#and she's the one who kept pushing all these beauty standards on me
mishkakagehishka · 1 year
And i know when i return i'll either be yelled at or laughed off like little girl throws tantrum or whatever. But i'm genuinely getting real sick of the way i'm treated vs the way my brother is treated. And they don't even notice that shit. I tell my mom "you never take my side and defend me, when i caved and let you take me to get my eyebrows threaded, you said nothing when my brother said i 'finally look like a human being'" and surprise surprise she "doesn't remember that", he "doesn't remember that", but it cut soooo deep into me, i'll never forget it. Whatever tho.
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opal-owl-flight · 1 month
can I ask about the poster "agent 3" kids story?
Yes you can and here it all is!! Presenting…
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tldr: She comes from a family of big name actors in the industry, and shes been raised from hatching to continue their legacy. Its…a lot of pressure to put on a kid, especially one who just wants to make her (impossible to satisfy) family proud. Despite being surrounded by impossible standards, the fakest friends chosen for her, being given everything she can ever want (except what she really needs), and putting on a hundred masks for everyone in her life for survival’s sake in a cutthroat industry, she chooses to be kind.
more details under the cut!!
Her name is Sariwa, which means “fresh” . Named for her spring green tentacles and as a blessing from her parents that shed stay youthful, beautiful. a hope that she would be seen and be adored (as freshness implies coolness/popularity in sploonworld).
Shes hatched into the acting industry, with both parents being big in the industry. From hatching she was expected, trained to be an actor like her mother is. The media adores them, this “sweet little family”, but no one knows how nefarious everything is when the cameras are off.
The dad is neglectful, disappearing into meetings most of the time. The mom is a helicopter parent to make up for it. Pointing out every flaw that Sariwa apparently has in either performance or appearance. Never giving praise. Except when she performs “well enough” on stage. This instills in the child this need to make them proud. to…to make everyone happy. She becomes someone whose dependent on other peoples’ praise to function.
Shes given everything else, dont get me wrong. Every material thing she’ll ever need. all the big popular “friends” chosen for her. But…shes not allowed to turf. yknow. biggest event in an inkling’s life here in Inkopolis. and shes not allowed to go to school either. shes too busy memorizing lines for adverts or-
The second she turned 14, she was chosen as the lead role for Cuttlegear’s brand new show abt Agent 3. She looked exactly like the legendary hero, according to the sources. All her time went into this project. Thankfully, unlike at home…her co-actors were very kind. Her parents didnt choose for her this time. She was meeting actual people who dont put on masks beyond their job. the actor they got for Cuttlefish, in particular, is a very kind soul, defending her when the directors get too pissy with her performance. (Those are the only people she fears, tbh shes fearful of most authority figures.)
*Cuttlefish is also depicted as kind and supportive in the show. and in most games. Unlike the real Cuttlefish, which is kind of a loony old man who pushes ideas on young inklings. He still gives more support and kindness that 3s dad ever gave, but thats only RELATIVE to how little he gave in the first place. One can only imagine the longing this inspires in the real 3.
Sariwa…since shes hatched shes had to put on an act. Be the perfect little doll for her parents. For the world. But her friends here, they inspired her to…have fun with what shes doing again. To take off the mask (mostly beyond the clock). Breathe life in the character when she can. (But lets be real…shes getting 3 spot on with how many parallels they have with each others lives.)
But what is she beyond the mask, her role? She wasnt allowed to do anything beyond this. She was forced to depend on her abusive parents and their associates. She cant live alone beyond them. Not allowed to turf bc shes “a prim and proper young lady; above such violent drivel that only delinquents participate in”. They gesture to 3, whos one of the faces Squidforce uses in their promotions, and say (ironically.) that she must not become that. Face ripped to shreds and eye mangled.
No one knows they got that from the real war that Sariwa is pretending to show.
The show does its best to be an accurate telling. Child friendly, to a point. Horrifying things still get kept in somewhat. Things that will horrify a child on stage.
If Sariwa is terrified of the props, can you imagine how it was for 3?
And once she realizes all of this. Once she gets out of this situation thanks to Callie, Marie, and 3 themself. Does she feel guilt? Guilt for depicting the horrors in a way that glorifies it instead? A part of a project that aims to make people complacent to the real horrors that churned below?
There is one thing Sariwa feels about 3, that I am aware of rn.
“Im glad, that out of every story I couldve told, Im glad it was yours.”
Just like 8, she sung this tale in her hearts. Just like 8, she used this to break out of this terrible situation, answering the call of the ones who promised her safety. A better life. Like the way she stage broke through that prop in the choreographed Octavio fight, she broke through the influence of those around her.
*She actually went off-script a bit in that scene. After she beat down Octavio, she held out her hand. Mostly to help the actor up. But then, without realizing, she spoke, she spoke of making things better between the nations. That maybe he doesnt have to steal the zapfish anymore.
Her time with the octoling actors, and hearing the stories from the ex-octarians, made her aware and know the fact that theyre people too. The directors kept it in. They knew that if they released this as they have planned it, there will be fuckign riots from the ex-octarians or the Inkling “sympathizers”.
She saw the value this story held, despite the subliminal messaging that she wished wasnt implemented. That she wished she wasnt a part of. She saw that its a tale of hope. A tale that inspires one to become the hero of their own life. A tale that inspires one to make the world a better place.
So she was hatched and raised to make people smile, singing her songs and dancing their dances. Much like the clan singer that was 4, except the tradition is much more healthy compared to industry standard. And she didnt become as mean as the people around her, at least not internally. She put on a mean mask but she felt the void within. When she was given kindness for a long enough time, she put her walls down.
And just like the real 3, she underwent through the horrors of expectations she had to hold up, and trying to make uninterested parents proud. They dont see her as their daughter, shes just a means to an end. She had to wear a hundred masks to survive and it made her lose her sense of identity. She had to be mature, she had to take the shitty behavior of adults who expect her to be like one too. It made her lose grip of who she is beyond this role. Hell, they made her so dependent on their handouts that shes not sure she can exist beyond this hell. Much like how 3 struggles to know a life beyond their duty.
And much like 8, she used the story she was telling to break out and get herself in a better situation. She met with the real Agents 1 and 2 (without her knowledge) and asked. Begged. for help, after her show ended. (3 also kind of pointed the two in her direction. Bc cod knows how horrifying this industry is. Shes lucky she didnt get any of the grosser horrors ~~its bc I didnt feel comfortable writing such topics~~)
And then shes faced with the same problem all the real legends faced. What comes after the end? When the dust clears, what happens next? She wasnt given a damn choice, she wasnt allowed to try to learn things beyond this role. to be beyond an imagined agent 3. a soldier for the screen. who is she now, that shes out of that battlefield?
little does she realize that the real 3s asking the same question for themself.
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pit-and-the-pen · 5 months
Hi! I am so grateful you came across my feed! You also have an incredibly extensive prompt list which is amazing btw. Could I please get a 104 and 75 with Azriel?? I have been wanting to see how they would do with a fairy, considering they are like the opposite of a bat. They’re light and airy, gorgeous wings. Illyrian wings are gorgeous too but in a dark way and I think the contrast is cool without having to make them an angel. Ya know? Thank you if you end up doing it!
Thank you so much and thank you for the request! My prompt list is left over from an event I did when I hit 100 followers and I just kept adding to it. I love the idea of the difference in their wings. Because the books have already explored a few different types of wings and I think fairy wings are absolutely gorgeous.
The reader is half High Fae, half fairy.
Hope you like it! <3
Warning: Unwelcome touching (not by Azriel), Smut (18+), protective Az!!!!
WC: ~1.7k
Divider by @cafekitsune
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My  wings had always been something I was immensely proud of, sure they weren’t the stark white feathered covered ones from Day or the gorgeous bat-like wings from the Illyrains but you loved them. Translucent but pink iridescent, the membrane golden in color. Compared to my stature, short by fae standards, they easily were half of my height. 
When I moved from the Spring Court to Night, I remember feeling slightly self-conscious about them. Before the mating bond had snapped, Azriel had spent many nights reassuring me how beautiful he thought they were. How they made me special. I would sniffle into his neck, “But they let everyone know I’m only half High Fae.” He would hold my head in his hands and try not to laugh at the absurd concern. “So is Rhys, so is Cassian. Most High Fae are. That’s not a bad thing.” Light kisses were pressed to my face, “If anything it makes you more special. Something no other High Fae has.” His words calmed my raging mind. Once the mating bond had snapped, he really began to worship them. He was the first person I had let touch them. The both of us learned they truly were as sensitive as his own. It became something he could tease me with, only in the privacy of our bedroom. One touch and I would melt into his touch. 
Now, I stood in the middle of the throne room at Hewn City. Dress in midnight blue, the same exact shade as my mates siphons. The floor length gown is skin tight and the velvet was smooth under my fingers as I tried to smooth it out. 
I fidgeted slightly out of nerves. I had refused the first time Rhys offered to glamour them away, they were too much a part of who I was for me to hide them even in this vile place. But I still felt very exposed around this many unfamiliar faces.
Azriel had stepped away to join the conversation Rhys was currently having with Keir. Placing a small kiss on my temple as he walked away, “Have fun, sweetheart.” I instantly started looking for Mor, desperate for some semblance of comfort.   
I found her on the dance floor. I gave her a low bow, hand extended which she returned with a perfect curtsey. I took her hand and we began to weave through the other couples as we waltzed around the ballroom, her head thrown back with laughter. 
A pair of hands on my hips swept me out of her grasp. I let out a startled cry, expecting to be met with my favorite pair of hazel eyes. The male that had grabbed me was certainly not Azriel nor anyone I noticed. I could smell the faerie wine on his breath as he spoke in my ear, “What pretty wings.” I thanked him, my voice getting stuck like gum in my throat. I tried to pull the unknown male's hands off of my hips, even to just push them up to my waist but he just dug his hands in tighter. I yelped at the pressure and he just gave me a cocky smirk. 
“I know how sensitive Illyrian wings are, and given the shadowslingers scent all over you, I bet you do too,” He laughed at my shocked expression, “I wonder if these are just as sensitive.” By this time, we had stopped dancing. I stood frozen, bile turned my stomach as he reached a grimy hand up to stroke the edge of my wings. His rough touch made me chirp in pain, he had pitched the fragile membrane between his nails and dragged them down. 
He went to repeat the motion again when I felt the heat of him disappear entirely. When I looked around for him, I saw large black wings in front of my face. The male that had been touching me was pinned to the dance floor. Azriel’s heavy boots, holding him there by his neck. The male was desperately clutching at his leg, trying to pull him off. Azriel scoffed.
“Doesn’t feel so good to have someone touch you when you don’t want them to?” He pressed down a little harder, the muscles twitching in his leg. 
“Now, if you ever think about touching my mate, or anyone else, without their expressed interest,” His hand went to rest on truth-teller’s hilt. “You will find yourself without hands.” He lifted his leg off the male's neck and didn’t spare him a glance as he grabbed my hand and started leading me out of the ballroom. 
People jumped out of our way and I didn’t even think of saying anything to him as I felt his fury down the bond. Not at me, never at me. But for not being there to stop the hands I could still feel on my wings. He pulled us into a room, no, a closet, and I could almost make out the shape of him from the light that snuck along the frame. 
“Did he hurt you?” He asked sternly. Fae Lights flickered on, giving the room a soft glow. I shook my head and he let out a heavy exhale. He placed his forehead against mine and we just stood there as both of our breathing evened out
“Az, you didn’t have to do all of that.” I finally spoke blushing, the dim lights of the room doing nothing to protect me from his gaze.
“You don’t understand, I will do anything to protect you.” The solemnity of those words made my heart lurch and heat pool in my stomach. 
“I don’t know whether to be scared or turned on.” His laugh echoed in his chest. 
“Look at my dirty girl,” He started kissing down my neck, “Does seeing me defend you turn you on?” I whimpered when his tongue started following his kisses. 
“I don’t know, you’re the one that dragged me into a literal closet.” He growled lightly. 
“Be nice, sweet girl.” Chiding me, I felt desire and defiance flood my veins. 
“Bite me.”
 “With pleasure.” He all but purred in my ear and he was on me. His lips captured mine. Teeth captured my lower lip when I moaned into his mouth. His tongue explored my mouth, brushing against the roof of my mouth and my legs turned into jelly. He hiked my leg up to rest on his waist, using the hand on my back to stabilize me. Trailing up my leg with his free hand. 
“Fuck” He groaned when he reached the center of my thighs. Blood flowed to my cheeks. I was soaked. He didn’t waste anymore time before he slipped my panties to the side. I cried out as deft fingers found my clit and started rubbing tight, fast circles. 
My hands started to trail down to reach for his waistband but his shadows pinned my arms to my side. 
