#and the curry was really spicy but really hearty
floorpancakes · 1 year
had a three course meal from heaven today too
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after-witch · 11 months
Comin' In Hot! [Yandere Phinks x Reader]
Title: Comin' In Hot! [Yandere Phinks x Reader]
Synopsis: Sometimes, when you've been kidnapped by a lovesick member of an infamous murderous Troupe, all you can do is order your comfort food and hope for the best.
Word Count: 700ish
notes: yandere, kidnapped reader, mentions of emotional and physical abuse
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You wanted to watch a women’s-night-out comedy. 
Phinks wanted to watch an action flick.
The movie playing on the TV now, as you both eat your takeout dinner, is a buddy comedy, which is a little bit of both, and a good enough compromise that you’re not in a sour mood. You’ve got to appreciate when he’s willing to compromise, even if it’s only for little things. 
You blink, and look up, a spoonful of rice and curry on its way to your lips. 
You slowly bring the spoon to your mouth, savoring the rich spice and the hint of lime brightness at the end. A great little citrus kick, thanks to the lime slice that the restaurant tucked into the carryout box. 
“Are you… doing okay?”
Your eyebrows furrow. Are you doing something wrong? It’s happened before--you doing or saying something that pissed him off or worried him without you realizing. But you can’t think of anything that you might be doing now, simply sitting next to him in the living room, eating a meal off a TV tray set before you. 
He huffs. And looks away. And finally juts his chin towards you, mumbling out something in a tone that passes for caring, when it comes to Phinks. 
“You’re crying.” 
Well. You are crying, yes, that’s certainly true. A tear slides down your cheek and there’s a familiar blurriness to your vision, but without the heaviness in your chest that usually accompanies a hearty self-pitying sob session. 
That’s because the tears are instinctual here. Biological. It’s what happens when you get extra spicy food. Extra ultra mega delicious spicy food, which burns your taste buds and sends endorphins rushing through you like very little else does nowadays. 
Yes, it hurts, but it’s goddamned tasty.  
You sniffle through your nose, and wipe at your eyes with your forearm, careful to keep the spoon and its spice-laden curry remnants away from your delicate membranes.
“It’s fine,” you say, smiling, before digging your spoon back into the curry container. “It’s just because it’s really spicy.” Even talking hurts a little, and you lick a piece of stray rice from behind your teeth, which sends the spicy sensations tingling onto the tip of your tongue.
Phinks regards you with an incredulous expression. His eyebrows raise. "Maybe it's too hot for you. You can eat mine instead."
You shake your head, and quickly scoop up another bite, savoring the flavors and mm-ing for emphasis on just how enjoyable you find your lavalicious meal.
And yeah, your lips are a little swollen, your vision is blurry, and you’re sure you’ll have some heartburn tonight and asking Phinks for heartburn medicine will greatly depend on whether or not you want spicy food again anytime soon.  
And sure, sure, sure. You’re sitting in the living room of some abandoned house (if you can call “you have good reason to believe Phinks simply killed the previous occupant and took it for himself” abandoned) held captive by a member of the Phantom Troupe.
But you’re watching a movie that is pretty close to what you wanted, and he let you order your favorite foods and for once didn’t wring his hands and complain when you asked him to order it Extra Hot.
"I like it like this, Phinks," you tell him, pouting just a little. Not enough for him to find it rude. But enough for it to be cute--you hope.
He's been kind to you today. And there's a streak going, apparently, because after you give your explanation, he lets his wary expression fade away until he slowly turns back to the movie, taking bites of his own (much milder) dinner. 
”If you say so,” is his mumbled reply. You can tell he’s still a little worried, still a little bothered. But not enough to stop you. Probably because you’re being so complacent. Watching a movie with him. Eating dinner with him. Smiling at him. 
You smile at him again, thin-lipped, but still a smile. It’s better to smile and force yourself to enjoy the normalcy of this completely-not-normal moment. It makes him less volatile. It makes him less likely, in the end, to grip your arm so hard you’re worried that it might snap or yell in your face that he’s just trying-to-be-a-good-boyfriend-goddamn-it-why-can’t-you-see-that.
