#and thats really just where grian is at rn
You know what's insane about the Hunger AU. the fact that Grian is trying to die because he does not want to inflict pain upon his friends, but that's exactly the thing that's tormenting them. he's become so determined to stop himself that he's hurting them anyway, and it only gets worse the harder he tries. he doesn't want to be cruel but leading the Hermits on like this about the potions is cruel. he doesn't want to hurt them but seeing him half dead is hurting them. i am shaking like a dog
hunger au really is all about how suicidal ideation and mental illness can just twist your entire perspective into a knot.... like the objective reality is that he IS hurting his friends with this and he IS going to hurt them 10x more when it comes to the potions!!! but grian is so caught up in his own head and his hurt and his guilt that he cant see that or accept the cognitive dissonance that comes with acknowledging it. Its a genuinely tragic set of circumstances and being able to showcase the rapid spiral down followed by the slow crawl back up through recovery is so so so rewarding for me as a writer-- not least bc of reactions like these >:]
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r0ttingsystem · 9 months
North here and I'm about to rant about system stuff, enjoy
I'm going through survivors guilt rn, kinda
I just read the experience of a system with an extreme persecutor and just
I don't know, thought about everything
We don't have many internal conflicts, it's peaceful
Right now I can see the people in the front room
Yellow and Tommy are gossiping about each other's crushes
Grumbot is drawing for his best friend
All our small littles are in the corner napping
Grian and Dani are to either sides of me, zoned out thinking about their partners
William and Steven are talking about school, since both of their sources are being students
Will is trying to see what other cool thing he can do with his new body, since him and commet fused into a subsystem
John is on his chair sleeping
Mary is just laying down under a whole bunch of blankets asleep
Blarg is cleaning up the headspace living room thats connected to the frontroom
Everyone else is doing their thing, drawing, talking, writing, sleeping, going in and out of their rooms
I'm just here
Trying to comprehend everything
Thing to make sense of all of this
Why are we peaceful? How can we sit here doing our thing while other systems have to deal with so much in their innerworld
Hell, our 'worst' persecutor is sleeping in a wooden chair cuddling a plushie and a music box
It doesn't help that I'm one of the only ones that can remember/care about our past
When I formed our system was a mess, everyone physically and emotionally torturing each other, we were Trying to hold ourselves together by a thread. Everything was loud everything was so god damn loud
But now it's just, quiet
Sometimes that bothers me
Why can't it be loud again I was used to be running around being one of the only ones willing to help the system
My brain is still in that mode
That I can't relax, if I do something bad will happen
But I know that nothing will happen
I know I can just lay down and take a nap for a while
I can't do my rounds? Rowan will be happy to run around headspace to check everything, he's a dog he'll be more then happy
Something going on in outerworld? Grian and Lio will take care of it
Something going on in innerworld? Again Lio could help, or if anyone needs advice they can ask dani
I know I can relax
But the thought of relaxing makes me more anxious then I can put into words
I feel like I'm the only one of a generation that has survived
The only ones from our "old system" that are still here are me, Mary and commet ,I guess will counts too cuz they share a body now, madness, misery and some more people I don't currently remember
But it doesn't bother them like it bothers me
Mary couldn't care less, commet/will too
Madness and misery don't remember much of anything really
And then there's me, it's my job to remember and to care about it, I have a whole office full of all the system information I can gather, which is most likely 1/3 of everything
And I don't understand why I'm at peace with that
Why do I like doing my job? Why does it calm me?
