#and the duel personality of jekyl/hyde
vampirecatboy · 10 months
realizing i can do a combination phantom of the opera/jekyl and hyde style story with Amaury and Kit/Bao and suddenly frothing at the mouth because i've over excited myself with the fun possibilities and the vibes the VIBES
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random-dragon-exe · 9 months
OK this mighty be a somewhat strange comparison but Krupp and Captain Underpants's transformation and dynamic is literally just Jackson Jekyll and Holt Hyde but in a different font.
Like that sounds strange but there's some similarities here:
They both suffer from having to endure a forced transformation into a different person.
Said person is the complete opposite of themselves.
(Krupp is grumpy and mean to kids/George and Harold while Captain Underpants is nice, cheerful, and treats them like friends/sidekicks)
(Jackson is studious, follows rules, and is dependable but Holt is rebellious, and unreliable)
When they're back, they don't remember anything that happened.
The only difference in this comparison is their age, the settings, and the circumstances as to why they have the ability to turn into their respective alter-egos.
And of course that Jackson and Holt are aware of each other, but Krupp and Captain Underpants are not.
Now I'm imagining an au where Krupp and Captain Underpants are aware of each other and they're struggling with trying not to turn into each other (when in teacher mode or superhero mode). Meanwhile they're trying their best to actually communicate with each other via leaving sticky notes and recording themselves to explain what happened when the other was gone.
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margueritestjusts · 3 months
8, 9, 22, and 24 for tsp!
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about.
that margot is dumb 😭😭 or that she's entirely useless by the end of the book. like yes i also do think she should have been able to piece that percy and the pimpernel were the same person at the ball but also she's shown to be incredibly observant and come up with plans easily (i.e. andrew and the note) and she literally dragged herself all the way to france to save him, walked in horrible conditions, AND still tried her best to save both percy and the prisoners in the hut (was screaming the way to do it? no. but did they end up escaping because of it? in part, yes). idk i feel like a lot of people just overlook margot in general which is.... weird because she is literally the protagonist of the book lmao but alas i won't be too angry about this.
9. worst part of canon.
not book canon, but musical canon? the love triangle. easily the worst fucking part. like between the slut shaming and the choreography of "where's the girl?" it's so.... how are you MORE misogynistic than a book written in 1905 jfc wildhorn. and he did it in dracula and jekyll and hyde too so this is a pattern of behavior for him. case in point: keep frank wildhorn away from classic literature.
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores.
any part with suzanne, especially her moments with margot. that bitch is a repressed lesbian and she's pining after margot idgaf that she and andrew were written to be a couple. that's MY 18th century lavender marriage. and also the bit in the fisherman's rest where the vicomte tries to challenge percy to a duel that always cracks me up.
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse.
uh i actually don't know because i'm not involved with the fandom really lol. i think tsp fandom is pretty chill anyway like i have not seen rancid discourse over anything really. love that actually
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thenightling · 2 years
Reasons I think Coach Vlad in Wednesday is Count Dracula
Okay, maybe I’m a little hyperfixated right now because I’m still relatively fresh from watching The Invitation where Walter Deville was very blatantly Count Dracula in disguise.  But I’m convinced Coach Vlad on Wednesday (Netflix series) is actually Count Dracula.  Here are the clues... 1..  His name is Vlad, credited as Coach Vlad.  See how close that is to “Count Vlad” as in “Count Vlad Dracula.”  Coach is even the same amount of letters as Count besides both starting with C and O.   There’s also the gag in Rick and Morty of Coach Feratu (Nosferatu) poking fun of how bad vampire aliases are.  Dracula and Carmilla are infamous for having terrible aliases in movies. 
Dracula has been Alucard (Dracula backward), Drake (meaning little dragon.  Dracula means Little Dragon or Son of the Dragon).  Deville (a play on ”Devil” as Dracula can also mean “Son of The Devil.”)  The only time I felt Dracula had a clever alias was in Fred Saberhagen’s Dracula novels where he eventually takes on the alias Matthew Maule, a name he stole from the novel House of the Seven Gables by Nathaniel Hawthorne.  He liked it because the character’s last words are “God will give you blood to drink!” Carmilla usually just scrambles her name.  Marcilla, Mircalla, Millarca, and in The House that dripped Blood Carla (removing some letters instead of re-arranging them). Vampires are lazy with aliases...   2.  The character and actor is Romanian.  Not only that but he plays the character with his natural Romanian accent.  In most American-made shows Romanians tend to try to adopt an American accent.  See Sebastian Stan in the TV series Once Upon a Time and later the films of the MCU.