But now? With your mouth burning and a movie playing… you can pretend. 
Watching movies that you don’t totally hate helps you do that. 
Eating your favorite meals helps you do that. 
And if you stop yourself before you finish the container, you can do the same thing tomorrow with the leftovers. 
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ramonag-if · 4 months
What would be the RO's favorite foods in the modern/present time?
I think I have answered what their fave food would be in the game so let me answer again and hopefully, it's not different from what I said before 😅
Irus: Stuffed, grilled oysters.
Elora: A herbal rice dish with curried lentils or any veggie.
Oren: Roasted venison or lamb served with hearty veggies from his family's farm of course.
Anu: Spicy curries with flatbread (a traditional Ishari dish).
Irus: Any seafood, really, he will eat it.
Elora: Some fancy-looking salad which is definitely photo-worthy.
Oren: Any red meat dish, slow roasted, grilled etc - he's not fussy.
Anu: She'd love street food, mostly spicy street food but she'd prefer easy meals.
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sass-squat · 1 year
For the Avians you’ve already posted, what are their favorite foods?
AHHH! I'm sorry my friend! I swear I saw this ask the day you sent it I've just been slacking because I started a new file for BOTW. 😅 Anyways! All their favorite foods are all the recipes you can make in BOTW because Wild is the one that mainly makes their food and also because it's easier that way.
Time - Warm Milk Meaty Rice Balls. "The sweet and spicy meat stuffed into these rice balls will keep you full for some time." Time to me just seems like the kind of guy that enjoys food that he can eat with one hand. That on top of the practical element that this food keeps you full for some time just seems like something he would enjoy and prefer to eat while on the road.
Twilight - Pumpkin Stew. "Simply simmer a fortified pumpkin to make this dish. A favorite in Kakariko Village." This man canonically made pumpkin stew in his adventure so this is his favorite food mainly because it reminds him of home and also because it's one of the only foods he is actually able to cook.
Sky - Salmon Risotto. "Restores your health and temporarily increases your maximum hearts. The rice used in this rich risotto permeates the light flavor of the salmon." I don't even have a solid explanation or reason for this one I just feel it in my soul that Sky loves seafood. Turns out there's not a lot of fish when you live in the sky.
Warriors - Carrot Cake. "Even those who don't like carrots tend to enjoy the mild sweetness of this cake." Ironically, I don't think this is Warriors' favorite food because of taste, but more because of the memories he associates it with. I'm a huge supporter of the "Warriors is a Momma's boy" agenda and I headcanon that his mom made carrot cake for his birthday every year when he was young and that's why he still loves it to this day.
Legend - Apple Pie. "The crispy, flaky pie crust and sweet apples are a match made in heaven." Listen, I know the Zelda manga aren't technically canon but neither is this Winged AU so I can believe what I want in my heart. Anyways, in the A Link to the Past manga his whole goal is for his apple orchard to succeed so I'm a firm believer that Legend LOVES anything with apples, but apple pie holds a secret special place in his heart.
Hyrule - Monster Cake Creamy Heart Soup. "Enjoying this sweet soup with another person will bring you both closer together." Hyrule is such a sweetheart with so much love to give you cannot convince me that his favorite food wouldn't be the creamy heart soup. Also the fact that hearty radishes are one of the best ingredients to replenish hearts fits with his whole fairy/healing agenda.
Wild - Wildberry Crepe. "Sweet, tart wildberries are folded into thin, springy dough to make this dessert." Aside from literal rocks, I just feel like this would be his favorite "treat yourself" comfort food. Other than that, I don't really have solid reasoning for this choice other than the fact that I think he deserves to have nice things and also because this is my favorite thing to make in BOTW.
Four - Curry Rice. "A favorite all over Hyrule, this simple dish has a flavor you just won't get tired of." I headcanon that Four is a pretty easy guy to please when it comes to food. He's basically four racoons in a trench coat so it's pretty easy to guarantee that SOME PART of him will like whatever he is eating, though he does tend to favor slightly spicier foods.
