#and she understands godzilla the most regarding that
monarch-afterdark · 3 months
Titan History: Godzilla & Kong (Updated)
Welcome once again to Monarch: After Dark, the digital gateway between you and the organisation dedicated to understanding and navigating this troubled new world we live in.
We return (somewhat) to our usual content on the platform following our sadly disastrous interview with Bernie Hayes, with the winner of our recent poll! Godzilla and Kong were the first two Titans covered on the platform, and quite a few things have happened to both Titans since the most recent Titan crisis.
Given the limited data we have on hand regarding these updates, specifically in regard to Kong as much of what transpired with him took place away from any human observation, we have decided to compile the updates onto a single entry, and will provide links to the original entries for easier access.
Original "Titan History" Godzilla Post
Original "Titan History" Kong Post
We'll start with Godzilla, as more data is known to Monarch regarding events surrounding him, and thus there is more to talk about in regard to him.
Monarch Database File: Godzilla
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(Pictured above: Monitor tracking Godzilla's movements, showing his trajectory toward France, circa. 2027)
In 2027, Godzilla was roused by a series of reactor beacons set up by hunter Raymond Martin, to keep the Alpha Titan distracted so that he wouldn't become privy to Martin's secret Titan Hunter mecha. Godzilla would not be the only Titan drawn to the decoys, as Scylla was similarly awakened and began travelling across the world to feast on various sources of nuclear energy.
Failing to get ahead of Scylla for sometime, Godzilla finally cornered the Titan in Rome after she had gathered a great deal of nuclear energy. Following a brief clash, Godzilla gained the advantage after throwing Scylla onto her back, jumping on top of her and stabbing her with her own limbs before killing her with a point-blank blast of his atomic breath.
Roused again by a telepathic call for help from the Iwi people of Malenka, Godzilla would take a que from Scylla and go on his own globe-trotting rampage in pursuit of acquiring more power. Leaving his new resting place of Rome, Godzilla would attack France and consume the radiation from a nuclear power plant, before dispatching military forces with an electromagnetic pulse, a new ability that Godzilla had not previously demonstrated.
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(Pictured above: Godzilla engaging Tiamat in battle, moments before executing her, circa. 2027)
Godzilla would then approach a natural radiation hotspot in the Arctic Ocean, current domain of the Titan Tiamat. Godzilla opened a hole in Tiamat's lair to draw her out, and dismembered her with his atomic breath following a brief tussle. Godzilla would then retreat into Tiamat's lair and absorb the entirety of the hotspot's reserves (as well as some of Tiamat's DNA), rapidly mutating into an "evolved" form that would grant him the advantage in the coming conflict he was sensing.
Provoked by Kong's return to the surface following Monarch assistance, the two Alpha Titans would clash in Egypt. While Kong's new B.E.A.S.T. Glove accessory allowed him to fight on even ground, Godzilla would again gain the advantage and attempt to kill Kong. The timely arrival of Malenka's guardian Mothra calmed Godzilla down and convinced him to ally with Kong.
The trio would return briefly to Hollow Earth in an attempt to intercept the Skar King (an evil ape-like Titan sealed within Hollow Earth by Godzilla in the past) and his army before they could reach the surface. Their battle would be taken from the Hollow Earth to Rio, Brazil (which had only recently recovered from Behemoth's rampage in 2019), where Godzilla would battle the Skar King's enslaved Titan mount Shimo, while Kong dealt with the Skar King himself.
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(Pictured above: Godzilla grappling with Shimo, circa. 2027)
The battle would continue until a smaller ape-like Titan that Kong had apparently taken under his wing destroyed a crystal that the Skar King was using to control Shimo. Freed, Godzilla would watch as Shimo froze the Skar King solid and Kong shattered his body. Godzilla would use his empowered atomic breath to disperse the clouds Shimo had generated, before returning to Rome and claiming a colosseum as his new home.
Monarch Database File: Kong
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(Pictured above: Kong preparing to strike Godzilla with a B.E.A.S.T. Glove-augmented punch, circa. 2027)
Much of Kong's activities post-Mechagodzilla are unknown. Despite Monarch Outpost One being established to monitor his activities, Kong was largely left to his own devices and allowed to explore the Hollow Earth on his own. It was known that Kong was responsible for destroying Raymond Martin's Titan Hunter, after it had attempted to kill two Spineprowler cubs.
In 2027, Kong briefly returned to the surface in Barbados to seek medical assistance for an infected tooth. Titan veterinarian Travis "Trapper" Beasley removed the tooth and replaced it with a metallic tooth made from the same material as Monarch's H.E.A.V. transports.
After returning to the Hollow Earth, Kong would find an entrance to a subterranean realm, where he would encounter a young ape that he would later befriend, and be lead to the Skar King's domain. Once there, Kong was attacked by the Skar King's Titan slave Shimo, and his arm was badly wounded with frostbite. Kong and the young ape would find their way to Malenka, where Trapper would outfit Kong with a B.E.A.S.T. Glove, part of the scrapped Project Powerhouse constructed from Mechagodzilla's remains.
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(Pictured above: Godzilla, Mothra and Kong roaring in unison, teaming up to battle the Skar King, circa. 2027)
Under Jia's suggestion to find help against the Skar King, Kong returned to the surface world in Egypt and signalled a challenge to provoke Godzilla into coming for him. His efforts to communicate to Godzilla that they should go to Hollow Earth fell short, and he was forced to do battle. While his new augmentation allowed him to fight on mostly even ground, and a fully-charged punch proved powerful enough to knock Godzilla out in a daze for a few seconds, Kong was once again outmatched by Godzilla's primal strength.
Mothra's arrival and intervention spared Kong from death, and the three Titans ended up joining forces. Retreating to the Hollow Earth, the trio engaged the Skar King's army in an effort to stall their arrival to the surface. Skar King, Shimo, Godzilla and Kong would surface in Brazil and continue their brawl to halt the Skar King's attempt to use Shimo to trigger a new Ice Age.
Kong and the Skar King fought whilst Godzilla kept Shimo at bay. The battle took a turn when the young ape Kong had befriended used Kong's axe to destroy a crystal that the Skar King was using to control Shimo. His hold over the frost Titan lost, Kong held the Skar King in place long enough for Shimo to freeze him solid. Kong then shattered the Skar King's body, watched as Godzilla dispersed Shimo's clouds, and returned to Hollow Earth with Shimo and the youngster in two.
And that's all she wrote for Godzilla and Kong...for real this time! Of course, once these Titans see action again, we will come back to them and provide whatever updates are needed, but for now, Godzilla enjoys dormancy in Rome while Kong has most likely returned to the apes in the Skar King's domain, now no longer the last of his kind.
Until next time,
Monarch: After Dark
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ckret2 · 3 years
Alright let’s talk GVK spoilers!!!
My reactions as best I can remember them!
- love how Kong is humanized from the very first scene, like every time he shows up he’s humanized so much more than other titans are. If that was at the expense of other titans being made likable I wouldn’t enjoy it so much, but like, Godzilla is made pretty lovable over the course of Monsterverse, Mothra is too, and all the titans featured for long are given recognizable emotions that let us see them as more intelligent and feeling than “just” animals; so all of them are made understandable/likable/sympathetic. But of them all, Kong is the only one really humanized. Which makes sense, because like, big monkey! Basically our distant cousin!
- And they kept playing, like, normal songs for him, which cracked me up.
- I really appreciated how you could SEE the titans in this movie. After all the weather effects to hide the titans in KOTM, there was such a clear difference in this one from the very start. Kong in the daylight! Godzilla makes his first attack at night, and even then you can see him much more clearly than you can for most of KOTM! Nice!
- after the Iwi were portrayed as silent stoic witnesses in Skull Island, I really appreciated that they took an Iwi character, made her a main character, and gave her dialogue and a real role to play in the story while also keeping her deaf/mute. I think that was a good way to improve on the way that the Iwi got got sidelined in the last movie while still maintaining the worldbuilding!
- I didn’t appreciate so much that, y’know, they murdered the rest of her people off-screen in order to do it. Couldn’t they have gone “her parents died so she got adopted by a Monarch agent that was close to her family, but like, the rest of her tribe is fine”? Or at the very least “their island got fucked up so they had to be evacuated but like they’re settling in somewhere else”? “They’re living under this island dome with Kong and they know what’s up and Monarch’s keeping them in the loop and they decided they’re chill with their new dome home, but this one girl likes to go on adventures with Monarch”? Something? Did we have to kill them all off? Y’all make up an entire fictional indigenous culture and then murder them off-screen when you don’t need them? Just let them live.
- a few minutes in I was like “hold on, we’ve got two characters that speak sign language, we’ve got a giant gorilla, gorillas learn sign language, is there any reason they can’t teach Kong?” and then later I was like “OOOOOH!!” Humans and titans learning how to communicate with each other has been one of my favorite themes to explore in Monsterverse fanfic so I was absolutely tickled to see it getting explored in canon, too.
- That said I think it’s hilarious that the girl managed to teach Kong to sign without, like... anybody seeing. Kong’s hands are above the tree line and there are cameras everywhere, how did NOBODY with Monarch see him signing.
- Bernie’s weaponized being an annoying coworker to such a degree it can only be called an art, and I really appreciated it.
- Godzilla’s extra chonky in this movie and I dig it. Roomie noted he was extra crocodilian and I dig that too.
- “There’s been no confirmed titan sightings in three years” I don’t buy that for a minute. They’re BIG. Rodan NESTS IN VOLCANOES. They found a MOTHRA EGG. Humans have A SCARILY WELL-FUNDED ORGANIZATION DEDICATED SOLELY TO FOLLOWING TITANS AROUND. Like, most of the lore in GVK that I don’t personally like, I can be like “eh... I can tweak it just a little bit with headcanons to make it work for me...” but NO confirmed titan sightings? You expect me to believe ALL of them moved underground when we’d previously seen them all prefer to live above ground? You expect me to believe that now that they’re all AWAKE, they learned how to HIDE?? Uh-uh. And at the end of KOTM there was stuff in the credits about using titan droppings as biofuel, obviously they’re still walking around up top! Can’t take that from me. Nope.
- Who the FUCK is Ren Serizawa and how is he related to Ishiro Serizawa? IS he related? Maybe they just dropped the surname as another “yeah this is a Godzilla movie for Godzilla fans” easter egg but I have a hard time believing that he can’t be somehow related to the other character with the Very Important Last Name who was so important in the last two Godzilla movies. If he is related I’m sure it’s been explained in a tie-in comic or the novelization or something, I’ll look it up later.
- I had to look up how much weight huge battleships can carry while writing a KOTM fic where Ghidorah hitches a ride on one, and y’all, I had to pull weird gravity-negating magic to get him to ride on that boat. Godzilla and Kong woulda sunk that boat like a rock. All I could think during that scene is “this wouldn’t work and I know that because I DID THE RESEARCH and I wasn’t even getting PAID.” I’ll choose to believe that Monarch gets special heavy duty ships designed to carry titans but nobody mentioned it because it wasn’t relevant to Kong’s journey.
- The bit where they could see where Godzilla was swimming because he’d got half a ship hooked to him that was bobbing around on the surface, didn’t Jaws do something like that with a buoy? It’s been ages since I’ve seen Jaws. Anyway good reference.
- Insert “they’re gonna need a bigger boat” joke
- I LOVED the part where they shut down all the ships to get Godzilla to leave. Both because, one, it’s a spectacular callback to KOTM’s “turn off all the guns so he knows we’re not a threat” that makes it seem like now that’s just what Monarch knows what to do to get G to chill out, and two... we know that Godzilla backs off either when he’s killed his enemy or when his enemy has yielded to him. At the end of KOTM—and the end of GVK—the act of yielding is presented as very ceremonial and uniform across species: everyone lowers anything they’ve got that could be dangerous (claws, fangs, beaks, axes) and bows to show Godzilla they’re not gonna fight. Battleships, obviously, can’t bow, but even without being inducted into whatever secret titan cultural intricacies might be going on, humans have figured out their own way to “bow” to Godzilla: cut all the power, so their ships can’t move and can’t use weapons. I know the movie presented it as “playing dead,” but c’mon, if Godzilla could hear MechaG power up from halfway around the planet then he could hear that Kong’s heart was still beating, and he’s been around enough boats to know humans can turn them off and on when they want. The humans bowed to Godzilla. He accepted that they yielded and left.
- Mark Russell looked like such a dad in this movie, like he’s retired 100% from being a rugged action hero and now he’s just Pure Dad. I like him better when he’s a dad, it’s a good development for him. He got like 3 lines and I’m like “I appreciate this character development.”
- Despite all my qualms about how conspiracy theories and extremist groups are handled in Monsterverse (and WHICH conspiracy theories they decide to reference), I really love Madison and Bernie’s dynamic. The adult man who’s the excitable wide-eyed believer in every BS conspiracy you can possibly imagine; and then the serious, severe Teenage Girl On A Mission who’s hypercompetent because she was raised for five years by a friggin doomsday cult militia; and despite having wildly different personalities they’re just, in total agreement about everything. Handled just a BIT differently (like, leaving out the more gross IRL conspiracies) they would be a wildly fun comedic duo—especially with Josh the Only Sane Man coming along as the hapless sidekick. And they all play off of each other so well! Both in a comedic sense, and in more serious moments—when Bernie talked about his wife, there was a real moment of empathy between him and Madison with very little said. I’d watch an entire movie just about the three of them. I’d watch a TV show.
- On the one hand I wasn’t too much of a fan of KOTM’s “all titans... are inherently In Tune With Nature... nature has a Balance, because that’s a Real Thing and not an anthropocentric concept to describe how we like nature to act, and they automatically restore it... because they’re like, some kinda borderline divinities or something... we should probably be worshipping them...” thing; but, now that it was totally absent in GVK, I sorta miss it. Like I feel like there needs to be a balance, a few humans who are like “i lowkey worship these dudes?” and a few others who are like “they’re cool but like, that’s a lil extreme” and that neither side be presented as Right in how they regard titans’ relationship with nature.
- “All titans come from THE HOLLOW EARTH” nah I don’t buy that it’s silly. Basically, what I object to is the idea that all titans have some sort of intrinsic similarity (they all come from the same hitherto-unknown location; they all are part of the same pack that has the same alpha; they all are fueled/fed by the same energy source; etc) rather than letting them be SEPARATE species whose only unifying traits are “they’re all big enough to fuck everything up everywhere they go” and “they’re big enough that the typically-insurmountable barriers between different biomes (mountain ranges, valleys, long distances with terrible weather) aren’t insurmountable for them, so even if they’re specialized in different environments they still all have to deal with each other pretty often.” I’ll make some exceptions for convergent evolution (i.e., claiming multiple titans developed similar traits that are relatively easy to spontaneously evolve and a prerequisite for a creature to survive at such a large size). But I can’t buy “this big gorilla has more biologically in common with this big crocodile-iguana than he does with, say, gorillas,” or most of the other “all these titans have THIS IN COMMON” claims that Monsterverse makes, including “everyone’s from hollow earth.” So I’m tossing that out the window and substituting my own headcanons. Some might’ve evolved there but some evolved on the surface. Maybe a majority of them like ducking in and out of the hollow earth like some kind of titan shortcut system. Kong’s species, I can buy, IS native to hollow earth, considering that they built a whole-ass society down there with tools and architecture.
- I’m SO curious about the little underground Kong home, the Godzilla motif in the floor, and the axe that appeared to be made with a Godzilla scute. What’s the story there??? We know Godzilla’s species and Kong’s species are ancient rivals. Is it because Kong’s species hunted Godzilla’s to steal their scutes to make weapons, seeing them as a valuable resource the way, like, early humans considered woolly mammoths a valuable resource—thus making that Godzilla on the floor equivalent to cave art of mammoths made by people who hunted them—until the Godzillas got pissed and started fighting back en masse? Or were Godzillas and Kongs already enemies when Kongs decided to start making weapons out of their corpses? Did they use to be allies, fighting together, with Godzillas voluntarily offering shed scutes and/or bones of their deceased members to Kongs, and that place used to be a shared home until they started fighting?
- What about that power source, is it something that was already there that both Kongs and Godzillas started to deliberately harvest for technology/atomic breath? Or did Godzillas automatically channel that stuff and Kongs exploited/borrowed/traded with Godzillas to utilize it too? Or is the power from Godzillas who collaboratively poured a bunch of power into the place thus that Kongs were able to use it too? I doubt Godzilla’s species CREATED all that weird energy but the question remains of whether, like, they channel it FROM underground, or naturally produce the same thing in their own bodies, or what.
- Godzilla using his atomic breath to dig a hole STRAIGHT TO KONG just to KICK HIS ASS is hilarious. How lucky that Hong Kong just HAPPENS to be straight over Kong’s house! Were all the tunnels to the hollow earth made by pissed off Godzillas who wanted to kick monkey ass??
- I loved the aesthetic of the battle scene in Hong Kong, with the brightly colored neon building outlines, VERY cool look. The choreography of the battle scene was great too, especially
- we literally broke into applause when Kong shoved the axe handle in Godzilla’s mouth. Love it, perfect callback, that was the ONE thing from the original King Kong Vs Godzilla I was hoping to see referenced and there it was.
- You could really see a difference in how Kong and Godzilla fought—Kong doing a better job at using tools and the environment, Godzilla fighting more like a reptile. They seemed to emphasize Godzilla’s more animalistic behaviors in this movie to accomplish that contrast—he was down on all fours and moving like a crocodile more often, he was clawing at Kong’s chest—but even though it seemed a bit different of a combat technique it also didn’t seem out of place compared to how he fought in prior movies. And we’ve already seen that if Godzilla’s involved in a fight and one of the combatants knows how to use the environment, it’s typically not gonna be Godzilla. (See: Ghidorah using the reflection in a building’s windows to see what’s behind him, and recognizing a nearby power source and biting it to juice himself up.)
- So many of Godzilla’s enemies seem to have specialized in negating his atomic breath in order to combat him! The MUTOs directly suppress his ability to use it—and it makes sense that that’s an inborn ability they have, since they evolved to use Godzilla’s species as prey. Kong has a weapon that both acts as a shield to absorb the breath and turn it back against Godzilla’s species—they didn’t evolve to counter Godzilla, but they developed tools once a rivalry happened. Ghidorah’s the exception—which makes sense, since he came from space—but even at that we see him using tactics specifically to take into account Godzilla’s most powerful weapon (such as keeping one head on lookout for when he starts glowing so that they know when they need to dodge).
- LOVED the reveal that MechaG was based off of Ghidorah’s brain, it has vibes of both the Kiryu Saga and the way that Heisei MechaG is based off of Mecha-King Ghidorah. Not the most surprising plot twist, since we’d theorized that they might use San to make MechaG, but I wasn’t 100% sure they were gonna go with it until they finally did. Even when I was going “huh, the mecha pilot’s chamber looks weirdly organic” I didn’t make the connection to WHY until the reveal, lol.
