#and she's dating downworlders
captainkirkk · 8 months
All the fics I’ve read and really enjoyed in the past week-ish. Reminder: This list features any and all ratings and themes. Please look at tags and warnings on ao3 before reading.
Enthrallment by smilebackwards
It does look a little bad, Parmela thinks, looking at it from outside. As more specialists had been called in for consultation, they’d decamped to one of the larger conference rooms—eschewing attendance at A, B, AB, & O: The Impact of Blood Type on Non Subject Specific Blood Magic, because this was vastly more interesting and potentially important—and there are a round dozen high-level warlocks clustered around Alec, poking at him with magic.
Or: Alec attends the Magical Inventions and Advances convention in hopes of recruiting warlocks for another Downworld Cabinet. The warlocks, however, are more interested—and concerned—by the blue magical aura following Alec around.
temporal fraternity by envysparkler
Damian clears his throat. “I require your assistance.”
The words come out easier with the benefit of practice and the knowledge that no one will remember them tomorrow. Today. Tomorrow-today.
The Umbrella Academy
cut me open and i still bleed red by aletterinthenameofsanity
Part 1 of the odds were never in our favor
Ben knows his fellow mentors pretty well, for how long he's spent here, behind the screens of the Games, watching as his tributes die.
Allison, from District One, has a way with the sponsors. Just a word placed here or there, stealthily dropped into conversation, and she can get her tributes the shit they need.
In his time as a Mentor, Klaus has developed a habit of drinking to get through the Games, and through the rest of his life, really- anything to avoid the truth of what's happening, the ghosts of the children he and Ben have sent to their deaths.
Very few people remember what Five’s name was before the Games. Caesar Flickerman and the Gamemakers nicknamed him that when he took out the entire Career Pack on his second day in the Arena.
Vanya’s the newest Mentor, the victor of the Seventy-Third Hunger Games.
Diego’s one of Ben’s oldest not-quite friends. A Victor from District Ten, he’d gone into the Games knowing how to kill an animal.
All the other Mentors Ben knows try never to get attached. Luther, on the other hand, doesn't forget a single name.
(A story of seven victors of the Hunger Games and the lives they live as Mentors.)
Danny Phantom
The Promised Land by redrobin1989
Danny Fenton has been running for years, from his abusive parents, from Vlad's experiments, from his freakish powers. He expected to be running his whole life until he found his way to a small town that felt like the home he'd never had.
Study Dates Are Not Real Dates by StormySteady
A very important exam is coming up, and Asmodeus is trying his hardest to get Iruma and Clara to study for it. But his soulmates have other ideas.
Star Wars
Starlight, In All Its Forms by Soap_And_Lye
When Luke was eight, he was taken from his home on Tatooine and delivered into the hands of the emperor and his right hand.
When Luke was sixteen, he overheard the emperor's plans to steal a tiny Force sensitive child and saves him first, before being caught and dragged back to his masters' keeping.
When Luke was eighteen, he finds that same child on Gideon's cruiser, and spares both him and his family, including a silver clad Mandalorian.
And when Luke was twenty-four, he is captured by the Rebellion (captured or did he just let it happen? Really up for debate) and secretly sent as a prisoner to Mandalore, where Mand'alor Din Djarin rebuilds his planet and raises his son.
And the rest was history. Or the beginning.
Clone Wars
will you be an anarchist with me? by a_alene
Once the Kenobi floodgates are opened, they cannot be closed. Cody has apparently been keeping an itemized list of disagreements, and he is determined to tell Rex each and every one of them.
Kenobi refuses to listen to Cody’s input. Kenobi throws himself into battle with no regard for previously established battle plans. Kenobi uses the Force so recklessly and obviously that every undercover assignment is blown within the first few minutes. Kenobi is a hypocrite who berates Cody for sidestepping protocol, but flouts it himself at every opportunity.
CT-7567: bet you wish you had skywalker now
CC-2224: I wish for nothing but the cold embrace of space
Right. And he says Kenobi’s dramatic.
(Marshal Commander Cody and High General Obi-Wan Kenobi of the 212th cannot stand each other. Rex doesn't know why this is his problem.)
poetry is what you find (in the dirt in the corner) by fivecenturiesverse
(In which Cody becomes an anonymous poet after the war and his brothers find out.)
Rex launches forwards immediately and so does Bly, because he can admit to himself that he likes gifts. He likes gifts a whole lot more than Cody and Wolffe, anyway, who both act like martyrs who don’t need any material love. “Poetry, vod?” Bly asks, incredulous. “Cody’s right, you are going soft.”
“It’s by a clone,” Fox says, defensively, “it’s quite good, actually. For poetry. It made Sergeant Hound cry at the service.
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bubblespalace · 7 months
The Accords (Reader Insert Version)
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Chapter Four
Fuck you had to get up.
Nine-year-old you pressed your hand on the floor and tried to push yourself up, but the bloody slash on your stomach caused you to feel weak against your captor. “Watch your friend die and we'll make everything less painful, okay little one?” The man over you crooned.
You foolishly turned your head, capturing the eyes of the girl you had known since you were five, your oldest friend. Victoria was tied down to a hospital bed in the laboratory they had been stuck in, a machine attached to her, sucking out her blood. Her eyes cried out in pain and tears to her as she bled out, her life slowly being pulled out of her while she was still breathing. “(Y/N), please…” She wept, her normally cocky personality gone with the wind.
You looked up at the man keeping you pinned to the ground with pleading eyes. “She doesn't deserve this! Please! Take me instead!” You tasted your own blood in your mouth, a metal-like taste. The tears threatened to spill from your eyes.
The men in the room laughed, a horrible sound to your ears. “Oh, but we are taking the both of you. Your blood sells, Morganstern.”
“Don't call me Morganstern. My name is Wayland.” You grit your teeth, whimpering when you heard Victoria scream out in pain.
He leaned down and told you in a hushed voice. “Keep telling yourself that, Morganstern, you’ll always be related to him..”
Your gaze snapped to Victoria as she wailed out in pain once more before going limp on the bed, her blue eyes wide open and vacant. “Vic!” You screamed, in disbelief she was gone. Victoria didn't move, didn't spit out a witty remark, didn't blink.
It was all your fault.
The man pulled you up by her hair, and you obeyed, knowing the consequences if you didn't. “Now, ready for your treatment, Morganstern?”
The vampires around the room all smirked at you, baring their teeth.
You awoke from your dream of your past in a gorgeous parlor room, you were laid down on the velvet blue couch, and a fire was roaring from the fireplace, warming the colder room. You whimpered, believing you were alone so you could show pain or discomfort, and slowly sat up straight.
“Nfu~ Bitch-chan number two is finally awake.” You softly gasped in surprise and turned your head toward the source of the voice. He was, of course, gorgeous, but now that you knew everyone here was probably a vampire, you knew why. Vampires had to be attractive to get their prey. 
He looked a lot like the man at the gas station, same emerald green eyes with only slightly lighter red hair. The eyes he had seemed more playful, however, while the others had seemed more demanding and bossy. You couldn't help but wonder if they were closely related. He was wearing a fedora with a red ribbon tied around it, and he had a small mole on the right side of his mouth that seemed to enhance his natural beauty. His school uniform had two buttons at the top undone, probably to show off his chest a bit, and his tie was loosely knotted. God, you couldn't help but think it sucked that Nephilim were unable to date vampires and other Downworlders. All of them were so attractive, especially these men, but The Accords outlawed it because The Clave wants Shadowhunter babies, not any other race. It was understandable since Shadowhunter's population was low, but it was horrible how you couldn't marry or date who you fell in love with.
This vampire man inched closer to you, a suggestive smirk on his face. “Does the new Bitch-Chan speak? Kanato told me you only understood English.” He had a very cruel tone when taunting that some might have mistaken for flirting.
You scooted back a bit, uncomfortable under his stare. You have always been attracted to eyes, it's one of the first features you noticed, but you felt oddly uncomfortable under the eyes of anyone but Nephilim and loved ones. “I don't only understand English, I speak some other languages, but I have a name, you know.”
The unnamed man chuckled, grinning widely and showing off his fangs. He had cute little dimples on either side of his mouth. “What is it, Bitch-Chan? Whatever it is, I'll keep calling you Bitch-Chan too.” He winked at you teasingly.
You scowled, staring into his eyes with your (E/C) ones. “It's (Y/N), and you'll use my name, bloodsucker.” You attempted to stand, straightening Yourself up before your legs collapsed underneath you. You started to fall to the carpeted floor with a yelp, but this man caught you in his arms.
His grip felt very secure and safe, his arms wrapped around your waistline. You weren't used to being touched much, but you absolutely loved it when you had skin-to-skin contact. “I'm Laito, Bitch-Chan. The most attractive man here.” He smirked, which made you want to fawn over him for a second, but you knew better. No good came from Downworlders, you learned that at an early age.
“Such a liar, it's obvious it's Ore-sama.” You looked up at the owner of the voice, recognizing it.
“I should have guessed you were related.” You spat, pulling yourself out of Laito’s arms and onto the couch. “You both have that ‘egotistic’ quality.”
The man glared at her, his green eyes annoyed. “Oi! Shut up, Melons!”
You glared. "Don't call me melons, Christmas!"
“Be quiet… You're ruining my music…” You glanced at the blonde who was lying down on the other couch, his eyes were closed, probably sleeping. He, of course, was also good-looking, you just wished you could see what his eyes were like.
Kanato teleported into the room using his vampire powers, he was pretty beat up, but he would heal quickly. You had definitely done a number on him. You wondered if he was still pissed. “Look Teddy, the new doll is finally awake.”
You sighed, instinctively feeling your sheath for your Angel Blade while your eyes darted around the room, searching for exits. The white-haired and red-eyed man, who was leaning against a blank wall, scoffed. “ Tch, we aren't dumb, Nephilim. You don't have any more weapons on you. We confiscated them.”
You glared, putting the fury into your stare. “You aren't allowed to keep me here, it's against the Law.” You said, tapping your boot against the marble floor.
Laito smirked, sitting down next to you, although a little too close. “I'm sure The Clave will make an exception for us. Especially since it's illegal for you to be trespassing on Vampire's property in the first place.”
“You're fair game, Melons. Should have looked before you came to us.”
“I was hunting!” You retorted angrily. “I had direct orders from The Clave and there were no restricted places on my mission information, I wasn't informed there were vampires!”
The blonde groaned and pulled out an earphone and opened his eyes, giving you a death stare. Now that you had a better look at him, you saw just how gorgeous his eyes were, a beautiful ocean of calm. As blue as the sky. You were entranced for a moment. “Stop being so noisy. You broke the Law, so these are the consequences.” He closed his eyes again and put the earpods back in.
You felt speechless, like your life was being sold to yet another individual. “The Clave will come after you. I'm a top agent.”
