#and that thing is sturdy and stable and does not bounce back like people do
autogeneity · 6 months
oh my god you guys I am not unreasonably weak and slow and whatnot, people are just shit at holding boards
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robininthelabyrinth · 3 years
What do you imagine Lao Nie look like? There are some fanarts like this one: https://twitter.com/of_robotandgod/status/1434300937783369733?s=21
Hmmmm, okay, so this is just my own headcanon, obviously, but Lao Nie has both an appearance and a demeanor and these are not the same thing.
Looking at him physically, he's strong and broad-shouldered, and tall in comparison to normal people, although not those towering slender trees over in the Lan sect (Nie Mingjue's atrocious height comes from his mother's side). Probably the best way to describe him is solid - he's powerful and muscular, especially in the shoulders, arms, and back, but his muscles aren't sculpted or idealized; he's sturdy in the way someone who eats well but also gets up every day to swing a saber around. Not fat, he's still the same vague sort of build as his sons, but more solid and stable, with a layer of fat lending him a sense of density that they lack. Most notably, he's deeply grounded - the sort of person you could run straight into at full speed and they'd keep walking without having even noticed, while you bounce off. He's like a brick wall. If he had a daemon, it would be a wild boar or a tiger - powerful haunches, thick hide, tendency to walk straight into danger without giving a fuck.
To compare him to his sons, they all share what I see as the sort of 'standard' Nie sect features, like a strong nose and sharp eyebrows, with a sort of fierce handsomeness to their features. But if Nie Mingjue usually gives off the vibe of a fierce war god, complete with Presence and charisma that makes him feel bigger than he actually is (while in fact he's actually more slender than Lao Nie, with a tapered waist and narrower shoulders) and Nie Huaisang deliberately plays up his ineptitude and harmlessness in a way that deceives the eye into thinking he's softer and rounder than he really is, Lao Nie's demeanor is somewhere in the middle.
He's probably only a shade under 6f, taller than most men of his time, with big broad shoulders and an explosive temper and hands that could probably crush the life out of you, but if you look at him, you would never believe it. He feels friendly. He feels reliable. You get the feeling that he's been amused by something and is inviting you in on the joke - even when he's angry about something, nine times out of ten you're not going to feel like he's scary and intimidating, just that he's letting off some steam, like a hissing teapot. His eye shape is more Nie Huaisang than Nie Mingjue, disarmingly sweet; he sometimes lets himself have a short well-trimmed beard and sometimes shaves it off and it doesn't make a difference either way - he just feels, right from the start, like you've been old friends for years. People just instinctively slide into treating him informally. Sturdy, grounded, friendly, safe, trustworthy - you could put him at the scene of a murder and the police, coming up to him, would first ask if he happened to get a glimpse of the murderer running away.
This is, to be clear, a completely mistaken impression.
Lao Nie is not reliable. He's friendly, but he's not actually your friend, even if you think of him as one. He is not safe. He probably murdered that man that the police are asking about, but he'll happily go to a bar and have drinks with them while they're struggling to figure that out. He is a ruthless bastard when it suits him, has a death wish without overly concerning himself with the possibility of collateral damage, and that one time out of ten where he does actually come off as scary...well, you're probably dead soon after, so it's not your problem any more. But he doesn't feel like he's any of those things, so people tend not to notice until it's too late.
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A candle passed on.
My entry for @fuckyeahfraxus ‘s fraxusweek! Day one: He likes guys.
This also has some Chendy in it, old gays supporting young gays u know
Freed hadn't been wary when Wendy had approached him, but he had felt a certain type of nervousity that usually appears when someone who's seen you in less than graceful states approaches you. That is, until she stands right before him and he can pick up the little telltale signs that she's far more nervous than he is. Shuffling with her feet, bouncing toe to toe, yep the child's jumpy alright.
Deciding to give her time to speak her mind, he merely gives her a questioning glance and in return, is met with puffed up cheeks and little fists balled in determination. "Mister Freed!" she yells and he winces a bit at the volume, making the girl colour red. "Yes?", he politely answers and Wendy aggressively sits down on the chair in front of him. "I have come to bargain!" she continues, face still determined but voice definitely a bit softer.
Rest of the fic under the cut!
"Have you now?" He smiles in amusement, but tries his hardest to come across as non-judgemental. Most of the time coming across in such a manner is the least of his concerns, but he's got the feeling that Miss Marvell wouldn't like it very much. "I will give you this", she states and puts a pouch filled with tooth-rotting sweets in front of him, opened and well within reach. "And in return, you will accompany me and uhh... a certain partner in crime to the Festival of Fiore in Crocus."
Suppresing a smile and the urge to pat her head, he leans back, pretending to think it over. He hates overly sugared sweets and even if he didn't, there wasn't much stopping him from taking them and leaving. "I don't know Miss Marvell", he lazily drawls and she tenses up, "I don't know if I can agree to your terms. How 'bout this", he says, faking some type of accent and leaning forward conspiratorialy. She giggles, leans forward too and takes on the accent as well. "What's ya offuhr, Mister uhhh Freed?"
"My last name is Justine, if you were wondering", he interjects politely and she oohs softly, probably remembering it. "Here's the offer lil missy, you take this pouch right back", he says and slides it back to her, "Instead ya give me exactly one nice picture of that evening. Ya've got one of those polaroids dun'ya? Also, I'll be bringing a partner in crime of me own aswell."
"Oh okay", she says, already forgetting about the accent. "I can do that, thank you Mister Freed." He shakes his head. "No need to thank me and you can just call me Freed. Calling me Mister makes me feel old." Cocking her head, Wendy gives him a confused look. "Well aren't you? You're like, twenty or something. A whole adult."
Immediately, Freed is blessed with a flashback to yesterday, where he had stubbed his toe on the same table leg, three times in a row. Wendy, bless her heart, continues. "My other option was my team, but I'd like to enjoy the festival, not burn it down, you know?"
"Then I'll be leaving Ever and Bicks at home", he says, thinking about the things they've destroyed together. Contrary to team Natsu however, they've got a few good liars on their team and are consequently not known as an utter disaster of a team (though thanks to certain situations, they definitely qualify). Naturally he waves off Wendy's questioning gaze, unable to throw his team under the bus like that.
"Then me and my accomplice will meet up with you and Chelia at the station tomorrow?" Wendy nods before letting out a startled little gasp. "I didn't tell you that! Are you actually smart Mister Freed?"
"I'd like to think so", he frankly replies, brows furrowed and Wendy merely shrugs. "Our mission together", is all the context she gives and honestly, also the only context needed. "Ah", is the delightful answer he offers before they part ways. It's the most graceful one he's got for now.
The festival is fun, Wendy decides, swinging Chelia's hand about as the both of them skip from booth to booth. Even with their money combined, the amount they could comfortably spend is pretty low. This problem was solved by either Freed or Laxus chipping in when either of them has been staring too long or too wistful at a certain booth. Both of them had fervently tried to refuse, but Freed had merely shrugged. "Don't worry about it, we have the luck of being financially stable adults." Laxus had added his own two cents. "Just go and be happy go lucky little squirts, it suits you two better."
It's no wonder that Freed had brought Laxus along, Wendy realises, because the two are practically joined at the hip. By having the opportunity to watch them during the day, she comes to the conclusion that it's also no surprise that Laxus had agreed to come along, as the two of them are clearly close. Although they bully each other quite a bit and are ridiculously competitive (when she had see them 'playing' icehockey, she wondered if it had been a good idea to see them as responsible adults), they openly cherish each other.
The sound of violins catches her attention and hand in hand, she and Chelia go to investigate, the adults following in tow. The source of the upbeat music is a group of musicians and on the square they're gathered, there are also people dancing, waving intricate designs with their bodies. She really wants to join, but can't figure out what patterns the people are making and what the exact sequence of the steps is. Looking at Chelia, it quickly becomes clear that the other girl doesn't know either.
"Young Lady, may I have this dance?" a voice interrupts her then and it's Freed reaching out his hand. "As soon as you've got the steps down, I'll let the two of you dance together. Let's lay the foundation down first." He helps her with the steps, explaining them in a soft voice and helping her find the beat. It's fun. When glancing at Laxus, who's trying to teach an overenthusiastic Chelia the same steps, she finds herself giggling at the lack of progress.
"Are we laughing at people who are learning Miss Marvell?" he asks her, hidden grin obvious in his voice. "Then let's see how you yourself fare when the tempo picks up", he says and right at that moment it does. For a little while, Wendy holds her own, but then she has to give up. It's simply too much, she thinks and whines a bit theatrically about it at Chelia who also had had to tap out, as she lays her head on the other girl's lap. Together, they watch as the two older men dance, skipping from partner to partner until they finally meet each other right when the music ends.
"Boo", Chelia says softly, stroking Wendy's hair. "I wanted to see some competitive dancing. I think they would've turned it into an amical fistfight in seconds. That's just how boys and their friendships work", she says sagely and Wendy nods.
A new song starts, romantic and slow unlike the previous one and instead of meeting up with the girls, the men seem to melt into each other and forget the rest of the world exists. Their grip, previously somewhat clumsy and harsh from being thrown at each other in the last second of a song, softens considerably and becomes more intimate with hands upon hips and distances close. The sweet song is short, but the accompanying dance oh so telling. Their touches speak of familiarity and their expression of closeness, of a love that's built on a sturdy friendship and had bloomed into more.
"Oh", she whispers, "He likes guys." She isn't sure who exactly she's referring to, but the words tumble out of her mouth, clumsy and not really what she wanted to say. "People are staring at them", she continues, a bit uncomfortable by some of the glares and hyperaware of her own position. "But it doesn't change a thing, does it?" Chelia says absentmindedly. "They are in loves and they are dancing. Does the world even exist when you're so near your lover?" Sinking back into the comfort of Chelia petting her hair, Wendy comes to the conclusion that no, it doesn't.
They end the day by watching the fireworks together and from the corner of her eyes, Wendy catches Freed and Laxus exchancing a quick kiss. Turning her head away to give them privacy, she meets Chelia's eyes and the unspoken look of 'you saw that too right?' is present. With a little squeeze to Chelia's hand, she steps closer and puts her arms around the other girl as they watch the fireworks together. They aren't at the stage of admitting feelings or kissing yet, but looking at the adults who are doing alright, Wendy feels secure. They give her hope for her own future love, as  theirs (a love already burning longer than hers), hadn't been stomped out by the world yet. Things would be alright and she had all the time in the world to make them turn out that way.
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creampuffqueen · 4 years
Deep in the Heart of Texas - Four
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a/n: Hey y’all! I am so sorry this took so long to get out! This chapter really fought me for some reason, but I think I finally got it to where I like it, so here it is! Currently I’m on vacation, and sadly, our WiFi went down yesterday and hasn’t come back. So I’m posting this by jumping on my personal hotspot for a second, then getting off. Anyway, I hope y’all enjoy! Likes, reblogs, and comments are most appreciated <3
Summary: Aelin Galathynius is ready for the best summer of her life. She’s home from college for the summer, and so are all of her friends. Even her cousin is on a break from the military. Everything is set up to be perfect. Until… her mother decides to let the son of an old family friend stay with them while he grieves the loss of a loved one. And Aelin is not going to let a party pooper ruin her summer.
Rowan Whitethorn has just suffered the biggest loss of his life: the death of his long-time girlfriend, Lyria. His family is sick of him moping around his tiny New York apartment, so they ship him down south for the summer. The last thing Rowan wants is to spend his vacation in Nowhereville, Texas, but he has little choice. Not to mention, the only people his age seem to hate him. How on earth is he going to survive 3 months of this?
“Hey, you!” Lys greets her as Aelin pulls into the driveway of her best friend’s house. Aelin lives on some land, but Lysandra is the one who owns land. She has several horses, cows, chickens, and some goats hanging around. Not enough to make money, just to have some fresh milk and eggs at home. 
“I meant to be here earlier, but my mom made me drop off Rowan at the Terrasen Motel.” Aelin sighs.
“Why, are y’all getting rid of him?”
Aelin groans, opening up the passenger side door to let Fleetfoot out. “If only. No, the bastard has some friends in town, and asked me to take him over.”
“Well, are they at least hot? That’s the most important part.” Lysandra laughs as she and Aelin walk through the yard and towards the pasture, where the horses are. 
“I dunno. I high tailed it out of there before he even stepped out of the truck.” 
Lysandra is easy to be around, the kind of person you can just tell anything to. As much as Aelin loves her other friends, right now is about the time Elide, Yrene, and Nehemia would be chastising her, telling her to be kind and remember her manners. 
But not Lysandra.
The two of them, Fleetfoot on their heels, walk arm-in-arm out to the pasture, smiling even as the oppressive heat grows worse. With the Ennars’ land being near a forest, the horses have access to both trees and a pond, though Lys has water buckets still hanging on the fence near the gate anyway. 
Fleetfoot, clearly scenting the horses, is bouncing around excitedly, pink tongue lolling out as she dances from paw to paw. When Lys opens the gate, the golden dog sprints away in a flash, running to greet the large beasts roaming around the pasture.
“ I haven’t ridden Quince in a while, so I’ll take her out today. You can choose whoever you want.”
They find Quince standing in the shade of an oak tree, her dark tail lazily swatting at flies and mosquitoes. Standing with her is Poppy, the pale brown mare drinking from the pond. 
“Hey, girlies.” Aelin coos, stroking Poppy’s nose. “Wanna go for a ride?”
“C’mon, you two.” Lys coaxes the two horses forward, Fleetfoot darting between them when she clicks her tongue. “We’re gonna go for a ride. And after we’ll brush you and give you some nice apples and oats. Does that sound good?”
They slowly lead the horses towards the barn to get them tacked up, both of them moving nearly on muscle memory as they talk the entire time. 
“My mother is trying to include Rowan in everything we do.” Aelin complains. “What are we going to do with him if we go to the beach or something?”
“I mean,” Lysandra shrugs, “while I’m sure he’s a prick, he is very attractive. I wouldn’t mind having him on the beach. Maybe he’d take his shirt off.”
Aelin just groans loudly, a halfhearted attempt to get the image out of her brain, where he was just woken up, silver hair messy-
The horse snorts beside her face, dragging her away from the thought. 
“Whatever, Lys. Let’s go riding.”
Both girls mount the horses and ride them out of the barn. The Texas sun is burning high, and while she’s only been outside for a bit, Aelin is already sweating like a pig. She can’t wait to be in the cover of the trees. 
Fleetfoot trots alongside the horses happily, keeping pace while they head towards the riding trail around Lys’s house. 
At least beneath the trees it’s a bit cooler, though no less humid. But the trail is wide enough for both horses to walk side by side, and it’s just the kind of calm Aelin needs after pissing off her mother. 
Poppy is sturdy beneath her, and the horse doesn’t lean off the path to nibble at the overgrown vegetation. She just keeps moving forward. 
“You know,” Lysandra starts, and from her tone of voice Aelin already knows what’s coming. “I still don’t really understand what you have against this Rowan guy. I mean-”
Aelin cuts off her friend with a loud groan. “Don’t start. He’s an asshole, that’s what I have against him.”
“How do you really know he’s an asshole, though? He’s only been here a few days.”
The blonde woman rolls her eyes. “First off, he insulted the town-”
“Well in that case, screw him.” Lys giggles. Aelin reaches over, leaning off the side of her horse, just to punch her in the arm. 
“He just is, Lys. If you met him you’d know.”
Her friend doesn’t comment on the Rowan situation any more, instead pulling her horse slightly ahead to forge onward. 
“You know,” Aelin mimics, a mischievous grin appearing on her features. “I noticed that you looked pretty cozy with Aedion at the barbecue last week.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Lysandra says primly, though there’s no hiding the blush that rises to her face. Already flushed from the heat, her entire face turns tomato-red. 
Aelin just smirks. “Okay, if that’s what you say. I just thought you might be interested in the fact that he got a new girlfriend-”
“Oh, shut up.” Now it’s Lys’s turn to punch her. Below them, Fleetfoot woofs loudly, paws crunching on the dry grass as she pads along behind the horses. “You can’t fool me, Aelin Ashryver. That man is about as hopeless with women as you are at hiding your underage drinking.”
“Like you weren’t drinking right along with me!” Aelin protests.
“Yes, but at least I was hiding it.”
The two women dissolve into friendly squabbling as they continue on, the path eventually emerging from the trees and right back into the pasture. 
Poppy is getting slightly restless, and Aelin can feel the mare’s desperation to run. It is only fair, she supposes.
When Aelin locks eyes with Lysandra, they both instantly get the same idea.
Race you.
With a quick kick to Poppy’s sides, the brown horse instantly breaks into a gallop, tearing across the pasture with joy. Quince is right on their heels, and poor Fleetfoot is left in the dust. 
There isn’t any wind, but Aelin’s hair is still blowing behind her, whipping free from its braids. Poppy tosses her head and her mane, and Aelin can’t help the wild cry of joy that escapes her throat, the sound carrying over the whole pasture. Lysandra whoops as well, both of them lost in the enchantment of running on horseback. 
The horses can’t keep up the fast pace forever, and eventually Quince and Poppy slow down, and Aelin gifts her mare with plenty of praise and kisses as she dismounts. 
“Good girl, Poppy.” She coos. “Let’s go get you some water, you good, good girl.”
They find Fleetfoot wading in the water, drinking alongside a few other horses. Poppy and Quince drink their fill while Aelin and Lys had back to the barn to get a few treats before untacking them. 
Leading the horses away from the water is easier said than done, as both of them are reluctant to leave the pond. Eventually, with the help of many horse treats, they manage to get both of them to the barn to untack them. 
It’s about 3 o’clock, and the sun is dipping ever so slightly. Of course, it won’t get dark until about 8, but at least the sun is mildly less intense.
“I still have a while until I have to be home.” Aelin tells her friend. “I don’t know what Mom’s cooking for dinner, but it’s important enough she wants me home for it.”
“If she’s making fried chicken tell her to prepare enough for me, too.” Lys grins. “God, I wish I could live off of just your mom’s fried chicken.”
Aelin rolls her eyes. “Don’t we all.”
