#and the ability to Seem inviting while actually being frightening and deadly
collegeoflore · 4 months
i just think there’s no point if he’s not a little scary is all. he just needs to be kind of freaky.
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caelin-ismycity · 4 years
OH OH HEADCANNONS; ike is actually decent at singing; he just doesn't like anyone hearing it (marth has def heard tho) || during brawl, i feel like they wouldn't like each other at first. not enemies per se, but ike's disposition against royalty and marth's general uh... angst time via shadow dragon would give em a rougher start than most. || their favorite non-talking activity would be taking naps together! when one is tired, its hard to resist just cuddling... lemme kno if ya want more ;)
oh i’m ALWAYS down to hear more headcanons about my favorite boy/s
now excuse me while i add my own two cents on these lovely hcs because i’m weak
Ike’s Vocals:
-Ike is definitely a decent singer- growing up constantly being exposed to Elena’s lullaby (whether sung by his mom or by Mist), the tune would frequently get stuck in his head and he’d have little choice but to hum out the melody.
-He certainly isn’t as enchanting as Mist or Elena, but he isn’t bad either- it’s definitely an odd sight to most onlookers at seeing this stoic mercenary singing a lullaby to himself.
-He doesn’t particularly care if anyone catches him singing, but he experiences some form of self consciousness when he gets really into it and there are potential listeners, so he tries to save his humming/singing for himself alone
-Marth has only been exposed to Ike’s singing once and it was purely by accident. It was amidst after hours when Ike suspected most inhabitants to be at rest and he was feeling particularly sentimental about his parents. So while Ike paced around the empty halls, he would quietly sing to himself, unbeknownst to him Marth being but a few feet hiding behind a structure.
-When Ike concluded his song, Marth couldn’t restrain himself from complimenting Ike’s singing. Again, it wasn’t too superb, but Marth found it endearing that someone of Ike’s nature was able to find joy in something as gentle as singing.
-Of course, Ike would be initially shocked- not only had he suspected he was entirely alone, but he was caught by the prince of Altea himself nonetheless. And while Ike had long since gotten over treating Marth like a blue-blooded noble, the embarrassment was impossible to shake as Marth applauded him.
-From then on, Ike gradually became more comfortable to singing around people (though he wouldn’t do it any more frequently). From time to time, Marth would seek out Ike and ask him to sing the song again, finding it to be a lovely tune and enjoying hearing the song from Ike’s vocals.
Marth and Ike : Brawl Days
-The duo met during less-than-ideal circumstances: an army of self-destructive robots were determined to shroud their worlds in darkness, and alongside an armored gumball were forced to fight alongside each other.
-Marth was no stranger to mercenaries- during his own wars, he had come across the company and aid of quiet a few. Ike was certainly no exception in his perception of mercenaries being but another group of people. That wasn’t to mention that Ike was able to intercept the explosion of another devastating bomb, so his first-impression of him was already positive.
-Growing up as a mercenary and constantly being exposed to hushed jeers from commoners, let alone nobles, Ike had expected Marth to treat him the same. Had they not been forced to work together to save the world, Ike might have been more isolated and kept to himself. Circumstance was a cruel one, so whether Ike wanted to work alongside royalty or not wasn’t exactly up to his decision- and as a mercenary, he was willing to adapt to his situation.
-The two weren’t swift to get along- Ike was naturally reclusive and Marth unfortunately had difficulty finding conversation topics he and Ike could relate to. The most the two were able to bond over was their swordsmanship- and bringing up that topic seemed to strike an odd nerve with Ike. He only ever briefly mentioned his father was to thank for his ability to handle a blade before going quiet and focusing on something else, leaving a guilty taste in Marth’s mouth after presenting the discussion.
IkeMarth : Naptime
-The two grew up with seldom time to relax or take naps, Ike more so adamant on training and honing his abilities. That wasn’t to say Marth himself wasn’t dedicated to refining his abilities as well, but Ike always trained with such fervor and passion- Marth was definitely able to interpret Ike had a strong purpose for strengthening himself.
-While Marth understood the importance of strength and improvement, he also understood the importance of rest. Marth would leave Ike alone for an hour or two before approaching the training grounds, preparing to persuade Ike to abandon his activity for just a bit to enjoy something quieter.
-Their argument would always begin with Ike insisting Marth wouldn’t understand his determination, swiftly returning to his efforts and ignoring the prince. Fortunately, Marth was well versed- far better than Ike was, much to his dismay.
-It only took a few well-chosen words to convince Ike to put Ragnell away and to just relax, and for the longest time it would just be Ike to calm down in the nearby woods alone.
-A particular session however, Ike decided to challenge Marth’s advice: as much as the prince preached about the importance of relaxation, he seldom saw him do so himself.
-To answer for this hypocrisy, Ike proposed Marth relax with him in the forest.
-Marth had no objections of course- he didn’t have any bad blood towards the mercenary, and this would be a great opportunity for the two to really bond.
-So for the next hour or so, Ike and Marth laid side by side in the nearby woods, quietly admiring the nature around them and enjoying the comfortable silence between them.
-When time began to drone on and the sun began to dip behind the trees, Marth allowed himself to sit up and look to his side where Ike presumably laid- only to find him sound asleep.
-Ike did an excellent job concealing how tired and overworked he was- even after a few delicate shakes, Marth was unsuccessful with waking him.
-Ike’s slumber, while unexpected, offered Marth a silent invitation to properly look at his comrade. It was no news to acknowledge Ike’s stern features and menacing demeanor, so to see him so peaceful and calm made Marth’s heart flutter. It was as if Marth was able to forget that the boy laying next to him was a deadly, seasoned mercenary- no stranger to taking lives without hesitation and doing so with frightening strength.
-Marth found himself inching next to Ike and letting himself lay down to face him, continuing to admire his features for a while longer before succumbing to sleep himself.
-The first to awaken between the two was Ike. Under typical circumstances, Ike was rather a light sleeper- he’d been conditioned to be ready to awaken for any circumstance. However, he wasn’t successful in anticipating just how tired he was that day Marth intercepted his training once again.
-Speak of the devil, Ike found himself near inches away from Marth’s sleeping face, a delicate smile plastered on his face.
-Unexpectedly waking up next to someone would typically cause Ike to recoil in alarm. But waking up to the face of Altea’s prince resulted in rather different feelings.
-Marth always looked so pristine and well kept, a hair rarely ever out of place as his golden circlet kept everything in place. Being able to observe him up close however made Ike’s cheeks flush, not being able to deny the fragile beauty that his companion possessed.
-But Ike knew better than to just stare at someone in their sleep, especially when he and Marth’s relationship was only just budding at this point. While Marth was gentle in his attempt to awaken Ike, the latter wasn’t so as he roughly shook Marth’s frame awake.
-The two basked in the awkward atmosphere, both privy to the fact that they shamelessly watched the other sleep and privately admire the other’s complexion before abandoning the forest to return to the main building.
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boldly-ho · 4 years
Another Life - Chapter 10
Fandom: What We  Do in the Shadows 
Pairing: Vladislav x Reader
Series Rating: M
Word Count: 1838
Chapter Summary: You clear the air with all four flatmates.
A/N: As always, cross posted to AO3.
Warning: Brief mentions of suicidal ideation.
You entered the lounge in your pajamas, your face already washed, and your hair messy. You collapsed onto the couch and started scrolling through your phone, making excellent progress on spending the evening in a near vegetative state.
“You’re not going out tonight?” Dawn asked.
You didn’t look up from your phone. “No. It’s been weeks. That guy’s not coming back; I scared him off for good. So I figured I might as well stay home until my depressive state killed me, quite possibly by my own hand,” you deadpanned.
“Y/N. That’s not funny.”
Changing the subject from your macabre exaggeration, Dawn suggested, “Let’s go out tonight.”
You threw her a look.
