#and that means we cant sell anything original
fratboykate · 1 year
I was reading your response to the "middle america" piece. I one million percent agree. The writing has been on the wall for years. These minority middle America folks aren’t going to the theme parks, seeing films, & paying for streaming. It’s the majority of the diverse demographic of the nation. As for the statistics the data is there! Yellow Stone is literally John Wayne crap with Costner as the lead. 1923 IMO was the show I could watch cause it shows how religious white folks were demons to Native Americans.
The “middle America” pockets are not deep. Also as for Mario…..🙄….literally parents are taking their kids to see that movie twice even three times and unfortunately gamers do have deep pockets and they will watch that nonsense.
I’m thinking Comic Book films took over one decade but video game series/films could take over the next. 🤷‍♀️
Yeah, superhero/comic book/marvel bullshit fatigue FINALLY seems like it might be a real thing but unfortunately you just guaranteed that it's simply going to be replaced by something equally as damaging to the health of the industry. Comic Books/Superheroes and Video Games are two sides of the same destructive coin. Also, y'all loveeeeeeeee to type on twitter about how "Hollywood is out of ideas" because all that's happening are reboots so why do you keep showing up to watch them??? Scream 6 was just the most successful of all of the franchises. Get ready to get Scream until they hit like Scream 37. It's a self fulfilling prophecy.
There isn't one studio or streamer right now whose bulk of the development slate isn't IP/reboots/remakes. Literally. This week alone we've heard of reboots for HP, Baywatch, Barbershop, Squid Game, The Big Bang Theory, Robocop, Poltergeist, Peep Show, Pink Panther, Fame, Legally Blonde (both tv and films - WHY?!), and that's not even the full list. FFS the ENTIRE business model for HBO Max moving forward is remakes and reboots. Then you have shit like Barbie which y'all are going to make A Thing. It's why studios have no desire to go out and find the people writing new content. Y'all are going to give Barbie a billion dollars and next thing you know we're going to see shows/movies for Barney, Hot Wheels, and American Girl. It's how this industry works.
The contraction in the industry is real. There's been a contraction in film for a decade now but the idea always was "well, at least TV is still producing quality, original things". TV peaked at about 600 shows a year a couple years ago. We're already down 1/3 to about 400 and that number is going to keep going WAY down over the next few years. That means, less risk, less representation, less quality. It's ALL going to be The Same Shit For The Same People and knowing you...you're simply going to keep watching. You'll have no one to complain to when all you can watch is the 162nd season of Property Brothers, MEGAN 12, and Throne Of Games: The Story Of The Lannisters's Third Cousin.
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sillyjpeg · 2 months
this contains MAJOR SPOILERS FOR THE WEBSITE CHANGE. if you want to find shit urself, dont read this!!!
also this is part one of probably many bc i cant fit everything in here. curse you image limit
i wont be going over alot of the not as important stuff, but still go explore the website for it because i got alot of good laughs!
RIGHT OFF THE BAT. In the top right corner of the screen when the lightning flashes, there are words revealed carved in the wall. it reads: VALLIS CINERIS. when this is typed into the computer it gives this video:
haunting. really giving me analog horror vibes. wasnt sure what else to do with this though.
I also noticed that on the candle in the right side of the desk, there is a code
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this is decoded used the rune code, and translates into CURSED. when put into the computer, this is what is given back:
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One of the first things me and my friends did was go through the main characters names. the most interesting one of these for me is definitely Stanley, but i want to go over Pacifica first because Stanleys is LONG.
When you type in Pacifica you get this:
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I love her signature btw. BUT if you type in Platinum Paz, you get somethin very, very interesting.
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This may not be in the right order so forgive me, but at the end of that code, if you use a shift decoder (im so smart sue me)
pacificas character development has always been special to me, and this was honestly chilling. in the book of bill we see that she has nightmares about the lumberjack, and this shows how much guilt she carries. her finally finding her peace with what happened made me smile :)
but as nice and heartwarming as this is, were moving on to STANLEY PINES! and oh BOY are the stanley lovers having a field day. so first of all, if you type in Stanley, it will take you to a few different links. including gold chains, brass knuckles, an 8 ball cane, a fez, and a colonel neck tie. funny right? if you keep entering his name, this pops up:
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Below this is a bunch of things with the label of being shameful. one of them is very interesting but im gonna put some lighter stuff first for the sillies.
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i need alex to show us the photos from the hunky drifters catalogue alex can you hear me please i mean WHO SAID THATTTT WHO SAID THATTTTTT
ALSO NO ONE COMING TO HIS FAKE FUNERAL EXCEPT HIS MOM :( she loved her little free spirit stanley
ALSO- him stripping for flour in Tijuana, again, i need photographic evidence.
his ex wives list also made me giggle. he was MARRIED TO OLD GOLDIE????? also Marilyn being Eda made me giggle, i love the fact that they got married at some point. get them back together please. also stan having smaller hands than ford and being self-conscious about it stan i love you mwah mwah mwah
anyways now onto the section at the bottom of the Wheel of Shame page!
Its titled : HOW HE BEAT ME. im not adding a photo bc ur guy is running out of room :(
you have to click on this repeatedly to get anything good out of it, so i took the liberty of milking it for all it had!!! i didnt take screenshots of everything because some of it was redundant, but here are the interesting and or funny bits:
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just reiterating, this is not all thats in there, im just putting parts that stood out to me. please take the time to go through all this urself bc its a TREAT.
now into the crazier stuff
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hes obviously having some sort of breakdown, just like we see at the end of the book of bill. the last page i decoded myself, and i got this using all the different decoders:
for "LQS SFSE CN" i used the original bill cipher code, and im not sure why it gave me this. a smarter, better decoder probably has the answer.
i can theorize a few different things on what this could possibly mean even with it not being all decoded. the one that comes to mind is "I can still see through everyone ive ever met" maybe knowing too much? but without the middle part decoded i cant say much. if you have the solution for this please leave a comment as any help would be greatly appreciated. this all did drop a few hours ago so i doubt many people are working on decoding all this.
this makes alot more sense. bill can see through others eyes so it most likely is refering too how he possesses people and sees through their eyes. In the book of bill he shows how angry he is having to watch the Pines family be happy.
It says that when he closes his eye, he can still see through the eyes of everyone hes ever…possesed? probably. So can Bill still see through Ford, or maybe Dipper, and he cant turn it off. Whenever he closes his eyes he is haunted by the happy life he failed to destroy. To see through their eyes.
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This poem using gambling as a way to describe Stan's life choices really struck me. the more i thought on it the more it made sense. he gambled that Ford's project would probably still work, gambled with all of his sham products. His entire life has been a betting game. The most interesting thing about all this is the end of the poem. It reads
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this has been a theory for awhile in the gravity falls community that if stan got back all his memories, including ones about bill, wouldnt bill come back? for me this confirms the theory, and opens up a whole new can of worms which i will talk about later.
I have reached my image and video limit, but expect more posts!
stay weird yall :)
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tokyo-tower-symbolism · 6 months
I've been meaning to get into the re:live game story for a while now, but I don't know how necessary the event stories are in comparison to the main and school stories...
do you have a recommended reading order for main story and events if the timeline makes them interspersed?
Uhh, there was this one good google doc that had a bunch of stuff like what stories were important for each character, but I cannot find that right now so I'll do my best from memory but honestly I might miss a couple things so my bad.
Edit: thank you @pallastronomy for finding the doc in question, i really wanted to read that again too
To read it you can go to the wikia, read it on karth.top, or look up the parts on Youtube. That last one might be the best since you'll get the full visual novel experience.
So first off I would suggest reading the first part of the story, so Main Story chapters 1-6. Well, suggest is a strong word. I think those chapters kinda suck, but I guess they're necessary for the premise and to introduce the characters? But then again they abandon the original premise half way in favor of the performance festival so whatever. And if you want a better introduction to the characters you should read the School Stories (ignoring SJH) and also maybe watch Shoujo Cante All Starlight. So really I don't suggest you read those chapters but
I think at this point you are can read the event stories from "Hello to Halloween" to "Surprise! Rehearsal Friends!"
And you don't need to read them all, but they're fun! I couldn't really tell you which ones are super important to the plot, sorry about that. Honestly my personal opinion at this point is to just pick a couple characters you like to follow and read their stories. You can see who participates in each one on the Revue Starlight wikia
Plus, character card bond stories! Each event has a couple gacha cards they're trying to sell, and sometimes they're not super related to the story, but sometimes they are. If someone references something that happened off screen, it either happened in an earlier event or in the bond card, but I'd still only read the bond cards once you're done reading the event is over since otherwise they can be spoilers. Just think of those as prequels instead of preludes.
Then at this point you can read Main Story Chapters 7-11. And I really do think you should read these since they are juicy. There's a new plot and we really get to dive deep into the ReLive characters and see their individual pasts and why they now stand on stage. It's great.
Now for the Event Stories, feel free to read any story from "Starry Diamond Tragic Orion" up until "Royal Retainer"
Although now I gotta bring up some caveats. Anything with Seiran is not going to matter to the main plot of ReLive, and if you're curious about them, then that gets into Stage Play Territory which is much easier to follow but not in ReLive.
And honestly same with the Seisho only stories. They're fun, don't get me wrong, but they kinda don't affect the developments of the cast at all.
Starry Diamond is a live show that had some Revues, so some of the relive events are just rehashings of those. Except Venus & Cupid Story, which is a sequel to Zeus no Chuusai from the Starry Diamond Live, and that revue is actually super important to the Yumeoji Sisters's story but it is not in ReLive.