“Well, if you don’t have to be home yet…” Lysandra’s grin turns devious. “I do have a few projects I could use some help on.”
When Lysandra hands her the rake and points her towards the horse stalls, Aelin just sighs. 
Forget Rowan Whitethorn ruining her summer, her best friend has decided to aid in her misery by making her muck out the stable.
After pretty much getting kicked to the curb from Aelin’s truck, Rowan is in a pretty foul mood. And it’s only worsened when the attendant at the front desk attempts to make small talk. 
“You’re not from around here, are ya?” The man says, though it is friendly. Despite that, Rowan is pissed off at the world, and he barely gives more than one-word answers until he spots a familiar golden head down the hallway.
“Rowan!” Fenrys shouts, nearly crashing into him in his excitement. Lorcan rounds the corner, a lot more calmly than their friend.
“Hey.” Rowan sighs. “Glad you two could actually make it down.”
“Okay, I don’t care what either of you two grumps say, this place is awesome.” Fenrys laughs. “Everyone is so friendly, and the food is great, and-”
“And it’s fucking hot.” Lorcan groans. 
“Okay, maybe it’s kind of hot-” Fenrys continues, but Rowan interrupts him.
“Goddamn, it is hot. And humid. How is any place allowed to be both this hot and this wet at the same time?”
“We’re actually just emerging from a drought.” The attendant pipes in helpfully. 
“Let’s go eat.” Lorcan says, ignoring the man. “I’m starving.”
If the attendant is put out by the dismissal, he clearly doesn’t show it, because he keeps talking. “Y’all should head on down to Banjali. Ytger Hospitality has some of the best food in the county.”
“Yeah, let’s do that!” Fenrys is far too excited and has far too much energy for Rowan to handle, but then again, when is anybody energetic enough to deal with him?
“Whatever.” Lorcan shrugs. 
They all pile into the small rental car that Fenrys got at the airport, Rowan being forced to sit in the backseat yet again. Fenrys, sitting shotgun, is scrolling through his phone as he attempts to locate the restaurant the attendant told them about. 
In all honesty, Rowan would rather pick up fast food and be done with it. He doesn’t know if he has the mental strength to be out in public for an extended period of time. 
But Fenrys is unstoppable. “Every review for the restaurant is at least four stars! It has a 4.5 average! I bet it’s going to be so good!”
Neither Lorcan nor Rowan comment much until Lorcan pulls into the parking lot. The restaurant is large, with a massive banner saying “Ytger Hospitality” hung over the entrance. 
Fenrys all but sprints inside, only held back by Rowan grabbing his arm. 
Inside almost feels… homey. The way it’s decorated, the design, the music playing in the background. It feels like Rowan just walked into his aunt’s house for Thanksgiving. Smells like it, too.
“Hello! How many in your party?” Rowan almost does a double take, looking over at the host. 
It’s a boy, no more than thirteen years old. 
“Uh- is that legal?” Lorcan snorts, taking in the form of the kid. 
“My family owns this restaurant, mister. It’s family owned, family run. We all work here. My older sister waits tables, and my younger brother helps wash dishes. How many in your party?”
“Er… three.” Rowan manages. He’s never been to a restaurant where the kids are working. Is it considered child labor if it’s your own children doing it? 
All three of them are ever so slightly disgruntled as the kid leads them to their table in the corner. He leaves them with menus and silverware, and hardly spares them another passing glance. 
It isn’t long before a waitress comes over, a young woman with long black hair and dark skin. 
“Can I get y’all something to drink? I’m Nehemia, I’ll be your waitress today.”
One glance at Fenrys and Rowan has to hold back a groan. The golden-haired man is one step away from looking like the heart-eyes emoji. The woman either doesn’t notice or doesn’t care, instead observing them with a quiet grace. 
“Just a water.” Rowan tells her. Lorcan agrees and orders his own, while Fenrys just… stares. 
“Um… I’ll have the, uh, iced tea?” Fenrys manages to make it sound more like a question.
“Sweet or unsweet?” Nehemia asks.
“Er… sweet. Please.”
The waitress nods, tucking the pen behind her ear after writing down their drink orders. When she turns around, Rowan nearly has to snap Fenrys’s jaw shut.
“What the hell, man.” Lorcan hisses. “You see one pretty girl and forget how to speak?”
“She’s not just pretty, she’s gorgeous.” Fenrys sighs. “Holy shit. I have never seen a more beautiful person in my life.”
“Except for you, I’m assuming?” Rowan snorts. 
Fenrys shakes his head. “No. Even my ethereal beauty can’t compete with her.”
“Damn. You’ve literally just met her.” Rowan continues. “Anyway, what does it matter? You two aren’t going to be here for long anyway, so there’s no point in starting a relationship.”
Now Fenrys is looking at him like he wants to commit murder.
“Anyway,” Lorcan says pointedly, “we should look at the menus. I’m starving.”
Rowan browses, but he isn’t incredibly hungry anyway. Fenrys and Lorcan chatter among each other, pointing out what sounds good, but all Rowan can do is look out the window. 
“Are y’all ready to order or do you need a few more minutes?” The drawling accent of the waitress pulls him from his slight stupor, and he looks away from the sight outside. 
“I’m ready.” Lorcan offers. “I’ll take the fried catfish.”
“You get two sides with that.” Nehemia tells him.
“Alright, then I’ll have… green beans and mashed potatoes.”
She turns to him next, and Rowan orders a simple cheeseburger with french fries. Then she goes to Fenrys.
“In your opinion, what’s the best thing here?” He croons. It’s clear flirtation, and both Rowan and Lorcan visibly cringe. The waitress, however, doesn’t seem too affected. 
“Chicken fried steak.” She says without hesitation. “With mashed potatoes and fried okra on the side.”
Jesus Christ, Rowan thinks, why is everything fried here?
“I’ll have that.” Fenrys says with a grin. The waitress finishes writing everything down, then heads over to the next table. 
All Lorcan and Rowan can do is shake their heads.
The food was good. Delicious, actually, and Rowan is more stuffed than he’s ever been in his life as they make their way back to the car. All three of them collapse into their seats, groaning. 
“I’m never going to need to eat again.” Lorcan mumbles.
“I should have stopped eating.” Fenrys laments. “But I just couldn’t.”
Rowan can’t even muster up enough energy to reply. The heat, the food, all of it combined made him want to go to sleep and never wake up.
“Just take me back, please.” He finally manages to say.
“Sure thing.” Lorcan buckles his seatbelt and puts the car in drive, pulling smoothly out of the parking lot.
None of the men speak on the way back to the Galathynius house, save for Rowan giving mediocre directions. Eventually, they pull up in the driveway, and Fenrys lets out a low whistle.
“Damn, Rowan. Living the high life, aren’t you?”
“Shut up.” Rowan sighs. 
“See you around, man.” Lorcan says, ignoring Fenrys. 
Rowan pulls his bloated self out of the car, walking up to the front door. Evalin gave him a copy of the keys the other night, but right before he lets himself in, the lady of the house herself beats him to it.
“Rowan, you’re back!” She says in that cheerful voice. She glances over to the car parked in the driveway, where, through the windshield, Rowan can see Lorcan on his phone. 
“Are those your friends? Where are they staying?”
“Terrasen Motel.” Rowan tells her. “They’re only staying for-”
“Oh, they can’t stay there!” Evalin laments. “We have lots of room, they can stay with us! That motel should have closed years ago, honestly.”
Evalin doesn’t stop. “It’s not a problem, Rowan. We love having company, they can stay as long as they need.”
At the risk of seeming rude or ungrateful or anything else in the eyes of his host, Rowan pulls out his phone and sends a quick text to Fenrys and Lorcan.
Rowan: Hey, Evalin is offering you guys a place to stay while you’re here. You don’t have to accept, really.
Before he can send another text, telling them not to respond, Fenrys’s reply nearly buzzes his phone out of his hand.
Sweet Jesus. 
All Rowan can think about, as Lorcan and Fenrys speed off to get their things, is that if Aelin hates him now, she’s certainly going to despise him after this.
And he doesn’t know why, but he just can’t stand the thought of her being more upset with him than she already is. 
Nehemia: Aelin, your mans just came to the restaurant
Aelin: You asshole, how do you even know what he looks like?
Nehemia: Well, first of all, he was clearly a yankee, and second of all, with a last name like Whitethorn, of course he’d have white hair. 
Aelin: Your logic is lacking but I’ll give it to you anyway. He’s an asshole, isn’t he?
Nehemia: Yeah, he didn’t say please and thank you when ordering, so I’ve decided he’s actually the devil.
The sarcasm is clear, even through the phone, and Aelin can’t hold back her laugh. She really should be heading home, but right now she’s parked in front of Lysandra’s house, with Fleetfoot nearly on her lap, still panting from the heat.
Aelin: Hey, do you want to come over? We can eat ice cream in my bed and gossip loud enough that Mr. Asshole Yankee can hear us down the hall
Nehemia: Well, I was gonna say no, but after you said the word gossip it changed my answer. 
Aelin: Alright, just come over whenever. I’m heading back from Lys’s right now.
The drive home is short, and since she hasn’t heard a word from Rowan or anyone else telling her to pick him up, she passes right by the Terrasen Motel without a second glance. 
Something is different when Aelin pulls up to her house. There’s another car parked in the driveway. However, her mother always has someone over to drink sweet tea with, so it’s no matter.
That is, of course, until someone opens up the front door. Aelin isn’t even out of the truck yet, but she can clearly see that the two people in the entryway aren’t the usual demographic for her mother’s gossip sessions.
Two young men, one with dark hair and one with gold, hurry down the stairs to the car. And following them?
Rowan. It’s Rowan Whitethorn who is following them as they open up the trunk of the car and take out their suitcases. 
Aelin is seeing red. It’s one thing for Rowan to stay with them. After all, he was invited. But for him to invite his own friends?
But before Aelin can pop a blood vessel, the golden haired man comes over to the truck and raps on the window, a bright grin on his features. Skeptically, Aelin rolls the window down.
“Hi!” He says, far too enthusiastically for her liking. “Fenrys Moonbeam.” He gives her his hand to shake, which Aelin does reluctantly. 
“I’ve heard a lot about you.” He smiles. 
“And I’ve heard absolutely nothing about you.” She responds.
He laughs at that. “Well, you’ll have to get to know me, then. Your mother was really kind to offer us a place to stay.”
Well, Aelin supposes, if her mother offered, she really can’t be mad. And this Fenrys character seems decent enough. 
She finally gets out of the car, letting Fleetfoot out as well so the dog can sniff the new arrivals. Rowan doesn’t say anything, though Fenrys leans down to coo over the dog.
Nehemia’s car comes rumbling down the street, the other woman parking on the already crowded driveway. Fleetfoot runs over to her just as the other woman hops out.
“Hey Aelin! Who’s all this?” Nehemia strides up to embrace her friend, and Aelin gladly accepts the hug.
“My mother is creating a hotel, apparently.” She chuckles. 
But her friend isn’t listening. Nehemia’s interest is entirely taken by the golden man in front of her.
“Um… hello, again.” Fenrys says sheepishly.
Aelin looks between them frantically, at Fenrys, at Nehemia.
“Do y’all know each other?”
a/n: Well, well, well... drama. Some other random southern america facts- yes, people do usually let their kids work in family owned restaurants! I know a girl who’s family owns an awesome Mexican restaurant, and when you go there both she and her younger brother are working. So yeah, having Nehemia’s little brothers work, since the restaurant is family owned, isn’t that unusual down here! And also, yes, everything is fried. Everything.
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deprough · 4 years
Snowballs and Saviors
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11/30/2020 Dincember Prompt: Snow
My Dincember prompts are part of a serial story I’m telling. This is the first part of the story.
“What do you think, Sheriff?” 
Corrie glanced up at the tall man and pursed her lips. “I think,” she said slowly, “that we don’t have much choice.”
Kado picked up the reins of his gurt and clicked once. The wooly herbivore started forward, and Corrie’s gray gurt, Cursehead, followed before she could give the command. Through the gunship’s front windows, she saw the armored man notice them, then disappear into his ship. A second later, the ramp lowered into the snow.
As they drew closer, Corrie asked herself once again if she was really lucky enough to have a bounty hunter drop into her backyard at this exact moment. If he was who Old Relston claimed, he could be exactly the person they needed. Corrie distrusted luck like that, though, even when the man stepped into view and she admitted it was probably that guy.
“Welcome to Zalzus,” Corrie called as they came to a stop in front of the ship. “You’ve landed outside the town of Libu. I’m Sheriff Corde Melne, and this is my deputy, Kado Soummu. May I ask your business, sir?”
That black visor bounced between Kado and her a couple of times. She wondered if their knitted garments, handmade from dyed gurt wool, looked cheap and primitive to him. “Do you always greet arrivals so directly?”
“No,” Corrie said honestly, her breath frosting the air. His didn’t, which meant his helmet contained it. Bet it has environmentals in there. “But I’m hoping you’re the Mandalorian who travels with a kid.” Just saying it made her uneasy.
The man looked to the side, telegraphing irritation. What’s the point in covering your face if you don’t control your body language? she wondered. “For your sake, you’d better be offering me a job.”
“What else would we want?” Kado asked curiously; Corrie swallowed her annoyance with her underling. Kado would someday be a great cop, but he was still naive. Someday, he’d get that jaded shell he needed to be a peace officer in the Outer Rim; sadly, it might be during their current crisis.
“People want lots of things from me,” the Mandalorian stated.
“I’m sure you have your charms,” Corrie said wryly, “but I need your skills, not your vagueness. A Hutt prison ship has crashed not far from our village. The Hutt in question won’t round them up, and we’ve already had one death. You up for taking in twenty men?” 
“Can you pay me for twenty bounties?” he asked bluntly.
“No,” Corrie said. “We’ll give you what we can, about half the Guild rate per head, the full resources and support of the sheriff's office, and room and board as long as you’re working for us.”
“Who died?” the Mandalorian asked.
Corrie blinked, thrown by the sudden topic change. “Pardon?”
“You said you had a death. Who died, and how?” he asked.
Drawing a deep breath and trying to not remember the scene, she said, “My uncle, the last sheriff. Vinor Cyone. He tried to track one down. We only found his bones, but we think his spine was snapped.”
The man stilled or stiffened; Corrie couldn’t quite tell what changed about his stance, but he’d definitely had a reaction to that news. “My condolences,” he said after a moment. “How did his body decompose so quickly?”
“One of the prisoners is a Wookie. I can’t say his name right, but his nickname is Maneater.” Corrie didn’t have to say more; they all heard his sharp inhale. 
“Where am I staying?” the Mandalorian asked.
“My mother’s house,” Corrie replied, feeling relief and hope flood her. She kept her voice neutral; there’d be time for relief once he’d proven he was as good as his reputation. “She’s got space. Do you have a bike or somethin’ up on that ship?”
He didn’t, of course, and so that was how Corrie ended up with a Mandalorian sitting behind her on Curse’s fuzzy back. They weren’t quite touching, but every so often, the gurt’s sway bumped their bodies together. He did have a child with him, not that Corrie had seen much of it with the bassinet sealed against the cold. Amusingly, he had the same model she’d used, though his seemed to have some modifications.
He remained silent on the ride into town, which was fine with Corrie. She pulled her yellow scarf back up over her nose, grateful for the warmth. The kids were out, playing in the snow, and they stopped to stare as the group rode into town. “Your kids really seem to like snow,” the man said suddenly.
Corrie frowned a second before she caught his misunderstanding. “It just snowed last night. Zalzus isn’t an ice world. We have seasons. For the kids, snow means two things: fun and Lifeday is coming.”
He grunted. “Your town celebrates Lifeday,” he said flatly.
“Yep,” she said, wondering what he had against the holiday. He didn’t elaborate or ask further, and it wasn’t her business.
She stopped in front of Mom’s house, turning and offering her arm for him to dismount. He slid down as Mom stepped out, beaming. Like Corrie, she was stout and short, with gray curls instead of brown. “Welcome, sir! I’m Brama Cyone, and my home is your home. What is your name?”
“People call me Mando,” he said simply, removing his gear from Koda’s gurt. 
Wondering if he actually ever answered questions, Corrie pointed at the next building over. “That’s my house. Mom and I share the stable behind the house. One of our folks is loaning you a gurt, if you can ride.”
“I ride.” He turned to Brama. “Can I see my room now?”
“Of course!” Brama led him into the wooden two-story house. The bassinet followed him like a loyal pet.
Koda turned to her. “Wow, he’s… I don’t know. Weird.”
“He’s a man who travels the edges of civilized life making a living off people who break the law,” Corrie said, pulling her gray wool coat tighter around her. “I’d be more worried if he were normal. I’ll see him settled and meet you at the jail.” 
~  *  ~  *  ~
“-- and this is Terian Novex,” Corrie said wearily, glad they were almost through the files. Her five other deputies, even Talee, the nightwatch, had met their hunter and stayed for the briefing. Corrie pulled up the next file, scraping her fingers through her brown hair as she waited for it to load. Out of the corner of her eye, she watched their guest; he’d sat down in the wooden chair at their table. His shiny, high-tech armor looked out of place in the simple whitewashed room. It probably also kept him warmer than the rest of them; the Jail’s single pane windows leaked the heat from the stove.
The click of knitting needles and carding wool filled the room’s silence as they waited for the ancient holo projector to render the image. Corrie had considered asking her deputies to not work on their side projects, but dismissed the idea. If Mando was uncomfortable, he could speak up and ask them to stop. A grainy image of the Zabrax woman appeared on the holo and Corrie started again. “She’s a hitman for a rival Hutt--”
“Half of these bounties are,” Mando sighed. He sounded tired, which was somewhat gratifying. 
“Hey, does your kid want to go outside and play?” Koda asked, drawing attention back to the bassinet. The alien child inside stared hopefully out the window, watching the other children at play behind the jail. As if sensing their attention, he turned and looked at them. All ears and eyes, Corrie thought again. 
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Mando said, sounding nervous.
“It’s safe,” Corrie said.
“Where I go, he goes.” 
