student for years, and also know his mother personally. Because of this conversation, the new principal walked in on a student confiding in trusted adults about the conversation and how I stopped the fight, and immediately decided to latch onto the fact that a student had texted me outside of school hours, and proceeded to take away the job that I have loved for the past four years. I would like o reinstate that I know this students mother, have permission to speak to him outside of school, and his mother sent an email to the principal stating had he not been able to have that immediate contact there would have been a physical altercation and she was nothing but grateful for me. This is a new principal, who has taken a pretty loud stance against the program I work in (I work with children who have emotional disorders) and her displeasure of having it on her campus. I ended up being told I had to transfer, and due to circumstances regarding the school I was going to be transferred to, I had no choice but to end my employment with the district. For the last 4 years, my students have been my reason for getting out of bed and continuing each day, and that was taken away from me because a woman doesn’t want a special education program on her campus. Another coworker of mine in the same program was also pressured into resigning her position by the same woman. I am unemployed and I am currently beyond financially stressed out. I can’ even afford to pay my insurance. I have sent in at least 100 applications to every level of job, and I have heard nothing. If you have anything to spare, it would be used to pay my insurance, put gas in my car, groceries, and other bills that you need to survive that I do not have an income now so unexpectedly to support. Below I will have my CashApp, Venmo, and Paypal
CashApp: $effynicole
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Venmo: @/effyphillips
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PayPal: [email protected] (the name will come up as Felicia Phillips)
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lilynunthapak · 15 days
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Full Name: Nunthapak Suthamphong.
Nicknames: Lily, Lil(s).
Gender identity/pronouns : Cis woman, she + her.
Age: 26, March 5th.
Orientation : Bisexual.
Place of Birth : Aurora Bay, California.
Length in town: Most of her life with the exception of a few years in college.
Occupation : Wedding/event planner.
Residence: Ocean Crest Apartments @aurorabayaesthetic
triggers : parental death (marked)..
Born and raised in Aurora Bay by a single father and a much older and annoying older brother. Her father was known for being a big shot lawyer and because of it, he never seemed to be able to grasp the ability of balance – and his work seemed to take up most hours in the day.  (trigger) Their mother, sadly, passed away when Lily had been young but her memories are constantly kept alive. The nickname “Lily” being one of them: her mother’s favorite flower. Lily honestly doesn’t remember much of her, but she’s able to cope with the knowledge that her mother was a very loving spirit and it’s hard not to smile at the thought. ( end of trigger. ) Nannies were honestly the most stable part of her childhood. For every nanny that came through that door, Lily managed to somehow stick to them like glue as a child— some of the only adults in her life that had the time for her: ignoring the fact they’d been paid to do it. Though, any sort of babysitters became a thing of the past the second her older brother was of age and took hold of most of the responsibilities. Like making sure the house was still standing by the end of the night. Lily, of course, didn’t mind it all that much. Even if she may not say it out loud, like, ever, she loves her brother and hanging out was always fun.  Even though their father hadn’t been around much, it didn’t mean he wasn’t putting pressure on both his children – expecting nothing but the best out of them. An expectation that seemed to come easy to the eldest, but Lily? She struggled a lot. Getting through all of her years in high school with the bare minimum and constant judgment from her father. Which, in a sense, she understood. His need to critique everything she did was simply him showing how much he cared. In his own way.  College life definitely wasn’t much easier. All of Lily’s focus seemed to go more into her relationships, partying and just about anything that wasn’t school. Consistently waiting until the very last second to do anything or even going as far as submitting late work and–like anyone would expect–her grades took a harsh hit. She’s never had much passion for school and it’s because Lily never seemed to have a clue of what she wanted to do for the rest of her life. Nearly every single person in her life had a goal, something to keep them motivated, and there she was. Going with the flow, hoping that one day she’ll find something that sparks something in her the way it does everyone else. Her father understood (kind of) and basically took pity on her. Letting her do what she wanted, supporting her both financially and as emotionally as he could – backing off with hopes that the space given would help her come to her senses a little better.  It felt like all hope was lost. She was twenty four, out of college, living off her father’s money and still didn’t seem to have a knack for anything. At least until one of her close college friends showed up with a ring on their finger and the offer of being a maid of honor – which Lily accepted. A role that she, surprisingly, took very seriously. It’s during this time that she realized that she may not have book smarts like everyone else, but damn was she creative. It took a couple conversations, a soon-to-be bride’s dream and Lily was ready to take the stress off her friend’s back – at least for the venue portion of it. To make a long story short: she put together an amazing wedding and managed to find that spark in her life she'd been desperately wanting. Now, two years later: she’s working for a high end wedding/event company and absolutely loves it. Surprisingly great with handling stress, good social skills and an annoyingly strong determination for perfection (at least in this sense) and she’s got it made. Feeling like an actual hard-working adult for the first time in her life.