And once you've had your fill of those stories, you can start reading Main Story Chapters 12-18, Arcana Arcadia. And this one is really good. Iirc, the main revue starlight writer came in for these parts. There's some info that directly leads into the movie. And it's honestly great.
But the issue is that there are intermission bond stories that need to be read in the middle of the chapters. If you are reading it online that can be kind of pain, but in the game I think it's in the right order? I could not say for sure since I don't actually play it. Anyways, here's the vague order according to the wikia, but I'm not 100% on this
Chapter 12: 1-2
Chapter 13: Tower, Hermit, Empress, 1-3, High Priestess, 4-5, Magician, 6-9, Hanged Man, Strength, 10-15
Chapter 14: Wheel of Fortune, Chariot, 1-2, Lovers, 3-14, Faith, Hierophant, 15
Chapter 15: 1-2, Devil, Sun, Justice, 3-15
Chapter 16: Death, Charity, 1-15
Chapter 17: Temperance, 1, Fool, 2-4, World, Judgement, 5-15
Chapter 18: Hope, 1-9, Emperor, 10-14, 15/Moon
So yeah, after this you have basically free reign to read the remaining event stories. The next big ongoing plot seems to be about Siegfeld Junior High, but that one also isn't really connected to the previous stories at all.
Also some cards have connecting bond stories even without events, such as the Frontier Rangers, Orpheus, Camelot, Snow White, and Yin-Yang.
But for real, I think the best way to get into the story is to read the main story and then see what characters you like. Then you can read along all their bond stories and events that they star in, and maybe you'll find other characters that stand out. If you are missing any information, usually characters will reference whatever they are talking about, so you won't be completely lost.
So yeah, I hope you have fun with the relive story! It touches on a lot of the themes from the show and honestly I just really liked seeing the characters again. And also Arcana Arcadia is great, just so great.
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Today we're learning about criminals, prostitutes, secret languages and medieval heretical sects!
I want to rant about Swedish etymology, specifically regarding the word bög. It is pronounced a bit like "beg," but with the lips pursed to an O and with a long vowel (IPA: \bøːg\).
The word means "gay man" and occupies a somewhat complicated place somewhere between a slur and the established word for homosexuality. I don't really like the phonoaesthetics of the word, but then again, perhaps I just had it hurled at me one too many times in elementary school.
Anyway, etymology.
There are two main competing etymologies for this word. I'll start with the one that I think is less likely: that the word is related to English bugger and French bougre. These words have been used in various parts of Europe to mean "sodomite" for centuries, deriving from accusations leveled at the Bogomil and Cathar heresies by the Catholic Church during the medieval period. These groups were gnostics, and (according to the Church) hated the sinful physical world to the point of being antinatalists: people who believe having children is morally wrong. So far this might in theory be true, but they were also quite dubiously accused of encouraging sodomy among followers to this end. The word bugger itself is presumed to either come from Bogomil or Bulgarian, since the Balkans were the origin point of these heresies.
We know for a fact that the word was borrowed into Swedish as buger (bugern, bugrar, bugrarna) around 1900, a word used by, among others, Swedish literary titan August Strindberg. That's also where the etymology for bög becomes a bit troublesome, because bög does not appear to have been a warping of the pronunciation of this word: it is already known to have existed in the Swedish lexicon at this time.
The alternate explanation goes back to the knallar, peddlers in particularly mid-southern Sweden (Västergötland/Westrogothia) who walked door to door selling whatever they could carry with them in the countryside. These people saw their peak around the 18th and 19th centuries, before declining into obscurity at the start of the 20th. These wandering salesmen are a fascinating topic in their own right, but what's particularly important for us is their secret language, Månsing (sometimes Monsing). The Swedish language has a rich and fascinating vocabulary of words I like to call "permanent slang." These words come from thieves' cants, the secret languages of professionals (such as Månsing and Knoparmoj, the chimneysweep language), and several minority languages like Yiddish and Romani Chib. Well-known Swedish words like tjej (girl), jycke (dog) and sno (steal) are all regarded as slang in the public eye, even though the words have been in use for well over a century, if not several centuries. Since slang is usually either quickly invented and forgotten or incorporated into standard language, this is very interesting in my opinion.
One such source for "permanent slang" is Månsing. The language is extinct now, and only caught the attention of linguists when it was already in decline, but we still have a few hundred vocabulary words documented, and one of the oldest and most widespread is bögis. This word bears a striking resemblance bög, and the -is ending is a very common Swedish diminuitive, probably first introduced in Månsing where it was probably borrowed from latin, such as in the Månsing word for dog, kanis (from canis). This ending was then (perhaps humorously) added to other words, like jamis, cat (from the Swedish verb jama, to meow).
The problem is the meaning of the word. Bögis does not mean gay, sodomite, or anything of the sort, it means peasant or farmer. The related word bögishäck means farm, and so on.
The reason why this is still a plausible origin of bög has to do with the relationship these peddlers had with farm owners. The knallar were seen as anything from semi-honest traders to downright scam artists and smugglers, so what would farmers have been from their perspective? Either prospective customers or potential victims to mislead and make money off of. This use of the word bögis came to enter city slang, where it took on a new meaning among people who had different life experiences.
In the late 19th century, slang and cant dictionaries start reporting the word bögis or bög as being part of the lexicon of the lower layers of the growing city of Stockholm. The "lumpen," the thieves and prostitutes, used the word to either mean "someone who is easily fooled" or as a synonym for "mark" or "target," that is, someone you intend to either sell something to, or rob. The connection to the way the knallar used it is fairly obvious.
Over time, the word came to usually refer specifically to the customer of a prostitute, and eventually specifically one of a male prostitute, and then also the male prostitute himself, though the path there was long. In the early 20th century, bög was still competing with the previously mentioned buger, as well as with sodomit, kvinnohatare (woman-hater), homofil, homos, and several words relating to pederasty.
By the 1910s it appears that bög was winning out, and as the gay movement came to Sweden in the 70s, the word began to be reclaimed by activists, though the exact level of offense the word carries is still a bit complicated, as mentioned.
This etymology makes bög a sister word to the English word gay, which was also originally slang used in growing cities by thieves and prostitutes. It also connects it to schwul, a German word with a similar story.
This also gives us an interesting social history of the LGBT+ movement: perhaps the reason why queer rights became an issue in the 20th century is because there was no such thing as a queer subculture until the 19th century, and the reason why it emerged then is very specifically because that's the when big U Urbanizarion took place, and thus when urban crime and underground communities emerged, which have a very distinct character from their rural counterparts. In other words, maybe big cities led to the emegence of an underclass of thieves and prostitutes, and maybe we have thieves and prostitues to thank for queer rights today! That's just a speculation, though.
My main source today was the work of Fredik Silverstolpe, who has researched swedish queer history for decades. I can give you some links if you DM me, but they are all in Swedish.
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svankmajerbaby · 9 months
ok i just watched the mina le video on movie musicals, and im still thinking about how movie musicals are marketed but most importantly to me, how theyre made
so bc musicals are "cringe", three movie musicals have been hiding the fact theyre not musicals in their trailers, and focused on selling, what else, nostalgia and the association with a previous intellectual property. in the actual context, its not a surprise, though it does mean theres a void of actual interesting movie musical projects. i personally think that the fact that we havent had a movie musical of the best original one made in years, hadestown, is a real shame... but considering that, even though its not a particularly hard musical to convert to screen, it would be extremely easy to fuck up through movie star casting and a bad choice of director who doesnt know their way around a musical number... still, i would like to see someone try.
but anyways.
what i personally have an issue with is the decision between movie actors who cant sing and stage actors who cant act in the way movie directors supposedly want. the choice to go with big movie actors the audiences are familiar with, and that also act like the audiences expect actors to act, is understandable. producers suppose actors can do anything if they try hard enough and they can carry a tune and do some dancing with the proper coaches and a month or two of rehearsals. but i personally am of the mind that a theater actor, a stage actor, is a much more valuable performer in a movie musical because they already know how to inhabit a musical character, how to move and interpret the overwhelming emotions a musical character needs to embody. besides, at least to me, the beauty of a musical is to see an amazing musical performance, that matches accordingly with a compelling story and characters. i wouldnt want to watch a billy elliot movie musical if it didnt have great dancing, for example. i wouldnt want to watch a wicked movie if the actors couldnt perform the songs perfectly in character. musicals are at their best, of course, when the music drives the story forward, and i feel like thats a skill that most directors dont have. the reason les mis didnt fully work for me is less because of the "realistic, flawed singing" (which did bother me at times, especially with the more action involved characters like valjean and javert) and because the cast was so badly directed and unbalanced. thats why something like west side story 2021 is so important to me: a movie with 99% musical theater actors, which are all well directed by a movie director who knows how to move the camera around the performers to instill a sense of dynamism and excitement. i maintain that choreographers in general should try directing movies. the in the heights movie, even if i didnt personally care for the music, was excellently directed because it was obvious the director had a sense of the rhythm the movie needed, and that the best way to convey that was through the camera. this is why i thought guy ritchie, an action director, would have been great for the aladdin live action remake –and then i was proven wrong. i keep blaming disney, though: watch the man from uncle and tell me ritchie wouldnt have been a pretty good movie musical director in other universe.
apart from the mean girls musical remake, which didnt even have that good a score in the first place, i do have faith in the future of movie musicals. if we need to go to already preexisting intellectual properties, and have five remakes to be able to have one original movie musical (even if that movie musical is something like la la land), it would have been worth it. i still dont understand why the entire cast of the west side story remake arent established cinema stars, apart from rachel zegler and ariana debose. or why there arent more opportunities for stage actors like amber gray and mike faist to make the jump to screen, or why tried and tested screen actors like amy adams and evan rachel wood who have proven that, given a score that allows for their specific voice types to shine, they can be great at performing movie musical roles. there isnt a bigger focus on the creativity i havent watched the color purple movie musical yet, but the fact that the director has worked with beyonce for her music videos immediately gives me hope that this is someone with the creativity and talent to know how to move the camera with the performers and the music. the wicked movie has the in the heights director, so even if the cast is half movie actors (i have little faith in jeff goldblum and michelle yeohs singing abilities tbh), i trust that at least it will be an entertaining watch. similarly, i try to have faith that, if the hercules live action remake gets out of preproduction, theyll have a strong set of muses actresses coming from stage musicals to carry the best songs, and that guy ritchie will be able to be more creative and take bigger risks –that is, if the evil mouse allows him to.
wonka was a decent, middle of the road movie that just works. to me, it didnt become the great musical it could have been because it didnt fully get the need for a stronger underlying darkness that makes the spirit of roald dahl, and because it kept tying itself with the mediocre 1971 movie. but i think it was a step in the right direction, with the right director and the right music, even if it relied too much on stunt casting.