“Poor guy,” she said, without thinking, and sure enough, their guest visibly bristled. “Calm down, I mean he wants to play, and we have a bit more work. Hold on.” She went to the backdoor and opened it. “Nuia!” she bellowed, and the girl turned and trotted through the snow toward them.
The sturdy teen stomped off her boots and came in. “Yes, sheriff?” she asked, but her eyes had already fallen on the baby and a besotted smile crossed her face. She waved at the baby, who stared at her, then waved back.
“Can you take the little one outside? Keep an eye on him but let him play with the tots?” she asked.
“I’d love to--”
“Where I go, he goes,” Mando interrupted. 
Corrie turned to him. “Then go play.” 
His head pulled back. “What?” Her deputies, used to her way of doing things, grinned and rose to stretch and get hot drinks.
“He’s a kid. He’s bored stupid here with us. So if the only way he gets to play is if you play with him, then go play.” Corrie waved her hand toward the door. “I need a break, and maybe you’ll realize by the end of it that we need you more than you need us, and we’ll protect you little one like our own.”
“You have children?” he asked. 
“We all do. I personally have two. Raina’s playing with the tots and Lonneric's probably in a snow fort ambusing the other warriors-in-the-making.” Corrie waved again. “Just go.” 
She feigned indifference until he was outside; then all seven of them crept to the window to watch. Mando stood outside stiffly, watching his little green child helping the baker’s daughter build a lopsided snow tower. “He’s hopeless,” Koda finally said. “Stiff as rock.”
“Yep.” Corrie pulled on her coat, gloves, and boots again. 
“Whatcha doin’?” Kend asked, his playful grin telling her he already knew.
“Just checking on things,” she said innocently as she slipped out the front door, pulling on her woolen hat. She eased around the side of the building, scooping up two handfuls of snow and pressing them into a ball. 
It was perfect -- heavy and wet without being drippy, compacting into a nice ball in her gloves. She peered around the corner, pleased to see his back toward her. She glanced at the window to see Koda shaking his head in bemusement. 
More than a few of the kids had seen her; Lonneric had already followed her lead, starting to make snowballs as fast as he could instead of throwing them as soon as they were complete. 
The kids staring at her gave him warning, and he half-turned toward her. Recognizing her window of opportunity closing, she threw the ball at his helmet. It wasn’t the best example for the children, but if you wore a helmet to a snowball fight, you were asking for headshots, in her book. 
She hit her mark, smearing white powder over the side of his head. He jumped and spun, hand on his blaster and for a second, she thought she’d made a terrible mistake. Lonneric had already followed her lead, and this blow hit his chest. Mando let go of his blaster, and Corrie relaxed, even as she scooped up more snow. “No,” he told her firmly, “don--”
One of the Kelshin twins nailed him in the face, and then Mando was at the heart of a flurry of snowballs. He put his hands up and crouched, but didn’t seem to know how to react to the kids pelting him. 
A snowball nailed her, and Corrie shrieked playfully. “Traitors!” she shouted as she also became a target. Her own son hit her next with a loose ball that exploded across her shoulder.
“Down with the adults!” Lonneric shouted, and the battle cry echoed across the field. 
Laughing, Corrie fought her way to Mando’s side. “C’mon!” she cried, pulling on his arm. “Run!”
After a moment of hesitation, he followed, stumbling after her to the back door of the jail. They staggered inside in a rain of balls, then pushed the door shut sharply. A few more snowballs hammered the door; then they could hear the children cheering. 
Corrie straightened up and pulled off her wet gloves. She looked at Mando and laughed. “You look like a snowman decided to become a Mandalorian.”
He looked down at himself; the snow had stuck to his clothing but not his silver armor. “You look like an insane woman who just got into a snowball fight with kids,” he said sharply.
Corrie held her smile with effort as she shed her hat and scarf. “Yeah, but I bet you’re ready to work again.”
He didn’t answer her, and as she hung up her outwear, she continued, “We were talking about Terian Novex--”
This was going to be a long partnership, but she didn’t regret dragging him into the snowball fight. They’d both needed it.
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jenroses · 4 years
Useful adaptive stuff
So, up front, my issues include: EDS, POTS, RA, sjogren’s and a number of other issues which make me tired, dizzy and in pain a lot of the time. I’m going to list some things that help me, and other things that I’ve tried that haven’t helped me as much. YOUR MILEAGE WILL VARY but I welcome and encourage people to add to this with things that work for them. Below the cut: More comfortable computing, lightweight power wheelchairs, showers, and medication management.
First issue for me is making computers and especially typing work. Requirements: elevated legs, neutral neck position, minimal shoulder stress, neutral hand and arm positions on bad pain days.
I used to do my computing from a recliner, but it was very hard to position a laptop or monitor in a good space, even with a stand. What works better: an XL twin adjustable memory foam bed (would replace with full if I had the space) next to a wall, with a laptop mounted to the wall on an arm. The adjustable bed frame was <$400, the mattress was about the same, the wall mount was $60-70. 
This all requires a USB keyboard or two. Why two? Because I can get a Logitech K360 for $20-ish most of the time, but split keyboards cost $90 or so usually. I don’t always need a split keyboard, just when I’m in a bad flare or changing meds. But two $20 wireless keyboards ON SEPARATE DONGLES will work as a split keyboard, just prop everything with enough pillows and your hands in relaxed, natural positions near your hips with each keyboard angled just right. It takes me about 5 minutes to adapt so that it’s natural to use two instead of one, but I touch type. The K360 is particularly good for “bounce and clickiness”... it’s quiet but not silent, and gives good feedback for key presses but doesn’t require a lot of pressure. They’re also pretty resiliant to dropping, kids, and liquids, though my resident product testers have managed to test a few of them to destruction. When I was using a recliner I had a bad habit of putting the keyboard behind my head and then being surprised when it rocketed off the back like a catapult and it still lasted a year or more being dropped (or flung) multiple times per day. 
It also requires a good mouse. Track pads and laptop keyboards  are from the devil for ergonomics. I like the Jellycomb upright mouse. It’s a natural, wrist-friendly thing to use, and does not exacerbate my wrists or hands. It works best for me on a green pillow that sits next to me on the bed.  Other super useful gadget is the Logitech K480 wireless bluetooth keyboard. This is heavy enough to be stable and can act as a stand for a phone or tablet, and lets me type in my wheelchair without coping with a whole laptop. It’s sturdy, stable, and can be synced to 3 devices via a little wheel. It makes my phone an actual useful tool for Google Docs. 
Second issue for me is getting out of the house
Dizziness, a tendency to fall off my feet and six different conditions with “fatigue” as a side effect had me 90% housebound even before Covid19. Insurance paid for a big power chair (magic words are “occasionally have a hard time getting to the bathroom) when I was sicker than I am right now, but I have no good way of getting a 434 pound wheelchair in and out of my minivan, which complains and acts like it has no shocks when I transport the thing the hard way (ramp, husband, tears, hypermobile party tricks are required to get the thing into my vehicle). 
But 97% of the time I don’t need the heavier chair for errands, though it’s a godsend for getting out in the neighborhood and conventions. What works better for me is a lightweight folding power chair. There are a variety of these, but they all have a similar design. The batteries go in the supports of the chair. The chairs run 40-50 pounds without batteries, the batteries add about 8 pounds each. They have kick brakes in the back which can turn the chair into a manual transport chair. Even at my tiredest, I can unlock and lock the brakes, tip the front of the chair up while standing behind it, and wheel it into my minivan without a ramp, without folding it. Alone. And on bad days, whoever’s helping me to the car is usually happy to roll the thing in for me... and they’re shocked at how easy it is.
But traveling, it went easily onto the plane without getting broken, and fit in every single taxi we tried, even sedan ones, folded. Better, the one I have, the Electra HD, has a wider seat (I added my own better cushion) and a higher weight limit (400 pounds) than some models. I’ve seen this general class of chair as low as about $1800 and mine was more like $3200 because higher weight limit. This thing means I don’t have to factor in my ability to walk into whether or not I go somewhere. With a helper, I was even able to tackle the Underground in London last year, though I would not repeat “going down 7 flights to Piccadilly” with my husband and a random stranger shlepping the thing while I hobbled after it again. It’s light enough that random strangers can and will help you lift the thing in a pinch. Battery life is LONG. 
A big, solid power chair is very nice if you have to be in it all the goddamn time and are only taking public transport on accessible buses. I can lie down with my big chair. But I don’t usually need to do that when going to the store or the doctor. A lightweight chair is far more essential to getting out of the goddamn house for me, a part-time wheelchair user. 
Third issue is showers
I find showers exhausting and while I can take a very fast shower without losing it for the rest of the day, if I want to dye or cut my hair, I need to be in there longer than I can stand. So I sit. There are cheap, comfortable plastic bariatric shower chairs for under $30. I think mine is a Carex? Also, a shower with a handheld unit is a lot easier to get clean with. I like the kind with a dual head so that I don’t have to choose between water on my head and getting the rest of me clean. Shower chairs are something worth getting for almost anyone who ever has to shower tired, disabled or not. 
Fourth issue is sorting supplements and medications
I have tried the little flip top pill minders with 7, 14 or 28 slots. I have tried jumbo versions of same. I have tried little 2x3 plastic baggies. I have tried dixie cups and then pour into the plastic baggies. I have tried the rainbow cups that screw into each other but are never around when you need them. Best solution for large numbers of supplements (the number of vitamins I take is not large compared to an average multivitamin but I can’t take multivitamins, I have to take the individual things. Which gets bulky.) For a while I was using plastic condiment cups, like people use for ketchups in restaurants that don’t use packets, but I didn’t like the idea of using plastic all the time, even if I do reuse them several times each. FabriKal Greenware has a “portion cup” that is cheap and does the trick. They’re made from plants (it’s a sugar-based polymer that requires commercial composting, but otherwise it functions like plastic without being a petrochemical.) This is good because I can make a variable number of cups (25 seems to work best at this point), filling is easy (just line ‘em up and drop things in) and the lids pop on without too much trouble, and they stack. Mot people won’t need more than a 2 oz cup. Don’t forget lids.
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quentinsquill · 5 years
Fic: “Those Three Little Words” (The Magicians)
Those Three Little Words
Author: Lexalicious70
Fandom: The Magicians
Rating: R
Warnings: Brief peril
Word Count: 3,439
Summary: Eliot can no longer deny it: he’s hopelessly in love with Quentin Coldwater. But saying “I love you” for the first time needs a perfect moment, especially when you’re the High King of Fillory. Can Eliot create that perfect moment, or will the unpredictable and sometimes-dangerous creatures of that magical land end his chance—and their lives—before he can make it happen?
Author’s Notes: This is for the @whitespiresarmory’s Challenge, Week 7, “Love.” I don’t own The Magicians, this just for fun and because writing is like air for me. All errors are my own, and comments and kudos are magic. Enjoy!
Read it on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20530985
Those Three Little Words
By Lexalicious70 (all_hale_eliot)
 “I’m in love with Quentin, Margo.”
 Eliot’s words caused Margo to glance up from the scroll she was reading. Each end was weighted down with silver statues in the shape of two of Fillory’s questing creatures.
 “And when did you come to that revelation?” She asked. Eliot, perched backwards on a nearby chair in the common room he, Margo and Quentin shared as a place to strategize and regroup, tipped his amber eyes up to her dark ones.
 “I didn’t—at least not recently. I just thought saying it out loud would give me some kind of accountability.”
 Margo abandoned the scroll—the goddamned thing wasn’t telling her anything she didn’t already know—and went over to crouch by Eliot’s knee.
 “All right, so you’ve said the words out loud. But I think it’d be more helpful if Q was actually in the same room with you.”
“I know. It’s just . . . is there a right time and place to say ‘I love you’ to someone for the first time? Shouldn’t it be perfect?”
 “Well,” Margo replied as she placed a hand on his knee, “I’m no expert when it comes to love, fuck knows, but I have seen a lot of movies where people in love create perfect moments.”
 “You mean candlelight dinners, roses, all those trappings?” Eliot asked, and Margo tilted her head to one side.
 “Maybe for other people. But this is Q. He loves magic, El, and Fillory is full of magical places. If you’re going to make any kind of declaration, make it here instead of some fancy restaurant in Manhattan.”
 Eliot turned in the chair and got to his feet, tugging Margo out of her crouch at the same time and spinning her in a graceful circle, the light from the room’s torches glinting off the silver buttons on his lapis-colored Fillorian jacket.
 “What would I do without you?” Eliot asked, kissing her on the forehead, and Margo smiled up at him.
 “Live and rule in misery?”
 “Most likely,” he nodded before turning toward the common room door and calling for Tick. The rotund little man came bustling down the hallway a moment later.
 “Yes, your highness?”
 “Have the stable saddle my horse, Tick. I’m going on a brief excursion.”
 Eliot left the castle alone a short time later, despite Tick’s objections. While he usually rode with at least two guards and often with Tick, who rode a pony as stout as he was, this was a personal and private mission, and Eliot didn’t want anyone in the castle spilling the beans to Quentin. Whitespire was a hub of gossip with Tick at the top of the heap, and while that could sometimes be helpful to Eliot as High King, this felt more delicate than any spell he’d ever cast.
 He rode his palomino gelding, Midas, east toward the Flying Forest yet skirting the enchanted woods themselves by traversing a high but sturdy trail on a ridge that opened up into a wide glen. The grass was lush and dotted with trees drooping with fragrant blossoms in red and yellow. Eliot urged Midas forward and crossed the glen, the smell of growing things filling his senses. At the opposite end of the glen, thick, verdant shrubs surrounded the highest crest of a waterfall, which spilled clear, silver-white water down into a pool so inviting that Eliot’s skin tingled with the desire to plummet in. He turned Midas in slow circles and nodded.
 “A picnic,” he murmured. “I’ll bring Q here for a picnic. The trees, the waterfall . . . it’s perfect!”
 Midas tossed his head and his hindquarters tensed, bringing Eliot out of his thoughts.
 “Whoa, hey!” He reined the gelding in and frowned as the horse disobeyed long enough to spin in a circle. “Easy! What’s the matter with you?”
 Midas gave a deep snort and Eliot stroked his neck. He’d bought the horse at auction where it was sold for only a few coppers because unlike his dam, the palomino didn’t speak. Eliot had appreciated his beauty and sensed his capacity for speed, but as his skin prickled in a different way, he wished the horse had been born with the ability to speak.
 “You’re fine!” Eliot said, as much to himself as to his spooked mount. “It’s just the sound of the waterfall. Come on—” Eliot turned Midas to cross the glen and return to the path that would lead them back down the ridge. “—quit being a scaredy-colt!”
 Midas gave one last snort of protest and jogged across the glen, the sun glinting off his golden hide.
 Behind them, in the lush, wild hedges, something watched their retreat.
 It took Margo’s help and a bit of planning for Eliot to whisk Quentin away to the glade. One king riding alone was cause enough for the castle guards to worry, but two unescorted monarchs might cause a panic, so Margo announced that the three royals would be in a closed meeting for most of the day as Eliot and Quentin slipped out a little-used side door, where Eliot had horses packed up and waiting. As they trotted away toward the ridge, Quentin bounced up alongside Eliot on a mute but friendly bay. His own talking mount, Dauntless, was ready to foal and resting back at the stables.
 “Where are we going?” He asked Eliot as he slowed the bay to a brisk walk. Eliot glanced over.
 “It’s a surprise.”
 “I don’t always like surprises.”
 “You might like this one.” Eliot turned off the forest path and onto the ridge. As they climbed, they could see the Rainbow Bridge, a ribbon of color off to their left and beyond that, the stark shores of Coronation Beach. “Remember the day we crowned each other?”
 “Yeah,” Quentin smiled. “I made that stupid speech.”
 “It wasn’t stupid, Q. I appreciated every word, and you made me want to be a good king.”
 Quentin blinked as his bay picked its way around larger stones and pockets of spiny weeds.
 “Yes. It hasn’t been particularly easy these past few months, but having you and Margo with me has made all the difference.” He smiled as they reach the crest of the ridge. “I’m glad you’re here, Q.”
 The trail narrowed then, forcing Quentin to fall back behind Midas, but not before Eliot caught a blush staining the younger magician’s cheeks. The path opened up into the sun-drenched glade a few moments later and Eliot reined Midas to a halt as he looked over his shoulder. Quentin was staring at the meadow in disbelief.
 “Holy shit!” He said as he trotted up and came to an ungainly halt—horseback riding wasn’t exactly one of his talents, despite all those summers at junior cowboy camp. “What is this place? How did you find it?”
 “I happened to come across it on a ride the other day,” Eliot said as he swung down from his horse. “I thought you might like to see it. Listen . . .”
 Quentin cocked his head to one side and then smiled.
 “Is that a waterfall?”
 “It is.” Eliot helped Quentin down off his horse and left the mounts to graze after confining them with a corralling spell. Eliot led his friend across the glade, where the thundering of the falls grew louder. The cascading ribbon of silver water finally came into view, and Quentin’s face lit up in a way that made Eliot’s heart give an excited skip.
 “Look at this place!” Quentin said, pushing a lock of tawny hair behind one ear. “Do you think it has a name?”
 “I don’t know. Surely others have been up here. The grass is so lush, I’m amazed no one’s farmed it out.”
Eliot paused. “But I didn’t bring you here just to show you the sights.” He raised both hands and tutted as he murmured a spell. A blanket and a wicked basket materialized at their feet a moment later and Quentin’s expression shifted to one of puzzlement.
 “What? You’ve never been on a picnic before?” Eliot smiled.
 “Uhm, sure, I . . . in Central Park when I was a kid and my folks were still together. Not so much since then, I guess.”
 “It struck me as an ideal spot.” Eliot flapped out the blanket until it settled out flat on the grass and knelt down as he patted the spot nearest him. “Have a seat, Q.”
 Quentin crouched like someone trying to settle himself into a hot bath and finally tucked his legs up under his thighs before tugging off his sweater. Eliot watched, amused and more than a bit aroused as Quentin struggled to pull the thing off and the tee shirt underneath became untucked, showing a wide strip of skin and a hint of glory trail. He finally freed himself and Eliot chuckled, resisting the urge to smooth down Quentin’s hair.