3.  Coach Vlad was perfecting fine with letting two students duel until first blood drawn.  Blood...          
4.  Vampires are definitely real in this continuity. In fact the school is about 1/4 vampires with Vampires being one of the biggest species cliques in the school along with Werewolves, Gorgons and sirens.  Though there are also varying psychic abilities like seers and telekinetics, and the principal was a shapeshifter.  If you have a fiction with vampires and there’s a Romanian man named Vlad, he’s usually Dracula if not a Dracula knock-off.   5.   Characters of folklore or characters of the nebulous and murky “was once a real person and is now more heavily associated with a fantasy figure” have appeared in Addams Family canon. Dracula, in the fiction, was Vlad the Impaler (historic figure) when he was alive and he became the famous vampire after his death.  Saint Nicholas, who was a real person, became the fantastical Santa Claus, who, according to L. Frank. Baum (author of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz) was granted immortality.  Why do I bring up Santa Claus?  Because in the 1960s Addams Family TV series Santa Claus is real.  In a universe where Santa Claus exists, chances are Dracula is also real.  Both were once real people who upon their death became famous immortals (but in very different ways).   Note: There is a comic book Santa vs. Dracula.  
6.  Hyde monsters are real, suggesting that the original Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde were also real and likely was the first Hyde monster.  If this is a world where Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde were real, that increases the odds that the Romanian man named Vlad might be Count Dracula, himself. 7.  We see the vampire students (the ones in sunglasses) walking about by day.  That means they follow “Dracula rules.”  In the novels Carmilla and Dracula vampires could walk around in daylight. They were just weaker by day and it’s their natural time of rest.  They won’t burn in the sun. Vampires didn’t actually burn in the sun until the silent film Nosferatu where it was originally intended to be symbolic as it was a German expressionist film.   Even the first Universal studios Dracula (1931) didn’t have Dracula burn in the sun, it’s just it was his time of rest.  It was only in the sequels that sun became a weakness.       
 8.  Shapeshifters exist in this universe and Dracula was supposed to be a shapeshifter too in that he could turn into a wolf, bat, or mist at will (usually unable to transform during daylight hours). And he could change his apparent age dependent upon how much he had fed. (Average appearance being around age forty-five to forty-nine but could look much older).
9.  Edgar Allan Poe and his Raven, Hyde Monsters...  It seems Gothic literature and literary monsters are a theme here.  And each season may focus on another classic monster.  We already have had Hyde. 
10.    This is more of an Easter Egg.  Tim Burton is a fan of Hammer Horror (old British monster movies made by the Hammer film studio).  In Sleepy Hollow Tim Burton uses “Kensington Gore” AKA Hammer Horror Blood.  It’s a bright red, edible, stage blood that is usually flavored to taste like mint. The recipe can be found on TV Tropes website.  Also up until Christopher Lee’s death, Tim Burton liked to work with Hammer Horror actor Christopher Lee, who played Dracula in film more times than any other actor. Christopher Lee appeared in Tim Burton’s Sleepy Hollow, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Corpse Bride, and Dark Shadows.  I bring this up because Tim couldn’t resist making reference to a Hammer Horror Dracula movie where Christopher Lee was Dracula.  When Crackstone is raised from the dead, the first thing he does is he holds out his hand so that his disciple might kiss his ring. This is a direct nod to the Hammer Horror film Dracula ‘72 AD as that is what Dracula does right after Johnny Alucard (Yes, Dracula spelt backward) raises him from the dead.
 These are all reasons why I think Coach Vlad is actually Dracula.. Unless this is a redherring and Principle Weems is actually Dracula.  I only say that because I read a script for the pilot of a never completed show for ABC called Gothica (I think they filmed a pilot episode) that had a surprise twist at the end that a certain cunning woman character turned out be Dracula (able to shift gender besides animal form and mist) at will.   
But it’s more likely Coach Vlad is Dracula.  Count Dracula is never that clever with his disguises.   
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angxlslasher · 2 years
Little Things
Just a post to go more in depth about the biography for my newest additions, William & Maddox. There are little hints/references throughout the post that I left and I wanted to share them here. You can find their biography here.
CW: None that I can think of?
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Let’s begin with their names— William Wagner and Maddox Mördare. Notice anything about them? Perhaps the initials? Here’s a hint:
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When the initials “WW” are flipped, it looks like “MM”. This goes to show how they are a mirror image of each other. One represents good, hence the color gradient from white to red. The other is evil, going from red to black. Did you notice this?
Left or Right?
“He waited for a minute. Nothing drastic occurred. Warmth had spread through his limbs accompanied by a spell of lightheadedness, but other than those minor symptoms, he felt no different. With his right hand, he picked up his pen once more and leaned against the countertop to document the subtle effects.”
The passage above is from the biography, when William is testing out his new experiment. He writes with his right hand as he documents how he’s feeling.
Later on, this happens:
“His wandering gaze landed upon the open journal on the counter. He approached it and picked up the pen in his left hand to write a note of his own.”
When he wakes up after a gruesome transformation, he’s looking around the familiar room and sees the journal. He decides to write in it, but with his left hand.
This was meant to show the change that occurred, one side is right-handed and the other side is left-handed.
Another hint to the war that rages on inside of William are the lyrics I included in the biography. This part, to me, is the biggest hint of all when it comes to their inspiration. Included in the biography is the song “Me, Myself, and Hyde” from Ice Nine Kills, and the others? They’re all songs from the musical “Jekyll & Hyde”.
