#and that's why my house is a pigsty
myfairhudzen · 2 years
My boy The Skeleton and his boney family keep the Skullgirls world clean. All hail The Skeletons.
Also, Double just became so sympathetic. Marie makes her to clean the place. How cruel.
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rock bottom ౨ৎ L.W
Leah x Aussie!reader
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description; reader hasn’t been showing up to training nor messaging her national teammates so they tell Leah, her girlfriend.
warnings; self harm, depression, bed rotting ig.
rock bottom.
it means to be at the lowest possible level.
That’s exactly how I feel at this very moment. I haven’t been to training in a week, I haven’t showered in 4 days, and I haven’t messaged any of my teammates in 3. 
it feels impossible to do anything, let alone breathe.
My room was a mess; plates, bowls, knives, forks, and any other cutlery littered my bedside tables. Drinks, such as iced coffee or any energy drinks, were stacked in the bowls.
it felt like i had hit rock fucking bottom.
My girlfriend Leah had tried calling and texting to see what was going on, but I simply ignored her, not on purpose but simply because I didn’t have the energy, and at this very moment, lying in bed, I had forgotten I had given Leah a key to my house.
Well, that was until I heard my front door unlock, open, and then shut again. I didn’t even have the energy to see if I was about to be robbed. All the thoughts racing through my head finally stopped once my bedroom door had opened, and I heard a voice utter a soft
I had turned my body around, facing the door, to see Leah standing there with a bag in hand. There was one familiar look in her eyes after she had looked around my pigsty of a room.
God, I hated that fucking look.
Leah walked closer towards me, she sat the bag down on the ground, since that was the only free space, she kneeled down and place one of her hands on my cheek. “We’ve all been worried about you, love.”
I look up into her eyes; the comforting blue eyes that tackled all my problems. “What’s going on in your beautiful head?” she whispered so quietly that I almost didn’t hear her.
I just shrugged, not having any proper words to answer her question. I watched as her gaze softened, she tilted her head.
“are you okay?” she tried again.
i shook my head.
“i will be, though.” i muttered, my voice croaky since i hadn’t had to talk to anyone for a couple of days.
She nodded, not knowing what she could say, but i could see in her eyes, that she wanted to ask a million questions.
“y/n… why haven’t you shown up to training.. and please don’t bullshit me.” her voice was stern, like she meant business. she knew i was going to lie, so it was a stupid question.
“i’ve been sick, Leah.” i replied, hoping she’d buy it, news flash. she didn’t.
“don’t lie, Y/n.”
i huffed, saying very fast. “i’m tired, Leah. so. fucking. tired, so i’m sorry if i had a couple of days where i just wanted to not train.” the way i said it sounded full of attitude and snark but it was the truth, i was tired.
i was waiting for Leah to scold me for the attitude that littered in my words, but she didn’t.
“that was all you had to say.” She said softly, while stroking my somewhat greasy hair. “you need a shower, love.” as soon as she said that, you could see my face change.
“i’ll help.” Leah said quickly after seeing the distaste on my face. all i could do was nod.
Leah pulled back the covers, helping me sit up by putting her hand against my back. I stood up from my bed, watching where i put my feet due to the rubbish that covered the floor around my bed.
Leah and i walked into the bathroom, she was the first one to start getting undressed, her hoodie being the first to go. i stood there, regretting the fact i agreed to shower while she was here.
Not because i didn’t want her to see me naked, but because i was afraid of her reaction to what remained under my clothes.
She turned to look at me, her eyebrows furrowing, clearly confused as to why i was still fully dressed. She went to grab the hem of my hoodie but i stopped her.
“what’s wrong?” her eyebrows furrowed even further, which was nearly impossible. i just bit my lip.
“please don’t be mad.” i forced out, my voice shaky. her face went from rested to confused, she licked her lips. “why would i be mad, darling?”
and with that, my vision blurred over, my eyes filling with tears, Leah quickly moved her hands from the hem of my hoodie to my cheeks, cooing softly. “oh, baby..”
she wiped the fallen tears, leaning forward to kiss my forehead, murmuring against it. “i could never be mad with you, love. never.”
i wiped the tears from my chin, relaxing my arms, leaving them by my side. i nodded at her, telling her, she could take my hoodie off.
Leah obeyed, lifting my hoodie over my head. once she had seen what filled my wrists, her face dropped.
“y/n…” she whispered, grabbing my hand, getting a closer look at my wrists and the cuts that were littered on them.
“i’m sorry.. i’m so sorry, Leah.. please don’t be disappointed.” i rambled out in one breath, she shook her head, croaking out. “why did you do that to yourself?..”
i shrugged once more, tearing up once again, what i didn’t know was that Leah’s eyes were filled with tears, just as mine were.
i expected Leah to scream and shout at me, what i didn’t expect was for her to bring my wrists up towards her mouth, pressing her lips against my scars, it was soft, like she was afraid to hurt me.
“i’m not mad at you, y/n, i’m mad at myself because i wasn’t there when you needed me to be.” she muttered against my wrists, that broke me. i felt like i could cry.
i moved my wrists from away from her mouth, bringing my hands to her cheeks, leaning our foreheads against one another. “it wasn’t your fault, Leah..” i uttered, trying not to cry.
in return, she pecked my lips.
we let go of one another, she hesitated at first but once i nodded, she continued to undress me, my bra, my trousers, my pants and then my socks.
we got into the shower, standing under the shower head, Leah turns the shower on. We stand under the water together, letting it grace our skin.
“i’m sorry for not texting you or showing up at training.” i spun my naked body around to face Leah’s naked body. she shook her head.
“don’t be ridiculous, you’re struggling, don’t ever apologise for struggling, y/n.”
i nodded once again, she smiled at me and i smiled back, probably the most genuine smile of mine in a while.
“i’ve got you, love. you don’t have to do this alone.” Leah stated, wrapping her arms around my waist, bringing our bodies together, i lean my head on her shoulder, uttering a soft “promise?”
to which, she replied with a “i promise.”
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libraford · 3 months
I am giving the kitchen a good solid clean today and remembering bitterly the time that one of the roommates poked her head into our shared office and said, clearly on behalf of her partner:
"I've got a great idea! What about we all deep clean the house today?"
Roommate had trauma about other people cleaning around her because it made her feel like she was being called dirty, and often cleaned in a way that was sending that message to us. As in- loudly sighing when she saw dirty dishes (mostly hers) or becoming cagey when a pan was left on the stovetop after use, or if there was something not pristine about the kitchen. And she was always ranting that we didn't do enough to keep the house clean and that she was always doing all the work. (Well. You see. I worked a 40 hour week and still had to come home and make dinner enough for 6, so you might see why I might not have it in me to clean after being on my feet all day- and she was unemployed.)
And I also have trauma about being told that I'm not clean enough- my mom used to refer to my room as 'the pigsty.' Which isn't fair to someone who is young and dealing with a lot of mental stress, but none of us were clear on ADHD/autism diagnoses.
Now that they're gone, I'm having to re-learn how to clean without someone over my shoulder during the process.
I decided on Tuesday that since I'm off today that today would be the day that I work on the kitchen a little, and I'm finding it easier to pick a corner and work my way out instead of trying to focus on the whole mess. Yes, that means its not sparkling clean and sometimes the mess creeps up again before the whole place is clean. But it does mean that the grime doesn't build up so much.
Last night I gave the dishwasher components a good soak and washed the thing out. Right now, I'm disinfecting the spot where our kitchen compost bin sits. Later today, I do the stove top. Tomorrow I do my workspace.
Which I think was my problem. Everyone has always looked at the whole mess of me instead of the parts that I work on. People aren't whole pictures. They're parts in cycles.
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marleyybluu · 1 year
Oscar x pregnant!reader
Wc: 1.9k
warnings: daddy issues, use of OMB scenes so spoilers I guess, sad Spooky, shitty ending cus my attention span cut out
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"No, no, no! You can not put down two draw fours!" Yn shouted at Cesar while the two dabbled in an intense game of UNO. Cesar chuckled waving his one card in her face. "You're just mad because you're losing." He bragged. Though it was confirmed she would never admit it, she quickly pouted and placed her hand on her stomach, he chuckled shaking his head knowing the card that she was about to play. "I'm gonna tell your niece or nephew you didn't let their mommy win."
Her boyfriend Spooky could be heard letting out a bellyful laugh from down the hall, he emerged from his room making his way toward them where they sat around the table not too far from the living room. "Mamita, you can't say that every time you don't get your way." She stuck out her tongue. "I can and I will for the remaining six months."
He rolled his eyes and planted a kiss on the top of her head. "Fine," She reluctantly picked up eight more cards just for Cesar to dramatically slam his last one on the table. He stood up took the last swig of his beer and rested the empty bottle on the table, he was next to kiss her head before grabbing his things and heading out. "I'll see you guys later, I'm with Monse if you need me."
"Have fun." She called out. The door closed and the house was once again silent, Yn gathered the cards and packed them nicely back into the box they came in. She heard the sound of the front door opening and assumed it was Cesar, she said "What'd you forget knucklehead?" But frowned when she was met with their father, Ray. A few days ago the older gentleman had found himself across from the traphouse, Cesar panicked about a stranger just stalking outside so Spooky went to investigate, and with Yn's nosey ass at the window, she noticed Spooky's body language and he was not happy.
Spooky never spoke about his dad, maybe once, but that was it. She could tell he had resentment in his heart for that man, he was a stranger and for him to pop back up after all these years wasn't ideal for anyone in this situation. YN had to admit it was nice seeing Cesar happy and hearing him talk about all the things they were going to do and how much they had to catch up on but judging by the look on Ray's face right in front of her... those plans would never set in motion.
She pitied him a half-smile before dodging into the kitchen. Spooky sat in the background on the couch observing the cold interaction, internally smiling that she would be on his side no matter the minor details that she knew. Ray disappeared into one of the rooms, Spooky was curious as to what he was there for but was brought out of it when he was called to the kitchen. He got up and followed her voice, she was desperately trying to reach the third shelf and was failing miserably, usually, she'd grab a chair but with a baby inside she was more cautious of what she did.
"Can you grab a plate for me papito?"
"Of course, baby."
She squealed and applauded the small gesture as he handed the plate over to her. "Thank you." She blew him a kiss but he wanted a real one, his hand snaking around her waist he pulled her in tightly. Her hands ran up his neck and landed under his jawline. Their lips touched, fitting like pieces of a puzzle, melting together like it was the first time. She could feel his hands slide a little further down, she gasped at the hard squeeze he delivered she pulled back smacking his chest. "Why can't I have one little innocent kiss?"
"That question is what got you pregnant in the first place." He joked gently pressing his hand on her little belly. Yn shooed him off. Oscar laughed and left her alone only to return to the main area and see Ray with his duffle bag on top of the table packing his clothes up. "Finally cleaning up your mess?" He asked. Ever since he arrived it'd practically become a pigsty, his girl often complaining that she wasn't some maid for a grown-ass man, especially one she had no relation to. Ray avoided eye contact as he answered. "I'm leaving, think I've caused enough drama."
Leaving. All he did was leave, run away from his problems, and scram when things got serious. It wasn't the first time Oscar experienced it but there was no doubt that it still hurt, he felt himself shrink into that little kid again, watching the man who was supposed to be there for him vanish, the man who was supposed to teach him how to become one disappear without a trace leaving him and Cesar alone to fend for themselves.
"Good," He responded. "You tell Cesar your plan?"
There was a moment of silence, Ray had stopped packing and sighed making eye contact with his oldest. "I'll tell him when I get to Bakersfield, there's a guy up there who can help me out... help you out too-"
Spooky had turned cold, that scowl plastered on his face, the boiling hate flashing in his eyes. "I don't need help, I got everything I need."
Ray let out an amused chuckle. "The Santos? That girl?" Oscar took a step forward, fists balled up, father or not he would put down anyone that disrespected his girl. She was his home, his family, she was everything that he needed. "Her name is Yn, and she let you stay with us, not me... if it were up to me you'd be out on the street with the rest of the stray dogs."
Little did they know they had an audience for this performance, not too far off Yn had poked her head from the kitchen she had stopped what she was doing the minute she heard their voices. "I hope they don't sell you out, I hope she's good to you because one day all that love you think you're getting from them is gonna be gone."
"Ray." He warned. "This street shit isn't the life man, you don't have to stay here, go and make something of yourself."
Oscar's eyes softened, and he began to nod in agreement. "Thanks, Papa, you're right. I could be president or a fucking astronaut, maybe even a movie star right? Because I had such a great fucking role model!"
"I had a shitty dad too, mijo," Ray's tone was so nonchalant when he said it and something about it was making Yn's skin crawl it just sounded like he didn't care. "But you gotta let that rage go."
It took everything for her not toa put in her two cents. How do you let the rage from constant and consistent disappointment go? She could tell Spooky had this overbearing feeling that he was a failure, that he failed Cesar, failed the Santos and even failed her-- so how was he just supposed to let that go?
Yn had thought the fire between them had died down, that Ray had left and Spooky was just standing there disassociating at the fact that he was in his twenties and still being abandoned. But when she brought herself into frame the two of them had gone, their muffled argument had moved outdoors. Her feet carried her to the front door, where she stood behind the screen watching it go down from a distance.
"Everything bad that's ever happened in my life is because of you! You're gonna crush Cesar the same way you crushed me!" His voice weakened, almost cracking like he was fighting to keep that little boy inside. Ray was already at the end of the path, one foot almost on the black tarmac road, he dropped his bag and turned around to face Spooky. "You never wrote to me... you didn't call, you didn't even visit not once! Did you even think about me?"
YN placed her hand over her heart, she wanted nothing more than to drag him inside and coddle him for all he's been through but he needed to let this out he'd been holding it in for far too long. She looked as Ray walked back toward Spooky.
"Oscar-" He began but Spooky shut it down. "You wanna know the worst part about not having a father? I had to be a father to my brother without having been a son first!" He sniffled. "I have a girl in there who loves me, who taught me how to love since I didn't have you or mama as examples... she's having my baby and I'm scared that I'm gonna end up like you!"
Oscar broke, completely shattered. Yn didn't think there'd be a day when she heard her partner weeping from the deep sadness that he felt, the sadness that was cloaked in anger. Ray didn't say anything, he pulled Oscar in for a hug and he resisted at first but once again his inner child betrayed him and he loosened a bit returning the embrace and they stayed like that for a while. Oscar buried his head in his father's shoulder, nothing was said, it was a bittersweet and brief moment before that rage entered his system again. That wall reappeared in seconds.
He wasn't little Oscar Diaz anymore he was back to Spooky who aggressively shoved his father off of him. "Take your shit and go, make sure I don't see you here again."
And just like that, he was gone again. Spooky turned around with a pout on his face, he stopped at the front door seeing Yn through the screen. "Did you eat?" Funny that even in his obvious time of need he was still worried about her. She shook her head, stretched out her hand to his and gently pulled him inside. Once the door closed the tears that he had just soaked back up were released once again. Yn pulled him over to the couch, sat him down and then took her place beside him.
He fell apart in her arms. "I fucking hate him." She rubbed his back. "All he does is fucking leave me... what did I do?"
"Ay! You didn't do anything papito, he's just an asshole."
"Am I not good enough?"
She frowned. "You are more than enough my love, I promise you. You are more than enough for me, for Cesar and for the baby. You did a great job raising him and you will do an even better one raising ours."
He lifted his head from where it rested on her shoulder, she swiped her thumb across his cheeks to wipe his tears. "How are you so sure?"
"You already do enough for the baby and they're not even here. You make sure I'm eating enough, you make sure I'm relaxed. I wish you could've seen your face when I told you." Now she was tearing up. "I couldn't have picked a better person to make a family with."
He softly smiled. "I love you."
"Duh." She sarcastically answered which received a decent chuckle. "I love you too, we're good okay? I'm not going anywhere."
"I know." He mumbled. She smiled and pulled him in for a kiss. "Let's eat, yeah?"
I just felt like writing something kind of sad. idk why.
for the Pedro girlies im working on Truth or Drink3
for the Rio girlies, working on The Nanny 3
trying not to burn tf out lol just put me down at this point.
if you liked this fic feel free to like this fic, reblogs and comments are appreciated.
peace and love.
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rustboxstarr · 8 months
Hiiii! How about one where you and Eddie are arguing about keeping the house clean and you tell him you're not his mother to clean up after himself and he just gets angrier until you decide to punish him by not letting him touch you AT ALL and he's fine with it until days pass and he becomes needy AF and you want to give it to him, but not until he complies with your requests of him doing house chores and never once hearing him complain. He agrees but only if you let him absolutely destroy you
🌹The Incentive🌹
Summary: Your work trip is cut short and you're welcomed to a lovely... pigsty. Eddie has to do some real changes and surprisingly, Robin has the solution, cue some horny and desperate ass misery for Eddie hehe.
Pairings: Eddie Munson x Reader
Warnings: Angst, fluff, smut.
Domestic fighting, fear of domestic abuse, talk of R being homeless, talk of rape threats (NOT FROM EDDIE!), low-key kinda toxic for a sec, use of Y/N, yeah homeboy has undiagnosed ADHD, fluff, nakey nakey, Oral m & f receiving, slightly dangerous deep throating oop, P in V, reader is 25 and Eddie 26, established relationship, let me know if i missed any!
Wordcount: 19.5 k
A/N: Thank you so much for this request! I am so sorry it took such a long time to post it but I loved writing it! ❤️ I originally had another approach but I think this one is better haha. I did also create some media for visuals (I think I should keep doing it in the future, idk why but I love visuals, what do ya'll think?) so feel free to check them out! I suggest having a look at them before you start reading :)
Feel free to request, I loved doing this!! ❤️❤️❤️
PS: I didn't want to spoil the Barbie movie other than basic information so its kind of slack but yeah just fyi there is a mention of it :)
Love yas!
Fic visuals
Check out my other works!
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“Oh my fucking god Eddie! I’ve been gone three days, three!” your mouth had dropped wide open as well as your laptop bag which thudded to the floor with the shock you were experiencing when you came home. Dirty dishes piled up on every single empty space -not already occupied by rubbish, food not put back in the fridge, empty beer and soda cans- occupying the kitchen counters. Shoes were haphazardly strewn across the entrance to the door, each one seemingly kicked off, your own were knocked over and precious, expensive heels were right in the line of fire for a trampling. Leather, denim, canvas and blazer jackets alike were littered all around the doormat. Multiple empty and half empty pizza boxes lay stacked on the coffee table, that too hit by the hurricane which was Eddie, rubbish, DnD notes, batteries, magazines and just about everything else could be found on the sleek mahogany wood. 
The discarded clothes that littered the hardwood floor acted as a red carpet for the man himself, Eddie Munson, unfortunately, your boyfriend, screaming into his headset while hunched forward to pay undivided attention to the game on screen, sweatpant clothed legs spread wide with two elbows resting on top, connected to his naked torso. 
He jumped in fright when he heard your shrill voice, he clearly hadn't heard the door open. His face contorted into a pained expression as he slipped one of the cups off his ears, watching you carefully as you scanned the apartment in disbelief. “Heyyy… weren't you uh coming home tomorrow?” his teeth were bit tight as his nose scrunched, waiting for the inevitable reaction. 
“What. The. Fuck. Is. This?” it was clear from the tension in your face that you were visibly fuming, smoke may as well be forcing out of your ears as of this moment. “I.. I gotta go” Eddie whispered into the microphone before taking his headset off completely, as he stood up and reached for the remote you lay notice to the smattering of crumbs that rolled off his chest and fell to the floor. “How come you're here so early baby?” his voice was quiet, both in an attempt to sooth you but also to dampen the whole situation. “Don’t you dare fucking baby me. What the actual fuck am I looking at right now?” your eyes were wide, your limbs stiff as board and teeth clenched in anger, no doubt only worsening the inevitable dental issues you would have in the future from your constant mindless teeth grinding. 
“I was gonna clean up I swear” your stare was unwavering and implying he continue. “You weren't supposed to see any of this, I promise, I was gonna clean up tomorrow before I picked you up from the airport” taking slow steps during each word he uttered he arrived in front of you, hands very gently reaching out to hold your hips. 
Well he was fucked. You pushed him away, almost backing into the door behind you as you began, “They cut the trip short so I came to surprise you, and this is what I come home to? Why would it even be here in the first place?! How do you manage to fucking trash our whole apartment, because I’m guessing theres more shit I’m going to find, IN THREE DAYS?!” he physically flinched at the volume of your voice as it rang around the room. “I-I had the guys over” in comparison to your voice Eddie sounded like a little church mouse as he whispered to you. 
“That is not an excuse! Who the fuck doesn’t clean up after having people over?!” you harshly shoved him out of the way as you stomped past him, heels clicking against the floors, having seen the state of the living room on your right and the kitchen on your left your most important place to inspect was the bedroom. 
Once again Eddie flinched as he heard the loud, shocked gasp that travelled down your throat. “I-I just wanted to relax ya know? For the weekend, no tasks, no cleaning and shit” he followed to stand behind you in the doorway. Sheets were crumpled and falling off the bed, the bedsheet barely even covering the mattress, clothes were scattered everywhere, spilling out of dresser doors behind the usually closed wardrobe door, on the floor, on the bed and both nightstands. Papers were littered across the various fabrics, notes and guidebooks to Dungeons and Dragons thrown on the floor, multiple bottles of various makeup and skincare products severed from their neat collection on your makeup table, instead left on the floor after seemingly being knocked down. 
Both Eddie's laptop and your Ipad -missing from its safekeeping in your bedside drawer- almost completely hidden under half of Eddie's wardrobe on the floor, begging to be stepped on.
“RELAX?! NOT CLEAN?!” you swerved around to face him, “YOU DON’T CLEAN, I CLEAN” an angry finger pointed at yourself, “You don’t do shit! I clean the bathroom, I clean the kitchen, I’m almost always the one picking up after dinner-” “That is not true and you know it”
You chose to ignore his comment as you continued working yourself up to a full blown rage-fit, “I do the laundry-”
“I do it too!” 
“You do it when I ask! I make the bed, I take out the trash”
“You barely ever do that, I almost always take it when I go to work-”
“STOP INTERRUPTING ME!” your high pitched screech made Eddie flinch for the third time tonight and it shut him right up. “Its like I’m living with a fucking child. You're a man-child Eddie. You don’t do shit unless I ask you too, and the only reason you take out the trash is because I had to nag you for two whole months! I am not your mother! I shouldn't have to do this!!” 
Oh how you would have loved to just come home to those almond brown eyes, adorable dimples and smiling lips. How you would have loved to just rewind from the five hour flight home from Wyoming after your shitty conference, just strip off, take a warm bath, listen to music and then wrap up with Eddie in bed while you watched Bob’s Burgers and munched on takeout. Exhaustion ached in your limbs and pulled at your shoulders, it crept up within all the tight seams of your pencil skirt and blouse, it pricked at your heels and toes from those stupid stilettos. It itched in the nylon stockings, it ripped at your throat, it squeezed at your scalp, begging someone to release your hair from the confines of the tight bun your hair was wrapped in. It urged and pleaded with you to take a breath and relax. But you couldn't and wouldn’t let it win. 
“I am not a fucking child” and he had the audacity to scoff at you. As if the garbage dump you were surrounded by wasn't already adding fuel to the fire that puff of air definitely did. “Yes! Yes you are! You are 25 years old and you only just moved out of your poor uncles trailer-” 
“Hey I slept on the couch since I was 21 all the way up to 24” 
“And Wayne slept on it since you were six! He’s a fifty year old man, now with a bad back because of you!” 
“Ok can we please not bring him into this?” 
While it most definitely was a good point on your end, you decided to respect his wishes, it was a little, ok, very mean to bring it up and use it against him. Using one of his weakest points against him when you knew it was one of his most shameful regrets. “Fine! How about we talk about you not being able to get of your fucking ass, get your shit together and be a fucking adult sooner? Huh?” 
“Fuck you, I got a job the second I graduated and started saving. Not everyone is as fucking perfect as you and live on their own since they were 17” His eyes screwed tightly shut the second he heard the words fly out of his mouth. 
“What the fuck did you just say?” oh now you were properly angry, how dare he? “I WAS NOT PERFECT I WAS HOMELESS! FOR THREE YEARS!!” angry red hot tears threatened to spill from your water lines at the fact that you had to explain this to him. “I am so sorry baby, I didn't mean it” callused hands found your waist and slipped to wrap around you. 
“Get the fuck off me!” another set of hands pushed with force at his naked chest, willing him off you. “Don't you dare touch me right now” before you could even think over the words you were saying they had already left your throat; “In fact don't touch me at all” well you’d said it now and you sure as hell weren’t going back on your words. 
“What?” his frown only angered you further, you were only an inch close to tipping point, rage boiling throughout your veins, and if you let yourself you were sure you were about to start kicking, screaming, throwing both fists and any object within range at the walls as well as Eddie. “I said DO NOT FUCKING TOUCH ME, don’t even come near me you’re disgusting” venom was laced in your words as you spat the insult at him. 
“Really you think I’m disgusting?” the annoyed disbelief in Eddie's tone made you actually want to cry, it was as if you were talking to a wall, he wasn't registering a single thing you were saying to him other than the fact that you were having -in his opinion- a bitchfit. You turned away from him in desperation, not being able to look at him. When your eyes fell onto Eddie's bedside table you found the perfect evidence to your point. Stomping over to it you held up the pair of black boxers oh-so carefully thrown onto his lamp. “This Eddie, this is fucking disgusting” you held the underwear up by the waist band to him in show. 
Meeting his eyes you found them wide and swimming with fear, you frowned in confusion, looking back to the underwear and then the bedside table and then you found the icing on the cake, the cherry on top. 
Next to a knocked over bottle of lotion were multiple scrunched up tissues. Dropping the underwear you picked one of them up, holding it out for him. “Is this cum?” the disbelief in both your voice and face caused for an unreadable expression on Eddie's end. “Is this actually fucking semen I am holding right now?!” The wrinkles in Eddie's nose, the scrunched fearful pout and half lidded eyes, forced closed with the movement of his cheeks told you everything you needed to know. 
