#and the behavior of the softest kitten
sunmiyane · 10 months
Someone make sure Changkyun knows I adore him and his weird antics.
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kzdigiarc · 6 months
✍️ Fic authors self rec!
When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to other writers you know. Let's spread some self-love! 💛
ahhh thank u maya for sending me this!! <3
unfortunately, i don't have 5 fics posted here yet 😭but i'll do 2 drabbles that i've posted & 3 wips :p (& i'll give a little snippet of each) MDNI bc some are... suggestive
✦ desire | ot8 vampire!atz fic {snippet of ch.2}
“we apologize for having you wait so long, there were some… issues about sleeping arrangements but whenever you’re ready i’d be more than happy to show you to one of the guest rooms.” yunho says politely with his hands clasped behind his back. the whole ordeal feels like customer service and i have to stifle a laugh at the overly formal way they both speak. seonghwa glances at him out his periphery but just as quickly looks back to me and offers me a polite smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes. why he's being so odd is beyond me, seeing as he was the one to bring me here and insist on me staying in the first place. his behavior causes me to hesitate, slowly closing my book and tucking it underneath my arm. yunho still stands with a gentle smile on his face but by the way his eyes flick over to seonghwa, i can tell he can sense my hesitation. i look between the two once more before huffing and pushing to my feet, running my hands over the wrinkles in my skirt. neither of the men wait for me to say anything, yunho turns to hold open the door and seonghwa bows in my direction before maneuvering out the door. i quirk a brow at the space seonghwa left before following yunho out into the hall.
✦ goosebumps | bf!yunho smut drabble {completed!}
“you okay, baby? you haven't said anything about the movie for the past 15 minutes now.” he asked, feigning concern. 
you just let out a meek hum of approval, not even really hearing what he said. yunho smirked though you couldn't see it. he let his hands trail up your thighs, playing with the ends of your (his) t-shirt. you took in a shaky breath when you felt his lips close to your ear. 
“what’s got you so quiet, kitten?” he whispered, lips now trailing down to your neck, leaving the softest kisses in their wake. 
“nothing.” you said way too fast, your voice unstable. you felt the chuckle that reverberated in his chest as his hands were now underneath the shirt you were wearing. he was only lightly touching your skin but you felt like everywhere he touched was leaving sparks of heat. how this man got you so needy for him so fast was beyond you. your eyes fluttered shut as he started to press actual kisses to your neck and shoulders, lightly sucking on the area near your ear. 
✦ untitled bbfs!yungi smut drabble {WIP; unedited}
a few minutes later, yunho heard the sounds of soft snoring coming from behind him and turned, the sight nearly causing his heart to crawl straight out his chest. there you and mingi were, sleeping so soundly on his bed. you cuddling with his pillow. yunho had to hold back from cooing out loud as he watched mingi’s head rise and fall with the movement of your breathing, the other man’s mouth hung open as he snored. in truth, the scene was nothing new. yunho had an entire folder on his phone filled with pictures of you and mingi napping together. if you came over while yunho was out teaching a dance class, it was almost guaranteed he’d come back home to see the two of you huddled up under blankets on the couch with an anime long forgotten on the TV. but never once had he seen it happen right in his own bedroom, on his own bed. it sent a tingly warmth through his chest as he thought about how nice it’d be to come home to this everyday. his two favorite people in the entire world, finding comfort in his space. 
✦ movie night | bff!junhui smut drabble {WIP; unedited}
even though it's not a created album, the hidden album highlighted in blue text underneath your other albums catches his attention. jun imagines what you could possibly have put in there and snorts a laugh to himself. it's probably embarrassing pictures you have of yourself or the boys, or maybe inappropriate memes. he figures he's got nothing to lose and clicks the album. of course, it's locked but he knows you well enough and he's smart so figuring out the password takes him barely 2 seconds. his suspicions are confirmed as he scrolls up through the album and sees a multitude of pictures you've taken of the other boys. but as he scrolls further the pictures change… now he's looking at pictures of you, some taken in your mirror with your ambience lighting set on purple or red, some taken while you're in bed, and they're nothing scandalous maybe a little suggestive but really why do you even hide these? none of them are even that bad… junhui stops in his tracks, thumb hovering over your phone. the photos he's looking at now can't be you. there's no way. his sweet, quiet, funny, inexperienced best friend cannot possibly have taken these pictures. but as he presses one to enlargen it, he sees that it most definitely is you. you half-naked, sitting up on your knees with a pillow stuffed in between the space created by your legs and the mattress. the hem of the large tee you're wearing is in your mouth as you display the sexy set of black lace underneath. jun feels like he might die. he swipes. the next photo isn't any better. in fact, it's much worse and as he continues swiping he has an inkling that the rest of the album is like this too. raunchy, lewd photos of you in your bed or bathroom. some your tits are fully on display, some you're only in a large tee, some you're only in lingerie. and all of them make his head spin and blood rush straight to his cock. 
✦ sharing is caring | poly, bfs!gyuhao smut drabble {WIP; unedited}
“uhm… yeah i’m fine… just thinking.” you said, nerves getting to you and making you opt out of saying what was really on your mind. you knew it was silly to still be nervous around the two of them but you couldn’t help it. you could feel the energy in the tiny kitchen of your guys’ apartment shift as the tension only grew with the prolonged silence. the two knew you well enough to pick up on not only the nervous lilt in your voice but also your body language. the way you were shifting your weight, avoiding eye contact, and picking at your clothes all clear indicators that there was definitely more than you were actually saying. 
“___, you can tell us whatever’s on your mind,” you looked up at minghao as he spoke gently to you. “when have we ever judged you?” he asked, head tilting slightly. you looked away again, drawing in a dramatic breath and looking up towards the ceiling. damn him and his extremely convincing eyes.
“i was… i was thinking about the last time we were all together.” you rushed out still staring up at the ceiling, refusing to look at either of them as you finally confessed to the thoughts plaguing you. 
minghao knew exactly what you were talking about. he did the moment he picked up on how nervous you were, he just wanted you to admit it. mingyu, on the other hand, was still trying to decipher what you were (not) saying.“...what about it?”, mingyu piped up, expression resembling a confused puppy with the way his head was still tilted. he was trying to recall the last time you were all together… oh. you and minghao saw the realization hit him as his eyes flicked between the both of you. hao smirked amusedly before looking back at you. you finally made eye contact with him, bottom lip caught between your teeth.