“They have the guts to come after the Sakamaki's?” Ayato teased.
Your jaw went slack, a feeling of dread washed over you, you had known you had recognized their names. Kanato, Ayato, and Laito were the triplets of the Sakamaki family. Which meant the white-haired man and the blonde man were also their brothers. “No, no, no. There's no fucking way…”
Laito smirked, leaning in close to your face. “Surprise, Bitch-Chan.”
You quickly stood up, forcing your legs to be strong enough to hold your weight and backed away. “Holy shit…” You bumped into someone and quickly turned to face him. He was also a vampire, with those looks. Shiny magenta eyes that looked as though they could see through everything and also understand everything. He seemed very knowledgeable. He had such dark hair that you couldn't tell whether it was black or very dark blue.
“How unladylike, don't you know you should be aware of your movements? You aren't a very graceful woman, are you?” He said, there was something about his voice that gave him a commanding demeanor. You could tell he was intelligent and strict, and knowing this you knew you should apologize politely, but all you could do was freeze in terror. You had faced and killed many vampires before, but these were the sons of The Vampire King. Karlheinz was the only leader of Downworlders who had trouble agreeing with The Law, werewolves, faeries, and warlock were easily swayed to The Clave's side. The Clave knows not to piss off Karlheinz. He could, without a doubt, go up against Shadowhunter kind and win within a week. “It's customary to answer when someone talks to you, honestly.” 
You broke yourself out of your shocked state, stammering out a response.“Fuck, I'm sor-” 
“You curse too? Dear lord, I'm going to have to train so much out of you. The only good quality I see so far is in your bloodline.” The magenta-eyed man spat, disgusted.
Laito chuckled, his fangs peeking through his lips. “Her blood does smell delightful. May I have a bite, Bitch-Chan?” In a flash, the fedora-wearing man’s face was buried in the crook of your neck, you yelped and flinched back, attempting to push away Laito, but someone else did before you could.
“She's my doll! I saw her first, I get the first taste!” Kanato yelled at his younger brother, fury in his eyes. Laito chuckled, amused and not scared by his brother’s outburst. He stayed down where Kanato had pushed him, resting both of his arms under his head. “(Y/N), dolly, stay still,” Kanato spoke softly, it almost calmed you, his voice was just so hypnotizing. However, you knew what would happen if a vampire got a hold of your blood. As he leaned down, his teeth bared, to pierce your collarbone, you did something you would probably regret, you slapped him across the face. The room went completely silent, nobody said a single word, it was so very eerie. You didn't dare move a muscle, frozen from fear. Kanato slowly turned his head toward you again, a scowl on his face. “You really have to be put in your place, doll.” To your horror, Kanato wrapped his hand around your neck, squeezing lightly at first, seeming to test you. 
Your hand jumped to his wrist, in an attempt to get him to let go. “Kanato-” The vampire squeezed slightly tighter, probably restraining himself. “P-please…”
He glared down at you. “You have lost the right to beg for my mercy, Shadowhunter. Endure your punishment.” The purple-haired man tightened his grip even more, it took everything for you to not cry out in pain, your training never taught you what to do during a fight with one of the strongest pure-blood vampires to date.
Finally, You blacked out from oxygen deprivation, you did however spare your dignity as you didn't once scream. Kanato let go of your thin figure, blinking. “She's more fiery than the brides,” Ayato grumbled.
“Tch, she won't last a day here.” The white-haired man spoke from the other side of the room, his red eyes gleaming with curiosity and annoyance.
The youngest triplet chuckled. “Fufu~ She might surprise us. You never know.”
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faejilly · 1 year
hello!! absolutely adore your writing <3 no worries at all it not, but may i request an alternate pre-series meeting in canon / canon-adjacent where valentine is actually dead? always very curious about how malec’s relationship might change if they met and started dating Not in the middle of a really intense war lmao, so i thought maybe their first meeting would be a good starting point? but don’t sweat it if this doesn’t strike the fic muse <33
asdfjklgh thank you! so this MORE THAN struck the fic muse, but I got distracted by a tangent as to how it all Got Very Different™️and have not actually introduced Malec to each other as of yet but if you'd like some Magnus going what the fuck? at the Clave actually being competent this will hopefully be entertaining. AND ISTG I will get to Malec meeting! Eventually?
A familiar flare lit up his apothecary, and Magnus reached out to catch the fire message. The flames sparked brighter, and he blinked away the after-images as something heavier than he'd expected solidified between his fingers.
A single sheet of paper, cleverly folded up to resemble an envelope and keep the message inside; there was the unfortunately familiar black curl of a rune along the edges.
Magnus grimaced.
It was probably some horrifying form letter designed to intimidate him into something that was not remotely his problem, but he was going to have to clean up regardless. Shadowhunters didn't request things, they ordered, and brow-beat, and the only reason they got away with it was because they treated everyone equally terribly, including themselves, and to be quite fair to their militaristic grand-standing, the world was continuing to not be overrun by demons, so it seemed to be working for them.
Even Valentine hadn’t made much of a dent in their self-righteous arrogance. The Lightwoods hadn’t lost possession of the Institute they’d killed to get, buying clemency with their children, from what he’d heard, which was even worse than typical nephilim parenting. Despicable, ev–
He blinked. That wasn't the New York Institute's watermark, it was the Inquisitor's.
He tilted it to let the light from the windows spill across it, but that was very clearly the silhouette of a Demon Tower behind two crossed blades, not the broken stone the Clave had required the New York Institute to use after the Uprising to signify its failure to uphold their so-called sacred duties.
He huffed out a breath in not quite a sigh, and felt a frown starting to form between his brows. It was easier to deal with Inquisitor Herondale and her people than the Lightwoods. (She at least hated Valentine as much as the downworld.) But that didn't mean a formal letter was likely to be a good thing. Whatever had happened in the aftermath of Valentine's attempted coup had been kept very quiet behind Alicante's borders, and everything the downworld got to see had returned to business-as-usual.
He rolled his eyes, because nephilim, but ignoring one of their summons made them even more petty and obnoxious, so he turned it over to unfold.
And stopped again upon seeing how it was addressed.
High Warlock of Brooklyn Senior Scholar of the Spiral Labyrinth Ambassador of the Accords The Right Hon. Magnus Bane
They'd used a fountain pen and written in proper uncial calligraphy and if he hadn't known that the magic for fire messages didn't work on animal skin, he might have thought they'd used actual parchment rather than what must instead be a very high quality paper stock.
"Huh." He peered down at the letters, trying to think if he'd ever seen a nephilim address a notice to a downworlder in the same formal terms they used amongst themselves. And then almost dropped the whole damn thing when he realized that the initials scribbled across the fold in lieu of the wax seal that would have prevented the fire message from activating properly were IWH. And in the exact same calligraphy as the address.
"What the fuck." He spoke aloud, louder than he'd expected or intended, almost loud enough to startle himself even as he flung the whole thing out and away.
He watched as it fell to the floor, and he stared at it.
It still just looked like paper.
It had to just be paper, the rune to send it wouldn't have worked otherwise, but High Inquisitor Imogen Whitelaw Herondale had written on that with her own hand and sent it to Magnus as if he was an equal and what in all seven hells was that about?
He stepped sideways, unable to convince himself to look away from those initials even as his fingers scrabbled across his desk in search of normal paper and pen to send a message of his own.
Ragnor, could you please indulge me with your thoughts for a moment?
He'd half expected he wouldn't get an answer, not even another fire message or a call on the phone in the other room; Ragnor had been even more of a hermit than usual since the Uprising. (Not that Magnus could fault him for that. If he wasn't a High Warlock he probably would have disappeared into the countryside somewhere as well.) But instead he felt the familiar press of Ragnor's magic against his wards as a portal opened almost immediately in the foyer.
"Apothecary!" Magnus called out, still staring at the paper on his floor.
He heard footsteps, felt Ragnor's magic approach, could even see the shadow stretching towards him when Ragnor paused in the doorway. "Ah, you got it too?"
That finally made Magnus blink, the hold of the strange message broken. He turned his head and lifted his eyebrows.
Ragnor shook his head. "I think you need to experience it for yourself."
Magnus snorted, but stepped forward, picked up the paper, and this time he unfolded it and began to read.
And then read it again.
And again, even as Ragnor came to stand beside him.
"What the fuck," he repeated.
Ragnor grunted, apparently not having any more idea than he did.
"Do you think it's real?" Magnus asked, and he could hear the almost plaintive whisper of something he couldn't pretend wasn't hope in his own voice.
"Only one way to find out." Ragnor's voice was dry, but gentle. There was hope hiding in his voice, too. "Shall we?"
It seemed real the next evening.
They arrived in front of the New York Institute to find Theo and Gretel from the closest Werewolf pack already there. A pair of fae nobles Magnus didn't recognize, both in full Court regalia, one Seelie and the other Unseelie, arrived a few minutes later, just after the last lingering blush of daylight faded, escorting Raphael and Lily who were here for their Clan.
Magnus almost asked if any of them knew what the fuck was really going on, but did in fact retain his composure and instead just lifted his chin to wait. (He had to admit, even if just to himself, that he was glad Camille was off somewhere being Camille rather than here in New York to represent the vampires and make this whole situation even more uncomfortable.)
They didn't wait long.
The double doors to the Cathedral swung wide open, rather than the main entrance that led to the central hub of the Institute and the Heads' Office. The High Inquisitor herself stepped out, and fucking bowed to them, and Magnus made a small noise of disbelief that he would deny to his dying day if anyone ever asked. (He didn't think anyone would, however, as he had not been the only one. In fact he was pretty sure the only one who hadn't betrayed their surprise was Ragnor, though the fae had managed no more than a slight shift in posture or positioning.)
"We have set up precautions so all may enter." Herondale paused, and tilted her chin towards Ragnor and Magnus. "I understand if you wish to verify before anyone tests my word?"
Magnus stared at her. She'd just admitted that they had no reason to believe her. She'd admitted it out loud and didn't even sound upset about it.
Ragnor bumped his elbow, and Magnus tucked it all back behind his High Warlock mask. He nodded back as formally as he could manage before lifting his arms and letting his magical senses expand.
There was something inside that was still warded enough to prevent him from being able to tell what it was, but its power was passive rather than active, so it wouldn't be able to be turned against them without warning.
There was also an echo of banked power that felt suspiciously like Silent Brother -and- Iron Sister -and- Soul Sword which was a thing the letter had mentioned but he hadn't been sure he'd believed; (especially that it was only there for Herondale to swear on rather than to be used against the rest of them, somehow). Beyond either of those, it was also very clear the resonance from the Angelic Core had been banked, somehow, the blessing to make the ground hallowed had been covered and muted, and it was entirely safe for any downworlder to enter, regardless of age or power level or wards.