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garlic-sauc3 · 10 months
i saw ur recent post :) i know nothing abt dc and booster gold but what sort of superhero is booster gold?? feel free to ramble hehe
ooh this is interesting. you see people tend to stereotype booster as either a time travelling hero, or a self absorbed sell out. and sure hes got elements of both, but he is way more than that
he kinda acts like a classic golden hero -- I mean he took a lot of inspiration from superman originally -- but he does sponsorships and advertisements and whatever because he was also a football player before, and athletes do that all the time, and he figured why dont superheroes do that? and that's the thing that most people dont understand -- both in canon (either intentionally, like in the original booster gold comics, or unintentionally like newer stuff or when he gets represented in shows a lot) and just in the general fanbase -- hes perceived as shallow and barely a hero, if anything just a laughingstock. but at his core, hes selfless and he wants to help people. he likes money, sure, he loves being rich, but he also grew up poor, so it doesnt take that big of an adjustment when he loses his funds. basically, booster gold is very heroic and can be very selfless, hes just kind of perceived as a glory hound
and then the time travelling element is fun, but I don't really like it as his main focus. nowadays hes just brought in because theres time travel involved, but I much prefer his original time aspect presented in booster gold 1986 and time masters 1990, in my opinion the aspect of him always meant to time travel back, as well as the methods of travel and the rules put in place. going to the 80s and saving people, as well as just being stuck there because the time sphere broke (and not being able to time travel instantaneously) and then we he did get to time travel forward he learned that 1) you can only use each time travel method once, which adds a fun barrier to time travel but still makes it fun and 2) he was always intended to go to the 80s and save the president, which also adds a build up to what happens in time masters which expands more on time travel and ties these two elements together in a way I really enjoy. him discovering that being booster gold, the hero, is his destiny is also a plotline I really enjoy. I feel by removing this element and restriction of time travel it kind of removes his important character arc with this
but also, the other thing that drives his character is his lack of secret identity. nobody knows his real name, sure, but he doesnt have a real real name anyway. he lives as booster gold, not as a "michael jon carter" (which he does not!! go by btw). his identity is tied so strongly to being a superhero he doesnt know how to live without it. when he loses his suit or even just power in his suit, he has no idea what to do. in booster gold #13 when his suit is drained of power and hes injured and sickly from the previous issue, he is so glad to get his flight ring back even if it's just a hint of his previous powers, and the entire time he is just struggling without the powers he was accustomed to because of the suit. on top of that, the issues in #25 that he has from not being a hero, where he doesn't know how to live normally but also considers going back to the 25th century because he cant live in the 20th century anymore (for multiple reasons) but that was also when he has to accept that being booster gold is his destiny, and he cant get rid of it (he doesnt know how)
anyways I dont know if this makes sense at all or actually answers your question but I just think that booster gold and like how he is perceived by the public and by himself is very interesting and I just love a hero who's secret identity is so tied up in being a hero (where they dont even have a secret identity) that they don't know how to not be a hero, especially when its tied with being a celebrity and having fame and wealth, while also caring deeply about being a hero and helping (if I had a nickel...) idk i just love that kind of hero
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richardsphere · 6 months
Leverage Redemption Log: The Unwellness Job
We start this episode in a room with an expository camera-pan past some pictures and boxes of MLM herbal remedies. --- Client is a doctor, suspects its an autoimune disorder. All tests are inconclusive.
what in the heck is a "maven"? (google says "expert or connoiseur") Parker will be too busy with the International part of the branch to do much in the first few acts. --- Our marks are Bronwyn and Melanie. (former is Influencer, latter is about to have a medical licence revoked)
"have you ever fought a shark" Breanna, do you even need to ask?
Well, the rabbit hole is working off some pretty evil word association. Lets ensure that by the end of the day, half those words will be coming from Bronwyn's own mouth.
I side with Breanna, what is with the knives today? --- Ok so we're introducing a third mark: Bitcoin Bastard. Because we really needed a second pyramid scheme in this plot. (im worried this'll get cluttered quickly)
Bronwyn seems actually excited by the idea that nanobots are real. Privacy is dead, and Breanna is absolutely right: Her generation doesnt know what it means because Sophies generation killed it. --- Elliot is playing a slightly-creepy pseudo-hippie? ("i listen to their eternal song" feels verry... serial-killer-ey? but then anything with "eternity" sounds like "death" so i guess its just that)
"sweet nectar" like its the way he says it, definitly intended to be creepy.
No Melanie, dont apologise you are the only sane one here.
I legitimately didnt recognise Breanna until i rewound the scene cause i was like "who the heck is Zazi?" --- I like Sophie's yellow jacket. Classic divide-and-conquer, plead to Bronwyn's ego, make her remember how she's too good for Melanie. Honeyed handshake (of eternal life... they're definitly setting up Elliots character to be some kind of serialkiller. Would be a good scandal, but also... kinda likely to backfire if she just backs out and becomes the Hero of the Beautyscene by outing her competitor as a serialkiller....) --- Parker has grown enough in the timeskip that she now refuses to push people off roofs unless they have roof-jumping-training. Good for her. --- Bitcoinbro wants to use the MLM to harvest private medical data. Because of course.
Sophie is actively hating herself every moment she spends with Bronwyn. --- You launched too early. She hasnt yet said anything that would associate herself with Hank specifically, just with bees and honey in general. You've given her an enemy to rally against to become more succesfull by claiming that her honey-based products are different from Hanks.
unpaused the episode, i was right. (though she's not selling honey but stinger-juice). Good quick thinking on her part though. 10/10. --- I absolutley agree with sophie, stealing thoughts in exchange for ones and zeroes, where's the style, the panache.
"I've been keeping up on my evil-lawyering reading" 7/10. Sophie pulling the "only one who really understands", Harry doing the Accountant Special
Breanna's digging a little burrow of her own (and she's a good digger) Even if he didnt go down it he'd still be paranoid (because he's guilty of moneylaundering and doesnt want to get caught) so its only really a cherry-on-top but its a well-crafted one. --- Melanie is in the studio so Breanna needs to distract her. Time to turn an inside man.. Peggy and Hurley mention! Crowd going wild!
Chad is bringing his armed goons to the table. (certainly gonna help Sophie turn Bronwyn against him) --- "Eivor is gonna have to kill you" Well... Guess thats one way to ensure that Bronwyn cant ever run her little scam again, get her to turn on Chad and force her into witness protection, it'd be hell for her the same way it was for the car-enthusiast in the original series. Worse then prison or a fine, (those would actually make her more popular. She'd just brand herself as "persecuted by the system" and a "controversial truth-teller", but if she's on the run from Chads Murdermen... Well, goodbye influencer status)
Oh sophie is pulling the "we're conmen and you're just our mark"-excuse. Which is technically true but as long as you make them think you're after something different then your actual goal, you continue to mislead them. Now Melanie is going to give us the data, Breanna is switching it out for the virus, and 40 mllion bitcoin goes down the drain.
--- Back at the Theatre the team has caught on to Sophie's Missing Person Status. Melanie calls Zazi. "Hank" is coming to help.
"that would've stung, huh" obligatory joke. (also we're about to pretend to lose the fight. the fight is a distraction while we switch the drive for the virus) Honestly, this might be the most humiliating way of taking down a goon yet (and im counting the Looney-Tunes Hole from the Sheherezade job in that. Beaten unconcious with a Qwynneth Paltrow Dildo while getting stung by bees is a humiliation you do not want in your armed-goon resume.) --- Ah we're not switching drives by feigning a loss. We're knocking Eivor out and just bringing a fake drive. Much simpler and it doesnt force Elliot to take an L for dramatic fake-out. Also yes, Harry is good at what he does.
that is a pen. That isnt even an EMP its a stopwatch app used as a distraction while the database whipes itself. --- Oh magnetic phone-covers to pretend them sliding in the car. Didnt know they made those. (but then, i dont use my phone that much, nor do I own or drive a car)
And the look on his face when he realises what he just did to himself.
And i guess im right, Bronwyn is going into Witness Protection which means she cant work as an influencer ever again. --- Back at the theatre Client and Melanie are working together to create a plan to actually help the people whose medical data Bronwyn took.