Is definitely a person that is full of light. Lily's loving, caring, optimistic and tries to see the good in everyone she encounters: keyword being tries. Laughing is something she's always doing and will continue to do even when life is a little hard on her.
Don't yell at her too harshly 'cause she'll nod her head but all her focus would go on to holding all her tears back. Lily will deny it, but she can be a cry baby.
Never the type to turn down a good party and an excuse to hang out with friends. All it takes is one single suggestion and she's already planning her outfit for the night.
Can be a little self-centered.
( she's a new muse and honestly, we let the muse run wild over here, so more will be added as time goes on! )
brother (!!!) , best friends, close friends, friends of friends, exes, hookups, one night stands, childhood friends that remained close, childhood friends that drifted apart, don’t get a long, friends that ended on bad terms / good terms, clients, etc. honestly down for anything!
childhood friends : @thelizaxlevin
friends, lily always forcing to go out and have fun : @thecelestexzhao
previous friends : @emersonxcassidy
friends, used to be roommates: @thegillyxliang
newfound friends / neighbors: @thelucexcaldwell
good friends : @lucydriscoll
on / off ex-girlfriend: @ninaxgray
new found friends, lily always talking her ear off: @esmaxdemirci
friends with one of his sibilings, looked after her while she was in la: @theotanaka
drifted apart while away at college, but have reconnected: @victoriaxsanchez
good friends : @renzunino
boss / mentor: @delilahcarreno
neighbors / frenemies who always fight but it's love <3: @cricketcampbell
brother's best friend / pseudo-sibling: @atticuscortes
former neighbors traitor / friends : @luckylewis
one night stand: @nomadjones
he was mean and now they're enemies: @ulyflynn
gave lily her first tattoo / friends : @mackmontgomery
literally his worst nightmare: @borawinters
good friends: @wesxevans
childhood friends: @sterlingxlevin
friends who drifted apart: @darcyxanthonyx
confidants / lily gives the worst advice: @sagexwilliams
big fan of kenny's videos: @kennyxtamblyn
sees as a parental-like figure / constantly going for advice: @noellexdriscoll
i'll make an actual page for this soon so please don't perceive me rn
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ghostlynightpanda · 2 years
JJ Maybank - Love at the first Kiss
English is not my fist language!
synopsis: June just moved to the Outer Banks and even though her new friends Sarah and Rafe Cameron had warned her, she finds herself helping a Pogue hiding from the police.
June Asher Young was an ordinary girl. She just tried to fit in, no matter what she had to do for that. Keep low? No problem. Don’t speak up even though you’re annoyed? She could do that. Pretend to find something okay even though you hated it? Not easy, but in order to not be alone she’d try. 
She and her parents had moved to Outer Banks a month ago, making her go to the OB High Academy. They had used to live in England but her father had a great job opportunity here in Outer Banks. His firm expanded and wanted to make him the head of financial department. 
She was glad to have found a good friend in Sarah Cameron and her brother Rafe. She often spent her time with them as well as Topper and Kelce.
Were these the people she really wanted to spend time with? Nope. But she wanted to fit in. And with whom could she do this better than with the golden children of Figure Eight. 
All this sounded like she hated her new friends, which wasn’t the case. She liked them, she actually did. But she hated the way they were talking about poorer people, like they were below them. It sucked and June was tempted to say something to it every time but like mentioned, she wanted to fit in. Also, they were really nice to her and actual friends. There is also the fact that others doesn’t seem to like new people, so without Sarah she probably wouldn’t have anyone.
Right now June was standing in the middle of a rather small store, looking around for new things. 
