#and the french in the comments being like “interrupting the program for a cause? that's so french of him” sjaibxufvk
lil-gingerbread-queen · 4 months
Not the fucking zionists saying Slimane (the French contestant for Eurovision) should have been kicked out after he stopped singing to speak about peace. (From the comments under a post showing his speech)
"It's a singing contest, he cannot speak about politics! LOVE ISRAEL!"
Why are you so afraid of an arabic man speaking about peace??? Why is it so unacceptable to you??? Do you feel threatened by an arabic man speaking about peace???
Also, they all seem to agree Israel should have win, like they should just have received the first place without actually competing, because they are poor babies at war and the other contestants suck (they have shown being with Palestine or against Israel a little bit). So, no politics, you cannot speak of peace, but Israel should win because of politics???
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cheri-translates · 4 years
[CN] Victor’s Perfect Date (Eng Translation)
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a date, 完美之约, which has not been released in English servers! 🍒
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More from this collection: Gavin l Kiro
[ Released in CN on 24 Dec 2020 ]
MC: Ha--ahh--
During the fourth hour of the meeting, I finally can’t help myself and release a long yawn. 
Before my mouth can shut in time, I meet the eyes of Victor, who is sitting in the middle of the long table. 
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Victor: ...
Victor: That’s all for today’s meeting.
Everyone in the meeting room releases sighs of relief, leaving the room in groups. 
When we’re the only two people left in the meeting room, Victor lifts his head and sends me a straight look. Understanding it, I hurriedly head over to receive a lesson.
Victor: Were you working overnight on a program again?
MC: I promised to give it to you today. So of course I had to spend the night finishing it!
Victor: I remember saying that it wouldn’t be late even if you gave it to me tomorrow. 
But it’s Christmas tomorrow... I say this inwardly while pretending to look humble, nodding my head repeatedly. 
Victor: Don’t do what you can’t accomplish. 
MC: Yes yes yes, CEO’s criticisms are correct. Now, could I give you my report on...
Just as I’m prepared to verify the itinerary for tomorrow, an employee returns and interrupts.
Employee: CEO Victor, there’s a small issue regarding the program you mentioned during the meeting earlier...
Victor signals with his gaze that I should wait at the side for a while. I keep the schedule that I had taken a long time to prepare.
With nothing to do, I stare out the window. The setting sun is hanging low along the horizon, and the streetlights lining the roads have started lighting up in succession.
Mainly red and green coloured lights entwine around the trees flanking the roads, and lights in the shape of stars and snowflakes embellish the open land around the city.
MC: It’s Christmas tomorrow...
Ever since we spent a rather hurried Christmas the previous time due to work, I’ve been looking forward to the arrival of the subsequent Christmas.
Despite knowing that Victor doesn’t care about such festivals, I hope we can leave a perfect and ordinary Christmas in our memories. 
Which is why since a week ago, I’ve “bribed” Goldman, troubling him to help keep Victor’s time on Christmas free.
Victor: Why are you in a daze? 
Returning to my senses, I realise that Victor has already finished his discussion, and has his arms folded over his chest while looking at me. 
I once again open the schedule book Goldman left me, pointing at the line which reads “Spend Christmas together with MC”. 
MC: Cough cough. CEO Victor, Goldman has requested that I remind you about tomorrow’s schedule.
He sweeps a glance at the notebook, his expression blank as he turns to grab his coat off the back of the chair. After taking a few steps towards the door of the meeting room, he turns his head towards me with a frown.
Victor: Do you have plans tonight?
I shake my head in confusion, not comprehending why he’d ask such a question.
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Victor: So why are you still in a silly daze? Don’t Christmas celebrations start from Christmas Eve? 
By the time we leave the shopping mall carrying heavy Christmas supplies, the open square next to it is already filled with crowds here to visit the Christmas market. 
Our car ambles past the restless streets. I can’t help but roll down the window and take a deep breath. It’s as though the romantic ambience of Christmas is being swept along with the cold air.
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Victor: Opening the window while smiling in a silly manner. Don’t weep and wail when you breathe in a stomach full of cold air. 
The window of the car rolls up slowly. I pull a long face at the reflection of Victor in the glass.
Broadcast Host: ...it’s another year of Christmas. I trust that every citizen of Loveland City is looking forward to the arrival of this beautiful festival. 
Broadcast Host: This Christmas, the Loveland Financial Group will be giving citizens of Loveland City a big Christmas gift at 12am!
Broadcast Host: ...if you have any Christmas wishes, you could participate in our program by typing “LFG’s Perfect Night” in our social media account.
The voice of the broadcast host seems especially excited within the enclosed vehicle. 
This is a special Christmas broadcast by the Loveland City Government, sponsored by LFG. 
When I received this news a week ago, I tried extricating information furtively from Victor, but his response of “no comment” left me without room for argument.
MC: Victor, you really can’t disclose a little bit on what LFG’s big Christmas gift is?
Victor: LFG is just the sponsor. I’m not privy to the contents of the program.
Victor lowers his head as he flips through a report, looking uninterested in my question.
MC: ...how is it possible that you didn’t check the quality of the program? You even correct the punctuation marks in my proposals.
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He doesn’t express an opinion, arching his brows. Refusing to give up, I squeeze my face on top of the report, trying to fill his entire field of vision.
MC: In that case, what does a perfect Christmas look like to you?
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Victor: Do you think that I’m idle enough to think about this question while tossing and turning at night?
Sensing the hidden meaning in his words, my ears flush. With an awkward and polite smile, I return to sit at my side.
Through the reflection in the window, I see that he has once again lifted up the report, and I can’t help but mutter softly. 
MC: When someone asks you about your perfect Christmas, you should reciprocate and return the question...
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Victor: Fireplace, Christmas feast, snow. A certain person has already posted her perfect Christmas on Moments twice.
MC: ...and you don’t know how to leave a ‘like’ even after seeing it.
Although my mouth is grumbling, the corners of my lips curl upwards involuntarily. I turn my gaze to the gloomy sky outside the window.
MC: It’s a shame that the weather forecast said it wouldn’t snow today...
Victor: Is snow that important?
MC: Of course! Just as how fried chicken is paired with beer, and how hamburgers are paired with Cola, Christmas must be paired with snow for it to be perfect.
Victor: At first glance, that does sound a little logical.
MC: It’s still very persuasive even if you give it a careful analysis! Also, everyone on Moments has been feeling regretful that there won’t be snow this Christmas...
Victor seems to be contemplative as he turns to look at the boundless night sky, the corners of his lips turning upwards with a small arc. 
Pushing open the door to Victor’s house, a bundle of heat waves rushes towards me.
With a sudden thought, I rush into the living room. Just as expected, the fireplace, which is normally “on strike”, is currently lit with a few tiny flames.
As though I've been set alight by these flames, my heart also becomes warm.
As compared to doing something trivial such as leaving a “like” on Moments, he always fulfils my wishes in a more direct manner. 
Pudding: Meow--
A ticklish sensation is at my calf. Lowering my head, I see that Pudding is rubbing the bottom of my trouser leg affectionately.
MC: Pudding, I’m wishing you a Merry Christmas too!
I carry it up, scratching it on the chin. All of a sudden, I start worrying.
MC: What if Pudding gets too close to the fireplace and gets hurt?
 Victor walks past me, both hands full with ingredients.
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Victor: Do you think Pudding is as stupid as you are? 
Pudding: Meow meow meow!
Pudding seems to be responding in protest, struggling for a while before leaping out of my arms. 
MC: ...let me help too!
I roll up my sleeves, planning to give Victor a hand. 
Victor: If you want to eat soon, it’s better if you don’t cause trouble. 
My whole-hearted enthusiasm is doused by his cold water. I stand numbly in place.
Victor: If you really want to help, you could decorate the place with the trinkets you bought.
MC: Okay!
Folding my hands across my chest in satisfaction, I admire my work--
The small bells and coloured lights on the Christmas tree complement each other perfectly. The French windows in the living room are decorated with mistletoe wreaths - simple yet in good taste.
Snowman-shaped Christmas candles are on the dining table and coffee table, and a charmingly adorable Santa Claus doll leans against the arm of the sofa.
Most importantly, the Christmas present I’m giving to Victor is hidden in a certain corner of the living room.
MC: Pudding, what do you think?
Pudding circles and rubs against the legs of my trousers, letting out rumbling sounds. I remove a bow from a branch of the Christmas tree, tying it gently onto its neck.
MC: This is a Christmas present for you.
Just as I plan to call Victor over to check the fruits of my labour, a rich fragrance of cake drifts from the kitchen.
Without prior agreement, Pudding and I follow the fragrance and head towards the kitchen. Craning my head at the doorway to take a look inside, I find Victor half-squatting in front of the oven, looking very focused. 
He’s resting a hand casually on the marble kitchen counter, his slender fingers tapping on the surface rhythmically.
Ding-- Just like a magical sound, an even stronger fragrance assails the nostrils the moment the oven stops operating.
And this baking magician methodically “creates” a pair of brightly-coloured red mittens - the pair that I had pestered him to include in the shopping bag.
Despite how distasteful he felt towards the mittens in the mall, Victor still wears them as he pulls the baking tray out, carefully checking the colour and lustre of the cake.
MC: Pfft--
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I can’t help but laugh aloud, and Victor immediately turns towards the sound.
Although he's been working in the kitchen for an hour, there isn’t a single oil stain on him. Not a single crease can be found on his shirt either. 
Even the stray hairs on his forehead remain as tidy as ever, falling naturally in front of his eyes.
It’s just that pairing the stern, cold appearance of Victor together with this pair of overly jubilant mittens seems a little out of place.
Pudding has long since given up resisting. It walks forward, pacing frantically in the vicinity of the oven.
Victor: Wipe the corners of your lips. Your drool is about to flow to the ground.
I subconsciously rub my mouth with my sleeve, but find that my the corners of my lips are dry.
MC: Liar... there’s no drool.
Amused, he taps Pudding’s head with the mitten.
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Victor: I was referring to this greedy cat. Who asked you to take it as a personal attack?
Before I can salvage my pride, Pudding starts meowing, trying to tell Victor about my “crime”--
It shakes its neck. With a tactical retreat, it struggles free from the bow I gave it.
MC: I put it on so it could celebrate Christmas too. But the bow’s probably too heavy, so it doesn’t like it...
Victor stands up, then cuts a thin ribbon from the bag of ingredients on the counter. He bends down and ties it onto Pudding.
MC: That’s right, why didn’t I think of using...
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Before I can finish my words, I watch as Victor picks up the bow that Pudding rejected, stretching out his arms and encircling me gently.
His upper body leans slightly on my side, and I feel his steady breaths on the crook of my neck.
MC: ...Victor?
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Victor: Don’t move.
My body tenses up, and I don’t move an inch. The fragrance of cake from his arms encases me, and my heart rate involuntarily quickens.
A faint rustling sound drifts from behind me, followed by a weight on my ponytail.
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Victor: Done. 
I reach out to touch the ponytail on my head, discovering an additional bow on it.
Victor: This way, both greedy cats have bows.
...Victor actually does such childish things too. Could this be what they call “loving the house and its crow”?
[Note] MC is making reference to an idioms, 爱屋及乌 (“ai wu ji wu”), which conveys how if you love a person, the love extends to even the crows on their roof. It means you love everything about something or somebody.
Of course, I lack the boldness to make such a thick-skinned comment. I simply keep touching the bow on my ponytail happily.
MC: Pretty?
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Victor: Pretty. Just that you smile like a dummy. If you continue smiling like a fool, your Christmas feast will get cold.
[Note] I’M SCREAMING. MC is clearly asking about the ribbon, but her question is written in such a way that it’s ambiguous as to what she’s referring to. SO VICTOR SAYS SHE’S THE PRETTY ONE UIHRGEJKDV
The facts reveal that Victor underestimated my ability to eat.
Without giving the feast a chance to grow cold, I tuck into the meal while it’s still piping and fragrant. On the other hand, Victor doesn’t eat much.
MC: So full...
I look into the distance while holding my belly, leaning against the chair and sighing with emotion.
Victor: Why are you eating so quickly? No one’s snatching it from you.
MC: I couldn’t control myself since it was too fragrant...
Victor: In that case, what do you plan to do with this cake?
He points at the perfectly flawless cake at the far corner of the table. The tone he uses to ask this question is reminiscent of a CEO who is pressuring his employee to work overtime.
MC: I was too focused on eating the feast earlier and forgot there was still cake... But since girls have an extra tummy for dessert, I can do it!
While saying this, I’m reach for the cake. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Victor furrowing his brows.
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Victor: Don’t force yourself if you’re full. The cake can be eaten later.
I retract my hands in embarrassment, then puff out my chest and clear my throat.
MC: Victor, in order to thank you for fulfilling my perfect Christmas, I’ve hidden a present for you in the living room. Search for it!
Victor’s gaze falls on the colourful decorations in the living room.
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Victor: The present you’re referring to - is it how you didn’t make a mess out of the living room?
MC: ...of course not! Also, I put in a lot of effort while decorating, so of course I wouldn't make a mess out of the living room!
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Seeing my flustered and exasperated state, Victor chuckles softly.
He stands up, walks to the Christmas tree, bending down to pick up a conspicuous box.
Victor: In that case, it’d be this box.
MC: ?!
MC: When did it get there? I distinctly remember hiding it.
Victor: When you were gorging yourself with food, Pudding carried it in its mouth and walked around in the living room for a long time.
MC: ...Pudding!!
Pudding: Meow--
The chief culprit licks its paw elegantly on the sofa, without feeling apologetic at all.
Victor sits down on the floor next to the Christmas tree, unwrapping the packaging of the box in an unhurried manner. I shift over to his side, filled with anticipation as I observe his expression--
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Victor: ...
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Victor: Are your designs too novel, or are your skills so poor that they have reached this level?
I lower my head to take a look. The painstakingly arranged handmade biscuits have gotten mixed with the shredded paper meant to be used as a cushion. Even I can’t tell how they looked like originally.
It’s all Pudding’s fault!
MC: H-hold on!
I snatch the box in a fluster, performing a “surgery” to separate the biscuits from the shredded paper. Victor purses his lips, revealing a faint smile.
MC: Done!