“EEEEWWW” you screeched, “THE BIN IS RIGHT THERE! RIGHT THERE! Oh my god, I can’t, I’m fucking leaving, fuck this” you stormed past him out in to the open area again. “I am really really sorry” his pleading was lost on you. “Don't” you held a hand up to silence him, “When I come back all this shit” you waved your hands around to showcase the apartment, “-better be gone and properly cleaned up” 
“Wha- Where are you going?” 
“I don’t fucking know but I can’t be here” 
“No baby, please let's just talk about this” his hand reached out to stop yours from grabbing the handbag next to your duffel. “I said don’t touch me! I’m cutting you off!” he frowned at that as you ripped your hand away from him, grabbing the bag and angrily throwing it over your shoulder. “What do you mean you're cutting me off?” true confusion sounded in his words as you turned towards him. “It means until you’ve gotten this fucking shit sorted you’re not touching me, you’re not even going to look at me unless its my face and nowhere else and you sure as hell arent getting kisses, hugs” you began counting off on your fingers as Eddie scoffed “blowjobs, handjobs, boobjobs, you’re not gonna finger me, eat me out, or do anything to me and we’re not gonna be having sex for a looong time” he seemed to finally understand that you were in fact being serious because realisation crept up on his face. A slight hint of desperation showed its trace before it was replaced with mean smugness.
“It’s a two person thing sweetheart, it's not just for me, it’s for the both of us” 
“Yeah? Well I can actually survive without it” your eyebrows raised, anticipating his next words and already prepared with the ‘Oh really?’ look to shame him with. “Puh I can survive without it” he scoffed, Eddie Munson had become predictable, to you anyway, because the look was right on point. “Just last night you were texting me, begging me to go on facetime with you” 
“Couples do that, it's called phone sex” he rolled his eyes. “The night before too, oh! And the night before that as well!” he rolled his eyes harder this time “Wow you caught me I missed my girlfriend jesus christ” you weren't really believing the words you were about to utter, but at this point he was just getting on your nerves with his stupid responses, “Ya’ know what? I don’t think you did miss your girlfriend, everything is about sex with you, it wouldn’t come as a fucking suprise if you’re only in this relationship to get your dick wet, bet all those fucking ‘I love you baby’, ‘I wanna get married and have kids with you’, ‘You mean the world to me’ don’t even mean shit” you whined his quotes, hurt began to show on his face but you chose to push through, “You’re just a fuckin’ manipulator, saying shit cuz you know it’ll get you some” 
The hurt feelings etched in his face dissipated and replaced with anger not unlike your own, “You know that's not true! You know you’re the best fuckin’ thing in my life. Jesus Christ I’m so fuckin sorry I didn’t clean up after myself when literally no one was around to fucking see it! I’m SO sorry that I just wanted a relaxing weekend after slaving away working on trashed cars for clients who treat me like shit!” it was your time to scoff as his voice raised and he was close to shouting. 
The whole thing was too much, nothing had prepared you for this, all you had expected was to come home and spend some quality time with your boyfriend. “I can guarantee you my work is much fucking harder for me” 
“Don't pull that card” 
“Oh no, no I will. Do you have a boss breathing down your neck, pestering you to do his and everyone else's work? No. Do you have 13 hour work days? No. Is your commute to work 3 hours back and forth? No. Do you have wretched coworkers who think it's ok to have a conversation with your boobs? No! Do you have coworkers rubbing up on you without permission? NO! Do you have coworkers who hit on you despite you making it clear you don't want to? Who want sexual favours in exchange for picking up extra shifts? Who threaten to rape you because they don’t get what they want? NO THE FUCK YOU DON’T SO GO AHEAD AND FUCK YOURSELF” neighbours would no doubt be coming up any minute to complain or check on you. If this continued you'd be having a police report on your hands by the morning. 
Tears were running down your cheeks uncontrollably, your voice shook while crescent moons threatened to scar on your palms from how hard you were clenching your fists. Panic spread throughout your body at retelling the tales Eddie had heard long ago, tales you had left dead and buried, tales you had protected yourself from. “I KNOW YOU HAVE IT TOUGH OK? YOU'VE HAD A TOUGH LIFE! BUT SO HAVE I! I JUST WANTED TO RELAX!!” Eddie was shouting now too, his height towering over you as the panic continued to spread, to infect the veins which pumped your blood and leave nothing behind but a rotten carcass. 
For once in your relationship the prospect of Eddie was terrifying to you. The anger in his eyes, in his face, in his whole body. Men were capable of anything, and one wrong button pushed and everything could change, you were a strong independent woman but at the end of the day Eddie was a man, and up against each other, the man will always win. 
“YOU HAD A TOUGH LIFE TILL YOU WERE SIX YEARS OLD! YOU DON'T EVEN REMEMBER IT!!” Anger overtook the terrifying freight that accompanied the panic, the anger was too strong to take a step back from, assess the situation and consider what you might be getting yourself into. But once the loudest scream of the night had been shouted, had rang throughout the room, you got that chance. You needed to calm down, not just for the sake of the argument or your relationship but for the sake of your body and your life. It didn't matter that Eddie could never hurt a fly, it didn't matter that he would shriek in disapproval whenever someone was about to squash a bug, it didn't matter that he still put out food for the raccoons in the alley behind the auto shop, it didn't matter that he spent almost every waking second cherishing you and reminding you of how deep his love for you ran. At the end of the day. He. Was. Still. A. Man. 
You sighed, “I’m not even gonna get into what my life has been like because I know you know. So just fuck off yeah? Clean up this fucking pigstie and don’t speak to me” you could have continued, you could have gone through your whole life story once again. You could have used the fact that your parents had abandoned you in an orphanage before you could even make any sound other than crying, that the orphanage had shut down in your teens, that you had no one else and lived off scraps, food from dumpsters and eventually soup kitchens, you could have used the fact that you ended up in the arms of a man three times your age who used you for your body and fed you delusions about his love for you against him. But your body ached, ached with tiredness, panic, anger and just about every other negative emotion, you couldn't deal with the shouting, the digging up the past, it was just too much. 
Just as he was about to open his mouth you turned and within seconds you were out of the door and out of sight, running away from the problem as fast as your legs would take you, running away just like you always did. Avoiding the problems. 
The chill night air didn't start nipping at your skin until you’d run as far as you could muster, you couldn't have known that the dismissal of changing into comfortable clothes before the flight would be biting you in the ass. Just as you couldn't have known that a shoeless, shirtless Eddie was running down onto the street in search of you but came up short, with no knowledge of where you were or even what direction you were headed. 
Once you slowed to a stop outside a closed cafe the world seemed to come into view again. Your feet and legs were aching, just like every other part of your body, tears were streaming down your face, your lungs were screaming from the pressure, panting as you tried to catch your breath. Looking around your suffering only intensified when you realised you were sat outside Another Broken Egg Cafe, the central hotspot for yours and Eddie's classic autumn dates, curled up in the corner while rain poured down the windows. A loud sob broke out onto the empty side street, nothing but the light of the street lamps to keep you company as your phone rang. Your lungs heaved as the photo of Eddie wrapped around you with a wet kiss landed to your cheek at Steve’s welcomed you lovingly to accompany Eddie's call. Collapsing onto the step of the door to the mom and pop’s coffee shop you let out a silent sob, eyes shut tight, temple meeting the wall as snot and tears alike streamed down your face. 
The ringing kept egging the tears and panic on so you clicked the off button twice, declining his call and letting silence seep into the dark night. Within seconds the ringing started up again, switching your sound off you set the phone down onto the concrete step and let your head fall into your hands while you quieted down. 
The soft cream blouse offered you no warmth whatsoever when you finally levelled to even breaths and wiped off your bodily fluids on the sleeve of it. The relief of finally letting your hair out and slipping your shoes off only lasted so long before a strong gust of wind interfered with your short lived stability. With time you picked up your phone, opening it up to see 18 missed calls and a near 40 texts within the 20 minutes you'd sat down and an extra 10 you'd spent running. 
A mixture of information texts on your missed calls from your operator and Eddies worried ranting took up the space of your lockscreen before you clicked on the latest one and scrolled up in the chat:
Roommate 🙄
This is now your funeral picture babe
Oh fuck off 
Nope promise, everybody gotta see this
You suck 🖕
Yeah but you swallow ;)
Oh gtg, meetings starting, ill . text you tonight bye love you . ❤️
Ok bye princess, good luck, love you too ❤️
10.04 pm
Where the fuck did you go?
Seriously answer me right now!
I need to know where you are
You cant just run off we need to talk about this
Y/N seriously 
Pick up the phone!!!
This is serious we need to talk about this
Come home right now
Im not fucking around
Come home
You need to come home we need to discuss this 
Answer the phone!!
I know youre mad at me but we need to communicate with each other
I dont like you just running off when youre not in the right headspace
Babe seriously where are you?
Princess please pick up the phone I’m rly worried
Baby please I need to know youre ok
Please just answer the call
Or at least text me so i know ur ok 
Please baby i love you so much❤️
I just want to know youre ok
Just send me your location and i can come pick you up 
Please honey im begging you pick up the phone
Ill clean up the bedroom and you can chill in there while i clean❤️
Sweetheart i beg of you, answer the phone
Please just tell me where you are so i can  come pick you up
I need to know youre ok
Please dont just be ignoring me, i just wanna know youre ok
Its freezing out you dont have a jacket baby 
Srsly youre going to catch a cold
Y/N please, we dont have to talk if you dont 
want to i just want to know youre safe
I need to know youre safe
Please baby 
Youre freaking me out 
Please just pick up the phone 
I feel sick knowing youre just out in the city somewhere 
I just want to know youre ok 
Theres really sketchy people out here, just tell me youre safe
Please let me know youre safe???
. . . 
He's still typing in the chat when you finally finish reading his texts, a sinking feeling surrounds your stomach as you sigh, you weren't ready to make up yet and you definitely weren't in the mood to see or talk to him. 
Roommate  🙄
I'm fine. 
Oh thank god!
Where are you princess? 
I don't want to tell you but I’m ok, just give me a sec and I’ll tell you ok?
Ok baby ❤️
Thoughts were swimming around your head while you exited the app, you knew he was clearly quite worried and at least he did respect your wish not to tell him but you really didn't feel ready to explain everything to him, have to be picked up and have a no doubt long talk about the whole ordeal. All you wanted to do was to sleep. 
“Wassup sexy?” Robin’s cheery voice was what caused relief to rush through you as she picked up the phone. “Hi” your tired and admittedly sad voice was not lost on her and it showed when an almost probably equally worried tone matched the one Eddie would have occupied if you had picked up the phone. In reality Eddie's voice would have probably sounded ten times worse than Robin’s “Hey are you ok? You sound sad”. You breathe an eerie chuckle, “Yeah I’m fine, listen I’m sat outside a coffee shop right now, I couldn't handle being in the house, me and Eddie had a fight, don't worry it’ll be ok but can you come pick me up?” 
“I mean yeah of course, but where's Eddie?” 
“I’m not actually sure, I think he’s in the apartment but more likely he's either texting and driving or running around looking for me. I just” you sigh, “I just don't want to see him right now, I’m texting him but can you please just come pick me up?” 
“Course babes, just send me your location and i’ll be right there”
You send off a pin on the map of where you are before you open up Eddie's text chat again. 
Roommate  🙄
I’m on 86th outside ABE but Robin is gonna come pick me up and were going to hers i think
Ur going to robins?
You dont want me to come pick you up?
I’m heading back to the apartment i can just pick up the van and go find u
Yeah I’m sure, I’m sorry baby but I just need some time to think before I talk about it
Got alot going on in my head, just need to figure it out first yk?
I promise I’m ok, were ok, i love you so much ok?
Ok princess, just update me yeah?
Yeah i will
You think maybe you could switch your live  location on snap or something? Or share it for like an hour? Just until youre at Robins
I just wanna know youre ok, itll give me peace of mind 
*You started sharing live location*
Thank you baby, I love you so much❤️
I love you too ❤️
Robin came to pick you up within 15 minutes, letting you rant about your feelings the car ride home and offered to sit with you while you took a bath. She helped you come to the realisation that despite Eddie's flaws you couldn't help but love him indefinitely after the past two years where your bond had grown stronger than either you or Eddie had ever experienced with someone else. Although with minimal contact throughout the evening you finally managed to make sense of all the feelings, deciding what you needed was a proper conversation about the situation you had landed yourself in and probably a little time with some space in between you to mull over whatever the outcome of the discussion would be.  Texting Eddie you fell asleep content on Robin's couch. The soft worn green pillows enveloping you in a warm hug along with the teddy fleece blanket over the pair of forgotten sweats you'd left at Robin’s helping you drift off with ease. 
Thanks to the cancelled work trip you got the luxury of relaxing on monday, rolling out of bed -or couch more accurately- with a slight tinge in your back. Stretching with a loud yawn you unplugged your phone and wandered over to the bathroom, plopping down on the toilet to catch up with your missed notifications. The time read 10.43 am thanks to the daily alarm you switched off the day before. 
Roommate  🙄 4h ago
Hi sweetheart, just on my way to work but  wanted to say good morning  ❤️ more
Penis hater 🍆 2h ago
Saw you were still asleep so didnt want  to wake you, going to work now, help more
Mommy Steve sent you a snap
Stonerboy sent you a snap
Google maps 39 min ago
You stopped sharing location with  [email protected]
A few other random notifications took up the space on your screen before you opened up your phone, responding to Eddie first you wrote;
Roommate  🙄
Ok goodnight honey, sleep well, i love you
Good night ❤️hope you can sleep  without me haha
You know damn well I can't 🙄
Today 6.32
Hi sweetheart, just on my way to work but wanted to say good morning  ❤️ I love you so so much, I’m assuming since the trip was cancelled you get  today off anyway? Either way have a good day, will you be sleeping at home tonight?... I miss you x
Good morning <3 yeah got the  day off, just woke up, yeah i’ll be at home 2night, when do you get off? 
Think its good we have that talk  sooner rather than later
Knowing he was probably busy with his heavy workload at the auto shop you opened up Robins text and responded to that too;
Penis hater 🍆
Gtg, meeting starting
Aight see ya loser!
Bye assface!
Today 8.27
Saw you were still asleep so didnt want to wake you, at work now, help yourself to anything in the fridge but theres leftover pizza if you want that, house keys  are on the kitchen table, just post them through the letterbox when you leave dickhead ❤️❤️❤️
Thank u sm for letting me sleep here, rly robs i appreciate it. Will do!
No probs, always a pleasure to blast out my eardums to cover up your snoring when I’m trying to sleep
Excuse me bitch, I do not snore, if anything your whining and thrashing around in bed woke ME up!
Making me sound like Tina Belcher when you say that… 
That was in fact the intended effect
🖕whatever bro gtg, Steves gonna beat my ass if i extend my toilet break past 30 min
You know a normal toilet break is 5 min right??
Fuck off
Robin answered within seconds of your text, taking the first of many useless breaks to scroll her phone and annoy Steve at the coffee shop downtown. You chuckled at her last text before you began your own 30 minute session of scrolling your phone endlessly on the toilet. By the time 1pm rolled around you had munched on Robin's leftovers, cleaned up the couch, and answered some emails from work, hopping on an IndyGo bus and trampling up the stairs in the early afternoon. 
You had left the change of clothes in Robin's hamper to be left till the next time you crashed at her place and were aching to get out of yesterday's attire the second you stepped through the door. You felt relieved as the newly found state of the apartment greeted you, slightly heartwarmed too but quickly dismissed, your stubbornness not letting you appreciate the fact that Eddie had done a basic human task. The rest of the day was spent in relaxation, despite the bath you had yesterday you felt the opportunity for a selfcare spa day on your day off was too good to pass up. Eddie had texted you here and there throughout the day regretfully telling you he had to work through lunch and couldn't make a phone call but that he would be home latest 6 pm. You did feel regretful however when you thought of your words last night, or more specifically Eddie's words and your dismissal of them. His work had been really hectic recently. The neighbouring venue The Two Brothers Auto Shop had lacked customers over the summer and had been forced to shut down. Their regular customers had found their way over to Safe Haven Automotive where Eddie was employed and Eddie's workload had been almost doubled and it was undoubtedly taking a toll on him. 
You decided you would apologise later. 
A heavy sigh escaped your boyfriend's lips as he stepped over the threshold to your shared home, immediately dropping his bags on the floor and stretching his back, joints popping audibly with the movement. Upon hearing his arrival you sauntered out of the bedroom, with a shy and admittedly slightly awkward smile, his face broke into a wide sunshine smile as his gaze met yours “Hi” he bent down to unlace his boots as you leaned up against the kitchen island next to him, “Hi” your voice was soft when he straightened up again. Wanting to make sure there was no awkward tension you leaned up and pecked him on the lips, it was best if you were on moderately good terms, you hadn't had such a big fight with Eddie before, only the occasional argument, so the concept of having to talk the whole thing through was new to you. You were adamant on it going well and making sure the environment was relatively calm was the best way at making sure it went over smoothly. 
“Just gonna go have a shower and then we can talk yeah? I brought poké bowls” he picked up the paper bag from next to his bag as you nodded, beginning to unpack all the items as he made his way to the bathroom. Not long after he was freshly showered and changed, damp hair cascading over his shoulders as he sat down on the opposite side of the couch. Despite the topic of the evening you allowed yourself to admire his sleek hips leading down to a pair of grey sweatpants, scanning the tattoos littered over his torso in adoration and smiling as you inspected his face. Relaxed and slack, neutral with no tug of his plush pink lips, beads of water running down his forehead threatening to collect in the lush lashes of what you so lovingly liked to call his ‘baby cow eyes’. 
Once he was sat with an ankle pushed under his thigh connecting to the food limp on the floor with his can of san pellegrino opened on the table and a cardboard bowl of cool rice, salmon and an assortment of vegetables you began. “So, first and foremost I would like to apologise” Eddie hummed to assure you he was listening as he took a large spoonful of the summery goodness. “I’m sorry for shouting and storming off, I didn't mean to worry you, I was just like in panic mode or something. And I’m really sorry for some of the things I said” he swallowed down a gulp of his drink while you selected a mixture of chilli mayonnaise coated tofu, avocado and rice. Bringing it to your mouth with the supplied pair of chopsticks, it would always be funny to you how Eddie struggled and became frustrated with the pair of wooden sticks and opting for a spoon instead. 
“Ok well thank you sweetheart, I too would like to apologise, I really didn't mean to raise my voice or to invalidate your feelings,  jesus why does this sound so formal? Anyway, I promise I didn't plan for you to come home to all that or the mess, I had planned on cleaning up after work today. But I guess that's not much better cuz’ as you said, it shouldn't really have been that bad in the first place..” you could sense the strain in his voice at admitting his ultimately largest flaw, but you were grateful he did and that he put an effort into resolving this. Although you had a sneaking suspicion he either practised what he was going to say beforehand or hand a secondary source on how to address you. 
“About that, I think we both know what we did wrong, and maybe how to go about it differently in the future, yeah I do not like how formal this sounds either” the laugh that rumbled your chest eased a weight on Eddie's shoulders as well as invited him to join. “But I do think it's something that would be good on working on… and not just for my sake but yours too, like partly I don't really want to do most of the work around here-” “And you wont! I promise” you smiled at Eddie's interruption “but you're also kind of… scatterbrained? And I think maybe working on routines could benefit you. You know like having all your clothes and things ready in the morning, that way you don't have to run up and down from the parking lot because you forgot your keycard or your phone or something.”
Eddie hummed in acknowledgement of your words, it was clear he was thinking over the idea “I mean I could try, it's just you know difficult, I can’t keep track of everything and I forget and I think if I start a new routine I’m gonna forget that too.” There was a trace of shame in his tone as he accepted yet another one of his flaws. “Ok well first off, you need a calendar, either a paper one or your phone, I think your phone would be better though because that way its almost always on you and you can write down important dates like meetings the second you hear about them” he nodded as he listened to your suggestions “Secondly, building up routines like laying out your clothes and keys and stuff the evening before, or packing your bag” 
He frowned softly in between bites of his food, “Yeah but how am I even going to manage to stick to them long enough that they become the regular” this conversation seemed to be going much better than you had anticipated. You had of course hoped for the best but still wanted to be prepared in case another fight broke out but Eddie was properly listening to you, nevermind apologising but seemed willing to do something to change for the better. 
You smirked at him slightly evilly as you took another mouthful, “So, remember what I said last night” you had said a lot of things last night “About the sex?” a slight sneer spread over Eddie's features as he realised you might be considering sticking to your word. He was right. “So Robin had this idea that if we did that, it might give you some incentive.” he couldn't help the low groan of annoyance “Ok believe me, I am not just in this for the sex, but really?..” 
“I know you're not” you smiled happily, you knew that even before you’d said it “But it might motivate you to stick to your routines until, like you said, they become regular. Just until you become used to it” his head rolled back on his shoulders, trying but failing to suppress a whine, he didn't want your actual idea of him to be a man-child. You giggled softly at his reaction, there was indescribable pride settling in your shoulders at the desperation of wanting to be with you. “Ok well how long’s that gonna take?” he sat up again, placing his food down onto the table and taking another large gulp of the carbonated drink. 
“I dunno, we’ll just have to see I guess, maybe a few weeks?” you shrugged, “Weeks?!” his wide eyed stare caused for a burst of laughter from you, struggling to keep your food in your mouth, “It's up to you, how quickly you learn and how motivated you are to actually do this” 
“Oh i’m very fucking motivated”
“So you’ll do it?” 
“I will, on one condition”
“I’m listening” 
“I still get to kiss and hold you”
A wide smile cut over your face and you nodded “Ok deal”. The rest of the evening was spent eating your delicious meal and both going over arrangements as well as talking through feelings and solutions. It had been weighing on you ever since the original apology, you weren't sure if you wanted to address it or even accept it but judging by the honesty and will Eddie shared to improve you decided it was best to communicate about his too. 
“Ok so there was one thing I wanted to kind of talk about too” his hand reached for the remote control and paused the display of Rick and Morty on the old TV screen, looking down at the crown of your head where you sat leaned on his legs crossed at the calves, your back against his chest and head resting on his shoulder. “It doesn't really have much to do with you, more myself, but I dunno I thought it would be good for you to know or something” 
“I’m listening” he placed a kiss to your hair, inhaling the scent of the various products embedded in the fibres of each strand from your bath. “Well I don't mean this as any like attack on you or that I have any specific feelings towards you specifically about it” he had no idea what you were on about as his cheek preplaced his lips on your head, but he trusted you would explain. “I got kind of… scared… yesterday, when you got angry, and like I know i got angry too don't get me wrong” his cheek left you and in response you turned your head to face him, “It's just like, I know you would never you know do anything like that, or at least I hope” you chose to ignore the expression resting on his features and push through “But like you're still a man, and no matter how strong I am or whatever, men can still, or well they're capable… of… you know, doing quite alot” 
A sad pout tugged at his lips as he looked down at you “Baby, I am so sorry, I would never do anything like that but I should have thought about like the whole picture, with your past and all and yeah just the fact that I’m, yeah a man” the lamp next to the couch glinting in his eye made his expression all the more sincere, you smiled softly, “Thank you, I just thought you should know” the moment was so tender in the dim lighting of the room and nightfall fell behind the closed curtains of the windows, nothing more than a whisper needed to break the magical spell on Indianapolis. “Thank you for telling me baby” his kiss was equally as soft on your lips as his voice had been to your ears. 
Before pressing the button on the remote again you pointed at him “But just know if you ever hit me, I will be kicking you in the balls and reaching for my taser” Eddie chuckled as he grinned “A fair punishment” 
11 pm rolled around, punctuated by a wide yawn, you huffed a laugh as Eddie's pointer finger quickly prodded at the back of your throat, one of his regular habits he had when he saw you yawn. “Alright, I gotta be up at 5 tomorrow so I’m gonna head to bed” you stretched as you sat up, disgruntled by the loss of Eddie's warm embrace, “When do you start tomorrow?” he asked, copying your movements before gathering what was left of your meal. Your heart squeezed as you watched Eddie already picking up his new habit of cleaning up around the house, following him into the open kitchen you poured yourself a glass of water as Eddie placed the leftovers in the fridge and the rest in the trash. 
“Uh 7” you thought as he manoeuvred around you, “Alright well if you want I can drive you, just gonna have to stay later at work”
 “What? No that's ok, I’ll just take the bus”
“You sure? I don't mind taking you” 
“When would you be leaving otherwise?”
“Uh probably like today so 6.30”
“You texted me while driving??”
He closed the fridge and made his way to stand in front of you, hands resting loosely on your hips just below the arm you had crossed over your waist, the other holding the glass to your chest. “No I was in traffic” he chuckled before bending down to press a kiss to your lips. “Oh ok” you shrugged as he pulled away, raising your voice while you walked over to the bedroom to place your water down onto the bedside table “So when would you be home?”
“If I work through lunch hopefully 6 otherwise 7ish” he called from the bathroom, lathering up creamy toothpaste onto his brush. “Jesus christ hopefully this whole thing will die down soon” you pouted in sympathy as you slid in next to him, he shrugged “Eh, least I’m making some more money. Gonna buy you something pretty” he grinned before beginning his nightly routine. 
You rolled your eyes playfully, he'd already gotten the ‘I don't need you to buy me anything’ talk and was well used to it by now. “Ok well would you mind staying later if i came over for lunch?” you smiled. A gargled response came from around the green plastic dangling from his mouth while some white foam escaped his lips and dribbled down his smile line, you laughed at the view “Just answer later” your own response was muffled but only slightly as you spoke. 
He nodded and continued his vigorous attack on his teeth, something you often frowned upon telling him he'd damage his gums if he continued that way. He knew exactly what you were thinking when he was shot a disapproving glare through the mirror, he grinned wildly around his toothbrush, prompting even more foam to coat his chin, but to your satisfaction he slowed his movements to a gentle appropriate pace. 