- “Ghidorah’s necks are so long that the heads have to communicate with each other telepathically” that’s COMPLETELY WILD but I love it, it follows very well from their prior portrayal as telepathic empaths in Heisei, it lines up with their emphasis on electricity (because BRAINWAVES AND ELECTRICITY, hey ho movie monster pseudo science!), and it very much compliments my own private headcanon that they’ve got some psychic/mind control abilities.
- The movie ended with both “Godzilla won, technically” but also “since they teamed up as equals, the ending doesn’t FEEL like ‘Godzilla wins, Kong loses’ but rather ‘they both won against a common foe’” and since I’m on both Team Godzilla and Team They Should Be Friends, I’m happy with this outcome. Plus since the last time they fought, the Japanese movie company graciously let the American monster win, so it’s only polite that the American movie company graciously let the Japanese monster win.
- There were just a few too many humans in this movie. I was intrigued by Ren but we didn’t get much out of him, but like I guess somebody had to be in the pilot’s seat other than the Apex CEO. Didn’t care for the author of the hollow earth book, I feel like his role was superfluous. Didn’t need the Apex CEO’s daughter there at all, coulda done without her. How about this, combine all three roles. Instead of having a whole-ass author who knows about the hollow earth, just casually reference that Rick from KOTM wrote a book about it since he was the expert, and (since he wasn’t in this movie) say that he tragically died going to explore the hollow earth himself, and that way we’ve got the book with the “titans are from there” theory AND an excuse to share the “humans die when they go underground” info. Now, have Ren be working for Apex as a pilot for Mechagodzilla, but have him be MechaG’s pilot because he’s also a good pilot in general, and can fly those HEAV things. Have Apex send him to Monarch to be like “hey, you guys trust me right, since I’m Ishiro Serizawa’s relative? We at Apex have heard all about your failed hollow earth expedition, and due to Ishiro I’ve got some past ties to Monarch so I’ve got high clearance with y’all, so I could bring over this useful Apex tech that’d let you go underground and use what I know about hollow earth from my past time at Monarch to help guide things.” Once they’ve got the little chunk of energy stuff and go topside, he hustles it straight to Apex and straps into his seat to run MechaG. Bam, you’ve combined “person who knows enough about hollow earth to help the expedition,” “person who represents Apex’s interests and gets the energy,” and “person who pilots MechaG” into one character, in a way that takes three flat/underdeveloped characters and turns them into a single interesting character with a lot going on and some intriguing ties to the rest of the cast.
I think that’s everything?? Hoo.
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hrodvitnon · 2 years
Good news, some water's flown back in the Q well! :) (1)Do you think the Russells' + Monarch's wariness of San ever fully went away after Berezniki? (2)D'you think San before his heel-face turn + San-2 had any hard feelings towards Godzilla for taking their head off, or did they solely blame themselves for getting beheaded? (3)How did MaNi's severed head's life force remain connected to his body's when being drained, compared to how Ghidorah's severed pieces become shed skins? The Many involved?
This actually depends on the individual in question; the Russells and those at Monarch who've been in regular contact with Monster X would be more willing to let go of their reservations regarding San after Berezniki, seeing as they've had a front row seat seeing what San is capable of when he's on Godzilla's side. For everyone else at Monarch it would take considerably longer for them to fully trust San.
This is kind of a mixed bag. San and San-2 consider decapitation to be "the worst kind of defeat" what with their belief that the soul is contained within the head; that being said, they understand Godzilla's pragmatism in going for the head at the first opportunity, because that shows how efficient and experienced he is in battle. Plus his head getting ripped off while he's containing Vivienne would actually be good for keeping her safe for Ghidorah's plans, since she's being removed from anything that could further harm or even fully kill her. Whatever animosity San would have towards Godzilla doesn't last long, because on the one hand being separated from Ichi and Ni (therefore something that can give him direction and keep him fully focused) is a frightening concept for San, who is simply so used to being connected with his brothers that everything in being part of Ghidorah is normal for him; suddenly having that connection severed and being alone is scary, even if the quiet is a little refreshing. But on the other hand, if Godzilla hadn't decapitated him then San probably wouldn't have the kind of bond he has with Vivienne.
A lot of it is on account of MaNi's brain (and Ghidorah as a whole) still having a storage of the power needed to do things like bite or move around a bit, kind of like how a gas-powered generator can keep going so long as it still has fuel (you can thank the Makers for having that kind of insight). The Many being part of his patchwork body is just a bonus because that can give him an avenue of escape if need be, but that's only if enough of their biomass is connected to him. And if one thinks about it, Monster X is the First of Many, the prototype if you will. They maintain their individualities, and they have just enough similarities with the Many that consuming MaNi's body wouldn't have any averse effect on them (ex: the way they can form and unform wings exactly like how Keizer Ghidorah can reshape their body using the Many's biomass). Decapitating MaNi keeps him separated from the most amount of biomass that can keep his head going, allowing Monster X to drain his main body of power and starve the Many supercells if not kill them outright, until all that's left is a dried out, desiccated, useless husk.
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thiswasinevitableid · 3 years
95. you just witnessed me kill a guy and I have a really, really good reason for it, please don’t call the cops
Sternclay as a super/vigilante au? sfw or nsfw, please!
Here you go! This is NSFW
Content note: this fic contains mentions of murder, serial killers, knives. Brief description of a porn scene with implied dub-con (you can skip from the part where Barclay sees the TV to the next section break). But I included lots of fluff to balance it out.
This is the best hook-up Barclays had in years. Mr. Tall, dark, and handsome has done nothing but compliment him all night, from the fit of his shirt down to his kissing skills. So now that he’s facedown on the bed in this guys brownstone wearing only his boxers, he’s so excited he can barely think.
“Almost ready” a shcck of blinds dropping, “I just need to grab one more thing. Then the fun can start.”
“Can’t wait.” He sighs, shuts his eyes as his date moves across the room. Then the movement stops.
“Who the fu-”
Horrible, sticky warmth spatters the side of his face. Startled, he opens his eyes in time to watch his date fall to the floor, dead. Behind him is a figure in dark clothes with a tactical mask covering his face and a gun with a silencer in his right hand. A figure who has just noticed Barclay is awake.
In five swift, purposeful steps he’s at the bed, and Barclay doesn’t know what to do, whether to bolt for the window or knock the gun away or beg or, or or-
“Are you alright, sir?” The voice coming from the mask is calm and businesslike.
“.........what do you think?” Is the reply his useless brain comes up with.
“You look like you’re in shock. Which is understandable.” A gloved hand touches his face, “shit, I’m sorry, I was hoping none of it would get on you. Here, hold still.” He rifles through a pocket while Barclay’s mind drifts further from his body. Why isn’t he just killing him now? Is this part of some sick game?
“Turn your face this way just a bit” the back of his hand nudges Barclay’s chin, “good, thank you. I’m going to get you cleaned up, once that’s done I need to ask you to stay here until I’m finished cleaning up the scene. And also to not call the authorities for help when I’m out of the room.”
“Why?” Nope, okay, that’s it, that’s the reply that gets him shot.
“For one, you’re not in any danger from me. You were in danger from the now-deceased Mr. Martin, which is why I killed him.”
“I, uh, h-how can you be sure?”
“Let me show you” he helps Barclay up, guides him to the body, “you don’t need to look at him, just at that.”
He’s pointing to the boning knife clutched in the man’s hand. Barclay’s guts turn to sour milk.
“M-maybe he picked that up when he saw you?”
The killer shakes his head, gently guides Barclay back to the bed and, after a moment of studying the nightstand, pulls out the bottom drawer. It contains two more knives, duck tape, pliers, and seven, severed human thumbs.
“Oh fuck. What the fuck, what the fuck?” He whispers as the man closes the drawer.
“Mr. Martin is the Bear Butcher. I doubt you’ve heard of him, because that’s the name the authorities use among themselves while insisting that there’s no need to warn the public about him. He’s killed seven men, all gay and all on the bigger side; you would have been number eight.”
“I’m gonna be sick” He tips forward, feels gloved hands catch him and easily half-drag him into what turns out to be the bathroom.
“Wait here and do what you need to. I’ll be done in fifteen minutes, less if I can manage it. And, um, you might want to keep your eyes closed.”
Barclay has no problem with that order, though when the killer (his hero?) moves the body into the tub he discovers both the reason for the warning and that he does indeed have more in his stomach to throw up.
After an eternity of iron and bleach in the air and bile on his tongue, he’s helped back into the bedroom. The man hands him his clothes, turning his back as he dresses. He’s changed too, though the mask remains.
“I, I didn’t bring my car.” Barclay says weakly, knowing he won’t have the energy to walk home and the thought of getting in a cab or rideshare sets his nerves screaming.
“I assumed, since he wouldn’t want it being abandoned to lead to someone calling you in missing. If you’re okay with it, I can give you a ride home.”
Barclay nods. The man ushers him out the front door, pausing at the threshold for a final sweep. Then he pulls off his mask. Black hair sticks up until he smooths it back in a practiced motion, and blue eyes regard Barclay gently from a handsome face.
“It’s the Altima, right on the corner.” He says, folding the mask and tucking it into his pocket. Barclay gives his address, sits stiffly in the passenger seat as a pop station plays from the speakers.
“Do you want to change the station?”
“No” Barclay inhales fine, but the exhale comes out shaky, “jesus, how are you so calm?”
“Because if I’m trying to help you stay calm, I need to model the behavior. And, um, this isn’t my first time doing this, in case that wasn’t obvious. I’ve never had a witness before, for all the usual reasons and I’d prefer not to traumatize someone. But he went off his pattern and picked you up tonight, and I was not about to let him claim another victim.”
“Thank you.” Barclay doesn’t know what else to say. His adrenaline brain suggests propositioning the man in gratitude because it’s not everyday a hot mystery man saves your life. But the rest of him is well aware that if anyone touched him right now he might scream.
“It’s my job. Or it’s supposed to be.”
His curiosity peeks out from where it’s been hiding behind his sense of self-preservation, “What’s your name? Or can you not tell me?”
“It’s Joseph.”
“I wish we’d met under better circumstances, Barclay. Oh, here we are.” He parks the car, engine still running, “do you want me to wait until you’re inside to go?”
It should feel safe; it’s his apartment, his home above Amnesty’s new location, Mama’s own little house just out in the backyard. But his hand can’t make the fucking door handle go.
“Would, uh, would you mind coming up with me? Just, just for a few minutes?”
The man raises his eyebrows, but nods. Soon he’s standing in Barclays little kitchen, hands folded politely behind his back while Barclay tries and fails to start tea.
“If you want to just point to where things are, I can do that for you. You should eat something too, if your stomach’s settled.”
Barclay declines at first, but when his stomach growls Joseph moves through the kitchen--making distracting small talk all the while--not stopping until he’s assembled a plate of crackers, cheese and apples.
“Ooh, you got the good stuff.” He steals a piece for himself while Barclay nibbles a Triscuit
“Kinda a cheese snob; comes with the job.”
They talk about food and food writing until his plate is clear, at which point Joseph suggests he get ready for bed. Without being asked, he stays by the door as Barclay finishes getting changed and brushing his teeth.
“I, uh, I’m not really sure how to, uh, end this night.”
Joseph cups his cheek, “Lock the doors behind me. You don’t need to worry about anything else; you don’t owe me a thing. You’re safe. That’s what matters.” He smiles at him for the last time and heads out into the early morning light.
“Hey big fella, you’ll never guess who put in an order.” Mama clips up the slip from the table she’s working; Amnesty has been busy in the week since they opened here, so much so that she’s had to help with the crowds.
“Who?” Barclay flips the pancakes he’s watching, checks the bacons for tables 15 and 9.
“Your late night visitor.” Mama winks.
He turns, spots Joseph at the far end of the counter. He’s in a black suit, blue tie setting off his eyes, and his hair is fully slicked back. On his chest is a badge identifying him as working at the nearby FBI offices. He’s clearly as surprised to see Barclay as Barclay is to see him. He’s less surprised that Mama saw him leaving; she gets up early and her window faces his back stairs
“Hold on” Mama nudges him, “did he give you trouble? Because you look pretty off.”
“No, no, just, uh, didn’t expect to see him again.”
Joseph orders hash and poached eggs, and when Barclay sends the order out, he hands Dani a slice of cherry pie to go along with it. He peeks over his shoulder; Joseph is looking at the free dessert, smiling. Then he takes a bite and makes a face that’s borderline orgasmic. Barclay looks away before he drops a hot waffle on his foot.
Amnesty's restaurant closes at 3, and as Barclay is locking the front door, he notices Joseph waiting for him in an easily visible, well-lit spot.
“You know, I meant it when I said you didn’t owe me anything. Not even the most delicious pie I’ve ever eaten.”
“I give freebies now and then” Barclay smiles, “no rule that says I can’t give them to someone who did me a huge fucking favor. And, uh” he blushes, “glad you like the pie.”
“The whole meal was incredible. You’re a very talented cook. Would it be okay if I came back?” His expression is hopeful, almost nervous.
Barclay touches his shoulder, “Anytime.”
“So, uh, I’ve haven’t had a chance to ask but, uh, when you’re not working or chatting with me here, what do you do? For, like, fun?” Barclay leans across the counter as Joseph licks his form clean of meringue. Barclay’s gone through twelve different pie recipes in the last month just to see which ones the other man likes best.
“I read a lot, cultivate an extensive knowledge of old horror movies, try to make decent risotto in my apartment...oh, I play frisbee golf sometimes, I picked it up in college.”
“Any interest in seeing that new Godzilla movie? It looks terrible but in a fun way.”
“Oh yeah, I like what I’ve seen of the design they’re using for the kaiju.” He notices Barclays hand resting millimeters for his own. He runs his thumb along Barclays knuckles, “are you asking if I’ll go see it with you, big guy?”
“Uh huh.”
“I’d love to.”
“Holy fuck babe, when you said you were running out to get breakfast I figured you meant, like, McMuffins.”
“Only the best for you, big guy. Consider it a thank you for making dinner last night.” Joseph finishes laying out the donuts from “Holes in One” next to the plate of bagels and lox from the only place that Joseph insists does them right.
Barclay wraps his arms around him, tickling his cheek with his beard, “you’re fucking amazing babe.”
Joseph kisses him, coffee flavored and light, “So are you. Still want to play chess later?”
“Uh huh. Winner gets to blow the loser?”
“I like those terms, Mr. Cobb.”
It’s been like this for the last three months; evenings at the movies or tangled up in bed, mornings in sleepy hazes on the couch or out the eat, days upon days of Joseph spoiling, servicing, and just generally loving the hell out of him.
There are also the nights or, more often, early mornings, when Joseph returns steeped in grim satisfaction. At first he avoided having Barclay over those nights or going to see him the next day. Lately, they’re together so much that it’s unavoidable that Barclay will see the lethal edge lingering in his gaze or rub knots from his shoulders that he knows were earned in some darkened room where horrors had been playing out for weeks, months, even years. He doesn’t shy away from it; he loves Joseph, and that means seeing him clearly, though sometimes what he sees sends chills across his skin. Chills that feel less and less like fear.
They’re out for a walk around the lake, trading bites of gelato, when a question tunnels it’s way to the front of Barclays mind. He waits until they’re sitting on a bench far from any prying ears to ask it.
“What made you decide to, uh, do what you do?”
His boyfriend studies him, then sighs, “A number of things. Fear was the first one; you said you don’t follow true crime, so I’m guessing you don’t know of the Janesville Strangler?”
“He killed ten young women over the course of three years. He’s also my biological father. Michael Stern is my stepfather and, at my request, my adoptive one as well; my mom remarried as soon as she was sure my father couldn’t get out. He, he never turned any violence on me, but I suspect he used me as leverage with mom; she was a smart woman, I suspect she noticed something amiss but was frightened into keeping quiet. I was six when they locked him up, eight when she remarried. Mike is a gentle man, he did his best to raise me the same. But I, I never shook the fear that whatever drove my father to kill innocent people lurks somewhere in my genes.”
Barclay’s arm rests protectively across Joseph’s shoulders.
“I joined the FBI because I felt if I was able to turn whatever killer genes I have towards understanding serial murderers, I could use them to help others. Keep people safe. Ambition and skill moved me through the ranks quickly but” he sighs, “the more I rose, the more I saw how little was being done. How cases were mishandled, how if there was the slightest hint it was a cop or veteran doing the killing suddenly the case went cold, how a killer could pick off person after person and no one cared because the victims were the “wrong” kind of people. It came to a head two years ago; I’d poured all this energy into a case where the killer went after sex workers. He was prolific and obviously cruel, I fought tooth and nail for every resource I needed to track him. Officer Alex Brown was my main suspect, I was so close to getting a warrant to search his property and then they closed the case. Insisted the deaths were unrelated. I...I went up and searched on my own and” he looks at the sky, rests his head on Barclays arm, “lord almighty the things I found. I was right, I was right and I couldn’t do anything about it, he’d get to just go on preying on people and I couldn’t handle failing his future victims that way. I waited until he went on a hunting trip. Alone. Lots of things can happen to a man in the woods. And it’s hard to find evidence when his body just happens to fall near a coyote den.”
A little smile, one he tries to suppress, creeps up his cheeks, “I’ve never felt so powerful in my entire life. I decided I’d still try to play by the rules but that if I knew, for certain, someone was guilty and being shielded by either ignorance or malice, I’d solve the problem myself.” He looks at Barclay for the first time since he started his answer, face turning to shame, “I’m sorry, I, I should have given the short answer. I didn’t, I don’t want to upset you, or scare you but it’s hard not to given-”
“Joseph” Barclay carefully runs his fingers over black hair, “it’s not like I forgot how we met. I...I’m not under any misimpressions about what you’re capable of. I just wanted to know how you arrived at the solution you did. It’s, uh, it’s not what I’d choose for myself, not something I could do but, uh, I guess what I’m trying to say is that this isn’t going to push me away from you. And that it means a lot to me that you trust me enough to explain it.”
His boyfriend curls closer, “It means a lot to me, too.”
Black gloves on his throat, weight on his chest and when he opens his eyes it’s Joseph above him, steel in his gaze and between his fingers. He’s in a muddled dream version of Bear Butcher’s apartment
“Hi, big guy.” The thin knife slices up Barclay’s pants, “let’s get you out of these.”
“Please, please I-”
“Shhhh” Joseph kisses him, “I removed the man who threatened you. But you’re so handsome laid out like this, a victim just waiting for someone to make you scream.”
“Babe, I-”
“That’s not my name right now. Call me..” the hand no longer has a knife, is running roughly up his cock instead, “call me…”
Barclay wakes up still humping the mattress as he cums. Blindly, he reaches for his phone to check the time. It’s the fifth dream like that in two weeks, and they always leave him so horny he tries to get it up and get off again if there’s time. No such luck today; he has to be up in ten minutes.