I once again present the box of handmade biscuits to him--
A Victor dressed in a Santa Claus outfit, a gingerbread-shaped me, and a few ordinarily-shaped biscuits meant as embellishments.
MC: How are they? I made them myself.
He reaches out to take the gingerbread biscuit, then holds it in front of my face.
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Victor: Silly-looking - very similar to you.
Even though his assessment isn’t that nice to hear, the tender gleam in his eyes disclose his good mood.
MC: ...on account of the Christmas feast, I won’t bicker about this with you.
I hold up an ordinarily-shaped biscuit.
MC: Want to give it a try?
Before Victor can express an opinion, Pudding scurries out, grabbing the biscuit in my hand with its mouth.
MC: Pudding!
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Just as I try it to release the biscuit from its mouth, Pudding nimbly leaps onto Victor’s shoulder. 
As though knowing that it has found a strong and powerful backing, it turns around unhurriedly, looking at me provocatively.
MC: Pudding, spit it out quickly. Cats can’t eat milk biscuits!
Victor observes the farce before him in slight interest, seemingly unperturbed by Pudding’s claws creasing his clothes, keeping himself out of the matter.
Pudding goes one step further to flaunt, affectionately rubbing the side of Victor’s face, seeking his protection.
Pudding: Meow--
Victor: I don’t participate in cat fights. 
Seeming to realise the reality that "God helps those who help themselves”, it turns around, leaping towards the sofa. I hastily chase after it.
The heavy curtains of a majestic human-cat chasing war are pulled open.
Pudding excitedly hops atop the sofa repeatedly for a while before turning to the dining table.
After numerous failed attempts of chasing it around, I change my tactics. Pretending to pass by Pudding unhurriedly, I suddenly pounce--
Pudding didn’t expect that I’d have such a card up my sleeve. It instinctively leaps into the air, finally planting itself squarely into the cake.
MC: ...
Victor: ...
I stand frozen in place, sensing two searing eyes at my back that seem to dig two holes into the back of my head.
MC: Erm... Victor... didn’t you keep the cake away...
After a period of silence from behind me, I’m at a loss on whether I should turn around to see Victor’s expression. All of a sudden, something flicks the back of my head.
Victor: Time for a bath, King of Causing Trouble.
He picks Pudding up with a hand, then walks to the bathroom with heavy steps.
...as expected, this Christmas can’t be spent perfectly just like before.
Although that's what I originally think, seeing Pudding lying in the wash basin with its eyes wide and with a piteous appearance makes me happy once again.
MC: Hahaha, Little Kitten, you have your day too~
Beside me, Victor’s movements are adept as he rubs the fur of the cat. Meanwhile, I playfully stack foam bubbles atop Pudding’s head.
MC: Look! A poop hairstyle!
Pudding obviously feels indignant, meowing complaints at Victor. Victor gives it comforting rubs on the belly.
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Victor: Don’t fuss over things with a dummy.
I purse my lips in dissatisfaction. As though I‘ve lost all reason, I lift up a heap of foam bubbles and rub it onto Victor’s cheek.
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MC: Santa Claus!
Victor pauses in his actions, lowering his head and arching his eyebrows while looking at me. 
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Victor: Do you find this very interesting?
Reason returns to me, and I’m just about to reach out to wipe the foam bubbles away when he suddenly leans his face over, rubbing the foam bubbles onto my face.
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Victor: Mrs Claus. 
An hour later, Victor and I finally put an end to this chaotic cat washing battle.
We are all taking a short break on the sofa in front of the fireplace. The wood in the fireplace crackles from time to time, and the warm yellow light from the fire casts our faces in occasional brightness and darkness. 
The sweet and refreshing scent of Pudding after its bath diffuses in the surroundings. The song “All you need is love” is playing from the broadcast, resonating in the living room. 
Feeling drowsy, I’m using Victor’s lap as a pillow. Occasionally, he uses a hand to comb through my hair.
MC: Victor... 
MC: Which movie is this song featured in? It sounds so familiar...
Victor: “Love Actually”. I remember someone mentioning liking that show. Looks like it was just a superficial fondness?
I turn, hugging Victor’s arm tightly before drifting entirely to sleep.
How nice, Victor still remembers that I like this movie. 
MC: If it were to snow this Christmas, it’d truly be perfect...
I mutter to myself, descending completely into dreamland.
Not knowing how long I've slept, I suddenly feel a weight on my face. Opening my eyes, I realise that half of Pudding’s body is sitting on my face. 
With a dark expression, I carry it away. When I sit up, I discover that a blanket has been draped over me, but Victor isn’t by my side.
The sliding door to the balcony, which was originally shut tight, is now pulled open halfway, and the curtains are drifting slightly.
Stepping closer to it, I find Victor standing at the outdoor balcony, lifting his head and thinking about something.
MC: Are you waiting for Santa Claus?
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He turns around at the sound of the voice. Seeing the thin knitted shirt I'm wearing, he frowns. 
Victor: Why did you come out without wearing a jacket? 
I squeeze myself into his woollen coat, lifting my head and giving him a grin.
MC: I won’t be cold like this!
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Victor: The turtledove occupies the magpie’s nest.
[Note] Victor’s use of the idiom, 鸠占鹊巢 (“jiu zhan que chao”), conveys the idea of seizing the territory of someone else.
Despite what he says, he tightens his grip around me slightly.
MC: Why did you come to the balcony? Aren’t you cold?
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Victor: A dummy kept talking in her sleep, so I came out to get some peace and quiet.
MC: ...what did I say in my dream?
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Victor: Wanting to have a snowball fight at one point, then wanting to build a snowman at another. Not even a moment of idleness the entire night. 
I suddenly recall that I did have a dream, and there seemed to be something snow-related in it. 
MC: What one thinks about in the daytime will be dreamt about at night... but...
I stick my face close to his chest, hearing the steady and powerful heartbeats drifting from it.
MC: Even if there isn’t snow this Christmas, I’m already very very contented. After all, I had a Christmas feast, baked next to a warm oven, and even saw Santa Claus!
I lift my head, deliberately giving him a teasing glance. He chuckles lightly.
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Victor: And Mrs Claus.
That scene from the bathroom earlier is vivid in my mind. Embarrassed, I bury my face in his chest.
MC: Most importantly, I’m spending this Christmas with you. In my heart, this is the perfect Christmas.
My head remains buried in his chest, anticipating VIctor’s response. However, I suddenly feel something cold dripping on the roof of my head.
MC: ?!
I lift my head violently.
MC: Victor, are you crying...
It’s snowing.
The moment I lift my head, I see the entire sky filled with drifting snowflakes.
It’s actually snowing!
The sparkling, jade-like crystals rustle and land on Victor’s eyelashes, and very quickly turn into transparent water droplets.
I reach out to rub at his eyes gently, a moist and cold sensation on my fingertips.
MC: Victor! It’s snowing!
I happily unfurl my hands to welcome the snowflakes, showing them to Victor excitedly. However, I realise that his expression, which wears a slight smile as he looks at me, is not at all astonished by this unexpected snow.
Victor: Mm, it’s snowing.
An answer faintly surfaces in my heart. Before I can open to my mouth to probe further, the host’s voice from the broadcast drifts vaguely from the living room.
Broadcast Host: LFG... big Christmas gift... artificial snowfall... 
Just as expected!
It turns out that this snowfall was LFG’s Christmas surprise to the citizens of Loveland City. No wonder Victor looked like he was waiting for something on the balcony earlier...
I deliberately fold my arms across my chest, tilting my chin angrily.
MC: A certain CEO even pretended not to know anything about it...
Victor: I thought surprises meant that they wouldn’t be disclosed until the last second. Or does a certain dummy have an issue with this surprise?
Seeing him arching his brows, I immediately correct my posture obediently.
MC: No, no! On behalf of the citizens of Loveland City, I sincerely thank CEO Victor for the surprise!
He laughs in spite of himself, lowering his head and meeting my forehead.
Victor: Now, you can say that this is a perfect Christmas.
I hide in his arms as I look up at the sky. The snowfall is getting increasingly heavier. 
Even though I'm just wearing a thin woollen shirt, I don’t feel cold at all in his arms. 
It’s probably because the person before me has shielded me from all the piercing wind and snow, keeping them out of my world. 
MC: Come to think of it, do you really not have a perfect Christmas in your heart?
He once again tightens his grip on me, resting his chin on the top of my head.
Victor is silent for a very, very long time. It’s so long that I can hear the rustling sound of snowfall.
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Victor: This moment right now. It’s perfect.
Phone calls: here
Texts: here
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thebooki3h · 4 years
Lukadamianette Au Part 2
First Here Next
We begin where we left off, with Luka and Marinette on one of the dates Luka Planned. Just because it makes sense in this, Luka and Mari arrive a week early
Because Mari is emancipated and excused herself for the first week of school before the trip during which the class is still in France bc they just ended summer and all that jazz. also I have decided that the trip has turned into a half semester exchange program even though this doesn’t make the most sense, but the French school thought the class could use a reward and tbh they just wanted to get the Akuma class out for awhile. Also this way they aren’t in Gotham for a whole semester of senior year. The trip is planned for the first half of the first semester of senior year. I know that this doesn't make a whole lot of sense but just stick with me.
They go sight seeing and basically on a week long date bc the following week begins the Wayne sponsored exchange program and when Luka has to work for Jagged. One day they go to museums, the next the go to famous parks around Gotham (which are thriving thanks to Poison Ivy), the next they see all of the famous villain spots (which are surprisingly popular tourist destinations bc for the most part they don’t get hit twice in short periods of time) which is a good cover for studying past bat battles. They take days in between to rest and use the inspiration they gained to make new songs or clothing designs. 
They share hotel room bc Mari’s parents stopped being her parents a long time ago and lost their say and bc Jagged says they are grown up enough to be responsible for their actions (which brings a blush to their cheeks every time bc “daaaaaddddd” “uncle jaggeeedddd”)
Mari also makes it her mission to visit all of the non chain coffee shops at least once while they are there bc coffee became her best friend when she was active as ladybug. She meets Tim in almost everyone because Tim also drinks coffee obsessively. Luka is more of a tea drinker because coffee interrupts his musical thought process and tea is less harsh. Marinette drinks tea when she wants to relax but coffee is the fuel of the gods. She expresses this to Tim and that's how they become acquainted bc finally someone understands his love for coffee. They exchange numbers after they run into each other for a fourth time. (Luka silently thinks that he might have to talk to Mari about her obsession of coffee again and if there is a rehab center for coffee drinkers) Tim learns that Mari is from the exchange class very quickly based off of Luka’s French accent as well as her light French accent that is mixed with a couple things he can’t quite place.
The class arrives, Lila ofc tried to pull something to leave Mari behind and she thought she was successful so she was gloating. She ofc took credit for the whole trip claiming that she was super close to the Waynes and that she helped Damian acclimate to his new school (she actually knows that Damian didn’t start living with his father until 10 bc why not). Mrs Bustier tries to check in under both her name and Lila’s name, both of which don’t work because they are A) an hour and a half early and B) all of the reservations are under the contest winners name (they have to ok their chaperones to use their name) C)Mrs Bustier told Mari to make all of the reservations under Mari’s name anyway and she totally forgot that. 
So the sit in the lobby for an hour, Lila has the whole class riled up bc Marinette isn't there and it is al her fault that they can’t get in to their rooms. Marinette shows up with Luka 15 mins before the class was supposed to show up (they had just gotten lunch at a cafe that jagged had recommended) and she is laughing and happy, which causes the class to BLOW UP in her face. She ignores them and checks everyone into their rooms. Kagami and Chloe share a suite bc they are rich in their own right and upgraded their shared room bc they are dating and signed up to be roommates. They got this okayed by Buister in writing JIC. Marinette as the contest winner also got a suite (the room she had been staying in with Luka that she just extended the booking for)
Lila and Alya obviously make a big fuss about them getting special treatment but bustier can’t do anything because Mari won’t let her. She secretly thinks Mari is a lost cause now but she tries her best to get her to see that she has to be a role model. Mari actually planned the whole trip and she did a fucking fantastic job bc its Mari and planning something is what she is great at. She has all of the bases covered including iternerary, bookings for food, emergency contact info, health info, info on Gotham, safety procedures and the whole shebang. All of which had to be approved by  Bustier and that Bustier has copies of but totally ignored.
The next day they try to pull the let’s leave an hour early to leave behind Marinette stunt. Not only does that fail because the tour can’t start until the contest winner is there, but they arrived before Wayne tower was even open to the public. Because jagged is extra he shipped Luka and Marinette motorcycles to Gotham bc they were going to be there for a couple months, they also got special permission from Wayne enterprises to park their bikes in the employee parking structures from Tim once he heard that they rode bikes as expensive as Jason’s. So she left early from the hotel with Luka(bc she knew that Bustier would leave her behind somehow) to go meet up with Tim at a new coffee place (one of his favorites). They end up riding on their respective bikes to WE together so they can hang out before the tour. Luka goes to a recording studio to meet up with Jagged, but not before a very passionate kiss goodbye, which makes Tim blush. (Tim may not seem like the biker type but he is a bat and he lives with Jason so he not only knows how to ride a motorcycle well has one, so it may not be his favorite mode of transportation but he’ll live)
So he and Marinette walk to WE about a half an hour before the class is supposed to be there in the middle of a debate on how best to brew coffee (Mari insists its French press) and low and behold they are there yelling at the receptionist. Mari gives Tim a look that says I’m so sorry you have to see this and yes I was not exaggerating walks up to the receptionist and apologizes for what she is about to do (not for the classes actions bc fuck them they can apologize for themselves she has learned to not take responsibility for others actions and she won’t let all that work go to waste). She then proceeds to yell, much louder than someone of her stature presumably should “SHUT THE FUCK UP OR I STG I WILL BREAK JOKER OUT OF ARKHAM AND LOCK HIM IN A ROOM WITH ALL OF YOU WITHOUT FLINCHING” this is shocking to everyone, especially mrs bustier who is  scandalized  that her role model student would do something like this.