 “Yeah.” Quentin set the sweater aside and peeked into the wicker basket. “Sandwiches, fruit, cake, lemonade—where the hell did you get lemonade, El?” He laughed, and Eliot shrugged a shoulder.
 “Well, it’s easier to concoct than champagne.”
 “The Lemonade King. It does have a ring to it,” Quentin grinned, and Eliot gave him a nudge as he took out a pair of simple travel cups and poured them each a glass. They sipped, and Quentin glanced around. “It really is beautiful here.”
 “It is. I wanted to show you—and be alone with you, too.”
 Quentin looked up at him.
 “You did?”
 “Yes, Q. You see, I—” Eliot paused as he turned to face his friend on the soft checkered blanket. “We’ve been here for several months now, and I know you’ve been through hell. The Beast, and—”
 “And Alice,” Quentin murmured. Eliot nodded.
 “I know how much losing her hurt you. And I hope that Margo and I have given you some sort of comfort, even if it’s not exactly our specialty.”
 “You have.” Quentin raised his head again, his dark eyes bright with unshed tears. “If I’d had been alone, I . . . I don’t know what I would have been like.” He mustered up a smile. “I’m glad you were both here.”
 “I’m glad you feel that way, Q. But I—” Eliot paused, frowning, as a minute rustling noise came from the thick hedges near the waterfall, then ceased.
 Rabbit, maybe. Or a talking something-or-other, he thought to himself.
 “El?” Quentin prodded, and Eliot picked up his previous train of thought.
 “Sorry. I thought bringing you up here would make this easier—” That rustling sound again. Because what I wanted to tell you, Q, is—”
 THWACK! A sharp noise, like the crack of a whip split the air, and Quentin was no longer sitting beside him. Eliot blinked and opened his mouth to speak when something flexible but strong, like a thick rubber cable, wrapped around his waist and pinned his arms to his sides. Behind him, Quentin cried out in panic and fear as a massive, writhing shape rose from the bushes—a shape that now had both of them in its clutches.
 “Your highness? Your highness! Please, I must speak with you!”
 Margo glanced up from her glass of wine and erotic novel (thank Christ for cheap bookstores in the Village and traveling portals,) and frowned at the urgency in Tick’s voice. She set the glass and book aside and went to unlock the common room door, opening the heavy wooden thing a crack.
 “What is it, Tick? I told you we can’t be disturbed!”
 “I ask forgiveness, your highness, but this concerns the safety of the High King and King Quentin!”
 “I’m gonna need a bit more than that,” Margo replied as she stepped out into the hallway and closed the door.
 “Her highness understands that I am not one to involve myself in rumor and gossip . . .”
 “You, Tick? Of course not,” Margo glanced at her lacquered nails. “But?”
 “There was talk, your grace, of the kings riding south toward the Piebald Ridge, for reasons unknown. I do not know if these rumors are true, but if there is any credence to them, then the lives of our kings may be in danger.”
 “Talk faster!” Margo snapped. “What kind of danger?”
 “The Glittering Glen and its waterfall offer some of the most breathtaking views of Fillory, but they are also home to some of its carnivorous plants. You may recall that there are some species right here in Whitespire’s garden—”
 “Yeah, and they fucking ate the gardener!”
 “Indeed. And the species that grow wild in that glen are even more aggressive, I’m afraid.”
 “Form a party of armed guards and saddle my horse! We need to get up to that glen before El and Quentin star in the Fillorian version of Little Shop of Horrors!”
 “Your grace?” Tick frowned.
 “Jesus, I’ll explain the reference later! Move!”
 “Q, can you reach my hand?”
 “My arms are pinned to my sides! What is this thing, El?”
 “I don’t know! But it’s either pissed or hungry—” Eliot squirmed as one of the vines forced his hands down to his side and pinned them there so he couldn’t cast. The bushes rustled wildly and a plant emerged on a greenish-brown stalk the width of a sedan. The mouth itself resembled an undulating, open banana peel and Quentin’s eyes widened as it revealed itself.
 “Oh, shit! Shit, shit!” He gasped. Eliot focused inwardly for a moment, trying to tap into his telekinesis, but inward-facing thorns on the vines that had him and Quentin trapped pierced his skin. They were coated with venom and his mind fogged over as his muscles went slack and useless. Quentin’s dark eyes were equally glassy, and as they were pulled toward the mouth of the carnivorous plant, Eliot realized his efforts at creating the perfect moment had brought on their last ones, instead.
 Oh, Q. I’m so sorry . . .
 “El . . .” Quentin murmured as they were dragged along side by side, and Eliot turned his head to stare into Quentin’s dark eyes.
 “I didn’t mean to get us into this,” Eliot slurred, the brain fog becoming thicker. “I only wanted to . . .” He struggled to find one last moment of focus. “I love you, Quentin.”
 Quentin blinked at him and an odd noise, like the distant call of horns, filled Eliot’s ears.
 Is this what it sounds like to die?
 The noise grew louder then, and voices mixed with what Eliot eventually recognized as his royal guards’ call to arms. The vines that held him went slack a moment a later, and Margo’s face swam into view, distorted and blurry. He tried to speak, to warn her, but darkness dropped a veil over his mind.
 Fever held sway over Eliot’s consciousness for nearly three days. When the effects of the plant’s venom finally began to fade thanks to treatments by Whitespire’s physicians, Eliot found himself in his royal bedchambers, dressed in his favorite robe, with Margo sitting beside him. Relief warred with annoyance in her dark eyes as she watched him come around.
 “Well. It’s about fucking time,” she said, but her touch was gentle as she smoothed back his curls. He managed a smile.
 “Hey, Bambi.”
 “That’s all you have to say after I had to form a goddamned posse to keep you and Q from being eaten by a giant Fillorian plantain?”
 “Q!” Eliot sat up, ignoring the jolt of pain it caused. “Where is he? Did that thing . . . did it . . . “
 “No, thank fuck. Our guards killed that overgrown Audrey 2 before it could swallow either of you. He woke up this morning and he’s in his room, resting.”
 “I have to go see him.” Eliot threw the duvet aside and Margo sighed.
 “Since I know there’s no stopping you, at least let me help you. The castle doctor said that plant’s venom packs a fucking wallop. Thank Christ there’s a cure for it.”
 Eliot got to his feet and found his balance. He felt weak and slightly dizzy, as if he’d suffered a serious case of heatstroke. Margo took his arm.
 “C’mon,” she gave him a wry smile as they left his room and headed down the hall. “You aren’t going to believe this, but castle gossip saved your ass. Some of the wall guards saw you and Q riding up the ridge and it got back to Tick and his people. If he hadn’t come and told me, you and Q would be staring out the back end of that plant by now.”
 Eliot frowned as his stomach turned.
 “Margo, Jesus!”
 “Maybe that’s just my way of saying be more careful the next time you get any romantic notions in your head.” She paused by Quentin’s door and rose up on her tiptoes to kiss Eliot’s cheek.
 “I’m glad you’re all right. Tell Q I’ll come see him in a little while.”
 “Will do. Thanks for bringing the Calvary, Bambi.”
 “Remember it the next time I piss you off!” Margo laughed as she vanished around the corner. Eliot knocked on Quentin’s door before opening it a crack.
 “Q? Are you awake? It’s me.”
 “Eliot!” Quentin sat up. Hey!”
 “No no . . . don’t get up.” Eliot opened the door wider and stepped inside. Quentin shifted over so he could sit.
 “When did you wake up?” Quentin asked, and Eliot sighed.
 “About fifteen minutes ago.”
 “Then you should be in bed!”
 “Fair enough. Budge up.” Eliot nudged Quentin over until there was enough room for him to lie down. Quentin blinked but didn’t protest. “So. How are you feeling?”
 “Kind of weak, and my joints ache, but the doctors say that’ll fade over the next couple of days with the antivenom treatments. I guess we were lucky—those plants are aggressive and they’ll eat almost any living thing they can get ahold of, from what Tick told me.”
 “I’m so sorry, Q. I almost got us killed.”
 “You didn’t know . . . neither did I. It wasn’t your fault. It was nice—I mean, until that thing showed up.”
 Eliot propped himself up on one elbow to face his friend.
 “I took you up there because I wanted to create this perfect moment for us.”
 “For us? What do you mean, El?”
 “I wanted it to be something you’d remember, no matter how things worked out.”
 “You told me you loved me,” Quentin said suddenly. “Just before I passed out.”
 “You remember that?”
 “It was real, wasn’t it? When I woke up, I thought maybe I’d dreamed it or—or that I made it up.”
 “No, Q. It was real. It just wasn’t what I’d planned when I took you up to that glen. In fact, it’s just about as far from that perfect moment as could be possible.”
 “Maybe there aren’t any perfect moments, El.” Quentin laid a hand over Eliot’s. “Only perfect chances.”
 Eliot paused for the space of a heartbeat as one of Quentin’s fingers traced over the back of his hand.
 “Like this one?”
 “Exactly like this one.”
 “Then let me take it.” Eliot caught Quentin’s gaze, held it. “I’m in love with you, Quentin.”
 The younger magician’s gaze filled with warmth and hope as he slid his fingers in between Eliot’s.
 “Me too—I mean, I feel the same way. I just didn’t know how to tell you.”
 Eliot sat up and tugged Quentin up with him before touching his face.
 “You’re serious?”
 “Yes, El! Jesus, why would I lie about something like that? I think I’ve been in love with you since Brakebills but I was scared that someone like you could never love anyone like me.”
 “Don’t put me on a pedestal, Q. I’m not as untouchable as you think.”
 “I hope not. Because I do love you, El.” He leaned forward, his long lashes sweeping down as his eyes closed halfway and Eliot accepted the offer, pressing his lips to Quentin’s, drinking him in like a dying man in a desert who’d finally reached an oasis. As he slid his arms around the man he planned to spend the rest of his life with, whether it was here in Fillory, on earth, or some other place they had yet to discover, Eliot knew that home was here, in Quentin’s embrace.
 Maybe there is such a thing as a perfect moment after all, Eliot thought to himself. Because this certainly feels like one.
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mossy-covered-bones · 5 years
Undertale Soul Headcanons: Amnesia
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I’ve been working on an Underground-centered Sans x Reader fanfic(Called Amnesia. Here’s the wattpad story link if you wanna check it out. It’s still in the early stages, though) , so I kind of had to set up some headcanon intricacies (diet, magic rules, souls) to run the world off of. I’m trying to make a mini encyclopedia thing for all of the details for the soul, and I was doodling little soul designs during class and now I really just wanna... rant about how I’m doing the souls?
Also, sorry for the long post. I kinda forgot how to do page breaks? They worked before and they aren’t now, anyways. Mobile’s a bit tricky.
I also color coded the terms, but since there isn’t a dark blue, integrity is purple while perserverence is pink. There isn’t a yellow, so both bravery and justice are orange.
Each of the soul traits is paired with a vice. Perserverence and inflexibility. Integrity and conceit. Patience and Idleness. Kindness and complacency. Justice and vengeance. Bravery and audacity. Determination and animosity. Since I’m matching each virtue with a vice, I figured it wouldn’t make sense to call the traits by their virtues. I didn’t want the importance of these vices to get lost in the names. So I picked a general term that fit the virtue and the vice and translated it into Latin to get some formal, general terms for the traits.
Perserverence is now Stabilis, which roughly translates to firm, stable, steadfast, steady, stationary, or lasting. I didn’t want the name to simply portray the ‘stick with it’-ness associated with perserverence, because of the side of inflexibility, so I went for a sort of ‘i cannot be led astray’ sort of feel to it, hence ‘stable, steadfast’.
Integrity is now Veritas, which translates to truth, reality, certainty, correctness, frankness or rectitude. The Reader character in Amnesia has this sort of soul, and I envisioned her as a sort of frank, ‘I only speak the truth’ sort of gal, whose only desire was that people don’t lie to her. That’s why she wants her memories back so bad, because her sense of truth is disrupted by her essentially lying to herself. Plus my ideas of Veritas souls include this whole ‘fact before emotion’ thing that shows a lack of empathy that I felt ‘frankness’ helped to cover.
Patience is now Exspectans, which translates as just waiting. This one just comes from the willingness to wait/inaction from the two sides of this trait.
Kindness is now Opsequor. This one translates as deference, allegiance, yielding, submission, discipline, compliance. I kind of took a more negative approach to this one because the positive side was ‘humanitas,’ which was too close to ‘humanity’ for my liking, since these are traits that are used in a sort of informal way towards monster souls(if that makes sense? I’ll explain more on monster souls in a bit).
Justice is now Reciprocum, which translates as reciprocation(there was more to this one but I couldn’t find it). I kind of took a ‘serving punishment’ sort of view with justice, since it could easily carry into vengeance, depending on intentions, and that’s kind of sums up this trait for me.
Bravery is now Robustus, which means strong, bouncing, burly, stout, robust, or sturdy in English. When it comes to bravery souls, i always kind of think of them as entergetic(like Papyrus), and the other translations kind of leaned too far towards valor or virtue to fit like I wanted them to.
Determination is now Imperium. I didn’t like the original (it was spite), so I switched it to animosity because the sort of energy I associate with this one is less of a ‘put everything into my current task’ and more of the absolute power that you see with Frisk’s dominion over the timeline and the fact that monster souls are too weak to have this trait. It implies such raw force that I chose imperium, the translation of which is command, Empire, government, rule, control, or authority. It was also the first result for the translation of ‘power’. I picked the flaw animosity because of the saying ‘absolute power corrupts absolutely,’ and the fact that people in power(that don’t have to gain public support) have the ability to act on their hate towards other groups of people. (My main view for this is pre-exploration era Europe, with monarchs and the legality of religion).
For this fic I’m going with monster souls being mostly magic, which is why they’re white and I (tried) to draw them as kind of wispy, barely together smoke. Because of the coloration it is much harder to determine a monster’s primary traits without running precise tests. It is generally accepted that monster’s and humans have the same soul traits (barring determination).
Human souls have less magic in them and more of the soul traits, which gives their souls more structure and makes them look more solid.
Amalgamate souls have the white magic mixing with a lot of determination(a soul trait). As a result, you get a fight between the ‘moving’ magical components and the ‘solid’ soul traits. The mean between a gas and a solid is a liquid, which is why the soul is kinda runny. The deformation of the soul’s form also makes it nigh impossible for amalgamates to use magic.
And that is because of how magic flows trough the body. Monsters, who all have upturned souls, can all use magic. In game, Frisk can use yellow magic when their soul flips around. My headcanon for this is that is the upturned soul makes it easier to conduct magic(that’s why mage souls are ‘upside down!’). Since the amalgamates’ souls are deformed and lack the vauguely heart structure they had before, they have lost most of their capacity for magic.
As for how souls appear during encounters, Amnesia’s soul system marks what appears in an encounter as a ‘representation’ of your soul, primed for battle. This is why monster souls appear more solid in a fight, and why you can’t see the secondary traits across the surface of your soul during encounters. Only in those fabled ‘intimate settings’ does your soul appear as it truly is, whether wispy or with secondary trait marks.
If you were to get caught in an encounter with your ‘true soul’ out, even an accidental hit could result in an instant kill. Your soul is just too vulnerable to appear unprotected in an environment where you expect to be harmed. Besides, all of those little details in your ‘true soul’ should be reserved for your soul mate/chosen life partner.
Each soul trait leans more toward certain stats. Determination, bravery, and justice have more attack while perserverence, integrity, patience, and kindness have more defense. Determination, patience, and perseverance have more initial hope, while kindness, integrity, justice, and bravery have more magical capacity
Every soul has a primary trait, which makes up at least half of their personality spectrum. A person can have anywhere from 0-3 secondary primary traits, which range from 10-40% of the personality spectrum. Most of the time these traits reinforce the primary one and fuel fallback solutions. In the case of the Reader from Amnesia, whose primary is Veritas, her secondary traits of Exspectans and Robustus help reinforce her integrity virtue by giving her the patience to gain the trust of people so that they will be honest with her as well as the courage to deal with any hard truths admitted to her. Her flaws, on the other hand, do not reinforce themselves as much. As much as audacity can help fuel her conceit, idleness goes against the constant search for truth her primary trait often entails.
Tertiary traits, while they do have effects of the soul, are barely noticeable in the full personality spectrum. They take up 9% or less each, and don’t manifest of the soul proper. Tertiary traits only come up when the person is on the fence about something, offering slight nudges in one direction or the other. Say, someone with Exspectans as primary, flanked by Reciprocum and Opsequor as secondaries, is caught between hanging back and letting things fall into place and helping right some wrongs. It would be their tertiary traits that would push them in one of the two directions. If they, perhaps, had Robustus as a tertiary trait they might help. Stabilis, on the other hand, might push them to stick with waiting for the other shoe to drop.
I also have a bit of a headcanon that the primary colors are the strongest traits, while the secondary colors are more common. Exspectans, being neither, is rare as a primary but a really common secondary/tertiary trait.