“No, really. Like actually out. Not just you sitting alone and sad at bar waiting for someone you may or may not have known to show up. Let’s go out, you and me, for a girl’s night. We’ll go out for drinks and dancing. Not Boogie Wonderland. You need a break from that place. Some other club.”
“Rain check?” You didn’t feel like going out. You didn’t feel like having fun. You felt like lying on the couch until you wasted away.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea. I’m really worried about you.”
You brushed off her comment, but you were getting sort of worried about yourself, as well. You’d stopped going to see your psychologist. Earlier in the day you found yourself wishing you would go to sleep and just not wake up. You were constantly miserable, surviving but not living.
“Well if you really don’t want to go out, why don’t we stay in and have a movie night? I’ll rent something online and then order a pizza, my treat, okay?”
You didn’t really feel like doing anything, but you recognized that Dawn was trying her best, and you appreciated it. And watching a movie and binging on pizza in your pjs seemed much more manageable that getting dressed up to go out and party.
You nodded. “Okay. Thanks.”
The kitchen table was much too small for all five of you. Your elbows bumped either Vladislav on your left or Petyr on your right every time you shifted. Petyr sort of gave you the heebie jeebies, so you found yourself leaning slightly away from him, putting you uncomfortably close to Vladislav. You suggested relocating to the dining room, but were told that it was currently covered in blood and had a corpse laying on the table. You weren’t sure what was more unsettling, the fact that that was the state of the dining room, or that that news was delivered to you so nonchalantly. Nevertheless, the dining room was to an option, so you were all squeezed around the tiny kitchen table.
Viago cleared his throat before beginning. “We are here to clear the air about our being vampires and discuss our living situation with Y/N. It might be helpful if we reintroduced ourselves, properly, this time. I’ll go first.” He turned to address you directly. I am Viago Von Dorna Schmarten Scheden Heimburg.”
You stared blankly.
“Oh, and I’m 379 years old,” he added as an afterthought.
You tried to do the mental math in your head, but quickly gave up and decided to figure it out later.
“Deacon Brucke. I’m 183 years old.”
“Vladislav the Poker.  862 years old.”
He might not have been kidding about the Middle Ages last night, after all. You turned to Petyr, anticipating his introduction.
“Petyr,” he rasped, his voice as cold and creepy as the rest of him.
You waited for his age, but he stared blankly at you with his pale eyes, not volunteering any further information.
“We don’t know how old Petyr is,” Viago explained. “He lost track. Over 8,000, though.”
Your jaw dropped. “For real?”
Your turned back to Petyr and he nodded once. Shit. Okay, then.
Viago continued, “Y/N, do have any questions about vampires in general or specifically about any of us?”
You figured a general ‘Tell me about vampires.’ was too open-ended, and you tried to think of a more specific question. You had a lot of questions, though, and you didn’t know where to start. You also had some vague ideas and assumptions about vampires, but you didn’t know which, if any, were true. “How about I just tell you what I’ve heard about vampires, and you guys can correct me where I’m wrong and fill in the gaps. Does that work?”
The four looked to one another before nodding.
“So, you-“ You realized you didn’t quite feel comfortable referring to them as vampires, so you restarted, more generally. “So, vampires need to consume human blood. They sleep in coffins, during the day. Sunlight, garlic, silver, and crosses are all bad for them.” You looked around to see that all four were still nodding along, so you continued, rattling things off a bit faster. “Not showing up in mirrors, turning into bats, flying, having to be invited in, wooden stakes, hypnosis, and whatever Deacon did with that guy’s backpack.”
“Teleportation,” Deacon clarified.
You nodded, but tried not to give it too much thought. Watching him crawl out of that backpack was easily the most horrifying thing you’d ever encountered, and you felt the ball of fear and anxiety in your stomach return just remembering it.
“Vampires also have quicker and superior healing ability than humans.”
“And it’s not just bats,” Deacon added. “Cats and dogs, too. But with practice it can be any animal. Vladislav is known for his transformation abilities.”
Vladislav smiled proudly. “That’s not practice, though, that’s skill.”
“Ja, some vampires have certain abilities that other vampires don’t. I once met a vampire who could become invisible,” Viago explained.
“It isn’t just crucifixes, either.” Vladislav glanced quickly to your chest where he knew your necklace hung. “It’s any religious icons or words.”
“Really? Words? Like even if I just say ‘god’-“
You were cut off by wincing and hissing from around the table.
“Don’t do that!” Deacon scolded you.
“Shit. Sorry.” As frightening as vampires inherently were, it made you feel better that they had their weaknesses. “So is it just vampires? That are real, I mean? Or is every mythological creature real? Do I need to be on the lookout for, like, ghosts?”
“Ghosts aren’t real,” Deacon scoffed.
“Of course ghosts are real,” Viago argued.
“Oh really? Have you ever seen a ghost?”
“Not technically. But the house I grew up in was haunted! There was a spirit who lived in the walls.”
“There was not. It was probably a rat.”
“You think I would confuse a rat for a ghost?”
“So, there’s no reason for me to change my thoughts on ghosts?” you interrupted.
“Ghosts are real,” Vladislav answered. You took it with a grain of salt, though. “Werewolves are real, too.” The rest of the group nodded. “I wouldn’t go out on full moons, if I were you. There is a pack that roams in Te Aro.”
That thought chilled you. You were sure you’d gone out in Te Aro on a full moon before. Then again, you’d gone out many times before unaware that there were vampires, including your current flatmates, out and about.
“Zombies and witches, too.”
“We’re not sure what all exists,” Viago told you. “Lots of myths are true, and lots aren’t. Some Maori myths are based on real creatures.”
“Oh! Petyr, remember the taniwha that attacked our ship when we came to New Zealand?”
Petyr nodded solemnly.
Vampires, werewolves, assorted creatures. Your entire worldview was being forcibly changed over these past 24 hours, but you just nodded. What else could you do?
“I’m safe, right?” you asked suddenly. “From you guys? I mean, there’s literally a dead body in the other room.” You were afraid it sounded more accusatory than you meant it, but you felt it was a fair question, all in all.
“We can control ourselves,” Deacon said, somewhat indignantly.
“You’re our flatmate and our friend. You don’t have to worry.”
“Thanks.” You thought it was odd to thank someone for not killing you, but you didn’t know what else to say. “Is there anything you guys need from me? As a human flatmate? Other than not slamming the doors and being quiet during daylight hours?”
“Don’t tell anyone we’re vampires,” Vladislav said sternly. “Not anyone. Not ever. Vampire hunters are also real and when word gets out that you are a vampire, you tend not to be around soon after.” He, as well as the other three, looked deadly serious.
You nodded quickly to reassure them. “I won’t tell anyone.” You looked around the table. Everyone was still seated, though it felt like the natural conclusion to the flat meeting. “About the dining room…?”
“Jackie will be here to clean it up later tonight,” Deacon said.
“Is she a vampire, too?”
“No. She is my familiar.”
“Familiar?” To you, the word conjured images of black kittens following cartoon witches on broomsticks. You weren’t sure how the term applied to the woman you’d once met.
“Slave,” Vladislav clarified.
You looked at him in shock, and he returned your gaze, shameless and undisturbed. It wasn’t the first time something that had appalled you had entirely unaffected him. You wondered if that was a result of his being a vampire, his living for over 800 years, his being from the Middle Ages, or if it was just how he was as a person.  
Undoubtedly sensing your discomfort, Viago clarified, “A familiar serves a vampire for a while in exchange for being turned into a vampire after service.”
You calmed a bit. That sounded better than ‘slave.’ “So you’re going to turn her into a vampire?”
“No,” Deacon snorted.
“What? Why not?”
“Familiars don’t get turned into vampires.”
“Well, sometimes, probably, they do,” Viago argued. “I’ve never actually heard of it happening, though.”
“You’ve lost me,” you told them honestly.