Wind - Seafood Meuniere. "Rich butter flanks fresh seafood. The secret ingredient is lots and lots of love." Now go ahead and try to tell me that that description is not something his Grandma would say. Try it I dare you lol. Anyways that phrase combined with the fact that it is a seafood dish just SCREAMS Wind to me.
Anyways, these are all just my personal headcanons! Let me know if you all had any other ideas or headcanons in mind! 😊
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trashprinceward · 1 year
You think John's a good cook? I do. But only with like basic hearty home foods. He's probably completely useless with anything remotely worldly. Probably also really basic when it comes to spicy food.
John can't handle spicy food at all. Lisa likes a little, maybe some curry here and there. Garcia puts hot sauce on everything.
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mermmarie · 5 months
do you think the kids or even splinter actually like Hot Soup? or is that just a warcry. do you think they would have their minds blown by spicy soup?
Sorry for the delay on this, but I think it's both!!
Actually, a year or two ago I was thinking of making a "Hot soup the boys make you" kind of x reader headcanon thingy. But I think I'll just dive into what the boys (and Splinter) prefer here…
Donnie has little to no tolerance for spicy foods, and he's not ashamed to admit it. His go to soup is just the generic Campbells Chicken Noodle Soup. It's simple and sweet. He'll throw it in the microwave to then pour it into a thermos to sip on the go.
Mikey likes to add spice to his food and can tolerate a decent level of heat. His hot soups of choice would probably have a lot of flavors, so he enjoys stuff like Thai Curry, Butternut Squash, and Black Bean and Roasted Jalapeno Soup.
Leo, like his twin, does not do well with heat but he tries. When they order out or eat in at a restaurant, he'll often pick something with spice regardless of the fact that it makes his nose run and eyes water. He loves spice but it doesn't love him. His preferred is Hot and Sour Soup and Spicy Pho.
Raph surprisingly has a pretty good tolerance for spicy foods, although he doesn't venture out to eat overly hot stuff because he finds the taste bitter. He definitely prefers hearty hot soups. Chili's, (if you consider them to be soup.) Sometimes he snacks on peppers because of the mouth feel, and to show up Leo.
Splinter had a better tolerance of spice/heat when he was human, but after his mutation he became a little sensitive the aromas. (The rat nose is too strong) Although he is really good at hiding his struggle unlike his blue son. Kimchee soup is his favorite. Thank you for the ask! 💖
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fatguarddog · 1 year
Hi! It’s me again, pasta anon. I’m glad you liked my ask! I ended up having a super sized ice cream sandwich for dessert. I wonder how much I’ll gain from yesterday alone, I wasn’t very active so I probably didn’t burn a lot of calories. I’m really hungry right now actually, all I got to have for breakfast was two apples, a bowl of cherries, and a chocolate bar, and all I had for lunch was chicken schnitzel and pasta with tomato sauce. Oh, and then spicy instant ramen with kimchi and a chocolate muffin with a glass of cream/milk for some snacks. I’m so hungry, I didn’t eat anything properly filling all day! I’m going to waste away at this rate. I’ll need a big dinner to make up for it. What do you think I should have?
I bet you'll gain plenty being all sedentary like that! ❤️ Making sure that all those calories settle nicely onto your plump frame like a good greedy fatty
Oh you're right, that's practically nothing at all for someone still growing like you! You clearly need something much more filling. Why don't you have something big and hearty like a stew or curry served up with bread or rice and any number of sides you can get together? Or if you feel like splurging, burgers and tenders and fries with a milkshake could be quite the meal, hmm?
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ravendas-xiv · 10 months
About | Hyperia Quinntus / Sanji Oronir
14 Associations
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Animal: Hyperia: Crow: Highly-intelligent, tool-using, and loyal to a single mate...but also looked upon with distrust and superstition as a harbinger of death Sanji: River otter:
Color:  Hyperia: Dark red. The color of her hair and one of her favorites to wear. A hint to the fiery nature that lies beneath her serious demeanor. Sanji: Sapphire blue. The color of his eyes and the endless skies above teh Azim Steppe that he loves. A color of soothing calm.
