#they don’t look human unless they’re Trying (think using blush of life) but when you get too close
collegeoflore · 4 months
i just think there’s no point if he’s not a little scary is all. he just needs to be kind of freaky.
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flaresanimedump · 1 year
ok now that I've made my factual Ranpo post TIME FOR THE HEADCANONS IT SPAWNED.
So Ranpo being abused at the police academy.
This little wild child – who I can only imagine grew up pretty much just him and his parents in the country doing fuck all most of the day – stuck in a military institution that made him cut his hair, stand up straight, wear uncomfortable clothes, not speak unless spoken to, walk this way, talk this way. And if he didn’t he’d be punished. And he got punished a lot. Let's say it's relatively common procedure at the school to cane a student when they misbehave, which is basically all he does to a point that the administrative staff starts doing it “to build his character.” Rapping his knuckles for eating snacks, before he even talks when he opens his mouth.
Ranpo’s “people don’t like me” idea coming in no small part from the 18–30-year-olds who saw this child running circles around them and treated him like shit to make themselves feel better, so he didn’t have anyone to turn to.
And then they throw him out for being too good, really, and he’s on the street at 13 when Japanese law heavily restricts how much he can work. Ranpo was homeless and starving when Fukuzawa met him but he acted like everything was totally fine and dandy (as long as Fukuzawa didn’t try to leave of course).
Anyway Fukuzawa not finding any of this out until later. Maybe they’re interviewing an old schoolmarm for a case and Ranpo gets into something so she raps his knuckles as old schoolmarms are wont to do. And Fukuzawa expects a tantrum but Ranpo’s quiet after a little gasp of pain. But the quiet does not bring him the relief he thinks it should, it sets alarm bells off in his head.
Ranpo solves the case and as they’re on their way home he’s absently rubbing his hand. Fukuzawa asks gently if it still hurts that much. Ranpo jumps a little and drops his hands to his sides and says nope nothing wrong here, doesn’t hurt at all, just a hair too thinly for Fukuzawa to really believe him. So Fukuzawa catches up the hand in question and stops him. Ranpo’s eyes are tight and tense and he doesn’t look up at Fukuzawa so much as glance up at him without moving his head. Something is clearly wrong even if he won’t say what. Fukuzawa’s really trying to learn to handle Youths^tm and humans in general, he is, and words aren’t working, and Ranpo’s slightly hurt(?), and presented with these raw facts a solution presents itself. He brings Ranpo’s knuckles to his lips.
Ranpo’s breath catches at the kiss. Fukuzawa’s blushing a little when he lowers Ranpo’s hand, his thumb smoothing over the same spot. Ranpo’s looking at him with wide eyes (and he’s finally tilted his head back to look at Fukuzawa properly at least).
“Better?” Fukuzawa asks.
And Ranpo bursts into tears.
Fukuzawa still isn’t equipped to handle this. It isn’t the reaction he was expecting and this isn’t how it’s supposed to go right? Right?? He grabs Ranpo’s shoulder for something to do before Ranpo’s words filter into his panicking brain.
“Thank you.”
He’s not just saying it for the kiss. But Fukuzawa doesn’t find that out until later, when he’s once again given in and let Ranpo curl up in his futon and, by necessity of course, in his arms, and Ranpo tells him how they used to make the students put their hands on the backs of chairs and then crack a cane over their knuckles as punishment, or once a week just to build character, or because they felt like it.
And Fukuzawa has no goddamn idea what to do. He wants to erase them from Ranpo’s life but he can’t think of what words would accomplish that. So he tugs Ranpo closer, takes Ranpo’s other hand, already years from the pain, and presses another kiss into his knuckles. Ranpo’s breath shudders again but he doesn’t cry. Ranpo already doesn’t need words to read Fukuzawa’s thoughts. The band of Fukuzawa’s arm across his back, the weight of his hand on Ranpo’s hip, the softness in his eyes – they all say that Fukuzawa intends to keep him, to protect him. That Fukuzawa loves him.
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motownfiction · 2 years
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Sam and Steph spend another afternoon at the McDonald’s in the mall, using way too many ketchup cups for two people and admiring each other’s company. There are other teenage couples around them, of course, but Sam is pretty sure they’re better than the others. Other teenage couples are probably only interested in each other as a form of experimentation. Ever since school started back up again, Sam thinks he and Steph are different. They’re into each other as people – people who care about each other whether they’re making out or not. Over the summer, he was worried maybe Steph was pulling away. But now, it’s like he never had those worries at all. Now, it’s like he loves her more than he did before, which he didn’t think was possible. Never mind that it scares the shit out of him. It feels too nice to wake up from.
“So I was thinking I could paint a sunset in blue,” Steph says. “I know it seems obvious when the assignment is to paint something how it doesn’t look, but you know me. I can’t get enough of blue paint.”
Sam dips two of his fries in the ketchup cup and nods between bites.
“I know,” he says. “You’re like a blonde Picasso.”
“Thank you.”
Steph talks more about the blue sunset. Her eyes sparkle and shine, and she moves her hands up and down like she’s painting with her imagination. Sam loves that about her. He loves that about all artists. The best ones are practicing their craft even when you can’t see it (unless you’re looking, and when it comes to Steph, Sam is always looking). Lucy writes in her head, sometimes in the middle of a conversation. She does it even now that she’s pregnant and has more than a few other things to worry about. Charlie is always playing music on his thigh. Sometimes, he even looks around to see if anyone else heard it. That’s how wrapped up he gets in his head. That’s how wrapped up he gets in his art.
It’s how Sam knows he wasn’t born to be an artist. He was just born to love them.
The music overhead changes. Sam’s not sure what it was before, which almost horrifies him until he realizes that’s how much he loves listening to Steph. She’s the only person he would rather hear than the radio (at least, right now, when he’s sixteen and trying to figure out what it means to be in love with another sixteen-year-old). But he knows this song. And judging by the look in her eye, Steph thinks she knows it, too.
“Oh, this is Madonna!” she says. “That new song. ‘Shooting Star?’”
“Close,” Sam says with a laugh. “It’s called ‘Lucky Star.’ But that’s a new one from you, isn’t it?”
“Isn’t what?”
“Well, you usually get the lyrics wrong, but you never mess up the title. Is it the other way around with this one?”
Steph blushes behind a sip of her Coke.
“I don’t know,” she says. “I guess I could sing, and you could test me.”
“I have no interest in testing you, Steph,” Sam says. “You’re not a science experiment to me. You’re a whole human woman, and I’m in love with you.”
Steph bites on the straw, and her blush turns the deeper shade of red.
“That said,” Sam adds, “I would like to hear you sing this one.”
Steph grins. She sings the song, and to Sam’s shock and awe, she gets every word right. From starlight, star bright to shine your heavenly body tonight, she doesn’t miss a syllable. It’s like she’s trying to prove a point. Maybe it’s exactly that. Either way, Sam’s having the time of his life.
Either way, Sam’s pretty sure he’ll never love anybody but Steph.
Who would want to?
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Not the same anon but I would really like those demonic poly Shigadabi headcanons maybe some poly shigadabikei headcanons if your okay with it but it’s fine if you don’t want to spoil the series in anyway. I love their relationship, it’s the cutest despite being weird. Love you and don’t overwork yourself with writing and work😘
So I wanted to include Kei but also not give too much away about what’s coming up so here’s some mostly shigadabi demon hcs but with a little bit of keigo in there too and keep in mind these take place later into the story after they’ve had little sacrifice for a while so things are more established.
This is somewhat short but any other questions about this fic are welcome!
SFW(slight mentions of nsfw)
- Tomura still very much enjoys occasionally freaking you out, telling you creepy/gross things that demons are known to do like actually eating their sacrifices.
- Dabi tries to make him stop but there’s plenty of times you’re alone with Tomura and there’s really not much he can do aside from console you and let you know sometimes the weird shit he says isn’t even true.
- That doesn’t mean he doesn’t also pick on you for being too trusting, often luring you into thinking he’s going to do something soft only to see how you react when he ravishes you when you’re off guard.
- Keigo is just as bad, possibly even worse although much more lighthearted with his teasing. He won’t tell you about how he cannibalized another demon once (too long of a story anyway) but he will poke fun of you for anything mundane that can get you flustered. Very prone to pinching soft places on your body that get you riled up and squirming.
- Dabi occasionally likes to take you out for a date to the human world for some one-on-one time. It’s really sweet and he usually lets you pick what activity to do since he’s really only there to be selfish and have you alone for a little while.
- Keigo takes you out a lot, he loves the human world and thinks it’s fun to “play boyfriend” especially if it means you’ll let him rail you in a love hotel while you’re out.
- Dabi is closer to Tomura and Kei than they are to each other but that doesn’t mean you don’t occasionally happen across the two of them playing videogames together all snuggled up on the couch.
- The pocket you stay in becomes their permanent residence so any time they’re not on a contract they’re home. You’re not left alone often and when you are it’s not more than a few hours before a tired demon storms in and demands your attention again.
- Tomura has no filter and spills secrets about Dabi and Keigo constantly, pissing both of them off to no end when you come asking questions about why Keigo assumed he was supposed to eat his sacrifices or why the fuck did Dabi decide to put staples in his skin when that wasn’t part of his punishment.
- Since Dabi is nice and got you a nice pocket to live in it came with seasons, so you get to go play in the snow, the rain, sit out in nicer weather with a book if you want, etc. Also means your demons get to play with you outside when it’s not too hot or cold.
- They’re all very very fond of you but that doesn’t mean they’re not pricks a fair amount of the time. Watched a sad movie and now you’re crying? Oh get ready for condescending cooing “oh poor little sacrifice can’t handle a movie, what a baby come here and let me kiss your tears away” only to lick up your neck and face and laugh when you sniffle.
- There just is truly nothing they love more than picking on you to various extents, Dabi stops if you start to seem genuinely upset, Keigo stops when your eyes get glossy and you’ll let him “comfort” you, and Tomura likes to lick up your tears after he’s pushed too far and the way you cling to him anyway even though he caused your distress.
- Typically things are calm and at least two of them are around so you have a lap to sit in while you listen to them discuss contracts. Sometimes they let you ask questions but the answer is usually violent and therefore very censored.
- Demons don’t actually need to sleep but it does feel nice and since you enjoy it (read: get pounded to exhaustion regularly), they like to relax and have a nap beside you when you’re passed out from their rough treatment or dimensional travel.
- They’re mean and stuff a lot but their affection more than makes up for it. Constant sweet words, hand holding, soft kisses, checking up on your needs often and making sure you’re okay after they’re harsh or rough.
- Tomura seriously just does not understand about 98% of human etiquette and has on SEVERAL occasions tried to grope/strip/hump/otherwise violate you in public in broad daylight in crowded areas. Dabi no longer lets him take you out alone.
- They’re all constantly groping you when you’re home. Hands up your skirt, around your neck, on your waist, etc.
- Don’t say you’re bored unless you want one of your demons to flip you onto your back and start prepping you to take their cock. Cause that’s what’ll happen.
- Their casual touches rile you up and they absolutely know and use that to their advantage, lightly trailing fingers all over your body at any given moment just waiting for you to snap and let them know what you want.
- If you come up on your own and sit on Keigo’s lap, straddling him and kiss any part of his face or neck he just melts. Finish what you start, though, or he’ll take what he wants after spanking you raw for being a tease.
- You will never be able to fit Tomura’s monster dick in your mouth but that won’t stop him from getting you to try every so often. Your jaw hurts and you strain but it just doesn’t fit so he usually settles for finishing in your mouth and watching you swallow it or make out with Dabi while it’s coating your mouth and throat.
- Dabi prefers to let you do what you want when you’re blowing him, often commenting that you suck at it but at least you look cute while he strokes your face and ruffles your hair. He usually just moves onto fucking you.
- Keigo, however, likes to fuck your face every single time and cum as far down your throat as possible. He’s sweet after, though and tells you you did a great job while he gives you some cool water to soothe the demolished back of your throat.
- For whatever reason they all seem to really like fucking you in front of each other, even when the others aren’t involved. You’ll just casually be getting bounced on Dabi’s lap while Tomura plays videogames beside you on the couch and it’s just a very normal occurrence.
- They’re all nice to ride for different reasons: Dabi praises and degrades you sweetly, lets you ride however you like while he strokes your soft skin until you cum and he flips you over to pound his own release into you. Tomura usually loses patience and starts bucking up into you just right to make you a drooling mess, clinging to him for dear life while he pinches at your clit to make you squeeze him while he floods your insides. Keigo likes to sit back and watch the show, forcing you to keep going no matter how many times you gush on top of him until he finishes, head thrown back and an absolutely gorgeous blush covering his cheeks as his eyes roll back in his head.
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im not very sure if you're doing abcs for the trio but if u do could u pls maybe do C N O and S for vlad? <3
No worries! I don't see why not, my knowledge is just a little more limited for them is all~
Hope you enjoy these, lovely! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Aight y’all it’s time for me to put on my clown shoes as god intended
Though man, what a delightfully rainy day today to write =v=
Fluff ABCs Template here
Cuddling -- How does he like to cuddle?
He is a simple man, with simple needs.
That being said, I think he’s one for a lot of gentle affection. Despite appearances–I mean hell, he literally wears a necklace of thorns–he’s actually a very tender lover. Loves hand-holding, scooting close under umbrellas, making shapes out of the little beauty marks that dot her skin. He will take any excuse to hold her and run with it.
Ideally, I think he prefers privacy above all else, most typically in his room in the castle. This side of him, so soft with his love for her, belongs to her and her alone. He refuses to let anyone else kill his immersion the moment (cue Charles dragging Faust away from doing something disruptive and stupid), or indulge in the sight of her so rosy-cheeked and loving. Loves dropping little kisses to the crown of her head, her shoulders, the backs of her hands. He’s waited so many long years to be able to hold her close like this, to feel the heat of her blush and the tinkle of sweet giggles when he nips and pecks at her pretty skin. All of this, every single second, is beyond value to him…he cherishes each memory close to his heart, crystallized fragments of joy in a life so bereft of it.
His favorite position for cuddling tends to be a kind of side lean. Usually she’ll be lying down (or turned towards him, sometimes) while he’s on his side beside her (usually against a wall or the back of a sofa). He loves that he can gaze at her as much as he likes this way, he really can’t get enough. The person he was searching for all this time, right here, no sign of leaving…
Nightmare -- What is his worst fear?
Oh boyo boy. Oh boy...
Honestly, I really don’t see anything horrifying him as much as losing MC. I don’t think he’s a man above fear. He hates being abandoned, he’s afraid of the world being torn apart by humanity’s indifference.
But nothing compares to the shattering fear of losing MC.
I think he has a very particular intense fear about losing loved ones because of the nature of his life history. He is still deeply affected by his entire clan being wiped out by hunters, leaving him alone to carry the weight of that legacy and loss. While he couldn’t help but give his heart to the woman who saved him, the reality of his terror is undeniable. After so many centuries of searching, after so many years of feeling hollow and alone…Even now, he has never come to terms with the way his family was ripped away from him. To know the gentleness of love again, to finally have a hand to hold only to lose it…
Well, I really can’t imagine the terrifying result of that. I imagine he would be far beyond reason.
Whenever he has bad dreams of the very same fear, he is nigh inconsolable. He holds her very tightly without saying a word (which is unlike him) and she'll know not to let him go for a while. She murmurs calming things, promises of things they'll do together in the future, strokes his hair and rubs his back. They only leave the bed when he's feeling somewhat stabilized again, but even so he'll hold her hand for longer than usual days after. Embraces her more, finds any excuse to hide away.
Oddity -- What is one quirk he has?
I think one part of him that is overlooked is that he is a man very interested in the nature of contradiction, the duality that resides in all things–himself included. Some parts of his preoccupation are more obvious than others. For instance, he loves flowers due to the nature of their ephemeral beauty, but also enjoys trying to preserve them to let their appeal survive. There’s also the fact that flowers can look or smell lovely, but can harbor poisons strong enough to kill grown human beings. (Not unlike him.)
He is a vampire in which the front-end of his operations is a cathedral, and I imagine that was a purposeful move as well. There are so many angles to consider here, namely two obvious ones that come to mind. There is the non-threatening concept of the cathedral: in which people assume it is a safe haven, a place to seek care/assistance/prayer (not entirely so in this case, even if Faust plays priest.) There’s the possibility that vampire hunters are typically supplied by/supported by the church (not sure if this is the case here, but it is a common trope). That would mean Vlad would be using the face of the very human institution that ruined his life to enact revenge, to say nothing of the potential risk of hunters seeking sanctuary only to run into a den of vampires.
There is also wondering whether or not he purposely wears that necklace of thorns ;;;;; (For anyone unaware, there was the whole Jesus wearing a crown of thorns specifically as an extension of humiliation, branding him the “fake king" of the Jewish people.) My contention here would be that he is basically saying “lmao, I’m your suffering saint now.” Or maybe he’s just really into masochistic jewelry, I have no idea.
He appears to have a kind of obsession with subverting norms/conventional expectations, and I have to wonder if it runs with his general underdog theme…
Secrets -- How open is he with her?
Despite his generally guarded nature, with MC he is entirely transparent when they’re in a relationship. Unless he doesn’t want to scare her or simply feels something would be best shared at a later time, he makes no real attempt to hide anything from her. If she asks and he knows the answer, he’ll spill.
(Okay but sometimes it gets hilarious, because say Faust has been trying for years to get info out of him about some stupidly specific thing. And Vlad is always very evasive, dances out of reach, plain ignores him. MC asks and he’s just like “oh yeah, in 1582 I remember–” It’s a wonder Faust never throws hands about it, pisses him off so much LMFAO)
Before their relationship was established he hesitated more, largely because the nature of his existence and his ties to her were a lot to take in at the time. I think he prefers not to overwhelm her whenever possible. It’s very much a kind of “I won’t info drop on you thoughtlessly, but if you ask me a question I’ll do my best to answer with the truth.”
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obeymeluv · 4 years
Random Lipstick Headcanons
I like red lipsticks and I like wearing lipstick when I want to feel like a bad bitch. Or when life’s being a badder bitch than me. I can at least struggle pretty ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
This is the bros reactions to you wearing a very complimentary, alluring lip color. Or power lip color. I don’t know what to call it. I guess this is gender neutral? I’m not trying to mention gender specifically.
They TOTALLYYYYY have a crush on you at this point. They just haven’t owned up to it. May take a crack at writing a second part for the Undateables. I’m at chapter 21/22 and feel like they’re not really mentioned :/. Not enough for me to really know what they’re like.
Is very surprised to see you wearing lipstick. In fact...it’s the first time, isn’t it?
His heart stutters, almost as if the color scares him. 
It doesn’t. It excites him. More than he imagines. There’s something about the pop of color that draws his eyes in immediately, like a moth to a flame
Or so he thinks. Lucifer thinks that sounds nicer. In truth, it’s like a magnet trying to drag him closer. Your lips are just suddenly...very enticing. He’s thought about kissing you a few times before now but he certainly doesn’t want to feel his resolve crumble because of some color!
And yet, it is the essence of beauty itself. He feels as if you should be immortalized in a painting. You exude a classic kind of charm that makes his dusty heart squeeze.
He’s a bit behind on human fancies, but is this an attempt at courtship?! You certainly have his attention! 
It doesn’t even have to be a glossy lip. No matter how tsundere Mammon acts, he’s INCREDIBLY perceptive when it comes to you. He notices the minutest of changes. 
Your new lip color makes you a cool, shiny thing and Mammon LOVES shiny things.
He’s gonna be stealing so many glances! 
You don’t even have to be trying for a sexy vibe to be sexy in Mammon’s eyes. You take his breath away with this lip color. He just---boy has to turn around and bite his lip.
His heart’s doing stuff it hasn’t done in centuries and oh baby, he wants that lip color all over him!
Will either act like you wearing lipstick is nothing special (like he doesn’t notice) or goes into mild interrogation mode. It’s not for some other demon, right?!
Wants to touch your lips and see what it feels like, but doesn’t.
Might try to drag you along to be a makeup rep for one of his photoshoots. Then you can try on lots of lipsticks and pose with him. They can do a kiss photo for swatches, right? Prove it’s transfer-proof or something?
His attention’s on you AAALLLLL day--especially your lips
If he notices it’s smudged, he’ll try to wipe it away or fix it with his finger. Might almost out himself with how gently he does so.
He’s no stranger to watching people do makeup--he’s a big fan of cosplay makeup and body paint transformation
There’s just...something different about when you do it. He tries to tell himself it’s because you live with him, but that doesn’t feel quite right
His eyes light up when he sees the way the color compliments your skin. It makes your eyes twinkle but he’s really focused on your lips
It wakes up something ancient and irrational in him; he wants to give you a pretty shell or rock for some reason??
He just gets all excited and wiggly. Even his tail wants to wiggle!
You’re just pretty, okay?! Not that you’re gonna know, dummy!
Subconsciously, he thinks it reminds him of beautiful, vivid scales. Then that sends him down a rabbit hole of how pretty you’d look if you had scales  
In general, I headcanon that Levi can see the slightest differences in colors. He and Asmo are basically tied in this, and they far outpace the other brothers. 
He’d be extra stoked if the color is from the blue or purple family because those can be hard to pull off but they often make really good looks
Being Levi, he can’t outright compliment you. He’ll just say ‘it’s probably good for a normie human lipstick, but have you seen THESE?!’ and shows you some of the flashier Devildom ones
Get one with a slight shimmer or color change. Or better yet, do a gradient!
Levi would absolutely explode if you wore his colors!
If you do a TSL-inspired look, he’s going to die. And have dreams of you saying sweet things to him, the yucky otaku, with your pretty, pretty lips
Much like Lucifer, he’d want to wax poetic about how the lip color gives you an enchanting aura
Quite stricken, very flustered. He can hardly muster a witty remark.
Satan is basically grasping at straws and hoping his usual cool, toothy grin hides the fact that he’s ready to blush himself straight into a sunburn
Mild teasing, all of it good natured. He’ll pepper in comparisons to Helen of Troy or historical figures that resemble you. It’s mostly to see you blush, but it’s his way of saying it indirectly
He hasn’t quite come to terms with how much he likes you yet but he knows when he sees that lip color, he wants to smear it all over your cheeks and down your chin.
The idea of making a mess of something so pretty and carefully crafted just really gets his blood going. It’s a wicked thing, isn’t it? Symbolism for a demon corrupting a human? You could be his pretty human, yes.
If he wants to think or make a coherent sentence, he can’t look at you when you’re wearing lipstick
Subtly moves one of the books from a nearby stack into his lap because boy has a boner.
If you decide not to hang around or get pulled away by one of his brothers, Satan will disappear to indulge his fantasies of you wrapping those pretty lips around his cock. He’s not even mad about it. Not in the moment; he feels bad a few days later.  
His darling human is spreading their little beauty wings? Oh be still his beating heart!
He’s the first to compliment you and actually takes an analytical approach before the idea of genuine compliments pop up in his head. It’ll take him an hour or two to start getting a little flustered by you ‘dressing up’ and silently tormenting himself with ‘Is it for me? Is it for someone else?!’
Asmo can’t help but coo over how well you know your color wheel and how you match your undertones
The type to hold your face in his hands and pat your cheeks or squeeze them a little
Teases you about making lipstick swatches on his lips or his arms (”Or, you know, wherever. You can kiss me anywhere you like!”)
Wants to drag you away and see if any of his colors will look good on you
You will soon have a matching lip color! He’ll make sure of it!
BEGS you to let him swatch his lip colors on you, or apply them. He’ll make sure to take care of your lips in between--a lip mask, exfoliation, the works! (”I’ll even kiss them for you!”)
He wants you to try on all his lip colors because he wants to memorize how breath-taking you look in all the colors. Even if it’s platonic with some lusty teasing, Asmo has a genuine love for bringing beauty to people
In some ways, it makes his heart ache. It reminds him of when he was Heaven’s Jewel.
But now he’s here in the Devildom, and he doesn’t really regret it because he met you. You can be his jewel now, and maybe he can be yours. Maybe it all starts with some lipstick, hm? 