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kcmorcbi-blog · 5 years
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tom holland + cismale + he/him + reactive evolution.┊ ❛ ━ hey, is it just me or do you hear old town road by lil nas x playing in the distance ? oh, that’s just ridley vidraru, a twenty-one year old busboy. according to my sources, i heard he can be neutral good and is adaptable, but also reserved. that’s probably why they remind everyone of the smell of leather, large barn doors, and roosters crowing so much ! anyway, whether or not they’re in favor of the supers, crystalline city is keeping a close eye on them ! (lucy, seventeen, hast, they/them )
hello hello !! iʻm just gonna preface by saying that you should probably read kacchanʻs intro for luca first for a little more context because these two are related !! they actually cover the whole event over there but........
to sum up, ridley grew up on a big ʻole farm with a big ʻole family. he had a twin sister with whom he was always very close with. together, they learned magic from their father and wizard that was a family friend. when he was thirteen, shit hit the fan. in order to protect him and his sister, his father sent them through a portal with an endpoint that wasnʻt known to anyone and………..
p o s t - Y E E T ( a. k. a  c o u n t r y  b o y  i n  t h e  b i g  c i t y !! )
he ended up on the outskirts of the city. not exactly the best place for an unaccompanied thirteen year old whoʻd never been too far from the countryside before.
through the jump, he somehow got separated from his sister. he doesnʻt know if that was a condition that his father put into the portal or if something happened mid-trip, but suddenly he was alone for the first time in his life.
 he was never really good with the transporting aspect of magic like his pops was, and there was a sinking feeling in his stomach telling him that there was no way he was getting back home anytime soon unless his father found him.
he waited for weeks -- months, really, but who was counting ?? he was. -- for his pops to figure something. or for his sister to find him. then he tried to figure something out himself. see, the main problem was that he was thousands of miles from being anywhere close to back home and he had zero ways of getting there. this was DEVASTATING to him.
so, he gave up. not really. he always carried a determination to search for them. but for the time being, he wasnʻt really focusing on getting home. he just...adapted. that was always what he did best with the magic that he got from his dad and then wizard: changing to fit the environment best.
he took up odd jobs around downtown. mostly house maintenance and chores that people didnʻt want to call professionals for. he eventually tried his best to bounce around, taking jobs at places that lasted a little longer and, since he was essentially homeless, whose owners let him stay there through the entirety. he took up as many as he could so he would never have time to himself to think about things.
eventually, he made his way to some of the nicer parts of town and stumbled upon a horse stable. it was one of those nice ones where rich people kept their horses for jumping or for races. they just so happened to need an experienced stable-hand.
ridley got the job and having grown up around horses, managed to prove himself enough that they kept him long-term. they set him up with a little trailer near the stables so he could be close enough the horses when they needed him.
eventually, he got a himself a part-time job also working as a busboy ( because i forgot i put busboy on the app before i thought of this stablehand thing ) and earned enough money to buy himself a shitty little laptop so he could finish his schooling.
now, heʻs doing college online and gonna try and become a vet !! he might focus primarily on the equine but for now, itʻs just a general course.
power-wise, he !! is a magic cowboy !! he was getting lessons in magic from both his father and the wizard that lived with them, which were obviously cut short when they got separated. before that, however, he became very adept in defensive magic. this is what he honed throughout the years and is his main specialty.
he calls it reactive evolution because thatʻs essentially all he does. he gets placed in a situation and changes himself in order to survive best. for example, if you were to throw him underwater, heʻd grow gills and webbing between his fingers and toes. if you were to shoot at him, suddenly heʻd be made of steel.
living on his own in the city helped hone that skill more than anything. he made out very well on the streets specifically because of his skill set. anything that happened to him, he was able to keep himself long enough to safely get away.
so !! that’s it !! he’s a poor cowboy with a GED trying to work through online college and working as much as he can with his very limited resources to find his missing family.
t h e  m a n ,  t h e  m y t h ,  t h e  c o w b o y  ( p e r s o n a l i t y )
the’s a bit of a rascal at heart who doesn’t let himself cut loose too much. kind of what happens when you grow up having to take care of yourself.
HOWEVER !! if you get to know him,,,,,,,,gain his trust,,,,,,maybe heʻll open up and be the goof he is at heart hmm who knows anything can happen
pls break his walls down i double dog dare you
heʻs very hard working. heʻs the type of person that enjoys doing manual labor. like, he genuinely likes lifting hay bales and doing maintenance so heʻs always looking for anything he can get his hands on and fix. he tends to get a little stir crazy if heʻs not doing something productive.
he fucking loves animals. this mans adores any and all animals. heʻs partial to horses but he will fall in love with any type of non-human creature. if you want to be his friend, just say you have a pet cat or something.
heʻs literally the loneliest little bean. this is a mans who was part of a matching set for most of his formative years and then had that ripped away from him very abruptly. he misses his family so much but after nearly a decade, heʻs gotten better at hiding it. this is probably why he imprints on animals so much
he seriously is a weird little hermit who doesnʻt do anything for fun so pls !! take this mans out !! heʻs dork but heʻll probably be fun for something i guess !! heʻs got an accent and some sturdy boots !! idek what else pls just throw yourself at him cause heʻs shy. but still a dork. who knows whatʻll happen ?? not me !!
T L ; D R
yello !! iʻm your local gayby, lucy !! and here is my son, ridley. he is also lucaʻs son. that would make him kacchanʻs grandson. lmao oldie. anywho, basically,,,,,,,heʻs got the horses in the back. horse tack is attached. hat is matte black. got the boots thatʻs black to match.
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inhalco · 3 years
Apart from the health benefits of smoking with a bong, it also adds a personal touch to each of your sessions. Bongs come in all shapes, colors, and sizes, so choosing the best one for you can be a bit overwhelming. Bong-makers are always coming up with new designs and fresh decals, and whether you’re shopping for your first bong or for the next one to add to your collection, the decision doesn’t get any easier.
While your choice of shape, color, and size is entirely up to you and your preference, you do have to make a few big decisions that might just change the way you smoke. One of these is choosing between getting a traditional glass bong, or a more new-age silicone bong.
If you’ve never heard of silicone bongs, don’t worry! They’re a pretty new invention and they’re taking the world by storm. They feel quite different from glass bongs, but there’s plenty of reason to go for silicone. Silicone bongs are less fragile, easier to clean, and they have very low thermal conductivity, which means they won’t get hot during long smoking sessions, and not too cold if you like to use ice for a more refreshing experience.
Are Silicone Bongs Safe For Smoking?
Yes, silicone bongs are absolutely safe for smoking! Over the last few years, silicone bongs have been getting more and more popular because of certain properties that make them ideal for smoking. Here are a few things that make silicone the safe, superior choice:
Silicone is Non-Toxic.
As a material, silicone is completely non-toxic and doesn’t react to most chemicals. Make sure your silicone bong is BPA free, because then it’ll be so safe it’s FDA-approved for food safety.
Silicone is Durable and Elastic.
Unlike glass bongs that are fragile and can break into a million pieces, silicone bongs are practically indestructible. You can drop them, twist them, stretch them, knock them over, fold them, bend them, and more, and they’ll still be a bong.
Silicone is Watertight.
Silicone is innately water-repellent, and since there’s no way silicone can crack, you’re absolutely safe from spills and leaks, too.
Silicone has Grip, but is Non-Stick.
Silicone is especially made to have non-stick properties, so you can rest assured that rosin, tar, and other residues will come off easily. On the other hand, silicone is also designed to grip specific surfaces like glass and metal, making them ideal for bongs which often have glass/metal parts.
Silicone has Antimicrobial Properties.
Since silicone has properties that make it hard for microbes to grow on its surface, Silicone is actually safer than bongs since you won’t be in danger of bacterial or fungal growth.
Silicone is Thermally Stable
Glass bongs typically heat up fast because of their thermal conductivity, making it more likely to burn yourself if you’re not careful, not to mention the other harmful effects of heat on your lungs and throat. Silicone has very low thermal conductivity, so it’ll stay the same temperature even through long smoking sessions.
8 Best Silicone Bongs in 2020
If you’re in the market for a new bong, it might be time to make the switch over to silicone. Glass bongs have been around for literally thousands of years, but so have their many caveats. Fortunately, modern technology has made it to the smoking scene, and especially with these eight top-rated silicone bongs, things are shaking up in a big way. Check out these bongs and see the difference that silicone makes in the way you partake.
1. Tilted Silicone Water Pipe
This 15-inch silicone bong is an absolute beauty. At $58.99, the Titled Silicone Water Pipe is a great choice, especially for those getting their first silicone bong. The design and build quality is meant to be reminiscent of a more traditional bong, and the glass centerpiece offers added durability and a familiar feel for those who’ve always used glass.
Made from high-quality silicone, the Tilted Silicone Water Pipe also has a few great features for any smoking aficionado. The Tree Percolator that sits in the glass centerpiece helps keep smoke smooth and cool, while the added splash guard makes sure that you never have to choke on nasty bong water.
The Tilted Silicone Water Pipe has a 15-inch tilted tube which adds comfort and accessibility for the most laid back smoking sessions. At 4.5-inches base diameter, this bong will sit comfortably on most surfaces. The package includes a bowl and a downstem, but if you prefer to use your own stuff, the joint sizes are 14mm and 18mm female respectively, with 3-inch length on the downstem.
2. Eyce Silicone Beaker Bong
Eyce’s been making top-quality bongs for almost a decade now, and the new Eyce Beaker is quickly turning into a silicone classic.
The Eyce Beaker doesn’t try to reinvent the wheel. It’s a great, quality bong that anyone can get comfortable with right away. It doesn’t have any crazy decals or shapes, but what it does have going for it is its superior quality.
That said, the Eyce Beaker isn’t without it’s own cool ideas. While it may look simple and straightforward at first glance, this bong has a lot of neat hidden features. The base doubles as a hidden compartment where you can stash your herb for convenience and easy access. There’s also a rolling tray in case you want to switch it up with some old-fashioned rolling paper.
One really cool thing we love about the Eyce Silicone Beaker Bong is the magnetic ring around the base of the bowl, which you can use to hold your lighter for you -- now that’s convenient.
At $69.99 the Eyce Beaker isn’t too expensive, so if you’re willing to pay a little extra to get a little extra in terms of features and ease of use, then this might be the silicone bong for you.
3. Waxmaid Horn Bong
Waxmaid makes some of the coolest smoking paraphernalia, and their latest Silicone and Glass Water Horn is a great choice for people who want a small, portable bong with all the features of silicone combined with all the comfort of glass.
This bong from Waxmaid offers a simpler and more laid-back experience thanks to its shape and form-factor. Standing at only 8.6 inches tall with a thick, tapered tube that curves like a horn, so using it feels more natural since you don’t have to hunch over. The tube is made from glass, so it’s nice and sturdy, but you’re also getting a protective outer layer made of silicone that gives it better grip and thermal stability. The joint is also made from glass, but the downstem is made entirely of silicone, making it a breeze to clean properly.
The Silicone and Glass Water Horn is a great choice for anyone who wants a smaller bong but without compromising on anything else. It doesn’t have a lot of cool features, but it’s simple and it’s easy, and at just $32.99, it’s one of the highest-quality bongs you can get.
4. Strong Silicone Water Bong
If you love glass bongs, but hate having to relive the traumatic moments of seeing or hearing your favorite bong shatter to a million pieces, then this Strong Silicone Adventurer Bong comes highly recommended. It looks like a regular glass bong, but it’s made entirely of bendable, unbreakable, BPA-free silicone. No gimmicks here - just an old-fashioned bong made from space-age materials.
One of the things you’ll love about the Strong Silicone Water Bong is its unbreakable construction. Say goodbye to the glass-shattering sound of your favorite bong falling off the table or getting knocked over. When this one hits the floor, it won’t even bounce; it’ll just lie there until you pick it up. It’s bendable, too, and it does an amazing job at retaining shape, so you can fold it and bend it anyway you want for storage or portability.
The Strong Silicone Water Bong stands at 14 inches tall and comes in six colors, although subjectively, we think the coolest one is the glow-in-the-dark After Glow option. It also has a removable splash guard and an ice catcher, with the only glass part being the pull-out bowl with a specially diffused downstem. The base is 4.5 inches wide, and acts like a suction cup for added stability.
5. Roll-Uh-Bowl
The Roll-Uh-Bowl Silicone Bong is the absolute king of portable smoking paraphernalia, and one of the few bongs that takes the best features of silicone to the extreme. If you love smoking outdoors or on-the-go, the Roll-Uh-Bowl is the absolute best choice for you.
You can take the Roll-Uh-Bowl with you literally anywhere. Opened up and ready to use, the Roll-Uh-Bowl stands at 8 inches tall with a 9mm downstem. It comes with a special alloy bowl and a patented Eject-a-Bowl downstem with a roller ball. But here’s where it gets crazy: you can bend and fold the Roll-Uh-Bowl and keep it folded with the included silicone storage band, and it’ll fit right in the palm of your hand, or your pocket, or your jacket, or literally anywhere.
All things considered, the Roll-Uh-Bowl is a pretty standard bong when you use it. It doesn’t have all the cool features you would want from a best bong, but the Eject-a-Bowl feature works great since you can empty out ash and other residue just by pushing down. At only $32.00, the Roll-Uh-Bowl offers incredible value, especially for those who like to smoke while enjoying nature and the great outdoors.
6. PieceMaker - Kali Silicone Bong
For all the mini-bong lovers out there, we recommend the PieceMaker Kali Go! It’s a silicone bong that’s an update and revamp to PieceMaker’s best-selling Kali bong with a few new features added in to make your smoking experience even better.
One of the most acclaimed aspects about the Kali Go Silicone Bong is the contoured mouthpiece which makes smoking easier and more fun. The carb hole at the back of the bong makes for excellent air flow and lots of bubbles, so you’re getting a smooth, full hit every time. It’s made from BPA Free, food-grade silicone and is available in lots of different colors, including Glow in the Dark! It comes with a flower bowl made from stainless steel and takes a 4.5 downstem in case you have to replace it. The joint size is a standard 18mm female so you can use this bong with your preferred bowl, if you want.
At $50, the PieceMaker Kali Go isn’t the cheapest bong you can buy, and since it’s so small, it’s easy to overlook the value. However, if you want a small bong that is made from the highest quality materials, then consider the Kali Go!
7. Eyce Sidecar
The Eyce Sidecar features a revolutionary design that’s definitely off the beaten path when it comes to design and ease of use. Unlike traditional straight tubes, the Eyce Sidecar comes with a rotating neck that you can adjust to however works best for you, making each hit as comfortable and as personal as you can make it.
When you buy the Eyce Sidecar, you’re also getting a very high-end 14mm Quartz Bucket instead of your standard bowl. With its built-in dab concentrate container and carb, this bong screams premium.
While the other bongs on this list aimed for simplicity and portability, the Eyce Sidecar is a bong for those looking for a little more luxury for their smoking sessions. At $74.99, the Eyce Sidecar is definitely a high-end option, but if you’re willing to pay the high price, this bong is an excellent choice for all kinds of occasions.
8. Expandable Silicone Bong
Push it down for easy storage, and pull it out for maximum performance - that’s what the Springer Expendable Silicone Bong from Waxmaid is all about. It’s fully adjustable, and you can extend the tube in any direction without compromising air flow, making this bong extremely comfortable and fun to use.
Fully extended ,the Expendable Silicone Bong stands at 11.7 inches, cut down to almost half that when fully retracted at 6.7 inches. It’s size and portability make this bong a breeze to store and transport, and its extensibility means you can have a full-size bong anywhere you go. It also comes with a magnetic downstem to hold your lighter and other tools.
Since it’s from Waxmaid, you’re pretty much guaranteed that this bong is made from the best materials. The Springer Expandable Silicone Bong is 100% BPA Free, and is made from FDA Approved food-grade silicone.
Glass vs Silicone: Which Bong is Best?
There’s no denying that glass is a great material for bongs. After all, they’ve been around for so long that making glass bongs has become an art from, and most people cherish their glass bongs like prized possessions. However, glass is not without its flaws.
For the modern toker, a silicone bong would be a great addition to your collection of paraphernalia. Even if you don’t plan on making the switch and ditching glass for silicone, silicone has dozens of advantages over the more traditional option. Silicone is more durable, it’s more portable, and it’s easier to clean, too. Silicone bongs are easier to carry and store. You don’t have to worry about a silicone bong, whereas glass requires careful handling.
So, if you ask us, here’s our answer: glass is great, but when it comes down to which bong is best, silicone comes out on top.
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michaelandy101-blog · 3 years
13 Issues NOT to Do on Fb
New Post has been published on https://tiptopreview.com/13-things-not-to-do-on-facebook/
13 Issues NOT to Do on Fb
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Lately, most companies know they should have a presence on Fb. Looking for a enterprise on Fb and seeing they do not have a web page garners the identical response from customers as looking for a enterprise on Google and seeing they do not have an internet site: They only do not look respectable.
However as soon as you’ve got created your enterprise web page, navigating the waters of constructing a Fb presence is one other matter fully. How typically do you have to put up? When do you have to put up? Why are your photographs all pixelated, and how will you repair them? Do you actually have to reply to that troll?
Many errors companies make on Fb are fully preventable. That will help you keep away from these pitfalls and function your Fb web page easily, we have listed among the most typical errors companies make with their Fb marketing. This is what to not do.
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13 Fb Errors to Keep away from
1. Do not create a profile as a substitute of a web page for your enterprise.
This will appear elementary, however you would be shocked by how many individuals make this error. Earlier than we get to extra superior ideas, let’s set the file straight: Fb profiles are meant for individuals, whereas Fb pages are meant for companies.
2. Haven’t got a number of Fb accounts.
This recommendation applies to each your private and professional actions on Fb. You may suppose having multiple Fb account helps you separate your private life out of your work, household, or college life. Let’s be actual, you may’t have your nice Aunt Debrah commenting in your embarrassing faculty photographs from ten years in the past inflicting them to resurface in individuals’s timelines.
On a extra sensible be aware, Fb does limit personal accounts to five,000 associates. After that, individuals might want to observe you which of them limits the kind of engagement they will have together with your content material. As a repair, you may suppose a second or third account may be a good suggestion.
Nonetheless, there are two the reason why you would not wish to have two accounts. The primary cause is that Fb would not enable customers to have multiple private account — it is in opposition to their Terms of Service. So in the event that they discover out you might have two private accounts, they will shut them down.
The second cause is that, even when it weren’t in opposition to their phrases, having two private accounts could be a ache to take care of. Do you might have sufficient content material going up on each to spherical out your presence? The place do you draw the road between the 2? Which account will you present to your buddy who works in your trade? As a substitute of getting to delineate between two components of your life, you need to as a substitute reap the benefits of Fb’s sturdy privateness settings.
On the skilled facet, there are not any such restrictions from Fb. You can also make a number of pages for your enterprise with out the social community even noticing. However do you have to?
For many companies, we do not suggest it. You’ve got solely bought a lot time within the day to dedicate to Fb — why unfold your self skinny simply to take care of a number of pages?
Plus, there are many different nice choices for you. First, you may take advantage of Facebook’s targeting options — you need not pay to ship updates to sure segments of your viewers. As a substitute of making a web page for one section of your viewers, you may simply put up tailor-made content material to be proven solely to them.