He couldn't quite resist a glance at Ragnor, whose expression indicated he was right there with Magnus and his inexplicable conclusion. Ragnor managed to imply a shrug with the shift of his eyes, and Magnus turned to their fellow downworlders. "She's correct, the building is completely safe for us to enter."
He refrained from suggesting that the nephilim in the building were trustworthy, as they'd all already decided to take that risk when they'd shown up in response to Herondale's summons.
He supposed the fae might not have decided so much as been ordered, but regardless. They were already here. And it was time to see if the rest of it was true.
The rows of pews were nearly full of nephilim in mourning white, more than Magnus suspected usually served in New York, all of them eerily silent, heads politely bowed just enough to lessen the weight of their attention on the entering downworlders.
Behind the chancel, in the raised choir stands, there were additionally about a half-a-dozen black-clad guards, an Iron Sister in gleaming white, a Silent Brother in his bone-dull robe, and the Soul Sword itself, the ruby glinting in its hilt.
To the left of the altar were half-a-dozen nephilim children roughly equivalent to elementary school aged Mundanes, only one of whom had the steady glow to Magnus' senses of a runed Shadowhunter rather than the flickering eldritch taste of angelic potential that the young ones carried before they received their first Mark.
Except for one small red-head just under ten who was familiarly blank, and he realized that the Inquisitor must have found the Fairchilds because that was young Clarissa, still under the power of the wards her mother had paid him to build for her.
He hoped Dorothea was safe, wherever she was. He hadn't felt her magic break, so at least he was reasonably sure she was still alive.
He swallowed, let his gaze skip over the draped stand centered on the aisle in front of him, and focused instead on the dozen adults opposite the children, each with a visibly red Circle on their neck, their shoulders all stiff in the distinctive posture of prisoners whose hands were chained behind their backs. Some of them he didn't know at all, a few were only vaguely familiar, but then there was Jocelyn herself, and Starkweather, and both Lightwoods, and someone who looked eerily similar to the Consul himself.
There was one man beside the rest with his hands cuffed in front of him instead of behind, his Circle rune dark and quiescent rather than inflamed, a Chinese Shadowhunter standing next to him, close enough the white of her sleeves brushed against his arm, with neither a Circle rune nor any restraints on her at all.
"Thank you for coming on such short notice." Herondale spoke up after giving them all a moment to look around, and without another word she turned her back to eight potentially hostile downworlders and knelt before the Sword.
The Silent Brother lifted his hands, the pressure of his attention clear even when he didn't say anything. The Iron Sister lifted the sword, balancing it gracefully in such a way that it tilted gently down from her grip until the tip almost rested on Herondale's forehead. The ruby glowed, and the flare of angelic power was strong enough to sizzle against Magnus' skin. Carried along with the magic was the Silent Brother's intent, and the Inquisitor's voice filled the Cathedral, both inside and outside his head, resonating in his bones and his blood.
"The traitor Valentine Morgenstern has been killed, and the only surviving nephilim members of his Circle are here to face their final sentencing, as witnessed by the Downworld Leaders of New York City, in this the soul of the New York Institute, a place most wounded by his actions. This truth I swear, upon the Angel Raziel and His Mortal and Immortal Instruments, as High Inquisitor of Alicante and Idris, Commander of the Gard, Elder of the Clave and Council, Head of the Herondale Family, Blooded Shadowhunter and Mother of Soldiers, Lady Imogen Whitelaw Herondale."
Magnus swallowed, ignoring the burn in his eyes and the faint taste of copper down his throat.
The Soul Sword compelled the truth from the nephilim, but all it required when they swore upon it was that they believed in whatever truth they spoke.
This ritual was something else entirely. The balance of the magic he'd just witnessed, a trio of complementary powers braided together, Brother and Sister and relic, knowledge and skill and power, secrets and vows and faith, with each separate piece enhancing the other two, meant that Herondale couldn't have sworn on something that was untrue at any level, even if she'd personally believed it all the way down to her bones.
"Well, fuck me."
Magnus snorted, barely stopping himself from giggling (possibly slightly hysterically) at Ragnor's sotto voce reaction. Not that he'd been thinking anything any more eloquent.
It was real.
The rest of the meeting was less dramatic. Even whipping the cover off the stand in the middle to reveal Valentine’s head encased in silver-edged glass had been less shocking. (Well, to the warlocks and fae, at least. Vampires and werewolves weren’t quite as able to feel the way the ritual had invoked truth magic against the nephilim, so being able to examine (and presumably scent) proof that Valentine was dead was a bigger deal for them.)
The former Circle members were all going to be deruned, exiled, and imprisoned, each alone at a different Institute so they couldn’t work together and their status could be verified by downworlders whenever they wished, unlike traditional prisoners kept in Alicante at the Gard.
There were two exceptions. One: Lucian Graymark, now Luke Garroway, was a werewolf, and the nephilim abdicated their authority and explicitly left his punishment up to the downworld itself. Second: the man who’d been standing slightly separate from the other prisoners, Patrick Penhallow, who had avoided participating in any of the Circle’s true atrocities and was the one who had discovered Valentine was alive and hiding with the presumed dead Herondale heir and promptly informed Imogen personally. He was still to be exiled from the Clave and Council for punishment, but would be allowed to continue as a Shadowhunter and would, in fact, be staying in New York City where he would be an official liaison to the downworld.
But only if the downworld representatives summoned agreed.
Magnus wasn’t complete sure which part of that was supposed to be mercy and which part was punishment, but he was surprised enough at the validation offered to himself and the other representatives that he did, in fact, agree to it along with everyone else.
That wasn’t even the last surprise though.
No, it got better.
Magnus wasn’t sure anymore. He was going to tell Catarina about this and she wasn’t going to believe a single damn word he said.
Instead of re-opening their Academy in Alicante, the nephilim were going to train their children at the Institutes, and would include exposure to and lessons from former mundanes and current downworlders. The children there in the chapel for this meeting were the orphans of the Circle, whose parents were all formally being removed from their bloodlines, and this new generation would be raised in New York City.
Imogen Herondale herself was going to be acting as Head of the New York Institute with Jia Penhallow (Patrick’s wife, who had not ever been part of the Circle) as her Co-Head until such time as as the downworld agreed that the next generation of nephilim seemed sufficiently un-Circle-like and one of them could be appointed.
(That wasn’t, of course, how she’d said it, but it was clear enough.)
Magnus was mostly in shock and just nodding along at that point.
When she’d confirmed that the downworld was reasonably accepting of all of that, and had even told them how to contact Patrick directly with any questions or concerns, she slipped into something that looked like parade rest, and without a bit of warning that Magnus could recognize, the entire chapel-full of nephilim all stood at the same time, chanted “ante faciem Angelus” all together, and then they bowed, too. All of them, each with a hand over their heart, respect and responsibility and something that felt like an apology ringing through the air. From nephilim. To downworlders.
“Fiat justicia!” Herondale called out in response, and the nephilim filed back into their institute, and the black-clad guards very politely escorted the downworlders the other direction and shut the big fancy doors behind them, and Magnus was blinking at Ragnor in the street outside the Institute again.
“What the actual fuck.” Gretel broke the silence first.
Magnus started laughing, and nodded in agreement. That absolutely covered it.
The Clave had said they’d dealt with the Circle, and requested the downworld’s input, and claimed that things were going to be different this time, and it was all really, truly, completely, real.
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im-out-of-it · 2 months
“Why do you keep mentioning Thomas to me?” Alastair said.
1. you followed him while a killer was running on the loose and then made sure he wouldn’t be found guilty when someone was murdered. would anyone casually do that????
2. you hurt Thomas when he found out about the words you repeated in academy and then tried many times to make amends. sure a friend would do that and no matter how hard you try to hide your emotions, we know you care!!!!!!
I’m so amazed and amused by this man because it’s so fucking obvious he cares about Thomas and when someone finds out he cares more than a friend, he’s like “how the fucking hell did you put that together?” It’s not Tetris or some 72927199182882 piece impossible puzzle that no one would be sane enough to put together. it’s very obvious. my man is really out here thinking nobody would know lmao
honestly this is CC’s fault because yes she can create great characters but when it comes to executing storylines or character growth (besides the characters she hates), she doesn’t know what she’s fucking doing.
CC: what is worldbuilding???? how do I advance these characters I like and not keep them toxic? how do I give good representation? how do I keep the gays from stealing the spotlight? (come on y’all know she thinks this) how do I put the downworlders, POC, LGBTQ+ characters in the backlight and act as though they don’t exist? how do I keep the golden tiger eyed toxic problematic white boys from not being the main story? I don’t know and I don’t care. I will show no growth, no worldbuilding, allllllllll the incest, abuse, writing shitty storylines, and keep the same tropes. IT WILL BE WONDERFUL. (sorry I went off a bit lmao)
if we actually got more of Alastair’s pov, we could see his thought process and all the bloody awful things he goes through. and I really think it’s overlooked because some people (a lot of it Matthew. I love him but he does tend to act as though Alastair never changed and he’s the same person) still see him as this bully who doesn’t change. but he hasn’t really been rude or terrible since the first book? he doesn’t trust matthew or James. Matthew loves the bottle more than anyone and he doesn’t want his sister to date someone who is almost turning into his father.
he did so much to hide that from Cordelia. to protect her childhood and sanity. he thinks James love grace and doesn’t want his sister to be heartbroken. so generally, Alastair isn’t being “rude or vindictive”. he worries for Cordelia because he knows Cordelia deserves more. all the vile stuff Matthew remembers from Alastair, it’s mainly “flashbacks” or memories of academy. also let’s not act as if you’re not instigating a lot of it Matthew. I love ya but be real already. he’s more mad that he bought the potion. that’s why he drinks. but it’s like he’s taking it out on Alastair? so for all the flashbacks or memories from academy and not really witnessing Alastair be heinous, so therefore, it doesn’t work and doesn’t really make sense
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Love your writing I look forward to to see if you have anything new every evening so I have something good to end the day on. So I wanted to prompt a thing if it sounds like something for you. In your AU's Alec doesn't come out at the wedding so there is no big reveal. But my thought was the how does the Clave respond/think of a competent commander dating one of there most dandoros enimes.
Alec is pretty go big or go home so he devises fool proof plans in every universe and he has a good enough reputation that the hunter society are gonna be like "you want to demote alec lightwood? who cares if he doesn't have babies, he can train our kids and teach them how to survive. you cannot take one of our most competent leaders. we will riot"
thank you for this prompt and yeah, there often isn't a big reveal though sometimes there is. most of them are super petty, because alec is a bitch like that. i hope you enjoy!
Alec stares at the clave representative sent to deal with him and he smiles.
The representative pales and backs up, only to nearly run into Mirai who clears her throat, her face calm and serene.
“Was there something else you needed?” She asks and clicks her tongue, two teams lining up behind her and therefore, standing guard to Alec.