He notices it but doesn’t really get the significance of it
Is there a reason? Is it for an event? Is this a dominance thing? An attraction thing?
Demon can see from a great distance, far greater than humans, and there’s a chance he sees you before you see him
In all honesty, he probably thinks you have something on your lips, like a sauce or something
It isn’t until you get closer that he realizes it’s some kind of lip product
If you’re happy, he’s happy
You always look cute but this color seems to make you happy and it gives you this bouncy glow about you. That makes Beel all warm inside, to the point where he wants to purr.
Sometimes when he gets really excited his wings want to buzz. They kind of want to buzz.
Doesn’t mean to, but can’t stop staring at your lips. It’s a color he’s not used to seeing on you and his brain recognizes that change
Wouldn’t be against you kissing him. What? It might transfer? He gets food and crumbs all over his face on the regular so it’s not a big deal.
You might be shy about it? Don’t want him to get teased? Well...you can always practice. You know, somewhere he can hide it. Just to test it, that is.
KISS HIS STOMACH! He’d be so damn close to a nut Beel would have to bite his own tongue or shove something in his mouth before you do it
Would wear your little kiss marks like a badge of pride so slap ‘em on wherever you want!
“Do they have orange lipsticks?” he asks. Blushes deeply immediately, not realizing he actually said it out loud. You should try one of those, he thinks. You know, because that’s his color and it’ll match his nails. He thinks that’d be neat.
Just wants you to kiss all over his chest and stomach. 
Wary of the lipstick. Doesn’t trust it
Looks like a nightmare for his pillows. Paranoid about you getting it on his sheets
If he’s half asleep and notices it, the color change will jolt him awake long enough to really observe it
“For me?” he teases as he rolls over or pull himself from under covers and pillows to really look at you
It’s pretty, for sure, but you’re not coming anywhere near his bed unless you can prove it’s not coming off on fabric!
What’s that? You can?
Belphie probably says something sarcastic and mildly asshole-ish but you defend your precious lip product, talking about human reviews and tests and things. “People have kissed their boyfriends and girlfriends on camera! It works!”
He makes you kiss your arm (he’s a fucking idiot, should’ve asked you to kiss HIS arm) to prove it won’t rub off before he lets you rest on his bed with him
Snuggles into you like he always does, playing with your hair just the tiniest bit. 
Belphie hopes it’s subtle but he’s slowing twining and inching his fingers closer to your face. Your lip color is almost mythical and he kind of wants to touch it after all the fuss he made.
Does it make your lips feel different? They look different. Would it react differently to demon skin?
Will tell you it looks nice and that you look pretty but if you ask him about it later, he totally denies it. Insists he must’ve been talking in his sleep
He dreams of you kissing him awake or kissing him to sleep with gentle cuddles and pretty lips
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5lazarus · 3 years
The Domestics
Alistair runs into an older elven woman on the battlements, watching the children play in the Skyhold courtyard below. They get to talking: isn't it nice that the mages get to keep their children now? Then, in the course of the conversation, Alistair figures it out. Alistair says, “I always wondered. What my life would’ve been like, if she could’ve kept me. I always kinda knew she didn’t have a choice. King’s bastards are the king’s, not whoever carried them. If she were a servant and if I’d end up in the kitchens or, better yet, the dairy. I really like cheese. But if she were a mage, I guess we never had any of that. Unless she ran away.” Read on Archive of Our Own here.
It’s snowing at Skyhold, which delays Alistair’s plans by a day. Anora cuts him loose, locking herself in the ambassador’s heated room with her furs, and he wishes he could change into less fine clothes and join the children in their snowball fight, or wander into the kitchens and see if he can sweet-talk the cook into giving him something hot and sweet to drink. He’s king, so he could ask for all the chocolate in Seheron, and doubtless the Inquisition would try to give it to him.
He walks the battlements so less people will see him and watches the battle in the courtyard below. The Inquisitor’s children seem to have made common cause with the servants’ kids against the visiting nobility; honestly it’s just a relief to see that it isn’t human against elf. Alistair, a tad self-conscious, touches his right ear. An older elf is watching them, smiling. Alistair wonders if she’s the mother of one of them below.
“Which one’s yours?” Alistair asks.
The woman says, “I’m only watching them for the Inquisitor. I’m their guard.” She’s got short black hair, threaded with silver, but her eyes are lively enough. She’s wearing green robes with a bit of Dalish-looking embroidery at the ends of her sleeves. She’s got an Orlesian accent, too. He didn’t know the Inquisition was working with elves from Orlais, didn’t Anora tell him to keep an eye out for Ambassador Briala’s livery?
“Oh.” He shouldn’t feel awkward, but he blushes anyway. He stares at the woman’s feet, toes poking out of those foot wraps, and wonders how on earth she’s not freezing. Alistair’s got a coat of heavy wool, trimmed in fur.
The woman notices he’s staring and says, matter-of-fact, “My circulatory system is different than yours. We conserve heat more efficiently than your people. Besides, I’m a mage. It’s easy to keep warm.”
That has him a bit miffed. Of course he knows elves are biologically different than humans; they can still breed, though. He’s evidence of that. He doesn’t feel the cold as intensely as the others at court, and he knows why. The servants at the palace can tell, even if he passes, for the most part. Eamon and Tegan talk all the time about how much he looks like his father, how much he looks like Cailan, but he’s seen enough portraits of them both to know how he differs.
Alistair says, again, “Oh. Cool. I’m half, you know.” It’s not that he’s discouraged from talking about it, but it’s never been something to advertise. Those with eyes to see it don’t need to be told, but right Alistair feels like he needs to justify himself, with the way she’s looking at him. Skyhold has had him wrong-footed; Leliana has been distant and he is finding it harder and harder to slip away from the King. Anora tells him that’s part of adulthood. He’s not so sure.
The woman says, “I know.”
Alistair folds his arms. “Really? Because I didn’t. What’s your name, by the way?”
The elf smiles sadly. “Fiona. I used to travel with the Grey Wardens, when I was young.”
Alistair says, “Really? The Grey Wardens don’t really let people leave. Unless, you know, you point out that yet another civil war is going to break out if they don’t let you put your ass back on the throne. What was your excuse?”
Fiona says, “I had a baby. It’s hard to keep a nursery going in the Deep Roads. The darkspawn get jealous.”
“Oh. Can’t be having that, they’re crabby enough as it is. Though I heard of a Warden who brought his cat into the Deep Roads too, scratched out the eyes of a hurlock apparently. You’re lucky, most of us can’t have kids. I can’t. Probably.” He thinks about his own natural daughter with Tabris and blushes at the lie, rubbing at the back of his head. It’s for her own good and the good of the realm he hasn’t brought her to court. It’s not an excuse, it’s a reason, and Morrigan has the spare heir anyway, if Anora can’t figure something out.
Fiona says, “I suppose it’s luck. The Circle took him away from me, and gave him back to his father.” She sounds wistful. “But under the Inquisition, the mages keep their children. It’s a different world now. There’s no going back.”
He thinks to himself, I’m not so sure—the disastrous plans for the Hinterlands, the riots in Denerim, the failure of the embassy in the Brecilian forest. He thought after the Blight, with this new alliance between elves, dwarves, and men, there would be no going back. Anora tells him it’s a struggle for the future and that reform doesn’t come in a day, perhaps not even their lifetime: sometimes they need to settle for establishing the groundwork for the next person to rule, like Maric did for them. But of course, Anora’s never had her cousin kidnapped and brutalized, or her father sold into slavery. That sort of perspective changes things.
Alistair says, “Really?” He scratches his head. “I look at things in Ferelden and wonder how things can stay so stagnant, and then you look at Orlais and how they’re eating themselves alive. And Orzammar, of course, which is basically a living fossil. People don’t like change. They’d prefer for things to stay the same, or even go back to how they were a generation ago.” He is surprised at the bitterness in his voice.
Fiona cocks her head and looks at him curiously. She says, “You’re too young to be talking like that. You must understand it comes in seasons—we flourish in spring and reap our harvest in summer, and then prepare for and suffer through the conservative reaction in winter. Sometimes it’s a harsh winter, and many do not survive. But then there is always the spring. You lived in Ferelden, you should know—from the Night Elves who freed your people from the Orlesian occupation to Clan Alerion securing the boundaries of the Hinterlands now, things have changed. You just need to…riot every so often, to make sure no one gets complacent.” She grins.
It’s nice to talk politics with someone who doesn’t know who he is, who thinks he’s just another wealthy Ferelden currying favor with the Inquisition, not a king staring down the religious cult that just carved itself a city-state at the border of his realm. Below the children are yelling. A couple of them are using magic to freeze the snowballs, and they’re having a fierce debate, interspersed with throwing said ice balls, on whether that’s fair.
Alistair says, “Then I hope you’re right. I hope the mages and the Inquisition’s made enough of a, er, spring, to shake things up. It’s good for these kids to stay with their families, I hated what the Circle did. I didn’t know my mother, growing up. Would’ve avoided a lot of angst if I’d gotten to meet her.” He thinks about Morrigan and her awful mom, and then Goldanna flashes through his mind. Ashamed, he pushes the thought away. “Or maybe it would’ve made it worse! Hard to say, I certainly don’t know!” He smiles at the woman brightly.
Fiona says, “It might have made it worse, since she was an elf. Your life would’ve looked very different, even in Ferelden.”
His heart stops. Surely she doesn’t know who he is. That could be awkward, considering what he’s been saying. Anora will be furious that he’s gone off and talked politics with another random person again. He can’t help it, he gets bored easily, and the courtiers and advisors only tell him what they think he should want to hear.
“How do you know I’m Ferelden?” Alistair asks suspiciously.
“You’re wearing the badge on your fur coat. And, of course, your accent. Unless I am mistaken?”
“No, no,” Alistair says. “But yeah. Sorry. I don’t know much about her. Don’t know if she’s still alive. Just that she was an elf. Always assumed she was a serving woman or something, if my father was anything like C-Caleb.”
Fiona says, “Sometimes it’s better not to think about it, how we came into the world. I never met my parents either.” She leans against the balustrade and shakes her head at the kids fighting in the courtyard below. They’ve devolved into outright brawling, but that weird Warden the Inquisitor keeps around her has waded into the fray, bellowing orders. “It’s good to see them playing again. They never had enough time to play.”
“When were you a Warden?” Alistair asks. “You know, my dad travelled with the Wardens too. But they didn’t make him join up—guess that’s why I’m here, ha-ha.” He wants to ask her if she ever met him, because they might have overlapped. It’s hard to tell with elves sometimes though, they age more slowly, but she looks like she’s in her late forties, a bit careworn. Then he decides he really doesn’t want the conversation to get weird, because he is a king and his father was a king, and it’s rare that someone speaks to him normally now—treats him like the lovable idiot he knows he is, not the history-breaking king.
Fiona says, “Oh, give or take thirty years or so. I try not to count the years, at my age. My people live a long time if left unmolested, but I have a knack for running into trouble.”
Alistair laughs. “Oh, me too! I don’t even mean to do it, I’ve just never learned to keep my mouth shut.” To Teagan and Anora’s chagrin, he thinks ruefully. “I was given to the Templars as a boy, before I managed to get the Wardens to take me, and Maker! The Mother despaired of me. Called me most the accidental heretic she’d ever known. Really the Wardens taking me saved my life, Maker knows what they would’ve done to me if I kept poking at them like I was.”
Fiona pauses, trying to suppress a laugh, and then says, “At least you’ve never started a war.”
Alistair laughs heartily at that. Then he realizes what she’s said. “Wait, what? You started a war?”
Fiona says, “You…you didn’t know?”
Alistair says, “Is there something I should know?”
Fiona steps away, smoothing her expression away. “Many things.” Anxiously she peers down into the courtyard, smoothing her sleeves over her hands. The two factions of Skyhold children have joined forces and are attacking Blackwall with snow, but another one of the Inquisitor’s companions has joined the fray—a cackling elvhen girl, and then Alistair sees that from the balcony of the inn there’s a mustachioed mage swatting snowballs away from his friend.
Alistair says, “You never asked me my name.”
Fiona glances at him and then turns away. “I didn’t need to. You look very much like your father. Though I suppose you must know that.”
Alistair opens his mouth and then closes it. He says, voice hoarse, “Did you ever—“ He stumbles over his words, and clears his throat. “Did you ever find out what happened to your baby? When the Circle took him away.”
Fiona hesitates. The silence between them is filled with the children laughing below, the mage grandiosely chanting what are clearly made-up words, and the old Warden dramatically pretending to be overwhelmed by the volley of snow. The elven girl is swearing revenge, right now. It looks the children are trying to steal the “body” and make a pyre out of snow.
Alistair says, “I always wondered. What my life would’ve been like, if she could’ve kept me. I always kinda knew she didn’t have a choice. King’s bastards are the king’s, not whoever carried them. If she were a servant and if I’d end up in the kitchens or, better yet, the dairy. I really like cheese. But if she were a mage, I guess we never had any of that. Unless she ran away.”
Fiona covers her face with her hands.
Alistair continues, “Then, yeah, being apostates suck. Believe me. I met a girl who lived in a swamp. But I think we could’ve made it work. Like since I pass, and I’m not magic—at least I don’t think so, but I think I’d know by now? I’m like, thirty-five. Or something. I could’ve gone to the villages and traded for food. And I would’ve known more about who I am. Than just Maric’s bastard. Who’s just a story, anyway. That’s how kings like that end up. Just stories.”
His mother is weeping now.
He says, “I have no idea how you started that war you said you did. But I think I know what I’m supposed to know.” He takes a step closer, and she doesn’t move. He says, helplessly now, “I think I have your eyes.”
Fiona leans against the balustrade, back to the courtyard below. She’s not crying now, but she’s not making any sound. Alistair is afraid to go closer. Her hands press into her face like a mask, restraining a scream. He thinks if he touches her, all that tension will explode. He gets overwhelmed like that too. Can you inherit that sort of thing? He has to wonder, does the way one expresses pain get passed down in the blood?
He waits for her to speak. A door behind them creaks open, footsteps scuffle to a stop, then retreat. The door shuts. The mage has come down into the courtyard now and is chanting what appears to be Nevarran over the pile of snow that is Blackwall’s pyre. The elven girl is leading the children in mourning—but then the mage flourishes, and the snow glows purple, then scarlet, then green as he sparks. Blackwall throws the snow off and roars. The children cheer.
Fiona breathes heavily, drawing herself out of wherever she retreated. She swipes at her face with her sleeves. She says, “Forgive me. It was better that you didn’t know. You couldn’t have become—you deserved—Maric needed—what are you going to do, I told the Divine to go fuck herself, you can’t have a mother who told the Divine—“
Alistair says, impressed, “You told the Divine to go fuck herself? I am your son, I knew it had to come from somewhere! This is your fault!” He gestures at himself, and Fiona manages a laugh.
“An exaggeration,” she says. “I merely said the Divine should fuck herself, right before we voted to dissolve the Circles and separate from the Chantry. I’d hoped to tell her that at the Conclave, which is why they sent Orsino rather than myself.” Her mouth twists into a rueful smile. “Perhaps the only time running off my mouth and losing my temper has saved my life.”
Alistair says, “Well, the Divine was kind of an ass. Somebody had to say it.” He laughs. “Oh, this is wonderful. My mother, the rebel mage.” He’s genuinely delighted, this is much cooler than anything he came up with as a boy. “This is so cool. Anora’s going to be so annoyed when I tell her. Not like she can complain, her dad betrayed the realm and got all the Wardens killed, so really on the scale of shitty in-laws, I win.” He pauses: he isn’t sure he conveyed what he wanted to by that. Fiona is just staring at him. “But seriously, I don’t know who you are. Besides, obviously, my mother.”
Fiona says, disbelief in her voice, “I’m the Grand Enchanter."
Alistair says, “Oh Maker, I should’ve recognized the belt, shouldn’t I?”
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ratmonky · 3 years
Untamed Dog
Word Count: 10K
Warnings: non-con, major spoilers, predator/prey, biting, manipulation, gaslighting, breeding, blood and violence
AO3 Link
A gift to my friend and one of my favorite artists, @workofann​  
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When King Fritz failed to retrieve his people to the island after the Great Titan War, all of the Eldians became slaves to Marley.
All of the nine titans were under the Marleyan army’s control, warriors who inherited one of the seven titans would receive the Marleyan title and a red armband along with the promise of a better life for their family even after their inevitable death.
The Wilbur family kept the Warhammer Titan and the Founding Titan was being fed to an ordinary Eldian family to keep it safe. Or rather keep Eldians in place, taking their hope of freedom away.
The remaining of the seven titans were hung down on a rope around a stick to trick Eldians into having power. Marley made Eldians believe that inheriting one of these titans could bring comfort to their life.
As long as someone inherited one of the titans, their entire family would live in comfort instead of poverty.
That silly promise worked. Since the many Eldians were living in poverty, they were willing to do anything to have a better life. Even if it meant to send their kids to death.
Eldian warriors started training from the moment they hit puberty and up until the moment they became adults. Only then, they were able to inherit the titans they were attained to.
In the hopes of living a better life, you were one of the many kids who had joined the warrior training program when you were little. You grew up in the army and experienced the destructive war from an early age.
You were lucky enough to be taken to the warrior candidate program later on. Which pretty much ensured your death but the impending truth that you were going to die for this country was honoring in a way. It was the least you could do, dying in the name of Marley was something you owed to them after everything devils like you made them go through.
In the end, it was all decided from the moment you were born with an armband to your left. Like many, you were carrying the blood of the titans, the curse of Ymir. To be freed from the shackles of the ‘devil’ title, you had to prove your loyalty to Marley. Dedicate your heart to your country.
You did.
So did your comrades.
However, only six of you could inherit one of the seven titans the Marleyan army used.
“My gear is totally dead,” you sighed, standing on top of the wall surrounding the enemy’s town that your comrades had destroyed, trying to take your eyes away from the mass of bodies scattered along almost every single inch of space, “I have no gas left.”
“Rookie mistake,” Jean snickered, trying to regain some humanity he had left. “We’ll go get some for you as soon as the others are done with the serum.”
It became silent.
“Is dinner or breakfast the most important meal of a day?” Connie asked to break the uncomfortable silence between his friends.
“Both,” Sasha answered without hesitation.
“No, you should only choose one and it’s obviously breakfast, moron,” Jean sighed audibly, looking down from the wall.
The rest of the people looked tenser than ever yet you still managed to offer the trio a smile before giving your answer, “I’d say it’s dinner. It’s where you and your family or friends are home, safe and sound. Dinner is like a blessing, in my opinion, don’t you think so, Jean?”
Jean met your gaze and blushed bright red before averting his eyes to look around himself rather than the bloodbath covering them everywhere.
“He hates his mom so he wouldn’t know,” Sasha spoke without thinking.
“Sasha!” Connie warned, trying to tell the airhead girl that it was a rude thing to say.
“We all eat dinner together,” you pointed out, “Breakfast is hard to eat together when each one of us has different chores but we all eat dinner together. We are family even without blood.”
“You’re right,” Connie gasped softly. “I never thought of it that way. I mean this about eating dinner together, of course. The family part is kinda weird though, you know since some of us will die no matter what.”
A cold breeze brushed their skin. Sasha anxiously started biting the inside of her cheeks.
“That’s why I think dinner is important.” You walked over to Jean and grabbed his bicep to pull him closer to the group. “At night, when we’re in the dining room altogether, eating and enjoying a meal together means that we’ve all made it through a day. We’re safe and alive, together.”
“I get it!” Jean pulled his arm free, “All this positivity won’t get you anywhere unless you stay on the lookout. We’re in the middle of a battlefield here.”
Only then the four of you came back to your senses. Connie had remembered why he had broken the silence. It was because his legs wouldn’t stop shaking or his jaw wouldn’t stop clenching. He shivered with the thought of what was going to happen soon.
Sasha remained silent yet anyone could tell how anxious she was with a single look in her direction.
Jean acted tough. He was worried but he knew better than to show weakness. He held his composure and even looked a little intimidating.
You on the other hand didn’t know what to feel or how to act. You weren’t sure why they were so worried. Even though you all had one more year left of your training, emergencies like this happened quite often. The Colossal Titan’s holder was about to die, so, of course, the Marleyan commander would order your commander to feed him to one of the only two candidates.
It was either going to be Armin or Bertholdt. One of them was going to become the Colossal Titan and the other one was going down a rank in the military to become a special force soldier.
It was that easy.
The weaker link had to leave. It was the rule of nature.
“You guys!”
You whipped her head around to see Reiner gliding through the air with his ODM gear to reach the top of the tall wall. He landed right beside you, looking rough and sweaty.
“Armin,” he breathed, “They gave the serum to him.”
Connie, Sasha, and Jean gaped but you were inanimate.
“He’ll be the colossal titan?”
“Yes, they’re going to kill us. It’s Eren and Mikasa’s fault, we’re screwed. Commander Erwin should have given the serum to Bertholdt!” Reiner gritted his teeth in anger. “Armin won’t be able to lead us anywhere-”
“Hey!” Jean pointed a finger at Reiner, “He’s the reason why most of us are alive. It was always him who saved us with his smart planning, alright?”
You nodded along while Sasha jumped down the wall to get to the other side of the opening so she could see what was happening. Connie followed after her right away.
“Bertholdt deserves the Marleyan title more than Armin,” Reiner confronted Jean.
The two of them were the only candidates for the Armored Titan, the way they were reacting and arguing was normal. In the future, it was going to be the same for them. Only one of them could inherit the Armored Titan. This argument was nothing but a desperate attempt to prove which one of them was worthy of a titan and ignore the impending truth.
It wasn’t how strong the soldier or how smart the soldier was. Marley didn’t choose its soldiers like that. They chose those who they could brainwash easily. The army wanted desperate young adults who were ready to dedicate their lives to a country that owed nothing to them.
It was nothing but pure manipulation. Destroying the lives of hundreds if not thousands of young people, just so seven of them could inherit these titans.
As the two of them were arguing, you walked to the edge of the wall, staring at the bloodbath of your enemies and titans, that would disappear in a couple of hours.
War Chief Zeke had gone a little berserk today with his titan but it was only normal. Everything had gone according to the plan, the rain of the titans was able to destroy most of the city while the Colossal Titan broke down the outer walls. Yet, nobody could foresee the enemy having the infamous titan spears. The Colossal Titan’s holder was hit by many of them, leaving him fatally injured. It was unfortunate that the last minutes of his life was here on the battlefield but it was one of the most fortunate things for the candidates who had enough time to be able to eat him.
Who deserved to be the Colossal Titan?
In your opinion, it should have been none of them.
Armin was smart, just like Bertholdt. however, they were both weak and childish.
You could guess that Armin was chosen only because Bertholdt still had some of his humanity left in him. Everyone knew he cried himself to sleep.
If you didn’t want to murder an entire country without remorse just so you could be blessed with that red armband, then you lost your chance.
Bertholdt should have known that.
Reiner probably knew that though but refused to believe the truth that was right in front of him. He was mentally unstable, making him the perfect new Armored Titan. Easy to manipulate, dumb enough to risk his entire being for the sake of Marley.
You took a deep breath to calm your senses and to block out the angry arguing happening behind you. There was a soft rumbling sound as you breathed out. At first, you thought it was your stomach thanks to the previous conversation with your friends about food but it was something louder.
Only then you realized that it was the faint screams of your enemies you had heard today, the memories of the loud squelching noises that happened when their flesh was being eaten by titans. It was all playing over and over and over again in your head.
Holding your hands up to cover your ears, you tried to block out the noises. Praying that they would stop but you were old enough to know prayers wouldn’t solve anything.
“(name),” Jean spoke through his teeth, he was still furious at Reiner. “Come on, let’s get you a new gas tank.”
You let your hands fall to your sides and walked towards him after turning around on your heels. The two idiots were having a staredown but as soon as you walked to the other edge of the wall, Jean wrapped an arm around you and jumped down. You held onto him briefly as he aimed his grappling hook towards a building on the verge of collapsing, at that moment he said something he shouldn’t have.
“People who obsess over the Marleyan title like that won’t get anywhere in life.”
You nodded in response, the title meant so little but the power of a titan… It meant everything.