I read the book a few years ago and was fascinated by the dueling personalities, how Edward Hyde appeared to be a separate being from Henry Jekyll, which inspired the physical differences between William and Maddox. I had debated making them two separate characters, like having their own bodies and such, but I really enjoy this internal struggle that William faces with Maddox. And it’ll be an interesting journey to see if he will be successful in getting rid of this evil twin of his, or if he’ll come to accept Mads as apart of him.
If I had gone the route of them having separate bodies, though, I feel like it would’ve been fun to right the transformation scene in the basement👀 If I thought it was brutal before, it would be WAY worse if they had separate bodies… Damn, now I’m thinking of kinda exploring that option now because I would have way too much fun writing how graphic it would be🤣 totally not gonna write this down for an idea later-
But anyway, the story of Jekyll and Hyde was my inspiration for Will and Maddox. I wanted a more modern day version with a slight supernatural twist!
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That’s all the little things I included in the biography to hint at their concept! I have plenty more to explain for these two in the future! William and Maddox are truly a complicated pair, with a story to match. I’m really looking forward to seeing how their story develops because honestly, they won’t quit in my head🤣 They’re practically writing their own story and I’m sitting here trying to frantically document all of it!
Taglist: @cries-in-latino, @kalid-raven, @rottent33th, @the-pinstriped-hood, @allthingsblood
Dividers by firefly-graphics
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autixel · 2 years
MC's experiments may land themself in hard places. Not today though.
Rivath was not the best place to go full monster. What with it being unfriendly to foreigners and a dense city it is easy to say that becoming a large winged beast is inconvenient to say the least.
When I started feeling itching under my skin I knew it was about to surge up again. The remains of what the Lord of Shadows had given me back when I dueled him. A curse. Luckily Ayanna knew where to get equipment to help me, and Anisa cared for me all the while. Today, both of them were out of the house.
Boil boil, toil toil. The cells in my body turned against me chanting it like their holy mantra. I could feel my torso growing fur, my hands lengthening and my nails too. Not the growing fur part.
"Elixir, elixir, my darling, my dear," the words flowing in and out of my head said, stressed syllables in awkward places left my mouth. I could feel the tusks as I spoke.
It was too late. I ran out to the small backyard in preparation for what was to come. I screamed as giant wings sprouted from my back. Ink black feathers looked like cut pieces out of reality. I tried to go into a fetal position with my hands stupidly above my head but was met with the sharp sting of horns. When I looked at my hands through watery eyes I saw that the dark had crawled up to my elbows. Animalistic wails sounded.
Anisa hurried out to the yard like my guardian angel. My knight in shining armor, except I was the dragon.
I stared at her for as long as I allowed myself to, then quickly remembered my status and covered this vile body.
"Mc? It's okay, I'm here for you."
Mi amor are you sure?
"Please go away, darling."
She stopped touching me but I still felt her presence linger.
"I'll be here if you need me, I love you."
Tears fell down my cheeks, my thoughts went back on the cycle of self-deprecation. Soothing stokes along my back eased me, didn't realize how tense I had gotten.
I opened my night-dark cocoon of feathers and saw two stars that day. Anisa pulled herself into my arms. I attempted a distraction,
"Rough day, huh?"
"No, but it seems like you're the one having it rough."
I sighed, gotta admit when you're caught.
A moment passed between us, I felt calmer by the minute. I felt her thinking, and then she said,
"Let's make dinner, I bought some vegetables and some pasta in the market today. We can do it your style*."
I guess all this transformation, mad scientist, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde** moment made me hungry, cause I said,
"Yeah, that sounds amazing."
Anisa got up, and I followed her back inside the house.
*By style I mean my own personal favorite way of cooking pasta which is cooking it in broth. I often do this in one large pan (deepest if you can). First brown the meat, add veg, let it cook, add broth (or add bouillon to water bc it's basically the same thing), add spices, check broth for flavor, then add pasta. Let cook till done. Always include the broth while consuming. A big fan favorite in my house.
**Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde may not be the best analogy here but I found it fitting for a person who is a little unstable mentally at that moment, and therefore fit the event.