★ note: this drabble is actually for @angelwonie (in response to an ask she sent a while ago) I PROMISE I'LL GET TO IT BAEFIE 😭
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sariahsue · 1 year
Let Me Count the Ways
Chapter Nine - The Softest Chapter Ever
[Ch 1] [Ch 2] [Ch 3] [Ch 4] [Ch 5] [Ch 6] [Ch 7] [Ch 8]
Days turned into weeks, and Chat Noir's list of Ladybug's odd behaviors continued to grow. She hugged him, asked for his opinions, smiled at him for no reason, complimented him, and let slip small details about herself. She stuttered, tripped, and generally acted jumpy.
And she also joined him on his solo patrols. Not that he was complaining.
He jumped to a lamppost, which flickered when he landed, the street beneath him disappearing into the night and then reappearing. "Don't you have homework?" he asked her. That was the reason for solo patrols, so they could each have time to do other things but still make their presence felt in the city.
"No." She would keep pace with him as he leapt from roof to roof, trailing behind him and letting him do all the work of checking alleyways and staying alert, but always close enough to talk and willing to help if he needed it.
"Well, don't you want to hang out with your friends or something?" He asked her these questions every time she showed up, which was so often that it was practically routine now. She always told him no.
"Why do you think I'm here?" she asked, landing next to him and giving him a playful shove. "You're my friend. I miss you when you're not around." She slid down the rest of the roof and did a backflip off the edge.
See? he told himself. We're just friends. Stop thinking like this. 
Ladybug was just being friendly. She probably missed all her friends. And joked around with them. It seemed like something she would do. To her friends.
(Trying to convince himself that she gave all her friends flower crowns didn't go over so well. Jealousy rippled through his stomach whenever he thought of her hands running through other people's hair.)
"Chat! Come look at this!"
He followed her path down the roof, slipping over the edge, to find her crouching over a cardboard box in the alleyway below.
"They're so tiny," she cooed. She reached into the box and pulled out a calico kitten that squirmed and mewed but didn't open its eyes.
The other kittens were in a wriggling pile in the corner of the box, and Ladybug gently placed the calico back with its brothers and sisters and gently stroked its head between the ears.
"We should probably get them to a shelter," he said, placing his upturned hand in the bottom of the box. Another one with a mostly black face swiveled its head toward his fingers, one eye cracked open. "They're probably only a week old. It's too cold out here for them."
He inched his fingers closer and waited until the kitten reached out and licked his fingertip.
"You're so gentle with them," Ladybug whispered.
"Huh?" He looked up to see her smiling warmly.
"You're very gentle," she repeated, then shrugged. "It's nice."
He ducked his head, like he could hide the blush her words caused. The light from the street was dim there in the alley. Maybe she couldn't see it.
Their line of work was very rough-and-tumble, and his part had always been brawn-over-brains. He hadn't realized his softer side would have been important to her. His father never seemed to value it.
A few minutes later he stood in the lobby of an animal hospital, handing over a damp cardboard box to a waiting vet tech. "The box isn't very strong," he warned, holding it from the bottom and not letting go until he felt the man take the weight.
The vet on duty was chatting excitedly with Ladybug, asking if they could come back later for a photo op with the kittens and (probably) asking for her autograph. After a few minutes of small talk and a few more coos and pets for the kittens, Chat Noir found himself facing his Lady on the roof of the hospital, saying goodnight.
He wasn't sure how it happened. He thought she might have started it. Tonight, for the first time, saying goodnight included a long hug. Sure, they'd hugged before, but only when one of them had been really upset. Never just because.
Was she upset? Had he missed signs of distress from his partner?
Ladybug stepped deeper into his arms, resting her head on his shoulder, her forehead against the exposed skin of his neck. Her palms were flat against his back, gently holding him to her as he held her, too.
Chat Noir stopped wondering what was wrong when her thumb started stroking a soft, small line up and down his spine.
It had been a long, long time since someone had hugged him just because, and Chat Noir found himself swallowing down an unexpected lump in his throat. It was too perfect.
Carefully, he cradled the back of her head, imagining he could feel her hair through his gloves. "You're wonderful," he murmured. "Just thought you should know."
Ladybug pulled back, just far enough for him to see her shy smile. "Right back at you."
His response was a quick, sweet peck on her forehead. It felt like an appropriate and friendly thing to do. Just right for the moment.
It also must have been the correct thing to do.
Because when he opened his eyes, Ladybug was beaming at him.
@clawsout83 @trippingovermyfeet @tbehartoo @yoonjae20 @random-cartoon-fangirl
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barkoutloudseo · 22 days
Why BarkOut Loud is the Best Choice for Buying Cat Food Online 
As a cat owner, you will be used to the fact that your pet deserves the best. The softest bed and the most playful toys—everything counts. But their diet is the highest stake of them all. A cat's food doesn't mean the quench of hunger; it means fueling them with what will help them be the best versions of themselves. BarkOut Loud makes that ultimate place to buy cat food online.
This is why quality cat food is extremely important; it goes hand in paw with the health of your cat. Nutrient-releasing food is essential from their energy to the shine of their coat. Obesity, digestive problems, and even behavioral problems are some of the side effects a cat may develop from poor food.
Whether your cat has a simple or a complex digestive system, BarkOut Loud realizes that every feline has different dietary needs. That is why we have a carefully selected range of food that accommodates cats' varying stages in life, dietary preferences, and health requirements. Whether you've got a playful kitten, a fussy eater, or even a senior cat with special nutritional needs, you'll find the perfect food for them here at BarkOut Loud.
Why Buy Cat Food Online?
The variety, ease, and convenience in shopping for cat food online are unbeatable. No longer do you have to rush helter-skelter to the pet store or strain your back carrying bags from your car. With a few clicks, you can have your feline friend's favorite food delivered to your doorstep. But with thousands of online shops out there, here are some reasons BarkOut Loud stands out.
At BarkOut Loud, we believe in quality over quantity. We have selected only the best available brand names for our online shop. We believe in natural ingredients, balanced nutrition, and food that answers cats' specific needs. Grain-free or with added vitamins and minerals, each product in our store is selected with your cat's well-being in mind.