“Let me make you feel good, my love.” I moaned at his words. My moans instantly broke into a scream as I felt two of his fingers plunge into me. He curled against the rough spot and I panted out his name.  
“Az…Please, I need more.” I begged him. He just started to kiss my neck again, sucking what I knew would be angry bruises. His kisses started to trail lower, his shadows once again helping him as they slid the top of my dress down to expose my breasts. My hands went to his hair as he wrapped his lips around my nipple. Sucking the perfect amount of pressure, mixed with his fingers pistoning in and out of me. I felt myself fall apart under him. My climax racked through me hard, I sagged against his hand still on my back. 
“There you go. Good girl.” He praised me. I expected his hand to pull away but he kept working me through waves of pleasure. I whined, “Too much. Az.” I panted out the words, chest quickly rising and falling as I tried to catch my breath. 
“Can you give me one more?” His kisses started trailing lower and he unwrapped my leg from his waist. I was going to say something but it got lost on my tongue as he started to sink to his knees. He began to trail kisses up my leg as he went to throw my foot over his shoulder. 
He placed one of my hands on his head, my fingers instantly grabbing his soft locks. 
“Hold on princess.” Was the only warning I received before he dove in between my legs. I mewled at the pressure his lips sucked around my clit, still sensitive from my last orgasm. Broken versions of his name left my mouth and I tried to stop my hips from bucking. He used his free hand to guide my hips, letting me ride his face. It didn’t take long for him to have me at the edge. My eyes squeezed shut, white spotting the black behind my eyelids as he gave my clit a soft nip. That was enough to have my orgasm crashing over me. This time, my knees did buckle out from under me but Azriel’s hands were there instantly to hold me up. 
I blinked up at him. He was the picture of male satisfaction as he took in my glassy eyes. I once again went to reach for his pants but he pushed my hands away with a chuckle. 
“Later. I promise.” He said when I pouted at him. “Two isn’t enough for you, sweet girl?” I shook my head and he really laughed at that. He stood back up and smoothed out the lines in his suit. He helped me adjust my dress back into place. My hair was a lost cause, as well as my smudged makeup. He pressed a bruising kiss to my lips and when he pulled away he whispered in my ear
“Now we’re going to go back out there, covered in your scent and maybe that will remind people just exactly who they’re messing with from now on.”
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hwangism143 · 3 months
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treat you better
synopsis: in which changbin gives you a pick me up, while making you realize your feelings along the way
pairing: non-idol!changbin x fem!reader
genre: fluff, comfort, platonic to something else (?)
warnings: mentions of eating, starvation, fatphobia, self-hate, fatshaming
word count: 1.1k words
requested by: @kayleefriedchicken
now playing: treat you better - shawn mendes
a/n: i'm open to writing a part two, if kaylee and the rest of u want me too!
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"when you could be with me instead?"
Society's view of women was so fundamentally that it led women themselves to believe that they were fundamentally flawed.
The obsession this wretched society had with a women's appearance and the amount of hatred they displayed to a woman when she didn't fit the bill was enough to ruin somebody's faith in humanity. Maybe that's why you were so wary of people.
They thought their comments were passable, needed constructive criticism. Hell, they thought their words were encouraging. But in truth, every sentence felt like a deeper stab wound, pushing you to the brink of exhaustion in an effort to just be acceptable.
You rarely made friends. Each time you did, it just took a few weeks for them at most to say something along the lines of the way you look. The distaste, covertly disguised as concern, was so familiar to you that you instantly knew it.
It was the same situation you had to suffer through at the hands of your family for eighteen years.
And so, when you met Changbin for the first time, despite taking an instant liking to him, you kept him at an arm's length. You waited, waited for him to say something and anything about your weight, your face, you skin.
Why? Because Changbin was somebody who genuinely seemed to look past the way you appeared and having never felt that, you constantly thought he was taking advantage of you. But he never was. Over five years of friendship and he was still here, with you.
He took you to the gym and helped you get on top of losing any harmful weight. He introduced you to his friends, as kind to you as he was. (Except maybe Seungmin. Seungmin was a little shit.) But most of all, he was always there, a shoulder to cry on and an ear to talk off.
Whenever you felt like you were posing to be a bother to him, he replied with a quick, "You can always talk to me, I will always be here for you."
That was why you were currently sitting on his apartment sofa, your eyes red and puffy and his full of concern.
Once again, un fucking lucky you, was regarded based on looks, not merit. You were passed over for a promotion you had worked relentlessly a whole year towards in favor of a younger, prettier college fresher.
To make it even better, you had dinner with you loving family. Your mother prodded at you, forbidding you from eating anything more than a morsel which was unfit to fill the stomach of a baby. Your father joked around about how you looked less 'whale-like' from before, but still retained some of it's qualities. Only your sister gave you a reassuring smile, reaching over to squeeze your hand.
It was ironic. Your parents acted as if you invited yourself to dinner, as if it wasn't them begging for you to join them for just one meal.
You were spiraling again.
Maybe not eating would be better.
You weren't obese. You weren't even overweight. Just curvier than the beauty standards that accompanied most women these days. But the world was so fucking dystopian that people were ready to come at you like sharks to chum.
This world was so fucking dystopian that even you were quick to berate yourself.
It had taken a very, very long time for you to finally love the way you looked standing in a mirror. It had taken a long time for you to even face a mirror. And yet, you still poked at the skin the hung loosely on you, pinching yourself until you felt like crying.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
To say that Changbin was worried would be an understatement. He had seen you at your best and worst, and could say with his full chest that he preferred you at your best.
Watching you cry made it feel like his throat was drying up. Making you happy came as naturally as drinking water to him; so you not being happy had severe consequences. The repercussions were deadly, but then again, Changbin was spending a lot of time as of late with Hyunjin.
"My curves are in all the wrong places," you huffed, picking at your skin.
"I am of the humble opinion that wherever your curves are, those places instantly become the right places," Changbin retorted.
He handed you a bowl of ramen and gave you a glare that sent a resounding message of 'eat. or else you will be attacked by tickles.' You bit your lip nervously. Maybe not eating really, truly would help. But you knew that he damn well knew that family dinner meant you were coming home hungry.
Changbin looked at you, his eyes softening. "Everything will feel that's it's not okay but don't forget - you're not alone this time."
You give him a small smile. You would never be alone when you had Changbin. But you wouldn't be free from the demonic voices in your head either.
"I know, it's just-"
"Stop," Changbin interrupted you gruffly, "and eat. And let me speak."
He brought his face level to yours. "You, Y/N L/N, are beautiful. I am so sorry that you have never had anyone to say this to you, but it's true. You're so beautiful that quite frankly, the first time I met you, you took my breath away. So stop making yourself feel inferior because I care for you and I will always be here to tell you that you are an incredible woman."
He turned quickly, as if he had committed some forbidden act. You felt a blush creep up your cheek. The lined between 'just friends' and 'something more' blurred indefinitely. But that was a headache to deal with for another day.
"Changbin?" you said softly.
"Hm?" came his steady response.
"You're very beautiful too," you told him.
A smile slowly stretched across his face, his eyes still trained on the wall in front of you. You were entranced by the way his hair fell into soft curls and the way his eyes sparkled like stars were embedded into them.
You were so lost in his features that you didn't even notice Changbin reach for your ramen and take a bite, munching on it silently.
And so, two beautiful people sat on a couch. One, who slowly came to terms with how she really felt about the person next to her, the way his very presence lighting her up ignited flames that friends don't feel. And the other, who had been in love with her since the first time he saw her.
Changbin decided to ask you out on a date tomorrow.
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please reblog and comment if you liked this fic! it means everything to me and I love reading your thoughts <3
: ̗̀➛ current permanent taglist (reply to be added):
@linoalwaysknows @moon0fthenight @hyulino @palindrome969
@squishybinnieee @lastgreatamericandynasty1 @stayinlimbo @farfromsugafanfic
@hongshuaknow @cookiesandcreammy @kayleefriedchicken @toomanybiasz
@seooj444 @soaplickerrr @nappynapnaps
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mischiefmaker615 · 1 year
Bloodline (Pt.2)
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Part 1
Rating: R dark themes
Summary: unable to gain children from his wife, Loki seeks out a mortal who can do it instead.
She hated herself for it, for not feeling as angry as she should towards the man that was using her. She shouldn’t be able to even look at him, let alone ask him to stay with her.. but here he was beside her, sitting down on the bed as they both kept eye contact to themselves. She was pregnant, and she trusted him that it was the truth, you’d think magic would be just as accurate as a doctor visit right? These past weeks of their..  ‘’routine’’, she’s become numb to his cruelty and- dare she say it, used to it. the struggle was gone..
‘’…you must really love this place.. to even go beyond the extent for it..’’ she whispered and her gentle tone made him turn and look at her, his expression still unreadable but it was gentle at the same time.
‘’I’m sure you’d do anything to protect your home.. the people you care about.. -I’m not expecting you to understand.. I’m not saying all this is right.. but..’’ he trailed off, not trying to justify that what he did was right, but.. he had too. He looked away from her, guilty making itself known after all these weeks of pushing it down.
‘’I’m sure I would understand if I had family.. I was orphaned as a child- to this day I’m not sure exactly what happened, grew up in the orphanage and got kicked out officially when I became of age. Lived every day just working, sleeping just to wake up and do it all over again-.. I didn’t have a purpose..’’ she explained, looking down at her hands as her heart beat past, not sure why she was giving her whole life story when she really should be killing him.. but where did her hate go?
‘’..didn’t?’’ Loki asked, looking at her as she finally raised her eyes to look at him back and she gave a mild shrug.
‘’one could argue that I can finally feel like I’m useful.. I’ve lived every day on repeat, no one back there would miss me.’’
Loki looked at her as if she were strange, raising a brow as he studied her features. ‘’..you were chosen because you resembled a goddess.. how do you find yourself unseen?’’
She sighed and her hand instinctually began playing with a lock of her hair, trying to register how she should feel that he called her beautiful, her cheeks reddened all the same. ‘’..others have different definitions and expectations as what they see as beautiful.’’
Loki merely shook his head, his mind wondering off as she looked at him as if reading his mind.
‘’not all mortals are idiots though.’’
The choice of words actually made Loki chuckle, knowing she knew what he had been thinking as those mortals had seemed to have terrible taste if they didn’t find her in their standards of beauty. ‘’well, you are most certainly the first mortal I’ve seen in my life time that I would call beautiful.’’
The conversed for a little while longer, small talk having a small hint of awkwardness to the whole thing considering how their relationship had started, but the small teasing here and there made it a bit easier to talk to each other. They mostly got to know each other, no one daring to talk about the whole reason why she was here, but merely about their lives, likes and dislikes- childhood and hardships. Loki most certainly surprised himself on opening up a bit to her, and the “venting session” as she called it, made him feel like there was an unknown weight off of his shoulders, as if he finally had someone he could talk too.
A feeling came to his chest, not guilt anymore- although it was very much still in his stomach. He hadn’t felt it in such a long time, not since he had started finding interest in Sigyn. Was it.. fondness to this particular woman before him? he half listened to what she was saying and upon realizing he was indeed feelings he was developing, he quickly stood up- startling her.
He kept his voice gentle with an apologetic bow ‘’I’m sorry love, I didn’t mean to frighten you, I just- I must depart right now- but I shall return.. to deliver dinner.’’
Another meal brought to her like a prisoner, and the mere sentence made her features lower just slightly- which didn’t go unnoticed by Loki as he looked away from her. ‘’..i shall return..’’ he promised, as if a second reminder would make her feel better- why did he care?
She was to be bred.. nothing more.. who was he to reassure? To explain himself to her.. of gods.. he cared.. he was guilty, he was growing fond of her.. why? She was indeed beautiful, his lust was getting extremely difficult to hold back as he longed to touch her, to have her come undone.. to have a connection deeper.. but her spirit, her fire and getting to know more of her life.. kept him wanting more..
He cussed as he went down the halls in a rush, as if getting farther away from her room would help think all this wasn’t happening. His whole plan was simple: gain a child and that was all. Why.. did he have to fall for the mortal.
Yet he did just what he said. Upon delivering her evening meal, she asked him to stay.. and he did. The small voice in his mind told him he shouldn’t get attached and just leave once everything was finished upon stepping through her door, but it was to late. He was attached. They began speaking more, even laughing and Loki staying longer than he knew he should.
Sigyn would question his whereabouts, why his attitude had changed to a lighter tone but he merely reassured her that he was just content that Asgard had been safe through this time and would simply find different places to read- as to not cause suspicion nor would he be able to find him. part if him felt guilty at the same time that he was also betraying her, that although there was no real love towards her as a wife, he was still cheating on her behind her back. The other part of him felt alright with it because having a child would mean Asgard was secure and.. he finally was putting his happiness first..