am I just a secret autism holder who's obsessed with information? Likely XD
Ah, that joke reminded me my job used to be a comedian, and I fucking hated that
I don't understand any of this and I'm trying to be at peace with that
But it's so hard when I'm obsessed with information to the point I beg people to let me rant to them about our system
I don't know where this was going but, thank you for listening to me
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mcybree · 4 months
hi this is mooshroom at petphantoms i wanted to say -> i have no idea how popular abusive fh is. but i entered the fandom and was JUST a grian viewer atp and i opened the door on it basically. like its all that i saw when i saw scott and jimmy mentioned by the same person even remotely. so my perspective of it being widespread may Just be a me thing and weird circumstances but i wanted to announce it anyway. i look forward to understanding and or disagreeing politely 🙏 -🍄
ooh okay hi yeah the whole first paragraph of my response in my drafts rn is me wondering about that actually because it really is curious how thats all youve seen… imagining the community pizza meme where the guy walks in and everythings on fire. I have more to say on this but (gestures to drafts) its all in there LMAO just wanted to reply to this to let you know that I did see it and appreciate the elaboration because now I’m really wondering who all is talking about it… this + mcytblrconfessions posted a confession about toxic fh interpretations a couple days ago, its making me think its spread out quite a bit. Squinting my eyes and documenting this like a scientist instead of doing my actual science assignments
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omgitsbeewave · 6 months
hi i saw the post you rb about taking to someone so hi!
if you’d like could you rank your favorite jimmy ships?
i’d also like to add that i love your art its so cute aaaaa
omg, hi, hiii!!! i just really like to talk to people but i'm little tired of capturing other blogs like i used to bc rn my little goal is to make cool designs for royal au and theres no interesting stuff i could just say without someone asking me about it
ooooh, ranking is cool! for me, as you can tell, solidaritimes is the most important one. i have them in many aus even if its just "they was learning how to kiss on each other in the middle school under the staircase bc jimmy was too awkward to tell scott that he doesn't know how to kiss" or a literal au where scar is stuck on empires smp season two bc grian felt betrayed
also my favorite one is zedlidarity c: they are so cool, i have three aus with them (i still like team blossom + jimmy, they are adorable). zed is more bold i may say in what he talk and do and butt jokes are funny from him, okay
the next one... ranchers. im not talking about them a lot (but im doing them in royal au) but they are cute, especially compared to other jimmy ships and how people treat jimmy... tango is a good guy
skizzledarity. yes, im calling them by this name. they are something between zedlidarity and ranchers, i like them but mostly neutral, tho i drew them so yeah
solidarian. i have some guys that ship them. i mostly see them as brothers, but i could see them as lovers too (not brothers then), i drew them as well
neutral for me - impulse/jimmy bc im mostly scarpulse person, sorry. mirror birds, romeo ships them, i think they could be cute but im not doing anything with martyn at all. jimmy/mumbo, jimmy/etho, jimmy/bigb are all the same, im not so interested in this all, but i can see them being cute (tho mumbo is not really my guy at all)
flower husbands are controversial, i like them being bad, to show scott as guy thats not good example for a relationships. i know this is not very smart to say, but i really cant see arts of them being happy and stuff, i think about how scott treated jim and :( tho i can see other ships with scott as something cool (majorwood, copper husband that are not allowed but no one can go into my brain and just kill all the thoughts about them)
smallidarity (is thats the name)? i can see bad boys all together but bc of how i started to watch empires... i was really afraid and mad at joel and im on my way to like this guy a lot, but empires god joel is still in my nightmares (not really, but thinking of him is terrifying me a lot)
fwimmy (i think thats the name) is 100% not for me, kinda the same reason as the previous one, but without fear + fwip is not my guy at all
+ something i think could be interesting, pixl/jimmy, i think this one is actually a cool guy, i haven't watched him enough, but he was really nice from what i remember
and oh why thank you! i really appreciate the words ♡ i have some problems that i see my arts like those kid fandom drawings, that i could be proud so much bc i made something but others sees it like ew cringe... im working on it, changing some stuff, learning so i could be more confident about my arts (i always wanted to be like the cool artist with realistic style that can be kinda stylized, but im not sure if i want this for myself rn, i like my style, it just need some changes, like eyes and maybe colors)
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astronomical-bagel · 2 years
I love your 80's diner au, do you have any 'lore' you would like to share?
oh boy DO I. ive been thinking about this thing on-and-off pretty much every day!! gosh, the only problem is i dont even know where to START. hmmm ok ok lets talk about the setting first ig.
-- the entire vibes are based off of every eighties movies i remember (with the addition of gay people LMAO), so basically that means: theyre in school. But i do NOT want them to be like 16 so theyre all in different stages of college age. so the majority of them are within their 20s.