And as cat owners soon learn, cats can be particular about their food, so we offer so many flavors and textures, there will surely be something every kitty will love. Whether your feline prefers dry cat food, wet cat food or a combination of the two, we have a variety of healthy, nutritious options to suit every kitty.
Expert's Tips and Recommendations
One of the most typical drawbacks of purchasing cat food on the internet is making a choice. At BarkOut Loud, we don't just sell cat food; we guide you through the process. Our team of highly qualified pet nutrition experts will lend a helping hand in discovering the best food for your cat. We are ready to walk with you every step of the way with advice on which formula to pick and the process of transitioning to a new diet.
You will also find great articles and resources on our website to help you make well-informed choices regarding your cat's diet. We believe in the value of empowerment of pet parents with knowledge so they will provide the best for their furry friends.
Convenient Shopping Experience
You are aware that there are other things going on in life, and shopping for cat food is not always number one on the list. That's why we've designed our online store to be as user-friendly as possible. With an intuitive layout, easy navigation, and detailed product descriptions, finding the right cat food has never been easier.
Products selected, the order can be placed easily. What's more, we have a seamless check-out process. And when that's done, clients can rest assured knowing that all cat food products will be delivered in due time.
Competitive Pricing and Special Offers
The best cat food doesn't necessarily need to come at a premium cost at BarkOut Loud. We compete in price-place through the pricing of our products, giving you a satisfaction guarantee against your money. Moreover, we quite often give our customers special offers, discounts, and loyalty programs, which significantly cut down the cost of buying cat food online.
Keep an eye out for our exclusive deals, and you will find that feeding your cat the best foods does not necessarily have to be very expensive.
Sustainability Pledge
You take great care of the planet—just the way you take care of your cat. So do we, over here at BarkOut Loud. This is why, as a company, we concentrate on brands that adopt eco-friendly packaging and sustainable sourcing routes. In choosing to buy your cat food from us, you're not only giving your best friend the very best but also supporting a more sustainable future.
When you shop with BarkOut Loud, you're not a customer but part of our community. We strongly believe in creating a space where pet parents can not only shop and explore but also engage with one another. Whether it's our social media, blog, or customer support, we're always willing to listen, engage, and help with your journey as a cat parent.
 The Final Meow
One of the most critical decisions that will concern your cat is the food you provide. It is more than just how to feed your pet; it is all about nurturing its health, happiness, and general well-being. We are committed at BarkOut Loud to make that choice easier and more fulfilling. With our selection of premium cat food offering a curated experience, expert consulting services, competitive pricing, and commitment to sustainability, we are sure you have found whatever you might need to keep your cat purring with a smile.
So why wait? Hit up our online store today to learn why BarkOut Loud is top-shelf among your alternatives for buying cat food online: Your feline friend demands nothing less.
Explore our collection of cat food here 
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maskednihilism · 6 months
Like the doting cat dad he is Jing Yuan is showing Sampo some photos of Mimi. Though this time he's gone far back in his camera roll, back to when Mimi was a kitten (or he supposes cub is the better word) and no one was the wiser that the little cat was actually a lion. Some of them included himself as well, adding some scale to how tiny she used to be.
"She had the softest little paws as a kitten." Yes, he knew from squishing them gently.
Yes, despite some of the logistical issues taking Mimi in had caused she had added so much to the General's life. He didn't know where he'd be without her.
"She used to try and catch my hair when I held her like a baby."
@shallliveoninsong || slightly prompted from discord! || from Jing Yuan
Sampo watched as the man would pause between the photos to share an anecdote relating to the sleeping white tuff ball mere meters away from them. He sits next to the General, legs crossed and his head leaning on his propped up hand to get a better view.
Like a parent, Sampo could tell there was a sparkle of joy in the General's eyes. They were full of life, joy, Elation. All for a tiny tuff ball (tiny in the photos). And love. So much love for another creature, another being.
He wondered... would anyone look at him the same way Jing Yuan looked at Mimi?
Would anyone speak of his life as fondly as he did for his beloved cat?
Aeons he hoped so.
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"A menace through and through, huh General? You spoiled her too much. And now look at her! She's miss behavior!"
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prince-honeypaw · 2 years
hiiiiiii could you do some little aizawa and cg mic where they’re married with cats, and when hes small shouta is obsessed with the kitties? (hes probably also convinced he can speak cat. meow meow meow)
♡ Of course! I hope you enjoy this!
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♡ Shouta and Hizashi got married in their mid-twenties, a bit after Shouta finally got on the teaching band wagon. For their one year anniversary, Hizashi surprised Shouta with a cat. It was a little, pure black lady with only one bright green eye, one that Shouta recognized from the cat café him and Hizashi would frequent. Her name was Coffee Bean and she was the first of their three cats.
♡ The second cat would be Cocoa Bean, a big, fluffy brown cat that Shouta had tempted out of a storm drain with a piece of a Big Mac. He'd wrapped the big goofball in his jacket and carried him the whole way home, giving Hizashi the sweetest puppy eyes when he finally got back. Of course Hizashi couldn't say no to him!
♡ Their third and final cat was Jellybean. He was a velvet grey-blue kitten with bright, baby blue eyes, that surprised Hizashi outside of his radio station on his way home. He scooped the little thing up and presented him to Shouta like an offering. Seeing this tiny, wiggly beast made Shouta's baby space rear up for the first time in the form of a soft whisper of, "Kitty…" The kitten was affectionately named after the empty packet of candy he personally dug out of the garbage to play with.
♡ Regression wasn't something Shouta indulged in much since the death of Oboro, and that was years ago by now. When he did get the chance to regress or had involuntary drops he would only want two things: Mama and kitties. Not always in that order.
♡ Mama cannot blame him for wanting some quality kitty time! They're the perfect animal, don't you know? A house cat’s genome is 95.6 percent tiger, all packed into an adorable little body! Hizashi can't compete with that, he doesn't even have 0.1 percent of tiger in HIS genome.
♡ The Beans are often subject to being softly meowed at when Hizashi was too busy to play with him. He'd make all the good sounds: mews, prrps, mrrps, mrows‐ All the cat noises! He considers himself fluent in cat, especially when he can get one of the cats to respond. Jellybean is usually the chattiest of the three, always having something to talk about!