That mortal woman was the first joy he had in ages only because he had fallen for her. It pained him to leave her and his loins ached for her. Ever since he found out she was pregnant, he had not touched her. Nor had he had time for himself and his wife would no longer suit his interests. Yet he got what he wanted, the child was damn near close to being born now, whenever he began to get hard when he would check on her, he would cut the meeting short and leave. He would not touch her now that he knew he no longer needed to.
An Asgardian child grew faster than a mortals, and the “potion” he had her drink daily allowed her body to adjust. Yet the due date came faster than he anticipated and although she felt fine like she wouldn’t go into labor that day, his magic told him it ad already begun. Despite her being confused, she always took his word for things because this was his realm, and he knew better so she trusted it.
He was able to convince her to fall asleep, so there would be even less pain and so that she wouldn’t get attached to the child if she saw him or her. A healer would be accompanying him and to her little knowledge, he had placed a spell so that she would forget most and think the one who had given birth was his wife.
Upon waking up, his precious mortal felt like nothing had ever happened. even her groin and stomach felt as if it were yesterday. Yet Loki stayed with her anyway while she got out of her daze, and to her surprise- she took his hand.
‘’what.. what happened?’’
‘’you have given birth love, the healer is now caring for the baby.’’ He said gently, sitting beside her on the bed as she lay still and looked up at him with confusion.
‘’oh.. and once the baby is all cared for?’’ she asked with hesitation.
‘’then our healer will lose all memory of her assistance and I will merely bring the child to Sigyn.. she will be a good mother, I promise..’’ he said gently, trying to ignore the guilt that rose again and how awful the words sounded leaving his mouth while she looked away from him.
‘’you will be a good father.’’
Loki’s lips parted, wanting to speak but words found it hard to leave his mouth. Her words were spoken true, he could sense that- even when he knew he had hurt her and all that he had done. He didn’t know what to say, he just gazed at her with the sudden need to protect, the gather her in his arms, to hold her.
‘’is it a girl or a boy?’’ her sudden words brought him back and he took a breath with a gentle whisper.
‘’it’s a baby girl.’’
Loki wasn’t able to see the small smile that tugged her lips, nor her tears as she kept her back to him. he had a hesitant hand raised to want to turn her towards him, but he stopped. He knew she was hurting, and all of this was because of him. turning away, he stayed with her a little while longer in silence before he finally left, hearing the faint cries through the door as soon as he shut it.
Damn it. damn it all…
He had held back tears upon seeing the child be born, but he didn’t want to go see her without.. her. For the mother not being able to see her child.. he understood the logic of it, but knew it was hard on her as well. And to not even being able to comfort her through it all. Damn it all!
He knew what he had to do.
The same boots that pounded through the halls to get her that day long ago pounded down the same halls to get her now. Loki practically ripped the doors open, startling her as she quickly wiped her tears from where she sat in a panic and looked at him concerned.
‘’what’s wrong? is the baby- what happened?’’ his darling mortal gasped as she saw the bruise on his cheek. She hesitated to see a small smile on his face despite it. ‘’..did Sigyn-‘’
‘’there is no more of Sigyn.. I’m done.’’
‘’but.. but didn’t you say the-‘’
‘’fuck the bloodline-‘’ Loki claimed, cutting himself short by the uncommon language that left his mouth he usually didn’t say. It must have been from spending time with her that he picked up some mild habits. Regaining himself, he took a deep sigh as he looked at her with a forced gentle voice.
‘’I’m done- I’m done with all of it.. you have been taken, then taken advantage of.. impregnated, isolated and now the child in which belongs to ‘us’ isn’t even able to be with you- I am the king of Asgard and I must protect its people, but if this is the king I have become then I will gladly step away from the thrown if it means I am to feel like this for the rest of my life!’’ he practically shouted at himself, looking away shameful as he paced, only to be stared at with wide eyes at his words.
‘’I have fallen for you love.. I can no longer contain myself nor deny it.. there is nothing I can do to rewrite the wrongs I have done.. only to try to improve on what I do now. You will be returned to Midgard with the child and-‘’
Her words stopped him as he stared at her, her voice being the loudest she had ever let it as he stayed put, watching her get off the bed and stand before him, grasping the nightgown to her body.
‘’..she needs a father.. I can’t do it by myself out there.. to not know who you are.. its as if its best if you and Sigyn keep her to yourself so she can grow up with two p-‘’
Y/N stopped, being called by her name for the first time as she shook where she stood, tears threatening to run down her cheeks as she bit her lip.
‘’the child will have a father.’’ He promised and kneeled down before her, his head down as he felt his own tears threaten to fall. ‘’I will do everything in my power to help you, to help you both, to be there, to support you.. to love her.. and to love you if only you’d allow me to.. I’m done here. I can’t deny my feelings for you any longer.. and if you are to reject me, then allow me to love her as a father..’’ he whispered and closed his eyes as he breathed.
The hand on his cheek made him open his eyes as he looked up to her gentle ones, tears falling down the cheeks of both as he leaned his face into her palm. ‘’we will have you Loki.. it will be okay..’’
Loki slowly placed a hand on her own, knowing there would be much to take place but he knew the truth was better than to live a lie of lies and guilt. Sigyn would be okay, and deep down he knew she knew they were over a long time ago. As king, laws will have to change. It wont be easy, but he’d find a way to make them possible, and right now she was looking more of a being with power than he ever did as he slowly stood up but she kept his hand in hers.
‘’..let me see her..’’ she whispered.
She will be a great mother..
‘’yes.. my queen..’’
Final ♥
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vacantvisage · 11 months
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My portrait at Mi Vida Trans
A project featuring portraits of Chicano trans mascs put on doors with our stories taped to the side, red carnations left at our doorsteps
I did my story as a poem:
I had thought about my gender at an early age. About 5 or 6. Kindergarten.
I wasn’t like the girls.
I wanted to be like the boys, but they told me I was gross, that boys don’t play with girls.
I never really felt “like a girl” even when I knew a “girl” could be a lot of things.
I didn’t feel at home in my body.
When I told myself I was going to be a boy, I was 10 years old.
In the small, rural towns full of white folks, I was the Weird Kid and the Mexican.
Eventually I became the Queer Kid, too.
I told my friends I wanted to be a boy.
They told a teacher. That teacher told the principal.
The principal called me. He said “we don’t talk about that here.”
I was given detention.
I looked up “girl becomes boy” and “how to become a boy” and so much more until I found a website with a big, ugly gray background and giant red letters that said “ TRANSEXUAL”
It talked about people who had surgery and lived lives as a different sex.
Girls that became boys. Boys that became girls. Neutrois who did what they wanted.
I printed it, 25 pages, front and back, a hundred times until the library ran out of ink.
I passed out the packets.
I was given detention.
I was called a tranny-fag-dyke. I was 15.
Girls were afraid of me in the locker room, boys spat on me, my teachers gave me failing grades.
Everyone and everything was trying to confine me, trap me, I wasn’t allowed to explore my identity without being pushed from all directions. It made me realize I will always be a pariah to my peers. I had to own it or die trying.
I came out to everyone, everywhere, all the time. I was given detention, kept after school, my parents yelled and screamed at me when they found out. It was a monsoon of rage and sorrow, I was trapped trying to be free.  
Alternative subculture became a new home to me. I could find peace exploring different standards of beauty, masculinity, and femininity. Goth and metal subculturas helped me stealth both as a trans man and a Latino, where white people think celebrating the dead is evil, morbid, and grotesque.
My mother said if I was “really” a boy I should get rid of all my clothes and makeup and live like one for a year. I put everything in boxes. She called me a rat.
My father said if I was “really” a boy I should cut my hair. I cried, but I did. I cut all my hair, 5ft of it. And I cried. And cried. Our hair means so much, it carries our soul. And he called me a cunt.
I told my best friend. She said she could never see me as a man. We’re no longer friends.
I told my teacher. She told me to tell another teacher. They both told me to tell the nurse.
The nurse told me I was brave and if I ever needed help I could ask her.
They fired her.
I heard all the words for what I was, good and bad and everything between. Transexual, Transgender, Tranny, Fag, Dyke — Patlache.
I hunted for more, more knowledge of these secret lives that people lived, and even more of the open lives that people lived – people like me who found peace in their souls and friends among peers.
I started college.
Without my parents looking over my shoulder I could finally play with the names I wanted. 
I made friends with a trans girl who showed me how to be a boy, and I showed her how to be a girl.
I did her makeup, she tied my tie.
I gave her my dresses, she gave me her vests.
And I finally started to feel at home in my body.
I have long hair again.
I say “dear” and “darling” and all the things I heard from gay men growing up.
As a girl I was taught to be loud, to have my voice heard.
As a girl, it’s encouraged, to fight against oppression.
As a new-man I’m told to shut up and sit down.
No one wants to hear more men speak up, even when we’re drowning.
But I’m feminine for a man, so people call me a girl.
And I’m masculine for a girl, so people call me disgusting.
It doesn’t matter anymore.
I will never win this silly game of life. I can only live it the best I can.
And I’m so close to feeling at home in my body.
But still — not yet.
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fallinfl0wers · 2 years
thinking about xiao, who would be the last person on teyvat to care about your appearance.
don't get me wrong, he adores you, you're pretty much his biggest, and sometimes only, reason to live.
but he, out of all the characters in genshin, is the only one i can see with absolutely zero defined preferences. if anyone asked him, whether on his past or his present, about what traits he found desirable in a person, he would have no answer.
even if people say that personality is all that matters, everyone always looks at the one they find most attractive first.
xiao's case isn't quite like that.
where others, if speaking honestly, would mention specific ranges of height, build, hair colors, texture, skin colors and whatnot- like a super tall, muscular man with a well-kept beard, or a slender, elegant-looking man who wears suits, or a delicate and petite woman with big doe eyes and the longest, straighter hair possible, or a tall, well-endowed lady with a tiny waist and a piercing, alluring gaze, among an infinite number of other combinations, xiao would only tilt his head in disconcert.
was he supposed to think of any of those traits as attractive?
because to xiao, in a way, everyone looks the same.
be it humans, other adepti or the archons, xiao thinks nothing about any of their appearances.
although if you caught him people-watching during his free time or patrols, you could think he's harshly judging everyone's looks and demeanor from his unwavering, hawk-like gaze.
in truth, he takes in apperances all at once, in a fraction of a second.
woman of short hair. intact foreign green dress, according to the direction she's coming from she must be entering liyue from sumeru. no recent wounds in sight, her face is flushed from the heating sun. there is no trouble on this road. move on.
lanky man gasping for air as he reaches the peak of a mountain, adventurer's typical uniform. green eyes, black hair. the gloves on his hands ripped from climbing on stone, and his hands have minor scratches. the bandage on his arm is the work of an amateur but would've done the trick to stop bleeding. the cloth isn't soaked in blood, but he can make out the distinctive shape the blade of an arrow makes when nearly piercing flesh. whatever happened, this area is safe. send a minor breeze his way to lead him to a safe path.
the appearances of the people he sees every day are little clues that let him know of any immediate threat to the lands. he's not staring hard at that child because his haircut looks silly, but because for a second he saw a ghost following him. he's not staring at that woman with dulled out eyes because he finds her hot, but because he's feeling the beginnings of the effects of a karmic curse poisoning her soul.
xiao has no preferences, all he sees in people's apperances are traces of what they do and where they come from- he doesn't associate any specific trait of the human body to 'beautiful' or 'ugly'.
peace is beautiful. war is ugly. those are his only definitions.
it's only after you've spent long with him, letting him join you while you fulfill your duties in the city or just to take a stroll, that he starts to understand the concept of beauty as seen by human society.
differents sets of traits are deemed attractive to a majority and each individual will have a different set of traits they deem attractive- beauty is, therefore, in the eye of the beholder no matter how many times a standard is pushed as the only one.
he doesn't understand.
appearances will fade, that perfect and smooth skin will one day turn into fragile wrinkles, that tattoo won't look the same when enough time has passed, that hair will become frail and fall, humans won't look the same forever, there is no use in making such a big deal out of their appearances to the point of feeling miserable about it.
xiao doesn't find any particular trait as attractive.
until you.
due to his nature, he's not going to be immediately mesmerized by your looks, whether you seem overweight or like you have god-like symmetrical proportions everywhere, whether you're tall or average or tiny, none of that matters when he meets you or when he falls for you.
one would think an adeptus like himself would have high standards, but what makes him fall is something as painfully simple as honest, pure understanding and care.
be understanding to him, care for him, hold him on cold and dreary nights, smile for him, share little moments of joy with him, help him carry the weight of his constant grief, let him care for you, let him protect you, and protect his fragile heart.
he will fall for you.
and then, and only then, will he start associating physical traits to the concept of beauty.
beauty is you. you are beauty.
at least to xiao, that is the only logical conclusion.
whether you're confident on your looks or not, to him, it is that simple.
beauty is peace. beauty is you, and all that makes you, you, is beautiful.