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openingnightposts · 4 months
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lightgamble · 5 years
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CHARMED | Macy and Harry
Whitelighter / Darklighter
#Charmed CW#Hacyedit#Madeleine Mantock#Rupert Evans#Macy Vaughn#Harry Greenwood#Not Revolution#GIF set#Mine#I'm a huge fan of the duel personalities thing#The Jekyll and The Hyde#There was a few ways this could go that I was willing to accept. Shapeshifter would have been a big NO. It needed to be some version of#Harry. A future Harry. A Harry from another dimension. I didn't really care. As long as it allowed room to explore the idea that good and#bad aren't necessarily exclusive categories#bad people fall in love#good people do sh*tty things#the world's a lot of grey - not so much black and white#and this is the CW so it won't happen but I want them to actually take their time with this - obviously the end goal (in my mind) is to#merge Harry's dark and light selves into one being#but I love the idea of both Harrys struggling with the idea of being WHOLE. Of being something different to what they are now.#And I like the idea of Macy forging the connection between the two.#Because if anyone can sympathise with having dual conflicting identities Macy can.#So ideally this would drag out a whole season. Lots of Harry bickering with himself. Macy stuck in the middle. Occasionally noting#she's not actually a trained therapist so maybe they could seek professional help. The three of them teaming up. And of course Macy#getting in some quality Darklighter time. Growing to know that side of Harry as well as she knows his light side. And obviously Maggie#and Mel are even less happy than Harry is that Macy's letting Dark!Harry get close. The two of them standing firm on Team OG Harry.#I'm gonna be really mad if the solution to the Darklighter situation is to explode him or something.#I also want him to use the name James... but I'm not going to hold my breath.#I don't have any show I'm obsessed with right now so this will do for now.
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collinsportmaine · 6 years
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Nine book covers for Robert Louis Stevenson’s “The Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde”
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toitown · 2 years
Monster March!
Day 12: Species Swap
So like, the species swap prompt has really got me thinking. I’d honestly like to see Jackson and Holt in a species swap, like where Holt is the Jekyll side and Jackson is the Hyde side. Can you imagine??
Holt Jekyll is this human passing teen with canon Jackson’s pale skin and blue eyes, bright ginger hair with a blood red streak dyed in it that’s spiked up like flames, and he’s dressed in canon Holt’s signature outfit. He complains in his journal about his grandpa, Dr. Jekyll, who keeps trying to sit him down and force him to master the sciences because “you’re going to have to know all of this to be a respectable and well-rounded doctor one day, just like all of the other Jekyll men in this family”. But Holt doesn’t want to be a doctor, the sciences are too boring for him. His passion is music and he intends to be a professional DJ and guitarist, although his strict grandpa believes those are useless professions and is having absolutely none of it. So he’s just this rebellious trouble-maker trying to shove off years of expectations and prove to the whole world that Holt Jekyll is a total badass that can handle life on his own without any fancy papers, thank you very much.
Meanwhile, Jackson Hyde is an undoubtedly monster teen with canon Holt’s blue skin, orange eyes, and crescent birth mark, his naturally lemon yellow hair and black bangs nearly hanging in his eyes, and he’s dressed in canon Jackson’s signature outfit. He complains in his journal about his grandpa, Mr. Hyde, who keeps trying to make him join sports or run with a wilder and tougher crowd because “You’re a Hyde, you gotta man-up one of these days. I’m not gonna sit here and watch you be a wuss your whole life”. But Jackson has no interest in sports or shows of toughness, they’re empty and useless in his personal opinion. He wants to get his doctorate in biotechnology with a specialty in biochemical engineering, which his grandpa completely disregards as a phase since he thinks that it’s a bunch of crap and “frilly jobs like that aren’t real work”. So he’s just this soft-spoken nerd trying to shirk off a lifetime’s worth of expectations and prove to everyone around him that Jackson Hyde is a dignified young man who doesn’t need bruised knuckles to stand on his own two feet, for your information.
And of course there’s a lingering resentment between the two of them in their journals, not because they dislike what the other one stands for, but because “I wish I were you.” Each one has what the other wants, but there’s no way they can obtain it or swap because Dr. Jekyll would rather be caught dead than have his namesake ruined due to his duel nature’s grandson achieving more than his own, and there’s no way that Mr. Hyde is going to let his grandson get overshadowed by some goodie-2-shoes Jekyll kid. So they just sit in mutual frustration as they envy each other and try to build their own futures, eventually becoming friends and learning to work together on that last goal.
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Hope I’m not overstepping my bounds but somebody brought up an abridged series and the Fate franchise. (I got some ideas if you’re cool with it. But you can ignore them It’s your au after all.)
Just imagine the aneurysm Garmadon is having in the grail alongside probably like several alter’s of him because let’s face it Garmadon probably has a shit ton of them.
Could see Garmadon being an avenger servant probably him personality wise in his pilot to season four personality.
(Heck he could duel class as a ruler servant too sorta like Jekyll and Hyde or Atlanta and her berserker form.)
Ooh if we count the time Garmadon spent possessed by the overlord he could even be a foreigner class servant.
I hope you know what chaos you unleashed. I had to talk to my brother to understand what you were talking about (IDK if you remember, but I've only watched a little of the animes, mostly this AU is built from my brother ranting to me about the mechanics of this world.)
We have decided Pixal is a Moon Cancer, do with that what you will.
Morro can be summoned as a Foreigner. Though Haruki summoned him as a Berserker and/or Avanger. (I'm undecided. He may even change class to an Avenger as his Nobel Phantasm.)
Garmadon and Lloyd can both be summoned as almost any class. (We are in disagreement about if Lloyd can count as a Foreigner or not. I say that between the Preeminent, the Overlord, the Oni, his father, his grandfather, and more, something has to count! Brother says he didn't get any power from those encounters so no.)