♡ Hizashi encourages this behavior because, hey, it's cuter than sin to watch his usually stoic husband loaf–sometimes literally, he is VERY committed to his cat LARPing–around in his calico kigurumi, qnd make the softest purr-chirps at Coffee Bean. Asking if the Beans have said anything interesting today while he's doing the dishes, to which Shouta will reply that EVERYTHING they say is interesting, and regale him with the he said she saids of cat conversation.
♡ Each cat is given a specific way of talking when Shouta tells their sides of things. Jellybean always speaks in third person because he's the baby, and has always been up to some mischief. Cocoa Bean speaks a lot like Taishiro, because he's a big, sweet, lovable boy that has a lot of wisdom to share. And dear old Coffee Bean is very posh and regal because she is the eldest and was adopted from the cat café so she has excellent grammar.
♡ Shouta has one of those hoodies with the cat pouch on the front and will hold it open for the kitties whenever they're perched on one of their many cat towers. Jellybean often somersaults off the tower and into the pouch, just to write about and DEMAND out not even a moment later, in one of those long-winded kitten screams. Cocoa is the only one that actually allows Shouta to carry him around in the pouch, but he is also very heavy and just barely fits.
♡ Shouta doesn't care about this because he says Cocoa deserves only the best in life, while painstakingly carrying him to sit on the balcony with him.
♡ Coffee likes to ride around on Shouta's shoulders while he's doing his little activities, nuzzling her head up under his chin while he's coloring at the table or pawing the lid of his sippy cup when he has something tasty to drink.
♡ Something that Shouta tells Hizashi every time he's curled up in their bed with his head against Hizashi's shoulder is that the Beans said they love him, even if they sometimes don't know how to show it or they get too flustered to say it themselves.
♡ Hizashi knows that the Beans didn't say this, but he kisses Shouta's temple so softly and replies, "Well, I love the Beans too, but don't tell them that I love you the most."
♡ (Shouta tells the Beans regardless.)
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bonny-kookoo · 3 years
speaking of felidae how is kitten doing? 🥺 did jimin open up more to her?
He's alone with you this time, staying behind while Namjoon takes Taehyung and Jungkook for a regular checkup. It's a bit odd at first- but he slowly relaxes with you moving around the house.
On the couch in the living room he spots you sitting, struggling to relax, as the separation anxiety starts to slowly grow within you. He can sense this in the way your body language talks, your scent changes, and your ears start to droop. Normally, any cat would start a comforting behavior now- grooming, purring, or holding onto their tail.
But you don't have enough to hold onto anymore.
He's quiet, walks up to you before he sits down on the couch next to you- pulling your body carefully into his lap. You look up in question, lips parting to speak- but then his tail curls around you, laying heavy on your legs as your hands hesitantly hold onto it.
If you don't have one yourself, he'll share his own with you.
And it doesn't take long for your little purr to make its appearance- as you maneuver yourself a little to lay against his chest, his tail held in your hands as you fall asleep in his safe hold, sleep finding him soon after.
And that's how Namjoon and the rest find you two as they return; Taehyung carefully placing a blanket over you both, quiet to not disturb your rest.
Jimin may seem a little rough and mean on the outside-
But on the inside, he's the softest cat.
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psychicaizawa · 3 years
Aizawa Headcanons 👀 🐱
I see a lot of people making these headcanons for him and I simply do not agree with them x-x.
⚠️No warnings, just fluff! And since it is Aizawa, I have to add in his cranky-ness, yunno? Anyways, enjoy!
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🖤He is super clingy when he's fully rested.
I know what you're thinking, "Aizawa? CLINGY?" and yes, I do believe he is.
Shota wasn't given much physical affection as a kid, so I think that when he has a good sleep he is motivated to love on his partner in the only way that he knows how.
He's an observer, he is the stealthiest pro hero after all. Aizawa learns from others' behaviors, especially when it comes to couples. So, whenever he is on patrol and he sees a cute couple hug the other from behind, he'll want to try that on you!
🖤Aizawa would be the MOST mindful boyfriend.
If he has to wake up in the middle of the night because they need him to patrol, he would be careful in getting out of the bed and walking around to put his things on.
When he leaves, he gives the SOFTEST kiss on your forehead and tiptoes out of the room :) cute
🖤Shota sends you cute cat photos/memes throughout the day.
I am a firm believer that in MHA, Aizawa and Mic where born in 2000. That means that they lived in the era of shitty block text memes and dark humor.
Aizawa is an old man at heart, so he's probably still in facebook groups that solely focus on cat content. This means shitty block text cat memes.
🖤Aizawa is a foster kitten home.
Whenever you first go to his place, he is just AVIDLY apologizing for no reason before you walk in.
And then you see it, a dozen small kittens running to the door and surrounding his and yours’ feet.
If you don’t like cats, idk what to tell you bc this man is a living breathing cat daddy™️
If you do like cats, you wholeheartedly pick up two of them and snuggle them, wondering why he would be sorry.
🖤He buys you this grandma cat shirts for laughs
And because he (secretly) thinks that they’re cute on you.
At first you’re like ???nani the fuck???
But then you grow into the look of them and start wearing them around the house.
Shota just chuckles and admires how cute you are (^ω^)
🖤He LOVES face kisses!
Whenever he’s had a hard day, just grab his face and place little pecks all over, telling him every single thing you love about him.
He LOVES when you do this.
Of course he would never tell you that.
He would just be like (¬_¬), but on the inside he’s like(≧∇≦)
Okay! That’s all I really have for Aizawa :) please send in your requests if you have any, now that finals are over, I have time to write!
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I just saw this request about Justin having dinner with mommys friends (jake, ransom, Robert, Lee, lance, Ari) and Im gonna tell you how I would rank them😋tell me please what you think about my ranking
Softest “adult”
1. Mommy. I mean come on. She can “torture” someone but she would only do something like spanking, humiliation, extreme face sitting and using a strap on.
2. Ransom. Our handsome man is the king of toys. Cuffs Jake to the bed, puts a cockring on him, shoves a dildo in him and sets his most expensive vibrator on his cock and then just leaves.
3. Ari. He has to put up with a lot of bratty behavior so he is indeed a bit rough. Shoves his cock deepppp down the throat. Lance has often jaw training hours. He mocks him so much repeating what he said earlier to that dump chick which he was clearly flirting with. Definitely not a soft “adult”. Keeps calm in front of people….mostly….except his ✨Highschool gang✨.