-- its not as sad as The Outsiders but not quite as peppy as Ferris Bueller's Day off. idk somewhere in the sliding scale of that.
-- the diner is called Xisuma's Odds and Ends (bc. theyre queer. odd. do u get it)(i think im funny)
-- imagine you're in Mels. now imagine youre in applebees. now imagine youre on a roadtrip and theres a diner that's been in business since your mother was a teenager and they have the BEST waffles. now imagine what it would have looked like if you were your mom as a teenager. now forget about applebees but not too much. now make it have a lot of hidden queer symbols. That's what Odds and Ends looks like.
-- they have a giant neon moon sign on the wall that Xisuma got for like ten bucks. s8 reference woo
-- i dont know if youve gotten this idea yet /s, but Odds and Ends is The Queer Hangout. Xisuma is the go-to guy if they get into any trouble. Be that whether Tango got caught spray painting things when he shouldnt be or someone needs to hide from an ex or their parents or they need to stop thinking about school for a little bit -- or, y'know, they want a burger -- Xisuma is always there to help. Or to give you a burger.
-- Evil X will help people (Tango) spray paint things for 5 dollars.
-- Ariana Griande DOES feature in this, even tho the celebrity ariana Grande was not born until 1993. She was a hobby of Grian's that he just. never dropped. He sings on thursdays.
-- keralis makes xisuma fish with him on occasion.
-- my all-time favorite hc for bdubs in any au is that hes a PR manager so hes studying communications and marketing rn.
-- jimmy is studying to be a veterinarian. aminals.
-- impulse is still figuring things out but right now hes working in a welding shop and he likes it there. he also blows glass sometimes.
-- XB is a baker. i just really like the idea of him baking bread. or anything really. he works at the bakery just across the street. Odds and Ends sometimes do trades with them. burgers in exchange for cookies.
-- mumbo is a cook. grian is a waiter. cleo is a manager. gem is a waitress. zed is also a cook, lord save us all. etho is a cashier. xisuma is THE manager. ren is a cook as well.
okay thats all i can think of for right now but you are ALWAYS welcome to ask/talk about the 80s au because i hold this very near and dear to my heart. also heres a sketch of the inside of Odds and Ends (giant moon sign not shown)
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n e ways thanks for the askkkk xoxo
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atthebell-moved · 1 year
actually wait I wanna talk about something I've noticed that I was literally just talking about and I think has to do with like. why people don't draw female CCs with their actual features. If I'm not making any sense just ignore me
So boobs and curves have been sexualized to hell and back despite the fact that they're not sexual features of a person, and this has led to the idea that boobs and curves are sexual.
Which leads people to think that drawing these features is sexualization, regardless of how much a streamer might actually just look like that. (not to jump away from women and misogyny, but it's why you see people in this fandom throwing a fit whenever a male character is drawn with these features, because they see them as inherently sexual)
So what you end up with is a bunch of people who try to make female and female presenting streamers as curveless and boobless as possible, which often makes them look just really skinny and flat and not like themselves at all.
Not to say that a large part of it doesn't come from people refusing to draw streamers with their actual body types in the first place, but I'd argue that this is a part of it and they work together to make it worse.
areus you are 1000% correct on this. people are so scared to "sexualize" anyone that they refuse to draw women accurately, even though its not sexualizing to show that niki has boobs. drawing her to look like a skinny eighteen year old boy is nuts. its weird and in an industry where female streamers are already pressured to be thin and follow conventional beauty standards its honestly awful.
drawing grian or scar or wilbur with boobs is not sexualizing them. its going oh wouldnt it be interesting or funny if this guy who doesnt have boobs had boobs. isnt gender so weird and funny and arbitrary. now i do get annoyed with how often people are willing to draw mcyt dudes in dresses or with tits but have never drawn a woman in their life-- that does get to me. okay, you can draw boobs. why dont you draw them on someone who actually has them irl? i genuinely dont have an issue with the scitties stuff it just annoys me that people in this fandom would rather draw a guy in a dress bc haha* than draw a woman at all. drawing male characters with boobs is great though. imo its akin to drag in a weird way but i dont want to get into the dynamics of drag and gender parody rn since that's not the point of this ask. regardless its cool and people should do it if they want but they should also draw women.
again, im not calling anyone out or saying this is across the board the case, just saying it can be a trend in fandoms. like all of this, im not saying anyone is doing this on purpose. misogyny is pervasive and systemic, just like most forms of oppression. thats why my biggest advice is to just look at your own behavior when you can and try to notice trends.
anyway aside from that element of things i dont have anything to add, your insights are very welcome! body image is a huge issue in media and i think attempts to "desexualize" female streamers end up being incredibly harmful.