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Second, when you’ve got an enormous viewers that lives everywhere in the world, you may take into consideration implementing a global page. If you would like to get your international web page arrange, you need to get in contact with Facebook directly. (Full disclosure: You may most likely already have to have a hefty Fb advert price range in place to make this occur.)
Briefly: Preserve it easy. Do not create extra accounts and pages than you want.
three. Do not neglect the posts or feedback in your web page.
JetBlue’s supervisor of buyer dedication Laurie Meacham as soon as informed me, “We’re all about the people, and being on social media is just a natural extension of that. It’s no different than any other part of the airline.”
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Regardless of your trade, that could not be extra true. The purpose of enterprise accounts on Fb is to work together together with your clients and prospects who’re already partaking there. (And contemplating as of This fall 2020, Fb had just under two billion lively customers, it is seemingly that they’re partaking on the market.)
Ignoring feedback and interactions is like saying to your clients, “I don’t care what you have to say.” To keep away from this, begin by ensuring that the specified publishing choices to your Timeline are turned on. Whereas some companies enable customers to put up and go away feedback on their web page with out evaluate, others favor to manually approve them, and a few do not enable publishing permissions in any respect.
Though the selection is fully as much as you, we suggest that you simply deal with your web page like a two-way road quite than a channel to broadcast your voice, and your voice solely.
As soon as you’ve got bought that straightened out, make sure you monitor the feedback day by day and reply when applicable.
Professional Tip: For time-saving ideas, flip by way of our free e-book on the best way to monitor your social media accounts in 10 minutes a day.
four. Do not ignore negativity.
What if clients complain? What in the event that they troll?
You may’t cease individuals from saying issues about your model, good or dangerous. What you are able to do is reply respectfully and with useful data based mostly on the feedback that have been shared. Responding not solely reveals individuals you are involved about their happiness however it additionally reveals that you simply’re engaged and listening.
5. Do not go away the meta description as is.
If you paste a hyperlink into a brand new Fb put up, the metadata from that put up (a picture and a brief description) will get pulled in mechanically. However that does not imply you need to simply press “Publish.” As a substitute, add some related put up copy like a quote or statistic from the article you are linking to.
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Along with enhancing the put up copy, you may wish to take away the URL from the field earlier than posting. Figuring out that Fb mechanically populates metadata once you paste a hyperlink, deleting the additional URL will assist to cut back visible muddle with out messing with the put up.
6. Do not simply put up photographs.
Video is now shoppers’ favourite sort of content material on Fb. As of 2020, 17% of all content on the platform is video content material..
As a substitute of sticking to 1 or two content material varieties, experiment a bit of bit. Fb is a spot the place you may let your model’s persona shine. Publish firm tradition footage and have individuals tag themselves. Contemplate having Fb Q&A discussions. Publish hyperlinks with one-word copy, and others with a number of paragraphs of copy. Discover out what works finest to your viewers, and keep in mind that your viewers is at all times altering — so take a look at regularly.
7. Do not make your posts too lengthy.
Once more, testing put up size is the easiest way to gauge what your viewers likes. The optimum size of your Fb Timeline posts will differ from firm to firm. For some, longer, informative Fb posts carry out higher. For others, like BuzzFeed, brief ones work completely.
Whereas it is vital to experiment and see what your viewers responds to finest, here is what we’ll say: There may be some stable proof that shorter posts generate the best engagement — in actual fact, a HubSpot analysis experiment discovered that posts with about 40 characters in size acquired extra engagement than longer posts.
eight. Do not put up photographs of simply any dimension.
Pixelated, cluttered, or difficult-to-read visuals won’t solely frustrate customers, however they will additionally provide you with a nasty status.
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Not solely does Fb have particular picture dimensions for profile photographs and canopy photographs, (though these are vital, too), it additionally has very best picture dimensions for photographs you put up in your timeline, those you employ in sponsored posts, sidebar adverts, and so forth. That will help you maintain the whole lot straight, bookmark this useful cheat sheet.
9. Do not put up click-bait.
If you hyperlink to an internet web page in a Fb put up, the platform tracks dwell time on the web page to see how a lot time individuals spend it. The lesson? Do not put up click-bait headlines that do not ship in your guarantees.
For those who’re trying to meet the wants of your viewers on Fb, take into account posting hyperlinks to clear, informative weblog articles. When the headline units the precise expectation for what a person can count on from the content material, it is simpler for them to see the worth in what you are providing and stay on the web page to learn the article. When it would not, they bounce off the web page and Fb takes be aware.
10. Do not assume you need to solely put up throughout enterprise hours.
A Sprout Social study discovered that the very best instances and days to put up on Fb differ by trade. Nonetheless, the widespread theme throughout industries utilizing Fb to generate engagement is that exercise on the platform hits a peak on Wednesdays and the very best time to put up is early afternoon.
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What about weekends? Sprout Social additionally famous that Sundays are, throughout the board, the worst days to publish content material to Fb. In abstract, persist with publishing posts in the course of the center of the week, proper earlier than engagement and exercise wane heading into the weekend.
11. Do not put up too typically (however do put up repeatedly.)
Sure, you need to put up repeatedly to maintain your viewers engaged, present them you are current and listening, and reply their questions and considerations.
Nonetheless, what you do not wish to do is overwhelm them with tons and tons of posts. We even ran a couple of experiments to determine how typically companies ought to put up on Fb. Our analysis included posting frequency benchmarks by trade and firm dimension based mostly on Fb knowledge from hundreds of our clients.
What we discovered was this: Corporations which are selective about what they publish — i.e. they take the time to craft a smaller variety of high-quality Fb posts as a substitute of lots of Fb posts — carried out finest.
12. Remember to experiment with focusing on and adverts.
Because of the current decline in natural attain on Fb, many firms are turning to Fb promoting to seize the eye of a extra certified viewers. With Fb promoting, you may goal individuals who’ve visited your web site, used your app, or signed up for an e mail checklist. You may also goal comparable or “Lookalike” audiences or arrange campaigns geared toward getting likes in your web page.
However you may’t simply throw money at Fb promoting and count on the whole lot to work. It will solely work in case you’re sensible about it — which implies experimenting and tweaking your promoting plan to see what works.
The place do you have to begin? We created this step-by-step information to digital promoting to assist entrepreneurs learn to create profitable Fb adverts. And if you wish to try examples of actual Fb adverts which have labored very well for manufacturers, try this weblog put up.
13. Remember which account you are posting from.
The Fb Information Feed seems mainly the identical whether or not you are logged in to your private account or your organization’s account, making all of it too simple for Web page directors to overlook which one they’re posting from. You would not wish to reply to commenters out of your private account once you meant to reply from your enterprise account or vice versa.
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Nonetheless, the reality is typically accidents occur. The truth is, one among my colleagues unintentionally posted an image of her child bump from HubSpot’s Twitter account. Whereas it was a innocent mistake, she wrote up a weblog article to supply companies with the recommendation they should overcome a social media slip-up.
Do This Not That On Fb
Fb is among the longest-standing social media platforms that companies depend on to succeed in their audiences. And it is sensible — greater than a 3rd of the individuals on earth use Fb. With such a big viewers expecting the most recent and biggest social content material to attach with, you should be sure that you simply put your finest foot ahead when publishing posts. I hope this checklist offers you greater than sufficient concepts for what to not do on Fb so that you aren’t caught off guard by even the wildest fake pas.
Editor’s be aware: This put up was initially revealed in June 2015 and has been up to date for comprehensiveness.
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xyliane · 7 years
hit me with your best shot
summary: there’s supposed to be a moment when things just click and it’s obvious you’re drift compatible: maybe it’s in the drift, maybe it’s in the mess, maybe it’s talking, but it’s there. for gon, it hits him like a blow to the face. because that’s what it is. it’s a blow to the face.
notes: uh yeah happy pacific rim day, here’s a ficlet about boys who hit each other in the face in the name of partnership and stuff. welcome to jaeger x hunter (because jaeger means hunter, and–look it’s a pun). killugon (well, pre-killugon.), pacific rim au, 2500 words.
It feels like it’s been ages since they started training. At least, the Jaeger Academy officials call it training. And there is some of that: workouts that leave Gon an exhausted pile of trembling limbs on the floor, written exams on engineering and ocean biology and urban geography and math (those Gon has to take again). All some variation on the training soldiers ran at the refugee camps for islanders, something to keep kids and teenagers busy and maybe set them on track to join whichever military has been order to keep the camps in order. Almost everyone who started the program has dropped out, left in the dust by 14 hour workouts or 10 hour welding sessions.
But “training” is more than that. Gon’s noticed most people try to be standoffish, ignoring his attempts to be friendly. And that’s okay, too. Not everyone wants to open up. There are a few who have—Leorio, who is sticking through because he might already be a doctor but he wants it to mean something more than loans and patch jobs for the wealthy; Kurapika, who’s kind and amazing and skilled but refuses to say where they’re from and sometimes seems so cold. But for the most part, many of the trainees that have stuck around seem more determined to prove themselves than to reach out for others.
Gon doesn’t like that. He might be the youngest person here, but even he knows that piloting a jaeger means piloting with a partner. Someone you trust, or love. Why keep to yourself when, if everything goes right, you’re going to have to trust everything you have to someone else?
They’ve been put together with the rest of the remaining trainees, a scattering of people Gon’s never seen before outside of brief glimpses in the mess. Most of them will probably make it into the program in some capacity, just like the people in Gon’s. And Gon’s already been approached by different staff, seeing if he wants a position in Outreach or Engineering, or once by a marine biologist named Dr. Mackernasy who wanted Gon’s help with recovering island wildlife. They’re good jobs, ones that would let Gon earn money and find a safer spot for Aunt Mito than the camps she’s living in now.
But they’re not what Gon wants. Gon wants to be a jaeger pilot, just like his dad. Just like Kite. He doesn’t want to save the world—or well, he doesn’t not want to save the world: Aunt Mito does live here and so do Gon’s friends—but it’s more important he find Ging, show Ging that Whale Island is still alive even if it’s only swamp and ruins now.
Their newest training instructor is Biscuit Krueger, an imposing blonde woman as tall as Leorio who looks strong enough to bench press a whole jaeger and dressed in pink ruffles that can’t possibly be good for combat. She tosses a wooden stick at Gon with a little too much force. He catches it but rather than heading out to the mat, turns towards his friends, one who’s standing and the other who dropped off the bench to melt onto the tiled floor. “Are you okay, Leorio?”
“He’s fine,” Kurapika says. Their staff leans against Leorio’s shoulder, almost like they’re not using it to support the both of them. They did much better than Leorio, who was all flailing limbs and brute strength and had been knocked off the mats twice, but their partner had still landed a few blows. There’s a particularly nasty bruise just over their eye, peeking out from beneath blond bangs.
Gon frowns. “Are you sure?”
“Mmmghnffsl,” Leorio says. His whole upper body is covered in a series of bruises and small cuts, and Gon’s pretty sure his legs are just as bad. At least Kurapika’d been smart enough to ask for his glasses first. “’m fine. Lemme at em.”
Kurapika stifles a laugh and pokes Leorio with their stick again. He doesn’t even move except to groan again.
A smooth wooden stick gives Gon a sharp poke to the back of his head. He spins back to the ring, holding the growing lump and glaring at the boy who’d poked him. “Hey!”
“Hey dumbass. We don’t have all day,” the holder of the stick drawls, crouched on the side of the raised mats. “You want me to kick your ass or you going back home?” Messy white hair poofs and curls in a mess and casting shadows across his face, but it’s easy to make out a bored-looking scowl. He bounces his stick against the shoulder of his uniform tank top, pale arms streamlined and strong. It doesn’t look like anyone’s landed a hit on him yet.
Gon feels a grin grow. No one’s managed to hit him yet, either. “Yeah!” he says, and hops up onto the mat.
“You want me to kick your ass,” the other boy says flatly.
“Well, I don’t think you will, not in a fight like this,” Gon says, and his sparring partner bristles in challenge.
“It’s a spar, not a fight!” Bisky says, hands on her hips. “This will determine who moves on to the next round and who goes home. Take it seriously.”
“Sure, hag,” the other boy says, and ignores how the trainer glares murder into his skull. He can’t be much older than Gon, eyebrow raised slightly as he falls into a stance. “How old are you?”
“Si—eighteen,” Gon says, copying his opponent’s movement. He’s still not used to fighting with staffs, least of all when he’s trying to remember he’s supposed to be older than he says he is. But his new sparring partner’s movement is like a fish swimming, born knowing how to move and shift smooth and quick.
The boy’s eyebrow inches a little further up. “Me too,” he says. Gon’s pretty sure he’s lying. He’s not sure how he knows—he doesn’t dart his eyes away from Gon’s like Aunt Mito, and he doesn’t twitch like Leorio. It’s more…a moment of relief, like right after you pull the covers over your head and pretend there aren’t any monsters. It’s a pretty flimsy relief.
Gon lets it slide. He can ask later. Not least because Bisky calls, sharper than usual, “Open spar. This is a test of your abilities and your readiness. Ready?”
The grin on Gon’s face widens, and the other teenager tightens his grip on his staff. There’s something wild dancing in Gon’s veins, the excitement before a good fight or when a good fish in on the line. “You ready to go? I don’t want to hurt you too badly,” he says.
The other teenager’s eyebrows snap back down, the flimsy relief replaced with fire. “I’d like to see you try.”
“I will dump both of you out on your asses if you refuse to take this seriously!” Bisky snaps. “Now, go!”
Gon taps his staff once against the other boy’s, acknowledging the start of the match, and immediately flattens out against the mat to avoid the other side of the staff whipping up at his head. It’s fast, but the movement leaves the boy open to Gon sweeping out with his leg aimed right at his knee. He jumps over Gon, and Gon slides across the mat, using his own staff to launch himself back up to his feet with time to block the next blow and slide right into a strike of his own. It misses, but only barely, and Gon flicks the back of his staff up towards the other boy’s nose. He hears a hiss of a curse and can practically feel the staff slice through white curls as the boy bends himself in half to avoid the hit. But rather than backing away like Gon expects, he snaps the staff around his back, spinning it across the top of his shoulders fast enough to bring it lancing towards Gon’s face again.
Gon only barely gets his staff back up in time, catching the boy’s attack with the top of his staff and shoving as hard as he can. They both stumble away from each other, Gon sliding his bare feet across the mat. Gon grins. The other boy is taller, but Gon’s got more muscle, is more solid and stable to the ground. It’s already a good match, better than Gon can remember. And… “That was so cool!” he says.
The other boy’s staff jabs at him, and Gon does his best to block it away. “I’m fighting you,” he says, exasperated, and brings his staff up in a flurry of blows: up down down side up side down. Gon catches them all, the sound of wood sticks clacking against each other almost drowned out by the sturdy feeling of the blows in his hands.
“And it was super cool!” Gon says again, grin wide. The boy jerks his head back, blinking rapidly. It’s like no one’s every called him cool before, which doesn’t make any sense at all to Gon. But it’s the opening he needs, and he presses forward, catching their staffs together and using his shorter center of balance to flip his sparring partner over his hip.
The other boy goes flying, but rather than smashing to the mats and laying there, he rolls on top of his staff and brings it up to catch Gon across the jaw.
Bisky calls something, probably a score, and Gon can make out Leorio and Kurapika’s voices in the sudden roar of the other applicants, but it’s not as important as the smile making its way across the other boy’s face as they reset, just out of each other’s reach and breathing hard. “My name’s Killua,” he says.
“I’m Gon!” he says. Rather than reach a hand out in greeting, Killua changes his how he’s holding his staff, tucked against his side like it’s a sheathed sword. Gon hasn’t seen this before, but it doesn’t stop him from shifting his own grip into a stance Kite taught him when he was barely old enough to know how important defending himself was, and certainly not a position to take against a sparring partner. Every single one of his nerves is on fire, and Killua’s grinning, and Gon has a feeling he knows exactly what is about to happen.  
“You still think you can take me?” Killua says, and bounces forward in an obvious feint.
Gon doesn’t budge except to smile widely. “I know I can.” He flicks his staff at the side of Killua’s head, and Killua doesn’t move either. “You think you can keep up with me?”
Killua’s eyes flash. “Try and stop me.”
This time, Gon is the one with the first attack, foot serving as a pivot to whip his staff at Killua’s middle. Almost before he’s finished the movement, Killua’s flowing away, jabbing out twice before circling the staff back around. The blow glances off of Gon’s staff and ricochets past his ear, hard enough to make his teeth ache. Somewhere outside the mats, someone is hollering orders over the shouts of a crowd—something about proper forms or sparring matches, things that don’t matter at all to Gon, not when this fight is more like a dance he learned as a kid and is only just remembering the steps. Where he feels like he knows what Killua’s going to do even before Killua does, that he could think three steps ahead and Killua would meet him at the fourth. Like if he waits half a heartbeat now, Killua will leave his elbow just barely outside of his whirling defense, right—there.
Killua reaches with a high jab and Gon darts inward, staff lashing upwards with a two-handed blow like Kite showed him, like he’d relearned in the camps, like he’s practiced so many times he sometimes forgets to think and just moves, staff zooming towards Killua’s face that he doesn’t notice it until it’s too late, and victory is so close Gon can taste it.
But then Killua’s staff is up instead, blocking a hair’s width from his face, and his eyes go dinner plate wide in his face, staring in shock at both Gon and their interlocked staffs. Both of their arms strain, Gon’s legs trembling with the effort of matching Killua’s height advantage. One of them has to give first. It’s not going to be Gon, not if he can help it. But Killua’s trying just as hard, muscles straining and giving as good as he gets.
Killua’s eyes are so blue, like the sunny sky right before a winter storm.
“I said enough!”
Bisky stomps into the sparring ring, and Gon and Killua release the hold on their staffs at the same time. But the loss of pressure also sends Killua falling backwards, taking Gon with him until they land in a pile of limbs and staffs against the firm mats. By the time they untangle themselves, Bisky’s standing over both of them with her hands on her hips and mouth set in a grin. Whatever’s making her happy makes the back of Gon’s neck crawl. Killua looks visibly disturbed.