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snakepitgunner · 13 days
I am considering it, I have tickets to the London and Manchester shows but they’re not until April so I might send something his way in a few days just to see what’s going on.
A little of everything, I honestly couldn’t concentrate on what he was doing the whole time, he definitely pushed his tongue deep inside me a few times and that made me lose it. When he knew I was gonna cum he’d kinda suck and gently bite and bury his face in me.
His fingers were incredible, he just knew exactly where to go and how fast to go, and he liked to watch his fingers slide in and out, he sucked them and then let me suck them.
When I was on top, and when he took me from behind he asked me to tell him if he was hurting because I’d already told him how big he was. Mostly the whole time he was just really loving and intimate about it, I remember at one point when my ankles were over his shoulders and I was shaking with how good it felt, and he said ‘Yeah? You like that?’ And went even deeper/faster. It was a lot of praise mainly, telling me I was beautiful, and so sexy. (I hate writing this because I sound like I’m blowing my own trumpet).
We talked a little before and I asked him if he wanted me to tie him down like I’d seen him before in his music video and he just laughed and told me he wasn’t really into that stuff.
Once he was comfortable taking me from behind and knew he wasn’t hurting me he did smack my ass a little.
I’m around 5’2, brown hair past my shoulders & brown eyes, pale white- like textbook English doesn’t see the sun😅. I’d say I’m a small pear shape? I don’t know if that type is universal but I have a little tummy that I’m quite self conscious about but Slash loved it, I told him I hated it and he kept squeezing me and even kissed/bit me there. I’m 34B which by his standards id say was small because I know he prefers bigger boobs, but I think his obsession is just boobs in general.
I hope this is okay, sorry the reply took a while, I had to get up early for work.
Did you already have tickets to the shows when you were with him? Was that why he gave you the email to get in touch around that time or did you get them after?
Don't feel weird about talking about how he was praising you. We are all living through you right now. When I say we all want every detail, I'm being serious. My inbox is full of people asking me to get more information out of you. We all love this stuff.
I always imagined him being a dirty talker so the praise thing is really interesting to hear. He has such a gentle voice so that probably made it even better.
You have a little belly doesn't surprise me though. He's been into women who weren't stick thin quite a bit. It's another reason Meegan was such a shock. She is very thin and his history doesn't support that body type.
Feel free to take as much time as you need to reply to these questions. I'm on at random times but also, we'll all wait as long as we have to. Every single one of us is pretending to be you right now, lol.
[Originally posted on February 7, 2024]
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8beats-per-minute · 1 year
‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️MUTANT MAYHEM SPOILERSS ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
Okay now with that out of the way, my thoughts on the movie
I really enjoyed it.
I went to see it with a few friends and one of them made a really good point. They actually act like teenagers. Like yes, it was kinda cringey at some parts but that’s because it sounded like something a teenager would say because teenagers are awkward.
I’ve had very stupid conversations with my friends that sound like the conversations in the movie.
I noticed that this movie did the “teen talk” a lot better than I’m pretty sure all other versions of tmnt (in my opinion), even better than rise I think. Most others sound like adults writing teenagers and it sounds good most of the time but others it sounds weird.
Now for the main reason I made this post: April and Leo.
I was kind of dreading this when I saw in the trailers Leo would be interested in her (2012 April and Donnie flashbacks) but it was well done. I am a bit tired of April being a love interest for the turtles but I think it’s important to include that April is black, plus size and has acne and how Leo described her as “the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen”. Unfortunately the qualities she has aren’t shown very often to be attractive because of bs beauty standards.
It’s late so I can’t fully explain what I’m trying to say so disclaimer in case I didn’t come across this way: I don’t think that being black, plus size or having acne makes you not pretty, you are, just society sometimes says that and society is stupid.
April and Leo are cute together and written well and there is no “one of them is obsessed and the other is leading them on” going on. The fact that they end the movie looking into TCRI is adorable to me. My fav investigator duo.
Also Leo is an absolute dork. The whole phone call scene: “it’s a date then!” “Wait what a date?” “Uhhh *cue fumbling and wrestling for the phone* uhh nothing bad service byeee! Who’s got no rizz now?” Like Leo you are bad at this oh my god. (Again awkward teenager stuff)
And his bothers teasing him was so funny. They did not let that slide and teased him at every opportunity. Classic sibling behaviour
The tease for shredder was fun and I can’t wait to see what they do with him and his backstory.
Best Splinter. I love him so much. I love his whole “hating humans” arc and how he paralleled superfly and how he CHOSE to not be like him.
Both superfly and splinter have a very understandable fear (that turned into hate) of humans and how they both thought that the best way to protect their families were to hold their family too tight.
While splinter hid from the world and his fear pushed him into hiding and laying low, superfly’s fear caused him to lash out and take out his anger in a destructive way.
But splinter getting a girlfriend at the end was so cute he deserves this.
Also side note: why did so many turtles almost get hit by cars in this movie? Specifically Mikey.
He almost got hit in the flashback, then in the garage, then in the final battle with the flying cars. Then Donnie also almost got hit, I think just before they were captured but I’m not sure.
When they had to leave the movie and walked home really sadly and kept looking at the humans longingly I legit almost cried.
I was kind of surprised they ended up actually going to school and everyone was accepting. I thought they’d be like “we don’t need humans to accept us cause we accept ourselves” but I’m glad they got to go to school. They deserve it.
Also April being super upfront with them about if they didn’t save her she’d probably be running screaming was so funny. Also how she was planning to release a story about them while knowing humans probably wouldn’t accept them was a very realistic thing.
I loved April so much by the way. The way she fucking chucked the news mic into the crowd was iconic.
The fight scenes were SOOOO AMAZING I LOVED THEM SO MUCH. The splitting between the 4 (I think) fights at the same time and every other fight scene were so well done. Them figuring out that they skills they learned for years actually work in a fight and how they’re awesome at it was adorable to watch. And the way in the beginning how they were using their skills to steal get groceries was great.
All the turtles up from every version are good fighters (in their own ways) but these versions are definitely up there with how skilled and how well they work as a team. Love them.
AND THE TURTLES SHARING A ROOM AND BUNK BEDS WAS ADORABLE. It’s so funny cause later they were like “yea we have so much space to hold the 6 or 7 other mutants in our house on short notice we have lots of space!” Which means they chose to share a room with is adorable and a little bit unrealistic lol.
It seemed like a pretty realistic movie and I have bullet points of the least realistic parts (excluding the mutant animals cause duh). And this is just me being picky lol, I still loved this movie and these are just jokes.
The fact that they wrote nice things on aprils locker at the end of the movie
(Pointed out by my friend). She went from being puke girl to April O’hero. They would probably stop teasing her since she was friends with the most popular kids in the city but the 2 most likely outcomes would be
1. They just stopped and then left the insults on there, maybe scratched them out
2. Wiped off the locker and never spoke of it again
No one writes nice things on other peoples lockers lol
The boys want to share a room
I guarantee if 4 teenage brothers had a choice between sharing bunk beds and each having their own rooms, they’d have their own rooms.
Imagine arguing with your sibling and you don’t have your own room to sulk and avoid them? By choice??? People need their own spaces. No matter how much I love my siblings if I shared a room with them it’d be chaos.
There would be one prank done in that room to one of their beds and that’d be the end of the shared room lol
The fact that everyone unquestionably liked them (especially at school)
Kids are assholes. That’s it.
AGAIN this is just things I thought were unrealistic in a funny way, it’s a kids movie so it’s not that deep.
This was definitely one of my favourite versions of tmnt (I haven’t seen all of them but still). It was a good mix of serious and goofy and I liked it a lot. I recommend seeing it, I want to watch it again lol
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sea-moon-star · 6 months
17 || CHS
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Pairing: Vernon x f.reader
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Friends to Lovers, First Love, Fluff, Slice of life
WC: 1k
Summary: On your wedding day to Vernon, you flashback to the day you first met him, back when you were classmates in school & how you fell in love at first sight. This chronicles your fluffy, at times angsty love story from your meet cute till the day of your wedding.
A/N: True Story (almost), inspired by the song 17 by Pink Sweat$ & SVT 🌊🌙⭐️
Walking down the aisle in a white gown while keeping my eyes trained on my groom, was as easy as breathing in a hyperbaric chamber. But it shouldn't have been, not when I hated being the center of attention, not when I wore high heels that threatened to break my fall, not when breathing itself was hard with me being an asthmatic, yet against all odds, he made everything easier by simply being present. Being in love is often described as having your breath taken away but with him, it was like he gave me the breath of life. Chwe Hansol was like a breath of fresh air in my suffocating existence. Every time, I'd been gasping for air, he'd been there, keeping me alive, I still remembered the first time we'd met like it was yesterday.
"I wanna love you as strong, when we're 92 the same as 17."
Chapter 1 - 17
Shifting to a new school was something I'd always dreaded. But I had the practice, given that my dad had a job that kept sending him on projects across the world and this was my 7th school in many years. But this one mattered more than the rest, this is where I'd do my high school, that part of my school life that was romanticized beyond my imagination. But it was nothing like the books, movies, songs had told me it would be.
Shifting to a new country meant no one spoke in English, everyone spoke in Korean even though the teaching took place in English in this so called fancy international school in Seoul which I'd been assured was the best of the best. But here I was, back to crying in bathroom stalls, eating lunch alone and being bullied and excluded by the class for being an outsider. They hated me for scoring straight A's without realizing that studying was my only constant in a childhood where I kept shifting cities and losing friends, for not being beautiful enough as per Korean standards without understanding what steroids do to a child suffering from a chronic illness and they hated me because all the adults loved me, not knowing that when they praised me for being so mature for a child my age, I didn't take it as a compliment but a consequence of having lived through trauma.
So naturally, I did the only thing that made sense to me, I studied through the day, cried myself to sleep at night. If it wasn't bad enough that I was being troubled by the students, there was a teacher who took pleasure in making my life harder. The swim coach made it her life's mission to humiliate me because I couldn't swim in the deep end like the others, though she refused to give any instructions in English, I had to not only try to comprehend and follow her Korean instructions but it also meant I couldn't explain my asthma to her because she wouldn't give me any time of her day. I was trying my best to pick up swimming, to push myself to my best but it was never enough for her. Until the day when it time for the swim practicals and despite my many refusals, she wanted everyone to swim from the deep end. None of the students helped me as I tried to explain in my broken Korean that I couldn't pull this off and the coach assumed I was just being lazy and making excuses. She ended up doing what she did with any student who she thought needed to learn a lesson, she pushed me unsuspectingly into the pool, expecting me to just swim my way out of it. And I tried, I promise you I did. But it simply wasn't enough, and sure enough I started drowning somewhere around the 9ft mark.
At first, I started flailing reflexively but somewhere in the back of my mind, the thought that it wouldn't be so bad to give up made it's home and I stopped trying. I hated my life, I wanted the pain to stop so this wasn't a bad idea was it? It would be so easy to just let go. Except just as I made up my mind to give up, I felt an iron clad grip on my wrist, refusing to let go. Next thing I knew I was coughing up water & back on dry land, the first thing I heard was his deep voice arguing with the teacher in Korean, I could barely get the gist but turned out that he was defending me in front the teacher. He seemed to have put 2 & 2 together from the class in panic had confessed that they knew I had asthma but refused to tell the teacher this because they thought it would've been fun to watch me suffer. I couldn't explain the surge of warmth I felt at the fact that someone was finally standing up for me, when I couldn't. But the next thing he did, made me break down entirely, I didn't believe in love at first sight but I was a goner right then & there.
He turned to me with his tender gaze, "Are you okay? I'm so sorry about what happened. I promise I'll speak to my father about it, he's on the school board. You'll be okay, but for now let's just get you to the school nurse okay? Do you feel okay to stand up?? Can you walk?" At first, I thought the lack of oxygen had messed up my brain, he was just speaking in fluent Korean then how was I understanding him so perfectly? Until, it struck me that he'd switched to english, the words slipping off his tongue like it was second nature. I couldn't believe it, finally, I had someone who understood me, someone who saw me for who I was. Nothing felt better than telling him, "Thank you, thank you for saving my life." Because he had, not just literally but even metaphorically. And in that moment, I could already picture our future- shaking hands and becoming friends at the nurse's office, library study hangs that soon became date nights, our first kiss after he scored the winning goal at the football match, dancing under the stars during prom night as the DJ played, "17 by Pink Sweats & SVT" and recreating that moment by playing the same song, as I walked down my wedding aisle a decade later.