On instinct you shot a hand out to hold his hair out of his face as he spat out the residue and washed out his mouth. Leaning over in front of you he rubbed his face on the towel to dry his face off, you almost toppled over backwards from the steep bend but Eddie was already at your rescue with an arm around your back. He slid back into his place and wrapped both arms around you, resting his chin on your shoulder and watching your reflection in the mirror. “Lunch sounds good but I’m not letting you take the bus all the way across town, I’ll just pick something up along the way and we can sit in the breakroom” he placed a gentle kiss to your cheek before standing up to let you repeat Eddies actions of spitting, rinsing and drying. 
“Mm mm” you shook your head “Not the breakroom, we can just sit in my office” you answered Eddies look of question as you smoothed cool moisturiser over your face, “I can't be bothered listening to Brenda recount every single detail of the same trip we were both on” Eddie chuckled, warmth spreading through his body at the adorable wrinkle of your nose in disgust, “I mean seriously, ‘Oh my god did you hear Clarence joke? It was sooooo funny!’ like yes bro I was there, in the room. She’s recounting every single detail of her room, despite the fact that they’re all fucking identical, I swear soon she’ll be telling me about her shits in grave detail” the hearty laugh you witnessed in the mirror and felt against your shoulderblades had a genuinely happy smile dazzling your face. His happiness rubbed off on you. 
“Alright, no breakroom, got it” he chuckled and pulled away squeezing your asscheek before making his way out the door “Ap ap ap” your tsk had him turning around in confusion “No touching” you smirked, “What you said I could hold you?”
“Yeah hold me, not touch my ass, or boobs for that matter, and definitely no thighs unless its 100% wholesome”
“What, that was wholesome!” 
“Mmmmn was it?” he rolled his eyes before continuing his way towards the bedroom. Soon enough you joined him to see him pull his sweatpants off, “You know I was thinking” he looked up to meet your gaze, once again the small subtle action of him trying had your heart squeezing, he folded his sweatpants up and tossed them in a drawer in the closet so casually it amazed you he wasn't making a show of it to gain some praise. “Maybe you should sleep on the couch, what with the incentive and all” 
“What?” his face fell as he turned, “Yeah, more distance ya’ know?” his silence told you everything, “I’m kidding!” you laughed as he let out a loud sigh in relief. 
You laid notice to the fact that Eddie was folding up his coveralls, tossing a pair of jeans and a t-shirt next to the pile of various daily trinkets. The small action meant so much to you, it proved he was actually trying and it made you ache in all the best ways. Soon enough you were snuggled up under the covers with your head on his chest and dozing off.
Tuesday morning was much less stressful than any normal one and you sat on the bus listening to Eddie rant on the phone how big the difference had been after preparing the night before, you were completely sure he was sucking up a little bit but you let him go on before saying a goodbye when you got off the bus and made your way over to your office. You were also eternally grateful for his timely arrival just as Brenda made her way over to you with her lunchbox, “Oh I’m so sorry Brenda, Eddies here but I’ll see you later yeah?” ok maybe you were known as slightly bitchy or more accurately a complete bitch in the office but you really weren't in the mood to make idle conversation with the middle aged californian lady for a whole hour. 
“Hia!” you greeted with shining warmth as Eddie passed the front desk, subway bag in hand and an equally bright smile on his face. He pecked you on the lips before following you to your office, pulling his phone out to show the near two hour time slot in his calendar that read lunch with my beautiful girlfriend. You laughed as he explained he had already started with his work on a calendar. 
You managed to make it five minutes before a knock sounded at the door, answered with your breezy ‘come in!’ Michael frowned in confusion at your tone before spotting Eddie on the other side of your desk, “Oh hey Ed, uh here's those spreadsheets you asked for” he handed you a folder and waited patiently while you did a once over of the contents, smiling when he was dismissed. 
The first interaction of your disruptions was much cheerier than the other 6 who filtered into your office to ask for advice, hand over assignments and intending to go over the statistics of paid leave. “Jesus” Eddie marvelled once the door closed “They do this all the time?” he took the last bite of his sandwich before crumpling up the paper and tossing it into the bag. “Yup, all the time” you sighed in exasperation. “How the fuck do you get any work done?” he frowned, but softened into delight as he bit into his chocolate chip cookie. 
“I stay late” you shrugged, “Why do you think I work every other saturday and work 7 to 8 or 10pm? Or well 11” the self deprecating laugh you let out had Eddie's face painted in concern and sympathy while a tinge of annoyance showed in his eyes. “Can't you just like put up a sign saying do not disturb?” you shrugged again, taking a ship of your drink “I guess”
“I really think you should” 
Lunch passed and after what felt like an eternity you were jumping out of your skin at the sound of a loud honk next to you on the sidewalk. “Jesus fucking christ!” you shrieked when you saw Eddie's wide grin peep through the rolled down window as he leant over the centre console. He saved you from a 10 minute walk from the bus stop while chatting to you about your day. 
“We really have to stop getting takeout so much” you moaned through a mouthful of butter masala, the burst of flavours sending rhythmic waves of delight and calm through your body. “I know, but neither of us have the energy to cook so-” he shrugged “takeout it is”. 
He had skipped his ritual shower and opted for washing his hands before digging in but soon he was shucking his jeans off and scrolling his phone on the toilet. You knew instantly where the text was coming from when it came through, it was comical to see the three notifications on your phone alerting you that E.Munster had liked your instagram posts and then a grey rectangle at the top of your screen; 
Roommate  🙄 now
So I know we said no touching but like… 
Can I touch myself?...
Your laughter echoed throughout the apartment while you shouted “Nope!” your laughter doubled in volume when you heard a loud groan from the bathroom. 
Roommate  🙄
But I’m so horny….
Arent you literally on the toilet?
Not anymore, I'm about to have a shower
Ah well sorry baby, nooooope
You know, I feel like you posted that bikini pic on purpose
Who knows
Are you jerking off????
Belive it or not I am very keen on making this process as short as possible
Ur just a tease
Thats all 
Good, yeah its fun, you . shouldnt try it tho
Maybe I should 
No, no thats ok
Once again you were snuggled up with Eddie in bed, revelling in the embrace of apple scented shampoo, charcoal body wash and something so uniquely Eddie. 
To your pleasure, your day had been peacefully quiet for the first time in a month, with multiple of your staff sat in meetings throughout the day you managed to get through your workload plus some extra missed invoices and orders and even got a head start on an upcoming project. Being an accountant director for Riley Hospital wasn't always the easiest or simplest job but it had its moments. Even more so when you found the receptionist Stephanie had refilled the French roast capsules for the coffee machine and made a spread of various pastries in the breakroom. You were on a high, having a great day, topping off the icing on the cake with the mouthwatering left overs from your dinner the night before. Sometimes, just sometimes, everything in life could work out and it left you with a bright smile on your lips as you left the building and made your way over to the bus. 
The glee seemed to radiate off you as Eddie broke into a happy grin, skin stretching taught over his muscles and leaving his cheeks aching when he was greeted by in his opinion ‘absolute shit music’ bouncing around the room from the google nest in the corner of the living room with you shaking your hips from side to side, the occasional attempt at twerking while you stirred the creme fraiche, bell pepper and halloumi pasta sauce in a pan. 
After a soothing shower nearly screaming along with the music of your ‘Main Girl’ playlist you had changed into a pair of black skin tight booty shorts framing your curves under an oversized Rammstein t-shirt draped over your torso, pulled down at the front to the tips of your thighs, the hem tucked in at the back of your shorts giving Eddie a delicious view while you moved about.
You screamed in horror jumping 3 feet into the air when you heard Eddies cheery “Hey” he burst out laughing as you clutched your chest in an attempt to even your breathing. While he untied his boots you made your way over to the couch to turn Ayesha Erotica’s Hands Up! down to a more respectable volume. “You seem to be in a good mood” he commented as he began washing his hands in the kitchen sink, “I am” you grinned while going back to your cooking “Budgeting and accounting were in meetings all day so I only had to deal with some of the payroll staff” you told him as he dried his hands and began emptying his pockets onto the kitchen island. “That's great” you couldn't see his smile but you didn't have to, it was for himself, his own quiet glory in your victory, happy and relieved for you. 
“Oh and guess what!” you turned to face him “I had so much free time today I caught up on everything!” Eddie gaped in shock and pride “And and and! I even got started with the Danaher project so guess who doesn't have to work on saturday!” you squealed while shimmying your shoulders in a victory dance. Eddie laughed as he noticed the natural shape of your boobs sway from side to side with the movement before looking you in the eye “That's awesome!” you proudly nodded at him with a chirpy “mhm!” 
“So we're celebrating with trash music?” he grinned as his hands slithered over your hips to hold at your waist, “Hm I was in a mood” you shrugged and stretched to peck his lips. “Well alright then, Steve sent some texts so I’m just gonna check them and then go wash my face, Imma’ shower after dinner” you nodded and turned back to the food while Eddie circled the kitchen island and bent over to rest his elbows on the marble countertop with his phone in his hands. 
He lied, Steve hadn't texted, in fact he hasn't talked to Steve since yesterday. He was undoubtedly excited about your small victory but the devil on his shoulder controlling part of his brain took over. He just needed one good luck at you before he scuttled off. He was going to be true to his word, no doubt about it, but he didn't mind getting a second to appreciate your figure as you swayed from side to side after instructing Google to turn the volume up. 
When he felt he’d gotten what he searched for he tore his eyes away from you before his body had a chance to act and prove this little celibacy period to be much harder than it already was. He made his way to the bathroom going through his regular motions of de-stressing from work. 
“So, just got a text from Gareth, shit that looks so good” he awed as he caught an eye on the table where you were sat scrolling on your phone. In reality he wasn't sure if he was talking about you or the pasta perfectly plated up on green ceramic, but it didn't matter because you smiled and that was enough to have him matching. “Baby thank you so much for cooking, it looks amazing” you smirked proudly as you put your phone down and began eating. “No problem, came home at 6 today so I had time” the casualness in your voice was betrayed by your excited face, almost saying can you believe that?! He chuckled before shaking his head as if to remember something “Right so anyway, Gareth can't make it to Hellfire tomorrow so were just gonna skip it this week” he explained as he too began digging in. 
The obnoxious moan he let out once the pasta came into contact with his mouth had you almost snorting out your gulp of coke. “Ok cool” you continued after swallowing the liquid back down, “You got any other plans for saturday then?” 
“Well I was thinking we could do something, are you busy?”
“Oh yeah that sounds great, I mean not much, I figured since I'm free I was gonna catch up on some chores so I was planning on going to Circle Centre around noon. I need a new skirt for work, something more casual, I found a super cute denim one at Lucky Brand and stockings, a new pair of sneakers from Journeys cuz’ mine are worn down” you began counting on your fingers “I wanna go check out Hot Topic, top up on some stuff at Bath and Bodyworks, do a foodshop, and a few other bits and bobs” Eddies jaw was slack and eyes wide as he gaped at you slightly, “Oh so not much then?” he shrugged jokingly, you grinned “You can come with me, we’ll get lunch and catch a movie” 
“Sure. Were you actually planning on lugging all that back here on the bus if I would have driven over to Jeff’s?” he asked in disbelief, “Yeah” you shrugged “Figured worst case I’d just shell out for an uber” 
Eddie insisted on cleaning up after dinner even though you told him it was ok, so you spent the time on the counter talking to him about his day while he loaded the dishwasher. Finally he straightened up a few minutes after you had left to do your skincare routine in the bathroom. “Uh is it okay if I shower?..” he cautioned as he peeped through the door, “Yeah why wouldn't it be?” you frowned “Cuz’ of the incentive or whatever” 
“Oh, yeah no it's fine, I’m not the one who needs the incentive so technically I can see you naked but you can’t see me” an evil smirk was directed towards him in the mirror as he shuffled past you into the small space, dropping a pair of clean boxers and his usual sweats onto the edge of the counter. He gave you a playful grimace of annoyance before pulling at the neck of his t-shirt, you thought nothing of it as he tossed it onto the toilet lid, instead focusing on making sure the mixture of serum on your face didn't drip too far. 
Your hand stopped mid motion as you rubbed it into your skin, your jaw dropped slightly as Eddie pulled his jeans and boxers down his thighs. It had always amazed you how Eddie still managed to appear big without even being hard, and it was definitely hitting you right between the thighs as you watched him in the mirror. Almost like a gut punch but instead it was.. A pussy punch?... Eddie wasn’t even a shower, he was a grower for sure, fucking enormous when he was actually aroused. It had taken you more than a normal amount of time to get used to him when you first started dating. 
He stepped out of the denim fabric and dropped them onto the t-shirt. You got the chance to admire him completely, thick muscly thighs covered in a light pattern of hair down to his equally muscly calves. A thick lump formed in your throat and you swallowed it dryly as he stood back up from pulling his socks off. Tattoos painted perfectly into his skin all along his sleek figure, only the beginning of your own private gallery destined to show up later in life. You eyed the shape of his hips, that v-muscle that always had your mouth watering, the soft trace of his abs on his abdomen, his shapely chest that you loved running your hands over. Each dent of where his muscles and joints formed, every single freckle and mole that has one time or another been kissed by you, running all the way from his shoulders to his wrists to match the smattering on his face. 
And god his face, that sharp yet somehow soft jaw that led down to his thick neck, his bulbous nose you not only enjoyed the feeling of pecking but when it tickled your clit as he tongued your hole with your thighs circling his head. Those soft almond eyes who had a tendency to shift between chocolate, gold and deep onyx in the right light, the same eyes that were shamelessly raking down your figure as of this moment. No inkling at your own ogling, you felt the urge to copy Eddie's movements as he shook his head to rid his thoughts. 
“Uh you're… dripping into the sink” he pointed vaguely to the drop of red solution on the white ceramic, “Oh” you mentally shook your head instead and quickly brought both hands up to your face to smear the product into your skin. Behind you Eddie turned and stepped into the shower pulling the curtain closed almost all the way, the sound of cold water hitting the equally cold floor of the tub was your que to hurry the fuck up before your knees buckled. 
The first thought that entered your head when you sat down on your side of the bed was about Eddie from the good lock you'd gotten of him before you left, he was inhabiting every corner of your mind. The shape of his back and the slope of his spine that you would have loved to run your fingers along. The best part? The shape of his ass as he leaned back to soak his face in the stream of water. 
Technically, technically the incentive rule didn’t apply to you. You could… take advantage of the time alone while Eddie was in the shower… but no it wasn't fair, if he had to do it you had to do it, you'd just have to force those dirty thoughts out of your head. But fuck was it hard to refrain from thinking about those broad palms gliding over the skin of your thighs, grasping desperately at your tits, your hips, your ass. Your own hands snaking through his curls, tugging harshly as his lips wrapped around your clit and he did one of his moves that always left you breathless and writhing, sucking harshly at your nub while his tongue worked up and down behind his lips. The feeling of his thighs pressing at your own, one arm on the mattress to prop himself up while the other led his cock to your opening, wrapping around your waist as you slowly felt his big, fat head, dribbling precome pressing at your entrance, and force himself into you. That delicious fucking feeling when the ridge of his head connecting to his shaft caught at the skin surrounding your sopping wet hole, suctioning him in before he bottomed out with an unbelievable loud groan. It didn't matter how many times you’d had sex, he would always sound as if he’d gone 50 years without a taste and finally got one. 
A tingle fluttered through your legs, its nest sitting low in your belly, tickling everything surrounding cunt. You managed to snap out of it just as you hear the pitter patter of water droplets slow to a halt, you took a deep grounding breath, you could do this, you just had to keep your mind on other things. This was a good idea right? Robin hadn't been off her rocker when she suggested it, right? 
No this was right, this was good, it was helping Eddie set routines for himself and it would make your life easier. Cleaning had always come as an automatic response to you, it was therapeutic to sort through random collections of things, to do laundry, wipe down every surface but with the added stress of your less than a year old promotion it had slowly crept up to being too much. Sneaking its way to push you over the edge and have a mental breakdown, probably more serious and destructive than the one a few days ago. Having Eddie helping out was going to be good, it might even help release only a tiny bit of tension in your shoulders through the workday. 
You shouldn't take it for granted, your life had imploded and shattered every single piece of you but you had built yourself back up slowly, gotten your shit together and taken nightly college classes while bussing tables and gotten yourself a degree. A degree that landed you a steady job and an even cushier promotion within less than two years, something not a lot of people could say they had managed. You were eternally grateful and privately very proud of yourself for not letting the world beat down on you and crush you to a pulp like it had so many other people. 
But you were similar to the rest of the public in the same way that work took it out of everyone. You could admit that begin a high ranking boss at the age of 25 was undoubtedly hard but you would never admit that sometimes it was just too fucking hard. There were so many stressful things added to the whirlwind of your mind but maybe not worrying about having to pick up toilet paper on your way home from work at 10 pm or obsessing over how to schedule cleaning the bathroom into your hectic day might make the whirlwind slow, maybe only slightly but it would still be an improvement. 
So no you weren't going to acknowledge those scenarios and feed into them, you were going to let the decision stay firmly planted in place. You could wait, you had gone 19 years without having to qualm those ideas and you sure as hell could go a few weeks, maybe months if you really set your mind to it. But you really, really hoped Eddie would get his shit together in time and not let it go that far. 
To distract yourself you decided changing into a loose threadbare tank top and baggy shorts and then scrolling Tiktok was the best suppressor of those not so innocent ideas. Wrapped up in the robotic voice of a reddit story while glued to the minecraft parkour on the bottom Eddie came into view in the doorframe. Arms stretched above his head he wrung his hair through the orange towel, squeezing out the access water before patting the droplets on his shoulders away. Every single small detail you noticed, when he hung his towel next to yours on the hooks on the back of the door instead of dropping it on the floor, when he tossed his previously worn clothes on the bed and began syphoning through them, picking out everything but his jeans and tossing them into the clothes hamper, folding the pants up and dropping them onto the already folded coveralls on the floor instead of leaving everything in a heap by his bedside table. How he disappeared into the kitchen to collect his pocket trinkets and collected them on the floor next to his work clothes and how he retrieved a fresh change from the closet to join the other clothes on the floor. 
“So what are we watching?” he leaned over to catch a glimpse of your screen “God those videos are always such bullshit” he chuckled as he dropped down onto the mattress, copying your stance and curling in on his side, palms pressed together under his cheek. “Mjeh good entertainment” you shrugged, locking your phone and tossing it on the space of pillow between you. He stretched forward and placed a peck on your lips before pulling back and gazing over your features. 
You never understood his thought process but he always insisted you were beautiful, even with your face in a light shine from the oily products and otherwise bare, with your pimple patches littered across your irritated skin, with your soon to be put in mouth guard. He always adored you, every single part of you, no matter good or bad and you in turn adored him for it as well as simply adored him for him and his own quirks, just as you were doing now. 
A hand reached out and you twisted one of his loose curls around your soft finger, “Always loved your curls” you whispered with a gentle smile, “Yeah? Shame you can only adore them in the mornings before they somehow just frizz during the day” he rolled his eyes in annoyance. “I told you to use curl cream babe, I even got you one” you lovingly sighed “Yeah well it's too much work if I gotta do it every single day” he frowned as you pulled away from him and dragged yourself out of the bed. He didn't get an answer to your sudden disappearance till he turned around and saw you rushing back with a white and pink tub and a hair brush in your hands. 
“Sit up” you instructed as you pulled his towel down and walked up to stand between his legs as he sat up at the edge of the bed, his hands instinctively went to touch your thighs, remembering last minute and opting to graze the backs of your calves. “You can touch my thighs” you giggled and his hands eagerly found the backs of your thighs as you draped the towel around his shoulders. 
It went unbeknownst to you how adamant Eddie was on keeping his eyes on yours but ultimately failed as his gaze travelled to your boobs, the position he was sat in and the fact that your old t-shirt was sagging with age did not play in his favour like it usually would. Your tits were right in his face as you led the brush through his wet strands, his hold on your thighs tightened immensely, “Is that wholesome?” you tutted while keeping your attention on his hair. He tore his gaze away from you and grinned devilishly “Yup” he popped the ‘p’ while you rolled your eyes. 
Shutting his eyes was a better idea, now this time the position he was in did play in his favour, the feeling of your hands working the gel through his hair soothed him and he relished in the tender moment. Humming with pleasure as you began scrunching his hair to form curls. “You know if you just used a claw clip instead it wouldn't be straightening your hair out and tugging on it like a hair tie does” he frowned slightly disgusted as he opened his eyes to look up a you, “Yeah sorry babe I’m willing to do a lot for you but a girly ass clip in my hair is not one of them” frowning you responded “It's not girly” “Well it's not metal. Name one metalhead or rockstar who wears a claw clip” his eyebrows raised at your silence “Exactly” 
“Whatever” you muttered but there was no trace of unamusement in your tone as you picked the tub up, holding it over his head you began placing it back on again but the sticky residue on your hands forced the lid out of your grasp and behind Eddies back, muttering a ‘shit’ you wiped your hands on Eddies towel covered shoulders before leaning forward and picking it up. 
Mind you it hadn't been intentional, simply a natural reflex but in the process your boobs squished right against Eddie's face as you caught hold of the pink plastic. You thought nothing of it as you screwed the top shut but Eddie did. Oh he definitely did, a deep red blush crept up onto his pale face as his eyes widened in horror. 
Something so simple, so small, literally accidental had Eddie's depraved body reacting in no time, it had only been 6 days since he last got to touch you in any sexual way (3 days of mock celibacy) but blood was rushing down south faster than he could say ‘boobs’. “Alright, I wanna watch Bob’s Burgers now” you announced while placing the product down on your vanity table and hanging his towel back up. He propped himself up against the headboard “Uh yeah ok” his voice was hoarse and strained as he spoke, prompting you to turn in concern while picking up his laptop. “You okay?” 
He cleared his throat and slumped in relief when his voice came out even “Yeah fine” panic rang through his body as he watched you climb up in front of him, intending to settle between his thighs. “What-what are you doing?” he stammered nervously, a confused incredulous frown was passed his way “Sitting down?” before he had a chance to protest you were sat upright between his thighs pressing your pointer finger to the touch ID of his macbook. 
Once you’d opened up a new tab and found the show you leaned back against his chest, he cringed while his whole body tensed “Are you hard?...” he instantly went into defence mode “In my defence, you shoved your tits in my face! Like right in my face” you laughed heartily as the theme song began to play “What these old things?” two hands squishing your tits together with a jiggle had a strained mixture between a whine, a cough and a laugh tumbling from his lips. 
“Okay seriously how are you still hard?” one episode had passed and you were still feeling the press of his hard-on at your back, “Do you even realise how you're sat right now?” 
“No? Well let me paint you a mental picture, you're leaned against me, on my dick mind you and giving me the perfect view down your top”
With an eye roll you pulled your tank up “Happy?”
“Not really, I miss them” 
By the end of the night you were giggling at the banter passed between you and snuggled up to him again. 
With each passing day Eddie's problems both became better and so much worse, he was getting used to his new routines and the calendar really was working wonders for him, he knew exactly when and what cars he was supposed to be working on and what meetings he had. It allowed him a better view of his day and even cut a whole useless hour off his work day! Both of you were eternally pleased and happily discussing it over lunch at the mall on the saturday. 
What he didn’t bring up however was that it was becoming increasingly harder to stay away from you, flouncing around in towels or minimal clothing, checking yourself in the full length mirror on the living room side of the bedroom door, twisting and turning to make sure those skin tight pencil skirts were perfect and buttoning up your blouses, swaying your hips to music while leant on the kitchen island working on whatever economy plan on thursday to ensure you could leave early on friday, stood up mind you, ass moving from side to side directly in view of Eddie on the couch. And now! Sat talking to him, excited as ever, purely innocent with those tight fitting jeans and that scooba-neck red top.
Everywhere he looked you were there unconsciously enticing him. He almost lost it when you gave him a spin from the dressing room showcasing each item. The long denim skirt you wanted for work, the so-called ‘casual’ blouse which absence of buttons gave him a show of the press of your tits in your bra, the sheer mesh dress, that other dress that just enhanced every single beloved curve of your body and to top it all off! that stupid skull corset top that made his eyes almost pop out of his sockets when you appeared from behind the curtain. It was all too much!
“So what movie did you book?” you look up from your Taco Bell quesadilla to find him quickly un-tensioning his screwed up expression, “Uh well there wasn't much choice and Nancy kept nagging me how much you would love Barbie so i booked us two tickets for that, starts at 4.30” 
“Nancy said I would like Barbie?” you laugh, “Something about the backstory or meaning behind it I can't remember” he shrugs mindlessly picking at his nachos, “Apparently it's not like, about Barbie? I didn't really understand what she meant she was being super unclear, I think she was drunk” you chuckle and shrug “Alright, but if its a girly love story I am leaving” 
“Yeah and I will be two steps behind you” he laughs. 
As you sit enveloped in the red and black satin and leather interior of Eddies done up van the both of you rant excitedly about the movie, passing back and forth on the advertising, the attention to detail and general direction and idea of the movie. Laughing about how out of place the two of you -especially him- looked in the theatre filled with pink frills and hearts on almost every single patron. 
He manages to make it till Tuesday -a shocking 12 days- until he finally snaps. “What is that?” his eyes bulge from his spot on the bed, head propped up on an arm behind his head with his ankles crossed. Lounging in his Korn t-shirt and his regular grey sweats scrolling through Twitter (you and he both refused to call it ‘X’). You turn in the midst of shucking your skirt down your legs, stepping out of it and folding it on the bed you ask “What?” you frown confused as you peel the nylon tights off too. Deep blood red lace with elastic bands crisscrossed everywhere coming into view. “The underwear” he eyes are wide, hand gesturing to your body, phone completely forgotten. 
“Oh, well I had an interview with the vice president of Danaher today” if possible his eyes grow even wider, “I’m sorry?” you roll your eyes at the idea that popped up in his head “I wanted to wear something sexy, ap ap before you start, it was for confidence” you tut and  hold a finger out to him before beginning to unbutton your blouse. “Ah, thanks for the clarification, we would have been having a way worse situation on our hands than last sunday right now otherwise” you roll your eyes again. “Ok but why is wearing sexy underwear for confidence?” confusion shows in his face before he goes white as a ghost at the matching lacy blood red bra underneath your thin under-vest. 