„Come on dude, you’ll never be able to pay for this.“ She suddenly heard a boy muttering, causing her to look to her left for a brief second, seeing two really cute boys standing there as they looked at the bracelets. 
The way they dressed told her they were probably from the Cut, Pogues, like her friends called them. People she was supposed to stay away from, yet she didn't find it in herself to be scared of the two boys. She was rather curious. Were they really this different?
„We could chip in together? Come on Pope, it’s his birthday.“ The other one sighed, seeing how June was glancing at him as he immediately send her a smile and a small wink. 
But of course she just blushed and quickly focused back on the shelf in front of her, too embarrassed to react to it the slightest. 
„I already got a present. And even if not, it’s still too expensive.“ The first boy sighed while June listened carefully, not wanting to seem nosy.
„Oh come on, it’s perfect.“ The blonde hummed, shaking his head, „I’m sure John B would love it. Maybe…“ He looked around carefully before leaning closer to his friend, whispering something June didn’t understand. But she could guess what he was suggesting, so she finally turned around, not having found anything she liked as she was now leaving the store. 
Maybe she was too quick to judge. Just because he was from the Cut didn’t mean he’d just steal the bracelet. And even if he did, he did it for his friend which was cute, right? It’s a nice thing to do.
She was just passing a dead-end street as she heard shouting behind her, causing her to turn around confused, seeing how the blond boy was rushing around the corner, his hood pulled up to hide his face.
„Stop that thief!“ She heard another voice yelling, probably a cop or something but he wasn’t yet in sight as the boy now raced past June, running straight into the dead-end street. 
„Shit!“ He shouted, but in that moment the police was already rounding the corner. 
June made her decision in a split second, knowing she’d have around ten seconds until the cop was there, causing her to quickly hurry into the dead-end as well, glancing at the boy who now looked around stressed. Just this one time she wanted to be spontaneous and do something she usually wouldn’t do.
„Put out your jacket, quick.“ June ordered the boy, causing him to look at her with wide eyes, „Hurry up!“ She hissed, opening her bag causing him to quickly get out of the jacket and throwing it in her bag. They already heard the steps of the two cops, causing June to close her eyes for a brief second, hesitating if she really wanted to do this.
But yes, she did. She wanted to do something stupid for once in her life.
So, she quickly walked a few steps forward, shoving the boy against the wall carefully, leaning on her tiptoes. „Just act along.“ She whispered before pressing her lips to his, ignoring how awkward this was right now. Why exactly did she do this again?
„Hey, you two!“ They heard a voice, causing her to quickly turn her head while keeping her hand on the back of the boy’s head, causing him to nestle his head in the crock of her neck. This way the cops wouldn’t be able to see his face and tell that it was him who robbed the store. But apparently he seemed to enjoy it a little too much as he began placing a few kisses along her neck. 
„Yes?“ June asked the cops, looking at them with raised eyebrows. „Sorry, my uh… my boyfriend and I are just a little entranced by our romantic getaway.“ She mumbled, blushing slightly. 
„Have you seen a boy with a red jacket?“ One of the cops just hummed, not reacting to anything she’d just said. 
„We heard steps running past but they faded as quickly as they came.“ She shrugged, pointing down the street, causing them to eye the couple for a second before apparently believing her as they now continued running down the street. But just as June turned her head towards him, the boy already pulled her into another kiss, causing her to hesitantly return it. 
After a few more seconds they finally separated, both just looking at each other. „Thank you.“ The boy whispered, leaning down once again and giving her a sweet peck. „I should go now before they come back.“ And with that he turned around, beginning to jog away. 
„W-wait. Your jacket!“ June shouted after a few seconds of just processing what had just happened. 
The boy turned around once again, just sending her a wink before continuing his way as she just stared at him flabbergasted. Well… That was certainly an interesting encounter. 
„Guys? Guys!“ JJ shouted as he ran over to his friends who were waiting in the van for him. 
„You made it.“ Pope smirked, shaking his head, „Thought police would get to you first.“ 
„And they would’ve but I got help.“ He explained, shutting the door of the van behind him as he looked between John B and Pope. „I’m in love.“ 
„Love?“ The other two asked at the same time, exchanging a confused glance. 