Vladislav sighed. “Familiars exchange their service for the promise of becoming a vampire. Then they serve their masters until they die of old age or are killed.”
You exclaimed in disgust. “That’s horrible.”
Vladislav shrugged, his sleeve brushing your bare arm. These guys all ate actual, live people to survive. You supposed their moral compasses would have to be a bit more skewed than yours was.
However, despite your clear distaste for it all, you felt relieved to know they were vampires. It was one thing to kill because you could, or because you wanted to, as you thought had been the case before last night. It was another to kill because you had to. Yes, innocent people still died, and yes, your flatmates seemed to enjoy it. Deacon’s manic laughter as he chased that man out of your room was sure to haunt you for a while to come. But no matter how awful it was for the victims, or or how little guilt they felt about it, they had to do it to survive. And that fact alone made you feel better, if only a bit.
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Connor Kenway x Angel!Fem!Reader
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At the beginning of times,God created Heaven,and with it,his most trusty Archangels,with the aim of helping him pursue utopia and bliss for the incoming races on his beloved Earth,and thus,these divine winged beings,with the righteous will and judgement,obeyed their Lord's every command,without questioning it.
Centuries passed,humanity fell out of its grace,but He was merciful and loving,and offered them a change of redemption,in the after-life,and with every pure-hearted believer who would pass away,a new bright soul would ascend to the Garden of Heavens,be judged,and so they were entrusted with the smaller tasks,being named Angels.
These obedient followers with never-ending energy all seemed to fall into the same pattern,until one faithful day,when one surprisingly stood out of the crowd for being...different. Instead of minding her own business,perfecting her abilities in hopes of going up in ranks,as was the others' ambition,she wanted to do something more,something that would actually bring her joy is such a dull place bound by unbreakable laws,so she decided to perfect her art of manipulation of the weak or the soft-spoken,or even better,jest about unspeakable acts worth censoring in such a conservative place.
God,seeing her behaviour,decided to both teach her a lesson and grant her the wish,and thus,she was reincarnated in the Medieval times,as a fire-kissed maiden with loving yet difficult parents,at a court where she was meant to become the Handmaiden of the Castle's little lady. The girl was not satisfied with only an ordinary mortal life and started acting on her own accord,studying how to become a Maester,wanting to travel the world and see all that Earth has to offer.
Years passed and our little lady became a grown woman,at the ripe age of marriage,yet mischievous and ambitious beyond her times,and decided to inform her loved ones of her on-coming trip to the nearest kingdom,in pursue of knowledge,which wasn't well-seen.Nevertheless,there was nobody in power to stop the sly vixen as she began to walk the path of maturity.
Upon her return,her parents welcomed her warmly,but it was fleeting,as they had to have her know of the potential suitor awaiting her fateful return. She protested,not wanting to bother with such trivial and insignificant follies such as 'love' and 'family' and opposed to any explanation,turning the Fool down. Little did she know that day was her last day of human happiness,as a streak of misfortunes awaited her,for a wicked witch helped the Fool charm our Maiden with a love potion,the most powerful one to be created,and so the Minstrel had her grasped in his predator claws. She didn't seem to understand much of the situation,having had no previous experience with this concerning emotion,but decided to act as natural as possible,trying to make her paramour happy with everything in her power. All seemed to go well,for most of the part,until her day of birth came once again,and sticking to the tradition,invited all her friends,also servants to the House she was serving,and a newer apparition,her beloved. They drank ale,shared hilarious tales,sang with the bards and danced together,until dusk hit and they had to return home. The girl,once again,was happy...Until her one and only spun her around,yelling at her with malice,words dripping with venom and jealousy spewing from his filthy mouth,frightening and rooting her to the spot. Has she done something wrong?
Was there anything offensive in her behaviour?
Did she insult him,perchance?
Countless of questions seemed to rang through her head as she felt the symbol of weakness,a river of tears,streaming down her pale cheeks,whilst trembling and trying to come up with a reply to the monster in front of her. She left him there without anything spoken on her part,but a breakdown in her private chambers,as she tried to understand the reasoning behind such aggressive attitude towards her.
She believed that everyone deserved a second chance...and a third...and maybe even a fourth one,possible mistake learnt from Heavens,and forgiving the man,despite her mind telling her it was wrong,she stuck by his side for more moons than she could have ever imagined.
In the meantime,the glowing blood rose started to wilt at an alarming pace,faced with unneeded toxicity and bad treatment,and with it,she began hating herself more than ever before,understanding for the first time just how weak a woman is on Earth,compared to a lustful man's strength,and as she couldn't counter or stop his actions,despite protesting vehemently... She gave up.
For the first time in her life,she felt like giving up was the wisest option there was. Give up on fighting. Give up on protesting. Give up on happiness. Give up on thinking she was worth anything. Give up on believing love and genuine emotions exist. And... She gave up on herself.
Everything fell into the same dull pattern,until one day,she was slapped awake by her ambitions,and remember that even whilst hating herself,she still wanted her life to take a different turn and her career was still more important than anything on that tainted World. And so,the red-haired girl managed to gather the strength to break the charm all by herself,and got the Fool banished from the Kingdom,never to be seen again,much to her relief. Nevertheless,regrets and despair would forever haunt her,despising how frail and weak she was,uncharacteristic of her normal self,as she endured almost two full winters turned with a parasyte leeching on her positive energies,just as mistletoe,beautiful yet deadly,is destroying another plant for it to live better.
Not much time passed,wounds slowly getting stitched together with the help of her closest friends and family,and with that,a new trip was planned for her as a surprise,and she took the opportunity without any doubt,eager to absorb even more information.
The people around her were all open-minded,wise elders and shamans willing to show her the way of healing and how to become one with nature and accept herself. Contrary to her expectations,however,no matter what you do,curses and bad intentions follow everyone around,and when one of the travelers began fighting with his ill,miserable parents,wanting to stay behind and explore just a bit more,she decided to step in and offer him company on the small island,despite twilight threatening to appear soon. Feeling blessed,his parents thanked her endlessly,while the lovely elder witch doctor advised her not to stray too much from the path,and she went to his side,weary and skeptical,wanting to go to her temporary home faster.
It was just like how a panther waits its prey,prowling around,vulnerable and clueless of any evil intent around,using the environment to its,favour,and seeing her shivering due to the cold night,he wrapped his meaty arms around her small form,despite her protests. She soon found out the rotten apple was 10 years her senior and much stronger than he appeared,conflicts forming in her head,as she was not familiar with the path back,like he was,yet struggling in his grasp helped naught. And she gave up fighting. Again.
Hours passed,midnight stroke and Mother Moon was high on the sky,illuminating the place gracefully with her pure,silvery light,watching over the sinful,as on their way back,he gripped her noodle-like arms hard and forced himself onto her,the feeling of teeth smashing into her own and the disgust,making her want to have a star fall on her at that moment and crush her to death forever. No amount of struggle proved to be successful,but she cried no more.She just followed behind,at a fast pace,wanting to arrive at her new chambers faster and bury herself under the ground,feeling a strong,burning feeling of hatred towards herself and that shameful monster claiming to be human. Alone,once again,she began breaking down,yelling at Heavens and at the Lord to take her back or stop her suffering once and for all. Just what had she done so wrong in her life that she deserved all of this? Was her behaviour in Eden so bad? Was entertainment forbidden and punished like the Never-ending 7 Circles of Hell? Desperation was clouding her mind and judgement,and she soon accepted that she was not meant for a normal human life. Being forever by herself seemed to be a much better option regardless,and thus,a life of solitude and eternal hate awaited her. She began behaving worse than she realized,not talking to her friends that much anymore,not bothering with her difficult family who seemed to only want to apply even more unwanted pressure about how she is going to be the outcast and the laughingstock of the whole Country and she wouldn't behave like a normal woman,marry and bare the lordling's children,as it was expected.