"We'll be dancing the same groove, when we're 92, the same as 17."
To Be Continued... 🌊🌙⭐️
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namor-shuri · 1 year
Your tags on my venn diagram post are gold and should be a fic.
LMAOOO not me forgetting y’all read my tags 😭 Look, your venn diagram is accurate af and I really hope you bless us with more. The world wants to see these talented men come together and team up on a project [or in my case, tag team me]. But hey, I support both scenarios. Your fic comment got me thinking “what if I actually wrote a fantasy, porn without plot one shot about them?” So then I attempted it [HEAVY on attempt because I haven’t written a fic before 🥲] But here goes nothing *gulps*. Hope you like it op! @scruffylookingpiratecaptain 💗 *deletes my entire account and moves across state lines afterwards* lol
- - - - - - - - x x x - - - - - - - -
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Gael Bernal Diego Luna Tenoch Huerta Pedro Pascal Oscar Isaac
“I want to fuck like we’re filming in the valley.”
**Warnings/ Disclaimers: NSFW, 18+, group sex, language, fiction [this is only intended to be fantasy], porn without plot**
We have a routine down. They stop by my apartment Friday night, fuck me, we eat together, and then they leave. Repeat. No cuddles. No pillow talk. No strings attached. No bullshit. Just straight fucking. I would be lying through my teeth if I said I didn’t develop feelings somewhere along the way for each and every one of them, but I’ll take that to my grave.
It wasn’t always like this.
It first started off with just Tenoch and I. We met one another through a drunk threesome one night after a friend’s birthday party. We instantly clicked and he quickly learned how to turn me on. The man could make me cum round after round till I forgot my first and last name. He knew all the right buttons to push and he got me hooked on him quickly. His dick game drove me insane and I hated that it admittedly elevated my standards for any man who was blessed to be entangled in my sheets. We became a casual “friends with benefits” type of a situation until one day he wanted to spice things up between us.
“Have you ever had sex with more than one guy at the same time?” He asks me out of the blue while we chill at a nearby cafe.
To my surprise, he wanted to add more guys to the mix. I wasn’t opposed to the idea but was honestly a little concerned at first.
“I want to watch other guys fuck you while I take part. That would be so fucking hot, you know? And I promise you would be safe, no funny business. I know these guys. They’re good guys, trust me. What do you think?”
Call me a whore. Lonely. Bored. A pick me. A girl with daddy issues. Some twenty-something big tit wide-eyed naive bitch finding intimacy in all the wrong places. Whatever. I could care less. I don’t need the judgement from my girlfriends, friends, family, or coworkers and I sure as hell don’t need it from you. The only thing that was running through my mind in that very moment was having an adventure and so I kept our little arrangement to myself. No one has to know.
I sipped my drink watching him over the rim of my cup. He met my gaze with those curious eyes of his like he was trying to read my mind. I looked down and smirked, finally swallowing.
“I’m in.”
Like clockwork, Tenoch always came by my apartment first. I opened the door to the sight of this goober holding a pack of beers and striking a funny pose with damp curls. He must of showered before heading over because he smelled heavenly.
“Hey beautiful.” He kissed my forehead then waltzed right in, draping his stuff over a nearby chair.
We made small talk about his shit boss and how she underpays her staff. “And now she’s doing layoffs!” In this economy?? I crack open a couple of beers for us and hear the doorbell ring. “Tenoch, can you get that?” Diego and Oscar are here. Funny enough, they live in another apartment complex only a couple of streets down. What are the odds, right? Shockingly it’s not weird, but hopefully it stays that way.
Tenoch throws a movie on while I pop open a bag of chips Oscar brought over. Gael swings by next and as always, without fail, Pedro comes last. Hours later, I might add!
“Sorry for the delay guys, I had an emergency come up.”
We all boo him in unison while Tenoch throws a cheeto at his head.
“I don’t deserve this abuse! I promise I have a good excuse this time.” Pedro chuckles, dodging another chip successfully.
Yeah don’t feel bad for him. This fucker always has an “emergency”. He couldn’t be on time if his actual life depended on it.
“Blah blah blah. Just hurry up and sit down. You’re interrupting an important part of the movie dipshit. Mulan is meeting Mushu.” Oscar excitedly motions him over to the couch like we all haven’t seen this masterpiece 50+ times already.
I giggle and look around at everyone enjoying themselves. I have a lot of fun with them. I mean outside of our little scheduled orgy we got going on, I truly enjoy their companionship. I know they have my back and I have theirs. I wouldn’t dare be sappy and say this out loud but I love these guys and would do anything for them.
What’s wild to me is even though we have made this a routine by now, they still get shy around me before we start. No one wants to make me feel uncomfortable and I appreciate that more than they’ll ever know, but someone has to have the balls to make the first move. Thankfully, Diego does. He starts to massage the back of my neck while we all laugh at Mushu screaming “dishonor on you, dishonor on your cow!” He looks over at me and notices me purr in approval. While his hand works out the kinks in my neck, he leans in and sensually kisses the side of my neck licking all the way up to my earlobe, catching it in between his teeth. He whispers sweet nothings in my ear about how gorgeous I am and how he can satisfy me better than any of these so called “men” here. I know it’s all for the fantasy factor but fuck does it turn me on. Only I can hear his ramblings and that gets me even hotter. He invades my personal space and breathes me in deep. I tilt my head and expose my throat to him like a cat on it’s back surrendering. Mark me, Diego. I start to squirm in my seat. I can feel my wetness already pooling in my panties.
My whimpers play over the movie and Oscar proceeds to join in on the fun. He directs my attention towards him and softly cups my cheek before going in for a blistering kiss. I close my eyes and let him lick into my mouth greedily. I surrender to his demanding touch while Diego starts to leave a trail of hickeys from my neck down to my clavicle.
Gael gets up from the other side of the couch and kneels down in front of me. He carefully unties my shoes and slips off my socks. He starts to caress my legs and massage my feet, looking up at me with heat behind his eyes. I watch his eyes shift to peek underneath my skirt. I’m trying to get friction to my clit by grinding my thighs together but Gael holds my legs in place with a strong grip. He then slides his hands slowly up my thighs till he gets to his destination. He hooks his finger over the top of my lingerie and brings them down one inch at a time, leaving a trail of hot kisses along the way.
I shutter as the air immediately exposes my wetness, revealing my sweet arousal. Gael finally slips my panties off and takes in its dampness. Oscar distracts me by gliding his hand over my breasts till he settles on my neck, roughly gripping my throat while he licks up into my ear.
I yelp.
“Be gentle.” Tenoch possessively asserts while he comes over and starts to pull his shirt over his head, exposing his happy trail and tattoo.
“Calm down. I’m only doing what the slut likes.” Oscar counters, looking over at Tenoch with a challenging stare before directing his sexual frustration back to me.
“Isn’t that right, baby? I want to hear you beg for Daddy.” He taunts while I make eye contact with him through submissive eyes. I’m thoroughly turned on right now and he knows it. Oscar’s tight grip on my neck is sending me over the edge and I want more. I need more. His authority is sending waves of pleasure through out my entire body and my hair raises on my arms. My pierced nipples start to harden and peak through my shirt and a wave of desire goes straight to my cunt.
Diego ceases to kiss my shoulder and looks down at my pebbled flesh.
“Well, would you look at that. Our brat likes to be choked.”
Diego goes to undress my top half and unclasps my bra with a swiftness. My breasts spill out of their cups one by one and he fondles one nipple as he laps up the other in his mouth eagerly. My breath hitches. I bite my lip, holding in a strangled noise.
Pedro moves over to my line of vision and begins to unbotton his pants in front of me, giving me a show. He starts touching himself as we lock eyes and creates a mess in his jeans. He whips out his exuding member and I shamelessly stare, taking in all of its glory. He watches me watch him and delights in the attention. This fucker.
“You like what you see, sweetheart? It’s all yours, just be a good girl and open your mouth wide for me.”
I love it when he calls me his good girl and tells me what to do. He doesn’t repeat himself twice. Ever. Whatever Pedro wants, Pedro gets. I pay the consequence if I misbehave. But God, do I love misbehaving.
I don’t budge one inch and go to kiss Oscar, dismissing Pedro’s very existence. That sets him off. Mission accomplished.
“Alright, play times over Princess.” he snarls.
Pedro yanks me away from Diego and Oscar by my hair and forces me forward to the edge of the couch, bringing me at eye level with his hardened cock. He holds my head firm in place as he steadily rubs his throbbing wood over my lips, painting them with his pre-cum. His breath goes ragged and his composure quickly diminishes. He wants this badly, but so do I. Pedro shoves his dick past my lips to the back of my throat without warning and I can see his pupils blow from his dominance over me. He tastes like sea salt and musk. I bring my hands up to grip his shaft and brace myself on his waist, sliding back and forth. He’s rough with me and forces me all the way down till my nose touches his pubes. I gag and my eyes starts to water. He finally releases his grip on me, and I exhale and spit on his dick. I go in for seconds and savor the taste, licking circles around his sensitive tip.
“Ah, just like that.” He affirms, letting his head fall back.
Everyone moves to claim a piece of my flesh to grab, squeeze, suck or fuck. I aspire to be their personal fuck toy to use and abuse for their own selfish gain. Is that too much to ask for?
Oscar repositions me on the couch so that I’m flat on my back as I resume sucking Pedro off. He pushes my skirt up out of the way and coats his fingers with saliva. He begins to slick up my folds, steadily working his way into my tight entrance. “Look at you.” He coos. He kneels down and without hesitation shoves his face into my juices and begins to devour me whole. He licks a line from my tight asshole to my sopping pussy lips and engulfs my clit with his large tongue. He hums around it, sending a wave of vibration to my core.
I loudly moan with Pedro’s penis down my throat, generating a low growl from him. I take him out of my mouth and start to plead as Oscar relentlessly works my sensitive clit with no sign of letting up. He sets my body aflame with little to no effort and it’s truly diabolical.
Tenoch comes to my side and begins to gently massage my breasts, bending down and taking one nipple in his mouth while he jerks himself off. Oscar prys my legs open to stop me from squirming. The overwhelming sensation of his scruff on my bundle of nerves is killing me and the mix of pain and pleasure is intoxicating. Gael grabs my calf and begins to suck my toes, one by one while touching himself. He closes his eyes and takes his time savoring them greedily. He sucks and sucks like he’s making love to them and perverted noises start to fill up the room. My body riddles with ecstasy and the heat in my lower belly grows.
Diego squeezes some lube on his hand and continues to jerk himself off while watching this provocative scene unfold in front of him. He comes over to my side and replaces his hand with mine on his leaking erection. I slowly jerk him off while not breaking eye contact with him.
I can feel my arousal taking over. My brain is having trouble functioning and focusing on one particular thing at once. I am incoherent. I know I definitely heard my phone go off three separate times by now. Mulan is already beating Shan Yu’s ass on the roof. My AC unit turned off about an hour ago and it’s hot as shit in here. But none of these distractions matter to me right now. My ears tune into the sweet symphony of their joint moans and hisses, while I witness their hungry eyes fixate on me, mouths slightly parted in a fucked out bliss. The air is thick with sweat, sex and sin.
I come to and feel Oscar between my legs as I jerk Diego off with purpose while Pedro tilts my head towards him and fucks into my mouth, panting with each thrust. I create a tight vacuum, swallowing him with intense suction that my lips create a *pop* sound when I let go. He curses under his breath in satisfaction.
Tenoch breaks things up and takes control. He grabs hold of me and tears me away from everyone’s touch. He picks me up with one arm and lays back on the couch’s sweaty surface before positioning me on top of him. I straddle his waist and lean down for a kiss, exchanging fluids in a raunchy french kiss. He matches my energy and sucks on my tongue. Fuck, he’s such a freak. We continue to make out as he reaches over my ass and rubs my entrance in a circular motion, slowly dragging his thick digits along my folds. Tenoch replaces his fingers with his slick dick and coats his penis in my juices before tapping himself on my clit. Oscar prepared me for the taking and Tenoch is about to have his way with me. His thick cock promptly slides right into my walls and we moan in each other’s mouths. I’m convinced my vagina was made to please him. I try and adjust to his thickness, slowly making room for his size. My greedy cunt eventually swallows him whole. He gasps in approval. I dig my nails into his big chest as I begin to ride him, throwing my head back. Oscar promptly grabs my neck from behind and whispers nasty shit in my ear while I take Tenoch’s cock like a good girl. Tenoch holds onto my waist with a bruising grip, displaying his possessiveness over me. He sits up on one elbow and sucks my sensitive nipples, playing with my piercing with his tongue in a circle motion. My cunt flutters around him, making him buck.
