#and the fact they still probably brawl now n then
kkujo · 11 months
rewatching csm and like man i know denji is kind of just a silly guy but 😭 i forget he went through so much SHIT like obviously pre canon but even just during the first episode like. bro got stabbed like 20 times. what the fuck give him a break 😭
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laurfilijames · 1 month
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Part 7
Pairing: Will 'Ironhead' Miller x female reader
Words: 6.9k
Warnings: Rated E, 18+. Swearing. Trauma/PTSD/nightmares/insomnia. Unprotected intercourse.
Summary: Unanswered questions amp up every emotion that time does nothing to lessen, and so much uncertainty raises the concern if everything will turn out okay or if moving on is the only answer.
A/N: Less hurt than the last chapter, I promise! Thank you to everyone who was so enthusiastic and responsive to it and made all that angst worth writing!
Photo by @avatarskingdom and edited by me. Please do not use without permission or credit. Headers by the wonderful @spaghettificationandpretzels!
Chapter Playlist
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
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You felt numb as much as you felt angry, scared and heartbroken.
It was all still so surreal, having to remind yourself constantly that Will broke up with you and was gone, the persistent sick feeling in your stomach growing with every thought of his life being at risk and that even though he was no longer yours, you might never see him again.
You did everything you could to understand his side of things, but with that your frustration increased wildly, the fact that he hadn't even given you the chance to be there for him stinging almost as much as him abandoning what you knew, or thought, you had.
Did he really believe you wouldn’t support him, that you didn’t care enough about him to give him space and time while he dealt with all the things he needed to, that your love for him simply wasn’t enough for him to want to hold onto while he was deployed, that everything you thought you had been building was broken and false?
The toaster popped, shooting your slice of bread out, making you jump after forgetting you were even waiting for it.
You ate because you had to, but food tasted bleak and flavourless, and everything that landed in your stomach felt like it sat there and made your nausea even worse.
You had made a whole lasagna earlier just because, giving you something to do for the better part of an hour, but the thought of eating it was so unappealing and you had the idea that maybe you would drop it off for Benny. Taking a bite out of the plain piece of toast, you thought how awful it might feel to go over to the Miller’s house right now, and decided against it, opting to freeze the lasagna for another time instead.
Another bite and the toast was in the trash, and you stood in the middle of your kitchen unmoving, not sure what to do with yourself next.
You hadn’t slept, and whether it was fatigue or just your grief pummeling you, you broke down and sobbed, your body shaking as the memory of Will holding you in his arms in this very spot flooded you, dancing one night while in the middle of cleaning up dinner, pausing almost anything in favour of stealing a piece of each other.
Work was a welcomed distraction, forcing you to go through the motions and function like everything was normal, able to allow you to bury your emotions for the course of a shift and nearly forget about what had happened, only to have it all come back the moment you got in your car and started your drive home, knowing you had nothing to look forward to.
You hadn’t been back to the gym since the day you saw both brothers there all beat up from their brawl with each other, your body too exhausted and weak to even consider working out, but as you sat at your kitchen table with nothing else to do, you went and changed into your gym clothes and drove over.
It was busy enough, observing the evening crowd enough to keep you entertained as you walked on the Stair Master, each step automatic and absent-minded.
Through a few people and machines you spotted Benny, resting on a bench between sets of chest presses, his smile and slightly awkward wave making you feel equally so, and as he stood and started weaving his way over to you, you felt bad that he probably felt obligated to talk to you.
You stopped the machine and stepped down, grabbing your things in the assumption you would probably feel like leaving after this conversation, your water bottle shaking in your hand that trembled with nerves and adrenaline.
“Hey,” Benny said, somewhat hesitantly.
“Hey, Benny,” you answered, smoothing your hand over your sweaty hair.
“How’re you doing?”
You sighed, looking down at the floor as you shook your head. “Do you want the fake answer or the honest one?”
Benny huffed a laugh in understanding. “You look like shit.”
You laughed out of disbelief, bringing yourself to look at him as he scratched his head and tried to recover.
“I mean- fuck.”
“No, I look like shit. Feel like it too,” you confirmed, reassuring his observations.
“Are you looking after yourself?” he asked, his face full of concern.
You shrugged, “As much as I can, I guess.”
He nodded, sympathetic to your feelings. “Are you eating? Sleeping?”
“Here and there. Not much of both if I’m honest.”
“Yeah, I get it. Just do your best even though it’s hard.”
You hummed. “Does it get any easier?”
He tilted his head a bit. “Does what get easier?”
“The worry, the waiting…”
“Oh, uh…” he pulled his ball cap up off his head, smoothed his hair back and placed it back on again, this time backwards. “Yeah, I guess we all just get used to it in a way. But I’d be lying if I said that everyday you’re half expecting to get that phone call…”
He saw the tears in your eyes well to the surface, and unlike most times, Benny felt a bit speechless.
“I can’t stop thinking about him,” you admitted, your words not even directed at Benny, but rather said aloud simply because you couldn’t keep them in.
“Ugh, I’m sorry,” you went on, wiping your eyes and shaking your head like it would suddenly shake away your feelings. “I’m gonna get going, see you later.”
“Yeah, of course,” Benny responded, his voice soft. “Hey,” he called after you, making you pause and turn half-way to face him.
“Just don’t give up on him yet.”
You gave a weak smile. “I couldn’t if I wanted to.”
You made it to your car before you really fell apart, the tears coming down your face so hot and fast you could barely see to unlock the door, and when you flopped down into the seat, you rested your head against the steering wheel and wept.
The most overwhelming sense of panic came over you, taking control over everything and trapping you in it, your mind racing with every horrible thought imaginable, and before you could realize, your breathing had turned short and gasping, your mouth desperately trying to suck in air between sobs.
Your hands wrapped around yourself, squeezing you tighter than the grip of the anxiety attack was, feeling your whole body shaking and trembling and all you wanted to do was scream.
That was when Will’s soothing voice popped in your head, urging you to focus on your breaths and count each one, the sound of the numbers in his even tone allowing you to stop the panic, and you began counting out loud until your breathing eventually leveled out.
How could the same person who was the reason you were feeling this way manage to help calm you, you thought, exhaling slowly as everything around you started to come into focus again.
You ran your hands over your face, your body still shaking with each inhalation though they had become more regular, knowing that as much as you were hurt and betrayed, you still loved Will more than you could imagine loving anything.
Benny’s phone rang not thirty seconds after he’d just hung up, Will’s number lighting up his screen suspiciously close to him ending his conversation with Tom.
He pressed the green button to answer it, and before he could even get out a ‘hey’, Will’s voice stopped him.
“Are you checking up on me?”
“I heard Redfly talking to you, idiot.”
Benny scratched his head, trying to gauge which way this was about to go.
“If you’re wondering how I am, just ask me, Ben.”
“Yeah, well, sometimes that’s easier said than done,” he quipped, recalling how many forced conversations they’d had lately where Will gave short, vague answers to everything.
“What the fuck does that mean?”
Benny sighed, lifting his arm up in exasperation before letting it fall and hit his side, “I dunno, man, I just thought I’d get a truthful answer out of Redfly over you. He’s with you every day and can tell how you are.”
He heard Will sigh, and Benny took the pause as a chance to give his brother the opportunity to tell him for himself.
“So, how are you, then?”
Will sighed heavily again. “I don’t fucking know anymore. Okay, I guess?” he said, his uncertainty clear.
“Tom said things are going well with the op, and despite it all you seem like you’ve got your head in the game.”
“Yeah, that’s all fine,” Will explained, like his role as a Captain on this tour was the least of his worries. “It’s everything else…”
“Yeah…” Benny agreed, holding space for Will to continue.
“How’s she doing? Have you seen her?”
“Saw her at the gym yesterday,” Benny said carefully, trying to decide if it would be better or worse to tell him she wasn’t doing well, but ultimately knowing if he wanted Will to be honest, he would have to be too. “She’s not doing good, man.”
Will was silent, making Benny pull the phone away from his ear to check if the call had dropped or not.
“I can’t believe I did this to her,” he said quietly.
“Yeah, well,” Benny said flatly, “What’s done is done, now you just have to focus on finishing this job and getting back home so you can fix it.”
“Do you think there will be anything left to fix?”
Benny blew the air out of his mouth slowly. “That’s up to you two. If you both want it to work out…”
“That’s what I’m worried about. By the time I get back she’ll have moved on and learned to hate me.”
“You don’t know that,” Benny countered. Able to tell the expression that would be on Will’s face right now, he continued. “She still loves you man.”
“I wish she didn’t. She deserves better, not this shit…”
Benny’s heart ached for his brother, hating that he was going through this on top of being back in action, praying his stress didn’t get the better of him or be the cause of any fatal mistakes.
“Listen, man, I gotta go,” Will spoke, his voice weak and quiet.
“Yeah, okay. Be careful out there.”
The beep of the call ending sounded in Benny’s ear before there was even the chance to consider saying anything else, and he hoped Will would hang onto the thought that maybe it wasn’t all lost yet.
Days turned into weeks, but the amount of time that was passing didn’t help to make things feel any better, making you wonder every day if it would ever stop hurting.
Anger grew as you wracked your brain combing through every detail of every conversation and act that could've led to this, wondering where it was that you went wrong, but you still couldn’t pinpoint the moment Will gave up on loving you or what it was that made him peel away. It almost hurt just as much as him being gone did, unable to know what the cause was so you could try to rectify it and simply get closure as to why it ended, your heart like an open wound that would never heal.
You looked at yourself in the mirror one last time before exiting your room, on your way to meet two of your girlfriends for a quiet drink, your attempts to refuse unaccepted.
You couldn’t deny that it would possibly help get your mind off of Will, but you knew it was futile as everything you did and everywhere you went, he was there.
“That guy can’t stop looking over here at you,” Grace said through a grin as she nudged you with her elbow, and you twisted in your chair slightly to follow her gaze.
You took a sip of your wine as you assessed the man with dark brown hair and brown eyes staring directly at you, his smile bright and clean, his lips plump and inviting.
You said nothing as you turned back to your friends, raising your eyebrows as if that was a response that would appease anyone.
“Come on, he’s gorgeous!” Nicole urged, tilting her head indignantly.
“I never said he wasn’t!” you defended, but in your head all you could think was how he wasn’t Will.
“You need a rebound fuck,” Grace suggested, and the thought made your stomach flip.
“I’m not ready for any of that yet,” you admitted, hoping they would understand how raw everything still felt.
“We know,” Nicole sympathized, giving your hand a squeeze as she placed hers overtop, and you knew they would support you in anything whether it was continuing to miss Will with every part of your being or hooking up with the next man who walked by.
“Oh shit, he’s coming over,” Grace blurted, adjusting in her seat as a wide smile appeared on her face.
Your heart plummeted in your gut, and you sighed, praying this wouldn’t be as horribly awkward as you were expecting it to be, trying to find the energy to be kind and cordial despite not wanting to.
“I hope I’m not interrupting,” a deep, smooth voice purred behind you, and you felt the demand of his presence as he stood beside your chair.
His eyes were even more alluring up close, and his crooked smirk was equally charming as it was sexy, the dark scruff around his mouth complimenting his olive complexion.
You swallowed, feeling unable to find words, and with a low chuckle, it prompted him to continue.
“I couldn’t help but want to come over to say hi and introduce myself.” He spoke with such confidence, his voice so seductive. “I’m Cam.”
He held out his hand for you to shake, and you did, feeling your hand tremble slightly before he took it in a firm grip and moved it up and down once on your behalf.
You introduced yourself as well as Nicole and Grace who you wanted to kick under the table for how they were gawking at him, but not as much as you wanted to crawl under it to hide away as he pulled out a chair from the empty table beside yours and took a seat.
“Can I get you ladies another round?”
“Oh, yes please!” the girls chimed, seeming completely enthusiastic about him joining you.
You assessed his hand for any ring as he waved the waitress over, requesting for the same drinks to be brought to the table, feeling relieved there was no band wrapped around his ring finger, but something about him still felt off to you.
He’s not Will, your mind reminded you, and you took a long drink of your wine to try to swallow the sour feeling stirring in your gut.
It was comfortable enough talking to him, even catching yourself laughing at some of the things he said and genuinely having a good time, but every time you felt yourself liking something about him, there was one thing you found you didn’t.
He’s not Will.
You found yourself lost in his chocolate eyes as he spoke to you, imagining instead they were clear blue and held a brightness that reflected the love you had learned to see shine through them, only to be reminded that that wasn’t something that existed for you anymore, and you blinked back to the reality you faced.
“Would it be too forward of me if I asked for your number?” Cam asked, his eyebrows raising on his forehead in a hopeful, but confident expression.
“Hm, yeah, sure,” you replied, picking his phone up from the table that he slid over to you and typed your number into a text message along with your name, sending it to yourself.
“I’ll call you,” he said, standing from his seat where he continued to smile at you.
Your eyes followed him as he walked over to the bar to pay his tab, feeling something stir in you as he looked back over his shoulder at you one last time before he sauntered out of the bar, everything about him charming and gorgeous.
But he wasn’t Will.
“Are you going to go out with him?” Nicole asked excitedly, the looks on both your friend’s faces confusing you like you missed something they hadn’t.
“Umm,” you pondered, trying to wrap your head around the situation, the three glasses of wine making your head feel fuzzy. “I- I don’t know.”
You felt like crying, feeling a sense of guilt and anxiety bubble up in you, like you were betraying Will and being unfaithful despite the reminder that he wasn’t yours slapping you in the face and twisting your heart in your chest.
A few days had passed since your night out with the girls, and as expected, a text from Cam had come through asking to take you for dinner, the invitation sitting ignored and unresponded to in your messages.
Every time you opened your phone to reply, you would see Will’s name a few spots down from Cam’s, the contrast between them and what was past and what was present making you wish more than ever that you could go back in time and try to mend whatever it was that took Will away from you.
You didn't recall ever being so irritable, your temper short and your patience gone, a toss up whether you would scream or cry at the drop of a hat becoming the daily gamble.
The gym didn’t even seem to allay these frustrations, and as you tried to adjust the height of the rack bracket and it got stuck, you felt that blanket of red creeping up through you.
Cursing under your breath, you wiggled the pin again and again, tugging and jostling it to try to get it to move, the clanking of the metal against metal drawing attention over to you by prying, judging eyes.
“Need help?”
You sighed with relief, hearing the familiar voice that belonged to Benny, closing your eyes and counting your breaths as he stepped in and adjusted it for you.
“Thank you,” you muttered, avoiding meeting his eyes as shame washed over you.
“You alright?”
You forced the air out of your lungs again, still not meeting his piercing gaze.
“I'm just so angry and there's nothing I can do about it,” you admitted, your tone defeated.
“I understand that,” Benny drawled, leaning against the squat rack.
You felt him studying you, almost as if he was debating saying something.
“He asks about you every time I talk to him…”
It felt like the wind was knocked right out of you, and somehow you managed to speak.
“He does?”
Your bewilderment seemed to confuse Benny, his face screwed up as he looked at you like it was the most obvious and normal thing.
You covered your face with your hands, letting out a growl that did nothing to signify your frustration at the situation.
“I still don’t know what I did wrong. He stopped staying the night and became more and more distant each time I saw him…” You paused briefly, trying to put your thoughts in order. “Then he just stopped altogether and the next time we spoke he ended it, and now you’re saying he asks about me?”
“He didn’t tell you about his nightmare?” Benny asked, his shock blatant.
You shook your head, your brows knitted tightly together. “No?”
Benny sighed and rolled his eyes, shifting on his feet as he crossed his arms over his chest. “Jesus Christ…okay,” he groaned, exasperated by his brother’s ability to consistently make things worse.
You stood there unmoving as Benny explained what had happened, going over all the details Will had told him of his nightmare and his reactions to it, and you felt cold despite having worked up a sweat from what you had done in your routine already.
“I told him he wouldn't actually hurt you but he was so messed up from it. I think it was days before he managed to sleep after that,” Benny said, his tone sad. “I've only seen him that distraught after a nightmare a couple times before.”
“Why wouldn’t he have said anything to me?” you asked, your voice a whisper.
Benny shrugged, “I think he was scared. And then knowing he was leaving on top of it…it was just too much for him.”
You nodded, rubbing your hands on your arms for some sort of comfort, feeling like your heart was breaking all over again, but this time for Will rather than because of him.
“I’m not making excuses for him,” Benny went on, leaning with his arms up on the barbell that hung across the rack. “I don’t agree with what he did, I just know how messy things can get in that head of his, and as his brother I kinda always have to have his back, but it doesn't mean I’m on his side.”
You nodded, at a loss for words as your mind tried to process everything.
It was a helpless feeling, having some sort of understanding now but unable to do anything about it, wondering if you should send Will a message or have Benny pass one along, but all you wanted to tell him was you loved him and that was probably something he didn’t need right now.
“Thanks for telling me,” you said softly, all of your anger replaced with sadness and worry, your heart aching in your chest.
Time continued to pass but did nothing to heal, each day marking another one gone without a word between you and Will, leaving you more unclear than ever at what to do, feeling that if he wanted anything to do with you, he would’ve reached out by now.
Not wanting to put Benny in the middle of it, you never once asked him to interfere or treated him as a messenger, only asking how his brother was doing when he hadn’t told you on his own and thankful that he usually would provide an update anyway knowing you were wondering.
The last time you saw the younger Miller you had dropped off a week’s worth of food, having prepped a variety of high fat and carb meals, helping to get him ready for his upcoming fights in a new weight class.
Cooking for Benny was just the type of distraction you needed, feeling useful and productive and able to put this latent energy into something good for someone else, offering to make his meals for him each week so he didn’t have to worry about his nutrition while focusing on his training.
He had told you as he helped unload all the food from your car that Will was due to return home soon, a matter of days or weeks but there was no exact date yet, and every time you went to the gym or to the grocery store, you braced yourself for a run-in with the man you couldn’t stop thinking about.
You finished washing your face and brushing your teeth, checking your phone one last time before leaving it on your dresser for the night, never getting used to the disappointment you felt at not seeing a sweet message from Will like you used to whenever he wasn’t with you, and still holding hope that whenever it did buzz with a text, it would be Benny saying Will was back.
Your anxiousness was getting the better of you, feeling like it was worsening each day to the point you were struggling to sleep even more than what had now become your normal, never resting for more than a couple of hours at a time if you were lucky.
So many things passed through your mind in those hours spent awake, some of which consisted of that outstanding offer for a date with Cam, not declining it yet despite knowing it was something you didn’t want anything to do with. Nicole and Grace would still bring it up whenever you talked but didn’t put any pressure on you, both of them knowing deep down you were happiest with Will, and you weren’t about to jeopardize any remaining chance with him until you knew for sure that there was an absolute finality to your relationship.
Not feeling tired but knowing you needed to try to sleep, you crawled into bed, nestling yourself under the covers on the side that Will used to occupy, closing your eyes in hopes your mind would drum up the memory of his arms wrapped around you.
You knew you shouldn't do it, knowing it wasn't helping you move on and that some might deem it unhealthy, but every time you laid in bed you imagined him with you and it was becoming the only thing that would get you to sleep.
It had been your haven; the warmth of his body and your limbs tired and wonderfully achy from sex providing all the comfort you needed to drift off, both of you usually able to sleep soundly with the exception of Will having the occasional nightmare until his mind plagued him with the one that he couldn’t get past.
How could it be so wrong to go back to a time when a version of you didn't haunt his dreams, when you had brought each other nothing but love and understanding and a sense of safety and security? You kept replaying what Benny had told you about his nightmare over and over, the sense of guilt you had over it working to torture you just as much as the dream tormented Will.
You sighed, squeezing your eyelids tight, doing everything in your power to recall the feel of his lips on your neck, his breath ghosting over your skin as he wished you goodnight, his beard scratching against you in the most addicting way as he tucked his face as close to yours as he could.
Tears started to spring from your eyes the harder you shut them, thinking how you would give it all up in a heartbeat so Will could be happy and live a life with all of his worries put at ease even if it meant you couldn’t be a part of it.
Will picked at the frayed laces on his boot as he listened to the dial tone, one leg bent to rest on his knee while waiting for Benny to pick up, excited to share the news that he was flying home tomorrow and to get an update on Benny’s training, knowing he had been working hard to put on the last few pounds needed to put him in the Light Heavyweight class.
“Sup, bro?” he finally answered, out of breath.
“Hey, Ben. You running?”
“Just in the middle of some light spars. Got my first fight tomorrow.”
“Yeah, buddy!” he hollered, his excitement palpable through the phone.
“That’s awesome, Benny,” Will praised, proud of his brother for reaching his goal.
“How’re you doing?” Benny panted.
“I’m okay,” he paused, planting his foot down so both were on the ground and scratching his head. “Coming in tomorrow.”
“Fuck, seriously?”
“Shit. The fight is in Fort Myers, I can’t pick you up, man.”
Will tried his best to disguise his disappointment, his leg bouncing as he tried to level his voice.
“It’s fine, I’ll take a cab or get Redfly to drop me off,” he suggested, knowing he wouldn’t even ask his friend since Tom would be so eager to be reunited with his girls.
Benny sighed, “You sure?”
“Yeah, it’s not a big deal. I’m just sorry I’ll miss that fight.”
“There will be more, don’t worry,” he assured. “Safe flight home, eh?”
“Thanks Benny. Good luck tomorrow. Knock ‘em dead.”
Benny chuckled, “Yeah, I will. See you soon, bro.”
Will ended the call and sat for a minute, the bit of excitement he felt about coming home diminished, feeling a sense of dejection that he officially had no one there for him.
He considered all of his options, the thought of reaching out to you even crossing his mind, but knew that he couldn’t and he would just have to settle for whatever warm welcome the cab driver wouldn’t provide him.
He blew air out of his mouth slowly, starting to feel like he couldn't capture a proper breath, closing his eyes as the sense of self-inflicted and well-deserved dread he was now accustomed to consumed him.
One, two, three…he counted, the numbers switching from the sound of his own voice to yours, repeating them with each breath in and out until he secured a consistent pattern.
You knew what it meant without any other context, the single word appearing on your screen from Benny making your heart jump into your throat, and you grabbed the edge of the countertop behind you with shaky hands as you leaned against it.
He had promised to tell you when he knew for sure and here it was, the day you had hoped for for so long, but one you were also terrified for.
Will was coming home.
As a slew of emotions ran through you, it dawned on you that his arrival happened to be on the same day as Benny’s fight, and you wondered if that meant anyone would be there to welcome him home.
You picked up your phone to reply to Benny, thinking of asking him who was planning to pick Will up from base, but as soon as you started typing the message, you hit the arrow to delete it, putting your phone back down on the counter.
It wasn’t your business, you told yourself, fighting every urge to make it yours, the thought of Wil returning home from the hells he faced with no one there for him breaking your heart.
You figured you were the last person he would want to see anyway, and knowing you had the potential to send him even more over the edge made you feel sick, thinking of how much had changed from when you were the one who used to bring him peace.
The flight was long, and it felt like every muscle in Will’s body ached as he walked off the plane and waited to board the bus that would bring them to the base station, feeling so close but still so far from being home.
There was continuous chatter around him, the excitement of all the soldiers about reuniting with their loved ones making Will feel happy and sad at the same time, and he did his best to seem enthused when asked if he was looking forward to going home.
He checked his phone more times than he needed to, having sent Benny a text that he had landed to which he responded with a thumbs up emoji, part of him hoping that there would be something from you, only to remember he didn’t deserve any grace for his actions.