She wanted to end it all,for it was too much pain to hold on to,her heart feeling heavy with over-flowing waves of torment,her lungs felt drowned,no amount of breathing seemed to make her feel alive anymore and she began wondering how lovely death seemed now,that all hope was lost for an unsightly creature like her. If she couldn't accept herself,why would anyone else bother with her eternal damnation and suffer along-side her,carrying her problems? Nobody deserves such a pitiful fate,so better end it all before any more misfortune starts stalking her.
For the rest of the year she kept her stoic facade,devoid of any emotion or compassion,only allowing herself to crumble the sturdy walls around her when alone,with only the shadows threatening to consume her.
~But miracles do actually happen,even to the less fortune of souls~
Seeing how much sadness he brought to the one pure soul he created,now tainted by Humanity's malice,He felt pity,and allowed a private parley between them. She would be able to became and angel and join the ranks once again,if only she can successfully finish a mission,one that required guiding another unfortunate soul to the light,one from a modern time of War between states.
The first step,now that she was back to her celestial self,was to observe the person and see if he truly was worthy of redemption. Flying on a cloud,she propped herself comfortable,at the first hour of the day,before the Sun even got the chance appear on the sky,watching the Native American’s life and memories,and with it,the familiar feeling of sorrow settled itself into her heart,and looking down at him,she was shocked to see him kneeling on the ground,his head on the ground,sobbing and cursing at the wind for his bad luck,yet praying with all his might to any existing deity that might give him a sign to keep on going...a reason to live. His mother dead,his father killed by himself,his mentor having died,and his many loved ones,away... Maybe,just maybe,despite everything he had lost,even himself....mayhap there is still something worth fighting for.
She remained stunned,gazing at him with pity,her dark eyes,like the infinite void,sparkling with interest and other unknown emotions towards this complete stranger ; he looked up,his kind chocolate eyes glistening with tears of hopelessness,until he widened his orbs,and much to her surprise,his gaze bore into hers.
So much time she spent observing him from up there,that she didn't realize the sunshine was bright enough to make her glow,having her position discovered. Scared,she fled back to Heaven,and contemplated her next move. Frankly,she wanted nothing to do with that pitiful assassin,for he too was in the same desperate situation she was in... On the other hand,however,there was something that made her think of him with no end.
The look in his dark eyes that held warmth,like when you go home after a cold winter night.They are hazelnuts and gingerbread men,hot cocoa and cinnamon,they are the comfort and warmth when you wrap yourself in a blanket and stay reading in front of a fireplace,drinking a hot beverage with extra honey,and outside it's freezing and snowing.
His eyes...The dark coloured eyes that she held herself as well,and she despised,she fell in love with.
His eyes...The one colour she hated most,and wished for any other one,she found genuinely mesmerizing and enchanting.
His eyes...So deep and caring,carrying a heavy burden of sorrow and pain.
His eyes...The ones she grew to love with all her heart.
His eyes...Him...The pitiful knight is shining armour that stood there,still hoping and searching for happiness,not having given up yet. He was strong,stronger than anyone she had ever met,either in her angel or human form,and she felt genuinely attracted,without wanting to. In truth,she was scared. Scared of what might happen if she lost him. She wanted nothing more than to make sure he did not suffer the same fate she did,made sure to use the small amount of magic she held,to make him smile for the first time in ages. Be it a lovely playful kitten,or a travelling crystal butterfly,a picturesque sunshine or a magnificent flower,she did it all for him.
That is,until one Archangel began to notice and expressed his displeasure towards her ridiculous behaviour,which only seemed to irk her to the point where she walked up to God himself,to request one last wish,before she would disappear.It was rather selfish and uncertain,but the Lord only smiled down at his little angel,patted her head and sent her down on Earth at the next sunrise,descending to Earth with a divine and elegant glow that would put even Mother Moon to shame.
In front of her,kneeling and staring up at her in wonder,he tried to make words come out of his mouth,but his chipped lips only seemed to form stutters,as he bit on the lower one,trying to stop himself from letting more tears stream down his chocolate-coloured cheeks.
She remained silent,knowing words would betray her,and smiled gently at him,touching his rough face with her pale,delicate hand,and seeing him lean into her warm touch with such glee in his eyes,much like a pitiful puppy who found a new owner,made her look away,suddenly feeling timid and a rosy blush threatening to cover her angelic features. She knelt to his level,her white wings fluttering,and putting her hands together,she made a small snowdrop form,letting him witness the beauty of nature by letting him have it,as a sign of purity and innocence.
Touched to tears by her kind gestures,he felt himself hug her tightly to his chest,not wanting to let her go anymore. He finally found the sign he was looking for and he was willing to brave anything is his path to make sure his Angel remained by his side,happy. He started planting soft kisses all over hear rosy face,forehead and fire-kissed hair,her angelic giggles becoming lullabies to his ears. His own face became redder than any Red Lily he had ever encountered thus far,and seeing this,she felt herself grin at him and kissed his forehead,as he kept radiating with happiness.
"I choose to throw away my immortality and powers,strip away my wings and ranks,only to be by your side,for as long as Earth will have us.Will you accept me,my darling brave warrior of justice?" she said with a playful grin and she cupped his mesmerised face,that held only love and wonder. "I can only thank Thee,Mother Moon,for sending your most beautiful and compassionate of daughters down here,to me.I vow to protect you,my sweet Cherokee rose,with every fiber of my being,no matter what dangers might occur." Connor vowed,placing his own hands over hers and gazing into her shiny eyes,overflowing with emotion. "Then,my sweet assassin,protector of righteousness,prithee,take care of me and teach me what love is,for I have faced so many misfortunes,I lost count,and let us seal this promise with a kiss" saying that,she looked down,allowing herself a moment of timidness,then leaned in,placing her lips over his,kissing him softly,as she felt his hands shaking just the littlest bit,getting the courage to reciprocate just as gently,almost afraid to break her,as if she was just a lovely mirage and he was actually on the verge of dying.
"I am yours,and you are mine,I swear it by any Gods existing on this World,and I never intend to let go of my beautiful butterfly.Thou art the greatest gift humanity could ever receive." managing to smile,bright and genuine,for the first time in his life,he kissed the firey girl,watching her immaculate white wings slowly dissipate into thin air,then embraced her,playing with her hair,kissing it,vowing to himself to become a better man and make her the happiest person walking the Earth. ​​​​​​​ And so what seemed to be the tragic story of two different people from two parallel worlds proved to be the emotional reunion of two soulmates looking for each other,and only seeing the black,white and greys of life,until discovering the light at the end of the tunnel,and with it,a vivid palette of unlimited colours.
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imaginethewitcher · 7 years
You know I love fluff but it's time. Time for a bit, a teeeeeeny tiny bit of angst. Dettlaff just has to get one angsty request or else it wouldn't make any sense. SO. I think it should play during the DLC somehow? Maybe. Aaanyway. How about the s/o gets... kidnapped? And Dettlaff and let's say... Triss? are super worried and idk? First how do they react upon finding out about the kidnapping and second finding their s/o. :D Which shape their s/o is in is up to you! I hope this is okay!
First time angst! :DThank you for requesting and doing a mervellous job on editing!