Tim had a feeling that something video worthy would happen so as soon as she walked away he started recording, and he was NOT disappointed. The video gos straight to the batfam gc and Luka immediately. He powered off his phone then he proceeds to start laughing and applauding. Upon seeing the CEO’s reaction the rest of the employees start applauding as well bc damn those kids were rude. Tim then walks up to Mari talking at a speed no one but Mari, Chloe and Kagami could understand (bc the class is not fluent in English no matter what they would tell you). Mari proceeds to blush once he informs her that he sent a video to Luka (he does not tell her about the batfam gc)
Chloe and Kagami are immediate intrigued bc this is NOT what they picture when Mari said she met someone who loves coffee as much as she does. they may be hella gay for each other but damn that man is ripped. They join the convo while the class remains befuddled bc who knew Mari even swore. in the back of his mind Nino is reminded of a young blue-eyed girl who lost playground privileges for a week bc someone made fun of his glasses and proceed to punch said someone in the nose. But he shakes it of because Mari hasn’t been like that in years. 
Bustier eventually collects herself and gently, so as not to cause an Akuma (apparently she didn't get the memo), reminds Mari that they are here for a tour and she needs to get the class their passes.  So Mari leaves her friends to get acquainted and goes up to the receptionist, to whom she apologizes for her actions again, and the receptionist replies with a laugh and a “honey, you just made my week, there's no need to apologize I should be thanking you” (she does thank Mari). Mari gets a special pass bc she’s the contest winner to which Lila and Alya (then the rest of the class for the most part) proceed to throw a hissy fit over. The receptionist is so over them though and doesn’t even blink. 
Then their tour guide shows up. (its Dick and his assistant Damian). Damian proceeds to scold the class for a solid ten mins (which coincidentally leads up to their scheduled time to start the tour). Dick slides off to talk to the receptionist and his brother who isn't working and is talking to real people for once. Just for that they are his favorite out of the class. Tim unfortunately has to go to work so they talk to Dick to get acquainted until the tour has to officially start. 
Los tres amigos are the only ones who pay attention to Dick at all (he leads the tour bc he’s been there the longest but Damian throws in a comment here or there mostly related to shenanigans his family has gotten into but overall useful facts. for example these windows are reinforced because our CEO (Tim) leaned up against one, fell asleep and fell through the window to the office below.)
The rest of the class is focused on Lila who is talking a whole bunch of nonsense about the Wayne family and how she has helped them with their business. Some things actually sound kinda legit, but Mari and Co. know that it is BS. Dick tries to bet bustier involved but she makes an excuse for Lila and goes on her phone and doesn’t really pay attention. 
Eventually the class tour turns into Dick talking to Mari, Chloe and Kagami while the class vaguely follows them. Damian doesn’t really say anything because he generally doesn’t do well talking to strangers and these girls seem ok and he is still insecure (not that he would ever admit it to anyone ) about social interaction now that he has figured out how people who weren’t raised as assassins act. That is until Dick starts talking about shenanigans that his brothers get into, and Damian jumps in correcting him because  I did not try to tackle Todd, Grayson I did tackle Todd quite successful and also Alfred won’t let you into the kitchen anymore because you almost burned down the east wing of the manor not  because he is territorial over the kitchen. And Mari hadn’t really paid attention to Damian until now but OH MY KAWAMI he is hot, and how did she talk so long to notice that. 
She ends up taking a pic of Damian without him noticing (he really doesn’t notice which is a feat in itself but Dick does and he will  be teasing Damian about it later bc obviously) and she texts it to Luka bc if she is going to freak out over his hotness she wants Luka to do so too. ( he sees the pic in the middle of recording and he ends up needing a water break bc gay panic and he really is extremely handsome. Recording gets delayed even longer bc jagged cannot pass up the opportunity to tease him son and he does so mercilessly and Mari totally knew what she was doing when she sent that picture) Luka ends up demanding that she gets Damians number or he will because that man is fine.  
Mari now knows that the stuttering idolization that she had with Adrien wasn’t really healthy and Luka likes to remind her all the time that she can be smooth when she wants to be (sometimes unintentionally but she practices on Luka because she loves to see him blush). Mari then makes it her mission to compliment Damian as much as possible so that it is crystal clear and very obvious that she is flirting with him. If he even shows a little discomfort in a negative I don’t like this kind of way she will stop because she will not make someone go through what she went through with Chat Noir and unwanted advances.
Chloe, Kagami and Dick immediately notice that she is flirting with Damian. Chloe takes a video for Luka bc she knows that he would want to see this and Dick takes a video for the Batfam gc. 
Just to be clear Mari and Luka have talked about seeing other people and maybe adding a third person to their relationship as long as they talk about it. that line of communication was opened when Mari sent a pic of Damian to Luka and when Luka asked for his number that was his “go ahead” for her to flirt with Damian. Lila doesn’t understand how that works and neither do the rest of the class so that is a point of contention between the class and Mari. She would NEVER cheat on Luka, she loves him and he is the most important person to her in the world. Something that Juleka understands (she just doesn’t like Mari bc of Lila she knows how polyamory works this is why her and Luka aren't as close as they used to be)
Moving on... the batfam gc blows up for a second time that day and so when the class goes to the cafeteria Tim just has to see this for himself. Mari tries not to be obnoxious in her flirting so she compliments Damians intelligence by asking him questions that weren't included in the tour, and she asks him about his interests and is like that must have taken a lot of time to perfect you must be very dedicated. Damian isn’t used to genuine compliments especially from strangers so he is very flustered by it but he makes no indication for her to stop. 
The day winds down and the class has some free time before they have to go to dinner but the do have to leave the tower. Mari does actually get Damians number (he thinks she must be very well trained to get his number that quick bc he refuses to accept that he gave it to her because he likes her) Mari promises to ft him later bc he promised to let her meet his dog and she doesn’t want to wait until the class has dinner at the manor to see Titus.
First Here Next
Also I’m not very sure about how to go back and edit posts to link new parts so if anyone knows how to do that please comment or message me because I would love to learn!
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anjuschiffer · 4 years
Amira Wayne - Chapter 12
An update?! Hell yeah! here’s Day 13 of @biodad-bruce-month event!
Chapter 12: Gifts and Flowers
P.Tag: @theatreandcomicfreak @damianette-is-life @toodaloo-kangaroo @elijahcrevan
Tag: @vixen-uchiha @we-want-mini-mini @ramos123 @bluesimani @redscarlet95 @greatcatblaze @promiswords @fantasiame @corabeth11 @anonymously-odd @alexandriamw @officiallydarkgeek
November was finally here and Amira hated it. 
“Is it really that cold?” Selina asked, watching Amira put on a jacket before boarding off the jet, wondering how she was able to change so quickly out of her costume from last night. 
Her father insisted for the two of them to use the jet, much to Amira’s annoyance. She didn’t want to be seen using Wayne tech and even less be seen with his...lady. Throughout the entire flight, Amira had to sit in uncomfortable silence. 
She felt as Selina judged her every movement.
“Sadly, something causes me to become weak towards the cold.” Amira muttered, pulling her suitcase behind her. “So where will you be staying?” 
“With you.” Selina jokes, earning a glare. “Unless you have a better idea.” 
Amira looked out into the distance as they awaited their cab, thinking of a decent place for Selina to stay but also a place where she can keep an eye on the Gotham thief. 
“I might just know a place.”
“Dupain-Cheng. What are you doing here?” Chloé remarked, one hand on her hip while the other just hung by her side. 
Out of all the people to entire her father’s hotel, Marinette was the last person she’d thought would ever step foot into it. After all, she was just a commoner. “And who's this?”
Chloe watched as the woman standing next to Marinette simply looked at her, her head tilting a bit to the side.
“Why hello to you as well Chloé.” Marinette spoke, Selina watching the two girls converse. “As for why I’m here, my father’s…friend needs a place to stay while in Paris.”
Chloé checked Selina from head to toe, scoffing at the slightly sheer black top with white leather jacket and white pants combo. 
“Sure she can afford this hotel? After all, this is the best hotel-“
“I know Chloé. Don’t doubt it and hence why I referred Selina to this hotel.” Marinette said, wanting to roll her eyes. “Otherwise, I wouldn’t have brought her here.” Chloé huffed as she watched Marinette lead the woman to the front desk. 
She watched as Marinette helped the lady fill out a few papers when the lady pulled out a black card from her wallet. 
A black card…
Rushing to the desk, Chloé slammed her hands next to Marinette. 
“Dupain-Cheng. Who is she?” Chloe asked, watching as the woman signed a paper.
“Oh? You don’t recognize her?” Marinette let a grin grace her face as she watched Chloe turn pink. “She’s Bruce Wayne’s fiancé, Miss Selina Kyle.”
“Amira, what did you do downstairs?” Selina asked, wondering what exactly happened between Amira and the other girl downstairs. She didn’t understand a word, but she knew something juicy happened. After all, the blonde girl quickly tried to converse with her, even when her English was heavily accented with French.
“That girl is in my class; she’s also the mayor's daughter. She just asked me how I know Gotham’s wealthiest man’s fiancé. I simply told her you were a family friend. Nothing more, nothing less.”
“How did you know I was engaged to your father?”
“Happened two nights ago while I was gathering a few more intel around a case of mine.” Amira confessed. “Amazed me to see how much trivial info my father had on you.”
“You’re a detective here then?”
“No comment.” Amira said, taking out a phone and handing it to Selina. “Take this.” 
“What’s it for?” Selina asked, turning up the phone and seeing an odd app on it. The app icon was a ladybug, Selina not recognising it. Perhaps a Parisian thing?
“Your other phone doesn’t work here and this phone is especially programmed to help you go to safety whenever-“
Screams in the streets interrupted the two, Selina watching Amira drag her hands down her face. 
Amira quickly went to the television and turned on the news, sighing when she saw Jagged Stone on the news. Selina watched as she huffed and cursed under her breath.
“How the hell did he, of all people, get akumatized?”
“Akumatized? Amira-“
“Selina. Whatever you do, don’t leave this room. And before you ask, yes my father knows about this and no, I don’t need help. Tikki, Spots On!” 
Selina watched as Amira was engulfed in red and was now in the same outfit she had when they first met, the only difference being that her jumpsuit was covered in black polka dots. 
Selina watched as Amira sprinted for the window, noticing how Amira’s hair was longer. 
“Stay safe out there.” She decided to say, not missing the way Amira stiffened when she was on top of the railing, ready to jump off. 
Amira turned around to look at Selina before fleeing, using her yo-yo to get away.
“LB! Welcome back!” Chat grinned, Ladybird giving him a nod in acknowledgement once she arrived at the scene of the attack.
The two parted from each other when Guitar Villain sent a sound wave towards them, Ladybird thanking Tikki for allowing her to see the magic. If it weren’t for the miraculous, who knows if she was going to be able to dodge the attacks. 
“What caused him to get akumatized?” Ladybird rolled away from the next attack, cursing as another one followed shortly after the first. 
“Dunno! Something relating to his guitar I’m guessing!” Chat shouted from across the street, using his staff to propel himself away from another wave. 
Ladybird sighed as she pulled herself up a building, gasping when she saw- “A dragon! You’ve got to be kidding me!” Chat pouted. 
“Chat! We don’t have- fire straight ahead!” Ladybird shouted, quickly hiding behind a car, feeling the heat fly past her.
“LB! Please tell me you have a plan here! I don’t exactly want to become that dragon’s dinner! I’m too young to die!” Chat shouted, dramatically placing his hand over his forehead. 
Ladybird groaned, looking at the akumatized Fang and rock star on the Eiffel Tower. She watched as Guitar Villain landed, Ladybird noticing a set up there.
“I might just have one.”
Throwing her lucky charm into the air, Ladybird watched as the ladybugs returned everything to before the akuma attack, Chat trying to catch one of them. Despite knowing he could never grab one, he just adored challenging the idea.
“Missed you LB! Glad to have you back!” Chat said with a grin, Ladybird huffing when she saw his fist directed towards her. She fist bumped it back, knowing that if she didn’t, he’d complain about it.
“Not glad to be back, but I’ll be lying if I said I didn’t miss being here.” Ladybird looked at the darken skyline, not believing that it took hours to take down Guitar Villain. One of their longest fights yet.
“Think you’re up for some training? And how was your trip?” Chat asked shyly, wondering if she would ignore his question and would want to train. To his surprise, he found LB yawning. 
“Let’s call it a night. I started to feel the jetlag and then had to fight a Victim as soon as I arrived? Not exactly the best state to spar. However, we will spar tomorrow if there isn’t an akuma.” 
Ladybird looked over at Chat. “However, I hope that just because I wasn’t here to see you, you still kept up with our regular training sessions.” She noticed the way he jumped at that. “We’re going to be doing double the work if it turns out you skipped.”
“But LB!”
“No buts!” Ladybird stifled another yawn, a growl from her stomach following up. “Seems like that's my cue. See you tomorrow at the usual.”
“Fine.” Chat huffed. “Rest well!” Chat yelled out as he watched Ladybird disappear into the skyline, hoping she got home safe. 
Little did he know that he wasn’t going to see her until a few days later. 
Adrien couldn’t help but notice something was off with Marinette that morning, catching her dozing off during class various times. 
He watched as Alya tried to wake her up but then stopped when her efforts were in vain. She had tried to wake up the girl all throughout the morning, but only successfully got her to open her eyes during chemistry. But shortly after that class was done, Marinette went straight back to sleep.
Soon, lunch came, Alya quickly leaving the room to go somewhere with some of the other girls in the classroom. Seeing an opportunity, Adrien quickly went to her, wondering how he should wake her up.
“Marinette. Psst! Marinette.”
When she didn't budge, Adrien decided to sit next to her, feeling eyes on him.
Despite it already being three months into the school year, Adrien and Marinette have yet to make any other friends besides themselves. Everyone in the class was too cautious about them; Adrien was friends with Chloe while Marinette shut herself from everyone else.
“Adrikins, what are you doing?” Chloe asked, then noticing Marinette dozing off next to him. “Is she alright?” Chloe asked, whipping-
“Did you...did you cut your hair?” Adrien pointed out, surprised to see Chloe’s hair not only out of the ponytail she usually wore it in, but also a few inches shorter. Not only that, she wasn’t in her usual outfit, now wearing a yellow wool sweater and black trousers. 