He tries not to think about it during work, just like he tries not to think about it the rest of the time. Especially in bed with Joseph, his attentive, indulgent Joseph who puts all his organizational skills and professional practice at giving orders into domming Barclay so sweetly he stays in subspace for hours.
He’s still very much not thinking about Joseph gagging him so his screams don’t wake the neighbors as he climbs the stairs to his boyfriends place. Dani was a sweetheart and took care of his orders for him, so he was able to leave work early.
The T.V is on, volume up loud enough that he can tell what his boyfriend is up to before he even walks into the room. He fully intends to tease him for not being able to wait until Barclay was there to jerk off before hauling him into the bedroom. But when he sees the screen, he freezes.
A man in what looks like a cheesy camp counselor uniform is tied to the bed, his shirt stuffed into his mouth as a make-shift gag. Straddling him is a man in a black jumpsuit, knife near his hand and cock buried in the counselors ass.
“That’s it sweetheart, wiggle and try’n get away; you ain’t gonna and it feels so fuckin good when you try. This is what you get for leaving the window open.”
The counselor shakes his head, fear so palpable Barclay barely notices the fact the boom mic is in the shot. The killer pulls the gag free.
“Please, please, don’t kill meAH, ohgod”
A dark laugh, “I’m not gonna kill you, sugar. Thought about it, but when am I gonna find an ass this good again? Nah, I’m gonna take you back with me, keep you strapped down because you’re the, fuck, cutest goddamn specimen I ever caught.”
On the couch, Joseph tenses, cumming in the sleeve he’s using with a cry at the same moment the killer on screen cums and bends to kiss his co-stars tear-streaked face.
Joseph hits the remote, causing the T.V to go dark and reveal Barclay’s reflection.
“Shit!” Joseph leaps up, making Barclay yelp in surprise, “oh, oh thank the lord it’s just you….oh god how much of that did you see?”
Joseph drops to the couch, head in hands, “shit. I’m, I’m so sorry Barclay, I, I never wanted you to know about this habit, I’m sorry it’s awful.” The voice between his fingers sounds like it might cry.
“I mean, that wasn’t like a snuff film, right?”
“Those aren’t real.”
He can’t help but smile remembering Joseph’s rant on the subject, “what I meant was: those guys are just actors getting paid to do a scene like that, not some actually getting attacked.”
“Of course not.” Joseph looks up, horrified, “I’d never watch something like that. The, the whole reason I like this company is that they do horror porn under very ethical working conditions.”
“Then why are you acting like I caught you pissing in my coffee?”
“Does the fact I get off to this honestly not bother you?”
“I mean, people get off to all sorts of shit. Like, um, like” he twists the bracelet on his wrist, “like their boyfriend tying them up and threatening to make them scream.”
Josephs eyes widen. Then he shakes his head, “No. No we can’t do that.”
“Why not?”
“Because I...I never, ever want to hurt you that way. Even in a scene. I can’t stand the thought of you being scared of me, of turning these impulses loose on you. It sounds fun until I picture it and then it makes me ill. No, this stays firmly in my head.”
“Okay.” He keeps his reply soft to hide his disappointment. Joseph is still on the couch, refusing to look his way, and so he circles it and kneels at his feet to better rub his arms. He thinks about the images on screen. About Joseph, blissed out then suddenly shame-faced. Joseph, two nights ago, calculated and loving as he worked Barclay over.
No, maybe the kind of scene he’s been picturing isn’t for them. But he can think of one that is.
“What if, uh, instead of giving into the desires that freak you out we kind of rechannel them. Like, instead of strapping me down to torment me, you’re doing it to show off?”
Blue eyes meet his for the first time all night, “Say more.”
“Ready?” Barclay bats his eyelashes at Joseph as his boyfriend finishes double checking the tightness of the rope he’s using to tie Barclays arms above his head.
“Ready.” Joseph stands, rolling his shoulders and closing his eyes as he takes deep breaths. Then he frowns, “can you start us off?”
“Sure thing, babe.” He nestles his head on the pillow, “okay, you found me tied up like this. What’s your first thought?”
Joseph opens his eyes, gaze sharp, “That I’m so lucky someone left a handsome specimen like you where I could find him.”
Barclays cock twitches at being referred to that way, “You’re not gonna let me go?”
“Not just yet. You’re so perfect, will you let me make a case for staying here with me?”
“Please” Barclay whimpers as Joseph straddles him, knife in hand.
“I’m very precise, for starters.” He cuts slowly up Barclays boxers until he can pull the strip of fabric off. Repeats the process, lips a firm line of concentration, with his undershirt, “see? There’s not even a scratch. I have to be careful not to damage my perfect specimen.”
Barclay groans, rolling his hips. Joseph smiles, shifting so his cock rubs against Joseph’s clothed crotch.
“Fuck, Joseph-”
“Shhhh” a gloved thumb brushes his lips, “When you’re like this, my name is Sir.”
“Ohfuck.” Barclay rubs his cheek pleadingly in his palm, “Sir, please, please, untie me so I can touch you.”
“Not yet.” Joseph pats his cheek, scoots backwards on the bed, “besides, you’ll have lots of time to touch me once I take you home and make you my sweet live-in plaything.”
“Holyfuckingshit.” Barclay fights off a dozen tantalizing images of what that could entail to focus on their plan, “Sir? What, uh, what was the guy who tied me up going to do to me?”
His boyfriend settles between his legs, “He was going to take you apart.” He lifts Barclay’s right leg, “starting with these, so if you got free you couldn’t run. This tendon first” he kisses the back of his knee, making Barclay giggle. He pauses, then decides on holding both legs up at once so he can repeat the kiss on the other side. His lips move slowly down to his ankles, right side and then the left, before a final one lands on his arch, “he was going to cut here too. But not me” the kisses continue, “I’m going to rub them every evening so you’re never sore.”
“Fuuuuck” He sighs as Joseph straddles him once more, leaning forward so he can kiss and fondle his arms.
“He was going to slice alllll along here” Joseph’s breathing is picking up the longer he lavishes Barclay with kisses, “then he was going to take your fingers one by one” Joseph kisses each knuckle in turn, his free hand petting Barclay’s face and hair, “then he was going to commit a cardinal sin by mangling these” Joseph toys with his pecks, sucks happily on his left nipple for a moment, “what a crime that would have been.”
“Sir” it’s a whine as Joseph nips and kisses his way down to his navel.
He raises slightly, mouth just above Barclays cock, “and because he had no imagination, he was going to cut this wonderful appendage off. Which is not the treatment it deserves.”
“What treatment does it deserve SirrrrrOHfuck, fuckyes” Barclay pants as Joseph licks stripe after stripe up his cock. As Joseph licks and sucks him to a hard-on, he feels the plug slip from his ass.
“I don’t know what his plans were for that” Joseph sits up, undoing his pants and pulling out his cock, “but I know what mine are.” He pushes Barclays legs wide, works his cock in with slow, steady thrusts while Barclay tries to remember how words work.
“Shit, yes, god your ass is amazing, what kind of person sees it and thinks its for anything but fucking?”
“Nngh” Barclay clings to the ropes as Joseph’s thrusts quicken.
“Lord, I thought you were a perfect specimen before but I was wrong, you look even better taking my cock.”
“Fuck, fuck that’s hot.”
Joseph grip his thighs tight enough to hurt, “well, big guy, will you stay with me?” His eyes glitter, his hair is coming loose and falling across his forehead.
“YesAH, yes, ohfucksirright there” He didn’t notice Joseph changing the angle of thrusts until his cock found his prostate, “I’ll be so good Sir, wanna be a good boy for you.”
“Oh good.” Joseph’s smile goes wolfish for an instant, “because I would have had to do some very mean things to persuade you if you refused.”
Barclay cums at that, staining Joseph’s shirt with white. His hands knock against the headboard as Joseph fucks him hard enough to make him sob with oversensitive pleasure.
“You’re going to be such a nice plaything for Sir, aren’t you?”
“Good boyOH, ohshit, shit.” Joseph pulls out halfway through cumming, spattering it on Barclays thighs and balls. Carefully, he lowers his legs. Then his boyfriend collapses into his arms, panting and giddy.
“That, that was so fun. I’d say who knew but every time we fuck you show me just how fucking fun all this can be.”
“Aw, babe.” He goes to hug him and rediscovers the ropes.
“Ohshit, here” Joseph sets to work undoing his knots, “are your wrists okay? Not too sore? How about your shoulders?”
“They all feel fucking great, baby. I feel great. How could I not? I got you looking after me.”
Joseph smiles, “and out for you.”
“That too. Now c’mere, special agent, your next assignment is cuddling your boyfriend.”
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cherubcow · 3 years
“Invincible”, Season 1 (2021) Review
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Somehow both very cool and very fucking stupid :D
About Created and written primarily by Robert Kirkman (principle writer for The Walking Dead comic and TV show), this Young Adult cartoon basically synthesizes a number of comic book characters (e.g., Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, Hellboy, Wonder Woman, Gambit) and tries to balance their heroism with cynical twists and dark realities. It's an exercise like Brightburn (2019) in that it mirrors existing comic writing all too closely in order to make violent twists. The cool stuff arrives pretty much immediately. You can tell right away that the physics have some level of realism, and it quickly gets serious because of this. The easy comparison would be to The Boys (also by Amazon, also about violent heroes, and also very well-produced). So, if you like The Boys (2019–), you'll probably like Invincible only a little less.
(( Some spoilers but nothing too specific ))
Wrong Focus But, the stupid stuff comes from the same error that the Kick-Ass movie (2010) made: it focuses on the wrong person(s). In Kick-Ass, the error was focusing on.. well.. "Kick-Ass", an irredeemable loser and waste of screen time. Invincible makes the same mistake, focusing on.. well.. "Invincible", a (so far) irredeemable loser and waste of screen time. So, despite its virtues, this show cannot escape that it made the decision to go for the Young Adult viewing demographic. It reminds me of Alita: Battle Angel (2019) in that way too: some very cool adult concepts ruined by the dramatic devices of unrepentant teenage stupidity and irrelevance. I didn't even like that stuff when I was a teenager, though Jordan Catalano gets a pass.
Main Cast and Characters The supporting characters were also very stupid. The most annoying was definitely Amber Bennett (voiced by the otherwise cool Zazie Beetz from Deadpool 2 (2018) and Joker (2019)), 
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who is supposed to be attractive somehow to Mark Grayson ("Invincible", voiced by Steven Yeun, who played Glenn on The Walking Dead) 
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despite the fact that she constantly judges him, fails to understand him, often fails to give him any kind of benefit of the doubt, and continues to scowl at him and be hurtful towards him even when she has information that should change her outlook towards him. And because she is part of the love triangle shared between herself, Invincible/Mark, and "Atom Eve"/Samantha (voiced by the awesome Gillian Jacobs from Community (2009–2014)), 
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audiences simply have to bear with it that Amber's annoying character will be present and wasting time until Mark can realize that Amber is in fact toxic and that Eve actually understands him and can improve him in more positive directions. That love triangle should have been a 20-minute distraction, but I'm guessing that it will eat up a season or two more, especially if the writers become cowardly and fail to change things for fear of messing up a perceived "winning" formula. In my ideal story line, they would skip ahead 10 years, drop the teen drama, the love triangle, and the stupid jokes and have Invincible and Eve paired in defense of Earth, with the main tension being from their worry that the other would be horribly gored in front of them during lethal fights against cosmic enemies ;)
Aside, I am aware of Amber’s motivation for being a bad person, I just think her justification is not based in understanding, empathy, and a regard for the gravity of Invincible’s situation. In a strict political sense, Invincible should not commit a lie of omission by keeping her in the dark about his identity — even if for the “noble lie” reason of protecting her — but in a real sense, he is a fucking teenager who just developed his super powers. For her to pretend that he should reveal his entire identity to her — a potentially transformative and even dangerous decision — after a few months of teenage romance paints an absurd portrait of her mind. It does, however, align her with Omni-Man, because where Omni-Man forces Invincible to become an adult in the fighting sense (pushing with full force early on), Amber forces Invincible to become an emotional adult by getting him to understand that toxic people such as herself need to be given boundaries — and he needs to learn to clearly delineate and communicate his real desires. By knowing that he does not want Amber, people who regiment his free time, or people who do not suit him, for instance, he can realize why Eve was an obvious decision: Eve understands, can make time when they have time, and will let him find his decisions. Part of a coming-of-age story tends to be realizing what one actually wants, and Invincible’s hesitation in telling Amber his identity shows that he does not truly want her. This separates Invincible from, say, Spider-Man, who avoided telling Mary Jane his identity not because he did not want her but because he wanted at all costs to protect her.
The next most annoying character has to be Debbie Grayson (voiced by TV-cancer Sandra Oh and who luckily was not animated to look like the real Sandra Oh and who should have been voiced instead by Bobby Lee due to Lee's successful MadTV parody of Sandra Oh). 
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Debbie basically fills the role of Skyler in Breaking Bad, except that Debbie's character tends to be slightly more understanding before her inevitable and toxic Skyler-resentment and undermining behavior. Despite having an 8-episode arc of change, Debbie's character flips too quickly and lacks the empathy and Omni-Man motive-justifying that would make her interesting (the comic's development may vary). For instance, if she refused to believe that Omni-Man meant his own words, that would make her empathetic and perhaps virtuous even if misled, but instead she dropped their "20 years" of understanding after viewing Omni-Man in action, which makes her appear shallow, easily manipulated, and unsympathetic. That was a definite "Young Adult" genre move because it shows immaturity by the writers to break apart a bond of 20 years so quickly. Mediocre teens might accept such a fissure because their lives have not yet seen or may not comprehend that level of time, but adults know that even long-standing and problematic relationships (which, beyond the lie, Omni-Man's and Debbie's was not shown to be) take a lot of time to break — even with lies exposed.
Omni-Man The biggest show strength for me was of course Omni-Man, who in a success of casting was voiced by J.K. Simmons in a kind of reprisal of Simmons' role as Fletcher from Whiplash (2014). 
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The Fletcher/Omni-Man parallel shows through their being incredibly harsh but extremely disciplined and principled, forcing people to become beyond even their own ideal selves (this via Omni-Man's tough-love teaching of Invincible — comically, Omni-Man was actually psychologically easier on Invincible than Fletcher was on Whiplash's Andrew character). Despite the show's attempts to villainize Omni-Man, he, like Fletcher and also like Breaking Bad's Walter White, becomes progressively more awesome, eventually representing a Spartan will, an unconquerable drive, and a realistic and martial understanding of a hero's role.
To the show's credit, while it wrote Omni-Man to be outright genocidal and from a culture of eugenicists (again, Spartan), they could not help but admire him and his "violence" and "naked force" (for a Starship Troopers reference), giving him a path to redemption. That redemption comes in part because — despite the show's attempt to be often realistic and violent — its decision to be directed at young adults via dumb jokes, petty relationship drama, the characters’ reckless lack of anonymity and security in their neighborhood (loudly taking off and landing right at the doorstep), and light indy music also made the portrayed violence far less literal. With a less literal violence, the real statement becomes not that Omni-Man really did kill so many people (though he certainly did kill those people within the show's plot) but that he was symbolically capable of terrible violence but could be reformed for good. That's the shortcoming with putting violence under demographic limitations. If it's a PG-13 Godzilla knocking down cities, the deaths in the many fallen skyscrapers don't matter so much (the audience will even forgive Godzilla for mass death if it happens mostly in removed spectacle), whereas if it's Cormac McCarthy envisioning a very realistic fiction, every death rides the edge of true trauma.
By showing light between the real and the symbolic, it is much easier to identify and agree with Omni-Man. For instance, when Robot (voiced by Zachary Quinto of Heroes and the newer Star Trek movies) 
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shows too much empathy for the revealed weakness of "Monster Girl" (voiced by Grey Griffin), the audience may have thought, "Pathetic," even before Omni-Man himself said it. And this because Omni-Man knows that true and powerful enemies (including himself) will not hesitate to use ultra-violence against these avenues of weakness. "Invincible" can make his Spider-Man quips while in lethal battles, but he does so while riding the edge of death — something that Omni-Man has to teach Invincible by riding him to the brink of his own.
Other Cast/Characters and Amazon's Hidden Budget It was impressive how many big-name actors were thrown into this — a true hemorrhage of producer funding. Amazon has so far hidden the budget numbers, perhaps because they don't want people to know that the show (like many of its shows) represents a kind of loss-leader to jump-start its entertainment brand.
Aside from those already mentioned, the show borrows a number of actors from The Walking Dead (WD), including.. • Chad L. Coleman ("Martian Man"; "Tyreese" on WD),
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• Khary Payton ("Black Samson"; "Ezekiel" on WD),
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• Ross Marquand (several characters; "Aaron" on WD)
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• Lauren Cohan ("War Woman"; "Maggie" on WD)
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• Michael Cudlitz ("Red Rush"; "Abraham" on WD)
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• Lennie James ("Darkwing"; "Morgan" on WD)
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• Sonequa Martin-Green ("Green Ghost"; "Sasha" on WD) 
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There were also connections to Rick and Morty and Community, not just with Gillian Jacobs but also with... • Justin Roiland ("Doug Cheston"), who voices both Rick and Morty in Rick and Morty,
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• Jason Mantzoukas ("Rex"),
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• Walton Goggins ("Cecil"),
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• Chris Diamantopoulos (several characters),
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• Clancy Brown ("Damien Darkblood"),
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• Kevin Michael Richardson ("Mauler Twins"), and
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• Ryan Ridley (writing)
That's a lot of overlap. They even had Michael Dorn from Star Trek: TNG (1987–1994) (there he played Worf) and Reginald VelJohnson from Family Matters (1989–1998) and Die Hard (1988), and even Mark Hamill. Pretty much everyone in the voice cast was significant and known. Maybe Amazon got a discount for COVID since the actors could all do voice-work from home? ;)
Overall Bad that it was for the Young Adult target demo but good for the infrequent adult themes and ultra-violence. Very high production value and a good watch for those who like dark superhero stories. I have heard that the comic gets progressively darker, which fits for Robert Kirkman, so it will likely be worth keeping up with this show.
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homeworld-steven-au · 4 years
How do you feel about steven universe future and how it ended
You asked for it.
Now that I have had a couple days to think. I love Steven Universe Future! I can understand why some people don’t, but I do think it’s mostly just being small minded in regards to Steven’s character growth. Which was handled so well by the way! The entirety of SUF felt like a gut punch of emotions. Seeing the impact that all of this had on Steven was sad, but it felt very very realistic. I do wish we could of had a little more of some things... I think Steven Universe as a whole has a problem with not utilizing it’s characters enough. That being said however, With the direction that SUF was heading... I can actually understand why we didn’t get as many as I would have liked. This show and this epilogue is about STEVEN. So maybe in the future (haha) we can get something less centered around Steven? Like a comic or something to show more of early Homeworld life and a little after? I don’t know... we just still know very little about Homeworld and hardly know any Gems or their roles on Homeworld. I understand that this show is about Steven, but stuff like this always will stick out and be a weak spot for the show. 