He was getting everything he deserved, he thought as he pressed his head back against the headrest after sitting down, sighing out slowly while closing his eyes, finding it amusing that being alone was something he was both looking forward to and completely dreading.
It wasn’t long before the bus arrived at base, and Will remained in his seat until everyone else had gotten off, not wanting his fellow troops who were so eager to hold their loved ones to be held up by him who was only going to wait for a fucking cab.
He slung his bag over his shoulder and made his way through people hugging, a weak smile forming on his lips in seeing one of his friends holding his newborn baby, and not far off did he watch Tom embrace both of his daughter’s in his arms, picking them up and swinging them around until they were screaming with delight.
After making his way to the doors, he pulled out his phone and looked up the number for a taxi, rubbing his other hand over his tired eyes roughly, praying it wouldn’t take long for one to show up.
The area he stood in was quiet with everyone else still lingering behind, but he glanced up when he noticed a couple walking past hand-in-hand, pausing to steal a kiss.
Will was about to hit the number to dial for Taxi Tampa when he looked up again, his eyes landing on a familiar face and one he couldn’t forget even if he tried.
You had just walked in and were stopped in your tracks as you noticed him at the same time, your face a mix of so many emotions that Will could hardly pick one out.
You gave a small shrug and shook your head, silently explaining that you didn’t really know what you were doing there, and Will all but choked as he tried to take a breath, his shock in seeing you completely overwhelming.
He dropped his bag and let his phone fall on top of it, stepping toward you in purposeful strides, his eyes welling up just the same as yours were.
“I wasn’t sure if I should even come but…I had to show up for you,” you shook out, Will’s hands reaching to cup your face, his thumbs smoothing your cheeks as tears started to fall down them.
He nodded in response, unable to say anything, his own tears breaking their threshold as you grabbed onto his forearms, rubbing them through his shirt as he continued to hold onto you.
He pulled you into a hug, relieved when you embraced him just as hard, feeling himself relax into you, his face nuzzling your head.
“I’m sorry,” he cried, alternating his remorse with ‘thank you’ between pressing kisses onto your forehead and hair, your sobs making your body lurch against his.
Your hands pawed at his back, clawing at his fatigues like you were trying to hold onto him for good, and Will prayed with everything he had that you never would let go.
He wasn’t sure how long you stayed like that for, but he eventually felt himself calm down, relishing in holding you and being in your presence again, knowing he would do everything in his power to make every bit of hurt up to you.
Will inhaled deeply, letting it go slowly out of his mouth, feeling like he could finally breathe properly again after all this time.
It was surreal to be in his arms, his warm embrace something you missed more than you imagined you could have, the feel of his body on yours and his scent surrounding you so familiar.
His heartbeat thrummed in your ear as you continued to rest your face on his chest, hearing his breathing having evened out and realizing yours had done the same.
You reluctantly pulled away to look at him, still keeping your arms locked around his middle. “Should we get you home?”
Will’s mouth turned up on one side, his crooked smirk making you melt.
“Yeah,” he nodded, his hand falling to land on your lower back as you both turned to where his bag was left on the floor.
You expected a moment like this to feel awkward, but it was anything but, like you were learning each other all over again, standing in Will’s room with your arms around each other’s waist, your faces so close and your lips inches from touching.
Finally, Will leaned into you, softly pressing his lips on yours, making you hold your breath as you let your eyes close and kissed him back, a broken moan transferring into his mouth as you forced yourself to try to take in air again.
His hand ran across your back, pulling you close to him as he took a step into you, your shirt slipping up so his palm splayed out on your skin, that sensation alone making you shiver in addition to how good it felt to have his lips on yours again.
Kisses grew more intense as each second ticked by, only pausing when he lifted your shirt over your head, and despite feeling so desperate, you both continued to keep every touch slow and careful.
His fingers pinched the clasp of your bra together to release it, moving the straps down your shoulders until it fell from your body, returning his hands to your arms where he trailed his fingertips up them to your neck and then down to your bare chest.
You found the buttons on his shirt, blindly unfastening each one until you were able to peel it open, feeling his smooth chest and the defined muscles of his torso, his warmth radiating out onto you.
Will reached up to take hold of your face, angling your head to press his tongue deeper in your mouth, stealing every bit of air from you in the process.
Breathe, your mind begged, but kissing him was better than breathing.
The rough material of his fatigues brushed against your nipples, making your breath hitch in your throat even more, your body moving to rub against him again to replicate the feeling.
You were rid of your pants and underwear next, leaving you naked while Will remained in his uniform, but the intoxicating feel of your skin on his bare chest let him know that he needed to have as much skin-on-skin contact as possible, and he tore the garment off his upper body quickly before moving to his pants.
Once you were bared to each other, you returned to your slow caresses, touching and exploring with light fingers and hands, your pleasure brought on purely by love.
You stopped kissing him for a moment, teasing your lips on his until you managed to whisper, your voice thick with lust.
“I need you, Will. I need you inside me.”
His nose nudged your cheek as he agreed with the nod of his head, his hands clasping your face again like he feared if he went too long without kissing you, you would vanish.
He took your hand and led you to the bed, sitting down on it and shifted back slightly where you followed, straddling his lap and wrapping your arms around his neck, looking into his vibrantly blue eyes as he gazed at you lovingly.
His hands slid all along your back, bringing you closer to his body before they landed on your legs, guiding you to put them straight so they were behind him and you were seated flush against his lap.
You breathed out slowly as your forehead rested against his, feeling his cock settle at your folds, and when you moved your hips ever so slightly, you gasped at the sensation.
Will kissed along your jawline, his hands massaging your hips, ready to assist as you lifted yourself enough to reach between your bodies and take hold of his cock, guiding him to your entrance where you slowly sank onto his length.
Short, shuddered breaths were exchanged between you before you found each other’s lips again, and you gradually began to move together, finding a tempo that sang to you and helped display the love that had been missing.
Will held onto every part of you that he could, grasping at you as you rocked and rode him, his hips jutting up into yours in slow, meticulous thrusts to give you everything you needed, feeling your desperation grow while his did too.
Your clit rubbed against the coarse hairs above his cock, grinding until you were at the edge, the way your wet walls clenched around and encased him driving him to the brink what felt like faster than ever.
Even though you were both quick to arrive at your climaxes, nothing about it was rushed, savouring each movement to get there and not taking a single second for granted, every emotion felt transferred through your bodies.
Will kissed you hard, groaning into your mouth as he came undone, coating your walls and filling you completely with his hot cum that started to leak out of you as you continued to move on his shaft, your orgasm lagging just seconds behind.
Your fingers clawed at the back of his neck, scratching and digging into his flesh as your body took every bit of pleasure from him, the seal of your mouths breaking as you both panted for air, his head falling into the hollow of your neck while yours rested on the side of his, his hair soft on your cheek.
His mouth smeared wet across your collarbone as he moved his face, pressing sloppy, lazy kisses onto your skin as he continued to hold you close, feeling his chest and back expand and contract with each heavy breath while you kept your arms secured around him.
Will brought you with him as he laid down on his sheets, your bodies still connected, his fingertips tracing your hairline before he leaned toward you and kissed your lips again.
After a few more minutes of kissing, you tucked your face into his neck, your legs entwining with his, Will rolling over onto his back where he held your hand and brought it to rest on his chest.
A silent agreement seemed to settle between you to leave the talking until tomorrow, right now needing to simply be with each other, and like nothing had ever gone wrong, Will closed his eyes and fell asleep, his mind and body finding a peace he didn’t think he would ever have again.
Part 8
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@sotwk @dailydragon08 @sunnys-day @thedreadandthefugitivemind @glassgulls
@littlenosoul @glitterypirateduck @momia2910 @maggotzombie @rmwarn90
@paintlavillered @casa-boiardi @stealfromthedevil @kmc1989 @justreblogginfics
@spaghettificationandpretzels @whatever-lmaoo @steviebbboi @charethcutestory02
@christinhunnam @hp-hogwartsexpress
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itsabouttimex2 · 8 months
Here's a challenge: platonic x reader who hates monkeys with a passion (you could do it with phobia or irrational hatred). With Wukong, Macaque, and Mk.
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Yandere MK, Sun Wukong, Macaque
(Fun fact 1- prunes are not their own fruit! They’re just dried plums.)
“I’m just saying,” he starts with a scoff, “it’s really silly that you’re expecting me to play along with this. Especially when I don’t get anything out of it.”
MK turns around to face the demon monkey, frowning. He folds his arms and walks backwards to keep eye contact, hoping that his mentor would watch his steps for him.
“Uh, you are getting something out of it, though? Y/N spent all day cooking for us so we could celebrate the new year together! They even made extra in case we wanted to bring someone else! That’s like… super nice of them!”
“Oh, I might get some maybe decent food, is that it? And all I’ve got to do is pretend to be a powerless mortal all the way through a probably mediocre dinner, huh? Just because this weird friend of yours is scared of monkeys?”
Sun Wukong; who had eyeing the sky for early fireworks more than he had been looking out for his student’s safety, finally chimed in. “To be fair, I think that mug of yours would scare anyone away!” A second later, he ducks down to avoid Macaque’s incoming tail, leaving MK to take the brunt of the relatively harmless blow.
MK stumbles backwards and almost into the street, only stopped when his mentor’s tail wraps around his waist and pulls him back onto the sidewalk. “Whoa,” the Great Sage mocks, setting MK safely back down, “someone’s in a bad mood today! Maybe… you’re just mad cause no one except us wanted you over for the new year?”
Macaque snarls and lunges at Wukong, ready to brawl. It’s only when MK swiftly moves to stand between them that the near fight is averted. “Guys, come on! Can’t you get along for just one day?!”
The “NO!” that they shout in perfect unison is just about what he was expecting, but he’s still a little disappointed about it. They both try to move past him to grab at one another, barely impeded by his physical position.
A thunderous bang echoes across the sky, a brilliant bloom of sparkling red painting the blue horizon. Macaque hisses and recoils, his arms quaking as he moves to clap his hands over his ears. At the exact same time, Wukong jumps up in delight, cheering and hollering at the sight. MK takes his chance to separate them, hooking his arm around Macaque’s, pulling the pained monkey demon along much quicker than he was moving before.
“Come on, come on! The food is gonna get cold if you two don’t hurry up! And! Y/N told me that there’s something special just for the two of you! Cause, y’know… when I asked if I could invite you both, they asked me what sort of stuff you liked, and I told ‘em about the whole ‘peaches and plums’ thing…”
Bringing up food seems to have been a decent enough distraction, as both of them choose to start moving along instead of fighting. Your house is already on the horizon. Now he just has to hope that another fight doesn’t break out between the rival demons.
As usual, life dashes his hopes of peace being anything more than a temporary lull.
“Yeah? Like how peaches are just about the best thing ever? And how everyone that isn’t crazy likes ‘em one way or another?”
“About how sweet-toothed meatheads can’t help but shovel them down whole? Those sort of people don’t have the brain to enjoy plums. Peaches are just sweet. Plums have a subtle astringent skin that mixes well with the flesh’s mellow sweetness.”
“Sure thing, old man. Go home and eat your prunes if ya like ‘em so much.”
“They are NOT-“
“Guys! We’re here!” Before they can argue any further, MK releases Macaque’s arm and rushes up to the door of your house. “Hurry up and come inside!”
He takes a moment to consider knocking, then grabs the doorknob and impatiently starts rattling it instead. To his delight, it’s already unlocked. A quick glance over his shoulder shows that both of his companions remain in their transformed state, tails safely tucked into their clothing.
He throws the door open and races inside, leaving the monkeys in the dust.
Just barely remembering to take off his shoes before he tears through the halls of your house without hesitation, he throws them aside near the door in a still-tied heap.
He follows a practiced path straight into the kitchen, finding you just as you remove a plate of pork-stuffed spring rolls from the oven. You set them down on the countertop to cool, then turn to face the very-expected intruder. You might’ve been surprised, if it wasn’t for his excited footsteps echoing through the house.
MK runs into your arms before you can even pull the oven mitts off, wrapping you up in a warm hug. For just a moment, it gives you the same feeling as coming home after a long day, cozy and inviting.
Then, his grip grows tight.
“I missed you,” he says, his voice quiet and low. “Invite me over more often. Or come to Pigsy’s and visit me, at least. Please.”
His grip tightens further.
And then he lets go of you, turning to face his two companions, neither of which you recognize. He waves them into the kitchen and moves to set the table.
Politely, you offer the first one your hand. He’s decked out in shining gold and exuberant red, like a brighter and flashier MK. “It’s nice to meet you! I’m glad you came to celebrate with me. Come and take a seat!”
He snags your hand between both of his own, giving it a firm pump. “It’s great to meet ya, bud! Thanks for having us!” He heads to the table and bounces on his heels, snatching up a seat for himself before anyone else gets the chance.
You smile and turn to MK’s other friend, the one dressed in a billowing black and red shroud that concealed most of his face and body. You offer him your hand as well.
He shrugs and walks right past you, sitting down at the opposite side of the table- probably to keep away from his colorful and loud companion.
MK frowns at his friend’s behavior, but turns back to you with a wide and rather forced smile. “Don’t worry about him. He’s just… not used to this.” His voice drops to a low whisper as he adds: “And his ears have been hurting all day. I think he’s getting grumpy.”
“I can hear you, kid,” the irritated man says from beneath his shroud. “There’s a reason that I’m called the S-”
“The SUPER SENSITIVE hearing guy, I know! The thing that all of your friends call you,” MK clumsily tries to lie, his ears and cheeks darkening to red with his poor attempt at deceiving you.
But before you can question him on it, his golden-clad friend pipes in with a snide: “He’s certainly sensitive, I’ll give him that.”
Outright chaos is only abated by the sharp click that sounds when you set a porcelain tray on the polished quartz surface of the table.
“MK told me about your favorite fruits, actually! So I stayed up late to make these for all of you,” you cheerily announce to the trio, lifting the delicate lid to reveal three plates of sticky-rice pudding. Each one is delicately drizzled with syrup sugar and studded in tiers with sweet fruits.
Your friend jumps forward, his palms hitting the table as he stares at you with wide-eyes. “Y/N! You made Eight Treasures Rice for us?!”
“Well, it’s more like ‘One Treasure Rice’, haha. It’s really only got the fruit in it, actually. I didn’t wanna put anything you guys didn’t like in there, so I decided to play it safe. I hope that’s not disappointing!”
“Not at all, bud! Not at all!” Several of his aureate accessories glint in the light as the man reaches eagerly for the peach-filled rice pudding.
You pass it to him with a smile, then give MK his own, stuffed full of tangerine slices. With only one left, you push the plum-packed dessert to the shrouded stranger, who seems to slightly brighten up at the sight of it.
Before anyone can say anything, you remove yourself from the table and hurry around the kitchen, gathering plates and utensils for the trio. You put them out quickly, then pile all the dishes you made in the morning onto the table.
“Good kid,” Wukong whispers to Macaque, picking bits of peach from the pudding as you arrange two plates of dumplings on the table. “And good food. Still regret coming, ‘Super Sensitive’?”
“…the kid’s alright. Jury’s still out on the food, though.” He pauses, taking a quick moment to think of something to criticize Wukong for. “And keep your tail under control. I can see the tip flicking back and forth in your pant leg.”
“Whatever you say, bud.”
A tray with a whole braised chicken is set between them, and a platter of steamed rice flour cakes after it. Finally, you take your own seat, next to the shrouded man and across from MK.
It strikes you then that you haven’t even learned the names of your guests.
“I’m Y/N, by the way! I’m sorry for not asking your names earlier! What should I call you?”
“The name’s Sun, bud! And that’s Mac, sitting in the edgy robe.”
“I like the robe,” you compliment politely, looking at the concealing garment. “The cloud embroidery is a nice touch.”
“It’s a cloak… and thanks.”
MK jumps forward in excitement and strikes his palms against the table, rattling the bowls and dishes.
“C‘mon! Let’s eat, everyone!
“I think everything went well, today. You think so too, right?”
You set the knife down, turning to face ‘Sun’. As you cut up the leftovers, he’s sorting them into separate containers for everyone to take home. (And giving himself larger portions when you weren’t looking.)
“Definitely! I think my, uh… friend was pretty impressed. I hope we can do this again, Y/N! I don’t really have anything scheduled this time of year…like, ever.”
Except for watching fireworks from the top of his mountain, far away from company and civilization. Again and again, over and over, thinking only of his long-passed friends and companions.
“…we are going to do it again, right?”
“Oh, um, sure. I don’t see why not. My family doesn’t really come and visit, so I’ll probably have the house empty again next year. So, um… yes! I’d be happy to have you over!
He hums softly, nodding his head to your words.
“Sounds good, bud. I’ll be there. And… I’ll see if I can wrangle Mac into coming, too. Maybe just to see him jump at fireworks again, though.”
“He seemed interesting,” you graciously offer of the cloaked man, in spite of his admittedly poor behavior through dinner. “I enjoyed his stories.”
“Pfft! I could’ve told them better- I was there for most of them!”
“Well, the two of you should come again- MK seemed happy- more than usual, even. Honestly? I think he’s been stressed out lately… I’m glad he could have a day to relax. I really do need to visit him more often.”
“Huh. Guess it must be a little hard living so far from the city, bud. Any reason you’re this far out?”
“Oh, that’s… I inherited this house- and the orchard outside- from my parents, actually! I take a lot of pride in it, really. I wouldn’t trade it for the world, even if the work is a little lonely.”
“…I think I will come visit, then. And I might sample a few of your fruits, too,” he teases, lightly elbowing your side. “You think you can handle that, bud?”
“…you know what, Sun?” Sun, what he had informed you his name was. It fits him well. He’s bright and exuberant, and never stops smiling. He seems like he’d be a good friend.
“That- that sounds really nice. Come by anytime you’d like.”
Your words sound kind right now. They feel right to say. The Great Sage thinks so too.
And he’s certainly not going to forget about them. Neither will Macaque, listening in from the shadows beside your tangerine trees.
Why would they ever let go of this kindness?
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goatcheesecak3 · 9 months
i just saw your post / reblog mentioning anger issues adam being under represented and ur so right why DOES everyone make him a pissbaby
this is me begging you !!! if you feel like it !!! as a formal request PLEASE !!!!! write a little something with adam’s anger issues and a reader who absolutely sucks with anger (like. cries when yelled at) and how adam might handle that AHDJSJDJ
Hot head
Adam Faulkner-Stanheight x F!reader
Click here for m!reader version!
Includes: angst, fluff, brief mention of physical altercation (not between Adam and reader)
Summary: after a brawl at a bar, Adam is left feeling hot-headed and angry, unfairly snapping at his partner.
A/n thank you so so so so much for this request!! It's really nice to be able to flesh his character out a bit more, like don't get me wrong, I love soft fluffy Adam, but he's such a complex character with so many different sides, so it's nice to explore a new one for a change :^)
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"Adam please just calm down!" Y/n pleaded, her voice quivering.
"Calm down? Are you fucking kidding me?" Adam yelled, slamming the apartment door behind him as the two entered.
"Why do you always have to undermine me like that? I had it all under control" he continued.
"No you didn't, Adam you're hammered and you were gonna get yourself hurt" y/n insisted, tears welling in her eyes.
"I can't be around you when you're like this, I'm going to bed. Don't follow me" he snarled, as he huffed away to the bedroom and locked the door behind him.
Y/n's boyfriend, Adam, was a tetchy guy. He really was the loveliest guy you could ever meet, but he had issues with his anger. He'd had them ever since he was a kid, probably due to the fact that his dad was nothing short of an asshole, but as he grew older he managed to get his temper under control. That was until he reached his mid twenties and went through a particularly traumatic event; being kidnapped by a serial killer and only narrowly escaping with his life. Ever since then his temper had a hair trigger.
On this particular occasion, it was a Friday, date night for Adam and y/n. They'd gone to a hole in the wall bar just to have a few rounds before heading home, but of course, Adam had overdone it. He wasn't necessarily acting too out of the ordinary, just drunk, which was fine, it was a Friday and he didn't need to be up early the next day. But alcohol made Adam's already short temper even shorter, it took very little to get him agitated, and when a lairy drunk man nudged Adam and sneered "ain't you that guy from the news that went and got himself kidnapped?" Adam completely lost it.
"The fuck did you just say to me?" He spat with an aggressive shove
"You heard me" the drunkard jeered
"Baby, please let's just go" y/n whispered, tugging at Adam's arm, who immediately shook her off.
"You wanna take this outside asshole?" Adam yelled, drawing attention to their squabble now.
The man threw his head back laughing, "Fuck are you gonna do to me you skinny prick?" He shoved Adam back, and in his drunken state, Adam lost his footing and stumbled backwards.
Feeling humiliated and enraged, Adam lunged at the man, landing a hefty punch on his right cheek. The man, who didn't take so kindly to this, grabbed Adam by the scruff of the neck and punched back. This went back and forth until Adam and the man were practically a cloud of fists and hurled obscenities, all to y/n's horror, as she pleaded for them to stop through tears.
Eventually, a rather burly bartender got between them and peeled the two off of eachother. Y/n apologised for the commotion and dragged a still very firey Adam out of the bar.
The couple argued the whole short walk home, Adam adamant that y/n should have just let him knock that asshole out,  and y/n tearfully insisting that Adam would have gotten himself hurt, which brings us up to speed.
"I can't be around you when you're like this, I'm going to bed. Don't follow me" Adam snarled, as he huffed away to the bedroom and locked the door behind him.
Y/n sat down on the sofa and let out a few small, quiet sobs. She pulled a nightshirt and an old blanket out of the laundry basket and settled in on the couch, ready for a long and uncomfortable night.
Writhing around in the darkness, y/n wrestled with her racing mind trying to find sleep, to no avail. She hated when she and Adam went to bed mad at eachother, and she hated Adam when he raised his voice. She hated this entire night, and desperately just wanted to get to sleep so that it would be over.
Y/n became aware of floorboards creaking from down the hall near the bedroom, she figured it was just Adam getting up to use the bathroom.
That was strange, they were getting closer.
Y/n closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep, not wanting round two of the argument right at the minute. She heard Adam step closer still, until he was most definitely stood right next to the sofa, looking over her. Y/n wasn't sure where this was going, but still, she pretended to be asleep. That was when she felt something she didn't at all expect; Adam's arms began to cradle her body and lift it up, carrying her to the bedroom gently. Y/n felt herself be placed so very carefully on the mattress, and tucked in under the warm sheets. Adam sat on the side of the bed stroking her hair and whispering so quietly that she almost didn't hear him.
"I don't deserve you, but i want to. I'll get my temper under control, I'll be a better man for you. I don't wanna loose you baby" he breathed,  unaware that y/n was hearing the whole thing.
He pressed a soft kiss onto y/n's temple with the most quiet "I love you".
"I love you too" y/n whispered back.
Adam's face flushed red, as he looked down into y/n's now open eyes.
"H... how long have you been awake?"
"The whole time" she smiled warmly.
Adam's gaze softened at her smile.
"I'm sorry baby, I really am. How can I make it up to you?"
Y/n thought for a second, before she settled on an answer.
"Well for starters, you can get under here with me and give me a cuddle" she said, lifting up the blankets and patting the empty spot beside her.
"Sure thing babe" Adam whispered affectionately, his face angelic and soft.
He slipped under the covers next to y/n and held her tightly all night, as though he'd truly realised just how precious the girl sleeping next to him really was, and he was never going to let her go.
A/n requests are open! Check my pinned post for details and masterlist!