“What? Don’t like it? Pay for my next hair appointment!” Chloe pouted a bit, looking over at Marinette. “She never sleeps during class. Is she sick?” Seeing Chloe concerned was new to Adrien, but he didn’t let that bother him. Something was wrong with Marinette and they needed to know what it was.
The girl was always punctual and seemed immune to getting sick, even when everyone was getting sick due to the change in temperatures.
“Dunno. Just saw her dozing off during class, so I came to check her.”
“Let me see.” Chloe said, going over to Marinette and feeling her head, quickly retracting her hand and looking at Adrien with worried eyes.
“We have to take her to the nurse. She’s burning up.”
Her chest...it hurt. But the coldness enveloping her body felt even worse.
Amira woke up to find herself in her room, feeling colder than usual. She curled into herself, pulling the covers closer to her.
Why was it so damn cold?
“Amira. Amira, can you hear me?” She heard Selina call out to her.
“It’s... cold.” Amira barely managed to say. “It’s...too cold.”
“Amira, it’s 21 Celsius today.”
“So why does it feel so damn cold?” Amira let out a whine as she turned over to face Selina, noticing the red corners of Selina’s eyes. 
“Amira, we already took you to a doctor, but they couldn’t find anything wrong with you. I called your father-” Amira sat up.
“Why did you-” Amira felt off-balanced, quickly tumbling back to her side, feeling her chest compress before letting out a raspy cough. That cough then launched her into a coughing fit.
“Amira! Amira!” Selina began to panic, wondering what to do. What can she even do? She continued to watch Amira cough, desperately gasping at her chest.
Just last night, Selina saw Amira just fine, healthy. The next thing she knew, she was getting a phone call that afternoon from a panicking Sabine, rambling how she was about to take Amira to the ER.
Two of her classmates found it odd that she had fallen asleep during her morning classes and didn’t suspect much until they had to wake her up. That’s when they felt the fever, her body hot to the touch, causing the two teens to take her to the nurse’s office. The nurse found nothing off, not even feeling the warmness on Amira’s skin, although she did say it felt a bit cold to the touch.
Everything was alright, they told Sabine. 
But Sabine knew better than that and took Amira straight to another doctor, who also found nothing wrong.
Sabine then reached out to Selina if she knew anything about Amira’s health, in which Selina said no. That ended up in Selina calling Bruce as the two women took Amira to a private doctor, where they too found nothing wrong with Amira.
Lucky for Amira, Bruce wouldn’t pick up, Selina suspecting he was either at WE or doing something else.
But she wished he did because as soon as she hung up, Amira started to burn up. Selina panicked, not knowing what to do. 
She’s taken care of a few sick children before, but that’s because the doctor knew what to do, so it was a matter of following directions. But this? No one knew what was going on with her…no one knew what was causing her to burn and violently cough...
Or at least she didn’t think anyone knew.
A knock came from the bedroom door, Selina quickly going over to open up the hatch.
There, emerging from the hatch was an elder man.
“Hello there Miss. My name is Fu, Wang Fu. A friend of mine told me about your daughter’s illness and asked me to see what I can do about it.”
While Selina didn’t exactly like the idea of this man barging into the situation, something told her to trust him.
“Please. Please, help her.
Tikki circled around Master Fu’s room, wondering if she did the right thing. Of course she did. After all, no one else would have been able to cure Amira’s sickness. After all, it’s all Tikki’s fault.
She should’ve known better to have kept letting Amira use the miraculous aside from akuma fights. 
She knew the dangers of using a miraculous and yet…
Tikki let out a sob, wondering why she didn’t warn Amira, why she couldn’t muster the courage to tell Amira how a Miraculous corrupts a person who wasn’t a true wielder. Especially if the user was the complete opposite of the miraculous given to them.
Just as Tikki had enough of waiting and wanting to go and apologize to her, she felt the room shake, Tikki quickly flying towards the nearest window, only to hear screams coming from the streets. She watched as people were blasted with pixelated beams, disappearing before her eyes.
An akuma?!
“No, no, no!” Why now? Why now when Amira wasn’t here! When she was suffering and on the brim of the worst.
Tikki began to fly around, circling the room, each lap getting quicker when she came to halt and eyed the gramophone across from her.
The gramophone was right there...in her reach...
Master Fu would forgive her, wouldn’t he?
After all, someone needed to defend Paris alongside Chat.
“I just had to get blasted after pushing Chloe away, didn’t I?” Adrien huffed. “Come on LB. Where are you?” Adrien muttered, walking in the white abyss he was casted off to. 
“About that.” Plagg decides to speak, seeing Adrien look at him worriedly. “Spots might not be coming to the fight.” Plagg gulped when Adrien grabbed him. 
“What do you mean by that? What do you mean she won’t be coming? There’s-”
“Before the akuma, Tikki -that’s LB’s Kwami- came to warn me about LB.” Plagg started. “How she might have to sit out for a few akumas.”
“Sit out?” Adrien whispered. “What happened to her? What’s wrong with Ladybird?!”
“That’s the thing kid. We don’t know what’s wrong with her. Only Master Fu would know, which is probably what he’s doing now.”
“Master Fu?”
“Right, you don’t know him. Didn’t think you’d have to know about him/” Plagg confessed. “He’s the one who guards the Miraculous, the one who chose you for the Cat Miraculous. He’s the one who’s trying to figure out what’s wrong with LB.”
“But if LB is out, who-“
“Don’t know kid. I honestly don’t know.” Plagg provided, knowing it wasn’t the thing to tell Adrien.
They needed to get away from here to help take down the Victim, but to do that, they needed someone from the outside.
But just as the two wondered what was to become of them, they were released from their photo prison, seeing another Miraculous Holder.
They watched as a yellow and black uniformed holder stood proudly against the latest Victim.
“My name is Queen Bee and I’m going to make sure you’re going down, Pixelator!”
“I told you, I was fine. I didn’t need you to save me.” Queen Bee told Chat as she looked at the akuma she held delicately in her hands. The thing was paralyzed and as long as she didn’t let it land in her, she should be fine. Or at least, that’s what Pollen told her.
As soon as she was pushed away from harm’s way, Chloe dashed back to the hotel and ran to her room, sliding against the door, wondering what she could. She had to help Adrien, to keep the akuma distracted until Ladybird or Chat to arrive. She needs help in some way.
As Chloe wandered around her room, her eyes landed on her bed, where a tiny hexagon chapped box laid alone. Taking it and cautiously opening it, Chloe dropped it when a yellow orb came out of it.
The orb turned into a creature that resembled a large bee, something Chloe wanted to squish but didn’t when it introduced itself and told her about having to help Ladybird and Chat.
Pollen explained to Chloe how to transform and how to use her weapon, giving her the run down before Chloe yelled “Pollen! Buzz on!” Chloe watched as she was soon in a skintight suit, a yellow jacket with black fur on it. Can she say that she fell in love with the high heel boots Pollen blessed her with?
Once transformed, she headed towards Pixelator, attempting to take him down, only resulting in her losing the sensation in her leg and her left arm.
She eventually had to make a deal with Pixelator, telling him that she’ll give him her miraculous if he freed half of the people then and there, which he did.
Seems like Chat was among those people, seeing as he gave Queen Bee a chance to scoot away when he started to attack him. 
The fight lasted a few minutes before Chat destroyed the visor around Pixelator’s head, the akuma flying out before Queen Bee immobilized it. Despite having it frozen, Queen Been couldn’t exactly purify it, having to keep it with her until Ladybird made an appearance. 
Only she can purify an akuma.
“A ‘thank you’ would’ve been nice.” Chat mumbled, watching as Queen Bee placed the akuma into a special container that was alongside the box that held the miraculous given to her.
“By the way, where’s Ladybird? I can’t exactly-”
“She’s sick.” Chat admitted. 
“Sick? Is that even-“
“Something happened to her and her miraculous that caused her to become sick.” Chat filled in, watching Queen Bee gape.  
“Her miraculous?” Queen Bee looked at the akuma in her hand.
“I don’t know what’s going on nor how to search for her. All we can do now is keep fighting these akumas until she returns. Until she gets better, we can’t allow Paris to keep getting destroyed as it did today.”
“Bee. I wish I knew what was going on. Really, I do. But all we can do is wait. Now, come on. I’ll drop you off somewhere close to where you live. After all, I can’t know your identity as you can’t learn mine.”
“She should stay in bed for the next two days. Don’t you dare let her get out of it.” Selina listened as Fu warned her. 
After two hours, Fu was able to diagnose Amira’s illness, creating a concoction of some sorts to help reduce her fever and raging cough. “If she exerts herself too much, she will get worse. Continue to give her the medicine every six hours. It will help with her fever and coughing. With that said, I wish for a speedy recovery.”
“Thank you very much.” Selina said, giving Amira’s hand a squeeze. The entire time Fu analyzed Amira’s condition, Selina couldn’t let go of her hand. Something made her believe that if she did, something bad might happen to the girl.
“No need to thank me. I’m only doing my duty.”
Selina watched as Fu left, looking over to Amira, watching as sweat slid down her face. Her breaths were a bit longer than earlier, but definitely an improvement. 
Just who was he? How did he know what was wrong with her despite no one else knowing? Not like it mattered.
“You’re going to be okay.” Selina said, pressing her head against Amira’s. “You’re going to be fine.”
Marinette didn’t come to school the next day, Adrien worried. 
“You’re ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous!” Chloé exclaimed, Adrien snapping away from his thoughts as he turned to look at his friend. He frowned upon seeing her arm wrapped in bandages. 
During yesterday’s attack, it seems like Chloe still ended up injured, her arm and leg bruised. While Chloe said it didn’t hurt, Adrien knew better than to ignore the redness in Chloe’s eyes. 
She was in pain.
“Chloé, what exactly are you talking about?”
“She’s talking about how you can’t stop worrying over Marinette.” Sabrina elaborated, glad to see Chloé was pleased with her timing. All day yesterday, Sabrina hated the screams that came from Chloe’s room when she was getting her injuries checked over. Sabrina hated that her friend was in pain and she couldn’t do anything about it. “You kept staring at her seat throughout the entire morning.”
At that, Adrien found himself trying to come up with an answer, but none came out. Was he really staring?
“If you’re that worried about her, just come with me to her home later.” Chloe stated, looking at her nails, hating that her hand was shaking. Yesterday’s attack really did a number on her.
“I thought you weren’t her friend?” Adriend asked, Chloé letting out a scoff. 
“As class president, I have to go over and drop off any assignments she missed. Of course, I usually like to-“
“I’ll go with you then!” Adrien chirped, giving Chloé his signature smile. “You will let me go with you, right?”
Chloé tried to avert her gaze, but she knew better than to ignore Adrien’s puppy eyes. 
“Ugh, fine! But you better find a way for-“
“Thank you Chloé!”
“How are you doing Amira?” Selina asked her, Amira looking at her with clouded eyes. Following her line of sight, Selina watched as Amira looked at her monitors from her makeshift bed. 
Yes, Amira has an actual bed, but Selina wasn’t on board with having Amira climb stairs every time she needed to go back to bed. So after doing a bit of hunting, Selina got Amira a new bed to have on the main level of her bedroom.
“Not as cold as yesterday if you’re wondering.” Amira started. “But I can feel my body tremble and I hate it. I also hate that you’re acting as if I can’t look after myself.”
“Well, you are sick.” Selina pointed out, turning off the news about yesterday’s incident.
“I used to get sick before too. At first, Grandpere and Bruce used to look after me. Then just Grandpere because Bruce would be too busy to check on me...and then myself. I didn’t want to continue to be a burden to Grandpere. He already did so much for us and I didn’t want him to get sick, so I told him to stop looking after me.”
Selina watched as Amira stared at the ceiling. “To be honest with you, I don’t like you Selina. Or maybe that’s just my uneasiness speaking. Or perhaps...jealousy. ”
“Uneasiness? Jealousy? Amira, there’s nothing-“
“There is.” Amira looked at Selina, her finger pointing at her. “You know more of my father than I will ever know. You know him both in and out of that damned cowl. I only know of Father, not Bruce Wayne nor Batman. 
The media and cameras could only inform me so much.” Amira looked back at her ceiling, feeling her chest tighten. “You’re always there with him while I’m just kept behind locked do-“
“Dupain-Cheng! You should know better than to not inform the school- Mlle Kyle!” Chloé squeaked when she noticed Selina, quickly changing from French to English. Chloe quickly entered the room, Adrien following her shortly after. “I didn’t know you were here.”
“It’s alright. I was going to leave aways“ Selina said, seeing Amira scowl upon seeing the other teens in her room. “I’ll be right downstairs if anything happens.” She told Amira.
Selina fought against the tug that demanded her to stay. But Selina knew better than that. She knew better than to stay and listen to whatever it was the teens had to say to themselves. But then again, she had no right to stay in the room.
She wasn’t her mother after all, nor a parental figure for that matter.
So, she left.
Marinette watched as Selina left her side, now looking at the two rich kids in front of her. 
Who was she kidding? She was one herself too. 
“What are two doing here?” Marinette asked, sitting up, feeling her body protest to lay back down. She noticed the tiny bruises covering Adrien’s arms and the bandages around Chloe’s arm.
Guilt began to gnaw at her mind.
“As class president, I came to drop by school work you missed. It’s ridiculous how you managed to-“
“Chloé.” Adrien growled.
“We came by to see how you’re doing.” Chloe admitted.
“You came to see me?” Marinette asked, surprised to see Chloe starting to change after their conversation from days ago...or has it been a few weeks?
“Of course!” Adrien chirped. “Isn’t that what friends do?”
“See? She doesn’t even-“ Chloe started.
“When did we ever become friends?” Marinette asked. “As far as I know, I simply find the two of you tolerable. Better than those other kids in the class.”
She guessed those were the wrong choice of words since Adrien grinned and Chloé huffed, turning her head to the side while her cheeks were tinted pink. 
“Well, I think the same applies to you, Dupain Cheng. You’re very tolerable and easy to work with. Although I have to ask, where’s my thanks?” 
“Me and Adrien were the ones to take you to the school nurse despite Cesaire first knowing about you not being in your right mind. The idiot didn’t realize you were burning up.” Chloe decided to say, looking at Marinette with worry.
“I guess I do owe you my gratitude.” Marinette said, giving Chloe a small smile. “Thank you.”