*the "man in a dress" concept, btw, can be incredibly harmful and is often a transmisogynistic stereotype. im not saying it is here but i would encourage folks to think hard about when that joke is just about being horny over some guy's thighs and when its about how comedic it is that person who looks like, for example, scar (who has what society deems as "masculine" characteristics) is wearing a dress. again, i dont think this is the case for much of this fandom as most of you just seem to like drawing dudes in dresses bc its fun, which is great, but watch out for this stereotype in other forms of media. if you want more info on this please feel free to ask.
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pikawarrior · 1 year
Not really a ramble and definitely not a talk mainly just screaming (positive) that might accidentally make sense sometimes
The mess is under the cut, its basically all uppercase random ramble yelling that can possibly be pieced together to make some sense about the latest session. Read at your own risk. Also it makes less sense the more you read so be warned as well
Okay okay, ive only watched grian, etho, martyn and joel's pov so far but HOLY SHIT THINGS HAPPEN.
(Side note i love the art for martyn's thumbnails, along with the artist's other work (seriously i would be commissioning them rn if i could) and rip to the artist for having to suffer knowing top tier spoilers, like seriously how u survive that i would break after an hour. Also I SAW THE BIRD IN THE LATEST THUMBNAIL I SEE WHAT YOU WERE DOING SOBS)
No one talk to me about this till next session, i am not okay yet so okay. I fucking love this series. I am sobbing (positive)
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mythicalbeans · 2 years
question, how did you branch out of just watching grian’s/mumbo’s (or any other hermit you only watched for a while) content?
(here’s my story cause i dont have anything to do rn)
when season 8 ended, i just finished watching g’s s6 and 7. after finishing his s8 too, i got bored of waiting for season 9, so i gave scar a chance cause his voice intrigued me and watched his side of s6 then his pov of s7.
then i vaguely remember watching that ep of s7 of keralis where he gave his stacks of diamonds to grian.
after a while i started watching bdubs cause i thought his voice was very funny whenever he interacted with grian but holy fuck this man has a smooth voice.
doc, well, i gave him a chance but was thrown off cause of his accent and how deep his voice is (nothing bad about it tho, i just wasnt used to hearing such thick accents) so i didnt really watch any of his s6 or s7 content at that time cause i was still looking for that kind of interaction the others had with grian. but recently (the shit he’s been doing in this season is insane) i always look forward to doc’s uploads and while i wait, im watching some of his s6 eps (not in order) and im gonna start watching his s8 when i get home and if i have the time (after i finish ren’s)
then when i found out who was the admin of the server, xisuma sparked my interest and i immediately started watching his side of s7 (im half way through it still tho) and OH GOODNESS ME, I LOVE HIM SO MUCH I JUST WANNA PUT HIM IN MY POCKET AND LET HIM SIP HIS TEA.
ren, my beloved, i used to not watch him cause (same with doc) of the accent, it threw me off cause i was only ever exposed to english/american accents (ik ren is from england but he has this idk different accent compared to g and mj). BUT when i accidentally stumbled on this compilation of the hermits singing and heard him, i melted, i immediately knew he was gonna be my new favourite hermit. also i watched zylistic art’s animatic of him, and yeah thats basically it.
impulse and tango, started watching them when s9 started. same with cub, cause i found it so funny how he’s living in scar’s basement. then there’s keralis cause his panda lounge is v cute. joehills, started watching him cause of the swedish rickroll he did on iskall. etho cause everyone seems to love him and i now know why. beef cause cards. zedaph cause of his zedvancements and i just finished his s8 last month.