I decided I would not be including the vampires/dead apostles and that my brother didn't need to explain them to me.
I guess The First Spinjutsu Master is the Ninjago Type. (I also referred to them as "So, this is just the Sailor Scouts, but evil?")
Hold on, brother informs me he might be a Mecha instead. I'm too tired to ask him to explain the difference more thoroughly rn.
We discussed the semantics of Nya having two myths and how that affects things. I decided we didn't break the rules too much and I wanted the drama of the reveal, so it stays as is.
And I have plotted how the Grail War will go in this AU. (At least this War. He's already trying to talk me into plotting another for this AU, with a Ruler.) If you want to know I will elaborate, but only if asked to.
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cyanide-latte · 3 years
35, 85 and 100 for the book asks? <3
35. your favourite series - I have two answers for this! The default I give to people is Jonathan Stroud's Bartimaeus trilogy; it's hardly perfect, but for a middle grade series, it was highly entertaining and that end punched me in the heart and broke me. I tend to say that one most often because I read it first but the deeper answer is the Old Kingdom series by Garth Nix. I read the original trilogy and honestly, that ending was tremendously beautiful and made me cry tears of joy and tears of sorrow. The fact that Nix has written additional short stories and novels in that world since continues to make me happy, because it's such a darkly beautiful, fascinating world he's crafted.
85. your favourite book about magical realism - I don't believe I've actually read a sizeable number of magical realism to have an adequate enough pool to draw from, but I'm going to say The Astonishing Color of After by Emily X. R. Pan. I wasn't expecting to like that book but I sat down, read it, and was left completely shaken (in a good way!) by the end of it. It left me an emotional wreck and I feel like it's worth everyone giving it a try at least once.
100. your favourite gothic novel - Not a full novel, but The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde has cast such a long shadow over the course of my life, and my relationship with the complexities and duality of human nature. Since childhood, a lot of my own creative work and my approach to trying to understand others has also been shaped by an obsessive analysis over the story and the way it approaches the fact that those complexities within a person, those dueling natures, cannot be separated, and understanding any other people goes far, far deeper than what most of society is willing to give.
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imagitory · 4 years
Hey, Hogwarts Mystery players! I thought I’d start something, so consider yourself tagged if you want to do this too! I’ll add some names of users I know play the game, and...yeah, pass it on, if you want! @weasleyismyking540​ @weasley-adoptee​ @hphm-roger​ @shinyrockalaska​ @dat-silvers-girl​
A Character Theme for your MC:
A Character Theme for Jacob:
A Character Theme for (blank): [This one can be for other original characters you’ve added to your MC’s circle, like parents, other siblings, etc., or even for HPHM ships you ship!]
And now, to start off -- here’s mine!
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Carewyn Cromwell ~ “Someone Else’s Story,” from Chess [fancast: Sadie Sink]
Lately, although the feelings run just as deep, The promise she made has grown impossible to keep, And yet I wish it wasn't so... Will he miss me if I go? In a way, it's someone else's story: I don't see myself as taking part at all...
Carewyn’s single biggest insecurity is her lack of control over her life and how people see her. Although she wants so much to just be a normal Hogwarts student and join the Frog Choir, Dueling Club, and Quidditch team like she dreamed, her entire life has been consumed by the mystery of the Cursed Vaults and her brother’s disappearance. But the reason for that is that Carewyn always dreamed of achieving great things with her mother and brother there to support her. Without Jacob there, her dreams would feel hollow and selfish, and as Slytherin as Carewyn is, she wants to be the best person she can be, which includes being the best morally and emotionally too. And so she’s swallowed back her frustrations, doubts, and resentment and has decided that her own identity and happiness must be overlooked in favor of addressing her imminent need to break the Vaults’ curses and save her brother. When Jacob is found, then she can finally get everything she wants, because her dreams would be complete with him in it.
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Jacob Cromwell ~ “This is the Moment,” from Jekyll and Hyde” [fancast: Timothée Chalamet]
Give me this moment, this precious chance... I'll gather up my past, and make some sense at last! This is the moment when all I've done -- All the dreaming, scheming, and screaming -- Become one!
Carewyn’s older brother, Jacob Cromwell, was the only real father figure in her life given how absent their father was before he and their mother Lane divorced. Jacob has always dreamed of achieving great things, and when he realized the “weird” things he was blamed for were really evidence of magical talent, he fell head over heels for magic and wanted to envelop himself in every branch of it he possibly could. His placement in Ravenclaw couldn’t have suited this thirst for knowledge and achievement better, but it also exacerbated some of his flaws, like his disorganization, neglect for his own health and hygiene, and obsessive nature. Jacob always has been very protective of and affectionate toward Carewyn despite his disheveled, sometimes immature affect. He would often shield his sister from bullies when they were growing up, and he also forcefully hid his bad habits and investigation into the Cursed Vaults from both her and his mother. Carewyn adores him to pieces despite his flaws, but he sadly is just erratic enough of a person that it’s hard to guess what he’s thinking at any given time.