“You never said shit, Bisky!” Killua protests. He’s flushed from his ears to his fingers, skin bright red and sweaty against Gon’s.
“She was shouting at you the whole time,” Kurapika says, a laugh in their voice. Leorio echoes them, voice hoarse. Had he been cheering?
Gon and Killua exchange a look of mutual dawning horror. “Sorry, Bisky,” Gon says. Killua stiffens rather than apologize, lips drawn tight and shoulders tense.
The smile doesn’t leave her face. “I think you boys are done with sparring for today,” she says, gleeful and terrifying. “The rest of us will keep going. You will run until we’re done.”
“But Bisky—”
“You can’t—”
She picks them both up by the ear, and they whine as loudly as they can. “You have until the end of Hanzo and Pokkle’s match,” she says. “I expect you both to be on the track when that’s done.”
Killua glares at her. “But Hanzo’s going to kick Pokkle’s ass in two seconds.”
“Then you have two seconds to get a drink and get going!” Bisky says cheerfully. She sets them down gently, nudging them away from the rest of the trainees while the next two get started. “But Gon, Killua.”
They turn back to her, Gon trying and failing to not gnaw on his lip. “What do you want?” Killua says.
Her smile turns genuine, oddly soft compared to everything before. “Well done.”
Gon blinks and turns to Killua, who shrugs. The movement makes Bisky’s smile grow. “Now get going! We’re only scheduled for another hour and a half here,” she says cheerfully, and flounces back to the mats.
“We’re so dead,” Killua mutters, and grabs three bottles of water. Gon flings one at his head.
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List of The Guardians' Powers
Balthazar Cavendish
Telepathical Vision Sharing - Visions in the forms of reality, memory and imaginative figures are projected in the minds of those Balthazar is closest to. Though he rarely uses this, the ability is essential in times of danger and distress where he is unable to help himself, thus, sending the sos signal to his fellow Guardians.
Tree Healing - Used every ‘Work Day’ on Veneris (Friday) when Balthazar goes on the weekly tree checkups with four other Anacardians who share the duty in sorting out. The spell serves to heal the sick trees and replenish their sturdy healths. The Dryads that live in the trees temporarily move out first thing in the morning to give Balthazar space to fix up their homes. Then moving back in the evening.
Shape-shifting - His usual form is a cat (Yes, the Catvendish breed) due to it’s flexibility and sleek movements. The only dislike he has about this form is the instinct to lick his fur no matter how hard he tried to resist. Vinnie loves Balthazar’s cat form so unfortunately, Balthazar is never a day free from tight squeezes when going feline around him.
Levitation - Used for both himself and objects. Aside from flying, Balthazar uses the spell to make organisation easier and less of a hassle. Sometimes uses levitation to toss Milo in the air and catch him when the baby’s feeling bouncy.
Blast Waves - A basic damage spell. Often used when in tangled situations involving encounters with enemies such as giant beasts or Shadows. Balthazar’s waves are of the color green.
Vinnie Dakota
Lava Blobs - Not literally lava but can be extremely hot like the material and can cause scorches if Vinnie uses this in self defense or damage inducing. Lava blobs always come out as seemingly harmless; A good advantage as first time fighter against him tend to underestimate the attack and don’t avoid them in time.
Sometimes, lava blobs are used as warm cushions to rest on during cold seasons. Even made to be like red bubbles in the case of playing with the babies. Because Vinnie relies on this more than blast waves, this is his only damage slash defense spell. The lava bombs are of the color scarlet as were the blast waves if he sends out.
Shape-shifting - His usual form is a fluffy plump sheepdog with red-brown fur and yellow-orange underbelly and paws. As a dog, Vinnie is much faster and is the fastest out of the Guardians on land. Loves belly rubs and back scratches from Balthazar’s cat claws. Not Orton’s talons because ouch!
Levitation - Only used for flying and when he’s whipping stuff up in the kitchen. Vinnie often cooks with ingredients and materials floating around him since digging for them in crates and drawers are 'too much work’.
Brick and Savannah
Brick Break - Named after the user by his 'power partner’ much to his annoyance. Similar to the fighting technique the Brick Break was named after, all it takes is the slamming down of Brick’s knife-hand strike to cut a foe’s health into half. Because he is trained and fond of physical fighting, Brick is often seen using his fists and strength to deal with his opponents; His magic only working to make those fists stronger to the max.
Aura Sphere - Not exactly an attack but more on defense. Having her signature power as the opposite of what Brick has, Savannah’s aura sphere provides sharp defense and can withstand any damage inflicted by enemies as long as she’s within Brick’s presence circle. Unfortunately, it gets weak when it comes to the Shadows due to an impact the species left on her and the other Guardians so she trains alongside Brick to work on that during spare time.
Shape-shifting - Both their forms are wolves; Brick’s coat is dark gray and Savannah’s is a silvery blue that gleams in the moonlight. On full moons, the two enjoy a run across the forest floors and the regular wolf way fight with each other. Savannah sometimes gets Vinnie to join them in his dog form and the three canines would spend the nights doing wolf/dog stuff. Brick likes to stalk the forest deer and pounce on them for fun (don’t worry. He does it gently)
Levitation - Both are fast fliers but had to maintain pace thanks to Balthazar’s nagging when in public. Brick mainly uses levitation in flight to swiftly dodge moves. Savannah on the other hand uses it for flight as well as for props and specialised dresses at performances for the Lucky Clover.
Blast waves - Only Savannah uses this the most out of the duo to distract foes while conjuring her aura sphere shield. Her blast waves are light cyan while Brick’s is a light shade of gray.
Orton Mahlson
Temporal Manipulation - Used to halt the movement of things wether it is leaves blowing along a gust of wind or a fluttering butterfly. Aside from stopping time altogether for brief periods, Orton also uses this ability to undo simple damage such as repairing a barn that’s reduced to dust or to restore the life of a withered flower.
The Power Of Time - Like the former Matthias and all Time Guardians down the line, Orton possesses an eternal power that keeps the flow of time stable as long as he lives. That eternal power first conceived after Orton successfully resumed the time’s flow after The Freeze that happened shortly after Matthias’ death. Orton is the only one in the group with the suitable magic for Time Travel.
Shape-shifting - Usual form being Anacardian Falcon; An elusive falcon species native to Anacardian grounds. Because of the sharp beak and talons and how fast the birds are in both flight and maneuvering, Orton stuck to this form the most having built-in attack and defense tools. There is the occasional time when Orton would go Platypus and swim in the brooks and riverbanks with the teal platypi.
Levitation - Mainly used in travelling from place to place or casual form of movement. When he’s in a good mood, Orton can be seen twirling in mid-air while controlling a breeze of wind to spin around him. Savannah envies Orton for his gracefulness in levitation despite the man’s protest of her mastering the skill better than him… Which is true.
Blast Waves - Despite being the Fifth in Guardian Order, Orton’s blasts are considerably strong, outmatching the others but in almost equal level with Balthazar. His blasts come out in an amber shade.
Melissa Chase
Inferno Control - For some reason, Melissa is resistant to fire to the point that she discovered her power in being able to harbor the intense heat with just her bare hands. Because of this, fires are made harmless to the vulnerable pistachios and should one break out by accident, Melissa is on the job by absorbing the fire; That fire converted into heat energy which is stored in her hair, making it warm to the touch.
Telekinesis - Out of all the Guardians, telekinesis is strong within Melissa and takes place even without her realisation. Expert Anacardians say that this is Melissa’s birth power but couldn’t decipher why she only started putting it to use as a young tween rather than the earlier age. Though she, with Milo’s backup as witness, pointed out that the telekinesis only started some time after they met each other in the Mortal World. When unused by will, telekinesis effects depend on Melissa’s mood altogether; Objects start to float or bounce when she’s excited and they dangerously crash into walls or get flung around when angry.
Shape-shifting - Her first form is of a falcon fledgling that’s still wobbly when it comes to flight using her wings. Because she’s yet to master using her wings or adjusting to the full and sharp bird’s eye view, Melissa often spent her falcon times on Orton’s back as he flew; Constantly squawking in distress, saying that her dad’s flights resembles more of that of a Greece-Lightning cart than the actual bird’s.
Levitation - Melissa loves to walk and even dance while floating above ground. Only downside being that she can barely take in the goodness of being above ground as a falcon than in her normal form.
Blast Waves - She is still learning how to master it from Orton. She slowly improves in aim and only needs to work on making the blast damage stronger. Her blast waves are of the color orange.
Milo Murphy
Murphy’s Law - Named the power after the surname of his adoptive Mortal father who somehow causes environmental chaos around him as well and after a law that was passed down across his family line. During his time with his Mortal Family, Milo has already affected a lot of villagers with his uncontrollable power and at first, was seen as a curse slash bad omen sent to destroy them all. Fortunately, this all wore of within a few years and they all grew used to having a jinx grow up in their area. Even until now back in Anacardia, Milo is still yet to gain full control of Murphy’s Law. Though damage isn’t serious since they’re in a magical realm.
Healing Purge - Another power Milo possessed and found out in his younger days. At first as a young toddler, Milo thought of it as a trick that can heal trees and broken things and then grew up seeing that his healing power has a much greater extent; Even reaching out to fully cure the terminal illnesses of two lucky people, saving them from the hands of death. Murphy’s Law destroys, but Healing Purge has its back and is always there to see to the damage.
Shape-shifting - Various forms from a long-eared brown puppy to a small brown finch. Milo goes with the flow on what he transforms into. Kitten for when he’s with Balthazar or even a mix of all animal forms his uncles, aunt and Melissa possessed… And it was a unique creature to say the least.
Levitation - Milo uses it for travelling and sometimes levitates for games like 'fly tag’ with Melissa. In the kitchen, Milo also uses levitation to pluck out needed ingredients and tools from his handy satchel, similar to how his uncle Vinnie does.
Blast waves - They’re strong, but Milo always misses in aim thanks to Murphy’s Law, thus, he rarely attacks and only masters defense with a simple shield spell Savannah taught him. However, Milo’s blast waves can be very useful when surrounded by multiple foes at one time as shown during a training session under Brick’s watch. The waves are colored dark pink, resembling Milo’s sweater vest and Guardian’s uniform.
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thekuroiookami · 8 years
KnB (Kagami x Reader): Butterfly on my right shoulder - Part 1
For not the first time that day, Kagami wondered how he got himself into these things.
Oh wait, I know. It was Kise that got me into this.
Gritting his teeth, he pulled himself upright with a grunt of effort. A slight adjustment had him careening to the left. He windmilled his arms, trying to keep from falling painfully.
Kise, that smarmy bastard, was tutting as if this wasn’t all his fault. “Kagamicchi, I expected more from you. Your sense of balance is terrible.”
Moriyama, equally smug, started sprinkling salt into his wounds. “That’s right. What’s the point of growing up in America if you can’t skate?” He skated a few lazy circles around Kagami to rub it in.
“For the last time,” Kagami growled, “I grew up in L.A. Los Angeles. There isn’t exactly a pile of snow to wade around in.”
Moriyama wouldn’t let it go. “But surely you had ice rinks like this one? I mean, it isn’t winter here either.”
Kagami had to admit he had a point. The red-head chose not to exacerbate the situation by giving Moriyama more fodder, and instead concentrated on unfolding himself. On the bright side, Kasamatsu was as bad or possibly even worse off. Kaijo’s ex-captain was clenching on to a rail with a death grip, knuckles white.
Moriyama gave Kasamatsu a hearty thump on the back that almost sent his feet out from under him.
“Moriyama, you idiot, are you trying to kill me?” Kasamatsu’s voice came out even raspier than Kagami’s.
“My dear Yukio-chan, you will never get a girl like this. It’s a good thing the rink is almost empty, or I would be hiding from second-hand embarrassment.”
Kagami tottered to a standing position and looked around, surveying the area. Aside from a couple of kids, who seemed to be leaving, there was no one on the rink. He was silently congratulating himself on not having anyone witness his humiliation when a girl, about his age and dressed in black, glided out onto the ice. She gave them all a brief glance and then proceeded to ignore them, settling a pair of headphones over her hair.
Moriyama was instantly on alert. “It’s girl. A CUTE GIRL. This is the perfect opportunity to demonstrate my masculine appeal and flirt with her. Kise, come with me!”
A bewildered Kise attempted to resist. “But why do I have to get involved in your business, senpai?”
“Because you’re pretty and she will be much more susceptible to my charm with you blinding her.”
The girl in question was totally oblivious, moving in a smooth serpentine figure across the length of the rink. It brought her closer to where they were standing near the edge, and Kagami saw that Moriyama’s assessment was correct. She had a pretty, sharp face, set in concentration.
Kise continued to refuse to participate in Moriyama’s absurd plan. “I don’t want to, Moriyama-senpai. It sounds troublesome.”
The senior would not be deterred. He grabbed Kise’s arm to pull him forward. “Come now, Kise. Listen to your elders.”
Kagami saw a series of disastrous events happen in slow motion. Kise tugged his arm back, sending an unprepared Moriyama off balance. He toppled over, crashing into Kasamatsu, whose already precarious stance was instantly destroyed. Kasamatsu flailed, grabbing the not-very stable Kagami for support. Unfortunately, Kagami had been standing with his back to him, so this just made him wobblier than before and he pitched forward. His last thought as the ice came hurtling up to meet his face was that he’d never trust Kise again.
What he didn’t expect was the fall to be so…pillowy? He opened one eye, propping himself up with a hand and looked up to see a pair of cobalt blue eyes. He blinked in fascination, caught in the crystalline depths of the girl’s irises.
You, however, were not amused. The boy you had caught from falling was about half a foot taller than you, and a lot heavier. You just wanted his deadweight off.
“Say, this might be comfortable for you, but honestly I could do without this experience.” Your voice was flat.
Kise hissed at him. “Kagamicchi, get off of her! You’re in a really embarrassing position!”
He looked down and flew back like a scalded cat. Kagami’s face sizzled, almost electric in its redness.
He stuttered, burning in the awkwardness of the situation. “I-I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to…your chest was soft…I mean, I didn’t realize…I’M VERY SORRY!”
You were hardly paying attention, now that you were free of the cage that had been his body. Though you had to admit his arms, in the brief contact you had with them, had been intriguingly muscled. You suspected you could break wood on his biceps.
I wonder what he does that he’s got muscle tone like that but no sense of balance.
You slid your eyes in his direction, brushing off your clothes. He froze, waiting for the inevitable crackdown.
“Be more careful next time. It’s difficult to skate if there’s blood on the ice.” With that, you sailed away, already stepping back into the routine to set up for your jump.
Kagami watched, stunned, as you smoothly skated backward, twisted and jumped with a leg outstretched and landed in a dizzyingly fast sit spin. Kasamatsu’s voice came from behind, awed.
“That’s…amazing. It looks really dangerous.” Before Kagami could agree, Moriyama cut in.
“More importantly, let’s talk about how Kagami conveniently fell face forward on to that young lady’s chest. I’ve never even been that close to a girl, much less her…softer parts. Tell me, Kagami, how did it feel?”
All three of them stared the ace with unblinking intensity, waiting for a response.
Kagami went back to the shade of his hair again. “WHY ARE YOU ASKING ME THESE QUESTIONS? Besides, whose fault is it that I ended up doing that, anyway?!”
The culprit was unrepentant. “Kagami, you have no game.”
Kise and Kasamatsu’s face took on dubious casts. “Look at who’s talking. You’re in college and you still haven’t found anyone to put up with you, Moriyama.”
He waved it away. “Anyway, Kagami, I think you should get that young lady’s number. I think she likes you.”
The duo of sceptical faces turned into a trio as Kagami turned to Moriyama with a flabbergasted look.  
Kise finally showed a modicum of sense and intervened. “I think we should just go for lunch now. Kasamatsu-senpai, lead the way.”
As Kagami followed them off the ice, he cast one last look at you, gliding across the rink, and became a little wistful.
I wish I had asked for her name.
Two weeks later, Kagami had his wish granted. In a manner of speaking. Looking back on it, he supposed he had Aomine of all people to thank for it.
Kagami growled in frustration as Aomine ducked past him, yet again, and moved into a graceful layup, the movements fluid. The second boy sauntered back, grinning, not even bothering to watch the ball fall into the net.
“5-3. My win. Again.” Aomine took a swig out of his bottle to emphasize the sentence.
“Tch. I can’t believe you became even faster than before. Was that really necessary?” Kagami wiped his face with his wristband, trying to catch his breath.
“Should have thought about that before you and Tetsu decided to bulldoze everyone at the Winter Cup. Made us all fired up. What did you think was going to happen?”
Deciding not to delve to deeply into it in case he discovered Aomine actually had a point (and what a horrifying thought that was), he shook it off and looked at the tanned figure.
“Shall we go at it one last round and call it quits?”
“Still haven’t had enough punishment? Fine then, I’ll take you on.” He sunk into a defensive position as Kagami began dribbling the ball.
Kagami decided to try something new and moved to the left, speeding up. Aomine kept up easily, eyes narrowing as he leaned forward to snatch the ball. Kagami abruptly gave the ball a sharp push downwards. Aomine was startled as the ball bounced off under him, coming up behind him in time for Kagami to dunk it into the net. The red-head landed with a victorious thud.
“Ha. Take that for punishment, Ahomine.”
The person in question had wide eyes. “What in the world was that?”
“Something I worked out with Kasamatsu-san. Though it doesn’t always work, because most players are shorter than me.”
Aomine looked down in horror. “You mean I could have permanently been disfigured?! Bakagami, were you trying to kill me, or does it just come naturally to you?”
Kagami opened his mouth to retort when he had a crawling sensation up his neck, like he was being watched. He whipped his head around to find the girl from the rink watching him with her hypnotic blue eyes. He dropped the ball in shock.
You slipped the headphones from your ears when recognition dawned. “It’s the clumsy oak tree from before. Yo.”
“You’re…I mean…um…hello? It’s nice to m-meet you!” His ears had gone red, and he was making frantic gestures.
You slid your eyes to Aomine, who was watching the whole interaction with interest and took him in.
