#and the blurb on the back was interesting
biowho · 2 days
Shadow Dragons Blurb anon - YES that's exactly the one I mean! The little backstory bit when selecting the faction?
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Fantastic! (I put the og question in this for anyone else who's confused)
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I'm going to break down every part of it because I'm not sure how long you've been playing Dragon Age or how much preexisting lore you know, and I'm wording this like you've never played a DA game before (sorry for any redundancy) Also this is just my take on it so keep that in mind xx
Rook risked everything to liberate the incident people of Tevinter, even though it would anger the ruin elite -> Tevinter was built on and functions upon the back of their slaves' labor. Without it, the empire is nothing. This makes the Shadow Dragons as a concept and an organization a threat to the empire's power
The foundling Rook was adopted into a military family and joined the Shadow Dragons to fight from the shadows for change in Minrathous. -> A foundling is someone who was abandoned as an infant or a very young child and then cared for by the people who found them (which gives the 4 race options an explanation as to why they're in the city...or at least the player the ability to infer one themselves) Minrathous is the capital and largest city in Tevinter and where all the big decisions get made. The military aspect of the Mercar family to me implies Rook's adopted family are Soporati, which is one of the lower classes in Tevinter - members of this class often serve in the military. (The family's rank would be higher if any of them are mages, how many generations of mages the Mercars' have would raise the rank even higher. Personally, I'm interested in what happens if you play as a mage Rook and if no other Mercar has magic and if any of them will be seen outside my AO3)
While guarding a visiting dignitary who was investigating a slavery ring in the nearby city of Nessus, Rook concluded that the mission would fail without throwing caution to the wind. -> Rook was on a job for the Shadow Dragons where they were ment to act as a bodyguard for an unknown man of high rank (my fingers are crossed that it was Dorian) I believe Nessus is a typo and it's supposed to be Nessum, the city featured in Absolution. Whoever the dignitary was, he wasn't able to get the information he needed to uncover/stop the slave ring one way or another so Rook overstepped themselves, disobeying orders to just guard the dignitary to get him to the information he needed by putting him in danger
Alone, they snuck the dignitary deep into Venatori-controlled zones and brought him back, along with the rescued slaves. -> Venatori are blood magic and red lyrium (both not good) using mages which are rotting Tevinter from the top down, They're the main antagonistic force against everything the Shadow Dragons stand for. So, not only did Rook disobey their orders, they led this important official through very dangerous spaces that, if they had gotten caught, would have gotten both of them killed and compromise a part of if not all of their faction. However, the risk of getting the dignitary closer to the ring paid off and every slave was freed, and the dignitary was returned unharmed
These actions brought Rook to the Venatori's attention, and the Shadow Dragons decided to keep Rook out of sight. -> Rook's on a shit list now. The opposition knows what they look like/who they are and has been effectively taken from the shadows and put under a spotlight. I'm assuming the Viper, the leader of the Shadow Dragons, made the call to shelve Rook so no other job would be compromised by them being recognized
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ohtheewhorer · 10 hours
Imagine you’re Dale “Longlegs” Kobble’s Chubby!Virgin!FWB whom he slowly corrupts (3.3k words)
So here’s what I’m thinking—follow me on this…
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Warnings: Graphic Description, Shameless Smut, little bit of fluff, Desperate Sex, Passionate Sex Loss of Virginity w/ Blood, if you squint incubus!Dale, Religious Guilt, Blasphemy, stalker longlegs, yandere longlegs, Horny Reader, Loss of Innocence, Dark themes, Chubby Reader
A/N: I wrote a lot more than I expected as I always do 😩. Please enjoy my long ass blurb/fic about this hot evil old man. You can also read my fic on ao3 (I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE IMAGES USED)
You’re the preacher’s daughter who just wants some freedom from your overbearing, shotgun-toting, bible-wielding father. You’re innocent in appearance but if people really got to know you they’d know that you’re really a mischievous, horny little minx with a yearning for something dangerous; anything opposite to your sheltered life.
Then, one day, you run into Dale while visiting the local hardware store with your father. At first, you’re unnerved by his presence. After all, Dale is…unique-looking to say the least; his graying thin long hair, his filler plumped lips and face with skin that has an unnatural blotchy alabaster coloring to it which made him appear quite ghoulish yet somehow ethereal. But then there are those intense blue eyes of his that seemed to sparkle with joy the moment you entered his line of sight.