“As you should. You’re lucky I helped to grace you with my kindness even though your closet could use a few colors.” Chloe said, internally smiling.
“As if that blue eyeshadow did you any favors.” Chloé gasped at Marinette’s statement.
“I’ll have you know-“
Adrien watched as the two girls bickered, as if they were two old friends catching up. 
He looked out towards the Parisian skyline wondering the whereabouts of Ladybird and if she was alright. 
After an hour or two, Amira bid Chloe and Adrien goodbye, Amira now staring at her phone, Adrien and Chloe’s names looking right back at her. 
Two more names to her small list of names. 
“Amira! You’re alright!” Tikki cried, Amira feeling her crash into her cheek. 
“And where were you?” She felt Tikki tense, watching as the tiny god moved away from her. “I get not wanting to be seen, but not watching me from afar-“
“I’m sorry. This is all my fault.” Tikki sat in front of Amira, looking at her with her watery eyes. “I should have warned you about the Miraculous and it’s dangers-“
“I already knew.” Amira confessed, Tikki looking up at her in horror. “I already knew I wasn’t fit for the Ladybug Miraculous. During my first transformation, it felt like it was rejecting me.” Tikki looked away in shame. “Even when I knew I wasn’t meant for it, I kept pushing myself and trained with the miraculous on. I wanted it to accept me. For you to accept me.”
“But I do accept you Amira. I trust-“
“Yet you’re afraid of me.” Amira cut off. “That’s why you hesitated to tell me. You trusted me enough to talk about the miraculous, of bringing the Guardian to me to heal me, but you were afraid of what I might do if you told me I wasn’t your best option, weren’t you?” 
That’s right. 
Master Fu had told Tikki that Amira wasn’t her true holder. She was just the better one between his last two options. 
“Did you really figure that out on your own?” Tikki asked. “So why? Why do you still-“
“Because I made a promise to you. To everyone in Paris. I vowed to protect them, no matter what. If it costs me my life, so be it.” Amira looked at her hands, watching as her hands morphed to her smaller ones. Small hands that held a blank name tag that laughed at her. “I rather die as the vigilante who protected Paris than the hidden Wayne child.”
Tikki’s frown warbled, quickly throwing herself to Amira, not bothering to tell her about the person who stood right below the hatch that led to the room. 
“I’m sorry Amira. I’m so sorry!”
“It’s alright Tikki. It’s alright.”
Another akuma showed up that night, taking Amira by surprise when she awoke from the trembling outside her room. 
She watched as hundreds of tiny gremlin-looking...gremlins took over the streets of Pari. Sapoti -if Amira remembered correctly- they were called. 
There was never an akuma during the night. So why now, of all-
“He knows I can’t fight right now, Tikki. He knows I’m down and he’s taking advantage of that. I have to go help.” Amira firmly announced, getting out her bed and started to change into something more comfortable than her sweaty pajamas before calling on the transformation.
“Amira, you can’t. Master Fu-“
“He’s trying to make us play all of our cards. If Chat and Bee can’t take this akuma down -although hopefully they do- then we’ll be forced to-wait! Bee’s still injured! I have to-” 
“Amira. Trust them. Just like you trust me.” Tikki softly said, putting her paw on Amira’s cheek. “They can do this. You can’t, even if you wanted to. If you ran to try and defeat this akuma, then you’ll be falling right into his plan. You’re going to give him an opportunity to get the Ladybug in this condition you’re in if you go now. So listen to me and believe in them. They’ll defeat this Victim. Just watch.”
And they did… 
“But why did they have to bring another miraculous out! That’s exactly what Hawkmoth wanted!”
“Amira, they-”
“They gave him the information he wanted about the miraculouses and-”
“Rena Rouge’s siblings were the victims this time around.” Tikki cut off, watching as Amira turned quiet. “She begged Chat Noir and Queen Bee to let her help in any way possible, especially when she saw Bee still heavily injured from the last attack... but she wanted to save her family.”
Tikki watched as Amira dazed out, the girl looking out the window next to the stair that led to her bed and skylight. Tikki noticed Amira staring at the daisies that she had found growing in the cracks of the outwalls of the apartment. 
Daisies that Amira always tended to despite not having any plants of her own, daisies that Amira decided to plant into a pot and care for.
Tikki watched as Amira cradled a flower between her fingers, Amira carefully caressing the petals. 
She watched as Amira grabbed an old looking device, dialing a number.
“Chat, I want you to meet me at the rendezvous. Bring Queen Bee with you.”
Chat watched as Queen Bee twirled one of her hair strands, Bee biting her cheek as she did so.
“Relax Bee. Ladybird-”
“I can’t relax! I’m meeting Ladybird! My idol!” Queen Bee said, grabbing Chat by his bell. “Don’t you understand?! She might-”
“Ladybird! Aren’t I glad you’re doing well!” Chat exclaimed, Ladybird noticing how his ears perked upon seeing her. 
“Thank you for your concern, but I’d prefer if you’d lower your voice. I have yet to completely recover.”
“Right. Sorry.” Chat sheepishly said, before remembering why they were there. “Oh! This is Queen Bee! She’s-”
“I know who she is, Chat. I watched the fight.”
Chat watched as Ladybird eyed Queen Bee, circling around her as she did. Chat noticed how Queen Bee was silent, stiff as Ladybird judged her.
“Chat. What are your opinions on her?”
“She’s a bit on the stubborn side and a bit on the unfocused side, but she’s an excellent partner. Barely have to tell her what to do when we’re apart.”
“So she just needs a bit of guidance?” Ladybird asked, now standing in front of Queen Bee.
“Have you brought her to the training grounds yet?” 
They had a training area?
“No.” Chat quickly responded. 
“Good.” Ladybird stated, watching Queen Bee pale.
Were they going to take her miraculous back? Was this the end of- “Do you have the akuma I told you to bring?”
“Y-Yes!” Queen Bee stuttered, reaching for the bag next to her foot and handing Ladybird the jar with the two akumas. “Here they are.”
Ladybird released the akumas, quickly capturing them. Carefully, she released the purified butterflies, Queen Bee watching them glow brightly against the night sky.
“Miraculous Ladybug!” Ladybird yelled, Queen Bee stunned as she watched millions of ladybugs flying across the starless night, the tiny bugs becoming stars themselves. She watched as the tiny red bugs surrounded her and restored her arm and leg back, Queen Bee feeling tears well up to her eyes.
She held the urge to tackle Ladybird and thank her when she watched her stare at her with soft eyes.
Opening up her yo-yo, Chat and Queen Bee watched as LB took out a box, carefully wrapped in yellow paper with a black bow carefully placed on top. A daisy was tucked carefully under the bow.
Queen Bee watched as Ladybird handed it to her, watching as she found herself accepting it.
Looking up, Queen Bee found Chat smiling at her, Ladybird approaching her. Stretching out a hand, Ladybird smiled.
“Welcome to the team, Queen Bee. I look forward to working with you.”
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kelelamentia · 5 years
Rockin’ the House
Rockin’ the House
 @ozmav Because we all need an uncle Jagged Stone.
 It was another charity gala held by the Wayne Family; this one was raising funds for art programs across the world, and because it was for art there were artists of all types from all over, including the famous Rock’n’Roll artist Jagged Stone…and his guest.
 At the Gotham Congress Hall:
 The Wayne Family was scattered all over the hall, talking various people, Damian was standing with his father; talking to someone he didn’t recognize.
“Father, I’m going to retrieve some punch.”  Damian announced to Bruce, waiting for him to nod before making his way over to the punch table.
Having retrieved and finished his drink Damian looked across the hall with a frown.  He had no issue for the cause of this gala; him being an artist himself, but many of these people were just trying to get into his family’s good graces.  Damian had just finished rolling his eyes at a snobby comment he over heard when something caught his eye; someone really.
She was lovely, she wore what looked to be a V-neck sleeveless black party dress that went to her knees, low silver heels, silver bracelets and neckless.  Her blue/black hair was in a bun with a silver hair; he couldn’t tell what the hair pin was at his distance.  She also looked uncomfortable, she was looking around and swaying back and forth.
Damian decided to introduce himself; if she was a harpy he would just walk away.  As he got closer to her he saw a few more details of her outfit. The hair pin was a treble clef and the silver neckless had a range of rainbow musical notes.  There was also a slight shimmer coming off her dress as she swayed.
“Hello Miss, how are you this evening?” Damian greeted when he reached her.
She startled at his voice.
“H-Hello, I’m Marinette Dupain-Cheng; I’m doing well and you?” Marinette greeted in return.
Damian was pleased to note she didn’t seem try and ‘charm him’ as soon as she saw him; and she had a cute French accent.  He reached out his hand and grabbed hers, brushing a kiss on the back of her knuckles; causing her to turn pink.
“I’m also doing well.  Might I ask are you an up and coming artist?  Or are you here with someone?” Damian asked.  As soon as he finished his question, he realized he sounded rude, but she didn’t see bothered by his bluntness and answered him.
“I’m just a guest of a guest, but I am working towards being a designer; so maybe I’ll get my own invite one day.”
Surprised is what Damian was by Marinette’s humility, most people here would be bragging about how ‘They’ll be the next greatest thing’ or ‘I came with this person, so I’m great as well’ or something similar.
“A designer?  What kind?”  Damian questioned.
“Fashion mostly, but I like designing for other things as well.”  Marinette admitted.
“Does that mean what you’re wearing now is your work Marinette?”
Marinette gave a shy nod.
“This is actually my most recent work; along with a suit I made for tonight, would you like to see my favorite part?”
At Damian’s agreement Marinette did a slow twirl, that’s when Damian got his answer about the slight shimmer from before.  As Marinette spun the light reflected off embroidery he hadn’t known was there. There was techno coloured musical notes of all sorts dancing and shining along the skirt and top.  Damian blinked, his breath taken from him.
“That is beautiful Marinette, this must have taken some time to complete.”
“A little, yeah, but it was worth it.”
“Is the suit here tonight like this?”  Damian asked.
“Yep.”  Marinette confirmed.
“You are a very hard-working individual Marinette and you design his lovely, I’m sure you’ll get your own invite one day.”
“Thank you.”
“Now, would the lovely Lady be willing to dance with me this evening?”  Damian asked, offering the palm of his hand.
“I’d love to.” Marinette said, almost placing her hand in his; she hesitated just before she did.
“Is there something wrong?” Damian worried.
“No…It’s just, I don’t know your name.”
Damian was stunned, she really didn’t know?
“I’m sorry Marinette, my name is Damian Wayne.”  Damian watched, gauging her reaction.
“It’s nice to meet you Damian!”  Marinette smile brightly, placing her hand in his.
She really didn’t know, this gave Damian a light-hearted feeling; he didn’t have to be the blood son of Bruce Wayne, he could just be Damian.
“Shall we dance Marinette?”
Damian brought Marinette to the dance floor, keep her hand in his and placing the other on her waist; bringing her closer, not enough to be considered inappropriate, but just enough to be intimate.  As they began to dance Marinette faltered and stumbled, but as she got more comfortable with Damian and the movements, she became very graceful.  Damian spun and twirled her; showing off Marinette’s dress for all to see.
“How are you doing this?”
“Doing what?” Damian was confused.
“Making me dance like I’ve been doing it my entire life?” Marinette asked, “I’m a total klutz normally, this, this is new.”
“Marinette, I’m not doing anything.  This is you being relaxed and trusting me in my movements.  If you are a ‘total klutz’ normally, it is because your nervous and fear judgement.”
“Yeah…I guess I feel like that, how do you over come that Damian?” Marinette questioned.
“Simple, there is a quote I remember; ‘Those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind’. There is nothing wrong with being nervous Marinette and anyone saying that there is, is trying to make you feel worse.”
“Damian…” Marinette sighed, “Thank you.”
“It is nothing but the truth,” Damian stated, “You are a beautiful talented woman, who is not afraid to work for her dreams; people will get jealous of that, but please don’t let it hinder you.”
“I’m not beautiful.” Marinette muttered.
“Yes, you are; you smile sweetly, your eyes are like the loveliest of blue belle flowers, and you made yourself a dress that is unique without being outrageous.” Damian complimented.
Marinette giggled and they continued dancing.
 With Bruce a little after Damian left:
 Bruce was making his way around the hall; talking to people along the way, when he ran into a very popular music artist in the Wayne household.
“Hello Jagged Stone, are you having fun?” Bruce asked.
“Hey Bruce, this is a cool gig; a little tame for my usual tastes, but anything that supports giving people a chance to rock out is good in my books.” Jagged enthused.
Bruce chuckled at the rack star.
“Thank you,” Bruce looked around, “Where is your partner and your second guest?”
“Penny couldn’t make; she got a bit of food poisoning you know?” Jagged informed, “And my other guest is my favorite designer; she’s really sweet, a bit shy but won’t back down from a challenge.”
“Is she one who designed your suit?” Bruce asked, “Because have to say I’m surprised you’re wearing something to mundane.”
Jagged’s suit was black dress pant, a white dress shirt, and a black suit coat with long tails, with black dress shoes.  He had silver cuff-links, a silver guitar pin on his lapel, but he had a techno colour tie that stood out.
“Mundane?  This suit ain’t mundane, it camouflaged; let me show you.”
Jagged turned on his heel, showing Bruce why the suit wasn’t mundane.  Turning around allowed the light to show the techno coloured music notes on his jacket and the staffs (The lines on a music sheet) running down each of his legs.
Bruce blinked, caught off guard by the hidden pattern.
“That is very impressive Jagged, your designer has some real talent.”
“I know, I met her when she was 14 and she keeps proving I can match the event while keeping my style.”
“She’s designed other things for you?” Bruce asked, being a designer for a rock star at 14 is nothing to sneeze at.
“She sure did, let me find her and I’ll introduce you, but fair warning she is going to quiz you on who made your suit.” Jagged chuckled, looking around, “I see her, she’s dancing with someone…Is he filtering with her?”
As Jagged started to make his way over, Bruce saw where Jagged was looking and was shocked to see his youngest son dancing with a lovely young lady; Jagged’s designer. Bruce caught up with Jagged just as he reached the pair.
“Hey Marinette, who’s your dance partner?” Jagged greeted.