„Don’t tell me you fell in love with Shoupe’s moustache as you were running from him.“ John B snickered, shaking his head at his friend. Where the hell would he have fallen in love? 
„Hey, I’m serious!“ JJ scoffed, glaring at his friends. „I am in love. Seriously, this girl, she- she saved me from the cops. She kissed me and I-I’m in love. Simple and plain.“ He sighed, leaning back in his seat as he remembered what had happened. He quickly told his friends about how she had helped him and how they kissed. 
„Okay that’s cool.“ Pope admitted as he looked at his friend, „But that doesn’t mean you’re in love. It was just a kiss man.“
„Yeah dude, love is something completely different.“ John B backed his friend up, shaking his head. 
„It’s not!“ JJ groaned, „It’s not something different. I know what I felt, I know I’m in love. The way she saved me form the cops and- and the way we kissed? It is love. I know it!“ He looked at his hands, sighing dramatically. „She’s a Touron though, so I’ll never see her again.“ 
„A love story like it’s written in a book.“ Pope smirked, dodging hid friend’s swing. „All right, all right. I’m sorry that she’s just a Touron, okay?“ 
„Hey, if it’s really true love maybe you’ll see her again when visiting her country and then you both fall in love and will make lots and lots of children.“ John B answered sarcastically, suppressing a grin. JJ always was a little dramatic but never on the love way. That was new and weird, but hey. It’s not like he wouldn’t suspect something like this from his friend. 
„Stop making fun of me, I’m serious!“ JJ muttered, shaking his head at his two friends annoyed. 
„Oh come on,“ John B sighed, „Just roll yourself a blunt and then everything will look different immediately, okay?“ He smirked, looking in the review mirror but raised his eyebrows as he saw that his friend seemed seriously distressed. „Come on, I’m just joking. If she’s here for vacation then you might see her again, yes?“ 
„Maybe.“ JJ hummed, nodding slightly.
Yes, he’d surely see her again, right?
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sweetswesf · 1 year
Hello, everyone.
I had a good time with my mom. Despite what we’ve gone through, I put all that aside for the weekend and just tried to honor her the best I could so that she could enjoy her time and so that we could make a new memory. At the end she gave me some money and told me she would help me with rent so that I could stay in SF because it didn’t make sense for me to move back home if I needed to move back suddenly for a job.
At first I was like, “how sweet and naiive of her to think I’d get a job shortly after I move back” because I truly don’t know how long this unemployment time will be…
She saw what my day to day was like, and she felt sorry for me. She saw all the homelessness, my small space, heard about my lack of friendships and community here, how non-Black people just walk all over me on the street and don’t respect my space, and she knows I haven’t wanted to be here for a while, but she understands the smartest option at the moment is to just stay here…
I can say that I was really stressed this week. I didn’t have much motivation to do a lot of algorithms, but I still did what I could. I tried a few new food places out trying to fill a void. It helped a little bit, but with me being so conscious about every hour, calorie, and dollar, I’m not quite sure it was worth it. I went to a bakery that is usually really busy, but because I went while most people were at work, it was empty. The loneliness of that was just a reminder of my situation. The other place was in the financial district at lunch time. I didn’t plan to get there at lunch, but with public transportation and how slow I was moving that day, it ended up being at that time. I’m sure the people I saw working probably wish they had time off, but I was thinking “man, how nice would it be to have a job right now and not have to think you’re being irresponsible by eating $15 noodles you could have made for much cheaper…”
I’m continuing to pray and be hopeful for the best. I have to remind myself to keep studying, keep interviewing, keep trying, everyday. My Medi-Cal application STILL hasn’t been approved yet, and what’s better: they won’t answer their phones. I don’t want to go back to pay $700+ for health insurance.
I took SOOO many naps this week just exhausted from my mom’s visit. I did an interview. Interviewer was yawning and not paying attention. I would ask him questions, sometimes repetitively, but he wouldn’t respond to them. I guess he was tuning me out. One question in particular he didn’t respond to, so I continued with the design on that assumption, and he later corrected me on it. I had to remind him that I asked him about that and he didn’t say anything so that he wouldn’t give me negative feedback on that part, but once you call them out, it’s not a good look for you either 🤷🏾‍♀️. I asked for feedback and he told me he couldn’t give me any but that, “I definitely did some good things.” But the way he said that makes me think there were a lot of negatives.