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occasionally-victor · 2 years
do not consume redstone if radiation from it can kick off your defence mechanism in a form of turning full (well, as full as you can) Watcher
and do not turn in a full (as full as you can) Watcher without an eye covering, because you will get immediately overwhelmed and just emergency turn back
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theres total of 3 braincells (1 is shared), but not a single one used
i really like 4th picture
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trihardent · 3 years
SO OBSESSED with how if we define honour as A) a willingness to go into battle, B) being honest and C) keeping to your word/ obligations that it perfectly maps onto The Red Army, who have honour, and their enemies, who don't.
OK. First off. Renchanting Duo. Because its super quickneasy to explain, & I'm trying rlly hard to keep interest for as long as possible b4 ppls eyes glaze over at the wall of text.
Ren and Martyn's character arcs are to respectively, A) learn to be willing to stick up for your self, & B) learning to dedicate yourself* to others. So, they both become more honourable. And, as A DIRECT RESULT of BECOMING MORE HONOURABLE, REN MAKES SCAR HIS ENEMY. LEADING TO THE RED ARMY, THE ORGANIZATION REPRESENTING HONOUR, FORMING.
*Dedicating oneself to others is not necessarily an inherent gain of honour like Ren's Arc is, but the looking at Martyn's behaviour we see how dedicating himself to Renchanting stopped him from really falling into dishonourable behaviour [see: his early penchant for heists]
OK. Second. Impulse's betrayal. There are a lot of moments where Impulse is shown to be less honourable than the others, him saying he'd give his life for Ren and then backing away the moment an actual arrow is shot, all the half truthing and dodging blame and sucking up to everyone.
As the thesis states, Red Army = Honour. If you're honourable, youre in, if youre dishonourable, youre out. So if you're skirting the line of dishonour, yet claiming to be honourable.......... You're foreshadowing :)
But. MY ABSOLUTE FAVOURITE MOMENT. What could be called the actual betrayal, Impulse leading the Red Army away from Dogwarts so the Crastle can trap it.
OK LIKE. Impulse has already been shown to be semi-dishonourable, and because the Red Army stand for honour, thats already foreshadowing that he's a traitor when he joins up. But. BUT. THE WAY HE BETRAYS THEM is one of THE MOST DISHONOURABLE THINGS HE COULD DO. LET'S TALLY UP MY MOST RECENT INVENTION, THE HONOUR POINTS SHALL WE?
He makes a secret (-1) plan with the Crastle folks to betray the Red Army (-1) so he can prove his loyalty to them (+1). Impulse is to lure them away(-1) so Tango can set a trap(-1). When he gets there, he convinces the Red Army INSTEAD of going into battle (-2) that THEY SHOULD START LYING (-2) and SPREADING FAKE NEWS (-2) across the server. Before having an absolute spy moment where he gives the secret go signal (-1) for the Crastle to, need I remind you, do something very dishonourable. Which! He manages to lie (-1) about after so he can get his stuff!!!!!!!!
-11 honour points!
So. His first explicit mission to betray the Red Army has him not only flagrantly breaking every ideal they stand for at least twice over, but ALSO CORRUPTING the Red Army into going against their own principles.
Finally. Their Enemies. Strategically, making so many enemies was pretty failcringe. THEMATICALLY though, THEMATICALLY. Good stuff. basically just a list of all the ways you could consider their enemies dishounarble by the criteria I laid out in the beginning. I've officially talked about all the Very important stuff so formatting is minimal from here on out.
Desert Duo: Scar's literal defining trait throughout the series was being seen as untrustworthy and exactly 0 people believing he was gonna follow through on any deal he made ever. Also, cue @/red-rose-gown's post about most of Scar's kills being while his enemies were facing away and the one that wasn't was because he was backing away. Scar basically never took an honest fight with anyone until the final duel w/ Grian, it was all running away and traps and hiding and distractions for him. Speaking of Grian, the trap king himself. Need I say anymore? Probably, but this has been sitting in my drafts for a month now.
Flower Husbands: Scott "Well He Doesn't Know I'm a Liar Yet" Smajor who just wanted to retire, and not go into battle. Not an honour move bro. Shout outs to the Daisy fiasco*, dishonour on you, dishonour on your husband, dishonour on your cow. Obviously Mr. "I don't wanna kill anyone" Gaming, who was planning on hiding the entire rest of the game also does not count as honourable.