Dettlaff: The party at Orianna’s estatewas well visited. Elegant dresses, exquisite masks, expensive wine, enchantingattractions, visionary painters and poetic bards gifted this most splendidsoiree. You wore a red mask accomplished by golden embellishment, a gift fromDettlaff, together with a lovely invitation. You arrived too early so you satdown by the snacks. From the rich variety of delicacies, you chose a chocolatesoufflé. The warm core of oozing chocolate tasted like the best thing you’veever eaten. While you took the next bite happily, you felt a hand on yourshoulder. In expectation of Dettlaff, you looked over your shoulder, a smilealready forming on your face, only to realize it was a complete stranger. Helooked like every other guest, dressed in silken clothes and an extravagantmask.“Is something to your concern? I’m just a guest here, if you have questionsthen it would probably be better to ask a servant”, you said.“I was looking for someone”, he replied.“I’m sorry, but then you better turn to one of the servants or Lady Orianna. Idon’t think I can help you in that case”, you said slightly annoyed. Youweren’t in the mood for conversation with strangers today.“Actually, I think you can help me very well with my concern”.“Excuse me?”. What was the problem with this guy? Why was he so persistent? Youhoped Dettlaff would be there soon.“I’m looking for someone you seem to know very well”.“And who is that someone, if I may ask?”, you started growing suspicious. Therewas something strange happening.“Are you familiar with a man dressed in a black coat wearing a golden brooch ofan insect?”.It was Dettlaff he was talking about, but what did this person want from him?Dettlaff’s impulsive side might have made him some enemies, however, most of themwere too scared of him to take action, so it mostly stayed by a mere harmlessannoyance.“You must confuse with another person. If you may excuse me, I need to go”,just as you stood up he said something in your direction, something that heshouldn’t be in knowledge of.“His being may deceive most laities, however not everyone. His true appearanceshould better stay hidden, don’t you think? It would be a shame if thisgruesome truth would spread in Toussaint”.“How do you know about this?”, fear started to grow inside of you. The knightswould hunt him and humans would avoid him, seeing nothing more than a beast.“That’s nothing of your interest but if you want him to stay unharmed youshould come with me”.You were hesitating. This was an obvious trap.“What is it you demand from him? Is it money? We don’t have much of it”.“I’ll repeat myself, it’s none of your concern. And now come with me. A soireeis a wonderful occasion to spread the word”.There was no other choice than to follow the stranger. Reluctantly you camewith him to one of the alcoves to wait for Dettlaff.
As Dettlaff showed up to the colourful soiree, the event was already at peak.The melodic music, the scent of various perfumes and flowers and the magicianshowing luminous illusions were admired by many guests. Dettlaff, however, didn’t look out for the different whimsical attractions, butfor his rendezvous this evening.  Knowing you he first went to the tableswith various appetizers, but to his surprise, you weren’t there.‘They wouldn’t be late, they are mostly way too early’, he thought, ‘and Iwould have met them on my way here would they have left the soiree’.He looked around, but couldn’t spot you in the crowd. The mask would have stoodout from the others. Suddenly a servant approached him.“Are you Dettlaff van der Eretein?”, the servant asked.“What if I were?”.“Lady Orianna wants to speak with you. I will bring you to her”.Dettlaff looked up to the large balcony of the estate. Orianna was staring athim with her aloof eyes. There was something wrong, he felt that and had tothink of you. All this seemed odd.“Welcome to my humble establishment. Of all the visitors I expected at such anevent are you the least. Do you enjoy it so far?”, she greeted him in her coldvoice and gave the servant a sign to leave the of two them alone.Dettlaff was never entirely sure what to think of her. He only visited hertwice with Regis but she always had that ominous presence veiling her. Asidefrom her questionable taste in blood.“I don’t have much time for small talk. Why did you call me?”, he saidimpatiently. He wanted to keep looking for you and not waste time with asenseless chatter.“You shouldn’t be too uncouth, especially on such an occasion”, she chuckled,“I know something of your interest”.Now she had his attention.“Your lovely companion seems to be in trouble”.“Did something happen to them?”.“Who knows? It’s one of these spotters of monsters, who are just too motivated.I would have taken care of him myself, but I attract too much attention and itwould be much more romantic when you save your damsel in distress”, she saidwith dramatic gestures.Dettlaff ignored her little play and said through gritted teeth: “I will killthis scoundrel”.“Do what you must, just don’t ruin the evening and the alcove. It’s the secondone on the right side”.
You were waiting now for what felt like hours. The curtain opened.“Finally!”, the stranger said.Dettlaff’s nails grew into sharp talons. He pressed the stranger against thewall with his talons on the man’s throat.“If you hurt them, I will hang you and let you bleed out slowly”, Dettlaffthreatened.“Well, if you kill me everyone will know what a beast you are. I told others tospread the truth should I die this evening”. While his voice still soundeddetermined his eyes said the opposite. Insecurity and fear started to show.“For what? For money? No one will say anything. They are probably already inthe next tavern or town wasting the money”.The stranger gulped, looking at the deadly talons and teeth with despair. Theidiocy of his, previously thought to be glorious, idea became more and moreconscious.“Pl-, Please don’t kill me”.“I’ve heard enough”, Dettlaff replied and swiftly cut the throat. Blood wascoming out of the wound. He turned to you.“Are you alright, my dear? I’m sorry I kept you waiting”.“I’m alright. That guy really seemed ambitioned to receive the glory of aknight, most of which are dead needless to say”.Your words of assurance calmed Dettlaff, “I was worried about you. Most of themare pathetic, some, however, are like merciless monsters”.“Then I’m glad to know, that you will be there to save me”, you smiled, “Let’snot waste the rest of this evening. I still want to dance with you to the musicand enlighten a lamp. They bring luck some say.”
Triss: Today they would do it. Every sorcererwould get imprisoned, killed or worse. You didn’t want any of this. You may notbe a sorcerer, but Triss’ lover - a main target of the fiendish hunt and leaderof the escape. You knew you could be valuable blackmail material and it couldruin the whole plan. She shouldn’t worry that something could happen to you,but you knew her too well as that she would just leave you behind.You were sneaking around the corners of the crooked houses at the Bits. It wasalmost time for your meeting with Triss. The escape plan would soon be broughtto realization.Just as you wanted to creep around the next corner, someone grabbed you frombehind. The person held a tissue soaked with a strange smelling liquid. Youwiggled around and tried to scream, but it was of no use. Suddenly you lostyour sense of sound and seeing. You had to think of Triss and the plan.Everything turned black around you.
Triss pounded her fingertips on the old table in continuous motion. ‘Where arethey? They should be here by now’, she thought.She knew it was dangerous outside, but she also knew your abilities when itcame to sneaking around and not getting caught. That’s one way to survive inthis city after all. Still, she had a weird, almost bad feeling about this.Radovid had patrols in the whole city, while they build the pyres and preparedthe hellish fire. Triss shook her head to chase away these dreadful thoughts.No, she didn’t want to think of this, she didn’t want to think about what wouldhappen to [your name] if you would get caught.Triss waited minute after minute, but no one came. The plan would start soon,she felt insecure without you. She knew it was foul and kept hope you just gotdistracted or needed to take another way. Time was running out, however. Theytold her not to look for you if something would happen, but how could she leaveher most important person behind? She dressed in a brown cloak in order to stayhidden and sneaked out of the house.‘Maybe they are somewhere nearby?’, she asked herself. But there was no one.‘Then maybe in the mages’ hideout. Yes, there they must be’. Everyone else wasthere, but not you.“Did someone see [your name]? I was looking for them the whole time but theywere nowhere to be seen nor met up with me”, she asked in the crowd, hopingsomeone could clear her worried mind.“I saw them”, a voice said. Triss turned around hoping her fears wouldn’t come true, “Where? Where did yousee them?”.“Triss, I’m sorry, but these bastards caught them. They didn’t go to yourhideout, so we should be safe here for now”.“What are we supposed to do now?”, a frightened voice said.Everyone was looking at Triss. Her head generated a million scenarios but whichone was the right one? She couldn’t leave the ones behind who saw in her abeacon of hope, who trusted her. On the other hand, she would lose her beaconof hope. Her legs trembled and on her forehead appeared wet pearls. Whatshouldshe do?“We can’t risk the operation for one person. We will continue as planned”, sheproclaimed. Her voice seemed steady, yet she felt like it was about to break.The mages cheered on their leader. She knew what must be done.“I’m sorry”, she whispered, “I’m so sorry. I will come back to you, please holdon a little longer”.