 With Damian and Marinette before they were interrupted:
 Damian had never been to content, so happy, so…so…so something!  Marinette was so kind and sweet, she asked him about his suit, who designed it and was it comfortable.  She didn’t recognize his name, she didn’t ask how and why he was here, she just cared about him and who he was as a person.  Getting her number was a must.  Just as he was about to ask if he could have her number a voice cut him off.
“Hey Marinette, who’s your dance partner?”
Damian looked at the person who spoke and couldn’t believe what he saw.
It was Jagged Stone! His favorite music artist; along with his brothers, and he knew Marinette’s name?!
“Hi Jagged, this is Damian; he’s been keeping me company.” Marinette explained to the rock star.
“Hi Damian, I’m Jagged Stone and you’re dancing with my favorite designer.”
“Jagged!” Marinette scolded.
“What? It’s true isn’t it?” Jagged teased.
Damian took notice of Jagged’s suit and saw the same theme as Marinette’s.  Damian couldn’t believe it, Marinette was THE Jagged Stone’s designer, the one he liked to brag about on interviews; along with Clara Nightingale and some others.  
“Marinette there is someone I want you to meet.” Jagged gestured to Damian’s father, “Mari meet Bruce Wayne, the host of this gala.”
Marinette reached out to shake his hand.
“Hello Mr. Wayne, it’s nice to meet you.”
“It’s nice to meet you as well Marinette; and please call me Bruce.  I see you’ve already met my youngest; Damian”
Marinette gave a slight jerk.
“Your youngest?” Marinette asked, looking over at Damian.
Damian wanted to curse at his father for outing him like that, but he knew that his father most likely wasn’t aware that Marinette didn’t know who he was.
“I’m sorry, I’m sure he wanted to tell you himself.” Bruce tried to lessen the impact.
“Don’t be sorry, its more my fault than anything.  I’m bad with names outside the fashion and music industries.” Marinette apologized “I’m also sorry if I bothered you Damian.”
Damian would not have her thinking that her sweet company was a bother to him.
“You were never a bother Marinette; your company is lovely and you yourself are a breath of fresh air.”
Marinette blushed.
Bruce raised his eye brow and smirked.
Jagged narrowed his eyes.
Jagged wasn’t sure he wanted this kid flirting with his almost niece and tried to change topics.
“Marinette I’ve told Bruce you’ve been designing for me since you were 14, but I didn’t want to brag about you too much without you there.”
“Jagged no.”
“You see Bruce Marinette has made my favorite glass”
“Jagged please…”
“All my album covers that have won an award,”
“Serval posters, the most recent one coming out soon; being super awesome,”
“I’m begging you…”
“Many of my concert outfits, this suit; she made a dress for Penny too, but she couldn’t be here.”
“And that’s not counting the stuff she’s done for other people like Clara Nightingale.”
By the end of his rant Marinette was bright red and had her face in her hands.  But while Marinette was embarrassed, Damian was in awe; she’s done so much work and didn’t brag about it once.
“Jagged why…” Marinette asked.
“Well, you don’t talk about your accomplishments Marinette; so, I’m happy to do it for you!”
“That is quite the list Marinette, you should be proud.” Bruce praised.
Bruce noticed the look of admiration on Damian’s face and thought if all goes well that he would seeing and hearing more about Marinette.
“Were you the one who designed the ‘Hard Rock’ cover?” Damian asked, “I love that cover.”
Marinette gave a shy yes.
Bruce wanted to talk to Marinette a bit.
“Marinette,” Bruce said getting her attention, “May I please get your opinion on somethings.”
“Sure Bruce, what can I help you with?
As Bruce and Marinette talked, Jagged got Damian’s attention and spoke quietly to him.
“Look kid, I can see you like Mari; and she seems to like you, so I’m going to warn you now.  Mari is like family to me, you break her heart you will regret it.  I may not be able to do anything to you from business stand point, but I can trash your rep and make it stick; got it?”  Jagged warned.
Damian nodded his head in grim understanding.
“Marinette is a wonderful girl, I’d be a fool to break heart if she gave me chance sir and I like to think myself not a fool.”
Jagged slapped Damian on the shoulder.
“Good, we understand each other then.  Now let’s get back to your Father and Mari; listening to that girl plan is a rockin’ experience.”
Damian looked at Marinette; who excitedly describing something to his father, who was looking very impressed. Tonight, was going better than he could have hoped for.
The night wore on and Damian didn’t leave Marinette’s side.  Just before she and Jagged had to leave, she gave Damian something
“Here, just in case you want to talk or anything,” Marinette was holding out a piece of paper with her phone number and email on it, “B-But it’s fine if you don’t want it!”
“NO! I mean no, I’m happy to have it Marinette; just let me give you mine as well.”  Damian scrambled to find a piece of paper and pen.  He did find some and wrote down his information and gave it to Marinette.
As Marinette stepped into the car with Jagged she waved goodbye to Damian; a shy smile and a blush on her face.  Damian waited until the car was out of sight before he let out a sigh and looked at the information Marinette gave.
“Please try and wait until tomorrow to call her Damian.”
“Father!” Damian turned in surprise at the voice, “Would not call her tonight, she will be tried when she gets back to her hotel and she needs her rest.”
“Fair, wait until after breakfast as well then.” Bruce teased. “I’m looking forward to hearing more about Marinette, please keep me updated.”
And that was Rockin’ the House.
A few days later at the Wayne household:
Alfred – Master Damian, there is a package for you.
Damian – *Takes package* Thank you Alfred.
Damian opens the package to reveal the new Jagged Stone poster that hasn’t been released yet; signed and everything.
Dick - *Cereal spit take*
Jason – How the h*ll did Demon Spawn get that!?
Damian – It’s a gift from someone precious.
Tim – Precious?! You’re calling someone precious!? And who’s the second signature?
Dick, Jason and Tim - *Look closer at the poster*
Dick – Who’s Marinette?
Tim – That’s Jagged’s favorite and best designer; she rarely signs anything!  How in the world did you get that Brat!?
Bruce – *Proud dad that’s wants to embarrass his youngest* That’s because he danced all night with her at the gala; he got her number too.
Dick, Jason and Tim – WHAT?!
Damian – FATHER!
Jason – There’s no way! Prove it!
Alfred – Would pictures work Master Jason?  I have serval.
Damian – ALFRED! WHEN?
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tessatechaitea · 4 years
Justice League International #8 (1987)
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Is it weird that I have a newsstand copy of a comic book when I definitely was shopping at my local comic shop in 1987?
This cover has so many jokes to talk about that I probably won't have time to review the entire issue. My stomach is already sore for laughing so hard! Look at how the box marked "fragile" is about to fall onto the floor thanks to the carelessness of Blue Beetle and Booster Gold! Ha ha! And they're carrying the large box upside down! According to the label on the upside down box, it's going to Paris, France so it must contain Crimson Fox who is almost certainly swearing in French because have you ever tried to masturbate while upside down in a box being jiggled by two men?! The incompetence of those guys is hilarious! But the best joke is the one where the only woman on the team doesn't lift a finger to help and also can't make up her mind about the placement of a gigantic box that hasn't been opened yet! See how funny that is? Because who cares where the box is placed?! It's not like they're moving a desk or an end table and Black Canary is coming up with a floor plan! It's just a box that will need to be opened and then broken down and then thrown out! The other funny part is that yellow spray around Beetle's head and the shape of his mouth because I think it suggests he's about to call Black Canary a bitch! Ha ha! I probably left out the joke about the hernia although that one might just be implied. Also, it'll probably be a blatant joke later in the story. The issue begins with Jack Ryder on his right-wing radio call-in television "news" program fiasco of a show Hot Seat trying to get the masses to shit blood over the Justice League. It'll work because the masses in comic books (as well as the masses not in comic books because we've all seen how people who listen to and watch right-wing radio call-in television "news" programs easily believe the alternate reality fed to them because it speaks to their inherent biases and selfishness) are idiots. (That might be my favorite interruption by parenthetical reference I've ever written.) I also know that it will work because Glorious Godfrey only recently did the same thing a year or two ago and it worked. But comic books don't recognize time and space in the same way that we more logical and real readers do so the masses won't remember that they were fooled just a year ago by idiotic television pundits who don't mind seeing the world burn as long as they can cash a fat check over it. I doubly also know it will work because Millennium is coming up and I think that might be proof that maybe Jack Ryder was sort of right because aliens have infiltrated Earth and are pretending to be heroes and possibly even right-wing radio call-in television "news" hosts. I don't really remember much about Millennium except that it was weekly and there were Manhunters in it.
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My favorite comic book characters when I was a kid were Blue Falcon and Dynomutt. I bet Jack Ryder was Sean Hannity's favorite. Tucker Carlson's favorite was probably Hitler.
This issue begins the long running joke that Martian Manhunter is addicted to Oreos. I fucking get it, man. Have you ever tried to melt an Oreo into a spoon, fill a needle with the liquid contents, and inject it straight into your bloodstream? Me neither because that's stupid, you dumb idiot. Why would you even suggest it? You need to inject them straight into your taste buds. J'onn, Mister Miracle, and Captain Atom are setting up the New York Embassy which leads to lots of jokes about shoddy construction and terrible wiring and lazy movers. At one point Captain Atom electrocutes himself and then destroys all of the wiring because he's the guy the United States wanted to represent them on the new international team. I'd say his penchant to escalate a situation straight to violence proves the United States made the right decision. Batman and Guy Gardner oversee the outfitting of the Russian Embassy with a little help from Rocket Manhunter #7.
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Even Rocket Red has heard about Guy's serious brain trauma and yet nobody has even discussed getting him a medical check-up. What a bunch of bastards!
This is also the issue that begins the "Bwa-ha-ha-ha" gag (I think. Did it happen in an issue previously? Maybe?! Anyway, it really gets going here). That's the gag where somebody laughs when something terrible happens to somebody else. It's a great team building exercise, to laugh at a co-worker's pain! Or if it isn't, it, at the very least, helps develop personal morale. Nothing better than laughing at your manager after her credit card was stolen by a prospective new employee while the entire company was in a meeting, especially after learning that said card was pretty much just used at The Honey Baked Ham. Does that make if funnier? Or is this one of those dark humor things like when the same manager was super pissed at an employee I was training for not showing up for work the day before Thanksgiving only to learn later that she had died of carbon monoxide poisoning the previous night which caused her to erupt into crying jags for the rest of the day which I'm positive weren't for my poor co-worker but for her guilty feelings of being so angry at her. That's dark humor, right? The "Bwa-ha-ha-ha" gag begins when Booster tries to hit on a Parisian woman and gets shot down. Later, she winds up being the League's Paris Bureau Chief. And also maybe Crimson Fox?
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This scene is well done in a book that often tries too hard for stupidly silly humor.
I'd say that these three pages (the scanned page being the third of the three) of interaction between Blue Beetle and Booster Gold is ground zero for what would become a great best friend relationship. Any interaction before this was just of the generic Blue Beetle making a stupid class clown comment to the group. But this foundational scene in Paris already feels like these two at their closest which, admittedly, is mostly Blue Beetle laughing at something dumb Booster Gold did. But I like to view this entire relationship through the lens of a Booster Gold mostly driven mad and insane from having to live through so many alternate timelines. Sure, the reader doesn't know about that aspect of Booster Gold yet (and won't for more than a decade). But I can't help but understand Booster Gold through that lens now. And his need for some kind of consistency and whimsy and, almost certainly, a need to be able to laugh at himself must be expressed through this relationship as a kind of therapy. In a universe where not even the timeline lacks consistency, Booster Gold finds solace in getting his balls busted by Blue Beetle.
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Maybe I'm a dick who doesn't understand true friendship but this is totally what it looks like, right?
The issue ends with a Keith Giffen drawn story about the end of the Global Guardians, or at least the end of their United Nations backing. I'm sure it's a set-up for a future story but even if it were just a couple page story acknowledging the Global Guardians and how they're affected by a new United Nations backed team, it would remain an interesting moment. I don't need iron clad continuity in my comic book universe but I am entertained when writers acknowledge the waves their stories are making in that continuity. Plus it's drawn by Giffen which always makes it seem like I'm reading a story from the perspective of a madman. Justice League International #8 Rating: B+. How come when I publish a manifesto, people refer to it as a 'zine?! How do you get the fucking power to have your photo-copied screed with "art" considered a manifesto?! How many people do I have to rant at to get some Goddamned recognition?! "The Truth About Star Trek Transporters" is not a fucking fanzine, people! It's a manifesto of the alternate reality we're being asked to accept! The alternate reality of an alternate reality where people are being sent to their deaths every fucking mission only to be replaced by clones of themselves and nobody fucking cares! Probably because they're all clones of clones of clones and their ability to think rationally has diminished to the point of dogmatic stupidity! Am I the only one witnessing this while others simply think its some kind of retrograde perspective?! Does my antediluvian intellect subquester the means of proliferating the parallax of reality?! Does the inclusion of three hilarious dick jokes deny me the mantle of manifesto writer, oublietting my ego into an infinite mirror trick of endless zineian declarations?! Fuck this shit! And fuck that satellite that's been following me throughout this meandering conclusion!
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ladyfogg · 4 years
May I? - 11/?
May I? - 11/?
Fic Summary: Ensign Faith Diaz struggles to hide her mental illness from her fellow shipmates aboard the Enterprise until an intrigued Data goes out of his way to try to understand her behavior. At his insistence, Faith tries to figure out what she’s truly passionate about and eventually seeks the professional help she needs. Fic Masterpost.
Fic Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Data/Female OC
Warnings: tw: depression, tw: anxiety, fluff, friends to lovers, eventual smut
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Screenshot by @ geekygwen
Data left Faith's quarters, replaying the kiss in his mind over and over again. It was the first one he himself had initiated and he was still uncertain as to what made him do so. However, when he told her he enjoyed it, he was not putting up a pretense. While it caused no emotional reaction, he was still able to appreciate the nuance of the kiss.
Faith's lips were soft against his but firm in their pressure. He could hear her heart beating wildly, sense elevated blood flow running through her veins. The way she looked at him when he pulled away was what stuck with him the most. Hyperspace reflected in her pupils, dilated with arousal. She had studied him as if she were afraid he would disappear, taking in every detail she could.