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bullet-clubs-bitch · 11 months
Chuck Taylor X Fem reader (Chuck is referred to as Dustin)
You taught me how to love, I was broken, shattered into a million pieces and you put me back together. I don’t want to be with anyone else but you. You are enough, more than enough.  
Word count: 2215
Main Masterlist
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Every now and then I would get asked why I married Chuck Taylor? What was it that I saw in him? How was I still with him? The internet was a ruthless place, I would see the comments, people were always shocked to find out that not only Dustin and I were married but we shared a son. People would say that I deserved better, that it was a miracle that he pulled someone like me and I hated it. Everytime someone said he was undeserving of my love it honestly broke me. 
I know for a fact that Dustin saw what was being said of him online, and as much as he pretended it didn’t bother him I knew it did, because I knew it bothered me.
Today was All In, in London. Dustin and I decided to take our son Damian along for the ride, wanting him to experience the historical event. We flew straight from dynamite to London, arriving a few days before the event in order to prepare. On the card Dustin would be a part of the stadium stampede and I would be defending my AEW women’s world championship in four way. Before the show I did a press conference, talking about the difference between the first All In all those years ago and now. 
“So, Y/n. You will be defending your AEW Women’s championship in a fatal four way. How is today different from the first All In all those years ago?” A reporter asked me. 
“Well, something that is different is that I have a kid now” I told the reporter truthfully 
“Um, well, I have been honored to be a part of the ever growing womens division in AEW. Kenny, Matt, Nick and I had this vision back in Japan to create our own wrestling promotion and to see what it is today is something I would have never believed if you told me five years ago” 
“As you said, something that is different is that you have a kid now. How do you balance being a mother and a wrestler?” 
“It’s difficult, especially since we are traveling more now that everything has opened back up. In all honesty it’s not too bad, some shows I will bring my son with me but other times he’s staying with my parents or someone. It’s like you said balance, when I’m gone for weeks at a time then I would bring him, where as if it were a few days I probably wouldn't” 
“ How do you feel about your match tonight? Walking in ready to face three other opponents has your chances of winning smaller.” 
  “Well for starters I don’t think that this being a four way puts me at a higher chance of losing. Statistically speaking I have a good track record with these kinds of matches. If you look back at the first All In I successfully defended my ROH Women's championship in a fatal four way. One of which was Britt Baker. I will be going into this match like I do all my other matches, cool, calm and collected. Although this is a huge match and I have a lot of pressure on me, it’s nothing I haven’t felt before.” 
“One last question Y/n  your husband will be a part of the stadium stampede match, what are your thoughts on the match?”
“I personally love a good bloody brawl.  Anarchy in the arena, stadium stampede, blood and guts, they are my favorite. I know Mox is going to do some insane things and I’ll be on the edge of my seat watching this amazing murder scene unfold before my eyes. That being said, as much as I adore the Blackpool Combat Club I will be on the side of Best Friends tonight. I know people think that Best Friends are all hugs and rainbows but I think they have proved time and time again that they have a dark side. The parking lot brawl being a perfect example, Chuck and Trent have bathed in their own blood before and can be just as ruthless as the BCC. I do hope, for the sake of my mind, that I have my match before theirs so I can watch it and not stress about my match. Regardless it’s going to be a great match and I hope nobody gets hurt too bad” 
Soon it was the final hours before we went on air and for once I began to grow nervous. Not nervous about my match but Dustins. This wasn’t anything new, Dustin has had bloody brawls in the past but something about this one felt different. 
“How ya feeling Champ?” I didn’t even hear Dustin enter the room. I only noticed him when he wrapped his arms around my waist, hugging me from behind. 
“Nervous” I replied 
“How so?” Dustin asked
“Not sure, I know my match and I’m genuinely really happy that Saraya is going to get her moment and all but…” 
“But what?” 
“I’m more nervous for you” I told Dustin before turning around so I could bury my face in his chest, holding him in a tight embrace 
“Why are you nervous for me doll? It’s nothing I haven’t done a dozen times over?” 
Truthfully I didn’t know why I was so nervous, the match itself didn’t worry me too much but it was what came after. This would be a bloodbath and right now I was questioning that bringing Damian along was a good idea. Did I really want him to witness his father bloodied and bruised? Imagine trying to explain that to a 3 year old. 
“I know, but I just have this feeling. It’s hard to explain, I just have this gut feeling that somethings going down tonight. I’m not necessarily talking about you, Dusty,  but in general I just have this feeling” 
Well boy was that feeling right. Other than the backstage beef that went down, as I expected I knew the people would talk. Dustin’s match went great, no bad falls, no stitches needed but for some reason no matter how good the match was you would always have those negative people. 
I returned to the hotel around 1am, exhausted. All I wanted to do was have a hot shower and sleep. Although Dustin and I both washed up at the arena after our matches you still are left feeling a bit gross. That final shower before bed calming your burning muscles. 
As Dustin was In the shower I put Damian to bed, just then I got a text on my phone. 
I looked and saw a message from Matt. Looking at the text I noticed it was just a link to which I clicked and ended up on a chain of tweets. 
I guess an old image resurfaced of me and an ex boyfriend of mine. I read the messages and they all said the same thing. “Y/n should have stayed with him” “They were perfect together” “She settled for Chuck” just to name a few. 
Looking back at the image I could feel the tears start to form in my eyes. That Ex boyfriend of mine was none other than Tyler Black. Tyler and I had been together when we were teenagers. We were dumb kids trying to make it in the industry. The people loved us not only as our characters but as us as a couple, the thing was all of that quick fame can get to your head. Yet we never broke up, that was until I found out he had been cheating on me for months. I remember when I found out, oddly enough it was Chuck Taylor himself and Dalton Castle who told me about it. But that was years and years ago, since then so much had changed. 
Dustin and I got together later on in 2009 when he debuted in Pro Wrestling Guerrilla. I fell in love with him 14 years ago so why is it now that all of a sudden people have a problem with it? 
My brain just couldn't seem to comprehend it. Yeah of course people change, everyone has changed, in 14 years we have both changed. Physically that is, through it all Dustin still had that sense of humor and smile that would light up a room. 
Just then I heard the shower turn off. I quickly hid my phone pretending like nothing happened. 
I then quickly grabbed my things and headed for a shower, Dustin could tell something was up I knew he did. “Is everything alright? You seem on edge” He asked, blocking me from entering the washroom to escape. “yeah , everything is fine, I’m just tired that’s all” I responded. Dustin knew I was lying straight to his face but decided to leave it. 
The hot water felt perfect against my sore muscles, that match was definitely a brawl. Although I lost I was happy Saraya won. I remember when she got injured all those years ago, being able to help her get back in the ring after seeing what had happened made me happy. During the match I did not get pinned, Toni did which meant that I would get my rematch at some point and who knows maybe become a 2-time champion? 
After I noticed the tips of my fingers becoming a bit pruney I got out, wrapping myself in a fluffy towel and finishing getting ready for bed. 
When I returned, I saw Dustin under the covers, scrolling on his phone. 
“Whatcha looking at?” I asked, as I jumped on top of the bed, joining him under the warm covers
“Nothing” He said, trying to hide the screen 
“Okay then” 
“By the way Matt was texting you when you were in the shower” 
Shit, do you think he saw the texts from Matt? Looking at my phone I saw more messages from Matt. ‘What is wrong with people’, ‘I can’t believe this is still going on’, ‘I’m sorry that you have to deal with this Y/n’ 
I only now realized the sad look on Dustin’s face, he definitely saw them. 
“What’s wrong honey?” I asked in a gentle tone, being cautious  of my next words
No response
“You know you can tell me anything right? Whatever it is that’s bothering you, I can help you”   I hated seeing him down like this. Tonight was supposed to be a night of celebration, not pity. 
“Can I ask you something?” Dustin asked, with a sad puppy dog look in his eyes 
“Of course, anything” 
“Why do you love me? Why are you still with me when you could be with someone else. They can treat you better, what about Matt, you should be with someone like him but your stuck with me” 
His words felt like daggers, it killed me. 
“Well, I love you for many different reasons Dusty. You are kind, loving, you're really funny, I love everything about you. I think you forget just how long we have been together. You have been with me through everything. You were there when I got signed to New Japan, you were there when I founded bullet club. I remember how scared I was to move to Japan by myself, you were there for me, supporting me through it all even on the other side of the world. You are always so supportive of me and my crazy ideas. Heck, you believed in me when I said I wanted to start my own wrestling company. Do you know how ridiculous that sounds?” 
“14 years is a long time” 
“It sure is, and I wouldn't trade any of it. You are always looking out for me, protecting me, without you I would probably be in some Psych ward trying to get clean or let’s be honest dead. Do you remember that you saved my life, quite literally. You never once judged me for my problems, instead you helped me through them, every single one. You taught me how to love, I was broken, shattered into a million pieces and you put me back together. I don’t want to be with anyone else but you Dustin. I love you so much.” 
“I love you too Y/n” 
“Just look at us, sure yeah we have changed but to loved is to be changed. We have a son, I never wanted kids before you changed my mind. We have accomplished so much together. I love you for you, always have, always will. So stop reading that stupid stuff online, it doesn’t matter what they say. You are enough, don’t you ever forget it” 
“Even if I’m fat now?” asked laughing to lighten the mood
“Shut the hell up boy, you are not and plus I love me a dad bod” I said laughing 
“Thank you Y/n, sometimes I just need that reassurance” Dustin said as he shifted in the bed, laying his head on my lap. 
“Anything for you my love. I will always love you” 
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justsomekpopstuff · 5 months
nct 127 as a baseball team - part 2
A/N: Once again taking a break from what I ACTUALLY need to be working on to provide you this!
current masterlist | fic recs
part 1
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team colors are black, white, and neon green
team mascot is a black bear wearing a bright neon green jersey and baseball cap
left fielder!Yuta can regularly be seen latched on to shortstop!Mark in the dugout during games
Somehow, some way, whenever the cameras pan to the dugout, there's Mark, with Yuta close behind like a shadow, and every now and again its the other way around. Sometimes they will find themselves on the kiss cam, much to Mark’s dismay and Yuta’s enjoyment.
everyone learns very quickly that you do not come between third baseman!Doyoung and his pitchers
The first time that starting pitcher!Haechan got rushed at the mound by an angry batter, everyone watched as somehow, Doyoung got to the batter first, completely shoulder checking the batter to the ground before he could reach Haechan. Everyone was shocked except for Haechan, who just laughed instead.
first!baseman Johnny will somehow always find a way to sign things for kids before games
It does not matter where he is or how much time he has, things will be signed, especially if they have a funny sign or make him laugh. His personal favorites are he ones that say that they skipped school to come to the game or that they will trade snacks for a signature.
the first time that the team ever got involved in an all-out bench-clearing brawl involved catcher!Taeyong
Taeyong was trying to make a play at home plate when the runner intentionally rammed into him, completely knocking him to the ground very hard and kicking the wind right out of him. Within seconds, that runner was completely overrun by everyone else on the team, including the outfielders who sprinted like their lives depended on it, because NO ONE touches their catcher and gets away with it. Third baseman!Doyoung managed to pull a very sore and winded Taeyong out from the dogpile before immediately joining the fray with the rest of the team.
the entire team bows to relief pitcher!Winwin whenever he comes into the dugout after making an appearance
They know he probably will not get the praise that he deserves for saving their games as many times as he has, so they are determined to make sure that he gets it!
when right fielder!Jungwoo first joined the team, the other members decided to try and haze him, with unexpected results
They decided to haze him by making him carry around a Snoopy backpack the whole season for his gear. However, they didn’t expect him to actually love the backpack as much as he actually did. Jungwoo wore that Snoopy backpack with a smile on his face the whole season, and he still uses it on a regular basis.
every now and again when they are playing a rival team, fans will hear loud screams coming from the dugout whenever the opposing pitcher is about to throw
Come to find out, those screams are coming from quiet, unsuspecting center fielder!Jaehyun. He says that the screams are meant to throw the opposing pitcher off, to varying results. The fans quickly learn that Jaehyun is, in fact, the weirdest person on the team in the best way. Compilations are quickly made of the most iconic screams.
One of left fielder!Yuta’s favorite between-inning events is when the kids get to “steal third base”
Whenever it happens, he always makes sure to be on the lookout so he can lend a hand. On his way out to his position, he always makes sure to stop and hand the base to the kids with a bright smile, even if it means that he is fully in third baseman!Doyoung’s way and that it takes him longer to get to his position.
catcher!Taeyong has been shown feeding his teammates and his coaches orange slices on multiple different occasions
after being fed up with how many sunflower seed shells were left on the floor of the dugout, third baseman!Doyoung buys everyone their own special cup with their name on it to spit their shells in to.
starting pitcher!Haechan absolutely hates the pitch clock with a glorious, furious passion
the first time that starting pitcher!Haechan and relief pitcher!Winwin get a combined no-hitter, the entire team celebrates by throwing them both into the air and carrying them off the field like royalty
the team makes it a point and a mission to be the most distracting forces of nature in the background of every media interview that one of their teammates does...they cannot be stopped
Tagging: @daydreamingyuta (thank you for the mascot inspo!) and @vcrnons
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bizkitsnuggets · 6 months
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No, no, no, no. This cannot be happening. I take it back. I do care about who my partner is!
Poor [Y/N] internally screamed. This was a nightmare. Maybe not so much for the jealous girls who immediately stared daggers at [Y/N] after hearing the teacher announce that. But for her, it is.
‘Cause that means she has to deal with emo delinquent first hand. She already knew that she was definitely going to fail this class. First of all, [Y/N] and Jotaro had never interacted with each other. Well, other than creepy eye contacts throughout the year.
But that was it! [Y/N] couldn’t be bothered about some jacked up delinquent guy. And Kujo Jotaro couldn’t give a single shit about an ordinary girl at some shitty school he goes to.
And this also means that [Y/N] has to actually communicate with her mouth, not her eyes. Sure, she has experience conversing with customers at the tea shop but those were strangers. And none of them were bad boys who smoke and skip class and have ten belts on their waists.
“Alright, that’s all! Now let me actually talk about the project.” The teacher spoke, gaining everyone’s attention. “You’ll all have to create a cardboard presentation about an animal of your choosing. It must include its origin, habitat, population, and fun facts! You are free to decorate your presentation in any way you want. Just nothing inappropriate, please.” He finished explaining.
[Y/N] rolled her eyes involuntarily, dreading the moment when she has to discuss with Jotaro later. Despite hating the fact that she has to work with Jotaro, she more so hates the fact that she’ll have one missing assignment. What’s worse? Working with tall emo, or not having all your assignments completed?
She let out a sigh of distress, taking out her pencil and notebook from under the desk and strategically planning steps about how to talk to Jotaro. Was it necessary? Yes. Very much so.
“Oh, by the way, this project will contribute 50% to your scores so if you don’t submit it… say goodbye to graduating.”
Oh, suck my ass.
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Once the bell rang, indicating the second lunch break, [Y/N] quickly cleaned up her desk and chased after Jotaro who was already out of the classroom. This was basically like an elephant and mouse chase, reversed.
“Kujo!” The girl managed to breathe out once their proximity was close enough. Jotaro stopped in response to hearing his surname being called out. [Y/N] catches up to him and composes herself before speaking to him again. “Hey, uh.”
Shit, nice going [Y/N]
She was now face to face with Kujo Jotaro. His muscular frame looming over her. She didn’t know if it was the atmosphere or the gaze he had, but if anyone was passing by, they’d think [Y/N] and Jotaro were going to have a brawl.
Damn, for someone who smokes ten cigarettes every day, he looks pretty healthy.
“So…” [Y/N] started, looking up at him as she spoke. “When are you free—”
“Shut up”
“Excuse me—”
Jotaro grunted, “shut the fuck up,  you’re noisy”. He gives her the nastiest glare a man could ever have and leaves to probably have a smoke break. “What the actual fuck…” The dumbfounded girl mumbled to herself as she stood there as if Jotaro had just revealed that he was batman. The girl was lost, to say the least.
Well, that was fucking rude. So much for running all the way here.
The girl sulked as she made her way back to her classroom. Passing by a certain someone’s locker and kicking it as hard as she can.
Maybe Jotaro had a bad day. Maybe, just maybe, he was having a bad day and is in one of his moods right now. This isn’t the end of the world. We can still try this tomorrow. There’s still another chance.
Truth to be told, [Y/N] was one hundred and one percent sure this wasn’t going to work and she’d have to be held back a year because some stupid kid couldn’t cooperate with her.
That man already looks like an asshole, acting like one isn’t helping him or anyone at this matter. Looking like you have an attitude is one thing, but actually having an attitude is another. Damn, did this frustrate the girl.
It definitely agitated her because she was glaring onto the vase of flowers on the teachers desk while squeezing her juice box like a mad man.
Count your days, Kujo.
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passionsafire · 1 year
A thumping metal heartbeat sets an unsteady rhythm as a fire-red titan of steel lies trapped between fallen rivets and frayed wire large enough to barely fit in the giant robot's hands. Within its chassis, the buzzing tone of a bugged-out radio wave echoes from the center console of its cockpit. The pilot lies still, spiked-up hair drooped over his forehead, caked in sweat. A dented flying V guitar lies flat in his lap. Both pilot and Valkyrie, both equally battle-worn, were at least not so worse for wear as the environment of the wreckage-strewn corridor around them. Rubble topples from an exposed ceiling panel as a thunderous quake ripples through the devastated station. The unmistakable sound of explosions echo again and again in the distance like the repetitive beat of the drums of war. Faintly, in the undercurrent of the merciless soundscape, a crowd roars. Unintelligibly at first, but as the static loop of the radio circuit begins to drown out all other sounds, he hears it clear;
". . . Ba-
. sa-. .
ra. . ."
The pilot stirs, his numbed-out index finger twitching to life.
"Ba... sa ra..."
It's louder this time. The drums sound more coordinated, and his foot starts tapping along to the beat.
"Ba-sa-ra. Ba-sa-ra. Ba-sa-ra. Ba-sa-ra."
The call of the crowd meets his ears as he steps forward onto the stage. Spotlights beam down on him, bright enough to force his eyes into a squint. But he doesn't take his eyes of his audience for a second. They've all come here to see them play, to hear Fire Bomber! He can't disappoint them now, can he? Not after they've come this far.
"Basara! Basara! Basara!"
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"How ya' feeling, EVERYBODY?!" Nekki Basara cries out to them, raising a single fist to the sky. The roar of the crowd erupts into a chorus of voices like rogue waves crashing against a rocky cliff. Boom, boom, boom from behind--Veffidas putting down a drum beat with the ferocity of a brawl. Ray's keytar fills the air with a cool synth rhythm while Mylene's bass fires up a deep, pounding riff.
"Alright, let's get started! FIRE!!"
"Basara?" A voice calls from behind, but he's focused forward, getting fired up with the fans.
"Basara." It calls again. His brow twitches.
"Oh, come on! What's wrong, we're just about to get starte-" A flash cuts through his vision, throwing him out from his fevered dream and back into reality. As a burst of flame roars into the corridor, Basara's eyes burst open in a fury. He barely has time to get his bearings before another quake rocks his Valkyrie's chassis inside and out.
The radio in his forward console chirps out a scratchy query, "Ba..s...? Ba...sara? Are y.... re.....ng th...s? Wha.... y..... ....atus?"
The rockstar swipes his bangs from his eyes as he sluggishly reaches for his machine's controls.
".....ara? Co..... ..n Basa....a. Ba....sar...a!"
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"Yeah, yeah, keep your pants on. I heard ya' already," he says, pulling his guitar to his chest. His Valkyrie reaches forward and pries itself free from the cage of wreckage that had collapsed around it before pulling itself to its feet. With a burst from the rear verniers, Basara accelerates into a veritable maze of crooked metal. The fire that burst out before has died, quickly, and judging from the fact that his machine's feet haven't touched ground since he got up must mean that space shouldn't be all that far away. A few more halls of twisted metal pass before he comes face to face with a pitch-black hole filled with a dim glimmer of light reflected off free-floating debris.
There we go. With a burst of speed, Basara and his Valkyrie clear the opening and come to a stop against the surface of an adjacent wall that seemed to have been blown clear from the ship it was probably just inside. He looks up and sure enough, there it is. As busted-up as a wreck could be, the carrier he just left floats past a solemn view of a blue planet awash with distant explosions, still falling apart before his eyes. It's an ugly sight. A sigh passes through his lips--what a waste of life...
"I've got a reading again!" Chimes the voice of a young woman across the radio. "Captain, it's Basara! We've found him again!"
Found him again? He wasn't aware he was lost. Then again, he did only just wake up. Wait... how long was he out for, again? Before he can rake his brain for an answer, the image of a familiar face flashes up on a side screen by his controls. An old man with greying hair and a pair of distinctive black shades worn under a helmet's visor.
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"Basara!" Maximilian Jenius exclaims, his voice deep and commanding as ever. "We've been trying to contact you for half an hour! What happened?"
Half an hour? Sheesh. Talk about a power nap...
"I don't know. I just woke up a second ago... ship I was on got blown to smithereens, from the looks of it."
Max frowns and shakes his head. "I was afraid of that..." The stress of battle seems to have taken its toll on old Max. His face has been drawn into a half scowl from the moment he showed up on screen. It seems to soften as he looks back up at Basara, however. He might be trying to force a smile, but if so, he isn't doing a very good job. Not that he can blame him. "It's good to see you're alright."
Basara wipes a bit of sweat from his cheek, putting on a strong face of his own (and doing a considerably better job of it.) "Don't worry so much, old man. Just got the wind knocked out of me is all."
Seeing Basara in such a spirited mood gives Max the energy to chuckle. How about that? If he didn't know any better, he'd say the rockstar's thick-headedness was starting to grow on him. "Glad to hear it. Now, that's enough chatter. I need you back here, ASAP. We're regrouping around Lagrange point L1, but Delta Flight has been cut off. I'm moving in to support, and I want you as backup."
A grin flashes across Basara's lips. "You mean you need me to bring the show to you? Didn't think you were that big of a fan, gramps!"
"Take this seriously, Basara. Walkure has already pulled back. That means we need to rely on your songs for support," Max says.
"Walkure, huh?" The rocker says. "Shame. I'm not great at doing second-fiddle, but I wouldn't mind singing along with them sometime!"
The captain smirks. "I could arrange that. After you start following orders, that is."
"Tch..." Not the most innacurate dig he's ever been given--but in his defense, he works a lot better when he just goes with the flow, anyway.
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"Don't worry, Delta Flight and I won't be your only audience for this one. Or did you think I was going alone...?" Max asks, Basara arcing his brow in response. Just then, a few other fresh faces flash across his screen.
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"ALRIGHT! A battle between robots just wouldn't be complete without the right music! I'm getting pumped up just thinking about it!" Says a young, silver-haired boy whose eyes almost seem to twinkle like stars at the prospect of a real battle between mechs; Ernesti Echevalier, the boy from another world.
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"Indeed. I'm eager to hear your songs as well, Nekki Basara! Charging into the fray with a song at our backs... I couldn't think of a better way for a warrior to enter battle!" Says a blonde pilot with a half-scarred face and an ecstatic grin just about as wide; Major Graham Aker of Solbraves.
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"Not the worst motivator I've ever heard of. Shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth, though, right? I'll be glad to have you with us too, Basara." Says a man with a scar over one eye and a robotic prosthetic replacing one arm; Kincaid Nau, a space pirate from the Crossbone Vanguard.