You woke up in a dark humid room. You were bound to a chair, the tight rope cutin your wrists. You couldn’t see a thing. Where did they bring you? SuddenlyTriss came up in your mind. She should already be in the hideout, at least youhoped so. The escape needed to succeed. What is one life against the lives ofthousands and a victory against the oppressors?You heard heavy footsteps, someone entered the room. You turned your face awayfrom the garish fire of a torch and caught sight of a table next to you full ofcruel instruments.A filthy hand grabbed your face in a rough manner. The man before you wore acoarsely woven mask. You knew these masks from the past when they held executionson the market. The executioners always felt like hollow shells to you, neverlike more. What would happen to you now laid in their hands. They would neverreject an order. This time you wouldn’t be able to talk your way out of this.You wanted to scream but no sound came out of your mouth.“Where are these abominations?”, a rough voice said.You didn’t answer.“Where are they?”, he yelled and slapped you. Your cheek burned.After he realised he wouldn’t get his answer this way, he turned to the abhorrentcollections. You heard a metallic clanking.‘Please don’t act careless, Triss’, you thought to yourself.
“We need to hurry!”, Triss cried to the crowd of mages behind her.They were almost at the harbour with their ship waiting to bring them to a safeplace. The escape proceeded with no complications, but it was still not over.‘They will finally be safe’, Triss thought. She wouldn’t go with them.“There we are. Quickly, go on the ship. There is not much time”, she said.The sails were already set, ready to glide in the water away from the danger.Everyone was on the ship, Triss, however, stayed on the harbour.“What about you?”, someone asked.“I still have something to do here ”, Triss turned around and stretched herhand out in front of her, trying to concentrate her sorcery on finding you. Shefelt a tingling in her hand. She spat out a swear, she knew where you were.Her shape was veiled by prancing lights, letting the silhouette soon fade awayand materialising behind a crude looking figure. The figure turned aroundsurprised by Triss’ emerging from sparks of light. She spotted your unconsciousbody marked with red fresh wounds. A raging fire appeared in Triss’s eyes. Fearappeared in the executioner, his body was shaking.“So we are the monsters and you are the saints”, Triss spoke slowly, “you shallburn”.She cast a storm of fire. The executioner screamed in agony while the hotflames consume his flesh. The humid room turned to a purgatory.The smoke and heat woke you up from your unconsciousness. The flames didn’tscare you, they were familiar to you. The ropes loosened from your burningwrists.“[Your name], are you okay? We will be out of here soon!”, Triss tightlyembraced your body. A feeling of safety awoke in you.“But what about the plan?”, you said in a weak voice.“The plan was a success. Everyone is safe now”.“But you are…”.“We can discuss this later. We need to get away from here first”.Gleaming light wreathed around you, transporting you to the suburban. Triss’firm embrace kept you from falling to the ground. A heavy pain filled yourwhole body, trying to press you down.“I didn’t leave because I couldn’t bear to lose you. If only you could havebeen there sooner, if only…”, you felt a tear dropping on your shoulder.“It’s all right, it’s over now”.You stood there in unison under the shining moon and the glistening stars.
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cassiopeiathewraith · 7 years
Books you should read because I LOVE THEM
Dedication: For @kissmybruisedknuckles who told me to make this because she’s too lazy to make one lol
1. Strange The Dreamer - Laini Taylor
The dream chooses the dreamer, not the other way around—and Lazlo Strange, war orphan and junior librarian, has always feared that his dream chose poorly. Since he was five years old he’s been obsessed with the mythic lost city of Weep, but it would take someone bolder than he to cross half the world in search of it. Then a stunning opportunity presents itself, in the person of a hero called the Godslayer and a band of legendary warriors, and he has to seize his chance or lose his dream forever.
What happened in Weep two hundred years ago to cut it off from the rest of the world? What exactly did the Godslayer slay that went by the name of god? And what is the mysterious problem he now seeks help in solving?
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2. The Night Circus - Erin Morgenstern
The circus arrives without warning. No announcements precede it, no paper notices plastered on lampposts and billboards. It is simply there, when yesterday it was not. Within these nocturnal black-and-white striped tents awaits an utterly unique, a feast for the senses, where one can get lost in a maze of clouds, meander through a lush garden made of ice, stare in wonderment as the tattooed contortionist folds herself into a small glass box, and become deliciously tipsy from the scents of caramel and cinnamon that waft through the air.
Welcome to Le Cirque des Rêves.
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3. Unwind - Neil Shusterman
The Second Civil War was fought over reproductive rights. The chilling resolution: Life is inviolable from the moment of conception until age thirteen. Between the ages of thirteen and eighteen, however, parents can have their child "unwound," whereby all of the child's organs are transplanted into different donors, so life doesn't technically end. Connor is too difficult for his parents to control. Risa, a ward of the state, is not enough to be kept alive. And Lev is a tithe, a child conceived and raised to be unwound. Together, they may have a chance to escape and to survive.
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4. Cinder - Marissa Meyer
Sixteen-year-old Cinder is considered a technological mistake by most of society and a burden by her stepmother. Being cyborg does have its benefits, though: Cinder's brain interference has given her an uncanny ability to fix things (robots, hovers, her own malfunctioning parts), making her the best mechanic in New Beijing. This reputation brings Prince Kai himself to her weekly market booth, needing her to repair a broken android before the annual ball. He jokingly calls it "a matter of national security," but Cinder suspects it's more serious than he's letting on.
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5. This Savage Song - Victoria Schwab
Kate Harker and August Flynn are the heirs to a divided city—a city where the violence has begun to breed actual monsters. All Kate wants is to be as ruthless as her father, who lets the monsters roam free and makes the humans pay for his protection. All August wants is to be human, as good-hearted as his own father, to play a bigger role in protecting the innocent—but he’s one of the monsters. One who can steal a soul with a simple strain of music. When the chance arises to keep an eye on Kate, who’s just been kicked out of her sixth boarding school and returned home, August jumps at it. But Kate discovers August’s secret, and after a failed assassination attempt the pair must flee for their lives.
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6. The Darkest Part of The Forest - Holly Black
Children can have a cruel, absolute sense of justice. Children can kill a monster and feel quite proud of themselves. A girl can look at her brother and believe they’re destined to be a knight and a bard who battle evil. She can believe she’s found the thing she’s been made for.
Hazel lives with her brother, Ben, in the strange town of Fairfold where humans and fae exist side by side. At the center of it all, there is a glass coffin in the woods. It rests right on the ground and in it sleeps a boy with horns on his head and ears as pointed as knives. Hazel and Ben were both in love with him as children. The boy has slept there for generations, never waking.
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7. Red Queen - Victoria Aveyard
This is a world divided by blood – red or silver.
The Reds are commoners, ruled by a Silver elite in possession of god-like superpowers. And to Mare Barrow, a seventeen-year-old Red girl from the poverty-stricken Stilts, it seems like nothing will ever change. That is, until she finds herself working in the Silver Palace. Here, surrounded by the people she hates the most, Mare discovers that, despite her red blood, she possesses a deadly power of her own. One that threatens to destroy the balance of power.
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8. Daughter of Smoke and Bone - Laini Taylor
In a dark and dusty shop, a devil’s supply of human teeth grows dangerously low. And in the tangled lanes of Prague, a young art student is about to be caught up in a brutal otherworldly war.
Meet Karou. She fills her sketchbooks with monsters that may or may not be real, she’s prone to disappearing on mysterious "errands", she speaks many languages - not all of them human - and her bright blue hair actually grows out of her head that color. Who is she? That is the question that haunts her, and she’s about to find out.
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9. Illuminae - Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff
The year is 2575, and two rival megacorporations are at war over a planet that’s little more than an ice-covered speck at the edge of the universe. Too bad nobody thought to warn the people living on it. With enemy fire raining down on them, Kady and Ezra—who are barely even talking to each other—are forced to fight their way onto an evacuating fleet, with an enemy warship in hot pursuit.