Dale made the bold move to approach you knowing your Paw was only a few distances away—something no man ever had the guts of doing in this small town—only to simply congratulate you on your upcoming 20-something birthday. You shrunk under his towering stature, eyes darting anxiously around in search of your dad. You weren’t sure whether you should be afraid of the fact that—regardless of it being a small town—how did some random stranger know your birthday? Or maybe you should be afraid for him considering he could very well be a victim of your father’s wrath. And all because the strange man dared to do the kind gesture of wishing the preacher’s precious girl an early birthday.
You even pitied the man enough to throw many discreet hints that he needed to back the fuck away from you before it got ugly. But the ever eccentric and bizarre Dale didn’t take any hints and ended up singing to you an old classic rock song that your worldly uncle would probably be able to identify.
Your father came around the corner and he had questioned Dale of his intentions while speaking to you, very well aware that his pretty princess had many suitors who vied for your hand in marriage. And you knew your father well enough to read his judging eyes as they scanned Dale’s entire presentation, scowling that a man like him would ever think he might have a chance regardless of if Dale ever had the thought to pursue you.
And Dale, oh, Dale…he’d speak broken sentences and barely audible words, euphemisms and epithets, riddles and rhyme and your increasingly frustrated father would curse him in biblical verses and claim that he’d spoken the ‘devil’s tongue’. And the moment your Paw calls out the lanky male as a ‘satanist’ instead of disproving his claim—preventing any potential small town witch hunt—Dale, instead, sends him a botched-lipped cheshire cat grin ending the interaction with a chilling line, “Your ignorance won't save you when the shadows you've denied finally come to claim you."
Goosebumps arise on your supple skin, staring up at the man with both fear and admiration. No one’s ever stood up to your father that way. Everyone’s always having to walk on eggshells around him, not wanting to be seen as a delinquent in the eyes of the lord’s appointed servant. But Dale has done it with that high-pitched playful lilt in his tone and that bright smile on his face. His courage alone was enough to spark your interest in him. He was dangerous and you wanted nothing more than to experience him.
And sure you could find plenty of pretty boys and bad boys in town that would happily sneak around with you and give you a taste of the wild side that you so craved. But you didn’t want just “a taste” nor did you wish to hide your deeds. You want to be very loud and proud with your degeneracy.
And so you made the effort to see him again, going to the hardware store within the next few days because it’s all you knew of him. You’d gone at least 5 times already, at varying times in the day; all alone, too, much to your father’s chagrin. Just when you planned to give up on your 6th visit, while turning to leave you could hear the familiar flowery voice from behind you that has you swiveling in his direction in elation.
He’d found you and so the rest was history. It didn’t take long after to build an intense bond with him that teetered the line of being sexual at times, especially once you got past the stage of learning each other’s name. He doesn’t usually leave his shabby house much so it made sense that you’ve not seen him around before. Though by his own horrifying admission he’d been observing (stalking) you for a while now and had already known about you. You’re just grateful to have met him; a man unafraid to push boundaries.
With him, you didn’t have to feel guilty for wanting to do things beyond what is appropriate within your conservative community. For one, you got to hold his hand that’s a lot more than you’ve ever done even while attending college. And when you asked to go even further like hugging…he lets you hug all over him (though mostly for his own selfish reasons since he’s as touch-starved as you). To most outsiders, doing these things aren’t much of a big deal but to you, a beginner hedonist, it meant everything. You want fun and Dale promised you this with every interaction; upping the ‘depravity’ as you went.
But then one day, Dale suggests to you that he could show you fun beyond the tantalizing ‘indirect kisses’ via sharing lollipops or the occasional lap sitting with added knee bounces for effect.
“You want to take my virginity…on my birthday…as a gift to me?” You ask incredulously. It was scummy of him to even think such a thing would ever be considered a gift. And from a man like him no less; much too old for you and quite terrifying to look at from certain angles. And yet…you felt a gush of your slick soak your panties. You needed therapy. You need to find God again. This is sick!
But it’s sooo damn tempting.
“I only want to open your mind to many great pleasures, Angel. Is that not what you told me you’ve been seeking?” Dale says, reaching a hand over the console of his car to rub one of your nylon-clad voluptuous thighs. “Be a good girl for me, just two more days… and it’ll be an even special day for the birthday girl.”
You tense a little, feeling his hand traveling higher up your thigh. “Do you think I’m ready?”