He barely manages to register as you begin to explain “Well surprisingly enough you're not the only one who likes it, makes me feel sexy …” your words go in one ear and out the other as you begin busying yourself with hanging your clothes up, with your back to him his eyes rake over your figure. The soft slope of your shoulders, the shapes of your back, the meat of your hips down to the round fat of your ass, delicate lace nestled between your cheeks, your doughy thighs, down to your smooth calves and  ‘no show’ socked feet. He always used to giggle at how funny the socks looked, like ballerina slippers, not covering anything insisting they were silly when you explained they're so they don't show under your heels, he wasn't saying anything about them now, in fact they weren't even in his line of view. 
Now his throat was closing up, a stone planting heavily in the pit of his stomach and all blood draining from his brain, all rushing south at the view of you in action, body moving gracefully across the fluffy rug on the floor while talking a mile a minute about your meeting. He couldn't even find it in himself to feel guilty for not listening, the cogwheels in his brain stopped turning long before he crudely adjusted himself in his boxers, the electricity in his most vital organ powered out, he was starstruck, the only things working in his body were his eyes which were following you every move and, his dick. Within seconds he was feeling the throb and ache in his groin, desperate to touch you, touch himself, anything to just give him some sort of release. 
Everything set in motion so fast he felt as though he was experiencing motion sickness, the view of you leaning up to grab your towel ripped him violently out of his trace. “Where are you going?” your huffed amused with a soft frown “I just said I was going for a shower”. He scrambled quickly from his lounging on the bed, knocking his phone to the floor in the process but paying no mind to it as he desperately tried to come up with a reason for you to stay. “You look sexy!” he blurted it out and immediately cringed at his own inability to just be smooth. You huffed a laugh again while your expression remained the same “Thanks?” 
“Uh… uh… dinner!” could he stop just blurting things out?? Jesus christ. “Uh dinner, what-what do you want for dinner?” 
“Oh, I was thinking we could either order pizza or see what we have at home, do some rustle up, cuz’ we really gotta stop eating takeout” you laughed and -much to Eddie's pleasure- began stepping back towards him. “Yeah yeah we could order pizza” he nodded vigorously, “Really don’t wanna eat healthy do you?” the laughter had Eddie's desperation rising through the roof, the sound like music to his ears. “Nope” he felt like his skin was on fire as you stood right in front of him. 
“Alright well can you order my usual and I'll hop in the shower” his brain was working a mile a minute to prolong your stay and therefore his reciprocation of your kiss was utterly mindless as you bent down to peck him goodbye. “Or we could watch a movie?” before you had a chance to step away his arms were wrapping your thighs in a hug, almost causing you to buckle into him. “We need to eat babe” 
“No I mean instead of the shower” 
“I need a shower too” 
“No you don’t” your frown prompted his odd behaviour, he stretched up awkwardly on his feet to lift up your arm taking a whiff of your armpit he went “See? Your fine” your arm snapped back to your side as Eddie fell back down onto the bed, “Ok, what is going on?” he searched for words in the puddle of sludge that was currently his brain, clearly in thought as his eyebrows furrow in consideration. “Are you ok?” your frown prompts the sludge to just spew out of his mouth, no thought beforehand just desperate for you “Ok listen I’ve been like really good with the routine and stuff, like it's been almost two weeks and I've kept it up everyday, yeah? So-” 
You cut him off “Technically it's been 10 days” he was quick to interrupt you instead, “Either way I’ve been holding up my end of the bargain and I’ve really really tried to enforce the things you suggested and I-I think I’ve been doing really good! So like I think we should quit with the incentive because its worked and now I know what to do and I’ve improved and also like we haven’t had sex in nearly two weeks and you walking around in those work skirts and short shorts really isn’t helping because like I can’t even jerk off and I’m so fucking horny all the time because you always looks so beautiful and so fucking hot like you don’t even have to do anything and you still make me hard and I can’t do anything about it, like I can’t even let myself think about it because then I’m gonna get like actually, properly, really, really fucking hard and then- then I know I wouldn’t be able to stop myself. But like I promised you and I really want you to trust me and that was a part of the deal and its just really important to me that you-” 
“Ok jesus dude, chill, take a breath” you prompt, making a show of a big inhale as he does. “I just-” “SHHHH” you hush desperately and press a finger to his lips to stop him from rambling again. “You’ve really tried?” he nods viciously “And you promise you're going to continue with the calendar, the packing, replacing the bag when you take out the garbage, capping the toothpaste, throwing away receipts, taking your hair out the drain, drying the floor after a shower, all that?” 
“I promise.”
You eye him for a second, scanning for any insincerity in his face but you come up short, “Ok, yes we can have sex again” you smile as his face breaks out in pure excitement, just like a child promised candy “Thank god” he breathes, immediately leaning in and trailing kisses up your stomach “Wait, now?” his expression as he looks up at you is an awkward mix between complete and utter desperation, humiliation and hopeful questioning, begging for you to say yes, “I mean… only if you want to” you pout slightly at him “I gotta’ shower though” his face falls somewhat “You can shower after?” he can't decipher all the emotions coursing through him but he needs you to understand: “I don't want to pressure you, I totally understand if you need time or if you're not in the mood or whatever” 
His hands begin to rub up and down your thighs in wholesome comfort before your face finally shifts “What are you stupid?” before he has time to even open his mouth to respond your towel is dropped to the floor and you're pouncing on him. Knocking him back you straddle his thighs while desperate kisses are exchanged, the first one knocking the wind out of him. 
Arms wrap around his neck, one hand making its way through his relatively organised curls -thanks to the new routine of running curl cream through them-. His hands find purchase on your hips before one snakes its way to grab hungrily at the meat of your ass, moaning into the kiss as you shift against him. He’s quick to roll you over onto your back, your foot making contact with the bedside lamp and knocking it over violently, neither of you even flinch at the sound of breaking glass and neither of you definitely don't make an effort to pay any attention to it. His hips find comfort bracketed between yours, strong hands roam your body in ravenousness, gripping, squeezing, palming at anything he can get his hands on, the side of your ass he can reach between your body and the comforter, your thighs, your hips, your breasts, your shoulders, literally anything. 
Yearning to just get his hands on you, the spread of your thighs allows your panties to bury between your folds making the roll of Eddie's hips cause for a delicious feeling of relief to the impending ache that suddenly appeared. In all seriousness it had been there since the first day away from him, slowly building and residing in the shadows just as a hungry beast, ripping away from its nest to lavish in the face of a delectable treat. Your own specific beast's food of choice; Edward Munson. 
He pulls away from you to rip his shirt over his head, this time not giving a flying fuck about putting it in its correct place and blindly throwing it out of his way, another loud disturbance goes unnoticed by the both of you as it catches onto your jewellery stand and it tumbles to the floor. His hand is back on its rightful place on your hip while the other cups your cheek, the tender touch not in chorus with the feverish kisses laced with desire. To your short lived dismay his lips leave you but within the matter of milliseconds they’re pressing fervent kisses down the side of your neck. Each touch of his lips like hot fire stroking the thirst of the embers embedded within you. 
Desperate whimpers sound through the room when pain strikes some of his kisses, smoothing his tongue over the flecks of deep purple and red threatening to bruise. His hips find a tempestuous pace grinding against yours, his concealed cock forcing angrily at your increasingly wet cunt, his large head, which, you've admittedly thought about a lot, catches on your clit, teasing a whine from your throat at the action. 
Every harsh press of his plump lips against the skin of your chest was addicting to him, the simplicity of just feeling you flush against him was like ambrosia the gods had promised. Each roll of his hips laced with unfiltered and raw desire, not even nearing the desire of appeasing the burning fire nestled between your thighs. His hand coming down to hold onto your other hip gripping you furiously in rhythm with his other, you would no doubt have equally as harsh if not more deep bruising than the work of art on the column of your throat and descending, 10 equally dark marks would be appearing within no time, all for you to remember his desperation for the days to come. 
Panting you manage to prop yourself up on your elbows while Eddie makes his descent down your stomach, thumbs digging into your pudge just as his lips. You breathe heavily through your sentence “As much as I love this baby I wanna do it properly” all he needs to do in response is stand up to encourage you to hoist yourself up to lay your head on the soft pillows. You giggle as he places a hand on the mattress and jumps up, landing to straddle your thighs, not even catching his breath before going back to pressing his lips against yours. 
His next action has you bursting into a fit of giggles, he reluctantly pulls away from you before announcing to the room “Hey Google! Play my playlist Smexy time ooh ooh” he grins down at you, her response of playing the request forgotten with the hunch of his back as he sits back on your thighs -careful to not crush you- and captures your lips once again. 
When your hands move behind your back to unhook your bra he makes quick work of grasping onto your wrists, “Can you keep this on?” he breathes against your lips before you nod. You squeal when he rips the cups down with no caution, letting your tits spill out. If there had been any sort of breeze in the room you wouldn't have even had the chance for your newly exposed flesh to experience it before his hands are on you. 
Between a mess of sloppy, hungry kisses you manage to breathe out “Need to get my hands on you” a smaller set of hands push at his shoulders, as he sits up a heavy pant plays in your ears while you pull at his thighs, he manages to shuffle further up your legs but having no chance to settle before your fingers are dipping into the hem of his sweats and boxers. A breathy laugh prompts his own as his cock bounces up to slap his stomach, catching your chin on the way before falling back down again. The tip of his cock nudging your chin prompting you to pull away slightly. 
Too eager and with too much yearning burning the insides of your body to make a joke or even tease him with your tongue you make quick work to wrap a hand around him, pumping with the pace of your mouth which lips immediately wrap around his tip, one quick suction before swallowing down half his length. The continuous dribble of precum coats your tongue and you hum at the taste of it. The voluminous groan that rips from his chest feeds and tames the fire within you, boosting your ego as it is unrelenting. “Fuck, feels so good” he all but whimpers at the feeling of relief after a steady build of tension in his body form the past two weeks.
You moan around him at his praise but that only spurs on his salacious mix of whines and whimpers, his head falls from the weakness in his neck, all strength currently being sucked out of him, he manages to catch himself with a hand curling around the headboard, his other quickly finding your exposed breast and palming at it with dexterity. “You don't know what you do to me” the absence of oxygen in his voice has the roaring fire in your cunt threatening to burst at even the slightest touch of friction. 
The coating, hot arousal seeps from your hole allowing your folds to glide against each other as you plant one foot firmly on the bed and make work to rub your thighs together. The fabric of your panties bunching around your clit causes whines to vibrate around Eddie's cock, sending shudders through his body as he holds onto the headboard in a deathgrip. Even the hint of friction at your clit isn't enough to relieve you of your searing ache, if anything it spurs it on. The frustration at not being able to soothe the beast has you sucking and squeezing harder at his shaft, the hand rips away from your tit to plant itself against your scalp, the strength with which he holds onto your hair threatens to pull each strand out right at the root. 
It takes everything in him to pull away from you and in turn pull your stubborn ass off him, you whine defiantly at the loss of contact, looking up at him with an angry frown. “Don’t be a brat” he breathes “I cant -fuck- I wont last” you jut your chin out in an annoyed are you kidding me? as his hand pulls away from your hair to push his own away from his face. “I really do not care, we can just go again” your hand is already wrapping around the midriff of his cock, trying not to tug too hard but desperate to get him back into your mouth. “Wait wait!” he calls “Whaaaat?” you whine, hand releasing him and smoothing up and down his thighs “Please baby, just need your cum” your words have his eyes rolling to the back fo his head with a “Fucking christ” 
“Just gotta-” he trails off, replacing your hand with his around the very base of his cock, he arches his back to move his hips closer to you. A self assured, evil laugh bubbles from his chest as he lines his cock up to the bottom of your chin, admiring the view as his tip reaches just past your hairline. You make a show of rolling your eyes at his massive sexual ego, struggling to catch his gaze due to his massive part obscuring your view you voice with exasperation “Are you done?” he hums his approval, the sound giving you the all clear to very eagerly and very quickly wrap your hand around him and bring him back into your mouth. “Geez so impatient- oh FUUUUUCK” he doubles over again when he feels your fingers graze his sack. 
You hold them in your hand consciously making sure to massage more gently than the number you're doing on the rest of him. Lude slurping noises echo throughout the room as you bob back and forth trying to take him as deep as possible while still maintaining your breath. “Shiiiit” the deep whine rings louder than the shlick of spit and precum, and you take it as your que to see really how far you can go before he's pushed over the edge. You slide down slightly on the bed and open your throat up for him, forcing yourself as far towards the dark thatch of curls at his base. He actually screams when he experiences the tight press of the inside of your throat around his head, it seems the bruises you'd be bearing tomorrow wouldn’t only be on the outside. 
You reach for the hand which had previously found purchase on your shoulder, releasing him as you gag loudly, spit bubbling at the corners of your mouth, you pull off him to secure his head in the valve of your mouth, clearing your airways as you guide his hand to the back of your head. “F-fucking-” he heaves “Unreal” you press at his hand to give him the hint before taking a very deep breath and once your being forced to take him deeper again your hand grasps onto his thigh. 
It wasn't something you did a lot but then again neither was the deep deep throating so you slid your hand up to one of the globes of his ass and gave him a firm squeeze. The touch sent his hips bucking away from you on instinct, forcing his cock even deeper down into your throat. Your head hit the headboard, cushioned by his hand and allowed him to force himself so far down your throat that your nose was being tickled by the black curls at his base. God you were so glad you didnt have an upchuck reflex at the moment. “Mother fucker! SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT I’M GONNA FUCKING CUM!” you would definitely have laughed if you were able to, the volume of his voice would no doubt be disturbing multiple neighbours. 
The unfortunate thing about this position, at the moment, was that you didn't get to taste or even feel the thick, heavy, hurt spurts of cum that shot down your throat. You sensed he had completely unloaded when his cock twitched and you scrambled to force his hips away from you, he pulled away and out of you equally as fast, if not faster. As you gasped a loud inhale Eddie fell back onto the bed, panting heavily and completely out of it. Your hand clutched at your throat at the pain beginning to settle inside, with an incredibly hoarse voice you managed to heave the words “Need huuuuuuuuhhhhh water”. 
Despite every single limb in his body being completely slack and feeling like noodles and despite the fact that he was still only seeing white he registered the words and fell onto the floor as he rushed to get out of bed. Dick slowly softening he ran out of the room, awkwardly pulling up his pants and retrieved two bottles of water from the fridge, water sloshed over the floor as he unscrewed the cap in movement, spilling some over your torso as he handed it to you. Anxiety enveloped him in a bone crushing hug as he watched you chug down the whole bottle of water, already signalling for Eddie to open up the next one before you finished the first one. 
Dread joined the anxiety as you panted heavily before chugging the second one. His whole body relaxed however when you threw the bottle away and gave him a thumbs up while your head rolled forward and then back to splay you across the head of the bed. “Oh thank god” he clutched his heart as he sat down next to you, capturing your hand he rubbed soothing circles into the back of your palm “Are you ok?” 
Without opening your eyes you managed a weak “Why is your dick so fucking big?”
“Jesus Christ” he laughed at your unserious response before sobering up and gently forcing your head to face him, your eyes slowly fluttered open to find his concerned expression “Really though are you ok?” 
“Yes I’m fine” you waved him off before he wrapped both arms around you and scooted further down in the bed, holding you to his chest. “I’ll go run you a bath and call the pizza place, yeah? Or maybe soup would be better” your head pulled away from his chest, you may have taken a toll on your breathing for a while but your breathing was back to normal and besides the sting in your throat you felt perfectly fine. “Excuse me where's my earth shattering orgasm?” he frowned down at you “What?” 
“You're not gonna get that and just walk away without payment” you snarked in faux annoyance, “Are-are you sure?...”
“Equality bitch” he laughed at your smug grin, pushing gently at your shoulder to get you to lie back down, just as he was about to open his mouth you held your hand out to silence him “If you ask me one more time if I’m sure I promise you I will be sleeping at Robins tonight” he laughed and nodded “Understood” before crawling over you to press a kiss to your lips. “Two things” Eddie raised his eyebrows expectantly as he pulled away from you “Take your pants off, I don’t wanna be the only one naked here, and please skip all the foreplay I’m really fucking horny” he laughed again at your directness but obliged. 
While mindlessly getting comfortable in bed and settling against the pillows you indulged in watching the show of Eddie pulling his sweats down, once again those strong legs were all for you to mentally devour. Once he stood back up you lay notice to the twitch of his cock as his eyes raked down your figure, soft and lax on the soft cotton, skin and fat alike in relaxation in front of him, despite the previous strong orgasm his body was once again showing off his affection and arousal, this time in less of a betrayal. 
Hungry eyes found yours as he manoeuvred himself to bend your knees and sit by your feet. The aforementioned black swam in his eyes, darkened with the desire of getting to please his woman. Callused fingers smoothed up your calves to knead your doughy thighs, “Oh wait” you crunched your stomach to elevate your shoulders and unclasp the awkwardly fitted bra, sighing loudly in relief at the loss of fabric digging into your skin, all he did was grin as your breasts spilled out into their natural state and gently pried your legs open. 
His middle finger ran up the soaked lace nestled between your folds, “Hey, dickwad, I said no foreplay” he only laughed but decided to comply, moving onto his stomach he moved your panties to the side, the feeling of his finger running over your slick folds at the action had you humming in pleasure. His hands wrapped around the backs of your thighs and within no time, sweet fucking relief, finally after what seemed like forever the roaring fire was soothed to a stable flame. His warm tongue ran up your folds causing a shiver to travel throughout your body before he circled the tip over your clit. 
An unnaturally loud whimper rumbled through your throat at the action and soon enough a scrumptious mixture of broad licks, flicks and circles were directed at your clit. Eddie groaned in satisfaction at the taste of you, his grip tightening to pull you closer to his face. Breathless swares and whines were replaced with loud obscenities and near pornographic moans when he finally did what you loved the most, his lips wrapped around the sopping hood of your clit only a moment before a strong tongue flicked up and down on the unexposed skin of your hood. With two years of being head over heels for this man both Eddie and you had mastered the art of not making the sensations of his muscle raw on the bundle of nerves more pleasure than overstimulation, however the action never ceased to send your body in vicious twitches and shakes. 
The flame had been controlled but now it was safely growing in strength and size. Squeezing at every part of your lower belly while steadily increasing. 
Each delicious sound that sounded about the room was muffled when your thighs clasped around Eddie's head, plush skin plastering over his ears, but this way he could feel the sounds echoing in his head through the contact. His lips unwrapped and a sweet kittenlick was rewarded to your clit, his head moved and before you knew it his tongue was tracing the entrance to your hole, once he found his place you felt that same bulbous nose press against your clit, a moan ripped through you and your hips began squirming for friction against him in sync with the strong thrusts of his tongue into you. 
The feeling of such a sensitive nervous system rubbing against the firm skin and natural oils of his nose was like lying down after a non-stop 10 hour speed walk, fully pleasuring your body in more vicious ways than anything else could do.
You were so enraptured by every sensation that you didn't even notice his right hand leave your skin before two fingers forced through your opening. He gave you a second before his tongue found your clit again for a sugary sweet kiss, his eyes found yours as he began pumping his fingers in and out of you. The hand splayed under your breasts found itself in a similar position as the other, grasping onto the sheets, tugging and disrupting the peace of the smooth covers. 
Your second favourite move Eddie did came next, his fingers stilled and began curling inside you in that classic ‘come hither’ motion, his tongue snaked its way to force above his fingers as deep as he could, working furiously to add as much pressure to the slick, spongy wall of your cunt. Massaging the flesh in line with your pussy, he had to fight a wicked grin when his nose came in contact with your clit again and you immediately began grinding against it. 
The hot burning fire was turning blue, angry and full of piping hot rage, raising your body temperature and emitting a light sheen of sweat over your skin. With each press of the pads of his fingers against you, each stroke of his tongue and each drag of your clit against his nose it grew stronger and stronger, no longer resting in the pit of your stomach but spreading to your thighs and chest. With every passing second it grew and grew until its fiery licks were targeting your whole body. Every muscle tensing, fingers and does curling to grip with immense strength, lungs desperately breathing for all consuming air, neck stretching taught with the writhe of your head against the pillows and eyes strained to roll back and find your lost mind at the back of your head. 
Each second, each stroke, each breath, squeeze, curl, strain sent you careening over the edge of the highest peaks of the rocky mountains of Gondor, the fall being stretching to 30 seconds while you writhed, tensed, squeezed and panted. Dizzying metallic rainbows pulsed in waves behind your eyelids before they softened with the landing. Chest rising up and down while pained whimpers of intense overstimulation had Eddie smirking wickedly when he pulled away from you. Nothing in the world could have the strong enough impact to pull you out of your trance from the orgasm, and certainly not the feeling of Eddie slowly pulling your panties down your legs before collapsing down to lay next to you, catching his own breath. 
His hand slithered over your side as he manoeuvred you to snuggle your back to his chest, his grin was ever glowing as he heard your consistent panting, his soft laugh rumbling in his chest and sending vibrations through your body. As you lay there in silence, slowly beginning to catch your breath you soak up the moment, You Belong To Me by Cat Pierce echos softly throughout the room while callused finger travel gently up and down your hip. You can't help the bubbling fire beginning to gather warmth as his touch stretches further, squeezing your thigh before going back up to your hip. 
It grows in heat and quantity as the moment continues, the prickly tones and raspy voice of Cat Pierce making the feeling captivating. Eddie's soft hands enrapture your senses and boast the flames within you, slowly you move in his grasp and turn to face him, deep brown eyes find yours as he looks down at you, his eyes scan your features in utmost adoration. He captures your lips in a passionate yet gentle kiss which has you sighing against him, your fingers rake through his curls as his hand grips your hip to hold you close to him while your lips move rhythmically together, completely in sync the plush pink flesh meets your own in time with your body's movements. 
Hips slowly moving against each other he makes his way on top of you, Love Surrounds You by Ramsey makes the moment all the more desperate, passionate, sexy. Hands roam the surface of each other's skin in desperation, begging to be closer, to feel each other in the way only the two of you could. 
Without ever leaving the caress of your lips Eddies hand slinks between the two of you to wrap around his base as he lifts off of you. In union you sigh loudly as his head pushes past the entrance to your dripping walls. In a well deserved slow pace he thrusts in and out of you, attaching himself to the incredibly intimate moment, in, and out, in, and out, he listens to your shaky breaths and removes his lips from yours, staring down at you as your eyes close in pleasure. 
His arms encase you and hold your torso close to his as his lips begin a trail down the side of your neck and over the expanse of your shoulder, “I” kiss “am” kiss “infatuated” kiss “With you” he sighs against the softness of your skin as you shudder. “Say it again” your whisper only barely reaches his ears but he catches it and pulls away, his eyes find yours again and you watches the gold ambers of chocolate and almond swim in the orbs of his iris, “I’m fucking infatuated with you” the gentle moan is unexpected but welcomed with another deep kiss to your lips. 
As your digits pull at his roots his hips snap against you, his thrusts building harsher and harsher “You don't know what you do to me” heavy pants fill the room as his body works against yours in an altogether delicious movement. “With this fucking body, all for me” he pants before his kisses begin to make their way all over your chest, up and down your neck, over your face, anywhere he can reach. “So beautiful, so sexy, all the time. You are divine” 
“Each breath you take is like a breath of my own, your existence fuels mine” his words ring in your ears like a loud powerful gong, “Something created this prepossessing creature that you are and I don't know what it is but it was definitely not a human responsible. Something wholly, ungodly and out of world crafted your pretty face, carved each curve of your body and wove your intricate personality like fine silk and gifted it onto me and I will spend my lifetime praying to whoever it was that they never take you away from me, because I’m selfish baby, I want you all to myself, I need you all to myself.”
The stretch of his cock and the drag of it along your walls accompanied by such powerful words strengthened with his touch all over your body had your head spinning, your eyes fluttering closed as you felt as though your body was falling into another dimension, backwards, falling, falling. You could see it, the magical flavours of the universe, colours flashing by in a chase, hypnotising you.
Eddie's hips sped up and his hold on you tightened, he didn't even have to ask, he knew. He knew you were on the edge, he could feel your body beginning to vibrate as your breath began to pitch and loud moans drowned the music out. His own breath was heavy and constant, panting heavily before groans took over. 
An explosion ripped through you as hot spurts of cum painted your walls and you screamed.
For nearly an hour you lay there, entwined in the sheets and wrapped up in strong arms, whispering sweet nothings to each other before you drifted off. 
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scoutswritingcorner · 2 months
The TV Made Me Do It
Vox x GN!Reader
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TW:HORROR AND DARK FIC!! Talks about murder, hypnosis, alcoholism, mentioned abuse, nothing too detailed. MENTIONS OF SEWERSLIDE. DO NOT READ IF IT MAKES YOU UNCOMFORTABLE.
A/N: First time writing for Vox! So please don’t hate me! Also if anyone has any ideas for any horror related fics don’t be afraid to drop them in my  Ask Box, just read my rules first please! Based on the song, ‘The TV made me do it’ By Moon Walker. SOMETHING ON THE SHORT SIDE SORRY- 
Flashing blue and red lights filled your dark house, bringing the bottle to your lips. You took a long sip watching as the TV in front of you flashed with static and loud buzzing as a flash of a light blue grin was burned into its screen. Why wouldn’t he talk to you anymore? Did he get bored?
You didn’t blame him. You got bored too.
The banging on your front door was louder now and the bloodied knife that sat on your lap felt heavier than normal. Your eyes stayed glued to the TV screen as the door was kicked in allowing the bright lights to invade your home. You wanted to forget how you got in this position.
The day you got home from work was a normal one. Normal in the fact that the second you walked through the door you were being yelled at and a bottle was thrown at your head but missed significantly. Then they stormed up the stairs and started to yell at you as you cleaned up the pigsty that was your house, then it had hit you. You were being watched. Was someone else in the house? Was it your imagination?
