#and the incels too
musicprincess1990 · 11 months
Heard a lady complaining about dating apps today. On the surface, I'm in complete agreement, they're the absolute WORST. Not a single good experience on my part with any dating apps.
This lady then goes on to talk about how she has hired a professional photographer to take pictures for her dating profile. Catfish-y pictures. Here are some of the examples she gave:
Jogging while wearing a tracksuit, even though she doesn't jog, doesn't even go on walks;
Reading a book in a cute little window seat, even though she can't remember the last book she read, she prefers podcasts;
Drinking beer and playing Jenga at a bar, even though she hates beer and doesn't like Jenga much either.
I don't mean to be dramatic here, but... um... you're what's wrong with dating apps. You are the problem. You, and millions more, who for some godforsaken reason, don't see anything wrong with LYING to people to make yourself look better. Like honestly, how do you justify that? How do you live with that? And hell, forgetting the moral aspect of it, how does it not bother you that anybody who shows interest in you on these apps, is into a version of you that isn't fucking real?!
I just... you are what's wrong with the world. Get out.
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agnesandhilda · 3 months
yeah this is a self-evident biological hierarchy. that's why we have to enforce it with violence
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…ok so did the gamers (derogatory) just not know about Hades at all before now??
“Won’t be playing hades 2 it’s gone woke and lgbtq” girl you never even played the first one! Where have you been??
Like: “Bisexuals had their turn now it’s bisexuals turn” was a whole thing!! Were you asleep or something?
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flea-palace · 1 month
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konigsblog · 2 months
stepbrother-könig is an incel, a loser, and sits playing games on his computer 24/7 while on leave. might as well come over to comfort him with a blowjob after seeing your new instagram post with your boyfriend.
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tariah23 · 3 months
One of the main reasons why I used to avoid Isekai’s, and fantasy works in general, like the plague is because of how over saturated they’d become with things that didn’t feel like they even belonged to the genre to begin with… it’s not too hard to find works that stand out but so much of those works have been pushed down and forgotten, it just sucks.
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iwaasfairy · 2 months
incel gojo. PLEASE elaborate.
no bc he would never be involuntarily maidenless sadly bUT JUST FOLLOW ME HERE
incel gojo! who’s struggling through the loss of his most important people. really he’s not reaching out to anyone and rotting in his feelings, and he gets snappy and mean and incredibly demanding so no one wants to be around him — and that makes him mad. but then you’re just so nice to him for no reason, maybe you work in the one store he manages to drag himself out of the house to
and he gets so infatuated w you that it’s instantly unhealthy. incel gojo who’s convinced that you love him, that every pass he makes at you is received, and who doesn’t get why you get so nervous and overly smiley when he gets touchy feely or waits for you after work hours. do you know how many people would kill to be in your shoes? how many shallow useless women wanna be you?
he just doesn’t understand why you don’t accept him when he tries to kiss you. he’s just so !! crazy about you! and he wants to touch you and kiss you and have you in his bed screaming out his name,,, and really, he deserves it for you making him wait this long doesn’t he
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ganondoodle · 7 months
zelda live action thing is gonne be the worst thing on twitter bc my timeline is gonna be spammed with people saying who they want to be cast as the characters and of course its all *bland white american actor chosen solely bc of their looks alone*
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merakiui · 1 year
Your Yan Idia and his magical onahole is so amazing its so gooddd!!! But what if the magical onahole but with Azul and the tweels???
Zuzu using it as a comfort toy and fucking its precious hole with his rather big but tentacle-like octopus cock. Trying to sit still when mysterious phantom suckers are sucking on their puffy slit. trying not to cum when long slender fingers work your hole open, rubbing up and down so gently
OR OR!! Tweels know that its connected to their darling and fuck the onahole's holes so roughly. They do it when the reader is asleep and jolting them awake once two large mercocks were shoved into their pretty tight holes, in class when they're in a middle of a lesson or in random places.
Azul definitely uses it as a comfort toy, but he also uses it for practice! He does everything to the onahole that he wishes to do to you. He fucks into it in his octo-mer form just to work on being more confident in that form so that when (and if) he does get to fuck you with his tentacles he won't feel so insecure. He also wants to be perfectly skilled when he eats you out or scissors you open; he dreads looking so foolishly inexperienced when he actually gets to sleep with you, so he'll practice quite often. And of course he always, always cums lots inside. <3 he could go many rounds if he's particularly pent-up (he hate-fucks the onahole a lot because he's a jealous tako), so if he chooses to use it on a day or night when you're with friends... good luck. :)
Slimy eels... >:( they know exactly what they're doing when they fit both of their cocks inside just to see how much of them you can take at once. They definitely fight over the onahole sometimes, wrestling each other for first use with mean scowls and snapping jaws. Floyd doesn't want to fuck Jade's cum back inside you. He wants his chance to fill you up first, not settle for sloppy seconds!! And Jade doesn't want to share at this moment because he found a particularly phallic-shaped mushroom and wants to see how well you'll take it (which is an immediate no-go for Floyd; he is not fucking an onahole that's been fucked with a mushroom). Sometimes Jade just wants to drag things out and tease you so slowly, but Floyd is impatient and he wants to be inside you the minute he's freed his cock from the confines of his boxers. And there's only one onahole, so they're forced to either compromise and share or fight over it like starved eels.