“It was rumored that Commander Lightwood may be
“You mean the fact that I’m in a relationship with Magnus Bane.” Alec says, his smile widening.
The swallow of the clave member is audible in the sudden quiet of the hall.
“I am in a relationship with him. Does the clave take issue, with the man I love?” Alec hasn’t told Magnus such things yet, but that will come in time. This is a declaration that Alec is making, and it won’t make its way to Magnus’ ears, but it will do what needs to be done.  “I’m sure that the clave, as dignified and well-read as they are, haven’t forgotten the grounding truth of all nephilim.” Alec smirks and he lets his eyes glint with the feral urge to destroy that he’s holding back. “We only love once and as nephilim, we do dangerous and violent things to protect our love.”
“Yes, of course. Commander, sir. That wasn’t my intention, merely curious.” Alec watches, barely blinking as the soft, pampered, political nephilim flees back to Idris and his posture changes in a moment.
“Get his name and energy signature. If he ever tries to portal back, reroute him to Shanghai.” It will get Alec an angry fire-message, but that will be the least of his concerns. Alec sighs and rubs his hands over his face and then shrugs, “guess I’ll need to visit Idris.”
“Will you need support?”
“I think just myself will do, though do remain on standby until I’m back.” Alec isn’t going to be stupid about this, not when he has so much at stake.
“Commander Lightwood, do you really think this dalliance is a worthy effort of your limited time?"
“Do I think that creating mutual trust and fostering good relationships with fellow leaders of the downworld is a bad thing? No. Do I plan with sleeping any of the rest, also no.” There is a shocked stutter of noise and Alec internally rolls his eyes, “Magnus Bane isn’t a dalliance to me. Would you like me to swear so?” And Alec grins ferally as he reaches out and grasps the handle of the soul sword. “Before and witnessed by Raziel, my heart belongs to Magnus Bane.”
Nothing happens, besides the words flowing freely from his mouth and at the high table, several clave Council member’s curse. His parents are staring at him in horrified shock and Alec sends them a smug, sharp smirk.
What is the clave going to do?
Deny the love that Alec has proven before Raziel and sworn upon the soul sword.
Most nephilim don’t love that deeply. It’s almost a myth with how political so many of their marriages have gotten and Alec has what most nephilim crave without even knowing what they ache for.
“I think I’ve said everything I need to say.” Alec says and he sends Imogen Herondale a blank, dry look. “Or do you wish to go against Raziel and the hearts he gave us, that will only beat for one once we fall?”
“When he tires of you, you’ll fade.” Imogen spits, like she’s trying to curse him and Alec laughs, because none of these people understand.
“If he tired of me—” Alec says, because he trusts Magnus, “then I would want to fade rather than no longer be by his side.”
Imogen wants to curse him, but Alec has pledged himself in a truly nephilim fashion and while it’s never been done in such a public fashion for a downworlder, Alec doubts he’s the first.
Perhaps the first to declare himself wholly in love with another man, but Alec has been fighting to break records his entire life.
This is merely one more thing he’s won.
(alec says your homophobia doesn't exist compared to my skills and oh yeah btw i'm madly in love and protected under this rule and this rule.
imogen: shocked pikachu face
alec: im practically an endangered species bitch, cry about it.)
magnus when he finds out: you told the clave you loved me first?
alec: yes?
magnus: You. Told. The. Clave. Before. Me.
alec: it was a trial by soul sword magnus! i couldn't exactly lie
magnus heart-eyes bane: you swore you loved me on the soulsword three weeks after we met?
alec: yes?????
magnus swooning and grabbing alexander to dip him: you're forgiven
alec: what just happened?????
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mayaheronthorn · 11 months
rank the Shadowhunter couples from best to idc about them and why?
Amazing!!! And I will probably get hate 🤣🤣🤣
1. KitTy - what a surprise huh?! But you could tell 🤣 and I actually explained it in my last post!
2. Herongraystairs - YES, I AM NOT DIVIDING IT AS WESSA AND JESSA BECAUSE THEY BELONG TOGETHER, change my mind (YOU CAN'T) This was the first time in my entire life when I read a book and couldn't decide which love interest I prefer, so I just didn't 😍 I can't believe how cc wrote them so perfectly, truly peak
3. Thomastair - I had a hard time deciding if they are nr 3 or 4 but I feel like I prefer them slightly more than nr 4 BECAUSE Alastair is so incredibly brave. After all that happened with his father, he still did everything to protect Cordelia and Sona. His character development is one of the best in the whole tsc. And Thomas my sweet summer child 😭 his kindness is out of this world. TO THIS DAY I remember those fucking Paris dates 😭😭😭😭
4. Malec - Cc can really write her mlm couples. Their devotion to each other 🥺 I will forever remember that Alec was the first shadowhunter Magnus ever dated because well he was a Downworlder but Alec saw so much more in him 😭 ok I'm gonna keep this short cause it will take me forever to answer 🤣
5. Gracetopher - YES I KNOW IT DIDN'T HAPPEN BUT IT HAPPENED IN MY HEART. In my mind my little asexual genius couple live happily ok? Grace is such a misunderstood character, she's a child of abuse, she was made to do so many bad things, manipulated as hell but she still wanted to change and be good. And Christopher 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 MY POOKIE I CAN'T SPEAK ABOUT HIM CAUSE I'M GONNA CRY
6. Jordelia - Cordelia was, is and always will be THE bad bitch. The ending of chain of gold when she told EVERYONE that she and James were fucking? ICOOONIC. But she's the bravest baby ever. James is this cute and gentle young man but in reality he will kill you 😍 they complete each other PERFECTLY, the tension between them in chain of iron changed me as a person, I will never be the same. ALTHOUGH they would be so much higher if not for chain of thorns... Like... This book just destroyed so many things I can't ☠️
7. Blackstairs - The tension between them when Emma was "dating" Mark, oh good god glorious. You know, Julian actually reminds me so much of James but he's SO MUCH MORE DISASTROUS, he's a fucking menace and I love that. His sexy brain did things to me 😎 Emma, my second bad bitch (I guess Cortana wielders are all that way) killing a Rider of Mannan??? I'm a goner for girl fighters. MY NEXT JACE HERONDALE. Julian will forever need Emma and Emma will forever need Julian 💕
8. Markkierantina - My poly cuties 🥺 it was the same as with herongraystairs, I couldn't decide if I want Mark with Cristina, Mark with Kieran or Kieran with Cristina, but cc corrected her mistake with herongraystairs and made them all smash. Amazing. Cristina was a key to make Mark and Kieran's relationship work, that's all I'm gonna say
9. Clace - That will probably surprise some of you but I kinda lost this clace magic along the way of reading tsc. I absolutely love them as characters and Jace is one of the funniest bitches. Idk, I don't feel it as much as I used to. But well I was 13 when I read tmi and now I'm 23 so 🤣 I still remember that 4-6 tmi books broke me emotionally so I have this great sentiment for Clace but we have many more couples that I love more 🥺
10. AriAnna - I fell in love with them when I read gotsm and I rooted for them SO HARD in cog and coi, I couldn't get enough of that tension. And then cot happened.... It felt like cc just decided to drop them, gave them an easy ending just to get rid of them... So I was greatly disappointed. And I know that if not for cot they would be higher
11. LucieJessie - Honesty (and I say this with great sadness) I was bored reading their story in cog and coi, they were just so bland to me, I don't know 😭 BUT cot made everything change. When Jessie came back to life he was SO FUN TO READ I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT!! I loved them and I'm sad that it wasn't like that from the beginning
12. Sizzy - I know, I know. But I never felt them 💀 I mean, yes I love them together and I love their characters but I don't see the magic 😭😭😭 I WANT TO
13. GwynDiana - Oh they were SO IMPORTANT TO ME 😭 I adored every minute but they didn't have much chapters so 😫
14. GideonSophie - Honestly I read tid years ago and I don't remember shit, I know that I liked them and Gideon was a babe to her 💕
15. CecilyGabriel - Same as 14, I don't remember shit, but I know I liked them less than Gideon and Sophie 💀
I hope I didn't forget about anyone!!
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Some more post canon chain of thorns theories:
Cordelia and James have at least 4 children.
The fairchild twins are girls and marry Alex Lightwood and Zachary Carstairs
Anna and Kamala have the next largest family, but they take the joshi last name, and they are the desendents in the Dark Artifices series.
Gabriel and Cecily move back into the London Institute with Alex.
Lucie and Jesse only have one or two children. Lucie is a little absent-minded when it comes to her kid(s), but Jesse is very attententive. Maybe this is why great Aunt Marjorie is so distant and down right rude and resentful.
Euginea becomes a downworlder, possibly a vampire.
Matthew would be my next guess on his journeys.
Thomas and Alastair don't have children but are the favorite uncles of all the others children.
This makes Matthew flabbergasted.
Grace, Alastair, and Jesse become part of the merry thieves.
Grace never marries or feels anything like she did for christoper, but she still lives a happy and full life with their friends.
Ari (kamala), Anna, Alastair, and Thomas go on double dates, alot.
As do thomastair and jordelia.
And ghostwriter and thomastair.
And jordelia and ghostwriter.
Eugenia likes to tag along on these with thomastair and/or Arianna.
What do you think of Eugenia and Matthew as a couple? Just a thought.
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bookishjules · 11 months
sizzy slut! analysis, am begging <3
the song -> "slut!"
first of all, the contents of this song in contrast to its title perfectly reflect discrepancy between the confident, somewhat promiscuous, untouchable isabelle our girl presents herself as and the softer, more romantic, and even at times insecure izzy that simon knows her to be.
additionally, "slut" is most often used with an amount of disdain and disgust by people who don't approve of the sexual habits of a woman. as a shadowhunter, any time isabelle pursues a relationship with a downworlder, she no doubt receives looks and comments that express such distaste. we don't know for sure if she was with any mundanes before simon, but there's no doubt she would have received an equal, if not worse, response. a not small reason izzy does pursue these kinds of relationships is because of the shock value, but we see how, in dating simon, it became more than just about choosing him because he was someone her father wouldn't approve of, tho that fact remains the same. it's very much in line with the idea of this love and this relationship being hidden beneath a label given by people who don't understand the half of it.
now, for the lyrics themselves..
Flamingo pink, Sunrise Boulevard Clink, clink, being this young is art
these lines are giving so much personality in the casually unapologetic way that isabelle goes about life. and the "clink, clink" line, especially given its position at the beginning of the song, makes me think of magnus's party in cob. just vibes all around. dancing and probably kissing and accidentally being turned into an actual rat? art.
