#and that’s out of 200 songs
It’s absolutely insane that Taylor has 37 songs in the top songs chart and four albums in the top ten albums chart on ITunes right now.
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lunacias · 2 years
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are you still listening?
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lululeighsworld · 6 months
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it was literally their moment and they just let us watch
(if you need me i'll be marinating in this for the foreseeable future)
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expectiations · 4 months
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The Doctor and River Song
-> The Name of the Doctor, Doctor Who Series 7 Episode 13
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collectivecloseness · 10 months
11 with whatever stranger things character works best ig. 11 nearly *just* makes it but is always left out, ones that don’t quite make it onto some lists are always interesting, like 6 or 51, or the last 100 or something lol
Babes... the fact 11 is literally Nobody by Mitski... the lonely left out one 😭 Anyway this is poor Stevie fr 😭😭
(Cw: this fic is about Steve’s mental health after dealing with all the upside down trauma the past few years)
Steve Harrington x reader
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Steve doesn’t sigh, he doesn’t groan, he just doesn’t make a sound when he finally wakes up. He’d fallen back asleep a couple of times after opening his eyes, just hoping to shorten the day and stay somewhere peaceful a moment longer, but his body couldn’t take anymore sleep. He was awake now.
There was no work today. No alarm to make sure he could be autonomous and run on autopilot to brush his teeth and rush to the car in yesterday’s work clothes, and no radio call from one of the kids in danger giving him the boost of adrenaline to get up either.
But tapping his fingers on his plain grey quilt, Steve couldn’t handle the realisation he’d be alone with his thoughts right now if he didn’t get up.
Pushing himself with a sigh, Steve winces as his feet hit the cold fooorboards, slumping over to put some black socks on first, before he finds a shirt to throw over his head. He looks down to his sweatpants, but suddenly the thought of changing out of them, and into something else made Steve’s head ache and feel faint at the same time. So he didn’t care about wearing what he’d worn to bed downstairs as he dragged himself to the living room.
Steve was used to being alone in this house. His parents basically treated the place he grew up in as a holiday home, rather than a home, being there around a weekend every six weeks, if they were ever that scheduled. He never knew when they were coming back.
Steve basically owned the house now, as the sole person who actually lived there. He’d turn his parents room into a spare room, maybe have Robin as a roommate, he knew she wanted to move out away from her parents, but even mentioning it to his mom, his dad overheard him over the phone and he had yells and disappointed chidings of how selfish and inconsiderate he was assaulted down the speaker. ‘They still lived there!’ They said, although they hardly ever turned up to prove their point.
At least people visited, even if Steve couldn’t truly make the house his home yet, no decorating of his own. But being alone here, it at least made his house the designated hang out zone. It gave him good memories here. You visited a lot, and Steve was so grateful to have you as a partner. He wondered what you were up to today...
There was nothing for Steve to do here. Definitely not alone. And he definitely couldn’t risk messing something up, and his parents deciding to drop in from the other side of the country. But standing at the base of the stairs, looking around at his open, and empty home, something vile and sickening clawed at his chest, trying to scrape up his throat, split open his head from the inside. Steve went straight to the television, his chest in pain enough it made Steve flinch, turning the tv onto some random channel, any, just turning it up. A sitcom being on air, and the noise of a family all chatting together made Steve feel less alone.
Steve nearly sprinted to all the windows in the house, opening them up so he could hear noise from the outside, the things happening in the real world. He opened up the curtainless window of his kitchen, and he stood there a moment, the one further away from the tv, as he let the world go by. The wind stroked comfortingly through Steve’s brown hair, from the open panel at the top of the glass, where he was. Steve closed his eyes, letting the touch encouragingly pass. But soon there was another reason he wanted his eyes closed, because it was beginning to get harder to look outside.
He listened to cars honking hello to each other, teenagers chatting to their friends on the way to school, parents repeating road safety with their eager kids. Pushchair wheels rolling and dogs yipping and leaf blowers working. Everyone talking. In their own conversations, taking part in lives separate to the others they pass by without even noticing them, but everyone out there at least has something in common. Something Steve envied and yearned, but just could not find it in himself to seek at this moment.
The wind was cooler now. Biting him. Not meant for him. Everyone had someone else around, shielding each other from nature’s course, holding onto each other to avoid puddles, stepping away from the leaves blowing near them, or in one case, jumping on them themselves.
Steve retreated to his television. He didn’t know this family in the show, he wasn’t even watching, his eyes on the tv, but unfocused and mind not taking any of the images in. He just wanted them to keep talking.