Enough about my little problems with the show as a whole, since i’m planning on doing a review of the entire series overall someday. The last few episodes were just perfect! From Mr. Universe to the finale. Each episode hit it’s mark perfectly! I loved every second and don’t really have the words to describe how I feel other than that! I don’t really have any other problems either? I know some people are bummed out that Jasper was revived and now shattered gems can be revived... But we always knew Steven could bring people back to life, and I imagine it wouldn’t have worked if he didn’t have all the shards. Also another point... FUCK YOU I LOVE JASPER IF SHE DIED FOREVER I WOULD HAVE NEVER GOTTEN OVER IT >:( 
Lets now talk about the Worm.. or er... Wyrm. Or really just Godzilla. I love the design! It’s way brighter than I think we all thought he’d be, but in the end it works! It’s top heavy and not really meant to walk on two legs as we see it really just uses all fours for running which is really clever in my opinion. Instead of having some slow moving Godzilla thing, it’s a feral mess that’s unpredictable. I love how the beast is designed over all I dunno. I like monsters. The other problem people had is with everyone hugging it out with Steven. To that I can only say... wow? You wanted Steven to get hurt? You wanted them to beat the anger and trauma out of him??? That is really not how that works folks. It was a perfect showing of all this show stands for! The love of the family hes had and made all coming together and showing their love... MWAH!
Finally.. The Future... Yeah... yeah, even I saw this coming but that doesn’t make it bad? You people need to learn to just enjoy something FFS. It doesn’t have to be some unexpected revelation to be enjoyable? It was a perfect way for Steven to end his Gem Journey, and finally embark on a Journey of Humanity. 
Again I’ll cover this all again in more detail and more at a later date. But Yeah! I feel like Steven Universe Future was GREAT! I love this show and I’m so glad it wasn’t a garbage fire like Star Vs, or literally any other show that has ended lately. Like seriously? Has anyone else noticed most endings to shows as of the last two years have just... sucked? I’m very glad for Steven Universe breaking this streak and I hope it stays broken. 
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hiya ! i saw ur taking requests and was wondering if i could request something for michael clifford with 1, 4, 5, and 12 👉🏻👈🏻 if not that's totally understandable !! :)
1- “Your hair is so soft.”
4- “C’mere, you can sit in my lap until I’m finished working.”
5- “I’m not gonna stop poking you until you give me some attention.”
12- “no-no-its alright. Come here.”
Attention- M. Clifford
Requested: yes! Requests are always open!
Original story by sarcastically-defensive17
It had been 7 hours and counting since she sat down at her desk, typing away on her outdated and barely functional computer.
She had been aggressively typing out a lengthy essay regarding the affects of lingual discrimination on various historical figures and her brain fought against her eyes to remain open.
Her hair was haphazardly thrown into a messy bun and she was surviving the day on cake bars and with sweats cloaking her legs. It was safe to say, she was in a state of serene stress. She felt comfortable, and under any other circumstances she would relish that chance to relax in her comfortable clothes and gorge on food that would earn ridicule from her Personal Trainer sister, but at this time, Y/N wanted nothing more than to sleep away her worries.
She was approaching the end of last year of university, meaning the essay length was longer and her sleep was less frequent.
She enjoyed every second, her boyfriend on the other hand, didn’t.
Said man child was currently doing his best to remain quiet, as he tip-toed into the makeshift office.
He had been trying for hours to get her attention. It was true that he loved to have the attention on him, especially when it was Y/N’s attention, but he also didn’t want her to overwork and burn herself out.
“Y/N!” He stretched out the last syllable, making the woman and the small dog nestled on her lap lurch in fright.
She spun around in the chair, wide eyed and clasping Southy to her chest, “Michael, what have I told you about scaring us?”
She wasn’t yelling. She was calm, her voice barely changing in pitch. He had never heard Y/N yell or even get mad at somebody. She tends to approach every situation with a level head, barely even cracking under the pressure of anything.
“I’m bored,” he stated in a matter-of-fact tone with a smile on his face.
She smiled back at him, turning around and directing her gaze back to the computer screen and causing his face to drop.
“Why don’t you give Calum a call? I’m sure he would be happy to come hang with you while I do this.”
That was not the answer Michael wanted. He wanted his adorable girlfriend to abandon her stressful uni work for an afternoon and cuddle with him and their pooches on the lounge. Or just for her to relax for an hour or so. Anything to get her mind off of the strenuous essay writing.
A loud, and overdramatized sigh escaped from the blonde mans lips and a thud followed closely after. Y/N spun in her chair to see the man sprawled on the ground, spread like a starfish.
“What are you doing?” She giggled, placing South down on the ground so the small dog could attack the man with licks.
“I want attention -south stop, not my nose - I’m bored!” He desperately tried to stop the dog from licking his nose, a peeve of his, while maintaining the tone of abandonment.
“Mikey, I need to get this done, I’m sorry. You know how close the due date is,” she trailed off, her voice holding a sad tone he hadn’t heard many times before.
That was the moment Michael knew, he needed to get you to stop. If not for the rest of the day, at least for an hour or two to unwind.
He didn’t like seeing his girl so stressed, and to be quite honest, he was feeling particularly needy.
“Baby,” he stretched out the vowel sound. His mother always told him he resembled a toddler when he was bored, so today he is embracing it.
Y/N simply sighed, turning back to her computer and skimming her eyes over her work.
She truly felt bad for denying Michael the attention, but she rationalized the guilt because she knew if she didn’t have at least a portion of her essay finished by the end of the day, she risked a full-blown panic attack.
Something she wasn’t the most keen on showing Michael.
A soft thumping in the side of her rib she drew her attention, and after swatting away the offending being multiple times, she huffed, spinning in her chair to face Michael who was -now- poking her in the stomach at a steady rate.
She adored the man in front of her, but she had to admit that she was getting fed up.
“I’m not going to stop poking you until you give me some attention,” he beamed at her, and her frustration momentarily melted away.
Unfortunately that wasn’t enough to get what he wants. She spun back around only to feel the constant jab in her ribs continue.
He alternated where he was poking as not to cause the area to become too tender, but he was still causing a lot of frustration and doing a great job at distracting her.
She didn’t want to snap. She didn’t want to be rude. She wanted to be nice. She wanted him to be happy. She didn’t want to snap-
“Michael, for gods sakes, stop fucking poking me! I’m busy!” Her hands flew down her mouth after the words finished their escape. Her eyes were wide and Michael looked shocked.
He didn’t look offended he just looked surprised and apologetic. He had pushed her that bit too far and he knew it, and he felt bad.
“I’m sorry Y/N,” his voice was soft, a small apologetic smile on his face. “I didn’t mean to annoy you, I was just trying to get you to relax for a bit. I’ll leave you to finish up, okay?”
“No-no- it’s alright, come here,” she held her hands out for the man, pulling him closer to her and standing out of the chair.
She grabbed her laptop and textbook and trekked to their lounge room, flopping herself down and setting her stuff up on the arm of the lounge.
“I have a little bit left to do so I can round off this body paragraph, but once I’m done I’m all yours,” she smiled at him and his guilt washed away at the knowledge that she wasn’t mad at him.
“You sure bub? I don’t want to stop you from finishing your work when it’s causing you so much stress,” he sat on the lounge gingerly, not wanting to force her to relax when she wasn’t ready to do so.
“I’m sure, Mikey.” She moved her arms outwards, “C’mere, you can sit in my lap until I’m done working.”
He giggled at the soft smirk on her face, choosing to instead lay his head down in her lap and his long body along the length of the lounge.
They decided on the new Godzilla movie, and Y/N quickly became determined to knock the essay off so she could diverge her full attention to the movie that was capturing her interest.
Almost an hour later and her computer and essay were abandoned, having been finished to the extent she wanted.
Her hands were tangling in Michaels hair, and they were both enamored by the images dancing across the television screen.
“Your hair is so soft,” she whispered, threading her fingers through the blonde locks.
“Why thank you, I grew it myself.”
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godzilla-kong-ellen · 4 years
Godzilla Kong ellen teljes film (𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟏-𝐇𝐔) magyarul ☑️
👓 Godzilla Kong ellen 2021 Teljes Film Magyarul 👓
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Nézd meg most📺 ▶️▶️▶  https://tinyurl.com/2xynr7g4
Mind tudtuk, hogy egyszer megtörténik. Világunk szörnyei nem kerülhetik el egymást. A legnagyobbaknak előbb-utóbb szembe kell találkozniuk, hogy összemérjék az erejüket. De ahol King Kong és Godzilla csatázik, ott senki más nincs biztonságban.
felszabadított: 2021-03-24 Runtime: 0 percek Műfaj: Akció, Sci-Fi Csillag: Alexander Skarsgård, Millie Bobby Brown, Kyle Chandler, Rebecca Hall, Brian Tyree Henry Rendező: Terry Rossio, Eric McLeod, Ronald R. Reiss, Sarah Halley Finn, Owen Paterson
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its somewhat ironic that a movie about time travel can’t be reviewed properly until your future self rewatches the movie. It’s bold of Nolan to make such a thoroughly dense blockbuster. He assumes people will actually want to see ~Tenet more than once so they can understand it properly, which some may not. This movie makes the chronology of Inception look as simplistic as tic-tac-toe. Ergo, it’s hard for me to give an accurate rating, without having seen it twice, as I’m still trying to figure out whether everything does indeed make sense. If it does, this movie is easily a 9 or 10. If it doesn’t, it’s a 6. It’s further not helped by the fact that the dialogue in the first 15 minutes of the movie is painfully hard to understand / hear. Either they were behind masks; they were practically mumbling; the sound effects were too loud; or all of the above. The exposition scenes are also waayyy too brief for something this complex — a problem also shared with Interstellar actually. (Interstellar had this minimalist exposition problem explaining Blight, where if you weren’t careful, you’d miss this one sentence / scene in the entire movie explaining that Blight was a viral bacteria: “Earth’s atmosphere is 80% nitrogen, we don’t even breathe nitrogen. Blight does, and as it thrives, our air gets less and less oxygen”). I guess it’s a Nolan quirk. Hopefully, a revision of the film audio sorts the sound mixing out. I do like the soundtrack, but it’s too loud initially. I liked all the actors. You think John Washington can’t act at first, but he can, and he grows on you as the film progresses. And Pattinson is his usual charming self. Elizabeth is a surprise treat. And so on. Its worth a watch either way. See it with subtitles if you can. And definitely don’t expect to fully understand whats going on the first time around. Its one hell of a complicated film. It will be very hard for an average viewer to gather all the information provided by this movie at the first watch. But the more you watch it, more hidden elements will come to light. And when you are able to put these hidden elements together. You will realize that this movie is just a “masterpiece” which takes the legacy of Christopher Nolan Forward If I talk about acting, Then I have to say that Robert Pattinson has really proved himself as a very good actor in these recent years. And I am sure his acting skills will increase with time. His performance is charming and very smooth. Whenever he is on the camera, he steals the focus John David Washington is also fantastic in this movie. His performance is electrifying, I hope to see more from him in the future. Other characters such as Kenneth Branagh, Elizabeth, Himesh Patel, Dimple Kapadia, Clémence Poésy have also done quite well. And I dont think there is a need to talk about Michael Caine Talking about Music, its awesome. I dont think you will miss Hans Zimmer’s score. Ludwig has done a sufficient job. There is no lack of good score in the movie Gotta love the editing and post production which has been put into this movie. I think its fair to say this Nolan film has focused more in its post production. The main problem in the movie is the sound mixing. Plot is already complex and some dialogues are very soft due to the high music score. It makes it harder to realize what is going on in the movie. Other Nolan movies had loud BGM too. But Audio and dialogues weren’t a problem My humble request to everyone is to please let the movie sink in your thoughts. Let your mind grasp all the elements of this movie. I am sure more people will find it better. Even those who think they got the plot. I can bet they are wrong. ~Tenet is the long awaited new movie from Christopher Nolan. The movie that’s set to reboot the multiplexes post-Covid. It’s a manic, extremely loud, extremely baffling sci-fi cum spy rollercoaster that will please a lot of Nolan fan-boys but which left me with very mixed views. John David Washington (Denzel’s lad) plays “The Protagonist” — a crack-CIA field operative who is an unstoppable one-man army in the style of Hobbs or Shaw. Recruited into an even more shadowy organisation, he’s on the trail of an international arms dealer, Andrei Sator (Kenneth Branagh in full villain mode). Sator is bullying his estranged wife Kat (Elizabeth Debicki) over custody of their son (and the film unusually has a BBFC warning about “Domestic Abuse”). Our hero jets the world to try to prevent a very particular kind of Armageddon while also keeping the vulnerable and attractive Kat alive. This is cinema at its biggest and boldest. Nolan has taken a cinema ‘splurge’ gun, filled it with money, set it on rapid fire, removed the safety and let rip at the screen. Given that Nolan is famous for doing all of his ‘effects’ for real and ‘in camera’, some of what you see performed is almost unbelievable. You thought crashing a train through rush-hour traffic in “Inception” was crazy? You ain’t seen nothing yet with the airport scene! And for lovers of Chinooks (I must admit I am one and rush out of the house to see one if I hear it coming!) there is positively Chinook-p*rn on offer in the film’s ridiculously huge finale. The ‘inversion’ aspects of the story also lends itself to some fight scenes — one in particular in an airport ‘freeport’ — which are both bizarre to watch and, I imagine, technically extremely challenging to pull off. In this regard John David Washington is an acrobatic and talented stunt performer in his own right, and must have trained for months for this role. Nolan’s crew also certainly racked up their air miles pre-lockdown, since the locations range far and wide across the world. The locations encompassed Denmark, Estonia, India, Italy, Norway, the United Kingdom, and United States. Hoyte Van Hoytema’s cinematography is lush in introducing these, especially the beautiful Italian coast scenes. Although I did miss the David Arnold strings that would typically introduce these in a Bond movie: it felt like that was missing. The ‘timey-wimey’ aspects of the plot are also intriguing and very cleverly done. There are numerous points at which you think “Oh, that’s a sloppy continuity error” or “Shame the production design team missed that cracked wing mirror”. Then later in the movie, you get at least a dozen “Aha!” moments. Some of them (no spoilers) are jaw-droppingly spectacular. Perhaps the best twist is hidden in the final line of the movie. I only processed it on the way home. And so to the first of my significant gripes with ~Tenet. The sound mix in the movie is all over the place. I’d go stronger than that… it’s truly awful (expletive deleted)! Nolan often implements Shakespeare’s trick of having characters in the play provide exposition of the plot to aid comprehension. But unfortunately, all of this exposition dialogue was largely incomprehensible. This was due to: the ear-splitting volume of the sound: 2020 movie audiences are going to be suffering from ‘~Tenetis’! (LOL); the dialogue is poorly mixed with the thumping music by Ludwig Göransson (Wot? No Hans Zimmer?); a large proportion of the dialogue was through masks of varying description (#covid-appropriate). Aaron Taylor-Johnson was particularly unintelligible to my ears. Overall, watching this with subtitles at a special showing might be advisable! OK, so I only have a PhD in Physics… but at times I was completely lost as to the intricacies of the plot. It made “Inception” look like “The Tiger Who Came to Tea”. There was an obvious ‘McGuffin’ in “Inception” — — (“These ‘dream levels’… how exactly are they architected??”…. “Don’t worry… they’ll never notice”. And we didn’t!) In “~Tenet” there are McGuffins nested in McGuffins. So much of this is casually waved away as “future stuff… you’re not qualified” that it feels vaguely condescending to the audience. At one point Sator says to Kat “You don’t know what’s going on, do you?” and she shakes her head blankly. We’re right with you there luv! There are also gaps in the storyline that jar. The word “~Tenet”? What does it mean. Is it just a password? I’m none the wiser. The manic pace of ~Tenet and the constant din means that the movie gallops along like a series of disconnected (albeit brilliant) action set pieces. For me, it has none of the emotional heart of the Cobb’s marriage problems from “Inception” or the father/daughter separation of “Interstellar”. In fact, you barely care for anyone in the movie, perhaps with the exception of Kat. It’s a talented cast. As mentioned above, John David Washington is muscular and athletic in the role. It’s a big load for the actor to carry in such a tent-pole movie, given his only significant starring role before was in the excellent BlacKkKlansman. But he carries it off well. A worthy successor to Gerard Butler and Jason Statham for action roles in the next 10 years. This is also a great performance by Robert Pattinson, in his most high-profile film in a long time, playing the vaguely alcoholic and Carré-esque support guy. Pattinson’s Potter co-star Clemence Poésy also pops up — rather more un-glam that usual — as the scientist plot-expositor early in the movie. Nolan’s regular Michael Caine also pops up. although the 87-year old legend is starting to show his age: His speech was obviously affected at the time of filming (though nice try Mr Nolan in trying to disguise that with a mouth full of food!). But in my book, any amount of Caine in a movie is a plus. He also gets to deliver the best killer line in the film about snobbery! However, it’s Kenneth Branagh and Elizabeth Debicki that really stand out. They were both fabulous, especially when they were bouncing off each other in their marital battle royale. So, given this was my most anticipated movie of the year, it’s a bit of a curate’s egg for me. A mixture of being awe-struck at times and slightly disappointed at others. It’s a movie which needs a second watch, so I’m heading back today to give my ear drums another bashing! And this is one where I reserve the right to revisit my rating after that second watch… it’s not likely to go down… but it might go up. (For the full graphical review, check out One Mann’s Movies on t’interweb and Facebook. Thanks.) As this will be non-spoiler, I can’t say too much about the story. However, what I can is this: ~Tenet’s story is quite dynamic in the sense that you won’t understand it till it wants you to. So, for the first half, your brain is fighting for hints and pieces to puzzle together the story. It isn’t until halfway through the movie that ~Tenet invites you to the fantastic storytelling by Christopher Nolan. Acting is beyond phenomenal, and I’d be genuinely surprised if neither Robert Pattinson nor John David Washington doesn’t receive an Oscar nomination for best actor. It’s also hard not to mention how good Elizabeth Debicki and Aaron Johnson both are. All around, great acting, and the dialogue amps up the quality of the movie. The idea of this movie is damn fascinating, and while there are films that explore time-travelling, there’s never been anything quite like this. It has such a beautiful charm and for the most part, explains everything thoroughly. It feels so much more complex than any form of time-travelling we’ve seen, and no less could’ve been expected from Nolan. Oh my lord, the score for this film fits so perfectly. Every scene that’s meant to feel intense was amped by a hundred because of how good the score was. Let me just say though, none of them will be found iconic, but they fit the story and scenes so well. In the end, I walked out, feeling very satisfied. Nevertheless, I do have issues with the film that I cannot really express without spoiling bits of the story. There are definitely little inconsistencies that I found myself uncovering as the story progressed. However, I only had one issue that I found impacted my enjoyment. That issue was understanding some of the dialogue. No, not in the sense that the movie is too complicated, but more that it was hard to make out was being said at times. It felt like the movie required subtitles, but that probably was because, at a time in the film, there was far too much exposition. Nevertheless, I loved this film, I’ll be watching it at least two more times, and I think most of you in this group will enjoy it. I definitely suggest watching it in theatres if possible, just so you can get that excitement. (4/5) & (8.5/10) for those that care about number scores. At first, I want to ask Christopher Nolan one question, HOW THE HELL YOU DID THIS? Seriously I want to have an answer, How did he write such as this masterpiece! How did he get this complicated, fabulous and creative idea? What is going on in his mind? The story is written and directed perfectly, the narration style was absolutely unique. I have no idea how can anyone direct such as this story, that was a huge challenge, and as usual Nolan gave us a masterpiece that we’ll put beside (Memento), (Inception) and (Interstellar) The movie is so fast-paced in a good way, there was no boring moment. The chemistry between John David Washington and Robert Pattinson was great and funny and both of their performance was really good. Elizabeth Debicki performance was the best in the movie because she had the chance to show her acting abilities and she cached up that chance and showed us an A level acting. The music wasn’t unique and distinct as the music of Interstellar for example and I think this movie needed the touch of Hans Zimmer, I’m not saying that Ludwig Göransson failed but Hans Zimmer in another level. If there was something I’d say that I didn’t like it in the movie would it be that Nolan discarded any set up or characters backgrounds except Elizabeth Debicki dramatic story but it wasn’t that bad for me, I didn’t care about that, the exciting story didn’t give me the chance to focus on it. But the actual problem was the third act, it was really complicated and I got lost and I convinced myself to discard the questions that were in my head and enjoy the well-made action sequences and Elizabeth Debicki performance. I think this kind of movie that gets better with a second and third watch. I honestly don’t quite know where to begin with ~Tenet. I love Christopher Nolan’s work but I have never seen a more complicated film (and I understood Memento). ~After nearly three hours, I came away from ~Tenet not knowing myself, my mind reduced to nothing more than piles of ash. Was there time travel involved? Hmm, there was definitely something about time inversion. I mean, does Nolan even understand what he wrote? Look, I give credit to the director because he’s one of the few directors left who knows how to create a compelling and intelligent blockbuster. ~Tenet is full of Nolan trademarks — the gratuitous Michael Caine cameo, a loud, really loud score, complete with stunning cinematography and slickly
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horrordirtbag · 5 years
Screenrant Coming in Hot With More Bad Takes (a rant abt this shitty website and also why not to retcon ANOES back to the first)
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Fair warning, spoilers for Dream Warriors ahead. TLDR at the bottom. Let me start this off by expressing how sick I am of seeing this fucking website lmao, google please stop showing me this clickbait. Just FYI, these are the people who said that xenomorphs could beat Godzilla and that F13 should bring back Uber Jason.