As soon as you changed your gas tanks, it was time to go.
The enemy had already surrendered and there was nothing else you could do here.
“You brats.”
Turning your head, you looked at your captain. Both you and Jean saluted Levi as he walked towards you with an angry look on his face. Here it was coming, he was going to scold you for hiding to avoid the clean-up after the battle.
“Where were you?” he demanded an answer more than he asked.
“Uhh, we were with… Sasha and Connie. We were just… um… waiting for Commander Erwin to be done with the serum and-”
“I’m not talking about that,” Levi cut off Jean’s rambling. “Where were you during the battle?”
“We fought with our assigned squad, sir. Squad Leader Hanji gave us the orders to kill enemies on top of the walls with the titan spears.” You spoke clearly, still saluting, unlike Jean.
“That glasses saved our ass again…” Levi muttered under his breath. He then told you to stand easy.
Relaxing your posture, you looked at Captain Levi in the eye. “Squad Leader Hanji said they noticed the enemy on top of the walls at the last minute. Although our response was quick, we still couldn’t make it in time to protect our precious warrior, sir. Shall we go to sleep without dinner tonight again?”
Jean’s eyes widened at your words in panic.
“No need,” Levi sighed, eyes softening at your words. Even after so many years together, you were still oddly respectful and obedient when it came to your commanders. “You brats did good, nobody from our squad died. That’s why you deserve a break.” He pulled out his pocket watch to check the time. “Tell the others in the squad to gather at the entrance. We’re going to have cars coming in to get us to the harbor.”
“What about Eren?” you asked, knowing that he was most definitely with his friend right now.
“He’s my responsibility, you two should worry about getting everyone in the cars within an hour. If we don’t leave in time, we’ll have to take that shitty train.” Levi dismissed the two of you with a wave of his hand. “See you on the ship.”
“Yeah, sir!”
As soon as your commander walked away, Jean pointed a finger at your face threateningly. “You better stop that! Playing that obedient soldier thing is soooo dumb! You were gonna make us all sleep hungry again!”
“Well, I have to show them that I respect my country and army. When you show them respect, you get extra points. They think I’m a better candidate for the titan than that guy.” You were grinning from ear to ear. “That’s how you win, Jean.”
You were able to gather everyone at the entrance within an hour. The car ride took barely an hour but felt like hours thanks to your sore body.
In front of the ship, Squad Leader and War Chief stood next to each other as they were telling you and Annie about which rooms of the ship belonged to your squads.
“Make sure to get some rest.” Zeke took out a cigarette and placed it between his lips. “It’ll be a long trip until we make it home.”
“The monkey’s right! Get extra rest and eat lots! We asked Niccolo to make some warm food so better hurry up before it gets cold!!” Hanji crossed their arms over their chest with a large smile after giving you both the information papers about the ship and the schedule. “Good job on today’s battle!”
“Don’t praise them too much,” Magath said, appearing behind you. “We almost lost the Colossal Titan today.”
“Come ooooon, Magath, cut the young adults some slack! The Colossal Titan is in the right hands now. If you’re worried about Armin not being ready for the next battle, don’t worry!!! He will go under my titan training once we get back to Marley.” Hanji walked towards the General and put a hand on his shoulder. “We’ll sort it out!”
“Don’t touch me, devil.” Magath pushed their hand away.
While the two of them were about to argue, Zeke gestured with his head for you and Annie to walk away before you got caught up in it.
“You weren’t there for the cleanup mission,” Annie noted right away. “I had to carry all the corpses because Reiner was freaking out about Bertholdt.”
“I’m sorry,” you said. “I don’t have an excuse so I promise I’ll help you next time.”
She waved her hand towards her squad. “I bet you will.”
You noticed her smiling and scoffed while you gestured your own squad to come towards you. “I keep my word.”
“Yeah, we’ll see. You better learn to keep your squad in control, your idiots are more manageable than Reiner. You’re lucky to have those candidates with you.”
“You’re right. My idiots are easier to handle but that doesn’t mean they will inherit the titans. We’re a shitshow, your idiots have the courage, mine don’t.”
“We’re right here, (name),” Connie deadpanned and walked past you towards the ship after grabbing the paper you handed out to him.
“We have to train hard if we wanna be anything like these monsters,” you yelled after him but he was shaking his head, refusing to listen.
“Monsters?” Pieck raised a brow as she took a paper from Annie. “Is that what you think of your comrades, (name)?”
“No,” you said. “We spent all those years training altogether yet nobody from my squad can be compared to any of your strength.”
Pieck nodded languidly but Porco put a hand on her shoulder to push her forward. “Keep moving, we have to get food before that pig.” He gestured towards Sasha who stood at the end of the line with a worried look on her face, waiting impatiently for her turn to get on the ship.
“I’ll keep her busy, you guys should head inside.” You were smiling at them.
Pieck chuckled before leaving. “You’re too considerate for a warrior.”
“Uhh, where’s Armin and Eren?” Jean asked while taking the paper from you. He checked the planning and the schedule briefly.
“I don’t know, Captain Levi told me he would bring them here later,” you answered.
“Keep it moving, horse face,” Ymir shoved Jean away to grab one of the papers before walking away. “Good luck with the potato girl, (name).”
You looked at Annie who was already done handing out papers and was walking inside with her squad. Reiner was walking beside her, head down and shoulders slouched. He was still upset over Bertholdt losing against Armin.
“Um… Can we go inside now?” Sasha asked after ten minutes of standing outside.
“No, we’re waiting for uhh…. Armin.”
She sighed audibly and clutched on your arm. “You were right, dinner is the most important meal of the day… I’m so hungry, (name). Let’s go eat. Armin will find his way to the ship nonetheless if we wait for him… Please…”
Okay. Perhaps you could let her go now. Others must have gotten their food and all.
“You’re right, let’s-”
Sasha left your side and ran inside the ship without letting you finish your sentence. Sometimes, you wished you could be as honest as her. Life would be so much easier.
You stood at attention, keeping your head up.
“Commander Erwin!”
“At ease.” He looked around before speaking. “Is everyone from your squad inside?”
“No sir. Armin isn’t here. Eren from Annie’s squad isn’t here either.”
“Hmm, Levi will be bringing them here. We’re waiting for their car to arrive with the special force soldiers.” He put a hand on your shoulder and spun you around to pat on your back, pushing you forward. “Now, go inside and get some rest.”
You didn’t need to be told twice.
When you arrived at the dining compartment, Sasha was eating next to Niccolo who was still serving food. You walked over to the duo and the chef gave you a tray of food. “Good work today.”
“Thanks,” you replied and joined the rest of your squad on a table.
“I’m telling you, when I become the Cart Titan, I will have all of the ladies coming after me!” Connie smirked, “Everyone wants to get married to a Marleyan Warrior so they can live an easy life.”
“So you accept that no woman would tolerate you unless you have a red armband?” Ymir laughed. “Oh man… you are pathetic.”
The color drained from Connie’s face and he sat in silence.
“Besides,” Ymir said as you were taking the seat next to hers, “You’ll lose the Cart Titan against Pieck. That woman is unmatchable.”
You nodded to agree.
“Hey,” Jean hissed, slamming his cutlery on the table. “We’re all candidates. There’s no way of knowing who will get chosen and who will not be-”
“We’re the Paradis Squad, Jean,” Ymir groaned. “We’re the castaways, the second options, or better yet, we’re the backup plan for the Marleyan military.”
“Keep your voice down,” you shushed her.
“What? It’s the truth and nobody will hear us with the rumbling coming from the engine of the ship. We all know Armin got chosen to inherit the titan only because Bertholdt was a crybaby.” She took a bite from her bread and chewed slowly to speak at the same time. “That’s why you have to work harder than that Monkey Squad to be able to inherit whatever titan you're a candidate for.”
She was right but you needed her to shut up. The rest of the idiots hadn’t caught up with how unfair this candidate game was. Not yet.
“So you don’t wanna inherit the Jaw Titan?” Jean asked the most stupid question he could have.
“Why would I be in the military and become a candidate if I didn’t want to inherit the Jaw Titan?” Ymir was smirking widely, taunting the guys who saw as weak.
“But you keep saying we have no chance against those elite guys,” Connie whined.
“Oh, I will inherit the Jaw Titan. That Porco guy cannot even fight properly.” She had a dangerous glint in her eye as she glowered at Porco. He was omitting to her stare whilst eating next to Pieck.
“This isn’t a fair competition,” you added, tightly gripping your fork to stop the shaking of your hands. “You have to give it your best to win or it’ll all be for nothing. You’ll end up in the special forces and remain a devil in the eyes of Marleyans forever.”
“Dontcha worry, (name),” Ymir chirped, changing her tone effectively as she put her arm over your shoulder to pull you close. “You’ll inherit your titan. You’re the only one between these idiots who deserves to be a titan warrior.”
“Are you dumb?” Connie raised a brow. “(name) will never inherit a titan as long as War Chief is the Beast Titan.”
“He doesn’t get to decide who’ll inherit the titans. It’s Magath and the other Marleyans.” Jean spoke, his voice was blank, devoid of any emotion. “I thought our commanders decided which one of us it’d be when the time came but… apparently it’s the Marleyans who choose everything regarding if we’re inhumane enough.”
“Ah.” You could see it in his face. He was putting the pieces together slowly. After almost seven years in the military, he was finally grasping the bitter reality and the harsh truth of the future. “You realized that Armin wasn’t actually chosen for his talents, huh?” There was silence before you spoke again. “If you want to inherit a titan, you need to rid yourself of your humanity.”
Jean nodded knowingly and took a sip from his water with shaky hands.
It was half an hour later when the ship finally moved forward. It could only mean one thing… They were here.
Everyone except Ymir got up from their seats in the dining compartment. Seconds later the famous trio and Bertholdt walked inside.
“Armin!” Jean walked up to his comrade and hugged him while the other squad was welcoming their friend. “You’re too lucky!”
“Yeah, man! He’s gonna be treated like a celebrity now,” Connie was smirking as everyone from your squad started crowing around the blonde.
Armin blushed faintly, “I’m still me.”
“How does it feel?” you asked, curious if his body was going through any changes.
“Um, I don’t know.”
“Hey, where’s your red armband, huh?” Connie pointed at Armin’s yellow armband.
“He’s gonna get it when we get back home,” Eren replied instead and pushed his friend forward. “Now move away, we are starving.”
“Eren,” Mikasa warned, her eyebrows furrowing. “Everyone is excited, he’s the first one between you all to inherit a titan.”
Eren ignored her and walked towards the table Niccolo was serving food with Armin.
“He’s probably jealous. He just won’t admit it,” you reassured and patted on Mikasa’s back. “We’ll handle it, don’t worry.”
She nodded slowly and met your gaze. “Thanks.” After that, she reluctantly had to leave to join the special force soldiers in their own department.
Bertholdt was here for the last time, saying goodbye to his comrades. Soon, he would join Mikasa in the special force and if you were not careful you would too.
One year. Only one year left of your seven-year candidate program. Only one year until you inherited a titan or lost everything.
Anything could happen and things could go south. Just as today or when War Chief inherited his titan a couple of years ago.
Connie put a hand on your back and led you back to the table. You sat in between Ymir and Eren. The other three guys sat on the opposite side. Sasha was still busy devouring the food her supposedly lover had made for her.
“Shouldn’t you sit with your own squad?” you said jokingly.
“It’s none of your business.” Eren started eating, ignoring Jean who started scolding him for talking rudely.
Well, you knew he was upset that Armin inherited a titan before himself. The fact that his friend was stronger than him now hurt his ego and superiority complex.
“You should at least try to get along with people,” you said softly.  “After this year, we won’t be forced to hang out together anymore.”
“I am here to kill all of my enemies, not make friends.” Eren had never changed from the day he joined the candidate program. He was always hot-headed and full of an ego that couldn’t be humbled. In these seven years, he hadn’t once actually tried working together with anyone. He acted like he was better than anyone else. “It’s because of your stupid airhead that the Colossal Titan’s inheritor got injured. If only you paid more attention to the war, Armin wouldn’t have lost a year of his training.”
“Hey!” Jean raised his voice, “It was nobody's fault. Don’t go accusing people for no reason.”
His attitude was finally getting to you, making you drop your facade for the first time in years. “Actually, the Colossal’s holder got injured because of you. It was all your fault. If you hadn’t gone into a rampage like you always do, we would have noticed that the enemy had titan spears on top of their walls.”
Your comrades all stopped eating, Ymir was giving you a look for you to shut up and Connie was kicking you under the table. “You really went and said it,” Jean groaned.
Eren continued eating despite how badly his hands were trembling from anger.
“(name), let’s not start a fight,” Armin whispered but his advice went unheard.
“You know you don’t belong in the military,” Eren suddenly laughed. “Everyone thinks that you don’t belong here.”
“I don’t have anywhere to go,” you firmly answered. “This is the only place I belong.”
“You don’t belong in the military,” Eren insisted. “Don’t lie to your comrades.”
“Oh, now we’re comrades?” You glared at him and put your hand over your heart. “I pledged loyalty to serve Marley.”
“We all did.” Eren waved his hand dismissively. “There’s nothing special about you. I am here to kill all of my enemies, you’re here so you can live rich. That’s why I will inherit the Attack Titan and you won’t.”
For a single moment, your face showed pure panic at what he had just said.
“You really think that way?” Ymir forcefully scoffed, “What now? We’re all useless-?”
“You are. If you weren’t you wouldn’t be in this squad. You’re all nothing but a second choice.” Eren lifted his gaze up to Armin. “He is the smartest of them all, the Colossal Titan never needed a fighter. It needed a brain.”
Ymir’s smirk dropped and she let out a low sigh of discomfort. Jean and Connie were glowering at Eren while you were humbled by him once again.
You tend to forget how you actually were nothing. Titans needed a fighter, Marley needed a fighter. The Attack Titan needed a fighter.
You were only smart, you couldn’t fight as well as Eren and you weren’t a natural-born leader like him.
Against him, you had no chance of winning. This wasn’t about who was the smartest, the most powerful, or the most inhumane. Each titan needed something specific. The Colossal needed a brain, the Female needed strength, the Armored needed wrath, the Jaw needed speed, the Cart needed stamina and the Attack Titan needed… a leader.
Are you a leader?
“I will inherit the Attack Titan.” Your voice quivered but you stood tall and proud.
“You have no chance of winning against me.” He was confident, rightfully so.
It wasn’t fair! It wasn’t fair that you were in this situation, it wasn’t fair that Eren Yeager was going to destroy your life. It wasn’t fair that you were the one who got hurt all the time.
“You don’t belong in the military and you don’t belong here with us.” Eren put down his cutlery, nobody else dared to speak.
You were getting angrier and starting to tremble in rage. “I’m sorry but I’m not willing to run away from my responsibilities like you.” Your brows furrowed and your teeth were clenched as you practically yelled, “I will inherit the Attack Titan no matter what.”
Eren scoffed as he was looking at your eyes that were burning with rage, “Good luck, then.”
You were going to kill him.
“Don’t think much about it,” Ymir said.
“Y-yeah, he’s saying all that because he thinks he’s the strongest.” Sasha was trying her best to come up with words that would sound comforting but it was hard. She wasn’t present during your argument.
“He’s confident because his brother is the Beast Titan,” you hissed. “Zeke got lucky. If Mr. Ksaver hadn’t had a heart attack, he wouldn’t be here. If only the other candidate wasn’t away… Then he wouldn’t be the Beast Titan.”
“Hey,” Ymir warned. “Don’t say things that can get you in trouble.”
“Says the girl who bad mouths everyone.” You rolled your eyes in annoyance.
“A-anyway!” Sasha pulled the sheets over her head, “Let’s just sleep! You’ll forget about this tomorrow.”
“I agree with the piggy for once.” Ymir reached towards the candle and blew it out. “Goodnight, you two.”
“Goodnight,” Sasha murmured happily.
You were silent.
There had to be a way to get Eren out of the picture.
You couldn’t sleep, even though both Ymir and Sasha had already passed out. Today was exhausting for everyone yet every time you closed your eyes, you were seeing Eren getting the Attack Titan.
Kicking off your sheets, you jumped out of your bed to take a walk and calm yourself.
As soon as you left the room, you started wandering in the ship without a destination in mind. Without realizing it, you kept walking to the deeper, darker parts of the ship where there wasn’t a single light on. However, thanks to you being discalced, you could feel it when the floor under your feet changed height or direction. It helped you get around the tight hallways but you still had no idea of your whereabouts nonetheless.
Maybe it was a bad idea to be wandering around.
That was until you heard a sound that shook you internally. Your head whipped to the right, a large metal door was inviting you.
You could hear the familiar voices of people and hushed yelling from the other side of the door. Out of curiosity, you pressed your ear onto the door to listen.
“- stop causing trouble before they kick you out. If you don’t get the Attack Titan all of our parents’ efforts will all be for nothing.”
“You say that as if I won’t inherit the titan.”
That was… Those were the Yeager brothers.
“That girl, she’s obedient. She will get the upper hand if you don’t get your act straight, Eren.”
“It doesn’t matter if she gets the Attack Titan, you can give me your spinal fluid and I’ll eat her.”
“Eren!” A slam. You flinched, covering your mouth to keep quiet. Zeke had slammed his fist on a table or a wall. “Enough innocent Eldians died. You have to prove yourself worthy and earn the Attack Titan. Hanji and Erwin found who Marley was feeding the Founding Titan to. It’s some poor family by the outskirts of the city. We finally have all of the information we need. All you have to do is follow the plan.”
“The plan is that I inherit the Attack Titan, it doesn’t matter how I do it.”
Your heart was pounding, a cold sweat slicking your skin as you continued listening to them in terror. Did they want to betray Marley?
They were…
They were traitors.
“The plan is that you inherit the Attack Titan and become the symbol of hope for our people. If it weren’t for Levi or Mikasa, you wouldn’t be alive today. You need to prove to our people that you’re worthy of leading them to a better future. You must be convincing because nobody will riot against Marley if some bastard with anger issues eats the Founding Titan.” Zeke’s voice sounded conflicted. “Once you become the beacon of hope, you have to bring us peace. No more wars, Eren. We had enough wars.”
Eren spoke again after a long pause. “Do you think we should let them live after all they’ve done, Zeke?”
“Eren, we aren’t showing mercy to Marley. We are only ending the wars for our sake. Eldians have fought enough.”
Your eyes widened and a sickening smile spread across your face. This… This was your chance. You were going to become the Attack Titan. All you had to do was find a Marleyan, Magath… Anyone!
Taking a step back, you took a quick look around you before starting to walk further down the hall. As long as you revealed the truth about the Yeager brothers, you would inherit the Attack Titan. They were going to be banished and hopefully, executed. You were speeding down the hallway, keeping your hand on the wall to use it as a guide.
You couldn’t believe it, they were planning to betray Marley and eat the Founding Titan. Why would they even do that? You didn’t know and didn’t need to know. All you knew was that now, you were guaranteed to inherit the Attack Titan.
No matter how long you walked, you never came to the end of the hallway.
What if Commander Erwin, Captain Levi, and the Squad Leader Hanji were in it too?  
What about Mikasa and Armin? Were they in this too?
If you snitched on the Yeager brothers would they kill all of your other comrades?
They wouldn't, right?
Honestly, they were all better off dead.
You walked for a few more minutes until you had worked up the nerve to make a run for it. Your palm was clammy as you kept sliding your left hand on the wall and, without looking back, you darted down the hallway praying to whoever was listening that it wasn’t a dead end and would lead you to Magath’s office.
You got lucky and came across the dining compartment. At least you were getting somewhere, you only had to keep running. For a while, you followed the wall around without stopping but when you saw a silhouette ahead of the hallway, you skidded to a stop.
In the dark, you couldn’t make out who it was but you continued walking, hoping that it was a Marleyan or anyone you could tell about the Yeager brothers and their plan of attacking Marley.
There stood a glorious Marleyan soldier, Yelena.
You were going to win.
A wild grin spread across your face and you took a step forward at the same time Yelena became aware of your presence.
“Good evening,” she said, you could hear the smile in her voice. “Mr. Yeager.”
Your own grin dropped and you felt a large hand landing on your shoulder, gripping you tightly.
“Yelena, I told you to keep on the lookout.” Zeke’s voice was calm despite being caught. “This one eavesdropped on me and my brother as it seems.”
Yelena did something you had never seen a Marleyan soldier do to an Eldian before and she saluted Zeke. “My condolences, sir. Shall I kill her?”
“What?” It was you, voice breaking and heart hammering in your ribcage. What kind of conspiracy was going on here? “Miss Yelena, we have to tell Magath about this-”
“No, it’ll bring too much attention to us. I’ll handle it,” Zeke ignored your words and replied Yelena instead.
The woman nodded and stood at ease. “Is there anything else I can do?”
“Keep an eye on the hallways. I don’t need any more of these miscalculations.” Zeke’s hand moved to the back of your neck, he grabbed you tightly and turned around to walk away with you.
Your hands went to pry his hands off of you but it was futile, despite his looks, Zeke was stronger than you. As he was forcing you to walk the way you ran from, you spoke through your teeth. “I will kill you. I’m going to scream now and everyone will know that you-”
“We’re on a ship, (name). If I transformed right now, everyone would be dead. Everyone.” He was speaking calmly again but his grip around the back of your neck tightened, making you whimper in pain. “Do you want to risk it? I don’t think you would survive. Neither would anyone else other than Armin Arlert. If he managed to turn into the Colossal Titan before the ship sinks, that is.”
“You wouldn’t dare!” you hissed, biting back a sob.
“You don’t know where you stand just like Eren,” he sighed in irritation this time.
“Why are you doing this? Why are you trying to betray Marley? Don’t you feel guilty of the things we devils have done to them?” You were spitting out your words, an animalistic snarl rose up from your stomach. “You traitors!”
“The war must end,” Zeke said. “What we’ve done to Marley in the past was unforgivable but the way we’re being used as weapons against other countries… We will always continue to repeat history if we don’t end the war. And-”
“I will inherit the Attack Titan and stop you all.” Your limbs started to shake violently, you tried twisting your body to escape his hold but it was all futile.
“Didn’t you hear my brother? I can turn him into a pure titan and feed you to him.” Zeke leaned in to whisper, his voice carried a dark promise. He was serious.
You didn’t dare to utter a single syllable more. Your bottom lip was trembling as the realization of how bad your situation actually was started to settle in.
What you had thought to be your advantage against Eren was going to get you killed. You had no idea how many people were involved in this. Yelena had saluted Zeke as if he wasn’t a devil. A Marleyan bowed down before an Eldian.
How dare she betray Marley like that? Eldians did nothing but cause wars, you were all the devils who killed. You were a curse, a waste of space and air. To earn your place in this cruel world, you had to dedicate yourself to Marley. And-
Oh, how amusing to think like a loyal dog.
A giggle escaped from your lips.
Zeke raised a brow but continued forcing you down the hallway until the two of you reached a door. He pushed the door open and shoved you inside before walking after you.
“This is your first chance to prove yourself to me,” Zeke spoke. You immediately knew he wasn’t talking to you.
Stumbling forward, you fell on the ground. You used your hands to push yourself up as the door closed, seconds later you heard it being locked.
“Devoted as usual, (name).”  Eren crouched in front of you and grabbed you by your hair to pull your head back. “Do you think Marley would care if you died? I think they’d replace you with one of the many other soldiers.”
“Eren,” Zeke sighed. “Are you listening to me?”
The younger brother hummed lowly in response but proceeded to glare at the terrified expression on your face.
“She’s been brainwashed from birth by Marleyan propaganda. Every Eldian in Marley is like her. Their thoughts and motives are all the same.” Zeke took off his glasses and wiped them with a handkerchief he took out from his pocket. “I want you to teach her the truth and prove yourself to be a true leader.”
“Why should I? Is it so we can keep her alive?” Eren scoffed, lips curling up into a smile. “I wouldn’t mind killing her now, throw her off deck and tell everyone else she jumped herself-”
“Eren.” Zeke was tired, so tired of all the killings. So tired of the wars and deaths. He wanted peace. He wasn’t made for fighting, Mr. Ksaver knew that but still gave him the Beast Titan. Mr. Ksaver believed that Zeke could lead the Eldians to peace. To a life without any wars or deaths. Zeke knew he could lead his people to freedom but he couldn’t fight. He wasn’t powerful enough to eat the Founding Titan himself. That was the only reason he needed Eren for.