You looked around once more and found nothing which made you frown, why was your tv on? You turned it off right before you started to clean. You walked over to the couch and grabbed the remote to turn it off but stopped seeing red eyes stare back at you. Was this just a sick prank? Why did it unnerve you? Walking back the eyes followed you unblinking. Then the tv flashed from different shows and channels spelling out the words, ‘turn..around…I’m…behind..you.’ Your heart dropped to your stomach as you watched the tv turn to static before you. You closed your eyes and turned around, only to be met by darkness and an empty wall.
Then..a laugh track sounded, the TV was laughing at you. It was mocking you, ‘Silly…human….such…a…fool.’  Your cheeks heated up in embarrassment as you stared back at the glowing red eyes and the now prominent blue sharp teeth that formed into a smile. 
It’s been like this for weeks. No sleep, just going to work, getting something thrown at your head or slapped across the face and then staying up at night to watch the tv mock you and your existence. It made you want to cry- you did cry some nights, it was too much. But then the mocking changed as you sat on the couch one night, drinking your spirits away. ‘..stop..drinking….you damn fool.’ You rolled your eyes but put the bottle down onto the coffee table, you wished to close your eyes and sleep forever. “Just leave me the fuck alone. All you’ve done is mock me every night, all night long. What the fuck do you want me to do?!” You yelled out tears collecting in your eyes as you looked down at the carpeted floor. 
‘..pathetic.’  the tv mocked once more causing you to glare at it. “Oh yeah you wise fucker? Tell me what the hell am I supposed to do then?!” You snarled out standing up before going quiet as the phone in your kitchen rang, you sent one more glare towards the TV which was playing some old cowboy movie. Storming into the kitchen you grabbed the phone putting it to your ear.
“You’re losing yourself, Human..”  The voice was rough but was so cheery that it reminded you of a celebrity. You could definitely hear the smirk plastered on the person's face or..was it a person? “Who is this?” You asked quietly, hearing footsteps upstairs, “..You’ve been talking to me through the tv for weeks…I think you should know by now.” The voice responded before chuckling as the footsteps ceased, “Such a sad sack of shit the world has become huh? Don’t you wish you could do something about it?” You paled at the words, “You don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
“I don’t? Please I’ve watched your ass sit on that couch drinking away your sorrows and sobbing out after every little fight. Telling me how you wish you could just fucking end that piece of shits life.” The voice on the other line called out and you sighed, staying silent. “I say do it. Kill the bastard.”  That caught you off guard, “Wait no- I can’t-” You hissed, “You can. You just have to throw away your morals.” You look behind you and then out of the kitchen windows, the night looked so inviting the voice was right. You could do it but then what? You’d have to be on the run forever. Right?
“What do I do after?” You asked your hands clutching the phone like it was a life line. “Be on the run forever?” There was a soft chuckle from the other end of the line. “That’s up to you..but..if you decide to just..end it..I’ll be down here waiting for you. Besides..I always needed a co host.” Was..Was this mysterious voice flirting with you? Co-Host? Down there? What the fuck was it talking about??
“Down where exactly?” You asked, glancing at the knife drawer and there was a loud laugh from the other end of the line. “Oh you’ll find out shortly..just think about it. Remember..I’m watching.” Then at that the line went dead and you groaned, that didn’t answer any of your fucking questions.
It was only a day later when you were staring into the dead eyes of your abuser, knife sticking out of their chest and a bruise forming on their neck. Your body covered in blood as you tore the knife out, slowly making your way downstairs and to the tv that was showing static, your tv friend had left. Your phone sat on the couch, screen showing texts from your closest friends. The friends that mocked you, told you that you were off your fucking rocker. ‘The tv can’t make you do anything.’
You walked to the kitchen to grab your favorite bottle of your poison, the phone rang once..twice..three times before it stopped and you made your way back to the couch. “I did it. If you care.” You called out to the tv, “Don’t think you do. You got what you wanted, no?” You brushed a bloodied hand through your hair and groaned, “Of course you don’t..you never did. I was a fool to think that you did.” You called out taking a sip from the bottle, sirens and bright lights flashing outside.
Looks like you were finally caught. “You’re a fucking bastard.” You hissed out, playing with the knife laying on your lap.
But he did care. He cared too much and he wanted you to be next to him so badly. He’d just have to wait a little longer.
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37-drc89 · 5 months
take yourself home; han jisung
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chapter I.
trope: teenager love
warnings for this part: cursing, family problems, mention of vomiting and sex, underage drinking (don’t!!!)
reader is referred to in female pronouns.
word count: 5k.
part II hopefully coming soon.
note: part two is expected if this one goes good! i'll appreciate any feedback, reblogs and comments <3 also, english is not my first language so i apologize for any typos or grammar mistakes! x
House parties were never exactly your thing.
The whole concept just never seemed appealing nor any interesting to you. Screaming, drunk people bumping into each other at every step, floor sticky from all the spilled drinks, air thick as poisoned with sweat and alcohol and loud music blasting out from the speakers so noisy you can feel your heart shaking in your chest. It’s barely possible to move an inch without causing any unwanted contact with strangers or witnessing someone vomit outside the window. Everything just making you feel dirty like you were pushed into a pigsty surrounded by no humans but animals, alcohol effectively robbing people of any manners and awareness of personal space. Some people you saw two times at most, probably in your school hall, trying to bring you on the said "dance floor", only murmuring about how boring you are when you decline. This was always enough to make you end up on the couch, lazily sipping on your drink and cringing while watching people’s animalistic behaviour. Or, if you were lucky enough to push through the crowd, find your place at the balcony and finally getting taste of anything else than the disgusting odour filling up the house. That’s why you’ve always desperately tried to stay away from partying, if you could even name it that way.
Fortunately or unfortunately, one Saturday you ran out of excuses you would usually throw at your nagging school seatmate and they succeeded to drag you to a house party that Chan organised. Chan is popular, like, a lot. How could he not? He attended last grade which already was enough for some girls, desiring for an older boy. What’s more, he was extremely respectful towards everyone, very well known for treating women right and fitting perfectly into every group with his witty personality. Everything he touched, he ended up succeding in, both sports and school - always more than happy to help everyone who needs it. Not to mention his unnecessarily attractive appearance, muscles poking out of fitted shirts, skin glowy, smile so bright it could blind everyone passing by him in school. Perfect, perfect man. You like him as well, of course, positive that it’s really impossible not to. However, no matter how much you liked and admired Chan, you despised parties. You weren't even sure whether he knew about your attendance as he just let your seatmate bring a partner with him. You were whining, complaining and being annoying, anything just to get out of this unfortunate situation. But as it suprisingly turned out, this was the very first time you did not regret going. Because this was the first time you got to meet Han Jisung.
Back off, maybe not the very first time. You’ve seen him a couple of times in the hall, clinging onto Chan’s side, always more than happy to keep him company on his way home or goof around in the library. But in the hall he never really stood out, just mixing with any other students. Maybe a little bit noisier than others; it was a challenge not to overhear his laugh spreading across the floor.
But this was the first time you actually noticed Jisung.
The party itself started just as shitty as you imagined it to be. When you and your seatmate arrived at Chan's place it was already completely stuffed with people that were spilling out on the backyard. As soon as you stepped your foot in the house, blasting out music shot into your ears like a nightmare and you immediately knew you can forget about properly communicating with anyone. Few glances are thrown in your direction before everyone came back to their tasks as they realized it's just you. Not paying too much attention to it, you just informed your friend you'll be on the couch, though it seemed like she was already too caught up in some heated conversation with random kids from school. Sneakily, you grabbed a beer from the counter and plopped down on your usual spot. Maybe gaslighting yourself into thinking this party will be different than any other was an absolute shit idea. How long should you stay so you don't come out as rude or boring? Two hours? That would be solid two hours taken away from your life without any use, though. An hour? Maybe that's too short and wasn't even worth going all the way here.
Your eyes observed as people kept coming, occupying every possible corner of the room and with that, making you lose sight in anything. All your eyes could reach was dancing figures, occasionally bumping into your legs, making you feel trapped in your little space.
That doesn't make any sense.
You pulled up from the couch, barely making it outside of the room. You held your drink up, careful so none of it gets on your tshirt. But in the end, some of it ended spilling down your arm, anyway. Your body pressed itself onto the door frame, taking as little space as possible and you took a look around, searching for a way out. Gaze stopped at the stairs leading to second floor and it seemed like no one has occupied it yet as the lights were off. You squeezed shoulders to your body and quickly sneaked between the crowd of sweaty bodies. Every touch and rub left on your body a burning feeling like someone just smeared it with acid, your face scrunching in disgust, just wanting it to be over as quickly as possible. Finally making it to the stairs, you released a breath you were holding, shoulders going slump as you made your way upstairs. You left the light off, not wanting to draw any unwanted attention to your actions. Blindfolded, you try to find any doors with touch only and when your fingers finally met a handle you pushed the doors open with no hasitation. Some might think its nosy to walk around someone's house like this, but sooner or later, you know someone will be fucking in one of those beds, anyway.
Supposingly, the room you ended up in was a bedroom, moonlight shining through huge windows decorating the area in a delicate silver glow, exposing it's silhouette just slightly. Using your poor vision you walked past huge bed, ignoring the strong urge to just jump onto it and let in sink you in until morning comes, when everyone is gone. You could've sworn there was something yelling to you, ushing you onto the matress, already making your eyelids heavy on your eyes. It all made up kind of comforting atmosphere, muffled music coming from downstairs, only floor shaking lightly with every bass and you almost could feel it in your guts. Hundreds of conversations were going on just below you, but they all mixed in one, composing a steady hum.
You found your place on the floor, back pressing against the bed, knees bent under your chin. Facing the big balcony door, your eyes observed blinking city lights and traced small cars passing by the streets, just to disappear mere seconds later. You could feel your body sinking slowly into the pitch black as your eyelids started to give in under their weight. It took only two minutes for them to close completely, weight now resting on your head, so you hide in your arms, forming a ball of yourself. Mind focused only on sounds coming from the party, though they started getting quieter with every second, your ears losing track on the screams and laughs. Peace overtook your previously restless body, leaving you all to yourself.
All you saw was the city. You saw the last joyful day you remembered, from summer few years ago. Your father was back to your country at that time, just to get some time with his loved ones for once. Your mother was holding a camera in her free hand, taking pictures of her sweet child, of her treasure, of you. You were wearing your favourite yellow dress that day, decorated with designs of plenty different flowers. You named them all, in honour of the dress being your absolute favourite. Hair loose, long back then, falling on your shoulders and back, on top of your head rests a cute hat you declined to take off, even if it was already evening. Wind was blowing slightly on your young face, making you laugh squeakily.
Your father hands you your favourite ice cream, caramel flavoured. The ice cream he promised you as your birthday dessert, a gift, so simple yet it made you happier than you've ever been. Being ten is no joke, he once said, when admiring his only child, suprised about how much you've grown when he was abroad. Each time he visited your hometown he made sure to measure your height, giving you a present every time, for growing so strong and tall.
Your mother holds your birthday present out of your sight, patiently waiting for you to finish your dessert. You, being the curious and impatient child, gulped it down almost immediately in urge to open your gift. She only laughs at your determination before handing it to you. When you eagerly try to pull the ribbons off the box, your parents send each other a fond smile. Excitement in your eyes slowly starts turning into irritation as the ribbons seem unable to untie, no matter how hard you pull them. Your muscles tense, making your hands shake in your useless attempts. Just when your eyes start welling up with angry tears and you raise your head to seek any help from your parents, your voice hitches in your throat, seeing no one is sitting by your side anymore. You blink, and blink, and blink, trying to get your vision back, but everytime your eyes open, everything around gets even more blurry. You try to call for help, to shout for your mommy and daddy, but the only thing coming out of you are hurtful whimpers.
Your father is far gone now. One day when he left the country after joyful holidays with your family, he never showed up again. You and your mother were waiting on the airport since morning that day, only to come back home with flowers almost dried out and cake completely melted from waiting in the sun. After that day, you can't even remember when was the last time you saw your mother's smile, now a stone-like expression glued to her face permanently. That was the first birthday you didn't get your ice cream treat. Now your favourite flavour has changed, you can't stand caramel anymore. Now your hair is much shorter, as no one is there to braid it for you. Now your favourite yellow dress is somewhere in the basement, dirty and dusty, probably not even looking any similar to yellow anymore. Now your birthday is the worst day of the year.
Your body jolted up almost entirely off the foor, horrified gasp leaving your mouth, followed by unsteady, heavy breathing in any attempt to catch any air in your lungs. You can feel your body trembling under the weight of your nightmare, but you don't cry. You don't cry because there's no use of crying. Nothing will change no matter how many tears leave your eyes. That's all you've learnt for past six years.
"You okay?"
You jumped slightly in place and turned around to see the source of somehow similar voice coming from right behind you. Your gaze lands on a silhouette sitting on the bed, gently hovering over your shaking body. You squint your eyes but can't catch a glimpse of the stranger's face. Voice deep and familiar, you seek through your brain to recall it's owner, but the canvas stay blank.
"I get them too."
"Nightmares. I get them too."
He plumps his body down onto the floor, keeping a safe distance between the two of you. However, the position helped you take a closer look at his face. Moonlight now slightly shining its glow into the round cheeks, big eyes, and barely visible smile plastered on Han Jisung's face. He gifts you with an understanding look, as if he was trying to bluetooth some comfort into you. You only shake your head, brushing it away.
“It wasn’t a nightmare.”
“That must’ve been a solid dream then, you were turning and tossing in your sleep like crazy,” Jisung nods his head slowly, eyes fixated somewhere far away, outside the window, “What was it about?”
You shot him an annoyed look, brows knitted together.
“A rollercoaster ride.”
“That’s fireee…” he sounds genuinely impressed, and you seek for anything in his face that could tell you if he’s being fucking for real. “I’ve never been on rollercoaster. Unless we’re including the emotional ones.”
Jisung chuckles audibly to himself but quickly tone it down after noticing your dead silence. His eyes look back from your face to some random spot outside. “Were your parents in this dream?”
Spit stills in your throat at his question but you refuse to turn your head towards his. You slowly let air leave your nostrils in tensed huff.
“You talk in your sleep. You didn’t know?”
“I didn’t.”
Your empty response signaled Jisung not to continue on the topic, so he only nods and points at half-empty beer bottle settled down by your hip.
“You shouldn’t be drinking, you’re sixteen, no?”
“I can smell wine from like three miles away from you, Mr. Policeman.” you returned, earning a quiet laugh from him, throwing his head back gently.
Incredibly awkward conversation. Incredibly awkward and simple but easier than any random chat with your seatmate, or Chan, or anyone else you got to talk to, ever. Jisung’s aura felt warm, familiar, slowly inching its way towards you and embracing your body. Something about it made it seem like you don’t have to be extra or put any much effort to talk to Jisung. He wasn’t really expecting you to talk to him, either. It’s not like he was unfamiliar with people ignoring his poor attempts of making a conversation. But you didn’t run away from him, like anyone else would. You sat there, with him, when you could've just brush it off.
“And why are you here?” you quirked an eyebrow at him, expecting Jisung to be glued to Chan like he always did.
“I’m not a fan of crowded spaces. They make me feel like I'm in chokehold.”
Jisung’s response take you aback a bit, your eyes blinking few times at him in surprise. You’re positive that everyone who at least heard of Han Jisung once in their life would associate him with need of constant attention, being in centre of a crowd. His personality is so bubbly and bright it could easily outshine everyone in the room. You supposed his loudness was intentional, to pull people towards him.
“Are you sure you’re the Han Jisung I walk by in school everyday? The one who won a competition in taking shots just to get some stupid title among those losers?”
“Sometimes you gotta take a step back and stay in the crowd so someone else can be the best. I can’t be a winner every time, I'm basically doing them a favor.” Jisung laughed at his own words again in obvious attempt to brush the topic away. So you let it go, getting up from the floor with slight struggle caused by your previous position that made your legs sore. You opened the balcony door and stepped outside, cold breeze welcoming your poorly dressed body. Jisung followed you out like a puppy, leaning on the railing just beside you. Current location allowed both of you to observe the wildlife going on below you, in the backyard. Beer pong, truth or dare, even a whole ass concert performed by a group of drunk girls. It all created a disgusting mess.
“They look possessed.” you commented, internally very happy you actually have a person you could complain to, knowing your boring and judgemental attitude won’t push Jisung away.
Dead silence creeped in for good two minutes.
“Maybe that’s what normal teenagers do?” he murmured into his palm, not looking at you, “Maybe they’re ordinary people and we are the weird ones?“
You sent him a pitiful look, genuinely amused by the fact that he dared to compare you to them.
"You want to be like them?"
"Sometimes it seems easier, no?"
You raise an eyebrow at Jisung.
"To be ordinary, I mean. Do you ever wonder how does it feel not to get those glances? Or not to be judged? You're just a part of the crowd wherever you go because you fit in. With everyone. Doesn't that sound cool?" He tilts his head at you, however, you notice he avoids eye contact, staring at some random spot on your cheek. It's obvious this topic bothered Jisung’s mind for a while, many thoughts spinning between his gaze, but you can't decode any of them.
You take a minute to analyze every light reflecting in his pupils.
"No, I don't think so. You won't find your spark in the crowd, not when it's constantly hiding between others," Jisung remained silent, but this time his eyes met yours, a sign that he's listening. "But once you find it, right people will come to you themselves."
"How do I recognize them? The right people?"
"You just do." Your body turns towards his entirely.
"Don't look for yourself in others, Jisung. You'll spend your entire life being lost. And by the time you wake up, your life will be coming to it's end."
"Are you happy with your life?"
"You ask too many questions, has anyone ever told you that?" Your eyes roll, but Jisung doesn't take his off you, visibly waiting for your response. You sigh. "Someday I will be. We both will be."
You never showed up at any house party again. But neither did Jisung.
That night you felt heard for the first time in six years, even though you didn’t have much to say. Jisung seemed to understand what remained unspoken, knowing the right time will eventually come, someday. Some sort of invisible string connected you and him, pulling you to each other whenever there was no one else to be there for you. And you never complained, Jisung may say odd and stupid things at most times, but that might be the part of you that you needed, the one where perspective on life is a bit gentler. Jisung noticed the rough shell you put around yourself throughout the years and started off with brushing its spikey surface, hoping one day he'll crack it open, for you.
And he feels the same. Having a genuine friend was an unfamiliar experience for Jisung. Whenever his eyes land on you he swear he feels like his body is freed, even if it's only for a few moments. Like tight ropes loosened on his body, softening the grip so he can expose another part of himself to you. You never laugh, you never make fun, never judge. Sometimes you don't even say anything but he knows it's equivalent to I accept you. And he feels accepted. Like he finally found a shelter that would protect him from a storm, no matter if it's only for now, Jisung knows he's safe with you.
A noise spreads through quiet, pitch black room, then it goes silent again. You shift in your bed, face scrunched in focus not to get discracted by it so your current progress in falling asleep doesn't go to waste. Legs pulled up tightly against your chest, completely wrapped up in the covers, finally giving your muscles some proper rest they've been yearning for. A minute passes.
Shoot. Shoot.
You pull the blanket above your head. It doesn't take too long for your lungs to beg for some fresh air, but you stay covered up from head to toes, relishing in silence so loud you could feel blood flowing in your ears. However realisation hits quickly and you know it won't work without suffocating yourself to death, so you let just the tip of your nose outside through a small hole, breathing in some cool air.
What the fucking hell.
You sit up angrily, irritated groan coming out of your throat as you pull youself up and seach for the source of the noise that disturbed your only almost succesful attempt to sleep. You furiously look around the room, listening carefully for any hints.
Your body turns itself towards the window in a hearbeat, ready to murder the doer. Swinging it open, your eyes land on not anyone else than Han Jisung, standing just below your window with the stupidest grin on his face, already waving to you.
"Oh jesus fuck." you're already disappearing inside again when another muffled thud reaches your window in attempt to stop you, along with Jisung's quiet "Hey, hey, hey!" being heard outside. You swing your head down once again. "You have 30 second to explain yourself or I'm never talking to you again."
Because what exactly is happening right by your window is Han Jisung standing by his bike tossed in the grass, with very poorly looking muffin in his hands, a single light up cangle stuck in the middle. It glows the smallest shine on his face covered in the darkness, allowing you to see the silhouette of his smile so wide it almost gave you a cheek ache just by looking at it.
"How long does it take for you to wake up, god," he drops his head for a second, shaking it, before looking up at you once again, searching for your face in the night. "Dumbass even forgot it's her birthday today."
Yeah, your birthday.
Of course you didn't forget. It was the very first time in good 3 months you went to sleep before midnight, purposely, just to avoid this horrible day appearing on the callendar, again. This time you were falling asleep praying to heaven to let you sleep through today and wake up when it's over. Not to add that this year specifically meant less than ever to you as you were turning eighteen, suddenly everything reminding you about how a grown up woman can't gather her life together, not in the slightest.
Apparently, Han Jisung was born to ruin your plans.
"It's a little bit cold down here so if you don't mind getting your ass over here and bringing me some jacket, that would be fantastic." Jisung gets you back to earth and you only throw him an angry scoff, disappearing in your room for no longer than 2 minutes before jumping carefully out the window and closing it as quietly as possible, not to wake up your sleeping mother that would probably slip into a coma if she witnessed you sneaking out. With a boy especially. You face him with your brows furrowed in annoyance and he gestures you to blow the candle that already was dripping down the muffin. Your eyes roll.
"Happy birthday, y/n."
"You're insufferable. I wish myself a better friend next year," you blow the candle in one puff and hand Jisung your jacket he already claimed as his due to the numerous amount of times he borrowed it from you.
"You know damn well no one else would befriend you," he chuckles and hides the candle in his pocket.
As you walk past him you can't help the corners of your lips forming in the tiniest grin. No matter how much you despised your birthday and celebrating it, if you could even call it this way, your chest felt warmer knowing that there's someone in this world that doesn't hate it as much as you do. Just like last year, Jisung is the only one to remember. Who else if not him? Your mother practically crossed out this date out of her life, your father never called, beside that no one else has ever asked. A year ago you were so sure by your eighteenth birthday he will be gone, either by getting some new, fancier company or simply growing out of you. Yet here he is, standing by your window at midnight, still the same way he was a year ago. He really hasn't changed at all.
You ended up sitting on a cold kerbstone by already closed store and its parking lot, completely empty and quiet like it's never been. Knees hugged to your chests, jackets wrapped around your bodies tightly. Silence maintenances between you and Jisung, but it's not uncomfortable, quite the opposite, actually. You share occasional glances at each other while swaying back and forth. Eventually your eyes land at the cake lookalike he placed between your bodies and you examine its messiness. The frosting clearly not mixed well, spilled on top of the muffin as if Jisung was in a hurry and some old, probably expired colorful sprinkles on top of it all. Somehow you found it pretty. Yes, it looked like a total disaster, but picturing Jisung tries and effort he put in it made it look better in your eyes.
"Shall we taste the masterpiece?" he grinned, catching you staring at the cake. You nodded and he proceeded to clumsily part the muffin in two pieces.
"One, two, three..." Jisung counts and both of you bite in. You chew, feeling occasional crunches here and there, sprinkles rock hard between your teeth. He observes you carefully, searching for your reactions as you take your time swallowing it.
"It's pretty bad," you comment after a while, shaking crumbs off your hands. Jisung whines, hiding his head between his knees.
"I know! I suck at baking. I should've just buy it-"
"But I like it."
Jisung's head shoot up and he's looking at you, startled. The muffin is still filling up his cheeks that create two perfect globes decorating his face. You giggle to yourself.
Silence. Jisung continued to chew on the food, quietly, eyes glued to his feet. Yours remain on your hands. You clench and unclench them, observing nail prints on your skin disappear everytime you stick them inside it. Your bottom lip is stuck between your teeth, now all red and swollen.
Weird feeling built up inside of your guts. You don't exactly feel... older. It just feels like everything suddenly started to matter. Everything you did and everything you did not do. You try searching for any other emotion in yourself, but the only one left is guilt.
"I don't want to grow up, Jisung."
He doesn't look up this time, lips forming in a tight line.
"I know. I don't want to, either."
Jisung rests his arms on his knees, laying his head on them, turned in your direction. You mirrored slowly, gaze meeting his. You blinked at each other, not any particular emotion written on any of your faces. You scanned his, tracing every curve of it with your eyes, stopping by every mole and scar. He's so far from what he used to be. His nose and jawline much more visible, his hair grown, just an inch, but it did. Looking at him now, you see he matured. A lot. And it's amazing how you've watched him grow out of this stupid, irresponsible boy he used to be. But you know this boy is still hiding inside of him, in the deepest corners, Jisung effectively trying to suppress him. Sometimes, you just wish he would let him out. Just to go back.
"Have you ever thought of running away from here?” you blurted out suddenly and you swear you could see Jisung’s breathing stop, response building up inside him, carefully thinking about his next words.
“I have, I even tried. But I guess I’m afraid to go. Or maybe I’m afraid of being left all to myself,” he answers slowly, sigh leaving his lips right after.
“Wouldn’t that be great? I mean, aren’t you tired of the city? Of people, your family, sometimes even of yourself,” he blinks at you silently before turning his head, looking at the lantern ahead of you, and you do the same. “Because I feel stuck here.”
“That was the reason I ran away. I felt like I wouldn’t move on if I stayed here. I think I was searching for something to look forward to.”
It really seemed like Jisung spoke words for you.
You move closer to him, pressing your side onto his. Your head finds its place on his shoulder and he doesn't tense up or move away. Jisung melts into the position, like his shoulder was designated for you to lean on. His lips press to your hair and sigh leaves them.
"Did it work?" You ask and he shakes his head no, lips formed in a line once again. Your tongue pokes inside of your cheek. "Would it work if we went together?"
Jisung looks at you, question written on his face and you push yourself off his shoulder, locking your eyes. The words left your mouth so easily Jisung couldn't find any hesitation or joke in your face. "I don't know."
"Imagine this. We could be wherever we want, doing whatever we want. No one would know us. Maybe we could... find something. To keep us going. I don't know."