Ok but on to the actual topic.We’re going to mostly ignore the fact that it is regarded by a huge portion of the fanbase as being superior to the original and that retconning it would upset many dedicated fans, because they also ignore it in their article. This isn’t the first time I’ve seen this sentiment that ANOES should retcon back to the original, like Halloween 2018 did. Usually it’s so that Heather Langenkamp can come back as Nancy, since they killed her off in the third movie. But that seems like a really weak reason to completely remove a movie loved by fans. Look, I love Nancy, she’s my favorite final girl, but I think the original movie and Dream Warriors gave us a great look into her character as it is. To bring her back seems like a crux to say “Hey look! It’s the person you know!” rather than actually explore her character in new ways like Laurie Strode in H18 (who really, wasn’t explored much at all in the first Halloween). We’ve explored Nancy already, we don’t need to get rid of one of the best movies to do it again. And she also had her comeback, it was New Nightmare. But while I can understand the love for Nancy, Screenrant’s reasoning make absolutely no sense.  Throughout the whole article they compare Halloween to ANOES and say that since Halloween got more fantastical, and that was bad, therefore it was bad for ANOES as well, completely ignoring the fact that ANOES is an entirely different franchise than Halloween. Yes, they’re both slashers, but they’re very, very different in function. They say that, similarly to Halloween, Dream Warriors and all the other Nightmare sequels introduced increasingly “fantastical” ideas that muddled the mystery and horror of the first. The problem with this is that A Nightmare on Elm Street fundamentally is more fantastical. While Michael Myers is a supernatural killer to an extent, his almost-immortality is about as far as it goes. Everything else is grounded in reality. But NOES is about a person who kills you in your dreams. He’s not just a guy with a knife, he’s a ghost/demon with a knife (finger-knives). So when tasked with making a sequel to this movie, what do you do?
Well, Dream Warriors does what any good sequel does: it takes the original concept, expands upon it and ups the ante. For example: Hellraiser, we’re introduced to the cenobites, what they do, and the rules of the box. Hellraiser 2, we go INTO hell, seeing where they’re from, meeting their god and learning more of their rules and backstory (and even the score is a more grand version of the first). For an even simpler example: Alien (1979), one alien. Aliens (1986), many aliens.
Dream Warriors does exactly this. It plays with the dream concept to a degree that not only wasn’t achieved but wasn’t possible in the making of the first movie, explores Freddy’s origin and lore more, and introduces the concept of lucid dreaming. For a series about a killer in your dreams, it makes too much damn sense. It’s what you’d hope for in a sequel. The first movie was about bringing Freddy out to fight him; Dream Warriors is about going in to fight him. 
It did what most sequels are supposed to do: taking the original, and expanding upon it, without tarnishing it. Complaining about introducing lucid dreaming in a movie about someone killing you in your dreams makes no sense to me. While the sequels definitely got over-the-top and goofy, this wasn’t the fault of the fantastical elements. The series already was fantastical. They only took them in the wrong direction. For example: Freddy’s lines were great in Nightmare 3 (you know which one I’m thinking of), but taking that and having him perform Looney Tunes skits in Freddy’s Dead (even though, I’ll admit, I think it’s funny), wasn’t great. So my point is, the problem isn’t the fantastical concepts themselves, the problem is executing them well (which I, and many other fans, think DW does well). And as for the mystery aspect? Well, Freddy Krueger was no longer a mystery by the end of his first movie. We learned who he was and why he did what he did by the end credits. Just more proof Screenrant doesn’t think before they write. Really what Screenrant is asking for is a movie that does the same shit over again. The first movie, just, again. Not do anything new like Dream Warriors did. Freddy’s back, Nancy’s back, and they fight for the 3rd time, but don’t do anything different like the last 2 times. Okay, christ, I’m almost done, but there really are so many things wrong with this article, and this is the last one I have to say.
Forget everything I just said. Maybe you think Dream Warriors is poopoo. I mean, that’s your opinion, that’s fair. Even still, there is no reason to retcon it, and dare I say, any of the other sequels, because none of them introduce any lasting baggage that could potentially harm a new movie. Halloween 2018 retconned back to the original because Halloween 2 introduced the concept that Laurie Strode was Michael Myer’s sister, which in turn impacted every single sequel made after that and detracted from the original vision of the character: a force of nature that kills with no rhyme or reason (and this gave him some rhyme and reason). So, in order to return to that original view of the character, H18 had to go back to the very first movie.
But A Nightmare on Elm Street doesn’t have any equivalent to that. There is no real baggage from the previous sequels that could drastically hurt a new movie, especially DW. Freddy vs Jason left off on a clean slate, Springwood repopulated and Freddy with his powers back. There’s nothing in the sequels that say a new movie has to play off the dream powers aspect. Freddy vs Jason didn’t. There’s nothing saying you have to reference the events of all the previous movies. So, my solution, just don’t. Let the fans decide what their own continuity is. And especially don’t throw a movie the fans love into the trash for no reason.
TL;DR, 1. Retconning Dream Warriors for the sake of Nancy is removing a beloved entry just to retread the same ground. 2. ANOES is inherently fantastical and Dream Warriors exploring it does not detract from the original or leave additional baggage, unlike the H2 sister-twister. 3. Since none of the sequels leave any real baggage, there’s no real reason to retcon any of them (but mostly Dream Warriors lol). Just don’t reference them and leave it up to the fans to make their own continuity. 
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myhahnestopinion · 5 years
THE AARONS 2019 - Worst Film
The idea of a Worst Films list has been getting a lot of pushback recently, with the argument being it is hard work to make any movie and unproductive to take cheap shots at unsuccessful ones. I’d like to counter that films like The Rise of Skywalker are soulless and cowardly, and so Hahn’s shooting first this time, baby! That film actually just barely missed the cut for this list, begging the question of what exactly could be worse. Here are the Aarons for Worst Film: 
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#10. Ma
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There’s something very wrong with Ma and it’s not hard to determine what. Ma isn’t nurturing: its clumsy pacing forgets to ratchet up any tension, revealing her motivations far too early while waiting far too long for her to act on them. Ma isn’t wise: its numerous references to vaping are an unsuccessful smoke and mirrors act to hide how little it comprehends the teenage mindset. Ma isn’t understanding: it makes victim into villain with reckless abandon. Ma isn’t worth a visit; despite her protestations, Ma will undoubtedly make you want to drink alone.
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#9. The Curse of La Llorona
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La Llorona has nothing but crocodile tears. There’s no sincerity to director Michael Chavez’s interpretation of the pervasive Mexican folklore; the legend just checks off enough of the right boxes to easily fill in a mad-libs supernatural horror screenplay. Each shot is mechanically chosen, displaying plenty of competence of how horror filmmaking functions, but lacking any personality of their own. The Curse of La Llorona is just a wide release audition tape of perplexing fortune, worming its way into the Conjuring Universe like a wolf in sheep’s clothing and drowning in clichés.
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#8. The Curse of Buckout Road
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This year’s list, much more than previous years, has been cursed by many late-night viewings with a friend, driving down the quality of films featured here with drivel like The Curse of Buckout Road. The movie follows a group of friends making a student-film on the supposedly haunted titular location; the amateur filmmaking on display suggest this student-film conceit is metatextual. Danny Glover briefly passes by in pursuit of a paycheck; he’s wise enough to buck out before the plot barrels towards a dead end.
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#7. Can You Keep A Secret?
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Can You Keep A Secret? has very little to hide but a lot to be ashamed of. The quirky indie rom-com wears its influences on its sleeve but can’t crack the code as to what makes them work. As soon as the film establishes its premise, it quickly buttons up; the humor oddly gets progressively less outlandish as the plot drags on. Co-stars Alexandra Daddario and Tyler Hoechlin are not without their charms, but even with all their secrets laid bare, consistent character motivations remain elusive for the two. Can You Keep a Secret? has nothing worth hearing; you can keep it.
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#6. Godzilla: The Planet Eater
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Not to be confused with the live-action monster disaster movie released this summer, Godzilla: The Planet Eater is simply a monstrous disaster. Capping off a trilogy of anime installments for Netflix, the action in the film is stiffer than rubber suits ever were, which is to say nothing of the repetitive exposition. The film’s treatment of its characters is even worse: of the three women present in the entire trilogy, one is murdered, one becomes braindead and later involuntarily taken on a suicide run, and the third speaks only enough English to state her only purpose in life is to have sex. It’s enough to make viewers leave The Planet Eater sick to their stomach.
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#5. Serenity
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Serenity is surreal; the movie ends with a plot twist so baffling it really must be seen to be believed, making it the rare recommended film from this category. Even before that development, something smells fishy about the film’s overcooked noir stylings. Matthew McConaughey flounders as a troubled fishing boat captain desperate to catch a tuna unsubtly called Justice; Anne Hathaway uncomfortably flops around with him for a while. The dialogue is laughable enough, but the aforementioned twist is a different kettle of fish altogether.
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#4. After
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The first film from Wattpad Studios takes after the likes of Twilight and Fifty Shades of Grey, but the toxicity of its central romance makes even those ones sparkle in comparison. Based on former One Direction fan fiction, After takes every wrong turn it can. Lead character Tessa Young ignores numerous showing of physical and emotional abuse and destroys all her personal relationships in pursuit of Harry-Styles-stand-in Hardin Scott. The film targeted at teenagers might have had some merit as a twisted warning… had there been any regard for After’s aftermath. The film abruptly ends with no resolution; you’re better off walking away before it even starts.
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#3. Jacob’s Ladder
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Even among soulless remakes, the 2019 version of Jacob’s Ladder is several steps down. Lacking both the immediacy and surreality of the original movie, the titular character’s descent into hell is more of a passive perusal of unenthused low-budget scares. Perhaps the uncanny events that veteran Jacob Singer experiences are all a dream; that would explain why Michael Ealy is sleepwalking through the role. Devils, angels, or one and the same, viewers won’t end up caring as long as something frees them from this unimaginative agony. 
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#2. Replicas
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Replicas rip-offs decades of sci-fi movies about scientists playing god, but what it couldn’t copy was the soul… or any narrative cohesiveness, convincing performances, watchable cinematography, professional visual effects, or general purpose. The most confusing element it chooses to not replicate though is the moral that typically accompanies such tales. Replicas sees Keanu Reeves messing with natural laws of life and death, circumventing grief, manipulating his loved ones’ memories, selling-out to greedy business interests, and drawing a name from a mixing-bowl to decide which of his children stays dead… and then gives him a consequence-free happy ending. It’s an ineptitude impossible to ever fully duplicate.
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#1. The Gallows Act II
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Judging by the lazy prop design, the haunted stage-play The Gallows is only one act long; the film would have been wise to remain the same. Four years after their low-budget film was picked up by a major studio and grossed $40 million, directors Travis Cluff and Chris Lofing make a play at turning it into another horror franchise. Yet despite that success story, The Gallows Act II would be amateurish even for a high-school production. Ditching the original’s found-footage conceit for footage that looks even more lost, the sequel follows young Ana Rue acting out of fear that she will never achieve her showbiz dreams; the film doesn’t seem to see the irony. The inexcusably lazy film adds nothing interesting to the series’ mythology; ideas of a franchise are unlikely to hang around for long.
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catherinekaida-blog · 5 years
30 odd facts about beeb boop
give or take a few! here we go
Catherine Kaida was born June 13th in Brentwood Heights, Los Angeles, California, United States. 
This means she is a Gemini, and it does not mean she places stock in zodiac stuff, which she thinks is a whole lot of nonsense. She’s also an ESTJ, 4w5, and Choleric.
She doesn’t place much stock in unsubstantiated superstition in general. Supernatural matters are an entirely different issue, and Catherine believes wholeheartedly in matters of the unexplained and is very interested in what they are capable of.
Her family consists of her father Rei and one older sister, Marianne. Rei is the CEO of Astrova Inc., a famous robotics corporation and he is also known as being a former SHSL Robot Combatant. He is a fairly big deal in the United States, and Catherine is employed at Astrova as well. 
Marianne deserves her own fact. She is Catherine's older sister by one year, and she has... well, an interesting relationship with her sibling, I'll just say that. As of now, she is a quite successful Hollywood actress.
She is mixed, half-Japanese on her father's side and (mostly) half-Norwegian on her mother's.
Catherine is a transhumeral, transtibial amputee, which means that her arm below the elbow and leg below the knee are both missing, with prosthesis in their place. This is absolutely no secret, and she has been fairly open about her life as a double amputee and has spoken about disability rights and accessibility in the workplace. 
She delivered a TED talk about accessibility in the workplace and the role of robotics in ensuring a better future for humanity. It mostly serves as educational material for individuals in robotics and as a gotcha for debates on transhumanism by self-aggrandizing individuals on internet forums.
Catherine has quite the social media presence, and has a few million followers on Twitter where she posts about her latest projects and contributions to engineering. 
She has a bachelor’s/master’s degree in mechanical engineering and is currently working on a PhD. This was achieved with a touch of nepotism as her father was a benefactor of the university she addended, the California Institute of Technology. 
She has a great fondness for animals, and her family has owned several Borzois in particular. She owns two, Nikola and Babbage, who live on her estate, also currently in Los Angeles. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, it seems.
In terms of favourite animals, she loves hawks, magpies, cephalopods, and canids, of course. Fish are also faves - she loved going out into nature as a child and to this date believes studying animal movement is important for engineers. Catherine was especially fascinated by octopi, and loved to witness them on one of her family’s many trips to aquariums when she was young. 
Despite her current image, she was quite the wild child. Catherine took the entire “be assertive” thing too far and would talk back and speak her mind whenever she had the chance - partially because she hated being condescended and partially because she wanted to establish respect for herself. 
Cath was one of those people ahead of the curve even as a child (never mind that her parents shelled out for the best education possible), so her advanced knowledge for her age caused people to view her as a novelty. She really hates receiving this sort of treatment and still does, but chilled out considerably as she aged.
I actually have a voiceclaim for her! Amber Grey as Persephone in Hadestown. 
She cannot sing nearly as well as the above fact may imply. Because of her family’s strong acting tradition both Kaida siblings were sent to theatre courses, but Marianne was far better at it than Catherine, ho was disposed to overacting to the point she chewed the scenery up thoroughly whenever she was on-stage in the hammiest way imaginable. Thing was, she took this entirely seriously and believed she was doing an amazing job. This still carries over to her present personality. Subtlety, she knows not.
Her dream role is Javert from Les Miserables, who she auditioned for once at a school play.
She got the role of Eponine instead because the school gave top roles based solely on how popular the student was and how prominent their families were. This wound up with her playing the role exactly as she would have done Javert, which would become one of her greatest embarrassments. There exist recordings of young, red faced Catherine Kaida belting out “On My Own” with all the subtlety of a JCB in her family’s archives.
She absolutely adores tokusatsu. It was her primary interest growing up, and she still has an incredibly soft spot for it - Kamen Rider, Cyborg 009, Godzilla... all subgenres appeal to her, but she especially loves super sentai shows. 
She prefers savory/umami food and absolutely adores Japanese cuisine - on the chances when she was able to visit her extended family in their home country, one of the things she’d look forward to most would be their cooking. She’s especially fond of noodle dishes and tempura. 
As if it wasn’t already obvious, she’s painfully rich. Catherine’s... marginally better about being charitable than her parents and has donated a large potion of her income to charity, but she still thinks that $99 gold ice cream is a worthwhile investment. Please stop her. 
She doesn’t listen to music that often but does have a collection of old movie soundtracks - she prefers podcasts or news reports when she’s going about her routine. 
Catherine’s fashion sense tends towards vintage chic (1930s-1940s especially), and she’s very fond of 1940s noir style, thus her outfit. Most of her clothes are custom made (partially for accessibility, partially because she has Very High Standards), but she does like to source the odd actual vintage piece. Usually, these are just worn on special occasion.