Song: Hyperia: "Unstoppable" by Sia. "I put my armor on to show you how strong I am." All about putting on a brave face to hide the pain she's been through. Sanji: "Second Chance" by Shinedown. Tell my mother, tell my father / I've done the best I can / To make them realize this is my life /I hope they understand / I'm not angry, I'm just saying / Sometimes goodbye is a second chance
Number: Hyperia: XIV. No, really. The number of the Legion that changed her life. Sanji: 25. It's his age when his life finally turned for the better.
Day or Night: Hyperia: Night. Even though she tends to be an early riser, she devotes the day to work and the night is for relaxing and enjoying the company of friends and family. Sanji: Day. He loves being out in the sunshine and enjoying everything the day has to bring. He enjoys the night as well, for similar reasons as Hyperia, but he's still more of a day person.
Plant: Hyperia: Holly. Thrives in the winter, but rather prickly (and the berries are, of course, her favorite color of red). Sanji: Lavender. A hardy herb to truly blooms when cared for.
Smell: Hyperia: Ceruleum, smoke, citrus, cardamon, ozone Sanji: Fresh grass, sage, baked bread, lemon
Gemstone: Hyperia: Sphalerite. The mineral itself appears to be a dull, metallic grey, but the rare crystalline form can be a beautiful fiery mix of red and oranges. Sanji: Blue aventurine. A calming stone that encourages one to speak their heart.
Season: Hyperia: Winter Sanji: Spring
Place: Hyperia: A bustling city or a snowy forest. Sanji: The beach or a lush forest.
Food: Hyperia: Hearty soups and stews. LIght pastries. Anything with mangos. Sanji: Spicy curries and anything sweet!
Astrological Sign: Hyperia: Scorpio Sanji: Libra
Element(s): Hyperia: Fire. Sanji: Water
Drink: Hyperia: Coffee! Sanji: Chamomile Tea
Whew! This took a bit! Thanks for tagging me @cactusxwren!
As usual, I'll tag anyone who wants to do it!
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starvels · 2 years
Eat anything fun in the city of Trawna?
bluebonnet of an anon, you sent this to me right before i left for a trip to calgary so thanks for you patience on my reply. jsyk, i have chuckled warmly so many times about this ask since then. it's simply :chefskiss: very Inhabitant of The 6 of you to say it like this and to ask after what i am eating. who are you, you delightful bee.
(& yes! i too, have learned to drop the last t.)
to answer your sweet question! also yes!! i am thriving in this cuisine heaven of toronto and these are some things i've had recently that i would really rec:
futura granita gelato: ONTARIO SWEET CORN GELATO. AKA, THE BEST FUCKING SEASONAL FLAVOR EVER. listen, if you are hesitant abt corn in ice cream, i am here to reassure you that you have NOTHING to fear. this ice cream is gorgeous in every way. i want to marry her. every bite is sumptuous, a burst of flavor, a scene out of ratatouille where remy describes the synesthesia of food. it will make you SEE. special mention to the nocciola Piemonte and Niagara strawberry granita
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rustle and still: i am obsessed with their pandan latte. i go for iced, with soy and it's a great, punchy flavorful experience every single time. plus its visually so satisfying to see the pandan syrup and espresso layers separate before you mix them. all of their food options are home runs, as well. i've had their pastries, their viet meatballs and so many of their bahn mi and they are all...simply phenomenal. very hearty, spicy and great bang for buck.
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maha's egyptian brunch: FOUR WORDS: HONEY FIG GRILLED CHEESE. it ! will ! blow ! your ! socks ! off ! sweet and savory. get with their lentil soup and a cardamom latte (they GRIND THE CARDAMOM IN W THE BEANS YEAH BUDDY) and melt into a uber comforted puddle of happiness. this family owned, meticulously warm and comforting brunch is a place that i both do want so many more people to go to but also i want to hoard the knowledge of it so i can always get a spot when i go kdsjnbkfb
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and to toot my own horn unabashedly! here are some homemades i have had recently that have been v good indeed:
roasted tomato corn pie and peach butter cheesecake
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veggie masala curry and miso furikake egg stirfry
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thank you for this sweet ask! i really enjoyed it, as you can probably tell :')) any recs from you of good treats to snack-snag?