Aquamarine, moonlit swimmin' pool
the first line here uses two words that call to other sizzy-coded taylor songs. "moonlit" -> glitch's "blood moonlit" and "swimming pool" -> paper rings' "icy outdoor pool." there's this idea here of jumping in no matter the consequences, of seeking each other out in the night, which they do on multiple occasions. and of course, there's simon's nocturnal nature as a vampire. when you think of swimming, too, there's this idea of weightlessness, that's tied by the time or season to privacy as well. i've always seen simon and isabelle as being these very buoying sources in each other's lives. and maybe that's just relationships in general, but we see this recurring theme of them being the only ones who can talk to the other in hard moments. it's in cog after max dies, and in lbotw much later on. this, of course, ties into the next line.
What if all I need is you?
there are so many ways this question can be asked. introspective, accusatory, pleading, fearful.. it makes me think of the thoughts that must have been going through izzy's mind before she showed up at simon and jordan's apartment in cols, of the conversations simon has with himself when he's trying to figure out if he loves her (both in tmi and tfsa). with the push-and-pull nature of their relationship, with izzy's fears and simon's inexperience.. there's no way this question, or similar ones, didn't often filter through their heads.
Got love-struck, went straight to my head
if we take this to indicate a level of overconfidence, it fits well with simon in cofa, thinking he could continuously date two girls in the same friend group. it could also be something like the dizziness of a headrush, or like the high after drinking someone's blood, or having your own blood drunk? especially if you're attracted to that someone.. which of course calls straight to cols. there's also the idea of love going to someone's head in a spiraling about said love feelings way and/or taking them to Rational Jail, where they will be dissected. the way izzy does this push-and-pull with simon throughout the series is really an outward representation of what's going on in her head, as she starts to have these feelings and then tries to find someway around that weakness by sending them to her head rather than being confident with her heart.
Got lovesick all over my bed
again we have this image of izzy coming to terms with her feels for simon. i imagine her laying in bed wishing he was there and wanting to throw up because who is she?? and the first time she does reach out for him and tell him to come to her while she's in bed, she's drunk, which can, of course, lead to sickness (honestly i wouldn't be surprised if she actually did throw up some time between leaving simon's apartment and him arriving at magnus's, considering how much she'd drunk and how quickly)
Love to think you’ll never forget Handprints in wet cement
there's something so new and fresh and tentative about the metaphorical handprints being in wet cement, rather than cement that has already dried to form their shape. there's the possibility that someone will come and screw it up, that they won't be able to hold onto this time together. izzy herself is unforgettable; she's a force of nature. simon, on the other hand, may very well believe himself to be so, and i bet izzy wanted him to be forgettable after she found out about him and maia. but he wasn't. even so, as they press their palms into the wet cement, they know there's a waiting period, this "are we permanent?" question that perpetuates.
Adorned with smoke on my clothes Lovelorn and nobody knows
i imagine this as isabelle attending simon's shows, watching from the shadows, the smoke from other people's cigarettes getting on her, and she's just looking at him, a total goner. but no one there is gonna notice--she's too good at hiding her more vulnerable side for that. this could work in the cofa era, but also post-edom, when she may have gone to his concerts just to see him.
Love thorns all over this rose I'll pay the price, you won't
calling back what i said about the title, this could be referencing the idea that izzy is gonna be the one looked at negatively for dating simon, rather than the other way around, though simon does receive plenty of teasing for having so much love for his shadowhunters. i think more likely is the internal struggle i've mentioned before. there are love thorns that have grown around isabelle's rose.. because of her history with love, because of her parents.. and i think to a certain extent, she feels it would be a bigger price for her to pursue simon than the other way around. it hurts to hold her heart out to him in a way simon himself is unfamiliar with.
But if I’m all dressed up They might as well be lookin' at us
this line is so isabelle. just, like, the essence of her. she's always dressed up, and she has no problem with being the center of attention. so of course she'll be confident and proud and let people see her and simon together, even when she's not wholly sure of where her heart lies.
And if they call me a slut You know it might be worth it for once
see my initial rant about the title. i do think there's a little more here too, though, with the "might be worth it." might be worth izzy giving her heart up for realsies. might be worth taking their time.
And if I'm gonna be drunk Might as well be drunk in love
the fact that two very big moments in sizzy's relationship happened while one of them was drunk just makes this line that much sweeter. izzy drinking too much because she's coming to the realization that she really really likes simon, that night ending with them sleeping in the same bed together for the first time, and then simon calling up to isabelle while intoxicated and telling her he loves her for the first time. so it's not just drunk in love, but drunk and in love.
Send the code, he's waitin' there The sticks and stones they throw froze mid-air
as i said before, there's a recurring set up with sizzy where one comes to the other's aid or comfort, where they just know what the other needs. it's this idea of understanding the code the other is sending. beyond that, though, there's also something like a code in the name of simon's band in the epilogue of cohf. i just think of izzy looking down at the flyer, reading "the mortal instruments," then looking up at magnus, and then across the way, where simon is waiting in front of his school.. and the sense of hope and relief and anticipation that would have come over her. and maybe it's more prescriptive, but i do think there's a level of time-stoppage in those moments, of being careful where to step or else everything will come crashing down and she'll be left with the heart-breaking force of the previous six months slamming into her once again.
Everyone wants him, that was my crime The wrong place at the right time
yes, we can relate this to maia wanting simon as well in cofa, but i think it would be remiss not to mention the amount of people who want him for other reasons--raphael, camille, maureen, etc.--a vampire, a daylighter, bearer of the mark of cain.. immortal. asmodeus wanted his immortality. and simon gave it and his memories. i think when considering this a "crime," it would have been, to izzy, a crime against her herself, against her image, an infiltration of the walls she's built up. she put her heart on the line, put her faith in simon, not once, but twice--something she would chide herself for when the smoke cleared after edom
And I break down, then he's pullin' me in In a world of boys, he's a gentleman
it's the way simon can tell when she's breaking down, knows to be there for her when others would have just let her seclude herself or bear whatever weight silently. and he might have been a boy when they started off, but he also has a lot of gentlemanly qualities. he respects izzy. he appreciates her. he thinks she's beautiful in a way that goes deeper than the curves of her body. and izzy has dated enough boys to know the way simon sees her, the way he treats her, is something special.
Got love-struck, went straight to my head (Straight to my head) Got lovesick all over my bed (Over my bed) Love to think you’ll never forget We’ll pay the price, I guess
i know this is mostly a repeated line, but i want to reframe it in the context of simon actually losing his memories. the resignation in "i guess," and the recognition that they're both paying the price. simon has to forget. and izzy has to remember. and this time when izzy is love-struck, it's a headache, a pain that would leave her caught up in memories and what-ifs. and then the sickness comes. for simon, it's the absence of these memories that leaves him spinning. why does he feel the spot where love should be without knowing what it should be filled with?
Half asleep Takin’ your time in the tangerine Neon light, this is luxury
this makes me think a lot of their first time in angels twice descending when they have the whole night to just be with each other. there isn't a war going on, no danger right around the corner. they've fallen together again and they can finally take the time to appreciate that. it's a luxury, because it's something, during those first six months after edom, izzy would have thought was something they would never get to experience together at all. if we wind it back a bit, this also makes me think of the nights in magnus's apartment, when taking their time meant more.. in the grand scheme of their relationship. they were falling back into step still, after the fallout of cofa, and it was a luxury just to spend the night wrapped in each other's arms.
You're not sayin' you're in love with me But you're goin' to
because of the time sizzy did take to get on their feet as a bona fide couple, and because of izzy's realtionship with love, these words hold.. a lot of weight. there's a sense of expectancy here, an understanding from simon that isabelle is in love with him even though she can't quite say it yet. but there's also something cheeky about it, like izzy knows it's only a matter of time before simon says he's in love with her, because how couldn't be be?
Half awake Takin' your chance, it's a big mistake I said, "It might blow up in your pretty face" I'm not sayin', "Do it anyway" (Do it anyway) But you're going to
i can see isabelle having a conversation like this with herself. it's a mistake to keep hanging out with simon because she can feel him sneaking under her defenses. but that's not going to stop her. but there's also "you're a heartbreaker, isabelle lightwood." simon knows he's taking a risk by giving his whole heart to izzy. he's been told multiple times she would walk all over him or that she would break his heart, but again, he doesn't let that stop him. because he does love her. consequences be damned
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ladyhindsight · 10 months
Family tree anon again. Another continuity error I’ve noticed is that in the CP2 family tree it states that Jem and Will were born in 1861 (I think Jessie is the same age as well) and Tessa in 1862, which would make them 17 and her 16 in TID (this is confirmed in canon afair).
I don’t know where these new dates originated, but in the TSC wikia it states that Jem Will and Jessie were born in 1860, with Jem’s birthday in November, Will’s in December, and Jessie’s in August. So means the 3 of them would be turning 18 in 1878. Maybe I’m just doing the math wrong, but this makes no sense to me in canon.
First of all: Jessie always mentions how much she hates being a Shadowhunter and how she wants to leave the Institute, but she can’t since she’s still underage. If she actually turned 18 in 1878, she would’ve been able to leave during the event if CP (which takes place in July-August).
Second: Jem and Will are always being excluded from things involving the Enclave since they’re underage, but I feel like if they were turning 18 that year they still wouldn’t be treated like children? Also when Tessa and Jem are talking about their wedding, Jem says he feel guilt for binding her to marriage at 16, and she replies “you’re only 17”. How could he be “only 17” if he’s turning 18 soon?
I just don’t get how CC could change something like this that’s so clearly in canon.
This was actually a bigger rabbit hole than I first anticipated. Also the biggest mystery why Clare changed Will’s and Jem’s birthdays at all!! Not the first time assigning whatever birthdays have fucked up things. So, the Shadowhunters fan wiki says Will’s birthday is December 30, 1860, and it is sourced Clockwork Angel 10th Anniversary Special Edition. I watched a flipthrough of that edition but I didn’t really see where the info was exactly. The trivia on Will’s character says that (as of December 7, 2023):
The birthday (December 30, 1860) assigned to Will and revealed in the 10th Anniversary Edition of Clockwork Angel contradicts previously established canon: In Clockwork Prince, he said he was three months younger than Jem (whose birthday was revealed as November 8, 1860, making him only a month younger), and his birth year was listed as 1861 in the "found" family tree released with Clockwork Princess and An Illustrated History of Notable Shadowhunters & Denizens of Downworld, though the family tree may easily be considered inaccurate.
But the An Illustrated History of Notable Shadowhunters & Denizens of Downworld should be accurate, and I did check and Jem’s birth year is 1861 as is Will’s. (Thought to note on accuracy, many details have changed concerning TLH characters as well.) Now Jem’s assigned birthday is November 8, 1860 (source Clockwork Angel 10th Anniversary Special Edition) and the trivia says, “In Clockwork Prince, Jem is said to be three months older than Will. However, in the 10th anniversary edition of Clockwork Angel, their birth dates were revealed as one month apart; causing a continuity issue.”