As soon as he’d sat down, Steve realised he probably should have grabbed something from the kitchen to eat. And now he was thinking about it, his stomach churned in hunger. He knew he was hungry, even if it was the type of hunger that made you feel nauseous. But Steve had already sat down. And standing up again, just to get himself some food, just could not be prioritised enough for Steve to motivate himself to get his legs to move.
All Steve wants is somebody. Somebody near him right now. Somebody to be with him. He was a changed man after his first encounter with the upside down those few years ago. Battling creatures with his baseball bat, his ex and her new guy, and learning all about the horrible world underneath this one. Becoming the protector of others and the perpetual and never ending punching bag at the same time.
He looped it all in with the upside down, all these events, the Russians torturing him, what happened with Nancy, the possible state of his future, his relationship with his parents, almost losing the people he loves even though he always puts himself on the line first he just!!- What else can he do?!! And why isn’t him throwing himself into every danger to protect the people who actually deserve to be protected ever enough?!
Why do people still get hurt, when Steve will always let himself get hurt for them!?
Steve puts his head into his hands, his elbows digging into his thighs but he just pushes them in harder, his bitten nails barely doing damage as he scrapes them into his head whilst he’s burying his eyes. “Shut up shut up shut up.” Steve growls softly to himself, knowing he wasn’t helping anything.
He was a coward.
He acted strong, in front of the others. Proud to always be ‘the’ badass around the kids, especially Dustin. And he always headed straight on for danger if that would mean it helped the others. But he was so changed when it was just him now. He wasn’t the same person before; and he was glad, he’d been an asshole - something Steve winces into his hand at, as he remembers - but he’s not like he used to be.
He used to be able to get through his nightmares about his childhood. He used to come home and just chill. Enjoy the house to himself, and throw parties. He never felt like this until he went through all that trauma, as you’d promised him it was. He never felt so troubled, so down, so exhausted, so scared, so lonely. So just everything all at once.
He knows it’s not up to anybody to save him, he knows that no one can. Or at least, he thinks that, sometimes. Even though Steve sometimes feels like screaming, begging you to save him, even at the moments he’s least in danger, just in his own home. Even with you right there holding him. Not actually risking his life like he’s done so many times, like he’s made you cry over, watching him be so selfless, and brave, and hurt, again and again. Needing you to help save him, after it all too. But part of him feels like a coward for wanting it. The other half remembers all your loving words, all of them, not one is ever forgotten by Steve, and he’s able to regain control over those thoughts again most times he slaves over this.
Before you, there would have been no one to save Steve first, no one he was most important to, during all these life threatening events. Steve almost allowed himself to be okay with the thought no one would save him, even as he was first to throw himself in head first if it meant protecting his friends. Everyone had someone else. Someone they’d check up on first. Steve was glad he had you. Even when you promised him he wasn’t just your first choice to save, that others would pick him too. Even that helped Steve. Not just you being there, but you, you being the one to be his partner, you who just always knows how to help him.
All he wanted was to feel alright. Not great, just alright. Something he always used to take for granted. Something he can start to feel again, whenever he’s with you, or surrounded by his loved ones. ...Steve’s lips twisted up, his head tilting slightly as it came out of his hands. Why was that something so hard, for him to be able to feel alright? Why was his life like that?
But you at least told him he wasn’t a coward. You got through it with him, you let him be changed even when he wasn’t alone, you-
Steve’s head shot up as he heard the key in the door. And his heart froze like a cool zap in his chest, as he prayed inside his head to let it be you. That you somehow knew he needed you today. That you were coming for him, like you always did.
And Steve felt relief pour through his body so hard, his frozen fingers and toes flooded with such warmth, allowing him to actually feel able to move his muscles, as he reached his arms out for you from where he was sat on the couch, as you made eye contact with him from where you’d hung your coat, your own eyes filled immediately with your knowledge.
“Oh... Oh baby.”
You spoke so softly. Steve loved your voice. He kept his arms open as you rushed over, sitting by him on the couch and immediately pulling Steve into your arms with a big breath. Steve melting his face into your collarbone, as he let himself listen to your breath, your heartbeat, the creak of your trousers against his couch, and he felt whole not being alone at all anymore.
Steve is happy to listen for moments longer, his brown messy hair nestling into the crook of your neck, as he smooths his cheek over your warm skin. He can smell the body wash he uses when he showers at yours. His hands crawl up to hold you by the side of your chest softly. Steve happy to start to listen to the beat of your heart, and see if his will follow rhythm, like it does when he pays attention to it.