Parker once more becomes the most relateable character ever by outright admitting that for over a year, she didnt know Elliots name, only remembering it when other people used it.
"Janice" is in her own personal hell.
--- "you dont need my validation, but I will offer it" is such a dynamic. 10/10 line.
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hi-there-cake · 1 year
ok so @m3wllo asked me about my ocs. trust me guys im not going insane tumblr cant recover deleted drafts anyways. heres the gist of what was in that before before i in the true fashion of fate deleted it:
i was originally going to make an artwork for them but i realized it was just easier to tell you about them. also i dont know how to tell yuo this but whatever ocs i couldve conceived of in the past. weeks or years are all just vague concepts in my head not fully fleshed out. abyways
so first im thinking of a mysterious shopkeeper who has pretty rare and valuable items, im talking fairies, dragon parts, the most potent ingredients for elixrs and/or food, and with totk maybe even bombs or arrows. i dont want to have them sell elixrs outright because id want that for Another shopkeeper oc who sells (you guessed it) elixrs and food. that shopkeeper would also have a feature where they make custom food based on they players/links inputs/suggestions (like the custom tunes in ACNH). as far as im aware loz doesnt have many nonhylian shopkeepers, so to break stereotyping/tropes i think this shopkeeper would be a goron. in my concept sketches i rushed of them i thought about giving them a mask like in past entries! no idea what it would do besides add to the mystery, or what mask it would be of (in the art i made it an unnamed zonai mask) but i would still like to have masks with Actual Abilities in botw, even if its a pipe dream.
so yknow how botw has champions. what if. monster champion. botw or totk doesnt have friendly monsters like in past entries (well. they have Masks for it but it doesnt let you do anything besides have them not attack you. ycant even talk to them, which is what i mean here. they cant give you items or nothing) which is a shame because it wouldve been really cool to have!! so hypothetically, what if i were to retcon that and just add friendly monsters. secret monster village near skull lake or the breach of demise. while it would be funny for the champion to be a keese or something i personally think theyd be a lynel. with totk out they could also be a gleeok or one of the boss monsters (COLDGERA CHAMPION……. COULD YOU IMAGINE). this may or may not have come from an unnamed botw au i have but shh. also speaking of which what if lynels were fused with other animals. like yknow how theyre centaurs with horse(?????) genes? what if they had goat genes, or deer genes, or any genes of an animal within That Realm of Animal? giraffe genes. CAMEL GENES FOR THE GERUDO DESERT. this also came from that au
friendly yiga ocs. i would like friendly yiga ocs. by friendly i still meant they commit violent crimes its just not murder this time (i mean. if you hc hard enough you could argue that the yiga wouldnt actually murder you, but thats besides the point and also probably not canon. but who cares about canon.) they can either be all the way from 10000 yrs back or they can be in the current age! this is partly inspired by the pirates in castle in the sky. also i would also like to have yiga ocs of different races. like we know anyone can really join as we see a hylian asking to join, and link joins and is able to learn an earthquake technique, so its not just a sheikah thing. so if anyone can join then why dont we see other races in yiga outfits like zora or rito or gorons? are they just disguising themselves to look uniform?? i dont think thats how it works but im not going to ask! but yeah zora rito and goron yiga. the gerudo May be able to get into the yiga but its hard to tell. i feel like these yiga would be on friendly terms with both the yiga and the sheikah, kind of like an buffer(?) state between two states that are at war. neutral party. also theyd be really good with sheikah tech considering 10000 yrs ago they probably worked on it while they were banished. they could help link with a weakness in the divine beasts or smth, maybe link can help them with something i dont know i havent fleshed this out yet
this has totk spoilers so i’ll strike it. so zelda in totk turns herself into a dragon. now i have opinions on this, but thats not what youre here for youre here for ocs. so three dragons exist in totk and botw: farosh, dinraal, and naydra. its debatable whether they were people at first who swallowed their secret stones or if they were created by the goddess or something (in botw it might state they were created by the goddess but im not sure!), but for this im saying they were people at first who swallowed their secret stones. im basing their races off their flight paths in botw (in totk its changed so they go into chasms, but im assuming if there was no chasms this wouldnt be their normal route yknow? for some reason it shifted no idea why. also wow is that a sentence to say). dinraal flies from akkala, to behind death mountain, into the tanagar canyon. so by the logic im employing the could be a hylian, a goron, maybe a korok?, or a rito. personally im going with a rito as i find that the most interesting considering they live in a snowy area, plus revali literally got dinraals horn as part of his trials of becoming the pilot for vah medoh (which is never mentioned in game besides when we do the trials. pain). naydra flies above the lanayru bay between zoras domain and kakariko village, as well as over the lanayru promenade, kinda like a long oval over the mountain and between the two villages. in totk it flies way closer to hateno village which is really cool symbolism for the inhabitants of that village if you ignore why they fly so close to their to begin with. anyways naydra could be a zora, a sheikah, or a hylian from hateno. honestly in my concept sketches i went for a zora but i like the idea of a hylian from hateno scaling mount lanayru in the moth unorthodox way possible. i think theyd have a bunch of colored cloths but thats off topic anyways onto farosh. farosh is the most varied, flying around lake hylia, the faron region, and surprisingly around the gerudo highlands. so farosh could be a gerudo, a hylian, or if this was Before totk i would say a zonai but. honestly im not entirely convinced the zonai/the people in faron arent the same people like. their architecture has Similarities but im really not convinced its the same architecture at All like. the ruins have more animalistic features and curves while the zonai architecture is more squareish/geometrical and theres only really Dragons present, no boars or owls. plus the lamps are different, the ruins have like standard lighting thats kinda square while the zonai have lights shaped like lotuses. it could be the ruins are just an earlier period for the zonai but like in lore they were close to Gods and descended from the heavens, with rauru and mineru being the last left on the surface. they werent originally from the surface so it couldnt have been an earlier period. and why wouldnt that architecture style stay if it Were the zonai? rauru was the king of hyrule, if the style originated from the surface then the king shouldve used it as thats where he was butbhe didnt! he wasnt even Close to faron, and the memories show the style of architecture on the islands being used for the kingdom so whats up with that? plus why wouldnt their architecture style carry over on the islands??? if it was an earlier period for the zonai that didnt originate from the surface itd be on the sky islands, and yet it isnt????? the sky islands are parts of the old hyrule, not built by the zonai who left the surface. so who built the ruins???? its possible that it was just an early concept for the zonai but nintendo scrapped it in favor for what we got, and yeah thats probably it, but im not taking that for an answer. the ruin-makers (or scrapped zonai) were either hylians (lurien village theorized to be descendants from the zonai as they can read the glyphs on the palamore ruins in botw + they have the zonai swirl mark on the houses, as well as the barbarian armour) or, if you wanted to make a theory on crack, you could say they were lynels and lynels and the current zonai-
-are related somehow (sorry the dash is because tumblr limited the words in the paragraph). this is because the barbarian armour looks a hell of a lot like a lynel’s gear, and its upgraded with lynel parts. so hypothetically. when i said i could make friendly monsters #real, this could hypothetically make lynels a viable option as a race, and as such farosh could be a lynel. so anyways :3 also in my architecture rant i forgor to mention that current day zonai architecture isnt painted or if it is barely and not with the colors past/scraped zonai use
also this is for mainly pre-cal, but zonai researchers!!!! botw only really shows zeldas fascination in the sheikah artifacts as a way to still help hyrule without her powers, but i kinda wish we got to see her geek out about other old ruins? like she goes to the ancient columns but only focuses on the shrine there, not the columns or what they mean (though. to be fair in not excited about My ancient history either. i am about other peoples ancient history though). and in totk we see her geek out about the zonai ruins, which is really great for her character!!! and considering it was a popular theory that the sheikah and the zonai worked together before totk came out i feel like either she or Someone else would be interested in it!! if zelda isnt then i would want link to be involved Somehow, as it was theorized that the sheikah represent wisdom the most and the zonai represented courage the most, and well zelda is the bearer of wisdom and studied sheikah tech, so link could theoretically be involved with the zonai somehow. (also i just want to do something with link mainly because i have the most fun playing with him like a kid plays with barbie dolls. but also i feel like zelda should have more character traits too yknow. who knows this could be a bonding experience for them). but yeah zonai researchers, distinct from sheikah researchers theyre close to losing their minds with what few data/info they have On the zonai (at least in botw). if they found a construct theyd lose their mind. theyd argue with sheikah researchers on why researching the zonai is important especially for the sheikah considering they Couldve worked together (before totk).