Catherine’s hair is dyed, and its natural colour is a reddish-brown shade. She gets it done professionally because she always ends up making a mess if she attempts to do it herself, and she wears the hat in part to cover up her roots when they start to show. 
She’s also very fond of wearing cosmetics - vintage chic just like her fashion sense - and at minimum puts on BB cream and contour when going out. More extravagant looks are not uncommon, however. 
Catherine in her personal life has a reputation for coming off as intense - she’s clearly extremely passionate and knowledgable about her job, but this comes at the expense of human relations. Those who talk to her remark that she deserves much of the credit she’s given, but that comes off as surprisingly brusque and no-nonsense. This doesn’t come through in her professional life as much because interactions there are typically rehearsed, but it’s known to be notoriously difficult to get close to her.
It’s also notoriously difficult to center interviews around anything regarding her personal life. Those that know her would glean the basis - where she was born, her family, the fact that her mother passed away some-odd years ago under mysterious circumstances, but attempts to push deep into her personal life are all for naught and she gets very irritated if people try.
Catherine can be very, very single-minded, as can be clearly shown during several events in her backstory. What are they? Well, time will tell. 
As much as her public image may imply otherwise she’s a bit of a bleeding heart and cares for people more than her exterior gives away. She’s just very, very bad at showing it. Will she ever get over her reservations? Time will also tell. 
Her greatest wish is for understanding. What sort? Who knows with her!
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9-49-blog · 6 years
The Three Scoops of Photography
Just because one has an intuition for taking pix, does now not suggest he/she intuitively knows the basics of images. Like a teen putting the cherry on his a great deal coveted dessert, he knows it tasted tremendous, however it is not till he is an grownup when he'll prevent and ask what made that sundae so excellent...
The three scoops of photography are the Aperture, Shutterspeed, & the ISO. Understanding the dance how Aperture, Shutterspeed and ISO work collectively, is key to obtaining properly uncovered images and achieving the aesthetic you notice on your thoughts's eye, regardless of in case you are an aspiring shutterbug or one rockin' the metropolis. You'd be amazed what number of human beings make a dwelling on this enterprise without greedy this critical concept of how those 3 scoops of photography work collectively.
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One photographer of observe started his commercial enterprise without even knowing what Aperture and Shutterspeed in reality had been and took a course at her local network university in Photography 101. After that, she took out a loan for $20,000, bought a full-page ad in a countrywide bridal magazine and commenced charging 10g a marriage. windows xp 64 bit iso My aim isn't to create monsters here, it's sincerely mentioning that even though some photographers do have the self belief to break out like Godzilla at Legoland, maintaining a career which gives you true achievement or legitimacy will now not be feasible with out certainly knowledge the simple factors of pictures.
First of all, the purpose here is get you out of Automatic Mode to your camera. The handiest way to do that is to in reality apprehend Aperture, Shutterspeed and ISO. Oh goody! Isn't this fun? Here's a few nitty gritty in your photograph kitty....
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In regard to Aperture, think about your eye. The Aperture is largely the scholar of the digicam. When the pupil dilates, it opens up, letting in greater mild. The puzzling part of the Aperture is the numbering gadget. In picture communicate, the smaller the Aperture, the larger the opening. This does make feel in case you consider it even though, because the Aperture is taken into consideration one "complete". If an aperture ought to open all of the way to be a wide as possible it might be at 1. Most lenses open up to 3.5, a without a doubt solid seasoned lens opens to two.8 and my favored is my 1.Four. The benefits to having a lens with a "extensive" Aperture capability is that after it is opened wide, it lets in greater light, allowing you shoot in decrease light conditions without the use of flash. Now, the smaller the opening, the much less light allowed in, and the quantity goes up, ie: sixteen, 22. Etc. These numbers are called f-stops or the f/quantity. That's why in photo books you will see them known as f/2.Eight, f/three.Five, and many others.
Shutterspeed is the amount of time that the shutter is open. In the days of film, it changed into the time the scene was uncovered. In virtual images shutter speed is the length of time that your picture sensor 'sees' the scene. Think of your self riding in a car looking the surroundings fly via. The faster you cross, you get quick sharp glimpses of what's out of doors the window.
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ckret2 · 5 years
And I got so into writing out that Worst Case Scenario last night I forgot to mention my second misgiving with the whole damn prompt, which AS IT HAPPENS covers some headcanons I've been meaning to bring up AND is relevant to a prompt coming up in my list that I am gonna write, so I'm gonna devote a post to this:
The very scenario "x character gets upset over y character CHEATING!!!" is based on the presumption that, like... the characters give a shit.
In the case of Rodorah, it assumes that two giant animals, one of which is an alien, both:
1) are familiar with the concept of monogamy as humans understand it
2) believe in and adhere to the concept of monogamy as humans understand it
3) consider dating or banging anyone outside their relationship a breach of trust in regards to said monogamy
4) would have the exact same emotional reaction as a human to said breach of trust
Which is a lot of assumption to put on a dinosaur and a dragon. And also anyone who dates Ghidorah is automatically in a polyamorous relationship so monogamy is kinda out the window right from the get go, you know?
So I'm gonna dig into why all those assumptions are unnecessary to assume. Half based on canon and half covering fic headcanons.
Gonna go out on a limb and assume that we don't know anything worth discussing about the mating habits of pteranodons; but Monsterverse Rodan's also got a lot of bird in him, so let's go with that. Lots of birds are socially monogamous, but not sexually monogamous. What that means is that once two birds are committed to each other—went down to bird city hall and signed their bird marriage license, exchanged tiny bird rings, whatever birds do—they've committed to sharing a nest and splitting egg-guarding and child-rearing duties in that nest. They HAVEN'T committed to only screwing each other. Depending on the species, 10% to 33% of the eggs in the nest could have a different genetic father than the male bird in that couple. (And some even have a different genetic mother, which boggles my mind. Like did she fly all the way over to someone else's nest just to lay the egg like "I don't wanna deal with this one thanks" and they're like "that's fine have a nice day"? I'm sure that's not how it works but the thought amuses me.)
Operating by that definition, Rodan's image of "totally committed and faithful" would be "there's only one person whom I split daily chores with, and I can have kids with anyone."
(Some bird species are both sexually and socially monogamous... but then, some bird species also are only committed to one partner for one breeding season, then break up and commit to a new partner next year. There's variation, is the point—and more than that, "you can't logically assume that a species like this is going to be sexually/socially monogamous for life the way humans idealize" is the bigger point.)
The fact that Rodan's species, like all titan species, seems to be in a perpetual state of "less than two dozen deaths away from total extinction" would actually select against sexual monogamy, because a species that goes "I'm not having kids with anyone except my one true love. Who died a century ago," is gonna go extinct a lot faster than a species that goes "boy won't my one true love be excited when she hears about the prime real estate me and Ms. Krakatoa found to lay our eggs in."
And I've established in prior headcanons that because parents might die long before their kids are born and because volcanoes act as natural fortresses/incubators for eggs, Rodan's species doesn't share nests, doesn't need to protect or incubate eggs, and doesn't rear their young—so what would social monogamy even entail for them? It doesn't need to entail much of anything, if they even subscribe to it at all.
Ghidorah's species is alien so there's no need to try to compare them to their "nearest related species on Earth" because they aren't related to any species on Earth. But, if we're gonna use Earth species as a framework off of which to base their headcanons anyway: dorats/Ghidorahs, when taken all together, are like 50% snake, 30% cat, and 20% bat.
Snakes are the least monogamous bunch of animals you could ask for. During mating season, males and females both have multiple partners, females can lay eggs from multiple fathers in one clutch, and most species don't even bother incubating their eggs. (In the few that do, the mother does that without a partner.)
Domestic cats are into gang bangs. When a female cat is in heat, she will yowl to attract as many male cats in the area as possible. When a male cat wants some, he'll yowl in hopes a female cat in heat will zip over. They'll mate with multiple cats in a row, loitering around watching while they wait for their turn. They'll mate with whoever shows up. They'll mate with their own relatives. Cats don't care. Cats are gross. Get your cats fixed.
Most bats will have multiple partners. Some bats are polygamous—one or two dudes with a collection of multiple female partners. In both of these cases, males don't help rear the young. A few bats are monogamous and share parenting duties—but these are the minority.
So Ghidorah's most closely related species are three counts of "I don't care who you screw, I don't care who I screw, once a year there's like a month where anyone could screw anyone else at any time and nobody is safe. I'll screw you and then I'll screw a space chicken cyborg and then I'll screw myself, watch, I'm flexible."
One hopes they're a bit more selective than that, but those are the nearest Earth analogues we're starting with as our basis for their species.
Based just on that, between Ghidorah and Rodan, if one of them is gonna be fussed about the other having additional partners—sexual, romantic, or otherwise—odds are it ain't gonna be Ghidorah. Ghidorah's gonna be the clueless alien trying to figure out what weird Earth etiquette rule he broke while Rodan's upset—assuming Rodan cares either.
So beyond Earth animals: what's been established about dorats so far is that they live in big groups with multiple aeries. The basic dorat social unit is a flock (30-200 adults), not a nest (1-2 adults). Since they communally share nests, eggs from multiple parents will end up in the same pile, and so it's likely no one gives a damn about who's had kids with who. (And—although I haven't gotten into dorat reproduction yet—eggs are laid immediately after mating, so it's impossible to have dubious paternity in a dorat mating—which IRL, aside from "doubling the amount of parents looking after these kids," is one of the driving factors of monogamy in the wild.)
The Xilien military HAS witnessed aggression based on sexual jealousy between adolescent dorats, enough so that they think it's a threat to their experiments. The Xilien military is locking up dorats in cages and experimentally fusing them together. The Xilien military is not observing dorats in their natural habitat. The actual dorat breeder is absolutely horrified to hear of dorats behaving like that, because it's a sign of extreme stress and trauma. Viciously competing for mates and chasing off other potential sexual partners, therefore, is abnormal for dorats.
Using Ghidorah as they are now as an example of what dorats are like is dicey, since they've lived such a strange life and so much of their psychology is shaped by trauma—buuut, it's evident from them that dorats can feel romantic love, but we don't know what function it would've had among normal dorats. Maybe it's supposed to be a temporary thing that fades after a mating season, maybe it's supposed to encourage a few members of one flock to latch on to members of another flock and move as a means to discourage stagnation in the genetic pool of a single flock, maybe its primary purpose has nothing to do with driving reproduction but rather is supposed to strengthen social bonds between members of this naturally empathic species...
So the presence of romantic feelings doesn't inherently correlate with monogamy, or a desire for monogamy, or sexual/romantic exclusivity, or sexual/romantic jealousy...
So add all that together and what do you get. Of the two of them, Rodan is more likely to have a natural and/or cultural inclination toward any sort of monogamy than Ghidorah is, and even at that it's most likely to be romantic monogamy than sexual monogamy. Ghidorah's the one more likely to assume against exclusivity from the outside. However: to the original premise, if Ghidorah DID find out Rodan had taken another sexual partner (and let's be frank, it would be sexual because nobody in this fandom is writing a damn thing about infidelity plots that don't eventually fall back on "o noez Rodan screwed someone he shouldn't have," even when romance IS involved it boils down to sex, and yeah it's always Rodan—)
That parenthetical went on a bit of a tangent. Anyway if Ghidorah found out Rodan had taken another sexual partner, there'd be three possible reactions:
1) The LEAST likely: as in the potential scenario yesterday written on the "okay, let's assume that cheating is a thing for them" assumption: an apocalypse with a potential side of murder/suicide. In order for something like that to happen, Ghidorah's experiences on Earth would have to have pushed them into full Despite All My Rage I Am Still Just A Dorat In A Cage mode. Their baseline mental state is at about 45% on the "stressed caged dorat" meter. Right now they're hovering around 30% and gradually dropping. Being an enslaved war machine kept them at a steady 75%. They'd need to be at like 90% before they started flipping their shit over romantic jealousy. To get them to that level of stress, they'd need to be getting constantly harassed by Godzilla and human military units, psychically bombarded by Mothra, and on top of that probably getting gaslit to hell and back by Rodan re: their relationship status so they couldn't be confident of where they stood with him—and that leads into the other factor that's necessary for this scenario to happen. Rodan would need to 1) insist to Ghidorah that he's the only one Rodan's got any sort of sexual/romantic involvement with, and 2) convince him that the stability and continued existence of their relationship is predicated upon Rodan being interested in only Ghidorah. They'd need to be specifically convinced of these things first in order to feel lied to/betrayed if Rodan had a relationship of any kind with someone else, because they wouldn't naturally assume either of them.
Since we've got no evidence Rodan is a raging abusive asshole who would go out of his way to convince an ignorant alien that their happiness is dependent upon Rodan being exclusive and then go off and not be exclusive, this scenario isn't happening.
2) Actually likely scenario, bad outcome: Rodan comes home and Ghidorah asks where he's been all day and he goes, oh yeah, he found another member of his species today, they're gonna try to make eggs, it's great—because to Rodan that's no big deal, that's normal, he's got absolutely no reason not to tell his mate that he's banging another bird. Ghidorah gets nervous solely because they DON'T know what's normal here. They don't know whether monogamy or polyamory is the norm for Earth in general or Rodan in particular. Are they still a thing or is this Rodan's way of saying the relationship's run its course and he's moved on? Was he always planning to move on once someone of his own species became available? Was he expecting Ghidorah to expect that? Because they did expect that, they've always feared they were just a temporary substitute for a more desirable partner, they just didn't know if they were supposed to expect that. At which point they go "oh" and Rodan goes "'oh' what?" and they go "so is that it then?" and he goes "is what it?" and they actually communicate for thirty seconds and everything's fine. So hey the bad outcome isn't even bad. It probably just takes them a month to have that conversation while Ghidorah invents mental worst case scenarios.
3) Actually likely scenario, good outcome: Rodan comes home and Ghidorah asks where he's been all day and he goes, oh yeah, he found another member of his species today, they're gonna try to make eggs— And Ghidorah goes EXCUSE US if they're in a relationship with him and he's in a relationship with her then that means they and he and she are all part of the same flock and they are DEEPLY offended that he hasn't brought her by to meet them yet, come on, go get her, they need to know what she looks like so they don't accidentally get in a fight with her if they see her in Rodan's territory. Also they need to know where her volcano is so they can get their scent all over it.
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hrodvitnon · 3 years
Post-Abraxas timeline GvK scenario - Continuity and thoughts
Continuing from my review of ‘Abraxas’ new chapter on FF .net; I thought I’d just contribute some thoughts I’ve had about how 'Abraxas’ would affect events, mythos and continuity (ways in which Abraxasverse has already deviated and diverged from Monsterverse’s post-KOTM canon and how that would impact on GvK, that sort of thing), if the GvK crisis DOES occur in some form or another canonically in Abraxasverse. Sorry it’s late, it took a lot longer to write this than I thought it would. ^^’)
This post by me is for making pointers for consideration about diverges from Monsterverse canon that the main 'Abraxas’ story has already made and how they’ll impact if a GvK scenario occurred in Abraxasverse, though I’ll also take this opportunity to share some of my own thoughts and ideas about it beyond that. :)
So, down to it:
(1) Where/How/Would a Ghidorah skull come in in regards to Mechagodzilla? It’s been established in 'Abraxas’ that Abraxasverse Ghidorah’s severed heads will fight off necrosis with their healing factor and will just slowly regrow the rest of Ghidorah; that severed heads can suck the power out of any electrical systems they come in contact with to feed themselves; and that humans being too close to Ghidorah heads’ telepathy for too long is a bit like mixing lead poisoning with an over-winter stay in the Overlook even if you don’t actually sit in the head’s skull. All three of which are divergent to the implications of the Ghidorah-skull in GvK. Maybe there’s adaptation deviation in the Abraxasverse GvK scenario, where Apex use the Children of Zmei instead of a Ghidorah skull to pilot Mechagodzilla and it’s them that makes the Mecha become a sentient psychopath?
(1.5) This is just my thoughts and ideas: if it’s still a Ghidorah skull piloting MechaG instead of some of the Children of Zmei: maybe in the four years after 'Abraxas’, Ghidorah comes back again and is killed again and the skull comes from this most recent defeat, with Apex using a chemical to suppress the skull’s healing factor and assuming that was enough for them to control the evil triple-mind inside the bone. (Although after how big and dramatic that climax chapter was, I like to think that Ghidorah is now either gone for good or it’ll be a very long time, as in at least a decade in-universe, before Ghidorah ever resurges directly.) Or, maybe there’s a creepier origin story for Apex’s Ghidorah skull: Apex unearthed the skull in a dig which reveals it to be thousands of years old, and when Monarch find out after everything, they’re puzzled about why a decapitated Ghidorah head just decomposed and became a semi-sentient hunk of bone, instead of regrowing the rest of Ghidorah like San’s old head did or re-attaching itself to other severed pieces to speed up Ghidorah’s resurrection from a pre-Antarctica ancient battle. Godzilla doesn’t know anything about the skull, and neither does San. What’s creepier, Monarch’s analysis of Apex’s Ghidorah skull indicates that while the skull’s structure is the same, its DNA actually isn’t entirely identical to Ghidorah’s, as if the skull encountered something which changed its genetic makeup. A thought occurs to Viv 'n’ San: San’s decapitation at Isla de Mara probably wasn’t the first time a shed skin got split off from Ghidorah, in fact San remembers that when there was more than one shed skin each time Ghidorah died in the past, they would usually signal each-other and combine to speed up Ghidorah’s resurrection… but there were times, on alien worlds that Ghidorah conquered, when it just wouldn’t care for these shed skins before returning to space since it wouldn’t be around on the planet for them to challenge it. What if more Ghidorah clones grew from the severed pieces it left littered on the dead alien worlds once the main Ghidorah left? Godzilla, San or other Titans would surely know if a Ghidorah-clone ever set foot on Earth while they were alive - does that mean the Ghidorah skull’s owner came to Earth and died before the still-living Titans were born and before the main Ghidorah that San came from arrived on Earth? And what killed the skull’s owner? Why is it’s DNA altered: did it encounter something, on ancient Earth or in space, that changed its genetic makeup? :o Does this mean there are more creatures like it, born from Ghidorah’s remains littered on dead alien worlds, who are still amongst the stars and who might one day find their way to Earth?
(2) I’m wondering who will be in charge of Monarch when Godzilla starts rampaging. If Mark rejoins Monarch and it’s still him who’s in charge, hopefully his character development during 'Abraxas’ will mean that even if his role doesn’t change much, he’ll be a lot less of an ass now than he was in GvK, and he won’t be the same fantasy-forbidding father that he apparently was to Madison in the GvK novelisation.