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arolover · 2 years
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steak-n-popotoes · 2 years
FFxivWrite ‘22 - 9
They hired on some Matanga recently, right? Wonder if any of them are working the kitchen...
May as well go for the long shot.
“You guys have tsuivan on the menu?”
“I am afraid not, sir... though... I believe I have heard of the dish? It’s quite popular in the Steppe.” The Hippo Rider fluttered her ears thoughtfully. “Maybe we could do a special batch? We’ve been working on trading recipes with Acala’s people to diversify our brand.”
Caranar snorted. Sure, they’ve been doing great business, but... ‘diversify our brand’? Kozu’s been helping out around there too often. “Nah, that’s alright. Just put in an order for whatever’s hottest.”
“Of course, sir.”
Caranar leaned back against a cool stone wall in the Radz-at-Han street as he watched the messenger clamber into her cart and speed out into the night. Normally on a night like this, he’d be at the meyhane trying to squeeze a few gil out of Estinien with card games and bar tricks, but the crowd and noise of the best bar in town just didn’t seem appealing that night. Wrapped in the rare moment of solitude, he wasn’t aware that he had company.
By the time the Rider came back with the goods, even business at the meyhane was like to be slowing down for the night.
“Here we are! One spicy hamsa curry plate with a large side of rice, and naan thrown in for good measure.” She stretched her arms above her head and curled her trunk as Caranar counted out the payment (with tip).
After the usual farewell pleasantries, Caranar turned round the corner and nearly slung his dinner into the street as he all but tripped over Beef.
Having heard the scuffle through Gale, Beef drifted slowly into the waking world.
Caranar huffed as he checked to make sure everything was still in order. Almost lost the naan. “What, d’you follow me here and then doze off? What if I hadn’t spotted you?”
Beef gave Caranar a yawn in reply.
Yeah, knowing this kid he probably wouldn’t have run into trouble anyway. Caranar leaned against the wall, then slid down to the ground next to Beef. Wordlessly, he offered the toasty naan.
Beef nodded, then rubbed a bleary eye with one hand and accepted the bread with the other.
A cloud of richly fragrant steam rose from the rice and curry the moment Caranar popped the lid off the dish. For a moment, he let it linger in his senses until his stomach loudly reminded him what he was supposed to do next. “Oh. Where’s the-” He wearily looked aside and beneath the container, but... “Beef, do you have...?”
Beef was already looking through his satchel for eating utensils to share. Or rather, Gale was doing the looking. Beef's tired eyelids had slowly fallen closed again, but he was still searching as though they were open. Gale was leaned forward over her perch atop his head and staring down into the bag in his stead. Eventually they found what they were looking for and offered a well-used wooden fork to Caranar, keeping the spoon to compliment the pair.
He’s doing that weird thing again... Caranar thought to himself as he watched Beef steal a spoonful of rice, eyes still closed. While he poked around in the curry for a hearty chunk of hamsa, Beef tore off a strip of naan and dunked it generously into the sauce.
“Hey, careful that’s-”
A couple seconds after the curry hit his tongue, Beef’s eyes scrunched shut even tighter and his cheeks puffed out as he chewed, resulting in a remarkable imitation of a moogle that’d been stung by a bee. It didn’t really slow him down, for when he had finished with that mouthful he began to prepare more naan for the next.
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chxckandmxte · 2 years
Thread continuation from ☣ here || @mcmcntomorii​
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When she asks about the barbeque tomorrow, he takes a moment to think, now that he thought about it more, it was probably be a better idea to invite the others, besides, it had been a while since everyone got together for something, so the idea of having everyone else over sounded great, he’d have to message the others later on to see who would be interested in coming over for the event, if everyone in the group was up for it, Leon might need to make a stop at the liquor store later, maybe a few bottles of wine, if there was going to be any hard liquor, he’d have to buy some 2 litres of soda for the sake of making some drink mixes, because Leon’s days of drinking hard booze on the rocks was long over.