speaking of researchers, somebody (also pre-cal but can be after pre-cal) who studies malice, gloom, and/or monsters!! in botw they dont really know the enemy, which is kinda easy not to as calamity ganon is like a natural disaster. but i feel like they couldve tried yknow? monster extract already existed pre-cal (the recipe for monster cake in the castle), so either malice already existed then too Or somebody somehow discovered it through monsters. i feel like these researchers exist for the sole purpose to know more about ganon and why monsters specifically can get under the influence of malice (especially because in prior entires the zora were enemies too, though i dont know if its because they were under ganons influence or not, but if the zora Were under the influence at some point and got out of it during botw, itd be a good topic to research on who is and isnt vulnerable to malice)
id like ghost ocs too!! in totk we get poes but we dont have a physical form of them, and in the botw artbook we have concept art for a ghost!! plus like yknow the ruins of towns everywhere? imagine ghosts in all of them. imagine the destroyed decorations of the towns strayed about. imagine meeting aryll or links dad as a ghost. or on the brighter side imagine involved questlines with these ghosts, making recipes that were forgotten by time or retrieving something lost. GHOST ANIMALS NEAR SATORI. though i dont want to have too many ghosts tbh as, after playing totk, i have decided that i like botws emptiness compared to totk. im not joking here i swear not insane. when i say emptiness i literally mean having no side quests nothing to do just empty space. i like that about botw. i swear im fine.so anyways yeah. honestly ive been thinking more in world building terms for all of this
i dont know how to end this. welcum to my sick twisted mind
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bixxelated · 1 year
ok listen. not to be an old man shaking my cane on my porch going, "kids these days" but the whole people inserting fics into AIs really is the final nail in a big line of symptoms that points to a problematic mentality in fandom these days--i dont particularly like using the word problematic considering how the internet has poisoned its meaning, but that's exactly what it is in this case
people, particularly the newer generations that are now growing up in modern day fandom, are so used to a content-centric internet regulated by fast-paced capitalism and viewer algorithms that they really forget that the roots of fandom itself is based on community. its obvious by the way they'd much rather have a fic finished by any sort of means, even unethical means instead of, yknow, actually engaging with the fans who all write purely out of passion or even creating for themselves.
and thats really the core of the matter i think. people dont want to engage anymore, and we're now seeing the bigger consequences of that.
ive seen that in that--when talking to my younger peers--there's an alarming uptick of people who dont read WIPs anymore, and prefer to filter them out so they can only look at completed stories.
i see it in the way that people are reblogging and commenting less and less, and prefer to stick to giving likes and kudos which, while appreciated, only gives the barest of feedbacks to the actual person behind the work itself.
i see this in the death of forums and independent spaces for community to talk to each other on the internet (save for a few exceptions like maybe reddit or discord or tumblr)
and i see it in the way that people are treating fandom artists of any kind like influencers, and their art like content when theyre really not and its really, really not.
fandom creators are not influencers. they can't be because theyre not getting paid for uploading any type of fanwork. because of the murky legality of it, almost all of it has to be entirely a labor of love, hence the reason why A03 doesn't allow you to upload commissioned fanworks or link to donation sites like patreon or kofi, and also why places like society6 and redbubble are very iffy on you selling self-made merch of any official series. thats a way to get sued by major corporations really fast.
which means that any type of fanwork uploaded does not work like a book series or a complete television series that you consume on netflix. it logtiscally cant be, because its all done on the artist's own time, and in the cases of physical materials like posters, stickers or zines, with their own money. so that means that a lot of the stuff you see uploaded is going to be uploaded piece by piece, at its own pace.
thats the whole reason fanworks need engagement. anything made ever out of love is a marathon race fueled by schedule availability, money and creative willpower, and very few people can make it far on their own. but if you have a whole bunch of people commenting on each others works, sending messages, theories, creating fan-made events like "[x ship] week" or even making fanworks of the fanworks, that is a big motivation to keep creating. its easy for fan content even, because other people are already familiar with the original work, so you're not creating something from scratch
the whole reason we post WIPs (aside from passion and a general sense of "hey look at this idea! isn't it cool?") is to get feedback that we can feed into the cycle of creation, but if that integral part of the cycle is empty, then creating will only last as long as our own interest does, or we'll move on to places or fandom where more people are engaging. and it takes a lot to really snuff that need for creation we all have, but it can come to that point for a discouraged creator
if you're frustrated by an unfinished project, dont steal their works plain and simple. and yes, if you're inserting a fic directly into AI, you're basically stealing it and then giving it away to major corporations for nothing. but you dont have to turn into that artist's personal cheerleader either (altho if you did we wouldnt mind) even just commenting is enough
ask your friends to comment. share the fic with a server. write about a line that stuck with you, write theories about things you think will happen in the next chapters, write about how you like how they did [x] with a character's reaction instead of [y]. heck, if you're able to, make a fanfic of a scene you like! some fanart! a comic even! no matter how old a work, people will always be happy to see people taking the time to engage with their work in a more meaningful way than a heart button, and it doesn't take much to stoke a passion that people already had for the original material.
i promise you, whatever is made with human hands will be infinitely better than whatever was stolen with some crummy AI.
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indigo474 · 8 months
Impermanence-nothing last forever-
Why do we suffer? all suffering originates in our mind. nothing last forever- even our thoughts, let them come, let them go. very interesting and i would love to take this 10 day course but.. not sure i can get the time off of work.. well i can but then i wont be able to do anything else this Summer--- something for the future. in the mean time i'll just keep doing my own meditative practice. I enjoyed my day working from home. I was able to get clean my house, paint my nails and workout all while getting paid. I could get use to it. I could also get use to never leaving my house.. Ive had visions of me having my groceries delivered along with anything else i might need, selling my car and never leaving the house. .. i could get a dog. I personally think people work better from home. i wish there were 2 days a week i could have my whole team work from home including me and the rest in office. Unfortunately, my company hasnt changed with the times and they still want people in office.. Once again had issues with the new guy on my team. I really hope he takes himself out. I love it when my reps lie to me .. i'm looking at the report and your telling me something and that is not what i'm seeing.. the thing is they all do it to various degrees..i use to take it personally.. i dont anymore.. this guy is a real asshole.. and should have NEVER made it past the probation period and i am NOT letting this one go. Ive heard it before about how Drew is going to start letting people go and how he's aware that not everyone should be allowed out on the floor. And if you have such high expectations of people shouldn't those high expectations really start with yourself? I have a talk with Drew about something he let this ass hole of a rep do.. Drew says oh yeah my back was against the wall and i had to let him do it.. but now its up to you to tell him he cant do it anymore.. what? so i have to enforce the rules you dont follow. AND i have been in meetings where as soon as the person left the room Drew starts saying how they lack energy and enthusiasm.. and he's gonna tell me i have too much?? the toxicity starts at the top... but again nothing is forever and at the end of the day we are all just getting that check each week and in the big scheme of things none of it truly matters. tomorrow in office.. should be exciting. I'll be spending my Valentine's day night having my pussy waxed.. how romantic.
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arttrampbelle · 1 year
I will die on this hill. Mileena is shao Kahn's daughter. That is her whole goddamn shtick,the reason why she was created. To replace kitana as heir to the throne after shao kahn.
Since sindel still loves and cares for kitana(ignoring mk11 completely for that bullshit they pulled) and possibly couldn't make another heir with shao kahn the other way. Or she didn't want to risk it. Shao kahn ordered shang by force to make him an heir.
So to divorce mileena from kitana,aka not make her a legit clone. Is asinine to her whole character. And her purpose.
Can she be redeemed? Sure. Its actually about time we make kitana and mileena reconcile. Kuai n hanzo did. Why not milly n kitana?!
You can make shang a dad in other ways. That doesn't fuck over other characters and make shit where they dont belong.
(Besides shang tsung is vain af. If he is honna have a kid. He's making the kid "the old fashioned way" or at least one more looking like himself. Like fr come on people!)
Plus shao kahn despite being the Tyrant he is . He deserves better treatment than that. Come on he's a legendary big bad ffs!
Mk11 mad ehim such a meathead it pissed me off. And made sindel the one to have all the glory?! Hell no! And the only reason they did that. Straight up they said because they liked her better evil and they thought she was hot. Im not shiting you! They legit stated that!
Nrs aren't even trying to hide the bias anymore.
But yeah shao kahn wouldn't survive being a tyrant if he's just a blockhead. Even with karen er i mean sindel. Running shit. Making her some op,washed up Kardashian,beeyotch. Is butchering her character,and all she went through. Even in 10 they stated she was manipulated.
So wtaf NRS?
So just because people cant read. And NRS fucked up characters. Don't mean you have to buy into what crap they selling.
Go actually play the original games. Mk1,mk2,mk3. Maybe 4. At least do me that solid.
Anything after that,is whatever. But the first 3(again 4 if you wanna count some characters) are like the mk bible. That is what should not,can not,and will not be changed. At least the damn basics of the characters. Like god damn.
Anyways. Milly deserves better.
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arlecchno · 2 years
YES HELLO IM VERY HAPPY TO BE GETTING BACK TO SENDING ASKS MORE OFTEN HEHE - tbh for some reason im fairly good at manifesting dreams because ive noticed for me personally if im thinking about something a bunch before falling asleep theres a pretty big chance that , if i have a dream that night , itd be about the thing i think about , and surprise surprise .. i think about genshin a lot so ive had my fair share if genshin or genshin related dreams , in order of appearance , ive seen: xiao , thoma , childe & scaramouche , albedo & kaeya & diluc & jean , and ofc haitham and kaveh ! sometimes i think about how alhaitham would act towards me as well and , dude , i do NOT think he would tolerate my bullshit whatsoever HAHAH like maybe hed tolerate me in the beginning but once i get comfy its the end of that whole relationship because im incredibly annoying and loud .
im passionate for so many of these silly funky little shits in genshin man , all my friends know me for being a kazuha lover too 😭😭 THE FIRST TIME I WORE A RING TO SCHOOL THEY ALL JOKED ABOUT ME “finally marrying kazuha” LMFAO —
HELL YEAH VALIDATION FOR MY STUPID PORTRAYAL ‼️‼️ there was actually a part where haitham had to explain the joke to kaveh here imma type it out —
k: who are you calling a fool you scoundrel ?? also its so not true that he could beat me in a fight
and then the note from the kaveh rper: “bros DENYING it but we all know alhaitham solos”
a: once again , kaveh , denial is a river in the desert .