There was some “okay” news for the role I’m hoping for and another person who referred me to a different role said she would bump the recruiter. I just hope I can stay focused, not forget what I have learned thus far, and not be so distracted by my circumstances so that I can get what I want.
I’m struggling with confidence and thinking about all the money I have spent during this time. Every day I wake up like wow, I’ve gone 9 months without a job…
The longest I’ve heard of someone going without a job is 2 years. With every passing day, I feel like I get less and less attractive to open positions and that doesn’t feel great, because I don’t want to settle for a position just to have something.
I won’t forget this time. It’s been traumatic. I still cry everyday.
I’m so emotionally sensitive as well. My mom bought me groceries after I had just bought groceries and it angered me. Just give me the money. I am not lacking in food. I probably am eating too much. I need money for rent and health care, primarily. It made me wonder if she didn’t trust me to spend the money she would give me wisely. She also bought me something that would give me more counter space and it frustrates me because it reminded me of how small and frustrating my counter space is and how I want to be in an apartment with more counter space. I also felt like that money she spent on that could have gone to rent or health care.
I told her how I felt. She understood. Just saying those words to her made me cry. I was frustrated and I was frustrated that I was frustrated. I felt ungrateful. She was trying to help and I was trying to dictate how she should help me. It also just reminded me of my situation again. I didn’t have this stress when I had a job. I didn’t have to have these hard conversations. I didn’t have to be so hyper-vigilant about every dollar.
I’m trying my best to stay calm and just focus on His promise for my life. And just appreciate things, no matter how “sweet” I used to have it. I have to believe that great is coming and that I’m going through this for a reason.
My little brother moved back to LA from Korea. He was there probably less than a month. I thought my mom knew he was on anti-depressant and anxiety meds when I saw them after I had his room cleaned. Apparently she didn’t know. Apparently when they went on their vacation to Arizona, he didn’t take his meds and my cousins told my mom that he was freaking out. Apparently, he didn’t take his meds on his trip to Japan and had a panic attack that my mom had to pay a $1k hospital bill for. Apparently, he wants to move to my grandmother’s house, the house I planned to move to if I had to move home.
My brain couldn’t process all of this and I just shook my head. I want my dream job real bad and healing for myself and my family.
With all this exhaustion, the thought of jumping right into a job fatigues me. Sure I could “take mini breaks” now, but how do I do that on a small budget without over consuming social media?
Speaking of which, I want to try next week to just consume less social media. If I need a break, I need to just walk around, open my Bible, close my eyes.
I wished one of my “friends” who stopped contacting me a happy birthday and offered to take her out. She said she felt really withdrawn. I haven’t heard from her since Monday. I feel that relationship has ended and I need to stop putting so much effort into maintaining it when she’s showed me so many signs that she’s done.
I was thinking about how Lil Wayne said he wanted to kill hisself after he was told he couldn’t rap anymore. I get it. If something you’re so passionate about gets taken away from you, you know you’ll be missing that thing forever and nothing short of God can replace that gratifying feeling. Not saying that it’s smart to consider that, but I don’t judge him for feeling that way. I could see why he felt that way. There is always a brighter day and reason to live and keep trying.
My mentor from my old team who’s been practice interviewing me hasn’t left my side. He’s remained encouraging, and consistently meets with me. I owe that man SO MUCH! I’m thinking about giving him $1k after I get a job, but he deserves SOOO much more than that.
I’m grateful for all the blessings and this time. I know more than what I want is coming and that I’m stronger than I think I am.
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elendsessor · 4 months
clothing-themed raishura headcanons bc i was discussing them with a friend
-raidou has next to no variety in his wardrobe. even when narumi convinced him to attend festivals or other events, he wears the same stuff. of course this is mostly due to how often he comes back bloodied and bruised. some of it can be sewn up but most of it’s far beyond saving.
-still, he gets really picky about what he wears and when. he can’t always wear the summoning outfit despite having the most useful features. it’s situational.
-hitoshura’s a fashion disaster. throws on whatever he grabs first (so just like me fr fr). chiaki hates him for this. isamu’s indifferent but has tried to fix his wardrobe.