“That’s for you to decide, silly.” He giggles.
“I think I’m ready. I-I’m ready.” You repeat, giving him a struggling smile that falters when your breath hitches again. His hand is kneading the meat of your thigh.
“Oh, I’d bet these legs around my head would feel like just the loveliest hug.” He sighs dreamily.
You tilt your head in confusion. “I couldn’t. I wouldn’t want to hurt you like that.”
He laughs some more, running a calloused hand down your cheek and admiring its youthful elasticity. “You could never hurt me, angel. But I get the impression you have no idea what I’m talking about, don’t you?”
“I don’t think I do. I’m sorry,” You say, batting your long lashes and flashing your alluring doe eyes up at him. “Could you show me what you mean? I’d really like to know, pretty please.”
“In due time, love. You’ll have to first show me you can be a good girl when I ask you to be.”
“How do I do that?” You nudge your face deeper into his open palm, sliding his fingers over the edges of your jaw until they’re close enough to your pouty lips. Using your tongue you drag one long nimble digit into your mouth, suckling lightly on the tip. He has an earthy taste to him that you quickly grow addicted to.
Dale pulls his finger from your lips, webs of saliva connecting your lips to it. He smiles, wagging his finger side to side. “Tsk, Tsk. That was very naughty, angel. Being a good girl means you’ll have to listen to the sky father’s rules again. That means no premarital activities. You’re not allowed to touch yourself either. Wouldn’t want you to be a sinner before the big day? I’ll give you a pass for today although with some limitations. But then it’s 2 days of being on the nice list, missy. You’ve got 3 strikes if you lose them…you’ll be punished. And I beg you not to get on the naughty list or I won’t be making you sing pretty for me like the sweet birdie you are.”
“Why? Why should I go through all that trouble for you?” You hate having to bottle up your desires again when the excitement’s only just begun.
“Because it’ll make your blood much more pure for the sacrificial ceremony,” He jokes, then frowns when you place his hands away from you, turning in your seat so you’re not facing him. Dale leans into your ear, whispering. “You’ll know what real freedom is once you’ve had a taste of it and then it’s ripped from you like an anticipated treat stolen right out of a dog’s mouth. And if you cower from the dark side, back to your sheltered life, you’ll always feel as if you’re on the brink of going…FERAL!” His hand slaps against the window beside your face making you jolt up and stare back at him in terror. Your chest rises and falls, hyperventilating as he stares intensely into your eyes, his face is only a few inches from yours.
“So…I give myself to you and I’ll be free?” You question timidly. “Like you?”
Though he wears a big crooked smile, his eyes betray him as a tear runs down one plump cheek. “Why, of course, angel. You’ll be free…like me.”
You cup his cheeks, swiping your thumbs over the lumpy skin before placing your mouth over his. Your first real kiss! With a man you knew, at most, for a week. It’s a tender yet short kiss as you relish in the feeling while you can. His lips are slightly chapped and uneven in texture yet you moan into it because it felt so right. You pull away before you get too carried away and do something devilishly sensual like sticking your tongue down his throat.
You anxiously gauge his reaction. Is this strike one?
His eyelids slowly flutter open before looking back into your eyes again. He hasn’t experienced this kind of softness in forever. People are usually afraid of him and he’s used to being alone but having such a young beauty as yourself having just an inkling of interest in him blows his mind farther than any fucked up shit he’s seen and/or done.
But Dale’s just not capable of understanding these intense feelings he has for you and it makes him feel as if he’s losing the little control he has in his life. So he’s always jumping to the default of trying to creep you out as some sort of power move he possesses; proud that he can make people fear him by his actions aside from just his bizarre appearance. So now he’s just running his thick wet tongue along his puffy lips after your shared kiss, playing up the perverted gesture which should’ve been enough to make your skin crawl but you always match his freak.
Leaning over the console to invade his space once again, you touch the tip of his tongue faintly against yours just before he darts it back into his mouth. And if he were to give you a strike for that wicked move, it’d be so worth it.
Dale’s such a little shit, though, because he’d for sure make you watch some vintage porn that he owns and it’s not at all vanilla. It’s rough, dirty, pearl-clutching, thigh-clenching stuff. Choking, spitting, biting, bondage… it’s all so violent to a wide-eyed beginner as yourself. Your heart’s pounding a mile a minute, squeezing Dale’s arm and willing yourself not to look away or he’d consider it a strike.