But you start speaking again. At least, filling his home with your voice. “Stevie darling. I’m here. You’re okay Steve.” You kiss his soft hair, stroking his head, and Steve leans into your touch. “You’re okay. I’m staying with you today.” You promise, knowing he likes when you do so, and when you plan it for the rest of his day.
Steve nods, letting you know he heard you, and he’s thankful, but a big sigh leaves his lungs, tickling hot against your collar, as he thinks, at least now while in a safety bubble of your warm hold, having wrapped your arms and legs, all of you safely around him.
Whether he’s been big or small, tough or soft, he’s still never good enough, still nobody wanted him. He was a douchey smartass, then a loser dumbass, and he wasn’t liked as either of those - never wanted, Steve thinks. Until you.
His thoughts still wandering around those paths, as he starts to let you take over for him this morning. He’s got to remind himself those thoughts he has just aren’t true, during spirals like this. You do want him. You, his best friend, his other friends, the kids, Joyce, Hopper, hell even his parents.
He is wanted.
Steve’s just got to remember it even in his lonely times. It doesn’t matter whether he’s brave and macho, or a dorky himbo, he’s still him, and he’s still loved by somebody. By multiple somebodies. And turning his head, peering his soft brown eyes up into your own, Steve constantly knows you really love him.
Steve leans his hand up, not even thinking about how his body no longer feels tired or achy anymore, just brushing your hair away behind your ears so he can see more of your perfect face, and also touch your soft hair.
“Good morning.” He speaks up, smiling crookedly and smally at you, but Steve feels relieved and wondrous, hearing his own voice in his big house.
“Good morning Steve.” You smile down at him. And God are Steve’s eyes sparkly as they look mesmerised at you. You moving to stroke Steve’s puffy brown hair, as his longer fingers still caress over your own. You smile, and Steve smiles back. No ache in his heart, his thoughts just full of all he can do with you today now his house is not so empty, or you can even leave the house together, if he chooses that he wants to. And that small other aware part of his thoughts, so happy and thankful that in this moment, that you are here with him.
Even though Steve can tell you know he was sad. That he was going through it a bit again. He’s obviously much better now he’s practically laying across your lap, his toned body fitting perfectly in your arms, and his head tucked warmly at the bottom of your chest, looking up at how you peer down at him, holding him, cradling your boyfriend safely, and Steve brings his hands to rest on your forearms, smiling as he swallows in his throat, relaxing in a position Steve loves.
Steve’s not asking you to fix him, he knows it’s not as simple as that, and he knows you don’t need any pressure. You two are working on it all, together. Both your issues, both your needs, and importantly, your wants. Steve so happy to be able to share his wants with you just as much as his needs, and have you take care of each other’s, of each other. Steve’s not asking for you to fix him, instead he’s licking his dry lips, and with a small and endearing smile, asks “Can I have my kiss now?”
His adoring smile only growing as you gleefully and slowly move in, pressing your warm lips against his own. Giving Steve the one thing he needed to start feeling properly alright again. Allowing Steve to hold your face close, as you both chuckle softly into each other’s mouths, the small sound so audible to Steve with how close you both are. As you happily, and so open heartedly, honestly, lovingly, both share a sweet kiss, for the start of his better day.
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youredreamingofroo · 4 months
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The Passenger (2023) dir. Carter Smith // NEVER AGAIN - MICHELLE
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mariocki · 8 days
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Infinite list of favourite lyrics: 225/?
Billy Joel - Big Shot (1978)
"Well, you went uptown riding in your limousine,
With your fine Park Avenue clothes;
You had the Dom Pérignon in your hand
And the spoon up your nose.
Ooh, and when you wake up in the morning
With your head on fire
And your eyes too bloody to see,
Go on and cry in your coffee
But don't come bitchin' to me."