BRIEFING NOTE: Told through a fascinating dossier of hacked documents—including emails, schematics, military files, IMs, medical reports, interviews, and more
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10. Legend - Marie Lu
What was once the western United States is now home to the Republic, a nation perpetually at war with its neighbors. Born into an elite family in one of the Republic's wealthiest districts, fifteen-year-old June is a prodigy being groomed for success in the Republic's highest military circles. Born into the slums, fifteen-year-old Day is the country's most wanted criminal. But his motives may not be as malicious as they seem.
From very different worlds, June and Day have no reason to cross paths—until the day June's brother, Metias, is murdered and Day becomes the prime suspect. Caught in the ultimate game of cat and mouse, Day is in a race for his family's survival, while June seeks to avenge Metias's death. But in a shocking turn of events, the two uncover the truth of what has really brought them together, and the sinister lengths their country will go to keep its secrets.
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11. Angelfall (Penryn and the end of days) - Susan Ee
It's been six weeks since angels of the apocalypse descended to demolish the modern world. Street gangs rule the day while fear and superstition rule the night. When warrior angels fly away with a helpless little girl, her seventeen-year-old sister Penryn will do anything to get her back.
Anything, including making a deal with an enemy angel.
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12. Caraval - Stephanie Garber
Remember, it’s only a game…
Scarlett Dragna has never left the tiny island where she and her sister, Tella, live with their powerful, and cruel, father. Now Scarlett’s father has arranged a marriage for her, and Scarlett thinks her dreams of seeing Caraval—the faraway, once-a-year performance where the audience participates in the show—are over.
But this year, Scarlett’s long-dreamt-of invitation finally arrives. With the help of a mysterious sailor, Tella whisks Scarlett away to the show. Only, as soon as they arrive, Tella is kidnapped by Caraval’s mastermind organizer, Legend. It turns out that this season’s Caraval revolves around Tella, and whoever finds her first is the winner.
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13. The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer - Michelle Hodkin
Mara Dyer believes life can't get any stranger than waking up in a hospital with no memory of how she got there.
It can.
She believes there must be more to the accident she can't remember that killed her friends and left her strangely unharmed.
There is.
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14. An Ember In The Ashes - Sabaa Tahir
Laia is a slave. Elias is a soldier. Neither is free.
Under the Martial Empire, defiance is met with death. Those who do not vow their blood and bodies to the Emperor risk the execution of their loved ones and the destruction of all they hold dear. It is in this brutal world, inspired by ancient Rome, that Laia lives with her grandparents and older brother. The family ekes out an existence in the Empire’s impoverished backstreets. They do not challenge the Empire. They’ve seen what happens to those who do.
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15. The Darkest Minds - Alexandra Bracken
When Ruby woke up on her tenth birthday, something about her had changed. Something frightening enough to make her parents lock her in the garage and call the police. Something that got her sent to Thurmond, a brutal government “rehabilitation camp.” She might have survived the mysterious disease that had killed most of America’s children, but she and the others emerged with something far worse: frightening abilities they could not control.
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16. The Wrath and The Dawn - Renee Ahdieh
One Life to One Dawn.
In a land ruled by a murderous boy-king, each dawn brings heartache to a new family. Khalid, the eighteen-year-old Caliph of Khorasan, is a monster. Each night he takes a new bride only to have a silk cord wrapped around her throat come morning. When sixteen-year-old Shahrzad's dearest friend falls victim to Khalid, Shahrzad vows vengeance and volunteers to be his next bride. Shahrzad is determined not only to stay alive, but to end the caliph's reign of terror once and for all.
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sometimes you break the rules
smoke and mirrors verse fic written for fringexxelement, imgonnashoottothrill and recruitedbyhydra
The rule was no killing near where they lived. It was just too risky and none of them had any interest in attracting law enforcement attention. People already thought they were odd enough. Stiles and Dean could manage a credible impression of charming when they wanted to but none of them could keep the thin thread of danger that curled through them from pinging people’s vibes. Most tended to take it as a bad boy vibe. Even with Dean’s eyes, any of the three of them could spin that vibe into something that drew rather than repelled. Although in Sam’s case it tended to be largely unconscious. He usually didn’t bother to try to mitigate the odd vibe that surrounded him.
It also depended on how clearly he could see the physical world that day.
As it happened, killing hadn’t been on any of their minds when they’d piled into the truck to run errands. It hadn’t been their plan for the night. Dean had been having a relatively good spell which had Sam in an exuberant mood. Stiles had just been riding the waves of good feeling and less stress than usual. An impromptu singing session had broken out as they drove and for the most part they were all in high spirits as they parked, slid out of the vehicle and headed towards the store.
It was astonishing how quickly a mood could shift. Especially among the three of them.
They hadn’t even made it to the front of the store, still in the parking lot. All three of them were walking close enough to be all up in each other’s personal bubbles as per usual. They tended to make an odd unit, with personal space overlapping and blending in ways even the least sensitive could pick up on. Most people parted around them without a word. It was late enough there weren’t many people out anyway, the winter night crisp and clear and mostly quiet.
There was plenty of space to detour around the three of them, still wrapped in their own world and ignoring the rest as two strangers approached them. Plenty of room to have given the three more than enough space as they passed. Instead, the two guys chose not to alter their approach and one bumped Stiles’ shoulder. Hard. With deliberate malice.
Stiles frowned and turned to glare at the idiot who’d bumped him to find both guys had also stopped and turned, the one who’d bumped his shoulder wearing an expression that said he clearly thought he was tough shit. “Watch where you and your freak mutie friend are walking, bro. Or someone might need to teach you how to keep out of people’s way.”
The surge of anger that flared in Stiles was immediate and fierce along with a feeling of disbelief. This guy thought he could just get in his face and what, he’d back off?
A soft growl from Sam behind him rumbled as he felt Dean step up shoulder to shoulder with him. Stiles watched the two guys take in the three of them, brief uncertainty flickering through their eyes. While the two were of a height and build to match Dean they clearly hadn’t expected the three to be willing square off so quickly. They exchanged glances and the ugly, smirking looks were back.
Stiles could feel the poison in them, could see the noxious green that flowed in their veins and lit their eyes.
“You wanna say that again?” Dean’s voice wasn’t threatening. It was almost conversational, distantly curious, which was at odds with the cool edge of rage whispering through him.
“You heard me, freak. Your kind shouldn’t even be allowed on the streets.” The venom and malice was clear in idiot number one’s voice, his buddy right there at his back and murmuring agreement.
Sam’s soft growl increased in volume and acquired an edge. Stiles could feel the anger swirling at his back. He glanced at Dean with a raised eyebrow as he leaned towards him. “This guy thinks we shouldn’t be allowed on the streets.” He felt electricity arc over his fingers and his eyes flared briefly as he looked back to the two guys who looked startled. Clearly they’d only counted on Dean being a mutant, not all of them. The second guy flicked an uneasy glance over Stiles’ shoulder at Sam and Stiles would have paid good money to see what look in Sam’s kaleidoscopic gaze made the guy pale slightly. Instead, Stiles gave them both a lazy smile before hooking his chin on Dean’s shoulder. Watched ugly hatred and disgust flicker in both guy’s eyes.
We gonna let these idiots get away with the insult? Stiles kept his gaze on the two guys trying to recover their bravado, feeling the hot storm of rage building at his back from Sam as he directed his question to Dean. The fact they were still in the parking lot didn’t seen nearly as important as it should have, no matter what time of night it was.
Dean leaned a little more into him, one hand sliding into Stiles’ back pocket, his own eyes watching the two guys the same way a wolf sized up their prey. Both guys shifted uneasily.
No killing this close to home. You know the rules. Dean almost regretted a need to follow the rules. But they were there for a good reason.