4. Robert. It’s not a surprise. There’s not anything soft about him. Humiliation, spanking, slapping and sooooo much more. Getting locked up in a basement😮‍💨 NEVER EVER BREAK HIS RULES. NEVER. NEVER. Till this day it’s a surprise that Lee is still alive.
Brattiest puppy
1. Lance. Flirts with anyone who’s good looking. Does it a lot just to piss his daddy off. Sends so many pictures of his tattoo to Ari when he’s at work.
2. Jake. Let me talk. He is cute and sweet BUT just as spoiled as Ransom. Throws a tantrum when he doesn’t get the new video game he saw on tv, even though his daddy already ordered it.
3. Justin. Ok so….he’s needy. He’s doing good in school and all of that but he’s seeking for SO much attention. Which mommy likes but she doesn’t like when she comes home to see her puppy humping a pillow which is “dressed” in one of her night shirts. Whines, crys……
4. Lee……he knows the punishment he would get when he misbehaves….so yeah. He’s not a brat anymore..in most cases.
I’m not American so sorry for grammar mistakes 👀
Fuck yes to all of this. Okay. I'm gonna try and make this big ole poly love orgy a real thing. Do we think I can manage that many people in one fic? Probably not.
But for now I just wanna talk about there like lil relationship dynamics as pairs because I am flooded with thoughts, but don't have time for all the details atm.
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Mommy x Justin - Pet Play with a little MD/lb. Justin is indeed very clingy and possessive. Is shy and 'innocent', or as innocent as you can be after committing multiple murders for your previous obsession. Mommy has her darkness, will use Justin's obsession with her to show people her strength essential. Puppy will do anything Mommy asks, even if there isn't a reward because he only wants her to be pleased with him.
Ransom x Jake - A sort of "classic" D/s dynamic. Ransom is King and Jake his prince. They have a bit of brat tamer/brat dynamic, but it's really only because Ransom loves to punishment (causing pain), and Jake is now so spoiled with whatever he wants, he pouts. Ransom has a knack for getting into trouble himself because he's pretty ruthless, and Jake loves getting to rescue his King.
Ari x Lance - Absolutely a Brat Tamer/Brat relationship. There relationship isn't open, but Lance pushes his Daddy's limits hard. Ari is possessive of his Kitten, but look on others faces when Lance flirts with them gets him hard (not exactly a cheating kink... but like adjacent to that I guess?). Lots of Funishment and angry fucking, more than actual pain. While Kitten likes to push Daddy's buttons to start the 'scene', Daddy edges him until he breaks his kitten.
Robert x Lee - This is a hard kink, master/slave sort of dynamic. Lee absolutely calls Robert Master, and Robert calls Lee Boy, doesn't even give him a name. Robert is all about breaking his boy. Definitely has a dungeon. It's not a good scene for him if Lee doesn't pass out or bleed all over. As mentioned above, it is amazing Lee is alive. But Lee is a sucker for pain. Lee loves the humilation, the bruises, being owned. His Boyspace is toxic and unhealthy, but he drops the moment his Master gives him the look.
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revirushifaa · 3 years
A female adult MC presenting positive pregnancy tests to the brothers and their reactions please! Thank you!
Awww, how cute! Bros be Papas now <333
You Are Gonna Be a Father
Lucifer and MC:
*He's in his study once again full with paperwork, when there's knocks in his door. Pauses for a moment and calls out.
"Come in, it's open."
*MC comes in and he immediately smiles, seeing his lover,
"Hello, my love, came to visit me?"
"Luci dear, there's something I must tell you..."
*Moments of curiousity with Lucifer as MC comes in and presents him a tube. The demon furrows his brows when he sees it, not sure what that meant.
"You're gonna be a father, Luci!"
*His pen falls from his hand and he's in shock. Blinks several time, the new information not processing quick. A father? A... a father?!
*For moments there is an awkward silence in the room and MC believes he's not thrilled and she's worried that he doesn't like the sound of it.
*However, pride be forgotten, Lucifer rises from his chair and engulfs MC in his arms spinning her around and looking overjoyed, like a child on Christmas Eve.
"Oh, these are the best news I've heard, can't wait for my firstborn to come!"
*Doesn't shut up for the next nine months about his firstborn. Papa Luci is happy Papa.
Mammon and MC:
*Is planning what to steal next from his brothers so he can sell it and gain more grimm. He's stopped however by MC.
"Hello, gold. What's up?"
"Mammon, darling. We need to talk."
*He hasn't done anything wrong, please don't start lecturing him too, he's had enough of Lucifer's lectures to have his lover also doing that.
*But he blinks when he's shown a tube. What is this? He has no idea until MC speaks up.
"You're gonna be a father, Mammon."
*The whole world stops spinning for a moment. ...Father...? Him a father? A-are you trying to mess with him?
"Umm, come again, goldy locks?"
"I have a baby forming inside me, you managed this and we'll have a family out of us. Mammon... you made this possible."
*Drops everything he's intending to sell and hugs his lover as tight as possible, enough to raise her up the ground, he's crying happy tears actually.
"Goldy locks, sweetums, that's great! There's gonna be a Mini Mammon here!!"
*And for the next nine months his brags about 'Mini Mammon' and brings the baby up to every conversation, he's gotta be a proud papa.
Leviathan and MC:
*He's there in his own world, playing a game that just came recently, he hears the door knock, but he doesn't demand the password, he knows by the rythym of the knocks, it's his lover.
"Come in, sugarcube. It's open, join me in a game!"
*MC enters and walks over to him, with a smile on. Levi wonders why she is so happy.
"Levi... got news for you."
*She pulls out a tube and hands over to Levi who's lost in the clouds. What is this? This doesn't look like one of those mini console games.
"Um... sugarcube, I might not be good at normie's stuff. You're not a normie of course! I mean the normie world's stuff in general."
"You're gonna be a father, Lebaby!"
*Uh.... he's sent into a frozen state, his console drops from his hold and he opens and closes his mouth like a fish out of the water.
*It takes a long while for him to react from this new information. He locks his gaze on MC's and puts his hands on her shoulders.
"Sugarcube, are you telling me...?"
"There's a blessing growing inside me, and you're the result of it. I'm so happy to have such blessing inside me."
*Ok, that's enough to put him out of unease and start hugging his lover close, in his own way telling her how much this has put him happy, while still unsure if he's gonna make a good father.
*He builds up the nursery ocean-themed and is certain that his child is going to be an otaku just like it. During nine months he's worked harder to achieve this.