ALSO the thing that made them official enemies was not wanting to go into possible danger ala Jimmy being freaked out over the idea of a sacrifice.
Crastle: A)Their whole thing was combat avoidance by hiding in the castle. 2.1) Bdubs hiding from the red army after they killed Cleo and Tango, 2.2) Bdubs disavowing Cleo after she was permakilled in front of him because he was scared of the red army, C.a) llama thievery C.b) roof burnage, no matter its target, is lowkey dishonourable, 4) the helmet stunt was literally a way for Bdubs to kill Etho without having to actually fight him.
Joel: See, the Daisy fiasco, the wall burning, the missile launch, the betrayal of the Red Army, I feel like this ones pretty self explanatory.
Tango: Double agentry, and The lava game was a way to murder people without combat, so dishonour. dishonourrrr. that not a real word to me rn thanks for reading this entire thing <3
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Ok so hi, hello, hope you’re doing well. Your hunger AU has hooked me and I have questions if you’re up for answering them. Or if they’ll be answered later that’s fine too.
1) Just how did the confrontation with Grian being outed go down? As far as I know Martyn doesn’t really have much proof that it’s Grian behind the games besides what he’s inferred from the Listeners but even then how does he back that up to the others? Did he just announce “Hey, Grian’s behind the games that traumatized us!” and everyone just agreed?
2) So now that Xisuma and the others are on the opposite side of the Dev Crystal, who’s in charge of Hermitcraft?
3) Speaking of the Dev Crystal, the single player turned multiplayer server is closer to where the Watchers are (I think). Did Grian’s moving around alert them to where he was, or is he still moderately safe?
4) Is it possible for a player to jump to a server connected to another Dev Crystal?
5) Will we get insight to how the non-Hermitcraft members reacted to the news (besides Jimmy)?
Thank you in advance 😌
Omg hello!!!! Im doing alright, a bit under the weather so thats why replies are so insanely slow rn 💀💀💀 but otherwise im doing good!!! Im so excited you like hunger au :D genuinely this never gets old for me to hear im just so excited all the time that people like it so much
The confrontation with Grian is something i haven't fully hashed out yet, but i'm currently rotating ideas around for exactly how that went down. It's definitely more complex than Martyn just telling them-- i just haven't taken the time to tease that out of my brain just yet because the exact how hasn't been relevant yet. Once i get that sorted tho i'll likely make a post for it :]
Nobody's really in charge of Hermitcraft, tbh, and Xisuma isn't much of a leader to begin with. Sure, he does necessary maintenance and code wrangling for them, but he's definitely not in charge of the community and wouldn't want to be anyway. The hermits are pretty self-governing, they're doing just fine without him!!
Closer is a bit relative, the server that Grian and co are on right now is around the.... edge of the "middle ring" of servers, so to speak??? So its not the farthest out, but it's a bit more inward in its placement than the Hermitcraft server is. The Watchers haven't been alerted, though-- full disclosure, im not putting the other Watchers in this fic because i want the main focus to be about recovery. However, they might appear in other related stories if i decide to write them!!!
I wanna say both yes and no to this. Or more accurately, not on their own, unless they're a very skilled code wrangler. I've briefly mentioned "tears" in the Greater Code before in-fic, and those sort of act like wormholes or extremely long-distance portals-- although in functionality, its less of a tear and more like taking two folds of stretched out fabric and moving them to sit next to each other. That's how people can travel to other server clusters, and i think stuff like that is mostly set up on city-server hubs like Hypixel or MCC
We will!!! We will absolutely be getting that insight within the narrative-- i plan to touch on every life member's reactions and feelings at least once in the fic. Which is a bit of a tall order but 😂😂 this is gonna be a loooong fic, so i'll have the time to do it
Hope this answered your questions!! :D thank you for stopping by to ask them!!!