Goosebumps break out all over my skin as a chill runs down my spine. I whine loudly, succumbing to my pleasure in waves. The sounds of Tenoch’s dick slamming into my tight hole as my ass cheeks hit his pelvis is delicious and it makes me wetter each thrust. He’s giving it to me so good right now but Oscar decides to test how much I can truly take at once.
He cups my ass and halts my bouncing. Tenoch’s member slowly slides out. He grabs my cheeks and spreads me wide, admiring the stretch of my asshole and vagina with his tight grip. Oscar leans in and dips his tongue in and out of both holes, indulging in my natural taste. He pulls back and spits on my tight asshole. He sucks his thumb first before bringing his slick finger to my hole, spreading his spit in a circular motion. Oscar deepens the pressure until his thumb successfully slides in.
A raspy moan leaves my lips and I cry out.
“Mmmm I know baby, I know. Daddy knows what to do.“ He confidently mutters between pants. He’s so turned on right now.
He spits on his pointer and middle finger next, slipping in two digits and stretching me out. His calculated process is driving me crazy and my thighs tremble around Tenoch’s waist. I gasp and stop sucking and jerking off Pedro and Diego, focusing on my breathing.
“Don’t be greedy Oscar, there’s enough of her to go around.” Tenoch gripes, assisting in spreading my cheeks to give Oscar better access. I whimper in anticipation.
Oscar continues to work open my hole with a squirt of lube, fucking me with his fingers until he deems I’m ready for his thick shaft. I grow impatient.
“Ah…f-fuck me Oscar, please. I need you!”
Pedro starts to laugh.
“Stop playing with your food Oscar. The lady is getting tired of you.”
“I thought you like when Daddy plays with you, baby.” Oscar taunts before spontaneously slapping both of my ass cheeks one by one, again and again and again. Left. Right. Left. Right. He spanks me so hard that the pain becomes unbearable. Tenoch proceeds to choke me, holding my neck in place. I scream but no sound comes out. My voice is hoarse from sucking and fucking. Gael ducks down and starts to suck on my nipple while twisting the other between two fingers, playing with its jewelry.
Once he deems me ready, Oscar takes his throbbing wood in hand and aligns his coated head with my stretched hole. He grabs some lube one last time, lathers me up and slides in. He takes his time to make sure he doesn’t hurt me but I want it now. He relishes in my tightness and cusses under his breath. Tenoch licks his fingers and lubricates my pussy with his saliva before re-entering me. My eyes roll back with the overstimulation of being filled to the brim. They start to move together in unison and I resume bouncing on both Tenoch’s and Oscar’s dicks together. Oscar looks down, watching himself go in and out of my ass, cheeks bouncing back on his pelvis and jiggling. He bites his lip from the glorious sight.
“Fuck y-your so tight…ah-“ They both rant together.
Sounds of skin slapping skin echo throughout my entire apartment and Oscar steadily grips my shoulder while Tenoch grabs my waist. I feel like I am being split in two as my holes stretch and adjust to being double penetrated. A bitch is on cloud nine and I can barely string two sentences together. They are deep in my guts and I think I’m going to black out from the overwhelming sensation. This is a ride I never want to get off of. Tenoch picks up the pace and fucks up into me with no mercy while Oscar follows suit. He looks determined, sweat dripping down his forehead. Tenoch gawks at my bouncing breasts in his face, matching the fast pace. He reaches down and thumbs my clit.
My orgasm is on the rise and I can feel my climax is near.
“Daddy, I’m….I’m close!” I moan.
Gael lets go of my breast and runs to grab my vibrator from my bedroom. He turns it to the setting I like and places it close to Tenoch’s groan so that it’s touching my clit at the right angle. He looks up at me as my mouth falls open. I’m slowly becoming undone and can’t hold on any longer.
Diego makes the split decision to get up on the couch and position himself in line to face fuck me. He holds my hair as I bounce and proceeds to have his way with me. I moan around his dick as spit pools and drips down my chin. Pedro leans down and fondles a breast while biting one nipple just the way I like it.
It was truly a sight to see. A real group effort. The one group project where everybody wins. My question is why didn’t we think to film any of this and post it to porn sites world wide or only fans and make millions?? You should have seen us! We fucked like real professionals. I could see it now: “Sexy whore takes 5 big cocks like a champ” as the title. Hmmm. Now that I think about it, we would have probably ran into some copyright issues with Mulan playing in the background. The “A girl worth fighting for” song blasting at full volume was a nice touch though.
I feel myself choking on his penis and Diego reminds me to breath through my nostrils as he shoves my head forward. He yanks me off of his dick to give me a second to breath and a string of saliva connects from my lips to his tip. He slaps me a bit and roughly grabs my cheeks. Diego leans in for a sloppy kiss and purrs “that’s my fucking slut.” He’s genuinely proud of me.
“Now suck!” He demands and plunges back into my mouth without any hesitation. He’s pumping me so fucking good while his thrusts start to become sporadic and his breath goes ragged. I know he’s close. He slips his throbbing dick out of my mouth and readjusts so that I give his neglected balls some lovin. He bites his lip in approval.
“I’m cumming…I’m cu-“ Tenoch goes silent as he spills his hot seed deep into my swollen pussy. My vagina pulses around him as I feel him paint my walls. I shake involuntarily as he comes down off of his high. His dick slides out of me and goes limp, while his seed leaks down my thigh. He lays there catching his breath as everyone continues to use me for their own satisfaction. He watches me bounce on top of him as Oscar continues to pound me from behind.
I quickly follow suit and climax hard, squirting all over Tenoch with Oscar deep in my ass, Pedro sucking my nipple rings hard, Gael rubbing my clit with my vibrator on high and Diego stuffing his balls in my mouth.
Everyone let’s go of me for a second as I buckle and grip Tenoch’s chest before completely collapsing on top of him. All of my energy leaves my body. He catches me in his arms and caresses my back, making sure I’m okay. He kisses my forehead and I feel his chest rise and fall.
Once my breath evens out, I look up and see everyone staring at me with concern. The Mulan end credits continue to roll on the TV. I sheepishly look around and immediately get shy in front of them for the first time.
“So…..round two?”
- - - - - - - - x x x - - - - - - - -
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x-ceirios-x · 29 days
City of Lost Souls, Chapter 8: Fire Tests Gold
please see the masterlist for notes about this series/collection of works
Isabelle emerged in an alien landscape. A deep green plain swept out before her under a lowering gray-black sky. She pulled up the hood of her gear and peered out, fascinated. She had never seen such a great, overarching expanse of sky, or such a vast plain—it was shimmering, jewel-toned, the shade of moss. As Isabelle took a step forward, she realized it was moss, growing on and around the back rocks scattered across the cool colored earth. 
“It’s a volcanic plain,” Jocelyn said. She was standing beside Isabelle, and the wind was pulling red-gold strands out of her tightly-pinned bun. She looked so much like Clary, it was eerie. “These were lava beds once. The whole area is probably volcanic to some degree. Working with adamas, the Sisters need incredible heat for their forges.”
“You’d think it would be a little warmer, then,” Isabelle muttered. 
Andy appeared on her opposite side. When she glanced her way, she noticed the wide grin spread across her face. Her cheeks and nose were red from the cool wind, though she shined like she couldn’t be happier. “I think it’s beautiful,” she said, taking in the scenery. “There was a time I wanted to be an Iron Sister, you know.”
Isabelle looked at her with wide eyes. “Really? How come you haven’t?”
She smirked. “Me? A vow of celibacy? You’re joking.” With that, she strode off, down the hill, toward, what she assumed was, the Citadel. 
“Sometimes you two are both so much like your parents, it astounds me,” Jocelyn said. “Her with Stephen, you with your mother.”
“I take that as a compliment.” Isabelle narrowed her eyes. No one insulted her family. 
“It wasn’t meant as an insult.”
Isabelle kept her eyes on the horizon as she walked, where the dark sky met the jewel-green ground. “How well did you know my parents?”
Jocelyn gave her a quick sideways look. “Well enough, when we were all in Idris together. I hadn’t seen them for years until recently.”
“Did you know them when they got married?”
The path Andy began to take had begun to slant uphill, and as they followed, Jocelyn’s words became slightly breathless. “Yes.”
“Were they…in love?”
Jocelyn stopped short and turned to look at Isabelle. “Isabelle, what is this about?”
“Love?” Isabelle suggested after a moment’s pause. She thought of Tony, whose parents were disgustingly in love still, even into their older age. Older by Shadowhunter standards, she guessed. His father’s hair was graying and his mother’s smile joined by extra lines on her cheeks. Even then, she thought of Aric, who had never stopped loving his late wife. She wondered if her parents were ever that in love. 
“I don’t know why you think I’d be an expert on that.”
“Well, you managed to keep Luke around for his whole life, basically, before you agreed to marry him. That’s impressive. I wish I had that kind of power over a guy.”
“You do,” Andy said, having turned back to join the two of them. “I’ve seen it. It’s something special.”
She scoffed. “Like you can talk.”
Andy smiled at her; it was a soft sort of smile that reminded Isabelle of an older sister about to impart wonderful wisdom on her younger siblings. “I flirt and I entertain, dear, but I’ve never had a man fall in love with me the way I’ve seen one love you.”
“One?” she asked incredulously. “What are you talking about?”
She just smiled at her. Jocelyn pushed her hands up through her hair and Isabelle felt a little jolt. For all that Jocelyn looked like her daughter, her thin long hands, flexible and delicate, were Sebastian’s. Isabelle remembered slicing one of those hands off, in a valley in Idris, her whip cutting through skin and bone. She remembered, that same night, watching Rowan struggle to break from his grasp around their neck as they tried to breathe, and how she felt when she realized they might not all make it out of their duel with Sebastian alive. 
“Neither of your parents are perfect because no one is,” she said, turning to Andy; her jaw set at the mention of her parents. “Yours were manipulated and wounded by a man who everyone mistakenly put too much faith in. And Isabelle—” she turned her way, now— “yours have just lost a child. So if this is about your father staying in Idris—”
“My father cheated on my mother,” Isabelle blurted out, and nearly covered her own mouth with her hand. She had kept this secret, kept it for years, and to say it out loud to Jocelyn and Andy seemed like a betrayal, despite everything. She wondered if Andy would tell Alec, or Jace, if they ever found him. 
Jocelyn’s face changed. It held sympathy now. “I know.”
Andy covered her mouth with her hand silently. Isabelle took a sharp breath. “Does everyone know?”
Jocelyn shook her head. “No. A few people. I was…in a privileged position to know. I can’t say more than that.”
“Who was it?” Isabelle demanded. “Who did he cheat on her with?”
“It was no one you know, Isabelle—”
“You don’t know who I know!” Isabelle’s voice rose. Her mind whirled with the names of every Shadowhunter she knew. “And stop saying my name that way, like I’m a little kid.”
“It’s not my place to tell you,” Jocelyn said flatly, and began to walk again. 
She surged forward, but Andy caught her arm. “Isabelle,” she said, catching her attention before she could scramble off after Jocelyn. “Hey—I don’t know if it’s a good idea—”
Isabelle snapped. “Don’t act like you’re some savior for me now because you decided to be nice to me!”
Her expression hardened. “Don’t act like you’re the only person whose father made some terrible choices about his relationships,” she said, her tone darkening. She took a deep breath to calm herself and spoke again. “I understand your anger. It's not going to get you anywhere.”
“You’re telling me,” she grumbled. 
“Isabelle,” Andy said with a sigh, her eyes boreing into her. “I wanted to hate Jace in the beginning because he was the product of how badly my father had hurt my mother. I realized it wasn’t fair on him, but it was almost too late when I did. I could have gone my entire life without knowing my brother.”
She asked impatiently, “What is your point, Andy?”
Andy placed her hand on her shoulder. “Don’t make my stupid mistakes,” she said. “Answers won’t get you anywhere. Mine just made me more angry.”
Before Isabelle could respond, she turned on her heel and trekked up the hill, following Jocelyn. She didn’t understand her situation—she’d only been at the Institute a few months, and before then, she had no idea any of them existed. Their paths would never have crossed if Clary had never snuck off to Idris. Their situations were entirely different—but were they? She looked ahead and watched as Andy and Jocelyn chatted amongst themselves. In the time she’d known her, Isabelle had never understood why Clary insisted that Andy really was a good person; she was ‘just a little rough around the edges’. She hadn’t believed it, but maybe this was what she meant. It was unwarranted advice, sure, but something to consider nonetheless. She stuffed her hands in her pockets and followed along, a few feet behind them. 