Satan and MC:
*Reading as always, the Avatar of Wrath sits on the library when MC enters the library and she covers his eyes from behind. Knowing that his lover does this all the time, he doesn't go on alert.
"Hello, kitten. Nice surprise as always."
"I have an even better surprise, mon chaton."
*She gives him a tube and he blinks at it, eyes widening as he has a bit of a clue of what this is all about.
"Kitten, don't tell me...?!"
"Correct, you're gonna be a father, Satan!"
*His book falls off his hold and he stands up, quickly pulling MC into his hold. There's a warm look on his face.
"Wonderful news, kitten. Let me give you a surprise of my own."
*He kisses her and shows her how happy he is. For one he did want to try a family with his beloved, wishes always are granted and now his wish is granted. He'll have a family of his own. He reads anything, so he's read a book on child care so, he's prepared.
*During the next nine months he's reading to his beloved pregnant tummy, puts his ear on it and calls his to-be born firstborn 'his kittling'. Super happy cat Papa.
Asmodeus and MC:
*The beauty of the house is once again taking care of his image, with the most high-class beauty products.
"Beautiful? Can I enter?"
"Why, of course, my darling, enter. My room is your room too, after all we're married!"
*She enters and presents Asmo with the tube and he cocks his head to the side. Was this a tube of cream for his perfect skin?
"Is this for my skin, dear?"
"*giggles* No, silly! You're gonna be a father!"
*Asmo.exe has stopped working. What... what...?! Father? Him?!
"Is this true?! I'm gonna have a child with my ethereal beauty? Oh sweetie... *sobs*"
*MC cleans up his happy tears as he is the most emotional of all brothers. He's in a joyful moment there, he sobs as he hugs his beloved closer to him, getting his body wash cream all on her.
*He's there buying all the beauty products for babies even months before their birth but he just wants them to be just like him; beautiful. His firsborn gotta be just an Asmo Jr.
Beelzebub and MC:
*Is about to go to munch on whatever that there is in the kitchen when his beloved and runs up to him and hugs him ever so tightly.
*He smiles and hugs her back, nuzzling her and feeling like his meal will be wonderful because he has MC with him.
"Hey, Bite. Did you get good news on your medic appointment? I know how scared of the doctor you are, but I can only hope it went out good seeing your behavior."
"It did! Got some news for you, my sweet Gluttonous!"
*She pulls out a tube and lets the demon see it and she's wearing a very happy smile. But Beel doesn't catch up on it, what is this, a marshmallow? He opens his mouth about to take a bite of it.
"No! Beel this isn't food! You're gonna be a father!"
*What? For real? A little baby will be his. He of course knows babies can't be eaten, he wouldn't do that. He feels happy. He picks up his bride and twirls her around.
"This is the only think greater than food that I can think at the moment! I'll be a dad to our child. Let's celebrate it big!"
*Beel spends the next nine months saving food like a bear in hibernation but if he's firstborn is gonna be just as gluttonous as he is, then he must keep them fed and good. Of course only bottle of milk for the first months of their life.
Belphegor and MC:
*Haaah. Sleep, sleep. Sweet sleep. Though his sleep is interrupted by his beloved, gently nudging him awake. If she had something to tell him that was important, she's the only one allowed to wake him up.
"Hm? Oh it's you, pillow. What's up?"
*Slowly sits up, smiling gently at her, with sleepy eyes, waiting for her to speak up why she woke him up.
"Snoozy, Snoozy, there's something I must tell you before you go to bed! Ready? You're gonna be a father!"
*The news wake him up quickly, he's not nodding off anymore. He blinks and locks his gaze into her gaze.
"You mean...?"
"Yes, my sweetheart. A little one is forming inside me and they'll be ours in a few months."
*MC is attacked in a firm hug by a happy Belphie who feels the immense happiness now. Yes, he's happy, because he just got a family out of his dearest, these are wonderful news. His small one might be just like him in sleep, so it'll be quite nice to have a sleep buddy.
*Belphie then buys all pillows and soft blankets for his little one when they come to his life. Claiming that his baby needs the softest of beds to sleep. And to his credit, babies do sleep a lot, so just the perfect sleep buddy to ask.
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kiame-sama · 4 years
I might open the ask box for headcannons requests for my yandere OC boys
My yandere OCs;
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Walter Woods - Surgeon, Male, Black
"Don't worry, I'll always take care of you."
Charming at almost all times, though do remember this man has extensive knowledge in the human body and he isn't afraid of using it to keep his darling by his side. The few times his charming behavior falls away, the sadistic yandere inside is plain to see. Walter would never hurt you... Unless you want him to.
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Carlos Vargas - Veterinarian, Male, Hispanic
"Trust me, Kitten, I'm a professional."
He's dealt with the worst of the worst tempered animals and has always come out on top, Darling there is little you could do to hurt him that he hasn't felt before. More than a bit strange with antisocial tendencies to boot, he prefers the company of animals over people, but his darling always comes first in his eyes. Surprisingly good with animals of all types and has a reserved 'gentle' side very few see.
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Evan Rothchester - Mafia boss, Male, White
"Hey, Babe, did you really think you could leave without me noticing?"
He was born into the mafia life and inherited the title as the boss when his father was killed by Evan's fiancée at their wedding. Safe to say, he dealt with the betrayal poorly and his fiancée didn't make it out of the chapel. Doesn't care if his darling hates him, so long as they are paying attention to him. Man has killed before and will kill again, but shows immense restraint with his darling. He'll still put a collar on his darling and coddle them like the most comfortable pet in the world. Don't push him. He will push back.
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Jackson Locklear - Archaeologist, Male, Native American
"... Don't leave me... Please..."
Softest of the yanderes but no less possessive than any other yandere. Much more devoted to the well-being and comfort of his darling above all else, and would prefer his darling come with him willingly. A member of the Algonquin and Zuni people, though his ties with white anthropologists have made him mostly shunned by both. Very much a lost soul who has been on his own for far too long. His darling, to him, is his only comfort and salvation from a harsh world. He will 100% emotionally manipulate his darling into staying by his side and never leaving him.