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"Hah... you're really throwing together a party, huh, gramps?" Basara laughs. "Not a bad bunch we've got here... alright, then! Hope you're all ready..." Basara gives his guitar one quick, preparatory strum. It howls out a pleasant tone in return. "...This one's gonna knock your socks off!"
His signature red Valkyrie rockets off the loose wall, kicking it away into the darkness as his machine shrinks away into the backdrop of Earth against the black, ominous void surrounding it; a single bright, shining light in a starless sky.
——————————————————————————————————————————————————— Part 1 | Part 2 |
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cosmcther · 27 days
// For the favorite detail meme: I’m going to second what Brawl and Henri already mentioned earlier, about how I really like how Rosalina isn’t necessarily perfect. She has flaws, she can underestimate others, but she can also learn and grow from her mistakes! I love that, and it just makes me want to see how she’ll continue to evolve. But I think my favorite detail is just… how perfectly you capture her personality as this loving mother figure. I adore how nurturing she is to the Lumas, it’s always very sweet to see. (And Rosalina having that patience of a saint is, of course, also very funny, especially when she’s paired up with a muse who arguably doesn’t deserve that patience. Rosalina, I’m so sorry for everything my Louie muse put you through. Olimar too, actually, he was probably at fault for more than a few gray hairs,) 
But, speaking of motherly muses! Would Rosalina want to adopt a few, because I’ve got Miis with some terrible creators, and –
Thoughts and Onions? || Prompt
     oops this one is a little late sorry reina.
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     But yeah, I really appreciate it, genuinely. I'm sure I've mentioned it before, but I honestly do hold the acknowledgment of her flaws to be very important. No one as powerful as her should be perfect. But despite the fact that she isn't, that doesn't mean she's a horrible person, either. Not by any means. And that's just as important. For every fault, there should be ten moments that show her heart and soul, and I'm glad that that's going recognized.
     It reminds me of Superman. He's supposed to be the perfect individual, but folks got bored of that archetype for a while. So Superman was turned into this uncaring god figure who did as he pleased without the care of the common folk. When it's like... n... nah I still like Superman as a really good guy, I just think he shouldn't be so one-note. It's always the worst when a character tries to be multi-layered and developed, only for their faults to be overblown and now they're suddenly painted as the bad guy because they made mistakes. Y'know, as humans often do.
     All of that is to say... Rosalina is an extremely caring individual. She's space mom! I remember this headcanon I made on the spot for some thread way back that... the Comet Observatory is intentionally modeled like a needle because it's supposed to be a beacon. And that, in lore, this means that the Comet Observatory is basically an unofficial space hospital that anyone can go to whenever they see it. You see its architect and any space-faring character would go "oh! thank goodness! salvation!". It'd be like seeing a water cooler while crawling through the desert.
     That's the kind of imagery that I really love for Rosalina. That she's this open door for you to come toward as you please whenever you need her. She's not always around and she can appear as a quite distant figure for a multitude of reasons, but she'll always be there when you need her most.
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     ...So with that said, I'll take the adoption papers for those weird Mii things Jae won't stop screaming about. Gimme the lore document, I'll speed-read that shit and have a starter out for each one of the little goblins in no time flat.
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dreamcubed · 2 years
girls like me | remus lupin x reader
song; girls like me [will joseph cook] pairing; remus lupin x fem!werewolf!ravenclaw!reader genre; f2l, soulmates, fluff, mild angst word count; 6,7k timeline; marauders 6th year warnings; swearing, implied self harm, assault, injuries (involving blood), insecurities, implied anxiety summary; after becoming a werewolf over the summer holidays, y/n returns to find that remus lupin, a famous marauder, has an air of attraction around him that she never noticed before
"girls like me don't come around that much."
Y/N Lykos hadn't been born werewolf. That much was obvious. But she wasn't bitten at an awfully young age, either; she was bitten when she was sixteen years old, in the Summer holidays between her fifth and sixth years. It was a shame really, because the event had occurred during what was supposed to be a pleasant holiday to the very North of Canada, to visit family. Her distant cousins who attended Ilvermorny had warned her about there being a couple wild werewolves in the nearby forest. If only she had listened.
A midnight walk wasn't such a bad idea, right? Just a little time to escape the stress of family gatherings, and ease the mind. Y/N really should have thought more logically than to take the forest path, especially considering her high grades and therefore intelligent brain. But, alas, she did not, and wandered down the snow-laden track with the ice crunching beneath her feet. It was eery, as aside from her cold shallow breaths, her footsteps were all she could hear. Everything was quiet. Too quiet.
Eventually, instinct got the better of her, so she turned tail to begin power-walking back to her Canadian family's hidden castle. They were wealthy family members; of course, Y/N didn't have nearly the same luxury, but she wasn't fighting for money back home, either.
In the turn of a second the silence turned to the sound of twigs and rustling of leaves from the trees just beyond the path. 'It's just the wind,' Y/N thought to herself. The memory of her cousins telling her about the werewolves suddenly hurried back, making her anxiously glance up to the night sky to check and try and feel some comfort. But, there it was in all its glory: the shiny full moon. Y/N felt her breath become shaky, shivers not just from the cold shooting up her spine.
A growl.
That was unmistakably a growl.
Maybe things would have turned out differently if she hadn't frozen in fear.
White fur flashed in the corner of her eye. And then the other corner after the feeling of a swoosh behind her. It was then Y/N's eyes locked on to shimmery blue ones, except they weren't pleasant shimmery. They were glaring into her very soul as if she was just a piece of meat. Which, in all fairness, was probably exactly what she was to it. All she could do was watch as it raised its claw, most likely to take a fatal blow to her, but was cut short by another white furry monster pummelling into Y/N's side and sinking its teeth into her thigh. She yelped in pain, and momentarily accepted fate, when she saw the first werewolf attack the second.
The pair began taking part in a deadly brawl, so Y/N took the opportunity to pull out her wand and send up a massive red flare spark, now the pain had brought her back to her senses. She knew doing any more magic than that could get her in trouble, so instead began limping away with her hands providing some sort of pressure to the wound. It was pure agony, and tears streamed from her eyes while she gained little to no ground.
She must have passed out and been found before the werewolves could cause any more damage, because she had woken up back in the room she had been staying in. The bite on her thigh had been healed over, but a scar that would remain forever was still settled there.
For a solid month after that, everyone had kept an eye on Y/N but wouldn't tell her why. She wasn't dumb, and had figured it out after researching werewolves. There was a good chance that she was a werewolf. In fact, there was a very slim chance she wasn't. Every single recorded werewolf bite case had resulted in the victim becoming a werewolf.
And, sure enough, she transformed on the full moon a couple days before sixth year, during which she accidentally injured her parents. They had contacted Dumbledore on the matter, and he told her he would discuss it in person with her when she was back at school.
Needless to say, Y/N was petrified of the damage she could cause, and the rest of her life as a fucking monster.
Y/N was punctual as always with getting on to the Hogwarts Express, meeting her best friend, Lily Evans, in one of the cabins.
"Hey, how were your holidays?" the red-head asked.
"Good," Y/N lied, "How were yours?"
"Great!" Lily's emerald eyes sparkled, "Sev and I spent a lot of time together down by the lake."
The train got going in short time, which was, of course, when the infamous Marauders decided to show up, led by James Potter who came to confess his undying love for Lily yet again. Except, when they all entered one by one with Peter coming in last, Y/N couldn't help but notice something different. Remus smelled good. Like, really fucking good.
His almond-coloured eyes pinned on to her as she stared up at him expectantly. She noticed as his nostrils shifted, as if he were sniffing something. Plus, the atmosphere between them had changed completely: before, it was normal, a sense of mild friendship during their brief encounters. Now, there was an unprecedented tension that couldn't be described.
"So, my Lily-flower, how is life treating you?"
"Bugger off, Potter," the red-head snapped.
"Hey, Y/N," Remus greeted, taking a seat beside her without thinking about it, "What did you do over Summer?"
"I- I went to visit my relatives in Canada," she said with a small smile, but all she could focus on was Remus' voice. Rowena, had it always been that deep and attractive?
"Right, come on, Moony. Evans has kicked us out," Sirius said, pulling Remus by the roughs of his collar. The lanky boy gave one more lingering glance to Y/N, before letting himself be pulled out by his friends.
Lily sighed at her, "Be careful, hun, everyone knows Lupin can be just as bad as the rest of them, despite his 'goody two-shoes' reputation."
"Yeah- I know. Did he always smell amazing?"
"Hm? What d'you mean?"
"Do you think he got a new cologne over the holidays?"
"I don't know."
"And his voice! Has he always sounded like that?"
"Godric, Y/N, are you feeling alright?" Lily pressed her hand to Y/N's forehead, "You actually find a Marauder attractive?"
She scoffed, "Don't act like you don't secretly return Potter's feelings," which made Lily's face match her hair colour.
"The password is... violet beans?" Y/N frowned, looking up at the statue curiously. Sure enough, it turned around, opening up a staircase that began moving upwards. She hopped on to it, allowing herself to be taken to the top without any required effort. An oakwood door was before her, so she tapped twice.
"Come in, Miss Lykos."
Y/N opened the door, to walk into the large and beautiful headmaster's office. She stared in awe around the room, as it was her first time having ever being allowed into that secluded part of the castle.
"I believe you are aware of what I have called you here to talk about."
"Yes, professor."
"Right, well, this isn't my first time taking care of a student such as yourself. By the way, I'm terribly sorry about the accident."
"It's- it's alright, professor."
"I have arranged for a secluded locked cellar just several metres into the Forbidden Forest that you can lock before transformation. The mind of a werewolf will not have the capacity to figure out the lock on it." Dumbledore gave her the directions. "Do you think that'll be alright?"
Y/N nodded, "Yes, thank you. I'm sorry for being an inconvenience."
"Oh no, never. You're only an inconvenience if you purposely try to bother me."
"Right, if that's all, goodbye, professor."
"Yes. Have fun settling back into Hogwarts."
Meeting with Lily back in the Great Hall for dinner, Y/N took a seat at the Gryffindor table since no one ever paid any mind to her being there. It's not like she was a Slytherin, after all. "Where've you been?" she asked.
"Oh, Dumbledore wanted to talk to me," she shrugged.
"How come?"
"I'm not too sure, I wasn't paying attention," she said. Lying was something she was quickly getting used to, and while Lily narrowed her eyes at her, she didn't comment further.
"I had my first potions lesson today," the redhead began, "Slughorn gave me constant praise for my amazing potion."
"And that's bad because?"
"It gets a little annoying, and I know it'll just make it hurt more if I fail."
Y/N nodded knowingly, "I had muggle studies and transfiguration today."
"I don't know why you even took muggle studies," Lily scoffed, "Your dad's literally a muggle."
"I like to see it from a wizard's perspective."
"I suppose... hey, have you seen Potter?"
"Why? Gonna confess your love for him?"
Lily slapped her arm gently, "No, he just hasn't pestered me all day... which means he's up to something."
"I'm here, my Lily-flower!" an all-too familiar voice called out, "Did you miss me?"
"In your sweet dreams, Potter."
"Ah, Lykos, darling, how are things going?" Sirius said, surprising her as she hadn't realised he had sat down right next to her.
"Fuck off, Black."
James laughed, "Come on, Padfoot, Lykos' even more stubborn than Evans. You don't stand a chance."
"Shut up, Prongs."
Unfortunately, Remus was nowhere in sight.
If only Y/N had elected to bring her wand to the library with her, she wouldn't be in the dilemma she was currently: attempting to obtain a book on magic history from a significantly higher shelf than her. She had jumped a couple times, but had now paused to glare at the spine of the book as if that would inspire it to cooperate. It's a shame the library magic only worked when putting books back. That was when a familiar intoxicating scent wafted up her nostrils, followed by the presence of someone tall behind her, and then a tanned and scarred hand reaching for the book she had almost declared war on.
"You need this?" Remus' voice said softly, making Y/N turn around and flush. She nodded, nervously holding out a hand to take the book. "You really are short, huh?" he commented.
"You're just freakishly tall," she mumbled, but he heard easily and chuckled.
"You know we're in a magic school, right? You coulda just- ya know."
"I left my wand in my dorm."
Remus raised an eyebrow at her, finally handing over the book but still following her over to the table she had set up camp on.
"What do you want, Lupin?" Y/N asked, but didn't really care for the answer. He was there and that was all that was required for her heart to flutter.
"Nothing," he shrugged, taking a seat.
Y/N began reading a book as did Remus, who had picked a random one off the table. Of course, with her mind being distracted by the words on the page, she was no longer actively suppressing her instinct to shift closer to Remus on the sofa they were sharing. He had leant back against the backrest, while she was hunched over the table trying to ignore his intoxicating scent. Thankfully, when she had already subconsciously shifted a few millimetres, the sound of someone biting down on something hard made her head snap in the direction of the noise. Remus.
And he had chocolate.
He arched an eyebrow at her, knowing that she was eyeing the delicious chocolatey treat in his hand. "I don't share chocolate," he said, "Everyone knows that."
"I know-"
"But-" he cut her off, smirking a little, "-maybe I can make an exception." He snapped off a couple squares and handed them to her.
Merlin, when would this boy mature? But, hey, at least he was sharing his delicious snacks.
"Thank you," Y/N said with an extra sweet smile, accepting the chocolate and biting into it, "Shit, this is good."
"You never had Panselinos Chocolate before?"
She shook her head, "My mum always buys me the mainstream stuff."
"Yeah, but normally only a certain type of people like this chocolate."
"Fuck, Y/N, you alright?" Lily asked, jumping back after her arm brushed against her best friend's.
"What d'you mean?" Y/N replied, trying not to let her teeth chatter.
The redhead sighed, "You're in a DADA classroom with a roaring fire right there and you're freezing your tits off- hell, you're freezing my tits off! Seriously, are you okay?"
"Yeah, 'm fine. Just a little cold."
"Not only are you freezing up, but Lupin over there is burning up, and he's the furthest away from the fire- look at how he's sweating! He gets a fever every month, I swear."
Y/N glanced across the room at the lanky boy, just as he turned to look at her with her arms wrapped around her body in an attempt to retain any amount of body heat.
"Oh, Godric, he's looking at you!" Lily whispered.
"For a genius witch you are a bit of a Captain Obvious."
Just as soon as Remus had looked, he had looked away, and resumed with the assigned task. Y/N did the same, but not before taking a minute to squat dangerously close to the fire in a desperate attempt to warm up. She knew what symptoms she was experiencing: it was the first full moon of the school year that night.
Dinner was quite a stressful time, and Y/N kept glancing up at the magic Great Hall ceiling to check it wasn't dark yet. She was tapping the table in anticipation and had hardly touched the scrambled eggs she had reluctantly scooped on to her plate. The sickening feeling in her stomach prevented her from consuming any delicacy, other than the expected craving of very raw meat. Anxiously, she watched as the sky gradually turned to a pinky-orange, and decided that that was her cue to leave. Y/N lied to Lily and told her that she didn't feel well and was going to the infirmary. A special thanks to James Potter for flirting with Lily and therefore preventing her from offering to come as well.
Entering the gloomy Forbidden Forest was less nerve-wracking than Y/N had anticipated. But maybe that was because part of her felt as if she belonged there; after all, she was a monster too. The trap door was in the exact spot Dumbledore had said it was, and had a weird magical lock that she managed to work out quickly: she wasn't a Ravenclaw for nothing.
There was a provided safe for when she had stripped herself of her clothing and wand to lock them away safely overnight, and according to Dumbledore, the room was soundproof, so no one would hear her outrageous howls.
Madam Nosokoma, the school nurse, tapped gently on the trapdoor the next day, under which Y/N was lying exhausted, wounded and nude on the floor. She forced herself upwards to pull on a jumper and some shorts, before grabbing her wand and opening the door. "Hey, honey, how're you feeling?" she smiled.
"Tired," Y/N sighed, climbing up the ladder with all the energy she had left. Nosokoma supported her weight as she limped back up to the castle; the pink touch of sunrise brushing against the hints of blue in the sky. Just as she was helped through the doors of the infirmary, she laid her eyes on three of the Marauders crowding round an injured Remus on a hospital bed. They all turned to look at her, their eyes widening in shock at the bleeding scars littered all over her revealed legs, and the blood seeping through the woollen jumper.
Y/N didn't have the energy to acknowledge them all that much, but she was somewhat confused. Remus had always disappeared once a month, granted, but she had never paid much mind to it since they weren't close. Never in her wildest dreams would she have imagined he was getting injured. Almost like he was a werewolf.
The suspicions settled in Y/N's mind.
"Lykos, what are you doing here?" James asked, but all Y/N could give him was faint smile as Nosokoma began magically patching up her wounds. In fact, she had passed out by the time the bandages were done.
"Is she alright?" Sirius turned to Madam Nosokoma, sparing a glance to his bed-ridden friend of whom was also nearly passed out.
"She'll be fine, she's just had a rough night."
Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs exchanged glances, before looking at Moony to see he was fully out cold.
Remus woke up a couple hours later, as he was able to recover relatively quickly since he was so experienced. He laid his eyes on the bandaged sleeping girl a couple beds down from him, and the worst case scenario popped into his head. Had he hurt her? What if he had bitten her? Nosokoma was nowhere in sight, so he cautiously and painfully forced himself out of his bed to stand by Y/N's. Out of nowhere, Nosokoma appeared behind him, gazing down at the sleeping girl as well.
"Did- did I do this?" Remus asked, worry filling his glistening chocolate irises.
"No, Remus, you didn't," the nurse sighed.
He looked slightly relieved, but still confused, "Then what did?"
"That's not my secret to share."
"Anyway, now you're up, you need to take the healing medicine, so we can get you back to class as soon as possible."
Remus was gone by the time Y/N was awake.
"Merlin, Y/N, where have you been?" Lily cried, practically throwing herself on to Y/N. It would have hurt if the wounds hadn't been magically healed over, the only remnants being the scars littered across her skin, that were covered by her chosen baggy school jumper.
"Oh... just the infirmary... I was feeling sick, remember?" she shrugged, taking a seat at the Gryffindor table.
"Yeah, if you define feeling sick as being covered in wounds and blood," Sirius, who was just a little way down the table, scoffed.
Y/N glared at him.
"You what?"
"I'll tell you later, okay? Not here," she replied. She knew she should tell Lily, her best friend, and also that she could trust her with such a hefty secret.
Lily narrowed her eyes, "Yeah... okay..."
"You're a- you're a werewolf?"
"Yes, an arctic werewolf- and you don't have to make it sound like an awful thing! I feel shit enough about it as it is."
"Right, sorry, it's just sudden information. Did you say you got bitten while you were in Canada?"
Y/N nodded, sitting down on the grass by the Black Lake and pulling her hands down her face. The Autumn breeze was nipping at her cheeks, but she was too stressed to think about the coldness in her bones.
"Hey, I'm- I'm so sorry you have to go through this..." Lily said, her green eyes laced with concern, "Is there- is there anything I can do to make it easier? Does- does it hurt?"
"I don't know, Lils... and, I mean, it's agony at first but then I black out and don't become conscious again til morning..."
"Animagus," Lily repeated, "What if I became an animagus? My patronus is a doe, which is fairly large, and werewolves only crave human blood. I could help you while you're transformed-"
"I don't wanna put you in danger."
"I don't care, Y/N, you're my best friend! I'd do anything for you."
"Becoming an animagus is difficult."
"I'm sure I'll manage," Lily grinned, "I'm actually quite excited thinking about it- obviously it'll be illegal... I'll just keep it a secret til I graduate when I'll register myself..."
"You're planning a lot from such a brashly made decision."
"Eh, I've been wanting to become an animagus for a while. Now I have a decent excuse."
"Rowena, what would I do without you?" Y/N chuckled.
"I think I've finally mastered talking with this mandrake leaf in my mouth," Lily said, sucking on her tongue, "Thankfully the awful taste has disappeared now."
"I can't believe you've had that thing in your mouth all week. How do you eat? How do you sleep without choking?"
Lily shrugged, "I made a potion that I take before bed. It stops anything from going down my throat, other than air, of course. And eating isn't too hard if I push the leaf to the side."
"Ah, my dear Lily-flower, Lykos!" the voice of James called, making the girls turn to see three boys behind him. The Marauders.
"Great. Here's trouble," Y/N muttered. But, she had to admit, seeing Remus did make her go warm and fuzzy inside. The boys joined them in their position in the secluded corner of the library, which really begged the question of how the fuck did they find them?
-two minutes prior-
"Where is Lily?" James whined, trailing behind Sirius as they entered the library to find Remus.
"Maybe you should stop bothering her," Peter mumbled, silently walking behind James.
"There's Moony," Sirius grinned, ignoring the previous topic.
James immediately asked the wolf boy, "Do you know where Lily-flower is?"
"Probably with Y/N."
"Do you know where Y/N is?" James' eyes lit up hopefully, "You've taken a huge interest in her lately!"
Remus looked up from his book, before rolling his eyes, and scrunching his nostrils in a sniff. "Come on," he said, standing up to lead them between the aisles of the library.
"How much of a stalker do you have to be to recognise Lykos' scent?" Sirius laughed.
"Her scent is very distinct." They rounded a corner. "Here they are."
"Hello, Y/N," Remus smiled, sitting beside her.
"Lupin," she greeted.
"Godric, can't you just call me Remus?" he said. Y/N could tell it had come out unexpectedly, as he normally was quite reserved and much less straightforward around girls.
"O- Okay, Remus..."
He grinned.
Y/N glanced at the book he had carried all the way over, "What's that you're reading?"
"Oh, nothing-" he said, rereading the title of Werewolves: The Concept of Mating. She read the title for the first time herself, and looked back up at him to lock eyes.
"Can I- can I have a look?"
"Oh- uh- yeah... but I'm- I'm not finished reading it..." Remus handed her the book.
She flicked through the pages, skimming over each page until she found one that read Signs of Mating. Y/N paused, and cautiously began to read the bullet points that followed while Remus watched her.
• A mate's scent will be intoxicating and addictive to a werewolf. • The feeling of kissing a mate for the first time will send the mind to euphoria. • Werewolf mates can calm each other down during a full moon. • Something as simple as a mate's touch will instantly be calming. • In rare cases where a regular werewolf mates with an arctic werewolf, the difference in temperatures during the full moon phase will reach an equilibrium when they touch.
"I didn't know arctic werewolves existed," Remus said nonchalantly, "I've always found werewolves interesting."
"Yeah... interesting..."
He looked her up and down, not in a sexual way, but as if he were judging her character. "Why were you in the infirmary last week?"
"I just- I just took a fall," Y/N said, "Why were you in the infirmary?"
"Same as you," he said slowly, leaning closer, "I just took a fall."
"Come on, Flirty Moony," James called, evidently finished flirting with Lily for the time being, "We're off."
"Goodbye, Y/N."
"B- Bye, Remus."
When the Marauders had disappeared, Lily turned to Y/N with a mischievous look in her eyes, clearly suspicious of her and Remus. "So... what's with you and Lupin then?"
"Yeah, that's what they all say."
"Okay, fine. Is it just me but is he really hot? Like really fucking hot?"
"I mean he's cute, yeah, but, Godric... has being a werewolf made your hormones rage or something?"
Remus hadn't taken the book back, and at Lily's statement Y/N couldn't help but glance down at the page she still had open in thought.
"What is it?"
Y/N handed the book over; she closely examined Lily's face while she read over the bullet points.
"You don't- you don't think...?"
"He's always disappeared once a month... he's covered in scars... he was reading that book... and he kept talking to me as if he knew..."