The path took a steeper turn upward, a wall of green rising to meet the thunderous sky. They reached the top of the ridge, and somehow, in front of them, a fortress had sprung like a fast-moving flower out of the ground. It was carved out of white-silver adamas, reflecting the cloud-streaked sky. Towers topped with Electrum reached towards the sky, and the fortress was surrounded by a single all, also of adamas, in which was set a single gate, formed of two great blades plunged into the ground at angles, so that they resembled a monstrous pair of scissors. 
“The Adamant Citadel,” Jocelyn said. 
“Thanks,” Isabelle said. “I figured that out.”
Jocelyn made a noise that Isabelle was familiar with form her own parents. Isabelle was pretty sure it was parent-speak for “Teenagers”. Andy seemed not to hear them; instead, her eyes were fixated on the Citadel ahead of them. A soft smile spread across her face as Jocelyn set off down the hill. 
“Maybe this is what Clary sees all the time when she wants to paint,” she said. “It’s beautiful.”
Isabelle followed her eyes, looking down at the gate. “In a sort of way, I guess,” she said. “You really love this stuff, don’t you?”
Andy turned to her, and if it weren’t for her standing so close, she wouldn’t have noticed the tear trying to escape from her eye. “I’ve been tinkering with weapons since as early as I can remember,” she said with a sad sort of smile on her face. “It was something I used to do with…someone I loved, and it helped me a lot after she died. It's always something I’ve been passionate about.”
“I wouldn’t blame you if you snuck off to explore for a little while,” Isabelle said. “I’ll lie to Jocelyn for you.” 
Andy snickered and wiped the corner of her eye. “No, no—don’t do that,” she said, though she looked like she would have considered it for a moment. “But I appreciate it.”
They two continued down the hill, watching the Citadel ahead of them, when Isabelle suddenly ran into Jocelyn’s arm stuck out in front of her. They were standing on an outcropping of rock. In front of her, the earth dropped away into a vast chasm, at the bottom of which boiled a river of red-gold lava, encircling the fortress. Across the chasm, much too far to jump—even for a Shadowhunter—was the only visible entrance to the fortress, a closed drawbridge. 
“Some things,” said Jocelyn, “are not as simple as they first appear.”
Andy shot her a look behind Jocelyn’s back that would have made her laugh if Jocelyn wasn’t still looking at her. Tired of their antics, Jocelyn sighed. “I hope someone taught you both the proper method of approaching the Adamant Citadel,” she said. “After all, it is open to all female Shadowhunters in good standing with the Clave.”
“I did my own reading,” Andy said with a sigh. Isabelle wondered why she seemed to know so much about the Iron Sisters, but that her mother hadn’t taught her much. She didn’t know much about Amatis Herondale, though, and couldn’t pin all the blame on her. Isabelle wracked her brain for what Hodge had taught her and Rowan at a young age. Only those with Nephilim blood…
Andy took a step forward and pulled a dagger off of her belt. She, carefully. Though without wincing, cut across the palm of her hand. “Ignis aurum probat,” she said, raising her hand over the chasm. Blood ran from the cut, a ruby stream that splattered into the chasm below. There was a flash of blue light and a creaking noise. The drawbridge was slowly lowering. She wiped the blade on her gear and slid it back into place. 
“Do you know what that means?” asked Jocelyn, her eyes on the lowering bridge. 
“The motto?” Andy asked. Any cheerfulness that had been in her voice a moment ago had left it. She looked incredibly serious, like some switch had flipped in her that prevented her from being the bitchy, arrogant sorority girl she usually acted like, or the sweet, advice-giving older sister type she’d been a minute ago. Her jaw set as the drawbridge lowered before them. “Fire tests gold.”
“Right,” said Jocelyn, unmoved by such a dynamic change in Andy. “They don’t just mean forges and metalwork. They mean that adversity tests one’s strength of character. In difficult times, in dark times, some people shine.”
“Maybe that’s why my mother always used to say I shined brighter than the sun,” Andy said flatly before stalking off, her heeled boots soundless on the drawbridge. 
“I agree,” Isabelle muttered as she watched her. “I’m sick of dark and difficult times. Maybe I don’t want to shine.”
“If you’re anything like your mother,” said Jocelyn with a sigh, though she didn’t look at Isabelle. She wasn’t sure which of the two of them she was talking to. “You won’t be able to help it.”
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hezele · 29 days
Wyll, the rockerboy (cyberpunk au)
I swear this isn’t me pushing my bard!wyll agenda (it totally is).
His role in his father corp would have mostly been media and schmoozing with various business associates. Then he gets fired. Now he goes around helping people with a little bit of solo skills and a little bit of netrunning skills, but his main tool is the inspiration and message he sends to the people of the city, and the hope he gives to those down on their luck. He'd absolutely be a punk rocker saying fuck the system and fuck the corpos.
He himself is still trapped under a corporations thumb, but no one can know about it. If the people he helped knew, they would distrust him and see him as a poser. The only reason Mizora doesn't fully use this to torment Wyll is she doesn't want too many people knowing either. Corps hire plenty of gangers or less than legal mercs for jobs, but its kept on the DL for proprieties sake. The main thing that eats Wyll up is not that he is trapped in this contract, but that he feels everything he's built his image on is a lie, that he is a fraud. When Mizora forces him to have visible cyberware installed that labels him as a corpos grunt, he feels as though that has all come to light.
His dad has ties and ins with alot of places. Probably some kind of political role but with strong corporate and military backing because a title doesn’t mean power in this setting. Might be high up in militech or another powerful military/policing based corp. Mizora is from a rival corporation and manipulates Wyll into working for her. His dad doesn’t see the manipulation and abuse, he only sees betrayal, so he publicly and legally disowns his son.
Wyll probably has some kind of tech installed that Mizora has control over. She could kill him or torture him by messing with its functionality. Wyll got it installed because he felt he needed it to help people who were in trouble. But it’s wound up being another thing that binds him to the very people he’s fighting.
Wylls public image is he’s left corps behind him and is now a merc/rockerboy. Taking jobs to help people even when he knows he won’t be compensated and playing punk music about social issues. His secret is that he’s still bound to corps through Mizora and has to do the work she assigns him.
He’s not too keen on lots of cyberware but one of his eyes is and she has control over it. And can spy in on him whenever she wants. The rest of his ware isn’t visible, until he disobeys her and refuses to bring Karlach in. Then he’s paralyzed but not sedated and she gives him a bunch of cyberware (borgware maybe? Not sure) He’s awake and can feel everything the entire operation.
If Wyll is given borgware then Mizora has some borgware herself but none that’s visible unless she want it to be. She has retractable nails, cosmetic face plates that can be altered or removed, etc. when she wants to play nice she looks like the epitome of someone who has enough money to follow all the cosmetic trends and beauty standards. When she’s angry or wanting to intimidate she lets her claws come out, her rows of camera like eyes unfold, etc. it’s when she does this that a keen observer could match the scar patterns on Wylls face to the way the blades of her fingers slightly curve to a sharp point.
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you see me - chapter five
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pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
summary: Bucky has grown used to a life of solitude after a mysterious accident leaves him forgettable. every person he comes in contact has no memory of him the moment he walks away. until he meets a cute girl at a record store who actual remembers him.
warnings: alcohol, sex (minors do not read), slight mentions of depression
taglist: @sebsgirl71479
word count: 2k
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Bucky was trying to keep his distance, to move on from her. But it was like the longer he stayed away, the more he missed her. He wasn’t sleeping through the night, thinking of all the potential threats in this world and hurting because he couldn’t protect her. 
There was one especially bad night, made worse by the endless thunder and lightning strikes outside his window. It lasted through the early hours of the morning and he stayed awake, eyes focused on the ceiling. He thought maybe if he saw her, just for a moment, maybe it would help him sleep through the night. 
Hours later, he found himself sipping a coffee as he kept eyes on her apartment. He’d wait all day just to get a glimpse of her, which is precisely what he did. She didn’t emerge until late in the evening. Bucky was about to give up his watch when he saw the apartment door open. It took him a moment to recognize her. She was wearing a tight denim skirt, a tank top, and a pair of chunky heels. It wasn’t a look he was used to on her. She always seemed to look effortlessly beautiful. She always dressed nice, in a way that suited her but wasn’t trying too hard. But the girl he saw tonight was looking for attention.
He followed her discreetly as she walked a few blocks to her destination. As he walked, he felt the knots in his stomach tighten. He had a bad feeling about this. He saw her walk into a club that wasn’t her normal scene. She had never once taken him to a club, they always visited dive bars and bistros. He considered following her in, but he couldn’t risk being spotted by her. He let out a deep exhale and tried to find a different spot to hide out, somewhere he could keep an eye on her.
Bucky noticed the club had a rooftop bar with a dancefloor, and he had to hope she would end up there. He easily scaled a nearby building and posted up on the roof, laying like a sniper with his focus towards the club. And he waited. It didn’t take long before he spotted her. She was with a group of girls he had never seen before, all scantily clad. He had knots in his stomach. It was only a matter of time before some frat boy started ogling her. He hoped she wouldn’t lower her standards just for some male attention. 
She started the night taking shots, and that eventually turned to mixed drinks. He noticed her swaying as she stood, a sign she was drunk. And then he noticed the douchebag touching her waist and whispering things in her ear. Bucky felt his fist clench and he fought off the overwhelming urge he had to barge in and pull the guy off of her. She seemed disinterested but she didn’t push him away. Frat boy continued feeding her drinks, even though she didn’t need any more and Bucky saw the light leave her eyes.
He had his suspicions about what was happening, but it was confirmed when Frat Boy put his arm around her waist and she fell into his shoulder, barely able to support herself. Her head rolled around on his shoulder and she could barely keep her eyes open. Frat Boy led her down the stairs, which was when Bucky couldn’t take it anymore. He climbed down from the rooftop and headed straight for the door to the bar. He caught them just as they were leaving and he immediately pushed Frat Boy up against the wall.
“Get the fuck off of her,” he demanded, as he pried Y/N from his grip. His metal arm was pinned across the douchebag’s neck.    
“I didn’t do anything,” he rasped, “She’s just drunk.”
“You fucking drugged her,” Bucky stewed. He released his arm from his windpipe, “Now get lost before I give you the beating you deserve.” 
The perp ran off without a second though and Bucky turned his attention toward Y/N who was struggling to stand against his shoulder. He effortlessly scooped up her legs so she was bridal style in his arms. Her head rested into his collarbone but otherwise she was limp, unintentionally passed out from the drugs slipped into her drink. He carefully listened for her breathing with every step he took and kept his mind focused on the task at hand: getting her home. The walk seemed endless, but finally he reached her apartment. He carefully placed her back on her feet and found her set of keys in her handbag. Once he was in the apartment, he placed her on the bed and found more comfortable clothes for her to sleep in. He tucked her into bed, face down, and placed a glass of water and two Advil on her night stand before retiring to the couch. He attempted, and failed to fall asleep, plagued with worry. He didn’t think it was possible to die from roofies, but he wasn’t even sure that’s what the creep had given her. Every few hours, he would peek into her room just to make sure she was still breathing and sleeping soundly. Then he would walk to the couch, his mind temporarily at ease. He tried to run through how she would react when she woke up and found him occupying her couch. How would he explain his sudden reappearance? As much as he tried to rehearse the words, nothing seemed right. And he had no idea how this would impact their future. Now that he was back, he didn’t want to leave. But he wasn’t sure he could live with himself if he held her back from living a full life. The minute he started overthinking things, he just had to remind himself that right now she was safe. And that eased all his tension. 
Bucky stirred from his light sleep when he heard a groan coming from Y/N’s room. He froze on the couch, unsure of what to do. He didn’t want to walk into her room and scare her, especially if she was just waking up. He was sure she was already feeling confused and he didn’t want to overwhelm her even more. So he shut his eyes and pretended like he was asleep. He heard her feet hit the ground and her footsteps lead out of the bedroom. She walked right past the couch and into the bathroom, shutting the door behind her. He heard her heaving into the toilet and it took all his energy not to burst in the bathroom, hold back her hair and rub her back. Once she was finished, she flushed the toilet and he heard the sink running and the hum of her electric toothbrush. He kept his eyes closed, expecting her to emerge any minute. And she did just that.
He heard the bathroom door open and she took a few steps forward, heading back into the bedroom when she stopped, having spotted him.
“James…?” he heard, confusion evident in her tone. But there was something else there too. It was almost disbelief. 
He acted as though her words woke him up. He let out a slight groan and squinted at her. “Hi,” was all he could manage to say. She stood there for a moment and he couldn’t read her expression. He expected her to question him and ask why he was there. But she didn’t. Instead, she lunged at him, wrapping her arms around his neck and tackling him back onto the couch.
He was taken aback, but his muscle memory instantly kicked in as he wrapped his arms around her waist.