Why father?
Why did you fail at parenting your sons?
Grisha raised Zeke with hatred for Marley and tried embedding that fighting spirit he wanted so much into the little Zeke but failed. Immediately after his mother, Dina’s death, Grisha married another woman and had Eren. Only then Grisha came back to his senses and raised his younger son with love.
Yet, Eren turned out the exact way he desperately wished Zeke would be like when he was raising him.
Ironic if not poetic.
He sent both of his sons to the candidate program and here they were; Zeke trying his best to speak some sense into Eren while all his little brother talked about was killing everyone.
Kill. Kill. Kill.
Wasn’t he tired of it all?
He returned to the present, barely a second had passed.
“If you can’t convince one Eldian woman to join our cause then you’re not befitted to inherit the Attack Titan. I can always find another candidate who will take orders.” Zeke’s tone was colder than ice. He put his glasses back on and glowered down at his younger brother.
Eren’s sinister smile faltered and he frowned. “Why does it matter?”
“Don’t you understand?” Zeke clapped his hands together, raising his voice. “How can I give you the power to lead all of the Eldians if you can’t even lead a single brainwashed woman?”
“Fine.” Eren’s grip around your hair tightened and he slammed your face onto the ground out of a sudden.
You tried breathing but when you inhaled you only tasted blood. Your nose was bleeding furiously and the pain was unbearable. A whimper escaped your lips, his attack had been too abrupt.
“Eren!” The older brother took a step forward to stop his younger brother.
“Get out, Zeke.” Eren lifted your face up from the ground to show your blood-covered face to his brother before slamming it back down with a ferocious smile.
“Don’t hurt-”
“What? I’m not killing her, I’m knocking some sense into her,” Eren replied nonchalantly, lifting your face up once again. He grinned at you and lied to your face. “She’ll be fine, don’t worry. Just leave us alone.”
Zeke hesitated, his eyes were on you who was desperately trying to mouth something. The bottom half of your face was covered in blood and the stream of blood continued painting your neck and nightgown red.
“Don’t you trust me, big brother?” Eren knew what he was doing.
“Y-yes,” Zeke dragged a hand up his face, lifting his glasses in the process. He let his cold hand rest over his eyes and turned around on his heels. “I’ll be back in the morning, I’ll tell Yelena to guard this hallway.”
Your voice wouldn’t come out, your lips were trembling too much and the pain was overwhelming your senses.
When Zeke opened the door and closed it behind him, Eren lowered his face next to yours, “A slave to Marley, that’s what you are, (name). Loyal dogs like you disgust me. Do you bark when you’re told to? Won’t you bark for me?”
You used your entire strength into collecting all of your saliva and blood you had in your mouth on top of your tongue and spitting his face.
Your spit landed on his cheek and he looked unimpressed. He stared at you with boredom before shoving your face down onto the ground.
“I’ve always wanted to mess up your pretty face, (name).” He carded his fingers through your hair almost lovingly as you gargled in your own blood, coughing repeatedly. “Maybe if you were in the special forces, I’d have the chance-”
“You’re more pathetic than I thought,” you got over your coughing fit and spoke clearly. “Do you really believe people will betray Marley just because some egoistic guy with a superiority complex has the Founding Titan?”
Eren stopped petting your hair and flipped you over so he could watch your blood-covered face as you desperately tried to talk your way out of this. “I’m a slave to no one. I’m more of a leader than anyone alive,” he said as he glared at you.
“Yeah and for how long? Thirteen years? You’ll die when you’re thirty-three, what will be your biggest accomplishment?” you laughed at him. He was too stupid to see the bigger picture but you were going to make him see it.
“Bringing freedom to my people and-”
“What about Mikasa?” you asked, cutting his sentence short. You knew his weak point, you knew he treasured her. “Don’t you want to grow old with her?”
“Oh, her?” Eren hummed in thought. “She’s more of a loyal dog to me than anything.”
Your face contorted into something vile in disgust, the way he was dehumanizing her, your friend and comrade… It... It hurt more than it should have.
“You’re full of filth, nobody would let you lead them,” you gritted your teeth.
“You’re also full of lies. I can see right through you, we’re the same.” He grabbed your cheeks by the sides with a hand and squeezed them until your mouth opened from the force. He used his other hand to wipe your spit from his face and he spat in your mouth. “That goody-two-shoes act? You can charm everyone but me with that. I’m not stupid enough to fall for your lies.”
You gagged, wanting to spit his spit back out but he had pried your jaw open, it was impossible to get it out. You had to swallow.
Eren watched with sick amusement and you helplessly swallowed his spit.
Then, laughter filled the room.
It was you.
Raising a brow, he stared at you. Maybe, you were finally going insane.
“You can’t feel good about yourself unless you prove yourself to be the strongest, right, Eren?” You rolled over to try to get up from the ground. “It must feel good to be entrusted with leading some idiots into what you call freedom, huh? You must feel like a God!”
“Did I break you already?”
You wobbled as you got back up on your feet. The front of your nightgown was covered in blood and you could still taste your own blood, smell it too. You lifted your nightgown up to your face from the collar to wipe your nose.
“Break me? Maybe my nose but I’m smarter than you are. I can see everything clearly, I’ve been watching these people for years. I know who you are, a pitiful little kid trying to become the strongest to prove his worth. You’re never good enough, right?”
“You don’t know me, (name).” Eren was getting angry, your assumptions were upsetting him.
“I know you better than anyone else, Eren. You’re just a brat trapped in an adult’s body. You believe the answer is to kill all of your enemies and you’re worth nothing to anyone. Nobody likes you but your only two friends. One has already signed his contract to die and the other one is nothing to you, right? A pet as you said?” You were chuckling, taunting him to fight you even though you knew he was going to win. “I was at least smart enough to make them all trust me. If I become the Attack Titan, I will become a leader loved by everyone. I could carry out Zeke’s plan and follow orders better than you do. Don’t you think Zeke would love to have someone who obeys his orders to inherit the Attack Titan?”
His brows furrowed and he grumbled as he spoke. “You don’t believe our cause. Zeke won’t trust you.”
“Oh, now it’s your cause? I thought you were in it just to feel powerful! Are you just feeling threatened by me? Is it because you know I’m better than you?” you barked out a laugh, “You don’t know me at all, Eren.”
It was quiet for a long moment. He didn’t speak or move. Neither did you. Not until you decided it was time to end this.
“I’ll inherit the Attack Titan for you and carry out Zeke’s mission. You’re too much of a coward to obey simple orders because you’re way too narcissistic to listen to anyone other than yourself.” You grinned, your blood-stained teeth and lips looked eerie in the dark dim light of a candle. “I’ll lead my people to freedom.”
“You’re brainwashed. You only want to serve Marley.” He was trying to remind you of something so dumb, just an accusation without any real evidence.
“Did you believe all that because I said it?” You took a step forward, pointing a finger at him and giggling. “Do you really believe I would be a slave to some country or a person like you? I live for myself and I have the blood of the devil inside of me. I am a dog that can’t be tamed. But you, Eren Yeager, you’re nothing. Just a feral dog.”
“I’m going to kill you.” Eren took a couple of steps forward and brought his fist up in the air.
“Is that all you can do?” You started walking backward to avoid him. “Is that your solution to everything? Just kill the person who doesn’t agree with you? You’re talking about killing too much. Are you going to kill everyone but the Eldians to bring them peace? Is that your smartest plan? You’re pathetic.”
“I’m going to beat you until you can’t run your filthy mouth again.” Eren leaped forward and grabbed you by your nightgown, now, he had you in his hands. “Any last words?”
“I bet your father never told you he was proud of you. Is that why you’re obsessed with power-”
You felt the burning pain on the side of your face that wrecked your nerves as his fist met your cheek. It completely knocked the wind out of you and you found yourself on the ground, your body bounced on the solid surface before blood splattered out from your mouth.
“Your face looks better when it’s battered up like this. Red is definitely your color, (name).” His tone was light, almost as if he was finally feeling himself. “And you said I didn’t know you!” He let out an airy chuckle.
Writhing in pain on the ground, you reminded yourself that the pain was temporary. If you let him win now, you would never be able to win against him.
“I’m not…” you groaned in pain before continuing your talk. “I’m not some special force soldier you can toy with. Those poor girls may be scared of you but I can assure you that you don’t scare me, not even one bit. You’re nothing but a man child in my eyes.” You stood back up, refusing to stay down. “You can mess with all the girls you want below your rank but the power you feel over them won’t last forever. It barely lasts two minutes, is what I’ve heard.”
Despite how much pain you were in, you smirked at him as he stood right in front of you, his height towering over yours.
“I’m going to wipe that smile off your face.” Grabbing you by the neck with one hand, he turned you around and pulled you flush against his chest. You struggled against his hold but it was useless, you were far too exhausted and the earlier fight had taken the last bit of your stamina away from you.
Eren nosed some of your hair out of the way and breathed into your neck before taking a deep inhale. The sweet scent of you and your blood filled his senses, his eyelashes fluttered with unsettling joy.
“I bet,” he whispered, lips brushing against the shell of your ear. “They won’t let you inherit the Attack Titan if you were pregnant.”
With that, he pressed himself against you and forced you to feel his growing bulge beneath his pants.
Your eyes widened and you fought back with renewed vigor, ferociously kicking and shaking your body. “I’ll kill you if you touch me, you bastard! Do you hear me? I’ll feed you to the dogs!!”
“No need for that, (name).” Eren squeezed the sides of your neck, pressing you harder against his body. “You called me a feral dog, right? I’ll fuck you like one.”
You shook your limbs trying to dig your nails into the skin of his arms to fight back but he stopped you with one single move.
Eren opened his mouth and let his teeth sink into the soft skin of your neck. A scream escaped your lips as he bit you harder until he tasted blood and wrecked all of your nerves. Your arms flailed uselessly by your sides before your entire body went limp.
His free hand moved up to knead the supple flesh of your breast as he continued biting you and rocking his hips into you.
Once he decided he couldn’t take it anymore, Eren took his hand away from your breast and hurriedly tugged down his pants. You whimpered and tried twisting your body away from him but his bite on your neck was like a predator’s, it didn’t let you move anywhere. Like a lion biting into a gazelle’s neck to keep it in place before ferociously devouring the poor animal, Eren was keeping you in place with his teeth only. He wasn’t going to stop, not until he proved his strength to you. Not until he devoured you whole.
Your plan had backfired.
He pushed you forward and both of you stumbled forward. You fell on all fours and he stayed on top of you, still biting into your neck. Growling, he hiked the thin skirt of your nightgown up using a single hand.
A pained sob left your lips. “Please, don’t.”
Eren smiled into the bite. He always knew how to get under someone’s skin, no matter how thick it was. He also knew that his threat of impregnating you was nothing but a way of humiliating you, reminding you of your place, the power he held over you, and how with a single move he could ruin your entire life.
You were the one who was nothing.
The real untamed dog was Eren. Not you.
At least, that was what he wanted to believe.
How childish.
He was nothing but a manchild.
Eren slid your underpants to the side and pulled his cock out. You sobbed as he lined himself up against your entrance.
“I will kill you. I will kill you. I will kill you-ahh-”
With a sharp thrust of his hips, he inserted the entire length of his cock inside you. He slapped his large hand on your mouth to keep you quiet but it still couldn’t stop your muffled screams echoing in the room.
He had been wanting to do this for so long. Just to shut you up and ruin you, to remind you of your place. Ahh, the power he felt right now was indescribable. It was as if he was on the tallest mountain in the world and nobody else could reach him. He was the strongest. The best. The leader. The Attack Titan’s next holder and Eldia’s new King.
In his twisted mind, he was the ruler of everything. Him having you around him like this and ravishing you only boosted his ego but the feeling of a small train of blood trickling onto his cock and down your thighs made him go berserk with a massive amount of power.
The thought of your helplessness as he took your innocence like this made him grow larger inside your cunt.
He started moving without giving you a chance to prepare yourself for his cock. Involuntarily moaning, you curled your toes and bit your lip to hold back your next moan.
Eren finally pulled his teeth away from your skin and chuckled as he tentatively pulled his hips back before abruptly slamming them forward. “I’ve always wanted to do this.”
Placing both of his hands on your hips, Eren began fucking you frantically, putting his entire weight behind each thrust and stroking every spot inside of your walls. Your virgin walls started to take the shape of his cock, making you his perfect cock sleeve.
“You’re gonna regret this, Yeager,” you hissed but it broke into a moan as he mounted you completely, his hips moving with a frenzied speed, punching the air out of your lungs.
“So far, I’m enjoying it,” he whispered into your ear, his hot breath sending a shiver down your spine and causing your teeth to chatter rapidly. It was as if you were flung into a blizzard.
Your body wasn’t doing it because it was cold in the room. No. It was then, you felt it for the first time.
He groaned in pleasure as he continued fucking you frantically like a rabid dog in heat. His pace was ruthless, each thrust of his hips was punishing and hit deep deep deep inside of your pussy.
You could feel the very shape and girth of him, he was embedding it into your memory. With each thrust, he was making sure that you wouldn’t be able to be fucked by anyone without thinking of him. You were only going to think of the smell of his sweat, the sharpness of his teeth, the shape of his cock, and his lingering, calloused hands. Nothing else.
Eventually, his animalistic pace slackened and his hips started to move staggeringly. He desperately tried stealing a few more thrusts to indulge in your warm and slick cunt by humping you like a desperate dog but your pulsating walls caught him off guard.
As your pussy clenched around his cock, he snapped his hips forward to bury his entire length inside of you. You gasped in unwanted pleasure when the tip of his cock prodded against your cervix, ready to paint your insides white.
Eren’s cock throbbed and thick spurts of his seed flooded your womb. You let out a horrifying sound and sobbed whilst the warm feeling spread across your belly. He pulled out to watch his cum drip out of your pussy with a sinister grin on his lips at the same time you felt tears streaming down your face.
He was cruel. Always had been. However, he had finally proved who was stronger between the two of you.
It was him, he was the strongest.
You had lost against the other candidate.
The most important of them all, you had lost your pride, all of that training you had gone through in seven years felt like it was for nothing.
“I will inherit the Attack Titan,” he declared, simple and to the point.
You nodded in response, throat clenching in despair as you cried in defeat.
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rk1kheadcanons · 4 years
Markus and Connor are secret dating b/c Connor doesn't wanna be out to the world yet. The Jericrew (-Connor) go drinking and Markus gets *drunk* and starts rambling about his boyf after he rebuffs an advance made by a lady at the bar super sappily, but no matter how hard the others press him, they just get "oh, his eyes are the color of warm chocolate..." answers as to who this boyf is
You would never know Markus was drunk.
He didn’t stutter or slur when he spoke, he didn’t sway or trip over his feet. He didn’t giggle goofily or speak overly loud. He was perfectly composed, as much the charismatic android sober as he was when he was intoxicated.
What he did do, however, was go on long monologues like a Shakespearian stage actor.
Which would be fine, if Markus’ favorite subject to wax poetic about wasn’t his mysterious boyfriend, whom he’d sworn not to reveal the identity of until they were ready. Which would also be fine, if that mysterious boyfriend wasn’t Connor, who was often sitting right next to him (and slowly but surely bluescreening his way into that big Windows XP wallpaper in the sky) as he sang and lathered compliment after compliment, steadily giving away clues that were so blatant that it was a miracle that no one had figured them out yet.
Markus never remembered what he’d done the next day, and whenever Connor mercilessly played back his memories, his poor lover was as embarrassed as he was apologetic. Connor could hardly begrudge him (frankly he didn’t know what sane person on this planet could ever begrudge Markus, but that was just Connor’s correct opinion). What could they even do about it? Should he demand Markus consciously control himself? It wasn’t like Connor was any better at it. Give the RK800 too many AMB’s (Adios Motherboards) and he would be on top of the nearest table and scream-singing his every professionally repressed emotion, regardless if it was a karaoke bar or not. Hence why he never imbibed more than he could handle when they were around their friends. The last thing he wanted to do was sloppily propose to Markus after a long and terrible rendition of K-Ci and JoJo.
And Connor wouldn’t dream of telling Markus to measure the contents of his drink like Connor did. Not when his breaks were so rare, and getting him to relax and let loose was like pulling teeth.
It was just in the cards that their big revelation as a couple would be in a random bar at 3AM, with Markus saying something along the lines of “my boyfriend’s name starts with a C and rhymes with Donner”, and Connor had made peace with that.
“Scarlet woman!” Markus cried, at some random bar at 3AM, surrounded by their drunken comrades. Ah, would this be the night? Connor thought, on the correct side of buzzed as he watched on from the table right next to them, a heady mix of dread and amusement running through his computer soul. “Jezebel! How d a r e you solicit my happily taken hand!”
The waitress, who looked like she regretted serving their table, let alone attempting to get the number from the happily taken hand, raised her hands in surrender. “Sorry, sorry,” she said peaceably and with the calm air of someone who dealt with drunks as a job choice, “just trying to shoot my shot, ya know?”
Markus nodded at her magnanimously, because he was a kind and forgiving man even as a drunken buffoon. “Fret not. I pardon you of this most heinous slight, for if you knew the one to own my heart, you would understand that no other could compare.”
“Sure thing dude,” she said goodnaturedly, packing up and replacing drinks around their tables expertly, and parting with a “have a good night Romeo.”
“But who can no other compare to? WHOMST??” asked North, throwing her torso onto the table and looking up at Markus pleadingly.
“We’ve ruled out Jerry #451, Claudia, Baris from accounting, and Jerry #36,” Simon rattled off. He was looking down at a napkin that he had scribbled the names of all of their potential suspects. “I’ve got it. It’s Baris.”
North rolled her eyes. “We already said it wasn’t Baris.”
“Ohhh. Right, right.” Simon nodded his head and continued to not cross off the names of the people they had decided against, as he had been doing all night.
“How about you describe them a little?” Josh put in, reasonable, and therefore slightly less wasted than everyone else. “Hair color? Height? Eyes? Something?”
“Nay, I must not speak thusly!” Markus declared, back of his hand over his forehead and everything. “For if I were to tread down that forbidden road, I would surely not be able to stop myself from breaking our sacred oath of secrecy!”
“Oh my goOOOOOOOd I hate this fucking oaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaath,” North threw her head back and cried to heavens, which, considering her positon, was probably going to be hell on her neck come morning. “Come on! Break your oath! Be like Thor and wield oathbreaker goddamnit!”
“You might be thinking of Stormbreaker,” Connor added, the need to try and reason with alcoholics apparently embedded in his programming.
North narrowed her eyes at him, or rather his torso, since her chin was very resolutely still resting on the table. “If you think I’m thinking right now then you are drunker than I am.”
Connor lifted his barely touched glass to her in a toast because how dare she be lucid enough to clap back so quickly. A well deserved rebuttal fucking cheers.
“Glasses!” Josh exclaimed, snapping his fingers. “Do they wear glasses? That should narrow down some people.”
“That’s right! That’ll tell us if they’re an android or not. Androids don’t wear glasses! Our eyes are like...fucking...better and shit!”
“Unless….” Simon narrowed his eyes, pausing dramatically. “....they do.”
North gasped. Josh put his hands on either side of face, muttering; “holy fucking shit he’s right.”
Markus scoffed. “Their eyes do not hide behind paltry spectacles! His beautiful orbs, so soft and caring when his gaze lands upon my person, seeing into my very soul, are the warmest chocolate brown!”
‘Ah shit here we go,’ Connor thought, wishing not for the first time that he could just down his drink and join everyone else in blissful, idiotic cavorting. The soft, melodic piano and crooning words of All My Life playing over the speaker stayed his hand. Best not take any chances
“HE!” Simon burst out, tipping over in his chair. “He say he! Them is He!”
“Are we talkin’ Hershey’s or Dove?”
“Ghirardelli you fucking plebs!”
“Oi!” North banged her hand on the table so hard it left a handprint indented in the wood. It was one amongst many however, and not all of them left by their party. Such was the price for serving android drinks at a human bar - you either shelled out for sturdier furniture or the dents and chips became a charming aspect of your décor. “Don’t get spicy with us Sir Lancelot!”
“Apologies fair maiden,” Markus responded easily. He took her hand delicately and made a sweeping bow over it. “Alas, my passions got away from me.” He dropped her hand and whirled around, coat billowing with the movement and most assuredly by accident, placing both hands to his thirium pump. “Conjuring up the magnificent images that is the love of my life oft times sends my emotions into a tizzy! His hair; cloud like in my grasp as I run my fingers threw earthen chestnut tendrils - ”
‘Hhhhhhhhhhhhn so many adjectives Markus whyyyyyyyyyy,’ Connor wheezed internally. He didn’t bother trying to keep down his blush. Markus was nowhere near done laying on the compliments and he’d be subjecting himself to an endless loop of canceling the process. Besides, he could just blame it on the alcohol. Blame it on the a a a a a alcohol - wait no. What!? WHAT. Connor looked down at his drink and saw, to his mounting horror, that the glass was emptier than it had been a few minutes ago. Goddamn his automated rest mode cycle for transforming into fidgeting whenever he was nervous! He resolutely pushed the glass out of his immediate reach.
Nines, who was quietly sitting next to him, hunched over and taking notes on his own napkin, snapped his head up to attention when the glass brushed against his arm. His younger brother was looking from Connor to Markus, eyes narrowed suspiciously as Markus carried on. Connor didn’t like that look at all. It was always a risk inviting Nines to their little outings, the only thing Connor could bank on was Nines passing out - as his dear little bro was a notorious light weight - before his deductive skills could pierce through his drunken haze. Apparently Nines had chosen tonight of all nights, where Markus had never been more obvious about their relationship, to bloody pace himself.
If he could, Connor would be sweating bullets.
“ - a wit SO SHARP!!” Markus declared, foot now planted on his chair and shaking his fist to the ceiling as if it had insulted one of Carl’s paintings, “that neither an UNDEAD HOARD nor a POLITICIAN’S EGO could survive it’s precision strike!!”
“Brown hair, brown eyes, banger body, smarty pants, good at analyzing shit, likes animals” North listed off, holding a hand up and ticking a finger down. “Well that rules out all the Jerrys; they’re all redheads and they’re pretty aggressive about it - except for Jerry #86. Is your man-squeeze Jerry #86?”
“No no no last I heard Jerry #86 is dating Hatsume Miku’s bodyguard; Android Lucy Lawless.” said Simon.
“Tch. Lucky,” pouted North.
“Oh wow, she really kept that name huh?” Josh said, voice faint with wonder and disbelief. “That’s such a mouthful.”
“And who are you to question a Queen!?” snapped North.
“Huzzah and many blessings to the fortuitous couple!” Markus cheered, toasting a stein of frothy blue intoxication that looked as cartoonish as it did poisonous to the sky, knocking it back in several impressive gulps and slamming it back on the table. “BUT NEITHER OF THEM CAN COMPARE TO THE BEAUTY AND GRACE THAT IS MY LOVE!!” he boomed, louder and more British by the second. “WHO’S CURIOSITY AND INTELLECT A CHERISHED BOON TO I, BUT A WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION TO HIS ENEMIES - !”
North slapped her hand on the table several times, the proverbial light bulb lighting up in her eyes - oh. No not proverbial. There was currently little lightbulb emojis pictured in her pupils. Yet another drunken download added to the bill. Connor was glad he’d drawn the long straw on ‘irresponsible buying duty’ tonight. No doubt there would be a lot of strange receipts to sort through in the morning. “Oh! I know I know! It’s Josh!”
So startled by this declaration/accusation, Josh jumped in his seat. “What!?”
“Brown hair, brown eyes, hot, obnoxious, smart - everything FITS!”
“...he didn’t say obnoxious,” Josh muttered, then physically shook sanity back into himself. “It can’t be me. I think I’d know if I was dating Markus!”