k: seriously i dont understand you sometimes alhaitham whatever youre trying to explain doesnt make any sense -
a: its a kind of word play , kaveh — see this is why i call you a fool — you do know what the nile river is , correct ? i wouldnt be that surprised if you didnt though .
k: i obviously know what the nile river is - I just dont understand the word play your implying [crosses his arms in "I won't stop posing like this til I get an answer”] (exact words from the kaveh LMFAO)
a: “the nile” and the word “denial” sound similar .
i was hanging on by a T H R E A D when i made haitham make that jokes because on one hand it is SO not a thing he would say but on the other … its funny . and since it was practically a crack taken serious rp i was like fuck it why not . hopefully i managed to stay in character LOL .
holding my hands out rn please diluc …. literally trading my hutao for any dilucs i can get rn HAHAH
asters name isnt even their original one lmfao , they adopted it when they settled into mond because well , cant have anyone knowing you were an ancient khaenriahn soldier yaknow . their original name (now their legal last name) is stigandr which means wanderer in old norse , and before you say anything about it , i made aster way before scara was announced playable so it is merely coincidence . the name aster was chosen for them for actually a multitude of reasons , them being that it means “star” , the fact that its a flower in mondstadt , and that i actually also used to go by that name as well !
they arent exactly besties with kaeya , infact their permanent residence is actually dawn winery so .. i imagine you know where this is going HAHAH - based off of my own personal relationship with kaeya , aster absolutely DESPISED him at first , not in any serious way but like “this bitch is annoying as hell” and its totally a slowburn friendship . when they both eventually became good enough friends , aster helped the ragbros reconcile . i like to think aster also has a sibling like relationship with diluc (hear me out , the fucking angst possibilities with this that i wont elaborate on rn , maybe later if youre interested) and is like debating on marrying kaeya platonically so that they can be legal siblings LOL
COTTON CANDY IS GREAT YESS my school sells different flavors other then the red and blue and my gods the mint and hot chocolate flavors are delicious -
we can be weird together h , because ME TOO ive been obsessed with him ever since i saw him . like at first it was gender envy and then i saw his personality and just fell immediately . heizou please marry me -
oh thats cool ! i think its nice that you finished the stuff bc now you can kinda relax in that aspect of your life right ? :D good luck with your future studies though lmfao -
OMG YOURE GONNA SAY GOODBYE TO BRICK WALL WINDOW ? congratulations !! i also have that problem with my stuff , so much of my shit has a lot of sentimental meaning and i refuse to throw them out hahah
LMAO the one inch away from going insane is so me . oof though , driving …. shivers …… i dont think id be ready to drive ever lmao ive driven , like , a go kart before (it kinda felt like a real car man .. it had doors and everything) and that was like borderline terrifying .
i meaaan .. i never said you couldnt be biased but yeah understandable ! kazuha would be a wonderful roomie . hes also one of my top candidates for if i had to room w a genshin character . the other 2 on the top 3 podium are thoma and heizou hahah - mostly heizou though , i love him and would love his opinion on my multitude of theories regarding various media , and i would totally try to get him to obsess over things with me hehe , we also have similar taste in food based off his lines lmao . anyways before i go off and write an essay on 100 reasons me and heizou are compatible together im going to cut myself off LMFAO - i do agree that even some of our favs would be absolutely insufferable to room w , i too would avoid rooming w scara unless he signed a contract not to yell or be too mean to me because like . i WOULD cry . unless we were friends beforehand i guess . same with alhaitham - like im kinda into his personality and how he wouldnt sugarcoat anything but id rather not start sobbing infront of him yknow lolol
my exploration progress is .. well not very much honestly ! ive only maxxed out one subsection of mondstadt because im just too lazy to do exploration , and no reward can get me to walk around for an extended period of time , especially because im practically blind id be walking around in circles for like 5 minutes looking for a fucking oculi that was underground and/or above me 😭😭 (this literally happened to me so many times) my story progress is decent i guess ? im slightly behind on my archon quests but thats because i want to drag my friend into commentating on it with me because its funny - im on the second act of the sumeru quests rn , the one where were psychologically abusing setaria /j my main genshin team is kaeya , albedo , xiao , and kazuha ! its not as elementally balanced as id like , but they are my sillies and dont have the heart to replace any of them yet
i hope youre day has been well too ! (even though im like pretty sure you usually respond to my asks at like 6am) id have sent my last response earlier if academics werent fucking me over so much (semi exaggeration) LMFAO
questions questions ! whats your favorite kind / flavor of chocolate ? or pastry if you dont like / cant have chocolate ? (can you tell im planning something lol .)
— jellyfish
HELLO HELLO YOU!!! i've finally got to answer your ask i'm terribly sorry that it's been a while 😢😢😢😢
i think if i had your abilities to dream about the things i think about a lot i'd be having the time of my life bro... my dreams are so random like did you know last night i dreamt about having two of my teeth fall out and how they were absolutely GINORMOUS for no reason? i woke up thinking they actually fell out and had to check myself and look around my bed to see if there were any teeth there,, truly a weird new experience/fear i will literally cry if i lose a single tooth
not the married to kazuha allegations!!!! whenever someone mentions about my kazuha obsession i'd humbly take it as both a proud moment and an embarrassment for me because yes! i love kazuha will all my heart! but am i that lonely that i resort to the comfort of a pixel character...? maybe that's why i'm a writer now /j (I'M JUST KIDDING this is how i usually view myself as a kazuha enjoyer LMAO/)
also THAT BIT OF YOUR RP TOOK ME OUT 😭😭😭😭 me and kaveh twins fr we would be SO clueless when it comes to jokes about wordplay,, even if this was a rp i think this would be canon in a modern au because i can actually see haitham as someone who can joke when he feels like it and when he does,, it's just him making this 😐 face while he explains the joke and kaveh being like 😠🤨 at first and then 😧 when he finally gets it. and then haitham is just there waiting for kaveh's foul comments and retorts.... okay i've clearly gotten ahead of myself with this LOL
please trade with your hu tao. i've been trying to pull for her but she's not even bothered to come home to me smh this is the third lantern rite yet i still don't have her 😔
and WOW!!! the depth to aster's name is honestly fascinating :0 it's nice to see that you've given them a solid background while still stringing them with the genshin lore that's just so incredible!! also them being a permanent residence of dawn winery. i can imagine the pure chaos it is getting along with ragnvindr brothers (or attempt to, at least) but their development with aster sounds great!!!! i definitely see aster being someone they'd lean to eventually. would love to see how they all first met though LMAO aster and kaeya would have so many awfully idiotic banters and diluc's just.... there watching them argue like teenagers
yes!!! finals have always been a pain for me because they're the most important part of your grade so i'm definitely relieved it's now over,, though my results weren't what i had expected i could care less at this point,, and yes unfortunately i am gonna say goodbye to my brick wall view 😔 i no longer get to enjoy the blissful view from my window, staring into the beautiful void of my neighbour's wall </3 driving is gonna be such a terrifying experience for me . let's hope i don't crash into a tree like my cousin did a few years back.... haha.....
glad we're on the same page with the roommate thing!!! i'm quite embarrassed to say that i had forgotten about thoma because.... he's literally the perfect roommate. bro's a housekeeper, he knows EVERYTHING about household stuff... and bro's a total malewife too i can't believe i didn't consider him at the time
oh i HATE when oculis are underground and you're just above thinking that it was there... sumeru is very pretty but the underground areas are such a hassle to explore smh!!!
albedo.... man i'm so upset that i still don't have him 😭 had to skip his last rerun because i have already milked all of my primos for cyno (and his weapon but,,, unfortunately elegy came home instead . two. fucking. times.) and i thought about rolling for him since there were many speculations of him having a possible rerun next patch.
i seriously believed it because khoi (albedo's eng va) was hosting the 3.5 livestream but then shenhe and ayaka suddenly appeared for the upcoming batch...???? (not to mention cyno too?!?! this dude had his banner 5 months ago!) my life literally flashed before my eyes . guess i've got to wait for the next winter patch or something for him 💔
don't worry about your team not being elementally balanced.... haha.... you should see my friendship team. i really just slap on whatever character i haven't maxxed out their friendship lvl yet and call it a day
don't worry about not sending me asks on time!!! it's important to focus on irl stuff so it's fine to do whatever. i, too, have quite been neglecting this blog this month due to personal stuff 😢😢😢 take all the time you need!
to answer your question... i don't exactly enjoy chocolate. I MEAN i like it but not for a long period of time eating it,, i'd get all queasy and shit 😭 i do enjoy milk chocolate and white chocolate though, they're the least that could make me sick
as for pastries,,, this is seriously hard considering how insanely obsessed i am with pastry goods 😔 every time i pass by a cafe or a bakery i always fight the urge to head in and buy every single pastry there is because THEY'RE ALWAYS SO GOOD!!! if i had to choose...... donuts. you can never go wrong with them . also cinnamon rolls definitely secures in second place. overall i'm just a really dedicated puff pastry enjoyer i hope i can learn how to bake one day (i tried cooking an egg and almost burnt the kitchen down)
i hope my replies this time aren't too long for you to read 😢😔 i'm making up for the times i've gone missing so if you read until here then that's nice of you,, i'm a real rambler if given the opportunity.
question!!!! what's your current favourite song :0
hope you're having a wonderful day today, don't forget to rest well 😙🪐🤍
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car mod rules
if there is already a part for it
dont waste it...
dont buying a hood if there is already a hood...
buy a front lip
cause it doesnt have a front lip...
buy a spoiler... cuz it can use another one...
buy some side skirts...
uz its cool
but some rear window diffuser
cause u dont have it
and it looks cool
buy some anime merch for it.
dont wrap it.
keep it original hood
just wrap the top...
it doesnt have a top window anyways...
urs does
appreicate it.
love it
else loose it
u never know...
what u had
until its gone.
its the things we have now
that if we can appreicate it.
and more
u well get more and more..
dont think on trying to sell it..
just park it outside
tis cool
dont take dads spot
buy it urself
its only 27 granf
ok its 33k
ok its 31500 if its manuel...
but manuel is so hard.
u gotta getit manuel..
ull get use to it..
its the joy
of what it means
to really
its fun
its cool
its a manuel.
cant drive one
u cant drive yet.
u can drive manuel
u can drive anything
its like learn that one trait
that i didnt learn
drive manuel
is the next step.
dont buy a r86 first
first buy a manuel... car used
a used manuel car
a used manuel 350z..