“I thought I was never going to see you again,” she whispered into his ear. She sounded like she might cry. “Please don’t leave me again.”
There was so much pain in her words and he knew he couldn’t put her through that again. 
“I’m here now, doll,” he said, running his hands up and down her back. She said nothing, but she clutched him tighter, almost like she was afraid to let go. She wouldn’t admit this to him, but she was worried she was hallucinating. It wasn’t until she felt his arms around her that she realized it wasn’t a dream.
Bucky wasn’t sure how long they stayed like that, but eventually he managed to rearrange her so that she was pinned to his side with her head resting on his shoulder. He brushed his hand through her hair as she gently hummed against his chest.
“Can I ask why you’re here?” she finally said. “I’m happy you’re here, but you just showed up out of the blue.”
He let out a deep sigh full of dread, knowing he would have to let her in on the events of last night. 
“Why don’t I put on a pot of coffee and then we’ll get into it.” Bucky took his time preparing the coffee in order to rehearse his speaking points in his head. He wasn’t sure how he could tell her he was following her without sounding like a total creep. As he brought her a mug full of caffeine, he swallowed his nerves the minute she smiled up at him. 
“I was driving myself crazy, thinking about you and worrying about you. I knew I needed to give you space, but at the same time I had to make sure you were okay. So I kept an eye on you, just to make sure you were safe and that no one harmed you. And then last night…when you left I could just sense there was something a little off so I followed you. At the club, I could see you were drinking pretty heavily and there was this asshole who kept feeding you shots. And then suddenly, you were barely conscious. I think he might’ve slipped you something. He had his arm around your waist and was trying to take you home and I just…I couldn’t let that happen. I scared him off and brought you home. And then I stayed here through the night just to make sure you were okay. I completely understand if you think I crossed a line and you want me to go, I just needed to know you were safe. And you seem okay now, so I can leave.”
“Don’t you dare,” her words surprised him.
“You are not leaving me again.”
“Y/N, I explained it all in the letter. I can’t-”
“Stop it. I have read that letter over and over again and it breaks my heart every time. Did you ever consider that being with you would be worth it for me? I understand it comes with complications, but you are the first person I have ever met that truly understands me. I can survive without my friends and my family, but I don’t think I can survive without you. So before you make the decision for both of us, I am telling you that I want this. Please don’t leave me again.”
She snuggled closer into his side and he guided her chin up to look at him. 
“Do you really mean that?” he asked.
“One hundred percent.”
“It’s not going to be easy. You’re going to have to introduce me as your new boyfriend for the rest of your life.”
“I don’t care. We’ll figure it out. Living a life without you is unimaginable. I barely lasted the past few weeks.”
He kissed the top of her head, “That makes two of us. I promise not to put you through that again.”
“I love you so much James. I’m glad you finally came to your senses,” she joked.
He let out a chuckle and couldn’t stop smiling. “I love you too, Y/N. I’m so happy that you’re back in my arms, where you belong.”
She sighed, “So what do we do now?”
Bucky thought for a moment before the perfect idea struck him, “Let’s go to Denmark.”
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artinvain · 2 months
hii! i was wondering what you believe being a lesbian means? i’ve heard a lot of people say women loving women, afab loving afab, nonmen loving nonmen, etc. i only realized that i was a lesbian recently and im trying to understand more about the community beyond typical femme and masc standards.
congratulations on your beautiful realisation. coming out as a lesbian saved my life!! I hope you’re doing fab💖
whew this is a rough one just because there’s so much to be said. I know I don’t speak for the entirety of the lesbian community but from what I’ve seen irl, in my university studies and on the internet this is what I personally believe. and I think this may help as I this is how I went on my journey and have seen this for many other lesbians :)) 🥰🥰
so I’ve always known I was a lesbian. from like 5-10 when we first interact with romantic interests (I know it started young for me - long story), I was wanted to be around girls, hold them, touch them, when I saw women on tv I wanted to kiss them - be the guy they kissed (this is all known retrospectively).
when my mom started to ask me about who I would marry one day (of course she inserted a man bc I grew up in a religious house hold), I told her I wanted a man who was as handsome as an actor, as rich as bill gates (I had no concept of money ok) and spent time travelling (so we wouldn’t have to be together).
when she asked me if I wouldn’t be lonely I told her “of course not” because I would be with my best friends (all women) 24/7.
I then went on to push this narrative, told boys I couldn’t date them because I was Sabin myself for jesus and my unattainable husband. I touched my best friends “too much”, I knew I wanted to kiss them but kept praying the feeling would go away.
when I got to university I moved in with my older gay sibling (thank god) who has many queer friends, pan women, trans men, bi men! they were all soft and gentle and welcoming. I realised there was nothing scary or unholy about such a loving community.
so when the romantic feelings for women started to seep though again. I didn’t stop it. and then it was overwhelming and I realised I never wanted to be around or with men anyway, I had always been hiding this love inside me.
so I started getting into queer basics by dating and what I learnt in my gender studies courses.
for me lesbians understand me inherently without having to say a word (black lesbians specifically) but this goes for general sapphics as well (sometimes).
Because lesbians are socialised as women and or black and poc people, we don’t have to rediscover the systematic dynamics of oppression and patriarchy in our relationship because we both have grappled with that and it’s so easy to speak about and we understand that those ideas don’t pertain to us. we share the same special love for each other, something deeper than what can be explained with words.
“I know you,” is how it feels. the energy, time and love to learn and keep learning about your partner. growing in the same parallel lanes. I know her body, the lesbian body because it is also mine in a way.
so yeah as you can tell I love a good les4les and I looove a good deeply sapphic woman!!!
Lesbians have carved out our own slice of identity by creating a culture and partaking in a gender and sexuality that has been made outside of the patriarchy and the male gaze.
I do know a lot of trans masculine people identify with the lesbian community because some of these lesbians who are more butch and masc leaning sometimes decide to take t, have top surgery for example.
I know a lot of the transmasc people in my life who used to be lesbian are in a transitional space out of the community and into one that better suits them and where they are understood by other queer transmen. but they’ll never completely have no connection to the lesbian community, because that’s where they were socialised for most of their lives, it’s the community they’ll helped build. So they’ll always be a loving ally. A part of the family.
however many lesbians do not like to be with people who identify as men especially if they socially transition because it can cause a shift in dynamics, when one partner is now benefitting from the patriarchy on the basis of passing for example. Others believe it is disrespectful to date transmen and call themselves lesbians because for them lesbian is a specifically feminine aligned word and that feels invalidating to the trans man’s identity (and many trans men feel the same).
So yeah — there are too many nuances to count. But if you want to make it easy for yourself!? Think about what you want, what you are attracted to and what you like. really hone in on that and be comfortable with yourself in your lesbian identity, read some books on it, hell read some lesbian smut to get comfortable in the pleasure that is lesbianism. It’s about what you like and go about it kindly xx (and be smart and safe please)
Also often people will say that trans women can’t be lesbians but if you know that gender expression and sexuality are different things then you know that isn’t true :))
Ummm yeah that’s what I think at least 👁️👄👁️
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foxboyclit · 3 months
the delights of drow inventions
In which the Nydallas acquire a new toy (yes this is the aforementioned tentacle porn)
Iphis was far from inexperienced in the art of subtlety, but knowing him as well as Minisstra did gave insight to thoughts not so expertly hidden. She noticed the way he eyed curiously  at the tentacle rod hanging from her belt, as well as the suppressed intrigue across his face whenever he saw it unleashed. With just the two of them sharing tea in the estate’s garden, she took the opportunity to ask.
“You’ve recently taken an interest in some of the weapons on my belt. Do you wish to share this newfound curiosity?”
She smiled internally at the sight of Iphis’ pause, then the slow, deliberate swallow of his tea as a beautiful shade of indigo blotted his cheeks.
“I- I’m sorry for letting my mind wander, Mistress.”
“Save the apologies for when you’re actually in trouble. You know who to relay your fantasies to.”
“Well, I’m sure you’re no stranger to arcane tentacles’ more creative uses,” he began, “you’ve caught me wondering the possibilities of said magic in a more intimate setting.”
The spell to summon a writhing mass of tendrils was unfortunately out of Iphis’ expertise; besides, Minisstra did not find any pleasure in fussing over spell components and the complexities of modifications. An item designed for the same purpose was preferred, and thankfully there were no shortage of wizards in the city eager for a matron’s coin.
“Tell me, Ra’soltha, how you would feel about exploring the uses of a more precise tentacle rod.”
Iphis cleared his throat, “That would interest me very much, Mistress.”
The hint of a smile crept into her voice. “See, that was not so hard to admit, was it? Give it some patience, and you shall be rewarded with a new toy.”
Finding someone capable of reconfiguring a magic item common to Menzoberranzan was hardly an issue, and all it took was a sharp glare to prevent any questions surrounding why Minisstra commissioned a non-lethal variant. After having the rod inspected and attuned, she summoned Iphis to kneel at her feet, arms crossed behind his back.
 “Close your eyes,” and as he obeyed, Minisstra held the rod in front of him. She directed one tentacle to slither up his thigh, watching his breath hitch at its traveling before wrapping around his flesh, giving a light squeeze.
Another followed suit, its grip tightening as well along with the first as they spread his thighs apart, giving just enough room for a third to slide in between. 
Iphis gasped at the sudden pull and the soft, slick appendage teasing his slit, then uttered a curious sound as another tentacle hooked itself under his chin, tilting his head upwards. 
“Have you identified your new toy, Ra’soltha?”
“A tentacle rod,” he breathed, “but I only remember them having three appendages.” 
“Your memory is correct, can you name any other modifications?” The tentacle between his legs curled its end, taking his clit gently and stroking it which drew a soft moan from him.
“Their material is…softer. More flexible than standard rubber.”
She patted his cheek. “Good boy, keep your mouth open now.”
 And he did, keeping his head inclined as the tentacle caressing his chin found its way into his mouth. The muffled sound of his moan as he took it obediently and sucked was an exquisite one, bested only by his slight gag as the tentacle pushed deeper into his throat. 
She extracted it, the tendril coated in a slick layer of saliva, almost as much as Iphis’ lips, still connected by a thin string as it slid out. The sight was delicious, one Minisstra hoped to savor till the end of her days. 
“Look at you, already reduced to a soaking mess.” The tentacle between his legs slipped inside of him, the sound emphasizing her degrading.  “I can only imagine how wet you were as you fantasized about this.”
It pushed in deeper, the tip curling at just the right spot to make Iphis squirm and cry out. The two tentacles held his legs open, precise training kept his arms behind his back. He could writhe all he wanted, whine pathetically as the tentacle fucked him, it wouldn’t cause them to act on anyone but Minisstra’s desires. When he wore debauchery this well, why would she ever want to stop?
The tentacle that had fucked his throat now stilled him by catching a fistful of hair, and Iphis’ eyes wrenched open as she pulled, his lust clouded gaze forcibly meeting hers.
“Tell me, was it hard to conceal this much arousal as the priestesses walked by with this?”
“Yes, Mistress,” he cried, “all I could think of was you, and what’d you do to me!”
“Is that all your degenerate mind is capable of? You can’t conceive of anything else but being used, how pathetic. It’s almost adorable.”
She pulled him into a kiss, her hand replacing the tentacle coiled in his hair as it slithered to caress his body. The tendril wrapped itself around his hip, and she pulled him into a standing position as those between his legs kept them spread, displaying their exploration of his cunt in the most beautiful way. 
“And what do you say when your perversions are indulged?”
“Thank you, Mistress.” the tentacle inside him curled at the perfect spot again, the one around his hip snaking down to his clit. He gasped out a litany of more thanks which broke into a sob. 
“Good boy, never forgetting your manners. Come for me, now.”  She swallowed his moan into a deep kiss as it pitched to almost a scream, holding him close to her chest as his orgasm left him twitching and weak. The tentacles loosened their grasp until only her arms kept him upright, and she gently scooped him up and carried him to bed.
She laid Iphis down as she cleaned him up, then massaged the tension out of his thighs, working a salve into his skin that would soothe the round indigo splotches left by the tentacles’ suckers. He sighed contently, mumbling half-discernable gratitudes as she cared for him. 
“Well done, lince’sa. You took it all beautifully.” Her fingers ran through his hair once more, this time gently, and he leaned into the slow strokes with a sleepy hum. 
“Thank you Mistress,” he muttered. “I very much like the new toy. Please put this in the rotation.”
“I believe I will,” she leaned in to kiss his forehead, unable to hide the soft smile tugging at the corners of her lips. Not that she cared to try, anyway.
 “Now, would you like some tea?”
Iphis nodded, and with Minisstra returning with the mugs of a delicate herbal blend, their ritual marked its end.
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