And the next two days are even worse with little devil Dale making sure he tortures you through the agonizing march of time. He’d refrain from touching you at all, avoiding you like the plague. You’d feel like you’re going crazy like he’s some form of drug to you because all you can think of is him. Even while you sleep at night it’s as if his presence lingers around you. Now you’re beginning to understand why your father says that lust is a poison to a god-fearing mind. You’re convinced that Dale has sunken his gnarly sharp teeth into you, infecting you with his toxic venom so that you’ll never come out the same again.
When your birthday finally arrives, Dale knows for sure that you’ve officially surrendered yourself to him. He could tell it in the way you waited on his words hand and foot, wanting to follow whatever it is he asked of you with no question. He could make you up and break you down into the perfect little subservient minion of the dark side and you’d gladly sign away your life. It would be that easy.
He’ll take you to his special place, down in his dimly-lit basement, where there’s no chance of anyone hearing you scream. He’d start by making you cum with his mouth first just as he’d promised and you’re seeing fucking stars! The man feeds on you like he’s been starved for centuries. He didn’t even have the decency to pull off your cute lacy pink thong you’d carefully selected at some lingerie store for him to marvel at. He just flips up your pleated skirt, pushes your panties to the side and just digs in with an eager mouth and even eager tongue. Those same puffy lips you’d kissed the other day now sucking and making out with your own puffy lips while he gets his wish of you wrapping your pillowy thighs around him.
You’d offer to get on your knees and suck his cock the way you’d seen in one of his films but he’s too wired, wanting to fuck you right then and there on his dingy worn couch.
When he pushes into you, it’s as if you’re being split in two; surprising because, based on what you saw in those nudie films, Dale’s isn’t as big as those ones. It’s actually quite short, deliciously veiny with a hook. Girthy, too. As thick as coke can. Dale Kobble proves the theory of girth over length by a long shot.
He’s positioned you on your back to where your legs are pressed deep into your shoulders and now-exposed chest since Dale, in his impatience, lifted your shirt over your ample breasts and pulling them out of the cups of your bra to watch them jiggle and knock against one another other with each drive of his hips.
This man has zero patience for anything actually. He’d just push into your tight heat in one fell swoop and you’d gasp out loud, feeling the faint tearing within you. He’d pull himself out a little to marvel at the blood and cream coating his dick, gathering some on his finger to paint your sweet lips. And you’d flick your tongue between the spaces of his fingers wanting to drink in the essence and you feel so fucking powerful.
Once he begins his pace, it’s erractic, unrhythmic, desperate, and awkward but you fucking love it so much that it has you whimpering and clawing at his back. You don’t care how little experience he has, you never want him apart from you.
Dale would want to be as close to you as he could, falling over your masterpiece of a body with his full weight. He’s penetrating DEEP. He wants to give you all that dick no matter if it isn’t much. He’s all sweaty, his belly sticking to yours from all the worked up perspiration. You enjoy the feeling of his softness against yours, appreciating his torso (when you could at least) for the ‘dad bod’ built that it was.
He’s hoarsely gasping, whispering the dirty filth in your ear, caging you between his arms. You can’t push him away even if you tried but you’d be crazy to ever want to, squeezing your legs around his body in a death grip.
He’ll let his face fall in between the valley of your breasts, inhaling you. He doesn’t care to breathe anything else so to suffocate this way, would be an honor. High-pitched sobs and breathless whispers against your skin indicates to you that it’s been so long for him since he’s felt a warm body against his own. The more he thinks about how lucky he is to fuck such a tight, greedy cunt as yours it make him turn into an inconsolable mess; crying, spitting, and kissing all over you.
You’re no better, whining and mewling with reckless abandon. Your hands are anywhere clawing at his boringly pastel colored shirt, running your hands up his shirt to sink your nails into the sides of his ribs until you're settling on his long hair. With every bruising thrust, you tug hard on his hair earning pathetic “unh”’s and “ah”’s from him.
Whenever either of you muster up the strength to pull away from each other for just a few centimeters, you’d sloppily crash your lips together, swapping spit or devouring each other’s tongues then swallowing down your moans from each other’s mouths like passionate lovers who’ve known each other for years.
Dale feels like just as much of a virgin as you with how much you’ve reduced him to a sniveling lovestruck fool. He can already sense his approaching climax, not wanting to blow his load before you get a chance to experience bliss.