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limelocked · 4 years
my wrist is fucked and i dont have any inspiration for hermitcraft fics rn so have some ramblings again, as is per my brand
grian wears a red blouse with the sleeves rolled up this season, its the climate you cant wear a sweater in the jungle no matter how british you are
cub is slowly getting turned mad by the sand like bdubs with the jungle in season 5
doc told etho about the monster pit in season 6 as part of his hitman deal
the former nho had a sit down with mumbo about how he was behaving, asking him about the jungle and if hed had any weird dreams, after that he got more focused on his base building and stopped being a hobbit... then he made that shop
etho has almost no presence if youre not alone with him, he accidentally hides in plain sight and uses this to scare people
the nether roof is the coldest part of the nether, its like the void but humid making it a place youd rather not stay in for too long, doc and x can stay for longer due to cyborg modifications but only one of them uses it to guard the button
while X has natural admin powers and Grian has given admin powers (with limits from being a watcher), Tango developed them over time because of his status as being half there half not when he was first on the server to only build the iron titan and not play with the other hermits
beef and etho miss pause
while zed has ram horns and tango sometimes just Has fox tails the only really supernatural thing with impulse is that he has above average resistance to wither damage, he once made a flower crown of wither roses and didnt die for like at least 15 minutes
iskall is allergic to bee stings
ren is really good at sewing, same with grian, thats how they manage to make so many costumes and personas cuz theyre just really good at arts and crafts
ren, impulse and grian have all independantly thought theyve seen herobrine in season 7, grians theory is that they were followed from the beta, not to worry though, its only etho
ethos hands are really cold like stress’ used to be from being the ice queen, tangos are really warm, if youre gonna work in a cold biome hanging out with tango is always a great idea
beef, etho and iskall sometimes say really weird things, almost every season theres a period of time where everyone starts talking about the weirdest shit then forgets that it ever happened, when grian started talking about things he remembered from YHS only some of the people recognized “dollars” as a currency due to foolcraft
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Hey friend, I am absolutely rotating the HECK out of Hunger AU rn. I just binged all of the tagged posts and I'm going FERAL! Watchers being like parasitic wasps? Listeners being like fungi? Absolutely based takes.
I'm very much a fan of the emotional realism going on and I'm so terrified of Angry!Mumbo. Like. Bro doesn't get all that angry that often those folks are the scariest properly pissed.
And I relate far too much to the Search Party tbh. Something about the themes of mental and physical illness, wanting to help but not knowing how, the one you want to help not wanting help at this point, the resentment that causes on both sides of that stalemate... yeah I've been there.
Also, I am insanely curious about the ecological niche that Watchers and Listeners fulfill. Like. There has to be a reason they are the way they are. I'm insanely curious about what the environment they evolved in looked like, and even more curious as to what they provide back to the universe in return.
Like. Irl most wasps are predatory insects, controlling the population of pests and invasive species, but the tidbits you've given us about how they feed on emotions and the groups they feed on put me more in mind of, like, herding dogs. Yknow? Does that make sense? Gathering players together and moving them away from half abandoned worlds to let them dissolve back into the greater code. Maybe interviening in virus-infected worlds or virus-vulrable worlds, encouraging those players to move or perish.
And Listeners, well, fungi occupy so many diverse niches they could do just about anything, really. It's very fun to think about and I am rotating them vigorously, thank you for feeding us so well <3
(May I be 🐸 anon?)
This is such a sweet ask i am so 🥺🥺🥺🥺 abt it, im really pleased that you're enjoying the emotional realism ive committed to for this fic, because thats just such an important aspect for me-- my goal here is to depict a deeply emotional, moving, and messy situation about illness and recovery where no one's feelings are punished or demonized by the narrative. Its just so, so important to me that the Search Party (and later on, the other hermits) get their emotions properly respected and explored. Its not just about Grian, even if he is the ultimate focus-- everyone else deserves varied, emotional responses to an ugly and terrifying situation where theres hurt on all sides. This is the kind of realism i love putting in all of my writing, and the kind of justice i want to do for all characters in stories like these!!