Simon leaned in closer towards Josh, arm on the table, determination in his mien. “But what if…” Without breaking eye contact with his friend, he smoothly cracked open his Thirium berry blast bahama mama banana punch wine cooler, and proceeded to pour it just two centimeters off from his glass, all over the table. “You don’t know.”
Josh was shook in the face of this evidence. North narrowed her eyes so hard that they were just closed at this point. “Highly suspicious.”
“No. Nooooo. No? No! Of course I’m not. Right Markus?”
Markus steepled his fingers together and cackled in a way that most people would find concerning, but Connor just found it adorable. He would saving that in his memory banks. “I’ll never tell~,” he sing songed.
“H i g h l y s u s p i c i o u s.”
“I know who it is,” Nines suddenly said, calm but with such confidence that he was easily heard amidst the ruckus. He had his elbows planted on the table, chin resting upon his entwined fingers. Steele grey eyes swept over the now quiet group, everyone waiting with baited breath.
“Grant us your wisdom ‘o soothsayer,” Markus whispered, eyes wide with anticipation and literally perched on the edge of his seat. Connor seriously measured the pros and cons of just throwing his portion of the tab on the table and yeeting himself out of the window.
“It’s Sixty.”
Immediately the room erupted into scoffs and hisses of disbelief. North gave him a thumbs down and cupped her hand to her mouth, letting a long, “Booooo!”
“Why are you booing me I’m right!”
“BoooOOooOOOOOoooooo!” Markus, Josh and Simon joined in.
Connor blinked, and suddenly felt all of his concerns about Nines’ being the lynch pin in solving this mystery evaporate. If Markus transformed into a C grade Shakespeare impersonator when drunk, and Connor subconsciously wanted to be recruited by America’s Got Talent, then Nines became a consummate dumbass.
“That’s it!” North exploded. “Ten dollars says it’s Jerry #92! I caught him in a wig once!” She stood up, her chair sliding back from the force, and slammed a note on the table.
Simon also stood up with equal intensity. “Twenty says it’s Josh!” He reached into his pocket and slammed its contents onto the table. When he removed his hand six lego pieces, a My Little Pony leg, and two actual diamonds were revealed. Connor hoped dearly that the bartender cut Simon off soon.
“It’s not me!” Josh said exasperated. He paused, then pointedly pulled out some money and threw it in the pot as well. “I put forty on Brenden.”
“Bull! Shit!” North declared. “Fitness guru Brenden!? No way!”
“He fits the criteria.”
“I doubt ‘How To Tell If An Android Has Welded on Parts from China vs Russia in their Selfies’ videos on his YouTube channel is the kind analysis Markus was talking about.”
“You don’t know that! He didn’t specify...”
As the two continued to argue, with Simon chiming in with some non sequitur, and Nines tutting about these ‘ignorant fools and their blindness to the evidence presented’, Connor looked over to Markus. He was quiet. He had his elbow perched precariously on the edge of the table, his cheek resting on his fist, a small hat (that was not there literally two minutes ago) was on his head, folded from one of the bar napkins.
And he was looking at Connor as if he hung the moon and stars.
‘How could the world not already know,’ Connor thought, soft and warm inside, happy merely to be in his line of sight, ‘When he looks at me like that?’
Connor picked up his glass and lifted it. “One hundred dollars on Sixty.”
Chaos erupted. Nines threw his arms up and hooted like he’d won the super bowl. Josh tried to explain to him how that was mathematically impossible. North shook her head and warned him that he would live on the streets with an answer like that. Simon pulled out a Yu-Gi-Oh! Card and said he would give him this Charizard if he agreed with him that Josh was Markus’ secret boyfriend. Connor withheld himself from trying to convince drunk people that this was not how betting worked.
Maybe Connor shouldn’t worry so much about their relationship being discovered after all. At this rate, no one would know about he and Markus being together until the wedding invites.
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notgalaxii · 4 years
How about... how do the brothers act around their crush?
This one was super sweet to write I- I love them 👉👈. Thank you for the ask! I hope you enjoy 🤞💕✨
Lucifers crush is the absolute hardest to tell
To the untrained eyes and ears, it seems like he's just being himself, but to those who are close to him, it's a little obvious
Lucifer tends to be more caring in a loving way than in a strict, "do what I say" manner
It's less of "Go to bed so you can go to school and not disappoint Diavolo" and more of "Get some rest, it's not healthy for you to stay up so late."
He also tends to be a little more expressive near his crush
Lucifer's signature knowing smirk twists up a little higher, and his eyes glimmer with not only pride but a bit of satisfaction and compassion around them.
He makes sure to give them small compliments
Typically his pride wouldn't allow him to endorse others, but with them, oooh boy
He will let them know how they look ravishing in such a nonchalant way; it seems like it's nothing
But to him, it could be everything
Bonus: He stood up to Diavolo once for his crush. Sort of.
Diavolo had given them a list of tasks to do and Lucifer felt like it was a bit much
"My lord, do you really believe that some of these are the best idea?"
It wasn't much but lets just say that Satan and Mammon were near by and their jaws hit the floor.
A mess. He acts like an absolute MESS around them
When he's just walking down the hall, he's composed. All of a sudden, his crush walks by him and awakens this sense of "I must embarrass myself at all times around this person and then punch myself about it later."
He hypes himself up around his crush
"Hah, of course the GREAT MAMMON can open this jar for you! Bow down, little human. Revel in my strength!!" he struggles to open it a little as well
In more serious and personal moments, Mammon is very sweet
As sweet as he can get when he's still trying to aggressively deny ANY sort of feelings
"Don't ever doubt yourself. You're my human, which means you kick ass. I wouldn't pick a human that WASN'T a total badass. N-not that I particularly picked you out of a crowd- YOU FORCED ME INTO THIS."
Bonus: If Mammon has a touchy crush, he would absolutely melt into their hands as he aggressively blushes at them
They'd get close enough to play with his hair and he'd be jelly on the floor
Would get super sad if they left and forgot their hug because he got used to oh how soft they were
Leviathan tries the absolute hardest to hide it
Unless you count Mammon but come on, is he really trying?
Leviathan's biggest tell would be that he tries to share his otaku passions with his crush
Because if he likes them, they've gotta be into that kinda stuff, right!? They're definitely not a normie and would absolutely LOVE his Manga collection
Would play it off nearly as tsundere-esque as Mammon
"I've decided that you're really nice to me, so I'm going to let you come over today and play video games with me. I have a super special raid spot saved for the two of us!!"
He tries pretty hard to impress them with his vast knowledge on obscure animes and idols
Levi would be at his crush's beck and call
"I saw you called me, I was in a dungeon but I tried to finish it as fast as I could!! What did you need~?"
Definitely a blush-a-tron 3000
All of his crushes are anime characters! How does he deal with someone he likes IN REAL LIFE!?
I'll tell you how, he sticks his hand over his face and tries to freeze time with his super secret power that he has yet to unlock and probably never will.
Bonus: Leviathan tells Henry 2.0 about his crush every time he spends time with them
"They touched my hand Henry, they touched my hand!!" blushes just thinking about it.
Satan is ✨gentle✨ with his crush.
He's pretty insecure about how intense his anger can be when it comes to people he doesn't want to hurt, especially if it's a human.
Satan will try to show them his softest side in hopes that when they meet his wrath, they can anchor onto the fact that he's not that bad
That being saaaaid, if he senses their discomfort whatsoever, he tries to put out the flames of rage that are constantly brewing inside of him
And then offer to take them to somewhere to hopefully make them feel better.
"You seem to be tense. How would you like to join me on a little excursion? We could go see the new art exhibit that just opened up."
If that doesn't work, he invites them to his room to drink tea and maybe just chat
If they're into reading, he'll offer to let them look at his collection and maybe even pick something to borrow.
Satan is also pretty playful with his crush
Sometimes he'll say something a little mean just to get a reaction out of them, then immediately reassure them to the max that he was messing around.
"And I should be seen in public with a human because?"
"I was kidding!" He'd chuckle, bringing a mischievous finger to rest on his lips, "I only wanted to see how you'd react. I'd love to go somewhere with you."
Bonus: Satan's best pranks are with his crush.
Satan would definitely catch feelings with someone that challenge his brain and make him think bigger. He'd fall for someone bold, adventurous, and smart.
So combining the two of them makes for some of the most CREATIVE pranks
"So you guys are telling me that you switched the body of Mammon and a random woman on the street and then made a bet with Asmo that he couldn't seduce said woman... who had Mammon in her body."
Asmodeus would make his crush so obvious that everyone just thought he was messing around
He'd shower his crush in praise all the time
"Look at you! So beautiful!"
"Tell me, doll, have I ever let you know that your face is so symmetrical? Oh and your nose is so cute!~"
But oh, he gets f l u s t e r e d by them
If they compliment him back, he'll have a brief moment to blush and try to recover immediately
I feel like Asmodeus isn't as narcissistic as he leads on, like part of it is an act. Honestly, he might even be a little bit insecure about a few things so he buffs up his narcissism to distract from it.
That being said, he probably doesn't buff his narcissism around his crush that often
He puts the focus on them
Tries his best to listen to absolutely everything they have to say
Will make sure that they know he's always going to be there
Bonus: Asmodeus will always dress up his crush when he gets the chance to be absolutely stunning, but then gets really jealous when they go out and people start staring.
"Ah! It seems like they're admiring my work a little too much! I think if these dogs aren't put on leashes anytime soon, I might just have to take you back home. You wouldn't mind some alone time with Asmo, would you?~" The last sentence slips his lips in a very smooth and almost sultry tone.
Beel is so fucking precious please lord save me from this puppy
He would talk a lot around his crush
Boy has so much to say, I'm telling you
He's just never found the person to listen
His crush would be THAT person
The rest of the brothers would watch like "What drugs did this guy take? He usually only opens his mouth to eat something or say he wants to eat something."
Beel would also be VERY protective around his crush. Nobody would say anything to them ever because Beel would be looming over their shoulder like "Say it and I eat you."
Bonus: Everyone talks about Beels s/o being an amazing chef but just imagine him falling for someone who can't cook?
Like even though the food is bad he will sit there and eat absolutely eVERYTHING THEY MAKE
Because hes supportive and just wants to make them smile
A weird combination of flirty and shy
Sometimes Belphie will tease his crush a little like Satan would, making comments just to see their reaction
But Belphie would see how long it would take for them to catch it instead of immediately reassuring them
He would crush on someone who doesn't mind his lifestyle of napping a lot, taking things slow, and not really caring so he'd be comfortable with them
Sometimes if his crush was sweet to him he'd get a little blushy and shy
Bonus: Imagine Belphie with an insomniac crush who can't sleep at night and takes random naps during the day
They get really tired cause they couldnt sleep the night before and Belphie asks them to come nap with him
He'll get them a pillow and everything to help them sleep at night
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fanimesenseiwrites · 4 years
Hi!, how are you?, hope you're well, anyway, can you please do the '' 1 moment that they assist MC when it comes to adjusting to Devildom'' but for the rest of the brothers? (Levi, Stan, Asmo, Belphie) its ok if you dont want too, have a nice day/night <3
I'm well, thank you for asking! I liked this ask so I'm glad someone asked for the other brothers. Excuse the changing format, I was trying to think of the best way to do each story.
Link to the other 3 brothers.
The brothers help out MC in the Devildom:
MC has always had a healthy fear of the ocean. As one should, it could easily kill you if you're not cautious. Sharks, certain jellyfish, and riptides and whatnot.
So when Levi asked MC to go to the beach with him, they were a little hesitant. But Levi so rarely wants to leave his room so they felt like they had to say yes.
But as soon as they get to the beach, MC feels their fear go past the lengths of healthy
The sand is black???? Which just makes the water look darker and now MC can't see any potential wild life which they're sure is far scarier and/or more threatening than anything the human realm has to offer and-
"MC? Are you okay?" Levi asks gently.
MC briefly wonders if they should tell him the truth or not.
"I... I just... I'm afraid of the ocean," MC confesses.
Levi is little disappointed. This is the only part of "outside" that he likes, he was really looking forward to this. He wants to stay but he doesn't want his best friend to be uncomfortable
"Why are you afraid of it?" Levi asks, wondering if there's something he can do to help.
When MC tells Levi all their reservations, he perks up a little; he can work with that.
Levi takes MC over to the tide pools first, thinking that starting with something small will help
He's right. MC is absolutely delighted by all the little flora and fauna in the tide pools.
Once MC is comfortable with that, he encourages them to get into the big ocean, promising that no sea creatures will harm them while he's there
"But what about riptides? You can't control the ocean."
That's true, he can't control the water... but he can teach them how to swim out of a riptide.
MC feels a lot better just seeing how much effort Levi has put into making them feel comfortable and safe
"Thank you, Levi. You really are a true friend."
Oh boy is he a blushing mess. He just wants MC to have fun tho and he's glad he could help.
Satan is in the library one day, just browsing, when he hears a familiar voice mumbling, grumbling, and... crying?
He walks around to the next aisle to find MC sitting on the ground, surrounded by books, and holding their head in their hands.
He frowns. "MC?"
Their head snaps up to meet his gaze. "Oh fuck..." They sniff and wipe their tears away. "Hey Satan."
"What's wrong?" Satan asks as he kneels down next to MC.
MC sighs. "I just... feel really dumb right now..."
"Can I help you somehow?"
"Not unless you can make all these books suddenly read in (MC's native language)."
"Ah, is the demonic script giving you issues?"
"Yes! And I have to write a paper for literature and history and I'm already sucking ass in history, I have to do good on this paper or I'm pretty sure Lucifer will hang me from the ceiling next! But how can I write a good paper if I can't even read the research well?! Like why am I even here? I'm so stupid and useless down here!"
Satan frowns. "You're not stupid or useless. How about I help you with your papers?"
MC looks at him. "... you would do that?"
"Yes. I'll help you find some good books for your research and I'll help you with the demonic script too."
MC sniffles. "I'd really appreciate that."
Satan smiles slightly and helps them. "Of course, we can't have Lucifer punishing you."
MC chuckles. "Yeah..."
"Satan!" MC calls out to the demon just before attacking him with a hug.
"Oi! MC! What're you doing?" Satan is a little annoyed but mostly embarrassed by MC's actions.
MC shoves some papers in his face. "Look, look, look!!! I got an 87 on my literature paper and a 92 on my history one!"
Satan smiles at hearing the grades. "Good job, you did very well."
"Well, it's all thanks to you," MC thanks him.
Satan blushes a little. "You put in the work, I just helped."
"Still, I really appreciate it."
"I'm glad I could help."
MC is not "high maintenance" by any means
Especially not when you stand them up next to Asmo
But they still care about how they look a little bit
They want to be clean and look clean and well put together
So when they're thrust into the Devildom without a single personal item, it may not be the first thing they're upset about, but they're upset about it
Lucifer orders Mammon to take MC shopping for such personal items but when MC starts asking him about brands and prices, combination to oily skin...
"Fuck this." He pawns them off on Asmo.
Of course Asmo tries to seduce MC first, but as soon as MC says the words "skin care" it's like a switch is flipped
Asmo pulls them into his room and gives them a skin and hair quiz?? Like on paper???? He just has them ready???????
Based on MC's answers, Asmo has all sorts of products to recommend them
He even lets them try some of the products he owns and uses before he takes them shopping for their own products
Asmo goes only a little bit overboard. He loves helping people with body care, but he's not super invested in MC (yet)
This interaction goes a long way in helping MC become comfortable in the Devildom, and though MC won't tell Asmo that, they do thank him for all his help
When they get home, they definitely find Mammon strung up. Lucifer was not happy that he pawned MC off on Asmo
By the time Belphegor is released from the attic and is even able to help MC, they've already pretty much adapted to life in the Devildom
Belphie pretends not to care, but when he keeps hearing stories from his brothers about all the stuff they've done with MC he can't help but get a little jealous
Belphie keeps trying to find stuff for him and MC to do that they haven't done yet, but he doesn't have much luck...
Then, one night, he catches MC sneaking into bed with him
"MC...?" He asks, sleepily.
MC gasps. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up."
Belphie just pulls them close and snuggles them. "S'okay..."
"... I had a nightmare... but I always sleep better with you so I thought I'd come in here..."
Belphie hums. "I'll make sure you dream sweetly, don't worry."
MC pressed their face into Belphie's neck. "Thank you."
Belphie is incredibly smug about that the next day, but he won't tell anyone who asks about it.
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arcadejohn127-9 · 4 years
Can you do a headcannon with the undateables now dateables please?? 😁 with an mc that wears a ton of make up and one day she doesn't cuz she forgot and they are like astounded by mcs looks and compliment them and tell them they don't need to wear so much cuz they are beautiful! Thank you!!!
I'm sure you didn't mean it for it to be like this, but this ask has a "I got stuff that's internalised" vibes and so I'm going to make this a teaching moment.
To Everyone who follows, wearing makeup or not is up to you - how much you wear is your bussiness. Besides, what is considered 'alot' could be a natural look depending on how many products you use.
I personally don't use foundation or concealer, my face is spotless and smooth and I incorporate my eyebags into my eye looks. But there's still the amount of eyeshadow I use as contour, actual eyeshadow, eyeliner guide and even to add more vibrance or odd colours to my lips. I also use eyeliner. Which doesn't seem like alot but its full face look.
Your makeup is your business and you shouldn't shame those who do wear it or those who don't nor should you rely on a man or woman to tell you when you look good. Your always look good, period. The trope of girls who stops wearing loads of makeup turns out to be naturally pretty just links to a mindset that people who do wear makeup only wear it because their ugly or trying to hide their true appearance.
Which is stupid because unless you're going out your way to do face morph looks, makeup is used to enhance features you already have. It just helps to bring attention to how pretty your features are.
"they don't need to wear so much because they're beautiful!" You don't stop being beautiful when you put makeup on. Again how much you wear and what you do with your appearance is your bussiness.
But I think that's enough of me going on, let's actually get into this.
"ah, what a surprise, you're not wearing your makeup today, did something happen?"
He looked at your curiously
You dissmivley waved your hand, smiling
"Oh-! Yeah- I forgot to do it this morning and didn't want to run late for class, that's all."
"you look stunning might I add without it, it's a refreshing change - that sounded rude...I didn't mean for it come out like that."
He immediately looked guilty
Hand over his mouth realizing his words, he his lips pursed
It looked like he was internally beating himself up about it
You decided to be nice, patting his shoulder, seeing he didn't mean for it come out like that
"You're right, I am stunning but yeah, I get what you mean, it's new and I look good without it but I also good in it! It makes me feel good and lets me show off my favourite features."
You used your hands to shape and point out said features
Diavolo intently watched your hands but still had a guilty and apologetic expression
"I see, forgive my rudeness I never intended to imply anything, I'm glad you have something that makes you feel confident and happy."
"it's okay, Dia, perhaps I can do a look on you aswell? Show you the appeal."
Diavolo could be a child at heart and he almost squealed
He has been interested by your makeup ever since you've arrived
But instead of letting himself show his full excitement he nodded, grinning
He was aware of his butler's eyes on him aswell as Lucifer's
"I'd be delighted to."
"I had a feeling I'd see a surprise today, it appears it was you, is there a reason you've decided to not do your usual look?"
"it sounds silly but just forgot, I was so tired this morning I'm pretty sure I dreamed doing my routine and couldn't tell the difference."
You laughed at yourself, gently scratching your cheek
You were embarassed by how easily tricked you were by your tired mind but you couldn't really blame yourself
You haven't been sleeping much so after finally getting the best sleep in your life you were bound to get groggy
He smiled, tilting his head to the side
His eyes looked as if he was scolding you
"thats abit alarming, get your needed sleep though the change isn't uninvited, you're very pretty."
You could tell he meant no harm by his words
But you've dealt with situations similar to this where the person was being very passive aggressive
It made you feel bitter and have a need to explain yourself
"I'll be sure to sleep, thanks but this isn't going to be a permanent thing, I'm very much happy with my usual look! Makes me feel more pretty~ I don't think there's such a thing as being too pretty."
You both chuckled at your end statement
"Fair, I do not control what you do but I advise you stop spending so much with asmodeus, you're starting to sound like him - I have actually done makeup myself, perhaps you'd like to see some examples? I'm intrigued if you have any feedback or tips I could use."
"asmo is just truthful! But on a serious note, I'd actually love to see that and feel honoured you'd want my feedback! You better not back out on this."
"I almost didn't recognize you, what a stray from your usual look, it's very off brand - I'm afraid viewers might be displeased."
You couldn't help but smile
He was using an inside joke you two made
After refering to one of the years as a season you two started making a few jokes about it
But it became a habit and now you two just had a thing were you pretended you were self aware TV characters
"Oh no! We can't have the ratings go down! Haha- I don't look that different, don't be ridiculous, I think it's just your eyes old man."
You poked the side of his face, near his eye
He frowned, he let you have passes on calling him old due to favouritism
But still got grumpy when you joked and brought him his age
You did only say it to tease and if he got genuinely upset or mad about it you'd immediately stop
"I'm not old, just wise - just for that your fanbase has shrunk but sadly, your good looks will bring them back."
You had a light blush on your cheeks, waving your hand
Acting as if you've swooned for him you leaned against his shoulder
"you're so kind yet so mean~ but I'm sure they'll prefer my normal form than this one, I kinda feel naked without my makeup - it's almost shameful."
"don't say that so loud, who knows who'll turn up naked, I'd rather not experience that today."
You bursted out laughing
Meanwhile he looked like he was experiencing Flashback'
"I like the new look, it's very natural! but is that makeup or your actual-"
"My face is bare, I forgot to put it on, not really bothered today."
His slender finger was pointed to your face, squinting to see if he could see
You almost wanted to laugh but you just lazily shrugged your shoulders
"oh! You're still look just as beautiful, I can't believe I couldn't tell, ever since I saw your more extra looks I've been looking into makeup and I saw people could make it look like they weren't wearing any."
"Thanks but don't worry, I'm not Insecure without it or anything, just really enjoy it! - oh? You're looking into it? Is there any looks you like specially, some people are really amazing at looking extremely natural or being really artistic - it's amazing."
He nodded
"pardon me then, I didn't mean to imply anything I just saw how much bad press was around it all and wanted to say incase but yes, I'm extremely intrigued by high light! It's so sparkly!"
He looked apologetic before his expression turned into one of awe and inspiration
You smiled, happy to see he was interested in something you were already passionate about
It was good to see him wanting to learn and gain interest
"You're sweet Simeon but this human is very happy! I see~ let me do your makeup later or a day you're free, I can give you my extra shimmery high light to really make those cheekbones of yours pop!"
His eyes were sparkling so brightly
Grinning from ear to ear with excitement
"I'd love to! Please, I want you to show me all your amazing ideas."
"Your face is different, you're not wearing makeup!"
"And your face is still childlike, you're correct though, I forgot to do it."
You both pouted at each other, glaring
The moment quickly ended as soon as he started to speak
"oh, I thought this was going to be a thing now....you're pretty, why do you wear it? You don't need to especially the amount you normally wear."
You frowned
Annoyed no one has taught him about this kind of thing and how what he was saying was rude
Mentally noting to speak to Solomon and Simeon about this
But you couldn't be too mad, he was a child
You decided to make this a reaching moment for the young angel
"Well you see Luke, anyone can wear makeup even if they're super confident with their features or super Insecure, it makes people feel good and extra attractive or it can make you look dead and gross - really up to the person - and I'm just someone who really likes wearing makeup and alot of it, what may seem like alot to others could be basic to others, it's all about your personal touch and wants."
"I see....I'm sorry I didn't really understand-"
He looked absolutely devastated
Ashamed and guilty and extremely apologetic
"It's okay, I know you're still learning about these things - hey, how about I do your makeup and we can see what you like?"
You lifted his puffy hat, ruffling the messy hair beneath it
He didn't even swat your hand away
He was too excited and relieved by what you were saying, he jumped up and down as his hands turned into fists
"Really?! I'd- I'd like that, I'll go ask Simeon if you can come over and do it for me! Maybe we can try out your kind of style?"