5000-7000 budget?
start there
u can crash like 5
and still have a car
0 notes
loousir · 3 years
[Orc] Saviour
Orc Male x Male Reader
Warnings: Slight Orc to Human racisim, no violence other than what you see before the cut (3rd paragraph), injured reader, reader is written to be muscular
You were currently leaning against a tree trying to catch your breath as you were holding your wounded side tightly. Three heavy and thundering sets of footsteps got closer and closer until they stopped. You did your best to hold your breath steady and quiet but it failed you.
"Ah, there ya are, ya littl' pest." A large grey-ish green hand stole you away from your hiding spot. "Why cant you just leave me the fuck alone?" You croaked out as he gripped your shirt tighter. "Cause littl' runts like you, dont belong in an Orc settl'm'nt. All we're doin' is disposin' of the rat in the kitch'n." He snarled out, his nose crinkling up as he spoke. His buddies cut your legs more then they already had been to make sure you didnt run off but in such a way so that you didnt bleed out too quickly.
Your groaning voice of pain was ignored as the main Orc tossed you onto the wet mossy dirt right up against an old tree stump. You looked up to the Orc with a harsh glare before speaking for the final time that night. "You have absolutely no dignity and no right to call yourself an Orc." Your vision went blurry and your eyes closed, breathing heavily as everything faded out.
You sat up with a start as the sun had heat up your wounded cheek, causing it to hurt. Your breath was unsteady, uneven, and incredibly heavy. A strong pounding sensation coarsed through your head as you hunched over and grabbed your chest, trying to calm your breathing. "Shit..."
After a fre minutes, you finally calmed down enough to take in your surroundings. The room was only lit by the light that shone through the large window next to the large plush bed you were currently sitting on. There was minimal decoration in the room but it was garnishing a large war hammer resting on the mantle of the fireplace. You carefully turned your legs out from under the covers to have them hang off the side of the bed.
Only your boxers/briefs were on and you took note how most of your body was bandaged, including the whole of your left cheek. You carefully shuffled off the bed, still using it heavily for support as your feet touched the bear skin rug. You realized it was an Onikuma.
I know who's house this is...
The house belonged to your closest friend, Borhul. He's one of the clan chiefs off-spring and next in line to be chief. His father, Orogakh, had taken a particular shine to you after he had rescued you from a group of "bandits" that had you bound and ready to sell off to some vampire as a blood slave.
Orogakh had been watching them before he noticed your child frame. He said his original intent was to just see if they were going to harm the settlement but just had an urge to rescue you. Once he did, he would return you to a human village but when you said you had no family he decided to take you in.
His teachings formed you into the tall, muscular man that you are today. You decided to stop reminiscing for a moment to continue your shaky trek out to the livingroom.
"He's not here..."
You looked around his lightly decorated cabin before hobbling over to the large couch and sitting down. Your eyes closed momentarily before opening again when the heavy front door creaked open. His lime green eyes instantly locked with yours and he rushed over to you. "You're awake." He seemed shaken, as if he didnt think you'd wake up.
"Uh, yeah." You looked to his eyes again to see them watering as he pulled you gently into a hug. "Gods I was so worried." You hugged back and gently reassured him by rubbing your rather soft hand against his exposed spine. Most Orc's in the settlement walked around wearing only bottoms so him being shirtless was a common sight.
He pulled away and looked to your eyes. "Do you think... I could get the rundown of what happened? I passed out and I really only know up until that point." Borhul pulled away and looked at you, your eyes looking down to his silver rings that fit perfectly over his long, slim tusks.
"After I change your dressings and get you a bath I will." You nodded and mumbled out an 'ok' before he suddenly picked you up bridal style. He was about a foot and a half taller than you, standing at 7'7" but he was still so extremely gentle with you, as if he were to accidentally squeeze too hard he would break a bone.
"I know I'm wounded but I'm not a porcelain doll." You said quietly as he sat you down on his bathrooms toilet. He grunts and kneels down in front of you. "Please no snarky remarks right now." He started to gently unwrap your left calf, slowly traveling up to your thigh. You watched carefully as he revealed still healing, yet well cared for wounds.
"Have you been the one looking after me?" You asked looking to his face. He had started on unwrapping your right leg but paused to look up to you and nod. Your eyes softened as you looked to his again. Without thinking, your hand reached out to his face, gently cupping his cheek. His eyes closed and he leaned slightly into your touch. "Sorry for making you worry so much Bora."
He shook his head before continuing to unwrap your wounds. "No, it's not your fault. I just wished I had realized something was up sooner." You smiled as he moved up to your arms, beginning to unwrap those as well. "Its good to know at least one other person cares about me." He looked to your eyes for the third time and gently held your hand in his.
"My family cares about you (Y/n). And so does the settlement. They know how important you are to me and they respect that. I mean we grew up together for gods sake." You gently squeezed his hand but didnt say anything. "I dont think I could lose you that easily." He spoke softly before continuing to unwrap you.
Neither of you spoke as he finished unwrapping you and turning on the water, waiting for it to be warm. Not hot but warm. He looked back over to you and reached up to your face, carefully peeling away the bandage. His calloused thumb softly traced around the cut that would more than likely form into a scar. Your eyes closed and you leaned softly into his hand before he pulled it away.
"Father will be happy to know that you're ok." He spoke as he helped you up. Without thinking, you started to gently shimmy out of your underwear, trying your best to not scrape any wounds with the fabric. Borhul held a blush on his cheeks as he helped you into the tub.
"Here," He hands you a bottle of medicinal soap that he's been using to clean your wounds. "Use this then once done dont stay in too long after. It's not good if they get too much water." You nodded and looked up to him to see he was looking away. "Borhul." He glances over to you and keeps his eyes locked with yours.
"Thank you."
He nods and turned his head away again. "I'm going to let father know that you're awake." You mumbled another small 'ok' as he left you to your own. A moment or two had passed when the bathroom door creaked open and Borhuls hand set something down on the counter before closing again.
Some minutes had passed as you cleaned yourself and the pretty well healed wounds. While you bathed, many questions ran through your head.
How long has it been?
What happened after you passed out?
How were you found, saved even?
You were lost in thought but the sound of the door opening make you look up. "You should hop out and dry off. Father would like to see you." He said quickly before closing the door again. You simply did as told and dried off, slipping on the pair of boxers he had brought you.
"Bora?" You called for him as you carefully hobbled out of the bathroom. Two heads turned to look at your wounded form and the called for orc made his way over to you. "Hold on, lemme..." He gently picks you up again and sets you on his kitchen counter before going to get what you assumed was bandages.
You looked over to see Orogakh staring at you. "Hey pops." He stood up and walked over to you, examining how your wounds have healed. He didnt say anything and simply pulled you into a hug. You hugged him back and looked over his shoulder to see Borhul holding bandages and some clothes that looked like his from when he was younger.
Orogakh stepped away and let his son help you. Neither of you spoke buy just looking at his face you knew exactly what he was thinking, making you smile sweetly at him. Borhul carefully bandaged some wounds that still needed to heal a bit more and slipped a pair of loose pants and a button up shirt. The shirt was a ivory white and the pants were brown. "I mostly covered the deepest wounds but the others are fine to breathe. Just try not to get them dirty." You smiled up to him and nodded. "I dont plan on making them any worse."
You said, looking up to him, still holding that smile on your face. He gently smiled as well before leaning in and hugging you again. "I'm glad you're ok..." He pulled away and turned to his father. "Should we..?" Orogakh nodded and Borhul gently took you off the counter. "Will you be ok with me giving you a ride?" He bent his knees slightly and motioned for you to hop on his back.
"I suppose. You probably wouldn't let me walk anyway." You said with a small laugh before carefully climbing onto his bare back. He adjusted so the both of you were comfortable before following his father out of the house. The instant that the three of you had left, all eyes had looked to not only you, but to Borhul carrying you.
The looks were mixed amongst the Orc camp as the camps' leader was walking along side his son carrying another, who wasn't even an Orc. Even though few looked on with an odd feeling, they were glad that you were ok. Borhul carried you all the way to town square where your three assailants were locked in pillorys. There was a small group of youngn's throwing stones at them and laughing.
"We waited till you woke up so that you could choose their punishment." Borhul gently set you on the pavement and Orogakh shooed the kids away. The three of you stood in front of the three of them, looking down on their pitiful states. The breeze blew gently, ruffling your hair. "I don't want anything bad to happen to them." Borhul scoffed and looked down to you. "Are you serious? They almost killed you (Y/n)."