Definitely. The scene in Clockwork Prince, chapter 4 “A Journey” went like this:
“Yes, though Charlotte’s rather fallen off in tutoring us lately, as you might imagine,” said Will. “One either has a tutor or one is schooled in Idris—that is, until you attain your majority at eighteen. Which will be soon, thankfully, for the both of us.” “Which one of you is older?” “Jem,” said Will, and “I am,” said Jem, at the same time. They laughed in unison as well, and Will added, “Only by three months, though.” “I knew you’d feel compelled to point that out,” said Jem with a grin.
Soon, meaning next year? Which makes me wonder what the original dates of birth were.
Jessamine was born August 10, 1860 (source Clockwork Angel 10th Anniversary Special Edition), but no trivia notes on her birthday. Probably because it was intended to be the one stated. In Clockwork Angel she even says in chapter 6 “Strange Earth”, “As I am sure horrid Will has told you, my parents, my dear papa and mama, are dead. But they left me a not inconsiderable sum of money. It was put aside in trust for me until my eighteenth birthday, which is only in a matter of months. You see the problem, of course.” Which takes place in May once Tessa has arrived to London. Tessa is born January 28, 1862, sourced also Clockwork Angel 10th Anniversary Special Edition. No trivia notes on the birthday because it is what it is.
The book timeline is:
1873, November 10: “Will Herondale left Wales and his family to become a Shadowhunter. Months after, Jem Carstairs arrived at the London Institute and met his future parabatai Will.” I wonder how that year was come up with since Will only tells Cecily in Clockwork Princess chapter 10 “Like Water Upon Sand” that “I first came here when I was twelve” and “It was, to be precise, the tenth of November of that year. And every year after, on the anniversary of that day, I would fall into a black mood of despair.” Which, in the “original” timeline, would mean Will had already turned 12 by November, because originally he was born 1861. Now that canon has changed, it means Will would turn 13 in the end of December, making him already soon to be 18 years old in 1878, which is not the case as we later see here. What also speaks of the fact that Will turned 12 years old in 1873 is this:  “When he’d reached twelve years of age, he’d been sent to the Institute; at that time he’d still been so small that he’d looked barely nine.” Quite point blank period.
1878 April is when the events from Clockwork Angel begin. Will is 17, Jem is 17, Jessie is 17 about to turn 18, Tessa 16. In May, Tessa arrives at London. On June 5, Clockwork Angel ends.
July to August, Clockwork Prince takes place. I don’t remember there being a mention of Jessie’s birthday. On July 27 Benedict threw the secret masquerade ball which Tessa and Will infiltrated. At this point Jessamine is already 18 and engaged to Nate. In the chapter 11 “Wild Unrest” of Clockwork Prince Sophie finds the invite from Benedict and it is dated 20th of August, which means Jessie’s birthday came and went, and I couldn’t find a single mention of it.
One could argue she stayed at the Institute in order to spy the Institute for Nate (and by extension for Mortmain). She had a chance to leave but she was also enamored with Nate and subsequently played into his plans. And after her betrayal Clave took her wealth and she was ordered to return to the Institute by Charlotte. So, Jessamine essentially (after turning 18) was spying for Nate and Mortmain, subsequently caught and tied to a bedpost, interrogated and taken to Silent City. After being released from the Silent City she was returned to the London Institute where she was immediately killed upon arrival. I mean, she had her moments to leave but in the end she stayed and some of these could be reasons why. I don’t think Clare really thought of Jessamine as much, though in Clockwork Angel chapter 6 “Strange Earth”Jessie says:
“Don’t you? I can leave the Institute, Tessa, but I cannot live alone. It wouldn’t be respectable. Perhaps if I were a widow, but I am only a girl. It just isn’t done. But if I had a companion—a sister—”
So there’s the main reason. It isn’t proper. Additionally in Clockwork Prince chapter 2 “Reparations” Jessamine says, “I don’t want to be thrown out of the Institute if we can’t find the Magister,” Jessamine went on. “Is that so difficult to understand?” When Charlotte tells her she can leave if she wants. So there’s also that.
October to December, Clockwork Princess takes place. Will proposed to Tessa in the Institute Christmas party and later tells Cecily, “You can’t be married, Cecily! You’re only fifteen! When I get married, I’ll be eighteen! An adult!” So Will was still 17, also ironic that there wasn’t such opposition when James and Cordelia get married at 17.
Also interestingly, Gabriel’s birthday is June 2, also in 1860 but in Clockwork Angel he is described as “the youngest of the group, a boy probably no more than a year older than Jem or Will.” Which could be Well, he looked older! But in light of all that we have gathered here, Clare initially wrote Jem and Will having been born in 1861. Then later Callida Fairchild says, “Perhaps with help from James Carstairs and Will Herondale, but neither of them is any older than seventeen. How much help can they be?” Also meaning Will and Jem were both born in 1861. Also:
“Nate, Tessa thought disgustedly, is exactly two years older than Will. Hardly a century. Nor is he by any stretch of the imagination “mature.”
And Nate’s birth year is stated to be 1859.
In the chapter 24 “The Measure of Love” in Clockwork Princess, Will thinks how it is “First Christmas morning without Jem in six years. The purest cold, bringing the purest pain.” For which the birthdays make even less sense in the context of “Months after, Jem Carstairs arrived at the London Institute and met his future parabatai Will.”
1. Christmas morning, aged 12 (because Will was already 12 when he came to London Institute)
2. Christmas, aged 13
3. Christmas, aged 14
4. Christmas, aged 15
5. Christmas, aged 16
6. Christmas, aged 17 (When Jem has become a Silent Brother)
Because Jem was 11 years old when Yanluo attacked (“When I was eleven, Yanluo found a weak spot in the ward that protected the Institute, and tunneled inside.”), so it stands to reason it didn’t take years for him to arrive at London.
Anyway, the point of this tirade is the same as yours. There is so much stuff stating Will’s and Jem’s ages, so why in the earth would she change it by a year and fuck all of this up?? I cannot fathom.
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violentdesires · 3 months
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he had a halo of the highest grade , he just hadn't met me yet . they shook their heads , saying " god help her " when i told them he's my man . but your good lord didn't need to lift a finger , i can fix him , no really i can . woah , maybe i can't .
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𝐈 , application .
( theo james / 41 / he, him ) — it’s been a while since we’ve seen dimitri hightower in the shadow world. the shadowhunter resides in new york and reminds us of burnt matchsticks, unanswered texts and half finished mugs of coffee. rumor has it that they might have a connection to the clave as inquisitor and head of the new york institute, but only time will tell where their loyalties really lie. until then, only one thing is certain : the descent into hell will be easy for the unbreakable.
𝐈𝐈 , basic information .
name . . . dimitri hightower .
nicknames . . . dimi .
species . . . shadowhunter .
age . . . 41 .
date of birth . . . tba .
place of birth . . . greece .
pronouns . . . he , him .
sexuality . . . bisexual .
residence . . . new york .
languages . . . english , greek .
𝐈𝐈𝐈 , personality .
zodiac sign . . . tba .
negative traits . . . mendacious , bellicose , callous .
positive traits . . . debonair , insouciant , prudent .
hobbies . . . the hunt .
𝐈𝐕 , appearances .
faceclaim . . . theo james .
height . . . 1,83 cm .
hair color . . . brown .
eye color . . . brown .
notable facts . . . his runes are on full display , are sign of pride . if a mundane questioned him about them , he would explain that they are tattoos .
𝐕 , relatives .
parents . . . tba .
siblings . . . tba .
familiar connections . . . tba .
pets . . . none .
𝐕𝐈 , biography .
Dimitri was born into a noble shadowhunter family that always prioritized their duties. His parents served the clave dutifully, at least until the Circle began to rise. Mr. Hightower believed in Valentine Morgenstern and while Mrs. Hightower had her hesitations, she chose her husband and followed suit. Being raised by shadowhunter elitists did not just entail merciless training. It shaped Dimitri's beliefs and his distaste in the downworlders — creatures that could not seem to change and follow the simplest rules: Protect mundanes. After the fall of the Circle, the Hightowers attempted to avoid punishment. They began to make deals with the clave, while Dimitri himself worked hard to prove his worth. He accepted each task that was offered to him and fulfilled it with success. Until a normal day turned horribly wrong. The lives that were lost in a short few hours sent him spiraling and Dimitri found himself with the Silent Brothers for months on end as they tried to heal his broken soul. They deemed him fit enough to return shortly before Idris was attacked, which only added to the darkness that began to grow inside him. Dimitri fought to protect the home of the shadowhunters and he fought to rebuild it ever since. His election as inquisitor is recent. With no one daring to lead the clave, he believes that he can make an actual difference. Restore Idris in its glory and rearrange the accords, that are meant to ensure harmony between each world. Yet, his hatred for the downworlders lingers and that is bound to complicate things, isn't it ?
𝐕𝐈𝐈 , wanted connections .
familiar . . . siblings , cousins .
romantic . . . former partners , flings .
platonic . . . his trusted inner circle , members of the clave and the council , friends , his parabatai .
credits : psd , template .
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inmortui · 30 days
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( nana komatsu . demi woman . she/they . daylighter ) .  *:·゚✧ is that that naomi lightwood , the thirty-two / appears twenty-nine year old downworlder ? i wonder what business brings them out tonight . they’ve been in the capital city ten years , and rumour has it that they are notoriously fatalistic , whilst also managing to be quite astute . last i heard , they were neutral to the royal family ; i wonder what they make of all this upheaval within mundane world . 
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full name. naomi hatsue lightwood.
alias. naomi ketsueki.
date of birth. september twenty-seventh.
age (physical). twenty-nine.
age (actual). thirty-two.
species. vampire ( daylighter ).
gender. demi woman.
pronouns. she/they.
sexuality. pansexual panromantic.
occupation. gun for hire / ne'er-do-weller.
loyalty. lightwood family. nephilim. herself.
positive traits. astute, intelligent, devoted.
negative traits. fatalistic, embittered, hedonistic.
mbti. isfp-t ( the adventurer ).
enneagram. type six ( the loyalist ).
moral alignment. true neutral.
deadly sin. envy.
heavenly virtue. patience.
western zodiac. libra.
parallels. hannah kahnwald, dark / loki, marvel cinematic universe / mal cobb, inception / villanelle, killing eve / cassie thomas, promising young woman / natalie scatorccio, yellowjackets / remy hadley, house md / catra, she ra and the princesses of power.
tw: death (temporary), blood
Your life, your destiny, has been preordained.
At least, this is the mantra you grow up with. LIGHTWOOD is a name that carries weight – a burden placed upon your shoulders before you ever learn to walk or talk. Your parents assure you that this name means you are destined for greatness – that you will follow in their footsteps, in the footsteps of their parents before them. That your story is carved out in stone – that it is the will of God for you to swear your loyalty to the Clave, that you will learn to harness your power and wield it with pride. It is a lot to expect from a child – but you wear the expectations of your family like a badge of honor. You know the potential that is instilled within you, and you are determined, at all costs, to reach it. 