"Sounds perfect, now go ask~"
He hastily rushed off to find the older demon
You watched from slight afar him asking permission but gave simeon a 'we need to talk' look
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asmo-ds · 4 years
okay, last request i promise!! mc and asmo are having a sleepover and they're putting make up on each other and it's really cute and fluffy. like ik asmo is the avatar of lust and all but i headcanon him as one of the most fluffy characters in the game idk
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Slumber Party
Asmo x GN!MC Fluff
Word Count: 1408
Warnings: MC was bullied in the past :(, They also take a bath together but no funny business what so ever I pinky promise
Summary: Asmodeus finds out MC has never had a slumber party before and he refuses to let their life continue without experiencing a slumber party with the king of slumber parties himself
Ever since MC had arrived in the Devildom, Asmodeus had been inviting them to have a sleepover in his room. No matter how much he begged and pleaded with them to join him one night they said no every. Single. Time. 
The Avatar was beginning to grow worried that MC was scared to be alone with him due to his sin.
“MC, I promise I’m not planning anything naughty!” He gave his best puppy dog eyes as he asked for the nth time to have MC in his room for the night. “I pinky promise all I want to do is normal slumber party stuff! We can do face masks and play with makeup, or we can play truth or dare - or truth or truth if that makes you more comfortable,” he pouts.
“Asmo, don’t worry I know you wouldn’t try anything dirty without my consent, i-its more of a me problem I guess…” MC trails off. 
“Oh?” He cutely tilts his head in confusion, causing MC to sigh and finally tell him why they’d been denying him since day one.
“In the human world I never had many friends,” they start, “and I guess because of that I was never invited to an actual sleepover unless you count one time in middle school when the popular kids had me over and humiliated me all night for their entertainment,” MC clenches their fists at the memory of being taunted after showing up so excited for their first slumber party.
“EH?! Seriously? Did someone invite you just to tease you? What a douche. MC please have a slumber party with me, I promise I won’t mock you or taunt you and I’ll show you a nice sleepover where we both relax and chill together,” Asmo holds MC’s hand in his own gently against his chest in a comforting fashion.
MC stares into his eyes for a moment, searching for any sign of ingenuine intentions. They let out a soft sigh as they fail to find any ill intent inside the fifth eldest demon lord. “...Okay, your room or mine?”
At 7 pm sharp, MC makes their way through the house of Lamentation, a bag and pillow tucked under their arms before they knock on the door that is almost immediately ripped open with surprisingly strong yet feminine arms pulling them into the blush-colored room filled with the scent of roses.
They look around and see Asmo had a bunch of areas set up, ready for them to do a night of intense self-care and relaxing activities together. 
“Here, put your bag in the corner for now, and you can put the pillow on the bed! OH IM SO EXCITED!” the rose eyes male squeals. “Where should we start? Makeovers or dress up?”
“Um I suppose we could dress up first so we know the makeup will match our outfits,” MC says shyly.
“Ah! Good thinking! You’re such a cute genius, MC,” Asmodeus giggles giving MC a soft boop on the nose before dragging them to his walk-in closet. 
“I knew you would look good in [fav color], MC!” Asmo praises, twirling them around and looking at the two of them in the mirror in their new outfits. “Now let’s get some makeup to match, then we can have a mini photoshoot!”
Asmodeus pulls two chairs in front of his vanity, digging through a drawer and pulling out the makeup he thinks will match their skin tone and outfit, placing them next time as he leans forward with a primer on his hands, rubbing it onto MC’s skin. He puts it to the side before grabbing the foundation and getting to work.
 MC and Asmo post in his mirror taking hundreds of photos. “Wait Asmo can we do duck lips!” MC asks excitedly giggling their head off.
“OMD YESSSS” He dramatically pushes out his lips and MC follows before he snaps a few photos. They laugh as they strike more poses and then perform like professional photographers for each other.
“Are you going to put these on Devilgram, Asmo?” MC smiles hoping he’d think they were good enough to feature on his perfectly aesthetic Devilgram page.
“Duh, who would be so cruel as to keep these pictures to themselves when they’re so stunning!” He smiles selecting a few photos to post. As he is scrolling through all the photos one of MC catches his eye. In the photo, they are smiling and laughing after Asmo had clearly done something to crack them up. He feels his heart flutter knowing he caused that smile and moves that picture to a special folder he keeps pictures of his family in (that he will never admit he actually has).
He tosses his D.D.D onto his soft bed and lets it bounce to a stop as he grabs MC’s hand to go to the bathroom. Once they are in there he pulls out some makeup removing wipes and skincare products.
“Wow I’ve never actually gotten a good look at your bath,” MC stares at the tub of constantly perfectly hot water with rose petals and all sorts of washing products lined along the sides of it.
“Did you wanna do all of the skincare and washing off in there? The bubbles will cover both of us for the most part and I promise not to touch your no-no zones,” Asmo giggles as he sees MC’s eyes widen. 
“Oh- uh- sure! As long as there’s no funny business Mr. Avatar of Lust!” They laugh giving his shoulder a playful shove.
“That’s LORD Mr. Avatar of Lust to you” he jokingly scoffs making MC laugh once more before he turns and faces the wall. “Go ahead and get in I’ll stay facing this way until you tell me to come in.”
After hearing clothes drop and the water move a bit as MC’s body descends into the steamy bubbles, he notices he isn’t actually filled with Lust at the moment, which is rare for him when someone else is in the room naked. He smiles when he realizes that he feels more adoration and relaxation in this situation than anything else.
“Wow MC, it’s kind of odd that I don’t feel lustful at the moment,” he voices his thoughts, “instead all I can think about is how excited I am to just chill out in the bath with you.” He shakes his head and lets out a chuckle.
“Well if you’re so excited then hurry up and get in here !” MC smiles at him as he turns. His eyes stay glued to their face with zero urge to wander elsewhere at that moment. He wishes he could burn that smile into his eyes and see it every second for the rest of his life.
He goes back to his room and grabs his D.D.D putting on his favorite playlist made by both of them and strips getting into the tub, bringing the face wash and makeup wipes with him before he moves through the water closer to MC, who closes their eyes as he raises a washcloth to their cheek.
MC and Asmo spend about a half-hour in the tub, relaxing and washing each other’s makeup off, then MC suddenly gets hyper and makes a mess of his bathroom. “Asmo look!” They excitedly say as they put bubbles on their chin forming a big bubbly beard making Asmo giggle.
“MC please let me take a picture of you right now you look so adorably stupid, sweetie.” Asmo grabs his D.D.D while laughing so hard he nearly snorts.
After he takes the picture and puts back his D.D.D, he gets hit in the face with water and opens his eyes to see MC laughing as they start a splash fight.
At the end of their bath, the floor is soaked with suds and water that had been splashed out by the pair and they cleaned it up before heading back into the bedroom.
“Are we sleeping on the bed together or do you want me to sleep on the floor?” Asmodeus asks.
“We can sleep in the bed together, just -”
“Yeah Yeah, no funny business I know, doll,” Asmo cuts MC off laughing.
After getting under the covers they both did that thing we all do at sleepovers where you can’t stop laughing for no reason and Lucifer came in to yell at them like the Mom he is.
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*I wrote this days after the lesson was first posted and never bothered to go back and edit it so meaning there will be me theorizing about the next lesson as well
*I write a small para for each chapter and I write it immediately after finishing that chapter so there’ll be theorizing about the next chapter too
*I swear more than usual here
*Some of the dialogue is heavily plagiarized and a few is lifted directly from the story, the game is to figure which is which.
*Summaries and Discussions/theories for all the other lessons can be found on this blog under #obey me spoilers or #my theories or #my headcanons
This has one locked lesson cause of course it does
Belphie’s upset that their names got called on the loudspeaker as if they were the lost children and not Diavolo. MC says the others won’t let them ever live this down if they found out and Belphie says he’ll be teased for centuries. Belphie tells a story about how he once got lost in the Celestial Realm and spent hours in a tree crying, MC asks why he was on a tree, and he says cause he thought he’s be able to see the direction of the celestial palace from there. It had eventually been Raphael who found him and he ended up taking a liking to the tree so he would climb it and nap up there whenever he wanted to avoid work. MC asks whether he like Raphael. Belphie says he never thought about it either way but that Raphael always looked like he had it rough (course he did – he had to try to get Belphie and his brothers under control cause Lucifer was much more lenient those days. I’ve mentioned this before but I’m certain that Lucifer blames his leniency as what got Lilith killed and that’s why he’s unreasonably strict with the brothers now) MC asks what Raphael was like – he says he worked hard for little reward and his job was looking after Michael’s needs no matter how unreasonable (and they really are the Lucifer and Diavolo of the Celestial Realm aren’t they!?). He was meticulous and methodical and he always had a sullen, irritated look making him always seem like he was in a bad mood. And his evil eye looked so evil you could almost mistake him for a demon. Belphie says he hasn’t seen him in a ling time and wonders how he’s doing. Belphie says all this with a smile on his face and this is the first time we’ve heard someone talk about Raphael in a positive light and this supports my theory that Belphie sees the Celestial Realm in a more positive light than the others probably do (which is why he irrationally directed all his anger at the humans). I’m also 10% certain the person Simeon was meeting with was Raphael not Michael cause I don’t think we’ve heard Belphie mention Michael once so it makes sense that they would have him recognise the angel he would later talk about. They get to the desk and Belphie goes to give their names but MC cuts in with ‘snoozy’ before he can say his. The employee comments on the name and Belphie blushes and says it’s embarrassing and asks MC to stop laughing about it. The employee gives them the note which happens to be a ransom note. Lol this guy is fucked.
Belphie complains about Barbatos failing to teach Diavolo not to walk off with strangers (in my very first theory/headcanon posts I compared Barbatos and Diavolo’s relationship to the one between Alfred and Bruce Wayne and I completely stand by that. I think Barbatos is significantly older than Diavolo the same way Lucifer’s significantly older than his brothers and similar to Lucifer and his brothers I think Barbatos had a hand in raising Diavolo. Given that we now know that Barbatos might have powers that rivalled the demon king it’s possible that he may be as old as him, or just slightly younger, than him as well. Tldr; Barbatos gives off heavy Alfred Pennyworth vibes). Belphie doesn’t want to deal with this and MC says they can’t just ignore it (also they will be murdered twice over if they do) and Belphie says he knew they’d say that and agrees to humour this stupid fucking human. He says he doesn’t wanna get tortured by Lucifer and Barbatos but the idea of going and rescuing Diavolo like one of his good little pawns makes him sick too. They head to the circus tent and are greeted by a happy and beaming Diavolo sitting on a chair with a man holding a gun to his head and demanding money (what a fucking amateur ass kidnapper at least give ‘em time to go and get the money! What you think people just walk around with wads of cash in their pockets!?) Belphie ignores him and scolds Diavolo for just waiting around for them to come get him and for leaving them in the first place. The man panics and tells them to stop moving closer unless they want him to shoot Diavolo. Diavolo also ignores the man , apologising and saying with a bright smile after the ride he was feeling sick and this man stopped and checked he was alright. Diavolo calls the man considerate cause he promised to help diavolo find the two of them and look! He kept his promise! Bsdjfjibvdmck this poor fucking kidnapper… Belphie groans and asks Diavolo if he even realises what’s going on rn and says even after being from a royal family he can’t be this sheltered and oblivious. The man’s just getting more stressed at how no one here seems to care about him as he keeps screaming about being serious and blowing Diavolo’s head off his shoulders (This poor guy – even MC who’s lived the most normal life from the three of them has faced more threatening life or death situations to give a shit). Belphie just tells the man to shut up with the most bored expression on his face. He then transforms into his demon form resulting in the man screaming his head off. Belphie just tells the man he talks too much, casually asking if he should make it so that no one has to ever listen to the man run his mouth again. The man stutters, calls Belphie a monster and tells him to stay back and panicking points his gun at Belphie. MC either using their very on magic creates a wind (called ‘wind of protection’) strong enough that it stops the bullet when he shoots or a raging fire (called ‘fire of judgment’) that takes over the bottom of the screen that’s powerful enough that it actually melts the bullet mid-flight and then rushes to the man making him scream and making the whole screen flash red (I had a moment of ‘HOLY MOTHERFUCKING SHIT DID MC JUST BURN A MAN ALIVE!? DID ALL THIS LEAD UP TO MC COMMITING MURDER!? WHY AM I LOWKEY EXCITED!?’) but no the guy’s still alive, I think the fire just made him move back from all of them. (but can we talk about how powerful MC’s own magic is and how it seems to be at its most powerful when they’re protecting the people they love? (like when they unconsciously counteracted all the curses in the reaper’s cave that should have killed the brothers, or when they saw Satan use a healing spell once and were later able to effectively use it on Mammon later despite the fact that the were having trouble picking up the spells Satan was actually trying to teach them). The man screams asking what the two of them are (ajfkjfcijzh didn’t Solomon say just last lesson that they were supposed to keep this all secret!!!!???) Belphie says bullets can’t actually harm him but he still smiles and thanks them. Diavolo seemingly in shock says that the man fired his gun at Belphie and that he was trying to hurt Belphie (despite the fact that Diavolo knows a gun wouldn’t hurt Belphie it’s the fact that the man didn’t know that and had the intention to hurt Belphie that sticks with him and I think that means a lot), A pale purple aura starts swirling around him and he instantly transforms into his demon form, looking furious and screaming “HOW DARE YOU…!” The man screams.
The man drops his gun and runs away. Diavolo says, serious for once, that they can’t let him run away and that he’ll contact Barbatos to get the royal army and – (bro you’re gonna start a war bro chill), Belphie says he can’t bring the army here he might accidently bring about the destruction of the humans (funny how a couple yrs ago Belphie would have been all for this plan) and Diavolo looks sad saying he can’t just let this go. MC and Belphie both get Diavolo to try and calm down, with Belphie telling Diavolo he wasn’t hurt and transforming back to his human form, before saying that Diavolo didn’t need to transform as well & that if Lucifer and Barbatos find out Belphie’ll get in trouble. Diavolo transforms back and says the man tried to harm a dear friend and he couldn’t help but get angry. Belphie blushes and can’t come up with words. MC teases Belphie asking if he’s blushing and he denies it while still blushing. Diavolo also notes that he’s flushed and is worried that it’s a sign that he’s been hurt somehow. Still blushing Belphie says he’s not hurt and to stop worrying about him and that they should leave. Diavolo says since they’re here at the circus tent they should watch the circus perform since Belphie likes human world circuses.  Belphie’s surprised and asks Diavolo how he knows that, Diavolo says Lucifer told him a long time ago, Belphie asks why and Diavolo says when they’re alone Lucifer talks a lot about his brothers, specially Belphie (Lucifer also has random pictures of his brothers that he takes without them knowing as they go about their daily life… This man is such a proud dad. He pulls out his wallet and a whole roll of pictures unfold all the way to the floor and across the room and he’ll tell the story behind each picture to anyone who listens.) He’s also told Diavolo about Belphie’s favourite tree in the Celestial Realm and the story of how he found that tree. Back then Lucifer always thought whenever Belphie wasn’t with his siblings he’d be up in the tree napping or down in the human world watching the circus and that’d made diavolo determined to see the circus too. Diavolo then asks if they can see the circus together. Belphie’s still shocked but then he blushes again and agrees. Inside Belphie and Diavolo are both clinging to MC as they cheer, scream and argue about the safety of the trapeze artist. MC can ask Diavolo if he wants them to cover his eyes cause he’s scared for her safety despite Belphie telling him there’s a net, ask Belphie if he wants to hold their hand cause he’s just as nervous or excited or comment to no one how they’ve got a demon attached to both their arms.
It’s night out and as a reward for coming to get Diavolo Belphie was allowed to pick all the rides they went on, Diavolo looks like he’s gone through hell, stuttering and asking if that was all. Diavolo asks how MC’s doing they say they threw up in a bin and are feeling better now (or they can say they had fun) Diavolo says he threw up in so many bins he lost count. He asks if they should head home and Belphie says there’s one last thing he wants to ride, Diavolo starts stuttering again. Belphie says it’s the ferris wheel, Diavolo’s shocked and asks if it’s cause Belphie remembered him saying he wanted to ride it, Belphie tries to deny it but Diavolo doesn’t buy it – instead he smiles brightly and gushes about how nice and sweet Belphie is which makes Belphie blush and demand him to stop. Diavolo marvels at the lights from up in the ferris wheel and how they look like stars, Belphie says he’s getting too excited. Diavolo ignores this and points out his hotel and the brothers’ manor. Belphie says he sounds like a child and Diavolo laughs and says that Lucifer says the same. Diavolo, while still smiling, says that in a way he is a child, a child who spends his time alone and never gets to do anything interesting (and holy shit that’s sad – he really did grow up alone in that huge castle…) Belphie doesn’t know what to say to this and Diavolo asks what’s wrong. Belphie says he’s surprised cause he never knew Diavolo saw himself that way. Diavolo laughs and says he never expected Belphie to treat him with kindness and Belphie asks what kind of heartless monster did Diavolo imagine him as (look despite all the shit I give Belphie I do really love him but also I mean…. He does kinda make it known how much he dislikes diavolo…) Diavolo laughs it off, he says today he learnt things about Belphie that even Lucifer hadn’t told him and that there’s probably a lot about Diavolo that Belphie doesn’t know about either. Diavolo says he knows they’ve had there differences, specially cause Diavolo had his position to consider and that he had been very strict with Belphie in the past and that he still doesn’t consider that a mistake (YES!! FINALLY!!) and that despite all that they were still able to get along well today, he thanks MC for their help in bringing them to this point. They say they didn’t even do anything special, Belphie says that he agrees with Diavolo and that they did help. Diavolo says he wants to talk more with Belphie and if Belphie agrees nothing would make him happier. Belphie’s silent for a bit before he slowly agrees. Diavolo thanks him and says there’s one more place he wants to drop by.
They end up at the brothers’ place. Asmo welcomes them back, Diavolo says “I’m home!...just kidding pardon the intrusion” AND you just KNOW this man wishes he wasn’t kidding and that he could really live with all of them. Asmo asks how his day went & Diavolo says he had fun. When beel asks Belphie says he’s really tired. Asmo invites Diavolo to stay for dinner, saying Lucifer & Barbatos are cooking. Diavolo says he’ll go and help them but Belphie makes him sit down and tells him to relax after the day they had. Diavolo beams and thanks Belphie for worrying about him and Belphie blushes and tries to deny it, saying that since him & MC aren’t helping if Diavolo goes to help it’ll just make them look bad. Diavolo says he actually wants to help and that the other two can wait here (hey Lucifer and Barbatos are Diavolo’s closest friends right? And you tend to tell your closest friends everything that happens… MC & Belphie are so fucked). (this next interaction has such strong sibling vibes? Like I’m telling you I’ve had this exact same conversation before) Levi & Mammon seem to find the whole interaction between the two of them interesting and make noises about it, when Belphie asks them what, Levi says it’s nothing and Mammon asks how it went. Belphie says they went to a park and now they’re back. Satan says the others meant how it went with Diavolo. Belphie says like he said before there was nothing to it. Asmo says the interaction between the two of them says different and Satan agrees. Beel congratulates him and Belphie blushes and says he has no idea what they’re talking about. Mammon then asks MC if there were any problems, if they wondered off and got lost. MC either denies it so harshly it’s immediately unbelievable or says no…not really. Levi asks what ‘not really’ means. Belphie asks Mammon why he asked that and if he remembered the time he got lost in a park. Beel also then remembers that. Mammon says he’s not the one that got lost and that it was the twins. The three of them then argue about who really got lost. Asmo tells them to each say their side of the story. Mammon had been playing darts when the twins disappeared and he’d ended up searching all over for them and he’s been really freaked out. The twins say they went to buy soft serve and when they came back Mammon wasn’t there and they ended up going around finding him. MC, Satan and Asmo says it sounds like all 3 of them fucked up. Diavolo then calls them for dinner. (This whole arcs gives me ‘taking your new partner’s kid who hates you on a day out so that you can bond’ vibes with MC there solely to act as the buffer)
During dinner they talk about their day at the park, apparently they rode the freefall of death thrice in a row and Belphie happily tells Diavolo that next time they go they should ride it again. Diavolo very obviously reluctantly agrees to, which Mammon points out. Diavolo said he did enjoy it but next time he wants a break between riding it over and over again. Belphie says it wouldn’t be a marathon if they took breaks. Diavolo says next time they should all go together and maybe even try out a different theme park. Levi suggests a space themed park with another insane ride that tries to kill you, Mammon reads the description of the ride and immediately nopes out. Satan teases Mammon for being scared which he protests to, Beel asks for a place with good food, Levi says he was waiting for Beel to say that and Diavolo happily laughs and after being alone for so long a lively dinner like this full of people he cares about who care about him in turn was probably something he always wanted. After dinner in the warmly lit music room Barbatos brings Lucifer coffee, Diavolo and Satan are playing chess, Levi is rambling to Asmo about the game he and Diavolo were playing and Asmo happily tells him he has no idea what he’s talking about, and Belphie asks to talk with MC. He tells them despite how much he initially complained he had fun and he thanks them, they say they’re happy things turned out well. He says he never thought he would end up feeling like this. Lucifer then calls the both of them to him. He says they did well today and seeing the relaxed way Diavolo’s getting along with the others like there’s no tension between them is a relief. He thanks them. Belphie smiles as he says that Diavolo looks like he’s having fun with the others. “By the way…” Lucifer says with a smile ‘Diavolo told me about what happened today you little fucks’ (told you he’d snitch to Lucifer) Belphie’s shocked and speechless. A purple aura starts rising off Lucifer as he smiles sweetly at them, “Perhaps you’d like to explain to me exactly what happened?” “DD! …Why’d you have to tell him!?” screams Belphie before he accepts his fate and the screen goes black.