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[{ ☣ }] - “I’d say let’s call the others for tomorrow, the two of us won’t be able to eat all the food by ourselves. Been a while since I was on the grill, and I’ll take any excuse I can get to cook longer.” 
His career almost always completely took over his life, robbing him of any possible free time to relax, and spend quality time with his wife of ten years, and they hadn’t been able to enjoy a barbeque for quite a long time, tomorrow was going to be fun, but for now, his main focus, was on tonight -- it was going to be a long evening, but he didn’t mind at all, he was going to savor every single moment with her. Officially, Leon wasn’t marked down as an active member of the DSO, on paper, it said he was on an extended indefinite vacation, he was still getting paid, so he didn’t need to worry about anything financially. 
A hearty little grin at her addition to his joke as he returned his attention to cooking, following up with removing the meat from the skillet, carefully pouring the grease into the jar. With the meat now cut, Leon puts the meat back on the fryer, and starts searing the beef to caramelize it to make the beef much more rich and flavorful, he could not remember the last time he had good Japanese style curry, and he wanted it to be the best possibly quality. Leon nods at her approval, spicy was good, but tonight, preferred flavor, not flames. 
[{ ☣ }] - “Yeah, exactly. Besides, I like a lotta flavor in my curry anyway. Can’t really enjoy the food if my mouth is on fire.”
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[{ ☣ }] - “Hey babe, what kind of flavor booster do we wanna add? We got, milk, soy sauce, honey, red wine,  tonkatsu sauce, and worcestershire sauce.”
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kingsmedley · 2 years
headcanons: joshua & food
“love has always been the world’s best secret ingredient.”
while joshua doesn’t strictly need to eat, he loves food. he sees it as an art form, a way for people to express their passion and love, both for the food itself and for the people eating it. growing up, his parents rarely cooked for him, often forgetting to feed him at all. at the same time, mr. h would cook for him regularly, leading him to associate cooking (specifically being cooked for) with love. so while he does know how to cook, he’ll often pretend he doesn’t if he thinks it’ll lead to someone else cooking for him, and will rarely (if ever) cook alone at home now that he doesn’t need to to stay alive.
basics & general notes
joshua is a fairly adventurous eater and tends to be fine eating most things, with few things he outright hates.
his favorite flavor is umami (salty and savory) and his least favorite is bitter.
he’s not a big fan of sweet food.
he likes spicy food a lot, especially chili.
he didn’t like coffee at first, due to it being either bitter or sweet, but he drank it a lot because of his friendship with mr. h and, due to a mixture of exposure and fond associations, he grew to like it over time.
he usually likes vegetables, but not in soup.
pork is a neutral flavor.
generally likes seafood.
doesn’t like ice cream.
loves ramen.
doesn’t really like soy sauce.
going by the original game, his favorite foods are: definitivo chili dog, shio ramen, absolute shadow ramen, mushrooms, viper drink (some kind of energy drink), and sync bars (which i can only assume are absolutely disgusting energy bars that he eats like candy).