(3) One major thing that’s on my mind every time I think about this: in GvK, a lot of the conflict came from the humans not understanding why Godzilla’s attacking; and Viv 'n’ San as a Titan with EVP can communicate with both humans and Godzilla. So the only way I can imagine the whole Mechagodzilla crisis wouldn’t be over in time to prevent MechaG’s activation with Maia never getting near the Hollow Earth energy source, (unless there’s more adaptation deviation) is if Viv 'n’ San are on vacay in the Hollow Earth when the Titan rampage kicks off, and therefore aren’t topside to explain to Monarch and the world that Godzilla can hear Ghidorah’s call at every place he attacks. (Who knows, maybe in Abraxasverse, Viv 'n’ San will run into Kong and Team Kong in the Hollow Earth, then follow them topside in time for Mechagodzilla’s emergence - heh, I can imagine Viv 'n’ San’s “Oh, for fuck’s sake!!” reaction to a big, cybernetic Godzilla-Terminator bursting out of a mountain with Ghidorah’s bio-acoustics howling out of it.) And on top of this, there’s also the main 'Abraxas’ story hinting that the old Bone Singers’ ways of communicating with Titans are going to start coming back soon in Abraxasverse among the human population, making it less likely humanity will be as completely in the dark about Godzilla’s rampage as they were in GvK…
(4) I’m not sure where the internet rumour that Godzilla in Monsterverse canon sent the Titans back into hibernation because he sensed the Ghidorah skull came from - from what I’ve read, in 'Godzilla Dominion’ and the GvK novelisation, Godzilla explicitly sent all the Titans back to stasis because keeping them in line while they were awake was too much for canon-Godzilla to keep managing in the long-term, unlike with Abraxas-Godzilla. Maybe the other Titans will globally participate in Godzilla’s rampage looking for the Ghidorah-piece that’s calling out to any Titan listening, and the fact it’s every benevolent Titan that’s rampaging instead of just Godzilla will proportionately fan the flames of public panic and enable Apex’s role to go unnoticed. This could actually go quite a long way to make it understandable why the public are so blind to the pattern with Apex-facilities that Godzilla is attacking; if over a dozen Titans rampaging on humanity’s cities has the public too whipped up into a panic to think straight - especially since from what we’ve seen in 'Abraxas’ so far and from what TVTropes says about the GvK novelisation’s expansion, it looks like the public generally in Abraxasverse are a bit more humbled and concerned about the Titans’ environmental importance and a bit more common-sensed after KOTM’s events than they were in GvK’s continuation. Anyway, frankly I’m hoping an Abraxasverse GvK scenario will retcon or at the very least downplay the KOTM Titans going back into hibernation - I’m in agreement with TVTropes that turning KOTM’s humans-coexisting-with-awakened-Titans setup into an aborted arc and largely letting the Titans-environmentalism thing fade into obscurity was a crappy move on the Monsterverse writers’ part.
(5) Mechagodzilla’s pilot. With how Abraxas-Ren has already interacted with the Titans and shown his father’s respect for nature, I can’t see that character going down the same path as the Monsterverse-canon Ren did. There’s that idea a Nonnie suggested that Ren could get mind-raped by Ghidorah if it comes back (or maybe by another psychic evil Titan like Gigan ;)) so Ren becomes like canon-Ren - but after Chapter 17, I feel it would be better if canon-Ren, who’s stood apart from his canon counterpart and become his own endearing character in 'Abraxas’ already, goes down his own unique path. There’s also the possibility that Abraxas-Ren could be an unwitting pawn to Apex who doesn’t know what they’re really up to, but I doubt Simmons, if he’s anything like in Monsterverse canon, could ever fully pull the wool over nature-respecting Abraxas-Ren’s eyes. If MechaG still has a pilot with a relevant role, I think the pilot should be someone else. Maybe it’s Maia, who has a bit more brains in Abraxasverse than she did in GvK. Or maybe it’s an OC.
(5.5). An idea in the latter camp I had: maybe, as a mirror-world like flip to canon-Ren; whereas in Monsterverse canon it was Serizawa’s son who was MechaG’s pilot, in Abraxasverse it’s instead the OC son of Admiral Stenz - the son who agrees with his late father about killing the Titans to prevent human casualties, but who is much more willing to murder thousands for the so-called greater good and is crossing lines that his father never would’ve crossed. Or alternatively, maybe Stenz Jr. is a bitch-in-sheep’s-clothing; he expressly disagrees with his late father’s approach to handling the Titans which almost handed the world to Ghidorah on a silver platter in 2019, and he believes humans and Titans should live together… but instead of seeking a fair coexistence, Stenz Jr. thinks the Titans should be humanity’s slaves and Sentient Batteries, replenishing the world to benefit human civilisation whilst being penned by humans who dominate them with MechaG and being harvested for any resource goodies their bodies hold.
(6) Continuing from my pointer about how the human public in Abraxasverse seem to be a bit more common-sensed generally in Abraxasverse: I’m guessing this means Apex probably won’t have the military’s under-the-table support that they had in the GvK novelisation (according to TVTropes), and instead Apex’s corporate conspiracy will rely more on underground paramilitaries and other illegal groups - including groups with anti-Titan sympathies - to get the materials and resources they need to build Mechagodzilla. OR: maybe in Abraxasverse, MechaG wasn’t built in secret by Apex; maybe in reference to your old Tumblr shenanigans about Vivienne and Serizawa using MechaG, Monarch started building MechaG so humanity could contribute in a fair and meaningful way to fate-of-the-world Titan brawls alongside Godzilla and Mothra, but Apex stole MechaG (maybe Apex used the havoc and confusion of a Titan rampage instigated by Ghidorah-remains or the Children of Zmei calling out) and they installed the Ghidorah/C.O.Z.-parts into the Mecha thinking they could control it.
(7) If this scenario does occur, considering how awesome Monsterverse-MechaG was; maybe in an Abraxasverse scenario, instead of being killed fifteen minutes after he’s born, MechaG will have the smarts to flee once Kong and Godzilla team up and the odds turn against MechaG, leading to MechaG being a longer-lived threat? Maybe he’ll even recognise Viv 'n’ San are part-Ghidorah and take an interest in the Ghidorah half of them, in contrast to Ghidorah’s interest in the human half during 'Abraxas’?
(8) The destruction of Skull Island. It was caused in Monsterverse-canon by Camazotz manipulating Ghidorah’s storm. Assuming this still happens in Abraxasverse, wouldn’t Monarch contact Viv 'n’ San and make them aware of what’s happened (if Viv 'n’ San don’t find out on their own) so they can use their Ghidorah-derived, storm-harnessing powers to try to reverse what Camazotz did? After all, Monarch would probably be thinking, since the storm will kill all non-protected life on the island if it stays that way, even if Viv 'n’ San’s attempt to change the change goes wrong, it can’t be any worse for the island than if they didn’t try. Of course, there’s still the real possibility Viv 'n’ San’s attempt could make no difference or even end up making the storm worse for the climate of places beyond the island.
So, yeah, those are just my thoughts on how a GvK scenario could occur in Abraxasverse, and the mythos and continuity considerations involved. :)
Whew! So many possibilities and great ideas, thanks for sharing them! Who knows what the future brings, but what I can say is that, whenever the hell I start working on it, Chapter 18/Epilogue won’t be nearly as huge as 17 was (which was over 22 THOUSAND WORDS HOW THE FUCK), so if it’s okay maybe I’d like to leave one or two nods to this list for the AbraxasVerse take on GvK…
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weekendwarriorblog · 3 years
I’m really not sure how I feel about doing the Weekend Warrior at quite the level I was doing last year. Even though the box office is slowly coming back, it’s still very frustrating to write about, and honestly, the Disney announcement last week about all the movies being delayed or dumped to Disney+ kinda brought me down. It just tells me that many studios are giving up on theatrical just as people have gotten so used to watching stuff at home, they don’t care about going out and being in rooms with other people, especially strangers. I guess I can understand that, but all the negativity that pervaded the narrative in 2020 is finally doing its damage as theaters reopen and some may have trouble even filling 25% capacity for some movies.
Then again, I’ve just come back from a weekend at the Oxford Film Festival, which became one of the first American film festivals to go in-person, although it is doing a bit of a hybrid in-person with virtual, so locals and a few out-of-of-towners (mainly me) were able to see all of this year’s great programming at one of the outdoor (and then indoor due to weather) venues. I was on the feature doc jury and got to see 11 terrific documentaries, some of which hopefully will get distribution and get out there, but why wait? While most of the movies are geoblocked to the United States (and some to Mississippi), there’s so much great programming to check out over the next month, and you can do so via OxFilm’s virtual cinema, which includes many great features and shorts. As far as the juries, I can highly recommend the Jury Prize winners, In a DIfferent Key, a fantastic film about autism directed by Caren Zucker & John Donvan, and the runner-up, Patrick O’Connor’s Look Away, Look Away, an amazing bi-partisan look at the fight to keep the Confederate-created flag of MIssissippi or change it, depending on your side of the fight. It’s a doc that really needs to be seen in other parts of the country. (Unfortunately, those are both geoblocked to Mississippi, as is Chelsea Christie’s Bleeding Audio, which tells the tragic story of the rise and fall of San Francisco’s The Matches and won for Music Documentary.) There are movies available everywhere in the United States though, and you can check out the full line-up of movies here.
Anyway, OxFilm gives me hope that there’s a future for theatrical moviegoing and as far as the box office, that hope comes in the form of the first holiday weekend since NYC and L.A. reopened as the Good Friday day off for most schools and Easter Monday that continues the vacation for others might persuade people to check out what’s happening in theaters, and fortunately, it’s a movie that’s so easy to market based on the fact that it has two of the biggest movie monsters facing off for the first time since 1963.
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That’s right -- opening on Wednesday is the anticipated GODZILLA VS. KING KONG, starring… well, does it really matter who it stars other than Zilla and Kong? Probably not. The fourth movie in the Legendary Pictures and Warner Bros. Monsterverse takes the star of 2017’s Kong: Skull Island ($168 million at domestic box office) and pits him against the title character of 2014’s Godzilla ($200 million) and 2019’s Godzilla, King of the Monsters ($110.5 million). MInd you, I just include those domestic grosses for reference, because even if we take into account that scary dip from Godzilla and its direct sequel, it won’t really matter when you take into consideration a little thing called…. COVID! We’ve already seen movies gross more than $50 million since everything shutdown
I already reviewed this over at Below the Line, so I don’t have much more to say in that regard. It’s good if you like giant monster fights but isn’t much beyond its amazing monster battles, which is why I won’t even mention the actors that appear in it or any of the characters.
Godzilla vs. Kong is probably going to be the widest release since COVID hit with 2,600 theaters on Wednesday and then expanded to 3,000 on Friday when Regal reopens many (but not all) of its theaters. While I expect it to do fine on Weds and Thursday, making probably $4 or 5 million, it should really explode on Good Friday, which should allow it to make somewhere between $18 and 20 million over the three-day holiday weekend, so let’s say $25 to 26 million before Monday.
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Also opening theatrically, this one on Friday is the Screen Gems horror movie THE UNHOLY from Sam Raimi’s Ghost House Pictures, the directorial debut by Evan Spiliotopoulos (writer of Disney’s mega-blockbuster Beauty and the Beast live action movie and the Rock’s Hercules ), who adapted the story from James Herbert’s novel “Shrine.” The movie stars Jeffrey Dean Morgan as disgrace journalist Gerry Fenn who is trying to get stories for a supernatural tabloid when he comes upon a deaf teenager named Alice (Cricket Brown) seemingly praying at an oak tree in a rural community in Massachusetts. When she seemingly gets her hearing back and is able to talk, word quickly spreads that she’s able to communicate with a benevolent Virgin Mary-like spirit that gives her the powers to heal. Since this is a horror movie, you can probably guess that things quickly get ugly and scary. THe movie also stars the wonderful Katie Aselton as a local doctor, who doesn’t do very many doctor-y things.
Before we get to my review -- and I’ll blame the review embargo on it for this week’s column being so late -- let’s talk about the movie’s box office potential, because religious horror-thrillers have quite a significant draw over a certain audience going straight back to the ‘70s with movies like The Exorcist and The Omen (the latter one of my all-time favorites) and The Unholy does dip into the toe of both of those. It’s been a long since there’s been one of those which might make this a draw for audiences into theaters, especially over Easter weekend -- that may be meant as irony -- but there’s also a little movie called Godzilla vs. Kong, which is just way more of a draw even with it being on HBO Max, but also because it’s likely to get better reviews. I’m not sure how many theaters Sony is getting this into, but I expect it’s somewhere around 2,000 or so, and that might be enough for the movie to make around $4 to 5 million this weekend, but probably VERY frontloaded to Friday.
Now let’s get to that review…
The Unholy begins with a flashback scene to “February 31, 1845” with a scene right out of the Salem Witch Trials of a woman being mutilated and strung up to a tree. This plays a very important role in a story that involves a fairly ludicrous premise that mostly involves Jeffrey Dean Morgan’s character finding something called a Kern Baby, essentially a porcelain doll wrapped in chains that he decides to smash in order to create a fake supernatural story about how smashing the doll causes crops to fail. In fact, smashing it releases the spirit of the woman we saw in that opening scene possessing a deaf teen girl named Alice who starts to heal everyone in her rural community, while also releasing the evil that had that woman’s spirit bound into the doll in the first place.
There isn’t that much more to say about the plot to a stupid horror premise so full of religious hokum as more characters get involved with trying to figure out if Alice is actually healing people or not. This includes the benevolent local priest Father Hagan, played by William Sadler, and a Bishop (really) played by Cary Elwes, who is using such a bizarre accent, kind of like a cross between the Bronx and a heavy Irish brogue, that it’s impossible to take his character very seriously.
Just knowing what studio garbage Spiliotopoulos has written did not make me very hopeful for his directorial debut, which is just all over the place in terms of tone and pacing, dragging at times and then throwing the type of cheap jump scares and schlocky CG horror creatures at the viewer with very little of it actually being very scary. " (The creature version of "Mary" just looks silly.) Besides being highly derivative, ripping off almost every religious horror movie, both bad and good, some aspects of the movie are so laughably bad that it’s hard to take much of it seriously. Worst of all, it ends with just a really horrible climax that reverses any good will the movie might have created with the casual young horror fans that usually like this thing. Honestly, I wouldn’t be shocked if it’s another one of those unrare “F” CinemaScores we see whenever a studio horror film doesn’t bother matching up to the quality of something like The Witch or Hereditary. Horror fans definitely want more than the usual these days, and The Unholy just seems like a lazy waste of time.
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A movie that I’ve been looking forward to seeing and just haven't had time to watch is Emma Seligman’s SHIVA BABY (Utopia) that stars Rachel Sennott as 20-something Danielle who runs into her sugar daddy (Danny Deferrari) at a shiva with his wife (Dianna Agron) and their baby, as well as her parents (Fred Melamed and Pollyw Draper) and Molly Gordon as Danielle’s ex-girlfriend. It’s actually playing at the newly reopened Quad Cinema, so who knows? Actually I did watch Shiva Baby and was kind of disappointed. It seemed very twee and precious, and Sennott's character seems like the type of spoiled Millennial white girl that I hate in indie movies like this. I also just didn't find it particularly funny. Oh, well.
Streaming Friday on Netflix is Ricky Staub’s CONCRETE COWBOY, starring Idris Elba, Caleb McLaughlin and Lorraine Toussiant with McLaughlin being a teenager who moves in with his estranged father (Elba) in North Philadelphia where he learns about his passion for urban horseback riding.
Opening in New York (at the Angelika and Village East) on Friday and in L.A.and other cities on April 9 is the Oscar-nominated International Feature THE MAN WHO SOLD HIS SKIN (Samuel Goldwyn Films), written and directed by Kaouther Ben Hania, and starring Yahya Mahyni, Dea Liane, Koen De Bouw and Monica Bellucci. Tunisia’s submission is the story of Sam Ali, a Syrian who leaves his country for Lebanon to escape the war with hopes of travelling to Europe to be with the love of his life. To fulfill that dream, he allows his back to be tattooed by a contemporary artist that actually brings more trouble to the poor young man.
Hulu will debut the doc WeWork: or The Making and Breaking of a $47 Billion Unicorn (Hulu), which I still haven’t gotten around to watching but seems like an interesting subject for a doc.
A little closer to home at the still-closed Metrograph, they’re playing Claire Dennis’ 2004 film L’Intrus through April 8, and on Friday will open Sky Hopinka’s experimental debut maɬni – towards the ocean, towards the shore (Grasshopper Films) which follows Sweetwater Sahme and Jordan Mercier as they wander around the Pacific Northwest, mostly speaking in the Chinuk Wawa language. The latter is free to digital members ($5/month, $50 a year!) and $12 for non-members… pretty easy decision there, huh? Ms. Dennis’ film is also available to members.
Not only that, but New York’s Film Forum is also reopening this Friday with the double feature of Almodovar’s remastered Woman on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown and his new short The Human Voice, starring Tilda Swinton; the fantastic doc The Truffle Hunters; as well as his Fellini’s masterful Oscar winner La Strada (Janus Films, 1954), starring Anthony Queen and the wonderful Giulietta Masina! (That’s what I’ll be seeing this Sunday!) On top of that, Film Forum will continue its fantastic Virtual Cinema programming, which will launch Eric Roehmer’s A Tale of Winter (1992) this Friday with Roehmer’s A Tale of Summer (1996) joining the Virtual Cinema starting Friday April 9.
Got exciting news that Film at Lincoln Center will be reopening on April 16, but this week, they’ll be launching the latest edition of Neighboring Scenes, its annual series of Latin American films done in conjunction with Cinema Tropical. It’s 10 films that you can watch with an all-access pass for the low price of $80, and it usually has some good movies in the program.
A couple others out this week, including Funny Face and Every Breath You Take (Vertical), which I don’t even have time to look up what they’re about. Sorry!
That’s it for this week. Next week, Neil Burger’s sci-fi coming-of-age thriller, VOYAGERS, will hit theaters.
0 notes
deadcactuswalking · 4 years
Okay, so as you know this show has been on a “hiatus” for reasons I explained in the last episode and I had been thinking of different ways to continue this. Eventually I came to the conclusion that it does not really matter if I skipped tens of songs, maybe even more than 100, because a lot of them don’t have lasting success and if I kept doing these massive blocks of songs from months ago I would pretty much get nowhere by the end of the year. So, I’m writing this on Saturday, meaning the UK Singles Chart updated yesterday, and I think it’s about time I get back in schedule. This week’s #1 is “Mood” by 24kGoldn and iann dior, and let’s discuss the new arrivals in the UK Top 75. Welcome back to REVIEWING THE CHARTS.