"Now that I think about it... it does make a lot of sense," Lily pondered, "In fact... it seems unlikely that he isn't a werewolf. But, wait... are you implying you think he's your mate?"
The tension between Remus Lupin and Y/N Lykos truly was something else: they would look at each other and feel their collective breaths hitch, and their hands would brush against each other and they would melt. Y/N didn't exactly know how to start a werewolf conversation, so left it, but, of course, the next full moon came around. It was the evening of the day of the full moon, and Y/N could feel her body freezing over. Lily had gotten too concerned and dragged her into the Gryffindor common room. McGonagall hadn't said anything as she was aware of Y/N's current condition.
Lily tried her best to wrap her best friend up in jumpers, blankets and with a hot chocolate by the fire, but Y/N was still shivering uncontrollably. She was showing no signs of warming up whatsoever. "It's- it's get-ting worse..." she chattered, curling into an even tighter ball, "I'm so- so c- cold."
The redhead looked around distressingly, until she remembered what she saw in the werewolf book about mates. If Remus was indeed a werewolf and also Y/N's mate, he would be able to equalise their temperatures. The Marauders were messing around at the other end of the common room, and Lily couldn't help but notice how Remus was practically passed out on the sofa, sweat droplets on his forehead. He was covered in ice packs, but they clearly weren't doing anything. "Y/N, I've got a better idea."
Lily took the hot chocolate out of Y/N's hand and pulled her out from underneath the layers, dragging her all the way over to the boys while trying to ignore the fact her hand was freezing up. "Oh! My Lily-flower came to me!" James gasped.
"Shut up, Potter," she snapped, turning to Remus, "What's up with Lupin?"
"He's got a fever," Sirius said.
"Bullshit," Lily muttered, making all the boys' eyes snap towards her, including Remus'. She placed the hot chocolate on the table, and forcefully pushed Y/N to fall on to Remus' lap. If she hadn't been so cold, she would probably have blushed.
"Oh my Godric, you are literally a block of ice," Remus' eyes widened. He had never felt relief from his hot spells before.
"And you are so fucking hot," Y/N muttered, but immediately cringed at her choice of words. All the words to use for 'warm', and she chose the one with sexual connotations?
Thankfully, he said nothing on the matter, as he was too focused on the temperature relief he was finally feeling. Y/N glanced up in shock when she felt Remus' warm calloused hands cup her cheeks, but he wasn't looking at her. His eyes were closed and his head was resting on the back of the settee. She let out a small breath, feeling her blood warm up, which allowed a blush to rise to her cheeks. In a split second rushed decision, Y/N buried her face into Remus' chest, causing him to react by tightly securing her in his arms.
"Well then," James said, "Does this mean you will be hanging around with us more, future Mrs Potter?"
Lily glared at him, "In your sweet dreams."
"Is Lykos alright?" Sirius asked, seemingly more curious than concerned, "She looked like she'd just trekked through the Arctic."
"She's just got the shivers."
"Bullshit. What is it really, Lykos?" Sirius turned to look at the girl curled up on Remus' lap. Unfortunately, she couldn't respond, because she was fast asleep on top of the only source of warmth she required. Remus appeared to have drifted off as well.
"The sun's setting," James suddenly said, shaking his sleeping friend with a sense of panic.
"So?" Lily said calmly, trying to hide the fact she was worried that Y/N needed to get outside.
"So, we've got... plans..." Potter continued, managing to wake up both of the werewolves, "Moony, come on, it's almost dark."
"Shit," the boy cursed, carefully pushing a yawning Y/N off of him, "Sorry, I have to go."
Y/N's eyes snapped open as she finally registered what the others were saying. She, too, muttered a, "Shit," and jumped off the sofa to run over to the portrait hole. Lily didn't follow, since she wasn't yet an animagus, but the boys ran after her for a reason she was too worried to think about.
Once out the castle, Y/N sprinted down the grassy slope, nearly tripping on the way, to enter the Forbidden Forest. The Marauders watched from the top of the hill as she ran, piecing together what was happening. "You don't- you don't think she's...?" James trailed off.
"Yeah... Yeah, I think she is," Remus replied, "Anyway, we'll worry about that tomorrow."
They all nodded, before sprinting over to the Walloping Willow.
Madam Nosokoma came to collect Y/N earlier than she did the previous full moon, and as they walked up the hill, the boys were also supporting a wounded Remus on the way to the castle. "R- Remus..." she murmured, before passing out entirely due to blood loss and exhaustion.
The infirmary time went pretty much like the previous one, but what came after was different. Both of them were pretty sure that the other was a werewolf, but how exactly does one start up such a conversation? They weren't close enough to justify telling the other they were a werewolf for the sole reason of trusting them, and it's a little too insensitive to just ask 'hey, are you a werewolf?'.
And, so, the following month consisted of intense avoidance between both the Marauders and Y/N, since there were things that had to be said that couldn't be said. But, in more positive news, Lily successfully became a doe animagus, and was clearly ecstatic at her new ability. "I can help you now!" she had beamed.
Until, it was, again, the evening of the full moon, and Remus cornered Y/N in the library while visibly sweating. "Remus..." she mumbled, trying to suppress a shiver, "What-" she gulped, "-what do you want?"
"Come with me," he said, holding out his hand. Y/N glanced at the darkening sky outside, but still apprehensively accepted his offer, which allowed Remus to drag her out of the library. He dragged her all the way out of the castle, until they were outside standing on the grass.
"Remus- I- I have somewhere I need to be-" she said, watching the last bit of sun fall under the horizon.
"So do I," he said, tightening his grip on her hand, "What are you? Scared of the dark?"
"N- No-" she whispered, witnessing in pure horror as the white sphere peeked over into the pool of white-speckled navy blue.
"Y/N!" Lily's voice called from behind, followed by her grabbing Y/N's wrist and pulling her away from the boy, to drag her down to the Forbidden Forest in a sprint. The Marauders appeared behind Remus, and he spared them a glance paired with a frown, before sprinting after them. His friends followed suit.
There wasn't time to climb down into the cellar. The moon had risen quickly, and was shining down in all it's glory on to Y/N, who yelled, "Lily! Get back!" before collapsing on the ground in pain as she felt her bones crack and move.
The redhead quickly morphed into a doe, just as the Marauders arrived, with Remus falling on to the ground as well. James morphed into a stag, Sirius morphed into a black dog, and Peter morphed into a rat. Lily looked at them in shock, but most prominently at James who was a stag. She was a doe; he was a stag. She was torn from her thoughts at the sound of a growl from an arctic werewolf figure beside her, who was quite small but still deadly. Lily turned to what Y/N was glaring at, to see a larger brown werewolf, Remus, growling back at her.
Out of caution, she silently crept over to the other animagi, positioning herself beside the stag that was James. The werewolves let their front paws touch the ground as they growled more deeply at the other, ever so slowly edging closer and closer. Until, Remus suddenly stopped, and tilted his head as he sniffed the air. Y/N continued to growl, but didn't attack as he proceeded to approach her and lick her nose. That made her stop growling, and she backed up with a small whimper.
Remus barked, and began panting like a happy dog, making Y/N tilt her head. He got into a playful panting position, but snapped out of it when Sirius dared to come any closer. He growled at the dog, guarding Y/N behind him protectively. Lily decided to step forward, since she wasn't a canine and also a girl, so the chances were that Remus wouldn't see her as a threat. He didn't react to her, which allowed for her to approach her werewolf friend and rub her head affectionately against her.
The night was both the weirdest and easiest full moon any of them had ever experienced.
Y/N woke up with a start at the foot of a tree by the Black Lake, curled up in Remus' arms - something she did not expect. She gave a brief scan of her body, and was surprised (but relieved) to see that there were no new scars littering her skin. Remus was in the same situation. Their friends had evidently gone through the effort of getting more clothes for them, and draped them over their sleeping bodies so as to avoid public nudity.
She felt him stir next to her as she scanned the surrounding area and saw Lily asleep with her head on a sleeping James' shoulder, and Sirius and Peter also in physical contact with each other as they slept. The sun was just beginning to peek over the horizon and the temperature was warm but breezy.
Y/N could truly say that she felt peaceful in that moment.
"Good morning," Remus spoke gently, rubbing his nose against Y/N's cheek.
"Morning," she replied, watching as he looked his body up and down for scars.
"Nothing?" he said in surprise.
Y/N nodded, "Nothing."
Remus's face stretched into the largest grin she had ever seen bestowed upon his face. His calloused hand soon touched her cheek and tilted her head towards him, allowing him a decent angle to conjoin their lips in a chaste kiss. Y/N's mind had never been filled with so much warmth and butterflies before that moment, and for the first time in his life Remus felt like he truly belonged.
They eventually pulled away when they heard movement from a couple of their friends around them. Sirius was waking up, and yawned as he sat up and groggily looked upon Y/N and Remus. He remained sleepy for a few seconds, before a sudden realisation appeared to shock him fully awake.
"Moony - you're not injured!"
Remus' face split into another grin.
"Merlin, did we actually get some sleep last night?"
His loud voice awoke the others sleeping underneath the trees.
"What time is it?" Lily asked, clearly not yet having registered she was asleep on James' shoulder.
"The sun's still rising, so around seven, I guess," Y/N replied.
"Lykos," Peter spoke for the first time that morning, "You're a- you're a... you're just like Remus."
"A big surprise... but not an unwelcome one if it keeps Moony calm on full moons," Sirius added, and it was only then James' eyes opened.
He gaged his surroundings, doing a double take when he noticed Lily still half-asleep on his shoulder: his gaze on her made her finally realise her position, and she shot up instantly, her face bright red.
Deciding against saying something to her, he looked towards Y/N, and said, "I mean, I guess Moony isn't the only Moony now."
A penny dropped in Y/N's head, and she couldn't believe that she hadn't made the connection before that moment. "Your nicknames are your animagi!"
"Took you long enough, Lykos," James said, making her glare at him.
"Believe it or not, Potter, I don't spend every waking moment analysing your lives."
"Except Moony's," Sirius added.
"We should head back up," Lily finally spoke, "Before too many people are awake."
Everyone agreed, and after Y/N and Remus had awkwardly pulled back on clothes, began tiredly standing up to trek up the grassy slopes to the castle.
"I can't believe it. This is the first time since I was turned that I haven't needed medical care after a full moon," Remus said to Y/N as they took the back of the group on the walk.
She beamed at him, "Well, it's only been a couple months for me, but I can still appreciate how nice this is."
"It happened over the summer?"
Y/N nodded, "While I was in Canada. I'm an arctic werewolf, if you hadn't figured that out."
"I had," he reached his hand out to grab hers, "I'm just so- so relieved. I've felt like a monster all these years because there's never been a way to calm me down while I'm turned, and I've been so so scared of hurting people."
She glanced up at him, to see him staring ahead at the grass.
"I haven't felt this peaceful and just- human- in so long."
"I don't think we're humans, Remus."
He chuckled, "Yeah, yeah, I know. But I feel like I have more control over myself now, which makes me feel more human."
"My life has changed so quickly in these last months."
"Mine too. I've been feeling more and more like a monster everyday-"
"Well, if you're a monster, then I'm a monster."
"You could never be a monster, Y/N," he said gently.
She scoffed, "Hypocrite."
"Let me finish what I was saying - I've been feeling more and more like a monster everyday... until now."
He gave her the warmest smile, paired with the kindest eyes she had ever seen.
"Well, I guess we can't ever be away from each other now - at least on full moons," she said.
"I think we're gonna be close to each other a lot more than once a month, love."
"What- what do you mean by that?" She watched with widened eyes as Remus began laughing.
"You know exactly what I mean," he winked, before breaking into a sprint up the hill.
"Moony, get back here!" she yelled after him, beginning to run as well.
Soon, all the others of James, Sirius, Lily and Peter began running as well, yelling questions of why they were running, but laughing all the same.
And just like that, the new exciting years of friendship, self-confidence, and love began for them all, but especially Remus and Y/N.
written; 18/11/2020 —> 21/06/2022 published; 24/06/2022 edited; —/—/——
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bakuliwrites · 2 years
Adore- Lucio Morgasson x Reader
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Rating: 18+ (MINORS DNI)
Fandom: The Arcana
Relationship: Lucio Morgasson x Reader (Background Julian x Lucio x Reader)
Summary: As the years go by, Lucio begins to wonder if he's really changed all that much, or if he's still just some washed-up former-ruler with a past full of regrets. You help to reassure him and show him just how much he is loved. Post-route au where Lucio ends up working for the palace in some capacity.
Read here in this post or over on my AO3
Lucio’s Perspective
Lucio watches from the corner booth as Julian makes his rounds, greeting each and every patron in the bustling Rowdy Raven. His pale eyes track as the good doctor makes toasts, roars with laughter, and chatters away, both with the regulars and the newcomers. Lucio can't comprehend how Julian does it, how he can be so personable, how everyone seems to like him so much. He understands it on a personal level: Julian is kind, he's outgoing, funny, and over the top. 
But when he compares himself to Julian, he doesn’t get it. Lucio can be those things too, he thinks; but, he doesn't seem to have achieved anything close to the admiration that Julian has. In fact, he isn’t sure he has much of any admiration at all from the people of Vesuvia. Once upon a time, he had believed that everyone loved him. Clearly, from the withering glares and harsh whispers he continues to receive upon entering a room, that had been a delusion of the highest order. 
You have all the bravado, but none of the charm, a venomous thought whispers in Lucio’s mind, The people will never love you like they love Julian. He pushes it away, trying to focus now on the raucous cheering of his fellow bar mates as Julian starts to re-enact some sea-faring brawl he’d been involved in. It's a story he’s probably told this crowd a thousand times over, but they never seem to grow tired of it. His gangly arms fling wildly around as he swishes an invisible sword through the air and leaps from table to table. The auburn-haired rogue meets Lucio’s eyes briefly and flashes a brilliant smile before turning back to playing pretend. Lucio tries smiling back, but all he really achieves is a tragic pout.
On their walk back home, Lucio catches a glimpse of his reflection along the surface of one of the canals. He's striking, but now that he's in his mid-40’s, he's starting to feel- well, older. Each day he discovers new strands of silvery hair amongst his blonde ones. Crow's feet crinkle the corners of his eyes when he smiles. Is he turning into some washed-up, old has-been? Is that how he is to spend the rest of his life? He’s found love and he's beyond grateful for that. However, the sinking feeling of regret gnaws at his heart. Here he is, wandering the Vesuvian streets, nearing mid-life with nothing to show for it, except a string of massive, massive mistakes. The only person he can blame is himself.
Julian has wandered on ahead of him, not realizing Lucio has paused to stare forlornly into the water. When he eventually notices that he accidentally abandoned the man, he rushes back to retrieve him. Spotting the dejected look on Lucio’s face, he slings an arm around his shoulder.
“Come on, old boy,” Julian speaks quietly, flashing him a sympathetic smile, “Let’s get you home.”
Lucio knows he hadn’t meant anything by, “old boy.” It’s just what Julian has started affectionately calling him. It stings Lucio, nonetheless. Their walk home is filled with the warbling sound of Julian’s singing, mostly jaunty sea-shanties in an attempt to cheer Lucio up. By the time they return to the castle, all of the lights are out and the halls are as silent as a tomb. Entering the bedroom, Lucio spots y/n in their shared bed, sleeping soundly. He beams softly at the sight of the open book at her side, evidence of her valiant attempt to stay up until the two of them returned home. 
Lucio watches as Julian carefully picks up the book and sets it on the bedside table, planting a gentle kiss on the top of y/n’s head as he does so. As stealthily as possible so as not to wake her, both men crawl into bed, nestling themselves beside their beloved, who sighs contentedly in her slumber. Lucio falls asleep to the sound of hers and Julian’s combined breathing. His dreams that night are troubled. 
MC's Perspective
Ever since Lucio and Julian had returned from the Rowdy Raven last night, the former-count has seemed rather morose. He's spent the better half of the day sulking on the veranda, staring out at the gardens with a glazed look in his eyes. You’d tried to rouse Lucio with the promise of baked goods and even an outing to his favorite shops while the two of you wait for Julian to return from work, but nothing seems to get through to him. All he does is smile sorrowfully and respond with what essentially boils down to a, “Thanks, but no thanks.” By mid-afternoon, you're starting to feel the effects of his melancholic demeanor seeping into your own thoughts. You leave Lucio where he stands statuesque on the veranda, thinking he might be in need of some quiet introspection while you treat yourself to a warm bath.
Sinking into the bubbles, you sigh with content. One of your favorite things about the palace is your private, Roman style bath. It's massive and set in-ground in your bathroom. The tiles are peach with an inlay of gold and a crystal chandelier twinkles like starlight above you. Today, you've filled your bath with jasmine-scented soaps and some of Julian’s bath salts from Nevivon. Immediately, you feel your body relax in the warmth of the water. Your thoughts calm, turning swiftly from woe to tranquility.
You've hardly been in the tub for long when the door to your bathroom creaks open and in shuffles your dispirited darling. Despite Lucio’s wallowing, he's still dressed to the nines in a crisp white blazer, furs thrown over his shoulder, and hair immaculately slicked back. He retains a few of his medals, but has opted to wear fewer over the years, which you take as a sign of his growing humility. 
“Oh, sorry,” he mumbles, eyes downcast as he backs out of the room, “I didn’t realize you were in here.” 
This is the most pathetic you've ever seen him. He’s calmed down from his years of throwing temper tantrums, but he's still not above pouting and whining when he's upset. The fact that he's this quiet troubles you greatly.
“Lucio, wait,” you call before he can shut the door again. He stops in the entryway, pouting like a lost puppy. It's truly one of the most tragic sights you’ve ever laid eyes on. 
“Ever since you two returned from the Raven last night, you’ve seemed rather blue,” you go on, gesturing for him to come sit at the water’s edge, “What’s wrong, my love?” 
Lucio frowns as he lowers himself to the ground before you, wary not to sit in any of the water that has splashed up onto the tile. He fiddles with one of the medals on his sash for a moment before finally speaking.
“You’re going to think I’m being ridiculous,” he confesses, doing everything in his power not to make eye contact with you. 
“Nonsense,” you scoff, frowning at the implication, “Whatever it is that’s bothering you is important to me. Even if you feel like it’s something ‘ridiculous,’ I can assure you, it probably isn’t.” 
He peeks at you, his eyes piercing and sharp brows furrowed with worry. He seems to contemplate your words for a moment, almost as if he's debating whether or not he believes you. You reach out and grasp his hand in yours, smoothing your thumbs over the cool, gilded metal.
“I promise, my darling. I won’t find it ridiculous,” you reassure, placing a gentle kiss on the back of Lucio’s hand. His cheeks turn pink, lips pursing and brows knitting together even more. He glances away sheepishly before sighing and giving in to your assurances. 
“I’m getting older. That’s no secret,” he begins, combing through his hair with his fingers, a disgusted look on his face when he plucks out one of the silvery strands, “I’m going gray. I’m getting those- those feet in the corners of my eyes!”
“Crows feet?” you offer, stifling a laugh. 
“Yeah, those,” Lucio exclaims with a grimace, “I’m healthy, thank goodness. But I just can’t help but feel like- well, what have I been doing my whole life? I feel-” He looks down at his lap, eyes distant. 
“I feel washed up,” he almost whispers, “I used to throw these magnificent parties. I was surrounded by people all the time. And now I realize that none of that really meant anything. All those people I thought adored me, were laughing at me behind my back. And I deserved it. 
“So when I see Julian at the Raven, acting all chummy with everyone, it makes me feel- jealous ,” he confesses, frowning with this last word, as if he's embarrassed to admit his feelings aloud. But you know it isn’t the jealousy he's embarrassed about. No, you sense that it's actually the fact that Lucio admires Julian. Julian has always been a man of the people, and Lucio, given his past, probably never will be. He can try to make amends, sure. But Vesuvia will always be wary of him. Nevertheless, it's a huge deal for the former ruler of the city to admit such a thing to you.
“Why do you feel jealous?” you venture, knowing the answer already. Lucio looks away in discomfort. He wears that little scowl he always gets when he has to admit that he's wrong about something, lips screwed up and brows knit together. The man is a vault when it comes to his emotions. A vault both because he isn’t always especially in tune with them, and then when he is, he struggles to convey them. You can hear the gears turning in his brain, desperately working to come up with something to say.
Suddenly, his face shifts from frustrated to morose, his features wilting like a flower in the desert heat. You find yourself holding your breath, anticipating his next words as if they are a fragile vase teetering on the edge of a table, seconds away from shattering into pieces on the ground beneath.
“It’s just that,” he begins quietly, pale eyes sweeping back to look down at where you rest in the water, “I watch Julian with everyone and wonder how it is he can be so- loved. By practically everyone he meets. On paper, aren’t we the same? Devilishly handsome, devastatingly funny? Debonair and brash?” He speaks this last part with a flourish, his mood seeming to brighten for a moment, before he realizes maybe now is not the time for jokes. His face falls when you remain silent, staring expectantly up at him. 
“And then I realize,” he goes on, looking down at his hands with haunted eyes, as if they are still freshly stained by his atrocities, “maybe I am jealous. Or maybe, it’s something deeper than that. Something much more personal. Maybe, underneath all of who I’ve become, I’m still just the same horrible person I was before I met you. And perhaps that’s the reason people don’t seem to connect with me like they do him.” 
You're absolutely floored. That was not the response you’d been expecting. Well, you know that's probably why Lucio has been so glum about the whole situation, but you hadn’t realized that Lucio knows that's why he's glum. It takes you a moment to process before you can respond. 
“My regret follows me like the plague did,” Lucio whimpers, tears beginning to trickle down his cheeks, “I don’t know if I can ever make up for what I’ve done. I don’t know that anyone can love me like they love Julian.” You press another tender kiss to the back of his hand, giving yourself time to collect your thoughts and really think about what you want to say. 
“Lucio, you and Julian are two completely different people,” you explain gently, still recovering from Lucio’s bombshell of an admission, “You might share some qualities, but you’re not the same. And you’re right, Julian does connect with people a lot easier than you do. If I’m being honest with you, you still sometimes come across as a bit arrogant.” Lucio opens his mouth to say something no doubt snarky in return, but you hush him with a stern look.
“Before you say anything, let me finish,” you request, holding a hand up to silence him, “Now, you’ve softened a lot over these last few years. You’ve changed a lot, Lucio. Yeah, you’ve made a lot of really horrible choices in the past. I’m not going to sit here and make excuses for you. But what I will say- What I can confirm, is that you aren’t the person you once were. If you were, Julian and I wouldn’t be married to you. And Nadia wouldn’t have given you the diplomatic position you have now. Which you earned, by the way, with your hard work. 
“You’ve tried to make amends with the people that you’ve wronged. You’ve done a lot of good for Vesuvia in these last few years,” you reason, sitting up a little straighter in the now tepid water, “But it’s taken you years to overcome your flaws. And it’ll take the people of Vesuvia years to accept that you’ve overcome them. Some of them may never accept that, which you'll have to learn to be okay with. But I hope you know that you should be proud of everything you’ve accomplished in this journey. I’m proud of you.
“And, as for you getting older,” you continue on, chuckling a bit, “Everyone’s getting older! You’d be washed up if you were still that petulant, scared little boy trapped in a grown man’s body. But you’re not. You’re helping people now, instead of hurting them. Each day, I can see the effort you put in, trying to be better, trying to right your wrongs. I think that’s really admirable.”
He stares blankly at you for a moment, disbelief painting his countenance. You raise yourself up from the water, just enough so you can reach his lips and press yours softly against them. 