The twins work together very well when they aren't actively strangling the other near death for use of the onahole. When they're functioning on the same horny brain cell, they actually plan some very devious schemes. Jade likes to talk with you, whether over tea or in the botanical gardens or even during a walk through campus, while Floyd's off with the onahole, slamming it onto his cock just so Jade can watch the breath get knocked out of your little lungs. He loves to see you squirm and if you let him (you will; peer pressure is so fun and Jade does it best) he'll have you bent over so he can see how your hole gapes and clenches around an invisible force (Floyd's dick). He'll force his way inside and the two of them fuck you sore and dumb.
Jade likes to use the onahole when you're spending time with a friend or if you're on a date. He may not seem it, but he has a nasty jealous streak. He's only willing to share you with Floyd, so the fact that his dearest darling would even think to spend time with others when he and Floyd are the best fits for you... You really like to hurt his poor heart. :( it's only fair he absolutely ruins your chances with anyone else, teasing you all throughout your date before finally, finally bottoming out just when you think anything special might happen on your date. After all, why settle for someone who is better off becoming fish food? Obviously Jade and Floyd are the ones meant for you; the way you squeeze Jade's dick so tightly indicates that you agree, even if not yet verbally.
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chrollohearttags · 1 month
on one hand, them banning tiktok is yet again another means to control and silence ppl from sharing real-time information on situations such as Palestine. Not to mention all the people who are losing their income (this is why Patreon and supporting creators externally is important) but on the other hand?….good riddance. it’s been fuck that app for a while now.
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toxoplasmewsis · 2 years
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Ratio’d so hard the post got deleted before I finished making this post.
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it was so obvious when that "men are always thinking of the roman empire" thing started that these men were just trying desperately to be quirky lol. they're all so boring they don't even have hobbies. their entire personality is downloaded from the internet. today they're pretending to be interested in rome, yesterday they all pretended to be interested in stoicism, tomorrow its whatever podcast guy #2 or tiktok comes up with. whichever goes viral first
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beedee-wans · 2 months
grown men crying cause the lead character in star wars outlaws is a woman and they want someone relatable? dude we get it, you can’t relate to cal either cause he actually has a girlfriend,,,, just say that
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sweetvox · 3 months
dont mind me im just gonna word dump why i personally tend to shy away from interpretations of benrey as socially inept or unexperienced and the truth is it all wraps back around to benreys existence making gordons life a nightmare.
i think a part of why gordon especially gets so worked up about ben, an extra level of salt in the wound, is that benrey is so well-liked and established among his peers, whereas gordon isnt. gordon is never believed and others tend to take benreys side [one bc they like fuckin w gordon but] bc benrey is already viewed as an upstanding employee by others in BM. tommys his friend. he was friends with other guards, even the cashier at his local gamestop. whether bubby/coomer/darnold knew him pre-canon or not, they seem to trust him off the bat based off of knowing people that already know and trust him. gordon doesnt have quite the same social trust or reputation that benrey has [or even the ability to create that rapport with others that benrey does seemingly so effortlessly]
all this to say that gordons feelings of inadequacy about his own shortcomings are reflected and exacerbated by benreys lack of them. gordons awkwardness and lack of filter in trying to make friends feels more shameful when benrey, someone he hates, blatantly disregards social conventions and get rewarded with friendship. and because from gordons perspective, everything benrey does is an intentional action to mess with him, he views benreys social success as a personal slight against him.
this can bleed into other subjects too-- gordons lack of a romantic life feels worse if benrey has substantive dating experience, his missteps and mistakes at work feel worse if benrey is frequently the employee of the month among the guards, his shitty bachelor pad he has to haul the takeout boxes out of for joshs weekend visit feels worse if benrey has his own clean and functional apartment, etc. all constant reminders to gordon how despite his efforts, he's "losing" to someone he hates and thinks doesnt deserve it
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ef-1 · 9 months
not a day goes by that I don't think about this queen <3
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nthflower · 9 months
Harvey is trans because he laid eggs as a bird and Frank is trans because he only have a mother as biological parent and rose is trans because I said so and Laura is trans because he used to be her own grandfather hope this helps.
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