You are born and raised in ARADYAN. You grow up within the walls of a sprawling estate – lands which have been in your family’s control for generations. You are the second-born child to two reputable shadowhunters – and they raise you and your older brother as they had been raised; with respect to tradition, faith in the one true God, and an unwavering sense of duty. The early years of your childhood are spent sparring with your brother in the morning, and poring through ancient texts in the afternoons. You learn everything you can about the legacy you are set to inherit. You do everything within your power to ensure that, when the day comes, you will be ready to defend it. That you will be ready to make your parents, your bloodline, and your fellow nephilim proud. 
You are ten years old when your parents send you away to IDRIS to commence your training in earnest. Like generations of Lightwoods before you, you excel within the academy. You are bright and studious; quiet, but self-assured. Everything that is to come is predetermined, after all. The sun will rise tomorrow, the birds will chirp, and you will become one of the greatest shadowhunters of your generation. You soon learn to master the seraph blade, your proficiency with it only trumped by your intellect. You quickly emerge as one of the academy’s brightest stars, and, upon your eighteenth birthday, you swear your loyalty to the Clave, sealing your fate.
You are sent to COŇTSTANJA just before your twentieth birthday. It is an honor, you are told, to be dispatched to the capital city; awarded only to the most promising young shadowhunters. You quickly gain notoriety in the much larger playground; you vanquish demons and protect the city to which you have been assigned with every tool at your disposal. You fight alongside your parabatai, living the life your parents had planned for you, had promised you. You follow the doctrine of the Clave like law, becoming one of their fiercest and most loyal soldiers. This is what you had always worked towards, this is the path that God and fate had chosen for you. 
Three years ago, everything unraveled. You are twenty-nine years old; sent on an assignment that should have been routine. Instead of a simple vanquishing, however, you are ambushed by a coven of vampires – attacked and sucked dry; left to bleed out alone, on a cold concrete floor. You are not lucky enough to find peace in death, no, instead you awaken, buried beneath six feet of dirt. You claw your way to the surface like a tortured beast and find yourself face-to-face with your maker under a moonlit sky. The runes you have spent two decades collecting have disappeared, replaced with pale, untarnished skin. Your heart no longer beats, instead an eerie silence fills your ears as you come to realize that your worst fears have manifested. You have become the very thing you once swore to destroy.
You try a hail Mary – begging with the representatives of the Clave to do something. You attempt to reason with them, pointing to your years of fealty – but the damage has already been done. Your angel blood might mean you can still walk among the living in daylight, but you no longer belong in the warmth of the sun. The decision has been made, you are expelled from the Clave. You are a downworlder, now, and this means that you will need to fend for yourself. Your own family turn their backs on you, following the ruling of the Clave. You are no longer the righteous hand of god they had raised you to be. No, you are an arm of the devil. You would have been better to them dead. You are nothing now, but a monster.
You are stripped of your purpose, your identity. You find yourself alone, abandoned in your time of need. You go through the change, and by the time you become a fully realized vampire, you have grown bitter and resentful. Everything you had once believed to be true now lay in ruins at your feet. What sort of god would allow this to happen to you? How could the Clave – who value themselves on goodness – turn their backs when you needed them most? How could vampires, of all creatures, be the ones to offer you companionship? You are angry, but beneath it lies incorrigible pain. The sweet, obedient child you had once been is gone – you embrace recklessness, unrestrained desire; indulging in every vice you can acquire to numb yourself to your new reality.
Three years pass, and you are hardly recognisable. You spend your days haunting seedy establishments, utilizing the skills you’d learned as a shadowhunter to make enough money to get by. You try to keep your past hidden – adopting a pseudonym and lashing out at anybody who tries to prod at your past. Deep down, however, the desire to prove yourself remains. There is part of you that hopes to one day redeem yourself in the eyes of the Clave, of the nephilim who had cast you out. To prove that you are more than just a monster. And yet, an equal flame burns for revenge – to make those who turned their backs pay for the pain you have endured.
older brother. they probably haven't spoken since naomi was turned, so you know what that means!!! (angst).
maker. the vampire that turned naomi. very much a love/hate relationship. my father is the worst man alive and i am his favourite daughter. i hate you for what you did and i miss you like a little kid.
hookups. hey what are you going to do once you get turned into a vampire other than go through a string of self-destructive one night stands?
idris colleagues. people she knew when she was training as a shadowhunter. bonus points if they sometimes come to her for intel about the downworlders.
clients. if you need something done or someone killed on the down low, look no further than your local mercenary! just don't ask why they have shadowhunter weapons in their arsenal or they might bite you.
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
Random questions about the daniverse bc your fics live rent free in my brain:
what does magnus teach at the academy in lbaf? Does he get paid?
do the kids at the academy get sex ed classes? i hope they do. (my school did not have it and so a lot of kids were severely misinformed. did your school have it?)
will we ever get to know why david and his dad look like raziel or it it just a random thing?
does arthur have any powers bc of David's demon blood?
who're your top thee fav female shadowhunters (from canon and your fics)?
I didn't get the whole Mallory's baby thing. Was she ever pregnant?
Did reading chot in any way influence the plot of lbaf v?
Didn't Achilles have a sibling? What are they up to?
I loved the scene from IALS alec's chapter with Arthur in the office and i even laughed when i first read it but i can't stop thinking about how terrifying that must be for arthur. I've never been in a situation when i couldn't communicate w others. I felt really bad for arthur.
What is the one storyline/idea you're the most excited to write about in lbaf v? (spoiler free obvi)
anyway you're amazing. i hope you get well soon.
love, Yana
This is my fave thing ever. Thank you <3
He does. He is a guest lecturer (similar to canon). He talks mostly about history and magic (such as portals and accords, etc). Fun fact: Since Lance and Arthur are not allowed in the Academy, Magnus taught them separately. There is a whole short story about this one!
They do! They have something called 'self and society' - which was inspired by a class I teach at one of the local unis. It's more about understanding different aspects of yourself and one of the classes (which I teach) is on sexual and reproductive health education + gender and society. In lbaf, they do have a class similar to this where they learn about different self identies (including that of downworlders and nephilim etc)
We might...
Yes. He can make amazing tiktoks :P
Ahhh can't choose three! Some of my faves are in TDA - Emma. Cristina. Diana. I love all the ladies from TID and LBAF hehe. It took a lot of effort to warm up to Clary and Izzy because i didn't like their characterization in tmi - but I learned to love them eventually :)
If you are referring to IALS, it was just a delusion. Just like the 'max actually loves me' thing. In LBAF, it's a rumor.
...Yes. You might see a reference to Paladins in lbaf v. We will also get more Iron Sisters and Silent Brothers content. Reading canon books always inspires me for lbaf :)
He has a younger sister called Aurelia (Rosales babies having A names my beloved). She is actually working closely with the Alliance (just like her parents). You will meet her in Alec pov, I think!
It is definitely terrifying. I could write an essay about arthur angst smh.
There is a date (as in a romantic date). It's one of the turning points in the story because what happens during the date results in a whole chain reaction of events that leads to so much! I can't wait! Also very excited to write about Lucifer. I'm still workshopping his characterization oof.
Thank you for this, bebe. I love you <3
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How about one where Alec’s siblings try to give him an ultimatum after he and Magnus start dating. Like it’s him or us kind of thing?
Hey! Thanks for prompt!! Hope you enjoy 💜
“Do you even think before you spew shit out?” Alec asks, having perfectly thought out what he himself was going to say. “No—“ he holds up a hand. “Don’t actually try to answer that, I have no faith in whatever you’re about to say. So tell me one thing, just one thing. Did the four of you—“ Alec pauses and gives Simon what he knows the vampire calls his ‘disappointed assassin!dad look’. He goes even paler under his death pallor and Alec sighs. “Did you even consider how dangerous what you're asking could be for Magnus?”
“Magnus is more than powerful enough, we all know that now.” Clary explains, like that makes it better.
It doesn’t.
“It’s not about if he’s capable. Obviously he’s powerful enough. It’s about whether or not even the slightest risk to Magnus’ safety is worth the outcome you’re trying to get. And it’s not. I’ve run the risk and it’s not an acceptable one.”
“You’re seriously going to choose your boyfriend over the mission?” Jace asks and Alec sends him a dry, unimpressed look at the hypocrisy.
“At least he is my boyfriend.” Alec murmurs, because Jace didn’t even have an official relationship to blame for his actions regarding Clary for a long time.
“Okay.” And Alec settles in his chair and clears his throat. “So here’s what we’re not going to do. We’re not going to do the ‘you’re picking Magnus over the mission. Or ‘you’re picking Magnus over me’.” And here he gives them all a tired look.
“It’s going to be yes, obviously I’m going to pick Magnus. I've lost Magnus three times now and each time the likelihood of getting him back became less and less each time. Magnus is my husband. I don’t care who it is. You could be bleeding out, begging me with your whole soul to do something that would put him even just a little bit of harm's way, and I’d say no.
“Because it’s not Magnus’ job or responsibility to do such a thing. And as your superior, I’m telling you right now, that no one will argue with me. Because every single Institute in this realm knows that Magnus Bane has a very protective, possessive asshole of a boyfriend. One who legally jacked up the price of every single magical and mundane service Magnus offers to the clave. And currently, the New York Institute doesn’t have the funds to pay his rates. Because we’re still paying off the debt you four — and yes Simon you are included in that thanks to Clary and Izzy — all racked up, calling Magnus like you had a stack of quarters and he’s an arcade.”
Alec takes a weary breath and ignores Simon murmuring, “how does he know what an arcade is?”
And Izzy’s quick and quiet, “Magnus took him and Madzie to one.”
It’s only Alec’s business if he enjoys showing off the knowledge he learns at Magnus’ side.
“So you three are going off duty. Turn your phones in to Andrew. You can go through our databases and see if there’s a warlock who would be willing to work with you in our pay grade. Simon, leave.”
“You can’t take our phones!” Clary protests and while Alec doesn’t actively hate her anymore, his glare still stops her in her tracks.
Alec will assign her ichor duty if she shows insubordination and she knows it.
“If I leave you your phones, you’re just going to call every single downworlder you know starting with Magnus.” Alec knows exactly how this plays out. “You’ll interrupt the valuable time of people who have frankly, more important things to do than save you some time and brain power.
“And even if one of them, maybe Maia, is willing to help you out, she’s a mixologist learning to be a marine biologist. She’s not going to know shit about the kind of abilities you need. So you’d just be wasting her time twice over
“So look through the database, ignore any clave bias in the portfolios and be respectful when you call. You’re making a request, not a demand.”