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eternalstrigoii · 2 years
sometimes animals with long term behavioral issues do need to be put down. this is much more common with dogs, but if an animal is consistently a physical danger to other animals around them, including people, then there is not going to be a good quality of life. death is really sad, but sometimes it does have to happen and sometimes it is merciful. ask any vet or vet tech about this
It's really bold of you to act as if I didn't say I come from a background of rescue that throws that belief right out the window. I am begging you guys to engage with resources on cat behavior. There is no reason to justify putting down perfectly healthy animals because /you/ don't like how they act. All behavior can be worked on. "Feral" is not a fixed state of being, as Jackson Galaxy himself pointed out. You may not get the softest uwu clingy kitten out of 100% of feral cats, but you will get a tolerable house companion by a) respecting their personal boundaries b) treating them with basic decency and respect and c) spending regular, quality bonding time together. Which you should be doing for all cats all the time regardless.
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whumperooni · 3 years
unanswered, unread
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Pairing: Lucifer x Reader
Tags/Warnings: fluff, touch of somft, lite petplay
Word count: 634
Lucifer does not like being ignored.
Not by his brothers. Not by Diavolo. And certainly not by you.
So, of course, when his messages to you have been left unread for hours and his calls have all been left unanswered, he’s furious. Angry, scowling, storming as he heads back home with a furrowed brow.
He scours the house looking for you, but you are nowhere to be seen- not in the living room, not in the kitchen, not in the study, and not in the library. He heads to your room when the common areas are exhausted and you do not answer the door when he knocks, do not reply to the frustrated call of your name.
Lucifer forgoes all the niceties and polite behavior he usually graces you with and opens your door with a huff, narrows his eyes when he finds you loosely curled up in bed.
The room is in some small disarray- your school bag lazily left in the chair, your clothes stripped away and thrown haphazardly on the floor. You’re only in an oversized shirt and panties when he looks over you and Lucifer’s anger flickers as another huff leaves him- softer than before, carrying the faintest wisp of fondness.
“Napping? Really?”
You do not stir at his words and you only sigh at the click of his tongue, bury your face deeper into your pillow. Lucifer shakes his head at the display and he shakes his head at himself- his anger is already bleeding away and he knows that it’s only because of you; that he’s too soft on you.
“She accidentally ate some chocolates Belphie left out. Apparently they were laced with demonus and sleep dust. She’s been knocked out for hours.”
Lucifer’s brow raises at Satan’s voice and he glances over his shoulder to find his brother paused in the doorway- his own head shaking and a sigh leaving him.
“Honestly,” Satan huffs. “It’s like keeping a pet. We always have to be watching over her.”
Lucifer’s lips twitch into a near smirk and he suppresses the laugh that threatens to leave him. Satan leaves with another shake of his head and Lucifer turns his attention back to you- back to your drowsy form and your heated cheeks, your soft thighs and the hint of lace peeking out from under your too big shirt.
“...silly thing,” he murmurs. “How can I ever be mad at you?”
He draws closer to the bed and he sits next to you, moves a hand to brush along you cheek, over your head. You stir, finally- just so as you press your face into his touch- and Lucifer’s eyes soften as you sigh, as you let out the softest, sweetest mumble of his name.
His anger had been for nothing- so shallow and vain, so very close to insecure. You would never ignore him if you were awake- you are such a good little human, so very polite and well behaved.
A good human.
A good...pet?
Lucifer huffs as you stretch out in the bed- so cat like, so content with your dreamy expression- and his lips dance with a smile as you settle back down, as you sigh sweetly whenever he begins to stroke over you again.
Yes. A good pet indeed. You’ll always come when your master calls.
...if you’re not asleep that is.
Lucifer huffs, smiling, and he shakes his head as he reaches for your phone, as he silences it and puts it on your nightstand, shuts off your lamp.
“Sleep, kitten,” he tells you as he tucks you in. “We’ll talk later.”
A soft noise from you, a chuckle from him- Lucifer leaves you to your rest and heads off with a smile on his face and an anger long forgotten and melted away.
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meet-the-trapper · 3 years
tell us more about the kitty cat please
This happens after the timeline and trapper and spy retire together. The thing was that, in spite of the fact that Maude never wanted to have kids, they began to feel a little lonely and lacking of somehing. They found that the perfect conclusion would be a cat! When announcing it to spy, he was super nervous that they would announce that they want kids, but was relieved to find out that it was just an animal they wanted. Spy was wary about it at first, but he also wanted Maude to keep their spirits lifted, so he let them. 
They insisted to get one from a shelter, as Maude wanted to find a troubled cat they could emotionally connect with. To Spy’s surprise, they came back with an expensive breed: a little ragdoll kitten. Trapper was unaware of its rarity and picked it out because it “was so friendly and had a little eyeshadow pattern”. Maude knew that Spy wasn’t all for a kitten, so they let him help name her. They settled on Madmoiselle Cashmere. Maude calls her “Cashy” and Spy always addresses her by her full name.
Maude treats the kitten as if it were a human infant for the most part. They give her a little kitten-sized baby bed, a little carriage, a high chair, a bib, a bonnet for photos. The only thing Spy insisted against was fork feeding, as she would get too used to it(And believe me, cats do.) When one of the mercs come over, they’ve said, “Would you like to see the newest addition?”, to which they were confused. They thought that trapper didn’t want kids! Then out comes this little kitten in their arms with observant blue eyes and the softest fur you’ve ever seen. Maude is well aware that this isn’t normal cat owner behavior....for the most part.
It took a while for spy to warm up to the cat. At first he just saw it as a means to make his spouse happy. But upon being left to watch it for a bit, his heart had no choice but to fall for the little animal. Especially since he can teach her little spy tricks. He thinks it’s fun to pretend that she’s his little honorary spy cat. Around Maude he’d insist that he’s just trying to get the cat to cooperate, or he’s just trying to make Maude happy, but at some point he couldn’t defend those excuses much longer, and they’ve both accepted that Spy loves his little cat daughter.
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Here it is: some original fiction. @philipp-lahm said she'd be interested and that's enough for me. It's very much the beginning of a story that I need to further flesh out.
Maria sat at the bar of a Chinese Restaurant. She nursed a Shirley Temple and fiddled with the yellow, plastic sword that came balanced at the top. She wished it was something stronger, but she didn’t drink on first dates as a rule. She didn’t drink on second dates either. You could never be too careful. This was supposed to be a first date. She hadn’t planned to sit here by herself making awkward eye contact with the old man two seats down every minute or so. She glanced down at her watch. It was only five minutes late. Maria cursed her habitual earliness. She’d been waiting for at least twenty-five minutes. She stirred up her melting drink with the black plastic straw. She chewed the straw up so badly she wasn’t sure it would still function.