No one had ever looked at him like that before. And that was what he enjoyed.
He had every bit of confidence in her ability to handle her new position within Engineering, though there was another matter that Data needed to address.
Geordi was busy organizing his staff when Data arrived. The android took note of who was available, searching for Carver. When he did not find him, he approached Geordi just as his friend was finishing up his instructions. 
"Team One you'll stay here and begin repairs. Sawyer, I want you to keep a list of needs to be done at starbase and what we can do on our own. Team Two, you'll help me dismantle the device for study. If anyone comes back from sickbay, let me know and I'll assign them a team. Team Two, be ready to go in five minutes."
Everyone scattered to get to work and Geordi turned to Data. "How's Faith?" he asked.
"She is resting, per Dr. Crusher. She will be ready to take her post by morning," Data informed him.
"Good. I'm glad she's alright. She did a damn good job today."
"Yes, she did," Data said. "Have you spoken to Ensign Carver about his behavior?"
"Oh yeah," Geordi assured him. "It was the first thing I did when I got back."
"Where is he?"
Geordi gestured towards the warp core. "Working with his tail between his legs. He knows he screwed up. I don't foresee any more trouble coming from him anytime soon."
"Excellent." Data turned and headed in that direction.
"Whoa, hey, where are you going?" Geordi asked. 
"I must speak with him myself."
"What are you going to say?"
"While I was waiting with Faith in sickbay, I researched ways to defend the honor of one's romantic partner," Data explained. "I then pulled from my research and wrote a program based on this particular situation and what I believe Faith will or will not appreciate."
"In other words, a guy insulted your woman and you're gonna give him a piece of your mind?"
Data gave a firm nod. "Precisely."
Geordi smirked and lovingly shook his head. He put his hands up in surrender and said, "Be my guest." As Data walked by him, Geordi grabbed his arm to stop him. "Seems like that dinner was a date after all."
"It at least was an attempt. We will try again once things are less hectic."
"I'm happy for you, Data."
"Thank you, Geordi."
Data took the lift up to the second level. He found Carver fixing one of the conduits but as he approached, the ensign immediately stopped his work and straightened up.
"Commander!" he exclaimed. "What can I do for you?"
"I believe you and I need to have a talk," Data said. "It is about what happened this evening."
Carver had the decency to look sheepish. "Commander La Forge already spoke to me. I am so sorry! I was way out of line."
"That you were. But this is of a personal nature," Data said. "I do not appreciate you insinuating that Faith was being unjust in her reaction because she and I were intimate."
Carver's eyes widened. He clearly was not expecting Data to question him directly about the incident.
"Commander, I—"
"I am not finished," Data interrupted. "Not only were your comments based on false information, but you also insulted her honor and integrity. I can only assume you jumped to the wrong conclusion when you overheard me speaking to Commander La Forge this morning. After this talk, I will not air my personal life out in the open. Regardless, you were in the wrong and I expect you to apologize to Lieutenant Diaz when she arrives tomorrow morning." He stepped in closer, voice dropping into a low but firm tone. "Understood? " 
Carver swallowed thickly, nodding. "Y-Yes, sir. I will, sir. Again, I am so sorry."
Data took another step closer and Carver practically shrank back. "She does not need me to fight her battles, nor do I wish to overstep, but should I hear even a whisper of insubordination or crudeness coming from you, it will be me you have to deal with. Am I making myself clear?"
Carver nodded again, harder this time. "Yes, sir."
Data straightened his stance and took a step back. "Good. I am glad we had this discussion. Carry on." He turned and left Carver behind, satisfied in his approach. 
Geordi was waiting for him when he stepped off the lift. "Feeling better?"
Data did not have the need to reiterate his lack of emotions. Instead, he said, "Much. I shall return to my quarters to check on Spot. I will be working from my console for the remainder of the evening, analyzing the enemy ship. Please let me know once the dismantling of the device is complete."
"Will do, buddy. See you in the morning."
Data nodded and left Engineering.
He found Spot hiding under the bed. It took some coaxing for her to come out but when she finally did, Data rewarded her with her favorite supplements. 
Data sat at his console, loading all the information from the battle. The ship that attacked them was an anomaly. While its warp function did not match up to the Enterprise, its weapon system did. It bore no resemblance to any of the Federation's known enemies and it never responded to their hails. It attacked them completely unprovoked. 
Logically, it did not make sense.
Data worked through the evening, analyzing and compiling information. Worf's security sweep yielded nothing and Engineering was still dismantling the device by the time oh-seven hundred hours came.
Deciding to meet Faith before their shifts, Data left his quarters. She answered the door already dressed, but her eyes told Data she had not slept well.
"Good morning," he said, stepping into her quarters. "You do not look particularly rested."
"I don't feel it either," she said, greeting him with a kiss on the cheek. "Let me grab some coffee and then we can head out." She walked over to the replicator. "French vanilla coffee, hot, cream and two sugars."
As the cup appeared, Data said. "I believe we concluded having only coffee for breakfast is not nutritious."
Faith rolled her eyes but there was affection in her gaze. "Scrambled eggs with two pieces of buttered wheat toast." She made a show of holding up the plate when it appeared. "There, better?"
They sat at her table together and Data watched as Faith took a dutiful bite of toast before reaching for her coffee.
"I was monitoring the investigation's progress last night when I couldn't sleep," she said. "Can't say I'm surprised security didn't find anything."
"Neither was I," Data said. "Our culprit does seem to be a slippery foe. However, I believe I may have created a way to detect how they are cloaking themselves."
She reached for the coffee again but at Data's raised eyebrow, she took a spoonful of eggs first before taking another sip.
"Last year, we encountered a group of terrorists who traveled inter-dimensionally. It was highly unstable and harmful to travelers. However, it allowed them to transport without being detected. The computer still has the data from their devices. I believe I can use that information to create our own device that will detect that technology."
"Excellent. If we can connect it to the sensors, we'd be able to tell if someone decides to pop up on our ship."
"Would we be able to stop them from leaving again?"
Data considered her question. "With a few minor adjustments, I believe that will be possible."
"Great! Let's get started!" Faith stood but Data touched her hand.
"Faith, I do not wish to come across as pushy, but you will function more efficiently with the proper sustenance."
Faith chuckled. "Are you telling me to finish my food first?"
"I will ask that you consider it."
She smiled and sat back down. "You know, Data, if you were anyone else I'd be annoyed or angry."
"Why is that?"
"Because I'd feel like they were judging me," she said, returning to her breakfast. "At least with you, my anxiety can't go that route. I know it's because you are genuinely concerned."
"While I appreciate the compliment, I will say that I do not believe those close to you on the Enterprise will judge either."
"No. No, I suppose they wouldn't. Alright, let me finish this so we can go." She scooped the eggs between two pieces of toast and bit into the makeshift sandwich. 
Once she was done eating, Data put her plate back on the replicator for her while she downed the rest of her coffee.
Before they left, however, an alarm peeped and she stopped by her desk. "Almost forgot!" she said, pulling out her hypospray.
Data watched her take her medication before replacing the device. "Computer, reset alarm," she said as she adjusted her uniform. She turned to Data. "How do I look?"
She smiled softly, reaching for his hands which he accepted. "Thank you," she said. "For caring."
"You are welcome."
They did not leave her quarters hand in hand. Faith let him go as soon as they crossed the threshold. Together they walked in silence, though Data did not feel that Faith was at ease. Data could sense the tension in her. 
"What is occupying your thoughts?"
"Am I that obvious?"
"To me, yes."
Faith was silent for several seconds. "Do you think Geordi said anything to Carver?" she eventually asked.
"He did," Data said. "As did I."
Faith stopped walking but it took Data a second to notice. When he did, he paused and turned to look back at her. 
"You spoke to Carver?" she asked.
"His behavior towards you and insinuations needed to be addressed."
Faith did not look relieved or appreciative. "But I was going to address them. Now he's really going to think I can't take care of myself." Her voice sounded strained and he could identify the panic in her eyes.
"I do not share your conclusion," Data countered. "Your actions during the battle proved otherwise as did your ability to speak out against him." He studied Faith's expression. "Did I make an error? Are you angry?"
She took a deep breath as she rubbed her forehead absentmindedly. "No. Well, yes, a little," she admitted. "Just...if this happens again, please let me handle it on my own."
"I understand and I apologize if I overstepped," Data apologized. "If it helps, I did preface my comments by saying you do not require me to fight your battles."
Her lips twitched into a smile and she began to walk again, catching up to Data so they could continue together. "That does help a bit. Apology accepted."
"I shall adjust the program as necessary."
"As you know, I lack sufficient programming for many human situations. Last night I wrote a program designed specifically to defend your honor."
"Aww, you wrote a program for me? How sweet."
"If you do not wish for me to defend you at all, I can delete the program."
"Well, let's not be too hasty. How about this: if someone insults me to your face, then feel free to defend me however your program sees fit. Sound good?"
"I can establish those parameters." 
When they reached Engineering, they were met by Geordi. "Glad you guys are here," he said. "Faith, I need you to continue coordinating repairs. We'll be reaching the starbase soon and I want the crews to be able to start the second they get on board."
"On it, Commander," she said with a nod. "I'll talk to you two later." She shot Data a smile before taking her leave.
"Data, take a look at this," Geordi said, pulling up the device's schematics on the main console. "My team just finished our investigation."
"Did you find something intriguing about the transmitter's construction?"
"That's the crazy thing…no," Geordi said. "We found nothing unusual or interesting. It was a standard transmitter made from basic materials. Aside from the fact that it was seemingly made by ghosts, it's not special at all. There's absolutely no signature or indication of where it came from."
Data scanned through the information, cross-referencing it with the reports he and Faith had compiled to ensure nothing was overlooked. Finding no inconsistencies, he took control of the console from Geordi.
"I have been constructing plans for a device that can detect and disable interdimensional travel," he said. "Since we know the intruders are not physically on the ship and it is highly improbable they were able to transport on, it is my next working theory."
"At this point, I'd try anything," Geordi sighed, sounding exhausted. "How long will it take to build?"
"I will need several hours."
"Do it. And while you and Faith have got this covered, I'm going to get to some sleep."
"That is a good idea. I will contact you once the work is complete."
"Thanks." Geordi stepped away to speak with Faith before he left to go rest.
Data spent the rest of the day focused on his device. It was difficult finding the right parts, as many spare materials were being used for the ship repairs. But he managed to improvise when necessary.
Occasionally, Faith would come over to check on him, but for the most part, he worked in solitude, determined to produce something that could give them an edge.
It was well into the night by the time he finished. By then, Faith had already retired to her quarters and the night Engineering crew had started. 
Data knew his device would work and after integrating it with the sensors, he let Worf and Geordi know what to look out for before he too retired for the day.
With nothing to do with the investigation except to wait, Data decided to take part in one of his recreations. He had the image of Faith in the starlight that he wanted to capture on canvas. After feeding Spot, he set up his supplies and began to paint.
He had been painting for two hours and sixteen minutes when his door chimed. "Come in."
The doors opened and Faith shuffled in. Data had not expected to see her before morning. She was wearing a fluffy robe tied at the waist and had braided her hair per usual, but the loose strands suggested she had been tossing and turning. The dark circles under her eyes supported his theory.
"Cannot sleep?" he asked.
She shook her head. "I keep dozing off and then waking up," she muttered with a pout.
She wandered into the living area and dropped down onto the couch across from him. "Find anything useful with your device?"
"Not yet."
"If that doesn't work, what's your plan?"
Data opened his mouth to answer but then stopped. Instead, he put down his paintbrush, giving her his full attention.
"I do not think working will help your insomnia," he said. 
"I'll be fine, Data."
He knew this to be false. Sleep was essential to humans just as eating, drinking, and breathing.
"I do not share in your assessment," Data said. "You have been working very hard and need your rest in order to have full control of your mental faculties. I must insist you go to bed."
"Since when did you become so protective?" Faith asked. Her tone suggested she was teasing him.
"Since I adjusted your defense program to include a protective function. Now…" He put his hands on his hips to simulate a stern stance. "Will you go willingly or will I have to make you?"
What he said seemed to have a different effect on Faith than he anticipated. Rather than looking chastised or sheepish, her face flushed and her tongue darted out to wet her dry lips.
"Make me?"
"I am stronger than you. I will carry you to bed if need be."
"Uh...I'll, uh, I'll go to bed on my own," she stuttered, getting to her feet. "Yeah, that's a good idea."
Data studied her retreating frame curiously. "Did I make an error again? I did not mean to come across as controlling."
"N-No, you didn't. You're fine. Really fine. It's fine." She quickened her pace, almost reaching the door.
Her nervousness was different. Data ran through the scenarios until he realized what was wrong. "Did my forceful tone arouse you?" he asked.
Faith halted her steps and turned back around, showcasing the sheepish look he had been anticipating earlier.
"You took me by surprise is all," she said. "I've never heard you be so...firm before." Her hand reached up to fiddle with the end of her braid. "Don't worry about it. Actually, can we just forget this ever happened?"
"Not possible. I do not forget anything."
"Yeah, figured it was a long shot to ask." She nervously shifted her weight from one foot to the other.
"I shall refrain from using such a tone when we are not alone, so not to arouse you in public."
At that, Faith chuckled. "I'm an adult, Data. I'm not gonna throw my legs in the air every time I hear you give someone an order."
"Legs in the air?" He processed her words. "Ah. You mean sex." Data raised an eyebrow. "Do you wish to do so now? We are not currently in public."
"Are you asking me to have sex with you?"
"I am asking if that is something you wish to do at this moment."
Faith studied him curiously. "You don't feel sexual desire, correct?"
"That is correct."
"So you asking me right now is purely for my benefit? You don't get anything out of it?"
"Not necessarily," Data corrected. "While it is true I do not feel pleasure as humans do, I can appreciate the need for sex and the closeness it provides. As I stated previously, I am fully capable of engaging in intercourse and am programmed in many techniques."
"Have you had sex before?"
"Yes. Only once. Six years, seven months, and twenty-two days ago."
Faith looked pensive. "I guess I never thought about whether or not you had sex."
"Because I am an android, most assume I cannot," he said. "Do you not wish for our relationship to become sexual? I would ask if you are sexually attracted to me but based on certain reactions I know that you are."