-speaking of, he doesn’t actually fold or properly put away his clothes. dumps them out on the floor, says he’ll clean up later, then forgets.
-that jacket in the og nocturne? only looks clean because he barely wears it. the hoodie? first new bit of clothing in forever.
-both does and doesn’t miss the hoodie.
-he’s gotten so used to walking around shirtless that he actually feels weirder with something on. raidou basically forced him to wear his own jacket when introducing him to narumi and explaining the situation because last thing he wants is for hitoshura to seem too unprofessional.
-that was a massive mistake because he now regularly steals it.
-hitoshura really doesn’t like a lot of the traditional clothing or heck even the western stuff. only a grandpa would wear that stuff, so he claims.
-unfortunately this lead to both of them sharing a wardrobe. narumi blows his money on imported stuff anyways so last thing raidou wants is to put on more financial stress or leave it up to him to pick out something hitoshura would likely reject.
-tae has offered to help change things up. basing this off tlm since i fully trust her fashion sense. she would definitely go out of her way to help them both, one for variety and the other for something he’d actually like.
-hitoshura’s pretty dismissive of others in general. after what happened to his “friends,” why should he believe strangers or try to make new ones? took him a bit to warm up to raidou, so he only really trusts him and goes along with what he does. did inevitably give in.
-again doesn’t stop him from stealing raidou’s jacket. if he’s out late, hitoshura’ll wrap himself up in a spare and fall asleep in it. at this point, raidou doesn’t mind.
-gouto does. he minds. would rather not have some half-naked demon dude share clothes with the guy tasked with slaying demons.
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perryisle · 2 years
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no way its vinny and mae! some info about them below
vinny is a rude, impulsive dude who joined ENDS purely so he could beat things up while getting paid to do so. he’s one hell of an adrenaline junkie who’s always looking for another dangerous situation to throw himself into. everything about him screams immature, and it doesn’t help that he doesn’t know how to deal with his own emotions. or anything personal, really.
MAE CALLIOPE (playlist)
mae is tired and apathetic. due to not being financially stable, she has to work multiple jobs - working at ENDS being one of them. she used to be incredibly hardworking and organized, but all of the stress put on her has left her jaded and blunt. really, all she wants is enough money to pay rent and a nice, long break.
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buntsuki · 11 months
Groot is still doing great bloodwork and checkup wise! He didn’t have a heart murmur this week, so the oncologist came up with a great plan she feels safe doing.
Instead of replacing the Doxorubicin we’ll be taking away the other meds, Doxorubicin is the strongest option! So instead of every 2 weeks and alternating meds, we’ll be doing another 3 or 4 doses of just Doxorubicin every 3 weeks.
This balances out the stress on his body, while still providing him the strongest treatment option. It balances out cost wise a little as well. It’ll be approximately $3500-4000 total for the rest of his treatment now, before it was going to be $5000-5500. It’s still hard on me financially, but a little more manageable.
Any and all help is still super appreciated! Now we have 3 weeks between each appointment to get the money, which helps give me more time to get the funds!
Thank you everyone for helping us get this far! 💜🩵❤️
And thank you for the patience on commissions! Keeping up with Groot and myself has been a lot recently, I have electro-current therapy today so hopefully I’ll be able to get a lot done in the next two days before it wears off!
Gofundme link below as always! Again anything helps, I’m hesitant to lower the gofundme goal right now as my mom took out a loan and is in debt for this, as well as everything that is now gone from me/my bank account. While I still have to pay for Groot and my food, bills etc! (His food is $60 a month + fresh ingredients for topper I’ve been making him —-I’ve been able to stabilize his weight this way!)
Im also adding an Amazon wishlist of food for Groot is anyone wanted to help that way! I’ll send a video of him going CRAZY for it if anyone buys anything for him! My Venmo is also @ Buntsuki (the fresh ingredients are cheaper at Walmart here, and they don’t have the stock etc I need that doesn’t have additive) again will send video of Groot going nuts for the stuff! ❤️🩵🩷 no obligations or pressure, I’m just putting whatever I can out here at this point!