Maria hadn’t realized it was raining until a man rushed through the door looking like he had been dunked in a lake. He looked around the restaurant and she was sure he was meant to be her date. By this time Maria had been waiting for thirty minutes and was sure she would eat the whole restaurant and everyone inside of it. Dating to Maria was a fine line of not eating too much before so she’d fit into her dress but not eating too much during the actual dinner so she wouldn’t look like a pig. As much as she tried to be a modern woman, whatever that meant, her mother’s dating rules stuck in her head. Being ten minutes late was definitely against these rules, and yet here this man was. His name was either Ted or Fred, Maria couldn’t remember. It was a date one of her friends had set up; Ted/Fred was a colleague. She stood up to get his attention.
“Hi there, I’m Maria,” Maria said. It came out in her sweetest, softest voice that she didn’t realize she’d put on. He looked relieved to see her. “Are you Ted?” She asked and tried to dial down the kitten voice.
“Fred! Actually Freddie. Only my boss calls me Fred, please call me Freddie.” Maria took a breath at the frantic nature of his response. She hoped the whole night wouldn’t be like this: it seemed tiring.
“In that case, you can call me Ria. My friends all call me Ria.”
“Let’s get a table, yeah?” Freddie asked, he flagged down the hostess who was refilling a bowl of yellow and blue butter mints to seat them. She set down their menus on a booth near the back of the restaurant. Maria sat facing the door. It was another rule of hers. Freddie slid off his wet jacket and hung it on the hook on the edge of the booth.
“Want me to hang up yours?” He asked. Maria declined and told him that she was cold. She figured she wouldn’t tell him that she wanted to hold onto her jacket for the pepper spray in her pocket, even though she knew she probably wouldn’t need to use it in a crowded restaurant.
Maria opened the menu and started to scan through the pages and pages of options. Maria wasn’t quite sure why there was pad thai and okonomiyaki at a restaurant called Xuanyu’s Chinese but both admittedly sounded very good.
“What’s looking good to you?” Maria asked. She didn’t really know what to talk about. First dates were always horribly awkward.
“I mean the sushi sounds really good--the rockin’ roll sounds really good. I was also thinking about the pineapple curry or the crispy scallion duck…” Freddie flipped through the pages scanning all of the sections. It became clear to Maria that Freddie’s frantic behavior was not a one-off. She strapped in for a long night.
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my top softest moments(c) in tsc universe, in no particular order
NB: LB fam interactions amongst themselves are excluded from the list for obvious reasons, lest we want this thang to be several thousand points long
Raphael texting contact “RF” without getting any replies, and then watching Lily and Elliott dance around with the small smile, during “ANY DAY BUT VALENTINE’S DAY” party in Venice
“This manner of marking the passage of time is a marvel,” said Kieran. “When you are done with one kitten, then there is another kitten. By the next winter solstice, you will have seen twelve full kittens! One of them is in a glass!”
Alec asking Juliette to find orphaned Rose at the Paris shadow market and feed her, after the ordeal at the Orient Express therefore setting tlil in motion
thule!maya having tats to commemorate fallen clary, lily and malec
Robert saying the dinner with his son’s family was the happiest time he had in a while
thule!Raphael trying to burn thule!Sebastian alive for killing Lily
almost every single thing Mark said “Your pretense does not fool me, gnome [...] My eye will be upon you” 
exchange between Elyaas and Max about Uncle Jace’s cruel and hurtful behavior towards “demins”(c)  
Kit trying to lull Wilhelmina “silly melon” Carstairs back to sleep, in order for Tessa and Jem to not be disturbed and get some rest
thule!Raphael’s indignation at Magnus’ giving “Santiago” as a middle name to his son
Jamie x spoon
Alec talking to Kit about Jace: “But to me everything about him said "Love me, because nobody else has". It was all over him, like fingerprints.” (c) 
Robert not realizing Elliott was hitting on him
Simon wanting to say “ily” before getting his memories fully back, and Izzy replying “i know”
lalec’s first proper interaction being Alec handing Lily concussed DJ Bat, and Lily not wanting to put him down, despite Raphael’s demands for her to unhand the werewolf, because “shadowhunter gave this DJ to me” (c)
almost every single thing George said George suggesting Simon and himself could raise Max in their sock drawer
every single thing Jem said about Will after his death. every single thing Jem said about Will, period. every single thing Jem said. period.
Michael Wayland’s ghost attending Robert’s funeral
the way kierark treated each other in Wild Hunt
the way Matthew felt it was his responsibility to keep an eye on Christopher with experiments, the same way he was trying to support Henry
Emma carrying Battle of Burren tapestry through the streets of Alicante
Tavvy saying “Jules, carry me,” to giant True Nephilim Julian in order to bring him back to human form
Magnus magicking a cordless coffee-maker for Helen before the Wrangel Island
Jace’s attempts of befriending post-amnesia Simon
Tessa finding amusement in Lily’s names for Jem, getting a general kick out of people finding him attractive
Simon jumping inside the pentagram that contained Azazel, to rescue Chairman Meow
Ragnor still choosing to teach at the Shadowhunter Academy, despite all the despicable ways nephilim-ness could manifest
every single thing Catarina did Catarina choosing to teach at the Academy to honor Ragnor’s memory
Ty sleeping outside of Kit’s room for the first few days after Kit was left with Blackthorns
the way Gwyn was requested to not wear his horned helmet on the date, and complied 
Thomas showing his tattoo, when asked by Alastair, and in return, Alastair “making an odd noise” upon seeing it
Adaon giving his cabin up for kierarktina
“Don’t die” - “I won’t”  - Mark and Ty saying good bye before Mark’s departure to Faerie
Red Scrolls of Magic manifesto including things like “painting foxes blue”, “seek and love children of demons” and “offend not the Great Poison with cruel deeds of poor fashion”
Gwyn coming to warn Mark about Kieran’s upcoming execution
Will stealing borrowing Gabriel’s carriage constantly couple of times
Jace giving Mark his witchlight in CoHF
+ bonus: the ultimate “Sleep, Lily, i’ll watch the doors” this one is more like a bullet to the heart, but still
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