Alec is very pleased with himself, even if the group is looking at him with varying degrees of confusion and irritation. And then he hears a noise and looks over them to see Magnus.
Magnus is watching him with his gold eyes melting into amber the longer their gazes stay connected.
“We are gonna just go.” Simon mutters, “right now. Immediately, we should definitely go. I will leave. Text me when you’re not grounded and get your cell phones back okay?”
“We’re not grounded.” Clary quietly protests but Jace clamps a hand over her mouth, probably recognizing the look on their faces from his ill-fated stay at the loft.
“Uh, assassin-daddy-vibes over there definitely grounded you. And because my life might be at stake—“ Simon waggles his brows and ignores the groans. “I am definitely obeying his house rules. And also I think I might be either mentally scarred for life or forced to confront parts of me I am not prepared for if I have to watch them jump each other.”
Alec ignores them.
This is the reason why he lets them keep Simon around, he’s like a little Shetland sheepdog desperately trying to keep his incredibly reckless ponies together.
“That all sounded very familiar.” Magnus says quietly as he steps past them, shutting the door behind him as. There is something soft and almost uncertain when he asks.
“I try to listen when you talk.” Alec admits and shrugs his shoulders, “sometimes it’s hard when I’m tired. Or if it’s something frustrating because I don’t understand. But I figure if I don’t understand it I just need to listen harder.”
“Even my clave hating rants at six am when you’re covered in ichor and passing out on me in the shower?”
Alec shrugs again, “sometimes those are the most important ones. You got hurt and we were separated because the clave summoned us to two different battles. Because your safety isn’t a priority for them. It’s why I put so many new protocols in place. The only one I can trust to protect your back is me.” Alec believes it wholeheartedly.
He trusts no single other person to put Magnus’ well being above the world. Because even Cat now has Madzie and they lost Ragnor. And one night; when Magnus had taken Madzie out for a movie, Cat had come over to talk.
Because she could not handle not having the assurance of someone who would put Magnus first. And she didn’t trust Alec, not until he spilled his blood and swore a secret vow.
And so the two of them; they’d promised each other. That Cat would always put the little girl the three of them loved first.
And Alec would always put Magnus before anything. Even above the survival of their realm.
Alec will cut out his own heart if it means Magnus’ still beats and Cat watched him swear that vow on his runes and divinity and had finally known some peace. Because Alec is also willing to lose a piece of his soul if it means keeping Magnus safe; and Cat knows that too.
“My darling,” Magnus murmurs and Alec will always endeavor to put that look on his face. “And you’d choose me over any of them.”
Magnus says it wonderingly, like it’s a deep shock and his hands are cupping Alec’s face and he wants to meld into them as he nods.
And Alec knows Magnus won’t entirely believe him, and it’s not Magnus’ fault that he can’t yet.
But Alec is going to spend every day of the rest of his life proving that he will always and forever put Magnus first.
Like he should have done from the start.
“I’m a selfish man.” Alec admits softly, “how can I not put you first, when you’re the very heart of me?”
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You're so golden
You're so golden
I'm out of my head
And I know that you're scared
Because hearts get broken
If Jace was gold, Alec was silver. Catching all the light Jace emitted, reflecting it. But silver was a rarer metal than gold. Magnus had always thought this.
Right now, Jace was being burdened—and yes, burdened was the word—with meaningless praise from Irina Cartwright, after she'd just told Alec in a sickly-sweet voice that she didn't see him able to amount to anything but shame.
Jace kept eyeing Alec, who'd gone red when she'd said that, and now was quite pale, head bowed, eyes unreadable. Magnus saw him and mouthed, It's not your fault. I'll talk to him. Jace nodded and mouthed back, Yes, please. He needs it.
Magnus stood up and walked to Alec, tapped his shoulder and whispered, "Care for a stroll? It's getting awfully stuffy in here."
Alec hesitated, then nodded stiffly. Magnus took his hand and led him out of the room.
"Talk to me," he said as soon as they were outside. "Let it out."
Alec stared.
"It's okay to feel bad. She's a bitch. She has no valid opinions regarding you and anything about you. Fuck her. But don't actually."
Alec managed a small smile. He took a breath and it all came out in a torrent:
"I know, I know I shouldn't take her words to heart, but—she'd just said to my face what I'd thought of myself my whole life. I'd just been starting to think, hey, maybe I'm not that worthless. Maybe I'm more than what I make myself out to be. And that's all thanks to you. Then I hear her say the words I've been telling myself for years and it cracked that stage I've been building for myself. She just went talking to Jace and painting him as a man who can do no wrong! And, yes, I love Jace to bits. He deserves every praise. But, what, is it that he's straight and pretty and confident and suave and cool and brave and talented and everything I can never be? I know that. I fucking know all that. But it still hurts to hear."
Magnus took it all in, and sighed.
"You're just as pretty and cool and brave and talented as Jace," he told him. "You're not lesser than him. Not because you're gay, not because you're dating a Downworlder. Not because you're the parabatai of the guy who gets all the attention. Yes, he deserves that attention. But you deserve some recognition too. You're courageous, you're smart, you're a dead-shot with a bow. It doesn't matter that Jace is the golden boy; silver has always suited you far better. And, can I tell you a secret?"
"What?" Alec asked, wary and curious, eager to be comforted.
And Magnus told him what he'd always thought when it came to him, but had never said aloud until now: "Silver is a rarer metal than gold."
Alec looked at him for a moment, then smiled a small smile. But it was a smile nevertheless.
"Thank you," he whispered.
Magnus smiled at him. "Don't thank me for saying the truth. The truth was always there. You just needed help seeing it."
And they went back inside.
[lyrics from Harry Styles's Golden.]
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masterwcrk · 1 year
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@bastxrds (ventress), moved for beta.
It was strange seeing Red return night after night. Pandemonium wasn't the sort of club that mundanes visited. Not unless they were connected to downworlders. Of course, they had some mundanes that loved the atmosphere Magnus had created and he made certain the rules were followed, but for someone like Red it wasn't the sort of place she should be seen. And yet there she was again, back at the club, looking a little out of place and it had her wondering why. Of course, she knew the sort of temptations the club held. Even though Saj used it for relaxation and a time to pull her thoughts together, some of the others used it for other means. So what brought Red back? A part of her knew she was part of the reason, but what were the others? "Guess I'll have to talk with the bouncer about the frat boys that keep slipping in," she teased, smirking at the other. That was the downside to allowing mundanes into the club; there would always be the sorts who thought they were cooler than they really were. She' dealt with them before and they learned quickly that she didn't put up with them. Red wasn't her and she could imagine what hell she had to endure on her own. Unfortunately, she couldn't come every night. Not when she had a job to do. "Hrm, I don't know," she teased, looking like she was thinking about the question. Saj had missed her. It was nice coming to the club and seeing her. Better than dealing with the judgement she got at the Institute.
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the place has a grip on her that she can't put into words. she'd tried but Simon just didn't get it, & this was decidedly not the sort of place she talked about with her coworkers. it wasn't just the mysterious date woman she kept running into, either; something about this place felt utterly correct to ever fibre of her being. it was almost like... not quite COMING HOME but maybe in the foyer of wherever it was she was supposed to call just that.
which made absolutely no sense whatsoever.
the club itself wasn't something she could ever really commit to paper either when she wanted to remember it. it was like it existed under a veil that shifted & obscured the details every time she sat down to put pen or pencil to paper. she could remember the other's face, though, & the strange tattoos that seemed to adorn her in varying stages of vibrancy.
she could remember her drink order, too, but that was also beside the point.
' Magnus dealt with them already, ' Clary finally offers. the club owner seemed to always slide in right at the perfect moment & if she didn't know better, it was as if he was keeping an especial eye on her when the other wasn't there. ' I think you did, ' the redhead finally teases. ' you walked in like a guided missile, and I'm not that interesting otherwise. '
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Stranger Things Shadowhunter AU
So in this AU, most of the main characters are Shadowhunters. The Wheelers, the Sinclairs, and the Hendersons are all Shadowhunters from old, respectable families. (Dustin's father died in battle when he was young). The Buckleys are also Shadowhunters, but they're not connected to the rest of the Shadowhunters in town for some reason. Maybe they moved to Hawkins more recently. Maybe their family is being judged for something they did a generation ago. Maybe Robin's parents being hippies translates to her parents being really friendly with Downworlders, which made other Shadowhunters look down on them. Maybe Robin isn't her father's daughter and is instead the product of her mother's tryst with a faerie, making her odd and unaccepted in the shadow world (like Mark and Helen Blackthorn).
The Byers used to be Shadowhunters until Lonnie was turned into a werewolf, back when Jonathan and Will were children. He came home angry and upset that he was going to be exiled from the Clave and he lost control of his transition. He Turned both Will and Jonathan, who then became outcasts. Ex-Shadowhunters who were now Downworlders and something to be feared or pitied. Joyce didn't get turned, but she stuck by her kids and faced the same ostracism as them.
Steve Harrington is a mundane. Nancy Wheeler is rebelling not only by dating the town golden boy but also a mundane who her parents would never approve of. Once Steve gets involved in Everything, he becomes an Ascendant and he and Robin become parabatai.
Will goes missing, just as he does on the show. It's not the full moon and they don't know where he's gone. Jonathan should be able to find him (they're brothers and in the same pack) but he can't, which makes the rest of the Party concerned. The Clave isn't doing anything, because the Byers may have once been Shadowhunters, but Will Byers is a werewolf child and thus not their problem. Mike, Lucas, and Dustin go into the woods to look for him and that is where they find El.
El has magic, so she should be a warlock, but they can't find a warlock's mark on her, which is strange. (She's the result of an experiment, à la Tessa Gray. Maybe they mixed a warlock with a faerie somehow. Maybe El is a warlock who has far too much demon blood in her veins, which when she discovers it, makes her worry she is a monster).
Most of the plot of Season 1 plays out, but with Shadowhunter shenanigans instead. Mike protects the strange girl they found in the woods. Lucas insists she must be a demon and they fight. Nancy bonds with Jonathan, who she's always kind of known but never associated with because Nancy was being a Good Girl and doing what was expected her and Good Girls don't hang out with werewolves shunned by the Clave. Steve acts like a dick and when he goes to apologize to Nancy and Jonathan, he gets dragged into the Plot and ends up saving their lives, setting up his future as and Ascendant.
I haven't quite figured out who the bad guy is (the scientists who experimented on El, who took Will because they wanted to test a shadowhunter/werewolf child? Some kind of demon?). Or what do with Hopper (is he a Mundane cop with the Sight, perhaps one whose daughter was killed by the shadow world? A Shadowhunter who has been stripped of his marks? A Shadowhunter who has lost belief in the fight after the loss of his only child?)
But I think this could be fun.
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