Faith's face increased in temperature again and she folded her arms across her chest in a protective stance. "I am," she admitted. "But we just became close and I'm not ready for that yet."
"I understand. For most beings it is a big step forward in the relationship," Data said. "Would you be more comfortable discussing this at another time?"
"Yes. Yes, I would."
"Very well," Data said. "Though, when I ordered you to bed, I did not intend for you to leave so soon. You may sleep in my bed if it will help your anxiety."
Faith smiled softly and closed the distance between them, uncrossing her arms. "May I kiss you, Data?"
"That would be acceptable."
She slid her arms around his neck, her fingers playing idly with his hair before she pulled him down into a kiss. Data placed his hands on her waist, tilting his head to provide the most comfortable angle for her. 
When her lips met his, they were softer than before and slightly dry. She sighed and let her eyes flutter closed. Data mirrored her, calculating the safe amount of pressure he could apply. 
Three seconds later she withdrew, her forehead pressed against his. After another soft peck, arms slipped from his neck and she smiled up at him.
"Still as good as the first time."
"That is nice of you to say but you do not need to sate my ego, as I do not have one."
"Trust me, I wouldn't. I'm not that type of person," Faith said. "I meant what I feel when I kiss you is still as strong as before."
"Ah, I see. May I ask what it is that you feel?"
"Once I can articulate it, I'll let you know," she yawned and slipped her arms around his waist in a light hug. "I should sleep now."
"Yes, you should."
He led her over to the bed, pulling back the blanket so she could lay down. She removed her robe, draping it over the couch. Underneath she wore a nightgown. It was made of rather thin material and Data noted that it hugged her frame in a flattering way. Once she slid into bed, he tucked her in like he had the night before.
"Computer, dim lights."
The room grew dark and Faith shifted to get comfortable. Data recalled several hundred old Earth movies he had downloaded when researching romance and leaned down, placing a kiss on her forehead. 
"Sweet dreams."
Faith smiled, her eyes already drooping. "Good night."
Data left her alone and went back to his painting. He listened to her heartbeat steadily and then her breathing evened out, signaling she was fast asleep. He found he enjoyed her presence even when she was not awake. Data never considered himself lonely by any means, but having another person in the room did offer a comfort he had not expected.
Three hours later, Data's communicator beeped.
"Lieutenant Worf to Commander Data. The sensors picked up a signature. Please come to the Bridge."
"I'm on my way," Data responded.
He knew it was too early to wake Faith, so he decided to leave her be. Before he left, he replicated a rose like the one he had Guinan bring for their date. 
Data set the glass vase on the small nightstand. The blanket had slipped off so he gently draped it back over her. It was then he noticed Spot curled up asleep at the foot of the bed. 
This intrigued him but he did not feel the need to move the feline as she was not disturbing Faith. 
Studying the image of the two for a moment, he allowed himself a soft smile before refocusing his attention and going to meet Worf.
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o4343 · 8 years
A Story and a Rant from my Sister
So, my little sister sent this over to me, and thought it would be appropriate to post it on Tumblr. She’s a Biology major and an honors student at a University in New England. It’s a bit rambl-y and rant-y and covers a lot of ground, but please read it. You’ll be glad you did.
This is an account of a Saturday morning conversation I was tangentially involved in at the dining hall of my university. I was halfway through my breakfast of bacon and French toast, which I had smothered with syrup and butter, and was listening to a conversation between a female acquaintance and her male colleague. The flow of the conversation had swept the two of them to the topic of bullying, something I have never experienced myself, and thus had no stories to share. I quietly consumed my meal listening intently to their experiences.
The male started, explaining that he had autism and was picked on because of his disability in middle school. His bully would verbally abuse him and isolated him from the rest of his classmates. This bully had a weakness, a peanut allergy, so one day he slipped peanut butter into his sandwich. The girl burst out “You could have killed him!” and he paused briefly. I have an allergy so I contributed a nod in agreement to her statement. He resumed the story concluding that the bully just ended up in the hospital and is still alive today. She further inquired “What was your punishment?” to which he stated “I never told anyone, why would I?” The conversation continued to the categorization of what his actions entailed, attempted murder, and floated to the next topic.
The female branched off from the idea of middle school. For a bit of background she is an American with one of those super mixed heritages and is an ‘asexual’. She described her experience with the afternoon bus at her middle school. The buses would come in, a student was assigned to hold the sign with the bus number, and the vice-principal or some administrator would call the number of the bus that just stopped and gesture to the group to go to the bus to board. She tended to be assigned the duty of sign carrier, so the administrator was the main focal point of her story. The women administrator could be likened to a drill sergeant; she would scream the number and swear at the middle schoolers until they boarded the bus. What the girl remembered clearly was how she would “not even start by yelling the number to grab their attention, instead she would start off angry at the first call.” The boy interrupted “She did that to elementary students!” She responded that it was middle school so they were used to swear words at that point; it was just the unwarranted anger that bothered her.
At this point I was done with the food on my plate and was finishing the water in the plastic made in Mexico cup provided by the dining hall. Luckily, I did not bring it to my lips the moment the male acquaintance asked with a straight face “Was she black?” I placed the cup down astonished at the words that just transpired from his lips. The words caressed my female acquaintance’s ear, she slowly answered, cautiously: “Yes.” His response was “then is it okay if I call her a gorilla, cause she defiantly is one.” I begin to sip my water: I recently read the manga Tanaka-kun is Always Listless, so I innocently recalled the scene where Tanaka and Saya are ranking Ohta based on a scale of one to five gorillas. It then dawned on me that it was a racist comment and I finished the remaining drops of water, waiting for the female to respond. Her response was swift: she stated she had some African American blood in her and found the statement offensive. His response was truly remarkable: “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you, I just assumed you were all white since your skin is pale.”
In that moment I finally had obtained the anecdote I needed. The social justice warrior movement worried me not because of their goal (I support equality a hundred and ten percent); no, it is the way they move about the issue that concerns me. One of the things they constantly discuss is how judging people based on ethnicity is terrible (no objections); however, they are obsessed with the concept of race and gender. It is always privilege of the majority and the dreaded gender binary. They say equality is not based on race or ethnicity yet they try to devalue the views and opinions of the so called privileged. The fascination with race is what leads to the ability to be versed in racist vocabulary, knowing terms that are either uncommon or (maybe) no longer directly associated with racism. Take the term “gorilla.” By itself, without race being involved, it simply relates to an animal: not offensive at all. Even if used to describe a random person with no race or gender information it could mean a strong person or big person: just an observational metaphor.
The point that really struck me is the idea that, as long as those around you are not offended or do not have their feelings hurt it is then socially acceptable to call people racist remarks and stereotype. The idea racism/sexism is systemic should not be used as a means to bad mouth the system and whine about how some people don’t have to deal with racism/sexism. The whining is just a means to avoid fixing the systemic problem, which they want you to think is impossible to solve, because they themselves are a part of the system. They want to pay lip service to equality while constantly emphasizing divides between people, ensuring no collective unity occurs.
It is about personal gain; by leading a movement that is morally sound, while stalling actions to help others unite, they create issues from nonissues. Remember the gender neutral bathrooms? No one cared if transgendered people used the bathroom they associate with; the most you talk to a stranger about in the bathroom is if the soap runs out, if there is no toilet paper, or other short little conversations: no one knows what your gender is or even your sexual preference.
The concept that everyone is a special little snowflake, with a specific label just for them, avoids the big picture: WE ARE ALL Homo sapiens sapiens. There is one biological category we fall in, one. No matter how special you are, you are one of 7.4 billion others just like you, with just slightly modified genes. Problems like racism and sexism are not inherent in human nature, it does nothing to help the major goals of any organism, survive and reproduce, and in fact I would argue it is a hindrance to that process. Sexism and racism restrict an individual’s pool of mates while increasing interspecies competition, expending energy fighting that could be used for mating. We have laws to support people in cases of racism and sexism: use them! If there are problems in the system fight tooth and nail for more laws to protect fundamental rights. Point out the wrongs and help everyone get involved! Do not focus on segregating certain issues to certain communities.  To combat Global Climate Change we will need to as a global community push ALL nations into stopping pollution and CO2 emissions, no exceptions, and we have not nearly worked on space programs enough to even consider it a possible means of escape. We made our bed, but it is us as a collective population of 7.4 billion to decide if we will simply lie in it and twiddle our thumbs before our mass extinction.
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ecotone99 · 5 years
[RF] récursion vision
I'm staring out the window thinking while listening to Mrs.Christian tell me "If you don't improve you might never get a job."... "You need to learn how to read. You're twelve years old. I know its hard.".
In a fantastic jolt of skipped time I find myself sitting on my bed trying to work out what these strangely shaped silhouettes mean in my text book. I'm told by my mother that it's English. But I can't decode it. As far as I can tell it's Chinese or some kind of pictogram. Grinding away for hours I'm finally able decode a sentence which gives me instructions on how to do divisions of larger numbers.
Frustrated I begin to cry. I can't figure it out.
I wake up in an airplane en route to Paris. I can't help but think of how far I've come in 10 years as I now have the opportunity of a lifetime to take an extremely intensive computer programming course. Not only can I code computers but my insatiable curiosity had lead me to teach myself French. It feels "right". I watch the beautiful landscapes of Europe roll underneath me. It feels as if everything in my life as culminated in this moment. All the hard work I've done to compensate for my learning disability has made me stronger than the normal person. I am resilient. I can do something important with my life. I can achieve any dream.
"Wait, I want to hear more about this girl in your dream. You've told me about Paris before." my therapist says. I reply "Well, in this dream I was in a cinema and she was to the left of me. We were watching a strange film which I couldn't completely understand. The screen was black with vibrating geometric shapes resembling colorful circles. I knew that there was important information inside these shapes but I couldn't decode it". "But what about her? Who was this girl to you. If she was someone in you're who would she be?" My therapist asked. I reply "Well I really liked her but then I realized she had a boyfriend and she was wasn't telling me so I was upset. It sounds like this girl I used to work with.".
"What happened with her?" She asked.
I reply "Well... We worked together for a year. Things were complicated. I was technically her boss so I was hesitant to make a move. But despite my resistance she would push through my boundaries. We would make any excuse to talk to each other. She was a brunette with short bangs. She was the funniest person I ever met. She could always make me laugh with her edgy and bordering inappropriate jokes that she whispered the punch lines in my hear as she got close to me. I would often think to myself 'I could actually be with this person everyday of my life'. I fear she may have been the one. We always had a great time together."
She asked "Sometimes we feel it deeply when we know someone is meant for us. And it sounds like that to me. Why don't you contact her?"
I reply "She got married a few months ago so I think that ship has sailed. Honestly I pulled away hard when I heard through the grapevine that she had a boyfriend all along and never mentioned it to me after working together for almost a year. That was upsetting to me because... Well I had opened up to her a number of times about really personal stuff. Even things about my troubled upbringing she pushed really hard for me to tell her that stuff. She said she was interested in hearing my story but she apparently wasn't opening up to me." ...
"Its funny because after she caught me reading up on coding stuff online she told me I reminded her of the film Good Will Hunting because of my life experience and all of my self directed learning. Of course she had no clue I wasn't actually as smart as Matt Daemons character but I thought it was a really sweet compliment nonetheless. It was only a few months later I passed the first part of the entrance exam for that Ivy league school in Paris and gave my formal resignation to go take the final part of it at the school. She ended up planning my going away party at work. Everyone showed up except her. I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye to her properly. I just assumed I was misinterpreting all the flirting somehow. Like when she would get as close as possible to me and lightly grasp my arm. I felt really confused."
"A week after I arrived in France she sent me the longest message a woman had ever sent me in my life. Explaining how she liked me too but she didn't want to say anything because things were complicated with her boyfriend etc. She said she felt terrible for not showing up to my going away party. She was dancing around the words 'I Love you'. We talked and she promised we would facetime to make up for her flakiness. But she kept flaking on me. Making excuses. I was pretty stressed. I was still jet legged, my apartment was infested with mosquitos which would sneak there way into the place because my roommates would leave the windows open. I was covered in hundreds of bites and was only sleeping a few hours a night due to the audible buzzing. "
"She was still being a flake and I was having a hard time adjusting with the most important exams in my life about to begin. I knew she was still dating her boyfriend. If I got into this school it would change my life. I couldn't be distracted. I ignored her..."
My therapist interrupted "I think that may have been the reason. After everything you've told me since you started seeing me. Stress 'doesn't increase linearly' as you like to say. It's non-linear. This person who you really cared about bringing up all these feelings at the wrong time pushed you over the edge."
I replied "BULLSHIT! Whose not stressed? Everyone has things going on in there life. I mean obviously it was nothing and I was just magnifying my feelings in my obsessive feedback loops I get stuck it."
She said "It's okay. It's not your fault."
I reply "I'm obviously just not smart enough. That's why I didn't pass. After I saw she got in engaged on Facebook I messaged her and told her she shouldn't. It was only 3 months since that message and she already got engaged? What the fuck? Of course just like with everything else I've realized my perceptions of reality are inaccurate. I know no one can perceive things directly but I know my perceptions must be particularly distorted."
"I know my perceptions are really bad cause I couldn't see through her BS. She apologized and told me that everything she didn't was just for attention. She said she wouldn't respond any more. And look what all this got me. I gave up everything to try and get into this school. My job, my friends, and maybe even real love if there is such a thing."
"So why do I keep dreaming about her? It's been two years already. I want to give it up! My understanding of dreams from what I've read says that they are adversarial simulations of plausible scenarios we might encounter in real life. Its to prepare us. I'm not going to see her again. I know she never loved me or really cared about me now. So why do I keep seeing her? Why does she want to see me and love me in my dreams."
"After years of studying in the evenings and sacrificing everything I am exactly back where I started after running away from home at 16. I have no education. I am fucked. And all for WHAT? To be poor and alone? I am not special. I am no Matt Daemon and I feel utterly ushamed that for a brief moment in time I thought maybe I was. Maybe I could break this cycle. Maybe I could overcome my broken home and abuse. But now I know what I am, nothing..."
submitted by /u/shorttradgeyguy [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/2MewGpZ
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