neo food preferences
dandan noodles
salty lemon ramen
spicy miso ramen
japanified biryani
grilled alligator
toyosu seafood bowl
spicy verde tacos
miso ramen
dark dandan noodles
topsy-turvy noodles
justice burger
rotisserie chicken
churrasco skewer
dry-aged beef steak
roasted tuna head
very berry bouquet
boba milk tea
chicken curry
fish curry
dal curry
triple triad plate
salmon onigiri
fried chicken
hokkaido bounty bowl
mixed chopped salad
green smoothie
super spicy tacos
banana leaf banquet
chicken biryani
crispylicious taiyaki (with cheese filling)
sinful noodles
hero hamburger
cheesy champion
fearless fishwich
freedom fries
whole hog bbq
muscat grape crepe
fruit cocktail
strawberry boba latte
pickled plum onigiri
between-act bento
potato chips
bowl of oden
matsuzaka beef bowl
tokyo roast beef bowl
nagoya eel bowl
grand slam meat bowl
avocado toast
acai smoothie
pani puri plate
takoyaki tray
xiaolongbao set
hearty beef tacos
orange tea fizz
non-vegetarian thali
masala dosa
vegetarian thali
anko dango skewer
zunda dango skewer
fluffy pancake stack
chocolate pancake stack
shoyu ramen
farm-fresh cream cone
chocolate soft serve
superhero soda
justice juice
dark chocolate dream
ruby chocolate delight
ladies’ night parfait
matcha boba latte
mango boba latte
muscovado boba latte
cheesy corndog
banana tigim
holy mole tacos
orange tea
berry blend tea
bubbly berry blend
creamy berry shaved ice
chocomint shaved ice
mango shaved ice
everything at hachiko cafe (not really, he just refuses to eat there on principle)
sweet potato swirl
veggie soup special
air in a can
creamy matcha anmitsu
triple matcha parfait
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meowww-ffxiv · 2 years
Apparently Estinien really enjoyed Thavnairian cuisine which seemed to strongly resemble a mix of Thai and Indian cuisine. I saw a recipe of curry made from coconut milk.
The guy has spice tolerance. Probably pretty high too. Though then again a lot of Ishgardian recipes seemed to be very hearty.
Meowdred who had medium heat tolerance was pleasantly surprised because Theodore started crying as soon as he so much as looked at a spicy dish. Estinien and Meowdred could ACTUALLY go out and eat together and eat from the same pot.
Fun fact: Estinien didn’t taste anything Meowdred cooked until Endwalker. Mordred didn’t feel that well during the HW field trip due to his asthma from the cold and (mostly) stress, so he spent most of the trip cocooned up not talking. And Estinien ONLY managed to get a taste of the cooking because Meowdred actually cooked for G’raha, who couldn’t exactly eat it because it was…too spicy.
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railrecipee · 3 months
Order Delicious Food In Train at Affordable Range from RailRecipe
All aboard the delicious journey with RailRecipe! If you've ever been on a train ride and found yourself craving something more exciting than the usual fare, then RailRecipe is here to rescue your taste buds. Say goodbye to soggy sandwiches and bland meals – RailRecipe is all about bringing the flavors of your favorite cuisines right to your train seat.
Ordering food in train with RailRecipe couldn't be easier. Simply hop onto their website or mobile app, and you'll be greeted with a smorgasbord of options that'll leave you drooling. From classic Indian curries to hearty sandwiches, from crispy dosas to cheesy pizzas, RailRecipe has something for everyone. And with a few clicks, you can have your meal ordered and ready to be delivered straight to your seat.
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But what really sets RailRecipe apart is the quality of their food. They work with handpicked restaurants and vendors located near railway stations to ensure that every dish is made with the freshest ingredients and utmost care. So when you bite into that piping hot biryani or sink your teeth into that juicy burger, you can taste the difference that comes from food made with love.
Hygiene is also a top priority for RailRecipe. They follow strict cleanliness protocols at every step of the process, from food preparation to packaging and delivery. So you can dine with confidence, knowing that your meal is not just delicious, but also safe and hygienic.
And let's not forget about variety – RailRecipe has it in spades. Whether you're in the mood for some spicy street food or craving a creamy pasta, RailRecipe has got you covered. They even offer a range of snacks, desserts, and beverages to satisfy those mid-journey cravings. So go ahead, indulge yourself – you're on vacation, after all!
But RailRecipe isn't just about delivering food – it's about delivering an experience. Imagine sitting back in your seat, watching the world go by outside your window, while inside, you're feasting on a gourmet meal that's been freshly prepared just for you. It's like having a restaurant on wheels, and it's sure to make your journey all the more enjoyable.