“Here in the sanctity of this home, amongst us, you’re very loved. You know that?” you remind him with a small smile, locking eyes with him. 
Lucio stares at you in shock for a moment, lips parted ever so slightly and eyes glittering in the subdued light. And then the floodgates break and he's in your arms, shuddering breaths barely managing to escape his chest, warm tears pooling in the crook of your neck. He doesn’t even seem to care that you're getting soap and water all over his blazer. He presses himself so close to you, grasping desperately at your form, as if terrified to let go. 
After what feels like a while of him sobbing into your shoulder while you rub comforting circles on his back trying to calm him down, Lucio draws back for air. He cups each side of your face and caresses his thumbs along your cheeks. The sheer force of his feelings, free now from where he’s kept them pent up inside, brings tears to your own eyes, tears that are quickly swept away by Lucio’s gentle touch. You take this opportunity to kiss away the tears that are streaming down his angular cheeks. He tilts your face so that his lips can connect with yours, softly, at first. But his tongue deftly parts them and before you even know it, he’s stolen your breath away.
Your kisses are urgent, heated and all-consuming. All of Lucio’s emotions come out in a blaze of passion, lips smashing against yours with such ferocity, you know they’ll be bruised when he's done. It doesn’t matter. You're glad he's letting everything out. His hands smooth over your water-slicked curves, massaging as they go, while you busy yourself with ripping off his adornments. He moves his hands for just enough time for you to cast aside his blazer before he dives back in to explore your body. His hands roam eagerly along your skin, pausing only to worship your hips, your breasts, and any other spot he can knead.
Lucio scoots himself to the edge of the bath, dunking his legs in without so much as a thought to the fact that his trousers are now soaked. He never once loses contact with your lips, though now he turns his attention to peppering your jawline and neck with kisses. Your breathing is shallow, erratic as you frantically try to undo the front of his pants. 
“Let me help,” he breathes, gently removing your hands from where they're struggling. It takes all of Lucio’s willpower to rip himself away from you in order to slip out of the rest of his clothing. When he returns to you, his mouth envelopes yours again, tongue greedily traversing past your lips. You splay your hands across his smooth chest, feeling his heartbeat flutter wildly under your touch. It's cute, how excited he gets still. You smile against him before he takes one of your hands and begins to lay kisses from your wrist all the way down to your elbow. He starts to shift to get into the bath with you when you grasp his thighs to stop him.
“What are you doing?” he questions, shooting you a perplexed look. 
“Can I do something for you?” you request, staring doe-eyed up at him. 
Wordlessly, Lucio nods, cheeks flushed and eyes dark with lust. You lower yourself, hands still gripping his thighs as you nip and kiss the insides of them. Lucio’s gasps fill you with an impish glee as you trail your way up towards his stiffened cock, leaving little love bites in your wake. When you reach it, you slowly lick a stripe along his shaft, drawing a constrained keen from him. You swirl your tongue around the pink, swollen tip before taking him in completely. He throws his head back in pleasure as you bob up and down. He moans your name and strings of nearly incomprehensible praise. Lucio bucks his hips into you a few times in his excitement, entirely by accident, but you don’t care. 
You bring one hand up to rest on his hip, while the other massages his balls. Lucio’s breathy sighs and needy moans joyously fill your ears. 
“Ah,” he whimpers, as you feel his member begin to twitch a bit, the slightest taste of salt hitting your tongue, “So close. I need you.” With this, you release him, his taste still present on your lips as he draws you up to capture them in his. Dexterously, he helps to pull you out of the water and settle you on his lap, hands squeezing your ass as you straddle him. You roll your hips against his, to which Lucio can only mewl in return and grind desperately against you.
“Tell me what you want, my love,” you whisper to him, gently biting his earlobe and tangling your hands in his tousle of blonde hair. He groans as you nip at the sensitive spot below his ear and tease him by swiping the tip of his dick along your wet folds. 
“Y-you, my dove,” he manages to speak, voice catching in his throat as you leave your marks along his neck.
“Ask me nicely,” you command, tilting his head so that he faces you, your breath fanning across his lips. It seems to pain him that you're only centimeters apart, lips barely touching. 
“P- please,” he whines, trying so very hard not to crash his lips into yours. 
“Then you shall have me,” you proclaim, rewarding him with a fervent kiss. With that, you gently push Lucio down so that he's sprawled on the floor, his head resting on the furs he’s long abandoned and his calves still partially submerged in the soapy bath water. 
The evening sun pouring in from the stained glass window off to the side catches the strands of Lucio’s disheveled hair, lighting each one like threads of silver and gold. His cheeks are rosy with arousal, painted lightly with his smudged eyeliner, and his lips are crimson from the heat of your passion. When he smiles up at you, the corners of his eyes crinkle joyously. He's an absolute vision, almost angelic despite his sharp features. It's an astounding sight: Lucio bearing himself to you, his emotions raw, his voice silent save the ardent proclamations of his love for you. He’s done away with all of his bravado, let you take the reins and show him how adored he really is by those that truly care about him.
“My Lucio, you are so precious to me,” you hum as you slowly lower yourself onto him, his erection slipping easily into your slick folds. He lets out the most salacious moan you’ve ever heard as his tip hits as deep as it can. You gasp, sensitive already, not realizing how excited you are. While you adjust to his girth, Lucio brings his right hand up to your breast, his left one resting on your hip. He kneads, tweaking and circling as you bounce up and down on him. With each thrust, his cock seems to hit deeper and deeper, electric waves of pleasure surging through you every time.
“You are so loved by us, my Lucio,” you go on when you find the ability to speak again. He gazes adoringly up at you, his lips quirking into a smile. 
“I love you, so much, y/n,” he professes, voice husky and low. 
“I adore you, my darling,” you breathe. 
Before you know it, you're both on your sides, legs tangled around each other, unsure of whether you had repositioned you or Lucio had. Wrapped in each other’s embrace, lips crashing into one another’s, you feel your walls shudder with the imminence of your release. You can feel Lucio’s member quivering within you as you pick up your pace. Panting, breath hot against you, Lucio pulls you in even closer, your body flush against his. Your hips rock together and in that moment, time seems to slow so you can thoroughly cherish every sensation. You bask in the combined heat of your bodies, the floral scent of your perfumed skin, the richness of Lucio’s cologne. His skin is soft under your touch, the metal of his arm cool against you. 
To the cries of one another’s names, you both came unraveled. Your nails dig into his back, his nose pressing hard into your shoulder. His ecstasy is yours, and vice-versa. Lucio’s warmth fills you, and you hold him close to keep it in, clinging tightly to one another. As you slowly float down from your high, breathless and fulfilled, you sweep some loose strands of hair out of Lucio’s eyes. When he draws himself out of you, he kisses you deeply, lingering for a while as if to apologize for leaving you empty. 
“I love you, very much,” he whispers, lip quivering, “Thank you for believing in me.”
You beam at him. Everyday, you thank your lucky stars that life has brought you to Lucio and Julian. It has taken him a while, but Lucio is certainly proving to you that he can be a better man. 
“You’ve come further than you realize,” you reassure. He grins, tears returning to his pale eyes, though not as vigorously as they had earlier.
“I know I’ll never make up for what I did, but thank you for helping me become a better person,” he brings your hand to his lips, closing his eyes as tears fall gently from them.
“You don’t have to keep thanking me,” you return, wiping them away, “You should just be proud of yourself. And keep striving to always be better.”
“Also,” you add, running your hands through his hair, “for what it’s worth, I think the crinkles by your eyes are quite fetching. And I like your silver hair. You look as dashing as you’ve always looked.” 
He waggles his eyebrows at you, about to make some kind of suggestive or otherwise jokingly conceited remark, when you hush him with another kiss. The two of you enjoy some continued moments of silence, savoring one another’s embrace. After a bit, Lucio suggests that perhaps you ought to finish your bath, since he had interrupted.
“Only if you join me,” you bargain, shooting him a coquettish grin. Lucio raises an eyebrow, smiling wickedly.
“Of course,” he growls, seemingly having found his way back to his flirty, brazen self, “How could I resist such an enchanting siren such as yourself?”
With a single touch, you're able to warm the bath again and conjure back some of the bubbles that had fizzled away (magic is truly amazing). As you and Lucio slip into the water, you again hear the bathroom door open. You whirl around just in time to see Julian waltzing in, a mischievous grin spreading across his face when he spots the two of you.
“What’s all this then?” he purrs, leaning casually against the doorframe. 
“Care to join us for round two, my dear doctor?” Lucio offers, a devilish glint in his eyes. He sinks under the water so only his eyes and nose are peeking out, appearing rather shark-like, an image you can’t help but giggle at. Julian meets Lucio’s predatory gaze with one of equal playfulness.
“It would be my absolute pleasure,” he shoots back with a smirk, tugging off his overcoat and swaggering towards the water. 
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I Love You, You Idiot | Bucky Barnes
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Here I am, once again writing in my favorite "we're best friends but we won't say we're in love" trope. Someone stop me.
A/N: This does not fall into the TFAWTS timeline!
Warnings: swearing, fluff, angsty-ish
*not my gif*
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The bass rumbled through your entire body as you tried to listen to whatever story Sam was telling to the group. You tried with everything in you to listen but the mixture of the loud music of the club and your best friend's hand just casually laying on your exposed thigh was making it very difficult. You noticed the group laugh so you let out a small chuckle but if anyone asked you would not be able to say what was so funny.
“You okay, doll?” You glanced up at Bucky, who’s blue eyes were squinted with concern. His thumb slowly rubbing circles on the spot on your inner thigh where it was rested. “You look a little out of it. Do you need me to take you home?”
Say words, Y/N. You told yourself. But forming sentences was getting harder and harder with each circular pass the pad of his thumb made.
Good job. Very articulate.
You didn’t want to be that person. The person who falls in love with her super hot best friend, but doesn’t say anything because they don’t want to “ruin the friendship” and then ends up sad and alone because said best friend doesn’t realize the feelings and moves on to someone else. And yet here you were. Being that cliche.
“Guys, I think I’m going to take Y/N home.” You heard Bucky say. Snapping out of whatever trance you were in you shifted away from him so his hand was no longer on your leg.
“No, I’m fine.” You stood up, strong and steady. “See? I was just thinking about some work stuff. But I’m gonna go grab another drink. Anyone want anything?”
The group shook their head and you made your way to the bar, happy to be away for a couple minutes.
Your moment of solace lasted only a few seconds though because you felt Bucky’s presence behind you. He trapped you in by placing his arms on either side of you, his chin landing on your shoulder.
“Wanna take shots?” Bucky’s voice rumbled in your ear. You really hoped he couldn’t feel the goosebumps that arose all over your skin. His breath smelled like a mix of spearmint and whiskey. A scent that if it came from any other man you would have probably been repulsed but on Bucky it was just comforting.
“Only if they’re tequila.” You turned around so you were face to face with him. Bucky gave you a cheeky smile as he waved the bartender over, ordering two shots each and then your regular drink order. As the bartender got your drinks ready, Bucky leaned down on his arms so he was even closer, your faces barely an inch apart.
“You’re my best friend, you know that?” Bucky smiled, pressing a slight kiss to your cheek.
“You’re mine too.” You whispered but you knew he heard you. Thank god for that super soldier hearing. Bucky stood back up and you could tell that he was on high alert, making sure that no one bumped into you or was making a beeline in the direction you guys were in.
You turned back around and placed your arms on the bar and leaned against it, your breasts pushing up slightly causing the guy next to you to take notice.
“Hey,” you glanced over as the guy next to you turned his body to fully face you. “You are the most beautiful woman at this bar.” You were amazed at how bold this guy was being. Bucky was still behind you, his arms still on either side of you. To anyone who didn’t know the two of you, it would be safe to assume that you were a couple.
“Thank you, that’s very sweet of you.” You smiled at him and leaned against Bucky’s arm a bit, to hopefully give that couple illusion even more.
Bucky was watching the interaction carefully, not yet ready to intervene but there if he needed to. You noticed his vibranium hand flex on the bar as the guy continued to flirt with you, that small action causing butterflies to erupt in your stomach.
“You wanna get out of here, pretty girl?” The guy leaned in even closer to you, officially popping the imaginary bubble you had around you. That was enough for you and for Bucky.
“Alright buddy, ease up.” Bucky pushed a hand against the guy's chest, moving him away from you. “She’s with me.”
“Relax, big guy. Why don’t you let this little mama speak for herself.” The guy stood up from his chair, he was Bucky’s height but you, Bucky and the guy knew that if it came down to it Bucky would kick his ass.
“This little mama doesn’t want to go home with you.” You said sternly. As you finished speaking, the bartender placed the shots and the drinks in front you.
“Bitch.” The guy mumbled, shaking his head and making his way around Bucky.
“What the fuck did you just say?” Bucky grabbed the guy by the front of his shirt. His eyes blazing as he glared down at the asshole. With each second that passed you could tell his hands were tightening around the guy’s shirt.
“I called your little slut girlfriend a bitch.” He spat out. “Maybe control your woman from flirting with other men at-”
Before he could finish, Bucky slammed his fist into his face. You let out a scream as the guy fell to the ground. Everyone’s eyes now focused on the three of you. Bucky reached down and grabbed him, pulling him back up. You had to look away as blood started to pour out of his nose and down his face. It looked like Bucky was about to punch him again but you quickly put your hand on his arm. Bucky looked over at you, his chest heaving, his metal arm shifting under the stress of his grip.
“Bucky, please. It’s not worth it. Look.” You glanced at the crowd that started to form, phones out and recording.
You could see the headlines now: Winter Soldier Bar Brawl: Is he still unhinged?
You spotted Sam making his way over, his face full of concern. Turning back to Bucky you squeezed his bicep. “Please. Let’s go.”
“Buck.” Sam made it over to you. “Go, I’ll take care of it.”
Bucky heaved as he pushed the guy away from him and then grabbed your hand. He quickly threw down a crumpled hundred dollar bill on the bar and didn’t wait for the change as he pulled you through the crowd of recording phones and out of the club.
He quietly pulled you down the street until you guys ended up at least four blocks away from the club.
“I should have killed that guy.” He huffed as he stuffed his hands into his pockets. Immediately he winced and pulled his flesh hand out. You hadn’t noticed before but his hand was definitely red and swelling. “Fuck.”
“Oh my god, Bucky,” You sighed as you gently took his hand in yours, turning it over and inspecting any damage. It didn’t look fractured but it was definitely sprained and going to be sore for a while. “You could have broken your hand, you fucking idiot.”
“It will heal in a couple hours. And you’re welcome.” Bucky scowled in your direction. “Next time, I’ll just let him shit talk you all night.”
“I didn’t ask you to do that. If you would have waited another twenty seconds we would have gotten our drinks and probably wouldn't have seen that man again.” You glared. “Instead you had to turn into a cave man and beat on your chest and prove your dominance.” You tried to sound tough but your voice was shaking given how cold you were. You had left your jacket back in the club.
“I wasn’t proving shit, Y/N.” Bucky snapped as he pulled his hand out of yours, sliding his leather jacket off and putting it around your shoulders in a huff. “Maybe it infuriates me to hear someone talk about you like that.”
“Well it’s not all cake and ice cream for me, but you don’t see me throwing god damn punches.” You sighed as you wrapped the jacket tighter around your body. “This is going to be everywhere tomorrow.”
“Who gives a fuck.” Bucky muttered.
“You should!” You fumed. “It’s not a great look to have you out here punching random guys at bars, Bucky. Especially over nothing that important.”
“Stop talking like that. God, it’s like you are the only fucking person who doesn’t see how goddamn special and important you are.” Bucky hissed as his hand continued to throb. “So please just..stop talking.”
You snapped your mouth shut as you shot daggers at Bucky which he gladly returned. You turned away from him, calling a car to take you back to his place. You both waited in silence, Bucky only making the occasional foul exclamation whenever his hand hurt. Finally for what seemed hours the car finally pulled up. Bucky, always the gentleman even when angry, held the door open for you as you slid in closing it gently but not making any moves to get in the car. You looked up at him through the window confused but he only shook his head and tapped the car, signally for the driver to leave.
“Can you please wait.” You turned to the driver who let out an annoyed huff.
“Five minutes lady. It’s almost bar time.”
Quickly you opened the door not stepping completely outside, the air having an unforgiving bite to it now.
“Get in the fucking car, Bucky.”
“You go, you have a key. I just need some time.”
“You can take some time in your apartment. Just get in the car.” You retorted.
“I’m not getting in that car.”
“James, I swear to god.” You were fully out of the car now. You slammed the door shut causing the driver to cast an annoyed look your way. “What is your problem? We argue all the time, it’s not that serious.”
“It’s not about the argument,” he grumbled. “It’s about the fact that you are so completely oblivious to how fucking perfect you are and how it wasn’t just that guy that was staring at you but every other guy in that bar. And how angry it makes me that I just want to go up to every single of one of them and tell them to put their dicks away because you’re mine and only mine.”
Your breath hitched as you processed his words.
“And I’m doing everything in power to not just shake you until you realize that I love you, and not just as my friend.”
“I can’t believe I just told you that.” Bucky shook his head and let out a humorless chuckle. “Get in the car, Y/N. I’ll see you later.”
Bucky turned and started walking down the street.
“James Buchanan Barnes!” You yelled after him. “If you don’t think that I love you back, then you really are a bigger idiot than I thought.” Bucky stopped in his tracks.
“What did you just say?” He asked as he faced you again. He stayed where he was but you could see the tension start to leave his body.
“I said,” You smiled as you let out a long breath. “That I love you, you idiot.”
Before you knew it, Bucky was over to you and he had you scooped up in his arms. His mouth moved feverishly against yours, every emotion that the two of you had for each other pouring out in this one kiss. Your hands found their way up his chest and around his neck. He let out a low moan that sent vibrations through your whole body.
“Alright, lady, I’m leaving.” You both ignored the driver as he waved you off and pulled out and down the street. But you couldn’t care less because you were finally in the arms of your best friend.
“Say it again.” Bucky whispered against your lips.
“I love you, you idiot.”
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goatcheesecak3 · 9 months
Hot head
Adam Faulkner-Stanheight x M!reader
Click here for F!reader version!
Includes: angst, fluff, braid mention of physical altercation (not between Adam and reader)
Summary: after a brawl at a bar, Adam is left feeling hot-headed and angry, unfairly snapping at his partner.
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"Adam please just calm down!" Y/n pleaded, his voice quivering.
"Calm down? Are you fucking kidding me?" Adam yelled, slamming the apartment door behind him as the two entered.
"Why do you always have to undermine me like that? I had it all under control" he continued.
"No you didn't, Adam you're hammered and you were gonna get yourself hurt" y/n insisted, tears welling in his eyes.
"I can't be around you when you're like this, I'm going to bed. Don't follow me" Adam snarled, as he huffed away to the bedroom and locked the door behind him.
Y/n's boyfriend, Adam, was a tetchy guy. He really was the loveliest guy you could ever meet, but he had issues with his anger. He'd had them ever since he was a kid, probably due to the fact that his dad was nothing short of an asshole, but as he grew older he managed to get his temper under control. That was until he reached his mid twenties and went through a particularly traumatic event; being kidnapped by a serial killer and only narrowly escaping with his life. Ever since then his temper had a hair trigger.
On this particular occasion, it was a Friday, date night for Adam and y/n. They'd gone to a hole in the wall bar just to have a few rounds before heading home, but of course, Adam had overdone it. He wasn't necessarily acting too out of the ordinary, just drunk, which was fine, it was a Friday and he didn't need to be up early the next day. But alcohol made Adam's already short temper even shorter, it took very little to get him agitated, and when a lairy drunk man nudged Adam and sneered "ain't you that guy from the news that went and got himself kidnapped?" Adam completely lost it.
"The fuck did you just say to me?" He spat with an aggressive shove
"You heard me" the drunkard jeered
"Baby, please let's just go" y/n whispered, tugging at Adam's arm, who immediately shook him off.
"You wanna take this outside asshole?" Adam yelled, drawing attention to their squabble now.
The man threw his head back laughing, "Fuck are you gonna do to me you skinny prick?" He shoved Adam back, and in his drunken state, Adam lost his footing and stumbled backwards.
Feeling humiliated and enraged, Adam lunged at the man, landing a hefty punch on his right cheek. The man, who didn't take so kindly to this, grabbed Adam by the scruff of the neck and punched back. This went back and forth until Adam and the man were practically a cloud of fists and hurled obscenities, all to y/n's horror, as he pleaded for them to stop through tears.
Eventually, a rather burly bartender got between them and peeled the two off of eachother. Y/n apologised for the commotion and dragged a still very firey Adam out of the bar.
The couple argued the whole short walk home, Adam adamant that y/n should have just let him knock that asshole out,  and y/n tearfully insisting that Adam would have gotten himself hurt, which brings us up to speed.
"I can't be around you when you're like this, I'm going to bed. Don't follow me" Adam snarled, as he huffed away to the bedroom and locked the door behind him.
Y/n sat down on the sofa and let out a few small, quiet sobs. He pulled a nightshirt and an old blanket out of the laundry basket and settled in on the couch, ready for a long and uncomfortable night.
Writhing around in the darkness, y/n wrestled with his racing mind trying to find sleep, to no avail. He hated when he and Adam went to bed mad at eachother, and he hated Adam when he raised his voice. He hated this entire night, and desperately just wanted to get to sleep so that it would be over.
Y/n became aware of floorboards creaking from down the hall near the bedroom, he figured it was just Adam getting up to use the bathroom.
That was strange, they were getting closer.
Y/n closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep, not wanting round two of the argument right at the minute. He heard Adam step closer still, until he was most definitely stood right next to the sofa, looking over him. Y/n wasn't sure where this was going, but still, he pretended to be asleep. That was when he felt something he didn't at all expect; Adam's arms began to cradle his body and lift it up, carrying him to the bedroom gently. Y/n felt himself be placed so very carefully on the mattress, and tucked in under the warm sheets. Adam sat on the side of the bed stroking his hair and whispering so quietly that he almost didn't hear him.
"I don't deserve you, but i want to. I'll get my temper under control, I'll be a better man for you. I don't wanna loose you baby" he breathed, unaware that y/n was hearing the whole thing.
He pressed a soft kiss onto y/n's temple with the most quiet "I love you".
"I love you too" y/n whispered back.
Adam's face flushed red, as he looked down into y/n's now open eyes.
"H... how long have you been awake?"
"The whole time" he smiled warmly.
Adam's gaze softened at her smile.
"I'm sorry baby, I really am. How can I make it up to you?"
Y/n thought for a second, before he settled on an answer.
"Well for starters, you can get under here with me and give me a cuddle" he said, lifting up the blankets and patting the empty spot beside him.
"Sure thing babe" Adam whispered affectionately, his face angelic and soft.
He slipped under the covers next to y/n and held him tightly all night, as though he'd truly realised just how precious the man sleeping next to him really was, and he was never going to let him go.
A/n requests are open! Check pinned post for details and masterlist <3
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spookiekewchie · 3 years
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image: @shwdgold​
Characters: Steve Rogers x woc!reader
Summary: pure filth on steve’s birthday, where he drops the boy scout act and gets creative with discipline | Part two 
Word Count: 3k+
Warnings: pure filth, choking, degrading language, breath play, oral (male r), rough sex, unprotected sex (yall better make them wrap those willies in real life ladies), spanking, praise kink, power dynamics at play (he’s the superior officer), mean!steve, steve be cursing in this. 