MC leaves the house to walk Diavolo and Barbatos to the street to drop them off, for which Diavolo apologises for troubling them. Barbatos says he could have ordered a car to come right up to the door of the house (Barbatos pls read the room!) and Diavolo says he doesn’t mind catching a taxi from the street. Barbatos is silent and contemplative for a moment before he says he forgot to tell Lucifer something and heads back inside (he read the room!). When they get to the street Diavolo worries cause Belphie had seemed really pissed when they left, he says when Belphie told him to keep it a secret he’d genuinely thought Belphie meant the picture they took together. He assumes Belphie told him not to tell about the ransom right after he told him not to tell about the picture but Diavolo had been so thrilled by the picture he hadn’t processed most of what Belphie said. He worries he messed up all the progress he made during the day. MC says though Belphie’s mad now he’ll get over it in time. He’s still worried that next time Belphie won’t be as willing to talk to him like he did today (he was still calling him DD though even when he was pissed so I don’t think it’ll be a problem. I hope they keep up the nickname Lucifer will hate it and that at least should be incentive for Belphie to keep using it). Diavolo says he had a lot of fun today and that he’ll never forget it. He goes on to say that growing up he lived a very sheltered life and that he’s never felt more free than he did today, though the ride was too much for him. He says even thinking about it makes his hands shake and he shows them to MC. MC can either take his hands or do nothing. If they take his hand he blushes and says it’s strange but that made him calm down. He says he wants to spend more time together and asks if they can go for a walk. MC agrees and he’s delighted by it. He says he’ll message Barbatos to let him know but that it’ll probably not be necessary since Barbatos went back to give them space anyway (You know Lucifer saw Barbatos come back alone, figured out what is happening and is now pacing a hole through the floor
They go to a park with a lake from where they can even see a ferris wheel in the distance. Diavolo asks if they think it’s the ferris wheel they rode today or a different one. He then laughs and says the human world’s really beautiful from the trees in daylight to the buildings at night. He asks if he can hold their hand and they can do that or put their arm through his. If they hold hands he says they almost look like a couple. If they do the second one he’s shocked but smiles and says they saw through him and realised what he actually wanted to do even though he wasn’t smooth enough to ask. He says his mother dies during childbirth and his father was always very strict with him, and he doesn’t know if that’s cause he was training him to be the next demon king or because he resented Diavolo’s birth for taking away the love of his life (I also HC Diavolo looking a lot like his mom. ALSO this confirms what I said earlier in one of the other lesson summaries about demons being born through biological reproduction like humans and unlike angels). He says growing up he never got a chance to talk to anyone outside the castle until he met Barbatos who told him stories of the outside world that fascinated him (this really does give the vibe that Diavolo was a child while Barbatos was an adult at the time). He liked Barbatos so much he begged him to stay with him. Barbatos had kept saying no but Diavolo had refused to give up. He’d thrown a tantrum then and said he’d refuse to be the next demon king unless Barbatos stayed with him and Barbatos had given in. Then he gets sad saying that what Belphie said today hit him, and how he always used his royal status to get others to do what he wanted. He asks if it’s possible that he’s forcing Barbatos to stay against his will. (and I get that what diavolo did was shitty but the fear he must have had for the rest of the day since Belphie said that cause he thought Barbatos will leave too and he’ll once again be truly alone in that castle is heartbreaking). MC who spent the last two lessons with Barbatos more or less talking about Diavolo (or Solomon) reassures Diavolo that Barbatos is staying cause he wants to. Diavolo’s happy for a bit before he becomes sad and doubtful again. He then says MC reminds him of Lucifer cause Lucifer is also constantly saying similar things to him (AND THE IMPLICATIONS!!? FIRST IT WAS THE OTHERS COMPARING LUCIFER’S FONDNESS FOR MC TO HIS FONDNESS TO DIAVOLO AND NOW IT’S THIS!!? Can I just say again: remember how the twins wanted to share MC if they ever got together with one of them? I think Lucifer x MC and Diavolo x MC make a lot more sense if it’s all three of them together. And in any case where MC doesn’t choose one of them, they get together like the LIs in The Arcana do). He asks if it’s possible that Lucifer and MC flatter him too much. He then says it can’t be fun listening to his childhood stories but that he wanted them to know about him and that he wants to know more about them too. He asks what kinda food they like. The options are sweet, spicy and sour. He likes sweet too. He asks if they like animals. Options are they love them, don’t or it depends on the animal. Look after all the time in the devildom, after two paws events, after bathing Cerberus and after the brothers all having their own vastly different animal representatives MC can’t not love all animals. Diavolo says imagining them playing with different animals is really sweet. He says he’s known them for quite some time now but there’s still so much he doesn’t know. He blushes and asks if they can do things like this more often, where they just spend time together. He then confesses and asks how they feel about him. If they say sorry he smiles and asks them not to apologize, saying that he didn’t say it to make them feel bad but that he understands. He asks if they’re in love with one of the brothers an they can say yes, no or stay silent. He smiles sadly and says he guessed. He says that even though they don’t have feelings for him it doesn’t change the fact that he still loves them. He says he still wants to get to know them more and asks if they can still meet up. He thanks them for being a part of his life. (While I still don’t think the side characters liking MC makes much sense and I still much prefer them as very close friends I like how all their confessions are very one and done. The brothers romantic plotlines with MC are still going on and there’s never a “I love you, do you love me? No? okay I still love you but I’ll back away too” moment. MC never gets the chance to reject them. But with the side characters MC rejects them, they understand that MC loves someone else, they accept the rejection really well and they go back to being friends and I really like that. It feels like it probably won’t be explored again after you reject them.)
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quillquiver · 4 years
a damn good place to start
DeanCas Coda to 15x15, Dean POV, subtextual references to the Empty deal
“…And I know,” Cas is saying, “that things have been a little strained between the two of you, so…” He trails off, looking down at the truck’s keys as he fiddles with them. “I thought it best I go on my own.” He punctuates the end of his little speech with a shrug, surreptitiously looking up at the entrance like it’ll get him outside any faster.
Dean forces a smile to his face, and a nod, and raises the bottle of whiskey to his mouth.
“Nah,” Dean says, waving him off. “You were just gonna leave, weren’t you? Without telling me? You prob’ly woulda called tomorrow and dropped the bomb and then that’s it, right? I see you when I see you—unless I don’t, ‘cause y’know.” Dean takes another swig. “Death.”
Cas watches him warily.
“I mean, it’s not like you’ve spent every damn moment leaving me lately. First trying to find Amara, now this…”
“That’s not fair.”
“Yeah,” Dean sighs. “Life ain’t fair. Hey, you ever think I might wanna come with you to save the kid?”
“You’re still angry at him—”
“So?” Dean demands. “He’s my kid, too. And you’re—and what, you think it’s just cool that you just take the choice away? That you make the decision? That you throw yourself on the sword every damn time an opportunity rolls around? You need to be here—”
“You’re the one who celebrated our child’s birthday without me, practically pushed me out the door to find Amara, and insisted Jack and I work a completely separate case!”
“Because you do stupid things, Cas! You’re safer here.”
“Well, I wasn’t here when you had that woman over, was I?” Cas rounds. “Mrs. Butters? It seemed you were all doing exceedingly well without me—”
“What the hell are you talking about—”
“Christmas!” Cas explodes. “New years and Thanksgiving a-and whatever other holidays humans have come up with these days to honour family and togetherness! Your complaints are noted, Dean, but as much as you needed me in Purgatory, my presence was clearly not required to celebrate family—”
“That’s fucking bullshit—”
“—At the end of the day, Jack is my son and my responsibility, and I will not stand by—”
Cas freezes.
“…Fucking go, then,” Dean says, swallowing thickly. “You don’t think you’re a part of this family? Fine. I dunno how else to prove it to you. But just know that you left this time. Okay? You left. Not me. And I didn’t push you away.” He scoffs, shaking his head. “Oh, and just for the record: Mrs. Butters was forced labour for the Old Men—she showed up out of the blue, and she had real fucked up ideas about family. She didn’t trust us. She didn’t give us space. She wasn’t—anything.”
Cas’s eyes fill with tears and Dean forces himself to watch. To look. Because the last time they talked like this, Castiel walked out the door and didn’t come back, and Dean doesn’t want to miss a second of him, this time. He wants to remember the furrow of his brow and the way he clutches at his keys and how he shuffles in place.
And Dean realizes, suddenly and emphatically, that he can either watch him walk away again, or…
He takes a deep breath. Steels himself. Tries to remember that this is what you do for people you care about: you help. “Do you have a lead?”
“No, but—”
“Then just…” It’s fucked up, how scary reaching out his hand is; he’s killed more nightmarish shit than any normal person could shake a stick at, but holding out his hand for Cas to take feels like willingly throwing himself from an airplane without knowing his damn parachute works. “Stay tonight,” he says, praying his voice doesn’t shake. “We’ll see if we can get you a lead, and you’re out of here at first light, alright?”
Cas stares.
“I get wanting to save the kid. I do. But you’re no good to anyone dead, and you got nothing to go on. Just—let me help you.”
More staring.
“Cas,” Dean says, verging on begging with the way he wriggles his fingers. Come on come on come on.
“…Okay,” Cas says. He sounds more quietly suspicious than anything else, but all Dean hears is yes, as nimble fingers skate over his palm and grasp his forearm. A warrior’s pact. “First light.”
“First light,” Dean agrees. He carefully steps back towards the library, half-scared that if he turns around Cas’ll just make for the exit. Cas’s hand slips downdown until they’re holding hands.
Dean’s heart leaps and butterflies zing in his belly, and he tries to remember to be grateful of what he has, instead of upset by everything he doesn’t.
They cut it close, but Cas has a whisper of a ghost of something potentially useful to go on by the time Dean is walking him to the shitty old truck. He wants to sleep for a year, but even that isn’t as important as this; as Cas throwing arms around Dean’s shoulders and squeezing, murmuring his thanks, itching to get on the road. Dean holds him for just a moment longer. “Hey,” he says, his voice soft with a lack of inhibitions only bone-deep exhaustion can bring. “You’re not replaceable, okay? You gotta come back.”
Cas’s breath hitches. He nods. And Dean’s too tired to stop himself from petting a hand through his soft, dark hair, and too weak to keep himself from smiling after. “Knock ‘em dead, huh?”
When Cas pulls away, his blue eyes are bright with tears. His mouth twists into something agonized, moving like he’s trying to speak but mangling all the words before they get out. “I—Dean, I—”
And, somehow, this part isn’t scary at all.
It’s nothing for Dean to lean in and kiss him, the thing soft and almost absurd in its simplicity. In its sweetness. It’s probably the gentlest kiss Dean has ever given another person, ‘cause—well, Cas shoulders the weight of the world, and this isn’t something else for him to carry. This is something for them to share, even as he clutches at Dean’s robe, even as he cries harder. Even as he pushes forward, Dean keeps him gentle. Soothes him with a hand in his hair and another thumbing at his jaw until they’re kissing in earnest once, twice, three times; again and again and again until Dean loses count.
When Cas pulls away, he wells up again, and Dean shakes his head. He thinks he should be more worried about this—Cas crying is something he’s only ever seen twice before, and it’s never been like this. But the alarm bells are overshadowed by everything else: God, Amara, Jack… if Cas wants to cry, he’s damn well earned it.
He puts his own hand to the one Dean has pressed against his stubbled cheek, squeezing his eyes shut. “Dean, I—”
Dean hushes him. Presses fingertips to Cas’s lips. “Later, okay? When you get back.”
Cas’s face twists into something painful even as he nods, tears spilling once again onto his cheeks as Dean wipes the wet tracks away. He looks beyond agony, like something’s tearing him up from the inside out, and it’s all Dean can do to assuage his fears by kissing him again, saying, “Hey, I know, okay?” And then, “…Me too.”
Cas’s fingers dig into Dean’s biceps. “I wish we had more time.”
“We do.” Cas is clutching at his hands, now, touching him, always touching, as Dean throws caution to the damn wind and presses a kiss to their tangled fingers. “You’re coming back,” he murmurs. “We’re gonna go on dumb dates and you’re gonna have to sit through my Star Wars marathons and I’m gonna make you watch tentacle porn with me. You’re gonna hate it.”
Cas barks out a laugh, sniffling.
“Seriously,” Dean grins. “You’re gonna regret ever letting me kiss you.”
When Cas leans in for the first time, he’s a little clumsy; catching the corner of Dean’s mouth in a kiss so earnest and sweet Dean doesn’t know what to do with himself. When he pulls away, he looks at Dean with intent. “Nothing could ever make me regret that,” he says lowly, seriously. “Nothing.”
It takes another while for Cas to get actually get into the truck—a lot of kissing and promising dumb shit like they’re the leads in a harlequin romance, only separated by the cruel whims of the Universe until they’re reunited for their happily ever after. It’s stupid, but as Dean watches Cas’s rickety old truck drive away, he thinks… maybe it isn’t. Maybe he’s fucking owed that; a life with Cas and Jack and Sam, all of them under the same roof—no one suffering or lying or worried for their lives.
His phone buzzes in his pocket and Dean grins when he sees a heart emoji. Pressing the ‘call’ icon, he holds the thing up to his ear wearing the dumbest grin to ever grace his own stupid face.
Cas picks up on the first ring. “I thought you were supposed to be asleep.”
“I thought you weren’t supposed to text and drive.”
“I pulled over.”
Dean beams at his slippers, phone clutched to his ear, blush heating his cheeks. Fine. Okay; maybe they don’t get all the bells and whistles of a harlequin happy ending. But this, right here?
It’s a damn good place to start.
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starlocked01 · 3 years
If This is Madness
AO3 Link
Dukexiety Week Day 1- Myths/Supernatural
WC: 7.6k
Summary: One night a lighthouse keeper finds the impossible on the shores of his little island. Fighting both loneliness and temptation, he forges a bond of trust with a selkie as mysterious and unpredictable as the depths of the sea.
Content Warnings: Swearing, Nudity, Kidnapping, Description of Physical Injury, Violence
Unseen flecks of dampness peppered his face with each crash of waves against the rocks, and salt pleasantly stung his eyes and nose as Virgil cautiously picked his way through the slick, sharp stones, headed towards the small lagoon with his canvas, easel, and paints. Moonlight reflected off the low tide waves and he strained to see each next step. Virgil almost missed the obvious until he practically stumbled upon it. He hissed in a startled breath and hid behind the nearest crag. He rubbed his eyes hard and blinked several times, trying to rule out hallucinations or a trick of the moonlight.
A naked man sat with legs spread wide, staring out at the sea, taking large breaths every time the waves broke on its rock. Virgil blushed at the indecency and watched from his hiding place. After a few minutes, he realized the man was wearing a leathery grey spotted animal skin like a cape.
Holy shit...
Virgil had become accustomed to fishing and gotten over his aversion to dead sea life for the most part, but seeing this naked man wearing the skin of what looked like a seal twisted his stomach in an unpleasant knot. Virgil turned away from the sight and spilled his supper between the rocks. He wondered if there was a safe way to run back to the lighthouse and call the coast guard to pick up this tweaker, but when he glanced back the man was staring in his direction, alert and wary.
Shit, look away! Look away! Don't bother with me, freak!
Virgil covered his mouth and pressed further into the shadows, hoping the man would lose sight of him when the man threw back its head and let out an inhuman barking laugh that sent chills down his arms. Virgil watched as it stood suddenly and dashed away across the rocks, careless and surprisingly agile. Virgil breathed a sigh of relief and tried to turn back towards home, but found his feet uncooperative, chasing after the man.
What the fuck? Go back and call this in.
He told himself he was just trying to follow the man back to its ship so he could report how it'd gotten to the island. He stopped dead in his tracks when he reached the lagoon and found instead of a crazed man looking for an escape or undocking a boat, a giant, fat, grey seal flapping at the edge of the waves on the secluded sandy beach.
No fucking way…
Virgil didn't believe in legends. He didn't believe in stories of merfolk and sirens and malicious creatures larger than life with tentacles stretching out of the depths (although he was agnostic about ghosts). He certainly didn't believe in selkies. Except this seal had the same skin as the crazy naked man had been wearing as a cape.
Internally screaming at himself to run the other way, Virgil stepped closer to the seal and yelled the only intelligent thing that came to mind.
"Hey, you!"
Hey you? Brilliant, V.
The seal stopped flapping and rolled over to stare at him with those same piercing alert eyes. Virgil shivered as the animal seemed to recognize it had been figuratively caught. It barked the same strange laugh and Virgil was certain it was the same creature.
Virgil watched in fascinated horror as the man began to wriggle right out of its skin, transforming before his eyes. The man stood, picked up the skin, and slung it over its shoulder before grinning at Virgil and shouting back.
"You can talk?"
"You yell at seals you don't think are capable of talking back? Freak," the man giggled maniacally and Virgil scoffed.
"What? No.. I- look- ugh who are you?" Virgil felt heat rising in his cheeks in embarrassment.
The selkie grinned and stepped closer, offering Virgil its hand, "Remus."
"Yeah, that's my name," Remus bobbed its head pointedly at Virgil, "and you are?"
Virgil looked Remus over and noted its appearance, from the bruise-like rings around its prying dark slate-colored eyes to the wildly unkempt, grey-streaked hair and mustache. He tried to avoid looking farther down than the creature’s chest, fascinated by the strange ways its muscles moved beneath the skin, built for swimming as a seal. Taking the offered hand, he replied, "gay. I MEAN- Virgil. I'm Virgil."
Remus snickered, "hi, gay Virgil. What are you doing on my island?"
"I live here- what are you?" Virgil pointed back toward the lighthouse and shook his head, shivering in the stillness as the creature examined him with an invasive stare. Remus didn't answer him right away, instead stepping closer and poking him in the stomach. "Hey!" Virgil jumped back in alarm.
"I believe the surface drifters call us 'selkies'," Remus answered with an amused twitch of a smile, "the hookers and netters call us nuisances, but I think they should call me a catch."
Remus stepped closer once again, reaching for the string of Virgil’s jacket. The overwhelmed lighthouse keeper jerked and smacked at the encroaching hand, "would you quit that? Who knew selkies were so nosey?"
Remus shrugged and tried again, hand darting forward and rolling the string between its fingers before yanking hard and cinching the hood over Virgil’s eyes. Virgil stumbled forward and scrambled to yank his hood back. When he had, he caught a glimpse of Remus, half re-skinned, jumping into the waves and swimming away like a merman. Virgil groaned and ran calf-deep into the waters of the lagoon and shouted, "Oh Yeah? Well… Warn a dude next time before just showing up naked and uninvited! Ya damn seal!"
Virgil stood there as the waves lapped up over his boots and dampened his socks, and tried to sort out whether he wanted the selkie to stay away or come right back. He knew the fables- of insecure men stealing a selkie's ability to swim away and calling it love. How their trapped wives always found a way to escape in the end, whether happily or in tragedy. Thinking of Remus, he could almost understand the temptation. The selkie was exotic and grossly captivating even after their short lived discussion.
Virgil kicked at the water and trudged back on shore. If Remus never came back, it would be for both of their benefit. He sighed and turned to set up his painting supplies, hoping he hadn’t broken anything while running after Remus. He continued his painting of the lagoon, mindlessly adding colors to the water and the beach. After a while he took a step back to compare and was startled to find he’d started to sketch out a seal sitting in the shallows. He peered off into the waves, wondering if Remus had turned back and was watching him, but if it had, Virgil could only see it in his mind’s eye.
Less than a fortnight had passed when Virgil awoke to a surreal howling on the beach. The man stumbled out of his cot and over to the window, terrified of what could be making that noise. In the distance, difficult to make out in the waning sunlight, Virgil spied a gray blob on the sandy side of the island, waving a flipper in the air and bellowing. He blinked a few times, eyes adjusting to the light.
"Remus?" Virgil sighed and grabbed pants and shoes, silently pleading with the selkie to shut up for a minute. Shrugging on a light jacket, Virgil left quickly to scan the beach for the creature.
Virgil didn't have to look for long before confronted once again with the naked human-form of the selkie.
"Hiya Virgie! Did you hear my warning?"
"I appreciate the heads up.. Where’s your skin, dude?" Virgil tried to glance anywhere except where his eyes were drawn as the selkie stared openly.
Remus shrugged, "over on the rocks. It's fine."
"Fine. Right. Um," Virgil stumbled over his words for a moment before clearing his throat, "why don't you… go grab it and join me inside? We can talk for a while- if you want to that is. I was just going to make breakfast."
"Breakfast? It's practically nightfall," Remus tilted its head inquisitively.
Virgil shrugged, "I'm usually up all night since that's when the light is absolutely needed on." He pointed up to the lighthouse behind him and Remus followed his direction.
After a brief moment of consideration, Remus replied, "sure. I'd love a closer look at the spinny fire tower. Be right back!" With that it dashed away and left Virgil alone for a moment.
Virgil stared after Remus, utterly confused. It was obvious Remus was just curious about him and the lighthouse. There was no reason for him to think otherwise. So then, why did he want to read into the selkie's manor and excitement as affection? That didn't make any sense and the thought almost scared him.  He had taken the lighthouse keeper gig precisely because he was satisfied with the relative solitude and protection from the complexities of human interactions. Was it something about the selkie making him feel this way?
“Hey, Virgil, is there a reason humans change color so much?” Virgil was snapped from his thoughts by the selkie’s question. He shook his head and watched the creature returning, wearing its skin as a cape again.
“What do you mean ‘change colors’?” Virgil replied, turning back to the lighthouse.
“Well, I’ve watched drifters who’s hair changed from muddy or sandy or night-sky-y to cloudy. And their skin sometimes goes from pale like yours to fiery or driftwood-y.”
Virgil stopped in his tracks, utterly confused, “what color would you call my hair?”
“I call it brown. If it were darker?”
“Night sky-”
“Black. Okay. Okay, I see what you’re doing here. I guess.. Over time humans get old and their hair tends to go grey or white- cloudy like you call it. Out in the sun all day, their skin will burn or tan, unless they’re already dark skinned and it’s not as noticeable,” Virgil tried to explain as he led Remus back to his place.
“You go fiery really quickly when you see me,” Remus remarked, causing Virgil to blush and prove its point.
“Well, you look like a naked man. It’s indecent,” Virgil tried to brush him off.
“Do you like naked men?” Remus prodded, following Virgil into the lighthouse and immediately becoming engrossed with all of Virgil’s collections. Shells and dried out driftwood lined the walls and paintings sat on the floor against the stairs, the unfinished lagoon landscape hung on an easel in the corner. Virgil chuckled as Remus wandered the combined kitchen and dining room, electing to ignore the question.
This selkie, Remus, was so unassuming. So unafraid. Did selkies not have myths of dangerous, skin-stealing humans? He shook the idea out of his head and smiled at Remus’ energy, “hey, are you hungry, Remus?”
Remus looked up from a painting it’d been tracing with its fingers, “uh, yeah. What do you have?”
Virgil shuffled over to the fridge and opened it to show the selkie the options, “a bunch of stuff…. Would you like… tuna salad?”
“You make a salad out of tuna? That sounds amazing!” Remus beamed, looking for the fish eagerly.
“Uh, for one thing it’s cooked so it probably tastes different than you’re used to,” Virgil cautioned as he reached in and grabbed a tupperware bowl of leftovers, “also there are extra… human ingredients…”
Remus just nodded and grabbed the bowl as soon as Virgil opened it, sniffing once, recoiling from the smell, then dipping its fingers in and scooping a large bite into its mouth. Virgil watched amused as the selkie’s face screwed up in a mixture of unfamiliarity and disgust and gasped as it kept frantically eating while still making faces at the taste.
“Woah woah woah!”
“It’s disgusting. I love it!” Remus intoned between bites, shoving more in its mouth as Virgil tried to wrench the bowl from its grasp.
“You don’t have to eat it if you think it’s disgusting!”
“But I want to!”
“What is your problem?”
“I dunno, I’m a seal. Is that a problem?”
Virgil paused and stopped trying to grab the bowl, watching as Remus quickly finished the food, “no, it’s not a problem. I guess I just don’t know you.”
“Yeah. Yet. You’re gonna make me more of this sour fish slop.”
“I am?”
“You are. And you’re gonna tell me about the weird skins over there. Why are they so colorful? Did you color them?”
“Oh, the paintings? Yeah I like to spend free time painting. I have a lot of free time,” Virgil admitted, mind whirling at the thought of Remus coming back often, “I was trying to do some painting the last time you washed up here.”
“Washed up? This is my island,” Remus hissed, spitting tuna salad at Virgil’s face.
“Yours? Then why haven’t I seen you here before, Mister Selkie?” Virgil sassed back, wiping chunks of tuna off with his sleeve.
“Eh, I usually only really come back once a year. Got a lot of islands around here to search,” Remus smirked, setting the bowl down and leaning back against the counter.
“That doesn’t make it yours. I live here all the time,” Virgil scoffed.
“So if I come back tomorrow?”
“I’ll be here.”
“Do you want to come back?” Virgil asked cautiously, “I don’t mind you showing up…”
“Sounds great, thanks for the fish!” Remus laughed and dashed out the door, leaving Virgil stuttering. He rushed after the selkie and watched as Remus wrapped back into its skin and dove back into the surf. Virgil sighed, staring out over the water where the seal had disappeared, watching the sunset dancing like flames in the waves. It was strange, but he found himself looking forward to more visits.
Virgil could never predict when Remus would show up. Sometimes it was early in the morning just when he was preparing to sleep and other times it was the middle of the night as he was tending to the light or painting in the lagoon.
Each time, Remus would announce itself and Virgil got in the habit of bringing it out clothing to wear. They spent the hours talking about the island with the lighthouse, Remus’ world and Virgil’s work. Virgil showed it how he painted landscapes around the island and Remus helped him find more secluded parts of the island. Virgil truly began to look forward to their time together as the visits became more frequent.
It was difficult, but he always resisted touching or even talking about Remus’ skin unless prompted. Remus had on request gleefully told him the horrific stories that its kind told their young about the drifters and hookers and land dwelling monsters that stole pups and young cows to keep them as captive slaves. Virgil was absolutely horrified but understood completely, resolving even harder to never touch the selkie’s skin. It was quite a surprise to him when he realized that Remus would just leave the skin by his coat near the door and never worried about it until it was ready to leave. Remus had never seemed incredibly protective of it, but Virgil marveled at the trust he’d gained in the few months they’d known each other.
The fourth day that week that Remus had shown up, Virgil decided to finally ask. He bit his lip and listened to Remus babble on about dead fish until the tension was too much and he blurted out, “why do you visit me so much?”