"What about our families?"
"Do you really think any of them would bat an eye?"
Jisung goes silent. He is silent because you're right. As far as he remembers, he was no one's special concern. He never thought about whether it's work's fault or just lack of love, but it separated his family members effectively throughout the years. That was the main reason he has spent past years in your company - both of you could sneak out, stay up late, skip school. Freedom, some might say. But honestly, never in two years he saw pure happiness in your eyes. And neither you did in his. You really are the only thing Jisung has left. He treasures you more than himself and the night you met, he promised himself to let you experience life once again.
So fuck it.
"Okay. Let's do this."
Your eyebrows furrow suspiciously, scanning his face features, looking for any signs of joke. You go quiet for a minute, expecting him to break his character, saying you lost your mind and that he's not going anywhere. But that doesn't happen.
"Wait, really?"
"Mhm. Consider it your birthday present, I guess."
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lis-likes-fics · 8 months
Say No to This
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Pairings: Joel Miller x Reader, Original Male Character x Reader Word Count: 5.8k Kink: Table Sex Warnings: NSFW, dubcon, masturbation, mentions of death, Joel is mean, cheating, oral (m and f!receiving), fingering, slight degradation, p in v, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, creampie... A/N: Sorry this was posted late today. I just finished it! That said, I will not be posting tomorrow but hopefully I will the day after. I can make no promises, but I hope you can stay patient with me. Thank you!
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Joel's heavy boots echo off the walls around him as he opens the door to his apartment and steps inside. Ignoring the dirt trailing behind him, he kicks his shoes off at the door and sighs as he trudges into his dark house.
He stretches his arms above his head on the way to the bathroom, turning the shower on and grumbling when it never gets hot. Another lukewarm shower it is…
He huffs as he strips and stands under the water, letting it wet his hair and slide down his back. All the dirt and mud from working washes away, being rid of one stressful day to get ready for another.
Taking in another breath, he groans at the tension still resting in his body and shakes his head. He might as well do it now.
A sigh leaves his chest as he takes himself in his hand, his heavy cock resting his palm as he closes his eyes and rubs his thumb over the head. He strokes himself, too rough with himself in an attempt to finish himself off as quickly as possible so he can go to bed. He grunts as he gets closer to his release.
And then he hears the near pounding on his front door.
With a deep groan, he forces the water off and steps out of the shower with a towel around his waist.
"Joel," a voice said as another knock came to the door.
With a gruff frown, he pulls the door open and ignores the way water droplets fell from strands of his hair. He leans on the door frame and nearly glares as he lays eyes on you.
You're not looking at him. Your eyes are glued to the dirt trail on the floor, exhaustion clear in your face as you begin speaking. "Joel, I know it's the end of the world, but it doesn't have to look like it. Marcus and I just swept the walkways today and–"
You look up and are cut off by the sight in front of you. You nearly flush as your eyes fall on his towel around his waist, his chest dripping with water, his hair darker and just as drenched.
"Oh," you clear your throat, taking a step back as your gaze avoided the towel slack around his hips and the prominent V-line headed toward uncharted territory. "Sorry, I didn't realize you were busy…"
"No, please," he grunts. "What was so important that you had to come tell me at eleven at night instead of waitin' till morning?"
You scoff lightly. "Look, I was just coming to tell you that we don't live in a pigsty."
"We basically do."
"Will you–" you sigh. "Just stop leaving dirt on the floors, please. Goodnight."
He watches you walk away and suddenly notices what you're wearing. Your shirt is thin with little spaghetti straps and your shorts are basically decoration. "What the fuck are you wearing?"
You sigh and turn back around to face him as you raise a brow. You cross your arms over your chest. "They're called clothes."
He scoffs, "They're called scraps. You might as well be naked." He goes to close the door, but you stop him as you hold it open. He turns back to you expectantly.
"Excuse me?"
"I said," he continues, too frustrated to care about chivalry, "you might as well be naked. Does your little boyfriend know you came over here dressed like this?"
You lick your lip. "First off, why the fuck does it matter what I'm wearing? Second, he's my fiancé?"
"I'm just sayin'," he shrugs. "He's got a lot of trust in this place if he thinks someone ain't gonna snatch you up lookin' like that. 'Specially this late at night."
You smirk, frustrated as you lean on the doorframe. "Maybe he just trusts me to take care of myself."
He scoffs again, turning around to walk into his apartment. You follow after him, closing the door behind you with your foot.
"He's gonna have to, ain't he? He can't do it himself."
Your lips part as you tilt your head. "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"
His back is turned to you as he speaks, grabbing a cup to fill with water. "It means he can't take care of you. He doesn't do most of the jobs around here. It's a wonder he can afford anything. He's slow and soft, and he can't protect nothing and nobody."
You huff. When the outbreak happened, Marcus lost nearly his whole family to runners or the infection itself. After making it out alive with his baby sister, who was only six at the time, he lost her a year later. They'd finally made it to the QZ in Denver when the pandemic broke out there and took her. After that, he fell into a depression and he's been that way for years. Then he met you…
"You don't know anything about Marcus," you mumble.
"I know enough," he says.
You walk up to him quickly, shoving his shoulder to make him turn around and face you. "What's your fucking problem?" you ask, frowning at him and his insults.
"I ain't got no problem," he mumbles, taking a sip from his water and setting the cup down disinterestedly.
"Clearly, you do. So spit it out."
Frustrated and tired, he decided he would. He took the next couple of steps to get in your face, his body towering over yours as he stared down at you with a dark glare.
"Maybe my problem is you comin' in here complainin' to me about dirty floors in this shithouse while you coddle your little pet and yell at me about how hard he's got it while I'm just tryna go fuck myself and go to sleep."
You're speechless, your lips parted as you stare at him in shock. His hair is still dripping, tiny droplets of water dribbling onto you. You have all this space behind you, but it feels like he's backed you into a wall. He's staring at you like a hungry wolf would a rabbit that made him chase it.
You gasp when his lips crash down against yours and his hands hold your head to him. Your legs give out and you push him away, using more force than you thought you would have to pull apart.
"What the fuck?" you insist, wiping your mouth clean of his and feeling your heart beating against your ribs like a bird desperate to be out of its cage.
He's catching his breath as he watches you recuperate. "Felt different, huh?" he asks, his eyes dark with lust and something darker. "Better than kissin' that sap you call your fiancé?"
Your blood is boiling as you bite back, infuriated by his gall and frustrated with yourself for the way your legs trembled. "Don't you fucking dare," you point sharply. "I love him."
"Never said you didn't," he says, taking a few steps closer so he towers over you once more as he continues to stare at your lips. "Admit it… You want to know what it's like to be with a real man."
You shake your head, "You are not a real man."
He does the same, a dark smirk falling over his lips. "No… I'm much worse." And then he's on you again.
He's like a viper, his kiss venomous and sharp but so consuming you want more of his poison. It seeps into your skin and makes you burn. You want to remove it as fast as possible, be rid of the toxin that's infecting your body, but there's something so delicious about the burn. You can't help but want to wait it out, see how far it could go.
He attacks you as he pulls you close by your head and by your waist, locking you in and keeping you there. Even if you wanted to break free—which you do, of course, you do—you couldn't.
Joel's palms grip your ass tight as he backs you into the table, and you whimper against his lips. A dreadful feeling settles in the pit of your stomach, and you pretend it's fear as your legs go weak and you have to hold yourself up on his shoulders.
He is strong as you backs you into a table, and he is demanding as he finds your neck and begins to suck and bite at the skin. "Joel," you breathe. "No, you're gonna leave a mark."
He chuckles darkly. "That's what you're worried about? You're not gonna push me away?"
You'd forgotten fighting this was an option. You remember yourself and move to shove him away by his shoulder, but he hardly budges.
"It's too late now," he taunts. "I've already got you, and I got you willing."
He's on you again, open-mouthed kisses on your neck and insistent fingers on your waist. You peel them away from your skin as they ride up under your shirt, but he's determined.
"Joel," you sigh.
He pulls away from you to take your neck in his hand, not squeezing, just securing you as he makes you look at him.
"You and I both already know you don't want me to stop. When was the last you were fucked nice and hard, huh? When was the last time Marco took care of you?" he asks, and you huff at the fact he said his name wrong. He knows his name.
"I can take care of you," he breathes, his voice deep and dark. "I'll take good care of you…"
You stare at him wide-eyed and anticipating. You don't know what, but you're anticipating. He sighs and steps away from you, letting you go.
"But, by all means… if you wanna go, I'll give you ten good seconds to walk out that door. If you haven't crossed that threshold before then…you're mine, and I ain't lettin' you go."
You stand there, standing between him and the door at the other side of the room. He's started counting, a silent count in his head as he watches you debate. And you hate that you're debating.
You should turn around and leave, go to your fiancé and forget this night ever happened. Forget that Joel kissed you, and you were two steps away from being bent over his table and fucked.
You move, turning toward the door to leave after making the final decision in your silent contemplation.
Just as you breach the kitchen, Joel's fingers wrap around your upper arm and he's pulling you into his chest. His grin is almost primal, animalistic as he stares down at you. "Time's up."
He devours you, swallowing you whole as he bites and licks and sucks at any skin available to him. At first, you push him away and press your lips in a fine line. But as his lips keep kissing yours, as his hands grasp your flesh and his knee separates your thighs, you just decide…it's enough.
You kiss him back and condemn the dull fire in your chest still lit for Marcus. It kicks and flickers, but it's such a dying flame in comparison to the roaring blaze of Joel that you can feel it snuffing out.
You grip his arms and let it happen as he kisses you roughly. Joel grabs at your shirt, sliding his hands underneath to bring it over your head and off your body. He grunts, your lack of bra revealing your breasts instantly to see how they've peaked within the last few minutes. He picks you up, and your legs wrap around his waist as he sets you on the table.
He dips his head down and kisses your chest, his tongue laving over the skin of your collarbone and his teeth grazing the flesh there to cover you in his marks, his claim. You sigh at the feeling of it, feeling your core throb when his hand comes up to grope your tit.
You arch your back into him, gasping when his lips wrap around your nipple and sucks. "Fuck," you choke, your hands holding his head to your chest.
He's so different from Marcus, his insistent kisses and bites are a stark contrast from your fiancé's tentative licks and pecks. He's so soft with you, gentle, afraid you'd shatter in his hands if he raised his voice above a whisper or held you tighter than he would fine china.
Joel is not like this. He doesn't care if you're frail or soft, he doesn't care if you're brittle as glass. He gropes and grabs and bites and sucks and uses you as he likes as his erection presses against your thigh. One of his hands is on your thigh, traveling under your soft and worn shorts to tease at the cotton of your panties.
You clench your thighs when he goes to pull your shorts from your legs, stopping his attempts and making his lips curl in a smile. Without pulling away from your chest, he places his hands on your thighs and pries them open. He pulls them down your legs, ignoring your nervous whimper as he does it.
He pulls back, looking down at your panties with an appreciative hum. He smooths his hand over your ass to feel them. "Don't find material this soft much anymore," he mutters. "You do somethin' for it?"
"Marcus traded some rations for them," you mumble. "It was my birthday…"
He chuckles again and kisses your breasts again. "Lucky me, gettin' to see 'em on you before they were ruined…"
He grabs the material and rips them off of you with a terrible snap. You feel your heart aching as he lifts the material to examine it before tossing it away indifferently.
"What the fu–"
He shuts you up with another kiss, one that steals your breath with its force and renders you absolutely speechless. "You look better without it anyway."
He keeps you distracted well enough, kissing you and sucking on you and marking you up like you don't already belong to someone else…
When his hand cups to bare cunt, you jolt, a tiny whimper escaping you when he presses his fingers between your folds. He curls his finger inside of you, scoffing when you clench around it. "You're so wet already. Is this all for me?"
You shake your head weakly, and he just raises his brow, pushing his finger in deeper and adding a second just to make you moan.
"No?" he hums. "You're thinkin' of your boy toy? Bet you're thinkin' of him walking in and seein' you with my fingers in your cunt. Do you think he'd forgive you?"
You think he'd die. You don't want to think about that…
Fortunately, Joel takes your mind off it as he starts pumping his fingers inside of you a little faster, collecting your arousal on his digits and curling them against that spongy spot inside of you that has your eyes rolling back. You grip his biceps, sliding down to his wrist and deciding whether or not you're trying to pull him away or make him go faster as you guide his hand.
When his towel falls off, you have to convince yourself that it wasn't your own hand that did it as you find it already pressed against his hip.
He's hard and thick and you don't think you can take him. He's dripping precum, and it looks painful as it jerks, eager to be inside you as you clench around Joel's fingers again.
"Like what you see?" he smirks. "Much bigger than Mike, huh? But don't worry…" You shudder as he gets to his knees, spreading your legs even farther apart to fully display yourself to him. "...I'll get you nice and ready to take me."
He doesn't waste any time. As soon as the last word leaves his mouth, his mouth is on you. Your head falls back as your eyes close. You moan, wrapping your thighs around his head and grinding against his face. His nose presses against your clit as he licks his tongue inside of you, groaning at your addictive taste.
He grips your thighs to keep you where he has you. Your hand finds his hair, tangling your fingers in the strands and tugging as he sucks on your clit and laves his tongue through your folds. As he brings his fingers to your cunt again, he pushes two of them inside once more and massages them into you as only an expert could.
"Fuck, Joel," you breathe, trying to catch your breath as he keeps working his fingers in and out of you in a punishing pace as his tongue flicks and licks at your clit. You think you're going to explode, the twisting pleasure building in your belly and tensing in your thighs and stomach as he pushes you closer.
His thick fingers stretch you out as he fills you with them, and you keep clenching as you get closer and closer to your orgasm. You try to stave it off, even as your hips grind against his face, you try to keep control and refrain from giving in completely to Joel's terrible influence on your body. What about Marcus? The man you're promised to….
However, when the coil snaps, Marcus is not on your mind as you throw your head back and moan. Your brain is all foggy, and your body tingles with each little sensation. You're going to burst as he continues to suck on your clit through your release—and a little bit after that, too.
When you come down, squirming away from him and his mouth, he pulls away with a drunk smile. "You loved that, didn't you? I could tell." He stands and kisses you insistently—you can taste your pussy on his lips. His voice is low and gravely when he speaks again. "Bet you don't moan this loud when you're with him."
Your emotions are already running high, but that's making tears threaten to well in your eyes. He kisses you roughly again, grabbing you by the back of your head and tangling his fingers to guide you to kiss him a little deeper. He doesn't do it like he wants to make you kiss him, he does it like he craves the intimacy and just needs more of it.
You break apart when you feel his cock press against the inside of your thigh, hard and angry. He grunts lightly.
"You know…" he breathes, licking his lips, "I've always wanted to know what that mouth of yours could do."
You swallow thickly, sliding off the table slowly and moving almost lethargically as you prepare yourself to take this step. This is an entirely different step than him kissing you or him spreading your legs and eating you out. This is you getting to your knees to wrap your own lips around his cock.
And you do get to your knees and wrap your lips around his cock as you hold him with shaky hands. You close your eyes as you suckle gently around the tip of him before slowly allowing yourself to go a little farther. His eyes flutter and he grunts almost silently as his hand finds your hair. He doesn't guide you, at least not yet, letting you go at your own pace.
His tangled fingers stroke your scalp gently, and the sensations bloom through you too well. It's when he leads you down on his cock, making you take his cock a little farther inch by inch until he's down your throat and you can't breathe. You try not to panic, feeling your chest tighten with the lack of air as you Bob your head as much as you can.
He groans, rolling his hips into your face before pulling you away. You gasp and instantly choke on your breath a moment, coughing until you get yourself under control again. You take his cock in your hand and pump the length of it in your palm, squeezing here and licking there and ignoring how cock-drunk you probably look.
"Fuck," he sighs. "I shoulda done this sooner if it meant a mouth this good…"
He holds you down on his cock again and you sputter around him, your eyes watering as you swallow around him. Your jaw aches, and your mouth is beginning to water.
"I think you enjoy this, shit," he says. "You like suckin' me off, on your knees like a little whore." You can taste precum dribbling onto your tongue as his hips stutter against you. "Just like that."
He guides you as you bob your head and suckle and pleasure him like you really shouldn't be doing. You feel him throb and jerk in your mouth as he gets closer, and before he can spill onto your tongue, he grips your hair and pulls you off of him, gripping the base of his cock and squeezing his eyes shut with a heavy groan.
He curses under his breath as you catch your own, thankful for the reprieve.
"Get on the table," he commands. You move quicker than you should, standing to your feet and sliding onto the table with your legs closed.
Prying them apart once more, Joel stands between them and cups your neck with his hands. Your face is creased in a frown, even as he kisses you again and you respond in tandem. A tiny whimper slips through your lips.
What would Marcus do if he found out? What would you say? What could you say? The questions fluttered in your mind but you could do nothing to answer them, your focus stolen and muddled by Joel and his touch.
He pulls back and smiles at you. "You're thinkin' about him, aren't you? What he'll think, what he'll do? Bet you're feeling real guilty."
He kisses you again, biting your bottom lip. You shudder, "Please get it over with."
He shakes his head. "No, no, no," he mumbles. "Don't you pretend you don't want this. I know you do. You've been kissin' me back this whole time, holding your legs around my head, sucking on my cock like a good girl should." He licks his lip, staring at you and your watching eyes.
"I want you to beg me," he says in a low voice. "I want you to wrap your legs around me and beg me to give you what you want."
He's right, and you hate that he's right. You want so badly to leave and forget this ever happened but you're in way too deep, and you can't pretend you don't want him as much as you do. If you had your way, you would turn back time and never have shown up to his apartment. But you didn't have your way, and you couldn't turn back time. You're here, sitting on his kitchen table, your arousal leaking out onto the wood and his precum smearing against your inner thigh. You're here with the taste of him on your tongue and your lips swollen with his kisses.
And you wouldn't leave if he gave you another chance.
"Please," you start quietly, the word barely a word as you mumble it from your lips.
He shakes his head. "No, you're gonna do it right or you can stand up and leave right now."
And there's the out. There's him telling you that you can walk away and forget about this whole thing. This is him letting you go. This is him giving you another chance.
You tighten your legs around his waist and bring him to your face, your noses bumping. "Please, Joel. Fuck me like I want it. Please, I need it."
The look on his face shines with pride. "Alright, alright," he hums, his lips pressing against your neck and nudging your ear. He pulls you off the table just to grab your ass, squeezing it tight as his nails dig into your flesh. He groans, turning you around and bending you over the table. He uses his foot to knock your legs apart, spreading them farther and farther so you're nice and open for him.
You whimper when you feel his cock slide through your folds, teasing you as he coats himself in your slick. He whispers in your ear, and his voice is so slow that it echoes off your chest and has your legs shaking with anticipation. "I'm gonna fuck you so hard that you forget you ever even met that boy. How does that sound, honey?"
You whine breathily. "Please."
"There ya go," he breathes. He takes his cock in his hand, stroking himself a couple times as he spreads your folds.
In one push, he buries himself to the hilt inside of your hot cunt. He bottoms out, groaning roughly as you clench around his cock and moan.
"Mm-fuck," you moan, burying your face in your arms as he presses his hips into your ass.
"Fuck, you're so tight," he huffs. "Maurice doesn't stretch you out as much as I do, does he?"
You shake your head, whimpering as he grinds deep inside of you. "N-No."
"No?" He pulls out to the tip and thrusts back in roughly, a surge of pleasure shocking through your system at the feeling of it as you let out a startled moan. "Does he fuck you as hard?"
He's building a pace, a rough, steady, quick pace that has you gripping the edge of the table. It's hard to stay quiet. "No."
"I didn't think so," he chuckles.
He grunts, his hips snapping into you as you cry out. You're a mess, entirely incoherently as you moan and whimper and mumble. You can feel the frustration he's taking out on you: the pent up stress, the internalized anger, all the lost sleep. He fucks you with the rage of a beast, his nails digging like claws into your hips as he does it.
"Ah– Fuck! Mm-yes, please," you cry out, your brain muddled. "D-don't stop, Joel, please!"
He keeps fucking you, relishing in the sound of his hips smacking against your slick skin, the sound of you practically wailing at the feeling of him fucking you so roughly.
"These walls're thin. You keep screamin' like that and someone's gonna walk in and see you," he says, smacking your ass once.
You don't let up, hardly even hearing him over the sound of the blood roaring in your ears. "Ahh, Joel," you beg. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck."
He smirks darkly. "Listen to you," he huffs, thrusting harder into you. "I'm beginning to think you wanna get caught. You want him to find you here, gettin' fucked by me like the little whore you are."
Your throat is sore and your fingers ache from grasping the table so hard, but you cry for him and you beg for more, your fiancé far from your mind as you do. You chase the pleasure, pleading for it to swallow you whole as you take all that he gives to you.
"Fuck, your little cunt's sucking me in so deep," he breathes.
Again, you moan his name. "Please let me cum. I needa cum. Joel, please."
"I love it when you moan my name like that, honey." He slides his hand up your back, carding his fingers through your hair before grasping a handful at the base of your head. You moan at the feeling, the gentle bite swarming your clouded mind. "Do it again."
He encourages you with another snap of his hips. "Joel," you cry. "Don't stop."
"Do it again."
You choke when he presses his finger to your clit. He doesn't rub or move, he just presses it there. Your thighs tremble, your knees are weak. "Joel, please."
And when he starts circling your clit in a fast, crazed paced, commanding you to say his name a third time, you gasp and tighten around his cock.
"Fuck, Joel!" He grunts at the feeling of you fluttering around him. "Oh, fuck, Joel. Yes, I'm gonna cum."
His pace is faltering, his rough thrusts becoming erratic as he groans a little more, the sound not as deep the closer he gets to his own sweet release.
"Fuck, baby," he grunts with each thrust. "I'm gonna cum inside-a you. Send you home drippin' with my cum, so you'll—fuck—you'll have to explain to your boy what happened tonight."
His grasp on your hair tightens. “You’ll have to tell him–mmh–how Joel-down-the-hall spread you open and ate out your pretty little pussy, how you got down to your knees and sucked his cock. Have to tell him how you begged me to fuck you nice and rough on the kitchen table till you were crying for me.”
You clench around his cock and grasp the edge of the table and mewl as you get closer and closer. His finger rubs insistently at your clit and his cock is twitching deep inside of you with the signs of his own release.
“Beg me to cum inside of you, honey.” He holds you down on a harsh thrust, a fire in your belly at the pleasure building there. “Beg me.”
“Please cum inside of me, Joel,” you gasp. “Please, please, cum in me. I need it. I need you.”
He bends over you, his front pressing against your back as he wraps his arm around you and fucks up into you. The coil in your belly snaps and you shout as you cum, your body tensing as you cry out his name. Your body is tingling with ecstasy, the eye-rolling pleasure crashing down on you in waves as you suck him into your cunt and squeeze.
“Oh, fuck, Joel! I’m cumming!” you tell him.
You feel the warmth spread in your belly as he spills inside of you, thrusting his hips against you and shoving his cock as deep as he’ll go. “There ya go, my good fucking girl. Cum on my cock, milk me like you want to.” His words break off into a broken moan.
You ride your highs for as long as they last, your minds cloudy and your bodies slowly becoming weak with the physical exertion. He grinds his cock inside of you a little more before pulling out, your mixed releases seeping from you and slipping down your thighs in a huge mess.
Joel sighs heavily, steadying himself and collecting his thoughts again before he picks up your ruined panties and starts wiping down your thighs but not your dripping cunt.
You lay limp on the table, spent and tired and so, so guilty, but also too fucked out to care. The realization is going to come crashing down soon though… The scary part is that you don’t know how much you’ll regret later when it does.
With the tension eased and his mind a little clearer, a bit of Joel's sympathy returns. A bit. He scoops your clothes off the floor and folds them up, setting them by your head on the table.
He lays his eyes on you and sighs. Your thighs are still shaking and your sighs are still little whimpers you can't hold in. He walks over to you, lightly smacking your side before wrapping his arms around your body and lifting you to stand. You moan as he does it, trying to steady yourself but relying on him to carry the weight you couldn't.
He brushes some hair stuck with sweat to your forehead. You look up at him, your eyelids heavy and almost sad. His nose bumps yours, and he kisses you. It's much different from all the others. It's gentle and soft and lets you keep up with him.
When he pulls away, his eyes stay closed a moment longer before he looks at you again. He sighs gently. "Go home to Marcus."
He says nothing else.
Joel lets go of you, looking you up and down thoughtfully. He picks up his towel before walking away from you and down the hall to his bedroom.
You let out a heavy breath, thinking over the night you'd just gone through. A shudder runs down your spine in remembrance of the forbidden bliss he'd given you, though your blood runs cold at what you had to do in order to reach that point. Marcus…
You dress yourself, tossing the ruined panties in the trash and bracing yourself as you step out of Joel's apartment to get to yours.
You step silently down the hall, opening your door and walking inside to close it just as silently behind you. You clean yourself up in the kitchen, deciding to simply throw away the rag now covered in sweat and cum.
And when you get to your bedroom, there's Marcus sleeping peacefully in your bed, entirely oblivious to what his fiancée had been up to all night…
Your lips press tentatively again Marcus' as you kiss him goodbye. He's off to work, one of the simpler jobs he attends often. As he turns to leave, waving at you with a warm smile, you return it as much as you can. When he's gone, you frown, letting that dreadful feeling wash over you as you rub your arm.
Your worst fears had come true: out of every emotion you're feeling over the situation you'd put yourself in, regret is not one of them. You feel guilty, yes, of course you do. You'd betrayed your partner's trust, a person who's only hope rests in you and your love for him. You feel so guilty about it that you could die.
But you don't regret what happened. Not like you should. Because you know you would do it again if the opportunity presented itself.
It felt so good. The tension and stress that you'd relieved last night, laying it all out bare on Joel's kitchen table as you let it all go…it was like nothing that Marcus had ever given—like nothing Marcus could give you. You love him, you do…but Joel was right, he couldn't give you what you needed.