And if you have any special dietary requirements or preferences, fear not – RailRecipe has you covered. Whether you're a vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, or just watching your calories, RailRecipe has plenty of options to suit your needs. Simply let them know your preferences when you place your order, and they'll make sure your meal is tailored to your specifications.
But perhaps the best part of dining with RailRecipe is the convenience it offers. No more struggling to find edible options at the station or settling for whatever's available in the pantry car. With RailRecipe, you can enjoy restaurant-quality meals without ever leaving your seat. It's like having a personal chef on board, and it's sure to take your train journey to the next level.
So the next time you find yourself on a train ride, don't settle for subpar food – treat yourself to a culinary adventure with RailRecipe. Whether you're traveling for business or pleasure, RailRecipe is your ticket to deliciousness on the rails. So go ahead, place your order, and get ready to embark on a flavor-filled journey with RailRecipe.
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tripcabinet · 7 months
Mauritian Street Food: A Taste of Authentic Island Flavors
When you think of Mauritius, the first thing that comes to mind are pristine beaches and luxurious resorts. But there’s another aspect of this island paradise that’s just as fascinating: its street food culture. Mauritian street food offers a delicious journey into the heart of the island’s culinary tradition, blending influences to create a variety of mouth-watering dishes In this blog we will explore the vibrant world of Mauritian street food, and get the real flavor that makes… the island’s cuisine really special.
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Dholl Puri: The Iconic Street Food
Dhol Puri is perhaps the most exotic of all Mauritian street foods. It is a thin, fluffy, and slightly crumbly thin bread with an aromatic blend of cracked red peas, spices, and chickpeas. Often served with chili paste and pickles, dhol puri is a popular grab-and-go dish that reflects a blend of Indian and Creole influences in Mauritian cuisine.
Gateaux Piment: Spicy Fried Delight
For those who love a bit of heat in their street food, Gateaux Piment is a must-try. These deep-fried, golden-yellow split pea fritters are packed with spices and chili, giving them a delightful kick. Enjoyed as a quick snack, Gateaux Piment is perfect for satisfying your spicy cravings during your Mauritius tour package.
Boulettes: Dumplings of Delight
Boulettes or dumplings are a favorite street food in Mauritius. These light, grilled, or sautéed fillings are typically stuffed with meat, seafood, or a mixture of vegetables. Served with a variety of dipping sauces, Boulettes are satisfying and delicious, reflecting the island’s multicultural heritage.
Roti Chaud: Warm and Wholesome
Roti chaud, which translates to "hot bread," is a popular street food that is often eaten for breakfast or as a snack. These crunchy, crunchy pastries are usually served with curry, vegetables, or chutney. The combination of hot roti chaud and aromatic seasonings will surely tempt the taste buds of your Mauritius itinerary.
Farata: A Flavorful Wrap
Farata is another Mauritian street food favorite that reflects the Indian influence on the island’s cuisine. These flat, crunchy flatbreads are usually rolled with a variety of ingredients such as curry meat, vegetables and pickles. They are a satisfying and portable dining option when your Mauritius itinerary.
6. Bol Renversé: A Mauritian Delight
Bol Renverse, which translates as "inverted bowl", is a unique Mauritian delicacy that you often find in street food stalls. It's a combination of rice, meat or seafood, vegetables, and sweet, savory sauces, all served in a bowl and then "flipped" onto a plate to create a wonderful presentation.
Alouda: A Refreshing Beverage
No Mauritian street food exploration is complete without alouda. This pink drink is made with milk, basil seeds and rose syrup. It’s a fun and refreshing way to cool off on a hot day while trying the island’s delicious street food on your Mauritius tour package.
Mauritian street food is a celebration of the island’s rich cultural heritage and vibrant flavours. From the spicy kick of Gateaux Piment to the hearty goodness of Bol Renversé, each dish speaks of the influences that have shaped the cuisine of Mauritius so if you visit this Indian Ocean paradise with your Mauritius tour package, be sure to seek out a populated street there are plenty of inside food markets, Your taste buds will thank you for this culinary adventure where you can sample the authentic delicious flavors of the island!
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