A/N: i have no excuses for this and no regrets. please excuse any typos or errors. and the divider are by @firefly-graphics
​ DO NOT repost or translate my work anywhere. Reblogs are always welcome, and let me know that you enjoy my fics. ​
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It was his birthday and he’s been sent out on a mission with perhaps one of the most willful women he’s ever had to deal with in his life. For example, his order for you to keep it quiet and stealth for as long as possible is disregarded when you choose to brawl with the bad guys versus sneak around them. Steve was pissed, not only had you disregarded his orders you had put yourself in unnecessary danger and while you were serving under him you were his responsibility. He was at the end of his rope, and the fact that this was how he was having to spend what should have been a day for him to celebrate however he saw fit? Yeah, Steven Grant Rogers was done playing nice. If you were going to act like you had no respect for him, then he’d return the favor and see how much you enjoyed it. 
“Y/N!” He barked the second you were both alone after the debriefing. The room was empty except for you two, and he could already tell from your posture that you were about to shoot at the mouth the first chance you got. “What the hell was that today?” He questioned, and your eyes were already rolling as you shrugged indifferently. 
“That was me getting the mission over and done with. I don’t know what you’re trippin about, but I have plans tonight so can whatever this is wait until another day?” It was a rhetorical question, and you were already turning on your heel to leave the room so you could meet up with your friends for some after mission drinks. What you didn’t expect was for Steve to close the distance between you two faster than you could blink. The strong hand gripping at the back of your neck had you sucking in a breath that was promptly knocked out of you when he pulled you back against his solid chest. Jesus the man felt like he was a solid wall of muscle and even though you knew it shouldn’t just the thought of being that close to him had you clenching. You could feel his fingers flexing as they slid from the back of your neck to the front, squeezing tight enough to keep you quiet when your mouth opened to protest. 
“Now normally I would just chalk it up to you being young and headstrong, but we’ve had this conversation one too many times for it to just be that.” His fingers flexed again, and you were very aware of the heat flooding your body, and the slick that was beginning to coat your folds under the uniform you still wore. “Clearly I’m going to have to get creative so you learn to fucking listen.” His words had you breathing a little heavier, brow furrowed in confusion at where this energy had come from. Sure Steve had given you an earful before, and your stubbornness had led to you two going back and forth before he threatened to have you put on the inactive roster until you learned to be a team player. That usually made you act right for a couple missions before you were back on your bullshit. This wasn’t that, this was him fed up and finally having enough of you not listening to his orders. It probably shouldn’t have turned you on or excited you that you’d managed to crack the boy scout veneer and push him to this point, but God you could feel how wet you were, and how your pulse raced through your veins. 
As for Steve, he knew he was toeing a very dangerous line. It was a calculated risk, he knew all about your being attracted to him. He’d overheard gossip that he had been prepared to ignore, he’d caught the inappropriate comments from time to time that you and your friends made when you all thought he was out of ear shot. Clearly none of you knew just how enhanced his senses were due to the super soldier serum. It was something he should have put a stop to after the first time he overheard it, but instead he let it continue. The attraction between you two is mutual regardless of how much you aggravated him and pissed him off with your behavior. If it wasn’t for that he’d have just had you removed from the team and replaced with someone that didn’t raise his blood pressure on a near daily basis. 
“You aren’t allowed to do this.” You croaked out, your hands grabbing at his forearm as if you had the strength to pry his hand down. You knew you didn’t and you honestly didn’t want him to stop. Steve only laughed darkly against the shell of your ear, lifting you by the hand he had gripped around your throat until you were forced to stand and teeter against your tiptoes. 
“I can do whatever the fuck I want with you. I’m the Captain here.” He knew that the title didn’t mean that at all but he pulled rank regardless, smirking at the desperate sounds leaving you as you tried to keep your precarious balance while Steve held you up by the throat. God why was this getting to you the way it was, you were so wet that your arousal had ruined your panties by that point and it was only getting worse the restrictive hold he had on you left your lungs burning for air. It was just when you were sure that he was going to keep you there just like that until you passed out, Steve released you and let your body crumple to the ground unceremoniously. Your knees hit the ground hard, but the pain didn’t register as you sucked in air and coughed as tears burned in your eyes. Looking up at him you couldn’t help but notice the bulge hiding behind the deep blue of his uniform. Steve noticed where your gaze had gone, and it had his cock throbbing as he reached a large hand down to palm himself right in front of your face. That had you looking up at him in disbelief, still shocked that the man you had been lusting after all this time was proving to be far more of a deviant than he had let on. 
“Don’t give me that look, you’ve been pushing my buttons since day one. This has been a long time coming, and I’m just giving you what you deserve.” His words struck a chord in you, and you could feel your mouth forming into a pout as you angrily wiped the tears from your eyes as you glared up at the man. “That’s cute, real cute.” He leaned down, hand flashing out and snatching you by your jaw tightly as he glared back at you far more intensely. “Fix your fucking face or I’ll fix it for you.” He warned, and despite knowing better the brat in you still wanted to put up a fight. That got a nod from Steve as he straightened up, hands quickly undoing his pants and freeing his cock. 
It hung heavy between his legs, a stark contrast to the deep blue of his pants. Just the sight of him had a small whimper involuntarily leaving your lips. You knew the serum enhanced a lot of things, but you weren’t expecting him to be so….so big! “Huh...look at that. One look at my cock and suddenly you got no attitude left for me?” He was mocking you, a hand stroking his thick rod, while the other tangled in your hair and yanked you close enough that you had to crane your head back to keep his face in sight. “I’ll give you two choices. You agree to make it up to me for stressing me out, and on my birthday no less,” He told you. Head shaking in slight faux disappointment. “Or you can tell me to stop and I’ll let you go, but I’ll be recommending you be taken off of active duty.” Your eyes went wide at that, you knew that if Steve put in that recommendation you’d be as good as benched unless a world ending threat appeared. It was a dirty trick for him to play and he knew it. You might have been difficult and didn’t follow orders like you should, but you did enjoy what you did. You enjoyed what you did, you enjoyed helping people and you enjoyed the excitement and thrill that came with the job. You didn’t want to give that up.
“I’ll make it up to you, sir.” The words rushed out of you, face hot as you tried to focus on anything except how empty you felt in the moment. Focusing on Steve’s features it was clear that your answer was the one he was hoping for, and without warning he was pushing his cock past your lips and ordering you to suck it with a firm warning about what would happen if you got any dumb ideas about biting him. You didn’t, choosing to try and do a good job at this in hopes that Steve would call it even when you were done. 
“That’s it, I knew you could be a good girl for me.” He praised you, but then in the same breath his next words had you feeling degrading. “Brats like you just need a firm hand, don’t they?” The praise and degradation had a strange effect on you, the combination making you feel both good and ashamed all at the same time. Both feelings sent arousal shooting straight to your clenching pussy as you did your best to work your mouth along the man’s hefty cock until Steve decided that he needed more. “Relax, relax for me.” He ordered softly, a large palm moving to cradle the back of your head to keep you in place as he began to thrust in and out of your mouth. Steve pushed deeper than you had been going previously, breaching your throat and triggering your gag reflex as he pushed himself deep and relished the feeling of you choking around him. Your hands flew up to grip against his strong thighs, desperate sounds escaping you in between the loud, wet sounds of your throat literally being fucked like it was just another hole meant for his cock. Relaxing was easier said than done, and you couldn’t help but struggle to take him in your throat as you squirmed on your knees as the sound of Steve’s grunts and groans filled your ears. 
“Hey, keep your eyes up here.” He commanded when he noticed that your eyes had clenched shut. “I want to see those tears on your pretty face, show me how sorry you are for being a disrespectful little bitch all this time.” Your eyes flashed open, tears springing forth as you looked up at him pleading with your gaze for him to pull out so you could catch a breath. He didn’t, instead he just grinned down at you, wolfish and dangerous as he continued to snap his hips forward against your mouth not caring that there was a puddle of drool on the cold tile under you, or that he was making an absolute mess of you. Steve didn’t pull out of your mouth until he’d finally reached his end and had coated your tongue with his seed. “Swallow.” He ordered and you struggled to do so, but managed it afraid of what might happen if he saw that you spilled a drop. Again you sputtered, coughing and sucking in air as your shaky hands moved to wipe at your mouth to try and clean yourself up some. 
Steve said nothing for a moment, tucking himself back into his uniform and simply watching as you tried to put yourself back together again. He was testing you, waiting to see if you’d move from the spot where you knelt on your own or if you'd wait for an order first. You chose the latter, earning a soft pat to the head for your silent obedience. “You have thirty minutes to go gather your things and meet me out front. Every minute you’re late is another minute that you’ll be over my knee when I get you back to my place.” You still didn’t move, and Steve raised a brow. “Time's ticking. Go.”
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It actually took you forty minutes to shower, change, get your things, and make it out of the building. The whole time you questioned just what the fuck you were doing, why were you letting this man get away with any of this. Then each time you moved you were reminded of how soaked and ruined your panties were with the slick arousal that had coated your folds and now your thighs as a result of Steve’s treatment of you. 
True to his word you spent the ten extra minutes it took for you to make it out of the building over his knee. His hand had been the instrument of choice, and he’d made sure to pace himself so that the spanking was just intense enough to leave you squirming across his lap, and your face damp with tears.
Now he was carrying you to his bed, all but ripping your clothes from your body to leave you bare while he stood there admiring the sight of you while he remained fully dressed. His eyes raked over every curve, and his tongue darting out to wet his lips as his gaze landed on the thickness of your thighs and he was reminded of the prize between them. 
“Steve—” He gripped your chin and angled your face up to his so you could meet his hard gaze. 
“It’s either Captain, or Sir.” He corrected, and that had you setting your jaw with a huff. A rush of stubbornness taking over as you jerked back from him. 
“Steve, why are you doing this?” You pressed on, part of you knowing that you were just making it worse for yourself, but if he was going to take months of frustration out on you then you couldn’t see what further damage could possibly be done. Steve just gave a dark chuckle that had your blood pumping in your veins. 
“Because fucking you, teaching you a lesson, and correcting your horrible attitude are what I want for my birthday.” He was stripping out of his clothes as he spoke, and the more of him you saw the drier your mouth felt. He was impressive fully dressed, but seeing him stalking towards you in all his naked glory nearly had you trembling. “Don’t act like you don’t want me, you’re fucking soaked. Probably have been since I fucked your throat.” He had you dead to rights there, but you refused to confirm or deny it. Not even when his fingers pushed into your soaked pussy and drew a loud gasp out of you. “And don’t think I don’t know all about all the disgusting fucking things you say about me to your friends.” Now that had you snapping back to attention, and just in time to catch the snide smirk on the man’s face as he began mocking you and repeating verbatim a few of the things you’d said thinking he was out of earshot. 
“Don’t worry, we’re both going to get what we want by the time I’m done with you.” He said, tone still mocking as you began to writhe and squirm against the bed as his fingers continued to drag in and out of your tight channel until he had you right at the edge. Then he stopped, denying you the satisfaction of your climax. Steve ignored your groans and protests, only choosing to flip you over onto your stomach and raise your hips into the air so that he could press in behind you. No warning came before he pushed the swollen blunt tip of his cock into your tight pussy, walls instantly clenching like a vise around him to the point that it had him groaning loudly “Damn, I knew you’d be tight but this is too fucking good.” His voice was strained, eyes closed for a moment as he gripped your hips hard enough to bruise as he began to snap his hips forward. Each thrust was hard and deep, his strokes deliberate and purposeful as he made sure to sink himself inside you as much as possible in the position he currently had you in. You clenched tighter each time his hips would smack against your ass, the flesh still tender and raw from the earlier spanking and it only pushed you closer to the edge yet again. 
When Steve was sure that you were close he stilled his hips, smirking as you cursed and tried desperately to move yourself against only to find that he was quite literally using his hands to hold your hips in place. “You want to cum then you better start begging. That’s the only way you're going to earn it.” 
“Please, please Steve let me cum. Please!” You were begging in an instant, but you weren’t saying what you knew he wanted to hear and that earned you a hard pull of your hair as he forced your head up from his mattress. It had your back arching even more, allowing Steve to sink in even deeper as you whined and let out a needy sob. 
“Try again, and you better get it right or I’ll leave your bratty ass just like this.” He leaned over you, growling the next words into your ear. “And I’ll tie you to the bed so you can’t get any relief on your own.” 
“Please Captain, please...I-I’m sorry Sir. I’ll behave, I’ll be good. Just let me cum please.” He didn’t say anything, simply keeping the tight hold of your hair as he began to snap his hips forward again, fucking into you even harder. This time he didn’t stop, letting you reach your climax with a scream and sobs of pleasure. And he didn’t stop then either, keeping that same pace for nearly an hour and forcing orgasm after orgasm out of you until you were begging him to let you have a break, and begging for him to cum and end your punishment. 
That night you learned just a fraction of how much stamina a super soldier possessed, and by the time the sun had set and the fireworks were going off in the distance, Steve had you pliant and exhausted. More importantly he had you willing to act right for him, no more challenging his orders and giving him just what he wanted...at least for the foreseeable future. 
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queenshelby · 3 years
The Policeman’s Daughter – Part Two
Pairing: Thomas Shelby x Reader
Warning: Mention of Assault, Murder, Fluff, Mild Smut
Words: 2,345
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Birmingham, 12 September 1924
It was Saturday night and seven days have passed since your encounter with Thomas Shelby and you have not heard from him. Perhaps he had changed his mind, you thought. You could understand if he did. He was probably still grieving the death of his wife or perhaps you simply weren’t a match for him.
Over the past seven days, you had learned that Thomas Shelby and his family owned most of the factories and industrial buildings in Small Heath as well as several streets of back-to-back housing.
He must have been a wealthy man with no interest in a common woman like you.
That same night, your father was away for work, investigating two recent murders in Small Heath in a pub called the Garrison and he had left you with two men who were employed by the Crown as security guards.
You felt safe with the men around the house and certainly didn’t expect an intrusion to occur on that night. But you were wrong. You weren’t safe at all. At least so it seemed as, at around 8 o’clock, you heard a knock on one of the windows behind where you were sitting, inside the reading room which was facing the forest.
Your heart began to pound as you turned around and peeked through the curtain only to find that it was Thomas.
Surprised and shocked all at the same time, you quickly opened the window while covering up your skin with a large satin robe.
‘What are you doing here?’ you asked with slight anger.
‘I said I would find you’ Tommy smirked, whispering as he did. ‘Get your coat’ he then instructed, not really giving you a choice to say no.
‘I am not leaving the house with an armed man who I barely know’ you said reluctantly and Tommy raised his eyebrows for a short moment before giving you a smile.
‘Fair enough’ Tommy said, reaching beneath his coat, taking the gun out of his holster and handing it to you.
‘Now you are an armed woman leaving with an unarmed man’ he then smirked and you couldn’t help but chuckle.
You quickly got your coat and boots from the next room, not bothered by the fact that, beneath all this, you would be wearing only a thin nightgown.
Tommy then held the window open and helped you to climb outside while ensuring that you wouldn’t slip on the wet grass.
‘So where are we going?’ you asked quietly, knowing very well that you shouldn’t be going anywhere with this stranger. You didn’t know why, but for some reason, you trusted him. His deep blue eyes appeared honest and comforting in a way and your attraction towards him clearly had gotten the better of you.
‘Just follow me, eh’ Tommy said somewhat reassuringly before taking your hand.
‘My father is a policeman and will get very angry if something was to happen to me’ you said nervously, wanting to ensure your own safety.
‘A copper, eh?’ Tommy said somewhat unbothered, thinking that your father is probably one of Moss’s men and therefore on his payroll.
You simply nodded and then followed Tommy into the woods, nervously and excited all at the same time.
After about fifteen minutes, you reached a small camp near the river and Tommy was quick to introduce you to some of the men, women and children who were there.
‘I thought you might like to be with kin for a change’ Tommy said after he introduced to the Lee family.
‘Your mother used to travel with us when she was young’ a woman named Esmeralda said to you and it was obvious to you that Tommy had told her your name. It was also clear that Tommy had done his research on you before visiting you that night.
You immediately felt comfortable around the Lee Family and spent several hours at the camp, talking, drinking and eating.
Whilst you appreciated Tommy’s gesture, introducing you to the Lees after what you had told him about your life when you met at the orphanage, you also desperately wanted to be alone with him and get to know him better. He seemed to know so much about you while you knew so little about him.
Eventually, Tommy noticed that you were cold, clearly not dressed for the occasion and he finally suggested that you sit down by the fire with him.
‘Go on Tommy Boy’ Johnny Dogs shouted after you as followed Tommy to the fireplace near the river bank.
In response, Tommy swore using gypsy tongue, before telling you to ignore Johnny Dogs. According to Tommy, he hadn’t been accompanied by a woman since his wife Grace had passed away and, therefore, your presence took Johnny Dogs by surprise.
As you finally reached the fireplace and you sat down on of the blankets scattered around it, Tommy took off his coat and placed it over you in order to keep you warm.
‘Thank you’ you said shyly as his blue eyes locked with yours. ‘Now tell me Tommy, how did you know where I live?’ you asked curiously, knowing that you had never told him your address.
‘I simply asked your employer’ Tommy winked and it was when you realised that you just asked him a completely silly question. Of course, he knew your address. The charitable organisation of which he was the founder and chairman had signed your employment contract.
‘You never told me what brought you to Birmingham’ Tommy then went on to say before asking you to hand him the cigarettes from the pocket of his coat.
But, as you reached into the pocket on the right to retrieve his cigarettes, smokes weren’t all you found. In fact, the first thing you inadvertently took out was a small case containing a blue bottle of cocaine and a brown bottle of opium which, without questions, you quickly put back into their place.
‘My father’s work is what brought us here’ you eventually said as you handed Tommy his cigarettes.
‘You said he is a copper, right?’ Tommy observed before lighting himself a cigarette and you nodded before Tommy continued on.
‘What is a copper from London doing in Birmingham? It doesn’t seem like a good career move to me’ Tommy chuckled and you simply told him that he wanted a change of scenery for the both of you and an easier life.
‘Well, I am not sure if he came to the right place then, eh’ Tommy laughed.
‘Why, is there a lot of crime here?’ you then went on to ask and Tommy shook his head.
‘Just the usual brawls you can expect in a town full of working men’ Tommy chuckled before quickly changing the topic.
You then talked for at least an hour about your respective upbringings and gypsy roots and Tommy appeared genuine and kind. It was obvious to you that he felt attracted towards you and, over the hour, you moved closer and closer towards each other, sharing one cigarette after another as you talked for what felt like an eternity.
You sat so close to him that you could smell the scent of his aftershave, a hint of musk and sweetness and it was at this point that Tommy made an admission to you.
‘I have to be honest Y/N. I didn’t just bring you out here to introduce you to the Lee Family’ Tommy said, just as the moment was right.
‘So, what are your alternate motives then Mr Shelby?’ you asked shyly but with a smile.
‘This’ Tommy responded quietly while caressing your face with one of his hands before drawing your face towards his with ease and pressing his lips onto yours.
You gave into the kiss, parting your lips slightly as you did and allowing his tongue to explore your mouth.
His lips were soft and warm and you ran your hands through his hair gently as you deepened the kiss.
Tommy’s hands then moved from your face over your chest and beneath his warm coat, brushing your breasts in the process.
It was at this point you abruptly pulled away and began to breathe heavily. His hands were too close to the scar which carried all your bad memories.
‘Don’t. I am sorry’ you said, your hands shaking as you broke out in tears.
‘Hey, look at me Y/N’ Tommy said calmly, unsure why you reacted the way you did but wanting to calm you down and comfort you.
‘Whatever it is, its alight, eh’ Tommy said, his both cupping your face, making you look at him and nod.
‘I am so sorry. I just…’ you said, looking down at the fire, unable to finish your sentence as tears built up in the corners of your eyes again.
Tommy sat there patiently, telling you to breathe before wiping your tears away with his thumbs.
‘I am ashamed of my body Tommy. I just am not ready for this’ you went on to say and Tommy looked at you, his eyes full of questions.
‘Then we won’t’ Tommy said calmly, his thumb running over your cheek as he smiled at you. ‘Although, you really have no reason to be ashamed. You are beautiful’ Tommy then whispered reassuringly before giving you another quick kiss, intending to leave at this for the night.
‘Yeah, well, you say this now but that might change when you see the hideous scar covering my stomach’ you said rather upset and it was at this point that Tommy stood up, took off his suit jacket and began to unbutton his shirt.
You weren’t quite sure what he was doing and you were slightly concerned about his actions when he suddenly pulled you up and reached for your hand.
‘Count them’ Tommy said as he guided your hand over his bare chest before telling you to reach behind him and run your hand over his back.
‘Six’ you said, swallowing harshly, realising that he had just a few more scars than you which evidentially all came from bullets and stabbings.
‘Seven actually’ Tommy chuckled as your hand left his chest and you took Tommy’s hand and guided it beneath your nightgown and right over your scar.
Your scar was large, covering the right side of your abdomen. But Tommy didn’t seem bothered and simply kissed you again, as passionately as he could and you would allow him.  
‘Who did this to you?’ Tommy then asked as your lips drifted apart and it was at this point that you broke down, confiding him about what had happened to you.
You never confided in anyone before and the truth was, you didn’t know why you told Tommy that night. But you felt that it was the right thing to do.
Shortly thereafter, Tommy walked you back home and, just as you reached the house and sneaked past the security guards which, quite evidentially didn’t do their job, Tommy kissed you again, gently but yet passionately.
‘Can I see you again?’ he then asked and you nodded shyly.
‘I didn’t think you would want to after tonight’ you said somewhat embarrassed about how things had ended.
‘You have no idea, do you?’ Tommy chuckled just as one of the security guards came walking around the house.
Without his coat and gun, Tommy kissed you goodbye in a rush before disappearing into the night, ensuring that he wouldn’t get caught.
‘Everything alright Miss?’ one of the guards asked, curious as to what the noises were which he had heard.
‘Yes, just two rabbits out and about. So cute’ you said as you stuffed Tommy’s coat and gun beneath the blanket on the sofa while looking out of the window.
‘Rabbits?’ the guard asked.
‘Yes, the small animals with the big ears and the fluffy tail’ you said.
Birmingham, 17 September 1924
Following your evening at the river with Tommy, you hadn’t heard from him for days and thought again that, perhaps, he had changed his mind.
But he didn’t and, on the morning of the 17th of September, you received a telegram, delivered to your house along with the daily newspaper your father had ordered.
With a cup of coffee, you sat down in the reading room, opening the telegram.
I ensured that this telegram would only reach you in your father’s absence.
Meet me tonight, at 8 o’clock. Your father will be busy and security will be taken care of. I will be waiting for you outside the gate of your property’
After you read the telegram, you couldn’t help but smile while a feeling of warmth and butterflies rushed through your body.
Nonetheless, you were surprised by his influence. How did he know that your father would be busy and how would he take care of security, you wondered?
But those thoughts soon left your mind when you opened the newspaper and read the headlines.
Judge dead in house explosion
Judge Kent has died along with his 24-year-old son in what appeared to have been a house explosion caused by two hand grenades.
Mysteriously, their death occurred just an hour before two killings in a London Nightclub in which another two men had been shot. This also appeared to be a targeted attack.
The two men identified as Jonathan Cohen and Lucas Cohen, friends and acquaintances of the Judge’s Kent’s son who, several years ago, escaped charges for assault.
Whether the murders are linked is yet to be determined and no arrests were made.