And as you stand in the doorway thinking about it, you catch sight of Joel stepping out of his apartment, dressed in a worn button down and worn jeans and work boots. He looks up and locks eyes with you, more sober than he was last night as he takes you in.
You swallow thickly, folding your arms over your chest. You grab your door and open it a little wider and feel the heat pooling in your belly.
He considers your silent invitation. And once it's considered, he walks over and stops in front of you. Joel looks at the way you look up at him, watching him.
Licking your lips, you step to the side. He breathes the smallest chuckle, not smiling as he does it. Looking over you once more, he takes a step inside.
You turn your back to the door as you let him in…
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Pedro Pascal taglist: @watercolorskyy @papichulo120627 @kmc1989 @the-nerdy-goddess Tag yourself here...
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111 notes · View notes
problematicturtle · 2 years
Takeaways from the ep:
- Claudia realizing that she’s not meant to be a daughter but a proxy for Louis’ sister hit so hard. Louis, who has lost everyone and everything, who finally managed to feel comfortable as a vampire by throwing all of that love, that life that he has into that one girl - whether fairly or not, is another matter entirely, but her actually *seeing* Louis, the way Lestat, for all his proclamations of love, never truly acknowledges, breaks my heart.
- Louis losing Claudia was always going to send him over the edge: he was already there, she just held him in place for a while. Does Louis love Lestat? I’m sure he does. Does it matter? Beyond the catholic guilt, Lestat is inhospitable to Louis’ nature. Louis is passive and suicidal and depressed and Lestat is absolutely the worst man to support him through any of that.
- hints of Lestat’s past, and the vampires out there, but Lestat never talks about it, so again, does it matter? Your trauma is just all your sharp edges cutting everyone else in your proximity if you don’t acknowledge it and try to work through it. Same goes for Louis, to be honest. They can’t communicate, and so are stuck in this toxic stew of not being able to be what the other person needs them to be.
- Kudos to Sam Reid for making Lestat cheating on Louis an act you feel sorry for Lestat for. All that desperate, delicate yearning for connection, and finding it elsewhere when he can’t get it from Louis. Heartbreaking. (Also he keeps threatening to kill Antoinette whenever Louis finds out Lestat is still fucking her, but she’s still around. I love Antoinette.) also kudos to Jacob Anderson for the absolute betrayal and hurt on Louis’ face without a word when Claudia drops the A word.
- why did the house turn into a pigsty? Louis didn’t do the cleaning? What are you, Lestat, do you have a disability that prevents you from doing the housework?
- IWTV fandom, please stop framing Lestat cloud dropping Louis as a result of emotional abuse from Louis. Please, just don’t. You can frame it as two dudes in a toxic, fucked up relationship if you want, and it is, because they’re both not human, and a violent act between them can be just that. But stop framing it as “well he was physically violent because Louis was emotionally abusive”. I cannot abide. Let them be fucked up, you don’t have to justify it. You can love a character who would drop a man from a cloud because he never said he loved him. He’s complex. And so is Louis. You don’t have to woobify a character to love him. He’s not real. (That said, I want to say I’m surprised, but… I’m not.)
- I’m deathly curious about Lestat’s POV of all this. We have only seen Claudia and Louis’, in all its imperfections and self-justifications. Suspect Lestat will have a wildly different take, and the truth is somewhere in between.
- hate what happens to Claudia. First writing move I disagree with. I shall, like Louis, tear the pages out and pretend it didn’t happen. You can grow up and mature without going through that. It’s a cheap shortcut to emotional maturity for a teenaged character, and I hate it.
- Louis and Claudia are both Black, and this matters still. Being vampires doesn’t change the way they have to navigate the world because you can’t kill everyone who engages in fuckery, can you.
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alltoowelltom · 2 years
Dad!Tom request to ease my sad heart today 💗
Dealing with feelings of inadequacy as a mother 🫶🏼
Tom had left early for a meeting that morning. He’d quietly had a shower and gotten dressed in the dark, crouching next to your sleeping form and pressing a kiss to your cheek to say goodbye. You’d hummed in response, hoping the peaceful tendrils of sleep would allow you to stay in their clutches for a little while longer. 
Alas, a whine from the baby monitor on your bedside table shattered that dream. 
In return you whined quietly at the device, beginning to push the duvet back off your shoulders so you can go and get Miles. Tom shook his head, pulling the blanket over you again and standing back up. 
“I’ll get him, love.”  he whispered. “I’ve got a few minutes before I have to leave. I’ll bring him to you.”
Tom was as good as his word, returning several minutes later with a sleepy Miles and depositing him into your waiting arms as you sat up, reaching for your breastfeeding pillow you’d left on the floor in the night. 
“I’ve changed his nappy and everything.” Tom explained. “I’d have fed him too, but I’m not much help in that department.” 
You smiled weakly while adjusting Miles in your grip so he could have his breakfast, too sleep-deprived to find the energy to use your words. Tom seemed to understand, pressing a kiss to your head and simply rubbing Miles’ back in farewell so as not to disturb him. 
The morning hadn’t continued in such a peaceful fashion. 
You’d almost fallen asleep twice while standing at the kitchen counter trying to prepare breakfast for yourself. You were distracted from your tired state by Miles who seemed to just be having a bad day. He sat in his bouncer seat and simply cried, only pausing occasionally to catch his breath, sniffle, and then continue howling. You’d tried everything, changing his nappy, changing his outfit in case the material was uncomfortable on his skin, feeding him, burping him, distracting him with a rattle, even going as far as to check his temperature. 
With all your attention on trying to help Miles the house was in disarray; dishes were piling up in the sink, laundry baskets were discarded in the living room full of clothes getting creased, the benches needed wiping down and the floor could really do with a good vacuuming. 
It all came to a head at 2pm when Tom called to let you know he was on his way home, and did you need him to pick up anything for the family dinner you two were hosting tonight?
“I can’t do it, Tom. We’ll have to cancel. The house is an absolute pigsty and Miles has spent the entire day crying,” you wailed into the phone. “I need you to come home, I can’t do this whole mom thing on my own.”
“Hey, hey, my love,” you heard Tom’s concerned but warm tone on the other end of the line. “I’m on my way now, alright?”
Your breathing shook as you nodded along, forgetting he couldn’t see you through the phone call. 
“Why don’t you sit down for a bit?” he continued. “You sound exhausted. You and Miles go sit on the couch and I’ll be right there.”
You took his advice and sat down with Miles in your arms, holding him close to your chest. He wasn’t properly crying anymore, just sniveling into your sweater as you rocked both him and yourself. 
Tom arrived home and changed into comfy sweats before taking a seat on the couch where you and Miles were both practically asleep. He took Miles into his arms, kissing the boy’s head while snaking an arm around your waist and pulling you into his side. You snuggled in gracefully, allowing your eyes to fully close now that you knew Miles was safe with his dad. 
Tom’s family arrived an hour later, finding their eldest son on the couch with his sleeping wife next to him and his own son in his arms. He waved them in, reassuring them that everything was okay, you and Miles had just had a rough day. At first his family suggested they leave you three in peace and reschedule dinner, but Nikki decided you could probably do with a few extra sets of hands. She set Tom’s dad and brothers (bar Sam) different tasks of cleaning the house while Sam went to look through the pantry to decide what he’d make for dinner, and she got to work folding laundry. 
When you woke up, you saw the house was in much better shape and Miles sitting on Harry’s knee, giggling up at his uncle as if he hadn’t spent the majority of the day in tears.
“Feeling better, darling?” Tom asked as he felt you stir. 
“Much,” you answered, sitting up and wiping a spot of drool off his shoulder where your head had rested. “Oh Nikki, you don’t have to do all of that!” you cried, seeing her sat cross legged on the living room floor folding laundry.
She rolled her eyes at your stubbornness, but allowed you to help folding Miles’ onesies and pairing his tiny socks. 
“Hey,” she said, catching your eye when the boys had wandered into the kitchen to see if they could swipe some food from Sam. “You’ve got that look on your face. Don’t feel bad about needing some help every now and then, right?”
You nodded unconvincingly.
“I just-” you started. “I just feel like I can’t do it. Like I’m not a good mom because I get so overwhelmed and then I fall apart.”
“You are a good mum, Y/N.” says Nikki. “Look over there.” she nods towards the kitchen where Tom holds your son, surrounded by his brothers. Miles is beaming, loving the attention from his dad and his uncles. “That’s a happy baby,” she confirms. “He’s happy and healthy, which means you’re doing a fantastic job.”
“I guess,” you nod. 
“It’s normal to need help sometimes, and we’re always happy to give it.” Nikki reassures you as Tom makes his way over, depositing Miles into your lap. He clings onto you, grabbing a handful of your hair and snuggling into your chest. You press a kiss to the top of his head, rubbing his back gently. 
“It’s what families do,” Nikki finishes. “How do you think Dom and I coped with having four of these rascals?”
°:. *₊ ° . ° .•°:. *₊ ° . ° .•
anon: i hope you're feeling better, take it easy <3
everyone else: hope you enjoyed! please consider reblogging, it really helps a writer out
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strawbxrryanime · 4 months
Yandere Kel Doesn’t Want You To Leave - yandere!kel (omori) x reader
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This is my first Omori-based post. Hope you enjoy!
“WHERE ARE YOU GOING!” Kel asks, eagerly. “We can have some more orange juice if you want… y’know, some orange joe perhaps?” You didn’t really want some orange joe, in fact. You really needed to go, it was getting late and the mixture of Orange Juice and Coffee wouldn’t stir up the night. You had to go. You had to leave.
You apologized and tried to say your goodbyes. Accompanied by Kel’s whining of course. “I’ll show you anything!” Kel said, he kept pointing to pictures, trying to entice you into things you like. Playing video games? None of these work for you, and you just turn him down. This makes Kel panic, extremely. He slowly fidgets with a nearby basketball as he thinks of something right as you walk out of the door.
“Is there any reason on why you’re going?” Kel whines. You keep explaining that it’s late, but it wasn’t a proper excuse to make him budge. “Then how about some orange juice then?” Kel said, “No joe.. just OJ.”
You were skeptical about his offer. Surely Orange Joes were, admit it, kind of bad, but nothing can go wrong with a glass of orange juice right? After all, you and Kel are best friends. A glass of orange juice, and you’d be right out of the door and heading to bed. Greatest sleep ever.
Kel almost stumbled bringing the two glasses of orange juices over, he gave one glass to you and one glass for himself. He fanned out his orange shirt as he smiled and chuckled. “Man, we’ve talked through so much… wonder why you can’t always come over that much?” Kel wondered as he sipped his glass.
You and Kel have been talking like wildfire, from calls to coming over to his home and watching the pigsty of a house he has. Somehow, you never even thought to sleepover or at least come over too often, rather the days you’d only visit his house were a few, 5 a year and just one now. Kel was wondering what’s the delay in all of your visits?
You took a sip of the orange juice and set it aside. You explain on why you couldn’t come over as much, plans, other things, moving on with life. It was so hard to focus upon one person when you’ve got so much to do. All Kel could do is give you a side eye while sipping his orange juice, kind of pissed off by your reasoning but understood pretty well. Or so you thought.
“So, you never wanted to come here because of plans?” Kel said, skeptical. “Wait, how could yo-“ Kel sighs and wonders if he’s overreacting or not. You kept on apologizing, but you’ve had plans. Kel knows that you’ve had plans. “It’s okay… I’m just glad you agreed to sleepover.” Kel muttered.
Wait, a sleepover?! You thought you perfectly diminished your rules to Kel. How could this be a sleepover? You try to explain.
“Wait, I’m not sleeping over Kel, I already told yo-“
“You’re sleeping over.” Kel said, bluntly. “In fact you’re sleeping over for a little while…”
You look at your glass of almost finished orange juice, you suddenly gasp and start feeling a bit drowsy. Kel wiped the sweat off his forehead as he smiled at the sight of you being drowsy.
“You look drunk again Y/N…” Kel sighs, smiling. “I hope the dosage wasn’t too high.”
Thud. You fell on the ground, suddenly crawling to find Kel’s feet in front of you, Kel is now towering over you as you looked up at him.
“I don’t want you to leave Y/N…” Kel said, in a soothing voice. Almost enough to make you sleep. “I just want to keep you safe…”
After falling asleep due to the high dosage inside that Orange Juice. Kel smirked just a little bit, surely he can get used to this, tying you up and making you his forever. Poor Kel doesn’t want you to leave, and he doesn’t want you to go off again. He just can’t admit that he hates it whenever he talks with you on call, sure your voice sounds amazing enough for him but, he just needs to be skin-to-skin with you.
You start to wake up, after feeling the effects of the high dosage inside of your OJ. Kel smiles and looks at you. “Wake up..” Kel whispered as he giggles and admires you. You were tied down to his bed. “It’s time for our forever sleepover to commence!” Kel chuckled as you tried to get out of the ropes tied down to you.
“Shhh.. it’ll hurt, stop struggling Y/N” Kel chuckled again. His chuckles were always thought to be contagious, but right now.. his chuckled were pure obsession, evil taken over. “Y/N, my perfect Y/N…” Kel put a hand on your cheek, his hand is warm. You try your best to fight it and scream through the gag on your mouth.
“It’s raining hard Y/N…” Kel smiled again. “I doubt anyone could hear you.” Kel was right, these windows are protected anyways, and worse enough the rain was loud enough to commode thunder in the skies. “I love you Y/N… I know I haven’t told you in a long time but I love you! I love you I love you!” Kel cried out.
You kept struggling as Kel held your cheek. You immediately stopped to look at him. “I love you so much… I’ve always been embarrassed to say my feelings towards you but, ever since we met, ever since we touched, even looked each other in the eye. I’ve always loved you…” Kel said as he chuckled again. “Ever since I been with you no matter what… you were always insecure and ashamed… but you don’t have to…” Kel said.
“Because I love you in every aspect of you, every ratio, every part of you…” Kel cried out, as he kissed you on the cheek. You still kept trying to struggle, trying your best but you were tightly tied down. “SHUT UP!” Kel yelled out as you stopped struggling. “SHUT UP! SHUT UPPP!” Kel yelled out. “STOP TRYING TO LEAVE ME!” Kel kept crying out.
Minute by minute you watched Kel unravel into a complete obsessed mess. “I LOVE YOU WHAT MORE DO YOU NEED?!” Kel yelled out as tears came out his eyes. “I’m going to make sure you stay here with me forever. Six feet under. No matter what. Nobody can separate our bond. NOBODY!” Kel yelled in an obsessed tone. “I-I can teach you all about basketball..” Kel said shakily, his hands are shaking, his whole body is shaking. He’s so obsessed and in love with you.
“Y-Y/N…” Kel said shakily as he glared at you. “I’m going to make sure you stay here for every minute of your life..” Kel was shaking even more as he caressed your cheek again and again. Pulling you into a real tight embrace. “I’m going to make sure to keep you safe, where nobody can find you, where you belong to me and only me…” Kel cried out, his breath had always smelled like orange juice, he’d probably been practicing enticing you with this.
“Y/N…” Kel kept saying and muttering to your ear. “Your name… saying your name…” Kel chuckles more and more. “Saying your name makes me go crazy Y/N…” Kel kept smirking as he wraps his legs around your waist, tightening his cuddle into you more.
“You’re never going anywhere anymore. Wherever you go I go. There’s no escaping my love for you Y/N. Even if it means I have to make you scream to show my heart throbbing over the sight of you.”
And there you went, nothing but a mystery to what happened to Y/N? You’ve been gone for a long time now, and your case is getting cold. Technically, your neighbors cared about you, some of your friends did, but everybody concluded to the same thing. You were gone forever and couldn’t be seen anywhere. Your disappearance was nothing but a cold mystery, where people would discuss it everywhere. The only thing they’d find in your house however, a mysterious glass of orange juice.. that glass was scanned for fingerprints and everything but sadly no search or findings. You just simply vanished, simply gone out of thin air.. well, actually.. after draining all the orange juice out of the glass, there was a sticky note.
“Y/N is mine and mine alone. I love Y/N so so much.. I think it’s best for you investigators to work on something else hm? Y/N is perfectly safe under my arms and my arms only. So fuck off.”
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demie90s · 2 years
After You
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College!Shuri x Black Female Reader
Part 1
Warnings: Light Cursing
Authors Note: I haven’t written in a year.
See here’s the thing.
There are multiple types of roommates.
For Example:
•The Ghost - You saw them on move-in day and his room is furnished, but they are literally never home.
• The Hermit - Unlike the ghost, you always know where to find the hermit in their room. It’s like they never leave home, even for class.
•The Neat Freak - Roommate thinks your room is a pigsty because you have one sock on the ground and an empty water bottle that isn’t placed in the recycling.
• The Slob - Literally never cleans up after their self and completely ignores the chore list that was agreed to by each roommate.
•The One With a Significant Other - Always together and if not they are most likely on the phone. They go to class together, eat together, study together, and sleep together
•The One With a Significant Other from High School - Same just Fucking weird.
•The Passive Aggressive - Any time there’s an issue that could easily be resolved with a simple face-to-face conversation, they choose to leave you a sticky note and reminder instead. They avoid face-to-face confrontation, but always seems to have something to complain about.
•The Partier - They constantly blast music, invite friends over and make silence a sacred thing you never see anymore.
•The Overly Attached - What you didn’t anticipate is that one of them would follow you everywhere and expect to be best friends forever.
•The Perfect Match - This roommate is quite hard to find; but once you find one, you’ll love them. They’re everything you’re looking for in a roommate. Honest, respectful and just a well-rounded person. If you meet the perfect roommate, try and stick with him for as long as possible, as they are a rare breed!
You get the point. But here we are. Hiding from mine in the fucking bathroom. 
You might be asking…
‘Why are we hiding in the bathroom?’
‘Is our roommate a damn Lion or Dinosaur?’
‘Are they threatening us?’
‘Or are the just overall bat shit crazy?’
None of that.
Quite the opposite.
Now we have a right to say when our roommate is not a good roommate. But right now it’s the complete opposite. Because the roommate in question is The gotdamn Princess of Wakanda. 
How do I even?
Where do I even?
What do I even?
You know what fuck it.
Okay good talk ‘me’ I’m glad we both are on the same page.
Finally I look at my phone for the time and luckily I have only been in here for 5 minutes. I slowly reach for the knob and gain back courage. I mean she is still human. Just a very important, hot, smart,incredible human.
Casually laying in bed Y/n had no idea what was in store.
New E-mail From: Howard University
Hello, Y/fn Y/ln
It's important that I reach you as soon as possible with details about your roommate request with the Howard University Housing Facility.
We have looked into numerous roommate applications and have found many matches for you.
However, we have learn that there’s an international student (Imani Harper) who has also gained a full academic scholarship as well. Being the the Hall you are staying in is only for Scholars and you are the only on not paired with a roommate yet we will be pairing you two up. Can’t wait to see you both.
Harry Marido
Director of Admissions
Howard University
1730 Lanie Monroe Parkway
Washington , WA 52107 (Obviously fake)
Alrighty then so much for decorating her dorm to her liking.
We Back
‘Hey’ she says reaching her hand out for me to shake. ‘Wassup’ you say back saying calm and smiling a bit.
‘I am going to guess you know my name is not Imani Harper. Though many people have already figured that out. I still don’t know why I lied.’ She says shaking her head and chucking a bit.
‘Yeah.’ I say smiling back trying to hold my composure.
‘Well this is better at least I don’t have to go through the introductions.’ She says going back to unpack.
Now I know I handled it like a G but bitch my heart is doing all types of disrespectful flips.
‘Have you taken the tour yet? You know..the campus tour. I didn’t have time’ She asked.
Sitting on her bed looking at me with her elbows in her knees (y’all know THE LOOK). I looked for a while in awe just thinking about her her accent sounded making her smirk and laugh a bit shaking her head.
Her eye contact is just godly.
‘Uh yeah…you want me to give you one? I only remember some of it.’ I finally replied questionably because I didn’t know much as well being that I just arrived today.
‘Yes’ she said standing up put her hands behind her back tilting her head a bit. ‘Ight…yeah…let’s go’ I say heading towards to door only for her to reach around slightly touching my lower back and opening it.
‘After You’ She said still smirking.
Oh boy.
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the-offside-rule · 2 years
Mason Mount (Chelsea) - Late
Requested? No
Warnings: none, just fluff
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Mason walked about the house picking up his training stuff. His boots, his jumper, his muscle massager, the usual. He was trying to get everything done early so there was less room for error. The day before, he'd forgotten most of his stuff which of course got him a telling off from the various coaches throughout the day. He didn't want to put them through the hassle of finding spare stuff for him again so he got up extra early and made up his training bag.
Y/n was upstairs just waking up. She frowned as she didn't feel the usual weight beside her and turned to investigate, seeing just a curve of where her boyfriend was laying. She flicked the covers off and went downstairs, deciding to go to the wash room first to put the laundry in the dryer because let's all be honest here, Mason probably "forgot". She put put through one by one. T-shirt, hoodie, hoodie, jeans, t-shirt. The last thing were a pair of dark blue shorts of which belonged to Mason. When he came home yesterday, he simply kicked them off and left them on the floor of the bedroom so, being a nice girlfriend, Y/n decided to have them washed for him. To her surprise, she saw her boyfriend pacing around frantically searching for something. "Mase? You okay?" She asked, catching Mason off guard. "Oh good morning, darling. I didn't wake you, did I?" Y/n shook her head and folded her arms watching as he continued on looking for something. "What are you looking for?" She was now walking towards him. "My shorts. I can't find them anywhere." He replied. "Would shorts not be in your drawer?"
"I looked there first. Can't find any." Her face turned into one of confusion. "Are these shorts a dark blue?" Mason nodded. "Yeah, do you know where they are?" He said, the sound of hope in his voice evident. "Yeah, you threw them on the bedroom floor yesterday after training so I threw them in the wash." Mason covered his face with his hands and slowly stepped towards her and hugged her. "You're an angel but I really needed them." He whined. "Shouldn't have left them on the ground then." She scoffed, coming out of his grasp and leaving to get a tea. "What's that supposed to mean?" Mason followed her into the kitchen. "I mean don't just throw shit about. I will more than likely move it." She replied, opening the fridge. "Why should you move it?" He asked. "Why should I live in a pigsty?" She grabbed a spoon and began eating some yoghurt. "I'm just saying, since I now also live here, you have to think about throwing just at your arse."
"Yeah but I was obviously gonna move them." He protested. "Then why did you only start to look for them now?" He couldn't find a reply to her question. "I don't have time for this. I'm just gonna go pack my bag and try hair dry the shorts. If they're not dry, they're not dry." He stormed off. "I already have them in it! We have a dryer you know!" She muttered. "I don't know how to use it!" He whined. "Mason!" He chuckled at her reaction. "Only joking! Don't get your knickers in a twist." He winked and off he went to finish packing his bag. As Y/n began to eat her yoghurt, an idea sprang to mind. What if she hid the shorts? As Mason slowly but surely made his way up the stairs, Y/n tip toed toward the stairs and up to the wash room. She opened the door and walked towards the dryer. She took out the shorts. They were still warm from the dryer. She then slowly made her way to the hall only ro be stopped by a confused looking Mason, holding a Chelsea duffle bag. "Oh you got them." Mason sauntered up to his girlfriend to try reach for them, only to find her taking steps back. Confused, he looked at her. "What are you playing at?" He asked gently. A wild grin appeared on her face. "Catch me if you can." And so, she took off in a sprint down the stairs. "Baby, I havent got the time for this! I'm gonna be late again!"
For the next hour, Mason ran about looking for Y/n and more importantly his shorts. If he didn't find them, he'd have to wear his joggers and in the heatwave that England was in, he really didn't want to do that. Y/n was outside for a good twenty minutes, just peeping in through the window to giggle every so often, knowing fine rightly Mason wouldn't check outside. Mainly because she opened and closed the door so quietly, he probably didn't notice. However, she got bored. Kind of a big mistake. She knocked on the window and before she could duck down, Mason was looking at her. "Oi! Get back here now!" He called, sprinting towards the front door. This gave Y/n only a matter of seconds to run before Mason would be after her. He was much quicker admittedly so she had to think quick. Oh where to hide, where to hide. Bingo. She quickly ran around the back and opened the back door, locking it behind her and then running back upstairs to Mason's gaming room. She quickly scavenged around the shelves and drawers to find a place but nothing, nowhere would be a good enough hiding place. This only lasted a matter of minutes though.
Just as she thought she found the perfect place, she felt a pair of hands grip her waist. "No!" She giggled as Mason grabbed hold on the shorts. "I found you, now give them here!" Mason laughed back. Both tugged at the pair of shorts until they both heard a small rip. They both stopped, staring at eachother blankly. "That better not have been my shorts." Mason mumbled. Y/n let go and took off again, an innocent smile set upon her lips. "Nah, you're in for it now!" Mason began running after her throughout the house. It was as if Tom and Jerry came to life. The laughs could be heard all over the house. They echoed and bounced off every wall. It was like a core memory in the making.
Y/n found herself cornered back in the bedroom. She had no place to run. She turned and felt a heavy body engulf her and drop to the bed. Mason tickled Y/n's sides and peppered her in kisses, giving close to no room for breathing. She laughed, kissing him back as she tried to stop him tickling her. "Mason!" She squealed, erupting in giggles. "Say sorry! I have to go get new shorts now!" She couldn't even speak. She was so overcome with laughing. Eventually, he stopped amd just lay beside her. The laughing died down and they lay in eachother's arms, taking eachother's features in. "You're so angelic." He whispered, caressing her soft cheek. Y/n smile softened. "As much as I'd love for us to continue this, you said you had training to get to." Mason whined. "You have me all to yourself when you get back. Come on." Mason groaned as he sat up. He trudged toward the door. "Mase?" His head didn't bother turning back. "You have me all to yourself after training." He didn't need to see her to know how she meant it and she didn't need to see him to know he had a stupid boyish grin on his face. "Hurry on back, won't you?" She asked. "Oh you know I will."