#favourite lyrics#billy joel#big shot#1978#52nd street#the opener to Joel's 1978 album (and getting a single release the following year) this catty little number marked a significant moment in#the singer singwriter's career. 52nd Street would be Joel's first album to top the Billboard 200‚ won a handful a grammys and was one of#the first albums ever released on CD a couple of years later. Joel had wanted a slightly new sound to differentiate the album from his#previous studio efforts‚ and hired a slew of talented jazz musicians to help him craft something different. this isn't perhaps the track#that shows the clearest growth in his sound‚ but its swaggering‚ sneering‚ heavy in your face delivery and spiky guitar are a hell of a way#to open an album. Joel has variously claimed to have been inspired by a meeting with Bianca Jagger or that there's no truth in that rumour‚#depending i suspect on his mood when asked; he's also admitted to a certain amount of autobiography to the lyrics‚ and i buy that#personally (it's very easy to read a kind of self hating monologue to the mirror kind of vibe into the song imo). a sly take down of social#poseurs and the nouveau riche of late 70s New York (later lyrics name drop Elaine's and Halston)‚ i particularly like the quick switch in#tone in these opening lines: chauffeured limousines and designer clothes quickly giving way to the seedy detail of the coke spoon in the#nose. there's little sympathy from Joel who strikes a provocative vocal style‚ particularly for the chorus which is enunciated so clearly#it could almost be being spat out. Big Shot was the second single from 52nd Street and was‚ like the album‚ a commercial success#peaking at number 14 (his third highest charting single at this point). afaik it didn’t have a uk release tho‚ alas
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gio-cosmo · 6 months
The p3r dlc really has me walking around Tartarus with the Junes theme playing in the background. What a time to be alive.
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revenancy · 3 days
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impossible fires || the playlist.
i use spotify, but i'll include links to youtube below the cut -- my biggest ask is that if you like emo/hardcore, PLEASE check out Isolation by Down Coyote. it's only available on youtube (unless i've missed it somewhere, please let me know if i have!) and imo it's extremely worth the listen. this song legit affected the way i experienced music and it has less than 200 views. i will plug it in every appropriate project playlist ever.
// tagging my impossible fires list: @iucemon @rodentwrites @rhikasa
I Ran (So Far Away) - Hidden Citizens
Bitter - Archers
n/A - Bring Me The Horizon
Quicksand - Silversun Pickups
Visions - The Score
Gasoline - The Federal Empire
Isolation - Down Coyote (i fucking LOVE this song and i hope you do too. it can't die as long as i keep it downloaded on every device i've ever owned and i keep sharing it with y'all)
Trials - reimagine - Starset
Salt - Bad Suns
Don't You Go - All Time Low
Brickwall Brickwall Brickwall - Istasha
Not Enough - Anavae
Blood on My Hands - The Used
Nicotine - Panic! At The Disco
Tainted Love - Imelda May
Gasoline - I Prevail
Euclid - Sleep Token
Ragamuffin - Silversun Pickups
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vimbry · 7 months
"nanobots" the song is this deconstructed view of child development and parenthood where it's like, 'wow have you ever thought about how weird producing offspring is. like, it's weird, right! we make these little people and they quickly grow into their own individual personalities with their own lives and autonomy and I've lost all authority and there's so many and you've gotta be responsible for them all the time, what did I do !!!'
but as well as approaching it with this slightly overwhelmed perspective, there's a sort of affectionate optimism in there, too. that even tho the concept's intimidating, there's a sense of wonder in how humans develop and raising them and watching them grow up. hey this kid thing's fun actually, yeah I wish they'd leave me alone sometimes, but look at how cute and resilient they are look at what they can do. and then "replicant" is like jesus parenting a teenager is hard.
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dalloneveryday · 10 months
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day 68. i love how theyre just 👍
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carbondated · 6 months
River lies about her age all the time, but unlike the Doctor it's a bit more subtle. She'll say she's 300 but really she's more like 345 and rounded down to the nearest 100. But if you call her out on it, she'll tell you it's your fault bc how dare you ask a woman her age!?
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jklpopcorn · 7 months
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So.. this absolutely wasn't meant to be posted AT ALL as it was supposed to be just another short doodle but
well.. um
have an additional sketch as well
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livvyofthelake · 3 months
you are gonna have to just bear the fuck with me here i know i said it was illegal to post redacted edits but if you’ve been keeping up with the lore you’ll know this one is big. just need everyone to know that the war is fucking over we got the so high school edit… so now we can all watch the stupid edit and stop thinking about it. yes you have to watch it that’s required i said so. you’re gonna sit there and watch 30 seconds of dorian gray and peter parker making eyes at each other and you’re gonna enjoy it goddamn it. honor where you came from ok. peace on earth <3
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yourivygrows13 · 11 months
You ever lie awake at night thinking about the fact that the last year we didn’t get any new material from Taylor was 2016?
In seven years she has given us ~121* new songs, with five more on the way this year.
Like that’s actually insane. And the more insane part is that with clear work being done on TS11 and two more re-records left it doesn’t seem like another gap year is really in sight.
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iwatcheditbegin · 2 months
Idk if I was forced to sit in the nosebleeds at sofi I’d be keeping my mouth shut about ttpd and anything Taylor.
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