He’ll bring a finger to your clit, specifically the finger that dons that fucking ring so you could feel the cool metal against your sensitive button. And obviously, he won’t be nice about it, rubbing harsh, rapid circles on it until you fall apart. He’s not stopping until you’re sobbing—begging…you’re absolutely delirious. Your back arches off the couch cushions, eyes rolling into the back of your skull like it’s an exorcism. You can hardly breathe. This is exactly why orgasms are called ‘little deaths’ because you must’ve died and now you’re reborn again offering yourself to the soulless world.
Before you could protest he spills his sticky, hot cum inside of you. Your hands would instinctively try to push away but your legs keep him there, wanting every last fucking drop of Dale’s seed. The man’s got some big kahunas so you’re going to overflow with his essence.
And without a doubt, for all the money in the bank, Dale will scream “I love you” as he cums until he’s just whispering it while shuddering against you.
After it all, you’ll both lay together in an entanglement of limbs, cuddling in the afterglow while seesawing between either cleaning up or going for another round. Though considering you could feel him stirring up inside you again, you think it’ll definitely be the latter.
He’ll truly surprise you with your actual gift. A beautiful gold necklace with an amethyst pendant (and a secret tracker you don’t so that he’ll always find you everywhere even if you ever try to run away from him). And, of course, he wouldn’t forget to gift Paw something for having his part in the creation of you, so he mails him your bloodied lacy underwear as a reminder of the lost innocence of his precious girl.
Oh, and aftercare definitely involves those large hands of his giving you nice belly rubs and soft scratches along your skin with the occasional peppered kisses along the pudge. Then, you’ll eventually both come to the conclusion that you're each other’s anchor whether for better or much, much worse.
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splatattackz · 1 year
Its a horrible thing to think someone is not who they say they are. Its something Pac does not wish upon anyone.
But, still, as he looks in Mikes eyes, he cant help but doubt who he is. He has to trust Mike is real and that everything is fine, but.. theres a murder in his eyes. He speaks with a voice laced with venom. When he falls silent he might as well be breathing toxins. And the way he moves with his scythe and speaks in lies.. its all too unnatural.
Pac doesnt want to say it, but he has doubts. Pac wouldn't say it, but he doesn't think this is really Mike. Maybe some sick, elaborate prank at best. Maybe a whole new person at worst.
Thinking someone has changed too much is a horrible thing to do. Pac would never do it.
But yet, the more and more time he spends with Mike the more his chest tightens with anxiety. The more uncertain he becomes. The more certain he feels this is not his friend - at least not how he used to be. This doesnt seem like the Craft to his Tazer. And its weird. Because Mike looks the same as he always has - maybe a little cold, sure, but the same. Yet he does not act the same.
There is something wrong.
This is wrong.
Pac wont say it, but Mike came back wrong.
But Pac just has to trust everything is fine and maybe.. maybe hes just insane.
(He hopes hes just insane.)
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strangestcase · 4 months
I have noticed the pattern that a lot of adaptations -mostly more "modern" ones, older ones don't as much- choose to depict Jekyll's descent into madness as hallucinations, usually visual (the ubiquitous mirror imagery, among others- albeit I've also seen the mirror thing depicted not as a hallucination but as background foreshadowing in a kids' cartoon) or auditory (a little rarer in movie format, more common in text and comic format... though Confrontation is an entire song of just this).
Nothing against it, I just find it funny that the most beaten path in terms of making the audience partake of Jekyll's mental decline is to pull them into his distorted perception of the world in which Hyde (or rather, Hyde's presence/his perception of him) taunts and torments him even when he's relatively lucid. Though, the farther back you go, the more they read like they're side effects of the potion itself rather than Hyde directly effecting his senses.
On that note, I find it interesting that this is more common from the 60s onward (it was definitely a trend started by a specific handful of movies and it caught on); older movies just show Jekyll suffering, with hallucination imagery restricted to dream sequences, while more direct adaptations typically avoid it. It appears as if, the further back you go, the more the adapted text is left up to interpretation, and the less literally it is taken.
It's as if, with the years, adaptations have slowly shifted to favor Jekyll and his point of view more and more, and sometimes this comes at the price of having to believe him. I get it if stuff for kids does it, because otherwise they won't understand, but it's a little odd to see more "adult" takes on the text favor Jekyll to the point his assesments on Hyde are taken at face value when -at least to me- it's obvious that his perspective on the experiment is only a bit more objective than any other.