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gobbluthbutagirl · 1 year
last night my sister, who’s 21 with a 1-year-old son(whose father is a deadbeat pothead and contributes nothing financially to his upbringing), and who makes like $10 an hour working full-time in a daycare where she’s exposed to every disease under the sun, was like, “would you guys judge me if i quit the daycare and went back to working at wendy’s? wendy’s pays a little bit more and it’s way less stressful and if i could work part-time in the mornings only i could start taking college classes in the afternoons/evenings/nights.” and of course we’re all like No of course we wouldn’t judge you that sounds like a really great idea! Except for my fucking brother who was like, “why would you want to work at wendy’s when you could come work at dunkin with me?” and we were all like matthew we literally don’t even want YOU working at dunkin why in god’s name would she want to join you.
And keep in mind over the past few months dunkin literally demoted my brother from manager to assistant manager, reduced his pay, and brought over this insane woman from another dunkin to replace him. And she came to work high, did shots while on the clock, and was arrested back in 2014 along with several of her family members for keeping 15 children in a filthy trailer. And she hired this dude that everyone told her not to hire because he had bad vibes AS A SHIFT LEAD and literal weeks later(he didn’t even make it a month) he got fired for actually smoking meth on the job. and he also once got written up for leaving the sink running all night when he closed. And she also hired this 25-year-old white girl who never had a job before in her life who had a panic attack when they put her in the drive thru window one day and then like two days later suggested she should be in the drive thru window instead of her black coworker because “our tips will be higher if people see a white girl in the window” and then quit after less than a week of working there because “i’m not racist, and you guys are bullying me for my analytical mind.” And now that new manager has already quit and they’ve already brought in some old dude to be the NEW new manager and they’re paying him a dollar more than they used to pay my brother when he was the manager.
and my brother is like, “you wouldn’t even want me working there if i was the manager?” And i was like no because you already were the manager and you fucking sucked at it because you dedicated all your time to the job and totally neglected your actual life and you got in so much trouble for all the overtime you gave yourself that they literally demoted you. And then my dad was like, maybe you should go work at wendy’s with abby and he got SO offended. And yet he still didn’t seem to understand why she was offended when he suggested she work at dunkin with him. and meanwhile she’s still kind of outlining her reasons for wanting to leave the daycare, all very good and valid reasons, and my brother is over there acting like a fucking clown. Like making fun of my mom’s accent and trying to get her to say certain words so he can record it and all of this nonsense. and my sister is trying to have a serious conversation with everybody about her future and what she wants to do with her life for her own sake and the sake of her son, and she’s clearly thought about this a lot and is nervous to share it with us!!! like, now is not the fucking time! So i’m like, matthew i think you’re being kind of inappropriate right now. And one thing about me is if EYE have to be the one to tell you you’re being inappropriate, you are REALLY being fucking inappropriate. so he kind of shut up after that and didn’t say anything else. But he also didn’t say anything really in support of our sister and it’s like, what the hell???
Like, terminal case of dunkin brain rot over here. and just because you’ve worked at this one lame ass dead end job for a quarter of your life(he’s 24 and has been there since he was 18) doesn’t mean you can’t be happy for your little sister who is making the decision to take steps to improve her quality of life!! like what the hell man. i really don’t get it.
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toournextadventure · 2 years
I fucking LOVE your work, you have no idea how many times I catch myself gushing and grinning whenever I’m reading everyone but her. As if I didn’t have reason enough to love thursdays because that’s my weekly payday you’ve blessed the f out of me by having that also be the day you drop a new chapter.
I doubt it���ll play out the way I imagine it but I just pictured a scenario that made my heart swell at the thought of it.
A large part of it has to do with the fact that I relate to birb. Personally my predominately ways of showing love are acts of service and gift giving but whenever I receive it, I feel unworthy of it. It’s all done out of love when my friends do it for me and they never except anything in return of course they don’t but it makes me feel as if I need to do more, because it never feels like I’m doing enough you know what I mean?
I’m sure you can basically see where I’m going with this but I pictured a scenario that involves the Addams family taking over Nicky’s expensive medical bills.
Right now birb is currently heartbroken, angry and stressed at the fact that Nicky has the possibility of being unplugged when she’s so certain that all he needs is a little more time to get better because she’d never give up hope that his unfortunate circumstance is a permanent one but obviously she keeps getting stonewalled after running what I think is endless scenarios of how she can ensure he keeps getting the medical treatment he needs to stay alive.