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djarinsbeskar · 4 years
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A/N: Part 2 is here! First and foremost, can I just say thank you so much for the reception Part 1 received and to those who (gasps!) actually want me to tag them for updates??? I don’t know how to react??? I’m so touched??????? It’s so motivating and has reminded me why I love sharing my scribbles!
There’s a greater focus on world/character building in this chapter so if it feels a bit rambling or description heavy, I do apologise! Like I said, I’m trying to build some context to the reader-insert before we get to the smut, and I hope that I’ve kept her general enough that she doesn’t cross the line too much into OC territory and becomes unrelatable. As always, constructive criticism is welcome! My style of writing leaves much to be desired so I would love to know if something doesn’t make sense so I can improve and fix it. But enough of that, on with the show!
Pairing: Din Djarin/Fem!Reader
Word Count: 5.2k
Rating: 18+ (NO Minors)
Warnings: Language and slight injury detail.
Plot: You encounter Mando suffering one misfortune after another.
AO3 | Stitches Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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8 ABY, Mynock, Dandoran.
The second time you met him, he had dislocated his shoulder after a nasty clash with a Houk.
Your dealing with the Mandalorian on Klatooine had moved to the back of your mind and you rarely, if ever, thought about it. It was merely another encounter with a rough character that needed some medical attention. You wouldn’t have been able to hazard a guess at how many similar characters you saw in a week while you worked at the clinic. Even more so when you’d left Klatooine after becoming disillusioned that the New Republic were actually trying to make a difference.
You had heard stories from the Core and Mid Rim planets. Stories of the investment and progress being made to rebuild after the tyranny of the Empire, of the billions of credits being poured into the development of new ship building centers on Corellia and large, extravagant residencies for government members on Coruscant. Things, you were sure, that were not actually urgent necessities as they were desires. Especially given that the funds you received from that same government to sustain the clinic thinned before drying up completely a few months after your encounter with the Mandalorian.
…Hemorrhaging more credits than is justified for the benefits we’re seeing in return.
The busybody politician with a colorful title and even more colorful robes waxed poetically, hiding the sentiment of disinterest in ways only a politician could. Half-heartedly trying to distract you by his explanations with empty praise and gratitude for your service during the Rebellion and your humanitarian work now, a true embodiment of what the New Republic stands for. He crowed like the colorful bird he looked like, dressed as he was with fine feathers lining the lapels of his robes.
You bristle at the memory of the hologram’s eyes flickering to look at anything besides you, running down the time you had spent weeks trying to get.
That was when the memory of the Mandalorian surfaced, surprisingly. How the day after you treated him you arrived at the medical center and saw  a familiar pouch of credits sitting innocently behind the check-in desk. When you enquired with the receptionist, she told you it was sitting there once she opened up earlier that morning. The only note left being on one of the datapads behind the desk, the scrawling font reading; to help with your work. You had let out a chuckle to yourself as you checked your schedule, wondering if the brutish male you had treated last night really was as cold as he portrayed himself to be.
The memory had incited a righteous anger that a bounty hunter was more willing to support a voluntary clinic than the government that set it up in the first place was.
I thought the Empire were the ones who put a credit limit on what a life is worth. You had hissed in return, interrupting what you were sure was a well-rehearsed and well used speech, before hanging up. You pressed the heel of your hands into your eyes, taking a shuddering breath as you tried not to be nihilistic in thinking that you had spent nearly half your life thinking you could make a difference, when, you were just serving the Empire in different clothing.
It wasn’t a fair comparison; you knew the New Republic was neither as cruel nor as tyrannical and oppressive as it’s predecessor, but you had been made so dreadfully aware that in places like the Outer Rim, people would always be overlooked by those in power because they simply didn’t offer enough to be worth looking at.
The realization was a raw wound to your soul. You had lost brothers and friends to the fight for liberation, but it didn’t seem as though the grass was much greener on the other side. Maybe elsewhere in the galaxy it was, but where you were needed most, the grass was dehydrated and dying under the relentless sun.
With the clinic penniless, your meagre pension from the Rebellion was not nearly enough to keep it functioning. Add to that the reluctance of the other medics to run the clinic alongside you out of their own pocket and the intergalactic beacon for medical aid that alerted anyone in the parsec of where to go being disengaged, traffic stopped. The native Klatooinians preferred their own healers and very rarely, if ever, sought out medics from the New Republic.
For the first time in your life, your path wasn’t clear. If you even had a path anymore.
That was how you found yourself on Dandoran, flying off a week after the last of the medics left Derelkann to the first planet that was habitable to humans. But by the Maker, it was even rougher than Klatooine. The temperate climate and lush greenery were more comfortable for you, but the city you found yourself in, Mynock, was to say the least, undesirable. Having once been Hutt Space, there were still several illegal operations active that kept the city going and you learned early on what areas to avoid and to always carry a blaster with you. But at least where there was activity, there was work for you.
You met Biran Sonter the very day you arrived, asking directions to the nearest medical facility, hoping they could use another medic. He was an elderly Mirialan male with a wealth of history behind him, his facial tattoos creased with deep wrinkles and a kindly smile that reminded you of your grandfather.
You were flabbergasted to learn that during the time of the Galactic Republic, he acted as the royal physician to the palace on Naboo.
As you choked on the tea he had kindly made for you at that revelation, you couldn’t ask him quickly enough how he ended up here? On an Outer Rim backwater skughole of a planet and his tale had been sobering. When the Republic first fell, anyone who did not immediately surrender to the rising Empire was terminated. Biran had, at the time, only heard word of the death of the beloved former Queen Amidala and blamed the Empire vehemently. Escaping on one of the last shuttles from the Mid Rim planet before legions of clones descended, he arrived on Dandoran where no one, not even the Hutts cared enough to notice him. All they knew, was that he was an excellent doctor who charged little for his services and kept to himself. That was good enough for them. While he treated a vast number of criminals ranging from thieves to bounty hunters, he was not wholly merciful. He somehow managed to avoid or talk his way out of treating anyone in the organized crime syndicates or known traffickers and killers. It may have gone against a physician’s code to do ones best to save every life, but he like many, made their own code in the Outer Rim.
You fell into a fast and easy friendship with the Mirialan after that, your similar histories of working in the medical field despite being decades apart giving you plenty to talk about. The practice Biran ran in Mynock was always busy and he was only too grateful when you offered to take the weight off his old shoulders and gradually, his clients began to expect to see you most of the day and Biran for a few hours in the early morning. You were never short on work between cantina brawls, accidents and the downright attacks that took place in Mynock and the next eighteen standard months seemed to pass in the blink of an eye, Klatooine a distant memory, as was the Mandalorian you met there.
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The night you saw him again, was no different to any other you spent enjoying a quiet drink before heading back to turn in for the night.
You had been in the process of leaving the cantina, recognizing that the later it grew, the rowdier and aggressive the clientele became. You could handle yourself as well as anyone who made their home in Hutt Space, but you knew better than to be blatantly reckless when you were on your own. It wasn’t like you had the squadron you stayed with throughout the Rebellion for backup as you once did, and your closest ally would probably break in half if you pushed him too hard. So no, you were not staying late with Mynocks newest resident of a Houk warlord and the company he seemed to attract.
The Houk in question was a cruel and belligerent brute, a former local warlord by the name of Gappo Teff. His reputation for inflicting punishment disproportionate to any slight committed against him or the Empire was one of the many echoes of the former imperial rule that was still being felt in the galaxy nearly three years after its collapse.
The stories of the chokehold he held over Sullust would make even a hardened soldier’s stomach churn. How he managed to escape the liberation of the planet without being dragged to the noxious surface of Sullust to suffer for the pain he had caused so many, was a mystery. But there he was, sitting like a king in the cantina you found yourself in, bellowing laughter ricocheting obnoxiously throughout the space, not a care in the world that he was a wanted felon.  
It might have been to do with the fact that he was at least seven and a half foot tall, with a mass that could easily fit three of you side by side across him and still not be seen. It might have been to do with the cold, milky blue of his small eyes, sunk into a skull so large it could probably shatter ribs and rupture organs if one were to be headbutted with it. The last thing anyone wanted was those eyes focusing on them. It could have been the heavy artillery modified blaster he kept laying on his lap; the weapon more of a cannon for those of a more regular stature. Whatever the reason, very few bounty hunters and even fewer New Republic guards came to collect him. He was probably one of the most easily found quarries on all Guild registers and New Republic wanted lists and yet, he languished in Mynock as if the Empire had never fallen and his reign was still assured.
Making your way to the entrance, you came up short as someone walked in, your nose coming abruptly close to a reddish-brown durasteel chest-plate. Taking a step back, your eyes did a double take at the familiar unpainted beskar helmet. Subconsciously, you had stepped to the side, the Mandalorian continuing to walk without a word as if you hadn’t nearly walked into him. Mandalorians were a rare sight these days, so you could be forgiven for staring. Though, you were most likely staring for entirely different reasons compared to everyone else in the cantina.
The armor was the same, if not a bit more worn, as was the dark boiled woolen cape and pulse rifle strapped to his back. But it was the gait; how could someone walk both gracefully and arrogantly, almost cocky in his self-assurance that he was in control wherever he went. It explained why he was so determined not to let his injury be known by his walk the last time you saw him. Because you had seen him before, there was no doubt in your mind that this was the same irritable reek of a Mandalorian you met in Derelkann years ago.
He stood in the middle of the cantina, assessing the place as his helmet scanned the area. If you didn’t know any better, you say he was…
“Oh, you gotta be kidding me.” You muttered to yourself when the helmet stopped on Teff. When you said bounty hunters didn’t bother to come after him, you should have been more specific. Smart bounty hunters didn’t bother hunting Gappo Teff, which explained why the one you knew of was right there looking for him.
A choice lay before you. Leave now and lock your doors until morning… or wait. For what, you couldn’t be sure. But if the Mandalorian wasn’t killed tonight by Teff, he was going to wish he was with the injuries he would probably sustain.
You let your head fall back on your shoulders as you exhaled. Why were you so soft for lost causes and wayward souls?
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The Houks bodyguards left much to be desired, crumbling to the ground before they had even drawn their blasters, smoke rising from the blaster wounds inflicted effortlessly by Din.
The bodyguards weren’t what worried Din. Their boss hardly needed protecting, and he wasn’t going to go down without a fight.
The groan and screech of the metal table being shoved away by Teff as he stood to his full height made Din grit his teeth, arms open as he boomed, “Ah Mando, I was wondering when you’d try your luck at me. Your reputation is becoming rather infamous throughout the parsec.”
A guttural, wet laugh left the purple skinned quarry as Din remained silent and kept his blaster aimed. Damn, but the piece of bantha crap was big. He quickly scanned his peripheral, but it seemed the residents of Mynock had more self-interest than to trade blaster fire over one warlord, the barkeep casually making his was into the backroom of the bar to keep out of harms way.
“Why don’t you hang up that Guild work and let me make you a better offer.” Teff boomed, taking a swing of his drink, streams of the yellow fluid running down the sides of him mouth as those frosty eyes stayed trained on the bounty hunter.
Din rolled his eyes behind his helmet; negotiations by the quarry were his least favorite reaction to being caught but he knew better than to think he had captured the colossal male yet. Until Teff was either dead or frozen in carbonite, he was a danger. Luckily, the orders were to bring him in dead or alive. Seems the New Republic were fed up with him still breathing. He couldn’t say he blamed them.
“No?” the Houk pushed when Din didn’t respond, “Too bad, you’d have made an excellent addition to my collection.” And with more speed than Din had anticipated from the large male, he charged.
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You had the good sense to leave the cantina as soon as the first blaster shot was fired, pulling the hood of your dusty grey jacket over your head while you made your way back to the practice to gather a few things. Things that would be completely obsolete if he died but you wouldn’t think that far. You were a realist, not a pessimist. The Houk might have had the advantage of height and sheer strength, but the Mandalorian was quicker, possibly smarter, and decked with enough firepower to make a starfighter pilot drool.
So, you put the odds about sixty forty in favor of the Mandalorian. Not that you would ever tell him that.
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Teff roared in anger as Din rolled out of the way again, shooting his grappling hook to latch onto the Houks shoulder and yanked hard enough to throw the male off balance. Despite his large size however, Teff was able to slide his foot back to catch himself, putting him in direct line with Din.
He was on his feet in no time as the Houk charged at him, lowering his head so that on contact, Din’s left shoulder was thrown back into the wall of the cantina. His breath left him as the impact winded him, a dull but growing pain throbbing from his shoulder before Teff’s vile breath permeated even his helmet and a large hand wrapped around Din’s throat. He could feel his feet leave the floor and the weight of his body pulling downward made the pressure on his windpipe all the heavier.
“Oh well, at least you tried.” Teff gloated, his head leaning closer as if to peer into the visor and that distraction was all Din needed to lift his hand and engage his flamethrower, engulfing the Houk in flames. Din gasped in a breath when he was dropped, the squeals of pain coming from Teff disconcerting as he staggered around the cantina, desperately looking for something to extinguish the inferno his clothing and more vulnerable tissue had become.
Din waited a few more measured breaths before lifting the blaster and shooting the quarry in the vulnerable side of the neck, satisfied with the resounding bang the body made as it fell to the ground, flames still burning bright until he picked up the half-drunk tankard on Teffs table to douse the fire lest he be completely unrecognizable upon delivery.
Din looked around, the cantina was empty; the silence suddenly deafening as he looked back down at the body.
Now, how to get him back to the Razor Crest.
Din sighed.
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“We have to stop meeting like this.”
You held up your hands unsurprised when the Mandalorian spun on the ramp of his ship, blaster raised and aimed right at you. He tilted his head slightly, taking you in and you tried not to fidget under the gaze you could feel raking over you despite not being able to see his eyes. What you could see though, was how limp his left arm was hanging to his side.
“The demon medic from Klatooine.” He muttered, finally placing your face and lowering his blaster slowly while you lowered your arms.
“I’ll take that as a compliment.” You snorted before nodding to his arm, “And you’ll probably be calling me a lot worse when I tell you that that arm needs tending to.”
He shifted slightly, turning his body so you wouldn’t be able to see. You just crossed your arms across your chest and stared at him pointedly. He held your gaze and was still as a statue. You could play the silence game too if that was how he wanted to do this. It was only a matter of time before one of you broke and you weren’t the one with a dislocated shoulder, so you’d say that the odds were in your favor.
It seemed like time dragged on before, without saying anything, the Mandalorian sighed and turned towards the ship.
You bit down on a smile, but you could still feel it creeping upon your lips as you congratulated yourself on winning. Two nil, you tallied in your head, not bad girl.
The ship… well the ship was a fossil and that was being generous. But it was clean and obviously well taken of, if the tidy hull was anything to go by.
Apart from the charred corpse lying in the middle of course, but those were just details. Easily overlooked. The smell however… that was a different story, but you held back any comments. You still couldn’t fathom how he’d managed to drag a fully grown Houk through the town one-handed, but then you knew that the strength and discipline of the Mandalorians was unrivalled. He could have done it through sheer determination and honestly, you were lucky to have found him at all. But people in Mynock liked to talk, so following the rumors' had let you there relatively easy.
A sigh broke your train of thought, “Let’s get this over with.”
The warrior seemed resigned to his fate as he stepped over the corpse and you followed suit, mind instantly running through the correct procedure and treatment.
“We have to get the bone in the upper arm into the correct position before it slips back into joint, otherwise the force will just break your arm.” You explained as you moved to stand in front of the large warrior when he sat back on one of the many crates pushed against the wall of the ship. You could barely hear the short exhales coming from the modulator and you could only guess that he was holding back speaking, whether in pain or frustration that you had strong-armed him into accepting treatment again.
“But hey, look on the bright side.”
His visor tilted slightly to look at you.
“No droids needed.” You shrugged a shoulder and sent him a grin when he said nothing. When he looked away, you focused your attention back on the problem shoulder; it wasn’t immediately clear that it had been dislocated, the pauldron he wore hiding the jutting ball of the joint that was no doubt pressed uncomfortably against his flesh. What you could see was that his left side was hanging just a bit lower than his right, and the inability to move the arm was a dead giveaway.
“Are you just going to stare at it or actually do what you said you would when you barged onto my ship?” The rasp was closer to you as he turned his head, the rumble of his voice decidedly deeper than you remembered last time. Or perhaps it always had been, and you just hadn’t been paying enough attention, more focused on the very real threat of having a dead body on your hands as the poison spread. You rolled your eyes; or it was all the short and biting commands he only seemed to know how to give as opposed to actually speaking that made you forget the voice. The man could be attractive, if he wasn’t so frustrating.
“I can’t see it properly.” You replied, agitated with him again. He got under your skin too easily, and ruined your cool demeanor.
“You dealt with the problem just fine before.” He snapped back, pain making him cranky.
“You didn’t have a bone out of place last time!” You stopped yourself, sucking in a breath before releasing it to prevent yourself from snapping again.
“At least,” you bartered, “let me remove the pauldron. I can feel around the duraweave to get an idea. I won’t see any more of you than I did last time.”
He didn’t say anything again for a time and honestly, he was the slowest person you’d ever met at receiving emergency medical care. Half the men you treated during the Rebellion would yell until you’d taken care of the worst of their injuries before they even considered if it was what they wanted or not.
“Fine.” Was all he responded, making no move to remove the offending piece so you took that as your cue to feel around the curved metal cautiously, feeling where it attached to his duraweave and releasing it into your hands before placing it down on a separate crate.
“There, that wasn’t so hard, was it?” A warning growl echoed in the hull, turning you back to your task with a hum.
It seemed the joint had popped forward, no doubt from caving in as Teff collided with Mando’s shoulder. You leaned forward, your fingers feeling around the area as gently as you could while his breathing came out a little shorter. You sent him an apologetic smile.
“I’m going to have to ask you to stay still, okay? Usually I’d have someone to hold—”
“I can keep myself still, just do it.” He snapped finally, turning to look at you before he looked away again. You said nothing more as you took his gloved hand in yours, turning the forearm over and feeling the hand clench in yours when he hissed.
“Shh, nearly there.” You soothed, moving your hand under his elbow to lift it so it was aligned with Mando’s shoulder. You stood, keeping the arm in place and twisting yourself to stand facing his side.
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You were definitely out to get him. There was no other explanation for why he only seemed to be seriously injured in your presence. Din tried to tell himself he was being over-dramatic and irrational, that you hadn’t even been on the same planet when he was injured the first time, but then you opened your mouth and he felt justified in his petulant thoughts.
“On three.” He heard you warn and all he could offer was a single nod; the sooner he got this over with the better.
“One…” You jerked the arm forward and slipped the joint back into place quickly with a sickening crack and searing pain took his breath away before it began to ebb immediately.
“DANK…. FERRICK!” Din yelled as his good arm reached across to grip his left, bending forward as he breathed through the flash of pain. You moved out of his way, waiting for him to look back up at you through the helmet, deep pants making his chest heave. You cocked your head to the side when his eyes found yours, a clear question there.
He groaned as he sat back, leaning his head against the hull, “It… doesn’t hurt as much anymore.” He admitted, thinking that the smile you gave him was somewhat worth the knock to his ego at having to admit such a thing in the first place. And like last time, before he could even worry about the concerning direction that thought had led to, you were fluttering about opening crates and bins as if you owned the place.
“What the hell—” he made to stand indignantly.
“Do you have any spare cloth?” You interrupted, “Your arm needs to be bound for a few days. If you have bacta it might reduce the healing time a bit but honestly, I don’t think dislocations can be rushed despite recent studies. Rushing back to heavily lifting or activity for at least six weeks is a sure way to hurt yourself again.”
You were rambling now as you set a pile of disused yet clean cloth you found on your lap, sitting across from him as he just blinked at this enigma of a woman. Giving him orders in his own ship, were you daft?
Your eyes sharpened and shot to his and he was suddenly glad you couldn’t see behind his mask. His eyes had widened guiltily at the thought that you had read his mind.
“You will do what you’re told, understand Mando?” You warned as your fingers tied a loose sling from strips of cloth you’d pulled apart without even having to look at it, deft fingers looping the material and strengthening it with several more layers woven in for good measure.
“If you insist on getting injured so often, you live with the consequences. And the consequences are doing what you’re fucking told and being happy about it, got it? Sulk if you want, so long as you keep the arm bound and don’t take on any jobs for at least two months.”
He opened his mouth a few times at the audacity, did she have a death wish? He couldn’t remember the last time anyone had spoken to him as if he were no more than a child and it made his blood boil. But just as quickly as the anger arose, it simmered as she muttered while watching her fingers tie off the sling,
“You don’t actually seem like a bad guy, and the galaxy can’t afford to lose anymore… not bad guys.” She seemed unsure of giving out even this level of praise but then again, she only had their first encounter to go by.
He grunted; not sure how to respond. And when Din was uncomfortable, he resorted to silence.
You got to your feet once the sling was suitably strong enough to support the weight of his arm without unravelling or breaking and you indicated to him, “May I?”
He jerked his head up in affirmation and you maneuvered the sling to sit correctly under his elbow and forearm, coaxing him to lift it slightly with a tap before you looped the tied end over his helmet, adjusting the length slightly to fit against him.
“You left Klatooine.” the statement rose from the warrior, his tone quieter than you’d heard him all day. Was he... trying to make conversation? Din told himself that it was merely out of curiosity from seeing you by chance on two totally different planets.
Blinking in surprise, you sat back on the crate in front of him, crossing one leg over the other and leaning back on one of your hands, “New Republic stopped funding the clinic and I realized that they’re all the same when it comes to the Outer Rim.”
He snorted in agreement, honestly, he wasn’t surprised to hear the New Republic had cut their losses on charity. It wasn’t in their nature to funnel money away from the Core planets.
“But it’s not all bad,” you continued, “I work with a doctor here. He’s old now so he should be enjoying his retirement. I’m kept busy and…”
He watched you while he waited for you to finish, surely there was more? But when you just shrugged and sent him a tight smile, he felt an uncomfortable niggle at the back of his neck, a familiarity that made him almost want to smile back even if you couldn’t see it. Almost. But not quite. He was unnerved at the… empathy he had for your situation. He too just… kept busy. It wasn’t towards any end beyond supporting the covert and the foundlings there. But for himself, he just kept working towards some translucent, non-existent goal, one job ended, and another began.
Something in your eyes told him you were doing the exact same thing. It unnerved him to think about.
“Echoy’la…” the word left him without knowing and you blinked,
He shook his head and stood, grunting a bit at the ache in his shoulder when it jostled a bit, “Nothing. It seems I owe you my thanks again, demon medic.”
“I do have a name you know.” You snorted, letting the previous topic go as it seemed to just make him more awkward and grumpy than he already was. You packed away the medikit and replaced the unused cloth back where you found it.
“Somehow I don’t think it’ll be as fitting.”
“Whatever, sunshine.” You looked over your shoulder at him, the sling looking so out of place as he hooked a thumb in the utility belt he wore. It was amazing that he could still look as intimidating as he did. You gathered your things and started down the ramp leisurely. He followed you silently until he was standing at the entrance to the ship.
“Demon or not… thank you.” He called out as your feet hit the dusty ground of Mynock once again. You looked back over your shoulder and gave a single wave, calling something back to him that did make him smile behind his helmet this time.
As you disappeared into the streets of Mynock, he tested the name you had thrown back to him, rolling the syllables, and testing the vowels as he repeated it to himself.
Pity, he thought. He hated being wrong about anything, but somehow, your name was a much better fit than demon medic.
Not that he would ever admit that to you, of course.
@geannad @ayamenimthiriel​ @sarahjkl82-blog​
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