You sighed and looked up to them. "All I wish is they're branded with both the murders and banishment marks and removed far away from here." He turned you to look at him. "(Y/n) they almost killed you. That's all you want to do?" You nodded. "If I wish death upon them like they did me, then I'm no better than they are. Just because I have all the power doesn't mean I will abuse it." You mumbled the last part as Borhul takes a moment to think before removing his hands from your shoulders and looking to his father.
He nodded and said, "I'll take care of them. Take (Y/n) back and relax." Borhul nodded and gently grabbed your hand. You looked up to him surprised. "What?" You shook your head. "You're just... Holding my hand." He grunts. "So what about it?" You shook your head again and the two of you slowly walked along the cobbled road back to his home.
Once the two of you arrived he pulled you close and sat the both of you on the couch. You ended up sitting super close, like thighs touching close. "Could you tell me what happened?" You asked, looking up to his eyes again. He sighs, some relief evident. "Not much had happened. I'm pretty sure we got there just as you passed out." You nod and rest your head on his shoulder, making his face light up with a blush. "You were out for three days though. The doctor said you should have woken the day after the attack so I was afraid."
There was a moment of comfortable silence before he spoke again. "So um... I... I know this is probably a bad time but... I..." Borhul hesitates heavily on what he's about to say. You look up to his eyes again and he was intensely staring at your face. "It's ok. Take your-mmhp!" He cut you off by smashing his lips into yours. You responded after your short shock had passed. A moment passed before the both of you pulled away for air.
"I think I love you." He mumbled out before going in for another kiss which you reciprocated. By the time the two of you pulled away, you found yourself straddling Borhuls thighs and his hands rested on your hips. "Hi." You said with a smile. "Hey." He said with a exceptionally pleased smile. "I just might feel the same way Bora." He smiles and kisses you again. Your hand rested on his chest as you leaned into him.
"Bora?" You said after you both pulled away. He looks up to you with a cute smile on his face. With a smile of your own, you run your fingers through his hair, combing it slightly in the process. He closes his eyes and let's out a small content hum. "Your hair is so wavy. But I guess that's what happens when it's braided all the time." You said as you played with it more. He rests his face on the spot between your neck and your shoulder and slightly pulls you closer.
"I wish we could stay like this forever."
----- 2465 (not proof read) Considering a part 2
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aelinshryvrs · 4 years
so, in brazil, we have this gigant publisher called ‘galera record’ and and they publish most of the big titles and authors (here’s a list of some authors and books, but there are many more)
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the problem begins with the absurd price they put on the books. it’s so expansive, most people can’t afford it. when they released koa (one year after the book was launched) it was cheaper to buy the original, hardcover, signed copy then the portuguese one. but then you say “okay, it’s expansive, but you’re paying for a high quality product, so it’s worth it” right? no.
here are some of the problems we have with this publisher:
1. the translations
i’m going to use a recent exemple, but you can find stuff like this in basically all their books.
they released the brazilian version of house of earth and blood, by sarah j maas this semester, and it was one of the most expected books of the year. they whitewashed ALL the non white characters. Hunt, Fury, Juniper, Isaiah... you name it, they whitewashed. it was absurd. all the fans ware so angry, we made it to the trends and they said that in the next edition they were going to fix it. but if you had already bought it, it’s your problem. you keep the racist copy or pay for the new one.
like i said, you can find things like this in most of their books. here we have Raphael from tmi (Cassie Clare) saying “i’m not gay. i’m not straight. i’m not interested.”, and they turned to “i’m not gay. I’m straight. i’m not interested.”
they literally changed his sexuality
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and this is an old book, they never fixed. besides changing characters races, skin color and sexuality (among other absurd things), their books are poorly translated. wrong words, characters names spelled wrong, changes in the original texts that are not necessary or make sense
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2. bad quality of the books
besides the poor translation, the books have a low quality. like, really low.
the paper they use it’s terrible and gets yellow with months (in the pictures, 1° one is books that i have for six years from other publishers and 2° have 3/4 years)
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we’ve been complaining about this for YEARS, they aways say they will change the papers, but never do.
besides this we have other problems: books with missing chapters, books with the pages glued together, with whole pages missing, the bumps of the books not aligned, literally anything you can think about. and yet they put an absurd price no one can afford
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3. lack of professionalism
this one is the most recent one. yesterday, the main editor of the publisher was “talking” against pirate books. i understand. it’s her job. but then she compared piracy with RAPE, RACISM AND MURDER and then made this joke, referring to a case that is running here in brazil, where a girl’s rapist was sentenced with “guilt rape”, witch is basically saying he didn’t meant to rape her. that’s not even legal and it’s so so so disgusting and wrong. we are still fighting to have justice brought to this case and this girl, and the main editor of one of the biggest publisher in the country had the nerve and lack of character to make a joke saying that reading in illegal epubs is “guilt piracy.”, when most people who read in illegal forms don’t have the money to buy books. we don’t have many libraries. it’s either read in epubs or don’t read at all. so besides having no compassion with all these peoples, she used an serious and disgusting issue as a joke.
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that’s not the first time she’s involved in cases like this, and yet she was never fired or reprimanded. they just ignore it, because she’s the heir of the publisher, so i guess it’s okay she does this kind of thing
we are basically hostage of this publisher because it buys all the big titles and it’s either give them money or don’t read the books we love so much.
most of us cant read in english or cant afford to buy international copies, so if we want our favorites, we need to buy it from them. the reason for this thread is to ask you to help us bring attention to this. we are tired of the disrespect this is and we want authors to know who their selling their work to, and to know what is happening here. so please, tag the authors, publishers, managers ANYONE you can think of that will read this and be able to do something to help. please. we are so tired of having to deal with this, we just don’t know what to do.
thanks for reading, i’m so sorry for any mistakes, and please share this and tag people
angie thomas
kalynn bayron
brittainy c cherry
rory power
kami garcia
holly black
v.e schwab
sarah j maas
shelby mahurin
colleen hoover
sabaa tahir
anthony horowitz
aiden thomas
cassie clare
we reached to every author i mentioned and more. thank you so much to everyone who helped us, it means the world to us!
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mrstsung · 2 years
The only raidens i accept are
Mk legends raiden
Mk dotr raiden
Mk conquest raiden
And 95 raiden
And the og raiden
Because mk11 raiden?
Horrible,i hate dark raiden(always have,sorry to me its a cop out and a cheap way of writing his darker traits. I hate when a character has to become "evil" to show dark traits. Or worse have an external factor to contribute to said darkness,ugh). I hate hate how raiden sounds. No offense to Richard epcar fans but he doesn't sound like raiden to me. He just sounds like Joseph joestar. (I love him but not for this character. Not rai). I hate how he basically had to do a dbz fusion dance with liu kang to defeat a mediocre villain. Which btw was easier to beat with shang tsung than liu kang. And liu is supposed to be easy in every mk game ive played. Which for the past how many years i have never had any problems playing liu kang,like at all. Legit shang tsung is so damn easy to play.
Raiden is relatively easy and so is kung lao. Sindel is embarrassingly easy to play,oof.
But yeah. Raiden's character consulting every five damn seconds with the elder gods is annoying af. The real raiden wouldn't have a need to unless and absolute crisis. But even then he has faith in his warriors. Thats the difference between the real og raiden,and legit any other raiden before mk9(minus crappy dark raiden,sorry not sorry) and mk11 raiden.
Plus i hate how unemotional they make raiden. That's not how he's supposed to be. In fact. That's quite the opposite of how he is.
Its like NRS is trying to make raidens character unlikable so we should like his younger brother more when thats horrible. Because raiden n fujin go hand n hand and never separated.
Fujin is his equal and brother. And should be treated as such. But he isn't. The only difference between them is one does things in an introverted way and the other extroverted. One is the carefree young bro and the other protective and caring older bro. Thats legit it! Its not the fucking hard to comprehend.
Yet NRS,completely forgot that. And shat on the ogs work and lore.
But then again they wanna be the next hot thing to the *shivers* mcu. Like its disturbing.
Like also not to mention,there was more gameplay in aftermath than the main story. I felt like i was watching a movie instead of playing an actual game.
That's annoying af. Like i absolutely about fell asleep while playing. That's how annoying it was.
Aftermath is clearly the stronger of the two archs. And genuinely ngl. Solely because of shang tsung,fujin and nightwolf. Especially shang tsung. Come fucking on its cary hiroyuki tagawa ffs! How can you not!?
But also fujin and nightwolfs contribution to that arch was amazing too.
Like fr. I wish the whole game was about those three.
It would be way fucking better than whatever crap they were trying to sell before shang came back.
Shang tsung single handedly made mortal kombat interesting.
To get rid of him is not good. But its also bad when this one asshole(i say that lovingly shang darling) is your only one thing keeping you afloat story wise.
How bad does your games storyline gotta be when the dlc og villain is the best thing about your game? Shang tsung legit was the saving grace of mk11.
Yeah i said it. Die mad NRS.
No i won't shut up about how the fucked up raiden badly.
It pisses me off.
Nor will i shut up about how NRS is kinda shooting themselves in the foot with all the bullshit they do in their games.
I wanna hope in mk12 they fix them buuuuut i doubt it.
They are gonna completely rehash the whole mk universe. Practically been doing that.
And honestly if tagawa dont come back as shang. I don't want anything to do with any more mortal kombat games.
And i mean that.
Sorry this vent was originally about raiden. Then came back to shang. Ha! You should know i cant stay away from shang for long.
But yeah. Raiden. Poor raiden. Always getting the short end. Just like kung lao.
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