Dunno what I was getting about. Shifts in character perception mirroring the character's broken self perception? The doctor's madness becoming increasingly more diegetic to the story he lives in? I probably should look more into this.
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prosebushpatch · 5 months
This is just on my mind for writing reasons, but im really interested in the psychology behind who people pick in fire emblem three houses without spoilers. Because the game gives you like a sentence snippet for each kid and you're left to deduce who you want to follow based on that and I feel like, looking back, I could tell immediately what kind of characters they would be and made my choice accordingly. But then I hear others first impressions of the characters I'm always surprised by their interpretations.
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hungharrington · 1 month
i have an inbox full of beautiful ideas and no further clue what i wanna do with this account than i did when i put out my hiatus post…..
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forgetful-nerd · 1 year
All I wanted this morning was to read some good 2012 tmnt fanfics, but it looks like only the “Mikey is ab*sed” fanfics updated today.
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chibi-chaos · 4 months
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Dawn is Coming, Open Your Eyes: Tumblr - AO3
Tale of Two Shatterdome Kids:
Partners In Crime: Tumblr - AO3
Watchful Eyes - Tumblr - AO3
Partners From Another Time - Tumblr - AO3
Partners in Arms - Tumblr - AO3
And the Flood Gates Opened: Tumblr - AO3
We'll Remain - AO3
Broken Promises - AO3
OC Focused Fanfics:
Sydney Shatterdome Shenanigans:
Change on the Rise - AO3
Kraken Roun Origins: Tumblr
Defining a Home - AO3
This and Nothing More - AO3
Bitter Truths and Burning Scorn - AO3
Broken Souls and Warm Hugs - AO3
Titan Fall - AO3
Every Time a Jaeger Falls
Liberator Whiskey: "Not just a soldier, but a good man" - AO3
Vanguard Haechi: “The moments when you’re in so deep, it feels easier to just swim down” - AO3
Sierra Sovereign: "Made and Remade Continually." - AO3
Ruins Crumbling - AO3
Echoes and Remnants - AO3
The Museum (Post Pacific Rim Movie)
Sydney Shatterdome
OC Moodboard/ Playlists
Fixing Pacfic Rim Uprising One Headcanon at a time
Amara's parents death
Newt being controlled by the precursors
On Patrol
'Signing Off' after falling in battle
Lore Analysis:
Kaiju and Hurricanes
Where is Sydney Shatterdome?
Walls and Bridges (responding to @eadrey-the-iptscray's post)
What is Chuck? (responding to others - yes including @eadrey-the-iptscray my beloved *insert meme here*)
Becket Brothers (responding to others)
Lighthearted Fun:
Buzzfeed Articles During the Kaiju War (with @eadrey-the-iptscray)
Tumblr Makes a Jaeger (aka The rise of Honky Honk McHonkface)
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chronicowboy · 8 months
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forgot to show you guys this book i found in the library the other day so here
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dabs-into-oblivion · 1 month
just finished playing Bastion. holy shit that game
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unproduciblesmackdown · 6 months
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truly lmao 2024 lambda literary award finalist wynnstannery
#have probably already heard of these awards w/o absorbing it but has a sizable [twitter acct you follow follows this acct] overlap for one#wikipedia blurb ''to recognize the crucial role lgbtq writers play in shaping the world...celebrate the very best in lgbtq literature''#Lol! naturally everyone set to laugh abt Individually being lambda award finalist Authors amidst 40+ anthology contributors. sure#and of course oh absolutely crucial cam stone page. we did make the back of book blurb too after all#born of [crucially soph nothingunrealistic (a) investigates that akd role which (ai) leads to me also checking it out. later (b)#investigates this Call For Submissions For All Trans F&F Zine which (bi) leads to me going ''oh so true cam stone Needs to be there'']#all originating in The Wrong Fake ''Fans'' Show Up For Billions By Way Of Beloved Character Winston lmao#b/c fr imagine the trans f&f zine Doesn't have a Did You Know That???? page abt a delightful akd role & canon nonbinary f&f character#but this amidst Plenty of ''fake'' ''wrong'' ''fans'' messing around w/the concept of Fast & Furious as a Work throughout#as i said & got the feedback of [hell yes You Get It] that the premise Guarantees you get a very Varied & inherently Playful response#not b/c playfulness need be ''unserious'' but it sure need not be ''serious.'' like f&f itself; as part of [the premise guarantees it]#& that the Range of ways ppl can approach this broad concept is like the Range of ways ppl can approach the broad concept of Gender lol#& not Unearnest but needing no Gravitas / ''serious'' ''legitimacy'' guaranteed in turn to ''validate'' your efforts#and your not being the ''right'' or ''expected'' audience getting the perhaps straight(tm)forwardly intended experience here lmao#so in many ways it did feel very resonant / relevant to wynnstannery#embracing [the one use of: editor's note!] and [the one use of: the word ''autistic''!]