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Lane Cromwell ~ “Widow’s Walk,” by Suzanne Vega [fancast: Claire Danes]
I'll set my house in order now and wait upon the Will -- It's clear that I need better skill in steering... That line is the horizon -- We watch the wind and set the sail, But save ourselves when all omens point to fail...
Like her son Jacob, Lane is a Ravenclaw alumnus with an independent streak, but she was born to a very close-knit, traditional magical clan called the Cromwells, who had a very clear image of who Lane was supposed to be and how she should live her life. Of course the soft-spoken, yet free-spirited Lane was pretty much destined to not conform to her family’s expectations -- after school, she fell in love with a Muggle and rather happily embraced the Muggle world as she was forbidden to tell her new husband about her magical heritage. Two children and one divorce later, Lane has gotten back on her feet as a single mother who works as a free-lance magical historian and Rune expert from home for the Ministry of Magic. She could sense a lot of turbulent emotions in Jacob before he disappeared and right now can sense there’s a lot Carewyn isn’t telling her, but after how overbearing her family was her entire life, she’s become desperate to not suffocate her children and wants them to be free to live their own lives, no matter how worried she is for their well-being. And so she struggles to keep Carewyn’s and her relationship strong in Jacob’s absence, and she’s actually been covertly doing her own investigation into Jacob’s activities by writing and talking to various Ministry of Magic employees. She’s also kept diligent correspondence with Carewyn’s Head of House, Severus Snape, and Hogwarts’s Deputy Headmistress, Minerva McGonagall.
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junhan · 5 years
ok so yall know how theres smth a bit off with seth i think i know what..i think hes working with or has previously worked with the people at the magic tower. when u look at his character theres some stuff that hints to his other side or the fact that hes two faced.
first his name is literally seth hyde, hyde coming from jekyll and hyde. hyde is the more violent and less compassionate side of jekyll and seth himself has said he isnt the nicest person
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his route description also says that you may discover a whole new side to him, and during (what i believe was) his birthday event he said that he had a desire that he wanted to suppress (which if you read the above description of jekyll and hyde is something you will find in common)
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similarly there are some characters that have a feeling that theres something more to seth, in destiny duels when a seth card goes against a loki card, loki asks seth to "show the real him", and during sirius's route sirius seems to think something is wrong
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lastly, hes a gemini. i know this is kind of weak but geminis are represented by the twins symbol, and are rather known for having two sides to them; with one not being so nice. theyre often the star sign you think of when someone says two-faced.
coming off of this, as i said the symbol for gemini is twins and if seth /really did/ have a past or current connection to the magic tower, i think hes related in some way to amon jabberwock. this is a major stretch but i really do think they look kind of similar in hair style and color, as well as eye color
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killian-whump · 4 years
I know you weren't a big fan of s6, so if you could rewrite it, what would you change?
No, I’m kidding. I mean, there were some things I liked about S6 and would definitely keep around. I thought the S5 finale set everything up for S6 really well. I was excited for the Land of Untold Stories, and all the tales that were hinted at in the scenes that took place there, and I love Regina, especially when she’s the Evil Queen in flashbacks, so I was all amped up for the dual Reginas storyline. S6 looked great from that point.
Then it all went to shit.
The Evil Queen thing was SO over-the-top, and Lana was playing her in a campy and ridiculous way that didn’t appeal to me at all. In hindsight, I can see that they were trying to keep her “redeemable” and play up the whole “still Regina, even as the Evil Queen” thing for the storyline resolution, so they needed her to only be quasi-evil instead of evil-evil. Okay, fair enough, but it was still super disappointing and even downright cringey, and I will never forgive them for turning one of my favorite parts of the show into a circus act. Honestly, if they weren’t going to do the Evil Queen justice, I would’ve rather they hadn’t gone anywhere near her. So that would be change #1: Drop the camp or drop that storyline entirely.
And they could’ve dropped it entirely. That exciting land of Untold Stories they teased us with in the S5 finale was... a let-down. Yes, we got Jekyll and Hyde and Captain Nemo... but the Aladdin stuff they gave us was more fairytale than literary classic, and wtf was up with the ridiculous one-off shit like the Count of Monte Cristo? There were SO many classics they could’ve visited, and greater detail they could’ve gone into with the ones they DID visit... and the Land of Untold Stories was so COOL looking, with its wild mix of architecture and dirigibles and steampunk style. WHY would you create such a fantastical and fun-looking world, and then take everyone from that world and put them in OUR boring ass world? S6 should’ve taken place IN the Land of Untold Stories and brought us a lot more fresh takes and characters from that land than the pittance we got. AND MORE STEAMPUNK, FOR FUCK’S SAKE.