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alwayschasingrainbows · 7 months
Twenty two Teddy Kent's headcanons and semi-headcanons (created in a great hope that they will make him a little less of a stale piece of toast):
When he was a little boy, he used to have imaginary friends to play with; he believed that they were living in a garden near his house and were able to shrink in size to fit into the flower buds.
He used to draw pictures for every book he had read, because he thought the books were much better that way.
He made up stories, but instead of using words, he used illustrations.
He loved the myth of Vega of the Lyre and imagined the star as a land with two shining suns (one red and one blue). He imagined that he lived there before he was born (it's canon - quotes below). That was the reason Vega of the Lyre became Emily's favourite star.
He saved his allowance money to buy paints and pastels.
He made many pictures of Emily, but was too shy to show them to anyone.
He had no idea why most of Blair Water girls wanted to shake his hand, but he was too nice to refuse. In fact, they followed Rhoda Stuart's idea to count nine stars for nine nights, so that the first boy they shook hands with was going to become their husband. Emily was the one who told him about that custom. He laughed it off as silly, but secretely counted the stars and proceeded to shake Emily's hand. He told himself it was unrelated.
He sometimes wondered what his father looked like. His mother never showed him any photographs until she came to live with him. He was twenty five when he saw his father's picture for first time and he had to fight the tears down.
He really loved ice-skating and was pretty good at it. The first winter he and Emily were married, he insisted they go ice-skating at least once a week.
He painted old Mr. Morrison, standing on the church steps, with longing in his eyes. He felt very sorry for the man, after he stopped being angry at him for scaring Emily.
He learnt how to cook when he moved to Montreal. During his scholarship in Paris, he invented countless ways to cook beans (because they were cheap and filling - couldn't resist The Blue Castle reference).
He felt really ashamed during nude-painting classes. He couldn't talk to the models afterwards. His classmates laughed at him for being such a prude.
When he was studying in Paris, he used to sneak behind the guards into the Louvre, to stare in awe at the paintings of great artists (that is not my headcanon - it was in a fanfic entitled "Pine Trees and Pigsties" by Dhobi ki Kutti (dhobikikutti).
During his separation from Emily, he wrote her many letters, but never send them. He gave her these letters after they were married.
He took Emily to Paris for their honeymoon. They visited every single art gallery. It was Emily's idea, because she loved listening to him talk about art.
He never made any comments about Emily's dresses, because he thought she had looked beautiful all the time. He told her that after she got angry at him for not helping her choose an outfit to wear at one of the parties.
On the first day The Smiling Girl was being exhibited, he gave a speach about "the first girl who had believed in me". He never mentioned Emily's name. It hurt too much.
After he and Emily got married, he made illustrations for her books (again, the idea is from an amazing fanfic by hardlygolden - no pictures of him squarely).
He often thought that if he had ever had a daughter, he'd call her after his favourite constellation (I am obsessed with the name Lyra, so...).
He was good with the kids and really enjoyed playing with them. They usually created a huge mess that took ages to clean afterwards.
He liked painting pictures on the walls. He painted a Blair Water landscape on the walls of Emily's writing room in Montreal, so that she felt more at home.
He always bought chocolate bars for Ilse's and Perry's kids and told them in secret "not to tell mommy". Ilse pretended not to have noticed.
I borrowed @daydreamingandprocrastination tags, because they are just so amazing! I hope you don't mind, but if you do, please let me know and I'll be sure to change them!
"Teddy says that before he was born into this world he lived in another one where there were two suns, one red and one blue. The days were red and the nights blue. I don’t know where he got the idea but it sounds atractive to me. And he says the brooks run honey instead of water. But what did you do when you were thirsty, I said. Oh, we were never thirsty there. But I think I would like to be thirsty because then cold water tastes so good. I would like to live in the moon. It must be such a nice silvery place." (Emily of New Moon).
"Look at that star, Teddy—the one just over the youngest Princess. It's Vega of the Lyre. I've always loved it. It's my dearest among the stars. Do you remember how, years ago when you and Ilse and I sat out in the orchard on the evenings when Cousin Jimmy was boiling pigs' potatoes, you used to spin us wonderful tales about that star—and of a life you had lived in it before you came to this world." (Emily's Quest).
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sexisdisgusting · 4 months
Hiii I hope it’s okay if I rant about a male to you but feel free to ignore me if it’s not ^^
So about a year ago I let a male friend live in my tiny, one bedroom apartment with me. He slept in my living room on a mattress I gave him.
He literally trashed my apartment—he left fast food bags, wrappers, cups, dirt, etc. all over my floor; he practically refused to do ANY basic household chores; he brought his other male friends into my home, most of the time without my permission, and played video games loudly in the next room at night while I was trying to sleep.
All I asked of him was $200 a month to help with rent, groceries, & the utility bill. This fucking asshole couldn’t even scrape up that much money when he had absolutely no other financial obligations. I worked full-time, 40 hours a week while he worked 10, sometimes 15 hours a week. And I still had to do all the chores if I didn’t want my apartment looking & smelling like an absolute pigsty 24/7. He was fully able-bodied btw and there was no reason he couldn’t get a full-time job like a big boy or at least do basic chores.
Instead he stayed home, watched TV, and played video games all day long while dirtying up my house, running up my utility bill almost three times as much as it was without him there, and eating all the food I bought with my own money.
Thankfully this is the closest I’ll ever get to having a man-child husband as I’m a lesbian, but the experience was more than enough for me. I kicked his ass out but not after enduring his shit for a few months.
I feel so embarrassed and ashamed of myself. I am known by most people as a tough, strong-willed woman who doesn’t take shit from anyone, especially men, but somehow I let this male walk all over me bc I cared about him.
And it was easier for me to get rid of him than it likely is for straight/het-partnered women to get rid of their man-child husbands/boyfriends. I feel for them sometimes, I really do. Some of them are dependent on their husbands/boyfriends in more ways than one, but especially financially.
Well, I will never, ever let a male (aside from my cat) live in my home again. FUCK that.
HIII!! yes of COURSE its okay for you to rant to me about a male, i encourage all my followers to rant to me about the shitty males in their lives!
after reading your entire ask all i can say is... holy fucking shit
why are men so repulsive and dirty, i swear to god its like theyre in a constant state of being mentally two years old, they cannot clean up after themselves, take care of themselves and dont give a fuck about anyone else except themselves, NOT EVEN GIVING A SHIT ABOUT THOSE WHO HELP AND CARE FOR THEM!!!!
listen, you have no reason to be ashamed of yourself, if anything it shows that youre a good person, and friend, youre kind and thats a terrific trait to have
unfortunately someone took your kindness for granted, and im proud of you for sticking up for yourself and kicking his dumbass out
i love you so much anon, i hope youre doing okay now !! <3
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solomons-finest-rum · 2 years
Saga, congratulations once again on 1K!! 🎉 I know how much you wanted to write something Halloween inspired so I thought perhaps a modern AU where Alfie forgets what the date is. He's home watching tv while everyone is out trick-or-treating. When there's a knock at the door, he's surprised to see his neighbor, a single mum, and her two adorable children in costume. Now he must play along and find them a treat. Bc he's Alfie and has no idea about kids, I imagine he'd give them an odd assortment of items he collected in haste. 🤣 But their mum would find it sort of charming and maybe she invites him and Cyril to walk with them. Just something humorous and fluffy for a quick blurb. I hope it inspires you!
"Trick or Treat" — (Alfie Solomons x OFC)
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SUMMARY — Modern!AU. One Halloween evening, three witches come to Alfie's porch for trick-or-treating. Chaos ensues.
AUTHOR’S NOTE — Goodness, how long I made you wait for this one, I'm so sorry my friend! 🙈💕I hope the moodboard I made to accompany this fic and the extended length makes up for it! 💗💗💗💗I really did my best with this I think, or at least beat my temporary writer's block right on the head with it🙈💗💗💗💗
WORD COUNT — 3,599
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For one Alfie Solomons, the morning of Halloween began with a haunting. 
The doorbell rang at an ungodly early hour and he nearly fell off the bed when he heard it. Knowing full-well he wasn’t expecting anyone, Alfie reasoned quickly that the only possibility could either be a stranger, a neighbour, or the police. Not really sure which one of these was worse, he stomped towards the front door grumpier than ever. 
“Yeah, yeah, hold yer fuckin’ horses, treacle, I ain’t decent!” he grumbled when the doorbell sounded again.
Alfie opened the door and immediately closed it as soon as his eyes met with Inspector Campbell’s. 
“Good morning, Mr. Solomons!” Chester Campbell exclaimed, entirely all too happily for Alfie’s liking, and he seemed completely undeterred by the treatment. 
Which could only mean he had some bad news.
“Nope! Nah! Not doin’ that with ya today, right, so you can go fuck off, mate!” Alfie promptly turned around to locate the closest trousers and check the corridor for anything incriminating while at it. 
“Mr. Solomons, we need to talk!” Campbell knocked on the door once more and Alfie grunted when he finally managed to get himself half-way into a half-clean pair of jeans.
“Yeah, we’ve done too much of that lately for my likin’, right, so you can get a warrant!” he shouted right back.
“Is that really necessary?”
“Afraid so, yeah!”
“Mr. Solomons, you’re stalling!”
He absolutely was, yes. 
The thing was, Alfie wasn’t exactly surprised that Campbell came to see him—tracked him down, more or less. Alfie’s parole meeting was coming up and the prospect of his earlier charges getting dismissed obviously must have enraged the Inspector enough to come down all the way to Margate.
But then, just as the Inspector raised his hand to knock again, Alfie opened the door once more and squeezed himself right in front of the other man, closing the front door behind him and thus creating the environment he hoped would be increasingly uncomfortable for the cop—at least uncomfortable enough to get him down from his high horse and off the porch.
“Right, there we are then, treacle, nice an’ cosy, just as we like, right? What can I do for ya?” Alfie sneered.
“Mr. Solomons, is that really necessary?” Campbell asked, in a tone that let Alfie know just how exasperated he was with the nonsense.
“Aye, forgot to clean the place, right, ‘s a bloody pigsty it is,” Alfie’s sneer only grew. “If you’d give me a head’s up there—”
“Very well,” Campbell grumbled and looked around to see if any passers-by would witness what he was about to do next. 
Unfortunately for Alfie, his house, while comfortably close to the sea, was also the most remotely placed. 
Which was why the Inspector could lean in and whisper maliciously:
“Now, I know what you’ve been up to, Mr. Solomons, and I also know that you know how close I am to implicating the Shelbys along with it. So you can consider your parole hearing… How should I put it? Utterly redundant.”
After that delightful little message, Campbell straightened his back and exclaimed, unnecessarily loudly:
“Good day, Mr. Solomons!”
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So you could say all of that left Alfie a little enraged. Distracted, even. Truth be told, he completely lost track of time, which angered him even more—that he let Campbell get to him like that.
Nonetheless, Alfie’s foul mood resulted in him frantically going between calling his lawyer, switching from threatening and pleading, and then smoking the cigarettes he swore he wouldn’t touch again.
Somehow, the entire afternoon passed him by and when Alfie finally calmed down enough to sit down and watch a movie, the doorbell rang again.
“Alright, that’s it!” he roared, certain that this time Campbell had somehow managed to make up a reason and come back to arrest him. 
Drug charges, you see, were something of a slippery thing; at least when it came to Alfie Solomons. It was a mutual thorn in his and Campbell’s respective sides. Difficult to prove his involvement in, at least that’s what Alfie’s lawyer claimed on the last trial.
Criminal activity, on the other hand… Well, that one had been well-proven and Alfie went down for it for four long years. Would have gotten more, had it not been for Tommy Shelby’s fancy lawyer and a favour that Alfie was still trying to forget ever happened.
But now he had a pretty good chance of these drug charges going away forever—a new thorn in the Inspector’s side, to be sure. Which was why you could say Alfie was a little on edge even without the taunting and the surprise visits.
“I’ll have ya fuckin’ arrested, ya limpin’ old cunt!” were the exact words Alfie shouted as soon as he opened the door, the recipients of his threats being two little girls in witch costumes and their chaperone—a pretty brunette, also in a matching witch costume.
Which was when Alfie’s tired brain connected the dots. Children. Trick-or-treating. Halloween. 
“Yeah, fuck, I’m… I’m so sorry, listen,” he muttered, rubbing his hand across his face and trying to at least make up a good reason for the outburst. 
He had none.
“No!” the woman exclaimed, though she wasn’t angry; embarrassed, maybe. But surprisingly not angry. “We’re… sorry. We’re gonna go. Come on, girls.” She put her arms around the girls protectively, though Alfie doubted the little shits needed any. 
They looked up at him with two identical grins, both no doubt thoroughly amused at his swearing.
“Wait, no, wait… Fuck’s sake, that’s… I’m sorry, I thought you were someone else, yeah, I’ve been through some rough patch lately, you could say, that’s…” As he rambled, Alfie retreated inside the house only to emerge with a random assembly of things that in no way could ever be considered suitable for Halloween treats.
Therefore, in both girls' baskets landed, in that order, two decorative Granny Smith apples made of recycled glass, a pack of watch batteries, Marlboro lights (slightly opened), and a small bag of dog treats. 
All three uninvited guests were looking at him now like one would at an utter lunatic, though the youngest of the three was simultaneously completely taken by the strangeness of the man before her.
“Thank you… so much,” the woman stuttered then, unable to say anything else. “Girls, please thank the nice man,” she added unconvincingly.
Both girls exclaimed excited “thank you’s”, obviously having been treated enough for one evening—both by the ensemble of creative swear words and the cigarettes they would no doubt trade for something awesome at school.
“Yeah, listen, I am sorry,” Alfie said once more, feeling uncharacteristically self-conscious. “No local kids come ‘ere for Halloween, alright, and there’s a good reason for it, I suppose…”
“Yeah, and what’s that?” one of the girls, the smaller, immediately wanted to know.
The older was still eyeing the dog treats, but as she saw no dog, she tried to look into the weird man’s house. She expected it to be even weirder on the inside.
“Lydia, that’s enough,” the woman chastised the curious one, rubbing her own cheek in a nervous tick and smearing the dark painted freckles. “Thank you—”
“Aye, ‘cause it’s haunted, innit?” Alfie chose to entertain the question, and entirely seriously, too. 
As soon as he said it, the younger girl gasped and grabbed the older one by the hand.
“Yeah, right,” the older one said, suddenly defiant enough to disobey her… mother? Was it their mother? Alfie wondered… 
In any case, the older girl entirely ignored the silent plea the woman had given her and instead, she stepped a little closer towards Alfie. 
“Who’s the ghost?” the older girl asked, in that sort of demanding tone only children on the verge of becoming teenagers could muster.
“I am,” Alfie murmured in a raspy voice, again completely serious. 
The girl took a step back and the younger one shrieked. The unexpected noise managed to finally wake up Alfie’s otherwise retired Bullmastiff, and as the giant hound tilted his massive head back and howled for no reason at all, all three unexpected visitors shrieked together.
All of them at once fled Alfie’s porch, their final goodbye being the man’s raspy laughter that followed them all the way down to the beach.
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The devil came to Margate. Alfie was pretty much convinced that was how everyone else referred to his recent arrival to the coast. Actually, to be clear, the devil never really left. He just rented out his property, in which he now so shamelessly hid from the rest of the world.
No, not his house, that one was always cluttered and too personal for renting. You see, Alfie had many properties scattered around London and the coast—which was why he supposed the tax people had so much trouble tracking down his actual income.
One of those properties was a cosy shop just on the corner behind the main street. Alfie rented it to a tiny old lady who turned it into a used bookstore—nothing less in demand in Margate, to be sure.
Profits were minimal, but Alfie was prepared to forgive the rent from time to time for two reasons—he loved hanging around the place, and also his tennant was positively vicious. 
Alfie was positively enamoured with the evil old thing. He often remarked they would have been married in another life (at which he either received a scowl or a slap across the head).
(She really reminded him of his grandmother sometimes.)
Mrs. O’Brien was Irish in the strictest sense of the word. She despised the English and everything about them, as she often remarked to Alfie. She often let him know, too, that his only redeeming quality was him being Jewish, at which he only laughed because he really didn’t know what to say to that. 
(The strong association with his evil bat of a grandmother continued.)
To be perfectly honest, he often said to her to go the fuck back upstairs if she so hated Margate, but then she always dropped the subject (or a book or a cup or whatever else she might have been holding while losing the argument). Sometimes Alfie liked to think she was a wanted woman in Ireland, which really would explain so much about her.
Mrs. O’Brien, he strongly suspected, was either widowed by choice or never married at all. The choice in the matter could have clearly been murder, as one time while going through the mess at the backroom and searching for the invoices past due, Alfie found a gun in one of the drawers. It was an old one, a Beretta Laramie as he later learned through Google. The name, while rather romantic, made Alfie think his unusual friendship with the woman might not have been as odd as he used to think. 
Safe to say, Mrs. O’Brien was no sitting duck. The next time Alfie looked through the drawer, the gun had been removed.
That particularly rainy October afternoon, Alfie came to the bookstore with a clear goal to bother Mrs. O’Brien. He told himself it was to collect rent, but truth be told, he needed a distraction. After that lousy Halloween evening, his thoughts were still riddled with annoyance at strange children and nosy inspectors. 
“Aight, luv, how ya doin’ you beautiful thing?!” Alfie hollered as soon as he came through the door, knowing full-well that the cure for his annoyance was usually to annoy someone back.
As expected, Mrs. O’Brien scowled at him from behind the counter, where she sat on the high chair and read Chaucer. Intimidating as she was through her choice of words, the old witch was only five feet tall. 
“What do ya want?” she barked, begrudgingly accepting Alfie leaning in and kissing her cheek. 
“Got somethin’ for my favourite gal, don’t I?” he replied and produced a small box from the bakery across the street. 
He would have been a fool to have come empty-handed.
Mrs. O’Brien put down her book and pretended to still hate him, but as she inspected the contents of the box, her eyes shined.
“Well then,” she agreed begrudgingly at her own landlord’s presence in his own establishment before she bit down on the French lemon tartlet. 
Continuing not being a fool, Alfie got her the one with caramelised sugar on top.
With the dragon subdued for a good minute, Alfie went around the shop and got lost in the old books. With his tennant’s general unfriendliness and the particularly dark ambience, the bookstore was pretty much always quiet. That’s what Alfie was counting on, but like always, life decided to serve him with a big, fat disappointment.
The bell above the door rang and both Alfie and Mrs. O’Brien looked towards it with equal measures of surprise. In from the rain came two girls, both wearing identical yellow macs that dripped water everywhere they stepped.
“Oi!” Mrs. O’Brien put down the cake and wiped her mouth, all in one swift motion to race to the door and stop the children from doing any further damage to the layer of dust in the bookstore; so carefully accumulated over the years.
“Where ya both t’ink yer headin’?!” she shouted. “Now! Look at dat! That’s water everywhere!
Alfie still stood by the tallest bookcase and held a book opened before him, pretending to read and not spy on the situation.
“Excuse us,” the taller of the girls said and took off her hood. “Our aunt is just across the street. She told us to wait inside if we could.”
“Yes,” the smaller one interjected. “In case there are any perverts out.”
“That’s not what she said!” the older chastised her sister in a hushed voice.
“Oh, look!” The smaller one ignored her completely and pointed to Alfie, who immediately closed the book and tried to dive into the dark passageway in between the bookshelves.
Another conversation with the little shits was the last thing he wanted.
“He’s here!” the girl announced for the world to see. “I told you he’s not a ghost.”
“No, I told you that,” the older one sighed. 
To Alfie’s dismay, Mrs. O’Brien said nothing to that, for as much as she was an unfriendly old thing, she also never passed on the opportunity to be a nuisance to him.
“Maggie, can we stay? I’m cold,” the younger girl complained.
“Oh, fine!” Mrs. O’Brien then exclaimed, as if the decision was hers to make anyway. “Just don’t you two touch anythin’! These books are very old, ya know.”
“How old?” the younger one wanted to know.
“Very. Now, ya can hang the coats ‘ere, just don’t make a mess of it.”
Alfie heard the girls do as they were asked and he observed from behind the bookshelves as they walked around, both equally curious about the strange place they found themselves in. And strange it was indeed, starting from the old ceiling lamps that gave very little light altogether, finishing on the stuffed vulture placed on the bookshelf right behind the cash register counter.
The vulture, Alfie often thought, must have been a relative of his tennant’s, as both in their nature brightened up only at the perspective of a meal.
When he finally emerged from behind the shelves, both girls were still looking around with eyes wide open. Nothing in the shop, however, seemed more fascinating than the strange man they met last night.
“We’ve decided to stay,” the younger girl informed him.
“Hm,” Alfie hummed and scratched his beard. “Right, I can see that.”
“You’re not a pervert, are you?” she asked.
“Afraid not, no,” he smirked.
“Lydia!” The older girl smacked her on the shoulder.
“Ow!” Lydia, undeterred, smacked her sister right back. “What?!”
“Stop saying ‘pervert’ to people!”
Alfie cleared his throat then and both girls looked at him, now a little less sure of themselves. Mrs. O’Brien ignored them all and continued to munch on her tartlet.
“So,” Alfie said then to break up their quarrel, “Maggie,” he pointed to the older one who nodded, “and Lydia.” The smaller one nodded as well. “Right, well, I’m Alfie. This here is my shop. You two can stay as long as you like, ‘cause the way I figure I probably owe ya for last night.”
The girls looked at him with suspicion and Alfie returned the sentiment, for personally he had no idea how to manage small children.
“Right, you want some coffee?” he asked Maggie.
“I’m twelve,” she huffed.
“Sure, yeah,” Alfie hummed, then turned to Lydia with raised eyebrows. She nodded eagerly at the offer, obviously excited to be included in something adult.
“Jesus Christ,” Maggie sighed, “she’s seven! You can’t give her coffee.”
“Yeah, why not?”
“‘Cause she won’t grow!”
Alfie squinted at her and finally shrugged, accepting that as fact.
“Suit yourselves.”
But before he could go to the back to put the kettle on, the bell above the door sounded again. In came the woman from last night and Alfie froze a little, suddenly not so sure what to do with himself.
“Good lord, we haven’t ‘ad a crowd like that since the whale!” Mrs. O’Brien exclaimed and rushed to help the woman with her grocery bag—not because she especially cared, but because her red mac spread rainwater everywhere much like the girls’ had before.
“What whale?” Lydia immediately wanted to know.
“Oh,” her aunt noticed Alfie then and he caught her attention immediately. “It’s you.”
Alfie cleared his throat, unable to settle on the response.
“What whale!” Lydia exclaimed and Mrs. O’Brien shot her a disapproving look.
“Well, all right little missy! Calm down,” she said. “In 1973, a whale washed ashore. It was quite the event, I’ll have ya know.”
“You weren’t even here in 1973,” Alfie scoffed.
“Aye, an’ ya weren’t even a twinkle in yer father’s eye, so what? I know things!” Mrs. O’Brien waved her hand dismissively and the girls giggled.
“Well, I…” the woman looked around, appropriately confused by this all. “I’m so sorry if we have disturbed you—”
“It’s his bookstore,” Maggie informed her sharply and pointed at Alfie. “He said we could wait out the rain.”
“Aye, then ye’d be waitin’ all night, it’s always like this in October,” Mrs. O’Brien complained and earned herself a sharp look from Alfie, one which she thoroughly ignored.
“I was just about to make coffee,” Alfie pointed to the back room. 
“No, we don’t want to impose,” the woman replied, but when she turned around, the girls were already gone—hiding behind the tall bookshelves and giggling about something. 
“Seems you ain’t got a choice,” Alfie smirked.
“If they’re bothering you…”
“Naah, that’s no bother. Now come on, I was a proper arse last night, right, the least I owe ya is a cup of coffee.”
The woman nodded and hung her coat, visibly relieved she didn’t have to go out into the cold October rainstorm just yet.
Since that was settled, Alfie went to make the coffees.
“Sooner or later ya gonna have to tell me what the hell happened last night, eh?” Mrs. O’Brien muttered to Alfie as he put the kettle on.
“Dontcha ‘hmm’ at me lad, I’m old enough to be yer grandmother!”
“Naah, don’t say that now, my grandmother was a lovely woman.”
Mrs. O’Brien scoffed and busied herself with finding some clean cups.
“Nothin’ happened, right,” Alfie grumbled, “just a misunderstanding.”
“Aye, that misunderstanding seems to like the looks of ya.”
Alfie looked behind his shoulder and his eyes met the aunt’s. It seemed like she was watching him from afar and now she turned around abruptly, cheeks slightly pink with embarrassment.
“Shut up.” Alfie turned around too and Mrs. O’Brien cackled like an old bog witch.
Alfie finally approached the aunt with two cups in his hands, leaving his insufferable tennant to figure out her own drink. But the suggestion she made stayed at the back of his head, now clouding his judgement entirely. 
Five seconds ago he couldn’t care less about the woman and now all he could notice was how her hair curled from the rain and how good she looked browsing these musty old books, mouthing the titles from their spines.
“Oh! Thank you,” she smiled at him brightly when Alfie handed her the cup.
“Yeah, I didn’t know how ya like it…”
“Well, that’s good then, ‘cause we don’t have milk anyway.”
She laughed and, despite his better judgement, Alfie felt a little proud.
“If ya like bad coffee an’ half-decent books, you should come more often!” Mrs. O’Brien then shouted from behind the cash register, at which Alfie turned around to glare at her.
The girls’ aunt laughed again, still a little nervous. Alfie turned to her, suddenly emboldened by the rain and by the girls happily running around the shop, making the place more alive than it had been for years.
“Yeah, but I think so too,” he said, voice lower so that Mrs. O’Brien couldn’t overhear—not for the lack of trying on her part, to be sure.
“What?” the aunt asked, a little incredulous.
“You should come by more often,” he explained. 
Either there was something in that coffee or he was going crazy, but he could swear her eyes sparkled.
“Is that so?” she asked, now obviously teasing him a little. 
“You don’t mind the noise?”
“We could come by tomorrow, I suppose,” she mused. 
“Come,” he assured her. “As often as you’d like.”
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