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Dropouts and Returning Entries
So, how will this work? Well, it’s going to be pretty simple. No rundown of the top 10, no climbers and fallers, just reviews of the usually about 10 or so new songs that hit the UK Top 75. I’ll cover returning entries and drop-outs as well ever so briefly at the start of each episode, just for some additional clarity and information, I guess. This was actually a pretty damn busy week to start off with so we have a lot of drop-outs, some of which are pretty notable, like “Secrets” by DJ Regard and RAYE, “Fake Friends” by Ps1 and Alex Hosking, “Dinner Guest” by AJ Tracey and MoStack, Tion Wayne’s “I Dunno” featuring Dutchavelli and Stormzy, “Dancing in the Moonlight” by Jubel and Neimy and some other relatively unimportant one-week hits I won’t be mentioning here. Of course, there are songs that have been on the chart for months but I only recently covered like “This City” by Sam Fischer, “Kings & Queens” by Ava Max and “Don’t Need Love” by 220 KID and Gracey, as well as some gradual losses from the late Juice WRLD, those being “Smile” with the Weeknd and “Wishing Well”. Returning to the chart are “Real Life” by Burna Boy and Stormzy at #71, “One Too Many” by Keith Urban and P!nk at #57, “Dreams” by Fleetwood Mac at #55 43 years after release because of this guy on TikTok drinking cranberry juice (That’s 2020 for you) and finally, “Levitating” by Dua Lipa at #30 thanks to a pretty good DaBaby remix. Now we have two album bombs to start this season off. Let’s go!
#66 – “Always Forever” – Bryson Tiller
Produced by J-Louis, Teddy Walton and CAMEone
Bryson Tiller. I don’t really get or even know his music enough to spark any insight before listening, and to be transparent, no, I didn’t listen to that comeback album. Anniversary is a sequel of sorts to his debut album, Trapsoul, and I can expect just that, I imagine, from this very quick pre-release single dropped just a week or two before the album proper. This drowned-out, watery R&B style doesn’t usually work with me, especially when Drake does it, and Tiller’s nasal, high-pitched squeaky crooning here also does not fit this otherwise lovely production, with some fat bass 808s I really enjoy. The chorus is a  mess of fleeting background vocal runs and the performance here while not embarrassing feels kind of lifeless and checked-out. Admittedly, some of the harmonies he hits in the third verse/bridge are pretty nice-sounding, but it feels wasted when the song just continues to flutter off afterwards with the same dull key patterns and frankly, this is just an uninteresting and clearly unfinished track barely under three minutes and never reaching a point where it feels worth listening to. If I were a Bryson Tiller fan, I would be pretty underwhelmed with this.
#65 – “Years Go By” – Bryson Tiller
Produced by Streetrunner and Tarik Azzouz
Well, here’s the opening track from the record, where Tiller has to make that impactful first impression, and with this reverb-drenched guitar melody in the intro and the distorted sound effects that start off the song proper, it starts off solid, and, I’m afraid to say, continues to be so. This obviously goes for a more direct trap-rap vibe with a skittering drum pattern that really bumps and a... pretty underwhelming two verses from Tiller here, who prefers to just kind of impersonate the Weeknd until the beat abruptly cuts out for pointless Auto-Tuned vocal riffing, and, yeah, this is just clumsy. The flows here are tired and messy, often clinging off the ledge of the beat, and even if I really like the cute synths in the outro, I can’t excuse this. Once again, it just seems unfinished, and lyrically on both tracks, he’s saying nothing of any substance. I guess he shouts out Jack Harlow and... Danny Phantom? He also seems to refer to himself as “Godtiller” by the end, as in Godzilla, because no-one’s stopping him from doing so. Sigh, next.
#62 – “Bet You Wanna” – BLACKPINK featuring Cardi B
Produced by TBHits, Mr. Franks and Teddy
You may be able to recognise a pattern here but no, I didn’t listen to this really short debut album by BLACKPINK either, pretty fittingly called The Album. This isn’t really a collaboration I understand or expected but it’s not that far-fetched, especially since BTS did collaborate with Nicki Minaj a year or so ago. The songs features the girls only singing in English over some finger-snaps that sound painfully fake and some demanding piano that is completely switched for the pre-chorus only for it to come back later and then technically in the chorus but covered in tropical-like percussion and some background squealing, only for Cardi B to interrupt with a surprisingly PG verse – you can really tell she had to censor herself here – and that’s all she does in the song. This actually is a fair bit more refined than K-pop I heard previously as it seems to at least stick to a musical motif which seems to be a pretty difficult concept for a lot of these bands. I mean, that’s probably just because of the Western producers on this song like TBHits, who’s worked with Ariana Grande before. It isn’t a headache like “Kill This Love” and I really love the vocal performance from who I thinks is “Jennie” here although the others seem to scroll through ugly distortion effects, particularly in their verse. I mean, it sure is listenable and honestly kind of a far cry from the earlier songs I heard from them, but it’s still not very good. Sorry.
#60 – “On My Mind” – Diplo and SIDEPIECE
Produced by Diplo and SIDEPIECE
So, in 1996, R&B girl group 702 released a pretty solid new jack swing jam as their debut single, featuring Missy Elliott, called “Steelo”. It was a minor hit in itself and even sampled the Police – the rock band fronted by Sting, I feel the need to clarify considering the current climate.  It’s not a bad song, albeit perhaps overlong and unintentionally intimidating at times. You can tell Missy’s phoning it in a bit here, but she’s still as charming as ever here. 24 years later, we have “On My Mind”, a glorified house remix of the tune by Diplo and two of his buddies, basically. Is it any good? Well, yes. The sprinkling of cute synths in the intro combined with that leering vocal line really replicate the vibe of the original song, and it does that even better when a single vocal sample from the bridge is looped constantly under a pretty pounding bass and a typical four-on-the-floor house track. This song’s bridge of its own is incredibly pretty as well, to the point where the squawking and low-tone beeping don’t really bother me, especially when it just... crashes with buzzy bass drops that sound like a mix of a dubstep track and a car zooming past. It shifts up the entire song and honestly it works, it’s an effective climax, this is pretty fun, albeit lacking many ideas. It doesn’t really matter if those ideas are executed as well as they are here, so, thanks, Diplo.
#54 – “Rich Gnarly Dude Stuff” – 21 Savage and Metro Boomin featuring Young Thug
Produced by Metro Boomin and Peter Lee Johnson
Of course, it’s not actually titled “Rich Gnarly Dude Stuff” but I’ve got to at least try and keep this show clean. Now, I haven’t listened to many albums this year but 21 Savage and Metro Boomin’s collaborative album Savage Mode II is definitely one of the best of those few. Admittedly, it has a pretty lacklustre beginning and it doesn’t really make sense as a sequel to that Savage Mode EP, particularly because it’s trying to pay homage to a bunch of different styles of 80s, 90s and 2000s rap to the point of identity crisis, but it is one of the best album listening experiences I’ve had this year, with some absolutely killer production from Metro, the sheer brilliance of the Morgan Freeman interludes and 21’s improvement as a rapper being really on show throughout the record. “Rich Gnarly Dude Stuff” is one of my absolute favourites on the album, with the smooth as hell synths and that violin sample that is just hypnotic. 21 Savage slides on this beat and he actually sounds pretty slick with Auto-Tune here, especially over this production which is just beautiful; Metro really is the highlight of the record all things considered. In fact, 21 kind of loses me with his brand flexing and the weird empty spaces that he seems to compensate for by jumbling words together to fit the meter which is unfitting for the mood of the song. Thugger, however, I’m convinced can do no wrong. His upbeat, joyful inflections are in great contrast with his crooning in the second half of the verse, and even though he only really uses one flow through the verse, it leaves a good impression on me fast enough for me to dismiss that. Are they on-topic? Barely. Are they saying anything of substance other than some flexing, sex talk and threats? No, I mean, it’s 21 Savage and Young Thug, but the most important thing here is delivery and these guys have it in spades. I’m a lot more convinced that Thugger has hit men than YoungBoy Never Broke Again is all I’m saying. That being said, please don’t send your shooters, Mr. Broke Again.
#43 – “Runnin” – 21 Savage and Metro Boomin
Produced by Metro Boomin
After the gorgeous introduction from Metro and Morgan Freeman, you are met headfirst with the wrath of... a pretty Diana Ross sample. The way Metro flips this into this head-nodding almost Memphis-like trap beat makes it sound a lot more ominous and menacing though, and it really hits when 21 comes in with his opening bars that start off the project, giving you a basic rundown about what he’s going to do in the album only in the first verse: beat people up, buy cars, spend money on women who he only keeps around for sex and finally, shoot the opps. In fact, he calls his Draco a paedophile because “all of his opps gettin’ touched”, which is a questionable line. 21, are you saying your opps are all children? Regardless, 21 does have some pretty funny wordplay and punchlines, particularly in the second verse with a really clever line about biblical marijuana (Go figure). Basically, he grows his weed in the Garden of Eden, but “zaza” is really high-quality marijuana and also a name mentioned in the Bible. I don’t know if that was intentional or not but if it was a coincidence it at least adds to the lyrics of the song. I have to say though that the chorus is weak and tedious as all hell, and by the end of the song that sample has well-overstayed its welcome, making the song hit a lot less harder than I think was intended. Hey, at least it has Morgan Freeman on it.
#40 – “Lovesick Girls” – BLACKPINK
Produced by R.Tee and 24
So, here we are in the top 40, with more BLACKPINK and to my surprise, honestly. I figured that the song with the big western rap star would be here but I suppose this did have a video behind it – that was controversial in Korea because of how the Korean Health and Medical Workers Union objected to Jennie wearing a sexualised nurse outfit, because, well, sure. This time the lyrics are mostly in Korean, and it sounds immediately much more like what I’d expect from what 2020’s K-pop has to offer. There is a pretty clean guitar loop that the whole song runs off of, some great vocal performances amongst simple rap flows and a drastic shift into an English chorus with some 80s-like synths and admittedly a nice synthpop beat. I prefer this a lot to “Bet You Wanna” but as it is it’s just inoffensive. I like Jennie’s rap verse though. “Don’t want to be a princess, I’m priceless / a Prince not even on my list”? Come on, that’s kind of fire, at least for middling Korean electropop standards.
#38 – “Heart of Glass” – Miley Cyrus
There aren’t any production credits on Spotify, Wikipedia or Genius, mostly because this is a live performance from iHeartRadio Music Festival – however they’re still doing that in these times – that was just dumped on streaming and impressively got all the way into the top 40. To be honest, I can’t say I’m a fan of the original – it’s a well-written song flattened by weak albeit infectious disco production and whilst the groove is infectious, the song has just never clicked with me, so I’m not excited to listen to Cyrus’ cover but hey, anything to delay talking about back-to-back Drake features and D-Block Europe. I WAS excited however when it started with a rock breakdown, especially that drum fill, but it soon restarted to the groove that we all know the song for and one that again, I never was too fond of to begin with. Miley is energetic, raspy and almost growling here at points but the instrumentation is somewhat stiff, which again is a problem I have with the original. It also doesn’t replace the synth riff with an epic guitar solo as I kind of hoped. At the point where Miley drops into “na-na-na”’s and unintelligible yelling is when I just zone out. I really hoped this could have been better, but I’m not a fan.
#35 – “Come Over” – Jorja Smith featuring Popcaan
Produced by Izaiah and MadisonLST
It’s rare there’s a song on these charts that intrigues or excites me in the way this one does, not because it’s particularly novel or groundbreaking, but just because this is a new song from two artists I like but haven’t checked out much from, and I have yet to hear it so I’m glad it debuted this high. I’m happy for Popcaan too, he seems to be having a good year signed to OVO and all, even if I’ve never really tried to listen to his solo stuff. I’ve heard many features from the guy though, with Drake, Kanye, Pusha T, Gorillaz on “Saturnz Barz” and especially alongside Jamie xx and Young Thug on one of my favourite songs of all time, “I Know There’s Gonna Be (Good Times)”, and he does not detract from a single one of them. I enjoyed Smith’s debut album a fair bit and whilst nothing she’s released since has really clicked with me, I’m still excited to hear what she has in store. I really love the production here, even if it is a tad fragmented, especially with that awkward vocal sample, but the atmospheric and hell, even spacey dancehall beat really evokes dub. I also hate the way that vocal sample is manipulated to a nasal, pitch-shifted tone in the bridge, but I guess the chorus is really pretty. Popcaan is kind of obnoxious crooning on here but he flows when he starts really flowing... then he’s immediately interrupted by Jorja singing the first verse again for whatever reason, and, yeah, this song’s a mess. It’s so oddly produced that by the time the air horns, yes, air horns, kick in during the outro, you are left with no real idea of what you just listened to. Or at least I was.
#28 – “Mr. Right Now” – 21 Savage and Metro Boomin featuring Drake
Produced by Metro Boomin and DAVID x ELI
And now, Drake. Thankfully this is the better of the two Drake-featured songs we have here, but this is still a low point on Savage Mode II and definitely an unnecessary inclusion. The production here is actually incredible, with those sweet strings and a quiet vocal sample that is absolutely infectious. The issue here is 21 Savage cannot really do an R&B hook that well, and even when he’s in his element on a trap beat, his bars are non-existent and generic. That pre-chorus is just awful coming from 21. I hate to say it, but maybe Drake could have been more involved here other than the second verse, where he starts by just repeating what 21 said, and then continues to just be Drake, and I’m not sure about the general public, but listening to Drake being Drake is nothing more than monotonous at this point. The only interesting thing he really says in his verse is that he used to date SZA in 2008, which, according to SZA herself, is actually inaccurate by about a year, which is just... well, Drake being Drake. Also, I’m really sick of quarantine music already. You should always reflect on the experience before making art about something like this, and I feel like a fleeting reference to the pandemic with a one-and-done bar I’ve heard a couple times before already (“We in quarantine, but my M’s long”) just dates this slow and sloppy R&B cut even more. Calling it now: if Metro hadn’t produced this, this would be unlistenable.
#24 – “Outta Time” – Bryson Tiller featuring Drake
Produced by Nineteen85, Vinylz and 40
Well, I guess it’s time to test this hypothesis. I don’t think that Drake has come out with anything salvageable this year, mostly because he’s been releasing leftovers and branding them as such, and they still top charts. I mean, “Laugh Now Cry Later” is okay but that’s mostly saved by 20 seconds of Lil Durk being an absolute treasure. The way he croons gargled nonsense and follows it up with “Bring Drake to the hood, surround Drake around Drac’s” might be the funniest and best moment in pop music this year. This song with Bryson Tiller is nowhere near as amusing but honestly Drake mumble-singing over a pretty classy 90s-reminiscent R&B sample is usually quite pleasant... here he just sounds whiny and immature, and he’s pretty clearly recycling cadences and flows he’s already used. He also has zero chemistry with Tiller, maybe because they never interact on the song, with Tiller’s Auto-Tuned crooning saved for the last half of the track, mostly because I imagine it’s easier to get streams with Drake at the start. Honestly, I prefer Bryson Tiller’s part. Hey, I don’t like his voice, but over that sweet Snoh Aalegra sample, I’m not going to say it doesn’t work. This is the best I’ve heard from the album but I mean it’s not like there’s competition.
#21 – “Wonder” – Shawn Mendes
Produced by Shawn Mendes, Nate Mercereau, Scott Harris and Kid Harpoon
Really? Only #21? Okay, well, I suppose some Shawn Mendes songs are slow burners but considering how successful “If I Can’t Have You” and “Senorita” were right after release I did expect this new lead single to seep at least into the top 15, especially since the UK has a tendency to just let anybody in the top 20, but, hey, if the song’s good, it shouldn’t really matter. Much like “In My Blood” from the last album rollout, this is a ballad, although this is specifically a post-breakup ballad where he contemplates on his manufactured relationship with Camila Cabello. So it couldn’t get into the top 20 even with fake personal drama surrounding the single? Wow. Well, I actually kind of like the lyrical content here, especially the second verse where he briefly addresses toxic masculinity, and how it makes him feel like less of a man when he cries because that’s what society’s conventions and norms programmed him to feel. I would like it a bit better if it weren’t as on-the-nose and kind of clumsy as it is, especially since the rest of the song is just wondering what it would feel like to be loved by Camila Cabello and some dreary, post-breakup lines. The first verse taps into more profound and insightful territory to but it goes nowhere and I find it hard to care about this melodrama at all, even if it is backed by a pretty powerful choir arrangement. Much like “If I Can’t Have You” and some of his other tracks before this, especially “Mercy”, this feels like a pretty overproduced, underwritten angst jam with absolutely no teeth to it other than a performance from Mendes that goes into some belting territory but is overall too restrained to fit this kind of anthemic orchestral instrumentation and especially those drums. In conclusion, this is a waste of potential but at least it had potential to begin with, unlike...
#11 – “UFO” – D-Block Europe featuring Aitch
Produced by Cardo, Cubeatz and DY Krazy
People complain about the charts all the time, particularly the type and quality of music on it. This is especially true with the USA’s Billboard Hot 100 and I understand that chart has incredible flaws it hasn’t made up for, but at least it doesn’t have D-Block Europe every other week. I mean, a pretty great British rap song even ended up on the Hot 100 thanks to TikTok and DaBaby, that being “Don’t Rush” by Young T & Bugsey featuring Headie One. That proves that these recurring antagonists of REVIEWING THE CHARTS are not necessary; I like Young T & Bugsey. We could just replace these oversaturated whining idiots with those guys, but no, we have Young Adz and Dirtbike LB, and they’re here to stay. Oh, and even better, they’re here with Aitch, pioneer of the new “gentrified drill” genre. Apparently to Young Adz, this is a “different” song that could isolate their audience, but I just see this as pretty normal Young Adz moaning over guitar-trap beats. It’s not drill, but it’s not like this is all that different or interesting... like at all. Adz has this hilariously bad “ooh-wee” flow that just sounds ridiculous on this beat, and Aitch proves his status as the whitest man in UK rap – and this is the country that brought you Professor Green. The song isn’t even about spaceships or any type of unidentified flying object! It’s just about having sex with drug dealers, with the only reference to the supernatural being the intro where Young Adz says that this sex is apparently happening in space... for no reason. And Dirtbike LB, well...
I’mma cover my pain with these shades
Just as embarrassing as usual. These guys have got an album out this week by the way, with 29 songs and a full 91 minutes of this same garbage they’ve been pumping out mixtapes of for two years now. They’re still funny occasionally and never on purpose, but the humorous inflections and stupid lines are now so few and far between that it’s barely worth pointing any of that out anymore. God.
This wasn’t just a busy week to start off on, but also a week where I’m not left impressed by really any of this, even from the album I liked. Worst of the Week still goes to D-Block Europe and Aitch with “UFO” with Bryson Tiller picking up the Dishonourable Mention for both of his first two lousy tracks here. Other than that, well, I only really like “Rich Gnarly Dude Stuff” by 21 Savage, Metro Boomin and Young Thug so that runs away with Best of the Week, but I guess I’ll give the Honourable Mention to “On My Mind” by Diplo and SIDEPIECE, for at least being kind of fun if not anything else.
Here’s the top 10 for this week:
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...and that’s all from me. Follow me on Twitter @cactusinthebank for more garbage and hopefully I’ll see you next week.
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