I’m also still angry that they teased me with an asylum plot in the press before the S5 finale, then gave me a taste of it IN that finale... and then ripped it from my greedy, hot little hands. They didn’t even put Killian Jones in a straitjacket while they were there. What the fuck, guys? Who does that? That man was born to be put into a straitjacket for my enjoyment and you had him RIGHT THERE and even put someone in a straitjacket, but it was the wrong fucking someone. Had S6 stayed in the Land of Untold Stories, we could’ve had untold opportunities for more asylum whump, and they could’ve put Killian in a straitjacket and made all of my dreams come true.
And why the SHIT did they actually kill off Hyde when Sam Witwer was the best thing to happen to that show since Colin, himself?! I mean, yeah, the Jekyll and Hyde storyline was probably planned from the get-go to end in their deaths, but when you see what a complete GEM Hyde is, what with his penchant for the Evil Queen’s cooking and his ridiculously awesome facial expressions and his dashing dapper-do and Sam Fucking Witwer’s everything... change whatever the fuck you need to change to somehow keep this man on your show. And then they even went and full-on made this man redeemable and gave him a heartbreaking backstory right before they killed him. Like, fuck you? Seriously. Fuck everyone for that one. I will never forgive them for killing Hyde.
Okay. Moving on from my general complaints, we come to my Killian-specific complaints. And there’s a lot of them. S6 did that character SO wrong SO many times... I really just want to take it out back and beat the shit out of it.
For starters, his relationships were ALL thrown in the shitcan. It was like S3-S5 just never happened and he was right back to Square One with everyone, being that dastardly pirate that can’t be trusted and that no one could ever care about. People who clearly cared enough about him to go to the fucking Underworld for him in S5 were suddenly calling him a pirate like it’s a foul word, and blatantly telling him he’s not good enough to be part of the family. Yeah, I get it, they wanted some dramatic negativity before showing these characters fully accepting and embracing him as part of their clan... but you know what makes for really awesome storytelling? Realistic relationships that grow and evolve over the course of several seasons - which was what they fucking HAD before they threw them all in the shitter for fake “developments” that had already happened. And FYI, Henry was actually nastier to Killian in the beginning of 6x06 than he was during the Spell of Shattered Sight. Like, did no one at the writers table even pause in their pursuit of drama long enough to realize that if Henry really ever had that much animosity towards Killian, it would’ve come out THEN? Or, you know, at any point in the course of the last four seasons?!
And it goes without saying: I would never, ever, ever have had Killian be the murderer of David’s father. Or, at the very least, I would’ve never had the murder go down the way they showed it in the flashback. Have it be an accidental death. Have it be a pirate duel. Have it be anything but cold-blooded murder. First of all, it’s just not believable that David could forgive him so easily and so quickly for depriving him of a loving father for no fucking reason. Secondly, they spend four whole seasons showing us flashbacks of a pirate with a deeply-buried heart of gold, who kept wanting to make the right decisions... but ended up making the wrong ones time and time again. They never showed us, before this ridiculously cheap dramatic ploy, a man who willfully murdered people just for shits and giggles. Finally, Killian Jones is a motherfucking pirate. Stealing from the King is par for the course, but the whole “Dead men tell no tales” thing makes ZERO sense. Pirates thrive by striking FEAR into the hearts of their enemies, and you don’t get a solid reputation for being a cut-throat villain to be feared by literally killing off all the witnesses to your evil deeds. Pirates are like, one step short of going “BEHOLD! It is I, Captain PirateGuy, here to steal your gold and seduce your ladies! Be sure to tell all your friends and neighbors about this when we’re through.” So... yeah. Way to throw a completely nonsensical spanner in the works that makes literally NO sense and flies in the face of everything else you’ve said and shown about this character in the past. It’s shit, and I refuse to accept it, and they should be sorry for its very existence.
And then there’s Captain Swan. *sigh* This relationship fell prey to the same shit that ALL of Killian’s relationships were destroyed by throughout S6. Only it was much, much worse here - because this is supposed to be (and has been!) his closest, most important relationship. And yet... We see Emma blow him off and then lie right to his face in the very first episode. Then she lies some more in each of the next few episodes, and when her lies are finally revealed, she doesn’t even seem to give a shit about the trust she’s betrayed or the hurt she’s caused. And the fact that they even filmed that deleted scene with Emma giving Killian a flippant “I said I was sorry...” just shows how fucking tone-deaf those writers were. If someone lies to your face, repeatedly, over something of life-or-death importance and for a lengthy period of time, then basically gives you a “I said I was sorry, what more do you want from me?” twenty minutes after their lies are revealed, because you’re still sore about it... get the FUCK out of that relationship immediately, because that person does not give two shits about you.
Things only got worse when she snooped through his belongings, pushed him to propose on her terms and when she wanted him to (despite the fact that he was clearly drunk and troubled by something at the time), called off their engagement when he dared to keep something from her (despite the fact that she’d just recently spent weeks lying right to his face), believed that he would just abandon her completely despite everything they’d been through, lied to him again right before their wedding in the course of once again shutting him out and not letting him help her with something (even though that’s literally the EXACT reason she ended their engagement when HE was the one doing it)... I mean, come on. That is NOT the CS I signed up for, and I refuse to accept it as the CS that is my OTP.