I know that Wednesday doesn’t know about Nicky’s condition right now but I think it’d be something she immediately tells her parents about once she does know. Wednesday is certain they’re more than rich enough to take over the hospital bill for birb and they care about her enough to do so (dare I say love birb?) so once it finally happens I don’t think Wednesday would ever admit it to birb knowing how she feels about receiving help is such an immense way especially with expensive things.
So Birb finding out that an anonymous benefactor who took an interest to Nicky’s case is now covering the hospital expenses would have her incredibly relieved at first and surprised but I have no doubt that she’d immediately figure out that Morticia and Gomez are the ‘anonymous benefactor’ and she’d feel incredibly guilty about it because to her it seems as if now three people are paying for something that’s her fault. (I’m the same person who had a bunch of theories about the accident with Nick!)
Birb asking to speak to Morticia and Gomez in private and telling them she knows that they’re the ones donating to Nicky’s cause and promising to pay them every penny back. Morticia and Gomez feel incredibly heartbroken at the way birb insistently tells them that she’ll do everything and anything to achieve her financial obligation to giving them back everything they’re giving her with interest, that she’ll pick up a full time job, sell her things, come to the manor to do any sort of labor they need done, that she’ll teach Pugsley as many things as she can but they cut off telling her that they don’t need her do any of that.
They love their kids to death and to know have insight on how much responsibility birb feels to take of her older brother no matter the physical and mental expense and thinking she’s too young to be bearing it all by herself tell her that all they could really ask for is that birb takes the opportunity to enjoy her life a little more.
“Listen we appreciate you wanting to repay us my little crow but we don’t expect you to nor do we want you to. This wasn’t a handout, you’re one of us now and your presence is worth more than we could ever afford dear. Besides this isn’t just for you, we want to meet the man who raised such a lovely little crow and thank him for you.”
See, I love all the detail you put in here because yeah, you're right, you nailed Birb's thoughts and attitude about the whole situation perfectly. Because let's be real, she can not handle thinking that she owes someone something. Big, small, insignificant, it doesn't matter, her mental state can not handle that feeling of "I have to pay them back so they don't think I'm too much trouble."
Wednesday would absolutely tell her parents what's going on. Even without any other knowledge about Marcus and Kristi, she would let them know because yes, she does care for Birb and knows how much Nicky means to her, so surely there's something they can do to offer their assistance.
But Birb can't accept it. The guilt eats away at her from the inside out, she can't eat, can't sleep, can't hardly focus on anything because now all she's thinking is how she's going to pay them back. She can't, she knows that, but she has to. There has to be some way, something she can do to pay them back.
And the Addamses are just so heartbroken, you're right. Just knowing that they could do this to help and Birb won't let them/argues about it, it's horrifying. What could have possibly happened for her to think that everything is charity and nothing is because someone genuinely cares for her?
(PS. a fun note, y'all might get to see something like this in the next chapter or two, good luck 👀)
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justkeeponsimming · 2 years
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Glitch’s sibling, Bell, kindly stays on the phone to him for another hour as he tries to process the suggestion about his girlfriend, Una, possibly being pregnant.
As much as it’s a daunting, shocking realisation, it makes a lot of sense. Una’s sudden sickness, her aversion to certain foods and smells, her mood swings - all signs of pregnancy. Glitch has to wonder if she knows, but she’s too scared to tell him.
No, Una wouldn’t do that. She tells him everything. If she suspected she was pregnant, he’d know by now. He expects that she thinks she’s stressed. She is, but stressed enough to make her this sick? Glitch isn’t sure that’s the case. 
Glitch and Una could be expecting a child. The thought is…well…Glitch can’t put it into words. He’s got a large family, one of five siblings, but he never saw it in his future to have his own children this early. He and Una are barely financially stable. Una’s studying full time. Do they have the time and money to raise a child?
What about Glitch’s music career? He wants to be successful and established to provide for his family one day. He’s nowhere near achieving that goal yet! At the heart of this, Glitch knows that his concerns are valid, but any decisions are with Una, as she might be carrying their child. She’s got hopes and dreams of her own. He doesn’t want anything to hold her back.
With a heavy sigh, Glitch trudges back to the StrangerVille train station. He needs to talk to Reed and see what she thinks.
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