Remus paused mid ramble and tilted its head to stare at Virgil, “because I like you. You don’t drive me away for talking about seaweed slime and you show me cool human things.”
“Really, you like hanging out with the loner?” Virgil asked, eyebrows knitting together in confusion.
“Mhmm and the others think I’m nuts for walking into a human lair. It’s great!” Remus giggled and slurped up a fish stick.
“Oh. You talk to me for clout. Cool, cool,” Virgil shrugged, trying to hide his disappointment, “kinda weird to hang out with a monster.”
“Wait, you’re a monster? Have I ever told you I’m a monster fucker?” Remus grinned, poking and teasing Virgil, “I mean, yeah, humans are supposed to be so scary, but you’ve really just followed the tide. Why would I be scared? Do you wanna hurt me?”
“I don’t- gah I don’t want to hurt you, Remus. Humans have selkie stories just like selkies have human stories, but ours are always about not fooling yourself into holding a wild animal captive. You’re not human, as much as you look like one of us without that skin. I’d never force you to be human.”
Remus listened intently, “wanna know why I actually stopped by here?”
“Why?” Virgil tilted his head, sipping his glass of water.
Remus looked out the window, “I’m looking for someone. I keep hoping I’ll find him on a beach somewhere.”
Virgil tried to ignore how much more his heart sank at the revelation, “who are you looking for?”
Remus chuckled sadly, “my brother. He left one day and never came back. I assumed a human had captured him and devoured or skinned him for fun or something. Then about nine seasons ago, I found his skin trapped on the rocks of this island. I searched this whole island for three days straight and never found anyone.”
“Oh my word, that’s horrible. Is he dead?”
“I dunno. I hope he’s somewhere out there. But if he’s alive and doesn’t have his skin? That’s bad. You know what your kind usually does to us. I always said I was the only one allowed to scare him. I don’t want him to be scared and alone out there.”
“I’m sorry,” Virgil replied quietly, remembering with shame how much he’d wanted to do the same things to Remus when it had first shown up.
“I wish you’d been the one to find him, Virgie,” Virgil looked up suddenly.
“I would have never touched his skin. I’m so sorry about your brother, Rem. I don’t know how you can trust a human after that.”
"You're easy to trust. Like you said, you'd never lay a hand on me."
“Wanna touch it?” Remus asked suddenly.
Virgil flushed immediately, “what??”
“My skin. Wanna touch my seal skin?” Remus grinned, grabbing Virgil by the arm and leading him back toward the door.
“Come on, I know I can trust you,” Remus nodded and pushed Virgil toward the drooping grey mass.
Virgil struggled, not wanting to cross this line until his fingers brushed the skin. It felt supple and gave way beneath his touch and Virgil found himself burying his hand in folds, spellbound by the texture. Remus watched him in amusement, placing a hand to his back.
“See, I know you won’t hurt me. You would never hurt me or any of my kind. I like you, Virgie. You get it,” Virgil just nodded in agreement, slowly pulling back from the skin and turning to face Remus.
“You- you like me? Like, just as your friend?” Virgil croaked out, his voice failing him.
Remus giggled at that, “well, gay Virgil. I did kinda think you were cute for a monster. That okay or is that weird?” Virgil chuckled and nodded, hyper aware of just how close together they were.
“That’s okay. I like you, Remus.”
Remus spent the whole day for the first time, snuggling close to Virgil as he slept. It was a strange and unspoken change. They were both a bit different now but the change felt secure. Remus felt more like a companion than a myth. Virgil would never force humanity on it, but revelled in its trust and comfort with him.
Virgil thought often about Remus when it wasn’t there and started including it in his paintings on purpose. The selkie took every opportunity to stop by that it could. When it did, Virgil would sometimes study Remus’ skin while the creature watched.
Virgil thought often about Remus, but the one time he wasn’t was the one time he really ought to have been.
The supply ship made its normal monthly delivery and Virgil was kept busy talking with the captain and the small two person crew as they all unloaded his rations and supplies. He thought nothing of Remus’ trumpeting call as he restocked the pantry until he remembered that the ship hadn’t left the dock yet. In a panic, Virgil ran outside, scanning the beach for his companion or the crew of the ship. His heart dropped when Remus called out again, this time a rather human sounding scream for help.
Pulse racing, Virgil ran for the dock, screaming for Remus. When he rounded the path and spotted the ship, he stopped in his tracks. The two deck hands had Remus wrapped in small nets, halfway out of its skin and gnashing ferociously at the leering men.
“We got a mermaid! A real mermaid!”
“Do I look like a fucking girl? Let me out of here and I’ll show you a real mermaid, you kelpie!” Remus barked and struggled violently.
Virgil shook out of his shock and charged down the beach, “let it go! That thing isn’t worth anything to you!” Virgil winced as Remus looked hurt by his words but he persisted yelling, soon catching the captain’s attention to the scuffle.
The captain watched as his crew fought the small lighthouse keeper and shook his head as the single man started to get the best of them. He sauntered down the dock and blew his whistle, shrill and sharp until the fight came to an abrupt halt.
“You idiots. Some jackass wraps himself in a dead skin and you think you found a mermaid? How did I get stuck with superstitious fools? Let the man go before I let Mr. Feny whip both of you for me,” the two quickly dropped their nets but Virgil glared at the captain with suspicion before running to help Remus get untangled. The captain watched with a gleam in his eye as Virgil tended to Remus, but turned to mutter to his crew, “get ready to sail. We’ve got a plan to make. That thing is better than a mermaid.”
Virgil and Remus watched from the beach as the ship set out into the tide, Virgil laying protectively over the selkie until the ship was out of sight.
“What were you thinking?” Virgil turned, meeting Remus’ frightened gaze.
“I needed to see you. I- you didn’t tell me you had other bitches showing up here!” Remus quickly became defiant, scrambling away from Vigil on the sand.
Virgil sighed, “today was a delivery day. They bring my food, paints, kerosene, and other supplies for the month. You’ve never come on delivery days- I assumed you saw the boat and knew better than to show up. Are you okay? Did the ropes hurt you?”
Remus grumbled but slowly showed Virgil the angry red lines on its arms and sides. Virgil hissed and helped Remus to its feet, leading the wounded creature back to the lighthouse.
Early in the morning just before the sun had risen, Virgil lay next to Remus, exhausted from the break in his routine and the excitement during the delivery. The selkie lay curled in Virgil’s arms as had become their habit on days when it stayed as Virgil slept. He gently brushed over the rope burns on its skin and wondered if he’d be able to better convince Remus to leave to go heal away from any human when they each awoke later in the day. Remus shifted with a hurt grunt next to him and Virgil quickly moved to run fingers through its hair to soothe it back to sleep.
He was on the edge of drifting off himself when the door to the lighthouse slammed shut. Instantly, Virgil sat propped up on one arm, hyper aware of every creak and crack around him. Remus shifted again, mumbling for Virgil to shut up and go to sleep.
“Shhh sleep. I’ll be right back,” Virgil promised, leaning down to nuzzle Remus’ hair momentarily. Remus grumbled and rolled over, hogging the blankets from the man as he sat on the edge of the bed and reached for his trusted baseball bat. A loud creak on the stairs startled him and confirmed that they weren’t alone in the lighthouse. Virgil fought back a million unlikely guesses of shadow demons, octopi ninjas, and vengeful seals as he stood and silently cracked open the bedroom door.
Lamp light flickered somewhere down the curved stairwell and Virgil cursed to himself. But who would break into a lighthouse on an otherwise deserted island? Had some ship run aground and the crew were just looking for him to call for assistance? Virgil let himself hold on to that explanation despite the panic screaming in his brain that it was too quiet for survivors of a crash to be looking for him. He crept down the stairs, bat ready in hand to fend off anything less than friendly.
Virgil stared- more than a little confused- when he found the crewmates of the supply ship creeping up his stairs. The meaner looking one gasped when he stepped into their light and the other grinned, taking advantage of his confusion and recognition to grab Virgil and clamp a grimy hand over his mouth.
Rage seethed under Virgil’s skin as he kicked and tried to smack the men with his bat. The man holding the torch chuckled and caught the bat midswing, wrenching it from Virgil’s grip and smacking him hard in the leg. He grinned as though Virgil’s moans of pain caused him great pleasure.
“That’s what you get for stealing our catch, you fuck,” he whispered and spat in Virgil’s face as he expertly tied the lightkeeper’s hands. Virgil hissed and tried to kick and struggle as the two men carried him down to the dining room where the captain stood guarding the door.
“I swear he tried ta bite me,” the man gagging Virgil complained. As soon as he removed his hand, Virgil snarled and yelled for help, earning himself a sharp kick in the side. He layed curled on the floor, panting for the breath stolen by the sailor’s boot as the men tied his legs and the captain chuckled darkly.
“So, Mr. Feny, I suppose your selkie friend is upstairs,” the captain’s teeth gleamed in the steadily growing light of dawn and he fingered Remus’ skin like he were appraising its value, “shame he didn’t swim off right away. You made this far too easy.”
Panic clutched hard at Virgil’s chest as he heard Remus stumbling down the stairs, sleepy heavy in its voice as it called for him, asking what was going on. He tried to warn it to run, but one of the sailors kicked him again and the captain stepped forward, boot placed threateningly over Virgil’s windpipe.
Virgil watched helplessly as Remus tripped and barked out curses in its native language, careening down the last curve of the stairs and right into the waiting nets of the sailors. Remus screeched and bit and fought as the two men wrestled him down to the floor of the dining room, crashing into Virgil’s paintings in the process. The captain kept Virgil at bay, smirking as their quarry fought hard but soon succumbed to the ropes and bruises. Virgil gasped as Remus met his eyes with a helpless and betrayed expression.
Virgil croaked out a pathetic, “I’m sorry- they won’t-” before the captain pressed down his foot, choking off his air. Remus was picked up by the two crewmates and carried out the door despite its struggles and howls for salvation.
“Funny how exotic pets tend to run off when we think they're happy, eh?” the captain of the supply ship laughed and nudged Virgil in his bruised side before exiting the lighthouse without another word.
Virgil sobbed as Remus’ terrified cries echoed back to him and grew slowly further away. He struggled against the ropes, biting at the hastily tied knots until his hands fell free and immediately moved to shove the binds off his legs. He cursed the man he had thought was at least friendly, unable to see anything but Remus’ terrified look of betrayal as he slowly pulled himself up and over to the stairs. He cursed himself for setting the radio up near the light, wincing as he pulled himself up the first stair. If he could just contact another ship…
Fighting pain and the ever growing tide of panic pulling back to form a giant wave of despair and doubt, Virgil pulled himself up the stairs as fast as his broken ribs and swimming head would allow. Once he reached the light, he winced at the brightness as it swung over his face, ducking down to crawl over to his radio set up. Virgil groaned as he pulled himself up into his chair and flicked on the equipment, praying anyone would be within range and willing to break course to help him.
Virgil thought for a moment before beginning to tap out his message on the telegraph, trusting years of translating Morse to guide his fingers. He kept the message short, starting with an S.O.S. and his location, adding that someone had been kidnapped. He repeated three times before pausing to listen for a response.
Virgil waited with baited breath and nearly sobbed again when the reply came.
In vicinity. ETA 5 minutes.
Virgil was so relieved, he nearly forgot that he would have to explain who and why Remus had been taken. His heart hammered in his chest as he spotted the responding ship and rushed down to the beach to meet them, wincing with every step.
The ship that pulled into the dock was somewhat bigger than the supply ship, manned by the captain and a three person crew. Virgil stood at the end of the dock, shivering in the weak sunrise as the captain, an honest-looking man in a red coat, jumped off and rushed over to him.
“Oh my god, you look terrible! What happened, sir?” the captain grabbed Virgil by the shoulders just in time as everything that had happened that day suddenly washed over him and his knees gave out. The captain supported Virgil and ordered his crew to help the man aboard so they could care for him.
Virgil stuttered as they brought him aboard, not sure how to explain the selkie’s existence or his need to rescue the being he’d come to see as a companion. A crewmate the captain referred to as Mr. Hart took care in tending to Virgil’s wounds and murmuring words of comfort. The navigator quickly assessed possible routes the fleeing ship could have taken, pondering over which would be the most logical for avoiding getting caught with a missing person. Another crewmate busied himself around the ship, preparing to set sail again as soon as the captain gave them a bearing.
“Listen to me, sir. We’ll get them back, but we need to know who took them and where they went. I promise. Captain Roman Shoal does not break his word,” Virgil looked up to meet Roman’s dark grey eyes and found great comfort in their fierceness, “Patton, go help Janus. I think our lighthouse keeper is in shock.” Patton nodded and jumped up to help pull the ship out of the dock.
“You’re not going to believe me,” Virgil muttered. Roman laughed gently at his first spoken words since being brought aboard.
“Try me. I’ve seen a lot more unexplainable things than you’d expect,” the captain grinned and offered Virgil his hand. Virgil took it and decided to just blurt out the truth like ripping off a bandaid.
“My supply delivery ship crew jumped me and tied me up so they could kidnap my… companion. I don’t know what they wanted with Remus-”
“Remus?” the captain looked as though the name were a spirit come to haunt him.
“Yes, Remus. I know this sounds crazy, but the people who took Remus knew that- that-” Virgil tried so hard to say it out loud, to acknowledge the impossible, knowing the moment he said that Remus is a selkie he’d be thrown back on the island as another mad lighthouse keeper.
“It’s a selkie. Right? They stole a selkie- shit! Logan! We need to make the best time we can heading northeast from this position!” Roman stood, barking orders at the navigator while Virgil stared agape at the man.
“How did you-”
“I’ve known Remus before. It is an idiot to get itself into this predicament,” Roman barely spared Virgil a glance, but the piercing gaze made something click in his head.
“Oh… are you-?”
“Luckily, if these kidnappers are stupid- and they sound quite stupid- I know exactly where they’ll be headed. We should be able to catch up before they get to the market. How much of a head start do they have on us?” Roman asked insistently.
Virgil sighed, “I think at most an hour? I had to get free and get to the radio,” he gulped, “sir…”
“Please just call me Roman.”
“Roman, um… how exactly do you know Remus?” Virgil hazarded the question as the ship began to speed off after the kidnappers.
“My sibling has always been far too trusting of humans. You called it your companion? So was it with you willingly or am I going to release Remus to the waves and let the pieces of your body follow?” Roman answered with a hard edge to his voice.
Virgil shook his head, “I never touched its skin until it offered and actually forced me to touch it. I never wanted to hurt Remus… I tried to convince it to flee the island after the men attacked the first time earlier yesterday, but it was hurt and didn’t want to leave.”
Roman nodded, satisfied for the moment, “fine. You rest here while I find Remus. If it wants to return with you, that’s no skin off my back.”
Virgil watched, quiet as the crew maintained their pursuit. He wondered at the selkie captain and idly if the others were also mystical sea creatures pretending to be human. Roman spent several minutes explaining their exact heading to Logan and encouraging Patton and Janus in their sailing of the ship before he made his way back to the injured lighthouse keeper.
“So what’s your name and how do you know Remus?” Roman asked in a low voice.
Virgil nodded to acknowledge the fairness of the questions, “Virgil Feny. As you guessed, I tend the lighthouse. I met Remus when it showed up on my beach one night and claimed it owned the island I live on.”
Roman snorted, “yeah, that sounds about right. Remus trusted you?”
“After a while. Like I said, I never tried to touch its skin when it came to visit. I also never asked it to come back at any specific time. I didn’t want a pet and certainly didn’t expect a partner,” Virgil whispered the explanation. Roman nodded in approval.
“How did you lose your skin?”
“That is a long story.”
Virgil started to reply when Patton whistled for Roman’s attention. Both the selkie and the lightkeeper looked up to where the man was acting as lookout.
“Spotted the ship, sir. How should we approach it?” Patton called back in a low tone despite their distance from the other ship. Roman stood and began to pace, contemplating that issue.
“They’ll be too wary to stop when hailed. They might have even been in range when Virgil signaled for help and could be expecting us,” Roman mused aloud.
“We could throw up the Coast Guard colors. Make them think twice about running?” Janus offered.
Logan scoffed from his place at the wheel, “why would kidnappers obey martial law and stop for the authorities? Especially if they heard the distress call.”
“Well if I were on their ship I’d hide the- man and stop for the Coast Guard to throw off suspicion,” Janus rolled his eyes, “running from the authorities when caught red handed is beyond unintelligent.”
“Gentlemen,” Roman tried to interject.
“There has to be a way to save him! I mean look what they did to poor Virgil, the guy they took has got to be in so much pain,” Patton whimpered, empathetically imagining all kinds of tortures. Virgil and Roman both paled at the suggestion but Roman shook his head.
“No. They think they have a.. Selkie. They’re going to try and sell the man at market. We have to stop them before they sell a man to the highest bidder.” Roman spoke measuredly and watched his crew’s reactions. Patton looked confused while Logan seemed incredulous at the very notion.
Virgil noted Janus’ carefully trained neutral expression with suspicion. He wondered again just how Roman had lost his skin. Just then the ship lurched and he was thrown to the deck, groaning at his jarred ribs and swiftly darkening bruises.
Patton quickly jumped to tend to Virgil again, righting him against a barrel and tearing his own shirt to bandage Virgil’s torso.
“Don’t mind the captain. He’s always been a bit eccentric about stories,” Patton whispered to soothe Virgil. Virgil just nodded, knowing the truth. The others continued to bicker over options as they came closer to their quarry.
“You know what I say? Let’s give them a fight. They’ve obviously got their hands full with their prisoner since we were able to catch up so quickly. Let’s make them regret their rash little stunt,” Janus grinned wickedly, hand resting on the saber tied to his waist, “we can steal back what they’ve stolen.”
Roman stared with contempt at the ship they were quickly gaining on, “it’s what they deserve. Let’s go. Raise the colors.”
The other three men jumped into action, Patton moving to run a flag up the mainsail while Logan steered in such a way that they were suddenly gaining very quickly on the smaller vessel. Janus stepped up to a chest along the wall near where Virgil was sitting, winking at the lighthouse keeper as he pulled out several loaded guns to distribute among the others. Virgil was heartened by the rescuers’ enthusiasm, but felt lightheaded as his injuries, lack of sleep, and steadily holding tidal wave of panic met with the rocking of the ship.
He awoke to a loud shout followed by a gunshot. The ship lurched again as it was anchored to the listing supply ship. Virgil ducked, suddenly terrified of being seen by the supply ship crew or getting shot. He cursed himself as he cowered from the angry yells and clanging of metal pieces.
Suddenly a large warm body landed in Virgil’s lap and he faintly heard Roman yelling at the crew to pull away. Slowly, he opened his eyes, surprised to find Janus in his lap, moaning in pain and clutching his leg.
“Wha- what happened? Where’s Rem-”
Janus hissed, “The selkie is fine.” he nodded up towards the helm, "and I totally meant to shoot myself- god damn it!".  Virgil’s breath caught as he looked up to see Roman belting orders with Remus clinging to him and sobbing into his shoulder. Roman had wrapped his sibling in his coat, holding tight to his waist as though the selkie would disappear into the waves if he let go.
Virgil turned back to Janus who was also watching the selkie and the captain, “wait you got shot!” he turned with a groan to look for Patton, but finding the man busy helping Logan steer the ship away from the point of engagement, Virgil turned back and began to rip as clean a strip of cloth from his own shirt as he could get. “Show me the wound, you need to be bandaged.”
Janus hissed again, trying to pull away from Virgil but unable to move far, “I’m fine!” he snapped. Virgil pushed up the man’s pant leg and gently felt the bloodied skin around the wound. The bullet was definitely still lodged inside. He frowned and tied the scrap of his shirt firmly around to slow the bleeding.
Janus sighed heavily, unable to look away from Roman and Remus, “thank you. Roman has been looking for that one for a very long time...”
“Remus mentioned finding his skin. At least they’ll be able to be together again,” Janus whipped around to stare at Virgil.
“No. No, he can’t leave- I can’t-”
“You knew about Roman,” Virgil replied with a confirmed understanding, “he’d be happier with a choice.”
“We’re happy now- you don’t even know us,” Janus scoffed as he climbed to his feet, “just watch your mouth, lighthouse keeper.” He turned to limp back to his post, brushing Roman’s shoulder as he passed them.
Virgil moved to stand, only to be tackled back to the deck by a blur of red. He looked up and found Remus’s slate-grey eyes grinning back at him.
“You came for me! And you found Roman! You’re the best monster boyfriend ever!” Virgil cried from relief, pain, exhaustion, and joy. He wrapped his arms tightly around Remus feeling much the same way it had looked like Roman was, terrified Remus would disappear if he let go of it. When he looked up again, Roman was standing above the both of them, a confused mess of emotions playing out across his face.
“I hope you don’t mind a quick diversion before we return you home, Virgil. I would hate for that crew to try again without properly alerting the authorities. And as you saw, my first mate got a bit clumsy and needs medical attention,” Roman spoke quietly, trying to ensure neither Patton or Logan were listening in, “Remus assured me you don’t mean us any harm…”
“You always treat me like I’m stupid. Looks like I picked the better human,” Remus retorted, hugging Virgil tighter and squeezing his bruises.
"I just- I missed you, Rem.. and years later, we find you.. and you're throwing yourself at a human. I just can't believe it," Roman shook his head in disbelief.
Virgil sighed, "yeah. Please report those jerks and get Janus help. I'm so sorry he got hurt-"
"Nonsense. We would have risked a lot more to get this knucklehead back," Roman waved Virgil's apology off before leaving to direct the ship towards dock.
The sun had begun to set and nearly dipped below the horizon, lighting the water in flames before Virgil spotted the beacon of the lighthouse still spinning. He felt immense relief in just recognizing home.
The ship pulled up to his tiny dock and Virgil nearly tripped over himself, running to grab clothing and Remus’ skin. Roman and Remus also disembarked while the crew rested after such a harrowing day. Virgil found Roman and Remus standing on the beach, staring out over the ocean and talking quietly. Virgil stopped several yards away, curious.
“You could come back. We’ve missed you so much, bro.”
“I’ve missed you more than you’d know. But I have a life up here.”
“That bitch trapped you, didn’t he? You deserve so much better for yourself!”
“Look- yes, Janus hid my skin at first-”
“So take it back and leave him!”
“But I threw it overboard. I lost it on purpose. I hope you never understand, because Virgil seems a decent man. In fact, give it to him.”
“I’m sorry, give me what?” Virgil interjected, holding the clothes out for Remus. It happily grabbed them and its skin, dressing right there on the beach and tying its skin around its neck like a cape.
“Oh! Virgil! Um-” Roman stammered a moment, “I was offering to let you have my skin. You could become a selkie with it. I don’t need it.”
“Yeah! I could show you my world! Exploring shipwrecks and fighting squids over fishies- it would be so much fun! We could come back here for you to keep painting and all that stuff too,” Remus grinned broadly, offering Virgil its hand.
“I- I don’t know,” Virgil shook his head, “what about you?”
“My ship will be around. I know where to find my sibling now and that it’s okay and in caring arms,” Roman shrugged, “I wanted to stick around for a week or so, make sure those ruffians get jailed for attempted kidnapping. If that’s alright, of course. We have rations and won’t interfere with you.”
Virgil laughed quietly, “that is much appreciated, sir. Thank you for everything today.”
“It wasn’t a problem. Figured I’d be saving this knucklehead sooner or later,” Roman grinned and took his jacket back from Remus, “have a pleasant evening, Mr. Feny.”
“You too, sir!” Virgil called back before tugging Remus close to his side. The sun slipped below the water line and Virgil rested his head on Remus’s shoulder, taking comfort in the soft skin draped there. Roman had retreated to his ship, leaving the pair effectively alone.
The beacon spun overhead, glinting off the waves and fighting with the set sun for brilliance. Virgil stood silent, barely held steady by Remus who also leaned on him for support. The day had been all too much to process. As though reading his mind, Remus pulled Virgil down to the sand, laying down and offering to hold him. Virgil wrapped himself in his companion, feeling the world shrink to just one patch of the beach, the whisper of water draining through the sand, a spinning lantern warning other beings away, and the warmth in their embrace.
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