Hence, the Dark Emma explanation was born in my head. And when it comes to changes to S6... I’d either completely re-write about 90% of S6′s CS storylines... or make my Dark Emma theory a reality. The theory is as such: Since Emma did not die in 5x11, but merely had her Darkness sucked into Killian/Excaliber before HE died... some residual darkness remained in her. Nothing much was seen/noticed in 5b (though Killian DID make a comment about her not sleeping...) because she was too focused on saving Killian. However, once she was back home, safe and sound with her man, the Darkness started showing itself. She lied to those she loved. She made uncharacteristically selfish decisions. She hurt people. She eschewed all she’d learned about letting others in and getting help from the people who love her. And it wasn’t until her literal and figurative death at Gideon’s hands that the Darkness was truly eradicated from her - and only THEN could she truly find her Happy Beginning.
Oh, and by the way, I also hate the writers for even HAVING Killian walk to the docks with a packed bag and even consider boarding the Nautilus and leaving town. No. Just... no. Having him even CONSIDER doing that is even worse than having Emma believe he WOULD do such a thing to her. It’s like they got the S6 writers out of a Cracker Jack box and not a single one had ever watched an episode of the show or seen this couple before in their lives. Their whole fucking SCHTICK is that he would NEVER abandon her, that he would follow her to the end of the world or time itself... and that, despite a lifetime of fears and abandonment issues, Emma Swan has come to TRUST that he would never leave her. YOU CAN’T JUST GO “LOL, THAT’S NOT TRUE NOW” AND EXPECT ME TO ACCEPT THAT SHIT. No. Fuck you. Fuck your entire season AND the boat it rode in on. Just... fuck, man. FUCK.
The wedding was nice, though. I loved the musical aspect. Everyone did great in it. It was a truly lovely episode in almost every way, although I didn’t care for Emma’s dress and especially not her hairdo. It was too stark, too severe, but somehow too fancy at the same time... and it seemed more Jen Morrison than Emma Swan to me. Other than that, though, it was lovely. Everyone looked lovely. The singing was lovely. The vows were lovely. Shame about the whirling black vortex of doom, though.
Speaking of things that suck, I would also like to set that fucking doily shirt that Emma wore in 6x17 on fucking fire. And she actually DARED to rescue my man in that atrocity. Did she not realize I would need to SEE that shitty article of clothing every time I admired that dashing rescue? Did no one think of the KWs of the world who would suffer from this fashion faux pas?!?!
Oh, and I hate that they literally had Emma burn Killian’s image in the curse and not have any kind of recollection. I mean, I get that they wanted Henry to make her believe, and the way they got him to do that was cute, but did they HAVE to show Emma looking at Killian’s picture burning in the fire and being like, “Eh, he might ring a bell, but not enough to bother thinking about for more than a second or anything.” I could’ve done without that scene, honestly, because it just comes off like, “This love isn’t strong enough to break through this curse!” and EXCUSE ME, but where’s the fucking fun in that? Haven’t any of those bitches ever read a goddamn fanfic?! LOVE BREAKING THROUGH A CURSE IS ALL THE RAGE, GUYS. That’s the kind of shit we like to read and see in our OTPs. What’s with this “Eh, let that handsome fucker on page 172 burn” shit??
Oh, but that scene where Fiona serves the charred remains of the book to Henry on a platter would need to stay. That shit was stone cold savage. That bitch came to play, and that scene straight up told you that she was NOT going to be sitting at anyone’s Thanksgiving table next year, asking someone to pass the potatoes like she was just named People Magazine’s Redeemed Villain of the Year or something. She meant business.
Finally, I think I would’ve ended the show with the S6 finale. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed S7 and I loved KnightRook and Wish Hook and all the excellent Colin content we got that year... but in hindsight, the Hail Mary play of rebooting the series really just didn’t work, and S7 ended up as the “extra chapter” the series itself didn’t need. It’s not that I would want to give up the awesomeness of what we had... It’s just that I feel like if we hadn’t had it, we’d be unaware of what we were missing out on anyway, but the series as a whole would’ve maintained more of its impact and dignity.
But then, we were blessed with Wish Hook and the wonders of S7 Hooked Queen, so... :D I mean, coulda shoulda woulda, I’ve got ‘em now and you can’t take that away from meeee...
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lewdmememonarch · 4 years
Makes me think of Jekyll and Hyde though I’m far from a lit buff I’m more gamer and scifi buff I feel like Fitz In season 4 of A.O.S sometimes can’t think of a better comparison at the moment
I think jekyll and hyde or any other duel comparison like that might be a bad comparison that was something uncontrollable but i can see the attraction of the ideaology that we have two different sides like different people inside but its important to remain aware that it is the same person (in moat cases) and that we may feel like a different person now but being aware of our mistakes and taking responsibility for then consciously and owning them as both us back then and us now keeps us from repeating them if that makes sense, i'm grocery shopping atm my thoughts might be a bit disorganised.
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