Hmm, this one’s physique isn’t bad either. Are they still playing one-on-one? They were here when I went by half an hour ago.
You moved to put your headphones back in. “Do continue. Didn’t mean to interrupt your game. See you around.”
A hand on your wrist stilled you. You looked up to find, once again, Kagami’s sturdy form looming over you. He tugged your hand up gently. “What happened to your hand? Are you injured?”
His long fingers were rough and calloused, easily wrapping over your wrist. A bloom of warmth spread out from his touch. You replied, still sounding bored. “Nope, it’s just a sprain. I fell, it happens.”
He sucked in a breath. “Don’t tell me it’s from that day…”
You were vaguely fascinated by how his face had gone from gruff concern to abject sadness, so it took you a second to catch up. “Huh? Oh. No, this was another fall.”
Kagami had some practice with emotionally unreadable personalities (i.e. Kuroko) so even he didn’t fail to notice the way your face darkened. It was subtle, but still present. He suddenly felt the need to pick you up and press you to him.
He dropped your hand like it was on fire and backed away.
What was I thinking just now?! And since when did I just go around grabbing people?
Aomine decided enough was enough. “Oi, Bakagami. Either we finish this game or you flirt somewhere else. Don’t waste my time.”
Kagami’s already strung out nerves felt like they’d been put through the dryer. “W-what are you talking about? Shut up, Ahomine! Who said anything about f-flirting?”
You watched them go at it for a bit, face expressionless. Eventually, when you could tell no progress would be made, you spoke up.
“Is it alright if I stay and watch you guys play?”
They both stopped mid-argument and turned their heads to you. You thought their coordinated robotics were rather fascinating.
“What?” Aomine sounded annoyed. Well, more than before.
“You still have one game left, yeah? If it doesn’t bother you, I’m going to watch from over there. Whenever you guys are done bickering like five-year olds, that is.”
They both had the grace to look chastened. Kagami ruffled his hair nervously. “If…if you want to.”
You nodded and settled yourself on the bench, crossing one knee over the other. Kagami swallowed his self-consciousness and turned back to find a gleefully vengeful Aomine.
“You’re going down, Bakagami.”
In the end, it was a very close match, but Aomine won again. Somewhere along the way, he’d gotten so absorbed in the game that he’d forgotten you were there. So Kagami flinched in surprise when your voice floated out to him.
“That was really impressive. Do you guys play for your school teams?”
He looked up from his prone position on the ground to see you leaning against the base of the net. Your expression had finally shifted from indifference to one of interest. His heart skipped a beat.
Aomine mumbled from his similarly horizontal posture. “We’re the aces. Couldn’t you tell?”
“Not at all. Which school is it?”
Kagami belatedly realized introductions had never been made. “I’m Kagami Taiga, second-year ace for Seirin High. That moron over there is Aomine Daiki, second-year ace for Touou Academy.”
There was a pause as you took this in. “I see. I didn’t realize it was you two. That’s interesting. I suppose it’s my turn then. I’m ____, third-year in Komae High. Nice to meet you.”
Kagami sat up, surprised. “Y-you’re older than me? Ma’am!” You blinked, unconcerned.
Aomine lifted an eyebrow in interest. “Is that the girls-only school famous for their cute sailor uniforms?”
You nodded. “That’s the one. Oh, before I forget, here.” You held out ice-creams to the both of them.
“I was on my way back from the konbini. Take those and cool off.”
Aomine accepted his without any hesitation and bit into the popsicle with a sound of joy. “Man, that feels good. Thanks.”
Kagami, still reeling from the revelation that you were a whole year older than him, was slower. He jolted as his fingers brushed yours, sending electricity up his arm. You seemed unaffected, biting down into the popsicle with a hum. He had to turn his head away to hide his blush.
Do not think about her lips and the ice-cream. Do not. DO NOT.
He cleared his throat to distract himself. “So, um, what club are you in, ____-san?”
You released the lolly with a pop to speak. He gripped his own ice-cream harder. “None at the moment, I guess.”
Aomine sucked back the last bits of ice and inspected the wooden stick. “I guess? Wouldn’t you know if you were in a club or not?”
You seemed to curl up into yourself at the question. Kagami mentally cursed Aomine’s bluntness. He was curious too, but he didn’t want to torture the reply out of you.
Your voice was subdued when you spoke. “I did have something I liked to do until recently, but I’ve stopped. So for now, I don’t have a club. It’s probably for the best. I should focus on my exams this year.”
You clearly didn’t want to broach this subject any longer, so Kagami said the first thing that came to mind. “Would you like to have dinner with me sometime?”
Two pairs of blue eyes widened at this. Kagami realized all the implications of the statement and backpedalled.
“I mean, like, as thanks! Not a date. Or anything romantic. To thank you for the ice-cream and as an apology for knocking you over that time. It can be lunch or something. I’m a decent cook, I swear.”
Aomine seemed to have recovered from his initial shock and was now finding the whole thing hilarious. “It’s true. He might have no brains, but he can cook like he does.”
Your lips had tilted up in vague amusement. “I suppose I should take advantage then. I have high expectations of you, Kagami-kun.”
Kagami had to work hard to supress the riot of feelings that your words caused. He couldn’t believe that he’d get to meet you again. On purpose.
And she called me Kagami-kun…
He snapped back to reality to hear, Aomine Daiki, of all people, giving him dating advice. “Bakagami, you should probably exchange numbers now.”
“If you want to take her out for dinner. Or do I need to pound it into your thick skull for you to get it?” Aomine’s voice managed to be low and frustrated at the same time.
“Ah. C-could I have your number please?” His heart pounded as you looked up from your bag.
“Yeah, sure. Just give me a second. I’ll give you my phone so you can give me yours too.”
Kagami gulped as you handed him your absurdly delicate looking, snow white cell phone. It looked so fragile in his hands.
I’m really doing this. I’m giving a girl my number. So we can meet up again. Coach would be proud of me.
When he was done, you snapped your phone shut and swept your gaze over him. “I’ll call you, Kagami-kun. It was fun meeting both of you. I’ll see you later then.”
He managed a coherent reply. “Okay, see you around, ____-san.” He turned to leave before he could mess this up any further.
“Oh, and Kagami-kun.” Your words stopped him midway. He turned to look over his shoulder.
You gave him a heart-stopping smile, full of secrets and laughter. “I wouldn’t mind if it were a date.”
Kagami barely heard anything Aomine said on the way home, his brain was too busy falling apart.
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peacekaleandyoga1 · 4 years
Staying fit is so important if you want to be healthy. There is so much to learn, and it is hard to know how to get started. Here are a few ideas to jump-start you can use to get started on your fitness plan.
A personal trainer is a workout program. A good personal trainer’s job is to help you set goals and create an exercise program for you. This makes it easier for you will stick to.
You will anticipate your workout routine.
TIP! Seek out a fitness program that you enjoy, and then stay with it. Make sure your exercise routine is enjoyable, so that working out becomes a treat instead of an ordeal.
Lose Weight
Counting your calories is a great way to stay fit. Knowing how many calories you eat each day is essential to finding out if you’ll lose weight or gain weight. If you only consume enough calories to satisfy your basic needs, then burn calories through exercise, while losing some through working out, which will help you lose weight quickly.
Mix up workout routines with plenty of exercises. This helps to avoid routines and help you retain motivation for the next workout.
TIP! Grow your own garden. Many people don’t realize that beginning a garden can be quite a bit of work.
Try various types of exercise classes to stay motivated and motivated. Try going to a dancing class or spinning. Keep in mind that you only need to try the course once to see if you like it, while losing weight all the while.
Clean off the equipment at the gym prior to using it. Other fitness users may not have left dirty bacteria.
Make sure to stretch your workout. Make sure to stretch for at least 20 or 30 seconds. Research has shown that people who stretch built their strength around 20 percent by stretching between sets. Stretching is also helpful for reducing chances of injury.
TIP! Your abdominal muscles need more varied exercises than just crunches. There is evidence showing that performing 250,000 crunches only burns a single pound of fat.
Dips can be a great addition to virtually any fitness regimen. You workout your shoulders, triceps, and chest. There are numerous ways to do these as well. You can position two benches appropriately and do dips between them. You can even add a bit of weight to make it tougher.
Box Squats
Box squats are a great way to increase the size of your quadriceps. Box squats can improve your normal squats. You just need to put a sturdy box.
TIP! Always keep track of your exercises. Make note of the exercise routines you do, what you eat and other parts of your fitness plan.
Volunteering is a great way to work some exercise into your life. Many of the things that volunteers offer to do involve healthy physical jobs. This will get you moving and helps out your community.
Make sure that your balance during the course of your workout. Working only your abs or the muscles in your lower back or the ab muscles is a recipe for back pain. Working them both muscle groups at every opportunity is a good way to steer clear of back problems and ineffective workouts.
Go outside to workout whenever possible.Go hiking, to the beach, or run up and down a large set of stairs. This will give you to get your exercise while enjoying the beauty of environment and fresh air. Being outside will immediately lower your stress leel and help you to think more clearly.
TIP! Always wear comfortable clothing while you are exercising. There’s a lot of pressure out there, especially at gyms and fitness centers, to wear the trendiest workout clothes around.
If your aim is a better putting game, aim about 17 inches past where the hole is for putts that are straight on. This oddly-specific figure comes from the fact that should be free of footprints. The grass is also a little thicker blades in this area will slow down your ball and keep it from rolling so far.
Get the entire family involved in a fitness program. You can take turns choosing what work out you will do. Make sure that each family member is getting the entire group enjoys so that you don’t cause anyone to lose motivation.
Never bounce while you are stretching. This can strain your muscles unnecessarily. Although many people think that doing this will help you become more flexible, this does not cause greater flexibility.You might even hurt if you engage in this practice. Keep in mind that you stretch best when it’s stable and not involving movement.
TIP! Try to maintain your bicycling pace somewhere in the range of eighty and one-hundred and ten rotations per minute. This will allow you to ride faster and farther, and with less knee strain and fatigue.
The best method of getting fit is daily basis. This way you get the most out of each workout session. It also help your exercise to become a habit. You will want lighter exercise on occasion so that you can avoid overloading your body by exercising lightly some days.
Larger muscle groups don’t tire as quickly as smaller ones. Start your workout with dumbbells, then continue with barbells, and then workout machines.
Are you ready to get physically fit? A jump rope can help get in a great workout.
TIP! The benefits of fitness go beyond the physical results. Regular workouts can also help you feel better emotionally.
Jogging is a great workout and can help you exercise. You want to try and build up your time as you go along.
One great tip concerning tennis players is that you can train your eyes in order to focus better. If you stay close to the net, you’ll force your eye to adjust and focus on the ball quicker or you risk getting smacked with it.Your reaction time will improve as well.
Aerobic exercises are a great way to get you six pack abs. Do full body workout and work on alternate days.
TIP! When you are attempting to reach your fitness goals, it can be very helpful to give your trainer his or her payment prior to the start of the workout. By doing this you are much more likely to continue with your workouts than if you simply paid your trainer after every workout session.
As stated above, these tips should help you take significant steps along the path to being as fit as you want to be. You can keep adding more techniques to become even more fit. Becoming a healthier person does not happen overnight, which means that it is extremely important to continuously work toward your goal.
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Prevention, Surgery and Expert Rehab Tips
The first actual snowfall of the season is all the time exhilarating. If you’ve ever been injured within the snow, nonetheless, fluffy white flakes could be bittersweet. Knee accidents are the commonest for skiers, and though you may tear a couple of ligament at a time, the Anterior Cruciate Ligament (or ACL) is the commonest — and it usually by no means heals. The excellent news is that analysis reveals a bit advance coaching is efficient in stopping harm.
Torn Anterior Cruciate Ligament Shutterstock
Studies with feminine soccer gamers (who're at a better danger of ACL tears than males in subject sports activities) present that preseason coaching helped stop harm, as much as a 30-50 % enchancment. But there’s a catch: Although the stats favor males in sports activities like soccer, each women and men have an equal statistical likelihood for tearing ACLs whereas snowboarding, making preseason coaching necessary for everybody.
“It is not just your leg muscles, quads and hamstrings that you need to work, but it’s your core strengthening that makes a huge difference,” says physiotherapist Barb Clemes. “If you watch Bode Miller’s famous save, you can see him keeping the core so stable he could bring his ski back onto the snow.”
You will doubtless by no means make a save like Bode (irrespective of what number of ab exercises), however the video is a superb instance of how motion can up your possibilities of avoiding harm.
“Strength, balance, agility, proprioception and biomechanics are all good things to work on,” notes Clemes, additionally noting the profit on your neuromuscular connections. “Keeping your legs aligned and not dropping your knees inside of your big toe is crucial. When you start to drop your knees inside they are winding up the ACL, and it just needs a little force to tear.”
Another easy precaution is to remain hydrated. With dehydration, your reactions decelerate significantly. Equipment advances are sometimes a much less apparent issue: some gear modifications that enhance efficiency can result in extra harm. Since the appearance of formed skis, ACL accidents have skyrocketed. There are some firms engaged on the compromise. More on that later.
Of course, some crashes are simply going to occur and there's nothing you are able to do.
Expert Tips on How to Prevent Knee Injuries While Hiking Samrith Na Lumpoon
SURGERY OR NO SURGERY – What to Do if You Tear Your ACL 
So now you've gotten a torn ACL. Some persons are copers and others are non-copers. Physiology and joint form have rather a lot to do with somebody who can ski with out an ACL, and somebody who can’t even stroll down the road. But even those that can cope will finally have some ache.
“A third of people who are what we call a mesomorphic or strong, not super stretchy and also have good alignment, can cope,” says Dr. Mark Heard, the famend orthopaedic surgeon who works on lots of the nation’s high athletes. “It’s tough, because they tend to, every couple of years, tweak their knee again and then the next thing you know, they’re 50 and very arthritic.”
Dr. Heard tore his ACL whereas backcountry snowboarding a number of years in the past and needed to undergo the identical restoration course of as his paitents.
“I hit a tree, caught the tip under the snow and twisted it slow. I heard it pop. I knew it, but I didn’t,” Heard says. “I myself, was in denial.”
7 Ways to Avoid Injury As a New Skier
Dr. Heard was not a coper and was confronted with the identical three choices of different ‘non-copers.’ That is: to switch his life-style, to brace his knee, or to repair it with surgical procedure to forestall repeat harm.
Because of Heard’s lively life-style, he determined to repair his knee. He did what he suggests to all his sufferers (who aren’t professional athletes that must get mounted ASAP). He waited months and bought his knee again as sturdy as he may. He did so by biking.
“We will do ACL acute, for say a National Ski Team member, but they wrestle with stiffness,” Heard says. “The best practice is to let your knee settle down first and get your swelling down and range of motion back and your leg as strong as possible.”
How Injury Rehab Made Miami Heat Forward Justise Winslow Even Stronger
Location issues as effectively. Consider a specialised heart relatively than a spot that solely does a number of ACLs a yr. In a yr, Dr. Heard and his workforce carry out 1 / 4 of Alberta’s ACL surgical procedures, which is round 700, almost 250 of which he performs.
There are a number of choices for a graft. The first is utilizing a bit of your hamstring from the identical knee, or the opposite knee. The second is utilizing a patellar tendon or your quadriceps tendon. And the fourth graft possibility is to make use of donated human tissue or “allograft.” Deciding which to make use of depends upon the affected person’s age, and in the event that they’ve had the surgical procedure earlier than.
“The ACL does try and heal but does so poorly, so we often augment what you have in there with a graft,” Heard provides. “So we save everything you’ve got. But the graft is your new ACL. The tendons grafts, over three years they turn back into ligaments (because the ACL is actually a ligament and the collagen is different). If you look at the collagen with an electron microscope after three years, it slowly becomes a ligament.”
The full therapeutic course of takes a while and varies with every affected person.
eight of the Best Ski Videos to Drool Over This Winter Matt Jordan, Director of Sport Science on the Canadian Sport Institute Calgary, is reviewing information collected on Olympian skier Manuel Osborne-Paradis throughout his rehabilitation of a decrease leg harm. Photo: Courtesy of Dave Holland, Canadian Sport Institute Calgary. Dave Holland
Everyone is nearly assured one week on the sofa. Then the primary three months are linear. At three to 6 months you begin agility and plyometrics. At six to 9 months you are able to do sports-specific drills. The highest price of re-injuries or graft failures occur at 5 to 9 months if one tries to return to full pace too early. It is really useful that you simply don’t return to regular for not less than a yr. And it’s vital to know that restoration can at occasions be extra of a psychological battle than a bodily one.
“I was definitely nervous my first year,” Heard admits. “By the second year I stopped thinking about my knees. I ski like I used to.”
Two years is often the magic quantity, however because the return to sport guru, Matt Jordan Ph.D., CSCS will attest, everyone seems to be totally different and has totally different targets. Telling somebody to attend two years may produce other adversarial results. That is the place Jordan is available in. He helps Olympians and different athletes return to sport by finding out each facet of the method.
“A big focus of our research is to develop these testing methodologies and training methodologies,” Jordan says. “There are three stages: return to health, return to sport, and then return to performance.”
Some athletes oscillate of their course of. They really feel capable of bounce as excessive on each legs, however might doubtless be compensating — and thus including extra stress to the opposite leg.
“The reality is that your body now sort of reverts back toward some of the habits and compensation strategies that you would’ve had before, and you’ll end up kind of going backwards a little bit,” Jordan notes. “So what we try to do is have a very, very progressive and monitored return to sport process — and that’s where a lot of our research is focused, to develop these diagnostic testing tools that we can use that can pinpoint these deficits.”
One factor is for positive, you'll by no means be the identical after surgical procedure. You would possibly find yourself having the ability to ski tougher and prepare your physique to maneuver extra correctly, or you might end up taking a step again. However, you aren't alone. Many individuals tear their ACLs. It’s higher to take a look at it as an odd ceremony of passage relatively than the top of the world.
What to Eat and Drink to Crush Any Winter Sport
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The article Prevention, Surgery and Expert Rehab Tips is republished from Weight Loss Fitness
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