Its a little funny how this au originally started with me brainrotting absently about Watcher biology because i wanted to explore the idea of Grian pretending to be an avian and finding certain aspects of it deeply uncomfortable. And then it just. Snowballed into this!! And now i am chewing on worldbuilding for breakfast DKXNSJDJ im really glad you enjoy the Watchers and Listeners lore!!! I need to make a proper post on Devs (or dev crystals, as theyre actually called), as well as general code structure, bc they are both so fucking cool as well
I absolutely love your herding dog analogy, and its giving me some great ideas because for the longest time i couldnt quite figure out what exactly a Watcher's ecological niche was beyond predator to Players and prey for something else that's extinct. But now im really looking at the connection between Watchers feeding habits and Players' biological need for play (or dreams, if you want to get into the minecraft end poem of it all), and theres something there that i really wanna take some time to tease out before i give a concrete answer. I need to update my hunger au masterlist LOL i am saur behind 😭
Anyway this was such a lovely ask to sink my teeth into!!!! Thank you so much for sending it, and ofc you can be frog anon!!! This was a really stimulating conversation for me so thank you again for getting my brain whirring :D i hope to see you in the inbox again!!
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astronomical-bagel · 2 years
Invitation to ramble about any of your stories I wanna hear abt them
(i put this under the cut bc its so LONG ahaha i like rambling if you couldnt tell sjsj)
AA SBFSJF THANK YOU 🥺🥺🥺 umm umm ummmm lemme thinkk i have so many ahaha
OH!!! there's this one ive been workign on since like. october. ive been calling it Soliloquy in my head and its the first hermitcraft/last life/anything related fic that i ever started workign on. I stopped writing it in novemebr bc i wanted to focus on shorter stories for nano but i picked it up again in december and aaaaaa im so excited for this omg its actually looking like the first installent will be done soon
okay because i dont care about spoilers i will be talking about spoilers now lol. also warning discussion of cannon suicide. anyways its a third life fic and starts during the Final Showdown w desert duo. except grian doesnt fling himself off the ledge after killing scar bc i had this thought where all the fics where it does eventually end in his suicide are really nice but also i wanted to explore what it would be like if he decided not to give in to the voices. Anyways he wanders off and is liek dissasociating out of his mind bc like. shock and all that and then he finds a little half-starved llama in the grass and :wails: here wait ill just show you a screenshot
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ANYWAYS its starts turning nighttime and theres this whole segment of him trying to get to safety (tango's base for Reason which you will find out later) and in it theres like weird things happening that he's too busy running for his life to question. like creepers exploding just out of reach and skeletons shooting at nothign and a lot of crazy coincenced and YOU KNOW WHY?? major spoilers here THE WHOLE GHOST GANG IS PROTECTING HIM. ISNT THAT FUCKING SWEET. and it isnt just grians old allies its like, ren and cleo and bdubs and some of them are just pretending they like fucking with the mobs BUT THEY ALL REALLY KNOW THAT THEYRE PROTECTING HIM LIKE. COME ON. Anyways none of that is shown in the first installment because the second installment will be from THEIR pov and. god im so excited.
and then grian makes it to safety and the reason its in tangos base is 100% becuase of the COWSSSSSSSSSS i really really really like cows if you couldnt tell. Grian takes cares of the cows and milks them bc dairy cows need to be milked or it could literally kill them lol and then he plays with the little baby cows and 🥺🥺 ITS LITERALLY SO CUTE and AAAAAAAA
and there's obviously like other things in it but tbh im more focused on the ghosts reaction's to what he does. he has a flashback and has a panic attack bc of it so the ghosts bring out Pizza to help calm him down. its a bit hard considering that theyre ghosts but they manage lol. and then the next day grian leaves tangos base and wanders over to monopoly moutain and he buries scar and its rllys sad BUT also rlly fruity bc as sign of. idk respect or whatever grian swaps his and scars life indicators and literally all the ghosts are like 👀👀👀 at scar BC THATS RLLY FRUITY BRO and basically the first/second installment ends on a rlly hopeful note like idk "he will try to live again" or whatever the fuck im just excited for the next installmetns bc i have the WHOLLLEEE plot figured out shshshs im SOOOO excited
anyways thank you for asking me to ramble i LOVE spoiling my fics to other people <33 also sorry this is kinda incoherent its kinda late rn
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