What if we aren’t the one to kill them? Stiles’ mental tone turned sly and malicious. He understood why the rule existed and mostly didn’t care in the moment. The insult itself could have been overlooked. He’d heard worse. But the belligerence in these two, the gall of them to think they could get in their faces and they’d just walk away? He wasn’t willing to let that pass.
Sam growled again. They wanna start something. They have knives. And they’ve hurt other mutants. Beat the shit out of kids. Little kids, Dean.
Dean’s eyes narrowed as he took in the two guys who were clearly in their mid-20s. The cold rage crystallized in him even as his expression chilled. He’d been willing to let them off with a warning and a good beat down but now… Sam’s words had been accompanied by visuals with a thick, rancid and viscous emotional residue. Likely images his brother had picked up from their minds. Vivid and lurid in their detail, the fact they’d enjoyed hurting children more than half their age. Even Stiles tensed when he caught those, the anger in him acquiring a deadly edge.
“I think it’s a public street and we can walk wherever the hell we want to.” Dean’s voice was still conversational, almost casual, a tone at odds with the look in his eyes.
Both guys stiffened and their eyes going flat, as though they couldn’t believe Dean had dared to contradict their words. “Look, you mutie freaks, who do you think you are?” The second guy’s tone had turned hostile and Stiles watched as their fingers twitched. A familiar gesture and one he recognized, having carried more knives on his person than most for years now.
Not here, we’re too open and inviting someone to call the cops. Dean was firm in his thought.
“Tell you what,” Dean said softly. “Why don’t we discuss our different opinions on which of us shouldn’t be allowed on the streets?” Stiles felt his eyes turn eager as he sensed Dean’s voice shift and acquire the tone it did when he employed his ability to command. “There’s an alley behind the store. Let’s go.”
Sam was practically vibrating with anger and eagerness, the storm around him almost visible in its intensity. Stiles watched in avid fascination as the two guys started walking towards the alley. Though their movements were smooth and purposeful their eyes betrayed their shock at having their bodies moving without their conscious decision.
This was different from playing with their usual toys, most of whom were panting and begging, willing to do whatever Dean or Stiles asked them to do. There was a dark enjoyment when he and Dean played with their toys. This mood was entirely different. Dark yes, but edged with razor sharp edges. Dean hooked an arm around Stiles’ waist and the three of them followed the two strangers out of the parking lot to the darkness of the alley.
Stiles could feel the way Sam encouraged anyone who might have seen them to go about their business, delicately erasing details of their presence from the minds around them. He was clearly getting more sensitive to the brothers. He hadn’t used to be able to feel them use their abilities quite so well before.
Once all of them were in the shadows of the alley and out of immediate sight, Dean’s voice echoed around them. “This is far enough, boys. Stand against the wall and don’t move.” The queer sense of power riding the command still echoed in his voice.
The casual conversational tone was gone now, ice in his voice and bleeding into the hot emotional storm building and expanding around Sam, his arm was still hooked around Stiles’ waist. As the strangers moved to put their backs to the wall, eyes wide and frightened now, he hooked a finger in Sam’s collar when his brother took a menacing step towards the two strangers. “Patience, pup.”
Sam growled but stilled and settled. Stiles didn’t need to be able to see his eyes to know the color had likely gone swirling molten gold and green. Dean turned his attention to the strangers. “Normally, I‘d have just let my brother kick your asses and teach you some manners. But the two of you, who think you’re so much better than us, have done something I just can’t abide.”
Stiles could almost see ice crystals dripping from Dean’s words. The heat of Sam’s rage and the cold of Dean’s left the air feeling like there was a storm building, swelling right there in the alley around them. Even the two strangers seemed to be able to feel it.
He slipped from Dean’s arm and slid over to the first guy, running one finger lightly up his chest and the sly smile had evil around the edges. “You like beating up little defenseless kids, huh? Kids who think they can’t fight back because they fear actually hurting you?”
The guy’s pulse began to jack rabbit in his throat, his breathing turning quick and panicked with Stiles so close and gazing at him with that sly grin. It really was different, with these guys. They were no less toys but there was absolutely no sexual edge to the pulse of fear Stiles shoved at him before stepping lightly over to the other guy, running a finger lightly over his shoulder. The fear he’d directed at the first guy trailed his fingers along the second guy, sinking into his skin.
“Can’t pick on someone your own size because you’re not as tough as you think you are. Scared babies who can only hurt those smaller than them. You picked the wrong people to start shit with tonight.”
Stiles stepped away from the two and pressed back into Dean’s side, the sharp deadly edge of his own anger blending with the emotional storm he could feel, turning the waves so sharp he was surprised the two guys didn’t actually start bleeding as it brushed over them both.
Dean hooked his fingers into Stiles’ pocket as the three of them gazed at the two strangers standing with their backs to the wall. Their fear swelled as they took in three sets of eyes: cold, remote, merciless and alien.
“I think they should feel what they did to those poor defenseless kids who couldn’t fight back. What do you think?” Stiles cocked his head to the side, almost resting it on Dean’s shoulder and there was a lilt in his words. Almost playful but menacing at the same time.
“That’s a good idea, kitten.” Dean’s eyes sharpened as much as Stiles’ had. “Show us what you did to them. On each other.”
There was no way they could fight Dean’s command. Stiles and Sam had a fair bit of immunity to it, even if they could both feel the power of it roll over the two guys and take hold.
The two guys pulled away from the wall and faced each other, helpless to resist and proceeded to beat the shit out of each other while the emotional storm raged around them. It wasn’t often Stiles got to see it manifest in the physical world but Sam was a damn strong empath and with the combination of Dean and Stiles feeding into it and amplified by the strange link between them it stirred the air currents in the physical world, left pock marks on the wall behind the two hapless humans.
The three of them stood in the still center of the storm that raged and watched. Pushed beyond what they should have been able to physical do, held in the grip of Dean’s command with terror humming through them, the two guys bloodied and bruised each other with fists and feet, broke bones with audible snaps until the fact they were still upright was a minor miracle.
“Stop.” It was one word but it seemed to echo through the alley and both guys stopped like puppets with their strings cut, dropping where they stood with moans and pained whimpers.
“Sam.” Again, it was simply one word, and while it lacked the power of command, it was every bit as cold and demanding. Sam shifted to lean against Dean and his eyes narrowed briefly at the two guys who both gave sudden jerks and went still.
Stiles was adjusting to the fact that he could feel people die now in a way he hadn’t been able to before encountering the brothers. Knowing his own gift of persuasion was rooted in empathy, though it was nowhere near what Sam’s gift could do, he’d been learning to recognize what he was picking up with his mutant ability. It still elated him to feel that moment of death. Enough that he’d learned to project the empathic echo of it along the link between them so Dean could feel it as well.
Twisting to press his chest against Dean’s, fingers snaking out to curl into Sam’s shirt and grip tight, he lifted his head, eyes bright and vicious, his grin wild and fierce as he met the sudden brutal kiss Dean gaze him. The cold edge was still riding him and made the kiss sharper and Stiles only pressed closer.
When Stiles finally broke the kiss Dean looked at him, eyes dark with fading cold rage and burgeoning heated arousal. “Take care of the bodies, Kitten.” He tugged Sam down by the collar and gave him a kiss every bit as brutal as the one he’d given Stiles, even as Stiles stepped away from the two of them.
A moment of focus and the two bodies were only so much ash stirring in the light breeze of the cold night. A look over his shoulder at Sam and Dean, still caught in the fierce kiss, and Stiles figured they weren’t going to end up doing the shopping their little trip had been intended to accomplish. Not with the weight of arousal hanging in the air around them.
Moods between the three of them could change in the blink of an eye, each of them riding the waves of the others with the link that connected them. They adapted, went with the flow wherever it carried them.
Which meant sometimes rules were broken and plans changed.
None of them could really complain.
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