#2 trans 2 furious#which is probably gonna get a physical reprint sooner than later; pdfs still available despite the lack of link there#was already The Intention if vaguely so; now with the added ''can put the 2024 Lambda Award Nominee / Finalist on the cover lol''#page 54 (i believe) brought to you by a couple of quantnoisseurs; rushed to finish last minute then ft. some post deadline edits lmao#classic....nonzero other works i've Heard Of! nice#which: sure does seem like the focus here is like ''did you hear about these books? :)'' as many ''awards'' can ultimately be#like i Am hearing about them now. had seen abt Being Ace on twitter interesting interesting. hi honey i'm homo hell yeah#do we have one or two f&f films left? put cam stone cameo in there for real. Fast furious worth the effort worth the cost#& just shoutout to the like bifurcation of Akd Role Types. [intense in a relatively restrained affect way. some dramatic flair for sure]#and [spontaneous! vivacious! bright! playful! pretty emotionally open!] that's right lmao
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linkedin-corp · 2 months
my theory is the party hat boo will distract vivian by uhhhhh playing peekaboo with her or smth
this made me giggle sm omg . oh u sweet summer child
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againstpollutions · 1 year
pinterest board for my andreil maniac au
Nathaniel Wesninski is the paranoid youngest son of a wealthy businessman, who his hallucinations tell him is actually a major crime boss responsible for his mother's death. Andrew Minyard is addicted to an experimental drug that allows him to relive the worst day of his life, which is the only way he can feel anything.
Set in a retrofuturistic New New York where the internet is illegal and people pay actors to pretend to be their friends, the two meet at a questionable psychiatric study that promises to "fix the mind and end suffering." But when mysterious forces (and a depressed supercomputer) send the experiment into chaos, they must work together to survive the most dangerous landscape imaginable: their own minds.
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terpia · 1 year
I'm reading Quicksand by Junichiro Tanizaki and god, it's such an interesting reading experience. I don't know what the censorship laws were like in Japan in the 1920s and how they/the culture of the time shaped the portrayal of certain topics in the novel, but reading a book from the 1920s that openly talks about sex, abortion and sexuality (and in my translation at least, straight up uses words like lesbian, homosexual, heterosexual, etc.) is such a novel experience.
Also, and I feel it's worth mentioning, every single character in this novel is fucking insane.
#personal#don't want to mislead anyone into thinking this is a progressive book#even though the story in the novel is being told by a woman in love with another woman the book itself was written by a man#and that definitely comes through#not necessarily in a voyeuristic way as no sex is depicted on page (even though the reader is left in no doubt that sex is taking place)#it's more so in the misogyny of the in-text author the story is being told to and in the depiction of its main female character#who falls into a lot of stereotypes of women as deceptive emotional and flighty#(this is not to say though that other characters are depicted as much better)#with all this in mind i'm really enjoying reading this book#it's about a married lady who falls in love with another lady who is simultaneously having an affair with her and a man#(not in a polycule type of way. the man and the married lady are jealous of each other and barely accepting of this arrangement)#the blurb at the back compares this book to fatal attraction while the introduction compares it to les liaisons dangereuses#and both these comparisons feel apt (the second one a bit more so than the first one though)#the book is a thriller full of mindgames and betrayals where you're never fully sure what's real what's lies or what'll happen next#i'm only halfway through the book (and it is a very short book)#but based on what i've read so far#if you think you'd be into a vaguely trashy queer thriller with a very questionable romance at the centre#or if anything i said about the book so far caught your interest#i'd deffo recomnend it!#quicksand#(the original japanese title is manji i believe)#tanizaki junichirou
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bootyful-seventeen · 8 months
While I’m waiting for the date to get closer to the release of the next volume for fire in his fingertips it’s got me thinking of a childhood friends to lovers au with fireman Seungcheol
It’s a sweet and spicy thought to marinate on
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jademight · 1 year
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